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rusPBifi fir 'THE T)ATTT - University of HawaiʻirusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT...

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rusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT MiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hi im u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu in mini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw, & Vol, VI. No. 033. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY :!1, 18SB. SO CENTO sunooniPTioN PER MONTH' "k-,- i ESS l. f . W'. V IK. 'ti-- ' ET: 'Wt. TFE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OOr ...... liiCH Htrcct, Opposite West's Cnrrlnco Factory. Jbscription, 50 cents por Monlli. . . (,' r 5 - AH business communications to bu ml. ilrio3C(l, Mnnngcr Daily Bulletin, Tost Onico Box No. 14.- - Telephone 250. O an Looan, , Editor Wkay 'Hayloh, Local Reporter Tas. O, CriEViou, Manager wiim is THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMING UPON US? Like n llilcf nl night it steals in upon us unawares. Many pcrtons have pnins about tVt gicst and sides, and sometimes in. the o.jf Thoy feel dull and sleepy; the moutn has a bad taste, especially In in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects nbout the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is n feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint e sensation at the pit of the stomach which food doos not satisfy. The eyes aro sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in at first dry, but after a few months It is attended with a greenish coloured oxpectoration. The ailllctcd one feels tired nil the while, and sleep docs not seem to afford' any rest. After a tlmo he becomes nervous, irrita- ble, and gloomy, and has evil fore- bodings. Tlicro Is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; tho whites of tho eyes becoino tinged wltlf yellow, tho urine is scanty and high-coloure- d, depositing a sediment after standing. Thoro islrcqucntly a spitting up of tho food, sometimes with a sour tasto, and sometimes with .a sweetish jastc; this is frequently attended v)k palpitation of tho heart; the vision becomes impaired with spots before the eyes; there of grcfatopro'Btrn- - -- tinn, aiKweaknri" " "Hjso smp toms aro lrr- - present It is tfapught that- - njaKy. our1( ijjfilntion ias&nis djs.dsc in ioA'ypni varied ry rn "ias ueen lowugaaai meaicai nfeir favo mistaken tho liture of this disease. Some have trca.t,l it for a liver complaint,!)':. 1 "0 iJKiuy disease, etc., ""it nonciiii' the various kinds of treat-lkHiJyf- heeu attended with success, because the remedy should be such as to act harmoniously upon each one of these organs, and upon tho stpmaeh as well ; for in Dyspepsia (.tor tins is really wnat the disease is) all of these organs partako of this disease and require a remedy that will act upon all at the same lime. Seiccl's Curative Svrup acts like acharm in this class of complaints, giving almost infihediated relief. Thefollowingletters from chemists of .standing in the com. munity where they live show in what estimation the article is held. John Archer, Harthill, near'Sheflicld : I can confidently recomincnd.it to all who may bo suuering from liver or 'stomach complaints, having- - the testi- mony of my customers, who WJVe derived, great benefit from the Syrvpftnd Pills. The sale is increasing wondefrfully. . Geo. A. Webb, 14T, YoMc Street, Belfast: I liavo 6oldyi large' quantity, and tho parties have testified toits.bcing what you represent it-.- . J. S. Mctcalfo, D5, Hlghgate, Kendal: 4 I have always grpat pleasure in recom- mending, the Curative Syrup', for I have nover known a case in which it has not relieved or cured, and I. have sold. many grosses. Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street, Andovcr: I have always take a great Interest in your medicines and I have recommended them, as I have found numerous casc3 of cure from their use. Thomas Chapman, West Auckland: X find that the trade steadily increases. I sell more of your medicines than any other kind. Frioekkcim, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Sept. 23, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year'I sent you a letter recommending Mother Seigel's Syrup. I have very much pleasure In still bearing testimony to the very satisfactory results of. tho famed Syrup and Fills. Most patent medicines dlo out with me, but Motlicr Seigel has - had a steady sale ever sinco I is still in as great demand US WlQBjIl X iUBb MUAUU IU DUII 111U JUUUI- - eino. Tho curc3 which have come under my Mtlco aro chiefly those of liver compKilnt' and general debility. X. JBarroll, Clun, Salop: All who buy it aro pleased,, and recommend it. Jos. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klngsbridgo: Tho public seem to appreciate their great ' valuo. A. Armstcad, Market Street, Dalton-in-Hurnes- It is needless for me to say that your valuable medicines have groat sale in this district greater than auy other I know of, giving great satis faction. Itobt. Laino.jMclksham: I can well recommend tho Curativo Syrup from having proved its clhcacy for inlligostion myself. A certain minister in my neighbour-hoo- d says it is tho only thing wVlch has benefited li'im and- restored him to his norm1) condition of health after being unabfJ to preach for' a considerable length of time. I could mention also a great many other cases, but spsco would not allow. A near fripnd of mine, who is very much addicted to costlvcness, oi .cons'Jfiation, finds that Mother Seigel's Pills are the only pills which suit his . comjllaint. All other pills cause a rcacrren which is very annoying. Mother Seigel's Pills do not leavo u bad , after-effec- t. I have much pleasure in commending arain to suffering human-- , Ity Mother aoigeia mcuiciues, wiuen " are no sham. If this letter is of any . service you can publish it. Yours very truly. (Sljhctl) William S, Glass, Chemist. KlJ'. White, Esa. 15th August, 1883. ..Dear Sir, I wllo to tell you that Mr. ncu'ry miller, of Yntosbury, Wilts, in- - mo that ho suffered from a Bovero . form of Indigestion for upwards of four 'years, and took no ettd of doctor's mcdl-- . cine without tho slightest benefit, and (& declares Mother Solgcl's Syrup which he tot'froni me has saved his life. . , :,-- !' - Yours truly, ""V (Signed) N.Webb, k Mr,TyiHte. . Chemist, Calno. n , 705 ly 2 sk'V . New Goods I V. 1 04 Fort Street, THE JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK Fancy Goods, Lace Mitts and Gloves, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c, &c. AND A COJIPLETE LINE OF Cent's Furnishing Goods! At prices to suit the times Special attention is called to the Millinery Department. Mrs. Mcllis' Dress Making Establishment on the premises. UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Tcleplioiio XVG. Island ordern BoHcItcd, niid goods delivered promptly. II. M. BENSON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. HlSlKillSlI 113 & 116 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursiug Bottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. LUCAS, Contractor and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited ALVIN H. BASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. 'Gazette Building . . Merchant street 722 ly BUI Heads Ball Programs Bills of Lading Business Cards Book Work Certificates Circulars Concert Progr'ms Draft Books Delivery Books Envelopes Hand Bills Invoices Queen Street, AT TOPIJLAU STORK OF OF mm mJIkMeW&my - - - - - COMPANY. Cliiclc'en, Feed. a. w. sitrrn, WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker ZX "SJU4. Upholsterer, No. 03 Hotol street, Oppojito International Hotel, Canes and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.' made or the latest designs. J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers in all kinds of STATIONERY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on, hand at tho Gazette Slock, Merchant Street 1 by Lelter Headings sWl&HuEt Labels .ws?to!attB. Law Reports Note Headings Plantation Books Pamphlets Posters Reports Show Cards Shipping Rece'ts Statements Tags Vi8ltlng Cards Way.BIIls Honolulu. Every DBScription of Jol Printing Executed with neatness and dispatch, AT THE Daily Bulletin Steam Printing1 Office. Briefs And Honolulu. WILLIAM AULD, to talto Aoknowlcdgmentb to Contracts for Labor for tho .District of Kouu, Islund of Uahu. at tho otllce ol the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 18b JOHN A. HABSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulii. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, ' No. 7 King street, near tho Bridge. Translations of either of tho ubovt languages made with accuracy and dis patch, und on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. CHR. GERTZ, tk No. 80 Fort'street, Honolul.l" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. FRITZ WiLHELiH, CAKPENTER &: BUILDEH, Shop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Telephone 112. 629 Cm & PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-amlth- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. EST Houro and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 J. 31. OAT A CO., SAIIillIAKEIlS, Loft in A. F. Cookcs New Fire.Proof Building, foot of Nuuanu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Flagj of all descriptions made and repaired. ly b l HONOLULU IRON "WORKS. iSteam engines, sugar mills, boil- - orb, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Gomp'y KSTABUBIIED 184S, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks, undersigned, having been ap pointed agent of tho above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against .Fire, on Buildings, furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Bugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. H. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. r The undersigned having Wltnnrli n1tr.in(tnna fwlritttnna "" -- I "-- ;., i:nUSi"Vr mjS and Improvements in his SOAP FACTOHY, 1 now prepared to give ' Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of, TALLOW, And will furnish containers for the same frco of coat to any ono who may desire, TIIOS. W. IIAWI1IX8. Honolulu Soap Works. Offlcu in Brick Building, King street, Lelco. 483 1) Beaver &m Tho Best Lunoh in Town, , Tea and Coffee at All Hours The finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT T1IU TAIIK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. JSyTlie only Beu-sid- resort in the Kingdom, H. J. NOLTB, Proprietor Commission Merchants. 0. BREWER (LimlUd) it COMPANY, Qknekai. Mkhcatilk akd f Commission Aounts. mst ov OFKicr.itn: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .Prcsidont fc Manager J. O. Caiitkh Treasurer & Secretary DinKCTOits: Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. H. A. P. CAitTEii '.' . 3381y Geo. W. Maofarlano. H, R. Macfarlano. O. W. HACFAR1ANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen street, Honolulu. H. L agents for Tho Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Sponccr Sugar Plantation', Hawaii, Tl. IJ!.. d.... 11!.....! A...... Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Ruuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlees. Watson & Co's Sugar Machln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 j. lyons, l. j. levey. Lyons & Levey; Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., - - . Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. Ulb MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 M S. GRINBAUM Si OO., commission Morcbants. 124 Califoiulu street, Sun Francisco, Cal. Cl&us Sprockcls. 'm. O. Irwin. WG. Irwin Ss Company, Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. OL.EQHORN & OO. Importers aud Commission Merchants, dealers iu Generul Merchan disc, Queen and Kuahumunu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 MA. GONSALVES & CO., No. 67 Hotel Sti ect, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise,, Queen st., Honolulu, 1 S. N. CaBtlc J. B. Atherton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping aud Commission Merchants. Importers and Dculers in General Merchandise, No, 80 King st., Honolulu, 1 I.. i "WO TAI Si CO., Importers and General Dealers in English, American aud Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, While & Colored Con-trac- t Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. I. Afong's. 02U Cm H0LUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 607 Fort. and Merchant Rtreets. tf h Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box 1 30, Telephone 349. 601 Cm , W91. JIcOANDIiESS, No. 6 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beer, Veal, aiuttou, Fliih, Ac, Ac. Family and Bhipplng Orders carefully' attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels at Bhort notice, and Vegetables of all klndB supplied lo order. 340 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confeotionoi, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotfll st. Telephone 74. Eastern I'ine Suurar lHven, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastern Pine Barrels for Molasses. Hoops Iron , , lin., 2 x MO. 2 x , 2x Tor Snlo by 080 nm b J. II. BHUNS, Senior. Water Notice. Officii Bup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. A LL persons having Water Privileges aro notiucu mat tueir water nines aro payable ecmi-anuuuii- in uuvance, at the office of tho Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nmiunu street, 'upon the 1st day of January und July of each-year- . CHAH.B. WILSON, Sun't A ntor Worko S, K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204 Professionals. K'S . :,-- :a 111. nnrlUKUUK, jfDj jLf iicsiucnco mm cuiisunnuuii ruuins' osjxo. a jvukui si., corner oil- - on. t :MKr?i & K Toiepnono no. nu. u'jumi A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, .n Aud Notary Public. Ofllcc with the Attorney General, Alllo lanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly JOHN BUSSELIi, A1TORNEY AT LAW. Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (next door tp Dr. Stangenwnld.) 405 ly RICHARD F. "BICKBRTON, v and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. ' m holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 ? - lEOILi BROWN. m J Attorncr and Counsellor at Law- - . Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu st Honolulu. 1 Jiffl JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotia- ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant at. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 r o. berger, 24 Merchant Stiieet. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd South British and National Fire & Ma. riuo Insurance Co. Macnealc & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machinu vi. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 m ..? Robert Leworn, o. j;. Cooke. L EWERS & COOKE, f8UC!I!(iintM tn.l.nwnrc & Tlolonn ' Importers and Dealers in Lumbor oml all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street; ' """"""" I WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Puinls, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. ' HafaiFeBu. Messrs. S. P. Graham & Coil Take pleasure in announcing to their old friends and patrons that they have JUST RECEIVED ,, , a fresh lot of Clioice Hay anil Grail Which they odor at IS" Hay nnd Feed delivered to any' nmf rT fit., nt... H. V. CI)lrtlr m. n No. 82 Kinc Street. lolcphone No. 187. 895 Init? JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon.! FFICE and residence, comer Bere-'- S v- -r mum Bircep ana .sicKiUDin Jane.y uu.w "'" ""i I w u A. IB, Mill 1IO J. i.ju. uiucre ion. hi mo sta- - djcs win uu promptly attended to. P. O. Box t0., 843 tt JT. II. HANLOST f "ILL attend lo tick or soro horses: T T Curo corns and nil flltnnono r the foot. Having 8 years experience of local diseases, ho can refer to work done for many citizens. t2f Can bel seen at uoiemairs Biiop, KJni stiect. 000 lm A Good Pasture for Horses it A few horses will boS MY x t taken to pasture at Ma-- 1 nnfi VnllAv- - T..o.n ..av curcly fenced. 83TFor3S terms, &o.. nrply lo- - J. iilUftliDlUTH, ' 010 No. 0 Nuuanu, St." PASTURAGE. ''jS I'M Goon PARTimp. forfl Horfos in Kalihi Vallo 50 acres in one nsdilne H&st all fenced, with an' 'nlmnrlnnrn rtf J fvAol.1 grass, a living stream of water running through tho land. Horses called for nnd delivered at fid rini wr lmmi (f mi desired. ReoEouablo good caro tak'en of ihuck uuv no responsi unity irom acci- dent. Positively none but healthy ani.4 ...uii, ,uav... AUUiUCtl ur L'llUUirU Ol ALLEN HKHHEllTJ Olllco on Queen street, with Harailto jonuson. 704 FRANK HUSTACE i Uiuvnmn, , f1 (Successor to C. P. Ward.) "J All orders for cartace nromntlv tended o, at the lowest rates. Also: f 8aio: T UoUnakoHnlt, , tit ra-- Wood. White and Black MM asg in quantities to suit, at lowest price 003 ly . '' 'J13HhV itf, II, ROBERT WW Druymunf-- ftt'jlUH In town. Ofllcc, Queen i tfWy? P tsa
Page 1: rusPBifi fir 'THE T)ATTT - University of HawaiʻirusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT MiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hiim u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu inmini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw,


