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RSE - Reporte de Sustentabilidad de Whirpool Brasil 2009

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Whirlpool Corporation2009 Sustainability Report

At Whirlpool Corporation, we are commied to making a sustainable difference in the world tobeer meet consumer needs, generate shareholder value and contribute to the well-being of current and future generations.

In our Sustainability Report, we provide a high-level overview of our efforts. We also produce anAnnual Report, a 10-K ling and a detailed Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) report. ese reportsreect our commitment to openly communicating with our stakeholders about our performance.

You can nd more detailed information about our nancial performance in our 2009 Annual Report

and our 10-K ling at hp://investors.whirlpoolcorp.com. More information on our sustainabilityperformance can be found in our GRI Matrix at www.whirlpoolcorp.com/responsibility.

ProductsFor decades, Whirlpool has supported the creation and integration of consumer friendlyenergy-efficiency labels in all regions of the world. ese labels are extremely important becausethey help consumers make informed purchasing decisions and they highlight the improvements toour appliances in both energy and water efficiency.

Developing and Producing Sustainable Product Solutions: Driving Innovation with Smart Technology Appliances and Reducing Consumption 

Energy-Efficiency Labels

Many of our appliances meet even higher standards than required for both energy and waterefficiency around the globe. In the United States and Canada we sell more than 390 ENERGYSTAR™ qualied products, more than any other manufacturer. In Europe, most of our appliancesmeet the A Class requirements dened by European Commission’s Regulations. In Brazil, morethan 250 products are certied with Procel National Energy Conservation (PROCEL) and nearly60 with Conpet (the National Program for Rational Use of Oil and Natural Gas).

Recycling Appliances

Modern home appliances are made of steel, non-ferrous metals, plastics and other componentswhich are valuable and can be recycled. In fact, more than 80 percent of the materials used inWhirlpool Corporation manufactured products can be recycled today. A robust market exists forscrap materials from appliances and most are shredded and recycled. While it is difficult for us, asa manufacturer and wholesaler of appliances, to track, reclaim and recycle old appliances, we arecontinually exploring how to improve in this area. e following are some examples of our effortsaround the world.

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Recycling appliances and packaging in Brazil

• In 2005, Whirlpool Latin America set up a dismantling unit in Joinville, Brazil, to recyclerefrigerators through partnerships with power distributors that collect old refrigerators andreplace them with new, more energy efficient ones. Whirlpool Latin America is able to recycle90 percent of the refrigerator components and the remaining 10 percent is disposed of according

to Brazilian environmental guidelines. In 2009, Whirlpool Latin America recycled nearly 900tons of post-consumer waste and collected nearly 800 kilograms of CFCs and HCFCs.

• e Brastemp Water Purier, which has a recyclability rate of more than 97 percent, replacesboled water by ltering undrinkable tap water. Consumers use the product through asubscription-based service business model for regular lter replacement and maintenance.When the product or a part needs to be replaced, technicians send the parts - usually madeof metal or plastic - to specialized recycling companies.

• Brastemp Viva! Is an initiative to collect packaging from Whirlpool Latin America’s products thatare sold door-to-door in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. rough this initiative, the company is

able to increase the recycling of packaging waste (e.g., polystyrene, cardboard and plastic) bysending it to recycling companies. In 2009, the company recaptured nearly 60 percent of thepackaging associated with its door-to-door sales and expanded the initiative to the state of Recife. Since the launch of the program seven years ago, Whirlpool Latin America has beenable to recycle more than 165 tons of material (25 tons of cardboard, 114 tons of polystyreneand 28 tons of plastic), including nearly 60 tons in 2009 alone. Two years ago, Whirlpoolalso began to engage other retail partners in this initiative. Whirlpool Latin America trainsemployees at participating companies on the concept of sustainability and package recycling.

