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Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged -...

Date post: 11-Sep-2020
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Traffic Death Scoreboard Idaho, I0J8 _ '“ SS.A'S S k & i- " A Itcgionnl Newspaper Senine VoU4irNO. 31 TH'IN fALLS, IDAirO. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,5, JS35 PRICE 6 CENTS Russian^s S^and Continues Tough r.KN’EVA. July 15 (UI’I)—Russia wjirncd the West' |2u price for n Berlin trucc. The western power accuscd ITussin of thrciitcninK to lorpedo the Bi>r FouniulkH. Soviet Foreign Minister Aiitlrci. Gromyko told the “ve.stcrn for- eign ministers that tlic^ll-Gcrman committee, on which ^"''\vitirthcNvcst Germans, is lied tii,'iilly with liis Bcr- ------------------ liti truce jiroiwsai. . . And it is not possible to niter thHt,” he suid." hYench Forelsn Mlnliier MaU' rice Couvc de Mim’inc, ipcnklng for Uie western blR itiree, u-amt(J In In- Displays Set AtGem Show For Gooding •nd Mlnrrtd *how to W n«Q sai- urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon- ^\^oi lh« Magic Valley Gem ^Ue^wllI no ftdmlMlon eh»rt« Jor the aliw which will be rofn W the public from 10 ajn. hUl 10 p.m. Saturday and irom lajnrUnUl-«-pjn—Simday._rrp; Irfi-from * snack-bar-1« be op. trated in conjuncUon wltti tlie CO*’ wm be used to defray cosU - fliirfy - Iftca aitat£S. peUlfled toods. faccu, Indian arUfnet^ jidw, .opals, spheres and gainrls '^w^lr?l.^iTbit«nm[nnttr eollecUona Ineludo Jam es Ilear^-. Goodine. sphere eollccllon: Hob»rt WalltiK In jijch n “pnckaiie, EMl-WcJt inlfc.1 may fpunder. Groitiyko iKnored Uje warning a parallci uppeai by U£. Bcc- rtlar>- of SWte Chrbitlan A. Ker- Icr to drop Die demand for porUcI* paUon of the communlsl E u t Oer- mims as equals at reualtlclatlon (iuts durlnn any InCerUn OerllS’ truce. Another two hours of tiilka left the conference as deep an ever In deadlock and ho move w u made In me confercnce room In the, HaiaU-des-Natlona-Hiielf-to-tet' »«/« nfjotlfttlons iliirted. -------- Before Uie ministers met for the second plenary aes.<ilon since Uie tilk.4 resumed Mondfty,' Hoft-ard Duncan. Jerome, llro opM: Ur and Mrs. Henry PuiU. Nampa, ptdiflfd »T»d secMons; Roy Dixon. Dolse. ngatci; Donald Crabtree. Kimberly. Jades and acates; Dud- ley Stewart. - Boise, star Ramets uid L«ll# Dean, Tft'ln Pails, ar- ro»lieads. William Peterson. 0»dlng, Is ;h»lnnan In' chahte of Ihe aliow, omera working, on urmnflemenU include James Henry, vice chair- man; lowcU Fields, president of Uie Ma«lc Valley Gem club, and Mrs. Bay WflUclns, eecretary. all Ooodbs. Still Missing No «lim of, U18 Oole clrtui ipjuld be found In Idaho Tues- ay nlgtit aiter the perfonnert ailed to arrive In Bhoshone where two performonces were scheduled Tuesday. - Howard, Maiuilnff, Lincoln ooimty aRen(. said the company had made amioscmcnt* t<i rent tJie Lincoln county falrgrtmnds.' Chamber of Commerce offici- als In Burley sold Wednesday Uie circus waa not ucheduled to Senate Okays Billion Dollar Defense Bill WASinNOTON.-July 15 t*V-Th« to. hilt RlRht passed a 40 bll- dollar defense money blU for ihe next 12 monUw. It exceeds President El.'.cnhower's budget ucji by 3 « million dollars. The vote'on fJniif passufa sas The meaflure, by fiv U:e largest ipproprlatlons of th e comrresslonal (■islon, no»' BOM Jo a senate- conference to reconcile dlf- fences with a house-paased ver^ ftin. The house voted IAS mlllleh ollars le.*.: than the senate. Tlie senate bill contains 3B0 mll- on dollars to build tno naUon's «ond nuclcar-powered aircraft arrier. Eiienhon'er had asked SCO JiUlllon dollars'?or a conventional «rrler but Uie house voted ssnltut any new carrier. An'Hfort on Uie senatfl floor to mock out the carrier entirely ••'lied sliortly before final passage >> the bill,- It ttxi beaten by voice ■*Tltc mea.iure also contains . liuiul millions to give the army more modern weapons and equlp- ’'ent to deal with both Uie nuclear ‘se Slid convenUonal yar. Accident Victim » Is “Fairly Good” ■'"fly Kood" condition Tuesday n tet,(innl.i at St. Alphonsus "ken Sunday after a two-car ac. ciintlln Gr?ri. recoJvcd-muIUple frae* Uic accident that took the I,'... . "'-•-'UCllk Uiak WXJS MID “’Jii-' son. Eldon Chaffin. 10 'bree Gooding teen-agen. I” Q. McGhee, 18, the driver ‘lie cnr, an.d hU passengers. S X. a«*i« 1m ' i " ' " 'L sc tllritil J l Jl rn i,. , on the crest of a ^"dudl Krnde two and one-fourih 'ioushters. Daron- Cli.irrin. fl. ftnd Lucinda Chat- •titrH bruUies and wert ftiiii Memorial hos- a icr the accident and re- >0 relatives Sunday. ^ rLAKNED ’‘■'J' «5 <UPl)_PllKht personnel of pan Amer- plan to iWlu Steel MillsXriud to Halt- conie up with a proponiU thnt could get the stalled confcrence going again. Gromyko invlt«d British Foreign SecreUuy Selwyn Lloyd to lunch tdmorrou- and Lloyd accepted.^ Sourccs Interpreted Uio Invitation as a move by Gromyko to get Uie secret talks start«d after he him- self had blocked It Monday by In- sIsUng on having the East Ger- lunlsts participate. Blast Danger Erased From Tii-ginia City WYTIIEVILLB. Va, July IS Ifl- 'Rie Uireat of * .tUMStrcus expIo< sloo at Uie snuvU aouthwest Vlr- glnU town of M u Meadows w u remowd late yesterday afternoon when a tiuml&s tnick was pulled from a n,000-snll0a buUae stor- age Unk._ _ ___________ The tmelt bad been burning be- side the Uink for over three hours when■■It' was' tugjefl- away. OTfU cials, fearing that a large porUon of Uie town of 150 would be de- molished If the tank Ignited and ei«>lod«d. had evacuated a large number of residents In the vlcltUiy of Uie tank. The danger had.been touched off when a bottled gas truek loading from Uie Uink caught tire a t 13:50 [Ijn. (GST). BUI Bdwatd Jones 20. WyUievllle, driver of the mick. suffered first and* second detn«e bums of Uie face, arma and lera and w u takes to a Wyihevllle hospital. Repeat Tipsy Case Handed Higher Court John D. Waddlnstoo. Filer, waved preliminary hearing and was bound over to district court Tuesday afternoon when he ap- peared before JusUce of the Peace V. A. Allison on a charse of drunk' en driving, repeated offerue. Al- lison also Increased the bond he orfglnalls set for Waddlneton /ran )S00 to $1,000. Waddlngton was arrested by Filer police-at 1:30 ajn . Tuesday. He Is In Twin n^lls county Jail in lieu of bond. Horace J ..M c S h a n . Security, Tex., and John W. Holden. Wa- busha. Nev, were to appear before Justice of the Peacf BtJbert E. pence Wednesdoy aftcnioon for drunken driving and txlng drunk la-ftD autorrespecUrely. The two wefe arrested together ot 8;30 pjn. Tuesday near Hollister by Slate Patrolmen Richard Bums and'R. E. Young. - htcShan was driving a 1949 Chev- rolet pickup tnjclt when the two (C«BUai«4 7. C«Umii I) Swffcbmea ef Us Gary works, Gary, fnd, watch >i (he laiC of tiieaolten slir tomei from one .of Ihe Dulled States Klerl blast (umaee*. Slsg is hauled In the wheeled containers to be dumped as waste. This was the last before Ihe strike began lu t night at mldolght. (AP wlrephalo) PITTSBUR(JH. July 15 (-?)—Steel mills jirotluciiiK 90 per cent of the nntion'a steel lay idle today in the Krip of the sixth major strike since W(;rld war II. lii New York, ihe Steelworkers union proposed the indu.stry aRrce to submit strike i.ssue.'i to n fact-finding lioard comfii^cd of n mnn nnme<l by the union, another by industry, and an impartial I in tiJ7ifac r t i r bc'nnmrfH )ri~fairf-Jti5tii'u E.tri \ Vnrirtn -T hg-prfli>OflftMvna-mftdc-<i>-rt-letter-todny4>y-tlie-tmioit-pr» David J. McDonhld to the indu.slry'.s four-num neRotintiiiR team. McDonald naid the recommendationa of Hucb n luid not be bindiuR. The • kIow from the big hearth furnaccn was no lonff- or visible—nor was the re- flection from Uie Bewmrr fur- naces. Tlic rolllft reniam«l, i and Qiilet. .. At the Jones nnd LnURhlln Steel corporation plant Qn PltlsburKli's soutli slUe. hundreds of steelwork- cr.i picked up their checks. " picket slRii# -ucrc In slKbt. Tills was the next l6 the last 1 pay for the durntlon of the strike. } At the Homestead uorks of U3. Steel corporation about 20 pickets were on duty. It wna n lar cry from r Uie 300 or more that swelled the 1 before midnight. , .. hflir-wllllon sleelworkers, ^ heeding the call of union leaders, * mucK'anrr-two-montni-orcon- - Inicls nrffotlaUons that lind got- ten howliere. • •- , Tlie union gave no'lndlcaUon ot ‘ retreating from lU demand for < lilKhcr WQBC# nnd Improved frUiRC ' benefits, Just as atendlastl/. 'the *i - -aluck-to-lta-poaltlon-Uial - For Damage Upheld . WASniNGTON, July 15 (/P)— The U. S. court of claims today uphqid the claim of the Dixon-Yate.s -combine for damages because the government canceled Itii controver- sinl power contract. Dividinp^ to 2, the court rejected the Rovernrnent’s contention that the activities of Adolphe H. Wenrell constitutetKa conflict of interest. It ruled Dixon-Yates should be reimbur.‘?cd for out-of-pocket coats before the contract was canceled. Judge J. Warren Mad- den who Bpoko for the ma- jority, said the court saw “not the allghtest conflict of interest in Wenzell's posi- tion.’’ The court awarded »l,B87545i(J, which was about what Dtzon-YaUs finally asked. •. Orlglnallr IM «lalm had been Cor about 3H' million donars, Wenxell sen'ed as a consultant to the budget bureau at the same time he was a salaried' official 9,f the* FU^t Boston corpbmUoii, which beaune-tuumclal'sgcnC for Dlxon-Yatci Interests. . .The.govemment can akk the su- preme court to review d*clUons of the court of claims, which Is on the same level In the fedeml judi- ciary as courts of appeals. A decision on wheUier to ask the high court to review the Dlx- on-Yates award Is not expected for some Ume. *' “nie Dlxon-Yates contract, en- tered Into by the atomic energy commission at Uie time It was headed by Lewis L, Strauss, called for a 107-mllllon-donar power plant at West Memphis, Ark. President Elsenhower, had or- dered the contract signed In 10S4. Power generated -by a Dlxon- Yates firm, MLulsslppl Valley Oenemtlng company, was to be supplied the Tennnsee valley au- thority s>-stem to compensate for electricity TVA fed Into atomic energy commission plants. Mississippi Valley had been set up by Middle SouUi utlllUes, Inc, he«ded by Edgar H..Dixon, and The Southern company, headed by Eugene A. Yates, Hie contract sUrred up a battle, in congress over charges that pri- vate power was usurping a publle power area. Elsenhowef ordered the contract conceled In 1953. At the time, thn City of Mem- phis, Tcnn. decided to build a power plant of Its own rather Uian Lake power from the proposed. Dixon-Yfttes plant at Weal Mem- phis, A rt ■CRAN'D UA8TER IDAHO PALLS. July 16 (fl — Olen W. noj’se. 48.'most worslilp- ful grand master of Idaho Masons, died here yesterday. He was the owner of the SwedWi Bakefr. Ida- ho Falls, and served as president of Uie Chamber of commerce here in 1050. He also was a founder of uie YMCA In Idaho FalU, He was elected grand master last year. _N^:WS-BULLETlNS- -prrR09.-Tcnn..-July-I5-(UPl>-^#v«n-boobytrap*.-/aahlQned_M, Kplode-lf knyone-st«ppe<l on-Uiem.-were-found.today.la a mine ihaft where M twnVlcta held m>t for two days at Uie Brushy Mountain jtate prison. • ; %---........................... DnUBSELS, Belilam. Joly IS (UPll-A Belrlan fabena DC-8 airliner wlUi 64 paasentren was batted by eeramnolsl MIG-jct flgbUn ad torfed to Uod Jfl «ttD|;ary Uday. It was annoeneed here. WASJUN6TONr-July-18-<OTI>—3tw-U.-S..eOUrl_pf appeals refused tod»7 to delay or reconsider iU sweeping cleanup order agnlnst^resi- dsnt James IL.Hoffa oMhe.glaot:Teamsters,unlon. .TTie^thret-Judge court denied the TVamsUr»'-reqM«st-ftr-« suy-at-tije-order-ptodJae a app^ to the supreme court. rOBT WORTH, Tex,-Jnly 15 (UPf)-<3o». Earl K. Long. Ualalaoa, DBtfltied wlUs eight pain ef sew oowbey b»ots and a pair ot illver oan, hit Uie trail to w«at Texat today lo IM.OOB. alr-eondlUojled CadUUe. Before be left. Dr. M. 0. MlUer, Ne*» Orleaas. prononneed •mneh ImproTed' In pnlse,. blood pretsnre, temperature, appear- udappeUleu .............................. WABHINOTOK, July 15 «^-A muslle Indusur publication. Space Business DUly, aald today that a mulUpurpos? utelllte, Explorer .VI. ^0-Mill Levy Approved by Trustee Vote Twin Falls school board approv- . 1 a 40-mlll Ie\7 for tlie 1059-00 school year, a slight reduction from ,th« <0.7S levy tho past echtsl V«rm. ni the board's, regular mcetifla .Monday night. The board also approved a census enimicnctlfin of tho sclioo! dLslrlel for all children from birth through the age of 16. Sucli a census will enable school officials to rc-ex- amine present elementary school M»nes more carefully and recom- mend appropriate acUon to the board If boundary changes necessary. Tho mill levy breaks down Into 30 mills for general maintenance and operation of scliooU; eight mills for debt on bond Issues okayed for Uie hlgji.school and the new elementary schools, and two mills for the plant faclllUes fund. Tli6 1058-59 levy appropri- ated 8.75 mills for Uic debt service. The new mill levy Is the same as was in 1955. The board auUiorlsed bids for I.IOO tons of oil-treated slack coal (CMtlBiMd *B Pin «. Ctltna 1>. State’s Spud Yield Likely To Be Down BOISS. July 16 tX^Idsho poU- lo growers expanded the arei planted UUs year but flnl. reports indicated production may be down. The tJB. department of agrieuU ture sold Uxlay production ot Ute Into'summerxtop la '" ------‘— Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 ^Per0elit"^frf=Pr^^^ feged IkeWiUNot Stop_.Strike AtTIiisTime WASHINGTON, July IS W- Presldcnt Elsenhower said today prtienl conditions do nnt frtrraii im-oklng Uie Tnft-Hnrlley law li an effort to end Uie stcrl strike, M a news wnfereiice. Elsmho-A- declined lo speculate on wher steel sUwkpUea might be reduee< to a point which would Imperil na tfoniU defence. the government, to wek a cour order Co -end any work stoppage wtilch the President finds ts , to notional seeurlly. Qoltk End Hoped.for se'nhower agaUi expr«.wl hope that free bargaining between the steel companies and Uie union will rc.iult quickly In a new contract. A reporter asked wheUier Elsen- hqwer thought, now Uiat a strike Is under way. that the govemmcni should'have pursued any dlfferenl course In its efforts to head oft ( shutdown. Ike Feels Rlgbt Elsenhower replied that he is convinced Uid government c wa{ right. We have to have-free bargaining In ouch sltuaUons, he said. IX Uiere la too much govern- ment pressure, then bargaining Is free. laenhowcr then went on to note tho Toft-HorUey law's provision that the government may seek an *'■ Injunction to halt strikes A ing. national healtb saxety. .- . Those . condlUons, Elsenhower sold firmly,.are not here a moment. The President again called for managenieht and imlon'ofndals to dl^Uiy staUBmanship and re- sponsibility In efforts to setUe Uie strike. He noted'that reprcmta- Uvea of both sides have agreed to meet today with officials of the federal mediaUon service. Idaho is likely to be around 1 m - 000 hnwladm:UiiL<laffnii.i6-Dcr cent froRi last year's record crop of 3.258M0, - The first estimate of Uie prob- able producUon of fall poUit»es, Whicli reprfsent-lhe-bulk-ol-lia. ho'» industry, will be made rfcti month. The area planted this year , to late summer poutoes was lilted as 9.700 acres compared with D£00 last year. The fall crop is plarted on 205,000 acres- compared wlUi S04.000 a year ago. , But the' department said crop condition repe^ as of Jujy 1 tn- dlcatr^Cr-pfoaucOSirin-UiT late summer area will be 200 hin- dredwelghl—per.—acre—compcred wiui.ais Jut stts. ------------------- The reduction Is Uie result isrg- ely of frost damage In early Hoy and of »m e seed rotUng eaiUer because of cool weather. Pioneer Firm In Fui’nitm-e Busiai^old Sale of one of-the pioneer flrmi of Twin Falls was announced V/edncsday. Bert Sweet, trj said transactions have been completed for the sail of Sweet's Furniture company K the McMahan Furniture company the world's largest independently- owned fumUure firm. Bert Sweet, Ji\, will continue as store manager, uklng over his du- ties In August. He is attending training- cessions - in . Redondo Beach, Calif, in preparaUon for the new post. The alder Sweet will retire from acUve business. Bay W. Houck, district manager for the McMahan firm, conducted the biulness ot the transacUon which wUl provide the McMahan firth with its first store in Idaho, Sweet's Furniture company was first established here by Mr. Sweet, <r.. 39 yean ago. Ho has known James A: McMahan for many years through buslnass assoclaUons. Barold A. Mayes, Boise, U. act- ing as store manager during Uie Interim period while the younger HwTfnrirrCttllfomliri^ouct-saia; Mayes will continue with tho com- pany. but probably not In Uie Twin Falls store, he added. Stare personnel_and_ttor8jwllcles_wm not be changed as a result of Uie sale. Sweet reported. Mrs. Bert Sweet. Jr. was Joining Sweet in California Wednesday. A grand opening date for Ui« ow store will bo announced — Houck aald. Explosion Hurts Utaff ManTBtty TTlOfONlttN, tytaii, JUly^'W i Wendell Voters OK Sewage Plant^ond- WENDELL, July 15—The second bond election of $210,-, 000 to /iimiicc coiwtruction of a uew sewage collection and treatment facilities building lielrl here Tue.sday passed by n' two-thirds majority .vote with 211 in favor of tho bond and 8-1 against. The complete cflllection and treatm ent system will cost about $270,000 but the state health department and the ,U. S. public health service have approved a federal grant jof ?;}7,17R.C0 to assist in the building of tho treatment facilities building. Plnnirfor-thc-disposal-faciHttes-system-is-an-oxidatlon— pond of flowflge Ingoon wbicb have been recommended by . the .state'health department and tho city’s consultln? enRineer." .. ......................................... » ..............................TliosD were the basic poslUons when negotiations began io weeks ngo. They remained unchanged as Uie strike began. Tlio wollcout threatened lo slow down Uie .entire tJ. S, economy, booming once more after a crip- pling reces.ilDn. Steel comparUes not represented by the tJSW and Uiose wlUi agreement on contract extensions comprise the 10 per cent of the Uiduslry unafleclcd by the strike. * * * * Glance Shows 500,000 to Be Hit by Strike (By The Associated Press) A ' glance at tho ilecl strike shows these facts: . Idle — Approxlnmtely 600.000 workers In basic steel induslrv. DO per cent-of natlona* steel eapaelty. Furnaces are banked, steel fab- rication at sUtndstUl and.only sup- ervisory maintenance Is conUnu- ing. Some railroad and oUier trans- portaUon workers are already fur- oughed; The effect will spread -- strike continues. PickeUns — Quiet and orderly, following pattern established in five previous walkouts since end of World war IJ. • Negotiations—Union and man- agement met will! federal concili- ators In New York this afUrmoon at President Elsenhower's request.; Dnlted steelworkers President: David McDonald says he'll have a proposal for management "but heyll probobly reject It.' SUIke loss-Estimated at 70 mil- Ion dollars weekly In wages. The companies' revenue from new pro- duction Is halted, and cost of bank- ng furnaces and preparing for hutdown of Indefinite duration is lUgh.-Union expenses are mount- ing foa.atclke .actlvltlu. Unloa President McDonald's (50,000 sal- iry stopped as strike b^an. Baseball Today NATIONirt. LEAGUE tinH ukee — i co= Chicago San Francisco -at Philadelphia, Lo« Angeles at Plttsburgb and Cln- clnnaU at St, Louis, night games, AMERICANLEAGUE aeveland at New York games) postponed, rain. Detrtdl at ................ Chicago-at--Boeton and Kansas City at BalUmora night games. ,___ elevator exploded while Uiey ere welding machinery. ' Boyd Winn, 35. Tremonlon. apd Marlon Llsh, 19. Deweyvllla re-, eelved third-degree bums 'when the blast started a fire InsUe Ibe elevator. ; BoUi were taken to Uie .ealley hospital In Tremonlon a rt zt- parM . ............................... Remembered FLORENCE. Ky. July 15 (UPD—MoUl operaur Robert NolloUi .Remembers Ui* local water ahorUge even In time of trouble. ....................................... He. doused a blailng mattress yesterday with nearly a case »' soda pop. Hope Abandoned For Utah Athlete JUNEAtr, Alaska, July 16 t f l - Sope was virtually abandoned csterday for a form er UUih foot- all star missing alnce last week. ■OrganUwd search efforts ended Monday .In the •rugged area M miles souUieost of here for Larry Amltlch, an employe of a drilling company <worklng a t a eamp ^iOOO feet above Endlcott Arm. Searchers speculated that Aml- xlch. a 1050-57 all-6kyllne confer- eacrtacklearlLh.-the nnlverslty. of Ulah. mfgh( have been swept away while tn'lng to wade the stream. W ateread^to-ftj Cash for Auditorium To raise money for n Twin Palls civic audltoriUfn and provide Magic Valley with something different in enter-- niinment the Lpnn Laden’s Holiday Watercade is sched- uled at Jayceo park Aug. 16 to 19. The porUble muaical water extravaganza comes to Twin Falls during the week prior to the show’s performance at the Western Idaho state fair in Boise.'Before it comes to'Twin-Falls, tho' show will apTMiar in Salt Lake City. Though tho water ballet is one of its high- lights, actually about 60 per cent of the flho«- is on the stage. The performance in-^ eludes singing, dancing, comedy and ballot boUi in water and the stage. Among thi sUrs of the show re Mtrtha-Ann Bentley. one-of America's fareoiMl ballerlnaj; Bit- Un Bergen. Copenhagen, D en- mark. who recenUy wmi the world's solo synchronizer'swlm-^ mUig champlohshlpe at Paris, and several Olympic dtrtng champion*. --Producer of'.the show li..Lcnn Laden who has been In shows and has produced others throughout Uie U. S , Canada and Europe. Both CDS and NBC uUUze his knowledge about water ahowt In Ulevlslon prfisenUUons. The show tiscs portable equip? ment, including a diving pool and a porUbls ballet pool. Eight men need six hours to pat the eqttlp- nsent Into tuaetloalne poilUon. Lighting effects add beauty to the show. AS many as 60 light changes are used. ROCKET EXPLOnKS CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla, July 15 <UPD—A navy Polaris test rocket exploded In th# air . ments after It. was launched day. The rocket, streaming a w band of amoke, rw e smoothly at Seizui’6 Takes Former Store ManagerHere R P. (Robby) Robinson, 60. former maogger.oLUie.J. ney store In Twin PalU from 1937 to IMl, died'tf a heart attack Sun- day at his summer home at Lake Wenatchee. Wash. While In Twin Falls, Mr. Robin- son served as president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Klwanls club. He was also associ- ated' with the Masonlo and Elks lodges. Bom Sept 28. 1B8B. In Culver. Ore.. he was first associated with the Penney company at The Dalles. O rt, In 191*. Ho later serv- ed In Indiana and after his.stay In.TwlH-Fulll WM.transferred, to Wenatchee where he was mahagw until' 1953. Tho pa.ll Mven years he. was manager of the store In Bend. Ore., where tho couple resided. Survlv- .include liJi widow. Mrs. FTon- Roblnson. three children, sev- grandchUdren and one great- grandchild. I complete are and then cm t sm x soooHT BOISE. July 15 (UPD—The 17th day of the search for missing S* ytar-old'Oharlene-Zahm-waa-be- gun today wlUiout a&y detlnll« ClU£iM>.SO on-.- ■__________ - TIu’ee More Youths Accepted^ For Idaho’s Ranch for Youth RUPERT. July J5—The Rev. jamei-IL-Crowe.- superintendent of the Idaho Ranch for Youth, announces three oicire boyi have CTt!nKld«l~to-the *atudejjt Uidy. The youths are from Sandpolnt. Moscow snd Jerome. TWO more will be screened and chosen,from the 300 applications from atl over the atat« and brought lo tho ranch before, aehool opens In Uie fan. Added housing facih- Ues at the roneh'm utf the in- crease In boys possible, be said. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klccaid, Jerome.' donated both materials ••iabtir.ioiHt-a<Br-3<.' > clnderblock structure designed to provide ..sletplng quartera for' six boys. Rupert women painted the In- rrtci 'ut uj8 suuKiaojaTAsi They Included Mrs. BUt Thomas, Mnt. JakaW all. Mrs. Del Walker, Mn. Kenneth Walto, ifn. PuUer Penuai, Mr*. Russell Bowman and Mr*. George Praejltser.* The Rev. Mr. Crowe rqwrtod coiutructloa will begin soon < dairy barn wlUi eunplsUon' pe«t«d by fall. The bam wlQ boosa Janey heifers deaate* by U»f Idaho Jersey .Breeders 'uwoU- Voters Back Racial Plans For Virginia RICHMOra, Va, .My IB •WPD -^VitTlniali local <9 Uaa approach to integrauon, buUt.lroB tha n iH - of the court-cmmbled *ma«slv« resistance- lavi, gained gtpun<] to- day as resuirof a'hsw-fougbt Democratic primary elixtlon._______ Key legislators supporting Oct. J. Lindsay Almond^s prograin of 'freedom of choice" f o ^ t off segregaUonlst candidates to win renominaUon yesterday. The Almond forces even picked ' up one vote In the state aeaaU, wnere their margin of Tictory was , only one vote lu t string. Pom trr Sen. Victor P. 'WUtoa ousted foeuffibeot Stuart S. Bal- lett of the “mMSlv# reslstaace’' forces In Hampton and Newport news. Also bounced from tha legisla- ture wu delegate ines Baker, Portsmoutii, who had called for a. stronger anU-lntegmUon policy. She was swamped by Donald San- die. an Almond supporter, irtiUe Willard J. Moody who also sup- ported Almond won renomlnaUon ior Portsmouth's second sest In Ihs house of representaUves. HiGHnGHTSTi^ Today's Timet-Newa Else rsno lo invi^ Taft-Hartley act -in walkout, Idaho Ranch for Youth adds three studeota, Dlxon-Yates lof granted, W end^ voters appron: sewage plazlt b‘‘»Tid ^ ne. RUKloM stia act tough at Geneva. .. . '' seated for rocationen. Page 4—Editorial; 'A n Thwe Men Doomed": Views of Others, “InvasloQ by Foreign Mamifac- ttirers." ' . ' ' Page' 7-iUchfIeM girl seeks queen title at* horse show. .....Cags 8--^lor^_^Tcr "flQUattcra'* - fight ..goremueot. ’ Page » — Wild Horse Annie arrives In-capltal.' Page t&-^-Oommunlst line pre- pares for red Cuba. Page IITTCanning kltdien •pftlrons advised steel strike fiiay Tfllo-aM t-jrw ----------------------- Pag* liT-lhree local boxen Page 15—Junior golf round Burley. rage 1»-Tazes low t tuckyclty. Flames Desfroy_ ~'end~ _______ - — BStoW , Ora. M r U names raced thzough the raptDC^ bams at . the “ ------------- - grounds them In lees: than half , a a ^ ^, > Ftom Robeitsoo, iwm*«p reotorT -eatlmited whjed. at ,fU^OO.:W ofWa.oC; ; tha Srtw at umW iutoid.------- i
Page 1: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-

Traffic Death Scoreboard

Idaho, I0J8 _

' “ S S .A 'SS k & i - " A Itcgionnl Newspaper S e n in e

V o U 4 irN O . 31 TH 'IN fA LLS, IDAirO. W EDNESDAY, JU L Y 1,5, JS35 PRICE 6 CENTS

Russian^s S^and Continues Tough

r.KN’EVA. Ju ly 15 (UI’I)—Russia w jirncd th e W est'

|2 u price fo r n Berlin trucc. The western pow er accuscd ITussin of thrciitcninK to lorpedo the Bi>r FouniulkH . Soviet Foreign M inister Aiitlrci. Gromyko told th e “ve.stcrn fo r­eign m inisters th a t tlic^ll-G crm an com m ittee, on which

^ " ''\v itir th c N v c s t Germans, is lied tii,'iilly w ith liis Bcr------------------- liti truce jiroiwsai. . . And

it is not possible to n iter thHt,” he suid."

hYench Forelsn M lnliier MaU' rice Couvc de M im’inc, ipcnklng for Uie western blR itiree, u-amt(J

In In-

Displays Set At Gem ShowFor Gooding

•nd Mlnrrtd *how to W n«Q sa i- urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon- ^ \ ^ o i lh« Magic Valley Gem

^ U e ^ w l l I b« no ftdmlMlon eh»rt« Jor the a liw which will be rofn W the public from 10 ajn. hUl 10 p.m. Saturday and iromla jn rU nU l-« -p jn—Simday._rrp;Irfi-from * snack-bar-1« be op. trated in conjuncUon wltti tlie CO*’ wm be used to defray cosU - fliirfy - Iftca aitat£S. peUlfled toods. faccu, Indian arUfnet^ jidw, .opals, spheres and gainrls

'^ w ^ l r ? l . ^ i T b i t « n m [ n n t t r eollecUona Ineludo James Ilear^-. Goodine. sphere eollccllon: Hob»rt

WalltiK In jijch n “pnckaiie, EMl-WcJt inlfc.1 may fpunder.

Groitiyko iKnored Uje warning a parallci uppeai by U £. Bcc-

rtlar>- of SWte Chrbitlan A. Ker- Icr to drop Die dem and for porUcI* paUon of the communlsl E u t Oer- mims as equals a t reualtlclatlon (iuts durlnn any InCerUn OerllS’ truce.

Another two hours o f tiilka left the conference as deep an ever In deadlock and ho move w u made In me confercnce room In the, H aiaU -des-N atlona-H iielf-to-tet' » « /« nfjotlfttlons i li ir te d .--------

Before Uie ministers m et for the second plenary aes.<ilon since Uie tilk.4 resumed Mondfty,'

Hoft-ard Duncan. Jerome, llro opM: Ur and Mrs. Henry PuiU. Nampa, ptdiflfd »T»d secMons; Roy Dixon. Dolse. ngatci; Donald Crabtree. Kimberly. Jades and acates; Dud­ley Stewart. - Boise, star Ramets uid L«ll# Dean, Tft'ln Pails, ar- ro»lieads.

William Peterson. 0 » d ln g , Is ;h»lnnan In' chahte of Ihe aliow, omera working, on urmnflemenU include Jam es Henry, vice chair­man; lowcU Fields, president of Uie Ma«lc Valley Gem club, and Mrs. Bay WflUclns, eecretary. all Ooodbs.

Still MissingNo «lim of, U18 Oole clrtui

ipjuld be found In Idaho Tues- ay nlgtit a ite r th e perfonnert ailed to arrive In Bhoshone

where two performonces were scheduled Tuesday. -

Howard, Maiuilnff, Lincoln ooimty aRen(. said the company had made am ioscm cnt* t<i rent tJie Lincoln county falrgrtmnds.'

Chamber of Commerce offici­als In Burley sold Wednesday Uie circus waa no t ucheduled to

Senate Okays Billion Dollar Defense Bill

WASinNOTON.-July 15 t*V-Th« to. hilt RlRht passed a 40 bll- dollar defense money blU for

ihe next 12 monUw. I t exceeds President El.'.cnhower's budget ucji by 3 « million dollars.The vo te 'on fJniif passufa sas

The meaflure, by f iv U:e largest ipproprlatlons of th e comrresslonal (■islon, no»' BOM Jo a senate-

conference to reconcile dlf- fences with a house-paased ver ftin. The house voted IAS mlllleh ollars le.*.: th an the senate.Tlie senate bill contains 3B0 mll- on dollars to build tno naUon's

«ond nuclcar-powered aircraft arrier. Eiienhon'er had asked SCO JiUlllon dollars'?or a conventional « rrler bu t Uie h o u s e voted ssnltut any new carrier.

An'Hfort on Uie senatfl floor to mock out the carrier entirely ••'lied sliortly before final passage >> the bill,- I t ttx i beaten by voice

■*Tltc mea.iure also contains . liuiul millions to give the army more modern weapons and equlp- ’'ent to deal w ith both Uie nuclear ‘se Slid convenUonal y a r.

Accident Victim » Is “Fairly Good”■'"fly Kood" condition Tuesday

n tet,(innl.i a t S t. Alphonsus

"ken Sunday after a two-car ac.

ciintllnGr?ri. recoJvcd-muIUple frae*

Uic accident tha t took theI,'... ■ . "'-•-'UCllk Uiak WXJS MID“’Jii-' son. Eldon Chaffin. 10 'bree Gooding teen-agen.

■ I” Q. McGhee, 18, the driver ‘lie cnr, an .d hU passengers.

“ S X . a « * i«

1 m ' i " ' “ " 'L s c t l l r i t i l J l J l rn i,. , on the crest of a "dudl Krnde two and one-fourih

'ioushters. Daron- Cli.irrin. fl. ftnd Lucinda Chat-

•titrH bruUies and wertf t i i i i Memorial hos-

a icr the accident and re- >0 relatives Sunday. ^

rLAKNED ■’‘■'J' «5 <UPl)_PllKht

personnel of pan Amer- plan to iW lu

Steel MillsXriud to Halt-

conie up with a proponiU thn t could get the stalled confcrence going again.

Gromyko invlt«d British Foreign SecreUuy Selwyn Lloyd to lunch tdmorrou- and Lloyd accepted.^ Sourccs Interpreted Uio Invitation as a move by G rom yko to get Uie secret talks start«d a fte r he him­self had blocked It M onday by In- sIsUng on having th e East Ger-

lunlsts participate.

Blast Danger Erased From Tii-ginia City

WYTIIEVILLB. V a, Ju ly IS I f l - 'Rie Uireat of * .tUMStrcus expIo< sloo a t Uie snuvU aouthwest Vlr- glnU town of M u Meadows w u remowd late yesterday afternoon when a tiuml&s tnick was pulled from a n,000-snll0a buU ae stor­age Unk._ _ ___________

The tmelt bad been burning be­side the Uink for over three hours when■■ I t ' was' tugjefl- away. OTfU cials, fearing th a t a large porUon of Uie town of 150 would be de­molished If the tank Ignited and ei«>lod«d. had evacuated a large number of residents In the vlcltUiy of Uie tank.

The danger had.been touched off when a bottled gas truek loading from Uie Uink caught tire a t 13:50 [Ijn. (GST). BUI B dw atd Jones 20. WyUievllle, driver o f the mick. suffered first and* second detn«e bums of Uie face, a rm a and lera and w u takes to a Wyihevllle hospital.

Repeat Tipsy Case Handed Higher Court

John D. W addlnstoo. Filer, waved preliminary hearing and was bound over to d istric t court Tuesday afternoon w hen he ap­peared before JusUce of the Peace V. A. Allison on a charse of d ru n k ' en driving, repeated offerue. Al­lison also Increased th e bond he orfglnalls set fo r W addlneton /ra n )S00 to $1,000.

Waddlngton was arrested by Filer police-at 1:30 a jn . Tuesday. He Is In Twin n^ lls county Jail in lieu of bond.

