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rrow will be a Red Letter - Digital Collections at ECU · lllK REFMK-IOK a "I"-" "i! "' cotton,...

Date post: 09-Nov-2018
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WP Bopsmp ^mmm ;real . i Editor of Norfolk VbjWwKW Oead H«*fo!k, Va.Aug ~ Piokne>S«rp.« ". i"-> r " k Vir*tpin« P '' ' -• " : ' '"' I* at 91. v ni-ri Intahon ' "'< ekalei awck'-.i. .the, of hi" <• th >• i " sll . to - '• tl:» > '..< ' ,,.. i •• Hi- W.- ib-IV. bat .-! unite v. -• rd*y. '.; i .- p i rn- .-...'•.• , ' Be C , ' '"' - io tSIUia il - - «whiim ha ,..:• ' " dins .11 ,:•'-' jour< H »tic w >rk *»" - QreMieboro Kveuing fail am ami from that papfr he «em Raleigh as - i' i peditoi o Hew* aud U «erver. Mr. Sapp »' '''"' '" -"" ' ' ' '' Man•!•. ISHK). Hid 01 Vp> tha' veal became the chaise of ihi' Virgin .t tbi SUCC - ' ' ' ' ''•'' JOHNSON'S MILLS ITEMS. Johnson's M -. S I A.Ug. 8 C. 0. Mil.-.. ofT eotoi .- L. J. I Mi**NettieXiloa.r!el; cameb 'list I'M.I IV to :i'l-"-.l I a Kilpati ick mat i -. •. Me- 8) donl i VVIJ bet. K -;.. . ,. \ wit iuj 11 E 8. !. i a. II u-o ;.-. i . i 1\ i DC left yes enlaj lei-din : -. f»w ^ - oil' '.: i . - M iry Ki e. .; - i. : e < M •' ' ,,,,.,. - .i- •• ii M.-« Ctni Mi-i i .- Mabel Ki B. Mewborn, D aud Sb -rid Cos i yesterday. .:-. Lizzie l»i •• ' (laughter are viaii A Johnson'*. Rev. John 11. Griffith, of K itoD, "ill preach i Bt. Jo '• Sunday i" the pla le ol M '' ->.' Miss Mamie Di .sou, of G if is visiting Miss,- M.-:- M.etie Cos. ft) . A ile i- ' (ii A VERITABLE WONDERLAND OF ASTOUNDING ATTRACTIONS T. MUNFORUS Gigantic Sensational Marvel Sale. -:tH1 Hie id o. \> I > . not P II . E am, a h i '- -' « its- edttoi nil i ipying nations of Surprise, Delight and Satisfaction and Lauditory ain Offered Were Ex-pressed on all Sides by the Thousands Uttnced the Preceding Days of This SALE T WAIT A MINUTE! SLaV ii STATE NEWS While elw iii - ! ' ' Wadisboro two negro. killed by inhaling damp gaa Oi Moudaj ii T* ' r ' Bl '' "''. state hospital i' Morguotou « e ch-.kwl todeHthb> ii piece ol bread which be was eatiug. At Kernernille I n.1; i p With i«-> Ixiard, in i"\ [tleatiore ho [>liea mi Hi' Steamboat Sunk. 1 el , .iii.. IP nn,II ii per-i>n- - I 11 i in cnt li < i. mi' : Sui.-liii.i-. -i Ii eh .Vhi'e nver above rrow will be a Red Letter Capt W P. Brawn Litad bin Ade W ilk i gboi and killed Eageuc Utu»i ovtr i game •- :: -- •" : " playiogioaWackamith.hop charlotte, X. C, U B. awhal), - naveling u .„ Wi ,. ];,,.„,.,. salesman, fell ont the aecond story k ,„ u m,,,,,, ,., wiudow of a hotel at L>nrham. ] Cltaalyi a\i.»i al Monday night, and was bad > bnr. A Durbiini n: in ii-i outside ol three pints of whiskey and then drank ii bottle of Isudi: mn oi- louui i. with suicidal i tei t. I' took physicians -evc.nl hours lo puii linn through. I.. Baocombecounty C, C.Green- wood fatally stabbed his wife, Boone, N. C, thrusting i knife four times in her bad an aim brol e back. The victim was bis second remote aud u in wife, and it i< said'hat his Brbl Earned. wile durinu her lit*— lime came near in- Minus similai fate by a'tack.i ; I" 1 ,;.•.. .i ii down tbisafter- i.oou in fourteen feet "i wafer, causini; a i>.ii.i-.-, but so far a- koown i"i renulllni! scrti'U»l>. Fi-.c persons were injured aid a I . ii ur in-• «- are miwiim, but il |,>r both is not certainly known thai anj lives have been I ilerchantile Magnet will again draw the Crowd when Bargains are Best and Biggest. Come early for * Won C a Million Hands will melt away beforethe Power of the low PRICKS like the dew berore the Mid- day Sun. AnU.iing you buy is a Bargain. sent and future needs. Judge our Sincerity by the Prices Quoted Below. The Wreckage of Values is complete. It will Pay You to make Your Purchase I'M .- N _.' I- ||| I HI- l-l-l Meckli-i burg boaie in Si.-. < I'I.-I k tow i-ii'.i > '. 1 'clock I-- night, aged 82 year*. l"ip B »->i ; bad bees m an enfeebled cm dttioii ! .I M'vcr.il years. Three Killed by Lightning. Charlotte, V C. Aug. 7.—Three men were kill>d by liuiitu ng ii >iia\. anil Tin- have , i net in ii , II !•'• .• r matting all is in ., sat cut price sal". ....1 yard wide -, _',. in this sal.- 5c [lochet Kujts po 82-7S Hamburg ai»ecial r -o. Ibis sale If .i |ar '' Checked .tgoat 8! ; ~: 7c Apron che '•< -it lasts 11 . ,;:nl cul prices i 'mbro'.laonly : '- ;; '' , .mi in Hi : -i sale 2c oust «o. nil prices Handkerchiefs. loo dozen ladies' bemstiehod bandkercliiefs, regular Wc sellers; sale price Be Kio dozen nun's bordered bemstiched handkerchiefs galas price*, each '"><' 100 '! « men's handkerchiefs same as above only finer £c 1.5..H extra fine grade white and colored bord'ed men's handkerchiefs, regtuar lue and f**c valuer: on sale specially at ; "' i,(n(i pure linen white hand kerchiefs, neatly bemstich- ed regular 25cgrade for i s <' Linens, Linens V ita FsviicG. nrcn ' i express the ,1 |t, .. clearance hu ' Il . i;./. i. BETii^L ITEMS. Ill . . i J. -'•. hr»t Opcu rlnli Todav II <' Huokei brou.bi lllK REFMK-IOK a "I"-" " i! "' cotton, tlie tii-t leponed beie li - IM-HBOC. il'- I iin d HI "ie field , f.J HI..- lurnaite, j . : abuve tows. V ck II ii ,'i' -, pni'' 1 worth -''• 9c _ 12c Mr. s]>. i : I. Mrs. week in N , I N i . - il :.. k. i -lent ht»l i- :_• and child- . lie III ..i-: week Foil Cut. Will Pear're man from Beaulori work with Hi" gi .:n Tar i iv -r. :i - . i - II vouiig He a-tin wai at verumeiil crew In |i cuttlilt! ;i nee ' rml .v made ii nii--- lick; with : >• ,,,. i Grrc-iville, speni axe and cu» hl« fiMit very bal'j i witn J. A.. Btaton. | He wa« bmoght in town f«r the id - 'nil' •Ulil M,-. Tmu '' i rcn, -f Kl.'ii.ii. I., i i- Bei i Fi Ida) Mls« Vattie Hiward, of Speed, wound to be dressed.—Daily ,. ... ,,,.- . nut tu visit M.-. 9. : flectui ^»g ' •• .!•-" I. i. Ma'tie Grimea left lasl Valise Under Car. i..> viall M sPatti. and v\" lien tie pa»-*naei train ea mi ,., i avenpori at Pactolus. . (| , h i Kmi , ru i„ tf t«ie« was a v.ih-. izubel i. Jonea li fi SunJ liernoon tospendafew daj , (|, e mail car. [t was put ihere bj C: : T. 1 ! •-. values UJI Iiiifons -Were olli'lll v;..l -. sale price Silk and Velvets. A llurrv in silks thai will an ' na topic. H''.''. ' iI'd wide i. i- 1 wiirtli I in w ,. . ::.. all colors 1, i'. i at oo ,,,.|, v •' - it. al shades, wot-il Hiic l,i j n s j iv.., worth 1.00 Corsets. ; .v. : .-i n-oful and form i ..! ~. is, In a the eel . ,; ,i . : i i r.-s, iii II Hi ary hi final- including 11. 23c 4$«- 98c --c prove -He 49c 89c 69e da. » li Wlien I'.e !>. •-' I.'I iii this morning tnere iitilug on one ol the tracks iindei mid strain the celebrated U >*• <J«« I( . Igomebodyanajokeand served i»»j '"'"•' , l^'anti-s 11 pnrpoae, for it attracted the crtiwd j ^|| ,| |( , ,„,,,. toesar ;i: mud Hi*? depot. tivea al Whicbarr'B. Mi-, Mil tie Whichard g n . I,,J afternoon to visit relative* at Whichard. Enii'-i Wbichard came up Bnndaj lo aee wme young lad) Mk him who it ial Bethel umi iie.l tern playa game with the single nine next Thursday. It will uo duui.l be a close game. Watob out for young ladies on the side liues. We were very lorry to -i-" . cent8 yesterday morning thai Miss Tickets will be sold August 18th Kanuie Watson Huggins. of Vir- ,, (th and ._, 0 , h AUll for trainB ginia, wno was visiting her sinter., ^h^inied to Bed Springs before Mis- H.H.Taylor, ha.l a^pendi-'. n0()n of AuK st 2 lst, limited to citis. She left on the morning September first for leturn. Bx- train lor Norfolk to ha»-e an | tensioII 0 f tbe tioa i Uult to Sep. opciatiou performed. We wish j telulK . r ;) , nn may |, e obtaiued by her a quick recovery. depositing the ticket with the Miss Sallie Saul-bury, of Hamil- A|{eul i te ,i Springs between August |!i<- Hi ] Reduced Rates lor Home Coming Robe- sonians. 1 he Atlantic Coast Line an- i ' nonnces that ticket* for the Home ' Coming Week for Robesonians, I l! '' Red Springs, N'. C, will be sold at j one first class fare plus twenty live | hear repro- sontod in ii..- lineo( Ladies oxtordn iHi' 1 -PI ' we a ,. shov ing at 78c to --«• :.'i in. Bleached Tiible Dam ask regular 5'»e value, sale price 72 in. whit.- Satin Damask- would sell regularly tor 73c, price .2 in. Bleached Satin Dam- ask-—a regular ',. '<• to 1.50 quality; sale price ETWB lart'o a ze Napkins, Worth ll.RO a do:.; sale price Extra large 25x63 Turkish Hath Towels, sale price 25e Linen Crash, reg. 16 quality: sale price l** c Full size White Crochet Hod Spreads, real Marseilles patterns II '-'"> value fur 89c joo pairs of Bleached Towels reg. 10c value: sale price 5c Men's Hats 500 sin's and Boys' Hats in desirable shapes, worth up to si.IHI. at 89c 500 Men's fine felt Hats, in- cluding valu.-s ranging from •'!, w2.»0 and *:i at the exceeding low price of Mo lOdez. Men's Hats inColum bin and Denver Bhapos, come in black and nutria price il.50 All the newest spi ing shapes as well us staple styles in Hats that are sold every- where tor 18.65. marvelous sale price *— '•' Staple Department 2, i yards 12c Lonsdale 1,900 yards Bepe Bleach 4,iH"i yards Bed -Seal A F C Toil de Noon Apron Checks, extra value. worth 7c Best Calico American Indigo ('aniline Red, all Dress Goods Crape ami Voile Mouseline, complete assortment English Coverts and Damask suitinjrs All wool Tricot l-'lanel. regu- lar BSc value Novelty Suitings and Fancy Mixtures, Voiles and Crashes, late Spring style desirable shinies Black Cheviot Zibeline, 68 in. wide, worth si 00 a yard, sale price, yard The finest imported English Poplins, Mohairs. Sicilians Mohair Serges and silk warp Henriettas, values up to fl.no, sale price Men's Pants Men's latest style Cassimeiv and Fancy worsted Pants in all shades and pretty stripes, all sizes, reg. price »-J: all go on this sale al *1 4!l Fine Fancy and Plain Wors- ted Pants that regularly sold for $8.60 and 14; sale 12 69 9c 9c le He Sc 81c 48c 60c 98 price Fine Pants that always sell for 46no aud W-O 1 *, stripe, cheviots & fancy worsteds all go in this sale at only 18.98 Men's Pants »f cassimere. in desirable, patterns, regular #1.75 sellers; sale price wl.l» Boys' Knee Pants 300 pair of Hoys' Knee Pants Ladies Shoes and Oxfords Ovo 2,000 pair* of very finest of this seasons goods, hand sewed lace or button, all weights of BOle. French kid. patent lether Russia calf ect They are fare the best of any shoo brought to this market, and they come in ail sizes and width.;, worth from SI.25 to 5*1 (lo. Gome and pick them out from *1 98 down to 5"c Ladies tine vrei kid shoos, button ami lace, Parris toe and patent tip wort M 69 *1 48 f> (i prs. of Ladies Oxfords. In all popular leathers, also whit.- canvas, worth up to •I.•->(>: sale price 98c to §1.10 Hose, Hose, Hose Ladies fast black seamless hose, regu ar price 12c. now He A tine Maco cotton fast black hose reg. price 2'c, now 15c Ladies' line plain an 1 lace styles black hose, worth 35e now 21c i adies beautiful fancy hose, worth 60c, choice, pair 88c Children's fast black rib li.-i hose, reg price 15c, at 9c Children's fast black tine hose, regular price 20c, at 12c Children's tines! French ribbed hose, regular price 25c at 19c Men's good fast black socks, regular made, regu- lar price 16c at 7c Men's good fast back kiee and plain socks, reg price 32c at l«c Boys' Suits Hoys' two piece suits, single and double breasted jackets positively worth 41 60 during this sale only 73c The novelty in styles is ar tistic and elegant - garments worth up to ;).H-; sale price '.le ^ W(i] . ( , ' ulways s j llt $ (i| 500 pair of Hoys' Knee Hants al) j,,, in t |,j s sa | t . , lt s.!..;-- reg. 75c sellers; sale prise 88o (329 Thirty distinct et \ conso'idation Of several feets in Hoys' Ultra Fashion ' lines of Boys' Long Pants, able Knee Hants Salts, in value 41 and 1.25: consoli- all the swelleat of novelties dation sa'e price only, pair 8:i(; aml sla P lu st >' los ' , *" lu |,nce * ' THE AMERICAN SALVAGE CO., Must sell C. T. MUNFORD'S Entire Stock Put* an End lo It All. and Dr. A grievous wail oftlmea comes a- a result of unbearaole pain from over taxed »rg*»r. Dissliiess, Backache, Liver complaint mlipallo . But thanks to King's N".->. I.ile Pilla they r"' 1 "0 .nd t. II all They are gentle but ssa-w'arL.'tLSh Dn gg II ton, is ipoodisg t few days with relatives ueu here. Eruest Tayior s|ient last Friday night with H. V. Biaton. Miss Lizzie Mayo came in this afternoon ItOM a vi-it to Virginia feaoh. I The Death Penalty. A little tt.ing sometimes results in death. TIIIIM a mere scratch, ibaiguifioant cuts or puny boil- have paid tbe death penalty. It li wise to have Bucklen's Arnica Buive ever haudv. It'« the iM'Ht naive on earth and will prevent fa burns, sores, ulcers Only 25c at 1.1.1. Wooten's Drug Store. End o'. Bitter Fight. "Two physiciaus had a long and Stubborn tight with an alicess on my right lung" write.!. F. Hughes ot Du Pout, <J». "and gave um up. Everybody thought my t me had I inlii) when 21ft and September 1st, and pay- ment of fee of titty cents. For further iuforuation commu- nicate with, W. J. Craig, Qeueral Pasneger Ageut, Wilmiugton, H. 0, Mothers bciaieful of your ehild- the child.en rlolllster'S ran. There i- DO baby medicine Bocky afountstn Tea the month, j in tne world as good Hollistcrs It makes them urow and gives j Kooky Mountain Tea. it "lakes them losv cheeks, lbore is no ! the h.tie ones strong, healthy aud Other medicine in the world KO active. 31 cenls.-Wooteu's Drug good for the children 115 cen'e, IStoie. Tea or Tablets.— Wooten's Drug' Store. New Mullets at 8 M. rfchultz. Suicide Prevented. A lUrtling annonucement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system, or desponden- cy invariably precede suicide and JJJ^jg* \ H a last resort I tried Dr. something has been found that nj UK ia New Discovery for Can- will prevent thai OOUditlon wliieb 8Um ption. The hem li I leceived uiakcs suicide likely. At the first W MStriking aud I w«sou my leet thought of self destruction take j,. ;l few days. Now I've entirely Blectrie Blttsts. It being a great | regsjnsd my health." Itoonqusrs tonic and nervine will J|sirengthen B || eougha, colds, Bud throat aud the nerves and build up the sjstem. |„ D g ironblefl (iuaranteed by II'B also a great Hiomacli. liver and Joo. L. Wooten, druggist. Price kidney regulator. Only 50c. Sat- fi0(>i H111 | |i oy, Trial liottlei free i-.fietii.il guaranteed by Jno. L«. _ —- n .„b», Uruetint ' Hundreds of th.iu«aiids of people v»„oten, Drag*!" ugj BMMar ,, Beaky Mountain Tea as a family tonic. If taken The Farmville section of the , ni , mM tb it will keep the family county bad a big rain Tuesday W ,JJ a)1 the yeir . M cents, afternoon. Wooten's Drug Store. THE EASTERN IMJJlTUtt. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and ferns Twicea-Week -Tuesday and Friday. VOL. No. XXIV GREENVILLE. PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY. AyOUST 15. 1905. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Ma. f.S SAM SLAUGHTER CAUGHT. CLAUDE BERNARD RETURNS. Both Brother* ol Newman Slaughter Now <*" *-*-- 000 ^ at Raleigh Yesterday in jail. -«* f '"- K.deigh, N. C, AufUst, 8.