fir 'THEtW3


T)ATTTMiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hi im u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu in mini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw, &


PER MONTH'"k-,- i

ESS l.

f .



IK.'ti-- '




OOr ...... liiCH Htrcct,Opposite West's Cnrrlnco Factory.

Jbscription, 50 cents por Monlli.


. (,'




AH business communications to bu ml.ilrio3C(l, Mnnngcr Daily Bulletin, TostOnico Box No. 14.- - Telephone 250.O an Looan, , EditorWkay 'Hayloh, Local ReporterTas. O, CriEViou, Manager


COMING UPON US?Like n llilcf nl night it steals in upon

us unawares. Many pcrtons have pninsabout tVt gicst and sides, and sometimesin. the o.jf Thoy feel dull and sleepy;the moutn has a bad taste, especially Inin the morning. A sort of sticky slimecollects nbout the teeth. The appetite ispoor. There is n feeling like a heavyload on the stomach; sometimes a faint

e sensation at the pit of thestomach which food doos not satisfy.The eyes aro sunken, the hands and feetbecome cold and feel clammy. After awhile a cough sets in at first dry, butafter a few months It is attended with agreenish coloured oxpectoration. Theailllctcd one feels tired nil the while, andsleep docs not seem to afford' any rest.After a tlmo he becomes nervous, irrita-ble, and gloomy, and has evil fore-bodings. Tlicro Is a giddiness, a sort ofwhirling sensation in the head whenrising up suddenly. The bowels becomecostive; the skin is dry and hot at times;the blood becomes thick and stagnant;tho whites of tho eyes becoino tingedwltlf yellow, tho urine is scanty and high-coloure- d,

depositing a sediment afterstanding. Thoro islrcqucntly a spittingup of tho food, sometimes with a sourtasto, and sometimes with .a sweetishjastc; this is frequently attended v)kpalpitation of tho heart; the visionbecomes impaired with spots before theeyes; there of grcfatopro'Btrn- -

-- tinn, aiKweaknri" " "Hjso smptoms aro lrr- - present It is tfapughtthat- - njaKy. our1( ijjfilntionias&nis djs.dsc in ioA'ypni variedry rn "ias ueen lowugaaai meaicainfeir favo mistaken tho liture of thisdisease. Some have trca.t,l it for a livercomplaint,!)':. 1 "0 iJKiuy disease, etc.,

""it nonciiii' the various kinds of treat-lkHiJyf-

heeu attended with success,because the remedy should be such as toact harmoniously upon each one of theseorgans, and upon tho stpmaeh as well ;

for in Dyspepsia (.tor tins is really wnatthe disease is) all of these organs partakoof this disease and require a remedythat will act upon all at the same lime.Seiccl's Curative Svrup acts like acharmin this class of complaints, giving almostinfihediated relief. Thefollowinglettersfrom chemists of .standing in the com.munity where they live show in whatestimation the article is held.

John Archer, Harthill, near'Sheflicld :

I can confidently recomincnd.it to allwho may bo suuering from liver or

'stomach complaints, having- - the testi-mony of my customers, who WJVe derived,great benefit from the Syrvpftnd Pills.The sale is increasing wondefrfully.

. Geo. A. Webb, 14T, YoMc Street,Belfast: I liavo 6oldyi large' quantity,and tho parties have testified toits.bcingwhat you represent it-.- .

J. S. Mctcalfo, D5, Hlghgate, Kendal:4 I have always grpat pleasure in recom-mending, the Curative Syrup', for I havenover known a case in which it has notrelieved or cured, and I. have sold. manygrosses.

Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Andovcr: I have always take a greatInterest in your medicines and I haverecommended them, as I have foundnumerous casc3 of cure from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland:X find that the trade steadily increases.I sell more of your medicines than anyother kind.

Frioekkcim, Arbroath, Forfarshire,Sept. 23, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year'Isent you a letter recommending MotherSeigel's Syrup. I have very muchpleasure In still bearing testimony to thevery satisfactory results of. tho famedSyrup and Fills. Most patent medicinesdlo out with me, but Motlicr Seigel has

- had a steady sale ever sinco Iis still in as great demand


eino. Tho curc3 which have come undermy Mtlco aro chiefly those of livercompKilnt' and general debility.

X. JBarroll, Clun, Salop: All who buyit aro pleased,, and recommend it.

Jos. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klngsbridgo:Tho public seem to appreciate their

great ' valuo.A. Armstcad, Market Street, Dalton-in-Hurnes-

It is needless for me to saythat your valuable medicines have groatsale in this district greater than auyother I know of, giving great satisfaction.

Itobt. Laino.jMclksham: I can wellrecommend tho Curativo Syrup fromhaving proved its clhcacy for inlligostionmyself.

A certain minister in my neighbour-hoo- d

says it is tho only thing wVlch hasbenefited li'im and- restored him to hisnorm1) condition of health after beingunabfJ to preach for' a considerablelength of time. I could mention also agreat many other cases, but spsco wouldnot allow. A near fripnd of mine, whois very much addicted to costlvcness, oi

.cons'Jfiation, finds that Mother Seigel'sPills are the only pills which suit his

. comjllaint. All other pills cause arcacrren which is very annoying.Mother Seigel's Pills do not leavo u bad

, after-effec- t. I have much pleasure incommending arain to suffering human-- ,

Ity Mother aoigeia mcuiciues, wiuen"are no sham. If this letter is of any

. service you can publish it.Yours very truly.

(Sljhctl) William S, Glass, Chemist.KlJ'. White, Esa.

15th August, 1883.

..Dear Sir, I wllo to tell you that Mr.ncu'ry miller, of Yntosbury, Wilts, in- -

mo that ho suffered from a Bovero. form of Indigestion for upwards of four

'years, and took no ettd of doctor's mcdl-- .

cine without tho slightest benefit, and(& declares Mother Solgcl's Syrup which he

tot'froni me has saved his life. .

, :,--!' - Yours truly,""V (Signed) N.Webb,

k Mr,TyiHte. . Chemist, Calno.n , 705 ly 2

sk'V .

New Goods IV.

1 04 Fort Street,



Fancy Goods,Lace Mitts and Gloves,

Ladies' and Children's Hosiery,Handkerchiefs, &c, &c.


Cent's Furnishing Goods!At prices to suit the times

Special attention is called to the Millinery Department.

Mrs. Mcllis' Dress Making Establishment on the premises.


Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTcleplioiio XVG.

Island ordern BoHcItcd, niid goods delivered promptly.




Depot for Boericke & Schreck'sHomoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes

And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursiug Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.


and Builder,Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other




Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.'Gazette Building . . Merchant street

722 ly

BUI Heads

Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bills


Queen Street,



mm mJIkMeW&my- - - - -


Cliiclc'en, Feed.

a. w. sitrrn,


CabinetmakerZX "SJU4.

Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotol street,

Oppojito International Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

made or the latest designs.

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers in all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latest Foreign Papers always on,hand at tho Gazette Slock, MerchantStreet 1 by

Lelter Headings

sWl&HuEt Labels

.ws?to!attB. Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rece'ts



Vi8ltlng Cards



Every DBScription of Jol Printing

Executed with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Printing1 Office.




WILLIAM AULD,to talto Aoknowlcdgmentb

to Contracts for Labor for tho .Districtof Kouu, Islund of Uahu. at tho otllce olthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuami street. 18b

JOHN A. HABSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulii.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,' No. 7 King street, near tho Bridge.Translations of either of tho ubovt

languages made with accuracy and dispatch, und on reasonable terms. 209


204 FORT ST.

CHR. GERTZ, tkNo. 80 Fort'street, Honolul.l"

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Telephone 112. 629 Cm

& PHILLIPS,Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-amlth- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. EST Houro and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

J. 31. OAT A CO., SAIIillIAKEIlS,Loft in A. F. Cookcs New Fire.Proof

Building, foot of Nuuanu Street.Honolulu, II. I.

Flagj of all descriptions made andrepaired. ly b

l HONOLULU IRON "WORKS.iSteam engines, sugar mills, boil- -

orb, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Gomp'y


Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks,

undersigned, having been appointed agent of tho above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against .Fire, on Buildings,furniture, Merchandise, Produce, BugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in


H. RIEMENSCHNEIDER,070 ly b at Wilder & Co's.


and all whom it may concern.r The undersigned havingWltnnrli n1tr.in(tnna fwlritttnna"" -- I "-- ;.,i:nUSi"VrmjS and Improvements in his

SOAP FACTOHY,1 now prepared to give' Tho Highest Cash Valuo

for any quantity of,

TALLOW,And will furnish containers for the samefrco of coat to any ono who may desire,

TIIOS. W. IIAWI1IX8.Honolulu Soap Works.

Offlcu in Brick Building,King street, Lelco. 483 1)

Beaver &mTho Best Lunoh in Town, ,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.JSyTlie only Beu-sid- resort in the

Kingdom, H. J. NOLTB,Proprietor

Commission Merchants.

