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Romuald Normand - Thinking Epistemic Governance in Education

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Thinking Epistemic Governance in Education Romuald Normand Research Unit SAGE (Societies, Actors and Government in Europe) University of Strasbourg
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Thinking Epistemic Governance in

EducationRomuald Normand

Research Unit SAGE (Societies, Actors and Government in Europe)University of Strasbourg

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Current research on Higher education • Emerging power of global academic

capitalism (Dale, 1999, Dale & Robertson, 2009, Slaughter & Leslie, 1997))

• Marketization and privatization (Margison, 2004, 2006, 2007)

• Development of international rankings: (Hazelkorn, 2011)

• Bologna process and its consequences (Neave, 1994; Neave & Maasen, 2007)

• Network of actors (Think Tanks, International Organizations, agencies, states, companies, and consultancy groups) (Ball,2012)

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Some blind Spots in European Research • The hypertrophy of market and

marketization : and the State? • The focus on actors and

discourses: what about instruments and tools of governance? (Desrosières, 2002; Gorur, 2011; Grek, 2012; Grek aet alii, 2009; Lascoumes & Le Gales, 2007; Normand, 2009, 2010, Ozga & Alii,2011)

• What means really Knowlege-Based Economy or Knowlege-Based Society ? (OECD, 1996; Lawn, 2011)

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My Research Project

• Developing a reflection on the relationships between the state, instruments and knowledge• A new epistemic governance

in/of education ? • Analyzing the mid-term

effects on the academic profession and work• A new Homo Academicus ?

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Criticism against the academic World

• Bureaucracy and corporatism• Failure of higher

education systems • Academics enclosed in

their “ivory tower”,

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Exogenous transformations

• The mode 2 of knowledge production (Gibbons & alii, 1994; Maassen ,Stensaker, 2011)

• Expertise & policy learning (Dunlop & Radaelli, 2013, Gornitzka, 2013; Lange & Alexiadou, 2010, Radaelli, 2008; Radaelli & Dunlop, 2013)

• Robust Knowledge (Weingart, 2008)

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Endogenous transformations

• Discourses of Truth• Managerialism

(Blieklie,1998, Deem, 1998)• New intermediary


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Mandarin Expert

Peer Entrepreneur




Work Conventions

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Academic Trials or Hardships (Boltanski, Chiapello; 2005).

• Trials of Truth • Trials of Strength • Trials of Reality

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Some References

• Ball S.J., 2012, Global Education Inc. New Policy Networks and the Neoliberal Imaginary London, Routledge• Bleiklie I. 1998, “Justifying the Evaluative State. New Public Management Ideals in Higher Education”, European Journal of Education, 33• Boltanski, E. Chiapello; (2005). The New Spirit of Capitalism. Verso,London • Dale, R. (1999) Specifying globalisation effects on national policy: focus on the mechanisms, Journal of Education

Policy 14: 1-17.• Dale R, Robertson S., 2009, Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education, Oxford Symposium Books• Deem, R. (1998). 'New managerialism' and higher education: The management of performances and cultures in

universities in the United Kingdom. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 8(1), 47-70.• Desrosières, A., 2002, The Politics of Large Numbers: A History of Statistical Reasoning, Harvard, Harvard University Press. • Dunlop, C. A., & Radaelli, C. M. (2013). Systematising policy learning: from monolith to dimensions. Political studies, 61(3), 599-619.• Gibbons M. et al., Eds., The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies,

London–Thausand Oaks - New Dehli, 1994, VII. Cfr. • Gornitzka, Å. (2013). The interface between research and policy–a note with potential relevance for higher education. European Journal of

Higher Education, 3(3), 255-264.• Gorur, R. (2011) ANT on the PISA Trail: following the statistical pursuit of certainty, Educational Philosophy & Theory, 43(5-6), 76-93. • Grek S., 2012, “Learning from Meetings and Comparison: A Critical Examination of the Policy Tools of Transnationals” in Steiner-Khamsi G.,

Waldow F., Policy Borrowing and Lending in Education. New York Routledge World Yearbook of Education, pp 41-61• Grek, S., Lawn, M., Lingard, B., Ozga, J., Rinne, R., Segerholm, C., & Simola, H. (2009). National policy brokering and the

construction of the European Education Space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland. Comparative Education, 45(1), 5-21.• Hazelkorn, E. (2011). Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education. The Battle for World-Class Excellence, HoudMills UK: Palgrave


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• Lange, B. and Alexiadou, N. (2010)., 25/4 (July), 443–63. ‘Policy Learning and Governance of Education Policy in the EU’, Journal of Education Policy

• Lascoumes, P., & Le Gales, P. (2007). Introduction: understanding public policy through its instruments—from the nature of instruments to the sociology of public policy instrumentation. Governance, 20(1), 1-21.

• Lawn, M. (2011). Standardizing the European education policy space. European Educational Research Journal, 10(2), 259-272.• Maassen P., Stensaker B., 2011, The knowledge triangle, European higher education policy logics and policy implications Higher Education, Vol.

61, No. 6 (June), pp. 757-769• Marginson, S. (2004). Competition and markets in higher education: A ‘glonacal’ analysis. Policy futures in Education, 2(2), 175-244.• Marginson, S. (2006). Dynamics of national and global competition in higher education. Higher education, 52(1), 1-39.•  Marginson, S. (2007). Global university rankings: Implications in general and for Australia. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management,

29(2), 131-142.• Neave, G. (1994). The politics of quality: Developments in higher education in western Europe 1992-1994. European journal of education, 115-

134.• Neave, G., and Maasen, P., 2007, The Bologna Process: An Intergovernmental Policy Perspective.In: J.P. Olsen and P. Maasen (eds.), University

Dynamics and European Integration (pp.135-154). Dordrech, The Netherlands: Springer• Normand (R.), «Expert measurement in the government of Lifelong Learning» in Mangenot (E.), Rowell (J.), coord., What Europe constructs: New

Sociological Perspectives in European Studies, Manchester University Press, 2009.• Normand R, 2010, « Expertise, Networks and Tools of Government: the Fabrication of European Policy in Education » in European Educational

Research Journal, 9(3), pp. 408-423.• OECD, 1996, The Knowledge-based Economy OECD.• OECD, 2007, Evidence in Education. Linking Research and Policy, OCDE.• Ozga, J., Dahler-Larsen, P., Segerholm, C., & Simola, H. (Eds.). (2011). Fabricating quality in education: Data and governance in Europe.

Routledge.•  Radaelli, C. M. (2008). Europeanization, policy learning, and new modes of governance. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 10(3), 239-254.•  Radaelli, C. M., & Dunlop, C. A. (2013). Learning in the European Union: theoretical lenses and meta-theory. Journal of European Public Policy,

20(6), 923-940.• Slaughter S, Leslie LL (1997) Academic capitalism. Politics, policies and the Entrepreneurial University, John Hopkins University Press, London• Weingart (2008) How Robust Is “Socially Robust Knowledge”? in The challenge of the social and the pressure of practice: science and values

revisited / edited by Martin Carrier, Don Howard, and Janet Kourany. Pittsburgh University Press. p. 131-145
