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s T ftTTCTTTTF JLi. E DAI journa; - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fc359/data/0190.pdf · c 7 V...

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c 7 V r ? f 1 s 5 7i T "ftTTCTTTTF "1 E JLi. DAI Li journa; 0 VOLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY,. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1861 H;Vli;EU 190. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL raiKTiD aud nrsuFiiXD bt FRKrTOCE, HENDERSON, & OnORWK, 10UERAL CFIICS BCIID158, W mm, PXTWfeKN THIRD AND FOCRffl. PrrnfTErpns r4lt7,dnlivTt-- in the city... .$ 10 en Dai!?, by mail, in advance 8 Ji Country rU.iy t n,i Xlr g uu Weotly, 1 hi arfyaa. copy 3 () In i.;bs of mv or ci'ir 1 6u . rRniittar,ci Ly luiil Li regis'tivl Utters at our ATPO OF ADY7HT:3f:Q IN TFifi T OTrT3VH.LE Jour. i.vL Fort ruulau ALViiKTii:t-:ii5- OJ square, chan;blf wc.''v, por annum ''0 00 do go 3iaftBi j' jett, annum.. Uj do do Stii-n- n do Ilk' W F.ch addition! annate, cno-hi- r th fdovp pri'. AavwrTiFjMfliit ' h i ol it intt'rvtV-- 1 tor fia'st ftuii r.i) ceni for li pp.! rriit "QW. A;mo'.inciie cnrlulatrj, pr w-- ' for eeti narae. Yeaiiy .dvartiettts ri, 'ail ethers in ad- - al twUto and nt aI? tiTnent , rherinV tnj coaucl.i-ricr- ei. , pit-i- t.V .itrift!, ei.rn, ftr timilr.r avnrt-.i'- i, not ;.nv,iiho J by ta ym. Aif9rti?fu-it- for 'in!- - :t:Lr nd, i'it ci'ips-fi'U- . ward, artd ollitir LU'tt we, an,l Lko, U.li p. iCW. Editorial notices and coinvtn.'iieat' oo, infortd in ed- itorial coh:niDt aid ii.i-n- r prcniTo privat" inter-- ciit ri" line; Ui.ee en! trBrteJ at the ditcre-'o- ti of tio ;or. Wi eoisTi:ui.uc-iirlO!- vlil Im inrtod aTilo accom-- i rt by ti:t Dv.nc 0f the aMhr. mi ari i co': for rnib ca a new p. - . nr irj 'trti oniy in tn? F.ve'iir? liit ct''VLHi i h i.i. f.bne rrvv: if l:i Til and cm! iniif tl, ,v"kr i.t-- I iu ti:fe Lreu-a- x H;HMin, opr 'oiMlh i'.it e piicf. p: rpt od Urn ot (he Joimal arc l lriritd kp. eiti'.i price. liiiaa oi' firet iouui lion &1 10 tfth f f'J Written uotio niiiflt be civoti to t.iVo iiiit fiad stop of yeany rs ta 7car m jh .11 c':i: tiil d na. tilled .F i; liOut IM'lK'C t ill ftHJ Chaff 6 ( r tlii ' war ht thi1. ifHTir fatia. MEDICAL. lC- - MAN HOOD. 0 TIIK NATHKB, Tlf 'I'MK-NT-, AND HADTCAL ( l'rK OF 91'KiOJ VT()K)i;i'JLi. O: y.'r.iinal VAr.:.tuw, Debility, tiei vourt; sj, ft. luyoliuttiArv 1q;h-p'oi- inducuig lmpctciicy i..d MciiUl and Piiyical in- capacity. Uv P.OTJ. J. CULVKRVFELL. M. D. Author r,f the 'Mrt'i a liook, fie. The inline ai(ilrahle I.?o-tir- clearly prove I'roru h own e.uviie;.ce thr the awful eiinuenc.ol' 3- - msr'bt vithoac m.iicln- - au iviMio;;t dajip-ro- u ur-- f i.a! omtiouii. hcM?iea. tit . riri.?,or cordial, pointiuc cut a i;"Je "f curtt t oucp p it.iin at id U by whfli evtir auiret, tm m:itr,-i- - wiv-i- hi- - wo r.i;y U?, rniy enre cK.at-Uf- frictifrf ant 'j. VfiU IctiiTB will prove 2. to tousanila ii'I th.!:;ancU. Fsnt icidfi ppal to any idircf. 7o-- 7rry,i, in tho rf- - ai. i., id, uowry 4Nw i ori, ro;t Uox 4,.. 1I .1 y 'r,v ,': vtac!nnt2 Feer?al RospStal JOft THE t'UKSOF PRIVATE DISKA3F.it. tinder the control of the most eminent P2jy- si. i.r.iui in fhn word. I w,. JKNTAKY. from Ixodon an-- pire ' tal, aod for lh pnt n vers of the Cinc.rintti '"nrrtJl a;i Ir. K.. tj. Into of .New York.. T hf ia t'.c or.!y olR( e iu tfte city wh-r- o n c nt iiiro of private liav- rs.i be. obtained wifh.ut he u- -f of mPTniT o' c'.ianc" .if dint, (iororrh' rurrd n to 4'- houra. JI- -- ur"d i.i to ii"1 ; s d In I to S wefliij. fu:i.sioiis in i to fcdy. Srmiual wcfiknfp cured in 3 to H wct k. .Srphilii in it rriv.- - awo uirod in 2 d;tvi. Perot'.d-ir- vim,oLj3 cj:-- . d la to 3 wpk. Bkm dl.?"-3- i "f3 iti I to v, linpofenrt' visror resforeii in 1 w All uiee.f.-- .,t in i ate Dilure treated witn 'ii.rri iiifirt'l inaJ.j or f. male. i)r. K naparTe' c fi.it work ca pnvate tba np Knid to hpith. i? binTirial ro all, leAic fnJ : ll.e old aud yount iioclJ r. ad th:i took. It will tniic'tK-- 1 lose p. ho sroj ,;i ikucas. Price 2j centi, t:it ijy r.iait. ( 'r. t.iMarted f''n-brh- t '! P-- ,- venf'.re n.-- v r b(i v iii Mu inariii lade" t o ft "b;p to :i, pic-p- i: at the fm .ird d ili;!..viM b3iu yotufticn ..'. ir lnvoi:ti Pri.n iPd'ic d ro F'r. Fr-- IN: ",t Ma S.T.M It if pT-ff,- F f;: and never li'? to n've ''''.'I.ieMCii. It ii the Aiid ?ira and eap. Tiie price of the French Parent Male if f ' the stogie or.r, r Lai idoztn, $i per doaa. tiont t v Mii'lniTie Lf?.!t r Ffm.ilf Monlhly PiMb are a reiiable. rojudy (or all iei mle lirTiid not use thm duriu prpaocy, e tl,ny will reduce mticArriaKe. Prico Si 'per trjx :xtr& fine sont to auy ddn-- hy malt. !'T9. H. & R. are tlu i.ien roii.tlt, they are nnrj-ip- . - aciciowleVt'd to ),e. tle chaiapioQ and and king and the o:ny 1'f.rtors who i'eeir. ' i"!Oi: the old woi'io; they lir.ro hnn HC- - m'juieii iioa an nans fie ot oc ji ro Tntnc-'- the dl;eajpu whirti n:':;if t miinit'.ij-l- . aud to watch tha oifrw, throecb a lon Gt pvote "ional e tioly, iu svry ph,re ot life-- from th- - abod-- of po"er.T io the ? cf the weAlthy, la iug ao?eriiu d a deant. t'je va.t 8i;(V-- . Uif of i:oma:iity, tlit y t'!G Si'iiernMre ?"p1i;ii as their'pir-iirul.i- r rod;,-, ard to derot-- V r whrtle aTrtntico to the "'(ev!aiii,n :e ef tiifFa imiortut f; ncion. So lettca vi ii le Iqc coi.t jln a remit Isocs or a wtap. C&J, or kJdfe?-- - Dr. HOVAPA'K BRYNOLPS, a. ItS SycAKicro e;4bfT, b UVii and Sixth. eat fii Ci.ieiunrOl, O. C'cft horir, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. tiu TkZll.lt ci??-- y G-ooc- li AIVD. ID. RTJI-1L- , No. $21 Forth st., cet dar to Mtzart Mall, Myt:PA CTVRV It .N! JtlPOKTCH OF ti'Kjij v:jry l? iau, KPAC- - ri.ri'i.a. swoK t), BUis ianvk; TAadi:i.5, i' n; f;t;. i! aoi u. 6 i:'"f tc. AM ardore u.ed and at chort aolice. ep4 dlf Chasjo of T (;). a V'rMivtd W. A- - GAII "H;i. ri'U he:r t:ut, and pm ch;.-- e 1 thy - nd Of SMli il it I'MriS, oi !i fi,i ol Market struct, bP'OT t wc-- .a thv Ml cei? J:tt the WMOLK-tfAL- and l'l- - TAIJ CtilMCfcKs and PKOPLCK biuU CirmrriMl wit'i ti:eir bouio they liaveagood W A"!0N-YaH- !. with htd; a accommodations for tiorb?a, wat;r.iip, sud otLer veCicJ'n. and nouid be glad to aye their olJ fnoods. V. bllANKS, H. T. HOUli, JilH, lX-- M W. A. OA I LB R A ITU. l UAV4 A choice bt sntr-ciir''- lans J 1 rv! j country acou lecoived in eicie aud tor ii) h X'ja of Cue mm! y m tore a. d for (nr.-- 1 i B tt f b R- in. 2 b'Sia d: ?aio Io to tiuKe coupisLiruent, W IILKTIN0- 3- i1' c:-- n lii 4 9hsotI:tgs; Id do M hlejKued do; & do U- -i do dij Jst rocoived aud fur B3ie by JAMJS LOW CO., 1" and wfipf atdf ftixth nt. ANHLk.3-S"O- 0 Hii:a, Bidet, aud tihoul'lera iu toie ajid mr sale by rrrirrtTTT a son. IAV.V .uFl;T:i5-Ui'' uiit:fiuoold rtcived mad aud for rait by -- lo tineas prime receive! by msilhca it aj toi by COOD & MOODY. H 16 caske ?.r3l.uri Vine; IU d I'Olt. de; 2u b';lp Malara do; In it ore and iale bv m ;7 V. KSTJ.VLL H AT.BF.HT r-- '. IT CIO 3U ca-- t r niaiiboHt and fr.r ale b) 4, IJ.1-- MilOtlli' AIlAni'.N lLOUK l'Jil bbla Mill XX Family A Hoar recti ved per Katliviid nd foi eale by A J I'W lit ( K r 4 r ( '( rncr S"onil nn Wahiriirfm 1 t"INi:i SLUAKS- - ih, ft bids li.;iti ,;V R Sft Crushel; ?rt do do i'ovilertd; lroui maitboxt and for sa!f by KAWSiN. TOPD 4 CO 41) M' la Ciover-Sttd- ; 2i baLrt no; J'jit received and lor PAe bv J.;o. F. HOWAK'j A CO., f Main, hetu or o Ti-- d and Fo;iiTti ft. LjL'UAI- t- O bid- - Baltimore A d IU do do A t;or1e d .; 5 do do A Powdered &c; Jnnt received and for eale by GARPNBR A CO. M'itING WIIKAT--,Jlii- ; b;Hh-- I pure Cai da for a.ile I UF8 U'sj Aniericaii LIoi, atOiled ie lor X X iiale low by (ill IS1 V. pIIAMPACAE ibhewe a Ormite, pinte, and octivesj in edCLu ana lor sale Iott by I0LASSK- 3- i'X Km hbla Flantat'.on; l xj xdo do- - bi s flagir-tfoaee- ; F.J Sdo ti'T. Ui whole, k'. .". ''1 W.V 5imp: for sale by CASTLl VAN. V.CKhKI.L. A t;). lLOt'R bbie Extri Family Flour (or p;t!o by X jANPLE'i 15o iJtar Mold Cau lies iu ttore aud fur eale by J17 W,KS1LL HAI.KCHT t- 4H ORIMifi SUGAK 45hhd on to iiOiippnt arid io X h fafil li Si'KKi). Main i"ABrOK o:L10 blU Biow'd lv 1 Caiior Uil lii V store asd for eale b. "ANP'W CO SfjO druuie 8t v; ua ! i'i fToie r.od tor fl) ( W VOKKfS. 