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Running the Motorbike Programme at Camp Canadensis, in the...

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Jeff Ganiban, Mervin and Rob Camp Canadensis from the air Lake Lenape at Camp Canadensis The main refectory Having lunch in the main refectory Hammer House horror films Camp Canadensis *(2))5(< 5(('·6 Running the Motorbike Programme at Camp Canadensis, in the Pocono Mountains My co-councillor and boys Bike Heads Motorbike Crew. Circa 1985 'UHVVLQJ XS IRU D ¶&RORXU :DUV· SOD\ Taking the boys out for a spin Me cooling off Taking some of the bikes out for a wash Jeff Goldburg (my star pupil) Jeff Burgman, aged 12. Showing off Uncle $teve (the boss) makes his own trails Me, riding a 250cc Husqvarna trails bike Going out on an overnight camp out My bivouac My outdoor Pizza ovan 6XPPHU %DFN 6WRU\ As a child my brother and I would stop up late on a Friday night with our mum GDG ZHQW GRZQ WKH SXE DQG ZDWFK ¶+DPPHU +RXVH RI +RUURU· ILOPV (Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy), which was all innocent fun and if ,·P EHLQJ KRQHVW ,·YH DOZD\V IHOW WKDW WKHLU ZDV VRPHWKLQJ H[FLWLQJ DERXW watching a scary movie and then later cowering underneath your duvet after OLJKWVRXW ,Q IDFW ,·G SHUVRQDOO\ VD\ WKDW LW ZDV KHDOWK\ H[SHULHQFH WR JHW scared a little as a kid. 3RFRQR 0RXQWDLQV The Pocono Mountains are in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The name comes IURP WKH 0XQVHH ZRUG 3RNDZDFKQH ZKLFK PHDQV ¶&UHHN %HWZHHQ 7ZR +LOOV· %HFDXVH RI WKHLU RXWVWDQGLQJ QDWXUDO EHDXW\ WKH ZRRGHG KLOOV DQG YDO- leys the area is a popular destination for honeymoon couples, as well as people who enjoy fishing, hunting and skiing. &DPS &DQDGHQVLV Having been to America working with disadvantaged kids the previous year, I thought I go again, but this time I applied through a rival company called BUNAC (British Universities North America Club) and this time I went off to ZRUN ZLWK VRPH ¶DGYDQWDJHG NLGV· LQVWHDG DQG DOO LQ DOO , UHWXUQHG DQRWKHU WZR times after, making for three summers (1985/86/87) in all. When I applied, I listed my skills as: Camping (I was in the Boy Scouts), VKRRWLQJ , KDG GRQH D VQLSHU·V FRXUVH LQ WKH 7HUULWRULDO $UP\ DQG DV DQ DIWHU thought I just happen to mention that I had passed my motorbike test and DPD]LQJO\ , ZDV RIIHUHG WKH MRE DV D ¶2II5RDG 0RWRUELNH ,QVWUXFWRU· 6R ZLWK- out further ado, off I returned to the States. Where back then (in the mid to late ·V VL[ PLOOLRQ $PHULFDQ \RXQJVWHUV ZHQW WR 6XPPHU &DPS·V HYHU\ summer, in an industry worth some $2.5 billion. Some were speciality camps where you would learn to be astronauts, clowns or silversmiths. %XW WKH SODFH , ZHQW WR ZDV FDOOHG ¶&DPS &DQDGHQVLV· DQG LW·V RQH RI $PHUL- FDV ILQHVW -HZLVK 6XPPHU &DPSV DQG DW LW·V SHDN LW FDWHUHG IRU FDPSHUV ,W ZDV IRXQGHG E\ ¶8QFOH %LOO DQG $XQW 6\OYLD 6DOW]PDQ LQ DQG ZDV ZKHQ , ZDV WKHLU UXQ E\ KLV FKLOGUHQ ¶8QFOH· 6WHYH DQG ¶$XQW· 7HUUL 7KH FDPS LV VHW on 1,000 acres, in the Pocono Mountains region of Monroe County, Pennsyl- vania. It comprised of a 75-acre private lake (Lake Lenape), water skying, saleboarding, indoor and outdoor hockey rinks, a 2,500-square-foot gymnas- tics room, twenty basketball courts, two heated outdoor pools, a art centre, high rock wall, horse stables, a golf range, an all-weather outdoor amphithea- tre, 16 tennis courts, 12 of which are lit for night use and eighteen miles of dirt ELNH WUDLOV DQG WKDW ZDV ZKHUH ,·G VSHQG P\ GD\ WDNLQJ NLGV RXW RQ WKH \HOORZ EOXH RU JUHHQ WUDLO HDFK RQH EHLQJ PRUH GLIILFXOW WKDQ WKH QH[W :KHQ , DUULYHG , JRW D ¶FUDVK FRXUVH· OLWHUDOO\ LQ P\ FDVH DV , KDG QHYHU ULGHQ off road before) and by the time the kids arrived (a week later) I was a fully ¶TXDOLILHG· LQWHUQDWLRQDO PRWRUELNH LQVWUXFWRU DQG , WKRXJKW LW ZDV EULOOLDQW , loved the Camp, I loved the lifestyle and most of all I loved American kids. My job was to take the boys and girls groups out on their motorbikes under con- trolled conditions, which meant riding at ten miles an hour and in a straight line and although for the more advanced riders go off into the woods. It soon became too tame for me and so I asked if I could take the kids out up into the mountains and spend the night under the stars camping and surprisingly the