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Ryan Elementary Kindergarten Orientation July 17, 2013.

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Ryan Elementary Ryan Elementary Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation Orientation July 17, 2013 July 17, 2013

Ryan Elementary Ryan Elementary Kindergarten OrientationKindergarten Orientation

July 17, 2013July 17, 2013


This evening we will let you This evening we will let you know about your child’s first know about your child’s first week of school, procedures, week of school, procedures, curriculum and much more.curriculum and much more.

School HoursSchool Hours

Drop off- 8:10-8:25Drop off- 8:10-8:25 First Bell- 8:25, Students are in First Bell- 8:25, Students are in

line ready to begin the school line ready to begin the school day. *It is important for your day. *It is important for your child to be on time, as this sets child to be on time, as this sets the tone for the rest of the day.the tone for the rest of the day.

Tardy Bell- 8:30Tardy Bell- 8:30 Dismissal- 3:00Dismissal- 3:00

ArrivalArrival The first week The first week

PARENT Drop Off / WALKERSPARENT Drop Off / WALKERSMonday and Tuesday:Monday and Tuesday: Starting at 8:10, students may arrive in the Starting at 8:10, students may arrive in the

classroom. Please feel free to park and walk your classroom. Please feel free to park and walk your child into the classroom. After the tardy bell rings child into the classroom. After the tardy bell rings and school begins, we ask that you hug your child and school begins, we ask that you hug your child goodbye so that we can begin our day.goodbye so that we can begin our day.

Wednesday thru Friday:Wednesday thru Friday: Starting at 8:10, students may arrive at the middle Starting at 8:10, students may arrive at the middle

courtyard. If you feel that it is necessary, you may courtyard. If you feel that it is necessary, you may walk your child onto the campus and to the walk your child onto the campus and to the courtyard. Please say goodbye to your child there.courtyard. Please say goodbye to your child there.

The rest of the school year:The rest of the school year: Use regular drop off procedures. Also, if you would Use regular drop off procedures. Also, if you would

like to bring your child onto campus in the morning, like to bring your child onto campus in the morning, you will need to sign in at the office.you will need to sign in at the office.


The first week The first week BUS RIDERSBUS RIDERS

Monday and Tuesday:Monday and Tuesday: The bus will drop off your child in the The bus will drop off your child in the

loading/unloading zone. A Ryan teacher will be loading/unloading zone. A Ryan teacher will be waiting for all Kindergarten students and will walk waiting for all Kindergarten students and will walk them to their classroom. At Meet the Teacher Night, them to their classroom. At Meet the Teacher Night, you will be provided with labels that include your you will be provided with labels that include your child’s name and teacher. Please wear them the child’s name and teacher. Please wear them the first week of school.first week of school.

Wednesday thru Friday:Wednesday thru Friday: Students will be escorted to the courtyard from the Students will be escorted to the courtyard from the

bus zone. bus zone. The rest of the school year:The rest of the school year:

Students will walk to the courtyard where supervision Students will walk to the courtyard where supervision will be provided.will be provided.

LunchLunch Please pack your child’s lunch in Please pack your child’s lunch in

easy-to-open containers. Your child easy-to-open containers. Your child will only have 20 minutes to eat and will only have 20 minutes to eat and if they cannot open the containers if they cannot open the containers they will not have time to finish their they will not have time to finish their meal.meal.

For the first week, we ask that you For the first week, we ask that you send a lunch with your child so we send a lunch with your child so we may teach them lunch procedures. may teach them lunch procedures.

https://www.mylunchmoney.com/ https://www.mylunchmoney.com/ We would love your help in the We would love your help in the

lunchroom. Please contact your lunchroom. Please contact your child’s teacher if you can assist in child’s teacher if you can assist in the cafeteria during lunch time. the cafeteria during lunch time.


Bus riders will be assigned a color Bus riders will be assigned a color for their bus and a tag will be placed for their bus and a tag will be placed on their backpacks.on their backpacks.

A teacher from Ryan will be riding A teacher from Ryan will be riding home on each bus the first week to home on each bus the first week to make sure that Kindergarteners get make sure that Kindergarteners get off on the right stop. off on the right stop.

If your student will be riding the bus If your student will be riding the bus home, please make sure an adult or home, please make sure an adult or an older sibling will be at the stop to an older sibling will be at the stop to meet them. Otherwise, the child will meet them. Otherwise, the child will not be released from the bus, and not be released from the bus, and will be brought back to school.will be brought back to school.