14 Third st' l H'.)K K FINIS '1 LAB vfl : h'-l-f ciKvtd euyrior Gteeo ind BlacE Tew; ,(, &i lib taddit-- : HIHU.T RON. HKl SUUAKS !'fU bMs Baltimore AA o BS ft t,n.sud casifb juar rccivea anu lor uaio oy A:O W BL'CUaNAA fi CO. CLISIANA BANE NOTF.3 WANTHD by J AND W BUCHANAN A CO.. nf, ("Vinier Serotid and V. ashinst m sti. a'PIRJT?, WINKS, Frc.ith PniDdy, Scotch fc. Port, fchsrn', tiauteme. anau:w i V7e ar, ole 4fiit-- ia Lzu? Do Z i portra o: T.ai. &o. Third A .We k(yp eonrtaotly on band .7 a nuuiiw r of tn, r!bratd Raneea, and are prr) . pa1' d to put tliem up ai non. r uj.i.. t, . a vi htd- - Dfirr.e rty-- i .1 tsftiCll Metn hy iUWbON, TQDP, CO. MEDICAL. West Baden Springs, Ind. entftbllhment haa Xwa very much improved THIS i will be opeu to visitors on the 1 th t .lun: and i promise my old frlpndw that I will do all that I caa to make ttieoi comfoitahl. The wattra hav pr,rrd tiinmaelvMj beneficial to ft nat tuany of the alHicpd, and tho.'e that try them will be disap- pointed in receiving b 'OPtit. Take your tirkete at rhe L., N. A., & 0. It. rt. ortlco forOile;in.. and the bu?? will call lor you in tht uioruing and taka o t to the car, tiien to Oileai, theu by hrX to Iho iSpring lor lea. Faro throui h ati &') TRM3 OF BOAROi IVrday 1 W Per we-- k w Four wtvk- 1 ' Children RiidSerraDtrt halt pnea. 3 00 lioTva or further particular., imitttre rf J. I. Lemon, Jan;e8 , .). ii. Bchrcfder, aud teo. Welby. Direct ail couimu .ic itioua to WVat liaJcn Spring. iPlii,tm DK. .1 A LANE. Tn., Early Physical Degeneracy AMERICAN PEOPLE, JUST PUBLISHED BT DR. STONE, Fhyticimm to tUs Trov lmmf mud tfyg-itui- Institute, A TroatisB on the Causes of Early Physical De- cline of American People; tiie Cause of Kerv-cu- 8 Dol-ility-, Consumption, and Marasmus. pTTl'Lj worn in of a hlvh moral ton, wTiHon In chaot jvt thrilli.ig language, and apfieals directly to the tnoial tonsciount'.--- of At.u 1'klnt and Guar- dians epeiIU', cientillc aud reliable tt.ds and treatment lor emu. It v, i!l bo tout by muil on receipt of tieo 8am; fiypAr.nNT anu aUAUDiAiial fe.ll not to aend and obtain this book. nEYouwu Mm! fill not to eond and get thta book. rLAiiEs! yoa, too, should at once secure a copy of thU book. A Word ofSletan CoMcientions Advice to tho o who will Refioct. A cla of rosJud' prevail to a fearful extent in .loOiiiiiie at leatt youth of both scxf an- - nu-'- to an ePTly grav, Thoe diea?-?- are very im- pel fee My um'errtood. Their external mauifectation or (tmrtoiaa ar D b'tity, Kulaxation, and laa-m- or watiiiK and coouiui'tin of the r,!H o:" the vrhole body: phortn!" of breathin? or hur- - ruI breathtnij on a hi II or a ilitht of atai me?t pa';itatiou oi the Heart; Asthma. Hronchiii.-- and fOre Throat; shaking of the Hands nd Limbs; aversion to eoclety and to hi wi noes or study; diiuoetof t l.')3Sol Me.mcn-- : dizziuesn of the tlead: Neuralgic r'amn in varioun parr ot tin; uonv; ratnw in me iwk or l,;mt;t; Tjunibano, Dyfpervia, or Indigestion; irregulari- ty of the liowelri; of the Kidneys and othT glands of thf hody, af Leucourbira or Kleur Alhu-- , a.; iiuwiso Epilepsy, llyateria, and Nervous Now, In nJnety-nin- e caee out nf every on hundred all th" ra. an-- a hot of other? Dot named, a.1 Consnmptlou of the Limga, and the mfvt and wily f irm of ( ,on?7iuiptim of tho Spinal Xerrctt, known a? Tub kr$ale. and 7'fl V ndnTeri-ca- , have th-i- and onpin in of VWHwrv-rd- . iince the w:tnt of euocoiw on the part ot old echool prart ice in tr.fttin syiuntoui? only. Dr Andrew Moot-- , Ptijiciao to the Troy Lung and e Institution, ie now engaged in treating thw cle- of rood-Ti- niladiea with the uirvt petonishinK euc-c- " The treatment ad.pTed hy the Institution - new; it is based ujwu neieutiilc principles, with new discov-ere- d remedies without mineral or poisons. The tacili-tio- e of cure are such that patients can b cured at their hoo.e? in anv part oi" the rotinrr. from accuraU of tlieircase.by letter, and have the medicines gent them by mail or cypres. Printed interrogatories will be forward' d on application Efti)e,iinp'l n, Catarrh, and diaeaee of the Throat cured '19 well ;'"r the bvu'f. of patient as gt the Institu- tion bv pend.ug tin Cold Medicated Inhalvr.Q Balsamic Vapory with jiilmler, ae.d ample direction tor their use, and dirffii corrw nrtfiace. l"SrPatif-ut- applying for or anvxee mu-- t encioi-- rftnra ptamp? tn meet attention. The attending ph'iciaii will bn found at the In-- g for consultation, f:om J A. H. to it P. M. of each div iu the forenoon. (rt-- DR. ANDREW 8TONR, Puyskian tOtbeToy Iang and Iiyeienic Inftitution and Physiri: f'r dipe,-- s of the Heart, Throat, and Laoga, tfo i'iltb. ttreet, Troy, N. Y. TO rEXYEAIaSS. MRS. DOCTKESS STONE, Tkk Matron of thk I nstitction. Who In thron :hly read aid poeted in the jiathology of the many adiictive and vrostrting naladieB of more modern oripi i, will devote exclusive utteiitiou to tins cl;"s of iic?eaje.' to her sx. ;"The A.vii'lin. Medical d PourMe, a most impor- tant prerrnt'ioc lor kkmai.s, hv e priw for n. Females cau consult Mr?. lo tree otone conftdcnlly by letter or ohmoupUv. Address a Matron to tho Institution, ocr7 decdiy Trot, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. 305. 308. 1 FOB GOOD MATTSES3ES, LTIIOLSTEKY WOKK, AJD WINDOW-SHADE- OF SUPERIOR STYLE, fiO TO MAUCULLl'S & LKNTSCH'3, JtrrcHsoM BTF.nrT, wo am bids. Between Third and Fourth. CiOOnS of every rtvle and quality. 2j?AWMNlia made aod put up to orJer. forget No. GZoKCiC T. SUAW DICK POUTER. ''ROUND THE CORNER" SiLOOXAXB RESTMPiMT, fiorncr Sixth Street and Court Place, OrPOSITTRSCITi' COUKT EO0M3, Loviisville, Ivy- - SHAW & POIiTxl, Proprietor. KALS fl nil hourp of thn diy and nltht. Our Lar-l- 'i ie Fiipclied with FLdi, Meatji. Ponltry. Game, md f.'vtt-rp- tne ht in he market. In our Saloon are s be found Wince, Litiuoia, aud Cigari of the ChiCcS III iLtt: i. Sole agent- - in Kenhicky for J. T. Sandj-'p- , colfbratM Cl icaroand Milwanki" X, XX, and XXX Pale Cream and Stock Aid; wholesale, in barrel and hali barrel, or hv the hoU-e- , ChII "KOlA'hTHU! f'ORW.R." nil b51tf Brandies & Cravford9 AV3 rsiDOved to the r?w Warehouoe ou the aocth-I- vest eoiuei o Main and Firet street. WewiUeay th M chest market price for all klnda of Grain, de'mvred at our atore or at aay (food f point on the O o river. CLJi dtf CRAWFORD. POAVDER OF ATX nialitfe eonfitantly on hand and foi isle oy DAVIS A tiPUUD, Aouts for tho Manufacturer i, Louisli., Scot. 2, 1S59. ?iTe?B8. PAvia A SPCiD, Ageuta of Oriental Powder Co., Loei'vi'Ie: GVnfe We liave been upIpr your Bla-jtl- Powder and we take pleasure in ritatiuc that e find it caial U' not ure-io- r to any Powder that have ever need. AKTIU'R CAMPHKLL, Superintendent for Smith A Sinyaor. I eordKIly eoiicur iu the above and cheerfully recom- mend It io the pu'olic J. D. SMITH. I conidr the abov Powder inperior to any we have ever been able to obrain. II. FOSKJT. We taVe v'l"aiire ia recommendiniryour Indian Oriea-t:- l Kitle Poiier an euual if not sur.rior to any we have evor it bein very cleanly and etrong. This we awert afler a tliocouh trial. K.wpect fully yours, GEOUilB W. WOMACK, J. FRY LAWRKNCB, g. P. BHOWPKit, n A. KNICA3TKR, ZACIIAHY j. TAYLOR. dtr a r.ruNs. ONE EXTKA NaVV IZE KKV U.VKR 'or eale at C. OKMSHV'd, 3 2 Main at. CAVALK7 QAUNTLET3! cAVALsr gauntlets: 7K have now on hand a larce aortment of Gannt-- ' let? puitAhle for Cavalry and ottier Military pur- poses, aud for gal0 tow at 8PROLI.K A MANDKVTLLK'S. Corner Fourth and Main .Jt?., roll Cndr Hotel. CHEAP! chbaf: CSEAP! Y 0 CASH J. ftl. AIOISTROMCa,' On Mainett-eet- , opioite the National, Ie now oaring his elegant stock of MIAN'S ft BOYS' CLOTHING, K7elu?ive!y for cash. At greatly reducrd prices. MEN'S SUITS; BOYS' 8LTTJ; CIiiLDKEN'8 SUITS. mt X 2u VM? Wfcite Fish; 8u Trout; - - Juct recfied per Kailroad and for pale bv m2J GARDNRR A CO. 8. