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Sơ-lược vLch-sDân-tc Vit-Nam Overview of the History of the People of Vietnam Phm-Văn-Hi C. T. Clingen chuyn-dch sang tiếng Mĩ 01. Năm 1975, vì thi-cuc, gn mt triu người Vit-Nam đã ri bquê- hương. Người đi trước, kđi sau. Gp bao nhiêu gian-lao kh-cc. Nhng người sng-sót đã dn-dn tìm được đời sng mi. Người châu Á, người châu Âu. Có người Úc, có người Mĩ. trong nước, mc-dù đời sng khó-khăn, sngười tăng lên rt mau, ti năm 2010, sngười Vi-Nam đã lên hơn 85 triu. thi-cuc (thi-cc): situation. thi: time, moment, season, opportunity, chance; cc: position, situation, circumstances; office, bureau, agency. ri b: to leave. ri: to be detached from, separated from; to leave; b: to leave, quit, abandon, give; to divorce, be divorced from. gian-lao: to be hard | hardship, adversity. kh-cc: hardships. kh: 1. to be unhappy, wretched, miserable cc-kh; suffering sng sót: to survive. khó-khăn: to be difficult. khó: [HV nan] to be difficult, hard [d] tăng: to increase [gim]. 01. In 1975, because of the situation, nearly a million Vietnamese people left their homeland. They continued to do so. They encountered much adversity and hardship. The survivors have slowly found a new life. Some live in Asia, some live in Europe. There are some living in Australia, and in America. Although life in their homeland has been difficult, the number of people has increased very rapidly, until in the year 2010, the number of Vietnamese has reached more than 85 million. 02. Nhscn-cù, chăm-ch, gii chu- đựng, biết hi-sinh, khéo thích-ng vi hoàn-cnh; nhtrí thông-minh, chu- khó hc-hi, nht là tình gia-đình thm- thiết và lòng yêu nước vô b-bến, không bao gichu khut-phúc trước hoàn-cnh khó-khăn, người Vit-Nam trong nước cũng như khp nơi trên 02. Because of their diligence, their hard work, and their ability to put up with things and sacrifice their self-interests, because of their skill at adapting to their environment, because of their intelligence, their patience in educating themselves, especially
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Sơ-lược về Lịch-sử Dân-tộc Việt-Nam Overview of the History of the People of Vietnam


C. T. Clingen chuyển-dịch sang tiếng Mĩ 01. Năm 1975, vì thời-cuộc, gần một triệu người Việt-Nam đã rời bỏ quê-hương. Người đi trước, kẻ đi sau. Gặp bao nhiêu gian-lao khổ-cực. Những người sống-sót đã dần-dần tìm được đời sống mới. Người ở châu Á, người ở châu Âu. Có người ở Úc, có người ở Mĩ. Ở trong nước, mặc-dù đời sống khó-khăn, số người tăng lên rất mau, tới năm 2010, số người Việ-Nam đã lên hơn 85 triệu.

thời-cuộc (thời-cục): situation. thời: time, moment, season, opportunity, chance; cục: position, situation, circumstances; office, bureau, agency.

rời bỏ: to leave. rời: to be detached from, separated from; to leave; bỏ: to leave, quit, abandon, give; to divorce, be divorced from.

gian-lao: to be hard | hardship, adversity. khổ-cực: hardships. khổ: 1. to be unhappy,

wretched, miserable cực-khổ; suffering sống sót: to survive. khó-khăn: to be difficult. khó: [HV nan] to be

difficult, hard [≠ dễ] tăng: to increase [≠ giảm].

01. In 1975, because of the situation, nearly a million Vietnamese people left their homeland. They continued to do so. They encountered much adversity and hardship. The survivors have slowly found a new life. Some live in Asia, some live in Europe. There are some living in Australia, and in America. Although life in their homeland has been difficult, the number of people has increased very rapidly, until in the year 2010, the number of Vietnamese has reached more than 85 million.

02. Nhờ sự cần-cù, chăm-chỉ, giỏi chịu-đựng, biết hi-sinh, khéo thích-ứng với hoàn-cảnh; nhờ trí thông-minh, chịu-khó học-hỏi, nhất là tình gia-đình thắm-thiết và lòng yêu nước vô bờ-bến, không bao giờ chịu khuất-phúc trước hoàn-cảnh khó-khăn, người Việt-Nam ở trong nước cũng như ở khắp nơi trên

02. Because of their diligence, their hard work, and their ability to put up with things and sacrifice their self-interests, because of their skill at adapting to their environment, because of their intelligence, their patience in educating themselves, especially

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thế-giới đã làm vẻ-vang cho giống-nòi Việt.

cần-cù: to be industrious, diligent. chăm-chỉ: to be studious, industrious. chịu: to bear, stand, suffer, endure, tolerate,

undergo, put up with; to agree, to consent; to accept; to give up; to receive, acknowledge. đựng: to contain, hold.

chịu-đựng: to bear, put up with. hi-sinh: to sacrifice (oneself) | sacrifice. khéo: to be skillful, clever, dexterous; to be adroit,

nimble; to be astute [≠ vụng]; to be cautious [or else], be careful, watch it..

thích-ứng: to adapt, to be appropriate, adequate; to adapt (oneself) [với to]

hoàn-cảnh: environment, surroundings, milieu, ambiance, situation.

trí: 1. mind, spirit, wit, intelligence; knowledge, wisdom.

thông-minh: to be intelligent. chịu-khó: to be patient, take pain to, long-suffering. học-hỏi: to study, learn, educate oneself. nhất là: especially. tình: sentiment; love, affection. thắm-thiết: to be ardent, intense. lòng yêu: {feeling of love, love} bờ-bến: shore and dock; limit vô bờ-bến: limitless, boundless. khuất-phục: to submit oneself to; to comply, yield.

hàng-phục; khuất-phục to comply, yield. vẻ-vang: to be glorious, proud. làm vẻ-vang to do

honor. giống-nòi: race. giống: species, breed, race; sex, gender. nòi: race, species.

because of the intense love among the people within their families as well as their boundless patriotism, and finally because they never give in to difficulties, the Vietnamese people living in Vietnam as well as those living overseas have done honor to the Việt race.

03. Nguồn-gốc của người Việt-Nam như thế nào? Truyền-thống của dân-tộc Việt-Nam ra sao? Những nguyên-động-lực nào đã tạo nên những con người Việt-Nam đặc-biệt như vậy?

nguồn-gốc: origin. nguồn: spring, source, cause, origin. gốc: root, origin.

truyền-thống: to be traditional | tradition. dân-tộc: people [as a nation]. nguyên-động-lực: driving power, motive power tạo: to create, make

03. What is the origin of the people of Vietnam? How were the traditions of the people of Vietnam passed down? What were the forces that made the Vietnamese special?

04. Theo tài-liŒu lÎch-sº và cæn-cÙ vào tài-liŒu khäo-c°, t°-tiên cûa ngÜ©i Việt-Nam, mà xÜa nay vÅn thÜ©ng g†i là ngÜ©i Việt, sinh-sÓng ª phía ñông-Nam Châu Á.

tài-liệu: document, data. căn-cứ: basis, base | to base [vào on].

04. According to historical documents and based on archeological material, the ancestors of the people of Vietnam, who have

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khảo-cổ, khảo-cổ-học archeology. xưa nay: before and now, always, up to now. sinh-sống: to live.

always been called the Việt people, lived in South-East Asia.

05. Cách Çây gÀn 5 nghìn næm, ngÜ©i Việt m§i có b© cõi rõ-rŒt, phía b¡c là hÒ ñ¶ng-ñình, phía nam là nܧc HÒ-Tôn (tÙc là Chiêm-Thành hay Chàm), phía tây giáp Ba-Thøc, phía Çông là bi‹n ñông.

rõ-rệt: to be clear, distinct, specific. Chiêm-Thành, Chàm: Champa. giáp: 1. to be close up to, near, adjacent.

05. The Việt people already had a clearly defined territory nearly 5000 years ago: to the north was lake Động-đình; to the south, the country of Hồ-Tôn (i.e., Chiêm-Thành or Chàm (Champa)); Ba-Thục was adjacent to the west; to the east was the East Sea.

06. Theo truyŠn-thuy‰t, cháu ba Ç©i m¶t vÎ thÀn dåy dân chúng cách trÒng-tÌa tên là ñ‰-Minh (1) g¥p m¶t nàng tiên ª núi NgÛ-lïnh, sinh ra L¶c-Tøc.

truyền-thuyết: tradition handed down orally {oral tradition}.

cháu ba đời: grandchild (of) three generations = great-great-great grandchild.

vị: 2. ... CL for deities or persons of status. thần: 1. R deity, divine being | to be miraculous,

marvelous, supernatural. trồng-tỉa: to plant, till, grow.

06. According to oral tradition, Đế-Minh (1), a great-great-great grandchild of a divine being who taught agriculture to the people, met an immortal woman at Ngũ-lĩnh [Five-Ranges]. She gave birth to Lộc-Tục.

L¶c-Tøc (2) lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Kinh-DÜÖng.

Lộc-Tục (2) ascended to the throne, taking the name of Kinh-Dương.

Vua Kinh-DÜÖng lÃy bà Chúa Long-N», thu¶c dòng-dõi rÒng, sinh ra Sùng-Lãm.

dòng-dõi: (noble) descent.

King Kinh-Dương married Princess Long-Nữ [Dragon-Lady], royal descendent of the dragons, who gave birth to Sùng-Lãm.

Sùng-Lãm (3) nÓi ngôi cha, lÃy hiŒu là Låc-Long, luôn-luôn nhÆn mình là dòng-dõi rÒng, tÙc là dòng-dõi cûa mË. Vua Låc-Long lÃy bà Chúa Âu-CÖ, sinh ra m¶t træm con.

nối ngôi: to succeed a king. nhận: to accept, get; to acknowledge, recognize,

confess, admit; to claim.

Sùng-Lãm (3) succeeded his father, took the name of Lạc-Long, claiming himself to be a royal descendent of the dragon, that is, of his mother's lineage. King Lạc-Long married Princess Âu-Cơ, who gave birth to one hundred children.

M¶t hôm, Bà Chúa Âu-cÖ bàn v§i chÒng:

bàn: to discuss, deliberate, talk over [about đến, về].

One day Princess Âu-cơ said to her husband,

- Nhà mình, con thì Çông; nܧc "Our family has many children;

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mình, ÇÃt thì r¶ng, dân thì nhiŠu; chúng mình có b°n-phÆn phäi làm cho nܧc nhà càng ngày càng thêm giÀu-månh, ngÜ©i ngÜ©i no-Ãm.

rộng: wide, spacious, broad. bổn-phận: duty, obligation. có bổn-phận phải làm: to have the duty, obligation

to do. giầu-mạnh: rich and strong. no-ấm: full (well-fed) and warm; well-to-do.

our country is large, with many subjects; we have the duty to make our homeland richer and stronger, and to make everyone ever more well-to-do."

- Theo mình, phäi làm gì bây gi©? "In your view, what do we have to do?"

- Vì nܧc phäi hi-sinh quyŠn-l®i gia-Çình. Thôi thì v® Çem næm mÜÖi ÇÙa con lên vùng núi-non hi‹m-trª giúp dân mª-mang b© cõi; chÒng Çem theo næm mÜÖi ÇÙa con xuÓng miŠn bi‹n dåy dân khÄn hoang, lÆp thêm ru¶ng, Çào thêm sông, làm thêm nhà cºa, xây thêm ÇŠn-Çài, Çúc thêm trÓng ÇÒng, rèn thêm døng-cø, phát-tri‹n nghŠ sæn-b¡n, trÒng cÃy và chài-lܧi. V® chÒng con cái luôn-luôn gi» liên-låc v§i nhau; Ç©i Ç©i v»ng-månh.

quyền-lợi: interests. quyền: power, authority; right; rights quyền-lợi. lợi: to be profitable, gainful; advantageous | profit [≠ hại].

Thôi thì: we might as well .. [sentence ends with vậy]

hiểm-trở: [of road, place] to be dangerous, have obstacles.

mở-mang: to develop. khẩn-hoang: to open up barren lands. khẩn: to

exploit [land], clear, open up, reclaim. hoang: [of house] abandoned, [of land] uncultivated

đào: to dig; to dig up, excavate. nhà cửa: house, housing, household. xây: to build, construct, erect đền-đài: temples and palaces. đúc: to cast, mold [metal]. rèn: to forge; to train. dụng-cụ: instrument, tool, equipment. dụng: to use,

employ [= dùng]. cụ: tool. phát-triển: to develop, evolve, expand. săn-bắn: hunting. sæn: to hunt. b¡n: [HV xå] to fire,

shoot. chài-lưới: fishnets and dragnets. nghề chài-lưới

fishing as a trade. đời đời: eternally, perpetually, forever. đời: life,

existence; generation, times; world; reign.

"We must sacrifice our family interests for the country. So we should do as follows: I will take fifty children up to the dangerous mountain region to help the people develop the land; you will take fifty children down by the sea to teach the people how to open up the barren land, make more rice fields, dredge more rivers, make more houses, erect more temples and palaces, cast more bronze drums, forge more tools, and develop the trades of hunting, agriculture, and fishing. We will always keep in touch with each other; we will be stable and strong generation upon generation."

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vững-mạnh: to be stable and strong. vững: to be stable, firm; remain in power. - Mình nói vÆy là phäi, cÙ th‰ mà làm.

"You are right. Let us proceed."

Th‰ là m†i ngÜ©i b¡t tay vào viŒc. TØ Çó, ÇÃt nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt càng ngày càng mª-mang thêm. M¶t ngÜ©i con cûa Bà Chúa Âu-CÖ và Vua Låc-Long lên nÓi ngôi, lÃy tên là Hùng (Vua Hùng M¶t). CÛng tØ Çó, ngÜ©i Việt thÜ©ng nhÆn mình là "con rÒng cháu tiên" hay là "con cháu tiên rÒng". RÒng là dòng-dõi Vua Låc-Long, là dòng-dõi bà Chúa Long-N», tiên là dòng-dõi bà Chúa Âu-CÖ.

bắt tay: to start; to shake hands (with). Khi chúng tôi bắt tay vào làm việc. When we (actually) started to work.

dòng-dõi: (noble) descent. dòng: 1. course [of river sông], current; 2. descent, parentage, lineage. dõi: lineage | to follow, pursue, trail theo dõi.

Then everyone went to work. From that time on, the country of the Việt developed more and more. A child of Princess Âu-Cơ and King Lạc-Long ascended to the throne and took the name of Hùng (King Hùng the First). Also, starting from that time the Vietnamese generally claim to be "descendants of the immortal woman and the dragon". King Lạc-Long is of the lineage of the dragon and Princess Long-Nữ; Princess Âu-Cơ is of the lineage of the immortal woman.

Tính ljn nay ÇÜ®c gÀn næm nghìn næm (2879 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch - 2010).

tính: [HV toán] to calculate, compute, reckon, figure out [ra]; to plan to.

Nearly five thousand years have passed since that time (2879 BC - 2010).

07. Nhà HÒng-Bàng, kéo dài 2621 næm (2879-258 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch), tên nܧc là Væn-Lang, kinh-Çô là Phong-châu (nay thu¶c Vïnh-yên).

07. The Hồng-Bàng Dynasty lasted 2621 years (2879-258 BC). The name of the country was Văn-Lang. The capital was Phong-châu (nowadays it belongs to Vĩnh-yên).

Ÿ th©i này, ngÜ©i Việt, ngoài viŒc sæn-b¡n, Çánh cá, trÒng-tÌa, buôn-bán, còn rÃt giÕi vŠ thiên-væn, ÇÎa-lí và thuÆt Çúc kim-khí, Ç¥c-biŒt là trÓng ÇÒng và chiêng ÇÒng.

buôn-bán: to carry on business. buôn: to buy [in order to sell later]; to trade or deal in. bán buôn to sell wholesale.

thiên-văn: astronomy, natural phenomena. địa-lí: geography | geographical. thuật: art, method, science. kim-khí: metal. chiêng: gong.

At this time, besides hunting, fishing, agriculture, and doing business, the Việt people were also skilled in astronomy, geography, and the art of casting metal, especially bronze drums and bronze gongs.

