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STEP IS TAKEN TO SET UP REP UG THIS HAS BEEN ACCOMPL SHED BY THE ENUMERATIONFP- OPULATION OF CUDA POLITICAL COMPLEXION NOT GREATLY CHANGED With the Possible Exception of Plrur del Rio the Provinces Hold the Same Views Number of Foreigners In Island Estimated at 400000 Havana Nov iWtlh tho comple thin of enumeration of tho population of Cuba thoro has been accomplished the tint stop In tho direction of tho termination of the American Intorven ¬ lion and tho retestabllibment of tho Cuban republic Tills enumeration was actually an enforced registration of voters the do termination ot tho population of thU land being of scant Importance com V Axed to that of registering oil persons untitled to tho electoral franchise lu order to Insure tho purity of tho elec flan of tho next Cuban president An estimate by ono of the most no compllfthed statisticians In thoicrvlco of the provisional government places tho population of Uio Island at two mil- lions ¬ of which about four hundred thousand aro foreigners not entitled to the franchise a Thu Indications aro that Uiere ha- sLea no groat cnango In tho political complexion of tho proviucvs with Iho jKKwIblo eicofrtJon of Ilrtar del Rio whoro the Inllcncv of Ilno Gucrro tho military leader Of tho last uprising is very great Even to speculate on Uio outcome ot tho next election Is futile owing to tho confusion oonsoquol on the dissensions la the liberal party and tho undcfinuJ attitude of tho coservatlves Had the election been held a year Ago there Is no doubt that the liberals would havo hud tin overwhelming vie tory and that Alfredo Zayas would liavo been president of Cuba Now ths liberal party is hopelessly divide between tho followers of Joio Miguel Gomct nod Zayas nod an ex ccllent opportunity is afforded for con enratlvos to organize and nominate a loader who wilt command tho respect of thrt country Should thoy obtain till consent of such a man as Gen MarJo Menocal to sun for the presidency there can hard Sy be any doubt that ho would attract H great following from tho bolter close of liberals and would easily bo elected Oon Menocal however It Is be llcvod could not bo tempted to enter tho prit rdolUall1rct111 An dement that may Novo to be ot prime Importance in tho coming oloc tea is tho health of Joso Miguel Qomoz It Is rwunored that tho gen < ral Is afflicted with a dangerous all ¬ ment which may corapcllili retirement Xrom the Add- Colacldent with tho completion of the enumeration Is that of tho elector ate law on which the committee of which Col Crowder Is the bead has been working for months It walls only the approval of GO TSajoon before being promulgated so that It tranqulllty Jo main italacd nothing stands in the way of carrying out tho present pro utmmo of tho government which Is to hold tho municipal elections la May or Juno nnd tho presidential election In the tel ¬ lowing Dewmbcr thus paving tbo way for tho Inauguration of the president Ja May and tbo withdrawal of the American troeps In July MULLET ENTERED CAR Imperiling tha Life of Speaker Card well of the Virginia House t Richmond VA Nov 25 Leaving Richmond for Ashland William U Cardwell of Hanover speaker of Uo last house of delegate and several other painongcra on ojao ot tho biX electric cars Iud a narrow escape from tcrknit Injury Tho car was passing over the viaduct at Clay street when a rlfio bullet crashed through one of the windows smashing the Rlas and pass ¬ fag between the heads of Captain Card Well ud a Hanover farmer No ono was hurt but the passengers were much excited Not long ago Mn Claude A Swan- son wife of the governor of Virginia ted a narrow escape when a bullet crashed through A Southern Railway Pitllman as the train was nearing Rich suwid Msdstono Adhered Spencer N C Nov 26Leon a young eon of FranK A Brown of Spencer was bitten tJa mad dog at TrtL PlosBant whcro tho lad was visit ¬ lag his grandparents Ho was brought to r nt taco and a madstone owner by Mrs II F Dorsott of Lex ¬ ington was applied to the wounds The stone adhered for eevcral hours sad relieved the awollen flesh on till limb Thochild It Is believed will re cover < Miners Laid Off Cumberland Md Nov 25TtI la t bar situation in the mining regions Is reaching an acute stage There is a marked decline In Jjualnesa naa result One day lost week nearly 100 mOil Wore discharged by tho Consolidated Cal Co Auto Race From New York To Paris + Paris Nov 25FuloWlag UI recent tnutoei >bile race from Pckla r the Matin has decided to organize a v nee froi New York to Parta via Chi ago Alaska across the Bvhrlng traltll Siberia and RttMla I l WILLIAM R HEARST HELD NEW YORK EDITOR BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY Justlcs Wyatt Taket Actlim Criminal Libel Charge Made by Chanter Now York justice Wyatt In the court of special scsrlons Thurs dny held W It Hearst for tho grand proferrcd B Carvalho gave ball for Mr Hearst Tho amount of ttio Mail was fixed at GOO tho usual sum required In misdemeanor cases Mr Carvalho la Iho general manager of Mr Hearst Now York newspapers Hoth Mr Hearst nnd his bondsman wore In court when Justice Wyatt handed down his decision Thoy rOo paired to tho office of District Attorney Jerome while the ball bond was being prepared It was later approved by Justlco Wyntt and Mr Hearst and his attorneys drove away In tho big red automobile which had brought them to the criminal courts building Tim charge against Mr Hearst grew out of a publication In tho New Yort Evening Journal concerning tho case of Raymond Hitchcock the actor Mr Chanlcra namo was mentioned In con nectlon with the article Several hearings wore had before Justice Wyatt during which Mr Chanter peel ¬ Uvely denied that ho had over been ut Hitchcocks house when little girls were there ills counsel claimed that tho publication had been made for the purpose of Injuring politically Lieut GOY Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler a bro ¬ ther of tho complainant against Mr lIearst- Thll was denied by Mr Hearsts at ¬ torneys who made the counter claim In court that Mr Chanters proceed ings against Mr Hearst were taken In the hope of hurting tho chances of ibo Independence League ticket in tho last county election Tho grand jury It Is said has al ¬ ready undertaken an investigation of the charge against Mr Hearst and a score or moro of witnesses