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. JJEtXlFEO THIS DAY Or;at)dleB, I swnp. and Jaconeti; Pu iu printed Krilliauts; Cni?cl:eU t'halli-- e: French and Ku;li?h Chintz and Calicoes; Bootiet aud Beit Ribbooe; Anfl & general etoclc ut I'oe,.tic and staple mW MA UK & DOWNS, 413 Main rL "XTKA FAMILY FLOUR W hb! celebrated Snoi J Flake Flour m and foi eate bv mM W. A )( hi KKIIAkDT, 417 Market f : Broome, Matt, Baskets, Moia. Ac , in ptore and for f.loh--- - fn HIHHITi' A SON. PRINTS. V7?j r" dai'y rcelvinft American prinrs, to which we invito tl" attfiition of dnalerBior ca.-- h only, as we can and will sell them cheaper than any Western house, and eau ailoid to do it. r.iH ,T AV K8 LOW A C:f. Ilil ttLfcK An excellent quality of sugar-cure- d Diied Beef for sale by rny ninmTT how. iORA'K ivf-i- ('ttrn Rcpe, aered ptzs; coils Manilla do, di ; b- do Jiit do, do A.0 V"i d jzeo Lbrdp; do Cott'i do; (!o d?; leO do for sale by p (iARDNFR A CO. UlGAK-3- 2 hhds prime IsiDdiiig troui teamer Baltic iV3 for and tzXo by m7 RAWRON. TODD, A CO. fall supply Paraffioe.Wax, Spenn,Btar, CANDLF3-- A CanJlea m store and for eale by tnH W. A H. 417 Market st. 6u bhls superior 3 and 6 year old Bourboo WHISKY ou coi!einment and for sale by aft W. b U. KLKKHARDT. 4l7Marketst GRAIN a tdsicl For Pitt; -- '4 dJ do do: a,0w a do Mill: Just received and for sale by JNO. F. HOVARD ft CO., H Ajrents for Manufactiurf. i"0 packaces, barrels and halves, MOISFS Baltic and -r ale by tt AI LEN. M'HJRK, ft HADKN. ftW tmgp prime in store and tor palefcy CORN i'ASTLfcMAN, ML'RiiLLL, . CO. mp:ical. ID Xt- - XX ALL'S Lonisvillo MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF THE HOSPITAL DE3 VENERIENS, PARIS, Mfrr imphWlil!RK thoe affictd with any S torm or Private lMeie cao receive prompt treatment without nsk or exposure, viz; Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strict-ire- . Ulcers, Tumon, Cancr, Secondary, and Conptitu-tion- S phiii. of the Kid- ney, ef. Hy this pyt-r- it ie that the veuerlal complaint firoved entirely undur the control of mdicin as 1p a common co!d or timple fever- - ?nd, while inpnlcient i rou2 ere dall pending a'rty their i ati L.f in hopdepiui'3, and giving them np only from thuir own incompetency, complete and per anent cured aro conutantly being effected at thU Inrirraar. YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. IL devotfs much of bis time to th treat me.it of those cases caii!ed bv a wcret haiiit which ruins both hoo'y and mini, unritting the urifonunato Individual for either busines or socle! v. The s:vd ttlect oi the- - early li!hlt, or the eiccfps of riper year?, are to weaken and drbilitat. the contitntlon. destrov the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural fel-iuc- and exbauit the vital enercie? of manho.)d; tne of life are marred, the ob'ect ot marr'ase flar-urcf- and existence lief II rendered a term of unceas- ing misery and reinet. Knrh perpons, tho?e contemplntinv marrire. rhouli loe no time in uiakint; Immediate application, a Dr. It., bv hh new treatment, is onablHil to inmir a pedy and rnnanent cure. DR. HALL'S AMKK1CAN PERIODICAL FILLS No article of medicine intfndei for tiie exclusive utse of females has ever yt been lutrodueed tlvat hae riven such nniversal 8(itt;ifpcion as the American Periodical Pills. They can be relied on in all c&pea of Menstrual Obstruc- tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and as fa remedy. Prtcej per mail. $1 and one postage stamp. Patients living at a distance can be curhd at home by sending a description of their disease and inclosing a tamp Medicine pent to any nddrew. gaf OiHoe No. li-- f .Jetltraou itree, between Firat ind Second. Office open from 1 A. M. to 9 P. M. diMdtf L. HALL, M. D. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by the Zffislatu:e cf Ky. For the l ure of all Private Diseases. ContMniny THIRTY fine Flctc$ arvi gnoravlnvt o the Anatemv ctnd phynWcov of the Stxual in a side cf Health and DiacaM. i PRICK ONLY TEN CFNT3, Wfient froe of postage to all parts of the Crj(w. ON A NEW MPTTIOD of treat- ing Syphilis, Gouorrhea, uleet. Sexual Debility. Fumale Diseases, and all affections of the reproductive of both sexes, the intimities V nf th And in!irltl' xrNlnff from tho t folil" of hoth l ,1 ' next, wih a fill treatise on X$ .1 ;V belf-abus-b and seminal i' V ? WEAKNESS, Ife deplorable en- - ;? ',.?J ', peuenoeo upon the mind and body, pointing oo t the antlior'a xvi "W. rlan 01 treatment, the only ra tional and Piiroeeafut mod') of cure, as by the re- - port of eases treated. A truthful advieer to the marriKl and thoee wntemplatinir markiage who entertain doubti of their physical condition. Sfnt to any a1drees in a reah d wrapper on the receipt of TEN CLNiS or N COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. Tliope aftiicted with any of the aliove diseapev before placiuK themi elves under the treament of any ooe, should nr?t rnd this invaluable book. PI Fhe Conultiii? Surgeon may be consulted dally from ! A. M. to'j P. M., on all di.eaa? of which 1h a trove work treaV; and pntifiit at a distance, hi pending a statement of their pymptoiuj, cm have to any put of the pouulry tree f 0111 damage or detec- tion. For p:rtictilari send for our Blank Cuait, i: a lirt of our terms . All It ten1 promptly, answered, and commuDicitiona coiioidered confiiieiitiaL UIL DfcWKES'FEMALK MONTHLY REGUTATOB, a paie and certain remedy for Obstruction, Irrenilari-te- . and iu t lis only reliable "preventive of preg- nancy." Cm tion. Thne pillri phould not be during PnwiNANrv, (ii they ore mire to produce Mi8ACiiLAUF-P- i ien 1 box, Hjui mav ' e nt h' mull. HEAD DISPENSARY i the only of iU kind iti the United St:itM hat rccouizs'd by judicial authority. Charter prp, tnnl. Mtu m !?titjt, tHjtuxen Mtiret and Jctlorvoa, west fide. All letters for Books or Medicine Phould bp directed to DR. GALisN'S .Tiari dtvAwpow letp Innltri)i. Ky. 23 X. "W. T3FtXOE3, .r Hftvi'ig bfCH established in Louis ville for the lat 15 vpat, and hav- - v ri in iiif ircav- cit-n- of 1he following di(,fn.?e: Scroiula, Mincer, Pile-- Sre Eye?. S phi!i-- . Fistula, and to renvve the hor.-ihi-e of Onanism, or hw riven him proof to eu.jia:n any pfate-mei-it of tle highest charact-'J- sich men a? Dr. W. L. Breckinridga, Ju;leti J. R. Ucdorwood, Loving, Jotm-bo- u, CapL W. S. D. Megawan. niTT.1 I bad Fi:tula and was curjd by Dr. Pilce, without the knile or Usbtnre, In eevei-.teo- daye. J0SI5PII YOUCE. fiiARnm rx)., kt.1 I bad a negro man wit h Fletula, and Im wa cured by Dr. Price in three weeks. WM. BAKi. I had Fistula for tilteen years, with aix op:niDgs, and wa cured by Dr. Prioe in torto weeks RILEY WILLIAMS. Iam health v and hr.p?y man, having h'n erred from the horrid effects ol OnantdUi. A. CI'IIZFN. OfRce on Market, between Sixth and Seventh etf. Addreji. enclcpipx a potae stamp. Louuvllle, Ky. DR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 2&u Pagee and ISO Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.U tVSent free of postage to all part of the Uulon.i CTV ON ttie lofirmitle of youth Y v n(l maturity, di-- the tollies of both sexes of all f ati1, caueintt debilirv, nervoua-- ( - 'I'l n'' depression ot spirit, paipi- - Vjr'"l-- t tatioa of the heart, suicidal 'v.:i"vv acintttiotu, involuntary blnph- - iijj'-.ui- detectivH riemory, inc:ge- - ' ! "iwZ'''?