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Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 9

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  • 7/27/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 9


    Roy of the Rovers A New Beginning

    Week 9

    After a comprehensive win over Oldfield, spirits were high in the Melchester Rovers camp. The

    three-nil victory was achieved without any real threat to their goal and in spite of a mini injury crisis.Miguel Piedra would be out for three weeks with strained ankle ligaments. Jake Cheetham and

    Ronnie Carpenter, who were both substituted during the first-half, would not be available for

    Saturdays match at Tynecaster. Cheetham twisted his right knee and Carpenter had a nasty gash on

    his inside calf, as a result of the two-footed lunge that saw Oldfields Hans Adler sent-off.

    Tynecaster United had finished fourth for the third year in succession, so were obviously a very

    strong side. They were managed by former United, Carford and England striker, Phil Stevens and

    played an open attacking style. Stevens was a highly rated tactician with an eye for a bargain. His

    global scouting network rated as the best in the country. Roy Race had even secretly offered his

    advice on players while he was in exile from Mel Park.

    But right now Rovers were focusing on their own skills and ball retention. Gerry Holloway had

    invited someone special to lead the session, a man who had played for Rovers and England during

    the early nineties and who was somewhat of a maverick. Lads Id like to introduce you to Derek

    Mostin! Hell be in charge for the next hour. Take it away Mozzie!

    Roy Race appeared as if by magic alongside Holloway and Vernon Eliot, he was as keen as they were

    to see what kind of coach his former protg had grown into. Mostin was a controversial, but

    harmless, character. As a young player he liked to play games and take the mickey, his famous goal

    celebrations cheered the Rovers fans but infuriated opponents.

    But there was no doubting Mostins ability. He had been a superb player, skilful on the ball, a great

    dribbler and in possession of a deadly shot. Roy always regretted that his career ended before

    Mostin had fully developed. With Roys guidance on and off the field he would have ensured Mostin

    fulfilled his potential. With a firing Mostin, England would have qualified for the 1994 World Cup,

    Roy was sure of that. Derek Mostin was that good.

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    His training session was light-hearted and fun, but the end results were quite startling. Vernon liked

    to judge a session based on the progress made. It was no good having well designed activities if the

    majority of players did not make progress. In fact, it was obvious that every player had learnt

    something new, therefore all becoming better players. Roy and Vernon were amazed: Derek Mostin

    was a natural teacher. His great gift was to judge what level to set the task for each player. It seems

    obvious, but big Danny Jones is never going to skip past defenders like Fabrice NDiaye, so his task

    was to turn away from the challenge, not to use tricks, but to use his frame to shield the ball and

    change the direction of play. It was so simple, yet something few defenders considered. Jones and

    Daley both have the habit of panicking when pressed in possession, often they just hack the ball up

    field or out of play. Mostin had got them both thinking about new ways of playing. It was some


    His work with the flair players was just as impressive. Mostin gave a short list of things he wanted to

    see, then set up one-on-ones in a limited space. As the man in possession approached the defender,

    Mostin said nothing. Wow! Weve got a man here. Im even learning. By not shouting instructions

    he is forcing the player to think for himself. Too many coaches shout at their players, telling them

    what to do. I cant do that on Saturday, so why replicate it in training? Roy agreed completely,

    Mozzies got all his UEFA badges too! I say you make him an offer now, before one of our rivals gets

    hold of him. Hes just what we need at Melchester!

    The session finished and Vernon sat down in his office with Derek Mostin, Im not under contract at

    Selbridge! It will be a shame to leave, theyre my team, but so are the Rovers. I cant s ay no. But let

    me tell the boss, he gave me the chance when no-one else would take me seriously. I owe him that.

    * * *

    Trevor Brinsden sat at the bar of the Melchester Hilton sipping a half of lager. He was growing

    frustrated, the man he supposed to be meeting was already twenty minutes late. Trevor had not

    called him, they kept their contact to a minimum, it was better that way. As the Melchester Rovers

    chairman let out a sigh, a hand patted him on the shoulder, Evening Mr Brinsden, hows it going?

    The private detective had the habit of arriving suddenly, almost as if he was waiting for the

    opportune moment, like he had been watching from some other part of the room. Reasonable,

    Geoff, lets sit over there.

