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r ! r ! r v I I I J TiiE PACIFIC - : " "" " . asMaaasaaai a fOMMERCUL ADVERTISER, I, paMMi Every Thriir Momriaa;, l Six TO ADVERTISERS AND SUCSCBIBETlw. Asanas. PayaMo 1st Adraace. Obituaries, funeral invitations and notices or eoamanieaMM Dotlare per it to C.Iifomia, rl the l States, will be $7 60 Intended only to benefit an mdivkluare business, will be charged Psprr. - as advertisements. mmn. All men papers win nave mncu postage Advertisements displayed in larger type than usual, Bts nt oa than, which trill prevent any American postage being Jec to heavier charges. p, rrSabsaiption to the Commercial Advertiser is payable t i no their dHivrry. VAB1ABLT IS ADVAXCB. - 1" u-i-m in Tahiti, the Colonies, Chins, and other parts of XT No transient adrertlmunts will be Inserted, CSLE8S M the Pacific, wul receive the paper for $8 00 per aim am. PAIS. ' Rain cy CcrrespondAce from aH parts of the Pacific win always i. wmrH AnvaaTOKitsirrs wilt cmiiciD. be very acceptable. 40 tran-'i-o- t artvrrTimenr, (ftrtt insertion) per line lOcts. I (Each subsequent do-- 44 eta. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. iVinrM cards, (not exceeding 8 Hues) per annwn $5 00. fc!h additional line) " - 60 eta. PLAIN AND FANCY Xr Payable always in advance. XX BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Ships advta., (n-- 4 exceeding 10 lines space) flrst insertion 1 00. &CCW AS r- Each subset wnt inwrtion - - 60 eta. BOOKS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, AovBartsse will be charged at the following rates QtABTrsLT . CATALOGUES, BILLS OF LADING, payable at the end of each quarter: BILLHEADS, CONSULAR BLANKS for one soptare (or twenty lines) per quarter - $5 00 CIRCULARS; BLANK DftaBfl. e-fnarth of a column per quarter ... $1200 AUCTION BILLS, IIANDBILUk , "one-ha-lf of a column per quarter - - - $2000 PAMPHLKTB, tfM'jr H1LUB a whole column per quarter - - $37 &Q -- r- Tismvu. RrsnfRsa. and adDreoS CARDS XT' No advertisement will be Inserted for less than 60 eta. printed on a "Yankee Card Press," In the high style of tfca l ' - - art. Commercial Advertiser, PUBLISHED WEEKLT BY I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNE 10, IS08. 5 SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOL, 11, Xa, dO. WHOLE New IO. Callforala Rewialted. Ir was in the rammer of 1843 that we strolled . iihrr warehouse of O. B. Post & Co., located at . -- e then terminus of California street, San Fran-- ! Lsco, along the beach a distance of half a mile or j Jiore, to Rincon Point, without meeting a building to obstruct oar coarse, though a few rough cottages and tents were scattered over what was then and is still called Happy Valley. An original sketch of the town as it appeared at that time, ia still preserved in "ur sanctum as a memento of the pioneer da js of '49. ince then a most wonderful change has taken place every feature of the eit. From a few scattering ises, which constituted the chrysalis state of San rancisco in '4'J, it has been transformed to a jenaely settled city, stretching in every direction iTer and beyond the amphitheater of hills which hen enclosed it,- - bat which are now vrithin it tppy Valley and Rincon Hill, which then were an roken thicket, of wild shrubbery, and only ted with white cuirass tents, are now covered h stately mansions and blocks of stores and manu- -i ones. And even on the identical spot where spent two or three days taking a sketch of the -- " ce nine years ago, now stands the United States loepital, a lofty building of extensive dimensions, ' and an ornament to the city. San Francisco of 1S49, from a small town of lour or five thousand, has, ex panded to a city of at least 60,000 inhabitants. To witness and realize this change, fills one with wonder at the almost omnipotent power of gold, for gold alone has been the agent which has wrought it. There is no question that California is destined to - be a wealthy and powerful State, and San Francisco I a commercial mart of no ordinary size and import- ance. This is apparent at f, glance. It is the im- mense traffic created by her gold thrs h,as given her - the impetus which she has received, ariat: destined to impel her forward with still greater strides. Bat though her gold has created it, yet not that alone, bat the vast agricultural resources which S - she possesses constitute the power which is destined to sustain that progress and make her truly great. The present growth of the city is apparently as great as at any former period, though the improve ments are mostly to be found in the suburb .cess of the artatl demands of the trade, and as a necessary con- sequence we find that the rate of rents in all parts of the city is rapidly decreasing. Good fire-pro- of stores for retail purposes, can now be had in favorable locations at from $100 to $150 per month ; and for wholesale trade, from $150 to $300 per month, ac- cording to the size and storage room attached. All who are acquainted with the heavy rents paid there only three or four years ago, will notice a great change. Bat in the rents of dwellings the fall has been still more marked. Good hard-finish- ed brick - dwellings can now be obtained at from $50 to $75 per month, while weil-fioLsh- ed frame houses in the suburbs can be had at from $20 to $30 per month. But rapid as is the growth of the city, it would be still greater were the facilities for immigration in- creased. Much complaint is made, and very justly, too, against the monopoly of the steamer travel to and from New York, which unquestionably tends to check immigration, by the exorbitant prices now demanded. This monopoly, though detested and complained of by the public, is not an easy matter to get over. The opposition line, which of course looks oat for its own interest, is now bought off, and their steamers will probably remain laid up " in full view of the town as long as they continue to receive half a million per annum for so doing. The cost of passage through to New York, including incidentals, is now $30'J. The steamer of April 20 took not far from 1400 passengers. They do not report so many, as the company is liable to fine for any excess of passengers over the legal rate. The last steamer from Panama is reported to have brought over JjpO passengers. A gentleman purchased an enjt!rT8tate-roo- m in the May 5th steamer, for him- - and family On New York, for $675, and was offered $1000 for the same four days after he chased it. All the state-roo- ms in the steamer to sail ht day were taken up ten diys before her sailing--Tat is the crowd of travel on this route. It lears very doubtful whether any permanent rival ne of steamers will be established before the expira-10- a of the contract with the present mail company, 'though it is a matter of vital importance to the ewth of that State, as well as the other Pacific Stateofr tjot the price of passage to and from New York be pTTjsljSo low as to allow the working classes to come and bruijh them their families. These re the classes that dev'eNhe wealth of the coun- try, and whatever tends to strthem out is oppose to its trae interest. But it is not simply in the appearKV the city that one discovers a marvelous changf .ys of scarcity and high prices are fast pjjJtrSc,., ft, d abua l.ince. not only of the necessaries of lifeNit of ' a its luxuries is everywhere found. This is cially noticeable in the markets. A visitor Washington Market will find the various stalls as fully supplied with every description of vegetables, meats, &&, as the best market in Boston or New York. If in anvthinar the soil of California excels. it is in the production of vegetables and fruits, for these are the finest in the world, whether it regards flavor or size. The prices have been lowering every season, till now most kinds of vegetables can be had about as cheaply as in Boston or New York. Meats 4' of all kinds, however, yet command high prices, stock growing being still behind the demands of the country. The markets are supplied mostly by German gardeners, who bring in their products in wagons from the country around San Francisco, which is admirably adapted to growing vegetables. Many of the vegetables and fruits are, however, raised across the bay, and brought to the city by the ferries. A large supply of fruits will come from the alley of the Sacramento during the coming summer. The supplies of fresh butter are large, and it does one good to witness the piles of golden butter, equal if not superior to the best Orange county. The price at present is from 35 to 40 cents per pound, but is said to vary much with the different seasons. This great change from the scarcity and exorbi- tant prices which prevailed there a few years since, is in a measure owing to steam, which enables the gardeners, fruit-growe- rs and farmers, at a trifling expense, to bring in their products with little or no delay and loss from their gardens scattered along the , orea of the large bay of San Francisco ; and we sever expect to see any substantial progress in marketing or fralt-raisi- ng here at the Islands, ' e have steam introduced. ' anger, the streets of San Francisco present t ppAuce (particularly in the lower sections) . e,t' eoxing froat a swamp. A few of the cen-jastre- eta 1L weU p4fed resemble those of Arid k eTrny 1eJ Mn pl&edf or rather - water Ti0 l'lt m BBa7eae8 on Pae 0Ter in JT continually giving out, and drirl a 'VV lt 4ngeroua ioleT Tk ' rkt owiDS th nnmb" of rv,BO" daily record accidents of children, k throuirh tf.! koi nd eTen cargoes, faffing "werer fcL ' "lowl. fifed in with dirt from the hills, which in some places are cut through one hundred feet in depth. This is the case with Bioadway, which will have houses on one side of it a hundred feet above the level of tb road. It is un- fortunate that the appearance of the place should be disfigured in this manner. Would it not have added, rench to the beauty of the city to have left it remain in its natural topography, and become like ancient Rome, a city built on seven hills ? The Wharves. In its wharves the city is far be- hind the requirements of its commercial interests. Generally they appear to be built on the most econo- mical plan possible, piles alone being used, and many of them very inferior. Owing to the strong tides, these piles are subject to rapid decay, and are now fast giving out Bat a more serious evil is the filling up of the harbor with mad, carried to and fro by the strong tides, which flow past the city at the rate of two and a half to three miles an hoar. In the north- ern part of the harbor, large ships can only come up to the wharves in high water, and generally ground at low tide. The mail steamer landing was changed from North Point to Rincon Point, mainly to avoid this inconvenience of shallow water. This evil can only be effectually remedied by building a substan- tial sea-wa- ll from Rincon to North Point, which alone will retain the dirt now being deposited to ex- tend and fill oat the streets. It is a formidable un- dertaking, bat will eventually have to be resorted to, whatever may be its expense, and the earlier it is commenced, the less will be the labor attending it, owing to the continued deposit of mad on what will be required for its foundation. The cost will depend much on the facility with which suitable stone can be obtained for the work. The length of the sea-wa- ll would probably be five thousand feet at least, and its cost at least one million of dollars. Our new wharf front, now being built in Honoluln. is rior to nriftiTiHsli rrfTrinil In tin nrm in Cali- - tornia, eiceptiDg only the government works at Mare Island.) and its cost when completed will not exceed $100,000, though about 2440 feet in length. The above sum, however, includes the cost of filling in the adjoining wharf lots, convict labor being prin- cipally relied on in the work. This wharf in Hono-Ju- lu is a stone coral wall, laid in twenty feet water. it. As now be ing constructed, it is an ornament to the port and will probably last fifty years. The Fike Department. Of its fire department the city may justly be proud. It consists of fourteen engine and hook and ladder companies, numbering about 1000 members. This organization has been brought to its present state of efficiency by' imperative neces- sity, as shown in the several disastrous fires which . , - c : iM e occurreu lour or uve years since luceumna rau- - j pied as engine houses have been erected by the city i , . "j government at great expense, many oi toeni oeing ; built of hewn stone fronts, with ornamental designs, and are