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ROS: Robot Operating System Presented by: Anqi Xu COMP-417, McGill University Tuesday September 16th, 2014
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ROS: Robot Operating System

Presented by: Anqi Xu

COMP-417, McGill UniversityTuesday September 16th, 2014

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Features & Philosophies

Core elements Development

pipeline Useful ROS

nodes / tools

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What is ?

Meta operating system (or middleware) Developed and Maintained by the Open

Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) “The primary goal of ROS is to support code

reuse in robotics research and development.”

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ROS Philosophies

Modular & peer-to-peer

Language independent


Free & open-source

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ROS Philosophy:Modularity & Peer-to-Peer

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ROS Philosophy:Language Independence

Client interfaces: Stable: rospy, roscpp, roslisp Experimental: rosjava, roslua Contributed: rosserial (Arduino), roshask, ros4mat

(MATLAB), ros4ios, etc... Common message-passing layer

Interface Definition Language (IDL)

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ROS Philosophy: Thin

Library-style interaction Facilitates integration with other common libraries,

e.g.: OpenCV, PCL, bullet, etc... Minimal dependencies

Linked against (lean) ROS core + necessary message meta-libraries + specific libraries

“The preferred development model is to write ROS-agnostic libraries with clean functional interfaces.”

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ROS Philosophy:Free & Open-Source

Source code publicly available ROS Core & first-party tools under BSD

license Contributed tools under variety of open-source

(& few closed-source) licenses Promotes code-reuse and community-building

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ROS: Core Elements

Nodes Messages, topics, and services ROS Master (Parameters) Bags

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Single-purposed executable programs e.g. sensor driver(s), actuator driver(s), mapper,

planner, UI, etc... Modular design

Individually compiled, executed, and managed Nodelets

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Strictly-typed data structures for inter-node communication

Interface Definition Language (IDL) Basic types: bool, [u]int{8,16,32,64},

float{32/64}, string, time, duration, etc... Arrays Nested messages: image, GPS, IMU, etc...

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Unidirectional (& often repeated) inter-node communication

Publish/Subscribe model: 1-to-N broadcasting Examples:

– provide sensor readings– provide actuator states / robot feedback

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Synchronous inter-node transactions / RPC Service/Client model: 1-to-1 request-response Examples:

– carry out remote computation– trigger functionality / behavior– update dynamic parameter

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ROS Master

Naming & registration services for nodes, topics, services, etc...

“The role of the Master is to enable ROS nodes to locate one another.”

Critical environment variable: $ROS_MASTER_URI=http://[HOST]:[PORT]

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ROS: Topic Subscription






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ROS: Service Call

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ROS Parameters

Configurable setting Node-specific Launch-time

Unique name Typed(XMLRPC) Can beremapped atruntime

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ROS Bags

Standardized logging & playback mechanism Single-file container for serialized messages

Playback using simulated / real clock (Near-)real-time message playback (w/ < ~1ms

offsets due to file IOs during bagging)

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rosbuild vs. catkin

rosbuild: highly customized CMake-derived build toolchain (fuerte or older distro, uses rosmake) Stack: collection of packages with single theme (e.g.

for a single platform, from a single lab, etc…); requires stack.xml

catkin: near-stock Cmake build toolchain (groovy or later distro, uses catkin_make) Meta-package: any folder with one or more packages Catkin workspace = single CMake project; all

include subfolders are shared! “Rising tide”

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rosbuild vs. catkin (cont.)

rosbuild workspace

catkin workspace

How to tell them apart? manifest.xml = rosbuild; package.xml = catkin

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ROS Development Pipeline

Navigate: roscd, rosed

Setup: catkin_init_workspace, catkin_create_pkg

Configure: package.xml, CmakeLists.txt

Build: catkin_make

Execute: roscore, rosrun, roslaunch (, rosparam)

Inspect: rosnode, rostopic, rosservice

Debug: roswtf, rqt_graph (, rostest)

Log & Analyze: rosbag, rqt_bag

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Navigate: roscd / rosed

Provides fast navigation to ROS folders / files

roscd stage rosed wall_follow wall_follower.py export EDITOR='emacs -nw'

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Setup: catkin_create_pkg

Creates ROS catkin package catkin_create_pkg my_catkin_pkg roscpp std_msgs

←compiled binaries←CMake build folder←dynamic reconfigure settings←C++ headers / auto-generated headers←roslaunch files

←message types←Python nodes

←C++ source files← service types

← CMake project file← ros.org documentation page (rosbuild)

← CMake-generated makefile← node settings / dependencies (rosbuild)

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Configure: package.xml Lists properties and ROS node dependencies