— LIST OF JURORS. Sam Slaughier, tlie other hi oth- er of Newman Slaughter, who helped him lo i-. ape from the oflicere at the detail Monday morn- ine, wasariested ear y Wednesday night and placed in jail. One of the brothers, Ham, was arrested alter the escape. Information came to the officers Wednesday ereoiugthat akua bad. I.e. n '-.. ii u get oo lhe Sassenge. ii .ii. at Parmeleand ride ou tne sieps of the coach far as Hour-e where he got off. It was antici- paied that he would come iu town MIST night, »o the officers planned I onee to capture bim Pehc.emau Claude M. Bernard, ex I'uited States District Attorney, returned to Kaleich this inornint; after five weeks voluutary exile from the state. He was accompanied bj K : A. Lackey, a wealthy disiiller of Hamlet. They went immediately to the office of Attorney W. N. Jones, where a deputy sheriff was in waiting, and Bernard accepted sci vice and gave a $5,000 iioDd iu Hi.-suit brought ,ii;ai:i- linn by II. C. Howell for $20,000 damages lor the alleged seduction of Hot- ell's minor daughter, Kertha i in .r was no demonstration against Bernard, aad he speut For September Term Superior Court. The following jurors have bees dnwa by the county c.miinissioc- eis lor Septemlier term of Pitt Superior court: First week—Ashley \\ i.ichar.i, J A Adams, H A White, C M rocker,8 B Hardee, S C Forties, Oscar Tucker, J A Parker, Joe V Cox.J F Cox. B L Smith, W H Ki.ji.iti irk. M LTumage, Bichaid Harris, W A Taylor, H A Bollius, : J B Pittuian, B K Whitehurot, S I Flciuiug, J K Flake, 0 B Forl*s, Maicellus Flemiug, A M Moreley, HARVEY HOUSTON. part of the afternoon in bis office G. A. Clark look a posse and weutK rr- , j e A .- __._j .i ... K.;j... ~.ko„'here His boudsmen are E. A Lackey, Jobu Nichols, H. E Kiug audT. F. Brockwell, the .ast three of Raleigh. The retuiL of Bernard is another chapter iu the tragedy which to guard tbe county bridge, while Deputy Sheriffs. I. Dudley with a posseguarded the railroad bridge. 11 was not long after night before I Sam came along ou tbe lailroad biidge. When he reached where the officers were in watting be was suddeuly surprised with several guns pointing at him and the oider "hands up.' - The order was promptly obeyed and Sum was e-i-ii led to tbe jail aud locked up. While tbe officers were guarding the bridges soa»e negroes in town got an inkling of what was goiug ou, aud two or tbiee attempted to get across to warn Son. but tbe offim-is would not let then. pass. The escaped prisoner, Newuiau Slaughter, the .me wauled iu New Jersey, is still it large. Be Rtady (or Him I.., k Wiis.... announces bis fall exhibit of tailoring fabrics else- where in this issue. Their system of lo order tailoring is gr..«log in n- popular yeai by yeai, Through lliei: arrangement with tbe famous tailoring nou--- ol iohloss Bros. & 0,i.. of Biliiini.e, the latter linn sends one of then iii-i-i expei ie.icd c-iiters and filler-each yeir wltll an enormous variety «f tall and wioiot patterns in select from, any of whleb will; Ihr out to order. The prices the) ask m 1 low, the bast material and i workmanship is used and a perfict At Is assured. The nutter occurred here June 21st, when Policeman Rogers shot and seri- ously wouuded Jobu C. Dockery, because Dockery and Bernard had I accompanied the daughters of | Rogers and Howell to a house of ill fame. Rogers has been released ou a $5,000 bond and will have a hearing August 16th. Bernard, it is said, was anxious to be here In-fore that hearing. The lawyers tor Bernard are W. N. Jones and ex-Governor C. U. Aycck. B. frank Mehene, the wealthy cotton niaiiufaclurer of Spray, N. C, has accepted tbe place as chief inai-liail of the state fair here October ldtb to 21st, which will tie attended by President Roose- velt. Mr. Mebane is a frieud of the presideut and was a delegate lo the last National Republican convention. Greenville Tobacconist and Mrssaye Specialist Wed in Wilmington.. Wilmington, S. •'., Aug. in.— LHHI night there was a wedding here at the lesi.l.nce of Mrs. 8. C Morloo when Mrs. Maude Hou-om, a massage specialist of Ne» Orleans, and Mr. C. W. Harvey, a prominent tobacconist of Green- ville, N. ('., were manied, Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D., pastor of the Krist Presbyterian church, officiat- ing, The ceremony was a pi.-llj one with a few friends present. Mr. and Mis. Haivev, after L F Williams, Fred J Fotbes, receiving cougraialalious, kml Henry Harris, J S L Ward, W C IIiin-. Zeb Biowu, J H Cobb. ,1 0 Lauiei, David Stocks, Newsoiu Worsley, D H Williamson, D G Moore, T H Williams. Secoud week—WO Cox, F. T. Whitehurst, G K Dixon, A D Braxtoo, F 8 Harries, U G Tyson, W J Braxtoo, W B Brown, W J Lewis, D J Holland, R A Parkei E FCox, J A Briley.J F Brinkley, C E Bradley, W G Hathaway, Win Moye, J C Gaskins. Of Household Interest. Ho us'cleaning is not the pleas- ante t of the housekeeper's task.', but none the less iiec.es.-aiy oo that | account. In the September Delin- eator Isabel Gordon Curtis offers in her series, "The Making of a Housewife, 1 ' some suggestions lhat will tend to lighten the lab-»r ar.d lesseu ihe disagreeableness of this In.a-.'in.LI duty. Other items of The Limit. A Scotch minister instructed his elerk, win. sat among tbe congre gatiou during services, to give » low whistle if anything iu his ser- mon appeared lobe exaggerate.!, says Harper's Weekly. On hearing the minister sa), "In those riop* there wei.-Miakcs fifty led long,'' the olerk gave a subdued wlii-i.e "I should have said thirty feet," said tbe unuislei. Another whistle from the clerk "Ou cousulllug Thompson's Concordance," said tbe minister io coufusiou, "I see tbe length is tweuty feet." Still another whistle, whereupon UM preacher leaned over aud said in a sing whispci: "Ye can wbis-1 tie as much as ye like, McPhersoi, j but I'll n.'t take another foot off anybody. their departure lo the beach ai.it »ill spend their li.i.u-j al II.. Seashore hotel, acisimpauied bi Mi. aud Mrs. H. McCi<-llau, ol Greenville. N. C , who i-ame lasl evening with ihe groosi to attend tbe weddiug, ami Miss E. E. Blankeosbip, of New Orleaus, a sister of the bride, who has been in Wilmington aud at the beach all summer. Mr. Harvey met the bride at Greenville some mouths age and a strong attachment soon ripened into love and affection. The lad) came here early iu tbe summer io tbe practice of her profession. BEST ON THE ROAD. Sensation of the Twtntieth Centuiy. I he Imperial Enteriaiument Co., 'i it ill j'P'-in iu (lie Masonic mple opeia bou-e on the 18th, cines with the highest testimo oials from il.c piaM aud clergy ii.ioughoiii (he c'iintry. They le.V" been plavieg a summer stand it Wriehisvillc l.."icli where th' show was visited by thousands of pe>; le, and are Low on the way Ni.itb, stopping at ii few select towns euroute. This company is the originator of PtP.SUr.ALo AND SOLiAL Iuuisda). August i.i'h. B. D. Cherry, ul >. ifu d, c in Wednesday Col. F. G. .laincs went to Kalt-igl Wednesday evening. Mi-- Boole Blow »t I.lltlel.,1. I Ills nii.l liu.g. Jost-ph Kinscv, oi LaGraege oasae i'. this motuiug, Miss Lottie Blow reiurued ii-n Norfolk Wedneed ay eveeing. WillieCiay Lang relurui-.i Ciuo a visit toKinstou this moi.m.g Mi.-s Mamie Ki. g returned tr. u. Virginia H-acn U'e.luesday eyi-,. tug. S\ J. Turnagc returned fr.m Virginia Keaeh Wednesday even- ing, J.-liu McKee, who las been ii town several days, Icfi Wedueada) evening. Miss Clarissa Jobusou, ol !:.-.. R.. Mount, came io this moruiug to visit Mrs. G. J. Woodward. Mrs. L. W. Tucker ami Intl. daughter returued Wednesda) evening from Virginia Reach. Mrs. G W. Baker and linl. daughter, leturued home from Virgiuia Beach "A'eduesiUy even ing. Mrs. J J. Be-t and little son, el Wilson, who have been visiting Mrs. W. R. Parker, returned home today. Mrs. F. W. Andrews, of Fliita belli City, wno has been visiting Mrs. J. S. Keel, left this morning lor Hainilti.u. H. B. Tunsiall, of Kinston, who has been Visiting Miss Alice I..in,.. r.'u.'iied home Wednesday e.ci.iiig. -- 1 . Km.-, of Sn. W Hill K singing and talking life motion ( A .,„, h; . g ^„ ^^ „„ JobJah pictures, and Ihis feature has .. made it lanious throughout the cuiiutiy. You not only fee the lo- le Kins:. .1. -.1 evening ' pictures but you als. sounds which belong I. hear the i he origin- will be here . .1 Monday, Tuesday (|o|u ,, s|i( . in|eres , io the haule BUB . ml Wednesday, tag 11.15, 16 ,, erare niostrated cookery anu a variety of rocipes under tlie topics Archbishop Chapelle Dead. "Oeliciou, Cream Jellies," "Dec- New Orlean-, Aug. !>.—Arch jorallveCoor Salads" and "The I bishop Chapelle, who was stricken Potato." In addition, Alice M. fever last Friday, Kellogg explains "How to Select and Ward "Grow'ug Ijewith yellow V;dieil ihisafternoin. Ii had been Finishing Hardware'' (bought that the crisis of his illness MacLeod writes [was past, bill lo.lay he took an | Hulbs Indoors." (alarming change for the wo-sc, and i bis physician, |)r. Lain.-, nun ici- ly called a Consultation of other doctors. Their labors were fruitless. Big Break Today. The sales on the tobacco market today weie the largest ol any day since the maiket opened. There was fully 150,000 pounds ou tbe warehouse floors and II wa- getting late iii the afternoon before the iron. General Miievitch, I Biles were completed. Seeiug -•• diited yesterday, says Ihai a Bus- nnich tobacco mode some think il siau loice operating ea-t •-! Ihe woulu afleol price- and cause a Mandarin road, advanced Augnsl decline, but this WOB not the case. 5 io near the village ul Clui ou, Prices are good aud expreadona ul south ol Taulu. I'll.- Japanese -aiisfactiou continue to be heai I the ceremony the couple and i friends d.ove to the home < f the gloom, just below Greenville, where a weili ing supper was served. S . p itch Russians Forced lo R. tire. Petersburg, Aug 9.—A dia-l •JfSfi*** thereupon resumed ih iinil mi tied I ..In lleuks sia foi ce, ob.i ill ' i - t bwurd. off i .1 Ihe I... . to ret111< Manied. On Thursday evening at 7S80|sJ scenes, giving the reorodUOtlOD I o'clock at the homo of the bru'.e,' ex ,.,| v „.,,,, hf,.. i>. ,,IH miss' five miles from Greenville, Mr. jttaisi select ei.teriaii.ineni, ii i>.u dol Willis D. Johnsion and Miss Dcra y„ u will regret It J! own were married by Hev J. A. Uoriiiiday. Immediately alter Engine Oil Track. ceremony the couple and | Tlie u r|h lu)U1 „, ,,,.,; I:t ti..i.i .was delayed scveiai hours at Gilflon today. Tee glue went iu a siding at nn- mil' thoie Iu gel a car when ihe lii.ck spread and let the eng ne down on the Successful Mtcllns at Pantejo. .„,,„„,,. Another enif..a had to A letter from He v. H.H. Mooic, be sent clown from II....good lo pa-tor of ihe I'lirislian church, pull the detailed engine back on who recentl> went to Pantego to track. conduct a meet log, sujs the meet-, ing was a grand success, there R.duced Rale> for Home Ccminj R"l»- bsiug 31 accessions up to the Dtp. sonians. Mr. and Mn>. Moore will spend tbeI xbe Atlanlio Ooasl Line an- remainder of their vacation In n nD ces that tickets for Che Hume Virginia. Coming Week for Bobesoolans, Bed Springs, N. (' , will be sold at Another Car Load. ,, m . x| t class tare plus twenty live Tne Greenville Supply Uo. has cents jusi received am thi . oai load of ihi.se fni.ou- brands of tobacco, vxU i"" 1 -'"' i "" ! ""' " " l:: Kit .McGinty.B d Hound, from scheduled to Bed Bprings lir c .i ,\ \'. ill! imson, Wit Phis i- I he second se 1 can I I esc ...ha. . . i [III b.'i tills li. II ... i- Tickets will be sold AugUBl Wth Prices Continue Oood. I'he toll .i i havii;.- g .1 coming in inert gro t .' iler. 1 prices pontinae boi i this i what pleases the farmers best, Tin (in euville el ha , warehousemen an H buy r»i aud all are s.,',!. lb a i he li sta'e. Woman Murdered nigbt, a few linutes before ; ck, Al ce Owen, a whi - i, ,. i no live» at :i hou " of Hi '...i House* an fun u i Bi |htlt dr. ' -. ih.- quai illj Chi ° . ';. and ing as tbe - sou , istau lb i bj rhoni K t- mi ics ble thai i ftmb, .. 11HI ililte ui fn [ 'loll oi Ih > ; roll Llllll ... ii.. i the ootin s uociili I he (lid i be slnail I i -• i thai there i uo ii c' enl B H - \\ II- niiogtou .'Hi •-• i i . . n gives a ». Unlawful hi Kill Squirrels. Pi com li I . i ilcli it is unlii . . i , Ity ul i |j and 'I d'. mh pi-tiiltj D . Mi llets i hull? i,.ial. , uf August L'lst, limited to n,11 i iii .i for letuiii. Bs .ii..! t lie liual III In Si p- i .ii .i may b ohl.i i . .1 bj iliny ''.i II i Bi IHpn -gstiel Vtl ;>| II 11• i i . |" \ I ui fee ui lilt j or filrlli U .1 Ueiieial Pai S. C MisaOailoila Mewbern, of K -t n, who ii is been visiting Miss Alice Laug, returiie.l lioiue Wed ut-s.lay i'.'. .ing. ^'l^s Hu .la,. Dawson, ol Tar 1)010, wno lias been visiting Miss Ma'.i'e Lawrence, left for Kii.ston Wednesday evening. T B. Yiitlle, .a New Voik. gen- .-la. malinger of tbe A. T. ( "..T. .1 v\ all ci. manager of tbe Blcbmoad llittncll of Ihe -niiie ei.mpniy, and .1. P. Taylor, ol llcndersoo, lepie- -emativa ..| the Japanese buyers, •pant today on the (ireenvilli- I. - hacco market Pi id a), An inc- 11 li. It is noticeable ll a; dark comes much sooner. \\. s. Oieer, Of Hal inn II-. •Hilled on u- tod i\. ?!,-• Lizzie Higg' r •:. in.'l hi-* m...mug from Km- on. B. A. Turner wen to II . .1 tbl morning '" |daj ball, i- . I', iin kei Idten ,. i, t.i Hoi 1 (In- i t'O i ,i. B. Mi ore and .1. H M IOI ,Jr , is. i-. i to 1. II sb ',,- this in II t.ing, .',. k (1 -'J (lien j. ..i Ban T '. " ' o its in I..WII a tew day«. I.-IUI....I home Iiiui.-dij «-\i-ini...- M.-S !{,iti. Johnson, ot Be- rlai-d Neck, who I a- bean vt-itiug Mis. K A. Tuckn, lelumed home Ihis morning. M.ssA.i.-.- .Vail..-.. f I'.-its- •in-iith. who has i"• ' »isiting Wi-a I',, t,.-1'LI t.i . i'-'inne.I In.me ihis in ' .iii. : Miss lin hi sic Siivage, whn lias heeu visiting her brother, L. M, S.vage. i.i.ir I r. her home iu l..l>g.,..il Ihi- in.oiiii'g. Ms U M. Itnss and children, I K.llelg'.. w tin have bee- Visit lug Mi- liiHieSwin.i.-ii, returned to tit.'ir in.-.n.- I'hursday eveuiog, F. I'. r...-|iinn.in, of Henderson, eneral inaiiage; of ihe Home Tel- phoaeCompany, was here today to see how the nuprovt uiei.i- oo ii.e local plant ire getting ou. Bolnrday, August 12th. W. S. Bernard went to Baltimore day. Miss Mamie Brinkley went to Stoke- I.,day to visit frieuds. Mi-s El.el Lmcolu returned Ihis ui.'i mug liem Mniebead. •Irs. R. 1-'. Parker,ofGoldsboro, PHiling Mis. B. F. Patrick. Wiley I. Brown left Friday evening far a visit in Craven i-ounty. W. T. Lipecomb aud son, William, went to Buffalo sprints Friday evening. Misses Hardee, of Kiustou, came .•rat this morning .to visit Mrs. Wiley Brown. Mr. and Mrs. |A. J. Griffin . 'ini ! ! Friday evening frosa Allaulic City. Mrs. J. G. Moye aud children i.'tuiiii:.I home Friday evening from Morehead and Conetoe. William W n it more, of Scotland N'.-ck, who has been visiting E. B. Higg*, iIIi ued home this morning, Mr. and Mrs. II MeClellan clor.it-d I-'riday eveuiog from Wiluiiiigloii where they bad been io attend the Harvey-Houston marriage. N«w Books in Library. il.c tallowing men book* have ii'i'ii give., t" the public library .j the Man S...u- Ciah: iiuiiiii." ui Maggowao. •• The Qit . i.'- Qualr" by He»- , i , I'll.- Prodi ,i ! s n" l.y Gains, M-. I,...l\ L.iuhier'' liyTilieu. I be Si ,I- lire imer" by Castle. '-Il.inglilei .-l Ni.jn" b\ Waliina. •A L.I Idor - I Sw'i.nls" I y I'ar- k.r. Meuiiniiite Maid," by Till M iiiin. !', M I i- HI. ! lie i us •Vttgi ii- •-A i (' .II bj Nic|.ol| \ w ij. ' n\ llivei hj 11 il per. Vr/ le l-'onl, .. .- i . i : M ' . II . i i It i Oil,,. th. rep jusi i linl. I, la. i . i i ' I i Hi i. I i .... Bern I lale. .'Iu. tion t nit in in ,t the . -1 . 111 : . II. : i I : .I"- ' l.l ' I'll' ' ' : rtf ar POOR PRINT JJJ^Kanaa-
  • WP Bopsmp ^mmm


