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s Entertainment of[ Sports andC SOPHOMORE CLASS …tech.mit.edu/V48/PDF/V48-N52.pdfW.\inslowr Fitch...

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-~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Vol. XLVIII-No. 52 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRlIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 Price Five Cents lor the ioott)aii team. -,-)o iar Lnere are only about fourteen nien out. Sonle of the features the new num- leader of tire, 1wnA. they ,fie to playi wentv- I I II while there should be at least t . .ber boasts are full 1)a,,-e drawingz5 oil the fie]d and dUI-_.-II_- t (_ football five. Fitch, -,I tranqfer from the Uni- Ibv Chicl.: Kane and Elmer; a )our ,Panic, and beLween halves of thei verzity of California, has been coach- and very appropriate poem after thc- in- the tean-, regularly. Style of Dan Magrue; all([ a new will ent(rLnin trial crowd -\vlih I arList Shelly -'vho is doill soine of 1)0IMIar nunibers. Field MI,,- %vill be; Hedlund Need,, 111ore Runners Ithe piciorial -work in this issue. C-011CILIded by 01 s,,udent.s Ilandin_- Oscar Hedlund. coach of the relay Phosphorus aho announces their Li Ill,- ,1-1(1 -,,,'jj he is soon to challge his stylle dd . ' , ill(, .I teani, said that men were .- ery Ah-eadv :19 fl-( dill"( II ;nnd Io 11 1) per- )f "0111( L1111211ts to -!, ur1-(_,ntly -needed, for the matter Ilev; eleplr, classinen' have rcix-ned 1'or ]far(, pitiless li-ght of' J)Ubfleit to play -upon beating the freshmen this year is i 111"e-dee. hill tiwro S,ill a denland not to'be a foregone conclusion but 111101'k-, of oul. and cienn2t4l'- I I 411(.111 fiw jflaycrs. !-al business proposition. "riends so that we I Ihe 'w'fll 1w held in ille Bill Traffic.,;, erei thev are. A Illo 11 "', ],(.\, _-Nlollday a t -1 - coach, hm(l ver.y as t1le 1-1 a' "" Gvw much the share story to tell. 1-1 novations -will b e (Ii f-To I - e, manage- rnn Iflay ai,,v - nt Illents of tile Illechanical c(1111)(nents 1 e .11 j1114JI'LI'll-111- JSJe(] to I' (Continued on Page four) lil-I, I port a, t h t or the issue such a,,; ncv,, si, !cut in fl 011-'o. 'Hlol .4 ,,II espc heads and covers. The -\-Inole telld- Ss hol., I need fol. '111d b'I il ency of the changes -will be t(x"1'(1F`The Institute mus;cal ill- 1 Freshmen Are Still F I I Looking for Answers 1 of definite :jqentit,, aii(i to lift i D'Stil -Uisllim t e ol, the II above the stable of the ovdiii-11. coI- forni,;; this year -,N I IIIIInc, an oversen, Ie_-0 Coillie. Gullibility is, supposed to be Cap of '11"(11 fit(] a (Ine of the tariffs that everv na i nnd g7rev cord (),I Ill(, sleeve. I'lle 11 : F freshman is Subjected to and the iIRST T. E. N. TO bnnd will a'piwai, ii all, fo'.-Illol 111:11i-, I I'Ulletiol: (11.11-111!V ',]I(' year such class of '32 is no exception I'he APPEAR OCTOBER 10- Nvell hnov.-n trait of the i I, as 'par,,d(,s File(] Practice is, hold Oil W-dnesdnys, and freshman to believe anthills fie I'lie Tech Engineerim, _Nev--s will to light 11(rain I -idays from 4' to 5 o'clock hears conics Nvith ill 2-270. i make its first apj)earance this vear tihe anonymous announcement, i 1.1 October 15th. 7lhe I Ss u C v.- inade bv 'fHE '!'ECH on October contain only g 'ei . I 1 1 that ille Coop was puttin!z out ,ell -alized a I-,,; c I e s o anature to appeal io any s-,udcnt GLEE` CLUT-33 WILT BE an answer book to Drisko's in ell(,illeerill"'. -- %II ar-licle Mecharlics and Light." 'fhe (11 1'ransatlantic 71'elephoiiy by T)octc- I I IN, IN E W N1 0 V I F. T 0 NIE T. T R, f'reshnien swallower hook. line 11 0. 1)errine of tI e A c, C and sinker to such an extent t hat phone and Telegraph CO. will be ill Th, F havill- the manager of the Coop is Ser- the magaz;ne. 1-lo',,vard T. Barnes. ioush, considerh havin- a a professor at .31c-Gill Univensity, has t Clull liono-raph record made to the %---iLten all article an u 'usual decided that i: w,,u'ld %vol-th -wilfle affect that, "No, -,ve haven t any ; I 1 eves, and ears answer bool, for Drisko's "llech- ee. 11rofessor Barnes spoke at thi eof , vorld. Accordlinglv a -Xlovie- 1 anics, and Li institute last year. The in( us ri, 1 Lhe tolle" of the Or'-,:1111Z L1-11 is to be 1'erhaps the ap- Furnaces II. Pect to have 1 ApIflic-ation of Electi .. 11. 11. Watson. made v,-ithill thc IwNt i'e. Parent innocence of the freshmen been written up by Ali i V weeks. 1'he! Mr. Da,.,id Aroo`dbllry of General that sL,(,,, (:onlpany be- I was partly due to their zeal to bel solve the answer to the describes the strange ph e n o ill e n a of 1lieves 'lie 0u;) to 01 cali the Neo Electric 'Stroboseope.- A I that is, fw- t 1-1, hest movie famous problem of the weight i igraduate of Technolog'. F. Alexander! theatres speaks well tile members on a cord three feet long that I Y I Magoun. '18 P_-ives ad%-ice to Fresli-and leacley of Ile gnouj). The Glee was to be moved five feet hrjri- 1: man in an article entitled Education Club hars I)Cqq, v(1,kin- hard and it zentally. For further informa- tion apply to Professor Drisko, and Choice of Profession. A descrip- is no little trial' 01(ir effort-, tion of the Engineering Foundation have yesulto(I it, what ,vill be national Room 4444. bv the director of it. with the usual 11 reco-nitioll. (,(.ngratu1at;(n alld best editorial pages ivill complete the issue. I wis for fLir-rher sueuessvs! I ---- -- 4- 6:15 Dinner for fretshmenl and Transfers. 7 :00 Speakers on ActivUities C. Brigham Allen, '299Student Governlmenlt Dr. John A. R~ockwell, '96-Athletics Pr of essor NATinw\\ard Prescott-Pub llientionls MIL. Alexander Ma9comber, 07 Tech Shw,- Musical Clubls. and Recess to Activity Office. Ebxhibitions of Sp~orts in Gym. Pr~o-ram in M~ainl Hall for EIntire Student :Bob% Presentation of the Key- to Walker Memorial by Mr1. Alexander Maconilber, '0)7 and acceptance of the KexT by'? C. Br1igham Allen, '29 for the Undergraduates. 7:30 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:40 Presentation of the Schwartz Medal by Dr. John. A. Rockwell, '96. 8:45 Presentation of tile Technique Culp by W'xiiliani E. Thomas, '29. 7D.-5> ;,+,,,--, no~ Tave r titulte life and fre~shman Ccampl. I W\. Town'lsend~ and Pereyt W\. n alrl I 1 j 1 1 i I I i 4 ; paraging criticisms and the like. He $ aU xoleUCtIE L1i gave to the Sophomnores an ill-receiv-edli 9:40 Songs lecl bys Stephen wvarning of the possibilityr of a fresh- -Carr '16 . inan victol y.* 1, Speakis On lFreshlman Rules 1:) aae cs Enforcem-ent of the Freshinanal 10:30 Raffle. Rules wvas the next subje-ct pl esentedl Ralph B. Atlhinson, '29. Chairiman o; + __ ____ _ the Rul~es Coininittee, sp~o]e upon theI serious necessityJ of ev-ery Sophoniore IF RESHMAN VOO DOO coe~rc-atillg wNith tthet Rules Coin -e COMES OUT: MONDAY freshnien obey these l ules. The va- ing of the ties seems to be v ery w-ell New Issue Promises to be Free aceptedl, but the "hello" rule a~nd the one concerningr use o-f the lobbY rm ovnioa ~m benches ar e being quite grener all; violatedl. Unless the interest of th .e C(arrying: imlany nexv departlure- secondl yrca mien can be enlistedl in Ithe Coninienlcenment nullber o'L the real enforcenient of these r^ules, the |VoDollksitS advent OI1 - -n xvill onlly becoi-e jolkes andl will havzj (lay. This nunibjer is noxrel in mzarn to le drloppledl it -was saidl. The rules ',reslpects bec:ause it is dloilzgit e! shouldl be a greater succress this yeal I best to break; aw-ay Sr'oin the haci;- than last, for there is now a. cla~ss neyed slapzstickx of the conx-entional which ha-, been subject to thenil to 1freshnian numlber-. Phosphorus is back; them- up, yret the Rlules- Conl- Ito dlepart fromt the lrole of the self niittee findl this not the ease. apIpointeel adlvisor of thc freshmens W.