have been summoned RUM ROUTED IN ALABAMA Remarkable Scenes When Senate Passes Prohibition Bill Montgomery Ala Unprecedented scones wore enacted In tho senate chamber of tho historical capitol of Alabama Tuesday when tho statutory prohibition bill was passed Women nnd children thronged tho corridor and gallery and even usurped the sanctity of tbo floor Itself pushing tho senators from their seats and giving vent to their enthusiasm by shouts and cheers that echoed and reechoed through the building Senators opposed tho bill were hissed down when they arose to speak against the measure The statutory prohibition bill which was passed was In tho nature of a compromise between the antis and prohibitionists The antis seeing tho handwriting on tbo wall agreed to glvo up the fight provided tbo time was extended to January 1 1909 when tho sale of whisky will be for bidden In the stab of Alabama This amendment will be sent to tbo house and will bo concurred In without a fight Qov Comer will approve tbo bill and It Is understood that a movement hAS already been started by the state W C T U to make tho signing ot tho bill n very formal occasion Mobile AlaAn Indication ot the wrath of the home rulers over the prohibition policy of the Democratic party In the state Is shown by the foj lowing telegram that was sent to State Senator Hamburger by M J McUermott president ot tbo Dank of Mobile WANT FORAKER FOR PRESIDENT Committees ef Ohio League of Repub IIcan Clubs Endorse Him BMMM Columbus O United StAtes Sena ¬ for Joseph DcHson Fpraker of Ohio was endorsed Wednesday for both re- election to tho senate and tho Repub lican nomination for president at a joint meeting of the executive and ad visory committees of the Ohio League of Republican clubs The committees also declared that they had no sympathy whatever with tho proposition that has been ad- v nccd that Senator Forakcr bo eliminated and retired from public life because ho was not able to agree with President lloosovolt M to the rate bill or Jolntatntchood for New Mexico and Arizona or about the Brownsville matter Tho action of tho joint committees at once brought out a challenge from A I Vorys manager of Ute Tort presi dential canvass foral popular primary fo determine tho cholco of tho Ohio Republican of a candidate for pros ¬ dent Village Burned St Joseph MOTho village of Chain la was wiped out by flro Wednesday night but one building being saved Loss 50000 Yellow Fever Kills American Woman Bridgetown Island of Barbados B W IMrs Alleync wire of Dr AL luyne surgeon general of tho hospital here died Friday of yellow fever She was taken sick November 18 Mrs Alleyno was an American Ohio Dies Burns Columbus ODr W C Whitney member of the Ohio legislature from Franklin county died Friday night of burns received several day ago while attempting to reScue a horse from a burning barn CLEVELAND MAYOR IS HIT TOM L JOHNSON ACCUSED BY W M IVINS IN NEW YORK Reorganization of Nassau Company Said to Have Provided 6250000 of Water New York William M IvSns while Investigating the affairs of the Brook lyn Rapid Transit company for tho public service commission Friday de Glared that Mayor Tom L Johnson of Cleveland and big friends who for- merly owned tho Nassau Electric Rail- way company of Brooklyn had watered Its stock to tho extent of C2SO000 and then sold It to the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company This was alleged to havo taken place In a reorganization of Iho Nas San company In January 1899 Questioning Timothy S Williams vice president of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company about tho reorgani zation of thQ Nassau company Mr Ivins said On that reorganization 1 find that they increased their bond issue which had thoretoforo been J5 600000 by an additional I89469GO They mado an entirely now Issue of preferred stock of 0000000 they thoretoforo having no preferred stock and to tho theretofore existing C000 000 of common stock they added J2 500000 making a total of now issues of 17910060 and your acquisition was after this Increase of capitaliza tlonCan you tell mo what these new securities were Issued torT Mr Williams said an explanation ot the transaction was given In an agree mont which Mr Ivlns had but this was not read Mr Williams also con tended that the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company if It had bought 6 250000 of water bad subsequently squeezed It out I cannot agree with said Mr IvJna It looks to tnG lifco n plaID case of stock watering and tho com pony had no right to charge that 6 000000 on Its books to the cost and equipment of tho rondoIt was wrong In principle nnd If it wasnt then against the law tho law ought to bo amended so as to make such a trans action Impossible BOROUGH BANK MEN INDICTED President Cashier and Controlling Stockholder In the Tolls New YorkTho Kings county grand jury which Is investigating tho recent management of the suspended Bor ough bank of Brooklyn returned In ¬ dlctments Thursday charging larceny and other offenses against Howard Maxwell who wns president of tho Jn Btitutlon when its doors were closed Arthur D Campbell tho deposed cashier and William Gow a director who holds a controlling share of the banks stock The three men were arrested and arraigned AH pleaded not guilty and wero held for a hearing Campbell and Cow each furnished 20000 ball Maxwell was unable to secure the 30000 bond required of him and went to jail for the night- Suffragettes Silence OUdstone Leeds England The woman suf traglsts Friday virtually compelled Herbert Gladstone secretary Of state for homo affairs to abandon his at ¬ tempt to address a meeting hero Tho Interruptions from tho suffragettes became so persistent that Mr Glad stone declared he would no longer struggle against such tactics One of the suffrnglsta thereupon tried to take possession of tho meeting White she was speaking a free fight broke out between tho men and womep of the audience Dishonest Banker Sentenced Birmingham Ala Louts M Dyke president of tho former Atclla Nation- al bank charged with misappropria lion of funds of a natlppal bank en ¬ tered n plea of guilty Friday The court sentenced Dyko to five years Iri tho Atlanta penlt atlary Crushed to Death in Elevator Pittaburg PaO K McCutcheon 60 years old a wealthy merchant cf Turtle Creek beer here was crushed to death la an elevator In a downtown