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L VWsW 5 PC I f 11rJL Lighthouse Keeper v Stow far off from the rest some parts i ofthe TJnited3ato8 ore was illustrated rt pointedly a fortnight ago when Cap f ta Milankeepor of the Mount DiertBook Light off the Maine coast t vpaidhis first visit of the winter to the mainland and thoro first arned of tho 4 f1 destruction of tho Maine Ho bought 4u the papers ho could find giving an- conntof W the catastrophe to taketo the small community of his home t Boston Transcript t- jl Public Clocks 1fJ Fejr great cltles of America adequately l I provided wlhpublic clock of ueh a size and Indicate the time = BO location to II over wide mtltropollunlhtrlcta RUt It Js- blgh time to chock kidney com- plaint t w lnftiteettwIltotheniir rer bTinaotlvlty r v of the organs affected Hostott Hitters remedies this ns It does dyspepsia rheumatism constipation blllouOHSS neryounes- sAmagnettcsnrve7Iitobem00t Prussia on whose coast r mall ments hav been carried ont oy the Imperial F naval authorities ntitlons will b Zt mile apart and the cost SI3SOO LSn- i To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableteil1 Druiglsts refund money I tit falls to cure aso Aaaucceafnl writer of fiction the man Irn who Reti out the wenther report eullydl tances all competitors Deantr Il flood Deep dean blood mean a clean skin No beauty without it Ciscareta Candy Cathar- tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up lawgiver and driving all im- purities ¬ from lbd Begin t to- y boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion bytakin- Casearetebenuty for ten cents Iilta Jlti Uon guaranteed lOc 25c 5Oc A new German church bRa been completed Jerusalem at a cost of 200000 j Sent Irtf Klondike Mop T From Gold Commissions official Ad- dress Gardner Co Colorado SprlnltloColQ liT VITUS DANCE SPASMSand all nerv oHsdlseasespermsnontlr cured by the use of Dr Klines teat Restorer Bond for FHKK 100 trial bottle ancltreattlI to Dr nlI Kline Ltd Oil Pa The cells composing the epidermis aro 11000 of on Inch In dia- meterWhatYouCet Whon You Buy Medicine Is a Mat- ter ¬ r of Groat Importance Do you get that which has the power t- ot eradicate from your blood all poisonous- taints and thus remove the cause of dis- ease ¬ f Do you buy HOODS Garsaparllln J and only Hoods 1 If you do you may take It with tko utmost confidence that It will do you rood Remember f > r HoodsSarsapariliaIsAm- ericalI Hoods PI I Is cure biliousness indigestion A Lead Pipe Cinch t Tho expression a lead pipe cluck originated in Brooklyn NY ex- plained ¬ a wellknown turfman Though it is very frequently uaed by sporting people it is not over twenty five years old and I doubt If it Is that c old It Indicates a sure thing or at i least that is thought to be dead sure There are several explanations of its origin but I am satisfied that Brooklyn was its home It was coined In this 1 h way Some years ago a fellow entered a plumbing shop and stole a piece of lead pipe He wanted to take it over 1 to New York and to keep it from be ¬ t ing seen he wrapped the pipe around r his body and then put his clothes on ov rJt A cinch In turf language means a girth or saddle band or any ¬ thing that Is used to keep a saddle on a horso or mule tight Cinching up means therefore tightening up and Is Spanish origin Aa the fellow with the lead pipe around his body jumped- to catch the ferryboat he foil over- t ¬ board and of course the weight of the lead carried him down A horseman- In explaining the occurrence said the thief had a lead pipe cinch and he i- T had and it drowned him Washtng ton Star I AN OPERATION AVOIDED If IM HI Mrs Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs Pinkham About She Bays I DEAE MBS PINKHAII take pleas ore in writing you a few lines to in ¬ form you of the good your Vegetable Compound haa done me I cannot thank you enough for what your medi- cine ¬ has done for me it has indeed I helped me wonderfully For ycars I was trou- bled ¬ with an Is ovarian tumor- eachyeargrow ¬ j Ingworae un- til r > at lost I it < wacompe1led- iT to consult with a physician He said- cothingcould t be done for me but to go under an operation ph In speaking with a friend of mIni p about it she recommended Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound say- ing ¬ sho knew itwould cure me I then 7i sent for your medicine and after talc ¬ ing three bottles of it tho tumor dis- appeared ¬ wr Ohl you do not know how I much good your medicine has done me I shallrecommcnd it to all suffer- ing women Mrs ROSA GAUM 720 Wall St Los Angeles CaL f4 The great and unvarying success of 7 Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com- pound ¬ in relieving every derangement- of the female organs demonstrates t itto be the modern safeguard of wo ¬ v mans happiness and bodily strength MorO than a million women navo been benefited by it f Every woman who needs advice about her health is invited to write tc 2 Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Att r neiite Te- yoo p hate mop y do yon Tetas or South fr44 l 01 J I > 8GfNf8 ICm K MAUG IMPOSING SCENE WHEN OEX FRED OJUNT TOOK THE OATH OBLIGATED BY EKONFEDERftTE Gen Ornut Highly Gratified Ovex the Pleaaant 1enofltflfltMUCh Frsi- tcrnnl Ilnndshilklnc A dispatch says Gen- eral ¬ FrodD Grant took the oath Wed- nesday ¬ as brigadier general and the ceromony was one of intense interest The oath was administered Judge A Harris of RomeGaan ox onfederate and the ceremony was witnessed by a largo concourse of peo- ple ¬ exconfederate and exfedoral sol- diers ¬ v General expressed great satis ¬ faction that ho should have the privi- lege ¬ of assuming the obligations of his office from so distinguished a confed- erate ¬ and when the ceremony was oyer a great shout went up the first man to shake hands with and cougrat ulato tho distinguished officer being Major George L Gillcspie who vrns with General Lee when ho surrendered at Appomattox The scene was ono unique in the his ¬ tory of the country and the incident crested tho greatest entbusiasinwhich broke into cheers that almost shook Missionary Ridge when General Grant saidShako hands now not over a bloody chasm but on the sqil of a country in its loyalty to the one flagThere aro probably 200 soldiers in the various regiments Who aro sick at division hospitals in view of which the Chattanooga brauchof