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s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY...

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s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter Hero W orth $30.QOO As 500 Fight Fans ^ Escape From Blaze .BOISE, Auk. 11 (U.PJ—Authorities today estimated at nearly $1,000,000 the damage from a spectacular fire that swept throuKh a boxing arena, two warehouses and lumber y&rd here la«t night, endangering the Uvea of BOO sports fans. Credit for saving the lives of the crowd in the arena went' to Jimmy Allen; a sportswriter. Allen, from nearby Nampa, Ida., took charge of the public,---------------------------------------- address system when smoke came into the building and , preserved order. Laigtst loss WM U> •wwWnv Idaho- -^astem Oregon CCC dlatrlct cqulp- "m ent stored In the same building u the arena. Ueut. Col. 0. W. Jones,, dlatrlct commander, said cont«nt« of the wareho'use, completely de» stroyed, waa valued* at more than S75O.OD0.*It'included 14 trucks and two passenger cars. AttracU 10,000 The entire storage yard of the Slone Lumber company next to the warehouse was swept by flames, which nared hundreds of itti in the air '.fcnd attracted an estimated 10.000 specutdrs. Manager Bert ' atone said between 1.780.000 and 3,- 000,000 board leel ol lumber and large slocks of coal, wire and build- ing materials- worth MS.OOO destroyed. Lumber piles were still «moulder- Ing today. ' Billy n-ank. arena 'lesee. said he tort about HOMO verth of ath- IcUc «iulpmeat. The buOdlug hous- ing'tlw arena and 000 warehousw t WM imofm M tb« B ryut Assembly plan^ and via used for assemblioc aut«dobUes ahortly af(«- lU «oa^ structifln aljrotl5 y e a n » . ------- - remalndtr of the fire loss waa to heavy road equipment storrt in a building of the 8avtooth company. U t^ OU IMlxUng Compaq taw* line storage tn an a(liJotninf lot were eadaagib«d for two bouit f ta t none explodad; < Started to DNeafaic R om V/UamnMiAM started la - an aieiMi dreMlng^Toom while t h i r d ' AUeo . t^ie crowd became nervous told the' fighters to keep going, lliey did but ;ttie Umekeeper cut the round short. Then Allen calmly said there WAA a paper (Ire In a dressing room and "there will now be a short In- termission while the smoke clears.’ Allen was among the iMt .persons from the building. He carried part of the ampIKvliig equipment, crawl- ing on the noor because of smoke. Soon after he got out, the entire I structure wb« in flame.'j. Tlie rxBct caaie of the fire wps not known. Only the Slone niid Saw- looth con^ptlnl^!^ were fully Insured, IN liM iL L tfflHTINBmZE WENATCHEE, Wash., Aug. 11 4Uf!i —Aiiothpr of It BcrlM of lunilier mill fiiPR broke out In 11m mirs-Colrnian l.unitwr rnmpnny plant liprr todny. cnii.ilng dnmiigr In rxcrss nf |100,0{10. Flrf ofMclftK rx|irmfcl ilie opinion It. wiin of Itifoiidliiry orl«lii. > 'n ir fire wii« fclx Ijlorkti from th<* M-i'nr of Buolhrr hliiw> wlili'h Wciliir.Mlciy niiiM'd 1300,000 (liiiilltKf- Wllhln rrornt werkn more tlinn t3.000.000 (If inllln liitvo hrrn Irvrlrd l>y fn«!' on (lie Pnrllli: coant nnd In (lit Pacific nordiwrnt. HOLDING S E S S M BKU.IN, Aug. II <u.Pi-The Ger- man and Italian foreign ministers met In Saliburg today for an Im- portant three-day conference at which the policies of the two axis powers will be thoroughly aired. Foreign M inister Joachim von Blbbentrop of Ocrmany and Count OaleasZQ Clano of Italy, were ex* pocted to discuss and outline th« luture course of the two powers not only In Europe but In the Orient, Subjects will Include the Danzlg< Polish dispute. BOuthea.item Etirope —Including Czechoslovakia, Hun- gary, Rumania, Bulgaria and others ~ ^ cd the possibility of Japanese ad- hesion to a full mllltar>' alliance with -ttn axis powtTs. Arrtvet at lUliburg Olaoo arrtved at Saltburg shortly after noon today, where Ribbentrop awaited him. Bamardo Attollco, Italian ambassador to Qennany, also went to Salzburg. lending additional weight to the conference. There were unofficial reports Rlb- bentrop and Olano might arrange for a conference between Adolf Hitler and Benito MusAOllnl, Nazi quarters, commenting on last night’s speech by Albert Forster, Dantlg Nazi leader, on relations with Poland.' continued their new ten- dency to Join-. Great Britain and France with tbtlr denunciations of Pohsh^llcy. ' Blame British, French Poland's ••raagalomanla." tl . ■aid. was due to British and French •ncoura^ment. "When Forster expressed the faith of Danzlgers that the hour of free- dom would soon rliiK and that the fuehrer of the Germans would ful- •lUl his wish to bring them back to tlw Itich, tliereby re'-establlshlng thtf- iHtht of self - dctermlnaUon which, was withheld from Oerman Dantlg hi 1919, he spoke, to the 0«r- ; «»»'peTOl# from hU sou^ said "the Bo«rsen*Z#ltung. ‘lOerman Danzig ^ giren jan answer, which Is final Co the Poles and to those who prod ___ i_ ■ PIIEIENISB M LSEtymiK ACI OK H S I O N HYDE PARK. N. Y,. Aug, 11 <U.R) —President Roosevelt today signed the social sccuilly revision act. n-eezlng pnyi-oll U»xes ni one per cent for the next three years to ef- fect a *805,000,000 lax savings for business and employes, <*Mtt'RooRevclt term ed the measi^re •'jjrtother tremendous step _forward in providing greater security for the people of this country." He said it U Imperative that Insur- nee benefli.i Incorporated in the so- cial security program "be extended to workers In all occupations.” At a press confercnce during which he revealed he had signed th« bill, the Preside^ crltlclMd tlie Connally amendment; which congress reject- ed, as a step toward complete fed- lerallzatlon of the social security pro. ^ram. The rejected Thh man It worth >30.000. "dead or alive." lie U Uuls (Uphe) nyrhaller, notorious fu- gitive rarketerr, ihonrn In a hUh- erln unpublished photo. The Nrw York hoard of ettlmate and tha FDI placed thn heavy reward on I,epke'H hrad ai one of the great- mt tnan-hants In V. H. hlitorj' got nndrr way in find him and de> atroy the re»t of (he underworld. KIONSEION lE A I soosloy WAHIllNOl'ON, Aug. 11 lU.Fl)- SetTClury of Agrlciilliire ilvnry A. Wallace today had rnvlned and ex- tended Uin wlirnt export niihnMy program to July SI, IMO, In an ff- forl to hold foreign niarkela Kilned In I he laiit year. tJnrtrr Ihe new program aiiUnldles \Mll l)« paid dlrentlsf to «a;)orl«rA ou a rnii)|>«tltlve banln. Under Ihe old program the government purrliased Uif wheat and sold It to eximrtera nt a price which would enable them to # «r|] (I abroad at a profit, HrKlnnIng next Saturday export- ein will pinrhase wheal dirfwtly from mill* and elevators, seek a foreign maikft and advise U»e de- partment of agrluiillure Uia amount nf niilwltly necewaiy to finance the eximrt, "Hie payment method of asslsllng Ihe exportation of wheat will move the wheat Inlo ex|>ort more oom- lilriely Ihrmigh normal ehannela of tvadf," Wallace «aW. Me itaervea the rlvlit-lo Urmlnate Uie program (III five days' noUoe, 'm e nrwHint method of poating flour simo|dy rates from day to day will be roiitliiiied, Wallace said, D ur- .Ing (he I'""! markeUng year- (ha United Htatas sold liB,OM.OOO biinliein of..wlieat and flour abroad under a lubtkly averaging 97 o«tU a bushel Offlrlalu said (hat Uit new )>ro> W ram ^ designed to hold this V oountry’s fair share, of Uie world wheat market. Girl’s Slayer Is Termed as Old Criminal WF^HT I'Al.M nKAOH, Fla,. Aug. 11 (U.n)-- Thoman Cociuan, 3i. who lured ivio HlrK from Miami on the pretext of KnU'UK tliem movie Jobs and rapeil nnd murdered ono of them. irvnilrd today to>l>e a criminal adveiiiinnr wlio has been preying' on women throughout the tounti?, for 13 >car«. » rnllc.' rrjmrts Involved him In at Inaht line.other rape case, posalbly aiiiUher iniiriler. In swindles. Imper- nonikllouh and sriluctlons, lie had denrrtrd Ihe anny; abandoned a Ife and two chllilien In San Fran- rlw<i; iHihcd aa a federal offlrer and a tnlrnv MtniV Iiir the movies, at otlini- pcrimb of hU career he ha<: held If'Kiliinnlo ‘ Jobe as an auj^l radio iiioHram director and author of nliDiL plnys. He had move<fiaboiit the country continually, usually In coiniiany uf pretty women whom he seduced a/id alMindoned. Naved Irom M«!b« •I'odiiy he was hidden lii aome Jail or prison oulslde this city to save him from inolis that threatened him twice yenterday, llie Hirl he knifed and nhot h death in Ilie awampi was Franrn RuUi Dunn. 17, a high school atii dent. Me had taken her and Jean Dolton, hloiut I7-year-o)d bluea er from Miami Monday with their parents' bonsent, ||« had said he wm hunting talent /or a new movie proj- (OMIlauW »a rit* I. Ceiuma t) OIRT'KirLKI) TABMON'l'ON, Utah, Aug. II (um -rFranoe* Oalder. IS, sail U k i City, died insunuy last night when the motorayole on which she was riding hit a hnrae. Brf|tr Stowe, '19, also Balt IJike oily, driver of the motor cycle, WM. Injured soriousiy iii tin crash. CLIIieS' 34 « Bolstered by shlpmcnUt of sheep and merchandise as top commodi- ties. outgoing freight from Magic Valley during July soared 34 car- loads higher than the figure for the SQBie montli Inst year. Total for July was S87 cars from tho M key points In Magic Valley compared to 663 from ihe name communities In July of IDUO, nrrord- tng to Rosa Crtsplno, UuIch\ Pac»lc traveling freight ogent. Top Item In the outgoing hhlp- meiits for the month was nlieep, with 80 cars. Merchandise came next with S3 rarloads. With spud shipping season at an end and new spuds Ktlil to come, one lone car of potatoes left the Magic Valley, Con- nlderrd a,s a general cliis.iiricnllon. llvrftlock wan clilef commodity leav- ing the area, with sheep, ciitlle. Hogs and hornea totaling 1»07 cars. Twin 1*^118 paced tlie hhlp]>1iig volume with 103 carloails. Hurley ranked hccond at 08 rars; iiuhl was till with. 88 and Jerome fourth ^Ul\ W. Other rnnWnn» were Paul. M; Uiiprrt, 4D; Kimberly. <7; Flier, Wriidrll, 30; Clooiling, in; Han- II: Muitaugh and Haaleton, hevrn riu-li; ICdeii, two. "Go. spirit, go! Oh, loeee her!"—and Preacher Cbarile Jessup watehek woman swoon, collapse in dramatic finhh to “laying on of hands'* healing service at FaOowshlp revival (ent church In Fort Worth, Tex. Jimmie Jessup, one of foor cvaniellst brothers, fitches snbjec(s. slretohM them out on sawdo^ floor. "When your knees get weak. Just drop. It U the spirit of the says Preacher Jessup. ---------------- ------------------------------^ -------------------------------------------------------------- --- MilUonaji^!^,Indicted- For Evasion of Tax CHICAGO, Aug. 11 <U,R)—A federal irrantl jury today in- dicted M. L. Annenberg. multi-mlUlonairo riiiladelphift jnib- lisher, fof>lleged ovaHion of more than $5,500,000 in in- come taxM and penalties. “This is the biggest income tax eva.sion indictment returned by a grand jury.” U. would have revUed the basis of fed' eral contributions to states for so- cial security financing, from * dol- lar-for-dollar matching basis' to a two-dollars-for-one ratio. Cancels Old Plans Making extensive rcvUlons In Uie New Deal's social security, plan, the bill cancels- previous plans to' in - crease payroll taxes to one and one- half per cent on employers and em- ployes. It also extends social secur- ity coverage to more than 1 , 000.000 workers not previously covered and advanced two years Uie beghmlng of old age annuity pajmenta financed by taxes levied e<iually on workers and employers. Tttose paymenta had been scheduled to begin In January. 1042, but rtpw will begin next Jan- uary. I INStlltANCK HtCAII HKI.I) aKA’ITI.K, Aug. .11 turn -Federal [lli rv^ today i\e\d hi the Khig coun- ty Jill) Itiiyninnd F. Marquln, 03, pimicli'iii ol the Union lleiiervo Life Iiinurnni it Company of Aritonii, hv difteil on a rlmrge of iijiing Uio iiinlh III dcfiaiKl In roniiertlon with Milr (if ^rcln•|tlell of an Innurance holdinn roiporatlon. NAMES in the NEWS. tlly United P rw ) ............ the Canadian raolflo'liner Kmprrss of Britain, but avlildrd ■hip reporters and sourrird down the gan(plank as soon as (he ship moored . . . 'Ilie pluii In houhe Ihe fiiiiMly <if VhB Dlonni- tiHhiUiplel* in n "drrnm ho m e " hti.s iHTii hii«l>ciidi-d Inih'fl- nlloiy. iioiirdlnK to Dr. Alliin Itoy Dafoe. Itii! Imblc;.’ phy.slolitn . . . mayor Morrllo H. I.atiiinrillii of New Yiirk said (he eiitrrtalii- ment at Hie fair In his city had been "ntripp^d of the remnlrnt Kmblaiice of vuliarlty" . . . l’Xt'Ald<'nl IKio.sovrIt .nlgnril u hi! authdrlnliiH crnilloii of it ilui.'riiii at th e Cii.Mcr liiittlofleld niitic>ni<l cemetery in Montana , , , In II li'ltiT lo lin' young Dcniocia Uo Qotivriitlon at I'lltxUuitlh, I'oM m aster Jnnlc•^ A. l-‘iirlny. wlin h li E'imnH’, wioie Ihiit Ihfl only cciii- trybijllou^ III the Ilepiihllritii piul] weru' blind olnlriiRllon and unieii aotilnu o|i|HjAiiion . . , llollywnod pollre were altein|it- ing (n link Tliciniaa Cochran, c-iin- fessed I liirlila rapUt-murdrrrr, with HlayliiK In (he film city nf Anya Sfinoyem, ItuMlan danrer... Big Twin-Motor Ship Falls, Burni After Take-( LANGLEY FIELD, Va.. Aug. 11 (UP)—Nine army ifUiri;' ' were killed today wheri a two-motored army Douglaa bombe?:^ , crashed a moment after taking off here on a pracUce^iUght.-- The plane wa.s a standard Douglas bomber of the type-'d*. signated as B-18S. It burned after crashing. The dead were: Lieut. Homer M. Mackayi' ‘ : . army air corps, pilot; Thomas Lee Butner, rm rre ,. ' co-pilot; Technical Sergt; William Morgan; Staff Seirgt. Haymond J. Shelley, Stiff Sergt. Everett Kirkpatrick;. Staff 'Sergt.-Howard A. Jau-?.- emig; C orral Pete Bunykr Private Pete'; Reale, lat class {. Private Roy'Bv Leopold. The plane rose Ironi the field oa: the takeoff. Uien dived toddeDly and crashed from a heigh), of ISO teet It was enveloped In flaiOM most immediately, defeating effort* to rescue the men trapped in th* cabin. Air corps officials advanced no ImmedUte theory as to cause for Ui9 accident, one of the most sertoua recenUy encountered by tho flying service. A board of air corps officers wa* being convened to launch an Imme- diate inquiry Into the disaster. ' , •nie plane took off from-the-fWd— at 1:28 p. m. aod crashed at 1:30. The wreckage burned so fiercely that an,hour after the accUent resctw- squads had been imable to lemoi* the bodies of the crew. - S. District Attorney William J. Carppbell said. Tlie Indictment charged Annen- berg failed to pay |3,3S8,BOO.[)'2 In Income taXM on lls newspaper and race Information enterprises In Die years 1S33*3S Inclusive, PennltleA and Interest amounted to t3.380.87f03. Paid Small Tax In those years, the Bovrriiment charged, Annenberg ixiid tottil in- come laxeH of >634,510.20, In ID '.Vi h e ILited as having paid lax as having evaded piiyiui'iil of 1313,107, Tlie grand Jury alko hulii icd An nenberg'a sons, W nllrr, Amnicl W. Kniso and Jo.<iepi) E. llufuer, all oCflQlaLi of the Cellla Co, Hip hold- hn and oiicrntlnj; coiupiuij- Uiv tl\« 'A<|)tfeii;ber8 lntcrr«U, iin iillcKi'dly aiding and iibettinK Hie fvii.iloii. The Indictment rllinnxcd two yntr.i of Investigutloii by Inlerniil n-vrnuo nHeniA and nine wee)t^ nl Ki'imd Mi y heavingn during which ft« niulitors Vern employed to hieak ilown Ihn fSampllcated tKmkkerpliiK of Aiinrn- berg’s many eomininle.'. Owns Rif KiitrriMixri Anncnbeig In uwnci' of ili<- I'lilla- delphla Inquirer, riidlii itnrl imivid "fHii" magatlnen, and llm imilnn- wide news sei-vlre, wlili-h flii|iplles hovM riico Infornmtlon, Oumpbell aiuuiiinceil ihr indlrt- niniV as ‘'only une ot ii ,Milca" wiilrh would re,mlt from Iniiiiiiy inio Annenbcrg's enterprises. 'IDn Indictment wan irtiunnl lie- foie Federal Judge Janirh M. Wllkrr- soii, who set bond for Annnili''iK tit 1100,000 and for tiio otiiera ai lan,- 000 each. menu to the acL rep- resent another tremendous step for- ward In providing greater security for the people of this counto',” ’Mr. Roosevelt said. » Old Age Pensions 'Tills is especially,true In the case of the federal old age insucat^ cys- tem whV* has now,6eta converted Into a «y»tem of old age and sur- vivor#’ Insurance providing llfe-Ume family security Instead of only In- dividual old age security to the work- ers In Insured occupations. In ad- dition to Uie worker himself, mil- lions of widows and orphans will now be afforded some degree of protection in the event of his death whether before or after his retire- ment. •The site of the benefiu to be paid during the early years will be far more adequate than under the present. However, a reasonable rela- tionship Vs retained between wage loos sustahied and benefits receiv- ed. This Is a most distinguishing characteristic of social Insurance as contrasted with any system of flat pensions." M n DEAL PITTSBURGH, Aug. 11 (U.R)— Bluntly warned by -President BMsevelt that the DeBoeraUfl party most namlna'ie a liberal fer President In IMO or do withont bU help In the campaign, the natloo- at convention of the Yonng Demo- crats of America (oday apparendy was headed toward an endorse- men( ot New Deal poUeies. Delegates at the opening session of the meethis last night cheered as a message from the President was read to them by Pitt Tyson Maner, of Alabama, Young Democrat presi- dent, studied emphasis. Maner shouted over a blaring public ad*- dress system the words of Presi- dent Roosevelt: •If we nctnliiBle conaervotive can- didates or lip-scrvlce candidates on a straddlebug platform, 1 personally for my own self respect and because of my long service to. anU belief In, liberal democracy will fintiyt im- possible to have any active in such an unfortunate suicide of the old Democratic party. Faith In Wisdom “I do not anticipate any event will take place, for I believe the convention wlU see. the political wisdom as well as the national wis- dom, of giving to the voters of the Qnlt^ States an opportunity to maintain the practice and policy ot moving forward with a liberal hu- manitarian program.’’ Tlie m essa^ touched off a series of laudator; spcechea In his behidf. Sen. Claoda ^vpfiet, ol I’locid^ ................ the oonventlbn, declared: 'IrrespM Un of a third term for Mr. Roosevelt'hlmself, the Young Demo- crats of America demand a third term fw Roosevelt’s ideas. A third term for RooseVelfs Ideas-that is the keynote of this convention, Bharp A(Uek Ben. Pepper'5 address contained a sharp attack on the “klngtnakers of W all street,” who. he declared, choose Oov. John W. Brlcker of Ohio, for President and Dlittrlct Attorney Tliomas Dewey of New York, for vice-president. Asslsunt SecroUry of War Louis Johnson commended the President's armament proRram, Ode Hrady, of Oklahoma, vice-president of the Yoimg Democrats, declared If Roose- velt siiould seek a tlilrd term, "tliere (C'onllnued on V ift I. Cflli DENVER. Aug. 11 (U.R)—Fifty.niiP kmployca ot thn Denver Armtwr fi uonipany packing plant retiinirrt to work today after a •'last-nilmiK-' iigrccmcnt had ended what offlrinli Mild would have precijiltated ii im- tlon-wide strike. Armonr rcprcAentatlven an<I nlfl- rliila of tho United PackluKhouMi Workers of America, a OIO afflllnie. rrachrd the agreement yest<'rday Ii- m than one hour before the walkout wan to have been called. Tlie rtlsput* centered anmiid a complaint of the workmen us lo ino- dnrtion speed in the beef-killtnB <!'•• partmrnt, 'nte agreement Bjircmri! they return to their Jobs with lull nrnlothy and other rights, and (liiti iwn men be added lo the rrrw in that section of the plant. OIO nffloials said the dinputr orlR- Inaletl -when three vacanolen wlilrh orourred In that crew were not flllnl, although thn same prodiirtlnn sprcil was ordered." Richer, More Vigorous Life in Beach of Nation in 1940, New York Executive Says Youthful Pair Takes Off on Ocean Flijjht HT. PETICItS, N. a * Aug. U (UP) -Alex Loeb. 33. and Uiuk Drcker, X\. both of New York City, t'llinbnl Into Ihrir Ryiin moiiopliinr today, aiinouiu'rd tliry wrtr hrnilUig for lyiir.i. Irrland. and took nif. 'ilir tllcrn arrived iieir morr tluin week ago but nald notliink’ almul liliinnliiK a iraiKi-Atlantlc hop. Tliry ooX on '.>AD Knllonn ot-gaMiUne he* 01 f wIIliiB out. Um-Ii and lJr<-kpr. slnrr tin'lr lU'- Iviil hrrp hiid flown «vPinl lliurir c> the Hvdiiry, N. B., airport where ihi'V aludlcil weather charU lUid iiliiT tnclrorolngk'al <lata Init gave 111 lilnl Hint tiiey planiird lo UV a I'jiriy today they tiRik off from H\dnry airport, 130 inilrn noili) of ■ir lor Ml. 1‘eteia. Thry had oideied a tiui'kU»i<I nf ^^lin^ Id inent them here whrve rm In a tliree-mlie hard nand hniih. Two toiiJi of fuel were plaord id and a few nilnules later tlicv In tho air. A handful of vaca- iR watflhpd Ihe take-off, I.orb Miid Ihn piann t'urried surflcient fuel keep It going for 3D hours. NOS OF S I SAfiAlEyil#- StENFiffiOIS ATLANTIO cm . H, J.. Aug. 11 OI.PJ — A n A m e ric a n Labor executive couaoO ... was reportod ready* M fty to mend gyanUn? of.;»n to‘“ charter to . ol Actort, Trtvtt SttrtodktapB variety ahista in the dustry. Approval of the reported recom-- mendaUon by the fuH APL eiecuUv* coUndl probably would split the In* dustry-composed of leglUmate art - ists of the sUge, movie actors and' actresses, variety, or night club an(t vaudeville artists, and stafehands— wide open. The committee, composed of Mai- thew Won. Thobws A. Rlckert an^. John Ooeflel. conferred aepataieiy > with the opposing factions uid uiui planned a short executive session before reporUng to the full council. The ilnsl decision of the execuUv* council will be an heroic one. U will require all the- eounoU- men's courage because, if the verdict goes against the actors, a couple million dollar*’ .worth of artlstlo temperament, all congregated in this vicinity, will explode In unison; every studio light lu Hollywood may;' go out; curtains may ring down on every lej^tlmate show In the coun- try. And if tlie decision Is against the hUgchands, the same thin* may‘. hapiten anyway. Aiiirrlia, on the threshold of 18«0, han wlihln lu grasp "a much richer and moil' vigomns" life tlian any. thiiiK III >he 30* o r 30n, 'Hint was the opilmlstio forecast BVeadlly-lnttraMttg lm)X)rlance ... New York hiialness and imlltlcal e#'- clen. He Is H, Dudley Hwlm, who nket<mrd his foreca^il for IB4Q hi an Kveiilng ’limes Interview before Ipavliig for New York to resume his (Iiillrn «g vlro-presldenl of NaUonal Inventors corimrntloii. ninllui'l t ••rod up- n east la conRerned, bHRh n far buck aa last May, he pointed that iha* nation Is "fril uji " with 10 yean of "neediesi prlvatliin," Mr. Ilwlm forenaw a "spoiitiincoiin inolilllratlon for pron- perlty by lliii Ainnlt aii |>eople." Uo said that the naUoii Is repudiating the eiiplnUrin m favor of the rrc< ators and pioilin rrn. " I n . t h n IB'JO.i we lia d a »|M)iUa<-u- lar piwpcrltv Init, wlihmil the ade- quate iiiKln iilnnliign ol economic stalesmaiiAhlp and a «irlal plilUa- ophy whii-li wniild niakn II endure, 'llie leadernhiM of this country renl- rd too iniK'li in tUr ariiigant <if Wall atroet who e^|lllllted and did not ctmtrllniie Protiiwrlty VVl»di\ «t*«p "In Uie lUllOi, afii'i- Ihn open de - fault of Wall nt'iret. tho Iradernhlii paosed-lu pollikiiiiii, brlnghig an- other Derlod n> r»ploltallon and, what wls woiM'. an rjililemlr ol cro- nomlo <^iatkery. "Dul'as'We enter the lOIOn and we are only four mOntlis from Iho liirealiold-we have within our uruAp a much richer and more vIihioun life titan anything In Uie 30s or 30s. No longer Is the Amerlean publlo itKiklng to New York or Washington, mil Is buUAlng from wlihhi itsnu » iiroad leoderslilp ot those who by oiperlence luve beon ercntors and intMhicers, raUier than exploiters. "'1,'he realisation Is spreading that K nation can pras|>er only by tlio naiite principles by which the Indi- vidual pmsfwrs,” Mr. Swim cited Uiose prUiclples na being hard work, constantly Inoroas- liig efficiency, thrift, and linaglna- tlnn. ’ Whnn tills becomes popular plil- tn»o|ihy," he asserted, *'we may lonti back and laufh ai Uia near tisgody 'money maglo' of economic iwrveri", the dofeattsm and cowardllneM of thn spendere In dohing our economy, and the ’perpetual motion’ theories o t prosjierlty," Hoes DnUed AoOon The youthful New York oxeuullvo —whose viewf aa to the nation's fu- turn were featur«d recently In a two. rohimn artlole on page one ot Ihe Wail atreel Journal-added elgnlf' IcanUy: "It is conceivable that a s|mntaiie. ous mobUtaalion |!oc j^roaswctly by Uie American people—fed..vn wlUi 10 years of needlosa prlratlon^may well be In Uw maklnf, and Uds should muster In to a cooperative front, not only a aubeUnUally re 1 OF C OnVMENPlANS Action to assist Twin Fails county diilryinen In raising Ihe UftO auoU> iri-ded as tlie counti7'a share in a :cK)|icratlve move lo send fdaho'a lne»t dairy cattlo t« Uie Portland ind Han Francisco ex|>oaltlons was tabled tenijwrarliy today by Uie rwln l^lln Chamber ol Commerce, lending outcome of efforts already mdcrway by dulryincn and oUten, OtUi Koster. IV ln t^lls, explained tho plan to directors at the noon\ nu'ctlng In the llogerson hotel to- day. Prlso examples of dairy cattle from U>o three major breeds will be Into herds and aliown at llOIHI';. Aiig, 11 (Uit)-A roimrl Innrd today by Treasurer w rtle Kiikiiig nhownd the balance Ih ail tuiulA of <ho Idaho state (ovenimsnl liu-ri'iined by 1330,303 during July. 'Hie Jim e 30 balance was M,MO.OOS; on July 31 It was IS.aiO^IM, 'ilie general fund Uropiwd from I1I7,MU to 13,331 overdrawn. Tlie overdrawn balance was made up throiiKh registered warranta. The largest tuc.rea«at «w e Uv «\daw<MUt and uust fiindi. whkh liicreMed •400,437 and »1«7M0 re 'Hie state S'toU) dob» |I,407,W)4, eompared wll he Pacific InternaUonal Uvestock exi>o.iiilon, l*ortland, and at the Na- tional Dairymen's convenUon In Ban Kranclsco. Selected dairy breeden win accompany the herds. Huggests CoeperaUen ____ jr suggested that Uie ohaaber rooperate with the dairymen, and, attitude of the m u p appesiMd 1«‘ vorable. It w^ U iiniB tAble acUon lOr now, however, tn to ascertain Of thf tffortt ahvady underway. Present Incoming mall Mhldlut for Twin F¥1U U appar«nUy.'»aUi« • factory In absence o( ooaplalfila from merchanU and othfT bugtew- men. the chamber w u adrUed in *» r»s» t. CsHm > M Bean Yield WjU Show Big Gains WASHINOTON. AOlJ/ l i f W - ' ; Cdlble dry bMni > wtU elMw %«»ta.o( (C-eattaasd s* rage I, CoIbom 4> '1>37.
Page 1: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter


W orth $30.QOO

As 500 Fight Fans Escape From Blaze

.BOISE, Auk. 11 (U.PJ—Authorities today estimated at nearly $1,000,000 the damage from a spectacular fire that swept throuKh a boxing arena, two warehouses and lumber y&rd here la«t night, endangering the Uvea of BOO sports fans.

Credit for saving the lives of the crowd in the arena went' to Jimmy Allen; a sportswriter. Allen, from nearby Nampa,Ida., took charge of the public ,----------------------------------------address system when smoke came into the building and

, preserved order.L a ig ts t loss WM U> •wwWnv I d a h o -

- ^ a s te m Oregon CCC d la trlc t cqu lp - " m e n t stored In th e sam e bu ild ing u

th e arena . U eu t. Col. 0 . W . Jones,, d la tr lc t com m ander, said cont«n t« o f th e wareho'use, com pletely de» s troyed, waa valued* a t m ore th a n S75O.OD0.*It'included 14 tru ck s a n d two passenger cars.

A ttracU 10,000T h e en tire sto rage y a rd of th e

S lone Lum ber com pany n e x t to th e w arehouse was sw ept by f lam es, w hich na red hundreds o f i t t i in th e a ir '.fcnd a ttrac ted a n e stim a te d 10.000 sp e cu td rs . M anager B e r t

' a to n e said between 1.780.000 a n d 3,-

• 000,000 board le e l ol lu m b e r a n d large slocks of coal, w ire a n d bu ild ­ing m aterials- w orth MS.OOO destroyed.

Lum ber piles were still «m ou lde r- Ing today.

' Billy n-ank. arena 'lesee. said he tort about HOMO v e rth of a th - IcUc «iulpmeat. T h e buOdlug hous­ing 'tlw arena and 0 0 0 warehousw

t WM imofm M tb« B ry u t Assembly plan^ and v ia used for assemblioc aut«dobUes ahortly af(«- lU «oa^structifln a ljro tl5 y e a n » . ------- -

rem a ln d tr of th e fire lo ss waa to heavy road equ ipm ent s t o r r t in a building of th e 8 a v to o th com pany .U t ^ OU IMlxUng C o m p aq ta w * lin e sto rage tn a n a(liJotninf lo t were eadaagib«d for tw o b o u i t

f t a t none explodad;< S tarte d to DNeafaic R o m

V / U a m n M iA M s ta r te d l a- a n aieiMi dreMlng^Toom w hile

t h i r d 'AUeo

. t^ie crow d becam e nervous to ld th e '

• figh te rs to keep going, l l i e y d id b u t ;ttie Umekeeper c u t th e ro u n d sh o r t. T hen Allen calm ly sa id th e re WAA a paper (Ire In a dressing room a n d "there will now be a sh o r t In ­term ission w hile th e sm oke c lea rs .’

Allen was among th e iM t .persons from the building. H e carried p a r t

‘ of th e ampIKvliig equipm ent, c ra w l­ing on the noor because of sm oke.Soon a fte r he got out, th e en tire

I struc tu re wb« in flame.'j.T lie rxBct caa ie of th e fire wps

n o t known. Only th e S lone n iid S aw - loo th con^ptlnl^!^ were fully Insured,

I N l i M i L L t f f lH T I N B m Z E

WENATCHEE, W ash., Aug. 11 4Uf!i —A iiothpr of It BcrlM of lunilier mill fiiPR broke out In 11m m irs-C o lrn ian l.unitwr rnmpnny p la n t lip rr todny. cnii.ilng dnmiigr In rxcrss nf |100,0{10.

F lrf ofMclftK rx |irm fc l ilie op in ion It. wiin of Itifoiidliiry orl«lii.

> 'n i r fire wii« fclx Ijlorkti from th<* M-i'nr of Buolhrr hliiw> wlili'h

Wciliir.Mlciy niiiM'd 1300,000 (liiiilltKf- W llhln rro rn t werkn m ore tlinn

t3.000.000 (If inllln liitvo h r rn Irv rlrd l>y fn«!' on (lie Pnrllli: coant nnd In ( lit Pacific nordiw rnt.

HOLDING S E S S MB K U .IN , Aug. II <u.Pi-The G er­

m a n a n d I ta l ia n foreign m inisters m e t In S a lib u rg today for a n Im­p o r ta n t th ree -d ay conference a t w h ich th e policies of th e two axis pow ers w ill be thoroughly aired.

F o re ig n M in ister Joachim von B lb b en tro p of O crm any and C ount OaleasZQ C lano of Italy , were ex* pocted to d iscuss and outline th« lu tu r e cou rse of the two powers no t o n ly In E u ro p e bu t In th e O rient,

S u b jec ts w ill Include the Danzlg< Po lish d isp u te . BOuthea.item Etirope —Includ ing Czechoslovakia, H un­g a ry , R u m an ia , B ulgaria and o thers ~ ^ c d th e possibility of Japanese ad ­hesio n to a fu ll m llltar>' alliance w ith - t tn ax is powtTs.

A rrtv e t a t lU liburg

O laoo a rr tv e d a t Saltburg shortly a f te r noo n today , w here Ribbentrop aw a ite d h im . B am ardo Attollco, I ta l ia n a m bassado r to Q ennany , also w e n t t o S alzburg . lending additional w eigh t to th e conference.

T h ere w ere unofficial reports R lb- b e n tro p a n d O lano m ight arrange for a con fe rence betw een Adolf H itler a n d B en ito MusAOllnl,

N azi q u a rte rs , commenting on la st n ig h t’s speech by A lbert Forster, D a n tlg N azi leader, on re la tions w ith P o la n d . ' con tinued the ir new te n ­dency to Join-. G reat B rita in and F ra n c e w ith tb t l r denuncia tions of P o h s h ^ l l c y . '

B lam e B ritish, F rench P o lan d 's ••raagalom anla." t l .

■aid. w as due to British and F rench • n c o u ra ^ m e n t .

" W h e n F o rs te r expressed th e fa ith o f D anzlgers th a t the hou r o f free­dom w ould soon rliiK and th a t th e fu e h re r o f th e G erm ans w ould fu l-

•lUl h is w ish to bring them back to t lw I t ic h , tliereby re '-establlshlng thtf- iHtht of self - dcterm lnaU on w hich, w as w ithheld from O erm an D a n t lg h i 1919, h e spoke, to th e 0 « r -

; « » » 'p e T O l# fro m hU s o u ^ sa id "the B o«rsen*Z #ltung. ‘lO erm an D anzig ^ g ire n ja n answ er, w hich Is f ina l Co th e Po les a n d to those w ho prod

___ i _ ■

P I I E I E N I S B M L S E t y m i K

ACI OK H S I O NHYDE PARK. N. Y,. Aug, 11 <U.R)

—Presiden t Roosevelt today signed th e social sccu illy revision act. n-eezlng pnyi-oll U»xes n i one per cen t for th e nex t th ree years to ef­fec t a *805,000,000 lax savings for business a n d employes, <*Mtt'RooRevclt te rm ed th e measi^re •'jjrtother trem endous s tep _forw ard in providing g rea ter security fo r the people of th is country."

H e said it U Im perative th a t In su r- nee benefli.i Incorporated in th e so­

c ia l security p rogram "be extended to workers In a ll occupations.”

A t a press confercnce du ring w hich h e revealed he had signed th« bill, th e P re s id e ^ crltlclM d tlie Connally am endm en t; w hich congress re je c t­ed, as a s tep tow ard com plete fed-

le ra llzatlon of th e social security pro. ^ ra m . T he rejected

T h h m an I t w orth >30.000. "dead or alive." l ie U U u ls (U p h e ) n y rh a lle r , notorious f u ­gitive ra rk eterr, ihonrn In a hU h- e rln unpublished photo. T he N rw York hoard of e ttlm a te a n d tha FD I placed thn heavy rew ard on I,epke'H h rad a i one of th e g rea t- m t tn a n -h a n ts In V. H. h lito rj ' go t n n d r r way in find h im and de> atroy the re»t of (he underw orld.

