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RULES A D REGULATIONScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns/RulesAndRegulations...or ptnnt shall, at the end of...

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I I I * * RULES A D REGULATIONS I * ' RESPEC'l'Lt::rG THE RIE 0 1904. * . / LA D, J. W. printer, 1904.






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~ ~

J. W. 1\l~coubrey, printer, 1904.

RULES AND REGUL/\ TIONS Respecting the Fisheries of the Colony, made by the

Governor in Council, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Act 61 Victoria, Cap. 3, entitled ''An Act respecting the Department o:fFisheries.''


1. "rhe following Regulations shall apply to the

LOBSTER FISHERY. 2. No person shall engage in the husiness ·of canning

lohsters at any place in the Island of Newfoundland "·ithout hav·ing previously taken out an annual license.

3. "rhe Superintendent of Fisheries, or any Stipendiary 1\lagistrate shall, on a written appli(•ation, issue such license~ and shall make a return of all such licenses to tue Department of 1\tlarine and Fisheries within one n1onth after granting same. Written applications for licenses mny be posted to the Superintendent of Fisheries in St .• John's, or to any Stipendiary l\Ia~istrate within the District in which the canning of lobsters is intended to take place, and shall be in the follo\\ring form, viz. :-

I, , residing at , in the district of , do hereby apply for a license to be granted to n1e for canning lobsters at my factory or plant, situate ut . in the district of , during the ensuing season, subject to the Rules and Regulations respecting the Lobster Fishery.

Date , 190 • (Name of Applicant).


4 • N" o fee ~ h a 11 be c h n r g e cl for -s -l:l (.- h L i c P n s P •

5. 'T'he Dep:trtn1ent of· l\1 a riue and }1"'i~hPriPs shnll s u p p I y person s aut IJ or i zed t () i be u e l_.J ice n s ~ s "" i t h n ~ u t U­cient number of blHnk forn1s of .Lieenses and Returns, aucl of printed copifls of Rules aud RPgulntious relating to the I ... obster ~ ... isher,y.

6. 'I" he said Liceuse shall be in the follo,ving form, '\"lZ :-


]Jistrict of

Hy virtue of the po""er ·yestecl in rne undPr the I~ules and RegnJations respecting- the Lobster Ji~isbPry tnade in })ur·snance of nn Act pnssed in the Si~t)y-first yent· of the reign of Her Jn te 1\fnjesty, en tit lerl ~ • An · Act respecting the l)epnrtnlent of l\Inrine anrl ~,islteries," I, , of , rlo he1 eb_y license " residing at , in the <1istrict of , to engage in the business of canning lobsters at the fnctory or plant situate at ~ in the rlistrict of , for the current year from the date hereof, subject to the Rules ancl Regulations thereof.

Giv·en under n1y band, at of , this , day of

, in the d~strict , A .J). 190

7. No person shall kill, take, catch, sell or can uuy Lollster before the lOth day of April or after the 20th of July in any :.year, on that portion of the coast \~V .. est of Cape Race, or before the 1 Otb of May or afte•· the 1st of Au~·ust, in any year, on the Eastern coast -:Not·th of Cape Race.

8. No trap or trap-mooring shall be placerl in the waters on any lobster ground for more than three da.ys before the dates respectively prescribed ns aboYe for the commencen1ent of the fishing season, an(l all traps and tnoorings shall be taken up within three days after the dates respectively prescribed as above for the closing of the fishery season.


9 . The t ,yo n1 Hl e r tn o s t In t h s on each s i <1 e of every J.~ohstPr ·rrnp used in the ti8heries of Ne,vfounrlland shall be pln<"ect not ll'S8 than one and one-balf inches apart.

10. N 0 pPrson shnll spear o•· hook r..,ohsters in the \YHtt")rs on the coust::; of this Colony, not• shall nns person pu 1 chase, can, or 111 an,Y ~ay tise ·or eX[JOrt Lobsters '30

t ~ali p ll.

11.. rrhe O'Yilet• 01' _1~1anager qf . ev-ery Cfl n ning factory or ptnnt shall, at the end of Pnch s~ason, ~nd not later thn11 tPn d.nys nfter the closing of tbt..~ fnctory or plant, ~end in a retnt·n tc) tiH; l\Int·ine nnrl J1"isherifls l)epartment ~he\Yiilg the nun1h.et~ of fighertilen an\l ·sn1ackmen employ­ed, tbe nun1ber of I_..,obstet· traps used, the ntnnber of

. pet ~on:s of eftch sex etn p loye<l in snch factory or plant, n nd tl1e n utn her of cases ~tnd of lobsters packed during the st:>ason. .L\..~•Y person failing to (lo this, or making a fu lse return, shall be guilty of a violation of these Rules.

12. It shnll he the rluty of all .Justices, Sub-Collectors., I~ ishe1·y \Varclens, Preventiv-e Officers an<l Constables, to :lid in carrying out thes~ rules an(l regulations, and :he <nvnea· or n1unager of any lobster canning factot·y or plant · shall, on demnnd, produce his license to any I"J ustiee, Fishery · \V n rcten, Sn b-Cotlecto1·, ·Preventive Otficet· or Constable, anrl npou llis refusiug to produce ~n1eh license, or upon bis obstructing such officet· in the dis~harge of his tluty, the said owner or manager shall be held to he guilty of a v-iolation of these rules.

13. On the reqnisition of any person authorized or ~1nployed by the l)Ppnriment of l\iarine and :B"isheries, the manager or O"-~net· of any lobste~· canning faetory or plant shall, as fai· ns possible and with dne care, take frorn anrl keep in such n1anner as may be prescribed by the Departu1eut of l\lfiriue and ~"isheries, all eggs attach­ed to Lobsters brought to SHiel factory or plant, and deli\Tet· the SH-n1e on demand to any person authorized by tlle l\farine and Fisheries Department.