generally fire-proo- f. The interior finish of some is costly and presents the appearance of an ele- gant parlor. The members of these companies justly take great pride in their buildings and engines, and it is not giving them undeserved credit in saying that it is mainly owing to their promptness and efficiency that San Francisco has had no extensive fires during the last few years. An instance in point we witnessed on the evening of May 9, in which a block of wooden stores in Clay street took fire. A high wind was blowing at the time and many frame buildings were contiguous, and had the fire been left to the control of an inefficient department, it must have extended its limits. Ccreesct. Although San Francisco is still the center of the gold transactions of California, very lit- tle gold dust is now seen there, and the contrast in the absence of these piles of dust and gold coin which were to be seen almost everywhere in 1849, is very marked. We were informed that very little gold dust now leaves the State. Nearly all of it finds its way to the mints in the city, where it is coined into United States currency and also into bars, and the treas- ure shipped to New York by each steamer is not in gold dust, as is generally supposed, but in coin and bars, but principally twenty dollar pieces. Formerly the miners used to deposit their earnings with private banking houses, but the heavy losses caused by the failure of Adams & Co. and other pri- vate banks, have led them to be more carefuL They now generally take their dust to the United States mint in San Francisco, have it assayed, and let it re- main in the mint, taking a certificate of deposit They consider Uncle Sam as the safest keeper of their funds. The currency of California, as well as all the Pacific coast, is limited to gold and silver. Small silver coin does not appear to be abundant in San Francisco. This want cf change has probably caused the introduction of every description of silver coin which is found there, all which pass freely, including the adulterated South American silver coins. Five franc pieces pass as dollars, as with us. Indeed they constitute the large majority of the silver dollars, while Mexican dollars command so high a premium that they are now deemed only as merchandise. Ten cent pieces pass as rials, and vice versa, rials as ten There is no paper currency. The business . . r--t rt - I I intt?73 or oan r rancisco wouia unquesuouauijr w vastly ynoted by the establishment of a strong chartered v deposit and discount, but the char- tering of a baiestth institution is net allowed by the present constitution, or attthe issuy or Duis is illegal. This feature of the couT utionXill doubtless . . . . , ... ,' Boon oe moainea, as cream r sc lecome more settled in that State-- gusintss Carts, iiawaiia: FLOUR COMPANY, 100--tf A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent. AGENT FOR TIIE KewTsrkllMrd f Uaderwriiers. The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, Ac, that be has been duly appointed as Agent for the New York Board of Underwriters. 13.1y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. AGENT FOR THE Liverpool Underwriter's Association. The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment of AGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. July 1-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. AGENT FOR LLOYD'S The undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, 8hip owners and Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment of AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. July 1-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. NORTHERN ASSURANCE THE (established 1836.) Fur Fire and Life Assurance at home and abroad. CaBimI 1.259,760. Slerlis The ondersiKned has been appointed A pent fnr the Sandwich Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION. C at Honolulo. KRULL MOLL, Agents of the Hamburg and La beck Underwriters, Honolulu, Oaha, 11. L July 1, I85ft--tf FLORENS stapenhorst, Agent fnr the Bremen board of Underwriters. AB average claims against the said Underwriters, occurring in or about this Kingdom, will have to be Stifled before him. July 1-- tf Manufacturer, Impoiruid Dealer In Boots and Shoes of every description. Findings, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness, and Paten athers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck Skins Trunk- -' isea, Sparring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Slack hi. hes. Hosiery, Ac Ac. Brick Shoe store, corner f o4 51rrhnt sw.. uonmora, n. i. -- ""T - A. P. EVERETT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner of Queen and Nauann streets, Honolulu, H. I. REFERENCES. Messrs. Uxrso & Tiprn, - Bw ton. K. D. ItBlGBAX & Co., - " Bctlbb, Keith k Hill, Honolulu, July 1, 1857. 63--tf BJCBAan COADT. p. 8. WILCOX. FEED. 1 RANKS. R. COADY & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, 8. 1. REFERENCES. ' Messrs. Grtssell, 3Iisttbs & Co., . New York. Willsts & Co., - " Wills, Fabgo & Co., San Francisco. Alsof k Co .... Valparaiso. O. F. Tbais 4 Co., - - Melbourne. O Babixo Bbothkbs & Co., . London. Ezchanfre for sale on the United States and Europe. Honolulu, July 1, 1856. Jyl-- t' DANIEL C. WATERMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Superintends the outfitting of vessels from this port, to the shipment or oil and Done, and negotiates whalemen's drafts, &c REFERENCES. Messrs. Moboas, Hathaway, & Co., San Francisco. M acoxdrat k Co., - T. K. Greks k Co., - New Bedford. James B. Coxgdoi, Esq., 44 64-- tf W. G. E. Pors. Esq., II. W. FIELD, Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. By permission, he refers to C. W. Cabtwbiobt, President of Manufacturers1 Insurance Company, Boston. Messrs. H. A. Pierce, - - - Boston. Thayer, Rice k Co., - " Kdwari Mott Robissos, - New Bedford. Johx W. Barbett & So.13, - Nantucket. Pkbkhis k Smith, - - New London. B. y. S.fow, - - - Honolulu 23--tf C. A. & II. F. POOR, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HOXOLCLC, OAHC, SANDWICH ISLANDS. REFKR TO Georoe P. Peabody, Esq., Philadelphia. Klmha Haskell, rq., -- Messrs. New Bedford. Read, Cbadwick k Dexter, Boston. Waldo, Barry k Co., . New York. Abersethy, Clark k Co., San Francisco. Badges k Lindesbergeia, San Francisco. 96-- tf J. C. SPALDING, Commission Merchant, and Imjiorter, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. M'anted, Bills of Exchange on the U. 8. and Europe. Con- signments from abroad promptly attended to. Island pro- duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy 1-- tf wTa. ALDRICII, Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise; Commission Agent for the Sale of Sugar. Molasses and Coffee, and other Island Produce. Apent for the LiHra Plantation. Con signments of all kinds of Island Produce solicited. Orders for Merchandise promptly aUended to. 86-- tf oust. c. melchkrs. gcst 1IELCIIERS & CO VT Commission Merchants and Ship Chandltrs, Honolulu, Oahu, g. i gtnne store corner of Kaahtunanu and Merchiint sts. Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers bills ou the U. S. and Euroi. July 1, 185o-t- f It. F. SNOW, , Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. I 38 II. 1IACKFELD & CO. General Commission Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. July 1, 1856-t- f ROBERT C. JANION, Merchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t GODFREY RHODES, Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, near the Pest Office, Honolulu. 4!-- tf THOMAS SPENCER, Ship Chandler, Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every description of goods re- quired by whalesbips and others. Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, &c, at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices. ST Money advanced for whalers' bills at the lowest rates. 53-- tf D. N. FLlTNER, Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr. Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahtunanu streets. Chronometers rated by observations of the sun and start with a transit Instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantly on hand and for sale. 44-- tf C. L. RICHARDS. H. W. SEVERANCE. C. L. RICHARDS & CO., Ship Chandlers, Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. 70-t-f RITSON & HART, Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, Honolulu, II. I., under the Auction Room of A. P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly opposite the Custom House. 33--tf . H. VOS HOLT. TH. C. HKCCK Von HOLT & HEUCK, General Commission Merchants. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1-- tf CHARLES BREWER, Commission Merchant, Boston. V. S. Refer to Jas. Makee and K. W. Wood Estjrs. July 1, 1850-t- f ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT, Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. July 1, 1856-- tf BUST KRCLL. EDCAKO MOLL. KRULL & MOLL, Importers and Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma- - kee's block. juiy i, isoo-- u SAM'L. B. CASTLE. AMOS. 8. COOKS. CASTLE & COOKE, Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Mer- chandise, at the old stand, corner of the King and School streets, near the large Stone Church. Also at the Store formerly occupied by C. U. Nicholson, In King street, oppo- site the Seamans ChapeL Agents for Dr. Jaynes' Medi- cines. July 1, 1858-t- f A. P. EVERETT, OTIONEE 63-l-y Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. J. F. COLBURN, , TT OTIO INT 313 23 163 - ly" Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu. GEORGE CLARK, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu and Maunakea streets, Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf GEORGE G, HOWE, Lumber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu streets on the Punchard premises. July 1--tf C. H. LEWERS, Lamher and building mater iaisFort St. Honolulu. Jy 1-- tf . W.N.LADD, Importer and dealer in Hardware, Fort t- - Honolulu. Jy 1- -f E. O. HALL. Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and general Merchandise, corner of Fort and King streets. S. N. EMERSON, Walatast Oahu, Dealer in General Merchandise, Country Pro duos such as Corn, Beans, Bananas, Butter, Eggs, Ac. 53-- tf CHARLES W. VINCENT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The undersigned would in- form his friends and the public, that be has taken and sued up the premises on Fort street, opposite C. Brewer 3d's Store, as a CARPENTER SHOP, and would solicit that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. All orders in the various branches of Building, Plans, Specifications and Contracts, attended to with promptness and dispatch CHARLES W. VINCENT. W B. DOORS. WINDOW SASH, and all other articles per taining to house building, constantly on hand and for sale. 93-- tf GEORGE C. SIDERS, Manaiactarer and dealer In Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware, Kaahumanu street, opposite J. C. Spalding's Honolulu, H. - Sommer Bakers, Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tubs. Foot and Shower Baths, Tin and Ztne Roofing, and a gen- eral assortment of Tlv ware. Ship work executed with ncatneas and dlnatch. July 1. tf ; OL II. FISCHER, U Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the weiiiiat Howse. 41 tf )0SCS TO LET. TIIE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS 5 Dwelling, situated in the Valley of Nuuanu, about two mJLmm miles from town, lately occupied by the Hon. Davit Gregg. The above property is beautfully situated on rising ground, surrounded by fruit and shade trees, and in every way furnished with conveniences for a family. also In rear of the above, a very pleasant COTTAGE, with Taro Land in a high state of cultivation, and several acres of pastur- age and every convenience. For particulars ap- ply to flul--tf J JOHN H. BROWN. TO LET. ... TWO NEW, NEAT, WELL-FINISHE- D Cottages, with outbuildings complete, near the Methodist Episcopal Church. Apply to 100-- tf J. T. WATERHOUSE. TO LET, COTTAGE AND PREMISES IN TIIE recently occupied by Dr. White. The building is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahs in front and rear, and pantry, servants' house, cook house, bath bouse, and other outbuildings. On the premises are several very surior grape vines in full bearing. Apply to J. T. WATERHOUSE, Honolulu, 100-- tf Or to H. DICKINSON, Lahalna. ROOMS TO LET. OVER DR. JUDD'S OFFICE. TWO convenient rooms, and the House at present occupied byE. Kopka. Terms moderate. 