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RST T N RA - ctkorlando.com

Date post: 24-Mar-2022
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CHRIST THE KING HERA LD MARCH 2021 EDITION Thank You For Joining Us For Our Valentine s Day Spaghetti Luncheon! HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday/Confirmation Sunday March 28th, 9:00 AM Maundy Thursday April 1st, 7:00 PM Good Friday April 2nd, 7:00 PM Easter Sunday April 4th, 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM (Easter Breakfast) 10:30 AM Bible Class/Sunday School MARK YOUR CALENDAR : We will be hosting an Easter Breakfast on Sunday, April 4th , after both worship ser- vices . The church will be providing sausage and pancakes. Please bring a prepack- aged, store or restaurant prepared dish to share, or an already prepared, brought - in warm, breakfast casserole that will need to be put in the warmer in the kitchen as soon as possible to be able to be served. There will be a sign - up sheet in the narthex on Sunday, March 7th. Volunteers needed to help set up the day before and we will need help serving.
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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool


Thank You For Joining Us For Our Valentine’s Day Spaghetti Luncheon!

HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday/Confirmation Sunday

March 28th, 9:00 AM

Maundy Thursday April 1st, 7:00 PM

Good Friday April 2nd, 7:00 PM

Easter Sunday April 4th, 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM (Easter Breakfast)

10:30 AM Bible Class/Sunday School


We will be hosting an Easter Breakfast on Sunday, April 4th, after both worship ser-vices. The church will be providing sausage and pancakes. Please bring a prepack-aged, store or restaurant prepared dish to share, or an already prepared, brought-in warm, breakfast casserole that will need to be put in the warmer in the kitchen as soon as possible to be able to be served. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex on Sunday, March 7th. Volunteers needed to help set up the day before and we will need help serving.

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

From the Pastor’s Desk

Looking Back To Go Forward Grace To You and Peace From God Our Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ. As we enter March 2021, a lot has happened since March of 2020. Who could have predicted that we would be radically changing the way we do almost everything? Who could have predicted that we would be wearing masks and lining up for vaccines? Who would have ever thought Christ The King would have an online presence, and be presenting the services on Facebook and YouTube? Who could have predicted that half of the people who hear God’s Word would be doing so in their living room, and that much of their spiritual learning was going on virtually?

The answer to all of these questions is nobody. Only God knew. Only He knew the future and the strug-gles that faced His people in the coming year of 2020. Only He was prepared to lead His people through the wilderness again and lead them through the valley of the shadow of death, and onward to the heaven-ly rest. In spite of all of the struggles and challenges of 2020, there were some amazing things done. God’s people responded to the challenge and used the gifts He had given them to the glory of His kingdom.

Here at CTK, we are continuing the ministry entrusted to us by God. We have faced the challenges and look for God’s answers. We have sought out the tools that God would have us use and have put them into place so that God’s people could continue to be fed and raised up. Indeed, the ministry is very different from a year ago. We have much to pray about and much to celebrate.

At the present time, we are live streaming all of our services to Facebook. We average about 150 views per week between the feed on the CTK page and Pastor Brown’s Facebook page. In February, we added a live stream to our YouTube channel. This means that people who need to hear God’s Word can do so 24 hours per day, and 7 days a week. We also live stream our Sunday morning and Thursday morning Bible studies. We have been putting an online Sunday School lesson on our Facebook page since November. Children can hear the Bible stories and do the activity sheets anytime they want.

On all of these activities, we seek to glorify God and to lift up His people. God is indeed working through the people of CTK and is using this testing to strengthen them and lead them outward. Paul says in 1 Co-rinthians: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of es-cape, that you may be able to endure it. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, the word “temptation” could also be translated “testing.” God is using this time to further His kingdom work, and we all have a part in it.

What I would like to have you do is, look back over the last year and look at how you are doing things different. Then ask yourself are you doing them in a better way, or have you lost something. If you find you have not improved your life, I want you to pray for God’s leading and guiding presence in using the testing and trial for His glory and that He would strengthen you in the days and weeks ahead.

We are a little over three weeks from spring, and a month from Easter. In that three weeks and month, pray to God for renewal and strength for the coming year that He is giving us.

God’s richest blessings.

Pastor Tim Email: [email protected] Cell phone: 636-744-9044

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Lenten Sundays: Philippians 2:5-11 Join us for a closer look at this important passage which details Christ’s Journey of Humiliation and Exaltation.

Lent 3: But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondser-vant, and coming in the likeness of men. Lent 4: And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Lent 5: Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, Lent 6: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, Palm Sunday/Confirmation Sunday: And that every tongue should con-fess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Maundy Thursday at 7:00 PM: The Passover significance of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday at 7:00 PM: Our Traditional Tenebrae Service Easter Sunday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM Worship Services

Midweek Services: Places of His Passion

Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Week 3: The High Priests’ Palace Week 4: The Praetorium/The Governors House Week 5: Calvary Week 6: The Garden Tomb

Lenten Services

Join us in our journey through the final 24 hours of Jesus life, leading up to His death and burial.

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Update: March 2, 2021

WE ARE WORSHIPING in our sanctuary at 9:00 AM on Sundays, for those want-ing to participate in the worship experience. We are not going to go back to full swing yet. We will continue to broadcast live on 91.7 FM, to our “Drive-In” crowd, for those who do not wish to enter the sanctuary. We will also continue to live stream the worship service on Facebook and YouTube. Presently, our service time will remain on Sundays at 9:00 AM. We will continue to email the Sunday service folder for those not worshiping in the sanctuary. For those worshiping in the sanctuary, we continue to practice the following guidelines for social distancing:

• We will use alternating pews in each section, so that an empty pew separates the pews where people are sitting. Family units may be seated together. (Please DO NOT sit in a pew that has blue tape on the arm rest).

