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RICHMOND STREET NEWS IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Message from the Mr. Mac Janet & Mrs. Sinnett....
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M A R C H 2 0 1 8 N E W S L E T T E R


1 5 3 R I C H M O N D S T R E E T - T H O R O L D , O N T A R I O


March 1 - Bar Burrito Day

March 1 - Grades 7-8 - TSS

Drama performance

March 6 - Pizza Day

March 6 - MTC Life Assembly

March 6 - Junior Boys

Basketball Tournament @ 3:30


March 7 - Dance-a-thon

March 7 - Junior Girls

Basketball Tournament

March 8 - Bar Burrito Day

March 12 - March 16 - March


March 20 - Pizza Day

March 22 - Bar Burrito Day

March 23 - Hot Dog Day

March 23 - Regional Chess

Tournament & Bake Sale

March 27 - Pizza Day

March  27 - SAC meeting @ 6:30


March 28 - Grade 8 Grad.


March 28 - Recognition

Assembly - 8:45 primary, 9:30

jr./int.  and Super Hero Spirit


March 29 - swiss Chalet Day

March 29 - Grade 3 's to Walker


March 30 - Good Friday

Contact us at:

Phone: 905-227-2971

Fax: 905-227-9525

Emai l : [email protected]

Message from the Mr. Mac Janet & Mrs. Sinnett....February has flown by and we have had a great month at

Richmond Street school. Students have been setting great

examples as there have been many opportunities for them to be

out in the community for events such as basketball, robotics and

skating. March is going to be a busy month. We are sure many

are looking forward to March Break (March 12 - March 16) and

the opportunity to spend some quality time together with your

loved ones. 


We have some exciting news! On Wednesday, March 7th

Richmond Street School will be hosting an all day Dance-a-Thon

to help raise money for year-end trips, technology and our

playground! Your child will have the opportunity to "dance the

day away" for an extended period of time. 

Prizes will be given away for the best costume in the following

grades: (K-3) and (4-8) as well as prizes for best dancer and the

two highest fundraisers for each (kindergarten/primary and

junior/intermediate)! Also, students will have the opportunity to

earn tickets for every $5.00 he or she raises and place these in a

jar to win various prizes. We have some amazing prices lined up

already such as Blue Jay tickets, Leaf tickets and a one night

stay at the Americana waterpark. Get your pledges in!

R I C H M O N D S T R E E T |   M A R C H   2 0 1 8

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R I C H M O N D S T R E E T   |   M A R C H   2 0 1 8

We have recently started using the Remind app to communicate with families. It is a

free app that quickly and efficiently sends text messages about important reminders

related to Richmond Street School. 

To sign up:

If you do not have a smartphone get text notifications:

 Text @b7d6892 to the number (289) 812-3794

If you have a smartphone, get push notifications.

On your iPhone or Android phone,  open your web browser and go to the following link:



Sign up for Remind

School Advisory Council Update

Families can look forward to some exciting

fundraisers coming home this Spring.

We are partnering with Big Red's to stock your freezer for the May long


Our Basket raffle is in the works, and will be drawn

at the Fun Fair on Thursday June 14th.

There were be lots of ways to get involved in the next few months, so keep an eye on Social

Media and RemindApp.

The next meeting is on Tuesday March 27th and

all are welcome!

The Chess Club at Richmond has been meeting since January.  Every Tuesday and

Thursday approximately 80 Junior and Intermediate students meet to play chess in

the gym.  Every Wednesday almost 80 Primary students meet to learn how to play

or play friendly games of chess.  Those students who wanted have been trying out

for the school chess team.  Those who qualify will play in our Area Tournament on

Friday, March 23 here at Richmond.  As part of the Tournament, there will be a

bake sale as well.  The proceeds from the sale will go towards supporting the extra

curriculuar activities at school.  A note will be coming home shortly asking for

donations of baked goods.  Thank you for your support and go Raptors!

Chess Tournament and Bake Sale

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R I C H M O N D S T R E E T   |   M A R C H   2 0 1 8

The intermediate boys qualified for the DSBN A Flight basketball championship

tournament. With our Raptors opening the tournament with a convincing 16 point

victory over McKay Public school the boys simply ran out of energy in their final three

games. Great effort all day long from M. Suntz, . Lambert, B. Pupek, B. Burrows,

N. Miller, N. Tanham and the rest of the squad. Overall the Intermediate Boys

basketball team had an overall winning percentage for the season of 70%. Good luck

to the Gr. 8 boys moving on to high school and we will see the Gr. 7  boys on the court

next season!  

Congratulations to the girls basketball team that wrapped up their season yesterday

at the DSBN tournament.  The girls had 2 wins and 2 losses.  All girls were an integral

part of team.  Contributing to the point total was Brookelyn with an impressive 56

points, Grace D with 17, Hope with 9, Jadyn with 7, Kamryn with 6 and Hilda and Elissa

with 2 each.  Special thank you to Chloe and Shanice for being our score keepers and

timers for the tournament.  Mrs Visscher, Miss D, and Miss Spencer would like to wish

the graduating players best of luck next year in your high school basketball careers

and we look forward to seeing our returning players next year.  Great job ladies on a

season well played.  

Intermediate Basketball


April  26, 2018

 Join us at Thorold Secondary School for a

presentation entitled:

"Everybody Present - The Health Promoting

Benefits of Mindfulness"

Registration & Snacks - 5:30 - 6:10 p.m.

Presentation - 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.

Q & A - 7:15 - 7:30 p.m.

