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Round One - The Jerusalem Connection Magazine - May June 2009

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Benjamin Netanyahu Israel's Prime Minister

From Jewish Virtual Library

Benjamin Nct:lnyahu - soldier, diplomat and the ninth Prime Minister of the State of Ismel - was oom in Tel Aviv on Ottober 21, 1949 and grew up in Jerusalem. H e spent his adoIts(.:ent years in the United Starcs, where his father - a noted historian - taught Jewish history.

Reruming to Ist""acl in 1967 to fulfill his military oblig3rions, Netnny.lhu volunteered lor an elite commando unit of the Tsrnel Defense Forces and participated in a number of daring operations. These included the Beirut Airport Operation during the \Var of Attrition and the release of hostages from a hijacked Sabena Air­lin<."S aircraft at Ben-Gurion Airport, an operation in which he was wounded. He was discharged from the IDF after six years with the rank of t'aptain follo\\~ng the ){>lll Kippur \~'ar. Nct:lnyahu then smdied at MIT in Boston ~llld received a B.Sc. in architecrure and an M.Sc. in Management Srudies. !-I e also studied political sci­ence at M:lT and HalVard University. in 1976 he W:lS employed by the Boston Consulting Group, an international business con­sulting finn, and later joinccl the management of Rim Indusmcs in Jerusalem.

Much affected by the death o f his eldest brother Yoni - who had fullen while commanding the 1976 Entebbe rescue operation to free the passengers of an Air France airliner held hostage in Uganda - Benjamin Netan}'llhu initiated and organized two inter­national conferences on ways to combat international telTOrism, in 1979 in Jenlsalem and in 1984 in v\~1.shington. These forums attracted key political figures and opinion-makers in the interna­tional community.

In 1982 Netan}'llhu joined Tsrncl's diplomatic mission in the

Page 2 z) Tbr ]m/sa/t'III C()I/I/trti()/1

Unitl.J States - sening for twO years as DepUly Chief of Mission under then-ambassador Moshe Arens. H e W:lS also a member of the first delegation to the talks on strategic cooperation between Israel and the United States. In 1984, Netanyahu was appointed Israel 's ambassador to the United Nlitions and held this position for four years. A~ U.N. ambassador, Netanyahu led the effort that opened the U.N. Nazi War C rimes Archives in 1987. An articu­late speaker, forceful debater, and media-oriented diplomat, he played a key role in effortS to enhance Tsrnel's image and impro\'c understanding of the COWltry's security needs among the "movers and shakers" in American public life.

Soon after returning to Israel in 1988, Benjamin Netanyahu entered the political arena and was elected a Member of Knesset by the Likud party and was appointed Deputy Nlinister of Foreign Aif.lirs. H e sen'ed in this position for fOu r years, marked by the intifada; the 199 1 Gulf War; and thc Madrid Peace Con ference, which initiated the first direct negotiations between Israel and Syria, Lebanon, and 3 jointJordanian delegation.

On March 25,1993, Netanyahu W~IS elected Chaiml.lI\ of the Likud Party and its candidate for P rime Minister. H e led the po­litical opposition in the period prior to and following the assassi­nation of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin - a time eharncteri7.ed by volati le public debate on basic is~'Ues, sparked by controversy over ramifications of the Oslo agreements and escalating Palestinian terrorism.

In 1996, in the first direct elections of an Israeli P rime Nlinister, Benjamin Netanyahu defeated the im.'Ulllocm Labor candidate Shimon Peres, and became:": the ninth Prime Minister of the State of Israel, sening until 1999.

After the completion of his tem]:lS Prime Minister, Net:.myahu senred as a business consultant to L~I"Jcli high-tech companies and was a popular speaker on the global lecrure circuit. In 2002 he re­turned to politics, first 3S j\>Unister of Foreign Affuirs (No"ember 2002 until February 2003) and then as Minister of Finance, unti l August 1005. During the 17th Government of Isracl, he sen'ed ;Is the Head of the Opposition in the Knesset.

Ln Febnlary 2009, following the elections to the 18th Knesset, Benjamin Netanyahu was charged with fanning the next govern­ment when his party won the second most seats in the election but he was believed to have the hcst chance of building a coalition to foml the go\'emment.

Benjamin Neranyahu has written a number of books that ap­peared in H ebrew and English, \\ith some also translated into Russian, French, Arabic, Japanese and o ther languages, among them Self Portrait of a Hero: From the Letters of Jo nathan Ne­t.1.nyahu 1963-1976 (edited 1978), Intem;Itional Terrorism: Chal­lenb>e and Response (edited 1979), lcrrorism: How the \-Vest Can Volin (edited 1987); A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations (1991); and Fighting Terrorism: I-low Democrades Can Defeat Domestic and Lnternational Terrorism (1996).

Benjamin Netan}'llhu is married to Sara, a psychologist, and is a futher of three, Noa, Y.1ir, and Avner. lOe

May - JW1C 2009 • !VtU-Silld1/-7;mmlllz 5769

Beware our American friend Saying 'no' to Obama won't necessarily undermine

our friendship with US

By Elyakim Haetzni

l3arnk Obama has a lovely personal­ity, :md moreover, the holiday of freedom brings together the blacks and the Jews, who were among the greatcst fighters for African-American equali ty. Sti ll , we were hun by Condoleezza Rice, who identified us with the white people who persecuted her during childhood, while \~cwing lhe Palestinians as the persecuted party.

Table of Contents 2 Benjamin Netanyahu

3 Beware our American friend

4 For t he Record

6 America 'Moves Toward Aban-donment of Israel .'

7 The Proposed Palestinian State: A Deal-Maker or a Deal-Breaker?

8 The Protocals of the Drinkers of Coffee

9 Independent Norwegian poll : Palest inian majority opposes two states

10 Elected U.S. presidents are presidents of the U.S., not of Israel

12 The Two-State Solut ion - we've been there befo re

14 The Orig ins of the Dead Sea Scrolls

16 Choosing life in the Land where God Breathed Life

17 It 's not (really) up to Bibi

18 The Voice of Ch ristian Zionism 19 Words must mean something 20 Speaking of the End Times 21 Moving away from our long -

st anding relationship with Israel

22 Faith Lessons from Israel

23 Myth & Fact

24 Where is America in Bible Prophecy?

26 Replacement Theology

28 Hebrew for the Goyim

May - J une 2009 • Ivnt·Sh:nll-Tammllz 5769

M eanwhile, Obamas r ivals referred to him as "Hussein," his mjddle name, in o rdcr to slam him. Yet in his recent visit to the Turkish parl iament, his hosts hap­pened to emphasize his "Hussein-ness," and such things are coordinated with the guest. OIY.una, who has urged uS to put ourselves in the shoes of the Palestinians, not only backs them; he also identifies with them.

Vle shall fee the difference soon. Barack H ussein O bama's jXlli<.y cornerstone is the est;lblishment of "Palestine," on the as­sumption this will extract the Americans from the mess in Iraq :lI\d Afghanisr.lIl, destroy the Taliban in P,lkisrall, :l.I1d ap­pease Iran.

Often when referring to cancer, peo­ple prefer to talk about "this disease, you know." Around here we talk about "the price, you know," in order not to !,'U imo demil about what shall be left here after Palestinc is established. They speak cau­tiously, as one would address a patient he­fan: ampumtion.

Yet in the fitce of the rnzor~sharp ul­timatum we can e.-.:pect from Obama, enough with the hints: lmagine a border :It Jerusalem !; Jaffu gate, with anned Pal­estinians standing on the Old Citys wall. lllla ~,'i ne a Dead Sea that is half in Jordan, and 50% of the remaining half helonging to Palestine.

Imagine a N egev divided into t\\,o near

See Beware, pag' 19

On The Cover: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu and President Barack 1... ____ Obama.


The Jerusalem Connection, Int' l. p.o. Sox 20295. W<lshington, DC 20041

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E-m.1il: inloOtjci.Ofg

On the web: www.tjd.org

Rev. James M. Hut(hen5. Ph.D" Editor & Publisher Chilplilin (Brigitdier Generill) u.s. Army (Ret.) Shelley Neese Milnaging Ed itor Or. Rkhilrd Booker, Dr. Daniel McCabe. SUln Goodenough

Contributing Edit()f';

Advisory Board Senator William L Armstrong MKhMI L Brown Ph.D. - President ICN Ministries Senator Jim Bunning P<lul G. Cerjan - Weoten<lnt Gener<l!. USA (Ret) R<lbbi J<lmie Cowen • President, Union of Messi<lnK Jewish Congregations Richilrd D. Che~W - Major General. USA (Ret) C09, The PlIttGn Museum FoundMion MK Rabbi Benny Elan . Member The Knesset of Israel General Shimon Erem (Ret.)· Pres. The Israel -Christian Nexus Arnbauado r YOfam Ettinger · President, US-lYael OppOrtunities, LTD Dr. Arthur F. Glaner - Deiln ErneritllS, Fuller TheoIogi·

cal Seminary SChoof of Intercultural Studies Jane A. Hansen · P!-esidentICEO Aglow Internat ional Morton A. Klein _ National P'resiMnt, Zionist Organiz.a· tiorI of Amedca (lOA)

Bill Koenig · President. Koenig Intemiltional News Rabbi Daniel lApin • President of Toward Tradition Esther Levens - President 8i (fa. The National Unity Coalition for Israel Mkhael D. Linle · President-COO. The Chri!!ian Broitd· (itSling Network Inc. Jan Markell - President Olive Tree Mini!!ries Nina May · Chairman, The Renaissance Foundation Rabbi Dr. Gerald M. Meister · former Adlli~ at the fore ign Ministry of Israel for hr.ael-Christian Affairs Major General Sir Laurence New· President. As~a· tion of Mifitary Christian Fellowship ThomM Neumann - Exewtive Director. Jtwis/1lnstitlJte 101' Nat. S«urities Affairs Janet Parshall - Syndicated radio talk show hostess Rosem.1ry Sdlindier · President · Schindler's M

Robert Sterns · President. Eagles Wings John W . Swail~ III. Ph.D. _ Professor of History and Dirl'('(or of the Center for ISlael o'IInd Middle east Studies. Oral Roberts University Herbert Z\wIbon . Chairman. A.rnericiIrl'I For A Sitle br.oef

Ankles: ""'.-ond __ .......... ;"n.._Comt<I""'_ .... _"'_..-..._ond....,. ... ""'-..._ .... _01 .... _ ... _"' .... _"''''''_t:onnonIon,lnI'I.'''''~oI f'l'I'nz r\!!t!!M'i",!!! /!!ylf!!p~doft-........" ..".,-_ ... _-_ .. _ ..... ...... _"' ..... _ .................... ...... ""'_~.., •• ~~_50'IdUl"'" iI1ICo'NI_~tnd~_m_ .. Incorntw.tiillliftw._­.... _~Tho_~..,_"""""'_"' ..... ~"' ...... ""lI\'ll '!M ... __ ....",,~_ ...,.",.,..~ __ .......... _"'ea..-.ott .... ;" ....

Vlrgih'a Dt¢ 01 ~"'" Me' ConIiJmtf s..Mcfl. fIId'Imond. VA.

C 2009 The Jerusalem Connection, International

Tbt' JmlS(II~1I CIlI11Un;Oll I) Page 3

For The Record May. - June 2009

The Coming Collision \Vhen an irresistible force meets an

unmovable objeCt a collision results. That appears to be the forthcoming scenario be~ lwccn President Obama and Prime Min­ister Netanyahu . But this is only "Round One."

From day one of his presidem::y Mr. Ohama has put on a full"{:oun press to establish the J>olitkally correct mantra of a "m'Q-statc solution with Israel and Pal­estine living side by side in peace." Never mind the filet that all attempts at this since 1948 have been abysmal failures. The pri­mary reason for these failures is the Pales­tini:IIlS are not partners in S/..'Cking peace with Israel. Rather, they continue [0 insist on the esmblishmcnt of a Palestinian SCIre on the ashes and tornl removal of the Stne of Ismcl. Check it out itS in their charter documents.

Blithely ignoring this reality, both the Special Envoy to the Nlidcast, George Nlitchell and 5ccrerary of State I-lillary Clinton continue to pressure their un-

Page 4 0 Tb, Jrrtlsalrlll COlli/miD"

equivocAl oommitrm:nt to a two-state-solu­tion. This has been re-enforced by a rapid succession of visits to WashinbrtOn by King AbdulJah 11 of Jordan, President of the Pal­estinian Authority, M·ahmoud Abbas and even P rimeM.inister Netanyahu. President Obama's visit to the Mideast in June could seal the d(.'al for the immediate filrure, cs­pe<..ially if he "makes an offer they can't refusc." Pro~r1y understood, the Ohama administrations increased coercion of Is­rael to confornl is nothing less than yet an­other attempt to appease the Arab/,\'Iuslim world. L<;rael's security and national interest are of little concern

For Bible beliC\·ers this on-broing dip­lomatic dance must be viewed within the come.'\1: of the prophctic Scriprurcs. For example, Zechariah 11:1 fr. speaks of a time when God says, "/ (1111 going to make JmlSllkm 0 ClIp ,hll' smds nil thl' S111"TOlI1l1lillg people ruling .... 011 thot My whm ail IIntio1/.S of the f'tn1b lIre gar/}f'1wl "gniM 1m; I will makr JrrllSltfem (m IIlmllW(lbI, rock. All wbo fly to ""(fIJ1' it will i1ljure tbl'1JIsl'lves. " If when God says "all nations," He really means ".i!ll," then this must include the United States as well. It is indeed, a sobering and regrettable thought to think that our own beloved America would be one of those nations gathered againsr Israel. Trngically, th.is seems to be the trajectory the Ohama administration is on. The God-ordained resul t is that we and not Israel are " in­jured."

Furthennore, the stance President Ohama has taken regarding Iran is trOu­bling, certainly for the United States, but existentially for Israel. E,;dentiy, he sees diplom:ltic talks "~th Iran as the primary means of curtailing Iran's dash for nucle­ar capability. However, notions are now afloat suggesting that since we can't curtail their thirst for nuclear power, we must ac­cept it and keep it closely monitored. For the U.S., fur removed from the region, :l nuclear lr.m is tolemble. For Isr:lcl it is in­tolerable. It is a matter of SUf\lival. Prime

J im Hutchens

Min ister Nctanyahu has already indicated that if the United States does nothing about the Iranian nuclear threat, Israel will h:lVe to do so preempti,·el),. ·l11e prophet Zechariah seems [Q have this possibili ty in mind when he says, 'VII that diry / ;;:iU "ulMe

the lenden ofJudl1b like 11 }irtpot ill n WO(J(J­pile, like a jlnming tJJrrb (nllqllg shl'IIVG. They u:ill ro11!1I1J1l' rigbt mId Iq; nil fbI' nlfTOlI1ldil1g

peoples, b/lt JrrllSll/f!fIl ";ill m llllil1 inflict ill hIT piner. "(Zechariah 11:6).