Horace J . .M c S h a n . Security, Tex., and John W. Holden. Wa- busha. Nev, were to appear before Justice of the Peacf BtJbert E. pence Wednesdoy aftcn ioon for drunken driving and tx lng drunk la-ftD autorrespecUrely. The two wefe arrested together o t 8;30 p jn . Tuesday near H ollister by Slate Patrolmen Richard B um s and 'R . E. Young. -

htcShan was driving a 1949 Chev- rolet pickup tn jc lt w hen the two

(C«BUai«4 7. C«Umii I)

Swffcbmea ef U s Gary works, Gary, fnd, watch >i (he laiC of t i i e a o lte n s l i r tom ei from one .o f Ihe Dulled States Klerl blast (umaee*. Slsg is hauled In the wheeled containers to be dumped as waste. This was the la st before Ihe strike began l u t night a t mldolght. (AP wlrephalo)

PITTSBU R(JH . July 15 (-?)—Steel m ills jirotluciiiK 90 p e r cent of the nntion'a steel lay idle today in the Krip of the s ix th m ajo r strike since W(;rld war I I . lii N ew York, ihe Steelworkers union proposed th e indu.stry aRrce to subm it s tr ik e i.ssue.'i to n fact-finding lioard com fii^cd of n m nn nnme<l by the union, an o th er by industry , and an im partial

I in tiJ7ifac r t i r b c 'n nmrfH )ri~fairf-Jti5ti i'u E .tr i \ Vn rir tn -T hg-prfli>OflftMvna-mftdc-<i>-rt-letter-todny4>y-tlie-tmioit-pr»D avid J . McDonhld to the indu.slry'.s fo u r-n u m neRotintiiiR team. McDonald naid th e recom m endationa of Hucb n

luid n o t be bindiuR. The • kIow from th e big hearth fu rnaccn w as no lonff- o r visible— n o r w as th e re­flection from Uie Bewmrr fur­naces. Tlic rolllft reniam«l, i and Qiilet. ..

At the Jones nnd LnURhlln Steel corporation p lan t Qn PltlsburKli's soutli slUe. hundreds of steelwork- cr.i picked up th e ir checks. " picket slRii# -ucrc In slKbt.

Tills was the n e x t l6 the last 1 pay for the durntlon of the strike. }

At the H om estead uorks of U 3.Steel corporation about 20 pickets were on duty. I t wna n lar cry from r Uie 300 or more th a t swelled the 1

before m idnight. ,. . h flir-w llllo n sleelworkers,

heeding the call of union leaders, * m u c K 'a n r r -tw o -m o n tn i-o rc o n - - Inicls nrffotlaUons th a t lind got­ten howliere. • •- ,

Tlie union gave no'lndlcaUon ot ‘ retreating from lU demand for < lilKhcr WQBC# nnd Improved frUiRC ' benefits, Ju s t a s a tendlastl/. 'the *i • - -aluck-to-lta-poaltlon-U ial -

For Damage Upheld. W ASniNGTON, Ju ly 15 (/P)— The U. S. court of claim s today uphqid th e claim o f th e Dixon-Yate.s -combine fo r dam ages because th e g overnm en t canceled Itii controver- sinl power contract. D iv id in p ^ to 2, the court re jected th e Rovernrnent’s conten tion th a t the activities of Adolphe H . Wenrell con stitu te tK a conflict o f in terest. I t ruled D ixon-Yates should be re im bur.‘?cd for out-of-pocket coats before th e contract w as canceled. Judge J . W arren Mad­den who Bpoko for th e m a­jo rity , said th e co u rt saw “ not th e allghtest con flic t of in te re st in W enzell's posi­tion.’’

The court awarded »l,B87545i(J, which was about what Dtzon-YaUs finally asked. •.

O rlglnallr IM «lalm had been Cor about 3H' million donars,

Wenxell sen'ed as a consultant to the budget bureau a t the same time he was a salaried' official 9,f the* FU^t Boston corpbmUoii, which beaune-tuumclal'sgcnC for Dlxon-Yatci Interests.. .The.govemment can akk th e su­preme court to review d*clUons of the court of claims, which Is on the same level In the fedeml jud i­ciary as courts of appeals.

A decision on wheUier to ask th e high court to review th e Dlx- on-Yates award Is no t expected for some Ume. *'

“n ie Dlxon-Yates contract, en­tered Into by the atomic energy commission at Uie time I t was headed by Lewis L, Strauss, called for a 107-mllllon-donar power p lant a t West Memphis, Ark.

President Elsenhower, h a d or­dered the contract signed In 10S4.

Power generated -by a Dlxon- Yates firm, MLulsslppl Valley Oenemtlng company, was to be supplied the Tennnsee valley au­thority s>-stem to compensate for electricity TVA fed Into atomic energy commission plants.

Mississippi Valley had been set up by Middle SouUi utlllUes, Inc , he«ded by Edgar H..D ixon, and The Southern company, headed by Eugene A. Yates,

H ie contract sUrred up a battle , in congress over charges th a t pri­vate power was usurping a publle power area.

Elsenhowef ordered the contract conceled In 1953.

At the time, thn City of Mem­phis, T cnn . decided to build a power plant of Its own ra the r Uian Lake power from the proposed.Dixon-Yfttes p lant a t Weal Mem­phis, A r t


Olen W. noj’se. 48.'most worslilp- ful grand master of Idaho Masons, died here yesterday. He w as the owner of the SwedWi Bakefr. Ida­ho Falls, and served as president of Uie Chamber of commerce here in 1050.

He also was a founder o f uie YMCA In Idaho FalU, H e was elected grand master last year.

_N^:WS-BULLETlNS--prrR09.-T cnn..-Ju ly-I5-(U Pl>-^#v«n-boobytrap* .-/aah lQ ned_M ,Kplode-lf knyone-st«ppe<l on-U iem .-w ere-found.today.la a mine ihaft where M twnVlcta held m>t for two days a t Uie Brushy Mountain jtate prison. • ; % ---...........................

DnUBSELS, B e lilam . Joly IS (U P ll-A Belrlan fabena DC-8 airliner wlUi 64 paasentren was batted by eeramnolsl MIG-jct flg b U n ad torfed to U od Jfl «ttD|;ary Uday. It was annoeneed here.

WASJUN6TONr-July-18-<OTI>—3tw-U.-S..eOUrl_pf appeals refused tod»7 to delay or reconsider iU sweeping cleanup order ag n ln st^ resi- dsnt James IL .H offa oM he.glaot:Team sters,unlon. .TTie^thret-Judge court denied the TVamsUr»'-reqM«st-ftr-« suy-at-tije-order-ptodJae a a p p ^ to th e supreme court.

rOBT WORTH, Tex ,-Jn ly 15 (UPf)-<3o». Earl K. Long. U alalaoa, DBtfltied wlUs e igh t p a in ef sew oowbey b»ots and a pair o t illver oan, hit Uie tra i l t o w«at Texat today lo IM.OOB. alr-eondlUojled CadUUe. Before b e le ft. Dr. M. 0 . MlUer, Ne*» Orleaas. prononneed

•mneh ImproTed' In pnlse,. blood pretsnre, temperature, appear- u d a p p e U l e u ..............................

WABHINOTOK, Ju ly 15 « ^ -A muslle Indusur publication. Space Business DUly, aald today th a t a mulUpurpos? u te lllte , Explorer .VI.

^0-Mill Levy Approved by

Trustee VoteTwin Falls school board approv-

. 1 a 40-mlll Ie\7 for tlie 1059-00 school year, a slight reduction from ,th« <0.7S levy tho past echtsl V«rm. n i the board's, regular mcetifla .Monday night.

The board also approved a census enimicnctlfin of tho sclioo! dLslrlel fo r all children from birth through th e age of 16. Sucli a census will enable school officials to rc-ex- amine present elementary school M»nes more carefully and recom­mend appropriate acUon to the board If boundary changes necessary.

Tho mill levy breaks down Into 30 mills for general maintenance and operation of scliooU; eight mills for debt on bond Issues okayed for Uie hlgji.school and th e new elementary schools, and two mills for the p lan t faclllUes fund. Tli6 1058-59 levy appropri­ated 8.75 mills for Uic debt service. T he new mill levy Is the same as

was in 1955.The board auUiorlsed bids for

I.IOO tons of oil-treated slack coal (CMtlBiMd *B P in «. Ctltna 1>.

State’s Spud Yield Likely

To Be DownBOISS. July 16 tX ^Idsho poU-

lo growers expanded the arei planted UUs year bu t flnl. reports indicated production may be down.

The tJB. department of agrieuU ture sold Uxlay production o t Ute Into 'sum m erxtop la ' " ------‘—

Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 ^ P e r 0 e lit" ^ fr f= P r ^ ^ ^




Presldcnt Elsenhower said today p r tie n l conditions do nnt frtrraii im-oklng Uie Tnft-Hnrlley law li an effort to end Uie stcrl strike,

M a news wnfereiice. Elsmho-A- declined lo speculate on wher

steel sUwkpUea might be reduee< to a point which would Imperil na tfoniU defence.

the government, to wek a cour order Co -end any work stoppage wtilch the President finds ts

, to notional seeurlly.Q oltk End Hoped.for

se'nhower agaUi expr«.wl hope th a t free bargaining between the steel companies and Uie union will rc.iult quickly In a new contract.

A reporter asked wheUier Elsen- hqwer thought, now Uiat a strike Is under way. th a t the govemmcni should 'have pursued any dlfferenl course In its efforts to head oft ( shutdown.

Ike Feels Rlgbt Elsenhower replied th a t he is

convinced Uid government c wa{ righ t. We have to have-free bargaining In ouch sltuaUons, he said. IX Uiere la too much govern­ment pressure, then bargaining Is

■ free.laenhowcr then went on to note

tho Toft-HorUey law's provision th a t th e government may seek an *'■ Injunction to halt strikes

A in g . national healtb saxety. . - .

Those . condlUons, Elsenhower sold firm ly ,.are not here a moment.

The President again called for managenieht and im lon 'ofndals to dl^U iy staUBmanship and re­sponsibility In efforts to setUe Uie strike. H e n o te d 'th a t rep rcm ta- Uvea of both sides have agreed to meet today w ith officials of the federal mediaUon service.

Idaho is likely to be around 1 m - 000 hnw ladm :U iiL<laffnii.i6-Dcr c en t froRi last year's record crop of 3.258M0, -

The first estimate of Uie prob­able producUon of fall poUit»es, Whicli rep rfsen t-lhe -bu lk -o l-lia . ho'» industry, will be made rfcti m onth.

The area planted this year , to la te summer poutoes was lilted a s 9.700 acres compared with D£00 la st year. The fall crop is plarted on 205,000 acres- compared wlUi S04.000 a year ago. ,

But the ' department said crop condition r e p e ^ as of Jujy 1 tn- d lc a t r ^ C r -p f o a u c O S ir in - U iT la te summer area will be 200 h in - dredwelghl—per.—acre—compcred w iu i.a is J u t s t t s . -------------------

The reduction Is Uie result isrg- ely of frost damage In early Hoy and of » m e seed rotUng eaiUer because of cool weather.

Pioneer Firm In Fui’nitm-e B u sia i^ old

Sale of one of-the pioneer flrmi of Twin Falls was announced V/edncsday.

Bert Sweet, t r j said transactions have been completed for the sail of Sweet's Furniture company K the McMahan Furniture company the world's largest independently- owned fumUure firm.

Bert Sweet, Ji\, will continue as store manager, uk lng over his du­ties In August. He is attending training- cessions - in . Redondo Beach, C alif, in preparaUon for the new post. The alder Sweet will retire from acUve business.

Bay W. Houck, district manager for the McMahan firm, conducted the biulness ot the transacUon which wUl provide the McMahan firth w ith its first store in Idaho,

Sweet's Furniture company was first established here by Mr. Sweet, <r.. 39 yean ago. Ho has known James A: McMahan for many years through buslnass assoclaUons.

Barold A. Mayes, Boise, U. act­ing as store manager during Uie Interim period while the younger Hw TfnrirrC ttllfom liri^ouct-saia; Mayes will continue with tho com­pany. but probably not In Uie Twin Falls store, he added. Stare personnel_and_ttor8jwllcles_wm not be changed as a result of Uie sale. Sweet reported.

Mrs. Bert Sweet. J r . was Joining Sweet in California Wednesday.

A grand opening date for Ui« ow store will bo announced —

Houck aald.

Explosion H urts Utaff ManTBtty

TTlOfONlttN, tytaii, JU ly ^ 'W i

Wendell Voters OK Sewage Plant^ond-

WENDELL, July 15—T h e second bond election of $210,-, 000 to /iimiicc coiw truction of a uew sewage collection and treatm ent facilities building lielrl here Tue.sday passed by n' two-thirds m ajo rity .vote w ith 211 in favor of tho bond and 8-1 against.

The complete cflllection and tre a tm e n t system will cost about $270,000 b u t th e s ta te health departm ent and the ,U. S. public health service have approved a federal g ra n t jof ?;}7,17R.C0 to ass is t in th e building of tho trea tm ent facilities building.— Plnnirfor-thc-disposal-faciH ttes-system -is-an-oxidatlon— pond o f flowflge Ingoon w bicb h av e been recommended by . the .state 'health dep artm en t and tho city’s consultln? enRineer." .. .........................................» • ..............................—

TliosD were th e basic poslUons when negotiations began io weeks ngo. They rem ained unchanged as Uie strike began.

Tlio wollcout threatened lo slow down Uie .entire tJ . S, economy, booming once m ore after a crip­pling reces.ilDn. S teel comparUes not represented by the tJSW and Uiose wlUi agreem ent on contract extensions comprise the 10 per cent of th e Uiduslry unafleclcd by the strike.

* * * *

Glance Shows 500,000 to Be Hit by Strike

(By The Associated Press)A ' glance a t th o ilecl strike

shows these facts:. Idle — Approxlnmtely 600.000 workers In basic steel induslrv. DO per cent-of natlona* steel eapaelty.

Furnaces are banked, steel fab­rication a t sUtndstUl and.only sup­ervisory m aintenance Is conUnu- ing. Some railroad a n d oUier trans- portaUon workers a re already fur- oughed; T he e ffec t will spread --

strike continues.PickeUns — Q uie t and orderly,

following p a tte rn established in five previous w alkouts since end

of World w ar I J . •Negotiations—U nion and man­

agement m et will! federal concili­ators In New York this afUrmoon a t President Elsenhower's request.; Dnlted steelw orkers President: David McDonald says he'll have a proposal for m anagement "but hey ll probobly re jec t It.'

SUIke loss-E stim ated a t 70 mil- Ion dollars weekly In wages. The

companies' revenue from new pro­duction Is halted, a n d cost of bank- ng furnaces and preparing for hutdown of Indefinite duration is

lUgh.-Union expenses are mount­ing foa.a tclke .a c tlv l tlu . Unloa President M cDonald's (50,000 sal- iry stopped as str ik e b^ an .

Baseball TodayNATIONirt. LEAGUE

t in H u kee — i co= Chicago

San Francisco -at Philadelphia, Lo« Angeles a t Plttsburgb and Cln- clnnaU a t St, Louis, night games,

AMERICANLEAGUE aeveland a t New York

games) postponed, rain. Detrtdl at ................ Chicago-at--Boetonand K ansas City a t BalUmora n ight games. ,___

elevator exploded while Uiey ere welding machinery. ' Boyd Winn, 35. Tremonlon. apd

Marlon Llsh, 19. Deweyvllla re-, eelved third-degree bums 'when th e blast started a fire InsUe Ibe elevator.■; BoUi were taken to Uie .ealley

hospital In Tremonlon a r t z t- parM . ...............................

Rem em beredFLORENCE. Ky. Ju ly 15

(UPD—MoUl operaur Robert NolloUi .Remembers Ui* local water ahorUge even In time oft r o u b le . .......................................

He. doused a blailng mattress yesterday with nearly a case »' soda pop.

Hope Abandoned For U tah Athlete

JUNEAtr, Alaska, July 16 t f l - Sope was v irtua lly abandoned csterday for a fo rm er UUih foot- all star missing alnce last week. ■OrganUwd search efforts ended

Monday .In the •rugged area M miles souUieost of he re for Larry Amltlch, an employe of a drilling company <worklng a t a eamp iOOO feet above Endlcott Arm.

Searchers speculated that Aml- xlch. a 1050-57 all-6kyllne confer- eacrtack learlLh .-the nnlverslty. of Ulah. mfgh( have been swept away while tn 'lng to w ade the stream.

W a t e r e a d ^ t o - f t j Cash for Auditorium

To raise money fo r n T w in P a lls civic audltoriUfn and provide Magic Valley w ith som eth ing d iffe ren t in enter-- niinm ent the Lpnn Laden’s H oliday W atercade is sched­uled a t Jayceo park A ug. 16 to 19. T he porUble muaical w ater extravaganza com es to Tw in F alls during th e week prio r to the show’s p erfo rm ance a t th e W estern Idaho s ta te fa ir in B o ise .'B efo re i t comes to 'T w in -F a lls , th o ' show will apTMiar in S a lt L ak e City. Though tho w a te r ballet is one of i ts h ig h ­ligh ts, actually about 60 p e r cen t o f the flho«- is on th e stage. The perform ance in- eludes singing, dancing, comedy and ballot boUi in water and the stage.

Among th i sUrs of the show re M trtha-A nn Bentley. on e -o f

America's fareoiMl ballerlnaj; B it- Un Bergen. Copenhagen, D en­mark. who recenUy wmi th e world's solo synchronizer'swlm-^ mUig champlohshlpe a t Paris, and several Olympic dtrtng champion*.--Producer of'.the show li..L cnn Laden who has been In shows and has produced others throughout Uie U. S , Canada and Europe.Both CDS and NBC uUUze his knowledge about water ahowt In Ulevlslon prfisenUUons.

The show tiscs portable equip? ment, including a diving pool and a porUbls ballet pool. E ight m en need six hours to p a t th e eqttlp- nsent Into tuaetloalne poilUon. •

Lighting effects add beauty to the show. AS many as 60 ligh t changes are used.


15 <UPD—A navy Polaris test rocket exploded In th# air . ments a fte r I t . was launched day. The rocket, stream ing a w band of amoke, r w e smoothly at

Seizui’6 Takes Former Store Manager HereR P. (Robby) Robinson, 60.

former maogger.oLUie.J. ney store In Twin PalU from 1937 to IMl, died'tf a heart attack Sun­day a t his summer home a t Lake Wenatchee. Wash.

While In Twin Falls, Mr. Robin­son served as president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Klwanls club. He was also associ­ated' with the Masonlo and Elks lodges.

Bom Sept 28. 1B8B. In Culver. Ore.. he was first associated w ith the Penney company a t T he Dalles. O rt , In 191*. Ho la ter serv­ed In Indiana and after h is .s tay In.TwlH-Fulll WM.transferred, to Wenatchee where he was m ahagw until' 1953.

Tho pa.ll Mven years he. was manager of the store In Bend. Ore., where tho couple resided. Survlv-

. include liJi widow. Mrs. FTon- Roblnson. three children, sev- grandchUdren and one g rea t­


I complete are and then

c m t s m x so o o H TBOISE. July 15 (UPD—T he 17th

day of the search for missing S* y tar-old 'O harlene-Z ahm -w aa-be- gun today wlUiout a&y detlnll« ClU£iM>.SO on-.- ■ __________ -

TIu’ee Mor e Y ouths Accepted^ For Idaho’s Ranch for Youth

RUPERT. Ju ly J 5 —The Rev. jam ei-IL -C row e .- superintendent of the Idaho R a n ch for Youth, announces three oicire boyi have CT t!nK ld«l~ to-the *atudejjt Uidy. The youths are from Sandpolnt. Moscow snd Jerom e.

TWO more will b e screened and chosen,from the 300 applications from atl over th e a ta t« and brought lo tho ranch before, aehool opens In Uie fan. Added housing facih- Ues a t th e r o n e h 'm u t f th e in­crease In boys possible, be said.

Mr. and Mrs. R icha rd Klccaid, Jerome.' donated b o th materials

••iabtir.ioiHt-a<Br-3<.' >

clnderblock structure designed to provide ..sletplng quartera fo r' s ix boys.

Rupert women painted th e In - rrtci 'u t uj8 suuKiaojaTAsi

They Included Mrs. BUt Thom as, Mnt. JakaW all. Mrs. Del W alker, M n . Kenneth W alto , i f n . PuUer Penuai, Mr*. Russell Bowman and Mr*. George Praejltser.*

The Rev. Mr. Crowe rqw rtod coiutructloa will begin soon < dairy barn wlUi eunplsUon' pe«t«d by fall. The bam wlQ boosa Janey heifers deaate* by U»f Idaho Jersey .Breeders 'uw oU -

Voters Back Racial Plans

For VirginiaR ICH M O ra, V a, .My IB • W PD

-^VitTlniali local <9 Uaa approach to integrauon, buUt.lroB tha n i H - of th e court-cmmbled *ma«slv« resistance- lavi, gained gtpun<] to­day as r e s u i ro f a 'h sw -fo u g b t Democratic primary elixtlon._______

Key legislators supporting Oct.J . Lindsay Almond^s prograin of 'freedom of choice" f o ^ t off segregaUonlst candidates to win renominaUon yesterday.

The Almond forces even picked ' up one vote In the state aeaaU, wnere the ir margin of Tictory was , only one vote l u t string.

Pom trr Sen. Victor P. 'WUtoa ousted foeuffibeot Stuart S . B al- le tt of the “mMSlv# reslstaace’' forces In Hampton and Newport news.

Also bounced from tha legisla­ture w u delegate ines Baker, Portsmoutii, who had called for a. stronger anU-lntegmUon policy. She was swamped by Donald San- die. an Almond supporter, irtiUe Willard J . Moody who also sup­ported Almond won renomlnaUon io r Portsmouth's second sest In Ihs house of representaUves.

HiGHnGHTSTiToday's Timet-Newa

Else rsnolo in v i^ Taft-Hartley a c t -in walkout, I d a h o Ranch for Y outh adds three studeota, Dlxon-Yates lof granted, W e n d ^ voters app ron : sewage plazlt b‘‘»Tid ^n e . RUKloM s tia ac t tough a t Geneva. .. . ' '

seated for rocationen.Page 4—Editorial; 'A n T hw e

Men Doomed": Views of Others, “InvasloQ by Foreign Mamifac- ttirers." ' . ' '

Page' 7-iUchfIeM girl seeks queen title at* horse show.

.....Cags 8 - - ^ l o r ^ _ ^ T c r —"flQUattcra'* - fight ..gorem ueot.

’ Page » — Wild Horse Annie arrives In -c ap lta l. '

Page t&-^-Oommunlst line pre­pares for red Cuba.

Page IITTCanning k ltd ien •pftlrons advised steel strike fiiay T f l lo - a M t- jr w -----------------------

Pag* liT - lh re e local boxen

Page 15—Junior golf round

Burley.ra g e 1»-T azes low t

tuckyclty .

Flam es Desfroy_ ~ 'en d ~ _______

- — B S to W , O ra. M r U nam es raced thzough the raptDC^bams at . the “ ------------- -groundsthem In lees: than half , a a ^ ^ , >

Ftom Robeitsoo, iwm*«p reotorT -eatlmitedw hjed. a t ,fU ^ O O .:W o fW a .o C ; ; th a S r tw a t u m W iu toid.-------


Page 2: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-



Repeat Tipsy Case Handed HigherCourl

i r n a r«f* On*)njen *‘t n flopped. UU bond K t *l CDO by JusUce Pcnce. Jiol- dra’i bond v u »el *1 m OoUi we« In th# Twin PalU county jill Wedncftday morning In Ueu ol twnd. -

leo Z. Beftrly, 19, 163>i lU m - U« lU tet, w u tined 125 And eoiU •nd 111* driver"* Ucenso wm *us» pcndtd for 30 day* WedJie*day rto rtlns when'h«»*pp(nrcd bffore PoUc9 Judge J . O .-Pumphrey on a

-th»fga-ot-r*clclca dfW ~ -

PTVZ-DAY POTECAFT, THOTfiDAy Tim O D O B UONDAY-Na preclpl(«Uon. TetnperBturti kTcrsctng ne&r or »U(hUy abovi norsi*! irlth nuuclmum S3 to ss and tzUnimum SS to CS.

MAGIO V A LLEy-G enenlly fUr Ih ro sib tanam nr.-U lU e (em> pe n tu r* chance, illrh ' tomorrow. S5 to »3; low tan lrb t 60 t« &S. U « l u t night &S, 70 a t • UB. and U a t nMm. PreclpllaUon: Trace.

ilUtlao . . . HiAltiAfir, flooi]/______<:

AlbUQUfRjui, flauilr __ r,AoehorM*. filn ... ----- *<

0:10 p.Tuwlay by Tft-ln PaJU polkc a tK r

muuier near ihe SouUi Park bridge. Alier croaalng Iho bridge.

' Devcrly’s auto leIC the pavement, , ■. ■ ■ ft car cn the rlfh t al^de com-

pleitly o lr the rood, crowed over In iront ol tbe pasted auto and com*

’ plettd tk led tu r s onto HamnBO ,t ttretl.* When que*tloaed -by oflleers.

Beverly aaid he d idn 't have good ------- Oftlci ...................................

mobile had no m uffler, no ade- quat« broke* and w am 't aa(a to opento on a public road. >

Stanley J. H ening tr. Buhl, wo; fliitd $15 and coaU Tuciday b; Probate Judge J. Dean Mosher to following too closely. Tlie caao wm appealed from Juatlce court. H er

— tinitr-hed-pleedcd-lnnoowt-te-Uueliarg# July 6. Tuesday h e eliaiiBed hi* plea to f[ullty through hi* law­yer, JL N. JfwcU.

lU nlnger aUo wa* given 3S de------- merlU-by-judR# Mosher, Ho wcu

’ "• cited Ju n e -3 by State patrolmaji JL E. Young follawlng an necldcn

' a t the IntertecUon of highway s: and 30.

Otorgeanna J . W ard. 31. Twin rail*, was died for failure to yield

. the right of way to a pedcttrlan Tue*day aficnioon by T »'ln Pall* police fall07.-lng an accident ai

.M ain avenue and Shoshone tiree^ Monday, nfteraoon,, . ..

M lu WaM was tu rn ing rlghi •onto-Mala »Tenu#-from Shoahone e lr t tl when her car h i t w . w Parlter.'M, 137 AtiaUn Btreet. He

i—a ad -1

■j i -

. ) j i

treated t t Uaglo Vftlley. Memorlo] hoipltiJ.JUid (hen released.’

M ia Ward was driving Ford owned by th e c ity . Slate Patrolman D. L. Coin a n d city po> lie* InvaiUgated.

David Eugene Keele, 16, 403 Fourth avenue cast, was uaeased «3 cost* and hU drim** Ucenso was suspended for SO days M onday by Twin Falls Police Judge J . O Pumphrey for following too close­ly. He was d ied July 10 by city poUw In the lOO. W oct of M ata avenue north.

Hort Dutrock. LltUe Valley, U tah 'ra s fined tlS and ootla a n d glren SO demerits by Wendell JtisUce o l th e Peace J . 0 . MUler on a charge of speeding. He w d t< d for speeding ‘>8 miles In a m l l e son) one mUa ^e«t of WeadeU on high, way 21 by Slate Patrobnon M arrln Wright.• m Hatl, Buht was fined »S costs 'and given 30 demerits by Judge J . a Miller for a stop aign

. ..TlolsUoa on Bob B arton highway aboornve znUc* aoiith o f WendelL H e was cited by S tate Patrolm an Richard Bums., AbrtBi BUrd Cbonn, S a lt U k e C l^ , was fined lU S and costs and acnteoced to 30 da jv la ja il T ues. «I*y by WendeU JusUce of the Peace J, 0 . Miller on a c h a rg e rd drimkea driving. T he sentence wll be suspended on paym en t of the fine.

H t w u arrtated July a by State Fatrolman Waller K ln ley on h igh, way 35 as he approached Wendell

Chorm was originally charged w ith drunken driving, repeated of- fenje. Cecil Hobdey, prosecuting a ttoney , entered a m otion th a t the offense be reduce*! to drunken <trtrlng. C2ionn iras M ntenced on a dnmken driving chatgo In Orem •City, Utah.

When arrested Chonn had no driver's license and claim ed he had lost his wallet which held the per­m it. However, officials cheeked w ith Salt take City police who sa*' hi* license had been reroked t

. th e earlier charge 'a t O rem City.Steven O. Brannon, Jerom e, wi_

— flned-|15 -and-«Iren-8a-dem erlta •Wednesday by Jerom e Police Judge ,Pred Eberhardt fo r speeding 40 'm llu p«r hour In a 33-mlle zone. Bob J. OUIuple, T jrin Falls, was fined 14 Wednesday and given 3Q demerits by Judge E berhard t fo r making an Improper r ig h t turn.

Donald E. schkn iT , Filer, wi lined »35 and.costs Monday n igh t

- by pUer JusUce of tha^Pcace V. A. AUlson for passing over a double ■white Jlne. He was given 58 de-

_ merlU. H i i dU U on was issued by • — Btato Patrolman Broy Ilard lng ; •

- James w . Olbson. 20, Rupert. _ and E. Leon Doman were fined »1S ' «ach Momby by Burley Police

Judge nenry Tucker for running c stop sign, They were cited by O f­ficer Delbert Christensen. Oalo Anderson, ifl. route 3. Burley,

making an Improper T7 tu rn . He v u d ied by Reserve O fficer Don Odom. . .

pon Q; VoeltxeJ, Burley, was nned cao and costs by Burley Ju s ­tice of the P^ace J . I,. Weldon Tuesday for a stop sign violation. H e was cited by S U te Pntrolm an H . E. Oarr, Arthur b . Bergener,

■ ■

Weather, Temperatures

■rck. cl«»r ........— »toloBi-wia'. " ’-—.riZ rT:

I Uoinfi, rJvu-lr.___ •'Worth. tl

7— { ! -••• CIW, f i ln ____

_Anff>lM.~(ioixl7''m t<loodr------ ».

UiRiphU. «lMr ,

Mil. Hla. Tn.

Ttul.^c K#« Vori, rila - 0.d,n . ..

w ' a v . ' . :l-eKi.ii.l, Or.., f:..udr__

iiM car.- ai'Micif...... ..•hnwnd. ____

Hprlnii -

Magic Valley FuneralsTW IN PALLB-Funeral servlcci

for Mrs. Rachael Henrietta Ware Logan will be conducted at 3 pjn. n iu rad a y a t.th e fit. Anthony »ec»

vm ru xs~ m a tB rT m srr ia swill be held In the Teton cemetery, f r ien d s may call a t the Twin Falls m ortuary from 8 aun. until Thursday.

OLZNNS FERRY-PUnerol serv­ices for d ; C. Anderberg, 83, Olenns Perry, will be held a t 10:30 a. D>. “n iu rtdoy In the Bey funeral chat>el with the Rev. Ralph Moore officiating. Masonic gravcsldB »erv- Icce «H11 be held by Fidelity lodge K a 60. Military rites'wUl be held by—tiift-O lenns—FBiTy—Amerlenn teg lon . inie family suggests con- trlbuuons to the Idaho Children's Hcmo P U ^ g and AW sodety.

T W IN FALLB-Roaary be red te d for Mrs. Helen Qee a t 7:30 p ,-m i—W *dnowlay-*t-th»-W hlt* m ort«at7 eliapeL BequiwR naua

will be celebrated qt 10 a. m. Thurs­day a t S t. Eda-ard's Catholic church by the Rev. John Koelsch. Plnnl r1 t« will be held In Sunset

BURLEY— FunenU services for Mrs. Bart)or» Ella Forretler will be held a t 3 p . m . Thursday.at the Joseph—Pnynff'-Meroorlal—ehspel with the Rev.' Edn-ard E, Dtxon of- flclatlng. F inal rltea will be held in Rlvendfl? .(jemetery, Heybum. Friends may call! a f ihB -payre mortuary unW time of'servlets n iuraday .

b u h l — nm e ra f services Mra.-EstherLanon-w lU -behald-at 10:30 a. m . Friday a t the U>6 church in B uh l .with Bishop Wil­liam K. PotU offldjktlng. Final rltea will be held m -th # '•B u m cemetcry. Friends may oUl.ab the AIbert«Jh, funeral home from

Magic Valley HospitalsClaimed by Death

M agic vAUey M emorialVlaltlng hours In the mat«mlty

w ards are from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 }jn.; tn a ll others, from I I a m to 8 j>jn.

A D M irrED M arie l^C la lr, Mrs. Edward Ped.

ersoQ, Mre. W alter N ld 'Lucy A. Morse, all Twin Fnlls; □ v e n i Kennedy, Mrs. Wayne Short and Mrs. Fred Wahnsley, all Buhl; Mrs. August VUhauer, Rupert; Et- tie Mink; Wendell; Mrs. Ilarvey Hale, Contact, Hev, and Mrs. £r- win Vaughan, Ellco.

DISMISSED T am ara Toleman, Mrs. Robert

Mlehoel and son. Mr*. LesUe Booih M yrtle Friedman and U n y Flem­ing, a ll Twin Fall*; . Kenneth En­nis. Rupert; Roy 1. Johnson, Klm- bSr^ and F e U i ^ s U Chicago;

A son was iMm Wednesday to U i. and M iv R e d Walmsley. Buhl

Gooding Memorialvisiting hours a t Qoodlng Me­

morial hospital are from 6:30 a ja >8:30 p in .

D isnnssE D M rs. B nm a Jenkins, Hagermon.

Cottage, Burleyvisiting hours a t Coltaga hos­

pital a re 3:30 to t and’ from 7 top jn . _____

A D s n n z D M rs. ConnJe aeaiy. Mrs. Mary

Lee Scott, Mrs. Mariana Smith, klrs. Iris Angus, Mrs. Jane Angus, Mrs. F a t Baxter, aU Burley: Mrs. H arriet Bollinger, Paul and Thom-

I Helms, Oakley.DISMISSED

M rs. P a t Bodily, Danny Bowen, Mrs. Connie Oeary, Mrs. Mildred Shiter. Mrs. A dells-Shafer, all Durley; Mrs. L d a Graff, Ueybuni,iTi/ p*annA Oflklf*y

SIBTQS A docghter was bom to Mr. and

Urc. Dean Angus, Burley,

Plea Entered in Larceny Charge

RUPERT. July IS — Leonard Challburg. Rupert, pleaded guHty Tuesday of grimd la iteny when he appeared before District Judge Sherman J.-Bellwood here, -

He was scheduled to appear to­day on a charge or a m ed rob­bery; bu t the ohante-wtts reduced and h e pleaded guilty to the le u tr :hnrge.

A pre-sentence Investigation ... g ranted by Judge Bellwood who sei

I5~Dy~3uage~Ta5kif~T0f A w r s - e r - • ...................T he charges resulted from an

Incident May 9 when challburg al- egedly robbed Frank M cFarlane at

gun point on the latter'* farm nortJi of Paul. Guns, cash an d i pickup t r u ^ were taken.

ChjiUburg has been In the M ini doka county Jail in Ueu of S3,&00 bond after being bound


Program Set'fof” Concert of Band

T ho program for the Ihursday nlgttt concert of the Twin PalU munldpat band Is announced by Director Charles Ratcliffe. The concert will sta rt a t 8:15 p. m . at the ^ m d shell of-tho city p o r t . "

K um ben will Indude “Goldman'swortd-pracffTnnren’m i s t a i i p a of Bagdad” overture, Boleldleu; "In Cairo," Oriental patrol. Toa BJon: "Walt**# from Der Roaen- kavaller," B traus, aod Ganne's "Marche Loitalne;" ”n Oipeo, POBO Doble." Pareta; “Klmm. Bus- (cr Tod choral." Bach; Leroy And­erson’s “Sleigh R«e“: -Quadrille," from Can-Can by Cole Porter; Rodsort' “Me and Ju lle f ; “Inter­national VnudevlUe"-mnrcli. Alex-i Mirirr. anrt “Tlia ~ 'Baaner.'*

St. Benedict’s, Jeromevisiting hours a t St. Benedict's

hospital aro from 3 to 4 and from 7 to 8 pm .

. ADMITIED Lonnie M artin. Eden; Danny lurohv, M urtaugh; Mrs. Norman

s and Steve Hovey, bolhShoshone; Mrs. Pnul,Marlow and Toby Weinberg, both Wendell, ond Sylvester Robbins and Carol Bogu- slawskl, both Jerpme.

DISMISSED Mrs. Charles Etcheto, Shoshone;

Robert Hodge, Mrs. Milan Mc« Afeo and Curtis Holnea, a ll Je-

DinTHSbom to Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Edwards. Shoshone.

Minidoka County . -tlMUng hours a t Minidoka

County Itospltal are from 10 am . to 8 pm .

ADMITTED Mrs. Amelia Link, Mrs. Waldo

Paught, Mrs, Floyd P ra fK te r. and baby John Maeklej-, oil Rupert.

SLxAi-eaMen To Take TestIx area young men are sched­

uled to take competitive aamlna- Uons for appointment to the Unit­ed States sen'lee academies, ssyj Senator Frank Church.

They are Rus.iel! D. Riggs. Mur- taUBh: .Robert E ; U e, Buhl, and B a rt D. Strong, William L. Jenkins and Wesley A. Sonlus, all Twin Fnlls, who will take the lest a t Twin Falls. Richard L. Burke. Carey, will take the test a l Alex­andria, Va.

Ranging In ages from 17 to 21 ekinr

a t <\nnapolls, Air Force Academy o t Colorado Springs. Merchant Marine Academy a t Klnns Point. N. Y , and Coast Guard academy a t New London. Conn.

Tho examinations are given by tho U. S. clvU servlco ----- '

Phone Firm Nets _$2.44 Per_ShareDENVER, July 15 tn - Moun­

ta in SWtefl Telephone and Tele­graph company reported today lLi ne t Ineom s-for'the Utree montJu

p.44 per siw re oC conunon stock.For the same period ofTWSe nei

Income tt-as M.Cnp.l54 o r ‘»:iB T er share. .

W alter K. Koch, company prtil- dent, m id nearly 82.000 lelcphoiiti were added lit the l in t six months of this year. This ml.wd Die total to 3JCO.OOO in Uie comp(in}"s elsht

Lions Told to Capitalize on Tourist TradePresident Joseph H . Latlmore

told fellow Lions a t a noon lunch­eon Wednesday tha t they should capluiU e upon the naUon's tour­ist trade.

He was explaining at>out his re­cent trip to the Lions Intem aU on- al convcnUon In New York City. LfttlniOre criticized Easlem crs lor their lack of congenially and hos­pitality. He told Uie club th a t the tourist atmosphere. In the W est Is highly Impressive compared to w hat he went through in Washlng- ton, D. C - and New York Ciiy.