answer was YES. So I went out deep into the woods and made myself a campsite. First I con- structed a stone circle like they did in cowboy films for a fire, I bought a enam- elware coffee pot and some mugs (to add to the effect and to kick start the cold morning wake up) and then I built a bivouac, large enough to accommo- date ten kids and covered the floor with leaves and grass to make a crude mattress and I thought to myself, you know what, the boys are going to enjoy this. Each week I would take a group of maybe 10 boys (I never took the girls, EHFDXVH , WKRXJKW LW LQDSSURSULDWH 2Q ZHHN LW ZRXOG EH \HDU ROGV WKHQ RQ ZHHN \HDU ROGV DQG WKHQ DQG ILQDOO\ \HDU ROGV However, the early camp-outs turned out to be a bit of a let down and the boys GLGQ·W HQMR\ WKHP DW DOO DQG WKH ZRUG VRRQ ZHQW URXQG WKDW ¶8QFOH 6SHHG\·V· , ZDV NQRZQ DV ¶6SHHG\ 5HHG\· PRWRUELNH FDPSRXW XQGHU WKH VWDUV ZDV UXE- bish and nobody wanted to go. The food was crap, it was cold and if it rained, then you slept in a puddly of muddy water ad you got misserable. 6R DIWHU D FRXSOH RI ZHHNV , GHFLGHG WR ¶XS P\ JDPH· DQG XSJUDGH WKH FDPS- site. First I chopped up a tree to make log seats and put them around the fire, then I made some campsite furnature like a mug tree to hang your mugs off, D ZDVK VWDQG DQG ILQDOO\ , DGGHG P\ ¶SLqFH GH UpVLVWDQFH· , PDGH DQ RYHQ This was achieved by digging a trench and putting a tin drum over the top of it, with the lid (attached by a piece of wire) acting as a door on top and a piece of clay piping behind it (which acted as my chimney) and finally I covered it in mud to keep the heat in and you know what? It worked a treat. 6R WKH QH[W WLPH ZH ZHQW RQ DQ RYHUQLJKW FDPS RXW , VWROH KDOI D GR]HQ pizzas from the camp kitchen and I also took along some small 250ml bottles DW RI FKHDS EHHUV DQG VR ZKHQ ZH JRW WR ¶8QFOH 6SHHG\·V &DPS 6LWH· DV it was now called, we had a party. The kids thought the beer was great, but WKH WUXWK ZDV LW ZDV DZIXO , PHDQ LW VPHOW RI ROG IODW EHHU PL[HG ZLWK IUHVK grass cuttings and stale urine. Still, to the uneducated palate of a twelve year old, it was pure necta and they thought they were great. So who am I to argue? The routine was this: We would leave Camp Canadensis site after lunch at 6:00pm and a couple of hundred kids would come out and wave us off (like ZH ZHUH LQWUHSLG H[SORUHUV RII LQ VHDUFK IRU WKH VRXUFH RI WKH 1LOH 5LYHU RU something. After which we would ride around the lake and disappear up the track into the Pocono Mountain and on to my campsite, which was three miles away. Let me just say here that although the kids were riding motorcycles up and down a very bumpy track, their was nothing dangerous about the journey per say (I never went more than 15mph). Although Pennsylvania does have black bears in the woods (we would see them all the time) they never bothered us. The State also has three venomous snakes (Copperhead, Eastern Massa- sauga and the Timber Rattlesnake), which we rarely saw and a highly poison- ous black widow spider, which are reclusive and (as far as I know) I never came across one. However, as it turned out, the most dangerous thing about the journey was ME! As soon as we got to my camp site then I would get the kids to lay their sleep- ing bags out under the bivouac and send them out to collect wood for the fire, whilst I cooked the pizzas and then we would sit down on the logs to enjoy a few beers and swop stories. It was a complete turn-a-round and an instant success. All of a sudden their was a buzz going around was that and my sleep outs XQGHU WKH VWDUV ZDV DQG , TXRWH ¶<RX PXVW JR RQ 8QFOH 6SHHG\·V RYHUQLJKW FDPSRXW ² WKH\·UH $PD]]]]]]]LQJ· $QG VR WKH\ EHFDPH WKH PRVW HDJHUO\ DQ- ticipated event on Camp (not because we indulging in illegal pizza and beer). But because I had sworn all those who had participated not to tell anybody about what went on during our time their. So what was happening on my over- QLJKW FDPS RXWV WR WDNH PH IURP ¶=HUR· WR ¶+HUR·" :HOO )LUVWO\ , WRRN D KDQGJXQ ZLWK PH <HV , NQRZ DQG , ZRXOG ¶KLGH· LW LQ P\ rolled up sleeping bag and leave it for the kids to find in the bivouac when they were setting out their sleeping bags. I always knew when they found it be- FDXVH WKH\ ZHQW IURP ILJKWLQJ DQG VKRXWLQJ DERXW ZKR VOHHSV QH[W WR ZKRP to complete silence and then whispering. 