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  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx






    Objective of the study

    Research methodology

    About RELIE!E RO"A PO#ER "$PPL% !O&PA%


    (istory of relience rosa )ower su))ly com)any limitedin india Introduction of the organi*ation

    Organi*ational set u)

    Products )rofile of relience rosa )ower su))ly com)any limited

    About the to)ic

    Analysis and inter)retation

    +indings of the study


    !onclusion ,ibliogra)hy



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    'he basic objective of the )roject undertaken will be as follows/ 0

    'o know the managerial satisfaction level about Recruitment and "election


    'o critically analy*e the functioning of the recruitment and "election )rocedure1

    Different method ado)ted towards em)loyees trained them and how it is followed1

    'o access the )erformance a))raisal of RELIE!E RO"A PO#ER "$PPL%

    !O&PA% LI&I'EDL'D1

    #hat factors are re2uired to find out the training needs1

    In changing scenario3 what attributes are re2uired in an individual1

    'o know the training )rocedures1

    'o critically analyse the functions of training1

    'o identify a new areas by which workers do their work more effectively1

    (ow com)any survives in com)etitive era with res)ect of com)etence re2uired in

    an individual1


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    'he )ur)ose of the methodology is to describe the research )rocedure1 'his includes

    overall research design3 the sam)ling )rocedure3 the data collection method3 and analysis

    )rocedure1 Out of total universe .5 res)ondents from coca0cola have been taken for

    convenience1 'he sam)le )rocedure chosen for this are statistical sam)ling method1 (ere

    randomly em)loyees are selected and interviewed1 Information3 which I collected3 was

    based on the 2uestionnaires filled u) by the sam)le em)loyees1 $nder secondary

    method I took the hel) of various

    reference books which I have mentioned in bibliogra)hy and also by way of surfing

    through the com)any website1

    Primary Data

    Questioaire/ !orres)onding to the nature of the study direct3 structured 2uestionnaires

    with a mi-ture of close and o)en0ended 2uestions will be administered to the relevant

    res)ondents within the Personnel and other De)artments of the organisation1

    Se!o"ary Data

    Or#ai$atioa% %iterature/ Any relevant literature available from the organisation on the

    !om)any )rofile3 recruitment 6 selection )rocedures3 7ob s)ecifications3 de)artment0

    wise break u) of man)ower strength and the organisational structure1 Ot&er Sour!es'


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    A))ro)riate journals3 maga*ines such as (uman !a)ital3 relevant news)a)er articles3

    com)any brochures and articles on www sites will also be used to substantiate the

    identified objectives1

    Sam(%i# P%a a" Desi#

    A 2uestionnaire will be used for the )ur)ose of research/ 9uestionnaire/ 'o test the

    validity and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection )rocedures within the

    organisation and to test th validity and effectiveness of the )olicies and )rocedures within

    the organisation1 'he basic rationale of 9uestionnaire is to ascertain the )erce)tion of the

    non0(R de)artments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the )olicies and

    )rocedures used by the organisation1 It is also in line with the assessment of any

    suggestions:recommendations that the res)ondents from

    these De)artments might have in terms of the use of an alternative source:device of

    recruitment and selection3 than what already forms the current )ractice of the (R

    De)artment1 9uestionnaire would be administered to .5 res)ondents3 holding a senior

    designation within the Personnel

    De)artment of the organisation1 It will also be administered to at least .5 res)ondents

    belonging to ty)ical De)artments within the organisation and holding senior designations

    within their res)ective De)artments1 "am)ling Element +or the )ur)ose of administering

    the 9uestionnaire3 the res)ondents would com)rise of )ersonnel holding senior

    designations within the Personnel De)artment of the organisation1 'he res)ondents for

    the 9uestionnaire will also be )referably being )anel members of the Recruitment 6


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    "election ,oard of the organisation1 'he res)ondents would com)rise of )ersonnel

    holding senior designations within certain ty)ical De)artments

    identified within the organisation3 namely/


    +inance O)erations


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    Reliance Power Limited is a )art of the Re%ia!e Grou(3 one of India=s

    largest business houses1 'he grou) o)erates across multi)le sectors3including

    telecommunications3 financial services3 media and entertainment3

    infrastructure and energy1 'he energy sector com)anies include Re%ia!e

    I*rastru!ture a" Re%ia!e Po+er ,

    Reliance Power has been established to develo)3 construct and o)erate

    )ower )rojects both in India as well as internationally1 'he !om)any on its

    own and through its subsidiaries has a large )ortfolio of )ower generation

    ca)acity3 both in o)eration as well as ca)acity under develo)ment1

    'he )ower )rojects are going to be diverse in terms of geogra)hic location3

    fuel ty)e3 fuel source and off0take3 and each )roject is )lanned to be


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    #e take utmost care in the selection of community interventions we initiate1

    Our )rime endeavor is to remain focused on creating long0term wealth

    creation for all local community members irres)ective of their gender3 ethnic

    and religious backgrounds1

    ,eing a conglomerate with diverse business interests3 across various

    segments of economy3 we are in a )osition to integrate our services3 let that

    be communication3 financial services3 entertainment and others1 #e e-)lore

    to amalgamate )otential benefits one segment of the business may offer to

    the others so that a holistic solution addressing the needs and concerns of

    local community is found1

    Our Gui"i# Pri!i(%es

    #e strive to im)act local community in a )ositive and vibrant manner1 Our

    social develo)ment )olicies are based on the following guiding )rinci)les/

    .1 (onor s)irit of law and be a res)onsible cor)orate citi*en1

    41 Pursue growth through harmony with global community via

    innovative management1

    81 Ado)t an a))roach aiming to achieve greater balance between social

    6 economic develo)ment1


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    ;1 Res)ect culture and customs of every )roject : )lant location1