    Geoff Miles was an unassuming gentleman, around five feet ten inches tall, with greying hair, neatly

    trimmed, mid-forties. He wore a dark blue sports jacket and open-necked shirt. This man wasdesigned to blend into a crowd, but to Trevor Brinsden he was trying too hard to be anonymous and

    that should make him stand out. But it was obvious it did not, as he kept proving by appearing from

    nowhere at every one of their meetings.

    Trevor ordered his associate a drink and they shuffled quickly into the seats furthest from the bar by

    the windows. They had chosen the Piano Bar on the third floor of the concrete monstrosity that was

    the Melchester Hilton. It offered a lovely view of Mel Park and the River Mel, but most importantly

    nobody could see in. Apart from Trevor and Geoff only two couples were drinking, so it was quiet,

    as planned. To anyone who recognised Trevor he would appear like anyone else there, as if he were

    reviewing some business idea from a colleague in a social situation. It was perfectly normal.

  • 7/27/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 9


    Geoff Miles, put his rucksack on the chair beside him and removed a red plastic wallet, Task 1, to

    find out what I could about you and your past, your misdemeanours. Thats in the red folder. He

    slid the documents across the table. Task 2, was to investigate John Lucas. I think youd better read

    that now. We need to discuss it. I have some concerns about that man and who employs him.

    Trevor took the blue folder containing the files on Lucas and started to read. It was an incredibly well

    organised and thorough report. Miles had even referenced each section with evidence, including

    photographs and classified court documents. Geoff began, It seems pissing off Mr Lucas and his

    boss might not have been the best idea. Trevor nodded, he was a little shocked, This is what

    happened to? Trevor stopped as a barmaid approached the table with a bowl of mixed nuts, I

    dont believe it.

    Well Mr Brinsden. You see publishing a story like the one Mr Roth gave him costs a lot of money.

    That retraction, that admission of poor reporting, doesnt just cost readers, but advertisers too. I

    estimate that Inter-News Limited have already lost nearly a million pounds, thanks to Mr Roth. The

    best way for them to recoup that is with a massive exclusive. Miles reached out and tapped the red

    folder, Thats where you come in.

    * * *

    An autumnal afternoon welcomed Melchester Rovers to Tynecaster Stadium. Trevor Brinsden

    approached the away end, soon to be packed with over two thousand Rovers fans. Today he did not

    want to sit with David Roth in the executive area. For the first time this season he wanted to be able

    to enjoy the football without the false niceties of the boardroom. He donned his trademark red and

    yellow bobble hat, something he felt uncomfortable doing in his role as co-chairman and filed

    through the tight turnstiles along with his friends. He did not know any of them, but they shared acommon bond; the love of Melchester Rovers Football Club.

    Rooooooovvveeerrrrrssss! shouted Trevor as he emerged on the second tier of the seating deck

    behind the goal. Others joined in and before long Trevor was back leading the more fanatical

    members of the Melchester travelling support. They were out-singing the home crowd, who out-

    numbered them twenty-to-one, this had not happened for some time, certainly not in the last four

    or five years. Rovers always had the largest travelling support in the country and still had the biggest

    stadium bar Wembley, but their support had become sterile. Like so many of the successful clubs the

    type of supporter attending had changed. Trevor blamed many people for this, Sing up Rovers! Sing

    up! he pointed at a section of the crowd just sitting and passing out foil wrapped sandwiches,Dont just sit there, support the team! He turned to the man on his left, Whats happened? We

    used to be the best supporters in the land! Now its just post-Euro 96, family friendly rubbish! The

    man nodded, Roy Race started all that, mate. We had all that membership card and family stand

    stuff long before Euro 96. Blame him!

    The man was right, it was Roy Races ideas that began the transformation of English soccer and most

    would say for the better. Of course Trevor himself was not witness to such events, he was banned

    from Mel Park for most of the eighties, he only returned after Roy left the club. Ill never forgive

    that man for what he did to me, Trevor muttered under his breath, as the players jogged down the

    tunnel to prepare for kick-off.

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  • 7/27/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 9


  • 7/27/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 9


    Storky Knight

    NEXT WEEKCan Rovers continue their winning streak? What is Trevor Brinsdens secret?