• We ask that you maintain a social distance of 6 feet between family groups.

• We ask that you refrain from shaking hands or hugging.

• Face masks are mandated in Orange County. Therefore, they are required. Please practice social distancing. We stress that you do not congregate in the narthex, church, or parking lot, in order to maintain social distancing.

For the foreseeable future, we will continue with the 9:00 AM worship service, with four formats available. At some point, we will return to our normal sched-ule of service. All of our Adult Bible Classes and Sunday School will be live on Facebook and YouTube, as well as taking place in Barnabas Hall (practicing so-cial distancing and wearing masks). May God bless you during this time.

Current Sunday Worship Schedule:

Sunday Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 9:00 AM, “Drive-In” and live via Facebook and YouTube Fellowship in Barnabas Hall at 10:00 AM Adult Bible Class & Sunday School in Barnabas Hall at 10:30 AM (We will continue to practice social distancing. Masks are mandated in Orange County.)

Please Continue to visit our Website (ctkorlando.com) for the latest updates with regards to our schedule of services/events during the COVID-19.

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Moving Christ The King Forward in 2020


• The Four HVAC Units in Barnabas Hall Have Been Completely Replaced.

GOAL OF THE CAMPAIGN: $150,000 over a 3-year period.



As our initiative continues, we invite you to join in to upgrade and improve the experience at Christ The King, as we replace the aged air conditioning units which have been needing more repairs in recent years, with modern and energy efficient units that will serve our congrega-tion in the future. We greatly appreciate the monetary donations we have received thus far.

This is a 3-year project, with the moneys being deposited in a designated account, so that the funds are available when the units need to be replaced. Your pledge can be a one-time, one-year, or three-year pledge. If you haven’t already, please fill out a pledge card and place it in the designated box on the center table in the narthex. There are spe-cial golden colored envelopes for your monetary donations (to be placed in the offering plate), in the narthex as well. We will also have a poster displayed which will map the progress of this initiative. Thank you so much for donating to this much needed ini-tiative.

THANK YOU For Your Financial Support

During This Time! Actual Givings Received Total Needed Difference January Total: $25,587.09 $21,840.00 $3,747.09

All Thrivent Members: If you are a Thrivent Member, we encourage you to check the status of your Choice Dollars. Any cur-

rently available funds in your account must be designated by March 31st, or they will be lost. You may designate them to the church either online under Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or by phone at 1-800-847-4836. Your help is greatly appreciated!

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool


If you are interested in serving our Lord in His missions through our chapter of the LWML, please contact Lois Hintzman, 407-295-9810, or Betty Dorsey, 512-971-1814. If you are unable to attend our meetings but would like to receive our monthly meeting minutes, please contact Lois Hintzman or Betty Dorsey. Also, if you are interested in receiving the LWML daily Mustard Seed devotional online, please go to their website, LCMS.org and go to Mustard Seeds and give them your email address. These devo-tions are wonderful small nuggets to start your day with God. Hope to see you at our next meeting, Tuesday, March 16th, 2021, at 10:00AM in Barnabas Hall.

In the words of Jesus, Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” In

keeping with the Great Commission, LWML is inviting the congregation to take

part in our Lenten, mission project.

“Rev. Mark and Stefanie Rabe serve the Lord as mis-

sionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

in Ethiopia. Mark teaches at Mekane Yesus Seminary in

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The seminary is dedicated to

training faithful Lutheran pastors and other church work-

ers to serve in Ethiopia.” (Small bio may be found on

side shelf in narthex.)

Through the Lenten season, we encourage you to save your loose change/

dollars each day from now, through Easter Sunday, April 4th, for this mission.

There is a “mission box” in the narthex for you to place your mission donation

each week.

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

CTK Tech Team:

CTK will be starting a Tech Team to run the

Live Streaming on Facebook and YouTube

each Sunday. We will be offering a one-day

training session. Please see Karen, or call

the office at 407-876-2771, if you’d be inter-

ested in joining this team.

COLLECTING USED TOWELS Joey Kolb is collecting old, used towels for Boys Scouts of Amer-

ica to be used for the homeless, at the Salvation Army. We are

accepting donations on or before Sunday, March 21st. Please

place them in the box in the narthex. Thank you so much for

your participation!

In Christian Sympathy To: Suzi Engelking and family

on the death of her father,

Art Radtke, on Monday,

February 8th, 2021.

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

19—Larry & Mary Cutter 28—Bill & Pam duPont

01—Joseph Nystrom 03—Diane Carse Linda Sage 06—Angel Alexander Michael Manahan 07—Renae Thurston

09—Zachary Blaha Kathryn Santiago Adriana Smith 10—Robert Biro 11—Megan Frey 14—Macy Modlin

16—Debbie Meyer 17—Bill Mathews 18—Emily Appenzeller 20—Joanne Reitz 22—Paul Meyer

23—Mia Sieler 28—Suzanne von Behren 29—Kim Frey 31—Tiffany Nystrom Diane Ouligian

Happy Birthday!

Happy Anniversary!

We Are Expanding Our Online Presence! Connect with us on these platforms!

Live Video of Worship Services are Available on: Facebook:

“Christ The King Lutheran Church & PreSchool” &

YouTube: christ the king lutheran church orlando

Audio of Pastor Brown’s Sermons are available on our website at ctkorlando.com. There is also a link to connect to our YouTube page to watch our worship services/Bible


Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 7:00 AM—1:00 PM


THANK YOU To the CTK Maintenance Crew for

beautifying our church grounds

last month. Your hard work was

greatly appreciated!

Please follow us on Instagram at ctkorlando

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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool







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