    51 #ork towards elimination of societal barriers such as )overty3 social

    class3 disability and others1

    1 +oster a cor)orate culture that enhances both individual creativity and

    value of teamwork1

    1 Aim to )rovide clean electricity and thrust on Energy

    !onservationand Environment Protection1

    Our greatest strength is that we look at our community interventions as )art

    of our business3 not )ost0)rofit )hilanthro)y1

    Our Fo!us Areas

    ,ased on the annual )lans a))roved3 we )artici)ate in multi)le community

    interventions1 Although3 our community interventions de)end on the

    re2uirements of local community3 our thrust is towards education3

    healthcare3 sanitation3 sustainable livelihoods3 community infrastructure

    develo)ment3 etc1


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    Im(%emeti# Parters

    #e )artner with government bodies3 district authorities3 non0governmental

    organi*ations3 village )anchayats3 women self0hel) grou)s and end

    beneficiaries3 who are mostly villagers in neighbourhood areas1 +or some

    s)ecific interventions3 we )artner with e-ternal agencies which have domain

    e-)ertise in res)ective fields transforming the landsca)es1

    Some o* our I0o%0emets'


    !onstruction 6 renovation of school buildings1

    +ormal and non0formal education1

    !hild labour schools1

    Firl child education1

    Digital literacy through com)uter education1

    Remedial centers1

    &erit0cum0means scholarshi)s to students1

    +ree su))ly of note books and te-t books1


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    +ree medical cam)s Cgeneral and multi0s)ecialty with s)ecialist


    &obile clinics with doctors and )aramedical staff1

    +ree ambulance services1

    Awareness )rogrammes for women and adolescent girls1

    ,lood donation cam)s1


    !onstruction of household toilets1

    !onstruction of toilets for children in the schools1

    Awareness cam)aigns1


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    Sustaia3%e Li0e%i&oo"

    #omen em)owerment1

    #omen and +armer "elf (el) Frou)s for &icro0enter)rise


    "kill develo)ment and Gocationaltraining1

    Integrated livestock 6 agriculture develo)ment1

    Introduction of high yield agricultural cro)s1



    Renewable &icro off0grids1


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    Commuity I*rastru!ture De0e%o(met

    "afe drinking water to communities1

    #ater storage structures1

    !onstruction of community centers1

    !onstruction of Roads1


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    Com(aies o* Re%ia!e Grou(

    Re%ia!e Commui!atios Limite"

    Re%ia!e Commui!atios Limite" is I"ia6s %ar#est (ri0ate se!tor

    i*ormatio a" !ommui!atios !om(ay,R!O& has a subscriber base

    of more than .?? million1 'he com)any is the culmination of the late

    Dhirubhai Ambanis dream of bringing about a digital revolution that would

    )rovide every Indian with affordable means of communication and a ready

    access to information1 Reliance !ommunications started o)erations in .BBB

    and has well over a .?? million subscribers today1 It has established a )an0

    India3 high0ca)acity3 integrated Cwireless and wireline3 convergent Cvoice3

    data and video digital network3 to offer services s)anning the entire

    infocomm value chain1

    Re%ia!e Ca(ita%

    Re%ia!e Ca(ita% is oe o* I"ia6s %ea"i# a" most 0a%ua3%e (ri0ate

    se!tor *ia!ia% ser0i!es !om(aies.with interests in asset management and

    mutual funds@ life and general insurance@ commercial finance@ stock broking@

    investment banking@ wealth management services@ distribution of financial

    )roducts@ e-changes@ )rivate e2uity@ asset reconstruction@ )ro)rietary

    investments and other financial services activities1Reliance &utual +und is


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    Indias largest mutual fund with over seven million investor folios1 Reliance

    Life Insurance and Reliance Feneral Insurance are among the countrys

    leading insurers in their s)ace1Reliance "ecurities is one of India=s leading

    broking houses while Reliance &oney is among the countrys to)

    distributors of financial )roducts and services1

    Re%ia!e Po+er Limite"

    Reliance Power Limited currently has a generating ca)acity of 545 It

    has )ower stations located in &aharashtra3 &adhya Pradesh3 Andhra

    Pradesh3 and 7harkhand1 Reliance Power is currently )ursuing a number of

    gas3 coal3 wind and hydro0based )ower generation )rojects in several "tates1

    Re%ia!e I*rastru!ture

    Reliance Infrastructure Limited o)erates in various segments and is actively

    engaged in transmission and distribution of electrical )ower at various

    locations1 It distributes over eight billion units to 41>8 million

    consumers1"egments includes trading of electricity3 engineering3

    )rocurement3 construction CEP! and contracts that render value0added

    services in construction3 erection and commissioning1 Other o)erations

    include businesses such as o)eration and maintenance of toll roads3 metro


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    rail transit system and real estate )rojects3 including s)ecial economic


    Re%ia!e Me"ia a" Etertaimet

    Re%ia!e Me"ia a" Etertaimet &as iterest i *i%ms. musi!. s(orts.

    #ami#. iteret 7 mo3i%e (orta%s. "i#ita% !iema. IPTV. DTH a"

