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S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths....

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm 'W"l6J"'ro roc: S S __ :S -- ;S $ ,S $ S --=----= S fA No. 36-Vol. XLVIII FJlIDAY 8TH SEI'TE-MBER, 1950. R .. IS. ! is S ·A f!!!'l ,A - . * * S" ;S * -- e ,S $ S S s G Q :$ $ IS $ 1$ ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL ',i 'Build the road of Peace before us S Build it wide and deep and fO,ng $ l Speed the slow and check the eager $ s- Help' the' weak and the strong ; S None shall push aside another. , $ S None shall let another fall. S e March beside me, 0 my brother S S All for one and 'one for all!" S -Jos.ph;n. D.sk'm Bacon. i -s s s ; s S $ S S ;- S * = S S S S S - _. , S
Page 1: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

mmmmmmmmmmmmm mml{~m~'W"l6J"'ro roc:SS _---~~~~~~~.__ ~:S -- ~;S $,S $:~ Sl~ ~l~ ~

I~ --=----= -::-:-:----:-::-~::-;:-::-:-::;::==_ SfA ~:~ No. 36-Vol. XLVIII FJlIDAY 8TH SEI'TE-MBER, 1950. R..I·"I~,,~~~: G,~;,o..;R"p~:C';".P." ~

IS. !is ~~S S·A f!!!'l~ ,~

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I~ * * S";S * -- e,S $~ SS sG Q:$ $IS $1$ ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL ~',i 'Build the road of Peace before us ~S Build it wide and deep and fO,ng $l Speed the slow and check the eager $s- Help' the' weak and c~rb the strong ;S None shall push aside another. , $S None shall let another fall. Se March beside me, 0 my brother SS All for one and 'one for all!" S~ -Jos.ph;n. D.sk'm Bacon. i~ -ss s; sS $S S;- S

~* *~, * =S SS S

S~ - _. , Smmmmmmmmm~mmmrommmm~mmmmmIDIDm~ffiJ

Page 2: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

I •• I •• 0 fp I • I 0 • 8th September, :gSJ

P. O. Box .5169


*Printed Voile Sarees.In Latest Designs. Pink,White .. Blue Ground.

S yds. lengths. 15/- each6 yds. lengths. 30/- each

FANCY TINSELSAREE BORDERSIn Latest Designs.. Colourlngs

8 yds. to a pieceFrom 25/- To SO/­

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Page 3: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

8th Septembar, 1950 ' •• J A. """'0"




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Page 4: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

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·ltlllil~ (English) 12Copies

Page 5: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

No. 36-VoL.-XLVI1I. FRILJAV, 8TH SEPTE)lBER, [950 Rt,hltH'd ., .,. c.p 0...... Ht.,p.alKr.Pn".: FOUR rL"iCE I


wil! not oppose but alignthemsel \'e,; wholeheartedly

with the oppressed p<.!opleand will lead them and guidethem to carryon theircrusade for Truth, Justiceand Rightcousness. Nowis the testing time. It isnot too late; it is 1/c"'C·" toolate to make amends.If that j.; done it willbring a ray 01 new hopeto the vast masses of peoplewhose only light is theirfaith :n the dghteousnessof their cause and in God

S.A.I.C. Welcomes India'sStand On R.T.C.

The South African Ind'anCongress in a Press statementwelcomes the stand taken by theGovernment of India on the pro­posed tripartite talks on thequestion of the treatment of SouthAfrican citi::;ens of Indian origin.India's withdrawal from thesetalks, the statement says, is themost logical step she could havetaken ire view of the attitude of theUnion Gov~rnment. The cor­respondence that has pa.ssed be­tween the two Governments leaveno doubt as to where the blamelies for the present deadlock.It was a breach of faith on theparr of the Union Government tohave proceeded wilh the GroupArea; Act after the: preliminarytalks I-eld in February this year.The Union Government's actionshave compelled IndIa to riJise tbematter again in the General Ass.embly of the United Nationswhich meets :'It Lake Success thismonth. The Group Areas Actis not only one of the most far­reaching apartheid measuresIntro:luced by the Governm..ntof Dr. Malan since their assump­tion of office but it i. also Iheinstrument which will be u:;ed bythe Nationalist to enforce t~eirpolicy of expatriat:ng the IndIanpeople. This is clearly borneout from the report of the Inter

the Union Government had notagreed to hold up action on theGroup Areas Act.


politics instead of establish­ing a good governmentbased on democratic prin­ciple!:>. These are hard thingsto say about the UnitedParty but facts are facts.

I f the United Part)' 11 owtruly believes that the policyof the Natiunalist PartyGovernment tcnds 10 convert

the country into a PoliceStale, that it st:l.nds fo.oppression and isolationismand not for advancementand international goodwill,the members of the Party


on the ascendancy wherethere is it lack of strengthof character and there is nodoubt about the fact that itis hopelessly lacking in theUnited P.lrty. If the UnitedPart}' has 'lost in the elec­tions it is due to its ownsins. Barring.1 few ex­ceptions, who have hung onto the United Party in themistaken belief that it is alessel' evil, the whole atti­tude of the Party has been

hypocritical. The charge Indian Government Refuseslaid against the Party by To Meet SA. At R.T.C.the Nationalists that it had ~ APA-REUTER has beenno policy is' not entirely ~ authoritatively informed infalse. Its pot icy on the New Delhi tbat India has re­colour question was exactly jec'ed a Pakistan Government's

suggestion to reconsider herthe same as that of the deCision not to take part in theNationalist Party; only, it proposed round ~able conferencedid not have the courage to on the South African Indian

go for~ard with it as the ~~~St~:~ m;~: ;~~~St:~e s~~~;~Nationalists had. and that Government had replied to herwas why the Nationalists telegram aiking for a definite

assuranCe that tbe policy, ofsucce.eded in getting the forming the basis of the Groupcollaboration of a la;ge Areas Act and other legisl~tionnumber of the Natal mem- affecting Asiatics would be re­bers of the United Party to vised or modified, should the

proposed conference indi~te anat:hiev~ their end. Had the alternative approach to the proUnited P;,\rty members been 'blem. The Union Governmentreall y honest and sincere' are. under.stood to h~ve repeated

. " theIr earher standpolDt that theabout thclr own convtctlons ,provisions of tbe Group Areasthey would have depended Act would not be brought intofor their strength, not on operatiC;ln. before ~ecember:

. b r d AuthOritative sources 10 Delh,quantity ut on qua Ity an said th~ no assuranCe of thewould have gone boldl)!' be- kind asked for by Pakistan wasfore the country as the given by the Union Government.N;ttiollalists have been do- Dor Wa~ there any i!1dicatioo that, . tbe UniOn Government would bemg. even at the risk of be- prepared to modify its policy ofing perished so that Truth apartheid if satisfactory proposals

and Justice' may prevail. ;::~~~: fr~;; ~~: ~~~~:~~a:~e:~I nstead, they have been therefore. the Indian Republicanmore concerned about their Government had concluded thatParty than abol.Jt Truth and there would be no pC'int in re·h I considering its previous decision

t e country HIS consequent- to withdraw from the conference.Iy descended into Party Authoritative sourCeS said that


ForDayA Sorry

"I"r HENationalist Party's

II unqualified victory inthe South-\Vest -Afl'icanelections has caused a greatdeal of uneasiness through­

out South Africa. not onlyamong the non-Europ~ans

but among all lovers ofpeace-and they arc in quite

:a good number among thef'ationalists themselves. \Vehave already had a taste ofwhat the Nationalist Gov­ernment are capable ofdoing with the slenderest of

,majorities. N ow t~at they'ha."e captured all six seatslallottr:d to South-\VestAfri­ea in the Union Legislatureit means that the NationalistParty will have 77 seats inthe Assembly and the GOY­ernment 86 seats with thenine Afrikaner Party 1J1cm­bers, while the combined

. st~ength of the Oppositionis 73. The Governmenthave therelore well en­

: trenched themselves with. three years still to go.They can change the enti;eface of South Africa withinthat period with the strengththey have acquired.

The United Party seemssomewhat amazed at 1his"une~pected" victory of theNationalists. It did notseem to us at all unexpect­ed. However regrettableit may be, it must be ad­mitted that the strength ofthe United Party has beenon the wane ever since itlost Mr. }, H. Hofmeyr.SQuih Africa has yet ·toproduce a man of his char­acter. Evil forces must be

Page 6: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..



8tb Septemper, 19!O\

to exercise ;I little p3tiet1~ adresist tbe temptation o£ bol4iDaor attending fC2Sts so fODl *'the lituation of the country dollrrot improve. Both the holdiar3Jld the attending of 3Jly type 01feast should be considered a ...As long a3 chI': food polIitioa atIndia does not improve I '-'dedded not co accept aay ill·~tation to feasts_ I beseech tIlfcountryme.!S to keep before theirmind's eye tbe luggard faces ofthe dead aDd the dying wflilctbey think of holding or ~t~.ing feasts and wastiDg preci~

foodgrains over them-foodgniaath~t could have saved tbe !iva ofmillions- of their UDfortuaaabrethren",'

against rlicia{ discrimination illSouth Africa and tbe "boleworld will be victorious."

International WomeaThe \Vomen's InternatiOMJ

Democratic Federatiotr, ia •message fr~m France, sa)'1: "lDthe name of Sr million WOlDU

of 59 conntries, we extead c.rwarmest greetings to the IDdiupeople· of South Africa"w"along With aU the oppre-4South African people, at

courageously fighting for humurigbts, justice freedom aDd peate.

"We, women and mothetll.w.sWfered from war des~Irom "racial hatred iostipWby Fascist war.mongus. ",hidlcost the lives of more thu jqmillion meo, ,women and~rllP, we raise our voices agailtltthe new barbarclD me.uura aIracial discrimination t~ ia'Sbutb Africa:'

From Great BritaiaThe India League of GNil

_Brilain in its menage sa,.:"1llIoverwhelming majority lof ...people of this COUDUy aad ...world are profoundly Ihoclled"Dr. Malan's policy of apadbIWand will give you every IIJPI*lin your eIfortJ.I'

Za'nubal" S Support .A message ligned by th~ JiIlA

Sllyyid Self,Feisal, 00 behalf 01Arabs, Africans and rZanzibar, after wisbing{erence every succe.,' dedadf'

l lull support to the Don.WWlI'.people of tbe UniOD in thIitIt~g~le . against nici.i·~'cnmloahon. '


attitude of mind whose 'neutralityin the clash between democracyand Com.m.unism will fac:iliute.the conquest of Africa by theCommunists•

Governor Of BombayThe Goveraor of Bombay

Raja Mabaraj Singh in hismessage to the Conlerence lays:"All India .upports you in yourstand against racial disctimina.tiOD. 1 wish all success to yourConJ'eteDce."

