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Roy Walton - The Complete Walton Vol1

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7/22/2019 Roy Walton - The Complete Walton Vol1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/roy-walton-the-complete-walton-vol1 1/121 Copyright,ewisDavenportinritcd IrirstPrintcd 98l Sccond diti(,n 99 9 'I'HE COMPLETE WALTON bv Rov Walton VOLUME ONE Illustrated yJuliaWalton LewisDaveuPortitnited 5,6 & 7 CharingCross lndergrountl Arcade, TheSlrand,LondonWC2N HZ Printcdbl ThcBookC0npanyLtd.
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Copyright,ewisDavenport inritcd

IrirstPrintcd 98lSccond diti(,n 99 9


bv RovWalton

VOLUME ONEIllustratedyJuliaWalton

LewisDaveuPort itnited

5,6 & 7 CharingCross lndergrountlArcade,

TheSlrand,LondonWC2N HZPrintcdbl ThcBookC0npanyLtd.

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I feelveryflatteredasmy extIemelyalented riend RoyWalton

*ou"riia'trtut I *.it""

fewvords asan ntroduction o this book'

well ove.20yearsa8o,whilst on avisit to Lorrdon,Englandr"i [ov. ii. *i"

"ttttit iime an ntimate iendof Alex Elmslev

u"i Cv's,tnita, I .utt say hat I wasmore han mpressedy hi$

greatknowledge nd skill.

Sircethat time, he haswritten several xcellent ooksdealinS

rn"iiiv-*irrt puvtng*rds. I havenevermet anyonewho has ead

rtrem. ndsrudiedismcthods hodid not enthuse'

I havecarefully ookedover the conteotsof this book and I

.onria"i ii"

reaily Sreatcontribution to thc literatureon the

i"iii""i. i"*l.t i"i ii clearlvand thoroughlvexplainedn detail

andsome f hisncwer ffects re rulybrilliant'

I assureou, hat youwill enjoymanyhoulsof satisfaction nd

."i-"v^t"i-,i t""ute

to addm;ny new tems o the fascioating

*udy of cardhandling.


7thOctob€! 9El

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Some onsiderableimehaselapsed incemy first collectionof

cardtricks waspublishedand n the interimperiodseveral therbookletshavebeen offeredto the fratemity containing urther

material.The letters and comm€nts have received egarding hese

Dublicationsas edme o believehat theyhavebcenwell receivedamongcardconjurers, nd I wasdelighted hen Davenpon'ssuggeitedshould repare compilationolume f theselems.

this book therefore, ontains ll of the materialpreviously

offered h booklet form, togetherwith two additionalsections'one on tricks and one on sleights.The latter chaptershouldbe

helpful to readerswho arenol familiar with a particulafsleiShtmentionedn oneof the trick descriptions he movecan bequicklyookedup n the final chapter, lthoughealningt may

lakea little onSer.This book s essentiallvselfcontainedolume f tricksand

\leights ithunpreparedards, nd sincerelyope ouwill findInanylems hatyouwillconsiderorthaddingoyour epertoire


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Chapter I-The Devils Pta),thinCs




Chapter 2-Cadboad Chatudes















ll 6ll Et2l






Chapter 3 Tale T$rist 6

Chapter 4-Ard kripl








ll 0ll llt 3

t25t27t2813 0I3l



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Chaptet s-Trigger



Aapkr 6-Some LateExtra Cad ftick


15 515 6

t57rs9l6 tt62

t77lEolE l


lE 3





"For Jean,Julia andSarsh-

whohavePut rcal mqgic nmt l{e"

Chapte. 7-7hal Ce ain Sonething


Chapter 8-Sleights








rE6IEEt9r0t9219419 5tvlt99




Chapter g-Round Up



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TheDevil's PlaYthings


The ollowings€qucncesdcaigncdo beus€d sa leld in to anycff'cl

usinc oul cardiof ilmilar value. l is cxuamclyikcly thatyourfav-ouritc

rricfinvolving four cardsof similatvalua s a four a'e tricr' so or mc

aiicriorion *i witt us€accs.Prior !o showinghc effccl, thc four ac'6

shouldbe aranScdas ollows:faccup aceof diamonds,ac' down acc

oi-rti".t", i"". io"n accof spadcs,a.c down ace of clubs ln lhis

.i.aiti.i'trtiv ati puaa in th; right hand rouserpockcrof voursuit'

thc aceof clubs acing hc body.- -n.pi"iit h-a"a to a spcttator o thoroughlvshufflc'ard whilst hc

is doini thisyou eachnroyour ighthandrouscr octetanopalm ne

four aces, hc aceof diamondsbaing hc oneneSresth€palm Exl.no

""".i.]itrana for rnc oack o be eiumcd o you,ard hold t fac! down'

iiir rrr. rlo-.a

ot rtt'.pack a.e upwith rhe riShlhand'usinghe'dge

of ihc rirhi trand ir$ fingcr,and aavc hiscsrdfac' upou top ol tn€

""J.cirl'"it-iit" to its-valuc, and lhcn pass h€ right hatd ovcr it

ieDosirinr lhc four palmcdcrrds upon t in th€normelcolourchange

".it"r.*-oi*ot tttir i, haschangdto rheaccof dismonds'Thumboff

rhc aceof dramonds, nd cavet facc up on thc trblc''-ir-itt.-*"ii""i up in thc l.ft hand,atrdsayvouwill nowuy and

o.oauii a sfona oceusinghe facccardof lh€pacl To do hiscarryorrt

onc of thc standard olourchangc leights,whcre hc rcar carool lh€

o".r-it .*t.,riii*y"*.d to lh; fac!. tn adual fact, I prlrn this card

i..J-i"i.,ii.ir.i i tt""" tum.d thcpack ac€up,and bcfotemcntioning

wha( s Soingo happ€nncxt. \ly'hichcver ethodyou usew l reslll m

rhc aceof he3!!sappcaring t thefaceof lhe pack.Tum thc pact face

down n the .ft hand, and pick up a little ftngq brcakbelow he top

thrcc ards.ssvvouhavc ow ound hc wo redaces,caving nly heblack ncs

rodilcovcr.PickuD heacc f diamondsndplacel face p' on opot

irr.p""1.npp."t 16 *n it face own'but eallyum dorvn ll ourcards

,uoii rrt. tiile nns.. uteak. av hat hercs on. redaccon topof the


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The Devil's Plalrhings

pack,andalsoone at the face.Turn thepackover, o exhibit heaceofheartsat the face. n turninS le pack aceup, take ahisopportunity opickup a left liltl€ fingcr breakabove he op card ofthe pack theonercarest hepalm),

Having shown hat you havea red aceat lhe top andbottomof thepack,younowgiva hepackonecut saying hat this will obviously ringthe wo redacesogether.n makinghecut,you must eavehe cardnearestte palm,whcret is. Therearcmanywaysof accomplishinghis,but anaxc€llent l€ighto usc s Ed Marlo's ilde fingcrpull do*,n.Usingthis,yousimplycut off the aceportionof th€packwiththeaceof heartset the facealtd appcar o placet b€low he oth€r aaeupportior, butrcallypull down on thc top cardof thcpack,with the eft little fingcr,sothet it rernainswharet is, ard the scclionwith the r.e of hcartsat thefac€go€s n bctwcerl his cerd, and lhe remaind€rof thc pack. An

alternativemovewouldbe o undcrcuthall of theprck, ard drop t ontop of the ac. of hcarts,but duc o thc lcft littlc fings break,youeasilywilhdlawa s€clion f thepackabovehe breel, cavinghe op cardbchind.Therearc othcrtechniquesf cours€, nd t m.tters ittle whichyou uscas onS as hc prck is cut orcc, but lhe top card s relainad nposition.

Now sprcld thepack n a lonS ace up spre.d, shoving hat the twored ac€shavc wo facedo*n cardssandwichcd€twe€nhcm. Removcthese our cards,and urn ov.l the fac€downones o show hat the woblack aces avenowb€en ound.


In this rick youapparcntly eadhe sp€ctalortmind,and b€n et him8ethis ol'n back onyou, by rcadin8yours.

Commcnce y runningthrouSh he packand removinghe ac€, woand threc of clubs for the spcctator,and the ace, wo and thr€€ ofdiamonds or youlsell.Tuft the remainder f lhe pack accdown and

plac€t on tllc table, but in tlis actionpaln the top card nto lhe righthand. Pickupyouracewo and hreeofdiamonds,andaffan8e hem nsequcncc o that you rrill knowwhich s vrhichwith ftem behindvourback,Sayyou will secretlyevarseneof thcmasa Dredicrion. lacerh.m bchind ourback,andaddinghepalmed erd o $em, se€retlyarfirngChemso hat thcyreadas ollows:Fac€downaceof diamonds,faccup two of dia.6onds, acedown ndiff€rent card.faceuD hreeofdiamonds. ring hemoul from bchind ourback quared i, rheacebeing hetop facedowncard.

Ask hcspe.tator o placehis hree ardsbehindhis bach, o s€lect nyonc,andplacet face pon he abl€.Younowsho$ har ouhavemadaa succBsfulpredictionby revealinghat youhave eversedhe matchidgcard n your packet, s ollows:

The Deil's PlaYthings

l.If hehassclectedhe ace, preadhecards oinS single uckl€'

wtrictrwitt rcvealne two and hree aceup, and heale facedown'

Rfrove the acedowncardwith therighthand,andshowhat s he

z. itre trassetectedtrc wo' simplyspread ourtoptwo cards'holding-

G. i""fonii tq*t"a""

asingh ctd, whichwill revealhe wo face

uD n thecentrc f lhe othcr wocaros'3.lf hc selectedhe hre€,double uclle ke€pinghe op two cards-

.qu"tJ a. onc,*ttictt will reveslhat thethrec s the onlycard ace

sai-thatasvouha"eonlymade single redrclront could ave een

.hiii.lio voi *i ,.p""t ihceffect.Plece ourcards ehind ourback

""iin. -a

i.pau, t. i*"ct procedure,llowinghespcdatorlo lace is

irir* uif,iJiis u".t "gain andplaceone aceup on the able Repeal

the eff€cta third time.'-'-r.fa.aG,to t"v,

"""tttim€youbrilg yourcardstorn behind ourback


a-.i"av'ln t" co,t"41 16s 6 16vcalnyof thc hree ards' y

rtre'orocedures_dAailedarlier'However'alher han ust squaing he


r.u"lation. normally preadheceldso showhe


""t,."t,andthenremovehe reversedardwith the right

il;. i;ilii.";;-d

rcplacingt in rhesame osilionn hespread'

but notsquting hespread fler hisactionThecards rcuren laceo

behind ourba;k oreverseourpredictionor henexldemonstratlon'

but aI iou do is tum thecardyou had previouslyurncdovcr'. ver

arain 16 iing tre acfet nto hccorrecl rd€r oproceeiThe ffec!s

'irpiitrt"i i6" i"-"a ,hc revered.cardvcr,so hat all rhreeace he

same av.before lacinghembehind ourback'-

s." ttt"i"o,t

*ltino* iive hespectalorchancco read ourmind' n

tact.'rtrrer trances,he same ! you hadwith him Placc our packct

i.irl'rJ-"""i u"ii"ga",

and secletly djusl hem,so hat hcyare.all

iacedown,rhc ndificrentcardbeingon top' and heolher hrc€ unnmg

in seouanceelowt.'''irti-ii.

ouita."tv to ao by uminghesecondnd ourthcardsrom

ttr. oo o"l" Uur .i"ing them n position nd hen ransferringhe hirdcarddown o the op.'-n.^.".

ift" Jpiialrfercnl card'keepingt facedown,endpla'e t

r-i ao*n on op'ot tta ack.Ask hespeclaloro spreadis hre€ ards

i"". uo on rtt. raut.. _a lry to guess hichone s dr' matcof thcone

"nurrJ". iott of"".a f""e downon thepack llthen he hasmadeuphis

i'"i.i.t.ir'riiiti. oi"t"p

hischoice nddrop r face ownon opoflhe

n""[. s"r vou *iit no* choosc norhcr qrd Reech €hind ourback

lnJ"auitiv t.to". Itt"card hatmaffies pwith hr one hespeclator

r,"t iu.i ei"..a ot rrt.pack.whichs easy €caus' eselectedrom ace


o"op i, t""e aownon op of lhepackandaskhim o decide

rr'o* ttii ,.tn"in;ng *o faceup oneswhichhr thinksmatchesheon€

vouhavcus! dac;d olr thepack,and hcn o drop t facedownon top'


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The Deeil,s playthings

Remove.lheinalcard rombehind our.b.aclrwo quardasone), ndSxmpsets acr.and ollowoneofihc louowtng rocedures:.

r. rr ll.matcheshespecrarorte.rnaininSaci up ca.J-on freaUle.tum thr righthandover o show hc ace, ndsay 1W.lt,

",t.""t t..Jale correcl".pick up rhesp€ctator,sara,a"a iface t on tielace oiours. rd rum de cslds accdo$,n.humb ff,i,. r.p f*. a"*"-"*iian_drop roD op-"ofhepacl, tlen drop he efu;-fit;;;';;;:;r:p. farrly takc.off hc rop wo accdowncardsf rhi;"ci,-;;'l#tnem ac€ p. ,Welliflhese narched.httre,nexr*onairsn urn:il;;;;;il#tr::::'rtff*f ;:T:nTJ

:_.]:1S,.T,t9lberwe€nhc isht hurnbd-filg;., ;.i#j:::rnp^ossrdcor rhcsp€ctatorsosecwhichca.rd f €sch-t;; ;;;;;;omer.. rusactjonwill prevcn! n observantpcctat;r orine hai ii;esecondnd hhd.palls lom lhe op conlain

^cardi" ;;*;;;:d;;:.::

,^t. Alrematrvety.f when ou ookat he ace f yourcara,-yorifindi1::s ,or Jnatch-e sp€ctator'sasra". up

"rra,.impii ,ip-ii.ii"jdownon top of rhepack,and el thespccrarort""e ls'1""rJ"rj ii".down,on opofall, and hen evcalhaia

rn rnc arrer an of lhepr*ou, ,".*r"r'll"tto"irsmatch sdelailed


,_Theollowing ffaclwasevolved hilstendcavounn8osolve neofackAvis'sproblens,

,,-RunhrouShhepackand emovcivesers fcards, ach f rhessmrarue,A5 theseselsare located,arrangee4choncso that thecolour;al.ternalend hen rop hem accdown-onhe able. t rhe;;;;l;;;or rnrs.op€rarion,ouwill have packat f r*enrycaras n tJ ralt.consrsrrnsf fivcscrsf four ardi, achclof r";iu"rig .'rii,l.i"liiiv€r_uendatternarinSncolour.Ther. s nonecessiryor rhc;ok;;irwenly arcts.rolrernaren colour.An example


i'{iiji3""1T#:it{:,Kffi.T,fr3H;ttiir(-;d;t:.lnere.$ no scfiecyabout }e cardsbeing amoved,but do not drawroomuch rrention.tohem. ayhar ouwi bril;;;;;;;;;ifi;

anodo thls by holding tle packcl facedownfaro.shufles. herhir"h;i;;;;;; ;;1'til'.iil#tff lff ffiT;€tarsol the rcversr aro m6y be found n rtre .oia rasrrionei'ivui;le ect.-etsewherc

in lhis book. The packetor c![ctsmust not b€ cut inoerw€ejrne rever$ faros. but you can cur as many trmesas you wishwnen he shulfleshavcbeen ompleted.

-_jl:vjn8cgmptetcd.dc rwo revcrse aros, hold lhc pac&elof rwenrycaros ace dowr in thc Iefi handand dealour a row of rcn cards ac!d_o_:n9n he.tabte,e"tinsromRIcHT otefr. ";" ,-t.'.lrn'"iiig J&ds In the teft hand ace up, and sprcad hem n a fan ro stro* itr.i.


The Deil's PloYthings

mixed condition. Removea coin from your pockct, andhand it to a spec-

lalor, requesting hat he should drop it o'l the back of any card on lhe

tabl€, When he has done this, removc a secondcoin froln your pocket'

and droD this five cards o the rtht of the one olr which the sp€ctatorhas

Dlaced is coin. Start your counting of live, on the card imm€diately to

ihe richt of thesD€ctator'soin,and fyou run off the riShthand endof

the sp-read,ontinue our countingat Ihe begiMingofthe left handend,

an crample ol this is shown in Figura l.



f s clnosro ntcxroFsP€crAToRs




The sDeoator hasplaced he coin onacatd in from the righl hand end

of rhe row. and vou hav€counled ivc to the right of lhis coin, running

oft theerd of lb; sprcadand continurng l lhc bcginninSgain o bring

vou to the Ddition mark€d P, whereyour coin is pl.ced.'

Exolain tirc freedomof choicc hat hal be€ngivcn to tha spcciator' and

whilsi doinc this. norchow many cards here src to lbe left of the coin

nearesthelefi hand endof lhe spr€ad, rrespcctive f whelhcr his coin

has been Dlacedficrc by the pcrformcr or tha speclalor. Double rhis

number. and add onc to it. In thc illustralion sho*n, thrc are thret

cards o rh.lcft oflhecoin n.aresl hc ctt handcnd oflha spread,which

whendoublcd atd havinS onc added,givesa kcy number of s€ven'You

now have o closeup the faceup spreadof tan cards n th€ left hrnd' bul

in this action pick up a little fingcr break below th€ numbcr of cards

cquai o th e keynumter from the FACE of lhis packel. n our example,

rh€ break would b€ b€low s€vencards. This can be done exlremely

quickly, b€cause syou know exactlyhow many cardsyou have,you can


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The Devil's Ploythings

mentallycount from eit h€r end to lessen our wolk. For seven!youwould couni three from the top end, rather than seven rom th€ face, andpickup yourbreak,Turn thepacket acedown,and calry out a urnoverpassat the breakposition.Now deal out lhese ardson lop of the ten

already n the table,bui this ime, deal rom LEFT to right, maki4 tenpairsof facedo\rrr cards.

Talk about he powerofmoney, and casuallyurn all pairsup wilhout

coinson, to show hat noneof themmalch n colourand valu€.Request

the spectatoro remov€ he coin from the backofhis cardand hen umthem over o show hat they matcb n botl colour andvalue.Havehim

do the samewith your coin, o find that no! only do these lsomatch n

colour andvalue, but they are alsoof th€ same aluea! his pait.

NolE*If you are performing wifi a spectator sitting oppositeyou, you

canhand hepacket f lwentyczuds crossohim for the first ento be dealtout. This will automa tically lace hem n right to leftorder from youl point of view, alrd as ong as you deal the nextten, the rick will reacha satisfactory o[clusion.


When originallyworkedout this effect thought t only suitable ormagicians, n view of its surprise endinS, when related to theconv€ntional oil and water effect. However, I have found that thisending s alsoSood or lay audiences. riginally, usedaces,but MiltKort suSgestedhat facecardswouldgivea greater onirast,and sinc€then I've alwaysus€dqueedsor the effe€t.

Before commencing,arrange the following nine cards itr order,reading rom the top of the face down pack: 6C, 7H, 85, 9H, 7C,followedby the four queens,n actual ac! l i s more ogical o memorisethe stackand remove he cards rom a shufflc dpack,and place hem on

thc lable. The first fiv€ indifferent cards arenot critical as o their valucs,

but you shouldsel€ct ardswhichare not too easily emembered.

For ease f expla nationet us now assumehat you have h€ stackof

cardson top of the facedown pack. Rapidly count off into lhe righthand he top nine cardsof th€ pack but do not draw attention o thequandtyyou dealoff. Turn them aceup, and hold hem rom above nthe righr hand, he thumb at the nearshon end, finSers ! the far one,and forefinger on th€ face, in preparalion for the Brother Hammanpacketswitch.Say hat you havea Eroupof cardsalternatingn coloursequence.llustate his by dra*ing them nto the eft hand one by one,sliding hem off with the left thumb, saying black, red, black, red,black, ed, black, red, black."

As you mentioneachcolour, you draw he appropriate ard off thefac€ofahepacketonlo those n ihe right hand,and at cardnumber ive,

The Devil's PlaYlhings

$hjch in our e\amplewould be lhe seven f c lubs yo u executehe

Brother Hamman packet switch,continuing h€n to deal hrough the

remainder f the cards, Draw all attention o ihe alteration f colours'

and no attentionat all to values nd counl them airty rapidly keeping

the cards n modon,

Souarehe packeland turn il facedown in the efi hand.Dealon the

rabli the top aour cards n a packel.sayingas you do so. "red, black'

red,black,leavingme with red, black, ed, black " In linewiththelatter

remark, you appearsimply to count the remaining foul face down cards

in the eft hand nto the rieht, but you actuallydo this as ollows Deal

one off fairly, deal altot}ler off farrly on top of the first on€,now buckle

the bottom ;ard so that the next two caDbe aken ason€, on top of those

aiready h the right hand, and place lhe final card in the left hand

beneaahhose already in the ri8ht. The effect is that you simply place

four cards acedown on the table,stating hat they ar€ ed, black, ed,black, vhichshould eave ou with four in fte hand,likewis€ onsisting

of two of each olour.

Now makea little maSical esture ver he groupyou ate holding n

rhe right hand, and lurn Ihem face up. Perform the standardghosl

counr:to reveal hal lhese ardsareall black.You areactually ounting

five as our, concealingwo, but tbe echniques cxactly he srune s lre

standard four as four elost count. Turn these cards which in our

examplewill appear o be all blarck, acedown, and say"off course hese

will b€ . . ." qld then as you tum them face up' continue your senlence

with the*ords ". . . the four queens",which shouldcomeassomewhat

of a shock o lhe spectators,


An extr.mely simpla principle is us€d n this effect, but b€cause f the

dressinsl is not at all obvious o an audienceust how very simple he

meLhod-is.n addition o a packof cards,you wlll require hreedice'Hand the threedice o a spectator, nd suggestha! he rolls hcm on

ihe table a few times, to satisfy himself that thcy arequite convenlional

Nowhandhim a packofcarda,and equesthat hegivest a shuffle,and

holds t face down in his left hand.

Turn your bact on th€ proceedinSs, r if performing seatedat a table'

.imDl' turn your headaway.and rcquest he spedaror o selecl ne of

rhe;ice and ou rhison the able.unlil he ssalisfiedhat he uppermost

number s arrivod at completely by chance.When he has done this, tell

bim o note hc card hat occupieshis position rom the op of the face

downDack. nd emembert carefully.Extend out hand or thepack o

bc pliced therein,blt do not look towards he dice a! all. If you are

na;din8 whenpresentinghe rick, you simplyhave hepack eplacedn


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TheDeeil's PlaYhings

yourhands, ehind ourback.Say o anotherspectator hat you would now ike a second umber

chosen ompletely y chance,and have him pick up the two dice thatwere not usedby the first spectaior,and ihrow theseon the table, oar veat a chairce otal. lt is worth pointingout lhal the otal of theselwo dice,shouldnotaqualhe numb€r hrown by he fi.sl spectator, s twouldmake hetric* meaningless.

Whilst you havebeenexplaininghow the second umberwas o bechosen, ndpossiblyetting hc spectatoroll the dicea coupleof times,until s.tisfi€d with his choice,youhavequietlybrought hepack o thefroDt of your body, or below the table, if performings€aled,andrcversedhc ordcrof the top eleven ards.Simplycounl eleven ff, alldreplacc hem on top.

Ask oneof the sp€ctatorso group he threedice airly clos€ oSether,

so hat whenyou turn round, you will be unable o tell which was heoriginal ona hrown, and whichwer€ he latter ones.When hey haveirdicated hat his hasb€en one, urn around,andquicklymentallyaddthe upparmostlgures f the hreedice ogetler.According o the answeryouobtain,youmust carry out onc of thc following actions . ,

l.If the otal s welv€, o noding. Justplacehepack ace ownonthe tablealongsid€he dice.

2.lf the otal s below welve, oumust enove rom he op of thepack,cardsequal o the difference etweenhe total, and welve.palmthe cards Dto he right hand, and henplaceh€packon thetable, etaininShepalmcdcardsn my hand. You could alsounder-cut, bu! I prcferthc effect to be that nolbing s done o thepackfrom thc momentyouturn round, until it is placedon the table.

3.lf the total s above welve, ransfcr he differenc€ etwe€nie totaland welve rom the bottom of tle pack o the op, by any sl€ightyoufavour. actuallybottompalm heappropriate umberof cardsinto the ight hand,alld add hern o the op n ii squarinS ctionandthenplacehepack acedown on tha table.

Figure2 sho*s hreepossibiliticsn line with theabovc ules,and he

appropriate ction s dctailedbeloweach et of dice, o makeeverythingquitcclear.

At lastwehavc eachedhepoint in the rick, wherc hep€rformerhasno morc*ork to do. Explain hat t wouldbe mpossibleor you o knowthc positionof the sel€cted ard, and usually he sp€ctatorswill aSxeewith lhis srstcrnmt.Ask he spcctatorwho rolled he irst die o nowpickit up from thc table. Say hat the wo remarning icewere hoseused ofrc€lysclcctanothernumber.

Explain hatyouwill nowmalrcallycausehe selected ard o leave hefirst position it occupicd,and travcl ro thc positionsignified by thes€condhrow of dice, ht lhc spectatorount down rom the top of thepack, o the valueof thc two dicc cmainingon the able,and hen umovar ha card at this position evealing t to be he s€lected nc.


A) --1 FnV r...

.j) I..Jr;1 l"| F_ll . . l I .ll . a l



The Derti 's Plqy hings


F;ll . . l





Theplots of lhe followidg two effects are by no mcansnew, ard mallymethodshave been explained n the literature of card magic. All that isoffered here are two furthcr methods,offerinS economy of motion, tobringabout he desired ffect.

Remove rom thepack he kiDgof hearts,and he king ofdiamonds.l{old the pack facedown in thc lcft hand, and thcn placconc of tbe redkings face up at the bottom, and one face up at the top. Explai! to thcaudience lat you have umed tha kirus faccup asyou do not wish themi o be selected.Riffle down the €ft hand outcr com€r of tbe packwith thelcft thumb, requestinga spectator o call stop at anypoint. When hc do€sso. bring the right hand over thc pack, ard cut th€ upper s€€tion off,holding it from above, thumb at thc naar sbort end, and fingers at theol her. Extend the left hand seclionof the pack towards the sp€ctator andthumb off the top card for him to take. Whilst h€ is looking at hi6 cardnnd showing t to other memb€rsof the audience, reassemble he pack.

Riffle the outer left hand corner of thc pack again, until you reach helpproximatecentrepoint, and bring the right hand over n exacdy hesomeaction as before, to cut off th€ upp€rmostsection of the pack. As$on as the outer end of the pack is conccaledby the ri8!t fingers, droprhebreakheldby the eft thu$b and usr ift the aceup king n the riShthand.This s he standardmockpassechnique, ndyou will find t quitedcceptiveprovided the cards are kept low and tilted downwardsslightly,ro that the back areprominent. Have the selectcd ard replacedon top ofthe supposed ower half, and then appear o placc the upper half on top

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The De|i|'s Pldy|hings

of the selected ard.Only on€card s goingon top ofcourse,but lo addto the deception,whenyou bring this card over he left hand section,hold t aboul a quarlerof an nch above he owerpackeland only o*erto the op ofthepack asyou ik theouter shortendofthe packupwards,simultaneouslymaking a squaring aclion with the right hand by moving!t to and fro along the short end of the pack. This procedure will

completely cover the fact that only a single card is being added by lheright hand.

Point oul that the kinSs still occupy heir original positions, by fanning

the pack slightly to show them. Say hat you will cause he kings lo lcave

the op and bottomof thepackand ravcl o the c€nue.Square hepack,

and hold it in the left ha.d and sayyou will make lhe top king go first.

Ex€cute th€ Erdnaic colou cha[ge, method one in legerdemalnsection, of "Expcrt at the Card Table", to make the king appear to

vanish, Really you hav€ simply transposed he position of the top twocards in the pack, and the king is now face up, second rom the top.

From thc audimce's oint of vie\t, you havepassed oul hand over h€

face up king, alld upon relnoving the hand, a face down card is revealed,

and thc hand is empty. Say hat thc bottom orc has alsogone,and showthis ao b€ true by tuuing the pack face up, but asyou do this, executeatunover passaround the cenlre of the pack. Turn the pack face down

again, and spreadwidely on the table, so fiat the two face up kings arerev€aled arolnd thc centre, *ith the s€lectedcard caughl b€tween hem.


Before commcncing this effec!, er$ure that th€ kings of hearts and

diamonds are saparated n the pack. Rm the pack face up betwcenthe

halds, until you comc o a red king, brcak $c sprcad n two al this point,

so that the king is on th. face of the section hcld bi the left hand. call

attenlion to its suit and then rcturn the right hand spreadof cards above

it, so that it can b€grasp€dby thc fingertips of the right hand and taken

away bencath the riSht hand sprcad in its nalural position, io88€dslighdy to tha lcft. Tum the ri8!t hand sprcad fac€ do*n and release he

kiDg so tltat it falls face dos,i on the table. Say that wc now nced the

othcr rcd king and mcnlioD thesuit you ate now looldng for. Replace he

sp.ead of cards in the right hand face up, on !ho6a in th€ left, and

coniinuc to thumb cards over with the l€ft thumb untrl you come o thencxt rcd king. Break lhe spreadat this point in the sameway as you didfor the first one, and exhibit he king at the aceofthc lefl hand spr.ad.Bring the ri8ht hand spreadover the ef! one o appear o take he king as

bcfore, but really lakc two cards, the king, and the one immediatcly

below t. Turn lhe right hand spread acedown, and apparently hrow

the king face down on top of the one alteady on the iable. Tum the right

hand cards fac€ up, closing the spread slightly as you do so, lo conceal

The DeYil's PlaYthings

rhe incar he ear,andplaceheseards elowhosen the eft hand' o

iir"iirti litu"irr

u..ot; lhe opcardof thepackwhenl is urned ace

down.Praciiseheabove l€i8htn frontol a mirror'andyou w llno

itt"r i ii quit.a""epliu..Ther; s nolhing ard o t sinc€hecards re n

, ro.e"a ona,nun,-a

it'squileeasyo takeoff two rather hanone'

iroin G-r"". or,it. left ha;d seclion.Having rartnattmrion o the

kinc. l should €removed ndplacedacedownon the ablewlln a

i;trii ;ri;i il, smoorh clion,eiacrlv imulatinghemannern which

$e iirst onewas airlYrernoved_ian *tl r""" aor"n'pack for a cardto be selccted nd remember'd'

u.fiJ'm pact, and have t returned o the top of lhc lef!-hand

;;il;;J]H;;d"i..l it to lhe op, bv mcans f thepassThiswill

u*u lie sefectcaara o &e top of the facedownpack$'ith a redking


.ir"-"."'wifi senane wo edkings n a missiono find thesel€cted.^r?i,rii

"t "ou-tintionlhis,pickui lhe $o face owo ings nd lash

rhe ace f lie fronl one, naking urehat he ace f lhe earone s not

.iooiJ iv onrv pt.aaing hem cryslighllv.Drop hekingsace own'

dn oDof lhe Dack, ndcarryoul theErdnas' lipcut whlcnglvcsne

rmoreisionfiuning thekingsnto hecentre. ut eallyjustoosensne

'.J."ia.s"" rhe ines hai nowgonedown nto the pack'6nd ar'


for iheselecredid. Aftera slightpause, tarchat

,rr-" i""? r.""J;,, *a arenowbringingt r.rpo the opaS6rn av I

rhi;k thev hould e here ynow',and nvite spectatoro u{n he-top

irriff iu#t o] irr. pa.f r"". up, o rev€alhat heyhavcndeedound he

\clectedard,which s sandwichedetweenhem'

NorE:lf you wish, an addilional onvinc€r an be nsenedoto lhe" "


to havca black ingnext o lhe- econded

"ri,itit v* ap-parintlyemoveat the beginningof the effect'

rt'ii means tlai itre blackking will be switchedor the red one'

rader thanan indifferentcard,alld therefore,at the stagen the

irickwherehe faces f the kingsarcflashedbeforeplacing hem

on-.p ol rtt. p"ct, you"an

show fairbit ofthc rear ard'es on8as h; approp;iatearts recovered. yspreadinghe ac€ ardo

ttreteftn a diagonalosition, o hat t coverslheouterefl comer

of Lh€ lack i;g andplacingour ight humbovcr he nner ight

corner. fairlynalural ppearancesSiven


s,rme ime aco. Karl Fulves evelop€d very nterestinghequer

r'r,'r,iim, trictr'*as uU5equenrlyublhhedn he Pallbearers'eview"'lhc

tollowina ffeclusesheprinciple t thrsandappliest to cards-

ir"_ir,r"tirt tl" packand emovehe values ce, hrough o kind'


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The De'r I's PIaJ t hings

makintsure ha tyo u emote ou rol lh esame ui l , heothet uiLs eing

we m]xed.Erhibit these hirte€ncards o lhe audience. lressrnghat

"ouhate remotedonecardof each alue,and hensbuffle hemup Say

iou will lav th€se ards acedown on the table n the form of magic

it.pping.ron"t. Rrmov€ ardsone by.one rom the far" andplace hem

facedo*'rr on the tableas shown n flgure J

The Devil's PlaYlhings

Pick up ih€ remainderof the pack and sayyou will sele ct ne card

lrom i(, as a prediction.Look for any pait of cardsof the same alue,

.nsuring hat one of them s a spade For instance, ou might decideo

ose he two of diamonds,and ihe two of spades.Remov€ he two of

'pades,and place t facedown on the table,as your prediction, nd cut

rle two of diamonds o any appropriate osition n thepack that you

lnvour for forciflg a card. The card you place asideasa prediction must

llways be of lhe same uit as he ones n rows two and four'

Say hat the thirteen steppingstoneson the table reprcsentvalues rom

rce o king, and you now requireone card o represent suit. Force he

rwo of diamondsonto a spectatoras this card, but do not let him look at

rr. Simply ask him to leave t face down on the table. Request he

trssisting pectator o m€ntion any number he wishes.Whilst there is no

r$triction on his cboice, isadvisableio aybetweenive and wmty, so

rs not to make the trick too tedious. Now ask him to pick up the face(lownsuit card, and touch t on thc back of any oI t he valuecards.As

{)on ashe does his, you make h€ followingsimplementaladdition, o

liccide whether you should tell him to start counting on the card he has

rouched, r the next one.l If his chosen umber,plus he row number,gvesan evenanswer,

start countingon the NEXT card.2.If his chosen umber,plus he row number,givesan odd answ€i,

startcountingon the ACTUAL card he is touching.N.8.-The row numbers re shownon the llustration,one hrougl to

five. Instead of adding the row numbers, so:nemay find it easier

to add the number of cards IN THE ROw to the selecled

number,and tb€n applyrules or 2 above.

ln accordance ith th€ rulesmentionedabove, he can thentap his face

,k)wnsuil card around the st€pping tones,moving from onecard to

!rolher in ary directionhewishes, s ong ashismoves realwaysmade

irom onecard o anotherone ouching t. In o ther words,all moves r€(liagonal, ut compl€'tereedomsgivenas o how many imesh€wishes

ro change direction. Upon finally rerching the numb.r hc sel€cted,he

,!oDs he suil card acedownon this card it will always eoneof those,irrked with an S n th€ llustration).

'lhe unwantedtwelve cards are now gatheredup and replac€don the

l)rek. f you wish,you may lash he aces f these, s ong asyou do not

.xDose he value card coffesponding to the value of your pr€diction (in

,,ur €xample wo).Pick up th€ face down suit card from above the value card and point

,'rr thai of the thirteendiffer€nt valu€s, ne hasbeenselect€dFlip the

vrluecard aceup, using hemexicanumover,so hat he wo shows p

Now say hat asyou mentioned €arlier, the othet onewould representhe

'|lil.Turn this aceup, andplaceitalongsidehevalue ard,pointingour

rhat hese wo cardsnow rcpresenthe two of spades. ave a sp€ctalor

rl|rn overyour prediction, o show hat it is correct.






I hr€e ards o n row one l$o in lhe ne\I .an dso on unl i l a l l Lhineen


rii-e lace down on lhe table The corner\ of lhe card5can

"".iL".,"ir'.i than jusl touch as shown n lhe illusLration'$hich is

"t.iui-tlino* ir vo"ire workingon a re\tricled rea The cardsplac€d

in rows wo and four, and signiliedby an S on the llus'ration,must be

the four of the same uit, for example,et's say,spades'








Nf.'-\N\ N



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N Nrsu'e

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The Devil's Playthings

Additiond ClimrxFor a little extraeffoit, you can adda fu her punch o the end of the

effe{t as follows.Beforecommencing, ecretly lace he 2D, 4D, 6D, and 8D into four

differentpock€ts fyour suit, so ha t you can mmedialelywithdrawany

oneyou wish al a laterstagen the rick. I placehe 2D n the right hand

trouserpocket, be 4D, n the i8fit handjacke!pocket, he 6D, n theleflhand jacket pocket, and th€ 8D, in the left hand trouser pocket Thus,

they rcvolve in numedc order around the body, aod their respectiveposi

liorls are easily rernember€d.Whan you commencc h€ effect by removing lhe values from ace to

king, you mus! ansue that your four like suitsare he 2, 4, 6 and 8 of

spades, he other eight cards being rnired suits as before, but withoul

spades,and it is of course he 2, 4, 6 and 8 that go into positions marked

S n the llustration.Theirorder s of no importance.At the stage n the effect whele you removeyour prediction card, you

must ramove a spadeas usual, as your prediction, but the forced card

must bc a diamond. Thevaluesof thcs€ wo cardsmirst be the same, but

rememberhat twos. fours, sixes, nd eighls,are not availableo you.

FoUo* through the effect as oriSinally described,until you rev€alyoul

prediction cafd as being correct. Now point out lhal if you rev€rsed h€

rol€s of the suit and value cards, a completely diffcreni card would beproducad. Say that you placeda card in your pocket asa secondpredic-

tion, before commencin8 he trick, and then reach in and produce theappropriale onc of tllc four, lo show that thfu prediclion is also correciWhen revcrsing he rolesof the two cards, you will alwaysend with the 2,

4. 6 or 8 of diamonds, so producing it from your pocket is quite easy.

Alt€mrlive M.thodThe preceding routine has been dcsigned to convince lhe spectators

lhat a seemingly ree choiceof valuc is made rom an array of cards ftom

ace to king, which ar€ not switchcd. After tbe value card has beetr

selccted,you are able to show tlle other cards, conc€a.lingonly one, to

add strelgth to the fact that a free selectlonhas be€nmade. It is possible

to remova the mexica[ tumover from the routine, but retain much lhesameeffect, by adopting the following proc€dure.

Have thrc€ cards of likc value on top of the pack beforepresenting he

trick. Whiht thesecan b€of ally valuc you choose,we wiil use ours as an

exampl€ n this description. Also remembet he card immediately below

the thre€ fours, which is actually the fourth one from the top of the face

downpack. For our examplewe will cal l t the seven fdiam onds. Note

that this card must NOT be the fourth four, and if by a coincidenc€ he

fourth carddown s the same alueof the hre€ ike values bove t, you

mus! altcr it. Say you will write a prediction before commmcing lhe

effect, and actually write the four of diamonds on a slip of paper' The

valu€ being ahesameasyour thre€ card stack, and the suit being thal of

the fourth card from thc top.

The Devil's Playthings

Run hrough he pack faceup, and remove he values ce hrough o

trng, rhesuitsbeinSwell mixed. n removinStese,ensurehat you place

rhc lourth four on the face of the group of thirte€n cards. Having

rcmoved he cards,exldbit hem spteadslightly n th € riSht hand, a[d

rhen quare hem up on the aceofthe pack. n this action,pick up a €ft

lirrle ingerbreakabovehe owermosthreecards.Havingsquarcdhem

on the face, lif! the ten cards above the fingcr break up, holding them

ircm above by the riSht hand, fingers at the far short end, and thumb at

rhe nearone, and twist the lefl hand down briskly so hat the pack can be

Irlacedacadown on the table.Turn lhe batch of len cards face down, and give hern a shor! overhand

\huffle, retaininS the four spot at the face. Drop lhem face down on top{,1 rh€ pack and deal them oul to form the steppinS stone layout, as

\hown n the llustration.

Deal rows numbercd one, lhree and five first, and finally rows two and!i)nr. Th€se ast four cardsdcaltwill all be fourspots.

You are'low

in a position to forcc t]le seven of diamonds which{recupieshe top positionof the facedown pack,and he trick proce€ds

rxactly as in the lirst method. When you corne to th€ final point of(hecking your prediction, no mexican turnover is nece8sary, or the

[)wer card of lhe two remainin8 on lhc table, will alwaysba a fout spot.( are should be takrn in picking up thc twelve cards remalning, so tltal

rhc rhre€ fours from rows two and four arc kept al the back of the other(&rds, and not expos€d f you flash tha faces of the unwanted cards.

lf you wish to add lhe additional climax to this rnethod, you will needro pr€load the foul pocketsof your suit with writtcn predictions for the\.ven of haarts, spades,diamonds alld clubs. You would distribute these

In known suit rotalion around tlre pockels, so that any particular onet ould readily beproduc€d.Thc value will always ba aseven,and only the

wit will vary.


I)oker dice do not seem o have be€n us€dvery $cady in magic, *hich

rr surprising b€cause hcy crrtainly add intcrest to an effed. Sode timenlo Jack Avis poscda problem involving suchdice, and although reveralirlutions have been offcred, none really comply striclly with the tcrms of

thc original problern. Whilst toin8 with this problem, wilhout comingut) with any real satisfactory solulion, I did discover scveral off-shoots,,'rc of which was he following.

lhc basis of this effcct, is lhe fact tlat very few p€ople know much

rltrrut poker dice, and beli€v€ therc arc many more possiblc combina-

I krrli available when aranging thcm, than there really arc, if you r€questrhot cach die has a differ€n! vslue showinS.

Ilcfore commencing he effect, arrangcthe lop sevencardsof lh€ fac€


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The Devil's Plajthings

downpackas ollo*s: QS, X, 95, AS, JS, KS, l0S. The actualorder ofthe five spadesunning n positions hree o sevens of no importa nce.Now placea eft hand nnercorner dmp on hebottomcardofthe pack,

Give a sp€ctator a set of five poker dice and nvite him to arrange hemon the table,so hat there s a differentcardshowing n the op surfaceof each.Whenhe has done his, Iook at them o see f he has a queenshowing, f so, proceedas n (l) below, and follow by (2), f not, gostraight o (2).

l. Say$at beforeproceediog ith the effeclyou will do a little test osee f the almospheres suitable.Reach ver aod take he diewiththe queenshowing and place t in front of you. Double lift the lopcard of the pack,calling atlention o ils value; urn it facedown,and rcmove he top card. Rub the face of this card on thequeen,andthen turn it face up, to show it has turned into a queen.Comment

that conditions seem o b€ favourable, and replace he queen facedown, on top of the pack. Cive the die back o th€ spectator, n dask him to place t with the others,but to turn it, so that anothercard s upp€rmost,which of coursemust not be of the same s anyof the four on th€ other dice.

2. Ask the spectator, to fre€ly select any die, and slide it towards you,st.essinS hat the selection is completely in his hards. \rvhatevervalueshows t the op oftbis die (it will be an ace,nine, en, ack orking), spell it out, a card fo. each etter, placing the cards as spelt,from the top of the pack, to the bottom, and finally placing the onefalling on the last letter face down on the table. Cut the pack twice,ending up with the crimped card on the botlom again. Rcquest himto freely select another die, and place t in front of you. Spell thevalue of this one, againplacingcardssingly rom the top to thebottom of the pack, for each etter, until th€ last one is reached,which is placed face do*n on the table, together with the oneakeady here.Cut the pack wice, eturninS he crimped ard o lhebottom, Repeat his procedure for a further two dice, bu1 at thecompletionof the spellidgof the value of the fourth one, look

rcwards he finaldie that t}lespectator as eft, and fit spellswiththree letters (ace or ten) cut the crimped card to lhe bottom asbefore, but if it spellswith four le$ers, cui the crimped card to thetop. Finally, spellout rhc value of the ast die. Placing the spelt cardaside wit}t the other four.

Stresshe ftc€ selection fth€ spelling e quence,tc. and henpick upthe five face down cards and turn them, faces owards you, D€al themout, one by one on ahe able, to show har the spellinghas ound theactual alues iSnifiedby he ones n thepokerdice,and asanadditionalbonus, hey are all of the same u it.

I have ound hatyou can ncreasehe effectdightly by finally dealingthe ive cards ut n thesame rderas hedic€on thetable.Place hedicesideby side n a lineas h€ spectator usheshem owards ou, o make


TheDevil's Playthings

lhiseasy o do, andyou can quicklyselecthe appropriate nes tom the

lan and deal them out in an overlappinS spread. The spectatorswill

normally assume hat they came out in the cotrect ordel as they were

spelt,so you get an additionalbonus,wilhout any additionalwork.


This is a variation of the classic rick invenled by CharlesJordan. The

cffect is extrernclydirect, and very startling to all audicnce.

Have the pack shuffled by a speclator lh€n dividcd into two approxi-

mately equal halves on the tabl€. W}lilst he is doing lhis, obtrin a litdeInoisture on th€ tip of your right ha[d s€cond finger. Raqucst the

\pectator to hand you eithcr hatf of the Dack. Hold these ace down in

your left hand and spread hem sligihtly asyou are talkinS, to allow yoursecond inger to transfer a littlc moistur€ onto the face of the top card.

squarethe packet and squeezet between he thumb and fingers of the

lcft hand to enswe that the top two cards ltrill temporalily remain

rogether. Ask a spectator to mcntally decide on a number b€twa€n ive

rnd twenty. Wben he has done this, combencc to dcal the cards n your

packel face up in a pilc on thc table, counting aloud as you do this and

rsking the spectator to remembet the card that falls at his mentallysclected osition. Your first two c?fds will of courscgo down as onc duc

ro the moisture.Deal.Uht throughyour packet,and hen pick themup

lrom the table and tum them face down again into the left hand, in thistrctionpush the top card over about h3lf an inch to free it from the one

lnmediatelybclo* it.Hand the packet o the sp€ctator aking great care hat no falsemoves

trr all are made rom lhe moment you pick up the group and hand il out

ll)int out that you could nol possibly know the position of the mentally\clccted ard n thissection f thepack.Now pickup he other acedown

tucket from thc tablc for yours€lf, and hold it in your left hand, in muchI hcsameway thc sp@tator s holding his. Explain that you would like the

\|c€raror ro deal his cardsface down onto the table until he has reach€dhir selecledosition,so hal his cardwill be he op oneof thepilehehas

{lcakdown, i.€. if he thouf[t of t €n, hewould dealcencardsonto the

rrbl€. At the same ime,deal cardsdown ftom your half of the pack n

flnisonwith him, and when he has completedhis dealinS ake thercrnainingacedown cards rom him, andplace hem acedown on top,'l rhecards emainingn your left hand. Ask the speclatoro coverhis

,k.rh cardswith his right handso hat no'on e can ouch hem. As if torllu\trate his, cov€ryour dealtcardswith your riShthand,but reallyuse

rhir action o add a card o the op of themwhichyou havepalmed rom

rhc op of the facedown groupof cardsheld n yout left hand.I hepositionat this slageof the rick is that the spectator ndyourself

nrc cachcoveringa dealt packetof cardswilh the right hand.Ask the


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\oeclaLororemote ishand, nd urn heLop ard f hl\ packetace p'

andheshould e5urprisedo findhiscard as oneSloqly emoveo!r

iight ranaromyouipacket nd urnover he opcard o showha! he

seleciedardhas €aped cross.



fhe secondeal eemso bea sleiShtmuchne8lededn cardmagic'

Dresumablyecausef ih reputationof greatdifficulty On the other

t""J. irt.io"tii tit,,-nsideled

bv manyo beaneasv leight's much

.".tti.iiJl"- "rin.

opinion. hal r wouldbebetteror cardmagic'

if rii" r""onaa"A *.t" usedmore requently nd hedoubleift a ot lessi"""iniv io .r*ur.

"natural oubleifi is erv difficuh'althoughhis

i""iJo.l noa ""t ,o begenerallyccepled.nd t is forlunateor the

manvnaUirulaouUte-tift;shat heyhaven'theabilhy o readminds

t tt.ti aimonstrar;ngttissleighlo an audicnc€Some xcellentricks

".r.aiscriuean "-e"pertCaidT€.hnique". vcharlesMiller' nclud'

ini a veri nne ace riil usinga second eal, his is anothbrace dck'

usinqhesam€ leiShl--iii"-ii.""gt,,rtip*i and emolehe four acesTurn hepack ace

down. nddr-opheacesace own n op Allernativelyel a spectalor

i.moue heacei r any ourcards f likevalue emayprefer' ndplace

then facedownoo top of thePack. Deal he acesacedown n thefotm of a letlerT asshownn Figure4

The Devil's PlaYthihss

I he irst one s dealtextremely earyouredge f the tableand thenext

rhree redealtabouteighleennches bove t, in a line rom left to right,

sccond ealingon the asl on€deall.

Now deal three catds face down on lop of the ace nealestyou'

r{!ersins heir order n dealing hem down. Deal hreemorecardsonlo

r.rchof ihe upper hreeaces. lac€he pack acedo*n asid€ n lhe able.

ro your left,

Briefly summarisinghe previous ctions,you havedealt hreecards

,'nro rh;ace n positio; oneofFigure4and hen hreeontoeach f those

rn oosirionswo. rhreeand our, and hepackha! now been laced rside'

Pick uD the thrce caadsabove he aceat position four, and tuln them

taceuo. showinr hem o $e audience.aying'threecards n op of this

irce . nd then cplacc hem acedo\flr on ihe ace.Do lhe samewith the

iieao at oosition three, but aho flash lhe ace below th€ three indifferent

.uti.. tjo ttt. sameat Dosition two, and again show all four cards,rcDlacinshem n the same ositionon the able Pick up lhe facedotxn

nacketai positionone, andhold it in the efi hand, humb off lhc firsl

ilree facedown cardswithout altcring hcir order' and hold thern n a

lmall fan in the right hand Turn the card remaining in the left hand

,'ter- to show t ii an accand ask a spectalor o commiL his ace o

rrn:morv- s t is a eader.Turn r tacedown n hel€fl handagain.andgo

1., eDl;ce he hreecardsheld n lhe righl handbackon lop of it' bul a'

{)on as the lowermost one is replacedabove t, lurn the upper two face

In and flash their faces,saying lhat thercare rhrc€ cardsabove he

t.rder acealso. n replacinghe wo cards ou havejusl lashedpick up

r left littl€ finger breakbelow hem.

lnvite a sDectator o carefully pick up the four cardsat position four'

trnddroD hem acedown on top of thoseat position hte€,and then o

rrke hi;combinedheapofeightcards nddrop t on the our at position

rwo. wlilst he s doin; this, akc he eader acket rom the efl to the

[!hr hand and Dalm ie two cardsabove hc little fingcr breal into the

,,itrr trand, using he samehand to place he lowest wo squaredup

oirt.atv on rtreuule, back n posilionone There s amplemisdirection

;,u rhispalm f you draq altenlion o lhe carewith which heolher hreeI'cnps houldbe assembledy lhe spectator'

sa\ rhat vou asked or them o be assembledarefullyso hal theaces

*ould rerain heir o ginal positions, nd offer to show hat his is so

scoop the assembledpackei of twelve cards towards you with the right

t r nd, and n this actionadd he two palmedcards o the top. Immedi

rrcly lurn thepacket aceup and place i in the efl hand, ard with $e

lclr and thu;b off no more han seven ards.Exhibit his smallspr€d

r(, rhe audi€nce, ointiu out that thereare still lhreecardsabov€each

l|.c. You can llustrate hisby holding he spreadn the riShthand,and

,orDting off th ecardswiih the eft hand orefinger.

squar€ hepacketup and urn t facedown,dropping t on top ofthe




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The Der) 's Pla! t hings

remainder fthe packplaced side reviously. ick up thepackand hold

it face down in tte left hand. Now lean forward over thc table, and deal

the cardsout in a spread s ollows: hree aceup, one acedown, hree

faceuD.one acedown, hree aceup' andone ace lown However, ou

musr second esl on the ast hre€cardsdeahdown. The effect s that

you are agarnshowinS hal the acesare fourth down' throuShoul he

crouo oftwelvecards.You deal hem n a spread n the able, ighl away

i.om the masrerheap,so tha! no allention s on lhis heap.

Request a spectator to snap his fingers ov€r the backs of each face

do*n ac€.When he hasdone so, askhim to remove hcm one by oneand

turtl them face up. Under the misdirection of this action, top paln into

th€ right hand th; top two cardsof the pack' asyou take it from-the left

lo rh;right hand, andplac€ t fac€do$l| on lhe table, o lhe riShthand

side.Jus-t efore he sp€.lator urns he third supposed ceover, o find

that i! har vadshed, saoop he l€aderpack€! towards you with the righthand,placing he humbon the aceofit as t comes ver he rearedge f

the table, and then turn it face up and throw it in a slight spr€ad on th!

table,saing, "no, you will not find them here,becausehey ar€hele "


This is a nice opening effect, as the climax is reached airly quickly'

ahhough it can also be done at arry potnt in your progrzunme.

ExDlain hal you need full packofcalds bul nol the okcr' and so un

rhrouih fte faceup pack, emovinghcjoker andhanding he remajnder

of lh;Dack lo a sDechtor o be shuffled Place he oker inlo anycon_

uenienipockei with the righl hand,and mmediately alm t out again'

When the spectatorhas completedshuffling ask him lo not€ any card in

lhr Dackand remembcr ts posilion from lhe top. Erplain that he will

tind thi s easier f he choos€s number hat is nol loo large' allhough

there is of courseno rcstiction. Take care that he understands hat the

position should be noled from the top of the face down pack,Take h€ packback ronl the spectalor nd addyour palmed oker to

thc toD. A,sk he sDeclatoro tell you the positionhe decidedon' and

when he doesso. deal cards ace up on the able to onc less han rhis

numtter, using the seconddeal Deal the ne card fairly, face down on

top ofthe fac€up ones lready ealton the able.Ask lhe spectalorf he

ac;ees hat this s he cardal lhe positionhechose vhen he does o' ask

him to stare he narne f thc card, and thenhavehim tum the card face

uD to reveal ha( il k now lhe joker lhal was seemingly laccd n the

.xrket before he effcctcommenced. alm he top card of thepack nlo

ihe right hand and produce t from th€ pocket into which you placed he

ioker earlier, o concludehe transposition .


The Devil's PlsYthings

All.rnrllt€ Method

,u.crecrmay rsoeachievedy,usins_aobor@111 !:[T,il,l

liilL;iii lL,lli'"ffirlill."Liili""" ;;;on. rrhougrrheeader

' il",J;1;#5rii,ifriloo'ffi,' ."r".',io'"opraceheokerin

r;;'1;"1;,$"**;i]','mlfi"li.llis::r.'i."[:flliJ{ilrir,'xl''*:*".l"l**'*t'*:::** :riT:l:;rh. I rdnasemdhd lo any o,h* I h"ut *lth..€leclcd

cardand rhenI hc oerformernow asks or the pos(lon 0

,,,,1',ir""" i. ,rti"".cd

posilion, bollom dealing n the astcard'-i'e'

; ';ii:;J;".iii;; *";'v"",'-"11-fl"Jilf#3l,l}""fy':',f,;t rnr nvite he spectatoro check hls carq'


ifl i?'ii""iTItl;:l ii?1,11,1"'*.T'LT,l#l',ll'-xl?;;;;;'rread"d'inerln.clfecto a conclusion



,,,ii} l'.:ff""[[T$.lffi:;T[1,"":,il1l:.T'a?'H;;""il,lllTin"

"".,,,"ound hrce fclubsandplacehemacc pon he

ilIr:lf f#fif,H::r;,::lu,s,ntn*'*;l'* '':l'trn* a(cntion to the threccards ou nave emoved'whichwill givcyou

:::;:.ili;;:hl;ft;em again rophemace pon-roprrhe acx

iiii,i ,iiti ,'rti-*"iiir,ins

al-l ixcardsbovehcirtlc in8et resk p'

,'i,,i'lii..iiitiir;t, uieen the eft iumbnd ingerupsrop ne


"""'r'.rurt,rv'r'oldinghem romabove'ighttumbatne ear

iiirr'*';*,lliu':*[".'ix.fiH'|"'lfll',l]fliT,it""l'.l"iii;*,'H',1il"Til1,-""11''J"'J:i:rliff'"y:ml;i?'lii,:!r,'nof the woand akeup h€Dreaxrom the ight humbwith he eft

i, , i""i i""". .rrt itplsi, .n sshownin igure0of he'FindersKeepers"


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The Deyil's Plalthings

faceup on thepack,outjoggedlightly,with he ace t he ace.Brincthe ighthandover o ifr he hreeace pcards ffthepackanddo hi;by placing he thumb at the near short end of the oggedcards,andfingersat the far one,and ifting !h€ humbend irst andihenmovinrtheriSir hand owardshr bodyslightly, nd he packa\ray rom he bodvslighdy, o haronly hree ards reactually emoved,heothers eincsquarcd p with thefac. do*tl pack.Place he three ardsemoved, tilifaceup, on top of thecard case o hat they can bepickedoD withoutfumbling ater. SpreadhemsliShtly,ust undera whiteborderwidth,sothat it can ba seen hat threecardsarepresent.

Ask a spectator o fr€€lynominateh€oce, wo or threeof clubs,andpoint out that the onehenames,will be he oneyouwill use or the rick.Whilst cxplaining his, cut threecards rom th€ top of tle Dack o theface, ndpickup a left i rlle inger rcakabovehebortom;ard l rh€pack.Adopt oneof the followingproceduresependingn whichcardheselects.

l.Ace of clubs: elessehe eft little fingerbrcak,as t will not berequired.Cut off abouthalf thepackandplacct on hc table.pickup hc threecards rom thecardcase till faceup,andDlacehemonropof rhishalfandgive t a single ut. o scnd hemo rhecentre.Casually ut he remaining alf n yourhand,andplacet facedownon th€ table,alongsidehe otherone.

2.Two of clubs: undercuthalf the pack, leaving he bottom cardb€hind by means f the left little finger breakandDlace t on thetable.Cive hehalf on he ablca single ut.placethehatf ernain_ing n the cft hand, acedownon hc table,anddrop he catds romthecard case ac€up onthis half. cive it a single utto send hem ot}leceltre and eave t alongsidehe other half.

3.Threeof clubs: undercuthalf thepack,andplacc t facedown onthe able and n doing lis, leave ehind he cardbelow he €ft littlefinger b.e3k(theoriginal bottom cardof thepack).ptacethc threefaceup cards rom thecardcase, n topof the accdownsection nth€ able, andgive t a singlc ut o send hem o lhccmtrc. Casually

cut the remaining alf in the eft hand,andplacet facedo*,Don thetablc,alongsid€ heotherone.Havc he spcctstor ssisting, lacehe forefingcrof each and.on toD

of eachhalf, so hat no cardscan be ampfled with. Sayyouwil causihisnominaredard o ravel romonchalf o theolher, eavinr he wounwantedncs ehind,Have im emovc is orefingers.nds;read herespecrivealvasace own o seeha! hishashapp€ned.hc;e houldbe asliShtpause, ctweenhe ime hespectato. laces is ingcraon thebacks f thecards, nd heclimax f lheeffeq, o malehim orqetnrowhichheap he hrec ardswere laced. his sbecausef henoirinatestheace, t docsn't eally ravelat all, but stayswheret is, and heothertwo cardsmake he ourncy.



The dea or this effeclcameo newhilstreading heexcellent ookbyVerne hesbroodLarryWast,alled,Tricks ou CanCountOn,'. Inth€re s an effect called Ajr Mail',. n which a card vadshesrom oneenvelope nd reapp€ars! anoth€r.n recentconversations ith Aler(Elmsley,found hat n hr!€arlyxp€iim€nlarionsith hisghost ounl,hehadusedt for causingcsrdo;anishwithinar envdofi. I hope hcreaderwill forgive be ralhar recntioustitl€ I havegiven6is effect, butin showing t, I have oundhtt thc climax s extremely tronS or thecomparativelyimplcme.rnsnrpbyeclo brinS he effecl about,

^Oblain four envelopes,nto*hich a playint cardwill just fir nearly.

( ul lhe lapsott theenvclopcs.Ohat hey Ool muchhC amc romeither ide, nd inally, ur holen h€ ace feach.sboutone nch n

diametcr. ndpositioned

t hecentre f the face.Afiange he ourenvelopeso tat fie third onedown rom th€ toD has he cut out holepointing owardshe loor. rdrheoth€r ht.e€rave he holcsuoocr-mosr.Placehe mvelop€sn yourpocker.ogethcrwilh the oui accsIrom a pOcl.andyouarcall crdy o D€rform._ Removehecardsalld mvelolcarom yourpocket.andplacehe ac€stac€ p on he aDle, sl( spectatorO ellyouwhich CCShis avouriteoneandasan. \amplc q 9ay esuggcsrsiamonds. prcadhe fourenverop€sut na tan,holdmgherhn hc eft haid, asshownn FigureJ.



Youcan ofcoursc lah lheholesn dre irst, second nd fourlh, bul notthe third whichh r cversed. oiDr ur $ar.ech envelopewill jusr holdoneof the aces,and illustrale this by taking each ace rom thc table, and


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The &eil's PlqYthings

inserting t paflially into each€nvelopeace down,ensuring hal you

olacehenamed ce n lhe evers€dnvelope.At lhis stagen theproceedingshe situationwill look somcthingike

rhe eft ha[d sideof FiSure5, which sltowsall four aceshavingbeeninsert€d.You cannow urn thehandoverwith the envelop€stlll in thcir

sDreadondition. o show aU s exactlyasyou claim,and oneacehasbeen nsert€dnto eachenvelope.Close he fan of envelop€sp, and

Dushhe accs omplelelyn.Chost ounl he our envelopes,lacinghe astoneundcrnealh.h€

spactators ill seewhat appcarso te thefour backs f the ac€s howing

through he cut out holes.Sayyou will now try andcaus€ h€€nvelope

cortalningthe nominatedace, o reversctself within the oiher thte€'

Slowlyspiead te cnvelop€sut bctween our hands,so that it is seen

$a! the hird rom he ophas umed ace own.Removehisenvelope

ald drop t, stil facedown,on the able.Statehat whilstyouhavebc€n

successfuln makingaa cnvelopeurn over,youdo not knowyet f youhavcmade he ight one urn over,but before emovinghc ac€o check,vouwill reDeatheeffect.- Turn he hree nvelopesn yourhandover o hat heholesace he

floor. Pick up thc facedownone romthe ableand nsen t s€condrom

the op, saing that they nowall face he sam€wayagain.Casually ounlth€m lrom hand o hondwithout altering heir order, but showinShatthey are all face down. Squarebepacketof mvelopes, ndtum uremov;r so hat the cut outsare upDermostChostcount hcm, placing he

last one underneath. o that onceagain the backsof the acasshow

through hccul oul holes. tart o spreadhem,as f you areSoingo

reoeaiheeffectof making ne urn accdown' and henpausc, nd

sl;le harperhapst would ea betlerrick fyou couldmake heselecled

ac€ urn faceup within ts envelope. lowlysprsd the our €nvelopesut

into a vride an, and t will be seen hat the namedorlc s indeed aceup

within its envelope. normallynowpushall four aces p for abouthalf

their engtha.llddrop he envelopesn this stat€on he able.Restassutedthat somcbodywill pick thernup to take a look.

Presentedorrcctly, the appearance f the aceface up within its

envelopesquiteastounding, ndyoumay ind it evenmoreeffectiveohand heenvlbpes o aspectator iior to theclimaxof theeffect,and et

him spreadhem out within his own hands.sinceno movesappear o

have akenplaccsince howiruhim that the aces reall facedorurwithin

tbeir envelopes,hc exptession n his facewhen he spreadshem and

firds his ace aceup is amusingo watch.


This rick is based pononepublished yBill Simon,andalthoughh€

hardling s slightlydiffermi, themain featureoffered o the readers a

TheDevil's PlsYthings

patter h€mewhich egistersn averyamusinS,ay with aII audieDce.hc

irick is comparatively imple o perfom, sorcadonwilh confideDcc.Secretlyavers€he owerhatf of thcpack halfpass) ndpickup a eft

Iurle inter break.bdween he wohalves Bnng he riShthandovcr hc

oack o-aoparmtiy ul off aboulhalf, and as h€ ight hand akcs ts

oorrionoi cards,use he right thumb o drop the wocardsmm€diarcly

abovehe eft ittle ingcr reak o the opoflhc lower alf.Removche

sectionof cardsnow abovehe fingerbreak and an thcmglightlywirh

rhe ight hand urning hcm aceup sayyouar. Soingo mix rhepack lr

a facJuo facedowncondilionandpush he accupfatrned ardsnto thc

facedon'n eft handsection,al aFreakormcd bypullitrgdownwith theleft thumb on the outar cft haBdcomerof thecatds ! the left hand.