14. No person ~hall as herein provitlecl, kill, bny, sell or cun any female IJobsters, but it shall be la\\"ful to kill


such female Lohsters fo•· sale to, aa(l to sell t<),. tlte tnannger or owner of any Lollster canning fact<Jt·,y llf>on whom requisition bas been mnde as tJro·videcl uy Rule 1 z. at1d for such manager or owner tf> llny such fctna le lobsters, and to can them aftet· taking tue eggs therefrorn as rlirected by said Rule.

15. No pet·son shall kill, catch, tnke, trap, btl)""~ sell f)r can, or hav·e in his possesiiion, an.y l<,bsters less then eight inches in length.

16. The J)epat·ttnent of 1\fat·ine nncl ~~ishe .•·ips mn .. y t•efuse at any tim'e to issue a license to any· person wh<, has '"'iolated one or more of ~hese rules.

17. "rhe setting of Lobster traps before the fit·st clay of June, in uny year, in the waters of Placentia Bay. within the nndet·mentioned limits, is }lJ"<)hi hitefl, namely .. Little Placentia, insicle a line drawn frotn Virgin's P()int to North Bill of Isaac's, nn<l Ship Harllor. insi(ie <>f ~\ line drawn from Dick George's Heat..l to S})SJ"I"O\Y's Point.

18. In the packing of lobsters only fresh lloile(l lohstet·s of lawful size shall be used t<> fill cans. Each whole tir1 shall contain sixteen ounces of meat, und eHch bulf tin eight ounces.

19. The following regulations shall apply to the

HERRING FISHERY. 20. Herring may be caught in nets, or hanlerl or

barred i11 ')eines or othet· cont1·ivances under the con­ditions and i11 the manner tJrescribed by these Rules, and not otherwise.

21. Unless otherwise pro·virled, no herring shall ·be embarrecl hetween the 25th day of April and the first; tiay of October in any year.

22. Embarring or enclosing for the purpose of obtain­ing herring to be taken from the seine anti inlme<iintel)" packed in barrels for fooil or llait tJUl'l)Oses shall be lawful, but the onus of proof that the eml.>arring is fot· such pttrposcs anrl for no othet·, shall lie \\lith the person making the embarring or enclosing.


23. No here·ing tr:.tp shall he userl in the waters of the Ilistrict of Plncentia and St. ~Ia1·y's or }4~ortune Ba~y·;; Not· shnll any herring trap or herring seine be used in tbe \Vater·s of l~ay of lslanrls.. Bonnt.· Bay or Bay .. t. Geo1·ge. Nor ~hull any purse seine be userl in th_e waters of Ne\\"fonndlnnn. Pa·ovirt.ed that this rule shall not npply to fitShi ng ve~sPls requirin~ her1·ing itnmediately ~ for tb(lir o\Yll exclnst\-e use for butt pua·poses, and not for sale or· exportation.

24. Seining herring is permitterl exce.pt ns hereinafter stated, in the l)ista·ict of '1'\"\-illingnte bet"'een the 1st (lay of April anrl the :20th cla_y of l\fay in any ) eat·. No person shall huul or catch, or har with seines or nets ot• other contri,·unce, any herr·ing except for immediate use ns hnit foa· codfisu, at any tirne between the 20th May and the 1st of August in any year in tile sa.id District. Barring hea·ring with s«:-ines ot· nets shall not be perrnittetl at any tin1e foa· a longer period than 24 hours in said District. 'T'he use of herring nets is permitted all the )year· •·ounrl in s~tid l)istrict. 'l'be use of herring traps is _foa·bidrlen in said District. rl'he use of sei n~s or any otber conta·ivance, sttve stationery nets, for the capture of her•·ing, is prohibited in the waters of Gut Arm, 'I'oo­good's Aa·n1, Goldsen's Arn1, Pike's Artn and Cobb's Arm in the vicinity of Herring NPck; provided that het·ring may· he taken at any titne and by any n1cans for hnit pnt·poses and for itnmediate nse for these purposes i n t he fisheries .

25. No herring shall be kept haa·red in a seine of less thnn seYenty fathotns in length, or in water of less than th1·ee fHthon1s clepth at the bunt of the seine, or so tightly that the1·e is d::tnget~ of the herring perishing while so embarrecl.

26. In cuse herring nre hauled in ""ater of less depth than three fathoms and not disposed of "·ithin fort)7


eight hours, snch hert·ing shall at the lapse of this tin1e be liberate(l.

27. No person shall bar herring in water the bottom of which is foul.

I t


2 8 . In c n s e there is no {J ro s pe ct of n sing or rl is p o sin 0'

Of ha rt•efl IJerri ng l fl a C011d i tion fit fo1• h U lll n 11 f~>O(i O~ or bni t r)ul·poses., such herri 1_1g sh a II l>e "li hera tPd fo 1·th­

\Yith, a 11(1 al~y· person s? em l)fl rri ng herring so that thPy ~uffer or per1sl! ft·onl being ernbarred, .shall be guilty of ~ 11 o~en~e ngutust ~_ hese rules. . -

29. No person sh:11l, "~ith. ~ seine ·ot· othP1· Pont•·iyan<·e ern_bar 01" enclose the \VhOJe Of . ft Cov·e '·ot· ihlL1 t; any tJPrsoil shooting seiues ?I" other_ contriv·:_1hee~ ft·o•n .one sicte to the (>ther of a · cov·e or · i ri fet sh .. ~ II_ sc'. s(:cu t·e _ shpb seine 01" othel~ COlltt·i\""ance as to •:}eaYe t>ni~-thlr<i. of the CO"\Te or inlet open to =._tt·ntflc. . ..... ""'. .:. ' .