2EYLRXVO\ WKH\ ZHUH VKRFNHG WR ILQG D JXQ EXW ZKHQ WKH\ FRQIURQWHG PH DERXW LW ,·G SUHWHQG LW ZDV QRQH RI WKHLU EXVLQHVV DQG VHQG WKHQ RII WR FROOHFW firewood. But then my co-councillor (who was in on the act) would demand I WHOO WKH NLGV WKH WUXWK DQG VD\ WKDW ¶WKH\ KDYH D ULJKW WR NQRZ· DQG WKHQ ZH would have an all mighty row, which would end up with me threatening him with the sack if he said any more. Needless to say, we were a good double act and very convincing. So anyway, the evening would end up with everybody sitting around the FDPSILUH WHOOLQJ VWRULHV DQG WKH NLGV FRQVWDQWO\ DVNLQJ PH WR H[SODLQ WR WKHP ZK\ , FDUU\ D JXQ DQG VR , HYHQWXDOO\ ¶JDYH LQ· DQG WROG WKHP ,·G VD\ /RRN KRZ PXFK DUH \RXU SDUHQWV ZRUWK DQG WKH\ ZRXOG VD\ D PLOOLRQ ZKLFK ZDV DQ H[WUHPHO\ ORW RI PRQH\ EDFN WKHQ WR PLOOLRQ WR PLOOLRQ DQG WKHQ KDYLQJ PDGH WKDW SRLQW ,·G JR RQ WR VD\ WKDW WKHUH DUH ¶KLFNV· SHDVDQWV OLYLQJ LQ WKH ZRRGV ZKR KDYH WR JHW E\ RQ D GD\ DQG that five summers ago, a group of them came down from the mountains and kidnapped one of the kids from the camp and held him to ransom. At first his father, refused to pay and it was only when they cut his ear off that the release PRQH\ ZDV SDLG DQG WKH FKLOG UHWXUQHG 7KH ¶VWRU\· ZDV RI FRXUVH FRYHUHG XS E\ WKH ORFDO 3ROLFH DQG QRZ ,·P HPSOR\HG DV D SHUVRQDO SURWHFWLRQ RIILFHU WR ¶HUP· VDIHJXDUG WKH FKLOGUHQ GXULQJ RYHUQLJKW WULSV 6R DW DURXQG SP ,·G VHQG WKH NLGV RII WR EHG EXW IRU VRPH UHDVRQ WKH\ found it difficult to get to sleep and would be wide awake staring into the dark- ness from under the cover of their make shift tent. Whilst I would get my head GRZQ QH[W WR WKH FDPS ILUH VDIH LQ WKH NQRZOHGJH WKDW D FRXSOH RI P\ %ULWLVK co-councillors were walking the trail by flash light and were scheduled to be at my camp sight by midnight. Individual stories will vary because I repeated this once a week for the seven weeks camp duration for three successive years. Anyway now the kids are wide awake and all facing outward watching for any movement 360 degrees around where their shelter. A typical scenario would be: The boys hear the breaking of wood as somebody is moving the camp and they come over to WKH FDPS ILUH ZKHUH ,·P VOHHSLQJ DQG DOHUW PH %XW , MXVW WHOO WKHP WR JR EDFN WR EHG DQG VD\ LW·V MXVW D GHHU WKDW KDV EHHQ DW- tracted to the light of the campfire, but the boys were having none of it, they are now on full alert and so they come back and shake me again and say that WKH\·YH VHHQ WKH VLOKRXHWWH RI D PDQ PRYLQJ DERXW LQ WKH EXVKHV ODWHU RQHV ZHUH D PDQ FDUU\LQJ DQ D[H 6R , WHOO WKHP ,·P JRLQJ LQWR WKH ZRRGV WR VRUW LW out. I take my handgun, cock the weapon and disappear into the dark. 2Q RQH RFFDVLRQ WKHLU ZDV D ILJKW DQG WKH VRXQG RI EURNHQ ZRRG ZKLOVW RQ another their was the sound of a gun shot (followed by silence) and when the WZR ¶+LFNV· FRPH ZDONLQJ LQWR FDPS SDQGHPRQLXP HQVXHG DV RQH RI WKH NLGV peed his pants, one froze whilst another was preparing to throw a motor VFRRWHUV RQWR WKH ILUH WR FDXVH DQ H[SORVLRQ ZKLFK ZRXOG DOHUW 8QFOH 6WHYH one of the camp owners (who is three miles away). :KHUHDV DQRWKHU WLPH , GLVFRQQHFWHG DOO WKH VSDUNSOXJ·V RQ WKH ER\·V PRWRU- ELNHV DQG VR ZKHQ WKH ¶QLJKW VWDONHUV· FDPH , VDLG ¶5LJKW ZHUH JRLQJ WR OHDYH ULJKW QRZ EHFDXVH , GRQ·W OLNH WKLV 6R , ZDQW HYHU\ERG\ WR JHW GUHVVHG , ZDQW you to put your coats on, your helmets on and your gloves on and get on your PRWRUELNH UHDG\ WR JR· 7KH NLGV GLG WKDW DQG FOLPEHG RQ WKHLU ELNHV DQG , VDLG ¶5LJKW RQ WKH FRXQW RI WKUHH , ZDQW HYHU\ERG\ WR NLFN VWDUW WKHLU ELNHV DQG ZHUH RXW RI 'RGJH· 21( 7:2 7+5(( , NLFNHG VWDUWHG P\ PRWRUELNH DQG SXOOHG DZD\ IROORZHG by my co-conspirator and we quickly accelerated up the hill and out of camp, and then out of site (before parking up), and when we ran back to the brow of the hill we were greeted with the site of my boys frantically trying to get their bikes started, some were pushing them up the hill in desperation, whilst RWKHUV MXVW VWRRG WKHLU VKRXWLQJ DIWHU PH WR FRPH EDFN 2QH , QRWLFHG KDG armed himself with a stick. The joy about all this was the look on their faces when we returned and how quickly anger turned to relief and they knew it was all a set up after all. Yer 5LJKW 2Q UHIOHFWLRQ LW ZDV DOVR D ELW RI D