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Royal Wedding Supplement - Huddersfield Examiner

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Special 8 page royal wedding supplement ahead of the big day.
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William & KateWITH Kate Middleton about

to sign up to life as aroyal, what exactly lies in

store for her as a member ofBritain’s most famous family?From the perks and pitfalls to theceremonies and the scandals, theunique experience of marryinginto The Firm can be somethingof a shock, especially to aso-called “commoner”.Knowing your corgi from yourdorgi and prepping yourself onprotocol should stand MissMiddleton in good stead.Here’s a guide to dos anddon’ts of royal life:

THE IN-LAWSWhen your husband’sgrandmother is The Queen,the new in-laws are bound totake some getting used to.The Queen apparently likespractical presents for Christmas,keeps her cereal in plastic containersand dislikes spicy food.Kate’s new father-in-law the Princeof Wales talks to his plants and theDuchess of Cornwall cooks a goodroast chicken.The Duke of Edinburgh is knownfor his abrupt manner andnotable gaffes, but Kate shouldget this influential patriarch onside.She should seek out other alliesamong those who married into theroyals.She has already lunched with Camilla,but the Countess of Wessex - a firmfavourite of the Queen’s - will also beable to show Kate the ropes.The glamorous but controversialPrincess Michael of Kent is perhapsone relationship that need not becultivated.The Queen apparently once quippedthat Princess Michael was “far toogrand for the likes of us”.

THE SCANDALSFrom Charles’s affair with CamillaParker Bowles to Prince Harrywearing a swastika armband, theroyals have a habit of embroilingthemselves in controversy.Sarah, Duchess of York, paved the wayfor her exit from the Royals in 1992after the paparazzi snapped a toplessFergie having her toes sucked by her“financial advisor”.Some 20 years later, she is still introuble this time over cash-for-accessproblems.Kate should instead follow PrinceWilliam’s lead by being careful andsensible.

OFFICIAL ENGAGEMENTSMiss Middleton may have lookedhappy as she helped dedicate a lifeboatin Anglesey on her first officialengagement, but she may not havequite the same enthusiasm as theyears go by.Even though she is in her eighties, theQueen carried out 444 visits, openingceremonies and other engagements in2010. Barring divorce, life means lifefor royals.Endless plaque unveilings, treeplantings, walkabouts and line upsform the basis for many an officialvisit.Royals tend to rely on their ownfavourite stock phrases to get throughthe meet and greets and Kate shouldkeep a few in mind.The Prince of Wales can often be heard

toremark “I do hope I’m not disturbingyou”, while the Duke of Edinburghasks very direct questions andentertains guests with lighteningquick quips - and sometimes faux pas.There are also annual favourites -Easter Sunday church, the ChelseaFlower Show, Ascot, Trooping theColour and the appearance atSandringham on Christmas Day.At some stage, Kate will also have tomake her first public speech.But one benefit is the holidays. Everysummer the royals retreat to Balmoralin Scotland for a lengthy break.

THE JEWELLERYKate will be wined and dined atbanquets across the world, showeredwith expensive gifts and have aseemingly endless collection of gownsduring her royal life.

She will also have access to some of themost incredible and priceless jewelleryin the world.The Queen owns a large collection oftiaras, necklaces and brooches such asQueen Mary’s tiara and GrandDuchess Vladimir’s tiara.She is likely to loan items to Kate forspecial occasions.

THE PRESSEverything from what she wears towhat she says and how she says it willbe scrutinised by the media.The interest in this future queen islikely to reach heights not seen sincethe days of Diana, Princess of Wales.So far she has excelled herself bykeeping smiling and not putting a footwrong.Kate could look at how Camilla hascoped. The Duchess is well liked by theroyal photographers for her