30. 'VIlen any IJerson bas eotnn\~enc.Pcl to .. ~shoot 'i~is se1ne no othe:r J)el"son· sha-ll {Jl.ace ~ or =·set nn.r ·o't he r fishincr gear, net or otber• ·:co.nti·i, ... at1ce· withir) =- ~:nch s~pace .the said seine is ·a bout to ··e_nc:(nnr)a.Bs '. ·:: · · · · ·

31. No net <~r - otil(~ ·r· !_COlltl~i,~a -nce _shalf be··' i->Ia'cecl insirle 9 f L a· seine wit I? on t ~ the p e r·1:11 iss ion or· the o ~Y n e r of . the seine. · · · · - ·

. 32 . . In case a seine has heen shot around a shoal of herring an cl nets h a v· e bee n p 1 ace cl . in s n e l~ ~ lJ o s ~ t ion as to preYent. the _ hauling a.n(l securing of 8nch seine to the shore, the owner of snch nets shall ren1ove his- nets on t,len1an<.l of the sei11e ovv·net· or bis agent ; ancl if the owner of the nets l)e not present <lt" shall refuse to ren1ov·e such nets \Vhen req ni t•ecl t be o\\rnet· of the seine or his agent tnay retno·ve such nets or haul the lll"'ts

shoreward V\-rith the seine; lttl{ in SUCh Cade the 0\YD'er <>f the seine shall COlTilJensate the <>wners of the nets for uny <latnage rlone to the nets, ancl shall return the q ... 1antity or pay the v·nlue of such her·ring as 111ay be in the nets.

33. If~ in barring herring, the seine should be left standing o·ver any gear l)e}onging to a net fisherman~

such gea1· shall not be taken tll) nilless 'vitb the consent of the owner of the seine or his agent; but in st.1ch case the owner of tlle seine shall, 'vith1n six hours th(l'rea.fter., return such net or pa)7 the (>WI1et' the v·alue thereof an<l the '\"alue of the herring that u1ay be in the nets.


34. In the shooting of sei_nes the fir~t person wh.o ·thro\YS out his rope ancl shoots., an(l c-outtllll.es to shoot his seine .. shull be entitled to the S\Vecp, and any t)ersot:i

0 h 8 t 1 ·nc~ti ng ot· pt·eYe n t i ng snch 1~erson fron1 so shooting, shall he guilty of an offence agatust these rules.

35. 1 11 c:.lse t\VO sei~lPS shall he sh >t nt the san1e tin1e, Hnd one seine :-jhall ~le inside of t{•e other, an<l ,herr .. ing be taken in both seines, toe catch shall belong equally to h c _ h o \Y n p rs ; h n t i n c n s e ! 1 err ill g be taken on 1 ) 7 in one seinr•" the o\YtH.--1~ of the other seine ~hall have ·no claim to uny portion of tlle cntch.

36. In cn~e t'vo ot· n1ore seiners shall shoot their seines at the sun1e tin1e~ so as to form one circle, and ru~ithe-r ' se·cnt·es his catch separately, the ·catch shall be eq n ~1- ll.)r (} i vi <'led.

37. '\Then hert·ing have l1een ren1ov~rl fron1 a seinP, ~nee seine t:;hall, within six ho-urs thereafter,. he taken out (>f the \Vatet·; p1·oyiderl that the \Veather tloes not inter­fere \Yit h such ren1oval ; anrl in c:1se such emt)ty seine interfe•·es \vith the tnooring ot· operations of any ·. other seine, such etnpty seine shall be forth,vith remov·ed by the owner.

38 .. An)T person int~rfering "\vith ot· ol1structing ·tlte o '"' n e r (, f a seine in the h au I in g or tuck i n g thereof, or by rn\vi ng ot· 1naking any kind of noise, or otber\vise ''" i I fully f rig~ l ten in g herring f 1'.0 Ul a seine, s h a 11 be guilty of an offence _ag_u.inst these rules.

39. No person shall set any net so close to any seine ss to stn n< 1 oYer the rnooring of such seine, and no })erson shall set IJis nets in such a n1anner as to submerge the nets of all)7 other person.

40. Any person injuring or destroying the gear, nets, seines or other contrivances of any other person, or wilfully or illegally interfering with and destroying the catch of any such other person, shall be guilt)7 of an offence against these rules. The l)enalty for such offence


shall b~ in nclrlition to, anfl shall be helfl to take aw or eff~ct any other remedy to wbicb the injureti pat· rna)~ be entitled.

41. In case fishing gear become S<l entangled thut cannot l'e clearerl \Yituout injury., such gear mav t~ken on shore an(l tbe O~"ners thereof shnll nifl .. 81 assist in the clearing of the same with as little injury possil,le to the protlerty of each other.

42. In case any person, in getting hi8 geat· out o.f t water, is compellccl to cut the rot)e <,f an()tber J>et·&fJ

~uch rope shall l_)e securely tietl before tll~ sao1e j dropped back into the water.

43. No herring shall be take11 at any titne or in an waters of this Colony f<>t· the purl"lose 01~ l~eing used manut .. e.

44. No person sh,t.ll cntcb, take or· llat· herring i a seine between the hours of twel,~e o'~lock ()n Saturda night and twel,-e o'clock on Stlntlny night, un(lt-r Jlenalty not excecfling One hnndt·erl d<))lars; but seine contt"lining herring which shnll huv·e been barrecl befot"e twel,·e o'clock 011 Satnr<lay 11ight may be allowed t remain in the water rluring tbe uforesai<l t>eriod.

45. No person shall place bert·ing on a scaffold itl warm \'\"eather.

46. All fresh or green berring shall, in this Colony be soltl or ptirchased, deli'v·ered or received, by the standard measure, ""hicb shall be a barrel containin thit·ty-two Imperial gallons, or a tnll or half barre containing sixteen Irnpcrial gullons., und shall he sol as they are taken or haulecl ft·<>tl1 the "\\Tater, without ao cull or pick, any agreement to the contrary notwith standing.