0. BREWER(LimlUd)


Qknekai. Mkhcatilk akdf

Commission Aounts.

mst ov OFKicr.itn:

P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .Prcsidont fc ManagerJ. O. Caiitkh Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. H. A. P. CAitTEii'.' .


Geo. W. Maofarlano. H, R. Macfarlano.




Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. Lagents for

Tho Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Sponccr Sugar Plantation', Hawaii,Tl. IJ!.. d.... 11!.....! A......Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Ruuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlees. Watson & Co's Sugar Machln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.


j. lyons, l. j. levey.Lyons & Levey;

Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen St., - - . Honolulu.Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate

and General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Sole Agents for American and Euro-pean merchandise. Ulb

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

M S. GRINBAUM Si OO.,commission Morcbants.

124 Califoiulu street,Sun Francisco, Cal.

Cl&us Sprockcls. 'm. O. Irwin.

WG. Irwin Ss Company,Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

AS. OL.EQHORN & OO.Importers aud Commission

Merchants, dealers iu Generul Merchandisc, Queen and Kuahumunu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

MA. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 67 Hotel Sti ect, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise,, Queen st., Honolulu, 1

S. N. CaBtlc J. B. Atherton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping aud Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dculers inGeneral Merchandise, No, 80 King st.,Honolulu, 1I.. i

"WO TAI Si CO.,Importers and General Dealers

in English, American aud Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, While & Colored Con-trac- t

Matting, all qualities and prices.No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. I .

Afong's. 02U Cm


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,607 Fort. and Merchant Rtreets. tf h

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 1 30, Telephone 349.

601 Cm ,

W91. JIcOANDIiESS,No. 6 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeer, Veal, aiuttou, Fliih, Ac, Ac.

Family and Bhipplng Orders carefully'attended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels at Bhort notice, and Vegetablesof all klndB supplied lo order. 340 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confeotionoi,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotfll st. Telephone 74.

Eastern I'ine Suurar lHven,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pine Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron , , lin., 2 x MO. 2 x ,

2 x

Tor Snlo by080 nm b J. II. BHUNS, Senior.

Water Notice.Officii Bup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesaro notiucu mat tueir water nines

aro payable ecmi-anuuuii- in uuvance,at the office of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nmiunu street,'upon the 1st day of January und July of

each-year- . CHAH.B. WILSON,Sun't A ntor Worko

S, K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204

Professionals. K'S. :,--

:a111. nnrlUKUUK, jfDj

jLf iicsiucnco mm cuiisunnuuii ruuins'osjxo. a jvukui si., corner oil-- on. t :MKr?i



Toiepnono no. nu. u'jumi

A ROSA,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, .nAud Notary Public.

Ofllcc with the Attorney General, Alllolanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly


Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (next doortp Dr. Stangenwnld.) 405 ly


and Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. 'mholds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

? -lEOILi BROWN. m

J Attorncr and Counsellor at Law- - .

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu stHonolulu. 1



and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotia-ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant at. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

r o. berger,24 Merchant Stiieet.

General Agent forThe N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dSouth British and National Fire & Ma.

riuo Insurance Co.Macnealc & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machinu vi.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

238 m..?

Robert Leworn, o. j;. Cooke.

LEWERS & COOKE,f8UC!I!(iintM tn.l.nwnrc & Tlolonn '

Importers and Dealers in Lumbor oml allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street; '

""""""" I

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Puinls,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. '

HafaiFeBu.Messrs. S. P. Graham & Coil

Take pleasure in announcing to theirold friends and patrons that

they have


, a fresh lot of

Clioice Hay anil GrailWhich they odor at

IS" Hay nnd Feed delivered to any'nmf rT fit., nt...

H. V. CI)lrtlr m. nNo. 82 Kinc Street.

lolcphone No. 187. 895 Init?

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.!

FFICE and residence, comer Bere-'- Sv--r mum Bircep ana .sicKiUDin Jane.yuu.w "'" ""i I w u A. IB, Mill 1IO J.i.ju. uiucre ion. hi mo sta--djcs win uu promptly attended to.

P. O. Box t0., 843 ttJT. II. HANLOST

f "ILL attend lo tick or soro horses:T T Curo corns and nil flltnnono r

the foot. Having 8 years experience oflocal diseases, ho can refer to workdone for many citizens. t2f Can belseen at uoiemairs Biiop, KJni stiect.

000 lm

A Good Pasture for Horsesit A few horses will boS

MY x t taken to pasture at Ma-- 1

nnfi VnllAv- - T..o.n ..avcurcly fenced. 83TFor3Sterms, &o.. nrply lo- -

J. iilUftliDlUTH, '010 No. 0 Nuuanu, St."


Goon PARTimp. forflHorfos in Kalihi Vallo50 acres in one nsdilneH&st all fenced, with an''nlmnrlnnrn rtf J fvAol.1

grass, a living stream of water runningthrough tho land. Horses called fornnd delivered at fid rini wr lmmi (f midesired. ReoEouablo good caro tak'en ofihuck uuv no responsi unity irom acci-dent. Positively none but healthy ani.4...uii, ,uav... AUUiUCtl ur L'llUUirU Ol

ALLEN HKHHEllTJOlllco on Queen street, with Harailtojonuson. 704

FRANK HUSTACEiUiuvnmn, , f1

(Successor to C. P. Ward.) "JAll orders for cartace nromntlv

tended o, at the lowest rates. Also: f8aio: T

UoUnakoHnlt, ,tit ra-- Wood.

White and Black MMasgin quantities to suit, at lowest price

003 ly . '''J13HhV

itf, II, ROBERTWWDruymunf-- ftt'jlUH

In town. Ofllcc, Queen i




Page 2: rusPBifi fir 'THE T)ATTT - University of HawaiʻirusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT MiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hiim u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu inmini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw,





AmmtmWN1HW"tnwnmt" ,


"wt . l l ...111 l. II I.-.- 1


saouja ior liyjgnuan win ue muucu iu

f 11UUI9 JC1 UUJTf litIll U U SJ Ml Ii UUU

from 4 to 0 i. m., until further notice.OIIAS. B. WILSON,

Supt Water Works.Approved : Ciias. T. Gui.icit,

Mlulstcr of Interior.January 50, 1895. 032 tf

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchaugo on the

iBuiilc ol Otililbi-iila- , S. IT.And their agents hi


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London.Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sjdnoy,

Sydney.Tho Hank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Cliriatolunch, and Wellington.The Bank of British Columbia, Vic.

lorla, B. C. and Portland, Or.AND

Transact n General Banking Business.CG9 ly

Flowed to noithor Beet nor Patty.Bat ostablhhod for tho banefit of all.

SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1885.


Skating, 7.


Utilitarians1 of the more sordidsort aro apt to rail at modern pro-

gress in tho Gne arts as a symptomof degeneration. They draw infer-

ences prejudicial to high refinementfrom the fact that art flourishedmost in ancient empires when thobases of political and social orderwere crumbling away. Decay, theyare ready to say, must needs havelupcrvened in modern nations when

they have passed that point in mate-

rial prosperity, when they can affordto expend wealth in nurturing thosewho minister lo the finer feelings ofthe mind and imagination. A higherrespect of utility, however, presentsthe claims of man's finer faculties ns

, being at least equally worthy of re-

cognition with thot of bis materialnecessities. Those who arc able tohelp sustain the flue arts, as well asthose who can only afford to admirethem, have not the patience to argueout the point with those who haveno soul above food, drink, raiment,and the money they may accumulateafter those things arc procured.There is a. material utility in tho fine

arts, however, which their advocatesfind more serviceable in defenceagainst tlte assaults of the class des

cribed, than appeals to long-suffocat-

impulses and extinct well-sprin- gs

of deadened souls. Onephase only of the material utility ofthe fine arts is necessary to intro-

duce the present subject of writing.That is, their serviceablencss inattracting the world's attention to acountry, with benefit to all its inter-

ests, through whatever it possessesof the grand, the beautiful, and theromantic. Admirers of art for art'ssake do not fail to perceive thisphase. Indeed, it is impossible thatintelligent persons should, when thestores of general information aboundwith marked instances of it. Thosewho wont to sec Tavernier's pictureof the great volcanic lake of Kilauea,and Strong's picture of the majesticMauna Kea mountain, were seizedinstinctively, even while the spell ofartistic genius was upon them, withthe impics8ion that there were thebest advertisements this countryconld possibly have hi other lands.Especially the picture of tho volcano,for excellent as Mr. Strong's pio-ducti-

is, his subject is not one

that cannot be duplicated in nature'smighty works abioad. There havobeen fine woid pictures sent through-

out the world of our appallinglygrand volcano; photographs, andpictures copied of them, have alsogone far and wide all calculated toimpress its wonderful characteristicsupon thoso seeing such counterfeitpresentiments. Yet never boforohas justice been rendered to thatpeerless phenomenon, approachingthat done by Tavernier. Think ofthe reality, when the artist's repro-ductioiiup-on

diiiinutive canvas fills'thesbeholdcr with awe, and becomesso yivia to cue senses as no gazes,

ttbat the eye begins to watch for new

inflame cones in the seething pond,




i J

W4& ,

the car lo listen for tho muffledtlmndorA of nnttiio's agonies, anduvea tho blond rushes to tho feet nltho view of lava withred eyes of fire gleaming throughmany points, giving warning of tho



consequences of rashly treacling toonear tho flame-lave- d shore. Theperpendicular and bnttcrod walli, nilaglow with the flame of nmuy erup-tions ; tho livid gleam from blazingcaverns hid with overhanging cliffs ;

tho serrated and leaning towers ofrock, every crevlco of which is ared-h- ot mouth, and tho fierce flamesbursting tho bars of tlto mountainhero and thcro near tho margin oftho lake of fire these, with the ac-

cessories of atmosphere and sky trueto nature, aro sublimely recreated bytho artist. One turned with a sensoof relief from tho terribly sublime inthe burning lake to the quiet andmajestic grandeur of tho snow-cappe- d

mountain on tho other wall. Mr.Strong has produced in Mnuna Kcaa very impressive picture, which itis impossible to fully tnkc in at onebrief view. It is a picture thatstays with the mind, so real is itsatmosphere, 60 true have its detailsbeen subdued to convey an accuratesense of distance. The imaginationis compelled to supply the invigorat- -

ing mountain air, and the coolnesswafted from the snowy diamond onthe pinnacle. This picture shouldreally accompany the other in itsappearances in the great cities ofthe world. Each, by contrast, en-

hances the impression produced bythe other. Either, wherever shown,must magnify the natural attractionsof these Hawaiian Islands.


Two New Orleans belles recentlybegan making and selling pickles asa frolic, but the business has grownupon their hands until they havefound it expedient to have orderedseveral hundred bottles with theirfirm name, " B. & T.," blown intothe glass.

A California paper ridicules thesuggestion that farmers there shouldplant and grow dates, saying, "Thisdelicious fruit flourishes in warmsaline water that would kill any plantbut the date, and is called the ' Kingof Sahara.' " The condition ofwarm saline water we should thinkcould be easily found in theseIslands. What says Mr. Jaeger?

Some time,ago the Georgia Legis-

lature placed the clerical work in thehands of women. Lately GovernorMcDaniel testified that he had. neverexamined an equal number of billsso free from errors and defects,while experts declare the work ofthe ladies to be fifty percent cleanerand more correct than any ever doneby male clerks. A great many ofthe clerks employed in Washingtonar of the gentler sex, and for somedescriptions of clerical service theyare unapproached by men in ex- -,


As an instance of bow povertymay bo turned into wealth, in thecase of land, fifteen acres of landconsidered almost worthless werebought in 1853, near San Jose, Cal.,for 810 an acre. It was situated inthe river bottom, but orchards wereplanted and fruit ripened so success-fully that recently the purchaser,Mr. H. Rice, sold five acres atSI, 000 per acre. If the magic wandof intelligent industry were likewisewaved over all the unimproved landof this Kingdom, bow shortly wouldsugar depression be robbed of mostof its terrors !