WEEE Directive in Europe

More than 10 years ago, Whirlpool collaborated with the European Authorities to dra theWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which requires appliance recyclingaccording to European requirements. At that time, Whirlpool products already widely met the2008 recycling and recovery targets required by the WEEE Directive. e WEEE law is currentlyunder revision to increase the recycling percentage to 80 percent. Whirlpool products alreadymeet this target.

Whirlpool Corporation, in conformity with the Directive, participates in collective systems ineach European Member State and for the majority of them is also a founder. ese national,collective non-prot organizations handle the transportation, treatment, recycling and disposalof household appliances.

Recycling and reducing waste to landlls in Canada

Whirlpool Canada is a steward for packaging in three Canadian provinces -- Ontario, Quebecand Manitoba -- and abides by the provinces’ appliance packaging recycling requirements. In2008 (the latest gures available), Whirlpool helped to divert more than 355 metric tons of waste from landlls in Ontario and more than 113 metric tons in Quebec. e stewardshipprogram in Manitoba began in April 2010.

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A new Whirlpool Canada warehouse diversion program is recycling or reusing transportationand packaging material recovered or generated. Also, voluntary recycling pilots for portableappliances, conducted by Whirlpool Canada in October 2009 and 2010, resulted in the collectionof more than 2,000 pounds of small kitchen appliances that otherwise would have been sent tolandlls.

Kitchen & Laundry- Around the worldSaving energy and water is important to consumers and very important for the planet. Accordingto a Whirlpool Corporation survey conducted online in November 2009 by Harris Interactive®, 68percent of U.S. adults indicated they want to live “green” but only if it is convenient to theirlifestyle. To that end, Whirlpool offers a variety of innovative products that combine the bestperformance with superior resource efficiency. Tailored to meet regional preferences throughoutthe world, these products make life easier for our consumers, and help them reduce their environ-mental impact.

Saving resources in the kitchen….

Whirlpool Corporation helps people save more than just time in the kitchen. Since the 1970s,Whirlpool has led the appliance industry in reducing the amount of energy and water ourappliances consume. In the kitchen for example, we’ve reduced the amount of energy refrigeratorsconsume by nearly 75 percent, the amount of energy dishwashers consume by more than 75percent and the amount of water dishwashers consume by nearly 65 percent.

Today, Whirlpool offers the most energy efficient French Door style refrigerator available. Also,the U.S. Whirlpool brand Resource Saver refrigerator is the most energy efficient side-by-side

refrigerator, using less energy than a 60 wa light bulb annually.

Whirlpool brand 6th Sense Green Generation refrigerator saves up to 30 percent more energythan A+ Class products in Europe and offers “Stand By” and “Half Load” options for additionalenergy savings during vacations or if refrigerator is partially loaded.

In Europe, Whirlpool Green Generation dishwashers with 6th Sense Technology save up to 70percent more energy and water with their “hot ll connection” that allows consumers to use waterheated by solar panels or other alternative sources. e Brastemp brand Ative! Dishwasher usesjust one-eighth the water of hand washing dishes. Also, in the U.S., Whirlpool launched newresource efficient dishwasher models at mass-market prices making “being green” accessible for

more people.

Whirlpool is also reducing the amount of energy consumed when preparing a meal. For example,induction cooktops, offered by Jenn-Air, KitchenAid and Bauknecht brands heat iron or steelcookware directly. ey are far more energy efficient than gas or traditional electric cooktopscooking food faster and losing less heat in the process.

….and in laundry rooms around the world

Whirlpool has reduced the amount of energy and water consumed by clothes washing machines

by more than 75 percent since the 1970s. We continue to build on our legacy of introducing

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innovative laundry products to consumers around the world.

In the United States and Canada, the Whirlpool brand Cabrio high efficiency (HE) top-loadwasher uses 76 percent less water and energy* and saves up to 160 gallons of water per week,earning the ENERGY STAR™ qualied washer one of the most efficient energy ratings available –CEE Tier III. e washer and dryer also include an Eco Monitor that informs the consumer about

how eco-friendly the cycle choice is.