K I O N S E I O Nl E A I soosloy

W AHIllNOl'O N, Aug. 11 lU.Fl)- SetTClury of Agrlciilliire ilv n ry A. W allace today had rnvlned a n d ex ­tended Uin w lirnt export niihnMy program to July SI, IMO, In an f f - fo rl to hold foreign niarkela K ilned In I he laiit year.

tJnrtrr Ihe new program aiiUnldles \Mll l)« paid dlrentlsf to «a;)orl«rA ou a rnii)|>«tltlve banln. U nder Ihe old program the governm ent p u rrlia se d Uif w heat and sold It to exim rtera n t a price which would enab le th e m to

# «r|] (I abroad a t a profit,HrKlnnIng next S a tu rd ay ex p o rt-

ein will p in rhase w heal dirfw tly from mill* and elevators, seek a foreign m a ik f t and advise U»e d e ­partm en t of agrluiillure Uia a m o u n t nf niilwltly necewaiy to finance th e eximrt,

"H ie paym ent m ethod of a sslsllng Ihe exportation of w heat will move the w heat Inlo ex|>ort m ore oom - lilriely Ihrm igh norm al eh an n e la o f tvadf," Wallace «aW. Me ita erv e a the rlv lit-lo U rm lnate Uie p rog ram (III five days' noUoe,

'm e nrwHint m ethod o f poa ting flour simo|dy rate s from day to day will be roiitliiiied, W allace sa id , D u r-

.Ing (he I'""! m arkeU ng y e a r- (ha United H t a t a s sold liB,OM.OOO biinliein of..wlieat a n d flour a b ro a d under a lubtkly averaging 97 o « tU a bushel

O fflrlalu said (h a t U it new )>ro> W r a m ^ designed to ho ld th is V o o u n t r y ’s fair sh a re , of Uie w orld

w heat market.

Girl’s Slayer Is Termed as Old Criminal

WF^HT I'A l.M nKAOH, F la,. Aug. 11 (U.n)-- T hom an Cociuan, 3 i. who lu red ivio HlrK from Miami on th e p re tex t of KnU'UK tliem movie Jobs and rapeil nnd m urdered ono of them .

irv n ilrd today to>l>e a c rim inal a dveiiiinn r wlio h as been preying ' on women throughout th e to u n ti? , fo r 13 >car«. »

rn llc . ' rrjm rts Involved h im In a t Inaht lin e .o th e r rape case, posalbly aiiiU her iniiriler. In sw indles. Im per- nonikllouh and sriluctlons, l ie had den rrtrd Ihe ann y ; abandoned a

Ife and two chllilien In S a n F ra n - rlw<i; iHihcd aa a federal o fflre r a n d a tn lrnv MtniV Iiir th e movies, a t otlini- pcrim b of hU c a ree r he ha<: he ld If'Kiliinnlo ‘ Jobe a s a n a u j^ l rad io iiioHram direc tor and au th o r of nliDiL plnys. He had move<fiaboiit th e coun try continually, usually In coiniiany uf pretty women whom he seduced a/id alMindoned.

Naved Irom M«!b«•I'odiiy he was h idden lii aome Jail

o r p rison oulslde th is c ity to save h im from inolis th a t th rea te n ed him tw ice yenterday,

l l i e Hirl he knifed a n d nhot h de a th in Ilie awam pi was F ra n rn RuUi D unn. 17, a h igh school atii d e n t. Me had taken h e r a n d Je an D olton, hloiut I7-year-o)d bluea e r from M iami M onday w ith th e ir p a re n ts ' bonsent, | |« had sa id h e wm h u n tin g ta len t /o r a new movie proj-

(OM IlauW »a r i t * I. Ceiuma t)

O IR T 'K irL K I) TABMON'l'ON, U tah , Aug. II (um

-rF ra n o e* O alder. IS, s a i l U k i C ity , d ied i n s u n u y la st n ig h t w hen the m otorayole on which she w as rid ing h i t a hnrae. B rf |tr Stowe, '19, also B a lt IJike o ily , driver of th e m otor cycle, WM. In jured soriousiy iii tin c ra sh .

C L I I ie S '34«B olstered by shlpmcnUt of sheep

a n d m erchand ise as top com m odi­tie s . ou tgo ing f re ig h t from Magic Valley d u r in g Ju ly soared 34 c a r ­loads h ig h e r th a n th e figure fo r the SQBie m on tli In st year.

T o ta l fo r Ju ly was S87 c ars from th o M key po in ts In M agic Valley com pared to 663 from ih e name com m unities In Ju ly of IDUO, n rro rd - tng to Rosa Crtsp lno , UuIch\ P ac» lc traveling f re ig h t ogent.

T op Item In th e outgoing hhlp- m eiits for th e m on th was nlieep, w ith 80 cars. M erchandise cam e n e x t w ith S3 rarlo ad s. W ith spud sh ipp ing season a t an end a n d new spuds Ktlil to com e, one lone c a r of po ta toes le ft th e M agic Valley, C on- n lderrd a,s a genera l cliis.iiricnllon. llvrftlock wan c lile f com m odity leav­ing the a rea , w ith sheep, ciitlle. Hogs a n d hornea to ta ling 1»07 cars.

T w in 1* 118 paced tlie hhlp]>1iig volume w ith 103 carloails. Hurley ranked hccond a t 08 ra r s ; iiu h l was till w ith . 88 and Jerom e fou rth ^ U l \ W. O th e r rnnW nn» w ere Paul. M ; U iiprrt, 4D; K im berly. <7; Flier,

W riidrll, 30; Clooiling, in ; H an- I I : M u itau g h and H aaleton,

hevrn riu-li; ICdeii, two.

"Go. sp irit, go! O h, loeee h e r!" —and Preacher C barile Je ssup w atehek w om an swoon, co llapse in d ram atic f in h h to “lay ing on of hands'* healing service a t FaO ow shlp revival (ent church In F o r t W orth , Tex. J im m ie Jessup , one o f fo o r c van ie llst brothers, f i t c h e s snbjec(s. slre to h M them out on s a w d o ^ floor. "When your knees g e t w eak. Ju st d rop. I t U th e sp ir it o f th e says P reacher Jessup.

---------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- ---

MilUonaji ! ,Indicted- For Evasion of Tax

CHICAGO, Aug. 11 <U,R)—A federal irrantl ju ry today in­dicted M. L. Annenberg. multi-mlUlonairo riiiladelphift jnib- lisher, fof>lleged ovaHion of more than $5,500,000 in in­come taxM and penalties.

“This is the biggest income tax eva.sion indictmentreturned by a grand jury .” U.

would have revUed the basis o f fed ' e ra l con tribu tions to s ta te s fo r so­c ia l security financ ing , from * dol- la r-fo r-d o lla r m atch ing b asis ' to a tw o-dollars-for-one ratio .

Cancels O ld Plans M aking extensive rcvUlons In Uie

N ew D eal's social security, plan , the bill cancels- prev ious p lan s to ' in ­c rease payroll taxes to one and one- h a lf pe r c e n t on em ployers and em ­ployes. I t also ex tends social secur­ity coverage to m ore th a n 1 ,000.000 w orkers n o t previously covered and advanced two years Uie beghm lng of old age ann u ity p a jm en ta financed by taxes levied e<iually o n workers a n d employers. T ttose paym enta had been scheduled to begin In Ja n u ary . 1042, b u t rtpw will begin n e x t J a n ­u a ry . I

INStlltA NCK HtCAII HKI.I)aKA’ITI.K , Aug. .11 turn -F e d e ra l [lli rv^ today i\e \d h i th e K hig coun­

ty Jill) Itiiyninnd F. M arquln, 03, pimicli'iii o l th e U nion lleiiervo Life Iiinurnni it Com pany of A ritonii, hv d ifte il on a r lm rge of iijiing Uio iiin lh III dcfiaiK l In ron iie rtlo n w ith

Milr (if ^rcln•|tlell o f an Innurance holdinn ro ip o ra tlo n .

NAMESin the

NEWS.tlly U nited P r w )

............the C an ad ian ra o lf lo 'l in e rK m prrss of B rita in , bu t avlildrd ■hip reporters a n d so u rrird down th e gan (p lan k as soon as (he sh ip m oored . . .

'I lie pluii In houhe Ihe fiiiiMly <if VhB Dlonni- tiHhiUiplel* in n "d rrnm hom e" hti.s iHTii hii«l>ciidi-d Inih'fl- nlloiy . iioiirdlnK to Dr. Alliin Itoy Dafoe. Itii! Imblc;.’ phy.slolitn . . .

m ay o r M orrllo H . I.atiiinrillii of New Yiirk said (he e iitr r ta li i- m en t a t Hie fa ir In h is c ity had been "ntripp^d of th e rem nlrnt K m blaiice of v u lia r lty " . . .

l’Xt'Ald<'nl IKio.sovrIt .nlgnril u hi! authdrlnliiH crn illo ii o f it ilui.'riiii a t th e Cii.Mcr liiittlofleld niitic>ni<l cem etery in M ontana , , ,

I n II li'ltiT lo lin ' young Dcniocia Uo Qotivriitlon a t I'lltxU uitlh , I'oM m a s te r Jnnlc•^ A. l-‘iirlny. wlin h li E'imnH’, w ioie Ihiit Ihfl only cciii- trybijllou^ III the Ilepiihllritii piul] w eru ' blind olnlriiR llon and unieii aotilnu o|i|HjAiiion . . ,

llollywnod pollre were a lte in |it- in g (n link Tliciniaa C ochran , c-iin- fessed I liirlila rap U t-m u rd rr r r , w ith HlayliiK In (he film c ity nf A nya Sfinoyem, ItuM lan d a n r e r . . .

Big Twin-Motor Ship Falls, Burni After Take-(

LANGLEY FIELD, Va.. Aug. 11 (UP)—Nine army ifUiri;' ' were killed today wheri a two-motored army Douglaa bombe?:^ , crashed a moment a fter taking off here on a pracUce^iUght.--

The plane wa.s a standard Douglas bomber of the type-'d*. signated as B-18S. I t burned after crashing.

The dead were:Lieut. Homer M. Mackayi' ‘ : .

army air corps, pilot;Thomas Lee Butner, r m r r e , . ' co-pilot; Technical S e r g t ; William Morgan; Staff Seirgt. Haymond J. Shelley, S t i f f Sergt. Everett K irkpatrick ;. Staff 'Sergt.-Howard A. Jau-?.- emig; C o r r a l Pete Bunykr Private Pete'; Reale, la t class {. Private Roy'Bv Leopold.

T h e plane rose Ironi th e f ield o a : th e takeoff. Uien dived toddeD ly a n d crashed from a heigh), o f ISO t e e t I t w as enveloped In flaiOM m o st im m ediately, defeating e ffort* to rescue th e m en trap p ed in th * cabin.

A ir corps officia ls advanced n o Im m edU te theo ry as to cause fo r Ui9 acciden t, one of th e m ost sertoua recenU y encountered by th o fly ing service.

A board of a ir corps officers wa* being convened to lau n ch a n Imme­d ia te inquiry In to th e d isaste r. ' ,

• n ie p la n e took o ff fro m -th e -fW d — a t 1:28 p. m . aod c rashed a t 1:30.T h e wreckage burned so fiercely th a t a n ,h o u r a f te r th e a ccU en t resctw- squads h a d been im able to le m o i* th e bodies o f th e crew. -

S. District Attorney William J. Carppbell said.

T lie Ind ictm ent c h a rg ed A nnen­berg failed to pay |3,3S8,BOO.[)'2 In Income taXM on l l s new spaper and race In form ation e n te rp rise s In Die years 1S33*3S Inclusive, PennltleA and Interest am ounted to t3.380.87f03.

P a id S m all T ax In those years, th e Bovrriiment

c harged, A nnenberg ixiid tottil in ­come laxeH of >634,510.20, In ID'.Vi he

ILited a s hav ing paid lax a s hav ing evaded piiyiui'iil of

1313,107,T lie g rand Jury alko hulii icd An

nenberg'a sons, W n llrr, Amnicl W. K niso and Jo.<iepi) E. llu fue r, a ll oCflQlaLi of th e Cellla C o , Hip ho ld- h n a n d oiicrntlnj; coiupiuij- Uiv tl\« 'A<|)tfeii;ber8 ln tc rr«U , iin iillcKi'dly a iding and iibettinK Hie fvii.iloii.

T he Ind ictm ent r llinnxcd two yntr.i of Investigutloii by In lern iil n-vrnuo nHeniA and n ine wee)t^ nl Ki'imd Mi y heavingn du rin g w hich ft« niulitors

V ern em ployed to h ieak ilown Ihn fSampllcated tKmkkerpliiK of A iinrn- berg’s m any eomininle.'.

Owns R if KiitrriM ixri A nncnbeig In uwnci' of ili<- I 'lilla-

de lph la Inqu irer, riidlii itnrl imivid "fHii" m agatlnen, and llm im ilnn- wide news sei-vlre, wlili-h flii|iplles hovM riico Infornm tlon ,

Oumpbell a iuuiiinceil ih r ind lrt- niniV as ‘'on ly une ot ii ,Milca" w iilrh would re,mlt from Iniiiiiiy in io A nnenbcrg's en terprises .

'IDn Ind ictm ent wan ir t iu n n l lie- foie Federa l Judge Ja n irh M. W llkrr- soii, who set bond for A nnnili''iK tit 1100,000 and for tiio otiiera ai lan,- 000 each.

m e n u to th e acL rep ­resen t a n o th e r trem endous step for- w ard In providing g rea te r security for the people of th is c o u n to ',” ’Mr. Roosevelt said. »

O ld Age Pensions'T i lls is e spec ially ,true In th e case

of th e fede ra l o ld age i n s u c a t ^ cys- tem w hV * h a s n o w ,6 e ta converted In to a «y»tem of o ld age a n d su r­vivor#’ Insurance prov id ing llfe-Ume fam ily security In ste ad of on ly In­d iv idua l old age secu rity to th e w ork­e rs In Insured occupations. I n ad ­d ition to Uie w orker h im self, m il­lions of widows a n d o rp h an s will now be afforded som e degree of p ro tec tion in th e e v en t of h is death w h eth er before o r a fte r h is re tire ­m ent.

•T h e s ite o f th e b e n e f iu to be p a id du rin g the early years will be f a r m ore adequa te th a n u nder the presen t. How ever, a reasonable rela­tio n sh ip Vs re ta in e d betw een wage loos su stah ied a n d benefits receiv­ed. T h is Is a m o st distinguish ing c h a rac te ris tic o f social Insurance as con trasted w ith a n y system of flat pensions."

M n DEALPIT T SB U R G H , Aug. 11 (U.R)—

B lun tly w arned by -P residen t B M sevelt th a t th e DeBoeraUfl p a rty m o s t nam lna'ie a liberal fe r P re sid e n t In IMO or do w ithont bU h e lp In th e cam paign, th e na tlo o - a t convention of th e Yonng Demo­c ra ts of A m erica (oday apparendy w as headed tow ard a n endorse- m en( o t New D eal poUeies.

D elegates a t th e opening session of the m e e th is la st n ig h t cheered a s a m essage from th e P residen t was read to them by P i t t T yson M aner, o f A labam a, Young D em ocrat p resi­den t,

s tu d ied em phasis. M aner shouted over a b laring public ad*- d ress system th e w ords of P resi­den t Roosevelt:

• I f we nctnliiB le conaervotive c an ­d idates o r lip-scrvlce cand ida tes on a stradd lebug p la tfo rm , 1 personally fo r m y ow n se lf respect and because of m y long service to . anU belief In, liberal dem ocracy w ill f i n t i y t im ­possible to h a v e any active in such an u n fo rtu n a te suicide of the old D em ocratic p a rty .

F a i th In W isdom “I do n o t a n tic ip a te any

e ven t w ill ta k e place, fo r I believe th e convention wlU see. th e political wisdom a s well a s th e na tional wis­dom, of giving to th e voters o f the Q n l t ^ S ta te s an oppo rtun ity to m a in ta in th e p rac tice a n d policy o t m oving fo rw a rd w ith a liberal hu ­m a n ita ria n p rog ram .’’

Tlie m e s s a ^ touched off a series o f la u d a to r ; spcechea In h is behidf.

Sen. C lao d a ^vpfiet, o l I ’loc id^ ................th e oonventlbn, declared:

' I r r e s p M U n o f a th ird term for Mr. R oosevelt'h lm self, th e Young Demo­c ra ts o f A m erica dem and a th ird te rm f w R oosevelt’s ideas. A th ird term fo r RooseV elfs I d e a s - th a t is th e keyno te o f th is convention,

B harp A (U ek Ben. P ep p er'5 add ress contained a

sha rp a t ta c k o n th e “klngtnakers of W all s t r e e t ,” who. h e declared, choose O ov. Jo h n W . B rlcker o f Ohio, for P re s id e n t a n d Dlittrlct Attorney Tliom as D ew ey of New York, for v ice-presiden t.

A ss lsu n t Sec roU ry of W ar Louis Johnson com m ended th e P resident's a rm a m e n t proRram , O d e H rady, of O klahom a, v ice-p residen t of the Yoimg D em ocrats , declared If Roose­velt siiould seek a tli lrd term, "tliere

(C'onllnued on V if t I. Cflli

DENVER. Aug. 11 (U.R)— Fifty.niiP kmployca o t thn D enver A rm tw r fi uonipany pack ing p la n t r e tiin ir rt to work today a f te r a •'last-nilm iK -' iigrccm cnt h a d e nded w h a t offlrin li Mild would have prec ijilta ted ii im- tlon-w ide strike .

A rm onr rcprcA entatlven an<I nlfl- rliila of tho U nited PackluKhouMi W orkers o f A m erica, a O IO afflllnie. r ra c h rd th e ag re em e n t yest<'rday Ii-m th a n one hou r before th e w alkout wan to have been called.

T lie rtlsput* cen te re d anm iid a com plain t of th e w orkm en us lo ino- dn rtio n speed in th e beef-killtnB <!'•• p a rtm rn t, 'n te a g re em e n t Bjircmri! they re tu rn to th e ir Jobs w ith lull n rn lo thy a n d o th e r r ig h ts , a n d (liiti iwn m en be added lo th e r rrw in th a t section of th e p lan t.

OIO nffloials sa id th e d inpu tr orlR- Inaletl -w hen th re e vacanolen w lilrh o rourred In th a t c rew w ere no t flllnl, a lthough thn sam e p rod iir tlnn sprcil w as ordered."

Richer, More Vigorous Life in Beach of Nation in 1940, New York Executive Says

Youthful Pair Takes Off on Ocean Flijjht

HT. PETICItS, N. a * Aug. U (UP) -A le x Loeb. 33. a n d Uiuk Drcker, X\. both of New York City, t'llinbnl Into Ih r i r Ryiin moiiopliinr today, aiinou iu 'rd tli ry w rt r hrnilUig for

lyiir.i. I r r la n d . and took nif.'i l i r tllcrn a rrived iie ir morr tluin week ago b u t nald notliink’ almul

liliinnliiK a iraiK i-A tlantlc hop. Tliry ooX on '.>AD Knllonn ot-gaMiUne he* 01 f wIIliiB ou t.

Um-Ii a n d lJr<-kpr. s ln r r tin 'lr lU'- Iviil h r rp hiid flown «vP in l lliurir c> the H vdiiry, N. B., airport where

ihi'V a ludlcil w ea the r charU lUid iiliiT tnc lroro lngk 'al <lata Init gave 111 lilnl H int tiiey p lan iird lo UV a

I'jiriy today they tiRik off from H \dnry a irp o r t, 130 inilrn noili) of

■ir lo r Ml. 1‘eteia.Thry h a d o id e ied a tiui'kU»i<I nf ^^lin^ Id inent th em here whrve rm In a tliree-m lie ha rd nand

hn iih . Tw o toiiJi of fuel were plaord id a n d a few n ilnu les la ter tlicv In th o a ir. A h a n d fu l of vaca-

iR watflhpd Ihe take-off, I.orb Miid Ihn piann t'u rried su rflcien t fuel

keep It going for 3D hours.


S A fiA lE y il# -S t E N F i f f i O I S

A TLAN TIO c m . H , J . . Aug. 11 OI.PJ — A n A m erican L abor executive couaoO . . . w as repo rtod ready* M f ty to m end gyanU n? o f.;» n to ‘“ c h a r te r to .o l A cto rt, Trtvtt SttrtodktapB v a rie ty a h is ta in th e dustry .

A pproval o f th e repo rted recom -- m endaU on by th e fuH A PL eiecuU v* coU ndl probably w ould sp lit th e In* d u s try -co m p o s ed o f leglU m ate a rt­ists o f th e sU ge, m ovie ac to rs a n d ' actresses, varie ty , o r n ig h t club an(t vaudeville a rtis ts , a n d s ta feh a n d s— wide open.

T h e com m ittee, composed of M ai- thew W on. T h o b w s A. R lck e rt a n ^ . J o h n Ooeflel. conferred a e p a ta ie iy > w ith th e opposing fac tions u i d u iu i p lanned a sh o r t executive session before reporU ng to th e full council.

T h e iln s l decision of th e execuUv* council will b e a n hero ic one.

U will requ ire a ll th e - eounoU- m en 's courage because, if th e verdict goes a g a in s t th e actors, a couple m illion do llar*’ .w o rth of a rtlstlo tem peram en t, a ll congregated in th is vicinity, will explode In unison; every stud io lig h t lu Hollywood may;' go o u t; c u rta in s m ay rin g down on every le j^ tlm a te show In th e coun­try.

And if tlie decision Is again st the hU gchands, th e sam e th in* m ay‘ . hap iten anyw ay.

A iiirrlia , on th e th reshold o f 18«0, han w lihln l u g rasp "a m uch riche r and m oil' v igom ns" life tlian a n y . thiiiK III >he 30* o r 30n,

'H int was th e op ilm lstio fo recast

BVeadlly-lnttraMttg lm)X)rlance ... New York hiialness a n d im lltlcal e# '- clen. He Is H, D udley Hwlm, who nket<mrd h is foreca^il fo r IB4Q h i an Kveiilng ’lim e s Interview before Ipavliig for New York to resum e his (Iiillrn «g v lro -p reslden l o f NaUonal Inventors corim rntloii.

n in llu i'l t••rod up-

n e a s t la conRerned, bH Rh n far buck aa la s t M ay, he po in ted

th a t iha* n a tio n Is" fr il uji " w ith 10 y e a n of "need iesi

p rlvatliin ," Mr. Ilwlm forenaw a "spoiitiincoiin inolilllratlon for pron- perlty by lliii A inn lt a ii |>eople." Uo sa id th a t the naUoii Is repud ia ting th e eiiplnUrin m favor of th e rrc< a to rs a n d pioilin rrn.

" In . t h n IB'JO.i we liad a »|M)iUa<-u- la r p iw p c rltv Init, w lihm il th e a d e ­q u a te iiiKln iilnnliign o l economic stalesm aiiA hlp and a « ir la l plilU a- ophy whii-li wniild niakn II endure , 'l l i e leadernhiM of th is country renl- r d too iniK'li in tUr a riiig an t <if Wall a tro e t who e^|lllllted and d id no t ctm trlln iie

Protiiwrlty VVl»di\ « t*« p" In Uie lUllOi, afii'i- Ihn open d e ­

f a u l t o f W all nt'iret. tho Iradernhlii p a o sed - lu po llikiiiiii, brlnghig a n - o th e r Derlod n> r» p lo lta llon and, w h at w ls woiM'. an rjililem lr o l c ro- nom lo <^iatkery.

" D u l 'a s 'W e e n te r th e lOIOn and we a re only four m O ntlis from Iho liire a lio ld -w e have w ith in o u r uruAp a m uch r ich e r a n d m ore vIihioun life titan any th in g In Uie 30s or 30s. No longer Is th e A m erlean publlo itKiklng to New Y ork o r W ashington , mil Is buUAlng from w lih h i itsnu » iiroad leoderslilp o t those who by oiperlence lu v e beon e rcn to rs and intMhicers, raU ie r th a n exploiters.

"'1,'he rea lisa tion Is sp read ing th a t K na tion can pras|>er on ly by tlio naiite princip les by w hich th e Ind i­vidual pm sfw rs,”

M r. Swim c ite d Uiose prUiclples na being ha rd w ork, c o n s tan t ly Inoroas- liig efficiency, t h r i f t , a n d linag lna - tlnn.

’ W hnn tills becomes popu la r plil- tn»o|ihy," h e asserted , *'we m ay lonti back a n d la u fh a i Uia n e a r tisgody

'm oney m aglo' o f econom ic iw rveri", th e dofeattsm a n d cowardllneM of thn spendere In dohing o u r economy, a n d th e ’p e rp e tu a l m o tion ’ theories o t prosjierlty,"

Hoes DnU ed AoOonT he youthfu l N ew Y ork oxeuullvo

—w hose viewf aa to th e n a tio n 's fu- tu rn were fea tu r«d recen tly In a two. roh im n artlo le on page one o t Ihe W ail a tre e l J o u r n a l -a d d e d elgnlf' IcanUy:

" I t is conceivable th a t a s |m ntaiie. ous mobU taalion |!oc j^roaswctly by Uie A m erican people—fed..vn wlUi 10 years o f needlosa p r lr a t lo n ^ m a y well be In Uw m a k ln f , a n d Uds should m uster In to a cooperative f ro n t , n o t only a aubeU nU ally re

1 OF C O n V M E N P lA N S

A ction to a ssis t Tw in F a ils county diilryinen In ra is ing Ihe UftO auoU> iri-ded as tlie coun ti7 'a sh a re in a :cK)|icratlve move lo send fdaho'a lne»t da iry c a ttlo t« Uie Po rtland ind Han F rancisco ex|>oaltlons was tabled ten ijw rarliy today by Uie rw ln l^ lln C ham ber ol Commerce, lending outcom e of efforts a lready m dcrw ay by du lry incn a n d oU ten,

OtUi K oster. I V ln t^ l ls , explained tho p lan to d irec tors a t th e noon\ nu'ctlng In th e llogerson ho te l to ­day. P rlso exam ples of da iry cattle from U>o th re e m a jo r breeds will be

In to he rd s and aliown a t

llOIHI';. Aiig, 11 (Uit)-A roimrl In n rd today by T rea su re r w r t l e Kiikiiig nhownd th e balance Ih ail tuiulA of <ho Id a h o s ta te (o v en im sn l liu-ri'iined by 1330,303 during July. 'Hie J im e 30 ba lance w as M,MO.OOS; on July 31 It was IS.aiO^IM,

'ilie g e n era l fund Uropiwd from I1I7,MU to 13,331 overdraw n. Tlie overdraw n ba lance w as m ade up throiiKh reg is tered w arran ta . T he la rgest tuc.rea«at « w e Uv «\daw<MUt and u u s t f iin d i. w h k h liicreM ed •400,437 a n d »1«7M 0 re

'Hie s ta te S 'to U ) dob»|I,407,W)4, eom pared wll

he Pacific In ternaU ona l U vestock exi>o.iiilon, l*ortland , a n d a t th e N a­tional D airym en 's convenU on In Ban Kranclsco. Se lected dairy b ree d en win accom pany th e herds.

H uggests CoeperaUen____ jr suggested th a t Uie o h a a b e r

rooperate w ith th e dairym en, a n d , a ttitu d e of th e m u p appesiM d 1«‘ vorable. I t w ^ U i i n i B tAble acUon lOr now , how ever, tn to a sce rta in Of t h f t f f o r t tahvady underw ay .

Present Incoming mall M hldlut for Twin F¥1U U appar«nUy.'»aUi« • factory In absence o( ooaplalfila from merchanU and othfT b ugtew - men. the chamber w u adrUed in

*» r»s» t . CsH m > M

Bean Yield WjU Show B i g G a in s

WASHINOTON. AOlJ/ l i f W - '; Cdlble dry bM ni >wtU elMw % «»ta.o(

(C-eattaasd s* rage I, CoIbom 4> '1>37.

Page 2: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

Page Two . IDAHO EVENING T IM E S,^W IN JALLS, ID A ilu r r i ^ . An«iu^.)J, IW l




P fcsldcnl R4XwoveU’8 a n nouncem en t to Young D em ocrats t h a t h e would no t support a conservntlve Demo> cra tic prc&ldentlul c a n d id a te in IMO WBS Interpreted today a s th e f irs t move or & drive to block th e cand i­dacies o( V lce<Presldent Jo h n N. G am er a n d o th e r conservatives.

A th ird te rm no te w as se en In tlie dem onstration th a t follow ed th e reading of M r. Roosevelt's an* nouncem ent to th e Y oung Demo* crats m eeting a t P i ttsb u rg h , a n d In the kej'note address, o f Sen . Claude

•;Pcppcr, D-. Fla., w ho sa id :"Irrespective o f a th ir d te rm for

Mr, Roosevelt h im self, th e Young D em ocrats o f A m erica dem anded a th ird te rm for Roosevelt's ideas. A ih lrd te rm fo r R oosevelt’s Ideas— th a t l3 th e keynol* o f , th is conven- don."

BJtler CriticismMr, Roosevelt's le tte r b rough t b it­

ter criticism from conservatives who (ought h is policies In th e la s t ses­sion of congress, a n d en thusiasm from New D ealers,

G am er, In U valde. T ex., h a d n o th ­ing to say. H is f rien d s h e re re ite ra t­ed the ir recen t a n n o u n ce m en t th a t hU cam paign w ould con tin u e re ­gardless of w hether P re s id e n t Roose­velt dcclded to ru n fo r-a th ird term .

Senators s till inwary when aslced to com m ent, Sev­e ral said privately t h a t M r. Roose­velt had b rough t In to th e open a New Deal e ffo rt to c o n tro l delegates to the 1840 D em ocratic n a tio n a l con­vention, and to p rev e n t O am er , Sen. B ennett C . C lark. D,. Mo„ o r any other conservative g e ttin g Uie nom i­na tion . C lark ’s on ly com m ent was "very In teresting .”

RacaQ 1M4 A ction Borne senators recalled M r. Roose­

velt bolted th e D em ocratic party okce before—w hen h e supported T heodore Roosevelt In IBM against Judge A lton B. P a rk e r . D em ocrat.' "He would h av e p rec ed e n t fo r de­clining to take p a r t in th e election of a D em ocrat w ho will be nom i­nated a t th e n e x t c onven tion ,” s ^ d Sen. W illiam H . K ing , D .. U tah .. "T here tfre m illions o f m en and women in th is c o u n ty w ho still be­lieve in th e princip les o f Jefferson. J a c b o n . C leveland a n d W ilk in and w h o -w u r nob follow a n y fan tastic , soclalUUc schem es fab ric a te d by sotne who claim to belong to the p a rty b u t who n e v er w ere m em bers of tt . a n d some o f w hom w ere found in o th e r poUUcal parU es.”, S en . Jo slah W . Bailey, D.. N. C„ ^ h o h u voted a g a in s t th e a dm in is­tra t io n on a lm ost every issue, said a t h l i N orth C aro lina hom e:

N et F I n t T im e "WelJ, i t w ouldn’t b e th e f irst

tim tflie bolted.” . <Sen. E lm er T hom as, D., Okla.,

com m ented:" I ta ld some tim e ago, in advdcat*

Ing Mr. Roosevelt fo r a th ir d term , th a t th e re is only room in th is country for tw o p a rtie s—conserv*' tive and liberal.”

Sen. E lbert D . T h o m as. D „ U tah , sa id h e agreed " th e N ew D eal h a s b rm ight about new con d itio n s In o u r country w hich m u s t be preserved by those who w an t to see governm ent In th e h ands of f rien d s o f liberalism , r a th e r th a n in th e h a n d s o f those who never h a d fa ith In It."

i n PASSESBUHL, Aug. n ( S p e c la l) -J o h n

Prank lln M ethven, 79, B u h l fa rm ­er. succumbed yesterday a t Maglo h o t springs w here h e hart gone Uie day before In com pany w ith A. D. Boylao. a neighbor.

Mr. M ethven was b o m Sept. fl, 1889, a t Io w a 'C ity , In . He m arried C lara L. L ehm an a t S tockvllle. Neb., N ot. a , 18M. She preceded him in death .

He been a residen t of Buhl Blnce I m . coming he re from Siiman, W ash. He was a m em ber o t tite Mod­e m Woodmen and th e EvAngellatlc c hurch.

T h e body rents a t th e Evnnn and Johnson< funeral hom e pending a r- rangem enu .

Surviving are Uie following nhll- d ren : Mrs. Ann P earson , B eatlle; M rs. O ertniile Pa rlln«e r, Huhl; P e rry E, M elhven. W endell; F nA M etliven. Biihl; M rs, M ary K am - b rlch. D nhl: Mrs, Nellie Hond, Nam - p s ; Mm, BdUh W uebbenhornt. Buhl, a n d Jam es M ethven, B uhl, One bro ther, C, A, M ethven. T u b a . Okla., also lurvlvea.

Neyvs in Brief K IW A N l LEADERFrom W ashington

Mr. and M rs. O eorgo Ling have re tu rned from W m atchee , Woali. b ringing w ith them th e ir grand- daughter, P a tsy '.Jo a n Sm ith.

VIolU ParenUMrs. Jo h n Young is here from

B akersflJld. Calif,, on a vncniloii vLsIl w ith h e r porenU . Mr. and Mrs. O . L. Q lngrey.

Camp Fire Speaiier G race EllsabeUi B lake will be the

speaker over tlie regular Cam p Fire broftdcast. S a tu rd ay morning. Her topic w ill. be- th e fou rth law of C am p Fire, "Be tm atw orthy,"

l l l ln o l /G u e s ts Mr. a n d M rs, R oderick B, W ight, pw L ennox , Ill„ a re guests of Mr. lid M rs. W . W. W ight, paren ts of Ir. W igh t, fo r th e nex t 10 days.

Returna. to New Y ork H. D udley Swim, New York-Clly,

luis le f t on h is r e tu rn tr ip to the Oftut a f to r v is iting ,he re w ith hU p a r- c n u . M r. a n d Mr*. A rthu r L. Swim.

In BoiseMr. and M rs. Joseph Downs, M. J-

Lawrence, M. H . A nderson, C. Ci Dudley and T . J . Lloyd w ere amoiiB th e Twin F a lls residen ts who were in Boise yesterday.

lie re 'fo r Visit Mrs. Tliom as J . M cM ann, formerly

M iss T eressa H ardesty , and her son, Thom as. Jr.. O akland. Calif., have arrived for a two week.i' vncntlon vl.ill a t the hom e o f her parent-v Mr. and Mrs, J . O. H ardesty.

From RIehtield Mr. and M rs. A, F- Blnser hiive

rt'Lunied Irom R ichlleld w here Uivy spent the p ast 10 day.s visiting Mr. and Mrs. K ennelii Johnson. ^ai>n Shoshone, w here they were guesls of M r' and M rs. Ja m es H unllcy,

From Fair Mrs, Doris y trad ley . county su­

p e rin tendent of schools, and som . Bob S tradley and H arry Stradley, have re tu rned from a vacation trip to San Francisco w here Uiey a tten d ­ed Uie G olden O a ts In terna tional exposition.

Iowa VisitorsMr. a n d Mrs, 0 . E. H oughton and

M r. and Mrs. K enne lh S tra tto n and .. .J . Lowell D eane, a ll of Des Moines, Is., le ft yesterday fo r Berke­ley and th e W orld 's fa ir a t San Francisco, conclud ing a visit wlUi Dr, and M rs. D ean H . Affleck and Mrs, Affleck’s m o the r, M rs. H arris,

Bee H ive O ntlngL.D.8. S take Bea Hive glrU will

a tten d th e a n n u a l, sum m er outing In S ho sh o n e basin -Aug. 14-15. All wurd Bee H ive girls a re requested to c o m m un icate w ith tb e lr swarm leaders. '

Driver Fined •'Boyd Cole, Tw in P^Us. yesterday

afternoon paid a f ine of fSft and costs a s he a p p e a re d ' before M u- Dkilpal Judge J . 0 . Pum phrey and p leaded guilty to a charge of reck­less driving. A rrest was m ade by local police. Cole w as released on paym en t (*f fine.

t CaUedD epai .......A sligh t blaze, caused by a sh o rt

In a n -e leq trio ^ and delecUve wiring, kccp rd ii^ to th e fire d e p art­m ent. d id litUa dam age a t th e home of L eonard B lankensh ip , 433 T h ird avenue west, a t 11:35 a. m . th is m orning. ’TOe dw elling is ow ned by M rs. C arter.

BetoUvea H ereMr. a n d M rs. Jo h n OUmore and

J a b n Downing. C edar R apids, la ., w ere o v e n U th t guest* W ednesday a t th e hom e of M r. a n d M rs. J . 8 . S tew - a r t. M rs. OUmore a n d M r. Downing a re a niece and nephew of H r. B tew art. T h e Iow a vlsilors w ere an rou te hom e from th e Pacific coast. T hey wlU visit Yellowstone naU p a rk o n th e ir way to Iowa.

L.D.B. S take M eetings T w in F a lls sU ke. U t t e r Day

S a inU e h u M t, annotm ces th s fol­low ing schedule (or S unday: 1:80 p . m , M elchesldek com m ittee meet* Ing : 3 p . m ., an ti-tobacco a n d liquor m eeting, a t w hich each stake organi' sa tlon Is requested to send a' repre^ •e n ta tlv e ; 3:90 p. m „ bishops' m eet' ing ; 3:S0 p. m.. M,I,A. supe rin - tendency a n d B a d irec tors’ m eet­ing.