tile national relief committee has authorized the statement that it is now ready to re ¬ calve any contributions that may be sent from the various states for tho re lief and sustenance of the sick Sup ¬ plies may be sent to Dr WJ Trim ¬ presidentof the branch or to George W Ochs exmayor of the city secretary who Till see that everything reaches its proper destination This branch of the committee has the in ¬ dorsement of tho authorities anti relieves the hospital department from the care and distribution of such bup plies- A 0 Post of company N fifth Il- linois ¬ of Canton Ill died Tuesday night and the remains were shipped t- his family Wednesday He WAS a member of the Knights of Pythias and a large detachment from thator ¬ der of the local lodges accompanied- the remains to the depot Private E L Thompson of com- pany ¬ L filth Maryland son of Captain Thompson of company 0 of the same regiment was drowned Wednesday afternoon while bathing in Chicka nauga creek Major Shiba of the Japanese army whq has been at Chickamauga watch organization army left for Tampa Major Shiba when asked what ho thought of the army said It is simply marvelous Ho will ask to accompany the armyof invasion- to be sent to Cuba In accordance with orders issued the First District of Columbia One Hundred and Fiftyseventh Indians Second New York and First Ohio in- fantry ¬ reRiments left Wednesday morn ¬ ing for Tampa Orders from the war department to alt regiments fill up their rolls to the full strength of 1307 men wore issued during the day and the details for recruiting are being made up as rapidly as possible HOSPITAL DONATED Mrs loiter of Chicago Founds Home For Sick Soldiers A Chicago dispatch says The United States government will be richer by a hospital at Chickamanga park within a few days through the generosity of Mrs L Z Leiter Tho illness among tho troops there was brought her notice some time ago and she at once began a correspondence with Assist ant Surgeon General Bonn to see what might he done Mrs Loiter was told that a perma- nent ¬ hospital to supply mom comforts than the ordinary field shelter was what was chiefly needed and tho Chick ¬ amanga park hotel upon the grounds- near Crawfish springs was thought be most suitable This building Mrs Leiter has purchased for the govern- ment ¬ Tbe hospital will supply socomm- odtionefor ¬ between 600 and 700 THIRTY DAYS RATIONS Being Prepared Per General Lees Troops- at Jacksonville The department massing ra- tions ¬ for thirty days for tho troops tare assembling at Jacksonville under General Leo The authorities decline to say how many men OTA to be concntratedthere or whether they will stay at that place for the full thirtydays for which the rations are provided CALiFORNIANS DISSATISFIED- They Enter Protest Against New Treaty With France The reciprocity proclamation of the president which admits fruitnbrandios and spirits at 1 20 a gallon has great- ly ¬ excited the California dealers who saytheir industry will be ruined An agreement has been sent to Senator Perkins by a committee of wino grow ¬ er8aeklag him to enter an immediate protest against the proiBiQDs- i c 1 OMAHA8maSHOWOPfHfD P ESIDENTM KINLEY STARTS THE 1YHEELS MOVING r DELIVERS ADDRESS BY TELEPHONE- An Imposing CivIc Tnrmde Three Miles LoOIr Featureof ilia Par In the Nebraska Oltr Amid the music of a hundred bands the cheers of a hundred thousand peo- ple ¬ the blasts of many whistles and the waving of innumerable hugs the- transMississippi and International ex- position ¬ was dedicntodot OmahoNcb Wednesday Everything contributed to tho smoothness of the final preparations and nothing occurcd to mar tho occa- sion ¬ Thecivio parade was three miles long consisting of the officers and guests of exposition in carriages tho semimilitary organizations and all the secret societies of Nebraska and adjacent Btates- Rev Dr Samuels of St Louis opened tho exercises at tho grounds- with an appeal to Ho who dooth all things well to shower His blessings- on the enterprise and the people ql the transMississippi region especially President Wattles Hon J L Weber- of Omaha and Hon John L Baldwin- of Council Bluffs eulogized the occa ¬ sionPresident MoKinley addressed the assembled multitude by a longdis ¬ lance telephone and touched tho elec- tric ¬ button in the blue room of the whitehouso at Washington He spoke- as follows lion George Wattles president TransMississippi and International Exposition Omaha NebTho cor- diality ¬ of the invitation extended to me to be present at the opening of your exposition is deeply appreciated- and I more deeply regret that public duties prevent me from leaving the capital at this time The event of a memorable half cen- tury ¬ which the transMississippi International exposition commemo- rates ¬ are interwoven with tho history of tho whole nation and are of sur- passing ¬ importance The mighty west affords most striking evidence of the splendid achievements and possibili- ties ¬ of our people It is a matchless tribute to the energy and endurance of the pioneer while in vast agricul- tural ¬ development its progress in manufactures its advancement in the arts and sciences and in all depart ¬ ments of endeavor has been estimable contributions the civilization and wealth the wprld Nowhere have unconquerable determination self reliant strength and sturdy manhood of our citizenship < been more forcibly illustrated In pence or wan the men and women of the west have ever been- in tho vanguard I congratulate the management upon its magnificent and assure all who participate in this un- dertaking ¬ of the deep interest which tho government has in its success WILLIAM McKiNLEy Tho ceremony at tho Washington end was brief and was conducted with little formality The members of the Nebraska delegation in congress ac- companied ¬ by tho ladies of their fami- lies ¬ assembled at tho white house and woro presented to the president- A clear wire to Omaha was secured- at 1CO oclock and tho president stepping to the instrument pressed- the button which set in motion tho ox position machinery about 1500 miles away After thanking the president- for his courtesy the party withdrew- and joined in the following congratu ¬ exposition latory telegram to the president the Nebraska delegation assembled in executive mansion extend their con- gratulations ¬ upon the auspicious be- ginning ¬ of so vast