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~- neeessity, of niore nienl turninz out linlg hunilor of a so)niexvl-at nilore 4'F . A- tf i1 1 i-o fo-1- h(11-0 sublin-le va;ylietv-. I x f i I Band W~ill Leadi Grand M>Varch to A WildDay Battle' Studients Modes. Play Fnstr-umeritsX StCll May Report for 1 Band Pract.-ce! T,,eholoj)l(.g's ' aela itls'' as them ' P.. O. T. Ct. Bandl isz (:alle(l imik-e thzeiv ! first publlic appe*(-zr!alcte) Fieldl Mayi- xshen thevr ](lea -l;,ra tnd mlarch of' ! 1l(-t'h classes own the fie(Ad at 2* o'clock.;. aecordling: to Ar\}l S511.. Aclkiss. ':0,n Registration Figures g-var loos C-ouarses Thie followingt, re--istratietoll fitar 111 41s 111) to andlt includsing tilt tnird ( fi <f tlIe term. this vearll .and least, wvele issued hy tile ,Re- ,Stra'si" oltffice. s, 1 r-o II IIe IIt Cou 1-se 192S 2.36 16 27, 1 2 9( A1S 208 8,Y I Ui 227 20 .i , 1 ? ( '01 -s ]'927 1 ................. 232 1 -AS ..................... - 11 ........... :...... 287 TIorpedio D~esig al............ 2 Arnivl Ord(nancle ............ 13: TI i ................ 5 I IA . .................. 1 7'1 1 V-A ................... 8'9 V ...... ..... ............ 1ns V E ................. 3'21 . 1( ............... 20} 1; ............... 206i \ ................. ;, H - 1 1 t ............................. i TR-.\ ... A ................. [ [ s.-1tS . ...... .. ,..,,....... '?9( .2 A;- ( . .... . ... ... .. 1 { ';V'; .\~\ ............. .... . ,) -t}| O~(]i?¢t ~ ~ r ~')*'l) AIN? 31 \-i; . ...... ..... ... 5)! lsljnrg.;t.ilt- 0(4tt1 .t , .,, ., ........... , ...... s s *?(*~~-ce I * '? l (|)-r ' ' (do E71 ,?].il; }9sln sr....... .. ,. .... 3,,9*) 1'o s < ol-in'' )~gl:,! 5-w A!'ft I1ltXttS N i!t . > 1 -( . isll-lff r \ ii ................. I1\P 3 5t ;'t}uti l o , ilc .N ........ ... ... .... :3'i ?! el£iU .u*i, ' 5 { 1;?^ t;l 51''.r .\ g ..... ~......... l(3M 301.1lit~(K~},;( ! l l ;, time. A I ~~~~~~~~.... ' fs .'3 II~ sG !l ( S 1 ! (s,; 22 ? , -3 ?t lwlttl i- <ls 3il;fr . 12 (')zt~ill' i fli ':ft;s--j? "? IRill£ \a t'l '( f2 };1)(W 1 f *l~ 21 ' t¢:- ( 4 f. h , .' I I,--- wllt-r. t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I II .. , , , ., -1- ,i (1. ;; ! . (;, 9~~~~~~~~~eec l.lX ,s I c~](l " :11t t< li-;'i 1 ' )'!1t1 e)3 , -. ,f l XX<I 2i7 281 1 qui'll " w i'spc,- 1': l{}s>isro thoin in~ll Z~oa i;Ie¢~ll fil-lives Nvfe findl [ r-bl ikv(}:;~}t il(l ritt('ll til.t t~tb },'!(lV tt-4t enro1()]n71ilt iS ill p-1 'l( 1 > ~ ' v '!i%('s will bet ;}At (1X~i('1'('.\:t Idl llfs' t Ile^ C(;L se n r0 ) t e) m IS. 'r ' N-oI t' sS -1) I, '4 ¢: 1 e}( ' o ll !~ ~ ~~~~~~~) Coerse (' i ,1.. 7el¢> illlt Tor Th e>.- o the ,tl >tli<l(l1 l.f t Zij''t; t \R. ;\ ) (X.txI'. -1l'it, ill Inwta-tiil 5~~~. 1 -rivv an; , T~jl,,.t!,, > iS .il il ;I~ii',ioll iS S}](owl?. 1 colloll I-,' rl l Lt for ,- litlre \v ( )vk. .9?t(X\'s Il * "a.( hat' i "I' I' ( il '1- s V .1 'm I)( "II< { 'l{lez+ s l dSeni, i t ilk\7X(} },il ri atse1 int cn -e . rm) ir:1 Sji !f )t s11 II tti("lt t . *1;(}~~~~~~~of,1" Flectr1- 5)'ic111t 7F? lt- , ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _o I _ _ _ i ,(1\-(>1'(ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v ('lis "I'!is~s cl'li'il il c I I,,,2 d ,II tocIO- I Sevci-gal Cuh! twiists, Cuarrivicng ii:!i DARtlf ~']7su;l plate~s wae I ite(I tl Inth oitut th1 | e,,st (.tEl. iq bel-loven that this i o the Ifirslltil , i :- ni e!;e. t(l{ !.e *):Tb i.lates havet vasid thei gu iside. e Mr ,t i Ida ": Oe1tolwv ('1tt William Jnckson, of the Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -u; yM t( I Offcial Undergraduate News Organm ofc M. I. T. A Record of Continuous News Service For 47 Years Tky ka nAr Al-14 L- N K'"5 d-I k-) HOLD s_ _ __ _ ~~~~+ Entertainment of[ Sports andC Program of Events Scheduled for iI Vaudeville A cts "WHI H~on( Smokier ink Walker Memori'al Tonight j e Mna Annrual El SOPHOMORE CLASS MEETS TO DISCUSS FIELD DAY PLANS Team Coaches Need More Men To Assure Victory for Sophomores H. S. FORD, Jr. PlRESIDES Chances for a triumph ovter the freshmen in the events of Field Davs furnished the chief points or discus- sion. at the Sophomore Mass Meeting last Wednesday afternoon. The at- tendance at the meeting weas con- sideredl very good, and plenty of noise was to be heard in the neigh- borhood of Building 10. Horace S. Ford, Jr., '31, wvas in chal ge of the meeting. It fleas opened with several lusty cheers for Technology, for the Class of '31. and es-en one for the Class of '32. These wvere led byr Albert L. Eigenbrot, '29, who didl his best to get the miaximium of rnilp Ou f the assen-blv. bv <lis- I I or vent SMOKER STARTS AT 6. I 5 WIFTH BANQUET FOR NPV STUDENTS Technique Cup and Schwarlz MVedffal Will be Presentedl After Sports Progrwn RAFFLE TO BE HE -LD LAST l~salk~er ;VUumlltwial xv ill be theX scen1e of anl evelingr i]111 ot enltertainnic,1L nmd enjoymenlt , t'.e undergrad!ii- ates xv-hen tlie .Amiu;l~l All-Technology S~moler tak~es placee to-night;. Owytr 600) lfeshmli'en and1 ti .ansfers w\ill ibe thle (ueStS o4 tile e\e-i)1,} ,Vl-jen th( y X-ill lbe <-iv-en a1 f le dlinnler at 6i:3 5 oWelockl and3 eiiteftainnienit Nvil.h a com- 1110V ieS, 11R8((\i1t ( s (I1 0fl1 o t ' speciall mnu-i-bei s. As th-e i, (4' 0'c (after d]imitt spreecies, ('. B---li nh;i-, Allen. '23, Chlah-i an ot thte Inst itute Comml~ittee andl~ Presidenlt, of' the S;enior C~lass, w-ill exiiila-In the :;Vstemn of Student. Govemmnen't to flivE mn-..eoinvi's asi. is cal lie0l oun .t Tl'011hlogy,. D)I. Jochn A. Rvocli-well '9 JCh (ii-nmn o)f tne~ -Advisci-, Cx!-,it . ,1m vA}]ls *ef trhv Intstitute. \N ;!I1) Ca kl3 oil ath let.ic! ;\-}ile Profe -,i At .llen(1 -e'recott CA the ET ntr,s ]J's i)x 1 a1 * I i -tll Ith{ Stud(erl.; ;~ w -- i f -W t Vfiolls pl-tblir; ;- tiLO~ns Of thESK1tl~ T11e finall ,f (dinnler SZpvlk )1{ S thl(} evenin.L -,Nifl i)( AleX~tn1(' '!;-- 'p': '( 07NN-l axi ll dlescr ibe t le : . i.sot Ieell ,<-h. zindt tleAlt'IuF-eW,171 C]Lub)S. AI To As--l-!lcte, E' 7 mbl-;.}x At , ::3( o v,(;lcj d;li (>t' fln 1ae i -l .!"Idlates uf' tlle Institulte -,-- bi1 perm nitt(eda Lo e'nter Wa~lulker A-Te'Iloriali |for tlle p>- i fs l-of"I-am of. entl-ta-inl- (C)n ti-nutedl on Page four) ELECTRICAL 30"CIETY Firss t-t9;t'eL~v'ti be |on Fr., 'ay, Oct. io_ Registrar Shows ans Increase of 146 Men for New Year Course VI Has Greatest N~umber ofC Stuldents and Shows Largest Decrease A survey of the nuniber of nien ill jall of the eotlrses given at the Inlsbi- tute hlas been releaised by the l'C°-- Iistrlation offiee. Thzis list is cornplete I p to tlle third, dayT of re-eistraltion, andl is prlactically coniplete aIs lllost ol tile prlosp~ective have r egistered~ at this timle. Salient fceattir es of the list ,shosv an ineleasc in enrollamcnt, of 8v nilen in the freshnman class, 41 mnen in tlle IS~olionilore Class, 10 mien ill the ISenior Class, aiidl 26 crldute stti- j Tln.'he only class haN,liniu a (le- i clle~sed1 eni-ollinent. is tlle Junior Class in -,ihich there is a di-op) of: 2( anell. Al\togethler thle totCal enrl'lnll1ent. for' tlle terni Fhowrs anl incerezse of' 146) mer. over last year.
Page 1: s Entertainment of[ Sports andC SOPHOMORE CLASS …tech.mit.edu/V48/PDF/V48-N52.pdfW.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~-neeessity, of niore nienl