1100-t-f) G. P. JUDD. FOR SALE OR TO LET, TIIE FORETOP PREMISES ON KING street. Terms lilwral. Apply to 100- -tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. COTTAGE TO 1ET. RENT LOW. Apply ttf 100-- 6t . W. R. SEAL. FOR SALE OR TO LET. TIIE DWELLING-HOUS- E AND PRE. misses occupied by the subscriber, on the corner of Merchant and Alakea streets. .'Title, fee simple. r Possession given immediately. : 87-- tf G. M. ROBERTSON. FOR SALE OR tTTlET! TWO NEAT COTTAGES on Merchant street, convenient for small families, and handy to the business part of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title ee simple. Apply to - HENRY SMITH, 98-- tf .. " Blacksmith. FOR SALE OR LEASE. TIIE PREMISES BELONGING TO C. T. A verberg, Etiq., corner of King and Maunakea streets. Immediate possession can be given if required. For terms apply to 96-- tf J FLORENS STAPEXHORST. TO LET. ivA COTTAGE CONTAINING THREE Ijj jijl rooms, wide verandah in front, a Urge yard and out Jjj.ivJ hous-3- . situated on the northtet side of the lane run- ning from Kind to Queen streets, opposite the Pulace gate. Kent low. Apply to 95-t- fJ GEO. CLARK, Hotel st. FOR SALE. -- 0.TIIE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ON f3s IVaikiki Plains, at present occniied by the undersigned, i Terms liberal. Apply at this Oaice, or to 90-- tf i JOnN LORD. TO LET,; TIIE DESIRABLE ' PREMISES ON King street, lately occupi-x- l by Williams & Jones. For particulars apply at the office cf C. C. HARRIS, 91-- tf Or, on the premises, to GEO. Vt I1JJAMS. FOR SALE. .-T- HAT TWO-STOR- Y HOUSE SITUATE t3t at the corner of King and Alakea streets, containing four I pood rooms, with large yard and all necessary outbuild-iug- s, now occupied hv Jlr. Savidge. Title foe simple.. For terms, apply to . .. lS9-- tf J . .... SAVIDGE k MAY. TO LET I ONE CELLAR. One Hair of the Lower Floor, and the Upper Loft in the Stone Warehouse on the premises of '. Grenier, on Nuuanu Street. ALSO Two Stores, with rooms above, on Nuuanu Street, opposite Merchaut Street, fitted with Shelves. Counters, Ac. Also, a Cellar under same. Apply to . 86-t- f A. P. EVERETT. TO LET. THAT TWO STORY BUILDING on King street, adjoining the premises of Messrs. I" tat & Auee, and lately occupied by Herman Beuzler for a res taurant. The ground floor is ntted with all the necessary nx-in- for a restaurant, with four rooms ou the second floor. Also, a good cook house and well on the premises. The same can easily be altered for a store or any other busiuess Rent low terms easy. Inquire of 79tf vos HOLT & HEUCK. TO LET. A DESIRABLE COTTAGE On Beretania street, rithin the enclosure of the residence of Henry M npf:irlmie furnished or unfurnished. Apply on the premises or at the Commercial Hotel. 77-- tf FOR LEASE I THE COMMODIOUS DWELLING HOUSE in Nuuanu Valley, just above the residence of 111 Air n.taa havinir been nut in thorough reiiair and fur nished with an ample supply of water, will be .leased on rea- sonable terms to a good tenant. Apply to VM. C. PARKE, 71-- tf Agent for W. T. Walker. TO LET. TIIE TWO STORES RECENTLY erected in Fort street, between King and Merchant sts. Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to rult by earlv application. For terms, please apply to 64- - tf B. F. SNOW. TO LET. Vsv TIIE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND ' ROOMS, in the brick building, corner of Queen and JLcUL. Kaahumanu streets, generally known as the Makee k Ant lion buildiuK, viz. : The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. C. Waterman, Esq. The thinl floor over Messrs. AMrich k Bishop, suitable for storage. The rear office on the first floor (lately occupied by D. N. Flitner, Esq.) The office on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee, E.) The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500 barrels. Apply to 65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. LARGE YARD FOit STORING COALS, BRICKS, IRON lumber, firewood, Ac, TO LET by the month or year. This yard is securely fenced in, well shaded, and ad joining the store of 59 tf VON HOLT k HEUCK. COTTAGE FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR .ale hor thn verv desirable cottage built bv B. Jr. &Uti Harder, on Kukui street, opposite the residence of A. P Everett, Esq. This cottage is nearly new, and built of the bTst materials by Mr. Harder, for his own occupancy, and is sup- plied with water, bath-roo- m and other conveniences. Apply to J. F. B. AfARSHALL. Honolulu, July 14, 1857. 65-- tf FOR SALE OR TO LET. TIIE DWELLING PREMISES formerly belonging to Robert G. Davis, situated between Dr. Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences. Terms easy- - Apply to 67-- tf ASHER B. BATES. STORE TO LET. THE WELL KNOWN TWO STORY" jS'J;!;! FIRE PROOF BUILDING, on King street, corner of JLiJ Mauna Kea street, now occupied by G. Buhle & Co. The lower part Is excellently fitted with Km Shelve sad Cwantera, For a Retail Store. The upper part contains Five Spacieai Dvrelliag Rooms, And the extensive yard is provided with a good well, brick cook-bous- e, Ac. Terms low. Possession given immediately, if required. For further particulars apply on the premises, or at 4S-- tf VON HOLT & II BUCK'S. LET. The Building lately occupied by Vincent STO on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite Merchant The lower part is fitted with counter, shelves, ke. i upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same. ALSO TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft in large Stone Warehouse on Marine Street i and one-ha- ir of the Cellaa under same. Apply to (31-t- n A. P. EVERETT. TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE AND commodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mile and a half from town. Terms moderate. Apply to Honolulu. July 1. 1-- tf W. L. GREEN. VALUABLE PREMISES. FOR SALE OR LEASE for a term of years. i tne store rrenusea now occupied oy imcroiifiK. oo-t- r B. V. SNOW. LAND FOR SALE OR LEASE. THE FOWLER FARM," situated in Pa lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-seve- n acres. Terms low. Inquire of - . dr. Bunii, Dentist. Hooohuo, April 28, 1857., .. , 4-- tf ROOMS AND HOUSE TO LET. Apply to 1 8. JOHNSON, Carpenter, S34f Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel. OFFICE! TO LEST, fronting on Kuaana street Apply to ' 2-- tf A. P KYKBJCTT, axt'mx Caris. ASTRA & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Hakodadi, Japan. ALL Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished j ' also, Ship' and Ship Chandlery, at ho.nolcld prices. Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac. 71-- ly WTI. II. KEIY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TAHITI, Will supply ships with provisions, Ac., and advance money on ' favorable terms for biUs on the United States. - 43-l- y W. BUTLER, CUSTOM HOUSE & COMMISSION AGENT MANGONUL NEW ZEALAND. j7 Shipping supplied or the most reasonable terms. Lat. 35-- 8., long. 173-38.- 41-l-y D. C. MCRCER. J. C. MKBRILL. McRUER & MERRILL, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DOBB'8 WAREHOUSE, Nos. 47 anil 49 California street, SAN FRANCISCO. REFKR TO Capt. James Makee, Honolulu; Capt. D. C. Waterman,' Honolulu j Messrs. Oilman k Co., Lahaina. 14-6- m S. GRirrrrrs mobgas. C. 8, HATHA WAT. a. r. stoke. MORGAN, HATHAWAY & CO., Commission andJVorwarding Merchants, Sen Francisco, Cal References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. k A. R. Nye, k Swift k Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell M in turn k Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- kins k Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon- olulu. July 1, 1856-t- f. ROPE WALK ATVD OAKUM FACTORY. OF EVERY SIZE CiORDAGE to order. Constantly on hand, a large as- sortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, (an skes). Bale Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, &o., for sale by TCBBS k CO., 80-i- y 139. Front Street, San Francisco. A. S. EDWARDS & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wines and Liquors, 106 FRONT STREET, CORNER OF WASHINGTON, San Franrlitco, Cal. S W. JONES. FORMERLY OB HO- - i v.ii ri it ta anmi.4 EvirH .... rho ntvwA firm., And resnect-- 1 KJ LJ. AJ l, 4 t. fully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attend to the purchase of aU descriptions of merchandise, at the usual rates of commission. TURNER, SELDEf & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 93 Front street, between Clay and Mer- chant streets. San Franciaco. 66-- ly AMERICAN MILLS BAKER'S EXTRA San Francisco, FLOUR, EXTRA SUPERFINE AMERICAN MILLS, FLO UK, SAN FRANCISCO, E. T. PEASE & CO. E. T. PEASE & CO. E. T. PEASE & CO., CORNER OF FRONT AND CLAY STREETS, San Francisco, Cat.. . mwAXTii'ACTITB.ERS OF THE ABOVE AVi brands of Flocb, guarantee their Bakers' Extra, for Bakers' use, and their Extra Superfine, for Family Use, equal to any Flour manufactured in the State. N. B We invite the Rakers, Grocers and Dealers Of the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our American Mills Flour a fair trial, we guaranteeing perfect satisfaction in all cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices. E. T. PEASE & CO. irjr Extra SKi.r-RisiJ- Haxall, Galleoo, and other brands of Flour, constantly on hand and for sale by 68. jy E. T. PEASE & CO. BARRY & PATTEN, importers; wholesale axd retail dealers ijt WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIIOHNS, $c, 1 1G Montgomery at.. San Francimco. 66-- ly BRADSHAW & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST THE stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship and Cabin Stores, put up with dispatch. Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash. !TT Corner of Sanxome and California ttreets. San Fran-cinc- o. California. 66-- ly A RARE CHANCE ! BOWLING-ALLEY- S AND VICTUALING HOUSE FOR SALE IN HILO. at thi Boats' Landing Place. All new, sub SITUATED ar-- . well furnished. also 63 Acres or Land, with a ood Frame o3: HOUSE and Kitchen thereon, situated four miles from 1 Hilo. About 25 head of CATTLE, Including 8 tame Milking Cows, at present feeding on the land, may be bought at a bargain. The whole is well secured by Ditch and Walls. Written inquiries will be promptly answered by Waiakea, Hilo, Jan. 19. 83-- tf HENRY SCnRADER. TO LET, rpHE SECOND Floor over W. A. AHrich's 8tore. In-- quire of 90-- tf 1 A. ALDRICH. RECEIVED EX HARRIET & JESSIE JUST Boston au assotment of fancy glassware, Ac, consist ing in part of Solar lamps shades and chimneys, lamp wicks. Wine bottles, punch bowls, wedgewood pitchers, Parion pitchers, spoon holders, vases, Terracotta tete a tete sets, decanters, silvered salts, Rose curtain pins, castors, boquet stands, Plated cake baskets and castors. Sets embossed plated teaware, envelor e cases, Ac, Ac, Ac For sale by 62-- tf A. P. EVERETT. REGALIA. FULL ASSORTMENT OF I. O. OF O. F. A and MASONIC REGALIA, constantly on hand, such as Royal Arch, Bl. M.'s, P. G.'s, Encampment, Ac. Ac, Ac. Military goods of all kinds can be furnished to order. 62tf Apply to C. A. k II. F. POOR. FINE WHITE SHIRTS. FINE WHITE SHI RTS, LINEN CARTONS and wristbands, for sale by 81.tf C. A. k n. F. POOR. GROCERIES. FANNY MAJOR Cases tomato ketchup, PERCases cream tartar, cases saleratus. Cases ginger, cases quinces in this, Ac, ke. tf C. A. k 11. . POOR. WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SALE, PER "ELIZA & ELLA," FOR A1 Aroostook Shingles, warranted to cover over 100 square feet to the 1000, 86-- tf j C. H. LEWERS. FIRE WOOD. tf Q A CORD for good Fire Wood, on the landing, J7 CJ near the Custom House. Apply to 77 .f C. A. A H. F. POOR. JOIST, hard Pine Plank for ship carpenter's use OAK inch, . . 61-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2n COVE OYSTERS, OLIVE OIL, FRESH hams, Goshen batter, saleratus, Corned beef in kegs for family use, cheese, sacks flour, On hand and for sale by 62-- tf A. P. EVERETT. ANILA CORDAGE, smaH siies, 31 Oakum, ' Spunyarn, Martin and Ratlin, Tor sale by 61-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 3n. AND LIGHT RAVEN DUCK, HEAVY Canvas, assorted Nos. For sale by 16--tf CHAS. BREWER, to. riHAS. HEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. Thto celebrated wine for Bale by 76--tf ' C. L. RICHARDS CO. WHITE LEAD ENGLISH For sale by " 42tf A. J. CARTWRIGHT. BUSHELS TURKS ISLAND SALT. 300 For sale by 61-- tf CHAS. BREWER to. WIRE FENCING, rOLLS l. Fcetaieby tl-t- f CHAS. BREWEX, to. an ranrisar Jfobfrtiseintitts. IMPORTANT! SANDW ICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS doing business in any part of the Pacifl Ocean, will always find a Large and Well-Select- ed Stock of French, British and American FANCY DRY GOODS and SMALL WARES, at Hughes & Wallace's, NOS. 