    Mo3i%e TV,In 4??53 Reliance ADA Frou) ac2uired Adlabs +ilms3 one of

    the largest entertainment com)anies in India with interests in film

    )rocessing3 )roduction3 e-hibition and digital cinema1 Reliance

    Entertainment is also in the +& Radio business with BIG 89,: FM1

    Re%ia!e Hea%t&

    Reliance (ealth aims at )roviding integrated health services through one of

    the finest hos)itals in Asia ;o/i%a3e D&iru3&ai Am3ai Hos(ita% at

    A"&eri. Mum3ai1 It also )lans to venture into diversified fields like

    insurance administration3 health care delivery and integrated health3 health

    informatics and information management and consumer health1


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    Rosa Po+er P%atis a .34?? of coal based generation ca)acity at Rosa

    village in "hahjahan)ur3 $ttar Pradesh1 'he )ower )lant is being develo)ed

    in two stages3 with the first stage CRosa Phase I already having become

    commercially o)erational on .4 &arch 4?.?1 It is also the first )roject of the

    com)any to become o)erational1

    Rosa Power "u))ly !om)any Limited CRP"!L3 the holding com)any of

    Rosa Power Plant3 was incor)orated on "e)tember .3 .BB; as a subsidiary of

    Aditya ,irla Power !om)any1 It was later transferred to Reliance Power on

    ovember .3 4??< and is now a fully owned subsidiary of Reliance Power1

    It is a )roject that has received a considerable su))ort from the $ttar Pradesh

    government with it being designated a )riority )roject1 'he entire )ower

    generated will be sold to $ttar Pradesh Power !or)oration Limited

    C$PP!L1 'he tariff for the )ower generated by the )lant will be determined

    in accordance with the guidelines for tariff as set by $ttar Pradesh

    Electricity Regulatory !ommission1

    'he construction for the Phase I of the )roject began in 7une 4??> and by

    December 4??B the first unit of the )roject had started generating )ower1


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    Rosa 'hermal Power "tation has a ca)acity of M4? Date o* Commissioi# Status

    . 8?? 4??B3 December Running

    . 8?? 4?.? &arch Running

    4 8?? 4?.. December Running

    4 8?? 4?.4 &archRunning


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    Re!ruitmet a"

    se%e!tio (ro!ess


    All organi*ations are basically human organi*ations1 'hey need )eo)le to carry out the

    organi*ational mission3 goals and objectives1 Every organi*ation needs to recruit


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    )eo)le 1'he recruitment )olicy should3 therefore3 address itself to the key 2uestion@ what

    are the )ersonnel:human resource re2uirement of the organi*ation in terms of number3

    skills3 levels etc to meet )resent and future needs of )roduction and technical and other

    changes )lanned or antici)ated in the ne-t years1

    Recruitment is the )rocess of searching for )ros)ective em)loyees and

    stimulating them to a))ly for jobs in the organi*ation 1'o recruit means to enlist3

    re)lenish or reinforce1 It refers to the )rocess of bringing together )ros)ective em)loyees

    and em)loyer with a view to stimulate and encourage the former to a))ly for a job with

    the latter1 'he )rimary )ur)ose of recruitment and selection is to achieve one desired aim

    i1e1 )icking the right )erson for the right jobs1

    'he recruitment )rocess begins when an em)loyee is to be transferred or )romoted

    to another )ost3 notice of resignation or dismissal is given or retirement is )lanned1 'he

    five keyways to develo) to) 2uality )eo)le/

    Recruitment0getting the right )eo)le in the right job

    Develo)ing )eo)le0through training 6 develo)ment1

    &onitoring0to ensures long0term develo)ment and )erformance1

    Develo)ing &anagers0ensuring that these key )eo)le are delivering what the

    organi*ation re2uires1

    &anaging for )erformance0 techni2ues that ensure to) 2uality )erformance1

    Fa!tors A**e!ti# Re!ruitmet' @


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    In recruiting new em)loyees management must consider the nature of labor market3 what

    sort of )otential labor are available and how do look for works1

    'he factor affecting can be summed u) under the following heads/

    La3or Mar/et Bou"aries'@'he knowledge of the boundaries hel) management

    in estimating the available su))ly of 2ualified )ersonnel form3 which it might

    recruit1 A labor market consists of a geogra)hical area in which the forces of

    demand and su))ly interact and thus affect the )rice of labor1

    A0ai%a3%e S/i%%s'0 !om)anies must locate the areas where they can find

    em)loyees who fit the jobs according to their skills1

    E!oomi! Co"itio'2 Economic conditions also affect recruitment1

    $nem)loyment worker may swam) a new )lan located in a de)ressed labor

    market whereas a firm trying to establish it or to e-)and in an area where a few

    2ualified workers are out of wok has 2uite a different recruitment )roblem1

    Attra!ti0eess o* t&e Com(ay''he attractiveness of the com)any in terms of

    higher wages3 clean work3 better fringe benefits and ra)id )romotions serves as

    influencing factor in recruitment1



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    Recruitment begins by s)ecifying the human resource recruitment3 initiating activities

    and action to identify the )ossible sources form where they can be met3 communicating

    the information about the jobs3 terms and conditions and )ros)ects they offer3 and enthuse

    the )eo)le who meet the recruitment to res)ond to the invitation by a))lying for jobs1

    'hereafter the selection )rocess begins1 'he )rocess is as follows/

    a? De!i"e o &o+ may (eo(%e you rea%%y ee"/

    If everything is being done to im)rove )erformance and still there is a ga) between

    what the current )erformance is and the goals set3 then the best way is to recruit more


    3? Aa%y$i# t&e o3'

    Analy*ing the job is the )rocess of assembling and studying information relating to

    all as)ects of a )articular )ost1 Analysis is done to find )ossible details about/

    Pur)ose/ Identify the aims and objectives of job and what the em)loyee is

    e-)ected to achieve within de)artment and com)any1

    Position/ 'he job title3 its )osition in the hierarchy and for whom it is res)onsible

    ought to be recorded1 A sam)le organi*ation chart may be useful for this )ur)ose1

    &ain Duties/ A list of key tasks may be written out@ standards that need to be

    reached and maintained must also be maintained1 &ethods of recording3 assessing

    and recording the key tasks must be determined1

    'he work Environment/ "tudy the )hysical and social environment in which the

    work is out because the work environment influences the 2uantity and 2uality of



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    !? Dra*ti# a o3 "es!ri(tio'

    After job analysis is done3 job descri)tion is made1 7ob descri)tion describes the job1

    'he job descri)tion decides u)on the e-act knowledge3 skill and e-)erience needed

    to do the job1

    7ob descri)tion must be drafted around these heading/

    7ob title

    Res)onsible to

    Res)onsible for

    Pur)ose of job



    "ignature and date

    "? Dra+i# o* em(%oyee s(e!i*i!atio'