47. All frozen herring shall, in this Colony, be sold l)Urchased, deliv·ered or recei\-·ed, either by weight 01· b tbe ~tandarcl measure~ wl1icb shall be one Impe1·ial buehe of eight gallons.


4 x. No YPSS(1 1 or <:'raft of any description_, lo~ding or

t ~ 1 ~ 1• 11 cr 011 bo~ll·d, fresh, frozen or salted her•·•ngs 1n New-&.\ " r-- l b l . I

f l ntllnnd "-ntet·s~ shall anc 1or or e moorec.: In any laul-ot l · l l · · b l · ing pl:-'ee, coYe ot' _inlet.'~{ llC 1 1err1ngs_ are In t e 1ab1t

0{ fa·eqnellting, or 111 "' .. hteh they are betng caugllt.

49. No pet'son shall use a seine for the {)Urpose of (•:\ tehi ng he-tTi ng bEt \Yee~l the 1st day of lVIarch and the a 1st dtly of 1\iuy ~n an:y yea~· in the~e porti.ons of !he ,,?nters of Pl:t<.:•entut Bay, \Ybtch are enclosed by a ltne clt·awn frorn Plnct>ntht~"nnn's Point, on the tnainland, to ~lngotty CoYe Point .. in Sound lslanrl,. anrl by a line (lra~vn fron1 Souud Islanrl Point, on the Southern side of Soun(l IslntHl, to f-lardy's Cov·e, and \Voody Island, an(l then follo,ving the coast line of the said Woody Island to the \Vestern Point, and thence in a stt·aight line to La Plante on the suainland. ....~11 v·essels cotning to Souncl Island for the purt)ose of catching or purchasing herring shall rflmain at an0ho1· below the not·th-eastern point of Sound Island (Bloody Point).

50. 'l.,lte Depart1nent of lVIarine anct Fisheries n.1ay appoint n Board of Harbor and Sanitary Commissioners in any place, the lin1its of which shnll he dPfinerl in their nppointtn~nt, to consist of one or more inhabitants of such place, and the duties of' such one or n1ore comrnis­~ioners shnll be to select and appoint suitable places " . here spoiled herring or other fish offal of the lobster uncl other fishes, ballast and rubbish, may be cUsposed of V\yithout injury to the fisheries or the health of the iuhabitnnts .. a n<-1 where Yessels shall he tnoore(l; and any \)erson who sball thro\v, place or dPposit an).,. such fish <)ffal, ballast or rubbish, or shall moor any vessel at or in any place within the saicl limits other than tllat so selectecl and appointe(l, sl.Jall be guilty of a ·violation of these rules.

51. No ballast or rubbish of any kind shall be thrown ~v·erboard from any vessel or boat inside of a straight line drawn from l\1ynter's Point to Bill Point via Tur-. , c . ' nips ove, In Bay-du-Nord, Fortune Bay.


(a) No ha11nst or ruhhish of ::ln,y kind shnll h~ thro\Yt overbourct frorn any vessel or uont conling t~

I3a.y-du-Noni Ilrook, I~ .... ortnne Bay, inside of : str:1ight liue runnit1g· across fron1 E .... art·pll's CoY(

Point to the outsidP point at Yunk~e Cove pro Y ide cl t h :.l t h a 1 I a s t fro 111 n n y ve sse I 1n n y h t thrown under the '\vhnrves in said places should the o1vne1· of sumP cousen t thereto.

(b) No vesst-"1, era ft or l)oa t shall anchoL. or rPnln in at anchor, or ue lllOored any\vhere in I~ny d' ~:ast, Fortune I~ay, for the purpo~e of f1·e~zing herriug, or of loading or of tnking on hoard fresh or f1·ozen herring, or h~r•·ing to he saltPd, in bulk or in barrels, p1·ovidect that any ,·es~el, craft or bo!lt coming to· Bn)"" <F ~:ast in the bpring of the yea1·, after the ice bas disnppear­e c1 , f o r f res h or s n 1 ted herr i n g s .. 111 a y be a II o '"' e t l to an<~hor, ih·ess or cure ber•·ing'3 inside of a straight line dra"yn ft·om Indiun Point to North­West Point at the month of No1·th-\vest l~rook.

(c) All YesseJs, crafts or boats con1ing to Simn1,s 13rook, or St. Keel's~ in ~"ortnne Hny, for frozen or salted herrings, shall be n1oored fora and aft as close to land as thc·y can safely float.

52. No person shall thro\Y aDy herring frorn any scaffold, vessel or boat into the watet·; but all spoiled herrings .. \vhich cannot be disposed of as an article of

. hun1an food .. or for bait purposes, shall be carried to such places as the Harbor and Sanitary Commissioners may direct, and may he used as manure.

53. No person shall throw any hallnst, sand or rubbish­into the water which herring are known "to frequent, but all such ballast, sand or rubbish ::;hall be carri('d to such I>laces as the Harbor and Sanitary Comn1issioners 1nay direct.

54. The following regulations shall apply to the

COD-FISHERY. 55. Upon the coast of Ne,Yfoundland anrl its depen­

dencies no person shaJI use, for the purpose of taking


r- o cl fish , n n y kin <1 of trap, the "'"a II s or sides of w hi c l1 consist of 1net;hes of less than tht~e and a-half iuches. ,.J'lle opening of uny part of the \\ralls of a cocl trap and the lacing on of any cod bag (or knitted t\vine of less t han three a n d o 11 P-h n If inch tn e s h ) f o 1· the purpose of re anoYi ng fish fron1 the eod trap, shall he a violation of thPse rn lPs ; ProYid~cl" that it is pern1itterl to lace a eod bHg; of n ny ~ize tne'3u to the head 1·ope of a trap for the i 1111 ned i ate t·e t no Y a l of fi K h , and for that p n rp o s e on I y.