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREET, - - San Frauacloeo, CaL, - Consisting in part of White goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons " Millinery goods, hosiery, glores, pongee hdka Suspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutlery Scissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles; Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc, etc.; Imitation shell round-bac- k combs Black feathers, beads, etc, etc 017" An inspection of our stock is solicited. C7" Our importations are direct from Brit- ain and Europe. UtT" One of the firm always in the market. OCT All orders executed with promptness and dispatch. $y PRODUCTS OF THE ISLANDS RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Hughes & Wallace,: IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Francisco, Cal. N. B. Sole Agents fop . J. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spol Cotton ; Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ; Societe Hygineque Perfumery. HUGHES Ai WALLACE, 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREET, 66-- ly SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco, FOR SALE A FULL AND OFFER of desirable DRUGS AND MEDICINES. R. k CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favor them with their custom. 66 6m AMERICAN EXCIIATVE. (FORMERLY WILSON'S EVCHANGE,) IS UP TO THEGRADE, Sansome st., opposite American Theatre, SAN FRAXCISlO. MR. BAILY SARfiENT, Oliji Proprietor of the American Exch mge, (late WH-'- i son's Exchange.) bees leave to inform the Travel ing community, that he has undertaken jthe personal charge of that house. He has made extensive alterations and improve- ments, and has renovated the house throughout, making it the first Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to the House a very fine SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL, Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the conveniences which modern hotel keeping have rendered essential, the AMERICAN EXCHANGE, will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. The best talent has been employed in the various departments, and the proprietor will set the bit tab lb the market affords. Pri- ces TO 8CIT THE TIMES. The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con- vey passengers to and from the House to the Landings, or to any part of the city, for $1 Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith has charge of the Coach. 66-- ly TEILUIA HOUSE, CORNER OF CALIFORNIA AND SANSOME STS., San Francisco, Cal. WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULAR THIS oners superior inducements to the Traveling Public, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated in convenient proximity to the business center, and Is conducted on tne European Flan, giving Its patrons the choice of ODtainmg their meals at the restaurant connected with the house, or else- where, as their convenience may suggest. The Proprietor, who has been eagaged in this house fine 1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many friends. which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten- tion to their wants and comfort. O. W. FRINK, 66-6- m Proprietor. FOR SALE RY THE UNDERSIGNED: COILS NEW BEDFORD WHALE QO 40 coils New York whale line; Whalemen's Oars, in sets; Whalemen's slop clothing, vie : Monkey and reefing jackets; Striped flannel shirts ; Gray . do ; do; Striped flannel drawers; Red flannel do do; Hickory .hirts; Russia caps and tarpaulin hats; Woolen stockings, socks and mittens; Best yellow Jure butter, In double packages; Prime pork; Manila cordage; Dried apples; Carolina rice; Best English boiled linseed oil; Best do white lead; Best do black paint; Best do green paint; ' Spirits Turpentine. S4-- tf A. J. CARTWRIGHT. TO WOOL AND PULU DEALERS. RECEIVE D Per Kamehameha IT JUST Packs, such as are used In Australia, and adapted for packing wool, pulu, or any article that requires pressing. r ASLO WIRE FENCING. For particulars apply at the office of 66-t- f ROBERT C. J ACTON. 4NCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE, lie H to 4, inch. 50 " Russia tarred Rope, 24 to 7 do., 6 Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 lbs., 3 Chain Cables, H inch, 70 fathoms each, ALSO 5 of best pattern Ships' Cabooses, patent of lSU 15 Cabin Stoves, for coal or wood. For sale low by (14-t- f) J. C SPALDDId CORDAGE. SPUN YARN, RUSSIA Sewing Stuff, Flag Lines, Hook and Thbahisa. Double and single blocks, White Lead. Chrome Greao. Chrome Yellow. Prussian Blue, English boiled Linseed Oil, Gold Leaf. For sale by 62--tf H. HACKFELD ft CO BLANK EXCHANGE! 7"TERCHANT'S AND WHALER'S lVJl Blanks, In sets, for sale. Ill M per dosen. n-t- f h. m. wihtszt. LARGE LOOKING GLAEZT, vT, r'l TWO and marble plate, for saloons, omwnoa Lav Glasses, with do do, for tables, cuL-glas-s Tumblers and Cct-- J , - - jror sate ny r W4f H. BACZSD Ct CZ.. NE BOSTON FANNING MILL- - S7-- tf w. A. i , . I Af):ttr Tsjtnrt: a ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE. DY ACS IS who have tried it, the best Tone and wVOT presented to the Hawaiian public - In New York City, Buffalo, N. T.,and Baa Francisco, wte the Turner Bros, first Introduced ft to the world, it aat an onpNoedented degree of popularity, owing solely to Its aaal-tar- y and extraordinary medical pr opettisa. - Medical mss and or actsBoa all proooonoe it to be the most healthful and invigorating, and whether It la aasd by adults or infanta, its effects are alike wenetlcilaV I rc"LT vaocTABLB, and Is composed of The Juice of berries, herbs, wud ptaata and root t The Spring's first bods, the mellow Autumn's fruits The bright wild flowers, whose fragrance rhacii the aot, - The op ning leaves, the bark of the forest tree ; The bulbous root on mountain slope that's touad; ( , The spreading vine that grows la marshy bto"". For sale by C. U RICHAJtLrf dr C3.j 80-t- f Bout Aobbtb roe Hooxb Dr. Jj. J. Csapiayo GRAND MEDICAL AND . StJTtGICAL INSTITUTE, r Sacraaaoato at Mew MoatrBOoaorTr- - ' Opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's OSsc, .. . 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. , " J XstabUsbed in 1851, for the permanent cure of all private and . chronic diseases, and the suppression of quackery. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CaAPS-A- at. DHB in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the 20th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Burgeon to the MUMary Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on dliiasas sf women and children. Communications strictly euufiaanrial. Consultations bv letter or otherwise, free. Address L. J Caar bay, M. D., San Francisco, California. : el. C. SPALDING FOR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE OFFERS the following MERCHANDISE, vist Cases Spirits Turpentine, in tins Cases English boiled oil; Kegs of pure No. 1 extra white lead; Zinc paint, ground in oil; Cases of tins of black paint; kegs or d. Barrelsof whisky; Cases of assorted crackers, in tins; Barrels of cider vinegar; Barrels of butter, In kegs; Cases of Dixon's tobacco; .V Coils whale Una, hemp and Manila rope Oars, assorted lengths ; Steering oars, assorted lenguii. Cases preserved meats la tins; Cases preserred elaau ia ttni ; Cases preserved oysters in Una; Cases pr'd mince Mat latins ; Barrels Carolina rice; Barrels vinsgar; Tierces bams; Cases alcohol ia Una; , Cases or Women's Shoes, native pattern; Anchors and chains; Rigging and pomp leather; . Kegs white beans; cheese in tins; Cooking stoves and cambooaes; Cases wood anl cane seat chairs; Tins of putty; Cases of hair, paint and shoe brashes; ' . Whitewash brushes; BMs and puncheons pure Jamaica r i; Baskets of champagne; .: Casks of Jeffries' Edinburgh Ale ia atons Joaa; Casks of Duff Gordon Sherry; Octaves of J. A F. Martell'a brandy; Half bbls of California herrings; Cases of gherkins and mixed pickles, ia half gaU. Jars ; ... Cases of codfish, in tins; cases of fresh lobster, la tins; Cases of English Jams, iie fruits and pickles; Canes of buffalo chip tobacco; boxes champagne cider. .... - Sd-- tf D. C. WATERS! AW FOR SALE, AND TO ARRIVE HAS 350 bbls prime pork, 860 bbls mess beef, 100 bbls Haxall floor. 75,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread, in casks, bbls and bx ; Water crackers and Jenny Lind cakes; baUor, in casks; Preserved meats, Boston cotton dock, Nos 2, 3, 4, t, ( Smooth-botto- m whale-boat- s, oars, boat anchors; " Stop clothing, patent blankets. 100 coils assorted Manila cordage, Excelsior patent; 250 coils do do cordage, New Bedford manufac'y; 160 coils New Bedford towllne. White oak plank and boards from 1 to 6 Inch ; Yellow pine heading, Cumberland coal In casks China matting white, 6-- 4 wide ; Tobacco Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, ,Ih pings. Buf- falo chips and TurWii"h smoklnr tobacco, Man-il- a cheroots, No. 2 ; Manila cigars, No. C. Family cooking stoves, California and Island oats ; Jeffries' strong ale, in jugs; octaves Dennis Maurice corns brandy ; sauteme wine. In casks; brandy, in cases ; Hollands gin. Port and Madeira wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases. Sperm Oil and Whale Oil. . 66-- tf DOCTOR'S snop. G. P. JUDD, AT THE CORNER OF FORT and Merchant Streets, reminds the pobnc that be conUnare to devote himself to the treatment of Diseases of all kinds, hav- ing for sale a great variety of Daces and Msdkjibbs f the be quality. He sells also Poiaoaa. Arsenic, gtrichnlne, veratrine, corrosive sublimate. Oxalic acid, St. Ignasiua beans, nux vomica, opiaas, Prussic acid, alcohoL Perfaasery. Mask, extract mtuk, eolotm, lavender water, . ' Windsor, honey and other soaps. , Mlaoellaacoaa. Sago, pearl barley, oat meal, gum aheUae, Writing and marking ink, Sands aarsaparllla, Soda water, and other articles too numerous to aasntlnc ' O" Easily found when wanted. " 4t HONOLULU SOAP 7C2aIS. Wi J. RAWLINS & CO., THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVC. ARE are prepared, with their present Imprwvaeasasi, to sepply merchanto and famiUca with hard and soft soap f aba, nests foot oiL XT And always ready to boy or trade for tallow, shrV sad " a kinds of kitchen grease. k-- ly " CABINET-MAKIN- G. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING EOAC- - ed the services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now mo. pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pahs and Caw . tresses, Spring Lounges, Ac Old Sofas, Lounffea,OOo- -- d Chairs repaired ana on reaaonants iwias. rt all kinds made to order. Koa, Mack walnut, pine and lead Coffins and made to order. CHAS. W. FOX. i 76-- tf Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel St., near earner of Fert. " iHcsnAivE nc nAidCranrv CARPENTERS AND C0NTlUCT0n3," BEG LCATt TO RESPECTFULLY and the pnbtic reneray, Oit t--ay nave taken the well known stand oppodte the 1 aailiar ford ef C. H. Levers, Esq., on Fort street, where they are ssr-a-rsl executo all orders in the various branches of bUi T r rff to their care; and by strict attention to their baalDS 1 1- - ya to merit a sham of the patronage heretofore so Mn U ' '' '"J stowed. . jr. B Jobbing done on the most reasoaabM tsfsaa. nsas, ' Specifications, etc., drawn to order. n Honolulu, April 14, 158. '; y- - t4Sa ' (Win Uut aMrctfUn wfcieki has i ' Ml L--- onmnieneed in Honolulu, I give nowoe TT that I wUl shoe horses in a tborowl aad A - ,L I Cisli werkmanlllts isnwer. at . I- - " aV, aa o cl ia. o ca. 3S x in orl 93--tf Opposite the Station LcaJa, a tA :v SOOKDI1TDIR8 . IN A VABlCTt ClXC: BONE and substantially, and oa fi-- r ssn--s. 1 Music, Newspapers, Ac, bound ta eve k rr. Books. Herbariums. Drawing; Books, and X A. I to order, officers of ships can have their J.av Books, and Charts, bound sod repaired, at f 1 Kawaianao. uu woks renomta at s- - v : . . , Orders may also be left at IA. M. "Vl .A r r - v store, Hooolulu. - tAV Jt July 1, 1856-tf- - NEW COPACTIICZT' OAT AND W.O. VJTCCr .T CACTI JM. day saiassd into soaortasc' nI ti.r" f; sarrying on the lailmaking bosip-- is. la . vrtoi i h. v -- to the aa& left oeeapted by J. 1U Cat, on I' tr,1 V, Honolulu, H. L The oMe t r" ' ' t pablie at large that W. G. V- -. .l,Us. JC rtsd on the above haafey a to f a ?, t..L Oat's ref v tion as a sainaker, is w '.1 own I I I "' y. i v wld at aUttoMS devote Leri Ja... . T 1 J scd by their StrVS aatesUo to t wr- - iU t. , hope to merit a s-- are or pc o ror : n J- - . - j . .. r aw '-- i 4 ".,' a I" ' y - r-- - t oat 1 1 " ft ti -- fL ". Nvl". f ' 11 j " W A- - al.l--