    Em)loyee s)ecification is also known as job3 )erson or )ersonnel s)ecification1 It lists

    the skills@ knowledge and e-)eriences re2uired doing the job successfully1 "tudying

    the descri)tion makes it1 An em)loyee s)ecification will hel) in deciding where to

    advertise what to include in job advertisement to attach the right )erson1 It is based


    Physical make0u)


    ")ecific a)titude




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    e? E0a%uatio *uture ee"s

    +or Evaluation future needs man)ower is drafting1 A man)ower )lan evolves studying

    the make0u) of )resent work force3 assessing forthcoming changes and calculating

    future workforce3 which is re2uired1 &an)ower )lanning hel)s in devising long0term

    recruitment )lans1

    *? Fi"i# sour!es o* re!ruitmet'

    'he human resource re2uirement can be met from internal or e-ternal sources1


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    Itera% Sour!es

    'hese refer to )ersons already em)loyed in the organi*ation1 Promoting )ersons from lower

    levels may fill u) vacancies at higher levels1 "hortage of man)ower in one branch J factory may

    be met by transferring sur)lus staff from another branch J factory1 Promotion means shifting of

    an em)loyee to higher )ost caring greater salary3 status and res)onsibility1 On the other hand

    transfer refer to the shifting an em)loyee with salary3 status and res)onsibility1 "ome time e-0

    em)loyee of the organi*ation may be re0em)loyed1

    A"0ata#es o* Itera% Sour!es'

    .1 +illing vacancies for higher job by )romoting em)loyees from with in the organi*ation

    hel)s to motivate and im)roved the morale of the em)loyees1 'his induces loyalty among


    41 Internal re2uirement has to minimi*e labor turnover and absenteeism1 Peo)le wait for

    )romotion and the work force is more satisfied1

    81 !andidates working in organi*ation do not re2uire induction training1 'hey are already

    familiar with organi*ation and with the )eo)le working in it1

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    Disa"0ata#es o* Itera% Sour!es'

    .1 'here may be inbreeding3 as fresh talent from outside is not obtained1 Internal candidates

    may not be given a new outlook and fresh ideas to business1

    41 $nsuitable candidates may not be )romoted to )ositions of higher res)onsibility because

    the choice is limited1

    81 'he em)loyees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound )romotion1 'here

    may be infighting among those who as)ires for )romotion with in the organi*ation1

    ;1 Internal recruitment cannot be com)lete method in itself1 'he enter)rise has to resort to

    e-ternal recruitment at some stage because all vacancies cannot be filled from with in


    Etera% Sour!es

    It refers to recruitment of em)loyees from outside the organi*ation1 E-ternal sources )rovide

    wide choice of the re2uired number of the em)loyees having the desired 2ualification1 It also

    )rovides the )eo)le with new ideas and s)eciali*ed skills re2uired to co)e with new challenge

    and to ensure growth of the organi*ation1 Internal com)etitors have to com)ete with the

    outsiders1 (owever3 e-isting em)loyees resent the )olicy of filling higher0level vacancies from

    outsiders1 &oreover it is time consuming and e-)ensive to recruit )eo)les from outside1

    Recruitment from the outside may create frustration among the e-isting em)loyees that as)ires

    for )romotions1 'here is no guarantee that the organi*ations will attract sufficient number of

    suitable candidates1

    A"0ata#es o* Etera% Sour!es'

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    .1 'he entry of fresh talent in to the organi*ation is encouraged1 ew em)loyees bring

    new ideas to the organi*ation1

    41 E-ternal sources )rovide wider sources of )ersonnel to choose from1

    81 Re2uisite ty)e of )ersonnel having the re2uired 2ualifications3 training and skill are

    available from the e-ternal sources1

    Disa"0ata#es o* Etera% Sour!es'

    .1 'he enter)rise can make the best selection since selection is made from among a large

    number of a))licants1

    41 'here is a greater decoration in em)loyer0 em)loyee relationshi)3 resulting in industrial

    strikes3 unrest3 and lockouts1

    81 'he )ersonnel=s selected from outside may suffer from the danger of adjustment to the

    new work environment1


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    All methods of recruitment can be )ut into three categories/

    a Direct method

    b Indirect method

    c 'hird0)arty method

    a? Dire!t Met&o"'

    'hese include the cam)us interview and kee)ing a live register of job seekers1 $sually under

    this method3 information about jobs and )rofile of )ersons available for jobs is e-changed

    and )reliminary screening is done1 'he short listed candidates are then subjected to the

    remainder of the selection )rocess1 "ome organi*ation maintains live registers or record of

    a))licants and refers to them as and when the need arises1

    3? I"ire!t Met&o"'

    'hey cover advertising in news)a)ers3 on the radio3 in trade and )rofessional journals3

    technical journals and brochures1

    #hen 2ualified and e-)erienced )ersons are not available through other sources3 advertising

    in news)a)ers and )rofessional and technical journals in made1 #hereas all ty)es of

    advertisements can be made in news)a)ers and maga*ines3 only )articular ty)es of )osts

    should be advertised in the )rofessional and technical journals1

    A well thought0out and )lanned advertisement for a))ointments reduces the )ossibility of

    un2ualified )eo)le a))lying1 If the advertisement is clear and to the )oint3 candidates can

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    assess their abilities and suitability for the )osition and only those who )ossess the re2uisite

    2ualifications will a))ly1

    !? T&ir" Party Met&o"'

    Garious agencies are used for recruitment under these methods1 'hese include

    commercial and )rivate em)loyment agencies3 state agencies3 and )lacement offices of schools3

    colleges and )rofessional associations3 recruiting firms3 management consulting firms3

    indoctrination seminars for college )rofessors3 friends and relatives1

    Em(%oymet A#e!ies'