56. No pet·son shall set on any of the fisbi ug geou nels of this Colo u y or its cl P p P n <i en c i e s, any cod t r n p , at a less distn.nee thau eightjr f:\thotns ft•otn the nearet:;t l)oint of u u ~y cod t r n p pre, ... i u n s I y set .

57. No person shall set on an~y of the fishing grouncls f)f this Colony ot· its depenrlencies an)T co(l net or salmon net nt a less distauce than fifty fatlJotns ft·om tbe nearest }.loint of any cod tr·ap pre\?iously set, nor at a less dis­tn nee than ti ft,y fathoms from any other cocl net or saln1on net previously set.

58. \Vhen any person shall hn·ve set a cocl net or snltnon net or cod trap, and the snrne shall have become darn .1ged to any extent, rendering it necessnay that it be t~1.ken np for the purpose of repair.. he Rhall not thereb)7 fot·feit his right to re-set his eotl trHp, co<i net ot· saln1on net in the place ft·om whence it has been taken up: provided that the same he reset within font· days.

59. Any person using a herring seine or caplin seine on the coast of this Isla.tHl to take or haul codfish, shall lle guilty of a violHtion af these rules.

HO. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw overboard or deposit '-Tpon the fishing gt·ouuds or iedges, on or near the coasts of this Colony or its rlependeucies, any heacls, entrails, bones, or offal of any codfish.

61. No person shall, at an).,. tin1e, place any bultow, cod net, coLl trap, or cod trap n1ooring, in the waters surrounding South Islancl, Burnt Island. and Gull Island, rrwilli-ugate ; except in Burnt Island Ticli:le, between Helrs l\1outh Head ancl Ragg's Point and those waters


a 1·o n n cl Son t h Isla n ct of '], \Y i II in g n t ~ ~ l') x t P n d i n g fro r l{ngged Poi ll t to CJ n 111 Rock CoYe ; nor in t hP ''" :d P 1

hetvreen _li"'rench Point and thP l~ig H~~Hl of \\'ile Covti Nor shall any pe1soll use any buJto'v~ co<l n~t or jigg-e het\Yeen Gut rl,ickJe, on the \Yest~ nncl the ~vestPI'Il poin of ( ,ob!)'s Arn1, l)uck lslnnd, on the ~on tb-east ~ frou tl•e lOth day of June to the lOth ~ny of NoYetnher in nnj yenr; uor in the 'vaters of l~xploits Hay,. Notre l):un I~ay, west\Yard of a line stretching ncross the entranc·ij fa·o1n Chnllce Harhor Head, on the ~outh side, ancl runuing in a "rester1y direction to nlucldy flole on th~ north side of the Bn,y .. slJf, II any perS(>11 nse tl ns· ("Ontri­Yance, other than hook nnd line, fo•· catching codfish.

62. No corl net or bulto\v shnll be used nftet· the l!)th day of June in any yen.r., Dor furthet· frorn the tnainlancl than onP-hnlf of a n1ile extending frotn VV.ild Co\Te Point, Hhon l Bay, 'vestwor<ll).,. to II ~re Bny Hearl, ~.,ogo : no•· shall any cod trap be set within one-qua1·ter of a n1ile from Stone's Island, IJing \Vest~vnrd of the Pound Rock Tickle. No hu1to,vs tnay be used nt a 11 y ti n1e outside of a line starting frotn Cape ~.,ogo, thence North\vurd 'vith the Cape in a ctirect line \Vith Copper l::;lnnd nntil tbe Lighthouse on Sloan's Hill becomes Yisihle Northward of Pigeon 1s1ancl, thence on tolvards Store Honse IslaaHi, until Ronnel Head bears \Vest . . Not· shall bulto,vs be used on any part of the local fishing grounrl bearing due J1:ast from any part of the coast betwP~cn Cape li,ogo and Rouud Head, inclusive, later than tlle 5th of August in nny year. No person shall use any cocl net, hnlto\'Y or jigger, for cntcbing codfish on that part of the coast of Newfoundlaud contained 'vithin the followiug litni~s or boundaries, tbat is to say ; a line cotnmencing at tlle moutll at Shallo"'BY Brook, in the District of Fogo, thence running in d strnight line to the most southerly point of South Penguin Island, thence in a strnigbt line to the Offer Wadhclm Island, tiJence in a straight line to Ragged Point, and thence folhnving the line uf coast to the plnce of comtnencen1ent. No person shall, within the snicl 1in1its or boundaries, thro" .. iuto the water any fish offal. No cod-net shall be set in ~hat portion of the wnte1s of


theconst hetween Roun(l Head anrl Cape l:t""ogo .. before the 1 tit dn.y of ~July an(l not a.fter the lOth of Augnst in any ~yenr. No co<! net shu II he set in those \vater'3 outside of u line l'lllt ni11g South ft·orn Ron nd I-I earl to Heeman's l~ock., thenee on 'vith Het>tnan's Rock in a direct line -,vith l~ouucl liPacl, until Cart}less Point is in a line with !{eating's l-IPnd .. and thence in a rlirect line with Cape }-i"o~o. No eofl trap shall he set in the waters of that portion of the C<,ast bet\veen Roulld Hearl and Cape Fogo, until t\YO d::tys hav·e elnpberl after caplin hav£ first been hauled o1· other,vise seeured within the snirl limits in any year; aud nndPr no circutnstances shall a cotl tJ~ap, or buoy .. or rnooring., to sectu·e a cod tt'ap space or berth, be placed in thPse \VHters before the first day of J nne in any yeat·. 'r,Yo poles or buoyb n1oored to inrlicate the position in 'Yhieh it is in tended a cod-trnp is to be set (that is one nt the centre back mooring keg and one at the door) shall ue sufficient to hold a cod-trap space or berth, nnd the space or hertb so int.licated sh~ll be regarded as if a coo. trap of a Yerage size were sel in the position tnarke(l h.Y these poles or bnoys. No person shall tnnrk witll poles or buoys any tnore spnces thnn he can occupy with the satne nun1 bcr of traps, and no person shall i)lace any 1n:.1.rk in tbe wnters whilst his trap or traps are set.

