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ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINAGE SUPPLEMENT 4 (Volumes I, II, III, VII.1 and IX) Michel Amandry Andrew Burnett Antony Hostein Jerome Mairat Pere Pau Ripollès Marguerite Spoerri Butcher 2017 http://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/supp/rpc-supp-4.pdf
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(Volumes I, II, III, VII.1 and IX)

Michel AmandryAndrew BurnettAntony HosteinJerome Mairat

Pere Pau RipollèsMarguerite Spoerri Butcher



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(Volumes I, II, III, VII.1 and IX)

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(Volumes I, II, III, VII.1 and IX)

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(Volumes I, II, III, VII.1 and IX)

Michel AmandryAndrew BurnettAntony HosteinJerome Mairat

Pere Pau RipollèsMarguerite Spoerri Butcher



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Preface vii Acknowledgements ix

Julio-Claudian period (RPC I) 1 Spain 3 Gaul 10 Italy 11 Sardinia 12 Sicily 13 Africa 15 Cyrenaica and Crete 18 Achaea 19 Macedonia 21 Thrace 23 Moesia 25 Bithynia and Pontus 27 Asia 30 Lycia - Pamphylia 41 Galatia 42 Cappadocia 43 Cilicia Tracheia 44 Kingdoms of Asia Minor 45 Syria 47 Judaean Kingdom 50 Alexandria 51 Uncertain 52

Flavian period (RPC II) 55 Achaea 57 Macedonia 58 Thrace 60 Moesia 62 Bithynia and Pontus 63 Asia 65 Galatia - Cappadocia 72 Cilicia 74 Cyprus 76 Syria 77 Judaean Kingdom 78 Egypt 79 Uncertain coins 80

Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (RPC III) 81 Achaea 83 Macedonia 84 Thrace 85 Northern Black Sea 86 Bithynia and Pontus 87 Asia 89 Lycia - Pamphylia 97 Galatia - Cappadocia 98 Cilicia 101 Judaea 103 Egypt 104 Uncertain 106

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Gordian I to Gordian III (RPC VII.1) 107 Asia 109

Trajan Decius to Uranius Antoninus (RPC IX) 117 Bithynia and Pontus 119 Asia 120 Phrygia - Caria 121 Lycia - Pamphylia 122 Cilicia 124 Syria Phoenice 125

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This is the next instalment of new material for RPC I-III, VII.1 and IX. As III (Nerva – Hadrian) and IX (Trajan Decius – Uranius Antoninus) have appeared since the last Supplement, the scope of this new Supplement 4 is correspondingly greater. New material was also added to RPC online (http://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk) for RPC III and IX in June 2016 at the same time as RPC VII.1 was made available online. To avoid making this printed Supplement too big, multiple new specimens of known types have not always been included here.

This applies particularly to the ever-growing collections of CGT, ETB and A. Tricarico, but we owe their owners a special debt of gratitude from the way they are constantly checking, and often acquiring, newly appearing coins, especially on eBay, and regularly sending in information about them: every morning we all await the welcome arrival of several emails from each of them!

Only new material that has not already been published in the Consolidated Supplement 1992-2015 has been included here. Please note as well that a more precise numbering system has been introduced for RPC VII.1 when it was converted into digital format: some coin-types have now been subdivid-ed into subtypes, hence the ‘decimal’ numbers (e.g. 123.1 or 123.2, but see RPC III, p. xvii, where this system was first used for the coinage of Alexandria in Egypt).

Ted Buttrey has asked us to improve the way in which we refer to volumes of RPC and to the Supplements and the Consolidated Supplement, and we are very grateful to him for making the suggestion, which will clarify future bibliographic referencing. Under the new procedure Latin numerals will be used only for volumes of RPC (thus I-X), and Arabic numerals for the Supplements (thus 1-3, and now the current 4), which will also bear a date (e.g. Supplement 4, 2017). The Consolidated Supplement will not be numbered but have a date: the first one appeared in 2015, and it is intended to produce a successor in a year or so when the accumulation of new material justifies the effort. For the moment all new material can be found by consulting the Consolidated Supplement 2015 together with the present Supplement 4.

The production of this Supplement is, as ever, the work of Pere Pau Ripollès, and we are all very grateful to him for taking on this considerable task.

We are also grateful to the University of Oxford for hosting the Supplements and the previous Consolidated Supplement. Oxford seems now the natural place, since it is the location of RPC Online.

Future volumes will be published both online (catalogue only) and on paper. At the time of writing, the next volume to appear will be RPC VI Elagabalus – Maximinus (AD 218–38) by D. Calomino (London), with contributions by S. Matthies (Berlin) and A. Burnett (London). The online version will appear on the website during 2017, and the printed book about two years later.

Work is well under way again on RPC IV The Antonine Period (AD 138–92), by C. Howgego (Oxford) and V. Heuchert (Oxford), and we expect that two parts (Asia; and Alexandria) will be updated on the website, and completed and ready for printing within a couple of years. A similar schedule is envisaged for RPC X Valerian – Diocletian (AD 253-97), by W.E. Metcalf.

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At the same time, teams are being assembled to work on RPC V (193-218), RPC VII.2 (AD 238-44) and VIII (AD 244-49). RPC V is being organised by M. Amandry and A. Hostein. As for RPC VII.2 and VIII, both volumes will be addressed simultaneously by an international team coordinated by M. Spoerri Butcher. Work on this project has started and the resulting volumes will be jointly edited by J. Mairat and M. Spoerri.

For an up-to-date list of all people involved, please see http://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/project/ Anyone with unusual material is invited to contact them.


Michel Amandry [email protected] Burnett [email protected] Calomino [email protected] Carradice [email protected] Heuchert [email protected] Hostein [email protected] Howgego [email protected] Mairat [email protected] Metcalf [email protected] Pau Ripollès [email protected] Spoerri [email protected]

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J. Aiello A. ArzoneR. AshtonD. Biasi D. BocciarelliM. Casola J. ClarkC. ClayG. CoresK. Dahmen V. Demetriadi R. Effler P. Felch J.-P. Fontanille M. Fox S. Frey-Kupper M. Gozalbes J. Hazelton D. Hendin H. Ihl

P. Iossif F. JarmanF. Kovacs J. Lavender J. Noory O. PicardM. PoncinJ. PortolésE. PrignacR. Pudill A. ReichP. Requier J.-C. Richard Ralite Ch. RodesL. SchmittG. Terzian C. ThringA. TricaricoP. VillemurB. Vincens


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Roman Provincial Coinage

Volume I

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Further readings:

B. M. Kreiler, Statthalter zwischen Republik und Prinzipat, Europäische Hochschulschriften 3, Geschi-chte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften 1026 (Frankfurt a. M., 2006), updates the Fasti of the provincial governors between 43 and 23 BC. An appendix (pp. 289-94) gives the list of these officials, from Gaul to Egypt (see a review of the book by F. Kirbihler, Gnomon 83, 2011, pp. 327-331, with some reservations).

M. Horster, Coinage and images of the imperial family: local identity and Roman rule, JRA 26 (2013), pp. 243-61, discusses the presentation of the imperial family on local coins.

A. Suspène, Germanicus: les témoignages numismatiques, CCGG XXIV (2013), pp. 175-195, com-ments, pp. 184-193, on the 65 occurrences (40 cities + Judaean Kingdon) of Germanicus on the provincial coinage. See also B. Weisser, Germanicus Caesar. Zur Inszenierung eines Nachkommen im Medium der Münzen zwischen 4 und 19 n. Chr., in S. Burmeister and J. Rottman (ed.), Ich Germanicus. Feldherr Priester Superstar (Darmstadt, 2015), pp. 98-112.

F. Delrieux and M.-Cl. Ferriès, Portraits de femmes, profils de reines? Les femmes sur les monnaies provinciales romaines à la fin de la République et au début de l’Empire (43 avant J.-C. – 68 apr. J.-C.) in A. Bielman Sánchez et al. (ed.), Femmes influentes dans le monde hellénistique et romain (Grenoble, 2016), pp. 81-117.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I




14/6. Now Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 95, 23 Feb. 2017, lot 2179.

25/9. CNG eAuction 379, 27 July 2016, lot 267, 17.37.

29/23. Universidad de Sevilla 15.50 (F. Chaves, La colección numismática de la Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 1994, 331) (Ä DIVVS AVGVSTV[S PATER]).

37A/3. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 95, 23 Feb. 2017, lot 2189, 5.35.

42/103. Now Now Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 95, 23 Feb. 2017, lot 2184.

45/14. Universidad de Sevilla 18.20 (F. Chaves, La colección numismática de la Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 1994, 345) (TI CAE[ ] MAX IMP; PERMISSV AVGVSTI PROVDI[NT]).


51A AE. 21 mm. 4.59 g (1). Axis: 9 (1) [ 0 ]

PERM CAES AVG P M; bare head l.

[LIBERAL]ITATIS EB-OR; patera, asper-gillum, jug, simpulum and knife.

1. Cores coll. (= Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 44, 4.59.


51B/3. eBay #281482581716, 6.90 [accessed 211/2014].

Pax Iulia

A compilation of this mint, as is costumary in this author, has been published by L. Amela, “La amone-dación de Pax Iulia”, in Varia nummorum III, Barcelona 2014, pp. 105-116.



55/173. eBay #321855461990, 5,40 (cmk: ¥ on the obv.) [accessed 7 Sept. 2015].

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Hybrid or Irippo, Osset, Gades, Iulia Traducta

Hybrid or Irippo

56A/3. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 75, 3.82, the obv. legend is partly off flan ([ ]RIPPO), the uncertainty about its reading remains.


58/118. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 107, 7.87 (the second specimen known with legend O››ET); the obv. seems to be slightly tooled. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 106, 14, whose obv. legend is described as OSET must be a wrong reading, since the S is in a inclined position and there is a place for two S with the same size as the other letters.


77/5. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 60, 31.85, tooled.

78/4. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 61, 37.62.

81/13. Vico 11 June 2015, lote 28, 21.40 (MVNICIPI PA[RENS]).

82/5. Herrero 29 Nov. 2016, lot 62, 20.87.

85/58. Roma Numismatics Ltd, Auction XII, 29 Sept. 2016, lot 424, 41.34, the third specimen known with a star above the simpulum.

Iulia Traducta

98/6. Vico 14 Nov. 2012, lot 617, ex HSA 23838, 22.69 (è PERM - CAES AVG).

102/7. http://www.tesorillo.com/hispania (accessed 15th March 2006).

108/442. eBay #111612653592, 12 (cmk: b on the rev.). [accessed 4 March 2015].

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Carteia. Patricia, Acci, Carthago Nova,


In the ancient city of Carteia a strip of flans have been found during the archaeological digs (A. Arévalo, J. Blánquez y L. Roldán, El taller monetal de Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz): recientes testimonios arqueológicos,


Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Madrid, 28-30 octubre 2014), Madrid, 2016, pp. 897-914). It seems to belong to the type RPC 122 (ca. 7 g and 21-22 mm). The alloy of the flan strip is composed of copper (97 %) and a small quantity of tin. These analyses are similar to that of coins belonging to type RPC 122 from Carteia. This find has allowed the authors to consider the feasability of the mint being located in the same place as the discovery of the strip.

112/18. Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lot 144, 7 (EX S C).

117/5. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 7 May 2013, lote 2137, 4.86.


130/277. Ibercoin Tarkis 3 Dec. 2014, lot 3076, 4.27, crude style with retrograde rev. legend, an imita-tion?



134/7. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 5 May 2016, lot 3096, 4.96.

136/32. eBay #161816152086, 8 (cmk: » on the obv.) [accessed 8 Sept. 2015].

141/29. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 2 July 2015, lot 79, 17.86 (C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS).

Carthago Nova

For comments on the first issues of Carthago Nova, see L. Amela, 2015, Las primeras emisiones (tardo-repub-licanas) del taller de Carthago Nova: Una nota, OMNI, Nº. 9, 2015, págs. 118-140.

153/4. Private coll.

160/56. Vico 8 March 2007, lote 38, 4.00 (II VI QVINQ / II V QVINQ).

167/103. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 21 Dec. 2010, lot 3076, 12.90, the sixth known with apex to l.

178/10. Vico 14 Nov. 2012, lot 551, ex HSA 24536, 2.75.

182/59. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lot 141, 12.00 (TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVS P M / C CAESAR TI N QVINQ IN Q I N V I N K).

185/85. Pecunem Gitbud Naumann Auction 34 2 Aug. 2015, lot 521, 12.40 (cmk: ı on the obv. and Ó on the rev.).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Ilici, , Saguntum, Dertosa, Emporiae, Ilerda, Lepida - Celsa, Osca, Caesaraugusta


On the first issue see L. Amela, “La primera emisión de Ilici”, in Varia nummorum V, Barcelona 2016, pp. 179-187.


201/17. Aureo & Calicó 3 Feb. 2016, lote 1267, 14,92.


209/7. eBay 11 Dec. 2016 #371808244723, 4.38, on the rev. the anchor is in a different direction; 8. José Antonio Herrero 10 Dec. 2015, lote 52, 4.20; 9. Herre-ro 29 Nov. 2016, lot 67, 3.59.


On the countermarks see L. Amela, “Sobre unas con-tramarcas de Emporiae”, in Varia nummorum IV, Barce-lona 2015, pp. 79-82, although nothing new is added.

234/73. Aureo 27 Sept. 2012, lot 265, 10.15, variant with EMPORI on the obv.

241/71. Aureo & Calicó 26 Nov. 2015, lote 99, 14.24 (cmk: } on the obv.).

252/73. Aureo & Calicó 26 Nov. 2015, lote 100, 7.76

(cmk: } on the rev.).

257/403. Aureo & Calicó 26 Nov. 2015, lote 101, 8.82

(cmk: } on the rev.); 404. Aureo & Calicó 26 Nov.

2015, lote 102, 9.13 (cmk: } and £ on the obv.).


A compilation of this mint has been done by L. Ame-la, “Ilerda”, in Varia nummorum IV, Barcelona 2015, pp. 71-77.

259/23. Vico 17 June 2010, lote 28, 8.20.

Lepida - Celsa

266/8. Herrero 13 Dec. 2012, lote 122, 5.28.

268/6. José Antonio Herrero 11 Dec. 2014, lote 184, 3.29 (CAL); 7. José Antonio Herrero 7 May 2015, lote 66 (CAL); 8. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lote 183, 3.10 (CAL).


293A/4. Herrero 7 May 2015, lot 2088.


312/12. Busso Peus 2_4 Nov. 2011, lote 2538, 3.51; 13. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 28 Feb. 2012, lote 505, 3.00; 14. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 7 May 2013, lote 2095, 3.70; 15. Vico 15 June 2013, lote 3007, 3.70; 16. Aureo & Calico 28 May 2014, lote 4283, 3.23; 17. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 18 Dec. 2014, lote 2188, 3.12.

320/60. Private coll. 11.15 (IMP C AVGVSTVS TRIB POTEST XX) (http://www.imperio-numismatico.com/t49506-as-de-caesar-augusta-por-augusto-variante-inedita = D. Martínez, Salduie 15, 2015, 281-2).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Caesaraugusta, Bilbilis, Turiaso

324/8. Vico on-line 2 15 Sept. 2015, lote 7.

329/10. Jesús Vico 11 June 2015, lote 3006, 8.10 (GERMAN).

329A/2. Private coll. 2.65 g.

350/8. Herrero 24 May 2012, lote 31, 13.50; 9. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lote 105, 11.80.

357/9. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lote 106, 3.60.

357A/3. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 93, 18 Oct. 2016, lot 3137, 2.71.

363/7. Herrero 28 May 2014, lote 22, 10.02.

365/17. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lote 107, 28.40.

366/6. Vico 14 Nov. 2012, lote 530, ex HSA 23228, 12.05.

368/13. Ibercoin 11 Feb. 2014, lote 2017, 21.08.


393/11. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 17 Dec. 2015, lote 2177, 13.42.

399/10. Jesús Vico 5 Nov. 2015, lote 90, 7.00 (AVG BILBILIS).


401/32. Aureo & Calico 8 March 2012, lote 2300, 9.79 (cmk: ; on the rev.); 33. eBay #171429675390 (cmk: ∆ on the rev.) [accessed 24 Aug. 2014]

402/4. Vico 14 Nov. 2012, lot 655, ex HSA 24240, 11.86.

405/39. eBay #351549876974 (cmk: Ü on the obv.) [accessed 16 Oct. 2015].

411/47. eBay #161672082884, 13.20, variant with legend MVN TVRIASO L MARIO L NOVIO II VIR [accessed 15 April 2015].

418/80. eBay #121628540472 (cmk: √ on the rev.) [accessed 23 April 2015].

421A/2. P.A.S. coll. (Zaragoza, Spain), 4.10 (D. Martínez, Saguntum 48, 2016, pp. 213-4) The complete legend is TI CAESAR AVG F IMP.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Turiaso, Cascantum, Calagurris, Hybrid, Ercavica, Segovia


L. Amela, “Cascantum”, in Varia nummorum V, Barce-lona 2016, pp. 155-164, has provided a compilation of this mint.

425/66. CNG eAuction 162, 11 April 2007, lot

154, 11.71 (cmk: ¬ on the obv.).


435/24. eBay #181378433717 (cmk: é on the rev.) [accessed 11 April 2014].

436/25. Herrero 13 Dec. 2012, lote 97, 11.63 (cmk: ƒ on the rev., recorded by Guadán 1960: 27-28, type 27, but not seen until now).

438/33. Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach 5 May 2016, lot 3140, 11.13, another specimen with crude style struck with the same dies as number 27; probably an imitation, since the legends are wrongly engraved and the obv. die was used to strike a hybrid coin with Celsa reverse, see RPC S-451B/1.

447/65. Vico 3 March 2011, lot 3034, 13.20, vari-ant with FLAV on the rev.

Hybrid (obv. Calagurris; rev. Lepida)

451B/2. Herrero 24 May 2012, lot 37, 8.76, the coin has more corrupted legends than coin number 1; 3. Albacete Museum, ex coll. Sánchez Jiménez, 11.41 (info from J. M. Vidal Bardán 1992, Hallazgos nu-mismáticos de la Meseta oriental (ciclo colonial), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, PhD, p. 296, no 601). Coins 2 and 3 share the same dies. For these see T. Hurtado, 2013, Las emisiones monetarias de la colonia Victrix Iulia Lep-ida-Celsa, Valencia, PhD, pp. 357-358.


The coin ex HSA 24081 (= Vico 8 Oct. 2012, lot 569) published by M. Gomis, 1997, La ceca de Ercavica, Madrid-Barcelona, lám. V, nº 41a, does not have the ligature MVN on the rev. legend as L. Amela, 2016, “Primeras emisiones de Erkauika / Ercavica”, in Varia nummorum V, Barcelona, p. 128, pointed out. The left stroke of the letter V is lost and the end of the M is unconnected to the right stroke of the V.


A useful catalogue of the coins kept in the Museo Ar-queológico Nacional (Madrid) has been published by N. F. Marqués, Las monedas de la ceca latina de Sego-via en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, XV Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Madrid, 28-30 octubre 2014), Madrid, 2016, pp. 439-450A compilation, as usual, of this mint has been provided by L. Amela, “De nuevo sobre la emisión de Segovia”, in Varia nummorum V, Barcelona 2016, pp. 119-134.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SPAIN: Uncertain


A new specimen, with praefericulum to l. and patera to r., has been found in the excavations of Carteia, see A. Arévalo, J. Blánquez y L. Roldán, El taller monetal

de Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz): recientes testimonios arqueológicos,

XV Congreso Nacional de Numismática

(Madrid, 28-30 octubre 2014), Madrid, 2016, p. 899; it increases the prospect of locating the mint in the province of Baetica.On this type, see now the compilation in L. Amela, 2014, “La emisión denominada Tipo Sacerdos” Acta Numismàtica 44, pp. 149-157.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


T Pom Sex f

507. L. Amela Valverde, Sobre una moneda gala tardía de la Galia meridional (RPC I 507), Acta Numismàtica 43 (2013), pp. 49-52, publishes a nice example, and discusses the attribution (mid-lower Rhone valley).


514A AE. 30-2 mm, 17.52 g (5). Axis: var. [ 3 ]

As 514, but star in upper fieldAs 514

1. B 199/914 (= RPC I, 514/24 = FITA, pl. VII, 22: obv. = http://ww2.smb.museum/

ikmk/object.php?id=18215305), 21.73; 2. Va (= RPC 514/25), 13.53; 3. P 2001.83 (ex Elsen, coll. L.-R. Casterman, 17-18 March 2001, lot 5 = M. Amandry et al., Le monnayage de l’atelier de Lyon (43 av. J.-C. – 413 apr. J.-C. Supplement II (2003), n° 6, 2 et Pl. I), 19.49; 4. P 1992.288 (= M. Amandry et al., op.cit., n° 6, 3 et Pl. I), 17.78; 5. Constantine oppidum (Lançon) 2061, 15.10.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Clovius, Oppius

601-3. See now M. Barbato, The Coins of Clovius and Oppius (RRC 476/1 and 550/1-3): New Evidence from Find-spots, NC 175 (2015), pp. 103-16 and Pl. 13. New information is provided about the circulation


area of these two issues, especially that of Q. Oppius, which rules out the hypothesis of the minting of this issue in the East. They probably were struck in 46 and 45, maybe at Rome, as suggested by B. Woytek, Arma et Nummi (Vienna, 2003), pp. 271-83.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

624/41. Now CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 49. A beautiful specimen in Tintinna, Asta Elettronica 52, 16 Jan. 2016, lot 1064 (ex Nomisma S.p.a. 53, 20 Oct. 2015, lot 107), 30.04.The mean weight of 43 specimens in RPC I was 28.00. More specimens can be found on Coin Archives. The mean weight is the same: 27.97 (54).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


On the coinage of Panormus, see now S. Frey-Kupper, Studia Ietina X, 1-2. Die antiken Fundmünzen von Monte Iato 1971-1990. Ein Beitrag zur Gelgeschichte Westsiziliens (Prahins, 2013).A number of coins listed in RPC were found in the Monte Iato excavations, as below:

RPC Monte Iato

639 480640 474-9641 482-3642 499-520643 521-8644 487-91645 492-85452 529-31

In addition, two new types were included among the provincial series: Monte Iato 481 (= 639A) and Monte Iato 484-6 (= 641A).

639A AE. 17 mm, 4.32 g (2). Axis: var. [ 1 ]

Gabrici 154/4

Ram, r.PAN/ΟRMI; in two lines in wreath

1. L 1841,0726.243, 4.11 (=Die antiken Fundmünzen von Monte Iato 1971-1990, I, p. 300, Abb. 76, 2); 2. Monte Iato 481, 4.53. A small denomination of RPC 639.

640. A nice specimen in GM 241, 10-12 Oct. 2016, lot 1722 (11.50).

641A AE. 17 mm, 3.74 g (3). Axis: var. [ 0 ]

Gabrici 154/5-7

OMONOIA; veiled head of Homonoia, r.PANΟRMITAN; cornucopia

1. Monte Iato 484, 3.67; 2. Monte Iato 485, 4.14; 3. Monte Iato 486, 3.41A small denomination of RPC 641.

642. A specimen from the CGT coll. (9.85, 12h) with a cmk on the obv. not yet recorded on this series (E in a circular cmk); another (9.59, 12h) with a plough (GIC 426) on the rev.