It becomes our painful duty toannounce tho death of Mrs. LowellSmith, which took place sevenminutes before seven o'clock thismorning at the residence of herdaugbter, Mrs. B. F. Dillingham,Funaliou. For the past few monthsthe health of the deceased lady hasbeen noticed by her immediatefriends to be gradually failing. Sheattended tho whole of Mrs. Lcavitt'slectures, but since then had gotmuch weaker until she was compelledto take to her bed. She fully rea-

lized that her end was drawing near.About two weeks ago, the deceasedseems to have fallen into an uncon-

scious sleep, suffering very littlepain. Yesterdaj' tho doctor hadsome hopes that his patient mightrally and be spared a little longer,but it lias pleased God to rule itotherwise. The deceased was bornin 1810 at Wcstboro, Mass., andwas married to tho Rev. Dr. LowellSmith, October 2nd, 1882. Theycame by way of Capo Horn to thesoislands in 183-- and have residedhere ever since, with the exceptionof a visit thpy mado to tho States in18G5, which extended nearly a year.For fifty years has tho deceasedlabored hand in hand with her hus-

band among the Hawaiians, instruc- -

ting them in things pertaining totheir temporal ni well as spiritualwelfare. There nro many on thesoIslands advanced in ycarswho havoto thank this noblo lady for theirfirst teachings. Tho anniversary ofher golden wedding was celebratedin Honolulu, October 2nd, 1882,and was attended by a large circleof friencts. Tho deceased ladyleaves two children, Mrs. 11. P.Dillingham, wife of our esteemedtownsman, and Mr. A. L. Smith,merchant, Fort street, and Superin-

tendent of tho Kaumakapili SundaySchool. Mrs. Smith was secretaryof tho Stranger's Friend Society andalso President of the Woman'sBoard of Missions). The bereavedhusband and family have the entiresympathy of the whole communityin this their hour of bereavement.Tho funeral will lake place

afternoon at half-pa- st threeo'clock from the Kaumakapili church,tho scene of so many years' labor ofthe deceased and her husband. ThoRevs. E. C. Oggcl and A. O. Forbeswill conduct the services.

Auction Sale.Wednesday, Feb. 4th,

At 10 a. m., nt the Store,

No. 89 Hotel Street,Will be !old the entire Stock and

Tools of tho late firm ofSimpson & Wallace,

Comprising every description of house- -

hold and ship's

FURNISHING TIN WARE,Lead and Iron Pipe and Fittings, Brass

Goods for Steam, Gas and Water,of the best manufactures; WaterClosets, Wash Basins, &c.

Two Sots ol Tinsmith's Tools & Machinery.

Pipe Vices, one Patent Forge, one Fair-bank- s

Scale, Stocks and Dies fron 2inch to ij, with Taps, all of whichare of Morris Laskar & Go's make;one Macncalc & Urban Safe; oneBelmonf

3B.A.Y JMLjAJEZE,warranted kind and gentle, wlch Wagon

and Harness.The whole will be sold without reserve.


032-4- t Auctioneers.

Homestead Lots,Homestead Lots.


Havlng disposed of all the Lots offeredat my FIRST SALE, 1 now beg

to advise that I will offer atPublic Auction on

Saturday, Feb. 28th,At 12 o'clock noon at my Salesrooms,

Unless previously disposed of at privatotale, those certain 7 valuable

Building Lots !Situated on Lunalilo and Kapiolanl and

Victoiia Streets, just niauka of theresidence of Geo. Castle, Esq., ,

at the following upsetprices, viz. ;

Lot 1114 ft front, 120 ft depth, upsetprice 8 650.00

Lot 2111 ft front, 120 ft depth, upsetprice 050.00

Xot a 102 ft front, 1B0 ft depth, upsetprice $1300.00

Lot 4105 ft front, 120 ft depth, upsetprice 9 750.00

Lot 5 140 ft front, 150 ft depth, upsetprice 81100.00

Lot 0110 ft front, 120 ft depth, upsetprice 8 850.00

Lot 7 14$ft front, 150 ft depth, upsetJHIUU.... AKUU.UU

A comparison of theso prices with therates asked for property in the nearvicinity will Eatisfy any one that thesearc unusually reasonable.

These lots are within about 15 minuteswalk of the business centre of Honoluluand aro but a few minutes off the routeof Dodd'svoninlbus to Punahou. Theynro also in a pleasant neighborhood andfrom their line position command alovely view of sea and land reaching fromDiamond Head to the Watanae moun-tains. Being situated so as to allow oftho most perfect drainage they hnveimmunity from malarial and typhoidfevers. Do not lose sight of these factsin choosing your residence, as they aroof the utmost importance.

As a special inducement to purchas-ers, I shall sell this property upon thosame favorable terms as were offered atthe first sate, vix. :

Cash, balance in 1, 2, ahd 3Years, secured by Mortgage, with in-

terest at tho low rate ol 7 per cent, peryear.

This gives an opportunity for those ofsmall means to secure a pleasant home-btca- d

with but a small cash payment.The Government water runs along

Luutlllo street, and commands thowholo number of lots

Parties desiring to procure lots pri.vately should apply at once, as I .shallsell them all if possiblo before publicsale, und I havo already several iippli.cations, but in no case will they bo soldut less than tho upset price, '

t3"Call at my office and see the plans,Deeds at tho expense of purchaser.

E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer.Honolulu, Jan. 18.

N.B. Jan. 28 Four of the obove lotsai e already sold. E. V, A.931 tuth&sat

AFor Portland, Oronon,DI1UJCT.

Tim A Mn. t 11,-l- t I ili

JBAXMi: " DANCA,"Bacborow. . - . OapUln,

Will havo quick diinilch for thonbovo port. For freight or passage, ap-

ply lo rP. A. SCUAEFEU & CO.,

92!) Agents.

A IIARUATX.LARGE LOT, with HOUSEand Improvement?, at Kaplo-ln- ni

Park. Plenty of froshwater, and well shaded withtrcca:- A.

will be...........sold a bnrnaln.. JJApply to ifi. U. HUUUA1AN,

020 Proprietor, Queen st.

Building Lots for Sale.building lota for sale orSEVERAL Kapalnma, near the Niuhc.

lowol bridge, on the Ewa sido of tholane leading lo Austin's estate. Easyterms. Apply to . W. C. AOHI.Law office of W. It. Castle. 887 tf


881 tf Soap Works

NOTICE.EI1LERS & COMPANY kavBling this dny assigned nil their

property and claims to us, the under,signed, we hereby notify all personsowing said Arm to make Immediatepaymonts.

E. P. Mnblc, at the vtore of B. F.Elders & Co., on Fort street, is author-ized to iccelpt ior all paunents.


Assignees B. F. Elders & Co.Honolulu, Jan. C, 18S3. 918 tf


juL oncned in Rose Lane, back of Mr,Houghtailing's place, to supply my cus-tomers as usual, until further notice.

G. M. BAUPP,024 tf Telephone 104.

NOTICE .partnership heretofore existingTHE SIMPSON & WALLACE

doing business in Honolulu, as plumb-ers, gas.tittors,,and tinsmiths, Is this daydissolved by mutual consent.

DAVID SIMPSON,Signed, j j WALLACE PORTEUS.Honolulu, Jan. 27, 1884. 929

fireafl for Pimaliou.


PUNAHOU, please

Love's Bread Wagonnow delivers bread in that locality.

Orders for regular service taken bythe driver, and at

LOVE'S BAKERY,931 2v Nuuanu street.


be paid before Febiuary 1st, or

they will be placed In the hands of

a collector, and payment enfoiced.

For the Assignees of B. F. Ehlers

&Co.,-- H. W. SCHMIDT.

Honolulu, January 15th 1885.920


Shop on Queen street, near Alakea.ttto urn



Central & Commodious Stableswc are pieparcd to furnish flrst-clas- s

turnouts with gentle horses, with orwithout drivers, A line wagonette Inconnection.

Hacks nt all Hoars.day and night. Horses taken to boardby day, week, or month, on reasonableterms. Saddle horses to let.XIoi'NCM XSoufglxt and Sold,

Satisfaction guaranteed.A Baggage Wagon delivers to all

parts of the city. Furniture movinga specialty.

O. W. MAOFAHLANE, ) Prnn,aE. R. MILES, f

029 3m Telephone No..32.

Telephone 55.

NTERPRISfP PLANING MILL,1 Alultcn, near Qacen St. L

C. J. Haudeb, Propriejpr.

Contracting & BuijdingMouldings and Finish always onhandt

EST Orders promptly attended to, -- jl'OK SAIiE,

Hard and Solt Stove Wood,876 . Cut and Split 8m


:eme.a.:ot acs REs-AjjEfc-a drjelajlvi

Jutt Ruelvad by last sttnmsr



'&$.ono of tho'largsat of'

Ladies',)Misses'. CMlflretis Infants' fear

Ladio3 Aprons,"" Gowns," Skirts," Sacques," Collars," Flshues," Chemises," Corsot Covers," Calico Wrappers.

Infants' RoLoa,

" SklrlB," Cloaks," Dicsses," Shawl," Chemises," Gowus" Wrappers.





Drawers, Clitir.iscs,

nj'" Drawers," , Skirls," SunJJonnetH," Waists,

v" Dresses," Cloaks.

Wc also would state that we are constantly receiving new and desir-

able styles of goods direct from the manufacturers, and that wo shall ,

spare no exertion to meet, by prompt attantion, low priaM, and tliefctttof goodi, your entire confidence.

Orders fron tho other Islands promptly to.

Temple of Fashion,Nos. 61 and 63 Fort Streets.


, Cauliflower, Celery, Eel Caiap, .Oysters,



ARE ABLE TO O. -- K AS fcfi

& CO.,.ex Alameda,

- fc,XCl4.



& SiverJPlated

in Tin and Shell : Bologna Sausage, Cal. Boll Butter,

Swiss and Cream Cb.eu , Horn' RadislC'tfov





Fancy and Staple v irocei i.t. rIsland Orders solicited. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box 2U7?

DILLINGHAM & Co.Fort Street, Uonolulu, ,

Importers & Dealers in Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Windmills for Stoek Eannbcs and Irrigation.

GOULDS' PUMPS!A new invoice of Plows, of all sizes, just received.

Fence Wire and Staples.

Kerosene Oil a specialty.

Paints, Varnisbes, Turpentine & Oil

L.TJBItlCApiNO 01X.S.Detroit Cups. Albany CiAapound. -

Harness Store

House Furnishing Goods

The Corner



Large invoices of Goods (of all descriptions) having been received by me, they

WILL BE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES,Than the same quality of Goods can be purchased elsewhere in Honolulu, and

satisfaction guaranteed. My stock consists of all kinds of AMERICAN,ENGLISH AND SYDNEY MANUFACTURE,

Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddle Cloths, School Bags, &c,Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, in Nickel and Silver Plate

The reputation of my HOME-MAD- E HARNESS for superiority of workmanshipand materinl remains unchallenged during my six years' residence here.

Thankful for the generous patronage of the past, its continuance and increase inthe future is rcspecttully solicited at the old stand.

OH-S- . IIIMiMLfeR,,880 3m Corner of Fort and.Eing streets, Honolulu, H. I.

JOSEPH. E. WISEMAN,The Only Recognized General Business Agent on-t- he Hawaiian Islands.

ESTABLISHED X 879. , , .Offices in Campbell's Eire-pro- Building, 27 merchant St., Honolulu, H. Z'

I. O. Bos 3XO t t t : Tclopliono IT'S." DEPABTMENTSs

REAL ESTATE AGENT Buys and sells Eeal Estate In all parts of the King-do-

Rents Ofllces, Houses, Cottages and Booms.

to the Front !


r '' P









bus and the Traveling Public will apply to me for Tickets and Information to '


YORK The Largest, Grandest and Soundest Institution of its,Uind in theWorld.