Sadly, the trump card Israel has con­sistently refused to play since its re-birth III 1948, is the Biblical filet that God h:ls

May - June 1009 • iVot-SivOII- TaIllII/fIZ 5769

decreed to the Jews forever, by covenant prontise, the land they now live in. j\![ost of Israels leaders have been secular with liule commiunent to the proclamations of the Bible. Unless and until an Israeli lead­er emerges who advocates Tsraels standing based on the eternal covenants of God, any political effortS will be futi le. The land of Israel is the God-given inheritance of the descendants of Abraham .

The covenants God has made with Is­rael should be at the top of the list of :my Peace Plan Israel agrees to. As ~1 matter of fact the first ilem on the agenda of our k msalelll CoIJnectiolJ f eaIT finn is, "The Covel/oms of God. The modem Stott of Isratl is (I pnl1ial fu/fzlhllent ofGod~ il1n1mtoble all(/ evedastillg Cf)Vf1WIlf promises to {»V1.Jide 1111t1-fio1101 h011lelolld for tbe Je-..vish people ill Rn­ticipation of tbeir ultimate redemptiol1 whel1 Messiab C(l1lIt:;. (Genesis 15: 18; 17:7-8). Thus these promises must be consid­ered valid and relevant for today and foundational to any further peace plan discussions. God has a vested interest in lsrdel and theJewish people d13t has not been denied since the founding of

the world. To deny Providential input into any peace plan involving Israel is to invite rejection and failure at the outsct." (See the fullJe17l .. rtllcm COl/nectioll Peace Pilm at www.tjci.org)

Expectations that the Obama adminis­tration will bring God's covenants to the negotiating table are futile . It's not going to happen. But is there an Israeli leader who will claim his Bibli t'al inheritance and make the covenant promises of the God of Israel an unconditional requirement for any peace plan? Time will tell. It may hap­pen only when another of God's promises are fu lfilled. Again through ule prophet Zechariah, God says, "1 will POIWOllt 01/ fbe bOllse of Dnvid and tbe inhabit01lts 0fJerllSlf­Inll n spitit of grace and supplication. They 71,ill look to me, tbr olle tbt] bnve pien:ed, and fbey will mourn for !Jim lIS one mOll/7ll for (111 only child, and K'ieve bitterly for bim lIS olle K"ieves jurffjirsrb&17Isrm."(Zechariah 12:10). Un­til thcn, it appears a collision is inevitable. Still this is only "Round One."

Anti-Semitism and the Economic Crisis

By Ira Stoll

'~la l king down tile street in my solidly upper-middle-class New York C ity neigh­oorhood the other day was a neatly dressed man angri ly cursing into his cell phone aoout "Jew \>\'all Street bankers."

I was headed in the opposite direction and didn' l stop to interview him :lOOut his particular !,rrievances, but the brief encoun­ter crystallized for me a foreboding that the financial crisis may trigger a new outbreak of anti-Semitism.

It is a fear that is being articulated ever more widely. Presidem Bill Clinton's SC<.Te­taryoflabor, Robert Reich, frets on his blog, "History shows how effective demagogic ravings can be when a public is stressed econortUcally.n H e warns that Jews, along with gays and blacks, could become victims of populist rage.

Tn the New York Jewish vVeek news­paper, a column by Rabbi Ronald Price of the Union for Traditional Judaism begins, "In the 1930s, as G ennany's economy col-

May - June 1009 • IVlll-Sivoll- TOllf1l11lZ 5769

lapsed, the finger was pointed at the Jews and the Nazis ascended to power. The fa­mous Dreyfus Affai r, in which a Jew was fa lsely accused of treason in France, fol­lowed on the heels of economic runnoil."

At this juncrure, the trepidation may yet seem like paranoia, o r special pleading akin to the old joke about the newspaper head­line, "\"'orld Ends in Nuclear Attack: Poor, Minorities Hardest H it." Everyone is feel­ing the bnmt of the recession; why worry about the Jews in particu lar? After all, Jews today have two refuges: Israel and America, a land whereJews have attained remarbble power and prosperity and have a constiru­tionaHy protected right to e. .. ercise their re­ligion freely. 10 that case, why worry about potential danger to the Jews at all?

One answer is that me historical prec­edents are exceedingly grim. TIle causes of me First Crusade, in which thousands o r J ews were murdered, are still being debat­ed, but some fU storians link it to famine and a poor harvest in 1095. As for me expuJ-

See Crisis, page 15

The Jer r.:::dlmJ C01111t'ct101l Illternotionfli

Our Mission 1. To inform. educate, and

activate support for Israel and theJewisll people.

2. To serve as advocates of Christian Zionism

Christian ZiQllism is the SIIpport oj the mooem State of lsrtlel as a pm1:ial fulfiJiment of God's CQvellont pnnllise to provide a 11IrtioJJoi b01lJe­umd for the Jewish people, in m,tici­patiol1 oftheir11ltimate redemption.

"For Zion's sake I will not keep sile'llt" - Isaiah 62:1

In this time of growing interna­tional anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Selnitic action in churches, govemmentsl and academia, we stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jcwish people by:

• Confirming the present valid­ity of God 's covenants to Isr'J.el. (Gen.17,7-8)

• Championing A1iyall: the re­gathering of the Jews to Israel. (Is,.4n2).

• Confronting Anti-Semitism. (p..Jm 83,1-4, 18).

• Countering Replacement Theology/Supersessionism. (Rom. 9,4; I U-2).

• Contending for God's heart fOT Israel and the Jewish people. Oer. 32~40-41).

• Comforting the Jewish people and Israel thru ministries of me"'l" (Is<o. 40,1-2).

• Connecting with the Hebraic roots of ChristiatUty. (JohnH2).

Thf ]fTUS(l/fm COIIl/fefilm Q Page 5

America 'Moves Towards Abandonment of Israel' By Israel National News Staff

A1 unnamed fonner highly-placed U.S.intelligence offiLial has broken ilenee and says that America may

soon be abandoning Israel in fuvor of the Arabs. "This is just the beginning", he s.'1 id, "Israel could be about to lose the support of the United St:ltes."

The source Tll~lde these remarks in :111 exclusive interview \\~th Douglas J. Hag­mann, the director of the Northeast Intelli­gence Network (NlN), which is comprised of veteran licensed professional investiga­tors, analysts, militl1)' affairs specialists and researchers. T he group has combined their resources to provide accurme and well­sourced infonnation via their website.

Hagmann appeared on Isracll\~atiOl1al Radio's \Vcekend Edition with host Tamar Yallah.

'When questioned about the IX'Ssible

abandorunem of Israel by America, Hag­mann told YOllah, "TIle Obama adminis­t:Tarion is no friend to Israel, is no frie nd to mc Jews in Amcrit'a and is no friend to democrnLY or freedom in America .... J USt by his very appointments, we can see rum filling positions of power wim people who are anri-Semitic, who want to see Israel es­sentially dissolved as a nation, if not by di­plomacy, men certlinly by war."

In his report, the unnamed intell igence source told Hagmann, "I have every reason to believe, based on what I've seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over me last several years, that Isracl will soon be c.:ompletcly on their own ... or worse." He explained this would happen "when our administration provides lTlore sup­port to Arab countries [with] financial and milimry aid, undercutting Israel's defense efforts all while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable demands designed to end with their political annihi-

Shimon Peres with t hen Senator Barack Obama (July 2008.)

P3g~ 6 (J Th~ Jrmmkm COlllleCTioll

lation as a narion:' l laggman told Yonah that m is offiL;al

broke silence bec.lUSC he had alre-ddy rc­tired from his highJy placed position, and because of his knowledge of the NIN's (Northeast lntell igence Network) position as pro-lsrdel and the way it valued dlC re­lationship between Israel and America. An­other reason, he said, was his own percep­rion of the Biblical aspect of this scenario developing.

T he intelligence officer explained that the turnover of American policy towards Israel could occur through a manner that he dubbed 'malicious intelligence,' which Haggman defined as infonnation that is taken from its raw fOnll. It then is morphed into something else to promote different interests, "where intel1igence and polirics meet and often collide," he said. A method "that has been molded and massaged to advance the agendas of a select few," he elaborated.

In the case of the relationship between America and lsrael, he noted, malicious intelligence is beillg used to tum over the U.S. to a more anti- lsrael policy and forge ahead with a more pro-PA or pro-lslamist one.

Hagmann told Yonah in the radio in­terview, "A perfect example of this is when there was a shooting in Seattle a couple of ycars ago at a Jewish center. The police were ordered by the city officials and by the Federal Govenunent, basically, to not protect the synagogues and other Jewish centers in Seattle, bur to have protection details [instead] at the mosques in Searrlc."

U.S. administr"dtions have apparently been following a policy of abandoning isra­el forseve ral ycars,accordingto Hagmann's report. His inre l"\~ew \\~th the intelligence official cited "the 2005 surrender of Gush Katif to the Palestinian Authori ty as one critical enmplc of the slow dismanclemcnt of israel as a viable nation. Despite criti­cal imeUigence outlining in every possible

See Abandonment. _n

May - June 2009 · /vnr-SiV(III-1il1ll1llllz 5769

The Proposed Palestinian State: A Deal-Maker or a Deal-Breaker? By Yoram Ettinger

Yoram Ettinger

1. TIle Palestinian issue was a deal-breaker during Israel-Egypt peace negotiation. In defiance of Caner and Brzezinski - the " Palestine Firsters" - and in spite of Pal­estinian terroriSt threatS - Begin and Sadat introduced a Palestinian -bypass, thus con­cluding a peace accord. Their dctcnnina­rion to ovt:rcome Vlhite House and Foggy Bottom preoccupation with the Palestinian issue as, supposedly, the root core of the Arab-Israeli confli ct and Mideast violence,

produced a pe:lce ttcaty. It has lowered the prospect of an Arab-lsraeli war, has decreased rcbrionaJ tension and has ad­V"J.nced US intereslS.

2. The Israel-Egypt pr<x:cdcm documents that the road to peace goes through Arab C1pirals and not through Ramallah or Gaza, that the Palestinian issue does not constitute the crown­jewel of Arab politics, that the Palestinians do not possess veto power over Amb policy-making, that the Palestinian issue has not been the cause to the Arab-Israeli conflict and that the Palestinian issue has been employed by Mideast radicals as a fuei- and not as water - to the Mideast fire.

3. During the October 1998 Israel-Jordan peace ceremony, Jor­dan's top milital)' conunand impressed upon their Israeli col­leagues (Q oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan Rivcr, since "it would constitute a death-scn­rence to the Hashemite regime." They e..\'pressed their disil­lusionment \\~th Palestinian collunimlcnrs, "which are signed in the morning and violated in the evening."

4. Israel-Jordan, as well as Israei-Eb,)1)t, peace treaties have with­stood Palestinian opposition and have prevailed despite an on-going Israeli war against Palestinian PLO and H amas rer­ronslTl.

5. A dramatic departure from the Road Map of the l srael-Egypt and Israel-Jordan peace treaties has been conunitted by the 1993 Oslo Aecord and its derivatives: H ebron and Wye Ac­cords, 2nd Camp David and Sharem A-Sheikh conferences, the "Disengagement," Zinni and Mitchell Plans and the Road l\1ap toward a 1\\'0 States solution. Never has "peace process" yielded so much failure, hate-education, terrorism and blood­shed and no success. Oslo and its by-products have subordi­nated the Road Map to an Israel-Arab Peace, Israels national security and US \~tal interesrs to the resolution of the Pal­estinian issue. Switching focus from the Israel-Arab path to

May - June 2009 • IVllt-Sroan-7imll1l/1z, )769

the Isl'.lcl-Palestinian path, and irrespective of ''''estern and Israeli good intentions, the Oslo Accord and its off-springs have played into the hands of Mideast rogue regimes and ter­rorists.

6. The "Palestine Fi rst" approach has produced d07..ens of ini­tiatives, conference';, summit<;, ;lgrcemenrs and cease fire epi­sodes, which have )~elded a series of short-lived illusions of peace and false sense of security. Tt has been promptly and !tystematically violated and cr.lshcd - since Oslo 1993 - by an unprecedented wave of Palestinian hare-education, the manu­f.lcturing line of generic terrorism and homicide oombing.

7. The lwo States solution is based on a series of erroneous as­sumptions, ignonng documented precedents, and therefore constituting an erroneous policy. "Israel and Palestine living side-b}'-side in peace," while the PLO and Hamas have been engJged in a horrific civil \\'ar, while there has not been inter­Arab peace during the l:lst 1,400 years, while there has not been inter-Arab compliance \\~th mOSt inter-Arab agreements during the last 1,400 rears, while there has not been a sin­gle Arab democracy during the kist 1,400 rears??? T he Two States solution has exacerbated regional rurbulence, has fueled terrorism, has promoted war and has reduced the prospects for peace, thus undennining the national securilY of both the US and Israel.

8. Drafting demography to the cause of the 1\\'0 States solution constirutes either a dramatic mistake or an outrJgeous act of misleading (please see http://yornmettinger.newsnet.co.iV FrontfNewsnetlreports.asp?reportld=266030).

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger served as Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel's Embassy in Washington (with a rank of an ambassador). He is the editor of Straight From The Jerusalem Cloakroom and Boardroom newsletters on issues of national security and overseas investments in Israel's high-tech. Contact him at yora [email protected] or http://yoramet­tinger .newsnet.co.il.

Tb( Jff/lSnlem CrJnlllxr;on (J Page 7

The Protocols of the Drinkers of Coffee By Melanie Phillips

W lat we are up against wi~in the [slamic wor~d is quire simply a wholesale neganon of reason; nothing less.

From Egypt, furthe r evidence that the Islamist hatred of the Jews is not caused by Israel's beh3\~our or even its existence. It's caused by... hatred of me

... Many basic products, which may be found in many Muslim households, like the Ariel, Tide, and Persil la un­dry detergents, arc made uy Zionist (."Ompanics. The Coca Cola and Pepsi companies and all their products - Seven Up, Miranda, Fania, and all these proouc:ts, all dle carbon­ated beverages, with very few exceptions that don't bear mention ... Almost all the caroonated beverages arc Zion~

ist-American products. J ews. Egwtian cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub ravcs:

If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start tOying them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely nOt. 'rhe J ews arc infidels - not because I say so, and not becausc they are killing

The girl you see is Esther, the queen of the Jews in Persia ...

