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Rural India is Benefitting From the Govt’s Flagship Programmes

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Rural India is benefitting from the GovtsFlagship Programmes

    For us, getting work in our village is a big thing. Since I dont haveany land, I am completely dependent on casual labour.

    Gondi, a 45-year-old woman (Surgujadistrict, Chhattisgarh)

    My kids have started going to school, they will not be labourers like

    me. Dilsay (Surguja district)

    Migrating for work is very expensive. Half of our earnings are spentin commuting alone. When he used to go to the bazaar to work, hehad to face exploitation from his employer.

    Sita Bai(Sirohi district, Rajasthan)

    Before the NREGA, we had to go far for work. There was no place tostay, so we slept with our children on the footpath where dogs alsoslept with us.

    Dinesh, 20 years (Badwanidistrict, Madhya Pradesh)

    -h e tru th O n ly fe w p e op le g e ts th e b e n efit o f th e,ro g ra m m e s re st a re b e in g ch e ate d

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    N e e d s

    A cco u n ta b ility in Jo b ca rd s

    Tra n sp a re n cy in fu n d s d istrib u tio n

    Pro p e r m a in te n a n ce o f M u ste r R o lls

    M a in te n a n ce o f M IS syste m

    ,E d u ca tio n fo r a ll n e e d s to re a ch

    Te a ch e r a b sen te e ism

    O th e r in e fficie n cie s in th e Pro g ra m m e s

    .G o vt G rie va n ce R e d re ssa lM e ch a n ism+H e lp lin e sy ste m

    , -9 5 0 com p lain ts in 3 ye ars ta kes 1 2 y

    -M U ja laV A ST h e v o ice o f p e o p l

    , ,It w ill b e b e tte r b e ca u se it w ill b e fa st e fficie n t w

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    M-Ujala details

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    v .N o o f p e o p lein v o lv e d in N o n

    a g ricu ltu ra l a ctiv itie s is

    ,sufficientlysignificantth ey can b e p o ten tial

    ta rg e ts

    v G o vt fla g sh ipp ro g ra m m e s are fo r

    ,sch o o l ch ild re n fo r

    .w a g e e a rn e rs T h e yare for,d ev elop m en t in th e

    n u tsh e ll th e y im p a ctm a jo rity o f

    h ou seh old s

    ,B u sin essm an

    ,cu ltiv a to rs

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    So who will pay!!!!!!!!!

    v Th e m id d le a n dh ig h in com e g ro u p sin th e ru ra l a re a s a reth e h ig h p o te n tia l

    custom ers

    v %M o re th a n 1 7 o fth e p o p u la tio n ism id d le in co m e a n d

    &h ig h in co m e. %con stitu tes 4 7 3 of

    th e u rb a n p o p u la tio n

    v Po te n tia l o f ru ra l=m a rke t u rb a nm a rke t in te rm s o f

    th e m id d le a n d h ig hin com e g rou p s

    ,T h e se a re th e g ro u p s w hich w illp a y th e se in com e,g rou p s are p eo p le w ho ow n p h on es com p rises of

    , ,ed ucated p eo p le concerne d a bo ut d eve lop m e ntca n b e m a d e a w a re

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    An issue of overwhelming importance at

    this time

    NREGA and other flagship programmes have a tremendouspotential in the country but corruption threatens to derail theentire initiative

    People would pay because: the service would address

    the problem, and the value of the product from the customersperspective

    Currently the Government helpline (Public Grievances RedressalSystem) is time consuming and inefficient

    No such P2A exists as if for now

    Not much accountability for Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti,

    Program officer, District Program Coordinator Consistent complaints of money swindling, people not paid wages,

    mis-management of funds

    The service is a medium of alerting users to possibleinconsistencies and irregularities in record-keeping

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Why the plan is logical..

    v G o ve rn m e n t o th e r fla g sh ip p ro g ra m m e s a re..a lso p a n In d ia

    v Th e ru ral em p ow erm en t com es th rou g h..transparency

    v - ,M U ja la th e V A S se rvice is g o in g to b rin g a,re v o lu tio n w ill tu rn fla g sh ip p ro g ra m m e s in to

    en in es of row th

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    The future is in Rural Markets

    RuralM arkets

    Te le co m se rv icere v e n u e w ill

    g ro w a t C A G R o f. %,1 8 4 m o st

    g ro w th fro m

    ruralm arkets

    N ex t 1 0 0 m illio nm o b ile

    su b scrib e rs-from n on u rb an


    In d ia In c isg o in g R u ral

    N ok ia is m o vin gin to

    m icro fin a n ce

    ,d istrib u tio nV A S A irte l h a s tie d

    ,w ith IFF C O p la n sto reach rural

    m a rke ts d ire ctly

    A irte l o ffe rin g n e wm o b ile h a n d setsra n g in g fro m

    . - .$ 3 0 7 1 1 $ 3 6 8 4 3

    .R e l C o m m co m in g u pw ith lo w ta riff

    in itia tiv e like

    G ram een Program m e

    in g Fla g sh ip p ro g ra m m e s w h ich a re a lre a d y p a n In d ia m a ke s se n se

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    T h e v a lu e ch a in in th is ca se is v e ry sm a ll a s th e re is n o co n te n t p ro v id e r o rag g reg ators req u ired so the a m o u nt of reve nu es ge ne rated for a VA S

    p la y e r w ill b e h ig h

    T h is in te rfa ce isim p o rta n t a s h e re

    lie s th e m a jo rch a lle n g e s

    v M a rke tin g th e co n te n t in ru ra l m a rke t is g o in g tob e a ll th e m o re ch a lle n g in g

    v Prov id in g che ap access m od e to en d con su m erv Lite ra cy le v e l o f th e g e o g ra p h ica l a re a w ill b ea n o th e r lim ita tio n

    v T h e m a jo r ch a lle n g e is to m a ke p e o p le a w are o f.th e ir rig h ts n e e d to m a ke p e o p le re a lize th e

    fla g sh ip p ro g ra m m e s a re fo r th e ir

    ..b e n e fit A IS E V O IC E A G A IN S TIN JU S T IC E

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Their role is indispensable in the value chain asother entities cannot venture intotheir domain