Before Latlmore'a Ja!le,..Efiul M.

ber by J . M. M*rrlll, International counselor of the Uons organlra- tion. Assisting was Robert Baker, who presented Fugcne DeMondperfect attendance pin for U»e to t year.

Guests IncKided Kenneth Boyd, BenM orash, w . G. Brinkley, Boise. David Spencer. Uklah. calU.. and A rt Groove, Paul. .

m an of the club's golf tournam ent.

Clark Couple Is Honored a t Rites

RUPERT, July 15-Double fu­neral eervices for Mr. and Mrs. Horby q iut-w ere held a t-10 a jn . Monday a t the First ^entccostal church In Rupert »1tl» the lUv. Sheldon .Slagel oT the Assembly of God church officiating.

fllpfffl, ployed the and postludo music and a tn o com­posed of Mrs. Slagel and Mr. and M n. Lester King sang. Mrs. Kingplayed-tha^iaccnmpanlment______

Pallbearers were Luther Popple- well, H arry Borchanlt, 8. M. Farm ­er, Leater King, Gaylon PhUllps and Clinton WlUlams.

The floral arrtmgemenls were by Mrs.-Oottileb-BoUlngerrMrs.-Chrl# Uhl, Mrs. Ed Johanson, Mra. Charles Arnold. Mrs. Carl Proeglt- zer and Mis. Leo Arnold.■ Concludlng"rites' were held the Rupert cemetery.

Mrs. O ru Eleanor G d ^e r, G3, 403 R ju rth avenue east, died a t 6 p. m . Tuesday a t Sim Valley hos­pital foUowtii a heart attack.

She w as'bom Aug. 13, 1095, nt P leasant lAke, N. D , and had been

resident of Mngle.Valley since 1000. Uvlne In . Tvi'ln IW ls since 1034.’

Slje v,-ua-marTled to Frtmk B, Oclsler N or. 37,' 1017, a t Wendell, She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Ladles of Elks and the MeUiodlst church.

In addition to her husband, Mrs. Oelsler Is survived by two nma, Marcel L. Gelalcr, Salt Lake City, and LawTcnce Gelaler, Brighom City; seven gitmdchlldren; two sisters, Mre. Van Lawrence, Phoe­nix. A lls , and Mrs. Glen Basoom, Riverside. OfUlf., a n d 'a brother, Emile n . Holbrook, MODttbeUo, C a lif .'— ;

Funeml arrangejnenta are pend­ing a l the Twin Falls m ortuary.

Burglary Charge H earing Delayed

Tlie first decree burglary hear­ing of T . J. Short, 40, 301 Fourth avenue west, was continued until * p jn . Friday In probate court be­cause some of the state's witnesses

unable to a ttend the hearing a t 10 a.m. Wednesday before Judge J . Dean Moshtr.

Short Is charged in 'connection wltlj the break-ln of Uie Depot Grill June 28 or 29. Judge Mosher reduced Short's bontl to *3,000. and he still was In custody o t the Tn-ln Falls county sJierlff Wednes­day morning. T he original bond of $5,000 was set by Police Judge

T vin Falls JVews in BriefGrao|eTe*Sle«t

Mountain RocI( O ruige No. 370 will meet a t 8:J0 p m . Thursday a t the .community hoU. Refresh­ment* will be lervpd.

fsllforaU VisitorsMrs. J. 6. Stewart and daughter.

Georgia Stewart, San ta Monica, C alif...an visiting he r son and

' daughtef-ln-la*, Mr. and Mra. L^Tin Stewart.

.MtisJoBsrin Talk 'The Ilev. and Mr*. Don Yertng'

ton will Ulk and show *lldes on their experiences u m luloharles a t 8 pm. today a l the Twin Falls Oracs BlUa-churcit-------

Admitted for Sorgtry Charles C. Robinson was admit­

ted for aurgery Tuesday a t the Twin PtlU cunic hospital.

ita rrU r* License A marriage license wa* Issued

Tuesday afternoon- to Sidney Robert Judd and Leola Pearl Jenks, With Pocatello.

Fined on Old.I4cen»«.Cary -Jenkins, 20, 117 Austin,

street, was fined |7 and cosU Tues- day afternoon by Police Judge J . O. Pmnphrey for driving with a driver's license th a t expired Aug, 19, 1057. He was died by Twin FftlH_ponce,

Womaii T* Flaed

coin street, was fined $15 and Mondsy aftemoon by police Judge J . 0 . Puznptuey for having noisy

...............................JuliL- -300 block of Main avenue north.

Trucker Fined UoydlfM. Little. .W endeli; wi

fined 15 and c o s t/ Tuesday by Wendell Justice o f.the Peace J . C.MlUer lor driving a tnlck vlU i Hi mud flaps. He waa cited by S u te Patrolman Marvin W right ■

Rent Pay Sentbt William D, Pettygrove, 2U Polk

street, filed ault Tuesday oftemoon in Twin Palls probate court ogalnst Duane Hall, who rented a dwell­ing trom P etliB m e in liansen. Pettygrove asks tl60 rent from Nov. 20, KM, to June 11, lOSO and coiU.of. suit. U. N.- Jewell, Twin Palls altomey, represenla petty ­grove.

She was cited Tuesday by State Patrolman D. L. Cain five miles south of Twin PalU on highway

Fined for ^ o l iy Plpes-

.. three.day aesslon of the -sU te board of pediatry In Boise. D r. To­bin, who ij a member of th e n a ­tional board of pediatry, was re> ccnUy named chalnnan of the -Btale-boaid-of-etamftjeTs- b y - Robert E. Smylle. Dr. Tobin have regular office hours on day....................... ......................

S t s J E X a r s o n i D ies a t A g e 8 0BtniL, July IS — Mrs. Esther

LfltMn, 80. died al Magic Valley Memorial h o s p i t a l Wednesday mombg after an extended Illness.

s bom a t Moroni, Utah. April 11,1B79, and was m arried to James P. Larson there April 4. 1003. Tjey came to Buhl. Feb. 33, 1011, from Moron! and farmed In this area until he died April 10, 1H2.

Mrs, Larson was a member of the LDS cliurdi a t Buhl.-

Survivors include four daugh­ters, Mrs. William s . Love. K im ­berly; Mn. W. D. Barpett, Ogden; Mrs. Lowell T>ler. Pendleton. Ore., and ^Jr^. P. E. WalUck. San Diego; two sons. Clinton C. Faux and Wj-man Faux, both Buhl;brother. William Ralllson. ___Angeles; 13 grandchildren and 10 gTTat-grsndchlldren. ‘

Funeral, sen'lces u-jll be held «t 10:30 a.m. Friday a t the LDS church In Buhl with Blsliop Wil­liam K. Polls officiating. Final riles will be held In the Buhl ceme­tery. Friends may call a t the Al­bertson funeral liome'from 9 nm . to ,noon and-from l lo 5 p jn . TTiursdiiy.

Rupert Youth Competing in Capital EventRUPERT. Ju ly 15 — W ay n e

Rupert. U represenung Idaho In th e finals of the “My True Security" script-wlilng coq. t« t now being held in Washing' ton. D. C. *

Thl* U Schult' second trip to the oatlanal l a two yeart. Last y u m e -w o n -ttie -“I-ape*k-fcr De- : mocr1ic/r<contcat on the itate level and made the trip east to cotripete In ■ th e 'r ia tlo n an m iiI i;~

H ie local w inner of the contest (ponsored by th e Junior Chamber of Commerte, has been making a tour“"6f“ the eapIUl~wltn-otner contatan ts. T he group was taken

Peace Robert E. Pence for driving

■Paul C. Myers, jafftlFTWEr ed $7 and costs for 'noisy plpes- when he'appeared before JusUce of Uie Peace Robert E. Pence Tuesday afternoon. Myers was cited Saturday evening by State Patrolman Marvin S. Wright. He stopped Meyen one half mile north

■ Perrine u tm o ru i bridge.

Scliool Opens ForMinidoka Ai-ea Sept-1

RUPERT, July 15 - Mliildoka county (ohooU will open Sept. 1. ]{ was decided by school board members.-T h lsn i

agriculture, the deparlmenl of In­terior. the departm ent of health. educaUon and welfare. Uie Penta-

building*.This script-writing eontest ...

courages youth* to think, write and speak on the Importance of inltlaUve and self-reliance In pro-

* • Icr mc.lfl;dividual, Jaycee officials suess.

First place winner will receive .1.000 scholarstilp with WO going to the tU'o ru n n ers -V

Schulx is th e son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schulz, Dutch John, Uuh. He made h is home near Rupvt with hla grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. T . O. ^ h u l t while he »t- tended'lJie'MinWokfl qpunly Jil*h

.school. He was graduaUd with the class of 1059.

Stairs BuiltKING KILL, July 15 - A new

back stairway Is being conitrueUd A t.the .K tng HIII-QriLDge.liulldlng by Ray Collins, Glenns Perry.

The original stairs were dem.. Ished by an uprooted tree which fell on the stalra-ay during a wind- storm th is summer.


Seen Todayand alley and c le ^ ^ bish left by Iho WrtnUM map on ,•. . . M in and e ^^ " -

.relative merits <j{;uncanccled stamp

»*th ilir;r

Barry wearing aiurj i„ L' lionwagon . . . Man w c j - - , ^ club-p ln-ln (iJilrs absence of coal . . , d. i being ribbed about accompaniment lar club slnglnK .truding from c . l i . ' j S l . ’- '

From AreaWinIDamage from ihe din sr.^ vA

storm, which blew '

seriou.’. with tallm u t t Iimta n. ported In T uln j-bIli, CuHm Rupert. '

In Twin FalU on e.oiptoje ol’,:. Idaho Power co!np;inv «;.-\inlL the transformcr.i v,i'rc oui various parts of the i«An tree limbs blew down on i-’ William Axtell. m:ma;tr Mountain States Iclcptione ar.d > egraph compnny, rrportfd o r .ts l down In Soutli Park, oihtrwue^ sertou* damnge.”

Korth of bcdo . a tree blew cutting power -off m iim ^ Durley police reporicd. Ushita struck In the Strevell nrr.i Ujis fire could be locatcd ty - j ie - s ^ of land monnfiement.

•Wind with high gwij and t blew In Rupert and a re» c. limbs t>Icw doa'n. No d»ni«f i liUle_ft-lnd_»ai_repQfUdWendell i



Bllb to Rive the Ne* Pcrce Indian tribe conlrol of ll>i acrc-i o t land near Kamlah, Ida., were introduc­ed In conjreM yesterday by Sens. Frahk Oiurch, D., and Henry Dworshak, R . and Rep. Oracle Pfojl. D . all Idaho.

arrested for Uie burglary.E. L. Raybom, Twin Falls .a ttor­

ney, Is counsel fo r Sltort.

Money Is Stolen -E rom Elks-ClubWednesday morning police still

. . _ the ft o t the Elks club. 205 Shoshone street north, following report o t tho theft Tuesday moniing.

Sometime between 11:45 and midnight Monday, aomeono$337.58 from the cash register.

Police Chief Howard GUIette re- jwrted someone slipped behirul the counter In tho bar and rang up a"no

Wednesday morning tho police department Iwd no clue.<.

W atch Repair Special

& t z z z i : 7 ; 5 0SUMMER BONUS

FfM 2.50 CryaUl with rre ry repair



Somellfflet (be *eeret ef lue- eeis In fcetinea lies fa keeping yoor tmsIncM a secret.

^cepUonaliy nice 3 bedroom home. Finished basement wlUi large party room. New wall lo wall carpeUng, drapes, dlspot-U. dishwasher, aluminum storm doors a n d w indow. Ijitge a ttach­ed double garage, fenced in j-art. Fully Insulated. WiU in d o for older home. . —

TAYLOR AGENCYrty— ---------------------- - ' Phone- OA 3 -5 2 8 9





SALE RACKS r . NOW 3 . 9 o

Special Thurs. - F ri._^Sat._d N fB T G l jE W ■ J k A A

SALrRACK . . . eO. |0.00Bertha


tary grade* this year._Plana for the high school vacaiidh ore UnUi^ Uve and will be set up as the har* vest needs require.“ S iip rC alirann iny rr-------- -from the employment offices and Uie schools show Uiot I t appar­ently doesn’t pay to let the young er grades out.

After Uie defeat of a bond Issue this spring, the board announcec Uuit Uie ls*iie would be presented again this fa ll ..asd tha t.fede ra funds amllable would be used Inj Uie planning of- tho buildings to be Included In Uie Mnd. Flans for the uto of Uiese fund* cussed.

AnoUier plan approved b y the board was one aimed a t eliminat­ing misbehavior by students or. the buses. Forms would be fur- nlslied U>e drivers to fill and send to the parents eiplalnlng the be­havior problem of their child.

Plans were made to make attempt to obtain some used bleacher* for use a t tho new foot­ball Held for Uie fall season. New mcs wflJ be constructed o( • future date whoa funds allow.The resignation of Mr*. Gladys

Bally-from Uie Washington school staff was acccpted and three other teachers .were hired. ' •

New teachers arc Robert Mar- inll, former band Instructor a t

Snake Rivrr hlgh'school ot Morei land who will serve In the same capacity a t Mlnlco. and Mrs.-Mur- riell Mauldin and Floyd Browning, who will teach In the elementaiy schools.


Twin Falls Feed & Ice Co. Phona RE 3-1297

Page 3: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


Judge Gets New Gavel for Youths

JACKSON, MlM. <UPD—JlldRC w, T. Hortfin hn* ft new kind of

he uses when prasWlnc Jn licoiirt,

..taped like a paddle, U quickly rommnnds the re»pcct of Juvenlic.i.

Horton iBld he tb o "prescribes-i !l lo purenla m "medicine" fori liidr delinquent clilldicn. 1

-Uke oil other medicine I t I

t itd b« token u needed,” Hor* u ld .

■I tell pnrenta to be sure o cWld ■« sullly before sponWng him;

' spunk him when oiiKrY;»pol6i[lM alter .spAnklBR

in d lue the pnddle os n real- not M ft threnl

‘ SUOTLVS T L ^ a OK'D -----WASHINpTON, July IS LR-The

KMie #frl«ilture commiltet.ycs- lfn3»y spprovcd a one-year cxlen- ilon of the proRram dcilgned lo dL'pOM! of ftgrlcuUurnl lurplusci abroad.


BadgeredBOISE, July 15 Wl - Police

here thouRhl Uify were belnR bndsered by i\ nulrift yestcrdtiy.

B ut It turned out tltey wero badRcrrd by it badger.

Bruce Owtn mid n very vnl- imblo female nutria vanifihed from 1:1* fur farm het«.

IIB wnmed Uiat It weighs 19 to 20 poundu, moves mpldly, iind rnny bite, and (o erab It ■by Uie tftli.

Patrolmen Melrln Lynn ep<4. tJle iinlmftl cliiuilnc mi u n ­

identified , mi\n.-dOTO_. BoiM's niftlit'strcet. The iinlmal turn* cd around and eJiwed Lj-nn.

He »hot It and dbcovered th a t I t WR.1 not ft nutrtft a t *11.

I t was ft badger.

check ttie driver* llcenw nnd ftulo- moblle (ille file in Botic. Ttial falllnR, <heriff'« officers In IhQ county where tlio mlsalnK person Is supposed to live aometlmea help. More often. It’* a combination of things nlonR with a Utile luck'Uiat does th e jr lck .

Perklna said one Atate policeman. »oklD« for on- eautem Industrial­ist. chMcd A rlrer boat mllM down the Snake river on n rood llellng the wftWr before hn cjiurIiI hlxiTAnd toM him that a thrce- mllUoh doilAT Jactory' Uie cxecullvc oftTied had ijum W to the g ro u n l


mier Abdd K arim Kftwem says his regime will hold free elecUoni for ft neu' national axsembly before Che end o f IMO.

Roger M anb, G rand Va Manarer,' Is ahom pretenllnc a $25,09 check to Mr*. Carl Ber«. 3C8 A lla n s Drirt. TwIb' rati*. Slrv D trf WAS Ihe winner In the recen t “Nsme the Marie’ contest. Tlie title aufjested by Mr*. Berc wa* CONFLICT IN THE WILDKHNESS. T h li entry was *eleeted from hundreds of others, as the wlnnlnc tlUe. by Mr. K. O. Lloyd, branch^manacer of 20th Centnry Fox Film DiiL Corp., ef S a lt Lake City. The new Utle contest wa» ron In eon- juneUon wllb 6n*An llayw ard 'a new picture, 'WOMAN ODSEiiSED.'' —Adr.

“Magic Valiey’s L argest a iid Finest Depariment Store'*

RCA Victor Stereo Stampede!gudraiifeed trade of at least. . .

a lim ited tim e only . . . .



W O R T H A T .L E A S T 100.00 O N A N Y 'R C A V ICT O R


----------- H U R R Y U -S O M E -A R E .O N L Y J_O E A .K :iN n



Danish T.ow:Boy Console Storep-Orfhophonic

Hi-Fi ploys oil rccordsr-S tereo or>d -Hi-Fi------

A speakers! Living Stereo TpiSe Arms with

Dlomond Stylus.

3 9 9 9 5 LESS ■ ■ ' 100.00 TR A D E -IN

-TH E-"W A R K lli":CONSOLE" Modcrrt Console Slerco-Orlhophenic' Hi-Fi-

.. delity_ i'.V ictrolo.-'_PIays-air_rccords-------- -

Stereo and Hi-Fi. Powerful om rcdio. 2-In-

1 cmplifier with 4 spcokers — Diomond


$4 7 0 .T R A D E -IN


Page 4: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


___ ______ _______ - pBblUblm Coapur.b u n d UM«ul fliM a ill B tiur April I. I»ll. . t U>« m

• TwH r»IU. Uita. ua«l« It* «» M«rt> I. tHI.mUcm ruslrwl kr U«Vr br ariUr qI u

■ “J r r r " ’ .......


T U C K E R 'S N A T I O N A L

W H IR L IG IGWASmKOTOK—B e cre u ry offlU U H erte r I* lUKl-

Ine SS'TW-old S a n n d A<}eo«uer u itubbora u did the chrU U uj D enocrn tlc p*rtjr poUUeluu wtioi Ihoufhl ibAt be thouU l reU n Uie eh&oceUor'

fh lp of We«t Oen&An; becauseSs. ■. ‘ hlfl age- ___— “DCJplU'rep«it<(t complilnu by

' ' the sUCe deparunent, Bonn U catuUig Amenean co&l companies, railroads. mftrtUme lnt«rc*U tn d miner* ■ lo u ot i a .c tltm aM l&Q m illion do llan a y n r Uiroutb tu u ltra h lsb Uuifr on the bltuminCnu

ARE THESE MEN DOOMED?• C0PE~ha5 ilrc d 'iU open ing g u n~lh~Uij

' op Polllical Education h .15 i« u e d Its firs “wacklist of seven aenators I t says m ust no bo reclectccl.

•Thclr-*ln-w a«-voU ng J ig a lnst-p lugg lnB

I I f .

agalnst some Increases in w elfa re paym ent! — f^om •thcU .-a^tTcaaury^T^le-'■•lool^hoIcs’'p f b -

posals w-ould have p u t an a rb i t ra ry celling on expense accounts regard less o f the ae tual expenses, and disposed of som e of th< highly technical depreciation allowance,^.

-------C O P E -coatlnucs..ti3-lnslst- U iat_no_oneshould be allowed to s it In congress unless he Is willing to help spend th e governm ent

- Into bankruptcy and help ta x business en­terprises into bankruptcy. M eanwhile, the u n io n s-it represents follow Jn th e ir own business dealings th e p rin cip le th a t you trim your budget to f i t y our Incomc. They

-Jealously guard unlimited < fo r many of their ofHcers.

And COPE Is getUng re a d y to wage Its bJggejfc poJJtJ«al fJght so f a r w h en th e couii'

-.tryJs-m aklng-up-ltA - m ln d -iib o u t - t h e . J " 'candidates, reserving its' su p p o rt .for the

.taxers and spenders. COPE h a s learned nothing from the g rea t pub lic outcry against -govemment sp en d in g th a t has

, i; forced co n fe ss to cu t b ack -m an y p e t give- j I away projects.. I t ho5 Ignored th e . several r ' polls which have shown t h a t un ion mem-

— U/*— bers-ftre-m uch-con^crncd 'nboiirinnatJoH T ' . All things being equal, we d o u b t w hether

J th e condemned seven have m u c h to worry . n about os the result o f being s la te d fo r purg-

......... Ing by COPE. The list, b i-pa r tis a n , contains' 1 4 th e nam es of several sen lo rs i 'iiU lo rs o rc o n -

I jf slderable distinction.; f| 'COPE'S blacklist:

Willis Robertson, ,D.. Va., S trom 'Thur­mond, D., S.C., Call Curtis, B ., Nebr., T hom ­as Martin, R., la., K arl E. M und t, R., 8. D., I<everctt 8alt<5hstall, R ., M ass., a n d Andrew Schoeppel, R., Kans;

Wo th ink the voters of th e ir s ta te s will prove th a t o ther facto rs w eigh m ore heavily t h a n COPE’S condem nation of careful ependers,

FREEDOM AND FH E E L A N C E H S A short time ago a r a th e r o d d device, Jook-

Ing pretty much like a large w all clock, look Its placo In th e -6 m lth so n ia n In stitu tio n

' alongside the f i r s t ’au tom oblle a n d airplane. I t was the firs t cash reg is te r, invented by

a m ldfrestcm cafe ow ner In 1870. Conceived originally as a "th ie f c a tc h e r ," th e reg ister ha s become one b f th e g re a t regulators of th e storekeeper’s business. T h e m odem cash reg ister has found Its w ay In to m ore th a n 100 countrles,.and the m ore com plex models m ay record os m any as 54 d iffe re n t types of Inform ation about a business sale.

Jam es Rltty, the O hioan w ho devised th is f ir s t machine, died th in k in g i t a fa ilure. B u t since hlB time more th a n s ix m illion regis­te rs have been produced.

W hen Stanley Allyn, p re s id e n t of th e N a­tio n a l Cash Register com pany, presen ted R ltty 's original to the S m ith so n ian he took no te of the fac t th a t m uch resea rch and inventive effort today Is on a “ te a m ” basis,

B ut he wisely rem inded u s th a t a place m ust somehow be he ld for th e Individual inventor, the lone-wolf expe rim en te r, who finds the team harness c h a f in g and re s tr ic t­ing . His imagination a n d d a r in g arci.still th e tru e wellsprings of th e p rog ress any In ­dustria l na tion -m ust m ake in th is age of competing economic system s.

n Jiecdom m eans an y th in g , i t surely ■ m eans free play for th e Ind iv idual to con­

ceive and test h is Ideas fo r m ak in g h is w orld a better, more workable p lace . — ........

HOME-MADE BOOM ,R cccnt visitors to D allas h a v e been Im ­

pressed with the sw ift ren o v a tio n of th e city. And they’ve learned t h a t D allas’ new look Is being paid for by Da lla s people and riot“b'y th e 'u . B. taxpayer'."

Dallas businessmen have cooperated in providing new commcrclal fac ilities. The

. p e ople of Dfilln.1 have voted tt- S2 mllllnndo llar bond Issue for th e pub lic facilities. I t will cost the average ow ner of a SlO.ODO hom e Just the price o f.one h a irc u t a year.

These independent T exans f ind th e fed ­e ra l approach to city renew al phony and red -tap e bound. They w an t to p lan th e city alotag th e lines o t th c lr ow n dream s and am bitions.'R o t-erpead . all th e ir Ingenuity i n m eeting federal stan d ard s of w h a t a city

> ough t to DC. ^They believe th a t federal p rogram s .for

—c ltle s - in v a d o lh e - rc a lm -o f -p r lv a te - 'c n tc r- p rise, encourage dependence on federal jargM se and Invite d o m ina tion by W ash­ing ton . .

D allas Is m aking rea l headw ay on Its own w h ile m any equally r ic h c ltlc s a re losing tlm e-cam plng in W ashington, try ing to get U ie go7cmsacnt»to -pick- u p th e tab s , * '

T h e s e enterprising Texans have rciected th e m y th th a t all the p a r ts o f th e United S t a t e s a r e so poor th a t they require federal

■ a id , w h ile the U nited S ta te s as. a whole is • 80 r ic h th ik t th e treasury can a ffo rd to sup­

p o r t , e y e iy th ln y .___________________

-----WlVea ta lk more th a n husbands, says rI — ; ^ t e r O ^ -w u rs ft l f s j ) e c a u s e h u s b a n a i a n

to o po U te io ln teO T p t them .


product;I n view of-Uie four billion dol-

In n In loans and srania made We.1l O frmttny iilnce World »II. a n d our imporU o t more Uian 600 m illion dollars Inal year, the

iCoU U deeply concerned over Uie problem, «hleh an-rconom ie-a.'T iK nn

n t t a t c r *

;K8 ALMKt-B E B tlN c m s j s H E q u m K S ALMKI) s o l id a r -IT V -D ui negoUaUona. Ifntn tir

ng. H repeated-negtttH’c.1 maT b« I. itiiwi ue Kopi on a bnduUge bwU bc-

>e of Uie need for allied MUdarlly In llie BerlincrUli.

W »t O frmany'i a tlf f a ttitude In th li m ailer, to ­gether wlUi President C harles de Oaulle’a tle m po»I-

NA TO -and-A m crlcair nucleir Weapoiu, ac.

While House program for forelgn w nom fc Mid mllltary-Bld,-------------------- ' .

O rutf John L. Lewl.i. head of the United Mine Workcrii, u well tui th e opcratort, amonn «ti>ue number are many prom inen t Republlamf^havo be- |u n to ttilnlc th a t reciprocal trade and American jenerosliy are a ‘'one way #treel.~

So do many other IndustrtallsU suffering fromU.-a.»flnMited-forelim l etfOTery. amfer-cornpeutlpn In world trade, quotaa, ta rU fi and Uie Khrushchev- Ulkoyan ‘'trade war."

H ie shipment of Rold. abroad to pay for exceu purchases has been m ore than three billion dollarj. The dollar no longer com m ands a premium In n sn ^ countrlet, as sum m er tourists will discover.


February West G erm any levied a tariff of J4.74 t ton of 4>ltumlonoua coal. This tax Is only 3S

eeau less than the $6 price of domestic cool a t the tntne. I t is a prohibitive barrier.

Ja-lU7,-W«it-0«nnany-l<niK)r(eii-ftlK>ii(-l&-millionof American conJ. o r about half ot all . . . .

Unental Europe's Im ports. Due to contracts sUIMn ffecl, West Germany w ill take only.obout five mil' Ion tons In 1050.Suffering from m echnnlsatloa and Uie srawlng

.omptUtlon o t oUie; tUclA..even Ui«aoss oC tO snlU loa tons-und probably 15 million In tlme-^-wlll hurt, t Is estlmsled th a t It w ill cost coal companlea

W-mHHon-ilolI»T*-1n-BaIej; tM rAUroads abo Tillllon dollar* In frc ljrh t charges, and millions In irages. There will be ol2ier indirect losses to many •ommunlllcs. ,

U. 8. UnCED TO •TAKE ItETALUTOBY AC- ■ION”—The W est G erm an ta riff was Imposed al- nost simultaneously w ith the formation of the Nti- lonal Coal Policy conference. T h is is a unique Uon- ind-tamb organization o f th e lending eoal producers, Jie Unllea 'M ine 'Wortcers. coal-carrying railroads, qulpcnent m anufacturera and those uilllUea which urn cool,'ni».prlm ar7 purpose o t the conference Is to In-

reose domestic and fore ign markets. Consequently, ■ some of Secretary H crtc r's angry visitors have

lAld, West Germany’s action is "both discouraging nd Infurltillng,”Some have even suggested th a t the United States

iliould “(Ake rctaU atory action." w-hlcli would bfi llfflcult a t Uils critical m om ent In world affairs.

Tlifi secretary of s ttfle Is having his own troubles ;lth Prime M inister H aroW 'M acm illan and de 3aulle, alUiough for d if fe re n t reasons, without ta i- ng on the tough Chancello r Adenauer. •

(n«lni«l br UcClur* BriJle.u]


Industry In the U nited Statca Is itow facing one f lUs most serious chiillengc»—th« Ini-oslon of iho . 6 . market by lower coot- products, lacgtng all 10 way (men ftahlng tocU o to Mitomobllcs. 'The out- «no of ths preaent a tru c g le Involves alt of us.For yenrs, U. S. Industry has held the upper hand

im m gh technical know ledge plus copltol to build issemb2y-Une p lants and th u s keep oosu below for* Ign c«xnpeUtor»~who weiro leas effldenl. 'The world uirket was dominated. In m any lines, by Amerlcnn

nanvfM tun« . .Seveml things have happened. Porelgn nations,

n&ny using our funds a n d suidylng our technical nelhods, have re-cnp tu red their oyi-n domesUe nrnr- cts to ft large extent. A m erioon exports have drop-

>ed trcmendouaJy in th e paat few j-ears,But tha t isn 't ail. E ven v.-lth export

ArtJfs, tottlgn compeU tors hAie now tB itr td the Unerlcan domestic m a rk e t Itself and are doingulto well. The small foreign c a r salM record In

ills country Is bu t one exnmple. Som'e feel It Li Just k momenlary craxe th a t will ptuw, We don't UUnk ta. We t^lnk It is a public rebellion against con- rtantly lncre<uUng p r i ^ P a rt of the foreljm car }TObIem, as we see It, is caused by our Inflation jroblem. oonsU^ntb' Increasing labor cx»U, and p v t y t^e liubUliy of o u r manufocUirera to recognize,

a time, tha t Uiey w ere pricing themsdvai out of Jis market by buUdlns a bigger, more expensive jroduct.'M ost major nu inu faeturers are now attempting to

neet the chaliengo by tu rn ing out some smaller nodels. They are faced w th Uie preblcm of labor »»u,-bow«ver, a lnce -few . o f - th e forrtgn .ccsnpeU- ,or« have a wnse scale even cIom to jh a t ot Uils Muntry. ' .

TQ; answer the challenge, o th e / mantifdcturtr* lave moved p lants In to foreign oounixies to uke ulvantoce or the lower priced tabor. Although that w>y solve a p flrtlcular m anufacturer's problem, nost certainly im ’t he lp ing American labor..Aa..wo s« .lt ..U ie cuxTcnt.lnrnflion by foreign pm-

]ucts Lin't alone a challenRe to U. 8. IndaMry— t's a challenge to thl« rmtlon to meet and defeat nflftUon whlcli U the key to the current dilemma, ivnd U's a serious one.—A t o ' ' ' " ' ”

N U M BEnS GAME The Mobile (Ala.) Preaa. in an edlUirlnl reprinted

a UUi page recently, elUded Tlie-Orfgonlan tor idvocatlng th a t Uio NiitlonAl EducaUon ivBocla- lon pom a pro-ln legm tlon refoIuUon. •’I t ij inter- aiUng to note," wrote th e Mobile editor, th a t "Oie igllAtlon- come.i from a s ta te with a rtlaUvcIy wn.iU “Jegro population.

"MObUo a lone." h e added. -V.M mott. ihan•igbt-»mta-asjnwir-M egrPCS-M -th£-yhole_sLaie-atu rfp

The numbem game, a favorite wlUj while South'„-ners who de.'pftlr_of_:-under»tAnding"jn_tlie J lo r l lu» h bo plaj'ed by_ tn-o. I t is equally Interesting to note that- federal flgurpa disclose Uu»i. altiioush <5 - M potenilftl Negro vo te rs were conn tftn iT ^bb tlf

wvinty In Uie 11?» census, only 0,400 were reitblered to vote In the I9S8 presidentia l rlccllon. Tlil.i 1.1 airly good lor Alabama, where Necro regUtmtlon

^ u t 10 per cenlrOf thooe ellKible, iaboma doM not c o u n t Its Necrocs.at ihe poll

lox, b u v u counta Uicm ■all in c1a1mliiiMrprescnt.i*' Uon in wngrem. A latw nA litui nine mpmN-fl In tlie house of rrpre.ieMatlvc.*!. Oregon lour; yet atcywo “ ire voiw were ctutt In Oregon Uiwi In Alabahia

Uie 1858 pre.-drfentlal oontc.M. A big factor In tliLi dL*^aniy was tho Jact t h a t Alabama effectively dis-' Iranchkrs Its Negro c ltlzeiu.

The Mobilo P rtas speak* of Mobile county's 80- 000 Negrofts, bu t It doe.i no t .^prak for iheiri-an'd they are denied the menn.-. of .ipi-.ikinc for Uiem- je lvea...lt.. Uiey conl,| sn-mllPipJSoutnfnTopinion TiTOiia be a iot d lfffie n i from wh.at it U - PorUand Oregonian.


PE G L E R ’S A N G LEThe babble Of


Down through the >-ears we'« had all sorU of stories about how the a lt forte leaves no stone tamed to save a pUofs life. All MrtS-Cf.ciuUclaJuive-becnJaTtni- ed to get a pilot out ot a crippled plane and even open h is p t n - cliute automatically In case he' unconscious o r hu rt.'

Now why doesn’t someone sta r showing a little concern for the people who drive and ride In auto-

What Uils country needs Is auto, mobiles v llh bullt-ln escnpe cap' suits, lor the driver and h l j p.!*- Kngers. som ething th a t’ll ahoot ■mgrn-mio' t n r s i r ir » 01 » wtton and let Ihem f lo u down well out ofhsrmjs_way. ____

iT iear tell more ^ p l e are kill­ed by car» than airplanes.


R A B B IT S >6n FREE DEP’TiPols:

,T»-o rab'ulU for free, including the pen. p in t house south of the Orand-Vu theaU r on the right.

Too Many RabblU ______________ (T w in,Pally_____

LET T M ^N O W ABOUT IT Comes now Mr*, po t Shota wllh

_n Idea Uiat should m erit Immedl- a u action-frtxn the C lum ber of commerce, stato-hlghw ay depart­ment and/or anyone else In te m t- «S la the tourist touslntss.

J t- jU l ■Ulfl po t BlwU family w a s 'a p ­proaching the Perrine Memorial bridge In the family Jalopy. We WOT ImmMllstely behind a car bearing an Ohio license nlate. TVaftic w a j^ s ih y 'h ea v y and iSe Ohio car slowed down, largely be­cause of curves In the road, but before the JoIk« from Ohio could

anything about discussing it, Ui»y were oh the 'bridge. ..W atching those tourists, you could imagine t h e 'th in p i“ tney

ln g H lk e -“D W -you-ever . ling like l t 7 r and -'Jsn"

that an Immense gorgel" end slm liar ezclamaUons.

Well,.to make a long story not much longer, they drove alowly across the bridge, proceeded place where they could turn around and went back, apparently to get a better look.

Now here's where Mrs. P o tsh o ts ' Idea comes into the picture. "There should be a sign back there far enough from the bridge to give people an Idea of w hat to expect,’* shs asserted. "Vou're righ t ou t on the brldga before you ever have an Inkling of the slxe of th e c as' yon and th# view.” —

Mrs. Pol Shota isn 't charging a penny for the idea.

PUPS, FOR KIDS BE PT . h 4-ytar-old female border '

11* Uiat U "real good’' with catUe needs a new home because her owners don't have cattle (\n>inDrc.'

George Spelrln. American, about Uie moral nobility of his na tion

,wlU ob«rve no silent pause in ‘Shame a t . the passing of M auricc 'UiUigan. a patriot) ft'ho fought K an y 'Truman’s gang In'Kansas City and: d ie d forgotten..Mr. UlUlgaa «-as aboolutely beaten,Inalde and ,out,- m r « < a i b y ta t r e i defeat In poUUcs but by th e aordld- ncss of a people, wlio b u r d e n e d T r u m a n w i th gewgaws notwlUi-standing. a-presldenUalTn________

only to RooMvelt's own ' In graft.

TT^anan'» brolal gall d ro tt MU- ligan o u r c f public lUe ■wtwre such

-------------- ------- ■•S g fn ---------asset, solely because Milligan amathed. the Itom-PtndergM t.n)' . chine, which w Truman’s a lm a mater.

I t Is-trtie-Uiat-M iHllfan-cloeed jlUIl

Uiat he »tlU had f » l^ ln_ the AincrJCftn-poopIe.TJut Uial waa ttTltten In 1S18 and the last tim e I saw Ijltn. he wa.i brokenhearted.

In th is book. MllllKun referred ) a tour of Kansas City by

columnist who wns e s c o r t 1 through gambling and vice den*by-UJ*-chl»{-«f-polU*.----------------

"His columns, published In K an. u City, failed to-cause a single

ripple or pfOt«iBl 'on the p a n of outraged citizens," Mr. Mlillgnn wrote... touching Uie ncryc. of hls

n-n dlsgxist and regret.

As to th a t tour ot Kansas City,

You 0

Dear Pot Shols:We have a lo-month-old terrler-

w s dog* to give away. Real good kids’ dog. We live a mile north of Uie Malnd bridge in HogemiaD valley..

Rex Barlogl

'nils brown female pup would make a good' stockdog. .'V'ou can get her fcr free by phoning REd- wo«l 3 -5 7 J4 ,^ m Polls.

Kit t e n s f o r k i d s d e p t .XHw sir: •

Anyone in need of a cat or kl ten could phone OLymplc &-4220. We live one-fourth of a mile north of Nat-Soo-Pah.

A. Relehen ^(Rt. l , . ^ l n Palls)

FAMOUS LAST LINE . . . I woDldn't say ihe 's big, but

ir sbs UKS more than a galloa'^of water in Ui» tub. I t ram over.”


-may say Muehlebach eariy In the morning and th a t the phone rang 'Im m edit ately and Otto Higgins said he wos coming right up,—0 « o h a d b « n In London for th e Kansas City S U r In the first w ar and I thought he was sUll in the , newspaper buslneu. 60 when he told me lie was Uie superintendent of police ! was emborroMcd be­cause I had lieard rumors about g .ftailT Jing , prostitution and li ­

th e waitresses undressed to their high heels on premises owned by a church. With Otto on wnm. ing he could frustrate me abso' lutely.