Havingpushcdhe riShthandcardsn, squarcup tha completcpack..

Dou--biendcr+ut one card rom top to bottoF, turn thawholepack

overand do a calual faro shuffle retaining op and bottom cards u

oosirion.Turn lhc packcompl€tcly vcragain,andexccule solher aroituffle maintainingtop and bo(om cards in positron.Thesefaro

shufflesarenot accurate nesand he only rcqurement s that thc top

andbottorn cards emain n positionwhen onehalf is push€dnto the

other.You shouldnow be eftwfuhapackof cardsn the eft handwithafacedown cardon top. Doubleundercuthis card rom top to bottom,sav hat or the rickvouwill use neof the ace p cardsn lhepsck.

r;rn (hepackcompletely veragain,andcall altention o lhecard face

up on top-l€t's sat it's the ive of spadct.Ask a speclatoro cxtcndhis

handpalmupwards.Tum thc fiva of spadesacedown on top of thcpackbut usa he hit

doubleift lechnique o h&t wo cardsalc tumed downasonc.Rernove

rhe oD face downcard andplac€ t on thespectator's alm and then

Dlac€hc rcmaindcr f lhepack n op of lhiscard, ayinghat he dea

of thetrick is to causehe fiv€ of spadeso magically ravel from the

bottom o the top of thepack,but in addition o doing his, on its *'ry

uD. t has o turn all the faceup cardsn thepack acedown' so hat by

rlie time t reacheshe TOP, all thepackwill againb€ facing he satrre$av,Asyou eachheword top' nyourpaltet, urn he op card f the

naik faci up, andshow hat l is the iveof spadesfldplacehis crrdiaceup on thc table. Asyouconcludehe rernainder f thc s€ntencen

referenceo the cardsall being he right way ound, ake hepackfromrh€spectator ndstart o spr€?rdut thecard's il youhavcgonerilht

rhrourh the Dackdown o the ast card,whichyoutum ovcrand show,rhuss-ilenlly roving hat the fweof sp.des eallyhasgone.


Removerom thepackeightpairsof cards,each airbeurg f the samevalue nd colour.However, o values houldbe aepeated.n other


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words, f onepair is thenine of heansandninc of diamonds'another

pti .*t Noi contlttof thcnineof clubs nd henineof spadcs or

!ia.Dli. *.""ta.

vou emovemiSht eas ollowsroH' loD' 5s' 5c'

iilzt. bs, oc, efi,co' H' ?c'?s,9D, H.Asvou emovehepai$tr-o* tr. p""f_, i"". rft"m n anoverlappingow, acc pon he able, o

thar t is aDDarento thcapectalors hatyouaredolnS'_i"rinr i,fiou"a rl. ciShtpairs,plsctthcremainder f thepackalide'

souarJu-ohespread f iairi' and um them act down'sayinghal you


litlh, lo thal lhe speclalorshaveno idcr as to the

o.titio""i -y "".a..

Mix lhcm by rapidly doing thr€€revcrs' faro

ahuffl.s. hal s, ogon€ ardup,alldon€down hroughoutnepacxer

anJrrren rrlp oiri t-n. oSged ardsarldplacc hcm underor above he

ia."i"ing rtif. wrt"li, th-csceverscarosare in' or 'out' shufflessof

no consciuencc, ur ao not cut b€twcenhuffles.nor aflerall lhreeare


rft. mixinS,dcil thepacket f six!'€ncardsnlo lwo

f"*;;;Gil;, i""I"g alter;ately Handoneof these eapso each f

i;;;ili;;;Gr4"":Ask specr;ror ro curhis ace ownpacket f






wtsHEsN@ NN

The Dellil's PlaYthings

eichl cardsas many im€sashc wishes.?rnd hendeal hem n a f&c€

i.i*r a-r"f."i ""tai

o" lhe lable.poinling out lhat hecandealaround

ii.'riiiii iigi'i"'

,iOr o cft'lusr siewishcsee igurc"

ri"". tp""i"io. g""i

his packatof cighl cardsasmanytimcsa3he

*i;cs. ;d lhcndcil hiscardsn acircleon lop of rhos€ ealtby A Hc

;#i;"f;Aitril;; rhc irclc'.a.dcal;om islrro cft or'lerto

.ii,i. ol"ioutrv' inc. *cy havcd'cid'd in whichdircclion heywill d€ll

*i*ai ,itl"-,ii,i.i iJ ai aghtcardsn rhcsameirection'hiswill

,e*ti io .igitt fac. ao"n pairsof cards n a circlc''-ir".

"oitto, s

"olL"iftcacpairsdroppingoneon op of rhcoths'

t"i'"g"itiit.-"- tratt"ouectinS-

at any-poini in lh' circle' 6nd8'ther

ih;-up trom tcft to rigbtor right to.lcft, and hcnhand hemstill facc

i"*., iol.". s.v ,rt"t rtc speciarorsavcprobablyalrcadlgucssedhat

rou ni"-"vi"g

,o't"" fto" msnyDairshey canmatchup' Tum the cards

ii*-a-*iiJiy.*tott' "" if ch€ckir8 o-sc'how hcy have8ot on-ano

.;;; ,hcrn o a t*itv tigtrt fan, aid lool around he ctnu' of thc

#fi ;;;'ffi ;;;'"dfi;t to elch other thar reFai .their valuc

"!ooco"".ro, iniran"", youmight find a five anda six' followcdby a

il.*ii;;;: ;i;;;and niic, followcduv as€v'nandnin' Erfier

"iii*.LJ,f"* r. itilablc, and avinS loca!'d a line of four clrds

-rJit-i*"tg.a,dos. lhc spr.sd, but pick up a litll' fingcr break

"-Uor"ti't. top &ta! of thisgoup (top-bcin8ncar'stthc floor) and hcn

iiir'irti'-rn'pl-ctc p""r.o taie aowr, doing turnoverpassat the brcak

"iiii'iiil,rt'ia"g.,tt. r"ur cards o ttrc loDof the facedownpactet

For aramDlc,f youdccldeduponme nv€' slx' five' six run rnc ioncd

liirll,iii-JJ,i.ii;ild now'be n opof rhepacl n fivesix' fiv' six

"*raii.'niii*iI 0".*oal gtoupsoryou ochooscromand ou an

-"i,ioiv.iiJ ,rt to"

"onvirientas ongas t complics ith hc rule

'',iri'"iconn.,"i"grttat hcapcclalorsaicdoncverywcll' proc'€d o

d#;;:;il -";;;to th! mblen pairso rcvealhat€vcry airhag

;;;;A;. i" io thisvoumusls'condderlor thc last card.of

;i;;ai'-oair;, $rrtins wirh pair numbcrone' and codrinuins

;;;;i;"i h;!t6;ds. This squire'""v

to remembcrvsavinso

yours€lf, op, sccond,op, top' tnrougnouthe dcil l do not dcal h!


in aoo".ttappingrow' but-prcfero isol'te eoch airas t ia

rev€aled.hich €cmso add o thcellccl'


This ffect llusiratcs hlt I considero beasensibles€ flhc s€cond

d.i'l'r;i,iii i;il-,. irti""tat



"focil point, and whilst the cffecl canbe broulht

"t"iW o,i"i .*"t, i sdiiccrncsss notenhancedvcliminationof the

;; a;d. lr is noi at ar Dec€ssaryo be an exp€ns€cond 'aler lo

rn"-f. u.. of tftia"i.f, ""

thc nbuih misdir'flion will alloweven poor




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deal, o bepassed nchallenged.his stalement anonly beprovedbyshowingI€ eff€ct to arl audicnce.

Run throwh thepackandremove he two black acks,placing hemfaceup on lhe tabl€,saying hat thes€wo cards epresentwo cannibalsRemovche four aces, nd sandwichhernbctwe€nhe wo ack, sa)'lngthat hc ac€s eprescntmissionariesho havebeen apturcd y he canni'balswho are akiDg hernback o theirvillage.On h€ able hares nowasprcsdof six faceup cards,a ack at eachend, and he four acesn thecentrc.

Square p hepacket,anddrop t facedownon opof thepack,sayingthat on thc way back o thcvillage, he first cannibalgot hungry.Dealout the op fivc cardsof thepack n a faceup spread n he able,seconddealingon thc fifth otrc,whichu'ill reveal hat onemissionary asbeencatcn.Pick up thcsprcad f fivc cards,urn it facedown,andplacet on

top of th€pack.Saywhen heywcrc a little ncarcr hcvillage, he othcrcannibal rcamc hungry. Deal out face up, the top four cardsof thepack,s€cond €alingon the fourth one, whichwill reveal$at anothermissionaryasbctn eaten.Catherupthe spread f four cards,andplace

thern ace do*n on top of the pack.Mention that the cannibals owthought hcy would have a s*cat, and deal out threecards d faceupspread n th€tabl€,second calingon the third, to reveal hat only on€missionarycmains.Placc h€se hreecards acedownon thepack,andmcntion hat the cannibalswcrestill hungry,so hatwhcn heyreachedthe village herewcrc no missiona cs eft. D€aloul two cards rom thepack, aceup on thc tablc,s€cond calhgon the s€cond n€,whichwillsho* ust the wo canmbals. ick hese wo cardsup, altdhand hem o asp€ctator, efcrably a lady, and say,"lell me, after that meal,do theyfe€l any fatter to you?" Strangely nough,his normallygetsa laugh!

Takeback hc two 'cannibals'ard dropthem acedown on op of thepack.Now say, hat in actual act, thc storywasnot stdctlytrue asyou

told it, bccausehc missionad€s id safalyarriveat thevillage,wiih thecarnibals, llustralethis, by dealinghe top six cardsof thepack, n afaceup spr€ad n the tablc, sccond calingon thesecond,hird, fourth

and ifth cards,whichwill rcveal he four missionariesgarn andwichedbetweenhe wo cannibals. ndyout patter hcmcby saFng hcmission-arieshad converted he cadnibals,whobecamc eg€tadans.

C:rn b.l Crrds Wilh Colour ChrdgeEndinS.

For a ittle extrawork. an additionalkickercanbeaddcd o tbe climaxof this outine. n obtainingheextra limax,hecomplelelympromptunature of the effect s losl, and a sliSht stack s requir€d,as ollows,rcadingrom the top of thefacedownpack: ed backed S, blucbackedJC, theremainder f the bluebackedpack,andsomewhereround hecentre ointof the blue backed acka red backed C. Place hepack n


TheDevil's PlsYlhings

ils caie, n this condition,andyouarcall set'''"rfi'"i

.it"*i"g itt" *tict, removebe packfrom its case'holding t

rr*,ro. ii.rn tfriouO ttrecards,alld removeheJS andthe Jc asyou

ii".*i. trr.."ii,r,i,a-id $em siightlvspread,aceup on tle table-The

;il;;;.I; l."i of spades, ustbe below he ack of clubs Now

removehc four aces, ndsandwichhcd- etwcmhe wo lacxs'asm

irri irp.oapru".,tion.

square p hcsix ace pcards n he able'and

dron rire Dack, aceup, on lop of them Tum lhe pacl facedown' and

a.ii,ifi"p ii'"! *tal"ut,

secondcaling n the iflh one' o shown

ij"l*iir'i-t ilr"", a","ils asalrcadvcxpleincd,tal oneof $e mission-

;:i."-;;;;';"'. The cardsarc daeh n an overlapping'.frce. p

ill.Jll iiJlltJia ihes€condcal uses he trike ne'whichtvcs

'1"I"- ii"t

"irno" "tlangles'songas hecatdbcing econdcalts

i"-.a f"*

"" -taoi"tely

il leaveshepackAlmostn facr'beforel

ii';;tir;;;,ik . iit"" *e wonied bouthevisibilitv r rhcoddcolour.u?;:;.ciii';ii ihe p*k upslishtlv nd srrv u! a necklievpeof

illi's1"i"il'" *t"ta ti fiv€card;'ardsquarchen upcarcfullvwhile

t,iiii"*"i, "ia-a.p

thcmac€ own n opof thepack' heninine

wirh th€;;lter theme, deal oul four, s€condd€alin8on the fourth

6"ii'.i'if'!."p ""0

ail our hree,econd€Iingon h€ hird Ga$er

Ltrem oanddealout two,secondcaling n thes€cond''

YJ;iu;";;;ll" be efi wirh he woblackacks aceup on the

t"ur.. pi"i"p


spadesndhand t to a spedatorn lin€wirh

;;;,;;;J;;tit t.nrioned, of asking ladv o sct f fte.'cannibal'

teelianv irrer. When heiackof spadess eturnedoyou'placet^race

uo undir the ack of clubsand hendrop thesewo cards'careruly

.,ir"i.a. r"ii,i.r" ." ropof thepack Youarenow eadyo showhat

in'" .irri.^i.i"t *iii".ver

reallyeaten, v dealing ff six cardsn a face

uo Dread n the able,sccondealinSn all six'-'rdi.

"irrgi"" vou rti rourmissionariesgain aodwichedetweenwo


with your pattcrstoryarrdwhenyou explain

Ltrurhi missionatieionvertedhc cannibalsnd hcy-became€8etar'

rans. oucanaddanadditionaline,sayinghal theonlyellcd lnlsnao

.. iirir-*^i. "r,"i,tt.ir complexionsurn hespreadf sixcsrds^facedo*n- and hebacks f th€cannibals ill beseeno have nangeorom

blue o red.


Have card electednd eturnedo lhepack, ontrollingt so bat.il

ends Dsecondrom he opof the ace osr pack An casyway o oo

,rri"i,i" ii. trti to"r pa;sdetailedn lhe "MissionAccomplished"

ctfed n thisbook."i"r"

""**. i.p *td of thepackcallin8 ttmtion o ils value md

,r'#i"r" li'r"." i":*taa fhce ii on the a6k oouble ift to showte


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The Det'il's Ployt hings

nextcafd, um it facedownon thepackand humboff thc opcard acedownon ftc tablealongsidehc first one. Have a apectator lacahhfingeron thcbackof oneof thcsewo cards,and ntcrprgthis ahoice othathc selectiheclrd that sactually h€onc akcn lom thepackat thebcgindngof thacffect. n othcr words, f ha ouchcs hcco[ect card hisis his s€l€ction,and if he touches h€ $Todgone, this is th€ carddiscardcd. ickup thc card rotchosan, ndshow he facaof it. and hcnhold it facedol,n in the righr hand, hcpockstill beinghcld n thc l.ft.

Ask the sp€ctatoro placchis fingersoD ba backof tle tabl€dcard8nd rub tlc faceon thc tablcand hcn tum thc card fac€ut, which wiureved that it lra! tuncd into thc selcct€d ard. Undcr tbc cxc€llcntmisdircctionof thi! aation,do a convcntionalbottomchangcwith thacard nyourrighthsnd, .e. hiacerd splaccdon h€bottomof thcpack,lnd thc top card of th€pack ! takcn n ito plac€,or altcmativclyu6€atoD changc.Say hat lhe spcctrto$areprobablywondarinlwhat wouldhavchappcnadf thc othcr cardhad b€€nchoscn,Placc ha facedo*ncard n yourrighthand on top of the fac€up oneon thc tablc, and hcnpickup bothclrds togeth€r ctlvcenhe sccondingerand humbof thcright hard as shown n Figurc 7.


Releaseic right sccond ingcr g:ripon the two cardsso that lhcy strapovcr togctharand ale now grippcd bctwccnthc ritht hand lirst fing€r andrhumb,which s he conventionallip changc ction.placcthe wo cardsdown on lhe lablc again and draw b.ck the uppcrdost facc down one, torcvcal the fac€ of tha onc bclo*. In linc with this action, you havcrcachad he staga n your patt6 whcre you hrva ask€d th. opcctaiols fth€y arc wondcring what would havc happctrcd f thc othcr cardhsd bcenselecicd. Now you say ,Well, in that cas€, this onc would not havechanged o thc selcctcdcard, but tlis ona would., DurinS thc LATTERhdlf of thc prcvious s€nta!@ you tum thc face do$n, upFrmost cardfaca up, to rcveal thot lhis now has changcdto th€ selcctcdcard.


The DeYil'sPlaYthings

h is helpfuln his rick f thc wocards hown eforehechangesare


,..".uetcd by he spectstorsnd usuallyensurchisby

ffiilii; il ;i tD"d.*ana oier at rhe opof rhcpackb€for€



Somc ime a8o, EdwardMarlo publishcd a lrick in "Ibidem"' in

"r,r"lt-f"*'"iitiO *tds, replacedln hepack,sprcad ul so hal one

,.-"ioJ io ifrJ"*t..-a

rh; othcrtq,o ravelledo thctop andbollom

:';fi:';1i. ii';id;;, was he nspiration or thc followinsrouune"

ti;Iff;';;i f"*;p in the tight handandse'rcilv reven' the top

*'i-.tr,ft i""f roo" niare$ lhe floor)Run hrough he faceup pacl'

lla-,r''"i-.riiiiii*r' quccnnd iog f anv uit' r isadvisableeforecomrncncinghc cffect to trote hcvalucso[ the top anoseconoaroor

ii" .""i."i'a

*t"t.tot. ignore hcsui! of rhescf oneor bothhappcno

;;d;.-;d", whcn oo*ing or thc iack, qu'cnand ing of vour

thffi".tlil'o*rr"". uponthe ablc,prcfcrabty n top of !h' cardcas€'

..iiiiii ii u. rit"iJup withcaseitcr, andcalcthc ack' que€n nd-ti*

"r-irt. "rt".itsuit (ior cxamplc,diamonds)n the l'ft hand' ard

liiiuiitii"lt-i"*li. tttg audimcc.Tum thcrnfaccdown' andmix $e

iii"" *ta."

iit*, to ttt"t thei!ordcr s ulknovn Hold thcm accdo n

l.',i. f"fi-rt*a"ia

pi"k up a litlle fingerbreakmmcdial'lyabove hc

t*fiffip,r," r""" upp"ck, in th€ dghthand,andplaccl srill faceup-on

rdn of ihc lhrcc faccdownpicturccsrds.sayyou will now cutmcJacx'

o"l* *i iiog r. ttt""artrc

of thc pack Gvc th' packonccut' bul

"'ifr,.-ri.ii-trit"aoccrpull downmovc,30 hrt lhis card s rctainedn

;fi;;ffi;fipcrfuf oi thcpacLgoesn abovc t Alrcrnarivelv'

iii'.'i"i trt"-"i"i, ii'lns

!h. cardb.lo$'th' lcft littlc finger n positiqn'

il;-ti;;:-,iil i*"-down clr'dsarcnocr og'"thern thcccnucbv

;;;dil tilp;"t i;."p

bctwcd thc h8ndsuntil vouhavc crchcdh€

if,i.. i.i.t*a on"r, .nd havespr.ads littlc rvavpast hem-closc^he



a lcfr linlc fingcr br€akbclow hefrcc of the

centreoncof lhc thrccrcl,clscdcdds.*t;.-fi;t-; 6usc th€ j.ck, qu'cn

'ndkinBof diarnondso


*tcn tuto thc pack faccdowtr,carryingoul a tumover

"Liu ii. o.iJ. rn" tpectatolswill immcdiarclv €' oncof thcfaccup

ii"*i"*a-. ",

,rt. topl sran sprcadingh' cardsout a littl' wav 'clow


a .ccondon" sho*s up ncar thc centr€and continuc

to*i-i.g lo tito* tlu, the .sl ooc s at thc bolrom Exhibit thepack n

if,it aooa]tioo ot"

torncnI taling cera hat youdonotexpos€ ' €xtra

face rocardbclow hc top picturecard Sayyou will now-make.thcn

iii"Jt'"r-"rt*ll"i". ctos€up hepack' andpickupa little finSerbreal



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The Devil's Playthings

above he centre acc up card. Tum thepack aceup, and carryout atumoverpassat the brcak.spread he packout betweenhe hands oshow hat the thre€cardsare now facedomr togethern the centre.

Whenyougomeo tltem emovehemoneby one,anddrop them acedo*,n on the able, hus €versingh€ir ordcr, Pict up the op oneof thethreeon the table,and turn it faceup, andplac€ t below he face uppack.Pick up the next acedown card on the table and um it faceup,alld placet on the faccof thepack.Tum thcpack sce downandtakefte last fac€downcard andpustrt into the ccntreof thepack.Turn thepack aceup again,aDdhold it from above n tllc right hand, humb atthe near short end, and fingersat the far one n prg,arationfor theOvettemastermove.Sayhatyouhave ausedhec,Lrds ithersideof theccntreone o jump to the endsof thepackand back again,but nothingreally hashappenedo the c.ntre one. Point out thet youbavea picturecard on the face, andalsooncon the op, whichyoushowby sliding tout with the eft hand and then rcplacet, but us€ he Ovettcmove oreally replacet secondrom thc top.

Sayyou will now try to llake something appcn o all thre€ cardsincluding thc ccntrc one. Turn the pack face down c{rying out'aturnovq palBanywhcre round he centrepositio!, end spread t facedownon the tablc. Thapicturccard seemingly laccdn the c€ntre,hasnow tumed face up, and he cardspreviously t thetop and botlom ofthepacknow resideeithersidcofit. You hav€achievedour promiseofmaking something appen o all thraecards

Thcprincipleused n this effect s an nterestin8 ne, althoughunfor-ttmatclydue o the stack equiredt is moreor less imited o an openingcffect, but as suchh quiteeffectiv..

Arrangehe top section f thepack €ading rorn tbe firs! facedowncardas ollows: 4 6 9 I 4x x 6 x 9 4 x I 9 9 x 6 6 1 4x x I (xcan be anycard). Valuesonly arc of prime hponance in thc stack,although hefirst four cardsshouldbe of mixedsuits.

Felsc shuffle the packaltd thultb off thc top four cards withoulaltering hcir ordcr,plscing he rernaindcr f thepack acedowDon thetablc. Crt the smallpacketof four cardsasmany ides asyouwishandthcndcal hamout on h€ able n a facedo*n linc from eft to right. Aska spectatoro pushany on€of the four cardsout of the spr€ad.Gatherup tharamaininghrcecads, by placinglle one mmediatelyo thc leflof thc sclectcd re on top of its immediateeft handneighbour,or ifthere s no neighbour,on thc card at the extreme idt hand endof thethrec and then hcrc two cardson top of the one o thcir left. To makcthingsquitecl€ar, hc following exampl€s howhowthe remaining hreecards houldb€aisqnblcdaccordingo whichoncofthe four h sclected.

The Devil'sPlatthinSs


tf A issclect€d,laceD on C and hm lhescwo cards nB'

ii o issetcctea.ucc ,l on Dard th€n h.s€ wo cards nc'

lf C is s€l€cted,place B on A rlrd lhcn thesc wo card! on D'

lf D is sel€cted,placeC on B and thcn thesa wo calds on A'



EoH the hrcecardsacedown n theright handand ake h€ op card

and olacr it face up on tbe table.If it is an acaor four spot ake the

io"eimost cara of ile remainingwo in your hand,aDdplace t to rhr

ii"trr olitt. oo. attoav onthe ablc' and hen hefinal one o thcrightof

ii;e iwo. lf rhc rrsr iard voudcaloul tu not anac€or four. yousimply

aJ ttrcmalongsiae ach thcr in r conventionalmanner rom Lft to

richt.'pick uo tbercmaindcr f th€packandded down o thevilue of cach

or-rir" tti.i ia". up""tds

on tire able'placing e cards ealt.to ace

downaside. or€xample,fthe order flhe lhr€e ardss ace' unc'slx'

"ou*ourJ"ount ao*i, one or ace' andplacchis cffd faccdownaside

ln tle table. nd tren inccards' lacinghcninthcard ac€ ownwith

irr. pt*iou" on.,-a


i.rii.t"r rrt"r vou a*'ays slan'with ltrc lcft hendcardof thc line ol

rhree.Hav€ he;paeator urn ovcr hecardhesclccledriginally, nd

thm your hrc€ ards,orcvcal our of a kind.


Thh trick uses he samcprincipleas hat usedn "Lib€rty"' but an

effort hasb€enmadeo rcducehcpreparationo a minimum,andhence

the titlc. A stackof four cardsr requircdandI hav€often foundthat

will a stackof ttris sizc, t isquitcpossrblco lcave t in thepackwhilst

Dcrforminq neor two olhcr cffects,and hencut i! to the appropilatc

ooskionwim vouwish o procc€dwith the rick involving h's€cardsA

iarcenumber fcard tticksdonot nvolveshuffling hcpack o anySrealcxtint.andso he dea f a latml strck swallworth emembering'- _i.i

* no* a.tut. rttat ouhave hc ollowingour cardsogcthcrn

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The Devil's PlaYthings

other method. I believe that tbe handling is as direct as one is likely to

obtain.Run ihrou!fi the pack alld rcmove he four aces,placing them face up

in a small fan on the table. ln arranging them on lhe table mak€ sure hcy

arc in easily rcmembered suit order. The one I use is hearts, spades,

diamonds and clubs, so that the ace of clubs would be the face accof the

four on thc table. Sayyou will replace he fout accs ac€ down on top of

the facedown pack. Do tlis but retain a break below them with th€ l€ft

little finS€r.State hal you would now like to have a clrd selectedand do this by

riffliru down the lefi hand outer comer of tha cardswith the left thumb

until told to stop. At this point, cut the cards above the left thumb off

from the pack, but retain the break with lhe riSlrt thumb below th€ four

aces. Thumb off the top face do*n catd of the lower half, emd

reassemble he pack, takrng up the brcak b€low the acesagain, with theleft littlc finger. Havc thc sp€ctatornote his sclect€d ard' and remember

Riffle down with your left thumb to about the centre of the pack and

bring thc right hand over as f to cltt the upper s€ction off but in aciual

fact, lift off only the four cards atove the left little finger break. Have

the spectator replace hfu card on top of the lower section, and tb€n

replace he cards held in the right hand on top. This is lhe standard mock

passprocadur€,bu! done below four cards nsteadof one' aid the usual

iafeguards f curling he fingeF of eachhand around he endsof their

resDectiv€ackets o conceal heir hickness houldbe followed.Some

thougbtson the mock passhandling can be found in thc "Mission

AccomDlished" ff€cl elsewhcrcn this bobk.Ask ihe spectator o tell you the sui! only of his selectcdcard, and say

you wiu first of all sholrla trick involving this suit alld the four aces.Daal

down the four acesonto the table, but seconddeal on $e suit of the aca

which coincid€swith the one henames, and continue to sacoDd €sl until

lhe suDDosedour acesare facedown in a packe! on lhe lablc. For

examoii. f he saiaaiamonds, ou would know lhat the hird ace rom

rhe on in the cmc mbered uitorderwould be a diamond,so you woulddeal down two cards fairly, and tben scconddeal for the remaning two.

oive lhe packet of focc down aces o lhe assistingsp€cletor, altd ask

him to placc one undcrncath the packe!, and th€n one fac€ up on thc

tablc. Whcn hc do€s this, state "thafs not thc aceof diamonds" Ask

him to placeanolhcr ona undet thc packet, and thc next one face up on

|hc tabG and again repcatyour phrase"that's not the ace of diamonds".Rcqu€st im to placeonemorebelow hepacket,and one aceup on the

tsblc, and sayagain, that's not th€ aceof dramonds".I lc will be €ft with oneface down card, altd by thepresantationhewill

rinumc that n someway he hasbeen eft with the acecorrespondingo

I hc $uitof his sclectedard.Cesturehat hc should ur n his card accup,

rnd {Nhc s€cshat t h his selectedne,sayagain and that's not the ace


ofdiamonds,becausehe ace;f diamondss here". tnlinewiththe laiter

Darr of your final statement,op paim lhe ace of diamonds rom the

pack,with rhe ighthand,and produce t from your nsideacketpocket

;tmDlemisdirectionspresenlor thispalm' becausefthesurprisewhen

the ipcctaror finds lhat the final csrd is his own.


The effccl of most 'vou take a caId and I find it' tlp€ of tdck' depends

on how the card is found for its ent€rtainment velue, ralher than how

inseniouslv he D€rformer onldves o make the seleltion aJ|dcontrol

,pp"r, pof..tty t"ir. ln lhis rick lwo cardsare sel€ded nd found n a

surprisiru ay.

Run hroughhepackand emoveheace, woand hreeof clubs'olacinr rhcm-faceup on the table n ordcr. with rhe threeat lhe face'turn

t-he ack acedown n the €fl hand,and pict upa little fingerbreak

below rh; loD threecards.Pick up lhe th ree cards rom lhe table and

Dlacetem stil face up. on top of lhc pact. Square hetr| up wilh lhe

;emaindcr fthe pack,and with theriglt hand ift all six cards bove ha

left litlle finger brcak up dighlly, until they call besupporled trc$r€en he

tips of th€ laft fingers and thumb, the thumb b€ing at ona long-side and

fie fingers at the othcr. This allows you to dtop one card from the

bottom of the group with lhe right thumb and ro pick up a thurbb brcak

above t. Now removc the packct of cards a{'ay from the pack. At this

srageyou rcally hav. six cards in the riglt hand, with a thumb break

abdve thc low€rmost one. Th€ effect fiom the audicnce'spoint of view

lhould be that you have used hc left hand to assistyou in squaring the

cards in the right. Throughout th€ prcccding actions, the ridt hand

holds the cards'from above, thc thumb at thc near short end, and the

lingers at thc far one, with the forefinScr rcsting or1 the face of lhe

nackel.Requesting hat the sp€ctatorsshould notc that the three cardsare in

order, bring the face up packet over the rtain face down pack, and by[sinc the eit thumb,draw he hrceofclubs onio hc top of thepackbut

lcav; t in an outjogaed osition, or abouthalf aJI nch. Now draw he

two of clubs from the face of tha right hand pack€tonto the three already

on top of the pack, and position if squaraly with the three' so that both

edrds are not butjoggcd. This laavesyou seeminglywith the ace n the

right hand, but aclually four cards are b€ing held as one' with a bresk

0tove the lovermost one. Place he ace on top oi the two, pickinSup the

hreak from thc right thumb, with the left littl€ finger. withdraw the

cmDty right hand away from the pack slightly. Figue l0 illustratcs the

lcft hand frosition at this sta8a.The right halld now app€3rs o lift off the ace, two and three away

liom the;ack, a|ld the outjoggcd position of thes€cardsmakes t logical

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TheDevil'sPlaythings The Defil's Plallhings

.ighthand ards bovehe eft,placinghem n op,andsquadng p hewholepack.Turn thepack acedowncarryingouta turnoverpass t thelittle finger break, and henplacing hepack acedown on lhe table.

Pick up the smallpacketof cards estingon lhe card caseandplacethemstill faceup in the eft hand, aking he opportunity n thisaction,to obtaina lefi little fingerbreak,belowhe aceof clubs.Explain hat heace,wo and hreewill becomefindar3" andhelpyou o locate he woselected ards.Pick up th€ facedownpackon the table wilh the dglthand,holding t from abovealld placet still facedown on top of thefaceup acen tlle efl hand.Say oumus!cut he "finders" to the centreso hat thcywill besomewherecar heselecled ards.Cive hepackonecut, but executehe ittle fingerpull downmovewith the owelmost wocards f thepack,so hat thcupp€rsection oes etweenhese ardsand

the emainder f thepack.Squarehepack

carefdly, and hen spreadtface down on the table, to sho* that two cardshave been rapp€dbetweenhe ace, wo and hree. Jt a spectatoremove ll fivecards,andconfirm hat the caughtonesarcthe sclected nes,


This rick is bas(don the old classicwherc hreeacksare continuallydealtout nto onehand, he secret eing hat a fourth one s brought ntoplay.Contrary o someopinions, hsvc ound hat atr effect catrsome-rimesbc strerigthmcd y substituting leightoI hand or subtlety,andrhis s wha! hasbeendonehere.

Run hroulh fte packand removehe our jacks,placing hemon therable.n doing hk, also ocale heaces, rd pGition themon the aceofrhepackvrit! six cardsb€low bem. In olhar*ords, the acesoccupypositions cven,eilht, nine and en fromthe faceof thepack

Turn th€pack acedown n the cft hand. Talk about d.monstratingSamblingontrols, etc., and tbumboff four csrds rom the top of the

pack.Turn thes€over alld ltrashhembriefly, saying our indifferentcards,and hen replace hern acedo*n ontop of thepack.Pick up lh€lbur ack and drop thes€ acedown,on top of thepark. Now dcal outrwo handson the able, dealing irst to thespcctator nd hen o your-relf. ln actual actyoudeal as ollows: op, bottom, top, bottom, top,bottom, op, top. Pick up yourhandand urn it faceup spreadingt toshow ouhaveno acks.Replacet ontop of thepack.Ask th€ spcclatorro €xamine is hand,andhe inds hehas he our acks,Replacehesc nrop of thepackand aSarn ea.l ut as ollow: top, bottom,top, bottom,rop,bottom, top, top. Briefly flashyourhandoncemore and replaceton top of thepack,and h€n€xaminehe spectator's,hen he fourlackswill again e evealed.

Sayyou will repest he demonstration third time. Drop the fourirckson top of the pack,ard deal out as before, but this time deal,







thai such an action is possible' The right hand finge.s areplacd at the

far sho end of the cards, and thc thumb at the near one. The thumb

now lifts its cnd for about an inch atrd the csrds pivot upwards, stiU

touching at the far short end of lhe pack. In this action the lcft hand

mov€s he pacl forward slightty and tha right haDdmoves ls cardsback

slirhtly. These wo actionswhencombinedare barclyperceplible' ut

ha-veie effect of squaringup $e cards bclow the little finger brcak wilh

the rcmainder of the pack and l€aving the ridt hand with just tllree

cards.These htee cards,which can be sptead ust under a white bordet

width of card, are placedface up on thc table, pr€ferably on top of the

card cale so thal you can pick them up wilh easc ater.

Thc main pack is now turned faca up in thc left hand and the eft little

finccr obtains a break abovc thc top card of the pack(theonc near$! tl|e

flo;r). The iShthandcomesover ndunderculsaboul alfthe pack.but

b€causa f th; litdc fmgerbrcak. leav.s behind rhc actual top card of the

Dack.The hindu shuffle fu commenced,drawing off very small packets

;nto thc left hand s€clion, and requcstinga spcctator to call stop at any

Doint.when rcqucstedo stopexhibit hecardat hc faceof lhe eft hand

section and rcDosition hc cards n lhe riSht hand so that lhey are ready o

carrv out lhebvetle Dlacement ove.

Hiving shown hc ard a! lhe faceof the eft handscction f the pack'

push it over with the l€ft thumb and deposit it bclo* fte right hand

iection, but really execute he ovette move, 30 that it actually is in the

second osilion.Leave t protrudingby aboul half ils widthon the ef!

handsiacof rhe ighthandpecker' Now exhibil be nexl ace ardon the

left hand packet, and requesta seaondspectator o rem€mber his one.

Thumb il off slightly to the right as if to emphasise he selcction, a[d

then retum it squarc,but pick up a little finger break below it. Bring the


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TheDevil's PlaythinEs

bottom, op, boltom, op, bottom, op, bottom, op. Reachorwardwilh your right hand, as f to again ndicata hat the iacksare n thespectator's andand hcnsay it's a lirtle diffcrent thistime b€causehejacksarehere," Turn ovcr YOUR hand, and showyou havc he foutjdcks. Rcach owards he rcmaining ace down hand, and say, "ofcours€, erewehavc hafour . . ." atrdasyouturn themovcr,say,". , .ACES". wbich will comeas a surpdse,as thaywill beo(pcctingustindifferent cards o showup as hcy havcon thepreviouswo phas€sfthe rick.

In vicw of thc fact hat only oncof tha ndiffcrent cards emains n hafirst twophascs f thctrick, youmayprefcr o makeus€of this fact, bycnsuri4 that whcnshowingh€ ndiffcrcnt cardsat rhc bcginninS f thceffcct,there s a Fomincntoneat the faca.For inctalccyoucould haec

thc jokcr at the tacc of th€m.If younow um th. indiffcrcnt crrdsfaccdownandpull thcmonlo tllepackwith thc left thumboncby onc, hus ev€rsinghcir ord€r,and hendo tle samcwith the four jacks,you can continucwith th€ trick, buthavingdealt out th€ two hands, f you pick up yourhand by toking hetop facedown cardoff, andscoop hc othcr thre€catdsup with it, therewill still be s jokerat thc facc,and by implicarion hcae our indiffcrcntcardswill b€ h€same nes.Younouldthen replac€hcm on top of thepack,againpulling thcm off ona by oncwith th€ eft thumb to rcvcrscthcir ordar, and then of coutsc doing lhc samcwith the four jacks.

Follo\xirg thcroutineyouwoulddaalout a sccondimc, andagainscoopupyour ndiffercnt ca.d hasp,by mcatlsof thc top card,so hal the okcrwould showst the facaonccmore.


I considarhe"ThraaCardTrick", to bc onc of thamost enterlainingthat canbc showno an audiancc. his vcrsionscomplctcly tandardn

construction,but hasa logictl story to tic thamovcs ogethcr,aDdalsoclimitretca ny sclcation y thc spoctstors ! to whichcard s tbaquccn,afcaturc hat is worth rcmovingf yourre Dcrformingbeforemorc thanonasp€ctator,bccsusah€ywill normaly disegee ovcr thcir sclcction,ard onc will theraforebc right. No tcchdcal descriptionot thc montcthro* will bcaivan,sincah€ standsrdotrc s uscd. n my opinion, tbcbastdcscriprion s to bc found in tha "Eipart al the Cttd Tabla", byErdMsc.

You will need hrcc cardsof matchingbacks,oncbcing a queen,6ndthc other two havingblank fac.s. They arc arrangcdwith thequccnatthaface,andplaccdn your pocketn thispositionuntil youarcrcady operform.

Rcmovcchc hrcc cards,and hold them accdown n the right hrnd,lifting the top oneup, rcady o make hamonte hroiv. Say hat yolrwill


The Dev l's Plalt hittgs

giveashorthistoryofthc *ell known"ThrecCardTrick", and llustratethe important fcatwesby meansof lhrce cards. Explain that in theearliest crsionof the rick theyus€d hreequ€ens, ndon hc faceof on€of thesequeenshey mark€da circle, and hequeenwith the circle on,was he on€you had to find. In line with this s€nteDc€,uIn the theecardsover by tilting the right hand, exhibiting he fac€ ot th€ qucan.Monte hrow this card o positionA in th€ llustration. mmediatelyiftup the new op card, ready or tie monte hrow and urtr the hand osbow4s€cond uccn.Monte hrow this o positionB, in the llustration.Tum ovcr heband o show he astquecn, t thepoint n thepatts whctryousay"they marked hequeenwith a circleand his was he oneyouhad o find", and drop it facedown to positionC.

Figure I

Now say hat a fewyearsatcr, thcy found hat the rnarked irclc did

Iot showup too well against he background f thequecn, o nstcsdofusingqueens,hcy usedblank cards,alrd hercfore hc circle showcd pmuchmorecleady. In line with this statcrnent, ickup th€ facedowncard at positionC, andplacet above hat at positionB. Lift these wo.ards up and urn the handover o cxhibit theblank faceof the ower-mostone. Monte hrow this card down to positionB and with rhe efthandpickup the card rompositionA and um it fac€up lo show t ashlank, and also um over he ght hand o sho* lhe one here also shlank.Drop these ardsbdckr€spectiv€lyt positionsA and C.

Now say hat.still later, thcy removed he nccessity f marking hccrrds at all, and hey used wo queens, rd one blank card, he blankrl|rd being he onehat youhad o flnd. ln line with this slatcmcnl,pickun thc facedowncard, at pogitionC, andplacet abovcB, picking herwo cardsup togcthd. Turn thc hand o fla$ thaquccnat thc face,and




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montc throw this down to position B. Tum the tiSht hand to show the

iimaining cara s al.o a quecn,and drop this al posilion c Lift up rhe

cardat isition A with the eft hand,ard show ls face o bc blank' as

vou r€;h fte line n lhe patt€raboul he blank cardbeirS he on€ you

iave to find. Replacche blank cerd faccdown in positronA-

Say,but now 'm Boing o showyou hc modamvercion f the "Three


iti,rtii two blankcardsareuscdandonequem' and

th.;t;l; ;h;;"; v." ilaveo find.Asvousav his.pickup thecards

at obsitionsA and B and tum thcm foccup, placi[g thcm' sprcad

s[gllrly, n th€ cft hatld, hcnwith he righl hand' um up thecardat

DositionC to show t to b€a qu@n.'-ph". rtrc oueen acedown;t posilionB, and h€bl&tk cards csp€cl'

in.i" ui


n uooC Pici up thecardat posilion and placct

"t"'"" irt'"qu..tt "t po.ilion B' and akeupthe blankcardat position Ain the €ft hand.Montcthrowthequccno positionB, thc l€ft hand card

iaitlv io po.irionc,-a

lheriSh!handc.rd fairly to positionA say hat

theaudienccreprobablyhinkinghequeansat posltron ' ano urnn

faccuD o show hat it is not.-i.lorir"v-*t"v

"..ptobablywondcringwhat theSambletvroulddo if

to.*ni dia plct ttti qucen.Plac€he catd rom positionB, faccdown

on haouecn t Dosilion , and akeup hccaJdrompositron ' ln nc

lefi hani, tum tirc facesowardshe audienca,howinghcquc'n al the

i""" or iri" iigrtt rtanapair. Monte hrowthequeeno posiiion B, fajrly

tfuowrhe eft halld card o positionC. Pick up he c8rd rom posr[Pn.L

rvith rherisht hand. bclow hc card alreadyhere,andmonle hrow uc

uooc.rnoil-catan tttc tiShthand o positionA, anddropth' remarning

oii arpositionC. Now y, lhat normally. heg&mbler ould exp€cl ou

ro sale,clhiscard, atrdpointto thccatd atposilionB, but in actual acl'

itr. "*. i rtiii, na i'oinr o rhecardat posirion Now, f thiscard

*.tJ..f"e"a, *i tt"tivou pushhccard l position forward lighdy'

hewoutd lip t ovcr o show ouw.r€wrong,ikc his Pickup he^caro

frompositionB ard doa verypoorMcxicgnurnoveryp€cnang€ l rnls

""rd iot rh" on "t po.ition c, flipping it faceupon thc lable Youarcnowholdinga card accdo*n in rhc ighthend'which hesDcctators lrr

assumco be hequccn.Say hat thcyprobably awyouchangcnat calo

for thisonc.andhcrayou point first lo thcfac€upcardonthclaolc' alro

thcn o lhc facedownone n the hand,butdid theysccyouchangclul

ona. or tbrsone. H€rcyoupoint firsl to the onc acedowarn thchatro'

iriii,.n'rrti i""" a.*"-one on lhe tsbleat posilionA whcn you point

!o lhe one face down oo lhe table. irnmcdiarclyollow this sctlon DJ

tuminSit ace p,whent willbcseenobcthcquecnTurn heone t l

bcinq cld n thc €fl handov€r, o showl is blank'*nil:iilii;i;;;hoh thin; is a completewindlc' nd hatevenf

aftttt"c cttat *i.c.tto*n, it wouldbe mpossibl€o find thequ'€n Pick

i ii.-.-& in ,rt."on"*tional

mont. hiowpositions.lank ard n the

lefr hand,and pair of cardsn ftc right,with thc qu'enat lhe lace


The Devil'E PlaYthings

Monte hrow thc queeno positionB. Fairly thtow the eft handcard opositionC. Pickup thc cird at posilionC, below hc onealready eld n

the riShthandand urn thc two over o show he faccof th€ owerone'saying "blaDk card number onc." Monte throw this card do$n topositionC, ard then tum theremainitrg ard n thr riShthandover to

;how i!3 facr, saying, blank cstdnumbcrwo", anddroppinghisface

down on top of th; one alrcsdyat positionC. Strte lhat the crrd atposrtronB must hercfore e haqueen, nd um it ovcr o showhat his

alsos blank.

"cotl)uR MAGlc"

Thit eff€ctwasevolvedn an effort to ra_crcatencof AlaxEl6slcy's

tricks, bul using ordinarycards.To perform lhe trick, you wiU na€dcardswith fouicontrastfug or diffcr€nt colourback dcsi8tt5. would

\ugg.st thal you lry thc eff€ct out by removing ha approprialcclldsr"frlreo,

-a*;ring utecolourson lhe ba.Lwith a fch ripp.dren. This

witigivc youagoodideaof the ffcct obtaincd,ard if youthink t worthwhilayou can h.n obtaincards vith rhcproperlyd.signedbacks.

Thacardsneedcd rc as ollows:ycllowbacked ing of sDadcs'recn

backed ing of hearrs, cd baakcdack of spad€s. hesehee c,rdsareplacedd tli€ outside rca,tpoct.t of your ack t, wiih thc ackof-spadcsat the acc. You will alsonced,eadingrom thc faac,bluabackcd uccn

of bearts,red backed8ccof hearts, cd backedacl of clubs,Srccnbacked ccof clubs,greenback€d ing of diamonds, ellowbaak€d ce

of spadcs, cllowbacked i[g of clubs,blu€backcdaceof diamoDdsnd

blu; backcdqueen f diaoonds.Run throuSh his lroup of nin€ cardsnnd njog atl acesot about a quartcrof all inch. Placeanelasticband

urouni ihe completepackct,ovcr thc narrowwidth, so tbat thc trinccardsarc ockcd n poiition, $dth he accsstill injogged Placc henr nrheouter lcft hand acket pocketof yout suit, and you arc ready operform.

whell wishing o show he cffect,ramovehepackeiof cards rom thalcft handackct-pocket,ndhold hcm n the eft handso hal th. ioggcdportionoi thc acess conccalcd y the cft fingcrs,With thc dght handitrurnb, lick the uppcrcndof thepa.k t rathe!quickly' sayinghat vouhave g:roup f picturccards,with whichyouwould ikc to demonstratalln unuiua] rick. fte rc$on for flickingquickly s so hrt thc spccntorshave ochanceocounthepicture 5!ds.Rcmoveha ubbcr and'andpushhe oggcdcardssquara ndhold thepacket acedown n the efthand. Kcep the fingcrs curledaroundthc end atld th€ hand low to

Loncealhe thickness.With youright handrcach nto yourouier breastpockctandremove

thc thrci cardJ here.Place hem faceup on thc tabL, sayinSbat yolt

rlso use hree urtherpicturecards.Theorder of the ablcdcardseading


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The Devil's Plqythings

f.om the aceshouldbe JS.KH. KS. Ghostcount he acedown cards n|he left hand, to show they have blue backs, and placethe last blue cardon top of the packet.Wren carryingout the ghostcount which s thestandard fow as four one, injog the third card counted slightly. This willallow you to bring the right hand over and place the tllumb on iheinjogged card, lifting it slightly, and pushing t square, so that the thumbcan be partially inserted undd the top two cardsand thesecards can ber€moved as one by the right hand, the thumb on th€ face and fingers onthe rear of t h€ nearshort end. lts face s fla3hed, howing hat it's apicture card, and lhe right hadd then travels up io the outer breastpocket

of your jacke!and pusheshe card n.

Bring the right hand down to the left hand packet again, lo make asquaring action, and ei the face card drop off the righl thumb so hat the

left little finger can obtain a break above l. With the right hand pick upthe.iackof spades, lld um il facedown, showinghat t hasa red back.Say that esch of the tabled picture cards has a strangepower over theones n lh€ band. Appear to push the face down red card among he fac€do*n blu€ ones,but really nsert t immediately bove he facecard, bym€ans of the left litde finger break. Push the red backedcard square,and pick up a lcft little finger break above t. Cive thepacketa single cutat the break, and lhen ghostcount them again, injogging the third cardslightly, and placing he fourth on top, to show hat the red backedpicture card has made all the backs change o red.

Repeat hedoubl€ ift of t he top card and its insertion n the outerbreasi jacket pocket, and then show that the king of heafts has agreen

back. Insert it among the red cards, but really sccond from the face,using the same echnique aspreviously dcscribedand then cut the packet

and ghost count aa before to show all the backsare now green.Removethe op greenbacked ard, double ifling as usual,and placing t in thepocKet.

Insert he final yellowbacked ing of spadesnto thepackel,secondfrom faceasusual, he n cut andghostcount o show he backsarenow

all yellow. Double ift tlle top yellow backed card, andplace n ih€ out€rbreast acketpocket.

State hat the spe.tators aveseen he powerof tbe ndividual cardsthat wereon the table, but they may like to seewhat would happen f lhepiclure cards n the left hand were brought clos€ o all colours at once.Take he facedown8roupof cards rom the ef t handwith the ight, andtap t on the oulside f your breast ocket.Now spreadhe cards ut, toshow that each back h of a different colour.

Mention hatwhilstperforming his rick a speclator aid, 1hatwouldbe a very usefulaccomplishment hen playingcards", and that youreplied, yes t would,but surelymoreuseful fI couldchangehe aces,ralher han he backs." You now turn the four cards aceuD. o revealthat they are aces.


The De l's PlaYthings

NorE:-ln carryingout the ghostcount hrouehout his trick, take he

cards rather more deeply into the riSht hand than usual' to

discrns€he thicknessn theearlynages f theeffed. Also. keep

th;ands low, and the backsof th e cards owards he audience'

Rememb€r he backs changecoloul, arld this is what they will

watch,not the edges.M€ntion the fact that you are using pictutc cards frequently

throuchour he roulioe o improve he final climax'and remem_

ber afu, that the faces f the double ifi€d cards an alwaysbe

flashed Prior to Pocketing thcm.


The use of a pack of cards as a li€ detactor is a very old idea' but I

believe Bruce Cervon and Larry Jenningswere the first to usc carcls o

indicate whether the aNwers to a seriesof questiodswere true ol false

The normal Dresentationof this trick invites the assisting pectalor o tcll

lies whenevei he wish€s, but in Inost of thc publishcd v€rions I have

read. his lie has o be consistenr'n otherwords. t lh€ jacl of clubs

\aere elecredndvou askedhesp€clalorhecolourofhis card'hemiSht

lie and sa) red. t you hen a5ked im lhe suil, t would have o behearts

or diamonds to biconsistent with his first lie. Sinceyou have nvited the

tDectatoro tell ieswhenever ewishes,hcreseemso b€no reasonwhy

hl shouldnot, in the example uotedabove'say irst hal he seleded

rcdcard,and hcn n answero yoursecond ueslionhat it nas a spade'

Therefore the fftst important point about the following version of this

cffect, is that thc sp€ctator c5n lie or tell the truth in answer to your

questions without any r€strictions whatsoever. The s€cond point of

r;terest is that provision is made in thc routi[e to preclude from the

,oeoarors'mindanv hought hat you havearanged hepack one final

teaiure hathasprompredihe nclusion f theettect n his book s tat it

t,asa logicalclimax,aorhaving ound out wheiher he spcclator as ied,'r lold ihe trurh by rhe cards evealedn answer o his questions' o!

now apply the ttoihfu! *s*"t. to sp€ll down in the pack ro find his


A cer[ain amouot of memory work h involved to learn this routine'

hur be assued that its effect warrants the homework required lt is

rrrerestingo note hat you only have o slackonemor€card o coverall

,onrinqeniies f inconsislentying. han f you wereusing he consislenl

lyingp;esentation, here he tdicating cardsarive on top of the dealt

Explain to ihe audience that you are goilg to illusfate how an

clcctronic lie delector wolks Have a card selectedfrom the pack,

rdurned and conlrolled to the second from face position. Continuing


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TheDeYil's PlaJthings

with vour Datterheme, ay hal eleclronicomputersave o have

iro-'.tnrnJ of insrructionso lell lhemwhat o do, eachslep n this

iioii"mrn. t.ot.,*ting anacrionhat hemachinewillartyout athigh

io&. s"v rhir lie det&ors work hcsamewav,and vou will teach

iiJ"to. rto* to proSramman€ During hisdiscourse'ou urn lhe

o'""i tac. uo ana *tiorm lhe followingactions Pushoff the face wo

cards ittrout atrcrine he order nlo theright hand'but rememb€rhe

Iower onc (the sclcctAcsrd),count two morccardsonto these lf th€

sdJed cardwasa facecard jack,quccnor king) ha nextcardyoudeal

inio irc aglt l-a .nouldah; bc a facecrtd. lf th€ sclectcd ardwasa

sDolcgrd.-lhenexl cardwould ne€do bea spotonc lf thcapproprial-e

card s not avarlableo you.continuco dcaluntil t is, bul up og all

dcaltcardsby about wo inches.t/henyourasahhe dcsiredaccor spot

caid, o*ct tire eft and anddcal his n thenormal osilion Run hrce

-orecards n the norma.lposition.Th€ next card m|Isl be lhe same

coiour as heselcctcdn., ifivailable dcal t over, f not, deslcards n an

uoiocrcd oositionuntil it is avarlable,nd hendeal t ov€r on lhe owcr

.&i6i. ol"t on. .ot""ard

and henanother ard o[ fte samc olouras

rhesel€c1edne,dcal hr€€mor€cards,and onecard of lhesame uil as

rtri r"rc"r"aooa.aot onemorccard,and onecardof lhe slmesui! as tc

selcclcd n€, and inally on€mote cardand hen oneof thc same uitas

th€ selecte<lne,Tharule to rememb€rs that you upiog all unwantedcardsof your

stack.and all cards humbcdoff into thcright handa'ereve$edn order

* r"ir r.1ftt""*,la p"ck.At theconclusionf thisprocedute,-youill

t iitr-*lrtt"

-b"t"h of"ttdt

in the riEht hend, someof which atc

ouriocccd.Placc he entirebatchbelow hc remaindcrof the face up

pac'iGearest lc noor)and hanstripoul thcout oggedoncs,explai-n'

ing that thcsealc thc programmesteps cquired to opcrale th' lie

detecbr. Haid thes€ o thc assisling pcctator'sayrr\gnat you wouro

tiie trim to totA trcm facedownand€ndclvour o arrangc hem ! thc

correctorder to make he machinework aflici€r ly' Lct him mix thcrn

env waYhewish€s,ivhiltt h" i doing ,hit, lrallsfar thc pack rom the cft lo right hand

still faceup, andhoiding t from abovewith therhumbat tic nearshorl

-i -Ju-. rlng"ts

"ttic far on€.whcn hehas omplct€dhuffling is

;;;".t".. rciucst him to tum it fac. up and placc it on your

outs-trachcdcft hand.Placaheridt hands.ctionof lhepacl on top ol

tris sras, €tainine trcal b€twc.nhe wo portionsTum thepack.facc

down, xeculin8 tumovar ass t hebrcak. ndyouarenow eadyo

Jcrnonrii"t" rto-* tt" ti" detactorworks,s€€minSly ith a Sroupof cards

that lhc sDcclator asust shufflcd.ExDIai;carcfullvhal he can ie or tcll the ruth n answero your

oueslions,ustashewishes. sk irst' fhe s€l€ctedfac€ r a spot ar'l'

il-;;ii ;;*t his answcr'one ctrd for each clter' in a facc down

"..t"i ""ttta lable andplace hc nextcard faccdown in front of thc


The Detil's Playthings

oacket. Now ask whether he card he selcctedwasred or black alrdiepending n his answer, pellour lhe appropriatc ord. makinga.eaondacc ownpacketo the ightoflhe firslone, ndplacinghenextcard acedown n front of thispacket.Finally, ask hesuit of hiss€lectedcard,and spell his facedownonto the table,makinga newhcap o theright of the other wo, aDdagoinplacinShe De\t card, facedown nfront. Spella.llsuitswithout an S' *i!h the cxccption f clubs' .e. heart'diamond, pode,lubs.

Now say hatyouwill tesl he efficiencyof tha ie detector y ch€ckidgthe answerso the variousqucstioN.Tum ove! thc card n front of thefirst Dacket nd evesl hat this ruly showswhctherhe selected faceora sDoi ard.Likewisc, urn over hccard n fro[t of the sacond aclet to,evial the ruecolour,and ilally thecard n f.ont of thc lastpackd' torevealhe rucsuit. rlv€ the hrec aceup cardsn front of each f thair

resp€ctiveackers.Whcn dcaling he packetsovcrlapthc dealt cards

sliShtlyas n Figur€12 balo*, which showshepositionreachcd t theconclusion f thepre{cdingsentelce.





B€fore concluding the affect you havc another small mental task to

Dcrform, which is to rnakc €ach of the face down packets corrcct in

ftcordance with the face up card above t. lf however, thc spectatorhas

rold thc truth on colod alld sui! you have no adjustmerts to make, but if

ny lics have been old you rDustproc€€das follo$,s,in thc cas€of tltc lirtt packct, you have to do nothing at aI since he

*ords face or spot contain tha samcnumber of lctters. The colour paaket

will alwaysconlaill thrceor fivc c4rds, and because f their spreadcondr-







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The Devil's PlaYthings

tion youcan eadilyseewhether ou need o add wo or subtraclwo to

mak; l arreewilh he ace p card n frontof it Simplyememberlus

two or minuswo. Similarly,he suitpacke! ill always ontainivcor

sevenards,andseven, nly f a dia$rondhasbecn peh, hcrefore'once

again ouwill simply eedo remember.pluswo or minuswo o make,i. t"Lt of tle face o*n cards arerwith he ace p one.This igurc,

in coniunction ith the oneyouhavememoriscdot lhc colourpack€t'

will giveyouananswer f nothing,minus wo or plus wo,or minus our

or Plus our.ivith this frnalfigure n mind,younowgatherup the hre€ acedown

oackets.lacinghaoneat theexlrcmeiShton ls efi handneighbour.ind thesi two dn rheexlremeefFhandone.Place hispackelon top of

the facedownpack,anCnow make headiustmenlccordingo $e

mcmorisedigur;. DoubLundcrcuttings hesimplest ayof getlina d

of cards,aud- simplc njog run shuffle, s the easiestway of addingthern.Don't forgetalso, that if you have o losecards, his canquite

easily e don€asyougatherhepackets p and accldentallyeave woor

fouron the able;whiahyousubsequendyeplace elow bepack.These

c6rdsmustonly b€ ost romrhecolourandsuitpack€lsYouwill also

find onmany ccasions,hal even houghieshave €€nold,no adjust'

mcnts renccessary,r€causeplus woon hecolourscancelledut by

a minus *o on thi suit, andvice verJa.Figure12 llustrates necondi_

tion wher€his hasarisen.Concratulale e assisringpeclator n havingdesigneduch an

efficidt Dro8ramme,rldsay hat havingound he rulhftrlanswersn

resocctoi tie s€lected ard, you will now apply this informationto

actualy find thc cird. Spellingrom the faccdo*n packonlo the able,

accordingo lhc three accup cards till herc. p€ll aceor spol' hcn

colou and inallvsurt Soniyon clubs, sb€forc). urnover hectrd

fallingotr the ast attcr, and t will be heselectedne.


Thiseffectusesha countspellechruqueeveloped anyy€ars 8oby

StcwartJames.Carcmus! be ak€n as n all trick of this rype'that the

sp€ctatorompletely nderstandshathe has o do, otherwise,ouwill

md with a failure. andoncwhichwill beverydifficult to corr€ct.

The nckrequires full gack tack, ndbecauscf this,also compe'rcm alse hufile.Th€ slack, eadingrom thc fac€of lhepack, s as

follows:95 JC IOSOCJSKCQSKSAH 2H 3H AD 4H 2D 5H ]D 6H4D 7H 5D

8H 6D 9H D r0H 8DJH 9DOH l0D KH JDJokerQD KD AC 2CAS

3C25,lC355C45 6C557C65 EC?S9C 85 oc. Thequeen f hearts

shouldb€ crimpcd,so hatyoucan ocate t quickly,or alternativelyuslmemodsels ;pproximate positiod, so thal you can cut to it fairly


The Devil't Ploythings

readily.This rick is deal o pcrformseated t a table,althorUht can be done

standingn front of a s€ated udicnce y plrcing the packbehind hebact at the appropdate point, Howcvcr, I will assumeyou arcp€rformingcloseup, at a table, Rcrnovchepack rom its casc,andgivcit a couplcof falseshufflesand cuts.Asl a spcctatorwhetberhcprafcrsrcd or black cards. f he saysblack,youmust cul thepack,so hat thequac, of hearts set thc face, f he sayscd, youneed o do nothiDg.

Ptace ltc packbenerth be ablc, andhold it faceup in thc lcft hand.Ask thc spaclatoro think of arlycardof his s€Lctd colour, and 8oy hatasyoubring cardsout from bcneathhc rblc, andplacc hent accdownoD op of rhc able,he s to mcntqlly pcll out the namcof his houghtofcard,rncluding hc word of'. lt isadvirablc o giv€aquick lluetratlonofwhatyoumcanat ahis tage, y actuallymcitioninga card,and explain_

iDghow it shouldbc spelt. The valuc s countcd,so for five he wouldcount fva a d not sp€ll five, and thc rcmaindcrof tha card is spcltnormally. Only lhe nameof the card s considcred $d ncvcr hc word'the' in front of thc nama,Whcn you are sulc ha understand! hisprocedure,comm€Ilcc raving cardsout from bcncath he table, asfollows: f he selccteded, bringout tcn cards rorn thc frce of th€pack,turning hem ac€down ss cachs browht out, arldplaccdonthc tablc,bui from eleven nwards usholf two cards rom thc facc nio th€ righthand,and r€lurn onc of thcsrund€r hepack, hc onc hat s rctumed othepack, s the one hat originallywassecond tom thc face. YouwiUfind upon trial that this action is extremclysimpl€ and rapid. Fromelevcnonwards,you simplypush wo card6ovcr andtake hern n tharight hand, and tlcn rvith the cft fir8ertip, pull thc lowcrmostoDcofth€se ackundar hepack,bringiog he ore rcmainiDgn the ri8[t hand,out from under thc tablc aDdtuming it fact down as usual, bcforeplacingt on top of the oncsalr€adydealt n a paclct otrthe tablc.Thisactionof pushinSwo off ard r€iuming onc bcncath he Pack s con_tinucd from positioncLvcn onwards ntil told to stopby the spectatorbecaus€ouhavc cachcdhe final letter of his mqrtal sclection.

If hc houghtof a bla.k c.rd, youdcaleightcsrdsairly from the acc,and thcn proccld arith the tcchniquc dascrib€d, rom positio! nineonwards,until told to stop.

whcn told to stopby the spectator, ouwill havcon the tablc a smallDackctof facc do*n cards,and under the table you will hava theremainder f tllc pack,faceup in the efl hand.Rcmov€ hepackfromunder hc tablc, tuming it face down in this action, aodplace t facedown,on tha ablcalongsidehc dcaltcards.

Now ask hc spectatoro tell youthenam€of his mentallyspeltcard.lf thespectator ames ny heart,club or king, tum over hc cardon topof thcdealtoff packe(o rev€l the mentally €lectedard. f he namescard hat doesnot fall within theprcviowly mentioned rouping, urnover hc top card of thepack,to rcveal hc mentallys€lectedard.


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The DeYil's PlaYthings


The inspirationof lhis effecl was a lrick publishedbv Alex Elmslevseveral earsago callcd "BetweenYour Palns". The o;ly preparario;requiredh to ensure hal lhe queenol hearts s on toDof theDack.

Remove he cards rom the card case.and say har vou will olaceonrcard back n the caseas a prediction. Hold lhe c4s.;o rhat tire flaD ruppermosl, nd bcnt backalong he top sideof the case, nd held hcrcby he left fingenips.Takc he op card ol tjlc tacedownpackand Dushil into !h€ card case acc do$n. The diagram illustrateirhe waf thirshould be done, but the actual flap would bc held flat again rh; cardcase o that it will not bc oo obvious to tha spcctatorswhiah way the calareally is up.

Having plac€d he cad in thc case,closethe flap, alld Dlacehe caseon

the table, turning it over asyou do so, so that the sidewiih th€ half mooncut out in, is now uppermost.

Say hat for the next pan of lhe lrick, yo! require a card to be selectedbut it musl not be a qu€en.so you wlll rem9ve the queensbeforcproceedhS wilh the trick. As you have tle€n sa''lng rhis. you have run

ftrough t he fac€up packand hrown rhc king of hcans.widour revcal-ing its face, facedown on the table. You can now seaachor the ranaln-in8 que€ns n fie pack, and remove them. and drop them facedown onrop of lhc ting ofheafis, ensuring owever, hat you place heque€n fdiamonds down last of all, so that it becomcs ie loD card of the Dacketof four o n lhe tablc.

Haod the remarndar of the pack to a spectator artd ask bim to lookthrough I. an d select ny card hewishes.Whcn he hal doneso. givehima feh tipped pen to wrile his signatureor rnrtralsot the face of thcselectedcard, and aftcr he has done lhis, have the selecftdcard returnedto the cmtre of the pack,and thencontrol it to the toD.