[ ... 1 Some restaurantS, I'm sad to say, are teeming with Muslim youth, and their s.1fcs arc full of the money of Muslims ... McDonalds isJewish-Zion­iSt, Kentucky Fried Chicken is J ew­ish-Zionist. Little C.1esar, Pi7za Hut,

Muslims, but because Allah said: 'The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Al lah. These are the words from thei r mouths. T hey imirnre the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deludt."fl they are.' It is Allah who said that they arc infidcls.

Your belief regarding the Jews should be, first, that they are infidels, and second, that they arc enemies. Thcy are enem ies not because they occupied Pa\c,,,tine. TIley would have been enemies even jf they did not occupy :l thing. Allah s:lid: 'You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the disbelievers Isic] to be the Jews and the polytheists.' Third, you mllSt believe th:lt the J ews will never StOp fighting and killing us. Tncy lfight] nO[ for the sake of land and seeurilY, as they claim, bur for the sake of their religion: 'And they will not ce:lse fighting you until they rum you back you're your rel igion, if they can.'

This is it. \"'e must helieve that our fighting \\~th theJews is eternal, and it will not end unti l the fin:ll battle - and this is the fourth poin t. You must bdieve that we will fight, de­feat, and annihilate them, until nOt :l single J ew remains on the face of the Earth.

Egypt, let us not forget, is a 'moderate' Arab state that has a pc;lce agreemem with lsrael. It is nevertheless a major sauro: of har~­ing-mad Je\\~sh demonization in the Arab world. Egyptl:ln Clenc Salama AIxI Al-Qa\\~ warns l\lluslims against the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - the notorious Czarist forged claim that the Jews covertly rule the world - and m:my US companies:

Thcv [the J ews] began conspiring to annihilate the Is­lamic ;nd Arab nation, to plunder its resources, and to de­stroy its youth. Regretfully, the plolS they hatched arc be­ing implemented today in detail. One of their conspiracies, which stemmed from their black harred, was to gain control over the entire global economy, uringing the world under their thumb. So they founded huge companies, which, like spiders, send their webs all over the world. The main goal of these companies was to erase Islamic identity.

Page 8 0 The Jemsn/nll Cl)lmeff;rJII

Domino's Pizza, Burbrcr King ... By the way, all these products, which 1 have mentioned ... In ad~

dition, there is a new type of coffee these da}'s ... All these are pure Zionist products, espedally what is known :lS Srar~

bucks, the well-known coffee. It is Zionist. Ah yes, Smrbucks: home of the Zionist genocidal apartheid bean. In January, Egyptian Cleric Sa fwat Higazi brought viewers of al Nas 1V urgent news about the StIrbuc:ks logo:

l ias any of you ever wondered who this woman with a crown on her head is? Why do we boy­(."Olt Smrbucks? ... T he b<irl o n the Star­bucks logo is Queen Esther. Do you know who Queen Esther was and what the crown on her head means? This is the crown of the Persian Kingdom. T his queen is the queen o f the Jews. She is mentioned in me Torah, in the Book of Esther. TIle gi rl you see is Esther, the queen of the Jev.-s in Persia ...

Can you believe that in Mecca, AI­Madina, C1iro, Damascus, Kuwait, and all over the Islamic world, hangs the picture ofbc.1utiful Queen Esther, with a crown o n her head, and we buy her productS.! ... I\.ve wam Sr-.trbucks to be shut down throughout the Arab and Isl:lInic world. \Ne want it to be shut down in Metta and in AI-Ma­d ina. I implore J(jng Abdallah bin Abd AI-'Aziz., the Cus­[odi:m of the Two Holy Mosques: It is inconceivaule that in Nlecca and Al-Maclina, there will be a picture of Queen Esther, the queen of the J ews.

As anyone ean see, however, the fema le figure in the Starbucks logo has two fish tIils. This is a due that ~hc ~ not .Esther, q ueen of the J ews in Persia. She is instead a tWill-tIlled Slren of Greek mytholob'Y. This is because the company is apparently named in pan after StIrbuck, Captain Ahab:S fi rst mate in tlle book Moby Dick. \Vhat we are up against within the Lslamic world is qui te simply a wholesale negation o f reason; nothing less. IOc

Melanie Phillips is a British journal ist and author of. most recentty, Londonistan. She is best known for her controver­sial column about poli t ical and social issues which currently appears in the Daily Mail. She was awarded the Orwell Prize for journalism in 1996.

May - June 2009 · /vnl-Sivnn-7immlllz 5769

- • T

Independent Norwegian poll: Palestinian • • maJonty opposes two states

UE UKA fi le Special Repo rt

Amid the ping-pong between Washing­ton and Jerusalem over the validity of a Pal­estinian state established alongside lsrael as the end-product of peace negotiations, the Nornocgian Fafo institute which sponsored the 1993 Oslo Framework accords decided to find out how the Palestinians felt about this solution. Its main discovery \vas that a majority, 53 percent, of Palestinians (like hiraelis), is :lbrainst two states.

This figure breaks down into 33 percent, who opt for the annihilation of the state of Israel, whether by political means or force of anns - to be replaced by a single Islamic

.\by - June 1009 • luat-Sh'flll- TamTllflZ 5769

republic on all parts of the country; <lnd 20 percent, which favors a un.ited IsI'Jeli-Pal­estinj~1l St'dtc, to be eventuaUy Cllb'\llfcd by lhe latter population.

When Hamas members arc poUcd sep· arately, support for twO st.nes drops to 21 percent.

Publication of these findings by the Fafo Institute for Applied Imenlational Studies, which is supported by Norwegian for· eign ministry and rcspc(.ted by European NUddle East polity-makers, indit-atcs that its researchers have given up on the Oslo Accords and the n..-o-state goal pursued by \Nashington.

However, DEBKAfile's Washington sources expect extreme reluctance on the

part of the Ohama administration to abm· don this goal bel<lUse it is the only poucy objc(.uve it has developed and is being used, funhennore, as a key to open the administration's diplomatic door to the Muslim world, eSJX-"Cially in the Afghani. stan-Pakistan arena (now lumped together as the "Afpak" front).

The US president's advisers are urging him to speed up lsmel·Palestinian peace­making for these ends - even if it means fo isting the t\\'o-state objective on the Is· metis. Proof that the Palestinians too will have to be whipped into line brings the venture close to a mission impossible.

Thr ]erwninll COlllltctioll ¢: PJge 9

· : . -

************************************ Elected u.s. presidents are presidents of the U.S., not of Israel By Michael Anbar

T his mvial statement seems to

elude many Americans, especial­ly many Amen<-":]n Je .... 'S.

Having grown up in prc- 19481sracl as a member of the narionalunderground and having experienced the 1947 .Arab siege of Jerusalem, before joining the fledgling JAF in 1948. Then living for half of my life as a naturalized US citizen, gives me a unique historical per..l>ectivc.

lsrnel is the ancient homeland of the 3300 ycar-old Jewish nation, over which it lost sovereignty several times during its long history. The US is the homeland of the 222 year-old sovereign American n:l­tion. Each of these two nations tries to

Page 101) Tbe JerllSllkm Comlf(tiQII

maintain its independence and sovereign­I)'. Each has irs distinct national inrcrcsts, though almost half of the Jewish nation

... almost half of the Jewish nation live in the US as its citi­zens.

live in the US as its citizens. Unless it meets it own national i nter~

ests, the US has no reason to maintain the survival of L .. mci as a Jewish sovereign state. This is wh}' President Truman rec~

ognized Isrdell,; independence only de-fiU:f.Q on May 15th 1948, assuming it would be defeated in less than a month. Expecting its demise, Truman imposed on Israel :m arms embargo while it was struggling for suI'\~v31.

On the other hand, because of its own national intercsts, the USSR recognized Jsmcl de:illre on May 16'" and started to provide it with weapons vital for its con~ tinued existence. Israel would not have survived in 1948 if nOt for the shipments of anns from the Soviet Bloc, not because Stal in lovedJews but because Russia hoped that Israel would become a base for Soviet expansion in the Middle East.

President Truman did not hate Je .... 'S,

like President Frankl in Roosevelt before him (remember FO R's inhumane treat~

May ~ J une 2009 • Ivar·SivlIlI~'Jif/!mIllZ 5769

ment of the S.S. Saint Louis refugees, which he condemned to death by returning them from Miami to Hamburg, or his refusal to ransom live Jews for trucks, and to stop the Nazi death machine in Auschwitz, knowing of it in since 1941). Truman simply knew that there were many more M uslim Arabs in the world than Jews. He did what he con­sidered was in the best national interest of the US.

President Eisenhower saved Egypt from a catastrophic defeat by his allies • GB, France and Israel, so as to gain favor with the Arabs. If not for Eisenhower, the Near East would never have developed its current hostile anti-Western behavior for fear of a united West. Moreover, Eisenhower's inter· vention did dot prevent Egypt from joining the Soviets, until its defeat by Israel in 1967. In other words, Eisenhower's pro·Arab policy backfired. Eisenhower did not do tltis because he loved Arabs more than Jews, but because he thought that this was in the best interest of the US.

President Nixon did not love Jews, as documented in his diaries, but he did sup· port Israel as an American strategic ally in tile Cold war. President Reagan had certain­ly wanner feelings toward Jews than Presi­dent Caner, his predecessor, but he did not need to weigh the national interests of the US against those of Israel.

We must remember that the religious· political goal of all Muslims, not just Iran, is to wipe Israel off the map, one way or the other. In view of this we must understand the policies of President George Bush the elder, who showed Israel a cold shoulder so as to maintain his good relationships with dle Saudi rulers. This he believed was in the best interest of the US.

President Clinton may have cared about the entire Arab world, so he made Yas­ser Arafat, the nOtorious arch·terrorist, the most welcome guest in the "\Vhite T-Iouse. Clinton probably despised Arafat but pur­sued a policy that he perceived to be in the best national interest of the US.

President GW Bush may have admired the achievements of the Jewish state, which by the end of the Cold War in 1991 lost pan of its strategic value to the US; therefore, he succumbed to Arab pressure to create a new Judenrein Arab state west of the River Jordan. GWB must have known, especially after tile Gaza experience, that creation of tltis non-viable Arab "state" is just a stage in the eventual liquidation of Israel by the Muslims.

May - June 2009 · /vnt-Sivall-Tnmmllz 5769

Still, T do not fault President Bush. Like President Truman before him, GVVB real­ized that there are so many more Muslims who hate Israel because of thei r misojudaic religion (religion is notup for negotiation or compromise) than dlere are Jews. Moreover, Islamic political power has tripled since 1948 and the Muslims have taken full control of the UN. Consequen tly, like other US presi· dents before him, GWB acted in the best national interest of the US as he perceived these to be.

This brings us to President Obama who is now trying his best to deal with the Islamic world not from a position of strength but of humility. For him the elimination of Israel, which is so despised by Muslims, is a small price to pay to gain Islamic sympatlties.

H ere I strongly disagree with President Obama's approach since the US will tlevr:r

gain tile sympathy or even tolerance of the Muslims, who are bound by their religion to impose it, including its ethics and lifestyle, on all humanity. President Ohama, who must be familiar witll Islam more than the average American, because ofltis upbringing in Indonesia, seems to overlook the intrinsic conBiet between the politicaVideological 3Sw

pirations of Islam and those of the US. However, President Obama, was elected

by a substantial majori ty of Americans, in· eluding 78% of American Jews, and has a mandate to conduct American economy and social structure according to his ideology. T he same is true of his foreign policy, which may lead to tile demise of the State of Israel. I-Ie does this not because he hates Jews, who seem to love him, but because this is what he feels is best for the US. He was elected presi­dent of dus country and nor of Israel.

President Obama seems to overlook that the religjon.driven illunitigated political goal of Islam is world supremacy. The fall of Israel, especially of Jerusalem, into Is· lamic hands will give a tremendous boost to radical Islam, and embolden it to attempt to subjugate the US "T he Great Satan." The Muslims will interpret the conquest ofJeru· salem as a divine proof of the superiority of Islam over Judaism and Christiartity. TItis is the eminent danger for ""'estern civilization inherent in Obama's current Middle East policies.

They say that the road to hell is paved with noble intentions. This may be true.

" Mlcm.I ....,,""'. PhD, h. ","of....,. fn tho ~ of Mod;.;""., ,n" Un; .. ,.;,y of ,uti . ...

Abandoment. , ......

manner imaginable that this would be a disastrous move leading to the events we are seeing today [rocket and missile fire on Tsrael], it was done anyway," he stated.

In the report that Hagmann posted on tile NIN (Northeast In· relligence Network) he cited one of his sources explaining, "Now you can see where intelligence and politics meet and often collide, ... " the Obama administration is being purposeJy filled with people who are truly anti-Israel, either because of their own financial interests or a larger globalist agenda that does not include Israel, or for that mat­ter, the United States as a sover· eign nation.

'Whatever the reason, the anti-Israel, pro-Islamist policy makers will be appointed or have already infIltrated nearly alllevcls of the U.S. govemment. TIlese are the people who place anti· Selniric references in school text· books, promote revisionist history regarding Islam, 9/11, and are the same people who allow or even promote the Islamic agendas in aU aspects of Westem society, es· pecially the restrictions all speech against Islam.

'WltI) regard to the latter, note tllat the United Nations is quite in­volved in forcing the restriction of 'hate speech' and the implementa­tion of global standards, some that have already been adapted by Eu­ropean nations," noted the source. H agmann reports that "the Middle East will be the site of 'the coming war,' and Israel will be at its epi­center. ]f we swvive as a nation, the U.S. will not be on the side of righteousness in this war, instead turning our back to . or our guns against - our only true friend in tile Middle East - Israel," he said.

The JmlSl1lem Omnection ¢ Page 11

The Two-State Solution -we've been there before. By Victor Sharpe

In considering the present hate-fest against Israel and the growing chorus of demands for a "Two-State Solution" to the Israel-Palestinian canllier, it is instructive to go back to the year 1922.

What the world conveniently forgets, or is ignorant of, is that the reborn Jewish homeland had previously been dismem­bered while still in the womb by Great Britain in 1922.

Britain had conquered the territory known as Palestine in 1917118 and had liberated Jerusalem in 1917 from a four hundred year old Turkish Ottoman oc­cupation. At the San Rema Conference in 1920, the League of Nations gave Britain the Mandate of the geographical territory known as Palestine.