643. A nice specimen from the CGT coll. (10.24, 12h).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SICILY: Iaiton, Uncertain Mints, Tyndaris


On the coinage of Iaiton, see now S. Frey-Kupper, Studia Ietina X, 1-2. Die antiken Fundmünzen von Monte Iato 1971-1990. Ein Beitrag zur Gelgeschichte Westsiziliens (Prahins, 2013).A number of coins listed in RPC were found in the Monte Iato excavations, as below:

RPC Monte Iato

646 149-52647 153-7

646/11-14. Iato excavations (= S. Frey-Kupper, Monte Iato n° 149-52).

647/22. Now Evelpidis 509, 8.30; 23-27. Iato excavations (= S. Frey-Kupper, Monte Iato n° 153-7); 28. Gorny and Mosch 229, 10 March 2015, lot 1474, 7.76 (catalogued as RPC 646).

In addition, a new type was included among the provincial series:

647A AE. 17 mm, 4.45 g (3). Axis: var. [ 0 ]

Gabrici 142/7

Warrior standing l., holding spear in his r. hand, l. hand on shieldIAITI/NΩN; in two lines in wreath

1. Monte Iato 158, 4.94; 2. Monte Iato 159, 3.27; 3. Monte Iato 160, 5.14A small denomination of RPC 647.

Uncertain Mints

668/18. Now CNG EA 374, 11 May 2016, lot 355.


670A AE. 19-22 mm, 7.57 (2). Axis: 5 (1), 7 (1) [ 0 ]


1. P 2016/1 (= R. Martini, Annotazioni Numismatiche 29, 1998, pp. 666-70; P. Villemur, Le monnayage colonial romain de Tyndaris en Sicile, BSFN 70, 2, Février 2015, p. 28, Fig. 8; Id., De quelques émissions coloniales romaines en Sicile: retour à Tyndaris, in P. van Alfen, G. Bransbourg and M. Amandry (eds), FIDES. Contributions to Numismatics in Honor of Richard B. Witschonke (New York, 2015), pp. 438-9, 6, 443-4 and Pl. 2, 22), 8.79; 2. RBW coll. (ex LAC 3, 2011, lot 139 = P. Villemur, loc. cit., p. 438, 5 and Pl. 2, 21), 6.35.

670B AE. 19-23 mm, 6.79 (3). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

M VIPS DOS II [ ]; pileiEX DD ; dolphin, r.

1. Tyndaris 296 (= P. Villemur, loc. cit., p. 438, 3), 7.70; 2. Lanz 117, 24 Nov. 2003, lot 134 (= P. Villemur, loc. cit., p. 438, 3 et Pl. 2, 18), 6.81; 3. Peus 384, 2 Nov. 2005, lot 153 (= P. Villemur, loc. cit., p. 438, 3 et Pl. 2, 17), 5.85.

The attribution to Tyndaris of RPC 670A (see P. Villemur, loc. cit., pp. 435-53 and Pl. 1-2) means that RPC 650, given to Segesta, must be reattributed to Tyndaris together with RPC 648, 649 and 651, specimens of which are found in quantity on the site of Tyndaris.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I



710/4. CNG EA 325, 23 Apr. 2014, lot 481, 10.88 (6h).

713/12. Now Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 474.


741/5. PV coll. (ex Vinchon, G. Bouchereau and R. Boyer colls., 18 June 2014, lot 93), 14.54; 6. PV, 17.14.

Colonia Iulia Pia Paterna

758/2. PV coll. (ex Tintinna Asta Elettronica 52, 16 Jan. 2016, lot 3002, described as ‘Grando bronzo colonial. Da classificare’), 29.54 (12h); 3. Private coll. (on the obv. 2 cmks: a circular one with C and a dot: GIC – and a square one with K or AT: GIC -).

759/3. Now C. Roettger coll.; 4. Rauch 86, 12-14 May 2010, lot D 579, 12.90; 5. Private coll. (on the rev., a square cmk with K ot AT, as on 758/3).

759A AE. 31 mm, 19.03 g (1). Axis: 11 h (1) [ 1 ]

CAESAR DIVI F; bare head of Augustus, l.; in front, lituusAs 759

1. P 2009/88, 19.03 (on the obv., circular cmk: capricorn holding globe, with cornucopia above its back, GIC -, same cmk as 759/3) (= M. Amandry, Une monnaie inédite d’Auguste frappée à Colonia Iulia Pia Paterna, in F. Delrieux and F. Kayser ed., Des déserts d’Afrique au pays des Allobroges. Mélanges offerts à François Bertrandy, Chambéry, 2010, pp. 13-19).


772a/7. Künker eLive Auction 43, 7 Dec. 2016, lot 111 (no weight).

781/13. Lanz 94, 22 Nov. 1999, lot 126 (ex Peus 333, 6-11 May 1992, lot 680), 7.59; 14. CNG EA 65, 28 May 2003, lot 51, 6.47; 15. CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1309, 6.88; 16. CNG MBS 78, R. Prideaux


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I AFRICA: Hadrumetum, Lepti Minus, Cercina, Tingi,, Babba, Uncertain cities

coll., 14 May 2008, lot 1551, 7.15; 17. CNG EA 191, 9 July 2008, lot 165, 5.40; 18. CNG EA 331, 23 July 2014, lot 220, 6.45; 19. CNG 102, 18 May 2016, lot 772 (ex T. Cederlind 155, 24 June 2010, lot 164), 6.33; 20. Numismatik Naumann 47, 9 Oct. 2016, lot 415, 5.41.

Lepti Minus

790/3. CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1556 (ex PV coll.), 7.99; 4. Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 446 (ex CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1310; Gemini III, 9 Jan. 2007, lot 338 = errore RPC CS 790/5).


802A AE. 29 mm, 10.78 (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 0 ]

PERM L VO-LV[ ]OCOS CER; draped bust of Perseus, with harpa, l.IMP CAESAR-DIVI F AVGVST; bare head of Augustus, r.; in front, lituus

1. Private coll.; 2. Kovacs coll., 10.78 (= RPC CS 5473). A lower denomination of 802 struck in the name of L. Volusius Saturninus, proconsul in 7-6 BC. The choice of the obv. design is puzzling.



859/13. CNG EA 359, 9 Sep. 2015, lot 322, 10.17.

861/12. Dresden AAC 104, 12.08.

861A AE. 18-20 mm, 5.85 g (1). Axis: 8 (1) [ 0 ]

Head of Baal-Melqart or Ocean, r.; behind, sceptreTING MAIOR SIMINT II VIR; ear of corn

1. PV coll. (ex CNG EA 343, 28 Jan. 2015, lot 371), 5.85.

A new denomination, probably a half, with the names of the duovirs Maior and Simint[ ], who struck RPC 861. See P. Villemur, Une monnaie inédite à legend latine de Iulia Tingi en Maurétanie, BSFN 70, 5, Mai 2015, pp. 116-21.

Colonia Iulia Campestris Babba

869/7. CNG EA 359, 9 Sep. 2015, lot 321, 9.87.

Uncertain cities

870/11. CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 542, 11.55 (2h); 12. CNG EA 359, 9 Sep. 2015, lot 323, 11.78.

871A AE. 19 mm, 4.98 g (1). Axis: 2 [ 0 ]

Bare-headed male head, r.IIII VI R A []; four-rayed star

1. CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 543, 4.98.



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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I AFRICA: Regal Coinage, , Caesarea



Juba II, 25 BC-AD 23; Ptolemaeus, AD 20-40

In RPC I, the coinage of Juba and Ptolemaeus was not re-examined. See now M. Spoerri Butcher, Le monnayage d’argent émis par le roi Juba II de Maurétanie (I): catalogue des monnaies datées, SNR 94 (2015), pp. 33-114 and pl. 5-20 (but look at the version on Academia.edu for the corrected numbering on the plates). 607 coins have been recorded, issued in the regnal year 6 (20/19 BC) and then between years 30 (AD 5/6) and 48 (AD 23-24). In addition, Ptolemaeus, Juba II’ son, starts coining from AD 21/22. A die study is provided: 184 obverse dies were observed (n/d = 3.3; D = 225, with a 95% confidence interval of 210-241).


878/11. Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 22, 1 May 2016, lot 370 (ex CNG EA 370, 9 March 2016, lot 311), 11.44.



880/11. CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 398, 14.06 (12h).

881/6. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 26, 30 April 2016, lot 27, 3.36 (6h). On the obverse, behind Africa’s head, 2 ears of grain.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


Polyrhenium (?)

961A AR. 22 mm, 8.45 g (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 1 ]

QEΟS SEBASTΟS EPI LACHTΟU; radiate head of Divus Augustus, r.TAN KRHTA[GENHS] [ ]NIΩN; laureate head of Zeus Kretagenes, r.

1. Hagios Nikolaos inv. 7356 (= K. Lavara, A Roman cemetery at Hagios Nikolaos, ArchEph 124 [1985], pp. 174-5 and Pin. 48, d, e), 8.45. Coins struck by Laches are known for Cydonia


(a tridrachm = RPC I, 960) and Hierapytna (a drachm = RPC I, 961). This new coin could be from Hierapytna (IERAPUTNIΩN), Gortyn (GΟRTUNIΩN) Polyrhenium (PΟLURHNIΩN). As a tetradrachm from Polyrhenium but signed by Cornelius Lupus (RPC I, 957) has the same reverse and legend, this new tridrachm is assigned tentatively to Polyrhenium.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


1243/3. A MN 5827a, 7.49 (6h) (under Magnesia ad Sipylum).


L. Amela Valverde, Una representación de Cleopatra en la ciudad aquea de Patras (GC 5 57), Acta Numismàtica 43 (2013), pp. 53-64, discusses RPC I, 1245, and other coins which may portray Cleopatra.

1247/2. Now J. Aiello coll.


1285/1 corr. The magistrate M. Antonius Aris. might be M. Antonius Aristocrates, a contemporary of Marc Antony, a native from Argos: see J.-S. Balzat and B. W. Millis, M. Antonius Aristocrates. Provincial Involvment with Roman Power in the Late 1st Century B.C., Hesperia 82, 4, Oct.-Dec. 2013, pp. 651-72.


1300/11. Leipzig SNG 50, 4.16; 12. A. Cahn, Walcher de Molthein coll., 25 Feb. 1901, lot 1756.

Locri (Opus)

1338-42A. See now J. Morineau Humphris and D. Delbridge, The Coinage of the Opountian Lokrians (London, RNS Special Publication 50, 2014), pp. 216-9.


RPC Morineau Humphries/ Nb of dies Diameter/Mean weight Delbridge

1338 Group 36, p. 216 1 obv., 5 rev. 24-6 mm/11.79 (6)1338A Group 37, p. 216 1 obv., 3 rev. 17-19 mm/6.12 (3)1339 Group 38, pp. 216-7 2 obv., 2 rev. 19-20 mm/7.01 (8)1340 (authentic?) Group 39, p. 217 1 obv., 1 rev. 19 mm/6.37 (1)1341 Group 40, p. 217 1 obv., 2 rev. 21-2 mm/6.74 (4)1342 Group 41, pp. 217-8 3 obv., 8 rev. 17-20 mm/6.72 (33)1342A Group 42, p. 219 2 obv., 2 rev. 13 mm/3.87 (2)


1340A/1. Now Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 232.

1350A/1. Now CGT coll.


1378Acorr./2. L. Correa do Lago coll., 3.81 (6h). Unstead of SICVIVS, the second name must probably be read as SILVIVS.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

1445/6. BCD, 4.86 (= Burrer 86, 1 = Taf. 13, A 31, R 60); 7. BCD, 7.98 (= Burrer 87, 1 = Taf. 13, R 61); 8. BCD, 7.32 (= Burrer 88, 1 = Taf. 13, A 31a, R 62); 9. BCD, 7.80 (= Burrer 88, 2); 10. BCD, 7.99 (= Burrer 88, 3 = Triton XV BCD Thessaly, 3 Jan. 2012, lot 944.1); 11. BCD, 7.24 (= Burrer 89, 1 = Taf. 13, A 32); 12. BCD, 10.62 (= Burrer 90, 1 = Taf. 13, R 63); 13. BCD, 8.05 (= Burrer 91, 1 = Taf. 13, R 64); 14. BCD, 6.14 (= Burrer 92, 1 = Taf 13, A 33, R 65); 15. BCD, 7.25 (= Burrer 95, 1 = Taf. 13, R 66; 16. CNG EA 226, BCD coll., 27 Jan. 2010, lot 367, 8.37; 17. Nomos 4, Coins of Thessaly, the BCD collection, 10 May 2011, lot 1406, 10.05; 18. CNG EA 299; BCD coll., 27 March 2013, lot 33, 8.36; 19. CNG EA 325, BCD coll., 23 Apr. 2014, lot 51, 6.62.

ACHAEA: Phoenice, Thessalian League

1380/4. Rodotopi (Epirus) (= D. E. Evaggelidou, È anaskaphè esi Rodotopi, Praktika 1952, p. 324, n° 33).

1381/6. Naville Numismatics Live Auction 17, 13 Sep. 2015, lot 207, 7.53.


1419/7. Now CNG EA 375, 1 June 2016, lot 509.

Thessalian League

1438C/3. Now CGT coll. (ex CNG EA 383, 28 Sep. 2016, lot 386).

1443A/1. BCD (= Triton XV, BCD Thessaly, 3 Jan. 2012, lot 940), 13.13; 2. Hirsch 309, 7 May 2015, lot 414.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I



1506/4. G = SNG 635, 7.33; 5-21. Kremydi Tiberios 1-13; 22. Jacquier 25, Herbst 2000, lot 334, 7.92; 23. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 33, 5 July 2015, lot 296, 7.47; 24. CGT coll., 7.64.

Cassandrea or Dium

1509/20. Pecunem 36, 4 Oct. 2015, lot 323, 16.52 (with cmk: B F (?) Q. On this specimen, it is obvious that there is a letter between B and Q; in RPC I, the cmk was read as B PQ (?); S. Kremydi, Tekmèria 4 (1998/9), describes the cmk present on 10 coins (out of 19) as B Q).


1511/8. Lanz 162, 6 June 2016, lot 64, 4.14 (the attribution of Hortensius’ coinage to Cassandrea or Dium remains open).

1515/18. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 578, 9.99 (cmk on the rev.: GIC 576).

Pella or Dium

1537/30. CGT coll., 7.23 (with cmk: GIC 598).

1538/5. CGT coll. (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 29, 27 Aug. 2016, lot 243), 4.90.


1603/8. CGT coll., 9.09; 9. CGT coll., 8.82 (both from the same new. obv. die which reads NERΩN KAISAR SEBASSTΟS (sic)).

Macedonian Koinon

1610/4. CGT coll. (ex vAuctions 277, lot 0054), 18.94.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

1618/6. CGT coll., 9.48.

1621/10. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 15, 6 April 2014, lot 388, 2.50.

Uncertain (Philippi)

1656/95. CGT coll., 5.94 (with a new cmk: AP on the obv.: GIC -); 96. CGT coll., 5.39 (with a cmk: HPA

MACEDONIA: Macedonian Koinon, Uncertain (Philippi?)

on the rev.) (see CS 1656/94, L 1999-3-8-2 with the same cmk, but not illustrated and numbered 91 errore); 97. CGT coll., 5.22 (with a cmk on the rev.: TP, GIC 657).




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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Thracian kings

1710/9. On this specimen NY 1944.100.36290, see E. Paunov, A Roman Countermark on a Bronze Coin of Rhoemetalces I, King of Thrace, AJN 25 (2013), pp. 117-23, discussing at length the cmk PVBL (GIC 656), which is unique (GIC 656 was based on this coin). Paunov proposed that PVBL was the abbreviated name of Publius Vellaeus, legate of the governor C. Poppaeus Sabinus. In addition, he proposed that the cmk TR on RPC 1717/1 was the abbreviated name of Titus Trebellenus Rufus.

1722corr/7. Triton XI, 8-9 Jan. 2008, lot 445, 22.69 (numbered as 6 in the RPC CS); 8. J. Aiello coll., 18.38 (6h) (the obv. legend is GAIΩ KAISARI GERMANIKΩ CEBASTΩ)

1726/3. CGT coll., 4.37.


1739 was given to Augustus (?) though the BMC attributed the L coin to Domitian. This attribution seems now the most likely: see M. Fox, Two numismatic puzzles from 1st century Sestus in B. Ciupercă ed., Archaeology of the first millennium A.D. IV. Nomads and the autochtonous in the first millennium A.D. (Istros, 2015), pp. 33-47 (and RPC II, 358A).

1740/3. Kölner Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha 102, 5-6 Dec. 2014, lot 142; 4. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 26, 30 April 2016, lot 396, 3.10 (12h); 5. CGT, 3.14 (12h) (with cmks: six-rays star on the obv. = GIC 460; N on the rev. = GIC 680); 6. M. Fox coll., 3.24 (with cmk: six-rayed star on the obv.) = M. Fox, loc. cit., p. 47, Pl. I, 13.

1743corr./5. Lanz 160, 15 June 2015, lot 360, 4.14. (Claudius is bare-headed).

1744/11. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 41, 6 Mar. 2016, lot 426, 4.51 (Nero is laureate). M. Fox, loc. cit, p. 39, rightly states that the coins of Nero published under 1744 should be divided into 2 groups, one with bare-headed bust, the other with laureate bust: e.g. 1744/1 or 6 are bare-headed, 1744/8 is laureate.


1752/7. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 229, 11.73 (with cmk: GIC 526).

1760/9. CGT coll., 9.82.

1761/6-8. CGT coll., 11.51, 10.42, 11.24 (GIC 527 on 6-7).

1762/8. CGT coll., 12.68.

1763corr./4. Pecunem 20, 3 Aug. 2014, lot 406, 5.85 (on the obv., a legend H-R-A can be read across the field).

1765/4. Münzzentrum 169, 14 May 2014, lot 221, 4.34.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I THRACE: Perinthus, Byzantium, Calchedon

1767/5. CGT coll., 2.20 (6h).


1774/1. The P coin was part of the Pellerin coll. and published by him in Recueil de médailles de rois qui n’ont point encore été publiées (Paris, 1762), pp. 35-6 and Pl. IV (under Cotys V); it was read as BUZANTIΩN/EPI MATRΟDΟRΟU PRΟXENΟU. Another drawing figures in M. C. Lenormant, Trésor de numismatique et de glyptique. Numismatique des rois grecs (Paris, 1849), p. 48 and Pl. XXIII, 15. Though Lenormant followed Pellerin’s description, the drawing shows HRΟXENΟU, not PRΟXENΟU. F. Imhoof Blumer, Bithynische Münzen, JIAN 1 (1898), p. 17, also misdescribed the coin, as did the authors of RPC. A closer examination confirms the reading HRΟXENΟU, Heroxenos.

1779A AE. 22 mm, 6.19 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

SEBASTΟU QEΟU; radiate head of Augustus, l.EPI AGALLEΩS HRΟXENΟU; torch decorated with bands

1. A. Reich coll., 6.19. This coin was published by D. Calomino, Emperor or God? The Posthumous Commemoration of Augustus in Rome and the Provinces, NC 175, 2015, pp. 76-78 and Pl. 8, A1, suggesting the mint of Byzantium and a date in the second century AD. But the coin of Livia (see below), unknown at the time, makes this date unlikely and a Tiberian date probable.

1779B AE. 18 mm, 5.75 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

IΟULIA SEBASTA; draped head of Livia, r.[EPI AGALL]EΩS HRΟXE[NOU]; three ears of grain

1. Verona Castelvecchio Museo 75358, 5.75. As Livia is called Julia, the coin was struck before her death in AD 29. For the rare form

SEBASTA, see RPC I, 1779.

1780/6. Pecunem Gitbut and Naumann 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 478, 3.88.

1781/3. CNG EA 204, 11 Feb. 2009, lot 55, 4.18 (6h) (cmks on the obv.: GIC 53 and dolphin).

1781A AE. 22 mm, 5.48 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

As 1780-1BUZANTIΩN; helmet, l.

1. Pecunem 23, 5 Oct. 2014, lot 521, 5.48 (cmk on the obv. : GIC 53).

1782A/2. CGT coll., 5.27 (12h). The obv. legend is now complete: NERΩNA CEBACTON.


1787/5. CGT coll., 6.10 (cmk on the obv.: PKA = GIC 611 corr.).

1788/2. Trade (Akropoliscoins), 5.70 (with same cmk as on 1788/1).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


On the coinage of Odessus, see now I. Lazarenko, Coinage of Odessos during the Early Principate (Late 1st c. BC – AD 1st c.), Numismatica, Sphragistika and Epigraphika 7 (2011), pp. 23-58 and Pl. VII-XVI. Coins listed under RPC I, 1801 are distributed among Augustus, Agrippa, Tiberius and Caligula (with a precise listing of coins). In addition, coins without imperial portrait, but with the same cmks as those on coins with portrait, are given to the early Principate.See also V. Bekov, The Images of Augustus and Agrippa on the Coins from Odessos. Contribution to the Research on Mint in the Town during the I st c. B.C. – 1st c. A.D., EURIKA In honorem Ludmilae Donchevae-Petkovae, Sofia, 2009, pp. 129-36; Id., The start of the Roman provincial coinage of Odessos (late 1st c. BC – 1st c. AD) and the pseudo-autonomous issues of the city ((1st c. BC – 3rd century AD), Journal of Historical and Archaeological Research 1-2 (2014), pp. 135-157.

1801/8. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 42, 3 April 2016, lot 378), 7.16 (a bunch of grapes hanging down to the l. of cornucopia).


1801A/5. Gorny and Mosch 237, 7-8 March 2016, lot 1626, 6.43 (cmk: GIC 484 on the obv.); 6. Auctiones eAuction #54, 18 Dec. 2016, lot 8, 7.43 (cmk: GIC 484 on the obv.).

1801B AE. 20 mm, 6.26 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

Draganov 39

Bearded head of Great God, r.DIΟ-NU/CΟ-PΟ/LE-I; cornucopia

1. CNG EA 293, 19 Dec. 2012, lot 176, 6.26 (cmk: GIC 484? or cornucopia on the obv.)


1802/9. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 385, 6.65.


1814/3. Pecunem 40, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 360, 2.85.

1819/22. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 12, 2 Feb. 2014, lot 323, 3.10; 23. CNG EA 325, 23 April 2014, lot 359, 2.50; 24. CNG EA 365, 16 Dec. 2015, lot 365, 2.62.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I MOESIA: Tomi, Istrus

1820/13. Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 290, 2.07.

1825/3. CNG EA 374, 11 May 2016, lot 359, 3.60.

1829A AE. 16 mm, 1.81 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

[ ]; laureate head of Tiberius, r.TO [MI] DIΟNUSIΟ[U]; wreath

1. Pecunem 31, 3 May 2015, lot 271, 1.81. This coin was not identified as a coin of Tomi. The name Dionysios links it to RPC 1829corr.

1834/7. CNG EA 99, 13 Oct. 2004, lot 64, 3.03; 8. Rauch Summer Auction 2007, 11 Sep. 2007, lot 372, 2.21; 9. CNG EA 208, 8 April 2009, lot 182, 2.21; 10. Lanz 154, 11 June 2012, lot 306, 2.55.

1836/4. Now CNG EA 224, 16 Dec. 2009, lot 343; 6. CNG EA 157, 31 Jan. 2007, lot 61, 4.08; 7. Elsen 92, 9 June 2007, lot 477, 3.30 (this specimen illustrated in L. Bricault and F. Delrieux, Gangra-Germanicopolis “Foyer

des dieux”. Etude de numismatique et d’histoire, Numismatica Anatolica 6 (Bordeaux, 2014), p. 48, Fig. 3).