Say that you always do a trick with tlle qucensbefore attempting tofind a sel ected ard, and if t he rick with the queensworks, here;s a


The Dev il's PlsYt hi,tgs

r,r,d chance ha! you will also be ablc o make h. selected ard rick

work. Whilst saying his, pick up the top face down queen rom tle

tnrfket f four on the ableand Dlacet on top of lhe pacl, but outjolgedl,'r about two inches.With the left first finge.tip, push off a very small

t![eketof around six cards from the face of the pack and take them *ith

rhc righl hand and dcposit them on top of the outjogged qu€an, but

rtuare with thc bulk of the pack. Pick up the Dextque€n,and place t on

roDof the face down pack, squarewith the first outjogg€d queen.Again

lush a small packet dol'n from the face of the pack with the lcft first

Irrgcr, anddcposit thcsecardswith tllc right hand on top of thepack. Do

r[c same *icc more, so that you havcepparentlyplaccdth€ four quecns

In diffcrenl positions in th€ face down pack. Tum thc whol€ pack face

'rD.and if you wisb, flash the facesof lhe first thrce queensby sprcading

rhcmslightly. Now push all four cardsflush with the pack, but calry out

l)0i Vernon'sMultiple Shift, or orc of its variatrofi, so that the fourlrgSed cards, after completing thc shift, are on top of the fac€ do*n

l0ck, and immediatcly bclow them will be the siSned,s€lect€d ard.

Double uDdercut wo carals rotn thc top of the pack, to the face, arld

Irrk up a left little fingcr break under the third card from the top of the

t'l|.k. Say tal you will lry arrdcausc wo queenso appear n the top.l rk€ off the top card of th€ pack, turninS it face up and replacing t still

Ircc up on the pack, iniogged for about I inch. Plac€ the riSht hald

| rgcrtips on lhc face of tlis quccnand the fac€ dowD card imm€diately

lrk)w ir, and pushboth cards forward together, until thc quc€n in€s up

wirh the bulk of th€ pack, and a single card is now outioggd. Rernove

ihis outjogged card, and tum it face up to show it is a secondqu€€n.

I'Lrce t still face up orl lop of the face up quecnalready on thepack, and

t||'r)car o lift both off the pack, by putting the right thumb at the near

rl(tri end, and the fingers at th€ far one,holding tb€ que€ns tom abov€.Aer ally lift the thr€e cards above be little finger break, plus one more(rrd, which is picked up by the right thumb from the pack, so that in

ncrual facl the.e are four cards hcld in the right hand with th€ riglt

rtrnmbholding a brcak atrove thc lowermost one.

with the teft thumb, draw the fac€qucenback onto the packstill fac€,rpand then briru the right haDdover as fto lift it off, but rcaly deposit

rhc cards below the right thutnb brak on top of the face up qucenand

Itr off the two cards eft in the right hand.You can spreadhese ards

v.ry slightly,b|rl no more han a white borderwidth.I'lace rhe pack face down on the table for a mom€nt ard pick up the

.nrd casewith the left hand. Push thc two cards n the rirht hand still

In(c up, nto thecardcasc,but do not op€n t to do so Simplyslip hemrr bctweenhe closed lap snd he halfmoon cut out, and hen ap hemrlr lhey will actually still be resting above the flap.

l'ick up the packagain,and sayyou will try and makea third queen

nltcar on the face.Tap the back of the packand urn it over, o reveal

nlolher que€n n lhe face. Say hat f you reverse card n thepack, a

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The Devil's Playthings

sometimcs nfluences another card. Turn the queenat the face over sothat it is face down on the face of the pack. Give th€ pack a singlc cut,but carry out th€ little finger pull down move with the card nearest heleft palm, so that this card is retained in position after the cut iscompleted. Spread he pack in a face down spread on the table, to revealtha! the queeDyou turned over has now caused he remairing qu€€n otum faca up alorgsid€ it. Take thcse two face up quecns out of thespraad, squaring tlcrlt up in thc sane way as the previous two weredhibited, and push then into the cerd case, above thc ones alreadythere. There are now four cards resting above the closed lap of tb€ cardcase.

Pick up the card case, and open th€ llap, which will cause he fourcardg csting above t to drop down on top of the one that was alrcady nthe case.With lltc right hand, reach nto the casc, and rathcr briskly pull

oul the lowermost card by grasping t betwecn he tips of the fingers andthumb. This will be the queenof hearts, and you will find, when you dothis, that it is not possibleto see h€ position tbis queencomes rom, ifyou take it out fairly quickly. Having removed he queenof heafls, youcan now, remove he oth€r three face up queens rom above he final facedown prediction card, or altematively, l€t a spectator r€move them foryou. In any case,you will end up by eventually having r€moved he fourfeceup queens,but it wi b€ seen hat the face down prediction card isstill in the casc. Mention to the spectators hat this c6rd wasplacad n thecase b€fore commencing the effccl. Have the spcctator who signed heselected ard, remove this card and look al it. He should be surprised ofind that it is his own card, with hh signature n.

Trrdrposldor of I si8n.lur€ vrdraioo.

You rnay care to try oul th€ followinS variation of the card caseeff€ct.Have aJ bcfore the quee! of hcarts inside the card case, but it has beenplaccd hcrc before performing the effact. Give the cnclosedcard case o

a sp€ctator sayingyou have sealeda card in the cascbcforc commcncingthe effcct. Have him shake he case o satisfy himsclf that there is indeeda card inside t}le case, ard then placethe card caseon the table with thehalf moon cut out uppermost, as before.

In the pack whicb we will say is blue backed, you must have one redbacked card in a known position. As an example et's say he red backedcard is second rom the face. Co throuSh the faceup pack removing thesuppos€d four que€ns in exactly the same marner as describedpreviously. No* turn Lhcpack facc down, and lose he bouom card, bycutting or shuffling, so your red backcd card h left on the face of thepack. The rcd backed card has norp to bc forcaC, without its back bcingexposed. Here I use he lan force where the bottom card is run aroundthe fall undemeath and held in position at one end, sothat *hen the pack

The Devil's Ploythings

is broken at any point by the spectaior, ou can close he upper halfsquarewith the original bottom card and then urn this half f aceup toshow he selection.Have he spectator ign he card at the face of thishalf, and hen drop this half on top ofthe other one, so hat the selected(ard is sandwichedn lh€ centreof lhe pack.

Fan the pack, faces owards tbe audience,and pick up the top queen

from the group of face down cards on tlle table. Insert it inlo lhe fanimmediately abovethe red backed card, and leave t outjogged slightly,but positioned o that if you lower he fan sothe backsare seen y theaudience he red back will be complerelyhiddeD. With the fan lower€d oits face down position, insert the other tbree face down queens rom thelable, taking thcm from the top one by one, and pushing hem inlovarious positions, each one b€ing hree or fo ul cards up from thepreviousone, When you insert the last one,which is not really a queenat

ILII, lide t overslightly o the eft, so hat whenyou roughly square prh€ fan, and turn it face up, the face of the king will be hidden by theorher queens.Having tumed th€ pack faceup, square up the outjogged(tueensand pcrfonn the Multiple Shift, to bring them to the top of thepack. Now proced cxactly as described o ttre original version of therrick, but at the climax, when you have r€moved he four face up queens

liom the card c6se,you can show tbat there is still a red backed cardinsid€. Point out that this was in the card care as a prediction beforeeommencing he eff€ct. Ask the spcctalor lh€ namc of his card and th€nhave him check youl pr€diction. Not only is the prediction correc!, buthis signature has mysteriously transferred itself to the face of the

|redictedcard. In fac!, f he chccks hrough he bluepack,he will findrhat he blue backed win hasno *{iting on it.

52 53

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The heme f this effect s therevelation f a pair of selectedardsbymeansof lwo other cards,which are first tested o see f they have

magicalproperti€s, o aid them n finding tbe chosen nes No prior

arrangement f the pack s requiredand the plot is an extremely imple

one for an audience to follow, the latter quality being an essential

ingredient for any effect shown to laymen.Hold the pack face down in the left hand and riffle the outer left

corner rom top !o facewith the eft lhumb, inviting a spectaioro call

stopat some oint. Try to time he riffle so hat he stops ou som€where

around hecmtre ofthe pack.Removehe uppersection flhe packwith

the right hand and o\hibit the face card of this half to the spectatol,

askinghim to remembert. As the upperhalf is beingshown,pushover

the two cardsal the top of the remainingsectionheld n the eft hand

sliShtly, o hat the eft little fing€r ip can pick up a breakbelow hem,

beforedrawing hem back again o s quareup with thepacket.Replac€

tlle dght halld sectionof the pack on top of that in the eft hand butmaintain he little f inger break. Riffle down with the eft thumb for a

card o be selected y a second pectator ut this timeuse he standard

Riffle Force technique, so thal t}le point where the sp€ctator really tellsyou to stop s gnored,alld fte uppet half is removed t the breakpoint

Exhibit he acecard of theupp€rsection o th€ second pectator ndask

him lo remembert. Replacehe upperhalf of the packonto the ower

ooe andat thevery moment t covers h€ ower half secre tlyurn the eft

hand section ace up by the normal Half Pass echnique, ul as the

halves ome ogether ake a breakbetweenhem irst witb the ip of theright thumb and then with fte left little finger.

It is imp ortant that ihe Half Pass s comm€ncedust as the upper

sections being eplaced n the ower and nol aftera time a ps€prior to

making he pass.The atterapproachwould end o spoil he iming and

make t difficult to compleie he sleightwithout a sense f'somethinghaving appened', eingconv€yedo the audience. fter the completion


Catdboard Charudes

ofthe Half Pass,he righthandstays urvedover he op offie packand

immediately rops ive cards rom the face of the uppersection f lhe

packonto the faie up lower one, the cardsbeing r€leased rom th€ tip.of

ihe right thumb. The eft little finger retakes ts breakabove hese ive

Lards nd the right hand hm movesaway rom the pack

Say hat you will endeavour o find the selectedcards by Deansof two

othei cards bur that you must first test the cards selected, o see f they

have any magical abilities. Cive the pack oDecut at the bleak point'

completing thi cut and sBtrng that whatever cardscome !o the top will

be suitabla for the test. Double lift the top card of the pack showing ts

lace.and then urn iI facedown again.Remove single ard from rhc

roo andDush r inlo the /ot& section f lhe pack,carefully quaringhe

Daikafr;r rhisaclion.Turn Lhe op cardot thepack ac€up andplacel

srill aceup on he table,saying at it hassuccessfullyassedls tesl.as

ir has magically travelled to the top. Double lift the next card at the topshowing is face, and sayinS hat it will be th€ secondcard rc be ested.




\Il I





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Cadboard Charades

Turn the two cards acedown backonto the top of the packand then

pushoff a singlecard from the top of the pack, and insert t about a

quarterof the, ay dowlr rom the op of the pack. As you push t into

rhepackusea sliShllydiagonal clionso hat as he pack s squared.he

leftlitrle fingercan obLaina break mmediately bove t. Turn lhe Lop

card of the pack face up with the dght hand and place t with the

previousonealready aceup on thetable, sayldg hat the secondcard has

;lso passedts test,so you car now use hese ards o help you find the

Cut off th€ cardsabove he little finger break with the riSht hand and

place hem on the table n position A' as shown n the Figure 14.The

;ext sectionof thepack you cut off with the dght hand mustbe at ihe

pointwhere hecardsareback o back, his s aboutone bird ofthe way

do*n, and if you cut in a natural manner at around this point, lhe cards

will automatically break at the dght place Always lift the upper sectionuDa tinv bit at the nearshortendofthe pack o ensure ou havehit the

rigtrt spbt before removing he cards,so that any adjustmentcan be

m;de whileyou still have ie opportunity.Place his section t position

'B'. Finallyplace he remainder f the pack at position C'.

Pick up o;e of the two face cards rom lhe table altd place t facedown

on top oapack€t A'. Takepack€t B' and place his acedown on top of

'A', tte c;mbinedheapbeing erfectly quared. ake heremaining ace

up card from the rable and place t face down on the combined 'AlB'

h;ap. Take packet c' and place t on top of the 'AlB' one' but jog it

slightly b de left along its lonSside as shown in fiSure 14. Pick up the

co;pleie packwith the righ! hand,holding t from above' he fingersat

the f;r sh;rt endand the thumb at the near one, and move t towards the

left hand. As it reaches he eft hand and'starts to b€ owered nto the eft

palm,use he eft fingers o cany out theHalf Parswith the owersection

;f the Dackwhich s convenientlyogged o the right, and thenhold the

Dack ouaredn the eft hand, he riShthand movingaway.The appear-

in"" of th. *hole ."qu"nce is simply of placing lhe two cards n differedt

partsof the pack,and thenplacing he pack n the eft hand.

Cut about on€third of lhe pack frorn top to face,and then spread t ina long face down line on the table. The two cards with 'magical

DroDeiries ave urned aceup and alsocausedhe selecredards o Lurn

iaci uo. one selecled ard teine immedialelyadjacent o eacho[ the'maglcones


Tbe plot of this effect is a favourite of mine and involves carrying oul

a magi;al interlude with a group of cards, before using them to find one

that has beenpreviously hosen.n other wordsas n 'Helpmates" he

magical bility of the cardss ested, efore heyare equired o carryout


Cardboad Charudes

rheirreal ask.Before proceeding with the technical details, I would like to mention

ttrat credii for tbe Ghost Count and the small packet reverse ex€.uted

during he countgoeso Alex. Elmdey,and for lhe progressiveeversal

of cards by using he counl. ro Bro Hamman To be as cofiecl as

Dossible. must alsocreditCharlesT. Jordan or his originatron f the

;rincirl€ of the Ghost Count, which is to count four cards as fow, but

acruailv onceal neot rhem n lhecounling.As pointedoul by Francrs

Haxlo;, this appearedn Jordan's Thirty card Mysteries"booklel,

under he title iFhantomAces', n 1919, rather staggeringevelation'

Prior to performing the effect place he KC fac€ upinside the cardcase

and close the flap. Afiange the remarnderof the pack so that reading

from the top of the face do*n pack the order is KS, KH and KD'

lbllowedby the balance f the cards

To commence he routine, fan the pack for a card to be selectedandafrer it has been removed,close he spread and hold the pack squared

facedown in the left hand. when the sp€ctatorhas commited the card o

In€mory,undercut he pack for its replacemcnl nd beloreoffenng he

or sinaluDDer all for the selecledard o be replaced n top' pushover

'hittlngoi spades lighllyso thal lhe left little fingercan take a break

helow i Now let the spectatorplacehis card mmediately above heking

,'l ,D ades nd then eplacehe oder halfof the packon top, lakingcare

lo maintarn he €ft litlle fingerbreakbelow he king of spades.

Say hat you havefound the kings to be the most magical cards n the

lrck and that before -inding hc selectedard. you would ike to givea

,icmonstration f the kings' abilities Turn thepackfaceup and n this

xcrion do a Turnover Pasaat the break point. Show hal there s a king at

rhe ace of the pack and then turn the pack face do*'n againand flip the

r,,o card of thi Dack ace up and facedown again, o shou' here s a

..ond king at thetop. Hold rhe pack facedo\*n n thc righl hsnd' the

trand einglcurved ver he op ofthe pack, he thumb beingat thenear

\hort end and the fingers at the far one. Thc actual grip is the one

,.quired or executirua Side lide. Bring he left hand o thepackand

.rlrpearo draw he op and tace ards rom lhe packsimuhaneously.ypiacinghe humb on he top and ingerson the aceand hensliding he

i*o cards off and dropping them facedown on the tabl€. In actual fact'

,r s he secondrom ftc€ cardwhich s removed ueto the standardSide( ;lide move being carried out *ith the aid of lhe right finSers-

say that you ;ill now try and find the other lwo kings. Before doing

rt,'r ci'e thi Dacka falseshuffle reiaining he lop and face cards n

I' Arr;on I normallyusean overhand huffle alher hana riffle one.as t

\ems to givea better mplessionof the top and face sectionsof thepack

I'cingmiied. A simpleprocedures to draw off the top aid facecards

r,,Bcthern the first overhand huffleso that they endup at the faceof

rh('packupon ts complction, nd hendo a second hufflewhich etains

rlc iacecird in positionby pressure ith the eft fingetsand brings he

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Cardboqrd Chqtudes

s€condrom the face o the opagainby dropping mallpackets ntothacards n the eft hand,until the original secondrom facecard s thrownsmSly n rop.

Hold thepack acedorvn n the right handand hrow t to the eft handretaining he op and bottomcards n the righthandbypressure ith thafingcrsandthumb on the resp€ctive ndsof thc pack.Turn lhes€ wocardsovcl to show hem briqlly as wo kings and henplace heh facadown elt{€en thc two already acedown on thc tabl€.

Pick up tic four cards rom the ablaatrdhold hem n the right hand,thehandholding hem rom .bove, the fingersol thefar short end andthc thumb at thc nearone, hc hand baingcurvedover he backsof thacards. rl placing hc cards nto position n thc ridt hand, use he leftthumb to spread hem very sli8htly diagonally, he thumb actusllyspreadinghem at the eft inner corner,This spread houldonly b€vety

slight, no mole than lhe white borderwidtb, and s done o emphasizcthe fact that only four cardsareprescnt.

Us€ he eft thumb o draw off threecards rom theonesbeingheld nthe ight, the $umb slidingoff each ardsinglyso hat theyendup n thcleft halld rt reverscd rdcrbut not absolutely quar€. wist he cft handtowards ouso hat the faces f the ki!8s arevisible,andpush he cardin theright h6nd n the secondrom facepositionk€epingt facedo*n.The acaof the right handcard mustnot of course e evealed. heviawthc audience as, s that onekingharbem nsertedacedo*'n amonghcother hree fac€ up ones.Squarehepacketof cardsup and tllen turnthcm accdown. Say hat the kingsalwaysike to face hc samewayandChost Count tlle four cards o rcvcal hat they are apparantlyall facadown, lacinShe inalcardcountadn opoftheolhars, lacehe ardsagain n lhe riShl hand usinS tc right handSiip previouslydcscribcd,with thehand beingcurvedatlovc he facedowll cardsand alsospreadthe cardsslightly againat the eft inncr com€rwith thc left thumb.

Say hal youwill try the samc hingwith two kings cvcrs€d.Thumboff the op two caldsonc by onewith lhe €ft thumbso hat thcy endupin the eft hdnd n rcvcrscd rderand hen wist hchand owdrds ou,so

that the faccsof the twokings are s€en y the audienc€,ns€rt h. twocards emainingn the righthand acedownbetwaenhes€wo cards,sothal from the audienct's iewpoint wo fac€downkings n th€ right handare beinS m€rtcd betwccnwo face up otresn the eft. &uate up thapacketof four caldsand turn thern face down n the left hand. Thechost Count is now carricd out again o show hat all four kings arcagain ace down, but a slight variation takesplaceat the stagen thccountwhere ouhaveonly onecard cft to count n the eft hand.Bringthe righ! hand with its thr.e cards owards he one n thc left, but bytilting the right haltd nwardsslig]rtly,actually uln thepacketof threecardsn this hand overas heygobeneathh€ final onebeingakcn romthe cft hand. This reversalmove s anextremely asyone o makeandalthough he angles regooddue o the naturalmisdrrectionnherent n



rlr( .ounting, t h advisableo try and keep he back of the riShtha[d

rowrrds the;udience as the movc t4kesplace.A little practice n frodt of

n nrirror will show how deceptive his count lcversal is. Place he packct

rl lbur cards face down in the right hand in the usualpositiol and *ith

rhc usual li{ht sprcadal the efl innetcomcr.

sav rhat you will now try wilh three kings evets€d. humb off one

ur.l trom tie too off those n the riShrhand with Ihe eft rhumband

r*i\r lhc efl handso hat lhe faceof lhis king s visible Plac! th€ three

(lrds in the right hand on the facc of thc one in the laft' the appcafance

hcina that you are placing three facc down kings on one face up onc.

soua--reo ihe cardJin the .ft handand urn them overso hat th.y arc

lftc down. The GhoslCounl s againmade, ut histima t mustbedonc

ro conceal hc bottom card, which is n fact thc *ay Jordandid it in 1919.

llricfly, the l€chnique s to hold the four cards n the left hand at the tips

,'l rh; fincers n fte slandardgip uscd or this typc of counl, and henrh m b ofitwo cards nto rhe riSht handwilh the dgh! $umb, rcversing

lhcir order n this aclion and whenyou comeback o thc left haBd o

thumb off a third card, thc two already n the right hand go undeneath

tho$c n the left and areaddcd to the faceofthc two cardsalready th€re.

As soon as thcsa cards alc in position, the left thumb pushesoff thc

unnci hree ardsoflhe four now n lhe eft handby pushing gartrsthc

l;ti hand ongsideaDd hcsehrcccards re ake! in fie right hand The

linal ca.d is aken from thc left hand on top of these o complelc th€

sav rhatas well asmaking aceup kin8s urn facedown.you canalso

rrrki face down ones uln fac€ up Ghosl Count lhe cards n lhe sland-

nrd Llmslevmarnar to show hat thayar€still all faccdown,placing he

tl|'r cardcountedon top. As you make his counl. injog th€ third card

,ounted sligltly, Squar; up the jogged card with the assistanceof the

r'rhr handand ifl ii sliEhtlyn this actionso hat the elt little fingercan

r.ilr uo a breakbelow he op two cards flhe four. Hold thepacket ace

(t('wn n rhe cft ha[d marnlaining he break.

State hat you will fts! of all lum one king faceup visibly and see f

rhis has any cffect o! t}le others. Lifi off the top two cards as one byvirrueof rh; break beingheld, tum them face up and nsertthem b€tw€en

rhe wo facc down csrds r€maining in th€ left hand, the left thumb tip

oullincdown the facr crtd of thc facedownpair al (heouler eft corner

i,, pro-duce gap for casy nserlionof rhe aceup kinS{s).Remember f

course hat the krnls ar€ handled as ona card.

Ghost count thtcards to show that there ale now two kings faceup'

olacinc he astcardcountcdon op ofthe group Counl hemonccmore

irrrng he samegrip as the Ghosl count' but this tim€ counL aidy and

olac; the la$ card comted Detealrtthe others. This will showthree kings

Irc now face up. Finally ChostCounl the cardsagain,placing he last

cord counted terow the others. The effect will be that all four kings are

flow face up, althougb in reality only threear€ faceup and a face down

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Cardboord Charades

card s positioned hird from the faceof the group.Mak€ some mention of the fact thal having exhibiredsomeof the

king'spowers, ou will now ry andget hem o assisl ou n finding heselectedcard. till keepinghem aceup, pushall four cards nto thecardcaieso hat they all upon he aceup king hat s alreadyn rhecase. ocoverangles ere, normallypush he four cards nto thecard casewitbthe flap in its closed ositionand once hey hav€completely nteredhecase I flip the flap of the case pe n and thenshui again. By in sertingthem with the flap closed is meant that they are slid in between {hetonSue f th e flap and the sideof the case.

Hand the case o a spectator nd ask him to rest t on th€ mainpackfor a moment.He is then equestedo open t and remove hepacketofcards tom the case.Whenhe spreadshe kings,he will find the selecledcardreversedn lhe centre f them,

Cardbodrd Charades

sDectalors.nd wi th the eft humb sl ideol f lhe lo p card of lh is half \o

, f" i i i . "" o."."a

rv" 'pecrator'

hecardisrhenpulledsquareandrhe;;ii;;;-,;t';; t;i

";'isinalhorizontal osition, vsimplv ropping

the aft handdown'"ri.,i"rti r,""a

'i"i""of Lhe acl( s moved ler rhecardsn the efl

n."J- in?""o-*tt beingmaderom the iShlhand ide Asihe righl

hand ardstaIl ro move cro\she efL nes' ndal thepolntwhereney

il; ; ; i ; ; ; ; ;G;, dr about.r '. he ards elowhe isht humb

ureai ie releasedndare mmedialelvripped v the,lefland llnger

dD\ n DreDarationor lheclassicwo handed as'r' tlerrhe oropnas

uienmadJ.treigrt randontinuesiLhourpail:'l;l'fl:::,[il3i',1:card or cardsn lhe hand aresquared p w

r""i. iftii-o""lti"" it tttownn Figure 5 Note hat he efthand ripon

ii" ..J'],i"*a ," ,n. tighl s eracrlvhesame 5 f vouwere arr)Tng

"ri "it-ir"i.Jp"". irt. littte inger elow ndother ingers boveThe

.Grri "gg.a p.iiii;." .t rhecard\ s conceatedvrhebackof the ighr

rru"nani'attoUv <..pinghepack owdown n relaLiono heaudirnces



The four tricks hat follow, arebased pona pass oneund€r over fthe top card, or cards.Since ew descriptions f this type of passhaveappeared n print, a technicaldescriptionof th€ sleightwill be givenbeforedescribinghe effects. would ike o mentionhere, hat a superbe\ponentofthis passs Mr. F redRobinson, nd whilst amnot a! ibertyto give details of Fred\ excellenthandling, my met hod, due to itssimilarity o Fred 's n severalespects,sgivenherewith hispermhsion.The powerof the CoverPass s considerable nd I strongly e commendaIIy card enthusiast ho has not yet added t 10his repertoire, o do s owithout delay.

Technique for Cover Prss

The passmay b€ carriedoui underone or morecardsand s nvisible

when due atiention s given o technique nd angles.The pack s firslheld n the eft hand with the e ft little linger holdinga breakunder hetop card, or cards, hat you wish o rctain n positionwhilst he pass scompleted. or this descriptionwe'll assume break s held under wocards.

With ihe eft lhumb, riffle down he outer e ft cornerofthe packuntilyou reachup approximatelyhe centre f the pack.Bring he rigbt handabove hecards n the eft and ift the halfpack above he efr humb up,taking up the break rom the eft little fing er with the right thumb, theright handholding he cards rom above, is thumbat thenearshortendof thepackand fingersat the far one, We'll assumehat lhe purpose friffling the cardswas o haveone chosen, o you now lift up the owersection f thepackwith the ef t handso hat the facecard s towards he







, )




Havinc p.ot he cards nto position. he pass an be carriedoul quite

#;;hf iil;; il;"; ti can edonelnhe ormal av rwith.the

;;i;;"i; ,im",;;p;ndinson hevpe rpresenrarionouare sins'

t iavour he riffle pass, ut onl) if lhe riffle canbejushlred n ne ypeor

'liJlli',iilt"ililS;"nt pointst he leishLIehe roppinsr he..ud' so that Lhevog lo the righl as you bring the rlcj|L ano oler Ine

l.ll. and Lhe quaringof rhecards emaining n the rlSil nanoaller rne

.i'"i'. *"ii irrj.ii r'i'"a ons ide t he ower ecrionf thepack eins


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held n the eft hand.The rigbt hand inSers url edaround he outer endof the pack hide the tapered break that exists prior to the passbeingcarriedout.


This is a transposition effect which registerswell with a[ audience ortwo main reasons.The first is that th€ transpositio[ is dircct, and thesecond hat lhe back of onc ol the transposedcards s apparently in viewof the audience t all times.

Hold the pack face up in the left hand and draw attertion to th€ face

card. Appear to tum this card over so that it is fsce down od thc face of

thc pack but really turn two cardsdown as on€. TuIn the two cardsdownrathcr rapidly, so that the face card of the pack is not exposcd for anylength of time. As an example, lets say th€ card you have drawn thespectatorsattention to is the six of heartsand it is now apparently resting

face down on th€ pack.

Riffle thc outer left corner of lhe pack with the left thumb rifflingfrom top to bottom and requestinSa spectalor to call stop asyou reachthc approximately ccntreof the pack. Take care o commenceyour dfflc

a little below the upper two cards of the pack. lvhen the spectaiorrequestsyou to stop, bring the right hand over the pack to remove theupper half, the thumb at the near short end and fingers at the far onebutbefore lifting the half off, lift up the top card very slightly so thal athumb break can b€ obtained below it almosl at lhe sametime as theupp€r half is removed. This leavesyou with the upper half held in theright hand with a thumb break under the top face down cald in prepara-

tion for the CoverPass.Draw attention to the narnc of the card at ihe face of the left hand

packet, pointing out that this was he cardyou were requested o stop at.Push this card slightly over to th€ right with tlle left thumb and use heleft hand edgeof the half pack held in the dght hand lo flip the sidejogged card face down on top of the face up cards n the left hand. Dothis slowly to emphasize he fairness of the operatron.

Thc position at this stage s that you have on€half held in the left halldand one in the right, eachwith apparently a noted card face down on thefac€ of each. Actually the right hand sectiol has wo face down cards onthe face.

Replace hc right hand sectionon top of thc left but in this action caftyout e Cover Passunder thc top card, which you had previously prepared

for, by obtaining a right lhumb break earlier in the effact. As you square

the cards after replacing the right hand half, 8eta lcft little finger break

under the two fac€ down cards at the fac€ of the pack,

Tum th€ two facedown cards above he little finSer breakover so thalthcy end up face up on lhe face ofthe pack, and the spcctators will s€e


Lhat his s now hecardpreviously eversedn rhecenlre Usebothhands

ll r; til ;;; ;; ;iliut u"tii *'" r""' ao*ncard roundh€cenlr€

'i.iirp. G,rtlt'"*a out a lirlle hen urn hepack ver na fanned

.""alii"'. #ti lhe righlhand o revealle faceof the reversedaro

lTiI;';;' d;l;;fft wai turnedace ownonto hepackat the



Hand hepack o a spectatorndaskhim o remove ny \ro-aces



and hand hem o you Request im to shuffle he

'ii"fii.t-"i,i. p"ir

^"0whitsr e s doins his'secretlvelerseme

i"*Ju.. oi rrt.piit t. rtas ivm vouso hatir s aceueb:l:Y"tlt:la:

;;;iie;bov;ii i;p a s'iighl reak awecnheaces irh he rp ollhe icht humb."'wi?"'i.ir.

"..pr.redhisshuffling'ake hepackbackandhold.it

r"*'a'"*" l"*y""i i.li rtand.Placeie lwo aces n top of lhepack'

ii*ii" tii.. i"t.tu[v tquared neabovehc oth€r'andmentionhal

l;::::: ;iil.6;;;ii,;itorm rtre rict As hev oonto hepack'pick

;; ;;;;;i-fffi the ight dumb wirh he efi lirtl€ ins€rso rhata

hreaks heldunderhc opace' 'ii.i*ii. iie-hi "ta

"boveth€pack ndwith he humb'

ri fle henear

lr'on'ini upi""'at from the faceunlil vou reachaePro'dileJl:1t:

.i"i* oi ttJ o".r. cu rh€packal thispoinr'holdingte upper alt n

iili'.r'"n",:riJiii]ii ,l. rr'"i"'u"i tre eai hon na ndhe ingerst h€


ir'Jtco"turion or hecoverPsssThe bumb akes p hebreak

." tr'."*iiil,ti"J "r

thepack rom h€ cfi littlc finger''' ' p""rt'irt"i""

"*a.f the lft handsection f thepacksliShllyo.fie

' ','tiiilii,ili"'iltttti"'t, atarr'." nip r tace pon o! of thepacket'

i'i t'it,i,tiiiit tiirti hand ongsidcwith fte lcft hand ong srde r tne

,'*t.iffii i" il. tlgrtthani Drawaltcntiono lhe namcof lhe card

il,;;; l; ;;; t;' rf rhe owerhalf and equesthespectarorso

.ommit it to mcmory.''iiiii""" ,ii-ii*r ri-a sectionf thepackon opof the efl hand ne

* iiii-iriJi"'JG i.a is sandwichederw€'enhe two halvesAs thc

i'"'ijli'"ili. li ii.i*t*ii iil.l.tir'-a trtt'nng" rnmedia(elvbove

it" iici up c"ti ana rtcnexccorehepass ndercover f lhe op card'

iffiig if,.;;fiil;iiv iq'a'rJ nrrrecrr and' tarehat o!will

rlhrstrateow heaces t ur€ opot tnepsek anhelpwilh thr trct-"''

ioti"i irt. lop rr,*."ards

of rhepack lightlvand emovehemwrln

'r'"iu'riirtan'a.itiii"g r'.mna*isnt an o'ho'"

harheacc p ard


of rhi pack s now betweenhe wo facr downaces'

i]1il'i; il,nl;ili;".i;i.i or lc t't' l""a'"tich

salso lill-hold-


"."uetie faceup card rom betweenh€ wo race

,t,i*n ones ndolacct on the able.


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Cardboard Charudes

Say hat ust in case he spectarorsid not see ow he rick wasdone,you will repeat t, but this ime you will leave heaces aceup on top ofrhepack,wherethey anbewatched losely.As you makethisstarementbring he two facedowncards n the right handover hepackand placethemstill n an unsquared tate oggedslightlyove. he riSht hand ongedSe fthe pack.Retakehem n the righr hand,but this ime hold h€mfrom above, he thumb at the nearshort end and the fingersat the faroneand square hem up by ifting them slightlyabove he packand henrunning hembackwards nd or wards, heir ong edgesunningbetwe€nthe ip of the eft thumbat onesideand the ips ofahe efl fingersat theother. On one of the backwardmovements, rop the owe rcard of rhepair heldby the right handso thal it squar es p with the main packandlhen continue he forward movement ut with only a singlecard. Curlthe rightband orefinger round he eft hand ongedge f this cardand

pull on t so hat hecardswivels ver until faceup, pivotingbetweenheright handsecond ingerand humb held respectivelyt eachshortend.Placehe single ard aceup on top ofthe pack, akinga left litlle fingerbreakbelow t. The effectshouldbe hat you havesquared he wo facedown aces nd placed hem both face up on top of the pack.

Using he sameactionas ea.lier n the effect, use he right thumb toriffle up*ards from ihe face of the face down pack, placing the thumbon the nearshort end. Keep iflling until you come o the face up acewhich s around he centre f th€ pack .rnd hen et one more card dropfrom the humbonto this aceand cul lhe packar Lhis oinl, by removingthe upperhalf with the right handand holding r in rheposirion equiredfor the Cover Pas s, rakinS the break wit}l the ri8ht thumb rip aspreviously escribed. urn the eft hand so hat the acecard s towardsthe spectatorsnd henpush he op cardpartiallyoff rhepacketwith rheleft thumb so that its face s exposed.Ask the spectatorso rememberthh card and thenpull it backsquarewith the remainder f the packetand uro the handso that the half pack s facedown again.

The righl hand section s now replaced n top of the one n the efthandand a left little fingerbreakpickedup betweenhe rwo halves. he

CoverPass nder he.topcard s now executed, nd he packheld or amoment quaredn theleft hand.The ight handnow spreads ut the opthreecards fth€ packand e roves hem n a slightspread o show hata face down card has appearedbetween he face up aces.They are turnedover and dropf,ed on the table io r€veal that the card between hem is theone rom th€centreof the pack.


Have a c ard selected y a spectator nd returned o the pack, Useasimple huffle lpe control o bring hecard o the op, suchasholdingabreak above t with the ieft little finger after its retum, and then

Cadboad charades

r,rnsferring thc pack to the riSht hand in preparatron for an overhandlhuffle, the breakbeing ak en up by the riSht thumb n this action.The

.urds above he thumb break can then be shuffled off into the left hand

|nd the final section hrown off to bring the selectedcard to the top. Any

\imilar control where he cards appearto be mixed can be used,but not

v, ,ur avouri te ' invis ibl€ ass',which would make he presentat ion

iUogical.Say hat there now is thc problem of firditlg thc selectedcard, but the

rask may have been made easier or you if the shuffle has accidentallybrought it to the bbttom or top of the pack. Turn the packover to expose

rhe fac€ cerd alld ask if it happens to be the chosenone. Wben the

sp€ctatordenies hat it is his, turn the pack face down and say, "well

how about thc top one" , As you say his, do a double turnover of the top

rwo cards and l€avethem face up on top of the face down pack. The

\pectator will again state that this is not his card.State that as coincidcnce doesn't app€ar to be on you. side you will

have o work for your living. The pack is still lying fac€ down in the left

hand, with apparently one card facc up on the top. Obtain a br€ak with

lhe left little finger under the top card of the pack and th€n with the left

rhumb slowly riffle the outer left corner of the pack from top to face,

irrt(ing spectatoro stopyou around he centreofthe pack.Makesure

vr,ustartyour rifflr below he top two cardsof rhe pack o ensure halyou do not expose he extra fac€ up card at the top. When the spectator

ealls top, bring he right hand over he pack and cut off the half pack

rbove the left thumb break, holding it in the appropriate position for(rrrying out the CoverPass,with the riSht thumb tip taking he breakIrom rhe eft little finger.

Use he eft hand on g sideof the half pack held n the right hand o

,lip rhe top card of the Ieft hand seclion face up, and ilate that you will

rsc ihis card to help you find the 3electedone. Replace he cards held in

rhe ight hand ot top of lhose n the eft and immediately a y out the

Itassunder cover of the top face up card, which will bring the card iustilipped face up al the centrc to th€ second rom top position, and send

rheselect€d nedo*,n to the c€ntre.Casually appear o tum the card at the top of the pack face dorvnbut

I cally do a double turn down, so that the two face up cardsat the lop are

turned down as one card. say the easiestvray the face up card at the

renrre could helpyou would be to turn itself into the chosrn card. Spread

rhepack n a lotg well spaced ac€ down spread on the lable to show hal

rhis hashappened.


This effect requires anarrangement of the top sevencards of the pack

which eading rom the top of the pack s as follows: ace down card,


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Cardboard Charades

face up ace, face down card, face up ace, face down card, face up ace,facedown card, faceup ace, emainder f facedown pack.

lf presented as an opening effect the arrangement presents noproblem,but if usedasan ntermediate ne, t may be helpful o outlinethe procedurb use o mak€ he anangemenln front of the audience.tis necessaryo first of all get the four aces o the top of the pack

unobtrusively, ne way being o cull th€m du ng a preceding rick, inwhich you have a lcgitimate reason or looking through the faces of thecards.However. he method favour s to hav€ he four acesand oneotler card in my pocket b€fore the performance, the aceshaving theirbacks towards the body and the fifth card/aci'rg the outetmost one. Atrick is performed during your ptogramm€ in which a sel€cted catdtravcls to your pocket, and in removing his card the five cards already nthe pocket are palned in the ha.d that produced the chosen card, andadded o the top of the pack. This leaves he foul aces ace up under the

top face down card of the pack and if the pack is given a faro shuffle inwhich only the iop five cards are perfectly accurale it will be in tlecorrect order to proceedwith lhe effcct. The faro shuffle csn be of the

'in' or 'out' varietyand he extra ac edown cards €ft at the op of the setup do not effect the working at all.

If you prefer an approach n which the acesare culled to lhe lop of thepack during a proc€€dingeffect you still have the problem of Setiingthem correctly positioned before you can proceedwith this effort. Oneway would be to turn lhe pack face up, Half Pass he fow aces,cut one

card from face to top alld then turn the pack facedown and give it one

faro shuffle.Having achieved he basic set up in one way or anothcr you can now

continue your prograiime with the following sequenc€.

Spread he pack between }le hands o show casually hat the cards are

face down, but do not of coursespread he top few cards, which would

reveal the face up aces. Square he pack face dor\{r in the left hand and

take a left lillle finger breakunder he top card.Cut about thtee-quaitersof the pack off with the right hand holding this section from above, the

thumb at the near sho( endand the fingersat the far one, and taking the

break from the left little finger with the right lhumb. L€t this section ofthe pack dribble down from the right hand to the left, until only abouthalf the pack is left in the right hand. Make some remark sucb as

"remcnrber all facedown" asyou do this action. Finally, replace lte halfpack held in tha right hand on lop of those n the lefl and immediately

carry out the Cover Passunder the top card.Start o spreadhe packslowlybetweenhehands aartingight at the

top so that the cards are seen o be face dowo unlil you hit a face up ace

around the centre. lvhen you come o the acepush t over dighaly so that

the face down card below s exposedand then remove he ace andplace t

on the abl e.Square p theremainder fthe packand hold t facedownin the eft hand.

Cardboord Charades

srale hat you will try andmakea second ce urn faceup andasyou.iry his, i fi off about a quarterof thepackwith the riShi handand etrhcrn dribble down back on top again. Spread he cardsfac€ downI'crweenhe handsuntil you come o the next faceup aceat the c€ntre,l,[sh it over so that !h€ card below t is exposed nd then emove t and

r'hce t with tlle oiher on€ already n the able. vhen you remove l, dovr by splitting he packso that the ace s at the faceof the upper halfwhich s beingheld by theright hand.The righl hand moves o lhe tabler,' deposit he ace h erealtd henreturnswith its half packbut replacesrl,cmbelow hose n the eft hand, huscutting he packand bringing herUnaindefof your stackback o the top.

Spread hepack between our hands o show hem acedown but not\lrcading he op few cards,and hen epeat he squaring, ribbling,and( over Pass already explained n connection with lhe revelation of the

trsl ace.Thepackcannowbespread ut to reveal he hird ace,which s,frnovedand placedon tbe tableas previously escribed, nd tbe pack,r\sembled ithout a cut, by placing he half packheld n the riSit handl,rck on top of thos€ n th€ eft.

The final ace s produced y ribbon spreadinghe pack n a wide acerlownspread cross he table,which addsa punch o the productionof

when performing his effect use he riffle Cover Pass,and actually\rare hat by clicking he cards will cause he aces o tu rn over one byr'r)c.Whether ou adopt hisprocedure r a CoverPasswithout riffle is|,tr the read€r o decide.Whilsr you only have o do a pass or lhe

|roductiol of aces ne and three,you should ry and makeyour pack

lxndling look the same or aces wo and four.


The follow the leaderplot has becomea very populat one in car dInagicand numerous adationshave appearedn print involving not

only lhe coloursof the faces f the cards,bul also he coloursof thehacks. t is certain tat ot herpeople ave houghtof appling the ollowrhe eader heme o the suitsof the cards,but I do not recallhaving eadrr n print an'.rhere. As thereare our suits n a pack, he fact hat theseean sort the mselves ut dep€nding n the leadercardsplacedaboverhem,seems venmoresurprhing o an audiencehan a two-fold separa-rion,and technicallyt i s ust a! easy o do.

Remove our cards of eachsuit from the pack ard arrangethe sixteenrards so that eachsuit group s together.For ease f explanation willrefer to a spec ific suit order, ahhouShsuch an order is not stricllynecessary. ets say hat reading rom the faceyou hav€, four hearts,lollowed by four spades,ollowedby four diamondsand finally four.lubs. ln selec tinghe suil cards rom the pack, pick spot cards hat are


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Cardboad charades

not easily emembered.

SDreadhe sixteen cards face up between he hands,pointing out that

vou have our cardsof each uil and alsodrawingallenlion o the order

6i rhe suirgroups rom back o face. n our example l ubs' diamonds.

inadesand hearts.Closeup the spread et*een he hands nd ake a left

litle fing€r breakabove he borlom two clubsof the paclet. Turn the

complet! packet acedown, carring out a TurnoverPassaL he break

ooin't. o hat two cards resecretly ransferredo rhe aceof $e packel.

Cardboard Charades

land with th€ one at position C', retaining heone at ' C' in your haod'

r rraneehe one n your handwilh the card al posilion B', relaining-the

."ia i.or 's' in your hand. Finally place the one in your hand al

,r.titi"r e', p.i.tit"g .ut tllat you have compl€telyaltered the order of

the eader ards.

Turn thc threc facedown cards n front of leader A', face up, taking

.ur. to t."p ttt.ln sq*.e and deal off the facecard onto the leadet card

i._.-rro* irtit trt. tuitt aatch. Turn lhe remaimng two cads face down

"uhoutar..ing lheir ord$ and replac€ hem above he leadcrcard'

r.oeai tttisptoiea,rre or lhe heapsunder eadctsB', 'c"'nd


Sav hal you will change he eader ackets roundonceagainanddo

rr"sivirraiging 'D' *ilt 'A', retaining A' in yourhand Now chang€

iii. r*'oiatii in-vou. tandwilh lhoseal 'B', relaining B' in vourhand'

rt'"nqi itrot ln vo* tt-d with thosea! 'c', retaining c' in yourhand'

Jnd f;ally Dlacehesa wo cardsat position D"Take the top card frorn each of the palrs of facedow! oncs above he

leader packeti and drop them f&cc up on top of th€ leader groups

immediatelytrclow them, to again show that the suits match'

Say hal ir would makeno difference f you changcdhe face down

.urJiaiounO. anaao rlis bv changingD'with 'A , renining A'in vo-ur

r'ani.-tlen :n'*lttr '8" retaining B' in your hand, hen B'wilh 'C"

r.i"irilne'c' in your hand. and fin.uy placing he catd in your hand

Jo*n ui ootirioti 'D'. Rememberl is the faccdown singlecardsyolr

J^no" arounOat this stageand they arc replacedface dowrl abovethc

laceup leaclerfoups.

Turn eachof the facedowtr cards faceup and drop them oII lop of the

teadergroupsabove hem to reveal hat the suitshave a8ainfollowed the



Plots concerned with makinS time movc backwafds ol forwardsot*avs seemo UeweU eceived,evenwhen applied to a card trick,-as has

r,*r'aon" ft"t". Th€ geDcral heme of the trick is that three differcnt

ffio-"i" a*i to"

pi"k of cardsat thrce different stagesn time, and

ir'.ri""iiv ."" trt.ti rttings anccl hemselvesul as ime movrsback-

*uiai, untit ttr.""ta.

t.vcn lo their originalcondrlion lf you find you

can oiesent this idea *ell, you cad always akc up science iction writing

-vdu'll probablyget pardmore or it lhan doing card ricks! Applyln€

'r'iiir* ti.rni ,,i.-"tai las onlvoccasionallv ecndone,andEd Marlo's

iil.ni la""rtine' ln tuc. No. ? is an approach well worth studying'

Havinc set he sceneby stating that you aregoingto Sivea demonstra-

rion of time travelwith a packof cards,pcrform he followingactions:


Figure 6

Thumb off lhe top four cards of lhe face down packet without

.eveFing heir orderand drop fiem al positjonA in thcdrawing.Thumboirilc nexr our and ptace hem at positionB, and he next ou r at C'

and the final group at D.

iurn the top card of eachgroup face up.andplace I immediatelyn

front of its o\r'ngroup.Thesceader ardswill be n lh€correct uit order

in ,c"oraan.e with lhe order of the cardsas oriSinallyshown o th€

ioeqators. n our etample, eading rom l€ft to riSht' or A lo D, lhey

; l bectubs,diamonds, pades nd hearls.

Taik aboul th€ powerof leaders, tc. or if you have somebrilliant

narret f yourown whichgelsaway rom thiswell roddenpath' use his.

;d sendme hedelails.Now changehe fac€up leader ards roundas

follows:Lifr up thecardal positioo A' and changel overwith the one

at DositionD', retarningD' in your hand.Now changeh€card n your


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Cadboard Charudes

Srrye Otre

Say hatyouwill firstof all separatehe edcardsrom heblack, nddo this by running hrouSh he facc up packand upjoggingall the redcardsasyou come o them,After upjogging hem, strip them out andplacehem on the faceof thepack.Run through he facecardsof thepack o checkard show o the sp€ctatorshat they are all red and hencut themoff ftom the ace, um them acedown, andplacehembelowth€ rernaining 6 black cards.

Now run through he facesof theblack cardsand hen emove hemandplacehemstrll aceup bclow he acedown edcards o hat he wohalves r€ ace o face.Asyou plac€ heblackcatdsbelow he reds heywill naturally b€ in a slightly unsquared onditionand asyou squarethcm up,pickup a brsk at approximalelyhccentr€ f them,aboutone

quaftcr way up from the bottom of the pack, in pr€paration or aTumoverPass, urn hepackcomplctely ver,carryingout apass t thebreakpoint, and inally holding hepack acedown n the €ft band n asquarcdcondition. The effect of the procecdingactions from theaudidcesvie*point is that theyhavesecn ouscparateh€ red tom theblsck cardsandplac€he colours ace o face.

Riffle th€ rear shortendof thepackwith thcri$t thumbas f lookingfor thcplaccat the centrewherehe cardsare ace o face. Really,ustrifflc to the approximate entrepositionand cut ihe up!rcr facedownsection ff andplacet still facedorur,on the able. K€€p he remaioinghalf face up in lhe left ha[d.


Statehat at the s€cond tagen timeyouaregoing o tum som€ ardsface up in cachhalf. Commence ith the red half in the left hand byriffling thenearshor!endwiththeriglt thumb rom bottom o lop, untilyou reach hepoint whercyouhaveust passedwo face up radcards

immediat€ly bove he owcr facedown ones.cul the upps cardsoffand turn them fac€ down and pushthem nto the olher half with aw€aviruypcof action,but tak€carc hatyoudo not disturb he wo faceup cardsat the top. Square p thc packctandplacet on the tablewiththe two face up cardsuppermost.

Pick up th€ olher.face ownhalf from the tablearldplace t still facedown into the left hand. Riffle thc ncar sho.t end of this half frombottom o top with the ight thumb,until youreach hepoinl where woface down cardshaveust b€€ndropp€don top of the lowcr face upcards. ut heupper ection ff at hispoint, um t face p andweavetinto heotherhalf,againaking are o t o disturb he op wo cards fthc lower half, which his time witl be fac€ down. Square p the cardsand hen tum themcompletely ver and replace hem n the eft hand.


Ca boardCharudes

i,,, rhepackercoupletrime5.eallvu ins w: Trt;mrt"liH ;;

rL,rr . srmpl)cu l oncean d hold a break.wh' ls l

ir;i;{:;tiitrili"T:u,*i';l';ll;]:,:,p'ii!:.*!!i.il*m**',':"xi:n:::'J.';m:."':'"'}i,','"*f;l:rabl; alongsidehe one already here'


At ihe third and final stagen lime' sayyou will place he op cardof

*i;ii'ilrJ,i;;;;; oiis irr' oo niiuv ickinsp itherarr nd



airi".'i"i..ir *. *p r*e rlown ard ndpush t inlo hecenlrc f thei]il.'iiilrri iiiiih;g''r'e halr ack n he ableDo he ame irh he



It is advisable eforeending he effert to reileratewhat has akrn

pru..sltpiv "t. ttt"taLimeragene'.ou €parafiffJ"itfrl:irom heblacks, l time rag€wo' you eve

""i'ii"art'"iirti,. ",*.thr;eyouplacedhe opcards f each alr nto

'"i:ilt:i.r, makins ime so baclwards tase v.sras€ Repeathe

nu,niioi-t'"rliop "tit of eaihhatf hal. ere olacedn lh€cenlrc' nd



each and ndsimuha;eouslvurn hc opcard

;i;il;ii r"* up avinswere acki\,ilXti,ll',,T'";.1"i'i?"ll!

;""*.'ffiTilJH:"s,Ti#ii'"1t:i'#ii;;;;;;;ui;"ii*nl L.orp"'iv r'i'


v.remarkins;r aT


b;:Hl','n:itac€ wo" Finally lip the spreadsaceupiir??a*i or""i i*a',

"rcnow namixedtare' s hev tartedl 'me

stage ne.


,'..',i':lTfl:l#':;l''i_;llll'pi ::$itr:ij.",';:1,$rlomDatatively nimportanl.esp€clallyo rr

iii#f,e'ri" iirliii"';v audienies'menrionhis' €causelthoush,rhrs

up-pro"ir,o ro."tine li.ee elecledardss eflicient h€ mpor(anlhlng


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is to reveal h€ cards n a n entertaininS ay. Two presentationdeaswillbc givenat the end of the technical etails.

Prior to performance, he pack has o be stacked o that all cardsofthe same value and colour have exactly twenty five cards between hem.The easiestway of allallging them is to first of all sort altd reass€mblehepack so thal each of th€ twcnty six pairs are together, bui not in anyparticular order. Fo. €xample, rcading from top to face the order mightbe: 4H, 4D, 25, 2C, KH, KD, AC, AS, andso on. Thepackcan now bedealt into lwo face down heaps, dealing alternately in the conventionalmanner, and thcn assembled nto onepack againby placingone heapontop of th € other.

The trick can also be performed with a pack in th€ conventional nerrpack order, and the sliSht variation rcquired for this approach, will bementioned at the end of the description of the standardprocedure for a

pack slacked as previously describcd.False shufflc the pack al|d follo* this by a few Senuirecuts. Hand thepack to a sp€ctator and ask him to cut it a couple of time and then placeit face down on the table. Ask the assisting spectator to cut off a littleunderhalfthe packand hen o deal rom thisgroup wo handsof cards,stopping the deal when€verhe wishes.The cards are dealt facedown andwhenhe slopsdealing t mus!be n the standardway,so hat eachofthehaodshas he samenuhber of cards n it. If you areconfident hat thespectator understands the procedure, you can turn away while hecompletes the dealing.

After th€ dealing of the two hands, lhe speclator will be left with asmall packet of cards in his ha[ds. Ask him to note the top card of thispacketand then to shuffle the packet o los€ he card, and finally to dropthe packet on top of thc lower section of the pack that was left on thetable at the beginning of the affect. For ease f explanation this spectatorwill now b€ called spcctator 'A'.

Request spectator 'B' to pick up the first hand ofiards from the tableand spcctator'C' ro pick up the second ne. Ask each pectator o noteand remember he top card of the hand lhey hold, and then !o shuffle the

cards. Either one thcn hands his cads to th€ other and th€ comDositepacketof han ds s lhoroughlyshuffled.Pick up the remainder of thepack from lhe lable and hold i! face down

in your left hand. Take back the combinedpacketof hands rom th€appropriate spectatorand place it on top of the pack, taking up a leftlittle finger break b€low it. Cut th€ cards above the lirtle finger breakfrom the lop lo the face of the pack. Cive the pack one perfect 'in' faroshuffle using he almost universal echniquewhere he cards are heldwith theL edges ow:rds the performer so that as the two halves arepushed quarc t is easy o make aglimpseas shown n Figure 17.

Bcfore thc halvesare pushedcomplctely square! t}le left ihumb pullsback the top crrd of the lower half slightly which allows you !o see hetop card of the upper half; thc one immediately arove the one being

pulledbackby the ef t thuhb. This card s remembcred,ett say l's the55. At lhe same ime as his s taking placeat the top of the pack, theright ahumbcarriesout a similar action at the face. Tbe right lhurnb pullsback the face card of the uppcr section of the pack which allows you to

Slimpseand remcmber he one mmediately above t in the lower section,say hesevenof diamonds.The halvesare now pushedcompletely squareandyou finally rememtrcr hc face card of the pack, say he ace of clubs,before lacing he pack acadown on the table.Thus, n a very ast andlatural way, you haveglimpscdand remembcred he top, third from thelaceadd face card of the pack before placing it on the table. FiSure4,should larify the action.

The three cards remembercd n our example were the five of spades,seven f diamonds and aceof clubs, and lheseare the direct matesof therhre€ elected y the spectatorsd the correctA, B, C. order.Spectator'A' will havenored he ive of clubs, pectatorB'thc sevcn f hearts nd'C' the aceof spades. fter the packhasbeenplaced n the table ask\pectator A' to call oul any six cards n thepackbut to includeamongrhem he card he noled. I say hat he can speak lowlyor quickly, butthat I will try and tell which card named is the selcctedone. Sinceyounlready now the nameof the card, inding he right one o name s noproblem. ii is surprising how many peoplese€m o accept he explana-rion asSenuine nd by the time spectatorsB'and 'C'have to namesixtards, they take great care ao name each card *ith identical inflcxions.

If the readerhas difficulty in rememberinghe three key cards, a

Cadboard Charudes





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slichlly ifferent pproach ayb€ akenafler he aroshuffle asbeen

i.'-.ii .a.-lr"


all ar; glimpsed. uL hepack splaced ehind

irt. J"ri.i.*i u*r. *a he emloveihe opcard lacingt lace own n

iiotir oiip"a"ro.'e, the hitd rom fac€n froDrof'8" and he ace

i"ti in fionr ot'c'. rne pack s handedo sp€clu1o1n' 1613mqre-his

s€lectedard,lheno'B'lo rcmove is.and inally o C' lo removers'

fh"i. *.ee'""ta. are placcd acedown on the ablealongsidehe


*", tlie performerhasalreadyplacedhere-The hree

oiirr Ji."tai"t. ,rt.n urnedaceup o showhal heymatchn colour

ind value.- _ftooiv t.t"ln. lo mmlion he procedureo adopt f thr effect s

o.iio.-.d u.ing"

n.* packwhichs n he ollowin8 rder rom op o-


irriiol* etc.,havebeen enoved Ac€ hroughking of


irtrougtt ing of clubs, inS hrouSh ceol diamondsnd


sp'ades.n faq, this orderhas o be amendedi' f"i,i"l

-f,ih.ia.u *iomentswhenhc okcrs tc are emoved ou

*i soilJrfrc tfrinestspades ith he eil thumb. nd hm after aking

rfreminioUtc lgnt rana ontinueospreadhe hirleen iamondsn he

i*. oiitt.t,"ia

,n* ,preadhe emainderf thepackb€lowhe irst

i*"ri".i" ."iat ntlt ."iositions he hirteen padeso hal heyendup

L.i*.lnirr. ai"*onat"tid


shuffles, helhcrhey re in or'out'is ofno consequences hepacKs


ir"" ir""'ii""aiir", .nd ofcours.youcanaidyour wentv ixcard

"""f."i"'i*fi"" for thc two cardsoi sarne olourand value l the

ccntrJooint.Concludeheshuffles ilh a a/se ul'--i.l'o."-rrt.p"ir. t

"u,into two scedownh€aps f lwenly ixeach'he


"irtt. ..nt,. aiding ourculting susuelone of theseeaps

JiiLln d" .*"..e o.aer o theothcr.spectatorA' notl takes ither

rrJi anJoroceeasittr thcdealing salready escribed owerer' 'hen

hc hasseieclediscardandshuffled ispackel.t is tir pacl(etmat rs

ie,urn"a o rft" top of theremarnderf the pack rnd-hencut.to he

[ir"-. soo,"ro.i 's'"nd

'c's packctsfterbeing huffledogether re

ieolacedn roaof thepack One ardmustnowbecut from h€ op to

;;:l;; ;l ft packbcforecarryingout the pcrfecr in' faro shuffl€

"'r"r.irt. Lv

""i0.*. ctimps.d. hcnpeckinghekev ards ypllling


#rr, ihe;ettiand bft thumbs ou ookal hcone 'vealed y

irt. ilgrri*"-oli'sl Ld rhenhe onebv ie lcfr humb nd inallv$e


ol rrt. iacr. rlis isncc€ss!ryo hatyourememb€th€ keysn.A'. .B'. .C.order, heactual ositionsf thecards ouhave llmpseo,

,J in tih" o.d"t vou ,nustrememberhemb€ing, hird csrd from the

u"it... i.""*a

l"a nta y facecardof th€pack The echnical euik

of thesfim;s€s reexactlyhesamc spreviouslyescrled nd no\lnn

i""i.?. iiuiing trt. "tching llpe ofpresmlalion itha newpack'you

.i.i Lro"i ,rt"-,rtitatom ice, ropand hen ace ardswhcn hepack

ir pr"iJ Lrtina vout u""k to ensuri heyateplaced n the abl€ o 'A"

'B'. C' . order.1A

Cardboard Charades


If I were aJked o pick my favourite effect out of lhis book' this

o"iil*t"t on" *ould Le my ihoice. It is basedupon Alex-Elmslev's:'Point of Departure" but certain alterations in the handling havebe€o

.ade, including the addition of a transparent €nvelop€ftom which a

.ii."i.a"".a "p-p""tt

lo vanhh h is surprising ow muchmore effecla

vanish aswhen hc obiec! o b€ vanishcds enclosed lthln some lner


irt.otv which can easilybe testedby p€rforming hjs €ffect'

ioiioweoby a con"enlional anish f the facecardoflhe packusing he

hand as cover, and seeingwhich registersmore strongly with the spetrta-

lors.ihe envelopeequireds rather ike he typeused ohold seasoniclels

in Brirain. but its ;ize s imporlantand it will probablyb€ necessary0

make t up yourself from i pieceof celluloid Figure lSa.shows heloi."i oi irti *"dop., its enCth houldbeexacllyhat ofa plaving-card

toiihi *iatn .muta'u auout+* wider than a card, so that cardsplaced

in itri envelopedo not fit too tightlv. I make my envelopcsby simply


u lalf and;fter cutling it to the right srze,using

se otJpe to seal he bottom aIId sideof thc envelope Thc half-moon cut

oul J'rhe cnd of the envelopemust e\tend throudr both thicknesses f

celluloid.Having equipped ourselfwirh a-lransparenl nvelope nd a

oackof cards you arc rcady rc proceed with th. cffecl.'' iu"i ttrc

"ntaop.on tttjtabli and run through thepack from th€ face

unili uou corn" ro a t"a"cc.

Transfer lhis ace and the card !o its l€fl to

irr.io'o of O. p"ct , uv"utting

thc face sactio! of lhe packawsy wilh lhe

iioru frana."titt. ""ti

i.-ediatcly to ft€ left of the acc Place he right

h;d section bchind lhos€ in lhc lcfl and leavc he aceaJ|d hc card above

ii on roo ot ttre pacf. Now return lhe cards n lhe ri8!t hand to the fac€

of theDackand ontinuerunni[g througl lhe packunlil you com€ o thc

,""ona rca""..

Cur tt'c p."k at ihis poiol and fairly place he red aceon

lop of lhe pack using lhe sameaction as before

if the oaik wcrc urned acedo*rl at thisstagehe order rom he top

would b;. red ace,any card, red ace.Howevcr, n fic adion of tuminSrtri oaci iaceao*n *ittr thc aid of the righ! hand,a breal is pickedup

;nd'evcntually held below thes€cards by the left litdc fi[8er' whcn the

oack s n a fice dovmcondltion.The echnique us€ s o bringthcrlSht

irandover he faceup pack,placinghe humb at he nearshortend and

linrers at !h€ tar oni. tte riehr thumb drops lhre€ cardsfrom the

boiiom of the packand picksup a breakabove hem Thc righl thumb

and fingers the; sfideal;ng th€ pack until they are about ]' away.from

the €ft-hand lona side andthe left hand swivels he pack over until it is

face down, the iards pivotinS between the rig:ht thumb and second

fing€r, the right $umb beingpressed gainsl he inner end and thus

miinraining r'he reak.once hi pack 5 facedown. the eft hand ittle

lingercan ck up thebreakbelow he op thrcecards nd he ighthand

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The op ace s now slid offthe packby the eft thumband aken n theright hand, ingerson the faceand humb on theback,and exhibiredothe audience. he right hand comesback over the pack to apparentlytake he othcl aceb€low he first one, but really wo cardsare akenasonewith tlle aid ofthe breakbeingheldby the €fr ittle finger.The ighthand second inger goes nto the break and grips rhe two cardsverytightly by pressinghem against he hum b, and hen movesa*ay fromthe pack towards he right, the two acesbeing n a slightly fannedcondition.As the right handmov€s way, he eft rhumb ightly rests nthe backof the pair of cardsbeing akenasone, and moves o the rightwith them, o give he mpression f pushinghem off. The faces f rh€two red acesare displayed o the audience nd ahen he face one isreturned o the top of the pack, reallyof coutse, wo being eplaced sone. The ace emainingn the ri8hi hand s againshownand rhen urnedfacedo*i and the op card of thepackslid off by the efr thumb to beplacedoncemore below he ace n the right hand.The two cards n therighl handwhichshouldnow be n a casually quared tateareplacednthe outer breast andkerchief ocket fyourjacket so hat heyprotrudefor about 1", the facesbeing owards he body. The action should beaccompaniedysome ncrediblywitty .emark,suchas, lets put theac€sher€ or a moment". Only the outer one of these wo cards s reallyan

The remainder fthe pack s givenan overhand h uffle o lransfer hetop card o ihe face,and s then fanned acedown for the back of anycard o be ouchedby a spectator,Whena card hasbeen ouched, hepack s split at rhispoint by the r ight hand so rhat rheselecled ard 3 ar

C.adboard Charudes

the fac€ of the upper section.The card is shown o the spectators y\rmply aising hepacket fcards n ihe right handso hat their aces anbc seen, fterwhich he cards re ower ed o their originalposition,andrheselectedneop€niyslid off onto he faceof thecards n the eft hand,bypushing n the aceof it wilh the right fingers ndpullingwith theleftones.Th€ cards emai ningn lhe right hand are replaced bov€ hose nrhe eft. The pack s now turned ac€ up in the eft hand, bul the samercchniques used or oblaininga breakunder he face wo cardsof thepackwith the eft lit tle finger, ashasbeenpreviously escribed.

The select€dcard at the face of the pack is now apparently pushed

lorwardslighily o an out oggedposition,so hat t extendsor about 'heyond}teouterendof thepack.Aoually lwo cards rep ushedorwardls one by placing he righl thumb ai the nner endof lhe two cardsand\ccood finger on the fac€ and then moving the rieht hand foruard

\lighrly. believehis ypeofpush off wasoriginated y Cliff Green.The,ight hand removes he two joggedcardsholding hem squared s one,rhe humb beingon the faceal|d the fidgerson the rear. The eft hardrwists verwith the remainder f thepackand placest facedown on herable.