But in 1922, the British Colonial Of­fice headed by Wmston Churchill bad arbitrarily abrogated the promises made by Britain under the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, had pledged that Britain would create in MandatoI)' Pales­tine a Jewish National Home.

At that time, the territory of the Pales­tine Mandate extended far beyond dIe Riv­er Jordan - as far as the western boundary of another new enti ty carved out in Meso­potamia by Britain from the old Ottoman Empire --. lraq.

The British government however broke its promise by tearing away all of the Man­date territory east of the River Jordan and giving it to the Arab Hashemite tribe. This area constituted four fifths of the original Palestine Mandate, some 35,000 square nilles.

Jews were immediately forbidden to live within dIe new Arab territory. It became in effect, judenrein (the Nazi German word for the elimination of Jews from a lerri­tory) Arab style.

Then, in 1923, an additional dismem­berment of the J ewish homeland occurred

Page 12 * ThtJt17lsaltmComm:tioll

when the British and French colonial pow­ers decided that the Golan H eights, an­cient biblical Bashan, should be tom away from the Palestine Mandate and given to the French occupiers of Syria.

Israel has been reconstituted, in pan:, within its ancestral and biblical lands since 1948 but is still faced with the existential threat of genocide at the hands of the Mus­Lim and Arab world. Israel is administering the so-called West Bank, which it liberated from Jordanian Arab occupation during its defensive JWle, 1967 Six Day War.

TheJewish state, reduced to a tiny sliver of land smaller than New Jersey, and ever obliged through international pressure to take risks by agreeing to "land for peace" but never, ever receiving peace, is faced with the relentless continuation of the plan to divide up again what remains of Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, by now tearing away its biblical and ancestral heartland.

J udea and Samaria, known throughout the world by its Jordanian Arab name, the "Vest Bank, is the precious territol)' the world wants to give to a fraudulent people who call themselves Palestinians in order to create a fraudulent state to be called Palestine. No such independent, sovereign state has ever existed throughout history -certainly not as an Arab state.

Land for peace and the Two-State solu­tion are combined in a deathly embrace to force Israel into agreeing to pennit within its very borders the creation of such an Arab terror state; the 23rd Arab state.

In 1989, the U.S. State D epartment set three conditions for dealing with Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Orga­nization: recognition of Israel, acceptance of U.N. Resolution 242 and renunciation of terrorism.

Predictably, the PLO did none of these three. Instead it used the lexicon of the Arab bazaar into bamboozling a procession of U.S officials into believing it was ago­nizing over surrender to American diktats. Of course it was doing no such clling, but the State Department fell, hook, line and

sinker, into the trap, ruling that the PLO had met all three conditions.

Almost at the same time the State De­partment was certifying PLO compliance, Arafat, speaking in Arabic to his Arab sup­porters, reassured them tllat the PLOs diplomatic maneuvers were merely part of a phased approach to the liquidation of Israel.

Arafat was speaking to Muslims in a mosque in South Africa wherein he indi­cated that they should not worry. H e had no intention ofhonocing any peace agree­ment with me Jews and mentioned cile Treaty of H udabiyya.

That treaty, which Mohammed, the fmUlde r of [slam, made in the 7th cen­tury with a non-Muslim tribe was violated by him as soon as he fel t h.is forces strong enough to defeat the other party to the agreement. Arafat's Muslim audience im­mediately understood that Mohanuned's precedent applies to all and every agree­ment signed by Muslims with non-Mus­lims; those whom they call "infidels."

Arafat was the worlds arch terrorist and leading exponent of the PLO's two-phase strategy to first grab whatever territory it could from a naive Israel, thus reducing is­rael to indefensible borders, and then from its new base, continue its assault on what little remained of the Jewish st,1te.

The creation firs t of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza was Arafat's old strategy, now fully employed by the 50-

called moderate leader of the Palestinian Authority; Holocaust denier and terrorist in a suit, Mahmoud Abbas.

Fast forward twenty years from 1989 to now and the same State Department is pressing Israel to make catastrophic con­cessions to the same PLO wlder its present incarnation, the Palestinian Authority.

But the latest Secretary of State, Hill­ary Clinton, has made it an article of faith to relentlessly push for a Palestinian state that will inevitably be hostile to Israel, built upon the very ancestral and biblical heart­land of ancient Israel: Judea and Samaria

May - June 2009 • lvat-Sivan-Tnm1l11lz 5769

(the West Bank). Nothing has changed since 1989. Mah­

moud Abbas, the current leader of Fatah and the C hainnan of the Palestinian Au­thority, may have altered the harsh rheto­ric of hostility towards Israel but the PLO charter still declares, "Palestine stretches from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River" and it vows "elimination of Zionism in Palestine." This means the total destruc­tion of the embattled Jewish state.

In an article titled "Peace as a Strategic Option," in the April, 2008 edition of the New English Review, Hugh Fitzgerald stated that;

"Abbas for his pan, has always been a weak leader, and he and his other Fatah warlords are seen, cor­rectly, as willing to mouth certain phrases for the Americans - we choose peace. But Abbas never fails to add another phrase, which signals clearly to Arab audiences that Hud­abiyya is the model; Hudabiyya the aim as a strategic option.

"The Americans never under­stand what that phrase means. It is a little puzzling or troubling, SO better for them, and for the peace-process, not to think about it, much less dis­cuss it." Arafat always reaffirmed the goal of the

[\vo phase strategy whereby whatever land Israel gave away would form a Palestinian state from which to launch the next phase: the destruction of Israel. We all see what has happened in Gaza - a horror that will Wldoubtedly be repeated within J udea and Samaria.

A few months later the head of the PLO's political department said tllat, " .. we shall pitch our tent in those places which our bullets can reach ... tIus tent shall tIlen form the base from which we shall later pursue tile next phase."

The question must be asked, what are Israel's options as Seeretary Clinton pur­sues her determined assault upon Israel's security and President Ohama courts Iran and the Arab states whjle growing ever cooler to Israel?

Apart from the J ewish state's spiritual, physical, and historic patrimony in the land, the security risks that Clinton impos­es by demanding that Israel maintain fewer and fewer checkpoints to protect Israeli ci­vilians from Palestinian terror attacks are unbearable.

It also patencly exhibits her total disre-

May -JWle 2009 · 1vat-SiVlln-TI11117JlltZ 5769

1 Till"'\( TH~ oNtI' l,P.S1iNG solOlio", IS A 1INO Sf ATE rEACf w..1-I ...

gard for Israeli suffering and an increasing­ly tranSparent favoring of tile Palestituans. P resident Obama and his advisors also ap­pear to be pushing the Saudi peace plan, which is inimical to Israel's security.

In return for Israel's physical and tan­gible concessions it is now understood, by all who have eyes to see, that the Jewish state never receives anything at all in return from the Arabs.

"Land for Peace," whereby Israel gives away its biblical lands to the Arabs yet never receives peace, is as ruinous for the J ewish state as for the thirsty soul lost in the desert who is led to ultimate doom by an illnsory mirage. Concessions lead down a one way street, which only the Israeli car drives upon. It is a roadmap to national sui­cide; the proof gained painfully from previ­ous concessions.

1 am reminded of the words spoken by Max Nordau, aJ ewish philosopher and Zi­crust leader. H e was speaking to perhaps the greatest Zionist of aU time, Vladimir "Ze'ev" JabotinsJ...y

Nordau said, " ... the Jew learns not by way of reason but from catastrophes. H e won't buy an umbrella merely because he

ol>lE SlATE ON ~ARS AliI:> T~f oTlifR 5TA1E ON PLuTo.

seeS douds in the sky. H e waits until he is drenched and catches pneumonia."

Jabotittsky was later to have his heart broken as European Jewry rejected his im­passioned warnings of their inuninent ex­termination at the hands of Nazi Germany. T he Nazi leaders euphelnistically called their planned and systematic genocide tile Final Solution. Tbat is what the Two-State Solution euphemism also ponends.

As Fitzgerald states, " ... one can try now this, and now that. One can fly about, con­ducting shuttle diplomacy. One can force this tangible concession out of the Israelis, and now that one, in exchange, as always, for pronuses, only promises, and the state­ment - deeply disturbing - that 'we have chosen peace as a strategic option.'

"Or one can do sometlling else. One can look steadily and whole at those texts and tenets of Islam, and read what tile scholars say about treaty-making belWeen Muslims and non-Muslims.

"The indispensable understanding of the relevant doctrines can be found in Ma­jid Khadduri's War and Peace in Islam,'

See Two-State. _" Tbe ]erurakm COllnectioll (:I Page 13

The Origins of the

Dead ~a Scrolls By Shelley Neese

T he discov­ery of the first Dead

Se:I Scrolls in 1 947 marked the begin­ning of a new era in Biblical scholar­ship. The scrolls predated the oldest

Shelley Neese known copies of the __ '---____ Hebrew Bible by

a thousand years. They outlined the messianic hopes, pro­phetic interpretations, apocalyptic beliefs, and strict conununal practices of a Jewish community unlike either the Pharisees or Sadducees, the twO most well-known sects of the Second Temple period. After a half century more of archeological excavation and scroll study one glaring question re­mains unanswered: \oVho wrote the Dead Sea ScroUs?

Ahnost inmlcdiately, the scrolls were associated widl Qumran, an area of ruins Dcar the Dead Sea. Out of 11 caves, six are within a quarter mile of Qumran. The cave which stored the largest cache of scrolls is just 500 yards from the ruins. In addition, Jodi Magness, a University of North Caro­lina professor, identifies another connec­tion between Ql1ITlnln and the scroUs; the same peculiar type of pottery jars that con­tained the scrolls was excavated at Qwn­ran. Excavations also revealed several ink wells-a rare find at comparable sites from this period and potential evidence that at least some occupants were scribes. Ac­cording to this logic, the Dead Sea Scrolls must have made up a permanent library for the inhabitants of Qumran. But who were Qumran's residents?

From the outset, academics believed Qumran was a branch of the Essene move­ment, a sect of Jews who separated them­selves from the leadership of the Second Temple and practiced a snicter form ofJu­daism than their religious contemporaries. The first-century J ewish historian Josephus

Page 14 (I The Jerusalem Cmmenion

claims to have spent time with the Essenes personally. In his writings, Josephus goes into great detail about the Essenes' initia­tion processes, purity rituals, finances, and even toilet habits. The communal prac­tices Josephus describes, like the pooling of personal property, seem to match the requirements laid out in the Crml'l1J,7mity Rule, one of the most popular manuscripts in the Dead Sea collection. The Dfl71111SC11S

DOC1lment, another common manuscript at Qumran, depicts a strict interpretation of religious law that matches what we !mow to be true of the Essenes, as opposed to the Pharisees or Sadducees.

Pliny the Elder, an ancient Roman ge­ographer, mentions the location of the Es­senes in his book NaturalHistory (77 A.D.). He describes the Essenes living at a nec­essary distance "to the west of the Dead Sea," above the town of Ein Gedi. Pliny's description seems to correspond with Qumran's location.

Aspects of Qumran's architecture also seemed to fit what an ascetic group focused on community and cleanliness would need. In the ruins, there are at least eight stepped pools, identified as 11Iikvnhs, a necessity for the E.ssenes' ritual purity laws. In the ex­cavations, a pantry was discovered with tall stacks of plates and bowls, pointing to the existence of communal meals, an impor­tant observance for Essenes according to Josephus. 'TIveive hundred ancient graves lie near Qumran; a small portion of these were Wlearthed in the 1950s. All the corps­es received a strict religious burial, and most were male, aligning with the thought that the Esscnes of Qumran were a celibate aU-male cotnlnWlity.

For three decades, the question of who wrote the scrolls seemed to be settled. Bib­lical scholars widely accepted that Essenes occupied Qumran, and that these occu­pants owned the scrolls. This theory fell in line with the conclusions ofPere Roland de Vaux, a French archeologist who in 1951-1956 was the &Stto excavate Qumran pro­fessionally.

By the late 1980s, however, cracks in the Essene theory began to emerge. De

Vaux had died before he completed a fi­nal report from his Qumran excavations. Scholars, tasked with cataloguing and pub­lishing de Vaux's material, rerumed to the archeological record 011 Qwnran to take a second look at the findings. What they determined, rightly or wrongly, is that the original excavations failed to establish a concrete link between Qumran and the scrolls. For example, no scrolls or pieces of scrolls were fOWld at Qumran. Out of 900

··scrolls and scroll fragments, nowhere men­tioned is the term ~Essene" or the name of any other known Jewish sect. A5 for Jose­phus, he says the Essenes lived in towns all over Israel but never specifically mentions Qunmm as an &sene center. Further, ex­cavations revealed an insufficient number of private dwellings at Qwman for a place assumed to house a religious community.

Professor Norman Golb of the Uni­versity of Chicago is the mOSt ardent dis­senter from the wene theory. Golb thinks too many J ewish viewpoints and textual traditions are represented in the Dead Sea Scrolls to say this is the work of just one group. He also notes dlat a small sectarian community would not have possessed such a large library. The community would have unlikely contained the number of scribes sufficient to produce so many manuscripts. Golb thinks many different groups wrote the scrolls, which he supposes were re­moved from Jerusalem libraries during the Roman war. Jews fleeing the Roman forces between 66 and 73 AD. went to Qumran - a days walk - and hid the scrolls in caves for safekeeping. The problem with Golb's theory lies in the opinions of the sectarian scrolls' authors, who write about a deep hostility toward the groups controlling the Temple and who do not express the views of mainstream Judaism at the time.

Two established Israeli archaeologists, Yuvai Peleg and Yitzhak Magen - the most recent to excavate Qumran - propose the site was just a pottery factory that had nothing to do with the Essenes. They say the scrolls came from the sectarian librar­ies ofJewish refugees under Roman threat. Peleg and Magen recognize the pottery

May - June 2009· [val-Sivan-Ttmrmll~ 5769

" 0

link between Qumran and the caves but theorize that the refugees hastily took jars from Qumran - which by that time might have been vacated - to hide their scroll de­posits before fleeing the region.

Anew book recently added to the debate stirs up even more controversy. Professor Rachel Elior of Hebrew University claims in Memury and Ohliviun that the scrolls came from Jerusalem and were written by the Saddncecs--ousted Temple priests. EI­ior goes one step further, claimingJosephus invented the Essenes and they never really existed.

'l"he argument over the origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls brings normally collected scholars close to physical blows. N ot ay theories mentioned here were presente~ passively by academics looking to £os-' ter constructive debate. Among the scroll scholars exists an Essene camp and an anti­Essene camp. Golb has claimed for years that the pro-Essene scholars have tried to silence him, frequently calling them' fanat­ics. Magen, called the proponents of the Qumran Sect theory "a guild with money and conferences."

