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R.P.A.N.T. - territorystories.nt.gov.au · your dream home I pontoon / boat - only $54,000 - the...

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R.P.A.N.T. Newsl ett er of th e Retired police Association of th e Northern Territ ory Ine Vo ll No . IS OFFi ce Ph on e/ Fa x (08) 8922 3374 Web : hllp :/lwww.rpantlnc.asn.au E-Mail sec re ta ry @rpanllnc.asn.au All Correspondence and moneys 10 Secretary at: PO Box 2777 PALMERSTQN NT 0831 PRESIDENT WILSON, John (pasHy) Phone: (OB) 8932 1522 Fax: (08) 8931 1776 S ECRETARY COX, Janell Phone: (08) 8983 1782 Mobtle 04 19 800 508 E-mail : janellpaulOblgpond.com TREASURER WILLIAM$, John A (08) 8927 1479 Fax (OB) 8945 7721 E-mail: lohnwOOCIa4.nel.au PUBLIC OFFICER REES . Graham Phone (08) 8932 8882 Wor1l. (OB) 8932 7800 Fall (08) 8932 7801 E·mall : graham @palmsseUstOfe.com.au COMM ITTEE McOOWELL.lIndsay (08) 89314074 McMANUS, Denzil (OS) 8983 1240 CROWELL. Bob (08) 8985 2924 The Committee meets at 9.30am on the second Wednesday every month Edi to r :- Harry Cox Desktop Publisher :. Janell Cox Mlcroso1t Publisher Contents 01 this newsletter are strict ly 1 0f the Intormatoon 01 members 01 the Retlled Pobce ASSOCl3tlOf"l 01 the Northem Territory Inc. Unauthorised use is prohibited. Patron : Commissioner Brlan C Bat es AM, APM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY 18 AUG UST 2001 4.30 PM RPANT HOUSE BE THERE!!! Jun e 200 1 , We can all rest assured that , the future of ou r Association is secure with the services pro· vided by our Secretary. Janell. Witho ut lhe dedication and commitment provided both within the normal work hours and after hours (much of it!!) and considering that she also has a young child and family to look after. our Association would not continue to develop P and grow at the rate that it cur- renlly is. PRESIDENT'S REPORT This Associat io n is most grateful for th e ongoing financial contri- butions made to us by the North· ern Territory Government. through the Chief Minister. The Hon De nis Burke MLA and the Northern Territory Police Asso- ciation. We are also grateful for the ui n·kind" assistance provided by the Northern Territory Pol ice. through our Patron, Commis- sioner Brian Bates. The financial standing of ou r As· socia ti on is now very stable. Bearing in mind that ou r Secre- tary, Janell, is also the Secretary for the Northern Territory Police Museum & Hi storical Society In c, we have an excellent work- ing relationship between the two groups. They have al so been able to assist us with financial contributions towards salary. Fundraising is st ill a major proj- ect with our As soc ia tion and this is giving strong support to our SOCial program and our financial situati on at the same time. The co nt inued support of ALL members is vital in the growth of ou r Association. J""""' ''PC<4C>'Y '' Wu,,,,,, PRESIVENT SECRETARY'S REPORT My exlremely quick vi si t to Perth at EasIer time was fol· lowed hot on the heals by a trip to Alice Springs where I managed to catch up with most Alice Springs members at a dinner. Since that time I have been very busy with the Museum working on our second display which is now ready for viewing at the Fannie Bay Gaol Mu· seum - tilled Last Hang- ing-. This display is a semi- permanent display and it is un - derstood that it will remain in place for at least 12 months - possibly longer. Work is also under way on our third dis- play - uThe Bravery Awards" which will be ready for viewing

R.P.A.N.T. Newslett er of th e Retired police Association of th e Northern Territory Ine

Voll No. IS

OFFic e Phone/Fax (08) 8922 3374 Web : hllp:/lwww.rpantlnc.asn.au E-Mail [email protected]

All Correspondence and moneys 10 Secretary at: PO Box 2777



WILSON , John (pasHy) Phone: (OB) 8932 1522 Fax: (08) 893 1 1776


COX, Janell Phone: (08) 8983 1782 Mobtle 04 19 800 508

E-mail : janellpaulOblgpond.com


WILLIAM$, John A (08) 8927 1479 Fax (OB) 8945 7721

E-mail : lohnwOOCIa4.nel.au


REES . Graham Phone (08) 8932 8882 Wor1l. (OB) 8932 7800 Fall (08) 8932 7801

E·mall : graham @palmsseUstOfe.com.au


McOOWELL.lIndsay (08) 89314074

McMANUS, Denzil (OS) 8983 1240

CROWELL. Bob (08) 8985 2924

The Committee meets at 9.30am on the second Wednesday every month

Edi to r :- Harry Cox Desktop Publisher :. Janell Cox

Mlcroso1t Publisher

Contents 01 this newsletter are strictly 10f the Intormatoon 01 members 01 the

Retlled Pobce ASSOCl3tlOf"l 01 the Northem Terri tory Inc.

Unauthorised use is prohibited.

Patron: Commissioner Brlan C Bates AM, APM





June 200 1

, We can all rest assured that , the future of our Association is

secure with the services pro· vided by our Secretary. Janell. Without lhe dedication and commitment provided both within the normal work hours and after hours (much of it!!) and considering that she also has a young child and family to look after. our Association

1~~~I5I'2~~iZi~~15I'22~' 1 would not continue to develop P and grow at the rate that it cur­renlly is.


This Association is most grateful for the ongoing f inancial contri­butions made to us by the North· ern Territory Government. through the Chief Minister. The Hon Denis Burke MLA and the Northern Territory Police Asso­ciation. We are also grateful for the uin·kind" assistance provided by the Northern Territory Police. through our Patron, Commis­sioner Brian Bates.