Theo sº Tàu, chính-xác hÖn là theo According to Chinese history,

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cuÓn Thông-Chí 通 志 do TrÎnh-TiŠu鄭 樵 chû-biên, vào th‰-kÌ 24 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch, tÙc là vào khoäng ÇÀu triŠu-Çåi HÒng-Bàng, ª bên Tàu là Ç©i ñào-ñÜ©ng dܧi quyŠn cai-trÎ cûa Vua Nghiêu, m¶t sÙ-Çoàn ngÜ©i Việt ª ÇÃt Việt-ThÜ©ng bi‰u Vua Nghiêu m¶t con rùa thÀn Çã sÓng hÖn m¶t nghìn næm, l§n hÖn ba thܧc. Trên mu rùa có ch» trông giÓng nhÜ nòng-n†c. Vua Nghiêu ra lŒnh cho ghi-chép låi. TØ Çó g†i là lÎch rùa.

sử: history, annals. lịch-sử: history. chính-xác hơn là ... : more precisely, ... . chính-xác:

to be accurate. do: by. chủ-biên: editor-in-chief {chief editor}. chủ:

principal, owner, master, boss, lord. biên: 1. to write down, note down, jot down.

cai-trị: to administer, govern, rule. sứ- đoàn: delegation [of envoys]. biếu: to offer as a gift. quà biếu present. thước: meter, Vietnamese meter [0.4 meters]; ... . mu: shell, carapace [of turtle rùa]. trông giống: to look like. nòng-nọc: tadpole. ghi-chép: to note, make a note of something; to

inscribe, write down. ghi: to record, note. chép: to copy, transcribe, note down, write down.

or more precisely according to the book Thông-Chí 通 志 compiled by chief editor Trịnh-Tiều 鄭 樵, in the 24th century BC around the beginning of the Hồng-Bàng Dynasty, while the Đào-Đường Dynasty in China was under the administration of King Nghiêu, a delegation of Việt people from Việt-Thường presented King Nghiêu with a supernatural turtle that had lived for more than a thousand years and was more than three meters in size. On the shell of the turtle there were characters that looked like tadpoles. King Nghiêu ordered that they be copied down. Ever since, it has been called the turtle calendar.

(ñào ñÜ©ng chi th‰ Việt-thÜ©ng quÓc hi‰n thÀn-quy, cái thiên tu‰, phÜÖng tam xích dÜ, bÓi h»u khoa-ÇÄu væn, kí khai tÎch dï lai. Nghiêu mŒnh løc chi, vÎ chi quy-lÎch. ñ©i ñào ñÜ©ng, nܧc Việt-thÜ©ng bi‰u rùa thÀn, Çã sÓng hÖn m¶t nghìn næm, l§n hÖn ba thܧc, trên mu có ch» nòng-n†c, ghi låi tØ thûa m§i có vŠ sau. Nghiêu ra lŒnh sao låi, và g†i là lÎch rùa.)

chi: of. thế: = đời dynasty, reign. hiến: 1. to offer (as a gift). thần-quy: supernatural turtle. quy: 1. R turtle,

tortoise [= rùa]. cái: more than. thiên-tuế: a thousand years old. thiên: thousand [=

nghìn, ngàn]. tuế: year of age [= tuổi]. cái thiên-tuế: more than a thousand years. phương: square [= vuông]. {to be big} tam: R three [= ba]

[Translator's note: The translation is given in both Sino-Vietnamese and in the Vietnamese equivalent.]

Sino-Vietnamese: (Đào Đường chi (of) thế (reign) Việt-thường quốc (country) hiến (offer) thần-quy (supernatural turtle), cái thiên tuế (more than a thousand years old), phương (big) tam (three) xích (meter) dư (more than), bối (back) hữu (to have) khoa-đẩu (tadpole) văn (writing system), kí (record) khai tịch (beginning) dĩ (to) lai (nowadays). Nghiêu mệnh (order) lục (copy, record) chi (that one), vị (call) chi (that one) quy-lịch (turtle calendar).)

Vietnamese translation of Sino-

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xích: meter [= thước]. dư: more than. bối: back [= lưng]. hữu: 2. to have, own; there is, there are [= có] [≠

vô]. khoa-đẩu: tad-pole. kí: to record, take notes, write [= ghi]. khai tịch: beginning dĩ: to. lai: nowadays. mệnh: to order. vị: to say, to call. lục: to record, copy. chi: that one quy-lịch: turtle calender. quy: rùa. lịch: calendar thủa: [thuở] times. từ thủa: since the time, when về sau: later on. sao: to copy, transcribe.

Vietnamese transliteration: (Under the reign of Đào Đường, the country of Việt-thường* offered as a gift a supernatural turtle that had lived more than one thousand years, was more than three meters in size, and had on its shell tadpole-like characters which survived from the past only because they had been inscribed there. Nghiêu ordered that they be copied down and called the turtle calendar.)

* Translator's Note: Việt-thường was actually one of 15 bộ, or "provinces" belonging to ancient the country of Văn-Lang, but at the time that fact was not clear to officials in China. See note below about the 15 parts of Văn-Lang.

(Vào Ç©i Hồng-Bàng, nܧc ÇÜ®c chia ra làm 15 b¶: 1. Væn-lang (Vïnh-yên) 2. Chu-diên (SÖn-tây) 3. Phúc-l¶c (SÖn-tây) 4. Tân-hÜng (HÜng-hoá, Tuyên-quang) 5. VÛ-ÇÎnh (Thái-nguyên, Cao-b¢ng) 6. VÛ-ninh (B¡c-ninh) 7. Løc-häi (Lång-sÖn) 8. Ninh-häi (Quäng-yên) 9. DÜÖng-tuyŠn (Häi-dÜÖng) 10. Giao-chÌ (Hà-n¶i, HÜng-yên, Nam-ÇÎnh, Ninh-bình) 11. Cºu-chân (Thanh-hoá) 12. Hoài-hoan (NghŒ-an) 13. Cºu-ÇÙc (Hà-tïnh) 14. Việt-thÜ©ng (Quäng-bình, Quäng-trÎ) 15. Bình-væn (chÜa rõ ª Çâu))

bộ: section, part.

(During the Hồng-Bàng reign, the country of Văn-Lang was divided into 15 parts: 1. Văn-lang (later Vĩnh-yên) 2. Chu-diên (Sơn-tây) 3. Phúc-lộc (Sơn-tây) 4. Tân-hưng (Hưng-hoá, Tuyên-quang) 5. Vũ-định (Thái-nguyên, Cao-bằng) 6. Vũ-ninh (Bắc-ninh) 7. Lục-hải (Lạng-sơn) 8. Ninh-hải (Quảng-yên) 9. Dương-tuyền (Hải-dương) 10. Giao-chỉ (Hà-nội, Hưng-yên, Nam-định, Ninh-bình) 11. Cửu-chân (Thanh-hoá) 12. Hoài-hoan (Nghệ-an) 13. Cửu-đức (Hà-tĩnh) 14. Việt-thường (Quảng-bình, Quảng-trị) 15. Bình-văn (unclear where it was))

Như vậy, chữ viết của người Việt vào đời Hồng-Bàng, trông giống như một số chữ viết của Ấn-Độ, Thái-Lan, Chiêm-Thành và của người Mường bây

Thus the written language of the people during the Hồng-Bàng reign looked like a number of the written languages of India,

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giờ. Hơn thế nữa, người Việt rất giỏi về thiên-văn, đã có lịch và đã có sự ghi-chép những sự-kiện xảy ra trong đời sống hàng ngày. Nói khác đi là đã có sử-sách. Sự văn-minh tiến-bộ đó đã làm cho Vua Nghiêu của Tàu cảm-phục.

ghi chép: to note, make a not of something: to inscribe, write down. ghi: 1. to record, note. chép: 1. to copy, transcribe, note down, write down.

sự-kiện: fact, event. xảy ra: (xẩy ra) to happen. sử-sách: books, history books. văn-minh: to be civilized | civilization. tiến-bộ: to improve, make progress | progress. cảm-phục: to admire.

Thailand, Champa, and of the Mường people of today. Moreover, the Việt people were very proficient in astronomy, had a calendar, and had inscriptions about the happenings of daily life. In other words, they had books. That advanced civilization had earned the admiration of King Nghiêu of China.

20. Sau nhà HÒng-Bàng là nhà Thøc (257-207 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch).

20. After the Hồng-Bàng Dynasty came the Thục Dynasty (257-207 BC).

Ÿ th©i-kì này, ngÜ©i Việt rÃt giÕi vŠ ki‰n-trúc và vÛ-khí quân-s¿.

quân-sự: military affairs.

During that time, the Việt people were very proficient in architecture and weaponry.

Theo truyŒn xÜa, Thøc-Phán khi lên ngôi vua, lÃy tên là An-DÜÖng, Ç°i tên nܧc thành Âu-Låc, Çóng Çô ª Phong-khê (nay thu¶c huyŒn ñông-anh, Phúc-yên).

truyện: story, tale.

According to ancient tales, when Thục-Phán became king, he took the name of An-Dương, changed the name of the country to Âu-Lạc, and established the capital at Phong-khê (now belonging to the district of Đông-anh, Phúc-yên).

Khi viŒc nܧc Çã tåm °n-ÇÎnh, Vua An-DÜÖng cho xây thành –c, hình tròn, dܧi to, trên nhÕ, xoáy lên dÀn-dÀn; tØ trên cao quan-sát bên dܧi rÃt dÍ-dàng. Sách-vª xÜa thÜ©ng g†i là Loa-thành hay thành C°-loa.

tạm: to be provisional, temporarily | provisionally, temporarily [precedes or follows main verb].

ổn-định: to be stable, steady. xoáy: 1. to swirl, eddy | eddy. quan-sát: to observe, look at, inspect | observation.

When the country entered a stabile period, King An-Dương had the fortress of a snail shape constructed. It was circular, large at the bottom, spiraling gradually upwards to a small top; from high above it was very easy to observe everything below. Old books usually call it Loa-thành (Snail Fortress) or the fortress of Cổ-loa (Ancient Snail).

Vua An-DÜÖng có m¶t vÛ-khí Ç¥c- King An-Dương had a special

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biŒt là nÕ thÀn. M‡i lÀn có bi‰n-loån, nhà vua ra lŒnh cho các tܧng-sï ch© quân ÇÎch t§i gÀn. Chính nhà vua b¡n mÛi tên ÇÀu tiên. Træm trÆn nhÜ cä træm, quân ÇÎch thua li‹ng-xi‹ng.

nỏ: crossbow. biến-loạn: riot, rebellion, revolt. tướng-sĩ: officers. tướng: general. sĩ: warrior. địch: oppose, resist | enemy, adversary, foe, rival.

quân địch enemy troops, the enemy. tên: arrow. liểng-xiểng: to suffer complete defeat.

weapon - a magic crossbow. Each time there was a rebellion, the king ordered his officers to wait until the enemy troops drew near. The king himself shot the first arrow. It was always the same; the enemy lost and fled, suffering utter defeat.

Trong sÓ nh»ng ngÜ©i thÃt-båi có cä TriŒu-ñà, quan-uš Nam-Häi, rÃt giÕi vŠ trÆn-måc và mÜu-k‰. TriŒu-ñà có m¶t Çoàn quân thiŒn-chi‰n, træm trÆn Çánh træm trÆn th¡ng, th‰ mà vÅn không th‹ nào Ç« n°i sÙc månh cûa NÕ ThÀn. Tuy-nhiên, "thua keo này bày keo khác", TriŒu-ñà nhÃt-quy‰t không chÎu bÕ cu¶c; dùng sÙc không xong, chuy‹n sang dùng mÜu. Giai-Çoån thÙ nhÃt, giäng hoà; Vua An-DÜÖng b¢ng lòng. Giai-Çoån thÙ hai, xin cܧi mÎ-nÜÖng MÎ-Châu cho ngÜ©i con trai l§n là Tr†ng-Thu›.

thất-bại: to fail, lose | failure. có cả ... : was even ... . quan-uý: officer. trận-mạc: battle, fight, combat. mưu-kế: scheme, ruse, stratagem. mưu: stratagem,

muse, trick. kế: 1. ruse, scheme, stratagem. thiện-chiến: [of troops] to be experienced, trained. thắng: [=được] to win, outdo, overcome, vanquish,

conquer, defeat, be victorious [over] [≠ bại]. đỡ: to ward off, parry [a blow]; to shield [from a

missile]; to help [by taking burden into own arms]. keo: 3. round [of fight]. bày: (bầy) to display, arrange, set out; invent, make

up. nhất-quyết: to be resolved, be determined (to) |

firmly, with determination. không xong: không được. chuyển: to move, budge; to change [direction]; to

transmit, hand over, transfer. giai-đoạn: period, phase, stage, step. giảng hoà: to make peace, conciliate.

Even Triệu-Đà, an officer of Nam-Hải who was very skilled in combat and strategy, was among the losers. Triệu-Đà had a battle-seasoned army that won 100 of 100 battles, but still there was no way it could resist the power of the Magic Crossbow. However, "lose this round, plan for another one", so Triệu-Đà resolved not to give up; if using force wasn't possible, he would change over to using strategy. The first stage was to make peace; King An-Dương agreed. For the second stage, he asked for the marriage of princess Mị-Châu to his oldest son, Trọng-Thuỷ.

Tr†ng-Thu› æn c¡p móng thÀn cho TriŒu-ñà. K‰t-cøc, nܧc Âu-Låc bÎ mÃt.

ăn cắp: to steal.

Trọng-Thuỷ stole the magic claw for Triệu-Đà. In the end, the country of Âu-Lạc was lost.

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kết-cục: conclusion, in the end. [Translator's note: A Golden Turtle

gave King An-Dương one of its own claws to serve as the trigger of the Magic Crossbow, endowing the crossbow with magical powers.]

30. Sau khi chi‰m ÇÜ®c nܧc Âu-Låc cûa nhà Thøc, TriŒu-ñà cho sáp-nhÆp v§i Nam-Häi làm thành nܧc Nam-Việt, lên ngôi vua, t¿ xÜng là VÛ-VÜÖng, Çóng Çô ª Phiên-ngung (nay thu¶c tÌnh Quäng-Çông, phía nam nܧc Tàu).

chiếm: to take, seize [territory], usurp [throne ngôi], occupy [house nhà, territory đất].

sáp-nhập: to annex, incorporate.

30. After he successfully occupied the country of Âu-Lạc of the Thục Dynasty, Triệu-Đà had it incorporated into Nam-Hải to make the country of Nam-Việt, took the throne, named himself Vũ-Vương, and established the capital in Phiên-ngung (nowadays belonging to the province of Quảng-đông [Kwangtung, Canton] in southern China).

T°-tiên cûa TriŒu-ñà là ngÜ©i Tàu, khi cÀm quân, nhÆn chÙc quan cûa nhà TÀn 秦, m¶t triŠu-Çåi cûa Tàu. NhÜng khi làm vua nܧc Nam-Việt, TriŒu-VÛ-VÜÖng Çã trª nên ngÜ©i Việt, tØ tên nܧc, ljn lÓi sÓng ÇŠu theo tøc-lŒ cûa ngÜ©i Việt. Lúc Çó, bên Tàu Çã Ç°i chû, nhà TÀn mÃt, nhà Hán 漢 lên thay. Vua Cao-t° nhà Hán sai Løc-Giä sang sÙ, doå së phá mÒ-mä t°-tiên, gi‰t h†-hàng cûa TriŒu-VÛ-VÜÖng, nên TriŒu-VÛ-VÜÖng phäi Ç‹ cho nhà Hán phong vÜÖng.

cầm quân: to command troops. doạ: to threaten, intimidate, menace Çe doå, hæm

doå. mồ-mả: graves, tombs. họ-hàng: relation, relative, family | to be related [với

to]. phong: 1. [of king] to bestow [title, fief], enfief.

Triệu-Đà's ancestors were Chinese, and when he commanded troops, he accepted a position as an officer in the Tần 秦 Dynasty, a dynasty of China. But when he became king of Nam-Việt, Triệu-Vũ-Vương became Vietnamese; everything from the name of the country to the way of life all followed the customs of the Việt people. At that time, China changed leaders, the Tần Dynasty ended, and the Hán 漢 Dynasty succeeded it. King Cao-tổ of the Hán Dynasty sent Lục-Giả as an ambassador and threatened to destroy the ancestral graves of Triệu-Vũ-Vương and kill all of his relatives, so Triệu-Vũ-Vương had to allow the Hán Dynasty to name him as one of their kings.

NhÜng ljn khi Hán-Cao-t° mÃt, L»-HÆu n¡m quyŠn, Çã cÃm ngÜ©i Tàu không

But when the Hán king Hán-Cao-Tổ died, his wife, Lữ-Hậu,

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ÇÜ®c buôn-bán ÇÒ vàng s¡t và ÇiŠn-khí v§i ngÜ©i Việt; còn ng¿a, trâu, dê chÌ bán nh»ng con Ç¿c. TriŒu-VÛ-VÜÖng lÆp-tÙc t¿-xÜng là Hoàng-lj Nam-Việt, Çem quân Çánh Tàu, chi‰m quÆn TrÜ©ng-sa (nay thu¶c tÌnh HÒ-nam [bên Tàu]).