- lou' laMtude. Ac. comprie- - VVii' .1 rvt''11 iwU rea, and iih upvardqOi oiiehuuurHd and ty enpravinjf. Ii. a tpdh- - S pa- rontpmnhi-.iiL- ' tn.tiriae. who entertain secret u.iiht? of their pvsical condition, and who are cousci.u of h,tvir.g hazarded the health, happlnr-44- and piivijerfl to which even' human being a college fctudnt, and a Young Married Lady, full oi romance Rim tDiiiiius interest. Young men who are tiouhled with weakTie, general- ly catiod hy a bd hnbit iuyouUi, the efT.'de ot which are dizziuct'e, pains, torgtitf illness, sometimes a ringing iu thnears, weak eyep, weitkness of the back and lower extremitiea, confusion of ideas, Io?e of memory, with melnnenoly, may becurrd bv the author's NEW PARIS AND LONDON T R E ATM V, St T. We have for th" rrenterpart of tho pa-- t ver, dovotd 0'ir time in Vibff.iN'i THE LUKnPF.AN HOSPI- TALS, r.viuiiug of the knowh-- and of the niott rkilled Physicians and SurKons in Lovon and on the Co!itin.nf such men ft? ClViALE, LENUlKli, RICMKD, BRECIHLTEAU, ACT'N, and CURLINGS, of the French aud Enlidi hoepital. (Kr tour extended thronch Francs. Italy, Germouv, Hol- land, Euclaud, Ireland, Seotlaud. and Walee, vidifi ing io 0;ir route the principal hospitals in Paris, London, Rome, Veuice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac, Ac. We have been amiily repa'd byth1. additionf.1 knowledge ve hfve acjnira in the treatment of vinous dieafs to which wo have directed our attention. TlKe who place themelvej undf-- r our care will now hae the full benprit of tho many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which v. e are enable to introduce into our practice, and thepuhlic may rest aspured of the eame zeal, afsiduity, SECRECY, and attention being paid to their cases, which has eo successfully distinguished us heretofore as a Phyt-lcia- in our PECULIAR department of profes- sional practice. Medicines with full directions pent to any part of the UuiNd Stntes or Cana iap, by patient communicating tneir tfymroms by luiuess coiredpoudence (drwtlv contidential. t'sDr. L.'s Ouice is still located as under the name of DR. LA CH01JL MsTo insure safety to all letters simplj sddress TIIE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTIVLTF" 4 d&wu' No. i Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. No. 31 1 Fourth stM bet. Mnrbel and Jefferaoii, I ANUFACTURUR AND JOBBER OF EVERY ItI varit-t- of .JEWELRY. Fine Diamond Mount- ings and all the new stvle of Fine Haii'vork Ornaments executed in the most superior style, of the het material. All work warranttd. Pi .oes reasonable. Old gold taken in exchange. tuneH diy drugs, cnrmtcALP., &c fi I am now receiving NEW GOODS, Just pur chased, and would moat respectfully a call W from a' I these wi.diing to purchase fr rh Drugs, CI em cala, and Spices. I rave also In store a vorv l.rge aud complete stock of Virginia, Miaioiiri, and Kentucky Macutaci ured Tobacco, and will offer inducements to thote wishing to purchase tor cash or prompt deal'r? on time. m4 KDWA RD WILDER. KM Matnst. liLOUK A? tw hbU A No. 1 Extra Floor; ri bMp fine do; In store and receiving dailv and for sale by ANiW BUCHANAN ft CO., roQ Comer Second and Wanhincton pts. OF DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, comprising a lot of the very best brand?, such as: BREVAS INTIMIDAD: LONDRE3 INTIMIDAD; CONCHAS WASHINGTON; CONCHAS LUCERO; REGALIA WASHINGTON; 4 REGALIA LUCERO; REGALIA LOS ANDES; LONDRES DISTRACTION, 4c. Alwiiyi on hind and for salo at wholesale and retail by mi No. SH Main st, imder the Louisville Hotel. Wooden Waro, Brooms, Cordage, &c, Ar'ULL apro:tment of Buckets, Tubs, Churns, CedarOns, Butter aud Bug r Buck ta, Vooden Howls snd Trayp, Clothes' Pins fall kindf , Rolling Pius. Potato Mnsbers, Sieves Meapures, Mops Demv!obnp, Harvest Kegs. Well Buck fits, ( ill kiniat, K;vrrel Covf-rd- , Wrspp'ni: Pa- per and Ppur Bans, Children's ( :arriaj:es, Cedi Chests, Trot Liueaand Starinit, Seine Twine and Kii b Lines; Vlax, H 'top, and Cotton Twines; Manilla, Hemp, and Cotton Hop ; Brooms. Wiips und Hearth Blatk-Ing- , Scrab, and Dustintt Briubwa; Faucets, Lemon r?. Percuseiou Cap- -, &c.: in store aud for tale at low raicae by ORRIN KAWSON. Main t., b- tw--- n 'I M-- and rh. TEF1M'D SUGARS 30 J bhl Crushed, Granulated It L"f. and S ft Crut-be- Supers iu store and lor eale by IjM ANIl'W BUCHANAN A CO. SUNDRIKSY it) bb'.s An'ies: LcO bhls Potatoes; 6U blue Onioue: 2nU bags Buckwheat Floor; la stole and for sale by m John" SNvnr.R m. SiJuAK. 3 bhds prime N. O. Snsar from steamer via Louisville and MJmt hi Rail'Oid and for mI hv riRuMiR . r n.- - HAH inVAKK. SUNDRIES-Knives- and e "jVrtorki SpAde.-- and Shov- - I'iWT -- efli. Holland Kskes, OX Chains. Pin 0rie Mills, Saws, Augers and Chttelj. C"w aj'd l:ejp Bells, Anvils and Bellows. Ou hand a large asor:mcct ol Hard e.td Cutlery, aod, desirous of dlposiug, ill stll at low figures to cash cus tomers. Cal soon and icat bartrains. f5 C. ORM3BY. 833 Main st. WINE- S- 1 f ah bids Sauterne Wine; 75 cases do do; 4u do Rhine; d 6u do Champagne; 0 casks Madeira and Sherry Wine; 2u do Fort Wine- for rale by ANTHONY ZANONB ft SON. 11(1 Fifth strept. below Vain. GLASSES 100 bbls Plantation Mola-ee- s In stope WM HAY. CLARET WINE BordnauJ Wine: 15 d' superior CUrei Wine for family cse; 2?u caes Clarot Wiue; M do do do, choice; In store and for sale by ANTHONY ZANONV A 80N.. (10 Fitrh pt. rl"w Mstn. 10 COFFEE too bags strictly prime Rio received K ly tb. Ma.enta .nd ior le ft W. I-- I. STOKES, (SUCCESSOR TO B. A W. XI. STOKES), MPORTER AND DEALER 1 1ST COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery Warehouse, ISTo. 485 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, T.oiilevlllo. ISLy- - and Marmfactarers wonld find It to their L"" "ae my itock before maklug thetrpnrj will be attended to as If made in person. f3 chwes, aud orders from a distance dwAwwif MISCELLANEOUS. CASH! CASH! Great Sacrifice of LACKS. F.MHROIDFRIKS, FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS. IIOSIKRY, WHITK COOPS. LINKS CAM- BRIC, JACONKTand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT INGS. JACONET, SWISS, and LACK FLOCNCINGS, and in thoit our entire stock, comprising the most beau- tiful and rtyle?. t Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The lcdied will do well to call at once and secure the greatest and mot BARGAINS of the aon. ti I'li 11 A RT & CANNON, m7 32i Fourth st., opposite Hall. X3FL"5ir GOODS. WE have on hnnd a good stock of DRY GOODS, to t which we iuvite the attention of the trade. Terms JAMKS LOW A CO., m7 W and lie wpnt M SiTfh wt. When you ro to NfcW YORK, drive direct to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON STREET. ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN. Good CONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderate charge. Siuple roms 6uc?nr3, 7icent.. and ml per dy. Donl.ifl roome 3rid parloi- - il fin to 2. Me.ils a orderfd Tiiid Hotel hrs all thf appointments oi the b.'-- t . a mot cwutral location, aud u heated throuchout by ettan. ml d:im SAMUEL E. ME D, Proprietor. GL3ISTEAD & O'CG.WOR (Successors to .Jos. Robs), DSAT,TH3 I?J HTT5BURO AND PEYTOIJA CANpVS Cs COAIs, And Sole Agents fot the ORDERS for any of the rbove Coala reppertfully poll promptly tilled At the lowest market prices. Constantlv on hand a lam snpplvof the "PEYTON A C ANN EL" and "PEACOCK' POME ROY COALS, which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber ate have no su- perior. tjmces 3"s inirasrrei, nerween Mircer and at Robb's old stand; snd at No. 3l2, southwest corner Brook and Maiktt streets. dtf HINZEN.ROSEN.