    'hey are s)eciali*ing in s)ecific occu)ation like general office hel)3 salesman3 technical

    workers3 accountants3 com)uter staff3 engineers and e-ecutives and suitable )ersons available

    for a job1 ,ecause of their s)eciali*ation3 they can inter)ret the needs of their clients and seek

    out )articular ty)es of )ersons1

    State or Pu3%i! Em(%oymet A#e!ies'

    'hey also knew as Em)loyment or Labor E-changes3 are the main agencies for )ublic

    em)loyment1 'hey also )rovide a wide range of services3 like counseling3 assistance in

    getting jobs3 information about the labor market3 labor and wage rates3 etc1

    Ee!uti0e Resear!& A#e!ies'

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    'hey maintain a com)lete information records about em)loyed e-ecutives and recommend

    )ersons of high caliber for managerial3 marketing and )roduction engineers= )osts1 'hese

    agencies are looked u)on as Khead hunters=3 Kraiders=3 and K)irates=1

    Tra"e 5ios'

    'he em)loyers to su))ly whatever additional em)loyees may be needed often call on 'rade

    $nions1 $nions may be asked for recommendations largely as a matter of courtesy and an

    evidence of goodwill and coo)eration1

    Pro*essioa% So!ieties'

    'hey may )rovide leads and clues in )roviding )romising candidates for engineering3

    technical and management )ositions1 "ome of these maintain mail order )lacement services1


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    "election is the )rocess of carefully screening the candidates to choose the most suitable )erson

    for the job vacancies to be filled1 $nder it 2ualifications3 training3 e-)erience3 and background of

    a))licant are evaluated in the light of job re2uirement1 It divides the candidates into two

    categories namely3

    a 'hose who are em)loyed

    b 'hose who are to be rejected1

    A formal definition of selection is as following/

    It is the )rocess of differentiating between a))licants in order to identify Cand hire those with a

    greater likelihood of success in a job1H

    "election )rocess assumes and rightly so3 that there are more number of candidate

    actually selected candidates are made available through recruitment )rocess1


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    'he main objectives of selection are to hire )eo)le having com)etence and commitment1

    'his objective is often defeated because of certain barriers1 'he im)ediments3 which check

    effectiveness of selection3 are )erce)tion3 fairness3 validity3 reliability and )ressure1

    Fairess'+airness is selection re2uires that no individual should be discriminated against on the

    basis of religion3 region3 race or gender1 ,ut the low numbers of women and other less0)rivileged

    sections of the society in middle and senior management )ositions and o)en discrimination on

    the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection )rocess would suggest that all the

    efforts to minimi*e ine2uity have not been very effective1

    Re%ia3i%ity'A reliable method is one that will )roduce consistent results when re)eated in similar

    situations1 Like a validated test3 a reliable test may fail to )redict job )erformance with )recision1

    Pressure' Pressure is brought on the selectors by )oliticians3 bureaucrats3 relatives3 friends and

    )eers to select )articular candidates1 !andidates selected because of com)ulsions are obviously

    not the rights ones1 A))ointments to )ublic sector undertakings generally take )lace under such



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    'he selection )rocedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an a))licant1 'his

    information is secured in a number of ste)s and stages1 'he objective of selection )rocess is to

    determine whether an a))licant needs the 2ualification for a s)ecific job and to choose the

    a))licant who is most likely to )erform in that job1

    'he hiring )rocedures not a single acts but it is essentially a series of methods or ste)s or

    stages by which additional information is secured about the a))licant1 At each stage3 facts may

    come to light3 which lead to the rejection of the a))licant1 A )rocedure may be considered to a

    series of successive hurdles or barriers3 which an a))licant must cross1

    'hese are indented as screens and they are designed to eliminate an un2ualified a))licant at

    any )oint in this )rocess1 'hat techni2ue is known as the successive hurdle techni2ue1 ot all

    selection )rocess includes all these hurdles1 'he com)le-ity of )rocess usually increases with the

    level and res)onsibility of the )osition to be fulfilled1

    A well0organi*ed selection )rocedure should be designed to select sustainable candidates

    for various jobs1 Each ste) in the selection )rocess should hel) in getting more and more

    information about the candidate1 'here is no idle selection )rocedure a))ro)riate for all cases1

    "te)s in the selection )rocess/

    Preliminary "creening

    A))lication ,lank

    Em)loyment 'ests

    "election Interview

    &edical or Physical E-amination

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    !hecking Reference

    +inal A))roval

    Pre%imiary S!reei#'

    'his is essentially to check whether the candidate fulfills the minimum 2ualification1 'he

    )reliminary interview is generally 2uite brief1 Its aim is to eliminate the unsuitable candidate1

    'he job seekers are received at the rece)tion counter of the com)any1 'he rece)tionists or other

    official interviews the candidates to determine whether he is worthwhile or the candidate to fill

    u) the a))lication blank1 !andidates )rocessing the minimum 2ualification and having some

    chances of being selected are given the )rescribed a))lication form known as a))lication blank1

    A((%i!atio B%a/'

    'he candidates are re2uired to give full information about their age3 2ualification3 e-)erience3

    family background3 a)titude and interests act in the a))lication blank1 'he a))lication blank

    )rovides a written record about the candidate1 'he a))lication form should be designed to obtain

    all relevant information about the candidates1 All a))lications received from the candidates are

    carefully scrutini*ed1 After the scrutiny more suitable candidates among the a))licants are short0

    listed for written tests and others are rejected1

    Em(%oymet Tests'

    !andidates are asked to a))ear for written or other tests1 'ests have become )o)ular

    screening devices1 'hese tests are based on the assum)tion that human traits and work

    behaviors can be )redicted by sam)ling3 however tests are not fully reliable and they also