điền-khí: farm tool, farm implements. lập-tức: right away, at once, instantly, immediately

ngay lập-tức, tức-thì. hoàng-đế: emperor, king. hoàng: emperor, ruler. đế:

emperor, ruler; imperialism.

seized power, and forbade the Chinese to deal in gold, iron, or farm implements with the Việt people; only male horses, water buffalo, and goats were allowed to be sold. Triệu-Vũ-Vương immediately proclaimed himself Emperor of Nam-Việt, took an army to fight the Chinese, and seized the district of Trường-sa (nowadays belonging to Hồ-nam province [in China]).

Nhà TriŒu truyŠn ÇÜ®c næm Ç©i (VÛ-VÜÖng, Væn-VÜÖng, Minh-VÜÖng, Ai-VÜÖng, DÜÖng-VÜÖng), kéo dài gÀn m¶t træm næm, tØ næm 207 ljn næm 111 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch thì bÎ Tàu xâm-lÃn.

truyền: to transmit [inheritance, tradition]; to transmit, communicate [news]; to continue.

xâm-lấn: to intrude on [territory, rights]

The Triệu Dynasty continued through the reigns of five kings (Vũ-Vương, Văn-Vương, Minh-Vương, Ai-Vương, Dương-Vương), lasting nearly one hundred years, from 207 till 111 BC, and then was invaded by the Chinese.

40. NgÜ©i Việt dܧi quyŠn Çô-h¶ cûa ngÜ©i Tàu lÀn thÙ nhÃt, tØ næm 111 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch ljn næm 40 dÜÖng-lÎch (kéo dài 150 næm). Nܧc Nam-Việt bÎ Ç°i tên thành Giao-chÌ-b¶ và bÎ chia thành 9 quÆn, m‡i quÆn dܧi quyŠn m¶t viên quan thái-thú. Trong 9 quÆn (Nam-häi, ThÜÖng-ngô, UÃt-lâm, H®p-phÓ, Giao-chÌ, Cºu-chân, NhÆt-nam, Châu-nhai và ñåm-nhï. Ba quÆn Giao-chÌ, Cºu-chân và NhÆt-nam là mÃy tÌnh miŠn b¡c và miŠn gi»a Việt-Nam bây gi©), chÌ có quÆn Giao-chÌ, nh»ng låc-tܧng låc-hÀu ngÜ©i Việt vÅn ÇÜ®c n¡m quyŠn ÇÎa-phÜÖng, cha truyŠn con nÓi.

đô-hộ: to dominate, rule | domination, rule. viên: classifier for officials, etc. quan: 2. mandarin, official, officer... thái-thú: Chinese governor [old times]. lạc-tướng: local (non-Chinese) generals. Lạc: a tribe

of Việt people; in other words, not Chinese. tướng: general.

lạc-hầu: local (non-Chinese) non-military people.

40. The Việt people were under the domination of the Chinese for the first time from 111 BC till 40 AD (for 150 years). The country of Nam-Việt was renamed Giao-chỉ-bộ and divided into nine districts, each district being under the power of a Chinese governor. Of the nine districts (Nam-hải, Thương-ngô, Uất-lâm, Hợp-phố, Giao-chỉ, Cửu-chân, Nhật-nam, Châu-nhai and Đạm-nhĩ. The three districts of Giao-chỉ, Cửu-chân and Nhật-nam being in today's northern and central regions of Vietnam), only in the district of Giao-chỉ were military and non-military Việt people still able to hold local positions of authority

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lạc-tướng lạc-hầu: local Việt people who held military and non-military positions.

địa-phương: locality | local. nối: to join, connect, continue.

passed down from father to son.

Trong suÓt 150 næm, chÌ có hai thái-thú Tích-Quang (quÆn Giao-chÌ) và Nhâm-Diên (quÆn Cºu-chân) ÇÜ®c ghi nhÆn là bi‰t chæm-lo cho dân, ÇÜ®c dân chúng m‰n-phøc; còn ngoài ra ÇŠu tham-tàn Ƕc-ác, ngÜ©i Việt n°i lên chÓng-ÇÓi kh¡p nÖi.

ghi nhận: to acknowledge biết: [HV tri] to know, be aware of chăm-lo cho: look after, take care [of cho].

industrious. lo: to worry, be worried, be anxious to; to care about, take care of.

dân: subject, inhabitant. dân chúng: the people, the public, the masses, the

population, the populace. mến-phục: to esteem and admire, to admire and

respect. tham-tàn: to be greedy and harsh. độc-ác: to be cruel, be wicked. chống-đối: to oppose, resist chống lại

During the entire 150 years, there were only two Chinese governors, Tích-Quang (of the Giao-chỉ district) and Nhâm-Diên (of the Cửu-chân district) who were deemed capable of caring for the citizens and who were esteemed and admired; otherwise, they all were greedy, harsh, and cruel and the Việt people rose up in opposition everywhere.

50. Næm 34, vua Quang-vÛ nhà Hán bên Tàu sai Tô-ñÎnh sang làm thái-thú quÆn Giao-chÌ. Tô-ñÎnh rÃt m¿c tàn-ác, lòng ngÜ©i oán-hÆn, ch©-Ç®i ngÜ©i ÇÙng lên cÙu dân cÙu nܧc. ñ‰n næm 40, Tô-ñÎnh gi‰t m¶t thû-lïnh ngÜ©i Việt là Thi-Sách. LÆp-tÙc v® cûa Thi-Sách là TrÜng-Tr¡c cùng em là TrÜng-NhÎ và toàn dân Việt n°i lên chi‰m gi» 65 thành-trì, Çánh Çu°i Tô-ñÎnh và quân Tàu ra khÕi b©-cõi. ChÌ mÃy tháng sau Hai Bà lên ngôi vua, Çóng Çô ª Mê-linh (nay thu¶c Phúc-yên).

rất mực: very. tàn-ác: to be cruel. lòng + adjective = abstract noun. lòng dục sexual

desire; lòng son loyalty, faithfulness; lòng tham greed; lòng thành sincerity, honesty; lòng thương pity, compassion, mercy; lòng tin confidence, faith.

oán-hận: to resent, be embittered, hate.. thủ-lĩnh: leader. thành-trì: wall and moat, fortress, walled city.

50. In 34 AD, King Quang-vũ of the Hán Dynasty in China sent Tô-Định to be governor of the Giao-chỉ district. Tô-Định was a very cruel man; the people resented him, and waited for someone to appear to save the country. In the year 40 AD, Tô-Định killed Thi-Sách, a leader of the Việt people. Immediately, Trưng-Trắc, the wife of Thi-Sách, together with her younger sister, Trưng-Nhị, and the entire Vietnamese populace rose up, seized and held 65 walled fortifications, and chased Tô-Định and the Chinese army out of the territory. Just a few months later the Two Ladies took the throne and set up the capital at Mê-linh (today belonging to Phúc-yên).

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ñó là cu¶c ÇÃu-tranh thành-công ÇÀu tiên chÓng låi quân xâm-læng phÜÖng b¡c.

đấu-tranh: struggle. thành-công: to succeed | success. chống: to oppose, resist chống lại. quân xâm-lăng: the aggressors. xâm-lăng: to invade | invasion, aggression.

That was the first successful struggle against the aggressors from the north.

Trong th©i b¡c-thu¶c lÀn thÙ nhÃt, tuy ngÜ©i Tàu b¡t ngÜ©i Việt theo ch‰-Ƕ phø-hŒ, các chÙc quan ÇÎa-phÜÖng cÛng Çã theo lÓi cûa Tàu, cha truyŠn con nÓi, nhÜng ngÜ©i Việt, trong Ç©i sÓng gia-Çình, vÅn gi» ch‰-Ƕ mÅu-hŒ, m†i quyŠn-hành vÅn n¢m trong tay ngÜ©i Çàn bà, nên Hai Bà TrÜng Çã Çåt ÇÜ®c th¡ng-l®i hi‹n-hách trong m¶t th©i-gian rÃt ng¡n. Các vÎ tܧng quan-tr†ng cûa Hai Bà cÛng là Çàn bà.

chế-độ: system, regime. phụ-hệ: patriarchy | patriarchal. phụ: father [= cha]. mẫu-hệ: matriarchy | matriarchal. mẫu: mother [=

mẹ]. quyền-hành: power, authority, influence. đåt: to reach [aim mục-đích]. thắng-lợi: victory, success. thắng: [= được] to win,

defeat, ... [≠ bại]. hiển-hách: to be brilliant, illustrious, glorious.

During the time of the first Chinese domination, the Chinese forced the Việt people to follow the patriarchal system, with local official positions also following the Chinese way, passing from father to son. However, in their family lives, the Việt people still preserved the matriarchal system with all the authority still in the hands of the women, so the Two Ladies Trưng were able to realize a brilliant victory in a very short time. The important generals under the Two Ladies were women also.

51. Ba næm sau, tÙc là næm 43, vua Quang-VÛ nhà Hán Çã sai m¶t viên tܧng già rÃt n°i ti‰ng là Mã-ViŒn sang Çánh báo thù.

báo-thù: to avenge oneself. báo-thù, giả-thù, trả-thù, phục-thù: to avenge.

51. Three years later, in 43 AD, King Quang-Vũ of the Hán Dynasty sent out Mã-Viện, a very famous, old general, for vengeance.

Không may cho ngÜ©i Việt, Hai Bà TrÜng thÃt-båi, phäi nhảy xuÓng sông Hát t¿-tº. Dân Việt thÜÖng-ti‰c, Çã lÆp ÇŠn th© ª kh¡p nÖi Ç‹ tܪng-nh§ công-Ön Hai Bà và các dân-quân tܧng-sï dܧi quyŠn chÌ-huy cûa Hai Bà.

thương-tiếc: to mourn over. đền thờ: temple, shrine. tưởng-nhớ: to remember. công-ơn: favor, merit, meritorious service. dân-quân: militia(man), partisan. chỉ-huy: to command, control | commander.

Unfortunately for the Việt people, the Two Ladies Trưng lost, and had to commit suicide by jumping into the Hát River. The Việt people mourned, setting up temples everywhere in remembrance of the meritorious service of the Two Ladies and of the partisans and officers under their command.

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60. Giai-Çoån thÙ hai dܧi ách Çô-h¶ cûa ngÜ©i Tàu kéo dài 501 næm, tØ næm 43 ljn næm 544.

giai-đoạn: period, stage, phase. ách: yoke, calamity, disaster.

60. The second period under the yoke of Chinese domination lasted 501 years, from 43 AD till 544 AD.

Mã-ViŒn tìm Çû m†i cách Ç‹ tiêu-diŒt væn-hoá cûa ngÜ©i: (1) tÎch-thu ÇÒ ÇÒng cûa ngÜ©i Việt, nhÃt là trÓng ÇÒng và chiêng ÇÒng; (2) b¡t dân Việt theo luÆt-lŒ Tàu.

tiêu-diệt: destroy, exterminate, annihilate. diệt: to destroy, exterminate tiêu-diệt, huỷ-diệt.

văn-hoá: culture tịch-thu: to confiscate, seize.

Mã-Viện found all kinds of ways to destroy the culture of the Việt people: (1) he confiscated the bronze items of the Việt people, especially bronze drums and gongs; (2) he forced the Việt citizens to follow Chinese laws and customs.

H¡n Çúc m¶t con ng¿a b¢ng ÇÒng, m¶t con vÆt mà h¡n yêu-thích. Ngoài ra, h¡n còn Çúc m¶t cái c¶t b¢ng ÇÒng thÆt l§n d¿ng ª ch‡ Çông ngÜ©i qua låi, trên Çó kh¡c sáu ch» "銅柱折交趾滅 ñÒng-trø chi‰t, Giao-ChÌ diŒt." (n‰u c¶t trø b¢ng ÇÒng này gÅy hay Ç°, thì dân Giao-ChÌ së bÎ tiêu-diŒt).

hắn: he. yêu-thích: to love and desire. đúc: to cast, mold [metal, statue]. con vật: animal. cột: [HV trụ] pillar, column, staff, pole, post. dựng: to erect, raise [stele bia, statue tượng]. khắc: 1. to carve, engrave, chisel. đồng-trụ: bronze pillar. chiết: 2. to bend, break, destroy. cột trụ: pillar, mainstay. gãy, gẫy: [of tooth, bone, stick, sticklike object, etc.]

to be broken; to break. đổ: to fall, topple over, turn over, crash, collapse.

He cast a bronze horse, an animal that he loved. He also cast a really large pillar of bronze, erected it where many people passed by, and on it engraved six words: "銅柱折交趾滅 Đồng-trụ chiết, Giao-Chỉ diệt." ("Bronze pillar breaks, Giao-chỉ exterminated.") (If this bronze pillar is broken or toppled, then the citizens of Giao-Chỉ will be exterminated).

- NgÜ©i Việt phän-Ùng ra sao?

phản-ứng: to react | reaction. "How did the Việt people

react?" - M¶t sÓ ngÜ©i Än-trÓn, chôn giÃu trÓng ÇÒng còn sót låi, ngÜ©i thì trÓn vŠ phía b¡c, m¶t sÓ trÓn vŠ phía tây, phía nam. Còn sÓ ngÜ©i ª låi, trܧc m¥t quân xâm-lÃn, phäi theo luÆt-lŒ cûa chúng, ljn khi vŠ nhà vÅn gi» phong-tøc tÆp-quán cûa ngÜ©i Việt.

"A number of them hid and fled, burying the remaining bronze drums to conceal them, some people fleeing to the north, others to the west and south. As for those remaining, when they were in the presence of the aggressors, they

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ẩn-trốn: to hide ẩn-nấp; take shelter trú-ẩn; to be hidden. trốn: [HV đào] to flee, escape [khỏi from].

chôn: [HV mai] to bury. giấu: to hide, conceal, camouflage. sót: to omit, leave out bỏ sót. sống sót to survive. trước mặt: in front of. phong-tục: customs. tập-quán: habit.

had to follow the rules and regulations of the aggressors, but when they returned to their homes they still preserved the customs and habits of the Việt people."

- Còn cái c¶t b¢ng ÇÒng có sáu ch» "ÇÒng-trø chi‰t, Giao-chÌ diŒt"?

"And the bronze pillar with the six words 'Bronze pillar breaks, Giao-chỉ exterminated'?"

- M‡i lÀn Çi qua, dân chúng lÃy ÇÃt, ngói, sÕi hay Çá ném vào. ChÌ trong vòng m¶t th©i-gian, cái c¶t trø ô-nhøc Çó bÎ lÃp Çi.

ngói: tile, roofing tile. sỏi: pebble, gravel đá sỏi. ném: to throw, hurl, cast. trong vòng một thời-gian: "in a cycle of time" {after

a while}. ô-nhục: to dishonor, sully; to profane. lấp: to cover, hide.

"Each time they passed by, the people took dirt, tiles, pebbles, or rocks and threw them at it. After a while, that disgraceful pillar was covered up."

Næm 203, thái-thú Sï-Nhi‰p xin vua Hán cho Ç°i Giao-ChÌ thành Giao-Châu.

In the year 203, the Chinese governor Sĩ-Nhiếp asked the Hán king to have the name Giao-Chỉ changed to Giao-Châu.

Th©i-kì ô-nhøc này kéo dài rÃt lâu, bao nhiêu cu¶c n°i dÆy ÇŠu bÎ thÃt-båi, Bà TriŒu (248) khí-th‰ hùng-månh, cÛng bÎ dËp tan. Phäi Ç®i t§i Lí-Bôn khªi-nghïa (541-544) m§i giành ÇÜ®c Ƕc-lÆp.

khí-thế: fighting spirit. hùng-mạnh: powerful, "heroic". dẹp: to put away, to put down, quell, repress [riot,

rebellion loạn]. tan: [HV tán] to dissolve, melt; to disperse,

disintegrate. khởi-nghĩa: to lead a nationalist revolt. giành: to grab back, regain.

This shameful period lasted for a very long time, with many revolts, all defeated. Bà Triệu (248) had a heroic fighting spirit, but she also was defeated. It was necessary to wait until Lí-Bôn led a nationalist revolt (541-544); only then was independence regained.

70. Nhà Lí (trܧc) kéo dài gÀn 60 næm (544-602). Næm 544, Lí-Bôn lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Lí-Nam-ñ‰, Ç¥t tên nܧc là Vån-Xuân, kinh-Çô là Long-biên.

70. The Lí Dynasty (earlier) lasted nearly 60 years (544-602). In 544, Lí-Bôn became king, took the name of Lí-Nam-Đế, named the country Vạn-Xuân, the capital being Long-biên.

