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Rwasiunec final-web

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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About the artist

Hi my name is Roksanna Wasiunec, most call me Roxy. I an art major here at SXU. I am going down the graphs design route. I would like my focus to be mainly photography. This is a portfolio of my pho-tography, assignments from my computer graphics class and Major Seminar class.

Table Of Contents

Part 1.......... Computer Graphics WorkPart 2.......... PhotographyPart 3.......... Major Seminar Work

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Artwork by: Roksanna WasiunecArtwork by: Roksanna Wasiunec

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and that everyone could recog-nize. When I took this picture I got low to the ground and really get close to the shoes so I could bring all the details out while recreating the shoe in Adobe Illustrator. The next page shows what he image looks like once it has be altered in Adobe Illustrator. Obvioulsy itdoes’t look exactly like the picture but it looks very similar to it. Look at the details!

Our biggest project that we did in computer graphics was this proj-ect.We had to take a picture of anything besides a human. With this picture we had to duplicate it in Adobe Illustrstart:ator by using the pen tool, layers and colors. The picture that I took and used is to the right.I wanted to take a picture of an object that had a lot of detail

From this...

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...To ThisNike’s On Them Feet

because you can be sloppy to a certain extent at first than get more detailed and careful when you get more to the foreground of the picture. To top off the picture and add a more realistic effect, I put a gradient layer on certain parts of the shoes to make them look even more 3 dimensional.

When I was finally done this is what the project looked like. I call it Nike’s on Them Feet. The picture right above the final was a picture of how the image came together. What made it possible was working in layers. What you would do is layer or put down the stuff the furthest back first and keep adding on top of it. This technique works really well

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RemixedWhat I like most about this is that you still know that its Nike shoes because there are still enough details in the pictures. But enough details taken out that you question if these shoes are real or just an image.

After we recreated reality with the object images we got to distort them and play around with the line and colors. I really enjoyed recreat-ing them this way because I love more abstract and modern looks. It’s cool how you can distort some-thing so dramatically.

Roksanna Wasiunec2011

Computer Graphics

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photo2010 By: Roksanna Wasiunec

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PerfumeFor this image I used a digital SLR camera. What I had to create was a Macro shot. What a Macro shot is you take a stationary onbeject and the Macro brings ot all the extreme details within the object and blurs out everything else. I chose my favorite perfume bottle. The details so extreme that you cam see little dust particles.


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Running ShoesThe idea behind this image was motion. The way I created the effect of someone running out of their shoes was I used a very slow shutter speed. I had my brother ride a bike behind the stationary shoes while I set up a digital SLR camera on a tripod an snapped the picture. It took a couple tries but I am extremely happy the way it turned out.


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loveTo create this image I used a digital SLR camera. The way I created this image was I used a very slow shutter speed and made sure that the light in the room was light enough to capture the image but dark enough to actually have the image show up. While doing this you have to make sure the camera is on a tripod or else the image will turn out extremely blurry since the shitter speed is so long.


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Stairway to...To create this image I used a Holga camera. I really enjoyed working with a holga camera for the first time because I liked the fact that you don’t know what the image will look like till you actually develop it. The wayI shot this image was I got to ground level on my stomach and shot the strairway going upwards. I enjoy how the blurred out edges tuned out as well.


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Color ExplosionTo create this image I used a digital SLR camera. The way I created this image was I used a very slow shutter speed and made sure that the light in the room was light enough to capture the image but dark enough to actually have the image show up. While doing this you have to make sure the camera is on a tripod or else the image will turn out extremely blurry since the shitter speed is so long.

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Running WaterFor this image that I used a digital SLR camera. What I wanted to create with this image was a contrast . I really wanted to create a shallow depth of field which is how I got the image to be very focused in the front and blurry in the back. It really helps with allowing the viewers eye to go to where you want it.

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n shoesFor this image that I used a digital SLR camera. What I wanted to create with this image was a contrast between nature and man-made. I really wanted to create a shallow depth of field which is how I got the image to be very focused in the front and blurry in the back. It really helps with allowing the viewers eye to go to where you want it.


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Major SeminarBy Roksanna Wasiunec

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For this image I took an 8.5x11 piece of paper and used sharpies to make this image. I started off with a heavy black outline and angle my pen to use the side of it to cover the space faster with color. I used the tip of the pen to create the dots on the skin.

I want the audience to wonder why the image is seperated into pieces and why the artist decided to make the image look like a puzzle.

Looking at the picture your eye is drawn to the very center where her finger is. its sepa-rates the image right in half. Her hair on the left is darker which draws in your attention and makes your eye mover around from there.


Roksanna Wasiunec


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Fire and Waves

This piece reminds me of the 70’s in a way and I hope the viewer can kind of see that.

This piece titled Fire And Waves was the piece that had to connect all my previous pieces together. I used sharpie to create this piece. Whenever I start a new piece I have an idea in my head but it never ends up turning out what I envi-sioned mainly because I change my mind throughout the piece. This piece has a lot to do with op-posites.