Pick up continuedPick up continuedCAR PICK UPCAR PICK UP

Kindergarten students will dismiss from the Kindergarten students will dismiss from the east playground at 3:00. east playground at 3:00.

Siblings of K/1 students will be picked up Siblings of K/1 students will be picked up with their brother or sister. They will wait with their brother or sister. They will wait outside of Building C.outside of Building C.

Please pull into the pick up lane in the Please pull into the pick up lane in the northeast parking lot. Please be ready to northeast parking lot. Please be ready to drive forward to get your child. You will be drive forward to get your child. You will be provided with a yellow sign to display on the provided with a yellow sign to display on the passenger visor. A teacher on duty will help passenger visor. A teacher on duty will help your child get into the car on the right hand your child get into the car on the right hand side so please remain in your vehicle.side so please remain in your vehicle.

Please place booster/car seats on the right Please place booster/car seats on the right passenger side of your vehicle.passenger side of your vehicle.

You must have your yellow car sign in You must have your yellow car sign in order to pick up your child!order to pick up your child!

Pick up continuedPick up continuedWALKERSWALKERS

Students will dismiss from the east Students will dismiss from the east playground at 3:00. playground at 3:00.

If you are walking, please come to If you are walking, please come to the south gate and check with the the south gate and check with the teacher on duty to get your child. teacher on duty to get your child.

If an older sibling is picking up your If an older sibling is picking up your Kindergartener, they must have the Kindergartener, they must have the yellow sign.yellow sign.

Please form a line by the south gate Please form a line by the south gate fence of the playground. This will fence of the playground. This will allow us to create an orderly pick up.allow us to create an orderly pick up.

You must have your yellow sign in You must have your yellow sign in order to pick up your child!order to pick up your child!

General TransportationGeneral Transportation If your child is a bus rider, please stop by If your child is a bus rider, please stop by

the MPR during Meet the Teacher. You will the MPR during Meet the Teacher. You will be able to verify your child’s bus stop, and be able to verify your child’s bus stop, and sign a bus transportation agreement form.sign a bus transportation agreement form.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that we have all IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that we have all pick up information for your child. At Meet pick up information for your child. At Meet the Teacher Night, you will be asked to the Teacher Night, you will be asked to provide/verify your child’s transportation provide/verify your child’s transportation to/from school.to/from school.

IF there are ANY changes to your child’s IF there are ANY changes to your child’s pick up schedule, please let your pick up schedule, please let your classroom teacher know by email 2:00pm. classroom teacher know by email 2:00pm. **First week, PLEASE call the front First week, PLEASE call the front office!office!

SuppliesSupplies Please make sure your child has Please make sure your child has

the following items labeled with the following items labeled with their name:their name: BackpackBackpack Water bottleWater bottle Lunch boxLunch box A white,1 inch, 3 ring binderA white,1 inch, 3 ring binder Change of clothes in a Ziploc bag Change of clothes in a Ziploc bag Your child’s teacher may have a Your child’s teacher may have a

wish list of additional items wish list of additional items needed.needed.


We have a fabulous PTO Board We have a fabulous PTO Board this year!this year!

Please go to the PTO website Please go to the PTO website for more information: for more information: http://ww2.chandler.k12.az.us/dhttp://ww2.chandler.k12.az.us/domain/3564omain/3564

Volunteer forms, Art Volunteer forms, Art Masterpiece, etc.Masterpiece, etc.

Room Parent Room Parent

English Language Arts (ELA)English Language Arts (ELA)

Kindergarten builds the foundation for your Kindergarten builds the foundation for your child’s academic success. We will focus on a child’s academic success. We will focus on a progression of skills for reading, writing, progression of skills for reading, writing, listening, speaking, and the use of language listening, speaking, and the use of language effectively in a variety of content areas.effectively in a variety of content areas.

