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CHAPTER 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE TRAINING 1.1.1 DEFINITION Activities designed to facilitate the learning and development of new and existing skills, and to improve the performance of specific tasks or roles. Training may involve structured programs or more informal and interactive activities such as group discussion or role playing which promote experiential learning. A wide variety of activities, including classroom-based courses, on-the-job training, and business or simulation games, are used for training. Audio-visual and multimedia aids such as videos and CD-ROMs may also be employed. Training may be provided by an internal training officer or department, or by external training organizations. The effectiveness of training can be maximized by conducting a training needs analysis before hand, and following up with evaluation of training. Training should result in individual learning and enhanced organizational performance.
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Activities designed to facilitate the learning and development of

new and existing skills, and to improve the performance of specific tasks

or roles. Training may involve structured programs or more informal and

interactive activities such as group discussion or role playing which

promote experiential learning. A wide variety of activities, including

classroom-based courses, on-the-job training, and business or

simulation games, are used for training. Audio-visual and multimedia

aids such as videos and CD-ROMs may also be employed. Training may

be provided by an internal training officer or department, or by external

training organizations. The effectiveness of training can be maximized by

conducting a training needs analysis before hand, and following up with

evaluation of training. Training should result in individual learning and

enhanced organizational performance.

1.1.2 TYPES:

I. On-the-job Training and Lectures

The two most frequently used kinds of training are on-the-job training

and lectures, although little research exists as to the effectiveness of

either. It is usually impossible to teach someone everything she needs to

know at a location away from the workplace. Thus on-the-job training

often supplements other kinds of training, e.g., classroom or off-site

training; but on-the-job training is frequently the only form of training. It is

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usually informal, which means, unfortunately, that the trainer does not

concentrate on the training as much as she should, and the trainer may

not have a well-articulated picture of what the novice needs to learn.

On-the-job training is not successful when used to avoid developing a

training program, though it can be an effective part of a well-coordinated

training program.

Lectures are used because of their low cost and their capacity to reach

many people. Lectures, which use one-way communication as opposed

to interactive learning techniques, are much criticized as a training


II. Programmed Instruction (PI)

These devices systematically present information to the learner and elicit

a response; they use reinforcement principles to promote appropriate

responses. When PI was originally developed in the 1950s, it was

thought to be useful only for basic subjects. Today the method is used

for skills as diverse as air traffic control, blueprint reading, and the

analysis of tax returns.

III. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

With CAI, students can learn at their own pace, as with PI. Because the

student interacts with the computer, it is believed by many to be a more

dynamic learning device. Educational alternatives can be quickly

selected to suit the student's capabilities, and performance can be

monitored continuously. As instruction proceeds, data are gathered for

monitoring and improving performance.

IV. Audio-visual Techniques

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Both television and film extend the range of skills that can be taught and

the way information may be presented. Many systems have electronic

blackboards and slide projection equipment. The use of techniques that

combine audiovisual systems such as closed circuit television and

telephones has spawned a new term for this type of training,

teletraining. The feature on “Sesame Street " illustrates the design and

evaluation of one of television's favorite children's program as a training


V. Simulations

Training simulations replicate the essential characteristics of the real

world that are necessary to produce both learning and the transfer of

new knowledge and skills to application settings. Both machine and

other forms of simulators exist. Machine simulators often have

substantial degrees of physical fidelity; that is, they represent the real

world's operational equipment. The main purpose of simulation,

however, is to produce psychological fidelity, that is, to reproduce in the

training those processes that will be required on the job. We simulate for

a number of reasons, including to control the training environment, for

safety, to introduce feedback and other learning principles, and to

reduce cost.

VI. Business games

They are the direct progeny of war games that have been used to train

officers in combat techniques for hundreds of years. Almost all early

business games were designed to teach basic business skills, but more

recent games also include interpersonal skills. Monopoly might be

considered the quintessential business game for young capitalists. It is

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probably the first place youngsters learned the words mortgage, taxes,

and goes to jail.


All training methods can be grouped into two categories:-

a] Training methods for operatives and

b] Training methods for managers

a] Training Methods for Operatives:-

Under these methods the new employee is assigned to a specific job at

a machine or workshop or laboratory. He is instructed by an experienced

employee or by a special supervisor who explains to him the method of

handling tools, operating the machines etc.

Vestibule Training: - This method involves the creation of a separate

training centre within the plant itself for the purpose of providing training

to the new employees. An experienced instructor is put in-charge of this

training. Machines and tools are also managed in the training centre, so

as to create working conditions similar to those in the workshop.

Advantage: - No interference with regular production.

Disadvantage: - Costly, adds nothing to productions during training


Apprenticeship Training:-This method of training is meant to give the

trainee sufficient knowledge and skill in those trades and crafts in which

a long period of training is required for gaining complete proficiency.

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Generally, the trainees work as apprentices under the direct supervision

of experts for long periods of say, two to seven years. This programme

consists of providing actual work experience in the actual job as well as

imparting theoretical knowledge through class room lectures which may

be arranged either in the plant or in the institution attached to the

concern. This method of training enables the trainees to become all-

round craftsmen. But this method is very expensive and also there is no

guarantee that a trained worker will continue to work in the same

concern after the training is completed.

Internship Training: - This method of training is generally provided to

the skilled and technical personnel. The object of this type of training is

to bring about a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge,

under this method, students from a technical institution possessing only

theoretical knowledge are sent to some business enterprise to gain

practical work experience. Simultaneously, the employees of business

enterprises are sent to technical institutions to gain the latest theoretical

knowledge on a subject.

Ex. B.E. (Prod.) - 6 months in plant training

B.E. (Mech.) - 2 days in a week during final year

b] Training Methods for Managers:-

Executive talent is the most important asset which a company can

posses. Although, it does not appear on the company's balance sheet,

but it produces more important effects on the company's progress, its

profit and the price of its stock than any other asset in its possession.

The following are the various training methods for managers.

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1] Observation Assignment :-

Under this method, the newly recruited executive called "understudy" is

made an assistant to the current job holder. He learns by experience,

observation and imitation. If decisions are discussed with him, he is

informed on the policies and theories involved.

2] Position Rotation:-

Under this method, the trainee executive is rotated among different

managerial jobs. This not only broaden and enriches his experience as a

manager but also enables him to understand inter departmental relations

and the need for co-ordination and co-operation among various


3] Serving on Committees:-

Another important method of training on an executive is to make him

serve on a committee. While serving on a committee, the executive

comes to learn not only the various organizational problems, views of

senior and experienced members, but also learns how a manger should

adjust himself to the overall needs of the enterprise.

4] Assignment of special Projects:-

Sometimes, as a method of training some special project is assigned to

a trainee executive. for example, he may be ask to develop a system of

cost allocation in the production of certain goods for which an order has

been received by the company. While working on such project, the

trainee not only acquires knowledge about them, but also learns how to

work with and relate to other people holding different views.

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5] Conference and Seminars :-

Often an executive is deputed to attend a conference, seminar or

workshop to receive a quick orientation in various areas of Management

with which he might be unfamiliar. One advantage of this type of training

is that all the participants coming from different organizations get an

opportunity to pool their ideas and experience in attempting to solve

mutual problems. The attitude is one of joint exploration. This

encourages cross fertilization of ideas.

6] Case Study :-

A case is a written account seeking to describe an actual situation. A

good case is the vehicle by which a chunk of realty is brought into the

class room to be discussed over by the class and the instructor.

Discussion on a case requires a capable instructor, who can evoke and

guide intelligent discussion analysis, so that meaningful learning

experiences occur. There is no "right" answer or simple explanation in

the comprehensive case. The advantages of this method are more depth

of thinking, more perception in a situation, greater respect for and

consideration for the opinion of others.

7] Incident Method :-

This method was developed at M.I.T. by Paul and Pigors, as an

outgrowth of dissatisfaction felt with the case method. In the usual case

method the entire problem is presented to the students, whereas in the

incident method only a brief incident is presented to provoke discussion

in the class. The group then puts questions to the instructor to draw out

of him the salient facts and additional information, needed to arrive at a

reasonable solution or resolution of the case. This method draws the

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participants into discussion with greater emotional involvement. A unique

advantage of this method over the case method is the procedure of

obtaining information by questions, one that often must take place in

actual business situations.

8] Role Playing :-

In this method, the instructor assigns parts taken from case materials to

group members. The situation is usually one involving conflict between

people. The role players attempt to act the parts as they would behave in

a real life situation, working without a script or memorized lines and

improvising as they play the parts. The development of empathy and

sensitivity is one of the primary objectives of role playing.

9] Laboratory Training (or Sensitivity Training) (T group Training):-

This type of training is designed to increase the managers understanding

of himself and of his own impact on others. The training takes the form of

a group discussion, and through a leader trained in the technique is

present, the group may decide on the subject of discussion or suggest

changes in procedure. In the course of discussion, conflict, hostility,

stress and frustration may be purposely generated for they later on

become motivations for growth as well as food for learning. The

laboratory training aims at achieving behavioural, effectiveness in

transactions with ones environment.


Traditional view of lectures being able to deliver learning to a large group

of audience in a small time and at a tighter expense is being challenged,

with participants preferring a method that can value their experiences

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and feedback more than what a traditional lecture system allows them


Retreats are facing the challenges of cost and returns – with an

increasingly diverse and dynamic workforce, and with organizations

running on tight schedules and tighter budgets, it is becoming

increasingly difficult to bring a sufficient number of participants together

in a retreat setting, and to justify the high cost associated with the


While electronic and web based learning sessions are becoming more

popular due to their relative ease of setting up, and the advances in

technology bringing virtual closer to real every day, age‐old trends of

distance education and mentoring are making a strong return in Canada,

especially in the recessionary period.

Distance education started in Canada as a concept during as early as

1860’s, and it focussed almost exclusively on participants from off‐urban

locations. However, with time and advent of technology, distance

education has evolved to various forms of online courses and sessions,

allowing participants the freedom of time, location, and learning material.

The role of mentoring and coaching is probably most important in

Canadian workforce today than ever. With an aging population,

organizations are looking at their replacement charts and succession

plans more closely than ever, and this type of learning provides an ideal

ground for organizations to retain the skills that senior employees could

potentially take along with them upon retirement. Not only does this

learning style gives senior employees an opportunity to pass their

wisdom to their potential successor in the organization, but also allows

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the protégés to begin contributing to the decision making process much

earlier in their careers as they get a chance to interact with the

employees who have already been recognized in the workplace as

leaders and experts in their respective fields of work.



Traineeship Eases Finance Sector Training Load

A two-year financial services traineeship, backed by employer

incentives, is easing the path to better customer service and legislative

compliance for a Queensland company.

The Queensland Teachers Credit Union (QTCU) has around 40

financial services trainees among its 250 staff in 12 branches from

Cairns to Southport. At the successful completion of their traineeship,

they will all receive Certificate III in Financial Services.

QTCU training officer Ross Acutt says its a move that he'd

recommend to any financial services sector employer.

"From March, new Commonwealth legislation requires some

employees in our sector to meet a certain standard of competence and

the delivery of the Certificate III in Financial Services through

traineeships is making that process of compliance easier for us," he


"As well, we will have better trained employees with enhanced

skills who will provide better services to our members.

