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Royal Energy Summit

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America's Newest Energy Frontier
It is almost unfair that in these troubled times only 58 people can attend an exclusive gathering in Virginia’s historic countryside to discover the secrets behind the 21 st Century’s most important energy-investment opportunities… Because, only at this elite-level conference will you discover… America’s Newest Energy Frontier Clean Burning Natural Gas & Alaskan Shale Oil Which Breakthrough Technologies Are Poised To Create A Second Great Alaskan Oil Rush How To Be A Winner When Natural Gas Prices Make A Big Bounce Off Historic Lows Royale Energy Summit America’s Energy Conference: Keswick Hall, Monticello, VA June 11-13, 2012
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It is almost unfair that in these troubled times only 58 people can attend an exclusive gathering in Virginia’s historic countryside to discover the secrets behind the 21st Century’s most important energy-investment opportunities… Because, only at this elite-level conference will you discover…

America’s Newest Energy Frontier

Clean Burning Natural Gas & Alaskan Shale Oil • Which Breakthrough Technologies Are Poised To Create A

Second Great Alaskan Oil Rush • How To Be A Winner When Natural Gas Prices Make A Big

Bounce Off Historic Lows

Royale Energy Summit America’s Energy Conference: Keswick Hall , Monticello, VA

June 11-13, 2012

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• Why A Conservative Newspaper Told Readers, “How To Strike It Big In The New Energy Boom”

• Who Will Create The Next International Conflict That Will Drive Aggressive New U.S. Energy Policies

Dear Energy Investor: Fear and loathing in the international energy markets combined with the hysterical state of U.S. politics means there are three headlines that you likely missed within the last few weeks. Because of this, you are at risk of missing what could be this year’s breakout energy-sector opportunity. I’ll show you how to avoid this fate, but first let’s look at the headlines.

• The Wall Street Journal published a provocative article that told its millions of readers, “How to Strike It Big in the New Energy Boom.” The Journal went on to write, “Innovations in drilling techniques… have made it easier to extract oil and natural gas from shale and other rock formations. That has boosted production and led to billions of dollars of profits for some early pioneers and investors.”

• About the same time as The Journal’s story broke, the US Geological Survey announced for the first time that it “estimates that Alaska’s North Slope contains up to 2 billion barrels of untapped crude oil and 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.” Why is this news? After all Alaska is famous for oil. The USGS report dealt with exciting new reserves that are found in tight shale formations, similar to other famous new shale energy fields in Texas and Montana. North Slope shale oil ranks higher than the Eagle Ford in Texas and second to the first shale oil production in the Bakken.

• The final headline you may have missed ties directly

into The Journal and the USGS’s breaking news. Early this winter, Royale Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROYL) won State of Alaska approval to acquire more than 100,000 acres on the North Slope. Out of 13 companies bidding on 178 tracts, Royale won 60 tracts in the heart of the North Slope shale oil window, which is known to have sourced the legendary Prudhoe Bay oilfield.

As you can see, the implications are clear that there is a lot of money to be made today by

What a thoroughly enjoyable and productive3 days we had together in Santa Barbara! I confess I had little anticipation that the “Summit” would result in me using adjectives like “awesome” and “spectacular” and “unforgettable” when reporting to friends and family back home. - J. Train

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investing in energy. But, energy investing is like energy exploration… success is determined by knowing where to look, getting there first, having accessible capital with which to invest, and frankly, with a bit of luck thrown in as well. The One Energy Conference You Must Attend This Year! Successful energy investments also are determined by one other significant factor – fresh, pertinent data. Today, that means access to authorities and experts who have a keen knowledge of the global energy markets and an insider’s understanding of the international events that keep driving the price of oil higher. This is why I hope you will be one of the fortunate few who will join me, along with a host of energy sector authorities, at a very private summit conference, June 11-13, at the renowned Keswick Hall, just south-west of Washington, DC, in Monticello, VA. There, in an ultra-private setting I have arranged for you to meet with a host of global market authorities, including former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. A Word For Wise Energy Investors Directly From The Front Lines As you may know, Ambassador Bolton served President Ronald Reagan as an Assistant Attorney General. During the George W. Bush administration, he served as Undersecretary of State for arms control and international security and as Ambassador to the United Nations. Known for his strong grasp of foreign policy, Ambassador Bolton is uniquely qualified to offer you a frank view of what’s really going on in the world today. And, why there could never be a better time in the history of the world to make American-based energy your top investment priority. After all, Ambassador Bolton’s straightforward style has rankled America’s enemies. Along with Ambassador Bolton, and the Royale Energy team, you’ll also meet with Karim Rahemtulla. Karim has more than 20 years of experience in trading in the

