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Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence National Scholastics Championship 2005 2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence



Round 2

Valencia Community CollegeOrlando, FL

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Related Tossup/Bonus

1. Paul Lauterbur won a share of the 2003 Nobel in Medicine for developing this technology. In many cases, it can show the arterial system without a contrast injection. The radio waves, while harmless, collide with hydrogen nuclei in water and lipids, producing electrical energy from a magnetic coil and allowing a computer to produce a map of tissue. For 10 points, give the name for this process of using alignment of magnetic moments to produce pictures.ANSWER: Magnetic Resonance Imaging<Potru>

Bonus: Name some things related to biological tests, for 10 points each.[10] Used to find a sequence of DNA within a complex mixture, it places denatured DNA fragments on an agarose gel and then separates them by electrophoresis. The fragments are then used to imprint a membrane with bands and probes for detection.ANSWER: Southern blot[10] The Mantoux test is an intradermal test for infection with what bacterial disease?ANSWER: tuberculosis [accept comedy consumtption option]<Potru>

2. While other woodwinds move to the upper register at the second harmonic above the fundamentals, this one shifts at the third register via an “overblowing” process. A quirk seen in German players of this instrument is to retain the string for constructing the mouthpiece, while the rest of the world now uses a metallic ligature. The basset horn and the bass and contralto variants are common, but more standard is the soprano kind, pitched in A or more often B flat with seventeen keys and six tone holes. For 10 points, name this single-reeded cylindrical-pipe instrument.ANSWER: clarinet<Ismail>

Bonus: Identify these keyboard instruments for 10 points each.[10] With plucked strings and a four-octave range, it was commonly used in the Baroque era as part of the continuo in instrumental and secular vocal music.ANSWER: harpsichord[10] Sounding an octave higher than written, this upright-piano-like instrument has mallets which strike tuning forks and is featured in the title of a Bartok orchestral work.ANSWER celesta<Ismail>

3. Her writings include The Spirit of Youth and City Streets and the 1922 work, Peace and Bread in Time of War. She brought the idea that she is most known for back to the United States after visiting Samuel Barnett in London. Along with Nicholas Murray Butler, she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her efforts to help immigrants in Chicago. For 10 points, name this social worker that brought settlement houses to the United States by founding Hull House.ANSWER: Jane Addams

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2


Bonus: Name these mayors of Chicago for 10 points each.[10] This mayor from 1955 to 1976, who shares his first and last name with his son who has been mayor since 1989, controlled the Democratic “Organization,” which used patronage and boss-style politics to rule the city.ANSWER: Richard Joseph Daley [prompt on Daley][10] In 1983, his anti-corruption platform defeated incumbent Jane Byrne in the Democratic primary and allowed him to overcome the racial campaign of his general-election opponent Bernard Epton.ANSWER: Harold Washington<Weiner>

4. He found that Francis Smith and John Ericcson beat him to the patent, by a few months, for a design for a screw propeller for steamboats. While attending Ohio Medical College, he adapted his cotton-sowing machine for food grains and invented a hemp-breaking machine and a steam plow. His namesake invention was intended to reduce war casualties by cutting the need for soldiers and used a hand crank and multiple rotating barrels. For 10 points, name this Civil War-era inventor of the first practical machine gun.ANSWER: Richard Jordan Gatling<Chuck>

Bonus: Give these military terms for 10 points each.[10] This refers to accidental attacks by one’s own forces, often used to describe unintentional casualties.ANSWER: friendly fire[10] This is the specific area of land where airborne troops, equipment, and supplies are placed.ANSWER: drop zone<Chuck>

5. Neither the Boy nor the Child speak, hence contributing to the Mother’s torture throughout the work as she tries in vain to approach them. The Son has grown up in the country and is humiliated by the others, so he refuses to participate. The Stepdaughter seeks revenge on the Father, and in the end, the Manager tries to put it all together. For 10 points, such is the action of what absurdist award-winning play by Luigi Pirandello?ANSWER: Six Characters in Search of an Author [or Sei Personaggi in Cerca D’autore]<Bykowski>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Bonus: Italian artists may be well represented in many fields, but the literary canon is not one of them. Identify these authors who have achieved a degree of fame, for 10 points each:[10] Born in 1304, he first became known for the Latin epic poem Africa. A vision of a woman named Laura inspired hundreds of poems, plus a form of sonnet named for him.ANSWER: Francisco Petrarca or Petrarch[10] A literary critic and novelist, he has drawn on his study of medieval aesthetics in both areas, writing works such as Opera Aperta, The Name of the Rose, and Foucault’s Pendulum.ANSWER: Umberto Eco<Ismail>