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"QTCU is very focused on maintaining a strong branch

infrastructure and our trainees will now have a nationally-recognised

qualification that helps us provide high service standards consistently

across all of our branches in Queensland."

Mr Acutt says providing training opportunities and a career path for

employees helps make QTCU an employer of choice in a competitive

recruitment market.

"Potential new and existing staff see this training as a great

personal development benefit, which helps us retain staff and attract a

high standard of new recruits."

Mr Acutt says the whole process of signing up, registering the

trainees and accessing suitable training was made simple by

Queensland Apprenticeship Services (QAS).

QAS is a business unit of Commerce Queensland and provides a

free service to employers and employees across the State. The service

includes advice on the most suitable training available, assistance and

advice on recruitment options, obligations of parties, assistance with

completing the paperwork and payment of Commonwealth Government


QAS has offices throughout Queensland. QAS senior New

Apprenticeships consultant Fiona Woodhouse, who specialises in the

financial services sector, says the working partnership between QTCU

and QAS has smoothed the path for QTCU and its employees and given

them a clear understanding of the system and their obligations.

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She says employers could be eligible for a range of Australian,

state and territory Government employer financial incentives for

employing trainees.


Training versus Awareness Creation

The evaluations reviewed indicate a frequent confusion between

the concepts of training and awareness creation in the design of training

programmes. The evaluation report of a project in demographic training

in Honduras stressed this difference and explained its causes. This

explanation, which referred specifically to demography, can be

generalised to other substantive fields. According to this report,

awareness creation aims at promoting understanding and acceptance of

the significance of various population problems. It brings facts and

issues to the attention of large audiences or specific groups, such as

decision-makers and opinion leaders. On the other hand, training aims

at developing skills and in-depth knowledge on population topics in a

structured and systematic way. While awareness creation can include

among its targets a diverse audience with various profiles, training is

aimed at specific categories that meet a number of conditions. In

addition, training takes place during a limited and pre-determined time

period, follows rigorous methodological and pedagogical rules and aims

at achieving a well-defined amount of competence.

Failure to recognise this difference had resulted in projects that

were overburdened with an assortment of objectives aiming at both

technical training and awareness-raising. Being two disparate

categories, as explained above, these can generate opposing dynamics

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and the steps taken to achieve one can lead away from the other. The

confusion between training and awareness creation in formulating

project objectives weakens the focus of project strategy and finally

diminishes project effectiveness.

The unclear distinction between training and awareness creation in

project design has a diminishing effect on project effectiveness. This is

because training and awareness creation have different objectives and

their achievement requires different approaches. The lack of definition,

and at the same time, reconciliation of these approaches can undermine

the coherence of the project strategy.

Needs Assessment

An important factor in designing training programmes is the

magnitude of the demand for the skills to be developed by the training. It

was often observed that the objectives of training activities, in terms of

people to be trained, were not determined on the basis of the

requirements for specific skills or projections of jobs to be created,

especially in the public sector. This can have a deleterious effect on the

sustainability of training imparted because, if trainees are not given

ample opportunity to practice their skills, eventually such skills will be

lost. An assessment of the capacity of national institutions to absorb

trained personnel is therefore critical to ensure the effectiveness of


Persistent and rapid turnover of staff is a recurrent problem in

developing countries. Population programmes often suffer because of

the departure of qualified personnel for better job opportunities

elsewhere. In some regions, such as Latin America, the private sector is

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a significant pole of attraction, in part because of the large salary

differentials. To address this problem, several evaluations stressed the

necessity of a national or sectoral personnel training plan based on

sound needs assessment. This plan would co-ordinate complementary

in-country and external training activities to produce the needed pool of

skilled labour in a specific time period. In addition, it could offer

alternative solutions to the turnover problem, through, for example, the

establishment of career development schemes with incentives that

would help retain trained professionals in the country programme.

The level of knowledge within the target group (s) is an additional

factor to be considered in designing and implementing training

programmes. This is important for formulating relevant curricula and

appropriate materials and for determining the length of a course. In this

connection, it was also noted that prospective trainees were often aware

of their own shortcomings and could articulate rather well the specific

areas where they require training. As a rural teacher from San Lucas

Toliman in Guatemala states: “A six grade student asked me how a

woman got pregnant and I was unable to answer his question. I told him

I would give him an answer the next day. The next day the student

appeared and asked me to do what I promised. I then told him a woman

got pregnant when she had relations, and he asked me what “having

relations” was. I just didn’t know what to answer.”

Effective training should be based on proper needs assessments.

Such assessments refer both to the demand for trained individuals in the

concerned substantive areas as well as the level of knowledge of

prospective trainees.

Selection of Trainees

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A major concern observed in many training projects relates to the

selection of trainees. Evaluation findings pointed out that trainees for

long term training in specific technical topics such as demography,

statistics or family planning were generally well selected, probably

because selection requirements were usually clearly defined by the

training institutions.

On the other hand, the selection of participants for short-term

training or workshops was much less systematic. Evaluations showed

that people sent to courses, especially when these were located abroad,

often did not have the necessary substantive background. Trainees

were, in many cases, not carefully identified in terms of anticipated use

of the training. This problem became more prevalent at interregional

workshops where the reward of trip tended to overshadow the practical

reason for participation.

Selection of trainees tended to be more rigorous for long-term

training. For short-term training of workshops, criteria of selection were

less well defined or inconsistently applied. As a consequence, the

technical background of participants in the latter tended to vary quite

significantly with resulting uneveness in the assimilation of knowledge


Content of Training

Many reports criticised the widespread tendency to train personnel

without reference to their job description. This had led to irrelevant

curricula and therefore, to insufficient preparation of trainees for their

future tasks. Frequently, there were no clear guidelines to link training

content to the specific tasks that the trainees should be prepared to

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perform on the job. For example, in many projects evaluated, family

welfare educators usually received very little information on family

planning during their basic training. These professionals acquired their

knowledge of family planning mostly through their work experience.

They were, however, the first point of contact for potential family

planning clients at the clinic. Their performance was, therefore, critical to

the clients’ decision to adopt family planning. This important role in

enhancing contraceptive acceptance had, however, been overlooked in

the content of their basic training.

Evaluations of demographic training and research criticised the

highly mathematical profile of the training curricula. In an otherwise

highly successful training project in Malawi, it appeared that “… the

content of courses sponsored by the project favoured the measurement

and estimation of demographic phenomena, whereas for many students,

a more substantive discussion of issues, alternatives and policies would

have more significance. Moreover, although the population courses were

optional for all undergraduate students, their technical content

apparently discouraged some of the undergraduate student body from

participating, particularly those students who were uncomfortable with

statistics and mathematics.”

Linking training content to the job descriptions of trainees is

essential to ensure that they acquire the appropriate skills.

Training of Trainers

The lack of qualified trainers is a major problem facing population

programmes. Many reports emphasised the need for preparing a cadre

of master trainers to ensure the sustainability of training efforts. The

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evaluation of an interregional project on reproductive health in

adolescence advocated both the preparation of a permanent cadre of

master trainers and an emphasis on training of trainers (TOT) to

optimise the use of scarce human and financial resources. At the same

time, the widely applied strategy of successive training of trainers, or

training “in cascade”, which usually starts with a pool of instructors

trained abroad, was criticised in many evaluations. It was observed that

this approach had led to a loss in quality of training as one got further

from the starting point. The evaluation of IEC in support of MCH/FP

advocated the replacement of the training “in cascade” approach with an

itinerant team of permanent, highly competent trainers.

Another concern related to the level of competence among training staff

in population topics. Evaluations noted that, in many cases, the

personnel in charge of the training was not adequately prepared in the

population area. In a Population Communication Training Project in

Kenya, for example, the staff recruited to the Population Communication

Department, while well qualified in various aspects of communication,

lacked any substantive knowledge of population issues. This problem

also occurred in population education projects, where, in most cases,

educators in charge of the integration of population issues in various

other disciplines, were themselves not conversant with population topics.

These professionals usually had a variety of backgrounds in, for

example, health, labour, social welfare, and they were skilled neither in

population issues nor in innovative education techniques.

It is therefore essential that the competence and qualification of trainers

be ascertained beforehand. In this connection, attention should be paid

to both the substantive as well as methodological aspects of training.

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Experience showed that:

a) the strategy of training a permanent cadre of trainers is preferable

to the training “in cascade” approach.

b) the competence and qualification of trainers in population topics

should be ascertained and strengthened, as necessary, before

implementing a training programme.

Training Methods

The evaluations reviewed emphasised the importance of effective and

innovative training methods that are culture sensitive and appropriate to

the subject matter. Along with traditional teaching methods, such as

formal lectures, seminars and workshops, all evaluation reports

advocated the introduction of techniques that facilitate the sharing of

ideas and thoughts among participants. Participatory learning by doing

and group-dynamic approaches were found to be particularly effective in

this regard.

The use of participatory methods of learning was described in an

evaluation report of an interregional project dealing with reproductive

health in adolescence. The training provided by this project emphasised

behavioural change through interpersonal communication by stressing

listening skills. Numerous trainees interviewed by the evaluators

commented that this approach to counselling had radically changed their

views from a process of didactic instruction to one of assisting people in

reaching their own decisions regarding behaviour. The two-way

communication aspect was apparently both eye-opening and welcomed

as a tool for improving services for adolescents.

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Another example is a Population Education project in Sudan that

introduced some innovative teaching techniques and achieved a break

from the old ways of teaching. The new approach placed the student

rather than the teacher at the centre of the pedagogical process. In

addition, the project integrated population education concepts into

different subjects of the school curricula. This required an

interdisciplinary approach to population issues, reorienting the previous

strategy of teaching population topics separately.

Participatory methodologies can also be used for training in

population and development planning. In many UNFPA-supported

projects in this area, training techniques requiring role-playing and

simulation games were used to simulate planning and policy formulation

processes. In addition, case studies were used to familiarise students

with the use of planning models for policy analysis and offered

opportunities for empirical work within a theoretical, conceptual


The effectiveness of training depends to a large extent on the

quality of the methodology should take into account both the socio-

cultural characteristics of trainees and the specificities of the subject

matter. The use of participatory approaches should be explored, where

feasible, especially with regard to training that aims ultimately to effect

behavioural changes.

Training Materials

Manuals, guidelines and IEC materials for population training were the

weakest component in all projects evaluated. In demographic training,

use of appropriate materials including microcomputer simulation

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programmes to illustrate population dynamics was found to be

infrequent, although a wide array of such materials had been produced

by an interregional project that supplies them free of charge.

Unfortunately, the outputs of this project did not appear to be well known

at the country level.

The evaluation findings pointed out that training in population and

development made extensive use of demo-economic models. In most

cases, however, these models had not been designed for training

purposes, but for use by planners. Therefore, when used in training

programmes, their complexity should be reduced to a few meaningful

relationships to avoid confusing trainees whose educational background

may n for a thorough understanding of complicated planning issues.

The absence or inadequate supply of relevant material in medical and

paramedical schools imposes a heavy burden on training in MCH/FP.