    . i

    Editor of Norfolk VbjWwKW Oead

    H*fo!k, Va.Aug ~ - Piokne>Srp. ".i"-> r"k

    Vir*tpin P ''' - ": ' '"' I* at 91. v ni-ri Intahon ' "'< ekalei awck'-.i. .the,

    of hi" i " sll . to - 'tl: > '..rk *" - U QreMieboro Kveuing fail am ami from that papfr he em Raleigh as - i' i peditoi o Hew* aud U erver.

    Mr. Sapp ' '''"' '" -"" ' '' '' Man!. ISHK). Hid 01 Vp> tha' veal became the chaise of ihi' Virgin .t tbi SUCC -''' ' ''''


    Johnson's M -. S I A.Ug. 8

    C. 0. Mil.-.. ofT eotoi .- L. J. I Mi**NettieXiloa.r!el; cameb

    'list I'M.I IV to :i'l-"-.l I a

    Kilpati ick mat i -. . Me- 8) donl i VVIJ bet. K

    -;.. . ,. \ wit iuj 11 E 8. !. i a. II u-o ;.-. i . i 1\ i DC left yes enlaj

    lei-din : -. fw '^ - oil' '.: i . - M iry Ki e.

    .; - i.: e < M ' ' ,,,,.,. - .i- ii M.- Ctni

    Mi-i i .- Mabel Ki

    B. Mewborn, D aud Sb -rid Cos i yesterday.

    .:-. Lizzie li ' (laughter are viaii A Johnson'*.

    Rev. John 11. Griffith, of K itoD, "ill preach i Bt. Jo ' Sunday i" the pla le ol M ''->.'

    Miss Mamie Di .sou, of G if is visiting Miss,- M.-:- M.etie Cos.


    . A ile

    i- '



    T. MUNFORUS Gigantic

    Sensational Marvel Sale. -:tH1


    id o. \> I


    . not

    P II .

    E am, a h i '- -' its- edttoi nil

    i ipying

    nations of Surprise, Delight and Satisfaction and Lauditory ain Offered Were Ex-pressed on all Sides by the Thousands Uttnced the Preceding Days of This SALE



    While elw iii - ! ' ' Wadisboro two negro. killed by inhaling damp gaa

    Oi Moudaj ii T* 'r' Bl '' "''. state hospital i' Morguotou e ch-.kwl todeHthb> ii piece ol bread

    which be was eatiug.

    At Kernernille

    I n.1; i p With i-> Ixiard, in i"\ [tleatiore ho [>liea mi Hi'

    Steamboat Sunk.

    1 el , .iii..

    IP nn,II ii per-i>n- -I 11 i in cnt li < i. mi'

    : Sui.-liii.i-. -i Ii eh .Vhi'e nver above

    rrow will be a Red Letter

    Capt W P. Brawn Litad


    Ade W ilk i

    gboi and killed Eageuc Utui

    ovtr i game - ::-- ":" playiogioaWackamith.hop charlotte, X. C,

    U B. awhal), - naveling u. Wi ,. ];,,.,.,. salesman, fell ont the aecond story k,u m,,,,,, ,.,

    wiudow of a hotel at L>nrham. ] Cltaalyi a\i.i al Monday night, and was bad > bnr.

    A Durbiini n: in ii-i outside ol three pints of whiskey and then

    drank ii bottle of Isudi: mn oi- louui i. with suicidal i tei t. I' took physicians -evc.nl hours lo

    puii linn through.

    I.. Baocombecounty C, C.Green- wood fatally stabbed his wife, Boone, N. C, thrusting i knife four times in her bad an aim brol e back. The victim was bis second j remote aud u in wife, and it i< said'hat his Brbl Earned. wile durinu her lit* lime came near in- Minus similai fate by a'tack.i ; I"

    1 ,;... .i ii down tbisafter- i.oou in fourteen feet "i wafer, causini; a i>.ii.i-.-, but so far a- koown i"i renulllni! scrti'Ul>. Fi-.c persons were injured aid a

    I . ii ur in-- are miwiim, but il |,>r both is not certainly known thai anj lives have been I

    ilerchantile Magnet will again draw the Crowd when Bargains are Best and Biggest. Come early for * Won C a Million Hands will melt away beforethe Power of the low PRICKS like the dew berore the Mid-

    day Sun. AnU.iing you buy is a Bargain.

    sent and future needs. Judge our Sincerity by the Prices Quoted Below.

    The Wreckage of Values is complete. It will Pay You to make Your Purchase

    I'M .- N _.' I- ||| I HI- l-l-l

    Meckli-i burg boaie in Si.-. '. 1 'clock I-- night, aged 82 year*. l"ip B ->i ; bad bees m an enfeebled cm dttioii ! .I M'vcr.il years.

    Three Killed by Lightning.

    Charlotte, V C. Aug. 7.Three men were kill>d by liuiitu ng ii

    >iia\. anil Tin-


    , i net

    in ii , II


    . r

    matting all is in ., sat cut price sal".

    ....1 yard wide -, _',. in this sal.- 5c

    [lochet Kujts po 82-7S

    Hamburg aiecial r -o. Ibis sale If .i |ar ''Checked .tgoat 8!