6. The Wien bridge measures it in terms of resistance and frequency, and the Schering bridge measures dissipation factor and this property. For an isolated conducting disk of radius R, it is given in CGS units by 2 times R divided by pi. The reciprocal of elastance, an example commonly seen in textbooks consists of parallel metal plates, for which it is proportional to the area and inversely proportional to the distance between them. For 10 points, what is this property of a circuit element which used to be called a condenser, which is the amount of charge said element can store divided by a potential difference?ANSWER: capacitance<Reece>

Bonus: Answer the following about electric circuits, for 10 points each.[10] Suppose you have two 10-Ohm resistors, and you wish to have only a 5-Ohm resistance in your circuit. How should you arrange your resistors?ANSWER: in parallel[10] Suppose you have a circuit containing a resistor of resistance R and a capacitor of capacitance C. What is the time constant governing the decay of the charge on the capacitor?ANSWER: RC (that’s R times C)<Reece>

7. His first major work was a treatise on rhetoric called the Dialogus. He also produced a detailed study of Germanic peoples and received much correspondence from his contemporary, Pliny the Younger. Heavily critical of Domitian in his biography of his own father-in-law, Agricola, he focused on the rule of the Julio-Claudians like Tiberius and Nero in another historical volume. For 10 points, name this Roman historian and author of the Annals.ANSWER: Cornelius Tacitus<Frankel>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Bonus: Name these personalities who built things in the Roman forum for 10 points each.[10] He personally designed Temple of Venus and Roma and executed Trajan’s architect Apollodorus of Damascus for criticizing it. Another edifice associated with him is the southern of two fortification lines on the English-Scottish border.ANSWER: Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus[10] The first monument encountered in the Forum when walking from the Colosseum is the Arch set up by this man, celebrating his role in the suppression of the Jewish revolt in 70 CE. He also completed the Colosseum, which was begun by his father Vespasian.ANSWER: Titus Flavius Vespasianus<Kendall>

8. At the request of John Reynolds at the Hampton Court Conference, forty-seven scholars worked in six groups to produce it. Its first edition was divided into the “he” and “she” editions due to a printer’s error, and it later had “Vinegar” and “Wicked” variants, the latter of which accidentally printed a commandment as “Thou shalt commit adultery.” For 10 points, identify this translation of the Bible, named for the British monarch who commissioned it.ANSWER: King James Bible translation [prompt on Authorized Version]<Borglum>

Bonus: Name the book in the Bible where you can find the following famous quotations for 10 points each:[10] Attributed to Solomon, this book offers, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”ANSWER: Ecclesiastes[10] This epistolary book pontificates that “Love is patient, Love is kind/It does not envy, it does not boast.”ANSWER: The First Epistle to the Corinthians [accept equivalents as long as “First” is indicated, but do not accept or prompt on just “Corinthians”]<Southard>

9. Early works of this author often relied on the supernatural to avoid embarrassing topics, as a hero’s cheating is excused in “The Bridal” because he was lured by magic. William Crimsworth is the title character in The Professor, though this author is better known for writing about young women in works such as Shirley and Villette. She also wrote a novel in which the title character is sent to a school directed by Reverend Brocklehurst but eventually becomes governess to Adele Varens. For 10 points, name this sister of Branwell, Anne, and Emily and author of Jane Eyre.ANSWER: Charlotte Brontë<Wolpert>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Bonus: Name these characters from Jane Eyre, for 10 points each:[10] This master of Thornfield employs Jane and courts her, despite the continued presence of his insane first wife Bertha. Eventually he and Jane are married.ANSWER: Edward Rochester (either name acceptable)[10] Jane’s closest friend at school, she represents a more tolerant form of religious evangelism and trusts that in God’s final judgment, all will receive justice.ANSWER: Helen Burns (either name acceptable)<Chuck>

10. The Boskin Commission’s recommendations for eliminating “substitution bias” from this value led to the introduction of a “geometric mean estimator” in 1998. The “constant-utility” correction to it accounts for changing preferences, but other problems in sampling include its targeting of middle-class families of four in urban areas and its thirty-percent reliance on the mutable food and energy sectors. In the past, such flaws have led the Bureau of Labor Statistics to as much as a 1.1 percent overstatement of the rate of inflation. For 10 points, what is this value that measures the cost of a fixed “basket of goods” in order to estimate price changes in the economy as a whole?ANSWER: CPI [or consumer price index]<Weiner>

