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ROTARY CLUB of OCH Incrotaryoch.org.au/1315/images/OCHRotaryBulletinJune32020.pdf · The SGM will...

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Website - https://rotaryoch.org.au/home 3 rd June 2020 Page 1 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41 ROTARY CLUB of OCH Inc. District 9810 Victoria, Australia Weekly Bulletin 2019-2020 Meets every Wednesday from 7:00pm at The Clayton Hotel 319 Clayton Road, Clayton (Melways 79C2) (No meeting on public holidays) 3rd June 2020 Volume 1, Number 41 In This Issue Important Information - (pg1) Upcoming Club Program - (pg2) Last Meeting & Notes (pg2) Foundation Facts (pg4) Upcoming Dates (pg5) Club Positions for 2019/20 (pg5) District 9810 News (pg6) ESRAG's June 5 World Environment Day Forum (pg6) Rotaract Club of Monash (pg7) Where other clubs meet (pg7) Reminders (pg8) Joke of the Week (pg8) Rotary International News (pg8) Important Information SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - WEDNESDAY 17TH June Further to the report, discussion and decision taken at the Annual General Meeting, we are required to update our Constitution having regard to the decisions of the 2019, Rotary International’s Council on Legislation. The Board has endorsed the new Constitution & Bylaws which were presented to the Annual General Meeting. It is now necessary to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) which will be held on Wednesday 17th June commencing 8 PM via Zoom for all members to approve the New Constitution & Bylaws. The agenda for the meeting is; To adopt the New Constitution & Bylaws as recommended by the Board. The SGM will be held in conjunction with other activities scheduled for that evening. The following listed documents related to the SGM have been sent to members on the Wednesday 27 th May 2020. The Rotary OCH Victoria 2020 Template Standard Rotary Club Constitution Rotary OCH Bylaws Rules Bylaws dated May 2019 WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS For the new Rotary Year would all members please advise John Jarvis of the current serial number and expiry date of their Working With Childrencheck on [email protected] Thank You. UPCOMING CLUB PROGRAM Moving forward our weekly meetings will resume via ZOOM on Wednesday Evenings commencing 8 PM. A ZOOM meeting invitation will be sent each week to all members by Michael Ellinger. The current program is as follows.
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3rd June 2020 Page 1 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41


District 9810 Victoria, Australia

Weekly Bulletin 2019-2020

Meets every Wednesday from 7:00pm at The Clayton Hotel 319 Clayton Road, Clayton (Melways 79C2)

(No meeting on public holidays)

3rd June 2020 Volume 1, Number 41

In This Issue

• Important Information - (pg1)

• Upcoming Club Program - (pg2)

• Last Meeting & Notes

– (pg2)

• Foundation Facts –


• Upcoming Dates – (pg5)

• Club Positions for 2019/20 – (pg5)

• District 9810 News –


• ESRAG's June 5 World Environment Day Forum – (pg6)

• Rotaract Club of Monash – (pg7)

• Where other clubs meet – (pg7)

• Reminders – (pg8)

• Joke of the Week –


• Rotary International News – (pg8)

Important Information SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - WEDNESDAY 17TH June Further to the report, discussion and decision taken at the Annual General Meeting, we are required to update our Constitution having regard to the decisions of the 2019, Rotary International’s Council on Legislation. The Board has endorsed the new Constitution & Bylaws which were presented to the Annual General Meeting. It is now necessary to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) which will be held on Wednesday 17th June commencing 8 PM via Zoom for all members to approve the New Constitution & Bylaws. The agenda for the meeting is; To adopt the New Constitution & Bylaws as recommended by the Board. The SGM will be held in conjunction with other activities scheduled for that evening. The following listed documents related to the SGM have been sent to members on the Wednesday 27th May 2020.

• The Rotary OCH Victoria 2020 Template Standard Rotary Club Constitution

• Rotary OCH Bylaws

• Rules

• Bylaws dated May 2019 WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS For the new Rotary Year would all members please advise John Jarvis of the current serial number and expiry date of their “Working With Children” check on [email protected] Thank You. UPCOMING CLUB PROGRAM Moving forward our weekly meetings will resume via ZOOM on Wednesday Evenings commencing 8 PM. A ZOOM meeting invitation will be sent each week to all members by Michael Ellinger. The current program is as follows.

