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rophetic Leaders are awakening throughout New England!

Date post: 28-Mar-2022
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rophetic Leaders are awakening throughout New England! The church in New England and the nation is at a crossroads requiring us to prepare for re-
vival and large-scale harvest by being prayerful, intentional and purposeful about leadership development for both seasoned and emerging prophetic leaders. We must empower the next generation of prophetic leaders for engagement in congregational
renewal and societal transformation. It is time for us to rekindle the fires of revival and spiritual outpouring by developing a new cadre of prophetic leaders who can effectively issue a wake-up call to churches and move the government of God out of exile.
Register now for this accelerated learning experience consisting of an Orientation Session, Four 8-hour Seminar Intensives culminating with a Closing Ceremony of Impartation. This highly interac- tive learning series will help participants develop kingdom essentials to develop discipline and nur- ture growth in the prophetic. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to use self-assessment and leadership evaluation instruments, participate in prophetic activation sessions, learn valuable elements of prophetic process to improve and strengthen your ministry. Don’t miss your opportunity to engage in a vital, dynamic, personal leadership journey that will help you discover, deepen and develop your prophetic leadership capacity.
Board of Directors Rev. Ronald Verna
Chair Rev. Kathleen Verna
Secretary Rev.Marilyn Lewis, CPA
68 Northampton Street Boston, MA 02118
Course Dates: September 28 & 29
October 27 November 17
Why You Should Attend: The School of Prophetic Leadership’ curriculum is designed to encourage growth in the following ways: You will awaken and identify your prophetic
leadership gifts, prepare for the challenges of 21st century prophetic ministry, and develop a personal leadership action plan.
You will survey Biblical and historical prophets to assess, understand, and develop your pro- phetic leadership ability in order to effectively function in your prophetic call.
You will develop a disciplined ethos that will enhance your sustainability as a prophetic leader and prepare you to train your spirit while unleashing the work of the Holy Spirit.
You will receive prayer, feedback and assistance in a supportive environment to help you address prophetic pitfalls, leadership weaknesses, and blind spots while enhancing your strengths and exercising your grace gifts.
You will explore creating and nurturing pro- phetic partnerships and how to form prophetic community within teams and among diverse kingdom contexts.
You will participate in interactive prayer activa- tion sessions where you will have opportunities to ‘learn by doing’.
You will discover the importance of dreams and visions and the scriptural significance of the symbolic in prophetic understanding.
Who Should Attend?
Emerging & Existing Leaders: The School of Prophetic Leadership is de- signed to equip prophetic people operating in various measures of prophetic gifting and au- thority, in both the diverse ministries of the church and in all sectors of society. Students come from various denominational and church cultures at different stages in their prophetic development. The training provides funda- mentals and resources that are useful on many levels for prophetic individuals and groups who seek authentic and sustained impact in prophetic ministry. The School helps emerg- ing leaders discover and understand the pro- phetic leadership ministry and helps seasoned leaders enhance and deepen their ability to support the leadership development of others.
Pastors & Team Leaders: The School of Prophetic Leadership’s curricu- lum is an excellent tool for those who work on leadership teams with or oversee prophetic people. Churches are encouraged to send teams that include both seasoned and emerg- ing leaders so they can advance and reinforce the learning experience when returning to their home churches. The teachings and tools provided can increase the value and under- standing of working in partnership with the prophetically gifted to enhance a collective kingdom agenda.
The School of Prophetic Leadership is a New England based leadership develop- ment training and learning community with a local and international focus designed specifically to equip and prepare emerging and existing prophetic ministry with scrip- turally-based principles and practices needed to be Spirit-bearing change agents in congregations and community.