A t (he H ospital Miss R osiU Jones and Jack Stom.

T w in ra i l s ; Mrs, Jam es Stokesberry a n d V, Popi^leweli, Huhl, have been adm itted to th e I'w ln Falls county general hospital. PatlentA dism issed iJiclude M aster Artin Yliigst. Mrs, Edw in Davis, Uiilil; Mrs. C larence H ayes and Mrs. Jo h n R olt, K im ­berly; Mrs, Cleon Ixiwer and son. M iss S tella Vest and MIm Faye W all, T w in ra i l s ; Mrs. C harles Her« ve rt, Burley, and W, M. M ahaffey, Lem hi.

Leaves for A ustralia Mrs. C laude nrow ti le ft til ls m orn ­

ing (or S a n F ra n e lu o . She will sail Aug, Id on th e M ariposa, In com .' pany w ith Mrs. C K. M acm illan and h e r d a u g h te l^ l s * Je an M acm illan, whose homo ik in A ustralia, and who visited In Tw in m i s early Uils spring. Mrs, Brown will visit iw lnU o( In terest hi tlie H aw aiian, Bainoan and F iji Islands and New Zealand, en rou te to AUAtrnlla w hrre slie will visit a son, Claude Ilrown, Jr„ who Is on a two<year m ission for Uie L D B , church.


To A d en d C ontest J o h n K rle r , m anager o f the O r-

plicum th e a te r , and Mrs. K rler will leave tom orrow for Sun Valley to t>« p rese n t a t cerem onies in connec­tion w ith th e selection o( ”Mlss Sun valley of Idaho ."

A ttend Rodeo M r. a n d M rs. P. E. H aasch and

daugh ter. M iss M arie H aasch, will be am ong th e T w in P a lls residents a tten d in g Uie rodeo Sunday a t Sun Valley. T h ey ' recen tly ' returw xl from

o u tin g a t P ay e tte lakes.

C onclodes S tud ies G era ld W allace, a ssis tan t p rln r

:lpi\l o f th e T w in F a lls high school. IiM r e lu m e d from th e University of C aliforn ia, Berkeley, w here he has been A ttending sum m er schools He l.s w orking tow ard h is m aster's de­gree in h is to ry .

'W e m ust build In boybood a (Im i, disciplined body a n d a c lean mind, and in our m odem tim es i t is v ita Ito give young fellows a solid roundatlon." G eorge H . Lowe. Ogden. U tn h -lta h o d is tric t governor o f K l- wiinls clubs, sa id la s t n lg b t In nildreas here.

was liie p rincipal sp e ak e r a t the fnthe'r-Bon banquet o f th e local KlwunU club, a ttended by 100 guests, a t the Pa rk hotel!

G overnor Lowe, w ho Is p resid en t of the O gden R eds of th e P ioneer baseball league, a n d v lc e * p i^ d e n t of th e league, p red ic ted U u t “T h e Cowboys will w in th e p e n n a n t," a f te r ’-ribbing” th e local K lw an lan s on basebaTl.

Stan ley Cockrell, p rog ram c h a ir - lan, In troduced H arry B o o i t a n d

son. Jack , w ho gave a n e w 'v e rs io n of the ir C harley M cC arthy -E dgar B ergen act.

Mr. and M rs. O len B a te s p rese n t­ed p la n o -tru m p e t num bers .

H arry O . Johnson , astronom er charge of th e Brow n to im d a tlo n W alla W alla, W ash., a s s ls ^ d by his wife, presen ted a n lU ustra ted lecture

th e moon. __D r, O eorge H, Caldw ell, K a lam a - <0. W ish,, w as a guest.

M anlU Day U nited S p a n ish .W ar veterans and

a ux ilia ry w ill observe M anila, day Sunday , A ug. 13, w ith a picnic a t U)c T w in F a lls county fairgrounds. F iler, sponsored by G enera l Lawton c a ir^ No. 8. All soldiers who served In i .ic B panlsh-A m erlcan war. and the ir fam ilie s a re i n v l ^ ^ attend.

U eyele S to len A lton Yoting. T w in Falls, today

rep o rte d to local police th a t a bicycle belonging to h is son was stolen la s t n ig h t from i t s park ing ptace In fro n t o f a local th e a te r . T he whMl. Mr. Y oung sa id , was an .A ce m ake p a in t­e d red a n d w hite . I t carried no c ity license.

S p e a k er Leaves M r. a n d M rs. O eorge H. Lowe.

O gden , h av e re tu rn e d to U tah, con­c lu d in g a b r ie f visit a t th e hom e of M rs. L . E . W ood, sister of Mr. Lowe. M r. Lowe, d is tr ic t governor of U tah - Id a h o K lw anls „clubs, was guest 'speaker a t th e father*son banquet o f th e local club la st evening a t th e P a rk ho te l.

p la n P o r tla n d T ripM iss M a rg a re t K ennedy and Ml&s

AUeen O room e will leave M onday m o rn in g o n a m otor tr ip to P o r t­la n d . O re., a n d will probably con ­tin u e to th e w est c o a s t They expect t o r e tu r n a b o u t Aug. 19, accompa­n ied l^r .M lss J im m y Oroome. P o r t­la n d , w ho w ill visit h e r parents. Dr. a n d M rs, H . R. O room e, and he r ■ister, A lleen.

B eatity Q necn Leaves“M ias T w in Falls '’ le d th is m

tn g fo r S u n Valley to Isttend events In c o nnec tion w ith th e beauty ron t«st, "M iss S un Valley o( Idaho,' S h e Is M iss Je an n e Robinson, daugh­te r o f M r. a n d Mrs, R . P . Robinson, a n d w as nam ed local winner Inst w eek. T e n girls will compete for th e r ig h t to e n te r the na tional title con­te s t a t A tlan U t C ity In September.

Ba«k from SpokaneM r. a n d M rs. S tanley R, a iurgeon

a n d fam ily have retu rned from Spo­k an e. W ash., w here they sppiii th e ir v aca tion w ith Mr. flturgcon's p a r­e n ts . TJiey were accompanied by Mr. S tu rg e o n ’s sister, M k i T lielm a B turgeon, Bpokane, and his b rother. W alte r S tu rg ron . jr.. who is e n ­gaged In h o tr l work a t Miami, F la. W alle r S turgeon will retu rn shortly to Florltln .

W oman Jailed On Bud Check Claim

L ocal ixillce Ihls altenionii iio iincrd thi- nrrost of J m i e Meyrvs. w ho w as if if ls lrrrd a t a local hotel, fo r irivrstlHriiinn in ronnfc ilon w ith a c h a rg e nf inMiIng w orthier, clierks.

Police records show (he woninn In In Uie county Jail. Her cn.ie In to come hrJdiii Minilclpal JiidKr J. O. P im iph rey or n Justice of tin- praco b u t th e du tc , as yet. ims iioi Ix-cii set.


B L A Z IN G .D A N G E R T R A I L S ..11 I

U n« Hi m ** N*. II

N i.tll r ••>4 l-HKK

Seen TodayResUurant pattisn emphatically

inform ing w aitress he c a n t e a t any th ing wlUi sa lt in i t . . . W om an tou ris t causing no little com m oU oa as she walks down Shoshone s tr e e t 111 pair of sky blue ve ry -abb revU t- ed s h o r ts . . .Y oung drum m ers a n d buglers all over the place a s Bcouta, prac tice in city park and L egion corps poUrs Into M ethodist c h u rc h

Two men sitting on side o f b ig gasoline tm ck and sm oking c ig a r ­e ttes . , . Pickle-Julce dlsUUlng o p - e rntlons a t Kimberly ran c h , arfd Deputy W arren Lowery tM tln g th e Juice to make .sure It U n 't m o o n ­shine . . And Lorelne V aughn ordering no less a com bination than Coca Cola and doughnu ts.


form ed W all s tre e t, a m ore enll ened governm ent a n d a m ore resp o n ­sible organhsed labor, b u t a lso our educa tional a n d c u ltu ra l InsU tu- Uons.”

S ign ifican t P haseI one p h ase of th e r ic h e r bu si­

ness life t h a t aw a its A m erica, he cited th e f a c t th a t In In d u stria l de sign a n d a rc h ite c tu re “w e h av e seet only i h e s lig h te s t h in t o f th e po ten Uai con trib u tio n of a r t to Industry ,’* and th ro u g h Industry to th e m aking o( Jobs.

"M odem design,” , h e sa id , "is c rea ting new fu rn itu re , new hom es, new tra in s , new sh ip s a n d new p a rk ­w ays to rep lace o ld highw ays. T he growing, dem and fo r m ore b eau ty in living, from th e a m a lle s t h a m le t to th e la rg e s t In d u stria l c ity , c a n c rea te a dem and fo r m ore w orkers th a n can be supplied.”

M r. Sw im visited several days here w ith h is p a re n ts . M r. a n d Mrs. A rtlw r L . Swim . H e w as e n ro u te e as t iro m 8 'a n fo rd u n ive rs ity ’s ference o f business executives, w here h e was a fea tu red sp e ak e h >


BU RLEY . Aug. 11 (BpecUl) - C harles C larence B unne ll, 68, con­s tru c tio n forem an for th e M ounta in S U te s T elephone a n d T eleg raph c om pany, died a t 8:30 p. m . yester­day a t a local hosp ital, follow ing an illness o f tw o and o n e -h a lf m ontlis.

H e suffe red a pa ra ly tic stroke a t noo n a n d wan n ish ed to th e ho.spl* ta l. H e h a d been em ployed by the te lephone com pany (or th e p a s t 37 years , se rv ing as forem an a t Boise fo r som e tim e,

M r. p u n n e ll was born a t M orris, III., Ju n e 37. 1881. Uie son o t Mr. a n d M rs. A lbert Bunnell. His wKe. Mm. M yrtle Savlers Bunnell, Aur- v ives 'h im .

T h e body Is nt the Burley funeral hom e pend ing arrangenienl.i.


P residen t. Joseph C urran nf tlie Na- U onal M aritim e union ra iled a C on­gress o f Induiitrlul OrgiinlMtloiiB m a ritim e conference h rrn Mpnday to lay p lans (or a unified orfianlt- Ing drive a n d prrixue for rou truct' renew al nrA oilatlniis w ith n ia io r a teaiD shlp linos.

FOR BIG PARADEW ith a r e p t t s e n U tir e cross-sec­

tio n o t dow ntow n business firm s « g ree !n# .to close th e ir doors during tim e or th e A m erican L egion su t« . convention p a ra d e n e x t Tuesday, L egion com m itteem en p la n n ed to ­day to secure a general closing d u r­in g th e p a ra d e period.

“M ajor business f irm s con tac ted today have consen ted to close du ring Uie pa rade ," B. O. V an A usdeln. execuUve v ice-cha irm an of th e col- o rfu l event, a n n o u n ce J ‘ thU a fte r ­n o o n , “Since tim e does n o t p e rm it cpn tac tlng a ll business p laces, th e I ^ o n urges o th e r co n ce rn s to fol- I4w su it,”

U ni

“Great Salvation” Revivalist’s Topic

SH OSHONE. A tif. 11 fSpeotal)— Rev. U w ls B a ll. B u tte . Kent, evangelist, c o n d u c tli^ MrrlGC*. 'a t Uie N a n r e n e t« n t rv rtnO . lMt-«te- n ing spoke o n *X}reat S alvatleo ." T h e te n t U located a o n s a tb a (tn«t from th e K elly -Ito rd M otor eom« pany...T h e F e ldm an sister* , song evange­lis ts o f M eade. K an ., fu rn ish ed spe­cial music. R ev . L . D . S m ith and Rev. M ackey J . Brow n. T w in Falls, o ffered p ray e r. D elegations from T w in Falls. Je rom e a n d Gooding

ere p resen t.Services will contlriue n igh tly a t

g p . m . Includ ing Sa tu rday . A s tre e t m eeting will be held tom orrow a t 7;30 p, m . p reced ing th e Sa tu rday evening service.

Girl’s Slayer Is Termed as Old Criminal

irr<« P u t Oni)ect and wanted to h a v e- th em p h o - toBfoplieB 'at Palm Beach.

There had been no fu rth e r w ord o( the girl and th e ir p a re n ts h a d appealed by radio fo r them to com e home, when, yesterday m orn ing , M iss BoJtoH telephoned h e r a u n t In M i­am i (rom a . (ire sU tion a t Boca Raton, a ton-n a t th e 'e d g e o f th e swamps, and asked h e r to s e n d an automobile (or her.

Con(esses M nrder 'Come alone o r I m ay be k illed ,”-

slie said. "Do n o t have a n y c a rs following you,"

Nervously aw aiting h e r ou tside the (Ire sta tion was C ochran , w ho had coached h e r in w h at to say . I t was believed he h a d p la n n ed to steal the car and escape in it. B u t Kline P /a tt , a f irem an, recognised Miss Bolton, held h e r, sum m oned policemen who cap tu red C o c h ran in th e street trying to " th u m b " a ride.

He confessed, disclosed th e place where. Miss D unn 's nude body w as, and where he had held.M tos B o lton prisoner since M onday' n ig h t, a n d w as brought here because a n an g ry orowd was ga thering in th e little


Sgt. F rank M orris, o((lcer In charge of the local a rm y re c ru i t­ing sta tion a t th e c ity h a ll, th is adem oon announced t h a t . th e r< enlU tment bonus, w hich in 1933 wi dUcontlnued by co hg res^ now hi been reinstated.

Morris said w ord to th is e ffec t was received from Col. B . E . G rey, S a l t Lake City, ch ief o f th is r e ­c ru iting area.

T lie recruiter po in ted o u t th a t th e bonus Is given to serv ice -Bien w ho re-enllst w ith in 90 days a fte r th e ir te rm of se n lc e en d s. I f such re-en lis tm en t li m ade th e y receive I2S for each year served o f th e ir la s t enlistm ent.

‘"There are several m e n in the M agic Vnlley who could com ply and co llec t this money by jo in in g the service sgaln . hav ing been h ono r­ab ly discharged les.^ th a n »0 days ago," Sgt. M orris said.

m ous In favor o f c loatag a t 3 p , m . - f to e o f th e p a ra d e s ta r t T u e s d o y - tn j i rd e r to. pe rm it em ployes to view w h a t Is fo recast a s th e la rg est slm i- Iw . event In so u th e rn Id a h o h istory. T h e business houses w ill reopen a f t ­e r th e parade.

/ I n r t p reached in th e cross-secUon o f buA ness, a ll a g ree ing to sh u t down du rin g th e p a ra d e , were:

T hese C on tac tedIdaho D ep a rtm en t sto re , J . C,

Penney , C. C. A nderson G olden B uie, V an E ngelen’s, F a lk ’s-Sears. Roebuck: H udson C lark . A lexan­der^ , Row les-M ack, D iam ond H ard­w are. R eed’s R ltew ay, Safeway s to r u No. 7 a n d No. U 7, Vogel's m arket, C laude B row n M usic com ­pany, T w in FaUs Coca Cota Bot- >llng com pany. K in n e y 's grocery. O. P. S ksggs store. S inger Sew ing M a­chine com pany. WUey pharm acy, 'lew E ra shoe shop. A ntisep tic b a r­ber shop. M edford’S ' g rocery andWoolworth’s.

DIES A I ByRlEYRU PER T, Aug. 11 (S pecia l)—Mrs.

F ra n ce s Vogt, ab o u t 40, a resident o f H eybum . died la s t n ig h t s t the Burley general hosp ital.

T he body w as ta k en to th e Good- lan m o rtu a ry h e re a n d funera l a r ­

rangem ents will be a tm ounced later.M rs. Vogt U th e w ife o f F red Vogt,

In addition to h e r h u sband she is survived by ^wo sons, A lvin o f Ru­p e rt and H arold of H eybum , and one grandson. Also so rv iv ing a re her p a ten ts , M r. a n d M rs. R a p p . Prolrle City, M o ..H er pa re n ts w ere called a n d a rrived in B urley shortly aflcr the w om an becam e ill.


. B acked by a n im p n e ilT e m odam - k l e . t l c a « f l u o proportions, th e M agel A uto c o m pany 's new n l e i lot fo r used c m w in op en S a tu rd ay io ilT e th a f irm a d o w n |o w n V itle t, I t w as an n o u n ce d to d a y by B . P . M a- f s l, 'jiroprle tor.

H ie lo t Is lo c ate d on T h ird s tree t n o r th beh ind tb a B loela lr a c t io n o n M ain avenue.

The- dow ntow n location will be u sed in a d d itio n to th e presen t used e ar lo t n e a r th e com pany 's h e a d ­q u a rte rs a t 1«1 T h ird avenue n o rth .



—T lie A m erican S u n b a th e rs ’ asso­c ia tio n -c a l le d n u d ists by those who don’t belong—opened lU na tional convention today on a n 8 3 -a c re ran c h In th e redw oods e ig h t m li^ from here .

Etn;^ that oar Prices are LowThink of the cars . . . Better Btill, see them i If you hav« any doubts as to the splendid values, one inspection visit will bring: conviction that here ia the best place

•choice!to make your■ 8 ^ Dodge Deluxe Sedan .............31 Graham Fordor Sediin ............80 Chevrolet Coach ........ ............82 V-8. Fordor S edan ................38 Pontiac Sedan

r 33 Chevrolet Sedan ....... ............34 Pontiac Deluxe Fordor84 Cheyroiet Master Sedan..........34 V-8 Deluxe Tudor Sedan .......33 V-8 Deluxe Tudor S ed an .......37. V-8 Dlx Fordor, radio, heater37 V-8 Deluxe Tudor Sedan .......86 Oldsmobile 8 -Tour Sedan .

...$125......... $ 75

75A m...$225 ,..$225 ...$295 ,..$295 ...$295 ,..$225

$525. , ,..$476*' ...$525

37 Chevrolet Master Deluxe sport sedan,heater, r ad io ...................................................... $525

34 Chevrolet Truck,' 157, Lie.................................$27536 Chevrolet Truck. Comm Lie...........................$45036 CMC Truck, beet body .................................. $45036 Chevrolet Pickup, 4 speed trans.................... $27536 Ford V-8 Pickup ........... ...............................$29537 Ford V-8 Pickup ...........................................$35034 Ford V-8 P ickup ....... .....................................$195

MANY OTHERS Cash or terms, It always pays to see your Ford D*a1er first for economical transportation.

i i n i o a m o T D R c o .

Phillips Jewelers

“The Time Den”Catri'nltH Jtwdry Ulfli

b<rTl<* Ui V»ar W*Uli Q ■ It M«ln A>«na« ^



T W I N F A L L S ’ P O P U L A R F A V O R I T E. . . and we wi«h her every siiccyHs in her qucHl for tlie role of Ml.is Sun Vnllpy of, idwlio. MIh« Jonniio Kobinson j» excm|)lary o f ' the Twin KuIIh girl . . . itretty, tnlcnlpd niul vlvficloiiH.

J e a n n e

o L i n d o nChoBCii fioiii n Krou|) of 'I'wiii Kiilln’ m ost beautlliil ulrls, MIm .Irniine R obim on won lic r i IhIiI to irp re- sc n t th is coinm iiiilly a t tiuii Valley, Idolio. ’m e con test Iherc for (ha M-lrctlon uf MIsa Him Vsllry ot Id ah o will be a lilg lillghl o t the celebrallnii In tim t pa|iiilur com­m unity ov rr th r la ili iind 13(1) wli«n , vlfliloiA trom ull o v rr th « world , , .■s well iiA oiir Dwi) c itltcn s , . . will be nnle rtn ln rd ,


I’opularity must bo earned to be do/ierved. Thufw the riNiHon HuUer-Kruat and Sid'n Old FuHliloned broud huvu won the IcndurHliij) tliity hulil. in

Valley. ConHijBtent quality, taatinenn and flavor huvo Hpollod the (lUcccHH of these luavoti.

A s k your re g u la r re ta ile r for

B U T T E R - K R U S T

Page 3: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter


TO KY O , A ug. 11 W.R) — Ft)relgn M inU ter H ach ird A rlU to ld Ui« cab­in e t today h e understood economic negoUaUoQs w ere In p ro g re u be* tween O ffB a n y a n d Russia b u t th a t h e h a d , n o l h e a rd o f any nefoU a-

of * pollU cal o r m ilita ry na^

A rW m ade hU s ta U m en t in re ply to questions by O en . K unlak Kolso, overseas m in ister.

No details o ( th e questioning and answ ers were available , b u t It assum ed they re ferred to recAnt re*

' ports O erm any a n d Russia were en>■ gaged in trad e ta llts. T hese ta lks, ac ­

cording to previous d ispatches from Europe, w ere of a rou tine na tu re no t calcu lated to prejud ice Russia's negotiations w ith G re a t B rita in and FraxK:e on ih e S u ro p e an anU .a« ' gresslon block.

T he cab lnc t m eeting was an Im' p o r tan t one. T h e E uropean , British Japanese a n d M a n cb u k u o -o u te r Mongolia s itu a tio n s were discussed.

B order g lren g tb en ed Lieut. O en . Belshlro I tagakl, w ar

• m inister, told th e cab in e t Russia was stre iig then lng Ita forces on th e ou ter M ongolia bcfrdcr, w here th e re has b?en serious fg litln g be tneen J a p a - nese-M aijchukuo a n d R 4M lan-outer M ongolian a rm ies., A fter th e c ab in e t m eeting Uagnlcl and B aron K ich lro H lranum a,

■ prem ier, discussed, th e a rm y’s d e ­m and th a t J a p a n a t once en ter a

' m ilita ry a lliance .I t w as believed P'oreign M inister

A rlta w ould p rese n t to I tagakl, in behalf o f th e cab in e t, coun ter-p ro - posals to th e a rm y’s alliance d e ­m ands a t th e n e x t regu lar cablnct m eeting T uesday.

A nny l-*aUs Sources close to th e govcnnntnV

‘ asserted th a t th e a rm y had failed In ItA in tensified e ffo rts to force the governm ent to en ter Into an

/ alliance w ith G erm any and Italy .‘ T he a rm y w as considering Its ne» t

move and a s itu a tio n of some m en t w as expected to develop.

I t was understood th a t a meeting of th e in n e r cab in e t la s t T ues­day W ar M in ister K agakl vainly urged h is colleagues to consen t to th e alliance a s desirab le on bo th po-

a n d econom ic a s well a s m l» - tar>’ grounds. ’

M in ister D isagrees In fo rm an ts sa id Fore ign MlnLiter

ArUa disagreed w ltli h im from tlie political view point, th a t A dmiral M itsum asa Y ohal, nnvy m inister, opposed h im fro m th e m ilita ry vlew« points, th a t S o taro Ish lw atara, fl< nance m in iste r, opposed h im from th e economic view poln and th a t f i­nally P rem ie r H lranum a vigorously upheld th e fo re ign , navy a n d finance minlftterfi iii th o ir o p p ^ t lo n , T hus, Individually a n d collectively, -the key c ab ine t -m in is te rs ' tu rn ed dowo> t ) ^ a rm y dem and .

' • C om m ent In a rm y c ircles reflected a belief th a t Ihe presen t cablnct

► could no t be sw erved from Its opno* slUon.

M U R T A tO M COMMUNITY S d g a r L . WWVe, m ln ls te t

10 a . u . M om lng w orship w ith a trmoD l^ v th a p u to r .11 a . m . W furch pchpol. WUUam

U o d a u . s u p e ^ t e o d n ^ :8 p. m . E p i^ r t h league devotional

service. " •T he O e n ^ A ld 'lw cieU m eet

a t th e c h u rc h T h u r s d a y U t 2 p . m. w ith li(n . W lillaro U n d a u In charge o f th e program . H ostesses. M rs. H. Syverson, M rs. A. 8 . Syverson, Mrs. J . K le lnkopf a n d M rs. A lm a W right.

HANSEN COMMUNITY E dgar L. W hite, m in is te r

10:S0 a . m . C h u rc h school, C letus K lu ti, supw lntctK ietxt.

11:30 a . in . H o m in g w orship w ith a serm on by th e pastor.

B p. ra. E pw orth U ague devotional service.

K IM BERLY M ETIl'O D ISTT. W. B ow m ar, m ln i ite r

10 a . m . S u n d a y school. B en 8. T aylor, sup e rin ten d en t.

10 a. m . O e lu S ig m a; leader, Mrs. A. L. H aw orth.

11 a . m . M orn ing worslilp. Tlieme, •Along Uw Skyline." Soloist. M rs. H arvey W ood.

7 p. In : In te rm e d ia te league. S u b ­jec t; “W h a t I t M eans- to. Be a c W ls t lan —at'-P I<>’." L eader, Je an H errick, .

Ladle.s' Aid t.oclcty mcml>er.% will be .guests of M rs. C harles Pierce a t 3:30 'p . m . M rs. W. G . SRmpson, H ansen , will give a book review on E dgar G ue.sfs “Philosophy of U fc." Visitors will be wclcome,

MURTAUOU O O SFKL HALL10:30 a. m . Sunday school and

m orn ing services.8 p. m. E vening scrvlcc.s.B p. m . T h u rsd ay . P rayer, praise

a n d Bible study . B ring your Bibles.

JERO M E CH RISTIA N & irle C. M iller, m in ister.

10 a. m. Bible .school. Mr^, D arel Rigney, su p e rin tenden t. Com m union and m edita tion a round the Lord 's table.

11 a. m . S e rm on topic. “Does V our A nchor Hold?"

7 p. m. C h rb lla n Ejideavor.8 p. m . E vening se rv ices.'T ills will

be a un ion service, to be he ld a t th e B ap tU t church . Rev. M iller will speak on th e them e, “T h e G reatest M ystery In th e W orld,"

T lie C h ris tian L adles' Council will m eet F riday afte rnoon a t th e hom e

‘ M rs. Sh irley F razier. All a re urged to be present.

JERO M K B A PTISTE arJ J . K au r in . pastor,

a . m . eui;i(Jay school. C harles Y ork, supe rlnw nden t. A 'c la s s for every ig c W H ip.'

11 a. m . M orning w orsiilp service, S e rm on subject, "Tlie Persuasive Pow er of Vhe O pen O aspel,"

6 p. m . Evening w oriiilp . We ai'e unlU ng w ith ih e C lirlsilan cli i congregation for Sunday eve i services fo r the rest or Auuust, This S unday th e w in be held a t th e B a p tis t cliurcli w ltli Rev. I ; C . MUlex o l vlio C h risilnn church b ring ing th e mc.ssiiKc.

E vangelist Vul c lo u d and l»c m usicians will hold » ^pccinl n 'cct- Ing a t th e B iiptU i c h u rc h Moiwl«y Aug. 14 a t 8 p m. T hey .arc sto p ­p ing over for ilie n lu lu eh route tc a n o th e r Ilelil.

L adles' Mlf.'.loiiai y m eeting T day . Auk. 17, n t ihc hom e o l Mrs. V irgil W hitaker. .\Jra. York Is the leader.

EliKN C l U i n o i OK GOl>B i w n M .irlin, paslor

10 a. ni. Suiid^iy scliool.11 8. m . Moriiliii; .sorvjci'.s.7 p . tn. YounK l'eop!«>,B p. m . EvcnlnK srrvlcrs.B jJ, m . Wocliier.:iiiv, pn iyc r m rel

ing; _• JERO.ME CHIIIK II OK (iOi>

Brow n M iiritii, pii.sior ■ 10 a . m . Suiulay school. Ted t'.v- a n s. supcrin teiidcn t.

11 a. m . M ornlni;7 p. m . VounR People'.^ iiirctiiiK.8 p, m , Evcnini; ,M’i vk!v '8 j>. m . T liurstliiy. Pii.yin- meciiiuK.

JE R O M b MfiTHODIST A lbert E. M nrtlii. tnml.strr.

10 0- m . 'Sundny school.11 a- m . M om lng wor.siilp. Sermon.

"T iie M ight o( the .Mile." n i'im rt' of th o Inst qua rte rly coiifcieiicc.

M ajor Speaker



Talent Stiow Will Be GivenIdaho Beauty Winners

SUN VALLE^Y. Aug. 11 (Special) —Ten of Id ah o 's m ost beau tifu l' girls m a tch ing c h an n , poUe, per* soiiallly, ta len t a n d beauty of figure hi iiic "M iss S u n Valley of Id ah o ” conio-st he re S a tu rd ay a t B:15 p. » • , Mil pri'sen t a spa rk ling ta l a i t ahow nm nlng ih e g a m u t of ta p dancing tliruuKii sing ing a n d m usical num ­bers to d ram a tic and hum orous reo- liiiuons. T h e beauty and ta len t show, .supplem enting th e S u n Val­ley rodeo of S a tu rd ay , and Sunday a lteriioons, will be direc ted by Dell Crasby. wcfttcni regional d irec tor of the Show m en's V ariety Jubilee,- of- ficlul spoiiior o f th e na tional '‘Miss Awericn" com pelitlon In AUantlo Cliy hi Septem ber.

n n e r of th e th ree division conic;,L b.\,scd on display of poise, pcr;.oiuilUy. c iiarm . ta len t aivd beau* ty of llK urc.'w llI be crow ned "M lsi S iih Vnlley of Idaho" by Oov. C. A. Botiolf.si-n and aw arded a tr ip to

a fternoon cowboy show and which will be removed for the Sunday ro­deo finals. Music for the dance wlU be furn ished by H arl Sm ith’s orchea- t r a and the U nion Pacific b rass band from O gden, U tah.


OU PH EVM? rl., 6 a t , - G l lb e r t and Sullivan'

‘T h e M ikado." In technicolor.Sun., Mon., T uai. — "DauBhters

Coiii'iiKCous." P rh e lll* L a n e -Jo h n Oflrneld.

ROXYFil , S a l.—"Soiithw ard Ho." Roy

RoKcrs.Mon., T u e s .- - Co(vst G uard .’

ItHWlolph SvQlt-i-'fiinces Dee.Wert,, 'n iu r.v —"T ho Hi>ellblndpr,"

Lffi T rn ry ; "T lie M an They CouUIn f H sng ." Boris K arlnff.

ID A ilOK rl, S H i.- ' P rftlrle T lnn ider,’' Dick

Koran.avin., Mon,, 'iMea.—"U land of Lost

Men." A nna M ay W ong-J. Carroll Nnl.th.

Wpfl., T h u r s , - '-SUblem ates," WAllneo necry-M lokey Rooney.

JEROM K NA'^ARENEMilo Roberl-s, pu.stor

10 a . m . Sunday school.11 a. m . M om lng wor.Oilp.7 p. m . Ju n io r a n d Sen io r N . Y.

P . S.8 p. m. EvanijelLstIc .scrvlcc.s.

8 p. m . W c d n c sd a y .^ ra y c r m eet-

N oon Friday , P ra y e r a n d fasting.

K IM BEELY NAZARENE Clfve WHlfAms, pasto r

a . ni. Sunday school. Sam Sav­age. supe rin tenden t.

11 a. m. M om lng wonship.7 p. m . N. Y. P. S. H erm an C a r­

rel. pastor.fl p. m . EvangellstW, services.8 p”, m, W edncsdhy. P ray er m eet­

ing.N oon Prk lay . P ray er a n d fa iling .


JE R O M E . AUK. 11 iS p i-c la li-L iis l quurterly conl'T cncc ol ili(“ M«'iho- dU t c hu rch «ii,s hciel Mmuliiy. Ur. W. H. HertzoK. cii.stiict .‘.uporintrncl- e n t o f th e ca.'-icrii dlM rict, was In charge,

H enry G ocm m er wa-s elected Ihm m em ber* to the SOtli a n n u a l sc isloif of th e Id ah o conlcrc'ncc. w hich will m eet Sep t, 0 In O re. Mr.'-.F ra n k P c ic rion • wn.s elccled a lte r ­n a te m em ber.

Follow ing board n i?inber,s, weie e lec ted fo r the co innis y ear: H . J. O oem m er uiid J . II. f re e m a n , clii.ss of 1030 to 1942^ W illiam Mikcacil and Clayioil Aiwood. cla.s. of 1933 to 1 9 « ; A rthur P.vlu a n d F . E. P e ­te rsen . class ot 1935 io 19U.

Steward.s: Virgil H alberi. GeorRe W eldenm nn, Jo h n Troeiidly, A. F . Hcssler. K. G. M rithuid. Clnyton A t­wood, H. B. Robcrt-s. M rs, A rthu r Pyle. Loui.s NeI.son. H erbert S ll- baugh. Lee McVey itnd R obert G oem m er; recording ^^creIn^y. H a r ­old S lo ltr ; trea su rer, G uy S. Simons.

F IL E R NAZARENEJam es B arr, pastor

a, m. Sunday school, p, K albllelsch, .siii)erlntendcnl.

II a. m. M orning wor.ihlp.7 p. m. N. Y. P, 8 , M rs. F red K alb-

flelsch, president, a p . m . itev . L . D. 8m iU \, rwii\

F bII.s N azarcne puslo r will •preach,B p. in. Tlmr.%day. P m y er niwrilng. Noon Friday . P ray er a n d Ia.%linif,

IIU III, NA/.ARKNEL. A. O gden, pastor

10 a. m. Sundny M-hool. Mrs, EtiBlr.', H iiiwrlntendent.

U n. ni. MornhiR wornhip.7 p. m. N. Y, P . H. E<lwiird Mur*

tin . presidenl.8 p. m. E vangelistic services,B p. tn, W odtvcsday. P ray er m eet­


OOV. C . A. B O T T O L F8E N . . . will be p rin c ip al speaker a t

a n n u a l A m erican L egion banquet M onday evening.


Gov. C. A. Bottolf.sen. a p a s t Id a ­ho d e p a r tm e n t c om m ander of the Atnerlcun Leglun, will be p rincipal .speaker a t th e a im iia l banaue t w hich will be singed h e re a t 6:30 p. m. n e x t M onday a.7 one of th e h igh ligh ts o f th e s ta te convention, l( wa.s announced h e re th is a fte r ­noon.

G overnor B o lto lJsrn wlU be in tro ­duced by W. r f D etw ellcr, H azelton. w ho will serve as toR stm aster. Tlie banquet will be held a t R ad lo lsnd .

In a dd ition to th is a p p ea ra n ce the s ta te cxecuUve will a lso in troduce N ational C om m iinder S te p h e n C had ­wick' a t th e public se.s.sion s la ted for th e O rphcyn i . th e a te r T uesday m o v in g a t 10:30'm m . •

D E l E C l K l i l S l A y E n f

Tips on MosqnitoM O N CTO N. N. B. (U.P.i-Rcsldcnts

of th is c ity ure looking forw ard to th e day w hen they c an s it on theh- fro n t verandn.s_w Uhbut h e a r in g Uic d rone of a mo.sqiiito. T h e c ity will seek in fo rm ation from W innipeg conccrnm g th e jicst a n d its ex term i­na tion .

V atican C liy ho lds th e w orld rec ­ord fo r tho R ica test-n u m b cr o f nio- to r vehicles p?r capltf\- T h e ilhy s ta te has 176 vehicles in a popula­tio n o t 600.

lan tlc City f in a ls fo r the "'Miss Am- erlciv" lu ic a n d a tte n d a n t fam e and fortune.

These Are Qi C o tuestan ti a re Miss Pocatello,

N onna M orris, d ance r; Miss Twin Falls. Je an n e Robinson, singer and d«iK-.T; Idalio Palls. R uthB latkb iirn . d ram atic ; Miss CafQ- tt.’j;. T helm a Morley, reader; Mis* Natiii'a. E ileen Hooker, ta p and toe daucer: Mis>i Boise, Della Banford,

i; Mi.ss Jerom e, Louise FU fhm or. dnim atLst a n d a ll-around

•leliin; '.MKs Rupert,. MavU Sthuepijach . d ram a tis t: Miss Bur* ley. M tlbft P a rker. U p dancer. Miss BlnlDC county was to be announced, today, a i H ailey.

'i iic winncM a rrived I'lts m ornjng lo r rehearsa ls ol .Tiie three.-j p a s ra n t lo be pre.sciltca-lit U ie 'n fcUidluui. D uring ilie jfageant each girl will innKe three a ^ a r a n c e s ; Uic Ilr.si Rct will coiuklst o f an cve- nint: Ktiwn pa rade which will ena ­ble Ihe Uirce Judges to score cach co n lc sU n t on pol.se and personality. Secondly, cach young lady will give a ta len t exhiblUon, m ost o f whk:li will be sing ing , dancing a jtd d ra m a ­tic in te rp re ta tions. T he finale Is the batliUig su it pa rade for com petition iri b tu u iy ol lijiure. E ach division

)uiiUs o n u -m ird in tlie final score. Ml.s-s Sun Valley of Iciaho will rep ­

resen t th is s ta le for the nex t th ree weeks In pe rsona l appcatasw ea from coiLst to const a n d h as an equal op* poriun lty w ith queens from th e re- ina ln lng s ta te s o f tlie na tion of be- hiK nnjne<l MIs.s America 1939 a t the A llaniic City f inals Sept. S-11.

O ih e r Acts In add ition to the appearances of

the 10 Id ah o queens, the evenlQg procram will o ffe r five fea ture acts of e n te r ta in m e n t, Uie stage show clo.ilng w ith a colorful, medicine dance by th e F o r t H all Ind ians. Followlnjfc th e s ta g e program th e en­tire aiidlencc will p a rtic ipa te in a glKantic rodeo dance on a jw ta b le

■ Ic t i 'w ll lb e ................