On the contrary. O tto said, he had got wind of my purpose and

there to offer full cooperaUon. Accordlngi}’, about dusk a p u n g lieutenant of detectives show id up and took m e on a lour which la st­ed three- nights snd up to trn ln- tlme on the golden sta te for A ri­zona, th e i u t morning. Our mad ride to th e Union station J n his cftfTrith-the -sircn howllng was the

tost exciting episode of all. * Kansas City under O lio H lg^

gtns''-admlhlstration of the police departm ent and under the general management of Uarry 'Truman's boss. Tom Pendergast, was the most -flagrant offense against civic decency in my experience. B ut Higgins insLMed "our people like i t Uils way" and Invited me to write whatever I saw Just as I

iw it.

'n ie detective lieutenant (not the chief of police) w»s a redhead from Oklahoma wllh a reputnUan for daring who In-iisted'over,and' over th a t Johnny Lasla, n hood­lum wlio had been tom to by a raachVnniun In an \ in d « - world execution, had been the best moderaUng force In town and great help lo Tom Pendergast. Mimgan wrote that In 1034 one- tenth of the police had criminal records.

My lieutenant look me to many gombUng hou.<es, porjibly a hun­dred. 'Tliere were Jolnl.i open or the downtown streets, wlUi black­jack going day and night. On the second floors of a number of buildings elaborate keno layout-n were patronlred mostly by women during the daj', but by mixed pany all night.

'The furniture was expensive, but the grind was fabulous. In the basement o f a big „I was introduced to a gome called klondlke. dealt by a pretty young woman. My delecUre stood behind me and I won a Ultle. 'ITiere were roulette, poker, faro, blackjack

and. of eoun*, Uie.iuUoaal game

“ w ^w en t to uwd.ost JolnU i o n by the stockyards and to smeUj shacks crowTWd with Nrgroa Everywhere my friend openly col lected currcney »nd when I re­marked U ttt he was Uklng a dan­gerous chance because Pendergas and Higgins might suspect him 0 knocking don-n. he puljtd anoUiei roU from anotnef pocket and »aU hU moUier hadn 't raised any fee

(Tchildrtn,-------------------D iera were.brolhela vilh.yauni

ladles allUng demurely by lamp light in dUplsy wlndo»-i readln* books or doing needlework.

phoned a number. In a few ulcs a young woman who apoki OtTTOan arnn td and Red e i

breakfast we all went out am Red pulled out his service revolver and banged away a t the knobs on some sandstone architectural urns on U i. ram part of the gambUhg

D o ^ w hat you mean is—you’re “Don't you get borni uitJi lust measlng.- • .people stick out thclr tni;:-,,

“Danr. I never. d id; like Uiem knobs on them slc^-Jar*." JIH said, as sleepy Kan.-as Cliy clll- zens plodding lo work In the cold blinked slightly and plodded

“Tom ■pendergast was Harry Tnj- mnn-a political chief and he go his “lug” of every miserable pros-lllute’s:brtaj.-cn«lt_an[Le»er7_pub.lie construction contract. He moO' opolUed Uie liquor business ant even shook down his own police­men for Christmas donations. Aft­er Pendergast got 15 months In prison and a penally of «3».000 In lax dellnquenclrs. fines , a n d 'In - terejt. Truman, as senator, crushed MniiVifp Miiiiean. the patriotic

. a , attorney.Milligan was bewildered,

seemed unable to reallie that such a dlstribuUon ot rewards, honors and suffering could happen In a countj7“which-Tic8ttlBd''nidle^ly of lU morals and beautiful, pnn' ciplea.

I heard th a t Red died wealthy of natural causes years and yean aso. ■

rhoenix-Ghlldren Visit in RichfieldR IC irrra .D . July I5 -M r.

Mrs. Wa>-ne Drake and children, Phoenix, Arls., are vislling her mother. Mrs. Grant Tiiomos. and husband. Linda and Barrj’ Drake remained wllh their grandmother while their parents visited rela­tives In Burley.

Melvin and Darrell Pelley. Bill SUIegel. Sandra Chatfleld, i nc Maxine Behr left Satunlay to at' lend senior summer session at Camp SawtooUi. Donna Slriegel, who served as intermediate coun­selor, also attended. Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Slriegei visited a t the camp Sunday Afternoon,

Mr. and Mrs, Ray Doran and family and Mrs. T. S. Jensen, finlt Lake City, came Monday to vUlt his. brolher-ln-ltw and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Vem R. Thomas, and family. •

Take Outing ■n.B A . July 15—Mrs. Don Chan'

dier and Mrs. Wells HepworUi took their Sunday school cla.ues on a picnio oatlne In Howell yon ia.1t w «k . •

Boyle Tells Remarks Doctors Get Tired of Hearing Ai>om

By DAL BOYLENEW YORK. July 16 'JH —'R e.

marks th a t doctors g e t tired of hearing—o r overhearing:

“Boy. I wish I was « doctor— and eouM pw k anywhere I wonted

• without getting a Ucket." - W h l l e you're

here. D o c . would you mind looking a t our collie? 'The poor dear has got the anlffles."— any—i n. tcresUng diseases lately, Ooc7-

"They s a y he's I rich now he,

hides his money! in Uie crotches ofl

Zilch yesterday, a n d ',,, was someliilng elir. Dui 'i lows read Uie ssmc >5-J

ftmily doctor, but Uir „ one L, i„ ,1,,";;

’T he best iilatp i„ at tlie country club v i • r ' more doctors ih rrr n-.v, a t Bellevue." ' ^

■'What do yoH mr.ui r o, ut down? 1 had '.in '

drank a_ -day. lived lo b f . ](n ,,n.. went to a doctor in lu r i tf -

"We’d h k f lo iMy rv, . frankly we- had l„ this expenshe prq , '

'They were vlru^r,^ la-! y . J v ' W hat »

use for docton.■'Where dc you get U)ose old

magaxlnes In your w aiting room— from the SaivaUon Army?"

"Not th a t I'm dlssatUfled In any way. D0C|- but what’s th e name

you-gst-alck-ydurMltJ"----------------"My cleaning woman aay* vine­

gar and honey are be tter th a n - . ' " I wsinl aotue plUa ju s t like tlie le s you gilve Mrs. T aylor—the nes th a t look like p u m p k l

seeds."“AU I asked you Is a simple

q u e sU o n -^ ll.i t be a-boy-or i r l r l f “The w’ord’s going around town,

Doc. Ihiti you have been playing poker with the undertaker."

’T h a t’s funny. Doc. 'The pain w ent away Uie minute i stepped Into your office.’’ -

“1 know you don't like to talk shop a t a social gathering. Doc,bnt-isfront of my eyes, artd 1 If you— "

'B u t you smoke like a chimney j-ourself. Doc.-_ i:ia jl..true.th* t.you .rtocu .ra imiv< tho best pcdlclne Tor yourselves?’

”My husband says i should al- wnya pay you by clieck.”

■N«-er mind the exominntlon. 30c. Just, shoot .m e .tu ll o t peni- :lllln, and i ’ll be on m y merryw n y ." ...............................-

"You mean you want m e to take off all my clotBes?" ’

"I just want to pay fo r the op­eration. Doc. I don’t w an t to buy

le hospital a new wing."“How oould It be gallstones?

We've never had gallstones In our family." •

'G et. Doc, you got cold hands.'


Arizoiia Family Visits-in Oaklev

OAKLEY, July IS -M r n U rry Cooper mid w ,. i v - . ' Atll.. M t a 3u-(lay I t 'here and nl |>ocaltllo vlmuiij i, lives. He Is In the idr (uur.

Mr. and Mr.i. 'DiomaN u gt> pen and clilldren. Sun Uiri’u t-i- ed-M r.-and-M rs.-A ti),-..'Mrs. Uabey acco.npatiirrt- U s Vegas ia-M wrck ulirrr l '- vi.Oied her parents. Mr.Orville 'Taylor, Mr. and ctu-. lesWard. Mr. and Mrj. KlindT*). lor and Mr, and .Mr.'. Mrlv’m Ol-.

Gnle ^ n a Kre^ii-k. San P . nardlnor-Calif.. m e rt’ilitni; u i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. wj/, Copper.

Rodney Sojslrom w-hn lias ^It p u t monUi Jn Lopnn, lit if

with.hia.cnuidmnUier.-iJri. Out Bergener, rctunicd Sunday. n« j Uie son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Cj; Bo).ilrom. Hope Sojsiroin hn« r-u to Logan lo visit lier'Kramiinottr.

PEOPLE, w ho have (o s;

tJirecl rou te w hen the

coursc to be run :T hcy cai

A checking account at pi

etim c , a n take a

's a b ll l ’pa^'ing

m a il checks. O pen

bank and try it!

3% BANK Interest'

Trust Co.Twin Falls BankrXWIN FALLS ! . _

Hazelton People R eport Journeys

HA2ELT0N. July I 5 -M r . and Mrs. Virgil cozad and children, minoU, are visiting In th is area. He Is a former H az^ton resident who U now in m lnlsttriol work in Middle £astcm sUtes.

i t r . and Mrs. p rank SU nger u id daughter. Eureka, ColK.; Mr. \n d Mrs. W. L . Drown. JJam pa. and-Mr. *»d Mi*. Owen Ham mond and Dole and Mr. and M rs. Carl ilurphey were gUMls a t several amlly dinners the past week-end. ^ r . and Mrs. W. L . Brown.

Nampa, tiave sold Uicir property there and have rented th e tenan t louse on the Howsman fivrm where hey are mqving this week. Both

ire pioneecs of 'Twin p’aits and Filer, having come to th e are ' 005 ond 1S0«.

Three Speak for ^-Sm niayServh®

OAKLEnr. July iS-Spealiftj u the U3S-second ward sncraec; meeting Sunday evening acreJf, and Mrs. Simon Baker of Uit Oil- ley second ward nnd Qecep White, Salt Lake City.

Mr*. Golden Burch, ward chc:-. lilor, led singing, accompanied br Mrs. W, B. Whlteley. Prayers tr . offered by Herbert Hardy siJ KenncUi Warr. Keith Sever* u:< a solo. Artie O. Barker of i.‘j second ward bishopric eonduciii

4-H Club MeetsALMO, July 15 - Mrs, Jsc-i

Bheridon gave-a detnonstniUcis,a Uie use and core of the vaoic cleaner a t a meeting of Ilie Ab 4'H club SftUirdfty night at 11 ho<n« «! Connie Jones.

Refreshmenls were served 1 ^trs. Jones following th« buslnl metUng.


Eugene Layton met their daujhlK. Rheto Dee Layton, in Salt Ul> City.' She has returned from »: la-monlh LDS mls.ilon in the cc- Iral sUtes,

D on’t le f spinning trac tor w h ee ls rob

yo u o f farm profits!


^ S U R E - G R I P R e ar Tractor Tire

b y

g o o d / yearSIZ£e-24rtguIar

no trad* tn prici * 4 , 4 4 6

75By any it»nd»td, ilic new deep dimtji- lion 3-T SuTfCrip xi the b«il iraciof tire in in prj{e_ran|e. Don't Ict-wom Irsctor tirej ipin awsr your farm profile Replace them vriiK new 3-T Sure-Cnpi nowl

on 75% -worn lire lugi you can lo se ONE hour tn every THREE f o n 50% worn lire lugt you can lo t* ONE hour In every FIVE - • -

CHECK Y O U R SIZ E A N D PR IC E If t tg g ls r Id P (!c* — '

5 6 i ? r« .p i , "

( t i 9« l i r tie t r s d * la p r ie * - 113.00 “

* 7 o f , r4-» ir

R a g v la r a s t r a d a la p>Ie« I _ $ t t .70

* 7 7 ? , r «■*'»

R t « J i r « « t ^ d t If!p r i< t — $ ? j . : s •

7 9 i r<.»i,

R a g u i t t n o t r a d a fa - p f i c a - . « l 0&.00

* 9 0 1 ? . *<-pir

R a g v ltr » • I r a d t ^ a p . l ( * $ 130.40 - -

* 1 1 0 * 1 *4-B ir

*plut 111 tad r*upp«bli (ir«

MAGEL TIRE CO.129 3 rd AYE. NOR-TH ' RE 3-87<l

- f t

Page 5: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-

O H V a i ' S l l V J N I M I ' S A \ a ' N - S 3 K I I



Humphrey’sStyle Heard; Rijrbts Aired

« , 5 i n S t 3 N . w i 5 r a n i -

‘"f«l la‘¥h» MJnnrsoU Mnftior, rirei^ d ld f l t e for the Demo.


l ! ^ « « U « t « f W ~rs-

JIt'« c n d id a te . „umph«>-. “ ho f w t Clawed na-

^m « n i» c convenllor.. * w pub- ^ ^ r » n c « I y««rd.->y « a « n -


r‘'lns'’ h lm «lf » formal candl- j t i . h r approvKl the sri' emcnt o f-a Jiumphrfy-tor.

M t™ •",. xrinnrfOUl rupporttr*. Tim-

W’ • • r^ T>iv#

nihrf announc«menL5 nnrt en- ri.f«tnent3 arc e x p « l« l to follow , , the ctimpalftn onjunlzallon iorrsdJ ouWde MlrnicsoU.

HiOTphrcy'« spffcl* nfrtirrd for the 60m niuilvi-rrjiry n-nvcnllon of the National Ana- ft, lion for the AflTOnecmcnt- of

people lil.Nen- York.Court Pralned

He probed U)C'supreme courtfar iti decisions wnlrwl w rrnja-lOT but Mid Prcaldeni Etscnhoiv- ,'f “und concTMs, wo. *liould be irjiiuticntfl of national cJiic.v Ufln." HP nllncltcd »>(• rrcord IM EMiliower ndinlntiitrBtlon ihe cU-U rlRhU Lnsuc and said "tlie rteord of congrcM la little bftler," • In A clear reference lo a bill

iHMfcd by Aennte DcmocniUe ildtr tyn tton-B r Johnsotu Tcxaa. 0 may be a rival for tlif p r« |.

dcnllnl nomlnntlon. Humplirey jaJd II tt-M loo late to rely on tonclllntlon to protect civl! rlRliLr ■ AftCT'ywt^rdAyi imnminccmcnt. Hum^rey- a i d he plftunftl to trtTt! exten.ilTcly durinit Scpicni-;

Parlicipatiiig in Pance Reviie

p p i p i i l BURU:V. July 15. - "Aroiinrt , le World in D.iiicr" u ;li<- tiinur Of Ilje m ill nnmi:vl ilniur rcviip bclnc pi'':-ciilcd by ilir iio piiin'j of Ml-vs Idiilu). TAiiiaia AMiby, nl e p.m. hnririy in tlir- »nr|py hmli AChnol nudltorliiin.

u-i:i ci>iw!5i or :.l n u m l)p is . eocll rtepiclliiK « riillrifiil cons In w nu. dnncf mid n>\"jmr. > Ashby liix.1 dottc nli her onn clmrf'ofiraphv.“ Tlie Rinx nvncrtn-Ti;;p-rrortT‘3' IS. Around l& in tlir rl.iM Iiiur been sludyluu iiiuIct Mk-i A, ll JV ■ilncc -\he flrM Mnrlrd lirr of:0 pupil* ulipii »lir uiiv only 13.

and mounUiln states. He Rild he t l» w uld coturtder enterlnR n number of «tat« prwldenll.il prl- nuriw. Includlns New Hampshire, Wl!<con.'in. South Dakotn. NcUmika w d Orccoti.

The natlooal AvcrnRe pay of Khool teflchera In the United SiAiei 1.1 tO U annually.

M iss Id a h o ’s D a n c e S tu d en ts Altrusa Members Historical Meet 'ji

P iw c’d.? 01 I■ nrtli Ihr i\l»-

clinperotir «hn Atlantic i:n'

h v c i r n i } ! ; ;<: liLM ri•\Hr n.i .vhcitiri^n; BrlKh•i.ii Youna p:n

'.hr IhOll-. a! 1

•:,T of .\ «i!l ncc. V ihLt fa

Ii ., Miiliii'.v; (. •I'lpiny hi t ' . , 1,'' n \

» AlUu:.;i -rr rcmliulril ot with llip

^j.jCotjnty HiilDiic.il luxiiety «ill bt ,, |h f l( l *l B p. m. 'n iursday m Nep*

. Vitutii* p.ui.All pfr'anx liitrrMtfd In the hU-

iniv of ilip rrcinn t ie inviied to •hPtp fonn llir sncln^, — .............

!Cassia District Is J l u i £ d l i ) - a i s

Increase in 1!)5!)

UUIH>:Y. Jiih l5-C.^•.l tv linn brrn dnliired « niodlfird I'lTllfied biiicrllii.vh I i i t men by the SKricultui.il rocn ii li MTvlir of tlir depnilmnu <>1 ni;rlculiiiir.

IViiirdim a m a

BOISE. July 15 W -M ,iho-j-sn tm

(hnn niillioii dnllAr.% durinK ih r li'.'l Iw a l ymr, nlmnoi 3'., milllDn-i mure ihnii the pircfri- me period of 1358.

Tux Collcclor P. O. Kclll »sld

$lB.47i).ooo in uicoine crca.'c_ul_j2.ni2.000_c<'lt':clc(l_lw.Uie IBSa tlN:nl year.

DBrlnK this period IndiHdiml in come taxM accounled Jor J13.;';fl.OO —the larKMl slnule »oiurp o.' Ida-

Corporaiioii.i p.iid$4,208,000,

Bus, Cars Crash, Killing One Ciiild

ARCADIA. Calif.. July 15 — . . bua which iK>:icc Mill .«;w car. rylojc 03 pcrionj. mo.\lly younic ite rs on a motmtnin outinR.-wcnl out of Votitrol yp.Mcrdny, crn.thed into Uirce cars and ovcrlumcd^ '

.■Bimll liirl in one of (he < killed. More than 20 children

- . . j lio.-ipllah7ed. All bu t (ine younKsler. .■luf/crlne a >(tIjc frac-

■ 'THna AvllUlnfon. le fC dauslile r of Mr.'and Mr». t . V. W Ittlnioii »nd K aren Illti; dauchter of Mr. nnd Mr», Kffd H, Hill, jr., will parllflpate tn the danee rem e beltif pretented a t the Burley liUh uchool.jtj pjn. Friday l.y T am ara A>hljy, .IHm Idaho. Ttie' ilieinB for Ihe '^H linnr^A rotin in iie iV ortin trD ntce .'* -

Heads ReunionO A K L E Y . Ju ly 15 — Arthur

nerRciirr «ns elected chairm an of next jcar'.i reunion ivt n RatherluK Sunday near Sail Lake City of the DcrKcncr Jamlly,

Attendlnjc from Oakley wen

and Mrs. ArUiur Bergener tind children, Mr. and Mr», Clair 6Jo- Etrom anfl chtldren. Neill# Pierce was proRram chalrmn'n. c la lr SJ»- slroin, Elko, Nev.. came Saturday to Oakley to a ttend the event wltli

,hls reiaUvei;

TURKEY HACKS U. S.A ^ A R A . Turkey, July 15 (in>I)

—Tlio fore'lRn mlnlstrj' dLwlojed today th a t Turkey has Joined the United S tates nnd Drllaln in ' f JectlnR Uie Soviet pfopoyil for nuclear-free zone in the Balb and A driatic sea Areas.

K'AR SrOTKEftS MEET ELBA. July 15-T he R aft River

chapter. American War Mothers, held the nnnuBl picnic.aijh_e_Ell>ji park Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Otclla Trney »n4 Oltlc Lloyd BUC-'ts.

l)criod »[ ihrer 1058, lo Nov. I, llifil

• CftMio nnmly nnri 31 o lh r Idnho pliK th r I'n

1. . 111! i , i i - . |t r i i I. i i - in o ii u iu i .M,3r:rTffrtTvr.‘p iih : '-n . .’T rT^xM -snn3t>'-uM I1v«u :mii .MiCiilIy.

■"‘iLDS Missionary Speaks at Parley ■

OAKl.KY. July 15-Jame.i Hel-

'."II llir Hurley »lakr, ,mrt Presiden t^ ' .Jiilin A. Claik vir.-e »ur»ker» In ,,

M.ir. «nrd *.icininrnt Aervlcrj 6un- i

! Kmi'tl \

Hnr.se WinsIcii. p rny rn wrrf ollrrM by

.J______ LSiumcI-B. Crunt.and.M«TlIl-nf>t>—IniMiii.

Boise Girls Visit

I KDKN. Jl’ily 15 - T"ny M.S>». |ln, n.ycjir-olii .son of Mi. mid Mi» I'l'iiiii .MfSi'V'ii', riiterecl hi-' rrm.iSrt- ]pil Af;il}liill yrailUlK sHlil, "A:-H;ah." .Kl the .snake llivrr Valley tli

nnd R<w Mary Knrrell. liouie. »re MtNrviii L' n 'ninuher of th r Val- vWtlnK their uncle and nunl. Mr. Icy Junior nidinn club.

Mrs. Melvin Helivlch,their parenl.\ Mr, and Mr,v Wih ford t'arrell, are iHtenuin(: ilic K11(.< Oleeinan convention in Chi'

-M r."And "Mn. B art luinkinan nnd family, Denver. viMicd Mr. .nd'M rs, Cliuidc Hopkhu. Other I'eek-end vWiors a t the llopkln*

home Mere Mrs, Lee Ueimelt anti family. Onkley, and oth'^r relatlvf.^ from OoodlnK and IJlnt: Jlill.

Mrs. Clifford CallUon -.nd chil­dren have relumi'd home from

huhband uho. U employed. draRllne by the Union i’aclfic rail' road.

tlKATIl 1'KNAI.TY KTAVS BOSTON, J<lly 15 l.P -’n ie hnilr.c

o| rnire-wnlam'e’ l.isl hli;hl ctp- fa ie d lUH-M a bill to aboll^ll the dPAlh ppn.illy in MuMachu-irti.v

R a d i a t o r s■ NEW AND USED

Sert'fca k Repairs


Hl-W«y SO-On Trvek LaM Itadlilon An


Attend-Workshop t s :KINO MILL, July 15-Mr«. John

Kelley nnd Mrs, Clifford CallLwn,Iwlh Kins Hdl: Mrs. Jack Cro/tr,Olenns Ferry, and Mra. GeorRC Reeves. Hammett, are ntlendlnR the hot lunch workshop In Twin P iillsrA irsnriU lJcm sont -ror-the hot lunch propam In m IiooI dis­trict Mo. 102.

a ... the true-’o¥i(jrfe Xentucky



P e n n e y ! ^ L O O K W H A TA . L WA Y S F I R S T Q U A L I T Y !

A “hot” ring helps tame an old enemyAtomic radiatlon.helps this man do his. job.

H c ’b Dr. Hugh Macphcrson, one of Standard’s rcscarch cnBineora. Tho "liot" ring he's holding is

‘ an ordinary piston ring which has btx;n exposed to atomic radiation.

.B y installing mich mdionctivo piston rings in a cflr, our research engineers can use a G eiger counter" to measure wear os it happens while the car is driven on the highway, in traffic, on hilJs— in every possible driving situation.

I t ’soncolthotcchniquespioneered by Standard’s scientists to help defeat an old enemy . . . wear — to learn what it is, what causes it, how to prevent it.

Our progress has been steady. Working with car manufacturers, we’ve virtually ended tho problem


Page 6: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


40-Mill Levy Approved by

Trustee Votefor th# 1 9 5 ^ 0 **SoS">fM'. Did* will be opcoed Aug. 10.

___ Curlts _ a to n . Tftln Fa21* Banktnd TTual company,the bewm »bouc * lots lur.d betas

- coM iaem l for Jimlor high' Khool and high aehool ttudenU. The boutl ftpproTcd the plan and ukcd thk t more dcloiU b« ouUlned be­tween aehool orUclili »nd the b»n)c.

— TRtrr.— OlKlTS-Ooirt.— HnrrUon ttach tr, w u rewilgned to Uie newly orjanlMd claw for retarded childrea a t Momlngslde Khool.

Two teachers were hired Mondnr —tT e n ln g n an rn tu U irW c P a r la r id

will tcach /ourlh grade a l Uom- —Inp idc .' a nd- Mtft-U an* C in« a lii - -te#E n UlS'fOurUrfra^e al'Liricolh.

Mrs. M cFarland U from the Mos­cow school system, tlwugh she /or-


KAYT KBARnW EflaeydM ]

•Att.ntoH auAJ

liSsE'T'""'J.BO EI .» B»«ru 0 K»»p’g I

>:i/0 Ysuai t t Unn litO flsMrUi;iS Sr/'V"**'’1:00 Touna *1 il<4r1

I«f0« W«rU Nrw." 'S Bprlnkllti 8urd>al


KLIX( l i l t Rflac7c la )

■aao tu iu u j I i .u a uWEDNUUaT

«ill a*aUf>M

♦ iM K»»»<:6( JuoMQ Bblia t ' i i a '*^ Kon»«n

s'oo»iso UuiloliHNormiB


II Top at KanlBf

liSd» UilJnM V uK tte.)0 /It niUba»4 .0 TbMUr Ebe>ur4


SiM 8cB Tbcrsa them *:M lUa TbsTM 8b««

ISiM W^lJr UuW U;M BuVoCt

-4 ;* rb « b p u u is r iB S

9 P«b rtlUlM Sbev bV tn iln 8b«w

East Convicts Given Chance To Air Gripes

PTTR08, T enn , July 15 l * - Bullen convleU who e*ve up re*- lerday after 33 hour* of rebellioui tltdown In a damp prlsoo coal mlae-wereJiUfred a c h a ce e to air their eomplalai* to S T i l f i n ta t e official today.

Pat Paltenon. ts s in an l correc- Uona commlMloner, r e m a l n e C oremight a l. Brushy Mountain prison to listen to individual srlev- anoM. n» liad rtfuK d tn nrenU aU further irnUl the M rebel convleU Uft their hideaway and released three captive mine foremen. '---- — ElnjItHen-Shlppea—

Eight men Patterson c a l l e d

j last night to the maxl- sdcuruy sw u w p r u iB-a u te

penltenUary a t NaahvUle. 160 mUes to the west.

Nike-Asp Rocket Mrs. McKay Beiif, Tests Radiatibn-^‘ " “ “ ‘‘" “ - ■'

comes from Jluelloii.Supt. E m a t Ragland noted tha t .

realgnaUons nov-' will be subject to ' the clause In teneliers" contracU ; prorldln* tha t Uie dlilrlct may re- • u .ln twn ntr_M nt.o t lllf annual . e o n tn e t salary for d»maR<

neslBnntlons were accepted Mon _.day;te«n.M r»..r»ullne m ^ t cnatn,

first grade a t llarrlion: Maurice Crawford, geometry In the high

. school; Mrs, I>onna Nefiger. third grada a l WashlnRton, and Mra. DcLone Carlisle, first grade a l Momlnfcalde.

...J l B[>«rU IMS ThciUi UiniDM '*-■1 W«4tfe«t ><••• ;S IJfMiMk HxkrU

«|U« il»b rVullp* Sbe< f :li

1«:W KlmbMl; Sbav | | i » K*Bb.rlj «b<r*

is!:* Hoftlali* 5?dU»*’

Priest Frees 4 Boys From

mentary and two secondary teach­er# for n eal year. Iwinictoni for elementary grades are needed In the flret three grades. The high school vacanelcs are for English and malhetnallcs.

I n o ther acUoD, th# board ap. proved an order to Earl Peck, Twin

- l ^ l s ooniractor, lo install ward< robe doors In the elghl elementary

-c la saroonu now under construction. Total cost of the doors will be »4,.

Cru^tyChar^ In Divorce Suit

Mrs. MatT Holeslnaky sued for divorce Tuesday from f ta n k J. Holeslnaky In Tn-ln Falls, district

_ ;e o u r^ charging estreme cruelly.,T ha su irii 'b to u g h l'b V lier‘guard: U n, Mrs. Marjorie-Mendlnl.- - -

They were married Feb. 1. 1958, and .have one clilld. communliy property acquired lacludes howe-

- terest In (rowing crops on 1(K acrea of farm land near Castle- Xord.

She leeks tl35 child support; tJO perm anent alimony; the household fum lahlnss and custody of the

’ child wlUi reasonable vlsltjitlon rights tor lloleatnsky. Slie u k s ihal be be avarded the car and crops.

John O. Hepwor^p Buhl attor­ney, rtpresenU Mrs. Holeslnsky.

;; Committee OK’s 4 111 A-Data Sharing' • W /iainNQTON. July 16 (U P l) -

ll j o oonartisslonal atomic energy...........commlttea -has approved.In cUect ___ ____ ____

aeren proposed agreementa _ to w hatcatued him lo do lt.T he Re]^ 'J -» .- -a h a r* -^ T O -B .-a t^ lf l InformaHotr CsUier Healey said Jones hatrteen!i .and aoma nuclear materlala with ------ ----- --— " ------- ’■*'—

lU NATO allies.The oommlltes Monday reject-

ed res0 li)tl0M which «-ould_have ......................... .. ....... .. l^ iey go

Armed ManMERIDEN, cxmn, July 15

A father barricaded himself and his four sons In their home early yeatcrdny and held i v o doien po­lice a t bay with rlflo fire.

A priest finally talked him Intol in t v u p . --------

Hidden In a ,d a rk aecond-aoor room;-Victor-Jones.-JT, a roofer, shouted, "Oet out of here. I buthteu."

-rrom -flutilde, .hls_wlfe, Olenda., 18, pleaded with him to release the children, aged 1 to 4.

"I got a gun against John’s head," Jones yelled back.

Finally he agreed to let a no' ..inn oathoUc priest, the Iley. Al- bert-HeftIey,enlar-tha bouse.-- -

An hour pM-«d. T hen the door swung opeh and the four boys In pajamas trooped out. The mother ran forward and sm bbed them.

Another hour w ent by. Inside, IhB nev . P^ither Healey Ulked quietly to Jones, In tiie darkness.

T hen came a call from the p riest'to DeteeUve Jo h n RoberU: "Throw away }-our gun and come In with hands up.''

Man Com es'Out A few minutes later police heard

Roberts' order: “W e're golnit to come ou t now. D on't ru sh the door. He's coming out peacefully."

The door swung open again and Roberta came ou t f irs t, carrying Jones' rifle. Jones followed. The p r ie s t 'v u last.

Jones was token to 4Iie police station and booked on a technical charge of breach of th e peace.

Uis wife aald she had no Idea

This dally aehedule o f leievUIon and radlp 'prbrram i U preaenled as a terrlce to readers of the Tlmes-.Mews. U s tln n are fumlsbed by the station. Any e m r t or changes ahoold be rrported to tha station Itself a n d Dot th e TInes-Newi.

i F e l e v i s i o n L o g


gr Ui:km«D

--J Doubt* H«>:« KUX‘(» 1:00 Ulllloixlf* t:3fi Wblrl/bInU

!# fil.n C r ,..- IS Curuin CtU:> EUX Iltidllnn

T iit;iw o*i :S KUX IlUdlInt*

.....__.« I'Arty12:00 Ills I'lrofr

" ir tltt li YcFori >• Urlibur •'

.. J Nlfbt >0 Oo U< Ca 10 TioiiX) AinfrloB lUadiUnd

.- Huekl.b.rr»......SSTK>0 I'Kinbtr Dridt 10 I't* Cot a EMrM >0 Groucbe Uari 10 l-Kpli'i Cholo

Pursued Car Is Crashed; 5 Die

KANSAS c m r , M o, July 15 <UPI]—Five persons were killed here early yesterday when an auto­mobile being pursued by police crashed Into a th ird vehicle.

Officers said Charles Schwan' eke. 33, Independence, idcnUflcd as a Florida parolee, attem pted to outrun them when they tried ic itop his c a r fo r a rt>utln^check.

Bchwaneke was one ofT he t1c« Uiiii. n u lucaTpoULD'rccuril'iliuur* ed six traffio arrests bu t no felony counts. H is conviction 'I n Florida was for automobile theft, officers said.

of whom were killed, were IdenU- lled as Jam ea Puller. 33,-Donald Ewing, 30. Robert Reed, 30, aU Kansas City, and Luther Thomp­son. 22, Suffolk. V a, aU Negroes.

Hon a t the start of the Monday day shift. Tliey seised foremen Bhlrley Bunch. 63; Ben Dovis.,37, and Earl Hensley, 57, and re tre a t­ed deep Into the' mine sh a ft that

than a mite back Into

Cbangei DemandedArmed with 500-sUoks of d>Tia-

mlte supplied tor the day's wcrlt. the group demanded a series oi changes a t the prison, ranclng from more pay and better food to changes In handling censored malL

They surrendered yesterday a ft­ernoon. a few B o u m in er sending out word they planned to "tetir out or tear down- the place un le u their demands were met.

Patterson s a i d the surrender came after prison officials Issued an ultimatum. He a lso jo ld he-had granted the p rlscnen 'tw o bilnor concessions,I,. |.. . . »..-iu e j Mlli ilUl ILQU wucli ^uuuconduct- time, .which applle.i ..to­ward possible parole, and they wilt not b« punished with a leatlier strap.

POINT ARQUEtiO, CalU-. July 15 tU P D -A two-stage Nlke-Asp rocket stnaked.150 ntUes Into the sky yeatefday to. sample oobcjIc radiation spewed from solar flares

^ b b ed * " ‘‘ProJect Sunflari." by the nary,- the slender solld-fuel Dart was the Initial firing from Ihls major m im u Uunch alte of QiB fntare:'llJ« rocket. paekrta_50- pound payload for its elght-mioutenighU

Radio reports were received for five minutes of the flight.

W me purpose of the prpject. srhkh-a-ai-itartcd_lW9_J$»£8_P£n. was to gather infonnatlon regard- log the nature of solar flaras. The flan s shoot particles millions of rM esinto space,- man^of them get­ting trapped In the Earth's m'ag- ne tlc-fleld -and-d lsrup ttog 'com - munl cations.

nFT E E N DaOW.\EDBANOKOK, Thailand. July 15

in-F1ft*en Siamese dro^-ned In l3 { r .^ tln « 0/ iiie sn.all coiilAl, vessel Charoensuk during a storm In the Gulf of ItiaJland 6unday,| deltj'ed reports said.

Th* 83*-year-old''«i/V ot'^Lvl'^ Ident of th e LDS chorc.^^ ported in fa ir c«w:uon a t the LDS hoB5Jit.-i| '

Hospital officials u id v....jft Ray RlRss McKay a fter a good nlRtifj 'C;'! said Mrs, McKay tn v ';/- ' hospital pndny f„f work. OfJIcloLi «ild thrra t liberty to dlvu l»

-----rE A -V C .V D S -g o t^ ,j_BOISE, Ju ly 15 .

Church ref>ort.i that Ing oilier Pacific ators In a.'sklnR th f dp.,ar. ' r- SCTlculture to st>?pr! i,.,■>t%* f > L i?n lip [afor pe.a nnd bean rE .v,..r.’ tlscnl year. “



T w in F o lli RE-3-22ifl n ic r “ DA“ 6-4301) 1

. ... .olr K.C.IC.COLD ST ltlK E STAJIf? 1

’ P l a y i n g - / ^

Your Firsf-Run Drive-In! .

T h « O v B < D e w a

T l u t C r M k a d J n * W M t

W l d « O p « a l

-ed down by congreas.I go ' In to ' effect

, l | | Ju ly 18 for Britain and Prance;Ju ly 39 for Canada, Germany.

'■ r^X ^V T urkey and TtJe Netherlands, and ‘ ^ u g . 10 for Qreece. No actual


tended oontnict between Bunker HUl oompooy and the IntenatJana] Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers la 'to expire a t midnight tonight.

r family , problems.-------

J India Moves-to Seat Red China

UNITED NA-nONS. N.Y, July 15 KV-Indliv announced yesterday a new move to oust tiie Chinese naUonnllsts and seat the Chinese eommuntsta in the U J i.

l l i e m dlan delegation lald It filed' a letter requesting the gen- e « l aoeembly to hold a.full-«e«le debate otl admltUng th e Chinese Reds In this fall’a session.

India made a almilar yearly since IBSfl. B u t each time the United s ta te s has persuaded a majority of the aasembly to with­hold consideration.

Service Officers Will Start Tour

IDAHO PALLS, July 15 W— Army, .navy and ' a ir force reserve officers begin a two-week tour of active du ty SimOBy •ln"Uie s ii ih annual Nuelear Sciences seminar.

Commander Collins B. Cannon of the Idaho P a lls naval research company said officers will a ttend lectures and lour'facillUes a t Uie national reactor testing station,

Chinese Man in Rangoon Defects

baasy official haa asked the Bur­mese govem m cnt lor.asylum after being stabbed and aeridusly Injured in h u .f lg h t to escape the red em­bassy. It ■vras reported yectcrdny.—

I t was th e th ird report ftfdefec- _ons by Soviet nrnl rM r(Wjr--u! cm cIlU — I n - ^ u n months.

The Chinese, IdcnUfled Plng-yi, 30, knocked on the door of the home of U. 6. Air Attache Col. Roy Ahalt Sunday night to ask for assistance.

Liu w as bleeding from a slab wound In the side. I t was reported tha t he hnd scuffled with Chlne.io In the commercial counselor's of­fice a t th e embassy wlio were said to have learned of his Intentions to defect.


Dnvli, Linda, LAura and LaVero Davis returned this week from Cal- gar)-, Canada, where they had a t­tended the Calgary stom iM e. 'Hiey were accompa^ed by Mrs. W. H. S eaan , Vancouver. B.C.. mother of Mrs. Davis, who had vbited here prior to the Canada trip.



UnlU>d States maU boats i floating poatofflces In the Great Lakes, delivering and t a k i n g aljoard mall and parcel post while movlng-alonKtlde freighters.