PRINCE WILLIAM andKate Middleton’s marriagewill herald a new era for theroyal family.The couple will exchangetheir wedding vows inWestminster Abbey onFriday as a global audienceof hundreds of millionswatches.The union of the prince andthe commoner follows aseven-year relationship thathad royal watcherswondering whether Williamwould ever pop thequestion.But on November 16 lastyear, the couple posed in theglare of photographers’flashguns in St James’sPalace to announce theirengagement following aproposal during a holidayin Africa.Royal historian HugoVickers said the marriageand the changes it heraldsfor the monarchy wouldattractyoungmembers ofsociety.He said:“This is anewgenerationrevival. Itshouldappeal to thechildren ofthis country.“I think itwill be wonderful thatduring the Queen’s reignyou may get anotherprospective generation - ourQueen with Charles,William and a little boy orgirl. Continuity is soimportant.”On the day of the weddingall eyes will be on MissMiddleton as she is drivento the Abbey in the RollsRoyce Phantom VI (inset)that was attacked bystudent fees rioters whilecarrying her future in-laws,the Prince of Wales andDuchess of Cornwall lastDecember.As she steps from thelimousine the world will getits first glimpse of herwedding dress.Inside the Abbey will bearound 1,900 guests - fromkings and prime ministersto ambassadors andbishops. The Queenand her family willbe seated a few feetfrom theMiddletons.As the west dooropens everyone willstand for the brideand the service

will begin with theArchbishop of CanterburyDr Rowan Williams(pictured below) conductingthe wedding ceremony.Kate will walk up the aisle acommoner but will emergefrom the abbey an hourlater, arm-in-arm with herprince, with a royal title, asWilliam is likely to made aduke.On her finger will be awedding band made ofWelsh gold - a tradition forroyal brides - but Williamwill not wear a ring,something normal for royalmen.The couple will travel toBuckingham Palace in thesame coach used byWilliam’s parents on theirwedding day. They will beaccompanied by a captain’sescort made up of mountedsoldiers from the HouseholdCavalry.Kate’s journey as member

of themonarchywill have justbegun.William’sfiancee hasalready beenreceivingadvice andguidancefrom royalaides and shewill now begiven her full

backroom staff, fromhairdressers to a privatesecretary.She will take on thepatronage of variouscharities and be expected togive speeches promotinggood causes or launchingevents.On the big day, thenewly-weds will join apalace reception where 600invited guests will get achance to congratulatethem before they cut twowedding cakes - atraditional fruit one and achocolate treat for William.Later the couple and therest of the royal family willgather on BuckinghamPalace’s balcony to watch aflypast of modern andhistoric war planes.But the world will bewaiting to see if the couplereprise Charles and Diana’sfamous kiss on their

wedding day.In the evening a privatepalace dinner anddance for 300 ofWilliam and Kate’s

close friends and familywill be hosted by


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willingness to help them secure adecent shot - turning towards thecamera with a broad smile doeswonders for keeping the press packon-side.Charles is however not so keen onthe press - or “bloody people” as heonce unfortunately labelled themduring a Klosters photocall.William and Harry - pictured topright clashing with a photographer -too are likely to be forever wary ofthe media after their mother Dianadied while being pursued by thepaparazzi.Kate will no doubt take this on boardbut so far seems entirely at ease infront of the cameras during her firstofficial engagements.

THE PUBLICMiss Middleton will find thatwherever she goes on official visits,

members of the public will gather tocatch a glimpse of the new HRH.She will find herself swamped withflowers, gifts and even photographsfrom royal fans during walkabouts.Presents are usually swiftly passedback to a royal aide or lady-in-waitingto avoid the VIP becoming swamped.

THE CORGISA love of these diminutive dogs is amust.The Queen has owned more than 30corgis, starting with Susan who was apresent for her 18th birthday.She currently has four corgis: Linnet,Monty, Holly and Willow.She also introduced a new breed calleda dorgi by mating one of her corgiswith a dachshund named Pipkinwhich belonged to Princess Margaret.She currently has three dorgis - Cider,Candy and Vulcan.

The Queen feeds them from the tablewith titbits and even mixes up somegravy, biscuits and meat at tea time,presented in silver bowls.It can be hard to keep track of theseroyal animals as they scurry aboutduring royal receptions, but treadingon one is an absolute no-no.Kate should also ensure that anyfuture pets are kept under control.In 2003, one of the Princess Royal’sdogs, Florence, savaged one of theQueen’s favourite corgis so badly ithad to be put down, leaving themonarch devastated.

THE SERVANTSAlthough William and Kate will live atfirst in Anglesey, one day they willreside in Buckingham Palace - verydifferent from the sanctuary offered bya private home.The famous landmark is a working

palace with servants and aides onhand to attend to every need.According to Diana’s former butlerPaul Burrell, the Prince of Wales’svalet used to squeeze the toothpasteonto HRH’s toothbrush and also onceheld a specimen bottle while hismaster produced a urine sample inhospital.At royal residences, servantsmeticulously unpack luggage forguests.Cherie Blair revealed how her son Leowas conceived at Balmoral when sheleft her contraception behind out ofembarrassment. The previous year,she had been horrified to find all herbelongings unpacked, including thecontents of her toilet bag.Kate will be able to have servantsgalore, but will also have to get used tosharing her home with footmen,housekeepers, private secretaries andhundreds of other staff.