The financial standing of our As· sociation is now very stable. Bearing in mind that our Secre­tary, Janell, is also the Secretary for the Northern Territory Police Museum & Historical Society Inc, we have an excellent work­ing relationship between the two groups. They have also been able to assist us with financial contributions towards salary.

Fundraising is st ill a major proj­ect with our Association and this is giving strong support to our SOCial program and our financial situation at the same time.

The cont inued support of ALL members is vital in the growth of our Association.

J""""' ''PC<4C>'Y'' Wu,,,,,, PRESIVENT


My exlremely quick visit to Perth at EasIer time was fol· lowed hot on the heals by a trip to Alice Springs where I managed to catch up with most Alice Springs members at a dinner.

Since that time I have been very busy with the Museum working on our second display which is now ready for viewing at the Fannie Bay Gaol Mu· seum - tilled ~The Last Hang­ing-. This display is a semi­permanent display and it is un­derstood that it will remain in place for at least 12 months -possibly longer. Work is also under way on our third dis­play - uThe Bravery Awards" which will be ready for viewing

P·2·· L ______ -!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------J Newsletter of the Retired Police Association of the Northern Territ ory Inc

around National Police Remem- Day_ Northern Territory Police Force. brance Day this year. This dis- Once again, many thanks Apart from their normal work play wilt initially be set up in the routines, what you did to help Great Hall at Parliament House. Ted Davis (Battery Point , Tas) Eileen Fitzer celebrate her 99

The other major project that I have been working on was the NTsafe Expo which was held on Sunday 3 June. Unfortunately it wasn't a financial success for our Association - more on this later in the newsletter.

As our Alice Springs members saw on my visit, we now have a quantity of merchandise avail­able - shirts, stubby holders, hats etc - a brochure is en­ctosed with this newsletter so we look forward to receiving your orders.

The AGM is coming up quickly and we look forward to seeing as many members as possible there to provide support lor the work of our Committee.

$ • ..11 eo,. SECRETARY


We would like to take thi s op­por tunity to thank The Hon Mike Reed, MLA, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services for his thoughtful contribution of lunch for the celebration by Eileen Fitzer on the occasion of her 99th birth­day. The gesture was ex­tremely well rece ived.


Bert Mettam (Oaklands Park, SA) Thank you once again for re­membering my Birthday, once again. At 82 years it is hard to predict just how many more I can expect to receive. Today is my final day of Radio· therapy on the site of cancerous tissue removed from my cheek and the futu re looks good. I am now flying off to Melbourne for my Battalion Reunion on Anzac

Please note my change of address years was incredible _ in or­from Leura NSW to the above