    ; ~: 7c Apron che '< -it lasts 11 . ,;:nl cul prices i

    'mbro'.laonly :'-;;'' ,.mi in Hi:-i sale 2c oust o. nil prices

    Handkerchiefs. loo dozen ladies' bemstiehod

    bandkercliiefs, regular Wc sellers; sale price Be

    Kio dozen nun's bordered bemstiched handkerchiefs galas price*, each '">.-' I.'I

    iii this morning tnere iitilug on one ol the tracks iindei mid strain

    the celebrated U >* . ,,IH miss' five miles from Greenville, Mr. jttaisi select ei.teriaii.ineni, ii i>.u dol Willis D. Johnsion and Miss Dcra yu will regret It J! own were married by Hev J. A. Uoriiiiday. Immediately alter Engine Oil Track.

    ceremony the couple and | Tlie ur|h lu)U1, ,,,.,; I:t ti..i.i

    .was delayed scveiai hours at Gilflon today. Tee glue went iu a siding at nn- mil' thoie Iu gel a car when ihe lii.ck spread and let the eng ne down on the

    Successful Mtcllns at Pantejo. .,,,,. Another enif..a had to

    A letter from He v. H.H. Mooic, be sent clown from II....good lo pa-tor of ihe I'lirislian church, pull the detailed engine back on who recentl> went to Pantego to track. conduct a meet log, sujs the meet-, ing was a grand success, there R.duced Rale> for Home Ccminj R"l- bsiug 31 accessions up to the Dtp. sonians. Mr. and Mn>. Moore will spend tbeI xbe Atlanlio Ooasl Line an- remainder of their vacation In nnDces that tickets for Che Hume

    Virginia. Coming Week for Bobesoolans, Bed Springs, N. (' , will be sold at

    Another Car Load. ,,m. x| t class tare plus twenty live

    Tne Greenville Supply Uo. has cents jusi received am thi .oai load of ihi.se fni.ou- brands of tobacco, vxU i""1 -'"' i""! ""' ""l::

    Kit .McGinty.B d Hound, from scheduled to Bed Bprings

    lir c .i ,\ \'. ill! imson, Wit Phis i- I he second se 1 can I I esc ...ha. .. i [III b.'i tills li. II ... i-

    Tickets will be sold AugUBl Wth

    Prices Continue Oood.

    I'he toll .i i havii;.- g .1 coming in inert gro t .' iler. 1 prices pontinae boi i this i what pleases the farmers best, Tin (in euville el ha , warehousemen an H buy ri aud all are s.,',!. lb a i he li sta'e.

    Woman Murdered

    nigbt, a few linutes before ; ck, Al ce Owen, a whi -i, ,. i no live at :i hou" of Hi

    '...i House* an fun u i Bi |htlt dr. ' -. ih.- quai illj Chi . ';. and ing as tbe -sou , istau lb i bj rhoni K t- mi ics ble thai i ftmb, .. 11HI ililte ui fn

    ['loll oi Ih > ; roll Llllll ... ii.. i the ootin s uociili

    I he (lid i be slnail I i - i thai there

    i uo ii c' enl B H - \\ II- niiogtou .'Hi - i i .



    gives a .

    Unlawful hi Kill Squirrels.

    Pi com li

    I . i ilcli it is

    unlii . . i , Ity ul

    i |j and 'I d'. mh pi-tiiltj

    D . Mi llets i hull?


    , uf August L'lst, limited to n,11 i iii .i for letuiii. Bs .ii..! t lie liual III In Si p-

    i .ii .i may b ohl.i i . .1 bj iliny ''.i II

    i Bi IHpn -gstiel Vtl ;>| II 11 i i . |" \

    I ui fee ui lilt j or filrlli

    U .1 Ueiieial Pai

    S. C

    MisaOailoila Mewbern, of K -t n, who ii is been visiting Miss Alice Laug, returiie.l lioiue Wed ut-s.lay i'.'. .ing.

    ^'l^s Hu .la,. Dawson, ol Tar 1)010, wno lias been visiting Miss Ma'.i'e Lawrence, left for Kii.ston Wednesday evening.

    T B. Yiitlle, .a New Voik. gen- .-la. malinger of tbe A. T. ( "..T. .1 v\ all ci. manager of tbe Blcbmoad llittncll of Ihe -niiie ei.mpniy, and .1. P. Taylor, ol llcndersoo, lepie- -emativa ..| the Japanese buyers, pant today on the (ireenvilli- I. - hacco market

    Pi id a), An inc- 11 li.

    It is noticeable ll a; dark comes much sooner.

    \\. s. Oieer, Of Hal inn II-. Hilled on u- tod i\.

    ?!,- Lizzie Higg' r :. in.'l hi-* m...mug from Km- on.

    B. A. Turner wen to II . .1 tbl morning '" |daj ball,

    i- . I', iin kei Idten ,. i, t.i Hoi 1 (In- i t'O i

    ,i. B. Mi ore and .1. H M IOI ,Jr , is. i-. i to 1. II sb ',,- this in II t.ing,

    .',. k (1

    -'J (lien j. ..i Ban T '. " ' o

    its in I..WII a tew day. I.-IUI....I home Iiiui.-dij -\i-ini...-

    M.-S !{,iti. Johnson, ot Be- rlai-d Neck, who I a- bean vt-itiug Mis. K A. Tuckn, lelumed home Ihis morning.

    M.ssA.i.-.- .Vail..-.. f I'.-its- in-iith. who has i"' isiting Wi-a I',, t,.-1'LI t.i . i'-'in ne.I In.me ihis

    in ' .iii. :

    Miss lin hi sic Siivage, whn lias heeu visiting her brother, L. M, S.vage. i.i.ir I r. her home iu l..l>g.,..il Ihi- in.oiiii'g.

    Ms U M. Itnss and children, I K.llelg'.. w tin have bee- Visit lug Mi- liiHieSwin.i.-ii, returned to tit.'ir in.-.n.- I'hursday eveuiog,

    F. I'. r...-|iinn.in, of Henderson, eneral inaiiage; of ihe Home Tel- phoaeCompany, was here today

    to see how the nuprovt uiei.i- oo ii.e local plant ire getting ou.

    Bolnrday, August 12th.

    W. S. Bernard went to Baltimore day.

    Miss Mamie Brinkley went to Stoke- I.,day to visit frieuds.

    Mi-s El.el Lmcolu returned Ihis ui.'i mug liem Mniebead.

    Irs. R. 1-'. Parker,ofGoldsboro, PHiling Mis. B. F. Patrick.

    Wiley I. Brown left Friday evening far a visit in Craven i-ounty.

    W. T. Lipecomb aud son, William, went to Buffalo sprints Friday evening.

    Misses Hardee, of Kiustou, came .rat this morning .to visit Mrs. Wiley Brown.

    Mr. and Mrs. |A. J. Griffin .'ini !! Friday evening frosa

    Allaulic City.

    Mrs. J. G. Moye aud children i.'tuiiii:.I home Friday evening from Morehead and Conetoe.

    William W n it more, of Scotland N'.-ck, who has been visiting E. B. Higg*, iIIi ued home this morning,

    Mr. and Mrs. II MeClellan clor.it-d I-'riday eveuiog from

    Wiluiiiigloii where they bad been io attend the Harvey-Houston marriage.

    Nw Books in Library.

    il.c tallowing men book* have ii'i'ii give., t" the public library .j the Man S...u- Ciah:

    iiuiiiii." ui Maggowao. The Qit . i.'- Qualr" by He-

    , i ,

    I'll.- Prodi ,i! s n" l.y Gains, M-. I,...l\ L.iuhier'' liyTilieu.

    I be Si ,I- lire imer" by Castle. '-Il.inglilei .-l Ni.jn" b\ Waliina. A L.I Idor - I Sw'i.nls" I y I'ar-

    k.r. Meuiiniiite Maid," by Till

    M iiiin. !', M I

    i- HI.

    ! lie i us Vttgi ii- -A

    i (' .II bj Nic|.ol|

    \ w ij. ' n\ llivei hj 11 il per.

    Vr/ le l-'onl,

    .. .- i . i : M ' .


    . i







    jusi i



    la. i . i


    ' I i


    i. I i

    .... Bern I lale.

    .'Iu. tion t nit in


    ,t the . -1 . 111 :

    . II. :i I :


    ' l.l



    ' '


    rtf ar


  • "-

    ' /

    --" - "* ' " 1 "UJ ' ""

    " ,

    Gfc ' YOU** SUPPLIES

    New ! in the way of

    nice iccc-'-.e , Ca ned Go< ds. Pickles, Fruits, Cane it*, Nuts, &c, can be had at

    Dur storr. Wc carry a lar


    OHNSTON BROS. ! i Lash Grocers.

    SHOES Their Children Wear.

    S.:\n >at Whiii sti ll work |



    Try a Pair

    We have been engaged in the business of shoeing the


    and the habit of selling the best and fitting the feet

    properly has grown to be such a fixed custom with us

    that you may feel perfectly safe

    When You Buy Your

    Children's Shoes Here.

    Our stock of children's Slippzrs embraces almost every




    i;,i rtsd firi:, : i

    !.' f.i-,iii.:!in_iy iiiartninp LV*'r\iriinc ' u want s,v.,tti,n, RBB; HPK vsm Sliln.-v I HI l'aetoiu-. n

    Wi laesday, tbe 2nd of Aagunt, tin in i>l L' ii." lie*. I :); able Ii u tj i .ii thai aeclioi* true g\\ei

    I'll ..-.;> .. ..ii n lame lid .

    given bj ihe , iing men at Park, r'* X stuads Words cannot convey .. glimpse oftb. in.i-iy .mil minim.'.--

    ! tin U8| It *a*asafctt uml i

    how < 11 Hisses I'atiie and 8iln>f. the mdal fastidious could oowprabend andii|"-|>r i-i.it;-. and they are fair dmghtera of tit* grand old enmity l of Pitt. Tlie participants ueroMii**| Lanina Mi ore, "f Gritncsland, .Misses IMaiK-ne May., and Maltie Grimes, ol Kthol. Mis- Mary Taylor, vi lar- bore.' Miss Annie Fleming, of House, Miss Until Itarden, of Kdontnn. Mi>< Sophia Jams, oftlreenville, Miss. - BMius and Qeb Daren port, of Speed-

    'Msfity yi nng j^.iil;iiitM were con- stantly on band to pay uourl to the fascinating and beautiful array of of loving Southern womanhood The pleasur, a enjoyed Ivsi.le the refresh* ing beauty "f everything surround in*ihialovely home, conaiated if morning Oermaus, watermelon par- ties, hay riles, em lire parties, light lunches, tou numerous t" mention,

    After the dance and Herman ai Parker'a X Itoada tins gay party returned to Pact 'Ins where a mid- night luoch was served which was attended by a number "f young gallants from Greenville and the community around Pnetolus.

    All hands joined in praise of the ipleador and mauniti.-ence of the Uiaaea Davenport for the many thoughtful and dainty pleasures they had s beautifully and boun- teously prep-ired for their guests Lovely, obarmlng hostshappy, happy guests Bless the dear women. What would the world do without

    ; them?

    supply of the Ber

    USERS." tfi me. i jive the i trial i-nJt r to

    .',. /.OKI.1.1 K. PlllltO- \l list,

    Kb- li.-'l. i';t


    Ol our VICTOR SPRINGS six) one t our OS- lERMOOKE PATENT ELASTIC FELT MAT- TRESSES and if you are not more than satisfied \ve will refund the price.

    Yours tttilv.

    TAP-' & VANDYKE.

    [he oi-curiiy Life and Annuity Company Mutual. Legal Rts-Tve.

    A Home Cdmpany c6fadnTctod on a safe, ecotinniieal basis in the interest of its pnliey holders. Why we enn save you mouey.

    The oldest companies have beeti on a I bar ceuti reaarve basis for many years Hevend of them have recently changed-from a 4 percent baistoa3rs>r cotil or 8f per cent, basis, on. account of a decraase In interest rates. Probably Bo per cout of nil the oul - standing business is uow "it a I per cent reserve, only the new business being on a 8 per cent or 81 .par cent, reserve. Following are the rates "i u tew campaniosoQ the old and new basis:

    Twenty-PajTnent Life. Age 35. C'OMI'ANV

    N"w York Life |-.i|:iitaiil" Penn Mntu il Prude tinl Mutual !':,.'ii; .Etna Mutual U.fo North Western Security l.ife.V \nntiitv

    Or.n RATE NEW RATE \ |Kr et

    >:;."i mi 85 IKI 34 21 .'.I (ii :,:', 97 3i "7 :',:. no :u til 32 tio

    3J per et.

    .'Hi bi


    "I" !?;:s

    :is 87 36 :!ii

    RATE r et. 81 ill LVi


    37 80

    The variation in rates of companies on the same reserve basis is due to difference In the amount added for expenses,

    Every policy is registered and the full legal reserve deposited with the insurance Commissioner.

    F M. HORNADAY, Agent, Greenville, N. C.

    desirable style and shape of the Manufacturers Art, It Is Too Hot To Cook

    suitable for 1Q05 Summer Wear.

    These Slippers are all first class in every respect, and of the best

    And I can save von much of that tronb .

    Send to my store for Nice Craeken, | Assorteil Cakes, Canned Goods mid other tblog* read} to servo*

    Mutter "ii loa every day. Kine pitt county tfaata. Xiee CbDOOiate ramlies. KverythiiiB fresh ami irod all tl i-1

    makes, yet we are offering them at greatly reduced prices---the reason

    is, we are overstocked and don't want to carry them over.

    The opportunity is yours. We will be



    glad to serve you.

    J. B. CHERRY & CO.


    WOOD! WOOD! Drv, Split Pine Wood, eut every length, delivered at jour door. 'Phone No. 138.

    Vioiri- for Imaiaetw,


    - -..

    LANIER & HILLIARD, Greenville, N. C.


    Iron Fencing Sold


    LAUUIIUl From Kinston to Norfolk


    Wednesday and Thu sday August 23 and 24.

    FARE - - $2.00 Cbildre, under 12 years 11.00.

    W. C. KINBS, Agent.

    t:KJiasTraasemilsuki :. most forn I'eartii. : Itt I. . CtC tl ..'.!'

    is the hilly, wo ' : I . arc i a ... :. .. .. and u

    '. i .

    of ap| ... lUlil!

    i '. _: . id) i .. :

    . I -

    I . .......


    If yea Had to Get Yc Mews In the Old Way?


    'i 0V3

    J ' I

    :EP1 - i f c-.r -* t


    .. a


    ' . ii- ri

    It \%







    . :ar. i . \ ij

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    feet i-till ud - e: 1. '..

    b* tt' iuccy :' '' H'-'t at . ..,. j t , - ..-.n u.,

    lira tally; 1

    'You just do I In little >

    !' in less c ir !"

    1..-.M,- : ::. :::.::- to .. .

    rill " ' - I .

    i' i:'. K n : .1

    : . .wi - Jongl ' STf 'M.r;e- N rong? Meaning to

    1 "" " ' ' ': kn id hi .'. ... said.didn"! foil?