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Website - https://rotaryoch.org.au/home

3rd June 2020 Page 2 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Rotary Four Way Test

"Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"

Upcoming Club Program

Last Meeting & Notes Last Meeting (27th May): Apologies = Peter Webb. Make Ups = None. Leave of Absence = Wayne Milner & Felicity Smith. Visitors = None. This week we held a Board Meeting where the Club Board, with Committee Chairs & Incoming Board members met via Zoom. The meeting reviewed all of the Clubs activities and projects, many of which are on hold in the current Covid19 restriction environment. Key decisions included; Zoom Meetings At least for the month of June meetings will continue using Zoom. Members need to follow some zoom meeting etiquette to enable the meetings to run smoothly - some etiquette guidelines are published in this Bulletin. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Report for period 16/ 4 to 27/5 was approved Administration Account – balance $ 2,270.53 Committee Account - balance $22,326.50 Term Deposits Committee Funds - $45,000 Term Deposits BB Malvern (Scholarships) $75,000 It is noted that currently we have no income. Membership Subscription for 2020/21 will remain at $260 – special arrangements may be made for any member currently in difficult financial circumstances. Budget 2020/21

Date Speaker Chairperson

3rd June General Meeting. Speaker: Bianca Lobo from Monash Rotaract. Subject: Behind the Badge

David Park

10th June General Meeting including video from DGE Alma Reynolds. Speakers: Bronwen Lamond & Doug Bowden. Subject: Behind the Badge

David Park

17th June Special General Meeting to approve New Constitution & Bylaws. Speakers: Lesley Zuccaro & Greg Telley. Subject: Behind the Badge

David Park

24th June Board Meeting David Park / Bronwen Lamond

1st July Rotary OCH Virtual Changeover David Park / Bronwen Lamond

8th July General Meeting Bronwen Lamond

15th July General Meeting Bronwen Lamond

22nd July Board Meeting Bronwen Lamond

29th July General Meeting Bronwen Lamond

5th August General Meeting Bronwen Lamond

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Website - https://rotaryoch.org.au/home

3rd June 2020 Page 3 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

The Object of

Rotary 1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 2. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; 4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Draft budget prepared for Committee Chairs to use to prepare their future Budget recommendations. President Elect President Elect Bronwen will be endeavouring to personally contact all members by phone in the next few weeks. Annual Meeting The Board ratified the minutes of the AGM held on 6th May as circulated on 11th May. Constitution and By-laws amendments The Board ratified the proposed new Constitution & Bylaws as circulated on 5th May and set 17th June as the date for a Special General Meeting for members to adopt the constitution & bylaws. District Assembly The Club had nine members register for sessions run over the past week. Pre-work in the form of online learning modules were available at Rotary International Learning Centre. The meeting noted the excellent information available on the Learning Centre – all members are encouraged to log on to the Rotary website and update their information about Rotary. Staying Connected Link to the latest newsletter – Click here to view Edition #5 of the "Staying Connected" Newsletter. Youth / New Generation No District youth programs until next year. Program / Fellowship The forward meeting program for June is set out elsewhere in the Bulletin. There was some discussion about when Club may return to face to face meetings – probably not before July. Club Protection Officer All members are requested to update their working with children documentation with John Jarvis at [email protected] Fundraising

• Market There is much work to be done before we can reopen the market in the Covid19 environment. A detailed planning meeting will be held in the new future.

• Charity Golf Day tentatively Monday 28th September 2020 To be reviewed in June.

• Charity Garden Auction September 2020? To be reviewed in June. Rotaract & Interact Rotaract proposal to use funds given to them for District conference attendance - to pay for buying coffees for our frontline healthcare workers at a local coffee shop. Proposal to use - “The Grain Emporium” on Clayton road as chosen store was approved. CLUB - ZOOM MEETING ETIQUETTE All members are asked to apply the following meeting etiquette at our meetings;

• Connect a few minutes early, if possible, to allow time for setup.