In Europe, the Whirlpool Green Generation washing machines with 6th Sense Technology -- withhot ll connection that allows consumers to use water heated by alternative sources -- can save upto 70 percent more energy and water*. e Bauknecht brand hybrid EcoStyle washing machineuses sensors to monitor the washing process, and offers a half load option, to reduce water use byup to 50 percent. It is also designed to use solar-heated water.

In China, the Whirlpool brand Apollo compact front-load washing machines received thecountry’s highest energy level (No. 1) and save 30 percent more energy and 25 percent morewater than products produced before 2007. e Whirlpool brand Venus extra capacity

top-load washing machine saves 20 percent more energy and 15 percent more water*. Andin India, the new Whirlpool brand 360 degree washer saves more than 50 percent energy and15 percent more water.

* when compared to pre-2004 conventional washers, based on a 10-year life 

A ‘SMART’ Approach To Saving Energy

And Reducing Emissionse ever increasing demand for energy makes conservation one of the most pressing issues facingour global society today. Today Whirlpool sells some of the most energy efficient appliances onthe planet and continues to lead the industry. However, we know that’s not good enough andplan to go even further, pushing the boundaries of energy efficiency, with a new range of “smart”energy-efficient appliances.

Smart appliances can “talk” with the electrical grid and the local utility company and thenautomatically adjust operation to avoid costly peak time periods or to smooth powerconsumption over time. is next generation of appliances will become an active part of the

electrical grid and in turn will make the grid more stable and reliable.

In support of this vision, Whirlpool Corporation announced in 2009 a commitment to make all theelectronically controlled appliances we produce – worldwide – capable of receiving informationfrom and responding to smart electrical grids by 2015. Implementation of this vision is dependenton the development, by the end of 2010, of an open, global communication standard andappropriate policies that reward consumers, manufacturers and utilities for using and addingthese new peak demand reduction capabilities.

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Reducing Our OwnCarbon FootprintJust as we continue to reduce the resources our products consume, we also look for ways toreduce the amount of energy and water used in our buildings, to support alternative energysources and to reduce the amount of fuel used to transport our products.

Operational Improvements

Building for Sustainability

Four of Whirlpool North America’s new distribution warehouses were built in 2009 and awardedLEED Certication in early 2010. LEED is an internationally recognized green building certicationsystem that offers four certication levels for new construction: Certied, Silver, Gold and Platinum.Our warehouse outside Atlanta, Ga., is the largest LEED Gold industrial building in the UnitedStates and the second largest globally. e buildings’ white roofs reduce heat island effect. Highlyefficient uorescent interior and exterior lighting, electric space heating, pump usage and heatrejection, and lighting control measures signicantly reduce energy use. Materials containing recycledcontent and regional materials extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the RegionalDistribution Centers also were used whenever possible during the construction of the buildings.

In 2009, Whirlpool Canada moved its headquarters into a newly constructed, multi-tenant LEED(for Core and Shell) certied building. e new space is all open-concept cubicles with wallstructures being no more than 4 feet high. All offices are located in the center of the building,which allows for window access and natural light for the greater employee population. Lights areset to automatically turn off at the end of the day and then turn on in the morning, so employeesdo not need to remember to turn off the lights. e ooring systems, furniture and seating areall comprised of low-emiing materials. And, not surprisingly, all appliances are ENERGY STARqualied Whirlpool Corporation models.

Leveraging Alternative Power Sources

For our shared service center in Dublin, Ireland, power is purchased from a company that provideswind-generated electricity and currently holds the Green Energy Award for the supply of renewableenergy. e switch has not only enabled us to support a “greener” energy source, but it has alsoreduced energy costs at the center.

Our Cassinea, Italy, manufacturing facility is now fully powered by a co-generation plant locatedat the facility, which derives electricity from methane gas. In 2009, we reduced our CO2 emissionsat the plant by an estimated 7,000 tons and our water use by nearly 60,000 tons. e water savingswere derived from the steam produced by the co-generation plant’s turbines. e water by-productis then used in the industrial processes, which eliminates the need for additional water in the

manufacturing process. e plant also is exploring a solar panel project.

