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Rtp rsp16-bronto-final deck

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#RSP16 Adapting Lifecycle Messages To Target Changing Consumer Behavior SPONSORED BY:
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AboutRetailTouchPointsü Launched in 2007

ü Over 30,000 retail subscribers

ü To provide executives with relevant, insightful content across a variety of digital medium

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Bronto Software


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Adapting Lifecycle Messages to Target a Changing Consumer

Pushing the Envelope

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

What We Know

Consumer behavior is changing

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company


• Consumer changes.

• Ways to challenge “best practices.”§ Welcome series.§ Cart abandonment.§ Birthday.

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Today’s Consumers

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consumer Behavior Then Consumer Behavior Now

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Mobile Purchasing

38% 63% 49% 25% 5%0%








Smartphone Laptop Desktop Tablets Wearables

Purchases by Device

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Customer Service Experience

6 • Average number of channels retailers use (phone, email, blogs, social, etc.)

Response time:• Facebook query: 53 hours.• Email query: 27 hours.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Customer Service Experience

Customer Service



Retailer’s View

Customer View

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consumer Behavior Now

• Savvy.

• Availability.

• Relevancy.

• Flexibility.

• Loyalty needs to be earned.

• An experience!

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Welcome series, abandoned cart, and birthday messaging

Lifecycle Messaging Adjustments

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consumer Engagement

• 10% off• Free shipping

• 30 day returns

• 10% off• Free shipping

• 30 day returns

Which store do you buy from?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Influence on Purchases

70% Email 46%Social

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consumer Engagement

• Email (promo & lifecycle):§ Lifecycle:

• Welcome series.• Never purchased.

message/series. • Birthday message. • Cart abandonment.• Post-purchase series.• Lapsed purchaser series.• Re-engagement series.• Browse abandonment.

§ Promotional:

• Segmentation.• Product recommendations.

• Social media:§ Customer service.§ Engagement-personal

interaction.§ Crowdsourcing.§ User generated content

(UGC).§ Social influence.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consumer Engagement

• Email (promo & lifecycle):§ Lifecycle:

• Welcome series.• Never purchased.

message/series. • Birthday message. • Cart abandonment.• Post-purchase series.• Lapsed purchaser series.• Re-engagement series.• Browse abandonment.

§ Promotional:

• Segmentation.• Product recommendations.

• Social media:§ Customer service.§ Engagement-personal

interaction.§ Crowdsourcing.§ User generated content

(UGC).§ Social influence.

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Welcome SeriesBehavior and source

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

An Effective Welcome

• Welcome Series:• Builds the relationship.• Increases engagement. • Establishes trust. • Builds consumer confidence. • Drives revenue.

• Welcome Message:• Is a handshake.• Is a first impression.• Starts a relationship.• Establishes a connection.• Drives revenue.

Designed to enhance the experience & differentiate

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Common Welcome Series Strategies

• Number of messages.

• Types of messages.§ Social invite. § Manage preferences.

• Timing of messages.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Welcome Message

• Should be the most read message you will send.

• User engagement at critical mass.

• Welcome them.• Explain email benefits.• Provide a CTA to shop.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

A Different Kind of Welcome

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Pushing Boundaries

• Step out of your comfort zone.

• Try to strike emotion (e.g. clever, cute, funny, ridiculous).

• Be memorable.

• Be different!

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Welcome Series

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Enhance the Experience

• Consider two things:§ The source.§ The behavior.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consider the Source

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consider the Source

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consider the Source

• Men’s fitness à men’s fitness messaging.

• Maternity à maternity messaging.

• Dog products à dog messaging.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Consider User Behavior

• Create a “choose your own adventure” welcome series.

• Use click activity to determine messages.§ Click boxing link à send boxing messaging.§ Click maternity link à send maternity messaging.

• Users control their own onboarding experience.

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Oops you forgot something in your strategy

Abandoned Cart

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Common Abandoned Cart Strategies

• Number of message.§ One, two or three?

• Timing of messages.§ 1 hour, 12 hours, 3 days?

• Incentive.§ If so, in which message?§ How often?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Abandoned Cart Strategy

• Is acquiring a $40 customer = a $500 customer?

• Question things!

• Evaluate the purchaser and adjust the strategy.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

3 Ways To Differentiate

• Cart total.

• Incentives.

• Number of messages.

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Cart Total

Number of messages

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Cart Total

• How serious is this buyer?• What does a big spender view differently than a low spender?§ Do those with low cart totals purchase sooner?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Cart Total

• Evaluate the purchaser and adjust the strategy.§ Number of messages.§ Timing of messages.§ Incentive.

• If under $100.§ 1 message.§ No incentive.

• If between $100-$399.§ 2 messages.§ Incentive in 2nd.

• If over $400.§ 3 messages.§ Incentive in 3rd.

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Number of messages

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Abandoned Cart Incentives

• Test incentives:§ Tiered discounts.§ Minimum spend.§ Dollar vs. percentage.§ Shipping services (expedited, free).§ No incentive.

• Customers are not created equal.§ Combine with cart total?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Abandoned Cart Incentives

• If under $100:§ No incentive.§ Tiered discount.§ % no min.§ % with min.

• If between $100-$399:§ $ off.§ Free gift.§ Expedited shipping.§ % off w/ higher min.

• If over $400:§ Free gift & $ off.§ $ off.§ % off.§ No incentive.

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Number of Messages

Number of messages

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Cart Abandonment Messages

• One, two or three messages?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Cart Abandonment Messages

• Why not four…or more?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Abandoned Cart Logic

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Birthday Message

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Common Birthday Message Strategy

• Send on birthday or before?

• How much of an incentive?

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Birthday Message Strategy

• Analyze your products for pre-birthday opportunity.

• Target their social circle.

• Guide the subscriber.§ Don’t rely on one message.

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Birthday Series

• Message 1: three weeks prior.§ What are your plans?

• Go out à links your dresses.• Stay in à links to PJs, loungewear, etc.

• Message 2: two weeks prior.§ Shareable incentive for friends.

• Message 3: one week prior.

• Message 4: Actual birthday (goodwill only).

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Birthday Series

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Half Birthday Message

• Have FUN!

• Show personality.

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Final Thoughts

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© 2016 Bronto Software, LLC | Bronto is a NetSuite Company

Final Thoughts

• Consumers are ever-connected, and expect a better experience. Strive to iImprove the experience.

• Consumers are different. One size does not fit all.§ Question best practices.§ Differentiate.§ Be bold.§ Be memorable.

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Bronto Software


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