AGENT FOR THE GREAT BURLINGTON RAILWAY HOUTE IN AMERICA ,This Route excels all other routes going East, the tcenery being the grandest, "

thu meals the choicest and the Palace ana Dining Cars the handsomest and mostcomfortable. ,

EMPLOYMENT AGENT Finds Employment for all cocking workwi the vari-ous branches of Industry on tho Islands. ,


CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER Enters Goods at Custom House, pays and dischargesFreight and Duty Bills under power of Attornoy. ,

MONEY BROKER Loans Monoy at all times on first-clas- s securitiy. . j

GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT Legal Papers of every description drawn. BillsDistributed and Collected. Books und Accounts kept and adjusted. RecordsHcurclied, Rents Collected. Tuxea and Insuianco ou Properly locked alter.Copying and Engrossing done. Advertisements, Newspaper, ArUcK Corres- - "pouueueo and Commercial Business of every naturo piomptly and accuratelyattended to.

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT HONOLULU Compar ics'.pbrosd tgwill correspond with me for terms, etc. Orders for Island Shells, Cuilos, Lavav,?-Specimens- ,

Native Views and Photos carefully filled and forwarded to all parts Yol the worm..

$3T Information appertaining to the Islands given and all correspondence faith-full- y

answered. tS

878 GineralJOSEF1I E. WISEMAN, W )Business Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian lilands."0


Page 3: rusPBifi fir 'THE T)ATTT - University of HawaiʻirusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT MiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hiim u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu inmini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw,








LftEMtc tttfllBlitmittSATUItDAY,t"JAN. Bl, 18B5.

SUH, MOfiH AND SEA. 7""All tlnio from noon of 31.

Sun Set .v.,rA,. C 10.SuuJtlwA ;iJjb.:i8 38.Moon Sets.. .v.vilTr;..10 20.High Title fsmall)... Vf? f. 00.HlgiiTldo (kigo)?; 17 30.

WINK ASH VJBATIIGUlUourd Irom noun ot yoiterdny J

AtSMJi. nhootci nam.I 4b till I S21t sh I Oh I 48h lto!8hI 30 0Q 30 00 I 3007"J I W i0UOl

WlnU, 8 " light! Sky, Una; Ben, moder-ate. .


,1" win han riiAAcisco.Aluumla '. Ltitvcb Honolulu. Jan. 31

fUDrlpo;a..r...LcavcslIeuolulu, Feb. 14



. Sim)o' of Sjditcy Jan.24ill BAN FltANCIECO.

" Stmr Zen. tndia Feb. 10


J.in 31

Stmr Kinau from Windward portsStmr Likcllke from KahuluiSchr Alalolo from Hllo

vSchr Hob Roy from KoolauSchr Rainbow from Koolau


Stmr C R Bishop for Knuai & WaianacS S Alameda for S F

VESSELS LEAVING ON MONDAY.Stmr Likcllke for KahuluiSchr Rob Roy for KoolauSchr Rainbow for KoolauBk Banea for Portland, Or

VESSELS IN PORT.Bk Bauca, BaivcrroBk Dacca, PerryBgtno Consuolo, Cousin?Bk Hesper, Ryder


For San Francisco nr Ala' "i, Jan.31 Mrs Kink- -' ' 4s FHEndcrs and j.w

i,HSou iiync, J

lacfarlane,Mrs L K

ullhau, Mrsj ,. -- , i if Wllloughbv,

(rcckles, E C Macfarlane, WPH.... .a wife, Mrs C W Alexanderand child, Miss TV Rochat, M de Silva,T Muipby, H Engc. Mr McLane, AhTong, Shin Man, Miss Hin Hook andson, Mrs Hin Pol and son, F Enos, FRose, F Lawler, A Muller, F Goulais.G Baltran, wife and three children, MAugusto jnd wife, R Lee, S Cat ty, JArnhum, F Dunley and wife, J Portu-guese, J A Bell, II H Swnlney, Mr JMc-Counc- ll.

From Windward Poits nerKinau, Jan31 Hon S G Wilder, Pi of Wayland, GovJ O Dominis and t o servant. His ExTV M Gibson, J Heine, Wm Frazar, OLehmann, R Larery, A Young, MonWab, Sam Macay, J A McKettzie, J FHackfeld, TV H Baily, C Notleyivdfe andtwo children and servant, and Wo deckpassengers. X t.

From Kahului per LikclikSi .An 31Miss Grace Boie,-CF- ' 'mlltfj Mrs Pr

wJEndeh, and child, V nders, Miss ATV"'- - ' HA ...Uer.H R Passenger, U Oitnnon, II" McCorriston, MissS McCarrlston, Frank Fostp, 1 prisonerand 59 deck.


Stmr Klnau brought 6071 bags ofsugar, 91 pkgs hides, 148 pkgs sundries.

The stmr Likcllke brought 1.0G9 pkgssugar, GO bgs of corn and 01 bgs of pota-toes.

Mr Geo Beckley of the stmrKinau re-

ported rough weather at Hamakua.The schr Rosario, Capt Swift, arrived

at Kahului, Jan 27th. 21 days from S Fwith a cargo of gcdeial mdse. She willprobably sail on Sunday or Monday nextfor-SF-


The Courtney Ford arrived off Kahu-lui jesterday evening, but was unable toenter the harbor on account of lightwinds.

The S S Alameda sailed this day at 1p mfor S F with 34,417 bgs of sugar, 1,432 bgs ot lice, 2,054 buuehes of bana-nas, 781 d- - hides, 204 bales of greenhides, 12 qs of goat skins, 4 bales ofsheep skins, 107 bdls of huar-can- e, 52

- ,. bxs of leaves, 1 bg of coin, (foreignvalue $1 ,308.97.) Total domestic valueof cargo 100,310.45.



In Honolulu, January 31st, at the resl- -1ni,n stf lion rl.iurrfif-m- Afrn. T.nil'pll

. umakapill Church.)


Tiik Supreme Court adjourned atnoon for the term.

Oun puzzle department will ap-

pear on Monday.

Pkof. Wnyland arrived by the

Kinau this morning;.

His Gov. J. O. Dominia returnedby the L.nau thivmornlng.

Mr. r E. Wiseman has several

neatly furnished rooms to let.. m

Col. Spreckcls departed by the

steamer looking as happy as a clam.

Tae Friend for February is tohand ' O late for notice in this issue

. .

The Honolulu Athletic Association

fholutitJ annual meeting on Mondayevening.

pTuc Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety meets this evening at tho

i residence of Dr. Hyde.'M'I

' ' ,A jwwrilL

Jjyilin Kx. W. M. Qihion relumedffdm Maul by llfo Klnau tills morn-ing.,

- m

Tun band plays at the LunnllloHomo this afternoon at 1 o'clock.The Home will be thrown open forInspection.

Business Agent John A. Palmerwill shortly move into tho premiseson Fort street, latoly occupied byMax Ecknrt, jeweller.

On Wednesday next, Lyons andLuVcy will sell nil the stock in tradoof the late flcm of Simpson andWallace, on tho premises Hotel street.


His Majesty the King, ColonelSpreckcls, and scvcrnl other gentle-men Mcie entertained at dinner lastevening by Mr. Wm. G. Imin.

His Majesty the King and II. R.II. Princess Liliuoknlani were on thewharf to witness the ,dcparture ofthe S. S. Alameda.

We congratulate Brother Atkinsonon the anival of a, bouncing littleeon. We hear he is to bo namedHawaiian Gazette Atkinson.

Col. and Mrs. C. H. Judd gave anelegant party at their residence lastevening. His Majesty the King anda large number of invited guestswere present.


Mn. E. C. Macfarlane, proprietorof tiio P. G. Advertiser and S. F.Wasp, left by the Alameda thisnoon. He returns to Honolulu bythe same steamer.

The largest shippers of sugar bythe Alameda ware: Irwin & Co, 19,-00- G

bags ; Davies & Co, 5,385 bags ;

Grinbaum & Co, 2,917 bags; Schae-fe- r& Co, 2,237 bags.

Mns. Mary R. Chase died yestcr-de- y,

aged 75 years. . She was anative of Rochester, 'Vermont, anda sister of the late Ira Richardson.The funeral took place this afternoonfrom No. 37 Emma street.

One lady who was intending to goby tho Alameda, has decided to re-

main over another steamer. Shesaw Tavcrnicr's Volcano picture lastevening, and will not go away untilshe has paid a visit to the Volcano.

. .

Mn. J. F. Biown has received anappointment on the GovernmentSurvey staff,-an- d an ofllce, is beingfitted up for him in the now Kapua-iw- a

building. He will have govern-

ment land surveys..

Jdst as the steamer was movingoff, Col. Spreckels asked Bandmast-er Berger to play the "Watch on theRhine." This was done, and theway the Colonel sung the air ofit from the deck of the steamer wasa caution.

The sailing of the Alameda waspostponed until 1 o'clock. It wassome fifteen minutes after that timebefore she got away from her dockowing to being stuck in the mud.The Band was on tho wharf andplayed several selections. A laigecrowd of people was in attendance.

Mr. Sam Macy, the new hack in-

spector, arrived by the Kinau thismorning from Hawaii, and has al-

ready entered upon his duties. Mr.W. Wond, the late inspectpr, whohas been appointed district magis-

trate at Waialua, leaves for thatplace early next week. He has beena very faithful public officer and wc

wish him success in his new duties.

In tho Police Court this morning,Waihoi, for driving an express with-

out a license, was fined $G. AhKam,for having opium in his possession,was fined S50 and sent to prison forono month. Kamuna, a native, wascharged with deserting her husband.The Court reconciled the parties.Frank Metcalf's caso was furtherremanded until Monday.

Dn.S, Ernest Craddoek, member ofthe Royal College of Surgeons, Eng-

land, Licenciate of tho Royal Collegeof Physicians and of tho Society ofApothecaries, London, publishes hisprofessional card in our issuoof to-

day. This gentleman has recentlyarrived from England for the pur-

pose of practising his profession. Hecomes here very highly recom-- ,mended.

The S S, Alameda sailed at aquarter past 1 o'clock to-da- y. Shewas detained one hour, at the re-

quest of the Postmaster General, in

ordoMo allow of tho despatch oftho foreign correspondence receivedthis forenoon by tho steamers Klnauntul Llkellko from Hawaii and Maui,which vessels brought from thoseislands 4,111 letters, some 500 ofwhich were for the United States nndEurope. The Alameda took a mailconsisting of 5,741 letters and 1,784papers.

.. .- .i m i.

So lahoe and respectable an at-

tendance answered the announce-ment of a band concert and exhibi-tion of pictures at the Hotel lastevening, that there is no room leftfor chiding residents for want of appreciation of cither music or paint-ing. The professional and businessclasses were very fully represented.For n time the parlor,in which Taver-nicr- 's

picture of the Volcano andStrong's of the Mountain were hung,was so thronged as to make it a mat-ter of difficulty to obtain a goodview of cither. Among the distin-guished visitors were H.M. the King,II. R. II. the Princess Liliuokalani,members of tho Cabinet, and thoAmerican and French Ministers. Thepictures, which nro done in crayons,were exhibited above a screenedlight, so that they were seen to goodadvantage. The most profound ad-

miration regarding them was utteredby whomsoever they were discussed.Needless to say, the music was up toMr. Bergcr's best efforts. Mr. r's

picture went away by theAlameda, and will be exhibited oneweek in San Francisco, thence goingto the World's Exposition in NewOrleans, and then on to Now York

- miand afterward London. Mr. Strong'swill remain here for the present, andas it is for daylight observation,it should be seen again by last night'sobservers on a fine afternoon. Tothe public spirit and refined instinctsof Col. G. W. Macfarlane is thecountry indebted-fo- r the visit of soeminent an artist as Mr. Tavernier,and the consequent fame 'attendinghis magnificent reproduction of ourgreatest natural wonder.


Rev. Geoigc Wallace will preachat St Andteus' Cathedral morningand evening.