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One of the largest, private solar photovoltaic plants in Southern Italy is located at the WhirlpoolNaples production facility. e facility’s roof and parking area are ed with solar panels andcover an area of 7.5 thousand square meters. e one million kilowa hours of solar energyproduced annually is sold back to the local electrical grid.

Four of Whirlpool North America’s distribution warehouses were awarded LEED Certication in

early 2010, including one outside of Atlanta that is the largest LEED Gold industrial building in theUnited States and the second largest globally. e design and construction of these warehouseswill generate an energy savings of more than 20 percent and water efficiency savings of morethan 40 percent.

Optimizing Our Logistics Network

We are improving the way we transport our products by increasing logistics efficiencies,working with our carriers and changing our modes of transportation to signicantly reduce

fuel consumption and emissions.

Reducing fuel use and emissions in North America

Whirlpool Corporation’s North American supply chain group recently completed a multi-yeareffort to reduce fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the shipment of ourproducts. In 2007, Whirlpool joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay®Transport Program partnership, an EPA and freight industry collaboration to increase energyefficiency while reducing carbon dioxide by 2012. Eighty percent of our carriers are nowSmartWay certied.

We also work with our carriers to help them signicantly decrease the amount of fuel used totransport our products by increasing the number of appliances that can be transported pershipment. We also have increased the use of intermodal transportation, which uses shippingcontainers that transfer smoothly from railcar to truck. Moving our products via railcar is roughlythree times more efficient than using trucks on a ton-mile basis.

Altogether, these efforts have enabled us to save more than 6 million gallons of diesel fuel andreduced CO2 emissions by more than 60,000 metric tons.

Improving customer service and reducing fuel use in Latin America

Whirlpool Latin America recently instituted a new process to improve product delivery times bymoving from a manual process to a technology plaorm. is improvement led to more efficientdelivery schedules and reduced eet mileage by 550,000 miles.

We have increased the use of railcars, which are more fuel efficient than trucks, and intermodaltransportation, which uses shipping containers that transfer smoothly from railcar to truck. eseand other steps have enabled Whirlpool North America to save more than 6 million gallons of diesel fuel and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 60,000 metric tons.

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Environmental Responsibility

Whirlpool Corporation has a long-term commitment to environmental protection and naturalresource efficiency, which began 40 years ago with the creation of a corporate office forenvironmental control. is commitment, which began with a focus on Whirlpool manufacturingoperations, extends to the environmental impact of our products. Whirlpool is an industry leader

in developing high-performance appliances that help conserve the earth's resources and allowhomeowners to use resources more efficiently.

Reducing Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Whirlpool Corporation was the rst appliance manufacturer to announce a global greenhousegas (GHG) reduction target in 2003. We met our 2003 target and are on track to meet our currenttarget, set in 2007, of a 6.6 percent absolute reduction by 2012. In both targets we assumedresponsibility not only for direct emissions, but also for the much larger emissions associatedwith the use of our products in consumers’ homes.

e majority of greenhouse gas emissions aributable to an appliance occurs during its in-homeuse and is generally 15 to 20 times higher than the greenhouse gas emissions created during itsproduction, distribution or disposal life cycle phases. Improving the energy efficiency of ourproducts by just one percent is the equivalent of an approximate 150-percent improvement inour manufacturing facility-related emissions. Our GHG emissions from our manufacturing facilitieshave decreased by nearly 10 percent since 2006.

Energy Consumption

Between 2004 and 2009, the amount of energy used to produce major appliances remainedrelatively steady with slight increases in 2005 and 2008 due to readying facilities for productionand the impact of the global recession. Total energy per major appliance manufactured decreasedby one percent in 2009 compared to 2008 and overall energy use at our manufacturing facilitieshas decreased by nearly 10 percent since 2007. In early 2010, Whirlpool Corporation joined theU.S. EPA’s Save Energy Now LEADER initiative to reduce energy intensity in its U.S. manufacturingfacilities by 25 percent or more by 2015.