P\VWHU\ KRZ , JRW WKH VDPH NLGV WR IDOO IRU LW \HDU DIWHU \HDU %XW , GLG 2EYLRXVO\ , JRW WKHP LQ \HDU RQH EXW \HDU two and three . . . Really? But I have to say that the third time I got the same boys was probably my best. Just before we left Camp Canadensis, the kids asked if I was going to try to VFDUH WKHP DJDLQ DQG , VDLG QR QRW WKLV WLPH , PHDQ HYHQ \RX ORW DUHQ·W JXOOL- ble enough to fall for my shenanigans three years on the trot and because \RX DUH P\ IDYRXULWH ER\V WKHQ ,·P JRLQJ WR WUHDW \RX WR ¶VRPHWKLQJ VSHFLDO· because you deserve it and believe me, I sure did that. When we got to my campsite, we did all the usual of collecting firewood, KDYLQJ D EHHU ZKLFK UHDOO\ ZDVQ·W EHHU DQG SL]]D DQG WKHQ , VDLG ¶, ZDQW XV all to have an early night tonight because tomorrow, I want us all get to up HDUO\ DP DV ,·P JRLQJ WR WDNH \RX DOO RQ D WULS WR WKH WRS RI ¶0RXQW $OOHQ· to see the sun come over Canadensis and on the way we will ride shoulder deep in the early morning mist. It will be amazing I told them. So I proposed DQ HDUO\ QLJKW DQG EHFDXVH WKH ER\V ZHUH H[FLWHGO\ ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR WKH IRO- lowing days ride they went quietly to bed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. :KLFK ZDV ILQH XQWLO VRPHERG\ DZRNH WR KHDU D VHULHV RI ¶ZKRRVKLQJ· QRLVHV in the air. He got the others up and soon they also heard the same noise. So WKH\ ZHQW DQG ZRNH PH XS WRR DQG , VDLG ¶2K QR ,·P QRW IDOOLQJ IRU WKDW ROG RQH <RX PXVW WKLQN , ZDV ERUQ \HVWHUGD\· DQG SURPSWO\ WXUQHG RYHU NQRZLQJ that the British contingency from the archery team had arrived) and then a series of flaming arrows flew over the camp and they just screamed, (even I NQHZ , KDG JRQH WRR IDU WKLV WLPH EXW DV P\ GHDU ROG PRWKHU XVHG WR VD\ ¶,I \RX VWDUW VRPHWKLQJ WKHQ \RX PXVW ILQLVK LW· 6R , FULHG ¶7KLV KDV JRW QRWKLQJ WR GR ZLWK PH ,W PXVW EH WKH ¶KLFNV· ZKR OLYH LQ WKH ZRRGV DQG WKHQ , VKRXWHG 581· DQG ZLWK WKDW ZH OHIW RXU ELNHV DQG , ran them the whole three miles down the mountain back to camp and it was RQO\ ZKHQ ZH JRW WKHLU WKDW , VDLG ¶, QHYHU WKRXJKW , ZRXOG JHW \RX WKUHH \HDUV RQ WKH WURW EXW ZHOO , MXVW GLG *RW \D· The thing is this: At the end of the year Uncle Steve would ask the kids: ¶:KDW·V WKH :2567 WKLQJ DERXW FDPS"· DQG WKRVH ZKR ZHQW RQ P\ RYHUQLJKW FDPS RXW ZRXOG VD\ ¶8QFOH 6SHHG\·V &DPS 2XW· DQG KH ZRXOG VD\ ¶2K 5HDOO\" DQG WKHQ ZKHQ KH DVNHG ¶$QG ZKDW·V WKH %(67 WKLQJ DERXW FDPS"· 7KH VDPH NLGV ZRXOG VD\ ¶8QFOH 6SHHG\·V &DPS 2XW· DQG LQ UHIOHFWLRQ , WKLQN WKLV ZDV SUREDEO\ D IDLUO\ DFFXUDWH DVVHVVPHQW :KDW·V PRUH RQH \HDU I was voted the most popular councillor on camp, so I must have been doing something right. I would imagine that after I left it represented the end of an era and that now today, what with Politicial Correctness and all the other general crushing of WKH KXPDQ VSLULW ZKLFK PHDQV DQ\ERG\ ZKR WKLQNV DQG DFWV RXW RI WKH ER[ then Summer Camps are like most of modern life today, must be a pretty de- pressing place to be. I mean even when I worked their you could see the way it was going, the way with ever increasing Health & Safety rules and an aver- sion to risk. %XW , KRSH ZKDW WKH NLGV H[SHULHQFHG RQ P\ RYHUQLJKW FDPS RXWV EDFN WKHQ ZDV DQ H[SHULHQFH WKDW PDGH WKHP IHHO IXOO\ DOLYH DQG , KRSH WKH\ UHPHPEHU those days with fond memories and a rye smile, as indeed do I. Finally, let me say that in my four summers in total (one at Rock Creak Farm and three at Camp Canadensis) I spent over a year of my life living in America and in all that time I never net a bad American and I met them all from all walks of life. From the kids to their parents, the local people in the bars at night, my co- councillors (who were college students) and people in general who picked me up whilst I hitchhicked up and down the country after camp ended. Which is ZK\ , VD\ ¶*RG %OHVV $PHULFD· IRU WKH\ WUXHO\ DUH DIWHU *UHDW %ULWDLQ RI course) the greatest nation on earth. My bivouac for the kids 1RZ WKDW·V ZKDW , FDOO D FRIIHH Bunk 17. The best boys 2QH QLJKW D WHDP RI DUFKHUV WXUQHG XS View from Skytop, Pocono Mountains
Page 1: Running the Motorbike Programme at Camp Canadensis, in the ...planetreed.london/Motorbike-instructor-USA.pdf · Camp Canadensis from the air Lake Lenape at Camp Canadensis The main