Ÿ th©i-kì này, Nhà LÜÖng 梁 Çang cai- At this time, the Lương 梁

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trÎ nܧc Tàu. Vua LÜÖng Çem quân sang Çánh. Lí-Nam-ñ‰ y‰u th‰, phäi bÕ Long-biên, lui vŠ KhuÃt-liêu (HÜng-hoá), trao quyŠn cho TriŒu-Quang-Phøc. TriŒu-Quang-Phøc lÆp cæn-cÙ ª ÇÀm Då-tråch (còn g†i là ÇÀm NhÃt-då, phû Khoái-châu, HÜng-yên). Khi Lí-Nam-ñ‰ mÃt, TriŒu-Quang-Phøc thành-công, lên ngôi, xÜng là TriŒu-Việt-VÜÖng (549). Næm 571, Lí-PhÆt-Tº cܧp ngôi cûa TriŒu-Việt-VÜÖng, xÜng là HÆu-Lí-Nam-ñ‰. Næm 602, quân Tàu sang Çánh, Lí-PhÆt-Tº y‰u th‰, låi phäi ÇÀu-hàng gi¥c.

cai-trị: to administer, govern, rule. yếu thế: to be weak, to be in a bad position. lui: [HV thoái] to withdraw, recoil tháo lui, rút lui. trao quyền: to transfer power. đầm: 2. pond, pool; đầm lầy: bog, swamp, marsh. dạ: night [= đêm]. trạch: marsh. thành-công: to succeed | success. cướp ngôi: to usurp the throne. đầu-hàng: to surrender: 3. to surrender (to). giặc: pirate, invader, aggressor; the enemy (forces).

Dynasty was ruling China. King Lương brought in an army to fight. Lí-Nam-Đế, being weak, had to abandon Long-biên, withdraw to Khuất-liêu (Hưng-hoá), and transfer power to Triệu-Quang-Phục. Triệu-Quang-Phục established a base at Dạ-trạch Swamp (still called Nhất-dạ Swamp, district of Khoái-châu, Hưng-yên). When Lí-Nam-Đế died, Triệu-Quang-Phục won, ascended to the throne, and took the name of Triệu-Việt-Vương (549). In 571, Lí-Phật-Tử usurped the throne of Triệu-Việt-Vương and took the name of Hậu-Lí-Nam-Đế. In 602, when Chinese troops came to fight, Lí-Phật-Tử was weak and had to surrender to the enemy.

80. Giai-Çoån bÎ lŒ-thu¶c ngÜ©i Tàu lÀn thÙ ba, kéo dài hÖn 300 næm (602-939). Các quan cai-trÎ ngÜ©i Tàu càng ngày càng kh¡c-nghiŒt hÖn. NhÜng càng bÎ bóc-l¶t bao nhiêu, ngÜ©i Việt càng n°i lên månh-më bÃy nhiêu.

lệ-thuộc: to be (politically) dependent (on). khắc-nghiệt: to be severe, stern, strict. bóc-lột: to rob; to exploit. mạnh-mẽ: to be strong, vigorous.

80. The third period of Chinese political dependence lasted longer than 300 years (602-939). The Chinese administrators became more and more strict. But the more the Việt people were exploited, the more vigorously they rose up.

Mai-Thúc-Loan khªi-nghïa ª NghŒ-an næm 722, xÜng hoàng-lj. Dân chúng g†i là Mai-H¡c-ñ‰.

Mai-Thúc-Loan led a revolt in Nghệ-an in 722 and declared himself emperor. The people called him Mai-Hắc-Đế [Mai-Black-Emperor].

Phùng-HÜng khªi-nghïa næm 791, chi‰m ÇÜ®c phû Çô-h¶. NhÜng chÌ ÇÜ®c mÃy tháng thì mÃt. Dân chúng lÆp ÇŠn th©, tôn làm BÓ-Cái-ñåi-VÜÖng. Con cûa Phùng-HÜng lên nÓi nghiŒp, chÓng không

Phùng-Hưng rebelled in 791 and was able to seize the palace of the dominating government. But it was only a few months until he

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n°i quân Tàu, phäi ra hàng. phủ: mansion, palace; office. tôn: to honor, venerate tôn-kính; to honor, elevate

[làm as]. Bố-Cái-Đại-Vương: Father-Mother-Great Emperor

("Founding Emperor"). nối nghiệp: to succeed. chống: [HV kháng] to oppose, resist chống lại. hàng: to surrender (to) đầu hàng.

died. The people set up a shrine and honored him as the "Founding Emperor" [Father-Mother-Great Emperor]. The son of Phùng-Hưng succeeded him, but was unable to resist Chinese forces and had to surrender.

T§i cuÓi Ç©i nhà ñÜ©ng 唐 bên Tàu, chính-quyŠn suy-y‰u, loån-låc kh¡p nÖi. Dân Việt n°i lên giành Ƕc-lÆp, ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ ngÜ©i Tàu dËp không n°i phäi bÕ chåy vŠ nܧc. Næm 906, Khúc-ThØa-Dø, ngÜ©i HÒng-châu (Häi-dÜÖng) ÇÜ®c dân-chúng tôn làm ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ, nhà ñÜ©ng cÛng phäi chÃp-thuÆn. N¡m quyŠn ÇÜ®c m¶t næm, Khúc-ThØa-Dø mÃt, Khúc-Håo lên nÓi nghiŒp cha. Næm 917, Khúc-Håo mÃt, Khúc-ThØa-Mï k‰-vÎ. Sáu næm sau (923) bÎ mÃt vŠ tay nhà Nam-Hán 南漢. Næm 931, DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ, m¶t vÎ tܧng cÛ cûa h† Khúc n°i lên Çu°i quân Nam-Hán, t¿-xÜng làm ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ. N¡m quyŠn ÇÜ®c sáu næm, DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ bÎ ngÜ©i dܧi quyŠn là Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn gi‰t. Con r‹ cûa DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ là Ngô-QuyŠn mang quân tØ châu Ái (Thanh-hoá) vŠ báo thù. Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn bÎ thua, cÀu-cÙu nhà Nam-Hán. Ngô-QuyŠn gi‰t Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn, dËp tan quân Nam-Hán trên sông Båch-Ç¢ng, lên làm vua næm 939.

chính-quyền: political power; government. suy-yếu: to become weak. loạn-lạc: warfare, hostilities. tiết-độ-sứ: governor. dẹp: to put down, quell, repress [riot, rebellion

loạn]. tôn: to honor, elevate [làm as]. chấp-thuận: to approve; consent, agree. kế-vị: to succeed. châu: district. thua: [HV bại] to lose, be defeated. cầu-cứu: to ask for help, send an S.O.S.

Towards the end of the reign of the Đường 唐 Dynasty in China, political power grew weak and there was warfare everywhere. The Việt subjects rose up to reclaim their independence; the governor was unable to quell them and had to flee back to China. In 906, Khúc-Thừa-Dụ, from Hồng-châu (Hải-dương), was elevated to the position of governor by the people and the Đường Dynasty had to approve. After being in power for one year, Khúc-Thừa-Dụ died and his son, Khúc-Hạo, succeeded him. In 917, Khúc-Hạo died and Khúc-Thừa-Mĩ continued on the throne. Six years later, in 923, he was lost by the Nam-Hán 南漢 Dynasty (in the South of China). In 931, Dương-Diên-Nghệ, a former general of the Khúc family, rebelled and chased out the Nam-Hán army, naming himself governor. Dương-Diên-Nghệ held power for six years and then was killed by by Kiều-Công-Tiện. Ngô-Quyền, the son-in-law of Dương-Diên-Nghệ, brought troops back from district Ái-châu (Thanh-hoá) for revenge. Kiều-Công-Tiện lost and called for help from the

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Nam-Hán Dynasty. Ngô-Quyền killed Kiều-Công-Tiện, defeated the Nam-Hán army on the Bạch-Đằng River, and became king in 939.

Trong trÆn Båch-Ç¢ng, Ngô-QuyŠn cho Çóng c†c xuÓng sông, ÇÀu b†c s¡t nh†n. Ch© khi nܧc lên, cho thuyŠn Çi dø ÇÎch. Quân Tàu Çu°i Çánh. Chúng không ng©, khi nܧc xuÓng, quân Việt phän-công nhÜ mÜa bão, bao nhiêu chi‰n-thuyŠn cûa Tàu bÎ Çâm h‰t vào c†c nh†n.

đóng: drive in [nail đinh, stake cọc]. cọc: stake, post. bọc: to wrap, cover. nhọn: to be sharp, pointed. dụ: to induce, entice, lure. địch: enemy. phản-công: to counter-attack | counter-offensive. đâm: to prick, pierce. bao nhiêu = hết tất cả.

In the battle of Bạch-đằng, Ngô-Quyền had stakes with sharp iron points driven into the bottom of the river. He waited until the water rose and then had boats go to lure the enemy up the river. The Chinese forces pursued them in battle. To the surprise of the Chinese, when the water level fell, the Việt forces counter-attacked fiercely, and all the Chinese warships were pierced by the sharp stakes.

81. Nhìn låi, ngÜ©i Việt phäi sÓng dܧi s¿ bóc-l¶t tàn-håi cûa ngÜ©i Tàu ba lÀn, kéo dài gÀn m¶t nghìn næm [151 næm (111 trܧc

DL - 40) + 501 næm (43-544) + 337 næm (602-939) = 989 næm]. ñ‰n khi giành låi ÇÜ®c Ƕc-lÆp, ch‰-Ƕ mÅu-hŒ Çã bÎ thay-th‰ bªi ch‰-Ƕ phø-hŒ, ch» vi‰t cÛng mÃt, ti‰ng nói tuy còn nhÜng Çã có nhiŠu ti‰ng mÜ®n cûa quân thù; Ç©i sÓng hàng ngày cÛng bÎ änh-hܪng không ít. Nh»ng änh-hܪng Çó là ÇiŠu phäi có trong cu¶c chung sÓng kh°-nhøc. Tuy-nhiên, sau gÀn m¶t nghìn næm bÎ lŒ-thu¶c mà vÅn quy‰t-tâm vùng lên, không chÎu làm nô-lŒ, ti‰ng nói vÅn còn, tính-chÃt cá-biŒt cûa dân-t¶c vÅn còn, chÌ có ngÜ©i Việt m§i làm n°i. ñó là hiŒn-tÜ®ng Ƕc-nhÃt trong lÎch-sº loài ngÜ©i.

tàn-hại: to cause damage, to do harm, to injure. bởi: because, because of, by, on account of, due to

[do]. còn: to remain; to have left | there is left, there are

left. quân thù: the enemy.

81. Looking back, the Việt people had to live under the destructive exploitation of the Chinese three times, for a total of nearly a thousand years [151 years (111 BC - 40 AD) + 501 years (43-544) + 337 years (602-939) = 989 years]. By the time they were able to regain their independence, their matriarchal system had been changed by a patriarchal system, their writing system had been lost, and their spoken language, although still remaining, had many words borrowed from the enemy; daily life also was influenced by no small amount. Those influences were unavoidable in a life of humiliating coexistence with the Chinese. However, however after suffering under nearly a thousand

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ảnh-hưởng: influence. chung: 1. common, mutual; to have or do in

common. khổ-nhục: to be humiliating, disgraceful. khổ: to be

unhappy, wretched, miserable cực-khổ. nhục: to be disgraced, dishonored [≠ vinh] | dishonor.

quyết-tâm: to be determined to. quyết: 1. to decide (to), make up one's mind, be determined (to). nhất-quyết determined to. tâm: R heart; mind [= tim].

vùng lên: to rise up. nô-lệ: slave, slavery. tiếng nói: language. tính-chất: nature, property, characteristic. cá-biệt: particular, unique. hiện-tượng: phenomenon. độc-nhất: only, sole unique. loài người: humand kind, mankind, the human


years of political dependence they were still determined to break free, they still would not bear to be slaves, they still kept their own language, the people still retained the unique characteristics of their race. Only the Việt people have been able to achieve this. It is a unique phenomenon in the history of mankind.

90. Sau khi giành ÇÜ®c Ƕc-lÆp, ch» vi‰t Çã mÃt, thÙ ch» riêng chÜa thành-hình, ngÜ©i Việt Çã phäi dùng ch» vi‰t cûa Tàu, còn g†i là ch» Hán Ç‹ h†c và Ç‹ dùng trong hŒ-thÓng hành-chính. TØ Nhà Ngô (939-965), qua th©i MÜ©i Hai SÙ-quân (945-967) ljn Nhà ñinh (968-980), tØ Nhà Lê Trܧc (980-1009) ljn Nhà Lí Sau (1009-1225), ch» Hán vÅn gi» Ƕc-tôn. T§i Nhà TrÀn (1225-1400), ch» vi‰t m§i cûa ngÜ©i Việt, thÜ©ng g†i là ch» Nôm, m§i b¡t ÇÀu phát-tri‹n månh. ñ©i Nhà HÒ (1400-1407), ch» Nôm trª nên quan-tr†ng hÖn, tiŠn giÃy ÇÜ®c dùng cùng v§i tiŠn kim-khí. ñ©i Nhà Lê Sau (1428-1788), Ç¥c-biŒt v§i s¿ sáng-suÓt cûa vua Lê-Thánh-Tông (1460-1497), væn-h†c ch» Nôm trª nên phÒn-thÎnh. T§i Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn Tây-SÖn (1788-1802), ch» Nôm thay-th‰ ch» Hán. Sang Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn (1802-1955), ch» Hán låi trª nên quan-tr†ng trong guÒng máy hành-chính và giáo-døc. Tuy-nhiên, tÃt cä nh»ng ngÜ©i tinh-thông ch» Hán ÇŠu am-tÜ©ng ch» Nôm, nên væn-h†c cûa ngÜ©i Việt càng ngày càng phát-huy. Th‹-væn vÀn quan-tr†ng nhÃt là sáu-tám (còn g†i là løc-bát) và bÄy-bÄy-sáu-tám

90. After independence was regained, their own writing system had been lost and no new way of writing had yet developed, so the Việt people had to employ the writing system of the Chinese, also called the Hán writing system, for study and for use in the administrative system. From the Ngô Dynasty (939-965), through the time of Mười Hai Sứ-quân (the Twelve War Lords) (945-967) to the Đinh Dynasty (968-980), from the Lê Dynasty (earlier) (980-1009) to the Lí Dynasty (later) (1009-1225), the Hán writing system was kept as the only system. It wasn't until the Trần Dynasty (1225-1400), that a new Vietnamese writing system, usually called Nôm writing system, began to develop quickly. During the reign of the Hồ Dynasty (1400-1407), Nôm writing became more important and paper money was used as well

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(hay song-thÃt-løc-bát). Ngoài ra, còn các th‹ væn Çi Çôi v§i ca-hát và m¶t sÓ th‹-væn änh-hܪng cûa Tàu, nhÜ th‹ luÆt ñÜ©ng.

thành-hình: to take shape. hành-chính: administration | administrative. độc-tôn: the only cult, unique, sole. phát-triển: to develop, evolve, expand. sáng-suốt: to be clear-sighted, enlightened. phồn-thịnh: to be prosperous. phồn: R to be

luxuriant. thịnh: to prosper, flourish [≠ suy]. thay-thế: to replace, substitute (for cho). thay: 1. to

change; to replace, succeed, substitute for. thế: to replace

guồng máy: machinery, apparatus. giáo-dục: to educate | education. giáo: to teach,

instruct. dục: to bring up, rear, raise, educate. tinh-thông: to be proficient. tinh: to be intelligent,

clever, smart, shrewd. thông: to be intelligible; to communicate, transmit; to be intelligent, be fluent or versant..

am-tường: to know well, be familiar with, well versed in. am, am-hiểu: to know well, be familiar with. tường: 1. to know well or expose clearly.

phát-huy: to develop, manifest. thể-văn: literary form. vần: rhyme. đôi: pair, couple. đi đôi: to go together. luật: law.

coins. During the reign of the Lê Dynasty (later) (1428-1788), especially because of the enlightenment of King Lê-Thánh-Tông (1460-1497), Nôm literature prospered. By the reign of the Nguyễn Tây-Sơn Dynasty (1788-1802), Nôm writing system had replaced Chinese writing system. Throughout the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1955), Chinese writing system again became important in administrative and educational system. However, everyone who was proficient in Chinese writing system was also well-versed in Nôm, so the literature of the Việt people became more and more well-known. The most important literary rhyming schemes were six-eight (also called lục-bát in Sino-Vietnamese) and seven-seven-six-eight (or song-thất-lục-bát). In addition, there were literary forms for songs and a number of literary forms influenced by the Chinese, such as the Đường versification.

100. Có thể nói lịch-sử của người Việt từ ngày phải đối đầu với một nước láng-giềng hung-bạo như Tàu đã trở thành lịch-sử đấu-tranh. Luôn-luôn người Việt phải đề-phòng, luôn-luôn phải sẵn-sàng đối-phó với nạn ngoại-xâm.

từ ngày: from the time. đối đầu: to oppose. đối: to oppose, cope with. đầu:

head. láng-giềng: neighbor. hung-bạo: to be cruel, wicked. đấu-tranh: struggle.

100. Telling the history of the Việt people beginning with the time that they had to cope with a cruel neighbor like China has turned it into a history of struggle. The Việt people always have had to take precautions, they always have had to be ready to cope with the dangers of a foreign invasion.