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Water Consumption

In 2009, Whirlpool Corporation’s manufacturing facilities used approximately 7,800,000 cubicmeters of water. e amount of water used per major appliance declined by 16.1 percent between2005 and 2009, even aer factoring in the addition of four manufacturing facilities as part of the2006 acquisition of Maytag Corporation. Overall, water use at our manufacturing facilities hasdecreased by 20 percent since 2006.

Whirlpool Latin America uses several environmentally friendly alternatives in the manufacturingprocess, including nanoceramic, which replaces phosphate previously used in the pretreatmentof steel sheets. e pretreatment also is now done cold and reduces energy consumption byapproximately 10 percent and water consumption by 40 percent. Whirlpool Latin America alsouses a solution made from terpeno, a substance found in citrus fruit peels, to clean range piecesand reduce energy consumption by 20 percent.

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Health and Safety Management

We strive for zero accidents in our factories. Overall, Whirlpool has a good safety record, and wecontinually work to improve the safety of our employees. In 2009, our Day Away Case Rate due towork-related injuries at our manufacturing facilities declined by nearly 30 percent compared to2008 and has declined by more than 35 percent since 2007. irty percent of our manufacturing

facilities have gone more than 1 million working hours without an occupational accident, withthree facilities operating more than 4 million hours without an occupational accident. Nearly 40percent of our manufacturing facilities around the world are OHSAS 18000 certied, includingfour facilities that were certied in 2009.

Social ResponsibilityWe touch lives around the world through our employees and collaboration with countlessorganizations. Our employees work with non-prot groups, government, educational institutions,environmental organizations and other businesses to improve the lives of others. We have aculture of caring, making sustainable living possible by contributing to the well-being of currentand future generations.

A Culture of CaringWhirlpool Corporation’s history of social leadership is so fundamental to us, it is woven intoeverything we do. Whether it is teaching business skills to women in Brazil through InstitutoConsulado da Mulher®, supporting families through Habitat for Humanity International®, raisingmoney globally to help in the ght against breast cancer through Cook for the Cure®, supportingthe next generation of leaders through the Boys & Girls Clubs of America®, providing food tofamilies in Italy, or helping educate and build self-esteem in children in Italy, and the Slovak andCzech Republics, we are helping people shape a beer world for themselves and others.

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e next few pages provide an overview of just some of our efforts.

Habitat for Humanity International (International)

During Whirlpool Corporation’s 10-year partnership with Habitat for Humanity International®, ourcompany and our employees have helped provide simple, decent, affordable shelter in partnership

with 55,000 families around the world, donated 110,000 appliances, volunteered thousands of hours, and invited consumers and other companies to join this worthwhile effort. In 2009,Whirlpool employees participated in the Habitat for Humanity build in China’s Sichuan provinceand we further expanded our relationship with Habitat by donating inventory to be sold atHabitat ReStores in the United States, providing 25,000 products that raised $2.2 million towardthe effort to eliminate substandard housing.

Cook for the Cure Presented by KitchenAid (International)

Cook for the Cure®, presented by KitchenAid, was developed in 2001 to give passionate cooks

a way to support Susan G. Komen for the Cure. rough donation-with-purchase programs,special fundraising events, auctions and grass roots initiatives, the Cook for the Cure program hasraised more than $8 million globally to support the ght against breast cancer, with of the majorityof those funds beneting Komen for the Cure in the United States. Since 2002 the CanadianCook for the Cure program has raised more than $2 million dollars through Cook for the Cureprogram parties, and sales of KitchenAid pink collection products. KitchenAid also supportsbreast cancer foundations in other countries, including Canada, France, Germany, South Africa,Greece and Israel.