"DR. MaIan·shou"ld learn alesson Irom the fate of

Hitler that the day of racialarrogance arc over beyond re­call," says a cable'addressed tothe &uth Alrfcan rndian Con­gress by tbe Pakistan MuslimLeague. This message fromB:arachi, signed by Mr. MohamedYusuf Khattala,'"Gcneral Secre­tary of the Pakistan MuslimLeague" is one of the manymessages received Irom all partsof tbe world addressed to theConference of the South AfricanIndian Congress which meets iDJOhannesburg on the 15th, J6thand nth 01 this month.

After wishing the SAle Con­fer~ce every success the mess­age addsl "rhe Pakistan Mus.lim League has always champ­lODed the rights of aU colonialand down.trodden people. \ TheMuslim Le&gue believes illequality'" of rights for all pe·opleirrespective of colour, caste orcreed."


Re,ult Of S.-W.A. Elec:tlonl!lThe N~tionalistP,arty ws won

all six Union Parliament seatsatld 15 out of the 18 local Legis­lative Assembly seats in theSouth-West AfriC3~lec:tions. TheNationalists also won the Klerks- A.Good ~xample 'dorp Provincul by-election. Thissweeping victory in Soutb-West 'Harijan' dated August 26Africa gives them sufficient repre- writes :-Mr. Abdul Qayum An­s~nulion on the electoral college sari bas done well in decic;ling notto enable them to elect the two to accept any invitation to feasts,remaining Senators to the Union whicb are "ooe of tbe most per4

Parliament. The Government nidous sources of food wasuge."have already nomioated two As he rightly says,,"It is really aSouth-West Africa Stnators to buge mockery to hold feasts andthe Union Senate. The Govern- waste precious foodgrains overment's majority in the Senate false shows and merry-makings,wiU now be increased to five and when millions of our countrymenin tbe House of Assembly to 13. are in the clutches of starvationThe state of Parties in the /and slow death. I appeal t~ allHouse of Assembly is now: Na-tionalist Party 77, Afrikaner Parey9, United Party 54, Labour Party6, Native Representatives 3.


bepartmental Committees whichgave birth te this Act. With theGroup Area s Act already on theStatute Book, threatening thescrangulation of tbe Indian people

. economically, no useful purposeat all can be served by a roundtable conference. That is theview-points of the Indian peopleof South Africe. 1£ the GroupAreas Act is not to be put intooperalion until December thisyear, this is in no way due to anymagnanimity on the part of theUnion Government. The delayis due to certain practical diffi­culties but despite this steps arealready being taken to work outthe 'different racial zones in bigmunicipalities like Durban. TheSouth African Indian Congressexpresses the hope that the Gov­ernment of Pakistan will take the

_ same stand as taken by the Gov­ernment of India on this ques­tion. It further hopes that theunofficial press reports indicatingthat Pakistan will not withdrawfrom the Conference arc without African Attitude J:r:a~eWarany foundation.Pakistan To Attend Mr. Jordan J<. Ngubane in an

Pakiatan does not intend to artic:le in 'The Forum,' datedfollow the example of India in September 2, gives an interestingwithdrawiog from the Rouod analysis of the statement issuedTable Conference, it was authori- by the Atri= NationaJ Congresstative1y learned in London ac- on tbe attitude of the Africans oncording to a Press message. the Korean War. Mr. NgubaneTher",:-.arehardly any Pakistanis in thus concludes the 'article:,

:~~~~~~~~~~w~~~t:l:~~~~r~~ "While the majority of thement's participation in the pro- African people disapprove of.posed Round Table Conference aggression and would join upcan in aoy way help in solving a when called upon to helpquestion which concerns only crush it, past experience inIndia and rndun nationals. We South Africa's war efforts hassbare tbe hope ellpressed by the taugbt tbem lessons they arc not

~:3~t\~~r:ca~ ~~di~~uthC~:grte~: likely to forget easily. Botbabove news and if there is that during the Great War and Worldtbe Pakistan Government will War II, ,Promises of improvedreco.nsider its attitude and decide conditions were made to theto fall in line with India. Africans." But when hostilitiesMr. Patchiappen's 'Union ceased, not only was the African

The Puss has given publicity contribution not acknowledged.ro "tbe following :-Mr. D. I;'at- More oppressive and humiliatingchiappen, president of the Natal legislation was the reward inIndian Union of Nationalists, said both insu·oceS. In other words