Bonus: Given a curve used in economics, tell what two variables are related in order to plot it, for 5 points per answer.[Moderator: Accept very obvious equivalents for any term below][5/5] the consumption functionANSWER: household income and household expenditures[5/5] the aggregate supply curveANSWER: total output [or total quantity supplied] and price level<Weiner>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Category Quiz Tossups

1. While visiting Baruch Spinoza in 1676, this thinker composed the short work “Pacidus Philalethi,” in which he analyzed Zeno’s paradox of motion. His resolution involved the development of a system that he didn’t describe in print until 1684. In the meantime he conceived of a fundamental, metaphysical unit of existence he called the “monad.” For 10 points, name this German philosopher who, independently of Newton, derived a differential calculus.ANSWER: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz<Borglum>

2. Current pros that came from this team include Tony Massenburg, Steve Blake, and Terence Morris. NIT champions in 1972, this program had to another thirty years to claim an NCAA title behind such players as Lonny Baxter and Juan Dixon. For 10 points, what is this college basketball team led by Gary Williams that plays in College Park?ANSWER: University of Maryland Terrapins<Phillips>

3. The origin of this empire lay in the battle of Kirina, in which Sumanguru Kante of the Soso Kingdom was defeated by its legendary first ruler, Sundiata Kieta. Home to the prolific trading city of Djanne, it cemented its status as a force in the Islamic world after a 1324 pilgrimage to Mecca by Mansa Musa. Replaced by the Songhai Empire after its fall was, for 10 points, what West African empire that also contained the city of Timbuktu?ANSWER: Mali<Frankel>

4. The attractor of the Hénon map provides one example, and the trajectory of a particle undergoing Brownian motion provides another. In general it refers to objects with Hausdorff dimension exceeding the topological dimension. Dividing an equilateral triangle into four smaller ones, removing the middle one, and repeating the process on the remaining ones, one obtains another example of them, the Sierpinski gasket. The Koch snowflake is another example of, for 10 points, what word coined by Benoit Mandelbrot for shapes exhibiting self-similarity?ANSWER: fractal<Reece>

5. The artist of this painting also created a preceding work showing a mob attacking Mamaluke soldiers on horseback. The action takes place at the hill of Principe Pio, where a man in yellow pants and a white shirt stands amidst a crowd of scared civilians and raises his arms in a Christ-like pose. The bodies and the pool of blood below hint at his fate as a row of soldiers on the right lines up their guns and prepares to fire into the crowd in, for 10 points, what Francisco Goya work depicting the executions of the titular day?ANSWER: The Third of May, 1808<Frankel>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

6. In its later chapters, the poet tells of learning the story from Narada while raising the hero’s twin sons. Its hero slays Kumbha-Karna, Ravana, and countless other Rakshasas, with help from his brother Lakshman and the monkey warrior Hanuman. For 10 points, the hero described by Valmiki eventually reigns alongside Sita for ten thousand years in what Indian epic?ANSWER: the Ramayana<Dhuwalia> 7. One mystery involving these objects with extremely long life spans is the presence of metals, an observation that suggests these entities were not part of the first generation of stars, since low mass stars cannot form without metals. During their long lives, they are not massive enough to initiate helium fusion so they slowly burn hydrogen and contract for billions of years. For 10 points, name these low luminosity, main sequence stars with K or M spectral type, examples of which include Proxima Centauri and Bernard’s Star, that are larger than their white counterparts.ANSWER: red dwarf<Greenstein>

8. He entered politics as a district attorney from Dane County and, although he ran afoul of conservative Republicans like Philetus Sawyer, he was elected as governor in 1900. Many of his reforms were suggested by economist John R. Commons, such as “equalizing” the tax burden and establishing a direct primary system. Although he aspired to the presidency, his opposition to World War I sealed his political doom. For 10 points identify this Progressive politician who wished to expand the “laboratory of democracy” seen in his “Wisconsin Idea.”ANSWER: Robert Marion La Follette<Berdichevsky>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2


Arts: Subtitled “The Slave to Duty,” its protagonist is either twenty-one or five-and-a-quarter years old. An allegory on copyright infringement, the drama ends when the title characters are revealed as errant peers of the House of Lords. For 15 points, name this Gilbert and Sullivan work, the first to premiere in the United States.ANSWER: The Pirates of Penzance<Ismail>