63. No bultow., cud-trap, corl-net or jigger, shall he nsed outside of a line running from Shoe Cov·e Point to I~laek l{ock, thence north to Horse Islancl, then north to l3ig Shng Rock .. thence east to Flower's Island, thence Pn~t to Cabot 1slnnrl in Bonavista Bay. Nor shall any bnlto\v be used before the 20th day of Septen1ber in any ,YPHr, within four tniles northward or \Yestward of the bhore~ inc-luding Green Island, Stone Island, or Gull lolancl, nncl Cape Island, uet~Teen Black Head, Bona­,·ista Bay, and Cape BonaYistn. Nor within three miles north\varrl or east\varrl of the shore between Cape Island and Spillar's lligh Rock, 1n the vicinity of Cape Bona vista.

64. No person shall use any bnltow in Trinity Buy, between Deer H~rbor 'Vest and Seal Island East, or


het'\Yecn Bonn.Yenture Hearl nncl Lo"~ Point, L ort of the IIorse Chops ; uor shn ll any hultow o1· float h 'Yithin thrPe rniles of the n1ain land hPtwepn RP(i He Baccn.lh:u 'T'ickle nnd Salvnge Point iu T•·i11ity Bay.

65 . ..L""o p(lrson shn11 plnee any bnlto\l-·s ot· cod-ne the ''·atc.rs of Conception l~ny or the Arn1 s th,~•·Oidi• inside of a line rnnning- fro1u l\losqnit.o Poiut of H .. trt·uirili!~ {-;race, in a sontucrly dirf\ction, to the eastel'nano t ...... , .... ..,. .. iK

of l{elly's Island., nncl thence inn \Yest.erly dir·ec·tion Collier's Point, before the first of August in any ye

66. No hu Ito"· or cod- net sha 11· he set "·ithin tn~ee.i:~l miles of the fishing grounds, betw~t~n 11:tnp~y B:tolaw~•··''"'"'-'-····· north of the NortlJ I:lend of Petty Harbor :uui ]..~oaf; nor shall nny cod-net or cod-seine ot· co<l-tlt used on the lerlgPs of Petty I-Iarhor, Past of a line hundred and fifty fathon1s frotn the shore frorn the Heacl of Jonc's CoYe .. nor (\ast of a line runninO' nortllilf. east. three qnnrt<?rs of :t mile from Alexancle~ Huan-·~~ nor outsirle of one hundred nnd fifty fathotns from ~bore of any of the hanks sitnnte in the centrP ().f

hay of Petty I-I arbor and known as "~ 'l'i n ker's Jia and co1nprising the following ; 1\loirn's Rock, 1.)

Ledge, li"lat l-1un1Inocks and Charl~y's Rock.

67. No person shall use bnltows for catching co<lfislJ before the fi1·st of Ocotoher in any yeaa· inside line to he clra,Yn fron1 Green ~~ish Point, south-we Bay 1-lnll's South Hearl, to Long l:>oint north-east of I~ull's North I:Iead; nor at nny titne during the within three tniles of the land from the Southern H l~ay Bulls to Cape Rnllnrci. ~o cod-net or bultow be used or set on the fishing ground known as "' "rio Fishing Ground,'' situnte off l\lol>ilc in the Dis ........... ..... ~""errylan<l, the benring of the san1e being as foiJIO·,•• J.1~rom Bare Place, Sonth Point, extending seaward and a-half llliles south-east by south, frotn west p_._.· ra-.,;&!1

J'eil's CoYe one and a-half miles south by ~vest. use of floating trawls shall be pern1itted from the. day of 1\iay till the teuth day of August, within 111iles of the const line extending from Urow Islan._ ..... _._ ..


err .. l:t n < 1 ~ to C n p 1 i n 1 ~a y (j- u t ., ~lot h i n c 1 u s ~ Ye . 1: To per-~ ~ludl u~t~ n ~Pine fol' the tnk111~ of Caphn frotn I~urnt

()II s L"' l t I:'\ l d . l . l I

_, . t }1"" L, r r \.'"l ·t n d to .L' res L 1 \V a e r, e r l' s a n , 1 n t l e s a H 011\ 'I '- .; (. '

I )i~t riet.. . In that part of llacPntia Bny including the Har­

ltnrs ·nud CoY<.'t; <~ll th: coast line, f1·otn ll1·oaci CoY.e I-Icnd • 11 ~'·l~t~rlv <ltrectton to the easte1·u end of Loncr 111 :l '- (. ...... '-- J • • ~ IshuHl., thenee to Lake's C::-ut In f_,aradtse, there shall be

0 hulto\\·~ u8ed ~ not' shall any cod-net he ullo\Yerl to be

:~ ·d for entehing co<lt1sh ot· nny other kind of fish, inside of a line dt':.i\\"ll frou1 l .. a Plnnte Hcross to Bordeaux II ad in Pluc~utia l~ny, betvvPen the first day of October in n 11 y yea r ::• n d tIt e ti r ~ t <ln.) of .. ] u n e i n the f o 11 o '\Yi u g '"l' tll'.