CAMDEN. N. J ., Aug 11 (U,R>-A sq u id of detectives searched m b * sliore resorts today for th e strang ler o f W anda Dworeckl. 18, adventurous daugh ter o f a m lnb ter. Accompany­ing them was th e fa iue r. Rev.' W al* ter Dworeckl, i8 . pasto r of th e Fou rth Pollsli B ap tis t church , w ho h a d produced policies on h la da u g h - U r 's llf e to u iln g »12,659.

Monday n ig h t M iss Dworeckl le ft hom e to "buy some ice c ream a n d stockings," She never re tum ed . Som etime th a t n ig h t'sh e was m urtl- ered. he r body tossed Into a clum p of weeds near' a "lover's lane." I t was found T uesday, adorned w ith a rose corsaRc.

De.toctive CUlct Law rence T . D or­an led th e squad Into .Cape M ay, N. J.. In search o f a ■'hot sii.spect,'’ whom h e said h a d been seen w ith the girl. He look Dworeckl w ith h im . having dLwovered a sho rt tim e be­fore th a t th e ^ fa th e r was th e bene­ficiary In th ree life Insurance poli­cies on th e 0lrl.

— T h e m o s t - re c c n r of in r ix f l tc l i D o ran said, was ob ta ined M arch T h a t was Ihree weeks before th e girl w as beaten , choked unconscious a n d th row n from a n autom obile by th ree m en la s t April, She survived th a t a ttack .

Police revealed th a t Dworeckl was a t liberty im dcr ball on arsori charges b rought a t C hester. Penn., and was on probation on a charge of pa.sshig a SS coun terfe it bill In 1035.

T lie investiga tion extended C hester, to A tlan tic City, and to

N, C,. w here th e girl

O IS P D IE I IE S MT h ree appra isers from B t

•e lec ted today to se t o l t , dis­pu te d w est end eslal* w hich has a ligned b ro thers of the la te t f r s . Louise W. H azzard against th e w om ­a n n am ed a s beneficiary In a “ c on tested by the relatives.

A ppraisers , chosen today by Judge C. A. B ailey In probate cou rt, a re J . H . B arker. H arry Barry a n d R . O. F a ll.

M rs. H a u a rd was wife of th e la te ow ner of C lear lakes ran c h a n d was o n ce hostess to H erbert Hoover. S pecial adm lnU tratlve au th o rity h a s been gran ted In the e s ta te to R ay_W . Banbury to prevent d c p rf - cUitlon pending se ttlem ent o f tl^e con test. ‘

n o r th w es t f a r m ^ t h « ; i c ific G ra in Otowera’ i 'indorsed a p rttM sad li____th e federa l agrtoD tton l'^ w ould g ra n t " p a r l t r te o .. w heat. Prtces would be^bi those paid foH w heat in ,1M th a t tim e |l.O e a buabel In th e northw est and l U f . l

N ine ty -e igh t per cen t o f m ll£ Is a ssim ilated by the hum an body. aclei\tlfic te s ts show. D igestive lion on m ilk Is quicker th a n m eat, eggs or fish.

A w ln^ of 30 miles i n ine tim es as strong as w ind.

Fcnito-Liiwson M arry In W endell ServiceWKNDfcU., AIIB, n iBpecUl, -

Mis.1 Kdiin Mne Lawson, daughter of Mr, nn<l M rs. E rnest Lawson and R alph Foote, non of Mr. and Mrs. Ctiacles Foote, we.re nnlteU Ui m ar- rlsgfl laslf S a tu rd ay a t th e M etho­d ist parsonage, w llli Rev. Carl M. D avidson offlrla llng .

M iu 'T lielm a O aldw ell'and Cheater Ball werrt atlendaiiiA ,

Couple w ere hnnorril with a r lla rlva rl M onday by a largo rro'Rd of W endell y o u n i folk.

NPEAKN T O <101*BOISE. Ai:«, II IU.F*)-Pranklyn

W altm an, public ity dlrecilor of the lleimtillcRu n a tio n a l coiumlvtee. wtli tm the prlnolpal si>eaker here to ­n ight a t a ba n q u et o f Idaho lU - piihllrans. C h a irm an F ra n k Bur- roiii|hs M llm aled 300 O , o . p . i t t d - r rs would a tte ttd .

Evangelist Returns To Speak in Jerome

JEROMC;, Aug. 11 (U|>e(-lull—Val Cloud, the A l^nenlan evange lis t who

, Iteld m e«tlngn a t th e J e m m e B a p ­tis t c liureh a year ago la s t s]ning. Is rom log th rough Jorotno Aug. H, It was a iniounced th ls week hy the Jerom e residen t m ln ls ie r, E arl J . K aurin.

Mr, tJloud Is en rou te to ano ther field and a spreial m neling fo r M on­day hn^ l>epii scheduled for h im and Ills two tnusicisns. l l i e e v en t Is iii - rsnged for a la ige num ber o f J e r ­ome i¥'oj>l<r Who a ro acxfualnUtd w ith the evangelist and wish to see him again.

Paul M. I. A. Has C onjoint P rogramPAUL, AllB. 11 (Sp..cli,l) - M, I. A.

con jo in t Sunday s e rv tie wn i held a t the D. S . church . P rog ram was a.s follows:

Pre llm inniy m usic on piiuin, Mr.s, W aller B oslngcr; sonif ^prvlce led by Darold G reen : opening pr'O 'cr, F rank R ich ; M rs. E d llh Cf>rle;i .snng two num bers ’'O nly it Ro.'.e" and •'HiiniP l)i>y," accom panied ijy Mrs. W ahci iJo.singer; Mvxdjilione .solo. V ein 'I'Uouitts, Rccoinpiiulctl Uy hlh sl.Mer, M ni’.Uaslngei-.

S ho rt ta lk by Mr;.. .Davis c ireen on » 'h» t she go t ou t o f th e n tinp proArrfm iit flaplli,! t-ainp; pliino holo; MtB. UaMiiBer. diidoKue, "W hy 0 « to Chureli?" by fatlioi' luid Mui, Uuvis O i'cen a n d h is son U nrnid; siio rt talk by at^ke board m em ber, M rs. U oberl H eilew ell, and stake chorister. C harlea W hitker; clo.sing prayer, C. O , B anfoid,

HOW TO BUY A FIHE DRINK FOR LESSOaiofI,000MehinDTamaticSarviy-960FmdOld Qaaktr-Now3 Ytar* Old~aSmooth,Mild,Rich Whiskey, Ytt It Sells at a Rock-BcUom Price/• We w ent to 1,000 m en ond poured eaclione of tliem A drink of dellejeuH Old Quaker.

■ "T aste it!" wo said. "Smell, iti Drink UI T hen give UB yoiir opinion I” '

N o t one At theso m en knew the name of the wliisliey - ye t ODO o u t of 1,11111) cdmmcntcd on Old Qimlier’s rich, mild nu’llowiuMS '. . . ita iIell<’ious tiiatel

11 you HKreti w ith th rso '.U'llV ou t ol 1.000 nu-n, yciii <-iin nrolm hly ciif your u liinkry n

T ry Old Q uaker and «>■<! for youraelfl


N0W^3Y£ARS(HDco rn . io 'Miii.i)i.i>m;AKKk ( o . i ncKHHitfi.iNr

Cooling. . ahd so rCft-eshing

ButtermilkHera U th e pe rfec t ho t w eather d r in k —U'a a n ll- acld, a n d n o u rU h ln i forjo tir h o a iu ra w ksl

. . . you can bBT* Yoiuif’a Dairy nulterm ilk daliv«r«d Mch morning.

Money's HeretUI before you refinance jrour

p re w n t ba lance w ith any to m - p any . O ur ra te s a re low er. Deal* tnff w ith a local com pany Idaho m oney only Invested. E very e i - pend llu ra U h e n in T w in FalU. A bovi a ll o u r M ivloe la liiosl oourteoua ,a n d oonve'nlent.

WMlern PInance'Companyr e r r tn a l le ie l Mldg.




' F irestone Aato .



418 M ain »0Bth

THIS tea 's g r e a t !I FEEL eO O U K


TJERB’s why L ip toa 'i la A m erica’* A X ta o » popular tea:I . W *rltf-r«ai«u» r ia v e r —im oocb,

full, r ich , d e lidou i.1 . la n rfa r Yaang L aevat—a a d lua*

c iou*, fltTorful bud i—g ire ex tra fragrance aoi3 bouquet,

a . DlitlncHva l i t n tf —w iih c h o ic e leas from U p fo a 'i ow n C eylon g a rden i.

Li|itoii*sTea " R t m S H lS "


U R G R O C E R' S



0«ntt«l oHainaiMi the tradi. In pUn anil ll'> a m ailer of pride with UI ih i i no on* ti,n nur Ulxialad v*n ia |ct . W e have hun< dredi ol uted »lr« cuitom tn, waldiiR right now, for llrct In llMit >U«. W a muii ikliUaiU and have <ir<(cUt«l our tradf.in allowance lu ihc limit lo hulld up (lo ck . I l 't yewr o p pnnundv tn *«v« • * • a«wl

I h* lid of lire wortlci for good,

N O M A T T ER W HAT Y O U W A N T . . . W E H A V E I T . . . at YOUR PriuSqMaetM OaQeceli'i Oaneral aieni'Orip wUh .fanout C«tectaiv*Orip tt)iadv Ovntral DMal'Orlii, wtiH iKa - traad ihal built G in ira l'i mileage rcpuiailon . , . voIhm A o t c a n 't ke matched by any o th tr tir t t regard* 1«M a / p riea e r 4 w •U l^


Get the Long Mileage . . . Quicker Stops. ■■ Blowout Protection

G E N E R A L S•« YOUR »tw (« r »ewfTiM coet o f chancing o m you# m « m t !• now th a tow att la O enata t'a U .vow hava a oaw car o r aapect to buy aoon* com e I n . . . le an t how aaty I t to w i M t . on 84ueege«*O anm le . B «m If t m t MWe a . h a . f u n a law • t t e a•HU m ake th e e h a a c » o m .

UNION MOTORFord, Mercury, L lnco ln> W lvr

Page 4: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

PaiteFour IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO . Friday, A niut 11, 19S9

T E L E P H O N E 88

raU U » * j w in tkw k» OBtM Pr«w AMocUllcm. fa ll HRA r»Hir« S«r»le«-


Bauri4 •• OUm UmlUr Id th* Twls TalU P « t OrfIe«. April I t . tll» . Uad.rAet cf OpsinM Mirth lli».

, wni. U ci 1 M -«i 1 m r . ««»•Dr Kill Pwibl* Id Adttoe*;

Within IcUbs kBd Elko CouoU. NiTSda I Doolk lOet I moDlht. ll.OOj • nonthi. tMOi > M>r.

Ouuld* Idiho1 (Bontb, eoo; I noalbi. t l U i I mon(h>. I } .» | I /M r H.OO.

17 l ia or by ordtr sf court of (onpctont JoHldlcUon to t> publltbtd In (h* Thar*<l«; Imu* or ibla M pti punaant te I

................ - ... lojf 8«iloa Uw i ofAll Bollna t««alr»tU M we«kl». •'Ill ....................... ........U>IU 1. C A. 1832. u tddod Ibtrata bjr Chapl</



roitcr, 2^0 Di)«b 6lr«tt. San Kr«neltee, Calif.

; “Are You for P ark ing Meters?■ Revival of the proposal to install.iiarking meters iii

dowjitown Twin Falls has caused no little discussion, and there is a possibility of the city council taking some definite action on the issue at its meeting n^xt Monday.

The Evening Times previously has frowned upon any such proposal for the reason that it believes meters of this kind not only will fail to solve the parking problem, but will put to a disadvantage all individuals who feel they cannot afford to pay for the privilege of parking.

No doubt there are many people in Twin Falls and vicinity who would like to express themselves in this regard, and for that reason the Evening Times is j i o w

-making it possible for its readers to voice their opinions through a "Parking Meter” poll. A special ballot will appear in the Times for the next several days, and everyone is urged to avail himself of the ooportunity to assist in sounding out public sentiment. The results of this poll may have an important bear­ing on what action the council may take next Monday.

In metropolitan or some smaller cities, parking meters may work out successfully, but Twin Falls must bear in mind that a large percentage of its trade comes from the farmers who live in this prosperous valley. It may be true they cannot ordinarily fiiicl a parking space in the main business district of Twin Falls, but it is reasonable to assume that they will nevertheless resent being required to pay a tax for

. parking downtown..We think of our streets and highways as belonpng

to the public, and know they are maintained a t public expense. Reasonably it would follow that everyone should have an equal right on these streets and high^ ways. On the contrai7 , it is not altogether reasonable

^that anyone should be permitted to-buy special privileges on. such thoroughfares.

If the city is considering parking meters from the standpoint of raising additional revenue, then let’s adm it these parking fees amount to an additional tax, rather than install the machines under the g:ui8e of correcting the parking problem. If necessary, let’ revise our parking laws and enforce (hem, but let’s

everyone equal opportunities in bringing about the Solution. _

These are our ideas. We’d like to know what our readers think. Why not mail or bring your "Parking Meter” ballot to the Evening Times office at your earliest opportunity, while the public still has some' thing to say about making a decision one way or an other?

Tom R otxlio coiftet to tow n lw h*t (his couMtrr n c ed i b h l |h e r fences).

.Canadian C onferenceAviation authorities of the United Stales and Can

ada are in conference again, this time nominally to decide matters relating to regular air routes between •the two countries. But it is likely that matters of common air defense will also be diacusscd. They can scarcely fail to be discussed when aviation authori­ties of the two countries meet, for the problem is obvi­ously a joint one.

Especially on the west coast, because of the Alaskan outpost, it IS inconceivable that an attack on either country could fail to be of equal concern to the other. For in these days of air war, an enemy air base es tablished ii either country is a direct threat to the other.

Thus new pernianont a ir buses with military ]>os- fiibiliticH to be establiHhed by either oountry will doubtedly be located with a view to the coniimm de­fense of biith. When two countries like the United States and Canada neither fear nor distVust each other, they can work together with a niiitiial confi­dence unknown in Kiirope.

Doing Soinetliiiig f<»i*The cry that “.something must be done for youth”

has a modern ring. Yet Columbus, 0,, lias a program which has been going on for 11 year.s, and whicii has Hucceeded in cutting juvenile delinqucncv by 50 per cent in that time.

The Columbus Foundation of YouUi is a comniu- nity-wide project in which both private and public agencies cooperate. It has enrolled a high percent­age of boys and girls between nine and 17. U has n full-time director, It usen' nubile swimming pools, gyms and pavka, it has a full program of all sorts of child activities, and it ehurges nonihial dues of eaeh member just to give him an added interest. Kivo nV 10 cents a month is collected, but nohodv Is barri^d if he can't pay It. 'k/ ' . '

Going on the iM'lneiple that there are no "bad” boys or jfirls, the GolumbuH bi’gani/.Utloji lias done a valu­able .................D, unu Uie reduction in juvenile delhuiuenc:

a by-pi*oduct of its work, though a highly de- I t is a program into whose posidbilities

might well look. And riglit here In 'I'wln Ihould better appreciate the good work that

right Along this line.

P o tS h o t s

The Gentleman in the Third Row


The «mplrc« Also com e to (own.


F o r ,d * y i Tve »e*rehed for the answ er. In d e a p e n tlo n I tu rn to you h o p in f to-Solve th e a ll Im­p o r tan t ta p e r -p e rp le s ln r question —Is a M exican d ivorce le fa l In Idaho? .

Flea»e, before It’s too U te! I M U ST know by A uc. 16.

—Flou lek


D enr FlOMick:P o t^S h o is - re le rred your, M exican

dlvorcc query to th e P o t S h o ts legal dcparLm ent. As follows;

Memo to L era l. D ept.A lady con tribu to r w onts to know

a M exican divorce Is legal In Idaho . W hat does th e legal d e p a r t­m e n t have to »ay?

Memo to P o t S boU From L e ia l D ept.

D anged It wc know ofH iand . W e'd hAve to look I t up. <Pot S h o ts sotto voce crack a t legal departm en t: Y ou guys alw ays pull thnC old one).

However, I t l.s obvious th a t ttic Pot S h o ts 'c o n tr ib u to r h&H n o t volun* teered enough Info rm ation . S h e must am plify her datii. Is th is divorce to be a m all order d ivorce? I f .so, II m ight no t b« legnl In Id ah o luid BBSln I t m ight. W e’d have to look th a t up.

O r Is Ihc <liv(iicc to be hcruicd by ita tu to ry le.tlclrnce In Mexico, w ith observance of nil ru les of Jvirls- p rudence?

WUl th e pliiliu iff secu re uny f Ice on th e de>en{liuil7

As you can see, th e In trlcn rle j of th is )>nrtlculiir IrKu) <-mliroi<l1o a te too clo.iely liitertw lncil w ith o ilier m a tte r* to p rrn ili n I'ntcgoi leal op in­ion delivered otfluittcl.

Pardon us now w hile wr pul fee l back on th e drsk and riBtire o u t Cowboy bnltliiK «vernKC«,

'H ie LrKOl Uf])t,

M a n h aliliiliif |ii Ih r nky A rrcldltli (low «ii h l |) i :And laanietl trlluMk u o iiiirr a t The rhance of |K»t>lr th l» or la t Living up on M an .They say llin p lanet h a ll liurr And h n ih ln i hum an Ilvt* up

lh rr«O n M an.

I 'll bc( a cookie or a dime T h a i a t Ihls very se lfsam e lltne (Ip on MaraThe Ironied M a rtian srlr iire

boj»Are n u h lix »rry Icnn iril iio l» ADout Ihr Kailli,And ]>ri-rlti( a t th e Karlhly

»|K-rhThe M srila n i m u tirr , "No by

hrrh ,T h err’o no niir Ih rr r .I t ’s iu rh a lousy luokliii opul, Alws)>i rold or a lw ays hoi. Indeed no m an lives (here."

Whli h proves. It's obvious lo me. T h a i Mien no m a ile r where

iliryAre fii( i«d in Ihn sam e old

m enial m uddle And liitnk they 're the unly

fro fs In Ihe puddle!—T he W oodsn Horse

Ho Hum Dept."Mul t)o |s Are Itlo t In New

Zralsiid”->r|rellm ei headline.H ie kind lliry n rivc n( rn rn lv ith

would cause a r lo l anyw here.

"iM elhtr Nurpilseil a t I’ln ilh ii non Nllll Allve'^—D n ltfd l’re» .

11 diwa seem su ip ils liig konielliii<-i (ontililrilnu nU tlift nciitprn i.ini<ll Ifuyi gel* liilo.

'T rdeslrlan »lned lor K lrhl.ii Atllt,"-Aiisn('U(rd l ‘ ies».'I 'h li InlrliiHrii un lli r ligh t iil t.rlf.


FAMOIIN LAHT LIN E .''. , . Ilim esi, pop, do you es|>ert

(u |R | liiiu l |i a t iin itu rm fur Ihe l<e|luii pa rade? . ,



WAR AND A WOMAN BY BETTY WALLACEc o w f w ^ . NKA ■ n ^ v ie t. in &

Vrstri^ri LiM

Sk* ihi«- r»sS* the beaalUae •'TWO H&TAl,


C H A PT E R X IV1 SCREAM rose I n ' U o d a ’s

th ro a t She s h u t i t o ft by clcnching h e r te« th . D ad d y ’* head was ben t o v e r th e n u m t^ c rlp t. He had no t h e a rd h e r s ta r tled gasp, he had n o t n o tic ed th a t she was shaking, th a t th e ne w sp a p er bad slipped trcun h e r b a n d .

By an e ffo rt o f w Ul, sh e con­trolled h e rse lf su fficien tly to bend and pick up th e p a p e r . O n trem ­bling, n e rve less legs, she m anaged to get lo th e door. She fe l t h e r way. touch ibg th e w a ll, to h e r ow n

"Four m e n c ro ssin g th e - coun­try in a n e w n a v a l b o m b e r m e t dJsasler y e s te rd a y w h e n th e c ra ft crashed a n d b u rn e d 10 m ile s from (heir destin a tio n . K ille d In stan tly were. . . •” T lic le tte rs b lu rred . Linda’s flngcrna lla p u n c h ed Into her pa lm s, b u t s h e d id n 't fee l it. She w as re a d in g sw if tly . "T he Iwo In ju red officers, w ere ru sh ed by a m bu lance to th e N av a l H os­pita l. A b o a rd o f inv estig a tio n .

Y esterday . T h is te r r ib le th in g had h a p p en e d y e s te rd a y , a n d she hadn’t know n . T h e y h a d . le ft Tuesday, fro m W ash ing ton . T hey m ust h av e m a d e s to p s a long th e

H er he ad w a s lig h t , T ^ fte a r t ham m ering h a rd . J im m y w as In­ju red . Y es te rd ay . H e m ig h t be dead by n o w . W h y h a d n ’t some­one no tified h e r? W h y h a d the re been th is c ru e l s ilen c e — supslie h a d n ’t p ic k e d u p th e p a p er—

She r a n u p s ta ir s . T h e te le ­phone. S h e w a s m a k in g queer, un in te llig ib le sounds, "S to p It!” she to ld h e rse lf . " S lo p Itl” She had to teU th e o p e ra to r coheren tly and c lea rly w h a t s h e w a n ^ d .

“T h e N a v a l H o sp lU l In San Diego. I d o n ’t k n o w w h o I w a n t to ta lk to . T e l l U icm I m u s t know abo u t L ie u t. J a m e s C ooper,”

"I’ll ca ll y o u b a c k ,” t h e o pe ra to r said.

L inda w a ite d f o r w h a t seem ed like b la c k -a g e s ,-w h lle te r r lb le -v l- sions w e n t th ro u g h h e r m ind . P a n ic he ld h e r In its g rip . W as he s ll ll a liv e? O h , c u rse t^osc planes! T h ey h a d k ille d h im a t

l a s t W ith o u t ■ w ar; W ith o u t bom bs. S h e d id n ’t even know U h is h a d been th e h ands gu id ing th e w heel o f th a t ship. She d id n ’t know w h e th e r h e 'd been u p se t, th ink lng ..o f h e r; w h eth er b y a n y chance ^ I s gh a stly th ing w as h e r fa u lt o r no t. S h e knew so U ttle abo u t th e N avy . Fou r m e n in a b ig sh ip . W hose f a u l t ? .

q n i E te lephone did n o t r in g . Sb« •L w an ted to s tr ik e iU g rinn ing , b lack facc. T hat operator d id n 't care . I t w as ju s t ano ther ca ll to her.

She p icked up th e phone ' again . ‘T le ase , ope ra to r. I t ’s— it’s ■ m a t­te r o f life a n d death!"

" I 'l l call you back ," th e voice sa id evenly.

L inda hud d le d on th e chair, life* lessly. I t a n y th in g had hap p en e d to Jim m y, she ’d w a n t ttf d ie , too.

"W ell, m iss!" L inda Jum ped. R ourke had com e In, s h e w as stand ing th e re s ta rin g dow n a t h e r, "You d id n 't h e a r m e slam th e door. I had a fu n n y fee ling. I — W hat’s th e m a tte r w ith you , ch ild?" K ourke ’s b road fac e w as suddenly a larm ed . “Y ou 're g ray as a ghost! TeU m e quick , is I t you r fa th e r?"

"No. no. H e’s aU r ig h t I - ’' She couldn’t go on. T h e te a rs stung and b u rn ed , and h e r m o u th ju st w ou ldn 't behave.

"T hen w h a t is It? W hy a re y o u w aiting b y - th e phone? '’

"Jim m y." L i/Jda m oaned a t la s t, ‘He crashed . H e 's In th e hosp i­

tal. San Diego. I— th e y 'll ca ll roe.""So Ih a t’s it! ’’ SwIfUy, th e com*

peten t R ou rke -was ta k in g h e r In hand. "Y our m a n is an a v ia to r ." She tr ied to g e t L inda to go u p ­sta irs, bu t L in d a w ou ldn ’t 'inove,

" I m ust kn o w how h e is.”“ You'll kn o w soon enough,”T h e ' te lep h o n e pealed . L in d a

grabbed I t "H e llo l”"W ill you sp e ak w ith th e officer 1 duty?” th e o p e ra to r asked . “ Yes, yes. A n y th in g ;'The m an sounded calm a n d u n ­

hurried . "Y ou w a n t in fo rm ation about L ie u ten a n t C ooper?’

"Yes, yes, q u ick ly .”"W ho is th is , please?”“Don’t a sk m e questionsi I 'm

—I'm-”"I Uiink 1 u n d e u ta n d . L ie u ten ­

an t Cooper Is do ing as w ell a s could be ex p ec ted u nder th e e i r cum slances. H e 's be en severely in. ju red , b u t w e —”

"W ill ho d ie? ’* sh e sobbed. “U he dying?"

" I 'd su g g e s t th a t you ge t h e re yourself i f a t a ll possible,” th e voice sa id gen tly , “H e'a be en bad ly in ju re d a n d tlia t's a ll w e can say a t th e p rese n t tim e.'

C H E h u n g u p w ith o u t thank ing h im . “R o u rk e , R ou rke , I ’ve go t

to Ro to C a lifo rn ia , r ig h t ^w ay." “You re go ing to bed r ig h t away,

tta l’. w h«e , o u ^ gota,.. stop a ll t h l f n^Siel -D o you w a n t to w a k e y o u r ta th e r t"

T m u s t go ," s h e w him pered . “O b , H o u rk e , you don’t u n d e r- * t a i ^ H e ’s d y in g ., l — i m ay ne v er se e h im a c a in .”

-^B etter come to my room if j o u r e bound you’ll carry on,'* B w rk e said, taking Linda’s arms In h e r^ ttio n g haddi. “Come on, ir ta tiv e l” to HvB you a

mloDcl i m you . I ’m g o l ^ . T h e r e m u s t b e a p la n e ou t o f h e r e to n ig h t"

R o u rk e s a t dow n heav ily , h e r sh re w d o ld eyes suddenly de - f t t t e d a n d tire d . “You’r e crazy , L in d a S to rm . B u t 1 can’t say I b la m e yo u . I t 's tn o u g h to m aktf in y o n e lo se th e ir m ind . I ’ll pscTc y o u r th in g s , b u t w h a t I ’U tcU y o u r f a th e r in th e m orn ing , I don ’t know .'*

T h e r e w a s n o U m e to th in k of t h a t " G e t D r, L ogan, h e ’ll know w h a t t o d o . ” She w en t to th e te le- phofae a g a in . T he a lrp o c t Money t o r a t i c k e t Jn Daddy-* lecre tary , th e re w a s a jw ay s m oney. I t w ould be e n o u g h . ^

T im e ra c e d , a n d she raced a g a in s t i t So taehow . she w as d re sse d f o r th e tr ip . C ram m ing on h e r h a t T ak in g th e suitcnse o u t o f R o u rk e ’s hand . K issing her g ra te fu lly , a n d runn ing tow ard th e c a b th a t w as w aiting outside.

A T h a l f .p a s t five th e n e x t day, U n d a S to rm w a s stepp ing ou t

o f th e p la n e In S a n Dlego«^ She re ­m e m b e re d d im ly th e stops '» t N ash v ille , M em phis. D allas. She h a d u n d resse d , la iii dow n Jn the s le ep e r p la n e ’s b e rth , b u t she h a d n ’t s l e p t A ll d a y to d a y she’d b e e n l ik e a w o m an In a daze.

T h e N a v a l H osp ita l, w hen she e n te r e d It a f e w m inu tes la te r , w as a s u n r e a l to h e r a s the p la n e had be en . N o th in g m atte red , only J im m y . S h e h a d to see him ! She p ra y e d f o r s tre n g th , p rayed th a t h e w a s s ti ll a live, th a t no nu rse o r ofBcer w o u ld com e fo rw ard now a n d s a y gen tly , "Y ou’r e too late.”

“L ie u te n a n t Cooper,” she w his­p e re d Je rk i ly to th e first m an she sa w . H e h a d gold b ra id on h is s le ev e . S h e d id n 't look a t h is face.

T h e m a n sa id , “T here a rc v is i­to r s w ith h im now . I th ink .”

“ V is ito rs? " . T h en h e w as s llll a live! H e w a sn 't going to die. H e w a s a l l r i g h t A w av e of fain tness h i t h e r , a n d sh e strugg led against I t l o r a m o m e n t

A g ir l ’s voice w as crying, b la n k ly , "W hy , L inda Storm ! Howo n - e a r th d id you g e t h e re ? " ---------

S h e tu r n e d sw iftly . M arcia K in g w a s s ta n d in g there , sta ring a t h e r . *

(T o B e C oncladed)

H I S T O R f c Of Twin Falls City & County

IS YE A R S AGOAUO, 11, 1021

N um bers on th e B cilica Cutler rec ita l a t th e Idaho , w ltlcli created so. m uch favoruble com m en t In the city w ere; P a s to ra l. A nna Bweeley, Milry Stoner', M arvel lln n sen , Vivian W ilson, R ehon DrlRRs. L eah 'rim ni. A nna W alker, J e a n Swccley, Murlal R eeves,. Blmlrft Y ocln 'in; AultllrrV Kuard, W llla I.loyd, UoUy Peavoy, H arrie t D tivall. KtllUi lloo tt. K ath ­erine T hom paon , U u U iJ te a d , r rn ii- ces T hom pson , J^atlierinc 'llinm p- Aon; do lls fro m m any lands, M ar­jorie K ingsbury , U elty McClure, M arga re t M agel, U elty Miitii'l, Khtlirr Jivilyn, K a th e r in e Colwvll; Uulcli kiddles, G w endolyn IxMcr uu<l Vlr- RlnlA S tan le y ; Beily '.i miiMc box, Vivian W ilson, L eah n m iii. rra n re s S to n er: gavo tte , M a tte l llicmen, Aiiiia fiw eeley, M inlel H e rv rr Mnry Htoner, A nna W alker, Jm n /iw rrlry, n<'hon DrigKs, ICtniire V n c iM 'in ; KKVlitlan nlavo d u ncr. I,<'iiti 'lln iin ; Jiiimncftc eplficHlr, Ihirliiiiii Hlmtle- VHiil, A linn KhiK, llc ilv J'arks. M abel W alker, .lum -l IVli; Oyjwy opl/iotlc, A nna H w c p le y . Muriel Itfcvea, A nna W alker, 1''iiuutji Hton- er, E ltnlre Y ochetn, Vivlnii WllMin. Jeun Hwpi-Ioy, M arvel lliuiKrn. H clliea C uller,

27 YE A R S AGO _AU G. n , lUlt

•m ere a re ta la y on ihe Twin Kails p ro jec t 190,000 m'K.s n t land iinder c u ltiva tion , wliKn ciiily flo.oiw acres o f thU urim nitl p io jr r i rn n aln Id be b ro u g h t uniler niltivn ilon ; m any IhounuiulH or acrrn o( wliii h are now beInK hvouKlii utiiler riiUlva- (Ion, a n d (he m n ia ln d rr o[ wtileh li set aside lo r acliool |jinix>Bea. Ijinrt haa Increased In vuhie liom 129 an .icre lo an hlKh nh liiiHi an acre, th e U lU r being th e p iiro u l w liirh full- In a r ln s orcliui iin p in n trd to i>eaohes In held.

In th e c r n tn o( iliM Inland em* jilre ts th e t-lly ol Twin rails, a nplendld llltle i iiy, wiioM> |iro|)|e aro pilncea. T lie (Im t ntilotuniiiil iin ic* lure, U is llo lv l I'rA'rinc. was con* A tiucted In itxn ix » iim e when there w as DothinK (>iit MiH<'iiiiiah In th e e n llrfli region, '( 'w in Knlla has opriing from llir iIi m i i m Mven nhort years a n il niiw hun a iHiimla- tlnii o{ fron t 7.000 lo O.ino |icu|ile.

You May Not Know T hat—

n» II. I.. C HAHI Wlicii Idalio Ixionnifl n

Btntu it iiilivi-llud u loliil iiDl im te b ttK i iid n s o ( that had boon Incurred by M«ho Tirrrllory,

; Family Doctor

By DR. M O RR IS n S H B E IN E ditor, Jo u rn al of th e A m erican

M edical A ssociation, and of Hygeia. th e H ea lth M agaslne

E ach year In th e U nited S tales abo u t 200 people die as a re.'(ult ot serious in ju rie s received while d iv ­ing. T he (Isures m ade available by one o f th e lead ing Insurance com ­p a n ies do n o t Include d ivers who.ie d e a th s a re ascribed to drow ning no t com plicated by o th e r In juries.

I n m ost o f th e cases in w hich d e a th h as occurred th e re h u been In ju ry tQ; th e spine o r head . Al­though pooU a rc used by swlmmer.s m uch of th e year, the n u r tb e r of fa ta litie s resu lting from diving are co ncen tra ted In the th re e - m o n th period, inc lud ing Ju n e t h r o u g h A ugust.

A carefu l lnve.^t18atlon niaile of th e d c a lh a of 100 people w ho u r io k illed In d lv ins accidents liullcitios th a t by f a r Uie U rge m ajority , th n i is ab o u t 08 p e r cen t, lost th e ir llvrs because they failed to f ind o u t how deep th e w ater was before Ihry Jum ped, o r faHetl to e stim a te how deei) th o w ater had to be fo r sale d iv ing from th e he igh t from w hirli Uiey plunged.

io rce , a n d In th e m a jo rity of ca«c» th e resu lt was m broken neck.

l l i e inventlvaUons th a t were m ade of these de a th s show ed (hat In som e In stances th e person who

killed h a d never before )iad op po rtun ity to sw im In th e pool, the riv e r o r th e lake in to w hich he had dlve<l. In o tiie r Instances, It was Ills f irs t a ttr in p t.

However, In some o th e r cases llin pe rson w)io whm kliJed lu id dived frequen tly , b u t h a d taken fur g ra n te d th e c lrcm n itanoes which he (Should have contro lled . F o r ex-

. one m an dived In to a ihkiI..........At th e tim e was on ly partiallym ied . t f I t h a d been full, h e would have been w lUiout d anger In d lv ln i. in a n o th e r Instance , a m a n dived In to th e o cean a t low tide. T he dive wouM have been sa fe a t h igh ilde ,

F o u rte en o u t o f 100 acc iden ts were p roduced because o t rocks In the bo ttom of th e w ater. O ne person ooillded w ith a n oil d rum and a n ­o th e r w ith a tree stum p. T h e recordof th e ip o r ta n t I t is to sa feguard against any possible conungenoy.

In one case, tw o persona dived sim u ltaneously a n d itru o k ihe ir h e ad s to g e th er in th e w ater, in a n o th e r case a d ive r struck an o llirr sw im m er w ho h a d no t y e t ooine up.

In th e A quaoade a t th e New York W orld 's fa ir people have opporlun liy to see som e of th e m ost expert d ivers in ih a w orld perform tiuefl o r four tim es every day. Thene d ivers ach ieve th e ir proficiency by Uto m oat carefu l caloulatloi t« d is tance , tim e, spring of the board , a n d o th e r factora Involved 111 diving perlom iftHce. NotwHh- s ia n d ln g th o fac t th a t Utey have re ­peated ly dived from th e heigh ts a n d Into th 4 pools w hioh a re no t MW, U will too o to s m d th s t they carafu ily t e s k 't h e spring boards.



By BBUCB OATTON Id a h o E fenlB g T ta iia W aahlng toa

CorrespondentW A Sm M O TO N , Aug. 11—A dm iral

H arry E, Y am ell. « h o re tu rn s from th e f a r e a s t w ith th e m oat d is­tingu ished record any ‘ A m eilean na v a l officer h a s b rough t back from

e p a r ts since Dewey cam e back from M an ila bay. haa achieved h is siK cess largely by th e procesa o f b e a tin g th e O rien t a t I ts ow n gam e.

In th e f a r east, w here de ep le a rn ­in g Is profoundly respected ,-Y am ell h a s m ade h im self th e m o st learned____ of a ll a s f a r a s th e h is to ry ofdip lom atic, economic a n d m lllta iy a ffa irs in Uie O rien t is concerned. I n th e m iddle o f a conference w ith A siatic dliidomatlQ officials, h e can suddenly u n e a r th a p recedent se t in tho year 1» 8 , o r quote from a s ta te m e n t of th e Jap an ese em per­o r ’s poUcy back In 1901—and he 's a lw ays rig h t.

F u rthe rm ore , h e h a s m astered th o sub tle O rien ta l gam e of keep­ing up w ith c u rre n t Inform ation. D uring h is th ree years In com ­m a n d of th e Asiatic flee t, h e pe r­fec ted a n am aelng ,jtnowledge o l m ilita ry a n d d iplom atic a lfa lra all over C hina.

Few new spaperm en, rcom m ercla l trave le rs , o r m issionaries cam e dow n to th e sea from a tr ip th ro u g h th e In terio r w ithou t being Inv ited to lu n c h 'o n th e flag sh ip — w here th e a d m h ^ l w ould pa in s- U kingly exU act from them such In fo rm a tion as they had .


O n top of th a t, h e h a s m astered th o O rien ta l s ty le of .con fe r­ence . W hen h e slta down to ta lk w ith a Ja p a n e se ..g e n e ra l o r a. C hinese politician h e does n o t com e b lun tly to th e po in t. In ste ad h e m ay spend a n hour'xdlscusslng M ing vases, a n d le t th e conversa­tion d r if t gently a round to its rea l po in t. T ills tak es tim e and p a ­tience , to say n o th ing of an en ­cyclopedic knowledge, b u t i t gets resu lts.