Jeff Ganiban, Mervin and Rob

Camp Canadensis from the air

Lake Lenape at Camp Canadensis

The main refectory

Having lunch in the main refectory

Hammer House horror films

Camp Canadensis


Running the Motorbike Programme at Camp Canadensis, in the Pocono Mountains

My co-councillor and boys

Bike Heads Motorbike Crew. Circa 1985


Taking the boys out for a spin

Me cooling off

Taking some of the bikes out for a wash

Jeff Goldburg (my star pupil)

Jeff Burgman, aged 12. Showing off

Uncle $teve (the boss) makes his own trails

Me, riding a 250cc Husqvarna trails bike

Going out on an overnight camp out

My bivouac

My outdoor Pizza ovan

����6XPPHU�����������������%DFN�6WRU\�As a child my brother and I would stop up late on a Friday night with our mum

�GDG� ZHQW� GRZQ� WKH� SXE�� DQG� ZDWFK� ¶+DPPHU� +RXVH� RI� +RUURU·� ILOPV�(Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy), which was all innocent fun and if

,·P� EHLQJ� KRQHVW�� ,·YH� DOZD\V� IHOW� WKDW� WKHLU� ZDV� VRPHWKLQJ� H[FLWLQJ� DERXW�watching a scary movie and then later cowering underneath your duvet after

OLJKWV�RXW�� ,Q� IDFW�� ,·G� SHUVRQDOO\� VD\� WKDW� LW� ZDV� KHDOWK\� H[SHULHQFH� WR� JHW�scared a little as a kid.