~J. .~...,.. o t ra \Yl or bul tow shall he set a ny,,vhere in the ''":. ters of I .... i t tle PnssagP, If et·tni tnge Bny, in tlle District of ):4""or. u ne l~ny, in bide 0f a line cl ra \Yll fron1 Pas-sage Point to largea·y I-I(?ad on the south, inside .of a line c1 1 a\Vll frorn 1\Iurldy Hole to l)ay CoYe on the north, In nny y~ar. No hulto\YS shall be set on the shore of (;rund l~a11k,. Fortune Ba~y, fl'Otn the 1st of August to th 1st of April in the follo\ving year, \Vit hin the nnder­nl~ntioned lilnits: Fro1n t\YO miles \Vest of Grand Bank Ilnrhor .. and ''?ithin a line ruuning 1:~orth-"'"est from the ·hore fi..~ast\\·ar<l to a line running in the Han1e direction frotll B"""an1iue Point. in the satne loealit.y.

7 . To hulto"· shall be used on the fishing grounds frotH Cape La IIune to Cnpe R!l}T., both inclusiv·e, in the I > i ~ t r i e t of I:> u r g eo an <1 La Poi l e .

71. No pPrson shall place in the waters of the Labra­dot· Coast 11orth of Battle Hurbor any cod-tt·ap or cod­trnp-lea<let· before the lOth day of June in any year. If nny person shall set a cod-trnp-le:.1.der on the fishing g ro un <is north of Batt 1 e Harbor in or l e r to secure t IJ e place foi tlle setting of his cod-trap, ancl such })erson shall fail to set such cod-t•·n1J in such place 'vithin four dnys after setting out such leader., it shall be la\vful for any other person "vho tnaj'Y (lesire to secure the place


where snch lenrier was so set (>nt for· the settinrr the (the lntter's) CC>(l-tratJ~ t(> I~etno,·e such 1e;<1 then sP.t his own Iearler or cocl-tral) in tJ1ace thet·eo the latter shall l)c liallle also f(> the }Jt•(>, ... isio11 sectic>n, as against any other "'"ho rnns· so cle ~ire t leacler of CfHi-tr:l[) : Pro,ridetl that if H ny lll"r·son setting bis:co<l-trn}J lea<ier shall ·be bon.a. fide }>l.f'Yen

stress _of V\renther or ice fr·o~ sPtt ing his C()cl-tral> the sal<i four <la:ys, such pert<><l shall he eonJpUtPd the time ut ~vhich the weather or ice shall tJern1 it setting such cotl-trar).

No person shall })lace in the "\Yaters of Bay t. G any cocl tr:Jt) or c<Hl tra1) le-ader l)ef(lre the first , J nne i11 any )7 ea r ; no })erson shall tJlace in th'? from Little }->ort to N(>rth I-Iearl. including 1-la)' of 1~1 ttny cod trap or coct tra1) 1ea(ler; nor from a poi the const one Inile S()llth of Gargatnelle c()Ve t<) a one mile north of 1\Iengher's U<>\re, including ull t lands in St .• John's I~a.y ; nor frf)ffi ~""er<>lle P()int t southern extremity <>f Olcl ~~erole Islanct; nor on })<lrtion of .the coast lying between the south }Joint Julian's Isla11d and Cnt>e Fox, on the north-cast c c;

this Isla11d.

72. "The follo"'ing regulations shall npt)ly

WHALE FISHERY. 73. "I'he owner or n.1anager of e"\ ... ery whaling fa

or of any other factory connected either rlit·ectly directly "'"ith sait.l fishery, shall fnrnislJ within the of January a yearly staternent sllo\ving, for t P. pr twel·ye months, namely, frfJm the 1st of January t 31st of Decen1ber of the pt~ev·i<lUS year;

( 1.) (2.) (3.)

( 4.)

The nun1ber of "rbales caiJtnred; How many males; how many femalE's; How n1any whales of each species-rna

female; The quantity of oil, in _gallons, obtained



rrhe qnantity of gn:tno~ "rhale hone and hone ( 5 ·) 01eal obtained tbet·efrotn.


4 No person .shall catch, I~ill, c~ptnre ~· .. take any

17 · trout or 1nlancl water f1-.;hes., In an.y rt\ ... et~, hrook.,

8 01011' ' • ,. 1 Pond lake, or estnn.r,y· 1n ~ewfonncllantl, by nnv

trean , " . .~ Otber than rod, book and line.


75. -r- 0 person shall use an}~ appliance other tha.n rod,

b k u.nd line to catch any saltnon, tt·ou t ~ or 1 n la 11(1

~~er fislles, within t1fty futhotns f•·otn either hn,nk on the strand, sea, stt·eam, pond, lakP, or estnar,y debouch-ing into the sea.

76. 'I'he Departtnent of 1\:larine anrl Fisheries may place caution boards . at a gren ter di_stn nee thn u fi~ty fatbon1s from the points of debouchtng as ufo1·esatcl,

herev-er, in the opinion of tne Departnlent, grog1·aphical conditions n1ay renrler the satne necessary. The placing of such boards at any snch points shall be cleetnefl to be p'ri'rna facie evidence of notice, a ncl shall plaee the hn r·­den of proof, as to lack of notice, upon the p:1.1·ty cha t~ge<l with a breach of anything herenudet·.

77. No person shall, by spearing, hooking, svveeping or hauling with any net o1· seine, take, oe atten1pt tt) take, any salmon, trout, or inland wate1~ fish within thh:; Colony.

78. 'l.,he use of litne, explosi·ves .. ot~ other (leleterions compounds for killing or catching fish of any fleseription, shall at all times be prohibited in all inland and coastal waters of this Colony.

79. In eyery mill-datn, rack, or fratne-work, erecte<l or built across any pond, lake, rivet·, brook or streatn, were salmon and trout have l)een known to enter, thet·e shall be placed subject to the approv·al of the Depart­ment of l\farine and Fisheries, a proper pass-\-vrty ot· fish­ladder not less than four feet in 'victth, capable of n.llow­ing salmon or trout of any size to enter the waters nboYe.