Practically all evaluation reports reviewed in this sector emphasised the

lack of or inadequate dissemination of manuals and guidelines at all

levels of the service delivery system. In addition, the reports pointed out

the low incidence of pre and post testing of materials despite the general

acknowledgement that these are critical steps towards qualitative

improvement of services.

The quality of materials used was stressed by almost all the evaluation

reports as a decisive contributor to training effectiveness. An example is

the evaluation of quality of family planning services which recommend

support for the development of culturally appropriate and

understandable materials for training service providers in MCH/FP.

Innovative and effective teaching methods need appropriate teaching

materials for better impact.

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Impact of Training

Impact evaluation is important for assessing the effectiveness of

training. Such evaluations should examine, inter alia the appropriateness

of both training curriculum and teaching methodology. Various reports

stressed that the quality of an impact evaluation depends greatly on its

being planned for in the original design of the project or programme.

Thus, evaluations of impact should not be viewed as periodic events:

continuous, in built evaluation mechanisms should form part of the

strategies for project execution to gather data for eventual impact


The reports reviewed for this paper, however, rarely refer to this

type of exercise. In most cases, only the impact of short-term training

was assessed. For long-term training, as in demography or in-school

population education, evaluation of impact rarely occurred.

An exception was the evaluation of a population education project

in Morocco. Based on an experimental type of design, using both

quantitative and qualitative methods, the evaluation of this training

reached some unexpected findings. For example, it showed a

discrepancy between the knowledge of population issues among

students and their attitudes concerning population problems. Although

students were very interested in rather complex subjects, such as

“population and development” and “population and alternatives for the

future”, they did not change their attitudes on everyday life concerns,

such as the number of children desired. The evaluation pointed out the

influence of traditional and cultural norms on the attitudes and beliefs of

the students and highlighted the inappropriateness of the teaching

methodology used by the project.

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A concern stressed by many reports and by the UNFPA

publication “Population Policies and Programmes. Lessons Learned

from two Decades of Experience” was the infrequent use of evaluations

findings. In most training programmes, no follow up system was

implemented that would allow trainers to collaborate with and help the

trainees in their undertakings after the training. A general conclusion of

the reports reviewed was that evaluation findings infrequently entered

the decision making process and that they were not used systematically

for reorienting or designing training programmes.

An impact evaluation provides significant information on the extent

to which the training content and methodology and should be integrated

in the project design.

Institutional Environment

Implementation of training is often influenced by external factors

such as political stability, economic conditions, institutional capacity in

the field of population and stability of training institutions and staff

retention. Attention to these factors is important for the

institutionalization of training systems within countries, to ensure a

continuous supply of qualified personnel.

The influence of the institutional environment was obvious in the

training in demography project in Honduras. The University where the

project was located was often disturbed by strikes and social and

political incidents. These led to recurrent interruptions of courses and

departure of students. As a result, the evaluation advised the re-location

of the project in a more stable setting.

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It must be recognized, however, that the institutional environment

is usually beyond the control of managers of training programmes. The

structural requirements necessary for the sustainability of training efforts

have to be addressed by political decision-makers. They have the

ultimate responsibility to ensure the optimal conditions to enable training

facilities to respond to the needs of the country.

The capacity of the institutional setting to meet training needs is related

to exogenous factors such as political decisions, economic conditions

and institutional resources. In most cases, these factors are beyond the

control of managers of training programmes


The employees are provided with both on the Job training and off

the Job training, Training is to fill the gap between actual performance

and excepted performance,

Various types of training provided to the employees are

♦ Induction training

♦ Regular training from annual training needs Identification

♦ On the Job training for new or transferred employees

♦ Development programme Induction training

Induction training is provided as part of the placement activity of

HRM process. Once selected candidate is joined, he is inducted in the

organization to understand its various practices, products and

processes, linkages in the process, Interaction points for his position,

quality management system and safety systems.

HRD interacts with the functional heads of the function in which the

candidate is to be placed, to arrive at the areas where more focus should

Page 24: Roots

be given, accordingly a schedule is provided to be the newly recruited

employee. An induction manual which contains the essential details

about product/ processes, systems and organization is provided for


Once the induction training is completed a written test is conducted

to know his leave of understanding. HRD & the HOD concerned will

evaluate the effectiveness after which the employee is placed on the job.

Incase, my further training is found necessary it is arranged. The level of

learning and his performance is received after 3 months using post

induction review.

The employee is induced in the regular training programmes as

per his training requirements identified by his functional head.

Training Based On the Annual Training Needs Identification

Based on the training need identification Annual training calendar

is prepared. Advisory committee on training (ACT) arrives at the

necessary and objectives on the training programmes planned for every

month. All the recommendation of the committee on faculty Training

facilities, timing requirement are implemented accordingly. ACT also

short lists the programmes from the requested programme list.

Monthly training programme details are informed to the functional

heads through Inter Department Memo to ensure the participation of the

employee 5 days prior to the start of the month.

Training hall requirement, training aids like OHP, multimedia

projector etc are booked by the HRD personnel though lotus notes/e-

mail and the status of the same is viewed online before the

Page 25: Roots

commencement of the training the HRD personnel goes to the venue

and checks the arrangement.

Participates attending the training are recording in training

programme attendance. At the end of training the participants are asked

to evaluate and give their feedback in training program. The feed back is

consolidated and analyzed through program evaluation questionnaire.

Retraining is planned if the j overall rating is less than 50%. Details of

the training attended by the employees are entered in the individual

training record.

After completing the training the effectiveness is assessed based

on the objective test.

On the Job Training

On the job training is provided to the new and the transferred

employees and on the effect of non conforming products over the


On the job is focused on function related specific aspects which is

conducted by the foremen/supervisors in the particular function.

The training focuses on the job content this is accomplished

through an instruction session and subsequently evaluating the

performance through observation by the superior once the employee

starts performing to the expected level, the functional head will inform

the HRD for recording the same in the individual training record.

Development Programme

Page 26: Roots

Development programme is conducted for the potential employees

to enable them to acquire competency to hold higher responsibilities in





ROOTS Industries Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Horns in India

and the 11th largest Horn Manufacturing Company in the world.

Headquartered in Coimbatore - India, ROOTS has been a

dominant player in the manufacture of Horns and other products

like Castings and Industrial Cleaning Machines.

Since its establishment in 1970, ROOTS has had a vision and

commitment to produce and deliver quality products adhering to

International standards.

With a strong innovative base and commitment to Quality, Roots

Industries Limited has occupied a key position in both international

and domestic market as suppliers to leading OEMs and after


Now, RIL is the first Indian Company and first horn manufacturing

company in the world to get ISO/TS 16949 certification based on

effective implementation of QS 9000 and VDA 6.1 system

requirement earlier.

RIL has entered into technical collaboration with Robert Bosch, SA

to further enhance the technical competence.

Roots' vision is to become a world class company manufacturing

world class product, excelling in human relation.

Page 27: Roots


ROOTS Industries India Ltd is managed by an excellent team of

path-breakers, chief among them being the Chairman, Mr. K.

RAMASAMY, a Master's Degree Holder in Automobile Engineering from

Lincoln Technical Institute, USA.

The company credo is echoed in his own words,

"At ROOTS, we believe that if something is worth doing, it is worth

doing well. And this attitude is reflected in every realm of our activities.

As a customer, you naturally expect the best. We are fully geared, in

spirit and method, to meet your requirements."

He is supported by technical and administrative people, experts in

their own field, who together strive to maintain the highest quality

quotient in all of ROOTS' products.



In the years since its genesis, the Roots have spun off several

divisions to cater a wide range of services.

The Roots Conglomerate consists of the following companies.

Page 28: Roots

Roots Industries India Ltd Electric horns

Roots Auto Products Pvt Ltd. Air horns, switches, & controllers

Roots Multiclean Ltd Cleaning machines

Roots Cast Pvt Ltd Aluminium & Zinc Pressure Die


Roots Precision Products Dies, Tools, Jigs & Fixtures

Roots Metrology lab Instrument Calibration, Quality

system, Consultancy

Roots Polycraft Plastic components

RK Nature Cure Home Nature cure therapy, Yoga,


Satchidananda Jothi Nikethan International School

Roots Brake System Pvt Ltd Brakes

Roots Industries (Malaysia) Sdn


Electric horns

In addition to being a leading corporate house, Roots has used the

combined power of all its chakras to emerge as a service minded social

Page 29: Roots

citizen. Its nature cure and school are examples of how the group has

taken a step forward to expand the very basic roots of Indian Culture to

citizens across the globe.


At Roots, the underlying belief is that the thirst for success is the

mantra that drives the company to excel. This is achieved by embracing

the mantra of "embedding value driven success" in every root.


We will stand technologically ahead of others to deliver world-class

innovative products useful to our customers. We will rather lose our

business than our customers' satisfaction. It is our aim that the customer

should get the best value for his money,

Every member of our company will have decent living standards.

We care deeply for our families, for our environment and our society. We

promise to pay back in full measure to the society by way of selfless and

unstinted service.


Roots is a leading Original Equipment supplier to major vehicle

manufacturers like Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Mahindra & Mahindra,

Toyota, Fiat, TELCO, TVS, Kinetic, etc. The technical collaboration with

Robert Bosch S.A. of Spain starting from 195 has strengthened the R&D

activities and increased Roots' technical competence to international


Roots Multiclean Ltd. (RMCL) is a joint venture with Hako Werke

GmbH & Co., Germany, one of the largest cleaning machine

Page 30: Roots

manufacturers with global operations. RMCL is the sole representative in

India and SAARC countries for Hako Werke's entire range of cleaning

equipment. The quality of RMCL products is products is so well

established that Hako buys back a major portion for their global market.

RMCL also represents several global manufacturers of cleaning

products and is gearing itself up to provide customized, total cleaning



Roots is committed to manufacture customer- centric and

technology-driven products on par with international quality standards.

For example, the horns manufactured undergo a rigorous life-cycle test

and are subjected to an endurance of over 200,000 cycles of

performance while the industry norm requires only 100,000.

What s more, Roots believes in a quality culture that goes beyond

just products. Equal emphasis is given to quality in human relation and

quality in service. Roots in its journey towards Total Quality Management

have reached important milestones: ISO 9001, QS 9000, VDA 6.1,

ISO/TS 16949 and ISO

14001 Certifications, presently in the process of obtaining NABL

accreditation for our Metrology lab. The Group's TQM policy has a well-

integrated quality Circle Movement with active employee Circle

Movement with active employee participation at various levels.


Page 31: Roots

We are committed to provide world-class products and services

with due concern for the environment and safety of he society.

This will be achieved through total employee involvement,

technology up gradation, cost reduction and continual improvement in

Quality of the products and services

Quality Management system

Complete to QMS requirements

Quality will reflect in everything we do and think

Quality in behaviour

Quality in governance

Quality in human relation


Page 32: Roots

With due concern towards maintaining and improving the Quality

of Life, Roots is committed for sustainable development by minimizing

pollution and conserving resources.

This will be achieved through continual improvement in

Environmental Awareness of all employees & associates, Legal

Compliance and objective towards Environmental Protection.


1970 - Promotes American Auto Service for manufacture of Electric


1972 - First to manufacture Servo Brakes for Light Motor Vehicles.