T lie navy dep artm e n t here sug­gests th a t.A m eric a m ig h t have lost

of its trad e outle ts In C hina If Y am ell I ftd n o t played h is card s r ig h t. W hen th e i l r s t fu ry of th e Japonese Invasion sw ept Into C h ina . A m ericans and E uropeans

! pan ic-stricken . M ost of the em bassies a t N anking closed; for a tim e «< looked a s If every "ou t- iid e r '^ lh O hbia w ould have to go home.

Y nm ell th o u g h t d ifferen tly . He rem arked th a t os h e In terp re ted tJ.- B. policy, tlie navy alw ays stuck a ro u n d a trouble a rea a s long as

tbere w as one American there th a t needed help. Ih a t , be aaid, was w hat the nayy would do In th is case. I t dU - end the A m ericsn buatneas community was able to st«y, too.

W hen th e P a a a if w as bombed, Y a m e ll m e t h is g rea tM t te s t. He qu ie tly dug u p th e facU In the case a n d se n t w ard to th e J a p a ­n e se ran k in g g e n era l t h a t be w ould be deligh ted te h a v e him p a y a caU. T h e genera l cam e , was c loseted w ith h im fo r h a lf a n hour —a n d , I t is sa id , w as ta lk e d to p o l l t e l r b u t very , very pointedly. R esu lt; . A m erica d id n ’t b lu s te r Its w ay In to a w ar, b u t J a p a n stopped bom bing A m erican w arsh ip s , the A m erican navy sta y ed in C hina, a n d A m erican p res tlg e -su p rem e ly Im p o rtan t In th e O rien t—g o t a new luster.


J u s t recen tly th e Ja p an e se Im ­posed a series o f stud ied in su lts on th e B ritish a t H e n ts in . T h e B ritish h a d to take them , beh ig busy In E urope, so th e Jap an ese tr ie d th e f u rth e r s tep of o rdering foreign w arsh ips o u t o f Swatow. H ere i t ran in to A dm iral Y am ell. Speak ing th ro u g h th e U . 8 . consu l-genera l— so th a t w hat h e ^ d w ould gd th ro u g h th e p ro p er ch an n e ls—Y ar- ne ll once m ore u tte red a few b lun t tru th s . N ex t day th e Ja p an e se ex­p la ined . th a t they h a d never rea lly m e a n t th a t (ho w arsh ips rea lly h a d • to q u it Swatow.

H e is due In San F rancisco Aug. 17. I n O ctober h e re ti re s from th e navy: a n d w hen h e re ti re s he w ill have a d is tingu ished service m edal, voted by congress in rec- ogniU on of h is d lsU ^ u ish e d serv­ice in a n ex trem ely tou g h job.

Real Estate TransfersIn fD nnation ftim ished by

Tw in P a lis T itle a n d A bstrac t Com pany

T uesday, A ugust ILease, M. J . F loh r to L T . Creed,

$3,400; aW 2-10-16.Lease. A. J . F lnke to O . 8 . Jo h n ­

son. crop re n t; 8 ^ SW 9-11-20.D eed. Tw m F a lls co un ty to D.

Powell, »a00: lo ts IJ, 13. 11. Sylvesler N ew ton subdivision of M urtaugh , ad d ition to Tw in f^ lls .

Deed, S . N ewton lo D. Pow ell, I I ; lo ts 13. 14. Sylvester N ew ton subdi­vision of M urtaugh add itio n to 'T a in Falls,

Deed, Fidelity N ational b a n k to L.-* O, Pierce, 131,100; NWW 10-10-19.

n o w GOOD Y EA R D EVELO PED RUBBER T he w orld was given the m odern

ru b b er Industry. 100 y e a r s ago th ro u g h th e discoveries of C harles G oodyear. Here was one of th e 10 g re a t Inven tors o t th e Indostrlal e ra , y e t only now Is the fin it b l o f ra p h y of M m being w ritten. " Ind ia R u b b e r-M a n " by Ralph F. W olf IC a ito n P rin ters ; IS). You will f in d It a d ram alic story. Excerpted b riefly h e re is G oodyear's own a c ­c o u n t of h is discovery of n ilc an - IsaU oniW hile on one of the visits . . . a t

th e fac to ry a t Wo<Jum, end a t the dw elling w here h e stopped whenever h e visited th e m anufactory a t W o­burn , th e Inventor made some ex* pcrim en t.1 to ascertain th e effec t of h e a t upon tlie same compound th a t h a d decomposed in mailbags and o th e r artic le s . He was surprised to find th a t th e nptcimen, being c a re ­fully b ro u g h t In contac t w ith a ho t stove, c h a rre d like leather.

He endeavored to call th e a t te n ­tion o f h is b ro ther. a.i well as some o th e r indiv iduals who were p resen t. an<l w ho were ac()iintn(ed w ith the in iu iu fa c lu ro o t uuiii-elasUo, to tli is e f f r r l . as remiirkiibic. ajid unlike an y before known, slticn guni-elnMIe ilwityn lArKrd when exposed to

iilKli (icurcr ol IipbI, 'n il.i occurren-a d id n o t u t llie (hue appear lo them to be w o ilhy «if tiotlce.

Me m a d e ‘lintillier IrliO of heutlng s lm iliir fabrin in-fore un open fire,

'H ie nam e effect, tliai o l c liarring the Hum. followed; Init tiiere were M rilie r a n d very satinranlory Ind l- rutiiinn of iillim nle success. In pro* cliirlnK llin desired retiUlt, as upon th e edgn of the charred ix>r(ions of the fabrin th e ie appeared a line, or border, th a t Was no t charred , bu t jierfectly cured. \

T liiis (nays Die au thor) was tho g ie a l (ilacovery of vu lcan ltation m ade U ut perljaps no benefactor

g rea t ever ptutsed so qulelly o u t h is placn and tim e as did C harles

Q oodyear, nor received so a light an acknow ledurm eiit for h is services.

PARKING METER BALLOTI favor parking meters for major downtown streets

in T^vin Falls.......................... ' ,I am against parking meters for major downtown

streets in Twin Falla............. . ............................. ^Suggestions for Holution of parking congestion;

DECLOS nap p y H lllcliers 4-11 club m e t a t

th e hom e o l Dorothy lAiiey W ednesr day. i t was decided to hold m eetings each week lo flninh up f o r k Iwfore Ihe fa ir . Next .m eeting will be d e ­voted to judvlnR.

M r. and M rs Bailey, Ogden, visit- eif la s t week a t th e hom e of M rs. Johhnon ’s sister, Mrs. Den O slerhout.

Mr. and Mis. 14. K, O lllott a re s p e n d ln i (he week In IXioele, U lah, a t Ihe linme ot (h slr dauKhlcr, Mrs. K nih I 'arke. accouipanied liy th e ir son, cieorge, who wni spend th e w iiiier will) h it sister and a tte n d school.

Ilellel Bwleiy m et a t the UDJB. nicetliiK houAe ’I’neriaay., Time was sp e n t «lin>-nMin« the exhibit w hich will be h rld III Hurley nex t m onth .

nn in ln g illslanre am) oUier factora Iwlore eaula iw rfom iance.

I t s x p s r u re<iulre thU a m oun t of cau tion , am aU urs will certain ly r*- qu ire m uch Q ore a tU n tlon to th e w factors.

(Note: Usn RopHrulc. Hlioet of paiior fur your sugges- tiun.s if ncccs.sary).


■ Addrosa..................... ..............................................(Mail or bring tIuH ballot to officc.s of the

iCvening Time«).


HORIZONTAL1 ,0 Cham pion

go lfer p ic­tu re d he<e.

l lF r c n c h . m easure .

12 Species of annelids.

13 L e^ Joint.14 D ried coconut

m eat.15 B illia rd rod,10 H our.17 S p rite .10 Po in t low nrdj.20 Dye.21 Y oung devil.23 T one n .24 To revoke.26 Eyo tum ors.38 To disclaim ,a O S iresk .31 Profcssionot

o th le le .92 A uto.34 D istinctive

theory .SB E lectric term .37 G aelic,10 O n th e lee.

A nsw er lo P rev io u s P u s tle

41 Court,42 C red it.41 H aw ullan

natives,40 M other,47 A rab ian .40 M ore infirm . CO Identlcol,02 A u to shed. &3 Spat.OOJIe recen tly

w o n th en a t io n a l ------go lf cham -

VRRTIOAL3 Siberian.S Magfc,4 Unit.B E m broidery.

, 7 A trocities,9 To drink

dog-fa ih lon ,0 M ale ancestor,

10 L and righ ts.

14 P e r t g lr lj,15 H o w as once

a ------ o r clubco rrler.

18 H e Is r a te d tim ong (ho ------ p lay ers .

So To w orsh ip ,72 Diue.34 V enom ous

snnke.S B P rin te i'a

m easure ,37 To aoflen

le a th e r,30 S ou th A frlea.32 D inner.33 G ard en tooLas A bll.38 O rchid tubers ,40 Dig.41 C arv ed gem.49 Uncom mon.4ft L arge pulplL40 C hinese s e d |«47 Since.48 Curs*.00 S ister,01 Sea eag le .54 W hile,


■■ ' " ■

I B I In !i 1mm 1 1

r r r13“

Page 5: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

( i f i a w , 1 1 , M 8 9 IDAHO EVENING TIIJES, TWIN FALLS, IliAHO

C r e t e

10th Annual “Meeting in PJmes” WillAttract Hundreds to Sloshone Basin

Vespers Launch 2-Day Services

Complete program for the annual “M e e t in g in.-; the Pines,” Aug. 12-13, expected to attract Inr^e numbers from Twin Falls, Hollister, Roger- Bon, Knull, Buhl and other southern Idaho centers, was announced today by Rev. R. E. Davia, pastor of the Presby­terian churches-of Rogeraon and Hollister. Vesper services Saturday evening, a sunrise service Sunday morning, and the church service Sunday afternoon are among the fea- tured events of the week-end.

3 e m n « lo r th e lO U )'annual "M eet­in g In th e P ines" Is B e a r O u lch In Shoshone ba.tln, located one mile n o r th a n d 16 m ll is e a s t of Roger- son. A rrow s a t (rcQ uent Intervals p o in t th e way to th e location , a spot o f r c lre sh tag n a t \u a l b eau ty .

V e ip e r t B a ltird a rVesper services a t 7;;J0 o'clock

S a tu rd ay evening will Include an jipp ro p n u te hym n, "D ay U D ying In th e W est" by th e cong regation and telecU ons by a m ixed q u a rte t. Rev.

■' V irgil O alncs will de liver th e ad-__ dress, and '•B lc m td -b a-th e-T le —will

be the Closing song.A round a m am m oth bonfire,

Im prom ptu program , led by Miss M a rth a W eddcl. will b eg in a t 8:18 o ’clock a n d conclude as th e embers In th e cam p tire die o u t.

Rev. Q alnes will deUvcr a second ) address a t the sim rlse service Sun ­

d a y m orn ing , w hich will be ushered In wlUi tlie hym n . "SofU y T hrough A no the r W eek.” A aolo, ‘T h is Is My F a th e r ’s W orld." will (oliow. a n d a hym n, •'Jesus C alls Us O 'e r th e T u ­m u lt" will precede the add ress. Clos­in g num ber wilt be a hym n . ''Grown H im w ith M any Crowns.”

Beryl K unkel, ac ting superln lend - e n t, will p reside a t th e Sunday K h o o l 'a t 10:30 o'c lock, w hich will b e he ra lded wlUi th e sing ing o(• T h e C am p In th e W Ud W ood.” a special de d ica tory num ber.

Sunday Bcfaool CUsse* .P reced ing th e c lass period . "Dwell­

ing In B eu lah L an d " will be sung, a n d th e closing num bers will be " I M ust T ell Je sus" a n d “T he K ing 's B usiness."

M usic ians Irom T w in PaH s, H ol­lis ter , R ogerson a n d K n u ll will p a r­tic ipa te In n m usic (e st. w hich will b r in g th e p rog ram t o 'a n Inspiring finale.

A p o t'lu ck d in n e r will be served ea(el«TlA a t li3-.30 o’clock.

I T liose a tte n d in g are requested Co b ring b a sk et d inne rs . T h e com m it­te e on arrongem en ts will fu rn ish lem onade.

O pening th e p rogram , th e audi* enco wUl jln g '-TUe V ictory May D epend on Y ou," and "M y Jesu.i, I Love You.” A song by th e HoUlsler c ho ir will follow.

Hev. M illar SpeaksRev. J a n ir s Mlliitr, o f Ihe faculty

of tliu College of Idaho , a n d form er pii.sLoi' o f th e T w ill Fnlla Presbyte­rian chu rch , will d e liver tlie p rinci­pal nddresfl.

Two hym ns. " I Am 'T h ine, O Lord." a n d "Oo<l Bt* w i th You Till Wo M eet A gain,” will be sung.

Follow ing In le rn itu lo n the song fest will U ke place.

Dinner Honors Young Musician

M rs. D, A. S a lm o n w a s hlte- Ic.sB IbhL e v e n in g a t a n ^ fo rm a l d in n e r p a r ty com pll- mi^nliiiK P h ill ip M cE lw aIn , la li 'n to d m uHiciun a n d y o u n g c()ni|)o«or o f T aco m u , W awh., \vli(» 1h lio ro ro n o w in g f r ie n d

P rrsen t w rre Jo h n C abala, C harles honciree du rin g h is s tu d e n t diiys In Tw ill Palln, He le f t h e re In lE>3i for T n ron ia In com pany w llii h is pnr- eiiLi. lie In viicntlonlng a t the home or M r. a n d M rs. O w eu B uchanan .

tlup^ ls W)'re Jn h ii Babnia, C harles I ,a iw ti. J o h n W nlern, Ed B eno it and E<l WtHxIa.

Mr. niid Mr«. O tiarles P . l.arften w cie hln dlniiiT hosU W ednesday eveiiliiK'.


Com pletion of p ro jec ts occupied tho C urry N eedlers 4-11 Bewing club yen trrday a fte rnoon . "

T h e y D ra m a tized In d ian L egen d

iridge Supper Fetes IVfrs. Lyle Kauffman

Mrs. Lyle R. Kauffman, who has been the inspiration for a number of delightful courtesies recently, was once more th€ honor guest l u t evenioff. Miss Barbara Thompson j^ e s id ^ a t a charmingly appointed bridge supper in compliment to heV.

The event took place at the home of Mrs. A. C. Victor. At the place of the h o n o m was an attractive corsage bouquet.

Taw ny shades of n a s tu r tiu m s In blue potU ry bowU c en te re d the tw o Uble* a t which guesto w e» seated .

DivertU ement o f th e evening was c on trac t bridge, a n d M lsa M ftrie H a tsch received price fo r b l( h score.

Miss H aasch U vacaU oning a t th e hom e or h e r pa ren ts , U r. a n d Mrs.

E. Haasch. •

H elen Wilson.« « «


Dr. and M rs. George Caldw ell, w ho ' left Twin F a lls 14 y e a n ago lo r Kfllamazoo. M ich., a f te r resld

In terp re tin g U>e In d ia n legend of how th e Tw in falls a pp ra rrd In the Bnake riv e r eanyen . th is (T M t 9 ^ " sen ted a n effective d ra m a tiia iio n a t th e “E vening U nder ll;c Stare ' sum m er f re lie o f th e T w in FaUa fU k * M. I . A. o t th e L a t te r D ay S a in ts e h a re h la s t evenlnc 0!i tin-1 oiling green a t T w in fails. M ore th a o 5M p e r . sons w llnessed th e ipeo tac le . Seated , le ft to right, a re T haj’iir I.aiiRlmitller, M arlin Lind, Jo n le r Q ardner, T heron K n igh t. Bin M cA rthn r a n d W p h K Irkm an. S tin c 'liu . I rf t lo right, a re E tU Cnunp, VloU CrSBip^ Eugene B oohanan . J a c k T hom as. M a ^ n e Luke, BU iilry itrov.n, Oliver G ard n er a n d Leo K irkm an.

(E vening T hnes Photo)

D orothy a n d H etly O ehrlng ,B Tor the

artilnvem ent day p rog ram Aug. 17 a t th e home of M ila T ucker,

(inines Were played a n d M rs. Oeti- rliiK served rerreslim ente .

Pastor’s W ife Feted by Guild

Mrs. Van B. W right, wife of the pastor of the Church of the Brethren, was presented with an attractive memento by members of the Junior Guild of the church yesterday afternoon when the group met for a picnic a t city park. Rev. and Mrs. W right and family will leave the afternoon of Aug. 27 for Fort Wayne, Ind., where Rev. W right has ac­cepted a pastorate.

A m iniature m agazine rack , let­te red “Souvenir o f Tw in F a lls ," filled w ith handkerch le lg a n d g ree ting cards, was presen ted to M rs. W right. S h e m ade a g racious response.

The picnic luncheon wns served a t 1 o'clock to 20 m em lK rs and th ree guesU, M rs. Cecil Loving, M rs, I ra SmllSi a n d 'M r j . D an Ttynn.

Mrs. Law rence M urphy presided S t th e business se.s-ilon. Snap-nhots were taken of th e group preceding a social hour.

Aimouiicenient was miulc o l the sotinl TlMJiaday. A u * IT. a t home of Mr. a n d Mr.i. R obert llem - plem an, as th e clim ax to a guild contest. Tlie hust^snds of memberH will bo special guests.


P y th ian B h ters . m eeting la s t nlng a t the A m erican Legion M em ­orial ha ll, m ade p lans fo r th e a n ­nual ch ild ren 's p icnic Aug. 18 a t H arw on pa rk . M em beta h a v in g no ch ild ren a re asked to b ring somA.-v

le else'5 child . ' .i, •,A picnic d in n e r w ll^ 'b e ile rv e c f ,

a n d trea ts wlU be d is trib u ted to the children.

T h e VMMtA "Hobo" p a rty , one of th e moat hilarious even ts o f th e tl |e year, will be he ld Aug. 34,

lace lo be de term ined la ier .R eport of th e p ro jec t com m lttce

arid discussion of ac tiv itie s to l>e taken up a l te r flep te inbe r, concUnl- ed the m eeting.


Mlsa Florence Lewis, O gden , U tati, la Uio gue«t, o{ h e r moU w r, M rs, May Lewis.

M lu Lewis Is here to a tte n d Uie m arriage of h e r b ro th er, Q ra n t Ltiwb, N y w , Ore.. a n d M iss Vir­g inia Haynes, 8atur<lay m orn ing a t th e hmne ot th e b tk le 'a mollvcr, Mrs. V. U. Haynes.

Mr. and M rs. Don T . W illiam s, brotlio r-ln -law a n d sis te r oX Uio |)rldegrooin>elect, a re expected to he licm from l/>ffan, Utsth, fo r Uie wedding,

Mrs. W illiams is de an of wonten a t tlie Ulnh A gricu ltu ra l college.


SliUues Come to Life

M argare t M eA rthnr and Mel Jensen , a s i ta lu r i In a P ren rh ga rd rn w hs were privileged to come to life every h u n d rrd years, appeared In a K cond d ram atisa tion a t th e M, L A. sam m er frolic beneath s ta r lit sk j. T hey a re shaw n h e re w ith L ym an T y le r, a t th e e ttre rae r igh t, who played (he role of ga rdener in th e ske tch . M n . M ilford M errill, In rh a rfa of th r muiKt; M n . Lloyd O aks, d ram a , a n d C. Vern Yates, dance, dl- re r trd th e two num bers. (Evening Times

C ool, refrc ih inft, and inviting, Schilling T e a - 1 ^ - with ici deiicioui n«v6r, adds zest and gpafk ic co aumnicr m cnui!



S A L E !Here In your chance lo make a ycar'i aavlriK"In one purchase a t llooHlor'H. nc<ln, InippH, nvcirstuffa, tablofl, chaira, atovon, riigfi, lln-

.oloum. and everything for the homo Kolriir »t tho^lowent prices of the nonnoh. Voti can't afford to mlsa tho big vhIui'h and low iirlctm «L Hoofller-n AU0U8T FURNITimK HALl' .Stop 111 today nnd makti n nrli’i t io n . Wiilc-li the looa! papoi'H for fui'lhvr d rla lln on tlm

furniture aalo of tlic year.


“Furniture That SatfillcH”

ing here for a num ber o l y e a n , a n d w ho re tun ied recently to renew local friendships, will Im honor guests a t an I n f o m s l . d in n e r th is evening a t the home of D r. a n d U rs . R. A. SutclUf,

O ther g u u u w iu be M i. a n d U rs . A. C. Victor and m em bers o f th e Sutcllff family. T he even ing wUl be spent in p leasan t rem iniscence.

HosU a t dinner for D r. a n d Mis< Oaldwell Wednesday^ evening w ere

,M r, a n d Mra. Ed T i* n e r.W allace Caldwell, son of D r. m d

M rs. Caldwell, wUl Join hU p a renU th e fore p a rt of nex t week, com ing from New York City.

During the ir s ta y In T w in Falfii th e Michigan visitors a re house guests of Mr. and Mr*. F . W . Neale.

Quality MerchandiseA t a Saving

SAVEBeautiful Sampson .de-_

■ lU5e cwd tables with aah trays and glass holders. Reg. $6 values for $ S . 4 «

You Save J2.52

SAVE • .A splendid 26-pc. set of Roger and Bros, silver­ware. 6 f t ta in le s B steeV knives, 6 forks, 6 tea- spoons, 6 serving apoona, butterknife, sugar shell.

Regular $3.75 value for %2A%. You save $1.27.

SAVECocktaild, Sherbets, Wines, ^Joblets in very attractiveglassware. Regular $1.45 set of 6 for.;..................$ 1 .0 0

You Save 45c

SAVEOne only, 16-In. ball bearing lawn mower^ 5 Wade. Reg. $6.98vaiiie for ......................« S . 4 8

You Save $1.50

SAVERegular $2.75 wrist watches, metal or leather band f o r ..............................................................................................................« 1 . 9 8

You Save 77cReg. $1.25 pocket watch f o r .......... \ ..........

You Save 87c8 8 ^

SAVEA dandy kapok sleeping bag. 34x77 inches, waterproof army duck cover, lii.ntre «at((j{Qi,lInl«g'.. Regular $9.50Value for ..................................... ............................ $ 7 . 7 5

■ You Save $1.75

■' SAVEA very beautiful 32-ploce set of chinnware. Open stock pattern.Regular $6.98 for.............. $4<M

You Save $2.00

SAVEGalvanised wash boilerB>.......$1 .S 9GalvaniEed tubs. Large Blze....8S^i'olding ironing boards............9 8 ^Large size wa«h boards............38^

Two-bumer hot platen ............................... $ i .8 8 f %3.B0Two-slice electric <onnter«............................................ 80<School lunch boxen ........................................................ 2 S (Croqntjt sets ...............................................................$1 .48Boys’ bicyclcfl...........................................................$ 2 8 .8 8



2 , or S c

VERY SPECIALG«nultte •ttHcmUlo. 100 ptKts. Complete acrvlc*for eight. Het Indudra:

O em plelo M rvlee fo r tig h t.IH n n irv a re i r ie i la —a large i ln a e r ^ a U s , • unaU pialea.

c o ffH caps, B H ueera , I sauce dishaa. ( jo pleees). E lv le m aerv ieipleeee i« n a to h i t e v iae {% »laoeB>, 1 « m n . \ v* i« teb ted isk . 1 U rre l l - ln e h p la lla r. ( • pleees). M eiSeaa s ty le (ta s sw a re i I lea teas. I tum blers. I r r a l l> lo e a , • a sh trajr e e a s le n , I sU rring speens. 41 pfeeee). C olerfa l ^Rtleryi All H«eaa o f etatwleee s t e e l - ■ kniree. • fo rts . • apovns. (>« pltees.)

A to ta l of I H beaatirB lif M atched »ieee« la a t le a a ln e r is s U I

ALL FOR $14.95

Diamond Hdwe. Co*



A lw as^s D e p e n d a b l eWhether you want fresh frultfl and TeKciablM. freah I meats, or juat a few atapte itcm a (or th« faad l; c«p> I board, you ean alwaya depand npon tha qoaUty and freshness o f foods at the 0 . P . fikagga aterw . 0 . P . Skaggs is always first with fm iis aod Vafetablai tai season and prlees make for saT infs th at art wortb- while! : i :3

f X £ £ flapjack turnerH W IT H r u a c ^ t i O P A l b e r t

^ » A N C A K I A N a W A I> rtl f lQ U R

Corn Flakei



CHEESE 16c»5c

LEMONS Firm , Preah. ' Do*. ■ 15c




C h o ic e C u t M e a t*Cube S te a k s , re a lly n ice .....Lti. aoe

Bxo.1 ourwl, ttoo.lMa .Lb. aas.t e g o f L a m bS p a re R ib a Snol'ert’

Page 6: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

- Pag* Six- IDAHO EVENJNG TIMES, TWIN F A L tS , IDA.HO Augort 11,1989

' Continuing their championahip clip, the Cowboys of Twin Falls returned to their home rodeo grounds today, Htill « half-ganie out of first place—all set to close the gap against the leading Pocatello Cardinals in a three-game serlea that starts tonight at Jaycee park. The game is scheduled to get under way a t 8:30 p. m. and one of the biggest Friday night crowds of the season is expected to be on hand to see the festivities.

Last night Manager Charlie Wry’s hands edged the Salt Lake Bees to take that series 2-L The score for the con­test was 6-5 with the Twin Falls club staving off a de­termined n in th-inning rally thatssaw the Bees chase two runs across the plate after two were down.

U 's ihe Cowboy skipper's tu rn to pitch .Uinlght a n d If lie cnn tu rn the CardlnnlJi bnclc. as he hna been In the hftb lt o f <3oUig, ilic Tw in Palls club will Jum p bacX lnt« firs t piMP. Jh flny~*veii(, w inning {wo gsmes ou t of th e thrco-conlest sc- rlta would p u t tlic locnl o u tfit bnck in the Icftcl—a p lace th a t Uie two teams have d ivided contlmiously since Wry look over th e m anage- m ent. Iiic ldcnU lly , under K entucky CharHe, th e Cow boys have won nine gftmM and lo s t (ou r and the only series they h a v e dropped was a t Lewlslon w ltere tJic ball club was badly cripp led .

I5 th Victory L ast n lg li fa b a ttle saw Bill Bcliu-

b*l no tch u p h la 15th victory of tlie season—th e m o st w li* of any hurl- er In th e league . B u t he has six losses a n d a tlll s ta n d s behind Wry and Jack M e n tE .o f Boise In aver- igea. Scliubel wa.s touched f b r - l l h ltt , b u t h e g o t som e good support both In Uie f ield a n d a t bat, besides b d n g Invincible in Uie pinches.

Salt L ake pu sh e d across two runs in Uie sccond , b u t Uie Twin Falls club cam e th ro u g h wlUi a pnlr In the f if th a n d a d d ed two more In the sixth a n d tw o In tlie clghUt, VlUi Verae R eynolds, IB-year-old sbprt- ■top lead ing Uie a tta c k w ltli a pair of doubles, a n d P ra n k Palconl with

. a double a n d single.L arg e Crowd

Tw in P a lls shou ld have won Ihc gam« 6-3. b u t In th e n in th Inning a fte r tw o w ere dow n, an e rror and a p a ir o f h i ts se n t two n m s scam p­e ring across th e p la te and the tying m an was o n second w hen Falconl m ade a n ice ru n n in g cntch In cen­te r Held to e n d th e game.

O ae of tlie b iggest crowds of the season, 4,50&, saw th e Cowboys take

^ h e fina l gam e to <»p th e series.'^ o x score :

Twin Kallt ab r hStli U kr itb i ‘Klahop, :b 4 0 liTruwrr. ■■ S I

Sb 4 0 aiArlot.' rC t o C*rlM>n, lb » 0 1 ffk*, l( S t

e S 1 l lU r r in . lb < ' I r»koni. et 4 * 2 BurlfWti. 4 0

rt 4 1 olByid. lb ' ‘N o k t.........................................Rrynol Sehafc*,. ,I M rtn , I

Cardinals Shig Out 24-15 Win Over Lewiston

By U n ite d PressPocalello m a in ta in ed Its hBlf-gftme

lead In th e P ionee r league Thursday, de feating L ew iston, 34-15, In a swat- fesl.

T lie second -p lace T w in Palls ng- gregatlon c on tlm ied In the rutuiliiK by deffallaif the Sail litke ■Brr',

5. be fo re 4,S00 fan s In the cap i­ta l city.

T lie C a rd s g o l to Lewiston h u r l­'s H ow ard E rickson a n d Lou Oitr-

)nnd fo r 37 h its . M anager Tom R o-' bello a dded a n o th e r c ircu it blow to h is s tr ing , m aU n 's It 43. Ahd"1flR team m ate . B u m r tt ;— clouted two hom ers. T h e C a rd s topped off Ihelr ba tting sp ree w ith a n ln e -n m o u t­burst In th e e ig h th . T he Ind ians found B e ra d t a n d S ande l for 17 h its and 15 ru n s—e ig h t of tlie ruijs com ­ing In th e la s t tw o Innings.

T he Cowboys cam e from behind In th e f if th Inn in g to de fea t the Bees. T h e ' Cowboys counted e ight sftfeMes a g a in s t P i lch e rs Nig T ato and Ja ck A ndrew s. T lte Bees found Bill sc h u b e l,—New York Yankee farm h an d , fo r 11 h its b u t failed to do m uch dam age In Uie clutches. Eddie M u lligan ’s aggregation kicked up four e n o rs . w hich d idn ’t help tlie p ltchcrs any.

Ogden d e feated Boise, 2 lo 1, In a pltc iie rs ' b a ttle betw een B lydlstcl of the R eds a n d Ro.smassen of the Pilots, All ru n s w ere scored In the f irs t Uiree InnUigs, T lie Reds nicked H asm ussen fo r e ig h t h its.

CA RD IN ALS Z«. INDIANS 15 jtox icor*! .

I.cwjiiQn ab r h 'l’ocitcllo r hWlllla'n,-tb * I l|Mur|ihy, <• 7 2 S ThornM. Sb S 1 llCibriil. ;!b 4 3 t K«rr, el * I SlllurtiMl. 3h 7 S 8 While. If S t 0 RoWlln, lb < t 4 Cutr, ,1 S S 4 KIrko, rf r, " ] Morer. rf I l.lUUinu'r. « 7 I 1lo m ii, lb .s I 1 lljon, tf s a n

c S I rf « 3 U

TuuU 17 « -B .tU d for Woli» r —n*ti»«l fqr T»uT«la K»1U ..........-Ball Lak* ...............

• . Errurm — Trowtr t, ArMt. UoUlho. NokM. tUrsold*. Two 'hlU - lUrnuliti 1. ni.l.up, K.IrgnI, '.row •r. Thrw ba .. hlU — llyr.l, Ijirrko,

. Noki«. Dnubir l>Uyi — tirhuM ti lllihn (• CarUon. I.MlnK pitthfr — Tau. Itim. rapotiilblf rnr—Tat« ‘J. HrbuUI I. .Rlrurk oul-Hy Tala S, Kchubfi 4, Aiidrr. * kaaat on ball*—Off T»I« 1. Hrhtib Tim*—l!ill. Umplrn -■ Hc()u*lliii

. Doultr, .

Darkness Halts fiuhl-lVin Falls J.C. Soft Ball Tilt

W lUi a p c u ^ to n g h iu and m ors h o rsep lay p ro v id in g Uie features, T w in a n d B uh l Jun ior Oliam- ber of O om m ero* team s battU d un> tl) d a rk la s t n ig h t a t Jaycee so ft­ball p* rk In Uie second Intercity gam e b e lw ern th e two groups,' 6co rekeepers collrrlecl Kruy hiilrii

try ing to keep trnck ol things anil T*wln P a lls J a y re e s rang up wlint looked llk r a sa fe margin, liiii M an- tgei- A1 Wc.itergrrn <it ;/v iii looked lliln g s over a fte r the iHiUle a n d •n n o in ic rd Hint Dulil liiiil won, la lo 11. n i i i t evened innltrrB a t one gam e each ,

E « rh chil) used a new p ltrher every tw o Innings,

A fter llie ga inn the Jnycrn ii bnrs a d jo u rn e d to llurm oii pnrk pic­n ic giountlii fo r sundwlclirti nnd Ihtt, secured by C im in iltteen irn Ilovi Cil«- plno Slid D ob DIckiii'd Ironi ro n iil- butlona by T w in PiilU rnnrcTiis,

AM KItli^AN I.KAOIIK W aah lng ion 7, New York S, B oston T, I'hU adelplila g,

4. fh lr a g o 3.(Only ta n tM ■elirdulrdl.

I.«wl»lon ............................SIO OSO 03.‘.-1Cocauiio ...................... .2M 120 s»»—::

Krron — Thotnu. n»»«r. Whiir, Culi. nucntll 1. Rum rt.ponilblr for-Krlrk- MB I. CirlanU ». UtrnUl 7, S.n.lfl 8. Twu ba>« hit* — Colt. Uorry. lloUlla 3. Kn*r.UJort. Murphr. llurnfli. Ssmtel. T bmbM« h lu — Hlraila, Marry. Horn* ruti<-- llurntll 1. Rob«llo, Q>rr<ll, StniKI. WII- llamion. R atn r>i. h.Ui - (Urlai.il S, llcrnilt S, San<1rl i. Sirlkr cuii-Krickio I. Oarland S, ll*rti<U l>, ^an<lfl 4. Iloiihl Plan — Cabral to Hurphr la lt«l,rlln. Uurnctt lo Cihral to KciWllo. Ixxiiiu pllfbfr — Krifkion. Wlniili>g i>ilrhfr — Baii,I«l. UmpIrM - Kliirr tml J»ck»on, Tlm>—2i40.


lloli. ab r NokM. t f a 0

hlOmlrn >h r h

K. Ail»m». c 4 0o|l(lif, r 4 0 0

lltrr'l 'n . 2b ! « oiSl'uIi't".'!' rf' 1 “ }I'r^lb 1 11 i|irA!i.iii.! tr .1 0 1

i _ :

UflltV.lliul,' p s ' 1 Ini

Tnl.lt SI 1

IM .. .........(llH.n ...

7..1.I. io “ i ~ i

nm fun eoo—1 . . nil coo vox—1

Krrort — {Irujiln UuihM. Thr», l,t.

‘d, R<ldl« Ailimi. Noh«#. • • hit — Un1> Adima.

OofliUrd. fllrutk «i.•■uaavil •. ........ . -MM ,M7Ulll«l1. -• IMrlrh una l'«m|>l-«ll. Tim*


Mm. l le ir n Hoffiiiium Ik riatino le T liun tday ir ln ln rd lier Ulnh Htate H'i>n)e;)’A j|o )f rli»mj>liJ]i.'))l|>, d e /c a t- liiR M ary I.im ’niiinip.vm, l up on (he Ifltli g ren i.

MiKt Tliiiiiip.-idii llirer-in ittc it th e Brw?n U) give ihe rhum plnn the m a tch , a f te r she iniJtsrd a lO-foot- e r w hich would hnve given her Uin innloli »nd crown. i


M nry U>iiIm< Onlklim ht>A a i>el M hI- la rd duck mim ed Je«p ih s l follows h e r a lm u t llk r it tloi;, ’Ilia duok glvfii to h r r h<«l K«.-.t*T, W hile « l- leiulliig W hiliiiiin >'»ltriie a t W nlla W alla t h b ninluK, Ihn diirk Irnlled I’c lilnd l i t r nft nhr wnlkrd on oainp tis a fte r ellls^eA.


_ Nearly $1,000 In cuhIi und nrleon will Iw nffftn'd to wln- ncr« In the atatu cliiinn)i(inHhip tin ll/./lr vm-v n( ilio Twin Julls county f«lr KrotindH Hcpt. », it wuh annoiiiin-d luno

Kdwur()H. proiiiotvr of llio ov«>nl..1 . ®ntricn rcfitrlclcd to niflii who Imvo riicoil in

tin i lz E le r o c e a in Jdalio boforo (;«}>(, Kdw/irda•t«t«d th a t 21 cftrn will be on tho ntHrtUm Him for llio 100- mlle event. There will bo no prollniiimrirK luid tlio ohih will dmw for starting posltlonn.

“R ulea and roffulotionH,’' finlii EilwnniH, "hnvn buon . . c mnffcd connldorably for IIiIm race and drlverr* Intorimtcd

. aliQUld w r ite in a t ouce fo r Inform ntlon, V o w cnnli prizcn. IilUB consolation prizos fo r otlier drlvorn will li» kIvuii.^*

........ Capt. IMwarda will also iirviiont h thrill nhow nl th« coun-, ty W r and todarw M en routo to Denver t<i cmnplotn lliilnu

“ D'of apparatufl for the event. Prom Donvcr lie will ro to raturninir with si)eciully btilll tn liolp in tho

of the lupeMpecUeie.


Takes Final Tilt OflBee Series, 6-5

SPORTSYanks See Lead Cut to 5 1-2 Games; Reds Lose

Senators Chalk Up 7-5 Victory tis Red Sox Turn Back Athletics





'n jc KtHlf AiticrlCAn Legion con 'ir iitlon hrrc rccalls to m in d th a t long itroversy th a t raned over th e n ie rlU of Jack Dem psey. G en e T unney

mid Ocorsc.'s C nrpcntler. N ot th n i th e LcRlon ever o fficially e n te red Into the controversy, bu t m any m ember.s of various Legion posts w ere very nctlvc li> pannlrtj? o r upho ld ing th e v irtues of one or th e o th e r f lsh te rs .