&CO. "1 CT. V "if."-- . .'tl 2 Lit J.-- Market Street, Nortb sido, betwoon Sixth and Seventh, LOUIS VIL.T-.E- , KY. tlfAlwars on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. sepJS dly MALT BUB HOPS For Sale. Cash paid for Barley AT TU I'lrvTifUi' mi m i? n nii'i i ii s ii i i i i : i . s a ii MUTII SLOE MARKET STREET, Between Sixth and Soveth. jai23 dtf JOHN ENGELV ft CO. 2?J"ES7V" OOODS BLACK AND FANCY B RO A DCLOTli 3, FANCY AND SILK MIXED CA3SI MERES, SILK AND MARSEILLES VESTINGS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And a meet complete a5Porrn',n of every axtlrle to Men's Wear, to which we call the attcutioo of ca-- h and prompt buyers. J. VON BO Hit I HH dt COm m30 CSoth nonse. No. 434 Main st. ioFFEK cuu bifc RioCofToe jnst roemved per Um- - V tioat Magonta aud for sale by m WM r.AY fiOTrON YARN 8r0 bass Tennessee Yaius, as' V sortei Dumhei's, tor sale oy GARDNER CO. C CODFISH 15 whole aud half drums iurge Codfisb J in store and for sale by m14 AViVW BUCHANAN rfl LM.')LK AND MKAL BltVES 50 doz-- u con moo and plaVd Wire Sieved just and for pale bj GKIN KAWSON. aJ3 Main st., between Third aud Fouith. CFG AH &' hhds prime landing from steamers Wood- - aod John Kauie air! tor e?.le hy kawson. Tn.nn, ft co DRY GOODS. 4.13 Main st., 413 Have now iu etoio a full aud complete stock of STAPLE AXD DQ.1IESTIC COODS, Of the best fabrics, such as TABLE LINENS- - BED I IKNB; SHIRTING LINENS TOWELING9; FRUIT CI.01HS; FINE DLVITIE3- - MARSEILLE S SPREADS: SHIRTING COTTONS: OSNABURGS, COLORt-- AND WHITE; FULL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS; MOURNING GOOD OF ALL KINDS. The-- e Goods were all bougM for cah at tbe lowest ebb ot the market, and are now otiered at, such prices at mupt pVase all parties. Call aud examine stock and price? at iai MARK ft DOWNS, 418 Main ?t. MARK & D0WNS. extreme troti'ds of tbe tiins coTrhl ns to TH!! to our trvnda and eiiHtoniers that we n.u t chanKft our of trieiK'.sa to a CASH STANDARD, and will orler all our Fancy Dress Goods, of wh-n- wo brtve a good stock at GREATLY RE- DUCED PKICK3. HAIIK l TOWNS, 1S 4 i:t Main street. 0220,000 "VVOXITH FAS I ON ABLM Clothiu and Furnishing Goods ! At great sacrilice for cash at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, Ob Mnln, opposite ihe NtitlonnI Ilotrl, FINE DRESS SUITS: FINE BUSINESS SUITS; SUMMER UITS; BOYS' SUITS; CHILDREN'S SUITS; Also a superior assortment of SHIRT 8; HOSIERY; GLOVES; UNDERWEAR, Ac, at IB AKMSTRONG'8. Drums and Fifes. t. yy The Companies of Home Guards in thit irrb State, aud in the vicinitj fV.;-1throuK- Indiana, are i expect fully notifl'-- ir. ;'Vtl,ftT 1 8Vtf ni.ide bv wiiich I be to upplv, as cheap ac V.V XPtie rheiipeHt, tlwverv l,RU.ViS and Ptffe FIEES, from the b. A Master n tactorieis mad out of inswin matlbiau Call aod examine before purchaslnt. el?e liere. WM McCARRELL. 3U West Jefferson et., bet. Third and Fourth, 15 Louisville, Ky. RICE 6 tierces Frim1 Rice juet ncfived and for sale AND'W BUCHANAN A CO., ja Corner Second and Washitieton st. 'I"MIE .OUAVE DRILL, hoinc a omplete Manual f X Arms, al-- o Manual of !he Sword aud Sabre, by El-- Vj. t'.il 'Wurt h. Pj ie 2'c. THE KO' DIET'S COMPANHV, for the use of Off- icers, Volunteers, nd Militia in tbe camp, field. Of un tht MmtcIi Price . HARDEE'S TACTjCS, with JOHNSON'S MANUAL et Colt's and harp' Carbine Price Joe. tff Any of tli above sent p'T mail, poatie paid, on tb receipt of IV cts in monny or Adln HM 1". MADDEN, 31 Third st. SUGAR-?- o bbls S'andard Crushed CRUSHED per mailhoat aed tor eaie by J14 AND'W H17 !H AN AN ft X1 T4I A' KEKKL-2'j- U whole aod half bbls Nos. 1 aud 11 3 Mt aikeret iu store and tor shI bv ANDREW BUCHANAN ft CO.. Corner Second and Washington streets. CUGA- H- 2o hhde N. O. Sngar; bhlp Powdered and Crueued Sugar, U(i bbls Loaf Supar; In tore aud tor sale by J17 MARSHALL HALPFRT ft CO. 1 fill PACKS OF HULLED NORTHtRp CORN IwU lu etcre aud tor tale by O, FHOAL, J4 81 T Third st.. betweeu Main and M arXet. "OIO COKHK- -lt baps Rio Coffee laudiug and for 11 ;ald by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. Jl Career Sxoud anj art. RIO COV f tJi bw ba jood feir aod prime Rio Cof in store and for eale by m?7 AVTVW BUCHANAN ft CO. fUGAR-UOUS- MOLASSES 75 bbls St. James Bu-- Molasses in store and for sale by a4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. V.1 AM 11 it diUeitJut DiiuiOji, ail warxautod good, for eale by J. SMITH SPEED. Main st. if ACKEREL AND WHITEFICH-i- .-l 73 kits Nos. 1, p, aud 4 ifaiLerO; 10 JfbMs WhlttBh; In store and for ettlo by m!4 W. ft H. BURRHARRT. 417 Market ft. 12 casks Rico received per railroad and for sale Itbr' tfiMl OARDNEK ft CO. TJ1CE 10 tierces prime Rice received pej mall boat aod orsa e m? COOD ft MOODY, MISCELLANEOUS. t), f STATIONERY and JKWELRY 'tt "lo than can be imrcba-- elsewhere. :;tdteyo!?orcir - baij-- e ozs .. rria'"' ''Sin JJX 3 GOULSUnS, L. S. B. de CRETY....fl. RABY, Agent), 3AS Hrren si reel, adjoining the Journal Offloc tfcS!it'v t,ir,;'Uw,ra a fii'e aortment of 3 UURORArX. DOT' K;ONE. COO MACS. BordVaux; Poniard; B rdeaux; De Mdoc: Front lpaan; Lnnol St. Estephe. Volney. I. iu de vle-de Tin de Tokay, Armairnac and CUrdIia?C,C" n ar4 dl v BOOTS MD SHOSS Sw1 REDUCED PRICES! THB subscriber hsvlnft a larpe stock of Ladies' and Winter Boots. Shoe?, and Gaiters on hand, all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reduced prices tor ca-- Gent' in n ant of fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac- commodated at thu very low prioe of $7 per pair, for ca.jhouly. Also, a lot or Men's and Beys' Kip and tide Boots at eo.'t for cash- - D. MARSHALL, d dtf Main, below Third street ELIAS HOW, jr., and S.IL ROPER'S TTTB MOST RECAST IMPROVED Shuttle SevingMachine FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75. Warranted tho Best in tho Market; Fine finished, strons and durable: wheel feed of yrat power: exceedingly simple in cenntnictioo: not a wire about it; all its parts are most admirably and ingenious ly cauuot poib1y pet nut of order, because everytliiup is permanently adjusted; none so easily and opemti-d- , and sewe the most beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alike ou both Fides. Tai lors and ail who hsvn ?eeti it pronounce It the best Ma- chine ever sent to this vicinity. Ail are cordially toeiamlno It. T. JOHNSTON, Ant, n"'dly ail' Fourth ?rrvt. To Milters, Produce Merchants, and Grain Dealers. TKT? sabscriber offers hisservicei to the Produce in Louisville for purchasinR all kinds of Gram and Country Produce. Having hd Ions experience nt the business, he feels assured that he cao trivesatisfactku to all who may employ him. He will act as p.gent for the pnrpose of buying Grain and Produce in the counties of Franklin, Woodford, Soott, Favftte, snd adjoining counhes. IIP" Refers to ov. C. S. Morehetd aud Colonel A. O. nodces, Fraokfoit; prs. W. S. (iano and I). R. Camp- bell, Georgetown. Address Y,"ILL!S HoDGES, )vldtf , Kv J. G. JACK, E. W. JACK, Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, FEOYISIOSiCOSaiSSiOnEECnAXTS, No. 618 north aids Main st., between Third and Fourth, LOUISVILLE. KY. UGAR, COFFEE, AND MOLASSES KJ bt) hhds vrime N. O. Sugar; lix) bfts piime Rio Coffie; liK) bl'ia , Powdered and Granulated Sugar; luo do P.antaUou Molasses; li5 Xhbls do do; 20 Jhhle Golden Sirup; 30 kec- - fiolden Sirup; la store and tor sale by JAtJK A BROTHER, B18 Main st. TANUFATlRED TOBACCO-- IT 1 t) boxts King Miouri Tobacco; ) do O. l'tiB do 50 do winr.ey do do Va. and Ky. varioos brands; In store and tor sale by JACK & BROTHER, 618 Main st. JEANS AN.) LINSEYS-i- no bales Nepro Joans aud (hrst brands) iu etore and for sale by JACK & BROTHER, bib Main s,t. I.rANAWlIA 8ALT-3,'.