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Rule 39_47 and 48 Cases

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  • 8/12/2019 Rule 39_47 and 48 Cases


    Sps. Antonio vs. Monje

  • 8/12/2019 Rule 39_47 and 48 Cases



    Parcel of coconut land covered by OCT in Davao 15.903 sq. m.

    Original owners: Sps. Catalino Manguiob and Andrea Pansaon

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    Manguiob died. Pansaon survived her husband.

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    Sale (1962)

    Pansaon and other heirs sold land to: Macedonio Monje Only : 7.5k sq. m out of 15.9k sq. m Deed of Sale Notarized by notary public

    Ricardo Reyes

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    Possession by buyer

    Monje immediately took possession Constructed house: P30,000

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    2nd Sale (Jan. 1967)

    Pansaon died Heirs of Sps. Manguiob and Pansaon:

    Sold property ALREADY SOLD to Monje Buyer:

    Nicanor Manguiob Carolina Manguiob

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    Execution of Deed

    Subsequent buyers Sps. Manguiob executedabsolute deed of sale in favor of: Nicanor Manguiobs sister-in-law Avelyn Antonio Entire lot consisting of 15.9k sq. m. Notarized:

    Juanito Hernandez

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    Knowledge by Monje (Aug. 1967)

    received a letter from Avelyn B. Antonio: informing him that she is now the registered

    owner of the subject property under a new Transfer Certificate of Title

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    Complaint: Annulment of Sale(October 1967)

    CFI of Baganga Davao Oriental Plaintiff: Monje Complant:

    Annulment of Deed of Sale between: Seller: heirs of Sps. Manguiob Buyer: Carolina/Nicanor Manguiob

    Annulment of subsequent deed of absolute salebetween:

    Seller: Carolina/Nicanor Manguiob Buyer: Avelyn Antonio

    Cancellation of TCT in name of Antonio

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    CFI Decision (1981)*

    2nd and 3 rd deeds of sale null and void TCT also null and void

    Moral damages (P30k) Actual damages (P20k) Legal interest


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    CFI Decision (2)

    Erroneous order of lower court: to deliver to Monje an area larger than what he

    bought from the heirs of Manguiob & claimed inthe action he had filed

    Delivery of ENTIRE AREA covered by TCT which is

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    Spouses Antonio appealed the above-mentioned decision all the way to theSupreme Court.

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    SC Decision (1992)

    We find that while the principle of res judicata is better disregarded if its application wouldinvolve the sacrifice of justice to technicality;to so disregard it now and reopen the casewould further delay its disposition.

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    SC Decision (2)

    However, the lower court should take note ofits erroneous order to deliver to Monje anarea larger than what he bought from theheirs of Manguiob and claimed in the actionhe had filed, in the eventual execution of itsdecision.

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    SC Decision (3)

    In the same way that the power of the court inthe execution of its judgment extends onlyover properties belonging to the judgmentdebtor , the court below may not, in theexecution of its decision, deliver to Monje theentire area covered by TCT as it is more than

    double that of the property he had bought.

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    Prescinding from the SC decision

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    2nd Civil Case

    Plaintiff: Sps. Antonio Complaint:

    Sum of money Accounting of copra proceeds Damages Atty. fees

    Defendant: Monjes heirs (on substitution) RTC Baganga, Davao

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    Sps . Antonios Complaint

    Monje is in possession of 15.9k sq.m (Monje died) (Possession continued by Monjes heirs) Possession by Monje and heirs: in bad faith

    They know the extent of sale for 7.5k since 1967 up to the present or a period of 27

    years, Monje and heirs appropriated untothemselves the proceeds of the copra of the landbelonging to the Sps. Antonio: P420.7k

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    Heirs of Monjes MTD

    Res judicata Violation of SC Circular 04-94 on non-forum


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    RTC Order (1994)

    Dismiss complaint Ground: res judicata (barred by prior judgment)

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    Appeal: Sps. Antonio

    Heirs of Monje : failed to file appellees brief CA: deemed case submitted for decision without


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    CA Decision (2001)

    Affirm RTC Order of dismissal MR denied

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    SC: Sps. Antonio

    Issue: whether or not the CA erred in applyingthe principle of res judicata with respect to 1 st and 2 nd Civil Case?

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    SC proceedings

    Heirs of Monje: failed to file comment onpetition Resolutions of Court to heirs: returned unserved SC: dispensed filing of comment

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    There is identity of parties in 1 st and 2 nd CivilCase.