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đề-phòng: to take precautions. đối-phó: to face, deal, cope [v§i with], face up to. nạn: danger, misfortune, disaster. ngoại-xâm: foreign invasion, foreign aggression.

Sau khi Ngô-QuyŠn dËp tan quân Nam-Hán trên sông Båch-Ç¢ng, giành låi Ƕc-lÆp cho ÇÃt nܧc, ngÜ©i Việt còn phäi chi‰n-ÇÃu chÓng ngÜ©i phÜÖng b¡c rÃt nhiŠu lÀn. Tuy-nhiên, lÀn nào cÛng vÆy, không s§m thì mu¶n, lòng yêu-chu¶ng hoà-bình và t¿-do cûa ngÜ©i Việt cÛng th¡ng ÇÜ®c s¿ tham-tàn Ƕc-ác cûa nh»ng Çoàn quân hi‰u-chi‰n, khi thì là Tàu, khi thì là Mông-c°, và sau này là Pháp.

chiến-đấu: to fight, struggle, combat. yêu-chuộng: to love, be fond of. lòng yêu-chuộng: love, fondness {changes to

abstract noun}. hoà-bình: peace CL nền | to be peaceful. hoà: peace,

harmony, accord; to be peaceful, be harmonious, harmonize. bình: to be level, plain, smooth, calm, peaceful.

thắng, thắng được: to win, outdo, overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat, be victorious [≠ bại].

tham-tàn: to be greedy and harsh. hiếu-chiến: to be warlike, be bellicose. hiếu: 3. [=

háo] to be fond of . chiến: to struggle, fight.

After Ngô-Quyền had scattered the Nam-Hán army on the Bạch-đằng River and regained independence for the country, the Việt people still had to fight against the people in the north many times. However, every such time, sooner or later, because of their love of peace and freedom, the Việt people were able to overcome the greed and brutality of warring armies, whether Chinese, Mongolian, or later on, French.

110. Næm 980, Vua Nhà TÓng 宋 bên Tàu sai HÀu Nhân-bäo, Tôn Toàn-hÜng theo ÇÜ©ng b¶, và LÜu TrØng, theo ÇÜ©ng thu› sang xâm-lÃn ÇÃt nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt. Tܧng Lê-Hoàn ÇÜ®c triŠu-thÀn tôn lên làm vua, tÙc là Hoàng-lj ñåi-Hành Ç‹ chÓng ngoåi-xâm. Quân ÇÜ©ng b¶ cûa Tàu bÎ Çánh tan ª Chi-Læng (thu¶c Ôn-châu, Lång-sÖn), quân ÇÜ©ng thu› trên sông Båch-Ç¢ng thÃy quân ÇÜ©ng b¶ bÎ thua, v¶i-vàng rút vŠ. NgÜ©i Việt tuy th¡ng trÆn, nhÜng Vua Lê-ñåi-Hành s® không chÓng ÇÜ®c lâu, nên Çem nh»ng ngÜ©i Çã b¡t ÇÜ®c sang Tàu trä cho vua Nhà TÓng. Vua TÓng phong cho Vua Lê-ñåi-Hành làm Ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ.

sai: 1. to send [on an errand], order, command ÇÜ©ng b¶: land route.

110. In 980, the king of the Tống 宋 Dynasty in China sent Nhân-bảo and Tôn Toàn-hưng by land, and Lưu Trừng by sea to invade the land of the Việt people. General Lê-Hoàn was elevated to king, that is to Emperor Đại-Hành, in order to repulse the foreign invasion. The Chinese ground troops were defeated at Chi-Lăng (belonging to Ôn-châu, Lạng-sơn), and the naval troops, seeing the defeat of the ground troops from the Bạch-đằng River, quickly withdrew. Although the Việt people won the battle, King Lê-Đại-Hành feared he wouldn't be able to resist the

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ÇÜ©ng thu›: sea route. xâm-lÃn: to intrude on [territory, rights]. triŠu-thÀn: court officials. tôn làm: to be elevated as. thua: [HV båi, phø] to lose [game, lawsuit kiŒn, war

trÆn], be defeated (by) [≠ æn, ÇÜ®c]. rút: to pull [rút ra]; to pull back, withdraw [rút vŠ].

Chinese for long, so he took the prisoners he had captured to China and returned them to the king of the Tống Dynasty. The Tống king made King Lê-Đại-Hành a governor.

120. Vào næm 1075, ÇÜ®c tin vua TÓng cho quân sang gây hÃn, Vua Lí-Nhân-Tông (Nhà Lí Sau) sai Lí-ThÜ©ng-KiŒt và Tôn-ñän Çem 10 vån quân sang Çánh châu Khâm, châu Liêm (thu¶c tÌnh Quäng-Çông) và châu Ung (thu¶c tÌnh Quäng-tây). Næm 1076, quân TÓng sang Çánh châu Quäng-nguyên (Cao-b¢ng). Hai bên Çánh nhau mãi t§i næm 1079, t°n-håi bao nhiêu sinh-mång, m§i chÎu ÇiŠu-Çình v§i nhau.

gây hÃn: to incite wars, to provoke hostilities. gây: 1. to bring about, cause, occasion gây ra, gây nên; 2. to pick a quarrel gây-g°. hÃn: hostilities.

t°n-håi: to be harmful. t°n: 2. R to damage, injure. håi: to harm; to murder mÜu håi | harm, loss.

sinh-mång: human life. ÇiŠu-Çình: to arrange, negotiate, mediate, arbitrate, settle by

compromise, reconcile. ÇiŠu: 3. R to arrange, order, direct. Çình: 2. to stop, cease, rest, delay, postpone, adjourn Çình låi.

120. In 1075, having received news that the Tống king had sent troops over to provoke hostilities, King Nhân-Tông (Lí Dynasty (later)) sent Lí-Thường-Kiệt and Tôn-Đản with 100,000 troops to fight the districts of Khâm, Liêm (belongs to Quảng-đông Province) and Ung (belongs to Quảng-tây Province). In 1076, the Tống army came to fight the district of Quảng-nguyên (Cao-bằng). The two sides fought each other continuously until 1079, destroying many lives, before they finally reconciled.

Lí-ThÜ©ng-KiŒt, ngoài tài cÀm quân, còn là m¶t nhà thÖ. ñ‰n nay, ngÜ©i Việt vÅn còn truyŠn-tøng bÓn câu nêu cao š-chí bÃt-khuÃt cûa quân-sï và dân chúng th©i bÃy gi©:

truyŠn-tøng: {have the} laudatory tradition. truyŠn: 1. to climb, jump: to transmit [inheritance, tradition]; to transmit, communicate [news]; to teach, hand over. tøng: R to praise, laud, eulogize.

nêu: 1. to bring up [subject]; to display ostentatiously, parade [RV lên/ra{/cao ?}; to set [example gÜÖng].

š-chí: will. š; 1. thought, idea, meaning, significance; intention, opinion, attention. chí: 1. will, resolution š-chí; ambition, ideal; aim, purpose in life chí-khí, chí-hܧng.

bÃt-khuÃt: unyielding. khuÃt: 2. R to yield, to bow to. bÃy gi©: at that time, on that occasion løc bÃy gi©. bÃy: R

that, to that extent.

Lí-Thường-Kiệt, besides being a talented general, was also a poet. Even now, the Vietnamese people still quote four lines that trumpet the unyielding will of the soldiers and civilians of that time:

Nam-quÓc sÖn-hà Nam-lj cÜ,

Nam-quốc (South-country) sơn-hà (mountain-river) Nam-đế (South-emperor) cư (live),

TiŒt-nhiên ÇÎnh-phÆn tåi thiên-thÜ.

Tiệt-nhiên (clearly) định-phận

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(determine-fate) tại (in) thiên-thư (heaven-book).

NhÜ hà nghÎch-l‡ lai xâm-phåm.

Như hà (if) nghịch-lỗ (pirate, bandit) lai (come) xâm-phạm (invade).

Nh» Ç£ng hành khan thû båi-hÜ.

Nhữ đẳng (you pl.) hành khan (wait and see) thủ (to keep, keep watch) bại-hư (to be defeated).

南 國 山 河 南 帝 居

截 然 定 分 在 天 書

如 何 逆 虜 來 侵 犯

汝 等 行 看 取 敗 虛

Vietnamese translation: (Núi sông nܧc Nam, vua nܧc Nam ª. Sách Tr©i Çã ÇÎnh rõ nhÜ vÆy. N‰u lÛ gi¥c cܧp t§i Çây xâm-phåm, chúng mày hãy ch© xem, th‰ nào cÛng thÃt-båi chua-cay.)

Sách Tr©i: Book of Heaven ÇÎnh: to fix, determine, decide; to intend, plan(to). lÛ: band, gang, horde, crowd cܧp: to rob, loot, ransack æn cܧp. kÈ cܧp robber,

bandit, pirate xâm-phåm: to transgress, violate. chúng mày: you (pl) [arrogant]. hãy: [in construction like "Let's do this first.: Chúng ta

hãy làm cái này.]. thÃt-båi: to fail, lose | failure. chua-cay: to be sour and bitter, bitter, hard.

(The mountains and rivers of Southern Country is where the king of Southern Country lives.

The Book of Heaven has clearly determined so.

If you bandits come here to make trouble,

Then just wait and see, No matter what, you will suffer

bitter defeat.)

130. T§i th‰-kÌ 13, vào Ç©i Nhà TrÀn (1225-1400), ngÜ©i Mông-c° Çang thÓng-trÎ nܧc Tàu. ñó là triŠu-Çåi Nhà Nguyên 元. Quân Mông-c° là Çoàn quân Çánh Çâu th¡ng Çó, Çã xâm-chi‰m kh¡p nÖi trên th‰-gi§i. Th‰ mà, ba lÀn Çem Çåi-quân sang xâm-lÃn nܧc Việt (1257, 1284 và 1287), cä ba lÀn bÎ Çánh tan. NgÜ©i có công-lao l§n nhÃt (lÀn thÙ hai và lÀn thÙ ba) là

130. In the 13th century, during the reign of the Trần Dynasty (1225-1400), China was ruled by the Mongolians, their dynasty being the Nguyên 元 Dynasty. The Mongolian forces won wherever they fought, and had occupied countries all over the world. Even so, although they brought their

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HÜng-ñåo-VÜÖng TrÀn-QuÓc-TuÃn. LÀn thÙ hai, vào næm 1284, vua TrÀn-Nhân-Tông thÃy th‰ gi¥c quá månh, trong lòng nao-núng s® dân chúng bÎ lÀm-than, muÓn cÀu hoà v§i quân Nguyên, nhÜng vì s¿ quy‰t-tâm cûa HÜng-ñåo-VÜÖng, nhà vua Çã triŒu-tÆp các bô-lão ª ÇiŒn Diên-HÒng Ç‹ hỏi ý dân chúng. Các bô-lão, tất cả cùng một lòng chiến-đấu. Vì vậy, dù thế giặc hung-bạo, dù gặp bao nhiêu khó-khăn gặp bao nhiêu khó-khăn, cuối cùng chiến-thắng vẫn là sức mạnh đoàn-kết của người dân nước Việt.

thÓng-trÎ: to rule | rule, domination. xâm-chi‰m: to invade, occupy, seize. công-lao: labor; work credit. th‰: power, potential, influence. nao-núng: to lose confidence, lose faith, be

discouraged; to be shaken, disturbed, weakened. lÀm-than: to be miserable, wretched. cÀu hoà: to sue for peace. quy‰t-tâm: to be determined to. triŒu-tÆp: to call [a meeting], muster, convoke

[assembly]. triŒu: to summon; to call. tÆp: to gather, unite.

bô-lão: village elder. bô: old man. lão: to be old, aged, elderly [= già].

ÇiŒn: 1. palace, temple. š: 1. thought, idea, meaning, significance; intention,

opinion, attention. chi‰n-ÇÃu: to fight, struggle, combat. hung-båo: to be cruel, wicked. chi‰n-th¡ng: to be victorious, win | victory. Çoàn-k‰t: to unite | unify, union.

grand army three times to seize the country of the Việt people (1257, 1284, and 1287), they were defeated all three times. The person getting the most credit (for the second and third times) was Hưng-Đạo-Vương Trần-Quốc-Tuấn. The second time, in 1284, King Trần-Nhân-Tông saw that the invaders were extremely powerful, lost confidence, and fearing that the people would have to suffer, wanted to sue for peace with the Nguyên forces. But due to the determination of Hưng-Đạo-Vương, the king assembled the village elders in Diên-Hồng Palace in order to ask the opinion of the people. All the village elders, to a person, were for fighting. Because of that, although the invaders were violent and cruel, and despite many hardships in the end, the Việt citizens were still victorious because of their unity. [in the end, victory was still the unifying strength of the Việt people.]

K‰t-cu¶c, Ng¶t-LÜÖng-H®p-Khai thua chåy (cu¶c xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ nhÃt), Sài-Thung bÎ mù m¶t m¡t, Toa-ñô ch‰t (lÀn thÙ hai), con vua Nguyên là Thoát-Hoan chåy trÓn vŠ Tàu (lÀn thÙ hai), phäi chui vào Óng ÇÒng m§i thoát ch‰t (lÀn thÙ ba), Ô-Mã-Nhi và nhiŠu danh-tܧng Mông-c° bÎ b¡t (lÀn thÙ ba).

k‰t-cu¶c: {k‰t-cøc} conclusion. mù: to be blind. chui: to steal, slip in through a narrow opening. Óng: tube, pipe. thoát: to escape from trÓn-thoát.

At the end, Ngột-Lương-Hợp-Khai was defeated and fled (the first incursion), Sài-Thung was blinded in one eye, Toa-ñô was killed (the second time), Thoát-Hoan, son of King Nguyên, fled back to China (second time), and escaped death only by slipping into a bronze pipe (third time), and Ô-Mã-Nhi and many famous Mongolian generals were captured

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danh-tܧng: famous general. (third time). Trong cu¶c xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ hai, quân Mông-c° b¡t ÇÜ®c TrÀn-Bình-Tr†ng. Thoát-Hoan muÓn dø hàng, nhÜng TrÀn-Bình-Tr†ng Çã khäng-khái tØ-chÓi "Thà làm qu› ª nܧc Nam, chÙ không thèm làm vÜÖng ª ÇÃt B¡c." Thoát-Hoan thÃy dø không ÇÜ®c, sai quân Çem chém.

dø: to induce, entice, lure dø d‡. khäng-khái: to be proud, chivalrous. tØ-chÓi: to refuse, decline. thà: had rather, would prefer. qu›: devil, demon. thèm: to thirst for, crave for, desire. chém: [HV träm] to cut, chop, slash; behead.

In the second incursion, the Mongolian forces were able to capture Trần-Bình-Trọng. Thoát-Hoan tried to lure him into surrendering, but Trần-Bình-Trọng proudly declined, "Better to be a demon in the Country of the South than to desire to be king in the North." Seeing that enticement had failed, Thoát-Hoan sent an officer to bring him to be beheaded.

Trong cu¶c xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ ba, thu›-quân Mông-c° Çåi-båi ª sông Båch-Ç¢ng (1288) (giÓng hŒt nhÜ næm 939, quân Nam-Hán bÎ Ngô-QuyŠn phá tan). TrÀn-HÜng-ñåo sai NguyÍn-Khoái Çëo g‡ nh†n, b†c s¡t, Çóng ª gi»a sông. K‰t-cøc, các danh-tܧng Mông-c° Ô-Mã-Nhi, Phàn-Ti‰p, Tích-LŒ, CÖ-Ng†c bÎ b¡t.

Çåi-båi: to suffer great defeat. Çëo: to whittle, trim, square.

In the third incursion, the Mongolian naval forces suffered a great defeat on the Bạch-đằng River (1288) (exactly as in 939, when the Nam-Hán forces were destroyed by Ngô-Quyền). Trần-Hưng-Đạo ordered Nguyễn-Khoái to sharpen wooden stakes, tip them with iron, and drive them into the riverbed. In the end, the famous Mongolian generals Ô-Mã-Nhi, Phàn-Tiếp, Tích-Lệ, and Cơ-Ngọc were captured.