William & Kate

life for Kate as she

She shouldseek outother alliesamongthose whomarriedinto theroyals

joins The Firm


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William & Kate

PRINCE William and KateMiddleton choseWestminster Abbey for

its “staggering beauty”,1,000-year Royal history andintimacy despite its size.The ancient place of worship hasbeen the setting for many a royalwedding, coronation and funeral -which William himself knows onlytoo well.He was just 15 when, in front of avast crowd of weeping mourners,he walked behind the coffin of hismother Diana, Princess of Walesas it was led into the gothic abbey.More than a decade later,exchanging his wedding vows inits surrounds may go some way tobanishing his sad memories of thebuilding.The abbey - official title theCollegiate Church of St Peter,Westminster - has been thecoronation church since 1066.It is likely to be where Williamwill take the Coronation oath oneday as king, with Kate crowned athis side as queen consort.Queen Elizabeth II’s televisedcoronation took place at the Abbey

in June 1953.Benedictine monks first came to thesite in the middle of the 10thcentury.The present cHenry III in 1245, is one of the mostimportant Gothic bcountry, with the medieof an Anglo-Saxheart.The abbey is knopeculiar with a dean and cresponsibarchbishop bsovereign.One of the best knoabbey is Ptransept wwriters arcommemoraChaucerCharles DicMany roheld at the Abcentury.The QueenVI and the Queen Motherexchang1923 as the DukElizabeth BoStarting a tradition thabrides ha

Westminster means a mixturof emotions for Prince William

MEMBERS of the Royal Family have often beenunlucky in love in modern times, but the Queenand the Duke of Edinburgh have been marriedfor more than 60 years.The monarch and Prince Philip celebrated theirgolden wedding anniversary in 2007.The success of their long-lasting marriage is putdown to their compatibility. They share interestsand have had the same dutiful royal training.The Duke also apparently never shies away fromtelling his wife exactly what is what.Queen Victoria’s relationship with her belovedPrince Albert is seen as a great royal romance.Victoria was deeply attached to her husband,with whom she had nine children, and she sankinto depression after his untimely death at theage of 42 in 1861.For the rest of her reign she wore black.The year of 1992 - Queen Elizabeth II’s “annushorribilis” - was a terrible one for love in theHouse of Windsor.The Prince of Wales separated from Diana,Princess of Wales, the Duke of York split fromSarah, Duchess of York, and the Princess Royaldivorced Captain Mark Phillips.Charles’s relationship with Diana ended badly,played out through the media.The only child of the Queen not to divorce is theEarl of Wessex who married Sophie Rhys Jones,now the Countess of Wessex, in 1999.Charles remarried, making Camilla ParkerBowles his wife in 2005, while the Princess Royalis married to former royal equerry TimothyLaurence, now a Vice-Admiral in the Navy.The Queen’s sister, Princess Margaret, put dutybefore desire when she called off plans to marrydivorced Group Captain Peter Townsend in 1955.She later wed photographer AntonyArmstrong-Jones, who became the Earl ofSnowdon, but they divorced in 1978, makingMargaret the first member of the Royal Family todivorce since Henry VIII.The perceived royal tendency towards maritalbreakdown led a Church of England bishop tosuggest that Prince William and Kate Middletonwould be divorced within seven years.The Rt Rev Pete Broadbent, Bishop of Willesden,also reportedly referred to the Royal Family as“philanderers”. He was later to apologise for theremarks.William is not the only one of the Queen’sgrandchildren to be getting ready to tie the knot.The Prince’s cousin, Zara Phillips, is to marryrugby player Mike Tindall in Scotland in July.Zara’s brother, Peter Phillips, wed CanadianAutumn Kelly in 2008.

Ups and downsof royal loves

■ ROYAL TRADITION: Westminster Abbey (left) has seen many royal weddings down the years. From the left: Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (laElizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh leaving the Abbey in 1947; Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones in 1960; Princess Anne and Ca

■ GRIEF: Prince William, Prince HArry and Prince Charles at Westminster Abbeyfor Diana funeral in September 1997

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Page 5: Royal Wedding Supplement - Huddersfield Examiner

William & Kate

une 1953.Benedictine monks first came to thesite in the middle of the 10thcentury.

esent church, begun byHenry III in 1245, is one of the most

tant Gothic buildings in thecountry, with the medieval shrineof an Anglo-Saxon saint still at its

bey is known as a royalpeculiar with a dean and chapter,esponsible not to a bishop or

hbishop but only to theeign.