1984 - Roots Auto Products Private Limited was established to

manufacture Air Horns. Die Casting Unit Commences commercial


1988 - Polycraft, a unit for Plastic Injection Moulding was established.

1990 - Roots Industries Private Limited takes over Electric Horn


1992 - RMCL enters into Techno-Financial collaboration with M/s. Hako

Werke GmbH, Germany.

1992 - Roots Industries Private Limited obtains the National Certification

- ISI Mark of Quality.

1994 - Production of floor cleaning equipment commences.

Roots Industries Private Limited wins American International Quality


1999 - Becomes the first horn manufacturer in Asia to obtain QS 9000.

Page 33: Roots

2000 - Becomes the first horn manufacturer in Asia to obtain VDA 6.1

and the first in the world to ISO/TS 16949

2000 - The first to introduce digitally controlled air horns and low

frequency, low decimal irritation first Jumbo Air Horns.

2003 - Roots Industries Ltd., Horn Division is accredited with ISO


2003 - Roots Industries Ltd (RIL) opens its 100% exclusive Export

Oriented Unit at their horn division.

2004 - Roots Industries Limited (RIL) opens its 100% exclusive Export

Oriented Unit at their Horn Division, Thoppampatti, Coimbatore to cater

the needs of Ford North America.

2004 - RlL's EOU commences its supplies to Ford, North America.

2004 - Roots Multiclean Limited (RMCL) inaugurates its 100% EOU

Plant at Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore.

2004 - Roots Cast Private Limited (RCPL) inaugurates its

Unit II at Arugampalayam, Coimbatore.

2004 - Roots Auto Products Pvt Ltd (RAPPL) expands with its Machining

Division at Arugampalayam, Coimbatore.

2004 - RIL successfully launches its Malaysian Plant

2004 -The group Company American Auto Service is accredited with

ISO 9001:2000

2005 - Roots Industries Ltd. is certified with MS 9000, a pre-requisite for

Q1 award for Ford Automotive Operations Suppliers. Focus on Systems

and Processes.

Page 34: Roots

2005 - Roots Metrology & Testing Laboratory has been accredited by

National Accreditation Board testing & calibration in the field of

Mechanical - Linear & Angular.

2005 - Roots Industries Ltd., is awarded Ql by Ford Motor Company

2005 - Roots Industries Ltd., Horn Division upgraded its ISO: 14001

from 1996 version to 2004 version,

2006 - RIL Horn Division upgraded computer automated system.

2007 - RIL got award for the best horn industry in Coimbatore city.



RIL was the first offshoot of American Auto Service. Since then,

there has been no looking back In terms of growth and diversification.

RIL's versatile product range includes a comprehensive array of

automobile horns, auto lamps, pistons & rings and sophisticated parking

guide systems. The company currently enjoys 60% market share in the

automobile horn market Its growing market leadership stance has been

enough incentive for RIL to start operations In Malaysia as well.

A technical collaboration with Robert Bosch brought International

acclaim to RIL. An Engineering Research Centre equipped with the

latest technical instruments adds further advantage to manufacturing

world class products. RIL is India's first auto accessories manufacturing

company to get ISO: 9001, QS 9000, VDA 6.1 and the ISO/TS 16949

certifications. As an eco-conscious corporate, RIL has also gained ISO:

14001 certification.

Page 35: Roots

It all started with just a honk. Encouraged by the response, the

company kept on moving ahead, in the beginning, it did not realize that

they would make such an impact. Slowly but surely, the reverberations

were felt far and wide. Indian automobile market responded to their call.

Soon the global market too followed suit. Roots horns, in a very short

span of time, got a place of pride in millions of vehicles across the globe.


Roots Industries specializes in the manufacture of a wide range

and line-up of automobile horns. Roots Industries Limited places a

premium on original technology and innovation. Its technical

collaboration with Robert Bosch S.S. of Spain in 1995 has helped it to

further strengthen its R&D activities and technical competence. This

collaboration along with Roots' indigenous talent has kicked off a spree

of growth unmatched in the history of automobile OE manufacturers.

The products of Roots Industries are




Bosch range

Roots 90








Page 36: Roots

1. Housing

2. Windtone Super

3. Diaphragm

4. Tone Disc

5. Contact Point Components

6. Mounting bracket


There are different for manufacturing electric horn parts.


There are two methods to manufacture housings. They are

a) The process flows in the right direction.

Blanking Drawing Restrike Piercing I Piercing II Trimming

Embossing M.S. riveting Stack assembly riveting Trimming

b) The process flows in the right direction

Blanking Drawing I Drawing II Drawing III Restrike

Piercing Trimming SCR Riveting.


The process flows in the right direction.

Blanking -> Forming -> Piercing -> Cleartone


Assembly section receives materials (components) from stores.

The components are checked for its quality in stores itself. The steps

involved in assembly section are as follows

Page 37: Roots

Spool casing Assy Locking and Tuning &Screw Assembling

Bridge Screw Assembling & Tightening

Terminal base assembling and tightening.

Diaphragam assy Assembling, Height measure &Tightening

Gasket Selection & Pre horn Assembling

Horn side screw tightening

Pre Turning & mounting, bracket Assembling

Horn Tuning & Testing

Marking on Horn, Terminal screw tightening

QA Inspection

Page 38: Roots


Roots is a leading supplier to all the major vehicle manufacturers

like Ford, Daimler Chrysler, Mitsubishi Lancer, Mahindra & Mahindra,

Toyota, Tata Motors, Fiat Uno and Siena, TELCO, TVS Motor Company,

Kinetic Honda, etc.


Roots Cast Pvt. Ltd., (RCPL) (Formerly known as Aruna Auto

Castings Private Limited) was established in 1984 to meet the captive

requirements of the Roots group. With its ever probing eye on the needs

of the market, the company in the late 80s expanded its operations to

manufacture High Pressure Die Cast Aluminium and Zinc components to

the exacting needs of various customers in Automobile and Textile

Industries with a high degree of Quality and Perfection.

Die-cast components manufactured by RCPL, vary from 8 grams

to 1250 grams and this has thrown open the field for ample opportunity

to cast a host of products. The company also specialized in

manufacturing critical and exclusive components for the automobile,

textile and healthcare industries.

RCPL now has established itself as a major player in the die cast

component manufacturing thanks to the expertise built in the core

activities like tool design, tool making and pressure die cast component



o RSV Governor housing for Fuel Injection Pump

o Heat-Sink For Alternator

o Pump body and Pump body cover

Page 39: Roots

o Ring Holder For Ring Frame

o Fixing Bracket For Car-Starter

o Steam & Dry Iron Sole Plates For Electric Iron

o Clam shell for surgical interconnect System

o Pivot Housing For Wiper Motor

o Filed Mould GF Nylon 66 for Alternator


o Medical & Home Appliances

o Auto Electrical Parts

o Automobile Engine Parts

o Range of Textile Parts


RCPL has explained its production capacity by putting up its

second unit with a Fully Automatic, Computer Controlled Toshiba Die

Casting Machine and fully automated with auto ladle, extractor and


In order to achieve the highest degree of customer satisfaction in

quality and productivity combine with cost competiveness. RCPL is using

a state-of-art, fully automatic Strike finance and LPG as the fuel. The

present capacity of RCPL is 920 tons per annum.

RCPL is supported by specialized services like ERC with

CAD/CAM and other test facilities, in-house tool room and good quality

system concepts. With customer service as the goal and commitment to

quality as the means, RCPL is marching forward with a dedicated team

of professionals.

Page 40: Roots


20% of the production is exported to TRICO, UK and Zinser,

Germany. Customers:

The core competence coupled with synergistic effect of system

and product quality improvement has attracted reputed customers like

Philips, DAP, MICO, LMW, Lucas-TVS, Pricol, TIL, Wipro InfoTech etc.

to name a few. RCPL - made automobile precision components are

exported to UK< and textile components, to Germany.


At Roots, there have been no restriction to expanding possibilities

for the group's success. The group has always been willing to travel the

extra mile to contribute positively to the society. RMCL was established

with the hope of drastically improving the cleanliness and hygiene-both

indoors and outdoors by introducing the concept of mechanized cleaning

in the country. RMCL is acclaimed as one of the most successful lndo-

German joint ventures in partnership with Hako Werke GmbH, one of the

largest and most reputed manufacturers of cleaning equipment in


As a renowned cleaning equipment manufacturer, RMCL is

situated in the Industrial town of Coimbatore, Tamil nadu. It commenced

manufacture of cleaning equipment in early 90's and has now three

modern factories, producing various ranges of small versions of

sweeping machines and scruber driers and almost 50% are exported to

several developed countries.

Page 41: Roots

RMCL not only manufactures cleaning equipment but also

provides customized solutions to client's cleaning requirements, having a

wide array of equipment from its principal Hako as well as from a

number of leading manufacturers of cleaning equipment known world

wide for the environment and stake holders arises from purity of thought.

This is the secret of Root's success. The thought process that has gone

into the seat of the creative mind propels RMCL to do something more.

RMCL is the sole respresentative of Hako Werke GmbH for the

entire range of cleaning equipment for India and SAARC countries. To

improvise they facilitate a better service to its customers, RMCL has

established Regional offices in all Metros and a wide dealer network in

all principal locations. The superior quality products and the added

advantage of good after sales service has established the company as

the country's largest and leading manufacturer of floor cleaners.


o Sweepers

o Scrubber-Driers

o Floor Washing Machines

o Ride-one-Scrubber

o Ride-on-Sweeper

o City Master

o High Pressure Jet Cleaners

o Extra Heavy Duty Industrial Vacuums

o Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

o Single Disc Machines

o Janitorial Range

Page 42: Roots


RMCL has emerged as a strong engineering company and

recognizing the importance of Research and Development, has made

significant investments towards R&D facilities. ROOTS ENGINEERING

RESEARCH CENTRE (ERC) is a central facility that caters to all the

Roots Group of Companies in the areas of Product Development, Tool

Development and Facilities Development.

The products developed recently by Roots R&D are Hakomatric E

350 - a scrubber cum drier, High Pressure Water Jet Cleaner. They have

also developed the Roots Cutler, a vegetable cutting machine to cater to

the needs of Food & Hospitality Industry. The above mentioned

products have been recently launched in the global market to further

strengthen the market share of RMCL

Advanced state-of-the-art CAD/CAM Software is employed for

carrying out the product design activities. 3-D Solid Modelling Design

Tool - Pro/Engineer is used by trained engineers to produce World Class



RMCL products have found wide application in the following


o Auto & Ancillary Industries

o Electronics & Engineering

o Machine & Equipment Manufacturing Industries

o Pharmaceutical Industries

o Food Processing and Hotel Industries

o Chemical Industry

Page 43: Roots

o Service Centres & Work Station

o Telecom & Infrastructure Industry

o Government Institutions

o Civic Bodies

o Transport Department

o Printings Packaging Industry

o Bottling & Breweries

o Engineering & Power Industries

o Plantation

o Textile Industries


RAPPL has grown from a small manufacturer of horns, to India's

largest air horn manufacturing company in just a span of five years.

Today, RAPPL enjoys a market share of 70% in the air horn segment.