The transparent nvelopes pickedup by the left hand and the twofardsheld n th e right nsertednto t. From he spectato$ iewpoint, he\clected ard hasbeen emovedrom the faceof tb€packand placed nrheenvelope. he envelopes turned around o €xl bit both sidesof it.rrd the card imprisoned nside. t is finslly held n the left hand n a\crticalpositionwilh lhe fa€eof the card(s)nside owards he body andrhehalf moon cut out ai the op,

The right hand now reachesor the two cardsprojecting rom thel{rter breast ackei pocketand appears o remove hem, but in acluallrct, pusheshe onenearesthebody down nto thepocketwith the rightrliumband cnly removeshe outet card.This card s mmediately laced

I'chind he e[velope held in tbe left hand, behind meaning he sider.a/eir the body. The effect from the audiencespoint of view b€ing thatrhc wo aces ave beenplacedbehind he envelope, ut of their view-

the groupof cards s now ilted nwar ds owards he body by the eftlirnd until hey reacha horizontalposition,he aceon the outside f thelrrlelopenow beingnearesth€ loor. Theright handholds hegroup or., rnom€nro aid the eft in repositioninghe group.The eft hand ak€s,,1)hegrip on the end of thegroupas shown n figure 8b. It is mpor-L,Dr 0note hat the halfmoon cut out s under he eft thumb. The ightl,irnd iides ut theace rom und€I heenvelope,moving l in an upwards,[rd diagonaldirection owards he right as t doesso, and placest onr(,| of the envelope. rom he audimce's iewpoint,oneofihe two acesl,.low fie envelop€has been aken and placedon top, so that the{rvclope s now sandwiched etweenwo aces,

I hc right hand comes ver o the groupand placeshe thumb on top

Codboard Chorades



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Cardboord Charades

and the fingersunderneaihhe outer short end and deals he uppermostace ac€down onto the table.Caremust !€ aken n doing his hat it isdealt strai8ht forward and that the long sides of the group remainparallel as the ace s dealt off. The righr hand now app€ars o deal the€nvelopeoff onto the table but in actual fact thc left thumb pusheson theback of the upper card in the env.lope and the left first finger pulls onthe faceof the ower one, a very easyaclion because f lhe half moon cutout. This left hand action has the effecl of feeding tlle envelope orwardinto the right hand where ! can b€ dealt onto the table lo the riSht of thec5ld alrcady there, and l€aving the lower card from the envelope n theleft hand, *here il is assumed o be thc second ace. Having placed tlleenvelope on the table, th€ right hand takes thc final card from the lcfthandand placest on the able o rhe iSht ofthe other wo. The dealing

action is car ed out witholt undue hasle, alld providedyou have ensured

tlat your envelopc is slightly wider thaD the catds, should presentnoproblem technically. The spectators see the back of a catd ill theenvelop€, but this card is now an ace and the chosanone is thc apparentacc at the right hand end of the tabled cards.

Pick up the card at t}le right hand end of the ine of tlre€ wilh the righthand ard plEcc t still facc down into the lcft hand. wlen picking it up,take it by thc outd short endu/ith the right hand and t*ist it round, €ndfor end, asyou place it in the left, so that the far short end now comesnearcst the body. Now pick up the €nveloperepealing the end for endturn, and place t on top oI the card in the left hand, but pick up a Ieftlittlc finSer break below it asyou do so. Finally placc the lasl card fromthe table on top of the envelope. Repet the twist around action asyoupick the last card up, so thal eventually when you havc all three cards n

thc left hand thc half-moon cut oui will be at thc outer end. BrinS therielt hand over thc lcft one, thumb at the ncar short cnd and fin8ers atthe far one and takc the group of cardsfrom the l€ft hand, pickina up abreak above hc facc card with the riShl tbumb. Move th€group towardsthe pack to place hcm on top, but just a.t hey reach he point whare hcyare r€stingon lop of thc pack but still being held by the right hand make

some remark such as "let ma show you the faces of the aces" andimmediately move th€m away from the pack a8ainwitl the exception of

tha fac€ card which is aasily left behind on lop of thc pack, due to theright thumb brcak bcing held above t. The imFcstion to aim for by your

patter and actions, is hat you aregoing to place h€ sandwichof catds onthe pack but suddenly chang€ your mind. Do not worry aboul lhisdrove-remenbar from the audiencesviewpoint the sel€ctedcard is stillwithin att envelope, so the only thing you could possibly hav€ donawou-ldhave been o have eft an aceo[ the pack, but you ale now going

to show that ,ol, acesare still prescnt.

Transfer the cards from the right to left hand and usethe same eft

hand grip as shown n Figure 18bonly this time the half moon cut outwill b€ at the outer end. With the right hand appear to withdraw the acc

Catdboard Chorudes

liom the face of the group, show its face and then replace l. What you

acrually o s to place he right hand orefinger n the halfmoon cut out

rnd by light pressuredraw out lhe ace from within the envelope The

right hand action s exactly he same spreviously escribedor dealingrbe hree cards on the table, except hat the frrst card is taken from thetace rather than the top. As soon as the ace is withdrawn, its face is

shown and it is furned face dow!, and replaced squarely telort'thecnvelope.The uppermostace s now taken off by th€ ri8]tt hand, its face

shown and then replaced on top again. whilst this ace s b€ing shown,

rhe back of lhe otlcr one is showing through the transparcnt env€lop€as

silent evidence hat the selectedcard is slill present. Thc upp€r ace is

reDlaced ace down on top and thc group taken ir o the right hald still

squared but held so that they can be quickly fanned out. Say "Watch,cvaporation", and qlickly fan them in the riglll halld to reveal he €mpty

cnvelope. urn the fan to show both sidesand then drop the grouponrh€ table. A spectatorwill normally want to look at th€m

There are 1wo final froints I lhink are worth mentioning. The first is

rhal if the p€rforming conditioN are suitable, it is quite easy o lap the

unwantcd cad, ratlcr than unload it onto the pac*. lf this approach is

used, he correct moment is immediately after you have dealt thc cards

rnd envelopeonto the table and are ust going to pick them up again toreDlacen the left hand. The one at the right hand end is placed nto the

lcft hand which is rested at the near €dg€ of the table, th€ card beingpositioned ow down in the hand so that it is not visible to the spectators.

As you reach forward with the riglt hand to pick up the envelope, he

.ard in the lcft hand is lappcd and then the left hand moved forwardslighrly to meet the envelopewhicb is placed in it by the riglt hand,

rpparently on top of the cardalready there. The final card on thc table s

t)lacedo[ top of th€ envelopeand you are hen re?rdy o proceedwilh th€

I nal phaseof the effect where he acesare sho\{t to be eirher side of the

cnv€lop€. t is mportant that the cnvelop€ s neverbrought neat the edge

of the table, which is why it is suggestedhat the lapping is done at this

nage in the effecl, rather than later.

The secondpoint is that the vanished card should not be reproduced,.rs r detracts from the effect,


fhis is a variation on lhe classic dck where acesappear o iump froft,nre osition o another n lhe pack.The methodused s also he classic, r)eof a pass,but I have ried to make the effect easier o follow for th€\t,ectatorsby having t}le aces ace up, whilst the remainde. of the pack i5

lncedown. In additio n, a climax to the effec! s given, which I have

lound s completelyunexpected y the audience. l is surprisinghow

nppealinghe plot of this effect s to an audience, nd we owe a debt of


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Cardboard Chorudes

gratitude o the nventor f thisbeautiful heme,whose ame eemso belost n antiquity.

Run through the pack and remove the aces,placing ihem face up onthe table. At the same imeas you are removing he aces ull the fourqueenso the top of the pack.Whilst talking about he aceswhich arelying on the a ble,close p tlle faceup packand a,5he cardsate squaredup in the eft hand, eversehe four queens y means f ihe Half Pas s.Now cut one card from the face of the pack to the back, and turn thepack facedown n the eft hand.

Pick up oneof the black aces rom the table andplace t face up on topof lhe facedown pack.Pick up the other black ace rom the able andplacet faceup on theboltom oflhe pack.Now spread he packout in afacedown faD, aking careasyou do this o first of all pushover he opblack ace slighllywith the eft thumb so that ii is jogged o the right,

followedby a block of about6 cards nd hen he remainder fthe pa€kspreadnonnally, until the other aceshowsup, faceup at the boltom.Emphasizehe positions f t he two aces.

Close up the spread andturn the pack face up in the left hand but asyou do this cafiy ou! a TumoverPass t the approximate entre oint ofth€ pack.Poin! out that the ace hat wasat the aceof the packhasnowgoneand then urn the pack acedown, 1oshow h at the one placedatthe top bas alsovanished.Spread he pack face down between he handsto show hat the two aces avecome ogeth€r t the centreof thepack.when you reach he acesn the spread, ush hemboth overwith the e ftthumb so that a back s visible below hem, but then pusha block ofabout six cards ogether, eforecontinuing10spread he remainder fth€ pack.

Hold the spread ack n positionbetweenhehands o exhibit he woblack aces aceup at the centre nd hen close p the spread, ut in thisaction get a left lltle finger break between hetwo aces. Turn the pack

faceup in the eft hand,carryingout aTurnoverPass t the breakpoint

showing tal a fac€down card has eturned o the face.Turn the pack

facedown o .eveal hat the otherblack acehas umpedback o the op.

Spread he packso hat t is held n a falnedposition n the eft handbyfirst of all pushinShe face up aceat the top over with the eft thumb,thena blockofabout six cards,and hen h€ remainder f thepack, uniilihe other black ace hows p at the aceendofthe pack.Hold the spreadin this conditionby the eft handonly. Pick up the wo red acesrom thetableand nsert hem ogetheraceup at the approximale entre oint ofrhe pack beingheld n the eft hand.

Closeup the spreadwith the assistancef the right hand and lhencasually respread he face down pack beiween he hands and re-emphasizehe positionsof the aces, aking care o push a block overafter he first blackacehasbeen ushed ver.Closeup he spread nd nthis aciion akea eft ittle fingerbreakbetweenhe centre ed aces. urnthe pack face up in the eft hand carying oui a Turnover Passat the


Cardboad Charades

breakpointand mmediately fterthepass etaina hold on thepackwith

rhe eft hadd, he positionof th€hand beingexaclly he sam€as f you

wereabout to do a glide. Place he rieht thumb on the face of the pack

and the fingers on the top and draw off the end cardsof the pack simul-tan€ously, and place them face down on the table. The action of takingoff these wo cards should immediately follow the pass.From the spec-lators' viewpoint he wo blackaces avebeen laced own on the able.

Turn the pack face down and slan io spread the cards between hehandsuntil you com€ to the two acesat the approximate centre point.

Push heseover with th€ left thumb to show a back below them and thenlhe usual small block, followed by the remainder of t}le pack spreadfairly. The face up acesat the centtewill be se€n o be black and after apause, you can reach owards the lwo on the table with the riglt handand turn them face up to show they are the r ed ones, and lhat a

iransposition as akm place.The spread ackat this stages held solelyby he left hand. Cut the cardsn thc cft handso hat the wo black acesbecome he two top csr ds of the face down pack, they of coursestillbeing n a face up conditiol, and close up the spread so that the pack isheldsquare n the left hand. The tno red acesar€ at this stagestill on thetable.

Pick up the red aceswith theright hand and place hem undcr the pack

being beld in the left, keeping hem face up as you do this. Spread hepackbetween he hands pushingthe small block after you havepushed

over he two black accs, nd hm continuing hrough he pack until lherwo fac€ up red facesare revealedat the other end. Stress he fact thatyou have two aces at each end of the pack and tlten close up the pack

r.rking little finger breakat the approximale efltrepoint of the pack.

l rn the pack face up in the left haltd carrying out a Turnover Pass atrhe break point, and then spread t face up betweenthe two hands to\how hat the four 'ac€s'have ome ogetherat the centreof the pack.whcn you reach the four face down caads,push them over to rev€al sllce below hem and then a smallblock followedby the balance f the

t,rck. Hold the pack n its spread ondition n the eft hand and temove

rhc our face down cardsat the centrewith the right hand still keepingrlrcm acedown. Say and thadsabout he best rick I know with four,lrrens", on the final word, tuming the cards n the right hand faceup,!rd dropping hem on the table.

Sinc€ he four acesare still face up in the pack you may be temptd to\lncad the pack and reveal hem for an additionalclimax. I strongy,(lviseyou not to do thi s, but to conclude he effectat the revelation f| c queens.My normalprocedures to cut thepackso hat the aces o mer() hc op, faceup underonecovercard, which s automalic f you ust

Lrr lhe pack six cardsbelow the point from which the queenswere,.'roved.The op cafd of thepack s then slidout from t he top wiih lhe,,Fhrhand, umed facedown and then eplaced, fter which he pack sr[lrcd facedown againby twisting he left hand back. The right hand


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cordboa Charudes

cannowaDDarenllyurn he opcardot lhepack ace ownbul reail)

rtrrnall fi!tcardsdown,a tairl) easy ction ecausel th€naturql rcK

u-o oini*t'at" rttaa"taa rebaik to backThese ctions re arried ul

iitil icasuai'tovlngirtt rhepack manner.ndampleimewillbe iven

iy'iiri i"iprir."pp.iar-ce

oathequeens, nd he reaction f the specta-



The Dlot or thiseffectbelongso Karl Fulves,my contributionbeing

*r.i" irri't",rt"a used o achieve arts premiseBegin y secretiy

arra;qim heDack o hat he ourqucensr€ ace punderhe opcaro

oi[ioi.r,tit" qu..nt b€ing tackedn ahernateolour equence


falsesh-uffle hich etains h€ top fivecards n

""iii." ""d',rti"i"vl." will try andcur hepack o hata queen ill

aonearace pat he op Do hisbydouble ndercultjngwocarosrom

;ff;;il;;ii;,f; facerhe;ackbeins eld ace own uringhis

acrion.,q.ueinwitl appearace pon opofthepack syo!promlsm'

i.i"g itt. igii rt-a.iir to thepackandapparenllvifl oll the aceup

ouee'n. ut eallv ake wocards rone,whichwill reveal notherueen


irie irsr. tscolourbeinghesame s he irstone Use he

i.ii rtiri:i"""irt.rtine

secondueenlishrlv ver he ishL and ong

side f lheDaak nd hen ake t into$e riShthand o hat tgoes n(ne


in he ighthand with lheaidofthe efrhand

;i;;;G;. il;;;"p,h;

race p rdr in the iehr and nd hen ull he

iori.i.ata od,l.ltti.. tlighllv o he eft n a diaSonalirecliono har t

is sidr oggedor abouta whileborder ut the ndexsnol snowrng'

irnrn',ii'"_uo;.n... ui."point youhavemadewoqueen\ f lhesame


rLe oPof hepack ndar€nowholdinshesen

ii" .;"rti[-a."itt

iaceup, butwith he earone ogged ughllvo he

i;fr. fl'.;;isht handgripo;the queenshould ewi$ rhe humb r he

'.*ir'ii-i.a. ii^gJ,'.

"rthe ; one'andhandcurved ver h€cards

alonSheir ength.uie the eft hand ongsid€of lhequecnso flip lhe op card f lhe

",;#;;;;.k;;;" ft-ro, u

'not"nif""t up on top of (hepack sav

inai rtris aia wlt acra! a prediclion neand equesthespectalorso

;;;;;i;;. Use h; edse f lhe queens€ins €ld n therisit

ir..Jio irio trtl'."ta tacedownagain rd th€npush t slighllv o thc

rilhl wirh _heeft humb, o hat l issid€ogged ver hepacxor aooul

h;f its *idth. Nowpush t in betwe€nhr fac€up que€nsn nengnl

i.lia- i,"".i""r

Dosi;ion eing hirdcard rom he op of thegroupof


;.giJ p"tition f Ihe owel.queen akesL asv to insert

r'leoreaicrionird at hecorrect osilion ulas oupushl bei\reenhc

queins,njog t slight ly,o thal.whfnl ha! squaredp acrossnr

dreaarlof rtreDackeL,he right thumb an each osn and push h'


Cardboad Chorudes

jogged ection quare, nd n thh action ake a break mmediately bovethecard. So hat herighthand s free o push he.ioggedardsquare, helefi handholds hepacker fcards for a brief momentat the ong edges.

Havinggot the break, he right hand moves hepacket ack and forthbetween h€ left hand fingers in a squaring action and ai it comes abovethe pack, releaseshe lwo cardsbelow he break so that they are eftsqu.re on top of the pack. The remaininS wo cards n the right hand areplaced face up on the table. The depositing of the two cards onto thepack is done extremcly quickly and assoon as they have been addedtothe pack, the right hand makes one more back and forth movement withih cards beforc placing them on the table, They should beplacedon thetable almost completely square because here areonly two cardspresenl,

wher€as here should realy be thre€,Say hat the prediction card has beensandwichedbetween he que€ns

for safe keeping ard you would oow like to havea card selected rom thepack. Whilst explaining this, give he packa singlecut at its approximatecentrepoint and as the two halves come together take a left little fingerbreak betwe€n he two sections. Use he left thumb to riffle the outer leftcorner of the pack from top lo face, requestinga spectator o call stop alsomepoint. When he does so, bring fte right hand over the pack toapparently lif! off the cards at the posilion he haschosen,but really liftoff all the cards abovethe left littlc fing€r heak. This is the standddRiffle Force handling.

Before showing the spectator he top card of the lower seclion of lhepack,aip he eft handupwards o hat he faces f thecards re owardsrheaudience nd then humb the card off of thepack or jus! over halfits widlh, so t}lat its name can be noted by the assistingspectator. Tlishandling conceals the fact that there h a face up queen immediatelybelow he s election. f you are workirg surroundcd,urn the left handalmosl completely over so that the backs of the cards are towards thelloor before pushingthe sclected ard over with the eft thumb. After thecard has b€en notcd, dra* it back squarewith thepack to cover the faceup queen,before uming the eft hand so that lhe half pack t holds sonce gain acedown.Drop thecards n the righi bandon top ofthoseinrhe eft and place the squaredpack face down on the table.

Briefly mention the name of the prediction card that was placedbetweenhe facc up que€nsand say his will be the male of the card ust

rotedby the spectator. sk him thenameofhis csrdandwhenhenameslhe same neasyour prediclion ay "well, in tbat case,he only thing o(lo s o make heprediction anish". Show hi s hashappened y spread-r g the wo faceup queens ourselfor nvitinga spectatoro spreadhemlor you.Say hat t is normal o enda trick by findinga chosen ard,andrhen pread he main pack n a long fac€down spreado show hat therwoqueens f the opposite olow have urned aceup and caughta face,!)wn €ard between hem. Turn the card belween he queens ver !o,.veal t is the seiected ne.


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Cardboard Chorudes

Altemrtive Proc.durc

This routinc utilizes he principl€of the HenryChrisi Force or the

ourooi.oi tor"ing-a

teveisingards,hcsequencelowswrll andcan

[. ri*J." *"*i"-tt * unsller;ativeolhe firsl routines(arlbyhaving

a tiact oueen,annaiffer€nt card and hesecond lackque€n' aceup

i*Jutir irti lip"*a

or thepack,andthe aceof spadesn the fourth

irom too position neading rom the top youhavca facedo*n card'a

i"I. * iti*t. i"". up ndifferentcard.faceupqueen.acedo\'n aceo[

ip"a.i *a rh.n rtt" i..ainder of lhe facedovn pack''

shuffleDack.etaininghe op ourcardsn posttlon nosay ou rrr

rrv-anaiause quccno ippear acr up ontop of rhepack Cive hepack

"itio "uiio to.. tt'e opcardand be aceup black ueen ill appe$aI

,rt. !" *'o."rniJ. Nlw continu€ ift theprocedureircadv escribed

in the irsa ersiono show hal anolher lackqueens belowhe lrst'i"tio*ea uv ttestro*ing f thepr€dictionardand ts nsertionetween

irt. *o ou""*, prior ; phcing hem aceup on th€ able'

lfvou;xaminelhe ack t hisstageoushould ave ace own aro

"riit'. roo. orro""a6v *e faceup cardand hm rhe emainderf lhe

"""-i-f".iat"". n" itack s heldsquaredacedown n the elt hand

iii*Jirt. o""i to""ios a speoatoi ndaskhim Io cul a seclion ff

i"l" rrtii. i"ta" fromhim and nip them aceup onto he face-own

r"aii"" *i t"t, hand Sranspreadinghepackbelwem ourhands'

Dushinsh€ ace pcards vetuntilyoucomeo the lrst ace own aro

ilt";-d;.;. Rh""e the aceup secrion f th€ packu'ith he iShr

i*a r."iino irr. f""" ao$none qu;redn the efi Lifi the efthand p

* itrriitt. il".t ot rtt."ards

are owardsh€audicncend henpushhe


the humb,so hat it extendsor abouthalf

it;widtb over he riShthand onSsidef the pack Ask a sp€staroro

."...Uet ttt" oa.. of thh card,and hendraw t back lushwith the op

Li rhi oacrusing tre efl humboncemore Drop he efl handso hal

ifr"""r'* "t.

oni.rn-€ lacedo*n and hcn placr hecards rom the

richt hand belo, those n the left, so that the pack is once more

a*embled nto one--iri"nJtrt. o""r to"

t"condspectatolo cut a sectionoff andrepeat



aesc bed n thc previousparagraph'-b'Jt t.the

irnJitage_.eassenutettepackby placing he cardsn theriShthandon

toDof thosen the eft.-'iiliie nJ a"sistatthename f hisnoted ardand hen pr€adhe

o".iiioii*"i ,rt"r ti. ,.teclions heonlv aceup card n hepack cul

ihe Dack o ha( he aceupcardbecomeshe op cardo' thepack'ano

then liD hiscard ace ownandplacehepack ace ownon he aDle''''iJ*ii-

t"* p*ai",ion card heace f spades.nd ay.lhal.lhis ill

be hesamecolournd alue s hesecondlsistant-selecllonwnenne

stateshat he noted heaceof spades,pr€adhe wo queenspart o

show hat theprediction as anished.


Cardboad Charudes

Say thaa although h€ predictionhas vanished,most conjurersendrhejr ricks by finding le chosen ard, soyou will try and use hequeensro helpyou. Cut about from the op ofthe mainpackand placet to theright of the balance.Now cut about+ of t lle cards ust plac€ddown and

t)lacehem o thedght ofthe previous ection. n effect, heoriSinal ac€\ccrionof the pack s positioned t the eft hand endof th€ ine of threepackets, laceoneofthe queensaceup on top of thecentre acketandrhendrop the extreme cft handpacketon top of the queen o that il is\rndwichedbetwe€nhe two sections. lace he otherqueen aceup onrop of the left hand group of cardsand finally drop tb€ right hand\.ction on top, so that the pack s onceagainassembl€dnto one.

Pickup the complete ackand spreadt facedown betweenhe hands\nying "notice that the queens re well separated" .As you close he\pread, ake up two breaks, he left little finger mmediately bove h€

.lrd facing he queennearesthe faceof the pack, and the left thirdling€r mmediately elow hequeen earesthe opof thepack. I find thebreaks asiero obtain f thedght handsecond ilger pressesgainst hehackof the queennearesi he top of the pack whiht lhe pack s being\lowly closed, o hat the eft lillle fingercan pick up its break irst andrltcnas the pack finally squares p, the left third {inger can take overlrom the positionbeingmarkedoff by the right second inger.

Now do a tripl€ running cut onto th€ table, by laking first the cardsirbovehe third fingerbreakand placing hem on the table, ollowedbyrhcnextsection bove he ittle finger brcak and finally thefacesectionol lhe pack.Eachsection s akenby the riS ht hand andplaced n op ofrhc one previouslyplaced on the table, so that the pack is finallyn\sembled nto one again. Give the pack one more fair cut and then\t)read t facedown on th€ table to reveal that the two queenshave nowt,,me ogethcrwith a singl€ ardcaughtbetweenhem,which hentumed

vcr. s seen o be he second election,


l'his is a variation on "Wrong Again", to give an effect which is.rnilar to the classicRoyal Assemblyone. The amount of mixingnl'parently arrid out s far less han n otherversions flhis effect, butI nill consider he audiencempacl to be strong, and in fact, that then )plicityof the presentation elps mprove he climax of the trick.

Removehe aces,acks,queens nd kings rom the packand a$angerh{mso hat he four aces re o llowedby the acks, hen he our queensrrd finally the four kings, he k ings being at the face of the groupof!\rcen cards.The suit order of eachgroup s of no importance nd nItr.r t is an advantagef the suitsare n a haphazard equence,

spread the sixteencards faceup beiweenyour hands,carefully poinf,rf out lhe posjlionsof the aces,acks, queens nd kings. Closeup the


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Caldboad Charudes

spread and turn il face down under cover of this aciion pass wo cardsfrom ihe rearof ihe packet o the face,Use he TurnoverPass or this





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r./ If , / .v ,1r - ' I

Deal out the lirst four cards face down in a lioe from left to right,turning the first cald deala ace up. D€al the next four in a row beneaththe first, again dealing from left lo right &nd uming t}le first card dealtface up. Repeat his dealing or two more ows until the ayout of th ecards s as n Figure19.The effect s |hat he top row contains ces, h€second acks, the third queensand the botlom one kirus. A card is faceup at the endof each ow asa reminder fthe typeof car ds n that row.

Sayyou will place wo kingswith two ace s, nd do this by pickingupthe wo facedown cardsat the right handendofrow'D', dropping hemon top of the acedown card mmediat elyo the right of th€ faceup ace,

and then slipping these hree face down cards ben€ath he fac€ up ace.Figure 19 shows he appeararce of th€ layout at this stage.

Now say you will plac€ two jacks with two queens,and do this bylaking the two cards rom the right handend of row 'B' and placingthemiogetherwith the second ard roh th€ eft in row'C', benealh he faceup queen,

Next, place wo aceswith two jacks by taking the only two cardsremaining n row 'A', togelher vith lle ast one n row'B'and slippingthem benealh the face up jack.

State hat two queens lrd two kings emain,and as before ake helwo cards rom row 'C' and tlle single ard rom row 'D' and slip hembeneath he face up king.


Catdboord Charudes

Afl€r someappropriatemagicaction' suchas doingnolhing' reveal

rtrc aces feachgroupof four cards, o show hat hey have earanged

rhemselveso that all lik€ tlpes ale gtouped ogdher'


Run through the faceup packand remove he two red queens,placing

rhem aceupin the able.Turrl he emainder f thepack acedown alld

'rrmediarclicaty out a Half Passwith the ower sec(ion f the pack'

r'r(kinc uD; lefi iiltle tingerbreakbetweenhe r\to halves s heycome

i.'cerhir. The resuh s thal lhe pack s h€ld n the efl hand.apparently

taJe own.but reallvwith the owerhalf faceup, anda little fingerbreak

betweenhe two sections.

Pick uDone of the red queensand irlsert il fac€down into the pack at

'h e breai poinr, retakinghe breakabov€ he queen 5 l is .pt tshed

.uuare. hi queens nreried rom therearendol Ih€pack.whichmales

'r'easvo insert r at theriShlptac€ ndalso o pick up a breakabove t'

tlcl ;p lhe orherqueen nd placet on top of th€ pack.mildly poinlinS

()ut oihe audiencehat the two queens re sepalated y abouthalf the

Starr o sDread he pack betweenhe hands nviling a spectator o

\lect a card'asyou exlend he anned ards owards im fhe spreads

,l course nly madeup to the breakpoinl, so hat the fac€up cardsare

not €xDosed.'When card has been aken, closeup the pack again,

,,ranrainins he break wilh the lefi lit(le finger above he centre ed

,tueen, ut also ifting the lop card of the pack sliShtlywirh the riShl

ri,umt so trat t canhold a bieakbelow his cardat the rear end of the

r,Jck.As soonas rhe spreadhasbe€nsquared.he uppersection [ Ihe

i Jck above he ef! lirtl; fingerbreak s ified off bv he righthandwhich

lrill keeosts thumb breakund€r he top carcl.

The s;ectator is invited to placehis selectcdcard face up on top of the

trJit Dact n the eft handand you requeslhe remarndet I rheaudience

r,' commit hecard ro m€mory The righlhandsecrions replaced n lhe

Lrli and a top card Cover Piss caried out, th€ left hand little-finger

rcrakine breakbet*een he two halvesas hey come oScther' f you

wish, 6u cannow wist he eft handoverso hat hepack s faceup and

,.J-,h.,oo ou..n on.. *ilh the efl thumb o exposeilsaceslightlyand',,,

."-.-b.. oneou"enat he op andone n lhecentre" Afler show-

,',r rheoueen. t mustbedrawnback rith lhe eft thumbso hat r is once

',r"'n.q,rarewith th€ pack, before he pack s onceagain urned ace

,lown. i you include his flashingof the queen n the routineyou must

rrte care o maintain he eft little fingerbreak.

lilate hat vou will now turn half of the pack aceup, and do this by

. rrrrrnsff theuoDer al fof th epackwith he ighlhand, al ingal l he

.,rr ls lbore the eir i t t le inser reak No w um he owerhalf emain'

86 8?

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Cardboard Charades

ing n the efi hand aceup and replacet still faceup, below hecards n

lhe righthand,but eavet jogged or about '!o the eft ofthelong side

ofthe upperhalf. With lhe eft handspread ut the aceup cards lightly

before quaringhemup with the upperhalfto show hat thecards eally

are ace up. This s an important convincer' n the effect becausehe

spectatorshad previoud,vseen hat the upper half was face down when a

card wasselected nd hey now see hat the owcr half really s faceup.

After the pack is square, remark on the face to face condition of the

halves and turn the pack over three times to illustrate your comment

Cive the pack onecut and then spread t in a long line face down on the

iable to show|hat all the cards are now face down with th€ exceptionof

ihe red queens,which ar€ face up at the centte. Point out lhat they have

one acidown cardbetw€enhem andremove hegroupof threecards,

turning hemover o showhat the onebetweenhe queenss heselected


This ric k s similar n effect o Dai Vernon's Twisting the Aces" but

does ot use heGhostCount.As thecards renot counted t anytimein

the routine, here s a certaindirectnessn th€ trick which s appealing.

Begin by removing the four aces rom thepack andarrange hem from

toD to face n a suit order you caar asily emembel. n my case, t is

heirts, spades, iamonds nd clubs, he club beingat the face.HavinS

got rhem nto your kno\tn sequmce,ransfer he top ace o the faceof

ihe packet nd heywill b€ n lhe correctorder o proceed suggeslhis

approach,rather than arranging them in the correct order sfaight away'

as most conjurers have a favourit€ sequence f suits that they know by

heart, so why leam alother one, and run the risk of forming a menlal

suit cocktail on some future occalion when the trick is being shown.

From now on in the patter outline given I shall refer to the suit order I

use, bu! the readermsy well be using a completely different one.

HavinS shown the aces n a sliSht face up spread, urn the four cards

face dow; and in squaring them up in the left hand, obtain a left little

fing€r break above he face ace(hearts)and move the right hand away

Sat that the actionof stroking he four aceson the fingersof the eft

hand has a stra nge ffecl. Bring the riSht hand back above he cards

beingheld n rhe efi, placing he humb at the nearend. he lorefinger

on top and he remaining in8er5 ver he far end Keep he righl hand

well over the cards so that the fingss at the far will prove adequate or

the half passmove to follow, Having explained hat stroking has a

strange ifect,move he packetof four cardsdown from the base f the

left thumb owards he ingertipsofthelefthand, whichstretch penun-

til they reach the position shown n Figure 20 B€fole openinghow€ver'

and at the exactmomentwhen heright hand akeshold ofthe cards, he


Cardboard Charades


.ree elow he left little finger break s turned up by gripping ts riShtI'rnd sidewith the eft fingers ndpulling t do wn andover.At the samerrrfle,he right hand s moving he packeldownwards ntil it meets hel,rce p aceand then continues nlil the packetpasses ff of the fingerrrr)s fthe left hand.The strokingaction s design€do cover he ownessi,l cardsn the eft handafter his )?e of reve$alsleighl asbeen arri€di,rr, the weakness f lhe move b€ing in fact coveredby the actionr.(luiredby the eft hand, o allow or the strokingaction.For theactual,.versal f the owest ard prefer o have he eft forefings around he,,,rrer ndofthe cardwith the renaining ingersat the ight side,but the,.rder can experimento find the easiest rocedure uitable or himself.

Afrer he strckingaction, he cardsare spreadn a small an and held| | rhe ight hand o show hat th€ aceof hearts as urned aceup al the(rrom. The op cardoflhe fan s now akenal|dplaced t he bottomof

1r,.group by the lef! hand, the cards still b eing kept in their fanned,,'Idirion. Say hat the aceof hea s now occupieshe position hat the.r c of spades id occupy, he aceyou name,being h e oextone n your,,rrsequence.ring he eft handup below he an anduse he wo hands,,rcther o close he anbut n this actionpick up a eft i$le fingerbreak

,rl!)veh€ bottom wo cards nd u rn both of these iudsovcl together,,,rtrlcrhepaiteralld aclionof the strokingprocedure lready escribed.

spreadhe four aces[a fan asbefore o show hat ahe ceofspadesis

','trvace up se cond rom the bottom. Transfer he top card to ibe

l\'||om keepinghe fanned ondiion and say ha t the aceof spad€s ow\Lupies he position that the ace of diamondspreviouslyoccupied.

( l,^c the fan betweenhe two handsand take a left litde finSerbreak.,|l,!e the bortom hreecards.Reversehesewith the strokingactionas



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Cardboard Charades

before.Srarl o spreadhe card\oul with rhe efl thumb but aft€r

."-rri." .ni.-a o:"-, ao asingle uckl€. o hal henexl wo cards lay

i""iirr.:. *a thm lhe boltomcardshows sa singl€ ard-

f voucan'

aliiw the cenlrewo cardso spr€adery sliShlly.alherhan be oeao

.quare.Hold hecardsn the eflhand o exhibil henow aceup ace I

diamonds.-'iui.itt.top -a *iLrt he ighlhand ndpusht inLohe an mmedi-

,telv abovehe bottomcard,andasyou push t square' sea sllghlly

iiuionJu"ti- .o ,rtut he efi htle inger anoblaina break elowL'

ii'""i"&"iit ** tii"g held n a squared onditioon the eft handwith

"utiJ"i"".',rt. t"t,im card Sai hat heace f diamondssnow n


i." *", lhe ace f clubs ieviously ccupiedndas l is at the

i." i,iii. ou"i.,, *i,tt"o "u.65

j6ere it. thespectatorsill beableo

*i"Jfv ii. ii


to heace fclubs.Theace ameds o[ coursehe

next n voursuit sequence-ii,i'"'t..i"rti t

"ita"verhepacket nd ifl rhe op hree ards lfas

"*.ii iitpii iini"e tlte hreeardsabovehebreak' he humbar he

n."i.'na. rit. for.fi_ng"r n top and he other ingers l lhe-far.end

"""*"u"*irr" ifti.l*i. of the hree ardsLift thecards lighllv bove

il'iii. i!?"ii'",*;itt; letthand nd hen o a rapid orward ndbacl-

wardactionwilh thehand, eleasinghe ar mdsof lhecardsrom tne

ii"iti ir*itt as vou do so, so hai the cards apidlvurn righl over


are gripped v the right hand irs-t inger.and

rhu;b al the ar end, he humb owbeing n op and he lngerDelow

lmmediarelveplacehe cards n lop o[ theooe emainlngn tne ell

rr-a.irtiii'.t"jrtv ,"*ingplace n hebackward ovementflhe cards


ir lrt"iitt""""

& diamonds isiblycharueso theac€of clubs'

-Jitt. iou.

"".at ""onow befannedout anddroppedon th€ table o

show hat thetop one s theonlyone aceup


This s reallv combinalionf lwoeffecls.he irstDaiVernon "l'2. 3" whichwasoriginally ublishedn lhe Phoent(magazne' no ne

l"ona'i,,f'anin car'aner'i "ett the Nonconformisls"' ublishedn

iiiii.. iiiii."rrv tt'" p.esentationdeashat arc combincdandnot the

,n.ttoor. * rft.ti"t.

dissimilaro Ih€originally ublishednes'

Run hroughhepack nd emov€heace. \'vo nd hr€fol hearts no

erhibit hemio heaudience rrangehem o hat he wo's

on op ano


irt.t face ownon $e tablen asliShtly nsquaredeap'-

iiaiii ci.a sete.rearom he emainderf thepacl andconlrol t.Io

rhe oD,Drop hepack ace osnonto he ableand n h'sactlon alm

iii. i"i'*ii';"i" itt. r;ghlhand Reachor lheone' wo rhree' acker

;ihiil;;;;"t;, *-d pick r up bv scoopinst Lowardsou.until.il

reachesh;ed8e f lhe ableand hen urn l face pbyplacrnghe rgnr



rhumbon th€ faceand hen wistinghe handover'Placehe aceup

"ri-tt *iin ift"

"aa"a "ardinto the eft handand ransfer he fac€card

l,iii" r*ii"t to dt" ."*, makinS om€emarko covet his,of Setting

thecardsnto numeric rder.' -!i*"iili" dt.*

"*asout to show hemoncemote' but usea single

tulii. to irt"r rt.".ntr.lwo

arekeptsquaredsone ard closeupde

'#"i ""Jn"rJtrt..*dssquaredn hi left handslil' faceup onc of

ii,. .*",iitt i.""*

i""itedio name nyoneof the hree ards ndyou

irr.n lo* tfrar t fras tranScdo theselecledn€by he ollo*lngmov€s'

Note hatwhits! hecards re nnumeric rder' heymay un romDacK

to face. r face o back, o or easefexplanalionwillreler o hecaro

irr" .oi"tatot"ttoo."t

uv its position, ather han by its name'

If Rcrr CrrdNrmed

Pushover he wo facecardswith tbcIeft thumbandhold the ast wo


it"uav thecardswith therighi handasyoudo this' and

ii;fi;"th;;il;il;he left handalone, o show hat henamed ard

haschangedo theselectedne.

If CentreClrd Nrmed

Turn hecompleteacketace o*n asyou ake t with hc iShlhand

,j;;;;; f*.'"iili.;acket on he efi sle€ve,emarkinshar his r'ill

;;;;;.;ii;;f .h;sinsthe chosenard nro hesclecledne Replace

'i "ir"i..i]"* a.*" i" t-heefi handand an t outbv pushinghe op

,""'"*ai o*i""a

t*ping fte face wosquaredsonecard Take he

'"*^J."ra.into tft. .iihihand bv Srippinghem airlv iShtlv o hat

rirev o not move utof posilion. nd hen wisl hehandover o snow

'rr"'r..".of irt"

""ta.ro revealhal rh€cmtreonehaschangedo the

r.i""[J..",'"ti dti" tum thehandbackagainso hcyareonceagajn

lf Frcc CardN.m€d

fakeoff face ard ilh righthandandhold t for a moment aying

',rtit i"ou..rtoi..".

Now ;ke lhenexlcard rom he efi hand oup

,'" irr."ri*"iii,

il, i."tiv rakewo asonebybucklinghebotlom ard

\lichrlv.Finallvake he astcard rom he efthandandplacel onrne

ir.". .'r',i".. iit ,t. ,igttr.The mpressionilen s haryouhave hown

itrenamed aldas f to emphasizet, and hen ountedheotherwo on

''tfi it""t", ir rr,"n."olaced n the efl handstill fac€up andspread ut


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Codboard Charades

q,ith the aid of t he riSht hand, spreading nly the face wo cardsandke€ping he as t wo squared s one, to show hal the named ard haschanSed o lhe selectedone,

The effectnow proce€ds n to its final phase, hhough he mpressionyou endeavouro givewhen henamed ardchangeso theselectedne sthat t}le trick is over. After the cha[ge, you will be l€fr with t}Ie fan ofthree cards n one of two positions, if the faceor rear card was named,the fan will be held face up in th€ left hand and if the centre card wasnamed the fan will be held face down in the right hand. A differenthandling s used or eachof iheseas follows:

frll frcc up in Icft Hlnd

Twist the left hand over so that the fan is fa€e down, and with iheassistancef the right hand square he cardsup and leave hem facedown in the left hand. Take he top one off with the riglt hand andreplacet on top of the marnpack. Say "you are probablywonderingwhat wouldhavehapp€nedf you had not named he (here ay he nameof the top card) but had chosenone of the others". Turn lh€ cardsremaining he ef t hand aceup and pushoff the faceone and ake t inthe righr hand. Name the card being held in the right hand and say

"supposilg you had chosenhis one'' Replacehecard n the ight handbehind he wo beingheld asone n the eft hand,bul leavet outjoggedfor about1", the cardsstill being aceup.

With the ight handpush he ace wo cardsasone p until heysquareup with the outjoggedone, and then pull just the faceone backdownagain to its original position to reveal the changeof the rear card to theselectedon€. This is an extremely simple action, the right thumb beingplac€d on th€ lower shor! end and fidgers on the face of the two ofhearts,and the thumb pushing he two cardsas one o line up with fterear one, and !h€ right finSerspulling the two of hearts back downagainby light p.essure n ils face.

Twist he left handover so that the cardsare ac€down and removelhe top oneand place t facedown on the packwilh the right hand, heheel of ihe left hand concealing he ov€rlapping f the remaining wocards. As the right ha nd places he card on the pack, place he leftforefinger n the outer shortendof the oggedcardard as he eft handtums over o th epalm up position, he forefingerpushes own, so thatwhen the face of the card remaining n the left hand is visible o theaudiencet i s perfectly quared s one card, he two of hear ts.Turn theleft handoveragain o hal thetwo of heartss facedownand placet ontop of th€ pack, really wo asone of course

As an aflerthought ay ofcourse you might havenamed hetwo, wellin lhai case he two would havechanged o he selecled ard." ln linewith this ast emark, emove he op card of thepackand ub ts aceon


Cardboard Chqrades

yoursleeve,inally urningit faceup and hrowing t on he able oshow

it is now he selectedard,

FsceDon,n rrn in Right H.nd

Brins fie left hand below he righ!, and close he fan of cardsup

betwee; he wo handsand n thisactionpick up a left little fingerbreak

below he op two cardsofthe 8ro p. Say, you areperhaps ondenng

whatwould havehappenedf you hadn't named he two" Spr€adhe

cardsout in a face ;wn spreadwith the assistancef the right hand,

which keeDshe top two cirds squared s one by takinghold of th€m

abovehe eft lilile fingerbreakand holding hem ightly ogelher s he

Dread s made. Alst in the spreadingac(ion, pu\h lhe cenLre ard

tli*uiJtr,nn,ru in the fan so thar l ir outiogged or about l Finallvnold rhe ; fale down n rhe etr handwhich s reallvgrippinS he op

,nd bottom ards irmlybu l ha s ery i l l legr ipon hecentre nedue o

its outjogged onditio n,which s easily emovedby the righ' handand

Dlacedacedown on the Pack.' vmre un he emainins ards n he eft handand hen urn them ace

up sirh heriShl and nd eplacehe m li l l ace p n hel€ft Tale he

tice rwo cardi squared son; \ailh he righl hand bl buckling he ower

onewith the eft iund, andexhibii he aceup card nthe left hand othe

audience aying, su;posing you had named he (herenamewhatev€r

cara s n ttre e-fi ranii". Repiacehe cards n the righthandon1he al€

of ihe one n the left but injog thern or about 1' . Now concludehe

'cquenceb) following rhe iinal Lhreeparagraphs f th€ descriplion

.r l readviten or (h e Fa nFace p in Left Hand" condi l ion'

The ;ick must Ilow smoothiv o be effectiveand theremust be no

hesitationn following hrottgh he variousaiternatives


There ave eeo everaldeas lreadyworkedout o give heeffect fa

card slowlysinking down in the pack. Dai Vernon had one versron

niinr n ttti 'ptto"o]"' tagazine, nd Larrv Jennings escribed versjon

,,itrito"n to .. .o-" f.-" vearsago. Both of theprecedingd€as sed

iuti packsot caras, but the first version heard of using urt a small

,'a.1'ei icatar"as

Oe".loped y Bob ostin and cailed he "Submarin€( a.d . The method use s completely itlerenl ro Mr' Ostinsbut Lhe

ncrual ffectwas nspiredby his trick.Remove ix cards rom thepackwithout drawingany atlenlror o lne

quantity ouare removing, nd arrange hem so ha! the op cardof the

. 'oL,o * a conspicuousne ,sucha" an ace.klngor joker ' Fo rease l

. t . rc i ior;onui i l a.sumeh3 t he card l he Lop l thepacke( l \r x s he


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cardboard Charodes

' 'pir""ttreoactetof caralsace own n your eft hatrd ul asyouput

tr'.riirro ocisirion"irtr

the ighthand'use he ighl humbodrop hrer

.".lt i'L"iiii i*."r

thes;up and hen akeup a breakabovehese

ii.*"*J. "irrt

irt. t.rt titti finger. preadhecards ur n a face own

i"n iul"rr.t putrtingrte oponeoverwith he efl humb' ake henext


*,iut.a ul o"e, n easvmove ecausef the efl little inger

;;;i;;il-ri;;,-;e thm coninue o sp'ead ut ttrecardswith rhe


ii"-iigtt ttard, unlil a spreadof apparentlv ive cards s

heldfacedown n the eft hand.

Cardboad Charades

rhe humb s on tbe eft long edgeof the packetand he fingerson the

,t;;;;;:;tfi;; f"*fingJr stiil curvedbn top Bv moving he risht'


itJ a"*""

r"" ti;es a squaring action is madealong the long

,i-a.. of rt'" t".. ao"n"ardi,

the hand linally resting t the ow€rshort

,:ndwith the thumbon the eft hand nner corner' By presslng o\rn.on

i;.- ili';i ;il iardsslightlvwith rherighr orerin€ernd ifting

uowards ith the ight humb, wocards re eleasediom the numo

.;il;;;.*i;k;; ;t-;. rhumb bovehem Thc isht humb un! along

lhenear horlendof lhepacket arr''lnghebreakwilh t unlu t reacnes

;;;,i;itl;l i;;;""t';r'

whereie breaks ak€n p andheldbv h€

i;ii it",;i; ;;;;: fl. ;.us; for the humbmovins lons ht eDd f rhe

nacketsa8;in for lheseeminSurpose [ makingh€cards Dsolul€ly

I *i:ul'u.*m:Tl"li':i::?::'f,*ffil',;,l#i:"+.{q

.;;;;i"fi; ftfu";bv

the eft humb-ttnrilt exrmdsorabout alr


";.:,the right hand lon8 sideof the packel The righr hand

-omesover to assist he spreading y placing he thumb on lop or tne

Ddckel.he second ingerbelow he paclel and goingdlr€ctly nlo In€

i"eak heltl bv lhe left little finger' The righl hand tiumb ano secono

i'"*,""* "iio

i"e"lt* verv Lightlvand lhc lefi lhumb is moved rom

;;;J;;;';i ,fi;i";.-;"*" paitcito ihe race r theoutjoss€doker'-rhe

i.lu tl";;"h;ut;a Jtk;r still. whilsr he rishthandmoveshe hree

,lrui li rrat ocrea oiertrer bout " ro he ight Thisshowswo lace

.losn cards bovehe oket bul s€cretlyhe oweroneconslstsr rwo

.;;;;;i;,lt squarei ogerher. ith tht ioker sandwichederween

,i*i- ,q" oori", it"

tight iandhasmovedtscardso he ight' he eft

';;;;;;";;;*"v fr-om he faceof rhe oker and spreadshe.two

'rmaininSards eiowt in aslight an The ighlhanddoes'or


'r.Id.k criDon hecardsl isholding'^ii;

il; t;;;;;a"e seenhaithe oke' hassunkdo*n rhroush

,"'"'."ra'"""i"itaiv *y '.twocsrds bovehe okerand wobelowl"

.u'dasvoumakehissralemmlhe iShlhandmolesls group l lnree

,,,a. tri"r',r" . irt. iigtttandbackagain. o hat hev ustclearhe ight

l,and o;s side f the okerandsre hen eplacedboveheJoxer' .nek r handholdshe okerand he wo cards elowt steacly hllsl nls

','i"lri".i. x""o ,tti ,"ovement f the ighthand ardso a minimum'

,urreriousho ciearhejoker nd8e1backbovet From hespectalors

',,'l"i.r "i.*lrt.at*a"looks exacllyhesarnesbelore'with wo cards

.,nnarenrlvbovehe okerand wo below''

i:i"i.'"1"-,r" o""t.i"arefullv

againeavinghe okeroutjogg€dor

.,l.our ali ts ength nd epealhe squaring rocedurerevrouslyes-

,lbed. but his ime h€ ight humb akes break bove ne aroonry

",i"iiir.il,r*ii, itt. t!t, titrt. finser'The inal position eins he

,,.,.r.i *ii"",ft .q*..a in the efl hlnd with a lirtle inger reak bov€

ir" i""i.".A jJit'. r"ceup ok€rprotrudinqor about alI rs ensrh

t$urc z I

Remove he top card of the spreadwith the riSht hand' lurningit face

'.i.ii"" ii ii'tr'. i"ter. stiil keping r face p' place.i( nder^$e

il#.'iii"i'.-a ;iine lanand eaver ouljoggedor abour,air rs

iiiit. i. FiJ"* zr fir'closehe anup akingare ot o et h€ ards

au&e tle faci up one pread nd evealhal there re eallywocards'."a

"fr"-t"i*i the j;ker in its out,oggedposition Once he fan is



on the ow-erhon€ndof the acedo*n

."rar-itiJiit. ftg.i. on lhe far one, he forefingercurucdon top ol Ihc

i**ai i'"J ii . o*iJi".lt being etdn rhelefthand Ar thesamerimes

il-.'sili;il1;i; up this rsirion'.rhc eft forefing€rmoveso. he

iuieiit on enaot tle race own ards elowhe ace p okcr'andbv a

"'".Li""Jp"irti"e ;ii"n wilh(he ighland eft hand ingersowardshe

.i"fu f,-aiftt.ui,ft. f"cedown ardshalarebothabove ndbelowh€

;il';;.:;;;'';'i;iicrlv Absolurequaringf rhe ace o*n cards

ii.ir.iii"il-JFtil zt (ii);hows hehandposhionst hisstasef rhe

"ff,i"i". th" ,qu"ring""tion'

therighthandchangests position so hat


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Ardboord Charudes

from the far sho rt end of the pack.Say hat thejoker will sink hroughonemorecardand bring he right

handover o the packet o assistn the spreading clion.Although herigh! thumb s resting n top of thepacket t takesno part n the spread-ing ofthe fi.st two cardswhich s doneby the eft thumb.Once hese wo

cards have beenpushedover slightly, the right hand second inger entersthe left litde finger break as beforeand locks all lhe cardsabove hisbreak tightty between his finger and tfte thumb. The left thumb moYes

away onto the face of the oker to hold it still, whilst h€ right hand

moves ts ockedgroupslightly o the right. Tbe inal card s spreadwith

ihe aid ofthe left hand and hejoker is now seen o be ou r cardsdown.

The cards in lhe right hard are moved to the right and back again as

before o show hat the oker is fourfi carddown.Thepacke! s carefully closedonce againand held n the eft hand. The

right handcomes verand moves heblockof facedowncaldsabove hejoker do\I.rtor about+" , by takinghold of themwith the humb at oneshon md and the second inger at the olher.

The right hand now moves to the lace up joker and pushes t downtowards the face down cards urtil the joker is fell io line up with the

upjogged face down card below it. These wo cards can now begripped

as olreby the right hand and pulledup slightlyso tha! the oker is well

outjogged gain.Theeffecth thatyou arejustadjustinghe cards eforeproceeding ith th€ tnck, but you haveactuallysquared p ihe faceupjoker with the facedown card below t.

The left thumb spreadsover the four face down cards above he oker

to show hat it has sunk through anothercard. After pushing&e fourcardsoverwilh the eft thumb, they are aken n their anned onditioninto the right hand leaving two cards squaredas one in the left hand

The face down cards n the right hand arereplaced below the face upjoker in the eft but injogged or about+ of lhei length.The right hand

comes over to square the injogged cards with the joker by placing its

thumb on the nner sho( endofthe facedowngroupand fingerson lbeouter short end of the ioker. As the cardsare pushed ogethera Half

Pass s carriedout with the four lower acedown cards o hat they endup faceup below he wo uptrcrcards. ls quiteeasy o pick up the break

for the passby pushingdown slighdywith the right thumbas he cards

ar€ squared.The faceup joker at the top of thepaaket s thumbedoff andheld n

the riSht hand, eavingapparently our face down cardssquare n theleft. Say hat if the.ioker can sink throughthe cardsone by one, you

wonder f it could travel through all four at once.Offer io see f it ispossible,and placethe joker still face up belovr the face down packet in

the eft hand. State hat whilstyou think it might b€possibleo make tgo tlrough four cardsat once,you douba f it would be willing to do it

whilst face up, so the first th ing to try and do is to make l turn fa.e

down. As you say hh, take he packet rom the €ft handwith the right,

Cardboad Charades

l,oldinc l from above, he thumbal lhe nearshonend. ingersal th€ ar


forinng"t on op. Move hepacket way rom the eft handand

rorward and baik for about 6"' and under cov€rof this movemml

rcleasche righl thumbgripso hat thepacket urnscompletely verend

i.r ."a *a ii gtipp.a"i

th€ ar shon endbv he right I humbon lop and

rhe orefinrer belowand s relurned o the efi hand on the bacrwaro

*.r.rn*i.-u",i* *aly b€€n umedcompletely ver' Theeffecl o arm

lor is a 'maaical hakeof $e cards'"i'*rt,ir.?"tato".twi$ the lefl thumb one by onr until live face

Jowncards trow, he ast wo beingsquared sonecard The riglt hano

"..iririn it""aving t" tpreadbut movesaway afterwards, and leaves-the


in tfr"'t"fil*4. Say"w€ll, that seemso havemade t tum face

ll"n. no* ii"-""".t

toihe top wilhour us spvingon it'" Brin8 he

rrehthandoverand urn lhe top cardof the fan faceup to show t ls be

'Jf;ir.. ttr. iot ., h"" t.en revealed t the top ot rhe packet replacet

rr.._uo onioo ol tft. f"n but njogged or aboul half ils lengrhand hen

.ioi.i'rr" i"" ,lp,iating.are to liave the otcr injogged Atterclosinglhe

fan. the face down cards ar€ naturally lelt in a slighlly unsquares

fondirionand $e ri8lt handcomesup to the far shorl end of lhem o

\quare hem up. Under he coverof this action he right hand second

l.qir soesunder hegroupand pushes n lhe lowefinost ardso hat it

.n_u."?own*ards ro an nj ogged osition or aboul I " The riShlhand

""*r."* t" irt. near

"ttiriendof lhe face up joket and pushest

iurwardunlil ir hits he ower njos8ed arCand s squarewith it At t[ls

naserhe oker will overlay he neal shortend ol the pack or aDout '.,'iirt"ii'nrt, r'una.-,"k; hold of the wojoggedcardsbv holding hem

rr rhe nnlerend and turn them facedown as one card on lop ol Ine

oacket. he Dackets dropped n op of the packand you are eaclyo go

intoyour neit cffect,or if the eception f this onewarrants t, chang€o

singing r tap dancing


The feke hrow used n theclassicThree CardTrick" seemslohave

bcen are lv used or any otherpurpos€. hich is ratherslrangeDecause

rnesleiehiissucha dereplive ne tn thiseffect haveapplied he monlr

,nin" i" actrie"e one treadcondition, or use n a lranspositionrick


*t"cted card l hav€previouslymentionedn "The

ti.uils iiavttrings '-rttar n my opinion he bestdescriplion f the adual:,rrto"; irio ue-tound n "Tire Expenal the card Table" by Erdnase'

rosetherwith the bestdescriptions f many other ine things'

th..k th"t"ou

hauea joker in the pack and tbat it i5 positioned

"'nuniirri i.nit. U.rorecommencinghe effeq. Hold the pack so thal

rhi iaces re owards ou and un hlough hemuntil you reach iejoker


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Cadboard Chorcdes

which s pushed own slightly o an injoggedposition.Continue o runsix more cardspast he oker and then cut the pack at this point andcomplete he cut, finally turning t facedown n a squared ondition nthe eft hand but taking csre n the squaringaction that the oker remainsinjogged.Bring he righ! hand over he pack to cohplete he squaringand n this action op palm hesixcards bove he njoggedjokernto theright hand,and push hejok€r squarewith the pack.Since ou havenotasyet told the audiencewhat you aregoing !o do, the mpressiongiven sthat you have ooked through lhe pack for some specilic card and thencut lhe pack at this card !o bring it to the top. Keep th€ cards tiltedupwardswben ooking hrough hem,and keep hemmovingso hat theactual card you cut at is not apparent to the audience.

Push hejoker slightly o tbe riglt with the eft lhumband henuse herighr tumb to flip this card aceup on lop of thepack, etting he righthand naturallycurveover he pack

as t flips theoker

over. Move thedght hand away o t}le right again andexhibit the faceup oker on top ofthe pack. Rep€at he action of flippinS it over again with the aid of theright hand, but as the oker lands ace down on the pack et the sixpalmedcardsdrop oo top of it. Keep he.ight handover hepackandimmediatelypick up the top card between he tbumb and second inger intheclassicmontegripwilh the orefinger esting n the backof thecard.The flippingoverand pickingup of the op card by the right handmustbe an almost simultaneousoperation, the overall effect being that youhavesho*tr rhe oker on top of the packand endedup with i held acedown in the right hand. The true stateof affairs s that an indifferentcard s held n the right handand the oker is sixdown from the oDoflhe pack.

Push he top cardof rhepacksligltly ro rhe right with the eft rhumband then bring the right hand over the pack and pick up the top cardbetweente third fingeralld thumb, below he supposedoker, in theclassicmontegrip. Turn the right hand ove. so that the face card hexposedo theaudi€nce nd explain hat you aregoing o showsi\ cardsone al a time and deal hem nto two packets n the table,and that aspectator hould makea mental noie of one of these

cardsand alsoremembern whichpacketyou place t.After you have made his statemeniappauently htow the facecard of

the two in th€ right hand acedown onto the table, but really hro* therear card n the saandard onte hrow danner. Thumb off the top cardof the pack with the Ieft tlumb and take t below he card held n theright hand n the sameway as you did the firs! card. Show ts facebytwisting he right hand overand then apparcnrly hrow t facedownonthe tableabout9' to the righr of the firsi one, bui again h row he rearcard.

The wo cards n the abl ewill not be referred o asat posirion A, andposition B'. Continue he aciionofthumbing offa card rom th€ ropofrhe pack and taking t below h€ one already n th e right hand for rwo


Cordbodrd Chatudes

Inore cards! he first being hrown on top of the face down card atr)osition A', and the second n top of the one at position B' . ln eachease he facesof lhe cardsare exhibited n the righl handand then heI[onte throw madeas they are hrown on the table,

Thumb off another card with the left thumb and take il as before inrhe ight hand. Ai the right hand wists o show he faceof this card orheaudience,he eft thumbpushes ver he top two cards f the packsorhat he eft i ttle fingercangeta breakbelow hem n preparationor thenexr move. Once he ittle finger hasgot its break he top cards arepulledbackagainwith tlle eft thumb so hat thepack s n a squared ondiiion.I he right hand no* monte hrows ts card on top of the two alreadyatposition 'A' and then comesback over th€ pack to again apparentlytakedff one more card. However, becauseof the Ieft little finger break it:rctually takes two cards squared as one, in exactly the samegrip as was

rsed for taking single cards off. The right hand twists o show the faceofrhecard just removed from the pack and then monte throws it on lop ofrhe wo already acedown on he ableat position B' . This will leave wo.ardssquared s one n the right hand. These re mmedia lely roppedon top of the packwhich s still beingheld by the eft hand and the topcard humbed ff slightlyby the eft thumb, and hen lipped aceup onrop of thepackby the right hand o reveal he oker.

The effect from the sequencedescribed so far is that six cards havel,eenshown and dealt altemately nto two face down heaps,with a\peciator omminingone o memory,and also he heap nto which t isipparenlly placed. find it makes hingseasieror the spectatot f yourcruallyname he cardsas heir faces reshown,and t alsoensureshathc emembersne hatis shown,and not on€ hathethoughtwasshown.Ao mportant echnical oint s to keep hecardsin he ight handalways.lose ogelherso rhat the faceof the rearone s neverexposed hen hehrnd twistsover o show he acecard.You willhaveno roublewith his

t,oint f you use h€ Erdnase echnique.After this short diversionwerclurn o thepoitrtwhere he oker residesaceup on top of thepack nrhe eft hand.

Makesome pprop ate emarks bout he st€ngepowers f the okerr'rd hand t still faceup to thespeciatorwho has emembered card and,r\k him to drop it on top of the facedo*,Ilheap hat contains is card.lhis will result n thejoker beingdropped n o p of thecardsat positions'A' or 'B'. If it doesn't, ake up Origami, and use his book for your,,rodellingmaterial.Whilsi the spectators engagedn placing he oker,n the appropriarc eap,pick up a left litile fingerbreakbelow he top. rrd of rhepack.

Pickup he hreecards hat do not have hejoker on op of them n thell,llowingway: if they are rom position A'take them oneby one and

t,hce hem on top of thc packso hat heir order s reversed, nd hencutrhcpackonce o apparentlyose hem,but retain hebreakwith the rightrhumbasyou make he cut, and relake t with the efa ittle finSerasyou


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Cordboard Charudes

complete he cut. If theysre from position B', lose he eft little fingerbreakand pick up the hre€cards ltogetherwith the right hand,placing

th€mon top of thepackwithout altering heir orderandpickingup a leftlittle fingerbreakbelow hem. Cut the packonce,blt maintain he eftlittle finger breakas describedf position A' werebeingdealtwiih.

Cut lhe pack at the break and retain the upper half in the right handplacing he owerone acedownon the ablewith theleft. Place he ighthandhalf into the teft hand and he n ip thh half up slightlyal ft€ nearsho end so that the face of the bonom card s visible o you. Yourexcuseor t his action s the remark, "I think that'sabout half" asyoulook at the edge o check.After you havenoted he facecard, drop thiscard off of rhe right thumb so that lhe second card from the face ispartiallyvisible o you and remember his one also. Releasehe righthandgrip on the cardsand eav€ hen f acedown n the eft hand.

Use he right hand o spread he halfpack on the abl e n a farrly ongface down line. Request h€ spectator who remembereda card lo place

the faceup oker asideor a moment,and h en dide he hr ee acedowncards hat wereunder he joker into different parts of the facedownspr€ad, elling him as he does his to take care ha t the facesare notexposed syou do notwish togetaglimpseofthem. At this stage o notask him to squar€ he spread p.

Bring he right handover he halfpack beingheld n rhe eft hand n acasual quarinS f the short ends,and use he right thumb to drop onecard from the face. Keep the hand in position for a momenl with thethumb pressingagainst the near short end to mainlarn the break abovethe facecard-Ask the sp€ctatoro tell you the nameof his noted cardand according o the one he names,carry out one of the followingactions.

lf face card that you glimpsedearlier-Take up break from rightthumb wi|h left little finger and remove right hand from pack.

If second from face that you glimpsed earlier-Drop one more cardfrom right thumb and then take up br€ak with lefi little fidger above hetwo cards,aIId remove ight hand.