    \LibiLlj] \Ji\ rj\ij . Iriii


    To Produce Hiflgfi'GJass (2om* tnereiat Printing.

    HlAory !n T.-...** try. 7: .; -:;:. .,-, .....-::,.': i '. !

    Ka'yefl r il i- |U -. |>'. ' . .. . ! : '',_> on - :i profound N hohir. At sal amokinjf and thinking At last ie f f-,.N ., V,,K1;, ftnd !^l!h^"!^5^i2,B'4,a 'or her sake made ,. fonl of himself

    ,in three dayi!"Cleveland Ix*adqr. von nv 'orrin' or mackerel?"

    LAWYERS, UooMS ,1 and 4 .I.SOQIC T.-mfle Building. We hereby an.iouce tnnt *c bin*

    associate*! with in, in tin prsMltlce >( ,*,.., " j . , ; ft*4,'. (lie Law, Mr, Harry skii.i'.er. .1

    The film name will en i i i,.,v. ,**,,,.,..:.., , , ,.,. :|.,| allllinieuta lofora HKINNER . 'ii' Ii KK, , , . Usw.ar,. Mil..-..i

    January 2nd, lt*

  • W!SWWW~




    Entered in the post ortlee at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter, Advertising rates made knowff upon application. A correspondent desired at every post oltice in l'itt and adjoining counties.


    I .- warden ol Si

    II I ' ":':

    II , :.:...- Hi h'll'll II I'

    The papers state that s ipeciil 'tii of federal court das been called

    ai Greensboro to begin Septembei the lib, and ii is intimated thai t ions will be mattets before the court c icerning the manner of running t ie revenue business in this section. Il isstated, thai certain promi- nent liepublican politicians and

    eholderx are mad al I ii strict At* ' in. v Hoi ton about I he matter and siy lie is in in to "I uat"' the l.'i

    i licun | arty.- VVil esbi l"L II-

    Whether il's a dagger or ..

    N u liis sleeve is i o

    ri'lir to i . i lie -: rai si

    i us is iii ,i we diiln i

    - tiiv parly In "hum ' All il c

    I! 'publican party e had ..

    gi of ; lite bunu mm Hers and

    - who wiiul i -i., '.', i lie hung.

    Hustle ind Grin.

    i slated thai I

    I ir Isin such l.i_.

    ,.i ii.- place in qucsti u

    Wag ,. ii na i ' health, when up n I : the premises was given

    n to have the nnisui ii

    a nli i I'iie -: ",l"1 ' ''''' with gave police that he would linn

    prosecuted every per* n found kill

    ingthi I VVi do I belii >e |. could i-'-nvietion Midi r

    these cir 'iinisianres beforenny cm rt

    in tin state

    It is claimed by the experts tin '

    yellow fever..ia be f. mmunii

    only by the bite of a certain niosqui

    to which lias I'icvi.'. -I; bitten B

    person *ho has the disease, thereto

    transmitting the disease from one i.

    another. This don'l sound right, ami

    we would like for some sulomon ''

    explain where the first case original

    ed from, and what kind of an animal

    or skeeter thai done the first biting.

    Another craze over the supposition

    that pirate Teach liuiiel a lot of

    money and valuables somswhen

    ah ng llie I nnk "f the 1'asqaotanl

    river early in the last century ha*

    broken out among the people of toai

    sect! in, and they have gone to dig

    ging up the country in the hope ol

    finding the treasure. The sami

    amount of digging in a potato paid

    would pay heller.

    rin g ivernmenl department ol

    . - ee lias started nut to make e

    sean king investigation ol the whis-

    key frauds and collusion of revsnw

    offii ials in Western North i brolina

    II the investigation goes to the bot

    i . there will he a shaking uf bones

    among the said officials.

    Ii will always le II 'I v.HI king for the upbuilding

    : i Sreent ill. aud i'i'' county. It's

    nir duty, and when we call attentii n

    u> existing conditions thai are -l-m-

    germts it is with the sainu spirit.

    i is ton lunch ijlth allowed to ii.'cuinula'e and decs) in t e . 1

    ihe 1. tck lots. The gutters along cer-

    t.in si.ii- walks are not properly

    trained and kepVblenned. ft is just

    i- any to keep th.- town clean as ii

    i- filthy. Malaria, typhoid,

    ii.; Inlieria genus, cannjtlive in a

    place th ii is kepi clean and healthy

    ^v hen we think of New Orleans

    -ir are till glader that we live in

    this pait of the Southland, In New 11rleans tile people are either forced

    I i slay it home and run l he risk of

    dying of yellow lever or flee from

    I he place and net shot.

    The difference between a iner-

    haul who advertises and one who

    doesn'i is that the one who advertises

    sells everything, and the one who

    don'l advertise comes very near

    'keeping everything.

    As might have been expected, the

    gold mining scheme engineered by

    i.'.v. W I'. Fife and in which inanv

    S'ortll Carolinians were induced to

    invest, baa been declared insolvent.

    That there are only .".I'.H.IHMI words

    in the English language must be

    mistake, for W. .1 Bryan exceeded

    this number every week .lining his

    e impaign in '96

    i press dispatches say that

    John I). Rockefeller is about to give

    %50,000,000of his wealth toward

    making the University of Ohicagi

    the greatest seat of learning in the

    world. Are we to have an advance

    in the price of oil sufficient to make

    up this donati in?

    Men should lake warning how

    they turn in home late at night. The

    wife of a Royston, Oa , man mistook

    him for a burglar and shot him

    twice, ami in a few hours after the

    shooting she was a widow.

    A strike involving twenty thou

    sand iron workers is on at Cleveland,

    on 1 the result will In- more heavy

    losses from idleness.

    Smile, ami the world smiles with you ' Knock," and you go alone;

    For the cheerful grin Will let you in ,

    Where the kicker is never known, (irowl, mill the way looks dreary,

    Ijiugh. and the path is bright, For a welcome smile Brings sunshine, while

    A frown shuts out the light.

    Sigh, and you attain nothing, Work and the prize is won;

    For the nervy man v* ith backbone can

    liy nothing be undone. Hustle, and fortune awaits you.

    Shirk, and defeal is sun-, F..r there's no chance

    < M deliverance For the chap who can'l endure.

    Sing, and the world's harmonious, i ii umble, and things y i wrong;

    And all the lime \ iu' i. . i i y i II i

    With the busy, bustling throng Kick, and there's Ir uble brewing,

    Whistle, an.I life is gav. And the world's in tuna I .ike a day in June,

    Ai I In ill in. ii awuj . Selectc !

    The Chance of the Season

    The Wrongs o! Vegetable*.

    f theeves i I otal Pulling i In- ears if com i' in p. Ihc hearts nul I trees

    ii the heads of cabbages. I 'ailing the beards out f i* >S| illing the blood of heals Hreakiug the necks . I squashes, skii ring apples. Kidling apples- Sqtiee; ing lemons. Quartering oranges. Threshing wheat. Plugging atermelons. Felling trees an.I piercing I he lurk.

    Scalding celery. Slushing ami jamming sorrnnts. Mutilating hedges. Stripping I ananas. Burning pine note. Horning roots alive.



    "Somebody did golden deed; Somebody proved a friend in need; Somebody sang i beautiful song; Soraebodysmiled the whole day long; Somebody said, ' "lis s.veet to live ' Somebody said, I'm glad to give;' Somebody fought a valian' light; Somebody lived to shield the right.

    Was that somebody von?"

    to obtain high-class merchant tailoring, equal to the swell- est New York tailor's work, right here in town at reason-

    able cost!

    We shall hold an exhibition of Fall and Winter Styles and Fabrics, at our store, on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, August 14, 15 and 16.

    These are in almost endless variety and come from the famous Wholesale Tailoring House of Schloss Bros. 5 Co., of Baltimore S New York.

    This grand array of stylish patterns will be in charge of an expert (utter and Fitter (from the above-named house i who is an authority upon all matters pertaining to Correct Dress for Men and the most appropriate style.

    You would do well to consult him, even if you do not

    intend to buy, as there is no better way of keeping in touch with the coming fashions.

    If desired, he will take your measure and order your selection made up by Schloss Bros. & Co. Besides the cer- tainty of fit, quality and style, every one of their garments has that clean-cut look of finish and distinction that only the best of metropolitan tailors can produce.

    I have arranged for the Cutter to bring the garments back basted up and have them fitted to the customer be- fore finishing.

    The prices asked are not high,-~S20 to $35 will pay for an excelent Suit or Overcoat.

    Don't forget the date,Mon. Tues. S Wed. 14, 15,16


    Tobacco should be High

    We are free front a political cam

    paign iu North < arolina this year,

    hut on both sides of us, in Virginia

    aud South (.'arolina, I hey are keep

    ing things interesting.

    A man in ( inciiinati choked him-

    self to death with a pair of trousers

    just to show his wife he could wear

    them around his neck if nowhere

    elsewe suppose.

    Those oitiea like Philadelphia

    which v-te so many dead men may

    use the same method in making up

    their census returns.

    Portsmouth iB fortunate in the

    advertising "I'" will get out of the

    peac conference.

    F.xoert Snow has announced that be believed the whoat crop would be fully 725,iMXt,tlOO bushels. This is I70,0U0,0"0 more than last year. In' addition to this Canada ill have a crop of 70,000,000 Thus the world 1 can count on almost KOO,000,(IOU bushels of wheat in North America This will be the greatest crop in the liisiory of the continent. In 1901 the wheui crop iii the United States was 748,0(10 ODD, but Canada pro- duced a vcrv small crop.

    Corn ids.. promises to make a rc..rd l his year, some estimates put ting the yield at i,880,OO0,OO0 bushels when harvested.

    The cotton crop is menaced by disaster. Private reports from the South are so bad that they are being withheld from publication until large operators can take their posi- lions in the maiket. The present heaviness of the coUou market is admitted by most observers to be manipulated in the interests of Operators who have sold out and want to accumulate a line of long contracts. Some reports place the total yield for the year as low as '.i.nOO.OOO bales, hut bjsitatt loniake the announcement publicly, lest it be considered loo sensational.

    M _1 _

    They are after Mr. Simmons again. The Charlotte Observer tells of a man who thinks the senior senator is a dead weight to the Democratic party and that bis leadership should be ended SI speedily as possible. However, it is notable that the gen- tleman didn't permit his naino to be mentioned and this is not at all to his credit, whoever l- nay 1 > Nor is Mr. Simmons likely to he dam- aged much 1 iy the criticism .if men wh'i decline to make known their identity Greensboro Telegram

    II the law of supply and demand works even half way this year tobac co ought lo bring a big price. I'be crop last year was fully inii-ly mil- lion pounds short and the crop this year will not exceed thai ol last year, taken as a whole. The Southern Tobacco Journal says thai 'while there is an increase in acreage, from the best information at haud the acreage production will fall consid- erably below that of last year." It adds:

    "A prominent warehouseman on a large bright market told US a few days ago that lie had traveled I brongh the better portion of the eastern tobacco sections, and that he .is satisfied thai th tmberof pounds produced this year would full far short of last year's production. He told us thai the weed had plenty of color, but was Ihin and papery.

    'As to the conditions in the old belle, they arc in some sections more encouraging. In Uockingliam, lieu ry. Stokes, Gullford, Durham, Uran- ville. and other North ("arolina tobacco producing counties, the crop lot ks well, much better than a year ago. This is especially true as to the counties in Piedmont North Carolina and Virginia. If good seasons continue, we may look for an exceedingly good crop of chewing goods.

    "!iut summing up the entire situ- ation, we can say without hesitation that this crop should bring good prices."

    The demand for tobacco this year is great, particularly (or the bright, and prices should rule high. Ral- eigh News and Observer.

    Hardware. For C aok Stoves Ranges,

    heaters Pumps, (inns, Am-

    munition, One and Two Horse

    Steel Plows, fleat Cutters and

    Stuffers. In fact anything

    in Hardware come to


    The story is going the rounds that i a'- B recent district conference, bold ' in Buncombe county, a brother! arose and staled that the morals of. his community had greatly improved t within the year. Doing asked for the reason for this marked iuipiove- ment the minister said, "Well, the reason for our people becoming more moral is due lo the fact that .ludge Shaw held court there last year." A better reason would be that "our people'' arc scared rather than mor- al. Judge Shaw is a fine judge und he can and docs bridle the leopard, but cannot change his spots,Char- ity and Children.

    We could never understand why 'counties that do not feel .,l I.- to ' build a mile of ticod road can give railroads thousands uuoii thousands of dollars Durham Hernld.

    The United States export annual- ly to (iermauy about 180,001,000 of j provisions, mostly lard and oleomar- gerlne. Germany's now tariff in- i creases the tax on these products! sixteen per cent, and ou illuininat-1 in-,-i'. of wliich we spud Qerntany s ,", ill.n.iMlii a year, the lax has been ;

    increased from tia cents lo .S I 08 per hundred weight There is s kick over here but Germany is feeding us out of our own tariff spoon., Wilmington Star.

    There is noway to head ihc peo- ple off "hen tbew want lo do u tiling had enough and have the courage. The ccnslitulion says United Stales senators shall be elected by the leg- islature, yet a number of states have practically nullified the law by the adoption of the primary. Virginia will setth her eenatorahip iu this way, while Senator Simmons in this state was chosen in the same way. I if course there is nothing to prevent a legislature from overriding the expressed wishes of the people, but it will never bo done.Greensboro Record.

    Our old friend. Wu Ting Fang, is said to have been commissioned by the 1'ekin court for the task of forc- ing this country to a fair course of treatment of Chinese subjects. The childlike Mr. Wu knows us well, and how to pinch where it will hurt us the worse. Hulialo Courier.


    People who favor the open saloon have uo right to say a word about the moral question involved in the running of a dispensary.Durham Herald.


    WINTERVILLE DEPARTflENT This department is in ch-rgeof who is authorized to rep-

    resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.


    Hisa Dora 0i is visiting icla- tive-siu thecouuiiy tbis week.

    Hig Hoe of hals and cape just receive)!, litest styles. Harrington, Bat Her & Co.

    kiss Clarissa Johnson ind little btother, Leslie, who have oeeu visiting their iii>cl*,J K Johnson, left yesterday to visit friends ami

    Mr*. Etuest Manning, vim has The Greatest Reduction been visiting at tbe home of Samuel Manning, came home Tuilisdl}.