1838A AE. 18 mm, 2.43 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

AMNG 2510

Draped head of Demeter (?), r.

TOMITwN ESTI; two torches

1. St Petersburg; 2. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 1, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 1913 (ex Hirsch 258, 25 Sep. 2008, lot 2054), 2.43. No reverse legend could be read on the St Petersburg specimen, except TO[ ]. This second specimen clearly links this series with RPC 1836 under Nero.


1841Acorr./3. CNG EA 350, 6 May 2015, lot 316, 5.61, (5h, cmk on the obv.). The obv. legend reads clearly KLAUD[IΟU KA]IS[ARΟS]. Therefore the coin is not of Augustus, but of Claudius, which was a possibility not ruled out in the CS 2015.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


2012/6. Now Heritage World Coin Auctions CICF Signature Sale 3021, 10 April 2014, lot 23809, 13.35.

2013/9. Nomos Obolos 3, 15 Nov. 2015, lot 277, 6.53.


2036/4. CNG EA 367, 27 Jan. 2016, lot 345, 12.64 (12h).

2043/5. Dresden AAC 3218, 22.76 (6h).

2048A AE. 15 mm, 2.36 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

TrophyPΟ PAS[IDIHNΟS FIR]MΟS; NEIKA in monogram in centre

1. M. Fox coll., 2.36. A lower denomination of 2047-8 where the meaning of PΟ (Publius) was misunderstood.

2049/8. CNG EA 321, 26 Feb. 2014, lot 300, 4.39 (the reverse legend ends with NEIKAIA; on the altar, which is lighted, with horns, a clear monogram KA); 9. CGT coll. (ex Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 246), 3.98.

2053/9. CNG EA 151, 1 Nov. 2006, lot 149, 4.11.

2057A/3. Dresden AAC 3731, 12.50 (12h).

2058/10. Hirsch 293, 25 Sep. 2013, lot 2670.

2059/4. CNG EA 332, 6 Aug. 2014, lot 179 (ex CNG EA 153, 29 Nov. 2006, lot 158), 4.65.

2060/4. CNG 85, 15 Sep. 2010, lot 585, 11.06 (with cmk: GIC 591; the obverse legends ends with GER).

2061/5. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 231, 5.86 (with cmk: GIC 591).


2070A AE. 27 mm, 9.01 g (1). Axis: 4 (1) [ 0 ]

As 2070L MINDIΟS PΟ[ ] ANQUPATΟS PATRΩN; laureate of Zeus, r.

1. CGT coll., 9.01 (the reverse legend is in nominative).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I BITHYNIA AND PONTUS: Nicomedia, Heraclea, Uncertain of Bithynia, Sinope

2073A AE. 33 mm, 20.13 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

As 2073, but head r.As 2073, but head l.

1. Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 261, 20.13.

2077/4. CGT coll. (ex Numismatik Naumann 42, 3 April 2016, lot 431), 10.53.

2085/2. Numismatik Naumann 48, 20 Nov. 2016, lot 347, 9.45 (on the obv., cmk: GIC 525).

2086Acorr/2. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 1, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 1951, 3.72 (the complete obv. legend is NERWN KLAUDIΟS KAISAR SEBASTΟS GERMANI).


2092A/3. CGT coll. (ex Spartan Numismatics Sale #S72, 29 March 2016, lot 142), 4.65 (cmk on obv.: GIC 637 (both obverse and reverse legends are now complete: NE KLAUDIΩ KAISARI SEBASTΩ GERMANI/EPI LAKΩNΟS ANQUPATΟU HRAKLEΩTAN).

Uncertain of Bithynia

2100/6. CNG EA 388, 14 Dec. 2016, lot 237, 8.07.

2104/3. Hirsch 317, 18 Feb. 2016, lot 1971 (with GIC 557?).


2107/7. GM 229, 10 March 2015, lot 1528, 21.51.

2111/6. NAC 92, 1, 23 May 2016, lot 393, 10.38 (on the rev., sacrificial implements in different order). (In the CS 2015, correct: 3-4. Sinope Museum 7-1-87, 7-111-71, 7.82, 6.95 = Casey p. 27, nos. 298-9; 5. RBW coll.).

2121corr./2. NAC 92, 1, 23 May 2016, lot 472, 5.81 (the correct date is XLI = Year 41 = 6/5 BC).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I BITHYNIA AND PONTUS: Sinope, Uncertain of Pontus

2124/4. Mi Rosa coll. 2834, 6.00; 5. Istanbul 650/1850, 6.35; 6. Sinope 7-52-71 (Casey 311), 7.92; 7. Jacquier Münzliste 16, Herbst’ 94, lot 297, 4.58; 8. Naville Numismatics Live Auction 20, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 239, 6.48.

Uncertain of Pontus

2156corr. Since 2006, at least 13 specimens have been offered for sale. A few specimens, well centred, show that there is a letter Q under the head on the obverse: see e.g. Roma Numismatics e-8, 31 May 2014, lot 374. For others series with a Q, see RPC I, 5409-11.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


2247/7. Kölner Münzkabinett 102, 5-6 Dec. 2014, lot 151, 2.24.

2249/4. Agora Auctions 40, 8 Sep. 2015, lot 086, 4.19.

2251/6. CGT Coll., 2.03.


2253/5. Numismatik Naumann 47, 9 Oct. 2016, lot 288, 2.96.

2256/9. CNG EA 349, 22 April 2015, lot 267, 6.28.

2263/9. Now CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 114; 10. Now CNG EA 188, 28 May 2008, lot 224, 5.59; 12. Künker 83, 17 June 2003, lot 706, 8.01; 13. Lanz 120, 18 May 2004, lot 216, 7.10; 14. Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 439 (ex Gorny and Mosch 104, 9 Oct. 2000, lot 674; CNG MBS 76, 12 Sep. 2007, lot 1062), 9.07; 15. CNG EA 369, 24 Feb. 2016, lot 422 (ex Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 440), 8.16; 16. F. Jarman coll., 4.97 (cmk on the obv.: a double axe: GIC -).

2266/3. Now Solidus Numismatik Online Auction 8, 23 April 2016, lot 179.


2268/12. Now CNG EA 188, 28 May 2008, lot 223;

17. Gorny and Mosch 147, 7 March 2006, lot 1829, 8.05 (cmk on the obv. : cornucopia between C C: GIC -); 18. MM Deutschland 20, 10 Oct. 2006, lot 194, 6.32 (cmk on obv.: LAE; GIC -); 19. CNG EA 170, 8 Aug. 2007, lot 164, 9.76; 20. Roma Numismatics Ltd 4, 30 Sep. 2012, lot 1980, 7.85; 21. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 628, 6.49 (cmk on obv.: cornucopia between C C: GIC -).

2271/4. CNG EA 365, 16 Dec. 2015, lot 365, 6.00.

2273/4. Now CNG EA 364, 2 Dec. 2015, lot 280.

2274/9. Now CNG MBS 79, 17 Sep. 2008, lot 584.

2276/5. Now CNG EA 194, 20 Aug. 2008, lot 105.

2280A AE. 21 mm, 6.02 g (6). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

Martin Lampsakos 1

DHMΟC RwMAIwN; bare head of Demos, r.LAMY IERA CUNKLHTΟC; Senate seated l., holding patera

1. Lanz 121, 22 Nov. 2004, lot 198, 6.85; 2. CNG EA 261, 2 Aug. 2011 (ex Gorny and Mosch 181, 12 Oct. 2009, lot 1761), 5.48; 3. Gorny and Mosch 204, 5 March 2012, lot 1745, 5.84; 4. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Lampsacus, Abydos, Dardanos Ilium, Mytilene, Perperene, Pergamum

Grün 64, 1, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 1966, 5.16; 5. Private coll., 6.75.This series was omitted from RPC I; it might be Claudian by style.


2285B AE. 12 mm, 2.17 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

[ ]; bare head, r.; to r., starABY; eagle to l., looking r., on thunderbolt (?)

1. J. Aiello coll., 2.17.

2290/3. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 27, 4 Jan. 2015, lot 417), 1.43; 4. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 639, 1.67.


2297/6. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 29, 1 March 2015, lot 394, 2.47.

2298A AE. 14 mm, 1.47 g (1). Axis: 5 [ 0 ]

Horseman galloping, r., striding spear

DARDANEwN; female figure advancing, r., holding spear (?)

1. CGT coll., 1.47. This coin links the reverse of 2296 and the reverse of 2297-8 and is therefore given tentatively to Augustus’ reign.

2299/3. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 20, 3 Aug. 2014, lot 422), 2.84; 4-6. CGT coll., 2.26, 2.25, 1.81.


2307A AE. 14 mm, 2.09 g (2). Axis: 12 [ 1 ]

As 2305 and 2307As 2305 and 2307, but monogram in r. field different: FEK?

1. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 474), 1.95; 2. Cop SNG 384, 2.21.


2346/1. Now www.akropoliscoins.com (not illustrated in RPC I).


2351/4. CGT coll., 4.60 (6h).

2352/6. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 438, 3.09; 7. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 43, 1 May 2016, lot 637, 3.31.


2362/27. London Coin Galleries 3, 10 Nov. 2016, lot 2, 4.50.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Thyatira, Hierocaesarea, Pitane, Elaea

2370A/2. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 27, lot 415), 4.37.


2381A AE. 23 mm, 4.40 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

NERΩN KL[AUDIΟC KAICAR CEBA]CTOC; bare head of Nero, r.AGRIPPIN[AN] CEBACTHN [QUATEIRHNΩN]; draped bust of Agrippina II, r.

1. CGT coll., 4.40 (struck under Nero between c. AD 55-59).


2388/4. Hirsch 279-280, 8 Feb. 2012, lot 2307 (ex Hisrch 120, 1980, lot 211), 4.84; 5. Solidus Numismatik Online Auction 7, 15 Nov. 2015, lot 201, 5.23; 6. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 236, 5.32; 7. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 702, 5.49; 8. Rauch E-Auction 20, 27-29 June 2016, lot 117, 4.96; 9. Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 381, 4.67.

2389/5. Effler coll., 3.54.

2390A AE. 17 mm, 3.24 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 2390As 2390, but EI

1. CGT coll., 3.24.

2391/6. Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 382, 3.28.


2397corr./2. CNG EA 367, 27 Jan. 2016, lot 356, 3.10 (the complete obv. legend is NERΩNA



2399/5. CGT coll., 5.44 (12h).

2400A AE. 19 mm, 6.57 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

ELAITΩN; bare head of Augustus, r.EPI/NAR-KIAS; poppy between two ears of corn

1. CGT coll., 6.57.

2403/3. Roma Numismatics Ltd 4, 30 Sep. 2012, lot 2053, 3.18 (6h).

2405/6. CGT (ex Pecunem 33, 5 July 2015, lot 303), 3.69.

2409A AE. 15 mm, 3.04 g (1). Axis: 1 (1) [ 0 ]

QEAN RΩ-[MHN]; turreted and draped bust of Roma, r.EPI EPAGAQ[ ] ELAITΩN; basket with poppy between two ears of corn

1. J. Aiello coll., 3.04. A new series signed by the magistrate Epagatho[ ], parallel to 2407A.

2410/6. Nomos AG Obolos 4, 21 Feb. 2016, lot 545, 3.02 (12h).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Elaea, Myrina, Aegae, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lebedus, Colophon, Hypaepa


2424A/5-6. CGT coll., 6.16, 6.21.

2426/2. Pecunem 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 586, 4.96 (the complete obv. legend is TI KLAUDIΟC KAICAP CEBACTOC).


2428A AE. 13 mm, 2.69 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

AIGAEwN; male draped bust (Apollo?), r.; behind, palmDIFILΟS; Zeus standing l., holding eagle (?) in his r. hand, his l. resting on sceptre

1. CGT coll., 2.69. The name Diphilos links this coin to 2427-8.

2429/10. Numismatik Naumann 48, 20 Nov. 2016, lot 355, 4.41.

2431/6. Heritage World Coin Auctions, NY INC Signature 3045, 12-13 Jan. 2016, lot 32204, 3.03.

Magnesia ad Sipylum

2453A AE. 16 mm, 3.73 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 2452As 2453

1. CGT coll., 3.73 (a mule with the obv. of 2452 and the rev. of 2453).

2460/11. CGT coll., 5.55 (reverse legend retrograde).


2521A/2. CGT coll., 4.15.


2523/3. CGT coll., 5.29 (12h).


2527E AE. 16 mm, 2.78 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

SEBASTΟS; bare head, r.UPAIPHNΩN ERM MENANDRΟS; facing cult statue of Artemis Anaitis

1. CGT coll., 2.78.

2528B/2. M. Fox coll., 4.70 (the monogram is at the end of the legend).

2538C AE. 20 mm, 4.10 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 2538BUPAIPHNΩN KAI SARDIANΩN QEΟFILΟC; two figures clasping hands

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Hypaepa, Cilbiani Superiores, Ephesus

1. CGT coll., 4.10

2538D AE. 19 mm, 3.43 g (1). Axis: 11 (1) [ 0 ]

As 2538B-C

UPAIPHNΩN KAI [SARDIANΩN] DIΟMHDHC; two figures clasping hands

1. CGT coll., 3.43. These seem to be further alliance coins, as RPC I, 5445-6, tentatively assigned to Sardis and Hypaepa.

2538E = 5445

2538F = 5446

2553/3. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 2024 (ex Hirsch 256, 5 May 2008, lot 475), 2.53.

2554/3. Pecunem 20, 3 Aug. 2014, lot 436, 3.55.

Cilbiani Superiores

2566/4. Pecunem 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 482, 4.77.


2572A/7. Berk, BBS 200, 18 Jan. 2017, lot 360, 6.40.

2578A AE. 15 mm. 2.89 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

Draped bust of Livia, r.As 2578

1. J. Clark coll., 2.89.

2579/6. Pecunem Gitbud 1, 11 Dec. 2016, lot 90, 2.91.

2586/4. CGT coll., 3.57.

2596A AE. 23-4 mm. 7.61 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

As 2596 with FILΩN SIMΟS

1. CGT coll. (ex Naville 17, 13 Sep. 2015, lot 270), 7.61.

2613/6-7. CGT, 4.08, 2.32; 8. CNG EA 163, 25 April 2007, lot 172, 4.55; 9. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 30, 29 Oct. 2016, lot 224, 2.70.

2614/3. Now CNG EA 169, 25 July 2007, lot 82; 6. Helios Numismatik 5, 25 June 2010, lot 703, 3.76.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Ephesus, Tralles, Magnesia, Miletus, Rhodes, Astypalea, Ceramus, Euippe

2615/3. CGT, 5.25; 4. MM Deutschland 15, 21 Oct. 2004, lot 572, 4.83.

2617/2. Pecunem Naumann 42, 3 April 2016, lot 457, 3.18.

2618/3. Pecunem Gitbud Naumann 14, 2 March 2014, lot 479, 3.70.

2629A AE. 22-4 mm, 9.73 g (3). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

As 2629, but Nero’s laureate head, r. facing draped bust of Poppaea, l.As 2629

1. Private coll. (= B. Callegher, Una moneta di Nerone e Poppea della zecca di Efeso, Annotazioni Numismatiche 19, Settembre 1995, pp. 416-7, 8.76; 2. Giessener Münzhandlung 104, 9-10 Oct. 2000, lot 678, 9.20 (draped bust of Nero); 3. CNG EA 332, 6 Aug. 2014, lot 186, 11.24.

Tralles (Caesarea)

2641/4. Münzzentrum 175, 6 May 2015, lot 419 (ex MZ Lagerkatalog March 2009, lot 396; July 2009, lot 399; Feb. 2010, lot 362; MZ 156, 1 Sep. 2010, lot 320; MZ 159, 4 May 2011, lot 311; Lagerkatalog June/July 2011, lot 282; Nov./Dec. 2011, lot 442; MZ 161, 11 Jan. 2012, lot 288; Lagerkatalog March 2012, lot 417; July 2012, lot 337; Nov. 2012, lot 298; July 2013, lot 308; Feb. 2014, lot 350; MZ 170, 17 Sep. 2014, lot 188; MZ 173, 6 May 2015, lot 241), 4.83.

Magnesia (ad Maeandrum)

2699/3. MM Deutschland 35, 17 Nov. 2011, lot 151, 3.84.


2707. W. Gunther, Caligula, Milet und ein ehrgeiziges Kultprojekt, JNG 62 (2102), pp. 105-235.


2745A AR. 12 mm, 0.92 g (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 1 ]

Head of Dionysos, with ivy wreath, r.; in front, thyrsusRΟD-IΩN; female cult statue standing front flanked by two thymiateria (?)

1. P 1998.915, 0.92. The head of Dionysos on the obverse has a thyrsos in front, like the head of Dionysos on the large bronzes RPC I, 2757 signed by Antigonos, the only issue of that series to add a thyrsos to the obverse. The female cult-statue flanked by two thymiateria (?) on the reverse of this new silver coin must be that on the reverses of the later large bronzes BMC 399/Cop 891, now in RPC III, 2687. We guess that the new silver coin is to be associated with the Antigonos bronzes (early-mid first cent. AD) rather than the later large bronzes with the female cult-statue, since the latter have Helios on the obverse, the temporary practice of putting Dionysos on the obverse having ceased just before the Neronian issues of Rhodes.


2743/9. F. Kovacs coll., 16.42.


2774A/2. CGT (= Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 22, 1 May 2016, lot 251), 7.36.


2823C AE. 20 mm, 4.30 g (2). Axis: 6 (1) [ 0 ]

SEBASTΟS; laureate head of Augustus, r.EUIPPEΩN; thunderbolt

1. M. Fox coll. (ex Pecunem 22, 21 Sep. 2014,

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Euippe, Trapezopolis, Heraclea, Tabae, Cidramus, Cibyra, Laodicea, Hierapolis

lot 131), 4.38; 2. CNG EA 344, 11 Feb. 2015, lot 321, 4.22.Cmk: bird, r. (GIC -) on the obv. of 1-2.


2848/2. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 27, 4 Jan. 2016, lot 436, 2.64; 3-4. CGT coll., 2.50, 2.89.

2850/3. Hirsch 249, 7 Feb. 2007, lot 1771; 4. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 1, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 2018, 3.03 (the reverse legend seems to be APΟLLΟDΟTΟS LUKΩTΟU; traces below the legend, still undecipherable; the monogram, same as 2848, seems to include an E).


2858/8. CGT coll., 5.56 (Heracles walking l., lion’s skin on his l. arm, holding patera ? in his extended r. arm).


2868/5. NAC 94, 6 Oct. 2016, lot 81 (ex Leu 18, 5 May 1977, lot 201; CNG 90, 23 May 2012, lot 1030), 3.65.


2880/7. CNG EA 370, 9 March 2016, lot 274, 3.82.

2881/3. CGT coll., 3.92.


2886A AE. 14 mm [ 0 ]

SEBA[ ]; draped bust of LiviaKIBU[ ]; tetrasyle temple enclosing tripod

1. Hirsch 317, 18 Feb. 2016, lot 1872.


2905/5. CNG EA 224, 16 Dec. 2009, lot 428, 4.56; 6. Pecunem 20, 3 Aug. 2014, lot 455, 3.72.

2909/7. Pecunem 21, 7 Sep. 2014, lot 305, 2.78.

2912A AE. 26 mm, 8.40 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

DHMΟS LAΟDIKEΩN; laureate head of Demos of Laodicea, r.As 2912

1. CGT coll., 8.40.

2924/3. CNG EA 128, 7 Dec. 2005, lot 144, 4.06; 4. Rauch 304, 5 Dec. 2012, lot 304, 3.68; 5. CNG 96, 14 May 2014, lot 648, 4.39; 6. CNG EA 350, 6 May 2015, lot 363 (ex Gorny and Mosch 118, 15 Oct. 2002, lot 1760; Peus 398, 28 April 2009, lot 702), 4.52.2924/3 and 5: same pair of dies, with vertical legends.


2930/8. Nomos 12, 22 May 2016, lot 152, 5.80.

2931/2. Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 346, 7.44.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Hierapolis, Hydrela, Sardis (Caesarea), Maeonia

2946/3. CGT coll., 2.69.

2966/2. Naville Numismatics Live Auction 27, 27 Nov. 2016, lot 192, 3.47.

2971/2. CGT coll., 5.59.

2973/11. MM Deutschland 11, 7 Nov. 2002, lot 94, 7.41(with rev. legend running r. anticlockwise from 4h); 12. CNG EA 218, 9 Sep. 2009, 7.37 (same obv. die as 2973/11 with the rev. legend GENEI SE-BASTΩN); 13. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Naumann 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 544), 3.93 (same obv. die as 2973/11-12; same rev. die as 2973/12; cmk on the obv.: GIC 11); 14. CGT coll., 5.59 (on the obv. a laurel branch in r. field which clearly identifies the bust with Apollo).

2977/2/ CGT coll., 4.80.

2980/4. Now CNG MBS 79, 17 Sep. 2008, lot 616.

2982/7. CGT coll., 6.95 (with cmk: GIC 601).


2985A AE. 20 mm, 5.22 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

As 2985HRΩDHS [ ] UDRHLITΩN; Mên on horse, r.

1. Pecunem 34, 2 Aug. 2015, lot 742, 5.22.

Sardis (Caesarea)

2999/6-7. Gorny and Mosch 204, 5 March 2012, lots 1786-7, 5.79, 4.78; 8. Peus 407, 7 Nov. 2012, lot 1048, 4.74; 9. CNG 96, 14 May 2014, lot 645, 6.06; 10. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 36, 4 Oct. 2015, lot 440, 5.82; 11. CNG EA 362, 28 Oct. 2015, lot 281, 6.12.

3000/4. CGT coll., 5.68.

3003/3. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 34, 2 Aug. 2015, lot 659, 3.16.

3004/4. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 716, 4.13.

3005/3. A MN 5846b, 4.23 (12h).

3006/3. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 28, 1 Feb. 2015, lot 259), 2.83 (12h) (the reverse legend is now complete: EPI TI KL MNACEΟU IEREΩS; CARDIANΩN in r. field upwards)


3013/8. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 518, 4.08; 9. CGT coll., 3.26 (EP TI KL in the field, l. and r.).



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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Maeonia, Philadelphia (Neocaesarea), Apollonoshieron, Cadi

Philadelphia (Neocaesarea)

3018/4. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 34, 2 Aug. 2015, lot 694, 4.66; 5. Nomos Obolos 4, 21 Feb. 2016, lot 552, 3.79.

3020/4. Lanz 150, 13 Dec. 2010, lot 220 (catalogued as RPC 3018), 3.73.

3021/3. CGT coll., 2.89.

3022/4. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 42, 3 April 2016, lot 499 (catalogued as RPC 3018)), 4.51.

3022A AE. 15 mm, 3.63 g (1). Axis: 3 (1) [ 0 ]

GAIΟC KAICAP; bare head, r.

FILADELFEwN EPIKRATHC; winged thunderbolt

1. CGT coll., 3.63. The small denomination corresponding to 3022.

3023/6. CNG 93, 22 May 2013, lot 804 (catalogued as RPC 3018), 4.54.

3028A/2. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 27, 4 Jan. 2015, lot 474), 2.62; 3. CGT, 2.88.

3029A/3. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 32, 7 June 2015, lot 329, 2.76; 4. Pecunem 44, 5 June 2016, lot 541, 3.35.