TOP SECRET: cables from the US embassy in Riyadh revealed what has long been whispered in the Oil community. Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves have been exaggerated by as much as 40%, or 300 billion barrels. This means Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating and may already be at or near peak oil production.

TOP SECRET: US Embassy, Riyadh: Our mission now questions how much the Saudis can substantively influence the crude markets over the long term. Clearly they can drive prices up, but we question whether they any longer have the power to drive prices down for a prolonged period.

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international markets and very bullish on natural gas.

Why 2012 May Be The Best Year Ever To Make A Strong Move Into Energy

They’ll point you in the direction of this year’s best energy investments. And, they will tell you why today’s global events have created a brand new energy market. It’s one like we’ve never before experienced, but one that is rich with fertile opportunities. You see, it’s a whole new world out there today. You can no longer rely on history as your guide. Because, historically, when oil prices rose, economies suffered. People drove less, turned down the thermostat. Factories ran below full capacity. Oil demand fell back. Then oil prices dropped. Today, that theory is as out of date.

Learn How To Play The Two New Energy Mega Trends

Emerging markets such as China, Brazil and India now dominate the manufacturing sector and they’re not slowing down for anything. They’re too busy growing. More to the point, the governments of many emerging market countries give their manufacturers oil subsidies. This government intervention has busted the supply and demand cycle. Demand is now uncontrolled. The new reality is that the rapid growth of emerging markets is driving up oil prices but oil prices are not restraining emerging economies in any significant way. China consumed 14% more oil in 2010 than it did in 2009, even though the price of oil was rising. It’s the same story around the world in emerging economies. And, we think the demand in the face of rising prices will only push oil prices even higher next year.

The Most Investable Energy Trend Ever Is Under Way Right Now At Home In The U.S.

But, what’s amazing about this trend is that while huge global demand is pushing up prices – America has never been closer to energy independence.

“In appreciation of a great Royale Energy Summit... Great speakers, food, and

interesting topics.” -S. Wrye

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How the country made this turnabout is a story of technological advances that have allowed the extraction of oil and natural gas once considered too difficult and too expensive to reach. This domestic trend is unmistakable. Not only has the United States reduced oil imports from members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries by more than 20 percent in the last three years, it has become a net exporter of refined petroleum products like gasoline for the first time since the Truman presidency. National oil production, which declined steadily to 4.95 million barrels a day in 2008 from 9.6 million in 1970, has risen over the last four years to nearly 5.7 million barrels a day. The Energy Department projects that daily output could reach nearly seven million barrels by 2020. Some experts think it could eventually hit 10 million barrels – which would put the United States in the same league as Saudi Arabia.

Why Alaska Could Be The Next Bakken And, we at Royale Energy are poised to move to the forefront of this incredible expansion in natural gas and oil. Our new Alaskan property looks to be a classic shale oil play similar in nature to those found in Texas’s Eagle Ford Shale and Montana’s Bakken Shale. There are as many as 2 billion barrels up for grabs in Alaska and 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Our acreage spans over 88 miles east and west of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline route and is 22 miles south of giant Prudhoe Bay oil and gas field, in the heart of the thermal maturity fairway for oil generation. Royale’s position consists of three separate blocks of contiguous tracts. The western block is adjacent to the Colville River and holds potential for both conventional as well as shale development. The central block is in the midst of an active test program being conducted by a joint venture between Halliburton and Great Bear Petroleum and is near the Trans-Alaska pipeline. The eastern tracts consist of 40,320 acres known to sit on the migration path of the oil that filled Prudhoe Bay. In short, this acquisition has the potential of being a continuous accumulation of oil produced from shale, providing a large number of repeatable drilling opportunities that can lead to significant and extended reserve growth for Royale Energy.