• Check your WiFi network beforehand.

• Adjust your webcam before joining to ensure other participants can see you. Also check microphone and speaker settings

• Avoid background noise – Mute your mic until needed. Also put your mobile on silent and turn off notification sounds on your computer.

• You may want to use a headset to reduce background noise and other distractions

• Keep your device (phone, computer, etc.) on mute unless you are speaking. (Especially if you need to answer a phone call.

• Take notice occasionally of your microphone setting, as you don’t want to start talking while you’re still on mute.

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3rd June 2020 Page 4 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Club Vision OCH Rotary is an energetic, fun-loving, forward-thinking Rotary Club that wishes to continue to grow strategically and provide all its members with opportunities to serve while undertaking worthwhile and sustainable projects locally, nationally and globally.

• Speak clearly, but not too loudly.

• Allow time for participants to ask questions and finish speaking.

• Don’t interrupt other speakers while they are talking. If you have a question that you don’t want to forget, use the chat window available for you to type in, so that it can be addressed later, put up hand on screen or hand up button

• Limit any side conversations.

• Direct questions to a specific individual on the web conference.

• Raise your hand if you want to speak

• If you need to leave the meeting for any reason excuse yourself

• Refrain from eating during the meeting (Drinks are OK), If you do need to eat maybe move out of video range or away from close camera angle, or turn the video off for a few seconds while you do.

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - WEDNESDAY 17TH June commencing 8 PM via Zoom As advised by email on 27th May a Special General Meeting will be held on 17th June to approve the New Constitution & Bylaws. The new Constitution & Bylaws were sent to all members with that email. The SGM will be held in conjunction with other activities scheduled for that evening.

Foundation Facts

THE ROTARY FOUNDATION WEEKLY MESSAGES (By Rotarians for Rotarians) WHAT CAN YOUR $1,000 DONATION TO THE ROTARY FOUNDATION DO? Your $1,000.00 donation to The Rotary Foundation can help provide all materials necessary for the construction of a deep bore well in India which supplies clean drinking water to more than 300 people, materials to treat and prevent parasites and anemia in need children in Uruguaiana, R.S., Brazil, or purchase a tree nursery in Jamaica that will annually produce 5,000 tree seedlings and increase family income for 700 farmers, or provide artificial limbs to 25 disabled persons in Calcutta, India, or buy kitchen equipment for an orphanage in Peru, or provide a cow and animal husbandry training to a widow in Uganda where civil war shattered the economy and children die because of a lack of protein and calcium in their diets, or buy polio vaccine for 2,000 babies in Nigeria, or fund enough textbooks to educate 2,000 children in a school in Papua New Guinea, or provide 20 $50.00 micro-loans enabling women in Nicaragua to start a craft business to support their families.

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3rd June 2020 Page 5 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Quick Links

Upcoming Dates Thursday 18th June 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Saturday 20th June 2020 – District 9810 Changeover on Zoom. It is a 7:00 pm start and the venue is your home (To book Click Here) Monday 1st July 2020 – Club Virtual Changeover (Full details to be advised) Thursday 16th July 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Thursday 20th August 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Thursday 12th September 2020 – Spring Charity Garden Auction (TBC) Thursday 17th September 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Monday 28th September 2020 – Charity Golf Day at Huntingdale Golf Club (TBC) Thursday 15th October 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Thursday 19th November 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House Thursday 3rd December 2020 – Foodbank pickup/delivery for Dixon House

Club Positions for 2019/20 President David Park Board Secretary David Whiting Board Treasurer Warren Fricke Board President Elect Bronwen Lamond Board Community Felicity Smith Board International Ian Phelan Board Youth John Bethune Board Vocational Peter Webb Foundation John Barnes Board Club Protection Officer John Jarvis Membership Steven Hill PR / Marketing Wayne Milner Programme Bronwen Lamond On to Conference Peter Child Board Also, on the Board are Jon Breisch, Anne Mooney and Cess Hodges.