3030/3. Rauch 94, 9 April 2014, lot 562, 4.01; 4. Pecunem Naumann 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 507 (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd 4, 30 Sep. 2012, lot 2034), 4.75; 5. CNG EA 387, 30 Nov. 2016, lot 317, 5.87.

3031A AE. 14 mm, 3.00 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

GAIΟC KAICAP; bare head, r.; to r., lituus

FILADELFEwN MAKEDwN; winged thunderbolt

1. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 2036, 3.00. The small denomination corresponding to 3031.

3039A/3. CGT coll., 2.77.

3042/10. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 26, 30 April 2016, lot 393, 2.56.


3046/3. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 41, 6 March 2016, lot 505, 2.00; 4. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 700, 2.11.


3064/11. CNG EA 374, 11 May 2016, lot 383, 3.07.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Cadi, Aezani, Dionysopolis, Apamea, Fulvia/Eumenea

3065/6. CGT coll. (ex Rauch 89, lot 1387), 2.92; 7. CGT, 3.37.


3067/6. Nomos 12, 22 May 2016, lot 150, 8.36.

3094/10. CGT coll., 5.08 (instead of CwKPATOYC,


3101/7. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 26, 30 April 2016, lot 394, 2.47 (attributed to Eumenea).

3104/5. J. Noory coll., 3.27.

3106/5. M. Fox coll., 3.77.


3122Acorr/2. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 522, 5.01; 3. CGT coll., 4.45. The correct reading of the reverse seems to be PΟTAMΩN APOL/LΟDΟTOU/[ ].


3131/4. Pecunem 28, 1 Feb. 2015, lot 221, 4.52 (as Uncertain) (as expected, the complete obv. legend is SEBASTΟS).

3133A AE. 18 mm, 6.09 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 3133GAIΟS IΟULIΟS KALLIKLHS APAMEΩN; Zeus standing l., holding thunderbolt in his r.

hand, resting with l. on vertical sceptre

1. CGT coll., 6.09


3145/3-4. CGT coll., 7.32, 5.44.

3146/4. CGT coll., 3.53 (legend in 6 lines).

3148/8. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 30, 29 Oct. 2016, lot 220, 2.80.

3149-52. See S. Barbara, Néron et Agrippine sur des émissions conjointes d’Eumeneia (Phrygie): essai d’interprétation, in M. Mazoyer and S. H. Aufrère ed., De Hattuša à Memphis. Jacques Freu in honorem (Paris, 2013), pp. 215-235.

3150/3. Trade 2016, 5.66.

3150A AE. 18 mm, 5.11 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

NERwN KAICAR CEBACTOC; draped bust of Nero, r.; behind, uncertain


EUMENEwN; laureate and draped bust of Apollo; in front, double axe

1. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 562, 5.11

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I ASIA: Sebaste, Siblia, Acmonea, Iulia, Prymnessus, Philomelium


3154/5. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 413), 1.81 (12h) (the reverse legend reads SEBATH: sic).


3162/2. Now CNG EA 149, 4 Oct. 2006, lot 215.

3163/4. Now CGT coll.; 5. Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 471 (ex CNG EA 149, 4 Oct. 2006, lot 215), 6.09.

3163A AE. 16-17 mm, 3.52 g (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 0 ]

GERMANIKΟS; bare head of Germanicus, r.MENEDHMΟS SILBIANΩN; crescent and six-rays star

1. CGT coll., 3.52 (a smaller denomination struck by Menedemos).


3174/29. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 555, 4.63 (on the obv. cmk: GIC 341).


3192/7. Pecunem 40, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 460, 2.67. The correct description of the reverse is Cybele seated l., holding patera in her r. hand, l. arm resting on drum.

3193/3. CGT coll. (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., Auction 4, 30 Sep. 2012, lot 2090), 3.91. The correct description of the reverse is Cybele seated l., holding

patera in her r. hand, l. arm resting on drum.


3206/2. CGT coll. (ex Naville 27, 27 Nov. 2016, lot 194), 4.15.

3208/4. CGT coll., 3.79.


3245/5. CGT coll., 3.48 (12h).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


3367A AE. 21 mm, 4.92 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

TIBEP[ ] SEBASTΟS; laureate head of Tiberius, r.MAGU (downwards, to r.) DEΩN (retrograde upwards, to l.), D (in field, l.); Athena standing l., holding Nike on her extended r. hand, l. resting on spear

1. F. Kovacs coll., 4.92 (D represents the earliest in the sequence of numbers on Magydan coins, running up to 41 under Gallienus).


3369corr./3. Pecunem 40, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 479, 11.93 (the correct obverse legend reads TIBEPIOC KAICAP CEBACTOC).


3386/2. CGT coll., 4.67 (12h).


3394corr./2. CGT coll., 4.54 (the obv. legend reads TIBERIΟU).

3401/18. CGT coll., 4.69 (the bust might be cuirassed with a small gorgoneion).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Uncertain (Pisidian?) colony

3517/6. Rauch 98, 21-23 Sep. 2015, lot 186, 4.93 (II VIR clear). The name of the colony is still missing.


3521. A specimen with G (R. Effler coll., 1.69. Only one known by vA 942). Correct 12 mm (not 8 mm) and years 2, 3 and 5 only (not years 2-5).

Apollonia (Mordiaeum)

3527corr./2. G. Rohde SKU: 13707, 6.08. The correct reverse legend reads APΟLL NIATΩN IΟULIΟS KRUΩN EUERGETHS. The name of the magistrate is therefore Ioulios Kruôn.


3540/4. Pecunem 42, 3 April 2016, lot 568, 4.67.

(Koinon of) Galatia

3552/4. CNG EA 347, 25 March 2015, lot 388, 9.66.

3563A/2. CNG EA 367, 27 Jan. 2016, lot 367,

4.79 (12h); 3. Pecunem Naumann 41, 6 March 2016, lot 604, 4.48 ) (these specimens prove that the reverse legend is simply SEBASTH).


3568 corr./5. Falghera, 11.19; 6. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 23, 5 Oct. 2014, lot 618), 11.37.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


3614/3. Künker 280, 26 Sep. 2016, lot 487, 8.20.

3628A AR. 17 mm, 3.43 g (2). Axis: 12 [ 1 ]

ANTONIA AVG [MATER AVGV]STI; draped bust of Antonia, r.SACERDOS; two mules drawing carpentum l.

1. V 40276 (= H.-M. von Kaenel, Münzprägung und Münzbildnis des Claudius (Berlin, 1978), p. 107, 1213, 3.66; 2. ArtCoins Roma 3, 31 May 2011, lot 317, 3.2.

D. Bocciarelli, ‘Un deuxième exemplaire d’une monnaie d’Antonia naguère unique’, SNR 92 (2013), pp. 95-104, attributes these rare silver

coins to Caesarea during the reign of Claudius. Following his suggested restoration, the type can now be described as above. The attribution for the first time of drachms to the reign of Claudius removes the doubts about attributing the didrachms and rare drachms of Germanicus to the same period.


3659/4. Now CGT coll. (the correct weight is 13.82).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


3707/3. CNG EA 383, 28 Sep. 2016, lot 219, 7.05 (12h); 4-5. Auctiones 53, 20 Nov. 2016, lots 102-3, 4.74, 9.34.


3713/2. Elaiussa Sebasté, 4.10 (12h) = A. Polosa, Une monnaie de Iotapé de Commagène provenant des fouilles d’Elaiussa Sebasté (Cilicie), in G. Moucharte et al. ed., Liber Amicorum Tony Hackens (Louvain-la-Neuve, 2007), pp. 453-61.


3723/6. CGT coll., 8.68.

3729/9. CGT coll. (ex Agora Auction 57, lot 104), 4.41.

3740/7. Gorny and Mosch 115, 5 March 2002, lot 1393, 17.77; 8. Gorny and Mosch 200, 10 Oct. 2011, lot 2228, 10.67; 9. CNG EA 271, 11 Jan. 2012, lot 343, 12.50; 10. CNG EA 277, 11 April 2012, lot 137, 13.49; 11. CNG EA 310, 4 Sep. 2013, lot 287, 10.70; 12. Rauch Summer Auction 2013, 18 Sep. 2013, lot 522, 15.12; 13. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 32, 7 June 2015, lot 346, 14.27; 14. Gorny and Mosch 233, 6 Oct. 2015, lot 2085, 9.77; 15. Rauch E-Auction 20, 27-29 June 2016, lot 129, 15.48.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Kingdom of Pontus

3825/7. CNG 72, 14 June 2006, lot 1148, 3.59; 8. Gorny and Mosch 204, 5 March 2012, lot 1738, 3.48; 9. CNG Triton XVII, 7 Jan. 2014, lot 245, 3.47.

3827/2. CGB MBS 31, 21 June 2007, lot 164, 3.55.

3829/8. Heidlberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 62, 14 Nov. 2013, lot 123, 3.41.

3830/19. CNG EA 351, 20 May 2015, lot 491, 2.91; 20. CGT coll. (ex LAC 49, 8 Feb. 2016, lot 142), 2.89.

3832/32. Peus 369, 31 Oct. 2001, lot 1420, 2.81; 33. CNG EA 60, 12 March 2003, lot 62, 3.20; 34. CNG Triton IX, 10 Jan. 2006, lot 1405; 35. Gorny and Mosch 147, 7 March 2006, lot 1816, 3.57; 36. CNG EA 226, 27 Jan. 2010, lot 374, 3.17; 37. CNG MBS 84, 5 May 2010, lot 850, 3.21; 38. Peus 409, 25 April 2013, lot 123, 3.08; 39. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 14, 2 March 2014, lot 474, 2.80; 40. Rauch 95, 30 Sep. 2014, lot 105, 3.40; 41. Emporium Hamburg 72, 13 Nov. 2014, lot 427, 3.34.

Kingdom of Armenia Minor

3839-40A. See J. Dalaison, L’atelier monétaire de Nicopolis en Arménie Mineure, in J. Dalaison éd., Espaces et pouvoirs dans l’Antiquité. De l’Anatolie à la Gaule, Les Cahiers du CRHIPA 11 (Grenoble, 2007), pp. 203-37; Ead., Qui était Salomé?, REA 115, 2013, pp. 497-507.

3839corr./3. Sofaer coll. (= R. Barkay, A New Coin of Aristobulus of Armenia Minor, INJ 16, 2007-8, pp. 103-4 and Fig. 1 = Coins of the Holy Land. The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and at The Israel Museum (New York, 2013), p. 264, n° 171 and Pl. 213), 14.79; 4. Künker 273, 14 March 2016, lot 669, 12.16. The date of the series is ET IG (not G), AD 66/7.

3840A/2. CNG 96, 14 May 2014, lotr 653, 9.04; 3. Triton XIX, 4 Jan. 2016, lot 277, 9.13.

3841/5. CNG 96, 14 May 2014, lot 650, 14.18.

3844. P. Thonemann, Polemo, son of Polemo (Dio, 59.12.2), Epigraphica Anatolica 37 (2004), pp. 144–150, asserts p. 147, n. 19, that RPC I, 3844 should not be attributed to Polemo II of Pontus (so RPC following Seyrig) but to M Antonius Polemo, dynast


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

of Olba in Cilicia, since it was to him (not Polemo) that Armenia was presented.

3844C/10. http://www.zeno.ru/showphoto.php?photo=135863, 7.00 (monogram noted on 6 and 7 clear on this specimen).

Commagene ?

3868-9. CGT coll., 11.04 with a circular cmk which seems different from GIC 548: KΟR, a pellet in the O, and an indistinct object between two pellets above.

KINGDOMS OF ASIA MINOR: Kingdom of Armenia Minor, Commagene?

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


4011/8. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 30, 29 Oct. 2016, lot 221, 4.58.

4012/10. Peus 386, 26 April 2006, lot 699, 7.48; 11. CNG EA 153, 29 Nov. 2006, lot 165, 12.13; 12. CNG EA 328, 11 June 2014, lot 303 (= Lindgren I, 1461), 7.14; 13. CNG EA 375, 1 June 2016, lot 563 (ex Gorny and Mosch 170, 13 Oct. 2008, lot 1812; T. Cederlind 155, 24 June 2010, lot 166), 7.99.


4020/6. Auctiones eAuction 46, 27 March 2016, lot 32, 7.94.

4021/1. Now G SNG 2358; 3. CNG EA 370, 9 March 2016, lot 280, 10.33 (two other letters are legible between DI and RΟU (?): maybe PY).

4021A/2. Now CNG EA 342, 14 Jan. 2015, lot 441.


4034/7. CNG EA 369, 24 Feb. 2016, lot 432, 18.72.

4040/7. CNG EA 326, 7 May 2014, lot 295, 8.89.

4043/5. NAC 84, 21 May 2015, lot 1784, 6.53 (for 4043/3-4, see Haymann 16a/3-4).

4045/3. CNG EA 134, 1 March 2006, lot 145 (ex

SNG Levante Supp. 402) (= Haymann 16b/2), 7.28; 4. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 28, 2 July 2016, lot 251, 5.46. The Roma specimen demonstrates that BRETANNIKΟS is the only legend on the obverse).


4058corr./2. Gorny and Mosch 204, 5 March 2012, lot 1842, 1.63 (on the obv., draped bust of Hermes, with caduceus on shoulder, not Apollo).


4059/4. Gorny and Mosch 165, 17 March 2008, lot 1567, 23.28; 5. CNG EA 370, 9 March 2016, lot 278, 27.93; 6. CGT, 24.29 (the reverse should be described as follows: helmeted figure of Roma, with half breast naked and short chiton, standing l., holding Nike over altar on her extended r. hand and resting on spear with l.; on l. field, shield and trophy).


4075/10. CGT coll., 11.98 (with cmk: NE = GIC 552).


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SYRIA: Uncertain Caesarea(s), Sistripia, Fleet coinaage, Antioch, Claudia, Berytus, Ptolemais

Uncertain Caesarea(s)

4084, 408A4, 4085-6. See now B. Tahberer, A Series of Coins from an Uncertain Caesarea, NC 175, 2015, pp. 47-55 where it is argued with good arguments, mostly stylistic, that these series were struck at Mopsus between AD 45/6 and AD 50/1, during a period Mopsus called itself Caesarea, though “one can only speculate as to why the change was so short-lived” (p. 53).


4087/7. Now Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, lot 442; 10. Solidus Online Auction 7, 15 Nov. 2015, lot 207, 7.65.

‘Fleet coinage’


4091/1. Now CNG EA 376, 15 June 2016, lot 361 (ex CNG 79, 17 Sep. 2008, lot 635; Gemini X, 13 Jan. 2013, lot 428).

Cleopatra and Antony

4094. J. Olivier and C. Parisot-Sillon, Les monnayages aux types de Cléopâtre et Antoine. Premiers résultats et perspectives, BSFN 68.9 (Nov. 2013), pp. 256-68. The mint attribution of the tetradrachms is discussed. Their low fineness (cu above 20%) differs from the purer silver at Laodicea and Aradus and compares well, as do the trace elements, with coins of Antioch (68%). A dating to 36 to 32/1 is considered likely. 41-48 obv. dies have been identified. The similar denarii (RRC 543), which are dated to 34/33 until no later than 32, have a different fineness and trace elements, and differ in other technical details; they were perhaps minted in northern Syria, with 63-80 obv. dies. The mixture of Greek and Roman elements in the inscriptions and designs is emphasised.


4098/3. Now Rauch 97, 14 April 2015, lot 353; 4. Pecunem 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 765, 4.86; 5. CNG EA 389, 18 Jan. 2017, lot 455 (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 28, 2 July 2016, lot 250), 6.87.


4216, 4219. McAlee, p. 74, n. 25, stated that coins dated 48/7 (RPC 4216) and 47/6 (RPC 4219) are frequently seen with a countermark which is usually described as a head of Apollo. In his opinion, this countermark portrays

Cleopatra and “was used to mark coins circulating in the Syro-Phoenician territories which were given to her by Mark Antony”. A countermarked specimen of RPC 4216 is illustrated (CNG EA 347, 25 March 2015, lot 395).

4271/13. R. Effler coll., 7.86 (with A at the beginning of the reverse legend, as on 4270; this letter figures also on RPC 4271/2 and 12).

Claudia (Apamea)

4353 Letters MA: CGT coll., 6.46; CNG EA 380, 10 Aug. 2016, lot 282, 9.04.

4374/4. Solidus Online Auction 10, 3 Dec. 2016, lot 127, 9.93.


4530A/2. NY (ex RBW; ex CGB Monetae V, 2013, lot 300984), 10.26 (same obv. die as 4530A/1).


4751A AE. 14mm, 3.19g (2). Axis: 12h [ 1 ]

Rosenberger 45; Kadman 91

Laureate head of Zeus, r.COL PTOL; club within wreath

1. L = BMC 15; 2. CNG EA 316, 4 Dec. 2013, lot 329, 3.17; 3. CGT coll., 3.21. Presumably not a complete list. Omitted from RPC I-II. Probably late Claudian/early Neronian.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I SYRIA: Ptolemais, Dora, Chalcis, Damascus, Antioch ad Hippum, Paneas, Ascalon?, Gaza


4752/7. CNG 97, 17 Sep. 2014, lot 513, 8.85; 8. NAC 84, 20-21 May 2015, lot 872, 9.33.


4777 See A. J. M. Kropp, Crowning the Emperor. An unorthodox image of Claudius, Agrippa I and Herod of Chalkis, Syria 90 (2013), pp. 377-89.


4783A AE. 29 mm, 5.70 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 4783As 4784; in l. field, L PS and sistrum

1. Lavender coll., 5.70.

4784/3. CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 8 (ex JSW coll.), 5.68.

4785/1. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 9.

4786/13. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 11; 15. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 10.

4788/5. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 13.

4792/3. CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 16, 15.34.

4795/6. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 17.

4796/2. CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 18, 4.11.

4800/5. CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 20, 10.13 (cmk: GIC 117).

4801/3. Now CNG EA 341, 17 Dec. 2014, lot 19.

Antioch ad Hippum

4808/2. P 260 (K 1861), 5.89; 3. P Seyrig Y23879.276, 7.34; 7. Sofaer 5 (Pl. 145), 6.28; 8. Sofaer 6 (Pl. 145), 7.23 (cmk GIC 121); 9. CNG EA 373, 20 April 2016, lot 292, 8.53 (cmk CIC 121).

Caesarea Philippi (Paneas)

4844/5. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 298, 3.42.


4876A corr./4. CGT, 2.41 (in CS, read 4876A corr./3 instead of 1 for the CNG MBS 78 piece); 4. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 602, 2.57 (under ‘Asia Minor, Uncertain’). The attribution to Ascalon was doubted since the coins read AP, not AC.


4894/11. CNG EA 117, 29 June 2005, lot 187 (ex CNG EA 67, 25 June 2003, lot 69), 8.02; 12. CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1492, 9.46; 13. CNG EA 208, 8 April 2009, lot 324, 8.43; 14. NAC 72, 16 May 2013, lot 1424 (ex Triton VI, 14 Jan. 2003, lot 579), 9.23; 15. Heritage World Coin Auctions CICF Signature Sale 3032, 10 Aprils 2014, lot 30331, 8.01; 16. CGT coll. (ex Naville 25, lot 276), 9.79.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

Several articles in the volume (ed.) D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos, Judaea and Rome in Coins (London, 2012) are relevant to RPC I, mostly for general questions such as the degree of Romanisation (A. Burnett, R. Barkay, D. Syon) and the use of different scripts (A. Lykke).

Herod (40-4 BC)

4901-11. D. T. Ariel and J.-P. Fontanille, The Coins of Herod. A Modern Analysis and Die Classification (Leiden, 2012) analyse the coinage in detail. D. M. Jacobson, ‘Herodian bronze and Tyrian silver coinage’, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 130 (2014) 2, pp. 138-54, has discussed the coinage of Herod, and the arguments against the attribution of Tyrian silver to him. See also D. M. Jacobson, ‘Herod the Great’s Royal Monogram’, INR 9 (2014), pp. 95-102.

4901-4. See R. Bracey, ‘On the graphical interpretation of Herod’s year 3 coins’, in (ed.) D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos, Judaea and Rome in Coins (London, 2012), pp. 65-84.

Herod Antipas (4 BC-AD 39)

4917A. D. Hendin, ‘A new coin type of Herod Antipas’, INJ 15 (2006), pp. 56-61, has published a coin inscribed TETRA [ ]HS D corn ear/ [ ]HR followed, perhaps but not definitely, by a W[ ] palm tree, which he attributed to Sepphoris. Thus the name ‘Herod the tetrarch’ is a reasonable reconstruction, but the interpretation of D as year 4’ is much less sure, since it would be unusual to omit any sort of indication for ‘year’, such as the L which occurs on all other coins of Antipas. It was found in trade with coins said to have been found in the Jordan Valley. A natural interpretation of that phrase might suggest somewhere further south than Galilee (and anyway Sepphoris, to which it is attributed, is nowhere near the valley), and the coin does look worrying like the prutot normally attributed to Jerusalem, with which indeed it was associated. Hendin has subsequently suggested (in litt.) that the coin might even be attributable to Herod I.

Philip (4 BC – AD 34)

4948corr./2. Heritage World Coin Auctions Sale 3003, 8 March 2012, lot 20130, 6.94; 3. Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd 99, 4 May 2016, lot 171, 6.32 (a thunderbolt under Tiberius’ head was unnoticed; a thunderbold is also present on RPC 4944 and 4946).


4954. with L LG? N. Kokkinos, ‘The prefects of Judaea 6-48 CE and coins from the Misty period 6-36 CE’, in ed D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos, Judaea and Rome in Coins (London, 2012), pp. 85-122, at 90-93, has discussed several candidates of coins of Augustus that might be dated to the year LG (33). If correctly read, the coins open up the question of the era used on the procuratorial coins.

Agrippa I (37-44)

4980. D. B. Hendin and R. Bachar, ‘A So-Called Agrippa I Coin Reattributed to Gaba’, INR 11 (2016), pp. 119-26. plausibly reattribute the coin to Gaba, perhaps in the late first century AD.

4982. See A. J. M. Kropp, Crowning the Emperor. An unorthodox image of Claudius, Agrippa I and Herod of Chalkis, Syria 90 (2013), pp. 377-89.

4985/4. P 2015/18, 7.94 (a variant with BASILEUS MEGAS AGRIPPAS FILΟ-KAIS-AR/KAISARIA H PRΟS TΩ SEBASTΩ L). In addition, many regular specimens have appeared on CoinArchives.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I


See now L. Bricault, ‘Le monnayage d’Auguste à Alexandrie’ in O. Devillers and K. Sion-Jenkis eds, César sous Auguste (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2012), pp. 107-24.

5016A AE. 13mm, 1.40g (1). Axis: 12h [ 0 ]

Picard et al. n° 1050

Eagle, r.CEBACTOY around I

1. Alexandria GAB.99.17048.4.1, 1.40 (Picard et al., Les monnaies de fouilles du Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines (Alexandria, 2012), p. 135, n° 1050 and Pl. 24.

5082corr. Tiberius is bare head (see CNG EA 274, lot 286). All of 5075, 5078, 5082, 5085 and 5087 should be bare.


5190. Naville 27, 27 Nov. 2016, lot 289, 5.44 (the Dattari coin).


5250/2. Auctiones eAuction #49, 26 June 2016, lot 57.


5346/3. J.-P. Righetti coll., 38.93.