    Allcilors of paint, ami jellow oachre at Harrington Barber ft Co.

    Mrs. l-'.velyii Cox went out in the country to ln-r old borne Thurs- day alteruoon.

    Livery and fee! stables, bugsy whips and ttprt-atls. W. L. House.

    in Dress Goods Known.

    Poplin Do Sole was 85c (or 19c Suiting that was -'>(, now 1 1c Hamburg:that was 8c, now :;our suf misery, and cnahlc him to cat whatever he 'wishes. They prevent

    SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour- ish the body, K'VV keen appetite,

    DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscie. Elegantly su>jar coated. - , ^

    Takt; No Substitute.

    ARNOLD'S BALSAM Htarranlsd to CURE.

    Cholera Morbus By

    Jno. L. Woolen lid Coward fWooten


    The Way H Ruled the Ciurch of Which He Was Seton.

    Sonic half a century or MI ago William Townc wan sexton ol a church in the old'town of Cliarlton, Mi-. He had II j .-' ap] n uf ihe dignity of hi- position, and -" potrcrfu] was hi- pvrsunulity thai the people generally tool! kirn ;..- seriously a.- he took himself.

    His rule as more rigid than that of the minister, und the boy or : who BO much as changed counte- nance ill Church lime fell ill], the for;e of In- indignation later. From In- position in the right IIUIM rear corner, under the last window on thai tide, he could see everything thai happened, and even the elders of the congregation .-.it under pi n- sJly ol reprimand or ejection.

    In those days, the Spi i publican says, "Comical Brown" used lo visit Cliarlton even year and give a concert. One year the town hull had been burned,Jind he hud lo give Ii;- entertainment in the church of which Townc via- sexto .

    Tl t irh_j II- i and I lie humorist i ri< ! lo lie funny, hut in vain. 11;-.-;: _ ' nul made

    ...'.. ,: N'ohod i;d. He could in ill, I II lie

    Ti lie at his p rw rcsli i ou

    Bill and his i loi -. i : ir

    ihc i-iii- rti lun mill -1 tin i, : "Vo:i

    line ti - ii i

    "i nine a.vain '-"

    PAVING THE WAY. The rule we have esUblishe of no! c-irryifij*

    goods from one season to another is strictly business. When prices take a dip L low the cost mark they almost spe^k. The ecoiv my ol supplying your every want is warranted in the offerings and in the prices that are within easy

    reachto investigate is to be convinced.

    Two more weeks -o s?il summer goods tl comes fall.

    Absolutely a Change.

    ] I if 1 I i fur me '

    bod, -" or iirh I'M ll "

    1 : id! !.. !" ' T "I' e to : '>!!!! Til i !"' Vi i

    il I've been PC .' church nigh on lo ll i1'.' ii ir . a: I lliet 'vc never do el'"


    Millinery for the Seashore iTf Mnntit^inS.

    H. . ' i .- : DU , ' cm, I

    Shi' i v ,. I . i' ii I - : : an _' i- i 'i ' - . n ;

    Shirt Waists Collars. ... .. i -,'., ,

    und - ' ir.i, fiii'iIi -- . ; ir II :i 1">

    Coriset Specialti . ,o ii iVH : ; " - ".I '"

    : & ii. & ' B 'I ' -"' ., IT lie loj! III

    wliic!) w :> ing ti Silks.

    A wile of Bilkn. T "> ,J;. fr ||;.. ..-.:is..il, ll 1 'dlH

    Gents Furnlskin^s. *\."\.-sl III ||l^..|'v . .-:i r

    ' ll, I :'.: CIS! 1--. i;.-iv- r club ties a ; f'-ii ii

    ii d. nei . ''-' ii 3 . c

    I-'iur-i'iy Li - :. nh PIIO 1

    H ;.. , - ."'C

    Mi it's half ' id

    Negligee Shirts. i i- n | u ..;:-.. JI-I-' .

    -hiits in " I'T ;

    I fi- ;.- ' :

    , - 111

    \e-nr. ago my he+lt'i i 1 W.IH completrh nul my IIIO.MI I'OI i;

    I fcnn'xred with II dftr*ren( lwris ni

    mv Ii 'ilv, so ev te mat 1 could mil lie in AI y p sii.ioii 1'ini; at n lime. und in a nvqiience of this I did not kiio'v wh it it was to cet a gord ni-ihiV resi. I had been ta'dni; iiilTire ii mad cines lor the tronh e

    ' I family, line for stocka perfectly lor ihree >>ai-, but got BO leUel, ' balanced, snlvcutaoeous courier T,,e",.r ,h",,,K* l' ""'* ''.v Mrs.

    - .HIM I ersiin s l.-uneilv. I had - >, initunt. hot sale by fo|tn , ,t ,, , BTlMug ,,Ue tot hl} ]

    It. T. Cox & BIO. 0Mgl tint I thought it weuld be -i Have now on hand nice line Of cbsnge. The third nigbt aftei 1

    gblN ami crockery wa'e, a'l very ,f,n* '" 'U">t the lirst good fc, ., . ' ,, , .. r> ni'-li'V si.-.. 1 bad hoi in i!"'nv cheap. Harriugtou Barber* Oo moB4h$ r became nopstnl. The

    Don'l yonr eyes feel like there Remedy relieved thi> terrible paiu> lairrlt in theml Do Ihe-y pain you I had been ufferinx from m loaf,

    , - , . . j . r and lieiuir able lo sleep well in and fed tired on reading! Do ," T , ' .... .t night, I soon began to feel like a

    they become mattered snd adhere liew ,nan wvyoetite began to while asleepl That [denotes im- improve. I begin to Iml'd up in paired vision and should be rein eveiy respeot. Ioontiu ed Its OSS edied by wearing eye glares. B. a"til I rook about three doz n hit- T. Cox and Bio. carry a full line of tlea- wh^n ' i;,' ew 1 w?" a we"

    man. I lime b -e cured foul j ears, spectacles ami can ht your eyes Bllve never felt those paint since, with Ihe proper lers. and am now a perfectly health)

    Nice lot of glass ware and crock. u'un, no'' >,ave l ever needed any . , D !....._ ot the Itemed* sinee-

    ery always on band. Harrington \\ . K GKlh'KIN. Barber it Co. Fort .Mill, 8. O., 8ept 26, lflO.'i.

    Ueduciion sales made on Iwhite goods and voil.B. O. Cnapuian A Wtrning to Mothers. * Co. Too much care cannot he used

    Farmers who raise their hay can with small childreu during the hoi

    People Who Vanish. Ai IOI ji the i". iodic ivavi which

    strike our pronl cenlcrs there i- none so Btrange as thai of mysteri- ous disappearances. Such :i -i^ >eliii- it.- victims from all daw*, ages. Men. women and children are impartially its prey. Sometimes the absentees return in a dazed condi- tion unable to tell of their where- abouts. Others present ii mystery darker still, for they never return

    ; and are no more heard of. I'oul I play, a erased fever for wandering, I premeditated flight, are culled lo ac- count us causes, hui some of these mysteries have neither apparent cause nor end. It is a queer und weird feature of our modern life thai iln-e mysterious disappear- ances can so easily lake place und their subjects bo neither traced nor recovered in spile of our crowded civilization. Hut perhaps it is be- cause of it.

    known weather of the summer mouths to lie supplied with the well ,. , . , , guard Bgalnet bowel troubles. As

    Oshorne Mowing machines and a rllle it lb (,,y Be**arj to give rakes ly HariitigtonJBarbcr & Co. tne 0htld a doss of cmtor oil to cor call and see them. I reef any disorder of the bowels,

    w-eheveou hand a lot of nice J>o noi use any sub.i.ute but give ibe oldfashioned castor oil, and set

    gents straw hats that will now go |nHt js freB|)j as |]lll(,1(, ol| ||;ius. below CMt. Don't fail to see them. pMtes and has a tendency to gripe. We will sell you at some price. If it does not c:;eck the bowels give k. O. Chapman ft Co. Chamberlain's Oolio, Coolers and

    i i... . Diarrhoea Bemedy and then a dose There is no reason why I itt Co. of ca8tor oil, ami the disease may-

    farmers should have to pay such be cheeked in its Incipienoy und high prices for their flour, they all danger avoided- The castor oil can raise their own wheat aud the "d "his remedy should be p o- .. , . ,,r .. - ,. __,i cured at once and kept ready lot Winterville Mfg. lo. 8 thoroughly {mtMt ^ M|O0DW

    Ptn, ^ ,.

    equipped jtor hnakiog splendid UuUon of any bowel trouble ap- Hour I pears. This is the most successful

    .Vhen iu need of anything In jtoen* known ami may be re- ! lied upon with implicit couhdeuce even iu cases of cholera iufaiittun.

    The Soft Answer.

    "Madam," said the tramp as a middle aged woman came to the door in answer to his knock, "would you give a poor man a bite to cat ?"

    "Why," Fhe replied, "you arc cer- tainly able lo earn a living. You don't look very old."

    ''Looks are often very deceitful, lady," answered the hungry hobo. "Why, I'm old enough to be your grandfather."

    And a moment later he had his feel under the kitchen table, and nothing she hud in the pantry was too good fir him.

    colors tic \ l!

    Fer sale by Jno. L. Woolen, drug- gist.t

    the crockery and glass ware' line be sure to see us before buying. B. 0. Chapman 40o.

    White's Colic und Kiduey Cure, ,, ... i- ; Nothing! on Ihe Market Equal to Cham

    the combination kidney medicine -J^s Chalk. ClWlsrVsml Dlar for stock and a sure colic cure. rnea nemedy

    at the Drug Store | Thjs fftct,, we kn()Wn ,o (lruR We carry samjiies of over live g(||g everywhere, and nine out of

    hundred stylet of wall paper, ten will give iheir oualoinen this We are prepared to furnish you as preparation when Ihe o.st is asked

    , ,. . ., .., ,,' for. Mi. Obe W itiner, a promineiil ehensH the cheapest, tome ami -,,,.,., f .I(11(lin. M *in n d, ex 'im- |.l. Iiuylni." l-ewheip.

    B T.Ooi i Bi".

    F.r b-'i'dware and mill siippliee uiid i lo- is ii it': i: in > ' '. ' ttoe W. L, House, will be nerving foi MAI ml >earn "Hew Bra" paint, guaranteed

    For hay, c.'i'i l '. go li the lies'at Harriugtou Barber & Harnugtou Barber A Co. Co.

    |" i' -i i.. l.*s ell- I 11 |S III' ' -_ " . |...

    Way Of |l.'-ei. equal" rhiinl ! 11 Ml"l I >l I'I ll' bowel C'lin.i'

    ,.-,,. ii'l'v-. i IHI-I III ..

    wliiel ' ll lie, Oil

    l.'eiii.ilv f.l rt e ... II u ,

    Improbability's Limit

    "51 v boy." said I lie publisher as the author approached with a bun- dle of manuscript, "don't lake up my time unless you have something new and wildly improbable. Imnroh- sbilitj is what the public rants."

    "And I've got it," declared the au- thor triumphantly. "My hero earns a million dollars writing poetry."

    Speechless from joy, the happy publisher fell upon his neck and wept silent but none Ihc less real tears.Philadelphia Bulletin.

    Where Goneral Butler Drew the LlM. (in one occasion when in con-

    gress Uuneral Benjamin P. Butlei rose in his place ami intimated that the member a/ho occupied the floor was transgressing the limits of de- bate.

    "Why. general," said ihe member reproachfully, "you divided your time with me."

    "I know 1 did." rejoined Butler grimly, "bid 1 didn't divide eternity with you!"- Boston Herald

    Plain 'i- chiefs, worth IB and 80o, cle u up at loc each

    Baby Gaps. Baby caps worth loc, Iflr

    JIHI 26c clean op at Be and loc

    Umbrellas. Ladle's and Qentletnens Um

    brellas, steel rods und black Gingham top, full 86 in h 25t

    Meiritnuck Prints tin* ln*-i kink, (dean ap at 4c yd

    Regular values in towels, clean up sale 5o, loo and Ifio

    Mill End Sale of Table- Dam- ask Boo and Too goods, clean up at 41c

    Shoes. All low cut shoes to go. I Bo in white canvas all sizes

    !ean ap at 1 ,-" IBo in black and tan, clean

    up at 146 Joo in black ami tan clean

    up at 1.78 86a in Patent leather and

    tan clean up at 2,oo

    Lucas ati'1 Embroideries to go at J and i price

    Corset Covers. 86c clean op al Ofic clean up at

    India Lawns. In inches wide good qua

    clean up at

    Ladie's and Misses Hose. Tans Black ami White

    special clean up a! 18Jc pi All goods first class or money


    i i-

    ."' ' :,:,,:

    ii ..nd

    I 8.1, c . ip 890

    i ia 1 in liii'-ii and 1,28

    -miei- t-Ue 26o kind clean np price 9c

    Men's Low cut Shoes i'.\f ids :in. ii ii hers. Kii

    -vi c-ilf, I'.neii- (rjiif nd ' i Kid Oxfords and Bluchers all jive>> good-byo prices

    Banisters B.oo oxlords -I.LO Konviri Bbape 8-6o '2.So R & II Special 2 5o 2.00

    Men's Straw Hats. Mtui'e straw hot- in sailors

    end Pull.IMIII -iii,"- : .!-.. Ii^. a kliifei! i. T" n-ii; ll Ii .- :ir hats yet

    Clothing that is Labeled.

    III. WOOl sec. e s|

    I the S-l'(i

    12.00 -cial 3.88

    ill eSS

    .B'gsga Dmatic


    lecoiiiiu.-inl On- i.i-|n i.'i.iii." Kin sab by Jno. 1.. Woolen, druggist. \

    Compensation Everywhere.

    "Strange hov nature c-'iunh^ce all things." siinl ihe philosopher. "Nothing i- loii in nsture. whst may bo lacking here is given two- fold there."

    "How olxitil ;!'.' loan of uleon?" remarked I hi iinvcli I.

    "Juel th. pnii" 1 wa* Roing lo mention. Tlic deep lost nvi r the irrii:ii,; of novcU is ficqiientlj gain- ed hv those who attempt to read them."



    'y lie

    "K F K" !. F P" "

  • '.



    Can Yo

    I'iU ininl*. Jo Sunn-tor < *>art.

    : .,:, ..! Farmi i te?