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    Identity of Issues: none

    Issue in 1 st Civil Case: whether the sale to Sps. Antonio of the 7,500 square

    meter portion of Lot No. 1 being contested by Heirs ofMonje is valid .

    Issue in 2 nd Civil Case: whether Sps. Antonio were deprived of possession of

    the remaining 8,403 square meter portion of Lot No. 1which was validly sold to them

    whether they are entitled to an accounting of theproceeds of the copra harvested from their propertywhich was supposedly appropriated by Heirs ofMonje.

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    Different issues Do not overlap

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    Identity of COA: none

    Tests:1. absence of inconsistency test 2. same evidence test

    3. Judgment touched on [a] matter alreadydecided, or if the parties are in effect litigatingfor the same thing.

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    Test 1: Absence of Inconsistency

    See: whether the judgment sought will beinconsistent with the prior judgment With inconsistency: barred Without inconsistency: not barred

    NO INCONSISTENCY BECAUSE: Reliefs prayed for are different

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    Test 2: Same Evidence

    would the same evidence support andestablish both the present and former causesof action? Different pieces of evidence

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    Test 3

    a previous judgment operates as a bar to asubsequent one when: it had touched on *a+ matter already decided, or if the parties are in effect litigating for the same


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    Test 3

    A reading of the decisions of the lower andappellate courts in 1 st Civil Case would showthat there were neither discussions nordisposition of the issues raised in 2 nd Civil Case.

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    Identity of Subject Matter

    NOT identical! 1st civil case: 7,500 square meter portion of

    Lot No. 1 bought by the predecessor-in-interest of heirs of Monje

    2nd civil case: the remaining 8,403 squaremeter parcel of the same lot.

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    Since there is no identity of subject matterbetween the two cases, it is but logical toconclude that there is likewise no identity ofcauses of action.

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    Both the questioned rulings of the RTC and theCA may have arisen from an apparent confusion that the whole of Lot No. 1, consisting of 15,903square meters, is owned by Heirs of Monje.

    It is clear, however, from the December 7, 1992ruling of this Court in G.R. No. 69696 thatrespondents' predecessor-in-interest acquiredonly a 7,500 square meter portion of Lot No. 1

    and not the entirety thereof and that theremaining 8,403 square meters are still owned bypetitioners.

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    No res judicata

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    Not compulsory counterclaims

    claims for accounting recovery of the proceeds of the sale of copra damages

    do not take the nature of a compulsory

    counterclaim that should have been barred ifnot set up in the action.

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    Grant petition Reverse and set aside CA decision Remand case to RTC

    Directed to decide on the merits with reasonabledispatch

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    San Diego vs. CA, Matias

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    Parcel of land Hernandez Street, Catmon , Malabon TCT No. T-134756 refers to a property located in

    Barrio Tinajeros, Malabon Lot No. 3, Block No. 13 228 sq. m.

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    1st Civil Case: Ejectment case

    MTC: B.E. San Diego vs. Matias family a parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-134756 at

    Hernandez Street, Barrio Catmon , Malabon

    Matias never questioned IDENTITY & LOCATION ofproperty

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    2nd Civil Case:Complaint for Recovery of Possession

    BE San Diego claims ownership Matias occupied the property for over a year .

    Without authority/consent of BE San Diego

    Oral and written demands to vacate Unheeded

    RTC in 1990 Accion publiciana

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    Matias MTD

    Res judicata Accion publiciana is barred by judgment in

    ejectment suit

    Same parties, same subject , same COA

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    Matias Answer

    she and her family have been living on thesubject property since the 1950s on the basis of a written permit issued by the local

    government of Malabon in 1954 . Substantial improvements Paying realty taxes

    Legitimate beneficiary of PD 1517 and PD 2016 Classified property as part of Urban Land Reform Zone Classified as Area for Priority Development

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    Matias Answer (2)

    the title relied on by B. E. San Diego (TCT No.T-134756) covers a property located in Barrio Tinajeros , Malabon

    while the subject property is actually located inBarrio Catmon , Malabon

    property she is occupying in Barrio Catmon isdifferent from the property that B. E. San Diegoseeks to recover

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    SAME property Judicial notice: fact that Barrio Catmon was

    previously part of Barrio Tinajeros. Approved Subdivision Plan & tax

    declarations: showed that the subject property is located in

    Barrio Catmon , Malabon

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    B. E. San Diego sufficiently proved its right torecover possession of the subject property onthe basis of its TCT No. T-134756

    Unfounded: Matias claimed possession as long -time occupant Matias clam as beneficiary of PD 1517 and 2016

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    CA: reversed RTC

    discrepancy in the location significant should have prompted the RTC to require an

    expert witness from the concernedgovernment agency to explain the matter.