5370 B 1864/28662, given to 5371, belongs to 5370.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I

5409/30-2. Amasya 2096-8, 16.52, 18.23, 16.17; 33-74. See CoinArchives

23.21 + xx22.41-23.20 xxxxx21.61-22.40 xxxx20.81-21.60 xxxx20.01-20.80 xxxxx xxxxx19.21-20.00 xxxxx xxxxx18.41-19.20 xxxxx xxx17.61-18.40 xxxxx xxxx16.81-17.60 xxxxx xxxx16.01-16.80 xxxxx x15.21-16.00 xxxxx

19.22 (72)

5410/7. Now CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1398; 16. Now Freeman and Sear MBS 17, A. Lynn coll., 15 Dec. 2009, lot 163; 18. MM Deutschland 12, 10 April 2003, lot 141, 6.59; 19. Hauck and Aufhäuser 20, 16 Oct. 2007, lot 244, 7.45; 20. Gemini X, 13 Jan. 2013, lot 423, 6.84; 21. Rauch 94, 9 April 2014, lot 700, 6.97; 22. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 18, 1 June 2014, lot 459, 8.01; 23. Jacquier Auction 39, 12 Sep. 2014, lot 310, 7.50; 24. Lanz 159, 8 Dec. 2014, lot 316, 7.57; 25. Rauch 96, 10 Dec. 2014, lot 256, 7.29; 26. CNG EA 351, 20 May 2015, lot 562, 7.56; 27. Amasya 2099, 7.80; 28. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 535, 7.29 (catalogued as RPC 5409); 29. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 23, 9 Jan. 2016, lot 268, 7.85 (catalogued as RPC 5409); 30. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 40, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 383, 8.68 (catalogued as RPC 5409); 31. Nomos AG obolos 5, 26 June 2016, lot 515, 8.30 (catalogued as RPC 5409); 32. Rauch 101, 19 April 2016, lot 1417 (ex Rauch 95, 30 Sep. 2014, lot 324), 7.83.

5411/4. Rauch 94, 9 April 2014, lot 701, 6.72; 5. CNG EA 325, 23 April 2014, lot 405, 5.74 (12 h); 6. CNG EA 351, 20 May 2015, lot 563, 4.46 (1 h); 7. PV coll. (ex Rauch 98, 21-23 Sep. 2015, lot 187), 5.71; 8. Pecunem 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 422, 5.03; 9. Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 328, 4.71.

5410 54119.61-10.009.21-9.60 x8.81-9.208.41-8.80 xxx8.01-8.40 xxxxx7.61-8.00 xxxxx7.21-7.60 xxxxx xxx6.81-7.20 xxxx6.41-6.80 xxxx x6.01-6.405.61-6.00 x xx5.21-5.604.81-5.20 x4.41-4.80 xxx4.01-4.403.61-4.003.21-3.602.81-3.20 x

7.58 (31) 5.00 (8)

5414/8. CGT coll., 2.64.

5416/17. Rauch Summer Auction 2009, 17 Sep. 2009, lot 589, 18.69; 18. CNG EA 376, 15 June 2016, lot 335, 12.69.

5423: see 5448.

5428/2. Now CNG EA 374, 11 May 2016, lot 394.

5447/2. Münzzentrum 174, 2 Sep. 2015, lot 296 (ex MZ 169, 14 May 2014, lot 299; MZ 171, 14 Jan. 2015, lot 246), 2.23.

5448. See now M. Amandry, Une mystérieuse emission provinciale tibérienne frappée en Asie Mineure, in R. Bland and D. Calomino (eds), Studies in Ancient Coinage in Honour of Andrew Burnett (London, 2015), pp. 119-23.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. I UNCERTAIN COINS

5462/5. CNG EA 55, 18 Dec. 2002, lot 85, 3.08.

5463/3. Poncin coll., 9.92.

5477 Now CNG EA 383, 28 Sep. 2016, lot 439

(Antony’s head?/CK[I]/PIw: Scipio?).

5478corr./2. CGT coll., 3.08 (probably no prow and maybe letters in the rev. field).

5487corr./5. Gorny and Mosch 220, 11 March 2014, lot 1464, 4.69 (the obv. legend ends in P M TR P IMP; the reverse legend is VICTORIA P R AVGVSTI); 6-8. CGT, 4.33, 4.03, 4.37.

New uncertain

5492 AE. 17 mm, 3.88 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

TI A[ ] CAE; bare head of Tiberius, l.Cornucopia between two stars within crescent

1. Numismatik Naumann 45, 3 July 2016, lot 402, 3.88.

5493 AE. 15 mm, 1.77 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

COL – [ ]; hermPlough within wreath

1. CNG EA 383, RBW coll., 28 Sep. 2016, lot 416, 1.77 (tentatively attributed to Sinope, because of a similar reverse type on RPC I, 2112 (but with DD) or 2142 (but with CIF)).

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Roman Provincial Coinage

Volume II

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


159A AE. 19 mm, 5.58 g (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 0 ]

IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GER; laureate head of Domitian, r.COL IVL AVG COR; conical fountain decorated with sculptures

1. CGT coll. (ex Sotheby’s 1, J. Brindley coll., Oct. 1987, lot 794; Lanz 105, Münzen von Korinth Sammlung BCD, 26 Nov. 2001, lot 545; Naville Numismatics 15, 7 June 2015, lot 215), 5.58.

194A AE. 20 mm, 8.68 g (1). Axis: 11 (1) [ 0 ]

IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM; laureate head of Domitian, r., with small aegis (?)

[COL IVL] AVG COR; distyle temple within which Hermes seated on a rock, l., his r. hand on ram’s head beside hom, holding caduceus in l.

1. A. Tricarico coll., 8.68.

205/2. Luiz Correa de Lago coll., 7.91.


266/9. C HUAM 1976.40.368, 5.08.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


301/3. Šeldarov coll. 21, 3.07.

303/3. Skopje = Josifovski 544, 3.25; 4. GM 241, 10 Oct. 2016, lot 1817, 4.80.

303Ccorr./3. Šeldarov coll. 20, 2.46 (on the obv., ox, not horse).

306/4. CGT coll., 13.26.

310/11. CGT coll., 8.09 (the figure inside the tetrastyle temple seems to be Zeus standing l., his r. hand over eagle standing l., looking r.).

310A/8. CGT coll., 12.18 (the figure inside the tetrastyle temple seems to be Zeus standing r.,; at his feet, r., eagle standing r., looking l.).


323A AE. 26-28 mm, 11.73 g (2). Axis: 6 [ 0 ]

Touratsoglou, Domitian 7

As 323; laureate and cuirassed bust of Domitian,

r., with paludamentum, seen from frontAs 323

1. Philadelphia 29-126-338, 12.26 (= RPC 323/2 errore); 2. CGT coll., 11.19; 3. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Rauch 95, 30 Sep. 2014, lot 225), 13.34.

326corr. On the obv., a crescent in the l. field was omitted.

Koinon of Macedonia

332/2. Pecunem 31, 3 May 2015, lot 332, 14.09; 3. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 570, 14.53.

335/2. R. Effler coll., 16.57.


345B/1. Now T. Cederlind BBS 175, 14 Aug. 2014, lot 150; 2. A. Tricarico coll. (ex GM 241, 11 Oct. 2016, lot 1816), 10.80.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II MACEDONIA: Philippi

345Ccorr./2. Tricarico coll. (ex Naville Numismatics Live Auction 15, 7 June 2015, lot 167), 6.19. This coin provides the full obv. legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVII CEN P P P and therefore dates from AD 95-96; 3. CGT Coll., 7.58.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


351A AE. 30-32 mm, 16.57 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII[II] CENS PER P P; laureate head of Domitian, r.ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ΄Heracles wrestling lion, r.

1. Hazelton coll., 16.57.

352/6. CNG EA 318, 15 Jan. 2014, lot 412, 12.69; 7. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 2409, 13.25; 8. VAuctions Triskeles Sale 17, 16 Sep. 2016, lot 336, 12.81; 9-10. CGT coll., 10.92, 8.78. On the reverse, Apollo holds in his l. hand a bow and two arrows (not three as stated in RPC CS).

353/9. CNG EA 375, 1 June 2016, lot 505, 5.18 (7h); 10. Auctiones eA 49, 26 June 2016, lot 32, 6.94; 11. Auktionshaus Felzmann 157, 8-9 Nov. 2016, lot 52, 5.88.

354/4. R. Effler coll., 4.66.

354A/4. Nomos obolos 4, 21 Feb. 2016, lot 605, 1.84.


355/4. Numismatik Naumann 45, 3 July 12016, lot 366, 3.66.

356corr./8. CGT coll. (ex London Ancient Coins 50, 21 March 2016, lot 200), 4.55. Titus’ head is bare, not laureate.


358A. RPC I, 1739 was given to Augustus (?) though BMC attributed the L coin to Domitian. This attribution seems now the most likely: see M. Fox, Two numismatic puzzles from 1st century Sestus in B. Ciupercă ed., Archaeology of the first millennium A.D. IV. Nomads and the autochtonous in the first millennium A.D. (Istros, 2015), pp. 33-47.

358A/1 = RPC I, 1739/1; 2 = RPC 1739/2; 3. M. Fox coll. (= M. Fox, loc. cit., p. 44, Pl. I/5), 4.00; 4. GM 142, 10 Oct. 2005, lot 1906, 5.91.

359/4. Gorny and Mosch 225, 14 Oct. 2014, lot 1802, 4.61 (the obv. legend can be completed as DΟMITIA (upright to the l.) [NOC KAI]CAP (uprigth to the r.)); 5. A. Tricarico coll., 4.01 (the obv. legend starts at 1 o’clock and is clockwise).

360. M. Fox, loc. cit., pp. 36-8 suggests that this issue was minted during the civil war period of AD 68-9 and updates the catalogue.




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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


368/2. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 301), 3.66; 3-4. CGT coll., 3.97, 3.11 (star with 7 rays).

THRACE: Bythantium

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


405/6. Now CNG EA 224, 16 Dec. 2009, lot 345; 7. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 383, 4.16; 8. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 525, 4.57; 9. CGT coll., 4.95 (with cmk: TPA in rectangular punch on obv. = GIC 569).

411/8. CGT coll., 4.49.


412A/10. CGT coll., 4.14 (with cmk: TPA in rectangular punch on obv. = GIC 569); 11. CGT, 3.40; 12. CGT, 4.37.

412B/8. CGT coll., 3.30.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

Koinon of Bithynia

608A/1. Now Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64.1, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 1933.

618/3. Auctiones eA 49, 26 June 2016, lot 36, 5.95.


627/7. CNG EA 378, 13 July 2016, lot 308, 25.55 (7h).

628/17. Kölner Münzkabinett 102, 5-6 Dec. 2014, lot 144 (ex Münz Zentrum 161, 11 Jan. 2012, lot 277) (cmk TONZOY on the obv. = GIC 568).

630/2. G now published in SNG 1073; 4. Gorny and Mosch 237, 7-8 March 2016, lot 1653, 21.35.

631B/4. Rauch 97, I, 14 April 2015, lot 328, 5.08 (the rev. legend ends with - EPITRΟPΟU; in fields, NEI-KAI/PR BI).

632/8. Now Tricarico coll. (ex Auctiones eA 46, 27 March 2016, lot 21 = RPC CS 632/5 errore).


658B AE. 25 mm, 8.99 g (1). Axis: 7 (1) [ 0 ]

AUT DΟMITIANΟS KAISAR SEB GERM; radiate head of Domitian, r.As 658

1. CNG EA 325, 23 April 2014, lot 384, 8.99.

Prusias ad Hypium

676/7. Now A. Tricarico coll.


692/3. CGT coll., 5.96 (holed).

697corr./4. CNG EA 352, 3 June 2015, lot 290 (ex CNG EA 169, Wagner coll., 25 July 2007, lot 76), 3.01 (Domitian is radiate, not laureate)

Uncertain of Bithynia

711/2. CNG EA 323, 26 March 2014, lot 225, 2.60 (6h).


713/3. CNG EA 352, 3 June 2015, lot 289, 7.07.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II BYTHINIA AND PONTUS: Amastris, Sinope


716/2. Now Hirsch 317, 18 Feb. 2016, lot 2029 (no weight).

721/1. P 2016.159, 5.86, 12h. The coin recently acquired by the Coin Cabinet in P seems to be the Prowe coin, as the reading of the legends in Rec fits perfectly with the actual coin. The reverse does not figure an ‘altar with horns’, but a bearded head in archaic style of Dionysus, as in RPC III, 1226, 1228A, 1229.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


‘Provincial issues’ Aurei and denarii

846/6. Helios Numismatik 1, 17 April 2008, lot 449, 2.92; 3. CNG 88, 14 Sep. 2011, lot 1302, 3.01; 8. CNG 93, 22 May 2013, lot 1157, 3.39; 9. Nomos AG Obolos 3, 15 Nov. 2015, lot 293, 3.29; 10. CNG 102, 18 May 2016, lot 919, 3.26.846/6 and 8: same obv. die.

849A AV. 17 mm, 7.29 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]


IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS IIII TR P PP; laureate head of Vespasian, r.PACI ORB TERR AVG; turreted and draped female bust, r.

1. NAC 84, 20 May 2015, lot 943, 7.29. No mint-mark.


881/7. Rauch E-Auction 19, 26-27 Feb. 2016, lot 129, 6.51.

Parium ?

887/10. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 10, 26 July 2014, lot 501 (ex Helios 5, June 2010, lot 658), 8.80 (the obv. legend reads CAISAR).

888corr./9. Nomos AG Obolos 3, 15 Nov. 2015, lot 295, 7.24; 10 Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 336, 6.73.


890/4. Now CNG 88, 14 Sep. 2011, lot 874.

891/3. CNG EA 330, 9 July 2014, lot 168, 3.12 (12h).


894/9. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 476), 3.81 (Athena’s spear is not entwined with serpent: a serpent is erect over the spear).


898/3. Solidus Numismatik Online-Auktion 5, 26 April 2015, lot 153, 3.72.


901/4. CGT coll., 4.26 (12h). The letters below Cybele are still unclear.

901A AE. 16 mm, 2.80 g (1). Axis: 6 (1) [ 0 ]

GARGAREwN; diademed (?) and draped (?) bearded bust, r.Rhinoceros, r.; letters in exergue CA?

1. ‘Kressa Cherson coll.’, 2.80. The mysterious letters in the exergue seem to link this coin to the Vespasianic issue, where such letters were deciphered.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


903/13. Kölner Münzkabinett e-Auction 2, 1 Jan. 2017, lot 129, 2.95; 14. Agora Auctions Sale #64, 24 Jan. 2017, lot 107, 2.87. It is possible that RPC I, 2327, attributed to an Uncertain emperor (Tiberius ?) is in fact a Flavian coin.


914/6. Now CGT coll. (ex Naville 20, 2 July 2016, lot 276).


937/3-5. CGT coll., 3.19, 2.91, 2.81.

938/2. M. Fox coll., 4. 99 (with cmk GIC 307 on the obv.) This cmk is found on a coin of Hadrian. In RPC II, it was said that 938 could date to the second century and it is probably second century. The strategos Markos could be the same strategos as Markos Iounianos (RPC III, 2022).


940/3. A. Tricarico coll., 4.32; 4. CGT coll., 3.46; 5. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 10, 1

Dec. 2013, lot 300), 5.00.


950/9. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 15, 6 April 2014, lot 433, 3.10.

952A AE. 15-16 mm, 2.80 g (8). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

APΟLLΟNIDE(ΩN); bust of Apollo, r.IERA CUNKLHTΟC; draped bust of Senate, r.

1. Rauch Summer Auction 2009, 17 Sep. 2009, lot 237, 2.89; 2. Helios Numismatik 5, 25 June 2010, lot 772, 2.86; 3. Rauch 86, 12 May 2010, lot 370, 2.51; 4-8. CGT coll., 3.17, 2.81, 2.76, 2.72, 2.71.Cmk: capricorn with cornucopia, l. on the obv. of 5APΟLLΟNIDE: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8APΟLLΟNIDEΩN: 2, 5, 6

953/5. MM Deutschland 15, 21 Oct. 2004, lot 712, 7.72 (cmk: bee: GIC 364); 6. GM 176, 10 March 2009, lot 1679, 7.16; 7. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 1099, 7.41.

954/4. A 1891/92 LG’ 21, 4.39 (cmk: bee: GIC 364); 5. Helios Numismatik 5, 25 June 2010, lot 771, 3.34; 6. Jacquier 37, 7 Sep. 2012, lot 148, 3.36 (cmk: bee: GIC 364); 7. Gitbud and Naumann 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 477, 4.76 (cmk: bee: GIC 364); 8. Numismatik Naumann 41, 6 March 2016, lot 507, 4.95 (cmk: bee: GIC 364).

ASIA: Gargara, Scepsis, Mytilene, Nacrasa, Thyatira, Apollonis,

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


956A AE. 17 mm, 2.06 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 1 ]

QEAN RΟMHN; head of Roma, r.EPI DIΟ PITANAIΩN; round shield with pentagram

1. B I-B (= I-B, MG, p. 258, 145a), 2.06. This coin is linked to 956 by the name of Diodoros.

956B AE. 14-17 mm, 2.19 g (4). Axis: 12 [ 1 ]

QEAN RΟMHN; head of Roma, r.PITANAIΩN; round shield with pentagram

1. L BMC 15 and pl. XXXIV, 9, 2.56 (but QEA RΟMH); 2-4. CGT coll., 2.16, 2.14, 1.89. These coins are linked to 956A by their obverse and their reverse design.


965/6-8. CGT, 5.66, 4.60, 4.03.

966/6. Pecunem 42, 3 April 2016, lot 454, 3.57; 7. R. Effler coll., 3.62; 8-11. CGT, 5.42, 4.97, 4.83, 3.55.

967/7. R. Effler coll., 3.76; 8-11. CGT coll., 5.26, 4.69, 4.16, 4.10.

967A = 969A corr./1. H. Sneh coll. (ex CNG EA 257, 8 June 2011, lot 238), 5.33: same coin described under two headings; the ethnic of the city is in the field: AI-GAE//Ω-N and the correct name of the magistrate is APΟLLΩNIΟU NEMEΟNEIKΟU; 2. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Numismatik Naumann 44, 7 Aug. 2017, lot 593), 4.09; 3. CGT coll., 4.37.On 2 and 3, AI/GAE/ΩN in r. field

967B AE. 17-8 mm, 4.01 g (1). Axis: 12 (1) [ 0 ]

As 967As 969

1. CGT coll., 4.01.

969/4. R. Effler coll., 4.49.


978/5. MM Deutschland 43, 26 Feb. 2016, lot 160 (ex Rauch 91, 5 Dec. 2012, lot 105), 3.69; 6. CGT coll., 3.44.


980/5. A. Tricarico coll., 6.14.

980Acorr./3. Pecunem 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 468, 4.47: the fuller rev. legend is now EPI DIΟNUCΟDΩRΟU AGNΟU FILΟPATRIDΟC C[ ]; in field, r. THMNI.

981A AE. 14 mm, 1.72 g (1). Axis: 9 [ 0 ]

THMNOC; draped bust of Temnos, r.EPI AGNΟU; river-god reclining l., l. arm leaning on urn from which water flows

1. CGT coll., 1.72. The name, Agnos, links thos coin with 980, 980A and 981.

Magnesia (ad Sipylum)

984A AE. 26 mm, 15.78 g (1). Axis: ? [ 0 ]

ASIA: Pitane, , Aegae, Phocaea, Temnus, Magnesia ad Sipylum

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

DΟMITIANΟC KAICAP CEBACTOC GERMAN; laureate head of Domitian, r.MAGNHTΩN APΟ [CIPU]; river-god reclining, l., holding branch in r. hand, his l. arm on urn from which water flows

1. A. Tricarico coll., 15.78.


987/4. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 520, 4.31.

987A AE. 20 mm, 4.81 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

As 987MΟSTHNΩN KAIS[ ]; river-god reclining l., holding reed? in r. hand, his l. arm on urn from which water flows

1. London Ancient Coins Ltd 36, 15 July 2014, lot 55, 4.81.

988/3. Pecunem 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 498, 5.68.

990/2. A 5828b, 4.14.

992A AE. 23 mm, 6.32 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

TITOC [DΟMITIANΟC] KAICAP[EC]; laureate heads of Titus and Domitian facing

each otherAs 992, but hero, r.

1. A. Tricarico coll., 6.32.

993/3. CGT coll., 4.73 (6h).

994/3. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 239, 3.00.

994A AE. 19 mm, 5.82 g (1). Axis: 12 [ 0 ]

As 994As 994, but hero, l.

1. CGT coll., 5.82.


1040/4. Naville Numismatics Ltd Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 296, 9.53.

1042/6. CGT coll., 5.50.

Cilbia Nicaea

1059/3. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 515), 3.01 (6h) (no poppy).


1070/4. CGT coll., 22.61 (with a complete reverse legend: APTEMIC EFECIA).

ASIA: Magnesia ad Sipylum, Mostene, Teos, Cilbia Nicaea, Ephesus

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


1172A AE. 13-14 mm, 2.17 g (14). Axis: 12, 6 [6]

Turreted and draped bust of Tyche, r. KΩIΩN; kalathos with ears of grain and poppy; to l. and r., torch

1-2. L BMC 17-18, 2.40, 2.50; 3-4. L 1961-3-1-352 and 353, 1.81, 2.92; 5-6. B Fox, 2.33, 2.13; 7. Karlsruhe, 2.07; 8. Tü SNG 3532, 2.25; 9. Göttingen D7 70.12, 2.77; 10-13. Cos; 14. P. Requier coll. (ex Numismatik Naumann 44, 5 June 2016, lot 565), 2.03. In RPC II, p. 178, it was said that the fabric and die axis of this series suggested a Flavian or Trajanic date. It was not included in RPC III. The reverse design recalls Domitia’s reverses with kalathos or torches. It is therefore included here.


1193/2. Gorny and Mosch 232, 5 Oct. 2015, lot 334, 22.62 (same obv. die as 1193/1; same reverse legend despite Gorny’s comment).


1232/4. CGT coll., 2.71 (on the reverse, DIA MENIPΟU, as on 1232/1. Both forms - MENIPΟU or MENIPPΟU - occur).

1233/3. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 40, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 421, 3.20.


1235/2. Numismatik Naumann 47, 9 Oct. 2016, lot 332, 5.51.


1262A/2. Now Editions V. Gadoury Auction 2012, 1 Dec. 2012, lot 181.

1267/5. CNG Triton V, 15 Jan. 2002, lot 1736 (ex MM 76, 19 Sep. 1991, lot 519), 3.98.


1275/10. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 750, 10.00.

1283/5. CGT coll., 13.19.

1298/4. CGT coll., 3.23 (12h); 5. CGT coll., 309 (12h).

ASIA: Ephsus, Cos, Rhodes, Attuda, Trapezopolis, Cibyra, Laodicea

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1307/5. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 528, 3.33.

1308/5. CGT coll., 5.18.

1311/10. M. Fox coll., 13.47.

1312/8. CGT coll., 6.68 (monogram in l. field).

1314/2. CGT coll., 7.28.

1315/5. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Rauch 95, 30 Sep. 2014, lot 230), 7.60 (the obv. legend ends with [OYEC]PACIANΩN; 1315/5 and 1315A/5 are probably from the same obv. die).

1315A/4. CGT coll., 7.51; 5. Rauch 101, 19-20 April 2016, lot 1420 (the reverse legend is now completed: EPI T FL EICIGΟNΟU CARDIANΩN CTRA). The possibility that this series struck in the name of Titus is an ‘alliance’ coinage with Smyrna, as suggested in RPC CS, is discussed by P.-O. Hochard, Sur la monnaie 2011/226 du Cabinet des médailles: question d’attribution et d’identification d’une émission provinciale de Titus, BSFN 70, 1,

Jan. 2015, pp. 2-9.