Current Events: In June 2005, security forces confirmed that her office phone had been tapped for months, and that tapes of her ordering a mysterious agent named “Gary” to fix the May elections in her favor would inevitably come to light. For 15 points, identify this president of the Philippines.ANSWER: Gloria Magcapal Arroyo<Weiner>

Geography: First climbed by A.H. MacCarthy and H.F. Lambert, this member of the St. Elias Mountains is located in Kluane National Park in southwestern Yukon Territory. For 15 points, name this mountain, the highest point in Canada.ANSWER: Mount Logan<Greenstein>

History: Its president, Louis-Auguste Blanqui, served for its two-month existence. For 15 points, name this 1871 attempt to establish a new regime in the wake of the Franco-Prussian War.ANSWER: Paris Commune<Frankel>

Literature: It makes mention of eunuchs, the reign of Emperor Ling, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Chu-ko Liang is depicted as wise, while Ts’ao Tsao schemes and Kuan Yu is really good at war. For 15 points, name this work traditionally credited to Luo Guanzhong, which tells of the Wei, Shu, and Wu houses.ANSWER: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [accept San-kuo chih yen-i]<Wolpert>

Popular Culture: Hank Azaria’s roles in this show include Tim the Enchanter. David Hyde Pierce plays Brother Maynard and Sir Robin. Tim Curry plays only the role of King Arthur. For 15 points, what is this recent Broadway smash based on a Monty Python film?ANSWER: Spamalot<Phillips>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Religion/Mythology/Philosophy: He was king of the gods before the trimurti became more popular and is thus the most frequent subject of the Vedas. For 15 points, name this rain and fertility god of ancient India who slew the dragon Vritra with a thunderbolt.ANSWER: Indra<Dhuwalia>

Mathematics Calculation: If triangle ABC has side AC = 3 cm, angle ABC equal to 30 degrees, and side AB = 6 cm, for 15 points what is the measurement of angle BCA?ANSWER: 90 degrees<Feist>

Science: An application of Le Chatelier’s principle, it is this phenomenon that causes a combined solution of sodium fluoride and hydrofluoric acid to be less acidic than the acid alone. For 15 points, give the generalized term for a shift in an equilibrium position caused by the presence of a certain charged molecule involved in the equilibrium reaction.ANSWER common ion effect<Potru>

Social Sciences: Carol Gilligan has criticized the leading theory about this for ignoring uniquely female aspects. That theory divides it into preconventional, conventional, and postconventional periods. For 15 points, Lawrence Kohlberg’s six-stage, three-period theory is commonly accepted as explaining the development of what faculty?ANSWER: morality [accept word forms as long as they contain the “moral” root]<Connolly>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Stretch Round

1. In June 2005, it concluded a summit with Russia at which the two countries planned to create a joint bank. American Christian groups allege that it is currently conducting its most severe anti-Christian purge in a decade under the eyes of the Muttawa, its state religious police. In its first nationwide vote held on February 10, 2005, half of the members of various municipal councils were selected, with the remainder to be chosen by the monarchy. For 10 points, name this country in which only the male population was eligible to vote, currently ruled by King Fahd.ANSWER: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [or Al Mamlakah al Arabiyah as Suudiyah]<Chuck>

Bonus: It was captured from the Spanish in 1655 when Admiral William Penn and Robert Venables took it. It then prospered as buccaneers, like Henry Morgan, brought wealth to its then capital of Port Royal. For 10 points each:[10] Name this island.ANSWER: Jamaica[10] Also knows as the Taino, these indigenous peoples of the Greater Antilles were wiped out after the Spanish took control of Jamaica.ANSWER: Arawaks[10] Jamaica has a long history of black political activity, in which perhaps no figure is more famous than this native son who founded the Negro World newspaper in the 1920s and promoted a “back to Africa” movement.ANSWER: Marcus Garvey<Berdichevsky>

2. He wrote the libretto for an opera about Jean-Jacques Dessalines, The Troubled Island. A young man named Roger attempts to snatch the purse of a middle-aged widow and is rewarded with nothing but kindness in this man’s short story “Thank You, Ma’am”, while his other short fiction includes a series of works about a man named Simple and “Laughing to Keep from Crying.” Poems such as “The Panther and the Lash” appear in his collection The Weary Blues. For 10 points, name this Harlem Renaissance poet of “Montage of a Dream Deferred” and “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”ANSWER: Langston Hughes<Bykowski>