3RFRQR�0RXQWDLQV�The Pocono Mountains are in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The name comes

IURP� WKH� 0XQVHH� ZRUG� 3RNDZDFKQH�� ZKLFK� PHDQV� ¶&UHHN� %HWZHHQ� 7ZR�+LOOV·��%HFDXVH�RI�WKHLU�RXWVWDQGLQJ�QDWXUDO�EHDXW\��WKH�ZRRGHG�KLOOV�DQG�YDO-leys the area is a popular destination for honeymoon couples, as well as

people who enjoy fishing, hunting and skiing.

&DPS�&DQDGHQVLV�Having been to America working with disadvantaged kids the previous year, I

thought I go again, but this time I applied through a rival company called

BUNAC (British Universities North America Club) and this time I went off to

ZRUN�ZLWK�VRPH�¶DGYDQWDJHG�NLGV·�LQVWHDG�DQG�DOO�LQ�DOO�,�UHWXUQHG�DQRWKHU�WZR�times after, making for three summers (1985/86/87) in all.

When I applied, I listed my skills as: Camping (I was in the Boy Scouts),

VKRRWLQJ��,�KDG�GRQH�D�VQLSHU·V�FRXUVH�LQ�WKH�7HUULWRULDO�$UP\��DQG�DV�DQ�DIWHU�thought I just happen to mention that I had passed my motorbike test and


out further ado, off I returned to the States. Where back then (in the mid to late

��·V���VL[�PLOOLRQ�$PHULFDQ�\RXQJVWHUV�ZHQW�WR��������6XPPHU�&DPS·V�HYHU\�summer, in an industry worth some $2.5 billion. Some were speciality camps

where you would learn to be astronauts, clowns or silversmiths.


vania. It comprised of a 75-acre private lake (Lake Lenape), water skying,

saleboarding, indoor and outdoor hockey rinks, a 2,500-square-foot gymnas-

tics room, twenty basketball courts, two heated outdoor pools, a art centre,

high rock wall, horse stables, a golf range, an all-weather outdoor amphithea-

tre, 16 tennis courts, 12 of which are lit for night use and eighteen miles of dirt


:KHQ�,�DUULYHG��,�JRW�D�¶FUDVK�FRXUVH·��OLWHUDOO\�LQ�P\�FDVH��DV�,�KDG�QHYHU�ULGHQ�off road before) and by the time the kids arrived (a week later) I was a fully

¶TXDOLILHG·��LQWHUQDWLRQDO��PRWRUELNH� LQVWUXFWRU�DQG�,� WKRXJKW� LW�ZDV�EULOOLDQW�� ,�loved the Camp, I loved the lifestyle and most of all I loved American kids. My

job was to take the boys and girls groups out on their motorbikes under con-

trolled conditions, which meant riding at ten miles an hour and in a straight

line and although for the more advanced riders go off into the woods. It soon

became too tame for me and so I asked if I could take the kids out up into the

mountains and spend the night under the stars camping and surprisingly the

answer was YES.

So I went out deep into the woods and made myself a campsite. First I con-

structed a stone circle like they did in cowboy films for a fire, I bought a enam-

elware coffee pot and some mugs (to add to the effect and to kick start the

cold morning wake up) and then I built a bivouac, large enough to accommo-

date ten kids and covered the floor with leaves and grass to make a crude

mattress and I thought to myself, you know what, the boys are going to enjoy

this. Each week I would take a group of maybe 10 boys (I never took the girls,


However, the early camp-outs turned out to be a bit of a let down and the boys


bish and nobody wanted to go. The food was crap, it was cold and if it rained,

then you slept in a puddly of muddy water ad you got misserable.


site. First I chopped up a tree to make log seats and put them around the fire,

then I made some campsite furnature like a mug tree to hang your mugs off,

D�ZDVK�VWDQG�DQG�ILQDOO\�,�DGGHG�P\�¶SLqFH�GH�UpVLVWDQFH·���,�PDGH�DQ�RYHQ��This was achieved by digging a trench and putting a tin drum over the top of

it, with the lid (attached by a piece of wire) acting as a door on top and a piece

of clay piping behind it (which acted as my chimney) and finally I covered it in

mud to keep the heat in and you know what? It worked a treat.