One of the best known parts of thebey is Poets’ Corner in the south

pt where many authors andwriters are either buried orcommemorated, including GeoffreyChaucer, William Shakespeare and

les Dickens.oyal weddings have been

t the Abbey during the 20thcentury.

he Queen’s parents King GeorgeVI and the Queen Mother

hanged their vows there in April1923 as the Duke of York and Lady

beth Bowes-Lyon.ting a tradition that all royal

brides have followed, the Queen

Mother placed her weddingbouquet on the Grave of theUnknown Warrior in honour ofher brother, who died in the FirstWorld War.The Queen was only 21 when, asPrincess Elizabeth, she wed PrincePhilip in the surrounds of theabbey on November 20, 1947, amidthe post-war austerity.Princess Margaret, the Queen’ssister, married AntonyArmstrong-Jones, later Earl ofSnowdon, at the church in May1960. Their marriage wasdissolved 18 years later.The Princess Royal wed CaptainMark Phillips in November 1973.Their marriage was dissolved inApril 1992.The Duke of York walked down theAbbey’s aisle with Sarah Fergusonwhen they married in July 1986.The pair divorced 10 years later.Westminster Abbey is also thefinal resting place of 17 monarchs -among them Edward theConfessor.King George II’s funeral was heldthere in 1760. The funeral of theQueen Mother was held at theAbbey in 2002.

estminster means a mixtureof emotions for Prince William

on (later to be Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother) and Prince Albert, Duke of York (later to be King George VI) on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after their wedding ceremony in 1923; Princessones in 1960; Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips in 1973 and The Duke and Duchess of York in 1986. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer married at St Paul's Cathedral

■ FAREWELL: The Princes and Diana’s brother, the Earl Spencer (centre) follow her coffin into the Abbey

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Page 6: Royal Wedding Supplement - Huddersfield Examiner

William & KateKATE Middleton is being

tipped as the Royal Family’snext People’s Princess.

With Diana, Princess of Wales’ssapphire ring on her finger andDiana’s son on her arm, MissMiddleton is already aware of thelegacy that stands before her.As she posed for her engagementpictures with Prince William, therewas an uncanny similarity to thephotos of Diana 29 years earlierBoth women opted for the same shadeof blue as they stood with their armslooped through that of their fiances,with the large oval sapphire anddiamond ring on show.Both spoke of the “daunting” prospectahead of them.Yet Kate is already marking herselfout as very different from the bashfulroyal bride who became the world’smost photographed woman.Catherine Elizabeth Middleton hasentered the public arena in a moreassured way than Lady Diana Spencer.Confident and poised, observers sayshe has all the appearance of someonewho has been groomed for royal duty,possessing a knowing look, secure inher knowledge of William’s affectionsand intentions.Diana, in contrast, emerged as “ShyDi”. She was demure and blushed asshe posed for her engagementpictures, her eyes peering out fromunder her long fringe.Both came to the nation’s attention insee-through outfits - but in markedlydifferent ways.Eager to please, Diana posed up forthe cameras at the kindergartenwhere she worked in September 1980,five months before her engagement tothe Prince of Wales.But she was oblivious to the fact shewas backlit by the sun and that herlegs could be seen through her longpale-coloured skirt.In 2002, Kate strode down a catwalk ata charity fashion show in atransparent dress with black knickersand bra underneath, in front of anaudience and future beau William.When one friend once remarked shewas lucky to be with William, Katereportedly quipped: “He’s lucky to begoing out with me.”In contrast, in the early days ofDiana’s relationship with Charles, sheventured to say to one of hisconfidants: “If I am lucky enough tobe the Princess of Wales...”She was 19 when she becamebetrothed to Charles. Kate was 28 atthe time - nine years older than Dianawas.Better educated with A-Levels and adegree in history of art under her belt,Kate is more worldly wise and on anequal footing with her fiance.Diana was 13 years younger than thePrince of Wales, but Kate is fivemonths older than William and theyhave already lived together at StAndrews, and Kate spends part of theweek with William in Anglesey.She hails from a far steadier familybackground than William’s mother.Her parents are still together, sparingher any of the anguish suffered byDiana, whose own mother and fathersplit acrimoniously when she wasonly young.Her non-aristocratic backgrounddiffers from the posh Spencer circlesof Diana - whose sister married theQueen’s private secretary and whosegrandmother was a confidant of theQueen Mother.Charles was under pressure to find awife and Diana fitted the bill.The Prince told a friend he was sure