~nu~~~~~ t::uf:d:::C:::ou~~~ tbe African feels that in the past,Pakist3D Government's decisiQO. he has been called upon to makeThe Nat~l Indian Union of Na- the supreme sactifice only .totion3lists will present a memor- tighten tbe chains and Sh3ckl~.andum on tbe South AfriclO ·around his ankles. EuropeanIndian question to Dr. Donges, opinioo' need to know tbese

~~~S;;:~a:h~o~n~~;orN::::al~~ things on ti~e-so that when thePany Congress later this month. Africans decide 00 a particular

We can safely say tbat tbis course of conduct,~none shouldso-called Union has h31dly any complain of_not baving heenfoUO'wing in Natal and it does not warned. Apart from this, how­represent tbe general opinion of ever, tbere is greater reason whythe' rndian commuity. People these fucts should. be widely . Wo'rld Federation Oflike Mr. P3tchiappen, if they can- known. After Asu, Africa is Tr.ada UnionsDot do bener, would serve theC3use better by keeping quiet and Communism's ':lext port of calL The World Federation 01doipg nothing. Let" ·,not their Instead of giving the African a. trade Unions in a cable I.lomselfish desire for cheap notoriety vested interest in democracy, the Paris.igucd by MOD. L. Slll10utlead them to commit acts cat- Malan Government and its pre- . its Geiu:ral Secretary, warmly

, culated to damage the whol.e. decesS?rs.have. been systematically' "reets the Conference and add'.community.' d ..

" engen ellng 10 the African"OlD. "W.' hope tbat the \atnjggle

Page 7: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

lth September, HlSO 273

cogrlised that there has beenaggression whalever mi~ht besaid of precautions t;lken and wecould not leave the door of Kastl­mir open to' aggression. Three­fore it was decided that P,]ki~ran

troops, auxiliaries, etc., shouldwithdraw and Indian troops inthe Srate should be reduced inbulk-that was the last word usedby the Commission.

"So, right fIbm tbe beginningour position has been p(:rfectlydear on this subject and largelyit was accepted by the Commis­sion. When Liaquat Ali Khansays that we are rryin!! to go backon any international agreementor anyrhing that we bad agreedto, I do submit to him that he iscompletely wrong. There is no·thing that we have agreed to in· _the past two or three ye:Jrs thatwe were not prepared 10 honourand indeed som~limes go a lullebeyoud that because, again, ofour desire for a settlemenl. Butthere are some things ~vhich wehave made perfectly. clear rightfrom the beginning ;of the K:Jsh­mir slory that we can never ac­cept anYlhing which is harmful toKashmir, which is against ourpledges and which is derogatoryto the dignity of India. We havesaid that the Kashmir peoplesball decide. Whatever may hap­pen it is the Kashmir peoplewbo are going to decide tbeirown future." ,

"But, and this !S important,it was laid down by usc1euly, and admitted by theCommission that the number ofIndian troops to be left theremust always be looked uponfrom the security peint of view,that is, we could take no risks butwe were prepared Ito withdrawthem in large' numbers, butalways the limiting faclor was thesecurity of Kasbmir takiog ever­thing into consider:llion at thetime-whether Pakistan forces orAzad forces wero: disbanded ornor.

Kashmir's Sovereignty

After quoting extracts from hiscorresp~ndence with the U.N.Commission to show that theCommission had agreed to Kash­mir's sovereignty, Pandit Nehrucontinued: "Now you will observethat as long as two years ago, wemade our position perfectly clear.In accepting tbat resolution ofthe Commision we went a longway in giving up our position,Naturally the position for us totake would have been thar we arenot prepared to discuss thismatter or deal with this mailerat all til~the whole Stateis freedfrom tbe aggressor and the in­vader. After tbat, is tbe time fordiscussion; otherwise there isalways the pressure of the ag­gressor. As one sees now, be­cause of our desire for a


"Agaio take the question ofdemilitarisation. At no time wasit suggested that the question ofthe withdrawal of P.1kislan troopsor ours was on tbe same level.At no time was it suggested thattbe defence of Kashmir was ourresponsibility; because it was re-

The Prime Minister then re­ferred to Liaquat Ali Khan'sPress Conference in Karachi onAugust 23, wherein he had laidstress on two resolutions of theU.N. Commission on Kashmir,one dated August 13, 1948, aodthe otber of January 5, 1949."Those resolutions," be said,"were accepted by U.N. and westand by those resolutions com­pletely today. That is to say,those resolutions were acceptedby us aftet certain correspoodence witb the Commission inwhich we asked for some eluci­dation which w~ given to us andon the basis of tbat we acceptedtbem. Our point is that variousnew proposals that have beenmade are contrary to those veryresolutions as elucidated to us bythe Commission. For instance,we laid the greatest stresstbroughout cn tbe sovereignty ofthe government of Jammu and.KaShmit over lhe whole stale allthe time, including that part ofthe Stale which happens to beoccupied by Pakistan forces. Thatwas agreed to. Tn fact, thePlebiscite Commissioner, wben hewas to be appointed, was to beappointed by the Kashmir StateGov~rnmensand he was to reportto them apart from reporting totbe Commission. Now to be toldthat the Government itself, wbicbis supposed to appoint him andreceive the rep'Jrt, ir. to go andthe Plebiscite Commissionerhimseif becomes tbe governmentand reports to himself seemsrather odd and 'Alice in Wonder­land' buSiness.


U N AuthorityReferring to the propos<l1 by

Sir Dixon for the replacement ofthe Kasbmir government by U.N.authority during the limiledplebiscite, the Prime Ministersaid tbat the propo:,al took tbem

Asked whether he would putthe blame on Pakislan for thefailure of the Dixon talks, PanditNehru replied: "I put the blame

complelc:1y by surprise. Suchprop3.!>al was "p:llently a pro­posal of appeasement of aggres­sors," It meant declaring that"you want the aggreSS<lr to suc­ceed," "It is quite extraordinary.The aggressor comes out. For

hundred per cent. on Pakistan tbe sake of peace we go 00

for the wbole Kashmir trouble." . agreeing to one step afler an­Pandit Nehru said th.e .more he other; then gradually tbe a!l'gres­thought of the Kashmir Issue, the sor wants equality 'with us in~o:c ,he recalled ~be ~o~ks everything and goes a step fur­Altce In Wonderland and Ailce ther and wants predominance in

!hrough tbe Looking Glass," As everything. It is an astoundingIn the books all attempts made position from any poiDt uf view"seem to make us leave the real of national or international law.world behind some looking glass I cannot conceive of any Indianwhere everything is inverted.". Government, for a moment, I am

Referringto Sir Dixon's efforts, nOt speaking for myself, but anyPandit Nehru said that first of all Indian Government that maythere was a discussion for four exist now or later, agreeing todays on the holding of an overall the type of proposals that' haveplebiscite over the whcle Stale been put forward for pusbing outof Jammu and Kashmir. For a tbe present government of Kash:long time there bas -been agree- mir just to please Pakistan,"ment on tbis in principle. In­deed it was India who had firstproposed a plebiscite to enable tbepeople of Kasbmir to decidetheir own future. What hadheld it up were the conditionsthat sbould govern the plebiscite.These related to the so called kadKashmir Forces, the question ofnortbern areas and the questionof demilitarization. There hasbeen no agreement about tbeseand after four days talks witb SirDixon, the old disagreement onthose issues continued. Subse­quently Sir Dixon had put for.­ward two or three tentative sug­gestions out of whicb ultimatelyone remained and that was,roughly speaking, proposals forparti3l plebiscite. "We said :thatit co'uld be criticised in manyways, that we did not like it atall. But nevertheless we wereprepared to consider this in caseit might offer some way' for asolution. We, however, made itclear to him thai we will be pre­pared to consider without anycommitment any proposal that bemakes but on condition thatPakistan is also prepared to con­sider tbem. For, as we said tohim, tbere bas been a tendency onthe par~ of Pakistan not to com­mit itself to anything, to ask theother party to make various com­mitments, take advantage of any­tHing said on the otber side andDot to say anything itself. There­upon, Sir Dixon went to Karachi

. and we were informed by himthat Pakistan rejected this com­pletely Without committing itselfeven to the idea of considering itin that context because theythought that it might weakentheir position."


Pandit Nehru's State­ment On Kashmir

Prime Minister JawabarlalNebru in a statement at a Presstenference in New Delbi onAugust 24, said tbat with tbeUllure of U.N. mediator onK:aslunir, Sir Owen Dixon'smission, "we go back to wbere weslaned from."

As Ixlth overall plebiscite andpani3l pl~biscite were ruled out,~~ Pandit Nebru, "it is aboutl1me we started from the beginningilld went back to some funda­Illental realities." The basic factlias tb.3t aggression had come£roOl 'P.1kistan. It was becausethe SecutilY . Council had - notanswered the question wbo wastbe aggressor in Kasbmir tbat allthe trouble bad arisen.

sIR OWEN DIXON'S failureto solve tbe Kashmir prob­

l~m b:l.S come in for promptcomment in tbe Indian press,.hicb bas commended India's~ety to solve the Kashmirdispule.