    Art. 538, Civil Code: uphold possession ofMatias

    Uphold PD 1517 and 2016

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    SC (pet. rev.)

    B.E. Sandiego: evidence shows TCT is SAMEproperty occupied by Matias.

    1 TCT N T 134756 i d i h f B E S

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    1. TCT No. T-134756 issued in the name of B. E. SanDiego, covering a property delineated as Lot No. 3,Block No. 13; refers to TINAJEROS

    2. Approved Subdivision Plan showing Lot No. 3, BlockNo. 3 is situated in Barrio Catmon , Malabon;

    3. Tax Declaration No. B-005-00296: refers to CATMON ,but SHARES BOUNDARIES with TCT

    4. Testimonial evidence of B. E. San Diegos witness thatthe property described in TCT No. T-134756 is thesame property occupied by Matias; and

    5. Judicial notice taken by the RTC of Malabon, based onpublic and common knowledge , that Barrio Catmonwas previously part of Barrio Tinajeros, Malabon.

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    SC (pet. rev.)

    B.E. San Diego argument #2: Matias is estopped from alleging different properties

    on account of: MTD in accion publiciana (2 nd civil case) based on res


    by raising the ground of res judicata , has impliedlyadmitted there is no difference in the subject

    matter of the two actions and, thus, could nolonger question the identity and location of thesubject property.

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    SC Ruling


    WON subject property that Matias occupies isthe same as property covered by B.E. SanDiegos title?

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    Judicial Notice

    Testimony of expert: not necessary to explaindiscrepancy

    Subject of mandatory judicial noticeRule 129.1: geographic divisions

    Barrio Tinajeros is adjacent to Barrio Catmon

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    Even without Judicial Notice

    Sufficient evidence exists: TCT: Tenajeros Tax declaration: Catmon Both TCT and the tax declaration share the same

    boundaries to identify the property.

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    An allegation of res judicata necessarilyconstitutes an admission that the subjectmatter of the pending suit (the accion

    publiciana ) is the same as that in a previousone (the ejectment case).

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    ISSUE 2

    core issue of the accion publiciana whobetween the parties is entitled possession ofthe subject property.

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    1. No identity of COA2. BE San Diegos right: TCT.3. Matias basis:

    1954 permit from LOCGOV Miscellaneous Sales Application tax declarations realty tax payments from 1974 standing as beneficiary of PD 1517 and 2016 long possession from 1954 up to present

    Does not establish better right of possession

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    Possession vs. Registered Title

    no title to register land in derogation of that ofthe registered owner shall be acquired byprescription or adverse possession.

    Despite her claim of possession since 1954,Matias began paying realty taxes on thesubject property only in 1974 when B. E. San

    Diego filed an ejectment case against herhusband/predecessor, Pedro Matias.

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    Sales application

    A sales application, in the absence of approvalby the Bureau of Lands or the issuance of asales patent, remains simply as an application

    that does not vest title in the applicant.

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    LOCGOV Permit

    The local government permit contained only astatement of the local executive that the casebetween the local government and B. E. San

    Diego was decided by a trial court in favor ofthe former.

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    PD 1517 and 2016

    Matias is not a qualified beneficiary of theselaws.

    The tenants /occupants who have a right not to

    be evicted from urban lands does not includethose whose presence on the land is merelytolerated and without the benefit of contract ,those who enter the land by force or deceit, or

    those whose possession is under litigation . Pending ejectment suit Not considered tenants

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    Grant Reverse CA Reinstate RTC

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    Chavez vs. CA, Trillana

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    Teodoro Chavez leased to Jacinto Trillana: Fishpond @ Bulacan 60 year from October 1994 October 2000 PAYMENT TERMS

    Rent: P2.2m P1m upon signing

    Balance payable: 6 mo. - 1 yr.: 1995 1998

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    Paragraph 5: Lessee Trillana to undertake all construction &

    preservation of improvements in the fishpond

    May be destroyed during the period of lease @expense of lessee

    Without reimbursement from lessor Chavez

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    Damages fishpond Trillana did not immediately undertake the

    necessary repairs as the water level was still high.

    Three (3) weeks later, Trillana was informed by abarangay councilor that major repairs were beingundertaken in the fishpond with the use of a crane .

    Trillana found out that the repairs were at theinstance of Chavez who had grown impatient with hisdelay in commencing the work.