ñ©i TrÀn (1225-1400) có 12 Ç©i vua: - TrÀn-Thái-Tông (1225-1258) Quân Nguyên xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ nhÃt 1257 - TrÀn-Thánh-Tông (1258-1278) - TrÀn-Nhân-Tông (1278-1293) Quân Nguyên xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ hai 1284 (H¶i-nghÎ Diên-hÒng) Quân Nguyên xâm-lÃn lÀn thÙ ba 1287 - TrÀn-Anh-Tông (1293-1314) - TrÀn-Minh-Tông (1314-1329) - TrÀn-Hi‰n-Tông (1329-1341) - TrÀn-Dø-Tông (1341-1369) - TrÀn-NghŒ-Tông (1370-1372)

The Trần Dynasty (1225-1400) had 12 kings: - Trần-Thái-Tông (1225-1258) First Nguyên incursion in 1257 - Trần-Thánh-Tông (1258-1278) - Trần-Nhân-Tông (1278-1293) Second Nguyên incursion in 1284 (Diên-hồng Convention) Third Nguyên incursion in 1287 - Trần-Anh-Tông (1293-1314) - Trần-Minh-Tông (1314-1329) - Trần-Hiến-Tông (1329-1341) - Trần-Dụ-Tông (1341-1369)

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- TrÀn-DuŒ-Tông (1372-1377) - TrÀn-Ph‰-ñ‰ (1377-1388) - TrÀn-ThuÆn-Tông (1388-1398) - TrÀn-Thi‰u-ñ‰ (1398-1400) ñ©i TrÀn Sau [HÆu-TrÀn] (1407-1413), kháng-chi‰n chÓng gi¥c Minh bên Tàu, có hai Ç©i vua: - Giän-ñÎnh-ñ‰ (1407-1409) - Vua Trùng-Quang (1409-1413)

- Trần-Nghệ-Tông (1370-1372) - Trần-Duệ-Tông (1372-1377) - Trần-Phế-Đế (1377-1388) - Trần-Thuận-Tông (1388-1398) - Trần-Thiếu-Đế (1398-1400) In the Trần Dynasty (later) [Hậu-Trần] (1407-1413), two kings opposed the Minh invaders from China: - Giản-Định-Đế (1407-1409) - Vua Trùng-Quang (1409-1413)

140. ñ‰n Ç©i Nhà HÒ (1400-1407), HÒ-Quš-Li d©i kinh-Çô vŠ Tây-Çô (Thanh-hoá), dùng ch» Nôm, in tiŠn giÃy. Ÿ bên Tàu là Ç©i Nhà Minh 明. Næm 1406, vua Minh sai Chu-Næng, TrÜÖng-Phø, M¶c-Thånh, LiÍu-Thæng sang Çánh nܧc Việt. Tuy Çã cÓ-g¡ng h‰t sÙc vÅn không chÓng n°i quân Minh. Næm sau, 1407, hai cha con HÒ-Quš-Li và HÒ-Hán-ThÜÖng bÎ b¡t Çem vŠ Tàu.

d©i: [HV di, thiên] to leave. Ç°i d©i to move, transfer, change.

in: [HV Ãn] to print | identical.

140. Coming to the reign of the Hồ Dynasty (1400-1407), Hồ-Quý-Li transferred the capital to Tây-đô (Thanh-hoá), employed the Nôm writing system, and printed paper money. China was under the reign of the Minh 明 Dynasty. In 1406, the Minh king sent Chu-Năng, Trương-Phụ, Mộc-Thạnh, and Liễu-Thăng to fight the Việt. Although they strove with all their might, they couldn't resist the Minh forces. The following year, 1407, Hồ-Quý-Li and his son, Hồ-Hán-Thương, were captured and taken back to China.

150. Con cháu Nhà TrÀn kêu g†i dân chúng chÓng gi¥c sáu næm, tình-hình không thay Ç°i, còn bi-Çát hÖn. Quân Minh vô-cùng tàn-båo, tiêu-hu› sách vª cûa ngÜ©i Việt, b¡t ngÜ©i Việt phäi theo phong-tøc tÆp-quán cûa Tàu, tØ cách æn-m¥c cho t§i tôn-giáo. NgÜ©i dân Việt bÎ ÇÀy-Çoå ljn cùng-c¿c, nên khi Lê-L®i n°i lên cÙu dân cÙu nܧc, chÌ trong vòng mÜ©i næm, tØ næm 1418 ljn næm 1427, Çã Çánh Çu°i ÇÜ®c quân Minh ra khÕi b© cõi.

con cháu: offspring, descendents. kêu g†i: appeal to, call upon.

150. The descendents of Trần Dynasty called upon the people to resist the aggressors for six years, but the situation didn't change, and became still more tragic. The Minh forces were extremely tyrannical, destroying the books of the Việt people, and forcing them to follow the customs and manners of the Chinese, from their way of dressing to their religion. The Việt citizens suffered under depravities

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tình-hình: situation. bi-Çát: to be tragic, grieved. tàn-båo: to be cruel, tyrannical. tiêu-hu›: to destroy, raze. sách vª: books | to be bookish. phong-tøc: customs and manners. tÆp-quán: habit. æn-m¥c: to dress, to live. tôn-giáo: religion, faith. ÇÀy-Çoå to ill-treat. cùng-c¿c: to be in misery.

to the point of utter destitution, so when Lê-Lợi revolted to save the country, it took only ten years, from 1418 until 1427, until they were able to drive the Minh army out of the country.

160. T§i cuÓi Ç©i Nhà Lê (sau), ngÜ©i Mãn-Châu thÓng-trÎ nܧc Tàu, lÆp ra Nhà Thanh 青. Næm 1788, Vua Thanh Càn-long sai Tôn Sï-nghÎ Çem 20 vån quân sang thôn-tính nܧc Việt. NguyÍn-HuŒ ÇÜ®c tin, lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Quang-Trung. ñÀu næm 1789, Vua Quang-Trung Çem 10 vån quân tØ miŠn nam ra b¡c Ç‹ tiêu-diŒt quân xâm-lÜ®c. ChÌ trong vòng næm ngày, các danh-tܧng nhÜ HÙa Th‰-hanh, SÀm Nghi-ÇÓng ch‰t, Tôn Sï-nghÎ Çem tàn-quân chåy trÓn vŠ Tàu. ñây là cu¶c chi‰n-th¡ng thÀn-tÓc và oai-dÛng nhÃt trong lÎch-sº Việt-Nam.

Mãn-Châu: Manchurian | Manchu. thÓng-trÎ: to rule | rule, domination. thôn-tính: to swallow, engulf, annex. tiêu-diŒt: to destroy, exterminate, annihilate. xâm-lÜ®c: to invade | invasion, aggression. tàn-quân: remnants (of an army). chåy trÓn: to run away. trÓn: [HV Çào] to flee, escape

[khÕi from]. chåy trÓn to run away. thÀn-tÓc: dizzy speed. oai-dÛng: imposing and courageous. oai: to look

stately, imposing | majesty, authority. dÛng: [= dõng] to be brave, courageous | courage.

160. At the end of the reign of the Lê Dynasty (later), the Manchurians dominated China and established the Thanh 青 Dynasty. In 1788, King Thanh Càn-long ordered Tôn Sĩ-nghị to send 200,000 troops over to annex the country of the Việt people. Nguyễn-Huệ received the news, ascended to the throne, and took the name Quang-Trung. In the beginning of 1789, King Quang-Trung brought 100,000 troops from the south up to the north to annihilate the invading army. In a period of only five days, famous generals like Hứa Thế-hanh and Sầm Nghi-đống died, and Tôn Sĩ-nghị took the remnants of the army and fled back to China. This was the most miraculously rapid, imposing, and courageous victory in the history of Vietnam.

170. GÀn Çây, vào Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn (1802-1955), tên nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt là Việt-nam, kinh-Çô là Phú-xuân (Hu‰), ngÜ©i Pháp tØ châu Âu Çem quân sang xâm-chi‰m lãnh-th° Việt-Nam, áp-ch‰ vua, bóc-l¶t và chém gi‰t dân, vÖ-vét tài-sän cûa ngÜ©i Việt Çem vŠ nuôi dân Pháp. Sau 26 næm xâm-lÜ®c (1858-1884) Çã Ç¥t

170. Closer to the present, during the reign of the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1955), the name of the country was Việt-Nam [Vietnam] and the capital was Phú-xuân (Huế). The French brought troops over from Europe to occupy the territory of Vietnam, oppress the

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ÇÜ®c nŠn Çô-h¶ kh¡c-nghiŒt dܧi tên "bäo-h¶" trong 61 næm (1884-1945).

xâm-chi‰m: to invade, occupy, seize. lãnh-th°: territory. áp-ch‰: to oppress. bóc-l¶t: to rob; to exploit. vÖ-vét: to clean up. tài-sän: property. nuôi: [HV dÜ«ng] to nourish, feed, nurture, breed,

rear, raise, keep; to support adopt, ... Ç¥t: to place, set, lay; to set up. nŠn: 1. [HV cÖ] base, foundation, basis | background. Çô-h¶: to dominate, rule | domination, rule. kh¡c-nghiŒt: to be severe, stern, strict. bäo-h¶: to protect, cover | protectorate.

king, exploit and kill the people, and to steal the property of the Việt people in order to bring it back to support the people of France. After 26 years of invasions (1858-1884), they successfully established the basis for harsh domination under the name of a "protectorate" that was to last for 61 years (1884-1945).

NhÜng dù ª bÃt-cÙ th©i nào, bÃt-cÙ hoàn-cänh nào cÛng có nh»ng ngÜ©i Việt bÃt-khuÃt:

th©i: time. hoàn-cänh: environment, surroundings, milieu,

ambiance, situation; condition, state, plight situation tình cänh.

bÃt-khuÃt: unyielding. khuÃt: 2. R to yield, bow to.

But no matter the time or the situation, the Việt people are unyielding:

Ngày r¢m tháng 10 næm quš-dÆu (1873), Francis Garnier b¡n phá thành Hà-n¶i, NguyÍn-Tri-PhÜÖng bÎ thÜÖng n¥ng, bÎ b¡t Çem xuÓng tàu. NguyÍn-Tri-PhÜÖng nhÃt-quy‰t không cho bæng-bó v‰t thÜÖng, nhÎn Çói cho t§i ch‰t. ´t lâu sau, Francis Garnier bÎ gi‰t ch‰t ª ô CÀu giÃy, Hà-n¶i.

r¢m: [HV v†ng] full-moon (day). ngày r¢m fifteenth day of the lunar month.

b¡n: [HV xå] to fire, shoot [vào at]; to splash. bị thÜÖng: to be wounded. n¥ng: [HV tr†ng] to be heavy, serious, grave, severe. bæng-bó: to dress a wound. v‰t thÜÖng: wound. nhÎn Çói: to starve, fast; to be without food, go on a

hunger strike. ô: quarters, district, section.

On the fifteenth day of the tenth lunar month of the year quý-dậu (1873), Francis Garnier shelled the city of Hà-nội [Hanoi]; Nguyễn-Tri-Phương was seriously wounded, captured, and taken down to a ship. Nguyễn-Tri-Phương decided not to allow the wound to be bandaged and starved himself to death. Shortly after, Francis Garnier was killed in the Cầu giấy of Hanoi.

Ngày mùng 8 tháng 3 næm nhâm-ng† (1882), Henri Rivière Çánh thành Hà-n¶i, t°ng-ÇÓc Hoàng-DiŒu không gi» n°i, Çã th¡t c° t¿-tÆn. Næm sau, Henri Rivière cÛng bÎ gi‰t ch‰t ª ô CÀu giÃy, Hà-n¶i.

t°ng-ÇÓc: province chief. gi»: to keep, hold, maintain; to protect, guard, watch

On the eighth day of the third lunar month of the year nhâm-ngọ (1882), Henri Rivière battled Hanoi; province chief Hoàng-Diệu, unable to protect the city, hanged himself. The following

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over th¡t c°: to hang oneself. t¿-tÆn: to commit suicide, to kill oneself.

year, Henri Rivière also was killed Cầu giấy, Hanoi.

Trong suÓt hai næm, tØ næm quš-tÎ (1893) ljn næm Ãt-mùi (1895), Phan-ñình-Phùng dù tu°i già sÙc y‰u, Çã làm cho quân Pháp hao-t°n bao nhiêu sinh-mång.

hao-t°n: to waste, cost, squander. sinh-mång: human life.

For two entire years, from the year quý-tị (1893) until the year ất-mùi (1895), Phan-Đình-Phùng, although old and weak, made the French army squander many lives.

Næm 1930, cu¶c cách-mång cûa Việt-Nam QuÓc-dân ñäng thÃt-båi, NguyÍn-Thái-H†c và các ÇÒng-chí bÎ gi‰t ª Yên-bái. Trܧc khi ch‰t, m†i ngÜ©i Çã hô to "Việt-Nam muôn næm"...

cách-månh: revolution. quÓc-dân: people, nation. QuÓc-Dân-ñäng: Nationalist Party. thÃt-båi: to fail, lose | failure. ÇÒng-chí: [political] comrade. hô: to cry out, shout.

In 1930, the revolution of the Vietnamese Nationalist Party failed, and Nguyễn-Thái-Học and his comrades were killed at Yên-bái. Before dying, they all shouted: "Vietnam forever" ...

Thành ra tØ ngày Ç¥t chân lên ÇÃt nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt, không lúc nào ngÜ©i Pháp ÇÜ®c yên. Cu¶c chi‰n-tranh Việt-Pháp càng vŠ sau càng trª nên tàn-khÓc, dã-man, vô-nhân-Çåo.

thành ra: to become | as a result. yên: to be calm, peaceful, quiet still bình-yên; to be

well, safe. tàn-khÓc: to be cruel, atrocious. dã-man: savage, barbarian. nhân-Çåo: to be human, humane | humanity. vô-

nhân-Çåo inhumane.

As a result, starting from the day they first set foot in the land of the Việt people, the French were never safe. As the war neared an end, it became ever more atrocious, barbarian, and inhumane.

180. Mãi t§i ngày 11-3-1945, vua Bäo-ñåi m§i có dÎp tuyên-bÓ hu›-bÕ hoà-ܧc Việt-Pháp (hoà-ܧc 1884). Tuy-nhiên, Pháp vÅn không chÎu trao trä Ƕc-lÆp cho ngÜ©i Việt. Vì th‰, cu¶c chi‰n-tranh Việt-Pháp còn kéo dài thêm gÀn mÜ©i næm n»a (1946-1954). CuÓi cùng, vào næm 1954, trong trÆn ñiŒn-Biên-Phû, quân Pháp phäi ÇÀu-hàng vô-ÇiŠu-kiŒn, hiŒp-ÇÎnh Genève (ª Thuœ-sï) chia Çôi nܧc Việt ª vï-tuy‰n 17 (sông B‰n-häi). MiŠn B¡c Việt-Nam chÎu änh-hܪng khÓi c¶ng-sän, miŠn Nam Việt-

180. It wasn't until March 11, 1945, that King Bảo-Đại had the opportunity to announce the annulment of the Vietnamese-French peace treaty (Peace Treaty of 1884). However, France still could not bear to return independence to the Việt people. Because of that, the Vietnamese-French war dragged on for ten more years (1946-1954). Finally, in 1954, in the battle of Điện-biên-

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Nam chÎu änh-hܪng khÓi tÜ-bän. Cu¶c chi‰n-tranh gi»a B¡c và Nam, gi»a hai khÓi c¶ng-sän và tÜ-bän ª Việt-Nam Çã tàn-phá tình Çoàn-k‰t, nhân-mång và tài-sän cûa ngÜ©i Việt-Nam kéo dài cho t§i næm 1975. HÆu-quä khÓc-håi cûa cu¶c chi‰n-tranh phi-lí và vô-nghïa Çó cho ljn bây gi© vÅn còn.

tuyên-bÓ: to declare, state, announce | announcement, declaration, statement

hu›-bÕ: to cancel, abolish, annul, revoke, rescind. hoà-ܧc: peace treaty. trao trä: to give back, return: trao (= giao) ÇÀu-hàng: to surrender. ÇiŠu-kiŒn: condition [circumstance, requirement]

{criterion}. vô-ÇiŠu-kiŒn unconditional. hiŒp-ÇÎnh: agreement, convention. vï-tuy‰n: latitude, parallel. . kinh-Ƕ, kinh-tuy‰n: longitude, meridian. chÎu: to bear, stand, suffer, endure, tolerate, undergo,

put up with; to agree, to consent; to accept; to give up; to receive, acknowledge.

änh-hܪng: influence. khÓi: 1. mass, bloc, volume, bulk. c¶ng-sän: communism | to be communist. tÜ-bän: capital; capitalism | to be capitalist(ic). tàn-phá: to destroy, demolish. tàn: to do damage to;

cruel, tyrannical. phá: to destroy, demolish; to disturb, bother; to break.

tình: condition, state. Çoàn-k‰t: to unite | unity, union. Çoàn: band, flock,

group, detachment, column; body, train. {orderly grouping}. k‰t: 1. to fasten together, ... .

nhân-mång: human life. hÆu-quä: consequence. khÓc-håi: to be deplorable, disastrous, calamitous. phi-lí: to be illogical. vô-nghïa(-lí): meaningless, nonsensical, absurd.