In 2009, KitchenAid, with help from Villeroy & Boch, began offering a ceramic serving plate thatreads “Cook for your friends. Cook for your family. Cook for the Cure.” e plate, marked by a

pink ribbon, is meant to be passed along to friends and family along with a culinary specialtyprepared by the giver.

Every time the plate is passed and registered, KitchenAid donates $5 to Komen for the Cure.Approximately 12,000 plates have been passed, raising $60,000.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Whirlpool Corporation and our employees have been involved with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton Harbor from the club's beginning in 1998. Club programs and services promote and

enhance the development of club members by instilling self-esteem, courage and positive values.Whirlpool employees donate hundreds of hours annually to the Boys & Girls Club of BentonHarbor, volunteering, mentoring and participating in many educational programs. Whirlpool alsoworks with the organization by serving as board members for the 2,000 member club, which hasa high school graduation rate of more than 90 percent. By sponsoring an annual two-day golf outing, which raised approximately $750,000 in 2009, Whirlpool helps cover the Club's operatingcosts. Additionally, Jeff Feig, Whirlpool Corporation’s chairman and CEO, serves on the Boys &Girls Club of America board, as the Trustee of the Midwest region.

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Instituto Consulado da Mulher (Brazil)

In 2002, Whirlpool Latin America started the Instituto Consulado da Mulher (ICM) program inBrazil. e program is dedicated to improving the lives of low-income women living in Brazil.Since that time, ICM has positively impacted the lives of more than 30,000 women, throughworkshops, classes and other education and support activities. In 2009, ICM supported 1,080

people – helping more than 900 people begin to generate income for themselves and helpingnearly 175 more people begin training and the structuring of their businesses.

e Children’s Act of the Year Program (Slovak Republic and Czech Republic)

For 10 years, Whirlpool has supported e Children’s Act of the Year program in the SlovakRepublic. e program recognizes children who do good deeds and have demonstratedcourage despite their young age. e program encourages them to speak about their deeds,thus increasing the value of the deed and the child’s self-esteem. All elementary school studentsare welcome to take part, provided they have commied a memorable deed or have witnessed

such a deed commied by a peer. Each such act promotes the importance of good will andhumanity. ese good deeds are recognized by Whirlpool and the Slovakian Ministry of Education through the program.

Non Solo Pane (Italy)

Since 2003, Whirlpool Europe has supported Non Solo Pane (“Not Only Bread”), an Italian socialorganization in Varese area of Northern Italy. Located near the Whirlpool Europe Central Office,Non Solo Pane collects and distributes food to families in need and provides other types of assistance. To help with the increased demand for assistance due to the global economic recessionin 2009, Whirlpool funded the reorganization of the Non Solo Pane warehouse to increase itsefficiency in preparing and distributing food packages. Whirlpool employees also regularly raisefunds, and donate supplies and time to the organization. In 2009, Whirlpool salaried employeesvolunteered more than 2,000 hours to the organization.

Village Saran (India)

In 2007, Whirlpool India adopted a secondary school in Village Saran in Faridabad to helpunderprivileged children continue their education and positively impact their community. Sincethen, Whirlpool employees have worked to improve the school’s drinking water and restroomfacilities, install ceiling fans in the classrooms, enhance the building, and provide books and

rewards for deserving students. Whirlpool India employees also have provided special classes atthe company’s Faridabad facility in cooperation with the school and students’ parents. In somecases, Whirlpool volunteers visited the students’ homes to encourage parents to let their children– especially girls – aend the classes.

Goonj (India)

Whirlpool India donated washing machines to Goonj, a non-prot organization that providesclothing to people in need. e company also contributed more than $500,000 to Goonj’s“Joy of Giving Week,” a nationwide clothing and material collection campaign that beneed

approximately 2 million people.

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Whirlpool Foundation

In 2009, Whirlpool Foundation donated $7.5 million to more than 400 non-protorganizations. e foundation, which focuses on supporting outstanding programs thatare centered on quality family life, cultural diversity and lifelong learning, has providednearly $140 million to thousands of non-prot organizations since its founding in 1952.