an enterprise as the transMississippi and International ¬ position nndTegret their inability to present and personally participate- in its achievements The Public Debt The monthly statement of the pub ¬ lie debt shows that at the close of bus- iness ¬ May 31 1898 the public debt less cash in tho treasury amounted to 10377737CO an increase over last month of 19341108 ANXIOUS FOR PEACE Spain Instructs Ambassador Trance to Ask For Intervention The Madrid correspondent of The London Morning Post says Senor Leon y Castjllo the Spanish ambassador to Prance at his recent conferences with the queen regent and Senor Sagasta was officially charged to ask the powers to intervene to ob- tain ¬ peaceon such terms as would pro- tect ¬ tho amour propre of Spain 44The ambassador will urge as a reason for such intervention tile dan- ger ¬ ofalos8 of trade to tho powers themselves in the event of the contin- uance ¬ faf the war Political and diplo- matic ¬ circles in Madrid believe that Castillo will succeed LAND ATTACK NOT MADE Iteport That Insurgent Swooped Down- on Santiago Is Denied The published report of an attack upon the city Santiago do Cuba Thursday by the insurgents is not con ¬ firmed sad appears to be without foun- dation ¬ t the dreadful destitution- of the inhabitants of the city how ¬ ever are erifledIt is said now that seven the officials arou able to procure normal supply food r 0 l lL A I- Jt il ii Tr c L2J f They Ccsipirtd Ift Why cant women be naturalf growled Dumply according to the De- troit ¬ Free Press They make ma think of a lot of blue jays with their clatter and their pluming and their efforts to Improve on nature They crt think out mor crazy plans itad levoloped m unmitigated nonsense than BO many Inspired imps Lookat your hair Mrs Bumply plaited and twisted and fluted and banged till it looks no snore like wtat it does in its normal state than a Junk pile looks like tiny oUts original elements And those sleeves and those three story heels and that stiffnecked collar HonestlyIf men compelled you to rig up In that barbarous fashion youd Inveigh against them as brutal saw agesOh I dont know said Mrs Bump- ly who is very matter of fact con- template ¬ your own hair Looks as It It was laundered down on top and molded over puff combs onUie side The shoulders of your coat are built up AS though you were trying to palm yourself oft for prizefighter and the way that your mustache twisted up at the ends makes me think of a French dancing on a reception night Then Bumpy grew very distant in his manner arranged to go downtown nt once told his wife not to sit up for him and said that if she had one fault above another It lay in her Irrepros- elblq disposition grow personal whenever she eqtcred into debate Revival of Medieval AH- A delightful revival of medfeval art Is crophet work In gold and silver thread Besides beauty and brilliancy It possesses great durability A collar- or an edging a small triangular piece for the colt will last the owner a life- time ¬ It gives the finest effect when applied to black or dark colored vel ¬ vet No matter how fashion may go It never loses its popularity altogether- New York Mall Express New South Wales has 000000 acres of wheat How RU f Cam From Colt County Democrat J fftnon Oily Mo When la grippe visited this about seven years Herman Eveler of 811 W Jefferson Mo was one ot the victim aad has since been troubled with the aftoretfeota of the disease Ho Is a wellknown con tract or and builder a bus- lneu requiring much mental anti physical work A ago his health began to fall- 1I1armlugIYllndtbntheUTestOoday lJ al- most ¬ a says I was troubled with shortness breath palpitation of the heart and a general de ¬ bank also pained me severely I tried one doctor alter another and numerous remedies suggested my friends but without apparent benefit and began to give up hope Then I saw Dr Williams PInk Pills for Palo People f extolled In a 8t Louis V paper and after investi- gation ¬ de- cided ¬ to give them a trial After cs I ing the first A Contractor fflculiy box I felt wpndertalljr relieved and was satisfied thin the pills were putting me on the road to recovery I bought tvro more boras and oontlnuod taking them After boxes of Dr Williams Pink PIUs for Palo People I am restored to good health and a new men I am now capable of transacting my business with Increased ambition Dr Wllllatns Pink pms for Pale People- are a wonderful medicine and anyone that is afflicted with shortness of breath pal- pitation ¬ ot the heart nervous prostration and general debility will find that tnese pllla are the specific EIBIUH II Evxuta Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Fablio this 31th May 1897 ADJLM PODTSIOKO Notary Public Mr Eveler will gladly answer any in- quiry regarding this It stamp U enclosed- Dr Williams PInk PIUs cure people troubled with the aftereffects grippe because they act directly on the Impure blood They are also a specific for ohronlo erysipelas catarrh rheumatism and all diseases due to Impure or Impov- rished blood Her Secret SltaiL Nervous housewives whose husbands frequently bring home company to din ¬ ner without preliminary warning of ¬ ten worry In their secret hearts to sup ¬ ply the unexpected guests A matron living In one of the prettiest suburban residences West Philadelphia wboae husband persists in bringing home guests at the most inopportune times has hit upon a happy expedient to meet possible emergencies- In passing any dish at the table of which there may be a limited supply the hostess makes a point to mention- the enigmatical letters FH B in such a manner as not to attract tho at- tention ¬ of the guests around the board Immediately members of the family aro aware of the circumstances and discreetly partake ery lightly if at all of the Viands in Question The secret ot the three letters was solved- a few days ago and the hostess after- wards laughingly confessed her little scheme F H B in this Instance stands for family hold baekBoeton- Trsveler Edurats Year Dowels With Caaearet Candy Cathartic cure Oonstipstioa forever 25c It Q 0 O aU druggisinreznaaaoaej Brooklyn Is to have the worlds biggest ou gar rellnery iO- i1111I Wniow4 Soothing Syrup for chUdren teething soften the gum reduces InllAmma Uon ellayrpain euro windeolic SIc a bottle Lyon CPlckLeat >> BmeklncTatacco stands unrivalled for and flavor Made from the