At Fort Sticet Church PastorCiuzan will preach in the morning,and the Rov. Arthur- - H. Smith ofNorth China in the evening.

Rev. Robert Mackenzie of SanFiancisco will occupy the pulpit atBethel Union Church in the morning,and Pastor Oggel in the evening,after which a 10 minutes after meet-

ing for prayer and testimony will beheld.


to rent, for gentleman nndwife, or gentlemen, on tbe S. W . cornerof Merchant and Alakea streets. Applyon tho premises. 033 lw

Honolulu Athletic Association.ANNUAL MEETING of tho

above named Association will boheld in the Gymnasium, Fort Street, onMonday, February 2nd, at 8 p. m.

The .Directors of the Association arerequested to meet at the Gymnasium at7:.'0 p. in., for tho cons, deration of im-portant business. By order,

J. 8. WEBB,033 2t


DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOB:,(late Scholar and Pilzetnuti Sur

gery and Medicine, King's College,London) Physician and burgeon, 101Fort Street. Olllcc hours 9 to 12 a at.,2 to 0 and 7 to 8 p. m., or at HawaiianHotel. 9JJ Urn '

DR S. ERNEST ORADDOOK,Medico GlrUKiao, 104 Fort strict.

Aclia-s- e cm casu, das 9 horns no mcio-dia- .Das 2 horas as olnco, e das 7 horaa

as olto, da tardo, o do nolte no HawaiianHotel. Folia o Portugue. 033 0m

tiUHUkm1 J

tonI!(Wheel Brand), and'

Burke's Genuine Schiedam !


H. Hackfeld & Od.' 033 lw

1EROY imUNDAGE,well-know- HORSE TRAINERTOE BREAKER Is now prepared,

at the old training stables of Capt. Clu-ne-

comer Puiionbowl and Queen sts,"to break in and feud hordes for $35. Noresponsibility, but every care taken.jg-Ho- clipping a specially. 033 3m

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y228 and 230 Fort Street,

Honolulu, . Hawaiian Is.W. H. PAOE, Proprietor.

980 ly

SPECIAL NOTICES.A watch nntl chain oiintl ycslcr

day can bo batt by tho otuicr, on I

proving property nntl paying forthis notice, by applying at this onico.

017 tf



70 Hotel Street1 just received, per Alnnicdn, the fol.

lowing choice brands of

American Cigars I

Pca-ity'- s Uowcr, Hcurv Cl.iv,Samph r, Stud, (Jrnnc, Wcslcm BclloLa belle Cullfornia'Las Nlnfus,Full Moon, Snow Drop,Travelers' Comfort,IxjUio Me.

EST These Clgnrs aro manufacturedfrom the choicest of American nnd Ha-vana Fillers.

Come ami try thorn :. 285

Risen from the Ashes !


MRS. LOVE desire? to intimate tor numerous old ciMonicM and

the public generally, that iter bakery,Destroyed toy JPivc,

Has been restored in haiuUome. sub-stantial nn;l convenient form. She htherefore prepared to supply the largestcustom with

Plain and Fancy Breadof the bast quality, and manufacturedby the most approved methods.

Everything in the dine of a first-clas- s

bakery w ill bo carried on with greaterfacility than before tho tire.

The Lunch & Coffee Roomis also restored in more elegant stylothan ever, and at rates that cannot bounderbid by any restaurant.

Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Street.Honolulu, Dec. 13, 188 1. 892

Frank Gertz

KGS to Inform his numerous customers and the public tint he is


Adjoining Treglo&n'sTailoring Establishment,

JBLotel Street.035 tf

SPECIAL NOTICE.rfHE Undersigned Proprietor of the



desires to inform his patrons and tho publie generally that notwithstanding therecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has erected


On a much more Extensive Scale whichis now in Foll Operation, and whichwill be in complete working order by anEarly Arrival of njjw Machinery andTools;, and is now again prepared Jto



and.wlll always have on hand his deli,clous Fresh Made




Gum Drops, and Gum Fruitjjon iions

Of all descriptions. All those HomeMado Fresh and Puro Confections, I teat 50 cents PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand and ornamented In themost artistic style.


alwiys fresh, as aleo

Home Made Mince Meatfor salo at CO cents per pound.

Will recelvo per ConBuolb the balancoof my new machinery of the nowest de-

signs for manufacturing oil descriptionsof plain Candles; thanking tho publicfor liberal pntronago and so-

liciting a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

TUB OLD STAND. 71 Hotel Street

P. O, Bqr No. 75 ;. . , --Telephone No. 74

073 ly


ON' nnd after IhN ilato. Air. J. E.WlMmnn will inliotlmrgoof my

boo', (II tribute nni collect my billsw Ittioul exception. 1IM receipt w HI haiiimclent.

GEORGE TROUE8EAU. M DHonolulu, Nov. 21, 1881. Sli tf

Furnished Hoomb.FOR GENTLEMEN OSLY. Apply

MRB. TURNER, M Alikoastreet ot'O ly b

Xvrellln; Ilouao to Iot.The prcm!ci now occupied

1 by Judge McUully, on Bore- -H tflTllrt CtrJMlt tn L'lllnnl.ntll.n.

will bo rented nfior the Ut of Fobiuary,io-i- j, in n.isuiliuiio latcs. tiio Jiotiso IscomraoiHou, and tho outhouses

.The grounds arc well plantedwith trees and Mirtibs. Enquire of003 tf S. II. DOLE.

TO LET.At Pnlamn, near Reformatory

jociiuoi, n new ana commodiouslCOHftle. Sllllnliln fnr n fnmlltt

Bus never been occupied. Easy lyrmsto n good tenant.

Good stabling, servants' rooms, and nlargo yard.

JOHN ROBELLO,On the premise, or .1. E. Wiskman, 27Merchant st. Honolulu. 888

TO tET,A Four-Roomo-

d COTTAGE,with cook house, and overjConpnlnnrn. tn lot nnil Pur.

niturc lor Apply on the premiseat No. 187 Nuuanu SticcL 910 tf


MelonTust 3R.eceiVed.

The following brands of Cigars:DUETTO,LA NOVEDAD,


All new and highly lccomineiided.II. J. KOIiTB,





4JLIP-Corner of Fort and Hotel Stw.


QUARTERLY BILLS,Books and Accounts and Cus-

tom House Business prompt-

ly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


General Business Agent, Merchant St

Telephone 172- - P.O. Box 315- -



SURVEYOR.Special attention given to Surveying

in Honolulu nnd vicinity.

Records searched, nnd plans showingtitles carefully prepared.

Office, Room No. 5, upstairsCampbell's Block, Fort St.



Families and others hi want of Good,Fretli, Clean,

Machine Made Poi,Can obtain the same In quantities to

suit by lealng orders nnd con-tainers with

JF. J3. OAT,At Pacific Navigation Co.'s Building,661 Qm.cn sticet. tf

MR. W. C. PARKEHAS AN OFFICE over BJdiop & Co.'s

Bunk, nnd w 111 be happy to attendto any business entrusted to his care.

8li3 Cm .

S. M. OVK-XI3K- ,


Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts,

Office with Mr. Fishbourno. 009 8m

-- ' i - .. ..',, r f. . ,TJ . 1 ' ' j ,

- -- -


NOTICB.Hating loaned tho


fv from II. J. Airnew:'k -- Knniolanl Park. Iam

now prepared to takp hones to tral Jand prepare them for tho coming JVifron tho 11th of Juno next.

Creaking and Educating Young lioneta tpoclelty. f

It i ft point of lmpn-tan- c' to alj otto t

en of flue young colli not'to'liaro them.Jammed or hammered over the hn"wronds, nnd to get them proptrly hnndl ,for tli 8 first lesions nr the ones that,mukc the horsa. '

AUo In connection with my TrainingStables, I will servo a certain numberof choice marcs with mv Young Ham.beltonlan Stallion " APT03 CHIEF."Ilo wasslied by Electioneer, owned byGov. Stanford. 1 ho slro of Electioneerwas Risdckc'A Ilambcltonlan. Tho damof Aptos Chief was sired by Spcritla-tlon- ;

ho by Rlsdcko's Harabcltoninnso it i III be seen that Aptos is an In.breed of Hambcltoninu.

Terms for scrvira of Aptos Cblof, (60for tho ieiuou. payablo at tho time oftervlco; and oil mares tailing to bewith foal will havo tho service of thehorse the next season free of rharso.


Ktpjolanl IV rlc, Jan. '.2, letfu. D25 Gm

LEVY & W00LHAM,Horse Itrcnkcrn nnd IIovc

ClinncrK.rPHE above Arm will brcnK horses toX bincle and doublo h.xrnes, and be-

ing well known as competent horsebreakers, they need no further rccom.mendalions, ns thy guarantee all workin their line.cllpplnsr Done In tiio mostAll orlers their office oppoMc j

the Kerosctio Warehouse: or atiho Of- - Sjucc oi d. .. Wiseman, will be promptlytended to. 027 0m

kHonolulu, Jan. 11, 1880,,

C. Or BERGER, Esq ,

Agent Macnc&le & Urban Safes.Deui Siu,

It Is with great pleasure thatI add my tealinony to the Fin-Pro- of

qualities of jour Sifcs.I had a small single deor Macneale &

Uiban Safo in last night's terrible flto,and, on opening the simo this morning,found its content --coniiting of books,papers, nnd money to the amount of$1(M0-- IN PERFECT CONDITION. .

lam so well satisfied w'ith tho resultUnit I want another No.3 Safe at once.

Yours truly,GEO. IT. RAUPP,

028 Gcimauia JIarkct.

1 i itnitti. w. PFACOL'K

Freeth. & Peacock,S3 Xnnanu Street.



At tho IiOivest ainrkct Itatck VGeo Goulet Champagne, pints & quarts.ChasFarro " - ' 'Carlton Frero " " . 'Fino Old California Brandy, In bulk,Puro Virginia White Itjo Whiskey.Riirlimto..,- - T.nv T)..n. .U....I .... '

A largo and well selected 6tock of





&c., &c, &c,Alt ays on hand and for sale nt pricesHint defy competition. Country orderssolicited. All goods gumanlccd.

Telephone 40. P. O. Box 8G0.


703 6m.


J.4E. WISEMAN.Tho Rolfablo Business Agent,

Quarterly Bills Bistribated-A- ND-


Promptly, Accurately,

. And Reasonably,


uuarienv Joins, mA 1 Wt11 UU

w.iin.rr.ftr iv kin a. w

ftuarteiiyrBillsjJOHN A. PALMER will distributev t anu concct

QUARTERLYAlso, aslst In general ofllcow

nniKft .tn PnmnllMMa Itlnnlr ,T1wu.v vuu.jfUk.4, '4'IUVIH,, ww fir iuih:b8tnirt,

i.'..-- , i - t .. j, Jt , jr n .a i - . . .'. sii i .. " .. a . k ' &.... i.. . . j?--





'asEu.. .j. '.'.. ' i . , . . v j i . . , ' , i ' i . ,iaaiirc.ifejirH5S4ss-!.iai- . ' p4rif-Jr,i,i- i Jasv. nw.1.--. r. ssRi .'. ?w., . ibi "






Page 4: rusPBifi fir 'THE T)ATTT - University of HawaiʻirusPBifi fir 'THE tW 3 itt. T)ATTT MiJWUMiitiiiJiie.giwpiBWWpgwiuwta 3WiMiiwwnwiMMOjgpMMM hiim u lawMMuaMJJWMn gwMjuuu inmini ' lj'fJlyJl?y:P??,lw,















jmxt $ttn nUrih.SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1885.

ThivJIolrJfciss quick firing gun, itis. found, by experiment, can be

lfirnil Willi flilll nlinflf ilitrfnnti fi,nn&

a minute, or once in four and a halfsecoiuls. The English government

'""has ordered four hundred of them4 for use in the navy. Inventions

like this and the dynamite guns arcarguments for peace, and sciencebecomes a peace-make- r.