ganisation of her luncheon

~~~I~~~:~~n~'a~~S:i:~:~~ you all which made it the great suc-cess that it was. the very best.

Geoff Codling (Tumby Bay, SA) I enclose my cheque for outstand· ing account so that I can continue to receive your interesting RPANT newsletter. lis interesting to browse the paper and read about the members and activities of ones I had contact with during my short period in the Force. I am now in Real Estate and work the Tumby Bay area. If any members are travelling East to West through Sou th Australia then I suggest they drive down from Port Augusta along the coast road to Tumby Bay - Port Lincoln, Coffin Bay, Streaky Bay etc - the trip is well rewarded with the coastal scenery. Tumby Bay is a pleasant coastal township - retiremenVfishingl holidaying etc and we have all fa­cilities including a marina with still some choice allotments to build you r dream home I pontoon / boat - only $54,000 - the cheap­est in Australia. I hear that the Darwin Marina sites are $300 -400,000!!! I have been in Tumby Bay for over 4 years and have had contact with Graham Rees, John Haywood and Charlie Menenghetti (Chartie has since moved to Meningie SA with IARMA - Rural Supplies). All the best with your Association .


Dear Mr Bees This is very belated - my apOlogies! We are not -Blood relatives' of Eileen Fitzer - but we just felt we would like, in writing, to express our deep felt gratitude & appreciation to those people I have always referred to as those 'incredible men' and their even more incredible wives. I refer of course to members of the

So through you Graham, we would like to thank all the p0-

lice personnel who were in­volved. Everybody mixed & enjoyed themselves so much. Eileen was still talking about it all, 3 days later. so excited she couldn't speak the works quick enough. So again, thank you all for your t ime, personal presence, or­ganising, and gifts and floral arrangements. Do all have a Happy Easter. Keep fit and keep going. Most sincerely Vern & Jaci O'Brien (Gray, NT)


Davld Pollock has been very busy arran,gi n,g for lhe -Southern Muster~. Davld has advised us that i t will take place in Wan­,gara tla, North-East Victo­ria on Sa tu rday 13 Octo­ber and Sunday 14 Octo­ber 2001.

David has done a bu lk mail -out to member s in New South Wales. Act. Victoria and South Aus­tralia invi lin,g them to at­tend the Muster.

The concept of the 'Muster' is for members wi th in say a 4-5 hours drive of Wan.e:aratta to meet on the Saturday a f­ternoon, si t around and have a yarn, clean up and have a dinner to,gether. muster in the mornin,g for a 'farewell breakfast' and then return home, per-

[==:J~~~~~~~~~~~==:J1P·3·· .... I I ,nft.. , I·' haps taking in the opportu - Phone 03 9579 1873 nilY to vis it nearby wineries Fax 03 9579 4550 or the north -east mountain Mobile 04 18 837 598 regions along the way. E- mail davidpollock@primus.

com.au The program is:

Sat urday 13 October

12 noon onwards -Welcome/arriva l BBQ at Merriwa Park, Wangaratta

Book into adjacent Mcrriwa Park Motel (Special raLes : $59 s ingle. $69 double, hot cooked breakfast in break­jasr room $12)

Phone 03 572 J 5655 Fax 0357215478

(When making Lhe booking say il is Jor (he RPANT reun ­ion.)

7.30 for B.OOpm Dinner - Ce lla r 43 Restau­ra nt (next door l a Motel) 3 course se t menu d inner $28 pe r pe rson includes tea and coffee.

Sunday 14 Oc tober

Barn onwards farewell breakfast, Break­fast Room of Merrlwa Park Motel.

Depart at you r leisure for home.

The whole idea of the 'Muster' is to be in forma l. David hopes tha t it will give the opportunity to have a great social time together and chew over 'old times'.

TI1 C invitation is not limited to members from NSW. ACT, vie a nd SA. if you are planning on being in that region on holidays, or a re looking fo r a n excuse to ·get-away". please contact David on:

Or at PO Box 73 Oakleigh South Vie 3 167

We look forward to hearing of the stories a fter the event.

To date David has heard from the following members who have advised of their intention to attend the 'Muster':

David Poliock - Oakleigh South. Vie Myra & Rob Hockley (and two sons)· Belgrave. Vie John Faithfull- Port Macquarie NSW Tom C Baker - West meadows. Vie Gerry Lonerga" - Lavington, NSW Barry & Rhonda Forster - Porcpunkah. Vie &I & Colleen Rabl . Horsham. Vie David A LcCerf - Cumberwell. Vie Arnold & Eleanor \Vllson - Yerong Creek. NSW Gcurge & Kay Seears - Wy Yung, Vie Kinglsey & Jenny Taylor - Gromplon. SA Les & Marg Perry - Alexandria, Vic Kevin & Margaret Curley - Bradbury. NSW Mrs Jane Graham - KensinglOn, SA Ken Robison - Mt Macedon, Vic Lynn & Ruelene Cox - Canberra, ACT Alex Carolan - Sydney. NSW Harry & Olwen Bellon - Berwick. Vic Norman & JacqueJine Green - Croydon. Vie John Horswell - Canberra. ACT Bernie Rochford - Braddon. ACT John & Ruth White - Unandcrra. NSW

'On ,lie gropeville' 1Ir(ll p/lllllO (//. lelld

Barry Armistead . Langwarren. Vie Peter Wilron. Vie

" Love 10 al/e"d bUI ellll '," /el/er or e·mail to h(llld

Mrs Mavis Conaghan Tonyand Eirwen Woodroffe Ran I-Iammersley Mrs Shirley Semmler Dorothy Thomas Darry Spinks


Our Da~;n bastd members once again excelled In their en· deavours to sell tickets in our "EaSIer R. .. me".

Thl! fi rst pnze consisted of vari· ous gardening producls including a Stihl \'<!hipper Snipper, \\fhcel­barrow, fertilizer, weed kille r, ga r· dening lools, gloves, a voucher for plants t tc along with SI 00 worth of Easter Eggs. The t01al value of the prizt was $600.

O ur sincere thanks, once agOlin, goes 10 Ihe PalmeJSton Shopping Centre Community \'(!heel for their sponsorship fo r Ihis rame. Thank rou 10 Jan T nce!, for her donation of 11 Raphis Palm to·

wards Ihe rame and th:lIlks also to Howard Springs ;\[il r(' 10 for their lI SSiSl111lCe with prices for Ollr prizes. 1111: EaSII:r eggs were purchased from Target, Palmer· 510n.

The fi rst pnze was won by Gar)' Barnett, from cm, Be n;mah. Congnlulallons, :lIld thank YO II

for supporting liS.


Plalll\ing is lIt\derway (or o ur re· union Ilexl ye:lr. The d:ltcs arc:

22 Seprembu (0 29 September 2001.

We have m:lnaged 10 speak 10

three ;l..:conUllod:l tioll places who have provided the (ollowing


ASTIMOTEL Ph .(lS 898 1 8200

Single Room - $90 per room/ nighl Twin/Double - $102 pe r rooll)/