" "" " . asMaaasaaai afOMMERCUL ADVERTISER,

I, paMMi Every Thriir Momriaa;, l Six TO ADVERTISERS AND SUCSCBIBETlw.Asanas. PayaMo 1st Adraace. Obituaries, funeral invitations and notices or eoamanieaMMDotlare per

it to C.Iifomia, rl the l States, will be $7 60 Intended only to benefit an mdivkluare business, will be chargedPsprr. -as advertisements.

mmn. All men papers win nave mncu postage Advertisements displayed in larger type than usual, Bts ntoa than, which trill prevent any American postage being Jec to heavier charges.p, rrSabsaiption to the Commercial Advertiser is payable t i

no their dHivrry.VAB1ABLT IS ADVAXCB. - 1"

u-i-m in Tahiti, the Colonies, Chins, and other parts of XT No transient adrertlmunts will be Inserted, CSLE8S Mthe Pacific, wul receive the paper for $8 00 per aim am. PAIS. '

Rain cy CcrrespondAce from aH parts of the Pacific win always

i. wmrH AnvaaTOKitsirrs wilt cmiiciD. be very acceptable.40 tran-'i-o-t artvrrTimenr, (ftrtt insertion) per line lOcts.I (Each subsequent do-- 44 eta. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE.iVinrM cards, (not exceeding 8 Hues) per annwn $5 00.

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Each subset wnt inwrtion - - 60 eta. BOOKS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE,AovBartsse will be charged at the following ratesQtABTrsLT . CATALOGUES, BILLS OF LADING,payable at the end of each quarter: BILLHEADS, CONSULAR BLANKS

for one soptare (or twenty lines) per quarter - $5 00 CIRCULARS; BLANK DftaBfl.e-fnarth of a column per quarter ... $1200 AUCTION BILLS, IIANDBILUk ,

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XT' No advertisement will be Inserted for less than 60 eta. printed on a "Yankee Card Press," In the high style of tfcal ' - -art.


Callforala Rewialted.

Ir was in the rammer of 1843 that we strolled. iihrr warehouse of O. B. Post & Co., located at

. -- e then terminus of California street, San Fran--!Lsco, along the beach a distance of half a mile or

j Jiore, to Rincon Point, without meeting a buildingto obstruct oar coarse, though a few rough cottagesand tents were scattered over what was then and isstill called Happy Valley. An original sketch of thetown as it appeared at that time, ia still preserved in"ur sanctum as a memento of the pioneer dajs of '49.

ince then a most wonderful change has taken placeevery feature of the eit. From a few scatteringises, which constituted the chrysalis state of San

rancisco in '4'J, it has been transformed to ajenaely settled city, stretching in every directioniTer and beyond the amphitheater of hills whichhen enclosed it,-- bat which are now vrithin it

tppy Valley and Rincon Hill, which then were anroken thicket, of wild shrubbery, and only

ted with white cuirass tents, are now coveredh stately mansions and blocks of stores and manu- -i

ones. And even on the identical spot wherespent two or three days taking a sketch of the

-- " ce nine years ago, now stands the United Statesloepital, a lofty building of extensive dimensions,

' and an ornament to the city. San Francisco of 1S49,from a small town of lour or five thousand, has, expanded to a city of at least 60,000 inhabitants. Towitness and realize this change, fills one with wonderat the almost omnipotent power of gold, for gold alonehas been the agent which has wrought it.

There is no question that California is destined to- be a wealthy and powerful State, and San Francisco

I a commercial mart of no ordinary size and import-ance. This is apparent at f, glance. It is the im-

mense traffic created by her gold thrs h,as given her- the impetus which she has received, ariat:

destined to impel her forward with still greaterstrides. Bat though her gold has created it, yet notthat alone, bat the vast agricultural resources which

S - she possesses constitute the power which is destinedto sustain that progress and make her truly great.

The present growth of the city is apparently asgreat as at any former period, though the improvements are mostly to be found in the suburb

.cess of theartatl demands of the trade, and as a necessary con-

sequence we find that the rate of rents in all parts ofthe city is rapidly decreasing. Good fire-pro-of storesfor retail purposes, can now be had in favorablelocations at from $100 to $150 per month ; and forwholesale trade, from $150 to $300 per month, ac-

cording to the size and storage room attached. Allwho are acquainted with the heavy rents paid thereonly three or four years ago, will notice a greatchange. Bat in the rents of dwellings the fall hasbeen still more marked. Good hard-finish- ed brick

- dwellings can now be obtained at from $50 to $75per month, while weil-fioLsh- ed frame houses in thesuburbs can be had at from $20 to $30 per month.

But rapid as is the growth of the city, it would bestill greater were the facilities for immigration in-

creased. Much complaint is made, and very justly,too, against the monopoly of the steamer travelto and from New York, which unquestionably tendsto check immigration, by the exorbitant pricesnow demanded. This monopoly, though detested andcomplained of by the public, is not an easy matter toget over. The opposition line, which of course looksoat for its own interest, is now bought off, and theirsteamers will probably remain laid up " in fullview of the town as long as they continue to receivehalf a million per annum for so doing.

The cost of passage through to New York, includingincidentals, is now $30'J. The steamer of April 20took not far from 1400 passengers. They do notreport so many, as the company is liable to fine forany excess of passengers over the legal rate. Thelast steamer from Panama is reported to have broughtover JjpO passengers. A gentleman purchased anenjt!rT8tate-roo- m in the May 5th steamer, for him--

and family On New York, for $675, and wasoffered $1000 for the same four days after hechased it. All the state-roo- ms in the steamer to sail

ht day were taken up ten diys before her sailing--Tat

is the crowd of travel on this route. Itlears very doubtful whether any permanent rival

ne of steamers will be established before the expira-10- aof the contract with the present mail company,

'though it is a matter of vital importance to theewth of that State, as well as the other PacificStateofr tjot the price of passage to and from NewYork be pTTjsljSo low as to allow the working classesto come and bruijh them their families. Thesere the classes that dev'eNhe wealth of the coun-

try, and whatever tends to strthem out is opposeto its trae interest.

But it is not simply in the appearKV the citythat one discovers a marvelous changf .ys ofscarcity and high prices are fast pjjJtrSc,., ft, dabua l.ince. not only of the necessaries of lifeNit of' aits luxuries is everywhere found. This iscially noticeable in the markets. A visitorWashington Market will find the various stalls asfully supplied with every description of vegetables,meats, &&, as the best market in Boston or NewYork. If in anvthinar the soil of California excels.it is in the production of vegetables and fruits, forthese are the finest in the world, whether it regardsflavor or size. The prices have been lowering everyseason, till now most kinds of vegetables can be hadabout as cheaply as in Boston or New York. Meats

4' of all kinds, however, yet command high prices,stock growing being still behind the demands ofthe country. The markets are supplied mostly byGerman gardeners, who bring in their products inwagons from the country around San Francisco,which is admirably adapted to growing vegetables.Many of the vegetables and fruits are, however,raised across the bay, and brought to the city by theferries. A large supply of fruits will come from the

alley of the Sacramento during the coming summer.The supplies of fresh butter are large, and it doesone good to witness the piles of golden butter, equalif not superior to the best Orange county. The priceat present is from 35 to 40 cents per pound, but issaid to vary much with the different seasons.

This great change from the scarcity and exorbi-tant prices which prevailed there a few years since,is in a measure owing to steam, which enables thegardeners, fruit-growe- rs and farmers, at a triflingexpense, to bring in their products with little or nodelay and loss from their gardens scattered along the

, orea of the large bay of San Francisco ; and wesever expect to see any substantial progress in

marketing or fralt-raisi- ng here at the Islands,' e have steam introduced.' anger, the streets of San Francisco presentt ppAuce (particularly in the lower sections)

. e,t' eoxing froat a swamp. A few of the cen-jastre- eta

1L weU p4fed resemble those of

Aridk eTrny 1eJ Mn pl&edf or rather


water Ti0 l'lt m BBa7eae8 on Pae 0Ter

in JT continually giving out, anddrirl a 'VV lt 4ngeroua

ioleT Tk ' rkt owiDS th nnmb" ofrv,BO" daily record accidents ofchildren, k

throuirh tf.! koi nd eTen cargoes, faffing

"werer fcL' "lowl. fifed in with dirt from

the hills, which in some places are cut throughone hundred feet in depth. This is the case withBioadway, which will have houses on one side of it ahundred feet above the level of tb road. It is un-fortunate that the appearance of the place should bedisfigured in this manner. Would it not have added,rench to the beauty of the city to have left it remainin its natural topography, and become like ancientRome, a city built on seven hills ?

The Wharves. In its wharves the city is far be-

hind the requirements of its commercial interests.Generally they appear to be built on the most econo-mical plan possible, piles alone being used, and manyof them very inferior. Owing to the strong tides,these piles are subject to rapid decay, and are nowfast giving out Bat a more serious evil is the fillingup of the harbor with mad, carried to and fro by thestrong tides, which flow past the city at the rate oftwo and a half to three miles an hoar. In the north-ern part of the harbor, large ships can only come upto the wharves in high water, and generally groundat low tide. The mail steamer landing was changedfrom North Point to Rincon Point, mainly to avoidthis inconvenience of shallow water. This evil canonly be effectually remedied by building a substan-tial sea-wa- ll from Rincon to North Point, whichalone will retain the dirt now being deposited to ex-

tend and fill oat the streets. It is a formidable un-

dertaking, bat will eventually have to be resorted to,whatever may be its expense, and the earlier it iscommenced, the less will be the labor attending it,owing to the continued deposit of mad on what willbe required for its foundation. The cost will dependmuch on the facility with which suitable stone can beobtained for the work. The length of the sea-wa- ll

would probably be five thousand feet at least, and itscost at least one million of dollars. Our new wharffront, now being built in Honoluln. is

rior to nriftiTiHsli rrfTrinil In tin nrm in Cali--tornia, eiceptiDg only the government works atMare Island.) and its cost when completed will notexceed $100,000, though about 2440 feet in length.The above sum, however, includes the cost of fillingin the adjoining wharf lots, convict labor being prin-cipally relied on in the work. This wharf in Hono-Ju- lu

is a stone coral wall, laid in twenty feet water.it. As now be

ing constructed, it is an ornament to the port and willprobably last fifty years.