-~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --

Vol. XLVIII-No. 52 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRlIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 Price Five Cents

lor the ioott)aii team. -,-)o iar Lnereare only about fourteen nien out. Sonle of the features the new num- leader of tire, 1wnA. they ,fie to playiwentv- I I II

while there should be at least t . .ber boasts are full 1)a,,-e drawingz5 oil the fie]d and dUI-_.-II_- t (_� football

five. Fitch, -,I tranqfer from the Uni- Ibv Chicl.: Kane and Elmer; a )our ,Panic, and beLween halves of theiverzity of California, has been coach- and very appropriate poem after thc-in- the tean-, regularly. Style of Dan Magrue; all([ a new will ent(�rLnin trial crowd -\vlih I

arList Shelly -'vho is doill soine of 1)0IMIar nunibers. Field MI,,- %vill be;

Hedlund Need,, 111ore Runners Ithe piciorial -work in this issue. C-011CILIded by 01 s,,udent.s Ilandin_-�Oscar Hedlund. coach of the relay Phosphorus ah�o announces their Li Ill,-

,1-1(1 -��,,,�'jjhe is soon to challge his stylle �dd . ' , ill(, . I

teani, said that men were .-ery Ah-eadv :19 fl-(� dill"( II ;nnd Io 11 1) per-)f "0111( L1111211ts to � -!�,

ur1-(_,ntly -needed, for the matter Ilev; elep�lr, classinen' have rcix-ned 1'or ]far(,pitiless li-ght of' J)Ubfleit to play -uponbeating the freshmen this year is i 111"e-dee. hill tiwro S�,ill a denland

not to'be a foregone conclusion but 111101'k-, of oul. and cienn2t4l'-I I 411(.111 fiw jflaycrs.

!-al business proposition. "riends so that we I Ihe 'w'fll 1w held in illeBill Traffic.,;, ere�i thev are. A Illo 11 "', ],(.\, _-Nlollday a t -1

- coach, hm(l ver.y as t1le 1-1 a' "" Gvwmuch the share story to tell. 1-1 novations -will b e (I i f-To I -e, manage- rnn Iflay ai,,v

- ntIllents of tile Illechanical c(1111)(nents 1 e.11 j1114JI'LI'll�-111- JSJ�e(] to I'

(Continued on Page four) lil-I,I port a, t ht or the issue such a,,; nc�v,, si�, !cut in fl 011-'o. 'Hlol .4 ,,II espcheads and covers. The -\�-Inole telld- Ss hol.,I need fol. '111d b'I il

ency of the changes -will be t(x"1'(1F`The Institute mus;cal ill- 1Freshmen Are Still F I I

Looking for Answers 1 of definite :jqentit,, aii(i to lift i D'Stil -Uisllim t e ol, the II

above the stable of the ovdiii-11. coI- forni,;; this year -,N I IIIIInc, an oversen,Ie_-0 Coillie.

Gullibility is, supposed to be Cap of '11"(11 fit(] a(Ine of the tariffs that everv na i nnd g7rev cord (),I Ill(, sleeve. I'lle

11 : Ffreshman is Subjected to and the iIRST T. E. N. TO bnnd will a'piwai, ii all, fo'.-Illol 111:11i-,

I I'Ulletiol�: (11.11-111!V ',]I(' year suchclass of '32 is no exception I'he APPEAR OCTOBER 10-Nvell hnov.-n trait of the i I, as 'par,,d(,s File(] Practice is,

hold Oil W-dnesdnys, andfreshman to believe anthills fie I'lie Tech Engineerim, _Nev--s will

to light 11(rain I -idays from 4' to 5 o'clockhears conics Nvith ill 2-270. imake its first apj)earance this veartihe anonymous announcement, i 1.1 October 15th. 7lhe I Ss u C v.-inade bv 'fHE '!'ECH on October contain only g 'ei . I

1 1 that ille Coop was puttin!z out �,ell -alized a I-,,; c I e s oanature to appeal io any s-,udc�nt GLEE` CLUT-33 WILT BEan answer book to Drisko's in ell(,illeerill"'. --%II ar-licleMecharlics and Light." 'fhe (11 1'ransatlantic 71'elephoiiy by T)octc- I I IN, IN E W N1 0 V I F. T 0 NIE

T. T R,f'reshnien swallower hook. line 11 0. 1)errine of tI e A c, Cand sinker to such an extent t hat phone and Telegraph CO. will be ill Th, F havill-the manager of the Coop is Ser- the magaz;ne. 1-lo',,vard T. Barnes.ioush, considerh havin- a a professor at .31c-Gill Univensity, has t Clull

liono-raph record made to the %---iLten all article an u 'usual decided that i: w,,u'ld %vol-th -wilfle

affect that, "No, -,ve haven t any ; I 1 eves, and earsanswer bool, for Drisko's "llech- ee. 11rofessor Barnes spoke at thi eof , vorld. Accordlinglv a -Xlovie- 1anics, and Li institute last year. The in( us ri, 1 Lhe

tolle" of the Or'-,:1111Z� L1-11 is to be1'erhaps the ap- Furnaces II.Pect to have 1 ApIflic-ation of Electi

.. 11. 11. Watson. made v,-ithill thc IwNt i'e.Parent innocence of the freshmen been written up by Ali i V weeks. 1'he!