he could fall in love with her, but wenow know his heart was already takenby Camilla Parker Bowles.He had been heir to the throne sincehe was three years old and was wellaware it was his duty to secure themonarchy’s future.Lord Mountbatten advised Charles tofind a virgin bride and Diana seemedideal.Kate and William, in contrast, are notunder the same time pressures.William is still only second-in-line tothe throne.However, Kate has not escapedspeculation as to her traditionalsuitability as an untouched royalbride.The Spectator magazine oncecommented that she “may still haveher V-plates intact”.While Kate is a brunette and Dianawas blonde, both are tall and willowyand deemed English Roses.

Both were educated at public schoolwhere they were popular and sporty,captaining the hockey team andexcelling at tennis.Diana had a warmth and opennesswhich attracted Charles, somethingKate is said to possess too.Their backgrounds were clear ofpotential tabloid fodder. Dianaappeared squeaky clean, as does Kate,although she was known to moon outof the window at boys at boardingschool.Diana, at her first official royal eventwith Charles after their engagementin March 1981, was pictured arrivingin her car at Goldsmiths Hall wearinga plunging strapless evening gown.In December 2006, Kate unwittinglyflashed a fishnet clad thigh as she gotinto a car after a night out withWilliam and Harry.But on her first official publicengagement in Anglesey in February

Will Katebecomethe newPeople’sPrincess?

THEY are Kate Middleton’s nearest and dearest and PrinceWilliam’s new in-laws, but who exactly are the family behindBritain’s future Queen?


Mrs Middleton is descended from a long line of Durham coalminers.Her former career as an air stewardess issaid to have led to mocking by William’scircle, who would declare “doors tomanual” when Kate was out of earshot.In 1987, Mrs Middleton and her husbandMichael founded mail order companyParty Pieces which sells children’s partyparapher nalia which made theMiddletons into millionaires.The family home is in Bucklebury, a smallvillage near Newbury, Berkshire.The family suffered scandal in July 2009 when Kate’s uncle -Mrs Middleton’s brother Gary Goldsmith - was filmed givinghard drugs to an undercover reporter.But Mr Goldsmith is said to have reformed his ways and nowmay even be a guest at the wedding.

MICHAEL MIDDLETONMuch less is known about former pilot MrMiddleton, but the Queen and the Dukereportedly had a soft spot for him despitemeeting him only fleetingly.Mr Middleton, who is one of four siblings,hails from a middle-class background andhis father Peter was a pilot after the war.To William, Mr Middleton is “Mike”.

PIPPA MIDDLETONKate’s vivacious younger sister Pippa was crowned thecountry’s most desirable singleton by society magazine Tatlerin 2008.She will be Kate’s maid of honour and isbeing tipped to be her lady in waiting.The middle Middleton sibling is said to bemore outgoing than Kate. She shines onthe posh party scene and is said to be keento marry into “old money”.Pippa, who has been helping Kate with herwedding plans, recently joined her sisteras they lunched with the Duchess of Corn-wall and Camilla’s daughter Laura Lopesand chatted about the forthcoming nup-tials.Pippa is said to be dating former England cricketer AlexLoudon.

JAMES MIDDLETONThe youngest of the Middleton children, James, went toMarlborough College, like Kate and Pippa, and started atEdinburgh University, but quit in the firstyear.He set up The Cake Kit Company in 2007which provides ingredients and decora-tions for children’s cakes.In August 2008, pictures of him at a partywearing a black and white polka dot dressand in a French maid’s outfit appeared ina newspaper.He appeared in a glossy spread in Hello! bybaking several cakes featuring legendaryfront pages to mark the magazine’s 21st anniversary.

Meet theMiddletons ...