Employee Volunteerism

In 2009, 40 percent of Whirlpool Corporation salaried employees worldwide reportedthat they volunteered an average of 56 hours annually. We currently do not trackvolunteerism by our non-salaried employees, but expect the numbers would be similar.For example, employees at our manufacturing facility in Joinville, Brazil, provided computertraining for more than 100 members of the local community and employees at our Manaus

facility along the Amazon River provided education on safe water consumption.

EmployeesAt Whirlpool Corporation, employment is far more than just a daily job, it’s aninuential part of each and every employee’s life. We innovatively involve ouremployees across the board in order to develop strong and diverse leaders. Due toour diverse group of employees, we are able to reach our customer base and meet

their needs more efficiently.

roughout the Workforce Employees areEncouraged to Develop Creative Ideas

At Whirlpool Corporation, every employee is able to contribute, to lead, to innovate … to buildupon the strength of our global brands in ways that surpass consumers’ expectations.

In 2009, the results from our seventh and most recent survey of salaried employees worldwideshowed continued increases in overall employee engagement at Whirlpool Corporation.Employees are encouraged to raise their voice in this anonymous survey, and their honest andopen feedback has helped to develop programs that have enhanced our work environment aswell as our employee experience.

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ose who took the survey were pleased with the company’s consistent messaging, leadershipvisibility, employee involvement and development opportunities. We focus on these areasbecause we care about our employees; and, in return, employees have contributed theirenergy, passion and creativity to help Whirlpool Corporation emerge from one of the mostchallenging economic environments in decades as an even stronger company.

Results from the global 2009 Employee Engagement Survey show overall engagement up 4percentage points from 2008. is marks the sixth consecutive year in which WhirlpoolCorporation has either maintained or increased overall engagement levels among employeesaround the world. Approximately 95 percent of salaried employees worldwide, more than 17,000

people, provided their feedback. Participation rates for 2009 were best-in-class, and the companyis steadily progressing toward being best-in-class in terms of overall engagement.

Developing A StrongAnd Diverse Workforce

Our people are our greatest asset, which is why we offer an array of opportunities for professionalgrowth and development. In 2009, we spent approximately $250 per employee on learning anddevelopment, with nearly all salaried employees completing at least one development activity.

Approximately 8,000 salaried management level employees worldwide completed a series of on-line courses that focused on the Whirlpool strategy, culture and values, operationalcompetencies and leadership.

e majority of our directors and vice presidents participated in the Harvard Manage Mentor(HMM) program, a series of virtual leadership development courses. In the United States, they

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also participated in senior leader-led HMM discussion groups to beer apply the online learningto their jobs.


At Whirlpool Corporation, diversity with inclusion is one of our ve core values. It also supports

our strategic business objectives and helps to ensure our current and future business success. Webelieve diversity of background, thought and experience is directly tied to our efforts to developrelevant, innovative solutions that make consumers’ lives easier and more enjoyable.

Whirlpool Corporation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is best described by ourChairman and CEO Jeff Feig who said, “At Whirlpool, we best service the unique needs of our customers through diverse, inclusive and engaged employees who truly reect our globalcustomer base.”

Whirlpool Corporation’s Diversity and Inclusion strategic direction is:

1. Embed Diversity and Inclusion goals into the company’s people strategy, specically focusingon talent management and people processes to drive retention and balanced representation.

2. Develop a Diversity and Inclusion program that positions Whirlpool to be recognized as aleading company in the D&I space that is benchmarked for its best practices.

3. Identify Diversity and Inclusion initiatives that align with the individual business units to serveas a resource supporting the achievement of their organizational goals.

e goal is to become the employer of choice of high potential and top talent across all levelsand functions within the organization; and creating a sustainable, engaged, high performingand inclusive work environment that will retain great talent while enabling the highest levelsof performance.