6R� WKH�QH[W� WLPH�ZH�ZHQW� RQ�DQ�RYHUQLJKW� FDPS�RXW�� ,� VWROH� KDOI� D� GR]HQ�pizzas from the camp kitchen and I also took along some small 250ml bottles

DW����RI�FKHDS�EHHUV�DQG�VR�ZKHQ�ZH�JRW�WR�¶8QFOH�6SHHG\·V�&DPS�6LWH·�DV�it was now called, we had a party. The kids thought the beer was great, but

WKH�WUXWK�ZDV�LW�ZDV�DZIXO��,�PHDQ�LW�VPHOW�RI�ROG��IODW�EHHU�PL[HG�ZLWK�IUHVK�grass cuttings and stale urine. Still, to the uneducated palate of a twelve year

old, it was pure necta and they thought they were great. So who am I to


The routine was this: We would leave Camp Canadensis site after lunch at

6:00pm and a couple of hundred kids would come out and wave us off (like

ZH�ZHUH�LQWUHSLG�H[SORUHUV��RII� LQ�VHDUFK�IRU�WKH�VRXUFH�RI�WKH�1LOH�5LYHU�RU�something. After which we would ride around the lake and disappear up the

track into the Pocono Mountain and on to my campsite, which was three miles


Let me just say here that although the kids were riding motorcycles up and

down a very bumpy track, their was nothing dangerous about the journey per

say (I never went more than 15mph). Although Pennsylvania does have black

bears in the woods (we would see them all the time) they never bothered us.

The State also has three venomous snakes (Copperhead, Eastern Massa-

sauga and the Timber Rattlesnake), which we rarely saw and a highly poison-

ous black widow spider, which are reclusive and (as far as I know) I never

came across one. However, as it turned out, the most dangerous thing about

the journey was ME!

As soon as we got to my camp site then I would get the kids to lay their sleep-

ing bags out under the bivouac and send them out to collect wood for the fire,

whilst I cooked the pizzas and then we would sit down on the logs to enjoy a

few beers and swop stories. It was a complete turn-a-round and an instant


All of a sudden their was a buzz going around was that and my sleep outs


ticipated event on Camp (not because we indulging in illegal pizza and beer).

But because I had sworn all those who had participated not to tell anybody

about what went on during our time their. So what was happening on my over-


:HOO��)LUVWO\�,�WRRN�D�KDQGJXQ�ZLWK�PH���<HV��,�NQRZ��DQG�,�ZRXOG�¶KLGH·�LW�LQ�P\�rolled up sleeping bag and leave it for the kids to find in the bivouac when they

were setting out their sleeping bags. I always knew when they found it be-



WHOO� WKH�NLGV� WKH�WUXWK�DQG�VD\�WKDW� ¶WKH\�KDYH�D�ULJKW� WR�NQRZ·�DQG�WKHQ�ZH�would have an all mighty row, which would end up with me threatening him

with the sack if he said any more. Needless to say, we were a good double

act and very convincing.

So anyway, the evening would end up with everybody sitting around the



kidnapped one of the kids from the camp and held him to ransom. At first his

father, refused to pay and it was only when they cut his ear off that the release


6R�DW�DURXQG������SP��,·G�VHQG�WKH�NLGV�RII�WR�EHG��EXW�IRU�VRPH�UHDVRQ�WKH\�found it difficult to get to sleep and would be wide awake staring into the dark-

ness from under the cover of their make shift tent. Whilst I would get my head

GRZQ�QH[W�WR�WKH�FDPS�ILUH��VDIH�LQ�WKH�NQRZOHGJH�WKDW�D�FRXSOH�RI�P\�%ULWLVK�co-councillors were walking the trail by flash light and were scheduled to be

at my camp sight by midnight.

Individual stories will vary because I repeated this once a week for the seven

weeks camp duration for three successive years. Anyway now the kids are

wide awake and all facing outward watching for any movement 360 degrees

around where their shelter. A typical scenario would be: The boys hear the

breaking of wood as somebody is moving the camp and they come over to


%XW�,�MXVW�WHOO�WKHP�WR�JR�EDFN�WR�EHG�DQG�VD\�LW·V�MXVW�D�GHHU�WKDW�KDV�EHHQ�DW-tracted to the light of the campfire, but the boys were having none of it, they

are now on full alert and so they come back and shake me again and say that


2Q�RQH�RFFDVLRQ�WKHLU�ZDV�D�ILJKW�DQG�WKH�VRXQG�RI�EURNHQ�ZRRG��ZKLOVW�RQ�another their was the sound of a gun shot (followed by silence) and when the

WZR�¶+LFNV·�FRPH�ZDONLQJ�LQWR�FDPS�SDQGHPRQLXP�HQVXHG��DV�RQH�RI�WKH�NLGV�peed his pants, one froze whilst another was preparing to throw a motor

VFRRWHUV�RQWR�WKH�ILUH�WR�FDXVH�DQ�H[SORVLRQ��ZKLFK�ZRXOG�DOHUW�8QFOH�6WHYH�one of the camp owners (who is three miles away).