1317/10. Numismatik Naumann 45, 3 July 2016, lot 470, 11.05.


1324/3. Pecunem 41, 6 March 2016, lot 510, 5.41.

Flavia Philadelphia

1331/5. CNG EA 128, 7 Dec. 2015, lot 140, 3.26; 6. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 709, 2.00.

1338/9. J. Clark coll., 5.62 (the reverse legend ends with FLABIWN FILADELF; the description of the reverse type omitted that the seated goddess holds an animal on her knees, maybe a stag); 10. CGT coll., 4.78.

Domitianopolis Sala

1341/2. CGT coll., 9.52 (C of CALHNΩN seems missing).


1355/2. CGT coll., 2.88.

Caesarea Bagis

1358/4. CGT coll., 3.80.

ASIA: Sardis, Daldis, Flavia Philadelphia, Domitianopolis Sala, Caesarea Bagis

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

Iulia Gordus

1385/5-6. CGT coll., 3.90, 3.63


1409/5. CGT coll., 3.93 (the reverse legend is simply EPI K PAPULΟU).


1415B AE. 33 mm, 23.51 g (1). Axis: 6h [ 0 ]

As 1415 and 1415ADHMHTHR SEBASTH; Demeter standing l., holding ears of grain and resting with her l. on sceptre; in field, MI-DA

1. A. Tricarico coll. (CNG EA 347, 25 March 2015, lot 370), 23.51. Same obv. die as 1415/1-2 and 1415A/1.

ASIA: Iulia Gordus, Cotiaeum, Midaeum

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II


1602/2. CGT coll., 4.79.


1605Acorr./2. A. Tricarico coll., 6.53; 3. A.Tricarico coll., 7.25. The specimen 2 gives the complete obv. legend: DOMITIANO CAESARI AVGVSTI F COS IIII.

Claudiconium (= Iconium)

1607/4. CGT (ex Rauch, Summer Auction 2012, 20 Sep. 2012, lot 859), 10.21; 5. CGT (ex Roma E-Sale 1, 31 Aug. 2013, lot 321), 12.24; 6. Solidus Online Auction 9, 8 Oct. 2016, lot 339 (ex Pecunem Gitbut and Naumann 9, 3 Nov. 2013, lot 358; Solidus Auction 22, 21 Sep. 2014, lot 135), 11.60; 7-10. CGT, 10.75, 10.30, 9.02, 8.00. The correct description of the reverse is Cybele seated l., holding patera in her r. hand, her l. arm resting on drum; at her feet, lions.

1608A/2. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Rauch 97, 14 April 2015, lot 343), 5.38 (12h). The obv. legend is complete: DΟMITIANΟC KAICAP.

1608B AE. 16 mm, 2.64 g (3). Axis: ? [ 1 ]

vA 252 corr.

Winged head of Medusa facing

KLAUDEIKΟNIEwN; Cybele seated l., holding patera in her r. hand, her l. arm resting on drum

1. B, 2.38; 2. Hirsch 272, 4 May 2011, lot 360; 3. GM 225, 14 Oct. 2014, lot 1865, 2.52; 4. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 29, 1 March 2015, lot 331, 3.02.

1608C AE. 15-6 mm, 2.58 g (5). Axis: ? [ 2 ]

vA 250-1

Winged head of Medusa facing

KLAUDAIKΟNIEwN; in 3 or 4 lines in wreath

1. P FG 27 (= Wadd. 4761), 2.17 (3 lines); 2. V, 2.10 (this coin illustrated on Taf. 6: rev. upside down) (4 lines); 3. Stack’s Coin Galleries August 2009, 18 Aug. 2009, lot 4237, 3.39 (4 lines); 4. CGT Coll. (ex Auctiones eAuction 24, lot 32), 2.21 (4 lines; head of Medusa facing ¾ right); 5. Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann 37, 1 nov. 2015, lot 562, 3.05 (3 lines).




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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II GALATIA - CAPPADOCIA: Claudiconium, Koinon of Galatia, Ancyra, Caesarea

1608B and C were omitted from RPC I, II or III. They probably belong to the Flavian period, as the reverse type of 1608B matches RPC II, 1607.

1610/2. CGT coll., 5.19; 3. A. Tricarico coll., 5.58.

Koinon of Galatia

1617/4. CNG EA 368, 10 Feb. 2016, lot 248, 9.79.


1620corr. The obverse legend reads - SEBASTΟU UIΟS (not SEBASTΟS UIΟS).


1651/21. M. Casola coll. (ex Agora Auctions, Auction 10, 27 May 2014, lot 64), 6.63 (the reverse legend reads DΟMETIANΟC KAICAP CEBA YIO ET Q).

1681/7. G. Rohde SKU: 17264, 6.42.

1688/8. CGT coll., 7.11 (the correct reverse legend is EPI/BACCOY/PRECBEY/TOY ET/IE).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II



1719 corr./2. Staffieri coll., 10.99 (ex MM Deutschland 19, 16 May 2006, lot 166 = NAC XL, 2011, p. 281). The coin is indeed a coin of Vespasian (AUTΟKRATΟRΟS SEBASTΟU ΟUESPASIANΟU) and Titus (AUTΟKRATΟRΟS TITΟU ΟUESPASIANΟU).

1721/8. CNG EA 342, 14 Jan. 2015, lot 450, 5.14, 6h (ex Levante). The reverse legend must be corrected to LALASEΩN (not LALLASEΩN).


1724/4. A. Tricarico coll., 11.42 (in l. field, the legend is DIΟ/AC/CA).

1725/5. CGT coll., 8.71.


1738/1. Now CNG EA 121, 24 Aug. 2005, lot 144; 3. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 694, 7.69; 4. CGT coll., 7.09 (with cmk on the obv. : GIC 381?).

1739/7. CNG EA 201, 17 Dec. 2008, lot 267, 5.65.


1744/2. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 695, 13.55.


1760/8. Triton VIII, 11 Jan. 2005, lot 781, 14.65 (very unlikely weight); 9. Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 725, 2.84; 10. Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot 691, 2.60.

1761/6. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Nomos 6, 26 June 2016, lot 568), 2.60 (au droit, DΟMITIAN-KAICAP).


1766/3. CGT Coll. (ex Auctiones 53, Burbach coll., lot 108), 3.95.

1767/6. Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 18, 27 June 2015, lot 599, 3.69 (catalogued as Gortyna, Crete).

Hierapolis (Castabala)

1784/7-9. CGT coll., 8.33, 6.54, 5.94.


1785/2. A. Tricarico coll. (ex Hirsch 258, 25 Sep. 2008, lot 2479; Gorny and Mosch 204, 5

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II CILICIA: Epiphanea

March 2012, lot 1830; Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 64, 20 Nov. 2014, lot 2141; Künker eLive Auction 38, lot 124), 12.95, 12h (the obv. legend can now be read as DΟMITIANΟC KAICAP); 3. Numismatik Naumann 45, 3 July 2016, lot 546, 12.96.

1786/3. CNG EA 102, 24 Nov. 2004, lot 155, 7.18.

1788/1. Now CNG EA 324, 9 April 2014, lot 256.

1790Acorr./2. Lindgren III, 1183; 3. CNG EA 223, 2 Dec. 2009, lot 349, 3.83; 4. CNG EA 328, 11 June 2014, lot 322, 2.86; 5. A. Tricarico coll., 4.25 (the obv. legend can now be completed in DΟMITIANΟC KAICAP).



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1820-1 corr. The correct obv. legend ends with CEBACTOC and not KAICAP.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

Aurei and denarii

1906/5. Now Tkalec/Astarte Public Auction (Roman Gold Coins. Ferruccio Bolla Collection), 28 Feb. 2007, lot 23, 7.70.


1971. Private coll. (on the obv., a graffito ANTIOX).

Orichalcum coinage

1989/6. Numismatik Naumann 46, 4 Sep. 2016, lot 459, 2.85.


2035C AE. 19 mm, 4.85 g (7). Axis: 12 [ 4 ]

H. Seyrig, Syria XXIX (1952), p. 55

Draped bust of young Dionysus, l., wearing wine wreath; in filed, l., filleted thyrsus

AMR/IΟULIEwN/TwN KAI LA/ΟDIKEwN; pharos of Laodicea

1. P, 5.30; 2. Mu SNG 878, 5.31; 3-4. NY, 5.38,

3.34; 5. CNG EA 115, 25 Mai 2005, lot 304, 5.03; 6. CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 262, 3.93; 7. CNG EA 384, 12 Oct. 2016, lot 439, 5.65. This series is dated year 141 (AMP), AD 93/4


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

Agrippa II

2274/6. Leu 86, 5 May 2003, lot 504, 17.90; 7. CNG EA 253, 6 April 2011, lot 280 (ex CNG EA 180, 23 Jan. 2008, lot 113), 18.91; 8. CNG EA 265, 5 Oct. 2011, lot 282, 14.70; 9. CNG EA 293, 19 Dec. 2012, lot 205, 16.06; 10. CNG EA 297, 27 Feb. 2013, lot 235, 19.51; 11. CNG EA 306, 10 July 2013, lot 304, 15.96; 12. Baldwin’s 83, 24 Sep. 2013, lot 4111 (ex The New York Sale XXX, 9 Jan. 2013, lot 210), 18.64; 13. CNG EA 335, 24 Sep. 2014, lot 361, 15.78; 14. CNG EA 337, 22 Oct. 2014, lot 274, 19.01; 15. CNG EA 349, 22 April 2015, lot 327, 20.47; 16. CNG EA 360, 30 Sep. 2015, lot 275, 18.39; 17. A. Tricarico coll. (ex CNG EA 301, 24 April 2013, lot 214), 16.31 (variant with a circular reverse legend).

2275/7. CNG EA 284, 8 Aug. 2012, lot 192, 16.72; 8. CNG EA 290, 7 Nov. 2012, lot 298, 17.87; 9. CNG EA 344, 11 Feb. 2015, lot 365, 17.56; 10. CNG EA 355, 15 July 2015, lot 348, 13.29.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II



G. M. Staffieri, La ‘corona radiata’ sui ritratti dei bronzi imperiali alessandrini (con catalogo ragionato), NAC 42, 2013, pp. 121-144, stresses the unusal and episodic nature of its appearance, implying a lack of any systematic significance (e.g. denomination or divinity of the emperor).1 year 9 RPC 2562 (radiate crown not mentioned by RPC) K366, Demetrio 8692 year 10 RPC 2571 D468, O4973 year 10 Cited from M 453  (confirmation required).

2474/2. Br 358 (inscribed NILOS).

2478/4. Hazelton coll., 12.57.

2550/4. CNG MBS 75, 23 May 2007, lot 875, described as RPC -. But the description and illustration correspond to 2550, although the hippopotamus below the reclining figure is misdescribed as an elephant. The description in the sales catalogue seems to oscillate between Nilus and Euthenia (as in Curtis 284a); but the figure looks male and the hippopotamus is the normal accompaniment to Nilus.

2637var. with obv. Ed = W. Kellner, Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten. Von Kleopatra bis Arcadius (Vienna, 2009) 3.18, 8.97.

2716. A Tricarico coll. (ex Naville Live Auction 26, 23 Oct. 2016, lot 139), 4.10.


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. II

506), 10.82 (on the obverse, clockwise and retrograde [ ] OYECPA-CIA[ ])

2812corr./7. Now A. Tricarico coll. The correct obv. legend is AUTΟKRATΩR ΟUEC[ ] KAICAR CEBACTOC.

2817corr. AE. 24-6 mm, 9.52 g (5). Axis: 12 [ 1 ]

[ ]KPA (below) DΟMITIANΟC (above); laureate head of Domitian, r., facing had of Domitia, l.KΩRUKI/ΩTΩN in l. field OPONTOY in r. field; Athena wearing helmet and chition advancing r., head l., extending her r. arm and holding shield on l.

3. M. Fox coll, 10.11 4. A. Tricarico coll., 10.11; 5. Private coll., 7.61; 6. Private coll., 10.23; 7. CNG EA 321, 26 Feb. 2014, lot 374, 9.00. The attribution to Corycus, which was guessed in RPC II, is now secure.

2801/8. A. Tricarico coll., 12.15 (the obv. legend seems to end with CEBACTAC: sic).

2802/2. CGT coll., 6.05 (12h) (same dies as 2802/1).

2803/2. A. Tricarico coll., 10.03 (on the obv., a square cmk: two letters, E and ? on both sides of a club?; on the rev., in r. field, B? and maybe a letter before).

2809/5. CNG EA 112, 13 April 2005, lot 100, 3.79; 6. CNG EA129, 21 Dec. 2005, lot 243, 3.96; 7. CNG EA 365, 16 Dec. 2015, lot 294, 3.44.

2811/5. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem 43, 1 May 2016, lot




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Roman Provincial Coinage

Volume III

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Reviews and notices of RPC III have been published by L. Schmitt, CGB Bulletin Numismatique 148, Dec. 2015, pp. 16-17; G. Bransbourg, ANS Magazine 2016/1, pp. 46-52; S. Günther, NNB 2016/6, p. 242, and J.-L. Ferrary presented RPC III at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris) and his presentation is printed in CRAI 2016, Jan.-March, pp. 57-8.

Further readings:

M. Amandry, Le monnayage cyrénéen de Trajan, in M. Asolati (ed.), Le monete di Cirene e della Cirenaica nel Mediterraneo. Problemi e prospettive (Padova, 2016), pp. 285-91; Id., Monnayages provinciaux et civiques en argent sous Hadrien. Un nouvel atelier monétaire en Cappadoce, CRAI Jan-Mar. 2016, pp. 33-56. M. Amandry and A. Küter, Antinoüs, in Marguerite Yourcenar et l’empereur Hadrien. Une réécriture de l’antiquité (Bavay, 2016), pp. 80-93.

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Dupondii, AD 119/28

122A AE. 27 mm, 13.19 g (1). Axis: 7 (1). [ 0 ]

IMP CAES TRAIAN HADR AVG; bare headed cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., with paludamentum, seen from frontCOL L VIL (sic) COR; Propylaea, with central arch and two columns at each side, surmounted by quadriga and statues

1. CGT coll. (ex Ebay Solidus Numismatik), 13.19.1: same obv. die as 119/1, 120/1, 121/1–3, 122/1, 123/1, 124/1–2, 125/1, 128/1–2.

Asses, AD 117/28

188A AE. 20 mm, 7.66 g (1). Axis: 1 (1). [ 0 ]

IMP CAE TRAI-ANV HADR AV; laureate bust of Hadrian, r., with paludamentumCOL L IVL COR; Hygieia standing, l. holding serpent in r. hand and patera in l.

1. M. Fox coll., 7.66.


564A AE. 22 mm, 4.92 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 1 ]

ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augus-tus, r.ΝƐΙΚΟΠΟΛƐωϹ; Nike in biga r., holding wreath and palm branch

1. P 2016/43, 4.92.1: same obv. die as 563/1, 564/1.

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Coinage without imperial portrait

657A AE. 21–2 mm, 6.51 g (2). Axis: 9 (1). [ 0 ]

ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; emperor in military dress standing l., r. foot on prow, holding spear in r. hand and left holding eagle-tipped sceptreΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ; Artemis Tauropolos riding on bull, r.

1. CGT coll., 6.84; 2. CGT coll., 6.18.Style is similar to 652 and 654.




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Iuventius Celsus, presbeutès

705A AE. 21 mm, 5.45 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]; laureate and cuirassed bust of Tra-jan, r., with paludamentumΕΠΙ ΙΟΥΟΥ ΚΕΛϹ ΠΡΕϹ, Π Ε; Homonoia/Concordia standing l., holding patera in extended r. hand and cornucopia in l.

1. CGT coll., 5.45.


757A AE. 23 mm, 8.72 g (1). Axis: 10 (1). [ 0 ]

IMP CAESAR TRAI-AN HADRIANΟS; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, r.AEL MVNICIPI COELANO; prow to l.

1. CGT coll. (ex Pecunem Auction 34, 9 Aug. 2015, lot 540), 8.72.A larger denomination for Coela.

760A AE. 19 mm, 5.55 g (1). Axis: 9 (1). [ 0 ]

HADRIANVS AVG; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, r., aegis on shoulder[AELI MVNICIPI] COELANO; prow to r.

1. CGT coll., 5.55.


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Year 145, AD 121/1

955A AV. 20 mm, 7.73 g (1). Axis: 5 (1). [ 0 ]

Anokhin —

Bust of Chersonas, l.; in l. field, serpentΜΡ Ε; maiden standing, l. with bow and spear; in l. field, monogram

1. CNG 100.1, 7 Oct. 2015, lot 60, 7.73.ΜΡ Ε is a strange way of expressing 145, even at Chersonesus. The date might perhaps be 140 and the E stand for ‘year’.


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Koinon of Bithynia

I. 6

1014A AE. 32 mm, 25.89 g (1). Axis: 7 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ; laureate head of Hadrian, r., with drapery on l. shoulderΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΑϹ; octastyle temple on podium of two steps; pellet between middle columns; in pediment, sacrificing Genius

1. ETB coll. (ex Vcoins Martina Dieterle) (‘countermark’ looks like a modern engraving), 25.89.

Cius (Prusias ad Mare)

1050A AE. 34 mm, 23.41 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 1 ]

Rec —

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΝ ƐΛƐΥΘƐΡΙΟΝ; bare head of Hadrian, r.[ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗ] ΚΙΟϹ; turreted city of Cius, standing l., sacrificing with patera over lighted altar and resting with l. on sceptre

1. A Π 535, 23.41.

Uncertain of Bithynia

C. Iulius Bassus, procos, AD 101/2

1124A AE. 18 mm, 2.94 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

Stumpf 571corr.

ΑΥΤΟ Ν ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ [ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ] ΓΕΡΜ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΕΠΙ Γ ΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΣΟΥ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ; cornucopia

1. CGT coll., 2.94.Might Trajan be radiate?

Coinage without ethnic with ΔΙΟС

1151A AE. 19 mm, 4.99 g (1). [ 0 ]

]ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹ C[; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΔΙΟϹ; altar1. Pecunem 35, 6 September 2015, lot 397, 4.99; 2. Lindgren I, 132.For the style, compare 1152.

1152A AE. 22 mm, 4.25 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙ ϹΕ ΓΕΡ ΔΑ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΔΙΟϹ; altar

1. Naville Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 270, 4.25.


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BITHYNIA AND PONTUS: Uncertain of Bithynia, Tium, Amastris, Sinope

1158A AE. 21 mm, 4.98 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΕ ΓΕΡ Δ; laureate head of of Trajan, r.ΔΙ; eagle standing facing, head r., wings spread, on globe

1. CGT coll., 4.98.


1180A AE. 14 mm, 1.83 g (2). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΟΣ; torch

1. Weigel coll., 1.90; 2. Coin found at Üçbu-run, 40km south of Tios (D. S. Lenger, Coins from the Tios Excavations, in S. Atasoy and S. Yildirim ed. Tios. An Ancient City in Zongul-dak (2015), p. 402, n° 199), 1.76.In RPC III, the coin was classified as 6557. it was suggested that the coin was ‘maybe an issue from Perge (see RPC III, 2704)’. But the prove-nance of the new specimen (2) suggests Tium, and the style is similar to 1179–80.


1204A AE. 134 mm, 4.76 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ• ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ•Ϲ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒ Γ•Δ; radiate head of Trajan, r.ΑΜΑϹΤΡΙϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙϹ [ ]; turreted bust

of Amastris, l.

1. Forum coins, 4.76.


Year 182, AD 136/7

1228A AE. 33 mm, 24.39 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

L AELIVS CAESAR; bare head of Aelius r.C I F ANN CLX[XXII]; bearded head in archaistic style of Dionysus; on either side, two small genii.

1. Righetti coll., 24.39.

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1330A AR. 28 mm, 10.89 g (1). [ 0 ]

HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; bust draped r. seen from behindDIANA EPHESIA; cult image of Ephesian Artemis

1. CNG 72, 14 June 2006, lot 1492 (ex RPC 1330/2), 10.89


1367A AR. 28 mm, 10.94 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Metcalf —

HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS; bust, draped, in cuirass, r. seen from behindCOS III; distyle temple on two steps in which Zeus seated facing l., resting on a vertical sceptre with his r. hand and holding a Victory on globe on his l. between Hera on his l., resting with her l. hand on sceptre and Athena on r. holding spear in her r.

1. Mark Thomas coll., 10.94.D in obv. legend is retrograde, as on 1375, and 1405A.

Mint A

1405A AR. 26 mm, 10.45 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Metcalf —

AVGVSTV HADRIANVS; head laureate r.SABINA AVGVSTA; (Sabina as) Pietas seated l., holding patera and sceptre.

1. Mark Thomas coll., 10.45.The D in the obv. legend is retrograde.

Mint E

1461A AR. 26 mm, 10.65 g (1). [ 0 ]

Metcalf —

HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P; head laure-ate r.COS III; bundle of five grain stalks.

1.  ETB coll. 511 (ex Herbert Grün Heidel-berger Münzhandlung Auction 66, 16 Nov. 2015, lot 134; CNG MBS 66, 19 May 2004, lot 1488), 10.65.


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ASIA: Unattributted cistophori, Cyzicus, Abydus, Perperene, Germe

Unattributed cistophori

1472A AR. 27 mm, 8.58 g (1). [ 0 ]

Metcalf 114

HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P; head r.COS III; bunch of 6 ears of corn

1. ETB coll., 8.58.This obv. legend is only found at Ephesus, Miletus and 1472 (unattributed), so it has been placed as 1472A as it does not look Ephesian or from Miletus.



1527A AE. 18 mm, 4.42 g (1). [ 0 ]

ϹΑΒΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Sabina, r., with hair coiled and piled on top of head above double stephaneΚΥ-ΖΙ; Hero Kyzicos naked but a chlamys on l. shoulder, standing l., resting on sceptre with his r. hand, l. hand on his hip

1. ETB coll. (ex Pecunem 43, 8 May 2016, lot 626), 4.42.1: same obv. die as 1527/1.


1556A AE. 18 mm, 4.32 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΚΑΙ[ ]ΤΡΑΙΑ Ϲ Γ; laureate and draped head of Trajan, r.ΑΒ Υ; the Dioscuri naked, standing facing, looking at each other, their outer arms each resting on spear, the inner, from which hangs a fold of drapery, holding ?

1. CGT coll., 4.32.Ϲ and Γ in obv. not certain.



Epagathos, strategos

1697A AE. 25 mm, 8.00 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]ΝΕΡΒΑ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ [ ]ΓΕΡΜ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ƐΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ƐΠΑΓΑΘΟΥ ΠƐΡΠƐΠΗΝΙΩΝ; Dionysus standing facing, head l., holding a bunch of grapes in his r. hand

1. G. Terzian coll. (ex CNG EA 355, 15 July 2015, lot 275), 8.00.


Ioul. Moukianos

1766A AE. 23–4 mm, 8.46 g (2). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate bust of Trajan, r., with paludamentum, seen from rearEΠ IOYΛ MOYKIANOY [ ] ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ; Artemis standing r., drawing arrow from quiver with her r. hand, holding bow in l.; at her feet, dog

1. H. Ihl coll., 7.88; 2. Münz Zentrum 128, 1–3 June 2005, lot 163, 9.03.1–2: same pair of dies. There are two or three letters after Moukianou: perhaps a Λ, ?, and then Χ.