R 0 . A n y 1 o g s o 1 • t i n1 her of a n ~y c1 esc rip t ion ".hi<:~ h 111 a y he placPcl so as to i n1pe<le the p~l ssage of salrnon or trout in :1 pond" ri Ye r., I a ke, s t1·ean1., e~ tnary or "rater-course, s h n ll be i n s t a u t ly r en 1 o Ye d ; a n d n o sa '\"\7 clu ~ t or 111 i ll r u lJ­l>ish of nny kind shnll he ca8t into auy poncl, lake-, estu­::u·y .. l'lYer .. brook, s trea rn ot· 'Ya ter-cou rse.

81. :N" o net shall he 1noorecl or set near any part of of the coast of this Colony or its Dependencies for tbe purpose of taking sn lrnon nea t'Pl' to any other salrnon llt't prPYinus1y set or moored for a like purpose than one hnndrPd ynrds for n s~ugle net, no1· than three hundred )

7 :ll'd s for a doll ule net 0 l" fleet of nets.

82. No person shall catch, kill ot· take an)T saln1on or tront in any river., bt·ook., strearn. pon(l or lake in New­fou ud l:n1<l, bet ":"een the 15th <lny of Septe1n her in any year, ttn(l the 15th d:.1y of "Jannary in the next folloV\ring year: p•·o,·ided that this seclion shall not apply to R. A. Brehm :.1ncl others ~ .. ho have been granted certain rights under the JH"O\'"ision of section 19 of the Act passed in the 29th year of the reign of Her late 1\Injesty, entitlecl '' ri'he Cro,vn Lauds' Act of 1884," as lessees of .l\!urray and l~utler ponds and the streams running into and ont of the san1e for one tnile.

83. No net shall be used for taking salmon within the turee 1nile litnit of this Island, the n1okes, meshes or scales of "vhich shnll be less tuau fi v·e inches.

84. No person shall bu_y or sell, or have in his posses­Rion .. any snlrnon or trout "rhich have been taken con­trary to the provisions of these rules, anrl every salmon or t1 out so taken, bought, or sold, may be declared for­feited to the complainant by any Justice.

GENERAL. 85. No person shall at any time haul .. catch, or take

squid, within or by means of any seine, bunt, or other snell contrivance. ri'his rule shall not apply to the 'vaters of the Labrador coast.


86. No person shall between the hou1·s of t"relYe o'clock on Sa.tnrdny night, a ud t\vel Ye o "elock on Sunday night, take or catch In a n,y rnan net· \Vh~• tsoever., any herring, caplin .. squid., or any 0the1· bait fi~h., or set ot· put out an,y eontriv·ance \vhatsoever for the pHrpose of takin~ or catching herring .. c~1plin., squid, o1· other hnit fish. Caplin n1a~v be taken fo1· fertilizing purposl's by f tt r 1n e r s or their e 111 p l o ~y e e s d u r i n ~ the u ~ u a l sen. son .

87. No person shall dig, take. huy, spll, ship or put, or assist in shipping or puttiug oa board nny hoat, ship or v·essel, or carey in or on board of nny ~hip., Yessel o1·

boat, any clatns, tnnssels., scollops., cock-a n<l-lJens, or other shell fish, f o 1~ the p n r pose of exportation , or for any other purpose, except that of being bona.~ ji(.le fot· bait for the fisheries of this Colony., or of the sa rnt' :.1 s prosecu1::(~( l therefrotn, or tlnrlee a Foeeign Fishing Lieen:::;e in ncc\ )t" l­ance 'vith the rules tllet·eon : Provi«-led th~tt tl ny such she II fish rna y be t a ]{en for I oc a I food p n r poses n. 1 1 t l for boiling and canning.

88. No hereing shall be sold to any foreign ti"5hing v·essel, licensed under the laws of this C .>lnnJ to ptll"­

c has e bait, n n de r one (loll a r n n d t \V e n t y- fi y· e c e n t s p e l"

barrel of thirty-t,vo Imperial gallons, to he pai<l hy the master or crew of sairl foreio-n fishin<-.,. v·essel · nor anv

~ 0 ' •·

cap 1 in tl n de r four do 11 a I' s a do r ). 1 o ad , o 1· f o I' t y c e n t s p P t"

barrel of thirty-two Irnperial gallons; 1101· an.y sqlli<l fot· less t ban twenty cents per h u n d red. by conn t, o a· t \V' > cl o 11 a r s per barrel of t 1J i r t y- two I tn p e rial g n ll o n s .

89. Fish req n it·ecl for s~ie n ti fi c, p roc rea ti vc, o1· e xpP ri­tnental purposes, may., unrler the wt·itten pertnission of the Secretar,y of tbe Fisberies l~oarcl., the ~Iinister of ~1arine and ITisheries, or the Deputy l\1iu ister thereof. be tali:en by any mctborl at any titne., anything in these rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

90. All regulations heretofnre made under the lH'O­

visions of the aforesaid Act are hereby t·epeale<l.

91. Nothing in these rules shall affect nn~y proceedings commenced, or any penalt,y incul"red, o1· an.y rights acquired, prior to their corning into opern.tion.


NoTE-'l'he penalties npplicablc to the foregoing rul nrt"' pro,ided in the aforesaid Act., and are as follows "" ~:ver,yone '"ho Yiolntcs any provisions of this Act, or the rPgulations under it, shall Le liable to a penal not ex<·Pecling oue hnnd.ted rlollars nnd costs, and in fault of pHJlllent, to imprisonment for a term not excce ing t"?o n1onths. All tnuterinls, in1plements or app anc-es used., and all fish caught, taken or killed in viol hltion of this Act" ot· any regulation under it, shall confis(•ated to His l\1ajesty, and n1ay be seized on vi by any }l"'ishery Officer, or taken or remoYecl by an person, for deli\?ery to auy Justice of the Peace."

'I'. J. J\1URPHY, Minister of Ma'rir;~e and Fishe'rie

St. John's, :Nfld., l\1ay ~nd, 1904.