tkllt sweetest Tobscoo wmpIrou Try It For tVMotrfacCoagh ptsoi Cure Is H sue ce M I DjrraK 67 Throor ATe Broofcirnfy Y Nov U18M- A A Prett Druggist BhUbjvllle Ind HaUa ahrrb etrcs the best of satisfaction Can ret plenty testimonials ft hours everyone wliotakeatt Druggist sell It 76- airisulstlppl Co has onlr lD p lr cent of tic la the countrr- T Or OtnstlpaUoa on- l liaOueaivU OandrCatbarUe JOo or Me H OOO fait to rare lKU retond eaooey- UndnlaUnir lacdjs better for the growth ol roPltllaD a iT It J 14- w n h gjtfltttUunIfl ii i 1 p t 1i fl If- f r r i 1 t- xt r i s f JT 1 d fri4IIfL1 P iR I 1 r- a 11 I LA I I T- t I 1 t A k Ii I- S iP 1t zt i I I i1 I i z- I rirj Among people where the practice of economy Is a 1 necessity the buying soap is an important yearly item i f The grocer who has an eye to larger profits may not suggest Ivory Soap He will recommend nothing else if he is conscientious Ivory Soap is a pure soap all through That makes it the most economical and best A perfect soap for the toilet and laundry FLOATS I- AWODOPWARNINOThrarnanywb1issozpLuchrpreuntdbbJusI as goot as the Ivory I they ARE NOT ullik alt counterfeIt lack the pecnlUrand- reoarkablt 4- L qualities of the rtnuln Ask for Ivory Soap ana intltt upon g ttftig It bnritM ISM tr Sc pe a Ok aoio I Greatest llfbt In the Wsrld The greatest light In the world a lantern which has an Illuminating pow- er ¬ equal to 00000000 candles thrown In a beam nine feet in diameter Is soon to be erected upon the Highlands just above Sandy Hook to show marin- ers ¬ where they can find the entrance to the harbor of ew York It will stand 240 feet above tide water and at that distance will bo visible about 30 miles- If It could be elevated three times that height it could be seen 100 miles dis- tant This IB the same ICght that stood upon the southwest corner of the manu- facturers ¬ building at the Worlds Fair where it was exhibited by Henry Le paute of Paris Franco and was pur- chased for 10000 by the light house board The lenses are nine feet In dl amoter and are composed of a central disk two prismatic rims and 100 prU- matlc segments all of carefully ground and polished optical glass There arc three lamps with interchangeable ¬ bons one Inch in diameter ted by a current of 65 volts The generator and engine which were used at Chicago were not purchased it believed that we make totter ones in America The lamp weight 20 tons and floats in mercury In a holow steel cylinder So slight is tho friction that it may bo moved by a childs finger It is a Question whether this lamp may not be made useful in case of war by rig- ging It as a search light to sweep the approaches to the harbor of New York and thus disclose the presence of a hostile fleet Chicago Record Purely a Local Disease Eczema a local disease and needs local ireattnent The Irritated diseased skin mast soothed smoothed and healed Xouse to dose yourself and ruin your stomach lust be cause of Itching eruption Tetterlne la the onlr simple safe and certain cure for Tetter Eczema Ringworm and other skin troubles At druggists or bymail for GO cents In stamps JT Snuptrlne Savannah Ua Missouri has more chickens than any other state in the union Dot Tobacco Spit cad Book Year tlfs bar To quit tobacco easily end forever be mae oetlo full ot life nerve and leer take NoTo flee the wonderworker that makes weak men Strung All druggists bOo or I Cure roams teed Booklet end sample free Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York There Is talk of a school of mines la Johannesburg Pita permanently cured No Ilts or nervous flees use of Dr Kllnell Nerve Rtorer p trialbotUeandtreaUsefres DR R1I KLINE Arch St Phlla Pa All of the beggars In Italy must be duly licensed NToDe for Jlhy Cents Gttaraateed tobacco habit cure makes woa men alroaf blood pure t03L- Xatals Udmggiaca wool production decreased In 1897 90 percent rrJfi UPt J SCHOLAR FREE ron 8HIP ry ACTUAL BUSINESS TAUGHT s SJ- lifra Railroad Yare 14r POSITIONS GUJlUY TEED Oina1t lrtDoui Sexes GeorgiaAlabama Business COllelre- KtCONOIOIlOI4 Sour Stomach After X wes IDda eCo try CA1CA a SETs I will Borer b irttbont tb 8X In tbe bonte- Mr Hrcr was Inn very tad sbapand mr bead acted and I had stomach trouble Now since tat lug Catcarau I test floe Idywife has also used tiicm with beneficial results for sour stomaou 3 os KBIBLLHO un concuss at SLosisUo I I I- r Pleasant Palatable Potent Tut Good Do Good Merer Sicken er Gripe Uto Be We CURE CONSTIPATION JEW aitrltef BMMJ CMMi7 CMwti MMtntl Iw TM ttJ- MOTOIAC 1 Sold andllIanDWed allUr IIU to l1JUC Tobacco llabl COMPLETEKfttt- wMILL < OUTFITS Gin Press Can Mill and Shingle Outfits BoUdlng Brldijo f Factory and Furnace Ballroad s3 ulflgStai- lroad Mill Mnchintst and Factory Supplies Belting Packing Injectors > a Saws rite Oilers Etc TCatt every day work 180 hands i LOMBHRD1RONWORKS5SUPPLYCO AUGUSTA OA Good All the Year Round ST ANDREWS I COLD TEL Fox the Lsiv er COLEMANS TOBACCO OIL LINIMENT II the Best Liniment In the World For Ithjmnullra Knmlrtt Dub <bi Toitbubi C r t stir Sit d u oil LM- BQ f limit u < oil I u ixMnul rm 4r- vtrtlfictu e4 ft rar MSRiiici1pUMt0 A n Fraf- HTn vlik ar r N ia b 7 Dntrlit H C trr Mfnhuu r lr mitt pwijuM na Iri S PI tab OOLZaUK laDIOnrB CO DrZIZWC Palsles rte OPIUM etiirvoututaLWd DR PURDY a tMTtm i MENTIONJHISP APERltI AqtiiS2n 0 g I a a p a B7 B7 Bj B7 Br a EXPOSURE to WET COLD I TTA8 proven disastrous to many women feet and damp clothing chill the I r IT entire system delicate female organs are at once effected PainfW i4 Profuse Suppressed or Obstructed Menses 4 X Whites Womb or some other I healthdestroying dia ass la almost certain ii exposure unless proper pre- cautions ¬ I are When of ¬ I ease appear women ehouldbeglntheuaeO- fI GERSTLES Female Panacea y V Taa tQ p Pa I > j1 1 It will regulate the menses cure all forms of I > iemmle and health And strength f I Itilusediatheprlyacyoftbehonie No con I t I u there U any tendency to constipation or indigestion of St t kt- SUFFERttB c Iy DAUOHTR INTENSELY u physicians and other rernedlef but cqver we were indnct W 2 Jft ATJ MAGE Jamestown Teem s PorSa ftJkOO par Kettle v l L1 iC Ckttiita Ta3- f L 1 4
Page 1: rt fl xt r JT d fri4IIfL1 iRufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00053/0345.pdf · L VWsW 5 PC I f 11rJL Lighthouse Keeper v Stow far off from the rest some parts i ofthe TJnited3ato8