I W m M p C F O N D A C P N N


Page 7: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


H igh Bracket Sharon Hubsmith Entered ioTaxpayers Do Horse Show’s Queen Contest O w nF igu iingfruiCACO <UPI) — Iniltvti3u“l

in th e lO.OOO-and-up In- ItcmlMd dtducUons

to 18 p w efnt or ftd. - f f l ^ ^ o m e o n th flr iMC

a ^ o n t y on Ux and

elenrlnc hou.rf J a aHotf th a t »BS inll-

7 ^ ) - c r t n i » t c < n n r f f “ iion. viiunta deducLloM Item by llcm.

1-.Ur-Uic previous year.® VenK thoie w iurincom prtrom igooo to JloiOM. Uie'S ^ U o n Item ftM Inlertsl pnlil,

V> the report. In Uie

' ^ w y m in the 16.000 to n.ooo'; ^,rt.T »nn-'fo rcontrlbu .l

.veraRlnc *133. for lnlcrcM| , taxes *311. mcdlcnl cxpciuirx,' ta s k 'd caiUttlt-y loMCJ $149. OtliPi iltductlona averafied *102.

la the $10,000 to $18,000 braek. a«er«<;e deductions IncludMl

Ehuron UulivnlUi, l8-J‘c:u-.old conflrrffotn /{iciifirld. wt|| co(ii- P r " . ^?r a ' / t i l tManic \i>!Icy Wcsirrn Hfir.-.r Slio*’ f.I>oii.wrfd by ItirT uin V-.rlh Ju n . lor Rldlni club al tio ;:Ilcr itr\S July a and

MUi i!ub;4imii v,ai ISiB fiurni 0LOillInu_riay» .[ R irhdrltl, ntid _ u jponiorfij by riic Ouilaw Itidini: club. Htf p, reIl!. arc Mr. niitl Mr,i. f-Tfd HubMiiltii. I

lour ycau-j ola. and o qii-irlrr lioric. She » .i crAjuate ot Hlctilitld h id i Khoo! iiicl iciims drnwliig mill hrr h<»lil)v ot rid- _


UiM $573. medlcol cxptnjca.tSlG. ■ e«u»ity lo«»e* **«'

duetlOTi $311.____________

School Parking JL ot Is^cene of

Stu^enfPSnksHUFFAW). N . Y. (U P I)-W hen

the Unlveralty of DulfulO dedcled to Uutoll toll sat<ii on Ita four pirklnj lota. I t uiidfraiUinnttd ♦ludent -refourcelulnefv"• The cates were s e t 'u p w Uint m IncocnlnR c a r needa only to p.iM over * tm id J6 -to -e« t« r.-b u l-C rt Iwvlng » dime must be depofilted

mil* the w-ooden « im . At l« u i j t » the «'«y I t RTW intended.At rtrsC. the atudents d t«ovew l

M r niiLOrtf rmilri miljack »nd lo r th 'o v e r the trcndle and let (iny num ber of e a r ' ' Int. U t« r . BCeorrilnR to clilef

•tineer Jamea W . S a n u . tiie j ret>laced by tnnnnOv-'Cf—«

V. ‘t i h t burly wileslftnfl Jumpln« lip and doom on the t r « ^ e .

~ And’ tften tJiere were UaHess (opfibUcated und<rRmduatea who

the » « x le n mto* off *o often (more lim n 200 Umca) tha t tlie

- uiiivefilty had to atftrt turnlnu tliem out In Uw esirpenter'a aliop tr uve tiMV7 replxic«menc expenses.

The university hM now owlcred nem' ”fool-pioof“ treadles.-



Shaving Becomes Habit Procedure KIIARON IlUnSMITH ‘

mirror, bpforc clr.iniiic liLi tcrtli.i •Investigation of

hU tcctli.l . y-i . *T 1 «wr

lili. palaiii BhavM hlj riBlitchtrk iirM nrck la.^.

Crash Under WayA .hit ii 'd nin aecldnit «!\n li

iind hlsj vc.stiKaled by eliy-pollcc a t i:i p.m, Monday.

tfuriiiB a rccriit survey ■■ *■ purcliiisers of its elec-

-A-lM8-Plymouih owncJ by Htir- - — - Old H. 5U]M,-253 Jcffrr-wn tircct,

Tlie ,iurvcy al.NO *ho»cd Him tlir avtrnne ihave l«3i» lv.o, lo six mlnulM and tl\at nio.'t

.^iniclc on tlie le ft front cloar........uliicli pulled .

Vny. ilirn backed out. strlktilB the Slllcs car. Tlie car did not si

limt f itlirr llMenlnK ’Vo i'lie ■ t he collision, radio ur T V -o r dolns v.lmt they ' Damane of »S0 was reported dfjcrlbea as •'iiollilnc," I the SUlca car.

- , r to r '1 '"''^’

r c a Jy

R i e i a n o " ' ' « V..UVS 1 » «

h u y ^

P O N r i / t f

. .....

s i iM iS m =^ ...

_______________ " * PontJar >■

yourfrieads with. .

THE TflUE O L D -S T Y U K E N TU C K Y BOURBON always smoother—stow distilled



». E /« lrio jr(p f«___I Dlrtclion lijnalf » rront scat dear lighter * Dual sun »Uor»> rush'bulton door loelu » Automatic Interior HitiUnc

AM this equipm ent d t NO EXTRA COST!• Acrylic laCQBcr “Jtlaf Ic-M lrro r ' tioUh• yooUopcr»ted p a rk ln tD ra k e -• Front stabiliser bar*• Indlrldoally eontroUed a ir *enti

. • Front and dual rea r »eal ash trayi• Crank'operated tro m vcoupanu

• Dual metal coal bookf• Tnstrcnent panel “Snack Bar*• Safety-Plate G U u all-around''• Trlmtncd trnnk

- r ic i many other fine (eatuMf

LOOK AT'THESE BUYS ON BRAND NEW PONTIACS!STAR CHIEF SrOIlT SKDAN. Cameo Ivory. White wall tire*, w per de lux# radio, hydra-matic. heater aou.-dcfro.Mer. power stecrlnR. back-up lamps, wlnd^T shield waibcr, e -i cyt 'lamp r m 'up . power brakes, antl-freeie, rear s " apeaker. oil.filter, air clcim'er. atifcftuard »pcedoroeter, outside renr m ln tr, Itu non-slw e mirror, vltor vanity 'm irror, dash pad, foam ^ w shlons, spiire tire cover.-------------------------- ------------ ------

~fONTIAfcT>TAliCinEF^'BEDAN."XrrW Slto'‘hn lsii. W hlti M il tirts.-wotidtr^',' .. .bar. radio hydra-nifttlc traniimlrjion. licater and dclroster. power steerlnj. back*

up IlKhtfl. wlnaaileld WWhers. E -Z Ej'C b1[b.% parkins bralce lamps, power brakes, heavy duly air elMncr. oil filter,.«lovfl,bcuc Itunp.-uDdcrhogd utility lamp.-cour-- tuiy lampj, clRar llRlitcr and ash tray lamps; Instrument punel V d . foam rubber cuslilon* front and rear. apare tire cover.'.... ....... .. ........... ..... ......--------------

PONTIAC CATALINA SEDAN. C astle Blue color. White wall tires, delux#' -radio, hydra-matIc transmlisloii, h e ate r and dofroster, back-up llKhts E-Z Eye

glass, power brakes, antl-frecze, rlftht hand aslt troy, air C y f A t f / C cleanfr, ol! filter. Inside mirror, fo.om rubber cujlilons. ......J M

J'ONTJAC CATAUNA VISTA. 4-door Imrd-top. Casllc Blue color.‘White wall tUes.jsuptr de luxe radio, hydra-m atic, heate r Q id defroster, power brakes, back

■ up lamps, wlndsJilcld washer;"c-8 eye K lftM .'poricm jfbm tc-m m prdaal-spfed— electric wipers, power sieerlnR. decor croup, nlr cleaner, oil filter, lamp Rroup. dash pad. front foam cushion, 9 spare Ure cover. u_-.____________________ ______________

4 ,015.25

-------------------------------------------------- - — --------- ^ - le ld w uher. «-r eytBlaas, lamp croup, dual speed electric wiper*, power brakes, whit* wall tires, deco r poap , oil fUtcr. elr cleaner, daah pad. A f j r o a t Itnm ctishlon;, ............... ........................................

PONTIAC STAR CHIEF SED A tdcflipm y. BTMh coIor..Da.Jiae_raiUo, hydra- ' m ntie. heater and defroster, power tteerUis. back-up lamps, e*> ey» gUa . lamp.

'■■Broup. power brakesTwhlto Wall Urta. air conditioning, <Ja*h-^ ‘X f t ’C ’• f t - ' . pad . foam cushion, spare Ufe co v er................ ............■#>

" PONTIAC CATALINA BPOIIT COUPE. Cameo Ivory Color. 'Whlto waU t lm , hydra-m atic, power stcerlntt, back-up lamps, e-s eye s tu s , lamp group, power, brakes, sportable radio, decor group, oU filler, air cleaner, 'dash pad, foam cushion, spare ure cover, b e a te r and defroster.-----------------------------------

PONTIAC BONNEVILLE VISTA «-door hardtop. Cameo Ivory color. \Urcs. hydra-matic, beater and defroster, power steenng. windshield wa2 , ------- ,u p lamps, e-K eye glass, lamp group, aportable radio, rear seat speaker, oil filter, * lr cleaner, dash pad. ouUlde m irror, visor ranlty 'm inor, ^ ^ ] 2 « 9 6


PO^^TIAC CATALINA SEDAN. Castle Blue color, Whlt<^wall Ures, deluxe radio, Aydra-matle, heater and defroster, power steenng, back- la m p group, dual speed electric wipers, decor group, foam cuihloaj.

's p a re Ure cover.------------------- :-------------

_____ 'IP lamps, e -t eye glass,brakes oil filter, air cleaner;

3,696-24■* eye Rlnu, lamp Rroup, power brnke.i. dccor group, oil filter, olr cleaner, front

and reac foim cuthlons,•pare Ure cover.------------------1........................ ....... 3,691.24


. 3 , 3 0 3 . 2 2

CATALISA v i s t a 4-dow hardtop—All %VhJte. Power steertnf and brakes, radio, heater and other wanted extras.Special AC----------------------— ------------------------

STAR CHIEF VISTA 4-door hardtop—Two tone, white walls, power steering and brakes. Sportable ndlo and oUier ex tras. ^ 6OI 66STArt CHIEF SERAN-Blue and W hite. Power steering and brakes. E-Z Eye glass, radio, heater and many oUicc CKiras. 9 <9 a 4 A f f

• Siieciai a t ___ r i : _ = r _ - — ----------------------;________J j P V * * ^ 3 -

CATALINA SEDAN-Btue Finish. steerlnc and brakes, radio, heater and oil the ottier wanted exiru, 9 1 Ia O Special a t -----------;------------------- ----------------------------------- ^ 9 * 7 9 0 /

CATALINA SPORT SEDAN. Dundee Oreen color. De luxe rodio. hj-dra-matlc,. h e a le r and defroster, poFpr steering, back-up lamps, e-i eye glass, lamp group, pow er brakes, decor grou^, pll n iter, air cleaner, lo a m cushion, spare Ure cover. ..... ...........................1-----

CATALINA VISTA 4-door hard top. Cameo Ivory'and-Shoreline-goM color. .S u p e r deluxe radio, hydra-matlr. heater ond defroster, power brakes, back-up . 'lam p .'', e-* eye glass, dual speed elcctrle wipers, power steering, white wall tires,• am i-frce ie . decor group, oil filter, a ir cleaner, lo am cushion. ---------------------------------- i—




T R A D E - I N S

FIGURE YOUR OWN DEALP ick out the PonUsc ot your choice, estimate what your present aulo.ls worth (you may like lo refer to the classified section of this paper and find an auto'*

» like the one you now dnvo a* your guide). Deduct the value of your auto from tn e price of the Pontlae you would like to own. to arrive a t the ' mount to be

" r tnanced. If you would like- to P'<t additional cash wim your auto also d e d u c t..UUs amount. Take the balance due and multiply Uils figure by 6% for either

' i3 .<sonU u,3 i moolh* or-3S.monlha to arrive a l.th e Interest. A dd.thla amount.to_ th e balance and divide by tiie number of months jo u wish to finance your new Pontlftc. 'Ihls will give you your monthly,payments.

CMC «4 TON PICKUP.' 0',4 foot box; safely track axle, 4-speed trans., heater. / F ^ r example say you now own a IDSI Chevrolet which has a value of aay ia.300i00, windshield washer, road shock dam per • ‘' '• m e Pontiac you would like sells for $3i00.00. Subtract th e value ot 'ihe

-an(j otner■ert^aa“ ^:^^:7^.^-—

CMC ! i TO.S WIDE aO E PIC K U r. SU foot box, 7.10x15 six-ply tires, power lock axle, 4-«pccd Uans, heater a mg% A A and other ex tra s ._________ ______________ __________


19S9 PonUae 3.J00,M leu 2JDO.OO trade In f ire* yoo a balaoee of _

P lu s sr» for 2 year* or 144,00. Total Balance of ■■

in<V_TBADF-IN2 , 1 5 0 . 0 0

on your fom oce / . .regardlB$$ o f o g e ,t^ p « or moka . . . to I n t r o d u c e t o th« lolo$f in­novation In hom « h ea lin g . . . rfie Cofeman Bland-Air. Trim*Boy.

_k TA Ij c l f t r ftfi* e r . W-llmU0d 1lmt.onlfl_A


—O M Q -;^-JT O N -PIC K D ^.-4•epced-tm n.•> .,-hcttt«^roll-flll«r,-<*-A A A -A A —eleeUlc Wiper*'and muiy o U i e r ' e x t n i s . --------------------A j V * r 5 r * V V

Divide by 24 moaths glrloj you monthly paym enU of only , , , SLOO

- T 5 e S T .> b i i- y o U f 'a u lT a T ira B r T a n ir i lg .T r y B r i .6 w 'w e 'c a ir ^ e T T > e lg y ^ ---------


CmYWHlRC b tyaa i M tlinl Git Malm



Page 8: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-

TIM ES-NEW S, TW IN FALLS, I D A H O ------7 __________ WEDNESDAY, Sl^LY I5 , 1353 _

Colorado River “Squatters” Fighting U.S. Ouster Order. - ■- - __-________ ________ T>i»rT' ■ndh m no bi^nea* Uierr. Bud

II wftnu 10 devflop » rfcrcallonalong the rlvcf *hlch Jorms

Ucve the morel Usue 1* tide.

A fter ill . UitT contend, th d r roonej' 4nd etlorts bMre lurncd unused, bniili-eovered land Into producilTe . lanos wMch enhencf the ecgnomy or Ih t irea.

T lie land w u wllhdfftwn from public entry by the dep^r^ncn^cf Interior In 1901,

As the nunpajtlng Colorado rlvtr burst llA banlu In (lood periodical* ly, Jt chfinsetl lu rturte, leavlns Ulondt u id ahorcllne MRli ar.il dry. Then, with Ui« buJldln:: of Hoover, DavU and ParHfr dam*,

river’* now k u rtrulntcd and loamy land wa* expoaed.

PlonetSm 1U« wililam v « phy. now preildent of u-; . e lated rarm en , mo^ra i- ' s ta rted eJrnrJns ihp Jand o~.

’ <!ie ^ii.4,,Rle^of j jU ccdarj Murphy has been i yenrs,

•m e lM d-srlchn«-.,i,w a,.r_,^ blK-aeale farm cn «ho ton. aUalfn. c.mtnloup,, .watermelona. •

The dl.rpuled lajid inrlnc,. .V 10.000 acres In the X u ^ ^

10.DOO acffj- in Verde valley of Cilifomiv acres In the Parker.,'A rlr-sw l’ call/ .. reElon. and 3,000

Cibola valley ot Arir^r.a "

Page 9: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-

Telescope .Goes up 15 Miles■TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE.N1N I!_J

^ ................. i telr.icope. w|,|r(i «a t carried liy plaMlc balloonis t hfljht o( 15 mlle». 1» »JiDwn le ltliit a Uil.mltiut* chfck In (he f«lyd«irn momtnU b tlp ro Ukturf Jroni SI. I’aul..Mlnn, Hour* lite r the MUlpmcnl wai lowered by pirachule to a firm 100 mllri to Uie loulh. I)r. Martin ScliwarKlillil. utltntlUc rilrertor of the project,

• y.,h,l_Ui«.prlaclpaI;JiincllQiu_flI_lht_iftcfUlne-inil_lflevliln«- (jitem th it WM directed a t llie lun worked ^xtremel; well. tAI*

' wirephotol _______________________________ j__________________

Nevada-s-Amiic Arrives at Capital;JHorses Are SubjectD, FUANK ELEA7.ER

-WABHINOTON. JuJy 15 lUVll « ild Horsfl Annie wm here ;

L tnd «wd »pr«icl (icrof<j llic , tni TMige lifcc wlndwhlppttl

lltlro mrouKtt fagcHruSli.I \ Was Uil-t tlie Wild Horse Annie I ■ who Bliislelwndedly cowcd th e cow- l\haflds,- ouulrcw - Uin . giin.Mlngen.

wd hofflled the Ncvodn IcKlaliiture In Uu tnlcnst of. cavinfr t3io vnn-

ct»iu!e from Uio ta n ?n» It wu Indeed. I t u tw W---------^Annlf, the ncmesla o f Uie do« rood;

ind’slufl factory moffuls. th e terror, of the btOTO booOctrstrr. Uie heroine of the mustang’J la s t otnnd.

I buckled on my foun tain pen um toltopcd th roueh Uto oipllol einroni to Ui9 office of Hep. Wal- ttf Banns, D , Nev.. w here Annie hid » r « d to lavve n few T.-orda

a posse of pressmen.. .,H3 fccUnjt uncnsy fttxwl

eltlfled suit and bow Uc.- luid Uie fKt I » « n 't pocklnR ft Bun, An­nie. It developed, wucn't bolstered up for the rcndez>TJU3 either.

I thoujrht for a m inute I had •fdllHi.lnto Uio viTong'compony. Hue »os ft »llm lltUo Indy In crlip linen a.hcnth, kind of a blue-Rreen,I wukl My. She wore w hite pumps »lth.»Uletto hecLi. Mid laid flslde

^ h lle . Klove* nnd w hite b n j jhake liimds.

'hIjTx. pofdner," died ln_my Ifcw t. "How 6> >-ou do, — '— **'1 Ruafm! Inntoid. •

Rrp, Durlnff Introduced h e r fts 'ifrt, Velmii D. Jobnston, a « ctc- tiry from Rene, Nev.

She admitted rlRht nu-ny Uiat llil5 tiU only her rea l name,.W ild Hone AnnlB to how r.he U krwwn

. amonssl the bad m en o u t-ln -th e Wet.

College Issue of Bonds Approved

DOISE. July 15 ( U P I )-A Uilrd ■'dauitt court ruling th n l Dolie ’ Junior eoUpgr Cf»n iMue bond.i for ‘ (tcralioT)' coiuiructlon- wlUiout ; uUtafi on elecllon for npprovAl of . a bond l.«UB w « upheld yc.iterdfty br the Idaho tuprem e eourt.

The hUti court ruling ixfflrmed DliWci Judge M. Oliver K oelsdi’s rullne In tui action brouftht by

• Jtrold L. Wood BRolnat the dorm- ■ Itory houilnc eommls-ilon.- The p ropo^ bonds would be P»U off from dormitory rovenucs Md twiM not become obllimUoM «[ the tiupnyera of th e Boise Jun­ior collcfe district-, th o cou rt not*

fii'propojed bonda would be - . W off from dormitory revenue* I and TOld not becomo obllpiUona I’ of the taipajxr* of tho DoL-io Jun- I lor conese district, th e court noted.

J Wood'* CM* Involved ft 1057 law ■ .Pertnitun" erentlon o f dormitory 1 hotuinj cnnimtvilona In Junior, col- I Ifso dlstiicUi, }Io M ked the lower I court to rule U uncon*UtuUonal I enjoin the commlMSon from

And All Btorie* are true, le atirled rtdUjR

herd on the must-nnc mu.xlcmen 10 yeua tiRO, when tlipy first took to the nlr to ruh rticKed Uie liertli of wiiaiiors;<-4-ifmt'onecT^nca'wc5l^ cm rno«M two million ntroiic.

Tlie c.i}u<e.<i were chased by . lanes, to exl»aU3tlon, U sued In tructla until Inasotaim InalBtlnir on freedom ............

dniCTrlnc old truck Urw. untlf

Uie flKht.Velma [uitfher hudmnd Clinrlea ho run ( i^ a lM ro iic h 38 mllesi

outjUdc of l£<-no. hflcteddOff food made out r> Vtlma went Into

action to th e .dwindling herd* of mu.^tAnp,

Tlie)-To aJirunk now. ahe *aid. to : 0,000 in all tJio mnse stAtea of Uie Wt-.t- And .Uiey're oUU. be­ing run down nnd;hnuled nn-ny to Uio ilauBliler Iwusfr, Ju*tjnifflclent- ly ttllve to mve cooling ecata.

Around Reno. Nev.. liowever. lt'« foolhardy cou-boy who Roea after

the few Uiousand.mustiinES th a t rc:niijn.

•T \t KOt elRht or 10 blc gm-a.I ill on when I need ’«n." Velmn iM. mnlllnc sweetly, by raiy ol

explalnlnfj her perRUflrlve pow'cra.•There «na tho Umo not lonff ftffo

when ft alieep nincher announced mmlnc Jils'floclt. 1>J round

up etinj'8. h# B.\ld.lhe wn.i *endln« nlonii an • ftlrplaHo. -But Velmn he*mt Jie Instructed the pilot, "Wlilla 5'ou‘re Ht'ltj'round up every damn horse In thoOe hllU."

Velina Just paij<fa thc utird. Sit*. s.Ud It U1L1 relnye^. with araend- mttits.“t6"thc'rAnti!Cr'ns~foIlcro3r ■It will be lUl youi; lives nro B-orth 0 try, IL" He didn'f tty U, alie Mid.

De.-!plle her twcessea locally— IneludlnR p n .^ e of a Nevada ^ w bnrring airborne .purmilt of Uie' p(^(ji on fftate-owned lands Velma

hofl 'decldnd alie'A to t to have , ...plenty of it nnd fa.it. If Uie

IftHt few m uslanjs.are to live. That's vby fihe obme to Uie city.

Ike Angered At .Question About Fraud

;VA.^H1NOTON. July 15 (UPH —A reporter got PrcJidcnt Enen- lioMer's Hander up today [«■ ajklnci him n Quc.^llon bwcd on the prc-| niL-^ ihat fraud exuied In his art-; miiil.i;rniioii.

Tile preMdciillal tl io i of nticrr caiTie v h rn Cl.vk H- Mollcnlioff, of. The Dm Moines llrfililtr and Tr:-i buiie. lolri lilm_ ihn t.'^ 'trn L cu n -i };rr^.iional comniltWTj lifd ch.if.ii'd execulivp deimrlmciiU *<H'rrcy-lo hide fraud SI unrment in Uielr opernliuns.

VloliUoni Charted J.T I1P reporter abo Mid 11 Prrnldfiit'a-iiFua-coQfcrcucf-Uut. Ihc-savxrjiincnijiccounmin office Imil reiwrted tome drp.irtjiiclif;. trrrfnai!inn ir-tn?-i,'.w ■by-wtn- holdinK reqiil.’ed Information from ■'le accountlni office.

Elicnhower listened Intently.The

hoff tlien n.'ked him to Justify UiM situation with his conMttutlon;il res|)on.MblllUes to uphold Uie hiw.

Ike Atki tor LetterTlie PreAldent first said he voiild

have to ice such a que.iilnn In writing before formulating nii nn.iwer,

Tlien, he added heatedlj- Uiit tlic rriwrter started the Inquiry Aith a premise that someone 1 .he Presldent'a administration wi RUllty of fraud. That. Elsenhom added firmly, he did not believe.

-U'Jwn ...... ...............................

U. s. Airports Have too Much Traffic

¥ tliry

landlnc. tervlcJng and tAV.e-off op* erftilOM, Another Bohmnn is to In- ilaU more elecUonic liifcty dwlcw, liic iiL\[ruuient Ifinaiiie wlUch help plnnn l.md ;\r.i[hrr.

Most miijor nlrrxiitj iiie x iu lp - Pfd'With liistriimi'nt hnicliiu:

s. 'niP trouble 1 luiially ln^InlI^d ' :iy,

KAA Chief E. It. Qiir „M(.» iKit III lD(-0 hu anciuy util •. il’i itillliiin (lollnrn <ni lur !c'Urr.v n ils money Kill l<i- ti l.iiy .iiich tlillii;.'. B.

. - .HIport *ur\rlll(ini.........

.Ilii;Uv-tat*iu.lly-«ii|■ [ Siir'fillnm'e- riular* t'-d'. rlMiuT ol mld-nlr roUl-i " l :n I'llUl'tt.lcll of tlie per,;’

nil plaiu-.i nrarlMR

p.illi to the ninwaj cn tliriiiish a liciivy

j i~ KA A-x—nlrport -s:ifrtT i'uImi r ilH fur Ituiallln

ytninjrtil. Iniirling-.ur _ nvliiiton 'expfrls 'char^r i ri'ci'iit Locklleed. Eli'clin t New York inleht never Im


ansla tiiat wm.land him r1{bt oa the runway.

.Safety expi rU tay that If* poi- for a plnr.e to make a land*

liii; vUien th r cciliiii; Is as low ai 200 fed If the ninwuy-ls equipped tt lu r TI-'5"ni)(l 35.000.candlepower hii'.li Intni.-.tly listlili.

To l:inil MM n runway without II.S calls l.if IV :ti;;rli hUlier cell- iiu’. Ci-iliiiK liiiiiv. for both ILS ;uul rrciil.ir hindnnij are set for ejcli nirii'jrt,

Sliicc !hc lu : iliile p.iiirdevke r:iii tlirou.- it% l)r,im''only one way.It u .-.ti to (ipciatc in liie direction

...................... -.viilch th r w;iul uiiiaily blows._jUinlliiK.pioi.Hlui<> .'Hlh for p lanes-

hum usainr.t tlie wind, When wlmi d'lr.s ,m about face,

-.■pl-mc.1 nr.ir.t- maic s -EtcS-aoor" : iiipiiroacir'—ilii.i l . (vime In from ; ‘liiii- oiiirr'ciKl of iiic ruiiRay,TJius.

liip plliil n r i h c . n:i1y 'the ILS dl- •tion:it Miiniil, 1)111 fi-ts no nltl*

^iKlr lnfi£in;ill"ii.TliK vmi Uip r.i'P on the nlKlit

of tin- Eli-Cira rrarli iluruir finaliwTtmTn

re.iume this line of QUeitloiiInK, the President cut him off by tell- Ins him again to write him a let-

New Soybean Is Released by Unit

•Iinprovinjj Safety of Nation’s Airports Is Growing Problem•ASTTirfaTcrrf-nTEAr

proving airport safety conditions to meet th e demnmli of tho air travel bj>om U one of the major problenui fnclni; aviation enperli.

For the-number-ol-planes-oper-

a tln f-e ac h - day- Is ovcrtnklnp-thr ability e l alrportd to h.indle them efficiently. Tli# result, avhitlon ex- perta explain. Is severe traffic scstlon above terminal nri-a.i which leads to th e danser of colllr.loiw.—

are (lio problemi faced by th e

runway tlmt the jil.aiip w.i', aii- prcwrhlnr. Klxly-flve pc-rjon.i <i;i-d in tlie crajfi, -

An ILS 1.1 an eleclroiilc drv in . th a t erinblrs a pilot to land in loiv cclltiis weathpr condltiDiis Cdllnk' lA tlie distance U o-m tiio

In IC57. more than 050 n ear nilwcs «tre reported by plIoU. T h e majorliy occurred near nlrporta of major clllra. Ilie fedrml avlntlnn ancncy e.Mlmates tJmt airports will handle 2Z nUlllon l4ikc>o(fs n n d liiiiiIiiiKA-tiexlr-yeBr. By 1963.- t il ls number l3 expected lo h it 30. m il­lion, f

Safely experts « y this; a ltun - tlon Cttllj I6 f more runways, t^jxl fltrip.v and hancors to rpccd u p

lUS Krojind eqiilpnieiit L'\ divld- eil Into tMo parl.i. One |i:irt :.ci;(U out n illrectlonal tlRiial tQ the pilot, n ie oihrr bcnms wiiat anioiint.n to nn electronic jialhway fram Uic runway to Ujl* [ilanr.

Tlirse Jhout on the plloi'/i m . r.triinirnt'pnncrJn'tha Torm o r tu o blicctlnB llnej.

As lonj? Bs the lines are cen­tered. the pilot knovg t^iat he is hendlnR In a dlrccltnn a i^ dr-

New York. .Sortii' nviiiilon experts ^ly tha t If Ilie pilot hart received II itllilc- path reading- loo, he micht

licd Into llic Ea--.l rner.•A officials lay, hottcver, Uiat

3.000 pinnivi Mifcly landed on that runway lii.-.t yr.ir in Uie same bad weather cnnditlons.

KAA offltiiih explivln that by the end of the year. IS.atrporu will hiwe H_S'sj-ntcms’ th n fw lll—J ,:iilile p lants to a landing from eillipr Cild of tlie ninaay. .\ddl* ilonnl onr.i will be Installed at later date.i,

NUUSE VISITS -W EN D EU j,-July 15 — Juanlla Cennmisa, n practical r.ume at S^icre.1 Ilem-t hwpltai at Idoho Kallfl.'Is h rre vWtlnB hrr parents, Mr. ahd 'Mr.i. Ben Cenamisa for

twtHwcek vftcnllon.

WA8HIN0T0N, JULY IJ (T7PI) —Tlie aitrlcullure department'to-j day announced the release of hill,'

toylwan variety described;*' mnfuplwr*

and rc.'slstant to lodging ond shat- tcrlnit of podj.

Tlie department said hill Is re­s is tan t.to bacterial poitule. .wild*, fire, and froyeye—all m ajor dl* seoses of soybean foliage—and to phytophthora rot, a fungus that

4ic touts and atcms:also Is resistant to purple seed stain ond has thown evidence of rcsIsUmce to tho root-knot nema­tode.

The new variety Is adapted to Delaware, Mainland, V irg in ia , North Carolina, MUsouri. Axkan- aas, Mlutoslppl. T exu and New Mexico, InlUal itockt of hlU seed

being produced In these sUtes and should be genet«lly available for planting t>y growcn In IMl.

Drivers FinedBtmLEY, July IB - Harley J.

Goodwin, route 1, Burley, was fined (5 and COM by Justice of Uie Peace J . U Weldon Monday for having no taU light He was cKed by Stato Patnlman'Bioy O. Haiti* Ing, Saturday.

nuUi Osborn, Barley, was fined »7J0 and corti by JusUce Weldon for ha^Dg an expired operator^ Ucenw. -Hcr'lU iM e bad expired Sept. 11. 1MB. She w u also dt«d by State Palrehnan a»rdln«.



PO-DO Golf Balls







Reg. Z 9 8 '


Base Plan Kept.-WAaHrNOTON. July i5 -n n » n —House and senate conferees have a ^ ‘ced~lo~ret4W “ 820~C&pth»rt housing units for the Mountain Home olrbase In tha mliltarr eon- strucUon bill. Sen. Frank Church, 0 „ Ida., aald today.

The bill Is expected to be aeot to the President next week .after both houses approved the oosfcr-

report, said diurch.

fLastHonorHeld For Sam Folsom

_ l OOODINO. July 16— am vcslde ■ |n ''a for.Saaiucl rolBe#a-worie coa* ndaeled at Elmwood eem eterr Mon.

oftemoon with th e Rev. Jack ttr tm an -o f'U ie -p tr tt-O b ris tian

■' "th offfclntlng.lertc-w Legion rites wcreicon- •1 bj- Guy P. oolcs and Qconit

— -vO. IViM uia-e Bounded by H a l l P ' ^ I

f^lbearers . Included H dbert wurchlll. Ernest Onunblct, Mock ono.tell, O w lea Flock. Htuold

1. nr)njit~^

Jerome Girl, 13, Pined by Judge

JEROME, J u l y l6 _ W U m a Jmme. itjie 13, w as fined

“ f'^ .'io t having A d rire r’s 11- Mnnri.iy by Police Judge

Djfrhmxlt.■ f i ^ « '. Swan Lake, was

U for allowlti# a n unouihor- to drive h e r car. Doth

citrt by Jerome patrolm en as r^ult Of an accident Ju ly 3.

ifftnH Judffo EUertnidt*■ w ^ ln c iu d e d Philip LuOonib, u M fo'' no tAll Jlirht and vvt -L , Rodney• Je ro m e .n - fo r improper





* 5 - ’ 1 0 - * 1 5- A U SPORTSWEAR DRASTICALLY _



" a d d e d . . . TERRIFIC SAVINGS


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138 Main North

T h e * LIke A. MnUen . . . Not Lfte A >milo* OUier«“

T h is W eek — Reg. 6.95

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Siioe Tree Racks ^ C 89 c

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Thermos Jugs Picnic CoolersReg. 49e

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5.00Glade Candy Kisses x ^ 3 3 c


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IN PHARMACYO ur P h o rm a c ia t d e d ic a te s h li know ltdae, aktll a n d y e a n of ax* perTsnce 'l e ~ y o i7 r~ ie fv T e i7 " T f i^

. ttond i e v e r r e a d y to helft you, no t only In y o u r •v e ry d o y drug se td i , bu t to fo l lo w y o u r cfoctor's

. o rden lo ib e le t te r . W henever you n e e d a p r e s e r l p t l p n flIJ td



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B 'o tt i t o f 1 0 0 . . , - . .

ASPIRIN TABLETS _____ _ _ 1 3 e



IN REAR.. .: T R O L I N G E R

Page 10: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


Wheel Assembly Qiecked New ^lousing Move Causes Bemo BalkingWASHINOTON. July 15 lifl —

Dfmocrsl* balked tod«y crpUns the Elsenhower •dminla> tritllon'J newest ren lo n o{ % houxInc bill.

ln.it««d, Sen. John S p u lun tn . D , M t- aald m bontln* lubeom- mltCee lie headi wlt| beelD hearings toon on President EUenhover*« veto of a DemOCT»Uc-spor«ored meiuure tJie chief executive calledeitravagabt and Inflationary.____

-we’ know the r ta i d e n t 1» wronjr In Uie «U)(ement4 he made about tills bill and UP are go ln t to ahow on rtconl tliat he U wrong." eparlcman u id In an Intervlev.

Sparlunan joined senate Demo- anUe-Lender-LTndOQ-B.-Johnson. Tcxaa,

Dock Collapses; Mass Rescue Made

an Idlewlld alrperl runway. The tiriii>wheel unit, front pa ir of fou r-irh ttaJandlo* .ce ir under the plane's le Jl,w lnr..(lfoD P td_oa. <larlDf the airllner'i iakenff. preclpliatlnr a four-hour ordeal far til* craU'f 111 paitenfcr* and crew before It manaced a aafe cm er- ' ftney laodlng. The hollow broken ateel beam li about ae»en Inchei

I In dlasseter. (AP wlrephoto)

‘ Communist Zig or Zag Aims — To Soften U.S. for Red Cuba


ThB tIS'zag communist party-----Un«-ha8-t4ken-ft-preposlcrou»-».l«’ ■ r zag. Persons

rlnce others of this: tn ia t the O. 8 . stata department

Is plotUns wllh Dominican Die* ' U tor nafnel TniJlUo to -laundi a

fascist Invasion of Pldel Cnstro's troubled Cuba. The Worker, week-

— ly ^ B l l catlan of Uie •U.-Of-Coni mualst party, sU ted this nddliJo

I to tha party line In the I«ad4t<lf I of ltd latest edition.

The Worker story began . llko thU:

“A cut-throat brigade of fiuclits from various lands—natl mercen- ir le i from Oermany, blue legion Bpanliirdi—are training In Dicta­tor TruilUo'fl Santo Domingo to mount ft concealed itaCo depfkrl- ment Invulon of Cuba.

. ’T h is assembly of kUlcn l» . .4 ^ trained for use ognlnst all

‘ ^ Ubemtlon movements

ilioi— U ra f 'Ui# vetoe<l"T;in would have _lnvo|ycd_|2i 00^ ,000 In ' expendltui-M. t o c ' Democrats estimated costs of the tvo>year

rograw a t <l4?t.000i000i Johnson told the senate yester­

day tha t Elsenhower's figure was arrived a t by a "Madison arenue Rlmmlck* of Including esUmat&s for poujble public housing subsi­dies for the next 40 years. In the l;U&Ile houslnK i>ragrvn'tiie feder­al government makes up by subsi­dy-Ui« dlffuence between-costa and rents received.

.The new housing bill backed by Elsenliover «-aj Introduced In the houM Monday by Q«p9- Oordon U McDonough. R , Calif., and Wll- Uftm .D .-W lnd*U .:jt;:N _J- an<l-in Ui6 senate yesterday by Sen. Pres­cott Bush. n ,. Conn.

Providing for no new public housing, It would authorise a toUl of 810 million dollars In housing loans and g ru its .•Tile administration ________ ...

Boulil provide 600 million lo r slum clearance to be met by congres- slonnt appropriations Instead of u h a l Bush described as "back-

Gavy L. Johnston Honored at RitesdOODINO. July 15 - r im c n U

scrrlcts for Gary L e e ' c c ^ n e t e r y . heia«t,10:S0

Sariuhe Baragtf as sccompa.n..p a llbea rita Included Jem'

,,an. Joe Morgan. Ktiin Roger Maxwell. Duuiis and Mickey SortUe.