Dr. Tick, after many experiments,maintains that aluminum and itscompounds is an effective remedyagainst piiluionary tuberculosis. Hedivided metallic aluminum eightgrammes, aluminum hydrate live

' grammes, calcium carbonate livegrammes, with n sufllciency of gumtragacanth, into sixty pills, andgave one of them three times a day.

The incandescent electric light is

now used by a French astronomerin connection with the equatorialand meridian circle instruments, asit had been before applied to micro- -

seopy. The lamps arc about the"size of a nut, and the wires of thecircle instruments and the verniersof the lunettes are read by the



light of two lamps lighted by thesame current, and regulated by aswitch controlled by the observer.

A man during a life-tim- e of fiftyyears sleeps and works 6,000 dayseach, eats 2,000, walks 800, is ill500, and the remainder of the timeis devoted to recreation. The firs,t

two items express an average, forthere aro many men who seem notto work at all, and who never arethoroughly awake.

A very eminent commission ofscientists has been appointed by theFrench government to test the vali-

dity of Pasteur's conclusions fromhis investigations into rabies. Itsreport will be everywhere lookedforward to with interest. If Pasteurbe right, hydrophobia is largely de-

prived of its terrors.The more able a man is, if he

makes ill-u- of his abilities, themore dangerous will he be to thecommonwealth.

Moral beauty is the basis of alltrue beauty. This foundation issomewhat covered and veiled in na-

ture ; art brings it out and gives itmore transparent forms. It is herethat art, when it knows well itspowers and resources, engages in astruggle with nature' in which it may

yCliavenhc advantage.He that rightly understands the

charity, will know that it can neverbe excusable to waste any of ourmoney in pride and folly.

Custom will often blind one tothe good, as well as to the evileffects of any ed sys-

tem.Improvements have been made in

the Aurora, the well known fog sig-

nalling instrument, by which vesselsin the night or in a fog can readilycommunicate with each other. Itwill add much to the safety of the

, tourist, and will be of great servicein harbors.

No pupil can be received into thelyceums and colleges of France with-

out proving that ho has been vacci-

nated. Since the enactment of thelaw not a single case of variola orvarioloid has appeared at the LycecLouis le Grand, whero the require-ment has boon rigidly enforced.

Cast iron can bo so hardened asto resist cutting by the file bysprinkling upon it, when at a cherry-re- d

heat, some cyanide of potassium,bringing it to a greater degree ofheat than red heat, aud then dippingit into the tempering tank. Cyanideof potahsiuui can also' be used incase-hardeni- iron.

It is impossible to be a hero, inanything, unless one is first a heroin faith.


A NUMEROUS CLASS.Tliu disease commcuccs vith a Blight

derangement of the 'stomach, but, ifnegiccteu, it in time involves tiio wuoieframe, "'embracing tlio kidneys, liver,uancreas, aud, In luct, the entire gland u.

jKar system, md the iilllietcd drags out amlserablc existence until death givesrencr lrom muiuriiig, mu uisuutu isoften mistaken for other complain tsjbut if the reader will asked himself thefollowlnir nucstlons. ho will bo able todetermine whether ho himself is one ofafflicted: Huvo I distress, pain, or cuiu

, cully lu breathing after eatlugf Istheroa UUll, Heavy iceiiug aucnuuu uy uruw-Blrics- sr

Wivo the eyes a yellow tinge?'Does a (thick, sticky, mucous gatherrbout.'h', gums and teeth intbomorn-- ?.,, ..

lngs, accompanied by a disagreeabletasto? Is the tongue coated? Is therepains in the sldo and hack? Is there afulness about tha right sldo as if theliver were enlarging 1 thero costiveiichs? Is there vertigo or dizziness whenrising suddenly from a horizontal postlion? Aro the secretions from the kid-neys scanty nud highly coloured, with udeposit niter standing? Docs food fcrment, noon nftcr outing, nccompanlcd byflatulence or a belching of gas from thestomnch? Is there frequent palpitationof thu heart? These various symptomsmay not be present at one lime, but theytorment the sufferer in turn as the dreadful dleasc progresses. If the case boone of lone: fctnnulnc there will bo a dry.hacking cuc;li, nttended after a tlmo byexpectoration. In very advanced stagesthe skin assumes a dirty brownish np.pearancc, and the hands and feet arecovered bv a cold, sticky perspiration.As the liver and kidneys become moreand moro diseased, rheumatic pains op.pear, and the usual treatment proves en-

tirely unavailing against this latter ago-nizing disorder. Theoriglnpf thismala.--ly Is indigestion ordyspcpsia,andnsniallquantity of thu proper medicine willremove the disease If taken jn Its Inci.plency. It is most important that thedisease should be promptly anil properlytreated In its first stages, when a littlemedicine will effect a cure and ovenwhen It has 'obtained a strong hold thecorrect remedy should be perserved inuntil every vestige of the disease iseradicated, until the appetite has

and the digestive organs restoredto a healthy condition. The surest andmost effectual remedy for this distressingcomplaints is "Seigcl's Curative Syrup,"n vegetable preparation sold by allChemists and Medicine Vendors through-out the world, and by the proprietors, A..1. White Limited, 17, Faringdon Road,London, E. C. This Syrup strikes at thevery foundation of tlio disease, anddrlvc3 it, root and branch, out of thesystem.

Market Place, Pockllngton, York,October 2nd, 1882.

Sir, Being a sufferer for years withdyspepsia in all its worst forms, andalter, spending pounds m medicines,!was at last persuaded to try MotherSelgel's Curative Syrup, and am thank-ful to say have derived niore bencllt fromit than any other medicine I ever took,and would advise auy one suffering fromthe same complaint to give it a trial, theresults they would soon llnd out forthemselves. If you llko'to make use ofthis testimonial you arc quite at libertyto do so.

Yours respectfully,(Signed) R. TurnUk.

Seigcl's Operating Pills are. the bestfamily physic that lias over been dis-covered. They cleanse the bowelsfrom all irritating substances, and leavethem in a healthy condition. They curecostivencss.

St. Mary-stree- t, Peterborough, )

November 29th, 1881. J

Sir, It gives mo great pleasure to in.form yon of the benefit I have receivedfrom Selgel's Syrup. I have beentroubled for years with dyspepsia; butafter a few closes of the Syrup, I foundrelief, and after taking two bottles ofit I fell quite cured.

lam, Sir, yours truly,Mr. A. J. White. William Bkent.

Hensingham, Whitehaven, Oct. 10th, 'S3.

Mr. A. J. AVliite. Dear Sir, I wasfor some time ainicted with piles, .andwas advised to give Mother Seigcl'sSyrup a trial, which r did. I am nowhappy to state that it has restored mo tocomplete health. 1 remain, yours re-

spectfully, (Signed)John II. Lioiitfoot.

ICtli August, 1883.

Dear Sir, 1 write to tell you that Mr.Henry Hillier, of Yatesburg, AVilts, in.forms me that he suffered from n severeform of indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end of doctor's medi-cine without the slightest bencllt, anddeclares Mother Selgel's Syrup which hogot from me has saved his life.

Yours truly,(Signed)' N. Webb,

Mr. White. Chemist, Calne.September 8th, 1883.

Dear Sir, I find the sale of Selgel'sSyrup steading increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of its modi- -

cinal virtues ; one customer describes itas a "Godsend to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend it with confidence.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,

Chemist-Dentis- t,

To. Mr. A. J. White. Mcrtbyr Tydvil- -

Preston, Sept. 21st 1883.

My Dear Sir, Your Syrup and Pillsare still very popular with my customers,many saying they are the best familymedicines possiblo

The other day a customer came for twobottles of Syrup and said "MotherSeigel" had saved the llfo of his wife,and he added, "one of theso bottles I amsending fifteen miles away to a friendwho is very ill. I havo much faith Init."

Tlio sale keeps up wonderfully, in fact,one would fancy almost that tlio peoplewero beginning to breakfast, dine, undsup on Mother bclgel's Syrup, the demandis bo constant and the satisfaction fogreat. I am dear Sir. yours faithfully,

(Signed) W. Bowkeii.To A. .1. White, Esq. B07 ly


. The American Ambassador at Viennu,Mr. Kasson, has lately forwarded to hisGovernment an interesting account of aremarkable surgical operation latelyperformed by Professor Billroth, ofVienna, which, wonderful to tell, con.slsted in iho removal of a portionof the human stomach, involvingnearly one-thir- of the organ and.strange, to say, tlio patient recovered

the only successful operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this operation was performedwas cancer of tlio Btoinuch, attended withtlio following symptoms s The apnotitois nuito poor, Thero is a peculiar hides,cribablo distress in the stomach, a, feel,iug that has been described as a 'dint"afgone" sensation; a sticky slhno col.lects about the teeth, especially in themorning, accompanied by an unpleasanttaste. Food falls to satisfy this peculiarfaint sensation; but, on the contrary, ituppeors to aggravate the feeling, Theevus ure sunken, tinged with vcllow: tliolinnilo .....l Ftttt linnmiiii nnlil iihiI nllnlmJ1UJ1UQ UUll lUbl UII.U111U LUiU UUll DUUIIJ .'.. ..1.1 ..1 n.ln.. Mil... f Hu uuiu ijurnjjiiuuuu. , iuu buiiuictb jccitired all the time, and sleep docs notseem to giyc rest. After n time the pa

tient becomes nervous and Irritable,gloomy, his mind filled with evil foreboding. When rising suddenly froma recumbent position there is a dizziness,a whistling sensation, and ho is obligedto grasp something linn to keep fromfalling. Tlio bowels costive, the skindry and hot at times; the blood becom-ing thick and stagnant, and does notcirculate properly. After a time thepatient spits up food soon after eating,sometimes lu a sour and fermented con.dltion, sometimes sweetish to the tnsto.Oftentimes thero is a palpltnlion of theheart, and tho patient fears he may havehenrt disease. Towards tho last thepatient is unnfelo to retain any fooilwhatever, ai the opening In tho intcs.tines becomes closed, or nearly so. Al-

though this disease is Indeed alarming,sufferers with tho above named symp-toms should not feel nervous, for ninehundred and nlnety-nin- o cases out of athousand have no cancer, but simplydyspepsia, a dlseaso easily removed iftreated in n proper manner. The safestand best remedy for the disease IsSelgel's Curative Syrup, a vegetable l!

sold by all chemists and mcdUcine vcudora throughout the world, andby the proprietors, A. .T. White (Limit-ed), 17, Farringdon-road- , London, E. C.This Syrup strikes at the very founda.tlon of the disease, and drives it, rootand blanch, out of the system.

St. Mary-stree- t, Peterborough,November, 20th, 1881.

Sir, It gives mo great pleasure toyou of tho benellt 1 have received

from Selgel's Syrup. I have been troub.led for years with dyspepsia; but aftern few doses of the syrup, 1 found relief,nud nfter taking two bottles of It I feelqulto cured.

I am, Sir, yours truly,Mr. A. .1. White. AVilliam Brent.

September Sth, 1883.

Dear Sir, I find the sale of Seigcl'sSyrup steadily increasing. All who havetried it speak very higlily of its medicina-

l-virtues: one customer describes itas a "God-sen- d to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend it with confidence.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,

Chemist-dentist- , Mcrthyr TydvilTo Mr. A. J. White,

Seigcl's Operating Pills arc tho bestfamily physic that has ever been dis-covered. Tlioy cleanse the bowels fromall irritating substances, and leave themin a healthy condition. They cure cos-tivencss.

Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies,Oct. 24, 1882.