The Fike Department. Of its fire department thecity may justly be proud. It consists of fourteen engineand hook and ladder companies, numbering about1000 members. This organization has been broughtto its present state of efficiency by' imperative neces-

sity, as shown in the several disastrous fires which. , - c : iM e

occurreu lour or uve years since luceumna rau- -j

pied as engine houses have been erected by the city i

, . "jgovernment at great expense, many oi toeni oeing ;

built of hewn stone fronts, with ornamental designs,and are generally fire-proo- f. The interior finish ofsome is costly and presents the appearance of an ele-

gant parlor. The members of these companies justlytake great pride in their buildings and engines, andit is not giving them undeserved credit in saying thatit is mainly owing to their promptness and efficiency

that San Francisco has had no extensive fires duringthe last few years. An instance in point we witnessedon the evening of May 9, in which a block of wooden

stores in Clay street took fire. A high wind wasblowing at the time and many frame buildings werecontiguous, and had the fire been left to the controlof an inefficient department, it must have extendedits limits.

Ccreesct. Although San Francisco is still thecenter of the gold transactions of California, very lit-

tle gold dust is now seen there, and the contrast inthe absence of these piles of dust and gold coin whichwere to be seen almost everywhere in 1849, is verymarked. We were informed that very little gold dustnow leaves the State. Nearly all of it finds its wayto the mints in the city, where it is coined into UnitedStates currency and also into bars, and the treas-

ure shipped to New York by each steamer isnot in gold dust, as is generally supposed, but incoin and bars, but principally twenty dollar pieces.

Formerly the miners used to deposit their earningswith private banking houses, but the heavy losses

caused by the failure of Adams & Co. and other pri-

vate banks, have led them to be more carefuL Theynow generally take their dust to the United Statesmint in San Francisco, have it assayed, and let it re-

main in the mint, taking a certificate of deposit Theyconsider Uncle Sam as the safest keeper of theirfunds. The currency of California, as well as all thePacific coast, is limited to gold and silver. Smallsilver coin does not appear to be abundant in SanFrancisco. This want cf change has probably causedthe introduction of every description of silver coinwhich is found there, all which pass freely, includingthe adulterated South American silver coins. Fivefranc pieces pass as dollars, as with us. Indeed theyconstitute the large majority of the silver dollars,while Mexican dollars command so high a premiumthat they are now deemed only as merchandise. Tencent pieces pass as rials, and vice versa, rials as ten

There is no paper currency. The business. .r--t rt - I I

intt?73 or oan r rancisco wouia unquesuouauijr wvastly ynoted by the establishment of a strongchartered v deposit and discount, but the char-

tering of a baiestth institution is net allowed by thepresent constitution, or attthe issuyor Duis isillegal. This feature of the couT utionXill doubtless

. . . . , ... ,'

Boon oe moainea, as cream r sc lecome moresettled in that State--

gusintss Carts,

iiawaiia: FLOUR COMPANY,100--tf A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent.

AGENT FOR TIIEKewTsrkllMrd f Uaderwriiers.

The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters,Ac, that be has been duly appointed as Agent for theNew York Board of Underwriters.


AGENT FOR THELiverpool Underwriter's Association.

The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners,and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment ofAGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDERWRITER'S ASSOCIATION.July 1--tf ROBERT C. JANION.

AGENT FOR LLOYD'SThe undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, 8hip owners and

Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ofAGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON.July 1--tf ROBERT C. JANION.

NORTHERN ASSURANCETHE (established 1836.) Fur Fire and Life Assurance athome and abroad.

CaBimI 1.259,760. SlerlisThe ondersiKned has been appointed A pent fnr the Sandwich

Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION.C at Honolulo.

KRULL MOLL,Agents of the Hamburg and Labeck Underwriters, Honolulu,

Oaha, 11. L July 1, I85ft--tf

FLORENS stapenhorst,Agent fnr the Bremen board of Underwriters. AB average claims

against the said Underwriters, occurring in or about thisKingdom, will have to be Stifled before him. July 1-- tf

Manufacturer, Impoiruid Dealer In Boots and Shoes of everydescription. Findings, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness,and Paten athers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck SkinsTrunk- -' isea, Sparring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Slackhi. hes. Hosiery, Ac Ac. Brick Shoe store, corner f

o4 51rrhnt sw.. uonmora, n. i. --""T -


Corner of Queen and Nauann streets, Honolulu, H. I.REFERENCES.

Messrs. Uxrso & Tiprn, - Bw ton.K. D. ItBlGBAX & Co., -

" Bctlbb, Keith k Hill,Honolulu, July 1, 1857. 63--tf


R. COADY & CO.,Shipping and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, 8. 1.


Messrs. Grtssell, 3Iisttbs & Co., . New York.Willsts & Co., - "Wills, Fabgo & Co., San Francisco.Alsof k Co .... Valparaiso.O. F. Tbais 4 Co., - - Melbourne.

O Babixo Bbothkbs & Co., . London.

Ezchanfre for sale on the United States and Europe.Honolulu, July 1, 1856. Jyl-- t'


Superintends the outfitting of vessels from this port, to theshipment or oil and Done, and negotiates whalemen'sdrafts, &c

REFERENCES.Messrs. Moboas, Hathaway, & Co., San Francisco.

M acoxdrat k Co., -T. K. Greks k Co., - New Bedford.James B. Coxgdoi, Esq., 44

64-- tf W. G. E. Pors. Esq.,

II. W. FIELD,Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands.

By permission, he refers toC. W. Cabtwbiobt, President of Manufacturers1 Insurance

Company, Boston.Messrs. H. A. Pierce, - - - Boston.

Thayer, Rice k Co., - "Kdwari Mott Robissos, - New Bedford.Johx W. Barbett & So.13, - Nantucket.Pkbkhis k Smith, - - New London.B. y. S.fow, - - - Honolulu




Georoe P. Peabody, Esq., Philadelphia.Klmha Haskell, rq., --

Messrs.New Bedford.

Read, Cbadwick k Dexter, Boston.Waldo, Barry k Co., . New York.Abersethy, Clark k Co., San Francisco.Badges k Lindesbergeia, San Francisco.

96-- tf

J. C. SPALDING,Commission Merchant, and Imjiorter, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I.

M'anted, Bills of Exchange on the U. 8. and Europe. Con-

signments from abroad promptly attended to. Island pro-duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy 1-- tf

wTa. ALDRICII,Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise; Commission

Agent for the Sale of Sugar. Molasses and Coffee, and otherIsland Produce. Apent for the LiHra Plantation. Consignments of all kinds of Island Produce solicited. Ordersfor Merchandise promptly aUended to. 86-- tf

oust. c. melchkrs. gcst


Commission Merchants and Ship Chandltrs, Honolulu, Oahu,g. i gtnne store corner of Kaahtunanu and Merchiint sts.Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers bills ou theU. S. and Euroi. July 1, 185o-t- f

It. F. SNOW, ,

Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu,H. I. I 38

II. 1IACKFELD & CO.General Commission Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu,

Oahu, S. I. July 1, 1856-t- f

ROBERT C. JANION,Merchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t

GODFREY RHODES,Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, near

the Pest Office, Honolulu. 4!-- tf

THOMAS SPENCER,Ship Chandler, Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission

Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on handan extensive assortment of every description of goods re-quired by whalesbips and others.

Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, &c,at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices.

ST Money advanced for whalers' bills at the lowest rates.53-- tf

D. N. FLlTNER,Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire

proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr.Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahtunanu streets.

Chronometers rated by observations of the sun and startwith a transit Instrument accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to finewatch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silveredand adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantlyon hand and for sale. 44-- tf


C. L. RICHARDS & CO.,Ship Chandlers, Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu,

Sandwich Islands. 70-t-f

RITSON & HART,Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, Honolulu, II. I., under the Auction Room of A.P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly opposite the Custom House.

33--tf .


Von HOLT & HEUCK,General Commission Merchants. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1-- tf

CHARLES BREWER,Commission Merchant, Boston. V. S. Refer to Jas. Makee and

K. W. Wood Estjrs. July 1, 1850-t- f

ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT,Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, Honolulu,

Oahu, H. I. July 1, 1856-- tf


KRULL & MOLL,Importers and Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma--

kee's block. juiy i, isoo-- u


CASTLE & COOKE,Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Mer-

chandise, at the old stand, corner of the King and Schoolstreets, near the large Stone Church. Also at the Storeformerly occupied by C. U. Nicholson, In King street, oppo-

site the Seamans ChapeL Agents for Dr. Jaynes' Medi-cines. July 1, 1858-t- f


63-l-y Honolulu, Oahu, II. I.


163-ly" Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu.

GEORGE CLARK,Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu

and Maunakea streets, Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf

GEORGE G, HOWE,Lumber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu streets on

the Punchard premises. July 1--tf

C. H. LEWERS,Lamher and building materiaisFort St. Honolulu. Jy 1-- tf

. W.N.LADD,Importer and dealer in Hardware, Fort t-- Honolulu. Jy 1- -f

E. O. HALL.Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and

general Merchandise, corner of Fort and King streets.

S. N. EMERSON,Walatast Oahu, Dealer in General Merchandise, Country Pro

duos such as Corn, Beans, Bananas, Butter, Eggs, Ac.53-- tf


form his friends and the public, that be has taken andsued up the premises on Fort street, opposite C. Brewer3d's Store, as a CARPENTER SHOP, and would solicit thatpatronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. All orders inthe various branches of Building, Plans, Specifications andContracts, attended to with promptness and dispatch

CHARLES W. VINCENT.W B. DOORS. WINDOW SASH, and all other articles per

taining to house building, constantly on hand and for sale. 93-- tf

GEORGE C. SIDERS,Manaiactarer and dealer In Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware,

Kaahumanu street, opposite J. C. Spalding's Honolulu, H.- Sommer Bakers, Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tubs.

Foot and Shower Baths, Tin and Ztne Roofing, and a gen-

eral assortment of Tlv ware. Ship work executed withncatneas and dlnatch. July 1. tf

; OL

II. FISCHER,U Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the

weiiiiat Howse. 41 tf



5 Dwelling, situated in the Valley of Nuuanu, about twomJLmm miles from town, lately occupied by the Hon. DavitGregg. The above property is beautfully situated on risingground, surrounded by fruit and shade trees, and in every wayfurnished with conveniences for a family.

alsoIn rear of the above, a very pleasant COTTAGE, with Taro

Land in a high state of cultivation, and several acres of pastur-age and every convenience. For particulars ap-ply to flul--tf J JOHN H. BROWN.

TO LET. ...

TWO NEW, NEAT, WELL-FINISHE-DCottages, with outbuildings complete, near the MethodistEpiscopal Church. Apply to

100-- tf J. T. WATERHOUSE.

TO LET,COTTAGE AND PREMISES INTIIE recently occupied by Dr. White. The building

is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahs in front and rear, and pantry,servants' house, cook house, bath bouse, and other outbuildings.On the premises are several very surior grape vines in fullbearing. Apply to J. T. WATERHOUSE, Honolulu,

100-- tf Or to H. DICKINSON, Lahalna.

ROOMS TO LET.OVER DR. JUDD'S OFFICE. TWOconvenient rooms, and the House at present occupiedbyE. Kopka. Terms moderate. 1100-t-f) G. P. JUDD.


street. Terms lilwral. Apply to100--tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu.