Bonus: Name these satellites of Neptune for 10 points each.[10] Home to ice volcanoes and a very thin atmosphere of nitrogen, this largest satellite revolves around Neptune in a clockwise direction, leading many to believe the moon is a captured object.ANSWER: Triton[10] Until recently the most distant discovered satellite from the planet, this third largest satellite has an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.75, the greatest of any planetary satellite in the solar system.ANSWER: Nereid

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

[10] Discovered by Voyager 2 shortly as that probe made approached Neptune, it is the second largest moon, is the largest irregularly shaped object in the solar system, and is comparable to Phoebe in its tiny albedo.ANSWER: Proteus<Greenstein>

3. His last major victory was at Drury’s Bluff. After the war, he criticized Jefferson Davis in a series of military books, including one analyzing the first battle of Manassas, where he commanded. He assumed command after the death of Albert Sidney Johnston at Shiloh. For 10 points, name this Louisiana-born Creole who presided over the bombing of Fort Sumter.ANSWER: Pierre Gustave Toutant de Beauregard<Frankel>

Bonus: Answer the following about the Greek muses for 10 points per part.[10] This muse of epic poetry was the mother of Orpheus and served as arbiter between Persephone (per-SEHF-uh-nee) and Aphrodite in a dispute over Adonis.ANSWER: Calliope [10] The mother of Hyacinth, this muse of historical poetry is credited with introducing the Phoenician alphabet to Greece.ANSWER: Clio[10] This Titan was the goddess of memory and mother of the muses.ANSWER: Mnemosyne (leading m is silent)<Southard>

4. Diabetes mellitus and goiter are common in patients with this condition, which is often treated with the drug Restandol. While symptoms of marked mental retardation and fusion of certain bones vary, in most cases, it results in delayed motor function, speech, and maturation. Those with this disorder also have low urinary 17-ketosteroids, reduced testicular development and in some cases, gynecomastia. Occurring in about 1 in 500 live male births, for 10 points, name this genetic disorder arising from the presence of an extra X-chromosome.ANSWER: Klinefelter’s syndrome<Potru>

Bonus: In the later years of his life, he wrote novels such as Fire Down Below and The Paper Men, though he is most famous for his first novel. For 10 points each:[10] Name this English novelist who wrote The Inheritors and Pincher Martin.ANSWER: William Golding[10] In this work of Golding, a group of boys become savages after becoming stranded on an island.ANSWER: The Lord of the Flies[10] He is the leader of the savages in Lord of the Flies, who claims he should be chief based on his ability to sing C-sharp and to make fire using Piggy’s glasses.ANSWER: Jack Merridew [accept either name]<Wolpert>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

5. It was first navigated by ship in 1775, when Juan Manuel de Ayala sailed the San Carlos through it, six years after it was documented by Jose Ortega. Its name was coined by John Fremont, who compared it to a similarly named “horn” of the Bosporus outside Constantinople. For 10 points, name this strait between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, now spanned by an orange, 1.7-mile suspension bridge.ANSWER: Golden Gate [or Chrysopylae]<Greenstein>

HANDOUT Bonus: [Moderator: Distribute the sheets at the end of the packet to each team]You have just been handed reproductions of three paintings. For 10 points each, identify the artist of:[10] Painting AANSWER: Piet Mondrian[10] Painting BANSWER: Eugène Delacroix[10] Painting CANSWER: Paul Gauguin<Ismail>

6. The Inuit believed it was a reflection of dead souls feasting and playing with the skull of a walrus. Other tribal groups believed that the crackling sound often associated with it was caused by the footsteps of the dead running to the afterlife. The Laps believed that one man lived to be over 2000 by capturing three rays from it. For 10 points, the armor of the Valkyries was also believed to create what light display visible to such residents of the extreme north?ANSWER: aurora borealis [accept northern lights before “north” is read; prompt on it after]<Dhuwalia>

Bonus: Answer the following about ore refining, for 10 points each:[10] Sulfide ores, like zinc sulfide, are converted to oxides by this process, which involves heating the mineral in air.ANSWER: roasting[10] In iron refining, a blast furnace yields this type of iron, which contains about 4% carbon and other impurities; it is sometimes used to make wrought iron or steel.ANSWER: pig iron (accept cast iron)[10] Patented in 1855, this cheap process for making steel used a blast of air to decarbonize pig iron.ANSWER: Bessemer process<Dhuwalia>