skyscraper Friday PRESIDENT NOT ENDANGERED Officer and Crew of Steamer Fow Exonerated Cairo HI Exoneration from the charge of reckless navigation which endangered tho life of the president of the United States during tho river trip from Cairo to Memphis October 3 was obtained Thursday for the em- I core and crew of tbo steamer Dick Fowler who were found not guilty by United States Inspectors Waltz and Hodge jpf Memphis after a trial Tho charges were brought by Com mandor L S Vanduzor U S NM In ¬ spector of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth lighthouse districts who was on the lighthouse tender Lily which acted as escort to tho steamer 111lssiesippi the boat on which President Roosevelt traveled from Keokuk to Memphis The Fowler was accused specifically of running by the Lily without sound ing her whistle and running too close tp the steamer Mississippi the boat tho president was on thereby endan gering his life At the trial only evi deuce for the defense was beard as the testimony of Commander Van Duzcr And his witnesses was taken at a hearing held soon after the disposal of the other case arising from the river trip and tho summary suspen ¬ sion for six months ot the license of Pilot C 1 Nichols of the steamer Fred Hartwcg at tho order of the president LIEUT CRAWFORD MISSING Admiral Deweys Secretary Thought to Have Drowned Himself Washington Lieut John W Craw ¬ lord secretary of Admiral Dewey has disappeared and It Is believed ho has committed suicide Friday Bennett A Allen 1901 Fourth street a friend of the missing man received a special delivery letter from Lieut Crawford In which It was stated that he haddo tornilncd on suicide and requesting Mr Allen to break the news to Mrs Crawford as gently as possible Lets In the evening Lieut Crawfords hat and coat wore found on the deck of a ferry boat plying between Washington and Alexandria To financial dIOlcul ties Lieut Crawfords resolve to end his life Is attributable his friends sayHURT INSPECTING TRACKS Nebraska Railway Commissioner and Clerk In Bad Accident Lincoln Neb Railway Commission- er ¬ Joseph A William and H G Pow- ell ¬ rate expert in tho office of the stale commission were seriously in ¬ jured late Thursday night while mak ¬ lag an inspection of the Missouri Pa ¬ rifle tricks near Elmwood Commis ¬ sioner Williams was removed to a hospltf Powell was able to go to his home Tho men were using a gasoline mo tor and were rdnnlng at considerable speed In tho darkness when the car struck an obstacle on the track and was thrown from the rails George P Miller a Suicide St Louis Physically wrecked through excesses George P Miller aged 48 years once a brilliant law graduato and private secretary to Samuel J Randall of Pennsylvania who was speaker of the national house of representatives swallowed whisky and morphine in a Pine street board Ing house Thursday night and died Friday at the City hospital Two KllledJn Auto Accident Des Molnos la O R Nattlnger was killed and Frank Getcholl was seriously injured in an automobile accident Friday night Miss Ruth Wilkinson and Miss Isolde Benny were severely hurt Five Children Perish In Fire Tltusvlllo Pa Awakened by the I barking ot his dog early Thursday Thomas Zuver found his houso in- flames With difficulty he saved his wife and their baby Two sons es ¬ caped but wero badly injured five children were burned to death Noted Jew Salter Goe Insane Berlin Count von Puocklor the wellknown Jew baiter who at various times has carne Into colllslou with the law owing to excessive antiSemitic agitation has been seat to an asylum Is Golnd on In of COURT DECIDES That Chartered Concerns Must Use Word Incorporated With Name Frankfort KyTho court of appeals decided that doing bust ¬ ness In Kentucky can be finedfor not placing the word Incorporated on their signs and The Brewing Co Lexington Brewing Co Singer Manu ¬ factoring Co and soveral other corpo- rations were indicted In Danville for not using the word Incorporated aa required by statute rho lower court dismissed tho indictments and the com ¬ monwealth appealed The court here nays the corporations can bo prose ¬ cute under tho statute but tho prose ¬ cution must be In tho county where the designated agent of the company reside each company being required when It flies Its articles of Incorpora ¬ Don to name an agent who resides in this state upon whom notices and pro ¬ ceases may be served The Danville Indictments ore knocked out but other Indictments may too returned In other counties MISTRIAL IN HAWLEY CASE Jury Disagrees in Suit of Minister Against Paducan Judge Evans discharged the jury In tho case of Rev Prank Morton Hawley against W W Meadows after it tad been out several accused Rev Frank Haw ley who Is a Methodist minister of alienating his wifes affections Hawley was driven from Meadows hotel In Fulton but later bo returned The preacher alleges that he receivol brutal and malicious treatment at the hands of Meadows and his friends He was stripped of his clothing and horse whipped Hawley then brought suit against Meadows As tbo jury Is said to have stood ten to two In favor of tho preacher he says that ho is in a sense vindicated Gtllesple Will Admitted to Probate Lancaster Ky Alter seven days of testimony and argument the will of the late W J Glllesplo was admitted to probate Mr GDlesplo left an estate valued at 75000 All of the property both real and personal with tho excep- tion of twtf diamond rings he willed to the St Joseph Infirmary of Louis villa Ky a Catholic Institution Ho left no relatives nearer than third cousins but several of those attempt ¬ ed to prevent the will going to probate alleging mental The case will be appealed to the circuit court and will undoubtedly reach the court of appeals Joke Proves Fatal to the Joker Louisville KlAs the result of a practical Joke upon Gus Goatley a ne- gro employe of the Keamodalo Co meat Co of West Point Ky James UnderwooU an engineer for tho com ¬ Is dying In the Norton infirmary here Underwood rigged up a scare- crow and placed It behind the engine room door to frighten the superstitious negro Goatley entered the engine room and when the weird figure was thrust at him ho emptied the contents of a revolver at It One bullet lodged In Underwoods head Wasnt She Particular Lexington Ky The suit of Ella M Barbour VS tho L N railroad for 5000 was dismissed by the circuit court