night Srudio/T riple - $1 14 per room/ night

A further incent ive discount o f


4 1L-__________ -!N~.~W~.~I~.~u~.~r;O~f=t2h~.~R~.~tl~r!.~d~p20~I~iC~.~As~.~o~c~la~t~lo~n~o~f~t~h!.~N!O~rt~h~.~ln~T~.~r~ri~to~ry~l~n~C~----______ .J1 ZO'X, will be offered if ZO or more rooms are booked and occupied for the reunion.

MJRAAIB£ENA RESORT Ph -0889460 111

St~nd~rd Rooms Single - $117 .00 Twin/Doublt' - $ 117.00

Dl'1uxt' Rooms Smgle - $14H.00 Twin/Double - $148.00

Townho\lses Single - $180.00 Twin/Double - $ 180.00 T riplt: - $ 180.00 Exlr:l person - $25.00

HOLlDAYINN (formerly T nwelodge) Ph - OB 8981 5388

Twin/Single Douul\! room -$ 175.00/niglll indudes breakfast for 1 Jkrsons

$ 165.00 for above room :1ccommo. d:l1ion only.

O bviously rhe opJions are up 10 you b11l :IS you ... --an s«. rhe Asri Motel is onering :11l eXfl1l 20% discOlll1I if wt: choose 10 occupy 20+ rooms.

Wt' ,lfe not going to pursue ,my dea ls wi th ~irlines at th is stage due ru rh l • en'r \'h,1I\Ilmg L11:lrket in the airl illC induslry. Mosl people who att ended Ihe !:ISI reu nion were able 10 obr:1 in belle r prices than rhe deal !lWI was :1 rrangcd uy I1S through Ihe 'preferred airline'. Bcflring this in mind and rhe tilc! Thar 'Virgin Blue' arc also l:ll ki ng auout comi ng into rhe Northern Territory marker we fell rh,1I leaving rhis 10 rhe individu· als would ue rhe beST o pT ion.

To ;ls.,~is l liS wi th our forwa rd plflll' ning o t" venlles ~IC we would flppre· cia re il it" melllbus plflnni ng on fll­lending rh~ reunion cou ld fill in The endosed ~Expression O f 1\U~r­

CS TH Form. Th is is JUST 10 give us

some sort of idea on rHllllbers etc. Ir is not intended as a uConfirmat ion of flTtendance~. Your e:Hly re turn of this form would be npprecialed.


Annual Fees a re d ue on ce again on 1 July 2001. En­closed with thi s Newslette r is a fo rm d etailing when your fees are paid up to. We look for ­ward to receiving your pay­ment in du e cou rse.

For t hose w ithout a ch eque book - paym ent can now be made direct into our National Ba nk Account. The de tails a re:

Account Name: RPANT Inc Bank: Nationa l, Casuarina BSB No, 085·928 Account No: 493472793

If you utilise this method of payment, please sen d to us a copy of the d eposit s lip or transfer advice to en able u s to record the payment accura tely.


Enclosed for your convenience is a 'Proxy Vote' Form which should be completed and re­turned to the Secretary before our Annual General Meeting which is being held on Saturday 18 August 2001 .


Phone AcceSS (or People with Hearing or Speech Difficulties

Some members may nOl be aware of the National Relay Service (NRS) opera ted by Aus­tra lia n Commun ica tion Ex­change (ACE) under a contract with the Australian Government. This se rvice offers communi ­cat ion access for people who have a hearin~ or speec h Im ­pa irm e nt or who arc deaf. It rclays some 2.500 ca lls a day

a round Australia a nd over­seas.

Customers report that using the NRS h as given them back control of their lives. by im­proVing independen ce and ac­cessibili ty. as they can make calls to anyone. at a nyUme and anywhere. All calls placed through the NRS a rc faCilitated by a Relay Officer. who Simply relays the conver­sa tion between th e parties by voice or text. as necessary. All calls a re kept s tric tly con fiden ­tia l.

Hearing loss Is not a lways eVi ­den t 10 o thers as it Is not a Visi ble disability. A 1998 study conducled in South Aus tralia identified 22% of people over 15 yea rs of age had a hear ing loss. Hea ring loss increases with age and a f­fecLs 28% of those aged 5 1-60. 58.7% aged 61 to 70. and 73.5% of those aged 71 or more.

111ere are a number of ways to u se the NRS by:

• Voice. • Text using a te letype­

write r (TlY) or computer or modem .

• Voice Carry Over for people who ca n speak a nd have a hearing di f­ficulty.

• Hearing Carry Over for people who have a speech Impa lnnent and can hear.

• Speech to Speech Relay for people who have a speech di fficul ty a nd prefer to use their own voice to communicate.

An NRS account is needed to ma ke long distance or lime­charge ca lls but not for local ca lls. It costs no morc to place a ca ll through the NRS than to call directly. Some discounts a re available.

For more Information write to ACE a t :

r-______________________________________________________________________ -, page

LI __________ ~N~.~W~S~I .~n~.~r=O~(~t~h~.~B~.~t~lr~e~d~p~O~I~IC~.~A~ .. ~02C~la~t~lo~n~o~ft~h~.~N!OTrt~h~.~rn~T!.~r[~It~O=N~ln~C~ ________ _.J1 5

PO Box 473 Slones Corner Qld 4 120

Or call Services Hotlln es during local business hours on: 1800 555 660 !Voice) or 1800 555 630 (11Y) or 1800 555 690 (Fax) or Visit the ACE webslte al: www.acelnfo. ne l .au


On Wednesday 18 April I trav­elled 10 Alice Springs 10 set up the d isplay for the Northern Territory Police Museum & Historical Socie ty Inc. The d is­play is the same one that was init ially set up a t the Peler McAulay Centre in Da rwin and has now travelled 10 Kalherine and Alice Springs.

The visil to Alice Springs af­forded me an opportunity 10

have Cl ge t-together with the Al­ice Springs RPANT members. I imposed on Andy and Marlene McNeill to arrange for a dinner for our members.

My since re thanks must go to Marlene for her efforts in rela­lion to this event. We had twenty-one attend the dinner which was held at the Alice Re­sort. The menu was wonderful and the atmosphere, except fo r the cold blast of a ir from the air-conditioner, was g reat.

Andy took some photos of those in attend ance and some of the photos will be included in a later Newsletter, space did not permit them to be included in this issue. The Dinner enabled Alice Springs members to meet each ot her and ca tch up on old times. I believe that this 'ice­breaker' will now enable future such dinners in Alice Springs on a regular basis.

I would like to Sincere ly thank Marlene fo r her p lanning of this event and suggest that Andy

might like 10 take a leaf out of you r book!!

It was a most enjoyable visit to Alice Sp rings and f look forward 10 hea ring of future get­logethe rs that they have there.

Janell Cox


Nancy Gweneth Mannion

Don 15.02.1909

DOD 02.03.2001

May she Rest in Peace