Phủ, the French army had to surrender unconditionally and the Geneva Convention (in Switzerland) divided the country in two at the 17th parallel (Bến-hải River). North Vietnam accepted Communism, South Vietnam accepted Capitalism. The war between the North and South, between the two blocs – Communist and Capitalist – in Vietnam, demolished the unity, the lives, and the property of the Vietnamese and lasted until 1975. The deplorable consequences of that illogical and meaningless war remain until today.

190. Xem th‰, dù hiŠn-hoà, dù chæm-chÌ làm viŒc, yêu-chu¶ng hoà-bình, nhÜng vì ÇÃt-Çai màu-m«, nhiŠu tài-sän, ngÜ©i Việt ít khi ÇÜ®c sÓng trong cänh thái-bình. NgÜ©i nܧc ngoài, nhÃt là nܧc láng-giŠng phÜÖng b¡c, lúc nào cÛng læm-le tìm cách thôn-tính ÇÃt nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt.

hiŠn-hoà: to be sweet, meek, mild-mannered. chæm-chÌ: to be studious, industrious. yêu-chu¶ng: to love, be fond of.

190. All that considered, although the Việt people are mild-mannered, hard-working, and peace-loving, because their land is bountiful and rich, they have seldom been able to live in peace. Foreigners, especially neighbors to the north, are always eager to find ways to swallow the land of the

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hoà-bình: peace. ÇÃt-Çai: territory. màu-mỡ, mÀu-m«: sap, juice. cänh: condition, state, plight; landscape. thái-bình: to be peaceful, pacific. læm-le: to be eager to, want very much to [get

something]. thôn-tính: to swallow, engulf, annex.

Việt people.

200. Vì th©i-cu¶c, ngÜ©i Việt Çã phäi bÕ nܧc ra Çi nhiŠu lÀn. Khi Mã-ViŒn tiêu-diŒt væn-hoá cûa ngÜ©i Việt (43), ngÜ©i Việt Çã chôn trÓng ÇÒng chiêng ÇÒng, mãi t§i th‰-kÌ 20 m§i khai-quÆt ÇÜ®c m¶t sÓ ª ñông-sÖn. Chính trong th©i-kì này, ngÜ©i Việt Çã trÓn ra nܧc ngoài. Vì th‰, trÓng ÇÒng còn thÃy räi-rác ª dæm ba nÖi khác.

th©i-cu¶c (th©i-cøc): situation. tiêu-diŒt: to destroy, exterminate, annihilate. khai-quÆt: to exhume, disinter, make excavations. trÓn: [HV Çào] to flee, escape [khÕi from]. räi-rác: to be scattered.

200. Because of circumsances, the Việt people have had to flee their land many times. When Mã-Viện destroyed the culture of the Việt people (43 AD), they buried their bronze drums and gongs, and it wasn't until the 20th century that a number of them were excavated at Đông-sơn. It was back at that very time that the Việt people had fled to foreign countries. Therefore, the bronze drums can still be found scattered around in several different places.

Vào cuÓi Ç©i Lí, vì th©i cu¶c, m¶t sÓ con cháu h† Lí Çã trÓn sang Cao-Li, nay g†i là ñåi-Hàn.

Because of the situation at the end of the Lí Dynasty, a number of descendents of the Lí family fled to Cao-Li, now called Đại-Hàn [Korea].

Gần đây nhất, năm 1975, vì thời-cuộc, gần một triệu người Việt bỏ nước ra đi. Vì sức làm việc dẻo-dai, vì trí thông-minh, vì sự khéo-léo, nhất là tình gia-đình bền-chặt, biết hi-sinh cá-nhân mình cho những người thân-yêu ruột-thịt, người Việt ở bất-cứ nơi nào, từ Đức, Pháp tới Ca-na-đa hay Mĩ, cũng được mọi người chung-quanh ưu-ái, cảm-mến và kính-phục.

dÈo-dai: to be resistant and supple. trí: mind, spirit, wit, intelligence; knowledge, wisdom. thông-minh: to be intelligent. khéo-léo: to be skillful, clever; to be dexterous. bŠn-ch¥t: to be enduring. bi‰t: [HV tri] to know, be aware of; [HV næng] can [to

Closer to today, in 1975, due to the situation, nearly a million Vietnamese people left their country. Because of their flexibility, their intelligence, their cleverness, and especially because of their close families and their ability to make personal sacrifices for their beloved ones, the Việt people, no matter where, from Germany and France, to Canada and America, receive the affection, admiration, and respect of all those around them.

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know how to]. hi-sinh: to sacrifice (oneself) | sacrifice. cá-nhân: individual | to be personal. thân-yêu: to be dear (to oneself), beloved. ru¶t-thÎt: blood (relative). chung quanh: around. Üu-ái: affection, solicitude. cäm-m‰n: to be fond of. kính-phøc: to admire.

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Sơ-lược về Lịch-sử Dân-tộc Việt-Nam

Overview of the History of the People of Vietnam Theo truyŠn-thuy‰t, cháu ba Ç©i m¶t vÎ thÀn dåy dân chúng cách trÒng-tÌa tên là ñ‰-Minh (1) g¥p m¶t nàng tiên ª núi NgÛ-lïnh, sinh ra L¶c-Tøc. According to oral tradition, Đế-Minh (1), a great-great-great grandchild of a divine being who taught agriculture to the people, met an immortal woman at Ngũ-lĩnh [Five-Ranges]. She gave birth to Lộc-Tục.

L¶c-Tøc (2) lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Kinh-DÜÖng. Vua Kinh-DÜÖng lÃy bà Chúa Long-N», thu¶c dòng-dõi rÒng, sinh ra Sùng-Lãm. Lộc-Tục (2) ascended to the throne, taking the name of Kinh-Dương. King Kinh-Dương married Princess Long-Nữ [Dragon-Lady], royal descendent of the dragons, who gave birth to Sùng-Lãm.

Sùng-Lãm (3) nÓi ngôi cha, lÃy hiŒu là Låc-Long, luôn-luôn nhÆn mình là dòng-dõi rÒng, tÙc là dòng-dõi cûa mË. Vua Låc-Long lÃy bà Chúa Âu-CÖ, sinh ra m¶t træm con. Sùng-Lãm (3) succeeded his father, took the name of Lạc-Long, claiming himself to be a royal descendent of the dragon, that is, of his mother's lineage. King Lạc-Long married Princess Âu-Cơ, who gave birth to one hundred children. M¶t ngÜ©i con cûa Bà Chúa Âu-CÖ và Vua Låc-Long lên nÓi ngôi, lÃy tên là Hùng (Vua Hùng M¶t). CÛng tØ Çó, ngÜ©i Việt thÜ©ng nhÆn mình là "con rÒng cháu tiên" hay là "con cháu tiên rÒng". RÒng là dòng-dõi Vua Låc-Long, là dòng-dõi bà Chúa Long-N», tiên là dòng-dõi bà Chúa Âu-CÖ. A child of Princess Âu-Cơ and King Lạc-Long ascended to the throne and took the name of Hùng (King Hùng the First). Also, starting from that time the Vietnamese generally claim to be "descendants of the immortal woman and the dragon". King Lạc-Long is of the lineage of the dragon and Princess Long-Nữ; Princess Âu-Cơ is of the lineage of the immortal woman.

Tính ljn nay ÇÜ®c gÀn næm nghìn næm (2879 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch - 2010). Nearly five thousand years have passed since that time (2879 BC - 2010). Nhà HÒng-Bàng, kéo dài 2621 næm (2879-258 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch), tên nܧc là Væn-Lang, kinh-Çô là Phong-châu (nay thu¶c Vïnh-yên). The Hồng-Bàng Dynasty lasted 2621 years (2879-258 BC). The name of the country was Văn-Lang. The capital was Phong-châu (nowadays it belongs to Vĩnh-yên). Ÿ th©i này, ngÜ©i Việt, ngoài viŒc sæn-b¡n, Çánh cá, trÒng-tÌa, buôn-bán, còn rÃt giÕi vŠ thiên-væn, ÇÎa-lí và thuÆt Çúc kim-khí, Ç¥c-biŒt là trÓng ÇÒng và chiêng

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ÇÒng. At this time, besides hunting, fishing, agriculture, and doing business, the Việt people were also skilled in astronomy, geography, and the art of casting metal, especially bronze drums and bronze gongs.

Sau nhà HÒng-Bàng là nhà Thøc (257-207 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch). After the Hồng-Bàng Dynasty came the Thục Dynasty (257-207 BC). Nhà TriŒu (207-111 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch) truyŠn ÇÜ®c næm Ç©i, kéo dài gÀn m¶t træm næm, thì bÎ Tàu xâm-lÃn. The Triệu Dynasty continued through the reigns of five kings, lasting nearly one hundred years, from 207 till 111 BC, and then was invaded by the Chinese. NgÜ©i Việt dܧi quyŠn Çô-h¶ cûa ngÜ©i Tàu lÀn thÙ nhÃt, tØ næm 111 trܧc dÜÖng-lÎch ljn næm 40 dÜÖng-lÎch (kéo dài 150 næm). Nܧc Nam-Việt bÎ Ç°i tên thành Giao-chÌ-b¶. The Việt people were under the domination of the Chinese for the first time from 111 BC till 40 AD (for 150 years). The country of Nam-Việt was renamed Giao-chỉ-bộ. Næm 34, Tô-ñÎnh làm thái-thú quÆn Giao-chÌ. Tô-ñÎnh rÃt m¿c tàn-ác. ñ‰n næm 40, h¡n gi‰t m¶t thû-lïnh ngÜ©i Việt là Thi-Sách. LÆp-tÙc v® cûa Thi-Sách là TrÜng-Tr¡c cùng em là TrÜng-NhÎ và toàn dân Việt n°i lên chi‰m gi» 65 thành-trì, Çánh Çu°i Tô-ñÎnh và quân Tàu ra khÕi b©-cõi. ChÌ mÃy tháng sau Hai Bà lên ngôi vua, Çóng Çô ª Mê-linh (nay thu¶c Phúc-yên). In 34 AD, Tô-Định was governor of the Giao-chỉ district. Tô-Định was a very cruel man. In 40 AD, he killed Thi-Sách, a leader of the Việt people. Immediately, Trưng-Trắc, the wife of Thi-Sách, together with her younger sister, Trưng-Nhị, and the entire Vietnamese populace rose up, seized and held 65 walled fortifications, and chased Tô-Định and the Chinese army out of the territory. Just a few months later the Two Ladies took the throne and set up the capital at Mê-linh (today belonging to Phúc-yên). Ba næm sau, tÙc là næm 43, vua Quang-VÛ nhà Hán Çã sai m¶t viên tܧng già rÃt n°i ti‰ng là Mã-ViŒn sang Çánh báo thù. Hai Bà TrÜng thÃt-båi, nhảy xuÓng sông Hát t¿-tº. Dân Việt thÜÖng-ti‰c, Çã lÆp ÇŠn th© ª kh¡p nÖi Ç‹ tܪng-nh§ công-Ön Hai Bà và các dân-quân tܧng-sï dܧi quyŠn chÌ-huy cûa Hai Bà. Three years later, in 43 AD, King Quang-Vũ of the Hán Dynasty sent out Mã-Viện, a very famous, old general, for vengeance. The Two Ladies Trưng lost, and had to commit suicide by jumping into the Hát River. The Việt people mourned, setting up temples everywhere in remembrance of the meritorious service of the Two Ladies and of the partisans and officers under their command. Giai-Çoån thÙ hai dܧi ách Çô-h¶ cûa ngÜ©i Tàu kéo dài 501 næm, tØ næm 43 ljn

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næm 544. The second period under the yoke of Chinese domination lasted 501 years, from 43 AD till 544 AD. Næm 203, thái-thú Sï-Nhi‰p xin vua Hán cho Ç°i Giao-ChÌ thành Giao-Châu. In the year 203, the Chinese governor Sĩ-Nhiếp asked the Hán king to have the name Giao-Chỉ changed to Giao-Châu. Th©i-kì ô-nhøc này kéo dài rÃt lâu, bao nhiêu cu¶c n°i dÆy ÇŠu bÎ thÃt-båi, Bà TriŒu (248) khí-th‰ hùng-månh, cÛng bÎ dËp tan. Phäi Ç®i t§i Lí-Bôn khªi-nghïa (541-544) m§i giành ÇÜ®c Ƕc-lÆp. This shameful period lasted for a very long time, with many revolts, all defeated. Bà Triệu (248) had a heroic fighting spirit, but she also was defeated. It was necessary to wait until Lí-Bôn led a nationalist revolt (541-544); only then was independence regained.

Nhà Lí (trܧc) kéo dài gÀn 60 næm (544-602). Næm 544, Lí-Bôn lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Lí-Nam-ñ‰, Ç¥t tên nܧc là Vån-Xuân, kinh-Çô là Long-biên. Ÿ th©i-kì này, Nhà LÜÖng Çang cai-trÎ nܧc Tàu. Vua LÜÖng Çem quân sang Çánh. Lí-Nam-ñ‰ y‰u th‰, phäi bÕ Long-biên, lui vŠ KhuÃt-liêu (HÜng-hoá), trao quyŠn cho TriŒu-Quang-Phøc. TriŒu-Quang-Phøc lÆp cæn-cÙ ª ÇÀm Då-tråch (còn g†i là ÇÀm NhÃt-då, phû Khoái-châu, HÜng-yên). Khi Lí-Nam-ñ‰ mÃt, TriŒu-Quang-Phøc thành-công, lên ngôi, xÜng là TriŒu-Việt-VÜÖng (549). Næm 571, Lí-PhÆt-Tº cܧp ngôi cûa TriŒu-Việt-VÜÖng, xÜng là HÆu-Lí-Nam-ñ‰. Næm 602, quân Tàu sang Çánh, Lí-PhÆt-Tº y‰u th‰, låi phäi ÇÀu-hàng gi¥c. The Lí Dynasty (earlier) lasted nearly 60 years (544-602). In 544, Lí-Bôn became king, took the name of Lí-Nam-Đế, named the country Vạn-Xuân, the capital being Long-biên. At this time, the Lương Dynasty was ruling China. King Lương brought in an army to fight. Lí-Nam-Đế, being weak, had to abandon Long-biên, withdraw to Khuất-liêu (Hưng-hoá), and transfer power to Triệu-Quang-Phục. Triệu-Quang-Phục established a base at Dạ-trạch Swamp (still called Nhất-dạ Swamp, district of Khoái-châu, Hưng-yên). When Lí-Nam-Đế died, Triệu-Quang-Phục won, ascended to the throne, and took the name of Triệu-Việt-Vương (549). In 571, Lí-Phật-Tử usurped the throne of Triệu-Việt-Vương and took the name of Hậu-Lí-Nam-Đế. In 602, when Chinese troops came to fight, Lí-Phật-Tử was weak and had to surrender to the enemy.

Giai-Çoån bÎ lŒ-thu¶c ngÜ©i Tàu lÀn thÙ ba, kéo dài hÖn 300 næm (602-939). Các quan cai-trÎ ngÜ©i Tàu càng ngày càng kh¡c-nghiŒt hÖn. NhÜng càng bÎ bóc-l¶t bao nhiêu, ngÜ©i Việt càng n°i lên månh-më bÃy nhiêu. The third period of Chinese political dependence lasted longer than 300 years (602-939). The Chinese administrators became more and more strict. But the

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more the Việt people were exploited, the more vigorously they rose up.

Mai-Thúc-Loan khªi-nghïa ª NghŒ-an næm 722, xÜng hoàng-lj. Dân chúng g†i là Mai-H¡c-ñ‰. Mai-Thúc-Loan led a revolt in Nghệ-an in 722 and declared himself emperor. The people called him Mai-Hắc-Đế [Mai-Black-Emperor]. Phùng-HÜng khªi-nghïa næm 791, chi‰m ÇÜ®c phû Çô-h¶. NhÜng chÌ ÇÜ®c mÃy tháng thì mÃt. Dân chúng lÆp ÇŠn th©, tôn làm BÓ-Cái-ñåi-VÜÖng. Con cûa Phùng-HÜng lên nÓi nghiŒp, chÓng không n°i quân Tàu, phäi ra hàng. Phùng-Hưng rebelled in 791 and was able to seize the palace of the dominating government. But it was only a few months until he died. The people set up a shrine and honored him as the "Founding Emperor" [Father-Mother-Great Emperor]. The son of Phùng-Hưng succeeded him, but was unable to resist Chinese forces and had to surrender.