Tlut Sir Owen had "done hisbest to solve an admittedly knottyand ddicate problem cannot bedewed" is the comment of'B!urat' which adds "and tbatIndi3 on her part had gone tothe utmost limit in trying tof.1cilitate bis task is now quiteclC3r from his statement." Butthe bct that while India wasprepared to consider Sir Owen'sprcp:lsal ,for limited plebiscite,P~kistan W:lS not prepared to do$0 is ilself proof of India's con·na:lt aDxiety for a settlement andbtr readiness to acbieve it by I allre4soD.lble means. . J

: 'Tbe Hindustan Times' callsupon lbe Security Council tolI1.1ke oDe more effort but "it i~

DOW for the Security CounCIl touke aU relativ.e issues into consi­

,dtr.uioll a.od propose a solutionwhicb will do justice to tbeiwi3bes of the people of Kasbmir

10 lC3d their own life in freedomand security without interventionfrom not disinterested outsiders."Rderring to Pakistan's querywhelber Sbeikh AbdulL3 wouldsurrender autbority to a UN ad­ministrator <Hindustan Times'iolyS "we are amazed at the im­pudence of the proposal wbicbwhile acquiescing in activefunctioning of rebel government,ash for surrender of autbority oflegitim:lte government of State asprecedent to plebiscite."

HoJpe is still expressed aboutleopening of question thougb itsulue is doubted by tbe 'States­lIUn. "As matters stand tbe ques­licll apparently remains alive andfutther efforts by UN are Dotruled out though their usefulnesslIIay be doubted."

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Pearl·Embroideredne _lfflllJ 11 tho .110. .. t....UIlltclrlllg dns!. n. ....tulal·&I.od to Ill'; bclekDm andbctWtta two bCll'J' books', IIIlIIIdry. III tbe same ....y boooL...m IaluN ,to lbe llalllll'o Iblol Ibo)'IMO ..pust. 10jen togel1lcr.o~ an: ~Ished "lib thlll alJk

"'.dd COP!I'laAI Ref'"".. r ,.. ..

8th September, 19SOKashmir's SovereigntyMust Be RestoredIn a sblement in Srim~r eMAugust 25 the Minister of, lUsb·mir, Sbeikh Abdullah. reiteratedthat the future of rbe State riIbe delermined by the free c:rerciKof tbe will o( the people. Acc:u.­ing PalWun of standing in theway of an overall plebiscite,Sheikh Abdullah concurred widl Ithe view of Paodit Nehru tthat Pakisbn bad absoluuly:no locus standi as party to~ I_plebiscllC.

'No plebiscite is possible. said ,Sheikh Abdullah. 'without rtbe ;sovereignty of the legally 'COD·stituted government of Jammuand Kashmir being effectivelyextended over the entire, Stateterritory involving disbandment ofso-e:tUed Az.ad Kashmir Govtra·ment and its forces and with·drawal of Pakistan uoops andnationals.

NEW BOOKSJust An'i"ed From Iqdj.

Non-Violence In Peace And ,War (Part II)

-by M. K. Gandbi ,::z~Pilgrirnage

aTo Peace-by Pyarelal ,,/6

Stray Glimpses Of Bapa-by Kaka KaleUoat 51-

To be hadJrom:-The Maaagu,

INDIAN OPINION,Pbllealt, Natal.

jJn;gJJ,tJ'I -

Uncle BunnyA '<uddJ rabbit 11 <ntaIo 10 be •SUCffU "lib e..ryone bet....,D 2--1 y<:tnof Age, IDd motber OIlD qulle <aJIIymale II 'e.,.If Tbe ..pante ple<erIre pute. toevtller ODd ..,,,. on lbeMTODB olde. Tbc .... aDd eje. a.reembroldorcd bdore tbe Ilead Is slull"ed.'Don't' we p••ub for OJ''. Ille baby'mlllbt snIlow tbom. TIrt ,toaml: CQuldbe done by .....-<1..1. coU... or .-up1.ccsofclo~

He said India Government hasno intention, in spite of thefailure of Dixon's mission, "toindulge in milibry operations.We still want to settle the ques­tion peacefully. Of course. if we areattacked that is a different matter,"Asked whether it was worth­wbile for India to spend all thatmoney in Kashmir. Pandit Nebrureplied: "Tbere are cerrain thingswhicb cannot be weighed withmoney or in terms of firwlciaJ'burden. You may buy peace ata cost. provided you get what youw:ant. Suppose we pay the pricefor peace and then do not get it.Where are we tben i All thesevarious attempts at solving tbeKashmir problem regardless ofour agreemrot or disagreementwitb them seem to me not belp{uJto peace ...t all but 10 continuedstruggle and conflict in variousdirections."

'Nehru said:. "The United Na­tiom bave undoubtedly performedvery great service iD this mattereven in spite of our many differ­encu of opinion. Cuse firecame and there has been no reosumption of mili~ry operations.That itself is a considerable ga!n,"The Prime Minister said thatthe India Government would notallaw failure of Dixon's missiooto affect other Indo Pakistanissues. "S50 far as we are con­cerned we shall deal witb everyissue on its meril ...whether it ;,Beng.1l or evacuee property, orany other issue. We shall go ondealing with it trying our best tocome to a settlement,"

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worsen the situation, surely Ibesending of 3 regubr army wascompletely going. "gainst tbOltassurance.Pandit Nehru said tbat itwould therefore be seen how abosurd was Liaquat Ali Khan'scharge that Indi. had committed3ggression in Kashmir. "I amperfectly prepared (or that caseto be considered on its nierits­practical. legal or constitutional­on any basis and it is beClusethat point is not considered thatall this trouble bas arisen."

Reverting again ro the questionof plebiscite, Paodit Nehru s.aidthat the point tlut we had laidstress upon throughout is thatthe plebiscite atea should be leftto decide for itself; Ibat no OUI­sider, either from India or Pakis­tan. should go and interfere atthe time. Even thougb we havecertain rights to be in Kashmir,Pakistan had none. we ;lfe pre·pared for botb patties 10 be com'pletely out-whether it is anoveraU or partial plebiscite-fromplebiscite area and leave it to thepeople to decide witb UnitedNations observers. We bid suesson this bee:tuse we wanted toavoid plebiscite being utilised forcommunal PUtposes and com­munal propaganda and communalrioting. _ We had empbasisedth31 election propaganda shouldbe perfectly free in regard toaccession, in regard to the futureof Kashmir on economic, poli­tical or any other question, butth3t it should not be carried ODOD religious ~sis.

In reply to the question whe­ther be had any faith at "II thatthis Kashmir problem would besolved-be solved by \UNO. PiUldit


Referring to Liaquat Ali's&tatement rhat "occupation ofKashmir by Indian troops was anact of aggression." the PrimeMinister said that this wa~ whereA.lice again came in. "I do notknowwhelher the Security CouncIlhavc read 'Alice in Wonderland.'However it is an 'Alic" in Wonder·land.' Howevcr. it is a fact thatright from the beginning ourIrouble has b~en the avoidanceby tbe Securily Council ofsolving this very b..sic questlOn.~After all in our origlOJI complaints to Ihe S:curity Councilwe were accusing Pakistan ofaggression. It was a straight­forward issue. What did we ask 7We simply asked the Sicuri yCounCIl to tdl Pakisran nct toraiders who had attacked Kash­mir. It was a simple request.Either our Lcts were correec orthey wete not. If they werecorrect then the natural conse­quence foJlowed from it that theysbould ask Pakistan to stop it,:n~~e'X'~~I~~~t:~~~ee~~~~e~av~:~sent ~ny help to Ihem or havingsent Iheir army. Tben the Secur­ity Council passed a resolutioncalling upon both parties as far aspoSSIble nOt to do anything toworsen the sftuation, We both ofus assured them that we ,wo~ldnot. That was at the begmnmgof 1948. Sometime round aboutMay, lbat is four or five monthslater. we told tbem in th. SecurityCouncil of this continuing "ggres­sion. - At first we had complainedabout'tribal raiders. but later wesaid Ih"t P"kislan troops werealso there. But Ihis w"s ignored.We complained 10 the PakistanGovernment, but they denied itstoutly a~d angrily. As a matterof bct. we had some Pakistanprisoners of war. We h3d 3n ex­hibition of caplured Pakisl3n w"rmaterial in Delhi. But still Pakis·bn denied that tbeir army wasfighting in Kashmir. When thedommission erne and they wat-tedthemselves to visit "reas of mili­tary operations it \V3S obviouslyimpossible to hide the fact as towho was lighting and whom. ItW:lS then in the middle of -1948.th3t Pakistan 3dmitted priV3telyto the Commission thougb wecame to know of it only later,tbat they had their regular 3rmedforces in Kashmir. In otherwords they 3dmil ted somelhingwhich up to even' forty.dghtbours before they h.d violeOllyand .ngtlly denied, Aflrr bothp.rties had given 3S5urance thatwe would not do :lDything to

settlement we were prepared todiscusl this matler and at everyslabe advantage was taken ofthat. In August, 1948, we madeour posicion perfectly dear andthat Ius been our positionthroughout;"

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8th September, 1950 INltlAN OPINION 275

NATURE CURE GUIDANCEBy Robert Lawrence McKibbin

[Th~ following is the sixth of a series of articles on Nature Cure, written by Mr. Robert Lawrence McKibbin,40 (a), Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Mr. McKibbin will be pleased to answer through

these columns any questions the reader may wish to ask.-Ed. 1.0. J

WHEN I hear people "pullingothers to pieces" and being

h.1teful and destructive, it makesme wish tlut they could onlyrealize what they :Ire doing tothemselves. The mind of ahuman-being is the aivine p:lrt inhim that raises him above thebeasts. It is with his mind thathe creates the world about him.If the mind works destructivelyit must cause destruction to becreated around and \vithin him·self.

We little realise how far-reach­ing are the effects of our thoughtsand emotions. Yet 'he manyailmen's are the direct result offearing or hating other people.