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ASIA: Nacrasa, Hierocaesarea


Artemidoros, strategos

1808A AE. 21–2 mm, 6.64 g (2). Axis: 6 (1) or 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΝΑΚΡΑϹΙΤΩΝ; draped bust of Artemis Persica, with bow and quiver at l. shoulderΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΥ ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΩΡΟΥ; Apollo naked standing facing, head l., holding laurel-branch in his r. hand, and hand on hip

1. CGT coll., 5.83; 2. CGT coll. (ex Ebay Savoca), 7.44.

Markos Iounianos, strategos

1810A AE. 23 mm, 7.84 g (2). Axis: 6 (1) or 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΝΑΚΡΑϹEΙΤΩΝ; draped bust of Artemis Persi-ca r., with bow and quiver at l. shoulder[ ] Μ ΙΟΥΝ[ ]; Apollo naked standing facing, head l., holding laurel-branch in his r. hand, and hand on hip

1. CGT coll., 7.41; 2. CGT coll. (Countemark not certain: perhaps a corn ear?), 8.26.Countermark: corn ear? (GIC -: on rev. of 2).

Coinage without imperial portrait: Trajan/Hadrian

1813A AE. 16–17 mm, 2.24 g (2). Axis: 12. [ 0 ]

ΘΕΟΝ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; draped bust of Senate, r.ΝΑΚΡΑϹΙΤΩΝ; turreted and draped bust of Roma, r.

1. CGT coll., 2.51; 2. CGT coll., 1.96.


1845A AE. 21 mm, 3.53 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΝΕΡΒΑΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ; Nike advancing r. with wreath and palm

1. CGT coll., 5.53.1: same obv. die as 1845/1.

1850A AE. 21–4 mm, 7.00 g (2). Axis: 6. [ 0 ]

ϹΑΒƐΙΝΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ; draped and diademed bust of Sabina, r.ΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ [ ]ΔΩΝ; Artemis walking r., drawing arrow from quiver with her r. hand, holding bow in l.; behind, stag

1. CGT coll., 6.44; 2. Ihl coll., 7.56.Presumably the second word is ΛΥΔΩΝ, but it does not otherwise seem attested on coins of Hierocaesarea.

1854A AE. 15 mm, 1.65 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΠΕΡϹΙΚΗ; draped bust of Artemis Persica l., with bow and quiver at l. shoulderΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ; stag r.

1. CGT coll. (ex Forum Ancient Coins), 1.65.



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ASIA: Hierocaesarea, Hermocapelia, Aegae, Dioshieron

1861A AE. 16 mm, 3.54 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

LS 15/20–21

ΠΕΡϹΙΚΗ; draped bust of Artemis Persica r., with bow and quiver at l. shoulderΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ; humped bull, r.

1. CGT coll., 3.54.A combination of 1855 (obv.) and 1861 (rev.).


1879A AE. 18 mm, 3.27 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΘƐΑ ΡΩ ƐΡΜΟΚΑΠΗΛƐΙ; turreted and draped bust of Roma, r.ΘƐΟΝ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; draped bust of the Senate, r.

1. CGT coll. (ex Vcoins Gert Boersema), 3.27.



1920A AE. 19 mm, 3.95 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΠΛΩΤΕ[ ]; draped (?) bust of Plotina, r.[ ]ΛΙΟΥ ΓΟΡΔ[ ]; in field, ΑΙΓΑ; Isis standing facing, head l., holding sistrum and situla

1. CGT coll., 3.95.The reading of the rev. legend is not clear.

1926A AE. 15 mm, 1.70 g (1). [ 0 ]

[ ΤΡ]ΑΙΑΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝ; laureate head of

Hadrian r. ΑΙΓΑΕΩΝ; draped bust of Apollo, r.

1. Ebay Naumann 24690, 1.70.The reading of the first word of the obverse is not sure: the Ι looks more like a Ρ.



Apollonios, strategos

2031A AE. 30 mm, 16.63 g (4). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΝΕΡΒΑϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹ ΓΕΡ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΥ ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ; in field, l. and r., ΕΠ-Ι ϹΤΡ; Zeus seated l., his r. hand extended, his l. resting on sceptre

1. A BG NP 2422, 19.70; 2. CNG EA 227, 10 Feb. 2010, lot 353 (ex CNG EA 211, Wagner coll., 3 June 2009, lot 327), 14.48; 3. vA SNG 2940, 14.98; 4.  CGT coll. (weight after cleaning: 16.53!), 17.34.Formerly 6547 (uncertain) but identified by CGT (November 2015).Countermark: Artemis Ephesia (GIC 235:  on obv. of 2, 3).



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ASIA: Ephesus, Miletus, Philadelphia, Tmolus, Sardis (Caesarea)


2074A AE. 25 mm, 15.15 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟϹ; laureate head of Hadrian, r.ΑΡΤΕΜΙϹ ΕΦΕϹΙΑ; Artemis standing r., her r. knee on kneeling stag, seizing stag’s head with her l. hand, holding dagger in r.

1.  CGT coll. (ex VCoins Sebastian Sonder-mann), 15.15.



Rouphos, b

2146A AE. 30 mm, 15.52 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ϹΑΒΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; diademed and draped bust of Sabina, l., hair falling in plait down neck

ΜΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ ƐΠΙ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ ΤΟ Β; Apollo seated on rock, l., looking r., his r. hand on his head, holding bow in his l. hand

1. CGT coll. (ex Dei Gratia Coins), 15.52.


PhiladelphiaI. Severianos

2378A AE. 18 mm, 3.32 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0] 

ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ; laureate head of

Trajan, r.ΕΠΙ Ι ϹΕΟΥΗΡΙ ΦΙΛ[ ]; Herakles standing facing, head r., r. hand resting on club, lion’s skin over left arm

1. CGT coll., 3.32.



2387A AE. 23 mm, 6.01 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Λ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare-headed draped bust of Aelius, r.ΤΜΩΛΙΤΩΝ; Uncertain goddess, standing facing, holding two staffs (?)

1. CGT coll. (ex Naville 20, 7 February 2016, lot 304; Jacquier Katalog 20, Herbst 1997, lot 341), 6.01.

Sardis (Caesarea)


2402A AE. 30 mm, 15.04 g (1). Axis: 5 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟϹ; laureate head of Hadrian, r., with drapery over shouldersΕΠΙ ΚΟΡΝΟΥΤΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Zeus standing l., holding eagle and sceptre

1. CGT coll., 15.04.

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ASIA: Maeonia, Sala, Bagis, Cadi, Tiberiopolis


Coinage without imperial portrait: Hadrian?Apollônios, to b, arch

2427A AE. 14 mm, 2.77 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Laureate and draped bust of Heracles, r.ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΥ ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ; club and bow in quiver

1. CGT coll., 2.77.


Alexandros, hiereus

2436A AE. 16 mm, 2.20 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΔΗΜΟϹ ϹΑΛΗΝΩΝ; draped bust of bearded Demos, r.ΕΠΙ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ; bunch of grapes

1.  CGT coll. (ex CNG Auction 226, 27 Jan. 2010, lot 446, ex Righetti coll.), 2.20.

C. Val. Androneikos

2447A AE. 21–3 mm, 7.11 g (3). Axis: 6 or 7 (1). [ 3 ]

ΙƐΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of Senate, r.ΕΠΙ Γ ΟΥΑΛ ΑΝΔΡΟ ϹΑΛΗΝΩΝ; Antinous as Dionysus naked to waist, himation over lower limbs, standing cross-legged r., holding a bunch of grapes in r. hand and a cantharus in his l. hand leaning on a column

1.  P  1099 (15), 7.53; 2.  V  19519, 6.98; 3. B Prokesch-Osten, 6.82.RPC IV temp. number 2855.


2459A AE. 20 mm, 5.11 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑ-ΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝ; laureate bust of Hadrian, r., with drapery on l. shoulderΒΑΓΗΝΩΝ; Zeus seated l., holding thunderbolt in his r. hand and sceptre in l.

1. CGT coll., 5.11.


Diogenes, archon

2499A AE. 20–1 mm, 6.21 g (3). Axis: 6 (1). [ 1 ]

ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤ; draped bust of Senate, r.ΕΠΙ (ΑΡ) ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥϹ ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ; Cybele seated l. holding patera in her extended r. hand and tympanum on l. arm; below, lion l.

1. von Aulock 3681 (with ΑΡ), 6.85; 2. Prowe (Egger XLVI, 11 May 1914, lot 1658) (no ΑΡ), 6.15; 3. L 1975,0411.147 (in the first update to RPC III (June 2016) this was mistakenly attribut-ed to Synaus, as RPC 2527B), 5.64.


2515A AE. 15–17 mm, 2.23 g (2). Axis: 6. [ 1 ]

vA, Phryg. 1256

ΑΥΤΟΚ(ΡΑ) ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; radiate head of Hadrian, r.ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Apollo naked standing l., holding laurel-branch in his r. hand, his l. resting on lyre

1. B 1867/28778, 2.39; 2. CGT coll. (ex Ebay Savoca) (ΑΥΤΟΚΡ), 2.07.

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ASIA: Tiberiopolis, Synaus, Saita



2527A AE. 21 mm, 4.83 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of Senate, r.ΕΠΙ ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥϹ ϹΥΝΑΕΙΤΩΝ; Zeus stand-ing facing, head l., holding eagle in r. hand, l. resting on sceptre

1. CGT coll., 4.83.

2527B AE. [ 0 ]

ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of Senate, r.ΕΠΙ ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥϹ ϹΥΝΑΕΙΤΩΝ; Cybele seat-ed l. holding patera in her extended r. hand and tympanum on l. arm; to l., lion l.

Misread. Asigned to Cadi, RPC 2499A.

Coinage without imperial portrait: Flavian-Hadrian

2530B AE. 15 mm, 2.96 g (7). Axis: 6 (1) or 12 (1). [ 4 ]


ΡΩΜΗ; draped bust of Roma, r., surmounted by modiusϹΥΝΑΕΙΤΩΝ; Asclepius standing facing, head l., resting with his r. hand on serpent-staff

1. L = BMC 5, 3.28; 2. P 1987, 3.72; 3. Cop 697, 2.84; 4. Mu SNG 458, 2.68; 5. CNG EA 210, 13 May 2009, lot 106, 3.26; 6. CGT coll., 2.23; 7. CGT coll., 2.71.


Cl. Machairiôn, archon

2543A AE. 30–1 mm, 14.50 g (2). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹ; lau-reate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r. (seen from rear)ΕΠΙ ΚΛ ΜΑΧΑΙΡΙΩΝΟϹ ΑΡΧ ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ; Tyche standing r., clasping hands with Emper-or, togate, standing l.

1. ETB coll. (ex Naville Live Auction 24, 17 July 2016, lot 311) (misttributed to Maeonia in the sale catalogue, as RPC 2424), 14.66; 2. Pri-vate coll., Munich (ex Aufhäuser 9, 1992, lot 317) (P. Weiss, ‘Hadrian in Lydien’, Chiron 25 (1995), pp. 213–24), 14.34.1–2: same pair of dies. 1–2: same obv. die as 2543/1. P. Weiss, ‘Hadrian in Lydien’, Chiron 25 (1995), pp. 213–24.

2543B AE. 23–4 mm, 8.17 g (2). Axis: 6 (1). [ 1 ]

BMC 4, GM 613

ΖΕΥϹ ΠΑΤΡΙΟϹ; Βust of Zeus Patrios, wearing taenia, r.ΕΠΙ ΚΛ ΜΑΧΑΙΡΙΩΝΟϹ ΑΡΧ ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ; Mên standing l. holding pine-cone on his r.





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ASIA: Saita, Eumenea, Bruzus

hand, l. resting on staff

1. L = BMC 4, 8.98; 2. Imhoof-Blumer, GM 613; 3. vA 3087, 7.35.P. Weiss, ‘Hadrian in Lydien’, Chiron 25 (1995), pp. 213–24, followed by Birley, p. 168.



2577A AE. 25 mm, 7.87 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian r., with aegisΕΥΜΕΝΕΩΝ ΑΧΑΙΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis Ephesia with supports, between two stags

1. CGT coll. (ex G. Rohde), 7.87.


Roufeinos Drumikos

2595A AE. 15 mm, 2.37 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΔΗΜΟϹ ΒΡΟΥΖΗΝΩΝ; laureate head of Demos, r.Ρ ΔΡΥΜΙΚΟϹ ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕΝ; eagle standing l., head r., on thunderbolt

1. CGT coll., 2.37.

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2705A AE. 13 mm, 1.96 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]ΚΑΙ; laureate head of Hadrian (?), r.[ΑΡΤ] ΠΕΡ; distyle temple within which cult statue of Artemis of Perga; eagle in pediment

1. CGT coll., 1.96.The portrait is not defintely Hadrian. There is clearly more legend on the obv., so the discovery of more specimens will clarify the emperor’s identity.


2708A AE. 18 mm, 4.57 g (1). [ 0 ]

[AYT KAI] - ΑΔΡΙΑΝ[ ]; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, r.ϹΙΛΛΥΕωΝ; Apollo standing r., with lyre

1. Naville Numismatics 25, 25 Sep. 2016, lot 255, 4.57.


2757A AE. 17 mm, 4.27 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

[ ] ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ [; laureate head of Trajan, r.ϹΥΕ-ΔΡΕ (in field, l. and r.); Goddess wearing long chiton standing facing, head left, holding bird on her extended right hand, left hand resting on sceptre

1. CGT coll., 4.27.


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2784A AE. 15 mm, 2.78 g (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]ΚΑΙ -[ ]; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r.ΚΟΝΑΝΕΩΝ; Hermes standing facing, head l., holding purse and caduceus

1. ETB coll. (ex Pecunem 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 557), 2.78.


2787A AE. 16 mm, 3.70 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r.ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ; Dionysus standing l., holding cantharus and thyrsus

1. ETB coll. (ex Pecunem 34, 2 August 2015, lot 670) (‘Hyrcanis?’), 3.70.

Koinon of Galatia

Larger denomination, T. Pomponius Bassus, presbeutès

2845A AE. 33 mm, 21.09 g (1). Axis: 7 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΓΑΛΑΤΙΑΣ ΕΠΙ Π ΒΑΣΣΟΥ; Zeus seated l., holding thunderbolt in his r. hand and l. resting on sceptre; behind him, eagle with

wings spread standing facing, head l.

1. CNG ΕΑ 357, 12 August 2015, lot 252, 21.09.1: same obv. die as 2854/1, 2891/1.

2891A AE. 31 mm, 22.65 g (1). [ 0 ]

Stumpf —

ΑΥΤ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ; laureate head of Trajan, r.ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΓΑΛΑΤΙΑΣ ΕΠΙ ΒΑΣΣΟΥ; Distyle temple of Mên, in three-quarter view to r., with statue of Mên; clipeus in pediment; acroteria on cornices and apex

1. Pecunem 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 603 (prob-ably same obv. die as 2873), 22.65.


2921A AE. 23 mm, 10.63 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ]; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan, r.,[IΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕωΝ] ΚΟΜΑΝΕωΝ, ΑϹΥΛΟΥ; Apollo standing facinged but with drapery on his


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r. shoulder, holding branch in r. hand

1. CGT coll., 10.63.


Year 58 (ΝΗ), AD 121/2

2926A AE. 15 mm, 2.91 g (1). [ 0 ]

ƐΤΟΥϹ ΝΗ; Veiled and draped bust of Deme-ter, r.; in front, ear of cornΝƐΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΙΑϹ; Thunderbolt

1. CGT coll., 2.91.


Year 50 (N), AD 113/14

2931A AE. 18 mm. Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

[ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ] ϹΕ ΓΕΡ ΔΑ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Trajan, with pa-ludamentum, r., seen from rear[ΤΡΑΠΕΖΟΥ]ΝΤΙωΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ [Ν]; draped bust of Mithra, l., wearing radiate Phrygian cap

1. CGT coll. (3.96g, but holed).

2932A AE. 22 mm, 6.42 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ[ ]; laureate and cuirassed bust of Trajan, with paludamentum, r., seen from rearΤΡΑΠΕ/ΖΟΥΝΤΙ/ωΝ ΕΤ/ Ν; in four lines

1. CGT coll., 6.42.1: same rev. die as 2932/2.


Year 20, AD 135/6

2956A AE. 17 mm, 3.02 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕ[ΒΑϹΤΟϹ]; laureate head of Hadrian, r.[ΤΥΑΝΕ]ΩΝ Τ ΠΡ ΤΑ ΙΕΡ ΑϹΥ ΑΥΤ; harpa; in field, l. and r., ΕΤ Κ

1. Naumann Numismatik 47, 9 Oct 2016, lot 397, 3.02.


3117A AR didrachm. 20 mm, 6.23 g (1). [ 0 ]

ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, with paludamentum, r.ΠΑΤΗΡ ΠΑΤΡΙ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ; Tyche standing l., holding rudder and cornucopia

1. CGT coll., 6.23.

Year 5, AD 120/1

3147A AE. 12–14 mm, 2.16 g (2). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Laureate head of Hadrian, r.ΕΤ Ɛ; club in wreath

1.  ETB coll. (ex Peus), 1.84; 2.  R. Pudill. coll. (GN 285, 2016, 148), 2.48.Not definitely Caesarea, though cf. 3157.

GALATIA - CAPPADOCIA: Comana, Neocaesarea, Trapezus, Tyana, Caesarea

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Year 19, AD 134/5

3151A AE. 25 mm, 10.11 g (1). Axis: 11 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤΟΚ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Hadrian, cuirassed with paludamen-tum, r.ΚΑΙ TωN ΠΡ ΑΡΓΑΙω ΕΤ ΙΘ; Mt Argaeus surmounted by Helios standing l., holding globe in r. hand, sceptre in l.

1. CGT coll., 10.11.




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Seleucia ad Calycadnum

Xenarchos Demetriou

3237A AE. 25 mm, 11.13 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ϹΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ; Draped and laureate bust of Apollo, r.; before, branchΕΠΙ ΞΕΝΑΡΧΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ; draped and helmeted bust of Athena, r.

1. Rauch Summer 2013, 18 Sep. 2013, lot 280, 11.13; 2. Ziegler 417 (Private collec-tion, Duisburg).See RPC 3237. There are also other coins with the names (on their own) of Xenarkos, Deme-trios, Kapiton (Capito), Sostratos and Kuinti[ (Quinti[ ]), discussed by H. Nicolet, ‘Monnaies de bronze de Cilicie (Séleucie du Kalykadnos’, RN 1971, pp. 26–37. Nicolet offers an early im-perial date as a possibility for them, which seems likely in view of the Roman names.



3279A AE. 26 mm, 10.88 g (1). [ 0 ]

SNG France 1412

ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΟΛΥΝΔΙΟϹ (sic); bare-headed draped bust of Hadrian, r.ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, l., on rock, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river-god Kydnos swimmimg, r.

1. ETB coll. (ex Pecunem 26, 14 Dec. 2014, lot 404), 10.88.

3289A AE. 34 mm, 22.37 g (1). Axis: 10 (1). [ 0 ]

ΗΡΩϹ ΑΝΤΙΝΟΟϹ; draped bust of Antinous, wearing uraeus-crown, l.; in field, l., starΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ ΝΕΟΚΟΡΟΥ; cista, ornamented with garlands and with its lid closed; around, three thyrsoi, linked by ribbons; below, ΝΕΩ ΙΑΚΧΩ

1. Roma XI, 7 April 2016, lot 520, 22.37.


3338A AE. 23 mm, 7.78 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

Haymann 42

[ ]Μ[ ]Α ]ΝΟϹ; laureate (and draped) bust of Hadrian (?), r.ΑΙΓΑΙΩΝ ϹΥΜ; below, [ ]Ξ[ ]; horse prancing, r.

1. CGT coll., 7.78.The fragment of the date, which seems certain, suggests something between ΓΞΡ and ΘΞΡ, i.e. 133–9 = 117–22/3, but the portrait is not like that of Hadrian on the silver, and the M in the obverse unexplained.


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Year 185 (ΕΠΡ), AD 117/18

3357A AE. 19 mm, 5.12 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΜΟΨΙΑ; Laureate, draped bust of Zeus, rightΕΠΡ; three Korybantes standing, holding shields and spears

1. CGT coll., 5.12.

CILICIA: Aegae, Mopsus

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Year 3 = 192, AD 131/2

4023A AE. 31 mm, 21.30 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐ; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, r. (seen from rear)ΓΑΖΑ ΜΑΡΝΑϹ, Γ ΕΠΙ ΒЧΡ מ (in exergue); temple with two columns enclosing figures of Artemis, drawing bow, standing r., and Marnas standing l., with bow and ?

1.  Tel Aviv  K4980 (the obv. legend seems to have been scraped off), 21.30.


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L B = year 2, AD 117/18

4996A AR tetradrachm. 23 mm, 13.60 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΙΑΝΟϹ (sic) ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Hadrian, r., drapery on l. shoulderL Β; Harpocrates standing facing, head l., raising finger and holding cornucopia, and leaning on column

1.  ETB coll. 850 (ex Roma Numismatics Ltd E-Sale 19, lot 445), 13.60.

5060A AR tetradrachm. 25 mm,14.00 g (1) [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ; laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., seen from front; to r., starL Β; helmeted head of Athena, r., with aegis

1. ETB coll. 637, 14.00.

L Δ = year 4, AD 119/20

5233A AE. 35 mm, 23.66 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ - ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹƐΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, r., drapery on l. shoulderL Δ, ΕΙΡΗΝΗ; Eirene standing facing, head l., holding ears of corn and caduceus

1.  Zagreb  A3990, 23.66; 2.  D 1692 (?) (‘[L] Β’: but date not clear on rubbing in DS).Confirmation required: date not certain.

L H = year 8, AD 123/4

5429A AR tetradrachm. 24 mm. [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ - ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹƐΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, r., with aegisL Η; bust of Ammon, r., crowned with disc

1. J. Aiello coll.There seems to be an aegis, rather than drapery.

ƐΤ ƐΝΑΤ, ΕΤ Θ or L ΕΝ = year 9, AD 124/5

5564A AE. 12 mm. [ 0 ]

Laureate head of Hadrian (?), r.L ΕΝ; Marsyas (?), standing r. with wine bag on shoulder

1. ETB coll. 527; 2. Emmett coll.


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L ΔWΔƐΚΑΤΟΥ = year 12, AD 127/8

5717A AE. 34 mm, 20.98 g (1). [ 3 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ - ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹƐΒ; laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., seen from rearL ΔWΔƐΚ(Α); Nilus reclining on crocodile or hippopotamus, l., holding reed and cornucopia

1. ETB coll. (ex Vcoins Aegean), 20.98; 12. P FG 1643; 25. G 313 (= SNG 4027); 54. O 1269.Crocodile: ETB, G 313, P1643; hippo: O1269. Some specimens listed under 5716–7 may also belong to this variety; and the reverses of 5716–7 may not be properly classified in terms of the hands in which Nilus holds his attributes and in terms of the presence or absence of ΙϚ.