Apply ttf100-- 6t . W. R. SEAL.


misses occupied by the subscriber, on the corner ofMerchant and Alakea streets. .'Title, fee simple.

r Possession given immediately. :87-- tf G. M. ROBERTSON.

FOR SALE OR tTTlET!TWO NEAT COTTAGES on Merchant street,convenient for small families, and handy to the businesspart of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title

ee simple. Apply to - HENRY SMITH,98-- tf ..

" Blacksmith.


A verberg, Etiq., corner of King and Maunakea streets.Immediate possession can be given if required. For

terms apply to 96-- tf J FLORENS STAPEXHORST.

TO LET.ivA COTTAGE CONTAINING THREEIjj jijl rooms, wide verandah in front, a Urge yard and out

Jjj.ivJ hous-3- . situated on the northtet side of the lane run-ning from Kind to Queen streets, opposite the Pulace gate.Kent low. Apply to 95-t-fJ GEO. CLARK, Hotel st.

FOR SALE.--0.TIIE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ONf3s IVaikiki Plains, at present occniied by the undersigned,

i Terms liberal. Apply at this Oaice, or to90-- tf i JOnN LORD.


King street, lately occupi-x- l by Williams & Jones. Forparticulars apply at the office cf C. C. HARRIS,

91-- tf Or, on the premises, to GEO. Vt I1JJAMS.

FOR SALE..-T- HAT TWO-STOR- Y HOUSE SITUATEt3t at the corner of King and Alakea streets, containing four

I pood rooms, with large yard and all necessary outbuild-iug- s,

now occupied hv Jlr. Savidge. Title foe simple.. Forterms, apply to . .. lS9-- tf J . .... SAVIDGE k MAY.


ONE CELLAR. One Hair of the Lower Floor, andthe Upper Loft in the Stone Warehouse on the premisesof '. Grenier, on Nuuanu Street.


Two Stores, with rooms above, on Nuuanu Street, oppositeMerchaut Street, fitted with Shelves. Counters, Ac. Also, aCellar under same. Apply to

. 86-t- f A. P. EVERETT.


King street, adjoining the premises of Messrs. I" tat &Auee, and lately occupied by Herman Beuzler for a res

taurant. The ground floor is ntted with all the necessary nx-in-

for a restaurant, with four rooms ou the second floor.Also, a good cook house and well on the premises. The samecan easily be altered for a store or any other busiuess

Rent low terms easy. Inquire of79tf vos HOLT & HEUCK.


street, rithin the enclosure of the residence of HenryM npf:irlmie furnished or unfurnished.

Apply on the premises or at the Commercial Hotel. 77-- tf


THE COMMODIOUS DWELLINGHOUSE in Nuuanu Valley, just above the residence of

111 Air n.taa havinir been nut in thorough reiiair and furnished with an ample supply of water, will be .leased on rea-

sonable terms to a good tenant. Apply toVM. C. PARKE,

71-- tf Agent for W. T. Walker.


erected in Fort street, between King and Merchant sts.Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to rult by

earlv application. For terms, please apply to64- -tf B. F. SNOW.


' ROOMS, in the brick building, corner of Queen andJLcUL. Kaahumanu streets, generally known as the Makee kAnt lion buildiuK, viz. :

The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. C. Waterman,Esq.

The thinl floor over Messrs. AMrich k Bishop, suitable forstorage.

The rear office on the first floor (lately occupied by D. N.Flitner, Esq.)

The office on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee,E.)

The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500barrels. Apply to

65--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d.

LARGE YARDFOit STORING COALS, BRICKS, IRONlumber, firewood, Ac, TO LET by the month or year.This yard is securely fenced in, well shaded, and ad

joining the store of59 tf VON HOLT k HEUCK.


.ale hor thn verv desirable cottage built bv B. Jr.&Uti Harder, on Kukui street, opposite the residence of A. P

Everett, Esq. This cottage is nearly new, and built of the bTstmaterials by Mr. Harder, for his own occupancy, and is sup-plied with water, bath-roo- m and other conveniences.

Apply to J. F. B. AfARSHALL.Honolulu, July 14, 1857. 65-- tf


belonging to Robert G. Davis, situated between Dr.Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences.

Terms easy- - Apply to67-- tf ASHER B. BATES.


jS'J;!;! FIRE PROOF BUILDING, on King street, corner ofJLiJ Mauna Kea street, now occupied by G. Buhle & Co.

The lower part Is excellently fitted withKm Shelve sad Cwantera,

For a Retail Store. The upper part contains

Five Spacieai Dvrelliag Rooms,And the extensive yard is provided with a good well, brick

cook-bous- e, Ac.Terms low. Possession given immediately, if required. For

further particulars apply on the premises, or at4S-- tf VON HOLT & II BUCK'S.

LET. The Building lately occupied by Vincent

STO on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite MerchantThe lower part is fitted with counter, shelves,

ke. i upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same.ALSO

TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft in large Stone Warehouseon Marine Street i and one-ha- ir of the Cellaa under same.

Apply to (31-t- n A. P. EVERETT.

TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE ANDcommodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mileand a half from town. Terms moderate. Apply to

Honolulu. July 1. 1--tf W. L. GREEN.


i tne store rrenusea now occupied oy imcroiifiK.oo-t- r B. V. SNOW.


lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-seve- n acres.Terms low. Inquire of -

. dr. Bunii, Dentist.Hooohuo, April 28, 1857., .. , 4--tf


1 8. JOHNSON, Carpenter,S34f Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel.

OFFICE! TO LEST, fronting on Kuaana streetApply to '

2-- tf A. P KYKBJCTT,

axt'mx Caris.


Hakodadi, Japan.ALL Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished j ' also, Ship'

and Ship Chandlery, at ho.nolcld prices.Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac. 71-- ly


TAHITI,Will supply ships with provisions, Ac., and advance money on

' favorable terms for biUs on the United States. - 43-l-y


MANGONUL NEW ZEALAND.j7 Shipping supplied or the most reasonable terms. Lat.

35-- 8., long. 173-38.- 41-l-y




Nos. 47 anil 49 California street,SAN FRANCISCO.

REFKR TOCapt. James Makee, Honolulu; Capt. D. C. Waterman,'

Honolulu j Messrs. Oilman k Co., Lahaina. 14-6- m

S. GRirrrrrs mobgas. C. 8, HATHA WAT. a. r. stoke.

MORGAN, HATHAWAY & CO.,Commission andJVorwarding Merchants, Sen Francisco, Cal

References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. k A. R. Nye,k Swift k Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell M in turn kCo., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per-kins k Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon-olulu. July 1, 1856-t- f.

ROPE WALK ATVD OAKUMFACTORY.OF EVERY SIZECiORDAGE to order. Constantly on hand, a large as-

sortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, (an skes). Bale

Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, &o., for sale by TCBBS k CO.,80-i-y 139. Front Street, San Francisco.



San Franrlitco, Cal.S W. JONES. FORMERLY OB HO--

i v.ii ri it ta anmi.4 EvirH.... rho ntvwA firm., And resnect--1 KJ LJ. AJ l, 4 t.

fully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attendto the purchase of aU descriptions of merchandise, at the usualrates of commission.


WINES AND LIQUORS,No. 93 Front street, between Clay and Mer-

chant streets. San Franciaco. 66-- ly





San Francisco, Cat.. .

mwAXTii'ACTITB.ERS OF THE ABOVEAVi brands of Flocb, guarantee their Bakers' Extra, forBakers' use, and their Extra Superfine, for Family Use, equalto any Flour manufactured in the State. N. B We invite the

Rakers, Grocers and DealersOf the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our AmericanMills Flour a fair trial, we guaranteeing perfect satisfaction inall cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices.

E. T. PEASE & CO.irjr Extra SKi.r-RisiJ- Haxall, Galleoo, and other brands

of Flour, constantly on hand and for sale by68. jy E. T. PEASE & CO.

BARRY & PATTEN,importers; wholesale axd retail dealers ijt

WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIIOHNS, $c,1 1G Montgomery at.. San Francimco. 66-- ly


LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BESTTHE stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship andCabin Stores, put up with dispatch.

Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash.!TT Corner of Sanxome and California ttreets. San Fran-cinc- o.

California. 66-- ly



at thi Boats' Landing Place. All new, subSITUATED ar-- . well furnished.

also63 Acres or Land, with a ood Frame

o3: HOUSE and Kitchen thereon, situated four miles from1 Hilo. About 25 head of CATTLE, Including 8 tame

Milking Cows, at present feeding on the land, may be boughtat a bargain.

The whole is well secured by Ditch and Walls.Written inquiries will be promptly answered byWaiakea, Hilo, Jan. 19. 83-- tf HENRY SCnRADER.

TO LET,rpHE SECOND Floor over W. A. AHrich's 8tore. In--

quire of 90-- tf 1 A. ALDRICH.

RECEIVED EX HARRIET & JESSIEJUST Boston au assotment of fancy glassware, Ac, consisting in part of

Solar lamps shades and chimneys, lamp wicks.Wine bottles, punch bowls, wedgewood pitchers,Parion pitchers, spoon holders, vases,Terracotta tete a tete sets, decanters, silvered salts,Rose curtain pins, castors, boquet stands,Plated cake baskets and castors.Sets embossed plated teaware, envelor e cases, Ac, Ac, Ac

For sale by62-- tf A. P. EVERETT.

REGALIA.FULL ASSORTMENT OF I. O. OF O. F.A and MASONIC REGALIA, constantly on hand, such as

Royal Arch, Bl. M.'s, P. G.'s,Encampment, Ac. Ac, Ac.

Military goods of all kinds can be furnished to order.

62tf Apply to C. A. k II. F. POOR.


81.tf C. A. k n. F. POOR.

GROCERIES.FANNY MAJOR Cases tomato ketchup,PERCases cream tartar, cases saleratus.

Cases ginger, cases quinces in this, Ac, ke.tf C. A. k 11. . POOR.

WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES.SALE, PER "ELIZA & ELLA,"FOR A 1 Aroostook Shingles, warranted to cover over 100

square feet to the 1000, 86-- tf j C. H. LEWERS.

FIRE WOOD.tf Q A CORD for good Fire Wood, on the landing,

J7 CJ near the Custom House. Apply to77 .f C. A. A H. F. POOR.

JOIST, hard Pine Plank for ship carpenter's useOAK inch, . .

61-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2n

COVE OYSTERS, OLIVE OIL,FRESH hams, Goshen batter, saleratus,Corned beef in kegs for family use, cheese, sacks flour,

On hand and for sale by62-- tf A. P. EVERETT.

ANILA CORDAGE, smaH siies,31 Oakum,'Spunyarn,

Martin and Ratlin,Tor sale by

61-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 3n.

AND LIGHT RAVEN DUCK,HEAVY Canvas, assorted Nos.For sale by

16--tf CHAS. BREWER, to.

riHAS. HEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. Thtocelebrated wine for Bale by

76--tf ' C. L. RICHARDS CO.




WIRE FENCING,rOLLS l. Fcetaiebytl-t-f CHAS. BREWEX, to.

an ranrisar Jfobfrtiseintitts.


doing business in any part of the PaciflOcean, will always find a Large and Well-Select- ed

Stock of

French, British and AmericanFANCY DRY GOODS and

SMALL WARES, atHughes & Wallace's,

NOS. 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREET,- - San Frauacloeo, CaL, -

Consisting in part ofWhite goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons

" Millinery goods, hosiery, glores, pongee hdkaSuspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutleryScissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles;Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc, etc.;Imitation shell round-bac- k combsBlack feathers, beads, etc, etc

017" An inspection of our stock is solicited.C7" Our importations are direct from Brit-

ain and Europe.UtT" One of the firm always in the market.OCT All orders executed with promptness




105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Francisco, Cal.