It having been settled out ot court The plaintiff alleged that on a certain Sunday In AprU 1906 she bought at Louisville a ticket for Lex- ington ¬ paying 125 She claimed that she was placed in a car tilled with men and was tho only woman therein She alleged that tho Agent should have informed her that it waS an ex cnralon for men and so she sued for 5000 Youtsey Deserted Frankfort KyThe women having In charge the proposed petition to Gov Beckham to have Henry Youtsey con corned In the killing of Goobel par ¬ doned have concluded not to push the matter and the unsigned petition tins been returned to Youtaey In the peat ¬ tentiary The reason given te that no man could be secured to help get sig ¬ natures to the petition The Inaugural Ball Frankfort KyU was decided by the clUzens committee that the Inau gural ball on December 10 will be giv en at the South Frankfort Coliseum and tho reception In advance of tho ball will be held ct the Capital hotel An eaormous crowd is expected Strikers Offer Rejected Louisville ly1he Louisville Rail road Co In a letter sent to the tow iilttee representing the strikers de clined flatly to accept the terms of scrod by the strikers and the strike will continue Tragedy at a Dace Lancaster ICyAt the home of Walker Pointer whore a dance was being given Win Joues was shot und probably fatally wounded by Walter Arnold Arnold was flourishing a pIs- tol when Pointer attempted to put him out the pistol being discharged Latonla Case Submitted Frankfort ICyTlie case of the city of Latoola vs Latonla Agricultural as jtoolatlon Involving the right of the city to condemn for streets n part of the Latonla race track property was argued la the court of appeals re I ROUND ABOUT THE STATE JtIIWhat Different Kentucky corporations advertisements WlndlschMuhlhauser Saloonkeeper KyFederal hoursMeadows Incompeteucy GULF IN HORSESHOE CAVE Delleved to Have Swallowed the Miss- ing Lecturer Louisville KyWhen the searching party of 100 men following two blood hounds which had been placed In Horseshoe Cavo to find the missing William Worth a Louisville lecturer camo upon only ono dog standing at tho brink of a pit they came to tho conclusion that the other dog and tho man lay dead or alive at the bottom cf tho hole They at once returned six miles to the opening of tho cavern at Horseshoe Cave Ky where they secured ladders and ropes With these some of the bravest will attempt to scale the pit and to learn whether Worth is at tho bottom with tho other dog according to a report from horse Creek Tho bloodhounds were sent Into tho cave and when they had progressed four miles they darted down a aide passage which hid never been tried before Tho patter of human toot ¬ steps was hoard distinctly say those who returned but when tho search ¬ ors carne to the terminus of tho pas ¬ sage they found only ono dot which was baying at the edge of a gloomy and apparently bottomless gulf They could hear nothing from the depths The dog refused to return and is keep- Ing watch at the hole FOUR BREAK JAIL Prisoners Charged With Murder and Burglary Saw Hole In Cell Henderson KyFour prisoners made their escape from the Henderson county jail by cutting through a quar Jcrlnch sheet of Iron at the top of their cells and climbing 10 or 12 feet to the cupola and letting themselves to the ground by means of a rope mado of twisted blankets The work was done with flies or saws It was a flrst class job and looked an If it had been executed by a skilled machinist Tho fugitives are all white men as follows Charles Gerlchs aged 21 formerly in tho navy charged with the murder of Curtis Gllmoro In this county 75 reward Frank Clarke aged 52 charged with tho murder of George W Pritchett In this city 100 reward Obo Palmer 27 years old wanted for havIng burglar tools 4n his possession reward 50 Ishmael GIb- BOn aged 21 charged with receiving stolen goods reward 50 This is the third jail delivery since the construe ¬ lion of tho building about 38 years ago Bank Tax Is Held Valid Frankfort KyThe court of appeals affirmed the consolidated bank tax cases of S W Hagar auditor vs the First National bank of Lexington The action involved tho taxation of every national bank in the state The court upholds the constitutionality of the aot of 1906 requiring tho assessment for taxation of the par value of capital stock surplus and undivided profits of national banks and that money con ¬ varied into government bonds Is not exempted to this extent NlneFoot Stage Louisville Ky Fresh from thl meeting of tho Ohio Valley Improvo moot association at Wheeling W Va Pinckney Varble reported to tho Com menial club here that the ninefoot stage would be completed within the next 10 years He adduced many ap¬ propriations and schedules pf work to back up his statement Tho next con ¬ vention of the association will be held hero next year- Wlilson Wins By 15142 Frankfort KyT official returns from 116 counties with the unofficial returns from three counties show Will sons vote in 119 counties to be 213042 W41lsons majority 15142 Hoger re calved 197900 votes against Beck hams 229014 and Belknapa 20276J four years ago- Farmer Becomes Minister New Caitle KyJ W Kelly one ot Henry countys must prominent cltl ¬ tens a banker and farmer has been regularly ordained as a minister of the gospel of the Predestlaarlan or Old School Baptist church Mr Kelly U regarded aa a fine Bible scholar Carried Cash on Wheelbarrows Louisville Ky Since the refusal ot the banks here to take certified chucks In payment and the consequent etHel ot tho collector of Internal revenue taxpayers have been carrying tholi money to the internal revenue offlca In wheelbarrows and wagons Paying Off In Gold Lexington KyTho Chesapeake a Ohio Railroad Cos pay car lest here for Cincinnati utter paying oinployw about 20000 In gold The Loutivlll Nashville pay oar is here and will leave 10000 In gold Pardon Seekers Swamp Governor Frankfort ttySo many applica- tions for pardons from relatives and friends of convicts In the two penlten Mantes have boon received that Gov Beckham Issued a proclamation to thu erect that he would receive no more applications to person OoyleAcqliltted- LexlngwR Ky James Poyle chief clerk la the office of State Auditor Ha ger at Frankfort was acquitted In the i court of Justice Bell of the charge ul Interfering with aii officer of the eloue then OB November 51 r 0