Scientists can take a cat andplace it before.a gluoroscope asort of X-ray machine that showsthe stomach and bowels in action.When the cat has been fed andsits purring happily with someonestrking it, its digestive organswork smoothly and rhythmically.Proper digestil.ln is taking placea3 it should. But if a strangedog is hrought into the room·andthe cat tenses with fear andhatred, a big change takes place.Immediately the cat's stomackaDd bowels stop their work ofdigestion.

So we reali2;e that we shouldtry to be happy and relaxed andcare·free during and after meals.1£ we quarrel at the table or findfaults with the children, or are ina hurry or anxious or afraid, ourdigestive organs will not workproperly.

When we get angry, our salivaor spiule becomes poisonous.Scientists have raken the spit Of.an angry man and injected it intoa ~uinra-pig and it 'bas then act­ed just like snake-poison. Theguinea pig died as if it had beenbillen by a snake. As a mallerof fact, the poison-glands of asnake are only modified saliva­glands.' So let us remember thatevery time we get angry, wereally become like poisonoussrukes.. When a man bas to make aspeech or talk to the boss and isafraid, his mouth gets dry Thespittle disappears. Why? It isbecause fear turns the _spittle top:>ison, so Nature tries to protecthim by stopping the productionof saliva so that he will notswallow the poison and do harmto himself.

Whenever a person gets stub­born, he tenses up inside withoUlknowing it. We talk about stIff­necked people when we meanthose who are very slubborn, bu'_

HATRED AND FEARmany cases of real stiff·neck canbe traced to stubboro resistanceto someone else who is h:lted orfeued. The person hides his,feelings, but they show them·selves in the stiff-neck. In somebig factories in America manyC3ses of chronic headache andstiff-neck have been cured simplyby taking a man away from.a jobhe secretly hated, Or by changingthe forem:m he hates or fears.

People, like bus·driver, whosework keeps them in a slate oft~nsion, are very apt to get ulcersof the stomach. The reason isobvious. We all know thathorrid feeling in the pit of thestomack when we are riding in abus or a car and have nearly hada crash. If this is repeated dayafter day, something is bound togive away. Recently scientists inAmerica nave found (according toone of the latest bulletins) thatpeople who are' often angry andresentful are much inclined to getulcers in the colon or big bowel.

The real trouble, of course, is,that many people have not grownup. They are still children, orrather childish, in mind and soulalthough they have reached theage of adulthood. And theremedy is ro grow up and be bigin every sense of the word.

In primitive life, if we run intoan enemy, we instinctively doone of two things. We eitherfight him or run away. In eitherC:I. e what happens is th..t certainglands in our bodies pumpchemical subsrances into the bloodstream. One of these substances,calleo adrenalin, stops bleedingand makes the hear( go faster.This is Nature's way of protecdngus from injury and giving US theenergy to fight to win or to runaway and escape. These chemiC'llsalso act as a spur to other glandsand organs of the body, all forth~ same purpose. They generatetremendous energy in the body.

When we fighr or run away,I we use up the energy developed

by our gla"ds, 3nd the wholebusiness is ended. We havebalanced accounts. But, in ourmore civilil'.ed way of living thingsare much differcnt. We cannotfight or run away cvery time wemeet 3n enemy. If we allowourselves to ger into the habit ofbei!Jg 3fraid or of hating peopleand things, we makc for ourselvesall sorls of imaginary enemies.Every time we meet onc of thCS(:trnagin3ry enemies, the same

CAUSES ILLNESSthing happens :lS I have justdescribed. Adrenalin is pumpedinto the blood stream, the he3rtis stimulated, our breathing gersshorter and faster, o'her glandsare stimulated, every nerve andmuscle and sinew and blood·vessel in the body is keyed upand tensed for action. But wedo not fight or run away. \Ve justhold in everything and, so to say,sit on the lid of the boiling pot.At most we m:lY do a lot ofshouting and arguing and talkingwhich only excites our gl..nds themore.

What happens then?All the !fe'mendous energy that

has been generated in our bodiesdoes not get a chance to workpositively, to do something t')preserve our lives, to save ourbodies from injury. So we havea terrific amount of energystirring us up inside. Often itshows in violent trembling andshivering. But the result is muchthe same as racing a motor-carengine at top speed with thebrakes on. The engine gets over­heated, worn out and eventuallysometbing is bound to give way.

So too with our bodies, some·thing eventually gives way andwe have cases of chronic head­ache, nerves, sleeplessness, in­digestion, stomach, duodena! andbowel ulcers, heart troubles,dropsy, kidney dise3se, ;jnd allthe long list of diseases and com·plaints from which poor un­fortunate t.umans are sufferers.

It may not be so obvious toeverybody, but all our iIIne!sesactually begin in our minds andour emotions. If we harepeople, if we are full of fear. ifwe are stubborn or unre:lsonableor selfish, if in any way we allow­ourselves to have thoughts andfeelings that are destruct ive andwrong, we are sowing rhe seedsf sickne~s within our own bodlcs.

And as we sow, so shall we reap.Tne obvious thing, then, is to

try to cultivate habirs of lov", ofc:\lrn, of courage and virtue. Wemust turn our though!s intoconstructive- channels-build up,not break down. In this thewisdom of the East has :I richtreasure for those \vho will onlytake the lrouble to look tbereinfos themselves. There are manyexercises of medir:ltion and of ;hebody that can be practised withgreat benefit that wlll bring feel­ings of peace aod quiet :lnd oflove for one's fellow men By

cultivating these feelings, we shalovercome fear :lnd hatred andthus remove one of the chiefcauses of illness in rhe worldtoday.

There is one thing I wouldlike to say on this subject. Aslong as men live on flesh as food,I do not see how !hey can avoidfear :lnd hatred. \Vhenever ananimal is killed for food, it mustsuffer terrible agonies of fear andhatred, and these vibrations mustbecome impressed in every cellof irs body. Then, when theflesh of that body is e:lten asfood, those cells must "arry thevibrations of hatred and fear intothe flesh-eater's body too. Man­kind must, therefore, try to riseabove the practice of ca'ing flesh.

Do not tell me that this is im­possible. My personal experiencehas proved the contrary. For26 years I have personallv noteaten flesh nor fish nor foul, noteven food contaminated with fator gravy from any living creaturethat has been k lied Or has died.And I can srate emphaticllly thatone c~n e.lsJ!y and pleasantly dowithout flesh for food. It maytake a lillIe bit of inlelllgence, alittle bit of study and of com­monsense, but ooe can get plentyof good, healthful and apperi.siogfood wtthcut rhe shedding ofblood. It is well worthwhile thethought and the effort. In this,the earnest and le<lrned studentd Ndrure Cure and natural livingcan give invaluable aid and guid­ance 10 those who seek his coun·sel.

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OUR INDI.L\ LETTERthe very difficult situation inKorea.

Chances of world war in tbenear future were 'fairly remote'though the lituation was full ddanger as it was.

President's Appeal ForAssam Relief

President Rajendra Prasad hasappealed to people urging themto contribute lil)erally to the

, 'Earthquake Sufferers ReliefFund' opened by the Governorof Assam. fn his appeal the Pce­sidenl: says "Nature struck. II

cruel blow to our'kith and kinio Assam on the .Jstli Augustwhen tbe WOrllt earthquake of acentury rocked that State,Damage to property has beencolossal Bnd lUI' of the inha.bitants of the \alIected regionshas been completely dislocated.Their suITerinj;! is ours f>nd webave to rush off their aid."

Assam'd Chief Minister, VeshnuRam ~ebdi; said ,Bt Sbilloog.on August 24, that,l.5 millionpeople were affected by 'the~8tthquake and floods,in the~tate.

, The State Minisler. Nicholas.r~turoiDg from a six.day tour ofNorth Lakhmipur and its sub.

,urhs alated that nearly iO to 60per cent houses in tbese areas

India His Enough Food bad·'become useless and go perT • .... P ". , ,. cent wellg' had become unsuit·

, he ~nme "'Inlster, ,and1t able for use. Nearly 800 viII.Nehru,ln a broadcast from New. ages had heen affected by theDdhi, on August ::I~, on the food .; earthquake-"

.Sth September, 1950 ' ~,Pakistan's Gesture Of Y

Goodwill "~

The Pakistan Prime Mini.--,Liaquat Ali KhAD, h:u f. a

- mcssa,IJe to the Prime MiDi_,situatioo, reaffirmed tbeGovem- Pandit Nehru, conveyed. on ba.:ment', resolve to' attain self- balf of hi!l Government _isufficiency loy tbe end of next people of PakistaD, their dee,..11

yt~~ said: Uibere i!l at present sympathy to the people '61d As!am and offered ',~,:,

enouf:h food to go round an maund!l of rice far rcHef 'u Iour chief difficulty i!l tbe heavy Assam, I

The' Bengal Situation strain on our transport with the . Tbanlling tbe Paki.lanConditions in East Pakistan result tbat scarcity pOclets had . ter for hig message of sympatlly l