N. B. Sole Agents fop .

J. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spol Cotton ;Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ;

Societe Hygineque Perfumery.



No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco,FOR SALE A FULL ANDOFFER of desirable

DRUGS AND MEDICINES.R. k CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and

will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favorthem with their custom. 66 6m


IS UP TO THEGRADE,Sansome st., opposite American Theatre,


Oliji Proprietor of the American Exch mge, (late WH-'-ison's Exchange.) bees leave to inform the Travel

ing community, that he has undertaken jthe personal charge ofthat house. He has made extensive alterations and improve-ments, and has renovated the house throughout, making it thefirst Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to theHouse a very fine

SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL,Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the convenienceswhich modern hotel keeping have rendered essential, the

AMERICAN EXCHANGE,will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. Thebest talent has been employed in the various departments, andthe proprietor will set the bit tab lb the market affords. Pri-ces TO 8CIT THE TIMES.

The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con-vey passengers to and from the House to the Landings, or to anypart of the city, for $1 Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith hascharge of the Coach. 66-- ly


San Francisco, Cal.

WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULARTHIS oners superior inducements to the TravelingPublic, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated inconvenient proximity to the business center, and Is conductedon tne European Flan, giving Its patrons the choice of ODtainmgtheir meals at the restaurant connected with the house, or else-where, as their convenience may suggest.

The Proprietor, who has been eagaged in this house fine1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many friends.which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten-tion to their wants and comfort. O. W. FRINK,

66-6- m Proprietor.


40 coils New York whale line;Whalemen's Oars, in sets;Whalemen's slop clothing, vie :

Monkey and reefing jackets;Striped flannel shirts ;Gray . do ; do;Striped flannel drawers;Red flannel do do;Hickory .hirts;Russia caps and tarpaulin hats;Woolen stockings, socks and mittens;

Best yellow Jure butter, In double packages;Prime pork;Manila cordage;Dried apples;Carolina rice;Best English boiled linseed oil;Best do white lead;Best do black paint;Best do green paint; 'Spirits Turpentine.


TO WOOL AND PULU DEALERS.RECEIVE D Per Kamehameha ITJUST Packs, such as are used In Australia, and

adapted for packing wool, pulu, or any article that requirespressing. r


WIRE FENCING.For particulars apply at the office of66-t-f ROBERT C. JACTON.

4NCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE, lieH to 4, inch.

50 " Russia tarred Rope, 24 to 7 do.,6 Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 lbs.,3 Chain Cables, H inch, 70 fathoms each,


5 of best pattern Ships' Cabooses, patent of lSU15 Cabin Stoves, for coal or wood.

For sale low by (14-t- f) J. C SPALDDId

CORDAGE. SPUN YARN,RUSSIA Sewing Stuff, Flag Lines, Hook and Thbahisa.Double and single blocks, White Lead. Chrome Greao.Chrome Yellow. Prussian Blue,English boiled Linseed Oil, Gold Leaf.

For sale by62--tf H. HACKFELD ft CO

BLANK EXCHANGE!7"TERCHANT'S AND WHALER'SlVJl Blanks, In sets, for sale. Ill M per dosen.

n-t- f h. m. wihtszt.LARGE LOOKING GLAEZT, vT, r'lTWO and marble plate, for saloons, omwnoa Lav

Glasses, with do do, for tables, cuL-glas-s Tumblers and Cct-- J, - - jror sate ny r



, .


Af):ttr Tsjtnrt:a

ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE. DY ACSISwho have tried it, the best Tone and wVOT

presented to the Hawaiian public -

In New York City, Buffalo, N. T.,and Baa Francisco, wtethe Turner Bros, first Introduced ft to the world, it aatan onpNoedented degree of popularity, owing solely to Its aaal-tar- y

and extraordinary medical propettisa. -

Medical mss and or actsBoa all proooonoe it to be themost healthful and invigorating, and whether It la aasd byadults or infanta, its effects are alike wenetlcilaV I rc"LTvaocTABLB, and Is composed of

The Juice of berries, herbs, wud ptaata and root tThe Spring's first bods, the mellow Autumn's fruitsThe bright wild flowers, whose fragrance rhacii the aot, -

The op ning leaves, the bark of the forest tree ;The bulbous root on mountain slope that's touad; ( ,

The spreading vine that grows la marshy bto"".For sale by C. U RICHAJtLrf dr C3.j

80-t- f Bout Aobbtb roe Hooxb



Sacraaaoato at Mew MoatrBOoaorTr- - 'Opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's OSsc,

.. . 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. ," JXstabUsbed in 1851, for the permanent cure of all private and .

chronic diseases, and the suppression of quackery.Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CaAPS-A- at. DHB

in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the20th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Burgeon to the MUMaryHospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on dliiasas sfwomen and children. Communications strictly euufiaanrial.

Consultations bv letter or otherwise, free. Address L. J Caarbay, M. D., San Francisco, California.


Cases Spirits Turpentine, in tinsCases English boiled oil;

Kegs of pure No. 1 extra white lead;Zinc paint, ground in oil;

Cases of tins of black paint; kegs or d.Barrelsof whisky;

Cases of assorted crackers, in tins;Barrels of cider vinegar;

Barrels of butter, In kegs;Cases of Dixon's tobacco; .V

Coils whale Una, hemp and Manila ropeOars, assorted lengths ;

Steering oars, assorted lenguii.Cases preserved meats la tins; Cases preserred elaau ia ttni ;Cases preserved oysters in Una; Cases pr'd mince Mat latins ;Barrels Carolina rice; Barrels vinsgar;Tierces bams; Cases alcohol ia Una; ,

Cases or Women's Shoes, native pattern;Anchors and chains;Rigging and pomp leather; .

Kegs white beans; cheese in tins;Cooking stoves and cambooaes;Cases wood anl cane seat chairs;Tins of putty;Cases of hair, paint and shoe brashes; '

. Whitewash brushes;BMs and puncheons pure Jamaica r i;Baskets of champagne; .:

Casks of Jeffries' Edinburgh Ale ia atons Joaa;Casks of Duff Gordon Sherry;Octaves of J. A F. Martell'a brandy;Half bbls of California herrings;

Cases of gherkins and mixed pickles, ia half gaU. Jars ; ...

Cases of codfish, in tins; cases of fresh lobster, la tins;Cases of English Jams, iie fruits and pickles;Canes of buffalo chip tobacco; boxes champagne cider.



D. C. WATERS!AWFOR SALE, AND TO ARRIVEHAS 350 bbls prime pork,

860 bbls mess beef,100 bbls Haxall floor.

75,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread, in casks, bbls and bx ;Water crackers and Jenny Lind cakes; baUor, in casks;

Preserved meats, Boston cotton dock, Nos 2, 3, 4, t, (Smooth-botto- m whale-boat- s, oars, boat anchors; "

Stop clothing, patent blankets.100 coils assorted Manila cordage, Excelsior patent;250 coils do do cordage, New Bedford manufac'y;160 coils New Bedford towllne.

White oak plank and boards from 1 to 6 Inch ;Yellow pine heading, Cumberland coal In casks

China matting white, 6--4 wide ;Tobacco Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, ,Ih pings. Buf-

falo chips and TurWii"h smoklnr tobacco, Man-il- acheroots, No. 2 ; Manila cigars, No. C.

Family cooking stoves, California and Island oats ;Jeffries' strong ale, in jugs; octaves Dennis Maurice corns

brandy ; sauteme wine. In casks;brandy, in cases ; Hollands gin. Port and Madeira

wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases.

Sperm Oil and Whale Oil. . 66-- tf


and Merchant Streets, reminds the pobnc that be conUnareto devote himself to the treatment of Diseases of all kinds, hav-ing for sale a great variety of Daces and Msdkjibbs f the bequality. He sells alsoPoiaoaa.

Arsenic, gtrichnlne, veratrine, corrosive sublimate.Oxalic acid, St. Ignasiua beans, nux vomica, opiaas,Prussic acid, alcohoL

Perfaasery.Mask, extract mtuk, eolotm, lavender water, .

' Windsor, honey and other soaps. ,

Mlaoellaacoaa.Sago, pearl barley, oat meal, gum aheUae,Writing and marking ink, Sands aarsaparllla,Soda water, and other articles too numerous to aasntlnc

' O" Easily found when wanted. " 4t


Wi J. RAWLINS & CO.,THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVC.ARE are prepared, with their present Imprwvaeasasi, to

sepply merchanto and famiUca with hard and soft soap f aba,nests foot oiL

XT And always ready to boy or trade for tallow, shrV sad "

a kinds of kitchen grease. k-- ly


mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING EOAC--ed the services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now mo.

pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pahs and Caw .

tresses, Spring Lounges, Ac Old Sofas, Lounffea,OOo- -- dChairs repaired ana on reaaonants iwias.rt all kinds made to order.

Koa, Mack walnut, pine and lead Coffinsand made to order. CHAS. W. FOX. i

76-- tf Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel St., near earner of Fert."

iHcsnAivE nc nAidCranrvCARPENTERS AND C0NTlUCT0n3,"

BEG LCATt TORESPECTFULLY and the pnbtic reneray, Oit t--ay

nave taken the well known stand oppodte the 1 aailiar ford efC. H. Levers, Esq., on Fort street, where they are ssr-a-rsl

executo all orders in the various branches of bUi T r rffto their care; and by strict attention to their baalDS 1 1-- yato merit a sham of the patronage heretofore so Mn U

' '' '"Jstowed. .

jr. B Jobbing done on the most reasoaabM tsfsaa. nsas, 'Specifications, etc., drawn to order. nHonolulu, April 14, 158. '; y-- t4Sa

' (Win Uut aMrctfUn wfcieki has i ' MlL--- onmnieneed in Honolulu, I give nowoe

TT that I wUl shoe horses in a tborowl aad A -,L I Cisli werkmanlllts isnwer. at . I- - " aV,aa o cl ia. o ca. 3S x inorl93--tf Opposite the Station LcaJa, a tA


IN A VABlCTt ClXC:BONE and substantially, and oa fi-- r ssn--s. 1

Music, Newspapers, Ac, bound ta eve k rr.Books. Herbariums. Drawing; Books, and X A. I toorder, officers of ships can have their J.avBooks, and Charts, bound sod repaired, at f 1Kawaianao. uu woks renomta at s- - v : . . ,

Orders may also be left at IA. M. "Vl .A r r - vstore, Hooolulu. - tAV JtJuly 1, 1856-tf- -

NEW COPACTIICZT'OAT AND W.O. VJTCCr .T CACTIJM. day saiassd into soaortasc' nI ti.r" f;

sarrying on the lailmaking bosip-- is. la . vrtoi i h. v --

to the aa& left oeeapted by J. 1U Cat, on I' tr,1 V,

Honolulu, H. L The oMe t r" ' ' tpablie at large that W. G. V- -. .l,Us. JCrtsd on the above haafey a to f a ?, t..L Oat's ref vtion as a sainaker, is w '.1 own I I I " ' y. i vwld at aUttoMS devote Leri Ja... . T 1 Jscd by their StrVS aatesUo to t wr-- iU t. ,hope to merit a s--are or pc o ror :


. - j . .. r aw '--

i 4

".,' a I" ' y - r-- - t oat 1 1" ft ti -- fL ".Nvl". f '

11 j"W A- -