This past March, the academic feud reached a new low-lower than the Dead Sea itself. Golb's 49-year-old son, Raphael, was arrested for an Internet plot to pro­mote his father:S theories. He used at least 80 fuke online aliases to post inflammatory corrunems on blogs defending the cred-

ibility of his father's theories. According to

the Manhattan District Attorney, Raphael was "creating multiple aliases to engage in a campaign of impersonation and harassment relating to the Dead Sea Scrolls and schol­ars of opposing viewpoints." In at least one case Raphael opened an e-mail aCCOWIt WIder the name of New York University professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, who opposed Golb:S opinions. Sending e-mails in Schiffinan:S name, Raphael fabricated a confession from the NYU professor that he had plagiarized parts of Golb's work.

Despite the best effons of Raphael and the depth of emotion surrounding the de­bate on the origins of the scrolls, no new consensus has yet replaced the Essene hy­pothesis or categorically disproved it. In the intriguing world of scroll scholarship, academics who think the Essenes wrOte the manuscripts are still in the clear ma­jority. In the last 25 years, the landscape of scroll scholarship has changed as a growing group of dissenters has succeeded in adding a degree of doubt to a theory once accept­ed unanimously. TIle case is never closed. 10 the fickle field of archeology and scroll study, we are always one discovcry away from changing the entire question.

Shelley Neese is managing editor of The Jerusalem Connection

Caves in which some of the scrolls were found.

May -June 2(}{)9 • !vot-Sivan-Ttrmmuz 5769

Crisis from page 5

sion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, the foremost historian of its causes, Benzion Netanyahu (the father of Israel's new prime minister), writes of the desire of the persecutors "to get rid of their debts by getting rid of their creditOrs." More generally, he writes, "it is an iron-clad rule in the history of group relations: the majority's toleration of every mi­nority lessens with the worsening of the majority's condition."

Lest this seem overly crude economic detenninism, consider that the Jews have been victims not only of unrest prompted by economic distress but of attempts to remedy such economic distress with so­cialism. Take it from Friedrich H ayek, Ille late Nobel Prize winning Austrian economist. In "The Road to Serfdom," Hayek wrote, "In Germany and Austria the Jew had come to be regarded as the representative of Capitalism." Thus, the response in those countries, National So­cialism, was an attack on both capitalism and the Jews.

There are ample indicators of current a.n.ti~Semitic attitudes. A poll conducted recently in Europe by the Anti-Defama­tion League fOWId 74% of Spaniards believe Jews "have too much power in international financial markets," while 67% of Hungarians believe Jews "have too much power in the business world." Here in America, the Web site of Na­tional Joumal is hosting an "expert blog" by fornler CIA official .Michael Sclleuer, now a professor at Georgetown, com­plaining of a "fifth column of pro-Israel U.S. citizcns" who are "WIquestionably enemies of America's republican ex­periment." And over at Yahoo! Finance, the message board discussing Goldman Sachs is rife with comments about "Jew pigs" and the "Zionist Federal Reserve."

So will the JeW5 come WIder attack? The existence of ti,e Jewish state guaran­tees renlge for Jews around the world, but it carries with it its own risks. Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has said that if the Jews "all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them world­wide." Tt's a comment all the more chill­ing as Nasrallah's Iranian sponsors are on Ille brink of making a nuclear bomb.

As for the idea that Jewish profes-

See Crisis. page 23

The Jerusalem Connection (z Page 15

By Am.y Rofuil

" . . . Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" Deut. 30:19

Christian Zionists and defenders of Israel recognize and cham­pion Isrnels value for human life and its effons for preservation. Evidence is dear in how Israeli Defense Forces amy out mili­tary operations and the al.mndant social programs the government provides to inhabitants. "While this characteristic ofl<;rael is often ignored by the mainsrream press and academic culture, an often forgotten issue where Israel fulls short is the sanctity of me unhorn life.

A dear dichotomy exists when observing the State of Israel from a worldly lens. While the press and realms of acadcmia world-wide spin Isr,l.ds "humau rights injustices," Israel reroams the only location in all of the lvliddle East, let alone the Islamic word that extends around it, that has laws of protection for wom~ en's rights, for gay rights, and a variety of other social issues. It is the only democracy in the region and the only regime affording its citi7..cns a separate and distinct judicial !>fstem wherein anyone can sue and be heard in a court.

'¥hile much of the world ignores all these "humanitarian" ide~ als of West em democracy (while neglecting to ask Islamic neigh­bors to address them) the Left also neglects to recognize one of their own biggest platforms: Abortion. Mudl of \Vestern society champions abortion rights for women and yet, the one place in the Middle East that provides these rights still goes unrecognized. Even when Israel is doing something "good" (in the world's opin­ion) they get no credit.

Christians and rational thinkers of any or even no faith, how­ever, do note the humanitarian protections Israel affords its in­habitants; nevertheless, with all the good that freedom brings, it produces an obvious blemish on tlIe face of Israeli society (one the Western world shares): the neglc(.t of sanctity of human life from conception to birth. Human rights afforded to the unborn are institutionally denied by the secular Israeli govenunent and its society. IDFwomen are allowed several free-oF-Charge abortions if they find themselves pregnant during service. Abortion is an al­ternative that women of all ages choose due to economic circum­stance, familial stalUS, age, eLC. \A'omen chuose [0 end pregnancy for a variety of external and internal rcasons with little alternatives presented to them and nearly no social movements to convince them otherwise.

Since Israeli law provides for low~cosl "safe" abortions to its citizens, and free abortions to women in military service, one would think the international humanitarian agencies around the world would laud this aspect of Tsraeli society. One would think the pro~choicc movement, which champions abortion on demaud

Page 16 (t The JenJ..<(I/em CUTmedi01l

as a fornl of birth cont.rol and women's rights, would champion Is­rael's policy on the topic. Bul giving kudos to lsrael is not kosher.

Most women the world over are so encouraged to "iew abor­tion as a reasonable and safe method of birth conrrol, they do not know that with each abortion a woman has, her chances of carry­ing a bahy to ternl in the fuUlre an~ lessened-nol to mention a variety of medical and psychological scars that may and do persisL These consequences are largely unadvertised by ahonion advo­cates. Truth is a child is a soul, a human being from conception; abortion is simply a quiet, clean, ar:d unseen fonn of murder.

The Israeli Jewish population is 7 million and slowly growing. Various agencies seek to encourage Jews from around the world to make Aliyah and return to the Homeland. Yet a quiet, unspo­ken genocide of sorts lingers in the medical fJci lities of Israel. According to statistics published by Be'ad Chaim in Israel, morc children's lives were euded by abortion in Israel than wcre ended by the Nazis in the last century. That is, 1.5 lnillion Jewish chil­dren died in the I lolocaust. Yet since the birth of Israel, 2 million Jewish children have died by abortion in the IToly Land. lIas 28% oflsracl's population been lost by virtue that their arrival was in­convenient, borne of a bad decision or momentary lapse of reason by a parent, or a bad cconomic circumstance? No woman should feel the future is so bleak that the only alternative is to eliminate her child's existence.

Thc pro-life movemenL in Israel is small. Even among the Christian presence, populated by people who, it is safe to assume, nearly all agree tllat abortion is wrong and life begins at concep­tion, too easily shrug off this fight for life. It is tOO difficult and sometime too personal to addres .....

Agencies with alternatives CJcist, The Jerusalem CUTl71ecticm} Operation Life for Israel seeks to offer anothet way. Advocates for motilcrs to choose life, not abortion, are few. TIley need sup­pan of pro-life believers from around tllC world. The Je11l:ialtml Cumm:tion's Operation Life helps mothers in crisis and provides avenues to restoration while prc.<>erving tife. Additional partners include Tbe Be'ad Chaim Association working with mothers in crisis to provide employment, refuge, assistance in material goods necessary to care for a baby. Each agency saves one life at time providing prayer, sharing Gods love, and seeking to help mothers in tanbrible waj'li with all sorts of necessities for mother and baby.

Children are not disposable regardless of the circumstances of their origin. 1be sixth corrunandment is one of 10 simple rules God has beslowcd lo all f-fu duldren for blessings as well as pro~ tcction. We must reach out to lsrael through Operation Life. Theyare a people to be a blessing to this world.

We ask that you consider joining The Jerusalem Connection in this wonderful ministry to save t he lives of Jewish children by designating a generous gift to Operation Life for Israel. For donations specifically for this pro-life ministry send in your gift with the donation form on pg. 31, noting it is designated for Operation Life for Israel .

May -lime 2009 • Itlllt~Siwm-Tilmmuz 5769

" . " ..

It's not (really) up to Bibi By Stan Goodenough

I had to see my MD yesterday after­noon.

(It's nothing serious but, if you were wondering, thank you.)

"So," I greeted him with a smile, "we have a new government."

"Another jerk running the country," he smiled hack.

Our family doctor since before we be-Stan Goodenough gall keeping the 'be fruitful and multiply'

commandment (most folk today treat it as a suggestion), I know him as always friendly and helpful, a conscrv:l.uve proctitioncr who cares about the person behind the patient. A5 far as T know, he is a God-fearing Jew and a fully com­mitted Zionist in the best sense of the word.

While I understood him to be serious despite the smile - as he took a jab at his newly-inaugurated prime minister - there wasn't a whiff of rancor in his voice.

\¥here others may feel bitterness towards Benjamin Netan­rahu, 1 don't believe he does.

His statement was matter of fact; simply the way he sees it. Still, the memory of his words woke me in the early hours of

this moming. And I fowld myself responding: It isn't really up to Netanyahu, Doc. Irs up to you. It's up to the

Israeli people. Bibi was literally my next-door neighbor when, in June 1996,

he became prime minister for the first time. r recall the wildly honking unofficial motorcade that swept into

Sokolov Street and circled cilC park where our toddler sons played on that SWl1mer's day. The procession was led by uncontainable young men who chanted joyously to welcome the victorious Likud leader: "Bibi melech yisrael!" (kingofTsrael) and "hineh, hineh ba, rosh hamemshalah" (here come.'i the prime minister).

This man will be good for the J ews, they told us, and them­selves.

Politically right-leaning Israelis had gone to bed dispirited the night before, believing Netanyahu to have lost to Labor Party Chainnan Shimon Peres. And lOgically the veteran peaceniL: - who ran for election in the aftermath of the Rabin assassination - should have thrashed the upstart.

The moming news - that Bibi had pipped Peres and become lsracl~ youngest-ever prime minister - electrified the nation.

It brought life Aooding back into many demoralized lovers of the land - those almost despairing at the previous government's embrace of a process-that-brought-no-peace.

Bibi brought hope, but he did not deliver. As far as those who put their mist in him were concemed, he betrayed them.

Stunned, they watched him buekJe under American pressure, rescind his demand for reciprocity, shake the bloody hand of Yas­ser Arnfat, and sun'cnder the sacred city of Hebron to the PLO.

Despite his successru l preventing of nearly all terrorism during

May - JUlle 2009 • /vlIt-Siv(IlI-7iml1ll/lz 5769

his tenn, many can't forgive him for these grievous sins. Bul, 13 years later, he's been chosen again. And he has again

squeaked past the post. in voteS, Kadima Party leader Tzipi Livni beat him. Netanyahu is only prime minister because more people voted for the right overall than for the left.

{Some sec God's hand in this, as well as in the fact that State President Peres - the man Netanyahu beat before - was now com­pelled by his office to assign his nemesis the chair. It's the way 1 sec it too, if unsure of all it p<mends.}

2009 is not 1996. In the interim years, rivers of Jewish blood have flowed and the nation has been lnnunatized in wars and thousands of terror :ntacks. Other right-wing heroes with heels of clay have also corne crashing down.

TIlis time there was no dancing, chanting cavalcade to bear Bibi to power. He is no longer young. H.is past speaks - loudly and painfuUy - for it'ielf. Few people will bave been harboring those earlier illusions.

"Another jerk to govern us." Perhaps. We'll soon see. r would not be surprised if those who DO have their hopes

pinned on Netanyahu sec them dashed again. It's a serious mistake to depend on him. rfhis voters think that,

should he again "disappoint, n they can just punish him at the next election, they arc doubly wrong.

Democracy doesn't work this way. Not really. Too many people see voting as the full extent of their civic duty. But the ballot box is the starting, not the fin ishing, line. And I mean for the electorate - not only for t.he contender!

A strange tlting happened in America last year. For months, as John McCain and Barack Obama battled it

out on the campaign trail, increasingly anxious voices were heard from conservativc leaders and rightist media personalities about the danger the Democratic candidate posed to tile future of tile United States.

Some joumalists took hold, terrier-like, of Obama's associa­tions and friendships \vitb America-hating clergy, terrorist-loving academics, and Israel-hating fonner presidents. Influential Chris­tian leaders and economic experts sounded the alann louder and louder until, as November 4 approached, a crescendo of coneem was reverberating through the land.

Obama would murder more babies both in the womb and out; Obama would throw in the towel in iraq, making a mockery of the American lives sacrificed and massive effort spent to plant de­mocracy there; Obama would appease Iran's H.itler, enabling him to get a nuclear bomb; Obama would tum America into a social­ist state; Obama would betray American values, apologize to the world for America~ behavior, and sell America's birthright to curry favor around the globe.

T he night before the dection the rumult had become a tOr­rent. And then, on the moming after: silence. Obama had won, and except for a few dogged individuals, the race was quickJy on to backtrack rrom all the horror tales and dire predictions, and

See Bibi, _21

The ]I':YUJ(liem Connection ¢: Page 17

Historical Legitimacy of Zionism

t:';;;-~;;l';;;i on a God given prom-

~;~~~,~;ri~gh~tt~~O;;th:i;e,~Lan~d of le-in the all that will

be God's Word, in our present case must be made for the

to Zion if l srael is to gain led supp'''tfrr,m various olltside

1000 BeE conquest , a mountain named

... ' ) ., .....

'I ' ~, . !.(..

During tim; mt exile the of Zionism were first seen

a rallying cry to the Land.

of Israel for their land be­

not. Ever since wa~ given to

:ch"",,,, Nation of lsrael has

'~:;'d:~d land. However, pi tom from their

on srael to first real-

;~:::~:~~ and second ~ they really did love

By Ryan J ones

the land that God had chosen for them. This realization is evident in the words of SO many of the Psalms and prophecies written during the time of the Babylonian Exile.

The hopes and dreams of those first Zi­onists were realized a mere 70 years later when, under Persian rule, theJews were al­lowed to return to Zion. The Jews in Israel experienced varying degrees of indepen­dence over the following centuries until 66 CE (AD) when, under increasing Ro­man oppression, the Jews revolted against Rome.