were stilI far from being good. been created where it too. some and offer of rice, Pandit NeIm,lNevertheless, he bad a feeling time for food' to reacb. lhe in a telegram, says: "nbs:that there was 'slow improve· difficulty of tbe present aod io spontaneoll,ll gesture of frilllJlS,.ment u reflected to some extent -the near future ig not alack of. ship by the Government IJlIiin the figures of exodus. During foodgrains, provided we meet people of Pakistan will,I}ClIIIIhe recent check: up the Govern. tbe situation calmly, mobilise sure, be warmly welcOllllllfment had found tbat there were all our resources and strengthen throughout India and help 'ta:larr,e number of people amoog procurement and distribution."migrants who migbt be called Pandit Nehru urged that the promote and strengthen fri~ :normal patseogers and petty situation 1;e faced in the spirit relations between India aad'smugglers. The net iollue of of 'war effort and with full de. Pakistan!' :,Indus from East Pakistan into termination to overcome every Iraq Blesses India ,'.'India from February ;950 to difficulty. He pleaded for lull Celebration of India'S third ID.August 1959 substracting the co-operation from all as thenumber 01 people who had gone matter affected every person in . dependelace Anniversary (Au"back was ;,6::17,33::1 the e:z:odus Indio. and was ode which should IS) Villi SUbject of appreciatillof Muslims during tbis period. bl! treated above political can. comments in the Iraqi Pr.,

. which paid tribute to Iadilo'Jwas 455,875, trovers1es.. Il'aders and thiir achievemem

Before the Preu Conference The Prime Minister concluded in Nlltional and internati_began, tbe Prime Minister. offi. :'this year internal produ.et~on fields. . "ciaIs and correspondents num. IS larger by about two mIlhonbering over a hundred stood in tons. 'Even so the import of Under the caption 'Aw3.keniDcsileoce for two minutes as a 1.5 million to~s has been raised 'ofEast"AI'Akhbar: a promiDeIICroarl~ of respecCto Col. Unni to two million tons. But for Arabic daily. observes~ "n.Nayar who was killed in Kofea. the uneJ:pected calamities wbich people ~f Iraq share the liappi.

have occurred during the last ness of the p~ople of India alltwo month$ we would have had the occflllion of their thirda substantial reserve to carry dependence Anniversary"over to ne:z:t January." hope that India. one of tllel

greatest countries of the E,Ist,j'will play her part in preserviDgjworld peace.' Paying tribute'to tbe Prime Minister of Iod;"tbe paper said, 'Pandit Nebru itone "f tbe greate!!t leadera atpresent times and promot~oflworld peace:' 1

'AI Ummll.' another Bagbdlll, dailY, remarks that evin;!~~!

India is still "in a state ai,fortration she' hag 'Play~,"1importaut part in iDtematiatl{confereoces and bas done wild,many other I1ations have fQllll~to do wbether in tbe SecaPl1

jCouDcil or - outside." Shlt"~)

also made progress in economit.'social -and educational hill'On thi!l day it is fittiDg IIgr'Arab nations, which have lo_in India great neighboaitllforce, to consolidate tbeir ifJI,ttions with her' '.,' ~

Des'cribiog india's inde~dence as 'epoch making event ofmodern times' 'AI Iza,' 'daily" says. 'India has -.-,honourable stand toward~~pro61ems nf the nations R:J;

. East 'nnd has supported ,aspirations in wiooiiil',t'"natiooal sovetei8'nt~ -~D~,.:dependence....~.recent _tional· events have, .:AI

Pacific RelationsConference

The Pacific Relations Confer.eDce this year will be held inLucknow. from October 3 to 15.The Indian Council of WorldAffairs which is the NationalCouncil in India for the Instituteof Pacific Relations will act ashosts

Delegates from tho In!titute'sNational Councils in U,S)•••U.K:, Canada, France, Nethtr.land., U.S.S.R. China, Japan,Philippines, AuilraIia, New Zea­land and Pakistan have beeninvited. Ob!ervers from Indo­nesi(l, Siam Bnd Burma are alsolikely to attend. U. N. Agenciessuch as ECA.FE. ILO, FOA andUNESCO are expected to comeas guest membElrs. Total num.ber of delegates will he aboutl59·The Main topic for discussion at

the Conference will be national.ism in -the Far East aud its in.

, teroational implicatioDs. Discus.sions wbich will be in tbe natureof exchange of ideas ~n ,prob~lems affecting the Pacific regionwill be based on data pspersnow under' preparation. '


China, Korea, Bengal

REFLYING to a question ata Press Conference Pandit

Nehru said tbat there bag beenno lormal demarcbe to tbeCbinese Government inued bythe GOVCfnment of India regard·ing Tibet. The Indian Ambas.­sadors in Washington, London,Moscow Bnd Peking frequently'exchanged views nn tbisquestion. Wbile tbere bas bl'enno lormal demarche to tbeChinese Government he said, "itis perfectly true that we haveinformally poioted out to theCbinese Government, the de.sirability of settling the Tibetanquestion peacelutly" This hssl'epn done and I have everyht.pe tbat this question m~y be!e'tled peacefully."

The Prime Minister r..lso madethe followiog points in theConference: He had no inten.tion at present to go to LakeSuccess to discuss the Korean -nr

t he Kashmir question. Rec!ntJeporls about bi~ ~oing to Cbinahas no basis. "We have re.cl'ivtd no invitation exceptingsuch vagui suggestions on behalfof Government and individualsin China that they would weI.come somebody. There is noqUfstion 01 my goiog there !'-tprl'sP~."

Th~\l'e was no trutb in tbe talkabc-ut India replacing China asa permanent member of theSl'curity Couocil. Some paperhad su~~ested that there was aprivate secret deal with U.s,c:;.R.,about it. "We have no suchambitions. It is bad enough tobe in the Security Council as atemporary member."

There was aho no truth intbe statement that India pn;).tested against' the appointmentnf General Macartbur as Com­mander.in-C~ief of U.N. forces.,

Answering a number of ques­tions about the reporled bombirgof North Korea town, PanditNebru snid: there wss DO doubt

-that beavy bombing was,takingplace in; North Korea. Indiawas opposed to indiscriminate

-bombing, firstly because inDO.cent people were 'killed ,un.nec_rHy lind secondly it was1illely to create more problemsaud troubles. But India Gov­emment dill not know as to thenature of the bombing and as tohow far military or civilianobjectives were affected. Underthese circumstances it was diffi.cult for bim to judge the issup.

Thrnughout last mnnlh h.dia'arepresentative in the UN hasbeen trying hard, sometimepublicly aod much more, so

, privately in coosultation ,withother caUeagues i,n the SecurityCouncil te find a way out of

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OBITUARYMr. Mahomed Ebrahim

The deatb of Mr. MabomedE'>rahim to01.:l place in Durban00 Moaday night. The lateMr. Ebrahim who was 7l yearsof age came to South Africa ioJ89:1. Being a successful bus!·nessman be was welI.koown incommercial circles and, by hisamiable nature, be was wellliked by all tbose who came intouch with him. He tnolll akeen interest in pubHc affairsand was actively associatedwith tbe Natal Iodiaa Congressin the early days when Ma.hatma Gandhi was in thiscountry and for quite a loogtime after. He is sUlvived bya wido.. , a san, and twomrried daugbters Mrs. Seedat,wiCe of Dr. D. M, Seedat, andMrs. Amina Lakh;, of Greytown.Our defpest sympatby goes out·to the bereaved family.

D, R. Singb Of_ Dar-es-SalaamTbe sad nows of tbe death of

Mr. D. R. Singh, .. prominentpublic Walker and a sportsmanof Dar·es S.laam, wbicb tookplace in Bombay oa Au'us! 29.was received by mail fromE.st Africa. Tbe lale Mr. D.R, Singh was associated witbnumerous public in,tituliollsand Government bodies inDolr e~.Salaam and Dcled as agenerous host to many whotoucbed that Purl. "His tragicaod sudden - death at a com_pnatively youog age (for be';"as ooly 50 years old I. writesthe news bulletin issued by tbeIDdian Inlormation Service 01tbe Commissioner for tbe Gov_ernment of India in East Africa,is a grievous 105s which thiscountry wIll 6ad difficult tofill." JWe elttend to the bereaveJour deepest·s)'mpath)'.

secretary: Mr. K. Bauchoo,hon, treasurer: Mr. S. R. Maba.raj, committee: Messrs. H. Um­raw, S. L•. Naidu, G. Beebarie,K. GoburdhBD, R. Sewsunker;D, Badassey, S. ]ugaroop, B.RamburaJll, S. T. Mahabe\!r,G. Lutchman Singb, N. Brijalal,T. Lakhraj, B. Sookdew, D.Lutcbman Singh, T. R. Durga,hon. auditor: Mr. V. S. V. Pi!.lay. The trustees are: Messrs.R. rerumal, K. Bauchoo, D.JadbunandaD. R. S. RamnaidooaDd J. Bharatb Ram; scboolgrantee is Mr. D. Jadbunundaoand the scbool principal is MeS. R. Maharaj.

Tbe Speaker of tbe IndianParliament, Shri G, V. Mav.lankar will lead a threeman

•Parliamentary - Delegation 10tbe 39th Conference of loter.Parliamentary Union to be beldin Dublin from Serotember 8onwards.

I N I) I A N 0 PIN 1-0 N


Erasmu~, President of the MiDeworkers' Union.

The purpose of the Assembly,wbich has been attended tbisyear by parliamentary and in.dustrial groups from filty.twonations, bas been announced as"to laaro the secret and hearthe evidence of' a positiveideolo~y at work uniting andremaking the world."

"In a critical hour for man­kind," tbe invitation continues,"Cauz: demonstrates an over­archiog ideology for East andWest, for Left and Righ!, formanagement and labour."

Other meml:ers of tbe SouthAfrican Parliament who hope toattend the Caux Assembly wbilein Europe this summer includetbe Speaker, tbe Hon. J. FT. Naude, and Mr. A. W. S·Mortifee (U.P., Zululand). •

troduce genunine democracy inin country, Unto now Pakistanbas not drawn up a constitutiolJwith sucb clear provisions aaIndia bas done'. The papl'r&d1s: India's Constitution isoDe of the most advanced can­etitutioos of the world andPakistan should bave similarconstitution in the shortestpossible lime.


8tb September, 1950

Jobannesburg September 5,'A PARLIAMENTARY de.legation. respresenting tbe

three major parties in the SouthAfrican Houses of Assembly,left PatmieUontein by air tbismoroing to attend tbe MoralRe.Armameot World Assembly