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    involve time and money1 'est is more useful in identifying and eliminating unsuitable

    candidates therefore should be used only as su))lements rather than an inde)endent

    techni2ue of selection1 'he main ty)es of tests are

    Intelligence tests

    A)titude 'est

    Interest 'est

    Personality 'est

    De-terity 'est

    Se%e!tio Iter0ie+'

    It involves a face0to0face conversation between the em)loyer and the candidate@ the selector asks

    a job related and general 2uestions1 'he way in which a candidate res)onds to the 2uestion is

    evaluated1 'he objectives of the interview are as following/

    'o find out the candidate=s overall suitability for the job1

    'o cross0check the information obtained through a))lication blank and tests3 and

    'o give an accurate )icture of the job and the com)any1

    Interview is the most widely used ste) in em)loyee selection1 (owever3 interview suffers from

    several drawbacks/

    +irstly3 it is a time consuming and e-)ensive device1 "econdly3 it can test only the )ersonality of

    the candidate and not his skill for the job1 'hirdly3 the interviewer may not be an e-)ert and may

    fill to e-tract all relevant information from the candidate1 +ourthly3 the )ersonal judgment or bias

    of the interviewer may make the result of the interviews inaccurate1

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    Interview should be )ro)erly conducted in a )ro)er )hysical environment1 'he interview room

    should be free from noise and interru)tions1 'he environment should be confident and 2uite1

    Peo)le generally talk freely and frankly when there is )rivacy and comfort1 'herefore3 candidates

    should be )ut at ease1 'he interviewer should )ay full attention to what the candidates have to


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    Me"i!a% or P&ysi!a% Eamiatio'

    !andidates who are found suitable after interview are called for )hysical e-amination1 A Panel

    of doctors to insure that they are healthy and )hysically fit for the job does a medical check0u) of

    such candidates1 A )ro)er medical e-amination will also ensure that the candidates selected do

    not suffer from any serious desirous which may create )roblems in future1

    C&e!/i# Re*ere!e'

    Fenerally3 every candidate if re2uired to state in the a))lication form3 the name and address of at

    least two res)onsible )ersons who know him1 'he reference may not give their +rank o)inion

    unless )romises made that in all information will be ke)t strictly confidential1 &oreover the

    information given by them may be biased in the form of candidate1

    Fia% A((ro0a%'

    'he candidates who are found suitable after the medical check0u) and background investigation

    are formally a))ointed by issuing a))ointment letter to them1 'hey are asked to join duty by the

    s)ecified date1 o selection )rocedure is fool)roof and the best way judge a )erson is by

    observing him working on the job1 !andidate who gives satisfactory during the )robationary

    )eriod are made )ermanent1

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    Su##este" Se%e!tio Criteria *or Stu"ets

    It is im)erative to not only recruit those students who do well academically but also those who

    )ossess a winning attitude but may not have done as well academically1 'he following selection

    criteria can be used as a guide/

    a1 Academics +ocus on students who have consistently done e-ce)tionally well

    b1 E-tra and !o curricular activities +ocus on Leadershi)3 Initiative

    c1 Personality and Attitude +ocus on !ommunication3 Presentation and 'eamwork

    At the end of the selection )rocess3 the !am)us Recruitment 'eam will com)ile a list of selected

    candidates and handover the same to the Placement Officer1 An announcement can also be made

    to inform students at the same time1

    O**er Letters'

    Offer Letters will be sent to the selected candidates within > days of the selection )rocess at the

    !am)us1 !andidates have to indicate his:her acce)tance by signing and returning the co)y of the

    letter to (R not more than.5 days after recei)t of the letter1 #here re2uired blank offer letters

    will be carried to the !am)us and given at the time of )lacement itself1

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    A, Traiee S!&eme >A?

    Once selected3 all trainees will be )rovided with an (R brochure that lists the details of the

    trainee scheme as outlined below/

    Tra0e%'&anagement 'rainees will be )rovided with A! class 'rain +are from home to the

    com)any1 !onveyance e-)enses such as travel Cta-i from the Railway station to the )lace of

    )osting etc1 will be )rovided1

    A!!ommo"atio' 'rainees will be )rovided with shared accommodation Cfor

    bachelors:s)insters1 Fuest (ouse Ctwin sharing will be )rovided for one month for outstation

    candidates1 Any accommodation re2uired after this )eriod will be deducted from the trainees=


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    'raining and develo)ment can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an em)loyee or grou) of

    em)loyees3 e1g1

    .1 #hen a )erformance a))raisal indicates )erformance im)rovement is needed

    4 'o MbenchmarkM the status of im)rovement so far in a )erformance im)rovement effort

    8 As )art of an overall )rofessional develo)ment )rogram

    ; As )art of succession )lanning to hel) an em)loyee be eligible for a

    )lanned change in role in the organi*ation

    5 'o M)ilotM3 or test3 the o)eration of a new )erformance management system

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    .1 Commui!atios ''he increasing diversity of todays workforce brings a wide variety of

    languages and customs1

    41 Com(uter s/i%%s '!om)uter skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and

    office tasks1

    81 Customer ser0i!e/ Increased com)etition in todays global market)lace makes it critical that

    em)loyees understand and meet the needs of customers1

    ;1Di0ersity/ Diversity training usually includes e-)lanation about how )eo)le have different

    )ers)ectives and views3 and includes techni2ues to value diversity1

    51 Et&i!s/ 'odays society has increasing e-)ectations about cor)orate social res)onsibility1

    Also3 todays diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the work)lace1