- 0(l bbla Kanawha Salt, beat bUhv and for .ale bv JACK A BROTHER. 618 Main st. tJ UND RTFS O 4u half ehe-t- s Gunpowder Tea; IU do do B ack do; fr'l dozes hker Brom ; 75 do fam'y wire tied do; Bm do Painted buckets; W ne-t- s do Tubs 75 dozeu Zinc W a 60 coils Cotton Rope, all sizes 2'J do I J p do, do; 100 boxef Star Candles; 44 do Stiir.-b- lh do Rosin Soap; 30 do Palm do: 5) do German Soap; bit baga Cotton Yaru, allnamberm; J do Carpet Chain; lou bales Batting; 30 do Candle-Wic- " 25 do Wrapping Twine: li bafcs Spice; IS do Popper; loo niati Cinnamon; '6 ca-e- Madras aud Manilla Indigo; 2 casks Maddor; 10 bMd Alum; S do Bulphur; 5i caks Nfd'-vtl- Soda 1 ca- Nutmi-.- 3J0,O j G. D. S. B. Capi: 75 g:oss MatcUe-i- ; 17 no Mason's Tarie End small BlackL-.- 2'.' boxes Caudj; 40 bbie Cidir Vinepar; EjO hes Nail', On hand aud for sale by dtc .JACK A BROTHER, 518 Main st. SPBOELE & B1SDEVILLB, Wholesale and Retail Dealors in Fine OLOTHIHO- - AND Furnishing Goods FOR CASH ONLY, Southeast corner Itlain and Fonrth sts., Jl LOUISVILLE, KY. Kar&eo's Tactics. 4 SUPPLY in a dav or two; authorized edition In a. two vol tuner; coutainiup also tiie State Guaid Man-ui- l. Price . By mall J j. Send cub orders to L. A. CIViLL & WOOD. HOICK FLOUR tt loo bots various brands Flmr: 75 sacks do; for sale by 153 IU 'iMi'i'T PON SUNDHIES-Pickl- es, flatcbups. Sauce-- raa Fruits. cf dirWut brauds, Extracts, Saiiimee, ( ho latj, Cocvs, Castile ai d Fan- cy Scaps, ic ,f sale by HTBBTTT A SON. IjMNK SUGARS Cru-he- Powd-rt-d- . Grauulated, Prewirvlni: Suxari;. al.o hue Brown Sugar. in store and lot eale by niBBITT SON. tOKN-W- W sacks mixed and White Corn in store and m sale low by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. WUNDR1ES Cuttou Yarus, Cat pet Chalu, Cotton Utain, TwiDe, Cordace, tfce., ior ale i.y HtHMT'l SON t flirt., MABMKA, A.ND SHERRY WlNLS A 12 dozen t'.ne. old Port. f'J Pi do Hue old Madeira; 12 do nur pale L berry: In store and for sale in quantities to suit purchasers bj ji J. P THi MPSON. 7H Fnr bot. CLARFT WINK3- -2 ' cases St. Julien, intage of ls67; 2l do Floriai', vintage of 157; 25 do S ; lu store aud for sale iu unntittes to suit purchasers by ji5 J. P. THOMPSON, 7h Fourth rt. CHAMPAGNE AND CATAWBA WINES 20 cases Widow Clioiuot Champagne; 2 do Delmonico do; 25 baskets Verzenay do; 25 do old iiieddrk Co. do; 20 ca s Mo. Sparkliug Catawba; 20 dfZfn Drv do: In store and for sale in quantities to suit purchaser by jlo .1. P- THOMPSON. 7ri Fourth t. (RASS AND GRAIN SCYTHES Gram Scjthed, li ) d Gra s d : lb do Patent Snaths; for sale b r. CRMS BY. CiOFFfcli Java Coffee: i hfrs Laeuara CotTee Jurt received and for eaie by tie GARDWR A CO SHEETINGS 35 bale-- i Pmn Mill ud Anchor per steamboat Floruit and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD fi oo , Asents 'or Manulactur re, W Mln. hptw 'ho Third ond Kourrh 'tn. W IjItAK oj ools A truiihod Sugar mt and ' ior raie oy GARDNER A CO. Cash for Wool. W w1' Pp lor ool. T J29 THOS. H. 1U"NT CO. "JICE 5 tierces prime Rice on coniignmeDt and for A nale by jH AND'W BUCHANAN CO. I' E- -5 tierces prime Ric in stre aud for sale bv AND'W HCOHANAN Jl CO. KEItlOVAL. HUGH BRENT A CO. have removed to west i de of ptrtt. htu-t- M:tin and the Rivwr. I JHE At 45 tierces Rice: 10 H do do: Freeh btat; received direct from Pavannsh via railroad and ior sale by JIO (jARI)NER & CO. 'f'BA 1 2'KJ wackses Gunpowder and Imperial Tea; niit chests black lea; In store aud for sale hv H7 MARSHALL HALBFRT . TVTAILs AND hPIKES i Sou kegs Nails 60 do Spike:; In store aud or sale by J17 MARSHALL HALBFBT ft CO. RIO COFFEE 100 bags prim e Rio Coffee laod'n Fivnno uliitt aod E. H. FoirxLi.d andforsaleby 1141 CooD MOODV. ttit FRESH TEAS A large and desirable assoi " 3 iceut of choice Black and Green Teas on hand I J and for sale cheap for cadh. iuL- -J J. T. LANHAM & CO., ml- - Importer? of Teas. Ac- - Third ?t. LLol R- - A 100 bbls Fine Flour: oo btle No. I Extra Floor; In etora and for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO., Comr See.And and Washington st. fAVA COFFEE Ujj mats choice old Jav In store :d for saie by HAWSOV. TODD ft CO. 1R1NTS 4 Turkey red Prints; 2 do Richmond new style Print; Revived and for t JAMES LOW ft CO., mS end K' west side SUtb st. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL A Rose oy a Chkkry Tref The Providence Post pays that about three years ago a citizen of that place found in the woods a very email wild cherry treo, a mere shrub, and thinking it possi- ble to make something of it, though be hardly guessed what, transferred it to his Kuden. It hafl grown rapidly, and U now ahou'. flftoen feet in height. But whit is mo3t astonishing in relation to it, there appeared upjn one of tt smaller of its branches, about seven feot from the grourd, a few Liy ainc-- , a beautiful white rofe of the 'djuble" ppecies alwut two Inches in diameter, and having every appearance of the cultivated garden rose Krov,"iI)S npon its natural stem, the only difre enca b.inir (hit the rose stem, which ascends from a branch of the tree not much larger than a pipe stem, passes quite tbrYMigh the ioe, and is een at sume distance above it. Near to this Blvn, on one aide, i3 another, with leavei as in the former case, resembling the ro.se leaf more than the cherry, and on this is a beautiful rosebud, rearly ready t i poo itfelf to our On the other nJe id still another stem, but unmistakably a legiti- mate Ehot of the p:iront cherry tree the leaves bfcirin but slight rtsonib'rtnce to thoe on tho other stems referred to. Thk Armti:ino Uun The iiritiah Admiral- ty, with a view of testing the res i stunt force of iron platea to projectiles fired from ritld ordnance, have lately instituted a series of experiments, the result of which id strikingly concurrent vrh the fact demonstrated in recent trials of Ameri- can arms at Pittbburg. Tho t.Ul tcvk ptice at Shocburynesd. An LugHh piper sayf: A battery or tjreet, prentinc a 8"lid front of iron ten inches thitk, vi, (iret "of all, attacked with eixy-eich- pounders of the oi l service pat- tern, but no iiiipres:ion cm id be malf. A heavv Annstruii g:n, wii h a pn jec ila weighing one hun'-irt- and twcnly-pi- x p- - uncl v,na then brought to be; r aga;n-- t the ecemingly indestruc- tible mass of iron and wood, and the tirst shot, which was bred at a range ot hunaroa yards, cleared out" one of th h plates, and at the same time tore aw ly the back support. An ordinary one hundred-pounde- ArmHtrong gun with a projccrila of one hundred and ten pounds was next tried airainst the structure, and with most decisive eUVcr. A 6erius breach was mude in the battety, which was completely brought down by a third phot. The Troubles or Texas Bkgixmno Mkx-ican- Com.uexciN'J Ilusiii iTtts. The Gilvea-to- n (Texa?) Civilian of the 21 ult says: Captain Dna'dson's company, whila out scout- ing between Kjma and (H.irar.io on the '2'J h ult t were tired upna by a party of Mexicans from the Gusrrero banks of the Hio Grande. 'I he Ringers returned the lire, and kilkd a notoi.