With the Possible Exception of Plrurdel Rio the Provinces Hold theSame Views Number of ForeignersIn Island Estimated at 400000

Havana Nov iWtlh tho complethin of enumeration of tho populationof Cuba thoro has been accomplishedthe tint stop In tho direction of thotermination of the American Intorven ¬

lion and tho retestabllibment of thoCuban republic

Tills enumeration was actually anenforced registration of voters the dotermination ot tho population of thUland being of scant Importance comVAxed to that of registering oil personsuntitled to tho electoral franchise luorder to Insure tho purity of tho elecflan of tho next Cuban president

An estimate by ono of the most nocompllfthed statisticians In thoicrvlcoof the provisional government placestho population of Uio Island at two mil-


of which about four hundredthousand aro foreigners not entitled tothe franchisea Thu Indications aro that Uiere ha-sLea no groat cnango In tho politicalcomplexion of tho proviucvs with IhojKKwIblo eicofrtJon of Ilrtar del Riowhoro the Inllcncv of Ilno Gucrro thomilitary leader Of tho last uprising isvery great

Even to speculate on Uio outcome ottho next election Is futile owing to thoconfusion oonsoquol on the dissensionsla the liberal party and tho undcfinuJattitude of tho coservatlves

Had the election been held a yearAgo there Is no doubt that the liberalswould havo hud tin overwhelming vietory and that Alfredo Zayas wouldliavo been president of Cuba

Now ths liberal party is hopelesslydivide between tho followers of JoioMiguel Gomct nod Zayas nod an exccllent opportunity is afforded for con

enratlvos to organize and nominate aloader who wilt command tho respectof thrt country

Should thoy obtain till consent ofsuch a man as Gen MarJo Menocal tosun for the presidency there can hardSy be any doubt that ho would attractH great following from tho bolter closeof liberals and would easily bo elected

Oon Menocal however It Is bellcvod could not bo tempted to entertho prit rdolUall1rct111

An dement that may Novo to be otprime Importance in tho coming oloctea is tho health of Joso MiguelQomoz It Is rwunored that tho gen< ral Is afflicted with a dangerous all ¬

ment which may corapcllili retirementXrom the Add-

Colacldent with tho completion ofthe enumeration Is that of tho electorate law on which the committee ofwhich Col Crowder Is the bead hasbeen working for months

It walls only the approval of GOTSajoon before being promulgatedso that It tranqulllty Jo mainitalacd nothing stands in the way ofcarrying out tho present pro utmmo oftho government which Is to hold thomunicipal elections la May or Junonnd tho presidential election In the tel ¬

lowing Dewmbcr thus paving tbo way

for tho Inauguration of the presidentJa May and tbo withdrawal of theAmerican troeps In July


Imperiling tha Life of Speaker Cardwell of the Virginia House

tRichmond VA Nov 25 Leaving

Richmond for Ashland William U

Cardwell of Hanover speaker of Uolast house of delegate and severalother painongcra on ojao ot tho biX

electric cars Iud a narrow escape fromtcrknit Injury Tho car was passingover the viaduct at Clay street when arlfio bullet crashed through one of thewindows smashing the Rlas and pass ¬

fag between the heads of Captain CardWell ud a Hanover farmer No onowas hurt but the passengers weremuch excited

Not long ago Mn Claude A Swan-son wife of the governor of Virginiated a narrow escape when a bulletcrashed through A Southern RailwayPitllman as the train was nearing Richsuwid

Msdstono AdheredSpencer N C Nov 26Leon a

young eon of FranK A Brown ofSpencer was bitten tJa mad dog atTrtL PlosBant whcro tho lad was visit ¬

lag his grandparents Ho was broughtto r nt taco and a madstoneowner by Mrs II F Dorsott of Lex ¬

ington was applied to the woundsThe stone adhered for eevcral hourssad relieved the awollen flesh on tilllimb Thochild It Is believed will recover

< Miners Laid OffCumberland Md Nov 25TtI la

t bar situation in the mining regions Isreaching an acute stage There is amarked decline In Jjualnesa naa resultOne day lost week nearly 100 mOil

Wore discharged by tho ConsolidatedCal Co

Auto Race From New York To Paris+ Paris Nov 25FuloWlag UI recent

tnutoei >bile race from Pcklar the Matin has decided to organize a

v nee froi New York to Parta via Chiago Alaska across the Bvhrlngtraltll Siberia and RttMla





Justlcs Wyatt Taket Actlim CriminalLibel Charge Made by


Now York justice Wyatt Inthe court of special scsrlons Thursdny held W It Hearst for tho grandproferrcdB Carvalho gave ball for Mr Hearst

Tho amount of ttio Mail was fixedat GOO tho usual sum required Inmisdemeanor cases Mr Carvalho laIho general manager of Mr HearstNow York newspapers

Hoth Mr Hearst nnd his bondsmanwore In court when Justice Wyatthanded down his decision Thoy rOopaired to tho office of District AttorneyJerome while the ball bond was beingprepared It was later approved byJustlco Wyntt and Mr Hearst and hisattorneys drove away In tho big redautomobile which had brought themto the criminal courts building

Tim charge against Mr Hearst grewout of a publication In tho New YortEvening Journal concerning tho caseof Raymond Hitchcock the actor MrChanlcra namo was mentioned In connectlon with the article Severalhearings wore had before JusticeWyatt during which Mr Chanter peel ¬

Uvely denied that ho had over been utHitchcocks house when little girlswere there ills counsel claimed thattho publication had been made for thepurpose of Injuring politically LieutGOY Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler a bro¬

ther of tho complainant againstMr lIearst-

Thll was denied by Mr Hearsts at ¬

torneys who made the counter claimIn court that Mr Chanters proceedings against Mr Hearst were takenIn the hope of hurting tho chances ofibo Independence League ticket in tholast county election

Tho grand jury It Is said has al ¬

ready undertaken an investigation ofthe charge against Mr Hearst and ascore or moro of witnesses have beensummoned