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3rd June 2020 Page 6 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Special Announcements

9th June – Warren Fricke Birthday

District 9810 News

District Changeover on Zoom

Registrations are now open for the District 9810 - Zoom Changeover

DG Shia and DGE Alma invite you all to attend the District Zoom Changeover on Saturday 20th June 2020 which will mark the start of the new Rotary year. Venue: Online Date: Saturday 20 June 2020 Time: 7:00 pm start Cost: Free They are both looking forward to seeing as many Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends of Rotary there on the night, for this very different but still very fun changeover celebration night. There will be two parts to the Changeover evening - both parts will be virtual events on Zoom. Firstly, the formal changeover of District Governor from Shia Smart to Alma Reynolds. This will start at 7:00 pm. Then, for a bit of fun, from 8:00 pm each member will join a second meeting of clubs in their cluster, to be chaired by an Assistant District Governor. Both (now) PDG Shia and (DG) Alma will join each meeting in turn to allow them to chat to members. It is important that everyone register as soon as possible for these events, so we know how many will be tuning in. There is no charge and you can participate from the comfort of your home.

To book your spot follow this link - https://www.trybooking.com/BIRZS

ESRAG's June 5 World Environment Day Forum

Good morning Rotarians and Rotaractors, I am delighted to announce ESRAG's June 5 World Environment Day Forum, with details in the attachment. Please promote this exciting event to people in your network. Our region features in this forum: Brendan Foran, CEO of Greening Australia, is one of the four keynoter speakers and we will play a special version of the Rotarians for Bees Waggle Dance video. More info on our webpage: https://www.esrag.org/unep-esrag-june-5-world-environment-day-forum Registration Link: https://esrag.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FQGd38s_TLeNqkJPS5b0AQ Please join us at this Forum on World Environment Day. With kind regards, Pat

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3rd June 2020 Page 7 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Rotaract Club of Monash

Club Meeting Details: The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month at 7:30pm for a 7:45pm start (Optional social dinner at 6:30, please order your meal by 7pm to ensure you can be there for the start of the meeting) at Waverley RSL (Upstairs in the Sunset Room) 161 Coleman Parade, Glen Waverley.

Upcoming Rotaract Events:

Until further notice all Rotaract Meetings will be online only. Direct Message us if you'd like to join!

Rotaract Roster:

Date Rotarian to Visit

If you cannot attend on the night you are rostered, please organise a replacement to take your place.

Where other Clubs Meet A Rotarian can attend the weekly meeting of any Rotary club around the world. This is a “make-up” and counts as attendance credit when you are not able to attend a meeting of your own club. Details for all District 9810 clubs can be obtained in the district directory or website www.9810rotary.org.au Details for clubs around the world are available in the RI Directory (held by the club secretary) and on the RI website (www.rotary.org)

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3rd June 2020 Page 8 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Reminders Please ensure that the club is aware if you will be missing a meeting. Contact Barry Cronan at [email protected] or mob: 0421 417 428 the day before the meeting, if you are not going to be present. Contributions for inclusion into the Bulletin should be passed to [email protected] by Monday evening of each week. Please remember if you cannot perform your rostered job, it is your duty to find a replacement to take your place.

Visit our new Facebook page at @Rotaryoch9810 or click

Joke of the Week A Sunday school teacher was teaching her class about the difference between right and wrong. “All right children, let’s take another example,” she said. “If I were to get into a man’s pocket and take his wallet with all his money, what would I be?” Little Johnny raises his hand, and with a confident smile he blurts out, “You’d be his wife!”

Rotary International News

Rotaract rising by Vanessa Glavinskas

The ongoing evolution of Rotaract is redefining its place within Rotary. “It’s a new era,” says one enthusiastic Rotaractor At midnight on 30 June, hundreds of Rotaractors will ring in the new Rotary year together. They’ll also be celebrating Rotaract’s ongoing evolution, including the expansion of Rotary membership to include Rotaract clubs. A countdown celebration is scheduled for the last night of Interota 2020, Rotaract’s triennial convention, which will be held in Hong Kong next month. “It’s really exciting,” says Ignacio González, a member of the Rotaract Club of Oriente de Talca in Chile. Until recently, Rotaractors have been considered Rotary program participants. “Now,” says González, who serves on the Elevate Rotaract Task Force, “we are a part of Rotary. It’s a new era for Rotaract.”