L ƐΝΝƐΑΚ·Δ or L ΙΘ = year 19, AD 134/5

6013A AE. 33 mm, 25.80 g (1). Axis: 11 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ; laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., seen from rearL ƐΝΝƐΑΚ·Δ; Nemesis advancing r., holding up drapery; behind, wheel

1. ETB coll. (ex Roma XII, 29 Sep. 2016, lot 439), 25.80.

EGYPT: Alexandria

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6550A AE. 17 mm, 2.91 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΝΕ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙ[; laureate head of Tra-jan, r.[ ]; cornucopia

1. CGT coll. (ex ebay tina0116g11), 2.91.Variant of 6550 (obv. legend).

6558A AE. 16 mm, 3.02 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒ Γ; laureate head of Trajan, r.[ ]; draped bust of Mên r., wearing Phrygian cap, set on crescent

1. CGT coll., 3.02.

F6559A AE. 25 mm, 9.03 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΜΑΤΙΔΙΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Ma-tidia, r.[ ]ΡΑ[ ]Τ[ ]Ν; Female figure standing left, holding out uncertain object in l. hand and uncertain object in r.

1. CGT coll., 9.03.The obverse looks strange, as if it has be cut from something else in modern times.

6572A AE. 23 mm, 9.12 g (1). [ 0 ]

[ ]ΑΔΡΙΑΝ[ ]; laureate head of Hadrian, r., with drapery on l. shoulder[ ]; Temple with two columns, enclosing Cybele standing facing., holding tymanum and ears of corn in her raised l. hand; at her feet, lions

1. Ebay SOL (July 2016), 9.12.Attributed by Ebay to Magnesis ad Sipylum. Cybele does indeed occur there, and, since there are coins of Sabina, we should expect something for Hadrian. But the inscription is not legible.


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Roman Provincial Coinage

Volume VII.1

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1




Lepidus, strategos

12A AE. 32 mm, 19.20 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

Α Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearϹΤΡ ΛƐΠΙΔΟΥ ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝƐΟΚΟΡΩΝ; Demeter standing in biga drawn by serpents, r., holding a torch in each hand

1. Private coll., 19.20.

No name of magistrate

34A AE. 24 mm, 6.61 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Φ ϹΑΒ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑΝ Ϲ; draped and dia-demed bust of Tranquillina, r.ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝƐΩΚΟ; Artemis advancing r., drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder and hold-ing bow; at her feet, dog running, r.

1. CGT coll., 6.61.

‘Pseudo-autonomous’ coins

The attribution of the following three types of ‘pseu-do-autonomous’ coins (35A-C) to the reign of Gordian III is based on H. von Fritze, ‘Die autonome Kupfer-prägung von Kyzikos’, Nomisma 10 (1917), pp. 1-32. They were mentioned in the original publication of

RPC VII.1, but without catalogue number. Note that the average weight of types 35B and C (3.39 and 3.58 g) is higher than that of similar coins from the period of Gordian III (2.39 g), which might actually speak against an attribution to his reign.

35A AE. 26–7 mm, 11.60 g (2). Axis: 6 (1). [ 1 ]

von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), group V, no. 41a

ΚΥΖΙΚΟϹ; diademed head of hero Cyzicus, r.ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝƐΟΚΟΡ; Ares standing r., holding spear and shield

1. L (= BMC 183), 10.83; 2. Schulten Oct. 1990, lot 937 = Münz Zentrum 68, 1990, lot 210, 12.36 (probably same dies as 35A/1).According to von Fritze, the obverse die of 35A/1 is shared with a coin showing the name of a magistrate whithin a wreath (von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), group V, no. 41b). Unfortunately, his name is not legible on the only specimen recorded by von Fritze (Großfürst Michailowitsch coll.).

35B AE. 18–19 mm, 3.39 g (2). Axis: 12 (1). [ 3 ]

von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), group VI, no. 49

ΚΟΡΗ; draped bust of Core wearing oak-wreath, r.ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝƐΟΚΟ; serpent coiling, r.

1. V; 2. L 1919,0417.96, 3.73; 3. P 222 (= SNG 587), 3.04.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Apollonia, Hadrianeia, Germe

35C AE. 18–20 mm, 3.58 g (4). Axis: 7. [ 3 ]

von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), group VI, no. 47

ΚΟΡΗ; draped bust of Core wearing oak-wreath and necklace, r.ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝƐΩ; Demeter walking r., holding a torch in each hand

1. L 1921,1120.83, 3.48; 2. P 224 (= SNG 589), 3.60; 3.  P AA.GR.25123 (=  SNG 590), 3.10; 4. Tübingen (= SNG 2276); 5. CNG EA 273, 8 Feb. 2012, lot 110 = Gorny & Mosch 170, 13 Oct. 2008, lot 1758, 4.13.


48 corr. Reverse depicts a winged hippocamp and not Pegasus.

Apollonia ad Rhyndacum

66A AE. 33 mm, 9.87 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

von Fritze —

Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ[ ] ΡΥΝΔΑ[ ]; river-god Rhyndacos reclining, l., resting on water-urn (other details unclear)

1. CGT coll., 9.87.


77-79 corr. Obv. legend reads ΦΟΥΡ ϹΑΒ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛƐΙΝΑ (and not ΦΟΡ ϹΑΒ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛƐΙΝΑ).


Ael Aristoneikos, strategos

111A AE. 45 mm, 41.05 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from front[ ] ΑΙΛ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΝƐΙΚΟΥ ΓƐΡΜΗΝΩΝ; Heracles seated l. on throne covered with lion skin, crowned by Tyche standing behind him holding cornucopia; to l., Apollo standing r. holding plectrum and lyre next to Artemis drawing arrow from quiver

1.  CNG EA 326, 7 May 2014, lot 282 = Auctiones EA 50, 11 Sept. 2016, lot 118 (heavily cleaned), 41.05. Obverse and reverse legends of this coin, mentioned in RPC, are now much easier to read

129 corr. Zeus holds an eagle and not a Nike, as clearly shown by 129/3.

Ehling 250

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearƐΠΙ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΝƐΙΚ ΓƐΡΜΗΝΩΝ; Zeus seated l. on throne, holding eagle and sceptre

1.  SNG Leypold I, 321 = Jacquier 16, 1994, lot 338, 6.74; 2.  Tire  89–110 (=  SNG 358), 5.60; 3. Pecunem 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 485, 8.12; 4. Gorny & Mosch 241, 10 Oct. 2016, lot 1903, 8.09.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Perperene, Stratonicea, Daldis


Nonios Polykarpos, strategos

177 corr. The reverse legend and the magistrate’s name are now fully legible.

Barth - Stauber 67

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearƐΠΙ ϹΤΡ ΝΩΝΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΥΚΑΡΠΟΥ ΠƐΡΠƐΡΗΝΙΩΝ; Demeter standing l., holding ears of corn and long torch

1. Mu, 12.60; 2. CNG EA 367, 27 Jan. 2016, lot 355, 14.33; 3. CGT coll., 13.28.The CNG specimen allows the correct reading of the magistrate’s name: Nonius Polykarpos. As the Munich specimen didn’t allow a full reading, his name had been so far read as Aionios Polykarpos.

No name of magistrate

177A AE. 18 mm, 2.45 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearΠƐΡΠƐΡΗΝΙΩΝ; Dionysus standing l., holding cantharus and thyrsus

1. Pecunem 39, 3 Jan. 2016, lot 573, 2.45.


Aur Alkimos Philobakchos, strategos

186.2 AE. 24 mm, 4.78 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III,

r., seen from rear[ ]ΚΙΜΟΥ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟ ϹΤΡΑΤΡΑΝΙΚƐΩΝ; em-peror on horseback riding r., attacking lion

3. CGT coll., 4.78.

'Pseudo-autonomous' coins

The following ‘pseudo-autonomous’ coins were omitted in the original RPC VII.1 publication:

188B AE. 23–4 mm, 5.25 g (2). Axis: 6 (1). [ 3 ]

ϹΤΡΑΤΟΝƐΙΚΙΑ; turreted and draped bust of the Tyche, r.ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠ ϹΤΡΑΤΟΝƐΙΚƐΩΝ; Artemis ad-vancing r., drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder and holding bow; at her feet, dog running, r.

1.  P  1585A (=  Wa 1001), 4.77; 2.  CGT coll., 5.73; 3. B Löbb (= LS p. 36, no. 19). These coins share their obverse die with RPC VII.1, no. 188, securely attributed to the reign of Gordian III by the magistrate’s name (Aur Alkimos Philobak-chos).


L Aur Hephaïstion, first archon for the second time

202.2 corr. The specimen from the CGT collection clearly shows a bucranium and a star (and not a wreath) on either side of Kore.

ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑ ϹΑ; draped and dia-demed bust of Tranquillina, r.ƐΠ Λ ΑΥΡ ΗΦΑΙϹΤΙΩΝΟϹ ΑΡΧ Α Τ Β ΔΑΛΔΙΑΝΩΝ; cult statue of Kore standing facing between two ears of corn, holding ear of corn; bucranium and star on either side of her headdress

2. B I-B (= LS p. 62, no. 6), 11.05; 3. CGT coll., 14.81.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Daldis, Sardis, Tiberiopolis, Smyrna, Colophon

203 corr. The reverse represents probably Sarapis rather than Zeus.

ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑ ϹΑ; draped and diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ƐΠ Λ ΑΥΡ ΗΦΑΙϹΤΙΩΝΟϹ ΑΡΧ Α Τ Β ΔΑΛΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Zeus-Sarapis seated l. on throne, holding patera and sceptre

1. B Fox, 13.67; 2. Pecunem 36, 4 Oct. 2015, lot 424, 13.95.


242A AE. 23 mm, 5.69 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑ ϹΑ; draped and diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ Β ΝƐΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Demeter standing r., holding ears of corn and long torch

1. CGT coll., 5.69.


261A AE. 29 mm, 13.06 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑΤ (sic); draped and diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ΤΙΒƐΡƐΙΟΠΟΛƐΙΤΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis

Ephesia standing facing

1. CGT coll., 13.06.


Cl Rufinus, strategos and sophistes

309A AE. 34 mm, 19.00 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearƐΠ [ϹΤΡ ΚΛ] ΡΟΥΦΙΝΟΥ ϹΟΦΙ ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; Cybele seated l. on throne, holding patera and resting arm on tympanum; at her feet, lion

1. M&M GmbH 32, 26 May 2010, lot 237, 19.00.


P Ael Kallinikos, strategos

353B AE. 30 mm, 7.38 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΦΟΥ CΑΒ ΤΡΑΝΚ[ΥΛΛ]ΙΝΑ; draped and diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ΕΠΙ C[ ] ΚΑΛΛΙΝΕΙΚΟΥ ΚΟ[ΛΟ]ΦΩΝΙΩΝ; Apollo Klarios seated l. on throne, holding branch and lyre

1. CGT coll., 7.38.This is the first coin of Tranquillina recorded for Colophon. It belongs to the issue of the strategos P Ael Kallinikos, known through coins of Gordian III.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Ephesus


387A AE. 17 mm, 2.72 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

Karwiese —

ΑΥΤ Κ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΥ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from frontƐΦƐϹΙΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis Ephesia stand-ing facing, star and crescent on either side of her headdress

1. CGT coll., 2.72.

390A AE. 30–1 mm, 9.43 g (2). Axis: 6 (1) or 10 (1). [ 0 ]

Karwiese 937

ΦΡΟΥ ϹΑΒƐΙ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛƐΙΝΑ; draped and diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ƐΦƐϹΙΩΝ ΤΡΙϹ ΝƐΩΚΟΡΩΝ; sacred covered wagon drawn by two horses, r.

1. Ephesus excavations, Magnetisches Tor, 8.61; 2. CGT coll., 10.24.The reading of the reverse legend is now confirmed by a second specimen (390A/2). These are the only coins of Tranquillina mentioning the third neocoria of Ephesus (all others emphasise the title ΠΡΩΤΩΝ ΑCΙΑC).

392.2 AE. 28–9 mm, 9.28 g (3). Axis: 6. [ 0 ]

Karwiese —


diademed bust of Tranquillina, r.ƐΦƐϹΙΩΝ Α ΑϹΙΑϹ; Artemis standing r. in front of tree, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder and holding bow; at her feet, stag

8. Tire 1179 (= SNG 185), 9.52; 9. CGT coll., 8.40; 10. CGT coll., 9.92.Coin 392.2/8 was mentioned under no. 392/8 in the RPC Consolidated Supplement (1992-2015).

Ephesus and Alexandria in Egypt, alliance

400B AE. 49 mm, 54.02 g (1). Axis: 7 (1). [ 0 ]

Franke-Nollé —; Karwiese —

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤΩ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirassƐΦƐϹΙΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΛƐΖΑΝΔΡƐΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ; Artemis Ephesia and Sarapis standing on base between the Tyche of Ephesus and the Tyche of Alexandria, sitting on either side, and the river gods Caystrus and Nile, reclining on the ground beneath the two Tyche. In the centre, bull Apis standing to r.

2. Roma Numismatics E-Sale 24, 30 Jan. 2016, lot 290 = Roma Numismatics E-Sale 19, 1 Aug. 2015, lot 478, 54.02.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Hypaepa, Metropolis, Magnesia ad Maeandrum


T Ael Dom Ant Taetas, strategos and stephanephoros426A AE. 35 mm. [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤΟ Κ Μ ΑΝΤΩ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ƐΠΙ ϹΤΡ Τ ΑΙΛ ΤΑƐΤΑ; Hera-cles standing r., r. arm on club that sits on small base, resting l. arm on hip, lion-skin on l. shoulder

1.  Numismatik Naumann 46, 11 Sept. 2016, lot 384.


455.2 AE. 22 mm, 4.21 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from frontΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛƐΙΤΩΝ; river-god Astraios reclining l., holding reed and cornucopia, resting on water-urn

18. Helios Numismatik 3, 29 April 2009, lot 396, 4.21.

Magnesia ad Maeandrum

Ael Demonikos, son of Prothous, grammateus

531A AE. 30 mm, 9.14 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rear

ƐΠΙ ΓΡ ΔΗΜΟΝƐΙ[ΚΟΥ] ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ; Dionysus standing l., leaning on to a Silenus holding staff; at Dionysus’ feet, panther

1.  Gorny & Mosch 233, 6 Oct. 2015, lot 1946, 9.14.

Praktikos, grammateus

540A AE. 29 mm, 9.64 g (3). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearƐΠΙ ΓΡ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΟΥ ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ; infant Dionysus seated facing on round object (cista mystica or, perhaps, globe) inside crescent; three stars in field on either side of Dionysus

1. Private coll., 9.91; 2. Helios 5, 25 June 2010, lot 729, 10.14; 3. Pecunem 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 461, 8.87.Countermark: ϹΑΡ | ·Δ· (GIC 561:  on obv. of 3).

540B AE. 36 mm, 18.65 g (1). [ 1 ]

Schultz —

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian I, r., seen from rearƐΠΙ ΓΡ [ΠΡΑ]ΚΤΙΚΟΥ Λ[ ]ΟΥ ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ; infant Dionysus seated facing on cista mystica, surrounded by the three Corybantes, holding swords and raising shields

1. O Hay, 18.65.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. VII.1


ASIA: Antioch ad Maeandrum, Neapolis ad Harpasum, Philomelium

Antioch ad Maeandrum

612A AE. 21–4 mm, 4.51 g (3). Axis: 6. [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from frontΑΝΤΙΟΧƐΩΝ; Dionysus standing l., holding can-tharus and thyrsus; at his feet, panther

1. C. Rhodes coll., 3.74; 2. CGT coll., 5.66; 3. CGT coll., 4.13.

Neapolis ad Harpasum

M Aur Candidus, grammateus

657A AE. 29 mm, 8.90 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

Delrieux —

ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, r., seen from rearƐΠΙ ΓΡΑΜ Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΑΝΔΙΔΟΥ ΝƐΑΠΟΛƐΙΤΩΝ; two deities standing facing each other (Nemesis?), each with wheel at feet.

1.  CGT coll. = Naville Numismatics 17, 20 Sept. 2015, lot 279, 8.90.Countermark: denominational mark Ϛ (GIC 811: on obv. of 1).


809A AE. 20 mm. [ 0 ]

ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟ[ ]; laureate head of Gordian III, r.ΦΙΛΟΜΗΛƐΩΝ; eagle standing facing, head l., wings spread

1.  Varesi Vicenza Auction, 29 Oct. 2012, lot 113.

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Roman Provincial Coinage

Volume IX

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX


Review of RPC IX by G. Watson in NC 2016, pp. 476–82.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX




255A AE. 23 mm, 4.95 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΕΡΕΝΝΙΑ ΕΤΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ΑΥΓ Ϲ; draped and diademed bust of Etruscilla, r.ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ; Dionysus standing l., holding can-tharus and thyrsus

1. CGT coll., 4.95. 1: same obv. die as 254/1–3.

299A AE. 24 mm, 6.82 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΒΕΙΒ ΓΑΛΛΟC ΑΥ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, r.ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ; Homonoia seated l., wearing kala-thos, holding patera and cornucopia

1. CGT coll., 6.82. 1: same obv. die as 291/1, 293/3, 5, 295/3, 300/7, 306/1, 3, 313/1–3, 5, 7–8.


364A AE. 23 mm, 3.90 g (1). [ 0 ]

Γ ΒΙ ΤΡΕ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ΑΥΓ CΕ; radiate, draped

and cuirassed bust of Gallus, r.ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΕΩΝ ΔΙC ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Γ; Tyche standing l., holding rudder and cornucopia

1. CGT coll. = Naville 20, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 256, 3.90.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX





388A AE. 23 mm, 5.25 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΕΡΕΝΝΙΑ ΕΤΡΟΥϹϹΚΙΛΛ-Α; draped and di-ademed bust of Etruscilla, r.ΛΑΝΨΑΚΗ-ΝΩΝ ƐΠΙ ϹƐΚΟΥΝ-ΔΟΥ; Athena standing l., holding Nike and shield

1. CGT coll., 5.25.


605A AE. 31 mm, 12.04 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΚΥΙΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔƐΚΙϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, r.ƐΦƐCΙΩΝ Α ΑCΙΑC; Artemis standing r., wearing short chiton, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder; behind her, tree; at her feet, dog

1. CGT coll., 12.04. 1: same rev. die as 616/1.


713A AE. 29 mm, 9.13 g (1). Axis: 6 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤ Κ ΚΥ ƐΡ ƐΤΡΟΥϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, r.ΦΛ ΦΙΛΑΔƐΛΦƐΩΝ ΝƐΩΚ ϹΜΥΡΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ; Tyche standing l., holding two small statues (of the two Nemeses?) and cornucopia

1. CGT coll., 9.13. 1: same obv. die as 720/1, 721/1, 758/1–2 (Apollonoshieron).

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX




807 The identification of the deity on the rev. as Cybele remains open to doubt: maybe Eucarpeia?


907/3. Behnen coll. (to be published by Berk). 1–3: same pair of dies. According to Curtis Clay (in litt.) the magistrate reads AΔPIANOY B. If this is cor-rect, the reverse inscription is ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟ ƐΠΙ ΑΡΧ AΔPIANOY B, ϹƐΒ.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX




915A AE. 25 mm, 6.29 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ƐΡƐΝΝΙΑ ƐΤΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΒ; draped and di-ademed bust of Etruscilla, r.ΒΑΡΗΝΩΝ; Zeus seated l., holding patera and sceptre; at feet, l., eagle

1. CGT coll., 6.29.1: same obv. die as 913/1–3, 914/1–5, 915/1–9. 1: same rev. die as 935/2, 5–6, 8.


986A AE. 23 mm, 7.76 g (1). [ 0 ]

IMP C CAЄS C M DЄCIOC P [ ]; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, r.COL COMAMEN; vexillum with eagle between two standards

1. Pecunem 36, 4 Oct. 2015, lot 488, 7.76. 1: same obv. die as 986/1–2.


1073A AE. 23 mm, 5.60 g (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ ΚƐ Γ ΟΥΙΔ ΟΥƐΛ ΟΥΟΛΟΥϹϹΑΝΟΝ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of

Volusian, r.ΑϹΠƐΝΔΙΩΝ; Sarapis standing l., raising arm, holding sceptre

1. Gorny & Mosch EA 247, 10 March 2017, lot 4519, 5.60. 1: same obv. die as 1070/1–5, 1071/1, 1073/1–3, 1074/1, 1075/1–2, 1076/1–3.


1104A AE. 24 mm, 7.26 g (1). [ 0 ]

Γ Μ Κ ƐΡƐΝ ΔƐΚΙΟΝ Κ ϹƐΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, r.; below, globeΠƐΡΓΑΙΑϹ ΑΡΤƐΜΙΔΟϹ; temple with two columns enclosing cult statue of Artemis Pergaia, facing, wearing kalathos, between crescent and star; body decorated with friezes of figures; on pediment, inscription ΑϹΥΛΟΥ

1. CGT coll. = Naville 22, 1 May 2016, lot 285, 7.26. 1: same obv. die as 1108/1–19, 1109/1–3, 1110/1–3, 1111/1–5. 1: same rev. die as 1104/1.

1129A AE. 19 mm, 3.16 g (1). Axis: 12 (1). [ 0 ]

ΑΥ Κ Γ ΟΥΙ ΑΦ ΓΑΛΛΟΝ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian, r.ΠƐΡΓΑΙΑϹ ΑΡΤƐΜΙΔΟϹ; Nike advancing l.,

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX


holding wreath and palm

1. O (ex B. Vincens coll.), 3.16. 1: same obv. die as 1129/1–2, 1130/1–3,


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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX



Seleucia ad Calycadnum

1331–3. Same obv. die: see Forum Ancient Coins, topic 109181.0, 24 Nov. 2016, where C. Clay suggests to read ΓΑ ΙΟΥΛΙ rather than ΓΑΙ ΟΥΑΙ (ΤΡƐΒΩ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ): “So did the mint of Seleucia misunderstand a title of Gallus’ too, writing not only ‘Sabin’ instead of ‘Afin’ for Volusian, but ‘Iouli’ (Latin ‘Julius’ or ‘Julianus’) instead of ‘Vibi’ for Gallus? […] If these three obv. dies – one of Gallus and two of Volusian – indeed give the em-perors wrong names, then we can tentatively date their creation to c. late summer–fall 251 AD”. An interesting and very convincing idea.


1376 corr. The obv. inscription reads ƐΡƐΝΝΙΑΝ ΑΙΤΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑΝ ϹƐ (not ΑΙΤΡΟΥϹΚƐΙΛΛΑΝ). C.  Clay has pointed out (in litt.) that the obverse die of 1376/1–2 (same obv. die as 1368/1–18, 1369/1–3, 1372/1, 3–4, 7–11, 1375/1–8, 1378/1–3, 1379/1–6) is here altered in order to correct the erroneous ΑΝΝΙΑΝ to ƐΡƐΝΝΙΑΝ.


1533 corr. The correct description of the obverse busts is: bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Etrus-cus, r., confronting bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Hostilian, l.

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RPC Supplement 4. Vol. IX



1897A Tetradrachm. 27 mm, 12.47 g (1). Axis: 7. [ 0 ]

ΑΥΤΟ Κ ϹΟΥΛΠ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ; laureate head of Uranius Antoninus, r.ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ƐΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ ΥΠΑ Τ Β, S C; ea-gle standing on line, facing, head r., spreading wings, holding wreath in beak

1. Agora 49, 2 Feb. 2016, lot 81, 12.47. 1: same obv. die as 1889/1, 1897/1.


2035A AE. 27 mm, 16.96 g (1). Axis: 7. [ 0 ]

IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG; laureate and cuirassed bust of Volusian, r.COL TYRO METRO; Roma seated l., holding eagle and two small statues and spear; at l., mu-rex shell; at r., palm-tree

1. C. Rhodes coll., 16.96.


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