I tried to make the piece abstract yet have known images in it like the glasses and the eye. When the viewer looks at this I want the viewer to move his or her eye throughout the entire piece and wonder why the background is what it is and why the pieces are just floating around.


Roksanna Wasiunec

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This is the first image in my series. It’s the image that kicks everything off. What i would like the viewer to focus on is the puzzles, thick black comical lines and the contrasts.For this image i decided to continue with the dots. I used sharpie to create this image. First I outlined the puzzle pieces with a heavy black than moved

to making the dots with the tip of the pen followed by filling in some of the pieces with the black pen.While making this image i thought a lot about opposites. I used red and purple colors because they are nice contrasts. This image also has heavy black out-lines like the previous piece. The dots and stripes are also opposites.

While making this image i wanted to make sure that the viewers eye would move around through the whole im-age. To ensure that this would happen I separated the black puzzle pieces to different sides of the image. This helped balance out the image.



Roksanna Wasiunec

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Black and White

Duct tape and Sharpie2011

Roksanna Wasiunec

dissolve so to speak, as you eye went down.When I finished putting down the duct tape pieces I noticed that the image didn’t seem complete to me. So I took a black sharpie and started to outline parts of the white where the neon duct tape didn’t overlap. What holds my pieces together, as a series is that my images are all abstract

For this image titled Black and White our class had to use a dif-ferent medium for the next piece. I decided to use duct tape and sharpies. While making this piece I started off by layering the entire piece of cardboard with white duct tape. After that I cut square pieces of the neon colored duct tape. I wanted the top to be much heavier with duct tape and for it to

and have dots and thick black comic-like lines so I decided to fill some of the outlined areas with dots. I also made sure that the black lines were thick and vivid. So that they stand out .

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Bohemian Green

different shapes and colors. I wanted to keep the image bal-anced so I had to spread out the colors I used. When the viewer looks at this I want the viewer to think about earthiness and paisley prints. The reason I titled it Bohemian Green is because to me a bohemian look is very earthy and simple yet kind of

For this image tilted Bohemian Green, our task was to create a new piece that used all the shades of green. When I think of green I think earthy and paisley. So those were my two inspira-tions for the piece I created. I de-cided to use sharpies once again to keep it consistent. I started off by drawing random shapes and filling in the shapes with other


Roksanna Wasiunec

complicated and sporadic. I believe that the image I created follows all those guidelines.

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For this piece i was really inspired by my other piece Black and White. i really liked how the positive and negative space worked well together along with the background and foreground. When you look at this piece it’s as if the big bubbles on the left are infront of the bubbles on the right.

The consistancy between all my pieces still remains with the abstract feel and heavy comic-like outlines. When the viewer looks at this piece I want the viewer to think why the title is Falling Bubbles if bubbles are supposed to float not fall. I like using alot of irony in my titles if

you have not noticed. This piece also allows your to move around well because when you look at the top right your eye naturally will follow downward than into the big bubbles.



Roksanna Wasiunec


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Roksanna Wasiunec

For this piece I wanted to continue my style of abstract pieces. I also wanted to stick to using thick black comical lines as I have in all my previous pieces. This is what is hold-ing my series together along with the fact that all my pieces are connected like a puzzle of have parts to it. The concept of this piece is abstract cir-cles with a splash of color. I wanted to use red because I feel as

though the red helps add a very nice contrast between and throughout the piece. The way i created this piece is I took a black sharpie and strated drawing swirls makinig some thicker and darker than others. Following that I filled in certain sections with the red making it completely random.

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For this piece I really wanted to showcase the thick black comi-cal lines because that is the most important part of all my pieces. Its what holds everything together. I used sharpies once again, The inspiration for this image came from a page in the magazine SPIN that I stumbled upon.

The background of this image con-nects to my previous peice Fire and Waves. It’s the same concept and gives interesting foreground and bacground within the piece.



Roksanna Wasiunec

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Like always I used sharpies to cre-ate this image. A difference in this image is that it’s actually a 4x6 piece originally rather than most of my other which are 8.5x11.

In this piece I wanted to focus on color and contrast more than anything. I decided to make the background cool colors and the fore-ground warm colors. The concept of this image is thick black comical lines creating a puzzled abstract piece that has to do with arrows and thunderbolts.


Roksanna Wasiunec

Thunderbolts and Arrows

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Lines Of Duct Tape

The idea behind this piece was me trying to connect the duct tape more into the series. I like always used sharpies to create thick black comical lines. I wanted to continue the puzzle effect so I had the duct tape create lines that make the image come together.

I really wanted to make this piece abstract because I believe that that is my strong point as an artist. I want the veiwer to really realize that this piece is more than just duct tape. This piece creates inter-esting contrast as well.

Duct tape and Sharpie2011

Roksanna Wasiunec