Remarkable Scenes When SenatePasses Prohibition Bill

Montgomery Ala Unprecedentedscones wore enacted In tho senatechamber of tho historical capitol ofAlabama Tuesday when tho statutoryprohibition bill was passed Womennnd children thronged tho corridorand gallery and even usurped thesanctity of tbo floor Itself pushing thosenators from their seats and givingvent to their enthusiasm by shoutsand cheers that echoed and reechoedthrough the building

Senators opposed tho bill werehissed down when they arose tospeak against the measure

The statutory prohibition bill whichwas passed was In tho nature of acompromise between the antis andprohibitionists The antis seeing thohandwriting on tbo wall agreed toglvo up the fight provided tbo timewas extended to January 1 1909when tho sale of whisky will be forbidden In the stab of Alabama Thisamendment will be sent to tbo houseand will bo concurred In without afight

Qov Comer will approve tbo billand It Is understood that a movementhAS already been started by the stateW C T U to make tho signing ottho bill n very formal occasion

Mobile AlaAn Indication ot thewrath of the home rulers over theprohibition policy of the Democraticparty In the state Is shown by the fojlowing telegram that was sent toState Senator Hamburger by M JMcUermott president ot tbo Dank ofMobile


Committees ef Ohio League of RepubIIcan Clubs Endorse Him


Columbus O United StAtes Sena ¬

for Joseph DcHson Fpraker of Ohiowas endorsed Wednesday for both re-election to tho senate and tho Republican nomination for president at ajoint meeting of the executive and advisory committees of the Ohio Leagueof Republican clubs

The committees also declared thatthey had no sympathy whatever withtho proposition that has been ad-

v nccd that Senator Forakcr boeliminated and retired from public lifebecause ho was not able to agree withPresident lloosovolt M to the rate billor Jolntatntchood for New Mexico andArizona or about the Brownsvillematter

Tho action of tho joint committeesat once brought out a challenge fromA I Vorys manager of Ute Tort presidential canvass foralpopular primaryfo determine tho cholco of tho OhioRepublican of a candidate for pros ¬

dentVillage Burned

St Joseph MOTho village ofChain la was wiped out by flroWednesday night but one buildingbeing saved Loss 50000

Yellow Fever Kills American WomanBridgetown Island of Barbados B

W IMrs Alleync wire of Dr ALluyne surgeon general of tho hospitalhere died Friday of yellow fever Shewas taken sick November 18 MrsAlleyno was an American

Ohio Dies BurnsColumbus ODr W C Whitney

member of the Ohio legislature fromFranklin county died Friday nightof burns received several day agowhile attempting to reScue a horsefrom a burning barn



Reorganization of Nassau CompanySaid to Have Provided 6250000

of Water

New York William M IvSns whileInvestigating the affairs of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company for thopublic service commission Friday deGlared that Mayor Tom L Johnson ofCleveland and big friends who for-merly owned tho Nassau Electric Rail-way company of Brooklyn had wateredIts stock to tho extent of C2SO000and then sold It to the Brooklyn RapidTransit company

This was alleged to havo takenplace In a reorganization of Iho NasSan company In January 1899

Questioning Timothy S Williamsvice president of the Brooklyn RapidTransit company about tho reorganization of thQ Nassau company MrIvins said On that reorganization 1find that they increased their bondissue which had thoretoforo been J5600000 by an additional I89469GOThey mado an entirely now Issue ofpreferred stock of 0000000 theythoretoforo having no preferred stockand to tho theretofore existing C000000 of common stock they added J2500000 making a total of now issuesof 17910060 and your acquisitionwas after this Increase of capitalizatlonCan you tell mo what these newsecurities were Issued torT

Mr Williams said an explanation otthe transaction was given In an agreemont which Mr Ivlns had but thiswas not read Mr Williams also contended that the Brooklyn RapidTransit company if It had bought 6

250000 of water bad subsequentlysqueezed It out

I cannot agree with said MrIvJna It looks to tnG lifco n plaIDcase of stock watering and tho compony had no right to charge that 6

000000 on Its books to the cost andequipment of tho rondoIt was wrongIn principle nnd If it wasnt thenagainst the law tho law ought to boamended so as to make such a transaction Impossible


President Cashier and ControllingStockholder In the Tolls

New YorkTho Kings county grandjury which Is investigating tho recentmanagement of the suspended Borough bank of Brooklyn returned In ¬

dlctments Thursday charging larcenyand other offenses against HowardMaxwell who wns president of tho JnBtitutlon when its doors were closedArthur D Campbell tho deposedcashier and William Gow a directorwho holds a controlling share of thebanks stock

The three men were arrested andarraigned AH pleaded not guilty andwero held for a hearing Campbelland Cow each furnished 20000 ballMaxwell was unable to secure the30000 bond required of him and went

to jail for the night-

Suffragettes Silence OUdstoneLeeds England The woman suf

traglsts Friday virtually compelledHerbert Gladstone secretary Of statefor homo affairs to abandon his at¬

tempt to address a meeting hero ThoInterruptions from tho suffragettesbecame so persistent that Mr Gladstone declared he would no longerstruggle against such tactics One ofthe suffrnglsta thereupon tried to takepossession of tho meeting White shewas speaking a free fight broke outbetween tho men and womep of theaudience

Dishonest Banker SentencedBirmingham Ala Louts M Dyke

president of tho former Atclla Nation-al bank charged with misapproprialion of funds of a natlppal bank en ¬

tered n plea of guilty Friday Thecourt sentenced Dyko to five years Iri

tho Atlanta penlt atlary

Crushed to Death in ElevatorPittaburg PaO K McCutcheon

60 years old a wealthy merchant cfTurtle Creek beer here was crushedto death la an elevator In a downtownskyscraper Friday


Officer and Crew of Steamer FowExonerated

Cairo HI Exoneration from thecharge of reckless navigation whichendangered tho life of the presidentof the United States during tho rivertrip from Cairo to Memphis October3 was obtained Thursday for the em-

