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Russian revolution

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Lecture notes for Mr. English's 1/25/2011 World History class.
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The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin
Page 1: Russian revolution

The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin

The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin

Page 2: Russian revolution

Today’s ObjectivesToday’s Objectives

Objective 1: To identify events that led to the rise of Stalin in the Soviet Union

Objective 2: To explain differences between market and command economy.

Objective 3: To exemplify elements of totalitarianism in the Soviet Union under Stalin. (from video and finished next class)

Page 3: Russian revolution

Prelude to the Russian Revolution

Prelude to the Russian Revolution

Autocracy: The Russian Tsar

1851-94 - Alexander III; 1894-1917 - Nicholas II

Refuse to reform government and share powerMost Russians are farming peasants

Nicholas does start process of industrialization

Steel production (4th in the world) and construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad

Page 4: Russian revolution

Marx - Economy Marx - Economy Writing of Karl Marx come to prominence at this time

Marx believed that growing industrialization of countries would cause unrest of the working class (proletariat) against the industry owners (bourgeoisie)

A market economy is an economy in which most goods and services are produced and distributed through free markets

In a command economy the means of production are controlled by the government. The state (government) own the means of production and all decisions of what to produce are made by them.

“From each according to his ability, to

each according to his need.” - Karl Marx

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Lenin & the BolsheviksLenin & the Bolsheviks

Vladamir Illyich Ulyanov, known as Lenin, became the leader of the Bolsheviks, a group of Russians who wanted change.

Influenced by Marx’s ideas, the Bolsheviks favored radical change by any means necessary. They also fundamentally believed that a revolution in Russia would spark change across the world.

Would be exiled to Europe

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Road to RevolutionRoad to Revolution1904 - Russo-Japanese War

1905 - Bloody Sunday - St. Petersburg, Russia

500-1,000 people killedNicholas had to concede - formed the Duma - Russia’s first Parliament

World War I - from 1914-1917 ➝1.7 million Russians killed; 5 million injured

Massive shortages: food, fuel, housing

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Lenin ReturnsLenin ReturnsThe March Revolution - Protesters in St. Petersburg fill the streets

Soldiers ordered to fire on protesters - end up joining the protestDemand end of war and to Tsar rule

Nicholas abdicates the throne

Duma called back into power, but very weak provisional government

They decide to continue fighting in warAngered many Russians especially local groups ➝of workers, peasants and soldiers called SovietsGermany’s end to the Eastern Front Return ➝Lenin“Peace, Land and Bread!”

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October Revolution*

October Revolution*

Lenin and Red Guard storm Winter Palace in St. Petersburg ➝Defeat provisional government

Red Soviets are in power ⇔ White Russian opposition are in exile civil ➝war

Several western countries send troops to support White Russians

Causes distrust with the West that has lasted nearly a century

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Lenin’s PoliciesLenin’s Policies1.End the war: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

a. Russian troops that return, fight against White army

2.Economy: New Economic Policy. Lenin started economic changes slowly, rather than complete state run economy. Peasants and factories could sell surplus production instead of turning them over to the state.

3.Politics: Renamed country to Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) in honor of Soviet revolts. Many ethnic republics formed together with capital in Moscow under a single party rule. The Communist Party is founded along Marxist ideas with a classless society as the goal.

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One party rule

Dynamic leader


Totalitarianism is when a government controls all aspects

of peoples livesTools of Totalitarianism

Control (over society and individuals)



Page 11: Russian revolution


market economy

command economy



October Revolution

New Economic Policy


single party rule


Page 12: Russian revolution

“Stalin: Man of Steel”

“Stalin: Man of Steel”

Be sure to fill out your guided notes for the video

We will finish the video in the next class and go over the notes and add new vocabulary as well as fill out a worksheet.