Commercial transportation plays a crucial role in the economic

development of nations. Roots Air Horns ensures safe and smooth

passage of thousands of heavy vehicles on the move.

It is also India's first horn company to manufacture horns that

confirm to the IS: 14813 standards. The company's product offerings do

not just stop with a wide variety of air horns but also include a host of

auto accessories like flashers, horn relays, dual head lamp relays,

melody makers, lever switches etc., that are renowned for their stringent

quality standards. These products demonstrate the company's

boundless inspiration to innovate and improvise products to suit evolving

customer needs.

Page 44: Roots

The logistics division of RAPPL coordinates the sales and

marketing activities throughout the country. The machining and

manufacturing divisions are responsible for manufacturing products

contemporary to market needs.

As an exclusive OE supplier to major automobile giants like Ashok

Leyland, JGB, and Caterpillar, RAPPL has established itself as the most

preferred choice for its range of products. Export markets include

France, South Africa, UAE and US.

One of the reasons why RAPPL has been able to achieve

phenomenal levels of success is its ability to innovate and deliver quality

products beyond the expectation of customers. Imagination and

innovation has helped RAPPL to attain peak productivity through quality

products and services.


The main products of RAPPL are

o Air horns

o Controllers

o Switches

o Relays

o Electronic Flashers

o Melody Makers

o Security Systems

o Mobile Charges



Page 45: Roots




Roots Polycraft (PC) was established in 1988 to manufacture

precision plastic components. It is equipped with latest microprocessor

injection moulding machines to maintain consistent process parameters.

Over the years, Polycraft has gained skills and unique techniques

to manufacture small and medium size components for Automative,

Pump, Textile, and Medical Industries besides meeting the captive

requirements of Roots Group. Being fully equipped to provide the best

service, Polycraft has satisfied customers who have helped augment its

technological advances.

RPC manufactures precision plastic components. Specialised

parts like trumpets and connectors are examples of the team's

dedication to quality and productivity. Unique techniques and skills

developed enable the company to produce parts requiring insert

moulding, ultrasonic welding and vacuum-impregnation, whilst meeting

stringent quality standards.

Roots Polycraft, backed by a full-fledged Tool Room and Design

Centre which is equipped with sophisticated CAD/CAM/CAE software,

enables quick preparation of insert drawings and design of complex

moulds, according to customer specifications.



Page 46: Roots


The process flows in the right direction

Incoming material inspection Storage Pre heating of raw materials

Injection moulding & inspection Deflashing Final inspection

Checking & inspection.


Roots Polycraft is specialized in

o Injection moulding

o Extrusion moulding

o Ultrasonic welding

Injection moulding is a discontinuous process and it can be carried in

two types namely

Roots Polycraft also assists its customers in the product design

stage to optimize the mould construction, to reduce the cost and

complexity of the mould.

Roots Cast Private Limited and Roots Polycraft are the most

dynamic enterprises within the Root's group. This is where precision and

quality is in complete harmony with each other. Dynamism is part

design; tooling and part production, all drive the group to elevated levels

of success.


Some of the major raw materials used for manufacturing plastic

components are

ABS copolymer

Page 47: Roots









Vertical injection moulding

Horizontal injection moulding

It has totally 8 injection moulding machines and their specifications are

150 Tonnage - 1No.

155 Tonnage-2No

5O Tonnage—1No

20 Tonnage-1No

15 Tonnage -2No

12 Tonnage-1No

It has an ultrasonic welding machine.


Roots Polycraft is specialized in supplying components to:

Automobile industries

Textile industries

Medical Industries

Electrical Industries

Pump Industries


Page 48: Roots

RPP came into existence when precision tooling requirements

from within the group companies rose to considerable proportions.

Roots Precision Products was established in 1978 to address then

in-house tooling needs of the diverse industries in Roots group. Owing to

continuous improvement and investment into better resources, the

company has become self-sufficient. It is catering to the needs of various

industries. RPP acts as a one-stop solution for tooling and precision


Controlled and measured process with modern tools like DFMEA,

QFD, FTR, PFMEA and SQA provides basis to delivering excellence in

service. A high — tech manufacturing units and international quality

norms have resulted in a unique customer manufacturer relationship.

Solid modeling, master CAM and in-house metrology keep the wheels of

precision running right.

RPP's repository has a diverse product portfolio including press

tools, casting dies, plastic moulds, jigs and fixtures. For essential

components, RPP undertakes the task of conducting tools trials by

simulating real life conditions. These trials prove instrumental to attaining

higher levels of customer satisfaction while also serving as a vehicle of

perfection for tooling craftsmen.


Its manufacturing facility includes:

Tool Design department with CAD/CAM, Solid modeling

All types of convectional machines including EDM

CNC Milling with Master CAM software for #D machining

Metrology lab for inspection of Tool parts and components

Page 49: Roots

Roots Precision Products has the facility to conduct tool trial on:

Mechanical Press up to 250 Tons

Hydraulic Press up to 60 Tons

Pressure Die Casting Machine up to 250 Tons

Plastic Injection Moulding up to 130 Tons

Ultrasonic welding (with horns supplied by customers) up to

25mm2 capacity

A highly skilled team handling various types of press tools, moulds,

die castings dies, jigs and fixtures with high degree of accuracy


SUCCESS. High quality standards are maintained throughout; each unit

is run through stringent inspection and calibration at the fully- fledged

metrology laboratory, adhering to ISO 9002 standards.


RPP is specialized in design and manufacture of

Press tools

Injection moulds

Die-castings dies

Jigs and fixtures


I. Product : Die casting Dies

Specification : 60 Ton to 400 Ton Cold Chamber & Hot


Component Material : Zinc & Aluminum alloys

Page 50: Roots

Die Material : HDS H13 & Orvar Supreme

II. Product : Engineering Plastic Moulds

Specification : 30 Ton to 250 Ton cold runner, hot

runner, 2 plate, split mould.

Component Material : ABS, Nylon, PPs, HDPE, LDPE, Derlin,


Die material : HPM 38, HDS Hll, Stavax ESR, Impax

Supreme and calmax.

III. Product : Press Tools

Specification : 10 Ton to 250 Ton progressive compound

& combination mould

Component Material : ABS, Nylon. PPs. HDPE, LDPE, Derlin,PP

Die material : HPM 38, HDS H11, Stavax ESR, Impax

and Calmax

IV. Product : Jigs & Fixtures

Specification : Machining and Assembly

Die Material : OHNS, EN 24, En8, and HCHCR


The core competence coupled with synergistic effect of system

and product quality improvement has attracted reputed customers like

Page 51: Roots

Troika, LMW, Lucas-TVS Pricol, TVS Electronics, Sulzer Electronis and

TV5 Motors etc.



1. Human Resource Department

2. Finance Department

3. Secretarial Department

4. Purchase Department

5. Systems Department

6. Production Department

7. Quality Department

8. Stores Department

9. Sales and Marketing Department

10. Public relations Department



HR department handles the most valuable yet vulnerable resource

of the company i.e. the employees. It is concerned totally with

maintaining the harmony within employees, friction free employees, and

employer relation, keep the morale high, reduce all causes of employee

fatigue or failure, take care of accidents and safety, keep a striking

balance between satisfying the employee Land profit sharing etc

Recruitment and Selection

Page 52: Roots


paper advertisement

Campus Interview

Internal /External.

Selection Criteria


Communication Skill

Physical Stamina

Leadership Skill

Social & Human Relation Skill

Formal education

Technical Education

Previous Experience

Social Status

Suitability to the post.

Methods of Selection

Aptitude Test

Intelligence Test.

Attitude test

Achievement test

Personal Interview

Group discussion

Performance Appraisal

At all levels

Executives, Staff, Workers, Trainees and Apprentice.

Periodical appraisal

Page 53: Roots

Reporting officer Appraisal

HOD Appraisal


A minimum of 8.33% and maximum of 20.5% is provided.


Based on organizational needs

Based on skill requirement

Based on Manpower

Provident fund

12% contribution is made by the employer and 12% by the


Punch Card

The punch card system is followed in this industry.

Salary & Wages

The workers receive their wages on 6th every month when the

staff received their.

Grades are given to the workers and the staffs and those with

higher grade get higher salary.

Factors identifying the best employee

Punctuation and attendance


Interpersonal Relations

Quality of work Dependability and commitment

Page 54: Roots

HR Objectives

Customer satisfaction

Concern for society

Customer Satisfaction

Job Enrichment


Development of Staff

Concern for Society



Welfare Scheme

Free uniforms

Education advance Scheme

Marriage loan

Groups Insurance Scheme

Super animation Scheme

LIC Scheme


Roots Organizational structure is decentralized structure. Every

group of Roots Company has the following structure



Page 55: Roots

The employees are provided with both on the Job training and off

the Job training, Training is to fill the gap between actual performance

and excepted performance,

Various types of training provided to the employees are

♦ Induction training

♦ Regular training from annual training needs Identification

♦ On the Job training for new or transferred employees

♦ Development programme Induction training

Induction training is provided as part of the placement activity of

HRM process. Once selected candidate is joined, he is inducted in the

organization to understand its various practices, products and

processes, linkages in the process, Interaction points for his position,

quality management system and safety systems.

HRD interacts with the functional heads of the function in which the

candidate is to be placed, to arrive at the areas where more focus should

be given, accordingly a schedule is provided to be the newly recruited

employee. An induction manual which contains the essential details

about product/ processes, systems and organization is provided for


Once the induction training is completed a written test is conducted

to know his leave of understanding. HRD & the HOD concerned will

evaluate the effectiveness after which the employee is placed on the job.

Incase, my further training is found necessary it is arranged. The level of

learning and his performance is received after 3 months using post

induction review.

Page 56: Roots

The employee is induced in the regular training programmes as

per his training requirements identified by his functional head.

Training Based On the Annual Training Needs Identification

Based on the training need identification Annual training calendar

is prepared. Advisory committee on training (ACT) arrives at the

necessary and objectives on the training programmes planned for every

month. All the recommendation of the committee on faculty Training

facilities, timing requirement are implemented accordingly. ACT also

short lists the programmes from the requested programme list.

Monthly training programme details are informed to the functional

heads through Inter Department Memo to ensure the participation of the

employee 5 days prior to the start of the month.

Training hall requirement, training aids like OHP, multimedia

projector etc are booked by the HRD personnel though lotus notes/e-

mail and the status of the same is viewed online before the

commencement of the training the HRD personnel goes to the venue

and checks the arrangement.

Participates attending the training are recording in training

programme attendance. At the end of training the participants are asked

to evaluate and give their feedback in training program. The feed back is

consolidated and analyzed through program evaluation questionnaire.

Retraining is planned if the j overall rating is less than 50%. Details of

the training attended by the employees are entered in the individual

training record.

After completing the training the effectiveness is assessed based

on the objective test.

Page 57: Roots

On the Job Training

On the job training is provided to the new and the transferred

employees and on the effect of non conforming products over the


On the job is focused on function related specific aspects which is

conducted by the foremen/supervisors in the particular function.

The training focuses on the job content this is accomplished

through an instruction session and subsequently evaluating the

performance through observation by the superior once the employee

starts performing to the expected level, the functional head will inform

the HRD for recording the same in the individual training record.