Icore and crew of tbo steamer DickFowler who were found not guilty byUnited States Inspectors Waltz andHodge jpf Memphis after a trial

Tho charges were brought by Commandor L S Vanduzor U S NM In ¬

spector of the Fifteenth and Sixteenthlighthouse districts who was on thelighthouse tender Lily which acted asescort to tho steamer 111lssiesippi theboat on which President Roosevelttraveled from Keokuk to MemphisThe Fowler was accused specificallyof running by the Lily without sounding her whistle and running too closetp the steamer Mississippi the boattho president was on thereby endangering his life At the trial only evideuce for the defense was beard asthe testimony of Commander VanDuzcr And his witnesses was taken ata hearing held soon after the disposalof the other case arising from theriver trip and tho summary suspen ¬

sion for six months ot the license ofPilot C 1 Nichols of the steamerFred Hartwcg at tho order of thepresident


Admiral Deweys Secretary Thoughtto Have Drowned Himself

Washington Lieut John W Craw ¬

lord secretary of Admiral Dewey hasdisappeared and It Is believed ho hascommitted suicide Friday Bennett AAllen 1901 Fourth street a friend ofthe missing man received a specialdelivery letter from Lieut CrawfordIn which It was stated that he haddotornilncd on suicide and requestingMr Allen to break the news to MrsCrawford as gently as possible LetsIn the evening Lieut Crawfords hatand coat wore found on the deck of aferry boat plying between Washingtonand Alexandria To financial dIOlculties Lieut Crawfords resolve to endhis life Is attributable his friends


Nebraska Railway Commissioner andClerk In Bad Accident

Lincoln Neb Railway Commission-er


Joseph A William and H G Pow-


rate expert in tho office of thestale commission were seriously in ¬

jured late Thursday night while mak ¬

lag an inspection of the Missouri Pa ¬

rifle tricks near Elmwood Commis¬

sioner Williams was removed to ahospltf Powell was able to go to hishome

Tho men were using a gasoline motor and were rdnnlng at considerablespeed In tho darkness when the carstruck an obstacle on the track andwas thrown from the rails

George P Miller a SuicideSt Louis Physically wrecked

through excesses George P Milleraged 48 years once a brilliant lawgraduato and private secretary toSamuel J Randall of Pennsylvaniawho was speaker of the national houseof representatives swallowed whiskyand morphine in a Pine street boardIng house Thursday night and diedFriday at the City hospital

Two KllledJn Auto AccidentDes Molnos la O R Nattlnger

was killed and Frank Getcholl wasseriously injured in an automobileaccident Friday night Miss RuthWilkinson and Miss Isolde Bennywere severely hurt

Five Children Perish In FireTltusvlllo Pa Awakened by the

I barking ot his dog early ThursdayThomas Zuver found his houso in-

flames With difficulty he saved hiswife and their baby Two sons es ¬

caped but wero badly injured fivechildren were burned to death

Noted Jew Salter Goe InsaneBerlin Count von Puocklor the

wellknown Jew baiter who at varioustimes has carne Into colllslou with thelaw owing to excessive antiSemiticagitation has been seat to an asylum

Is Golnd on Inof


That Chartered Concerns Must UseWord Incorporated With Name

Frankfort KyTho court of appealsdecided that doing bust ¬

ness In Kentucky can be finedfor notplacing the word Incorporated ontheir signs and The

Brewing CoLexington Brewing Co Singer Manu ¬

factoring Co and soveral other corpo-rations were indicted In Danville fornot using the word Incorporated aarequired by statute rho lower courtdismissed tho indictments and the com ¬

monwealth appealed The court herenays the corporations can bo prose ¬

cute under tho statute but tho prose ¬

cution must be In tho county wherethe designated agent of the companyreside each company being requiredwhen It flies Its articles of Incorpora ¬

Don to name an agent who resides inthis state upon whom notices and pro ¬

ceases may be served The DanvilleIndictments ore knocked out but otherIndictments may too returned In othercounties


Jury Disagrees in Suit of MinisterAgainst

Paducan Judge Evansdischarged the jury In tho case of RevPrank Morton Hawley against W WMeadows after it tad been out several

accused Rev Frank Hawley who Is a Methodist minister ofalienating his wifes affections

Hawley was driven from Meadowshotel In Fulton but later bo returnedThe preacher alleges that he receivolbrutal and malicious treatment at thehands of Meadows and his friends Hewas stripped of his clothing and horsewhipped Hawley then brought suitagainst Meadows

As tbo jury Is said to have stood tento two In favor of tho preacher hesays that ho is in a sense vindicated

Gtllesple Will Admitted to ProbateLancaster Ky Alter seven days of

testimony and argument the will of thelate W J Glllesplo was admitted toprobate Mr GDlesplo left an estatevalued at 75000 All of the propertyboth real and personal with tho excep-tion of twtf diamond rings he willedto the St Joseph Infirmary of Louisvilla Ky a Catholic Institution Holeft no relatives nearer than thirdcousins but several of those attempt ¬

ed to prevent the will going to probatealleging mental Thecase will be appealed to the circuitcourt and will undoubtedly reach thecourt of appeals

Joke Proves Fatal to the JokerLouisville KlAs the result of a

practical Joke upon Gus Goatley a ne-gro employe of the Keamodalo Comeat Co of West Point Ky JamesUnderwooU an engineer for tho com ¬

Is dying In the Norton infirmaryhere Underwood rigged up a scare-crow and placed It behind the engineroom door to frighten the superstitiousnegro Goatley entered the engineroom and when the weird figure wasthrust at him ho emptied the contentsof a revolver at It One bullet lodgedIn Underwoods head