~ at Caux.sur-Montreuz, Switzer.Iland. Tbe names of tbe' de­Ilegates are Mr. H. J. Klop{;er'(aN.p., Vredefort), Mr. J. S.Labuscba(:ne (A.P., Klip Rivu),Mr. F.-W. Waring (U.P., OrangeGrove) and Mrs. Waring. With'tbem in tbe delegatioa is Mr.E. R. van Rensburg, Organising

~'cretarY of the South African

! linewoIkers' Union.I Mr. van Rensburg is the tbird. presentati"e' of the Mine.! orkers' U:lion to attend theII~oral Re.Armament Ass~mblytbis year. The others bave been

. Hr. Vi5Ser and Mr. R. P.

A.nniversary Of Gandhi vote of tbanks moved by Mr.Library And Rustomjee Jalbhoy:Rustornjee. Sweetmra:s

Hall were distributed to all those

The Parsee Rustomj..e Hall, present.Durban, was tbe scene of a Springfield Hindu Sabbalarge gathering -of the public Meetingon Sunday, September 3, when The third annual generaltbe 29th anoiveISluy .of the mectin/{ of the Springfield". K. Gandhi Library and Hindu S~bba was held at theParsec Rustorojee Hall was Springfield Hindu Goveromentce1ebrated, The chairman bf Ai~ed Indian S~hool recently.the Bai Jerbai Rustomjee Trust, Mr. J. Bharutb Ram presidec'.Rev. A. J. Choonoo, presided. The Sabba bas ecquired its OWDDr. S. CooppaD, M.A.. M.Ed., property and is now emb.rkingPb.D., wbo addressed the meet- on a ne w proj ect of providing

. ing, spoke largely 00 the ot jecls, a,dditional classrooms al 90

uses and l'dvaotages 01 libraries estimated cost 01 about £5.500•

I for tbe cultural p!Ogress 'of An appeal is rnade to the 10dianmaokind. He said the public community 01 I Ilngfield andshould make more use of well·wisbers Contributethe library as books are man's generously to provide educB­

-besl friends. 'Among the olher lional facilities for tbe childreospeakers were MesSTs. Sa1ya of tbe district. After tbe adop.'Deva. N. V. Mebta, V. Lawrenct', tion of tbe reprorts of the secre.Hajee E. H. Ismail. M. M. tary, treasurer, school granleeGandbi, A. B. Knjfe and P. R. and .P· hcipal, the fOllOWingPather. The nudience was en!er_ officibls were e!eeled lor IbelainI'd with special.ly composed ensuing_year :-President: Mr.longs by the PUPlts of Mr. N. J. Bbaruth Ram. vice-presidents.N. Uesai's Gujer.. ti Sc?ool. Messrs. M. D.)okran, O. Jadbu:The meeliog coocluded wllh a ' nandao, D. AwalQ Behari; boo,

India iF in the forefront of AsianStates. In fact, we can saywithout e:raggeratioD that Indiais Asia', lirst State',

Remarking that India andPakistan sbould go band·in­

:band in solving their problemsI'Sada Al Ahali' in an article

ISays .!We wish that Pakistanwould get a clear idea of how!to rule tbe country and in­t

Page 12: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

278 INDIAN OPINION 8th September, '9SO


(Continued from lart llJeek)

Durga Puja

DusseraConnected with tbe Rama

cult, Dussera is an importalllfestival which marks tbe C111·min3.tion of tbe Navaralra orNine Nights. It is helcJ in tilemonth of Asvin (:eptember­October) In the Northern pamof Ihe counlry ihese nine daY'are devoted 10 the enacting 01tbe main episodes of lUt.ma'Jlife with empbasis OD his con.quest of Lanka. In the IndiallStates it is celebrated withgreat pomp, pageantry andcolour. The best Dussera pTe­cession is tbat of tbe lfysaIeSl:lte.

But in other paris o( thecounlry tbe Navaratra is beldiII bonour of Durga, tbe goddC51of the warrior, The goddess iJsacred to the fi,£:htiDg' cJas~

aod tbe ruling clans. The nineDigbts are devoted ttl (eastiegaDd prayer in bonour of Darga.

( To be Continued)

cru,l uncle aDd gave to tbeworld tbe divine wisdom on tbebattlefield of Krukshelra. TbeGita discunes the question ofriRhteous action, tbe problem ofbirth and deatb, aDd above alltbe relation between Ibe finiteatma and the infinite Brahma.Tbe celeb,ation of Krishna'SbirthdaY;6 the homage of tholediao people to <'ne of herillustrious SODS, In 100me familiestbe ceremony begins 00 tbefirlt day of the da:k half ofSbravBn and lasts for nine days,K'l>thas and Kirts),]s are held aUover the country, but the mostfascinating ritual can be seenat Mathura and VIind_v3n,wbere temples are decoratedwith fruils and {lowers, sandal:wood pasle and unglazed cera.mic pots containing milk arehucg from poles. Younl! andold dance 10 the accowpanimeot01 the fl.ute.

became an object of evil to menDnd Gods. HavinR tbus becomerepu~Dont the Moon bid him_self in a lotu9. The world wasdevoid of mOOD light. Tbe godsrequested Ganesha to witbdra ....tbe curse, Cbandra was aborep![1laDt and b('gg~d to beforgiven. Gaoesb pardoned tbeMoon but ordained tbat tbecurse would hold good on Iheday o( his wOf~bip~

JanmosbtamiJaomashlami or Gokulasblami

is celebrated in the second balfof Sbravan (July.September.)The origin of tbe (estivity isK,isbna ,be eigtb incarnalionof VlShuu. Kansa, the maternalnnde of Krhhna, was warnedby an orade tbat his nephewwould kill him. The king con"templa ted 10 kill his sisler even£it the nuptials, but he wasadvised not to kill the innocentwoman. So be look a vow tokill all ber issues. He put bissister and her husband in a cell.They were closely watched audeacb child was killed as it wasborn. Krisbna was tbe eigMhcbild and he was born in a darkdUDgeon. It is said that on UJenigbt of bis birth _the prisondoors fiew open and the anxiousf..tber took tbe child across theflooded Jamuna to be lJroughtup by the king of the cowberds,Nanda, and his wife Yasboda.Thus tbe boy grew. Tbis is theKrisbna of Gokul tbat bas beenimmorlaliz~d in lyrics andepic~, tbe Krishna wbo insphedtbe folklore poetry aod Vai~h­

nava cult. But there is 'IJeyoulh'u] Krisboa "·bo killed his

Gnncsh Chaturthi

GANESII CHATURTHI animporlanl festival foll9 on

tbe fourth day of tbe month ofBblldfJpad. On tt,is day Gane5his worshipped in the form o( aclay figurc, representing n fathuman hody wilh an elephant'sbead, riding 00 n ru I. r rOIIltbe primiti~o B ltribules 01 'hedeity, it ~elms he represenl~ Iheharvest festival. Since r.. ls arethe peslS of crops Gaoesha issupposed to be tbe preserver o(crops from tbis pestilence. Suchconquests ore symboliud by , heIndian mind in many otberways, for instance Klish, ndancing on the bood o( I besnake, Kaliya, whom he v..r.quisbed. Thus Gsnesh ;s tl,,.God of the barvp.st aod mu-.bave been tbe mosl populardeity with tbe agriculturists.Indian scbolars are al:r(eJ ontbis conception 01 GanesLa. 10,fact the Ganesb cult bJ.~ a veryancient origin, and it is naturalthat the deity 01 harvest sboule!be popular in an agriculturalcountry. The worship 01 Gancshis particularly popular in tbeBoml.~y Presidency. In llombaytbe streets are blocked with suchprocessionist•.

A popular legeod forbidspeople to look at the moon 00

this day. They say once upona time Gaoesba was riding onbis rat and he suddenly fellclown. Chandra. the Moon whosaw tbis. laugbed. The angryGaoesh immediately pronouDceda curse on the Mooo. Thus it



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Page 14: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..








































































































Page 15: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

8th September, 1950 255

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Page 16: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..


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I N D I A N 0 P I H ION 8th September, '9,0

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Page 17: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

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~Tt tf\~I"!-§&I<'»1 ,ctl ~ 'tt<1<1i

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"'t';\ ~"I~l (5'l~tl.rt tlet\ ~'!I\et

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"'l1C\ ~ "'l~ Et~!s~ "'t~ tl<~

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~'~rtl ltct ~I~ lttl\ctl'l~' Hllo~

\ 'IH~~ctlrt~ ltct'I~:{lrtl !slltlti

ltl~f ltl~ql~l ~~Iit tolJ -tttl.

ltct:l\I?J"Il ~ of\~ctl,lti ~114 ~i ..1~

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..~ ~~ ~ "'l';[ ~l~~l-t~ !l-Ul

ll'f <tlfi al '1~ ~~ 1 ~tti[ict :l\il.

ncfi 't~eft .11:?,I~1 et"'itl ~ cfi~ctl~

ltilfi "t.';[ 'l~ "tM~ ~a"l "'lil.

!s!!!a l!.ctl. "'tl 't~'l~ "'lil. <ttl~~~i\l ~al llll ltct'l~~l:ll lil-.£l~11:lltI, ~~ )t~l~ 1 ~~ ~~.s

"'l~' {3'l1l.PI H'tllti -t "'ll<\ ~lt

"'tll \:I"-~ctl MI. ~fl~';[1 }t~l'

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~llt1!J WIl"l~ -l lill\ 'Ul, ~H"!~"'lil. "ll~ ~m ~~i),1 lI.al.

~l{I'l{\~-t1 ~'tla';[l 13\a !iotl'cJ~.!.

';[{I~ttl al«\ tllsl-U "t'l ill. '}('a

<\1 ~'tl"tlli 'I{',{ltt ~(,l:Ul !s~:

"'llll'l \(Il!!l llctl'. ~cti "'ll "tl"tct

lti !i0\1'tI~.s ~tl~ U\tlJs \(~ ~i~

~ql "t",\«\ \I). a.s't11 "i'\t

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"'ll..... 'lttt·ct ti.s"11 lll~!t ~~ ~

~ "tG)\ lll~1 \II{~I tl1l.1 ~.

et.sl }t\tl:l ~~ ~ ~~ ,{l~~-t-ti

~-tl-t.{l r..~(/\ctl:ll &'~'''!l!l\~ctl-t

';[ Et:l\ctl "'lrl{ )t'al:l c(\1'( &1~ ~~

!ll~ a!!I\ ~'tl -ltfi ltl.ldl "'lll

al )I(llls ~'tla';[ a-tlll'f ?l~~l"

tlo-M. "'l.I-t {1:1~. 'l~ a "t':l\\tI\

~I ~I'\ 1. "tIEU !s~ ·\i\'-\I~..{l

~~!lal~l al'\ 1. ~'t1 u{l;;" ~l'\.

il )lt1l.ls:l1 §h til"11~ "'lll )II{

(-t ~~ :U'l>fl~.

alt~ !l~ 1 ,th~-t..{l (:;bJs,tI\ctl

~cti R:.. ~UI~ ti:t!l~ ll't~"'ll

~Ii! H'tl lti·ldl rtlfi. "'lll a.l

, ...1 "1"1 :bl ~'tlt\:i tlldllfi ~ltl

"!l-t E.ilet'tl l:I~.i>l ~il, 'l~'~

"'ll\I~I'I~ ~lt~l 141'l. al 'l.~ "!l{\

"Ict 0.!sltl~~'IH ill lEl I "iQI ,~iil ~'l.

H'U';[1 ls~l "'lll' ill "l~l 1 ii\ ~'tl«

-tl at'll"llti 'l'.tlct ';[<.:ti>l !s~ \

"'l~1I 't~"'ll :li!<O all\ ~ l ~:!

ltl,{ ~~ltfi -t'.fl ~~ -tl~g. ctll';[