Nancy Gweneth was born in Ad elaide on 15.2. 1909 to Flora Daisy and Will iam Andrew Coll ins, the 3rd of9 children . She attended Magill and Mar­ryatvill e Primary and Norwood High Schools, leaving school at 14 to work and to help her older brothers (and sister Id a) s upport the you nger sibl ings.

Nancy was a talented and en­thusiastic stud ent of the violin and practised eve ry evening before bedtime (not a lways pleasing sister Ida with whom she sha red her room).

Nancy left Adelaide and family behind in 1936 to sample li fe in the Northern Territory, quite a brave and advent urous step for a young si ngle woman in t hose days. She obtained work at Scott's Hotel in Ten­nant Creek, and became a popular membe r of the stafT and of the small outback com­munity. She was also a valu ­able member of the local tenni s club.

Standing around 4ft 10, weighing in at 7 stone, and possessing smiling brown eyes and dark wavy hair , Nancy caught the eye of a number of the youn g and un­attached males in the area, one of whom fond ly remem­bered her many years la te r as a "pocket Venus". However , her heart was won by Jim Mannion, a young South Aus­tralian who had also been seeking adventure and had joined the NT Mounted Police Force. The couple were mar­ried in Tennant Creek on 26.02. 1938, one of the very first (if not the first) mar­riages performed in the Catholic Church there. Al­though brough t up a mix of Anglican and Baptist, Nancy always supported Jim an d their two children in their Catholic way of li fe.

Over t he many yea rs spent in various Po lice posti ngs throughout the NT, some very remote indeed , such as Mataran ka , Brocks Creek, Harts Range. Borroloola and Lake Nash (music to t he ears!) Nancy provided warm hospitality to vis iting priests who were ove rsee ing thei r far-flung nock. She was fondly rega rded by these hard working men, who were pro­vided for in only a very basic way as they travelled around the vast expanse of thei r "parishes". A home cooked meal, a clea n and comfortable bed, and a brief sha ring of fami ly life was very much a p­preciated. Many years later, back in Tcnnant Creek (much la rger now, thanks to the mines, but still ve ry much a 'bush' town) the local priest confessed he didn't kn ow how he would've coped without Nancy and J im, who regu­larly invited h im into their ho me, beca use although the


• 1L. __________ !N~.~w~.~I!etl2!.~' ~Q~f~th~.~R!.~tI~re~d~p~Q~IIC~.~ .. ~sO~C~I!.~tI~Q~n~Q~f~l~he~N~Q~rt~b~.~'2n~I~.~"~it~Q~N~ln~C~ __________ JI

loca l Hotelier was also ve ry generous to him he felt keenly that some people would wonder a bit if 'their' priest frequented the local ho­tel, however innocent it might be.

The late Bishop of Darwin, J ohn O'Loughlin , was a great fan of Nancy and often told her she would make a great Ca tho lic. He was sure that he would be able to convert her one day bu t, just after he died in Darwin, Nancy mourned the passing of a good friend but couldn't resist the comment : "He never got me, did he!"

When Ji m joined the AIF in 1940, and left for 4 yea rs of ove rseas service, Nancy and her daughter returned to Adelaide to be with the Collins family. Two of he r brothers and a brother -in-law were a lso se rvi ng ove rseas so the fami ly drew closely to­gether to support each other (and the children ) while the men-folk we re at war. Nancy's siste r (Rose) joined the WRAAF and, a lthough not serving overseas, stayed in unt il the war ended . As fortu ne would h ave it, Rose ended up marrying a member of the RAAF who was also a returned man.

One of Ji m's home leaves must have been somewhat amorous, because Robert a r­rived in December 1944, born in Adelaide soon after Ji m re­turned from the wa r .

In 1945 the fam ily returned to the NT where J im resumed hi s Police duties and Nancy spent the next 20-plus years at Roper River, Katherine, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Darwin.

Although never a committee or wife's club joiner. Nancy was a loyal and tireless sup­porter of Jim in his Police du­ties and made many life-long friends amongst the close-knit police community. She kept in contact with many of them until very recently when age and related problems reduced her communication and mobil­ity. She kept a low profi le in regard to J im's professional affa irs, but was fiercely pro­tective ifshe saw injust ice be­ing done to her beloved hus­band . On one notable occa­sion she threatened to t ake he r family a nd camp on Min­dil Beach in Darwin , in defi ­ance of what she saw as a 'pun ishment' posting to a bush station. The powers-that-be in the decision making chain must have known that she meant business, because the posting was stopped and the family remained in Darwin , where Nancy's beloved J im died in Septembe r 1968, a few years before he was due fo r re­tirement.

Nancy, by now well a nd truly a dinki-di Terr itori an , stayed on in Darwin and would probably have remained there for good except that Cyclone Tracey took a fancy to her house on Chri stmas Day, in 1974, and tried to blow her out of the Ter rito ry (fa t chance!>. The house was badly bent but a ve ry deter ­mined Nancy stayed on until March of 1975, living in and under the bits of house tha t we re left. She had loyal and willin g support at th is time from many NT Police mem­be rs and other friends, until she could get a buyer for the wreck of the house and t he block it stood on. She then surre ndered to the inevitable

and went south to Adela ide, where she could be with her remaining brot hers and sis­ters and be more accessible to N ancy and Robert.

During thi s time Nancy re­ceived valuable support fr om Legacy while she found a home at Rostrevor and got settled back into SA. She greatly appreciated Legacy's assistance with this, and in other a reas such as the long and ultimately successful bat­tle to obtain a War Widow's pension for her. The family share thi s appreciation of the work done by Legacy on be­half of Nancy.

Over the next 20-odd yea rs Na ncy made a modest, com­fortable and very happy life fo r herself back in Adela ide. among her remaining siblings and with the few close fr iends from before she became a Territorian. She enjoyed a weekly trip to town on t he bus, where she regularly checked out the barga ins in the shops to see what treats she could find for her family. She also bought her weekly lottery ticket s (l a te r Lotto tickets) during these vis its, with varying success. She loved to have a go at the Scratchies as well . and fo r many years fam ily members would find Scratchies in thei r birthday or Christmas cards and , if they won a do lla r or so, Nancy would be as excited as they were themselves.