Mr. Da,.,id A�roo`dbllry of General that sL,(,,, (:onlpany be- Iwas partly due to their zeal to belsolve the answer to the describes the strange ph e n o ill e n a of 1lieves 'lie 0u;) to 01 cali

the Neo Electric �'Stroboseope.- A I that is, fw- t 1-1�, hest moviefamous problem of the weight i

igraduate of Technolog'. F. Alexander! theatres speaks well tile memberson a cord three feet long that I Y I

Magoun. '18 P_-ives ad%-ice to Fresli-and leacley of Ile gnouj). The Gleewas to be moved five feet hrjri- 1: man in an article entitled Education Club hars I)Cqq, v(1,kin- hard and itzentally. For further informa-tion apply to Professor Drisko, and Choice of Profession. A descrip- is no little trial' 01(ir effort-,

tion of the Engineering Foundation have yesulto(I it, what ,vill be nationalRoom 4444. bv the director of it. with the usual 11 reco-nitioll. (,(.ngratu1at;(n alld best

editorial pages ivill complete the issue. I wis for fLir-rher sueuessvs!


---- -- 4-

6:15 Dinner for fretshmenl and Transfers.

7 :00 Speakers on ActivUitiesC. Brigham Allen, '299Student GovernlmenltDr. John A. R~ockwell, '96-AthleticsPr of essor NATinw\\ard Prescott-Pub llientionlsMIL. Alexander Ma9comber, 07 Tech Shw,-

Musical Clubls.and

Recess to Activity Office.Ebxhibitions of Sp~orts in Gym.Pr~o-ram in M~ainl Hall for EIntire Student :Bob%

Presentation of the Key- to Walker Memorial by Mr1.Alexander Maconilber, '0)7 and acceptance of the KexTby'? C. Br1igham Allen, '29 for the Undergraduates.



8:40 Presentation of the Schwartz Medal by Dr. John. A.Rockwell, '96.

8:45 Presentation of tile Technique Culp by W'xiiliani E.Thomas, '29.

7D.-5> ;,+,,,--, no~ Taver titulte life and fre~shman Ccampl.

I W\. Town'lsend~ and Pereyt W\.

n alrl


1 j1 1


I i4 ;

paraging criticisms and the like. He $ aU xoleUCtIE L1i

gave to the Sophomnores an ill-receiv-edli 9:40 Songs lecl bys Stephenwvarning of the possibilityr of a fresh- -Carr '16 .inan victol y.* 1,

Speakis On lFreshlman Rules 1:) aae csEnforcem-ent of the Freshinanal 10:30 Raffle.

Rules wvas the next subje-ct pl esentedlRalph B. Atlhinson, '29. Chairiman o; + __ ____ _the Rul~es Coininittee, sp~o]e upon theIserious necessityJ of ev-ery Sophoniore IF RESHMAN VOO DOOcoe~rc-atillg wNith tthet Rules Coin -e COMES OUT: MONDAYfreshnien obey these l ules. The va- ing of the ties seems to be v ery w-ell New Issue Promises to be Freeaceptedl, but the "hello" rule a~nd the one concerningr use o-f the lobbY rm ovnioa ~mbenches ar e being quite grener all;violatedl. Unless the interest of th .e C(arrying: imlany nexv departlure-secondl yrca mien can be enlistedl in Ithe Coninienlcenment nullber o'L thereal enforcenient of these r^ules, the |VoDollksitS advent OI1 - -nxvill onlly becoi-e jolkes andl will havzj (lay. This nunibjer is noxrel in mzarnto le drloppledl it -was saidl. The rules ',reslpects bec:ause it is dloilzgit e!shouldl be a greater succress this yeal I best to break; aw-ay Sr'oin the haci;-than last, for there is now a. cla~ss neyed slapzstickx of the conx-entionalwhich ha-, been subject to thenil to 1freshnian numlber-. Phosphorus isback; them- up, yret the Rlules- Conl- Ito dlepart fromt the lrole of the selfniittee findl this not the ease. apIpointeel adlvisor of thc freshmens

W.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~-neeessity, of niore nienl turninz out linlg hunilor of a so)niexvl-at nilore

4'F . A- tf i1 1 i-o fo-1- h(11-0 sublin-le va;ylietv-.I




Band W~ill LeadiGrand M>Varch to A

WildDay Battle'Studients Modes. Play Fnstr-umeritsX

StCll May Report for 1Band Pract.-ce!

T,,eholoj)l(.g's ' aela itls'' as them 'P.. O. T. Ct. Bandl isz (:alle(l imik-e thzeiv !first publlic appe*(-zr!alcte) Fieldl Mayi- xshen thevr ](lea -l;,ra tnd mlarch of' !

1l(-t'h classes own the fie(Ad at 2* o'clock.;.aecordling: to Ar\}l S511.. Aclkiss. ':0,n

Registration Figuresg-var loos C-ouarses

Thie followingt, re--istratietoll fitar111 41s 111) to andlt includsing tilttnird ( fi <f tlIe term. this vearll.and least, wvele issued hy tile ,Re-

,Stra'si" oltffice.s, 1 r-o II IIe IItCou 1-se


1627, 1



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i ,(1\-(>1'(ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v ('lis "I'!is~s cl'li'il il c I I,,,2 d ,II tocIO-

I Sevci-gal Cuh! twiists, Cuarrivicng ii:!i DARtlf ~']7su;lplate~s wae I ite(I tl Inth oitut th1 | e,,st (.tEl.

iq bel-loven that this i o the Ifirslltil , i :- ni e!;e. t(l{ !.e *):Tb

i.lates havet vasid thei gu iside. e Mr ,t i Ida ": Oe1tolwv ('1ttWilliam Jnckson, of the Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -u; yM t(



Undergraduate News Organm

ofc M. I. T.

A Record of

Continuous News Service

For 47 Years

Tky ka nAr Al-14L- N


s_ _ __ _ ~~~~+ Entertainment of[ Sports andCProgram of Events Scheduled for iI Vaudeville A cts "WHI H~on(

Smokier ink Walker Memori'al Tonight j e Mna Annrual ElSOPHOMORE CLASS


Team Coaches Need More MenTo Assure Victory for



Chances for a triumph ovter thefreshmen in the events of Field Davsfurnished the chief points or discus-sion. at the Sophomore Mass Meetinglast Wednesday afternoon. The at-tendance at the meeting weas con-sideredl very good, and plenty ofnoise was to be heard in the neigh-borhood of Building 10.

Horace S. Ford, Jr., '31, wvas inchal ge of the meeting. It fleasopened with several lusty cheers forTechnology, for the Class of '31. andes-en one for the Class of '32. Thesewvere led byr Albert L. Eigenbrot, '29,who didl his best to get the miaximiumof rnilp Ou f the assen-blv. bv <lis-I





FOR NPV STUDENTSTechnique Cup and Schwarlz

MVedffal Will be Presentedl AfterSports Progrwn


l~salk~er ;VUumlltwial xv ill be theX scen1eof anl evelingr i]111 ot enltertainnic,1Lnmd enjoymenlt , t'.e undergrad!ii-ates xv-hen tlie .Amiu;l~l All-TechnologyS~moler tak~es placee to-night;. Owytr600) lfeshmli'en and1 ti .ansfers w\ill ibethle (ueStS o4 tile e\e-i)1,} ,Vl-jen th( yX-ill lbe <-iv-en a1 f le dlinnler at 6i:3 5oWelockl and3 eiiteftainnienit Nvil.h a com-

1110V ieS, 11R8((\i1t ( s (I1 0fl1 o t 'speciall mnu-i-bei s.

As th-e i, (4' 0'c (after d]imittspreecies, ('. B---li nh;i-, Allen. '23,Chlah-i an ot thte Inst itute Comml~itteeandl~ Presidenlt, of' the S;enior C~lass,w-ill exiiila-In the :;Vstemn of Student.

Govemmnen't to flivE mn-..eoinvi's asi.is cal lie0l oun .t Tl'011hlogy,. D)I.

Jochn A. Rvocli-well '9 JCh (ii-nmn o)f tne~-Advisci-, Cx!-,it . ,1m vA}]ls *ef trhvIntstitute. \N ;!I1) Ca kl3 oil ath let.ic!;\-}ile Profe -,i At .llen(1 -e'recott CAthe ET ntr,s ]J's i)x 1 a1 * I i -tll

Ith{ Stud(erl.; ;~ w -- i f -W t Vfiolls pl-tblir; ;-tiLO~ns Of thESK1tl~ T11e finall ,f (dinnler SZpvlk )1{ S thl(} evenin.L -,Nifl

i)( AleX~tn1(' '!;-- 'p': '( 07 NN-l axi lldlescr ibe t le : . i.sot Ieell ,<-h.zindt tleAlt'IuF-eW,171 C]Lub)S.