Wasnt She ParticularLexington Ky The suit of Ella M

Barbour VS tho L N railroad for5000 was dismissed by the circuit

court It having been settled out otcourt The plaintiff alleged that on acertain Sunday In AprU 1906 shebought at Louisville a ticket for Lex-ington


paying 125 She claimed thatshe was placed in a car tilled withmen and was tho only woman thereinShe alleged that tho Agent shouldhave informed her that it waS an excnralon for men and so she sued for


Youtsey DesertedFrankfort KyThe women having

In charge the proposed petition to GovBeckham to have Henry Youtsey concorned In the killing of Goobel par¬

doned have concluded not to push thematter and the unsigned petition tinsbeen returned to Youtaey In the peat ¬

tentiary The reason given te that noman could be secured to help get sig ¬

natures to the petition

The Inaugural BallFrankfort KyU was decided by

the clUzens committee that the Inaugural ball on December 10 will be given at the South Frankfort Coliseumand tho reception In advance of thoball will be held ct the Capital hotelAn eaormous crowd is expected

Strikers Offer RejectedLouisville ly1he Louisville Rail

road Co In a letter sent to the towiilttee representing the strikers declined flatly to accept the terms ofscrod by the strikers and the strikewill continue

Tragedy at a DaceLancaster ICyAt the home of

Walker Pointer whore a dance wasbeing given Win Joues was shot undprobably fatally wounded by WalterArnold Arnold was flourishing a pIs-

tol when Pointer attempted to puthim out the pistol being discharged

Latonla Case SubmittedFrankfort ICyTlie case of the city

of Latoola vs Latonla Agricultural asjtoolatlon Involving the right of thecity to condemn for streets n part ofthe Latonla race track property wasargued la the court of appeals



JtIIWhat DifferentKentucky








Delleved to Have Swallowed the Miss-ing Lecturer

Louisville KyWhen the searchingparty of 100 men following two bloodhounds which had been placed InHorseshoe Cavo to find the missingWilliam Worth a Louisville lecturer

camo upon only ono dog standing attho brink of a pit they came to thoconclusion that the other dog and thoman lay dead or alive at the bottomcf tho hole They at once returnedsix miles to the opening of tho cavernat Horseshoe Cave Ky where theysecured ladders and ropes With thesesome of the bravest will attempt toscale the pit and to learn whetherWorth is at tho bottom with tho otherdog according to a report from horseCreek

Tho bloodhounds were sent Into thocave and when they had progressedfour miles they darted down a aidepassage which hid never been triedbefore Tho patter of human toot¬

steps was hoard distinctly say thosewho returned but when tho search ¬

ors carne to the terminus of tho pas ¬

sage they found only ono dot whichwas baying at the edge of a gloomyand apparently bottomless gulf Theycould hear nothing from the depthsThe dog refused to return and is keep-Ing watch at the hole


Prisoners Charged With Murder andBurglary Saw Hole In Cell

Henderson KyFour prisonersmade their escape from the Hendersoncounty jail by cutting through a quarJcrlnch sheet of Iron at the top oftheir cells and climbing 10 or 12 feetto the cupola and letting themselvesto the ground by means of a ropemado of twisted blankets The workwas done with flies or saws It was aflrst class job and looked an If it hadbeen executed by a skilled machinistTho fugitives are all white men asfollows Charles Gerlchs aged 21formerly in tho navy charged withthe murder of Curtis Gllmoro In thiscounty 75 reward Frank Clarkeaged 52 charged with tho murder ofGeorge W Pritchett In this city 100reward Obo Palmer 27 years oldwanted for havIng burglar tools 4n hispossession reward 50 Ishmael GIb-BOn aged 21 charged with receivingstolen goods reward 50 This is thethird jail delivery since the construe ¬

lion of tho building about 38 yearsago

Bank Tax Is Held ValidFrankfort KyThe court of appeals

affirmed the consolidated bank taxcases of S W Hagar auditor vs theFirst National bank of Lexington Theaction involved tho taxation of everynational bank in the state The courtupholds the constitutionality of theaot of 1906 requiring tho assessmentfor taxation of the par value of capitalstock surplus and undivided profitsof national banks and that money con ¬

varied into government bonds Is notexempted to this extent

NlneFoot StageLouisville Ky Fresh from thl

meeting of tho Ohio Valley Improvomoot association at Wheeling W VaPinckney Varble reported to tho Commenial club here that the ninefootstage would be completed within thenext 10 years He adduced many ap¬

propriations and schedules pf work toback up his statement Tho next con ¬

vention of the association will be heldhero next year-

Wlilson Wins By 15142Frankfort KyT official returns

from 116 counties with the unofficialreturns from three counties show Willsons vote in 119 counties to be 213042W41lsons majority 15142 Hoger recalved 197900 votes against Beckhams 229014 and Belknapa 20276Jfour years ago-

Farmer Becomes MinisterNew Caitle KyJ W Kelly one ot

Henry countys must prominent cltl ¬

tens a banker and farmer has beenregularly ordained as a minister of thegospel of the Predestlaarlan or OldSchool Baptist church Mr Kelly U

regarded aa a fine Bible scholar

Carried Cash on WheelbarrowsLouisville Ky Since the refusal ot

the banks here to take certified chucksIn payment and the consequent etHelot tho collector of Internal revenuetaxpayers have been carrying tholimoney to the internal revenue offlcaIn wheelbarrows and wagons

Paying Off In GoldLexington KyTho Chesapeake a

Ohio Railroad Cos pay car lest herefor Cincinnati utter paying oinploywabout 20000 In gold The Loutivlll

Nashville pay oar is here and will

leave 10000 In gold

Pardon Seekers Swamp GovernorFrankfort ttySo many applica-

tions for pardons from relatives andfriends of convicts In the two penltenMantes have boon received that GovBeckham Issued a proclamation to thuerect that he would receive no moreapplications to person

OoyleAcqliltted-LexlngwR Ky James Poyle chief

clerk la the office of State Auditor Hager at Frankfort was acquitted In the icourt of Justice Bell of the charge ulInterfering with aii officer of the eloue

then OB November 51

r 0
