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Running questionnaire

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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1. How old are you ?16 Years: 18 people17 Years: 4 people19 Years: 1 person22 Years: 1 personFrom the survey I found out that are target audience will be mainly teenagers as the most common age was 16 years old. This means we will be broadcasting the documentary onto an on the demand app as young people use these services more than regular terrestrial channels. Using an online on demand app also means that the documentary will be available all the time so the viewer can choose a time in which they will watch it.

2.Do you watch any documentaries?Yes: 17 peopleNo: 7 peopleWhen it came to this question I found that the majority of the people we interviewed do watch documentaries which is good as it means our documentary will be successful as the majority of our target audience do watch documentaries.

3.If so, what genre of documentary do you watch ?Sport: 2 peopleNature: 6 peopleCrime: 4 peopleFood: 1 personMurder: 4 peopleScience: 4 people After finding out that only 2 people out of the people we interviewed watch sport documentaries we decided to incorporate food, science and technology with regards to running to increase our viewing audience. This will also make the documentary more interesting.

4.How many times a month would say you watch documentaries?Never: 6 peopleOnce a week: 13 peopleMore than once a week: 5 people

The results of this question is helpful as it allows us to understand how many times a month our target audience will watch documentaries. The most popular answer was once a week and also 5 people said they watch documentaries more than once a week which is good for us as it means the target audience will be interested and inclined to view it.

5. Do you tend to seek out documentaries by watching them on on demand streaming services such as YouTube and Netflix or are you likely to watch them on TV?On demand: 16 peopleTV: 7 peopleNone: 1 personThis question was useful as it helped us decide that we will make a documentary that will be broadcasted onto an on demand service as this is the way the majority of target audience view documentaries. This is mainly because teenagers (our target audience) are constantly on their phones and the internet along with their busy means that having a service that allows them to choose a program at any time and view it is extremely convenient for them.

6. If you do watch them on TV which channels in your opinion have documentaries that interest you the most?BBC: 19 peopleDiscovery: 1 personOther: 4 people

7.How long have you been running for?Under 3 years: 11 people3 years: 2 people4 and above years: 3 peopleWhen it came to this question the answer was predicted as our target audience is teenagers so it was expected that they had not been running for more than 3 years. However this is good as it means that our documentary will be more interesting to them as they will be able to gain knowledge and learn things they didn't already know from it.

8. How did you become interested in running? Olympics: 4 peopleFamily Friends: 4 peopleSchool: 3 peopleNot interested: 13 peopleKnowing how people became interested in running will help us to understand how the majority of our target audience got interested in running. It turned out being a tie between the Olympics and family friends when it came to how the majority of our target audience became interested in running.

9. How many marathons have you ran before?0: 18 people1: 4 people3 and above: 2 peopleKnowing how many marathons the target audience has run will allow us to understand how serious our target audience are and what their skill level is so we can make the documentary to tailor to the ability of our target audience. The most popular answer from our target audience was that they have run 1 marathon which is a big achievement for a teenager as they will have to balance training around their education .

10. What influenced you to participate in marathons?Personal achievement: 1 personOlympics: 3 peopleN/A: 20 peopleThis information will enable us to find out what influenced them to participate in marathons so we know how our target audience got interested in running and then we can include this into our documentary explaining the most popular ways teenagers get into running. The majority of our target audience were influenced to run in a marathon by the Olympics which isn't surprising as it is one of the most viewed sporting events in history.

11. How man hours a week do you spend training for the marathon?1-5 hours: 14 people6-10 hours: 6 people10+ hours: 2 peopleKnowing the training time of our target audience will also allow us understand the level in which our audience trains. Knowing this will help us decide on what information about training and the depth of training we need to include in our documentary. The main training time for our target audience was 1-5 hours a week which isn't surprising as they have school 5 days a week and this is something they have to balance their training around.

12. How many weeks will you be training for the marathon? 0 weeks: 17 people4 weeks: 1 person5 weeks: 5 people7 weeks: 1 person8 weeks: 3 people

Knowing the training time of our target audience will also allow us understand the level in which our audience trains. Knowing this will help us decide on what information about training and the depth of training we need to include in our documentary. The majority of the target audience train for 5 weeks in preparation of the marathon which again is expected with the age of our target audience as they are only teenagers and will not spend months training to beat a record time during the marathon.

13. Do you find balancing work/education with training hard?Yes: 10 peopleNo: 15 peopleWhen it came to this set of answers it was surprising as the majority of people interviewed said they didnt find balancing work/education with training hard. This was the opposite to what I would have predicted as the main age group was 16-17 when students will be doing a levels and that proposes a lot of work and revision so finding time to train would be hard however the target audience manage to fit in training which shows how dedicated they are to running.

14. When it comes to equipment what needs to be done to ensure all your equipment is ready for the marathon (do you need to purchase new equipment especially for the marathon) ?Yes: 7 peopleNo: 17 peopleWhen it comes to this question the majority of people said they did not need to purchase new equipment especially for the marathon therefore we do not need to cover new equipment as much in the documentary as the people that will view the documentary are not that concerned by frequently replacing equipment.

15. When it comes to the physical side of training for a marathon what other activities do you engage in other than running?Swimming: 5 peopleDance: 2 peopleGym: 2 peopleOther: 6 peopleNone 8 peopleThis question helped us understand what other physical activities our target audience engage in other than running. Swimming was the most popular specified answer and this might be as it is an activity that uses the whole body, legs, arms and core which will also build endurance something that is key for running. Also knowing this information might make us decide to add a section into the documentary about other physical activities to do in order to benefit endurance for running.