AI To As--l-!lcte, E' 7 mbl-;.}xAt , ::3( o v,(;lcj d;li (>t' fln 1ae i

-l .!"Idlates uf' tlle Institulte -,-- bi1 perm nitt(eda Lo e'nter Wa~lulker A-Te'Iloriali|for tlle p>- i fs l-of"I-am of. entl-ta-inl-

(C)n ti-nutedl on Page four)


Firss t-t9;t'eL~v'ti be|on Fr., 'ay, Oct. io_

Registrar Showsans Increase of 146Men for New Year

Course VI Has Greatest N~umberofC Stuldents and Shows

Largest Decrease

A survey of the nuniber of nien illjall of the eotlrses given at the Inlsbi-tute hlas been releaised by the l'C°--

Iistrlation offiee. Thzis list is cornpleteI p to tlle third, dayT of re-eistraltion,andl is prlactically coniplete aIs lllostol tile prlosp~ective have r egistered~ atthis timle.

Salient fceattir es of the list ,shosvan ineleasc in enrollamcnt, of 8v nilenin the freshnman class, 41 mnen in tlleIS~olionilore Class, 10 mien ill theISenior Class, aiidl 26 crldute stti-

j Tln.'he only class haN,liniu a (le-i clle~sed1 eni-ollinent. is tlle Junior Class

in -,ihich there is a di-op) of: 2( anell.Al\togethler thle totCal enrl'lnll1ent. for'tlle terni Fhowrs anl incerezse of' 146)mer. over last year.

Page 2: s Entertainment of[ Sports andC SOPHOMORE CLASS …tech.mit.edu/V48/PDF/V48-N52.pdfW.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~-neeessity, of niore nienl

Friday, October 5, 1928

the Bloomer costume was derivedfrom that of the least advancedwomen in the world, the slaves in theharem." Which reminds the Lounger;who was the handsome engineer plv-ing the needle up in the Voo Doooffice a day or so ago? Damn clever,these cats.

TEPERTOBYH Thleatr-e of BostonMa :lcnag:ement the .Jew ett-E R -ep~ertory Thleatre FtLid, Ine.

OPENING NEXT MONDAY(;George( F-'rqtthar'.s ('4oledy-

THE BEAUX' STRATAGEMEvening 8:15. 311qt. Thurs. & Sa:t. *:15

N;elts _Nwsy don S;ale

I - -I I I

In past years the Lounger hasheard students judge the success ofthe entertainment at the All-TechSmoker by the laughter of ObieDenison and the tint of the cheekson the trespassing coeds and facultydames. But alas such will no longerbe the case. For Obie will be milesaway, the coeds and faculty dameswill be forcibly ejected should theymanage to dodge past the doormen,and the entertainment will be noto-rious for its genuine, scrupuloussanitariness.

The Lounger wonders just howfar in the feminine element will getbefore the bouncers begin. Techcircuses have long been the meansof rating the ingenuity of the moreinquiring coeds, but now that theyare passe what is there left for acoeducational spree but being ableto blush on the balcony during amen's smoker?

Big Boy Karas, it is said, hasgiven an unmentionable sum for theprivilege of introducing the profes-sional talent tonight. Why theyshould pick a kid used to workingonly around the boat house wheremen are men to lead the solerepresentatives of ferinity t hesmoker will be able to boast of ontothe stage sure beats the Lounger.Does anyone know if Os has foundthe asbestos mittens he has beenlooking for the past week and a half?

Speaking of cigarettes, past com-mittees have never found a methodof keeping the front row guests fromwalking off with all the cartons they

-~~a WM

.M. F. Burr '31 1 H. T. Truax '3 1 D. A. IRobb '31

In charge of this issue: Ralph Davis. ':31Rap Dais '









"THERE'S fire," as the old saying goes. And believe it or not, (there'll be plenty of smoke at the All-Technology get-together

tonight. Wheth er you prefer to be blindfolded, or like themtoasted, you'll be satisfied. Or bring the pipe--or don't smokeat all.

Which all goes to prove that there should be a lot of fire there,and the committee's promises seem to indicate that the pep andfun will make the evening a merry one. Good food, snappy talks,songs, movies, and somne mysteries which sound awif ully interest-inmawhat more do you want for an evenin-g ?

This is the flrst, and one of the few yearly affairs, where thewhole student body has the opportunity- to mingle together. Ofcourse, there are banquets, dances, smokers, and partiesthru0[,-houl+t fl,, Lrye~. ' ,Jit ;trloe .. ,re o. ene-.,lly, for ti -..... I.a.-roup. This is a:n occasion when everybody is there-all theclasses, and graduates and faculty join onl this night to have a

ha:'ge tile. YoU. liewcorners mav take the word of those of uswho have seen these lffainrs before--you're missinpg a. lot if youdon't come.

You freshmllen are particularly ur-oed to be present. You,most of all, need to realize what the real Technoloog spirit is. OuC-standing undergraduates and Faculty meml)ers wNill show youw~hat that side of the Institute life is which you don't see over inthe classroom. These will not be dry speeches, but informal talks,interesting, somethino- you'll be glad youl heard. You've probablybeen crabbing all fall about howv much things cost-here is thechance to enjoy yourself to the ultmost, and all for nothinog. Din-ner for first year men is at 6:15, and even that won't set you backa Sou.

This year we come to a school which has enlarged its build-i;-os, beautified its grounds. added new courses to its fine curricu-lurm; a larger freshmen class than ever was admitted; the activi-ties and sports show promise of a very successful year. The All-Technology Smoker committee has made plans to keep up withthis improved tone at the Institute. All they need is student sup-.L:ort, and all it costs you is a little time. Let's give it to them!


IN.TERESTS of a technical nature naturally prevail over all othersin Technology students. And these interests are pursued here

so relentlessly in countless cases, and to such a degree, that ilmany individuals they become obsessions. The cultural interests,to speak of one phase of extra-technical interest, wrhich shouldexist equally with the technical pursuits, are submerged to a planefar below their true value. The result, as wve have long sincefond, is a well-trained engineer, but a very inarticulate socialbeing.

This situation, which has the earmarks of a provincial re-actionary atmosphere at Technology. is not a sudden outgrowthbut one to which maniy have acquiesced with a mere shrug of theshoulders. But now we propose to shed light on these cobwebsand explode their feigned innocence by throwring a few bombshellsinto their midst. What we need is some fresh air, a new enlioht-ened atmosphere-something refreshing, exhilarating.

This year we are witnessing one of the most interestino potlitical campaigns since the famous Bryan oratorical contest of1896. The Democrats have put forward in Smith one of their mostdyniamic personalities. The conservative Republicans have nomi-na-ated for the Presidency, Hoover, a man whose administrativeand executive abilities are lauded to the skies by his associates.These two men have been placed before the electorate as candi-dates for the highest office in the land. Their records deserve theclosest analysis, and their abilities a most careful study. As anexcellent cultural interest, we recommend this political campaignas one that should receive an enthusiastic T'eception in the mindsof all students. We would not like to see college men prove them-selves gullible fools in so important a matter, particularly whenthey have every opportunity to inform themselves intelligently.


� IiI









pass out. The Lounger suggests thatthey could very capably combat thisif they would use the same non-

coughless Rolled Cold brand that somecompany gave away last term.

Among hints to the ladies, here isa little news gem the Lounger gotfrom Gilbert Seldes in "The Stammer-ing Century": "Amelia Bloomer,pioneer in reforming women's fas-hions, did not make the first pair ofbloomers. They were made by aneighbor, a Mrs. Miller, and oughtto be called millers. But Mrs.Bloomer was a notable woman leaderand her name stuck to the garmentwhich was supposed to herald newfreedom for women. Oddly enough

Official NewsOrgan of theUndergraduatesof 31. I.T.

A Record ofContinuous"'-w ~- Servicefor 47 years.

OFFICIE;S OF THE' q'ClIII%'alker 3Iemorial, Cambridge, lIatss.