7. It took place two weeks after the king’s opponent had landed at Pembrokeshire, and it began with the king having staked out a position atop Ambion Hill after departing from Leicester. When Lord Northumberland betrayed the king, Lord Stanley and William

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

Stanley brought their army into the battle. For 10 points, Henry Tudor emerged victorious from what decisive War of the Roses battle that saw the death of Richard III?ANSWER: Battle of Bosworth Field<Frankel>

Bonus: Answer these questions about telecommunications mergers from the past year for 10 points each.[10] In a widely publicized deal worth $16 billion in early February, this company agreed to merge with its former parent, AT&T.ANSWER: SBC Communications[10] A week after the SBC purchase, this company successfully completed a takeover bid of MCI.ANSWER: Verizon[10] This executive was accused of overseeing eleven billion dollars in fraud, which resulted in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for MCI Worldcom.ANSWER: Bernie Ebbers<Chuck>

8. Minor details which can help identify this style include the use of a plinth on which the supports sit and the presence of dentils above the frieze, which is typically carved in relief. Its columns are sharply fluted and measure about ten base diameters in height. According to legend, it was invented by the architect Callimachus who was inspired by a covered basket through which an acanthus plant had grown. The leaves of the acanthus are still found at the top of this kind of column, the Classical order most favored by the Romans. For 10 points, name this style of architecture that evolved from the Doric and the Ionic.ANSWER: Corinthian Order<Kendall>

Bonus: He wrote the novella The Monster about a man whose face is horribly disfigured when he saves a child from a fire, and with Henry James he wrote the play The Ghost. For 10 points each:[10] Name this American who also wrote The Blue Hotel and “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”ANSWER: Stephen Crane[10] Stephen Crane’s most famous work, it focuses on Henry Fleming, a Union soldier who receives a head wound at an unnamed battle.ANSWER: The Red Badge of Courage[10] In this short story, a Cook, an Oiler, a Correspondent, and a Captain survive a shipwreck and are set adrift. All but the Oiler make it ashore.ANSWER: “The Open Boat”<Wolpert>

9. He expanded on Mitscherlich’s work with enantiomers and racemic mixtures in his own experiments with tartaric acid. While working with yeast and writing his Studies on Wine, he showed that the cell attempts to maintain a constant ATP concentration, which

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

is now known as his namesake effect. He also helped to debunk the theory of abiogenesis with some swan-necked flasks. for 10 points, name this French microbiologist, the creator of the anthrax vaccine and the namesake of a method for killing harmful germs in milk.ANSWER: Louis Pasteur<Potru>

Bonus: Samer the Pirate was recently sighted on a tour of the Indian Ocean. For 10 points each:[10] Even with his peg leg, Samer had no problem raising the Jolly Roger on this series of atolls; the highest point on this Divehi-speaking chain is only eight feet above sea level.ANSWER: Republic of Maldives [or Maldive Islands; or Dhivehi Raajjeyge Jumhooriyyaa][10] This overseas department of France, which contains the volcanoes Piton de la Fournaise and Piton des Neiges, is located a few hundred miles east of Madagascar. Samer brought a raincoat because the island is known for extreme short-term rainfall.ANSWER: Réunion[10] While hunting for pig deer, black-crested baboon, and dwarf buffalo, all unique to this Indonesian isle, Samer surveyed Tomoni, Tolo, and Bone gulfs, all formed by its peninsulas, and gazed west across the Makassar Strait to Borneo.ANSWER: Celebes [or Sulawesi]<Greenstein>

10. In April 2005, the premiere of Radio Golf completed his ten-play cycle that includes Gem of the Ocean and King Hedley II. While one of his title characters is a slave that never appears on stage in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, he may be better known for writing about Alberta’s affair with Pittsburgh garbageman Troy Maxson. For 10 points, name this playwright of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, The Piano Lesson and Fences.ANSWER: August Wilson<Bykowski>

Bonus: Answer the following about the Great Schism of the West for 10 points per part.[10] The Schism originated when Gregory XI attempted to return the papacy to Rome, despite a pope already reigning from this French city.ANSWER: Avignon[10] The period preceding the schism, when the papacy was forcibly moved to Avignon, was given this name alluding to the biblical exile of the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar.ANSWER: Babylonian Captivity[10] At the Council of Constance, this man was elected as sole holder of the papacy, thus ending the schism.ANSWER: Martin V [or Oddone Colonna; or prompt on Martin]<Frankel>

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2

2005 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 2