The real highlight of each week was when Nancy. Mill ie and Alice got toget her for af­ternoon tea at Na ncy's place. and there a lways seemed something new to talk about ove r thei r cu ppa and scones.

She became a keen long·

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distance bus traveller and made several trips back to Darwin, as well as other in­terstale trips to visit Robert and also Nancy and family. About 1971 she visited Nancy, Jim and family in New Guinea (from Darwin) and enjoyed the visit im­mensely. However, she no doubt. found the bus t ri ps around Oz a bit easier to han­dle as the years went by .

Ove r the last 15 years or so Na ncy enjoyed the company of her bachelor son, Robert, who took a position at Oaw Park Repat Hospital and be­came a car ing and much ap­preciated companion for his mother. They each had their own li ves and separate inter­ests, but we re always great mates and fiercely supportive of one another. Robert main­tained th is support t hought Nancy's later years, as she got older and slowed down somewhat. He eventually took ear ly retirement so he cou ld care fo r he r at home as long as possible.

Daughter Nancy and family we re a lso now resident in Ade laide and kept close con· tact in those later years. In fact, a Saturday lunch at Mum's was a feature for quite a few years. However, Nancy and Jim we re both working and had other family co mmit­me nts, so the burden of care fe ll heavily on Robert. The fami ly w ill be forever grateful to Robert for his unstinting care a nd devotion to Mum over many years.

When Nancy finally needed more care then could be pro­vided at home she moved to the Pembroke Nursing Home on Norwood Parade (thereby staying close to her roots ) where she spent the last 2

and a half year s of her life. The home is a smaller facility than some, very close to both Robert and Nancy, and th e family were able to visit her there at any time of the day or evening, within reason of course, which was a great blessing and also helped Nancy come to terms with her loss of independence. Once again Robert was a mainstay and was a freq uent visitor and sou rce of support and helped make Nancy's "time in care" so much more bearable and persona lised.

Robert and Nancy a re very appreciative of the various fami ly members and friend s who visited Nancy during her time at Pembroke , especially her grandchildren and their families from the Adelaide area as well as in te rstate and ove rseas.

Nancy died peacefu lly in her sleep early on Friday morn­ing, 2nd March 2001. She was a tiny woman , but she will leave an enormous gap in the lives of he r family and friends. Our greatest conso­lation is that she is now with her beloved Ji m, after miss­ing a nd proud ly remembering him for ove r 32 years. We will miss her love and sup­port in ou r lives, but rejoice that these two special people are now together again for ever.

Goodbye, Mum , s ister , au nt, grandm other , great­grandmothe r a nd friend .

God speed.

NOTE: Nancy's ashes were placed in Jim Mannion's grave at McMi ll ans Road Cemetery, Darwin on Satur­day 12 May 2001.

A Note from the family also reads:

"Robert, Nancy Jim and fam­ily express their thanks and appreciation for a ll the m es­sages of sympathy and s u p­port received since the r ecent death of Nancy Mannion , their much loved mother , mother-in- law, grandmothe r and great-grandmother.

We have been dee ply touched and much comforted by the affection a nd high regard with which she is remem ­bered by so many.

Our special thanks to a ll in the RPANT. The NT Police Force has been a major part of a ll of our lives for a very long time and your concern at thi s t ime means a lot to u s."


John Kevin LtNCOLN

Reg No 237 Don 12.11.194 1

J o ined NT Police 19.10.1964

Resigne d 9.05.1981 Passed away in Brisbane -

09.05.200 1

Our s incere sympathy to Maree a nd childre n o n the passing of the ir husband

and fa the r.

May h e Rest in P eace.


Police Trackers Thompson THINTHINBOY


Both passed away at Roper earlier this year.

May they Rest in Peace.

Page 8 Newsletter of t he Retired pOlice Association of the Northern Territory Inc


Talk to a detective. visit the Emergency Operations Centre. Tour the Police Cells. Police Car Rides and cut up a car were all part of they hype for the first ever Expo hosted by the Police. Fire and Emergency Services. This event prOVided the Iri-service with the opportu­nity to open the doors to the Peter McAulay Centre for the first time since the opening of the building in the late 1980's.

It is estimated that approxi­mately 11.000 people look the opportunity to attend the event that commenced at 9am and continued. non-stop, until 4pm.

The day began with a debating competition between local high schools concerning who should be responsible for the sa fety of the community.

The free bus service that was provided by the Department of Transport and Works was well utilised.

The NTsafe Expo was held on the first anniversary of NTsafe and involved the various Gov­ernment Departments and Agencies who have some role in promoting crime prevention and community safety.

live entertainment continued throughout the day along with a RAAF Police Dog display. the police diving squad doing under­water recoveries in the pool. and the Firies foam machine keeping most people occupied.

RPANT hosted the Devonshire Tea and Coffee slall and were disappointed at the number of people who visited. We set up in conjunction with the Police Museum and Historical Society who provided a wonderful pho-

tographic display. Unfortu­nately the majority of people who visited this display were only there 10 have their " Police T rackeTS Trail" sheets stamped and didn't stop 10 look at our history.

We also had our merchandise stall in conjunction with the NT Police Association. The overall takings at thi s stall were also very disappointing.