If you recall shortly a f te r th e -e n d of th e W orld w ar—S ep t. 3. 1921, to ■ exac t—DcintJsey look on th e llRlit F renchm an for th e heavyw eight lam plonahlp. . . . . .

As the cham pion e n tered th e rin g he wa.s g reeted by th e lou d e st boos er received by any cham pion In h is hom e country. O n th e o th e r han d

CiiiV cntlcr was a ''h ero"—h e h a d fauR lu In the fron t-IInc tre n c h c s du rin g th e w ar a n d w as wOunded. D em psey, w ith the wlley Ja c lt K e o m s a s his m anager, got a Job in th e U. S . im vy yard's and kep t aw ay fro m d anger —not tluU "Jack was ,a fra id , bu t h e was young a n d w as so com pletely

u n d e r th e th u m b of K earns th a t h e co u ld n 't do any* th ing else.

T lia t fig h t. Incidentally , b ro u g h t 'I n th e t h i la rg est g a te In h is to ry —SI,T80,23ft—a n d everyone th e Inside knew th a t C arpentler d id n 't h ave a chance ag a in s t a rugged puncher like th e M anassa M auler,

W e-saw C a rp en tle r figh t Ja ck Zlvlc, th e P ittsb u rg h llgh t-heavyw elgh t. In S t . Paul a couple o f years la ter and he .still d id n ’t weigh over 170 pounds. H e b u ilt up to abo u t 175 .1 believe, tor th e cham plons lilp ba ttle . As a llgh t-he iivy . C arpen tle r was ju s t ab o u t th e sllck- e.<it th ing ever &aw in the rin g —fas t a n d c lcver, w ith a full bag of tr ic k punches th a t would bew ilder the average b a ttle r In to losing h is head.

Now to get to G ene T unney.In th o f irs t b a ttle helil a t Ph ilade lph ia , w h ich drew

■Uic M coad b lg h g a te of tl.8dS.733, T unney . Lbc cx- n iarlne. w as th e Idol of Uic m ob a n d th e cham pion

w(i.s Ju s t a n o th e r bum. B u t T u n n ey won ilic title by o u t-s ta b b in g th e fad ing cham p, o jid -from th e re on In th e ,fa n s were a ll“ w llh““£5empsey.

I t a ppea rs th a t Its Ju st In tlie blood of tlie average A m erican to roo t for th e underdog, and w hen D em psey and T unney squared off In C hicago Just one day less th a n u y e a r latel-. th e gate was $3.658,600—a n a ll- tim e record th a t may never be equalled again .

B u t It m iu t have been a chcc rlng th ing for Dempsey, th a t f ig h t—d e­spite th e fact th a t h e lost I t on th a t fam ous Dave B arry “ long co u n t.” T lie leathe r-lunga were n e arly a ll fo r h im . They liked a slugger, ra tlie rtiittii a p it-p a t boxer, a n d lo h ------ w ith who wonthe war.

T oday Dempsey is p robably th e moiit popular ex- cham plon th e fight gam e hos ever know n. He Is a nucces-sful restau ran t p r o p r l ^ r . a iid th e th ing to do w1»en In New York is to c a ll‘'u t h is g rill. Last year

, th e na tio n al American Legion m Q ^ h l s pince was m obbed w ith adm irers—n o t to m entW n people who w an ted to e a t

O n the o th e r liaiid, afCcr reflrltifr from the public eye fo r several yenrs. T unney is'M ill Ju s t an o th er I'x- cham p , despite the Inct th ii t he l.i a tte m p tin g to k«ln favor by moving nway from his H hakespearo long enough to en ter a diMHts.-ilon on Uie m e rits and de- m e jlts o f such mid such u figh ter.

O f a ll th e people In th e world, A m erican spoils f a n s forget the quIcUc.H.

If you don't, belluvo It, look a i th is :Billy Meyei-,1, Uie C incinna ti R ed second biisenian, Im rtn'l m ade ....

e rro r In 31 KH1llP . T he o lh r r day he com m itted h b firs t o ffe n ie In nearly a m outh a t th e hnme ]>nrk a n d th e fiiiut nciirly lu io trd hhn off Uie diam ond.

I t 's a fiui'i'i- witrUl. iMi'l IL’.’



Record Throng to See Sun Valley’s Rodeo

S U N \ ’A L L E Y , A ug . H (S p d c iftl)— W ith tlie cow hoys e n t r y IIhi ii|iprnueluiiK th i; h ii i id rc d m a rk niut p ra c tln il ly e v e ry licil ill tlic W oinl riv c i- .c ln u itry c i th e r occuiiicd nr fo r , S iiii Viiilc.v in IIxn 'oiiK hly propiy jiU fo r IIh Ih ir il iiiiiiiinl ro iii'o S iilu id a j’’ m id ,Siiti(ln\. .sH iidwitflou in 1)(;twcrii w liicli iw llio h1uI«' I'iinil ('i)iii|ii‘tilfttii, h inoiiK IdfkliolH .|0'innM l lit-milIfiil KirlH f(ir tiu ' tilli- ' ‘MjsK Siy i V id lo y ()f lilnb'o" w iiirh currit'K w i th it an nil I'xpi’ipn'VTr'ip l a b o th U ’l.i-I.l’s I'uiV.- a n d n cliMiicn lo ill- (’row nrO ‘M ins A n if r ic a a l A lliuilii: (;,ily, N .J . , ll(‘X t llio illl l.

Cowboy rnm ppllllon for, llie I .IKXI p rlrn moii<-v n l ln r d lit I llhj)ill1li< i)t w enlen i JhiiiIioiit hrKluii '«i 'i p. m .Hntiirilny In the ^llllll1ll■l Tlir |i io - g rnn i r iid i duv roMr.ir.in III ::i) in'i.-<.Ml tim ed lh a l nnt it m m nriii n lic:i|* tuU on (li'i'llin AM iilrlili rv ri il rntln a n d trni'k rv m l AtmUi. 'l lio h u iik I e n lry pam dr, ninuiM it mllr. liiiiK a n d niii<W' up nl ro itilirn .p riililn M'iMKiiiru, iiiiiiiiitnl iiirn a n d o th e r Ill'lltiNiiiiK lit Idiihii hl 'iiii v will hn Iril In Hip Him ViiUrvb raw hniul, h iipplriiirntrd by a r rn c k niarrtiliiH hnnil from Oofxllng.

P r lir livriiUCJnwlxiv p ilrp pvnll.^ will i'cir.l,',!

or liitiTliiK k rlilliiH, , »i>d(1lr iMoiic ,rUUng, cull ii)|iiiiK. nl<>cf.'«^liiH, htill •logttlnK -and ixMiy r\iu\<»h iiu hiK. Ih-aellrully all nf llir t a lm t a v a il­ab le In tlifl^wny ct( lili'h riipliiK, tfl(0( rUlliiK iilu^»d^c<l<ii II tra in on hnriebnek has ^)elnf^lnyMl^lPd to th is plix 'r III rill In iiiiMiiiK rc>iii|irnili)in

A new tliilil 1(11 ii»li-<i liiiin i,IkiuI<I be Iho niiinlriir eiiwlKi^n' wild hoino TRce, denlKiird liy r im liiv rv Iloh M llet lo hiivn nrw [|ulikn Inr lli<i am iun lo it 1)1 Iniuknnxtii. K lghl lin l- tAffxl and inilirnlipn luimi'n will Ixt releaa rd nlniiilliinpoiinly Iron) Ihe bu rk ing rhu trn

IW u ly Cniilrnl na<-i<rn anint rn teli th e ir miiiialfl,

saddln them buck o l lh a h tu itliig line, ride lliu yiiKIn (o Ih i r a d of tlin a re n a , uiinnddle itiid reinnve ilin liuiikliig ielai> a ad lo tiirn lo ilin n ta rllnv linn on loo t en rry lng a ll eqiiliuiient. m r thin fiery a c l. 3 i h e x i o( iinlamoil langfl lii)rM>n w tra pu rrliiu ed near llniiienii in Owylicn rou iily .

'p in lieAiily ron lrtil O alu iday iilg lit

riM-uCrllD iH ln KilK N all I« k o Clly O fdeii I,enU lnn . Ilulae .


NEW YORK, Aug. 11 (U,R)—Who ever thought the Wash- in^rton Senators might turn out to be the key team in the American league pennant race?

If tilings keep on going as they are and Washington shows no respect for the Yanks and folds up before the Red Sox. then there’s going to be a finish in the American league that’ll curl your hair. I t becomes more apparent every day

that the Yanks are not the

15,500 Watch Rauiiers Lose, 11-3

in y U nited Press)Pitcher JXillo B onc ttl wa.'i h o t la s t

nlglit and Uic Aiigels polished off Oiiklniid 1 to 0. Tw o h lb a re a ll the Acurn.s got from Bonettl'a f a s t low ball, the first a single by H ugh Luby Jn the .'cvcntlt, tiio o th e r a double by Marvlii Gu<JaX~In Uie e lgh tli. Boiieitl d idn ’t walk a b a tte r , struck out ilircc and bu tted in th e on ly n m of Ilir Rnine hi th e sccond lim ing when lie -sent Bob C ollins hom e w ith a .single,

Inliclder H arvey Slorcy walkwi to the plate lu-M n ig h t as a pinch h i t­ter In ilie lOUi inn ing and h i t a home run, w ith K eith F razie r ahead of him, lo give Uie S a n Francisco Seals a 5 to 3 w in ove.r Hollywood. Itellcf P ilcher W yn B allou was c red ­ited with th e victory.

Sacram cnto w on anoU ier game from Snn Diego. 3 to 3. In which home runs by A rt" G ariba ld i w ith one man on base, and anoUier by Bii.slcr Adams tu rn e d th e trick.

Portland Jum ped a il over Seattle to win II to 3 be fo re a crowd of 15.31)0 at Seattle , one of the best tu rnom s'of th e year.

k II It r.

AAlKlilCAnNew York ..tloHtoii ........< 'lilrM |o .......Cleveland . DeiroU W aih liK lu it r iillade lphU ' Ht. L«ul>........


:: ;Sii


( ’liirlim all Mi, I.ouU C hleago ........Nnw Y o i h ............. .M in .1n iU b u r jh .............. 41) 47 . 1llrM hlyn ....... i . Aii no iI M I o n ........................f,i .1I'tiU adelphU :n <in

NAi'IONAt.N«w Yath It. lloKii.ii il. llrcNillyn 1-1, riilU ilrlp h U o n. ChieafO H, i ’lilrlniiHlt 4.(Only ■amr* n iliritu ln li.

Ill th e ttad liiiii will lin fnltuwrd liy on niiUloor ilm ue in Uir iiKiro nreiiii Id th e mtir.tr (if H iiil HmiihK or- rh M tra aii<t llie Him Vuilry b ritn baiiil.

Play Opens in Semi-Pro Ball Meet

w i c n r r A , K on„ Aug. i i f u n - Voung m en d ream ing .of a reguliir l « i l h In big league org iin lied base- bnll and veterans ta k in g th e ir ,f in a l eula u t th e bull, n ihigjed he re today for th e oiwiilng of th e n a tio n a l semi- pro ba*e(>all tm irnnm ent.

T lie 33 tennv. th a t won .^tale imd dU lrlc t chiimpinn.Hlilps In llielr lig h t for till' hliot lie rc a t th e iiii- tlo iial title , a r u t a l Iho rahl) and ii tr ip to r n e r to Itleo lo r th e title of the A merlrah, will take two ’wrekn to decide Uie Is.iue. Any te am th a t loses tw o gam es Is elim inated.

Rny D um ont. w h |\ .f a th e r e d the ,seml-pri\ Idru mid n u lu red II to ni»- tln iw l sliiliire , experl.s^o pack In llie orowdn i>t U tw reace ntadlum . In ml- d lllon to ImM'Ixill, how evrf, he uill p resen t an oddly ns.^orted grim p of notables.

T here Is an um pire nam ed Jes.n Jnmcn from rtioK rth ig (truoa. n w om an m'out f<ir th e ChU'tigo Wlilln H o\. a hi-auly ijucen from th e Nnv York W nrld'd Inir a n d D iim ont him - self, the m an w ho p u t um pires in r«bra-H lrlped s iills a n d gave llih baseball world Its f irs t aiilomnlli; hom e p la le diikter.

■me liim ie tow n W lolillft Clvln, will jilnv (ho I/)» A ngeles fliielin in llie opening gam e a t 8:30 p. m. In Ihe o ilier ( lin t n ig h t encoun te r, tiir flllvertpn. O re , Red Box, (islandctiii te am In Ihe to in i ia n ie n l a yenr ngo, m eet th e C olorado i ta le rhniii. plona.


{('•miilltd hr f l* i auna)U rtU *. .................Ho^lU.

fire-spitting chumps of,other years. Washington has bqen highly successful in revealing the flaws in the Yanks' attack the last few days.

I t i e S e n a to rs b e a t th e Yanks again yesterday , 7-5. a n d now are Bll_even w ith th e m ro r th e season, M veh vlclbriea ap iece. O n th e otiier iiand, th e R ed S ox h av e b lasted the

itors In n in e o u t o f 10 gomes, tom orrow th * P enw ay mllllon-

; open a th ree -g am e series with W a-shlngton. T h e Yank-s ge t a re­spite, m oving in to Ph ilade lph ia for four gam es • w ith —tn 6 " 'A th le tIcs -ln th ree days.

L ead T rim m ed T he Y ankee lead was trim m ed to

five and o n e -h a lf gam es yesterclny as th e Red ? o x c lubbcd o u t a 7-5 tr ium ph over Uie A thle tics. Singles by *Vosmlk. T abo r. F inney, Non- nenkam p a n d D oerr accounted lor the w inning th re e - ru n rally In tho sbcth.

P ln c h -h ltlc r R oberto , E.-itnlcllii’ single w ith ih c buses loaded In the f if th drove in W ash in g to n 's two whv n ing ta llies. M onte P earson , wh( s ta r ted fo r th e Y anks, w as routed In th e flfUi,

Tom m y B ridges surv ived a thrcC' run o u tb u rs t In th e n in th fo r hl. 15th victory a j D e tro it won from th e W hite Sox, 4-3. R elief P itcher C lin t Brow n w alked H ank G recu- berg w ith th e bases loaded , forcing in th e T ige rs’ w inn ing tally.

C ubs D efea t R eds C in cin n a ti’s N a tio n a l league lend

was shaved to seven and one-halt • games w hen th e C ubs b e a t the Reds, 6-4. w hile t.he C a rd s w ere Idltf. Paul D erringer failed In a bid fo r h is 16Ui victory. H an k L clber’s double drove In the w inning ta llies.

T lic G ia n ts clImBCd back in to first division by w inn ing from the Bees, 6-3. fo r th e ir nInU i w in in I I games. Tlie victory enab led th e G ia n ts to go n))ead of Uie id le P ira te s .

Luke H am lln jil tc h e d a th ree -h it game to give T h e D odgers a 3-0 de­cision over, th e P h illie s In th e first game of a tw in bill. T lien th e Phils cnme back w ith a se v en -ru n rally ill the six th to w in th e n igh tcap , 8-3,

W ESTERN INTKRNATIONAL Hpokane i . W ena tchee'3 . V ancouver 6. T aeom a 4. U ellln iham 2. Y akim a 1.Y akim a 1, B e llin fh a m 1.

Jenkins Makes 173M.P.H.inEarly Tests

BON N EVILLE SA LT P L A T A , U tah , Aug. 11 (U.R>—Ab Jenkinsi a t . tem p ting to b rea k autom obile speed records h e ld by C ap t. G . E . T. Z ^ to n of E ng land , averaged abou t 173 miles p e r h o u r In h is M ormon M iteo r m fo r th e f irs t MO miles of h la ru n today.

H e s ta r te d a t 8:35 a jn . M S .T .J e n k in s ' tim e so fa r today was

only a b o u t tw o m iles p e r hou r under existing reco rds In th e sho rte r d is­tances. B efore th e ru n Jenk in s In ­d icated h e p la n n ed to a im for rec> o rd s il) th e longer distances.

S to p p ed by m ino r difficulties In two tr ie s yesterdoy Jen k in s ' p ro ­jected 24 -h o u r t u n today was h is fou rth . A m is tak en "slow down" s ig ­n a l a n d spou ting oil from Uie ta n k onU) th e w indsh ie ld ended two tr ia ls w ith in th re e h o u rs ' tim e yesterday.

T w o weeks a«o. n a m es - w hich fUled th e cockpit a n d sp resd to tb a r e a r e n d of th e racer, •e v e re lj b u m - Ing th e U ta h driver, s topped hU f ir s t run .

Five reco rds /r i l In I b t th re e earjy m s. b u t Jenk in s failed to re a c h d ls - '

ta n ce s covered by E yston 's Tecordg.

- /

B O H E M IA N H R E W E IU K S , INC.Twin F a lls DIntribulors

'omt )Q.un

OOAflT LKAOUK BCORKfl U a AngelM I. O ak lan d • . P u rlland I | ; IteaM la S. N arram ciiU I . i » n DUge t . tta n r r a n e lM ^ S ; lU llyw eett I.


«><! T acU a Block - 7 9 EACH _____________ I

4 9 ^ h i 8 5 < |SHOVH


run II oa. aMOW ........ 37/

HqIcIm I Tt p « — M U . » w . .p .

4 9 /M l SUM



AUGER BIT SETSM «4 8tB — 0«Bykn« E n rln —tadudlnv '/«. A. i f 'A. %. *f*

MANURE FORKSM oa. w c « k M b im I

• r o w t im BcmoU H aixll.

HANESB poaW C «I»M »«Mt M a 4m

NoDd Honed - M aekbM d BM o m


K R E N G E L 'S■

Page 7: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter



Gobb Hopes to Raise Car Speed tip to 360 Miles-Per-Hour

B r JE R R Y BRO N D H ELD (NBA Bervlce)

Jo h n C. Col)b I s n l con ten t w ith having driven ' i n autom obile 380 m iles pe r liour. .

Now he w ants to do 580 and b e ­come the f irs t to trave l six miles a m inute on land .

T h e m ild -m annered residen t o l London, w ho soon wUl s treak over tJie fam ed Bonneville S a lt .F lat« in hU ‘7W >*P00nd B alllon special, he ld th e world la n d speed reco td for Ju st 34 hou rs Uist year.

I t was on Sep t. IS th a t Jo h n Cobb, roared across th e m onotonously level sa il w astes a t 350J mUes a n hour.

T lia t eclipsed by five miles the marie se t a m o n th e arlie r by C ap t.

•Qeorge E. T . B yston. l ^ p o u n t r y ^ m an . — ' , fr -

J u s t one day did C o b b 'b ask In th e Blory of h is daredevil s tuh t) /i-nd then Syston rolled o u t h is ponder­ous T h u n d erb o lt fo r a n o th e r w hirl. W hen h e w as ,d o n e h e h a d shoved th e record up to 357.5.

Clia-sseloup-LAubat. a F renchm an , ■tartled th e world w ith 39.24 in 1898.

Heory- F o rd se t a recdrd of 91.37 'in 1903.

B arney O ldfield sp lit th e breesea t 131 in 1010.

Tom m y M ilton flew « t ISS In 1920. M aj. H enry O. D. Segrave and S ir

M alcolm C am pbell shoved It ’way above a&o. - -

Now Cobb w ants to do 3C0.SheU l ig h t

T he gto loaical slo raach ach* th o u ­sands of years ago w hich resu lted In th e Bonneville S a lt F la ts r e ­placed D aytona B each as th e m ecca of speed.

A ctually, i t is a huge sa jt'.b lock, 30 m ties long and 20 m iles wide, w ith th e c ry stal packed four fee t thick. W ind and w ater keep th e surface sm ooth as a b illiard table.

occasionally , underground m ois­tu re seeps up and causes ripples of Q uartcr-lncb coaUng to form on top. I t dlsappMFB a ca ln In A day.

B u t Just a s rem arkable as n a tu re 's phenom enon is th e th in g of science and steel designed by R eed R allton , ou tstand ing E nglish automoUve en - tln e e f , fo r Cobb to drive.

Cobb's 7,000-pound m ela l m o»- iU r looks like a huge tu rtle . Com ­pletely sU eam ilned, I t p resen ts th e least possible a ir resistance because th e body rt\eU encloses th e tnU re mecliftnlam, wheels and tire s in - eluded.

n » e R iiillon Ktwcifti looks c rab - tracked becam e th e re a r w lieeliJire two fee t closer toge ther fro n t wheels.

D espite I ts sUo, tiie RalUoD Is com paratively ilght. T he alum inum shell Is lig h t enough to be den ted by a m an 's fist. T h h cover, w hich h ss be#>\ constructed In one p lrce to avoid breaking th e stream lin ing , w rig iu 500 pounds.

Im p o rtan t I tistrum enla II lucks th e conventional fram e

and U bu ilt a round a sieel girder > h lc h serves a s a backbone.

'IV o supercharged l,900'hor»e>

r e r a irp lan e engines »re InsU lied th e car. O ne drives th e re a r

wliecia, th e oUier tije front.Uablj's m eteor, unlike B;yaion’a.

hfth (our w h ttU ti^ te a d o( six . T ires cost tSOO each, a n a a new se t la nrrried for a v e ^ run .

■' ImixiTtant in stru m en ts a re dupll- eatcrt. S iiould w ater c irculation fot- e ld ier engine fail, a red w arning ap - penrs on t>ie dashlM ard.

Cobb, 3S a n d w ealthy, drives for t^iR fun of ll,. Ills fu r and hide bunU nc»s e lim inates tlie necessity for com m ercU lliing h is deeds of speed. A bachelor, friends say he never could find tim e for bo th a woman am i a m otor c ar so he has n o t m or rlrd .

W hen lie goes goKln'b on a Bun day h a d r iv u a n a n c ie n t barouche Which barely m oves a long t h t E n i - llsli countryside.

n u t Jo h n Cobb, w hen he finally griA perfec t conditions and wheels hiti |:i0,000 Rnlltiiii on iii Uui of/ii'liij roui BD a t B onneville, will be noth ing mm* th a n n ,b lu rred a lreak ,

H peotators who see th e blur aa It g l , p ast say they don ’t iiear ihn (lulling ro ar of lin m otors iinill It is :i(Ki vnrdn |inst tiicni.

[' ’Ih u iS »U m iles a ininiiie.

l)01Mll-:itH 3 i . l>||ILt.lKN 0 . |_ "'.V **'"■' II. II. s '

,..........Sl!n lion I !..

( • ' ....... -____

lO N D O U ^P E E O DEMON, e S E K S Tt> S H E A K M A R K O P 3 S 7 . S M .P -H . U B L D B V

H IS a x / M T K y m M ,C A P T e E O / f S E E . T B ' / S T M . O V g J i B O N m V / U E , U T M .s a l t B e O S - m ■

m » M ’a }6 o u .s t r e ^ j n M

Clark Griffith Fails to Gloat Over Prediction ThatYatikees Would Fade

R W s o x 7, ATHLETICS 5PhlUdtlsbl*. filpbcrl, Ih UUn ft

at> c htUotU)!; t X S Uotrr. Xb 4 1 {•J 0 o!KMX,*-’lb* 3 0 1

JohnMf), cf }U]>r«._ e 1 1 .[[Creoln, it 4 0 1Tipton. IC

lb! i4 0 1 I'eacork. •

4 1 .1 1 1 1

NcUon. p X Mmn

1 0 1 Ktflocy 1 S 1 Wllwn, pXTa.. . i '­ \ s \l l rfonnt p

Uickmtn, .p 1 < 0

Tulal. 17 ( li t .Tiil.l. for NrUon In »ih.II.I.. n.L

» l ~ 14lU ltnl for Mllr« li> 9lh.

1—UMCrit for B«r2 In ilh. u -U m tx i for WlUos'In iti rhii..i«ii>hu ................ ......SO

• S E N A T O R S V A N X E E B Bw York >b r h!w«ihlnflnn nil r

I Wttl. 4I Wrlihl, If i Applclun. » I S Tmrli, •• I

< I nioodw’h. Ik «. ,-rrfll, 1 l.»or«rd.

II I 111 Tol.l* i i T i t

'■>ti1n(U>n ............ . .....U l OH 01- .Krrar* • - Wjlthl. CroMtll. Ti*o b*M

hlu - Rol(«, ()urd..n, V.rnon. Blood' »Dflh. Thr«« ktM kill -- V«fnoii. fior' Svn. VWbU ~ T rx ii. MtnmSwftrlh•nd Vermin. Wlnnlni pllchir — l.«en>rii, I.Mlni paeh«r~raarHn.

T I0 E R 8 4. W HITE ROX 1r hllMroll I. I . t ill»f^“ iI 1 UrMnb'c, lb II 1 lllrslni, lb I ' 1 Ko., rt

l l f f i : , :W•7hVr^Appling,

U c'^a lrS b I • i|T«bUit», a I 0Tr«*h. t t « OOrtiufh.r, •• I «t iW u t'l 0 a 0 litioi**, »■ I IHrhluaUr. - » * »>

Tul.l. W.lUd

Udnjfl .I I T TDlfth Tr«h Ik Ilh, r amlth U Ilh.

' Hxiclirr, rm , Ton bM. h l l - lliiint iiin •- Wnllitr. ItaiiWi

liir.i,l,rrii uri*ial>l.,|. |h..Iii«

l<iiiit>aiit). u llarctr. <r (Umlilr. If

UIIB8 e. REDS «ll *11 rIh * 0 ullUeti. lb

I 0 llllrririaii, ]h>r II l|(J.l.h. 1(

! u t i i S ' , : 'I ' l|<>. IIUM'I, lb I

• ITfiii. -• W»tl>«r, I’fi'i’, Myatt, ll^ck <J*l*n. ’I>n b*M hlu • MoCurmli'h, Hr rr., (I. )lu».ll. MktllA. U lU r. Il«'« i»iia - litrirr . >l*rm«ii. itniihli pl«>- M«lllrV,*^im*n mi.l <). |{um>II.

tilAN TN I , ItEKB I......... . ' >)• r h NfW Yi.rli .1. r I

r lS r '. 'i ' i I i....Ilt'n, lb A 1 0

V - . p i sTnisl* l i ~ | i T..I.I.

K S r V f k " ': : : ' ' : : : ; ......• ; r .? i?Hbll. h /


down. M aybe 1 lo, blit they have 3'i:


w eeks ago, whci) the Yankees w ere h o tte r tlinn a fea therbed In tlie tropics, C lark G rifh th mode th e headlines by saying th e New 'Y orkers were no t a super team , w ere due for a bad slum p, and probably would hnve a tough tim e w inning the A m erican league race.

F o r tills opinion he was ridiculed l a p rin t, pointed o u t on the s tre e t a n d p u t on the m ailing lis t of some of Uie be tter psychiatrist*. Now. w ith th e Y ankees flounder­ing in th e th roes of a bad slum p a n d apparen tly headed for a toagtv ba ttle to w in the p e n n a n t, . I t . seem ed only fa ir to give Mr. O rif* f l th a chance to gloat, even If only by tang d is tance phone from W ashington.

D ead-T ired Club B ut h e took th e fu lfilln ien t of

h is pred ic tion in s tride , avoiding _ sv e n so m uch as one " I told you

- - - o u r flve*m lnute talk . ~»-'d iiad 'tlred ball club,

th e Y anks." OTTffUh said. "They w ere a ll In ag a in s t us T uesday. H ad no life, no m t. T h a t w as to be expected. T hey h i t th e ir peak early in th e y e a r , played, th e m ­selves o u t a b H r’;Now th e y if« ,l« t

be Hicy dJdn;t m ean - Viit]*, sa f" '-

And you know w hat hViipMis in any spo rt w hen a Wam or a player eniic.i o ff and then tries to Ret back in s tride . U la k es lim e. Ju s t c a n 't be done In a second.’’

Did h e th in k th e Y anks would come out of th e slum p?

N r«d DIekey. D IM aiile "C an’t teli. B u t I 'll tell you

th ing—n o th in g m ust happen to Dickey or D lM agglo If they 'ra going to. T ak e e ith e r Dtckey or DlMsRglo from th e Y anks and they would be Just a n o th e r base­ball team , c u t rU M d o« i\ to tl\« level of th e re s t of th e league. OrsAt team a a re b u ilt a round great atars, Q ehrlg , Dickey and DlMaoglo have been tlie Y ankees for a good while. T hey ’re mlsalng OrhrlK now. Y ou don 't lukri ft liKler like Ixiu was aWay from a team and n o t have h im missed."

U rlff lth th e n po in ted o u t th a t w hrii D lM agglo w as lost to th e Vankn early In th e season and Ihi'v w ent on w inning lo ts o f . rrlt'un »ald the te am waa so s tfO fil' 11 dlilri't need Joe.

T in e W arks m i a t w as a b iu rd . W here would

they be now i t h e i t l l l waa oulT ’H io critics sa id C ' ’ woiililii't h u r t, e ither, a lltllo w hile b u t tiieyYe mlasliiC hliii now nv rr th e long {Mill, No, I’vfl l;rrn In baseball 53 years, and have Afon th e bones o t cliam ploni and so-called super-team s sc a t- tr if fi from M aine to F lorida. Tim* r>i(i Iiirm a ll dow n, big or little .

"Aiiil tim n Is w orking on th e

lilnvrri and th e p a rade will go ilvh i iin l>y ’em .’'

Hy U nited rre sa NKW YORK — Al IU l« , t n , (

■topped Nlehey Je rem e . i n , New Yorh. (fl).

r illl .A liK I.P H IA - Benny f la * . ISS, rh ila d e lp lila . kneeked a l t ' V uu.i( (;happi«, lU . A lbany. N. i V„ (I) . . • '

OdD KN Q B T f A U rO K T HYUIC TAltK, N. Y„ Atlt. U (UJD

...Tho liS S .n a ^ W f in a l dM lo i«n« bill a lin ed by » r«« ldeu t R o o m v ^

, .......................... . UKla)- liioludkl « •a.OlBMO apnrd*• Krror Hbll. iii.m* rum . Mu»r«, nrlatloi) a n d a u U )o r lu iio n for ft

M ’' L a ; y „ t ; ! s j a i j , - ■“ « < S i « !

Page 8: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

Cage E ^ i t • IDAHO KVENING TIM ES, yW IN FALLS, IDA'HO ■FritUy, Auiu«t 11, 19SU

M A R K ET S A N D F IN A N C EBy United Press


IIENVER UVESTOCK DI9<VeR-CalU«: . U * . l y : b

M»>n » Id I8 .» i CI>W| H.SO to IS; h. U.60 lo {Md«n and tU xkm It

l l o f i ! l . O M ; l o p | i . » 0 ; p » c k i».». II M ti.76.

f «,5»I •tMidj'-in .Iron .;; hmto M rl'n

p i r » U v « l T I l » h t , m u r k r l f n i r l y 'r tIraM' z riiln : .p({crlns> nmounud • 4,:eO hr4<l r«n>i>linit oC U l<«di and <I< , Iambi IJahs, two Cahrunilai r l i v p n J •

Idatioa fnr<t>r<lnl: I"” load’ I'aliror tnitk low- breutht IS fo M.flO:

J»arii tOahn I«; tt.Kkln Ut .mad# Pi-pptr ifllinit IS; hrii makr i: n .n . ^ _

<HltA>;0 LIVESTOCK CHIl-AGO - Host: 4,009: irnetally

iownward Ir.u


H i N - U r t a n d m . i. l « d / : m r d i u m l u i > . l d y c a r l i i i l i f h t t t M r i t:.:i l o v r a l m > i

b h r r p : 10. 100; ( a t l a m h . m o i t l y i h f i r l j r I 01> : s < I o w . t ; o l l . f r c l a n , - f .

h i l l . *nJ . « a k r ^ ^ r a ^ i | K ^ ^ « p W n _ g I

l.mu W??'iW MSTdCK '

OliUK.K- IW i; iiO; -tfady tc kh I a t: Mirfmr ton i>'.» «n U,i rhnici bulrlirri In ihi|>|Hrr>.

C a l l l f ; S O ; h a n l l y r n o u k - l i l > r r . I n t a l u n ; . f r k ' . b u l k M c r r . a r . l h r

*hl',r "flVr". . i p ’ I n ’ I .. l«:

Ijn In huifhfw K,:i to IK. »l«n offarH early;•tNra. IC.M lo 17.M: eralnfrdi rm) btcf rnwt (o i.^.(0; bulli IS., Shwp: 124: onf lol

. Iti. «l ■ ., ».»

i.on AN(;iirwi~i'ivKaTO(;K I,ns ANr.r.I.KS-Hoi.: lOp: lOc in ISc

, toarr: mtdlum lo ehoir* bJichen IS lo . H.IO., CattUi J0«: auPiOy tn->.Uy rn«.; rlu - ................................... • ; olhrr


atfadr; Uip I7.JJ rni fa" »ood to el*ic« lo 210 lb. bulch*ri.

Local Markets

Buying P rlca

0«ta. par <wl. ............. .—_____nEANS

OtMt Nofth.rni No. 1 .........CrMt WorlhCTna No. f __________

(Thraa dtalan quoted.)

8bU1 Rodi. »l»___________umii r«i». git..................... .Bnall Rrdi, t« a _________ __

; toaK RaiU. W « ______________Bn«U Rada t«i

- • Buhl rtfa1»r. ouoiedl.POULTRr AT RANCH

Coiorad frri-nCV>loml roaalari, o .fr « .........Coloiad IrMft. Ibi....... .. ....

Ktl>. In liaila . •mall n t t ...

! CbBl<a IlKht bi>icl.«ri . ( > < » u . i d < r t

• Oi’itwclihl bulch>c>


-Rfc'.V.. . . .

H air.t. ......

. E;:::£‘~• ’ Slork tM>.l, 11)11 If U l M k faad. M i n



•AN mANrifiCO- •<«l t l ('.Ka t tS a i 1 M»N tIUr.

Okaaaal Wholaaala t\

I Medium llV ji'. •mall I li,r .

Markets at a Gluncc• Irrw

SORda lo»«>> U. a. ■o.arn-i.nl. lafulatlr lawai.

Curb iMKki Irr.»u1arli-b»>«r, ronliH (irhana .i Inn.ii lui

iln in iari XMr n a j . r lurrfii.laa al iMid/. ^

WbMl aU U* •• t*- B llm M U« l» N i« Voik t« UU«

Spraying Advisedr riitl jrow era were ndviMd lodny

„ by 0 . 0. M n|«n, horUQultiiral lii- . . iM to r , lo "tpply Uie aUUi cover

N q ir ty not i*t«r than Aug. lo. be.oenUnitoua ntciit of

' I m o th . (UHl to iiM Mirra II |irati)at« of lead wiu> aiiiu*


(Ul')-W h»au.rlcr. « Clilcaso board "I tr whrat brld ri-la-

.krn.ci all futiim . and >t Ihr . . t .a> ..ff %c tu Jc. turn up >,c I «III> ‘«c lo ',<• hl»hrf.'•MH.Iiiiii rnip rr|>orl> «rr<- nii|l

«;h a in t a b l b

Kptn ltl |li L«>

;«} : :« 6:^>0, .66'^ .8«I.

iiv!. ic a




(;lllCA<il) POTATOKS »:mCAi;i)--Weather cloudy, lempira-

lurp ^hlpmrnti 218. arrl«al< 7Q. mi irack 1«7. Suppllf* miKlrrata. drmand alow, natkcl »a«k. Neh. Cob&lara. 8& par cent

Wttft. uiiwaahad. t rart 4 rara 11.10; waihtd.

................. . rara tl.^O. Orrfon IlliiaTtluoipb*. undu lea. I car I 1J16: UuMtl Burbanki, under Icr. I car II.!9 ; I far nilxrd-No. 1 ll.tS, and No. 1 II.IS: l.onir WhiU., ;urtdrr Icr.'Ng. 2. 1 rar |l.«2>',. Idaho) ‘ntjit Trlumrh". undrr ire. 1 car

indrr i^r. 1 car Jn'hM ll.M ; . . . . . ,- r No.1 II.H and No. 2 *1.50.

Calif. I-onir Whl1«. und«r IfK I ear Com- nierriali fthowirs Bomi* dcray, «p<itt^ •ark» II.Sn. Minn.. Kandlanil «p<-llon. War- hu>. I rar irn rra ll/ fair aualily ll.OS. Indiana IUIm Trlumphi. 2 <-ar< l l .» .