Development Programme

Development programme is conducted for the potential employees

to enable them to acquire competency to hold higher responsibilities in


Social Security Scheme

♦ Provident Fund

An employee will become a member of PF scheme from the date

of confirmation of job. The member's contribution towards the scheme is

12% of the basic wage/salary. Employer pays the other 12% towards the


♦ Pension

The company provides a pension for permanent employees based

on their service and salary. Pension is calculated as

Page 58: Roots

Basic pay x Number of years of service

If the pensioner expires then the spouse will be paid 75% of the

actual pension and 25% of first children below the age of 25 year.

♦ Gratuity

When an employee has worked for more than five years and then

leaves the company, gratuity is given and calculated as follows.

Monthly wage∗15∗number of years of service26


26 - Total working days of a month

15 – 1/2 month salary

Monthly wage - Basic + DA


Perfect Performance indicators for each and every department are

not clear

Job rotation should be continuously checked within every

department employees.

Meeting up of higher officials involves lot many procedures for an


Salary package fixing for an employee follows in reverse trend as

for as the growth rate of the company is verified in the annual



Accounts department maintains the following

Page 59: Roots


Cash Payment

Cash Receipt

Debit Note

Credit Note

Bank Receipt

Bank payment

Purchase journals

Sales journals

General Journals


General ledger

Credit's ledger

Debtor's ledger

Vendor ledger

Share transfer ledger


Expenses of roots employees are accounted. Expenses such as

administrative, travelling are classified as domestic fare, conveyance,

boarding and lodging, post and telegraph, office, entertainment

expenses, etc.The entries are made in SAP software and accounted .

Bills for the expenses are collected from the employees and accounted.

Imprest cash which are given in advance to employees for

expenditure purpose. This cash paid to Individual, departments.

Companies in Roots groups. Higher authorities will decide the amount to

Page 60: Roots

be paid as imprest by estimating the expenses. Bills for the expenditure

done are collected from the employees and accounted.

C-Forms are collected from customers for every quarter and

accounted. In the same way for suppliers c-forms are given. For raw

materials it is 4%, purchased goods-2%.

All the above books maintain and transactions are done through

Electronic Data Processing (EDP). For this RIL has EDP In

Finance section for computerizing all functions and activities carried out

in each department.


Arrangement of funds

o Reserves and surplus

o Deferred Tax Liability

o Secured Loan

o Unsecured Loan

Funds management

Funds management includes payments like salary, wages,

repayment etc.

Expenses and revenues:

Material, Factory, administrative expenses are managed and

controlled. Managing revenues with in budgeted limits(expenses)

and to attain the budgeted revenues.


Budgeting is done for the period of April 1 to 31st march of every

year-It is done by estimating

Page 61: Roots

1. Estimating domestic and foreign sales.(Marketing department)

2. Based on number of units, Material Requirement and its total cost

required Is calculated

3. For some components. Job Work is needed, total cost involved for

job order is calculated.

4. Expenses for Manufacturing goods such as wages, salary, power

etc., are calculated

5. Administrative expenses are calculated...

6. Adding (2+3+4+5), gives budgeted value,, based on estimated

sales revenues are calculated.

7. From above values, budgeted profit, tax, are calculated.

8. Budgeted values and actual values are compared. Reasons for

deviation of actual are analysed. It might be market condition, raw

material prices and other political economical factors. If there is

deviation due to assumptions(wrongly), it is corrected during next

year budget.


Credit policy for both the customers and suppliers are decided by

following factors


Demand and supply

Long term Relationship


o Average credit period is 60 days.


Trade discounts are allowed for certain customers.

Page 62: Roots

1. If payments are less than 25 days, 2% cash discounts are allowed.

2. Quantity discounts are allowed.


All cash receipts and payments are carried out in this section.

Daily cash transactions are properly recorded and maintained in this

section, which is completely computerized.


1. Preparing and maintain daily cash receipts and payments register

2. This section deals with following bankers

a. Indian Overseas Bank

b. State Bank of India

c. Citi Bank

d. HDFC Bank

e. Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.

3. This Section is responsible for all payments relating to

remunerations such as salaries and other expenses.


Excise duty will be charged on all product, which is manufactured

In the factory, without imposing excise duty any goods cannot be

released from the godown. For this, the company prepares Invoice

statement (Central exercise duty-8%. Cess educational duty-2%,Hr

educational duty, VAT for with in Tamil Nadu-12.5%, outside Tamil

Nadu-CST) contains full details regarding movement of the goods.


Page 63: Roots

RIL pays customs duty for importing materials and machinery from

abroad. For importing of materials, RIL obtained Open general License.


The income of all employees will be assessed and deducts the tax

from the employees whose salary exceeds the limits.


Service tax will be paid for any service rendered to the company.


Roots industries- export its products to more than 15 countries in the


It also imports raw materials from various countries. So it has to

manage foreign exchange,

Receivables and payables denoted in foreign currencies

Different reporting currencies within the same group

Finance leases in currencies different to the reporting currency

Foreign financial instruments

Since exchange rates between currencies are volatile, these interests

all bear currency risk. The consequences of movements in foreign

currency exchange rates can vary from receiving higher cash flows or

paying lower amounts than expected at the date of the transaction, to

receiving lower amounts or paying higher sums due to an appreciation of

the currency of the transaction. Movements in foreign exchange rates

can also affect positively or negatively the value of a company after

integrating the results of a foreign branch.

Page 64: Roots

As we shall analyse below, currency risk or foreign exchange risk is

normally distilled into three components, namely transaction, translation

and economic risks. The term risk is usually characterised in terms of

adverse effects on a firm's activity. Exposure to risk arises as a

consequence of uncertainty about the future. In as much as risk

management techniques that are being ingrained in operations and

methods adopted by companies, would include for example using

insurance to cover or hedge against perils, firms use various instruments

to hedge against foreign exchange risk.

The firm has various alternatives available so as to help it contain

Forex risks to acceptable limits. These can be listed as:

I. Do nothing

II. Natural hedging

III. Swaps

IV. Forward market hedging

V. Money market hedging

VI. Leading hedge

VII. Futures hedge

VIII. Options contracts

IX. Exposure netting

X. Risk shifting

XI. Risk sharing


A spot transaction is a two-day delivery transaction . This trade

represents a "direct exchange" between two currencies, has the shortest

time frame, involves cash rather than a contract; and interest is not

included in the agreed-upon transaction. The data for this study come

Page 65: Roots

from the spot market. Spot transactions has the second largest turnover

by volume after Swap transactions among all FX transactions in

the_Global FX market.


One way to deal with the foreign exchange risk is to engage in a

forward transaction. In this transaction, money does not actually change

hands until some agreed upon future date. A buyer and seller agree on

an exchange rate for any date in the future, and the transaction occurs

on that date, regardless of what the market rates are then. The duration

of the trade can be a one day, a few days, months or years. Usually the

date is decided by both parties.


Foreign currency futures are exchange traded forward transactions

with standard contract sizes and maturity dates —Futures are

standardized and are usually traded on an exchange created for this

purpose. The average contract length is roughly 3 months. Futures

contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts.


The most common type of forward transaction is the currency

swap. In a swap, two parties exchange currencies for a certain length of

time and agree to reverse the transaction at a later date. These are not

standardized contracts and are not traded through an exchange.


A foreign exchange option (commonly shortened to just FX option)

is a derivative where the owner has the right but not the obligation to

Page 66: Roots

exchange money denominated in one currency into another currency at

a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date.

Roots industries usually hedges about 75% and 25% remains

unhedged. It mainly hedges in forward and options. The decisions to

hedge will be decided by higher officials by taking into account

• Premium Charges

• Forecasted information

• Market Conditions

• Interest rates















5742 6445 7622 8934 9609

Profit 470 703 819 917 1465

Depreciation 184 207 220 236 253

Interest 106 126 131 152 145

Tax 80 96 156 184 403

Net Profit 100 274 312 345 665

Dividend 36 46 47 47 47



64 228 265 298 618

Net fixed


1632 1827 1858 1904 2144

Earnings per 6.26 17.16 19.50 21.55 41.54

Page 67: Roots


All Values are in Rupees(Lakhs)

2005 2006 2007 2008 20090






Sales Turnover

Sales Turnover

Rs. i

n La


2005 2006 2007 2008 20090










703819 917




Rs. i

n La


Page 68: Roots

2005 2006 2007 2008 20090









274 312345


Net Profit

Net Profit


The company current ratio shows that satisfies the standard norms

during 2003 and 2005 due to decrease in the sundry creditors,

provisions for tax and expenses.

The company quick ratio shows that, it satisfies the standard

norms during 04, 05, 07 and 08 due to decrease in sundry debtors.

The company debt equity ratio shows that, it satisfies the standard

norms during 2003-2008 so the company has good liquidity


The inventory turnover ratio shows that the company conversion

periods are shorter during 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 due to

increase its sales.

The debtor's turnover ratio shows that the company debtors are


The creditor's turnover ratio shows that the company purchases

more through credit.

The fixed assets turnover ratio shows that the company efficiently

utilized it fixed assets in proportion to sales during 2003 to 2008.

Page 69: Roots

The gross profit shows that the company earns a greater profit

before tax during 03, 04, 06, 07 and 08.

The net profit ratio shows that the company earns a greater profit

after tax during 03,04,06,07 and 08.

The trend analysis shows that the sales and stocks are in

increasing trend.



The company secretary plays the role of chief advisor to the board

of Director on best practice in corporate governance and also

responsible for all regulatory compliances of company.

Company Secretary of RIL


Role of Secretary

The scope of company secretary's work depends essentially on

the extent of power delegated to him by the board of directors. He

assigns the work of all correspondence with respect to the issue and

transfer of shares.

o Filling of necessary returns and statement as per statutory


o Distribution of dividend

o Negotiation of contracts with third parties on behalf of the board

o He carries out administrative functions.

o Organize and controls office routines.

Page 70: Roots

o Arrange meeting, record the minutes, draft the annual report of



Maintain financial accounting system in accordance with accepted

standards as prescribed.

Fulfil all financial reporting requirements for federal, state, and

local grants

Prepare and issue annual and related reports

Maintain detailed fixed-asset inventory and site based inventories

Assist in the annual financial audit and any special audit

Assist in the preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial


Maintain reporting requirements and prepare responses to inquires

or audits by the Internal Revenue Service

Maintain reporting requirements and prepare responses to

inquiries by the Teacher Retirement System

Supervise the payroll operation to ensure staff salaries are paid


Provide staff training in the areas of fixed assets, payroll and the

financial accounting system

Act as a resource for principals, division heads, and director in

understanding and using the financial operations of the district


Supervise all accounting functions including monthly financial

reporting, cash management, bank reconciliations, general ledger

maintenance, and journal entries

Supervise the federally funded programs and all related reporting

Page 71: Roots

Assist in the preparation of the annual budget including the tax rate

calculations and projections of all revenue sources

Prepare budget review (held three times a year)

Supervise the payroll function and act as liaison between payroll

and personnel

Supervise the accounts payable area and assist with issues

between accounts payable and purchasing

Act as assistant superintendent in this official's absence

Update policies and procedures as necessary to accommodate

changes in the computer system and accounting requirements

Enforce compliance with district policies and procedures as they

relate to the financial and budgeting areas

Preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Provide training to financial staff and users of the financial system

Assist with budget preparation for alternative funding sources

Supervise fixed assets and all year-end reconciliations



The main principle behind establishing a purchase department is

to reduce the work burden of the stores. It handles all the wok of concern

and vendor interface. It works for on and after the order, Le. For making

an order, follow up the orders and updating vendor details after the order

like the lead time and quality etc.