11rJL Lighthouse Keeperv Stow far off from the rest some parts

i ofthe TJnited3ato8 ore was illustratedrt pointedly a fortnight ago when Cap

f ta Milankeepor of the MountDiertBook Light off the Maine coast

t vpaidhis first visit of the winter to themainland and thoro first arned of tho

4 f1 destruction of tho Maine Ho bought4u the papers ho could find giving an-

conntofW the catastrophe to taketothe small community of his home

t Boston Transcriptt-

jl Public Clocks1fJ Fejr great cltles of America adequatelyl I provided wlhpublic clock of ueh a size and

Indicate the time= BO location toII

over wide mtltropollunlhtrlcta RUt It Js-blgh time to chock kidney com-plaintt w lnftiteettwIltotheniir rer bTinaotlvlty

r v of the organs affected HostottHitters remedies this ns It does dyspepsiarheumatism constipation blllouOHSSneryounes-

sAmagnettcsnrve7Iitobem00t Prussiaon whose coast r mallments hav been carried ont oy the Imperial

F naval authorities ntitlons will b Ztmile apart and the cost SI3SOO



To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableteil1

Druiglsts refund money I tit falls to cure aso

Aaaucceafnl writer of fiction the manIrn who Reti out the wenther report eullydl

tances all competitors

Deantr Il flood Deepdean blood mean a clean skin No

beauty without it Ciscareta Candy Cathar-tic clean your blood and keep it clean bystirring up lawgiver and driving all im-


from lbd Begin t to-

y boils blotches blackheadsand that sickly bilious complexion bytakin-Casearetebenuty for ten centsIilta Jlti Uon guaranteed lOc 25c 5Oc

A new German church bRa been completedJerusalem at a cost of 200000

j Sent Irtf Klondike MopT From Gold Commissions official Ad-

dress Gardner Co Colorado SprlnltloColQ

liT VITUS DANCE SPASMSand all nervoHsdlseasespermsnontlr cured by the use ofDr Klines teat Restorer Bond forFHKK 100 trial bottle ancltreattlI to DrnlI Kline Ltd Oil Pa

The cells composing the epidermis aro11000 of on Inch In dia-meterWhatYouCetWhon You Buy Medicine Is a Mat-


r of Groat ImportanceDo you get that which has the power t-

ot eradicate from your blood all poisonous-taints and thus remove the cause of dis-


f Do you buy HOODS GarsaparlllnJ and only Hoods 1 If you do you may take

It with tko utmost confidence that It willdo you rood Remember

f >r HoodsSarsapariliaIsAm-ericalIHoods PI I Is cure biliousness indigestion

A Lead Pipe Cinch

t Tho expression a lead pipe cluckoriginated in Brooklyn NY ex-


a wellknown turfmanThough it is very frequently uaed by

sporting people it is not over twentyfive years old and I doubt If it Is that

c old It Indicates a sure thing or ati least that is thought to be dead sure

There are several explanations of itsorigin but I am satisfied that Brooklynwas its home It was coined In this

1 hway Some years ago a fellow entereda plumbing shop and stole a piece oflead pipe He wanted to take it over

1 to New York and to keep it from be¬

t ing seen he wrapped the pipe aroundr his body and then put his clothes on

ov rJt A cinch In turf languagemeans a girth or saddle band or any ¬

thing that Is used to keep a saddle ona horso or mule tight Cinching upmeans therefore tightening up and IsSpanish origin Aa the fellow withthe lead pipe around his body jumped-to catch the ferryboat he foil over-



board and of course the weight of thelead carried him down A horseman-In explaining the occurrence said thethief had a lead pipe cinch and hei-


had and it drowned him Washtngton Star I


Mrs Rosa Gaum Writes to MrsPinkham About She BaysI DEAE MBS PINKHAII take pleas

ore in writing you a few lines to in¬

form you of the good your VegetableCompound haa done me I cannotthank you enough for what your medi-cine


has done for me it has indeedI helped me wonderfully

For ycars I was trou-bled


with anIsovarian tumor-eachyeargrow ¬

j Ingworae un-

tilr> at lost I

it < wacompe1led-iT to consult with

a physicianHe said-


be done forme but to go under an operation

ph In speaking with a friend of mInip about it she recommended Lydia E

Pinkhams Vegetable Compound say-ing


sho knew itwould cure me I then7i sent for your medicine and after talc¬

ing three bottles of it tho tumor dis-


wr Ohl you do not know how

I much good your medicine has doneme I shallrecommcnd it to all suffer-ing women Mrs ROSA GAUM 720Wall St Los Angeles CaL

f4 The great and unvarying success of7 Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com-


in relieving every derangement-of the female organs demonstrates

t itto be the modern safeguard of wo ¬

v mans happiness and bodily strengthMorO than a million women navo beenbenefited by it

f Every woman who needs adviceabout her health is invited to write tc

2 Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass

Att r neiite Te-yoop hate mop y do yon Tetas or South


l 01







Gen Ornut Highly Gratified Ovex thePleaaant 1enofltflfltMUCh Frsi-

tcrnnl Ilnndshilklnc

A dispatch says Gen-



FrodD Grant took the oath Wed-



as brigadier general and theceromony was one of intense interest

The oath was administered JudgeA Harris of RomeGaan

ox onfederate and the ceremony waswitnessed by a largo concourse of peo-


exconfederate and exfedoral sol-



v General expressed great satis ¬

faction that ho should have the privi-


of assuming the obligations of hisoffice from so distinguished a confed-


and when the ceremony wasoyer a great shout went up the firstman to shake hands with and cougratulato tho distinguished officer beingMajor George L Gillcspie who vrns

with General Lee when ho surrenderedat Appomattox

The scene was ono unique in the his ¬

tory of the country and the incidentcrested tho greatest entbusiasinwhichbroke into cheers that almost shookMissionary Ridge when General Grant

saidShako hands now not over abloody chasm but on the sqil of a

country in its loyalty to the one

flagTherearo probably 200 soldiers in

the various regiments Who aro sick atdivision hospitals in view of whichthe Chattanooga brauchof tile nationalrelief committee has authorized thestatement that it is now ready to re ¬

calve any contributions that may besent from the various states for tho relief and sustenance of the sick Sup ¬

plies may be sent to Dr WJ Trim ¬

presidentof the branch or toGeorge W Ochs exmayor of the citysecretary who Till see that everythingreaches its proper destination Thisbranch of the committee has the in ¬

dorsement of tho authorities antirelieves the hospital department fromthe care and distribution of such bupplies-