The Common Core Standards in ELA are:The Common Core Standards in ELA are:

* * research and evidence basedresearch and evidence based

** aligned with college and work experiences aligned with college and work experiences

** rigorous, and rigorous, and

** Internationally benchmarked. Internationally benchmarked.

**information per ADE information per ADE

ELA Standards ELA Standards Three Areas of FocusThree Areas of Focus

*Reading Literature*Reading Literature

*Reading Informational Text*Reading Informational Text

*Reading Foundation Skills*Reading Foundation Skills For the complete list of ELA For the complete list of ELA

academic content standards academic content standards please visit: please visit: http://www.cusd80.com/cms/lib6/AZ01001175/Centricihttp://www.cusd80.com/cms/lib6/AZ01001175/Centricity/Domain/4554/ELA_K-2nd_blueprints.pdf ty/Domain/4554/ELA_K-2nd_blueprints.pdf

What does this look like in the What does this look like in the classroom?classroom?

Differentiated InstructionDifferentiated Instruction Whole Group InstructionWhole Group Instruction Small Group InstructionSmall Group Instruction Assessment Based InstructionAssessment Based Instruction Independent Work Independent Work

Stations/Learning CentersStations/Learning Centers Collaborative Group WorkCollaborative Group Work

Common Core MathematicsCommon Core Mathematics The math standards are designed to show a The math standards are designed to show a

progression of skills emphasizing problem-progression of skills emphasizing problem-solving, quantitative reasoning, and solving, quantitative reasoning, and modeling.modeling.

3 areas of emphasis:3 areas of emphasis:*Focus- narrows & deepens curriculum, strong *Focus- narrows & deepens curriculum, strong

conceptual understanding, a high degree of conceptual understanding, a high degree of procedural skills and fluency, and the ability to procedural skills and fluency, and the ability to problem solve.problem solve.

*Coherence- connecting ideas across grades, and *Coherence- connecting ideas across grades, and linking major topics within grades.linking major topics within grades.

*Rigor- conceptual understanding, procedural skills and *Rigor- conceptual understanding, procedural skills and application.application.

For the complete list of Common Core Math standards For the complete list of Common Core Math standards please visit: please visit: http://www.cusd80.com/cms/lib6/AZ01001175/Centricity/Dohttp://www.cusd80.com/cms/lib6/AZ01001175/Centricity/Domain/4550/math_K_blueprints.pdf main/4550/math_K_blueprints.pdf

What does this look like in the What does this look like in the classroom?classroom?

Whole Group InstructionWhole Group Instruction Small Group InstructionSmall Group Instruction Assessment Based InstructionAssessment Based Instruction Independent Work Independent Work

Stations/Learning CentersStations/Learning Centers Collaborative Group WorkCollaborative Group Work Use of ManipulativesUse of Manipulatives Engaging Math Activities/GamesEngaging Math Activities/Games

Content Areas Integrated into Content Areas Integrated into ELA and MathELA and Math

Social StudiesSocial Studies ScienceScience WritingWriting Character EducationCharacter Education Music/Fine ArtsMusic/Fine Arts Physical Education/HealthPhysical Education/Health Media/TechnologyMedia/Technology

SpecialsSpecials Your child will have a 30 minute special Your child will have a 30 minute special

everyday.everyday. The district follows a 6 day rotation schedule.The district follows a 6 day rotation schedule. Your child’s teacher will provide you with a Your child’s teacher will provide you with a

specials schedule, which will include the time specials schedule, which will include the time and name of special.and name of special.

Specials are: Music, P.E., Library and Specials are: Music, P.E., Library and Computer Lab.Computer Lab.

Please dress appropriately and wear tennis Please dress appropriately and wear tennis shoes on P.E. days.shoes on P.E. days.

Kindergarten students may check out 1 book, Kindergarten students may check out 1 book, and will need to return it on their next Library and will need to return it on their next Library day in order to check out a new one.day in order to check out a new one.

Odds & Ends!Odds & Ends!

Your child’s teacher will have Your child’s teacher will have information regarding specific information regarding specific classroom traditions and classroom traditions and procedures on their website.procedures on their website.

This information will include:This information will include:

*discipline policy *snack *discipline policy *snack *celebrations *star student *celebrations *star student *birthday treats *wish lists *birthday treats *wish lists *volunteers*volunteers

Thank you!Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you at We look forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher Night, Thursday, Meet the Teacher Night, Thursday, July 18July 18thth from 5-6:30 pm. from 5-6:30 pm.

Student lists will be posted outside Student lists will be posted outside the Kindergarten classrooms at 5:00 the Kindergarten classrooms at 5:00 pm. pm.

Your child’s teacher will be able to Your child’s teacher will be able to answer any questions or concerns answer any questions or concerns you may have.you may have.