lli~~ ltun tl~d altt ctl ctll tlieft

<1..{l !s111<t "'li~~ "t~(\ ·wi\."tl~l 'l ttidl..{l ~111<1 "'ll\ttl u<li

ctlt~ ~Iidl -\ ltrJll a,1 .!s!tl">fi:t

-tl ~ql':l~t 13\':1 "I1~~rtl-t ~ltl

il!sltct ~'tl'l. 'l rt t{'ll'l. rt..{l ~~'ll

~ttl ~-tl t111't"l-tl ~ 'l;{~tI\l }('\t::tl

~~ ~~I 0 i>l lllf! ~~»l. ,t1ieft

~"ll'l-tt~l rttfi tl~ itIJs'll-t!. a-tltfi

ii\.!s ttl u{\!:l' ~a !s':ll!."( ~ltl~\\~.

61~1.n~..n aa~-nl ~<t::t'41Rtljttc{l!IY .iiirJ2Jl

"'t1'H~ ttl. n 'l{\ii; JsI{I>{\~rtl

".$\ }(l:ll'1 -U"t "'ll>-~~c\lii\ llfl-t.ll

8th Septf;lmoor, 1950

~qlltfir( 'l>llll~ lllllltl lllll

~~!d\ il,..... ~~ ~ \ illJsi),I~t\!1'3.~~ :t>Il ~~ ~qlti~1 §\tt

'ott{l :>Il1~~I. ~Jsi),l~ll !slra~~

~ll~ :lltlllf! ~'.I\ ~~IH~ :iilll'f ,eft

\ ~IYl~<lI~ !sl~~~'\~ "'llklt~

~~.. lod, :ljlJsi),I~l\ !s1§~I;i.

ltlle.\ ~ll ~I:(l qlct W/l ,eft 1.'IU~''1' ~ltE:l.I~i~I';[ lt~.. -t~H11 il~ '11Yl~ctl-t::t llg. ~..-t

~ln :llt~ ~I:{l 'tlct ~d\. '\1 tll

"'IlIl~ 't1<1 "t~ ,eft "'lll't\ ~Il\

~<{\. ~ "'if! ~I'l. dl <11 !IIl1

'11~~ctl-t';[ "'lc!.u't'tl1 "d. "I~'tl

~.... ltql<t~1 aQ} ,".1 ..(llJlti <tlfi

~il.t 'll!l\~l';[ Js~ 1I~~' !s'~

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{In Jsl@~~ "t.';[ ~~';[ ~lfidl

ql(l" "i~l i>lg!s~ o\~ H't11

~~rJ"u~1 HI't !si),1. "'lll a$'oIR:. Jsf!i>l iIl.of\ "'lit "t.~ il "'iI'll

:>(l~. .ii\ \~)(£ lti ~~. <1 'l~

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~l-t ~UH~ !tll~I" !s:(\' aQj

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!sit" 'YI!ctl\1 "'lltl~ "Ilil \l~lls

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Js"iO)l !l~Eti "II!1\~ctl..{l ~ol.-tl ~l\t

::t11 "'lil. (\~lti }tHlt-t !s!t "g,il.. "\'Ii '11!l"\~I..{l ti~!s' !sRI~~

lIi tI.lg \!od il 'lI!l\~\'II~ ~r~l~

~"l ,,'l{\M "'lI<O~ "'l';[ a~ Et.ml

oil ~tlil\l .>\'tl..(\ \,j"-\)\ HI\c(\ ~l\

'1~ .~~ ~.{\ ~Iil. t\~d II.g il

\i'u't;( »ltl~1\ iiI:! '1.s~. 'H::Y£

.{\ It'''''~lti 'l\!I"\~ctl~ !l~~.l<t

\l~ "twfilti !~~ \ a1 ~ll\'l{\

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"("1\ il.llttl "Ill. ~ ,,~';[\ 1!l".1V£ llEm 'la'-\i C\Q} It!.'J'l\'I{G) "'t:l

ll~lfi \:J.M' lsi),l (,al a Y£ ~;an

lli aQ) b~& JJ!i". '!.fldl 't~ "t~l

>1.;1' Js~ -t~ k'''l..{l "'il">\l "'ll\.'l.l

'l~ 1I1,\'>{l ~~H llllJ~;f i>l il

"(l~l~l ~{(\' qj.'~"'" ~~l'l.

~'ll\'l ,;[\\~iIl. ls<j{ l "'tl 'IHlfi

10'1. ~H tl~l~ l ,n 1IItl'>{l~'l~

<lI\llll~ 1I"!" al'tI~I"-o\\"tc-{l'\IJs\'l

"'l~- "tl';[ ~)~l "'li~I'I )l~1

, ~i~l \'oat.

<lI\1 ~u <Hl"- ?ll:?,l"lltt "I\1fl

~'\t.lf!~, 1I1'\"llt~, 1. "i'~l~~q

·Il\ a s;~:iiI 1\~I~"llli "'l1Cl. a~

ltl~ ~ ct'tl'Ut~. il <\tfi ~ 'Ulkl~Q} ..... "'ll ~~H\ 131>{1 ~\I .~.

\~Ifl 1l<1.1\~r'tl-t1 Wit"!' "'lIC\"i

'l'll" ~'~'Ul -k~ l, "'li\ }t~lt

~.{ il ~il'l:t <ttl:t tils~l ,"~ 1.

Page 18: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..





























































































































































Page 19: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..


''''lI'l{Q} u{\h1"'ll~1 efi:zt" Hetl

...... -ltO. ~et-t.{\ :l>l10'{ llll!.llti

~Ill k~<t ill.

'll"'to ~ ~6l !l~''U'l~, ~l~fcrrt'l. '\(\?j ~l"'~.fl lldlt.t,1 01 0'i<0~\,Ji>1. 'll"'~.{\ ~1'01. lr'{l a~

~lttl'tltfi lld\[bt,ct "1.'llqCl.l ~'d-Vl.

~~l l\(!ll~ Hd.1 ~\:}:iil,

~ 'Ii.!~ lo!.~1 "'l'l(lti "'ilefi'll

(I cO.:II." H~ -t~ 01 <:Ir~~ ~

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'll~" ~r.i ~ ~'l~ ~!i \,\'11 }

~1\I""'~ (3'I{~I)n t4.etll\.

ll<t III i '{~~i iY.{\ itoci !l'<ll.fl

~ Cl ~lIt<r(~1 c(\2{I~ HCl.1 ~l:Ii;t"

:i1.~l ~\~h~ ()tun <:Ict( ~tq~:i

~l:J:ii1, Clrti ~:"II crrtQ,.fi -l ~Il,

C;.{\ '\(lll CT(t/ " ~l\ alii ittllR <t

·a~ ~<l.t it't~l~l "'l!{< !Ii\:} _ <r(


l\"I(~rtl )j~I~lll (3'\(i{PI Hd.l

~\:}:ii1, ~R. al ~lht~ "Ill!.

·vtNI~ ~:iJl. ~ l\ltO'{ 01 -tlll

l\ll.l<r( 1:t1t<,

'tsl~ q~ ~-t ~l!{ c!{l~ -t ~c(l"

~"",,{I '\(tlfl. lIrt t4.1l\ ('tit ell " -t

~<ft. EU{l~ ~<{I ~ "'luJ.( ~.

=to:(lJtL'H "'l\il~LGY


<!IlHffitl-1'~~ ..(i.~~t"'t~ ill hfltl~ll":"Wl !Iij.~'!l

~IEt ~.(\~tI, -1'~-« t't'~ tnt lL'IUI, 11. (0.."'Ii ~1..... n'1lI">ii"''lL.

:Ul~L~:Ul~>$ ~L't~~~' ~O{l):-!

~.(\ ~,ll i;\~~~na..~ tit'lt'lH~. lHt>lt:$, lll. "<I. ilt'tliHlI. lHl>tJ;~.

"i;\, <!ul ~'1111 GlI'~ l~tl ot"I'\"I~Ii;\1 i) "'!;; '1--1 \flHtlI'il ii'\~\!'! ..It'i!<I\o';ll i). i\i;lt ~~,>:t~l roo

104 Ma,..b ..J Slu.t, (FllCin.. uc:om HDun) JDh"nnoab.....ePho~G 334211/2 • 1 P. 0 Box 6501 •


-"'l'll.HetlH\ ''''~I'''ll 'lI."{\~rtl

..ttl\l:tlrtl :ll~'51 ""1~, :(\tl t..:(lO'{~l

~ w'" H<l.1 ~etlll.i (l"1 ~~"(1

~1IY1 :l>ll'fi ,,<fl.

-'IO'{'tslo!. ~~I~lti tti\<-{\ <r'(l1\

~1"I'ct !lll('~i '\(letl~1 !l,l?l\.\ :l>ll't'\l

:t!{l.{\lr ~l'll.il>\'?j ~1~1I-t1 «lQlttl

:vii ctt4.l ~l'lfl~2I\1'{\ :iil!l ~!sJl

~l\:(\lsl etlt'!/rl-ll 3<: oY.!.«Ii ~1l~1

~i ~:(l ~d\ :uj~ m'l. ~E' :utl'l({l.

-~-tllli !~""1.I.{l l\~11:fl 'tlit

~IQjl 1hml-t ~13t :l>il~l,{I~"ld

'l~ ~l\~ ,~,

~a~f~'lI.i :Ulls Ui!ct l\~Il\:(\ -. ~

:iilH a-i;{l" Ui'l iil, }~.!.I~I "1MWO :UlH:ut=:t Qll'~1 -3 efl ¥

"'tH "I"l ~.

--t~lct~i Gt~~1\' 't1l1\-lH ~~I

ot.. 190 - k~l.1 ~, ~<{:)t - !lr1s­

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,<I !I~l.!., ~H<-1I11 'l{IUl-tHI ~.

!l'I~, l>\\\f,,1 'I. 't !I'\$,:ut=:t ~~~

'ttl !l~I.!. ~"

"1.~-t "t~l"\ 't~ ill. 'l:(\~l~

2)\1't~ l\1'll.l!!1lr ~" ~~ ~ .{\"\<l1\

"\~~ ,~ ~,

ill, iil <r( 't:(\~l~ ~,,1 ~let~.

t ~11 1& ~ 2)\1't~llti"l ~,h\~\?!'H ~i\:(\~ill ~ ~lfcq~l~l 'l{o!.

:ll.~l'\'\l )I.'tc" ~'il.' ,al C1.{\ ~l~

'\(l~l~ 'l{1:1.! q~ }tltl\?j~i ......~~


2)\~ ~l~ :utI c(lA?;{ttl:1.! :ut~

.{\tt-t t't,ltl{~ <at13t al :utl'l{~l

:l>l1"U.lrc~ls «l:ql1.~I, ~lltl~lr ~ctl

::Ui\ :l>l~ tnfJl?J ~1I~1:vi\ ......-lctl~2)\1 {\t1 III i U\~~ ~1'l('H1 lsl'l<

11\"11 ~13t. :l>l~ :l>i1'\(l?J l\lq<.......{l~

!Il'l.<'t\?j :8l :ael :qal<t<tl~i ~lCl.

} :utl'l{~ iiito(#t!<t ~IJl :iillsctl ct..!(,

{''tl\ilfi 'it'll. ct~!(- :ujP1u\ q\:(\ii1.

:l>l1'l{Q}I c(lcb '-'Plet "1.~ ~~ ,~­

~~1 .:tttl-l ~c1lll?J a~ ~.

r-~~llJi.L <HlCl.

Qll~(\~ ct~o:ll~~l ~~~l

!i-tl~jh ~:(\~l\<l\ ~~I!.~ ......-l ..~

~. ~l:ltefi~ill (,1~';\ .fi~~l ~"~~I

~l~~l i.e\!,

'ct~L~1 ~~l~-t~lct.{\ l\'lfld\"'ll~i

~ "tl)l ()torc(l ..tnl ~, Cl "1.'~ ct~

~i\,<l :l>l3"l<t<t1<l1 "'llltlsl:{l ~l.

~~I"I ct~I'lI. !l1~lslfflf.i-~,t1~1ls

:l>l~ ~lltl~ls ~:tlli, 'I{'I~.fl-t ll'l1

:l>ll.{\ ~~ct ~~ '39td\-l1 lsl'l<~l,

lrl3,!o1l ~"lll.i C1l\-t ~ot. :l>l~

~lid\.{\ -tua l\~~ll\i et.!.I~~lo1

~i.~oi.l 'lIl"->tct )ll({~Il\.i '''Uct ttdl

~t.~.fi ..i{'l.{\~~1 "l~a ~-tl rt~lIi

~I-l ~'I{«l(I <{lo1l :t~ "rio'U'lJi..(l ~"\l a ~"4\LIlY..n ~etL

l\~I""".{\ llql~1 ~""?t .1l~'''1.

ll<tltfl t4.1'l, ~fu{l:vi\ ~(~ l\6."tlq

'1U{l~ ~.ftl{-tl "l-tl ~1<!1 .:rl\'\~l~l

:ut"ct E:tlet<l.l:! !llll o):l~l!l~ a~l

~!s :aa ~1I1-t.{\ ~Ill. ~etl !I~

~ ~'lI. 11" 'otllsl'l l!ll~li!l\ l\l\lor(

~~"l>\l~1 tI{~ ~ ~ ~rtl{ ~Gct"'ll

1 "t~ ~ • .;)iitl 'llctl-tl ~ru{l<r(~l

=t q~l~ ~l1.1 -t1~I~!r "1.-l l<l.q I

l\l~ ~'M ~~ i:il ~lIl-trtl «l~I~

'lI.i~ 3\i~1 \I?l\.\ ~\'l ~~ lr-'\


"I'd<ll ~-tlll c(l:ll.l1. "'l1Cl. \

M'tI{.{\ ~)ld\ ~\'2 ~tfi:iil alii

C\un ~~\<r(.{\ ~ql (I ~ :aa t4.Itt 1

't"'~ :iil~1 @~H ~ ~ 1, lif"1.lIi

:l.I\~cU !I~'ll ~ u{\"'1 ~~l.!.l~l'{\

:l>ll\~ :utl't\?jl l\lIl""'~.ot I3'H

. I j8th September. 1950

il~ ~~l ~Icu·u~i 2)\~ ot<{\t.q~i

<t\"U~ ~Il\ ~! 2)\~, ot«ll>l\ 'tlil

l{\ Cll i:il }~~I t't'<41 ~"'l.{\ :vil·t11

~IUi ~!

'1~ 'lIn ~~l~ ~'il.' n.u ~,eti

2>l1'to1" €\<tlt ~'Qk <r!l~1 <r( ~~

iil<fi ~f'l(-tl Cl 1i~ ~, ~1

't:t'g "'l~"'l~ Cll c;~ i:il~l 'U-<l.Ia

2>l1'lnl ,,; o1tfl. :uj~ ~I~l...q

:(In iil c(\~Fl. !I~<tl.{\ H!lI~&I.

Hal -ttfi-'l>i=t i:il "HI"H ~.

"2I\l'td\ !I~~, :l>il'.:tdl !lla!"

iil1\ !I{L iil 'llctl.{\ IIY1ct';\ :l>il'll,'~rt

~H'l~. :uj~ ~'\~ i:il ":l>il<l.d\

W:t" i:il~ 1I·J.(~~l ...Hl ~ ~,

fl!l, :&It=t ~!lql~ !l'J.(~1\l ~.!.llql\l

~'11 'ltd\ :Ul <tl~I~ Hell t'tutll!ll'

2>l<!!11 <r-tl( ~1

~~\~ 't15l. iil.~ qilet li"4\ O\tl~! .

~I'IQl ~~i:\ ~~ \ ~,loA

~1C\t '111l :ut1't~I~i ~~ ~U't '.;1"1.

,\\{I ~i\1 ill. >llct~l', :ut~ otl'tI9l~

'tlotnl "<\l( ~. "tl'tlql~ ~iet ~2{rtl

~I )till ~~l1\ :ut~ ~I~I ~. <:I-tetl

-tl Rct.fi d~~ ~I-t'\~<tl!. -trtctl

.{l Qil'l(l~i ~la~t ~\:Iiil i:il iih

~,l1\ <f!2{I"~' 't""!l :l>i1Cl.1 ~,u\

<{\;zm Hql~i 't~ :l>i!tfi~lrt,

"'" '\3t~ )(:ltl!. t4.\:1 ..ij ~, ~I~' \ll. ttl'l. V a ~'3t ll' <f!~I&l.f

!l!i"~, :uj';\ ~ 't~ ~~ ~l:i

(tl~~ ~ l :ut1'tQ) :ujl-t ~I:{l iY,~~~~ (3-tl~ ~ C1~ 'lIli '\(:{l~l~

~, ..h\~\?i~i ~:(I (II ~ll( ill'l~'11 l\"itl~I't Qi..otl,\ 'tl>?j (3Q:{1

Hetl~l :l>l"otl alii 'l"l~l ~. Cl

iil!l-t. U\, ut"l 2{1~, all~ ~l1.o1l

:1>\1& Qil~lal, !l:{\ -tIl ~" 't"'(;1

"'I1!oli ~I~. ~I~"I U\ ~=t U\rtl

iil!s H't11 1U1~ ,,~ :l>ll<t~~,

~'~hi l\lll ~.!.«1"1 l\'t< l\ll.l-t

~i'~~ !l\1,Qi ~~U~.{\ :utI otPI~U

}t1.Gt to"1.Il:/ ~\:I 4.d\ CI ~~loAl\U\cti 13~J{\ :utl<{\ ~, ~1'tQi

"'II ~'-.(~l\.i ~l~~ :aCl c(l~l:{\

~ hil/i:I } '..~~~~ <t~etl f:'\l

l\l 'Cl. \u:l <atlot ~ "'l~1 ':i 1l£~l'llil :t~~li!l "l~ q ..i\l ~ "'tlfi

f'U iil!lctl o1l{\ t4.\:1 ~!s<fl a :utl­

'I~ hl.'Jii\ illi:l, qun,.:iil1· 'I:fl­

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Page 21: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

8th :"'eptemLer, 1950 I N'D I A ~ 0 PIN ION


P. Bag, Phoenix. Natal.

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Page 22: S I~...SAREES Printed Voile* Sarees. In Latest Designs. Pink, White .. Blue Ground. S yds. lengths. 15/- each 6 yds. lengths. 30/- each FANCY TINSEL SAREE BORDERS In Latest Designs..

IN.IAN OPINION. Mh Septembor, 1950


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