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    Trillana: Complaint

    Office of Barangay Captain (Bulacan) Complaint:

    unauthorized repairs by Chavez Ouster of Trillanas personnel from premises Unlawful taking despite lease contract

    Conciliation: they reached agreement

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    Kasunduan (September 17)

    Chavez to return P150k to Trillana If paid at 23 rd of September: Chavez to pay P100k,

    and the same shall be deemed P150k

    If not paid on 23rd

    : Chavez to pay P150k. Asfollows: P50k payable on 31 st of October In one year: P100k

    Kung mabubuwisan ang kanyang palaisdaan : Chavez togive whole P150k immediately (acceleration clause) Upon payment: Trillana to pay waiver

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    Complaint: Trillana

    RTC Non-compliance with lease Non-compliance with Kasunduan

    Prayer P300k rent reimbursement (unexpired portion oflease)

    P500k unrealized profits P200k moral damages P200k exemplary damages P100k atty. fees P1k for each court appearance of counsel

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    RTC Decision

    Granting relief to Trillana

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    CA: appeal by Chavez

    CA: modified RTC decision Delete P500k unrealized profits: lack of basis Reduce atty. fees to P50k

    Chavez: MR denied

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    SC: pet for rev

    Chavez: RTC Valenzuela has no jurisdiction over action

    Because of amicable settlement before Brgy. Captain of Bulacan Follow procedure for enforcement in: Revised Katarungang

    Pambarangay Law . Assuming RTC has jurisdiction:

    Award cannot exceed P150k of Kasunduan No factual/legal basis for reimbursement :

    advance rentals for unexpired portion Moral Exemplary Atty. fees

    Revised Katarungang

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    Revised KatarungangPambarangay Law

    an amicable settlement reached afterbarangay conciliation proceedings has theforce and effect of a final judgment of a court if not repudiated, or a petition to nullify the same is filed before the

    proper city or municipal court within ten (10)days from its date.

    Revised Katarungang

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    Revised KatarungangPambarangay Law

    settlement may be enforced by execution by: the lupong tagapamayapa within six (6) months

    from its date, or

    by action in the appropriate city or municipalcourt, if beyond the six-month period.

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  • 8/12/2019 Rule 39_47 and 48 Cases


    Compromise Agreement: effect

    Effect of res judicata even if not judiciallyapproved

    Cannot be lightly set aside or disturbed Except: vices of consent Except: forgery

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    Art. 2037 qualified by Art. 2041

    If one of the parties fails or refuses to abide bythe compromise, the other party may eitherenforce the compromise or regard it as

    rescinded and insist upon his original demand .

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    Heirs of Zari, et al. v. Santos

    Before new CC: no right to rescindcompromise agreement

    After new CC: with right to rescind Art. 2041

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    Extra-judicial rescission

    In exercising the second option under Art.2041, the aggrieved party may, if he chooses,bring the suit contemplated or involved in his

    original demand , as if there had never beenany compromise agreement, without bringingan action for rescission .

    he may regard the compromise as alreadyrescinded by the breach thereof of the otherparty.

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    Morales vs. NLRC

    Original demand of workers: reinstatement Compromise agreement: payment of

    monetary benefits within period agreed Upon breach:

    Demand reinstatement, or Writ of execution

    2-tiered mode of enforcement of

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    2 tiered mode of enforcement ofamicable settlement

    Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law: (a) by execution by the Punong Barangay which is

    quasi-judicial and summary in nature on meremotion of the party entitled thereto; and

    (b) an action in regular form , which remedy is judicial

    DOES NOT RULE OUT RIGHT OF RESCISSION.Because of may in Sec. 417.

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    Effect of Kasunduan

    Not limited to P150k claim Kasunduan: not admission of liability , but

    mere recognition of dispute Kasunduan: only required to execute waiver

    of all possible claims, upon compliance withobligation of Chavez


    f b

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    Basis of Reimbursement

    No competent proof was present to prove:

    1. P300k as advance rentals for unexpired portion oflease

    Lease: pay on 1998 Suit: 1997 No receipt Only self-serving assertion

    2. P1m paid by Trillana to Chavez upon signing No proof Chavez specifically denied it

    f b

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    Basis of Reimbursement

    1. Moral damages Only available: fraud or bad faith Chavez did not present evidence to prove DEFENSE Chavez did not attend pretrial Declared in default SUBSISTING lease contract

    2. Exemplary: Allowed Did not honor contractual oblig

    Did not honor amicable settlement3. Atty. fees: Trillana was compelled to litigate