If a card that you have not glimpsed arlier*Drop two cards tomright thurnb and then take up break with left little finger above he threecardsand remove ight hand,

Pick up the oker with the riSht hand and makesome urther remarkabout ts strange owers.Turn it face down andpush t into the cardsheld n the eft hand rom t he rear so that you can easily nserl t at thebreakpoint. As soonas t is partially nto lhe pack, eleasehe eft littlefinger breakand asyou push ie joker squarewith the packetwith theright thumb on its near short end, push downwsrdsslightly with th ethumb so hat $e lefi little fingercan akeup a breakabove hejoker asit finally squareswith the other cards.

cesturewith th€ rigbt hand owards he facedown spread n the ableand ask he assisting pectalor o carefu llycloseup the spreaduntil the


Cardboard Charudes

cardsare perfectly quared, lld then to turn the half pack faceup and

leavet on the table.His, and he audiencesnvolvemenlwith this actiongiv€s ou exc€llentmisdireclion o bring the right hand back o the face

down cards n the eft hand and reverse he cardsbelow the eft little

firger break by means f lhe Half Pass.Only two, threeol four cards

will be nvolvedso bepass an be madevery efficientlyand /to break s

maintained fter he completion f the pass. mmediately ftei the Half

Pass s completed he right thumb dtops two cards from the bottom of

rhehalf packand h€ eft little finger akesup a break above hese wo

cards.The right hand cannow be removed.Say hat the oker is some-where n thepack€t ouareholdingand asyou make his remarkgive hepacket two cuts as follorrs: cut the pack at abut the centre but as you

complete he cut, pull down on lhe left little fin8er at the break so that

rhe upper sectiongoes n between he two cards being pulled down and

lhe remainder of the lowet half of the pack. lnsert the upper half fromlhe rear €nd of the lowet one and first of all push it sidewaysuntil thelongsides f both halvesine up, but the originalupperhalf is ogged or

about half its length at the near short end of the cards Square h€ two

halves ogetherby pushing he nner end of the njoggedhalf with the

right thumb, the fingersbeingat the far end, so hat i! linesup with the

otherhalf, but irt doing hispushdownwardswith the thumb slightlyso

rhat as the halvescometogether the thumb can pick up a break betweenrhem. Give the half pack one more cut by simply cutting at the break and

completing the cut, The two cuts describedare made fairly rapidly as f

you are ensuring hat the oker is lost in the packet,beforeproc€eding

with the effect.Take he facedown half packand hold t in lhe riSit handso hat t's

positioned bout 6' above he face up half on the table Say hat the

Inagnerico\rerof the oker will be used o draw he spedators ardoul

olihetabled cards nd nto the on€s ou areholding.Mention hat as he

rabled cards are face up, the selectedcard will still be face up when it

reaches he face down cards you are holding so it will be easy o find

S(ate hat the joker will also tum itself faceup to show that it is just as

.lever as any other card in the pack. Spreadout lhe face do*,Il cardsuntilyou each hetwo faceup ones round hecentre.Onewill bethe specla_

ror's card and the other the joker. Remove hese wo cardsand drop

rhemon the table n front of the spectatorwho noted a card.Closeup the remainder f the cards ou areholdingand hold them n

lhe right hand still face down with the right hand holding hem fromnbove, thumb at the rear short end and fingers at the far on€ Reachlorwardwith the right hand andplace he facedown half on top of the

laceup tabledone but jog it slightly o the right. Draw the assembledpack owards ou andsquaret up asyou ift it fromthetable, doing his

wrth he aid of th e eft hand . Turn the packcompletely ver and thm

spreadt betweenhehandsuntil you come o thepoint around hecentrewhereheyare ace o face.Break hepackat thispoint and hen urn tbe

lo t

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Cadboard Charades

low€rhalf facedownand €placet under he upperoneso hat thecardsnow all face he sameway. Pick up the oker and the selectedard andplsh them nto the pack. The actionsdescribedn tbis paraSraph resimply cleaningup ones, and should be carried out casualt an; rvithoutimportance.


Therearr very many waysof magicallyocaling he lour aces n thepackbul broadlyspeakjnghey breal down nro two groups.The firsl ofthese s the type where the acesar€ found magically bui revealed n anormal fashion, for example,one may appearat the top of the pack, oneat the bottom and so on. The second s the novelty t)?e of ;evelation

where hey-arediscovered n an unusualway, such as shbodng from thepack into the air. The novelty type of revelation is used n this;ffecr andthe nspiration for tle trick came roft an Al Leech dea,published n the'Ncw Phoenix' someyearsago.

^Run through the face up pacl(and removethe four aces,placjng then

face up on the table. Close up the remainder of lhe pack and;n thisaction clIry ou! a Half Passwith tlle lower half of the pack and take aleft little finger break betwe€nhis seclionand the one above t. K€ep heright hand abov€ thc pack for a mommt immediately after completinSthc pass,and with the tip of t he right thumb ift up the top card_of h;lower facc down sectionof the pack, so that it is added o the bottom ofthe upp€rsection. Retakea breakwith the eft lirile finger belowthe cerdjust lified wirh the right thumb. Ar rhis srage n the;ffecr you should

Cardboard Charades

have bouthalf the pack aceup, onecard acedown, a break,and henlhe remainder f the pack facedown.

Takeone ofthe aces rom the ableand appearo push t faceup ntothecentre f th e faceup pack.Really nsert hisace nto t}lebreakpointand henswing t round,so hat t is extendinS iagonally rom the outerlcft hand corner of tbe pa€kand h covering he left thumb, which spositioned elow t ready or a thumbcount.See i8ure22 (i). Nole hattheeasiest ayof putting hecard nto thebreak, s by nserting aat thenearshortend and hen swingingt r ound andupwards ntil it is n thecoffect position. Onc€ the card has b€€n inserted the left little finserreleasests break.

As soon as the left thumb is covered by the outjogged ace, use t !olhumb count wo cardsand hold a break eady or the nsertionof thenext ace. Pick up one of the three remaining aces rom the table and

insert t inlo the breakpoint beingheldby the eft thumb ip. Theace srgain insen€d face up and left outjogged bur a lirtle to the right of thelirstone. Repeathe humbcountingoftwocards followedby the nseFlion of the tird ace,and inally humbcounting wo morecards rior tolh€ insenion of the final ace. Note that all acesare placed n !h€ packlac€up so that they appear o be facing the sameway as he remainderofthepack.Also,asyou place hem n positionmoveeach nealittleto theI ght so that when all four havebeen nserted hey extend iom the outercnd of thepack n a slight an, tie fan tse lf beingpositioned little tolhe eft to cover he €ft thumb. With the exceDtion f the first ace lev,,re nserted t theouter eft handcornerof the pack,

Pushall four aces n the pack n a slightly diagonalposition and asyousquarehem up wi th the remainder f the pack, ake a left little fingerhreakabove hem. D/op one card fromthebottom of the upper sectionol the pack o the top of the owerone with the aid of the right thumb,iind retakea breakabov€ his card wilh lhe left little finger. Keep her 8ht hand above he packmaking a squadng action and lben cary out allalf Passwith the owersection f tllepack. mmediately fter complet,Ing hepass, old hepack n the eft handand urn t facedown. TaD he

r.,t card of rhe face down pack wirh rhe righr'hand fingersand say"someconjurers ould make he aces ppear t the top, but that's oo

Turn the pack faceup and start io spread t ouaslightly from the facesirying l could usr ook for them andpick themout, but that wouldber{ro asy",Takecare hat you do not spread s ar as h€ op eleven ards,ll ahe ack.Closeup the packrvith le aid of the dght hand until it is('rceagainn a squaredaceup condilion n the eft hand,and hendroDrr\ccards rom rheborromor lowersideof lhepack r rh rhe ight humLn d take a brea k above hese ardswith the eft little finrer. With theli.hr handcut off ab outonequarrerof lhepack rom rhe ;c e andplacerr below he remainder,but as you place ! in position, use he moveorisinated y Ed. Marlo, bypullingdown theblock offivecards with the

y> \t t



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left litde finger so that the quarterpack goes boYe hese ards.As vousquare p the pack ake a left little finger break mmedi alely bove hequarterpack.You will need patter ine o cover he aboveactions nd

usuallysay "Did you know that aces re nfluenced y certainsounds

and t i s possibleo train ihem n much he sameway as animals anbe

trained.Turn the pack facedown maintaining he break.Cut off thequarter

pack rom above he breakand out' weavet into the emainingsecaion

of the pack, pushing he two sectionsoSetherso that they are inter-

woven or about one and a half inches.As the weavehas aken place

from the a cedown endofthe packyou will find a largeblockof cards t

the face end that have not beenshuffled at all. If you have used he

standard echniqueor a weave n which he cardsare heldvertically n

the hands, humbsand fingersof eachhand beirSon the oppositeong

sides, ou will find it extremely asy oplace

he eft forefingeron the

uppershort endof the faceblockand pushdownwards lightly,so haa

the wholeblock s n-jogged or abouthalf an nch. Grasp he njogged

endof thisblock with the right handand ransfer t from the faceofthepack o the top, but asyou place t on top, makesure hat you ine t up

with the original op card of the pack,which means hal the block ines

up exactlywith the quarterpack hat is outjoggedand partiallywoven

into the argersection f the pack.Keephold of the pack with the left

hand, humb at on€ ong sideand fingerson the other one,holding he

cardsat the meshed ection o ha t thevare ocked n thepartiallywoven

condition.Take hepack nto theriShthandand position t asshown n Figure22

(ii) he faces f thecards eing owards hepalm. find theeasiesl ayofgetting hepack nto thisposition s o take t with the iShthand,placing

the right thumb on the op ofthe packand fingersat the faceand orn t

over, replacing l for a moment n the left hand so tha! the facesare

outermost, and then take it again n the right hand in th€ correctposition. n positioning hecards heymustbe kept ocked oSether t all

timesand the block of unshuf fled a.dsat the top of thepackmust end

up in the upjoggedposifon.After all this work you are now at the stagewhereyou can elax andindulge n a little presentation. arry on with your themeabout sounds

affecting the acesard mention hat you can locale them by simply

whistling. llustratewhat you meanby givinga shorl whistleand al the

same ime release ressur€ etween he thumb and first and second

fingers of the right hand. This will allow the block of cards o drop

dowdwards nd eslon thedght itde inger, o reveal faceupaceat thefront of the outjogged8roup. Remove his ac e carefullywith the left

hand, akingcarenot to disturbany othercardsand pla€eaon the able

Bring the left hand over 10 he cardsand grip them tightly at the

meshed entrepoint, the eft forefirSerbeingon theback of the cards,

the thumb on the near on g edgeand the remaining ingerson the far

Cardboard Charades

I0n8edge.Remove he packcompletely rom the right hand, urn ir round end

ror end wirh he ef t hand and rheD eplacel in the rigbt, taking up rh€irme gripasprevjously. his rill againbring hebiockofcardson op ofrhcpack o rheupperposition eady o repeai be droppingof this blockro reveal hesecond ce.Before eleasinghe block however, se he ef!Irnd to squareheblock at rhe op ofthe packup, by running he ingersirnd rhumb along tha oppositeshorl ends.This is really not slricilyr .((e\ ,ar) , ul acrs 5 kindof insuranceo guaranreeclean ropof rhi

You arenow eady o release ressure n the onSsides fthe block soLlrart drops downwards 0 reveal he faceup ace,which as before semovedwith theleft handand placed n rhe ablewirh he irstone.The

r,rocedurereviously escribeds repearedo reveal he hird and o urth

,!es, or each ne eversinghe nrerwoven ack o bring heblock o the,Lppermosiosilionand also ep eatinghe insurance' quaring etween

One brief meniion of the presentaiion ngle. whistle very brieflyt{ ior io eachof the first threeaces ppearing ul for the final ol|e et a\t)eclator ry his uck by whistling. lel him fail rwiceand then releaseI ,essureo coincidewith his hird whistle aying, there,see ow easy1,\"- lf you can'l whistle!buy yourselfa roy whhtleand blow thisa! th€.rppropriate oinrs.

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Tale Twisters



Four picture cards are placed in front of a spectator and four spotcards n front of the performer, Cards are nlerchanSedb€tween }re wopackets,but when checked, he spectatorstill has our picture cards, andth€ performer four spot cards.

The procedure s repeated with the same esult, but when attempted atbhd time, he packets hange vercompletely,hespectator ow havingthe performer'sspot cards and the performer, he spectator's icture

Workitrg Deldls

Remove our picturecardsof th e samecolour but of mixedvalues,thesemight be he KS,QC, JS, JC., ard place t€m faceup n front of aspectator. Now remove four spo! cardsof the same colour and mixedvalues, ut select ards hat aresimilar n appearance.ou might choose

th€ 7C, 85, 6C, 8C., and dese are placed n front of yoursclf.Having explained hat the spectator as our picturecardsand your-

self fow spot cards, turn each packet face down on the table.Remove h€ op card of eachpacketand place t alongsidets pack€t.

Sayyou will change verone card rom eachgroup.Do this by picking

up the single ards,one n eachhand and pushing hem nto the secondfrom top position n the opposite roups.

Squareup ihe spectalor'soul cards, urn lhem face up and GhostCount thcm to show four picturecards.The final card of the count splacedon the face of the packetand the packet is replaced ace do\r'n onihe able.Repeat hisprocedure ith your four cards o showtheyareallspotcards, inally placing hem acedown on the table n their originalposrtrcn.


Tale TWbters

Sayyou will nolJv hangeover two cards from eachercup Do this by

lilling off the top two cu.6. ol sa-'bgroup, ooe pair in.eachhandand

,i;e;rft1i'"; ;1;p oiir'i oppo.it"'oops sain hostount

't'. "oe.ia'tor3,rouDo sho\ the; areslill pictureards ndagatr

;,i;"i;"]'i;i;.i #;:;;,.'i-on iiie'tace eptacehepacke!.faceown

l;;: il;;;-'i;;;;; i;l;'

srshrrv preadondition host

i;;;;;;;;;il;o-" 1'"y"i"

tpot"o'a" -a


r".i io*n oi irrJ atr.oush if the opone-sohat t goes own n rs

,,wn and leaves he owir lhreecards n the elt nano

;;;;;;;itr"il;;;. o"iitr'i." ""'9:in

'""hsoup rransrerhe

rtrree ards rom vour efr hand o lhe rlSnrand reach orward wilh the

i.;;;"-d ;;i'"'o.*;io"ilr'.."'""'ai or'n'


.".'n i'iJ,:.,ii?"iiil"]- ir,.oi.i up tutvtAs ou.rakehese^i

;;. k; ;;;. ilil;',r'i.


the isht and n opof rhc

'i""i"'"*i'i"ir "iir'"'i"ii"' No* top ttt"c"tat tom he efthand nr',fof yoursingle pot ardnear ou'pil"ii6iiJ tf ,.taiJ,:. .oup

"nat"v' "t aon't xp€ctouwould €

";";i;i,;;*ii;; *;i on'ccgaintregictu'eards'ut would'

,":.1".. rt. pi.i"r."*a"

o" tr.t""]on ,rt.nn"t*ord' urnvour acket

,';il;;;;;iG;il;;*ai. u1t'"'p"aoo'

tumhisover onnd

rhev are now soot iards This switch over at the endof the €ffect comes

ur quitea surpiise o the spectators.

llnrl Not.s

when hotding the packcts facc up prior to making the chost count'


it-. upper'lctl hand c;rnd of-lhe facecard with thc lefl

rt,umbso rhat rhe ndexvaluc s hiddct ard lh' lower right halld corner


ililffilJi"ii ii?.ii . ir"r'nusetru'ins tretchedcrossheil il:;;:ffi:fii--.-*. ,rt"i-trt.""t ""'d

showinsp v'dceillrd benoticcd.'

eJ*"yii"i"l to rrt"t,"o groupsas hepictureandspotcardsandnever

drawattention o their actualvalues,



Irour kings are rernovedand distribuled face down on th€ table Tfuc€

Lardsare oLced from the main Dackupon one of the kings in much the

':;.; ;;v?ii;';;;;;,iii"i i."i'qa

assembrvouline ere eing

r,"'6';i.-Th;;r-# tttio-iiing, ar. tl'o*n to have hansedo com-

;,lctelv ifferent ards ut whenie master ackets umedover' nstead


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Tale Tviste6

of king s t is found to contain our aces.The missing ings are foundreversedn the centreof the pack.


Beforepresentinghe effect,a slight arrangement f the top cardsofthe pack s required.Reading rom lhe top this is, ace, ace,ace, KH,reversed card, X card,X card,X card. The X cards an be ally cardsexceptkings or acesand tlle final onemust be remembered theone n theeighthposition rom the top).

Working Delrils

Run hrough hepackand removehe followinS our cards, hrowingthem acedown oo the tableasyou come o eachon€ and elting hemfall on op of each ther, edK, blackK, an ace,blackK. Th€se ards reremoved rom lhe faceend of the pack and in locatingand removingthemyou mustnever ook beyond our rememberedeycard.Do not etthe spectators e€ he aceof th€ acewh€nyou hrow I down, he othercards an be flashed f you wish.

As soon as you have e moved he four cards, un through he packuntilyou come o yourkeycardand hensquarethecards , ut keep efilittle fingerbreakberween our key card and the remainder f the faceup pack above l. By gripping h€ eiehtcardsbelowyour break,movethemslightly and diagonally o the l€ft and leave hem n this joggedposition.Now urn thecomplete ack acedownand placet on hetabletakingcare o maintain he og so hat whenyou pick up thepack ater,you will easilybe able o retakea break under he top eightcards.

Pick up the four facedown cards, order rom the face, ed K, blackK, ace,blackK) rurn them ace Dp nd Chost Count hemto showkings,the asi card countedSoingon the face of ihe group. Turn the m face

down ard deal he top ode on to the table nearest ou, calling t th€master ing and the orher hrer in a line a little above t.

Pickup themainpackand placet in $e le ft hand, h€ efi litle fing€rtaking a breakunder he oggedblock of eightcardsat the top. Thumboff the op lhreecardsof thepackand plac€ hem on top of the masterking.

Pick up the other kings rom the ableone by oneand place hemstillfacedown on top ofthe pack n the eft hand. Use he eft dumb 10pushthe op two over slighdynto a spread onditionand henbring herighlhand o thepackandgripall of thecards bove he eft it tle fingerbreakin a lockedpositionso that you can move hem all slightly o t he right,Theappearanceeing hat he hreekingshavebeen pread Lr!n a smallfan and movedsiightly o the right.

I'ale /w$ters

Lift the apparentan ofkings up from thepacksothat you can ap thelclt longsid€against he top of ihe pack o squarehemup and hen etrhcsquared acketdrop faceup on top ofthe pack reallyeightcards reIurnedoveron to the back).Thumb off the rop three aceup cards nddisplayhem o the speclators,he effectbeing hat the hreekingshavevanished,urn the hreecards acedownand reDlac€hemon toDofthet'.rcl. Cive he packone cul and place L on t h; table.

Say you haveprobablyguessedhat all the kingsarenow togethernrhemaster eap,but that wouldonly havehappenedf I hadused ces,'.lurn over he master €ap o travel he aces. ftet a slighipause, preadrhemain pack o reveal he four kings aceup in the centre.


I flect

A groupof abouta dozencardsare given o a spectator nd hep€r-lormerholds a similarquantiry.€sch shuffl€ heir csrdsand thenDlace,',,v wo acedownon rhe a ble.The abled ards re urned aceut sndl,)und o be all blackand the p€rformer anarks that this is a strange.oincidence. is staiement ecomes ore acceptable hen he anaining{ rds h€ and the spectato. hold are examined, becausehey are all red.


Without letting the speclatorssee the cards you are removing,i\\cmble two packetsof about a dozeneach, acedown on the able.l'irekelA is all redcardsand packetB is all red€xcept or the top fourwhichare black. Place the remainder of the pack aside face down andr,rvcpacket A rc a sp€ctatoralrd take B yourself.

Shuffle the packet retaining the top four cards n position and inviterlrf spectatoro shufflehis. Plac€ he top cardof your group acedown,rr lhe ableand requesthe specator o place he top c?rd ofhis groupItr(cdo*n on top of yout card.

liachof you shuffleyour respective roupsagainand you keepyourr,'tr hreecards n position.After your shuffleand whilst squaring he, (rds n your hands,geta eft litile fingerbreakunder he op three ards,' r negroup,

Rcqueslhe spectator o placerhe op card of his packet fac€ down onr"t, of the wo aheadyon the able,andyou thm ap pear oplace he opr rd of your groupon |op of th e onehehas ust placed own. Really out'hcr threecards as one down, by taking th€ threecardsaboveyourlrrfcr break, he righ! thumb at thenearshortend and he incersat tlle


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Tale Twiste$

far one, o concealhe thickness. s the right handplacests cards own,it squareshe compleled abledgroupup neatly o prevenr he quantityof cardsbeingnoted.

Place hecards emai ning n yourhandson he able or a momentandpick up the smallpacketof four cards.As you mentionhow eachofyoufre€ly selected wo cards, reverse he order of the face down cards youareholdingby countingoff the irst $ree genuinely, nd henplacinghelast three (asone card) on top of these, Turn the cards face up and pushover he face hreeone by one o displaya fan of four black cards, herear card of the fan rea.lly being three cardsas one. Close the fan anddrop the cards face down on top of ti€ main pack.

Commenton the fact ofyou each aking wo cardsof the same o lourfrom shuffledpackeNand the[ say "itt a biggercoincidencehan weimagine, because ll the o{her cards are red". Tum your respective

groupsup to show hal this s so.


Ell€ctA spectator and the p€rformer each take four cards from the pack.

After mixing their cards, e:rch removesone card from their group andafter following a magical procedurc, tlese areshowrr o match in colourand value. This is repeated successfuily a second time. Finally, tI€p€rfonner takes he spectator's remaining wo cardsalrd adds hem to hisown. le ca$iesoul the rmagicalprocedure' nd heyareseeno be our

Prtor Arrrrg€mentRcading from the top of thc facedown pack, the four aces, wo cards

of the same olour and value, wo cardsof tbe same olour and value.

I ale I w$rcfs

'in' or 'out' shuffles, t's of no importanceNow state that you are going to teach the spectatora 'magicai

Drocedure' hich f followedcorrectly,will havea strange ffect.

First he must ransfer a rds rom top to bottom of his group' stoppingwhenever e wishes nd holding he card stoppedar in his right hand.

whilst he is doing ftis, you do exacdy he samewith your 8roup,sioppingon any cardyou wish and holding t in your right hand-

Now place our card on op ofthe threecards he spectatots holdinS

rnd let him place is cardon op of the hreeyou areholding Ask him to

.ount tluoughhis four cards rom hand to hand so that their order s

Ieversed nd he op cardwill endup at the ace, llustrate hiswith your

lbur cardsbut reallydo the ChostCount, placing he ast card countedon op. Ask him !o carefully €rnovehe face ardofhis groupwhilstyou

removeyours. achofyou rub the aceofthecard you have emoved n

rhe table and they are then turned face up rc reveal that they match in.olour and value.Place h€sewo cardsaside.

Ask the spectator to mix his remaining three cards whilst you mlx

vours.Makesure hat whils!mixingyours,you endwith the original op

.ffd saillat the o p. Tell him to again lansfercards tom top to bottomof his packet, inally endingwith any one he wishes n his right hand.You do the same,but actually top on the hird card n your group the

,'riginal acecard) and hold il in your right hand. Exchangehe single(ardsagain, oursSoingon top ofhis two cardsand hh goingon top ofyours.Continuing he'magicalprocedure'theme, ell him to c ount his

rhree ards o r€vers€heir order.You do the same,but usea lhreecardvcrsion f tlle Chost Count .e. oneoff fairlv, one backunderneath ndrwo pushed ff, oneoff fairly. This ooks as f you havecounledyour

rhree ards o reverseheir order,Eachof you remove he lace cardsof your packets, ub lhe fac€sof

rhem n the ableand hen um them aceup to show hat theyareof the.,,unecolour and value.The magicalptocedure'has workedagain-

Sayyou will lry somethinga little different. Take the rcmaining twot rrds from the spectator n d add hem o your two Now say"let's see

shat happensf weapply he magicalprocedure'o these our cards.Dorlris,by first of all countio g hem o reverseheir order(I use he Chosl( oLnt aSain o that it looks he sameas my previous ountt and then

'Lrbbingheir faces gai nsthetable,after irst fanning hemout slightly.

I Inally urn them faceup to show our aces.


| | eclA smallgroupofcards areplaced acedown on th€ ablewilhout ieir

l!(s being revealed. Four red faced c,uds are then removed from the

lt l

Worlhg D€tdlsFalseshuffle the pack and then hand the op four cards o the assisting

sp€ctatoa, taking the next four for yourself. You can take yours bythumbing them off and not altering their order, or counting them off andrev€rsing heir order. fie remainder of lhe pack s not used n t}le effect.

Requ€st he spectator to mix his four cards without looking ai them,whilstyou mix yours.Mix your four by taking he op two and alternat-iIIg them vrith lhc remaining two by pushing them against them, so thatthey interweave. [f eachpair is spreadwhenyou do this, it's an extremelysimple operadon. Repeat this interweavlu two morc times making atotal of three baby faro shuffles. Don't worry about whether these arc





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Tale Twisters

pack and shown.Severainterchanges f cardsare madebetweenhe

iace down cardsand the onesheld by the performerbui this always

results n the performer srill holdinS four red cards The natural

assumption n ihe audienc€'s art is thal the facedown cardson tne

lablemusl beall redones, nd herelore t is not surprisingha! changrng

cards asno effecton hecolourof lhe ones eldby theperformer'Tllev

have i t l lemore o ponder nwhen he ace ow n roup re urned ac e

up, for they are all blac k cards

Working Dehils

Run hrough hepackand emovehl€ecards, wo ofwhich areblack'

ttri itriraonJ stroulaue a red seven.The threecardsare placedn€atlv

souared,n a facedown heapon the tablewith ther€d seven t the opTirespectators ustnot knowexactlyhow manycards ou haveplaced

on the table,nor what hese ardsare,

Now remove ivemole cards rom thepack whose rder eading rom

the facemust be, red eight spot, red spot' blackcard' blackcard' red

sDot.The sDectators ust not know exactlyhow manycardsyou have

rlmoved andasyet havenot s€€n heir aces Placehe main packaside

and hold the cards vou hav€ ust removed ace down in a squared

condition.Sa y "l sould l i le lo \ho* yo u 5omelhinSnreresl ing Turn th e

pack;r fcards ace p andChos(Counr he mLo ho w hem ' tour ed

cards, he last card goeson the face. Use he samecorner coverrng

iectrnique uring tte ount at all stagesn this rick ashas already een

exDlainedn "A Swirchn Time .

iurn th epacketace ownan dhold l in he ef thand Removethelop

cardand slbe it carefullybelow he facedown tabledgroup ln its-place

take he toDcard of the abledones nd eplacet on op ofthe cards ou

i"". ai."iv l. v"* rt"td. Turn thepacket aceup andGhostcount it

as fourcards o'show hem all red, the final cardgoinSon the ace As

you do this say "isn't that interesting, ven hough 've changed card

over, heyare still all red".iutn t i t . p".r . ' face ow nan d removehe op lw o card'and.sl ide

thembelow he ace ow ncards n he able Donot alLer lheoroet r

In rheirplaceake he op so card.ol the abled ne s ul take he m

oni Uvon. '"nO tu.. t t .mon op of Ihe ard n youlhandsso hal ht i r

order ' i . re.ertd. fakecareshef l vo u ar echangingards uring hr \

trick rhat you do nol spread he abledgroup oo much, or you do nol

want he audi€nceo knowhow manycardsare hereuntil he conciuslon

of the effect.Always esquarehe ubled cardsafter an nterchange

Turn thegroup n your hands aceup and JordanCount hemas our

red cards, h'e ast caidgoingon the face.As you do rhis say "isn't that


Tale Twisters

rrreresting, ven hough I've ch anged wo cardsover, th€y ar€ srill allied". Turn the packet ace down and ihumb off the top three cardsLcepinghe ast wo squared sone card, Take he upper hreeand pushrhembelow he facedown oneson the table. Onceyou havegoa heml)elow he abledones, oughlysquare h€ completegroup.Now take heutper threecards fthe tabledones neby on€,and place hemon top ofrheapparent inSle ard n yourhand.Theorderofthe three ards dded

Turn the cards n your hands aceup and GhostCount themas fourrcd cards.As you count he ast wo cards,outjog ahem lightly.Repeatlour patter ine "isn\ that interesting, ren h ough I'v€ changed hree, ardsover heyare still all red". Turn the packet acedown and ift uplheupper iree cardsat he og point so hat he eft little finSer angetaI'reakbelow hem.wlilst the right hand s srill n position,apparently

\quaring he cards,drop one card from the right thumb and retake heIrlt liide fingerbreakabove t.Say it doesn'tseem o matter how many imes change ver cards,

rheones n my handalways emain ed". ln a casual llustrationof this,cmark, emove he top card of the packet n your hand (really wo as,{re, which s easybecause f the finger break)and slide l b€low her,rbled ards.Take he top card of th e tabledones n its placeand placerhiscardon top of th€ ones ou areholding.Turn them aceup and do a,t.nuinecount to show heyare all red.

Conclude y saying the reason think t,s most nt€resting,s becauserhcse re all black". Tum the tabledgroup face up i n time with this

I insl Not€

I)uring all of the nterchangeshe left hand ingertipscan assis! he

' lht hand n making hechanges,f the cards he eft hand s holdingar€l.pt fairly deep n the hand.


I l lecl

^smallpacket fred cards s handed o a speclator n d heperformer

,1,rins group of black ones.The performershowsone of hh black.r dsand ets he spectator ut it into the centre f hj s red on€s.

Ihc performerasks f r he spectatorwould consider t quite^

Eood| .k if he could make he black card.,umpback from the specrator's

r,,'Lrp o his. Wlen he agrees, he performersays well in rhar case t

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Ta[e Twiste4

mustb€a ,erl good rick f I makeour complete acke(s hange laces".

He tums hispackei aceup and l is seeno beall redcards xcept or the

solitaryblackone n th€ centre. */henhe spectator xamines is' he has

the black ones.

Working Detrils

Removewelve ed ac€d ards ndplace hem acedown on thelable.

Facedown on top of these laceapproximatelywelveblackcards, he

remainder fthe packbeing lac€d side.Pick up h€groupof cards nd

turn them aceup. Spreadhemout as ftocheck thatyou have he right

coloun grouped ogether nd get a left little fingerbreakunder he face

card of the black8roup, and thenclos€up the spread.

Pushoffthe face edcards neby onewith the ef t thumb andsupportthem with the right hand so that they orm a sli8lt spread, ut asyou

spread hem count hem silendyunlil you reach welve.Do not spread

the welfth card, but take he w o cards son€ above hebreakpoint' by

inseriing h€ ip ofthe right secondingerandgripping hembetweenh*

finger and the right t humb. From the audiences' iewpointyou have

Dushed ff all the red cards nd areholding hem n a sliSht preadn the

iight hand. Turn th e completean of re d cardsdowDand place hem

below he face up black cards n the eft hand.Spread ut the black ards o \hoq th€mLo hespectalor\nd hen

clos; hemup again,but geta left itlle fingerbreakunder he aceblack

card. As the right hand is still over h€ cards,carry out a Half Pass(reverselhe ection)wiih all thecards elow he faceone,usrng Seneralsquaring p actionas cover or the pass.

Hold thepacket aceup n the ight hand, hehandbeing urved bove

the packelwitb the fingers t the far shortend and h€ humbat the near

one. with the eft hund ingers,draw he cardswhich are acedown at

the bottom of thepacket liShtly o the eft oneby on€,so hat heygo n

a casual preadonto the fingersof the left hand. Keep he left thumb

against he eft long sideof the packet o that ihe fingersare ptev€ntedfrom drawingoffmore than on€cardat a time,a firmgrip with the right

handon the shortendsalsohelps o control he cards.Keeppullingcards

out with the efi thumbuntil a blackcardshows p Remove ll the ower

facedown cardsand place hem n front of a spectator'He will assume

lhem o be he red cards.You are apparently efl with the faceup black cards'and the black

card at the faceand he oggedbla€koneat the rear,help10confirm he

position.Square p thepacket, urn t facedown and cuaone card lom

iop to face.Whilst the riShi hand s still over the packeldrop the wo

ca;ds at the face from th€ right thumb ip and take a left little finger

break above ahem. Remove he right hand from the packet fbr a

Tale T wisters

Ering he right handback o the packet,approachingt from the ear.[ort end. Push he right first finger ip into the breaknexl 10 he eftl,rrle ingerand henmove h€ ighl finger owards he eft unril t reacheslll: appro ximaae entrepoint of ihe card width, which opensup the

r{cak slightly.The ight second ingerwill naturallyaho enter hebreakrndby gripping he ace1wo ardswith thesewo fingers n th€backandrhc humb on the face,you can puli out these ardssquared sone and,[ow the fa€€ allingattention o its nane. lt is then eplacedacedowD,D 1opof your packetand mmediatelyhumbedoff and held acedow'li, r he ighthand.

Place he card n the right hand on top of th€ spectator's roup ofr|parent ed cards,and askhim to cut the packetonce, o send hecardri, he ceotre. llustrate he cutlingaclion by giving your packeta single

Use hepatier

heme utlined D heeffect, hen urnyour packet


and an t oul, letting he spectator o the samewith bis. Thepacketsrt)Pearo have€hanged laces.

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Chapter 4

Card Script



A card s freelynoted n a smallpacketofcards. Theperformer tatesthat he will demonstrate magical eliminatingprocedure har willgradually educe he packet1o a singlecard, and lhat ihis wiil be rhepreviously otedone,

w}len the performerdemonsirateshe procedure, hingsseem o gocompletelywrong. However, h€ trick is successfullyoncludedwirh asurprise nding.


Run hrough he aceup packand upjog anysix edcards.Strip heseout of the pack, turn them acedown, and place hem under hepack.Repeat his proc€durewith six black cards.

Turn thepack acedown and humb off thc 1op welve ar ds o showthem or a moment,pointingout that you havesix blackcardsand six

Square p the tlvelvecardsonto rhe pack for a moment,and n thisactionobtaina left ittle fingerbreakunder he op acedowncardof themajn pack. Lift away all the cardsabove he breakwith rhe righ! handand place he r€mainder f thepack asideon the table.

Thumb off ihe sixblack cards, u m t hem fac€down and place hembelow he red cards.Do the samewiah he six redcards.Make some orrof commentas you do this, suchas, "remember,six of eachcolour."

Cut he smallpack€t fcards a few imesand hengive t a pertecr aroshuffle, followed by one or lwo more cuts. If you do not do a faroshuffleyou €an simply hold the cards n lhe right handby the opposireshort ends,and th€n puil off pairsof cards rom top and face of lhegroup wjth the eft hand, dropping he pairsone by oneon top of €ach

Card Scri?l

,rhcron the able, until you are eil with a single ard n the ig ht hand,\vhich s dropp€don top of all. If you use his procedurenslead f ther,! o, do l fairly briskly, o prevent ome harp pectalor otrng hat youriive thirieen cards nsleadof r.rtelve, nd do not cut filst. Tvrn the

I'ncket aceup andspreadt rapidlybetweenhe hands, ommentinghal,1appearso be airly well mixed.Look for two cardsnext o eacholher,)l th€ same olour, and cut he packelbetweenhese wo cards, o that,ne endsat rhe op of thepacket nd he otherat the face. f you do not,fe a pair of t he same olour, t meanshey are already n position,and

lou clo not neeclo cut.Hold the pack€tof cards acedown n the eft hand and sta to deal

rhcmone by one n a facedownheapon the able,dealinS atherslowly.lrvile a spectatoro call stopat any poin! n thedeal.Whenhecallsstop,\(,u must showhim the faceof the card which occupies n odd position

r()m lhe (op of the packet.This is very easy o do, if you repeat he{ords, odd, even,odd, even, syou deai hecards n a heapon he able.whcn he sayssiop, you will aulomalically now whetherahe ast card,lealtwasat an odd or evenposilion. f i! wasodd, short ts face o the.r,ectarors, nd then piace t o n top of the cards emaining n the leftli.rnd, aking a Ieft iltte fingerbreakbelow t asyou do so. f it waseven,.[ow the faceof th€ top card of the undealt eciion,and henreplacet,,rr op, taking a left lillle fingerbreakbelow t. Drop the dealtcardsonr,)pof th ose n the eft hand, and afier a sljghtpause, ul thepacketatrhc breakpoint and completehe cut.

Ilxplain to ihe spectatorshat you will now demonstrate magical, lrninating procedure hat will find the noted card for you. Point outhrl on no accountaf€ the spectatorso helpyou in any way,

Place he top card under he packetand the next face down on t hetble,and continue his sequencef under/down,until six cards re ace

,],'wnon th e table. Pick up these ix cardswith the right hand andfan!,emouaslightly.Turn ih€ fan f ace up ust long enough or the specta-

r, r! to see hat all rhe cardsare red, but not long enough or them o,,J!in rhe names f the cards.Tap the fan square n the able op, and

r r.D discard he six cards ace down on top of the mainpack As you.rrry oul lheseactionssay, "!he red cardshavebeeneliminated.Note

I rrt in the example hav€gilen, ihe discarded ix cardsar€ ed, but they,'uld equallywell be black, and n this case ou would say"the black.! ,ds ave een l iminated."

Iurn th e cards emaining n the eft hand aceup and pushover heL'.c five cardsone bv one o form a casual an betweenhe hands. he

\rh and seventh ardsbeing quared son€. will continuehe descrip1rtrr s f th€ eliminaled ard swere ed, ust amend he palter ines o the,,lour hat showsup rvhen ou do the effecl. Say"I knowyour card s

l,l,rrk, bul I don'l know $hich one t is, et's use he magicaleliminator

\quare he cardsand urn th€m acedown.Again do the under/downl 16



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Card Scripl

procedur€,his imeplacing he hreeeliminaled ards aceup on top ofeach lher on the able.Turn he cards €mainingn ihe efr hand a ceupand spr€ad hemou!, keepinghecentretwosquared sone,by means fthe bucklecounl.Take he acecard n the righi hand or a mom€nr, ndsay "only three10choose rom, I wonderwhichone s yours" Replacethe right handcard backDelolr hose n the eft haod,square hepacketand turn it fac€down.

Say you will use he magicaleliminator or the as( rime. pla€eorecard under,and the nexl aceup on the rable,placing he discarded neon top of th€ other three aceup cards.Place he next card below h€packet,and maftesurehat hepackets perfecdy qua.e-App€ar o dealthe op card aceup onto hediscard ile,but reallydeal wocardsason€by buckling he facecard with the eft lilde fi nger.

Ask the speclatorhe nameof th€ card he noted,and whenh€ names

it, ac! as f the rick hasgonecompletelywrong. The audiencewill besure t has.Say, I did say r wasa mdgrcdl liminator . Siowly urn thelast cardyou are holding aceup to confirm your staiement.



The performer explains hat cenain cards in rhe pack are verypowerfuland arecapable finfluencing othercards orhat rheybecomeverysimilar o themselves.o demonstratehis facehe removeshe ACand he AS, to act as magemakers.Anotherpairofcardsareshownandplacedbelween he imagemakers or a moment, when removedandshownagain, hey are se€n o be the AH and AD. This procedures.epeatedwith several airsof cards,and the magemakersare alwayssuccessfuln changing hem o the two .ed aces.The effect ends n anunexpecledway when bolh image makers,and cards between hem,

change o queens,h€performer emarking hai howevernfluentialacesare, adiesalwayshave he asl word.


The effect elies n a falsecountwhichchangeshecentre wo cards fa group of four, for theouter wo. The techniques a simple ombination of the Elmdey and Jordancounts, and whitsr I developed hisapproach ndependenrly, ack Avis had precededhe idea by severaiyears. ackcalledhis coun.aheSivaCount, and l waspublishedn issueeleven f the 'Epilogue'magazine.

It is the physicalaction of the counts hat is identicai,and nol the

Card Scriqt

t{rfpos€. ack'susewas o show ive cardsas ottr, concealing ne, and

'nine,o show our cards s our, concealing ore. The echnique sed s

Hold iour cards n lhe left hand, he fingersand humbholding hem

,tr heir eft long side, n the standardElmsleyCount posrtron

Pull off.he first card airlv nto the right hand'bv drawingt o{f with

rh e ighl humb.,q.sou appear o take the second ard, r€place he right hard card

Irlow those n the efl. and a1 he same ime, pushover heupper wo

iardsof its groupwith the eft thumb,and ake hem nto the ighi hand'

As you appear o take he third cardreplacehe two in theright band

hclo\a'tho; n the eft, and hen push he upper hreecardsoverdightly

with the efl thumb, and take hese hr€ecards nto the right hand'

Placehe single ard emaining n the eft handon top of thosen the

Havingmasteredhe abovecount, we are now r€ady o proceedwith

rhe outi-ne.Wheneverhe fekecount s used, t will bereferred o by he

InilialsS/C (SivaCount).

tsefore ommencing, ecretly et the tollowingsix cards, n order' at

rhc rop of the pack:AS, AC, QH, QD, QS, QC, the AS being he top

Run hrough he faceup pack,and cut the wo red aceso the op of

rhcpack takingcarenot to dislurbyour stackasyou do this whln you

,embve he red-aces, eep he cardsailted owards ourself,so hat the

ircctalorswhilstseeinghat you are ransferringwo cardso the op, do

r()t know he names f thes€ ards.Talk about emoving wo lmportanl

, rrds as magemak€rs.

Turn thepack acedown nto the eft hand' and appearo lift offthe

rop wo cardswith the right hand, really ifl off four cardsby counlng

rhen in a liftinS actionaa he near shortend of the pack Turn-the our

,r,ls ace up o-nto he op ot the facedown pack. and ake a lelt liltle

' 'nger r€ak eloq hem.Push ver he AC \l iShdy i lh lhe el t numD

,) display he wo blackaces.Use herighl hand o take he spreaclces

.urf iip itrern face down on top of the pack, bul really Srip all cards

,rhove}l€breakand um them over.Thumb off the op two cards fthe

I'rck and place hem facedown on the table or a moment.

Fanout theremainder f the packand havea spectator elec' ny wo

, rrds, he musl not select rom the top six cardsof the pack Plac€ he

,ernainder f ihe pack facedown on the table,and take he two chosen

,rrds from the spectator nd display hem fac€up for a mom€nt say

r[ar you will demonstratehe powerof the magemakers

l rn rhechosen ards acedo\ n and slide hem belweenhe wo lace

,I,)wnaceson the table. Pick up the four card group and hold it face

,]t)sn n the eft hand eady or lhe S/C. Rub he righthand orefinger-in

i rlockwisecircle on lhe back of the top card, -qaying,a clocklvise



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Card Script

aclron s nfcessaryo tran\ ler he naSe. No wdo rhes c. ( onl inue,(ayrng. hf acf ionmu ( also eappt iedo rhe mage aterar hi5 nd.. .uo In ectoct\ \ tse cr jon n th ebacl of th ene \ ro pcard.Fd nou r hecards acedown n the eft hand.Wirhdraw hec€ntre wo cardswith theright handand urn them aceup, to show heyhavebecomehe AH andAD

^SI,areha r he mage anbe emoved) a rererselockwtse ovemenl.

Kepracehe red ace)between he rwo lacedown cardr. and repearLhesequencexplainedn the previous aragraph, u! moveyour right fore,r,ngerm a counterclockwise ciionon the backofeach mage iaker, tofollow hepatter ine alreadymentioned.When he our cardiare annedour and the centre wo removed nd shown, hey will be seen o be helwo lhal.w_ereriginally elecredrom rhepdck the imageon rhemha,vanrsneo.tacehese wocardsac e ow non the able, nd picl up hemarn acland drop r

on topof Lhem. o hal hey ndup ar 'rheal eofrh epacl, rh epackbeing ac e o$ n on rhe able. he m;gemalers restill beingheld facedown in a slightspread.

Td e rh f op t$,o ards f rhepackan dplacehem et$eenhe magemakers.ayrng.ter\ t ry wirhanorhfr wo.ards.. . epearhe lockwi ierubbingactiononrhe backs f the magemakersombinedwith the S/C,and hen emove_theenlre wo cards,andshow hat heyhave akeno;the,appearancef rwo redaces.As )ou are,ho* ingthes', tu.n rhe magemakerc ace up atro. and say. .evenrhough hey nfluence rhercard-.,merrown appearanceemains nchansed,

. Turn the magemakers acedown a;d replacehe redaces acedownbetween hem. Do the reverse lockwiseaction and S/C, and ftenremove ,he enrrepair of cardsand drop them acea"*n on rtre aUte,rrnatty tacrnghe mainpackon ropol Lhem. o no rshow heir ace)lhrsnme. us t ral l ,abour heacrion nc e gajn emotlng he mage.

Take he op \ o cards f thepackan dplace he m er$eenhe masemakers.Do lhe S/C and rheclockl^ise ubbingacrion.and then emoielh ecentre airofcalds^andur n hem ace p, o ho\r he y re gatnherm, aces. turn them lace down and replace hen berueen hi image

^^-Sayyou will remove he imageoncr more.and do the rever.eubbinS

acl,onon tnebacl of each magemal,eroncemore.bur whenyou couniIhe card( o bring he ower magemaker o lhe rop, do a com;lerely/ai.count n place f rheS'C. Remore hecenrre ai rot cards nd piacethem on the rable, inally dropping he mainpackon rop of them.

Take he op rr{ocards f rh epacl an dplacehe mberweenhe magema(ers. o lhe clock\r iseubbing cr ion ombined hh a7a; counr.Kemovenecen(reqo cards nd urn rhem ac e p. Appear urpr isedthat he ) ar equeens. nd hen ur n he magemakersac eup ro sho\rlnar he), ir o ar equeens.emarl , ing.oh $el l . adies l$ay,ha\e he

Cad ScriPl, 'PUSHOVER''

l : f l fc l

Fourcardsare removedrom a shuffl€dpackand magically urn face,rD-in addition hey changeo four aces. his effect s based pon one,,l PeterKane'sclever deas hehasmany others) hat waspublishedn


Secretly tartwith the our acesn positions , 7, 8 and 9 from ihe top,'f the pack,with the card n position 10, ace up.

Hold thepack

acedown n the eft hand and riffle up the nearshort

( d with the righ! thumbuntil you cansee he backofth€ reversed ard,r,ll rhe pack up slightlyso that you can see he near short end, and as

!)on asyou see he backof (hecard, akea left little fingerbr€akbelow

Thumb over he op five cardsof thepackand flip them aceup ontor[e top of the pack.Spread ut the faceup cardsby pushing hemoverrvith he eft thumb, until theyar€displayedn a faceup fan, still restingLtrr op of the pack. In the spreading ction, njog the asl faceup card\lrghrly.Point out that thereare our available paces etweenhe fiveirds, onespace etween ach air ofcards.Close p thespread ntotheropof thepackuntil theyarecasually quared, nd hen akehold of al lfrrds above he ef i little fingerbreakwith the right handand flip them,,vcrso that they fall fac edown on top of the pack. lmmediately ress(lo$n with the righl thumb on the njogged ard, and ift the five cards.rhove t away from the pack in a squared ondiiion, the right handn)lding hem rom above, humb on the near short end and fingersonhe ar on€.Hand the remaind€r f the pack o a spectaior nd request

lim to shuffle t. Whilst he s doing his, reposition he fivecards n theight hand, so that they are n your normal ight handgrip for a weave

Jruffle. Take care hal o nly lhe backof th e top card s viewedby the.,udience henyou do this.

Requesthe assisiing pectatoro reiurn the main pack faceup onto|,ur lef! hand and henwilh the aid of lhe efl thumb, ift it up slightly,,() hat t is positionedn the hand eady or a weave huffle.weave he.,,rallpacket n the eft hand nto the main pack n t he right, and push

rr,c wo sectionsogether ntil rhesmallpacke!extendsor abouthalf tsl.ngrh rom the argerone. You canweaven at any point you wish,andrhc audiences'attentions drawn !o the fact that you are filling in the\oaces elween he five cardswilh cards rom the shuffledmain pack.r)nce he cards are meshed or half lheir length, pull the right hand

tjxcket pwards nd away rom rhepack.whichwill automatically raw


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Card ScriPt

out of the main pack he four meshed ards Plac€ he remainder f rhe

mainDack . ide n he Lable i th he elt hand

Plaie he ardsro m he iShl an d nto he eft .5l i l ln heir ut jogged

nare. nd holdinghe m n the ef i handso hal he ef l humb \ on on e

rongeJgeuna t.'linget\ on he opposhe ne, aces f the cards owardr

the-Dal; of the hana, and the cards hemselveseinSpositionedwell

away rom the paln. In addition, hey mustbeplacedn tbehandso hat

the our cards xtracted rom themdn packare nearesto you Remem-

ber o keeDhebaclsof lh ecard5oqards he audiencet al l t imes'

Place;ur lef t orefrngern Lhe/d. hort endof th ecard\ 'an d ou l

.i"fr, r-fru:tnu" tft. ,"- dne.and pushq th the humbon thecardsunlil

rh-ev rorrudeor abour l . Nowchangehe gripof (her ighthand o

itrai i is actuattv rotatg ahe njogged our cards iShtly, he thumb on

the faceof the;roup and fingerson the back' but keep he grip at the

nearshortend, o rhit lhefingers o not concealoo muchofthe backs'

R€move he left forefinger rom the fal short end' and then, fai'ly

rapid[, pusl rh e ou rcardibeing el db) th e ighthand qudre i lh the

five cardi rheyaremeshednto fhis will cau(e groupof faceup ace' o-

.o-"lnio ui"*"t

tft" oule. endof the fivecardpacket' hese ceswjll of

iori"" U. tq."tta tp, ote behind he oth€r n acontinuing ction,aftera

slicht Daus; o let ihe face up appearanceegisterwith the speclalors'

mJve he rieht hand o the uppershort €dgeof the face up aces'ancl

olace he h;mb on he fa€eoflhe aces nd hesecondingeron the ace

iard of the five cardgroup Move the second ingerupwards'drawing

the card t is resting n with t, until it moreor less inesup with theace

group.Notrgr ip he upper ou rcalds aidy ight ly ndmove h€ m sa

[toci to rtre 'igt'r, o rttit Lhrypitot on the efl'econd

ingerand slart o

.."oiue in a cl"ockniseirectionuntil they complelelyeave he fiv€card

srouo.No$ sDreadhe acesn a fan with he ighlhandan ddrop he m

iill iaceup on rtre able.Spreadhe five cards emainingn the eli hand

withoutdrawing oo muchatlention o them,and hendrop themon ne

'i1,i,11'r1",n. 0,"*t", of th€ ard pwith he ight econcling€rsa

concealed ction, as thebacksof lhe five card group are owards ne




Four kingsare removed rom the pack and placedon the table The


the pack is cut into lwo face down heaps, one for a

.oectatorndon e or henerlormer' erfolmer nd peclatorac h'ele ' la. ;rd and erurnr to heoppositeei p lhelrng'drevanrchedandls 'J


Cad fttipt

'JDDearn each heap.wi lh a catd caughl -berseenhe m No t onlv ar e

' , ' . iJ, i . . i l ** ." ,J1. uur he rns5 av e lso ta$n hem ack nt o he

,)fiSinalheaps hai they came rom-


Run through he face up packand remove he kingsasyou com€ o


face down belo* the pack vr'hilslnol essential t

")ilL-l,i"l 'iiir'iii n.iJ

t.oi* .ti'* ro t'" r cr' r he inssren.,i"iilirl'i .iifiiii,;q;;;c; iurn the a:kac€ownnd preadv€r,r." ""

""ia.t" ai.pr;v he ace pkingsn closinghe pread'eta ett

,"ir" ri'"".. u.*i i!r"; rhe our ace own ards elo\ h€ inssBrins

i'.;;;i;"il;;i;; ;;.r' ii"e..""

rhe arshort nd nd humb r

i'. "!"i.".. r--;ri"ii 'ie eighLuds abovehebreak' lus nemore

,'i, *'r, i. ir l '" i,";".a

uv eachingow n lightlvith heighrhumb*1"-nf,f i."f u.t*..n

'hisard ;d rhe€ighlboveL TheiShlinsers

"i+:*T+iix".'*'trili{i:i-r:mm'iiii ' ; ; ; ; i '"; ; ; ; i ; -"Aih;sinslear d nderover r he hirdin s sorhat

r er]as o n rhesecondrom op position f lhemainpacl .Placehe

r,. t in g n rhe ighr and n opof rh e ac l reallyrve aro5sone'

lL,. ouit it ft.li"o.pletely squarewith no breaks' nd he actions

,]".".ii.J i"'iln"iiia-iil io"nrmationhat oudid emoveour

' ' l l i t " ,rt . , inrt , an d ver hepacl' i ingerr r he ar short ndan d

';;;""i ;; ' ; ;;;;; ' ; .J iiri f r""' cardsirh he humb'urrins


uv "".lilii ,rtl Jt""', *'9' awavrom he ack nd

'1. , . . , i . t onlt t . table. t i l lapparenrlyll face p l normallylace

,,]rn liolr trt . . tp,v.aro casi.whrchmakesl easvo pic}rhe m p

"il. l ,o


tr."* , ' i , t r he efr i l le f inge' ndethe op wocardsf he

,: ,"^#;r'".;i;;;i;p".r'" ii"e'' '" 't

't'' 'ppropriatecenrre oinr

i i" i i"g ir '." ip. i

n"ri with he;i8hr an d he humb ickjns-uphe


"nd,andplacingt below ie otherhalf'Retake

;,;;;k;;ffi;il;tiie nnee'i s tre ratvesome ogether'ul orr

,, ;;;;. ;;;;;hJ;.;i aJ o-racehem n fronrof the'p€cr

ror' rirr

,' . r ,"i i i . ." ini.g;" vour an d pwardslighrll o halvo u an eehe

,.. , , ,""a.

*i i i i , r f . i iLt i rhumb,; if f lehe ardslom faceo rop vour

i , , ,Jf.n" i," ' i i i"; ' i inirrenear na'nenvouser


., ' l i .'", '

* ir i. i . t r* u""i ota reversedard. ro ptrnins r hApoint '

' ," i; ;*-h ;;*; ; i ih'h a

rishr hudban dhfr up one ard' nd ar e

,,'""i-*,tr' i#-r.ft-rrtii" fi;er b€low his card As vou carrvout this

" i "B. it"; , ;,

j ; i . ' .i rh-inlhar'\ ,aboutal l lheposrrionarrhis

'"e.- isha rhe etr irr le ingers holding blealundelhe op ou l


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Card Scri4t

cards.Cive the half packa single ut, but really ust cu1 he cardsabovethe break 1I) he {ace, keeping te right fingersover lhe outer end toconcealhe ackof thickness,o

',o/retainanv breaks fter thecut. but

asyou are squaring he pack n th€ hands, et wo cardsdrop from theface,and ak€a efl litile fing€rbreakabove hesewo cards-Remoletherighr hand from ih€ cards.

Turn the top card of the tabledhalf faceup wirh the righl hand,anddraw altention o its name.Say, lhis is your card, rom your packet."Tum the card facedown and nsert t into the cardsyou are holding nthe eft hand, pushing l in at the n€arshortend,and inserling t at thebreakpoint. As you push he card square, €t a left little fingerbr€ak

above t, so thai you havea breakabove he ace hreecards.Bring heright hand over the cards,againconcealinghe far sho rt end with thefingers,and cut the pack at fie break poin!, completing he cut andtaking a new br€akwith the eft ittle finger,under he op three ardsofme group-

Triple lift the lop card and leav€ i face up on top for a moment,keeping he ittle fingerbreakbelow t. Call attention o the card,andsay, "this is my card." Turn the threecards acedown as one,onto thepack,and hen ifl off two asonewirh he righl hand,ard place hemontop ofihe spectat or's alfpack. Cive he se ards single ut and equenthe spectator oplacehis orefingeron top of these a rds or a momenl.As he s doinS his, bring hc righr handback o the cards n your Iefthand, and palm the top one nto the right hand. Reachdown with lherighi hand and pick np the faceup kinSgroup, aking t by the oppositeshorlends, hehandbeing urved ver he aceof$e cards.Thispickupis veryeasy, f you haveprevjously estedhe kinSs cross he card case.Place he face up kings n the left hand, ready or the FindleyTeniVanjsh, he cardsbeingheld a lirtle above he packby the eft thumb ipon the upper ong side.

Talk about the kings inding the two cards,and appear10 ifl lhemawaywith th e right hand, but really eplace he palmedcard onto them

and move he left thumb outwardsslighdy so that the five cards alldown onto the main group belowthem. Move lhe right haDdaway,keeping t curved slighlly, as f ir w€re holding he kings. when it ispositionedover the spectalor's al f, slowly close he right hand in arubbingaction, and hen open t to sh ow he kingshav€vanished.Askthe speciator o remove is ingeratd spread ut hishalfpack facedownon fie table. Whilst he s doing his, giveyour half a singlecu!.

When he spectator ascompieted is usk, lwo kinSswill showup inlhe cenireof his spread,with a face down card caught belween hem.Now spread our half 1l) eveal h€same ondition.Say, not only havethe kings ound he cards, ut theyhavekept hings idy by drawing oul

card back to your half, and mine back o mine" Turn thc face downcardsbetweenhe kingsovcr, one by one, as you mak€ hjs rcmark.

Cad Scriqt



This s a smallpackelambitious ard sequencehal was nspired y Al

g"-k; i ; " i. 2.3,4 version, ubl ishedn the'Pal lbearetseview' t is


"na; ide;l asan nterlud€before onlinuingwith th€

main ef{eclusing he four cards

\! orking

Remove he A, 2 3 and 4 of spades rom the pack' and arrange n

irum€ric rder, €ading rom lhe face Fan hemout anddisplay hem oirr"_"rai**, if-*itg

"tlentionto their order. Closeup lhe spread nd

rurn t facedo*n. Sai, "lel's reversehe orderofthe four cards, o hat

't,"y.rnin o.a"t from the top." Ghosl Count (Elmsley) he cards'

r,lacins he asrone on top' - i " l?ir ' . , "p *t , l an dplacet o n rh eborlomot Ih e pacLer 'ap-the

..t.f*iirr *ti litg... of;he righ!hand,and ben urn the op card ace

up o sbow he aces backon top. Removethe ceand place t faceup on

rhe able.iufe it. top curaoftle three emaining nd place t on tbe bollom of

tn pa.ter,saylng lh e wo no $ 8oe\underneath l urn he op card

..e up af ler apprnghepalkel and ho $ thar he wo ' bacl on op '

l'lace he two on the table't'i"..ttr" top

"".aofthe two remaining elow h€ single ard,sayin€'

'oorhe hreigoe,under eath l urn he op card ac e p o'hou" he

,ree a' rerurned,nd hen rop Lon he able. ho *Lhal nl ) he ou l

.',,rr "tnalns n v"u. trand.Meniion hat he four spothasdonenothing

,, far, soyou will give t a hard test.Pick up the threecards hal were

,trscaried nto the able, and assemblehem nio a face down pacKel'

' ' . . r (eth e four 'pot, also ac edown on lop o[ lh is packel and he n"ror

Counr he ard., ut lm e hecount 5 ol loqs: thelbul ' ' 'counl

,)lf one card, "and lhree cardsabo\'e t," count the remaining hre€

,,tar. tip ttt. top cu.a aceup to show he our spolha5dsen o the op


I lfrcl

A spectatormanageso sortout a quanlity ofcards nto fie four suits'

'l ' ,ush he onlv ee ' rh ebacks lhis i\ a vat ial ion n Karl Fulve''

| \ (n"I4one]P;L'posir ion nd Bro Hamman\ "Suit Your\el f

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  l i l

Card S(riql


Run through he pack,and throw out in a faceup heapon the abl€,

five clubs, ive diamonds, ive spades nd five hearts, he hearlsbeing

the face ive cardsof the group. Discard he remainder f thepack.

Pickuo he $enty ardgroup nd hold l face p n the rghlhand n

rh eBiddI sr ip, hehand eing urved bovehe ardsDrawol l thef i rn

lwoheartssinSl)ntorhelef l and, ndasyoupul lh€lhi tdoneoffwi lh

rhe efL humb, lacehe ir . l lwo cdrds ac kundernealhhe iShlhand

cards.Continuedrawingoff cards airly wirh the eft thum b until you

come o the club seclion.Here he first four clubs are pulled off nor_

mally. and he final one really hreecardsas one)placedon the faceof

rhecardsn the efl hand.From he audience'siewpoint ou havedrawn

atrention o the faci that you have five cardsof each suit grouped

toselher.iurn the cards acedown and thumb off the first five cards'placinc

them at pos.A. As you place hem down with the right hand' turn the

roDone ace p. andplacel in front of the our acedowncard" Ihumb

oti Lhrnexr i le card\an dplacehe mal pos.B again urning he op

one faceup, and placing t in front of the packet.Repeatwith the nexl

fivecardsand placeat pos C. You now have iv€ facedown cards eft.

Thumb off the op four and place hem at pos. D, and plac€ he final

card aceup n front ofthem. Rememberhat you thumboffcards at all

r imes, nd do nol al ler heirorder.

Picl uo rhe our cardsbenealh he ace up hear!and apparentlymix

them up; but keep rack of the original op t wo cards. Say' "if I mix

dese. t is still veryeasy or me o extract wo hearts ecausetey areall

fie same uil." Pick out the original op lwo cards, lash heir faces o

show hey are heartsand drop fiem face down, on the face up hean

inalicator. ay, "l will make t harder or /or by mixing he remaining

rwo heartswith two ofthe spades Takethe op two cards rom the ace

down four at pos. B, andmix themwith the two already n your hand.

Invitea sDectatoro s€lect ny wo ofthese,asyou an themout for him,

and drop his selectionsac€ down on the spade ndicaior. Drop theremainingwo cardsn yourhandaway rom thesuitgroups,at pos.E to

form a newgroupPrck o he oD wocards tompos.C andmix hem ir h he emain

in e wocards t pot. g Sa y I qi l l mL xwo ol lhediamonds it h so ol

thi spades." nvite a speclaloro selec! ny wo cards rom these our.

nron the two he selectsacedown on the fac€ up diamond ndicator'

Dseird he emaininguo on top ol heap

Take the top two cards rom pos. D, and mix them with th€ two

remainingards I po\. , I e l a pectalorhosehe $o he hinks re he

clubs. and drop hit selection., till facedosr. on the face up chrb

indicaror.Discald he remainingwo card\on lop of heapE

Pickup he wo facedowncards emaining t pos.D, and use hem o

Card Scriqt

\coop p heheap fcards tpo s E,sothalthevgotothebottomofthistrcas.As you do this, say, "if you werenot successfuln finding the

.orrecrsuits. hesewill be in an awful mess Drop the lop two tace(lownon the ndicaloral pos.D, the nexl wo at pos C, lhe nexlal pos.

ll, and he final pair at pos.A You now haveyour facedown cardson

cach aceup indicator.Let a spectatorurn the cards n eachndicator aceup for theclimax.



!'ive cardsate fre€lvselected v a spectator nd isola!€d.A iurther

.ard is selectednd initialledby a second peclator.When he firsl five

.rrds are examined,our of themare ound to be aces-lhe fifth on€ s

lound !o be |he inilialled selection The lrick was inspired by Alex

lr lmsley'sB€lween our Pdms."


Secretly et the four a.es o the top of the pack. Hold the pack ace

,lown n ihe lefl hand. and cul about+ oI the pack from face o rop,

rrking a left little finger breakbelweenhe sections s hey squareup

lurn the pack fac€ up, and Half Pass he lower sectionat the break

I'oint.retaking he eft little fingerbreakabove henow acedown ower

(Thebreakwasof cou.semaintainedwhenyou turned he pack ace

Bring h€ righl hand over he pack o cul off a section rom the face.

rl,umbat the near shortend, and ingersat the far one.Drop fivecards

1'om be bottom of lhe uppersecrion f the packal the breakpoint by

clcasing hem from the righl thumb, and retake he left litrle finger

l,rcakabove hese ive cards.Th€ i 8h1 humb no\r moves pwards nlil

Lr eacheshe approximate entre oint of the compi€te ack.and then, ursoffthe facChalfandspreadsl facedownon he able Aspectatoris

,rvited o push ive cardsour of thisspread.Gatherup th€remainder f

rhespread, ndplace hem aceup a8a;n n theremainder f the aceup

'rtck n the eft hand.'lransfer|he faceup pack to the riShthand for a moment, he hand

.!ting t from aboven a Biddl€ ypegrip,and h€ humb akingover he

I'rcak rom the eft litlte finger-Pick up the five facedown cards iom

hc tablewirh the lefr hand.and slip them still tacedown' beneathhe

irccup pack.Retake he faceup pack nlo the el l hand' akingover he

l,r.rk againwith the little finger. Take care hat you do not flash he

r.ruct f the face down cards,and make sur€ hat tbe audierceunder'

rrndsclearly hat lhese ive cardsare facedown al the tol/om of ihe

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Card ScriPI

Riffle the outer €ft cornerof thepack with the efi thumb, nviting a

spectaroro call slopat some oinl. Really arryout lhe slandardRiffle

Forc€,and cut at the breakpoint, Invite the spectatoro rememberhe

facecardoflhe lowersection, nd fconvenient, avehim nilial lhe face

of this card, asvou extendhe half pack owardshim

R€Dlacehe right hand sectionon top of the left hand one' and

immediatetylalf Passhe owerseclion fthe pack,and henspreadhe

fac€uD Daakbetweenhe hands,until you come o the five facedown

cards t ihe bottom. Place he main packaside,and ust retain he five

Hold the facedown calds n th€ efi hand, eady or a minor variauon

on he JordanCount.Pull the irst oneoffwith the right humb, pull the

next one off with the righ! thumb, pull the n€xt oneoff, put all in the

risht handbackbelowthe wo cards emainingn the eft hand,and henoish of l rh eunper ou rcardswi lh he efL humb nd tdke hem n the

; iphrhand.ol ;ce he inalcardon op ot the our n the rghrhand A'

vJu do thi ' . ray, rememberheseiv r cards ere reel) elecled'

Fanour hel\ecdrd\ acedown. ur n helopone aceupandeplace

it in thesame osition.Say how slrange, t's an ace " Turn lhe bottom

one faceup and replacet in thesameposilion, saying'"how slrange.

anotherac;". Turn the secondrom top overand replac€t in lhe same

position,saying, "how strange,anotherace". Turn the second rom

bortom aceup and eplacei in thesame osilion'saying' how slranSe'

a fourth ace", You nowhavea faceup fan ofaceswith a facedowncard

in thecentreof them. Say, the skangesthing of all is this centre ard

(laD he backof i0 becausehal's he one hat wassigned."Turn the an

ovir to show he card,asvoLr onclude he senlence.