News ;tnd Editorial-I-{oval 3, W'alker,Te- lelhbone Univ. 7029

l~u.iness-Room 302. \Walker,Telepnr)le lUniv. 7415

|t'r inter'.; Tre ;. lehont--Xl oek .I50-1-2SUBSCR~IPTION PRICiE, $2.50 PE.R YR.I'ul)lished every 5Monday. WVednesdayand Friday during the College year

except during college vacationsEntered as Second Class Matter at the

Bloston Post OfficeMembel IE-astern Intercollegiate

Newspaper Association

21 A.\NAG( ING I3;\ B 'RIl,. ('. !at~.2l~inl '2q ..... General-,l M Itnager

fl.. I'{~;s, "9 .................... I;;ditor

l). T. I toustn ':30( ..... M.....'i... AEd tl;t i I' E ilitorIA. C. Pt'):zheimer '29 . lusiness Mlanager'

ASSO.ilCIATE~] BOAR IllL. Vervger, -Jr. '30 ......... 'ews EditorN.V. ,'. Howard '30 ..... Features EditorF. ('. 't'otty '30 .......... Spoirts E~ditoI

C. S ',ith :) ...... Advertising ManagerG. K. Iister '30 ............. TreasurerD. Wm. )ief,.udorf':'i ...C(ircUlhation AMgr.


Editoria:l lioard',. I.: imberg, '2:

Stall' lhotogralpherL.. T. O()'MLlley '29

~-%l'E AND!) ,SP!'tOTS


Axsi.4t:,nt Nevws EditorW..1. I)anziger '29

Night Editor.rsC. Cornable '30 F. C. Falhnestock '30

,N e¢s.w WritersN. H. Levee ':;1 R. Davis '31


Trea.,;try Del):rtmnent

ssimtantit T'realsurer

I:]. L. Krall '30i?, t'<' ;:.


l). Ml. Goodman '31.F. Chibas '31

D. S. Loomis '31

Circulation l)epartnaent

Stat¥E. S. Worden, Jr. '31

S port.~s WritersIS. W. Harmon '30 S. C. N'esterfeld '31

Reporters1,. Seron '2S J. W~'. Bahr '31O. W. Burtner '31 J. E. Swalnton, .IlL 31

1. Finberg '31 P. T. Seml)le '31t-{. Karny '31 J. J.. Bott '31J. A. Shute '31 W. 13. Sclhneider '31 .


.T. Alkazin '31 J. 1x. Alinami '31

G. Roddy '31

A dvertimig;r Deplrtment


C. G. Haabley '30

1|L. Fox G.

. I I ~ - -I -- -- . _

HE great staciulm seems a living th'ig, swaying, swinring,

moving with each play on the field. Whell the last fia has goneand there remains onClyl cruimpled prograimis and bits of torn tickets,the stadium takes oln another aspect-cold, strong, gigantic, itsempty seats rising row upon row.

Have you ever stopped to consider what it mneans to build astadium? Mlore than concrete, more than steel and cement gointo it. Knowledge of climatic conditions drainage conditions, sub-soil. Knowledge of engineering and construction. For the stadiummust be as permanietit as a power plant or dam.

Stone & W\ebster's engineers design and build stadiums, powerplants, factories. T xwenty nmillions of people are niow supplied withlight and poiwer furnished by stations built by Stone & Webster.The story doesn't end with conistruction. Stone k Websterfinances utility and industrial concerns, and operates gas, electricand transportation comnpanies in many parts of the world. You'll

find the Stone & Webster organization is wvorth knowiing and worthdoing business with.


Twenty-five thousand Stone & Webster men knowvthat the growth of a public utility company depends

on its success in serving the public.


:i1 He 1.:...


After e cheering

Page 3: s Entertainment of[ Sports andC SOPHOMORE CLASS …tech.mit.edu/V48/PDF/V48-N52.pdfW.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~-neeessity, of niore nienl

PI aThrca we

SOCE TEA I SESO TOOROr _ . F_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Id DId ___

Morn~inprCL,Ce started oiln~dnlestlay last, foi. all the crews. WIcd-.1

is the regular proo'ram at tilt !oThi.

hShous e cl h falll as it beco mes dxmr-

too soon afte r fi ve i n t he afterno on

for pr-actice a fte r classes· Th e attend-

anc at t he boat house has bee n well

ove r the a verage fo i plast ye ars, over

! hundreed men ret)ortin g reg'ula rly

each day. T his nu mber includies forty i

five upperclassmen a nd o ver se vent y

fresh me n.

Wkith three Varsity crewvs reporti ng

daily Bill Raines ha s m any e xpeer-

ieiine d o arsmen at h is disposal from I

-wh i ch to pick his varsit y cre w fo r

next year. Last ye ar's f resh man

crew i s rowin g priacti cally inta ct this

fall Lis o ne of the Varsit y bo ats. Thee

othe r t wo Vr-arsity bo ats a re m a de up)

of Varsit y, Jay vee, a nd i nei-ibles

from last year. With s uch a gr,,u!,

of miater-ial Bill Haines is looking.

| folclt o a banne r se ason nex ti

sp rinI.g..

An ineligi ble crew will be fo rmed m

ne xt wee k fo r a ll those who a re in-

tereste d in rowin g but ineligibl e forI

Va rsit y com petition. The prospects I

for s uch a c rew are e xceptionall y

good this year as Kelse y and Erick-

so il, t wo Varsity m en of laIst ye a r,

are t alking g-rad uate work at the In-

s titute, and will u ndou be dly row wwith

the ineligibles this fall. Doherty who

rowed with the ineligibles fo r the past

two years is bac k a t the boathouse

a gain this fall. The c re lw wvill he

coxed by a former Yale coxwvvain who


Several membe 9rs of the Institute

g'ym team will mrive a-n exhibition

fo,' those wh o a ttend the an nual All

jTechnlog. y S moker toni ght. All of

thle r egulars a re ex pec ted to put o n

Ia s eries o f o ne kindl or a nothe r. As

i t i s quite e arly i n th e se ason none

of' the men ha ve devel loped the series

tha t t hey e xpect, to use in the meets

b)ut t hey h ave at num ber of stunts

Ithat will thrill th e s pectators.

No rman D olloffl is expect ed to work

on th e mat doi ng his backc fli ps a nd

sommiis. At the ma ss meeting on

IIonday he went througr h a series

! ill p'oodl skyl e a mt~l h8 ~xill probab ly

eai s e)pk at t l s h ai ill toit n is'h

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r -

The "HIGHLAND" by- w_


Try this Cambridge-made Penat

TECHNOLOGY cOOP.On Sale at Your Newsdealer" .. . , . ... . " . .~~~~~~~~~~m



i " - -e ITHE FIRST ..- .- .-...of the


October 6

The best and most complete Football Extra printed

by and newspaper anywhere." To be ready

immediately after the finish of
































iiiiiIi ,

Time Trials for IWill Be

Css-4onr sbgnnn otk+


Held Next W eek FIEL D I N OPENER

of the m are men who have had ex- Tentati Lineup Announce d

periene e in high or p rep schools.

Conant, Gilma n, Jewett, Littlefield, by Coach Wel BAnnc k

Rogers, and Leichenstein have all had Plentiful

some experience in track, and they

a re beginning to show, afte r a week's i

workout, that there a re fine possibili - GAME STARTS AT THREE

ties fo r a g oo d freshman cross -coun-

try team. They will also have thei r Technoloteam Soccerotean w

trials at Winchester a week from the season aainst Bradfo rd Duree

Saturday, working on a 2 1,,-mile Saturday afte.noon at three o'clocl;

course. Coach Hedlun d will pick th e on Coop field. In a s crimmage Th urrs-

ten best from this group.

Iaudyatrona he 'lc

day a gfernoo n th e tea m seemed to

The ST~h-e Sopli-Freshny this year be in good conditio n and the fa ct

shoul d be one of th e best in the his- that they are playing on their o wn

tory of the Field Day games. Some field wi l be a big aid in the En-

I of the new freshmen, particularly gineers starting the season of f with

Lynch, Wayne, Regan, an d Beek, have a victory.

shown some g ood form in practie. Aided by sev erall men from Boston

The y have ha d considerable experience I

University, a lively scrimmage was

and' with the intensive training to held Thursday afternoon. The re-

th e second of November they should'uas battled the subs and the

push the Sophomores to a n ew re cord B. U. men. Coach Welch gaine con-

in this event. siderable information as a result of

Sop\ Team Strong this battle and ha s arranged a tenta-

°I) * ream Stron. Itive line-up for Saturday's game.

The Sophomores have an excellent , Wyman will be found at his o ld

team, which shows a marked i mprove- poOiti on as l-oal guarda y's gamel

m e nt over l ast year. With a weal the can di-

of material which has been developed dates foz the full back positions oans,

since last November Coach Hedlund it is likely that all three of theana

will ha ve difficulty i n selecting the will do some playing in Satu rday

twelve best men .Already O rleman , game.