PlnaJ rites were eonCuci« <

Tuesdaya t Thompeon chapel *'lUi the Rev. Jack m e m a n of the First ChrU- llan church offlclaUng. aab ted by Bneiaon Pugmlre. Hagenwin. The JU*. Mr. Portsnan wos soloist wllh

More than 75o million dois. a o rth of gold and silvc; ’from the Comstock lode nt Vin City. N e r , oXUr is di><ovfi7" a

Minium IIJlelplD g bands rtseh otil.for ineB. women mud children straggling In th e water afler collspse of a

tm all boat dock on which they bad been sU ndlag a t the Milwaukee. WIs., yaehl basin. Some wcro pulled on Ibe dock a t left, o then were held above the surface by sailors o f the cruiser C8S Maeon who leaped Into the valer. All of the 50 persons lovolred were rescued safety from Lake Michigan waters. [AP wlrephoto)

•or Latin America. The danger Is Imminent. Cuban patriots consist-

' esUy have warned against the peril."

Card-carrying party members, t i l of nhom ors tinder rigid disci' pUne, now will peddle this non-

. tense la all. directions. T he com* > munlsU hope to capltallra on the

doublA and suspicions of American eltlrens with respect U> Trujillo and hls.SO-yeor dlcUtorshlp. .

The long-range communist ob- JwUve Is to creAte'among Amerl- eon cltlsens a state of mind which vUl accept future events In Cuba tre n though — as seems likely — communists may take over tlie ls-

— land—jorerm nent.—A— take-over

Mass Celebrated For Robert Lee

BUHL. JiUy 1&-Requleni mass__ f r r ^ TjTt__ » t 10_a- ^_5^eBday a t the Church

bf'the lm m aculuo OoscepUon'v,lth th e n«v. 0 . A. Brodly, pastor, as celebiw t.

Mrs. Lloj-d SimiTon and M «. T nnlc Karel s&ne a duet, accom­panied by M n . 3. Leahy, orpanlst. FiUbeiLren w en Dftle Christensen, Doaald ShaTci-, Leonard PotspJall. Albert KoUrtlc. Jam es Wlneeor and < ^ l e s

A m e rlc a lP ^ lo n military rltea v tre dlrictwl by Billy n . Owln. oarnnonder. Herman Oompton and

. .Jak e Btahlcckg u-cr* ootor-suards ■md Charles Burbank and Btoniey Herslnger, color boorera. T lio flr-

w lth M/Sgt. William Ambrose, ■quad leader, Buglerq were Gordon C arter and Johr» noskelley.'F lag



HILL&HILLB tiM C L ,U B > u i.K r7 K ^D m ii: u i m tm iuB nxsets courur, u m o r n u a i ixoci n a u i - n mn

410 S. MAIN RE 3-5811

fire $ fo n e STORESr

Page 11: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-

WEDNESDAY, JU LY :5 , 1059 ,

How Does Tlie Battle Go?

M ■■ - MR, president, bo , . ,

•YDO TONK WE CAM ... nH o i B T v e S K o u b" L I M 6 _ 0 I ^ ____ ____ _

! f c M r W p t ; ?TRtMCHES;


Canning Kitchen Patrons Are Advised Can Price May Go Up

_ . ^ ---------l - 'l - h r

Mr«. Edn* L- Smlili, manigrr of Uif Tw’in Fftlla cannlnc klleU* cii, advtsrs pcncns uiiti meat or pi-CKluce ready for Miuunn lo tJo NO t s early m poulljlf, U«BU.''“ II.' the i l e t l ttrikLc, ihc pricr ot

a p l (o CO up^ Khc uild.

. —paciiy U ir « . days tince H I oiK’Ufd. T ueidny and Friday ta il lu f f k and ttil-1 Tupxday. Many p.-t-

Payment of DebtSought in CourtA »ull ttRalmt-Duiiald Jfju p«ct

f.prltlnff pB)nirnt of drtjla «M tilrd In TV ln J^lLi probate couri Tuesday afternoon by Pro{ewlor,nlA rfJtT'.fTnrTit Tlnrr'iii Tn

Irons arc cannliis chill and pork and beans, for alilcli tijey jhtnild make rraenatlon j. lOie ndvnr.l.

CAiinlnc of prni and «wtet cherrlrs nlio m Uiirtlnn tli ii a r r k T»b vuitors from St, Louu. Mo., and tu o otlirra froin TIltn«ls look

nee '•'» m - '- - - ■■•••-- day to can vlUt Uirm,

Mea. fimllh u ld many of llie vlillon liave never lienrd of n cannlne kllchrii and ftl^o mniiy are iiol nrciisioined lo the nacft


Dr, no ijcn Mcrcer. a dcnlbl. teeks i32 nnd S1.02 Interest for f.erflets April 10, 10S3: t'urnllurcCl{f.rmg ■ HOUi,e- t u b ' i JTJ r ~S1.62 Interest for Roods purchued April 12. 1D18; Pnciric Power «lill I.iRht Credit unton n.-.ka (U8.71) p.!\d tiitcre.M Rt Jl.w a n o r ll ' from Mny. 1D53, luici Knmniiel ho;.pllBl K ck i S3G.43,imil J2J3 in- lerc.1t (or profcs.\loiial ser\lcM in rcbrunr}-,'155H, ’ ' ,, H, N. • Jewell, Twin Fnlls a t­torney. reprcwnt.^ llie lurcaii.

abund.iiii In Uils i eounio;

Clilckci^s and siiiu belnR canned' hou’ noted.

:tlnn ot tb r

Taiiient Held"ELDA. Jul>;_ l5 -t.li '> a.icriUQfiit

mecllns » iu comliiclrd Uy U-M.i ''Ollley and alnKlnK \»,vi irii by Vcr-

Exhibit’s Fashion Show Due ChangeNEW Yomc. July 13 tffl—A

fash ion . ?!ic)w prepared for the American nlublUon In Moscow, wltjj ice.-irs nl Nfcrotj and whites locethrr at a Beddlnn and a bar* bccue. Mill ijr.iltr^o dra.'llc clianKcs before ll t r u lo MOMUW.

TUe fluiriKri will be made, In purr. Dff.M^r'cf a jxtiilon alsned by 41 faflilim tdliora slio »ow the Miow Siiiidny and promptly mlwd a |)^ote.^t n^niiut Ute race*rnlxlne scenes and uilicrs.

•ITiey tiild the ncrnes were "not rei>r«scittal:\e-of. Ill# Americanwi.i-_t>f.lirel___________ i - _

KftMilon (■(iliors from nil parts of th e coiiniiy.slfned llie petition, Jn nddltlan to the scenes RlUi Ne- croes mlnsliiic with whiles. Uiey o:i:«»ed a lem -agtr tteni) sliuw- tni; vlcorous rock ’n' roll dnnclnK

lU>-tii« toy* <latl In l>l«flc-l>aUt»r- loiuidered by wanj”

Mrs. On'lIIe Sear*.Speaker* were Mr. and Mrs.

Oitn Ward. A piano solo was civcn by Mnnlyi\ Bcecher, P:iy.’c « ’j.tre given by A. J . Udy and J . n . Iluid.

Iluniia dUniondn and nr;.....iirc called ilie'A.i;ne li.unr—"cliern" —In the belief Lliat both are pol

ATTKXn CAMPS H O S H O N E . July J5—Four

ScouU of troop 01, rpoiuored by WiKxl niver Center OranKf. »l- Ifnded camp at Cape Horn tJie pa.M wrek, n ie y are Tony Baniey. I’nul Hubbs. Gnylcn,Outhrle and U v tn i jonw. Thff lK>y« were ac- fnmpjLlilfri hy Mr. wid Mmi tVrm Uarney. Danicy Is Bcoutniiister.


- t o - p c y . . ■ . e n d e n jo y - n a tu r a l look ing , c o m fo r t- a b le a n d le rv lce o b la den> tu r e t r ig h t now!

Loose or b roken d e iv t u r e t perm anen tly—



. O p e n D a n y ” 9 ” a . m 7 1 ^ 5 p . m .




ffaxers’ Dx-ive Agaijist TJirift , Continues; Dividends Target

NEW YORK. July M ’ (UPI) —Iror a total of 13,41)0.000 share own. Tlic,' WaahlnKloii drive _ a sah is l cm of American hiduairy. revealeduirSl conUnucs wlUi dividend crtdiui Uie latest lArget. .

A tew days BBo the senate tic k - ii ^ e n dm ent to abivndon dlvl-

imulnB the 52 per cent Korean i» r corpornie Inconie tax ra te . Tlietmendmcnt Eubsequently ------dttipp^

Kow, It s,a.i learned, nnothcr drlTs Klil bo niiule to abandon Uie dividend tax credlta. The.se are .in ucluslon of th e first ISO of divi­dends and a-four per cenk credit on the remainder of dividends cttred by stockholders.

Aside from this m inute relief, dlvldtndj are aubjcet to double taxation—onee os Incomo lo Uie corporation, and again na Income receh-ed by the stockholder.

If-ih# dividend credit* wcro re- aioi'fd. I t la eatlmated U ia t three aiUllon small stockholders would b« hit hardest be«tiuso th e ir hold- Inti of stock are » small the MO

•Mridentf- exclusion, makes their (■lTldend.1 tax Uke.

A total of 0,41>a.000. o the r indl- Tlduab would be forced lo pay: hither tftxea If.dividends were ful­ly taied. These are the etockhoider timy—D,400.000 plus three million

Harlem Area Force U pped After 2 Shot

NEW YORK. July 15 (UPD— Addmonat pollcc were as.slgn^..to Iltiltm precincts today following

i^ r ^ t in which two policemen

I^ c e Commlulimer S tephen P. Ktnnedy, annotmelns the Increase la iJie force, aiOd, "We are not coins (o siAnd for mob violence."

Pallee Mu«:Ie Prole*ted Some NcRro lenders also chnrg- Umt "some police are using ex-

_|r» muxie" la Uie area. Kennedy! he would InvesUsctle Any.

of police b rv tallty ’p u t be-- —.71.

Ills Harlem division commander,: ^Mjtant Chief Injpeetor Thomas

Bums, denied there wa* any MldencB of Increased racial ten­don. A., reported by M anh»ttan

■ B«f0UKh President Kulan E. Jack ^ &lx other Negro le ttden a t city till yesterday.

Probe PU nnntd Dfimty Mayor Paul T . O ’Keefe

“ III Ihc city would make • full iP'cstlKatlon to determine Uir ^ deriv ing problems which pro-

such incidents" ns Uip Mon- •'^ynlRht mob scene.

An-imKry crowd teTore A pre­dict sutiion WM dispersed a t tha t ‘ws after middleweight boxing

—*^np iw rflu;;nr n a y Roctnggrraa-' Wftd It th a t police hod no t beaten

woman nrlsonr/ whose qrre5t j y n i j the e?i)loftIve chain ol

ltobiii.ion fjiid yesMrdny, how- " ff . thnt tlie womnn, a Puerto

lijtfd by police as a "white t a * , .

i tudy Starts-on _ Ttupert'sTPofice

nupERT. July J5 — A special Coouncrce.coimnUtfe.

“ bffii set up study pollcc fwecuoi, here,u-!?i‘® , w i l l study par-, “•«.«ly the advLw bllliT -«f-r«-

PlMnclothes'lnvesURat- ^ 01 leer on the police foroe. The ^ mittee Will subm it Its finding n , f ‘' r council a t Its meeting

•r\iw<lay.members are Qeorge

chaitm aa. and Don C la«nce BUrer.

'."’MMl l„ u,o police fo tw fol- W.M resignation of Joke

in th« rcccnt stock exchange s vcy,

llie trouble with th is giant ■ tli t tL - lU a a l

than Uie 130 million owners of life ln.iur.ince pollclu ulio recently hnd to stand Rlunily by and witness a SS t>cr cent lax Increase on liuurance coinpanles-a tax thnt will make ln.nirance coit more throuRh duced dlvldend.1. and on new pol­icies ihroush poulble increases in premiums.

Dividend credits were voted in 1S51. tuid litre Is w lu t luippeaed since that time:

—Corporate . dlvldend.1 ....... -jumped 3 billion donors annually,

—Oovcmment. tax Income on dividends luis rLien Instend of fall­en. The rise in the past two years hAs been 400 million dollnrs.-*

— u ire oimership hna risen 49 per cent fo 1I,4»0.000.

-rlnvtaUnenl h a s Incrensed sharply in^common stocks.

—Stoclt financing has rtien mod­erately, and b lis sr increases are anticipated,

Eftcli ot these U attributed to the small tax relief.'

Tlie senate move to eliminate the tax credits came suddenly and wlUiout waming. Some groups notably the New York Stock Ex- chiuiRe and aioekholders of Ameri­ca. look prompt ootlon, and ari credited wlih helplns force.abMid- onment of the plan.

The next attem pt to ta x stock InvesUnent th rift win find a muab bigger array of arUller7 to c«n- bat the taxers.

Bo far the'groups h it by antU Uirifi tA X fr'ire 'tna^onej^ feorM least by politicians a U elecUon

With a stockholding arm y of 13,400,000 persons, growing a t a rate of lOOMO a m onth, things may be dlfferenfin the future.

Boms dsy perhaps the life insure noe policyholders, and those m il­

lions who have aav lnp accounts, as well as the near 13 mlUIon sh&reoaners will really become cii'—and then the taxers will be in trouble.

Wall street experts are convliu- ed that double taxation of divi­dends ought to be abolished—in an honest tax blU.

Probate of Will Is Sought Here

A petition for probate of will filed In Twin Falls pn>bate o Tue.iday afternoon In the Wllllnin M. Jlolllfleld e s u te . ' • -

Mr. Holllfleld died June 18 a t Hnnsen. Hla real o :^ personal

The petitioner u Clarence Holllfleld. llonscn', a son. OUier helm Include («-o daughters, Mrs. D orothy Holllfleld Carbon. Han- r«n, and Mm. Geneva Holllfleld Popplewcll, Dulll, and two sons, nobert W. Hollifleld. Gooding, and Roy P. HoUlfleld, Hansen,

Attorney for the petitioner is L. S . Qulnn, Tft-ln Falls.


DCPAnTMDn' o r iNTunion—or.o- ixMiCAi. aufivCT—mAHO v a u ji SNAKE niVCR WATER^IEPOUT " "

'JULY 14, III! . irrom r«porU kr Rurou o( RirlimiUsn, 3<o)ofleU Cuncrr. taop«r>tJ>( ptrtiM]

ClKh. NBr.•lullen srCunl. etoxd m*ljKkMa Uli« ------- m.KO*Mor»n ----------- «J(0 UM 1.rUUuln m»rr(ilr..I,IM.CiCiO*OfMJir Ul* (J/D... iSJCO*• • d P»»*-T»<trT-r ...............,7» >■!,, J,o:<)IUIm ------------ 13,»9 «,Rh<ll^ t.0» S.lia S.DlKkfont ...... . 1.H0 1.510• I r»ii. n«.______ I'vmp__ _ ?S lON*«1»T ...... —— Ii.S04 I.H9 I,

! " - s £ s “S s ' l i ! :ar. Ulnlduki t,:iO 1,7 0 1,

MiBUok* N.s, pun.9 - in t:\ «lln»r H.H, f*"*l.— »,J«0 I.*Uln»f l i f t . . : ! - " 5*! ■ It:OttXllnr projKl __ J,na J.S5»*• " In fiooJIni...., »M). . ... I^UrU-..... . Ml J .m *11Ullntr N. R. nn iJ.

.1 Wlln«.— I* 1 DI»«r«lon»:

10 Sbdlf/.. *,<>1 . SI»lI*r-IU*<U«»i-— - 47:'Acrr-(*tt: elbtr guuUtlM In (MoiKl-fMl

i r a r r i

su it of Uaba

p m S T OPERATOB DIES ^tALDEN, M ass, July IS 1 3 -

w rn iam J . pellssler, 08, believed to have been the world's f irst tele­phone operator, died yesterday. FelUsler got Uie Job a t the 'Tele- phone Despatch company, tho first telephone company office, In Bos< ton w hen he was 17 years old.

Only a t W alker'sSpecial Purchase Brings You The AMAZING G.E.TWINS. . . .

12 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator

Matching GE Freezer


FREEZER! Imagine! A big 12 cu. f t Refrigerator and a large-capacity Gen­eral Electric Freezer, both exactly the sanie size and shape fo r Icsa than price of other Refrigerator-Fr'eezer combinations! Holds well over 600 pounds of foods and you get world-famoufl General Electric Quality besides! Proof, once more, th a t you’ll always do better at Walker’s, M agic Valley’s largest and oldest General Elec­tric dealer I

Up to J

1 5 0fo r yoBr old freeb<r OB t* .

M xera ter (tn^worUnc-eosAI-

tlon ) when JM bsf

OnlyatWalker'sW liW Y oirG efTheEEZlESTTermsrin-Town:

GET B O T U L F n ti« r .o n d

12 f t . Refrigerator for

As low^as

4 4 . 0 0




Page 12: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


IV ! !

Miss Johansen , £haries-L arsen

Couple U nited in LDS R ites

Exchange VowJIAZiXTON. July 15 — CoUetn

V*LoU JohMttwi, dauehler o t Mr. « iil Uf*. Johansen. « a « I* ion. and ClmrlM K ent Lar»en. wn 0/ Mr. itid l-l«- ChM lcr LarMti, T *ln-F»lU „w tre..unlted_m mar- rlBte Prldar eveiUng a t a 8 ocIocK ecrtmonr a t the LDS »liUi ward chuitli In Twin ra ils with ihe brldfffroom'a fnUicr olflclaUng in


«we«Uicart rainbow tneme iwfTt hfttft baeksround doeoraltd with pin*:, blue and yelldWTnum* and srctiifry. The large b a ik tu

i o r gladioli com plrted me' decor »tre aUo In- plnk, blue and

yelltw rainbow colora.The bride',-given m m m la e e by

h r f fflthiT.-Barfrf«c<f1mL ^ h tteChantilly Uce (cown wiiii iiticu bodice with low cut neckline. H rt

wtti ft sored circle of bullfr- lana lenglh. Tlie b.ick of Uie

n.«. mhnr^rfil hv mnull whUeTelreteen IwwsrHcr IlnKertlp veil w ai held In lilace by a tlorn of aequlna, Bhe caTrlcd ft bouquet h e r while Dlble of pink »weeUicart rose* and while feathered camft- tlo n iiln Ivy on while tulle tied •irtih-whlle satin-ribbon with Joug flreamerB.

— TBB 'onninbtrM «T“ VauKhfl M. Pond. Tti-m Falli. played hack; ground ma-Jc and the procc.vsion&J and recesilonftl, Mrs. Joseph Ols- ler, Burley, aun t of Uie brlclr, /.an? - I Love You,Truly'- aceompanled by Mr*, lU l MaUiews who ac-

-corapaiiJfa-M atn«w s--M -he- snne "Through the Yeans” and ”Al- way«,“

Thfl maW ot honor. M arilyn Per- k ln i llaielton. cousin of tlie bride, wore a pink coiton sUtei lengUi (heaUi and u-hlt« h a t anc Slovea. Her bouquet was pale pink {ealltercd carnations on & blue

“ tuJlB Tan tied in ralnlxjw colored ' bow4 with long itreamers.

Bridesmaids were Ux.Porbea and Jeanlo Henderson

. both Tw in. rails, and Shana Thornton, Hawltcn, M lw Porbes

-W M dreiM d'ln a pUa jicltow .bce aheath and tJvrrie<J ft bouquet ' yellow feathered cnrmillons on orchid fan of tuUe. Mlsa Henderson waa attired In a peach cotton aheath end eanied a grM n tulle Ia n with while (eatherc<I carna­tion*. Mis* Tljom ton »-oro a tur-

-JUQlte-JAffttA-RlHi allver necked trim ahealh and carried a boutjuet of orchid feathered carnaUons on ft yellov tulle fan. The bridesmaids a lso wore white h a tr and gloves Each bouquet was tied w ith rain ­bow colored tiLffeta bon-s w ith loas itreamers.

Wayne HawUns waa best and ushers were Duane K . Hanaen. NoeJ Luke • and John Larsen brother cf the bridegroom, al Tw in palls. Danny K urdy, Burley oousln of the bride, was rlnsbearer

now er jlrU were Carolyn l* r - •en, sister o t the bridegroom dressed in a yellow orsandy gown almllar to th a t o t th e bride, and K athy coehran, Hazelton. cousin o f the bride, dressed In alm llar or­chid organdy fown. T h e girls wore white accessories a n d carried w hite wicker baskets w ith rainbow o o lo r^ taffeta tuUe tied w ith rain*

'b d w ^ eo lo m r roeettea u d ]ong iCreafflen,

Tor he r d iu ^ te r 's wedding. Mrs JcAunsen Mlected « p ink 'dress wUh pink aecessorles and c o m g e of white gladioli centered w its pink sweetheart rosebuds. H ie bridegroom's m other chose a beige brocaded cotton s tre e t lenglh drcM with beige acceasorles. Her conage was salmon gladioli -with p ink roaebud ccntcra. •

For the recq>Uon following the

M arion M artin . —„ R a t te r q -------


W '- a a * /

--- SU CCESS-SK int ___Here'a the wondertul pJesited

•k lr t tha t makes a ll Ilsurca''look “I allm and groceful—team s w ith a

} ' I color-matched blouse o r sw eater to ' |. m ake a smart costume. Clioose eol- ; o r twted blend. Tom orrow s pa t-

t« m ; Child's..- -.-P rlated Pattern C3M: -illsscs'

w aist slses 3i. 3S, 30. 38, so, 33. aixe as takes a t i yards 45-lnch.

P rinted directtoss on each pat­te rn p«rC S u le r , accurate.

Stmd as cents (coins) fo r this . pattem ^-add 10 cents to r each

p f ttto n ' for f l n t ^ l a i s nmlilng. fiend to Marian M artin . Tmies- K evs pattern DepL, 333 W est 16lh S t , New York i i , N . Y. I*rlnt plainly name, M d reu w ith zone, ( l u and slyJs number.

wedding. Mrs. Olenn Nelson, Twin Foils, registered gucsU.'

Olie four-Ucrcd while wedding cake was baked by Mrs. A. W. Bls- selt, Twin Falls; Tlie bottom. Her was a m n ce d 'to make scallops en< c irc ling 'the'cake which was dec­orated with pink rosebuds, wMie hearts and wedding belts with a miniature bride and bridegroom with a tulle background on the top. •

'n>e cake was placed on a large m irror'U nd Uie ba.ie was' sur­rounded b}‘ rainbow colored mums and smllox. lUlnbow-colored ro- sellta and amllax decorated the cdgti of thB--whltfl iBce-covered table. A t either end were large crj-alal vasts of-ralnbow colorcd

40th. ..............................holding pink, blue and yellow c; dies encircling the flowers.

Mrs. Floyd Oambrei, sr.. EC and Mrs. E. H. Kelley, HoMlton, served the cake while Mrs. Ina Simmons. Twin Pails, a u n t of the bridegroom, poured the punch.

Attendants a t the gift table were Mra. P h i l Brackenbury, Mrs. Phillip Cochran and J>lrs. Forest Johnson, all Horelton. and Dianne Drj'den and Mrs. KelUi Johansen, aun t ot the bride, both Jerome.

For the wedding trip the now Mrs. Larsen selected a m in t tn-een dacron two-piece sheath style suit and a corsage from h e r bridal bouqifct. TTie newl>-weds will re­side in Twin Falls a fte r their

Hellewell Fam ily Parley ReportedIfEYDURN, July 15— Oeofurf'

Uflle-*-fll was rcelpcied prr.'ddcnt at Uu! Helleuell family reunion held Sunday a t Burley’s West park.

Other new offlccrn Include IXile JJfJ)en-eU, rtce p rrsld rn t, and .Mil­dred Ortffun, #ecrelAr>-. Jtunea Hclle-*ell, sr.. In president of the BcnealOity group.

A business meeting: and program ere held a t th e Ifeybum LDS

chun:h, under the direction of Ocorge ^ielleweU. N ila ^lomon sang; Tlane and Com m Monson gave readings, and M arlene HeUe- well played a plorto solo. Mrs. OcofgB HcUcw^ll- prtscnU ^ ' mg family tree and l^ tir e n Wood gave

piano solo.

honeymoon.Hie bride Is a 1058 graduate ot

Valley high school ond of the Twin Fulls Beauty A rts academy. Larsen was graduated from Ta-in Falls high school In 10S8 and at­tended Idaho S ta te coUege, Poca­tello. last year.

Out-of-town gue.^ta attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Joharuen and J e r r y Webb, all Salt Lake City; and Mrs. Marnerile WlL'von. au n t ot the brtde, and M n . Agnrs Johansen, grandmother o t th e bride, both California.

Care of Your ChildrenBy^NGELO.PATRI .

Water has a great attrac tion for children—and their elders. Many families have boats now and more are looking forward to having them. T hat is just fine. BoaUng is a clean sport. The feel of the water under the boat is dellghtlul.

I t must be answering some deep- set longing in people for so niany find peace and impplness ju st sit­ting and drifting' along In their boat looking ou t toward th e horl- Eon, feeling tlie -Im m oulty of spacc..cnJoyli:i_tho_iilnY_pf light on the water and the cool refresh- ng air over all. I t is good t

- boot th a t carries rfne away____the bothers of the land life,and enjoying the feeling of free­dom th a t comes with It.

O t oourse tlie boat and lla creates some problems. W ater bo dangerous as well as delighlful and those dangers must be known and tespecled lest tragedy replace delight. Nobody should own a boat who does not swim well. T he chil­dren must know how to swim be­fore they ate given a boat or a canoe. ■ Jfobody expects on ac­cident b u t everybody should be >repared for ons when boating Is 1 Uie picture.More and more motor boats

I u n le t.' Many of the lakes are crowded wllh- them In >Ticotlon Jme. The younger people man these boats and some of the pilots

Inexperienced enough to use them like .toys, racing In circle# about another craft, seeing how close they can get to it without upselling it a n d .Its occupants.

In noma towns, a 'license to use moior-boat Is r e q u i^ . T hat is very good Idea. To get a Uceaw,

>me proof of ability to handle such a craft • Is required. T hat helps to cut douTi some of the dangerous nonsense tlia t the Ir-

, have Uie use o t a boat must know, how to irwim and how to Rive first aid when needed. Boats

Annie Ptli .a ■ TwiHr olirminliur. U rou iiki '

r.I. “Oo«l Ilonki f.

Sharon Farm er, R osenbaum Are

U nited in RitesBUHL. J u ly . l i — Nuplial ere solemnized in a candleluht

ceremony a t 2:30 p in . Sundsy. July 5. for aim ron Kay Farmer, daugtiter of Mr. and Mrs, George Firm er. Buhl, and William Henry noifnbau.Ti, jo n _ o f Mr. and Mrs. Cecil llotenbaum . Filer.

The local H r t t Baptist cjiurch OS tile setUng for the wedding

with the Rev. Frank Harris, pa-ilor of Ihe Csstleford BaplUt church, conducting tlie double ring cere- hiony iKfore an sltnr deconicd »lih-t>a«kfta-<i(-;gladioli. Candelabra with llRhted tapers flanked the altar. White tapers abo marked Uie bridal al^le,

T)ie bride, given In marrI.iKe by her fjiUier. ch ose a

whiteand n e t over »aUn. I t fenlurcd i

.................dc.ilen, fitted boilla round .neckline of

bouffint sk irt enhanced points of nylcm luce. Her fUiKcr- llp llluilon veil was held hi plnce

bjnliled nylon c.ip nnd .'he carried a w hile prayer book topped

-lUi pink and white carnations and streamers; ' ~

enrol Farm er, sister of the bride, -n ttm tea -IIS 'm aid of-Jionor'-and

pink cotton streel-lenKth gown faaliloncd. wllh a bateau neckjlnc edged In pink nylon dol­led «wla*, w ith a fitted bodice en. hnnced nt th e waL'il with a I»rge

white m ltu and a headpiece ot ;buds and pink nylon. Stie car.I a bouquet of ro.«bud.<. carna­

tions and delphiniums Ued wllh green ribbon and "net,

Bridesmaids were Lavon Farmer and Darcy Parm er, sisters of the brhlf. F-wh wore a gown fashioned ftflcr the m aid o t honors, short white m itts, flowered headpieces and carried m atching bouquetj.

VUky Dleffenbaeh, Nampa, wr fjoweriflrl. She wore a pink nyfon •rock and headband and carried bft.-'ket from which she scattered

ra.ie'pelA^JC^M 'nnrEcnoolcr rlngbearer and conlcd • the

rings on a heart-shaped pink and while sntln. pillow.

Linda B onar was organist and eeompanled M rs. John Wilson

Qrec Parmer, broUier of-Uie bride. Dale Tum lpsccd and Gene Wii- lanuon, both Filer, served- as

ushers. Dee A nne Baldwin, Eden, cousin o t the bride, and Mrs. Rob­ert BloiS, Flier, lighted the tapers.

For her daugh ler 'i wedding, Mrs. Farmer clioso a rose lace and satin attemoon dress with matchlni lessorlM. She also wore a conmse of .w hite camaUons, Tlie brlde- rrobm's m other chose a blue ny-

p rln t a fternoon dress, white accessories and a corsage of while

A reception fo r the 200 wedding [uests was held in Uie church par-

following the cerOTony. The bride's table, covered wllh a while inen tablecloth, was centered with

four-Ucrcd white wedding cake trimmed with wedding bells, lat- Uca work and.Uofl'cr5 and tapped wlUi large bells trimmed wllh net lind liiy-of-the-valley. C r y s t a l

wlUi U ll white tapers aridpink rosebuds flanked "Uie cake. The wedding cake was baked and ilecoroled by Mra. Leonard W al­cott and cu t In the tradlUonal monner.

Mra. Florence Herxnann, Nampa, aunt of the bridegroom, presided a t lie silver coffee service, and Mrs. Wesley- RfcCoy poured Uie punch. The cake was nerved by Mrs, Ber- ha Tlllej', Erm a Ruby. Wendell, M tl Lyle Ebbers and K athy Karel, displayed Uie girts. Marll)-n H unt

In charge of the guest book.

mature and inexperienced young­sters as the ears and only respon­sible people ftliould be In control of them. The farenla who give thclr. cluldren such line posses­sions as bosts and cars a re duty bound to see th a t they 'are taughttheir iite _________________

»nd canoes a re the children.— Whenever

po.viible they should be taught how lo handle Uiem, Tlie children must be Impressed by the respon- slblllty they carry when Uiey use

Rites Solem nized in Buhl Minidoka Stake ■ ,Gives Roadshow

A t LDS ChurchHEYBURN,- Jbly 15-"LfKfnd«"

wM Uie theme ot Uie Minidoka Slake roadshOT presenled a t the LDS f w t * ird recreation h.ili Monday evening wllh 10 a-ards portlclpatlng. ' .

T h e Pled Piper ot Ha. Il lI■• wuJ presented by U« He)-t«irn first tiard. dlrectedTiy Cl»ni~JJnks-Tual Joan Crofl. music director; "C.ip- Uln tiscsbee's Macic .Mist,* Hcy- bum second a ird . illrectol by Car- m e h u NelL'-on wlUi Je<in Smith, muile dlfecior; -ttTiy the O rra t 8aK Lake is Solly." Acequla ward, Ei-a-Nl£lit»lM, (lirKior. and Tliora DeMlre, mu.Ce dlr«lor: ‘•Fountain of Youth." Emenon wnrd. JoAnn Green, music director, and Cheryl and Howard Corle:s. d.ince dl-

to rs r -^ o r« T ta r t.“ -

W e d s N e x tM o n ih r •

___ Rupert first word. DciinSm ith and ituth Blacker, drainn dlrecuws. and Billy and Eleanor Dick, dance dlrectora; "nip Van Winkle," Rupert second a-ard, Jnnice.H atch and'Calvin Andrr-

I. directors, snd Fay Nut, niu.-(lc director: ''Sign ot Good Fortune," Rupert .th ird w n l . . I/>«_8rnltli. dramo director, an«i MaHlyn Moii- . mu.tlc director; "Smack Slllon. MarsluU <if Hog CUy.-Cans-Ufi.' Rupert fourth vrard, Oleii OrchartL director, and Marjean Holm, music director.-

Women ot the F ln t Dapibl church served as reception h05tc.'.vs.—Por-Uje weddinq Ulp lo Red Fish lake and Sun Valley Uie new Mrs. Rosenbaum changed to a blue silk print dress w ith white ncces-iorles. She also wore a corsage ot pink and white ccmations. Tho couple

re a t home In Buhl. ' - 1 The bride attended Buiil schools

flflfl y 'fll fmm '

Wlien fresh apricots are in the market, pooch them In a sucar .lynip. 'n icy'fc dcllghUui sm -cd wlUi soft ciwtard.

Officers ElectedJanie Berkley was elected presi­

dent of the To-Wa-Co-La Camp Plre group M onday.at Hapnonpark. .............

O ther neuly elected officers Mar>- janeHovells. vice president; Kay Eliler. secreu^-; Ellen Fear- helter. treasurer, and Carol CoonU:, scribe.

The girls planned a swimming arty fornext-Monday a t Nsl-goo- ah. Judy Wade waJ a gucit.

M iss Quinn Will W ed Californion

In A u g u st RitesMr. ond Mrs. L.iu rfiicc

announce the enc:n:piii..iuDroacliliis:-_iuarmi:c _ . b i_ .dauKhtcr, Ann. lo jjiclnrii jj. :i'. cobion. son ot Mrs. H.irry o ,'i.cobion, San FrancU*u. ----- -

T lie couple will be united i; ■ nuptia l ma.ia Aug. at S i a=.' rotc-CaUiollc. churdi,-llall>-i».-

M ba Quinn wos gmduaied t.~ T5i'ln Falls lilgh scliool ar.d University of Portland collrjf [{ nursing, Slie Is a rclwblliut.5 nurse for Liberty Mutual ir--;. nnce company in Loa Ar.RcIra,

TJie prospecUve b r ld e g r o s - sen-cd four yeora in the nn 7 t j was grailuat«J—from college. He is affiliated wiUi America for I/iyally Group Ikc. -nee compony, Los AnKelcj. n

. * * ¥ • 1 Plan vegetable cooking Ume»

Umt th e vegetable Is served ws afte r I t reaches the ••Juii-ienis' RaRC.------

school. She will complete a cour-ie a t the Beauty Arts academy. Tnln Falls, in August, Tlio bridegroom WAS graduated from Flier high school and attended Idoiio State' college. Pocatello. - .

Out of town griests included Mr.' and Mrs. Loren Former and 'am -| lly. Filer; Ray Parmer. T»-ln Falls;: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baldwin and family and Mri, Anna Nledl. grandmoUier of the bride, all Je^

■, and Mr. ond Mrs. Dleffen- bnch ond family and Mr.i, Flor-

Hermonn. oil Nampa, Quests also were present from Nampa, Eden. Jerome, T»'ln Falls, Filer, c&JdweU tuid

Chief InstalledMrs.-Jluby Black s-as InslaUed ) president of the ' Smiling

Through club Monday a t Uie home of Mnu Georrro etoddarrl. •

Other new officers include Mra. Harel Und. vice president.- and Mra. Grace Stoddard. secretATj'.

The next meeting will be held Aug. 10' a t the home of Mrs, Olivette-Henry. .

v o ii c a n l e a d a t r i p l e H f c t


CHIROPRACTICRestores health >!:: maintains Itl

A lm a H ardin, D.C.130 Malo No., Twin F tlli



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N O W . . . New Era’s

fa m o u s shut 'that L E A D S 3 U V E S

comes in checks and stripes, w hite and

shirt blousesII,Ud b , P e t c b P a »

We,tr each ililrt three wonderful w jjil Each boiati itl frilly »iuy jnbol plui.ipert'npreltjr embroidere J one. . . or can he oj a clisjie! Wliite, S-ige green

■ . . . i n grey oc blue woven ginghi or in blufl or brtwfi itripesi Drip Dry coilon, . . *iie* 20 ibni 40.

S<t lAm In A upiii 5crcnfcon

* 3 . 9 8

-lose Outs- Hum bert


% Price!. 5 i = =K nre Bargains for Thrifty B uyers

V a n E n g e l e n s | V a n E n g e l e n s’I'i

Page 13: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


Engagem ents Announced Miss Armstrong ■ A nd Gene Hiner

Engaged to Wed iiilC linK L U , Juir IS-M.-, nrul'

|M1J. Amutlo!!;: :iii!iounccj;llic ciiKiifc-rnicnl ol itifir rtnuKH-l ;(<T. M arsarrt GflieHcic (MlilKf),! 110 Ocr.r Illnrr. Mrrlcllar..I T lif brirtf-plfct U u 105S urnd- ]U!>lf of RicKficId huh wiioot. sh r ;

;— Llnlc's Uu1ln^^'<-a'llrr^,•liubr. \h c pn.".t v m anil li riii-j

na M'crftar)' t‘> tlif Ada' cuimly ^lll-rlff, Bote. ' I

Iliiicr ttiui Rrailualcd I.nin Mtrl-, dlan IiiiiU k IiuoI, He r ri tn l llirif yi-at* ulUi the »rmc(l (I'rro ii>'

A ugust Weddings S la te d

Korcv r. lie liL G.iuli'ii

1 * * * ’3uhl Miss P lansSumnner_RitualsW ithJaclcG rant

-JIUIIL.-july_ 1J -A Jttie,Lfdmiic is brm a planned by Clmr-,[.( vvucbbcnhorst nnd Jnck

Binnl Mr. «nd Mr*. Henry E. svutbbfnhomt nre snnouiiclnB ihtli daviSil'Wr's opproochlnK

''^ ~ b r i d ^ 1 « t ' , ”k~ 1S55 Rrndusl? 3( oulil hlsti Mhool, n tk n d r t the Collf« of Idaho. CiOdwell, .i.cl »as jrnduntfd from Twin Fulls nunnru collcse in I9S0. SJ.e Li tniplnyfd by t in T w in F a lli Clinic.