Two mentally selected ards vanish and appear in each of lwo

sDectarofs ockets.This trick is not mine, but a classicof charle!

irdan, ail I havedone s.o addback colours o the effect.


Needed re wo packs f 52cards,onewith bluebacks,and he other

red. Arrange one pack so thal reading rom lhe facevou have24'ed

backed carAs.Each 24 card g/'orp mus! consisi of the same cardsfrom

eachpack, although h€y do not need o be n the sameorderas each


Card Scriql

other.Arrangehesecond acksolhat r€ading rom the aceyou have24

btueb.ck€daards, our red backed ardsand 24redbacked ards Again

cach24cardseclionmustconiain he same ards.Place bepacksn their

fasesand you are all set.Removeeachpack from its caseand give eachpack a shuffle hal

.xhibils the back colourswell, but doesnot disturb he positionof the

roD and fac e24 cards. usea simpleoverhand huffle, runnirg small

scitionsof cards rom ahe op, and throwing them back on lop You

rnu$ not expose ny of t he ba€ksof the face 24 cards.

Place neof thepacks n the eft handand quicklycountoff ?6 cards

lrom the toD of th€ face down pack Count out loud so that the

\peciators ;derstand bat you arecountingoff half tI€ pack-Secretly'

,:ount27 cards,by taking wo as on€ on your first count This s quite

casv f vou takea left little fingerbreakunderahe op two calds' befole

uou stait counting.Hand the countedcards o speclatorA and requesthim to Dlacehem n his pocket.Pla€e be remainder f the pack,care'

lullv souared.acedown on the table n froni of speclatorA.

nepeil the proceduredescribedn the previousparaSraphwith the

.ccondpack,and spectator .Pick up th€ cards n front of spectatorA, and place hem aceup in

vo r left hand. SDreadhem out wiih the assislancef the right hand,

rnd askhim io mentallyselect ne Do noi exposehe faceof the ower_

rnost ardwhilst he makeshis choice.

KeeD he cardssquaren the eft hand after spectatorA basnoteda

card, nd pick up lhe half pack n front of spectatorB, placing hem n

rhe efr htnd a iittle aboveand jogged orward, of the cardsalready

rhere.and holding iem near h€ eft fingertips.They are also ace up

l'an hemout with |he helpof fte right hand,and requesi peculorB 10

,rentallymakea not€of a card n thishalf. Again' do not lethim see he

laceof the owermost ard. After he hasmadehis choice, los€up the

'pread,and gera feff little finger brcak abovethe lowemosl cardof this

,cction.Also,asyou close he spread,move his half pack nwardsaod

,lownwards, o that ir mor e or less inesup with th€ other half pack.

Al this stagen the rick, requ€sl he wo spectatorso remove he halfDrcks rom their oockets ndhold hem acedown n their hands Under

rltcmisdirectionhat thisactiongives, urn the cards ou arehoidinS ace

,lown, doing a Turnover Passat the break point, and immediately

,Ineading ut the acedowncards,unlil you reach hecolourbreakponi

rhece;treofthespread.Remov€he uppersection ndplace { in front

,' l spectator , and place h€ ower one n front of spectator ,

Make somemagicalSestu.e rom the tabled half pack n fronl of

.r,cctaior . towaralsh€ hallthathe is holding,and h€n placehe abled

l;ili faceup in the eft hand.Deal he cards rom ihis half faceup onlo

1l,r able,counling hem out loud asyou do so Ask spectator to slop

lou whenhe sees is card. You will only reach25 n your count' and he

\,ll nor see is card.Havehim check hrough he half he s holding'and


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Card Script

hewill find it lhere.Repeathis procedurevith heother abledhalf and

spectator .



The A.S. is placed n he table,and a card selectednd replacediom

the remainder f thepack.The ace irsl of all draws he chosen ard o

the faceof the pack, hen ts elf |akeson the appearancef the chosen

card,and finally vanishes,o reap pear aceup n the centre f thepack,

with the other threeaces.


Arrange he packas ollows, eading rom the facelx card,AH, AC,

AD, rcveBed D, aD, rcmainder f pack,with theAS al about hec€ntre

of this seclion.Fan hrouah he faceup pack,and throw he AS onio the able.Push

the acedozenor so cards verasa blockso hat you do no! expose our

stack.Turn thepackbacks owards h€ audienc€ ndSive i an overhand

shuffle,pulling he op and botlom cards ff logether irst, and hrowingthe final s€ction f th€ shuffle back on the face.Thisbringsyour stack

back o the face, r, firr the original face€ard.Fan he pack facedown for one o be chosen,As soonas a spectalor

has akena card,close p the cards nto th€ efahaod,and geta €fa itlle

fingerbreakunder he top card. Take back he chosen ard andplace l

on top of ihe pack.Give he complete ack a few cuts doubleundercut

iechnique) o hat the chosen ar d endsup second rom the face Turn

the pack faceup in the eft hand, and gel a little fingerbr€akunder he

facecard of the pack,Pick up ihe A.S. with the righ! hand and talk aboul ils magn€oc

powers-Place he ace ace down on the faceof the pack,and rub the

back of the acewith the fingersof lhe right hand,explaining hat thisgenerateshe magnetism. ow move he right hand o the near hortend

of the pack, and grip the two cards above he left little finger breal

tightly together,and draw them towardsyou for abou! l]". This will

expose he aceofthe chosen ard,apparently elow he facedownace

Keep our thumb on he nearshortend of lhe njoSged ardG)and move

lhe righl hand ingers pwards, o hat they estpartlyon hebackofthe

ace,and partlyon the faceof ihe chosen ard.Now move he righthand

outwards, o hat the facedown acesquares p with the mainpack, and

ihe chosen ard ouljogsat the far s hort end. Removehe ouljogged ard

Cad ScriPt

$ith the right handand plac€ t on the able,and then remove he ace'

ur n rt face p andplace t also n the able

Iurn rhemiin pai l ' oc e oq n n he et rhand nd'a) votts i l l Iepeal

rhe aemon.tration. wlilsl the right hand is still ov€r the pack' riffle

uDwardsrom the facewith the thumb, until you see he reversed ard

(liv€ from the face,soyou can couni rather han ook if you wish)and

iake a left little finger breakabove his card Pick up the chosen arcl

sirh the riehl hand,and after showingt, turn il fac€down' and push t

,nro trepict at ttt. nearshor! end, eally nserting t at the breatpoint'

\nele heDact5l r hal heaudienceannolse e xacl ly here l i t being

nrir ted.q. you pu.h l in lo hepack. leavebour+" ogg€d ul al the

ncarshon eni. furn the pack aceup into the eft hand,and beforeyou

'.rno'eitrerigtrr ranO,lifiup on hejogged ardwith therightihumb' so

rhat he left fitlle fingercan akeup a break below his card'

tici uD he A.S.from lhe tableand place i faceup on lhe faceof th€

-"t.n,it tft. faceof ih€ acewith the righi fingers,and then slide t

iowards lightlyso hal the faceof lhe card belo* i! is exposedAppear

',roiir.ari"r ittit i' no' the cho\encard.and repeat he squaring f lhe

.hewi lh hepack, ubbjng nd l id ing ow na few imesbulstr l lwi lhout

'uccess.Al a poini when the ace s in an inioggedposition' push t!

uDwardso sqiarewith the pack,but place he righ! fingerson the face

oi lhe card below t, so hat t becomes utjogged s he acesquares p'

l'ull th€ outjogged ard out of lhe packwith the right hand, and push t

hack nto t;e;ack at approximately he centre As vou do this' say'

' leLe set id ol thiscard,perhapsl\ an unluclyon e

(; o ; rub he ace f lh eA S. a8ain. nd hen a) "oh I Inow qhat- '

'"rons.the aceshould e facedown." Turn all the cardsabove he ittle

'r . rcei realover nl o he ac k son e al d Rubthebackoftheaceand

i, . t1r Uu.t ro e.po,e n.;ard b€nealh.ndappear'urprrsedha l l.ct i l l

riusn'lattracted Le chosen ard. Repeat he rubbinga coupleof times

'iore,and hen emove he facedown card,and hold t so hat ls face s

. ,*ards ou. Sav, ' l \e e$har\ happened.r pul led oo hard andgor

." 'r car i sruclon l ' lace lhrowlhecardlouarehold'nSfaceupon

rh e able.tJnder he surprise fihe chosen ardsappearance;ve he mainpack

' inelecut.Spreadrhepackac€do\rnon he dble and'a ' i l i rn

, . , t t i ' ru. t royout catd. r' \ ' tucl " i thrhree r iend\ ighrhere Ta p

t',, aceup aces ittr the righi forefingerasvou complete$e sentence


I I erl

Iiur jacksare shown,and oneby one,six cardsare nserted etween

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card scnpl

rhem,dn d complelel)anish. he acks cannibalr l aving pparcnl ly

"r ,"",r , . rn._i i " f t i t ,ecL th emeal 3' on he m i' lo br ingLhem ul n

tpi{e.unniualptotuetongso Lin searles' genliemanwhose ontribu-

tions 10cardmagichavealwaysbeen ery lne


Secret l \ ave he our en \on to p ol thenack'

R;; ' ; ;1; ; ; ; i i ' . p".* .' . "- i "e

rh e ack\ an d placins hemon rhe

r^"". f i f t ." i . f .

Hold hepack ace p n th enghL and n thearddle

6* , tr , . t " :J l . rng iured over hepacL humbonthenearshorIend

. i . i i ; . " . i ' . r , i t . r;


Dra$of rhreeacks nl o he efthand neb'

"iii, tv"pij.;,u r,r.iriihumbonrht ace.othe ard' nrhe isht and

i " , *'L '

a. i" oI f Lheourrh a(| . repla 'e hr Ihree ard( n the el l

; ; ; i ; ; ;';

p; ; i ; ;Lhe riehi an abv^pressuteirh Lhe etr inser: '

' i r l "i "" t f t . f , i * . r .o\r iacl ' nt o he ef l hdnd At lh e ame ime the


a'";i"e;rr Ihe aceack ouend irh wo ack'onl) n

;? i; i i;; i l.;;Ji'h; lacr" ac e ow n n he abreo har hev le

.t..u""i""lt '. n.u."ag"

o' th e ablelighrlvMal€surehe v re

;;;i;:i;d,,;;; Cl;;';;"ain

pacr tarse'hurnehat eep' he op i\

'"'roi*Lf?'ii'ii. ,* ,nree ard, r rhe ace o*n pack. hu.e,p,v''g

,h" ;;;; ;;;; ihilin a heapn he able uIn he ac kac e p

;;;i;;i; ;'ili";i;1,'' t"to* vou' r€rlhandPrdcehe acr n a

'l;; i;; i"; i lfp"'i it;so ha t he urelhott nd spointinso he

approximale wo o'clockPoslrlon't;i ;;i;.'i; ;;;;;ks and ord,rhem.rqual:l:*j"5i.illf:



cannital' ir'h"'Cl' !ild"',il: l:

Card ScriPt

a momenr, aying hungry little fellows," and then square hem up/aceddrn berweenh€ hands, he righl handbeingcurved over hem, humbar henearshort€ndand ingers t the ar one. Gel a breakunder he opcardwirh rhe righaahumb ip. A1 his slageact as f rhe rrick is over.

The ollowingac(ion s difficslt to describe, ut donesmoothly s verydeceptive.t is an unloadingmove for t he fout cardsbelow the break,ihese ardsat the moment beingsupportedby the lefr hand. The lefthand wisrs n a clockwise irection,and moves down iowards he faceup pack on rhe table, taking the four cards t is holding with it, andJdding hem o the faceof the main pack,as he hand opensand drawslhe pack nwardsand off the able edge, nd then twisis over so that the

r)acks facedown n the hand. n a continuingaction, the op threecards,,f the pack are rhumbedoff oneby one nto a face down heap on l herable,and the main pack s lhen placedaside, ace down on the table.I'racrice his move to ge1 t smoothand fairly rapid, and it can be usedJeceptively, venwhen surrounded.

The right hand is lefi holding a singlecard, but the fingershide therck of thickness t the far shortend. As you carry out the unloadjng\equence, ay, "let's see f they arestill hungry."

Transfer he card n the right hand10 he efi, keeping he backof rhefard towards he audience. ick up the op card ofthe thr.e cardson therable, nd place i on top of the card n the eft hand. Slide he facecard,,u1,and place t on top, using he same ction as whensandwichinghe, rrds at theearlierstage fthe trick. Now count the two cardsas our byrrking the first card fairly, the next unfairly, by loading $e first oner,.rck nlo ihe fingersof ahe eft hand as you take the second, he thirdLrnfairly8ain, epeatinghe same echnique s usedon the second ne,.rnd h€ inal one airly. Count out oud l, 2, 3, 4 asyou take ench .ud,Ind repear he ine, "anoth€r one eaten." You will find no rroubleat all{ h this count if you can alreadydo the standard Chost Count, and.,)unting2 as 4 l ooks mu€h he same s counting 4 as 4.

Place nolherone rom the two remaininS n the table on top of the,.rnnibalgroup, and again cul on€ card from bottom to top. Chost( ount he threecardsas four, repealilrg our patter lines about another

I'lace he final card on top of the cannibalgroup, and cut one card,om bottom o top. ChostCount he our cardsas o ur to showthe inal.,,d ha s been eaten.You could do a fair count here, bur I think tbert)tcarances more consistent ilh your pervious actions l you do ther ,l!)st Count agaln.

l.rn out the four cards acealowr n ihe right hand, and say, \he onlyLl lfecls of all this eating, s to bring hem out in spols." Turn ihe fan,'cr, and drop ii face up on th€ table.

.ol".;;;;r'ffi;;; ;i,i'""n"o

pt"" i' onLop r the acl'sslide he

b.i," ' '.-a"i ir '. "J ' ou tan d lace.irr, op nd av $e'll jus( j\ c

i r r" t u .o..nt lo i rherrmeal Do hechost Countqi lh th e acl\ (l

;il;;;;; ;. ;i ;i;;ing the rastcardcounredon top As

voudo the

;h;;;;;;;i;;;-i"o"d." one' t*o' three' rour"' and then sav'

" lhat 's on egone."' i ; i . r* in ?

"op**r o

"tlhe wo emainingn he Lable ndplale r

on t.p . i , r ' . 1" ' . i , Sl ide hebortom ac kou ran dplace't

on Lop an d

'; ;F; i i17;; ; ; , - ; ;a inr4 (ard\ a5 1' -5a\ ins

rhar 'sanother n(

". ' . . : ii ; i "*- , r ' i t ' i i r i led cardon top of rh e ack\ 'an dsaincu ton (

ii'i r..rn-u"iii,.-i"

i"" cho'r countasain5cards s4) andsa1:il:tl"ft il;i;;;;;;!." Noret'at he ounteferredo s he tand

".iif-lf"tot". "na-,ftesame echniques usedafter the first and h ird

'- i ; . ;;; r ; . i : ; , . " ,p.rnd 'p 'erd Ihemover n a fa n pu'hinso!el

0,*.-."rat.'"tJ ti.pitg the ast wo squared sone Displav he fan for


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l:igure2.1 Audience's iew)Ihe right handhascomeover hepack, humb reslingon lhe nearshortcdgeand fing€rson the far one.



r you an rreadydorlf+ff;:lxr.."rrl"",,'ff'"a55, ihake ou*lill'::',:il;'"'';"'i""'#,'ii:l'i,l'il,iii[":J.Tl'ffil"il;


*ut o' o"scribedn inewirh he llustrations


Figute 4

Frgure 5 (Fromthe performert viewpoint)'Ihe lowerhalf of thepackk twisteddownwards nd out to the righ! by

lowering he eft hand ing ers lightly, and thenpushingon the faceofrhe half pack with lhe left firs! fin ger until t he pack k in |he positionihown by the drawing.The right hand s still in position,concealingbelcft handaction.


l.isure26 (Audience's iew)Ihe left ha nd thumb movesdownwards nd towardsyour right and althesame ime both hands wisl nwards owards hebody slighdyso hat

, l ,epacl Irp\ up Io an appro\ imare 5'anSle. lhe lef t hand humbfontinues o pushdownwards o that its half squares p wi.h the other,'ne.Watch heactioncarefully n a mirror, to makesure hat you do nolllash he facecard of the upperhalf as you tilt thepackupwards.



) i


Figure 6


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Firurc 2J (Audicne's view)Th; kft hand al.asests holdoD h€pack nd thc lShrhand ontinuas

lhe twistingactionby lumin8 its wrist i[wards slightly.

Figure 8


Figure29 (Audience's iew)conainue he riSht hand action, finally placing thepack faccdonn in theleft hand as the turning action brings thc pack to a horizontal position.

Figuro 9

All thc aboveactions houldblcnd nto onesmooth cqucncc, ith no.i€rkiness.t should be carried out rapidly, rerhembcringhe smallamountof timc it would take olairrl lum thepackovcr.



A sp€ctator notes the top and face cards of thc pack ard thc pack irimmediately spread o show that the c6!ds rDted have umd f4ce up etlhe cenlreof th€ pack.


s€crctly havc two cards face up at the bottom of thc face down pack.Th€ ntercsting thing about this trick is tbat the cards hat revcrsc or tha.limax of the effect, are really already reversgdbeforr the ldck stans.How els. could tlcy turn face up soquickly?


T gger

Figure 7(Audience'sicw)The righl hand rel€asaslscontirues ts twistingactiontak€shold of it againat the

on the pack,whilsr hethe pack is vertiaal. Thcshortend.


left handrighthand

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Shuffle h€ pack, retainingand concealinghe reversed

botiom and end with lhe pack facedown ll the eft hand'cardsa! the

I ftqqer



Four acesare shownand then a card is selected. he selected ard.hanges ver wilh lhe aceahatmatchests suit.

Run hr ough he faceup packand remove he aces, lacing hem onrhe able.Close p thepackand hold t squaredn the efl hand,drawing.rrtentiono the our aces nthe able.Drop the efl hand o your side or

Pickup th€ aceswith th€ righl hand and hold them n a slight spread,r ces owards he audience,ingers n the faces nd humbon the backs.t heaces houldbe n a knowr suit order rom top to face, n mycase he,rder being,heart, spade, iamondand club.

Bring he eft handup with the mainpack,but keep hepack ow n therrrnd, he packstili being aceup. As lhe hand moves p, place heacesli om the right hand acedown on top of the faceup pack. If sufficientrrtentions drawn o the aces,t will not be apparent hat hey areSoing!'r top of the face up pack.

l-ifr up abo ul onequarterof thepackwith the right thumb at the nearl()rl end,pick up a breakal thispoinrand carry out Triggerso hat the

r{rk h apparently urned aceup.slowly spread he cardsout from the face and request spectatoro

,lrrlv any one rom the spread,Remembero spread he cards lowlysorlrat you do noi reach he reversed ces.After a card has been aken,.,tuare p ahepackand hold t in the efi hand. Note he suit of th€ card

llreak he packat then€arshortsidewith the right thumbat thepoinl

"lll:rethe owestace a ces he ow€rquarter

of the faceuppack. f you

.limateabout hreequarters f thepack and ift lhis up with lh€ rightl,rnnb, ouwill normallyhit lhe rightpoini straighlaway,becausef the

r".rk which will naturally orm at the r€versed ards. f you miss he

',.,rural reak,drop the b reak and riffle up with the right thumbuntil\,'Lr ee backdrop from the thumb and he n ake a breakwith ihe eftl,rl( lingerbelowthe acedownace. ift up all thecardsabovehebreak

",1hrhe right hand and exiend he eft hand with ils cards owalds he.l..raror and request im to placehis chosen ard acedown on top ofI ,1,,ccrion Replaceh€ ighl handseclionof thepackon o p of the €ft

'.,, one and square he pack.l'ushover he cards rom the facc until you come o a facedowncard

L,l rhcnsquarehecards gainbut get a eft little fingerbreakabove he

Cut the pack once, aking a left lirtle finger breakbetween he two

halves s h; sections ome ogether.As you arecompleling he squaring

of the Dackbetweenhe hands,drop onecard rom the faceofthe upper

seclio; to the top of the ower and retak€a breakat this poinr'

Apparently u;n the pack faceup, but really carryout Triggerat the

breakooint. Hold the squar€d ack faceup in the eft hand

Reou""ta soectatoroiemember he face ard ofihe pack' pointinS o

it wilh rhe foiefingerof rhe right hand Take he faceup pack nto the

righl hand, fingersat th€ far shortend and thumb at the nearone. he

hand beingcurvedover he Pack.Draw out the owermost ard with lhe lefl hand and request specta-

tor ao rememberhis catd, Replacet in the sameposltlon.

Tum the Dack a€edown but reallycarryout Triggeral the approxr'

matecentreDoint.sDlead he acedownpackout o show hat he noted

cardshave umped o th e centreand havealso urned aceup'

YNriltion involving hreecrrds

Start with two cards eversed t botiom of facedown pack as n the

'Fan Dack or a card o be akenand r€tained.Closeup the cardsand

cut on;e and take a left iittle finger breakbetweenhe reversed ards,

exactlyas before,Re;uest hal the card aken s remembered.nd hen ak€ t back ace

downind push t into rhecentre f the packal thenearshortendso hat

ir eoesn tract lvat thebreak oinl once he card s part ia l lynto he

oaik. rhe breakcan be released v the eil litlle tinger''

As'ih€ card s souaredwith th€ pack, ift ir slightlyso hat a left liltle

finger breakcan ba akenbelow t.Trisser at the breal point and request speclalol o remember ne

face;d. Take hepack nto he ighlhand. inger\ l the at hor l en d

and humb at then€arone, he handbeing urvedover he faceup pack'

ADDearo draw oul the owest ardwilh the fingersof rhe eft handbul

reailvout out the second ard slighaly y using he Side lide Request

speciaior o rememberhis card.Push he protruding card squareand then apparenllv urn the pack

fac€down, eallycarrying ul the TrigSermoveat theappropnate enlrc

Doint.Soreaalhe facedownpackout to revealthal he top and botlomcards

travi turned faceuo at ihe centreand caughl he selecied ne between


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facedowncard.As you do thissay' "Remember our card s facedown

in the faceuDDack '

carrr ur i;eeer"ar

he reakornLr ouea5fi,: :,jiJiJ[.:ff X

tace down. Deal he lour aces ace doqn ln a I

llli i,l''"i'ri.-i..r'1i ;rie,pond,o Lhe'uiror thecard ho\ennd

i""ii""" i" **tJ a""l on anv aceshal comeafter his one' f ior

;;;;;i.-. i;;;;;."i.;,"d wasa diamondvouwoulddealnormallv n

il; i i i ; i i ; ; ; ; ;J. . .ond dealonhe as t wo (t l he'uitorderoi(he

acesas heart, pade, iamond, lub)'I riqqerheDaak L heapproximateenlre oinla5 ouappearo Iurn

it taci-uoanoolacet aside n he able"

; i l ; lh.; ; ; ' in a t l ighr preadndadjun hem.soha t he ac e

three on;ealshe earone Flashhe ace f Ih€spreado lheauolen(e


*".""i Uv "it,i"g the igbthandand hen urn hem ace own

*'J':.Tit:::"J:jl'T"lf,rn.g,oup naar' rne ext ne nd racel

r;;; ;; ihi';;. iepear rhis piocedureuntil vou are eft.q th.one

i. . . J[*n."ta i" t t t . t " t l hand.Poinlou t ha lslrangel) ou hatebeen


i t ' . ]* i r ," i ."f

rhe ame ui ta\ th echo\en ar d sav "rhar ' \

noi a Uaa rick,bu r hi sh a better ne Slosly ur n he card n )our

rr"ni i " . ."p '.

t r to* iI i \ rheaclual €lectedne an d he n plead he

pich an O euealha l he eversednewrthin r i ' thedc e



The our kingsareplaced n op of lhe packand he aceofspadesace


'rftiUngs change laceswjth theaceand he speed i

,r i . i iunsoo' i r 'ons'o

la\ i lhar hepaik become'edhol or o nhraser

i.tt ai""i",ii"rrv, trt. u"ckschange rom blue o red


Removehe kingsand the aceof sp^adesrom a red backed ack and

.".i"". *t"t with kingsand an ace rom a blu€ backedpack' Scall€r

;t!r1ii""gi't trt. *a p:"ck,makingsure hev arenot roo near he op or


Run hrough he faceup pack,up.jogginghe aceof spades nd kings

14 0

t r88er

.,\ you come o them, and eaving bem n an outjogBed osition.Holdr[c partiallyspread ack n the eft handand pull oua he our kingsone)r onewith rhe igh t hand,makingsure haryou havea kingofrhe same

rolourar eachendof thegroup.Turn all four facedownand place heml)elow he faceup pack.Now pull oui the aceof spad€s ndplace t face,l(rwnbelow he pa€k.

furn the pack face down n the left hand and square t up wilh the.rssislancef the righl hand.The kjngsand aceare aceup at lhe top ofrlre acedown pack.Make sure hat you do not €xposehe red backsas\()u square he pack and turn it over,

'Ihumb over he aceand €move t with the right hand,placing t face,r t on rhe able.

Thumbover he acedree kings o showthe aces f the our and hen

'qLrarehem back on to the pack with the right hand, in th is action

|eting a left litde fingerbreak under he threekings hat werespread.\tpear to removelhe quared p kingswilh the igh t hand, ingers ithe1.tr hort end and thumb at the nearone, but actuallyonly remove h€rlrrce ards bove he break.As h€ ig ht handmoves waywith ts cards,rhc eft hand doesa wrist urn so hat thepackends aceup and he king

'. eoncealed. s ihis wrist turn iakesplace, he right hand places ts,tuared ings ace up on the tablea liule apa( from the ace.

With lhe assistancef the right hand, readjust he pack so that il isr,fld n a naturalposition a€eup n the eft. During hh action,geta eftLlllc ingerbreak above h€ ow€ rmost ard of the pack (a king).

Apparently urn thepack acedown bui useTrigger r hebreakpoin!.l,rnsferring jusl one card will feel strangeat first, but wirh a litle/ ,.rcticet's not Loodifficult. The packnow appearso be acedown n1l,c€i i hand.

Irjck up ihe pile of kings from t he lable and place hem face upl{ r$een he ingers nd humbof the efi h and, he mainpackbeingheld,1, per n the same and. GhostCount (AlexElmsley) he hreekingsas,,ur wilh the assistancei the right hand and rhen lip rhem acedown,L op of rhepack.Apparentlyurn thepack aceup bur use he Trigger

| 1,! , takingyour nitial breakal theapproximaie €nrepositionof ther k .\\'ith the eft thumb,geta slighlbreakabove he our facedown cards

LL he entreof the pack, he break beingheld almoslat the outer eft,t,ticr orner.The packwili normailybreaknaturallyar $e correctpoint, , rhebreak,bur f any difficulty s experienc€dihe packcan beriffled

'r'lrtlywirh th€ eft ihumb until theappropriare oinr s reached.I'L.kup the aceof spad€s nd nsert t facedown nto ihe packat the

, frl poin!beingh€ld by the €f t rhDmb.As the ace s squared p with,li. pack, geta iefi litt le fing€r breakabove r with lhe left lillle fin ger.\r,j'xrently rurn the pack face down, really carryingou! the Trigger, ,r , , \c r he break oinr.

Jlumb off (he top four cards and uke them inlo the right hand

t4 l


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T gger

uit:l$fl'rs+*i*$.;er:+**"';;.u{$$ffiffi#sm*mffi#*t{**rg*1*ttrr.l;*i;q',:':r;tt*',l'i{Hi*',.i"1#}tiilli#,l*'5:,,':i,',I:'...JAIL BREAK''





of the guardsa thick prisonwali.Closeup the spread,and in doi ng this get a left little finger break

rbove he facedown card nearesthe faceend of the pack.

Apparently turn the pack face down but carry out Trigger at the breakpoint. Hold the fac€down pack square n the eft hand.

Talk about he mpossibility f the prisoners scapidg nd hen caryoul theErdnaseColour Changewhich ransposesheposiaions fthe topandsecond ard page5l of "E\pert at lhe CardTable" by Erdnas€, rpag€ 9 of "lnner Secrels f Card Magic" by Dai Vernon).

The effect of the Colour Change s to causeone of the aces o appearlaceup on top of the pack. Place he ace on the table saying, Onet.isoner has escaped."Repeat he Colour Changemove threemoreIimes ndaseach ceappearsaceup at the op removet andplacet on

rhe able.Appear o turn the pack face up but really carry out Triggerat lhe

,lppropriate entrepoinl. Spread he cards out lo sh ow ftat ih€ twoAuards re ef t reversed 1 he centrebui that the prisoners aveescapedlrom betweenhem.



An nstant ransposition f awocards,one being aceup and heother


Startwith on e card aceup al the bottom ofthe facedownpack.Try.itd arrange h€ faceup one to be a very easyone o remember. s an.\rmple, let's say t's the Joker.

shuffle the fac€ down pack without reveal ing h€ face up one and$lrhoutaltering ts position.

Spread ut thepack acedown, requesting spectaloro select card,\. soonashe has emoved ne,closeup thepackand appar€ntlyurn itr,(c up but reallycarryout Trigget mmediately bove he faceup card.rr hebottom. An easyway to get he startingbreak, s to buckle hell'|lom cardslightlywith the ip ofthe left forefinger, othat l opens p.hAhtly t the nearshort end.

14 3

P€ ormatrce

Removehe four aces nd place hem n a slightspredd aceup on lnc

+:,i#*;al;'",'*;ii:5i."l;';;;[i:l*il;:{tf'h3**ri.iifsJl*"'H'l'"'"#rots":'+i""1$t;* lfmf--li*',"rn.g*il:f#ii#l:

rL )

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Draw atlention to the facecard of th€ pack and r€quest he spectaiors

to ierilo'ii. ln o*"*ample

ir wir be heJokq', .-,--..^ ^'^-*K:U',#;;:i;;;;rt'i"* "ni"r"'r' Ta.Id-l*:*:l?:1

""1*#i'"iJ'ii'iifriii'"-J'i"i"''itn;"'n1ll"-:11'::*.:l'f;ffi"ffi ;"J#l'.;:fi#i.*i.i i'i*l "p

""lL'*::-l'l'31'1"'iii,llii'lii TiJ'iiii,il'iili.i-iilii'd^ii'; Aor*entrvu'" heacktil-.il il;;i;-"d oui rissc' at hc realpoinl

ii".il #;#i,t"'i"i; oiE G'"a""'aa,;i :fl :':*vsr na sDcclarcr ne flarnffil.i:iil;" i;;h";it ir now n hc acenplacef.the okcr'

i;;:#il ;;-#i1;;h.* theJoko snow acc pat thc@ntret"f ir'lil'ifii; ,ipi'ili"

iii''no* om uon-t9"":lJl"*



Thc [ick is brscd upon Bro. Hamm'n's "A Four-tunateChoice"

r",l,ii i'iiri"u.ilJl ,iri. o. ?,pagc4z,ndt.::Jr:ti:ll:-:i::;il$;i";iff'-;iffi;;"i5ff;;i th' raccsrarotherwo

;;;'?;; l'.r-"ti" q"*"il ottrv fourcards reus€d ndnoncar'

T gger

Ask a sp€ctatoro nodindte hc cenheJokers r th€ endJokers.Whcnhemakcs is choic€, ull the appropriate airaway rom the anand ntothe lghthand.

If hc hasnominotcdhe etrdpair, rub the backsof th€ Jokcrson thcrableor sl€evc f your acketand um theolover o show hat the backshav€ hangedo rad. Pauseor a momcntatldthan say, .you areprob-ablywond€ring hat I wouldhayedona f you had choscn lrc ccnlrepair; well, n that case nould havechangcd hcD to qucdrs." Slowlyiurn thc raL in the lcft hlnd facaup to sbow hat this h8sactuallyhappened.

Obviouslyt do€s ot matterwhichpair hechoosas,ou imply adjustyourpatteraccordingly.



Tvo radbackcdJokdsareraquit'd and woblucbacked ue'ns'Th€

ouecnishoutdbcof rhcsamccolouras rcgards uils'

5il.;;;;l;G; faceup bctwccnh€ racedow! que'ns and rh'

bacletof fourcardsn yourpocl(ct r walld' andyou ar€all s'l'


R.novc hcpockel f cards ndhold h'm so hat he op catd s a

r^i]'iiit^ i'ii 'fri'i"i'e-rit

ro lashhe thcr ide frhe ackets ou


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This rick uses he remember/forget lot originatedby J N Hofzinser'


""f iX,,1',1"'iLl"ol;'fi",f?ti."if :.lif i:J'':i:i'"'iL:fi

#ti +ijfili'f#ui"st':n'.'".'".';u,r'.';:::+:r


:.; ',, once,,o'ehear

*;ijt',;rl: *',rffr;lx',i:l'l*l'm'":l'il:'ii:"1;:.1;

;**$iitl,-:":,"liilliHll*#f$;6y';'L4:5ifi :'i,,,lt*,Trff,',:.,,.i:#ilt;, uni,.m.mu'rr'eac'


SomeLate Extra Csrd Tricks

Some Lale Extra Card Tricks

size, .€. undercutabout half the group and run six cardson lo the

r€mainder. hrow the remainder fthe cards n theright hand on top of

those n the eft but outjog them.Undercula1 he o8, run six cardsand

throw rhe balance n top. Hold the packetFACE UP in the efi hand.

Ask the spectatorhe nameof the card he r€membered.f he names

thecardyou glimpsed,leavehepacketFACE UP.lfhedoes NOTname

the glimpsed ard, casuallyurn it FACE DOWN, b€foreproceeding

Spellout the word REMEMBER,deaiing necard or eachelter,andyou will end on fte card he remembered.

Say "do you remenber he card you forgot?" w}latever his reply,,ip€llout the word FORCET, continuing rom the nextcard of the ones

remainingn your hand, and you will concl ude n the cardhe forgot.



This s really a form of su cker rick, although t uses theme hal I

have ound audiencesind interesting. pocketmirror s shownand heperformer laims hai t has hepower o captureeflections. e success-lully demonstrateshe mirror's ability, and n conclusionhe refle.tions

rre turned o their ownersquitesafely,


A smallpocker mirror and carryingcase o hold it. Mosl chemists(drugstores,across he water)sell hese.Also,5 blank facedcards


Place he mirror in it s casen your eft hand ackelpocket,and along-,rclehemirror with their acesowards hebody,placehe ollowing ive, rrds, wirh he 95 at the aceofthe group, 75, oD, 6C, 8H, 93.On top)l the emainder fth€ packplacehe 6s,8D, 7c, I0H,9c,lhe 9c being

i[e top card of the pack.Have he 5 BLAN( faced ardsat the faceofr | lepack.

shuffle hepackwithout dislurbing h€stacked ards,and endwith l.rec own n the eft hand.Then ake aboula dozen ards rom the op


Pf;ce hecaldsn rhe ighrhand n topol Ihe eTi"S^q.n.':L"-l:T


;1lilii;: ;i:;;i;;;*li.r'n. "i'"^-*r'"'o'::Y':1f ::h:,:i:';'Jiffl; ;T'#i; ;."pii"'a',r'"-'t'' ?:':""i'"::l:,'5i,1ri';'Jr;it::l:;.,"';i:;"'i"i *. *r'i..r' .' "

"errqithpact'err hi\

14 6 14 7

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SomeLate Exttu Cad Tricks

:i"ii: iii.-li}.:H#i,i'il';,i.llf1,::;ili;".j.iT';:ff:

*1";",';t;::ffi *il:i':itil,i,":lH":.:fi:1i:Ti;nii'i;tt''J.'ilt"::i

:iiil,:lii:,'ll'll,."0o"'",""de(akehereak( he

t*:"'.'nllnilll"''1.:l:ili'',ii"iir"Jt,ffi+i},,!tJ,,:;:he ac e f lhe upper ecr iono rest n opoI


ilX'f'r#:J::1.".i1" ll:';',":,:},'ifiilfli"li:li'ilJi;Il#i'ir'.,er,i'""J"ri,ni ii

'.'r' ""i"p

"iine ardsn treCft and

Xl?Tllt;t;til,,t;""';rhe igh(hand ongside No w fl ip thrs ar d

rli':* i"inl*** i:'iJ;ii':'ft,i'fr"I.'[':""T';81;.i"iiirr"rnt,

""anip tttl. one a€e p and hen a,:e own'

-ioniinu. rnit '.quen.e

until 5 cards ave een ho$n bul *nenyou

:ly,s'Jl'.:1,',"'f,"j;::lilfff 'llhl"ti':'.:{'il:i":ff:iii

:ri"*l'*llhltig[:tl'",'*l'#:illxTi"T":'iffl::ii:1:iTi"Jts:iinFill'n:l':'u:.::11T:i:'Lili"".'iff;named tem, this s mportanl.

,.x"**tm*:i.liYi.i,';iilli"ji, i,":';ii:JTi'llJ:!

:H"*iiilq!*!ijil,!::i*::ft::y*:".Tlmi"l,l;'ili5T:?:'#::iifj*?lilX'iiiT#'*^*Esr ;urodv.

";:*:lik*t*l"mm:xl,:";':'ni.'-:Ti#::l!:?11':I;:lJ;i{",;x**ul#:.HT.ffill?'J,l'#i,x"'i'.1h"':l':x:xl"l,it .';lsfr;f'8ii"fr

ji:'xH:1i:'liiu,,"lir#vi:l;*"*it'',lillillllH";;.1;:Hll'tl$ii:Jff":1,l)il;li;;;;il;;; ;;;apr,rrearen"ciion rr'eaudienceil lconsider


i1?:ii'li':ll*'ii.l'i,ilin*',,"..0"1.*',nl̂i:.,lii11?'"'J,:;':;ll[?Jiiiii":li":',';$,"',?"Tfli'u'*l'il#l,l;;' ;; ire udiencenri'a,

14 8

Some Lale bctlo Ca Tick

'I Jont rhinl )o n b€hevehal the mirror real lyha \ capluredheir

,ctlections." Turn eachof the five cardsover o reveal hat $eir faces

lrrle vanished. his s quitesurprising o the audience, ndyou should

.tir as f the trick is over.Carher up the 5 blank cardsand hold them n the left hand' rleally

quared, wiih your humb stretched ver heir ace, he cards eallybeirg

l,cldbetweenhe left fore-finger t the rear and thumb at the face.The

,,rirror is sti held in the right hand and you should make some

, omments bout ts stmngepowers,despilets normal appearance.

As you draw attention o fie mirror, the eft handgoes o the pocket

1)r hecase. he blankcards reinsertednlo thepockelso hat heyend

rcarest he body, and at the sam€ ime the caseand other 5 cardsare

rripped (ogetherby th€ left forefinger on one side and th€ remamng

ring;rson he other.The hand s withdrawn from the pocketwith the

,.rse nd cards,but the 5 blank acedcardsar€ eftbehind.The switch s

' ' ' .hnical ly asy,buL musl be Siten sutf ic ien( ract ice o acquire

,rroothness. emember, ou are apparentlyust going o the pock€t o

,)btain he case, nd you must act as f this is your ONLY intenlron

Keep he faces f the 5 cardsgrippedagainst he case ndaway rom

rl\'audience,Placehe miror in the case nd dropthe cards acedown

,'I the table.As if a sudder hought has struck you, say, "t wonder f we could

r.rxrn the capiured eflectionsrom the mitror?" Take he mirror from

,rs case nd iap it on the backsof the tabledcards, as f shakinghe

, llectionsout;fthe mirror. Turn the cardsover o reveal hat heyhave

'fqained heir reflections.


I his, and the effect hat follows,use he rather ediousdown/under

l,,,lfle. lt is nol ih€reforesuggesledhat they ar€ usedasprogramm€

'r.rns.but rather, n mol€ nfor mal conditions, o which heyaremuch

r'| lcf u i ted.Th e irs l tem s he

ocal ion [ a card, nd he econdhe

l : , r ionotacardpluslherevelal ionf anapparent lyunIno$nquant i ly

'l .ards. Hardly breathtaking ffects, know, bu( I hope he methods

" rll be of interest.

NrrlhodOn€ (fairlyeasy)

I rve lhe following 13values tacked n top of thepack' he 2 b€ing

r ,, ror card,2,4,6,8, 10 ,Q, l , 3, 5, 7, 9, J, K. The surls reno r


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Some Late Extru Cord Trick

important but shouldbe well mixed, and the suir of the K shouldbe


Pe ormrrce

False huffle h€ packand then cut the packetof 13cards rom the top

and place hem face down on the table. The exactpoint to cul at is made

easy y ooking or the K you remembered, syou estimate3 cards. t is

better o OvER€stimateand hendrop cardsuntil the K is n viewat the

face of the upper section, before lifiing this section away.andplacing it

face down on the table,Explain ha! you would ike a spectatoro think ofany valu€ rom I to

13and then o dealcards€qual o this value, nto a fac€down heapon

the table. llustrate he procedure ourselfby dealing3 cards rom themain pack saying, "If you were to think of I you would deal 3 cardsdown." Hand the remarnder f the pack o the spectalor o haahe can

dealdown hisvalue.Turn awaywhilst he does his, expl aininghat you

do not want to haveany deaof his chosen alue,Whenhe ndicateshaahe has inisheddealing, urn backandaskhim

to place he remainderof the pack aside.Pick up the 13 card packet

placedasideearlierand fan them faces owards the spectator.Ask him 10

look to seeflhere is a card amonSsthemofhis v?rlue. ay, lfthere is,pleaseemembert, if there s not,let me know and I will add some ards

to this group from the pack." This s ust a'throw off" line, because

therewill alwaysb€ a card of his valu€ n the 8roup. Point out th€

impossibility f knowing he card he remembers.Square p the 13cardpacketand hold t facedown.Pick up he cards

that he spectator ealiand he 3 that you dealt,and placeBOTH on top

of the 13cardpacket.

Position the cards ready or a faro shuffle and cutexactly 7 cards rom

the faceof the groupwith th e right hand. This cut is madecettainand

easyfyou rememberhat he Queenmustbeat he faceof th€ emarning

sectionwhenyou havecut 7 cardsoff. Justbreakoff whatyou estimatcis 7 with the righthand humb, and thenadjust o get a Q at the faceof

th€ remainder, efore ifting thecards waycompletely, y pickingup ordroppingcards rom the righ! thumb. Faro shuffle hecards n the right

hand nto thosen the eft from the faceendof the eft handgroup The

King mustbe at the faceafter the shuf{le out shuffle rom face)

As you complete he faro shuffle, push the right hand section n

slightlydiagonally, o tha! when he packet s returned o a facedownposidonn the ef! hand, heleft little fingercanobtaina breakabove hc

uppermostogged acedown card.A break s thus beingheldabove hc

face 13 cardswhen he packethas beensquare aceddown in the left

hand.The righl handcomes ver hepacket, humb at h€ nearshortendand

15 0

Sonte Late Exttu Card Tricks

lrngers t rhe ar oneand 3 cardsaredropped rom ihe faceofthe cards.rhove he break. The break s STILL MAINTAINED BELOW the 3,l,oppedcards.After dropping 3 cards, he righl hand removes ll the,( maininguppercardsand appearso pla€ehem below he cards n theeft hand n a cutting a shion.However, heMarlo PullDown s executedl,y the eft little fingeras heygo under h€ packet, o hat hey reallygo

l)clow heuppei 3 cards.Theyarealso njogged li ghtlyas heysquar€ plreadthwise ith the olhersection. n a continuing ction, heright handrxkes he cardsabove he njogged ection ndplac€shem BELOW the,cmaining cards. The effect of this procedure rom the audiences'

ewpoint, s tlat the packetbas beencasually ul twice, following anruffle.

Say ha! you are now going o use a procedurehat will haphazardly.liminateall the cards xcept ne, Placeone card acedown on fhe able

,urd hen one under he packet,and continue his procedure ntil onlyrne card emains n yourhand.Ask thenameof thenoted ard,and henrrrrn t slowly aceup.

MethodTwo (veryeasy)


Have be following 13valuecardsstacked n top of the pack, the 7l,ernghe op card:7, 1, 8, 2, 9, 3, 10,4, J, 5, Q, 6, K. As n thepr€viousv.rsion. he suitsshouldbe mixed. and the suit of the K rememb ered.

Cnt off th e op 13cards,as before,and place acedo\I1r n the able.

Let the spectator hink of avalue rom I to 13and deal cardson the

r.rble qual o this value. llustr ate he dealingprocedure y dealing3,rJs n a pi leon the able ourself . s n previousersion.

I:an he I 3 cards or the spectatoro note hecardof hisvalueand hen

rrve his packe!a Reverse aro Shuffle, eavinghe K on the ace,before

l'hcing it face down on lhe table. Reverse aro means imply runningrhrcugh he facedownpacketwiihout altering ts order,but joggingallL rds at evenpositions p slightly.These ardsare henstripp€d ut asal'lockand placedon top of the remainder.

( atherup the packets y takinSyour 3 card one irsi, the 13card oneLtr1, and the spectator's ne on top of all,

Il you usea good alse ut, use l at thispoinl in theuick, and hendorl,f down/underelimination o conclude he trick.





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Some Late Exlru Cqrd Tricks



Run hrough he faceup pack,counting rom the faceuntil you come

to the wenti;thcard twenty-first fyou areusinga 53"card ack) Injog

the wentieth ard, andremove he card mmediaiely bove t, andplace

it facedown on the table,saying hat this cardwill helpyou with a pdr!

of the trick.

Place hepack acedownon the ablewilh the niog slill maintained

The packshouldbe n a casually quared ositionso hat the njog s not

obvious. Casuallycui off a seciionof the pack, but really cul at the

inios. ore55insow non i l shghl lv iL h he riShl humb.an dgi\e this, . i t ion,o u.J".r" ,ot tor shuff l ing. e s real l 'Siven xact ly 2cards

After he hasshuffled he cards, urn your headaway and ask him to

deal wo handsof cards rom the section e s holding The handsare

dealt n conventionalashionand mustof course ave he same umber

of cards n each.Thereare no restrictions n the dealing,and he may

stopwhenever € wishes. €ll him to dealqrietly, asvou do not want o

haveany deaof the numb€rof cardsbeingdealt.

Now request im 10placeone of the dealthandsnto his po€ket.He

then ooksat the top card of the remainiryhand, and finallydrops he

und€altcardson toD of this hand so thaahis notedcard s sandwiched

betweenhe two sections.He can be allowed o shuffle he wo sections

BEFOREnoting his card andassemblinghem' if you wish

Turn around and pick up the composite eap, casuallygiving it a

couole f fa lse uls ha L it l eate t eracly n the ame rder. l lo u ar e

roo honesto ever ndulaen false uls.do nothing l al l o lh€paclet

Do anunder/downelimination hufflewith the packet,and asyou do

this, silentlycou.rt he numberof cardsas they are dealt on the table

'trrhen ou are eft with a sirSle ace down card' ask the spe€talorhenameof his notedone,and slowlv urn theone you areholding aceup

Do not include his ast card r vour mentalcounl.

Pick up th€ card hat you removed 1 he beginning f the effectand

hand 1 o the assisiing pectaior'Say hiscard has he power10count,

andaskhim to touch i on thecards n his pocket or a moment,and hen

hand hecard oyou. Placei to vourearso hat l canwhisperls findinS

to you. Whilst l is whispering,mentallydeductyour total from 3l and

lhen announcehe quantily of cards he spectator as n his pocket'

If you wish 10do a DOWN/UNDER instead f an UNDER/DOWN

elimination,cut one card from top 10 face beforeyou commencehe


Some Late Extru Card Tricks


Follow he nstructio ns or the first versionuntil you hav€cut off the12cardsand handed hem o the spectator,Now continueas ollows:

Request im 10dealout hreehandsof cardsand o stop whenever ewish€s. e mus(ofcoursehave he same umberofcards n each and,xrd as beforeyou look awaywhilst he s dealing.

A5k him to placeoneof the hands n his pocket.He tlen shu ffles heundealt alanceemainingn hishand,and makes noteofrhe facecardol rhisgroup. This section s now sandwiched y the spectator etweenrhe emainingwo hands n he able,onegoingabovet, andonebelow.

You turn around and take the assembled acket from him, falseshuffleand alsecut f you wish,and hen do a DOWN,/UNDERelimi-nation, o end on his notedcard.

Follow the sam€ nstructions s n the first version o find out howInanycardshe has n his pocket.NOTE:-The precedingwo deaswill workequallywell with 16card s,

if you wish o cut down (he amountof eliminationdealing.Justcount o 16at the beginning f ahe dck and njog the16th card, throwing out the previous one as alreadyexplained.Wten you cut off the upper section f the facedownpacketat the njog, place his section sid€ nd ei thespectator ick up th€ LOWER one ro deal rom.

Finally,yourkey o subtract rom to find out thequantityof pocketed ardswill be 15.


Some ittle time ago, PeterKane marketedan excellent lose-up ardrrickcalled The ElonSated ady." This effectwas nspiredby Petertrrick,and I su ggesrt shouldbe usedasa lead-in o your favourire our,rr routine, ather han as an effect n isolalion.

Pcter'srick rrses differentmethod o thisversion, nd I recommendlirt you should nvest n his effect, f you would ike o add a strongoff-

l,fa1 tem o your repertolre-

l , l lecl

'\card s apparently tretch ed nd then reverts o ir s normal size.

llse cards hat havea close.consistent ack design.



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someLate Extru Card Tricks


R€move he 4 aces rom the packand hold them acedown n the eft

hand.Haveany oneselected y a spectator, nd hen ake t andplacet

faceup, in the fhird from top position.

Closeup (he spr€adof aces nd 8et a breakunder he face up one -

Turn the complete ackel ace up, maintaining he break,and then do

the Half Passwith the lower 3 cards. If you are familiar with Ken

Kr€nzel\ "Automatic Half Pass" publishedn EpilogueSFecial o. 2'

use his, as l fih in perfectly.

Hold the cards face down in the left hand, and draw the top card

slightly nwardswith the right. Push he top card and the second ard

forward ogether,by placingahe ight fingerson their backs'until the

top one squares p with the ower two aces.This will leave h€ second

from top card out-joggedor about " and he audi€nce ill assumehisto be hebackoftheir chosen ce.Move he facecard olward for about

+" whichwill expose back below t at the nearshorl end

DurinS he nextphaseof the trick the eft handgrip on th€packet s

impo(ant. The packetmust be deep n the hand, with the left thumb

resting n he facecard, andpressing own veryslighily.The eft fingers

curl dightly around he right long edge o keep he cardssquare cross

$eir width.Us€ he right hand o pull the facedown cardsout along h€ir ength

slightly,alternating t far and nearshort ends,as f stretchinghe face

downcard out. Pull eachend oul about+" al a time until a faint click s

heardandlor feh, which means he two cardsar€ now butted ogether

below he top and bottom cardsof the packet.

Becausef the ight pressure n the facewith the eft thumb' you can

now appear o push he "slretched" card backand forth with the right

hand. The right thumb pusheson the near short end to move the' 'stretched' ar d orwardaboul l , and henmove<o Ihe opposite

shortend, and uses ts fingertips o push he "stretched" card nwards

for about 1'. The riShthand continueshis opposite nd pushing few

limes,and an excellentllusion s created f the stretched ardmovin8backand forth. End this sequenc€fter one of the nward pusheswith

the right {ingers.Takehold ofthe nearshort endof the "stretched" cardwith lhe right

handand ifl ir upwards ligh(ly, h€npush t forward or about " This

will Dositiont a bov€ he other facedowncard and heir adjacent dg€s

will no longerbutt together.You can now slowlypush he far and near

shortendsnwardsa ittle at atime, to reducethecardo its originalsize.

As you finally push he near short end square, ush t alsodownwards

slightlyso hal the eft liide finger can8et a breakabove t, as he cards

square p. The packetof four cards s now square nd held n tbe efl

hand. mmediately his position s reached, Half Pass s carriedoul

with th€ ower hre€ ardsof thepacket.After lhecompletion f thepass

Some Late Extra Card Tricks

rhe eft hand emainsnposition, ingers n he bottomofthepacket andrhumbon the op, and urns hepacketover n an nwardsdirectionuniilrl is facedown. Theright handhasofcourse been emoved o allow his

Finally fan the four cardsout to show hai the chosenace s stillreversedn its originalposition,and brieflyshow t on both sides elbredropping he spread n the table.


No claim or originality s made or this sleight, lthough l wasoneof

rhe irst "moves" I workedout manyyears go,and usedprimarilyasa

colour change. vhen Dai vernon visited Britain for the first time, he

rrenlioned n conversationhat hehad used he movehimself or exactlyrhesame urpose. do not know f Dai nvented hemove, but t's likelyhc did, and possiblyothershavehit on the same dea. In any case,lvould ike to descr ibemy handlingof the sleight n conjunctionwith a.imple effect, and follow this by threeother ricks using t.

\s a Colour Chrnge nd Appe ance

Have a card chosen nd returned o the pack,and conlrol it lo the.ccond rom top position. Bluff pass s a goodmethod.)

Turn the op card aceup and h€n lip il facedown again.Durina his.r.tion, get a left little finger breakunder he chosen ard (secondrom

Take he op two cards sone, acedown nto the iShthand, hecardslieinggrippedat the exrremei8hr hand ongside, humb on he op andlingersbelow. Move the righi hand and ts card(s) way rom thepack

lor a moment,and thenuse his cardG) o assistn flippi ng the next op

,ard of the packfaceup. The card s left faceup on top of th€ pack

Hold the packcompletely quaren the eft handanddraw attentjon orhecard aceup at the op. Bring he right handand ts facedowncard(s)r. rhepackand et the aces f thecardsouch. Now move he ight handrt) rhe right, so thaa he facedown card(s) lowly ravelsacross he face,,p one.wlen thepoint s reached here hc overlap s about1", tilt ther ghthandcard(s) p slightlyso hat ts face ests n the fingerlips f thelcfuhand,and N left hand ong edSes still ouchinghe faceofthe card.,r he top of the pack.

Ihe right handnow moveso iheleft andupwards liShtly, nd he efthand ingertipspress n the faceof t he owe r cardof the pair, so that t

r,,ldsdown on top of lhe card a1 he top of the pack.The right hand,.achesa position of aboui 3" above he pack,and then immediately,Iovesdownwards gainwith ts single ard,and lickstbeleft hand ong





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Some Lote Extra Card Tricks

sideof th is card on th€ efi hand inSertips. his up and down aclion srepeat€dwo or three imes.11 hould ook as f you are usl flicking hcleft fing€rtipswith the card n rh€ right hand, and during hisaction hcfaceup card on top of the pack visiblychangeso rhe chosen ne. Thecomplete equencehouldbe a rapid one.

Drop h€card rom the ight hand aceup on th€ able, emarking halit seemso hav€ strange owers-As you do this, get a left litde fingerbreakunder h€ rop two cardsoI ihe pack.

Apparenlly urn the fa€eup card on the pack face down, but r eallyrum over wo cardsas one,wiah he assistancef the ittl€ finger break.Take he op card and push t int o the centreof the packbui retain hebreak under he single ard now eft at the top.

Pick up the card from the tableand place ! facedown on top ol thepack.Repeathe Paini BrushChange equencelready escribed,aking

the top two cardsof th€ packas one.Nore hat you DO NOT turD he op card of the pack faceup, afrer

r€moving he op card(s). ustcarryout the change sdescribed, ur hi stime on the FACE DOWN top card. The chosencard appears omagicallyump from rhecentre ndappearsaceup on top of the pack.



This is a straightforwardmatchingand colour change rick which seasy o do, but carries strong mpactat its conclusion.


Placea card with a differentcolouredback o your main pack n the

secondrom top position.The op cardof thepackshouldmatch heoddone's ace.


Shuffle hepack, relainjng he top two cards n position,and iakingcarenot to expos€ he odd coloured ack.

Double ift the top card(t ard l eav€ t faceup on the pack,keepingbreakbelow t. Let a sp€ctator ign he faceof this card whilst you holdthe pack,

Takehold of De faceup card(s)wilh the righr handand lick ir on rherighl hand ong sideofthe packa coupleof times.doing hePaint srush

SomeLate Extrc Card Tricks

, hancen this action,and hendrop h€ faceup card n the right handonlir rable,still face up.

'Iurn the pack aceup and spread t betweenhehands, equesting

tjcctalor10selec( nycard not the op one).After he has akena card,quare he remainder f lhe packand hold t facedown n the eft hand.Take his selecled ard and place t faceup belo\rvhe top card of the

i.r.edownpack.Spreadhecards lighdy o showexacdywhatyou havel, e and hen squarehemup, taki ng a left little fingerbreakbelow he

l'ake he signed ard rom the ableand place t faceup on lop of lhe,,rck, poinling oui that although l is unable o actually ouch the'r .aredard, l i ' s l i l lable o exerr s lrang€ ower ver l .'I ake he top threecardsas one nto the righl hand,gripping hem at

Lcir dght long edge, eady br the Painl BrushChange. wisl the right

lirnd briefly to show he apparenibackof t he card(s) t is holding,andrl,cn urn the handback o its originalpositionwith the card(s) aceupil!)!e the facedown pack.

alarryout the change s aheadydescribed u( lhis time adding wo..I ds o thepack from the rear of the three n th€ right hand. After thehange, he situalionwill appear he same rom the speciator's iew'

t\)inr, you hav€ apparentlyust flicked the left hand fingertipsa few' | ,c. s i th the ace p card n rhe iShthand.

Move he right hand wilh it s card away rom th€ pack or a momen(,.,'rd hen spread he top card of the pack wilh the eft thumb to rev ealhat he selecledardbelow t haschangedo aduplicate f theone n thershthand.

Mention hal tbere s little poinr in having wo identical ards n ihe

'nrepack,so hebest hing o do will be o changehebackoftbe signed

j,rcto avoidconfusion.Turn the right handca(d over o reveal hebackIange,and henhand t !o the speciatorwho signed(, saying, Perhaps

!t'u would like to keep this as a souvenir,who knows, you may\cntually iDd the other 5l cardsand havea complete ack."


l : r fectlhis is a form of coincidence rick in which cards are magically

, hanged o match others. There is an apparent ailure on the final.,rrcmpt, ut this s quickly rectifiedby theperformer.

IteparationSecredy rrange hreepairsof similarcolourand alu€ cards n top of

l, cpack, n lhe ol lowing rder:45 , QD,7D, ?H , QH,4C. Th ecardsrtlrgestedre ust givenas an example, f course.


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Some Late Exttu Cad Tricks

Cive he packan "in" Faro shuffle, n whichonly helop 6cards romeithersidene€d o be accuratelyntermeshed.f you do not use he Faroshuffle, usr placea card between achof the stacked nes,and ooe althe op ofth€ pack,beforeshowing he effect.Eitherapproachwill leaveyou with the 45 (in th€ example iven) n the second osition rom thetop, with the remainder f t he stackoccupyinghe evenpositions elowrt .

Some Lale Extra Card Tricks

L,ll little fingerbreakbelow he aceup card below he top threecards)

l'lace he 4Jfrom the able aceup on top of thepackand carry out the

I'rinl Brush Change, ui this ime holding our cardsas one After lhe

l , . ,nge, lacehe 45 face p on the able.

l 'u5h;!er th e op cardof th €pack,an d emovel and ose I some-

Nhere n l he centreof thepack Appearsurprisedhat the faseup card

' . r 'ored t he oDof th epack oe \nol marchhe45 Placr hepacl nlo

t' e ighrhand. i yo udo hiscarry ut th€Da i ernon Top Palm rom

'sel;l Secrets." n a continuing ciion,lelthe packdrop on to the able

lrom a heightof abou l 6". lf lhis sequences performedsmoothly, he

*rong card'will almostvisibly change o he right one, and the effect

,,)ncludes ith a co(ect match

It is easy o gel rid of the palmedcard,by scoopingup fie fac€up

,,urls ying on ihe table,and in this action adding he palmedcard to

rt,em.Lefire turningthim facedown and retuming them to the main


l l l fccl

l.rom a shuffled pack, the performer magicallyproduces he four

,tueensor aces, f you happen o do four ace ricks).


\ccretly cull the queens o he top of th€ pack,eachpair of the same

,,'lour being ogether.

( ;rve he Dack n "in" laro shuft le,n which nlyLh eop fot l l cards

, r cach al i have o beaccuratelvnterme\hedol loq thi \withdSl ip

i ur or DoubleUndercul, o lose he op card.The packhas apparently

l,ccnshuffledand cut, bul actually he op card s a queen nd he oth€r

rl,ree6re n odd positions elow t. If you do nol Faro shuffle' simply

.,rrange he quee;s n the akemaling s€quence 1 he lop of the pack

I'clorecommencing.i ' la.e he oD a; ol thepacl ac e p on he able lake henexl ard

" ' . ip lacer F^CE UP belowhe opcardof he pack.Aftersho\t inghe

lu,siiionof the faceup card,square p the pack,but in this actiongeta

k lr litde finger breakbelow he faceup card.

15 9

Follow he shufflewith a falsecur, which oses he op card,and hendealoui two f ace down handsof cards rom a pack n a conventionaldealing ashion, hreecards n eachhand.

Turn ihe top card of the eft hand group of threecards aceup, andleave t faceup on the table. t will be he 7D.

Take he top card of the othergroup, and place t faceup below hetop card of the pack. As you squareup the pack after placing t inposition,get a left little fingerbreak below he faceup card.

Place he7D from ihe tabl€ aceup on top of t hepackand hen akethe op threecards fthe packwith the right hand,holding hemsquaredasone card. The grip is al the right hand ong side, n th epositionusedfor the Paint BrushChange.Flick the right hand ong sideof the packwith the faceup 7D, carryingout the change salready xplained. lacethe 7D back on the table face up, and then spreadover the top threecards f the packand a ke hem o a dighl spreadnto th€ righi hand oshow hat the face up c ard between hem has changed o a matching

Remove he 7H from the centre f the wo fac€down cards,using heextr€me ingertipsof the eft hand irst and second ingers,and place ton the table with the 7 D. Place the two car ds n the right handUNDERNEATH ihe main Dack n the eft hand.

Repeat xactly he sequenceescribedn theprevious our paragraphs

to produce he two queens, nd aSain onclude he sequencey placil8

the wo facedown cards n t he right handbackbeneathhepack.As you

are squaringhe packbetweenhe handsafterreplacinghese ards, iftup the top two cardsof the pack slightlywith the right thumb tip, andmove h€mas one card about+' ao he right Afier moving hem over,lock rhem n positionby pressure ith the eft thumb.

Turn up the final two fa cedown cardson the able aceup. Leave he45 on t he table andplace he other card still faceup, apparently n th€second rom top posilion of the pack. Really ust push t in from theright handsideso hat t goes elow he wo cardsjogged verasone.Donot attempt o squarer wiih thepackat this stage,ust push t in enoughso hat fyou releasehe right handgripon t, it will remain upportedbythe cardseithersideofil, assisted y slightdownwards ressure ith thel€ft thumb.

Square p thepackwilh the assistancef the ight hand,and obtain a

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Some ateE tra Card Tricks

L^Pfacerlec?rd rom the rable aceup on rop ofrhe packand rhen akenoro,or he hre€cardsabove hebreakwirh rhe iet i h_J. i" ;rti;;or,thepainr,BrushChange.Carry our rhe change sajreadydiscribejan!.rhen reptacehe card remaining n rhe riShi hand f"".."p;;;;raote.,rrom heaudiences' iewpoinr, ou havesimply flicked.rhe iehinanofongsrde t rhepackwirhrhe aceup card,an,i tir." i.pl..a i,i"

}^_Spreadhe top threecardsof thepack to show that rhecard below the

f3,:T-ht T1""l" 8.a oaqueen,aichngrhe olour f rhe ne nherrable.lacehe uaeno. ir,.p""l Jongiia.,r,. * jr.ua'yon iitable.

SomeLate Extro Cord Tricks

rlmost he salnemovement wist the riSht hand so that ahe ear cardof

rhcblockendsup faceup abovehe pack, he ight thumbon ts faceand

lrncers n the rear.ihe complete scquencedescribed n the previous paragraph is per'

lormedsmoothlyand a! speed, nd he actiooshouldappear o be much

rh€ sameas the normal Palnt Brush Changeaction, us€d n the first part

,rl the trick, but the effect this time is that the face up card iII the right

hand visibly changeso a queen.This queenh held n lhe riSht hand,

whilst he eft hand humbpushes ver he top ca.dof thepack o show

rhat he faceup card n thesecond rom top positionhasalsochangedo

ir queen. You have now produced all four queensand wtth sufficient

inlensivehoughtcan proceedwith a follow-up rick using hem.