CHICACiO OMONH CinCACO—40>lh. tarkai ralir, whilpa BSr U. II.Waih. iVMt Kpanlih II.

nuc;ak N K W Y O K K - N o . 9

rW<l unchaiisfl l<i I |l l . U I ; t a k i h.un t < i n t ; ,l o I I . K 1 ; N n » , l l . # 2N . J a M a r c h 11.91 t o l l . n J i . M i

________170!Elcctrlc Pow er & L ig h t ................ 8'G fiicrnl ElDctrlc ........................... 38'CicncrBl Foods .............................. 46'G rnerfll MotOK ............................ 46'Goodyoar T ire ......... ....... ............. 27'-liuc rn u llo n a l H ftrvcster ........... 61Vim cm ftllonal T elephone ......... .. 6'-:.lolm s MflnvUle ................. .-........... 69K eniiccott C o p ix r .......................... 34'.LocWs, In c ........... 4>‘M oiH som ery W ard ...................... <5!;Na.Oi K clvliiator .........................£. 6NhHoiibI D airy P ro d u cU 12'iNew York C e n tra l ...................\... 14pHCknrd M otors ....... .................. 3 ':Pnrnm ounl P ic tu re s .... ............... 0

Penney C3o...... . . .• ,.^ ,5:. ,.; 89'.iia, R. R .......16';

• on 6':Radio Corp. ..............mm................ 5’iRadio KclU) O rp lieum ........... No sale:Rcynold.i Tob|icco B..................... 39’-,Scars, R oebuck ........................... 78';a iicll U nion O il.......... - ............. IONSimmon* Co................................... 23'<Socony V acuum ................... . 11SouU iern Pacific ..................... r... 13^S tan d a rd B ra n d s .......................... 6-.S tan d a rd Oil o f C a lif ............... 25S ta n d a rd O ll oT> n r j ................. 40SSw ift and Co................................. i ? ';T cx a i C orp..................................... .. 33T rana-A m erica ..........................U nion Carbide <t C a rb o n ......... 76',iU nion Pacific ............................... 85U nited A ircraft ........................... 37U nited Corp 2%V. a . s te e l , com .............................. 47 'iW arner Bros ....... ................... 4»iW estern U nion ..............................

E lectric ............. 103'i

rioted 3>b i<


LONDON, Aug, II lUR)-Dlp!o» m atlo ob-ierverA expre.'^ed belief to ­day th a t Uie «(Krcli of A lhrrt Forfl- Irr . Diiiulg Nnr.l In id i'i, Indicated Adolf H itler fr)I Uinr liir tim e liad no t come to n rrk n .solution of the DnnRlg problem and lind no t de - cldetl w hat m tii.tr he kIiouM take In efforUi lo rr-Kalii tiie li'cf* c ity a rea .

'nieiYi hnd )>rrii nonu' nlurmliiK iinor« nboiil wlint Fni.sior m ig h t ly n ite r hln vl.sli t« I tiil rr . 'H ie ac-

luiil K|M-ecli wiut tn lln l ilr tr iis lvc In to n r liri-c, T lir vr.Milt wax th ^ l It

IIS recplvcd w ith r rlk f. ' N rwrthcle.M . iJir tcolliiR rrm n lned

In Hie dl|)lonuill( worl<l ilm t there would hr evfiii.s diiiliiK .Snplem brr whli'li wmild ifvciil ilir luU iie coiir«e of Kiir()|ifnn dl|)l<>iuiu')’.

H i x - c o l i n . f ( i i i f n < - n r < - \ a n n y m a - n i i v e m a n d a l t k d i i c i l v l i l r ^ , i t w a a

h e l d , w r r e ^ l m r | > ^ l l I n | | l i n e s b e t w e e n i j u l l o i i J i .

F o r . s i r r ' i . ' i i x - r i h » n . i i r K a r d ^ t a a t l i e ( i p r i i I n K m o v r i n r N i i r J t - u n i - j M l g n w h i c h u i i s l l k o l y ' t o K i t l n i n u -

i i e n t i i m d i i i l n i ! i l i r n r x l f e w w r r k u i i v d p < » i l b l y i r n r l i U a v l i m a x a l t e r

l l l t l f i ' s N - t i e d u l n l n i H - n - h r . ' T a t t h e ' f M n n r n l w T K l i a i i l e . i i u i l v r i M i r y A i i K . 27 a n d I h r N n / . l p . i r i v r a l l v a t N i n - rmlK-ig ^iiiiiiiiij .‘v-iii, a

I R()(;iOUSON ~ T

ft KV«II\ 'iViitir.-iMy, lit help ing t>avli Hi't file w(«)(i in th n h tlli, 1 nncuiui or Ih r iiii-rilnK h i the

plneA, th n II will tm no nrrvlren a t Ihe IlniKMn »nd IdiKrihun rhiirehei)

'*1 HmicUy, MiK. 1:1,Mr«. Pnti'ilr MiiOji unit win, (Jeorge

and Mr, ami M is I,,.yd M oon and in Don, MoiUiosc. C old , Mr», A »- i» WrM mill M l, a iul Mrs, Kd W e«t

and daughter*, Oollerii a n d Koaa* nmnd and Mr, niul Mr*. P. E . Mo- Cnnneil <miii Hiiniinv giienla a l th e Jni'k I l r tw liiinie.

A talk iin Inillnh lifr a n d hlntory AB Hiveii nl Ih r i:huii-h H uiidnv by

a tils f Nllilng Hull, Aoit o f the hi*'- Ini'inal rh a rn rie r l>y th a t nam e,

Mr«. l>avlii a tirn d ed Ih r b linon lli- Xf mneilnii nl Mie M ary Davln A rt rliili In 'IV In Talla 'h ira d ay n l the hom e ol Mm. lim MiiIIIiik.

H onift-m adf' b ir a d makeii up only 10 per r e n t oj iiie to ta l eon- auined In Ihe United m a le s loday. r il t* e n year* aiio, 40 p er c ^n t waa baked a t ho iur ■ D ex in n r, phin prupruly biilancrtl limiedlciitA, ki-rpn Uia whoieAnli'i'* Ineml Milt and fienli.


NEW Y O R K . Aug. n (U.RJ-The m arket closed h ighe r.AlBiko Ju n e a u .... 1Allied C h c m lc a l ..........................._ ,l6 lAllis C h a lm e rs ...................... ........33American C an '_________ _____98UAmerican ^ d l a t o r .........—____ lO liAmet

Aiiifvlcant C opper .....T opeka St S a n ta Pe.. 29

A uburn M o to r s .......................H altlmore & O h i o ................Bi'ndlx A viationiJcthlehcm S teel ......... ........Borden Co............,r I, Case Co........

•Chi., MIL. S t. P au l A P a c - . Chrysler C orp . ..CK-n Cola ..............Com mercial So lvents ...........com m oiiw calth Ae S o u th e rn '. C nntlncn tai O il o f D elaw are Corn Products ..Du Pont de N e m o u rs ............

.im an K odak

-No sales..7 9 ^.No sales


W . W oolw orth Co .A m erican RollinK M lU s.... .A nnour ...............A llanllc R efin ing ...............Boclns ... ............B r ig g s JilonufD cturlng C o . .. Curtl&s W right .E lectric Auto L ite ...............Houxton onN ational D is t i l le rs ................N orlh Amerlctm A viation ..Safew ay S tores ............Schenloy D is t i l le rs ....... .......a tu d cb a k er ........U nited A irlinesW hite M otors ........................C hicago Pneum atic T ool .... O hio onP h illip s P e tro le u m ..............R epublic Steel ,V anadium ....... ............. 22'-

N. Y. CURB l|XOHANGRA m erican S iip fr Pow er . B lC ities Service, new ........ S*Electric Bond a n d S h a re .....S'*'Fo rd M otor L id ............................ 3-

SPECIAL WIREC ourtciy of

Su d ler-W eirn er A Company Klks Btdg.—Ph en a 910

INVKNTMKNT THI1RTSP'und. Iiiv. .................... $17.81F und 'IVil.M, A................. a ^88Corp. T1U.M ....................... t 2.a!)Q uart. Ini'. ........................ t flfio

M IN IN fi HTOI KHM tn. Clly C(i|.per |3.87ftP a rk Cliy Coii\oll(liiird . . Ifl' f-iU rSilver K ln r Coitliilon . iri.7sH unshlne M inrs . . . n o lasT In tIc fltandiiril .. > .. . 14 <ll)-}4.0.C ondor <»ol<i , ,,. ii '- |> ;u

,an....ul«aVi,i -,„k .



{iliVfk"iu"tr!''!l,l*ra‘f<‘’V»'"Vl*rii’ n*','i *i‘rn.*:i:: .......

Natioii'N Sah'NS h ow liK'i'oaHC

N lW YOIIK. Aug. II lu n i-H e ta tl trad e report* a ie n |ilhiil.itlr over pm ipeelfl fo r rail huA lnru, D un Ac R ra a s lie r l, In c , aalil loilay in lo- po rting ri>lall rnltiriie fo r thin w rrk ''w ell m nliitnhipd" ilphplle e»rr:<Alve h e a t In moat (irrllon* or Uir rmin* try

F o r the rou n lry a* a wlinl* le ia i l aalea showed an lnrvra«A o | A to 13 p er c e n t over t h e correnixmrtlng 1038 period, ro m p arrd w ith a >r»r lo v rar ta in of 7 to la p e r r e n t In lha p ie- oedlng wrek.

In I h e w l i o l r A u l e m u t k e l i , i h r I ' r - view found, th e re waa “1 *p in t In nrdera (or n u h ah lpm en ta of siim m rr toodn, pa rtln iila rly sjiorta apparel,”

for a loan of |l,n o o m onthly


11 lUP)—filMkl > ta cloaa rmarally . aatiM or trralte


(Froai raf« One) ' a re m any o f us who will cn th u g laa . tlcnlly follow h is leadefidllp." •

E ach m ention of th e P rcsld cn fa nam e b rought rounds of ovation.

Control of th e Young D em ocrata aeemed BMured.to the New D eal su p ­po rters . H omer M at Adams, o f I lli­nois, a stronc supporter o f th e p res­e n t adm lnistraU on. was d isfcncin* th e fie ld In the race for the orB an-

h a d I:Ib Wader Albrrt t addma «a< Ktncrallr antUI*

I wrapanir1 M r n c l v U a o h n i | t h e A m » l f r d i

n . u . p ' ' n d p a y m a n t L _ _ _ _ —• o r l d m a r k a t a b « c a u a a o f l h a o f I h e b a n l i i n * f i r m . A f t e r

' • r l l i n i o f O u t r h l u u r a ' i i a n d A m i l e r d a m . h o w e i

• Irr ran up l>, poln(a aarlr - hark lo 7B. and than clltiJtd

in ihr-flnal hour. Uencnl :Mo- 1.1 juit briow Ita prcvloui cUm« afwi >1; an nrly frartlonal (aln with ■ mur. lhan a point. U. S. Rubhei a late sain, htandard Oil of Naw

.ml Teiaa Cnrporatlon allppfd frac- to new 1*99 lo».

Junei clo>ln( at/Kk >Tcraieai In- ! 131.20, up C,DS; rail 21.M, ofl .ility : 6.0»,

10,000 I th.


M inus Uie services of ita g rade r. T liu rsto n T , Pence. Bulil livestock m an w h o .d ie d W ednesday a f te r a h e a r t a ttac k , th e Tw in P a lls County Livestock M a r k e t i n g association com pleted assem bling today its f in a l general lam b a n d slteep pool o f th e beason, A c lca n -u p pool will come abo u t Sep t, 1 to w ind up th e season ’ actlvltle.s.

T lie g e n era l pool was assem bled bo th a t B u h l a n d Tw in Palls . I t was to head e astw ard , probably to Sioux C ity. la ., la te today.

S Itnu ltancously , th e nssoclntlonBK also load ing its regu la r hog pool.

A(v.<^mbly o f th e h o g -sh ip m e n t was m ade a t B u h l a ll day T h u rsd ay and wa.s com pleted in T w in P a lls th is m onU ng for th e eas t end a rea .

C ounty A gen t B ert Bollngbroke vias superv ising th e work.


M rs. F lorence Snodg rass,'■ widow of the la te Jam es H . Snodgrass. T w in F alU re.sldent who died here AuR. 4. receives a ll hU 14,000 e s ta te excep t fo r 'n o m in al bequests to a b ro th e r , sis ter and nlecc. a ll o f Tw in F b 1L<i, accord ing to the will f iled In p ro b a te co u rt today.

M rs. Snodgrass, nam ed as exccu- tr lx In th e will, applied fo r le tte rs o f adm lnl.stra tlon , T lie e sta te In ­c ludes fu rn itu re , savings a n d a rc.-,- Idence In Blckel addition. T he will of M r, Snodg rass was da ted Nov. 15. 1938.

J u d g e C. A. Bailey se t hearing for A ug. 24. Rnyborn, n a y b o rn and S m ith a re a tto in ry s for the widow.



(B r United P rc u )M ae M urray , ilafC and M-rren

ac lreaa , today dtniR iidrd >l' ,000 a y e a r from h e r form er hu.slianJ, D avid M dlvanl. laat of th e m n ir y Ing M dlTanla, for support of Ih rlr ■on. K o ra n . 12, NIIV a llrg rd ahe h a d l>een ’‘rende rrd d e itltu tr" by m I tn an e la l w itlrm rn t a t llm r nf Ih c lr divorce In 19J.1, whrrr>r> lli« CJeorgian p r ln rr la nnw no rlh |l,000.0«0.C a r te r D cliavm , . UlKe and vaude-

vtlle ac to r , l i iiiulnr co in t ■uiI't .'. k> p ay 1100 a m onth K'tnixiiaiy nll- niniy to h is wife Kv>-|)n j»iiMmg j ' la l of h e r dlvoice ,->iiii.

A ctor r a ( ' N om rm rra liun ih w ife, w ho on WednriMlaj mini him for d ivorce, r h a n ir d lirr mlnil, a n d la p la n n in g lo aak dl>ml»ii«l o f m e auU.H arry Davldntni, nrwsi«»in-i iv))e-

- r t te r , a sk ed a ItollywiHxi n .u i i to iiu k e h im official h iuu iilh i or h it ilx*ycar-ul<l daiigliU 'i, rilinIcc flkatrr . T h e aclion *i\.\ inic.K.iaiv

txler C a lifo rn ia 's "Jai:km CiKigan" law w hereby a [xirtlon of a luintjr's s a la ry m u st be |ilarr<l in tiiiM rnr Ihe ch ild .

A dolph .Meiijou ha* » u r |i l r d rh a trm a lia h lp o t a inani iiirrlliig a f ae to ra a n d n ilr rU liir ta Nun* d a y to dUcUM rraull uf i><p iliea- I r i ra l un ion m rr lln i hf-rori> (h* A M . a l A llitnllr CIIt,

P re s ld e n i M im uri gtir,>ui i>r Uie P h ilip p in e s hn^ |i io l r . |n | in i>rii- du c er Sam ue l (loliiivvn nticl iii. ex-

:iltlv« aaalatan t, .laiiu-. ItiN.M-vrlt, a g a in s t aoenea hi Ihn i.ii Iu it. "Thn H ea l O lory ." starriim iin iy CiM.per, illegedly "deH iH alnry lo liu loiiii-

try m en .

D erel ued. al Ifo rm a conn tan i htiinrd lo w ater trave l. Every year, dorens nf these

. . hu t ih e lr n u m b e rs <ln n o t i.rein ii> ilri reane, U nlike Ireheiga, vslih h toliow a m oia

Im itril riiiir/tr, 'n lm ndoitednhip* « a l aea.

1 likely to •piicar aiiyw hera


lONirfoN iiocioiin W ark (liiaranlM d

Kyle M. WaiteCOMI'ANY. I'huMi 33


'■ !

Climax lo A tlaekPresiden t Roosevelt's s t a r t l i n g

s ta te m en t on his 1040 i» s l tlo n cU- nifixed an a ttack on con.servntlvcs: inc luding those "In our own party ,

•■Just as th e re are progressives ' tlie R epublican ranks so there reactionaries In our own party , stfttem cnt unld. •Tolltlcal a ff ilia ­tion Is oJten th e child of h e red ita ry principles begotten In the ll r s t in ­stance of Issues o f terrific Im port- Knee In Ihe beginning w hich have no more slRnlficunce a t p re .« n t th a n th e Inflamed controveriy of a cen- turv and a h a lf ago as to w hether th e cap ita l of the U nited S ta te s should bf a t W ashington or some- w here on th e Susquehanna river.

"Alwav.s ha.i tt been the a id of th e enem ics’ol liberalism to seek to a t- tach to themselves such m em bers of our party."

T w in 3. H e

.V „ m o m ln ith e S uburban m a le rn lty hom e.

SU TTO N —F uneral service* for Ja m e s B utton will be h e ld Sunday a t 10 a. m , a t th e T w in F a lls m o r­tu a ry chapel. Rev. o. L. C lark . P res­by te rian , m in ister. will o ffic ia te . I n ­te rm en t will be in th e T w in Falls cem etcry.

Alleged Gasoline Theft Results in Arrest of Youths

T tto Ca.stleford youth.s were In tlie city jail here th is m orn ing fac ­ing cliiirse-s o f pe tty larceny, police d w la rin s ihcy were caugh t In fne a c t of stealing gasoline from an a u ­tomobile parked In Uie 1400 block on F ou rth a \enuo cast a t 3:35 a. m.

two are Harold W. Zblndcn, 19. and Kklwin M ort, :!0. T he y o u tl« had a gasoline, can and hose w ith them a : the tim e Uiey were ap p re - hendwl. a jwlice repo rt shows.

Doth were lodged In th e c ity Jail lininedlately upon a rre s t a n d th is a lien ioon were lo be taken before Ju-Mice of Ihe peace to answ er petty larceny charge.s.

Shoe’s on Other Foot for Farmer

In Ditch ClaimsTlie tables were tu rned today

a Twill Falls ran c h er who w as vlc- for yesterday In a p rolw te c o u r t action accusing a n o th e r farm er of Interferlug w itli hi* d itch.

T oday the ran c h er, W. A, Hurelle, was nam ed a s d e fe n d an t in a com ­p la in t filed by T . A. Rector, who accu.sed H u rd le o t th e -same of­fense H urelle had charged against Ed Patrick. P a tric k yesterday was a.vsp^ed ihe costa in th a t action. He p leaded “technical guilt."

Mr. R ector’s com plain t charges th a t H u rd le Interfered w ith a d itch ye.steiday.

SCH UBERT—F u n e ra l .services for M rs, P ra n k Schubert will be held Sunday a t 3:30 p, ,m. a t th e D rake a n d Reynold* funera l hom o. Flev. E. L. W hite. M ethodist m ln b te r , will o fficiate. -


D l l E N f L A IiP ran Taia On*)

a le tte r from H. L, M cK lnnell, chief p o s ta l c lerk a t Pocatello. M cK lnnell * le tte r was In answ er to a com m uni­c a tio n of Aug. 2 by A rtliu r J . Pcavey, sr.. a n d R alph C arpen ter, m all com ­m it te e o t th e C. of C.

T h e com m lllee had w ritten thn p osta l o lflc lal a fte r Indica tion th a t Incom ing m all from o th e r sou th Id a h o sectors was no t sa tisfac tory In reg a rd to rccelp t In lim e to dls ' p a tc h orders swiftly.

M cK lnnell said th a t any c lianga In Bchedule would firs t be referred to businessm en, wlio would be m ost a ffec te d by a sh if t from th f p resen t s ta r rou te connertlon.'(.

n i i r u a s ’U. H, 93 W ldeiiln iD iscussion as to a move for w iden '

Ing o f U, 8 . 93 In Ihe T w in Falli te rr ito ry showed unanim ous aji. p ro v a l. btJl, n o ' lormBl action wa; Inkeii.

C harles Rrown, O nklry, urged Ihe c h a m b e r dirrcliivs to study reel m n tlo n ]iroJr<;lA now pending and ^ l i i In a mo\Ti to secure w ater for iTrlgRtlon of the v ast acrrnge In the g en era l O akley region. D irectors 11 U iorlred Ih r rerlan iatlon com nittl

m rk w ith Oakley on th e multi

.$700 Decreed in Spud Cellar Suit

ter,'I1i« d is tr ic t e nu rt decree eiuii

a f te r de fau lt of M nthrw n In an n< t io n over Irnnr o{ a D le lrlrh ptiliti c e lla r Sep t, 11. 1937, C. C, Sha<r nnw LIneoln county proaecntpr, wn a tto rn e y for the D ie trich orga&lra lion . C hapm an a n d C hapm an an Llon«)l ’I’, Cam iibell rop resrn led M: M athew s.


Me, learnh ig of reiw rta th a t gurr- r lllaa In len d rd to a ttac k Slianghnl S u n d a y , ra ided a subu rban vlllngr loday and arrested more (h i|n MM) peraons. Inoluilliig w om en a n d ch il­d re n . a fle r killing a Ohhiese m an w ho Bought to N cape,

We Manufacture# Qslden B n n i M aal terapa.# T an k a ce a ad Bm w Mm L ln«vln at 7Mr nMml dealer. I f tiM j i a B«t hava H call a r w rlU —


W* kar ruf. ««•>

New of Record Matrlaia Liconaa T c m o i s

ATIG. i l .G len p . Cam pbell. 26. P ra ir ie . Ida..

Si « “ »-

CM l M. M cO ra th , 24. a n d P ea rt of Mountain

A UG. W ^ r t l n ^ l e r . 37. T obias. Neb.

n d Irn m Luedera, 33. F ilk r.


a n d Mr*. R a lp h B. T u rn e r , I f a l l s , a t th e ir hom e , a son Aug. I h a s been n a m ed NeU R olph .

B ^. anfl M rs. H . W . R lcdcm an. ' Pa lls , a boy. th U m o rn in g a t itimirban u . _ .


HoIm . C a l z a r y C h i c a s u

.Salt Lake C Itr'

.<Un Kranclira ..Seattle .............TWIN »’AI-LS „ Willlitnn .........


Tw o m ino r a cc iden ts In T w in P a lls yesterday afte rn o o n b ro u g h t lo e ig h t th e num ber reco rded he re th is m o n th a n d to 108 th ^ n u m b e r since tiie. f irs t of the year, po lice reports showed today. . 'L v '

Records sliow th a t a t a b o u t s 'p .W .. ir s d riven by S u n sh in e W illiam s a n d T . C, Brown, b o th of T w in Fa\ls, w ere sligh tly dam aged on Shonhohe s tre e t betw een M ain avenue a i ^ Second s tre e t west. T h e B row n rtia- ch ine, records show , d am ag ed a fen. de r on Mia* WUllama’ c a r V h e n It backed In to It.

Second m ishap o f Uie day waa re ­corded a l 4:25 p.m. w hen c a rs d riven by M anual T . A niauf, ro u te th ree , and M arth a E, O liver, ro u te tw o. K im berly, c ra shed in th e 100 block on M ain avenue sou th . B o th m a ­chines were alightly dam aged .

ThereTl be pleAty o l fu a ' and p len ty of excltem eD l du ring the s ta te convenuoD o f th e A m erican Legion w hich gets utx lerw ay here Sunday, bu t the re will likewise be m any lerious m om ents.

O n e /o f these, local offlclaU in charge of a rrangem en ts po in ted ou t th is afternooa, will I k th e anm iai election. -

Advance "dope’* on th e e ltu a t lm calls for H arry W. C h rls ty r Lewiston, to be elected com m ander, succeed­ing J . D . Price ot M alad . C hristy U a p ast Idaho d e p a r tm e n t com m an­der of Uw D isabled A m erican V et­e ra n s of th e W orld w ar.

Slated for the p o s t o f f irs t vlc(- com nm hder Is W allace Je lllson . J e r ­ome. to sucoMd M . P . Qoudy of Id ah o FolU. -

Pre-convention ta llc V > ln ts to P. J . W hyte. Coeur d 'A lene, as sc r- gean t-at-arm *. to succeed J . J . Van Every, Rupert.

A lta Donovan, Boise, Is expected to succeed herse lf a s s ta te histo rian .

New officers will ta k e o a t iu on

Bidding strongly fo r th e 1940 con­vention will be Boise a n d S un Va!' ley. .


Tltrce federal p risoners in cus­tody of the U nited S ta te s m arshal spen t W ednesday n ig h t in tlie T w in Falls county Jail, a n d le ft a l 3:25 p, m . ’Thursday fo r M ounta in Home. Tliey will be held the re u n til Sep ­tem ber term of federa l d is tric t c ou rt a t Boi.se, bound over im der 4500 bond cach by U. S. Com m issioner A, T. McMahon, Shoshone on claim s of th e ft from the CCC cam p above K etchum .

T lie men who were lodged here overnight were lis ted 'on she riff 's Book* as Al Bergcvln. Jo lu i Recri Sarle and MelvUi M eyers, a ll of Hailey. A to ta l of fou r in a ll is ac ­cused In th e thefts.

Bergevln’s ac tua l nam e, h e told Commissioner M cM ahon, 1s A} Burke. He Is reputedly a fo rm er cow­boy actor in m otion p ic tures. - -

Names of th e fou r m en a rraign ed before McMahon were given offi­cially a.t Al B urke. Me.vi Sergeant Donald C happell a n d Melvin B. Meyers and Sam uel H enkel, camp cooks.

Today’* '

BASEBALL(B y JlJn iW Preaa)


H lgbe and M illies;' Sehum achcr a n d D anning .

P ltts jju rg h .........C hicago


Sarazen Takes Big Golf Tourney LeadP IT T S B U R aH . Aug. 11 (U.R>-Gena

S a rase n so t a new course reco rd to ­day a t W ildw ood C ountry club w ith a fo u r-u n d er p a r M to take a com ­m a n d in g lead a t th e ha lf-w ay m ark in th e 72-hole $10,000 D apper D an O pen golf tou m o m en t. <

S araaen . a v e teran of 37 o r m ore ‘ y e a r s . . s e t a blis tering pace w ith rounds of 33-36-68. w hich 'W ded to h is 71 of ye.sterday, p u t h jm f a r In f ro n t o f a field of 171 com petitors w llii a 137 to ta l.


U tah . Aug. 11 (U PJ—Ab Jenk in s, au to speed driver, today gave way to Rex M ays o f^G lendale . C ahf.. h is relief d river, a f te r six hours of d riv ing In w hich h e broke h is own 1.000-mllq rccord of 168.11 m .p.h. T h e new record Is 170.767.

E N G U S II STA R LOSESRYE, N. Y.. Aug. 11 lU .PJ-W Ilh

am azing c o m ; Mrs. S a roh Pa lfrey Fabynn of Brookline. Mass., today e lim ina ted K ay S tam m ers. G re a t B rita in ’s, No. l^pJoyer. In th e eem l- flnkl o f th e easte rn gras* cou rts tenn is .cham pionships. 6-1. 6-3,

T h e w orld’.s lonfte.-,t ran g e pho to ­g rap h w as taken of M t. S h a s ta from a n e levation of 23.000 fee t a n d a distance of 331 m iles by a c ap ta in In th e U, S, a rm y a ir corps. ’The photo covered th e g rea tes t p m oun t o f e a r th ’s su rface ever ta k en a t t, single exposure.


(U.PJ—T hree crew m em ber* of th e A m erican s team er M a n h a tta n were a rrested du ring th e sh ip ’s late.st voy­age to H am burg on Aug, 4, charged w ith currency sm uggling, i t w as d ls- clo.<)ed today.

N O T I C E To Water UsersWater will be shut out of the Low Line Canal on August 22nd for twenty-four hours to assist State Highway Depart­ment in placing abutment for bridge across Canal.


Fo r a better harvest. . .

I h r ftbove pho to Hhowa th e No. 31 12-foot o u t M cCorm ick-D eerlng H arvrh ter Threahftr now oiicratlng In Uie Held o f Mr. P. P . Biiuer, ol F iler, H arvesting In a field of walst-hlK h mixed grain. Imrlrv mid oats, th la m achine Is getting on hiiahels lo th e acre. Tlie com hlne, llsHf, has a r rro rd of n ineteen a n d th re e quarter* acres per day In g ra in , harveilliig 10& bushel* 4f barley to th e

ltrsp(inslbln for Uil* h igh efflelener undnr a dverse conditions U th r am pin e lran lng aap a e ltr lo nwiire a iho rou flh Job of saving and olenntng grains, bearu. and needn.'

•nil* Nl) SI M cC orinlrk-D eerlng Combine Is In Ita ih ird season of i>|>frnlio»i and *tlU b r ln ttn g very aa ils larlo ry itiaulU to both It* owner a n d h is ou>ilomers;

k 31 International Cut I'ombineOwned and Operated by Mr. C. I). McLain, R t 1. Twin Falls



Page 9: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

. i ' ' . ' A — , Aiis<iat 11. ikae

- n p ”iw r r -


Bjttsiness Opportilliities of A ll Descriptions Listed Here EVery"> RATES

r j ^ PubUeatton tn Botb -7 . TIMBB t o d NEWS R i t s f l m U N K PBR OAT:

s t i lUrs. per Um per d«7 . . . iU ThrM t o per IlM per d»y ; . ISe O m d«7. p e r U n e .....................’ . Sic

83 1/3% Discount ‘For Cash

O u t i d iscount allowed U edvertlse* m e o t I t pa id fo r M th lo seven d a ^ o t insertion.{lo c la im e d ad ta k e n for less th a n lOc, Including discount. .L ine of claaalfled advertising; com­p u te d on baal» of tW e m edium -

. lenv tt) w ords per line.IN TW IN FALLS


Leave Ads a t K & W R oot Beer


TJJ« T IM E S a n d NEW S w ish t« m ake It d e a r to tb e lr readers th a t ‘ b lind V da” (ads con ta in ing a box num ber in care of th e two papers) a re str ic tly con fiden tia l a n d no lo^ fo rm ation can be given concerning

' th e advertiser. A nyone w anting to answ er a clasalfied ad carry ing a T IM E & N E W 8 box num ber should w rite to th a t box a n d e ith e r m all or b ring I t to th e TIM E S-N E W S office T h ere Is no e x tra c harge fo r box num bers.


repairing , w elding. SatlsfacU on gua ran teed . O pen evenings, South L incoln, Jerom e.


P f f m r LAKE R A N C H -C otts lges, board a n d lodging. C all Mrs. David F . O la it. P h^ ne M7.

F O R SALE: P a r tly fu m . cab in , 7 m l. from K eU hum . IIBO. A. J . Me«ks, BuhL

VACATION tim e spells e x tra cash for those w ho have cab ins for ren t. W liy keep your cab in ' a secret . . . le t oUters know abou t I t . . . adver­tise under th is head lng l

GOOD THINGS TO EATAPR IC OTS, S5c a n d 60c. 01U -J3.

M IL K fed roaa ta ..l6c lb. P h . 03M-J3.

] ^ R SA LE' Rod spuds. 1; m l. N. hospital. P hone 0195-H3.

CANTS, large. 3 fo r 26c; sm all. 6 fo r 26c. Melons, lc« co ld ,.guaran teed . H aro ld 's MkU, U 6 W asli.

R IC H , safe PAS'I'IEUKIZCD whole m ilk aOo g a l P u t up tn gallon con* ta ln e ra C ash and carry


1.400 LA RG E colored fryeijt and a ll kinds of fru its a n d vegetables. H l-W ay M kt., % m l. E, on Klmb.

Business Opportunities In Today’s

Cla si ied Section:

• Grocery and fn iit stand for sale

• Blacksmith shop for sale

• Sefvice station for lease

• Partner w a n t e d for automobile concern

READ This Popular Column

EVERY DAY! You’ll P io fr i!


A pply In person a t A bbott D isplay R oom n e x t to O rpheum T h ea te r.


130 W d£{U Ly~arD W U ushit>om i. Cellar, shed. We buy SOe lb. W orld’s C argest Com pany. FR EE BOOK- M ushroom a 3010 2nd. Be*

• » ttle . W asli.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESSM ALL G rocery and fru l i s ta n d on

H lw ay 30. IU h e a lth rea w n for M lllng. Box 0, N ew s'Tim es.

FU L L Y equipped blacksm ith shop in B uhl. E lcc. and acelylcne welding equ ipm en t. Rrlccd to sell. 521 11th St.. B uh l, Idaho .

SE R V IC E Station ' combined w ith lu n c h c o u n te r, beer, so f t drinks. A vailable to r ig h t parly . Inqu ire U ta h O il. Phone 186.

R E L IA B L E m nn w ith $500 can take over estab lished downtown T . P . scrvlce s ta tio n w ith excellent op ­p o r tu n ity on coal and fertllire r deaL W rite P . O. Box 213, Boise.

W ANTEI>—P a r tn e r to buy h a lf In ­te re s t in growing autom obile f irm , h a n d lin g one of today’s m ost pop­u la r cars . P r r s e n t p a rtn e r selling

■ due to ex trem e, slcknes*. W rite Box 033 Tw ill Falla. All co rre ­spondence s tric tly confidential.

SCHOOLS AND TRAININGT . P . Biwlncss U niversity .' P h . 314.

Advanced buslnc .u courses.

LOST AND FOUNDL O ST; Yellow gold Bulovii w atch a t

H arm on pa rk . Rew ard. T om Sm ith , 337 Jackson St,

CHIROPRACTORSD R. H ardin. 180 M ain N. Ph.


W ANT 1-3 pnssengcrn to Beattls •b o u t Aug. IB. S ha re exp, Ph. 69.

W ANTED: 1 o r 3 pannengern lo Ar> kaiinas, leaving Sini. S ha re exp. P . O. Box 331, H unaen, Ida.

W ANT 3 pass, to sliarn exp. and driving to fa ir a n d L. A. Leave Aug, IB. r e tu rn 10 days. P h . f i le r , 341-J14,

W A N l'ED —C hild to earn for be tw een ages of 3 a n d A. G ood s u r ­roundings. Ref. fu m , W rite Box 10, Tlraoa-N«w».

BEAUTY SHOPSa -F O R -l on 13,14 a n d IB. O ver Ind .

M eat M kt. M rs. B eam gr, Ph . 1747,

IDA H O B arber S» B eau ty S hop—a ir — -■■•■- -I by A bbott Plum bing,

.• 94 W wavea H prlcfc Sham poo a n d finger wav« 6O0. id a h o B arber M B eauty Shop. P h . 434. A lr-Oond.

BEAUTY ARTS ACADEMY Oil P trm an a n ta M low m itJX)

MAROtLLB-sT TtS M ain & T h e shoo of unuaual p e rm a n n n u and la s t­ing fm ger w avM oik aham poo a n d finger wav* eoa E v e n i n g s ^ u . p o tn tm w t. P h o p t m ^

SITUATIONS WANTEDQ lltL w ant! w ork, l i e s th Bt. a.IIHKPR., cook. Box 13, Tlmes-Nflwi,

i ‘OHITI0 N by 38-yr. experknoed iiinrliliiliit, steam heating , n i t in - titriance e n g ln e tr . E arl Vano*. l.hu l Q arag*.

I’l'.MALK HELP WANTEDa i l l L >or Kcii. Iinewk, Munt go hom e

nlghla. 404 7 th N,


4 RM S. a n d b s th . IIB J u k s o n .


AP'I’. fo r r e n t. 418 2nd Ave, N.

3-RM . a p t. Adtiltg. 6U1 Avc. N,

3 RM S., baUi, k itchen. 337 pUi E..

APTS. T h e O xford. 439 M ain N orth.

MOD. a d u lts . 931 7 th Ave. N. P h . 330.

JU ST A M E R E I n a P h 4M. O U ls 071,

8-R M f u r a Bungalow a p u .. 2nd E

» H M S., b a th . 461 M sln E ast.

ROOM AND BOARD .BD. Si rm . M ra D. F . C lark. P h . 607.

BOA RD a n d room. 130 6th Ave. N.


F re d P. Bates—N orthern U fa Ins. Co.. Peavey -T aber Bldg Ph. 1379.


H O U SE , 2 loU. 353 G ard n er Ave.

23 A CRES, good lmprovcmctiL.s. m l. N., ^ W. of 5 PUi. j . H . G a rr i­son.

HOMES FOR SALED U PL E X , » 0 0 down. P hone 663-W

WANTED TO BUYT W IN bab y bunor- 81».

_____ __ DP o r w aso o . M a rt b«good. C . IX MoCQata. P h . 02S4-J3.

3 0 0 D tnflfc cow, f re a h w ith calf. .B ax 169. Je rom e, Id a h o .

W ILL P a y 6e owU m or* th a n m a rk e t fo r barley . o»U , w h ea t, o r m ixed Brain. W . O . S u n s f o ^ B aaaen .

m i s c e l l a n e o u s FOR SALE

U SED balloon b loyde . 831 t a d A vE.

0 0 LLAP8 IB L S bab y b u n le s , $5.85. L argo a lte l M oon’s. _____

PLU M B IN G fix tu res , p ip e a n d pipe fitting*. K B K N G E L ’S H D W .

Fiirnace Vacuum Cleamng

A BBO TT PL U M B IN G C O . P H . 65.

[BHmOl Also pe rc h ao lT B un f ish . Blue

L akM R an ch . P h . 0183-R t.

le a d d ia rm a n d bM U ty to your home. M«U1 o r w ood eonstrucU on. G e t ou r prloea bafoM y6u buyl M oon's.

PA IN T S fo r every p u rp o se . BheTwln- W llllam s quaU ty lin e . B rushes, sundries. H om e Lumbeor & Coal C om pany. P h o n e S*.


l i- ln c h a n d H -h ic h r o u n d .ro d Iron, rough lum ber, w ip ing rags, wood

■ pipe, sacks a n d tire s.ID A H O JU N K H O U SE

l53'-2nd Ave; S o u th P h . 335-W.

FANCY lunch- c o u n te r a n d « fine stools: fancy back b a r w ith p a n ­elled In glow. 3 u n d e r she lves w ith sliding g lass doors; 3 show cases, h igh w all tobacco caae, t9.80. C ash reg is ter 'a n d N eon sig n , read ing M arke t P lace. F o r f u r th e r info. wHte o r see J . M . O w en* (M arket P lace), 174 R oosevelt S t., A m eri­c an Falls , Id aho .