-n- character and of bamiitii named Antonio Uchoa. The Mexicans retreated beyond tho range of the Texan ritles, when Captain Donaldjon quietly proceeded on hh scout. excitement prevails on both banks of the river. Kedinoi.d's is not pate unless under ths presence of a company of men. Captain I), in Dene vide left hereto-d:i- y, June 'J, with the remainder of his company for liedmord's ranche, there to rtmiin for the pro- tection of ih-i- t section of iho river. A company cf minute men is forming for home project inn. There were few if any etores left by the United Spates troYps on their evacuating ihe post, but very little powder or ball in the magazine, and there is now no provision in tho commissary All tho nuns formerly in the fort were removed to lirownsvillo two years ago. WILLIS IN WASHINGTON PEOPLE HK MFXTS THFA'.E. From Willi Wasbliu'ti-- Correspondence w ith tbe Homo Journal, j CAPTAIN W AK1. The two fr'ends with whom I hail come to the Yard (OwptMn Harwnod ai,d Lieutenant V'i.vo, of the Navy), were old shipniato of the commander of the Freeborn, Capt Waid, and we m ide a merry visit to the cock-pi- cabin of the little propeller. Supp?r was ?et on the email Hble, aod the Captain in hi shirt-shev- gave his me'imate8 a rm-- hilarLms welcome the proximiiies of active service, pi?t and future, giving to the convers ion between those dis- tinguished othe rs (as wo sat on the powder cm, tbe only seats for which room could bo aifordcd), a b:ickround of thrilling interest. The sturdy craft was to return ths next ay to her tkirm-- ing cruise along ths 1'otomac, and, as Captain Ward is him-el- f tho inventor of one of tho ord- nance patents, he is not likely to lose an oppor- tunity to try his guns. We shall soon hear from him again, without a doubt. i AI T. AI. HIKES. After a walk through the various founderic-- s and ammunition factorios,which are now kept go- ing day and night, we made a vi.-i- t to Captain Lv.IghreQ at bis ( fllcial quarters. The great in- ventor is too famous a per&oa to escape the usual penalty of ard he will forgive me therefore if I tell the public what it wishes to know of his personnel. He isa light complexloned man of perhaps forty years of age, slight and of medium height, pale and delicate featured. His countenance Is exceedingly thoughtful and mod- est, and exprees-- s complete unconciouc-ne- of beinc cbserved, while his eye is inevitably keen and his thin nostrils expand us ha talks with a lot k of great enthusiasm. A practiced physiog- nomist would at orce pic't b'tn out for a man of diitintrui.-he- d abilities, though his destructive branch of sciorrj would hardly be guesstd under a demeanor so quiet and amiable. MF.S. SI.KMW.K. Rut the celebrity who is moot attended to, just now, at Wabing'on, is the young w;fo who shared hor hufbHiui's dangors at Frt Pickens. Mrs. ie quile the archetype of a heroine, to voung oriicers' bye, while hor beauty draws ail tho young a tists after hor as wall the daik chestnut hair golden ot the roots (which is so exceedingly valued in Italy), making a most artittically effective "shading away" and relievo for the dazzling fairness of her complexion. lis sides ber uncommon beaut v, however, she seems to take naturally to her eventful destiny; and is always gaily at eae, understanding both herself and every man of mark who approaches her. She ha, somehow, tho ir.ddlinable look of one born under a good star; and, as a strong tign of my own confidence in her horoscope, i most un- hesitatingly shared a danger with her, last even- ing, at Wiltard's that of eating tcmo strawberries which bad been taken from the s' rye h nine secessionist.1-- In the dashing foray upon Fairfax, it appears, a few boxes of the won- derfully line fruit of this section of Virginia had been found in tbe deserttd market; arid, a speci- men being sent by a Major-Gener- to Mrs. Mem-me- r, 1 was honored with an invitation io partake. Of course, after yielding to such temptation, one awakes the next morning with an inquiring mind, (if at all), and 1 have just sent to the fair heroine tbe announcement of my own "to be continued," trusting to hear of a corresponding happy result tx her own more momentous experiuiont. THK I'ltESI !KNT. The President, of course, is not to be spoken with, except upon urgent business, in these day-?- but chance gave me a very pleasant exebnnge of a few words with him last evening. Passing across tbe interior hall of tho White House, to- ward the drawing-rooi- n bere Mrs. Lincoln was to be at hometo f few friends wi'hout ceremonv, I met the Chief on his way from Ihi to his dice. Evidently thinking that I was in search of himself, be stopped, hands, and looked inquiringly; upon which 1 in- -t rod need myself, an dogiz-- d for the interruption, and stood hack to let him pass. But, having thus been made to know me, ho took tho occasion to obviate embarrassment by a fw upt words, and erded by most courteously showing me tha way to Mrs. Lincoln's reccp ion room. MU. LINCOLN CONS1UERKT) FP.eM A 'COITItT LITE" POINT OF VIEW. With my four or rive years i f "court life" in Europe, I bad never seen that awkward matter for a high functionary, an unexpected ard brief in'erview with a utianger, moie admirably and winninlv done. It was chrac;eris ie, for there was no ceremony about i; but while it was full of tact toward m it was quite as full of simple dignity for himself. Though not courtly manner, it was what courtly manner tries to imitate a mien and presence too absolu'ely natural and direct for a Bruoimel to approve, but which would have been exceedingly admired hv a Wel- lington or a Palmers'on. It is impossible to look in Mr. Lincoln's face, and hear him fpsakafew words, without believing in him. lie looks as honest as he does tall and he is taller than most people whilo in the absorbent opanoe?s of his frank eyes, aud the ready intelligence of his features and expression, there is plenty of proin-i- e of capability. MRS LINCOLN. My former acquaintance with the White House was under the Adinioistra'ion of Mr. Van Buret), who was a widower; and, oul of courtesy s he was, I think the country may be fairlv congratu- lated on the difference, now, with a t. Mrs. Lincoln is mot unaffectedly happy herslf, and the strives to make overy one elso so; and tho presence of a genially s ei il and most motherly and kindly woman, dispensing the hos- pitalities with all her heart, gives a home char- acter to tho great White Piilace, in which the puld'C exceedingly r joices. Sue and her clr.irm-in- g kinswoman, Mrs. Griinr-ley- , mke those in- formal evening, in iIm circular drawiug-root- attractive to all stranger.-- ; and, favorite calling-plac- e as it is to the distinguished men resident at the Capital, the conversation there is proverbially gay and agieeable. The Pre,-i- d en t, in fact, is most popularly supported it hme. TUB lvrtRIAI. ArrKAItAN E OF THE WHITE IlolsE IN WAR. Uutil row, the manion hasalwuys seemed to me slenderly served the ono or two s'aabby-foate- d tervan'.s, who were to be seen oc- casionally in the lonely corridors, not being enough for the proper siatelines cf the dwelling of the Chief Magistrate. But il is surprising what an improvement is m:de by ihe multiplying of uniforms and sentries. The noble gales seem for tbe tirst time suitably attended, and tbe thick sprinkling of officers, among the crowds in the balls ai.d avem .8, accord rih1 y with the. atchi-tectu- and associations. Wuh the p!a'ing of the red coated Marine Band in the roubds, the other afteruoon tbe gav croud of ladies and sol- diers, acd the PresideutTs fani'lv in the half circle of the balcony it was really dirBcult not to be- lieve one's self in Vienna, the M'hite Ujuse, for once, looking tuinptujusly imperial. Madame De Stael was a pitiless talker. Some gentlemen, who wished to teach her a lesson, in- troduced a person to her who, they said, was a very learned man. The g received him graciously, but eager to produce an impres- sion, bogan to talk away, and asked a thousand questions, so engrossed with herself that tbe did not notice that her visitor made no reply. When the visit was over, the gentlemen