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3rd June 2020 Page 9 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

Rotary President Mark Daniel Maloney and President-elect Holger Knaack, strong champions of Rotaract, will be at Interota this year. It may be the first time a presidential changeover ceremony has taken place at a Rotaract event. Rotaract’s elevated status within the organization was approved by Rotary’s Council on Legislation in 2019 as part of an ongoing effort to make Rotary more appealing and welcoming to young professionals. “We keep telling Rotarians to find a way to bring in young people, when we have them already and we seem to forget them,” says 2018-19 Rotary President Barry Rassin. It was Rassin who formally proposed expanding the definition of Rotary membership to include both Rotary and Rotaract. After the Council approved revising the RI Constitution and Bylaws to include Rotaract as a membership type, the Elevate Rotaract Task Force — made up of both Rotaractors and Rotarians — was formed and began surveying members to come up with policy recommendations for the transition. “We’re hearing from Rotaractors all over the world,” says David D. Stovall, RI treasurer and chair of the task force. On the advice of the task force, the RI Board of Directors in October approved several changes to Rotaract — the most notable being the removal of Rotaract’s upper age limit. As of 1 July, members of Rotaract will no longer be required to leave their club when they turn 31. Clubs will still be able to set their own age limit, if they wish. Elyse Lin, a member of the Rotaract Club of Taipei Tin Harbour in Taiwan who is also on the task force, says the age limit was an obstacle for Rotaract members who wanted to stay involved with Rotary but either didn’t feel ready for a traditional Rotary club or found the expense of joining one out of reach. “Once those members leave, it’s very hard to get them back into the Rotary family,” Lin notes. Although some Rotaract alumni continue to participate in Rotaract events, she says, they often no longer feel like a true part of the organization. With the rules change, she predicts some recent alumni will rejoin Rotaract. Other changes: New Rotaract clubs won’t have to rely on a Rotary club to sponsor them; they can now sponsor themselves or choose another Rotaract club as their sponsor. And Rotaractors are now eligible — and encouraged — to serve alongside Rotarians on district and RI committees. “Elevate Rotaract is really a call for a closer partnership between Rotary and Rotaract,” explains Clement Chinaza Owuamalam, a member of the Rotaract Club of Apo, Nigeria, who serves on the task force. Rotaract clubs will also gain more support from Rotary International, including access to administrative tools on My Rotary and the option to subscribe to the digital edition of The Rotarian magazine. As the transition from Rotary program to membership type gets underway, the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation also plan to discuss whether Rotaract clubs should be eligible to apply for Foundation grants. One thing Rotaractors are looking for, says Ronald S. Kawaddwa, a member of the Rotary Club of Kasangati, Uganda, is more professional development opportunities. To meet this demand, a leadership training program Rotary is rolling out with Toastmasters will also be available to Rotaract members. “At age 30, you are launching your professional career,” says Kawaddwa, who is on the task force. “If Rotaract provides a better package in terms of professional development, that adds value.” In 2022, annual dues of $5 per person for university-based Rotaract clubs and $8 for community-based clubs will be introduced to cover the cost of additional support for Rotaract clubs. RI will work to develop and promote alternative funding sources to help Rotaractors pay dues, including fundraising opportunities. Kawaddwa says that shifting the public perception of Rotary is particularly important to attracting more young people in his region. “On the African continent, most of the population is below the age of 30,” he says. “If Rotary remained the way it was, it would soon become irrelevant.” Letting Rotaract members stay in their clubs longer gives them more time to learn about Rotary, Kawaddwa adds. “We hope that these changes will produce stronger Rotarians, members who have served longer and gotten more experience and mentorship while in Rotaract.”

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3rd June 2020 Page 10 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41

https://www.trybooking.com/BJUUZ is how to book

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3rd June 2020 Page 12 of 12 Volume 1, Number 41