    The biggest challenge is understanding the

    needs and requirements of the endConsumer

    M o b ile o p e ra to r

    V A S P

    ,A t te ch n o lo g y fro n t th ech a lle n g e is to a d d re ss th e

    lan gu ag en ee d s a cross reg ion s

    T h e ir ro le is g ra d u a lly b e in gd im in ish e d w ith in cre a sin gco m p e titio n a n d o th e r

    ( )e n titie s in th e v a lu e ch a inve n tu rin g

    in to th e ir d o m a in e sp e cia llyoperators

    ,To b u ild th e in fra stru ctu re to g o

    in to th e ru ra la re a s Te lco 's n e e d toin v e st in in fra stru ctu re

    /A ct as ca rrie r p ip e to th econtent

    a n d service s

    Prov id e s b acke n dte ch n o lo g y to d e liv e r M V A S

    . .fo r e g vo ice p orta lp la tfo rm

    T h e fu tu re o f th e se se rvice s can b e see n fro m th e p e rspe ctive o f in n ov a tio n.in te rm s o f fe a tu re s a n d service s a n d th e e vo lu tio n o f b u sin e ss m o d e ls

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Major elements of Business

    There are 2 aspects to.technology One is thetechnology platform itself and

    the second is thecommunication


    A lot of content and services dieprematurely or do not realize

    their full potential because oflack of

    sufficient and focused marketing.efforts

    Setting up infrastructureespecially in the rural areas is

    going to play a major role inthe growth of MVAS

    Access devices play animportant role in the usage

    of different MVAScategories

    Regional content will

    give a boost to theMVAS market but thechallenge is togenerate relevant

    content not onlycatering to regional

    differences but alsoin different


  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Marketing needs to be Exceptionally well

    Access devices and Infrastructure will be taken care by the Telcosand government, (USO fund was an initiative taken up by thegovernment)

    The marketing aspect needs to be done exceptionally wellIt will involve:

    Designing of distribution channels

    Creating awareness Sales Message

    Packaging & Pricing

    v Id e n tify in g se llin g p o in tsv R e a son for sto ckin g a M V A S p re p a id ca

    v Pu rch a se sou rce fo r th e re ta ile r

    v C h an n el cred itv C h an n el p rom otionv Pro m o tio n b y re ta ile r

    v H a a ts a s critica ld istrib u tio n ch a n n e lsv .T h e fla g sh ip p ro g ra m m e s o f g o vt a re in e fficie n tv Pe op le n ee d to b e m ad e aw a re of th e ir rig h ts

    v -Th en to b e m ad e aw are o f M U jala

    v -S ales m essag e shou ld m ake th em con n ect to M U jala

    v Pricin g is v e ry im p

    n irre sistib le va lu e to th e su b scrib e rv O ffe r sch e m e sv S m a llp acks Ip rop ose a con cep t of PH O N E B A N D H U w hich w illb e a O p in ion Lea d er an d a

    ,R u ral M a rkets are n ot h om o g en eo u s Prod u ct E d u catio n is ve ry Im p ortan t

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Business Model

    The attitude towards the Rural market should be of aninvestor.The approach should be ofMARKET SEEDING.

    The Retail Model - This has already started happening and asthe operators will be dealing in low ARPU markets, there is aneed to be in direct touch with customer As the service M-

    Ujala is directed for the people, to complain and report anymishandling there is a need for the operator for direct selling tothe retailers

    The reason low revenue share payouts from theoperator end

    Operators Eliminating Middle-Men With a lot of movementby the players trying to take up additional responsibilities of otherplayers in the revenue chain, the agenda is clear. They needadditional revenue share for the content and services they areproviding. This may lead to operators getting into directrelationships with various players at different levels,n M a rke tin g S e e d in g Ph e n o m e n o n w hich w illb e a p re cu rsor to m o re a d d itio n

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    Financial Projections

    Now the schemes like NREGA, Mid day meal , Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan

    and others are pan India, they cover all the districts in the country

    According to NSSO 2005, the Average Monthly per capita expenditure

    on Rural house holds comprises : Rs 305 for food items

    Rs 260 for Non food items

    M-Ujala can be a prepaid service with a card being available at a localstore or a chargeable SMS service

    Because of low subscriber base and a low-volume rural market, prices

    have to be cheap

    It should be priced at Rs 1/sms because :

    1. Govt already has helpline which is free but is ineffective, socustomers may not pay a higher price for the service

    2. The other VAS services like Mandi Rates etc are being charged at Rs.


    so we need to present M-Ujala as a cheaper service as message is to

    Clean the Corruption in the system A M-U ala re aid card can be of Rs 5 or Rs 10 with 6 or 12 messa es

  • 8/14/2019 Rural India is Benefitting From the Govts Flagship Programmes


    VolumesIf initially we launch in three

    states the approximate coverage

    = 32 million mobile subscribers

    If my Phone Bandhus and Opinionleaders and my distribution

    ,channel is efficient enough the-usage of M Ujala will be more

    Because these states are amongstthe most corrupt states

    Eventually depending on the-success of these states the M

    Ujala service can be launchespan India

    This service has a hugepotential

    It can have a huge MarketSeeding effect

    ge potential in turning the Flagship Programmes of the country into the real en