21(��7:2��7+5((��,�NLFNHG�VWDUWHG�P\�PRWRUELNH�DQG�SXOOHG�DZD\�IROORZHG�by my co-conspirator and we quickly accelerated up the hill and out of camp,

and then out of site (before parking up), and when we ran back to the brow of

the hill we were greeted with the site of my boys frantically trying to get their

bikes started, some were pushing them up the hill in desperation, whilst


The joy about all this was the look on their faces when we returned and how

quickly anger turned to relief and they knew it was all a set up after all. Yer

5LJKW��2Q�UHIOHFWLRQ��LW�ZDV�DOVR�D�ELW�RI�D�P\VWHU\�KRZ�,�JRW�WKH�VDPH�NLGV�WR�IDOO�IRU�LW�\HDU�DIWHU�\HDU��%XW�,�GLG��2EYLRXVO\�,�JRW�WKHP�LQ�\HDU�RQH��EXW�\HDU�two and three . . . Really? But I have to say that the third time I got the same

boys was probably my best.

Just before we left Camp Canadensis, the kids asked if I was going to try to

VFDUH�WKHP�DJDLQ�DQG�,�VDLG�QR��QRW�WKLV�WLPH��,�PHDQ�HYHQ�\RX�ORW�DUHQ·W�JXOOL-ble enough to fall for my shenanigans three years on the trot and because

\RX�DUH�P\�IDYRXULWH�ER\V�WKHQ�,·P�JRLQJ�WR�WUHDW�\RX�WR�¶VRPHWKLQJ�VSHFLDO·�because you deserve it and believe me, I sure did that.

When we got to my campsite, we did all the usual of collecting firewood,

KDYLQJ�D�EHHU��ZKLFK�UHDOO\�ZDVQ·W�EHHU��DQG�SL]]D�DQG�WKHQ�,�VDLG��¶,�ZDQW�XV�all to have an early night tonight because tomorrow, I want us all get to up

HDUO\������DP���DV�,·P�JRLQJ�WR�WDNH�\RX�DOO�RQ�D�WULS�WR�WKH�WRS�RI�¶0RXQW�$OOHQ·�to see the sun come over Canadensis and on the way we will ride shoulder

deep in the early morning mist. It will be amazing I told them. So I proposed

DQ�HDUO\�QLJKW�DQG�EHFDXVH�WKH�ER\V�ZHUH�H[FLWHGO\�ORRNLQJ�IRUZDUG�WR�WKH�IRO-lowing days ride they went quietly to bed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

:KLFK�ZDV�ILQH��XQWLO�VRPHERG\�DZRNH�WR�KHDU�D�VHULHV�RI�¶ZKRRVKLQJ·�QRLVHV�in the air. He got the others up and soon they also heard the same noise. So

WKH\�ZHQW�DQG�ZRNH�PH�XS�WRR�DQG�,�VDLG��¶2K�QR��,·P�QRW�IDOOLQJ�IRU�WKDW�ROG�RQH��<RX�PXVW�WKLQN�,�ZDV�ERUQ�\HVWHUGD\·�DQG�SURPSWO\�WXUQHG�RYHU��NQRZLQJ�that the British contingency from the archery team had arrived) and then a

series of flaming arrows flew over the camp and they just screamed, (even I


6R�,�FULHG��¶7KLV�KDV�JRW�QRWKLQJ�WR�GR�ZLWK�PH��,W�PXVW�EH�WKH�¶KLFNV·�ZKR�OLYH�LQ�WKH�ZRRGV�DQG�WKHQ�,�VKRXWHG�581�·�DQG�ZLWK�WKDW�ZH�OHIW�RXU�ELNHV�DQG�,�ran them the whole three miles down the mountain back to camp and it was


The thing is this: At the end of the year Uncle Steve would ask the kids:


something right.

I would imagine that after I left it represented the end of an era and that now

today, what with Politicial Correctness and all the other general crushing of

WKH�KXPDQ�VSLULW���ZKLFK�PHDQV�DQ\ERG\�ZKR�WKLQNV�DQG�DFWV�RXW�RI�WKH�ER[���then Summer Camps are like most of modern life today, must be a pretty de-

pressing place to be. I mean even when I worked their you could see the way

it was going, the way with ever increasing Health & Safety rules and an aver-

sion to risk.


say that in my four summers in total (one at Rock Creak Farm and three at

Camp Canadensis) I spent over a year of my life living in America and in all

that time I never net a bad American and I met them all from all walks of life.

From the kids to their parents, the local people in the bars at night, my co-

councillors (who were college students) and people in general who picked me

up whilst I hitchhicked up and down the country after camp ended. Which is

ZK\� ,� VD\� ¶*RG� %OHVV�$PHULFD·� IRU� WKH\� WUXHO\� DUH� �DIWHU� *UHDW� %ULWDLQ� RI�course) the greatest nation on earth.

My bivouac for the kids


Bunk 17. The best boys


View from Skytop, Pocono Mountains
