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S e p t e m b e r N ew s le tt e r 2 0 2 0 - Rock Hill Shag Club · S e p t e m b e r N ew s le tt...

Date post: 30-Jan-2021
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September Newsletter 2020 Wow! Here it is September all ready...I can hardly believe the summer is almost over. It has been quite the summer of 2020! We did end August with a fun party for our members at the home of my sister, Susan Miller. The rain tried to dampen our spirits, but we didn’t give in! Some good news for a change, we WILL be having our RHSC Beach Party during what would have been our normal SOS slot. There will be more information soon from Candy Long about this, so if you are coming down to OD then, put this on your “to do” list! Your Board is working on starting our monthly parties back up very soon. We may possibly have the September party, but will definitely have the October party (barring any unforeseen event) as this is the time we elect new officers at our scheduled business meeting. We will let you know as soon as possible the results of our efforts on this. In the meantime, on a more serious note...please PRAY for our Nation. We are in a very dangerous time in our country right now. We are fortunate that we don’t live in a big city where rioting and looting are taking place, but that is not to say it can’t happen here, so pray for our Nation’s leaders, our state’s leaders, our protectors, and our Freedom. I miss you all and can’t wait until we are back to dancing and enjoying our time together! Frankie McConnell 2020 RHSC President
  • September  Newsletter  2020 

    Wow! Here it is September all ready...I can hardly believe the

    summer is almost over. It has been quite the summer of 2020! We

    did end August with a fun party for our members at the home of my

    sister, Susan Miller. The rain tried to dampen our spirits, but we

    didn’t give in!

    Some good news for a change, we WILL be having our RHSC Beach

    Party during what would have been our normal SOS slot. There will

    be more information soon from Candy Long about this, so if you are

    coming down to OD then, put this on your “to do” list!

    Your Board is working on starting our monthly parties back up very soon. We may

    possibly have the September party, but will definitely have the October party (barring

    any unforeseen event) as this is the time we elect new officers at our scheduled business

    meeting. We will let you know as soon as possible the results of our efforts on this.

    In the meantime, on a more serious note...please PRAY for our Nation. We are in a very

    dangerous time in our country right now. We are fortunate that we don’t live in a big

    city where rioting and looting are taking place, but that is not to say it can’t happen

    here, so pray for our Nation’s leaders, our state’s leaders, our protectors, and our


    I miss you all and can’t wait until we are back to dancing and enjoying our time


    Frankie McConnell

    2020 RHSC President

  • Rock Hill Shag Club

    The Nominating Committee consisting of Terry Branch-Chair, Charlotte Curtis, Chuck

    Howell, Darnelle Sweatt and Fred Spears would like to present the members that have

    volunteered to accept the nomination to the Rock Hill Shag Club Board for 2021. The

    voting will take place at our October business meeting.

    The 2021 Nominees are:

    President-Frankie McConnell

    Vice President-Frank Price

    Secretary-Cindi Craddock

    Treasurer-Gary Whitley

    Social Director-Candy Long

    Sgt. Of Arms-Ron Blaney

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Terry Branch-Chair

  • 2020 Social Director Candy Long

    Okay……2020 continues to throw curves….but I, for one, refuse to back down. The latest challenge

    for our club was not so big in the scheme of things,

    but man, I would have given anything for the rains

    to hold off the night of our members only party.

    For those who fared the weather, and concerns

    about the Corona Virus, we still had a large time

    and it was great to see your smiling faces! Susan Millers’ home was the

    perfect place for us to reunite and get the ball rolling to some sense of

    normalcy. Would it have been better if we could have been outside and

    expanded the celebration, yes. Was it any less of a party because of the

    down scale, NO WAY!!!! Butch Metcalf played his usual great music and

    there was even a dance or two seen in the midst of things! So we’ve

    taken that first step!!!

    Now it’s time to announce the NEXT STEP!! The decision has been made

    to host our regular BEACH PARTY during the ‘what would have been SOS’

    week. That will be Sept 25th, 1 – 5. You will be receiving more information as we firm up the details so check your email for a flyer and

    plan to be there!!!

    So! This too shall pass…… Can’t keep a good club down!!!!!

  • Submit Your Prayer Request 

    To Jillian Leazer 

    2020 Secretary  

    (803) 984- 6390 

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]


    September 2 Susan Liberace September 2 Jack Heustess September 2 Jillian Leazer September 3 Barbara Mann September 3 Debra Ledford September 4 Larry Snipes September 5 David Dillard September 8 Patricia Bickenbach September 10 Dennis Hinson September 10 Penny Blaney September 12 Neil Godfrey 

    September 14 Kathy Mroz September 17 Sheila Samole September 17 Andy Bass September 18 Barbara Morrison September 20 Marita Copeland September 23 Cindy Sellars September 23 Clyde Herron September 24 Maria Williams September 29 Steve Hovis 


        September 6 Susan Liberace & Gary Rizzo 

    September 13 Fred & Kay Funderburk September 18 Tim & Judy Deaton 

    September 21 Neil & Sharon Godfrey September 28 Steel & Tonya Windle 