The evidence is clear, students today are

experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety

and this has a direct impact on their overall

health and academic performance. A strategy

that is showing great promise in helping

students cope with stress and boost positive

mental health is mindfulness. In this

presentation we share what we have learned

over 5 years studying mindfulness among

university students in The Mindfulness

Experiment. Designed for parents, teachers

and administrators, participants of this

workshop will learn what mindfulness is, why

we need it, and how it “works” to promote

coping skills, resiliency and academic success

for our students.


Paula Gardner, Assistant Professor,

Department of Health Sciences at Brock

University and the lead investigator ofThe

Mindfulness Experiment

Kaitlyn Kerridge, MA Candidate and graduate

student in Applied Health Sciences at Brock

University studying mindfulness in post-

secondary students

The Richmond Robotics team had a fantastic day at

Brock University on February 22nd. They competed in a

variety of tasks using Lego Robotics including racing,

moving objects, navigating a course and releasing

objects towards a target. All students showed

exceptional problem solving and engineering skills.

Throughout the day, they engineered many attachments

for their robot and programmed their robot to move

autonomously. Congratulations to these wonderful

young computer scientists and engineers.

Junior Team                        Intermediate Team

D. Mesevery                        I. Weston  

C. Wagar                            S. Rowland

A. Burton                            M. Hill

S. Pillon                              D. Brideau

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R I C H M O N D S T R E E T   |   M A R C H   2 0 1 8

You can cont inue to check

our website for important


www.r ichmond.dsbn.org

You can also cont inue to

fol low us on twitter and on



Or s ign up for the Remind

app. Information on previous


Don't forget to register any

students who wi l l be 4 in

2018 for K indergarten in the

fal l . P lease stop into the

off ice to get your

registrat ion forms and

welcome bag for new

kindergarten students.  

A focus at Richmond Street School has been to increase

student's usage of Dreambox. During the month of

February we held a Dreambox Challenge to encourage

consistent use of the program to help supplement math

instruction. Each class was challenged to become active

users, which meant each student had to complete 5

lessons a week and be logged on approximately 60

minutes. This amount of usage is optimal for students to

show growth in their mathematics learning. We were

blown away by the effort put forth by all classes! 

Congratulations to the following classes and their

diligence and dedication to dreambox usage. They will be

rewarded with a special PIzza Lunch. 

Kindergarten Division: Mrs. Moore/Mrs. Mastroianni (K)

Primary Division: Mrs. Steinbach/Mrs. Horth's Class (Gr. 3)

Junior Division: Mrs. Farquhar's class (Grade 5)

Intermediate Division: Mrs. Visscher's class (Grade 7)

Keep up the amazing work and keep completing your


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M S . M O O R E / M R S . M A S T R O I A N N I ( J K / S K ) A . V I N C E N T - M O R D E N & S . K N I G H T

M R . S A L M O N / M R S . W R I G H T ( J K / S K ) T . R I C H A R D S O N & A . D I M A R C O

M R S . S U L L I V A N / M R S . S I M S ( J K / S K ) J . B A R L O W , S . B U R K E & B . M C D O N A L D

M R S . R A Y N O R / M R S . G A R O N ( J K / S K ) E . S I L V O & O . H O O D

M S . C A V E R S ( G R . 1 ) L . M U R R A Y & C . R A M N A R A I N

M R S . C I E S L A ( G R . 1 ) S . R A C I N E & F . C A M P B E L L

M R S . A S H C R O F T ( G R . 1 / 2 ) I . F O R T E N , B . S C H U C H A R D & B . W E S T O N

M R S . R A N K I E ( G R . 2 ) A . H O N S I N G E R & V . E L W E L L

M R S . L E W I T Z K Y ( G R . 2 ) L . C H U N I C K & M . C A N L A S

M R S . S T E I N B A C H S ( G R . 2 / 3 ) Z . L Y N C H & A . E G E R T E R

M R S . H O R T H ( G R . 3 ) D . W I L K I N S O N & T . T H O M A S

M R . M E G E R ( G R . 3 ) K . E C K E R & I . G O N Z A L E Z

M R . M A D D A L E N A ( G R . 3 / 4 ) A . B O U T I L I E R & J . H O D G I N S

M R S . W H I T E ( G R . 4 ) J . P E N N E R & B . L E S S T E R

M R . G O A R ( G R . 4 / 5 ) J . K I M & H . M C G U G A N

M R S . F A R Q U H A R ( G R . 5 ) J . P E N N E R & A . M A R T I N E Z

M R . K E N T ( G R . 5 / 6 ) A . M I L L E R & L . B E A M A N

M R S . B R Y D G E S ( G R . 6 ) A . K E N N E D Y & J . R O U C H K O V

M S . P A G E N D A M ( G R . 6 ) M . C E C C H I N I , K . S E E K I N S & G . M O O R E - W I L S O N

M R S . V I S S C H E R ( G R . 7 ) E . B A B C O C K & . A . C R O S B Y

M R . F R A S E R ( G R . 7 ) C . S C H U M A N , K . G A N J A L O U S K I & B . P U P E K

M R . B E N N E R ( G R . 8 ) L . C O T E & J . S I D E R

M R . F R E U R E ( G R . 8 ) M . S U N T Z & H . R A N A

M R S . M A Y H E W ( F R E N C H ) R . C A M P B E L L & D . S T . A M O U R

M R S . K O S U T A ( F R E N C H ) L . E A T O N & J . T U F F O R D

G R A D E 8 C L A S S R O O M A W A R D S

N E X T A S S E M B L Y :   M A R C H 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 - 8 : 4 5 A M ( P R I M A R Y ) , 9 : 3 0 A M ( J R . / I N T . )

R I C H M O N D S T R E E T     |   M A R C H 2 0 1 8

February 2018 - "Honoured" Students of the Month

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