    SOUTHERN RAILWAYS Ool'STY OKKI0B8. Coanniisalonr-rsJ. J. Klks. (-Lainuini. w. H. H..I. Extremely lowr Rates are


    i u Bpier, .1. It. HIM yn. s. M. ,) .

    '. I .... : - ...

    U.i . I ll \ i

    NEW MAN it thj Old Stand.

    I have pi.ri'DHuwtil i be *'' k "I QBOCERIEManil mi-diieasnl VV. J. Thigpsnand will carry on nebo* ini'ss at bis "lil stand on Five Points.

    I will mill to the due'- II imetlhi demands of the trade and will at ill times rany nouuplci in .- of

    Heavy and hanc Groceries. Fruit-, OonfeotioBarlMi Ti bacco, Cigars, etc.

    Call on me when yon want the best Qroceriei lot the lowest price ii which they can be lold.

    J. J. TURNAGE The Pive Points Grocer.

    HI . . ' .

    II i . ' . . i" I

    . . I ill- till

    ,, I rill . J. A \1

    N.i , i - '


    a' In rtiiiHi .H ' . ii'. >

    V (TICK OF DISSOLUTION. Thefirm of Tunsiell a Smith >

    - ilvrd iiv mutual consent on June 1st. lUOS, l". i>. Tiinstall (lurcliaaing ihe Inien -i ol W. J. Smith in the hue- Inen. !-. i'- Tunitall mmei all liabllititii HI the ttrm ami all amouati due the Urm mult "paid to btm,

    Thla Jul) -.-in. 1906. {,. D.Tuasta I, W. J. Smith.

    COBB BROS. S CO. Norfolk, V*.

    Oottou Buyers and Broken in tji.ickh. Cotton, Grain and Provis- os.. Private W ires to New York

    Ci.icago and Nw Orleaai.

    i ... i, i..,i ut ahuvi urn . it an.ii'linii ilitled IIIKHI

    II i in .. in.- ii in I'll' ail pel ." . I : '.II II.li.lv Ill aill :i li I

    ,i I- ,.i|(i illvoii'e hum ^aiil iiiii ii LIIHII il i! _! uuml ni ah ' i .i . : l.i . mill II .. a iI i:.!..|lii:.l 1

    I I:I. -i ;il.i mil lee linn In i n - |4 n-i i . ,,.; ,-iir ,u the in:., iiriii "I

    s inerlor eourl "I I'ltl i' >uul > to . In lii :ii the conit hou ubuoKa

    will.mi! notice. T, H. MYKHS, Agent, Waabiog-

    ton, N.C. .1. J. CHERBT, Agau!, Oreati-

    Vllle, N. C. I'. V. Ill 1'liINS, Ccncial T, lllid

    i*. Agent, Norfolk, Vt,



    ' >


    - : rt

    REP ri : '

    IT1E BANK : IB'iN (;t- i.! '.:... C

    if Tilt COSE - iA\ 29ih, './


    LMHUMIMHI iMBOoitnl* ilft2.lM.-ia i\, diwiif, >-enured fl .s">7 7

    II,, rilrufla, i.iisi.-iiii.1 -*."-"* i i.i i,-. eon i it lea, elo. a,'-1". 00 I m ,'.: no *: I i\ I.I-I- Sid! . ' All Othei ie.iles!..!i- 1100.(10

    in- ii ,i BaiiMf B9,lft.'1.07 CaahiteO* 1,109.84 (iold Coin 8,468 CO Mhei Coin 8,863 Hi N"in'll>k rioihirli'rlnole- 8,871.00


    Central Academy! REV. M W HESTEh, Principal.

    PROF W- M HINTON, Associate Prln- A Christian home and High

    School for boys and youiul men Splendidly located in Warren

    county, one mile from depot, im- mediately on S, A. L., road in a beautiful grove of 12 or lo acres, on a tiOO acre farm.

    For further information ad- dress the Principal or Associate Prinoepal, Littleton, N. O.


    Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets k Buiy tttdioia, for Buy ropla

    Brlu^ OoUos HMIHI nl BSWM .ip. A nf^-'Pn f.,r f..n.lip.il.'.n. In-I'ird-llou. !.n'

    n- ; is In.-v 'I',.HI I.l,.s. l-liii|,l.. V. .-rm i. I'lipnr - Uli.l. Bu.1 Un.ulli. Siu-.-isli Ho - ll.-a.lK. ', .mil ).,.-k,MII.. ICK Hnokr Mii.btMi.i l-i ID lit. l-l form. Xt owl, IHI*. O.-iiiii-i" made t. Uis.i.irriK riicii C.Mrsv, Mi,.li.i. !V|<


    A Living Monument.

    If we were to assemble all those who have been cured f head disease by l*r. Miles' Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their gravea had not Dr. Miles' been .suw.-iful in perfecting this wonderful heftrl specific, they would pop- ulate a large city.

    What a remarkable record a breathing, thlflldng, moving monument, composed o( human lives.that for which every other earthly possession is sac- rificed.

    The Miles Medical Co. re- ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following:

    '( f-l Indebted to ihn Dr. Mllwr" Ileurt cure fur my life. I tlculro t. esU tin- alii tilioti nf others nirferlns- a. f ill.I In II,is riiiiiirkiilile reim-ily fiir th. In.in For ,. IUIIK time I hud niffered from shortni, of l.t. :ili sftsf ny hull ex-itiiin. |..ti|iitnU'..i >t Hi,- heart. and t Urn. s tcrripl. nain In the leKlon nf Hi., heart, so rterfnu* that 1 feared thut 1 would MUM time the beat nlnij knowledge ,:nl beliof .lAMKS I.. Ll'i'TLK. Uaabicii

    Siibiiiribud and sworn to belon an. UiiaTth ilnv of June, 1908

    J.U. TYSON. Notury I'ublic.

    Correct Attest : .1. 0. MOYfc, .1 A AMUKKW.S. It. W.KINtl.


    Littleton Female College Splendid locution. Health resort Over 200 boarding

    pupils last year. High grade rteeuth annual assaln liegins Hvptsanber -1, lOOt, I',, MOUN * .-,- I in the dormitories, a I lreo-luiti.nl .- ||>l>i- i - should be made before JuW 16. Oorrespondene* Invited from those dealrl n .-innpe- leutWaebert and stenographers POT oatalng sad oth- rlnfo.m>lon, addrea


    -- ..Killml. ' mmm

    ftnr Mv.-irj,*. *wtfipyiiw$f


    ? *"

    J- M. BLOW. Manager and Authorised Agent.

    * *. * AYDSN, N. C. -as. - ^.

    ) AVDK.S, N. C , An". II, 1866.

    "ii. vbai happy ti wc child- ren .lie having. The men\ go* roniiil i~ beta anil the old bilks - ga> as links, and the ciuiis unto laketh in the shekelh. Its a uooil oh! time nil ;n on ml.

    As anttiorttad aaaol for DAJI.Y :,I,'IK >'"' eomplled ith

    Yesleriiay a IsOgrO inline. WiliiHHis, elairaiog to lien con doctor, wool Into thaaitire I,I y Barwirk u|M'f their presence sell here will pmve lieat for ibeii whereabouts ia the future. Oui people me lint neeiistiilili-d t" aueli and do mil profMisC to iMenme an

    If you need anything in ihe ; of Crockery, Tin orGrey stone wan Come to Bee u, Hart fi Jeuklne.

    .1. a>n't fail to see Cauuon ft Ty son'a new crockery both plain ami decorated. Prices are cheaper than forryerly.

    the negro cauglil up the bundles .inil i.ii: n-.ii\ led aayiagj "i will be back ami sit He In a iniinile " Thin i the last teen

    here of the gentleman ol rations, bo lett nil |In- (rain ut ome. I'hoiie messages to atop thief wen - id W iiitcryille. (ireenville linn Oik City, but to no avail. X.. ilnuot ibetoodiK-tor enjoyed his supp.r lust tvening. Barriogtou ihe clerk Ins., i.-elmg akin u- .. IICIIUSS as his employer is uliscnt.

    laid lea ini-sesnml children black Mo unit while slippers idl siz. s at I. K Sinilli & lb..

    Hisses Lulu and Nora Smilh. returned from a visit to Parma e Baon't forget that Oanaos It rys.iii can supply null wants in dmuel aoythiog in furniture.

    We keep Funiituie, Mattresses. 111,1 -sl us, Cook Stoves, Kat.\ Bradlea, tic, up stairs.-Cannon I >

    hay, oats, ship stuff, sheet brand, buttoo seed hulls and meal on bund. Cannon A Tyson.

    Those art squares, I'Ugs&c. that CaanOB & TjBoOhaveJoSI received are beauties.

    BrickJ. A. Griffin has first class brick for aul* and is burning new kilns constantly. WheB in need of l.iick see him or aiin- Ayden, X. C.

    Oranges, apples, bananas and all fruits kept by Hi W| & McLaw- bi II ii.

    Uannondl Tyson are guilty of soiling their pieity enuioel- bed steads cheap. They are daisies.

    Those Royal Feii Mattresses thai Cannon & Tynon haudle are thetqiial of anyone the market,

    We will beginning on Wednes- day June lUst oiler for cash our entire stock of clothing, dry goods notion*, sliues hats ftp, at prices before unheard of in the town of Ayden, Our stock is too large and we take this means of redueing same. We have just gotten a urge lot plaids thai we are run-

    ning ut 4e per yard, white sheet-

    ' i


    | m fJMwr


    .-// the close of busint sa . \fuy .'.v, ,v, 1906.

    Central Barber Shop. hdmond & Fleming, Props.

    bin ..lei' i nii .i .... .i.


    Leans and Discounta,': %tt, K (I | i

    h A) (leu graded school tlio i lowing were selected from many I '"KK :"'' p{'r vm

  • wm "^" ' i. J..4W ** ,-.'11**1


    SHELVEKDINE, N. 0. Aug. 12.

    r. (i. W'I ... I< fl tlihj aon Itg f, Oty. K. ' ,M!

    v, u.otnei i i"-': i"'" Hon. Geo. rJ >' " '1,MV1"-

    w .i tag H li-,r,Xl """' oroand other point* of Wtere.1 WBerobewulepeudhia vacation

    S. l\ Max.- -Li '< f'" '" bowe in Drum Hill hi-t ' ''l"u-

    A. I., Brock ami family return ,-,i i me i in- evening f.vn

    Williauiston. O li Csluouo spool Nitui'.Hj

    MdMi !.. Hnl.r.S

    xv I ,,,... |M relumed i" -,,. ui home ii

    - fflUittiM*?"*. ~ ^*T!^S&9*r*. '

    Wsteh the Future.

    Wttn GreeuvilJp, Wintervill. and Ayden all having elrr-trit plant*, why not predict lliat IhaM to* i"- ill eie long becouoectoribj

    iIOIIJ rand It would be u Bm chit-g for all three of these g <

    tW 118.

    :ki> i \ ei i>


    Oiave- M > ^ las-, was unable to till eDgagmeni thereby disappointing a Bie" mauy people who erne tor th. morning service. The Rev. ML Stanfield, who MM his regulai appointment In the evening, preached an excellent sermon.

    Sidney Spain and children havi left for their home iu Tarhoro attti pendingseveral days with friends aroun-' Shelnierdine.

    Prauk T. Pulley, the eftifien. chief of Tarboro'i police force, ha been spending several days with

    his brother, Rotieit Pulley, oi

    Jackson avenue. Miss Minnie HoUM and sistel

    left f--r theii- home near I (mist this moroiug accompanied l>v tbeii

    friend, Miss Isabelle Oakley, of Sbeltuerdiue.

    Mrs, X T. 8'okes, who w repotted ill at our last writing, has been aide to i turn horn. accoiup, 'i bj li w er. Mis-- Choouee Alien.

    Miss I'll Hr ell, of Wi l> i auil Mfe-i A nl Pi Hock, ol Km Ston, spe.tt Tnin-iiiv uighl n th< houn- ill their uueie, Ion H. 11


    Judge ^> ai'ei A. Bobbitl leave- next week via the steam Oceanii ol the Bed Star Line for tw< joiiliis trip to Europe.

    K. i rviiffln broke all prevlou- record), for the hall mile ou thi o make speed wanted him to ride a bicycle. The union by-law was called up. Mr. Albright insisted t 'at be had a righl to make the re* \HH>I and enforce it. and seven mi n

    ^uii work and walked out. The reason for the regulation prohibiting the plumbers" riding a bicycle is not given, but it is supposed thai any thing that will harry work along is objected to.Stateaville Landmark.


    e. T. MUNFORUS Gigantic

    Sensational Marvel Sale. ITWTIH

    The preliminary report of Com- missioner Yerkea, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, shows that the re- ceipts from all internal revenue sources during the year ended June 80, 1!'5, amounted to $834,187,- 075, an increase as compared with the fiscal year 1904 of $1,284,195. The expenses of collection are shown to have been approximately $4,693,- 39, The following shows an in-

    crease over 1904 as follows: Spirits, $135,9(8,513, increase

    $148,497; tobacco, $45,659,910 in- craaae $1,004,101; fermented liquors, $50,360,553, increase $1, 277,(94. oleomargarine. $605,478, increase 0121,381; adulterated but' ter. $3,938, increase $8,028.

    Fxclamations of Surprise, Delight and Satisfaction and Lauditory of iho Bin >iii Offered Were Ex-pressed on all Sides by the Thousands who Have Attended the Preceding Days of This SALE


    To-morrow will be a Red Letter Day The Merchantile Magnet will again draw the Crowd when Bargains are Best and Biggest. Come early for

    the Work of a Million Hands will melt away beforethe Power of the low PRICIS like the dew berore the Mid-

    day Sun. Anything you buy is Bargain, The Wreckage of Values is complete. It will Pay You to make Your Parohaae

    tor both present and future needs. Judge our Sincerity by the Prices Quoted Below.

    Those Virginia Republicans un-

    lotibtedly haven't much chance, or

    else they would not be promising so


    They Appeil to Our Sympalhits.

    The bttlotU and dyspeptic an constant sufferers and appeil \- our sympathies. Therein not one o' them, however, who mav nol he brought back tO health and happi- ness by the use.f Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. These tablets invigorate the Stomach nmi livei and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the bowels. For sale'by Jut. L. Woolen, druggiat.t

    There i> no way to maintain the health and strength ol mind ami body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish c\cpt through the stomach. The stomach must he kept healthy, pure and w*et or the strength will let dowi mil disease will set np No apjv lire, loss of strength; oervou*neg b< ndache, eonstipatiuu, nan breath -..nr lisiiii:. rifting, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles that ate curable are quickly cared tiy the use of Kndo1 Dyspepsia 1 air. & M iiy John I.. W< otn, druggist.