The idea for this trick came about aft€r reading Stewart Judah's''t,ightning StrikesTwice." It is a card rick without any manipulative

skill whatsoever, so may be slipped in after your demonstlation of one

handcentredealing, o give youl hand a rest.

Remove he J, Q and K of hearts and placethem in a fac€ up fan on

rhe able.Repeat hiswitll the J, Q, K of spades nd he J, Q, K of clubs

l'atrer about each of the groups reprcsentinga fanily-mother, father

Hand one of the sets o a spectator?rndask him to riix them up, and

rhen deal them in a face down low on the table. Hand a s€cond''Family" set to anotherspectator or the sameone, if your average

:rudiences about he samesizeas mine) and et him mix theseup and

dcalone on top ofeach one already n the table.Repeathis procedure

wilh the final group of three. f you are ucky, this will result n threelrce down Diles n the table.

Request spectatoro Sather he pilesup in any order,one on top ol

rheother, cut them f he wishes nd thenhand hem o yolr.

Mix the face downpacketup by doing asmany ReverseFaros and cuts

lls vou wish. and he audience ill sland.Reverse aromeans imply o

,un through hegroupof cardsoggingupwards ll alternate ards,and

rhen tripping hemout asa group,and placing h€maboveor below he

rcmainder.As you shuffle he cards n this way, say, "As the families

rravel hrough ife, they end o getseparated."Cu|scanbe nterspersed

betweenhe shuffles f You wish.Deal out the nine cards n a face down row from left to dght, leavinSa

v all gap between achcard and its neighbour'

16 1


]:,5#iiHlillli"ff",il::H;rur,;fl.tilf1"'Ji"J:'":l;.card;:nnrheabre'et ert iLtiline!' 'ear.

Bring rhe righr hand o the rearend ofrhumbnrohereakr n. ,rr,n-o no'li,i."i#tJ:1iHl.";'il:pact rnd he ingersnrheback f rhe "p.".afrr. nr"* rir.1"iji.jDackwards lighrly.and then right away f

,'g;1$irimr*xi:t'if;il,'*fif,nd,if;.$€-race pcard(s),fromI€ riShr andbelowherigg.il."ra. J"i, i""hr n rom re r'ghrhand ide f lhepack, eedingi i"ir"*.i" ,f,ii"L;caroand heon€belowt. Oncet hasbeecard,.ereaseheisht,",a j i".iiir,.LpHl':,L'l'":r"';:;::;:iposrlrony pressure irh_rheefr ,t

"ru.oi"pr"y ir,i-"arai "'ir,i"pos,lronor,amomenr..irh lheassisrancef rh; rl!1, f,unJ *"r.ifi.pacx, ut akea eft irrte inserbreak etow.theac;p;il il;t"*;;i;loJ, hreecards f thepack),From heaudrlnces rewpornt,oubavr


.i:,ilTi[7"1irn€pack.you arenow going o flick rhe icl

;:t"'nf"'r:;d:ril:ii;ti[ti'i.#:r111'":fliffi#ilil:: *,Jff f;T5 fi-,;l."'ffiJ,,j;mi::_'ll';l:ff_r|p-fiLtr*Ji:i,Ti"i13fii:."/ff,,t:_*ll'l*,J:lil:::XTf*:',$J:'*'#8hI

as neardnrir't''r"* l"ii '.iri"c"

Trist rhe btockupwards ligirty, lrninc it

i:l'."tl * t*i; "- d;";i',i;:',r'#,i;:ffi fi ffiTi f ;Itjt_Llf.!]l*o :""na nnge,s,"r,icrriri ,esuln heear ard einrscparaledrorn he acf rhree.Move he ighrhana o*"rai if,.l"fr'.ithat he ace hree ards f thegroup old-duwn n lo thepackand n


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Some Late Exttu Card Tricks

Handyour penor pencil o a spectator nd askhim to placet on rhreecards n a row, by positioning l horizontally o hal it touches ll rhree.

Gatherup the i ne of cardswith the exceplion f the threecovered ythe pencil,slartingat the eft handendof th€ row, andplacing ach ardon top of the one o its right. Asyou gather he cards, ount he ones othe LEFI of the hreechosen, hichwill giveyou an answer rom 0 to 6.lfthe answer s 0, think of it as3. lf the answers ABOVE 3, subtract3from it to givean answer f l, 2, or 3. You will therefore e eft with akey numberof l, 2 or 3, and this mustbe remembered.

Place he gathered ardsbehindyour back, or unde r he table, andhold them aceup. with the assistancef the right hand, count off theface hreecards, o hat their order s rev€rsed, nd henplace hembackon the faceof the remaining hree.Pull off lhe faceand rearcardswiththe righahard and bring them out in a facedown condition.

Mov€ th€ pair of cardsback and forlh along the line of lhree facedown cardson the table as f se€king n empathybetweenhe pair youareholdingand oneof the abledones.Finally,drop the facedownpairjust below he card that correspondso your menial key numberwhenreading rom RICHT to LEFI of the tabled hree, .e. Key , extremeright hand card; Key 2, middle card; Key 3, extreme eft handcard.

Remov€ notherpair with theright hand, akinSone rom the aceandone r om the op ofthe rem aining our cards,and bring hem a cedowninto view.Drop this second air on the card 10 he RICHT of lh e onewith the previouspair on il. If there s no card to the righl, just moveback o the oppositeend of t he row and drop the pair on this card.

Place he final pajr, facedown, on top of the remaining ingle ard.Patter about the fa miliesalways rying to unite for chrisimas, and

then urn eachof thepairs aceup, oneby on€, o revea l hat each s ofthe same uit. Replacehem usl below hei r associatedacedowncards.

Say hat only one memberof each amily is missing,and then turneach of the thre€ face down cardsover in tum, to reveal hat theycomplete he respectiveamilies.


This trick has becomea favou te of mine becaus€ f the mulli-climaxeswhich seem o app eal o specta{ors . he plot in whicha groupof cards ol low the face uplface down condition of a masterone, wasshown o me by Mr, GordonBruce.


ln addition o four cards rom yournormal bluebacked ack,you willneed our yellowbacked ictur€cards, ay he JC, KH, JH and KC, and

Some Late Extra Card Tricks

.\ . ' red backed icture ardr.5a yKS and QD the coloursuggel led

r r f r re ol cour\e rbirrar! nd ma ybe changeclo sul l aratFDl l l fyn

\, rur particulararea,lo commence h€ eflecr, the cardsshould be arrangedat follows'

lrom the faceof the packet YellowbackedJC, blue backedJD' blue

r,.'.r.J ,r,,i. vello* backedKC. red backedKS. veltow backedKH'

,Lllow backrd JH. red backedQD facedown blue bacled Jokerand

r,re d own blue backedAD. This packetof ien cards s placed n your

r,.,.f"ior ,rullet, so hat whenyou remove t to demonstrateheeffecl'

rlrr faceof fte cardswill show.

Alrer Derforminq neor rwo ricks.say hat you would ike o showan, 'r . resr i ic hrnc ]th some f rhepiclure ards. nd o sav€ im€ vo u

".,t" "ii."'d".-i*.,"4 ,fteappropriate ards rom the pacl anc placed

rhem n your pockel.nemoue hi packetof cards rom your pocketor wall€t' Ialing care

', ."" . . r .* , i " u**. an dhold he packel ac € p in the ef l hand

i, ' , , , " rr . ' r l "ru '"naot ir rh epacket humbat he near hot len d an d

i',i ,i, , iii r;" "ii it'* t'alf the hickn€ss f the packerwilh rhe humb

I ct lie cardsdrop singlyoff the thumb tip, unlil you see heKS at tbe

lrce of the owe; s€ction.Lifi off the upper our cardswith tbe right

l,rnd and Dlaceh€m n a squared aceup pileon lhe table'

f r '"nn. ' , f t . r . f ' hand ri ton th e emainingardsn th€hand o hat

r t . , rh; ;b is on the ac i orer lappinglr e eft ongside nd he f ing€rs

l,clow. This s he same rip you usewhendoing he Elmsley r Jordan

r, !he ounts).tlr no rhe isht hand o thesroupand place he humb on the ace Use

,, ,r t o '"es.ure"wlr lle rtrumbo draq he ace ard ff . and nlo he gh l

i'i'ial irt" *."i.i"g cards n the left hand mus! remain absoluielv

,ruare. rawoff rudmorecardl in he\ame a.hion. nd Lhen alelhe

l , : ral ne real l ) hree sone) n top ol lhose l terJ, n he ighlhandi;',,"i* trri. count well, as it is used conlinuouslv hroughout he

,ourine.Tilt the cards lightly,so hat the faces re owards he specta-

,",iii io"Jitlo.,"rro"

it: Ait€r showins he (lour) picturecards,place

rl,. packet, arefullysquared. ace up on the ablepi.r ,o ir ' .otr t" i gt i r"p of pic lure alds lom the ablean dElm\lev

t o,rnt hirn to show oui picturecards Place he ast card counledon

rl , r aceof hesrouo.Turn hepackeracedo*n.and humbo[[ lheLop

,,rd nto he ishlhand, akrnS ar e o keep he remainingards are-

" i f" 'ouat.a."urn ft .cardsn he ef lhand ace p.an ddrop he mn a

r,r6i-up spne.ro on the able. Drop ihe sjngl€ ard from the righl

lurndon toD of the threecardspread, till leaving t facedown ,'irr*

"uoitir," "".a.r.om oneheapbeingable o influencecardsrom

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Some Lote Extra Card Tricks

the other one, and llustrate his premise n rhe ollowing way.Pick up the first group you counted,and hold il face up in rhe eft

hand.Take he facedowncard rom the othergroup,and placer on th€faceofihe cards n the eft hand, but n an njoggedFosirion.Now placethe inSers f the igh( handon thejoggedcardand he onebelow t, andpushboth forward together niil the njogged acedown linesup withthe lower cards, and the face up card becomes utjogged.Take theoutjogged ard awaywith the right hand and drop it siil l faceup on th€table1o or m a newpacket,

Jordan ount hesixcards n the eft handas our, placingh€ astcardBELOW the previousones.The cardshaveapparentlyall turned acedown n sympathywilh rhe acedown cardplacedwith them.Afrer thecount,hold the cardssquare n the eft hand.

Take he JC from the tabledgroupand place t faceup on rop of rhe

left handgroup n an njoggedposition.Exchanget f or the facedownone below t using he technique lreadydescribed, nd drop the facedown cardon the table o form a newpile, still facedown.

Count he cards n the efl hand o show heyare all faceup using hesimplepull off counl described t the beginningof the rourine,andrememberhat the final card(threeas one) s placedon the faceof rheprecedina ards.

Hold fte faceup cards quaren the eft hand,and take heJD (lowerof the wo on table)and place t facedown and njogged,on he faceofthe eft handcards.E\change t lbr t he facecardofahegroupasalreadyexplained, nddrop aheKSon top of theQD that s already n the able.Jordan Count th€ six cards n the left hand as four to show they are alllace down, remembering hat the final card must go BELOW theprevious nes,

Take he KC from the ableandplace t siill faceup on top of th e efthandcards o an injoggedposition.Exchanget for the facedowncardbelow t, and drop the face down card on to p of the facedown cardalreadyon the table.

Count the cards n the eft hand using he pull off count o showall

four arenow faceup, but this imeplace he final card counted rhree sone)below h e others.As you squarehe cardswith rhe assistancef theright hand after the count, et the ower two drop from rhe ight thumbwhich s restingon ahenear short end of the group .rnd take a breakabove hem.Take he completegroupnto the right hand, bumb still onthe near shori end and fingerson the far one, the handbeingcurvedabove he face up group. The break above h e ower two cards s stillmaintained y the thumb.

Picl up the mainpackwith the eft handand hold ! facedown. Pushover he op cardslighrly10 he ;ght with the efr rhumb,and hen lip irlaceup on to the op of thepackwith the eft oDgedge fthe cards einSheld n the righr hand.Menlion hat there s onecard n thepack har smor€ powerful than any olher and that this card is th€ (here,name


Some Lale Extn Card Tricks

$hdte!er ar dappears).l ip t doqn again. ur n Lhis cr ion rop he

:)o."r9:_1,919.191 rh ebreak n ropot i r . (srandard rop Addir ion\ '1ove.)MMEDIATELy DROp he ace pcardsn rhe iehihand, n arrce ppl leon rhe able. ndpush rer he upposedamed ard, i rr lero he oght with rh e ef r humb.

Tale. hc_rop ard of th e pack nro lhe r ight hand.an d place he

I mainder f rhepack n he ablewith he ef thandwel laway ro m herhreegroupsof cardsalreadyon the tabie.

Offer to demonstrat€the owerof thecardwhichyou areholding acedown n the righi hand.

First.rub t onlhe backs fthe facedownpair and hen lip rhem aceup to show hey havechangedo a pair of aces.Now rub it ;n the faces''l rhe faceup pair {QD and KS} and flip rhem acedown ro show bar,'rerrbackshavechanged o red. Rub r on rhe aces f rhe inal group..rnd hen flip these our facedown to reveal heir yellowbacks.

Pauseor a moment,and hen say, ,Thiscard aso powerful, h€ can.venchange is own personality."Slowly urn thecard n your hand aceLrp o reveal he Joker.

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The classicHofzinsereffect, upon which lhis effect is b ased, s a

strongoneand canhardlybe mproved n. This, herefore' sa variation

and not an mprovement, nd, as such,will hopefullyescape l Baker's

wisewords aboul manya good rick dyingof imptovement.

I considerhis effecr o be a strongcommer€ial res€ntationor a lay

audience nd, n sayinghat, realisehat some ardenthusiasts ill read

no further.


Neededare four jumbo cardswhich reading rom the face of the

packet houldbe heAH, AS, QD and AC These our cardsale plac€d

in the nsidebreastpocketof your acket.

On top of your normalsizepack,place he AD followed by the QDand you are all set.QD is the top card of thepack.

P€ ormrnce and Presentrtion Outlln€

Remove he normal sizepack from your pocketand give l a brief

shuffle, etaining he op two cards n position.Cut thepackand akea

lefl litlle finger breakbetw€fl the two halvesas they come ogether'

Riffle down with the left thumb al the outer eft corner and invite a

sDec(aloro cal ls lopal some oint Whenheha\ done o use he ight

h;nd to litl off all rhecards bove he break This \ lhe srandardRiflle

Forceprocedure. humboff the op cardofihe lowersection acedown

onto the ableand reassetnblehe pack,by placing he ower half on op

of t he upperone, and holding he pack facedown n the efi hand

Say hit you have our cards aken rom anotherpackthat will helpyou out with the rick. Reachnto your pocketand bring ou! the four

16 6



That Certoin Something

,,,Ibo cards.Hold the umbo cards aceup n the efl hand, hepackerfirg grippedat irs eft longsidcby the tips of the eft hand ingers nd

r,L,mb. he normalsize ac k s alsobeing eld n the ef i hand,bu t

"rfped down in the hand, so as not ro inter ttre with the grip on the

ItrinS he ight handup o thejumbo cards ndElmsleyCouni hem oli,rw he four aces.Ailer the count, he AH will againbe at the faceofl|c pack€l.The count should be casualiydone,only mentioning ces

.Lrrerhe first onehasalready een ountednro the righl hand.Turn thefL:rot aces'r acedownand deal h em from left to righr n a facedown,Li w n h€.able.

I'ickup he aced own el ecled ard rom the ablewith the ight hand,,,ilding t at the right lower corner. Tih lhe card so that its face s,'wardshe audience nd say, The suitof yourchosen ardmustbe be

..,Jneasone of theaces, ut we do not know whichace t is." Continue,'' l am going o move he card acedowr over he aces nd ry and stop,,\cr the acewhose uit s denlical o the chosen ard."

l urn the selecled ard ace down and slowly move t backwards ndr,,rwardsalong the row of aces, irally bringing t to rest over thef\lreme €fl handoneof the ow. Ask a spectatoro turo oneofth€ other.k$ faceup and eave t in it s originalposition.Wh€nhe hasdone his,,,rn the card towards he audience nd say, "Does its suit match he

, Iosencard?" Whenhe cl€nieshis say, Well, lhat eavesme wjtb a oneirL hreechance f being igh t." Turn the chosen ard ac edown again,rJ hav€him turn anotherof the aces n positions wo to four fa€eup.I lr thechosen ardup so hat its face s towards he audience nd again,Lf il the suit of the urnedup a€ematchest. Wh en he spectator ssist-riLrtays No," conlinue aying, Well thatgivesmea one n two chance,l being ight."

lurn the chosen ard so that it is facedown againand have he final.r.cdown ace n the second o fourth position urned ace up. At the

\rry moment hat this ace s being urned over, op change he card n\,'ur right hand or the one on top of lhe pack.The misdirectionsvery

.rong and high technical bilily in the execution f the Top Changes, ,'r required,ust do it qrrelt and withouthaste.To help evenmore,asrlLe ce s being urned aceup say, I wonder f t his suit matches?" he.t,(elalorwill deny hat t doesonceagainand l appearshai the rickl,.r\be€nsuccessfullyoncluded, or logically he card you are holdingI r'c down above he first "ace" must be of ihe same uit.

(bnlinue saying, Sometimeswhen havedone his rick people ave.rLd1'squite good,but t could be ust luck and nothingmore,but t's!'r luckand here s somethingmore.Watchveryclosely, or I amgoing

l,) cause he imageof the ace beiow your card 10 contract and lravelLt,qards." urn the card n the right hand aceup to reveal t is now heAl). Place he faceup AD in the eft hand. Proceed, aying, and con-\., sely he mageof yourchosen ardwill expand nd raveldowo o the



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Thal Certain Something

ace." With your right hand pi€k up the first aceand turn it faceup to

show hal it is indeeda giantreplicaof the chosen ard


Perhaps be(er title would havebeen Karl's Concept" or the trick

usesa placement rocedurewhich to the best of my knowledgewas

originated y Karl Fulves. hebasiceff€ct sa card ocation hat nvolves

no prior artangement f the pack,nor indeed hat the packshouldbe a

complet€ ne. n otherwords,an deal rick to do with a borroweddeck.


Run hrough the faceup pack, secretly ounling rom ih€ face until

you have humbedover 8 cards.Mark off this positionby keeping he

right second ingerpressed n the back of the l8th card from the face

Continue preadinghrough he packuntil you r€ach he 3, 7, 8 or Q ol

diamonds,which s removed nd placed aceup on the able; t does ol

matterwhichoneof th€ our vou use lt is unlikely hat all four are n the

face 8 €ardsof thepack,but f you do have o remove card rom this

section, ou must alteryour mark off positionso hat it still s l8 cards

from th€ face.clos€ up the faceup pack and take up th€ breakwith the eft little

finger.Wlilst the righi hand s still over he packafler squaringt, press

the right humb againsthe breakat the right handendof thenearshon

endofthe pack.Move he ight hand humb owardshe eft handsideol

the faceup pack, the br€akbeingcarriedalongwith the thumb. At the

same ime move he efl thumb down to the ower eft cornerunlil thc

thumbs meet. fhe lefl hand thumb now tales over the breal The

precedingmovesare madeunder a natural squaringaction, after the

spread ardshavebeenclosed,_Twisl &e left hand so hat the pack s facedown n preparation or a

riffle shuffle.With theright handcut the owers€ction fthe pack o the

right, cutting exactly at the break. Riffle shuffle the two sections

tolether, Deng o get a fairly evendistributionof thesmaller ight hand

sectionnto the eft one. Push he two sections atridll, togeiher o that

rhey m€sh or a bout one-thirdof their length.

Pick up the complete ack rom the tablewith th€ right handby plac

ing (he humb on the near ong sideand ingerson the far one,position

ing the grip ai the meshed ectior.Holding the completepack about one nch above he sulfaceof lhr

table,slowly eieasehe still mesh€d ardsand et themdrop o the able'

invitinga spectatoro call stopat anypointhe wish€s. s soonashehas

called top, pick up the cardyou removed arlierwith the eft hand and

I6 8

That Certain Something

r rt?i e it lace up place r below he eft hand sectionof rhe meshed,,[ds beingheldby !h€ ight hand,so rhat he cardar theboftom of rhis..clron s completely overed.

Iwist lhe righr handslightlyso that thecardsmove n an anii_clock-\r'\c directionand ake hem nto the eft hand,whichgrips hemat the,,,cshed art,.thumb.on op and fingersbelow.Release re righr handfrp complerely, nd ift thecards pso hat he aceofrhe bolt;m one s'. r . I r8 hespeclaror\ .equesrh€specrarorro make nore f rhe ar d

., . rbleo rhem.Rerakehe ardsn rhe ighlhand. gain rrppinSea r' / rc.cent leo lhal lhelrpaf l ia l l )merged ondir ions maintained,nd

,.place hem on top of rhe remainder f thepackwhichwas eft on ther.,hle.As the righr hand replaceshem t moves hem n a siighranri_, ockwise irecrion o hal tbe eversedardat the aceends p;n top oflt.ic ight hand.section

f the rabledpositionof the pack.Now strip out|, , L 'omplere hrhandsecLiont rhepdck nddtopiron ropof rhelefr' , ' rdone. o ow ht sact ion ) a few Lraighrut s f thepack,Note ha t

'r ' ' . r f lpou t aslron anbea sloqopen ne, r a secrel ne .by u. ingon e,,1 hestandard ush hroughor strip out techniques.

| \p lain har he ev€rsedard sa formof Careiakerndwil l hetp ou" t '( r or m he nck. As yo uar esayinShis. un rhroughhe ace ow n., o\ and emovehe eversedne , lacingt ni l l face pon rhe able. s

\ ."r rcmovet. cur hepackar rhis oinran dcomDlelehe ur ,\dv

'o r

$i l l lest heCareraler\ bi l i ry ) !pel l ingrsname, ne ar d' r ed(h.fe er. Do rhis. n.luding "the.' ar.d, ol., In he spelling.when\,',, reach he final etter,hold rhecard acedown n the right h;nd and'

l for th€ nameofrhe cardnotedearlier.Turn thecard aJeup to show1[. C]aretakerasbeen uccessful.


,ime y€afs.aqo here was a newspaper artoon series unning jn

lr, rain,which-l hinkoriginatedn America.Themaincharacter si to( lond-ofmulli-layer andwichesalledDagwoods, nd his s thestory

,' i r l ine us e o presenthe ol lowing..smal lackerr ick."Needed, re our blank acecards ith blu€backs nd hreekingswilh

,'11backs.The backcolourof t h€ four blankcardsdoesnot hav; ro bel'lrc. but it shouldcontrastwith rhe red of the kings.place the three|,,,!! on the faceof the four blanksand the setof seven ards n yollrru krt, walleror wherever ou keep our smallpack€t ricks_ Dusrbin s',,raccepred san answer!).

Ialk aboxtgoing nto a sandwich arandasking ora DagwoodSand-" ! h Say har hecounterasshtant id not underitandwhai youmeant,,, i you explainedhat t was our slices f breadand hreestices f meai,, rre sandwich.By this time you haveremoved he Dacker f sev€n

' ' . l \ dn dar eholdinghe m ac e own n he ighrhand, ingers r he ar

^ -

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ThatCe ain Something

short nd nd humb l he ea r ne 'hepalm f hehand eingoqards

'n"rl;il;, ,n. assisrantreparedhe sandwichike this Use he eft


"iiir'"to; face owncard nto rhe eft hand Now urn


ishrandac€p v llX'i:iJ[H*,1ll:

wrist. Draw off th€ uppermost ace up km8

[ii'iit"'i'l rJ'ir''lirt ands n opor the.cardlreadvhereTwist.the

.i"ii rrinJ"*"in

,o rrt", he ackets ace own ndusehelefthumbo

i',"i",i'.".i,.*a-i",",n..[ft'T9],g:"-'lli,'il5f,ff:''fii,li:li:?lhe Dackein theright handand drawlngcaro

iliF^'ji l":T';iiHi:'#'xl'"5i:1';111;







:ffi #:'i""""1?'1,1ff;'i'lX"."Yi"iTii;.'",oheeftand'"';;;;J'";;ih. .."." taids o show heiraltemareondilion ndsav'

"ii^ii noi" o"g**a sand\aich't's he ightquanrilv I meal ul tlr€

.;;:ilt; 6; ;t.ther'" sav hecoun-ret lsista took back he


-Jpr"* i,

"n'lbelable'-nowaLe henext-but xecutelne

iiii. ii'trt""

tl"ona r"cedown ard splaced n opof lheooe lreaoy

;'Jil.i;; ;'.";';"' the e\two-cards-normtll.:"::::,it;Ti:

:l1"fJ:l:',i1ili"','llii"'1ll"r',i;ihiH,;:il,.iuiL r''"''' "fi."iiii""iii'wiii i"e.'h;r n he entre.orhe read'

*ii,.."llffi,Tf;:i#il*i::JlH'l;:l**:1il':;,fi'iis:;:iit#ii:'#'fJt:lr'Ti1'..}ro:i;l;:ii"Jil;if''lT,ff:#ri'"u,nii'.;;; ;;;; ;"'ds o;er to revearheir acesJ'

That Certain Something

,,r(l llustrate his by spreading ver the rop few cardsof the pack. As!,'u closeup th€ spread,get a lefi lilrle finger breakunder he top five,,rrds f th epack.

Ask thespeclator o dide onecard oui ofthe spr ead nd remembert,lrLe back he remaining hreecardsand place hemon top of the pack.| ,lt off all the cards above he break wirh the right hand, he fingers, {,ncealinghe ack of thick ness t the far shortendand have hespecta-r,r replace is notedcardon top of the owersection f thepack. Slaprhc cards n the right hand on lop of those n the eft, and square hel'.rtik.Theselectedard shouldnow be n theninthposition romthetop.

(;ive hepackan out Faro shuffle.Only he o p ninecards f thepack,,rcd o be accurately huffl ed.Turn thepack aceup and appear o pull

"l lthe cards rom top and bottom togetherand lose h em by pr.dring

thnt inlo the centreof th€ pack. As you pull them off, carry out the( lde at the ower sideof the pack so that the second rom top card h,(rlly pulledout, togetherwith the facecard. Place he pack acedown,r , rhe able.

lnvitea sp€ct ator o cut off about half the pack,and hand t ro you.

Stale hat yor.rwill carry out an eliminatingprocedure o lind the, h{,sen ard. Do this by running through the fa ce down pack ard,rt,togginglternate ards, hus he second rom top s outiogged, ourthlrom top, etc.,strip out the oggedpacketand placE he remaining neli,rc wirh the original top card) face down on the table. Repeat his.|minating procedure ntil you are eft with a single ard. As you elimi-rrrtca seciion, laceit facedownon he tablealongsideheprevious ne.lhis will result n four facedown heapson the table.

Ask the nameof the noted card and slowly turn i! face up to showyou||,rvr beensuccessfuln finding it. Mention that the card chosenhas,lways ecna luckyone for you whenplaing poker,and that you willfrlc it a liule test.Take he op card ofeach of the our facedo$n heapsirkl add he se our cards, till acedown o thechosen ne, o fo rm a five,ird poker hand. Say, "I wonder f it's still lucky for me?" tum lhe

, xrds aceup and show hat it is.

,, II' S A SETUP''

Ihis trick is based on the calbrealh principle, which was firsl, rplained n the "Linking Ring" several earsago. Otherpeoplehaveilk) claimed hediscovery f theprinciplebut as 'm not a teal magician| | nd it di fic uh to siatewho discoveredt first, so refcr o theprinciplel,y rhenamemostcard magicians ssoc iate ith it.

lo prepare or the effect th€ pack must secretlybe arranged n(llcrnatecolour order: red, black, ed, black,etc. Any jokersshouldb€

tl l


,.*i'"H.i;',""lJ;lifl;i.T,'ll"uli::lE:l'ii:.i,:'.'.";iii'-'!;'R;r",iffilh- t;;;i*. in posirionsne wo three ourand ix rom

,'.,::i:ilH.'ffi:il"'"illi,11i"^19;ilX9fii j,T"li,il::fr:io.iilli.',hi.l,i,li',lii'i'i'i.lilllT[I'T.li"i;";.ir,i,""'ur.roni';a.,r,.

l,:::,''*lxr""x''::3';r':"'::ee.::liiiltfl1.::,liitilr'"'nairJo.o."a*" c"hei up he emaininghreeDackets' aking ure

;'[ff;"'k:iG ' ;;; top rell rhespectaioro ;pread ispacket ut


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Thal Certain [amethins

Working nd Presenlation ulline

Hand hepack o a spectalor ndaskhim 10give t a few cuts ollowed

by a riffle shuffle. He can alsoconcludewith a few cuts f he wishes.

Take back he packand spreadt out faceup, commenting n how well

thespectator asmixed hecards.Look for anypairof cards fthe same

colour,cut, and completehe cut belwe€[ hese wo cards.

Explain hat you will play a newcardgane with a spectatornvolving

six handsof six cardseach.Deal oui six handsof cards,dealing n a

conventional fashion from left to right birl arrange the hands in a

horizontal ow on the able.Continuedealing ntil therearesix cards n

eachhand. Place he remainder f the packaside.

Pick up the heapsof cards n positionsone and two of tbe row,

holding |hem face down, one in the left hand and one in the right.

Explain o the sp€ctatorhat you will givehim several dvantages shchasneverplayedbefore.Ask him whichof the two hands ou are hold_

ing he would prefer. When h€ nominates ne, place t face down near

him and place he remainingone in line with his, but closer o you

Repeathis procedurewith the hands n positions hr€eand four of the

row and inally hosen five and six. Asyou offer each air for selection,placeone n front ofthe spectator nd one n front ofyourself, until tha

sDectator as hreehands n a row in front of him and you alsohavea

row ofthree hands. ach fyourhandsbeing ositioned itde below hc

Explain hat the spectator as hreehands o play against our threc

handsand you havealreadyet him havea freechoiceof the handsha

will play. Now-say hat you will givehim furtheradvantagesy letting

him look at his hands.Turn eachof hi s hands aceup on the tableand

spread achout slighaly o that the coloursof all cardsarevisible.Pick

up oneofyour handsand continue xplaininghe garne, aying hat it i3

rcally based completely on chanceand that you hav€ to try and guess

which cardsare red and which are blackwith the cards ace down. Asyou say his, dealyour six acedowncards nto two facedownheaps n

the table, bua as you deal hem, look at the spectator'sace up handimmediately bove hehandyou pickedup and dealout according 0 ha

colours fihe spectator's and when eadinSrom rcar o ace, .e.ifhis

cardswere e d, black,black, ed, black, ed, you would deal eft, righl'

right, lefr, right, left, into two facedown heaps.Repeat his procedura

with eachof your olher wo facedownheaps, gain akingyour cue o!

the deali ng sequencerom lhe colour order of lhe speclalor'5hand

immediately bove t. You will eve ntually nd up with six face dow[

heaps n the table,Turn the spectator'shreehands acedown and say hat it is now hit

turn to dealeachhand nto two heaps, rying to separalehe reds roh

the blacks.Point out that not only was he allowed o choosehis own

hands, ut he hasalsohad anopportunity o study hem ac€up Let hitD


Thal Certain Something

h.,l cachhand nro two facedownheapsas you did.I inally, urn each f his sixgroups aceup and o r each wron8colour

| \c him a minuspoint. Now turn yours aceup to show 100ry0uccess.''.r!, "lt must be beginner'suck, because've neverplayed his game


Ihis trick and the one that follows it were inspired by effects,lfveloped y Karl Fulvesand Bro. Hamma[.

( heck hat the op two cardsofthe packarespoi ones.Turn thepackj.( c up and secr€tly eversehe ower wo spot cards.This s thestarting

lr\ition for the trick.Run hrough the face up pack and pick out emy wo kings,placing

rl('n] facedown below hepackasyou come o them,TuJn he completet,n.k acedownandasyou squaret up nto the eft hand,get a efi littlel,ogerbreakunder he uppermostour cards; his s where he cardsareI'xek o back.Pushover he op picturecard digbtly o the right with theilr thumb and comment hat the pair of picturecards havemagical

| op€rties. ring he ight halld o thepackand grip he our cards boveth. breakand flip ihem acedownonto thepack.The effecl being hatrrtr wo f,icturecards avebeen lipped facedown. Immediatelyhumb,'ll rhe op two cardsand place hem acedown on the table.

spread the pack between the hands for two cards to be chosen by'trclato.s A an d B. Asyou spreadhepack,count off in pairs rom the,'t' and markoff the sixth card rom the op by pressing n ts facewith|e righr second inger. After two cardshavebeen ake n, closeup the

r,,rek ndpick up hebreak rom the right inger*ith the eft ittle finger,,' rhat t n ow holdsa break below he top six cardsof the pack.

l.ift off about half thepack with the right handpickingup the breakN,r the thumb at the n€ar shortend. Let the cardsdribble down ontor[,se in the efl until all b€low he breakhavebe€n eleasednd ust six,.,,ds emain n the right hand.Havespectator replace iscardon top

,'l rhecards n the eft hand.Placehe cards n the right handon top of11,,)sen the eft but keepa breakbelweenhe two sections ith the eftI lc inger.Lift off abouthalf thepackaSainwith the right hand,again

l,,|'lngup the br eak with the dghl thulnb. Ler the cardsdribble down,{rro hose n tlle lefi hand until you reach he break.Have spectator,.lilacehis card al thispoint and hen drop ihose emaining n the rightl,Indon top of all. Dudng the abovecontrol sequence hichwill leaveh. chosen ards n positionsseventh nd eighth from t he top of the

I ( k, keep h€ right hand ingers airly deeplyover he far shortend ofhccards t hold s, o conceal heir thickness.

( ive he pack a brief ov€rhandshuffle by undercutlingabout half,irl,)gging he first card pulled off and shuffling off the remainder.i ,Dcludeby undercurting t the njog, runni ng six cardsand hrowing


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That Ce ain Somelhing

thc balance n top. This br;ngshe two chosen ards o the op Plac€he

gack facedown on lhe table.' p i" t uo Ltt . *o p;cture ardr ha tar e ace oqn on he able ndsa )

lhar ou i l l te\ t h; i r magical bi l i ly .Take he opca'dof lh epaclan d

i'"iit ir"r""", tft" t*o kings Hold the threecards n lhe right hand n

the Monle Throw Posinon-ir"iii"i

"" t*itit.v

"ndcausehe wo kings o iake on lhe imageof

the c'ardpliced with them Twist the righi hand o show he fac€down

"^.i-aifr""itt" lrt. packet acedown and apparently hrow theJace

""iJonto ttt" tuut.. R;ally ihrow the lop card down by meansof the


ro cairy out this mo"e, you must ift theuppercard

sfiqhiiv lrh rhe ;g}tr econd ingerbefore arrvingout Ihe (hro* Twisr

i t r i r is i r hand sain o'ho$

th e ac e ar dan dagdin se he Monlemove

io'"o 'o. t . t r t t i row th e facecald down on topo[ lhe previous-one

; ir ;d; ; 'd.""." th e able Twr.r he ishthand o \how rhe inal

".Ju-nattrenousft nis ard into lhe centreof the main pack All three

cardshavebeenshown o b e |he same,--iut"

itt. top .".a of the packand push t betweenhe wo facedown


tfr" i"trc. Now ripeat the sequence lreadydescribedn th€

oi. . .a ingp"t"g."pf ' . , . sho* al l hr€e ardshe am eha!ing pparenl l )

i"r.n otiti. i,i"ei or ,he cardplacedbel$een hem Alter showing he

la\r card.oush t inro hecenlre f themainpack

irar. r i r i r tuuingesreaheirmagtcalabi l i l ) nd ound he m'uccess_fu i vo u*i l l no . gi te trem muchmore

'everees l As k ol lhenam('

. i i r i . i *o. . f . . , . -a cards, nd he ndowl) rurn he pair ol lacedown

cardsup to show hal they haYe hangedo the namedcarcls'


Th€creditsmentionedn theprevious ffectalsoapplv o ihis one'and

ln aaaiiion gd*a.a Marlo must be thanked for the "Penetration"

"eouencese dowardsheen doflhe roul lne

--ln Jaliion ro tt'. p".k of cards threecardswrth blanl faceswill be

*ouiiJ. ,r'.'. back. musl match rhe main pack lf blank faced ard'

ca;notbe eadib bta'ned.hree ces aybeused lh utt le educlronn

ir ' ." i i -*

ot rr te r i . t Placeheblank ards r ace\ n op of lh epacl

and you are all set. f aces,do not use he AH-

Hold hepack ac eup and €crel l ' eversehe o$ermoslhree ard\ '

lor" fot to* rl e sane ichnique escl ibedn theMonleThro$ Routinc

io apoarenrlremore hte€ ings nd placehe m n a pi le ace ownon

rtr . at t . .'er l t l

endrng ith he hree lankcard( n th e able


That Certain Somethinp

lurn the pack aceup and run through l, removing he A, 2 and 3 ofl,farls. Place hem n a face up line on the rable n numerical equeflcelr() ln eft o r ight-

l'icl up the breekings rom rhe ableandhold rhem acedown n the1rt handwith a little finger br€akbelow he rop one. pick up the AH{ rrh he right hand andplace r facedownon top of r he king packer ndl,cn mmedjat€lyake off ihe top two cards sone n the same ight hand

r'r'p and rub this cardG)on the top of rhe efr handpacketa few times.Now rub the card(s)on the face of rhe eft hand packera few times.lL,rally liding t b€low he packet.The effect shoutdbe that you have,rbbedhe aceon rhe op and aceoffie paclet so har t canpickup ts

,rrrage,inally placing t below he packd.Triple ift the top threecardsof the packetby buckling he facecard

lrghtlywith the fingersof the efr hand,and et t fall faceup onlo the

,f,nainingcard. Triple lift again,and flip ir facedown, finally placingrlc top card facedown on rhe able.l)ouble ift to show he nextcard, lip it facedown and place he rop

, rJd acedown on the table on top of the cardpreviously laceddown.Iurn lhe next card faceup genuinely nd thenpiace t facedown on

r()t of the previous wo. The effectof rhese ctionshasbeen o showallrh'eecardsas he AH. Place he final card €maining n your hand face,|,'wn on the able n the originalpositionoccupied y the AH.

l'lace hepile of three ards acedown n the eft hand,gettinga breakItr.lowhe op on€,and henpick up the2H and epear h€procedure es-,lhed in the previous our paragraphso show hat all threeca.rds av€,t)parently hanAedo the 2H. Place he inal facedown card n the eftr,.urdback on the table n the positionoriginally occupiedby rhe 2H.liftreat he procedurewith the 3H.

Al theconclusion he position s that the thre€kingsare acedown nI r)jleon the tableand the A, 2, 3 of heartsare back n their originalt!)sitions,but facedown. Place he pile of kings acedown on top ofr[. ]H, pauseor amomentand hen urn the op cardof thepacket ace,t' o show he 3H hascome o the op. Place he 3H faceup on he able.

l'lace 2H face down on top of the threecards,pause or a moment,rd th€nslideout the facecard ofahe packet, urning r faceup to showl,( 2H has ravelled rom top to face.Piacehe 2H faceup oo the abl€.

I'lace he hreecardson top of lhe AH andshow r has ravelled o tber,'l), inally placing t faceup on |he table.

llold the thre€ kings face do*n in the efa hand and say, ..A11thisr ||vityhasmade he kings ose heir dentiry." Tum th€mover o reveal||. blank faces or aces).


llctbredescribinghe technical etailsof this effect, shouldexolain


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Thot Certa!n Some!htng

lhat i is a card rick in two parts, he irst a humorous rocedure nd hc

second surprisewist on ihis procedure hich ustilies he gag. hope

this alsoclarifies he itle.

Performrnce nd PatterOutline

Run through the pack and remove he iwo red aces. Push them

iogether nto the approximale entrepositionof the pack. Spread he

pack face up betweenhe hands o show he pair of aces t the centre,

making sure he audience nderstandhe posilion Closeup the pack'

serr ina brealbelweenhe ace., nd urn henack ace oqn carrylnS

iu, uJulnorer Pa(sat the breat pornr.Pldcehe cqLlaredac [ fa.c

down on the table.

Explain hai you will invitea spectatoro nameany cardand hal thiscard will immediately ppearbetweenhe two aces Poinl out strongly

rhe mpossibility f thisactionand evenhavea speclator lacehis finger

on topof thepack o prevent ny subsequen! anipulalion, f you wish

When h€ sDecla(orasnameda card, eiterate our sut€ment hal lt


tett een he two red aces.Pick up th€ pack usingno fasl

movements nd urn t faceup. Showthereis r€d aceat each nd' so he

named ard s ndeed etw€enhem-Spreadhecards etweenhe hands

until you reach henamed neand exhibit he spreadn thiscondition o

the audienceo proveyour claim. This situadonalwayscauses muse'

mentand audiences ssumehat hey "havebeenhad" with a gagwhjch

is now over-they even arelynotice he face hat in someway the aces

have umped from the centre o lhe ends

Under cover oi the "misdireclion of amusemeni"carry out the

HofziNer cull movewith thenamed ard,so hai whenyou closeup the

facespread, t end sup below he pack.

Turn the pack face down, carrying out the Turnover Passal the

approximate entrepoin(and place he pack acedown on the table

Sat. ' l rh inl \ouqouldharebeenmuchmoteimprer\edf just 'our

card'had ppearid etweenheace5,n'tead f Ih eq hole ac l Prckuplhe packverycleanly, nddowlyspread t faceup betweenour handso

reveal he aces t the centrewith the named ardcaughlbetweenhem'

',rAcE TO ACE"

I believehe principleused n lhis €ffeclwasoriginated y Dai Vernon

and recorded n lhe "Daley Notebooks This s a very simpleapplica

lion of ihe principle,bul givesa quick straighlforward ffect for thosc

occasions hen you ar€ handeda packand ask€d o "do a lrick."

Hold the Dack acedown n the efl handand cut off aboul half with

the right. Hold the righthand section rom above,with he fingersal lhe

That Certdin Something

l.l shortend and humb ai thenearone, he handbeing urvedover he

lwist the ight hand o sho w he facecard ofits section nd hen urnrrr.hand backso that the cardsar€ again acedown.

l'ut the eft thumbbelow is halfand use he humb o fliD l faceuo onl, r hand.Push he ace ar dovera l i t r le o Lhe ighr, ra* ingaueni ion

Ilring the right handhalf towards hose n the eft and pivot the face,,rrd out dighdy usinS he Ovette/Kelly echnique.As lhe halvesmeetl.r(r to face, er hesid€ oggedcard at lhe faceof the eft hand section'.1,r)n immedjately bove he pivoted card of the rigir hand section.( ontinuemoving he right hand owards he eft, but Dosition a aboutl, forward ot the left, so that the cards come face o fac€ n an,rrtjoggedposition. Adjust the cardsso that each half is square,bu!

iLr.rintainh€ outjogged ositionof the upper ace down s€ction.I'akeholdofthe complete ackwith th€ ight hand, humbon op and

r,nsers elow,and grip ir fairly righdy ro keep he rogged onditionaslr,u letgo conpletelywith the eft hand. Twist the right handbackandl,{th a few imes o sho* thecardsat the aceof eachhalf ard requestt)cclatoro oameone,pointingout th at he hasa completelyreechoice.

wh€n he har chosen ne, place hepack back n the eft hand so tharrhchalf containing is card s uppermost nd n an outjogSed osiiion.I'hcerhe right thumb tip on rhenear shortend of the upper acedown.f.rion and he ingers t the far shortend and ilt lhe packet orwardbyli,rinShe nnerendwith the humb. At th e sameime pushwith thedghtr,'r8ers n tsendso h at t moves nwardsarld inesup with the ar shora,,,d of rhe ower section.Now lift th€ upper section ompletely waylr,'n the packand placet facedown on the able, nvitinga spectatoro,,!er it wi th his hand.

I ou are eft with a face up half in lhe left hand with a face down cardrr,rt has secretly een oade d below he face card. Turn this half facel,trln and n this action cary out a Turnoverpassat the approximate

,.,,tre poiDt.End by holding he half facedown in the right hand.

\ay you will causehe card notedat the faceof the half the spectator1.,\ his hand on do a circus rick. lt will leap nro the air and do a.,{nersault nd, whilst t is n lhe air, you will catch t in your righthand.ll,'ust your right hand forward, aboul 12" above he sDectator's.nd. ' \ , Cor t . 'Spread ou r ac e ow nhalfou t o show he ace p card

'rrhecentre.Lel the speciatorook at the faceof his half to see hat his

,,r{l reallyhas gone.He will normally do this withour any prompting


A nory is told of how pictures orm whengazing nto a coal ir e. the

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That Certain Something

story beingacled our with playingcards.The trick h as an unexpectedvisualendingwhich s quite effective.

The only paeparations to havea cardsecretly eversedn the secondfrom top position.The nameof this card and ihe top card of ahepack

should be remembered,and they should bo|h preferably be spot cards.For example, €l's say he top card s the 4D and the rcversed econdfrom top is the 5C.

Cive he packa brief shuffle,retarning he top two cards n position,

and h€n extend t towardsa spectator,equesting im to cut off abouthalf thepack.Flip the cut off section aceup onto the remainder f thapack,

Spread hrough he faceup section f the pack, saying hat you willremovea card for yourself with stralrgepowers, lt do€snot malt€r whichcardyou choose ut try and find a pictureone, as t mak es or a morc

effective nding.Place our card aceup on the table.Continue spreading he face up sectionuntil the top face down card of

the ower section how s p, Lift the ower section o a verticalposition

and humbover he op card, equesting spectatoro remembert. Duato Mr. HenryChris!'s ngenuity hecardhe ooks atwill be he 5C. Afterhe has noted t, draw i back squarewith the packet,and owet t io ahorizonral osition.Place he other section fthe packon top, but keepa br€akbetween he tl{o halves. Cut or Double Undercut tle packat thcbreakpoint to bring he o *er s ecion o the top.

Repeat he procedurealready explained, having another spectalor culoff about half lhe pack, and place t face up on the remaining face dowtlse€tion. Run throug:h he face up seclion as before, removing a card foryourselfwhich splacedwith the onealready n thetable.Try 10 emovcanotherpicturecard hat inks in someway with th e first one, .e. samasuit, sam€ olour, etc., and give his link as your reason or rem ovingtheseparticular cards, Let the spectator not€ the first face down card(4D) and thm reassemblehe pack, finally cutting at the break to briogthe 4D and 5C back o the top.

Pick up one of th€ picture cards from the table with the right hand and

dudng this action geta left little fin8er break under the top two cards ofthe pack. Place he picture card face up on top of thepackbut ouljoggcdby about one-thirdof its length.Gazeat the faceof this card,patterin8about pictures appearing when you gazeat a fire, and how you havcdeveloped hh processand applied it to playing cards.After a secondortwo, stale hat the cardyou cansee s the 5C, he first sp€ctator onfird-ing fta! this washis card.

Pick up the second icturecard rom th€ ableand place t faceup ontop ofthe packso hat t is n jogged or about 'Gaze at the aceof Giicard for a few seconds nd then name he 4D, the second pectator't

Placeyour right thumb on the nn€r edgeof the njogged ard andpush t forwardsuntil you feel your thumb butt against he two carda

t hat cer,atn somerntng

,'hove he €ft litde finger.Continue ushingwith the riSht humb which,\ now pushing hree ardsasone,until about+" ofthe backshows t the,,r er end of the pack. The pair of face up cardswill now be slightly, tjoSged n an overlappinS display.

Bring the right hand to the far short edgeof the face up parr, placingrhe ingersbelow h em and thumb on the ace.Crip them ightly (reallyIour cards) t thepositionnearesthe ar shortendof themainpackand,lcepingthem ocked oSether, ift lhem away from the pack and lurnrhem acedown by simply wisting h€dght hand owards he body untilrhecardsassume facedorl'r|position,Place hem back on the packsorhat he op card(s) inesup exactlywith the mainpack, the single ardI'clow t assuming [ injoSged osition.

With rhe ight hand,lift offtheupper card(s), lacing hethumbat therear short end and fingersat the far one, he hand b€ingcurvedabove

rlrccard(s).Use he eft hand on g sideof this card o fl ip the njoggeditrrrbelow t fac€up and ake his card n its faceup conditionbelow heLtcedown oneG) n the right hand,positioning t so that it projects or,rbour1' beyond he eft ha nd org sid€ of the upper card(s), ts faceI'cing learlyvisible o the spectators. upport he cards n th ispositionlor a momentby holding hemagainst hepackwith the eft thumb andrli€n ake hem again nto the right hand,cha[ging he right handgrip sorlc thumb s on top and fingers elow, heir positionbeilg such hat thelour cards are locked together and from the audience's iewpoint,rl)Dearss just two cards being held face to face in an overlappiry(rsplay.

'fhe prec€dingmoves ake only a few seaondso carry out, and arell.signed o givea fairly logicalway of turning he cardsover.

Explain that somepeopl€have difficulty in s€€ingpictures n fires, so\i,u will try and make he mag€s ou haveseen little clearer.



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K€€Dinc he cards n the righl hand in a horizontal position' bring

rfri. i-iiitr.io lrt..igttt of th; main pack beinghtld in thr lefi hand'

No!! movc them upwaldsand during this aclion place he llngenlps.or

.rr. i*,l*a on the bact of lhc prorruding aceup card By pre\sing


,rti-riii n"iers hccardspu


down nto he opof the

iiii"i i'iii i.,,"iation

asn FiEurc0 At rhe ameimehe isht

[r"a nn"o. oustt n tteower ard f lheupper ahso hal t movls

over owirds-thccfl to replacetc one iat hasb€€n tolen nto ne

r*i, il" eiiJ oi tit procedures o SiveavisualchanSef the aceup

iiJi. iii" lo.l" taaiiion ihefac€downuppercardhaschangedo the

iC. irriiecrtniques similaro tharof thePaintBrush hanS'e'-'o."r

tt. i*"-.-atliom the ighthand ace ponto h€ able' ayinS'

"15"11. levv g41vou seehem?"


This sa strarahtfon rdcard evelalionAflerall' youshould o one

ttict'*rr.*i'trii".i a*sn't changeolour, row arge, row mall' urn

a somersault.tc.'iii.irt.''ii""t

"rtr,e ac€ wocards f thepackand mentally dd

rrr.iior.iic" iu* lrt"pack ace ownand ecretlyev€rsche acewo

;;. F;;;;;i;, iJ'i sav tre oralof lhe two cards ace p ar the

bottom s elevcn,i;i;;;;;;io.

"".to be "kenandasvou do this countonc ess


t"rDirnU"*a otalandmarkoff a break t thispoint ln our

J*"-ii. ir *o"to t r.n cardsrom he op oncea cardhas eenaken'

J.* iro ii. pt"i-a

keephebreakwilh thr lefl little ing€r'Requesl

,rt" Jt"ii'i. rcmemberhc csrdand o show l to any otherspec'

;;";;. ;;; ;;;i;, drop the cft handdowntowardsvour lefi side

ii"fttf". *a lhenbrinS$; handup againbur with thepacksecretly

iuioJi*i, to,rt",,t'"1wo rcversediardsrenowal the op Th€break

must tillbe maintained.'''?rr" 'i""i

irti ..t..,.a card ndpusht fac€ o*n inlo hepackar heb';;;"fi:';;;;;-;it,ger a efr itrlennger reak bow r' under

cover;f f tesamequaringct ion, l if l p hctopcardl tnepacxrrgnrrv

;d rakea breakb.low t with he efi hird finger'

Give heDack Double ndarcu!,alinSoff lhe rophallal tne llrlc

n,ti--urea[ ooinrana eepinghc top cardbreakwilh heriSlt thumb

ii"]i"."iiiiG o."tte tjndircutmoue o har he opcard nds trhc

fee- Th; Dack ssouare ndno brcaks reheld'-i"v

,]i"rvou*ift i.v"nd

find wo cardsn h€packwhoie oralalu€s


irt. .i"",'p"silion of hechosenard Take hepacknlo h'

.i"ii fr"i,a. r,"tu o",tte top and ingers n the ace'andLhenhrow t

li"'k;;;il i;i; rhe eft irand. T1re op and facecardswill auto-

;;;;i;6; ;;ifi i; the rishr hand Move his hand owardshc

18 0

That Certain Something

\r'C'clatorsnd twist he wrist so hat th€ two cards t ho ldsare aceup.sry, "What do the two valuesadd up to?" This approachdrawsnrrentiono the right hand and not the pack n the eft. The packhastr.rually landed into the left hand face up, but if you catch t fairly dcepIr thehand and usea little coveringmovementn the throw, t will pass

Hand the pack to a spectalor and lei him count down from th€ top ofrhc pack to th€ value indicated by the two cards. When he does so, he\Iould b€ surp sed o find the chosencard has urned face up. Conclud€hy saying, You may haveseenme ge!your card o the number,but did

vou seeme turn it faceup?"


In this effect a "tongue in cheek" patter theme is used to sell arcversed ard trick. This ce ainly is a casewhere he pres€ntationsmorex portant than the method, although I think the technique used is

'casonablydirect alld efficient.

working rnd Presentrtion Outllne

You must stafl with a card secretly evers€dat the bottom of the face{lownpack.

spread he pack casuallybetwe€n hc hands and then close he spread!r ihai thepackk held square n lhe left hand. Take carc hat you do notcrpose he reversedcard. I normslly givc thcm a shufll€, retaining thehotlom card in position, and when spreading hem !o show the Ddc*s,uy, ''Look how wellm;xed heyare. This ypeof line can bedelivcredwrthout omicability and still laisea grin.

Close up th€ cards and hold tham face down in the lefl hand. Rifflerlown rhe outcr left comer with tbe left thumb, inviting a spectator o

nop you at somepoint. Break the pack at the request€dspot, taking t}leuper half off with the right hand and request he spectator o remcmberIhc card at the fac€ of this half. Rcplace he upp€r half on thc lo*er butfurry out the ovette/Kelly Placement, so that the noled card endsup atrhc aceof th€ pack.

spread the pack face do$n bctw€en the hsnds, taking care not toI veal the reversed ard ncar the facc. Look at the backs and sayyou are

roing to try and makc an image appear on th€ back of one of lh€ cardsrhnrwill tell you the namcof the notedone. Say ha t thc magewill onlylt a faint onc, but that with yearsof practiceyou areable o se€ t. Close{l) the spread as you are explaininS this and in doing this carry ou! thestread Half Pass at the approimate centrepoint of the pack, All tlisIncans s that the lower half is secretly urned face up under @ver of the


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Thot Certain Something

loD half beingclosed bove i'-'e*"i"o.i"ii*

"" ,n"\r faint the magewill be, slowlyslarl lo \pread

rheJack Letweenhe handrunlil the aceup cardshows p at thecentre


i. ,t'"t ,he risht hand s holdinsrh€ upperhalf wirh the


irt. s.,rom oi it. Moverhe righLhand owards lte able

^naaioosir tlre aceup card here or a moment Leanoverand ga?e l


ini.",rv, *ytig. lt \ nol loo clearbut I think il's lhe imageol

ii" i*a;"rt-"ai1; (her.-namewhateuerard ir is) As vou do lhis'.push

"r.rtfr" itp

"-aitt ttt. Ieft hand half sliShtlyand get a breakbelow l

*iirr irt" ritii" iing"t. so.etimes a spectatorwill smile andsav hat he€an

.." it. itug.. ,o-o. f tttit hupp.n.' .otm€nl, "Can you reall)? It lool

rn. vi"ri*i y""rt or practiie and ir's still none oo clear"'" 'p i*" i r ' .

, leh,hand ecl ion ac kon top of the ef l mainlaininShe

breakwith the eft i l t le inger.

" i , i " f r" i f r f l "" i rp *r d io m th e ablewiLhhe ighlhand ndpushr.tiir'i"".irJinio rrt. p""k makinSsure l.Soes erl near-theJace d A\

soon as rhe card is squarewirh Ihe pack catry oul a Half.Passal,lhe

break Doim$d immediorel, $ist the packoverend or enoso nal n N


i"", tt*i"g teadihe mag€ n the backo[ thecard il isnow a

.;il'-;;i.; t; ilii,oush the paik and remo\€ oLrrnotedcard Do

this in line with YourPatter.


ln thisettecr, he p€rtormetappearso explainhi\ svstemor llnding

the nameofan unkno$n card However'his e\planatloncatflesa'-lrlng

i"ii" ,rii'; *rri"r,-"1.t

an effectiveending o the trick'

P€rformrnc€ Outlitre

Run $rouch lhe faceup pack and remot€ rhe ace o len of hearl\'

pr".i'i iii..L iti. t"* of ihepackn numericrder' ndins irh hetenat the ace."'iir*a-

"".i,r'. r"". tencards nd hen losehemand ift lhem wav

r..ri ii."".i.-rt

in rhisacrion emove neextracardbehind hem

a;;;ii;..'', i;;,n the efrhaod o rhe isht lhusreversinsheirorder'

:ili;; ;;;ilt i*o^

on. card.on topof rh€ wo of heartscall arren

iion tJ thenumeric rd€r f lhe encards 5you sho* them'Iurn the Dacketace ownandappearo mix hemup Dyuslng trc

".irrt"*n iri" uo. shutfle. hat s' push ff a frw cardsrom he oP

r.i" ,'rt. "r'i-iii"i, *a Lhen [e$ cardsrom hebotlomof thepacket

;;-,;;;iiil;. Continuehis action.pushins lf cards ltemarrrelv

i-. il"i.p-""a u",,.m into therighthand This actionooks ike 3

".""f""ittili, tti lt.ealitv onlvcuis hecardscive thepacket few

18 2

That Certain Something

genuine uts o finish, fioally glimpsing h€ valueof rhe facecard andcuttingcardsequal o its value rom top to fac€of rhepacket. t i s quiteeasy o transfer he correctoumberof cards f you spread he packetbeforemaking he cut. If the card you glimpse s a high one,give hepackanothercut or two u ntil a low one appears ( the face,so hal youonly have o transfera few cards. f the ace of hearts s the card youSlimpse, o cut ai all is necessary,nd f rhe card you glimpses not ah€art,cut the packet o get a heart at the face.

Spread he packet face do*'ll and removethe second rom face card.placingt i n your right hand rouserpockel.Make sure hat no-one eesits face. As you closeup the remainder f the spread,gei a left littlelinger break above the fourth card ftom the face.

Explain hatyou havea magical ystemor findiog out thename fthecard n your f,ocket,and that it consists f making he cards earange

themselv€snto numericord€r so that it is eas y o seewhich one ismrssng.

Turn the packet face up, maintaining the little finger break, and startto spreadhe cards ut slowly.After you havepushed ver he first twolards, take he next wo asone easy €cause f the break)and continuespreadinghe remainder ut normally.The spectators ill note hat thecardsar€ n numericorderand you point out that it's therefore asy osce hal the four of hearts s missing.

Clos€up the spread, nd asyou do ihis, SideSteal I€ eightof hearrsrnto the riSht hand. Reach nto the trouserpocketwith ihe rigli handrnd bringout thepalmed ardback o the audience. um i t faceup as fro confirm hat t is themissing our ofhearts.Appearsurprisedhat i hrot the four, and place t faceup on the table.Tum the packer aceuprnd re-spreadt t o show hat th€ missing ard s indeed he eight spor.


Briefly, the ploi of this effecr is that cards placed between a pair of

queens anish.Eventually he wholepack s placedbetweenhe queens,.rnd l, too, vanishes, ut in an unexpecte d ay. Put anotherway, t's at)lot or the colourchanging ack-confused?Then readon.

worldry Outline

You will ne€da red backedpack of cards,plus he wo black faced,tucensrom a blue backed ack.The packshouldbe stacked s ollows,rerdingfrom the face of ihe pack. About ten cards, ed backedQS,,lbour ten cards, blue backd QC, remainderof pack, reversed edl,xckedQC and finally the blue backedQS facing he sameway as rhel,ulkof thepack.


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That Certain Something

To p€rformthe effect, un throu8h h e faceup pack and remove he

QS and QC asyou come o them,placing }lem aceup on the able, he

QC beinS on the face of the QS.Turn the remainder of th€ pack face down in t}le left hand and get a

left little fingerbrcakbelo\r he op card ofthe pack.Pick up he pair ofblack queens n the right hand, keeping them fac€ up, holding them in aslightly spraad condition. Bring them towards thc pack and let the cardabove tle little finger brcak feed in between hem. Squarcthe cards ontop of the pack with the right hand but keep he break (now below three

cards) with the left little fin8er.Placeyour lcft thumb on the face of the QC and hold it in position on

top of the pack whilst the right hand drawsout the two cards below it to

the right ard away from the pack in a squarcd condition, fingers at the

farshort end a|ld thumb at the near one. The left little finger keeps a

break below the QC. Bring the right hand cards back over the pack andadd the QC below them as the left thumb go€sonlo the facc down card

and retains it in position asthe right hand moves away to the right with

its packe!. The face do*n card is rctained on top of the pack but should

be ogged slightl! to the riart so thot lhe face of the QC showsbelow it.

The remaining card(s) n thc rigit hand isplacedon top of the pack, alsojogged to the righr. This r€sults in a very fait display of the face downcard sandwichcd ctween he face up queens.

Close up the spreadsnd get a left litde finger brcak below the faccdown card, Now d€al the quecnsonto the table one on top of the othet in

a sliahtly spr.ad condition to show that the face do*n card hasvadshed

from bctwccn thern. The QC wiU bc on the facc of lhe labled quecns.

Repeat }lc vanishing sequence escribed n the preceding hree para-

Sraphsa couplemore limes, finally cnding with the que€ns aceup on lhe

lable.Adjust the left little finger break so that is is oow below the top two

cardsof the pack. Pick up the qucens rom the table with the right hand

by first pickiru up tbc QC and using it to scoop up the QS. The QS is

thus transfcrred to thc face of the pair, after which thcy areadjusted to a

squared face down position in the right hand, lhe grip being at theopposite short ends.

Bring the right hand over th€ pack and place the left thumb on thc

backof thc uppermostqueenas f you aregoing to draw it onto thc pack,

but really change he pair of cards n the riSht hand for the pair of cards

on top of th€ pack by gripping the pack pair with the third finger and

thurrb of the rigllt hand and moving them to the right and away from tbepack ss the left thumb presscsdo*'n on the pait originally in the righlhand ard keeps hem on top of thc pack. It should look as f on€ facc

down quecnbas been etained on lop of lhe pack altd one eft in the riSht

hand. No left litlle finger break is any longer requrred.Sayas well as making cardsvanish between hem, lhe queenscan also

do acrobatics.Place he card(s) n the right hand on top of the pack,

18 4

That Certain Something

lrjoggedslightly, henpush he cardG)squarewith ihe packand slidealngle card back to the injogged position to reveal that the lower queenl,r. rurned ace up. fake rhe rop que€nand lurn ir faceup, slipping rbelow he face up QC, and then turn both face do*n on top of the pack,rrking care ha t they do not spre ad.

Sayyou will give the quecnsa real test by trying to make the wholel)ackvanish from betweel them. Turn the pack lace up and pull out theQC using the Clide, and place it on the face of the pack. Turn the packlace down and llip the top card (QS) face up and face do$n again,saying, A queen t eachend of t he pack."

Position the pack deep n the right hand in a necktiede6lposition andrhen deal the top two que€ns ace up on the tablc, safng, "Look, ther)ack asvanished."Flip the queensacedown with the right h6nd andsay, ltt not hiddenunder one of them!"

Look at your lefi hand and say, "Oh! itt this you are wonderingabout, his pack s nothing o do with tllis trick, it's a red back€doneuse n my next trick," Spread the pack in a long facc down spreadslowing that it is indeeda red backcdone.

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the face one of the pair, the section moving downwards as a lockedblock. Figure 32 shows he position after the cardshavebecnpusheddownwards. Figure 33 shows an exposedview wit}l the left handremovedcompletelyand the position of the rear sectiobof the packand upjogSedcard can be clearly seen. n practiceof course he lefthand is nevcr removed and in faal does not changeposition at all,once ! haspushed ts section own.




I first read of this excellent slerght n the Tarbell Courseof Ma8ic, the

move b€io8 the invention of the Master himself, Dai Vernon.

The handling I us€ is a little different to Mr. vernons, and i5 as

We ill assumehat wo cards re o b€ nse ed nto thepackand con-

rrolled.alrhough l could be a largerquantity or jun a iinSle card.

Figure 'l

l) Hold thepack n the rrghthandasshown n Figure3l and nsert wo

cards nlo differentpartsof the rear half of the pack with the eft

hand. Ke.p the eft halld in positionas shown n Figure31. Note

how the for€finger is at the centre of the upper short end.