The Great Jewish Revolt ended four years later in 70 CE (AD) when Jerusalem was razed to the ground and the Temple burned by the Roman general TIrus. An­other revolt against Rome in 132 CE (AD) also ended in defeat three years later with the Roman Emperor Hadrian sending the Jews into exile and founding the pagan city of Aelia Capitolina on the ruins ofJerusa­lem.

At this point in history begins the nearly 2,000 year exile of the Jewish people from their homeland out of which modem Zi­onism would eventually be born. Also at

this point in history we first oome across the term "Palestine" being used to denote the Land of Israel. The Romans, after bringing final defeat upon the Jews in 135 eE (AD), resurrected the name of ancient Israel's greatest nemesis, the Philistines, as the new name for the Land of Israel. This was done first to humiliate the defeated Jews and second as an attempt to sever any Jewish ties to the Land.

The Jewish claim to the Land of Israel as a national homeland is given historical legitimacy by the fact that during the 2,000 years of exile the Land was never again an

independent, sov­entity nor

Jerusalem ever capital city under

people other the Jews and,

a short time, the

="' . the Land

IP",vinc;;,1 center. Historically, only

Jewish rule the Land of Is-

cohesive, indepen­dent, and sovereign nation with Jerusalem as it's capital.

Therefore, only to the Jewish people and only as the Nation of Israel has the Land ofIstaei ever been a homeland to any group of people, besides cettain Canaanite tribes now long extinct. And so, historical legitimacy is given to the claim of the Jew­ish people on the Land of Israel as their historical, ancient homeland.

Ryan Jones is a Gentile believer from the United States who lives and works in Is rael as a journalist for Israel Today.

May -June 2009 · Adnr-Nisnn-lynr 5769

The Meaning of Words By Cal T homas

Ca l Thomas

'Words must mean something," Presi~

dent Obama said in Prague last week in re­sponse to North Korea's missile launch. He was speaking about the numerous resolu­tions and condenmations of North Korea's actions over the years by the United Na­tions and others. It is a standard the presi­dem should apply not only to North Korea, but also to the Middle East and the Muslim world.

In a speech to Turkey's Parliament, the president said, "The U nited States is not, and never will be at war with Islam." It was a noble sentiment. Such a unilateral declara-rion may sooth many in the West, but

people of uleir faith, but on others who do not share it. It is always instructive to listen to the words of converts who

once were committed to the violent imposition of Islam on others. They have a wlique perspective that. can serve as a useful warning for UlOse who believe Ule fanatia; mean what they say and say what they mean. One of them is Walid Shoebat, (wwwoshoebat,com), a former PLO terroriSt who convened to Christianity. Shoebat, a name he assumed fo r his own safety, says the president's approach to fslam is dangerous: "Speaking in such absolute tenns has seem­mgly limited America's area of focus on al-Qaida. Tllis plays right into the militants' hands."

As a forme r terrorisr, Shoebar claims that" deception and confu­sion are the reasons for so many different Islamic groups. "Islam is the banner under which different militant groups share a com ­mon alliancc," he says. "When you single out only one of those groups as the enemy, the others basically get a free pass, or at least

much less attention." The president did this there is a central question that comcs from .lV1r. Obama's declaration of conscientious objection: What if Islamic extremism is at war with America, Europe and Israel and everyone who stands in the way of its at­tempt at supremacy in religion and poli~ tia;?

In some l'AUSlim media~ in some text~ books produced for Middle Eastern schoolchildren, at some Isbmic schools in

"Words must mean something"

when singling out" al-Qaida, thus appearing to give a pass to nWllerous other groups that march under the banner of Islam, including H amas, H ezbollah and The M uslim Broth­erhood. T heir charters, statements and ac­tions demand no compromise with Israel or anyone else in the pursuit of a Middle East free of the Jewish state. If they achieve their ultimate objective, the region would be free of all Jews, who are referred to by

America and in recruitment films that urge "jihad" and declare martyrdom to be the highest goal of a Muslim person, one might conclude (if words mean something) that a significant portion of Islam is at war with J udaism, Christianity, and strains of irs own religion that do not embrace the extremist view of hell on earth for all who disagree.

In his soothing words to the Islamic world, it would have been useful to hear President Obama challenge Muslims to put their own house in order and evict extremists from it. The president might have asked for a reciprocal statement from Islamic schol~

ars, heads of Islamic states, and people in charge of spreading hate directed at the West that Islam is not at war with America, Israel and Europe. It would also be helpful to hear a pledge that Mus­lim extremists intend to assimilate i.n countries to which they have immi grated, embracing the history, language and culrure of those nations and eschewing attempts to impose Sharia law, not only on

Sheikh FeizMohanuncd, and other IslaInic extremists, as pigs and apes and who, according to a Hamas TV skit, "drink the blood of Muslims." D o these words have meaning? We ignore them at our peril.

In his speech in Ankara, President O bama echoed his predeces~ sor when he praised Islam as a religion that "has done so mueh over so many cenmries to shape the world." Mr. O bama's prepared text included the phrase "for the better," but he did not speak those words. I wonder why? Is it because words mean something and the president didn't mean those three?

Ca l Thomas is Ame rica's #1 synndicated colu mnist. He a lso writes fo r USA Today, is an a ut ho r and speaker a nd regu la rly appears on Fox News Channel as well a s nu merous radio st a­tions with a syndicated comme ntary.

Beware from p"go 3 Imagine Israel without the Jordan Rift

Valley and without the Golan H eights. tion arc not deterred by the warning issued by the peace camp - that is: i~ we refuse to accommodate Obama, we shall lose his friendship. Because what kind of a friend is the one who shoves a shovel into your hand so you can dig your own grave?

Kiryat Gat by a Palestinian bridge, and a Gazan demographic flood pouring into Jerusalem and the doorstep of our cities. lmagine Ben-Gurion covered by shoulder­held missiles deployed in the ruins of the Beir Aryeh settlement, thereby prompting us to move our international au-pon to the Negev.

May - June 2009 • Ivat-Siv(m~Tfl"mmuz 5769

The independence of our "third Tem~

pie" wou.ld rum out to he shorter than the independence of the H asmoneans, who ruled between the bouts of Greek and Ro­man control, and many would choose to live in modem-day Rome - that is, America - instead of being occupied by it here.

The vast" majorilY of people in this na~

On the contrary: Golda, Rabin, and Be­gin were able to say "No!" to America, and the friendship was preserved.

The ]ernra/em O;mllecti()71 ¢: Page 19

Moving away from our longstanding relationship with Israel By Thc ConnccticutJewish Ledger

S umenmcs hUlllor, even dark humor, is the best way to the ht-'art of a matter. There's the story that circulated during the kls t administration about a middle of me night phone call to

the \"'hite H ouse and how it would have been answered in the two Bush presidencies. ln fonncd that Israel and her neighbors were at war again and Israel was in dire need of inuncdiatc fe-supply, Bush 43 would have unhesitatingl}, ordered the supplies into me air to Israel . BtL~h pere, 41, on the other hand would probably have asked his aide to convene a cabinet meeting in the !naming.

Even though Obama's been in office for a short time, we al­ready have fin idea of his response to that middle of the night call.

• When the head of the [D F, General Gabi Ashkenazi came to Washington recently to talk about the existential threat to Israel posed by a nascent lranian nuclear capability, all the doors in D.C. were dosed [() him except and unless he agreed to speak only on a prcdetemlined agenda of Israeli concessions.

• Israel's restraint was all but ignored in the fuce of seven years of rocket fire from Gaza iJl{O southern Israel and the incoming administration pres.~ured het to prematurely end hcr military action in Ga7.;l berore stopping the rock­ets falling Ollto her population centers. The DlxlIlla Ad­ministration then helped raise $5 billion for reconstruc­tion in Gam. T he rockets continue to full on lsrael.

His carly moves in the region along \\~th ______________ _

his staffing decisions for his Middle East foreign polit:y team, and his p reoccupation with American Muslim mpprochcmenr both at home and abroad te ll us that he'd be more than likely to te ll Ius aide to cut a check for the victims of Israeli occupation

One just has to read the signs along the road to know where

• Charles Freeman's appointment to

head the N ational lntellih'ence Com­minee, though withdrawn, should never have happened. It is hard to believe that Freeman's bias and prejudice against 15-rael weren't known in the \Nhite I-louse.

and brief lum later. .I(:wish voters who don't think this is a

real possibili ty arc still focused o n the Pres­

we're going. For those who doubt it, he continned it with his graceless withdrawal speech in which his extrem e antipathy towards

ident's impassioned rhetoric of the campaign when Jewish votes were at issue. But, now that he's made that sale, he~ pitching an­omer and aU signs arc that the Arab coun tries arc being offered Israel's land and sovereignty as part of that deal. Each and every Presidential appointee to the region sees Israel as the problem and is absolutely committed to a two-state-NOW solution.

Aside from impossi ble borders, this means a Syrian Golall, a divided Jerusalem, and a right-of-return to Israel of innwnerable claimants to bnd that is Israel's. With the two-state thing as an end in itsel f, all requirements fo r a durable peace and an end to ter­rorism are secondary considemtions. The Saudi ROY3l fumily and their lap dog Tom Friedmann of T he New York Times should be pleased by this adoption of the Saudi Plan.

One just has to reid the signs along the road to know where we're going.

• Em'oy supreme, George Mitchell's first statement on the Middle East was ahout 'illegal' Isrnd i settlements, Israeli 'occupation' ~md the re-siring of Israel behind borders that have already been proven to be indefensible. The bel­ligerence oflran, Syria, I-lamas, H ezboUah were ignored, and Mitchell's inference is that the villain is the J ewish family in Jerusalem that wants to add <lnotller bedroom for a growing fiu n ily and not the terrorist who wanlS to

blow them up.

_\by - June 2009 • h'nt-Sit'flll-Tnm",,,:. 5769

ISf";le\ was again made abundantly clear.

All the bad policies and attitudes of previous ad ministrations are embodied in this one, and there is no offsetting opinio n in the ,",,'hite House or State Department to counter it. T his is Carter­Baker policy ratcheted up and reinvigorated. It is an Arab-Muslim world \iew. It is the St.1te Department ascendant with Lugar, Ha­gel, Bre7inski, $c.:owcroft, Blair et al in power positions. vVc almost yearn for a return of Powell and Condi Rice. Almost.

All of this serves neither Israel's interests nor those ofthc United States. Are we better off with a world IXlpulated by countries like L"rael, or are we that eager to live alongside an Iran, a Syria or a Saudi Arabia? Most of V.rashington knows that there is a revolving door between the State D eparnnem and the growing number of Arab funded organizations, but i t~ now dear that there is another revolving door at the H'hite H ouse for that same purpose

The hope for continued American support for the existence of a Jewish State ofIsracl resides in CongTess. That is the body which, in this instance, most accurately reAects the v.iU of the American people. Americans know something their State Department and Adminisrrarion have ehosen to ignore: The bond between Israel and America is built on the values both countries share and their mutual herira!,"C is a body of laws rooted in the same J udea-Chris­tian culrure and beliefs that created and sustains both nations.

That is a true and lasting bond and the American people, in the absence of an administration that understands ir, will rum to

Congress to im.Teasingly embrace it. II:Ic

Thf ]1'r'1I.WI'III CmmutiOIl (J Page 21

Faith Lessons from Israel: Mt. Tabor Transfiguration of Jesus

John 1:14, "And the Word became fl esh and dwelt among us, and we beheld I-lis glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,

By D r. Daniel McCabe

Daniel McCabe

From its peak in ancient days one could look out on the distinctive trib­al flags of Naphtali and Zebulun wav­ing proudly in the plains and foothills of Lower Gali­lee like butterflies waltzing in a warm

westerly breeze. There on the flat green summit of Mt. Tabor General Barak en­camped with an Israelite anny of ten thou­sand, preparing to do battle with Sisera, conunander of the Canannite forces that approached in chariots from the southwest Oudges 4:3-22). The prophetess Deborah had assured Barak that God would deliver

Mount Tabor, Church of the Transfiguration.

Page 22 (I The Jer1l.fIIlem Connemo71

full of grace and truth. "

Siscra into his hands, and the voice of the prophetess rang true, for the Canaanite forces were soon routed . One millennium later another voice would ring out on a mountaintop in Galilee.

Peter, James, John and Jesus climbed a high mountain to pray (Matthew 17:1; Luke 9:28) when Jesus unexpectedly re­vealed his divinity to this trio of his most truSted disciples. Luke writes, "And as He prayed, the appearance of Hjs face was al­tered, and His robe became white and glis­tening" (Luke 9:29). Mark adds with his usual flair for detail, "His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, !ike snow, such as no lawlderer on earth can whiten them" (Mark 9:3). ""atching closely, the dis­ciples then spotted two great prophcts of old, Moses and Elijah, speaking withJesus. \iVhat a heart-stopping moment! A chance for the disciples to ,viOICSS the magnificent hand of heaven doing wondrous things! Not a time for words!

T hen Petet spoke up, shattering the glory-soaked mowltain air with a clumsy suggestion about something or other. Mark even points out in his gospel that Peter spoke up "because he did not know what to say" (Mark 9:6). Peter had a bad habit of speaking before thinking, and he'd gone and done it again. But thankfully and mercifully Peter's words evaporated into a descending cloud that overshadowed the three disciples, the two prophets and the divine Son of God. Out of the cloud came a voice, saying. "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. H ear Him!"

Today the Church of the Transfigu­ration rises high above the slopes of Mt. Tabor, marking the traditional mountain location where the Son revealed a glimpse of his divinity to the disciples and where the Father expressed pleasure in his Son. It serves to remind one that just as General Sisera swept down the slopes of Tabor to

defeat the Canaanite forces in the plains of Esdraelon, soJesus too would descend from the mountain following his transfiguration to defeat the forces of sin and death that awaited him on a hillside in Jerusalem.

You may need a reminder of the divinity of Jesus. You may need a reminder of the powerof]esus oversin. Oryou may simply need a reminder to think before you speak to avoid a gaffe like Peters. But certainly we all need the reminder from heaven, "Hear Him!" Open again the Scriptures. You will find strength for the day. YOII will fmd grace and truth.