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It Has Never Been Easier To Find, and Extract Oil and Natural Gas In March 2012, Royale completed the shooting and recording of new proprietary 3D

seismic. The seismic covers 33 square miles in the Sacramento basin, next to eight successful Royale wells. This project has the potential to grow the company’s production and reserves both short and long term. Now is the time to make the investment while gas prices are low, which contribute to lower drilling expenses. Prices are not expected to remain low much longer. With the new EPA proposal limiting carbon dioxide from US power plants, this will effectively block the construction of new coal-burning power plants, making Natural Gas the favorable fuel. Whether you’re interested in Royale Energy or other opportunities, technological breakthroughs have created a renaissance in energy exploration and a huge opportunity for energy investors. This is why I urge you to attend our Energy Summit June 11-13, at the renowned Keswick Hall, just south-west of Washington, DC, in Monticello, VA. The Most Energy Focused

Investment Conference You May Ever Attend If you’ve never attended one of our Energy Summits, let me assure you that access to authorities such as Ambassador Bolton is why we are known for organizing exclusive investment events like you may have never before attended. We only meet at the world’s top destinations such as Ronald Reagan’s Ranch and George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Alaska’s Shale Oil Tops Eagle Ford, Trials Bakken U.S. Says From Bloomberg BusinessWeek— Feb 24, 2012 Alaska’s North Slope shale formation may hold as much as 2 billion barrels of oil, the second-largest U.S. deposit of unconventional crude after the Bakken in North Dakota and more than the Eagle Ford in Texas. The region may also hold as much as 80 trillion cubic feet of gas, the fourth-largest gas shale deposit after Marcellus in the Northeast, Haynesville in Texas and Louisiana, and the Eagle Ford, the U.S. Geological Survey said today. “Alaska’s energy resources hold great promise and economic opportunity for the American people.”

New Rules Limit Coal Plants From The Wall Street Journal— March 28, 2012 “The Obama administration on Tuesday announced long-awaited rules to limit carbon-dioxide emissions from new power plants that will effectively block the construction of new coal-burning plants and make natural gas even more attractive as a fuel for generating electricity.”

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Keswick Hall meets that stringent requirement. Conde Nast Traveler named it the U.S.’s top small resort. Additionally, when you attend the Royale Energy Summit, you will not spend your days locked in a dimly lit, massive hotel conference hall surrounded by hundreds of other people. Our summits are known for their social atmosphere. There are a limited number of seats available, no more than 58 for our Keswick Hall summit.

We meet you when you arrive, over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, then again in the mornings over breakfast and coffee. We dedicate our afternoon to touring the beautiful place where we have gathered – in Virginia that means spectacular landscapes and historic sites. In the evening, of course, you are free to mingle, with the energy authorities in attendance, on the veranda over brandy, port, wine and a fine cigar if you’d like. And, what better place could there be than the lush Virginia countryside to contemplate the historic changes taking place in our country today. This, after all, is the birthplace of Jefferson and Monroe… men whose love of freedom and

need for action helped found this country. Jefferson’s admiration of knowledge led him to go as far as to found the nearby University of Virginia – one of America’s top state schools. So, certainly, we will make time to visit Jefferson’s home in Monticello while we are in Virginia. All in all, I hope you are convinced that this is a most social manner with which to explore fast-breaking opportunities in the energy sector. This is why I urge you to join us this June 11-13 at Keswick Hall in Virginia. The cost is but $995 for a single, $1,295 for a double… the rewards could be innumerable. This includes hotel accommodations for two nights at the “#1 top small resort” in the mainland USA, conference fees, two breakfasts, cocktail reception, lunch and admission to Thomas Jefferson’s home.