A 0 Post of company N fifth Il-


of Canton Ill died Tuesdaynight and the remains were shipped t-

his family Wednesday He WAS amember of the Knights of Pythiasand a large detachment from thator ¬

der of the local lodges accompanied-the remains to the depot

Private E L Thompson of com-


L filth Maryland son of CaptainThompson of company 0 of the sameregiment was drowned Wednesdayafternoon while bathing in Chickanauga creek

Major Shiba of the Japanese armywhq has been at Chickamauga watch

organizationarmy left for Tampa Major Shibawhen asked what ho thought of thearmy said

It is simply marvelous Ho willask to accompany the armyof invasion-to be sent to Cuba

In accordance with orders issuedthe First District of Columbia OneHundred and Fiftyseventh IndiansSecond New York and First Ohio in-


reRiments left Wednesday morn ¬

ing for TampaOrders from the war department to

alt regiments fill up their rolls tothe full strength of 1307 men woreissued during the day and the detailsfor recruiting are being made up asrapidly as possible


Mrs loiter of Chicago Founds Home ForSick Soldiers

A Chicago dispatch says The UnitedStates government will be richer by ahospital at Chickamanga park within afew days through the generosity ofMrs L Z Leiter Tho illness amongtho troops there was brought hernotice some time ago and she at oncebegan a correspondence with Assistant Surgeon General Bonn to see whatmight he done

Mrs Loiter was told that a perma-nent


hospital to supply mom comfortsthan the ordinary field shelter waswhat was chiefly needed and tho Chick ¬

amanga park hotel upon the grounds-near Crawfish springs was thoughtbe most suitable This building MrsLeiter has purchased for the govern-ment


Tbe hospital will supply socomm-odtionefor


between 600 and 700


Being Prepared Per General Lees Troops-at Jacksonville

The department massing ra-


for thirty days for tho troopstare assembling at Jacksonville

under General Leo The authoritiesdecline to say how many men OTA tobe concntratedthere or whether theywill stay at that place for the fullthirtydays for which the rations areprovided


They Enter Protest Against New TreatyWith France

The reciprocity proclamation of thepresident which admits fruitnbrandiosand spirits at 1 20 a gallon has great-ly


excited the California dealers whosaytheir industry will be ruined Anagreement has been sent to SenatorPerkins by a committee of wino grow ¬

er8aeklag him to enter an immediateprotest against the proiBiQDs-









An Imposing CivIc Tnrmde Three MilesLoOIr Featureof ilia Par In

the Nebraska Oltr

Amid the music of a hundred bandsthe cheers of a hundred thousand peo-



the blasts of many whistles andthe waving of innumerable hugs the-

transMississippi and International ex-


was dedicntodot OmahoNcbWednesday

Everything contributed to thosmoothness of the final preparationsand nothing occurcd to mar tho occa-


Thecivio parade was three mileslong consisting of the officers andguests of exposition in carriagestho semimilitary organizations and allthe secret societies of Nebraska andadjacent Btates-

Rev Dr Samuels of St Louisopened tho exercises at tho grounds-with an appeal to Ho who dooth allthings well to shower His blessings-on the enterprise and the people qlthe transMississippi region especiallyPresident Wattles Hon J L Weber-of Omaha and Hon John L Baldwin-of Council Bluffs eulogized the occa ¬

sionPresident MoKinley addressed theassembled multitude by a longdis ¬

lance telephone and touched tho elec-


button in the blue room of thewhitehouso at Washington He spoke-

as followslion George Wattles president

TransMississippi and InternationalExposition Omaha NebTho cor-


of the invitation extended tome to be present at the opening ofyour exposition is deeply appreciated-and I more deeply regret that publicduties prevent me from leaving thecapital at this time

The event of a memorable half cen-


which the transMississippiInternational exposition commemo-rates


are interwoven with tho historyof tho whole nation and are of sur-passing


importance The mighty westaffords most striking evidence of thesplendid achievements and possibili-ties


of our people It is a matchlesstribute to the energy and enduranceof the pioneer while in vast agricul-tural


development its progress inmanufactures its advancement in thearts and sciences and in all depart ¬

ments of endeavor has been estimablecontributions the civilization andwealth the wprld Nowhere haveunconquerable determination selfreliant strength and sturdy manhoodof our citizenship < been more forciblyillustrated In pence or wan the menand women of the west have ever been-in tho vanguard

I congratulate the managementupon its magnificent andassure all who participate in this un-


of the deep interest whichtho government has in its success

WILLIAM McKiNLEyTho ceremony at tho Washington

end was brief and was conducted withlittle formality The members of theNebraska delegation in congress ac-


by tho ladies of their fami-lies


assembled at tho white house andworo presented to the president-

A clear wire to Omaha was secured-at 1CO oclock and tho presidentstepping to the instrument pressed-the button which set in motion tho oxposition machinery about 1500 milesaway After thanking the president-for his courtesy the party withdrew-and joined in the following congratu ¬

expositionlatory telegram to the president the

Nebraska delegation assembled inexecutive mansion extend their con-


upon the auspicious be-


of so vast an enterprise as thetransMississippi and International ¬

position nndTegret their inability topresent and personally participate-in its achievements

The Public DebtThe monthly statement of the pub ¬

lie debt shows that at the close of bus-iness


May 31 1898 the public debtless cash in tho treasury amounted to10377737CO an increase over lastmonth of 19341108