To help further our diversity and inclusion efforts, Whirlpool has established more than 10employee resource groups and diversity networks, including the Women’s Network, WhirlpoolAsian Network, Whirlpool African American Network and the Pride Network, the company’sgay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender network. Open to all employees, these networks offerthe opportunity for employees from similar backgrounds to network, develop professionally,promote cultural awareness and engage in community activities. e networks also help thecompany beer understand the consumer marketplace. Retaining diverse and talented employees

is critical to Whirlpool and our annual employee engagement survey shows that employeesinvolved in our diversity networks tend to be more engaged than employees who are not.

Diversity is a critical part of our leadership development programs with more than 50 percent of participants coming from diverse backgrounds. ese high potential employees are strengtheningour talent pipeline to ensure the continued success of this company.

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Business, GovernanceWhirlpool maintains an environment of ethical excellence by conducting business with the higheststandards and integrity. Our success is not only aributed to the performance of our employees,but also to the strong corporate governance we practice.

Enhancing Our Compliance Efforts

At Whirlpool Corporation, we are guided by a deeply held value that “there is no right way todo a wrong thing.” Our Code of Ethics requires every employee to act responsibility and maintainthe highest levels of personal, business and legal conduct.

We have a long-standing and viable ethics and compliance program, which is regularly reviewedand strengthened. In 2009, we took steps to create an even more effective, systematic and

sustainable compliance program. e following enhancements will be in place in 2010:

• Creating a dedicated Compliance Office with a chief compliance officer

• Developing a single set of global compliance policies applicable to all Whirlpool locationsaround the world

• Dedicating time at senior leadership meetings to review and discuss ethics and compliancetopics. Placing additional emphasis on tone from the top, including additional leadershipemphasis on conducting business with integrity

• Enhancing ethics and compliance training and tracking on a global basis with robustcompliance training requirements for employees worldwide, and specic subject maertraining for appropriate departments and job functions

• Ensuring all new employees are trained and are aware of the company’s culture of compliance,Code of Ethics and their responsibilities

Whirlpool Corporation’s Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, and Global Labor andEmployment Guidelines can be found at www.whirlpoolcorp.com/responsibility.

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• Named one of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens (#51) by Corporate Responsibilitymagazine, marking the eighth time Whirlpool Corporation has been named to the list.

• Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America (2007-2009; Worldindex in 2006), FTSE4Good (since inception in 2001), FTSE KLD Social 400 (sinceinception in 1990) and KLD Global Sustainability (since inception in 2007) Indexes.

• Named to the Newsweek Green Rankings, a list of the 500 greenest companiesin America. Whirlpool ranked 78th on the list.

• Named one of the top U.S. companies for Social Responsibility by the Boston College

Center for Corporate Citizenship and that Reputation Institute, ranking 23rd.

• Named to the Fortune’s 2009 list of Top Companies for Leaders, ranking ninth forNorth America and 15th globally.

• Named a “Best Company to Work For” in Brazil (13 consecutive years), Mexico,India and Ireland.

• Received a score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign’s CorporateEquity Index for six years (2004-2009).

• Named a Socially Responsible Company by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy(CEMEFI)


Whirlpool, Maytag, KitchenAid, For the Way It’s Made, the Shape of the Stand Mixer, Jenn-Air,Amana, Bauknecht, Brastemp, Consul, Gladiator, Vantage, affresh, Duet, FanFresh, Bravos, Jetclean,6th Sense, Silverware Blast, Fresh Hold, Shades of Amana, Gourmand, EcoStyle, Inverse Black,

Club, Aquarela, and Gladiator Claw are trademarks of Whirlpool Corporation or its wholly or ma-jority-owned affiliates.

Fortune, ENERGY STAR, Corporate Responsibility Officer, Newsweek, Professional Builder,Metropolitan Home Rennovate, HANDY, Habitat for Humanity International, Cook for theCure and Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Instituto Consulado da Mulher are owned by theirrespective companies.

©2010 Whirlpool Corporation.All rights reserved.

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