    A Big line ol matting all is IU- olnded In tbogtsatcutpnee salo.

    1,WK yds. good yard wide bleaching must go In this sale oc

    25 large size mochet Rugs go- ingat f

    5,01X1 vds. ^c Hamburg speeial value at* this price, this sale 4c

    3,01 K) yds regular Be Checked Homespun must go at

    2,tXXJ yds Best 7e. Apron check gingham while it lasts M

    Special value and cut prices in lawns

    A nice We Umbrella only 88c .1. Clark's Cotton in this sale -c Furniture must go, all prices

    cut fin this sale.

    Wash Fabrics. Words lack force to express the

    importance of these clearance prices.

    India Linens: sale price India Linens, worth 20c

    sale price Check Dimities, values up

    to 28c; saie price BOc Wash ChiffonsWere

    considered excellent val lies at 60c; sale price oOC

    Silk and Velvets. A Hurry in silks that will prove

    an Interesting topic. Black yard wide tafeta

    worth l.-.'iimw Japanese silk, nil colors

    worth 60c, at 22 inch velvet, all shades,

    worth BOc Ifl in, silk velve. worth l.i

    Handkerchiefs. 100 dozen ladies' hemsticlied

    handkerchiefs, regular 10c sellers; sale price

    100 dozen men's bordered hemsticlied hand kerchiefs sales price, each

    ISO doz men's handkerchiefs same as above only finer

    1,5.0 extra fine grade white and colored bord'ed men's handkerchiefs, regular 10c and Hje valuer; on sale specially at

    l,l)U0 pure linen white hand kerchief s, neatly uematich- ed regular 23c grade for







    89c 69c

    Sever iu the way, no uoiible to erry, easy 'take, pleasant and nevet failing in tesillis are I>' \ Ut's Little Knly Kisers. The-e

    fiimoiia little pills Hre a certain guarantee against headache,bilious.

    -.. torpid livei and all of the ills rei>nlting from cotistipatiou. Thej

    lid and strengthen the liver :.l by .1 !ni L. Wooten, druggist.

    Corsets. Easy, graceful and form

    fitting i !urso1 s. in all the cel- Pbratud makes, in military

    land straight front, including the celebrated li & c. .V C 1!

    ! Other Beauties lie

    A I! the new toes are repre- sented in the line of Ladies oxfords ami slippers we dip showing at ":''' tus-e

    Linens, Linens 5H in. Bleached Table Dam

    ask regular 50c value, sale price

    72 in. White Satin Damask would sell regularly for 75c, price

    72 in. Bleached Satin Dam- aska regular 1 ,", stripe, cheviots *.- fancy worsteds all go in this sale at only $8.08

    Men's Pants of cassimere, in desirabl" patterns, regular $1.76 sellers; sale price 91.18

    Boys' Knee Pants ;',IIII pair of Boys' Knee Pants

    worth up to 85c; sale price 50 i pair of Hoys' Knee Pants

    reg. "5c sellers; sale prise 88c .\ conso idation of several

    lines of Boys' Long Pants, value *l and$1.25: consoli. dation sa'e price only, pair 88t

    Ladies Shoes and Oxfords Over 2,000 pairs of very {jc' finest of this seasons goods,

    hand sewed lace or button, gc all weights of sole, French

    kid, patent lether Russia calf rjc ect. They are fare the best

    of any shoe brought to this jc market, and they come in all

    sizes and widths, worth from $1.25 to t4 oo. Gome and pick them out from $1.98 down to 50c

    Ladies fine vici kid shoes, button and lace, Parris toe and patent tip wort $2 59 $1.48

    50 pro. of Ladies Oxfords, in all popular leathers, also white canvas, worth up to $1.20; sale price 98c to $1.10

    Hose, Hose, Hose Ladies fast black seamless

    hose, regular price 12c. now 9c A tine Maco cotton fast

    black hose reg. price 25c, now 15c Ladies' tino plain and lace

    styles black bose, worth 85c now 21c

    ladies beautiful fancy hose, worth BOc, choice, pair 38c

    Children's fast black rib- bed hose, reg price IBo, at

    Children's fast black fine hosts regular price 20c, at

    Children's finest French ribbed hose, regular price 25c, at

    Men's good fast black socks, regular made, regu- lar price 15c at

    Men's good fast b'ack lace and plain socks, reg. price 32c at

    Boys' Suits Boys' two piece suits,

    single and double-breasted jackets positively worth ijtl BO during this sale only

    The novelty in styles is ar- tisticand elegant - garments that were always sold at $ti. all go in this sale at $2.38

    $.'12i) Thirty distinct ef- fects in Boys'Ultra Fashion- able Knee Pants Suits, in all the SWellest of novelties and staple styles, sale price $1.29









    coi i,c;

    to be I i

    bri '

    tl . <

    p i ii I, n n, tt Her d all skin .:..":,i s. jl,-\\ i|!"> Witt ll

    |ai*fI. It Is a! [HI for 1 ind, bit i dii ;. and pm!i tdi g piles. I>

    ilra* the U out of n nut u ,u i in., witln : Ii at H war.I Boils, old sores, carbunclt -. e v

    . | j pun i! hj i lie ne ol I .e,,n , iteh ila/.

    Allbht it lite :. ll i- . i : iii -

    S Id ' ''..

    . II ; i seal H I

    such ' re i i: nil

    i I eiii-. antl !|i nines. & iture run

    f,,- Pili ' diseases. 11 , i . |*th nuly genuine Witch

    B. Be ware of counter- erous. Snhl bj

    John L. Woofer, drugSist.


    Putt an Ei d to It AI,

    \ M mm rai hue* ci

    lh< Dtath Penalty.

    ^ . ,. ; FH tuiet i rei uli a \ - mm 'van on inn- ,.,s.|i

    i) . . i -' ' > " - " i"' '':

    & "' " r ,.i ,. ..-,. i ,-i.en burn*, ore*, U Inert

    . '-. \ ,br. . O..I 25. ' ' ' J i


    Iiaordeied coutliti i ;ii cii oaoh qnieklj em ad bj Chsi

    i, pi. ;-',. ,,i i and Liver I'abli.ts.

    .\ nie forei t inaj MI ..,.ii : , :i| ol I roubte A nj ;, in .,:, s || II iuli kt |i'n.> i ... i '. Colit.! h ill i\ and Dl u ., | | I. IWS iin..

    For sale by Jno. L. WooUn, drug- For sale by Jno. I. nist.1 J\.ootei. 'iiugtii i

    Suicide Prevented. A M.iriliie: announi meiii thai n

    ,.., v, tivi of snlci le hud I ,. -. overed will Intetenl inunv. \ ruuduwn system, ! il sp i .den-

    cj Invnrlah . prwi de suicide and ethliip li I found thai

    iM tin my righl Inug" trniiMJ. I" Hughes Ot Do Pont, Ua. "aud ga"e m up. Kverybodj 'hn ighi my t m hi 1

    \- ' ! - re rt f tried Dr. Kb NY-. Di wrj Con. sumption i1" 1"'' U I '" ill,(1 i - i.'..In i 11 * '" ' [,. a e di. -. N- i' Iridy . ,!,. ' i . i iquei

    i ,. || |K . , . and throat an " in nib fliiais .i '':

    Jnn. ' Wt o'nii, rt'ii Pric t>l 00 'lie 'tee.

    If King S ii m'l d i ide pretty soon. I Ule down

    I |. wj|l liud il i ratbi i bard proposi- ii, a aettling up.

    THE EASTERN D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.

    Twice-a-We*k-TuMly and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE



    Proceedings ol the Board of Comma lionen.

    The board of county commission erit were in regular monthly sesuion on the first Monday. M. Jones, tbe new member appointed lo suc- ceed J. \* - Page, deceased, wan present and entered upon the

    d nties of the office Orders amounting as follows

    were drawn on the treasurer: For paupers 1157.76; county home $174.20; superintendent of health

    |26, tax lists 20l; bridges and lerries$107.6G;c.onveyiug prisoner*

    tud insane 162.70; roads *3.">7.7S; jail $160.10; court house $4 25; witne-s tickets $865| cor....e.

    $54.6"; books "n and

    | 19il4 to the highest bidder. For the purp: si- oi better work.

    r log the roads lietween Can line ud Betbel townships, it "

    Eoideretl that the bauds on the lauds ol Sam Edwards, Limit- KliK'usmitb, O.G. and R. D. Whi.e- ^urst lie uuder the control if the

    (boaid of road supei visors of lietliel

    township. Fonr petitions of public roads

    Iweie prcM-nted: One ill Contcntjea township from the west en". t Lad No. 41 to the'own of A} den; m:e In Swift Creek towirsidp from

    P5ohn Ventert.' across Fork swamp; |".oue in Chicod township from neat

    J. H. Stokes' to B. C. Evans'; oue iu Heaver Dam township from the

    'Plank ioa.1 near Warren's chapel ff to the Nichols road near the rest- f aeuceofMrs. Louisa Nichols.

    Jurors for September court were



    j --- Prince George, tht Prophet Breaki Loose M.ny Birlhd.y rWb mi . Delightful; ^ J ^ ^ ^y

    Evening. Mixtd

    A delightful surprise party was. T,,e jriial acknowledges the given to Miss Bernice Horiaday, , r(K.eipl 0f B postal from Ayden j at her tiome on Secontl street ^"ri* [ which is ttigoed by someone who day evening, the occasion being |Kty|M himself "Prophet George," her birthdav- any friends were aoll|,,ieiig h, 0f former years wh-

    was known as Prince George ami present, and a delightful evenirg was spent in playina games, enjoying the moonlight, aud listening to charming music after which delicio is refreshmeuts were |


    who oredicted dire disaster foi Wilmingtou and James City.

    His prophecies euded so misera- { bly that he bas kept quiet for a long time and now he is kind of

    \s Miss Bernice returned to her j going slow but at the same time he home in the eaily evening and j keeps up his old tricks. found a large number of friend*> The orthography of the postal present, her l.Kik showed that sheija wonderful and awfal but o was greatly surprised aud much believe a liberal translation of the delighted. Everv one present waI megeage ;8 to the effect that in a jolly mood, and numerous ierrible stonu will visit the entiie games were played with much Uuitetl States about August 15, interest aud enthusiasm. A'1904. He bas got a year bebiin'. guessing contest was had, in ; hand in b s prophetic daiuuatiou. which Miss Nellie Pen-ler was j He evidently uieaus 1905 but tbe declared the 1 t successful I, (illt au,t rest are both marked participant. I 1904. That date we believe was a

    Mrs. H. 0. Hooker then d-digbt- clear warm day. It remains to be

    Crowd Not Urge Enough lo Make the Price.

    Tuete was to have been an ex- cursion form bar" toTarboro today by oue -I the colored Sunday 1 chonls ol the town. When tl^

    |i.senger train (tame by Tuesday evening a ctiaeb was dropped here for use by tbe excursionists and the' train wasto pick ibe couch m> w hen it came along t his morning. | A number of colored people weie at the depot this morning ready lor the excursion, but tbe train name and went i d lelt them stand ing there. I" turned out. that one, hundred excursion!"!" were reoes-l wiry to make the 1 (quired price for tbe train to poll them, and > mat many did not snow up Ihe excursion was Called off. There was disappointment among 1 - .v no wanted to go.


    Monday, August 14 h,

    L. I. Moore weut to Winston Sunday.

    Earl Harringtou weut to H'cn

    iiiuii.l today.

    Ned Laughinchouse weut to

    v\' iii-ou today.

    B. C. Pearce, ofSanford, came in Sunday evening.

    T. E. Little spent Sunday in Scotland Neck.

    J. W.Perkins weut to Kinston

    jSuuday evening.

    S. W. Gabriel, of Plymouth, ! spent Sunday here.

    This -eeiion bad a heavy rai Sunday aliernoon.

    ine-dai, August 13' h.

    J. Vv Allen we.t up the road ...lay.

    I>. T. Pngh lit t-r Raleigh this 11101 ning.

    J. VV. Br} m went lo Plymouth i1 is morning.

    VI'. L. Kali went te Sugg eut to Kuislon Monday evening.

    E. A. Tuinei, retailed fimu il.iligoi'il .Moijilay eveuiug.

    O. 8. Pllcbuld, who bas been to Panaceas ew tla\, returned h-ute .1 lny i\ eni ug.

    K I). 11..1 ry, 1 Sauford, bo 1- beei :o- 11 t.-v iia^s, retort ed

    11;. -.:.

    edall present wilh several vocal selections, which were rendered it. a graceful and charming manner

    seen what the coming day will be. If it doe n't bring anything nun Mid in the weather line Prince

    Miss Bernice, followed by those; George will ha^e to explain "How present, was then escorted to a table in the hall, on which weie many beautiful and valuable presents. Delicious refre-hnienb- were served, and it wassoou fouutl that the evening bad pnsed onl.l tt 0 sooa.

    Those pie t were. Misses Essie Blliugion, Mary.).

    Smith, Bessie Hasketi, Mamie Hasketi, Mary .lame.-. Addie Congletou, U/./.>- Higgf, Nelbe Fender, Mrs. H. c. Hooker, Harry White, Jobnuie Oougleton, Key

    Come.''New Beru Journal.

    W Boys Hurt by a Fall

    T--.M sons t-1 Mr, a id Mrs. 1 am l Ho-' mei '>i:" a pniuii.1 ,1-cideut yeatenlay alternonu nboul

    6:3(1 bj lalhns fn u< the sec -|..i . ol .. House o.. i\ 1 -. Pi 11

    Btn el. Hie!,ai.i, ibe older f the !,

    wae severely iniii-ni. but the physician dot! mil Hunk that :i ~ injuries will prove terious.

    The bova were playing in a hi u- Brown. Jes-e Atuoltl, Ben lay lor. jj,,,^,,. ij,,., n haVinK buiil on '> B'oontPearce,Guy lamer, Wm.|rei|fof B,|ot| comer of Bloum

    and Peaoa sireets. they were ; tin--e.-oi.il sitnj walking on some

    Patrick and Clarence Jones.

    Fully Pr