16. Are there any diet changes you will make in preparation of a marathon?Yes: 8 peopleNo: 15 peopleThe purpose of this question was to find out if the target audience believed in changing their diet in preparation of a marathon or a big run so we would know what to include into the food section of the documentary. The majority of the people questioned (15 individuals) said that they would not change their diet in preparation of a marathon or a big run which is again is expected as the target audience are young adults so they are not expected to be nutritional experts.

17. Have you ever run a marathon before?Yes: 6 peopleNo: 17 peopleKnowing how many marathons the target audience has run will allow us to understand how serious our target audience are and what their skill level is so we can make the documentary to tailor to the ability of our target audience. The most popular answer from our target audience was that they have run 1 marathon which is a big achievement for a teenager as they will have to balance training around their education .

18. Have you ever met anyone who has run in multiple marathons?Yes: 13 peopleNo: 9 peopleKnowing this information is helpful as it allows us to understand if our target audience are friends/family with running enthusiasts that have run multiple marathons before.


19. Would it ever interest you to train for a marathon? Yes: 9 peopleNo: 11 peopleWhen we interviewed people asking them if they would be interested in running a marathon it was close with 2 more people saying they would not be interested in running one however this is not surprising as we interviewed teenagers who mainly just run to stay fit and running 26 miles in one go would not appeal to them.

20. Do you think the lifestyle of marathon runners can be interesting? Yes: 15 peopleNo: 8 peopleThis questions purpose was to find out if the people interviewed thought that the lifestyle of marathon runners could be interesting. This allows us to understand how interested in running they are and the majority of them said they would be interested in running a marathon so they should find our documentary very interesting and helpful.

21. Do you think specialised health food is necessary to prepare for running in a marathon or any other endurance sports?Yes: 15 peopleNo: 8 peopleThis question helps us understand if the people interviewed believe that specialised health food is necessary for running or other endurance sports. The majority of people said yes and this helps us decide if we will include a section on specialised foods into the documentary to give tips and tricks when it comes to the food/diet side of running.


22. How much money per month do you spend on fitness related items or healthy eating?0-25: 12 people25-50: 3 people50-75: 1 people75-100: 4 peopleOver 100: 3 peopleThis was one of the most important questions when it came to the questionnaire as it enables us to see the price range in which our target audience are willing to spend on fitness related items and healthy eating. The majority of people said 0-25 pounds a month which is not a lot so in the documentary we may include a section on the best affordable running equipment and how to save money on healthy eating.

23. Do you think eating healthy is more expensive than a normal diet?Yes: 20 peopleNo:4 peopleThis question and the results were rather obvious as it is well known that people believe healthy eating is more expensive than what is considered a normal diet. However research has shown that in fact it can actually be the same price to eat healthy and this is something that could be included in the documentary to inform young people on how easy and cheap it actually is to eat healthy.

24. How many times a month do you eat junk food? Everyday: 6 people5+times: 3 people10+times: 5 peopleMore than 10 times: 3 peoplewhen carrying out this question we found out that junk food is consumed by the people we interviewed mainly too much which could have serious risks on the body and this is something that will be in the documentary to inform teenagers about the effects of junk and fast food on their body if it is consumed too often.

25. How many of your five a day do you get?1: 1 person2: 4 people3: 9 peopleAll 5: 11 people

This question was also to do with the diet side of running and what we found out was surprising as the majority of people that we interviewed managed to get all of their 5 a day which is a good statistic however it contrasts with the previous question where the consumption of junk food was often so in the section of the documentary including food we should include a section on balanced diets and how it is good to have everything in moderation.

26. Do you have any specific dietary requirements?No specific diet: 21 peopleHealthy: 1 personVegetarian: 1 personVegan: 1 personKnowing the dietary requirements of the target audience is key as it means we know what they consume and how what they eat benefits their health and fitness.

27. Do you find that you change your diet before a big run?Yes: 6 peopleNo: 18 peopleThe purpose of this question was to find out if the target audience believed in changing their diet in preparation of a marathon or a big run so we would know what to include into the food section of the documentary. The majority of the people questioned (16 individuals) said that they would not change their diet in preparation of a marathon or a big run which is again is expected as the target audience are young adults so they are not expected to be nutritional experts. However there was 6 people who said they did change their diet before a big run and these are the people who are the most serious about the sport.

28. Do you continually stick to a specific diet?Yes: 16 peopleNo: 8 peopleThe majority of people who answered this question said they did continually stick to a specific diet and again this is expected as these are average teenagers in full time education so they are not expected to be full on nutritional experts however in the documentary the food section will be created to inform and educate youngsters on the benefits of a healthy diet and how it can mentally an physically impact them and this is the purpose of the documentary; informing young people.

29. Do you enjoy eating healthily? Yes: 16 peopleNo: 8 people

This question was also to do with the diet side of running and what we found out was surprising as the majority of people that we interviewed said they do enjoy eating healthily which is a good statistic however it contrasts with the previous question where the consumption of junk food was often so in the section of the documentary including food we should include a section on balanced diets and how it is good to have everything in moderation.

30. Do you tend to have a cheat day, if so how often?Yes: 6 peopleNo: 7 people1 day: 2 people3 days: 3 people5 days: 2 people10+ days: 1 personThe most popular answer for this question was that the target audience had 3 cheat days a month which isn't something to be too worried about because as long as they eat relatively for the rest of the time 3 cheat days wont affect their fitness too much. It is important to remember that everything in moderation is good as it is important to eat healthily but it is also key to treat yourself.