According To Thomas Jefferson: He who knows best knows how little he knows.

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.

Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations.

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The list of guest speakers is a "who's who" of global and energy investment experts and we keep adding more. We have confirmed: Ambassador John Bolton, who served as Undersecretary of State for arms control and international security, and as Ambassador to the United Nations. The Ambassador is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, frequent op-ed contributor to The Wall Street Journal, The National Review, and Fox News Channel as a commentator. He is also involved with a broad assortment of think tanks and policy institutes, including the Project for the New American Century, Institute of East-West Dynamics, National Rifle Association, and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Christopher C. Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise institute, has represented CEI as well as scientists and Members of the U.S. House and Senate on matters of environmental policy in the federal courts including the Supreme Court. Chris is also the author of two best-selling books: “Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud and Deception to Keep You Misinformed” (Regnery, 2008) and “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism” (Regnery, 2007), which spent half of 2007 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Chris has also testified before the United States Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Environment and Public Works, and works on a legal and policy level with numerous think tanks and policy organizations throughout the world. He has given numerous addresses to audiences in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels, and before policymakers in European capitals including London, Rome, Prague, Copenhagen, Madrid and Warsaw, on topics ranging from rail deregulation and unfunded pension liability to all manner of energy and environment issues. Horner serves on the international law practice group’s executive committee for an internationally respected assembly of lawyers, and has provided counsel and work product on other matters including intellectual property, WTO proceedings and treaty law and policy.

Finally, Chris has provided legal, policy and political commentary several hundred times each on both television and radio, in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia, including scores of visits each on the Fox News Channel, Court TV, MSNBC with repeat visits on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, BBC, CNN, CNN International, ITN, CBC, Bloomberg and Reuters Television. He’s also been a guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Karim Rahemtulla, who’ll also be glad to sign his new book, “Where in the World Should I Invest?” but most importantly to you, Karim has been recognized as a “market maven” by CNBC. And he is founder and editor of The Smart Cap Alert and a frequent contributor to Wall Street Daily. He is also Agora Inc.’s Head of Emerging Markets, with more than 20 years of experience in trading international markets. Karim travels the world more than any man I know, always seeking out the best investment

opportunities. He is also one of the best investment speakers you will ever hear. Mark Larson is a long time Royale supporter. He is also an Emmy Award winner and

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political analyst on KUSI-Television in San Diego. Mark’s voice is heard on over 2,500 radio and television outlets worldwide. He hosts a Southern California talk show and is a guest-host on Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt’s syndicated national radio shows. Mark has also been seen on NBC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN’s “Larry King Live” and serves as Master of Ceremony and speaker across the country including recent events with Governor Mitt Romney. He is also a member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors and Chairman of the San Diego Air & Space Museum.

Conference Details Monday, June 11, 2012 – Arrival, check in and a 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. welcome cocktail reception.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 – Sit down breakfast meeting from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., with Ambassador John Bolton, Mark Larson and Royale Energy. This is followed by an 11:30 a.m. departure for lunch and then on to a tour of Jefferson’s famed Monticello home. Wednesday, June 13, 2012 – Sit down breakfast meeting from 8:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. with Karim Rahemtulla, Christopher Horner and other speakers to be announced, followed by check out and departure.

Reserve Your Place Today The cost of this conference is $995 for a single and $1,295 for a double. That’s very reasonable when you consider the setting and the access you’ll get to true global experts as well as two nights of hotel accommodations, conference fees plus two breakfasts, a lunch, cocktail welcome reception and a tour of Jefferson’s estate. Again, space is quite limited because we strive for an intimate conference, so we keep it small. To claim one of the coveted 58 seats at this ultra-private summit, please call my good friend Barbara Perriello, the president of Agora/Opportunity Travel at +800-926-6575. This should be a profitable outing in a most proper setting. Sincerely, Don Donald Hosmer Co-President and Co-Chief Executive Officer Royale Energy Inc.

“Thanks again for inviting us to the Summit. It was wonderful!

-G. Lickus