■ COMMON TOUCH: Kate Middleton meets well wishers following a visit withPrince William to Darwen, her final official engagement before the wedding

Don’t miss our free 8-pageRoyal Wedding specialin Saturday’s Examiner





Page 7: Royal Wedding Supplement - Huddersfield Examiner

William & Kate

PRINCE WILLIAM and KateMiddleton will departWestminster Abbey in the samefairytale horse-drawn carriageused by the Prince and Princessof Wales on their wedding day.The newlyweds will make theone-and-a-half mile journey toBuckingham Palace in theopen-top 1902 State Landauwaving to the crowds just asWilliam’s parents did when theyleft St Paul’s Cathedral in 1981.The 29-year-old will travel to thechurch in a Rolls-RoycelimousineThe contrast of arriving in a carand leaving in a ceremonialcarriage will signify MissMiddleton’s change in status. Shewill arrive at the church as KateMiddleton but will leave as thewife of a prince.If it is raining, they will travel inthe majestic Glass Coach - themode of transport used byWilliam’s mother on her weddingday when she made her lastjourney as Lady Diana Spenceron her way to St Paul’sCathedral.

Open top trip

2011, she wore a demure KatherineHooker tailored, herringbone coat.In a clever move, Miss Middleton hadrecycled the outfit, which she worefive years earlier at Cheltenham races,and had the length shortened.Kate, like Diana, is keenly aware ofher actions in front of the media.Press who doorstepped Diana in theearly days found her friendly. Kate toohas politely told photographers shecannot pose for pictures, helpfullygiving them just enough time to take asnap.She endured intense press attentionoutside her own home, like Diana did,as speculation gathered pace that shecould be the country’s next Queen.Before her own engagement, Dianaonce broke down in tears at theintrusion, prompting photographersto place a note of apology under herwindscreen wiper.Her mother, Frances Shand Kydd,wrote to The Times to complain about

“harassment”.Before her own engagement, Diana,however, invited a newspaperjournalist into her flat for a chat and acup of tea.Kate is tougher and kept the mediawell at bay.Her own lawyer - who also representsthe Prince of Wales - wrote tonewspaper editors to protest over herharassment and pursued mediaoutlets if he believed her privacy hadbeen breached.Kate does possess a confidence whenon show.She was seemingly unfazed as sheentered the Sandhurst parade groundfor William’s graduation flanked byhis private secretary as everyone butthe Queen and the Prince of Waleswas already seated.Former newspaper editor PiersMorgan wrote: “I’ve rarely seenanyone enjoy the attentions of acamera lens quite like Prince

William’s squeeze.”She also breezed through her first fewofficial engagements earlier this year,at ease in front of the cameras andcrowds.Like Diana, she appears to be anatural people person, cooing overbabies and chatting happily with thepublic.Later, Diana became perfectly skilledat using the media for her ownagenda, from her interview onPanorama, to the moment she turnedup in a striking black cocktail dresson the night Charles admittedinfidelity on television.The cameras were still clicking yearslater as she lay dying inside amangled Mercedes in an underpass inParis.Already intent on protecting herprivacy, Kate will be only too aware ofthe story of Diana’s life and howtragically it ended.

Confidentand poised,she has theappearanceof someonegroomedfor royalduty

PRINCE WILLIAM and KateMiddleton’s gift list differs fromthe average bride and groom.They set up a charitable giftfund for donations instead ofbuying wedding presents.The move will benefit 26charities.The organisations includeCombat Stress, Beatbullying, theIrish Guards Appeal and theChristchurch EarthquakeAppeal.Donations can be made throughthe websitewww.royalweddingcharityfund.orgWhen the Queen married in 1947she received more than 2,500wedding presents from aroundthe world.Mahatma Gandhi gave her apiece of crocheted cotton lacewhich he crafted himself, whilethe Chinese President opted for aporcelain dinner service.

PRINCE WILLIAM will not weara wedding ring.William’s father wears awedding band - under a signetring on the little finger of hisleft hand - but the Duke ofEdinburgh does not.Since the 1920s, Welsh goldfrom the Clogau St David’smine at Bontddu in NorthWales has been a popular royalchoice.The Queen Mother’s in 1923,the Queen’s in 1947, PrincessMargaret’s in 1960, thePrincess Royal’s in 1973 andthat of Diana, Princess ofWales, in 1981 were all from thesame nugget from the mine.The Queen, who was presentedwith a fresh supply from themine in 1986, gave William goldfor Kate’s ring.

No ring for Wills

Charity benefits

■ ENGAGEMENT: Prince William and Kate’sannouncement had many similarities to PrinceCharles and Lady Diana’s announcement inFebruary 1981 even down to the ring and bluedress

Page 8: Royal Wedding Supplement - Huddersfield Examiner

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