We must make special thanks to the Correctional Services who prOvided a "work team" 10 as­sist us with moving the display boards and boxes of merchan­dise. Without their assistance we simply would not have been able to participate in this event.

[I is understood that another similar event will be held in the future. Our concerns have been forwarded on to the relevant authorities and we hope that our constructive crit icisms will be taken on board for the next event.


Members in Hospital: Mrs Eileen Cossons has been in St Vincents Hospital, Sydney. She has had a knee recon­struction. She is now back in Darwin and is recuperating at home. Give her a phone ca ll, I 'm sure she wou ld love to hear from you. The commit­tee is organiSing handrails in her bathroom to make it eas­ier for her. We have also pro­vided a shower chair and other items to assist her.

I also visited David Palmer at the Darwin Hospital on 23 May. Dave had some minor surgery carried out so he had a few days of well earned rest. All is well and Dave is back in harness again.

Tony Godwin had a short stint in hospital at Buderim. He is home now. Tony is now on

a course of medication and has some further tests in 3 months time. All the best Tony, our thoughts are with you.

Eileen Fitzer: Eileen is now living at the Salvation Army Nursing Home at Stuart Park. She celebrated her 99th birth­day on 30 March and is look­ing forward to her telegram from the Queen for her 100th. She is sparking on all cy lin­ders and was seen (pictured below) at the NTsafe Expo on Sunday 3 June.

Meetings: I went to a Police legacy Meeting on 29 May re a matter we had raised re­garding assistance for mem­bers who were exper iencing financial hardships due to the partner having to give up work to care for the spouse. Th is situation is not cove red under the parameters of the Police Legacy Const itution. We were asking for a broad ­ening of these guidelines so as to be able to assist wit h genuine cases in the future. A positive reaction was received from the meeting and we will provide further advice on the progress of this matter at a later date.

Uft Platform: We are pres­ent ly having discussions with the Department in relation to the acquisition of a lift Plat­form for our disabled/elderly members so that they can ac­cess the upstai rs of House No 3 (our office). It appears that this may be a reality within the next 3-6 months. Once again, we will keep you in­formed.

ACPSRO: Our Associat ion were invi ted to join the Aus­tralian Council of Public Sector Ret iree Organisations (ACPSRO), and we have done so. They cu rrentty have twelve member organisations whose total membership ap­proaches half a million, thereby giving us a louder voice within t he 'Public Forum' regarding matters involving our members. Your Associa­tion will be making represen­tation to them in relation to the Federal Government Budget in the near future.



lndllded with this Ne ..... slener is ;1 colour promOTiona l page de­railing o ur new merch,mdisc whic h is ;l\';li lable (or immedi­ate ddin!ry TO you. Also in­duded is .m Orde r Form (or this merchrmdise. Ple,lse fill it in ,md re turn it ro us so that we

can dispatch yOllr requesTed items as soon as possible. 1 .1111

confident you will all be \'cry h,lPPY with the prod ucts.

M ... 'l1lha:; :;hnuld nuro.: rh,u rhe Aduh Polo Shirts h;we .1 \'Miery o( colours with what they refer TO as "mix and march co llars~

which means th.lt no TWO shirts me the same. Colours ,Ire basi­cally da rk blue, dark grecn, ligh t bllle, p;lle grey, maroon -please specify your prc ferred colour o pTions on The O rde r

Form. We will do ollr heST TO

supply your preferred cololl r.


With onl y 5 wee ks to go, thi s

event is gelling better at each re hearsal. The crew have been busy over recent weeks mak­ing and painting props and our wardrobe is coming a long ex­tremely well.

A few tickels remain bUI we expecl that Ihese will sell in the next couple of weeks. Don'l mi ss oul on Ihis ONCE ONLY performance.

JUSI a reminder - il is now be­ing he ld on Saturday 14 Ju ly due 10 Ihe Mai n Event being staged on 7 July. A ll other de­ta ils remain the same.


\Vilh deparTmenTal as.s iuance we hayr ~en able 10 oblllin a prr.owned and lovrd PC which has be"n seT up in tht" I( 'Ichen area of RPANT House. It has bten inSTalled as o ur stand-alone InTernel connection and for Treasury use. ( GelS 'Ile oul from under Ihe fee l of our secrel"ary Janell) .

This PC is now ~vaila ble for use by "isiling members who may wish 10

Slay in TOUch wilh fami l), or friends wilh In ternel oonnect,ons by e·mad.

Oarwin me mbers ... ho do nOT have an InT<'fl1et connrct ion are IIwlled 10

,'omr 10 RPIINT House and u se' Ihis connection which w,lI enable them 10

I"-mail family or fr iends who arc Inler­nI' l connected . Bookings may be needed so please lelephone Janell in The firST inSl"ance during office hout$. M ler o ffice hours use will be by book­

ing only.

If you require hdp or lramin,!? we c;'In ~ ss ist you to get STarTed. Again , le le· phone Jandl first and wc will make a

booking for your IIlsTruction l "'troduction period. A frcchic.

Members withollT an In ternet connre" hon c;'In now use The sySTe m. Wc now have for use an e_ma,laddres.s:

membcn@ ,p;anTinc.as.n.au Any member Wilh an lmCtnet ('onne('­lion can S(nd an e· maillo Oarwin non

O ur ne .... re~"mpcd siTr is now on· lint' and ",eludes The PhoToGaUery and GlIeSl l300k pa).!cs.

Visil Ill(' new SIIe al:

http://www.f?..nlinc.asn .au The "L",ks Pa,!?<,' has al least onc 3nd perhaps two ;uid il ions for membfors 10

,·iew .

John R W,tliam$


Our linances are currently in good order. Hard work by Committee has scen resuhs now from finan­cial grants bei ng made nvai lable for our continui ng Welfare proj­eCls and Wages bil l. Grants have also been made available 10 us from the Northern Territory Gov­ernmen t and the Northern Terri­tory Police Museum and Histori­cal Soc iety Inc. The Northern Ter­ritory Police Assoc iation Inc has committed a monthly grant TO­

wards our ongoi ng costs to be re­viewed in twel ve months.

We also acknnwledge the support of the Palmerslon Shopping Cen­Ire Communit y Whee l. through our President. John 'Pnstry' Wi l­son.

I and indeed Committee commend those who have without condition supported our Association.