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    'here are numerous sources of on0line information about training and develo)ment1 "everal of

    these sites Ctheyre listed later on in this library suggest reasons for su)ervisors to conduct

    training among em)loyees1 'hese reasons include/

    .1 Increased job satisfaction and morale among em)loyees

    41 Increased em)loyee motivation

    81 Increased efficiencies in )rocesses3 resulting in financial gain

    ;1 Increased ca)acity to ado)t new technologies and methods

    51 Increased innovation in strategies and )roducts

    1 Enhanced com)any image3 e1g13 conducting ethics training Cnot a good reason for ethics


    1 Risk management3 e1g13 training about se-ual harassment3 diversity training

    Every time I see a recruitment ad or manual that makes a reference to Mon the job training3M I

    cringe1 #ould this be one of those situations where there is effectively Mno trainingM Designing

    a )rogram for em)loyee training and develo)ment is not a trivial )rocess that can be left to

    chance1 It is not enough to Mho)eM that em)loyees will get trained Mon the job1M

    ,ut3 before I make a case for effective em)loyee training and develo)ment3 let us e-amine the

    reasons for develo)ing em)loyees1

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    %ou will be )erceived as a )remium em)loyer as em)loyees skill sets will be enhanced

    while they are with you1

    "u)erior em)loyee training and develo)ment will ensure that serious succession related

    issues do not cree) u)1

    'he organi*ation will be able to constantly ada)t to changes in technology3 regulation3

    and the business environment in general1

    'he list can go on and on1 ,ut3 since I have made an effective case for organi*ations to take

    interest in em)loyee training and develo)ment3 let us look at some of the dont dos/

    Em)loyee training and em)loyee develo)ment are not goals in themselves1 'here is the

    risk of the (R function develo)ing a divergent set of objectives from the objective set of

    the organi*ation1

    ,udgeting for em)loyee training and develo)ment is a very tricky )rocess1 On the one

    hand3 I have noticed enthusiastic organi*ations which3 in a fit3 allocate as much as ;? of

    )ersonnel budgets on training1 On the other3 I have seen em)loyee training and

    develo)ment budgets being the first victim of budget cuts1 'he ideal situation would be to

    budget moderately3 making sure that the develo)ment )rogram can be sustained1

    Fee0whi* and bu** word training can be fun Ces)ecially for the trainer3 but does not

    result in em)loyee develo)ment1 !are must be taken to ensure that the trainer and the

    training )rogram designer are the best that money : time : effort can buy1

    Qee)ing some of these ideas in mind3 the human resource manager can hel) senior management

    chart out the organi*ational strategy for )ersonnel )lanning1

    &anagement training )rograms can be very beneficial for your business and your em)loyees1

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    Ongoing education is a key ingredient to any firms ability to grow3 both as a business and in

    terms of a com)etitive advantage1

    If the em)loyees are nurtured and )rovided with o))ortunities once on0board3 it will not only

    lead to a greater retention rate3 but also growth )otential in your industry1


    Areas of training can be classified into the following categories/

    .1 'raining in com)any )olicies and )rocedures Cinduction training

    41 'raining in )articular skills

    81 'raining in human relations

    ;1 'raining in )roblem solving

    51 &anagerial and su)ervisory training

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    'his survey is conducted under the )resum)tion of the functioning of the Recruitment and

    "election Procedure in RELIE!E RO"A PO#ER "$PPL% !O&PA% LI&I'ED1

    In testing the above hy)othesis the following as)ects will be considered/ 0

    &an)ower Planning

    Recruitment Policy

    "ources of Recruitment

    Latest 'echni2ues of Recruitment

    Recruitment of "ummer:In0)lant 'rainees

    "election Policy

    +eedback of Recruitment and "election Procedure

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  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    Q5ESTIO))AIREMa(o+er P%ai#

  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    41 I* yes. t&e (%ease s(e!i*y t&e time (erio">s? *or +&i!& t&e estimates are ma"e

    "1O1 OPIIO O1 O+



    .1 ?04years B 8?

    41 408years < 4?

    81 80;years B 8?

    ;1 ;6above years < 4?

    Time Period for Estimate



    20% 0-2years



    4&above years

    4? )eo)le said that the com)any s)ecify ?04 year for making estimation of forecasting1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any s)ecifies 408 years for making estimation1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any s)ecifies 80; years for making the estimation of forecasting1

    4? )eo)le said that the com)any s)ecifies ; 6 above time )eriod for making forecasting1

    8,4&at "o you su##est s&ou%" 3e t&e 3asis o* *ore!asti#

  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    "1O1 OPIIO O1 O+



    .1 'otal cost of the


    < 4?

    41 Past e-)erience .4 ;?

    81 Different )hases of the


    B 8?

    ;1All of the above

    8 .?

    Basic Forcasting





    Total cost of the


    Past experience

    ifferent phases of

    the project

    !ll of the above

    4? )eo)le said that their com)any forecast on the bases of 'otal cost of the )roject1

    ;? )eo)le said that the com)any forecast on the bases of )ast e-)eriences1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any forecast on the bases of the Different )hases of the )roject1

    .? )eo)le said that the com)any forecast on the bases on of the above1

    ,Does your or#ai$atio (%a t&e re!ruitmet (o%i!y

    "1O1 OPIIO O1 O+ PER!E'AFE

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    .1 %es 8? .??

    41 o ? ?

    Written Recriutment Policy





    .?? )eo)le said that the )lan the re2uirement )olicy1

    51 Do you t&i/ t&e (reset re!ruitmet (o%i!y is &e%(*u% i a!&ie0i# t&e #oa%s o* t&e




    OPIIO O1 O+



  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    .1 %es .5 5?

    41 o < 4?

    81 'o some e-tent B 8?

    Recruitment Policy




    NoTo so#e extent

    5? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy is hel)ful in achieving the goals1

    4? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy is not hel)ful in achieving the goals1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy is hel)ful to some e-tent in achieving the


  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    41 Preferred sources of


    B 8?

    81 A))ro)riate criteria for


    B 8?

    ;1 Identification of the cost

    of recruitment

    < 4?