Further Reading: Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36

Dr. Daniel McCabe is the pastor of Faith Bible Church in Spring, Texas. He is a con­t ributi ng editor for The Jerusalem Con­nection. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

May - June 2009 • /vflt-Sivnll-Tnmmllz 5769

Crisis hom P'9.'5

Slana], political, and economic success In

America is a guarantee of security, that, tOO, has its risks. As Yuri Sleskine recounted in his book "The Jewish Cenmry," in 1900 Vienna more than half of the lawyers, doctors and professional journalists were JC\\~sh, as were 70% of the members of the stock exchange. Tn Gennany, after World War I but before the Nazis came to power, Jews served as fi ­nance minister and as foreign minister. Such achievements have a way of being fleeting.

Tt may yet be that the Jews escape the cur­rent economic crisis having only lost fortuncs. But if not, there will have been no lack of wamjng about the threat. '''-'hen Jews gather Wedn esday night for the Passover Seder, we will recite the words from the H agadah, the book that relays the Israelite exodus from slavery in Egypt: "In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us." This year, they will resonate all the more ominously.

Speakers Available


Jim Hutchens and Shelley Neese are available to speak

at your church, synagogue, or organization on Israel and Christ ian Zi­onist issues fro m a Biblical, spiritual and poli tical view


Ca ll o r emai l us to req uest a speaker for your pro 4 1srael event.

The Jerusalem



Phone: 703-707-0014

Email : info@l jci .org

May 4 June 2009 · /VIIl4SWtl1/4Tilm11Iuz 5769

MYTH: "Palestinians no longer object to the creation of Israel!'

FACT: One of the primary Palestinian obligations under the road map ror peace is to af­

finn Israel's right to exist in peace and security. How then does one interpret Pales­tinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's description of the decision to create aJewish state in 1948 as a crime?

While Israelis will celebrate the 61 Sf anniversary of their independence, Abbas and other Palestinians will mourn the establishment of Israel on what they call Na­kba Day. I lad the Palestinians and the Arab states accepted the partition resolution in 1947, the State of Palestine would have also been celebrating its birthday, and Palestinians would not be lamenting AI Nakba ("The Catastrophe").

Palestinians are understandably bitter about their history over these last six de­cades, but we are often told that what they object to today is the "OCOJpation" of the territories .Israel captured in 1967. If that is true, then why isn't their Nakl>a Day celebrated eachJune on the anniversaryoftbe Arab defeat in the Six-Day War?

The reason is that the Palestinians consider the creation of Israel the original sin, and their focus on that event is indicative of a refusal, even today, to l"C<.'Oncile

themselves with the Jewish State. Abbas's comments on the occasion of Israel's 57th birthday, along wim those by fonner PA Prime Minister . .<\hmed Korei, who said "our wound is still bleeding 57 years later," hardly inspires confidence in their wi1l4 ingness to end the conflict with Israel.

"Terrorism will have no positive results, and there will be no chance to

establish an independent PaJestinian state as long as violence and terrorism continue_"

- Gennan Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer

And Hamas, which rontinues to grow in popularity, has never left any doubt about its refusal to accept Israel's existence. Since winning the election, officials and spokesmen have repeatedly expressed meir unwavering commionent to the Hamas Covenant's call for the destruction ofTsrael.

Another disrurbing aspect of past obsen'3J1ccs of Nakba Day was that mffic stopped and people stood straight and silent as sirens of mourning sounded, inten­tionaUy mimicking the Israeli practice on Holocaust Remembrance Day. This was an imidious way to make the odious comparison between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel.

It may be that the current leadership does not truly represent the feelings of the Palestinian people. An April 2008 poll, for example, found that 61 percent of Palestinians support Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. This is a hopeful sign, however, as long as the Palestinian Authority treats Israel's creation as a catastrophe on a par with the Holocaust, the prospects for coexistence will remain bleak.

By Dr. Richard Booker it seems, is the last great sovereign, superpower Gentile nation. Those of us who live in America love our country and are grateful =======:------- ---------- to be Americans. But we must understand that as a Gentile nation,

Richard Booker

My Fellow Americans

America is the greatest nation in the history of nations. America is the only su­perpower in the world . Our military, our economy, our fonn of government, our wcalth and prosperity, with all its faults, far exceeds all the other nations in our world today and is the envy of every na­tion. If you don't appreciate your bless­ings here I suggest you go live somewhere else for awhile and then come back. While

oppressive nations build walls to keep their citizens in - America build walls to keep people out. Most of the people of the world would come to America if they could.

Yet when we read the prophecies in the Bible about the end times, we don't find any mention of America. There is not even the vaguest reference to America in the Bible. As American people who love our country and enjoy "the good life" of living here, thinking that it will go on forever, we should ponder why America is not mentioned in all the great end-time events. What could rltis mean? The question that should coneem aU oris "\¥here is Amer­ica in Bible Prophecy." It is a sobering question.

General Prophecies So where is America in Bible prophecy? Why is it that our na­

tion, me greatest of all nations in all of history, and, what 1 believe ro be the last Gentile superpower, is not mentioned specifically in Bible prophecy?

There are two types of prophecies in the Bible regarding na­tions. One is general prophecies and the other is specific prophe­cies. America is included in the general prophecies about the na­tions.

Whether we are Christians or Jews, we should take heed to the following words from Jesus recorded in Luke 21 :24, "And Jerusa­lem will be trampled by Gentiles w1ul the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled ."

While America is home to about 6 million Jews, America is a Gentile nation. All Gentile nations, including America, have a life-cycle . They have a beginning, a time of development, and they have an end to their prominence. While only the Almighty knows the details, when Israellibe:ratedJerusalem in 1967, many believe this signaled the end of the times of the Gentiles. America,

Page 24 * The Jlff/l.Joiem Cqmzectjqll

our days of glory and prominence will, in God's time, come to an end.

There are nwnerous Scriptures that speak of the end of me na­tions. vVhen me Bible says that God will destroy the nations, He doesn't mean that all the people will die but alar the empire will die. But at the end of days, the fo rmer empires of the nations will worship the One True God and His kingdom will rule over the earth. "While J ews and Christians have theological differences, we both long for the day when the nations will acknowledge the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and J acob.

1ne prophet Isaiah gIVes the following words of assurance, Isa­iah 2:1-4, "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountai.n of the LORD'S house sha!! be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the and all nations

May - June 2009 • /vnt-Sivnll-7immlllz 5769

shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to rhc house of the Goo of Jacob; H e will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall nOt lift up sword against na­tion, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2: 1-4).

Preparing for and Embracing the Future with Steadfast Faith

and Trust in God

An Everlasting Nation

Glle of the most illspirillg books on Bible prophecy you will ever read

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Even though America as we know it today and the empires of all the Gentile nations will come to an end, there is one country that has a promise from God that it will last forever. Thatcvcrlast­ing nation is Israel. Could it be that America is now reeling under the judgment of God because of its policy to divide and weaken Tsrael? Yes, the nations that seek to destroy Israel will themselves be destroyed but Israel lives forever- Am YlSr{U:/ Chai.'

Jeremiah 46:28 reads, "D o not fear, 0 Jacob My servant, says the LORD, for I am with you; for T will make a complete end of all the nations to which T have driven you; but T will not make a complete end of you. T will rightly correct you, for T will not leave you wholly unpwushed." '*c

Nor just another Bible prophecy baok, Dr. Booker avoids the sensational alld explaills CUI'I'ell1 and future events from a biblical, Hebraic worldview rather than a traditional, Western wor/dview. This is a prophetic "watchman's call" with in­structions on how 10 prepare for "rhe end of all things."

Dr. Richard Booker is a bestselling author and speaker and t he Founder of Sounds of the Trumpet and the Institut e for Hebraic-Ch rist ian Stud ies. He is a contri buting editor for the Jerusalem Connection . To invite him to speak at you r congre­gation or conference and to learn more about his work, see his web site at: www.rbooker.com.

Dr. Richard Booker has w ritte n a very readable book

that w ill give you fa ith, peace a nd hope in troubled


Two-State, I __ 'J

and if one wishes, one can find dozens or hundreds of other authoritative texts that will all say the same thing."

Fitzgerald's point is well taken wben one sees how Israel has been led by a succession of'desperate for peace' leaders down a slip­pery slope to its present parlous siruation .

The slide began at the Madrid confer­ence in 1991 and proceeded with conccs­sion after concession forced only from Israel, never the Arabs, and on to Oslo, Camp David and Annapolis.

Israel now has Binyamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister again. Ten years earlier he gave away H ebron (one of J udaism's four holy cities) to the Arabs who call them­selves Palestinians. The question is, will he have learned from his earlier mistake and now be able to withstand the enormous international pressures to give away all of Judea and Samaria as well as the Golan?

Or will he thrill us by withstanding the pressures and the blandishmentS from both Washington, DC as well as from the Arab enemies in that forbidding and perilous

May - June 2009 • Ivat-Sivan-Ta7l11!1uz 5769

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neighborhood called the Middle East? Netanyah u once said: "The real core of

the conflict is the wuortunate Arab refusal to accept the State of lsraeL For 20 years the Arabs had boUI the West Bank and Ule Gaza Soip, and if self-determination, as they now say, is the core of the conflict, they could have easily established a Pales­tinian state, but they didn't ... \Vhat we're talking about here is not the attempt to build the state but to destroy one."

AImed with the knowledge that no amount of concessions can ever satisfy the Arabs and Muslims, fo r their selective ac­ceptance of Koran.ic phrases makes a true and lasting peace by them with the Jew­ish state inadmissible, Israel can yet grow stronger without living under the terms of a fraudulent peace.

The threats are mounting against the Jewish state to an extent not seen since 1947. My own published book, Politicide: The attempted murder afthe JroJish stIIte, out­lines the relenuess march of the enemies of Eretz Yisracl.

Will the Jewish state no longer concede one inch of biblically covenanted land?

Will that resolve extend to an undivided Jerusalem? Will there be a finn and un­yielding rejection of yet another two-state solution following the tragic ramifications of that earlier and infamous 1922 Two­State Solution?

Finally, when will Israeli and Western leaders come to understand that giving away any part of the Covenanted Land of Isrnel is a violation of Biblical command­ments?

'Will they ever look at the ancient words, so relevant today, enshrined in Jeremiah. S: 11 ,15?

"Peace, peace they say, when there is no peace ... we hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing, but ulere was onJy terror."

And when will the leader in the White House and all those in the European corri­dors of power finally accept and Wlderstand the eternal words and warnings enshrined in Genesis12:.3? ~c

Victor Sharpe is a f reelance wri ter and author of Polit icide: The attempted mur­der of the Jewish state. (www.lu lu.com) He is currently working on a sequel.

The Jer'IlSillem Clmnectilm ¢: Page 25

Repentance for sin Against the Jewish People By Peter D. Hocken, PH.D.

In the second half of the twentieth centwy, a sea change took place in the attitudes toward the Jewish people within the Chris­tian world. This change was triggered, above all, by the I-Iolo~ caust, and the massive shock to the Christian psyche caused by the fact that this organized attempt to eliminate the chosen people happened in officially "Christian Europe." Various reactions to this realization occurred, ranging from a theological revisionism to a spiritual humbling. It is an essential element in Gods work of redemption and restoration that the whole church be led back through hisrory to an acknowledgment of all the sins committed against the Jewish people.


The first level of repentance for sins against the Jewish people is the recognition of the evil of anti-Semirism. The first thing that morally sensitive people can recognize as abhorrent is all halTed and prejudice against the Jewish people. Such an acknowledgment does not require a detailed knowl­edge of history or a fonnation in Christian theology. Anti-Semitism is seen as a fonn of racism, which offends against human dignity and the righlS of peoples.

The evil of anti-Semitism can be recognized and confessed by any person or group of people, ir­respective of race or religious faith. It is at this level that most of the repudiations of anti-Semitism by the Christian churches have been formulated. '\iVhiJst I sec this level as just the first step, it can be the first real step of repentance and can be more than a mere preliminary to the real repentance. For this level grounds the sin of anti-Semitism in the human, at the level of creation.


The second level of repentance enters into the specifically Christian offences against theJews. How has Christian oppression oftheJews been different from general racism? The most obvious answer to tlus question is that Christians have blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus, accusing them of "deicide," and have believed that God annulled the covenant with Israel on account ofIsraels rejection ofjesus as Messiah and Savior. The second level of re­pentance for sins against the Jewish people thus confesses the evil of replacement teaching.

As readers are well aware, the replacement teaching always takes some such form as this:

a. God has rejected the Jewish people because they rejecled Je­sus as their Messiah.

b. God has therefore abolished the covenant with Israel. c. The church has taken Israel's place as the covenanted peo­

ple. d. The promises once given to Israel no longer belong to the

Jewish people but to the Christian church.

The replacement teaching in­dicates a distinctive motivation for Christian lTCaonent of the Jewish people with contempt, suspicion and halTed. It IX>ints to the reasons why Christians commim:d sins of violence, oppression, in justice

_~-...... and untruth against the Jews. But it is unportlnt to recognize that the replacement teaching is sinful in itself. The sin of replacement teaching is at rOOt the arrogance of uS1.iIping God's role as judge. It is a violation of the teachingofJe­

sus: "Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7: 1). Such a usurpation of Gods role represents one of the worst

fonns of arrogance. A deeper repentance for our sins against the Jewish people involves a deeper grasp of the degree of arrogance

REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY From the hwnan angle, the sins of contempt, suspicion, and

baITed of the Jewish people, together with all the violence to which these lead, can be seen as expressions of anti-Senutism that are morally repugnant, as are all forms of contempt, suspicion and halTed, and especially repugnant beatuse of their virulence over many cenruries.

Page 26 * The Jerusalem Connection

involved in tlle hwnan decision that God had rejected the Jews. NO[ only is this judgment a usurpation of God's prerogatives, but the replacement teaching represents a rejection of the people that God has chosen, a halTed for those whom God loves as "the apple of his eye" (Deuteronomy 32: 10; see also Zechariah 2:8). We can also see this violation in relating to the inheritance rights of the

May - June 2009 • /vnt-Sivall-Tammuz 5769

first-born son, since the Lord said, "Israel is my firstborn son." (Exo­dus 4:22). Since from this angle the Gentiles are the yOlmger son, the sin of usurpation is the rejection of the firstborn and elder by the younger son and the seizure of his inheritance.

It is important to recognize the difference between definitive judgment and punishment for sin. It is clear from the New Testa­ment that the general j ewish rejection of Jesus had serious conse­quences for the fururc of the j ewish people. There are several words of Jesus speaking of the dire consequences for the Jewish people, and particularly for Jerusalem, in not recognizing "the time of your visitation" (Luke 19:44). Jesus recognizes the sin involved in his re­jection when he tells the scribes and Pharisees to "Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers" (j\rfatthew 23:32). Bur. this sin and its tragic consequences do not remove theJewish people and the city of Jerusalem from the heart of Jesus, nor from the lmfolding purpose of the Father. The sin of the disbelieving j ews in no way justifies the subsequent judgment by the Gentiles.