A lOii ftraduate of V allfy high diool Uie projpcelive brldfRroom t Uie-son of M r.,and Mr*..n^>prt E Omni, Eden. He U altendlng wt.ihin*wri coUnte. Pull,•^n. ulicre he 1» m ajorlna In •—

j ju n a r 7 mcdlclne.

Social C a len d arThe CMrliUan W omen's Fellow-

jU p of Uie Valley Ohrl*tlftii church .III meet r*t B pjrt.'Thurnday at he hcn'ie of Mr*. E sth fr Ilitc ti- ( Irene IloberU 'wlU give the

-BliiJb— C lre ie-E igh t Square Dance club will hold a dance and psiluclc supper Sslurdny n t the Chfster WlBensUm homo one mile louih >uid one and one-iourth [TillM «e«l o f ' Buhl. All square dincrrn are invited luid n.<iked to brine Uiclr own table scrvlce and

poUuck dish.

J Z ^ n o n club picnic will be held p i 1:30 p. m. Sutxln.y thfr.KnuU

iurlly center. T how allcnd- . ...-B a^kM to b rln s eovcred dlfih i id Cablo KTTlcc. RoiU; Ice aeomj Id bcvttaeo w in be ftimUhed

II the (vmmlttee.I * » *

Events N oted.by People'Qt UnityUNITY. July 15—Mr. and Mrs.

}ty Olorfleld and com were enltr- liuted a t the home of Mr. and Mrs,

ttirtnoml-HDniuirt-aiid-Bon of Bur- ■ r »t a barbecue nuppcr la«t week. _ i« lupper waa In honor of Olor- Ifltlil’i blrlhdny flniUvcriuiTy.

Mr, and Mra. Don O erra tt at- lendM n family picnic a t the Stlmmlni; Pool pa rk la st week. Mn. Ocrrnlt’.n nephew nnd family Iwn California. Mr. and Mrs, Don PniU and children, were- the hon- wd KucsU, • , I

Ur. Bnd“ Mr5. O c n iitt ntrcnflld ' > lir«-cll party n t th e home ofi Ur. and Mra. H andy, IniHtjbum Tliutaclay’ n igh t fo r Mr.' iM Mri. D uano'H andy and fam -'

«lio are leiW nit foi- th e Tong- « Islnnds-to tench. H andy l» Dfjhtw of ftjr-i, ^ e r r a t t .

|Ella C lu b P ic n ic Ends U n i t Y e a r

BOiii* July I J—T lie la s t meetlae f the tnuon conducted for|

Ew DU club 0.1 ft picnic held If John B iu te r home.

A«l-'Sant hastow cs were -N illtwn Wtttt and M rs. Dlil IK

fe nanii'd h o s te w s for Uie 8ep- ■ erebfr Plnn.'t will tx made,

» vtilV Sept, 31;¥ ¥ ¥ISeason f o r C lu b1 Ends w i th P icn ic

b u h l. July . i5 _ T h e annual P tnic of ihe Home Culture club »»•' held KrUlfiy n i Uie Everelt “i'ifad hnme. u van the club'i

>>nm('ciinR of the 8ca«>n. ,, -*-rw sr«rii' (>rTnu!ile wo.i IjiiM ulii, Pfg^y nu.Mend

IJMiiilriK u lih the c larinet and ww y Walker on th tf accordloa mifln HirKclil, Quincy, Wash,

named for the meet- I included Mre.

?H5Lnnd!.Mra,Mar56 irfiihBBi.— i


6IUUt.i:V JIEACOC'K (Staff enrrairlncl

* 1 - . -

Shirley Heagock Engaged to PostRUI’EllT.i July IS - Mr. and

Mrs, D, U. Iltacock. Rupert.LillLJ

ciRURlitcr. ShlrJfy. to Gary Post, .of .Mr. nnd Mr*. J. O, Post, Je- le. 'n iry pl.w to be married

Auk, 23. ~Ttie hcidC'<lKt attended U\e

Collnie of Icliho and U denial SMbitant In Twin Pnlla. Pail Is ntlentlInK th^ Unlverilty Of Idaho.

I.U.« Hencock wn.i honored, a t RnJ^ct bricial Kliower 'Monday

evcnmu nt Uie Don Lambert home In Tsin f'aiu, with Mr*, Limibert

I hnetCTB.A wedding cake of coffee cans

waa Kl>'ei' to Uie brWe-elect. Each wonrnn nltemllnR the shower do* nated a can of coffca to Ro In the cake which- «-aa made by Mrs.Lambtrt.

The cooklnu &klU of Ml.vi Hea- cock was tc.itcil a t the shower m she tt-M required to make biscuits without a KClpo to prcjcnl to her fl*nc».. , . -

fiATIIEIt AT m m i,EYIIEYDURN, July 15-About 60

pe rw u attended the Jcnka family reunion at the Burley awlmmlnc pool, park Sunday- A picnic vaa seri’ed and a family program was presented. •

bcr of (he ixillcc forci Citx and ?.Irrl(ntUi niu! m iio* rni :)lo,vril on llic Ada'couiity iJirnffilalf.

Shoshone Group M aps "rri-State LDS Convention B ette W alker IsSHOSHO.NE. July 15 -Pb r.i for

the Ilirre-sinke Relief «>clel5' c.ui- venlion to be held al the lociii LDP- church on Auc. « wrre jnndc by members of llie Blaine .•'Inke j-n-; cleiy-nt-Ilielr-plannlnic-m efSinR ' Tliursdny n irh t here. . . ]

Tlie convention will bf for Ntclely offlcera and tencher.i Iruiti; Twin PalLv Ooodlnft nnd Dlalnr; Rl-'itM. T li t i t Will bt V.vo vir.norr ' Irom Uu: general board, a i l l I,nkp' Oil}-, and prlMlhood advisers will' be invited, Wnrd eejcutlve o/flcrrs

the ir prlMlhood advL'ers nre, Invited td the I p.m, mtcllnc.

MornlnK scmIom are fnr make: officers from Ihe three stAkf.i, with tlie eitrnjllvea to convene

.. followed by *t<Ote board meet depnrl-

mcnw. n t 10:45 a.m. Lunchron be served nt noon at the churcl

Mr.i, John Tliome apd Mrs.T. Sorrnaen were appointed !o

Ittee to make ivrranRemen forilhfr luncheon.

Mr*, Lyndon Adamson. Mr*. Ool den Barlow,-Mr*.-Hanmh Tooni Mrs, Leola Payne nnd Mrs.'Wal. nah Bylngton were named to thi placecard and decoration eommlt-

Itee.To nrmnKe for coranRM

Elwln Webb. Mra. Laurence Oil ford nnd Mrs. H»rrell Tliortic,

Former Resident Of Area to Wed

Grill Cooking Is Shown for Unit

I r t A l i r t i .r-t- D ;4-. . ^ I EH.a-Aln.0i n r N U g U S r r v l T U a i inc lrpnulm t nocketlM rlut met a'DURLEV. July 15-T he cnsnRe- ' ‘'''f '-"

ment of Aiineiie Cooper to Arvin ■'"‘' / ‘" " '’‘’i ' c h u r - D, Hulllniirr, Mm of Mr. and Mrs. 1' ’“ ' cookliw »a» dniioru; Edward IlulIu’.Kcr. Rooseveli,.Utnh. is announced b>- her parenla. .Mr., and Mrs. Mnrirl 8, Cooiier. Mr;Helens,.Calif, former looil rr.i t-’" ' f ’" ‘ Boucher. Portland, aaa '. dents. tv!:.ltor.

IT*— 1

Fq,milies Gathen_

Tl«-cdlnc voK^ Aiii;. ;s In the Salt Lake Clly LDS lemplr.

MiM Coo]>rr R.-u> Kradiinled Jreim nurlry lilKh .whool in 1DS and frnm_uiah .si-nc.utUycrjliy in.Jimc

IM n baclieliir of nclcncc ilmit'e child develoiuiirnt and .clrmen-

Ury-eduCBllon----------------------------•me prosptclive brldegrpom '*0 1 a rafeterin picnic lui;ch wn.-

cradualfd from Union lilsh KhocI |,„ v r d . Vrni Helner wan in rhrtn:!'!

-T lio . inixU na-ttii .c«itluc:cd-bv- Mra. i'lo jd Knijht.

M ¥ *

Reunion Held-JU iyD U IlN . July li-M o ir U.aii 100 p 'l fo u j atlendrd the llnnri fAiiuly reunion hrid a l Nrplunr


T lU rty-d* member* of th* Henry an d Ooe foniUles attended a family reunion a t the home of Mr. and MrH. J . H. Henry PVlday. A buffet d inner w;i.% .vrved to tho»e prM- en i who were all together fer the first tlnie-ln ID yean.

..............y ...*IIOOK REVIEWED «

HEYBURN. July 15-M n. Bob WhllinR reviewed tiie book. “Ala*. Btibylon." by Prvl Frank a t tha iw iu » s af-tl't-U U o-cluii nfiriiioon lit llie home of Mrs, La- Vrre Jonrs, Ftillowlnj a 3 o’clock dinner the time was spent a l needlework.



1, :

. . , , n i II ELBA. July ] 5 - n i e Wukelb n ao Q ed to Dell '•'""y ffmum « u,r

.ML'.iin WnlXrr. rTrrlo.- nniiminrt " " ^ " ' •■Ihe rnBi'Rrtnenl of ih n r <l-ni3htrr.! Tliasfl attendinK wrre .Mr. and

jronnr-W ntl:rrrnn-L -irT j';M r5 .-i.ei«s-\V ickrl nnrt .wn, Mr,ilrll, «)ii of Mr. itiiil Mt^. J, A.'aJKl Mrs, Elmer Wlckel. .Mr. nikl

'B dl, A«-i-(iula. They li.nv flrcIcd/Mr.f. Ilnrold Wlckel nncl Mr.;\ur. 28 for their m arnacr rinlf, ;and M^ . Rube Wnrd. Mr. nnd Mm.

|» n n th e chiM of 5D15 triim Declo

Sun Valley Aur, 22>23, SUke Re­lief society officers will receive np- pUtallon# for aenlng the lundieon from stake or ward liiarles. K!rs. Bylnirton was np> pointed to contact auxiliaries for that.

Membera voted to make resenriv* lions for six member* to attend; Rencml Relief Society conferrnce to b ^ e l d in Balt Lake City in ' October.

Mi^. Adaa.v>n report^ on lead- Tshlp week In Proro, Utah, which

she and Mrs. Vem B, ^Thomas al* tended as rcprKwilJitlTes of tlie board.

Reporta cn ward Tisltlnit leacli. •s' conventlon.5 sere given by

Mm. Webb. Mrs. Jolin Thome and M n. H ftnrll Tlionie,

Ft>lIowlnK the mcellns. a social wos.Jield.wlth glfU presented M n. Charles Peugli, o'rjt'anist. who has' moved from Uie stake; Mi3, Webb and M rs. Tlwmas. RefreahmeaL*

served by Mr*. 6orcn*en, Mr*. John T hom e and Mra. IfarrellTJiortie.------------------- :--------

The next family night meeUa win be held Aus, IJ a t Cany.

WAKE UP HARIN'TOGO■.‘Vlthout N aa»In» B w k ic h #

f:j|„ Ik nUd W*dd« frriuuea‘ "''"jnfiXKliuuldHnk-oflni-*-

"• »ort( tmtt la a •n tn ii•«'>. Uek^elie.' h«*J*

Ma. •iMP.Mil"''lllonih .r.-teront

r u m m a g eSALE

Odds and Ends of Sum mer Mcrchandific. . . not all'sizcs, but the values arc.terrific If your size is here.


50% to 75%E xcept Fo ir T ra d o M e rc h a n d ise

99 c to 1.98 TableIncludes; SHORTS. PED A L PUSH-

- E R S r S L A C K 8 H B f c O U S E S >-T ^ W p . S - 1

and many other items. Values to 8.95.

Voluet 0 19.75


and mony other - one of a kind

PressesIncludct our entire tfock o f Summer d re n e t rogardleis of former price.

The Mayfair Shop

Page 14: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-



Hill t Westfall to Fight In Preliminaries

]j__ Three T^vin Fnllfl niej i wilf be usedjn supportinjf jjouts

J~ for thTTJIclc GoIdHteiii-Eriiic Gipson, m ain cVcrit which' will hiRhlitrht a four-match boxinp card at Jaycce ball

.park-JuIy.22,-anlJouncca-prDmDtcr_ClifJLTiiiedc--Ibc-cara nricrinnllv-WnB. B!ut<‘fi-f(ir-JulV IG but waS mOVcd buck D

I! Are WinningJ DOSTOK, July 15 - Ii<»WnI faiu cnn'l make up Uielr mliuLi toI tthoro a e d ll thould be dlveii lor

— i — IfieTIM Sox'^mrprisinK-up.-mrKe-i FrtWcly. 'Uwy don’t m it tt-lio 1.'[ rcipoiaiblf.A All Uicy.know Li llic club lin.1 3 i-on ecren of ILj 10 puiica aliice7 Hilly J u : ^ replttcNl Mike iilnrtn*J u manoBer ind Uiat it hw blnAled Its way out of Uie American Icam^e

I cellar., And Uiey mcivn bliu.t. In Uior^' ten (tnines R«J fiox bnUi huve cx-. plodtd Tor 76 n ia i, »n uvcrnge of, ju i t le a Umn clclit n ganie.J The blffstsi blaaten hftve been I . Jackie Jensen. liu.i yew 's m oil1 vftlunbl# player, and the ^O-yc.ir*1 old Ted \Vllliiun.i. Jensen hna rlp-] ped enemy pitching for ft ovcr-

ii«« -4 in<9-jum c!!-t««-07cr.—I f f ) bftlt«d In Ifl run.1. Wllllnm.i. who

waa batUns 203 when HlRBlna quit,: has lilt At a .<7fl pace iilnce Uicn i (a boost his «ii:nisij U>I 7ita}te )l llie Boston pitchers.

___' ____ Dut Uie. flKures, don’t Rive. Uwt1 theoo" mucli wpport. In Baiton’«■ Ilve-jnme aweep over Uie New

York Yonketa. only Fronk Sulil* •w ) . the biff rlshUuuHlcr. waa ciblc to flnbh What he aUu-t«d. He did U iwlce-

Valley* pro boxers. Oeorge V/eat fnll, have b « n pitted iiRalnst suitable opponents from Scoltle, TJiltde aaJd Tueaday nlRhl.

Jm BtdUlo, comlrtK out of » Iwo-moulh Inyoff-suApetulon •fte r bclns knockcd out In hi* liu ro u t- IHR In Dol,w, will lake on claasy J. C. Johniion. Seattle. In the six- round icml-flnnl.

8«)lllo WBA foired Into month layoff by the s ta te a th letic com- misalon nIVti h t was knocked out and received nn eye c u t in Boise l u t sprlnit. T he Tw-ln Palls man elected lo tAke two m ontiis, one

He currently Is




ployert aa Don Buddln and Gene SC«t>hen«. Both vliacked bruuI-

' - t the Yon-

.■fatloniU leflgue______ _______8 first twmaeerWeffort, h u his m bi husUl'nR.

TheyVa been t*kln* the cxtro b u e , n-orklne the h it and run more than they used to. and . . . WUlUms la even hitting to th e op*poalt* field. ...........................

Jm fts sho«-ed he niis boas t^e , n ia t toy ho took m tx by yankina

th e alumplnt WUlluna from his cuotomu? third ^>ot In the bat- tlng order end ahOTlns him (tonn to alxth.

In5H*d_of j r tp l^ . Ted bcpin ■' WtHhit.' In Jurges' aoeoml day M

nuuiaecr, WUllama played In both tm ia o! » tSouWthecdcr, tomtrthirw

'"'Ted nerer did when lU stlns boss.

Qualifying for ' T.F. Women’s Tourney Slated

. Q u in in e for J h e Tn-la F>01« Municipal w o m e n 's c l u b

' chanplonitilp will begin Thurs- d&jr momlns, announces Mrs. Kenoelh Btfaughn, d u b preftl- denc.

Mrs, Straughn said members of the uBOclatlon can either qu&Ufy or enter cn handicap. Metlallsl trophy Is offered the low qualifier, however. T he qualifying will remain open frctn Thursdsy through next Tuesday.

The field will beTllvlded Into necessary flights but If the en ­tire membership competes, there wlU be fire. A beginner’s flight will be oonducled regardless of the number of entries. F lts t round will begin July 33.

CoKeen Moon Is defeodlng ohaniplon.

Ing drills and should be In peak cotulltlon by fight time.

His opponent. Johnson, .. newcomti lo th e local r l i^ . hnvlng partlclpnted jn the card held «t 'Tn’ln FalU high school gymniuilum last May.JL.iQrmer-.mlddIcwcl8ht army champion In European com­petition. johnwm lost to Olpson

1 i TKO here.Westfall, a veteran of about HS

pro Sights, will be manning lor a malti event m atch when he meets OcorgB Dlxon, Seattle . In » -jpur. round special event. • (

Westfall had to be content to go four, rounds In exhibition last

toy when his opponent waa un- Die to compete bccnuse of Illness.

fort lo make i t two stm lg h t Jn the local arena.

A flu rry .fig h te r In hLi first match. Sedillo almost stole Uie show In his opener, weathering bull-llke’ ruslies and retaliating with sometimes wild, b u t etfeclWe flurries.

Tlilebftult has the reputation of being one of Uie malnatnya of club boxing In W ashington a n d has sev* eral pro bouts under h is belu He figures to give Sedillo a s te m lest when Ihe tn'O open th e cord a t Jaycee park.

■nckets for th e matchea available a t W ray’s cafe. J ^ ’ln Palls Cigar store and Jackson's Sport Shop and cafe.

Hypnosis Suggested to Vitalize AthletesJimmy Orippo. Uie Sveinjall of sock, la'ilattd today Uiat a' h ino- tlied Ingemsr Johansson mrsOTPr' ixed Floyd Putterson to w in 'th t heav)-»Tl8ht Ehamplonshlp of the w urld ^n d - fiacJcy. Marclano.could 'D.tlie umc thing.

•Tlifrc have .been njmur*

hair and the burning eyes. "If the n « k were w use the QTlppo plan of hynosls he would vtrtuslly launch Uie Swede Into orbit.”

You don 't have to poueu the ocular pow crs-jof-#n ■•'svii- » « - Hnkel to see th a t Ui^re are more than two ildes to this supposition.

cxlractlon and vaudeville enter- ummenc, but there Is a sutpldoa In some com ers—Including this one—Uiat t t will nere r win the pennant for the current Philadel­phia Ram Cn Wfl 1(] Mplufe th~e U n ii '^ tin ie s Open, Inspire a flve-hOrie parlay of turn

Tennis Club Chief Quits After Inquiry Into Negi^Memb^liip

NtlW YORK, July 15 </1’>— Wilfred Burjrluiid re.si;:ncd Tuesday as president of the Wc.st Sitic tcnni.i club a.s th e result o f barrinK Dr. iudjih Bunche, a-Negro, from mem- bcr.Mbip. In n Htatement the club said m erely that Burplund’s rcfiignation had been ac- ceplcJ to avoid iurthcr cmbiirraaHment.'Mcimwhilc. the club—who.ie Forest Hill.i areim is th e s ite o f niitional tennis chnmpion.ships — said Dr. Bunche, a Nnbei pcacc-pcizc winner, ami his .ion will be

Rain Ends Tour •For Track Team

PHILADELPHIA. July IS CR — R ain vetoed plans Tuesday to en-

. tertAla visiting JUusIan bw :k and field atart here.

A boat cnilse, a rW t to n tele- TlsJon station, window ahopplns. Inspection of American homes all were washed out.

Instead, the Soviet gu}-s and gals marked Ume sitting around the hotel lobby, as did their Amerl* can counterparts.

Both teams, however, arranged - t» work out lat«-ln the dny—m ln

Newcombe and G a r v e i ^ r e

Hittin’-HnrlersNEW YORK, July 15 (M—Ned

Oon’cr of K ansas c ity and Don Nefl-combe of C incinnati hove turned In Uie best b a ttin g per- foonances am ong, m ajo r league pitchers this season.

Oarver, who h it only .IH In 1556. leads the A m erican 'league

■pitchers with a batUng avertvge of .360, He has one trip le and tvi'o homers omong 17 h its and col- lected seven M I . '

Newcombe ..tops the Natlooal

showed Tuesday. Big Newk. used frequently as a plneh*hltter, has two double. and a pnlr of homers among 31 h its while driving In 13

Bud Daley of Kansoji City Is runner-up to O arver In Uie Amer* lean league w ith JOS. Daley has had H safeUes. Including one double. He has driven hom e nine

'runs,Don lATsen of .the New York

Yankees Is UUrd wlUi .SiK) followed. Camllo Pascunl of Woslilngton,

3.C0 and Early W ynn of the Chi­cago ^Vhlt« Sox, .2SS. T h e records Include Monday's gamc.i. •

Johwiy Podrea of Los AnRclcs Is second in the National league wlUi a .3S3 average. T hen comes Warren Spahn of Milwaukee with

Bob Friend o f PllU burgh fourUi wlUi J31 followed by Vlne-

ir Bend Mltell of S t. Louis withla .Bob a rlm of K ansas City ia the

only pitcher to have h it a grand- Siam homer. He h it It o ff Barry LaUnan of the W hite Sox on April

would not have been any West Side tennis club story."

He declined to say whether he 111 now seek membership in the

eliib.,. l J .1t, iLfflf. T)r,,Hiinf,lifr obout a mcmberslilp In th e club for his is-year-old sou, a novice tennis player. Bunche said Burg- lund told him nelUier he no r his son could Join becau.ie Negroes and Jews arc barred from membership.

T his touciied off a storm of pro. test. Bunche and h li son were In- vlled to Join an exclusive Man- ha ttan organization. Uie Town tennis club. 2ts president, Sidney B. Wood. Jr., former tennis star, urged ;he w u t Side tennis club lo request BUrglund's resignation.

Acting mayor Abe 6U»rk .ordcr- i an InvesilRaUtin of th e 'TMrest

Hills club to see If it needed a city license lo operate, c ity license commissioner Bernard j . O'Con- neirm led Tuesday th a t It did not, since It Is a prlrate club,

ThB'board «f governoni-of the club said In its sutem ent:

“The club presenUy haa mem' bers of oriental and other ances- try and there Is representaUon of the Jewish faltti amonc the mem- iifrsbJp- of-the ,elub,..ThcnL-Rr» prtsenUy no Negro members. To Uie beat of our knowledge, no Ne- gro has ever applied for member­ship.

"There liave never been nny.pjO' visions In Uie club's constitution oi by-laws UiBt bar n cRndldflte■^or

the bicils ofcreed‘or color.

"No propo-ol from either Dr, Bunche or hLi wn has ever been submitted to Uie club, Sliould el' ther Dr. Bunche or his son bo pro­posed for membcrsliln Uielr nppll-

would recetvi and prompt attention

. be-

New_Champ Has Pulled Muscle. MEiaCO CITY, July 15 W l- 1>UHUry hospllal doeiora M»ld to ­day tha t Jose Becerra, new world bantomwelBht bo*ing„ chuncloo. h a s a puiled’m U icie 'lin iU rlgW thigti.' '—

HU manager. Panclio no.wIe-i. ..aold-thls -will keep us from com­

plying with the contract clause for a TtWin t!\atch In 90 tfaya" w ith Alphone JIallml of JYance.

Becerra won the UUe by knock­ing out Hallmi in 'the eighth round

' of their bout a t Los Angeles last Wednesday. Hosales did not..tay w hat extension of Uie return

| |- ^ in k t c h 'p<riod he migh t oak,

BA CB -FA ttS 'SHnO U G H INOLEWOOD, Calif. July 15 Ui

_j,„,apectfl of * match race be- 'twecn HlUsdala and Round Tnble thJa aummer collapsed Tuw^iiiy but fjjo two might meet In the fall. c .

—W - Sm ith of DetrolL om,h<t of Hliledale, wuwunced tha t hu

• year-old colt wW » x n t^ike a vaca- u o a

i for membership if they submit application.^.

Ttie statement added;“So Uiat the facts wilt be un-

e<)Ulvocally clt&r. the bonrtl ol governors wlslirs to sta te tha t It is Uie policy of Uie club to con­sider.ond-occept mcmbcrs_wlUi- out regard to race, creed or color.”

Dr. Bunche said of the club's statement;

’'11 wns certainly s compleU" and clear sutement. Had any w ch statement been made to me tim e 1 made • my Inqulrj’

Durelle Expects to Cop Title From Moore

I courteous

Basilic and ' Ftdlmer Start Boxing Drills

STOACUSE. N, yI. July \ l tlft- Carmen Baslllo ojiened hard train­ing TUCKlay for. his mlddlewelRht UU« bout wltii Ocne ru llm er nnd said they’ll forget the ’'n ice guy" labels when they meet next month.

"You can’t be a nice guy and.•In. nice guys finish second.” Uie

«aggy-laced Hultlo aatd’ bctore going four sharp roundi w ith two quIck-punchlnR p.irtneni.

Baslllo and Fullmer will meet In San Pmncljco'i coyi Palace au r 28- for the National Boxing n.v.oci atlon version of Uie tIUe.'Da.Mllo’j home suite—New York—aiiu recog nlMS Sugw Ray Robinson a; champion.

Pullmer and B.-u!lllo are non' playboy types-fnmily men,’ conv munlty leader*, rigid adherents to training. BoUi are dedicated to their xd lglon. Pi'»lllo Is a_Cathollc. '^ I m c r a Mormon.- * .

Both men »te aggrc.MUo and arena aliy a t tlirowlng a punch. FVilLmer can hurt, but Baslllo h bellc\’ed the ,»tronKcr.- Norroftn-Roih.iciiiid of Syrncme. eo-promoUng the bout wlUTSan FroncLwo .promoUoni, expects < 1300,000 gate.

T he 15-r«itid bout be tele cast nnd broadcast nationally, ru ft-rtsular.jridi>y-iilRlu fight.-—

Riley Is Coach For Lewiston

LEWISTON. July 15 -.^-EdWarri, (Bud) Riley M.t nomfd head

football conch at Len-uton hlgli school Tuesday, succeeding Robert WlllUuns who rnisned l.tM ucck to accept ft »lmll,ir pa-.itinn at KtomoUi Palli liljli school in Ore­gon,

Rllei-, who roache<l Uib pxst three «.-uo:u at Wallace high Kliool KUd Jic «m move here Aug, 8 with his Mfe and ta-o chil­dren.

A graduate of the UnlTerr.liy of Idaho In iw :, Jie played Uiree se«- S0IV1 for Uie Idaho Vnndalv

llo W presently m im dlng Uie university niiere he Is working to ­ward ft masters' degree.

MONCTON, N. B., July 15 {/PH-Tralncr Charley Gold­man, who helped guitle Rocky Marciano to th e hcuvywciKht throne, think.s he has another champion in Catiada’s Yvon DiircUc. "Yvon had Archie Moore ready for th e iccbox in their first ^K h t but he let him o ff the hook in the second

round.” 'Bftid Goldman. “It won’t happen again thi.*? time once Yvon RCts him it’s ko- ing to be over quick.!'

Durelle, the buriy Oariadlan " 'r-empJnrrttgnnreBV J-V PH^


Training SoonST. LOOTS. July 16 «%-Second

Baseman Red Schoendlensl—mak­ing rapid prwtress after a bout with tuberculosis—said Tuesday he'll begin his ’'spring practice'’ late In Augu.it ahd rejoin Uie Mil­waukee Braves In September.

"Right now I feel I can . . nine Jnnlng*," ..the .3G-ycflr:<ld Schoendlensl told Globe-Dcmocrat ba.ieball w riter Jack Herman,

However, Schoendlenst’s person­al physician. Dr. William Werner, said It's unlikely th e redhead will be able to play every day in September.

'But." Dr, W erner added. "I don't.-expect any restricUoos o t ' what he can do nex t year." •

Even if Schoendienst is avall- abla for only, part-tim e duty In September, his re turn should give

lift to the iuird-pressed Braves, •Trylng"to pIu'gTne-'frole'Briee-

ond- ba.ie ha.i been a season-long heada:d)e Xor Braves' maasscr Fred Haney, None of Uie Illl-lns has been able to field or h it wlUi the authority of Schoendienst, -S eh o en d lew t- to ld H erm nn' he will train In his hometown of St. LouLv If U weren't for the fact the Brave,i will be on Uie road during mo.1t of Augi«t, he said, he would rejoin Uie team ' weeks.

The veteran inflelder is Just three pounds oi,-er h is ' playing weight of 181 and doesn’t antici­pate any problems In scaling down

Dr. Werner described Schocn- diensVs progre.w since his opera­tion last February- os excellent Tlie redhead was confined to i hoiplUil last November after tcsU made on a guinea pig confirmed tha t he had tuberculosis.

He batted JOO on the button in the world series last fall after hit­ting .2C2 In lOO regular season games. His coreer average for 1, BSl games al,«) ti ifl2.

Salter Is Named Head of Wildlife Law Enforcement

BOISE, July 15 tIV-AppolnUnent of Robert L. Salter as chief of Uie ennsei*fniloii ^ w enforcement^dl- .vi.iloii wa.1 announced today by the Idaho fl.-h and game depart- snejM.

He rqilnces P, J . McDermi Jr., who has bern rea ligned ... area enforcement supervisor with headrjuarters a t Salmon,

Rom Leonard, departm ent dl- « c u ir._ ia ia -ih e-ch an g es will be effective July is. He said they

made- fmiowlng statewide competitive examinaUons under rcKiilailon.1 o f the m erit nystem -3uncll.

Salter h i i been sta te game bird supenlvir nnd Leonard said a sucee.vior to him In Uiat capacity ’"111 be named la te r . .

N e w 4 Ia n a g f ! r" ^ —MISSOULA, M ont- July IS CP-

Rig Joe AbernftUiy. flr.it ba.ierasn for UiB Ml .ftoiilft Timberjaeks of th f cla.« c Pioneer league, leaves Wednt-vlay lo lake over a man­agers Job In tJie Washington Sen­ators' farm sj-stem.

Abernathy will manage Sanford fFla.i of Uie class B Florida SUte le.icue, /


Cor Qnallty atid Srrrlee tnakg (ba Olfferencet

R E 3 - 5 5 0 0-S & H Grflflt) Sfampi

king, meeta the 42tPIus Moore, the world champion. In a retuni Utle fight Ot M ontrenl's Forum July M.

In their first scrap, rated Uie flfflit of 1055. Durelle floored Uie oged rtiler four tlm esr-three times In Uie first round. Yvon v,iii dumped four Umes .himself, the lA-M time for the count In tho 11th round. In their hecUe browt Dec. 10.

DurelJe.became cauUou.i in 'th e second round and Moore recov­ered and actually won th a t round.

•’Tliat was the" big mlstiike.Id OoWman. *’You‘ve got to pres

Moore aU Uie way. Never let ui on him. Onfl of these daj3 he', bound lo fall ap ar t from old age. You've g o tu press him,”:.T liatS whot Uie tiny condlUoner

has been telling D urelle ever since he was hired on June 3 to help .the righUng fisherman from Bale Ste. Anoe. N. B.

As 'Dnrelle wctT 'Uuwigii his p oe**-here ..before bcajllng -for Montreal, -you could hear Clwrley giving his laitructlons:

“Right back quick. Keep puncK-' Ing. Counter. T hai’s It. keep pre.M- Ing. Punch back a fte r he hits j-ou. W atch j-our balance._Lcft hook, left hook. NOW th f right. T hai's

Durelle left Uxloy for Ste. Anne do Belln-ue. near Montreal, lie will finish his training.

'He spent several hours dally wlUi Ills private phytlclan, who talked him Into peak ' mental shape." Jinirny ob.ienrj. “Thli can mean only one thing. The Swedish doctor gave Umo Uie Grippo trea t­ment of hynotic conaiuonlng.”

"It has been my contenUon Uiat the R uulaai are using hynosis to condlllon Uielr athleles," Orlppo add.1, moving farUier afield."This undoubtedly accounH for their cuu tan i'

Scoresi-lmb«f»h ....

I'oHm. Cnir < I, Kllppittin I

(J), U(D>t>lU (|0| ■ii»r: J«1110B, nrMn «i»l Snllk. Kan (I0|


KucUl, nickio'n (»J a

ChlrMO ..... .......irmRcifiB ______-.’'l l .

n .r r., Uwn (>1 .n. ■>: WUU. Wall («), I

. Ilstic Ubby Into a tiger.' .Not th a t Marciano falls Inlp (uOi a category. But Uie current

. rock would have to spend iwo years In a Turkish steam baUi before

■ he'd be in condiUoa for fistic hyp­nosis. E'-en Uien. making *miu- Uoa J l e e n w lth _ U ie eyeballs w uldn't bT tE rw rnp le frS nsw er.

Orlppo. a man who practiced Uie b la c k -a ru -o a hU fanner.Jlgh t heivj-welght champion. Mello Bct- Una, and olso on Nino Valdes. Uie Mtnttlmcs.CiJbnn gjadlatgr, should be cognlauit of the facu He once put Bettlna "under" ond then stood helplessly by as Mello - --

4 Golfers Brear Par in Idaho Am^eur Tournpy

H A Y D E N L A K E , J u ly IB ( /p > _ d n ly fo u r ofc ra ck e d -p £ iiL iii_ th c_ (iU (ilify in K _ ro u n d -o £ -th e- :o :t ;j- i,- -i-a m u tc u r 2ol£ c h a m p io n s h ip o n p ic lu rc -sq u c 1/p o lf c o u rse T u e .td ay , F r e d S icR cl, a 55-y,-;,r.„|,]

•w ri tc m rp a irm n m v h b -ca H s-H ay d cn -h is-h o m c 'C iV u T w - 'i, ''E d S to d d a rd o f H a r r in p to n , '

"I think,” mooned James, " that I fotgot lo Un-Uiootiie him,'’

One way or the other, inaybe he

Wash., each carded 06’a overr .D^-34-3^7Q...lM'.

It also should be pointed out that Uie erstwhile SI. Louis B fow of gone and luipply-forgotten m mory once hired a liynotbt to coi vliKt Uielr hlUciS hltteci and pitchers th a t they were-'noUilnn but sleeping beauties. It negalive procr.w. ’IHe mesnierir.- In? prince did his best but Uie St, Louis Snow Whiles remained

stupefied slumber afield. At. last report,i, the hynoUst was gor

iR to a iiypnotlst.On the credit side of Uie ledger.

Don'TTewcombcuscd thr-drep-slccpsuggestlor) method to cure his fear of sirplanea. And. while I never heard of anybody throwing a spit

, stratocrulser. he has com back ss a winner on the mound,

AiiiS, you can lake ll-lrom Orip- po, Johonsaon used hynosis to pre­pare himself for Uie bout wiUi P a t-

eent Olympic gapies,’'Orlppo admlt-i th a t Marciano,

because of « weight problem and a Uiree-year layo'f, could not get back Into peak physical and men- U1 condition In less Uuin eight monUis ot arduous work.'

"But If .Marciano would t« - ... . Orlppo plan of hynosis," he argues, "Uie training ordeal would be con­siderably sliortened and the out- wme tt-ould be an obvious vlctorl-

js counterattack.''Orlppo doesn't say what would

happen If both Ingo and Uie rock used hj-pnosis, ApptirenUy s,-e a t last a-ould iiave a brawl which would deserve deslgnaUon as "the fight of the century."

S jv in g in g a n d Luck Ai’e Key Robinson Uaea

CINCINNA’n , July 15 WV—Frank oblnson Li a trifle vague about

tho hlUltig Ualent U\svt has room­ed 10m up nmong Uie beat of Na­tional league sluggers,

guee.1 you-could. say.I'm -Just su-tnglng and fortunate enough to be Retting preUy good wood on Uie b.i|l,’’ rald the ClncimmU Beds' first mcker.

In Mondiiy nigiil's gnme against t ^ i Angeles, Robbie collected tft-o homenuia among four hits In five trlea, and aoeoilnUrd for four mark ere. He added another In Tuesday', game, .

He's h it wifely 33 time* In the last 6J times. lUs avemge. after the Ilrsl lew weeks, h as never been lott-er Umn JOO,

Robln.wtrs hitting wo* spotty last year, and Uiere w m one dLi- turbing slump In Uie first half of the »eft.->3n. T h a t didn’t boUier him as much as being shifted from Uie ouineld to finrt bose.this aeMOiiV

His rracUon was stout nr.il.il- we. but he has tolled to f it hUn-

s|lf to Uie unfamiliar berth.Hn vott-cd; however, -They *1)01 :t me Uiero a g a ia I dpn't like first

bo.ie and I'm not mtW led there.I don't think I can do my best there."

i TV SERVICE1 Onv P h o n i R£ 3 -7 1 1 1 , i N rjlit P h o m RE 3 -1 0 3 7 J


out to lead Uie qualifiers.Tv.0 o t h e r par busteri. Jerry

Camp, Jr.. of Spokane and Mike

69 re.ipecUvely.A score of a t least 75 was needed

to qualify for the cliani|iloiuJiip flight of 33 which geu underway Wednesday... Biescl reglJlertil a 33 a t Ih t turn and finlihed the-SK ond-nine in Uie same fa.'^on for his blistering performance and Stoddard's canl

as Identical,Norm Jorgenson of Jdaho FlilLi.

th* 1S58 Umst, wasn’t on imnd U defend.

Enixies from Magle Valley plac­ing l n U i e e h a m i ) l ^ i l p _ f light wiUi polilngTind qualifying scoo Include;

Jim Purvcs, Twin Falls. (75) vs Ben Erley, Hayden Lake (71); Glen Trail, Twin FalU. (72) vj. Jlir WoodworUi. Spokane. (75). an<; Mae Nelbaur, Burley, 03 ) vs, Mike Sweet. Nampa* (CBl.