Membership Fess for the new year; 200 112002 can now be rc­mitted at $24.75. GST included. YES wc do havc to pay eST on Ices ... And o n LOllcry or Rame ticket snles along with func tion ticket s.,les to our Christmas in July festivities.

John R Wi lliams

- I 10 1L-________ -!N~.~w~.~I .~tt~.~r~O~f~th~.~R~.~t~lr~.!d~p~Q~II~Ce~A~ss~.~c~1a~t~lo~n~Q~f~t~he~N~Q~rt~h!.~rn~T~.~r~rlt~.~N~ln~c~ ________ .J


Graham Rees has now joined the sub-cammillee for COIlSIi­IUlional Rev iew and wc now prov ide for you some amend­melll s to be considered and dea lt with at the fo rthcoming Annua l Genera l M eeti ng. There are severa l areas wit hi n the cu rrent Constitution that need 10 be refined or reworded and for new sections to be in ­c luded. Noti ces are included with [his News lcuc r for your informati on and votc.

Some are rather si mple word additions or de leti ons as the case may be . Some ha ve bee n de leted \ 0 gel rid of duplica­tion of c lauses o r committee act ions. If you require further information on any of these matte rs please conlne! e ithe r of us. If you requi re a eopy of the currenl Consti tu tion we wi ll be able to prov ide thi s to you as well.

John R Wi ll iams and Graham Rees


Another reminder about our AGM.

Saturday 19 August 4.30pm

House No 3 Peter McAulay Centre

Bring along your own items and stay for a BBQ. We have arranged for Mr Phil Carson, Surgeon to come along and talk to us about a vari ety of cancers. It is a

very topical subject and will provide some incite into pre­vention, detection and ad­vice on the topic . We look forward to seeing as many local members as possible attend this meeting.

If you are unable 10 attend, please advise your apolo­gies and also take time to forward your 'Proxy Vote' to be included as well.


We would like to take the op­portunity of wclcoming new Illcmbers 10 our ~·\S~oci:llion .

Theva re:

Mark Tuekwell, 'nursday 1s­I:lnd,Qld SIeve McGcorgc. L:.ich:udl, Qld SIeve Liebelt. Dunmarra. NT Ib y Ballard, Driver, NT - Social G r:lh:lme Mills, Driver. NT -Social

And a special mention to our first Aboriginal Community Po­lice Officer (ACPO) Jack A'Hang from Alice Springs who has joined our ra nks as a retired member.

\'\Ie welcome all of our new members and hope Ihat their membership will be rewarding.


"The Last Hanging" is the ti­

de of the second public d is­

play of [he Northe rn T e rri­

{Ory Po lice Museum and H is­

tori cal Society [ne. This d is­

play is now ready fo r publ ic

viewing in The Ga llows of

th e Fannie S<lY Gaol Mu­

seu m , Darwin. T he displ<lY

is a se mi-pe nmm ent d isplay

and will remain in sitll fo r at

least 12 months, possib ly

lo nger.

This d isplay was a jo int effort

by the Museum & Art Ga l­

lery of the North ern T e rri­

rory <lnd the NTPMHS and

as such was joindy funded.

A travelling display will be

se t up in tbe ne:H future to

enable this display to be trav­

elled around the T erritory as


Fo r local Darwin members,

please rake the rim e m visit

the Gaol and have a look at

th is d isplay. It is expected to

be officia lly opened some­

time later in June (a d<l te has

not yet bee n set).

T h e NTPMHS is also cur­

rently worki ng on our th ird

display titled "The Bravery

awards". T h is displ<ty will be

ready fo r public viewi ng to

coincide with National Po­

lice Remembrance Day in

Septem be r 2001. The d is­

play will initia lly be set u p in

the G reat Hall of P:nliament

House and will o nce again

becom e a travell ing display.

T h e NTPMH S is currently

looking (o r volu nteers to as­

sist them in ca talogu ing, sort­

ing and storing the collec­

tion. Anyone who wish es to

becom e involved can CO ntact

Janell Cox on 89ZZ 3374" the office. All ass is{;l nce will

be gre;ltiy app recia ted.

Retired Police Association of the Northern Territory Inc.


ABN: 98171 536811

PO Box 2777 PALMERSTON NT 0831

Telephone/Fax: (08) 8922 3374 Internet. hltp:llrpanlinc.asn.au

E-mail. secretary@ rpanlinc.asn.au

Please supply (Name) ...... .... . ... .. . ... ........ .. .. . .. ...... ......... . .. . .. .. ... .. .... . .. ... .. .

Of (Address) ............................................. ... .................................... .. ......... .

Phone Contact No: ...................................................................................... .


Sub-Total Post & Handlinq TOTAL


Bucket Hats $15.00 Suede Peaked $ 12.00 Cotton Peaked $10.00 Caps Caps

Ochre Polo $28.00 Adult Polo $25.00 Children's Polo $ 15.00 Shirts Shirts Shirts Chambray $30.00 Stubby Holders $6.00 Lapel Badges $10.00 Shirts Key tags $10.00 Teaspoons $10.00

Retired Police Association of the Northern Territory Inc.

ABN: 98.171.536.81 1

PO Box 2777 PALMERSTON NT 0831

TelephonelFax: (08) 8922 3374 Internet. http://rpantinc.asn.au

[email protected]


Please: Keep this page for future reference as this is a one-off colour printing due to costs. - For protection have the page Laminated or place into an A4 Plastic Envelope. Thank you.

Child Polo Shirt. $ 15.00 Sizes: 6 - 16

Adult Ochre Polo. $ 28.00 Sizes: S to 3XL

Stubby Coolers. $ 6.00 Stubby or Can

Adult Polo Shirt. $ 25.00 Sizes: S to 3XL

Chambray Shirt. $ 30.00 Sizes: S to 3XL

Colours: Blue only.

Colour: Ochre only.

Colour: Blue. White print.

Colours: Various in what is known as mix & match. SEE: June 2001 Newsletter.

Colour: Blue only.

Key Tag, Teaspoon & Lapel Badge. As depicted in photograph. $ 10.00 each

Suede Peak Cap. $ 12.00

Basic Peak Cap. $ 10.00

Bucket Hat. $ 15.00

One size fits all

One size fits all

Colours: Blue, Green & Black

Colours: White, Cream, Blue, Black & Green.

Sizes: MIL and UXL Colours: Ye llow, Blue, White, Red, Off White and Taupe.

OTIlER SIZES CAN BE ORDERED ON REQUEST. Please be aware your order may be delayed due to production run and order time factors.


Mail Orders will be as per item cost PLUS post/packing.

Retired Police Association of the Northern Territory Inc. - Merchandise Display.

Top Left- Top Centre- Top Right-Left photo: Adult polo shirt $ 25.00

Left photo: Child polo shirt $ 15.00 Left photo: Suede peak cap $ 12.00 Right photo: Chambray shirt $ 30.00

Right photo: Adult Ochre polo $ 28.00 Right photo: Basic peak cap $ 10.00 Bottom centre: Key Tag, Teaspoon & La-

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