<package><name>camera_calibration</name><version>1.11.6</version><description> camera_calibration allows easy calibration of cameras […] </description><author>James Bowman</author><author>Patrick Mihelich</author><maintainer email="[email protected]">Vincent Rabaud</maintainer>

<buildtool_depend version_gte="0.5.68">catkin</buildtool_depend>




<export><rosdoc config="rosdoc.yaml" />


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Configure: CMakeLists.txt

Configures build environment & lists non-ROS dependencies

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)project(my_catkin_package)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED)find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)

add_message_files( FILES Message1.msg Message2.msg )add_service_files( FILES Service1.srv Service2.srv )generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES std_msgs )

catkin_package(INCLUDE_DIRS includeLIBRARIES my_catkin_packageCATKIN_DEPENDS other_catkin_pkgDEPENDS system_lib



add_library(my_library src/${PROJECT_NAME}/lib.cpp )

add_executable(my_node src/node.cpp)add_dependencies(my_node


${catkin_LIBRARIES} {Boost_LIBRARIES} my_library)


)install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/



catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_my_node.cpp)if(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}-test)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME})endif()

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Build: catkin_make

Builds all ROS nodes in catkin workspace All include folders from packages are shared, so

use subfolders to prevent name clashes (e.g. catkin_ws/my_pkg/include/my_pkg/file.h)

rosmake alternative: rosmake wall_follow ~= roscd wall_follow; mkdir build; cd build;

cmake ..

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Build: catkin_make

Builds all ROS nodes in catkin workspace All include folders from packages are shared, so

use subfolders to prevent name clashes (e.g. catkin_ws/my_pkg/include/my_pkg/file.h)

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Execute: roscore

Starts ROS master Only 1 master per machine Hostname (cat /etc/hostname) must be defined in


Connecting to another ROS master over network Both hostnames defined in both machines’ /etc/hosts export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://remote:11311

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Execute: rosrun

Executes ROS node– namespace remappings– node-specific parameters (use '--' to delineate)

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image_raw -- compressed

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Execute: roslaunch

Executes multiple ROS nodes concurrently Launch files should have .launch extension, to be

indexed automatically Will initialize ROS master automatically if needed

roslaunch image_proc image_proc.launch<roslaunch><namespace “galapagos”>

<node pkg=”turtlesim” node=”turtlesim_node” required=”true” /><node pkg=”turtlesim” node=”turtle_teleop_key” output=”screen”><param name=“scale_linear” value=“100.0” />



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Execute: rosparam

Absolute parameters: /node/param Local parameters: ~param YAML syntax

rosparam list rosparam set /foo "['1', 1, 1.0]"

rosrun camera1394 camera1394_node __video_mode=”640x480_mono8”

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Inspect: rosnode, rostopic, rosservice

Lists nodes/topics/services and provides information on their states

rosnode list rostopic echo /turtle1/pose rostopic pub -1 /text_listener std_msgs/String --

"Hello World" rostopic hz /camera/image_raw rosservice call /kill

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Debug: rostest

Executes unit test on ROS node– C++: gtest, Python: unittest– In CmakeLists.txt:

catkin_add_gtest(test1 test/test1.cpp)– ROSLaunch: <test test-name=”test1”

pkg=”my_pkg” type=”test1” />

rostest mypkg test1.test

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Debug: Python unittest

#!/usr/bin/env pythonPKG = 'mypkg'import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG)

import sysimport unittest

## A sample python unit testclass TestBareBones(unittest.TestCase):

## test 1 == 1def test_one_equals_one(self):

self.assertEquals(1, 1, "1!=1")

if __name__ == '__main__':import rostestrostest.rosrun(PKG, 'test_bare_bones', TestBareBones)

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Debug: roswtf & rqt_graph

roswtf: finds trivial mistakes (e.g. ROS node not responding, missing publisher, etc...)

rqt_graph: visualize nodes & messages

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Log & Analyze: rosbag

Records and plays back sets of messages

rosbag record -a rosbag record rosout tf turtle1/pose rosbag play -r 1.5 -s 30 -l yesterday.bag rosbag compress *.bag rosbag reindex *.bag

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Log & Analyze: rqt_bag

GUI for visualizing rosbag content

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Tool: rqt_reconfigure

Changes parameters dynamically in runtime– NOT the same as (static) ROS parameters!

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

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Tools: rviz

Fully-featured 3D visualization environment

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Tools: tf

Abstraction & manipulation of multiple coordinate frames

– (Timed) conversion between different frames– Distributed broadcaster/listener model

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Tool: actionlib

Lengthy / complex /multi-step services– Goal: desired end-result– Feedback: incremental progress towards goal– Result: feedback upon completion of goal

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Next Steps

wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials answers.ros.org [email protected]