Los Angeles Giins For Title Match

LOS ANOELES, July 15 (.<>-Aa American Legion official snyn he thinks 1 ^ . Angeles has a . good cliance of landing Uie Ingeoiar Johanwon-Floj’d Patterson re­match.

Dick PltUnger. director of spe­cial events for the Legion’s coun-

ensohn has given the Legion IG-dny opUon to spoator Uie hcovywelght UUe fight,

"I feel we are very much In Uie running, Plltenger said. "He {Ros- en.iohn) believes the rcmatcli «.t>uld do three million dollars elUicr In the Coliseum or, the Roue b w l. It v,-ould probably cost one million to put It on."

T e n .T e .l] t;il( ;-

Days RuinYanks, Tigers'

Dy T he AuMK iiifd I'rfu “Tlie -JO telling diy,V c.

In Uie American Imou, • i r they failed to .011, *,^*!= story, they told « ho„vr ti-f Uie D etroit ’ngcrs aim Nf, v," Yankees.

U lUl began June 30 «i,rn •> Clevrland Indliins ncr, one gume over the C1iIc;;ko vr . Sox. BatUmore wn, Z igmnea back, DeUoii________'wETB-nau ~ lcT founii.. u^m-; "i; four game*. * '

In Uio 10 playing d ,[„ th a t spiui-durliiK ulncii i« 5 t 1 e th ree wc.itcrn comrrAs Cleveland. Chicago and were nt, e.vch oUier s Ihiojt day-C Icvelund cajne o(f .ju ,^ 8-4 record. So did Uie While fa flUil fiecond and 11 camenflr^ -NiIM.n,. ____

allh’ja fte r sp litting two Indians,

'Tlio In ju tu and \viut( « toied fri tiindem. ljut Is—Uiey moved, plrkinn u-, games on Bnltimore amj 3. , , both Dcti-olt and Nw York' ft Orioles were B-B fw the 10 1!,, the •J’lgcrs nnd Yankees ewh jJ

’Hie Yonkec.1, confused to ered .n n d bewllderiiiR dtfreCa r)inn>p(An V,,-- a l l n t Bo.',ton. Tlie Red Sox tc ed o f f th e flvc-dny. sftftp in only game aclieduled .Monday " 13-3 victory.

HURLS T lilR D SHUTOUTBOISE, July 15 Lft-Dolie tm

Pocatello 4 .0 Tuesday night u Pass pitched Ills third .Miutoul« I4th win of Uie Pioneer I w season.

A v a ila b lefor Immediate

JDleliviBiyl, „1 - Brand New '59 Kormonn

Ghio Convertible

’2 9 4 8 ”1 - Brand New '59 Karmann

Ghia Sport Coupe j ' - j r n . S O'2668


BOB REESEM O T O R c o ;500 Block 2nd Aye. So.

The character of light Olympia Beer...R cfrcshm fily d if fe re n t, y e t a lw ay s j u s t th e gam e, O Jym pifi

h a s a dislincU vc c h a r a c tc r t h a t m illio n s o i W es te rn e rs p re lo r .

- r — A -fa re b r t tc is ig m ttc r isT C sp o n s ib lc rA 'm ic r t tia V b lc n 'd fm

a n ti b rin gs o u t o n ly th e m o s t d e lica tc flavors from

choice hops a r id g ra in s . T h is is th e r ea so n for O ly m p ia 's

g o o d ta s t * . . . a n d is w hy w c s a y . . .

“I t s th e W a te r

- V u iU n a r t a b ra y t w d e o m e to th e O fym pia B tx m n g Co^ O lym p ia . W o iK •O ly • • o-M

Page 15: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


Foye Adds Jaycees-

JAYCEE JUNIOR GOLF MEET OPENS AT BURLEY SATURDAY Champions From 15 Cities Throughout State to Try For Spot in National Meet

I’iircct lo the best by city tour . . . m n n t s throughout th e state*, will take aiioUiur. slei) toward national recognition ii

* * t h e Juhlor'Chnmber-Btntc froif-tnurnjnncnt at ntlTrc^OIuiiiciiiin golt course tlii-s wueK-, nnd' Individual Jnycec orgt'^lMlfons ttirouKhoiit the «tate Rponsoreci city tournament ■luring-tlfC'Inst two weeks with the ton four IwA-yhocomlntr PlItribTe for atiitc crinsidcra-i

■ " “ “ ’’ “ " liwi. The meet will opun at8 n.m . S a tu n in y a tu i coti-ti.m n SiinfIrH.-.i]ftPr.

Burley Jaycee Team Reported

BURLEY. July IS-Wlmie.-s n( Uie Ourlry Junlur Chiuitbrr of Commerce city lounuunent icrc announcfd TXiciday nishl.

flfprtaenUriK tlif timi city In lie slAte plnyoflx th b urtk 'cnd

wMI be DouB Miller. Uuprrt. and .Lalrtl-Duiiiiitcr-uid-JM k-SftU-


Musial, Williams Still Here

iNational Open ‘Champ Eiitjei'sttah=E©ttfn€y=

CKMler Claims Leadership in Baseball Snubs Fans. Players

P’ R A N K F O llT . K y .. J u ly 16 (/?)— (lo v . A . B . (H u p p y ) C h a n d le r took a fu ll w indnji T ue.s iiay a n d d c ljv o rw l ji roundhouse .w a llo p a t b ig leaKUO hasehuH and .■'umc o f its

— I f T e d W llliuni.s and S ta n i | ^ M u sin l , t w o o f tllP ;rrontfge H iiic rH q£ o u r tim e , dccidc to c a ll i t q u i t a a t tlic end o f th e |1959 icasoti, 11 will iiol be becnuM '

-:onctr c u i 'W f —

- j M & 4 d - € e H e c t i o nL oren F o y c , w h o w o n th e T w in F a lls C ity j u n io r c h a n i-

nionship on ly In s t F r id a y , a d d ed a n o th t r t r o p h y to h is collection T u e s d a y b y w in n in g th e T w in FalLs J u n io r Cliaml)er-o£ C o m m e rc e to u r iim iie iiL A s th e J a y c c c ch iim - n!nn F o v e w ill le a d a te a m o f lo u r T w in KjiHh m e n in to ihc f lta te to u r n a m e n t n t B u r - j— ---------------------------------------

'«■ 16-Year-OltlPosts Upset lirN etM ^t

I, Frld»y will be oiicn for practice rouiidi, LAKE c m * . July 15

Del nuperl, tounw nenc, cju lr- a fldtLof nrnfrmmuli-lii-arifil. Ill, tciKifiea lu .c tiic J ttlreiidy by nBtlonal open cliiinip Uilly Cos*

to'urcd th e S n u n ic ip a ] c o u rse K h l - « v c r - p a r 110 f«.,hlon for

t o u r w leid sccond-plncj! Civrl

j^ ^ ? o r^ U ie ’’ cl[y ciiw lW iuIilp Usl wee*'- .Rounding cut the learn are i ntir of nen’comers to Uie elite of Twin r»ll» T l\tv ftttFrii'k McAlee. wHo worcd 110. »nd Kellii Melville, ft I5-yeur-oId ,ho come in wlUi 117.

rne «eld w«A divided Into three « e sroupj, Uie tcOJn comtnR rrom

Wp t»-o. Poye won the trophy ihe 18 throush 18 years nee

_,vup with Hoss second. Melville Uw IJ Uirougli 15 ««-ard »tc-

onJfd by ^^cAlee nnd i:-year-old Handy eogn topped the 12 and undw clna witii Dnvld Norc tec- osi4. Bosn h id "la osalnat M for j orCi

lu K •pedal hsndlcap Affnlr. MtUUle won Uie 13*15 divisionTCHl-eoi;nHior«-*nd-Wet>ttoUMo-Linn finished in Oiat order In the yourttfit HlJl't-

Tlie winners in each division wtre Blvtn trophlci while th e run- ntn-up received a ease of .pcpsl- Col» from the TTi’in Kalla Pepsi­Co!* bottllns company w h ic h helped Bporuor the event.

’58 Qiampion Is Medalist For Publiiix

DENVER. July 15 UWDcfend- Ins champion Dnn filkes, 38. Unl- Tfrjlly Of Florida law student, sank ilM p o t 5ldc-hlll p u ll for n.Wrdle lour on th t linftl 'hole ' W anftTe

■rcdtllst honor* wlUi 69-08—137 In ■he National Public Links eolf ^otrnijunenl Tueaday.

eaib’ 69 Tueiday pu t h im five uiuKr par In Ih# 3(!»ho]e quallfy-

overiKe S.fflT-yart^arTl- Wellshlre municipal course. The qualifying play Monday and Tum- day trimmed Uio startlnt; field of l&O 10 C4 for nix rounds of mntcli play starUnK Vi'ednesday,

Oolfcrj who sliot IW had lo pl.iy o5150 ita th Ih t maUli p\ay.

Slices' pull on tlie IBUi hole edtiK] him a stroke in front o f Mat Palicio, jr., 43, Sah Rafael. Calif., aulo talesman, Rlcli Ca.vii>elln, IB, Louisville. Ky.. and Dr. Don J. KelUi. £jtn Diego dentlM who

• ihirtd Monday* iirst-round lead Ttlh 67. .

Cuabella, in Uie same Uiree- wae wIUj 8 lk « and KelUi. holed

.out * specucular No. 3 iron shot f r a 3)0 yarxl.t for » double eaple oa the «7-j-ard pat flv6 IBUi.

7^Jt gave CtiMbella G9 to match hU optnlng round wore. KeiUi. ntoltig ft 32-toot- elde-hlJI pull tlut curled -away n t Uie Iw t sec- oivj, IlnUhed wlUi 7t. Palncio had 68-0-138. Hal McComa.v 24. Dal- l u luorlte who ahol 07 Monday ■'Ipped to ^3 and w-a5 bracketed at

“ tllli Gene I>ahlbender o f At- ' »ho Ahol 70-09. •

e wny he defeated

have entered bul noted the list l i .p r r will ice off tvlday In the 72- fupccted lo swell Balurday mom- ■ hole Utah open ROlf tournament a l Ins a l lee-olf Ume. He pointed I ihe OalcrldKc Couiiir)- club near out pre-toumamenl entry dead- here.lino was waived for.Uie meet. | c „ s p ( r_ ch u U vL-iU. Cillf.. will

Included t« Uie-«uIy-«nttle*-to^osnrt-t?y-l$mn^to'jMTi: DfPtt^o arc teams from nexburg, Poca-i aUo, Calif., iho runnrr-up in the lello. . Blackfoot. Burley. T w in 'x a U o n a l O pen.' t l-‘nlli. Duhl. Ooodlng. Boise. Calcl-'...1 ,M U .W O ,.. M

Tlie Held wlU compel# on ft 3G-lbuir«l by ducks


n n d m in o r leaR uc c h ic f (li'orK e M. T r a t i tm n n a ll d re w c r i t ic a l c om m en t fro m th e K en­tu c k y e x ec u tiv e on hi.'» IU.hI b ir th d a y n n n iv e r.s n ry n n d th e e ic h th a n n iv e rsa rv o f h is ru llro m tjrttn i.'i liaKciinll I 'ohf "

burgli U iat Uiey are far from washed UP, as has b ttn Indicated

t.i, n .tlm .l ■ . . “ “ J

r s ;r.’7rsf,.,zInnt day 1* 7 am. An awards b a n -|“

CHICAGO, July IS tfu-filxteen- year-cld R. Di^nnla . lUilaton of Bakrr.-.Iii'ld. calif-, recent winner of tile Junior hard court icnnls cliamiiloiLshlj), rallied Tuesday drfc.ii seventh-seeded D o n aDell. Bcthwd:,, M(l„ 0-8..(j-3.-Q-l.;«VenJng,, _____________ •- Whe-»79C0-cvent - K i^t v W ilUn Uie ii.iiipn.il clay courU tennis! In addition, e « h lown u l l en tfr|i,p jj.soo, A $1,500 [.ro-nin

lournnmenl. precedcj th e loiiriiatiieni -niurs-

m iH sioner. H e ficrved fro m ig.jr> to 1951.

"So far ai lfndrr.^hlp l< corA cemed. baseball Is .bAnkrupt/ Chandler said. ••Ba.setnll Ifqul- dn l« i-the-o t(lee ■of- CTwrotfj'oi^tr when 11 refused to ^ciicw niy con­tract. nnd got Juxt whnt the own­ers wanted when tliry name'd pliable t'rick,"

Chandler said;•Trirlt knoft* iio,thlng ot lia.v-|

bail, nnd he rprnds more tlnie In p lacri like Tools Slinr.i than lie (iocs-oii-bascball niiittrr.- . >K< iiiul Trautm an are more Intcre.stcd In holding their Jobs, nnd jilr; the major league ownrrfl. thiin In helping basebtiU. the pliiycrs and the fnia.

"I-'rick and Tmiiiman and Olles arc Ju.ll tlme-«rvcrs, all working for big s.ilarlfi nnd big expense nccQunU.-iind.accoapluiUna nctli*

Ihree-miln team The youngster's feat ainio.'.tlslioot for the team chajnploi

ecllpied tile failure of Ale* O l-jTlie team award wlU go to ih medo. Peruvian bom etnr of UieiUial fires Uie low igKTcgal«U-S, D,nlj Cup team, to piny Ih'U ie 30-iiole test.U iemret/i-unday. . . | compeliilDa In driving, c h li. _

R^ilsloti then returned under a and putting also ulU be available.

Piral/Catcher Is Out of Action

p r m a tm o H . July is tiv -«W ier Hank Follcs of ihe Pitts.

PItntej wa.'j pL-iced on Uie Ibt Tuesday becaiwc of

* knee he Injured la-M Frld.iy nwhl In ft home plate collision '•it.'i Oeorg# Allman of tlic Chl- earc Citbj.

-At ih« rju„e the PimtesPurclM.W catcJicr Harding Pctcr- Mn ironi Uielr WlLwi IN. C.t fami elub. He is to fpport Immediately,

Dinny Kravlt: had lo catch a aK LouUi-i.#rJ

Bun^y as he Uio only Due J'cJirr ftvnllable. Smokey BurK^ 1 f dHlned wlUi hairline frtic-

ivi-o liHcers ond his rciurn “ IndMlnlte. f\sUej wUl be unable W play for a t least 30 days.

-Middirluled Tonight

.^ n i-O eo r? :c -B in to n ,' *n tm - «nked middleweiBht who U »bout “ popular D.t the tax collector. wUI

Holly Ml&sIn ft io.rounder.

vi!" »t Mlftml BcftcJi“ ‘mi.ij 1 ja rorite s t fl-5.

20-year-old fUhter

t e h i ................

Uccce 6U!\, on the lasv coutia ol the i/uburbsii River >'ore;.l Tennis club lo blasl John Bla.ilngame of Chlcftfio 6-0, C-0.

— All—otiiiT n ic iri—111 seeded jil.iyers also advanced.

Olmedo's a|i|>earance. after plane lllulil Irom European tour- iiiiments. was c.igcrly awaited. He arrived at the club gales, never set foot on the courts.

He was stopped a l the gate when he arrived here because he was nolirecOKnl7.od. Officials v,ere dts- ftppolnted bul *ald tliey would welcome him again Wednesday a t the suburban Rjver Forest Tennis club where he probably will hnve to play at least Uiree m.ilclies In a f.uiKlfi day. .. So viUl Burvy Mftckc.y o t Day­ton. OlllD.

Mackay plioned loumftment of­ficials earlier today to - say ho would be In even later than earlier anticipated...Salli'-MoOre and awyoeUi.Thom- hs, two' oj Uie rtJtiffn's m ost prom­ising youns women stars,-whipped through Jlrst-round-m atches un­der a boiling min.-•'MlH Moore, 19,-erf-Bftkerafleld. Calif.. tlATled slowly In h e r f ln l round-Tnatch wmlwt aarah -M se Turbcr, Evansville. In d , ond tralU rd In Uie flrei set 5-2. T hen ahe loosened up. uncoiled, rockeUng serves and charged to th e net to humble her foe 7-5. 0-1.

MI.ss ThDmiui. 18, Shaker Heights, Ohio, No. 2 nationally In the girls' ratings behind Miss Moore, pow­ered past Judy Peoples of Oory, Ind., 0-0. fl-l. '

The top two women's seeds, Mrs-; DoroUiy Head Knode, Poresl llUts. N.Y.. and Sandra Reynolds of Soutli Mcica. No. I 'foctlgti entry; mov'^ up on first-round byesl

Yankees Ti-im Indian Lead On 1-0 Win

By The Auoclaled Prea*SouUipaw Whltey Ford and re­ef ftce Ryne Duren combined lor flve-hll Rliut-out over Cleveland

Tue.nloy night as the New ■york Yankees halted Uielr iMtng su ing

I five games wlUi * 1-0 victory k'er Ute first-place Indians.The 10.-J trimmed Cleveland's

Iiold on first filaco to .002 percent­age points over Uie Chicago White Sox. who won 7-3 a l Boston. The Yankee.1 trail by fl’i._ J h a Yankees, held to four hits by loser Herb Score, got Uielr run on two n-alks and a Iwo-oul single, by Dobby Rlcliwdson la the sec­ond Inning,

Tlie Chicago Wlilte Sox outlast- 1 a budding Boston rally, took, a •3 victoo' and snapped' tho Jled

Sox winning string o t flve^A nlnUi-lnning homerun by

Jackie-Jensen - and ft single by Cobby Avila chased Chicago left-

number of lossei.WiwhlngtoTj made fire h its good

IT ft <-2 Witt over D elroa « Pedro Ramos won his lOUi victory of the reason. Th# Tiger* collected eight

-nookl«-nfl?-*m«on-hlt-hU-33rd homenm and Roy Sievers.socked

tten I Ulna u> crawl into Uie rto f has fought only 41

3s “’e <lecftde. winningIn a Iwlna One ended

30-y«ir-oid boxer from lie ^ 1 ' ’ 08 flflht*-*tae«

i t t m t a profeiilonal In 1848.

Consolo hU Ulples.•me OrioIW Milt P n w « posted

his IOUj win of Uift season u Uie Birds won Uie #eeoDd-game « i * dwble-header with Kansas Clt7 J.J after losing Uie opener 1-0, ,

Pappu .'w ho allowed only fire Wli, inclofilni Bogw U atU ’ HUi homer of Ihe year wlUi Uie bases empty in Uie sesoad inning, v ru backed by WUlie Tasby, who deput­ed tvls eighth homerun of the year in Ihe first inning.

In the opening game, Dlck-WIN ju n i scored from third base In

ihe nInUi Inning on a doutile byBarry Chltl to cUnch Win No. 7 for Ray Herbert.

The 11119 m ftJPr.league.rosura Ib l Uiree A nderson^Bob Ander<j tonwlUi ihe -C h lrtii Cubs, Oeoj?e Anderson wlUi Los Angeles and Hiifry Anderson wim PWladelpW#.

.T ro ^ ilti -will b» awarded the champion plus Uie Uiree runners- up which will comprise the Idaho fleleggtlon u? natlonali- A ~ team iropny will be presented the Jaycee organization tha l < ters the winning team plus smaller awards for Uie members on Uir Mju&d. All trophies will be fu rn­ished by the T«'ln Palls Pepsi­Cola bottling company, which is co-sponsorlng Ihe event.

l?ie field will have pracUeallyclean d w l a t the sw ie u«.m,

three of the four men on lasl year's squad definitely out of this year'* running. These Include Gary Ploas, Lewiston and Mike Sweet. Parma, wlio arc over age, and Charles Outler, T«'ln Falls, -who elK ltd to compeU^ in iho Idaho amateur a t lUyden Lake rather than defend his state crown. Jim Seeley, Jerome, Is the only hold­over but up to Tuesday night had not eommltted himself to playing.

Cunningham’s HitXets Cards M jTRedr6-?~

By The AisoeUUd Pr*»iJoe Cunnlogimm's Ilth-Inning

single, hU fourth hit, ended Don Nea'combe's eight-game winning sireak and'boosted the 61. Louis Cardinals past Uie ClndnnaU Reds Tuesday night, 0>5.

Big Newt. no« S-8 for Uie . jn . was peppered for 17 h iu but held the Cardinals scoreless from the fourUi Inning unlll Cunnlng- ham'a winnlnc blow, except for s u n Muslal’s game-tying sixth- Innlng homer.

Singles by Rsy K att ttnd Don Bloslnsnme ^ l the stage for Cun- rUngham's h lL

The PlUsbiirgh Pirates e\ubbed Iwo Los Angeles pitchers for seven fluecrsslve hits and five runs In Uie first inning. Tlie blast cinched a g-t victory Uiat pulled the fourUi-pUce Pirates within 2',i games of Uie KaUona} league lead­ing San Trandsco Q tanu.

Dick O rt*t teed off Ui« opening Inning wlUi a double to left, romped home as Skinner tripled to the wall In left center. Successive singica by Dick Stuart, Roberto Clemente, and Bill Materosk chased Podr«« to Uie showers. Don Moak kept up the barrage, agatns Roger Craig, Podres' «uceefi»or with a single Into right imd Danny K rarllz added anoUier before Maz- eroskl scored Uie llfUi n in of th« frame wliUe Uie Dodgeri w ire try ­ing lo catch Hoak torambllng b a d to second.

Keyed by Ernie Banks' double and pitcher Bill Henrj-'s single the Chicago Cubbs Jtmmed across four runs. only one of them earned, ^n the serenlh Inning to deleftt the fumbling Milwaukee Braves 10-S.

day.Eltf/ieen holes will be played -cr Uic par-72 course eaen day

with the final round « t for Mon-

Last year's winner. Dow Plnster- unld. wlll no t be back lb defend his title. B ul oUier former winners arc expecled. Includlni; Umlley (Ulckr-WhlUlerrCtillfrraeiJ-Eston

of pom oai, Calif., and Bill John­ston. Provo, UUili.


Tho .MlVrOUlft IlmberJiKti batted around ahd then some In a s<..... fourUi Inning Tur."iday nightand whipped ld.-iho PiUU 7-4.

Ing.T lie office of coniaiLv\lot\er

set up lo restore public confidence In biisebnll. and lo protfcl- Ihe peojile and, Uie players, n io play­ers have M lUtle support from.

little confidence in.Frick th a t they had to get Ihelr own repreitttU llvei lo tlfiht for Uitm, T lint lack of eohfldencc on the pa ri of Uie players would havecaused J __ ' '



heavj-welght contender Sonny R*y of Chicago «TK signed Tueaday to

hcflvj-welghl Alonrxj Johnson of Pitt.'amrKh in ft 10-rounder at Madison Square gujtlen July 31.

Duty GallsVIROINIA BEACH. July 15

Voting precinct duty before go:f. u ld Uie police drpartJnciil.' So’ poliynmn te c^ fO w ii. j^ie' oiie-strolA. leader of the Pay­ton MmiorVl golf loumaiiient.

furcecl to wllhilr.iw from I'licndsy's sclieduled Iin.ils.

Bro-*n Nliot ft piir CD Monday In tnkr tile flrat round Irati,. Bul today he drew duty a t the polls for tlie sla te Democmllc Itrimary-mid-waa unable lo get off.

ISC Starts Screening

Pearson Swims English Channel

FOLKESTONE, England. July 15 tT>-Denis Pcnrr<inr58-yMr-oia SouUi lUiodeslan serKcant, Mon- il»y th e Enali."ih channel In 15 hours, 30 minutes—the flrM fwlmmer to make Uio croMlng Uifs year.

Peanon .plunged into the water off-Franee sarly Mondfty and waded ashore a t Folkestone about I p.m. (EST).

Ttie lUiedealan's succeaful swim across the 32 miles of «-aler B m rte l-the 'Stait uf luio th e m n p m channel swimming season. By Uie- end of September' about doica swlinintts—a t n and woi en—will have added their names to Ihe lilt o f channel swimmers .started by Capt. MatUiew Webb In 1875.


Hopefuls' POCATELLO, July 15 (U P K - Tlic ureenlng of some 30 appllca- tlDlLi for Uie Idalio Stale cullrse .bw tetb ilt joii ilatled loct.iv. ^th, lU-ilc director Jolm Veaser eald.' Tho Job K-QA left vncoiil with the rc'.'.lKiiniloij of joiin Grayson to iiccrpl Uie head ba.skelball coseh

I Uir Ifnlverslty of Washington, TJie execuUve commlltee of

ho Stxite, which eon.Msis of Uie four deans and Ute bursir, will s ta rt going over Uie appllcntlona from candidates across Uie coun-tr r .----------------------------------

Vc«er said Uie committee will screen the c-indliitiltn down lo Uie most promising few In several s a - sIoiM and thw will eubmll these to Ui» suite board of educaUon at ltd McCoU meeting stxu-Ung July29........ - - - ' - '

He mid ft number of highly uuc- ces.%fu] conches hare applied for Uie Job. However, he pointed out UiAt Uis aalary a l Idaho 8tAl« may not-bfr-W th ^ iw u th to a tuae r them.

Regnrdlng I d a h o candidates, Vesser sa il Ihs eiecuUv« conunSl- tee will hare ta decide whether to emphasise an Idaho program wlUi Idaho athletes or whether to ob­tain a man with a succeesful rec­ord of attnicUng lop athletes from out of stale.

'n ifr40-year.o ld Wllllims, fierce­ly proud Of his repuutlon as tlie m ost feared h itte r in baseball for I the past 10 years, refused to sub­scribe to the theory ot slowed re- ■ flexee.-lost tim ing in d taablUtr to • cope w ith the new crop of fUie j young pitchers In 'U ie American I league. 1

•D on 't believe Uiat liogwash,* he I said. " It 's not the pllcliers a t a l t f who are rc-iponslble for my fa il-1

lo t\tt. And tt's not my &se 1 either, j l 'a Uiat damn neck of I

"1 don 't like to Ulk about It be- I cause those newspaper wise guys I will accuse me of alibiing and I've never allbled in my life. But this IhJnB la knUng nse," i

H andicapped by a neck condl- 3 tion which sidelined him the flrit i monUi of the season. Ted goi off l o . the_w ofjt.« tnrt..o f.iili-caretr_ . and was h liting n microscopic J17 ) a t a ll-s tar game Ume, \

T v e been hitting a UtUa beUer ' In the post two weeks," he said, "bu t It's going to be a real bstUe - ' tf m e to h it JOO.-

In ifl seasoni. .Ted has aerer h i t ... below .317 and ownf a Ufetlme m ark ot .349.

T he 58-year-old Muslal, % mod-. \ • “ ofany

ter. .During th e lost inonth, Btaa haa [

n .tsed h is aTt»g« S i 1polnU from .230 to J70. m Uie same »ptm, wHUoms boosted his m ark from .173 to J17. I

“I think I can reach 300 befor* the end of the sewon,'M uslal ifcld. J - In fact, r m coafklenl l wilL*


“Good heavens!IThatever made

you order 'vodka?'

Engine Trouble Hits Race Entry

COEOR D'ALENE, July IS Dollar Bill, a neveomer to unllm- lied hydrrolano racing, had angliie adio on hlllihg tlio watei

■ ■ ' ......... for th elU t td f a J n n r e MraUon second annual Diamond on Lake coeur d'Alene Saturday and Sunday.

The California craft, «HUi_the fuel tnJecUOQ engine, oouldn't get the proper fuel mixture and kept fouling her sparkplugs.;^ .

Thrte times she completed h M a ihree-mlla lap, died In the «-atcr; and needed a tow lo Uio pits. - -

Owner BUI Schuyler said Dollar Bill's troubles were SoUilng serious “ju s f a-'quesUon of finding Uie right tuel mixture and richness for UiU altitude.*

Re planned to test Uie boat again today.. Only one other boat was In the watCT ' Tuesday-Mlis Spokane. The*tom«unlty-owned craft from Spokane, turoed ta Ups a t an average oI 108 miles an hour; nach lns a ma»lmua of US.7M,

T en years nco .'p n ly I A m erican in 1000 Ho3 evertasted vodka. Today, almost everyrtiQ who drinka at all likes vodka. . . onJ tvants Sm into^l Wliy? It oil began when people BUildenly discovered wliat dcHcioiis new drinks Sminiofl maVca^.-.and

' how much it improves many old ones. Because it has no liquor taste or “breath,” Smirnoff losa iu e lj com-

-plefe//'in'ju3t about anything that pours!

i t Im v c a y o u b re a th le s s

8 ft PR O O F . D tS T tL U O FROM Q RA tN . STEi

1959"Great luavetu !

You can’t meanyou never tried


\H i

—TherfljaajoiC Dljof.aeU doo i Sm lm oS d rtok i.__HereV.bow lo m ik e Jnit' tw ^ o f tbem T ^

. BtoopY JU X T .Jig sero l Sm im di; '3 ox. tom ato - ------Juice, 01. &esb lemon joics, 4 'drop( Worcetter*ahlre, 1 daib u l t , - l d ish pepper. Shako w e l l ............with cracked Ice ta d serre.VODKA fliMLR. Add 1 p u t Imported Hose's lim e Juice to 4 or 5 parts Sm lm oS Vodka. 'Stlr well, aad^serreoTerle« Ia «»ckl*Ilor‘ O ia ■ Fashloaed gissa.

VODKA_ TOE QREATE9T HAMB IN 1PIE R R E S tflR K O F F F l s V '- ( t t J V IS J O H OF H IU 8 1 .S U I) ,; , a A « U .< U e ^ ,-

Page 16: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-
Page 17: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


m a r k e t s a n d f i n a n c eStocks Livestock



Jerome Cattle Steady, Hogs Arc Qieaper

- n . . : / JKROME. July 15—Tlie m irkrt

S S S r i i l

............................1";S S l iZ

....... . irojwliiiicd a trurkloud 't>f fni co

I>|.. ,u, ........ .................. SMMclnrrt rov.s. h h m to i:

S S '................ .. ......

‘“ i S " S - c ^ . Ei:-

Rotary^ Glub“ Hears Report From S«2sSioii

... 's i ’s :; s :;

m m


Brings You Another

5-Day Special!

Size 2-8x6-8 Size 3-0x6-8

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! l 11263 RE 3.3212



r i ■' r ~ i — i

Page 18: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-
Page 19: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


___■ __ ..

Page 20: Russian^s S^and Steel Mill Strike Idles 90 Continues Tough feged - …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · urfav Kid Sunday under Uie *pon-


Scared McLeraore-Pens His Column on Pass in Alpines

ool where I w n. bu t what I My p r tc lu lociUon the

___ mil of in Alpine pM». which UjiH l'*nom cr-nam e-Jcr«-n»dl«U oul by « 81. 'D em ard who hiu never he»rd th a t » do* la bMt frl(md.

The b u t w ty to plclurc i pine p u s Is to th ink or & circultr

«.|th nr . Hirff.mile hiKh oard pavlos.

Bummer la repu lrd (o be the____be»t-time o r-y e« Jn-whlch lo tr»v-

cl i n Alpine p o u . i dlsncrcf. In wlnl«r. nihat w ith k i w . Ice. «leet fo6.aJid sBoT,-tlifl motorist cannol

W ith visibility near uro. he Is u nau -u t of the precipices. Rorccs. sudden-death drops and •

arrtvea calm and unshaken. If he docAn't—TcU. he has no vorrlci elUier.

Today Is clear nnd brlslil. ami

Boise Residents , Return to Home

lU C H P m j) , Ju ly 15-M r. and M n. G ary llubsm lth and dauRliter relum ed to Boise Mondny morn­ing a fte r ipendlna the wtclc-end * t Red/lsh lake wlUi his broUirr and «lBt«r-ln-law. Lieut, and'M rs; Leon Hubsmlth, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyle Piper. K rista liubsmlth, Bolje. remained In RlcWleld with her crandporents. Mr. and Mrs. Sey­mour Hubsmlth.

t t r . ai)d Mrs. xom Connelly have returaed to Torrence. CalU.. aJler vUltlne her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. :0harle#-ailes^4ir-'

1 feast upon.' An Alpine pass would be suftl' clcntly horrible If H a one-. wfty-attceL—ln itJ t_ |5 n 't . Comlns__ . _____

el the Alpi Is I t m oothi plui 3 veeka. o f course, there Is a ln y a tlie possibility th a t ahe was afraid a n d we OldaX know It. u id that in a m onth or two her honey blonde h a ir «1U turn quite premat eray.

W hen we stopped a t the lummlt I t waa the only time I jjsv*'e/er

lem » tr lch ten ed u tom ob lle. O un w u. No doub t about IL l i had drawn it« f ro n t bumper up as if to shield Ita hcadU A ta Irom tne «l«ht Of th e aheer drops, and waJ -baking from taU light to hood. I m tem pted to 'p o u r a little’ brandy i Its t u k before we a ta r t down. One of t h e . rulea o f th e road.

when braving a a A lp,.U -to.b2a« to one's hom approaching each turn, n i l s laeaas honking wlUi- out te t'up, for the loogest straight* awsy Is about the length . of pork sausage.

T^e hom bloving is purely a courtcsy. I t doesn't do any good. By Che time you react to the hom

.lt_lajnucfa_toQ late to 'aay your prsyers. o r ball out.

, • Dnfortunately, there 1* «In* back on »o P*“ - ^ try to tu rn around would not ^ to court disaster, liul to marry It.

I was chicken all the way up. bu t once commltud. you must go on t a d upward until the aummit

Is rea th ed . A summit, by the way, b a place Is Switzerland from w hich surburban Des Moines can be seen on cxcepUonally clear daya. • • j

I t is now time to s t ^ thej desccatl

H all and farewellj tPltlribBUd br UcS<Lai*l I

CameraSouthern td e V r

Ccmplrti • Photogrophic Supply j.

from fear nnd have scarcely

pedal.Of our IltUe family group, onlyi

Megan Is her noniu t Aclf a t Uie; aummlt.-W hlclv-l»-|)root-poBltlve<th a r th e best ns« n t wWch to trav -

Report ActivitiesMrs. F. L, M nnvlll have returned from Salt U k e City where they vinlted Ihelr UiiURhter. Mrs, John Lnrwn. and f a m i ly . A notheri

Oreywii Gurr. nndj


parents and aunt, Mrs, Clive Capps.

TVny Ward relum ed home Fri­day from AUbum, c a l if , after vli*

, tU of hU grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. fYed Simpson, for a month

Zoe Ann U nder. Homedale, left FVlday after visiting Mr. and U rt Bowftrf DeWItt and family. '

Wyoming Guests

Heybiirn Guests Return to Home

HEYBTON. Ju lv 15-Mrg'. Don SLathos and baby have relum ed to th e ir Jjooe in Medford. Ore.. n fter visiting her parents. Mr. ond Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mrs. Brown and

ybnmITOfBDRN, Ju ly 15 -auests of

Mr. and M n. John wodskow this week i r e her brother; Prank An-

. dersoD, and family, Cody. Wyo.U r. and J^rs. W alter Matthews.

MUt, o re „ i-ere Sunday guests of M r. and Mrs. Leo Handy.

Mr. And Mrs. John c ro ft and family, Aberdeen, were week-end Buelta of hU mother, Mrs. ,lda Crofl.

Mrs. Dick B


Bedkfl. Mrs. Jeas B e ^ k e and <laughter and Mrs. Parley Martin

~*ttH Hle<rT-O ow belle m eetlng-al Pocatello .Monday. Mrs. Bedks Is


children accompanied Uiem there n fte r-a -jo -d ay rlxlt In Richfield.- T heir home Is In Ptironan. U tah. |

Mrs. Harold Bchm and two: ehIldrcn,-TToy. O.i-nfe-vlslHnir he r; alster, Mrs, Otl-vilBnish. and fam ­ily, and J lie lr parents, ^ir. and Mrs, Clipiter Tute, ond other reln- tlves. Gooding.

Mr. nnd^ Mrs, Jack Flnvel.l □randvlcw, and dauBhters, Mrs. Maurice VauRhn and children.' Pocatello, accompanied Mr. nnd! Mrs. G rant Flavel to Redllsh la k e ! ■jr the week-end.

John Thomas, Marsing, ond daughter, Mni. lj»Von DaMee. nnd children. Homedale, vbslted h li brother, G ran t Thomas, and fom -hy.------- ^ - . . . :

Douglas C arter, Kaysvllle. U tah. vUJted Mr. nnd Mrs: E itr e t t W ord la st week.

CLEARANCEL a d ie s ' S u m m e r ,

SPORTSW EAR■Xnciiidea bur EN TIIIE STOCK o f LadleV OlouMJi . . . oUo Short Shorts, Jam alcas, B e Pedal Pushers, Caprls and Sum ­mer Skirts.

-R€g^-2i98 to 9i98-- NOW ON SALE

^ow clcjn^ncc savings on pracUcnl!y_ every item' of mchswchrr’Clenfahce markdowria, fob, now in women’s wear and boy’s wear. And' remetnber that no snlc is complete a t Roper’s until each customer is completely aatisfied.

The most famous brands in Amcrica. E^’cry suit is from regular tried gnd true-numbcrs la-thc-beal Jtbrla .ftPl coIoiaUPJglt.

your whole wardrobe now and save a t Roper's.

Hanover Square★ CAMPUS TOGS

V REGULAR 5 5 5 ,. 5 S 0 . ,


.. lay evening. Ralph Byrum and son. phlUlp.

Los Angeles, a re visiting Mr. and M rs. Wendell Cole.

Mr. and M rs. Ned Moon nnd family, Joseph, O re , are vUlllng h is mother. M n . UtPrlel Stoddard.

FALSE TEETHThot Loosen Need N ot Embarrass

u in r v u t t n of r*lM ueth h»T» ■uStred n»l «mbiirTuui)eot bc n u u birt a t ]ui( the wrong tC ^ .^ ^ n o l

ths alkaline (noe->eiai pyour pUtea. Hold falM u _______nrmlr. to Ibejr (Ml mot» eomloct- •bH. t>o«i not «our. Cnfci» "pUr

—eticr Oet FA8TBSTH «


WESTERN SHIRTSVery good potterns from Tonbark

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