T§i cuÓi Ç©i nhà ñÜ©ng bên Tàu, chính-quyŠn suy-y‰u, loån-låc kh¡p nÖi. Dân Việt n°i lên giành Ƕc-lÆp, ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ ngÜ©i Tàu dËp không n°i phäi bÕ chåy vŠ nܧc. Næm 906, Khúc-ThØa-Dø, ngÜ©i HÒng-châu (Häi-dÜÖng) ÇÜ®c dân-chúng tôn làm ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ, nhà ñÜ©ng cÛng phäi chÃp-thuÆn. N¡m quyŠn ÇÜ®c m¶t næm, Khúc-ThØa-Dø mÃt, Khúc-Håo lên nÓi nghiŒp cha. Næm 917, Khúc-Håo mÃt, Khúc-ThØa-Mï k‰-vÎ. Sáu næm sau (923) bÎ mÃt vŠ tay nhà Nam-Hán. Næm 931, DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ, m¶t vÎ tܧng cÛ cûa h† Khúc n°i lên Çu°i quân Nam-Hán, t¿-xÜng làm ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ. N¡m quyŠn ÇÜ®c sáu næm, DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ bÎ ngÜ©i dܧi quyŠn là Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn gi‰t. Con r‹ cûa DÜÖng-Diên-NghŒ là Ngô-QuyŠn mang quân tØ châu Ái (Thanh-hoá) vŠ báo thù. Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn bÎ thua, cÀu-cÙu nhà Nam-Hán. Ngô-QuyŠn gi‰t Ki‹u-Công-TiŒn, dËp tan quân Nam-Hán trên sông Båch-Ç¢ng, lên làm vua næm 939. Towards the end of the reign of the Đường Dynasty in China, political power grew weak and there was warfare everywhere. The Việt subjects rose up to reclaim their independence; the governor was unable to quell them and had to flee back to China. In 906, Khúc-Thừa-Dụ, from Hồng-châu (Hải-dương), was elevated to the position of governor by the people and the Đường Dynasty had to approve. After being in power for one year, Khúc-Thừa-Dụ died and his son, Khúc-Hạo, succeeded him. In 917, Khúc-Hạo died and Khúc-Thừa-Mĩ continued on the throne. Six years later, in 923, he was lost by the Nam-Hán Dynasty (in the South of China). In 931, Dương-Diên-Nghệ, a former general of the Khúc family, rebelled and chased out the Nam-Hán army, naming himself governor. Dương-Diên-Nghệ held power for six years and then was killed by by Kiều-Công-Tiện. Ngô-Quyền, the son-in-law of Dương-Diên-Nghệ, brought troops back from district Ái-châu (Thanh-hoá) for revenge. Kiều-Công-Tiện lost and called for help from the Nam-Hán

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Dynasty. Ngô-Quyền killed Kiều-Công-Tiện, defeated the Nam-Hán army on the Bạch-Đằng River, and became king in 939.

Sau khi giành ÇÜ®c Ƕc-lÆp, ch» vi‰t Çã mÃt, thÙ ch» riêng chÜa thành-hình, ngÜ©i Việt Çã phäi dùng ch» vi‰t cûa Tàu, còn g†i là ch» Hán Ç‹ h†c và Ç‹ dùng trong hŒ-thÓng hành-chính. TØ Nhà Ngô (939-965), qua th©i MÜ©i Hai SÙ-quân (945-967) ljn Nhà ñinh (968-980), tØ Nhà Lê Trܧc (980-1009) ljn Nhà Lí Sau (1009-1225), ch» Hán vÅn gi» Ƕc-tôn. T§i Nhà TrÀn (1225-1400), ch» vi‰t m§i cûa ngÜ©i Việt, thÜ©ng g†i là ch» Nôm, m§i b¡t ÇÀu phát-tri‹n månh. ñ©i Nhà HÒ (1400-1407), ch» Nôm trª nên quan-tr†ng hÖn, tiŠn giÃy ÇÜ®c dùng cùng v§i tiŠn kim-khí. ñ©i Nhà Lê Sau (1428-1788), Ç¥c-biŒt v§i s¿ sáng-suÓt cûa vua Lê-Thánh-Tông (1460-1497), væn-h†c ch» Nôm trª nên phÒn-thÎnh. T§i Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn Tây-SÖn (1788-1802), ch» Nôm thay-th‰ ch» Hán. Sang Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn (1802-1955), ch» Hán låi trª nên quan-tr†ng trong guÒng máy hành-chính và giáo-døc.

After independence was regained, their own writing system had been lost and no new way of writing had yet developed, so the Việt people had to employ the writing system of the Chinese, also called the Hán writing system, for study and for use in the administrative system. From the Ngô Dynasty (939-965), through the time of Mười Hai Sứ-quân (the Twelve War Lords) (945-967) to the Đinh Dynasty (968-980), from the Lê Dynasty (earlier) (980-1009) to the Lí Dynasty (later) (1009-1225), the Hán writing system was kept as the only system. It wasn't until the Trần Dynasty (1225-1400), that a new Vietnamese writing system, usually called Nôm writing system, began to develop quickly. During the reign of the Hồ Dynasty (1400-1407), Nôm writing became more important and paper money was used as well coins. During the reign of the Lê Dynasty (later) (1428-1788), especially because of the enlightenment of King Lê-Thánh-Tông (1460-1497), Nôm literature prospered. By the reign of the Nguyễn Tây-Sơn Dynasty (1788-1802), Nôm writing system had replaced Chinese writing system. Throughout the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1955), Chinese writing system again became important in administrative and educational system.

Næm 980, Vua Nhà TÓng bên Tàu sai HÀu Nhân-bäo, Tôn Toàn-hÜng theo ÇÜ©ng b¶, và LÜu TrØng, theo ÇÜ©ng thu› sang xâm-lÃn ÇÃt nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt. Tܧng Lê-Hoàn ÇÜ®c triŠu-thÀn tôn lên làm vua, tÙc là Hoàng-lj ñåi-Hành Ç‹ chÓng ngoåi-xâm. Quân ÇÜ©ng b¶ cûa Tàu bÎ Çánh tan ª Chi-Læng (thu¶c Ôn-châu, Lång-sÖn), quân ÇÜ©ng thu› trên sông Båch-Ç¢ng thÃy quân ÇÜ©ng b¶ bÎ thua, v¶i-vàng rút vŠ. NgÜ©i Việt tuy th¡ng trÆn, nhÜng Vua Lê-ñåi-Hành s® không chÓng ÇÜ®c lâu, nên Çem nh»ng ngÜ©i Çã b¡t ÇÜ®c sang Tàu trä cho vua Nhà TÓng. Vua TÓng phong cho Vua Lê-ñåi-Hành làm Ti‰t-Ƕ-sÙ.

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In 980, the king of the Tống Dynasty in China sent Nhân-bảo and Tôn Toàn-hưng by land, and Lưu Trừng by sea to invade the land of the Việt people. General Lê-Hoàn was elevated to king, that is to Emperor Đại-Hành, in order to repulse the foreign invasion. The Chinese ground troops were defeated at Chi-Lăng (belonging to Ôn-châu, Lạng-sơn), and the naval troops, seeing the defeat of the ground troops from the Bạch-đằng River, quickly withdrew. Although the Việt people won the battle, King Lê-Đại-Hành feared he wouldn't be able to resist the Chinese for long, so he took the prisoners he had captured to China and returned them to the king of the Tống Dynasty. The Tống king made King Lê-Đại-Hành a governor.

Vào næm 1075, ÇÜ®c tin vua TÓng cho quân sang gây hÃn, Vua Lí-Nhân-Tông (Nhà Lí Sau) sai Lí-ThÜ©ng-KiŒt và Tôn-ñän Çem 10 vån quân sang Çánh châu Khâm, châu Liêm (thu¶c tÌnh Quäng-Çông) và châu Ung (thu¶c tÌnh Quäng-tây). Næm 1076, quân TÓng sang Çánh châu Quäng-nguyên (Cao-b¢ng). Hai bên Çánh nhau mãi t§i næm 1079, t°n-håi bao nhiêu sinh-mång, m§i chÎu ÇiŠu-Çình v§i nhau.

In 1075, having received news that the Tống king had sent troops over to provoke hostilities, King Nhân-Tông (Lí Dynasty (later)) sent Lí-Thường-Kiệt and Tôn-Đản with 100,000 troops to fight the districts of Khâm, Liêm (belongs to Quảng-đông Province) and Ung (belongs to Quảng-tây Province). In 1076, the Tống army came to fight the district of Quảng-nguyên (Cao-bằng). The two sides fought each other continuously until 1079, destroying many lives, before they finally reconciled.

Tới thế-kỉ 13, vào đời Nhà Trần (1225-1400), ngư ời Mông-cổ đang thống-trị nước Tàu. Đó là triều- đại Nhà Nguyên. Quân MÙngc∞ l‡ «o‡n qu‚n «·nh «‚u th°ng «Û, «„ x‚m-chiâm kh°p n÷i trÍn thâ-gißi. Thâ m‡, ba l¿n «em «Âi-qu‚n sang x‚m-l√n n‹ßc Việt (1257, 1284 v‡ 1287), c‰ ba l¿n bŒ «·nh tan. Ng‹©i cÛ cÙng-lao lßn nh√t (l¿n thŸ hai v‡ l¿n thŸ ba) l‡ H‹ng-ÒÂo-V‹÷ng Tr¿n-Qu”c-Tu√n.

In the 13th century, during the reign of the Trần Dynasty (1225-1400), China was ruled by the Mongolians, their dynasty being the Nguyên Dynasty. The Mongolian forces won wherever they fought, and had occupied countries all over the world. Even so, although they brought their grand army three times to seize the country of the Việt people (1257, 1284, and 1287), they were defeated all three times. The person getting the most credit (for the second and third times) was Hưng-Đạo-Vương Trần-Quốc-Tuấn.

ñ‰n Ç©i Nhà HÒ (1400-1407), HÒ-Quš-Li d©i kinh-Çô vŠ Tây-Çô (Thanh-hoá), dùng ch» Nôm, in tiŠn giÃy. Ÿ bên Tàu là Ç©i Nhà Minh. Næm 1406, vua Minh sai Chu-Næng, TrÜÖng-Phø, M¶c-Thånh, LiÍu-Thæng sang Çánh nܧc Việt. Tuy Çã cÓ-g¡ng

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h‰t sÙc vÅn không chÓng n°i quân Minh. Næm sau, 1407, hai cha con HÒ-Quš-Li và HÒ-Hán-ThÜÖng bÎ b¡t Çem vŠ Tàu. Coming to the reign of the Hồ Dynasty (1400-1407), Hồ-Quý-Li transferred the capital to Tây-đô (Thanh-hoá), employed the Nôm writing system, and printed paper money. China was under the reign of the Minh Dynasty. In 1406, the Minh king sent Chu-Năng, Trương-Phụ, Mộc-Thạnh, and Liễu-Thăng to fight the Việt. Although they strove with all their might, they couldn't resist the Minh forces. The following year, 1407, Hồ-Quý-Li and his son, Hồ-Hán-Thương, were captured and taken back to China.

Con cháu Nhà TrÀn kêu g†i dân chúng chÓng gi¥c sáu næm. Quân Minh vô-cùng tàn-båo, tiêu-hu› sách vª cûa ngÜ©i Việt, b¡t ngÜ©i Việt phäi theo phong-tøc tÆp-quán cûa Tàu, tØ cách æn-m¥c cho t§i tôn-giáo. NgÜ©i dân Việt bÎ ÇÀy-Çoå ljn cùng-c¿c, nên khi Lê-L®i n°i lên cÙu dân cÙu nܧc, chÌ trong vòng mÜ©i næm, tØ næm 1418 ljn næm 1427, Çã Çánh Çu°i ÇÜ®c quân Minh ra khÕi b© cõi. The descendents of Trần Dynasty called upon the people to resist the aggressors for six years, but the situation didn't change, and became still more tragic. The Minh forces were extremely tyrannical, destroying the books of the Việt people, and forcing them to follow the customs and manners of the Chinese, from their way of dressing to their religion. The Việt citizens suffered under depravities to the point of utter destitution, so when Lê-Lợi revolted to save the country, it took only ten years, from 1418 until 1427, until they were able to drive the Minh army out of the country.

T§i cuÓi Ç©i Nhà Lê (sau), ngÜ©i Mãn-Châu thÓng-trÎ nܧc Tàu, lÆp ra Nhà Thanh. Næm 1788, Vua Thanh Càn-long sai Tôn Sï-nghÎ Çem 20 vån quân sang thôn-tính nܧc Việt. NguyÍn-HuŒ ÇÜ®c tin, lên ngôi vua, lÃy hiŒu là Quang-Trung. ñÀu næm 1789, Vua Quang-Trung Çem 10 vån quân tØ miŠn nam ra b¡c Ç‹ tiêu-diŒt quân xâm-lÜ®c. ChÌ trong vòng næm ngày, các danh-tܧng nhÜ HÙa Th‰-hanh, SÀm Nghi-ÇÓng ch‰t, Tôn Sï-nghÎ Çem tàn-quân chåy trÓn vŠ Tàu. ñây là cu¶c chi‰n-th¡ng thÀn-tÓc và oai-dÛng nhÃt trong lÎch-sº Việt-Nam.

At the end of the reign of the Lê Dynasty (later), the Manchurians dominated China and established the Thanh Dynasty. In 1788, King Thanh Càn-long ordered Tôn Sĩ-nghị to send 200,000 troops over to annex the country of the Việt people. NguyÍn-Huệ received the news, ascended to the throne, and took the name Quang-Trung. In the beginning of 1789, King Quang-Trung brought 100,000 troops from the south up to the north to annihilate the invading army. In a period of only five days, famous generals like Hứa Thế-hanh and Sầm Nghi-đống died, and Tôn Sĩ-nghị took the remnants of the army and fled back to China. This was the most miraculously rapid, imposing, and courageous victory in the history of Vietnam.

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GÀn Çây, vào Ç©i Nhà NguyÍn (1802-1955), tên nܧc cûa ngÜ©i Việt là Việt-nam, kinh-Çô là Phú-xuân (Hu‰), ngÜ©i Pháp tØ châu Âu Çem quân sang xâm-chi‰m lãnh-th° Việt-Nam, áp-ch‰ vua, bóc-l¶t và chém gi‰t dân, vÖ-vét tài-sän cûa ngÜ©i Việt Çem vŠ nuôi dân Pháp. Sau 26 næm xâm-lÜ®c (1858-1884) Çã Ç¥t ÇÜ®c nŠn Çô-h¶ kh¡c-nghiŒt dܧi tên "bäo-h¶" trong 61 næm (1884-1945).

Closer to the present, during the reign of the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1955), the name of the country was Việt-Nam [Vietnam] and the capital was Phú-xuân (Huế). The French brought troops over from Europe to occupy the territory of Vietnam, oppress the king, exploit and kill the people, and to steal the property of the Việt people in order to bring it back to support the people of France. After 26 years of invasions (1858-1884), they successfully established the basis for harsh domination under the name of a "protectorate" that was to last for 61 years (1884-1945).

Mãi t§i ngày 11-3-1945, vua Bäo-ñåi m§i có dÎp tuyên-bÓ hu›-bÕ hoà-ܧc Việt-Pháp (hoà-ܧc 1884). Tuy-nhiên, Pháp vÅn không chÎu trao trä Ƕc-lÆp cho ngÜ©i Việt. Vì th‰, cu¶c chi‰n-tranh Việt-Pháp còn kéo dài thêm gÀn mÜ©i næm n»a (1946-1954). CuÓi cùng, vào næm 1954, trong trÆn ñiŒn-Biên-Phû, quân Pháp phäi ÇÀu-hàng vô-ÇiŠu-kiŒn, hiŒp-ÇÎnh Genève (ª Thuœ-sï) chia Çôi nܧc Việt ª vï-tuy‰n 17 (sông B‰n-häi). MiŠn B¡c Việt-Nam chÎu änh-hܪng khÓi c¶ng-sän, miŠn Nam Việt-Nam chÎu änh-hܪng khÓi tÜ-bän. Cu¶c chi‰n-tranh gi»a B¡c và Nam, gi»a hai khÓi c¶ng-sän và tÜ-bän ª Việt-Nam Çã tàn-phá tình Çoàn-k‰t, nhân-mång và tài-sän cûa ngÜ©i Việt-Nam kéo dài cho t§i næm 1975. HÆu-quä khÓc-håi cûa cu¶c chi‰n-tranh phi-lí và vô-nghïa Çó cho ljn bây gi© vÅn còn.

It wasn't until March 11, 1945, that King Bảo-Đại had the opportunity to announce the annulment of the Vietnamese-French peace treaty (Peace Treaty of 1884). However, France still could not bear to return independence to the Việt people. Because of that, the Vietnamese-French war dragged on for ten more years (1946-1954). Finally, in 1954, in the battle of Điện-biên-Phủ, the French army had to surrender unconditionally and the Geneva Convention (in Switzerland) divided the country in two at the 17th parallel (Bến-hải River). North Vietnam accepted Communism, South Vietnam accepted Capitalism. The war between the North and South, between the two blocs – Communist and Capitalist – in Vietnam, demolished the unity, the lives, and the property of the Vietnamese and lasted until 1975. The deplorable consequences of that illogical and meaningless war remain until today.