Spain Instructs Ambassador Trance toAsk For Intervention

The Madrid correspondent of TheLondon Morning Post says

Senor Leon y Castjllo the Spanishambassador to Prance at his recentconferences with the queen regent andSenor Sagasta was officially chargedto ask the powers to intervene to ob-


peaceon such terms as would pro-tect


tho amour propre of Spain44The ambassador will urge as a

reason for such intervention tile dan-ger


ofalos8 of trade to tho powersthemselves in the event of the contin-uance


faf the war Political and diplo-matic


circles in Madrid believe thatCastillo will succeed


Iteport That Insurgent Swooped Down-on Santiago Is Denied

The published report of an attackupon the city Santiago do CubaThursday by the insurgents is not con ¬

firmed sad appears to be without foun-dation


t the dreadful destitution-of the inhabitants of the city how ¬

ever are erifledIt is said now thatseven the officials arou able to procurenormal supply food


l lL A I-



Trc L2J

fThey Ccsipirtd Ift

Why cant women be naturalfgrowled Dumply according to the De-


Free Press They make mathink of a lot of blue jays with theirclatter and their pluming and theirefforts to Improve on nature Theycrt think out mor crazy plans itadlevoloped m unmitigated nonsensethan BO many Inspired imps Lookatyour hair Mrs Bumply plaited andtwisted and fluted and banged till itlooks no snore like wtat it does in itsnormal state than a Junk pile lookslike tiny oUts original elements Andthose sleeves and those three storyheels and that stiffnecked collarHonestlyIf men compelled you to rigup In that barbarous fashion youdInveigh against them as brutal sawagesOh I dont know said Mrs Bump-ly who is very matter of fact con-template


your own hair Looks as ItIt was laundered down on top andmolded over puff combs onUie sideThe shoulders of your coat are builtup AS though you were trying to palmyourself oft for prizefighter and theway that your mustache twisted upat the ends makes me think of aFrench dancing on a reception night

Then Bumpy grew very distant inhis manner arranged to go downtownnt once told his wife not to sit up forhim and said that if she had one faultabove another It lay in her Irrepros-elblq disposition grow personalwhenever she eqtcred into debate

Revival of Medieval AH-

A delightful revival of medfeval artIs crophet work In gold and silverthread Besides beauty and brilliancyIt possesses great durability A collar-or an edging a small triangular piecefor the colt will last the owner a life-time


It gives the finest effect whenapplied to black or dark colored vel ¬

vet No matter how fashion may goIt never loses its popularity altogether-

New York Mall Express

New South Wales has 000000 acresof wheat

How RU f CamFrom Colt County Democrat J fftnon

Oily Mo

When la grippe visited this aboutseven years Herman Eveler of 811W Jefferson Mo was one ot thevictim aad has since been troubled withthe aftoretfeota of the disease Ho Is awellknown con tract or and builder a bus-lneu requiring much mental anti physicalwork A ago his health began to fall-1I1armlugIYllndtbntheUTestOoday lJ al-most


a saysI was troubled with shortness breath

palpitation of the heart and a general de ¬

bank also pained me severelyI tried one doctor alter another and

numerous remedies suggested myfriends but without apparent benefit and

began to giveup hopeThen I sawDr WilliamsPInk Pills forPalo People

f extolled In a8t Louis

V paper andafter investi-gation




to givethem a trial

After csI ing the first

A Contractor fflculiy box I feltwpndertalljr relieved and was satisfiedthin the pills were putting me on the roadto recovery I bought tvro more boras andoontlnuod taking them

After boxes of Dr WilliamsPink PIUs for Palo People I am restored togood health and a new menI am now capable of transacting mybusiness with Increased ambition

Dr Wllllatns Pink pms for Pale People-are a wonderful medicine and anyone thatis afflicted with shortness of breath pal-pitation


ot the heart nervous prostrationand general debility will find that tnesepllla are the specific EIBIUH II Evxuta

Subscribed and sworn to before me aNotary Fablio this 31th May 1897

ADJLM PODTSIOKO Notary PublicMr Eveler will gladly answer any in-

quiry regarding this It stamp U enclosed-Dr Williams PInk PIUs cure people

troubled with the aftereffectsgrippe because they act directly on theImpure blood They are also a specific forohronlo erysipelas catarrh rheumatismand all diseases due to Impure or Impov-rished blood

Her Secret SltaiLNervous housewives whose husbands

frequently bring home company to din ¬

ner without preliminary warning of¬

ten worry In their secret hearts to sup ¬

ply the unexpected guests A matronliving In one of the prettiest suburbanresidences West Philadelphia wboaehusband persists in bringing homeguests at the most inopportune timeshas hit upon a happy expedient to meetpossible emergencies-

In passing any dish at the table ofwhich there may be a limited supplythe hostess makes a point to mention-the enigmatical letters FH B insuch a manner as not to attract tho at-


of the guests around the boardImmediately members of the familyaro aware of the circumstances anddiscreetly partake ery lightly if atall of the Viands in Question Thesecret ot the three letters was solved-a few days ago and the hostess after-wards laughingly confessed her littlescheme F H B in this Instancestands for family hold baekBoeton-Trsveler

Edurats Year Dowels With CaaearetCandy Cathartic cure Oonstipstioa forever

25c It Q 0 O aU druggisinreznaaaoaej

Brooklyn Is to have the worlds biggest ougar rellnery iO-

i1111I Wniow4 Soothing Syrup for chUdrenteething soften the gum reduces InllAmmaUon ellayrpain euro windeolic SIc a bottle

Lyon CPlckLeat > > BmeklncTataccostands unrivalled for and flavor Madefrom the tkllt sweetest TobscoowmpIrou Try It

For tVMotrfacCoagh ptsoi Cure Is H suece M I DjrraK 67 ThroorATe Broofcirnfy Y Nov U18M-