Proper buying of material and merchandise are of great

importance in any business. If the raw material is not of requisite quality,

Page 72: Roots

the cost of production would rise, profit will decline, quality of finished

products may go down etc.

If raw materials are purchased in excess requirement there is an

unnecessary tie-up of working capital with loan of interest, incurring of

storing and safe guarding expenses, the risk of obsolescence and

detonation of the raw material is more.

Hence roots industries ltd takes careful steps in purchasing the

materials of the right time. Adequate quality and the right quality.

The selection of vendors based upon it following criteria:





Page 73: Roots

Sources of Purchase

Import from overseas suppliers

Purchase from others states

Local Suppliers

Supply from Sub-Contractors

However, for import of goods from overseas, OGL (Open General

License) has to obtained from the industry of imports.

Purchase procedure:

Bill of material



Team of engineers

Freeze the vendor

Rise enquiry

After Evaluation

Purchase order

Director Operation

Head Purchase

Team head 1

Team member 1

Office Assistant

Team member 3

Team head 2

Team member 2

Page 74: Roots

These steps are followed for purchasing of material:

The concerned department that is in need of a particular material

will give a purchase requisition slips to the stores department.

The storekeeper send the material if it is available in stores, he will

cancel the purchase requisition and provide the material to the

concerned department.

If material is not available in stores the storekeeper will forward the

purchase requisition to the purchase manager in the purchase


In the purchase requisition slip the things must be mentioned.

ABC Analysis (always bettor control):

Store Item have been classified under, A, B, C. A-ltems ere normally less In quantity but of high value B-items lies some where between A & C C-items are less value but of more quality

Based on the vendor credit period:

A-30 days B-14 days C-1O days

Frequency of purchase:

Lesser the ability more the frequency of purchase More the ability less the frequency of purchases

Suppliers:There are 250 vendors all over India, the vendor supplies 4000

components based on the 5 product range.


Page 75: Roots

In this department of Roots Industries, maintaining a centralized

database servers through networking all the systems for quick and easy

communication and transactions and there Is a separate section of

hardware and networking in order to attend the system problems from

any department and maintenance of software license and updates are

also seen. Some of the software's used are


It is basically business application software used to reduce the amount

of time and money spent on developing and testing all the programs. It is

used in data processing also. A standard SAP system could be divided

into 3 environments such as


Quality Assurance (QA)



It can speed up the manufacturing processes by automation and

quicker workflow and reduces the need to carry large inventories. The

system wholly combines the functions such as manufacturing

accounting, planning distribution into a single system and designed in a

different way that it servers the needs of all departments within the



RIMS is a software package responsible for managing bill passing,

material incoming bills and bill matching. When the information is

merged between TATA EX and RIMS the ledger will be created. In that,

Page 76: Roots

the bank details are already available that could generate cheques and



The present system can be further enhanced by on line payment

for purchase of the products.

Not only Indian Currencies but also Foreign Currencies like Dollar,

Franc etc., could be accepted by the system

The present system is not capable of handling other languages

except English.



The major function of the production department is to produce the

goods as customer requires.


Receives and maintain design documents

Maintain design related to regular products

Receive information from R&D

Receive production plan

Receive materials

Receive components from stores for production

Process control


Quality Controls

5'S Work Place Quality

Seri - Identify needed item or sorting.

Page 77: Roots

Seiton - Systematic arrangement or put items in correct place.

Seiso - Clean up or keep the items & work area place.

Seiketsu - Set Standards and follow.

Shitsuke - Sustains the Result obtained

Roots Industries India Limited

Roots Industries specializes in the manufacture of a wide range

and line-up of automobile horns. Roots is a leading supplier to all the

major vehicle manufacturers like Ford, Daimler Chrysler, Mitsubishi

Lancer, Mahindra & Mahindra, Toyota, Tata Motors, Fiat Uno and Siena,

TELCO, TVS Motor Company, Kinetic Honda, etc.

Roots Industries Limited places a premium on original technology

and innovation. Its technical collaboration with Robert Bosch S.S of

Spain in 1995 has helped it to further strengthen its R & D activities and

technical competence. This collaboration along with Roots' indigenous

talent has kicked off a spree of growth unmatched in the history of

automobile OE manufacturers.

Windtone Vibrosonic Cleartone Bosch Range Roots 90 Megasonic

Page 78: Roots

Smartone Spider FSA2 R 70 Sensors

Roots Auto Products Private Limited

Commercial transportation plays a crucial role in the economic

development of nations. Roots Air Horns ensures safe and smooth

passage of thousands of heavy vehicles on the move.

Roots Auto Products Private Limited (RAPPL), the largest supplier

of Air Horns in India caters to the needs of several OEMs: Ashok

Leyland, Caterpillar India and JCB Escorts. Roots Air Horns also find a

place of pride in Passenger vehicles, Trucks, Earth Moving equipment,

Material Handling equipment, etc.

Roots Air Horns are exported to countries in North America,

Europe, Middle East, Africa and SAARC region.

Air horns Controllers Switches Relays

Electronic flashers Melody Makers Security systems Mobile charger

Roots Multiclean Limited

The genesis of Roots Multiclean Ltd., (RMCL) is due to the vision

of the promoter of Roots group of company about the requirement of

Page 79: Roots

sophisticated cleaning equipment in the country following globalization of

business and entry of Multi Nationals who have very high standard of

house keeping. RMCL, situated in the suburbs of Coimbatore, is a Joint

Venture with Hako Werke Gmbh & Co., Germany. It commenced

manufacture of cleaning equipment in early 90s at its modern factory

located amidst natural greenery. RMCL is the sole representative of

Hako Werke Gmbh & Company's entire range of cleaning equipment for

India and SAARC countries. To improvise and facilitate a better service

to its customers, RMCL has established Regional offices in all Metros

and a huge dealer network in bigger Cities and States.

The superior quality products and the added advantage of good

after sales service has established the company as the country’s largest

manufacturer of floor cleaning equipment.

Sweepers Scrubber-Driers

Floor Washing Machines



City Master

High Pressure

Jet Cleaners

Extra Heavy Duty

Industrial Vacuums

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

Single DiscMachines

Janitorial Range

Roots cast Private limited

Page 80: Roots

Roots Cast Pvt. Ltd., (RCPL) (formerly known as Aruna Auto

Castings Private Limited) was established in 1984 to meet the captive

requirements of the Roots group. With its ever probing eye on the needs

of the market, the company in the late 80s expanded its operations to

manufacture High Pressure Die Cast Aluminium and Zinc components to

the exacting needs of various customers in Automobile and Textile

Industries with a high degree of Quality and Perfection.

RSV Governor hsg for Fuel Injection Pump

Heat-Sink For Alternator Pump body and Pump body cover

Fixing Bracket  For Car-starter

Steam & Dry Iron Sole plates For Electric Iron

Clam shell for Surgical interconnect System

RCPL, now has established itself as a major player in the die cast

component manufacturing thanks to the expertise built in the core

activities like tool design, tool making and pressure die cast component


RCPL supplies machined castings and sub-assemblies as per

customer requisitions.

Roots Precision Products

Page 81: Roots

Roots Precision Products was established in 1987 to address the

in-house tooling needs of the diverse industries in Roots group. Owing to

continuous improvement and investment into better resources, the

company has become self-sufficient. It is catering to the needs of various

industries. RPP acts as a one-stop solution for tooling and precision


Specialized in design and manufacture of:

Press tools

Injection moulds

Die-casting dies

Jigs and fixtures

Our services include:

Tool Design

Manufacture of Press tools, Plastic Injection Moulds, Pressure Die-

casting dies, Gauges and Jigs & fixtures.

CNC Machining


Manufacturing facility includes

Page 82: Roots

Tool Design department with CAD/CAM, Solid modeling

All types of conventional machines including EDM

CNC Milling with Master CAM software for 3D machining

Metrology lab for inspection of Tool parts and Components.

Roots Precision Products has the facility to conduct tool trial on:

Mechanical Press up to 250 Tons

Hydraulic Press up to 60 Tons

Pressure Die Casting Machine up to 250 Tons

Plastic Injection Moulding Machine up to 130 Tons

Ultrasonic welding (with horns supplied by customers) upto

25mm2 capacity

Roots Polycraft (PC)

Roots Polycraft (PC) was established in 1988 to manufacture

precision plastic components. It is equipped with latest microprocessor

injection moulding machines to maintain consistent process parameters.

Over the years, Polycraft has gained skills and unique techniques

to manufacture small and medium size components for Automotive,

Pump, Textile, and Medical Industries besides meeting the captive

requirements of Roots Group. Being fully equipped to provide the best

service, Polycraft has satisfied customers who have helped augment its

technological advances.

Page 83: Roots

The Company's commitment towards the customer is

demonstrated with quality products and service. This has resulted in

continuous growth and product diversification. The process is closely

monitored with proven techniques to obtain consistently good quality


Roots Meteorology Lab

Roots' state-of-the-art Metrology Laboratory is a comprehensive

calibration centre in South India that offers mechanical, electrical, torque,

pressure and vacuum calibration instruments - all under one roof.

The laboratory is equipped with advanced facilities traceable to

national / international standards. RMTL is accredited by National

accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration laboratory as per

ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005 standards in the field of Mechanical –

Dimensions, Pressure/Vacuum, & Force. The laboratory offers on-site

calibration facility and serves the industry to calibrate surface table,

coordinate measuring machine, profile projector, Toolmakers

Microscope, Pressure switches, Pressure gauges, Temperature

indicators, RTDs, Temperature sensors/scanners, Electronic

transmitters, Pressure reducing valves, Ovens, etc.

Page 84: Roots

The expertise of the laboratory has attracted many renowned

Public and Private Sector undertakings


In coil winding section - Many contract workers are engaged than

the permanent workers and the company uniform is not provided

to all the workers.

The employees are not engaged in any management programs.

There is no job rotation for the employee's

Even after following so many Quality tools and plans, the products

rejected reaches to considerable value,


The basic function of quality department in Roots is to maintain a

quality standard acceptable and appreciated world over. They keep the

quality level by maintaining proper quality control parameters and by

checking through the schedules.

Thus good quality is maintained by controlling the process and

preventing occurrence of errors at regular intervals.

It deals with the day to day activities related to incoming inspection

process inspection and final inspection.


Zero accident

Zero breakdown

Reduced cost

Zero defect


Page 85: Roots

SEIRI - Sorting

SEITON - Systematic Arrangement

SEISO - Cleanliness

SEIKETSU - Standardization

SHITSUKE - Training & Self Discipline


Zero Defects

Zero waste

Zero Delays


Stock Inefficiency

Cost contributing to waste





Cause and Effect Diagram

Run Chart

Scatter Diagram


Parento chart


Control Chart

Page 86: Roots

Important Information's are displayed in every department display



American international quality award in 1994.