Dear Sir, I write to Inform you thatI have derived great benefit from"Seigcl's Syrup." For some years I havosuffered from liver complaint, with itsmany and vnricd concomitant evils, sothat my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve months ago I was induced to trySeigcl's Syrup, nnd although rathersceptical, having tried so many reputedinfalliblo remedies, I determined to giveit at least a fair trial. In two or threedays I felt considerably 'better, and nowat tho end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking it) I am glad to saythat I am a different being altogether.It is said of certain pens that they "comeas a boon and a blessing to men" and Ihave no reason to doubt the truthfulnessof tho statement. 1 can truly say, how-ever, that Seigcl's SyruR has come as a"boou and a blessing" lo nic. I havo re-

commended it to several fellow-sufferer- s

from this distressing complaint, andtheir testimony is quito in accordancewith my own. Gratitude for tho benefitI havo derived from the excellent pre.paration, prompts mo to furnish youwith this unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Yours over gratefully,

(Signed) Curcy B. Berry,A. J. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary.

Preston, Sept. 21st,.1883.My Dear Sir, Your Syrup and Pills

arc still very popular with my customers,many saying they arc the best, familymedicines possible.

The other day a customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup and said "MotherSeigel" had saved tho life of his wife,and he added, "one of these bottles Iam sending fifteen inilcsnway to afriendwho is very ill. I have much fath in it."

Thesalo keeps up wonderfully, in fact,one would fancy almost that the peoplewere beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother Selgel's Syrup, the d

is so constant and tho satisfactionso great.

1 am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,(Signed) W. Bowkcr.

To A. J. White, Esq.,

Hensingham, Whitehaven, Oct. 10, 1882,Mr. A. J. White. Dear Sir, I was

for somo tlmo afflicted with piles, andwas advised to give Mother Selgel'sSyrup a trial, which I did. I am nowhappy to state that it has restored moto complete health. I remain, yoursrespectfully,

(Signed) John II. Lightfoot.705 ly U

Wilson Brothers,

tENERAL BLACKSMITHS.UT Horso Shoeing a specialty- -

A being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. IIoppcr'B.20i

JOHN iNOTT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

TCT i iMP AI!Adjoining Dodd's,

123 FORT STREET.Cold Drinks for Young nnd Old.

Superior Gingor Boer, 10c. porbottlo.Donnolly's Boot Boor, " " "

Donnollv'a Snrnr.n Baer. " " "

These Beers aio the most pleasantnnd healthiest bovcraga known.They cleanse nnd piulfy tho blood,which renders them not only an nt

drink but good for invalids,and will more readily quench thirstwithout producing any deleteriouseffects.


Home made Creams and Caramels,all varieties, fresh daily. Finestselection of Imported Candles.Chnse'u celebrated lioston Lozenges,finestnromatlcqunllty in themarket.


Hmolcc! Smoke! SSmolco!My Manilas are the best in town.

Come in and judge for yourself.

American, Havana and lllnglcy'scelebrated Homc-mad- Cigars nl.ways on hand. Chewing and Smok-ing Tobacco, cut foil and plug. 4 11

varieties of Cigarettes at the Foun.tain.



cCViAr If1

It&&:.1 JJ Sr&'i's :c-t- , t

V" 'v. -- ?X? 7 'ri' tii




BEVERAGE,According to tho highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, i : : No.-1- Liliha St

P. O. Box, 370. Telephone, 281.

JBAU orders receive prompt attcatlon,

UUNE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VEEY BEST HAY.C-rain- ., Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

WINDER'S S. S. CO.Limited.

Steamer Kinau,Kinir. Commander.

.Leaves Honolulu each Tupsdav n.t4 p.m., touching at I&haina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona, e,

Laupahoehoe and Hilo.Returning, will touch at ifll the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.o

'Inter-lMlun- d S. 8. Co.THROUGH TICKETS to tho Volcano,aud return, can now bo had at tho officeof the Intcr-Islan-d S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per tlmo table of the" PLANTER," wilt bo landed at Puna,luu, thence by Railroad toPahala, wheroHorses and Guides will bo in attendance.

By this rout. Touritts can mako theround trip in 7 days, giving 4 days tpvisit tlio Volcano.

TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP,Including Horses, Guide, Board andLodging, $00.

For further particulars enquire at theoffice of the

Iii'tei-Tslni- ul S. N, Co.,Honolulu,

or J. F. JORDAN, Volcano House.714 tf


3c3kTho Clipper Schooner

WAIEHIT,F. Kibbling, .... Master,

"Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, IIANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacific Navigation Co.,890 3m Cor. Nuunnu & Queen sts.


Sohoonor EHUKAIwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, wcuther

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific Navioation Co.,

1B1 Agents

FOIt 8AL.K,The well-know- Mare"DOLLY," sired byStanfotd Colt, with ayearling colt by Wutor-for- d

Also. G Peafowl3 cocks and 2 hens; tho latter will lay

this season. Apply to023 8w GEO. II. LUOE.



Oiler fox SaleTIM', KOIXOWINO


Light Express Wagon.,Ex Top Carriages.

STEARfl COAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Boap,

Ico Clfcsts, Nos, 2, 8. and 5,Hoc Handles,

Lobsters, lib tns ; Beans, 3lbtnsSpruro Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Falrbank's Scales, Nos. 7,8,10& XiLeather Belting,

Centrifugal Lining, 14 Inch;CompNails, 1, M4 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,

nmm boilers 20 and 25 galls,;Sisal Rope, Assorted,

Ash Plank,Dump Barrows,

Ames' Shovels,


1G, 18, 20,22, 24 and 20 oz.i

Hair Mattresses !Grindstones, Rubber Hose,

Hide Poison, BarbedWire, Refined Iron,


Galvanized Screws and Washers.532


Have on hnnd New Foreign and HomeMade Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of all kinds.Silver and' Gold Plate.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets, Suitable for'Frcscntation.

Engraving nnd Native Jew IryA Specialty.

Repairing in all its branches.EST Sole Agents for King's Eye Prosorvors.

817 Cm

Yon Cannot Afford

TO IBXJYMillinery,

Fancy Goods,Dry Goods-Clothin- g,

French Kid Gloves,


Tbe Largest StockBY FAR OF ANY



"We carry a large assortment

Ladies' Trimmed

and Untrimmed Hals,

Flowers, Feathers, '

Ribbons, Laces,

Hosiery, Etc, Etc.

Our stock is complete, aud at the

Very Lowest Prices.

Chas. J fishel'sCornor Fort & Hotel Sta.

879 ly



Business Directorial--jmaa - v ,

Attrtloitcci'H. VK. P. Adams, Queen (itLyons & Levey ..Queen st

ietniti!iyr- - : 'Alvlu II. Rascmann....GazcUo Holding

Itnnkci'N.Bislign,& Co.,. .t Mcrcliant st

. llutcher,AVi McCandlcss. Fish Market

Hoot utiil HHopm.L. Adler, ..Kuiianu stunr. ucrtz, .ir. ...Foil sfTemple of Faslilon ?. ... Fort st

Itlllfnril KntooiiNNoltc FoitstMcCarthy....'. ? Hotel d,r,j

Clothine. 1w $

Gonsolves & (Jo .T. . . . . MlotcUt r--Temple of Fashion ! . Foi t t .

Cnlitnct MaltcrH. O )

AV. Miller..' Hotel st '.Lycan & Co,, Fort st

Cnrrlnco Stnlic "

W. II. Page,"" iPwt.fi'.

Hawaiian Carriage Co.,. ...Clears nml Tolini o. '. .

C. McCarthy Astor Bill lard SaloonNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Pint st, .

Ciller, '.'Fisher's Champagne Older,. ...Lllllia st

Candy Factory anil Ilnlccry.F. Horn Hotep'st

"Carpenters anil IluIIilcra. a, " '

F. Wllhclm, KlngstG. Lucas Fortst"VT Ithonds Queen st

Jry mill Fancy OooiIm. ,

If. S. Sachs I Fort stJ. T. Watcrhouse, Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, King stJ. T. Watcrhouse Fort stn.n: miners isuo fortst. 'M. A. Gonsnlvcs & Co., ...Hotel st; n

'lcmplo of Fashion Fprt st'JDrnsglsts.

Benson, Smith & Co FortstHollistcr & Co., Nuuanu stHolllster& Co Foitst'

JDraynge nnd Cartage. ,

Frank Hustacc, Queen stG.Robinson, Queen St

FnrnUUcd Itorms.Mrs. Turner,. : King st

T'ii'o Inwiiraiiee AccntH.II. l ' -- nt "Wilder & Co's.yj. Merchant st

iih. .

EulcibN". S. SiQonsalvin S Treg

Groceries umlA. S. Cleghorn&Co.... stWolfe & Edwards,. . .Fo i&.iMinauu stt" iLewis & Co., Hotel st '

Horso Shoeing (Shops. . v "b''Wilson Bros FortstHay ami Feed Stores.

Wolfe & Edwards....King & Nuuanu sf?UnionFecd Co., Queer '

Lainc & Co, : . . . FoTt,s4Harness Maker

G. E. Sherman, .Tving st"Hardware.

Dillingham & Co Fort stJ. T. Watcrhouse, .. . . .Queen st

Importers & Com. Merchants.G. WTMacfarlane fs Co Fort stU. QuoenetLyonb & Levey, Queen stM 'f tirinbaum & Co Queen stAV. iK Iwin&Cp. FortstA.t5l2?bM ..VQm Queen stJ. T. Water 7gfi '. .VQue,i-,- n (. aFreeth&Pt... .V-.- . .nianuj'stCastlo & CocRu, . xviug 'stWingWoiTaf fc Co Nuuanu stC. O. Berg'r Merchant stHyman Bros , . . . .Merchant st

. JcivelcrsWcnnsr&Co Fortst

JLahor Aconts.W. Auld, Water Works OfficeJ. A. Hassingcr, Interior OfficeW. O. Akann...: Klngst

lumber Dealers.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder & Co., Fortst

Millinery aud Dress Slaking.Mrs. A. M. Mollis Fortst

Medical. .s

Dr. Emerson, Kukult st

Sewn Dealers.J. M. Oat Ji . & Co., Merchant st

Plumbers and Painters.E. C. Kowo,.... King stBrown & Phillips .....KingstJ. Nolt, Kaahumanu st '

Max Kohm,...-- . f' ....-For-t st, Pliotograifhcfij.

Williams & Co., .Fort st' Tuning & Muslcnl IntArunicntH.

Lycan & Co f. . . . .Fort stRestaurants.

Noltes JBwivcr Saloon, Fort stWindsor Restaurant, King stCasino, Kftpiolanl FaikTourist's Retreat,. Honuljgo.Kau, Hawaii

Real Rstate AgentvSJ. E. Wiseman Mcrcliut

Solicitors.A. S. Hartwell, over Bank '

J, M. Davidson Kaahumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, .Kaahumanu stJ, RuBsell Merchant stS. B. Dole, , ICaahiimami stF. M. Hatch Kuuhumuun'stR. F. Blckerton,. Merchant stCecil Brown, ....Merchant stJ. M. Monsarrut .Merchant st.

Hoap Factory.T. W. Rawlins, King st, Lcleoj

' HtattonerM.J- - M. Oat Jr. & Co Merchant st

Mall MakerJ. M. Oat &Co., x,.. Queen st

Nhlp Chandlery;Pierco & Co ..Queen st

Tinsmiths.J. Notl , Kaahumanu st

Tailors.II. S.Tregloan Fortst

Travel.Inter.Island S. N. Co., , .'EsplanadeWildcr's 8. S. Co Foi. ', Queen stpPacific MSB Co. ...i. Fort v,Qliccn HtO.H. B, Co., Fort ucensfFaclilo Navigation GV., Queen st

Veterinary Hurgt'oKd $ tAT Baker Punchbowl & Queen st'J Broilio ,...., , . Fort p

Wood aud Coal Dealers, """

Frank Hustacc, QueenAVliicHuiidHnlrlts, "

G. W. Maofarlone & Co.,. Kaahumanurrceth & Peacock, ...,. .NuuanuBrowu & Co.,.'.. ' .Merclflnt

Wcnaor&Co., "m. ..,' . K1L n