Orientation: Friday, March 7 6 pm—10 pm (Registration opens at 5:00 pm) Evening Session Purpose of the School of Prophetic Leadership Defining & Assessing Prophetic Leadership Awakening Prophetic Leadership: A Kingdom Movement Four Disciplines of Prophetic Leadership Prophetic Authority and the Empowerment Principle
Session 1: Saturday, March 8 9 am—5 pm Morning Session The Four Dimensions of the Prophetic Act Principles of Prophetic Virtue—Part One: Calling & Crucibles Afternoon Session Principles of Prophetic Virtue—Part Two: Character & Con- science Developing your Prophetic Leadership Action Plan
Session 2: Saturday, April 12 9 am—5 pm Morning Session The Prophetic Seer Principles of Prophetic Intercession Afternoon Session Prophetic Dreams & Visions
Session 3: Saturday, May 10 9 am—5 pm Morning Session Forms and Purposes of Prophetic Speech Preparation, Timing and Delivery Afternoon Session Challenges of the Prophetic Act Releasing and Regulating Prophecy
Session 4: Saturday, June 7 9 am—5 pm Morning Session Growth in the Prophetic: Increasing Prophetic Value Seizing your Prophetic Destiny Afternoon Session Forming Prophetic Community Prophetic Partnerships
CELEBRATION CEREMONY: Sunday, June 22 5 pm Leon de Juda (Lion of Judah) 68 Northampton St Boston, MA 02118
About the Director
Rev. Kathleen Verna is co-founder and president of PureSpring International and a significant prophetic voice both locally and globally. She and her husband, Rev. Ronald Verna are pastors and church planters of the newly launched CrossTown Church in Boston's innercity. Ministering through music, missions, and to the marketplace, Kathleen brings multi-faceted giftings together as a dynamic speaker, singer/songwriter and kingdom equipper. She is a Spirit-led discerner of the "times and seasons" with a prophetic voice that challenges the status quo of religion and rit- ual. Kathleen delivers a Christ-centered message with a burning call to renewal and strate-
gic action in these critical times. Her ministry urges a rekindling of the ethos and experience of first century apostles and prophets, mobilizing new century believers to infiltrate all sectors of civil society with the gospel. With a special anointing in worship, intercession, and healing, her ministry brings about both spiritual and social transformation. Answering a global prophetic call, she has traveled through parts of the United States, Europe, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the Caribbean, and Can- ada, but especially loves meeting the nations of the world at her doorsteps in the multicultural urban neighborhood of Boston where she and her family live and serve. As a wife and mother, Kathleen's philosophy of ministry is anchored and enriched by her central commitment to nurturing family and future generations. _________________________________________________________________________
Statement of Faith PureSpring Institute affirms the Apostles’ Creed and the core doctrines of Christianity. We believe in the essential authority of Scriptures for Christian faith and practice, justification by faith and the priesthood of all believers. We believe that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He was physically raised from the dead and that an individual’s personal relationship to Jesus Christ as Lord determines that individual’s eternal destiny in heaven or hell. We believe in the present empowering work and activity of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer producing fruit in godly character and awakening gifts for effective service and Christian witness. The fulfillment of Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is central to the mission of PureSpring Institute.
The School of Prophetic Leadership, one of seven schools offered by PureSpring Institute, is a discipleship training program for emerging and existing prophetic ministers. The School’s purpose is to awaken and activate the 21st century prophetic leadership capacity into two arenas: within churches and into communities and cities.
PureSpring Institute is the equipping initiative of PureSpring Interna- tional Ministries. Based in Boston, PureSpring Institute is a global kingdom training network designed to shape and equip five-fold minis-
try leaders for the task of cultural engagement in neighborhoods and nations. To accomplish this task the Institute nurtures Spirit-breathed learning environments where the apostolic ethos and prophetic imagination of God’s people are awakened and developed to mobilize Christ-centered re- newal movements. Along with the School of Worship & Arts Leadership launched in 1999, Pure- Spring Institute currently offers the School of Kingdom Equippers, and the School of Prophetic Leadership. The Institute is presently developing other leadership schools as part of its vision of being a comprehensive missional learning center. PureSpring Institute is a 2007 member school of ACEA, the Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability.
PureSpring International Ministries is a Christ-centered renewal mission, founded in 1994 by husband and wife team Revs. Ronald and Kathleen Verna to promote renewal and reconciliation by awakening worship, the Word, and the witness of Christ. With several local, regional, and global programs and initiatives under its umbrella, PureSpring Ministries operates through a triple-focused renewal strategy to empower, equip, and engage kingdom change agents for spiritual and societal transformation.
Course Location Leon De Juda (www.leondejuda.org) 68 Northampton St. Boston, MA 02118
P.O. Box 255035 Boston, MA