Broeder, Ayers, Wood, Ford, and Lap -Cooper, Kabir, Kim, a nd Fahe y

pin have shown good work. The first wi l l alternate as half backs, the two

time trials will be held shortly a nd a t I wh o show up best Saturday will

that time Coach He dlun d will pick i the sen a re all as i

tweny-eght en o p s s te bton probably be chosen for the team. As

twenty-eight men to pass the bato n these men are all good players it is

in daily practice, i n order to avoid I probable that they will alte rnate

any po ssibility o f failure to do this alte tethroughout

the season.svith perfection.

There are quite a number o f men

It i s not too late fo r other me n to out fo r t he folward posito tis, none

come out for either team, and e very- ou tside lef as none,

one who can run is urged to reportho Cacan runlud as s tonn aspossble.I of the f orwards seem to be able to !

p la y this p osition well. Coa ch \We lch

t Coach Hedn a a .coes not know whom he will run in

this position and it is li kel y th at a

number of men will see action f i

HEY FRO this position.

W hat's the matter with the fresh- Annong the men who are likel to

man? Nothing! But how ab ut be in the foutsa ard l lne re Fiarui

eom-li nz o ut for football. So f,11, i Rar sheta nta , Sa un , V lelr.

only thirteen men have been out. beni Youngthe and Gutie areOf au

With a ganme next Wednesd ay ileIe I thes aly.1 a Younson morlayed

recruits are needed. Practice will on last yeai a. Wit.h tla!e

be held this afternoon imminediate ly

unumber of meni out this year the:

ftc tr DiDrill t a man should not have any trouble in

The Sop)hs ha ve t wo fu ll teams o

-very nig-ht. Bac k u, ) ,,our te am and "al' s

'(eraember if the fr(eshmzen will the

I 'ootba ll oa-l.i, a nd 0 ne oth 1e r e vent'

day(85 andl cup. are thleir s Fota emP ractice a t fiv e o'cloc k to da y a n d

..o o 'clockl S atu rda * )n Tech Fiel(l .Iorb l T eamsI~~~~T

Iers-olme out and hell) ':1,2 win Fie]( I Looking Toward

Aniong t he 19321 C lass at oelleo lv Iv

Field Day Game,

Cross-country is beginning to takethe center of the stage among the

fall sports with a large number of

men trying fo r both the Varsity an d

freshman teams .The Varsity has

twenty-four men working hard every

day. Out of this group Coach Hed-

lund should have no trouble in select-

ing a team of ten good men at the

time on October 13, the first to be

hield on the new course at Winchester.

The men a re at present very well

naatceddanddthe competition for

places among the first te n will beclose.

Captain Worthen has been leading[

the squad e very day at practice. DickIBaltzer, captain of last y ear's fresh -

man team, with his running mates,

IccNiff, Albright, McBrayne, and Mc-

Sheehy, are certainly showing some-

thing for the other men to work for.

These men are sure to be very much

ii the running at the time trials.

26 Frosh Out For RelayTw enty-six freshman candidates

have reported t o the coach, and most

tIra11sl'ereCd thi's faZll. Th:e fir-st re"'u-

EDWARAR D J. McAVOY ]a ,'kutfrt h neiiles-laz i sBAll en hr.er iS hop

a re w (r lloil d Gil'Roomi' FloIs .s ., ~ , ,. , ,, , - ~ , , : 1.. .a. ..I

Iv~DWRD J1rn . McAV, hiOpois

-~.Nit It.'

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Ft.~~~ _, 1 ..._l ........ ]|_$-_ls_|t-

7 E AT HEREBest Food Lowest Prices

and 10 % Discount ToYou

THE ESPLANADE !! Massachusetts Ave. at Beacon !

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Telephone for a,,)ointinentzI


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Newest of the broad toestyles and so accepted.

Ne-w. rsew. New.Stvle 8:30--Black Boarded

· Calf skinStyle 8;; 1lTan Boarded r_ a I *i



s 14' 00

Slyle ( 40--Black Scotch

Grain;S tyle 841-Tan Scotch Grain

s 14 ' "

a:,: 8 Bro. C o., _ _ ,J. , 1.; rlt tl] ,,\;

Edgeworth Smokcinjg,.. ,:m.' ,' _ .. -. : .., t t ;: . ,;- e yeairs.

x,-t,-, ..a ':,,w :,-, O t ook my tirust N briar:...... ~:".; :'.. :i;l a>:,i ad.,i i:,/en('.'in to

"! ' · ' ; :' !:'lil S Of1, I]!e f'll. OlS

q..' ' .4 ' ! {: n':- . I (' 9n.';e of:t I

i, ', .', 4' ::'. wit h n- e any oi the

I .f- .-S of :"."-,,.1 ewripth.roti he

.;'- v ,...; ,4) · ':.e i~ 1.t~: }mr. t, 3 l];', ....e

_. -: !;:::r. r a trip) t' roa}-. .,t. :,::, laier t!l:,ou¢r,t Irei.,nd, i

t~n .; ,!::i t .:2 wi\ l d:12( ,at r ib-

.. .' ; ;'sale ol EdgrewXorth ill

: '"..:.: .. , fX4'*i'eq':cnt and1( fam2?il-.": ,.e $'.. ui)li-, Cork and other

,>' - ,-i J*, andt was a white streamer

..:-:.:"::';'f - a hey.- shipment of Edge--...... '..0 T ake such a concquest in

:'- :,)'::,, f smnok;ing tohacco must be-'e:' gratif'ying to your house.

Sincerely,J. ]3. Kelly

:,dgewo0rth£.rxir Ifi-h Grade

Smnoking Tobacco

ae girls fronmi Canada, China, Jala}n',11(n Albania. Only 9:3 of the stucdenlts

are friom New England. t

It has beell announced l y the head

of the department of mathematics I

at the University of New Hampshire,

that John Walstirom of Keene, N. H.,

has broken all records in the entrance

examinations in mathematics. Wal-

sttom, who entered the freshman

class of the College of Technology, I

was considered to be so far ahead in

his mathematics that he was given a

sophomore examination. He passed

this with a high mark and now is

taking sophomore and junior mathe-


I 1'.

I iC


Both Teamns Have New Coaches.

Frosh S quad Losing

in Num bers

Field Day football is -etting u nder

way in earnest at last and if the

size of the squads that are workin g

out on Tech Field each night is anyI

indication there is going to be a

hard fought game on the second of

Novem ber. With experienced men

getting into the coaching of both

teams and the first gam es only about

ten days off the squads are getting

a taste of real training.Wednesday's mass meeting for

the Sophomores seems to have put

some real spirit into the class at least

as far as football goes for Wednes-

dlay saw the biggeest group of Sophs

at practice that has been seen so far

this fall. Fully eight of the twenty-

five men out that afternoon are

members of last year's outfit. Some

of the veterans present were Boyn-

ton, Kamy. _Morse, Grondal, Wilson,

Lamn-oreflei, McMinim, and Coffey.

At present the coaching of the

second-year meni is in the hands of

Mr. Fitch. Fitch is a imember of the

Sophomore class and has had a lot

of football experience as a member

of the University of Southern Cali- X

fornia team. He has plenty of as-'

sistance from Kontoff a former starl

Boston University player. Last year's huladle system that was

so effective against the class of '30,

has been abondoned in favor of aI

new set of signals that have been de-

vised and which include some of the

best plays of last year. Wednesday

saw the men in light scrimmage and

as soon as some suits can be obtained

real hard work will be on the daily

program.From the wAonderful showings the

frosh made at the first of the practice

sessions there has been a very gradual

drop in attendance Ihat doesn't look

very eficourag-in(. but taking into

consideration the fact that the Sophs

are just getting under way the

yearlings still have the junmp.