First horn manufacturing company in India to get ISO 9001:1994

certified year 1995,

First horn manufacturing company in Asia to get QS 9000:1998

certified year 1999,

First horn manufacturing company in Asia to get VDA 6.1 certified

year 2000,

First horn manufacturing company in world to get ISO/TS

16949:2002 certified year 2003,

First horn manufacturing company in India to get ISO 14001:2004

certified year 2005.


Even though the quality department engaged in more number of

quality tools the suggestions given by some machine operators are

being neglected.

The reports prepared at last to illustrate the amount saved due to

the usage of particular Quality loots is being copied from old

reports and there seems to have some fluctuations from the real

cost saved.

More number of quality tools lead to less important every individual


Page 87: Roots

No special rewards are given the specific labour or to any specific

working unit in order to encourage the maintenance of Quality




The Stores Department in a company is to manage the purchased

goods in an efficient way so as to reduce the unknown miscellaneous

loss of material by improper inventory control schemes.


The major functions of this department are receipt of material, storage

and issue of material, documentation and stock check. Maintaining the

stock accurately as per the set norms is another function. All materials

received are codified and entered in to the system.

Once MRP issues an order for materials, on receipt the material is

registered at the Goods Inward section and then Stores takes custody of

the material.


Marketing department

Raw Materials will be purchased as per production planning

control (PPC).

After receiving the materials DC will be prepared and for inspection

tag will be attached and sent it to the quality assurance.

If it is ok stores department confirm it.

Material issue ticket (MIT) will be given at the time of material

taken from the stores.

Page 88: Roots

Materials transfer note(MTN) will be made at the time of materials

send for the job order.

Materials return note will be made against the MIT, quality

assurance inspect the machine and send it to stores.

Central Excise duty will be paid and dispatch it.

Various tags used for the inspection purpose are as follows:

White tag - Waiting for inspection

Green tag - Accepted

Red tag - rejection

Yellow tag - Conditionally accepted.


Marketing department

Marketing is the process of exchange of goods, services, materials

or transfer of goods from one surplus location to a deficit location


The department mainly deals with promoting the market share of

the company unlike the sales where the people work for fixed targets.

The major work of the department is to work on trends of market and

plan for sustaining.

Roots Industries Ltd focuses on 3 kinds of market namely,

1. Original Equipment Market (OEM)

2. Replacement market

i. Intrastate (within Tamilnadu)

ii. Interstate (outside Tamilnadu)

3. Export Oriented Market (EOM)

Page 89: Roots

In the replacement market strategy, the major role is played by the

Mechanics. The mechanics word of mouth is very important for the

selling of the products to the customers.

From the company the distribution is termed as the primary sales,

since it is the direct sales.

From the distribution to the dealer is termed as the secondary

sales. From this sales onwards it is not direct sales.

From the dealer to the customer, it is termed as the territory sales,

where the mechanics are playing a vital role in the selling of product to

the customer.

The main aim of the company is to enhance the value and to make

convenience with the existing products to attract new customers and to

retain them.


To improve sales methods

To ensure that the goods reach the customers by the economical


To keep constant watch towards comparative study of the

competitors! products.

Sales department

For attaining the objectives of higher sales each person in the

sales department are assigned with various duties for promoting sales.


Sales department maintains the following documents and bills

Page 90: Roots

Sales Statement

Expenses Statement

Product Report

Central Excise


Gate Pass



Stock Statement


In case exports, market department has to do all things as

mentioned above plus documentation work.


In this industry- the marketing process is carried out by two methods:

1. Direct method (Direct interaction between the customers and the


2. Dealers method (Business-business (B-B) principle is followed)


Page 91: Roots


In OEM the products are directly sold to the customers.

Some of the OEM customers are Ashok Leyland, Caterpillar India. Fiat, Ford, Hindustan Motor, Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, Toyota, TVS Motor, Skoda Auto India. Volvo India etc.

Exclusive suppliers of sealed water tight horns for Indian Defense.






Customer requirements

Order from customer

Verification or evaluation

Order conformation


Page 92: Roots



















Page 93: Roots

The Discount for the products of Roots is having a certain limit In

both in domestic and international market.

As per the dealers opinion the products of Roots are having a little

bit high I price when compared to the competitors.

Marketing involves many activities like canvassing, getting orders,

proper maintenance of distribution of the products and to give

importance to customer's feedback, this makes the marketing

department to enlarge its scope.

Since the Employees in this department are engaged in

travelling continuously they indulge in serious medical problems.


Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the flow of

information between an organization and its publics. Public relations

gains an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using

topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct

payment. Because public relations places exposure in credible third-

party outlets, it offers a third-party legitimacy that advertising does not

have. Common activities include speaking at conferences, working with

the press, and employee communication.

PR can be used to build rapport with employees, customers,

investors, voters, or the general public. Almost any organization that has

a stake in how it is portrayed in the public arena employs some level of

public relations. A number of specialties exist within the field of public

relations, such as Analyst Relations, Media Relations, Investor Relations

or Labor Relations.

"Public Relations is a set of management, supervisory, and

technical functions that foster an organization's ability to strategically

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listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons whose mutually

beneficial relationships with the organization are necessary if it is to

achieve its missions and values." Essentially it is a management function

that focuses on two-way communication and fostering of mutually

beneficial relationships between an organization and its publics.

Building and managing relationships with those who influence an

organization or individual's audiences has a central role in public


A fundamental technique used in public relations is to identify the

target audience, and to tailor every message to appeal to that audience.

It can be a general, nationwide or worldwide audience, but it is more

often a segment of a population. Marketers often refer to economy-

driven "demographics," such as "black males 18-49," but in public

relations an audience is more fluid, being whoever someone wants to


In addition to audiences, there are usually stakeholders, literally

people who have a "stake" in a given issue. All audiences are

stakeholders (or presumptive stakeholders), but not all stakeholders are

audiences. For example, a charity commissions a PR agency to create

an advertising campaign to raise money to find a cure for a disease. The

charity and the people with the disease are stakeholders, but the

audience is anyone who is likely to donate money.

Sometimes the interests of differing audiences and stakeholders

common to a PR effort necessitate the creation of several distinct but still

complementary messages. This is not always easy to do, and

sometimes – especially in politics – a spokesperson or client says

Page 95: Roots

something to one audience that angers another audience or group of





The purpose of Organization Study is to know the about a

business and how to drive the business in a profitable ways i.e., by

effective management using some plans or suggestions from its

employees or by following useful theories and this effective management

does not include any Thumb Rule .So it is changes continuously as per

the situations both in Internal and external environments.

The information gathered are all from the ROOTS INDUSTRIES

employees and the suggestions made to improve the business and its

employees are also from them.


Human Resource Department

Perfect Performance indicators for each and every department are

not dearly

Job rotation should be continuously checked within every

department employees.

Meeting up of higher officials involves lot many procedures for an


Salary package fixing for an employee follows in reverse trend as

for as the growth rate of the company is verified in the annual


Page 96: Roots

Finance Department:

For receiving the mail they are using LOTUS NOTES

APPLICATION in that for every five employee an e-mail id has

given it leads to confusion for the working staff in that group.

The person who is recruited for a certain specific work is involved

in the same job more than decade. So the scope for learning for

that employee is certainly limited.

The remuneration for the employees is decreased as because of

not getting enough orders.

The environment in which they are working is not having A/c

because of cost reduction policy.

Frequent switch off of computers due interrupted power supply

makes the user to frustrate soon.

Systems Department

The present system can be further enhanced by on line payment

for purchase of the products.

Not only Indian Currencies but also Foreign Currencies like Dollar,

Franc etc., could be accepted by the system

The present system is not capable of handling other languages

except English.

Production Departments

In coil winding section - Many contract workers are engaged than

the permanent workers and the company uniform is not provided

to all the workers.

The employees are not engaged in any management programs.

There is no job rotation for the employee's

Page 97: Roots

Even after following so many Quality tools and plans, the products

rejected reaches to considerable value,

Quality Department

Even though the quality department engaged in more number of

quality tools the suggestions given by some machine operators are

being neglected.

The reports prepared at last to illustrate the amount saved due to

the usage of particular Quality loots is being copied from old

reports and there seems to have some fluctuations from the real

cost saved.

More number of quality tools lead to less important every individual


No special rewards are given the specific labour or to any specific

working unit in order to encourage the maintenance of Quality


Marketing Department

The Discount for the products of Roots is having a certain limit In

both in domestic and international market.

As per the dealers opinion the products of Roots are having a little

bit high I price when compared to the competitors.

Marketing involves many activities like canvassing, getting orders,

proper maintenance of distribution of the products and to give

importance to customer's feedback, this makes the marketing

department to enlarge its scope.

Since the Employees in this department are engaged in

travelling continuously they indulge in serious medical problems.


Page 98: Roots

Separate mail-id for each and every management employees have

to be provided in order to avoid confusion.

The scope of learning for every employee has to be taken care by

having continuous interaction programs.

Package for every employee have to be increased significantly

equal to the growth of the company.

Frequent power cut has to be taken care by providing UPS facility.

The working environments have to be Air conditioned for the

employee satisfaction and also to avoid a continuous increase in

electronic equipments, e.g. Computer

Discounts have to given to bulk orders from dealers.

Price level fixing have to be taken care off.

Scope of marketing division should be limited for concentration in

sale of goods.

Some basic medical facilities like Sugar test, BP test etc., should

be conducted within the company itself for every month.

Job securities have to be given to employees who work in contract


Employees should participate In management programs for

mutual understanding of the business.

Product rejection ratio have to be decreased by engaging various

alternative solutions

Suggestions from machine operators and also from all levels have

to be informed to higher officials.

Quality reports should have the accuracy when comparable to the

real situations.

Special rewards should be given to the employees for quality


Page 99: Roots

Every Quality tool should have equal importance at all levels of


Performance Indicators, salary revisions, job rotations and meeting

up of higher officials have to be taken care.

Improvement should be made to have enhanced web-based sales


Payments should be taken care in order to maintain online

payments in any currencies

The system should be developed to have other languages also.

The analysis reveals that the company is financially good.

The company can control its sundry debtors, sundry creditors and


The company should give much attention for effective utilization of

the resources and cost reduction,

In order to push sales the company has to offer credit to customers

contributes to high current assets.

The company should take efforts to decrease the non operating

expenditure of the company.

The company should take efforts to increase the profitability of the



Roots Industries India Limited., is a fast growing auto

components manufacturing company, which is playing a major role

among its group of companies. It always strives to improve its quality

standards and serve its customers better.

Page 100: Roots

The training experience in Roots was totally a new experience to

us. I really enjoyed the nature of work given by the staff because every

one helped us whenever we approached them for their hand.

Everyone in the company helped us to collect all the necessary

information, ^o march on the path of success of the Internship Program.

I conclude by thanking the college faculty members of our department

and officials, personnel's and employees of the company for giving us

the right guidance to complete internship successfully.





