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Rural Marketing: An Introduction

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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Rural Marketing: Scope, Description, Features and Taxonomy
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Concept of Rural Marketing Rural marketing is now a two-way marketing process. There is inflow of products into rural markets for production or consumption and there is also outflow of products to urban areas. The rural market has been growing steadily over the past few years and is now even bigger than the urban market. About 70 per cent of India’s population lives in villages. More than 800 million people live in villages of India. ‘Go rural’ is the marketer’s new slogan. Indian marketers as well as multina tionals, such as Colgate-Palmolive, Godrej and Hindustan Lever have focused on rural markets. Marketing: Identifying the needs of customers and potential customers, providing products/services that satisfy their needs, and developing efficient processes or systems to deliver your product/service to the market when, where, and how consumers want it. Features of Rural Marketing: The main reason why the companies are focusing on rural market and developing effective strategies is to tap the market potential, that can be identified as follows: 1. Large and scattered population:

Concept of Rural MarketingRural marketing is now a two-way marketing process. There is inflow of products into rural markets for production or consumption and there is also outflow of products to urban areas.The rural market has been growing steadily over the past few years and is now even bigger than the urban market. About 70 per cent of Indias population lives in villages. More than 00 million people live in villages of India. !"o rural is the marketers new slogan. Indian marketers as wellas multinationals# such as $olgate%&almolive# "odre' and (industan )ever have focused on rural markets.Marketing:Identifying the needs of customers and potential customers# providing products*services that satisfy their needs# and developing efficient processes or systems to deliver your product*service to the market when# where# and how consumers want it.Features of Rural Marketing:The main reason why the companies are focusing on rural market and developing effective strategies is to tap the market potential, that can be identified as follows: 1. Large and scattered population:According to the +00, census# 7-0 million Indians forming 70 per cent ofIndias population live in rural areas. The rate of increase in rural population is also greater than that of urban population. The rural population is scattered in over . lakhs villages. The rural population is highly scattered# but holds a big promise for the marketers.2. Higher purchasing capacity:&urchasing power of the rural people is on rise. Marketers have reali/ed the potential of rural markets# and thus are e0panding their operations in rural India. In recent years# rural markets have ac1uired significance in countries like $hina and India# as the overall growth of the economy has resulted into substantial increase in purchasing power of rural communities.3. Market growth:The rural market is growing steadily over the years. 2emand for traditional products such as bicycles# mopeds and agricultural inputs3 branded products such as toothpaste# tea# soaps and other 4M$"s3 andconsumer durables such as refrigerators# T5 and washing machines hasalso grown over the years.4. e!elop"ent of infrastructure:There is development of infrastructure facilities such as construction of roads and transportation# communication network# rural electrification and public service pro'ects in rural India# which has increased the scope of rural marketing.#. Low standard of li!ing:The standard of living of rural areas is low and rural consumers have diverse socio%economic backwardness. This is different in different parts of the country. A consumer in a village area has a low standard of living because of low literacy# low per capita income# social backwardness andlow savings.$. %raditional outlook:The rural consumer values old customs and traditions. They do not prefer changes. "radually# the rural population is changing its demand pattern# and there is demand for branded products in villages.&. Marketing "i':The urban products cannot be dumped on rural population3 separate sets of products are designed for rural consumers to suit the rural demands. The marketing mi0 elements are to be ad'usted according to the re1uirements of the rural consumers.Definition of 'Marketing Mix'Tweet6i n7hare,The marketing mi0 refers to the set of actions# or tactics# that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market.Definition: The marketing mi0 refers to the set of actions# or tactics# that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The -&s make up a typical marketing mi0 % &rice# &roduct# &romotion and &lace. (owever# nowadays# the marketing mi0 increasingly includes several other &s like &ackaging# &ositioning# &eople and even &olitics as vital mi0 elements.Description: 8hat are the -&s of marketing9Price: refers to the value that is put for a product. It depends on costs of production# segment targeted# ability of the market to pay# supply % demand and a host of other direct and indirect factors. There can be several types of pricing strategies# each tied in with an overall business plan. &ricing can also be used a demarcation# to differentiate and enhance the image of a product.Product: refers to the item actually being sold. The product must deliver a minimum level of performance3 otherwise even the best work on the other elements of the marketing mi0 won:t doany good.Place: refers to the point of sale. In every industry# catching the eye of the consumer and making it easy for her to buy it is the main aim of a good distribution or :place: strategy. ;etailerspay a premium for the right location. In fact# the mantra of a successful retail business is :location# location# location:.Promotion: this refers to all the activities undertaken to make the product or service known to the user and trade. This can include advertising# word of mouth# press reports# incentives# commissions and awards to the trade. It can also include consumer schemes# direct marketing# contests and pri/es.What is the importance of the marketing mix All the elements of the marketing mi0 influence each other. They make up the business plan for a company and handled right# can give it great success.