Probably the falling attendance

was due to the fact that there was

no regular coach to direct the work-

outs and the men were forced to

plug along by themselves breaking

up into groups and being able to get

in only a small amount of ground-


� -e,c$ 5


%vaBoston College vs. Navy

New Hamp. vs. Boston Univ.Colby vs. Tufts

Somerville vs. Waltham

Southern Methodist vs. West Point


in I

,Friday, October 5, 1928 T HE T Ec H~~~~~..... ... Pamt-- 'Mrs-A


I- .uh PI. -- -- -- -


Local SmokerLearns Bitter

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LET SlMade in beautiful blue

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t_ PEN

Page 4: s Entertainment of[ Sports andC SOPHOMORE CLASS …tech.mit.edu/V48/PDF/V48-N52.pdfW.\inslowr Fitch spolke upon the iandl -ive our newc+ onlers sonie sparh~-neeessity, of niore nienl

,,,, -4-~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~- --'~ ~~~~~~ I < ~~~~ I~ I~-~ ~ I - 4---|~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~II I -II r ---II-


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Try the GRILL for a pleasant chanse * ~ The prices are no higher

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WALKER DINING SERVICE '+o__oo++ Z~~~~ooeo++__"+~~~

Old Gold Ba b a aoinerr Babe Wrmth

in B3lndSfold cigarette test







Friday, October 5, 192

appointed to assist the incomingFreshmen in becoming familiar withthe Institute.

Budget Not Decided UponFigures concerning this year's quota

will be announced in a later issueof THE TECH. Last year the amountwas 83100, of wt hich $2300 was re-ceived, therefore causing the budgetsof some of the departments to be re-duced. Consequently the scope ofsopne of the activities had to be con-sidlerably limited.

Students are always welcome atthe office in the basement of the Walk-er .Miemonorial. Information may behad for the asking upon nearly anyIsubject concerning the Institute.

'1here are several openings forstudents who Eire interested in anyof the T. C. A. departments, suchas tne Handboolk Department, andother branches. Information concern-ing the above subjects may be had'by applying at the office.

Freshman CamD Is Success

There were about 30 more fresh-men attending the Freshman Campthis year over last year which showsthat the idea is becoming more popu-lar every year. However, the T. C.A. lost approximately $2 on everyman at the camp.


(Continued from Page One)

stated that the freshmen were turn-ing out in large numbers, whileSophomores had just the bare num-ber necessary for their team. Hesaid that of course he realized thereis a sad lack of time, but he urgedthat men try to come down to thecrew house mornings before school.

Cheers for these various activitieswere given by the assembly betweenthe speechs. Thse cheers includedof course the old Technologystandards, as well as a new cheerwhich awas tried out, consisting ofthree M.I.T.'s and then nine "rah's"in rapid succession. It was hintedthat sorme fellows might practicecounting to nine.

Hotel Ke more BarerShop490 Commonwealth Ave.

WHERE TECH MEN GO6 Barbers with a smile

Bootblack Manicuring

Arrangements are being completedfor the annual T. C. A. Drive. Thedrive which will commence Monday,November 5, and continue until rri-day, November 9, will be open toanyone wishing to ass;st the Associa-tion in carrying out its work.

This year's drive will have for itsquota a budget that is lower then lastyear's. It is through the money re-ceived in this way that the T. C. A.is able to issue the Handbook, tomaintain the Room Registry, TheUndergraduate Employment Agency,The Industrial Service, The Book Ex-change, The Information Service,Church Relations, and the ForeignStudents Service. Advisors are also


M.ANAGEMr..N 'All Fr'eshmnen who ;are Interested;

in the rew manglementCt c eonlretition iSholid repol-rt this afteirnnon at 5 l'. 3i. !to the manager at the Roathoutse.

} '!~~~~~~~~i:







, la







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The idol oi the baseball world v0 e"The King of Swat"

BABE RUTH . . making the test in thedressing room at the Yankee Staditum. He wasasked to smoke each of the four leading brands,clearing his taste with black coffee hetweensmokes. Only one question nwas as Ied: "W'hichone do you like best ?"

On a v;onzspcC flight to the bleachers ! . ..

O P. Lorillard Co., Est. 1760

Made from the herearteavsesof the tobacco plant


Annual Smoker toBe held in WalkerMemorial Tonight

Sports and Cabaret Acts Featureon Entertainment Program I

for Evening

(Continued from Page One)

ment. After the dinner speeches, thestudents wvill visit the activity officesof the building which will all be readyfor inspection by the visitors. Atthat time student leaders of the var-ious activities will be present to ex-plain the functions, and duties of theundertakings and efforts will be madeto interest the newcomers in comingiout for the competitions now goingon.

Those interested in sports will goupstairs to the gymnasium wherethere will be exhibition bouts put on 1by the Varsity Boxing and Wrestling'teams. The Varsity Gym Team isscheduled to put on a series of gym-nastics which will be the feature per-'fornmance of the sports program.Some of the point winners on thevarsity who scored last year in theIntercollegiates, will be there to givea special demonstration which willbe their first appearance of the year.

Awards Will Be PresentedA general assembly of all the stud-

ents will be held in the Dining Hallimmediately at the conclusion of thesports program. The annual presen-tation of the key to Walker Memorialto the student body by Mr. AlexanderMacomber, '07, President of the Tech-nology Alumni Association will takeplace at that time and it will be ac-cepted by Brig Allen. This event isa traditional feature of the Smokerand gives the men an insight intoTechnology history which is naturallyincluded in part of the speeches.

Presentation of the Technique Cupto the track man still at the Institutewho scored the most number of pointsin the track meet last year, will befollowed by the awarding of theSchwartz medal. This prize is giveneach year to the man who has beenadjudged the best athletic managerfor the past year. The secret of whois to receive these awards is neverknown until the night of the Smoker.'

Cabaret Acts On ProgramWhat is considered by many stud-

ents the hi o. light of the entertain-ment prog'rain wvill be the cabaret actsby professional dancers and singers.Last year they proved to be' verypopular with all those present and the.commfittee promises that this even-|ings performance will be much more !snappier than last years. The exact!order in which the variou-s vaudevilleacts will comne off is not kno-wn butit includes singninl', dancinc', and act-iink. The feature number of the even-ing which will probably make thebiogest hit will be the dancing byrGretchen Grant and Ruth Prineau.!Theyes will be accomipained by Ben!AMacomber on the oiano. An imper-isonating act will be given by Hazel 1Childs in addition to several specialtynumbers that will be -iven by theperformers.

During the evening. there -will alsohe a onreat deal of singin?.' and cheer-ing by the students. Stephen W.Townsend and Percy W/. Carr. 'IC) willlearl in the sonxs and in addition they.:vill entertain at various hiarts of theXr'og'ain with special nulmber-s of theilrI


I TECH MEN!I Get the Best Cars ati2 ~ the Lowest Ratesi HIRE FROM US

! U-DRYVIT1 6 Belvidere Street Boston

Institute ProfessorGives Object Lesson

After spending several minuteslecturing to his class upon thefinancial losses that would be in-curred if a Sophomore should in-jure any of the expensiv-e meters,Professor Neweli C. I'age, of thePhysics Departmnent. accidentiyg1ave a practical demonstrationof how to act under such circum-stances. HIe w'.as demonstrating

I the uses of the galvanometer, ex-plaining what precautions totake, when he shorted the largewall galhanometer an a "B" Bat-tery. Without appearing theleast bit disturbed over the dam-age, the professor, changed toanother instrument and proceed-ed with the lecture. Moral:don't damage any expensiveelectrical apparatus unless youare a member of the Institute.


Professor Theremrin of the Lenin-glad Polytechnic Institute who is giv-ing a recital at Symphony Hall Sun-day afternoon will be a guest ofPresident Stratton at the Institutetoday. In the last issue of THETECH it was stated that ProfessorThereremin would give a demonstrationand explanation of his Ether-WaveMusic Instrument at the Institute butthis ha,, been changed.

"The habit of criticism grows uponus because criticism is the easiestthing in the world. It does not takea thimbleful of brains to find fault,and the biggest numskull in the worldcan find fault with the greatest menin the world. We flatter ourselvesthat criticism is a sign of superiorintelligence. It is not. It is usuallya sign of bad manners, of lack self-restraint, and an entire ignorance ofpsychology.

Dr. Frank Crane!



IIt in the


Saturday, October Six

Supper Dance at 9:00

Meyer Davis' Le Paradis Band,director. Joc Smith waill featuremusical numbers, popularized in asuccessful summer engagement at iLido Vcnicc. Italy. Tea Dances. WedncsdavandSaturdayAfternoons. I

Supper Dances Nightly

Arrangements AreBeing Completed

For T. C. A. DriveWill Announce Budget for This

Year in Latter Issue of


Why do they choose OLD GOLD... ev en in the dark?Vhiat is this superiority that wins so many famous cigarettes. And it comes from the heart-leaves of the

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