AA Prett Druggist BhUbjvllle IndHaUa ahrrb etrcs the best of

satisfaction Can ret plenty testimonialsft hours everyone wliotakeatt Druggistsell It 76-


has onlr lD plr cent of ticla the countrr-

T Or OtnstlpaUoa on-l liaOueaivU OandrCatbarUe JOo or Me

H O O O fait to rare lKU retond eaooey-

UndnlaUnir lacdjs better for the growth olroPltllaD a

iTIt J 14-

wn h

gjtfltttUunIflii i1 pt

1i fl If-



i 1t-xt ris


JT 1d fri4IIfL1 P iR I 1 r-

a 11 I L A I I T-


1 tA


Ii I-




zti I I i1 I



I rirjAmong people where the practice of economy Is a

1 necessity the buying soap is an important yearly item i

f The grocer who has an eye to larger profits may notsuggest Ivory Soap He will recommend nothing elseif he is conscientious Ivory Soap is a pure soap all

through That makes it the most economical and bestA perfect soap for the toilet and laundry


AWODOPWARNINOThrarnanywb1issozpLuchrpreuntdbbJusIas goot as the Ivory I they ARE NOT ullik alt counterfeIt lack the pecnlUrand-


L qualities of the rtnuln Ask for Ivory Soap ana intltt upon g ttftig It

bnritM ISM tr Sc pe a Ok aoioI

Greatest llfbt In the Wsrld

The greatest light In the world alantern which has an Illuminating pow-


equal to 00000000 candles thrownIn a beam nine feet in diameter Issoon to be erected upon the Highlandsjust above Sandy Hook to show marin-ers


where they can find the entranceto the harbor of ew York It will stand240 feet above tide water and at thatdistance will bo visible about 30 miles-If It could be elevated three times thatheight it could be seen 100 miles dis-

tant This IB the same ICght that stoodupon the southwest corner of the manu-


building at the Worlds Fairwhere it was exhibited by Henry Lepaute of Paris Franco and was pur-chased for 10000 by the light houseboard The lenses are nine feet In dlamoter and are composed of a centraldisk two prismatic rims and 100 prU-matlc segments all of carefully groundand polished optical glass There arcthree lamps with interchangeable ¬

bons one Inch in diameter ted by acurrent of 65 volts The generator andengine which were used at Chicagowere not purchased it believedthat we make totter ones in AmericaThe lamp weight 20 tons and floats inmercury In a holow steel cylinder Soslight is tho friction that it may bomoved by a childs finger It is aQuestion whether this lamp may notbe made useful in case of war by rig-ging It as a search light to sweep theapproaches to the harbor of New Yorkand thus disclose the presence of ahostile fleet Chicago Record

Purely a Local DiseaseEczema a local disease and needs local

ireattnent The Irritated diseased skin mastsoothed smoothed and healed Xouse todose yourself and ruin your stomach lust because of Itching eruption Tetterlne la theonlr simple safe and certain cure for TetterEczema Ringworm and other skin troublesAt druggists or bymail for GO cents In stampsJT Snuptrlne Savannah Ua

Missouri has more chickens than any otherstate in the union

Dot Tobacco Spit cad Book Year tlfs barTo quit tobacco easily end forever be mae

oetlo full ot life nerve and leer take NoToflee the wonderworker that makes weak menStrung All druggists bOo or I Cure roamsteed Booklet end sample free AddressSterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York

There Is talk of a school ofmines la Johannesburg

Pita permanently cured No Ilts or nervousflees use of Dr KllnellNerve Rtorer p trialbotUeandtreaUsefresDR R1I KLINE Arch St Phlla Pa

All of the beggars In Italy must be dulylicensed

NToDe for Jlhy CentsGttaraateed tobacco habit cure makes woamen alroaf blood pure t03L-Xatals

Udmggiacawool production decreased In 1897 90percent




Railroad Yare 14r POSITIONS GUJlUYTEED Oina1t lrtDoui Sexes

GeorgiaAlabama Business COllelre-


Sour StomachAfter X wes IDda eCo try CA1CA a

SETs I will Borer b irttbont tb 8X In tbe bonte-Mr Hrcr was Inn very tad sbapand mr beadacted and I had stomach trouble Now since tatlug Catcarau I test floe Idywife has also usedtiicm with beneficial results for sour stomaou

3 os KBIBLLHO un concuss at SLosisUoI




Pleasant Palatable Potent Tut Good DoGood Merer Sicken er Gripe Uto Be We



Sold andllIanDWed allUrIIU to l1JUC Tobacco llabl


Gin Press Can Mill and Shingle OutfitsBoUdlng Brldijo fFactory


Ballroad s3 ulflgStai-lroad Mill Mnchintst and Factory Supplies

Belting Packing Injectors > aSaws rite Oilers EtcTCatt every day work 180 hands i



Good All the Year Round



II the Best Liniment In the World

For Ithjmnullra Knmlrtt Dub<bi Toitbubi C r tstir Sit d u oil LM-


f limit u < oil I u ixMnul rm 4r-

vtrtlfictu e4 ft rar MSRiiici1pUMt0 A n Fraf-HTn vlik ar r N ia b7 Dntrlit HC trr Mfnhuu r lr mitt pwijuM naIri S PI tab

OOLZaUK laDIOnrB CO DrZIZWCPalsles rte

OPIUM etiirvoututaLWdDR PURDY a tMTtm i

MENTIONJHISP APERltI AqtiiS2n0g Ia a p a B7 B7 Bj B7 Br a

EXPOSURE to WET COLD ITTA8 proven disastrous to many womenfeet and damp clothing chill the

I r IT entire system delicate femaleorgans are at once effected PainfW i4

Profuse Suppressed or Obstructed Menses 4 XWhites Womb or some other Ihealthdestroying dia ass la almost certain

ii exposure unless proper pre-cautions


I are When of ¬

I ease appear women ehouldbeglntheuaeO-

fI GERSTLESFemale Panacea y

V Taa tQ p Pa I >j1 1 It will regulate the menses cure all forms ofI > iemmle and health And strength f

I Itilusediatheprlyacyoftbehonie No conI

tI u there U any tendency to constipation or

indigestion of Stt kt-SUFFERttB


physicians and other rernedlef butcqver we were indnct W 2

Jft ATJ MAGE Jamestown Teems PorSa ftJkOO par Kettle v lL1 iC Ckttiita Ta3-

f L

1 4