BALDW IN piano. 811 3 rd Ave. W.

ELECTRIC range . P h . 1431.

U SED A reola he alin g sy stem . C lieap. A bbott P lum bing Co.

RE D JA C K E T g u a ra n te e d w aterw ttc n e rs . h^zcs a n d aVyles. KRENOEL-’S H A RD W A RE.

2 G O O D houses, well located, p n One lo t. B ringing liberal r e tu rn on In­vestm ent. W rite Box 20, T lm es- Ncws.

Special Low Prices

FURNITURE!T ake a dvan tage of H a rry M us-


T W O , new m odern 6-room hom es rea d y fo r occupancy. F o r Inform a­tion ca ll J. a . K lmes. P hone M3 o r 290. - ‘

SA C R IFIC E on quality hom e in cholec location . T h is hom e Is n e a r­ly new. m o d em a n d fully in'sul- nlpd. hHS 2 n ice bedroom s, la rge living room, fhvp lacc , nice dining rooin, kiLchcn. oak floors, cem ent basem en t, lloor. d ra in , garage, benutlfiil law n and sh rubs. T ota l p rice M&OO. K . L. Jenk ins.


10 ACRES In h a y and pa.slure, good house, deep well. 1 ml. S., U W . ol S outh P a rk G rocery.

FARM IMPLEMENTST R A C T O n repa iring , m iytlm e, any

place, Worki gua r. 14B Jefferson

IK>'l'A 'ro d igge rs re jw lred by poV' liiWe w elding; en ilne .i . trac to rs tiini'd up for fa ll work. P lio n a 1303. clrnrBe W oods. 753 M ain N orth,


CiiMi th resh e r : No. 0 B lrdse ll H uller; U rc'vhound be an m achine .lOI.DUUD TRACTOR CO.UVESTOCK FOR SALE

FURNISHED ROOMSFR O N T rm . 148 6 th Ave. N orth.

FU R N . rm ., cloce In, 403 2nd W.

FR O N T rm . O arage , Ph, 390-W.

N IC E rm .. cl. In. »3J0 wk. SOI M. E.

BaIsM T. rm . M an pref. 48S 2nd N,

UNFURNISHED HOUSES3-RM ., Clean house. SBl Jackson.

B-RM, mod. 1st hse. N, W ash. School,

B-RM. housa 830. Inq . 346 . M ain B.

7-RM . house, Furnaoe. Call 83a>M.

a-R M , houae, ol(iB(< In,-M od, except h en t, 823.BO, P h . 1135-J o r lODU.

B-RM. houae m od,, except heat. c W o L incoln school, 131 Jefferson.

6-R M . n jode rn houM for ren t, Ph, 1107. evenings, ,

F O R R E N T -O o o d 7-roon» house, ■hare ga rden . Phone 1020.

FURNISHED HOUSES8‘RM . house , mod., except heat.

A du lts on ly . Ph . 1)130.


W A rrr to r a m o r lease, wtUi option to buy. M usll aoreatie. M ust be reaaonab le . G ood ren te r Can give refar«n»M . S o i 4. Tlmaa-News.

B Y Aug. U . & or (l>nn, mod, houn('. P e n n , t rn m il , will gnvn refer- ences. P re fe r. W ash, school. Ph. 787-II.

8 W EANER plga. P hone 0a88-J4.

IB HEAD sp rin g lam ba. P h . 0391-J5.

H A M rs iIIR E a n d S u f to lk -I Iam p - shlrti rum s a n d ram lam bs. 0386-J4.

70 KWES a n d 39 lam bs. Ew es year- lliiK« 10 4 yra. 80.00. M, Z. S tan s-

' buiy, 3 ml. N., 2 W „ l i t N. 0 Pta,



• ' Harry Musgrave

THIS CURIOUS WORLD B y William Fcrgunn


A N D C J N J l^ ' L A P O s / E R T H E BAPE A R EA S

T h e d e e p e s t k n o w n PLACE IN THE OCEAN Iff

3 z , z o a /n e rr " s s : - 4 o o * - ; <3 3 ^. / e < 3 , Z 7 0

O N L /3 0 0 V E A R S A « 0


W E R E C O ffrO S fT T ^ i

All Ju n io r W. o . w , 1 a re re<]uested to m eet a t th e I. O .

O . P . h a l l S a turday . Aug. 13, a t 0 a . i r

P ro-T O Hodifl E>emoo<tration e lu b wlU m eet M onday a ftarooon a t th e h o m e of M^a. H . ~ S tro n k s. v y

¥ ¥ ¥■ O hlpkahkloongl group of Cam p

P i n G irls will m eet a t ttw hom* o f M iss E lla b e th B lak t. A ug. 13 a« 3:80 p. m .

B « re an c lass of th a O buroh of th e B re th re n will m M t fo r a po t- I w k . d in n e r Sunday foUcndnf c h u rc h aarv lce i a t t b f lu m a of U r . a n d M n . V erna U a lteo , U38 K im berly Road. T boaa a t ta n d ln t a re requested to t e l a i U b lt aarrtee .

.A N SW ER : 35.400 fee t In th e Pacific, n o r th e a s t of M indanao, of th e Plilllpplnrs, J i ’ hcw A tlan tic de p th of 28,680 fee t wna recently discov­ered no rth of P u rc to Rico.


MOVING aw ay? Sell your f u ru l tu n and appliances w ith an Inexpen­sive classified. B a tes begin a t 50o per a-eek. P h . 32 or 38.

' M A T T R E S S E SSpring filled: sHleen dam ask tlck -

liigs; rose, o rch id and green. Clicnp In p rlcc b u t n o t tn con- -stnictloii. Be liure to see these be­fore you buy any m n ttrc ss a t any liricn! Special while they la st $13.95.

M O O N ’S


20',; DISCOUNTo n a ll new


Abbott Display Room . Next lo O rpheum T liealcr

AUTOS FOR SALEHUDSON’S 30th ann lveraa ry year— .■ 3 .completely new H udsons. Dellv- .e red price as lo w -a s 8785 up. 20 g rea t fea tu res n o o the r car can show. STATE M otor. 130 2d Av. N.

Business and Professional


Servlce-System s-A udlta . P hons 1080.

S E R V ic r -a Y fiX E M a —A u u r r a Soclftl Hocurllle.i—Inco inc T ax

P h . lOBO. P . O. nox 1121I,. W. UAIILOCIC

O ut of tow n buslnc!>.v.M)lliU('(l.

AlterationsP h . aiB Dosr' R oyal C leaj

Auto Servicc

w hrsls fl|Talghtened. expert tiorty, (riu lrr work. A uto gluM, imliitlntf- Floor nnndero to ren t. I'X)8H BODY W ORKS, O pp. F ire HniiM,

CarpentryBldg,. rem odeling, repa iring , lllftO-W

ChiropractorD r. JdhuBon, 534 3rd Ave, E. l-li. a44,

l i i c f / c i c R c p a i r i n o

BLAblUE CY CLERY. I’hon# Ifll.

PD fllcD RED H am p, y e a r lin g ram s iind lam bs. See Uiese befora you htiy. P rlord r ig h t, R equa 6» Son, y ml. N„ W, 0 P ta. P h . OIBB-Jl.


'D m pnrlM , t>ll|i covers. C u iln ln luirt D rijvery HUcip. Ulslwe m<l«, Bfl'J.

F U IK » ~ W h lt« Rooka a n d Rads. Clro A, Brad ley . Phono 04S3-JS.


vfli lui ta k e care of y o u r grind ing nredfl. M ORELAND M lllln i Serv­ice. Box 374. f i le r , Ida . P h 318

mitDS. DOGS, RABBITSK N OM H ii jKilntar. G ood h u n te r and

I d I Inver. 3 years old, W, A Baas I 'll, 3011. '

P U l i E i m E D ^ m ala oockar ip a n ..e.pu,w^«,,.blofor,^.A,ro.

H1 <-1 li EOT pricaa paid for your ta t todapendinl

Snlen a n d flervlrn REDUCED PH lC K fl

O loysldn Cyrlery , 33B Main R.

fiuiiding ContracflnfjA ny klnil I'cne.ms, b u ilt and InJitnllnd

M ontootl) Bonn,

Curtain Shops

Floor Sandingn o o r MtnilluK. U. A, H nldrr,

Furnact'HAblMitl I'iiiiiililiiK Ai lIlK. C" I'll nS

In fiuranccPeaveT-Tnhn ln<>. Phono 501. n r a . Auto. Will H eller, P h , BOO.

Kcu SlinnHLAHIUH {)VCa.HllY. I’lin li. lltl

B elli.,I. Key Bliop. I H J 'n l “ 1 Uniik Ilf W .li'i I50Pt.

MovingFO R D T ronafer. In su re d carriers,

P im ne ■ii'l fix' any m oving Jul>.

M^Coy Coal V ■I n .i.n le r , A l)rr.lrni ooal. moving, U aiiafar. P h . I, 300,

Money to Loan

Y O U N m l a?

w i 'v v v :OoL 111

C A K IIU p to $MI

TRUCKS AND TRAILERS'36 D O DO E panel H -ton truck ,

l ^ k e sm a ll c a r ns down paym ent, b a l. te rm s. 129 Add. WesL .

1033 P o rd :>4 to n truck, 167 W . B., comb, b eet a n d grain bed. R . L. O ste rloh , S ugar factory road.

FO R SALE—H ouse trailer, 1930 sn - v e r-dom e deluxe model. 20H ft. B a rgain . 420 M ain Ave. No,


^Vhen a w eak, th read -bare tire le ts go on th e road, life ,1s th rea tened , o ften sacrlflccd! K eep your tires safe and sound by havhig them rccapped w hen sm ooth .

RE C A PPE D TIRES 135 2nd Avo, S. Ph . 249

E as ie s t te rm s In town

GOODRICH L lfesaver Sllvcrtown


Barnard Auto Co. 223 2nd Avc. E.

C alen dar' - H ' Burley’s Fa

C A U t.M *roa W om en's club m e t y a ata r. I

d a y kftem ooQ a t th e achool housa, w lth iM ra . C lara Shue and M rs. Allca S t u t i aa hoiiiasses. T h e m eeting ^ p e a e d w ith th e sing ing o f " In th e O lo am in g ," led by Mrs. Leslie W U- '

T w en ty -e ig h t m em bers r - , ______to ro l l c a ll by telUng w here they ■ pent th e ir vacations. M em E iii w ere req u e ste d to bring f ru i t fo r th e Ohll< , d re n 's ho m e a t Boise, w rapped fo r pack ing , to th e n e x t m eeU i^ .

M ra. Jo h n B uchanan w aa e lected > m em berahlp. T b a n e x t m eeting

w ill be a t th e achool house, w hen * p o t-luck luncheon will be served. T h e f i r s t 12 m em bers In th e y e a r I book a re asked to b ring f ru i t aalad . a n d th e la s t 13. cake:

M rs. D on Spencer was in charge o f th e p rog ram w hich Included » p ia n o solo. Sybil Spencer; aonga, J o a n W illiam son, accom panied by h e r m o th e r; readings, M rs. J o h n B a rg e r : songs. Shirley a n d M arjorie S p en cer, accom panied by - Spericer.. R efreshm cnla were served by th e hostesses. T h e club m em bera a re r e ­quested to bring neatly w rapped w h ite e lephan ts (o th e n e x t m eeting.

G u es ts w ere M rs. W illiam son, M rs. B arger. M rs. Jo h n B renneh . M iss M ai a n d M iss Lois Shue.


M rs. H a i tle R . Wilson. S5. w as th e In sp ira tio n for a delightful surprise p a rty lo s t evening, a rranged by he r d a u g h te r , M iss B ertha W ilson; a t th e -h o m c of M rs. M arian D urm , 416 T h ird avenue n o rth . M rs. Ju lia Jones a ssis ted M iss W ilson -in arrang ing th e even t, w hich was kep t a s a s c c rc t fro m th e honoree.

A m ong th e guesta were Mra. A n- n e t u M . C lift, Mrs, B ertiia Irw in a n d M ra. C . T . B u rtt, whom Mra. W ilson c a lls "T he Colonial Dam es." T h e tii re e , Bosldents of th e Colonial

le n u , a n d Mrs. Wilson f re -

w ho e a p t i i r e A . t h e - '« k » - a « l e 9 ^ tlU e, carilee C aeria e o n r ty ^ be fo r th e Mies Sam VaUey e ( U crow n a n d a c b u o e a t M ta - A a a r — ic a of 1939. M ite P a r itc r la ta le n t­e d In d ram atics. She w aa l a T V ailey -today fo r ( t fw a n a la f i to th e a ta ta ttn iJs .

FOR SALE OR TRADE1ST c laas t r a i le r hse. Ph. 0299-Rl.

L E G A L a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

Privacy a.viurcd. Kpo Mr. To'

Oateopathic PhiinicianDr, E, J , M ll le r -4 1 3 Mnlti N. 1077,

Dr. O . W. R osa, 114 M ain N Ph. 937

Palnling-Occoratinf}PiKinn Ifl07-W


In th e P ro b a te C ourt of Tw in Falla C oun ty , a tn to o f Idaho,

In tlip M a tte r of the E»tftte of T U R N E R K . HACKMAN. De- ccnsed.P iirnunn t to iin o rder o( aiiIcI Court,

m a d e .o n th e 2nd day of August, A, D. 1039, no tIro la hereby given th o t T uesday , tlip IB lh diiy of AiiK'i 't. 1030, a t 10:00 o’clock A, M, of biiUI <lny, Bt th e C o u rt Room of salrl C ou rt, a t th e C o u rt Uauso lt\ the C ity of T w in Falls, C ouuly of Twin Falls , S t a te o f Idalio , liiin bern np* |H)lnted HH th e tim e sud ijIhcb for lirn r ln u th u iw tlllon of Cnrrle O, H uckm un. E xcctitrlx of the Ik»i will »nd ten tnm en t o f T u rn rr K. llnclt

. dPreiiMul, for order dlrecllng h e r, as mmh Kxeciitrlx, to sell real rs ltite boloiiBlng to suUI r.stui p riv a te Hule, w hen and wlic!c miy pcrnOn IntcrcNtcd miiy ii|ii>fiir unci con tea t th e miine.

D ated th is . 2nd dny of. AnKUnt, 1030.

0 . A, 1IAI1.KV, P ro liiite Ju dge and rx 'tilllc lo


A itorneyn for I’etlilnnei. llesldhiK a t T w in rulln, Iiiiilio.

Pub . T lm e a -A u g , 4, 11, 1030.

P lu m b ln g -/Ie a tin g

Radio RepairingIHDWELL R A D IO -P llO N K 6

Real Eaiatc-fnnnrancer . O. O n A V B a a n d Bons, I'h im e 318

Shoe" RepairinglU lp h E . T u rn e r a t HuiU on-dlnrkii;

TrailerHTrallens fo r r e n t. 3(11 Fpiirdi W e.t

T ra ile r llouaes . O ein, T rn lirr Co.

TifpewriternBalea, re n ta ls a n d eervlco. Phone DO

UphoUterlngRenalrltit. raflniihlng, Creu A

Uruley Fum . ISO 2nd ut, B, i'h, IQB,i Hllll I 1 IkKiy \

q ucn tly p la y carda and o the r gam ea to g e th e r . T hey presented he r w llh a C h inese checkera boaM. ,

C o n g ra tu la to ry bouqueta were sen t by M rs. C . H . K reng tl, T w in PaU*, a n d M rs. O eorge Leth, Buhl.

A b u f fe t supper was served 7:30 o 'clock la s t evening on the lawn for sons, dau g h ters and grandsons of th e ho n o ree , who came from Filer, B u h l a n d T w in F a lls for th a occa­sion, L a te r an In tim ate group of f rien d s a rr iv e d for th e cutthig of tlie b ir th d a y cake, decorated In pink a n d g ree n a n d topped w ith ifl p ink a n d g ree n candles.

P re s e n t from Buhl were, Mr, and M rs. T . a : W ilson a n d non. Charles; M r. a n d M rs. P . J , Newlnnd and M r. a n d M rs. F . L. Atkins and sons, H aro ld . D ick and Bill, Flier guesta Included M r. and Mrs. C. H. W ilson a n d sons, R obert and H arry, who e n te r ta in e d yenlrrday dftem oon In h o n o r o f Mrs. Wllaon, Twin Falls


H Y D E PA R K , N, V., Auk. 11 mPJ —P re s id e n t Roosevelt said iiHl«y th a t If a n ao tiia l w ar crlsln drvelops In Buroiw o r th e f a r east ha imnio> d ia te ly w ill ca ll coUKrcM Imrk In a specia l session lo cnact l«iilalnium lo preoerve Uie ne iitrallly of tlin U n ite d a ta te n o n a IikMk »( natlnnikl law.

C hoosh ig Ills WdiiU caretiilly, Mr, R oonavelt sa id a t a prriui ron tor- rn c e th a t h e knnwa ol iio ininou at- th e p re se n t tim e, how rvrr, f<ir w i l in g ccmgreas back Ijefore Ita regii- lal- seM lon n e x t January ,

.llqw ever. If. before congit"" r r- convenes, M r. R oofevell said, iin a<'t> ual w ar crla la becomes Iniinlnent In' Europe o r Uie ( a r east, h e liiiiiiPill* a le ly will convene oonireM , h i <iihnr words, h e aald , If It became rruaon- ab ly c e r ta in th a t U »r« waa iitliig to be w ar. h e w ould ca ll a special nea- Sion to ftMur* neu tra lity ol the U nlt«d a u t e a a lcm f th e lines of in- te m t l lo n a l U w ao th a t Uiia oounUy w ould not bM om a Involred.

T lie on ly tlaaue of th e Inimuii body w ith o u t blood Is (he cornea of Uw « y t.

M E T H O nlH T MIHHION O R U U P ELECTH HTAKF • Mra, W . It. H ertro i wi.a -elpcted pvcsldflnt o f Ihe W omnn'a Mlnjintmry hotli'ly o f Uie MdtlirjUliil d n irch ycs- te rdny a fte rn o o n In contim'tlon w ithII jilrn lc lin irh ro n t)l the home of M n.. E, K, C m btrc r,

Mrn. I, O , O oodding wnn elrc led fprordlhK sccrctnry, O tlier offlcera

' ricc tod us follown:)m r mlasloniiry: Mr«, I 'n ink

Hiindcrs, f irs t v lce-prra ld rn t; Mr». F. ■p. KrllogK. sfTOnd vlcr-pvpalilrnl; M rs. Cieorge Dou(h<Tty. cnrrrsjMind- liiK aec re tary ; Mra. 0 . O. JelllM)n. tr rn su rp r ; Mrs, Q .'I ,, Biokca, lUcra-

aec reU ry , and Mis. F. H, f^oodykoontt. aplrlliiiil life nprrrinry.

I 'ln r lg n mlfialonnry; Mra, C, C, l>ii(lky, f irs t v lrcp re s ld c i it; Mia. H, I ', Y m illa, aecond vlco-p iesld rn t:

I, O enrge Olillils, rorreaixindlng •fitary; Mra. F, A, Rtiwmi, trriia- r ; M rs, Joaoph Blakc, record

in n n b e n ih lp necretnry, and Mrs. I’nul U ow an, au |>erliitendeni ol young IM'oplo'a work.

M rs, Ooo<ldlng dlscuaAf^ "New H orizons In C hris tian O ltltcn ih lp ," rr)l|()wliiK th e picnic dinner. Mrs. F. M. Cloodykoonts dlsouaa<‘d m odern rronontlfl problem a im der \h e sub-

l lu n d w r ltl» | w> th e W rU." A rra iigem rn la were madn for a

d lfttrlct n w l in g of th e Foreign M ls- slo im ry society a t lllnckfool Sept. 13, A a lm lln r ono will probably be heldIII (Ino illng la ter .

¥ ¥ ¥ W H IP -rO O R -W II.L O IK H tP Br)l)H M RETIN aR

W hip -P oo r-W ill group of Ihe H liicblrds m «t la s t week a t th « t« o * icatU in hall. T lie group wlU 'n o t m e et a g a in u n til H m etlm e in Okp- tcm ber. ~ <

M ra. W . J. M oPM land, sponaor, m e t w ith th e g irli. .Cork o u f i work oooupled th e i l r l i ilu ring th e a fd r* noon.

T h e aouth n a c n tU i pole i t m:a rth h a a nbl been reaohed. I t ^


O ne of th e m ost* enjcTa&ia :ie s - slona of th e sum m er fo r aw m bera of th e P a s t Noble O randi* d u b w aa th e a l freeco plonlo ro p p er iM t w - ;; n ln g a t th e hom e o f M ra. Jcsala V ance, a tten d e d by 44 m em bers a n d guesta.

Supper was served out-of*<foon a t 11 tables centered w ith osw eetpeas, Mr. V ance, h u sb a n d of th e hostess, served iced w a tm n e lo a a s . a surprise trea t o f th e e n en la f;

IT ie guests w enW lndoon' l a t e t t . . play Chinese checkera a n d brtdge. T h e house waa a ve ritab le t i l f n s : g a rden for the occasion, q uaD ttU ea ' o f baskets being a rran g e d th ro u g h - o u t the rooms.

Mrs. D oris Parsona. v o n th e prlee a t Chinese checker* a m f Mr*. EU* Long a t bridge,


M rs. Abble H ays a n d M rs. B e r th a M ae H ansen gave I n tc m t ln c re - p o ru on tn e recen t w om en'a T ic a - tlon cam p (it E as ley-ho t sprlngs'fcfr m em bera of Uie F a lls A venue club W edneaday a tto rnoon a t th a hom e o f M lM 'O er lru d e B am |>son.. Mrs, D ora T hacker was hostess.

T w enty-one ‘ m em bers answ ered ro ll call. Mra. F ann ie R ussell and M rs. Lillle Askew wore program chalm ien .

G roup singing und a co n tes t com - _ p le tcd th e program. M iss Bam pson w on Uie p rlie . R efreahm enta were arrvcd. T h e nex t m eeting will be held Sept. 13 a t the hom e o f Mra. LouUe W allace.

O n i N T C A l LBO ISE, Aug. 11 (u .(o -T h« a t a u

boa rd of e q u a llu t lo n today he ld Ita hint prorrd iiro m eeting, p ra p a n to ry lo a U ttln g Its a im ual tw o-w eek aea* a lon M onday to (Ix propertjr T*lua>

The board, m et amid repeated fo n * cnnta by stAtehouse obaerran that n sim ln l session of legislature would have to bfo-oalled tbla laU lA ntralih ten «ut state m onetary lu it o • Urs, But thU forecast w m rebuffed by Gov, 0 . Ai'Bottolfaen, S e gatd:

"Tliere Is no Immediate oooeuiloo tor a special lassioo. O f « e u m , there are a tew odda dnd ew le U fl by mtataken any eessloa n a ^ a that could be clsaned up, AU OtilW ob- stactee are cleartn|:ttW »M lVM UP> I T h e only poialblUti t m$ a l f b t 00m* aa a reeult o f a M ta tn paiM d by the receitt oonireaa iwittirtac SU U aoUon, N a t u ^ . IT ft f a « lo n , 'Aiere oalled (or this, w e VOUU take advanta«e of tlie Q p potS S ^ t» , clean up loose eodlv*

fluuerlnUndenl tlon John Oondle tor, a

■ M t i k

Page 10: s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...s. ARMY BOMBER CRASHES; NINE KILLE MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWI^PS BOISE SECTOR Sportswriter

, Page Te»: IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDA^O F r l iv , Aiwiut 11,193«

Suicide Spreads New Rumors in Louisiana, ScandalA lEADEI! AT


BATON RO U G E. U . . Aug. 11 lU.P.) —New exc]b>niej}t spread Uirougli Uie K B iidal-ridden bIaU uiilversily tndiky u m ore liivcstlgators moved In U) cxAtnlne Utc affa irs of G eorge C. Heidelberg, n n tlona l youlh nd> m ln is tratb r a t th e school, who wtui found fa ta lly sh o t la s t n igh t, a p p a r­ently a suicldc.

H eidelberg's w ife h a d been uccre- tary to D r. Jam ett M onroe Sm ith , who wafl p res id en t o f the university until two m o n th s ago w hen h e was Indicted on 41 counts of embezzle* m eat. Slie Is now secretary to Dr. Paul M. H erb e rt. Dr. Sm jth’s lu c - ce»» r.. ^

Form er lU llnw id W orker Heidelberg w as found shot In th e

head a t h U hom e and died th ree hours la te r . H e w as m iddle aged. » form er ra il ro a d employe. H e d is ­pensed /ederaJ a id to needy uplver-. slty studen ts . H e h a d no t appeared before e ith e r th e federa l o r s ta te

-grand Jury Investigating “num erous pollllclftns.

Mrs. H eidelberg h a d been ques­tioned before th e s ta te g rand Jury here and w as believed to have p ro ­vided in fo rm ation on w hich several o f (he Jnd /c tm en ts again st D r. S m ith were based.

No E xplanation Police o ffe red no explanation (or

Heldel.berB'8 d e a th . T he c ircum ­stances of I t w ere supplied by P au l Overby, a U x i d river. He sa id h e h a d known H eidelberg since 1034. w hen they w orked to g e th e r o n '« railroad . Yesterday evening , h e said. H eidel­berg engaged h is ciib a n d visited several sa loons o n th ) edge of tow n,

said H eid e lb e rg t«M h im : " I ’ve f g d t '^ ge t m ig h ty d runk to do w hat

fin*going to do th is evening."Later, O verby sa id , they drove to

Heidelberg’s hom e. Mrs. Heidelberg was away. O verby sa id H eidelberg asked h im to go to th e k itchen and make some coffee. H e did so. h e said, and h e ard a sh o t. H e found H eldel b e ts on th e bedroom floor.


Ctttzens o f th e e n tire M agte Val- le r U xity w e n Invited by m e m b e n of th e T w in P alU A m erican U g lo n post to com e to Tw in P a lls and p a rtic ip a te In a n d w atch portions o f th e s ta te convention program w hich will be o f general In terest to them .

T h e Inv ita tion , on behalf of local m em bers, w as Issued by J . j . win- te rho ier, genera l c h alnnan . T he convention opens Sunday and con ­tinues th ro u g h W ednesday, klore th a n 1.000 Legionnaires, auxilia ry m em bers, b a n d a n d drum and bugle cprps_m em bera, will crowd th e city.

Five Events A t le as t five events. W lnterho ler

aald . will be o f Intercut to i L egion o r auxlU ar?' memljer*.

P i n t e v en t to which th e public 1* Invited will be th e m em orial

- ••rv loes w h ich w ill be held a t 0 p. m . S u nday a t th e M etliodlst church . A com plete p rog ram has been a r ­ranged fo r th e service*, w hich will honor m em bers o f th e Legion and th e nuxlhary who h av e, died since th e la s t s ta te m retlng.

Second will come the (0 and B fun p a rade wlilclv be stHged in th e do'K'iitown section o f T w in f^ IIa U ittt sam e duy a t &:30 p. m. Po rm ing a t th e side of the Rogerson ho te l, th e pa rnde will move th rough ti»e dow ntow n a rea nnd will then d isband a t th e Lculon hnll where th e a n n u a l wreck and stng p a rty will be staged.

Chadw lrh Hprak*N ext T ursdny a t 10:30 n, m.. Win

te rlio le r polnl.s m it. Nntlonal Com - m nnder flCephen- A. Cdariwlcli will ■peak a t ii public nippllng w hlrh will be hold III tl i r O rphnim thcu ler. Chadw ick will be introduced by Oov, O, A. Bottol^^^n. O tlirr niwuker on th e prom nn i will lir W nnl Howcr. D n m e tt, om to rlrn i rntitrxi w inner

T n c d n y a t 3 p. iii: willcrow d th e downtow n ttrfn to w lt- nes4 (lie nniiiifil A iiirrlm ii Ix’KUm p a ra d e , n lji i 'h >vJlJ In «)i prove to be th e Krniir»t r v tr nliiKcd In th e h h to iy of Tw in I'Ii IIk. Hoorei of beuutlfiil Jlont.i will tnkf p a rt as will some 14 bniids iiiul lUiini and

eoM ioorffn f t / m t f f f / i f f

UBiin|o||nBui lasty DlBhB*

Ml' lullhGOIiDEN


Yfs. II I t peiilbU !• Mr«« r«u, ftmiljf all kin4* of rftlldsui — with a minimum llm* of p tip . arsllen. M I L - U p "«•/, menu m igU " Ihli Ur y»u, .CelUphsH* W r*p |» td-* i «9w, ,

bugle corps. T lie p a rade will be s e v e ra r m iles in leng th .

M usle Com petitionTuc.sday a t 7:30 p. m . a t Jnyece

p a rk Uie d rum a n d bugle corps and th e band contests will be staRcd. T lic progm m Is expected to Ittft th ree hours and co i\lestlng untus will come from over th e en tire s ta te .

"T he general public is cordlnlly in v ltrd to a tte n d th e five high- lislu .s of th e convention 'p ro g ram H-hJch have been W lin tr -holer snld. "W e have worked hurd to m nke I h t p rogram one w hich will be Ions rrm em bered."



CHICAGO,- Aug, 11 ni-R) — "OV M an M ose” la n o t dead.

H e’s 110 years old. sUU amUlng, silll w alking, a f te r an ope raV m ih n t m ade .m edical h is to ry as ih e first of Ita k ind for a c en tenarian . He llvtM In. G reenw ich, Co.m .

T h a t w » j disclosed today by Dr. J . D aydrtl C lark, New Y ork C ity. Ihe a tten d in g physician. In the Jo u rn a l o f th e A m erican M edical nsM clation. H e aald th e p a tie n t was born In slavery In V irg in ia In 1887

and until May. 1938, h a d n e v er been serloujlJ* ill. . •

Tlic 19111 of th a t m o a th h e e n tered a Nrw York hosp iU l a n d aurgeons found ih s t a n o pe ra tion—* proa- tB ifclom y-w as- necessary.

■The pB llenfs age Is th e c m te r o! Interest In th is ex tra o rd lrta iy case." Clark sa id . ‘T h e m o ra l aeems to be ilial pe rhaps th e f lr a t h u n ­dred years o f life a re th e w orst a fte r all."

The operation Was pe rfo rm ed Ju n e

14. 1938. by D r. W . J . W ashbum.- “O n w aking th e m orning a f te r

operaUon." C lark aald. “the paU en t dem anded a -sauare m eal.' O n th e th ird m orning I -fo u n d h im prop ­ped up Jn bed puffing away a t a n a jtclent pipe."

Ju ly 5, only th ree week.i a fte r th e operation, th e p a tien t was u p a n d about th e w ard. Five days la U r h e was dismissed. Since th e n h e hag reported to C lark several tlm ea for

' Uons. the la st tim e five

e o u W ic U o n , « IU , m u t t e > p e i l » a in blMtlixK,. '

"Aa to h ta m a n n er o f living," O la rt la id , “h e aeema to have been m odera te b i a n th in g s except In the n u t t e r o f p a t ^ l t y . H e h a d 73 chil­d ren . fo u r o f w hdm a i« aUll Uv- Ing."

w'crks ago.C lark said th e pa tien t a te -«par-

Ingly of a d iet of v e g eu b le j a n d milk, smoked a pipe once a day, and th a t h is work had been m ainly o u t­doors, In la te r years th a t a road

d r . c. r foxB B m t T

A u o u u x i b m o n l i f O l f j to to

231 Fourth Avenu« North

ITS AMAGEL AUTO COo p e n i n g t o m o r r o u / a

o tn n o u n c e A t L e

n e u / f A t r e a m i i n e d

USED CAR LO TLocated at

Main and 3rd Ave. N: Back of Sinclair Service


S p e c i a l

f e a t u r e

for Our


TomorrowBuy This 1938 Reconditioned



l l r i r n n sfii.m llonai o ffe r — l)iiy ihln C hevro let Bednn ■ n im iilrirly i-eroiulltloned — a t ><nii own priire, You ac t ih r lirln ' ... wr sell w hen YOU a rr ii'iKiv to huy. II gocn on sitir

I') n. (II. (i(i<> M redcoed $10 Pill'll lioiir. D on’t m iss ti»la op- jMirtiiiiltyl

*225At 10 A. M.

Rcdiiccci $10 Kvcry Hour Until Sold

MA G EL a u t o CO. has been se rv in g M agic V alley custom ers fo r over th ir ty yeai's. In . th a t tim e we have seen th e au tom otive

business advance fi'uin the “to d d lin g ” s tag e s to the s ta tu re o f “big business.” D u rin g tlic foi'm ative y e a rs an d .th rough the la te r years, we havcT'always endoavdrod to m a in ta in an estab lished leadersh ip th ro u g h progres.sivoiiess, O ur g a ra g e lias alway.s been a ,‘)tep alieati - equ ipped to b r in g Llip best o f serv ice — re p re sen tin g ah invest­m en t n o t o rd in a rily found in a fie ld th is size.

Now vve p re s e n t th e buy ing public o f M agic V alley an o th e r p ro g res ­sive atop — o u r new Used C ar L o t—a m odern , strcitin lined used c a r m a rk e t g e a red to p resen t-day b u y in g and selling i’e(|uii-ementa. B et­te r d isp lay o f m erchand ise , m ore convenience fo r everyone, am ple lig h tin g fo r “ la te -in -tlu '-day" custom ers. T hese a re .just a few o f the a d v a n tag e s w hich th is new p la n t will o ffer. W e kii(>v^^lyoi)’i r be p leased w ith its beau ty and a p p ea ra n ce — an d we ai'Q sure.^vou’ll ap p rec ia te th e vahu 's which will bo o ffe red h e re each day! I t 's Twin F a lls ’ o u ts ta n d in g "ou tdoo r m a rk e t” — b e su re to see it!

% ^ A ed ( L a r i a t f L o C o w f^ r ic e A



New, loW priced i i e , and summer cIo m o u Uoffer you the sizzHiigesl Saturday Bargains of (he sea­son.


ALUMDniMCAMNER16 qt site

B olda 7 p in ts o t 7 Quarta. JdcaJ fo r coJd o r h o tpock procc&s. Btiy now! ........................ ....... .......'

B A S E M E N T --$1-49


KETTLE14 q t. alee. E x tra deep style for a ll preserves. B ounded com er* for easy a m _c le a n in g .................


. A lnm lnoiaCOLANDERS

5 q t » i« . C anning Is n o t done efficiently m m _w ithou t o n e .........4 7 ^



10 q t. lize. Styled fo r m odem ran g e cooking. R ounded edges, a n d f itted cover to p rev en t boiling


R u t Proof A lam lnnmFOOD PRESS

214 q t. size. Saves work, /ood a n d time. Ifa s m any m any uses. Be econocnlcal. Save! '

A lam lnnmDIPPERS

T hese wooden hand led dip* p e n a re a g rea t « A -a id la c a n n in g ..... * w V


A B eal C ann ing NeedFRUIT JAR

FUN NEL .R ust-proof. a tain lM i. T ou will save tim e a n d m a teria l w ith one.Buy Now! 10c





XAD1E8* TOPPERSO ur com plete stock of ttaeaa p opu la r spo rt ooats to b e sold a t th is unbelievable i A A 1 ,0W PR IC E . O nly _ J ______________________ ^

Ol0M-O«tt • Only


T hese lovely lltUe coats a re th e la s t w ord In s ty le a n d color. Im agine them a t th is


D raaiU ally Bcdoeed4 Only


‘n ie s e coats a re reduced for irance. n i e l r


Men's Red Hot RARGAINSCome and G et T hem I


H ere's a real sltz le r bar* gain, A g rand asso rtm en t of, m en’s sailor straw s a t prices th a t will n o t le t you pass them by . 50c

O thera reduced to 88o

Close OirtI


An en tire stock of (trey sp lit len ther gloves reduced to th is exceptionally low prlco for im m edi- la te disposal .......


. FOOTWEARF inal Clean>Upl

47 P air Only LADIKH’ SHOES

A complete lot of sum m er shoes In sports, sandals and a n d drew iminbeis, D on 't m U s your ciiance a t Utem ................. / / V

•4 Pair OnlyCHILDKEN’S

SHOESBandals, oxinrds, in w hites

'l in d blnckfl. H ere Is a rea l money saving o(- te r ior y o u ..........

'i^prclal Clearanoa . to P a ir O nly ,

W,OMKN’H SUOIWB m ^rt styles, a n d iiigh quiiltty mRrcliiuKllAe a t th is

$ 1 . 3 3low price .

e s P a ir OnlyCHILDREN’S

SHOESS m art styles, nnd o u ts tan d ­ing qunlity for th is a m ai- Ing clone ou t price




TRUNKSA resl a ssortm ent of cojurs. All wool w ith b u l U M M ^ In s u p p o rU r ......... /

Priced t« C iearl I t Only

(Ih lld rro ’sRATHING HU1T8

Here 1* Vti a ll wool s u it for th e kiddlea m t will w ear a long tim e, ■i B ptfla lly rMluced 9 W

Hperlal ( I r a n llp t IS Only

CIHLDHEN’RA 1.1, W O O L s u r r a

Here Is an exceptinnal buy (or nml) IiIkIi (juallty g a r-

= r c r „ $ 1 . 0 0

Hpeelai H am mer C learaneal


In IrliA a n d straw s m arfaid dr>wn from m uchlHaher prices .......

O lh e n a t S«e