2) Push he eft forefinger slightly forward towards the face sid€ of thepack so that the protruding cardsare sliShtly under tension and the

cardsbetweenhem are ocked ogether.Grip the sides f the pack

with the fingersand thumbsof both hands,keepinghe right hand

forefingeron the face of the pack as shown.3) K€ep the riglt hand absolutel! still and mo\e lhe left hand down-

wards, akingwith ii the protrudingcardsand all the cardsbehind

18 6

Figure 2


.l)The right hand humb and liitle fi ngernow grip the njogged earsectionof the pack on opposite edges, h€re being no need o alterthepositionofthe ri ghr hatldat all to do this. The efi handSrips hefront section of the pack and $e upjoggedcard betwe€n he thumband second inger, he rhumb beingmovedveryslightlyupwards omake his possible.


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Th€dghthandnowbrisklypulls ts section ownwards ndplacesit on the faceof lhe sectionbeingheld by the left hand, he righthandgripstill belngcompleiely €tweenhe ittle fingq and humb.The esultof this action s to leave he wo cardsodginally nsertedinto diff€rentpartsof thepack, ogelherat the top.


I donot knowwho o credit or this sleight, t seemso be asold as hePass tself and et slill not used o any greatextentby colljurers.Thebasichandling use s as ollows:

l) Start ith thcpack acedown n the ef! handwitha fleshbreakheldat thc base f the thumb at



he Half Pass to bemad€.2) Bring he righl handover hepack,fingersat the far short endand

tbumbat thc nearoneand akeholdof the section bove he break.Kcep h€ ight handwcll over hepackso hat the ingers iveplentyof coverat the outer sho end.

3)Keeping old of theuppers€ctionwith th€ ight hand,pull the owerseclion ownwith the ingersof lhe eft handso har t hidges ow[-wards,hepivotpointbeing t thebasc fthe eft thumb.The eftforcfinger s ustaround le outer shortendof thepivotinghalf. Aslhe left handcontinues he pivotingaction, the section eavestspivotpointasshown n Figure34,and evolves ntil it isalmost ac€up. The eft handnow moves pwardsaking he cellds p, to squarewith the uppersection,as shown n Figure35.

Figure 4

The left thumb moves down to rest on lhe top of lhe pack (Figure

16)so that it is now aduauygrippedbetweenhe efi fingersb€low

and he humb ontop. The Half Passs complcte nd tc righl hand

can b€ removed if the trick requircs it. However, I nomally con_

tinue thc actiod a3 follows:


Figure 6

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Figurc 6a


Figute 7

4)fie.rlghr hand s rnoved lighltyupwardsaway rom the packandme rctl DaDd mmc<tiatelysl&ts lo revolve the pact along its lenglhby simply wisting he}landrowards our bodt unlil lhe-fingers;auppefihost, as shown in Figure 35A.

The tumover action describedn .4' above ollows on immediarelvafter.!heHaif Pa$ acrionhas b€€n ompleted.Of.our..,lt

"*ontv Ui

ur€o. tt ||rs rn wlth lhe routineyou aredoing. If you did it wirh a packsta rmg n_a aceoown condition you wouldapparenrly howa backat


_.This s my handlingof a rnove evised y VerneChesbro. r is, n fact,(he.oppojrle result to a seconddeal, the top card being shownani

rcptaced ut,$cretly ndingup second rom the op, lt is useful n manytricks bur will rakea little limc ro learnand perform wilh confidence-.The technical details are as follows:

1)Hold the pack face down in tlle l€ft halld and removethe top cardvrith the riSht hand, boldine it as sho*n in Figure 3? at the bottomright hand corner. Twist the right hand as sfiown in Figure 37 tJshow the faceof the top card, keeping he card close o th; packandnot quite in a face up condition as compared with the f;ce downpack.A sideon vi€w of this position s shown n Figure38.


Figure 8




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2)As the card s being hownby the right hand, he eft thumbpusrhe lop card ol the pack over sliChtly.Thi\ action s exDosedFigures37 and 18, but it is imporlant to rememberhat Figure3shows he audiences' iewand that thecardyou can seefrom the op of thepackslightly n this llustrarion,wouldnotmally be seer,due o thecard n the riShthandconcealingt. F38 s an exposed ideon view.

3)The ight handnow starts o turn so hat ts cardwill againend nfare down condirion but in doing this it feeds he left hand longof the card below the one protruding from lhe top of the pFigure39 rhowsan exposed ideon viewot rhisaclion.

Figure 9


A perfect weavemeans bat exacily half the pack is mergedrdth.lhe

tnhc;half so hal everycard alternates, owever,nearlyall of the tricks

\||l'l the weave huffle n tbh book, only requirea few cards rom the

r',t) f eachsectiono be accuratelymeshed, much easier rocedure.

I he handling used s the same,whether he completehalvesale me.geal

',r iusla few cards, o h e description ill assumehat you wish o carry

r'[r a completeweave f a filty two cardpack.


The right hand continueshe actionof twisting o bring he cardcompletely fac€ down and pushes t inwards using the forefinger onthe right long edge o that it squares p with the main pack.Tharight forefinger alsoserves he purposeof pushingon lhc edSeof thacard t is bein8 edunder,so that this alsosquaresp with themainpack.

As the card is b€ing fed below the top card, the left hand Divotirh€ pack downwardsvert sliehtD. This action is importani andhelps onsiderablyn covering he move.

The move can be fitted into mary tricks, one of rhe most obviou!being he AmbitiousCa.d', its usecuttingdown on the excessiveseofthe flouble Lift in this effect.


The perfect weave(or faro) shuffle has been around for a long timabut in my opinion, t was not until Alex Elmsleydeveloped is manytricks and principlesusing tlle shuffle, that its full Dotentialbecam;

Figurc 1


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Hold the pack in the left hand as shown in Figure 40, thumb on thlnear long side, for€fingd restinSon the back of t}lc pack and remainintfingers at the far long side. Bring the right hand !o the face of the pacland use he thumb to lift off cxactly half the pack by placing it on thanear long side, €stimating the half way point and lifting thesesway frorlthe face end of th€ pack by raising the right thumb slightly as n Figura


.nd and he humb henearone, hehand tselfbeing urledover he op

r)l lhe card. The riSht forefinger ests ightly on the back of the card

Now take the second card below the first, third finger pressingagainst

rhli far short end and thumb the near one, The thumb s now pressing

rgainst he near shortedgeof two cards.The wo cardsshouldb€ ined

up one b€low thc other and kept very close togethet, the left hand long(dgesactually touching eachoth€r and the right hand onesbeing about a(tr;rter ofan inch apatt. t is easiero pick the cards p from he able, f

rhey are curved along their length sliShtly.The rigbt hand twhts clockwise t the wrist to show he faceof the

lower card, It turns to bring the cards fac€ down again and moves

rowards lle left. After moving about six inches owards the right second

fingermovesoutwards ery slightlyand at the same ime theriShthand

nroves ack towards he right. The result of theseactions s that th€

lpper cardof theparrdrops strarS]rt own onto the table.As the righlhand s moving back the grip on the card remainingn it is changed y

flacing he right secondinget on he far shortendand releasedhe hird

iurger.Wllen he right hand comeso rest, he ingersare exactlyn the

|osition they would assumef the ower card reallyhad beendropped.

Practice he throw by really dropping the lower card and imitating this

rction. lt is possibleo get to a standardwhere t i s quite mpossibleo(lclecthe feke hrow and not too muchpractices required o reach his



It seems o me that the Pass s a much underrated leight when

.orrecllydone, t is fas t, silentand extremely fficientand wellwortb he

trractice€quired o achievehese haracteristics.'Ihereareofcoursemanysubstitutesor the Pass, ut b€fore onsidel_

ulg hem,makesureyou comparcthe IJect heygivewith thatwhich he

l'assgives.The effectof thePass houldbe hat a card s chosen rom

rhcpackby a spectator nd hen eplaced n top of the ower half of thet)ack.The upperhalf is then plac€don top to sandwichhe card aa he(cntre.The card n th€seaciionshas been€ontrolled o the top of ihe

tJack,hereare ro post eplacements,preads, utsor shuffles rom the

\pectator's iewpoint.Thereare ew view substituleshat will give his

.xact effect n sucha cleartwaY.My handlingof the ClassicPass s as follows:I) Fan he Dack or a card o be akenand hencloset and cutoff the

upperhalf witb the right hand.2)Have he card replaced n lop of the ower half and thenplace he

upperhalf on top of th e owerone, nserting he ip of the eft little

fingerbetweenhe two halves.Note n FiSure4l how the eft hand

forefinger s curled around the outer short end of the pack. The


40. The forefingerand illle fingerof the righl hand reston rhe aceothe pack, he remaining ingersbeingon the far long side.Lift the fac!half completely away from the tear one for a moment.

Move he right forefinger o th€ uppershortend of thepackand brinithe halvesogether sshown n Figure l. Note how he dght little fingcrformsa rest or the acecards flhe two halves.Adjust the halves o hstonly lhe edges f the cards mmediately bove he riSht ittle finger aratouching, he halves eingheld n a slightV shape omake hh possibla.

Now move he upperhalf slightly owards ou with the right hand andthe lower one slightly away from you with the lef!, which will result n thahalvesmeshingoSether 5showo n Figure 1. Do not hold hecards ootightly whilst he shuffle ake splace,althoughonly practice an ell youthe correctpressureso apply.

G.ncrd Notes on W€av€Shuffles

a)An 'out' shuffle with an evenquantiryof cardsmeans hat the topand face cards of the group remain in these positions afier thcshuffle.

b)An 'in' shuffle with an evenquantity of cardsmeans hat the topand face cards ose thesepositions after the shuffle, ending secondfrom th e rop and second rom the face.

c) An 'out' shuffle rom the faceof an odd quantity of cardsmeansthatyou mustcut he argersectionin thecase fa 53cardpack,2Tcards) rom the lace beforeyou shuffle.

d)An 'in' shuffl€ rom the faceofan odd quantityofcards meanshatyou must cut the smaller section from the face bcfore you shuffle.

e) For 'out' or 'in' shuffles roh the top of an oddquantityof cards,just follow the rules n 'c'and 'd'abov€, but apply hem o the topof the pack.

0 A no. mal odd quantityweave hufflemeans ou merelyshuffle hcsmallerhalf into the arger.


My monte ouiin€ sdescribedn Chapter De f rhisbook and or rhatroutine t is only necessaryo learna good ighr hand rhro*, so h€ efthandwill be gnored n rhe descriptionbat follows.

You will needust two cards o practice he move.Tak€ rhe irst facedown in the right hand, he second ingerpressing gainsr he far short


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right hand is not shown n Figure4l for clarily, bul is of course.

curvedover hepack afrer replacinghe upp€rhalf.r,In€ rl8nl nand s stretchedwell over the pact, so rhal the finsers

give plentyof coverat rhe fronr, rhe handonly gripplng l,e lo_wiisecnonot the pack betweenhe fmgersat the far shon end andrnumDat ti€ oearone, My grip is only reauyberweenhe senondlrngerand rhumbof thf right hand,as canbe sefn n Figure42.


l) Ihe eft handnow moves heupperhalf slightly o th€ eft by simplymoving h€ fingers owardshe eft. This actionwill causehe upperhalf to pivot upwardsas shown n Figure42. At ihe same ime theright handpullsupwards lightlyon the ower half, a rear viewofrhis being shown n Figure43. The combinedactionsof the twohandswill result n the two sections hanSing lacesand it onlyremains o close he eft fingers n again o bring its half back to

square up with the one gripped by the rieht hand.The reason for thc left forefinger being curled around the outer

short end s to prevent his half from swinging ut too far, a verycommon ault in the execution f the Pass.

(;rreral Noteson the P.ss

t is most mportant that the halves do not touch each other dttritrg the( tions.This resultsn a completely ilentPass.

Neveratlempt he Passwithout some orm of misdir€.tion Cet theirircntion away rom your hands or a momcnt,

liming (which s part of misdirection)s most mportan!. normally

I'lncehe upperhalf on top ofthe lower and mmediately o the Pass, sI l()okstraightat tlle specta tors ndsay "you didnl take h€ Jokerdidr'rr? , or someother yp€ of pointless u€slion.


Ihe Turnover Pass use is basedon the Hermann one and its,ohsequentpdating y Hugardand 8raue, n th eir book "The Invisible

A card is selectedrom the pack and retumed to the lop of the lowerlrilf. As the top half is replaced flesh break s taken betweenhe twol,rlvesat the baseof the eft tlumb.

Ihe right hand com€s ver h€ pack 1o ak e up the positionshown n

t rsure g. Note how hehand h low on the back o giveplentyof finger, ,verat th e outer short end.

I he eft hand idge rs ow pull down on theright hand ong sideof the

t)rekand as his section tarts o reacha verticalposition, lle eft hand1,nr8 idemovesacrosshe faceof theupperhalf, not touchingbul very, ose o it, until the ower half reacheshe positionshown n Figure45.Assoonas hh position s reach€d,h€ right handstarts o pushdownonrlc upperhalf slightly,so hat it pivotsagainst he right lhumb and theI rFhthand on g sidestarls o mo ve downwards.

l he eft handnow startso twist over o a palmdownposition, he eftr||trmb ushing n the edge f the ong side t is touchinguntil the ower|nll squares p with the upperhalf a s shown n Figure46. As thepack

r.irehests faceup position he right hand s removed.


Figure 2

Figure 3


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Sleights SleiShts

Note hat in FiSure45 the right hand fingershavebeenextendedo

-'' " ""."p"*a tl!"

"r,heacti6n.n performance.hes€ingersemain

. urlcd vir the tronlot thepackas n Figure'14'I)o IIot use heTumoverPass nlessouhave part n your ouune

qhcre hepackhas o be turnedover' I know his seemsn obvlous

'rmark,but I haveseenmanycon.iurerss€ he movewrthouiany

,".iiii"ition iot tutning hepa;kover,other han heirownknowledge

r||lt themoves deceptive.


some wenty eals go worked ul hismoveo usen anAmbitious

, ,'.a ""ri"", iir, if vi, learn r, manvolherusesrill bediscovered

iiuiiuv frofalngfti p".k tace own n the eli hand nd iffleo[[ the','n


troim hi tert humbat lheouler eft corner f th€pack'

t ic action fthe eft humbsconc€aledyrhe ighthalldwhich omes

,,".r itri oacf oam ao*n, covednghe outer eft cornercompletely

ir.*iifr"ifftt ft-a nnger ipslnto he break hathasb€€normed

,',J.iii. iro i"""*at,

th; thumb esringn topof thepack crip lhe

r{o cards sone tetwe€nhe ighlhand ingers nd humb nd wrslhe

i'""J op*"iaito .rto* the acJof the op card'asshowr n Figure ?

Figure 4

Figure 6

Figure 5

Figwe 47

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Twist the hand downwards again and at the same dme slide the fac€card slightly o the eft with the right fing€rs.An exposed iew of this

action s shown n FiSure48.


As soonas he owercardhasentered he packand he upperone has||,rei:l p with the short ends, he right hand el€osests grip completelyI'r( h still curvedover he pack.The fingersof the right hand are keptr{'8ether, ut Figure 50 showsan exposed i€w at this point with ther'rgersapan.

Place he uppermost card on top of the packso that only the corner is

act$lly on top. Agarn refer to Figure 48 for this position.

Pressdown on the packwith the outer l€ft cornerof thc card resling onit. This will cause h€ card below it in the right hand to separale sliShtlyat the ilner shorl end. Now start lo move hc right hand and tle card(s) tholds nwards o line up with ih€ shortendsof thepack.The o wer cardwill automalically e ed nlo the approximate entre f lhe packby this

stidingaction.Figure49 shows n exposed iew rom underneath f this

Undercoverof the righthand, he eft finger ips drarv he ower sider()8gedard squarewith lhe packand the eft little finger akesa break

Ihe right hand now, slowly cuts off all the cards above tlle break,l.aving he op card n its sidejogged ositionand completcshe cut. The

t,rck is completely squaredwith the aid of the left hand and then the top.ard flipped face up to show thc apparent rise of the cen[e card to thc

NOTE:-lf you wish o brinS he card to the bottom of the pack, uslpressdown a linle harder at the stage n the move where he opcard h overlapping the pack (Figure ,E) and the lowermostcard will slide under the pack during the right hands action,rather than being fed into the centre. ln this variation nosubsequentut is made,


'fhissleight asa reputation f being€xtremely ifficult, it is difficult,but not extremely o.

I hereare an awful lot of techniquesn print but n the main h ey allrrlo two basic pproaches, 'pushoff' dealor a'strike'deal. I haveused&nh typesof deal, and haveconcluded or general onjuring applica-r(rns that the 'strike' technique s the better one lo use. One major, vantagehe strikedealhasover he 'pushoff' h Lhat t is not essmtial


Figure 8


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that hecards r€ n goodcondition, f your echniques correcl, ou

use evenold cafds successfully.

side of the pack and lhe lhumb is r€sting on top. The grip on theshouA be very light,

Do not bepul off by friends ellingyou ts not worth heeffort toa SecondDeal, as t h as very ittle use n car d magic, t is a sleightconsiderableowerwhichhas not beenusedextensively, implynot manypeople o t. Itt not that hey cannotdo t, but that theythey caonot do ii. Once this mental block has been pushedprogresswill be rapid. So, take your cards n hand and give ittry-please.

Figure 1

Figure 5l showshow the pack is held in the left ha[d. Note howpack is slightly beveled, k€ep his b€vel very sliglt. The fingers are at th

As he risht thumb movesovel the op of lhe pack' pull tbe top card

,r.'$',slightlywith a lighl pressure f lhe efi lhumb asshown n FiSure

\r t' v;d le€p rhissap no more han a whiteborderwidrh, but do not

*,r'!;f vou have o;ate it widcr or a reliable eal Al lhe time he efl

rh[l|rb moves, he riSht one shouldbe positioned ust past he centre

In{'|l of lhe far sho end of lhe pack.'

M6ve he icht ha[d lowards he ightand wirh a light ouch. ower he

|,{trr rhumbs; that t touchesh€ backof t he second ard rom the top'

r ,,ur,nuemoving he complcte and o lhe righl in a dcaling-actionnd

ir rhc ame imemove he rigltt humb o lherighl at a much aster peeo

r rtr (hehand.With preaticehesecond ardwill comeout cleanly nd as

I Drotrudes rom lhe right long side of the pack, the rig]t first and

,..,u,d incersmoueup t6 its faci,locking it againsthe rhumbso thal it

' ur becoripletely emoved rom the pack.The eft thumbmovesh€ op

, trrJbacksquarewilh fie Packthe pafl ;f lhe riSht humb which hits'or '$rikes' lhe cardwill varv

*rrh i;dividuals de-pendingn the shapeof thet thumb. Look for a.,f,lai,t r.rmp at the teft lland side of your thumb and use he lower part of

r[( oroiection o strike he cardoutAi soonas he card s awav tom the packand whilst he right hand s

,,rll moving, slide he right thumb downwards lightlyso that it is not

lr\ilroned at theextremeop edgewhen he cardcomes o resl''

t-or dealing the rop card, foilow the procedurealreadydescribed

wrrhour he e-ft humbpull downofthe top card. mitate heexacthand

ntovementshat ale madewhenyou deal he second ard

when dealing, do not use an exc€ssive p and down movementof the

,,rrk in rhe efahand. ememberhar a naluraldealwill ah'ats be morc',t,tcprive

than a technicalty erlect oae There should be a lefl hand

Ir1)v;ment, ut no note than s normallypresentwhenyou dealor take

, rrds from the top.In my opinion he golden ule for second ealing s ightness f touch



I am now going to describe how to deal the second card, which

conlrary to most instructions that s|an with the melhod for dealingtop card. lt is my opinion tha! you should make the dealing of the

card as natural aspossible, and having achieved his, lry and duplicatethe action whm dealing the top card.

Bring the right hand towards the left with the thumb extended n anatural manner and the fing€rs curled in sliShtly but not beyond the tip

of the humb. t is mportant hat the ight humb s not extended ut

a fishhook with the fingers urled i ghtly n, to make hepositionofthe

thumb ook even noreunnatural.Look at Figure52 or the appearancethe right hand shouldhave.



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irl both the holdiw and dealinghands. Think of the pack as an eggyou will not go far wrong.

Figure 3

If you wish o deal a cardface up, take t in the grip dcscribed utplace he third fingcr of yoor right hdld on thc back of th€ card altdextend he third {inger unlil the cardtakcsup t}e position shown nFigure53.


Thc Bottom Deal I use is basedon the Fred Robinsonmeihodpublirhcdmanyyearsago n the Cen' maSazine.


t h( efthand ripof thepack rom heaudiences'iewpoints shown

," i'**.ii. r" i"i"i r"c! he irst hre€ ingers f the efi hand akeno

ll"''i"-lJii* ,rt. t*t *d anexposedi€wof thegripwilh hesehrce

iil.;;;;;il4;'th"; in Fisu;e55 rrom this llustralion't canbe

."i',rr"i ii.iJi i-a ri lle fing;r sposjrioned! hebotlom sht htrtd

.:; nd of theDack nd t b pressurcf this inger gainsth€basc frhc

iiiiiJin", iup'pout tt. paci.Tte oth'r.righrhand ingers reclos€on

d{rinsl hepackbut akeno part n holding l'


Figure 6

Ficure56showshe $'ay he op cardof thepack spushcd verprlor

'.'tii"rtir* ty irt. tgttihandna catr -urt'lole owt pivotsgainst

ii,. r.iiiittr. nni"t"na

ides vcrhe op-ofhcolherhrceingersf he

i"ii rr-i. ii*.ir rt* *.n pushedver lighllv'he ighl anda*es! ar

ii. ,igrti t-a upper-*er,

thumb n-opand ingersclow ndmov's',ii

6ri airnlj'tia"novt andawal rcm thepack .Thisoction ouses

)ii iiri to "i"tt

of tite elt tiuleinset-andmove ide\+ovsw^vrom

rh€Dack,alherhancllaSonallyrgure / showshedkeclion e card


rttlt llustrition howshebotlom a'dbeingaken'


Figure 4

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theposi.ionapplies o rhe op cardalso.HavingundcrsroodheacrionoIr€rlng the rop card, he acrualBo$om Deal s carrieaorrr n rtre liloi-ing lnanner.


FirsroI all rhe eft hand thumb pushes ver he top cardasshown nlls_yl56:. lj rishr and pproachesr,.p"cr o "l. ir,i.".l"*lpo_sttror$

,ltsett-o rhatirs lhumb resls ighdvon rop ot ttrcprrrtrJ iiicaro,whllsl

'lssecond ingergoes eneathhe pacKand rests n the aceot tlle outer right corncr of thc bollom card

. _rt|enght second ingcrpushes pwards nd hecomplete andmoves

l^.,:._r1+,,i".*1":"rionate€tinecrion.,i, a"ti"" iii al"* ir,.orrom ard o the ighralso, irsllvDivorincgaioof,. f.f, fii f" ingir,atu thm snappinS__offhe urger ndmovin-gnaconvenrionalide;ay;orrcctlon.-igure 7showshisaction.


eard nto theright handwithoutdealing t down somakesureyoucando

rhis n a deceptive ay.


The 'Chost Counl' or 'Fouf as Four' count was originatedby Alex

Elmsley nd irst publishedn his booklet itled, The Four Card.Trick''

Beca;seof its manyapplications, it has becomevery popular with con-

i rersand ike manygood hingshasperhaps een little overused this

^in no way a crilicismof lhe move lself. qhich h quite brillianl'

My owniandling, is a little different o that originallvdescribed y

Alex, and is as follows:l) i'Iold four carals ace up in the left hand in a squaredcondition, the

gnp being l lhe extremeeft hand ongedge' humb-onhe aceandiiniers bilow. See iguIe58qhich shows ow he efi handgrips he



Frgure /

At_the ameimeas hebo[om card s Icaro sdra*n rapidry ""t ,o rouur.uo *,;lollng

to the ight, he op

trrurnu.oacrie.vejicc;ii;ia: ;f.;:1,:1,:li1:;:-.,!i,,:i,,"r:*liT^:Tgg9rorhe eft of he oponemrrst .maden rinison....'. r constoerr mporranrharo undu€pand o"n norion iit. letrand sholld be.made hen hedeel akesplace.N"r. tt. nurur"t_".rionor lhe lelt handwhena normaideal s m;de and ao no Inor. ** i.t;,nen you cary out the fekedeal.

. Kee! ti€ teft handgrip on rhe pack ighr and also he pressure f thragJlthand, wherh€r r is dealing he top-or bonomcarO.."j_lT:_TT."d

rhar you pracrice rhe Borrom Deal wirh a fu Dack.-anybooks reco-mmendalf a pack bur you"ll

gJ ; ;;; #;:;rerurnror'our

rfforr, in rheway f increasedser,ri"" piri*i iii^:iii

.-P^"_lil 1*."fdeatcards. nlo rhe rabtr.whenou are praclicing,rememberhat n manymagicLricks ouwi simptyUe aking tre il


2t Brinc the right hand up to lhe packeland strelch he Ihumb w?//

over-the facl and thc fingersbelow. Draw off the face card by

downwardDressure ith the right thumb until ii rests n the right

hand as sho'w! in Figure 59. Note carefully how it is taken well into

the halld.l)Pull slightlywith the eft hand fingersbelow he packetand push-slighdy;id

the hurnbabove o hat heupper wo cards r€jogged

over a little wayas shown n Figure59.


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righahumb.The above ctions,whilst ooking ike a fair countof

actuallyconcealshe third carddown from the face.

4) BrinS he ight handup to thepacket o apparenlly raw offthe facecardon lop of rheone aheady n lhe righr hand.Actuallyplace henghr handcardbelow hepackerwherer isgrippedby rhe ingenipsof the eft hand,and akeoff the upper wo joggedcards nto tireright hand by gripping them between he thumb above and finsersbelow. h€ grip being he sameas shown n Figure59. The acrionsdescrib€dn parag.aph and 4 blend nto almosta single equence.

5) Take off the rernaining two cards in the left hand one by one, bydrawing hernoff inlo the right handby downward ressure ith ah;


slightly o the eft with the e ft fingers.This actionh similar o tharshown n Figure 59. ln a conti nuingaction take the three oggedcardsaway nto the right handby gripping hem, humb above,andfingers b€low.

Finally take the last card from the left hand on top of tiose in therighl to complete he count.


This is an extremely useful move in card ougic, and becauseof itscomparatively simple technique, tends to be overworked as a control.Having eamt t, my advice s to use t with discretion.

Hold thc pack facc down in the eft hand, the position of the left hand

itself being fairly low do*'n in front of the body.Use he lcft thumb to riffle do*n from top to bottom at th€ left outercorner of the pack, inviting a spcctator o call stop at somepoint. Lift offlhe upper section of the pack at the rcqucstcd position with the righthand. The position of lhe right hand is important. It is curvcd over thepack, palm down, fingers al the far short end and thumb at the nearone.The fingers should extend ell down over the front of thc pack.

Lift off the uppcr section and move the right hand upwards so that thefacecard of the upper section s facing the spectator. The right hand ustmoves aturallyup, until its back s towa.dsyour body o do this. Askthe spectatorto remember he face card.

Start to move th€ right hand back do*,n towards the packet n the lefthand. Kcep the right hand a little to the front of the left as it comesto*ards it. As thc right hand movcs downwards it naturally turns itssection forward to a horizontal position.

As soon as t rcaches his position, lhe right hand fingers curl slightlyuntil thcy rest on thc facecard of the ri8ht hand section. The right handfingers now move Jrigrtt to the right and then&rward, taking the fqcecard with them during thcse moveme s. This action will cause he fac€

card to pivot away from the packet, maintaining contactwith thepack atthe outer short end and moving away from i! at ihe inner one for aboutl 'onlr .

The right hand moves back to place ts sectionon top of the eft and asil does his the lcft hand grips its section solely betwe€n b€ littl€ fingerand baseof left thumb so that the first three fingers can be moved awayfrom the pack slightly. Do rol straighten the fingers, just move themaway from the pack a little to allow room for tlle facecard of the uppersection o slip in between hem and the bottom of the left hand section asthe right hand replaces ts scrctionon top. Refer to ihe illustralion givenin the Bottom Deal descriplion elsewhere n this chapter, for the lefihandgrip.

The aclion of the right hand is a slightly diagonal one as t approaches

four cards,


Thiscountwas nvented y Charles . Jordanandconcealsheboriomcardofa four cardgroup.Theoriginalhandlin8 ivenby Jordanwasnolquite he same s hat which follows.

l)Hold the four cards n the Ieft hand in exactly he samegrip asshown in Figure 58.

2) Ule the ri8!t thumb o draw off theuppet wocards neby oneinrothe right h.nd.

3) Bring the right hand up to the eft ro draw off anorhercard from rheface, n this actiol the two cards n the right handgoingbelow helwo in th€ eft. As soonas he right handcards quare p wjth thosein the eft pushall the cardsabove he bottombne slightly o theright with the eft thumb a! the same ime, pulling tha iower one

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rhe left hand secriona little to the front and right of t}le eft hand'spacketsoutei comer. The face card of the righl hand packet runssmoothlyonto the faceof the eft one,whilst he remainder o on top.The l€ft hand finger move up to tetake their posirion on the righr haltdlong side of the pack, the right hand movesaway, and the move s


This sleight was invented by Bro. Hamman and has become verypolular with card conjurers. The quantity of cards used call vary but Iwill describe e moveas used n 'Oil and Queens' rom Chapter .

Hold the nine cards face up in the right hand, the hand being pat$

down and curv€d over the ength of the cards, he fingerspressingagaiostthe far short €ndsard lhe thumb against the near ones.Using the left thumb, draw off the cards fiom the face of the Dacket

oneby oneso tMr rhcy csron rhe inger s flhe lef t hand,which palmup. Draw off four cards n this wayand as he lefr handapproachei hcright to apparently draw off the fifth card, move the left hand and itscards well to the right below those n the right hand. This means hat theright handcards are ogged to th€ eft of the oDesbelo* them and the efthand cangrip them at the bascof the thumb and draw the completerighthand packet nto tlle left hand. At the same ime the right hand grips tlleopposite short endsof the left hand packet between ts third finger andthumb at the part of the packerthat is protrudinS slightly to the right ofthe uDperpacket add retains this packet, as the left hand pulls the upperpacket onto its fingers. The appearance hould be tha! the left halld hasdrawn off one more card from the face of ftc right band packet, but infact tbe right and lef! hand packetshav€ b€€ncornpletely exchanged.

The remaining cards in lhe right hand are drawn off one by one intothe lcft and th€ couni is complete. Thus, one section off the comDlctapacket s reallycountedwice,so hat lheother se\ctionan beconcealed.

This sectioncontainsa number of tricks not previously publishedand

some hat origimlly app€3red n Mt. Krrl Fulve's magazines.I am indebted to Karl fo. pelmission to repdnt them.



Four acesare sandwichedbetween wo jokers, after one of the aces

have beenrememberedby a speclator. The packet of six cards s placed

beneath handkerchief ndgripped ightlybya spectator. eis askedo

sive he cardsa shake.which esultsn threeof the aces ropping rom

Leneath he handkerchief. he one r€marning s the remembered ne,

and it is still trapped between h€ jokers.


Remove he aces rom lhe pack and drop them n a pile on the ableNow remove the two iok€rs alrd place theseface up on the table in a

slight spread.Pick up the acesand invite a spcctator to take any oneand remember

it. Hold theremaininghre€ n a facedown spread nd nvitehim to push

his selecled ceamong hem, As he does his, remember ow far down

from the top it gocs-it can only be in position two or three,

Sayyou will mix the aces p so hat even he spectalor oesnot know

where ris chosen ne s. ln doing his, makesure hat it endsat the ace

of the face down packet,an easyoperation, sinceyou know it is at

Dosition wo or threebeforeyou startmixinS. f it is at posiiion wo,push two cards from the top into the right hand without altering their

ordcr and then olaceone of those emainingn the right handoh top of



Round Up


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Round Up

them and one underneath. ow relake he our cards nto lhe left hand

and mi\ ftem againby taking he top card nto the right hand' he text

one or toD of jt, the next belowand the final one on top.

Il th€ chosen ce tartsal position hree,ust follow the abovenslruc

tions startingal 'now retake'.These implemixes ook casuai nd end

with the selectedceai ihe bottom,Sandwichhe facedown aces etweenhe faceup okerson the table

Pick up hecomplele ackeiandhold hem n the eft hand n the Jordan

Counl position.Count them as follows: take off the first four cards

fairly inlo the right hand by pulling hem off one bv on€wilh the right

ftumb. As you take he fiflh card,placeall the cards n the right hand

below thosi in the left and then mmediatelypush off the upp€r fiv€

cardswilh the eft thumb and take hem nto the right hand Place h€

final joker on top to complete he count. As you countth€ caros say'

"remember, our aces andwiched etween wo iokers." Transfer h€pa€kel o the €f1hand.

Take an opaquehandkerchief rom vour pocket with the right hand

and throw ii over the cards.As soon as the handkerchi€f overs he

cards,use h€ efa humb o thumbcount he upper hreecardsby releas-

ing hem rom the humboneby oneandpresshe humbagainslhe side

oathe Dacketo rerain he break or a moment.Now use he left fore-

f inser cain\t he oulershorten d o pushdownal l thecards elot{ hr

brei l f o=r bour ne nch.Keep he oref ingern posit ion l lerpushing

Round UP

,,rilarway.Note hatvour efi forefinger eneathh€handkerchiefs

Figure 1

Turn the eft handcompletely ver beneathhe handkerchief ithout

altering our gripon (hepackel. f the handkerchief ere emoved t this

point, Figure60shows he appearancefthe left handgrip on the cards'

KeeDinchecardsn a horizonlalosiLion.nl i tea speclaroro gr ip he

packei ig lht lyr Lhe hor len dneareslhe el t foref ing€r 'l lustrale ow

he shouldgrip themby placingyour right hand n positionar shown'n

Figure61.Remove our right handand et him takehold of thecardsn a


,rrll n positionand prevents im gripping he cards oo far down'

once he has a tig.htgrip, removeyour left hand from below th€

r-rraierctriei, matlig suri that he keeps'he

packet of cards n a


Ask thenameof thechosen ceand hen nvite he assisting pectalor

r,' eiiDas ighrlvas hecan and henshake he handkerchiefand ardsat

, ,.,"r.tiir"-*-rt. -. itr;\ will result n threeaces roppingour. noneo{

, f '"m Ui inc t 'e.hosen ne .As khim to look careful ty t he ones e r'

'iiiigrippiigtiehtlv ben€athhe handkerchief ndhewiu find thechosen

,ne betweenhe okers


'Ihis is a different method for accomplishin8 ne of Peiel Kane's

"ir""ir.in tfti. version he original full pack stack s reduced o four

.u.alunJin" t""ona a""l is replaced v the aro shuffle The aro shuffle

."" ir i""t U" r"rno*a"nd

any falseshuffleused'but this would also

,".o". *e interesringink between basic aro principleand theeffect

Io Dreoarehe rick takean y ou r t ike aluecard'an dplace hemal

, \br ion' l . 18. 5an d52 ro m he opot a 52cardpacl In hedescr ip-


Figure 0

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tion t will assumehat foul sixes avebeenarrangedn th€ appropriate



Removehe Dack rom its case,akingcarenot to exposehesix spotal

the face.Cive the pack a5mady'oul' falo sbufflesasyou wish, which

will retain ihe top and face cards n position and exchange he cards at

Dositions l8 and 35, between hese lvo locations. There musl be no cuts

Letweenshufflcs, unless hey are alse ones hat bring thepackback to its

original state.

After the shuffles cut the pack at the approximale centrepoint and

take a break b€tween he two halveswith the left little finger as hey come


Riffle down the outer left hand cornerof the pack with the left thumb

and invite a spectator to call stop at somepoint. Appear to cut ofJ $-e

uDDer ecrionwith the riShlhandat his equested oint bul rcally ift off

.it tle cardsabove$e litlle finger break Thit is $e slandardRiffle

Force procedure.

Give the spectatora choice between he card at the top of ihe lower

sectionor face of the upper one. Removehe onehe decideson andplace

it facedown on the table.

Reassernblehe halvesof lhe main pack, it doesnot matter which half

goeson loP of which.

The Dack an now b€givenasmanySeruine utsand aro shuffle! as

uou wish. All faros nustof cours€ €Derfecl dd packones,asyou arr

now working with 51 cards. Howevermany faro shuffles and culs you

give the paci, the remainingthree sixeswill remaln n the samepositions

relative to eachother.

Thumb off l? cards without reversing heir ordcr and placethem in a

fac€ down heap on the table. Thumb off another 1? cards to form a

secondheap and place th€ remainder of the pack face down to form a

third heap. Push aDyon€ of th€seheaps owards a spectator.

lnviterhesDedatoro turn hclop cardothis hcap aceupand replace

on ihe tabl€ o form a new pile. n unisonwith him, using our left and

rirh! hands urn thelop cards f yourhesp aceup andplac€ n he able

ti form rwo faceup heaps.Continue his dealing n unisonwi$ thc

sp€clator until the three sixes um up at exactly the samepositions as

each other, quite a surprising outcometo watch.

Finally havc a spectatorreveal hat thecard chosenat the beginningof

the trick is the fourth six spot




I like rickswith surprise ndings, articularlvwhen he method €€ms

'.i"ouuiout to the spe{lators,but finally the tablesare lurned' on

rhe;. ln this effecl tour smallpackets f cardsare shuffledby a sr'ec-

i'ioi *a i.ot"".a on ltte table.Th€ performerpicksup th€ first heap

,,na soellshiarts b! lransferringone card for €ach elter lrom top to

iouoiioi rt'. pu.liuna upon urning he final card aceup' il is ound


"rti"n. ittl. i. t"p"a;ed bv spelling and findi[g cardsof lhe olhtr

,tlr.. ."iii"i,rt in. orttet ttrreepickets. The performer emarls "the

rricksould be easy f eachpacketconsisted f cardsof lhe same ulls'

,nJ in f""r ,tt.v"t.-.

' wtten_he

tumseachpacket aceup. theyare ndeed

.itirti iura tui, uut tr'" suitsarecompl€tely ifferent o thaloI lh e one



Run hrough he Packand

Figure 2

selectany five spadespot cards and place


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Round Up

them in a face down heapon the table. Nexi remove five diamondsandplace them down immediately to the right of the previous heap. Nowremove-sevenlubsand place hem o !he righl ofthe previous roupandtmauy tour heartswhichgo al the exlreme igh! hand endof t he row,whilst removirg tlle hearts, adjust the pack so that a heart wiU be at thatop when it is tuned face down. It is not ess€ntial hat all tie cardsrcmovedarc spot onesbut I prefcr them as t giv€saclcarer displayat theclimaxof the trick.

Requcst spectaloro pict up eachheap n tum. give t a shufneandreplacc t face down on lhe rable in the sameDosition.Wlikr thcshuffling.h akingplac€, op palmrhc heart rom rhepack nto rhe ighlhand and plac€ the balanceof tle pack aside. Thc fou. packetson ihelable will now bc referred to as nos. I to 4 reading from left to right.

Scoop up heap I, adding tle paLnad heart to the top in this aation.

Spellour HEARTS, transfering onecard from top rc bottom for eachletter. Tum the NEtlcard faceup revealing hat itls a heart and place lfac€up on rhe ablcarposirionA in Figure62. Transfer he emai;derofthe heap o the right hand and n this aclionpairn he op card nto rhedght hand.byusinSDai Vernolt Top palm from ,selectSecrets' r anyotheryou kno* that's asgood. (which s unlikely)

Scoop_uphe cards at posilion 2, adding the palmed card to the topand spell SPADES, tuming the next card face up aod placing it ;tpositionB. Drop the remainderof the packer acedown on rop of it,agarnpahing the rop card n ftc riAhl hand as before.

. Scoopup the cards at position 3, adding the palmedcard to the top oftbeh and thed spelling DIAMONDS. Tum th€ next catd face uo indplacet at positionC. Drop he remainder frhe cards acedown on tooof ir, palming he ropcard n lhe riShthand n rhepacker ransfer crion,as Delore.

Sloop uDth€ final packet at position 4, adding the palmed card andspe CLUBS, uming thenext card aceup andpiacingiton the ableatpositio[ D. Drop the remaind€r of the packei face do\rn on toD of it.

Prepare or rhc climax by slatinghow easy he rrick would b; if each

pacl€t shulfled by the spectatorhad been ofthe samesuit. Fidally, turneachpacket face up and place it in a spreadon top o[ the face up speltcnrd, as shown n the illustrationsaying, .theyare, but no! how;ouihoucht-"


This s an updatingof a well ovedcardeffect, he nventorof which,unfortunately,l am unable o credi!.The rick is heonein whichasDec-tator and lhe performereachselect cardand afier Lhe ack ha5beenm.ixed n a face uplface down condirion, these are the only rwo cardswhich are eventually found to be reversed. In the original trick thep€rformer had to miscall hh card. In tiis versionrheperformert card isactually shown and th€ generalhandling changeda little.




Hand fhe pack to a sp€ctator or shuffling and after he has done this,ask him to retain about half the pack and handyou the remarnder.

Ask him to placehis halfbehindhis backand o pull any cardout andhold r facedown n his ight hand.As hedoes his,you appear o do thesamewith your half.As soonasyou have or t behind ourback, humbofi the op two cards nto the ight hand, urn the remairderofthe caidslac€ up in the left hand and finally placeone card from the right handpair facedown on top of lhe faceup pack,Now bringyour hands o the

tront with a card facedown n the riShthand and he remainder f thecards apparently face down in the left.

Show he ca.d in your right hand o a fewmembers f the audience,inviting hem o remembert. Also take a look at it yourself.

Ask t he spectator o look at his card and then show it to a fewmembers f the audi€nce.f Dossibleell him io show t to different

teople than the oneswho are remembering ours o avoid confusion.rurn slightly o your right andaway ro m the spe.tators ayin g ou donot want to get a peekof the spectator's afd ashe shows t round.

Al the very moment he s exhibiting his card quietly exchangehe cardin your right hand for the oneon top of the cards n youl left by lhestandard op Changeechnique. o not rush he move, hemisdirection.over s strong, heywill not be ooking at you, usl do it smoothlyandefficiently.

Push he card n your righthand nto the centre f the spectators alfand take his chosen ard rom him and push t int o the c€ntreof yourhalf. As you push t i n get a left little fingerbreakabove t.

Cur off the section of your cardsabove he break and place hem/ac€dopn onto he able. nvite heaJsisting pectatoro cut off abouthalf ofhis cards, urn them/ace rp andplace hem on top of the tabledones.Nowplaceall of your r€m aining aardsace do$'non top of the compositeheapand finally requesthe sp€ctatoro place he remainder f his/dc?

l/, on top of all.

Pick up the complete ackand urn it facedown. Ask the spectatoronamehis chosencard and you nameyours, both beingconfirmedby

olher speclatorswho saw them previously, S/oltl/ spread he pack facedownon the able o reveal bat heonly wo cards aceup are h€named

This rick isveryeffective or an audience s ong asyou carry out heassembly f the face uplface down sectionsn a fair and unhuried


ErecrThree cards are removed from lhe pack, turned face-up and


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momentarily laced t the faceof the deck.The performer hen has wo

cards chosen and returned to the deck. The thiee reversed cards (and

there are only 3 ) are momentarilyplaced n the card box. On being

removed, t's seen hat there are now 5 cards,with the 2 chosen ards

sandwiched between he random 3 cards.


Prior to presenting he routin€ leave wo cards sectetly n the card box.

They should both be face-upwhenthe case s tabled with the half-moon

cut-out side up, I suggestatrivinS at this by having ihe completedeck n

its casebefore commencing he performanc€ and simply leaving 2 cards

b€hindwhen removiru the deck. The cale is closed and placed asid€.


Hold the pack facedown. Push he top 3 cardsoverslightlvwith thc

left thumb. and take them in the right hand in a slightly fanned

condition.Turn th€ pack so tt face-up n thc left hand. Square he 3cards, flash the face card of this group, and placethem facedown o[ the

faceof the deck.Turn the complete deck face-down. lmmediately half pass he lower

section. Take a left little finger break between he halves as they come

together. lvhilst the right hand is still over the pack, lift up the top card

of the lower section andrctake the eft little fingcr break belowthis card.

Move the right hand away from lhe pack for a moment.Riffle down from the outer left corner wilh the lef! thumb. Riffl€

Force the card below thc break on Spectator "A". When you show the

card he stopp€d at, keep the Iower pocket horizontal and push the top

card over with the eft thumb sopart of the cardunder it is exposed Lift

the half pack to a vertical position so"A"

can see he face of his card

Do ,ol obscure he faceend of this packet. You wan! the back of ther€vers€dcard there to be visible to the spectator.

Reassembleb€ deck. As you square up with the righ! hand, drop onecard from t he face ol the upp€r section o lhe top of the lower onc.

Retake he left little finger break above this card. Move ihe right hand

Use he Riffle Force o have "8" note a card, using he lechnique

already described or "A". When the deck is reassembled, mmedialelyhalf pass he lower seclion of thepack alrd in almost the samemovementiurn t he complete ack face-up s describedn chapter8..

Thumb off th€ 3 face-down cards,holding lhcm slightly fanned in t}le

right hand. Put the remainderof the deck aside.Point out the lwo

available pacesn the spread f 3 cards,one betweenhe top andcentre



card, he other betweenhe centre nd botlom card. normallypoint tothese paces ith my left,bt finger o emphasizebe remark.

squareahepacketof 3 cardsand turn it fac€-up.Slide he face-uppacketnto thecardbox. Keep he cardbox closed ntil you have lid h€cardsbetwe€nhe lap aDd he facesideof the card box. Then lip opeDlhe lap andcloseitagainao et he 3 cards all onto he2cardsalreadynlhe box. This procedure nsures bere'll be no f lash of the two cardsalready n the box.

Shake the card box over the deck. Open the cas€ and r€move thepacket,holding t fac€down n the eft hand as f for lhe GhostCount.Say, Instcad of 3 cardswe now have5". To conf irm this,pull off th€rop card nio the right handwitb lhe right thumb, hen he 2ndcardandthe3rd. Whenapparently ulling he 4th card nto the iShthand,put allthe right hand cardsback below hose n the left, the[ push he upper

block of 4 cardswith the eft thumb and take hem with theriSht hand.'Iakethe astcard andput t on top ofthose n the right hand.This s theJordanCount donewith 5 cards nsteadof 4.

Fan the 5 cards face-down and hold it in the left hand. Pull out slightlythecards n positions and 4. Leave hemouljogged.Point out that the2sDaces entionedearlier have now be€n illed. Have the two chosencardsnamed.Then urn the outjoggedcards ace-up o reveal hey areth€ seleclions.


The nspiration or thi s routrnewas Even MoneyProposition" n iheMay, 1969PallbearcE Revievl,

Run through the pack and remove any 6 red cards, dropping lhem in aface-uppacketon the table. Now remove6 blacks and drop lhes€ ace'upon top of the red cards aheady on the table. Finally, remove the Jokerandplace t on the fac€ of the tabledpacket.Th€ remaindcrof the deck s

Dlacedaside as t is not uscd n the routine.

Pick up the packetof 13cards and spread hem in a facc-up fan, hold-ing the fan in the right hand. ExNbit the cards to the spectators,and byrndicating eachcard in ium wilh the left fingers, point out carefully thatthere are 6 reds followed by 6 blacks, with the Joker at the face. A5 youtap eachcard with the left fingers, work from the back to the face of the

8roup.Close up the face-up spreadwith the assistanceof the left hand and

tick up a left little finger break above the 3rd red card from the back ofrhegroup. Turn the cards facedown and in this action carry out a turo-overpass t the breakpoint, thusshifting3 cards rod the op othe faceo[ thegroup.

Hold thecards ace-downn the eft handusing he ype of grip you'dnormallyusewhenholdinga smallpacket.With the dght handslideoff


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the face card and place it face down on the table at point "A" in thesketch elow.Call this card he Jokerand say hat t will act asa DividerCard.

Round Up

vou close he spread, ick up a left little fingerbreakabove he 3rd card

iinrn ttt" fu"" of,t" pi"tet if you rememberedface" eaflier,and under

rl)c3rd card from the top if you rememberedtop."Iurn lhe crouD face-up,carryingoul a lurnover passal rhe break

Doinr nd spieadhecardiin a face_upine on the able,showinglhat he

lpectatorhassuccessfullyistributed cardsof thesame olor on either

\ide of the Joker.NOTE:-Cards can be lashed t appropriate oints n the routine'but

;on't be tempted to overdo this. I personally do not think. it

necessaryo flash any more than the two cards detailed n th€



ln ihis trick the magician apparently locatesthe speclator'scard^bya

nro"* of .mpt"-"t-lt"matic;:

The trick is brought to a surprise inish

when he spectator\card unexpectedlyurns ace_up'

StNting Positlon

Ihe pack is held facedown in lhe left hand in the usual dealing

noiiton. Ttt. bouot threecardsof the pack are reversedHold a lefl

irrrle incer breakabove he lhree ace-up ards.


SDread he Dackbetwe€n he hands, requestin8a spectatorto lelec' a

.uJ. ioi.J Li.."ta,.rowlv lrom rh€ op so hat he'll akeacardbefore


rcar ths rsvers€d ardsat lhe bottom of the pack'-wien he takesa card, close p the d€ckand take t in thedght hand

lrom above, ingers n front, thumb at the back' in whal is sometimesi"i"i.J io i. trrJniaat"Grip Thebreskabovehebottomhre€ ardss

mainrainedv he ighl humb.Use he ight orefingero swing ut h€

,i"".. truir.tirr" a*i t" i l canbe aken i the eflhandPlacelhecards

r;mainincn the ighlhand n opof lhos€ustplacedn he eft Reiake

rtrebreali rom hi riehr humbwilh lhe eft illle finger'

iit.. itt. rp""t"to. ttu. nol€dhis card ake t fromhim andpusht into

't'"oo.f.ai ifren.ar sftonmd, insertingl into h€breakAs soon s l

."- i" ifr. oaci. .l."t. rhr break.Pushhe card lushwith hedeckwilh

itri richr iurnu,obra;ning break bovet asyoudo so Thebr€aks

rormJd ;th he ight humb ressingown n hecard'and hen hrll<l

lo the eft ittle inger.'-i""*, tfti" gi""ift. aeck culat thebreak.Youmav f you ikegive


Spread hg top 5 cards off the group without altering their order andplace them still faceiown in a squaredpacket asposition "B". Count

the rernaining6 cards from left to right hand, thus reversing heir order.

Hold them still face{own in the rigltt hand in a squaredcondition. Theright hand holds them f.om above by the narrow ends n a Biddle-typ€

8np.Flash the face card of the packet in the right hand, sa)T g, ". . . and

here are the 6 black cards." Place he packet face down at position "C"and immediately rernove he top card with th€ right hand. At the same

lime the left hand remov€s he top card of packet "B" and flashes ts

face, afng, "we will takeone ed and oneblackcard." Thecard n theri8!t hand has of course eheined face{own sincebeing removed fromthe top ol packetC.

The two cards are now mixed together face-do\rrl and handed to aspectator. e s askedo slid€oneundernealhh€ Jokerat position A"and place he remarning ne above he Joker.

A further two cards are taken by the performer, one from (he rcp of

eachpacketat "'8" and "c", mixed face{o*'n and handed o the spec_talor. He is again equestedo placeeilherone below h e Jokerpacket.

To a.sisthim in doing his,you ift thepacket t "A" with the ighl handand then replace t facedown again on top of his sel€ction. ndicate that

he shoulddrop the remaining ard on top of the Jokerpacket.

The next c?fds are now taken from packets

mixing theseyou must remember he one that comes rom "8". The trvo

cardsare ar usual handed o thc spcctator to distributc aboveand belowthe Jokerpacket,but you mustmakea menlalnoteofwhetherheplaces

your packet "B" card on the fac€ or top of the packet. Just remember

Continue he p.ocedure flaking a card tom the op ofpackets"8"and "C", mixing them and letting h e spectator lace hem aboveandbelow the Joker packet, until all the cards are used.Always lift packet

"A" to allow the spectator o placehis seleclion relow t, becausef you

let him slide it under there is a chance hat he will no( place his card

exactlyat the bottom.Pick up lhe groupof 13 cards iom the tableand splead hem out

slightlybetweenhehands, hecards t ill face{own. Say, Now remem-ber, you have reelydhtributed cardson eithersideof the Joker." As


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the decka false shuffle that retains the top four cards. Tell ihe sDectator."Your card s osr somewheren rhepack. I'm going o rr) ro iind ir bysimple maths. I'll let you fre€ly select wo cards from the pack and we'ilconcern ourselvesonly with the numeric valuesof thesecards. All Dicturecardscountas en. Whenyou choosewo cards,we'll subtract h; lalueof onc from the value of the other and use he answer o count do*n inthe packand find your card."

Hold tlle pack in thc right hand ftom above (Biddle crip). Let rhecards slowly dribble ftom the face or bottom of the Dack nto the lefthand, nviting a spacraroro call sropat any rime, \then hc callsnoD.flip rhescctjon emainingn rhe right hand ace-uponlo the face-dotnportion in rhe left hand.

Jap the€xposedace ardofthe packwith theright forcfinger,saying,"This is one card you

cut to." Then spread the face-up cards rapidlyuntil you reach }le first facedown card. Remove he face-upsectionandplace it face-up on the table. FIip tbe top card of the remaining sectionface-up,saing, ". . . And tlds s the other."

As soon asyou see he valucsof the two cards, mmtally subtract onefrom the olher and think of the answet as a word rather than a number.(If the two vallles are the same, hink of the answerasZERO).

This will giveyou a word hat spellswith three, our or five etters. fitsp€lls with 3 letters, rehove the face-up card on top of the face-downpacket in the left hand and place t face-upon th. tabte. If it spellswith 4l€tters, do nothing. If 5 lctters, take the card lying face-up o; the labledsectionand place t still fac€-upon top of the sectionyou are holding inthe eft hand.

Now say, "Recall I said we'd subtract one card's value from theother." The sp€ctator o€s his and announceshe resultaloud. Handhim the packet n your left hand. If thereare any face-upcards on top ofthis packet, flip them faccdown.

Thc spectatorspells out thc answer,dealing a card for €ach etter. Hiscard ends up on the last letter and it is also face-up. Say, ..I made t turnface-up in ca.se ou were not interest€d

n mathematics."


In this cffect thc matesof lwo fr€cly chosencardsare discovcred n anovel manncr with the cards n the spcctatorshands from start to Iinish.Any d€ck is usedand there is no prior prepanlion.

Whm thc cards arc handcd to you, remove ten pairs from thc pack,each pair consisting of two cards ol the same value and colour. DioDeachpair on top of rheFeviouspaL removed rom r he deck.

Pick up the packetoftwenty cardsand apparently give t a casualover-hand shuffle. In fact you run an even numbet of cardsand reDlacehernatroveor below rhe remainder f rhe packct.Finallysay, ..ier.s make


sure hepairsar€ eallyseparated,"ndquicklydeal he wenty ardsinto wopackets.

Pickupeither acket ndplacet on opof theothe..Squarehecardsandgive hecombinedacket fewSenuineuts.


Nominate wo speclators A" and "8" to help you. Deal out thetwenty cardsnlo two face{own heaps, ltematirua card o eachheapasyou deal,unlil thereare l0 cardsn eachheap.

Request achspectatoro pick up his heapand cut it as oftcn aJhewishes.Now ask spectator A" to refiole either he op or facecardofhis packetandplace t facedownon the table. RequestB" to do the

samc.Againemphasizehathe hasa choice f the op or bottorncardofhis packet. ell him to place is cardon top of the card.emoved y

Tell sp€ctator A" to deal his remainingnine cards n a line on therable,but befor€he does his say,"You candeal h€m rom left to riShtor right to left. You maydealwithyourpacke!ace-up r faceiown." lfthespectaior ecid€so dcal rom the aceof thepackel,ask hathe umthe cards ace{o*n as he d€ls themonto thc lable, You cr(plain hatyoudon't want o see he faccof any card n the row,

This freedomof dealing s a strong eatureof lhe effectand shouldbcemphasizcd.Whcn"A" hascompleted ea.ling is cards, urn to "8"and givehim the samenstruction;he can deal tom the top downorfroh the bottomup andhecandeal iom l€ft to ri!h! or from riSht oleft but he s to deal his catdson top of A's cardsso as o folm palrs.

At the cooclusionhere*ill bc ninapairsof face{own cardson thetable.You arc €ady or the clidax to the rick. Runyourhandabovc herow of cards,moving t backand orth. Evcntually topat thecentreonc(lift! in fronr eirherend).

Push hispairof cardsout of the ow, saing that t sc€mso beSivingoff stronS ibralions.

Tum ovcr hepairof cardshat hespcoalorshose arli€I. hcsemaybe the eight of clubs and thc five of heans.Explain hat the malcsofthese ardsmarntaina sympathctic ond.Then he othcr pair' the onepushedrom the row, is tumedovcr o rcvcal he othcr blackeight aodthe otherred five, a perfectmatch.

B€forecommencing,range hepackso hat thete6resixttoftpoi[ter

blackcardson the faceof lhepackandrcmemberhe sevsnth ard romthe aceasa kay or later use.Thenonpointercardsshouldf possible e


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spot ones. say, f possible, ecausehe arrangementan be madeveryquickly n fronr ol theaudience ndyou may ind a groupofnon poinre;blackcards hat conraina picLure ard.and there s no reasonwhy theseshould not be used.Having made his arra naemenr, ou are reaoy rocomm€ncehe effect,

Say you would like to show a trick with twelvecatds, six of eachcolo_ur._un hrough he aceup packasyou explainhis,pushing ver asmallblock first so hatyour stack smhsed.Upjog any sii black-pornte,cardsand thenstrip themout and place hem on the faceof the Dack.Now run through he pack againand up jog any six redcardsanj thenstrip them ou! and placethen on the faceof the Dack.

Squareup rhe packand in rhisaclion usr the righr rhumb o makeabreak at the near shott end of the pack at a point which you estimate sabout wenty wo catds rom the

face.Let cardsdrop off of the thumbtip one by one until you seeyour rememberedkey card, and lhen take aleft little finger break mm€diatelyabove t. This meansyou havea breakunder he faceeighteen ads ofthe pack.Thepack s now aceup n theleft handand the right hand hal been emoved.

Bring rhe riShr hand back ro rhe packand sran ro spread he cardsfrom the fac€with rhe eft hand.counrin8 rom one o six r5 ou do so,Do not altrr rhe order of the cards n rhecounring,simplypush hemoverslighrlyand support hen wi!h rhe ighl hand. Do ror spreadhemnfally, let them og up and down a lirrle. Whenyou have eachedhenumber ive, pauseor amoment.before aying ixand pushinghe inalred one over. Now stan to push he black cardsover. againcounlingIrom one to six and pausingwhenyou reach he number ive. As yoibring hegroupof eleven ardsbeinS upporred y the righr handbackovcr he pack o apparentlyake rhe inal blackcard belo$ rhem.oushrhe ip of rhe righr hird finger nLo he breakberng eld by rhe ett itttefinger and continuemoving tle righl hand toward the €ft until the elevencardsbeing held are immediately bove he block below. The untidyconditionof the cards hat havealreadybeencountedwill conceal h;edgeof the block beingaddedbelow them.

Removeall of the cardsabovethe eft litde fingerbreakwith the right handand place hem below hepack, immediately uming the pack face down and squaring t up.Rememberhat whenpushilleoff th€ facecards o show heraare sixreds ollowedby six blacks, he orderof the cards s not altered n anvway..They?r€ simplypushrdover b) rh e ett thumb and supportedbithe right hand.

Thumb off the top six cardsand drop them n a heapon the table.Now Lhumb ff thenexr ixan ddrop hem ra drf ferenrosir ion. lacerh e emajnderf ihe pacl a5ide. ic l ,up each roup f 5ix n urn.gi ternema Dflersnu te ancl eptace h€mon the able, !!hen you do rhismove het$o packetsround he able bit , hepurposef rhisbeingomake r almolr impossibleor rhespedarors o remember hichpaalelshouldbe red cardsand whichshouldbe black.Take care hat they do

Round UP

not see any faces when you shuffle the cards. Finally spread out eachgroupof six cardsdightly.

Explain o oneofthe spectatorshat you will lurn yow backalld he s

then to slide any card hewishesout of one of the groups, rememberwhat

it is and then push it anyrhere he wishes adong the cards of the ot ergroup. When he ndicates hat he has done this, turn ?found and pick up

the group of five cards ftom the tabl€ and push them into the cenler of

the mainpack,saying, Thes€are no longer cquired."

Pick up the remarning group of cards from the table and casually

shuffle them, finally holding thetn squared, face down in lhe left hand.

Say "Somewhere in this group is a card that you have chosm and

although the cards havebeenwell mixcd, I am going to find it instantly."

Act as f you areperforming a miracle location, and tben turn the packet

so that thefacesare loward you and spread hem out. Look for the odd

card in the group of seven,which will be a pointer or a non pointer andremove t andplace t faceup on the able. Say, "ls that co.rect?" and

after the sp€ctator as acknowledgedhat it is, say, "l know it's easy,

but it's not aseasyas t looks , becausehese rc black aswel]." As you

conclude his remark, spreadhe six cards e marningn your hand ace

up on the table,


This sa direct ocationoftwo chosen ardsusinS propertyuniqueiorhe weaveshuffle when using an appropri atequantity of ceuds.Th€

handling s as follows:Run through the faceup pack and throw any nine spot face up on the

lable, saying ha! nine s a ma gic numtter.As you are ooking for this

card, take he opportunityof mentallycounting wenty six cards romthe faceof the packand markingoff this positionby a left little finger

breakasyou closeup the pack.

Appear o cut an unknownquantityofcards from the faceofthe pack

but really lift off the cards above he break point so that you haveexactlytwenty six cards.

Spread he wentysix cards acedown betweenhe hands nviaing wosDectatorso select ne card each.Whilst spreadingh€ cards,mentally

count eigh! rom the top and after the two cardshavebeen akcn, close

up the spreadand keep a left litile finger break under the top eight cardsInvite oneof the spectatorso replace is card on top of the packet,

cive thepack€t single ut at he break o apparendyose hecardbut asrhe wo halves ome oget her akea new break belweenhem.

Have he otherchosen ardreplaced n lop and againgive hepackasingle ut at the breakpoint to l ose h e card. Afier this cur, do nol keepany breaks.

Turn thepacket aceup and spread t out in a fan, taking carenot 10


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exposehe earcard.Pick up theninespot, urn il facedownand nsert tin the ninth position rom the faceof th€ packet.Make some urtherremark about nine being a magic number.

Turn the packet face down and give t as many cuts andperfectweaveshuffles asyou wish. This givesan exc€llent mpression of it beinSwellmixed. Finally spread r face down lenglhways on the table. It is betterfor the climax if th€ nine spot s fairly centrally posilioned, so f youseetisvery near one of the ends,grve he packeta further cut to put it nearerthe centre, before spreading he cards out.

To demonstrate he magic propertics of the face up nine spot, countcxactly nine cards to the left and riSht of it and push the cards at thesepositionsout of the spread.Ask the namesof the two selectionsand thentum the 'countcd to' ones face up.


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lhe Complete{








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', ,,", ,' ' t , ' , . i 'l I Nl l : ' 1' 1 [r \ lr

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r t r r ! l 'Lrrr \ tr ,1 l r

lr r,,..;l-iii:rliil;lii)i --,,"'

r ' t r r ,1 rr \ l ' i !ht \ qi th

l"u ' , , . , " t API)s L J\ h<

' .', '

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\ l t l r l I l t l l \l l l lox

l {o} Wrl l , r r L,'

| , t r , ,1,{ In i i r r r r

1912, e r |cnl , ,ntr' ,' i 1" . \ (nr l l ' rr

the magic depots hcrc hrsrDtcrcsl

was sparked tf by and early gift ol r

box of tricks ai the tender age of

eight. Thai paticuldr box ol


liom Davenpon's and it wa$ 1(r his

depot that he was drawn.

Saturday.wrs his day. He met a

numberofmagicianswho bccnmehis

close riends.and 10 his day he

saysof them "theirkindness annor

be overstated . In Panicular heremembers al An&ews. Jack Avis.

Bobby Bemard, Ted Danson.

JohnDeris, Alex Elmsleymd

Hugh Scottwho all stronglY

influcnced his magical thinkinr

At l9 he oined the R.A.F ibr h's

Nalional Service and then at 22 hc

joined I.C.T.. he British Compurel

Grcup where he bec.me an

ExecutiveAnalystal the ageol r' l

Il was henhe made he decisn)n ,'

toully commit himself o Mati..

managingas he does he Scotl(ll

business f D:Nenport . His lJ


allowedhis nNtuirl

skills and nventiveness ilh crrlls r,,

develop.He has contributed [ (l

effects o almostall of the

contempofarymngicalmagarincs rr

both Englishand other angursc\ In

ihe wodd.

His prolific writing has howclcl

neverbeencollnted nto a mat()f

work. It was o reciify this, thal,THE


projectwas devisedas afitting

tribute o sorne30 Years l mar(rl


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Etrr A lmq?ln Air.q- Te,zz-

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