The replacement teaching is not JUSt a minor mistake in the by­ways of Cluistian rheology, but a major sin against divine election, a conviction that is at the center of God's plan, the mystery hidden from all ages and now revealed to the saints. It is this theological reason and this sin against divine election that explain both the viru­lence and the longevity of Cluistian anti-Semitism.


If we survey the modem statements of the Christian churches and denominations relating to the Jewish people, twO points stand out. The first is that there have been far more statements deploring anti-Semitism in general than there have been statements deploring replacement teaching. Noneclleless, more and more churcb state­ments are recognizing that the covenant with the Jewish people still stands. But there has been hardly any church or denomination that has really addressed the challenge of the Messianic j ews, and the \\-Tongness of the suppression or rejection of an explicitly j ewish ex­pression of the church.

'Ne can have a confidence that tllere will be progress in both these areas, theological and spiritual, because it is the will of God and the thrust of the I-loly Spirit. Tt is an indispensable part in the prepara­tion for the (:oming of clle Lord. As the new Catechism of tbe Catholic Church (1994) states: "The gloriOUS Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history wltil his recognition by 'alllsracl,' for 'a hardening has come upon part of Israel' in their 'unbelief toward jesus." (para. 674). The Cluistian repentance for the sillS committed against the Jewish people is an essential condition for the church to come to "mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the ful­ness of Christ" (Ephesians 4: 13).

Dr. Peter Hocken has served as an ordained priest for forty years, fi rst in Northampton, England. In 2001, he served as chaplain to Pope John Paul II. He has lectured on Moral Theology at uni­versities in Europe and has written many books, especially on the renewal movement, including his most recent, God's Master Plan.

C 2007 Hebraic Christian Global Community. This article is repro­duced with publisher's permission from the "Supersessionism~ imJe of Restore!, the official journa l of Hebraic Christian Global Community. for more information see www.HebraicCommunity.


.\~. - June 2009 • IVQt-Sivlm-TlI1mnuz 5769

Bibi, __ 11

l>wear allegiance to the man who was, after aU, to be "our president."

Nothing had changed, mind you. Ohama still threatened to make a1l those nighnnares rea1ity for the US, and in fact is now well on the way to doing so. But the Republicans had fought him, and now they could retire to lick their wounds and regroup in order to 6ght the next elections when they arrive.

Fools and blind! H it was right to fight the man before he moved into the White House, surely it is even more im­portant to fight him now that he L'i there. Or are most those, until recently "desperately worried," Americans resigned now to allowing Obama four years of freedom to ruin their country?

In America, citizens on the right should be fighting the ungodly policies of their president - doing everything in their power to hinder and delay him in his efforts to remake that counuy in his own image.

Back here in Israel, citi"1.ens on the right should be gath­ering around the prime minister they helped - direal.y or indireccly to place in power. By their encouragement and through their activism, they can strengthen him IX> withstand the ung<>dJy pressures and threats that are already rearing against their land.

In 1997, one of Netanyahu's senior advisors complained alxmt how the left wing members of that coalition were ty­ing Ribi\; hands - blocking every attempt the prime minister made to slow down the "peace" process; threatening to cause the collapse ofhis government ifhe moved ahead.

Tnstead of empowering him to withstand the increasing American pressure and dislike, those who could have helped pulled back and disowned him -leaving him to stand alone.

He couldn't. He was not strong enough then- He is not strong enough now. No single man could be.

I believe it is less up to Netanyahu. ff you are an Israeli, a Zionist, a loyallovet of your land, it's more up to you.

Now that he is in the Prime Mi.n..isten Office, resist the temptJ.tion to sit back and criticize. Rather, come forward and in droves give him the message he can clearly convey to Obama himseIf, when the president comes calling in May.

"My countrymen - citizens and goverrunent - insist that I withstand every effort to surrender more of our histone homeland fOr empty promises of Jl""". As the loader of the 81 eatest democracy in his world, you will agree WIth me, Mr. President, that my first responsibility is to them, and not to America."

Hyou, reader, are an American Christian or Jew, it is past time to begin your assault on the conido.rs of power in your land wherein wicked men are plotting the delivery of Isrnel IX> the Arabs.

As we all know: All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Stan Goodenough is an experienced Christian journalist who has lived and worked in Israel for almost 20 years. He 15 a contributing editor to The j erusalem Connection.

The ]r17lslIltm CWlIlrcflfJII (:I Page 27

Hcbr~20f~!er !!:!'~D GOl1im Saa:iJice

Sacrifice is a test. In Genesis 22, we read that "God tested Abraham and called to

him, 'Abraham!'" "Here J am," he answered. "Take now your son, your only Isaac, whom you love, and go

to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering (!T" Y) on one of the mountains that I will tell you." (As Abraham had done when he left his father' country, he had no idea where it would lead - just to a "land that r will show you.")

Long Story short, Abraham rose up early, split the wood, saddled up his donkey, took Isaac as well as two yOWlg men, and staned off in the direction of the mountains.

Sacrifice is t rust. On the way to the mountain, Isaac noticed onc thing was miss-

mg. "Abba," Isaac spoke up. ''Yes, my son." "Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?" "God Himself will see to it, son - God will provide the lamb,"

Abraham promised.

Sacrifice is terminal. After binding the wood on little Isaac and laying him on the

altar, Abraham stretched out his knurly old hand with a knife in it, prepared to do the unthinkable. For Abraham, it would be the end of the line. All hopes and dreams would end. Gods so-called promise would have been just some fantasy he dreamed up. H e would have judged the idols in Ur of the Chaldeans to be just as good as anybody's religion - that serving and believing Yahweh didn't make a hill of beans of difference in a mans life.

Dictionary Defines Sacrifice, Th, Engli'h rucrion­ary lists sacrifue as:

• The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage; especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or person for rltis purpose.

• The forfeiture of something highly valued .. . in exchange for someone or something ... l

• The core of "sacrifice" is "sacred," or holy. So sacrifice is an offering. A sacred Y/lrnmder.

• The Hebrews had many words for offering and sacrifice: ze­bach cn:n that which is slain), ola ~y - burnt off"ering- that which 'goes up' in the fire), asam (OfOK guilt-offering), hauat (l1K~n sin­offering), karban OJ1p that which is brought near), minha G1n.l7:> cereal-offering), reshit (l1' IJJK"1 first fruits) and hikkurim ('"OJ the first born), esh (Wilt fire offerings), shornf !!l"1 fO burnt offering), and shaio11lrm (0'7:>' 10 peace offering), praise offerings, votive of­ferings, thanksgiving (.1'111) and free will offerings. Sacrifices were offered up for expiation of sin, to bring about peace, to make peace with God, as propitiation for wrath and for making atonement. Page 28 (I: The J~(llem Crmnection

Prehistory speaks. Thousands of years ago, some of mankind's earliest marks were prints of human hands, either pn:ssed into soft day in cavenlS, or made as positive impressions by and covered in red or black color and pressed on a rotk surface, or by negative im­pressions'made when the hand was placed on a rock wali and coloring was blown a1"Ound it to make an outline. Although the meaning of these hand prints is not kn07JJ7l., au­thor S. Giedion suggests they express some son. of supplication to invisible powers, perhaps even prayers. In some caves, 'many of the hands wen~ deformed, with missing fingers or thumbs. He suggertr these may represent se!f-mutilntion, perhaps part ofsume samficial system, rtanding there, "like a tragic chorus, etern.ally C7ying out for help and mercy." Perhaps they were lifting up hands to the Etern.al. 2

In other words, they cut off a finger or two, hoping to save the rest, hoping to get God to help, to heal the baby, hold back a storm, ward off trouble. Humans innately know there is a God and cry out in need. Sacrifice gets His attention. Who hasn't whis­pered a prayer, "God, if you will do ABC, I prom ise I will do XYZ. Get me out of this and I prom ise I'll be good _ forever. n Right!

Th.is innate tendency to offer something up to God devolved into sacrificing human beings. History is full of mass slaughter of enemies captured in war, but most savage is the practice of child sacrifice to relieve sieges in times of war. Diodorus of Sicily writes that the Carthaginians "stleeted two hundT?d af the nohlest children and sacrifued them publicly."l Second Kings indicates, "King Mesha took his first born son, offered him up un the walls as a burnt offering. A grellt wrath come upon Israel so they withdmo from him and went hack to their rtum land.» H uman sacrifice was prevalent in history. Israel fell into this practice (2 Kings 21 :6), but was severely condemned through the prophet Jeremiah (31). God not only indicated He did not command such a thing, but that it didn't even enter His heart to do so.

Biblical examples of Sacrifice. • The first sacrifi ce in the Bible occurred when God killed an

animal to clothe Adam and Eve, "Therefore, Yahweh EJohim made (ya-as IJJ).") coats (coatnote 111111l~) of skin (or 11Y) and he clothed them." (3 :21). They had first tried fig leaves, but after they sinned, the death and blood of an animal was required to cover (coat) them. Which means, by the way, that God is not opposed to fur coats. • Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God. Abel offered from the first born (nnJJ ) of his sheep and goats (choice animals killed - with all the potential lambs to be born if they had lived). H ebrews 11:4 indicates Abels offering was accepted because of Abel's faith . However, Cain offered "fruit of the ground" (pri­,,~ ha-adamah ;'7:>'K), which could have been anything that grows out of the soil- perhaps a few apples off a tree, a bundle

May -June 2009 • /vflt-Sivrm-Tammuz 5769

of wheat or some shucks of corn, which any good farmer knows is no great sacrifice. In fact, it's no sacrifice at all.

Why does this matter today?

The Passover (no!) lamb (;"127) {Ex. 12:3-6) delivered the Jews from Egypt. Mosaic law dictated the substitution of an unblem­ished lamb in sacrifice for sin. Isaiah 53 spcak~ of the Suffering Servant who as a lamb would die in the place of sinners. It was standard religious pral.:t:ice to offer everything from meal to doves to sheep to oxen for atonement for sin. John, the Jewish prophet who "prepared the way for Jesus," called Jcsus the Lamb of God (John 1:29,36). Those who believe inJesus t}1Z7' Yeshua, Salvation) understand He is the "Lamb of God," the perfect and final sac­rifice for sin. Or as the fumous hymn tells it, "There is a foulltoill filled with blood, Drown from hmmll/ueJ's veins, And sinners pluuged benemh thar flood, Lt;se a/l their guilty 11ll;l1S. The dyil1g thief 7tj~aiced to see, Thor foll1ltllin il1 his day, And there may I, tbaugb vile (IS he, WtJsb 111I1IIY sillS trwlly. "

Ll dosing, there is...l!Q:Y! 110 mQl'e need of sacrifice to be made

for sin; Jesus is "able ro save completely those who come to God through Him" (I-leb. 7:25). However, the believer is encournged, "prrSeJlt YOf/r lnH/ies, II /ivhlg sacrijUe, /Jaly, IIcceptllbie to God - which isyour1'e1lS01IlIbie st:77)ice" (Romans 12). Every day, we are challenged to freely sacrifice to God - our lxxIies, our habits, every hateful or unclean thought, every purpose nor in keeping with God's King­dom. Sometimes we arc called upon to sacrifice personal dreams and hopes, loved ones, ambitions, favorite sins, selfish attitudes, even all other hopes not based on God. What arc you willing to give up to your Lord? \..vhat am I willing to give up to my Lord? As another great hynm says, "I gave my Life for you, my precious blood I shed, That you might ransomed be, and quickened from the dead. I glnJe, I gave 11Iy Life for YOlt, what hlnJe YOll given for Me?"

AmeriC(l" Herit(lge Dictionary. Houghton Mimin, Boston, p. ll40

2 Pat Men.:er Hutchens. Heb'r",jor the Goyim. Xulon. p. 83

3 8ibfiOlI'~m historic!I. Book XX. I 3.4ff. 14.1ff: tnlnsl.R.M.Greer. Copyright 2009 - Pm Men.:er Hmchens.PhD

Sacrifice of Isaac - Dover Illustration 022

\~" June 2009 · /vIlT-Sivnn-TrmmI{lZ 5769 Tht ]trllSlf/I!'f1I CQ/lf/minf/ (:I Page 19

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May - Junt 2009 • i Vllt-SiTlfIlI-7iIlm!ll1Z 5769

The Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan is Online!

,",Vhile the U.S. ad.m..inistration has great expectations for revitalizing the Annapolis process and the "Roadmap to Peace," it is timely and appropriate to consider a new, common sense approach to the Two State Solution. The J erusalem Connection Peace Plan does just that, laying out the vital principles of a solution, based on a C hristian Zionist perspective. This month, we delivered our Peace Plan to every member of Congress, P resident Obama, and Vice President Biden. We believe it is paramount

for us to take an active role in calling for a sensible peace solution.

Go to our website (www.ljci.org) to read the fu ll text of The Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan and to add your endoresement: h ttp://support.tjci.org/peacc_plan .....,.::6

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May. June 2009 · /vat-Sivan-Tam11luz 5769 TheJerosakm CQlmertirm (I: Page 3 L

The Jerusalem ConnectiOJl is offering prints of original artwork by Pat Mercer HUlchens, art teacher and practicing artist.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Make a $100 donation to The Jerusalem Connection and receive this personally signed print of original artwork.

This painting was done while our fam­ily was living in Ramat Hasharon, Is­rael. It was moved and inspired by the words of the prophet, Hosea:

"1 will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a young lion to the house of :Judah: 1, even I will tear a.nd walk away; I will take away and there will be no one to deliver. I will go, retunling unto my place - until they are ashamed and they seek 11ly face. In their a.fJliction thfY will seek me early."

"Come, let us return unto Yahweh. It's true - He has tonl - but He will heal us. He ytruck us with His own hand - but He will bind us up" (Hosea

5:1 4-6:1).

This is for all God's children who ask deep questions about the blows of life. God's blows are more kind and gracious than the sweetest touch of any human. Only God can heal them.

Pat Mercer Hutchens

I wilt be like a Lion to Ephraim by Pat Mercer Hutchens. Outside measure of paper is 11 Y2 by 14 Y2. Copyright 2009 by Pat Mercer Hutchens.

See order fonn on pg. 31. For special orders contact the artist at [email protected] Order this print on the preceding page or online: http://support.tjci.org/our_store

The Jerusalem Connection, International

P.O. Box 20295, Washinglon, DC 20041 Phone: 703-707.QO 14 Web: www.~ci.org