    Recruitment Policy




    $ecrit#ent nees of

    the or'ani(ation

    Preferre sorces of


    !ppropriate criteria for


    )entification of the cost

    of recrit#ent

    4? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy enables to identify the recruitment needs

    of the com)any1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy enables to identify the )referred sources

    of recruitment1

    8? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy enables to identify the a))ro)riate

    criteria for selection1

    4? )eo)le said that the com)any=s recruitment )olicy enables to identify the identification of

    cost of recruitment1

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    'he analysis of the various sources of recruitment and selection devices is )resented on the

    following )ages1 'he res)onse entailed from the (R De)artment Cas analysed from

    9uestionnaire re)resents current )ractice within the organisation in terms of the sources of

    recruitment and selection devices used1 'he analysis of the res)onse entailed from all the other

    de)artments Cas analysed from 9uestionnaire forming the sam)le3 re)resents the )erce)tion of

    the res)ondents from these De)artments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the various

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    sources:devices of recruitment:selection Cs)ecific to these De)artments 'he analysis further

    entails any suggestions:recommendations given by these non0(R De)artments Cforming the

    sam)le for administering 9uestionnaire3 in terms of any recruitment source and:or selection

    device that should be de)loyed by the organisation International 7ournal of

    Innovation3&anagement and 'echnology3 Gol1 .3 o1 ;3 October 4?.?




    ,ased on the survey analysis and suggestion from the res)ondents3 the following are the

    )ro)osed recommendation to im)rove the e-isting system and )ractices of recruitment and

    selection )rocedures/

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    Re!ruitmet Po%i!y

    A)art from the director of the com)any3 the o)erational head should have the authority

    for sanctioning the vacancy of a right to recruit the candidates as )er the decisions1

    Re!ruitmet o* summeri@(%at traiees

    'here should be a )rovision for the recruitment of summer:in0)lant trainees in the


    Iteret Re!ruitmet

    Advertisement of jobs on Internet should be an accessible to ma-imum job seekers1

    "ervice )ortal like monster1com3 jobsahead1com3 naukri1com etc should be used1

    Sour!es o* re!ruitmet

    !om)any must recruit the individuals through valuable sources of recruitment1

    Se%e!tio Po%i!y

    'est develo)ed by the com)any for the )ur)ose of selection of the candidates should not

    be of com)le- nature1

    'here must be )ro)er communication between the interviewer and interviewee at the time

    of interview1

    'he reference )rocedure if ado)ting3 should be analy*ed )ro)erly before recruitment


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    Se%e!tio Pro!ess

    During the selection )rocess not only the e-)erienced candidates but also the fresh

    candidate should be selected so as to avail the innovation and enthusiasm of new

    candidates1 'hese candidates should be ke)t on the job for some time )eriod@ if suitable they

    should be recruited1 During the selection )rocess3 the candidates should be made rela-ed

    and at ease1

    SummerI (%at Maa#emet Traiees

    In the organi*ation where summer:in0)lant:management training facility )revailing then

    such kind of )ractices must be ado)ted so that the student can learn and again from their

    )ractical views1

    Ste(s o* Re!ruitmet a" Se%e!tio

    !om)any should follow all the ste)s of recruitment and selection for the selection of the

    candidates1 "election )rocess should be less time consuming1


    'he interview should not be boring3 monotonous1 It should be made interesting1 'here must

    be )ro)er communication between the Interviewer and the Interviewee any the time of


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    E0a%uatio a" Cotro%

    Evaluation and control of recruitment and selection should be done fair judgment1


    &ethods used for selection of candidates should be done carefully and systematically1

    Fair Se%e!tio

    'he attainment of goals and objective of any organi*ation de)end on the ty)e and 2uality

    of its man)ower1 'o have right ty)e of men at right job and at right time3 the recruitment

    and selection )rocedure should be fair and im)artial1

    Grou( Dis!ussio *or 3etter assessmet

    'his is indeed an im)ortant suggestion and authorities concerned should immediately look

    into it and try to im)lement it1

    T&e Pro3%ems a" Limitatios o* t&e Stu"y

    Even though every effort has been done to minimi*e the variations and )resent a factual

    )icture with the hel) of statistical method3 but still there are some limitations/ 0

    Availability of less time in meager economical su))ort also acted as a constraint towards

    im)roving the 2uality of the re)ort1

  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    Due to busy schedule of the (R Officers3 they were not able to give more time and


    !ertain im)ortant information was ke)t secret@ this is because of the reason certain

    hy)othesis were taken1

    'he res)ondents may not have marked all res)onses honestly3 being a))rehensive of

    adverse management reaction1


    ,ased on the analysis through the 2uestionnaire res)onses the following is the conclusion of the


    'he organi*ation follows the rules and regulation involved in their Recruitment and "election

    Procedure of the organi*ation1 (owever3 there is some sco)e for im)rovement with regard to


  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    .1 'he managers are fully satisfied with the e-isting Recruitment and "election )rocedure1

    41 'he recruitment and "election )rocedure should not be lengthy1

    81 'o some e-tent a clear )icture of re2uired candidates should be made in order to search

    for a))ro)riate candidates1

    ;1 'he Recruitment and "election )rocedure should be im)artial1

    51 In RELIE!E RO"A PO#ER "$PPL% !O&PA% LI&I'ED3 a )ro)er Recruitment

    and "election )rocedure is followed1


    S. S. Ka!"a# O$%a!&'a(&!a* B+a,&-$# T&$ E&(&!# S. Ca!

    / C01a!2

    C. R. K(a$ R+'+a$3 M+(*%2# S+3! R+,&'+ E&(&!#

    N+4 A%+ I!(+$!a(&!a* P-b*&'+$'

    F$+ L-(a!'# O$%a!&'a(&!a* B+a,&-$# E&%( E&(&!# M3

    G$a4 H&**

  • 7/23/2019 rosa relience.docx


    S(+1+! 1. Rbb&!' / S++0a Sa!% $%a!&5a(&!a* B+a,&-$#

    E*+,+!( E&(&!# P+a$'! E-3a(&!