asked Corrinne bow fhe liked their fnd. "A most delightful mau," was the reply. "What wit and learning!" Here tbe laugh came In the visir waa deaf and dumb. A raving lunatic in an asylum in California was rest red to reason oy teeing her father, from whom she had 1 ng been separated. We know a manswho was brought to reason by hearing his wife 'a voic in an adjoining room. THE ARMY of the UNITED STATES Pvadway's Ready Belief. INFORMATION FOR THE WAR L'KFARTMKNT. Testimony of Field Ofllceri Oinpany OIHcew, ad entire Kcglmentfi In favor of the GREAT PREVENTIVE AND RESTORATIVE We propose IocCt, in a few br'uf paraCTuphg, Ftir proofs of the efficacy cf HAD WAY'S READY RKLIEP ai a preventive of nnlcnve for the dWeaaes to whirh bcdlei' of unacctiniHted mt'n are peculiarly subject in warm latltntlrs &s cannot fil to eomniRnd the atteo Hon of Paterual Government anxiou to protect tl health and lire of thy ten of thoundj of brfive and patriotic citK?nt who have lsit and are daily learlntj thir hfnip, their famUie, aud their busintaj to ti?l In ita deft do. According to th? tretimooy of eminent mllitarv mro of army Burgecoa of l.Igh ftauding in tbe rrof ion. and thc'u ands r.f prUate soldiers, RAD WAY'S RKADY RELIEF hs already b.en of immense beneCt to tha aick anvng otir gallant volunteer soldier in CAMP IN TUB BlVOUAt;, AND ON THE MARCH. 'iue aunjoiued euinmiry ol tacts, winch we fu'Iv Invite the Government to rerify by application to th1 par. let nmeJ, includes tut a rraill portion of the voluminous to the ?Rne effect iec-- Ived by uj within a few weeks fnm various beadi aartf ra of maiit3 acd detaehmeuta in the service of the I'jitoi ttti a: TI3STIM0NIAL NO. L From the Niuth Regiment N. Y. Voluutoerj (Zouve) Col. Bu?h n.iwkiud, of tn reyimeit f a' Tiartred at Newport N writes us beetowinr? the strongest en conimms on the Keliet, aud It, 'roru tt experience of liluailf aud olnoer, aa "a mo3t valuable addition to the army mediclue chi a." TESTIMONIAL NO. 3. Major Llaolli, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces the Rb- - Licr an excellent medicine" for the army. TESTIMONIAL NO. S Col. Geare Lyon, of tie Eighth Reiritneat N. Y. 8. M., all Ida drivers, and b0 private, endnrie the ReJu f in thn mojt uupliat'c ternu, aud euggeit it immediate introduction into the medical stores of every branch of tuessrvica. TESTIMONIAL NO. 4. Surgeon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phe'p, of the First Rppinr nt of Vermopt Volunteers, warmly ap- prove the Relief, and the regiment has tiken with it to the add a eulticient supply for preient use. TESTIMONIAL NO. 5. Captain J"ha Whitiocic, Co. I California Re.iment stationed at Camp Vatwa, Stateo leUcd, says that, on the 5ih of Ju oe, 1SH1, he admini tercd the Relief t for ty men cf bin company w ho were laboring under severe a'tacks of diarrhea aud dyeaiitary: that its remedial effects wert immediate; and that a majority of the pick EErOBTKD fob LC-- tue SAME AIT:Boo'. He there- fore recommends its addition to the medical etores o( the letfiment as a measure of thi "hi; lite t importance.' TESTIMONIAL NO. 6. The military editor of the New York Sunday Atlas testifies cn behalf of members of the Seventy-firi- Flth, Si ith, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- h Regi. ment.', to the beneficial t Gecls of the Relief in "dozeua ef cauts cf Ad a protective against aod remedy for dreentery. diarrhea, ft ver and apue, bilious, yellow, and other fe-- vm, and of the cffjcT of miama, unwholesome waVr, and exceed re heat; as a geDernl iuviorant aud r atora-tiro- ; find also as an external application for reducing the ior) am mat ion of wouuds, ihe Reiitf Is iufailinle. When adiaixictcred internally it instantly arrests pain. TO THE PUBLIC AT HOME, The us1 of Rad way's Read Relief ii f equal impor tance In th domestic circle. Every family should aet-- a snppiy of it In the honie. It cau be uaed for so many complaiut and adment, aud will in all cases give ease and tond'-T- to the sufferer. TAKEN INTERNALLY, jt will in a few minutes relieve the moat severe palus occneli'ued by DIARRHEA, CHOLFRA MORBUS, COLIC, FE VER AND AGUE, SICK HEADACHE, HEART- BURNS. CRAMPS. SPASMS, PAINS IN THB STOU-AC- AND BOWEL 9, PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, GIDDINESS, MELANCHOLY, HYSTERICS, BILIOUS COLIC, WrEAKNE8S, LOW-NES- S OF SPIRITS, SICKNESS AT fcTOMACH, and wiil, with a ft:w tunes udiug, cure tiie most obstinate caBce. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, It Immediately relieves, and will in a few days cure RJEUMvriSM and all RHEUMATIC sff) tioup, GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDEN COLDS, HOARSENESS, SOKE THROAT, DIPTHE-RI- INKUENZA, SUN STROKE, tiEADACHtf, CA- TARRH, PLEUnlSY, TIGHTNESS OF 1 HE UllSbT, BITES AND STINGS OF MUSKETOS a' d other PAINS IN THS JOINTS, HARD SWELL- INGS, LUMHAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN IN THB KIDNEVS, WOMB, SPINE, Ac, SPRilNS, STRAINS. WOUMjS, SCALDS, aud BURNS. Ltt Radwaj'd Really Relief be applied or taken internally on the first warniug given of slckueB, and no uitt' r what may be the ( f tha threit jued diaeitie, the Ready Relief will break up aud arrt the proves of tbe dieease. A mass of evidence so direct aud concliLdv? aa ti e above, emanatinc from military men who voluoreer it so e&rnottlv, and who testify trom pprsonal xverience, can scarcely be disregarded at Waidduptoo; aud we cannot doutt that the Govercin nt, ou loo Li ig iuto the facts, will deem it expedient to snppl. the stationary rcdiitery hospitals aiid all regiments in the field with a protective aud remedial preparation of sacu inapprecia- ble value and utilit y, BAD WAY & CO., 23 JOHN STREET, Now York. H.. XL. IMPORTANT TO THOSK AFFLICTED WITH CHRONIC SCROFULAS AND 8YPHILITI0 DISEASES. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT 18 THE MOST PERFECT CURB FOR SOKES, SKIN ERUPTIONS, ULCERS, FEVER SORES, BALTRHEUM, (IN ALL ITS t OR MS), SORE HEAD, CANK- ER, AND ALL CHRONIC DIS- EASES KNOWN TO MEDI- CAL SCIENCE. IN A FEW WEEKS. Thoee who taVe Reno vt ing Resolveut will have rich, pure, and HEALTHY BLOOD coursing throuch their ve'na. PURE SKIM CLEAR COMPLEXION. The con- tinued uae of Rmlway'i Reuovatirg Resolvent for two or three weeks will change a rough, sallow, discolored and unhealthy tklu to a clear and healthy complexion. Ir f tnU and children afttlcted with Red Gum, Sore neads, Erup'ions, ar.d Breakinga Out, Cancers, &c, will derive immediate benefit by the uee of tho Resolv- ent. RADWAY'S RRNOVATINO RESOLVENT IS A GREAT LUNG AND STOMACH REMEDY. Rvi Coush, Hacking Dtr Con?li. Stitchiuc orWrcnUi. Ing Pains in the Side, Suddm Paina around the Heart, Shortoeas of Breath, Ila-- Bnratbing, Sharp when taking a Long Breat1-- , and all other painful symp toms are quickly removed by the Renovating Hin'viit. BRONCHITIS SPITTING OF BLOOD. Io all caes of Bronchitis that we hava koown the Resolvent to be uned for It has quickly cured the pa tient it never fails. LIkew iae in Hemorrhage from the Lunga or Throat R R. Resolvent is the motsafe and p rompt st) ptic in use. loose atllicted with of long standing are especially racommendrd to it as a never-'ailin- g remedy. Price of R. R. Resolvent Is $1 par bottle. Sold by drufglate and dealers everywhere. RADWAY'S REGFLATIXG PILLS. HOUSEHOLD BLESSING NO. 3. RDVAY'3 RKGrLATIVG PILT S are tho rKVoe- - etab'e subatitut for Calomel, Mercurr, Anti .oouy, anu tiier kindred miueral poisoua in Ralway'a Remdating Till are eleddntly coitted IMi M.dicrttod Guin thirt Fills lu each box aOre from oue to sx - wanautcd to operate in jix hours. RADW.W'S RKOULATING PILLS ARE THE MOST FEU KEC PILLS IN I n !', and the oulr mils that po?seKn anv new medicinal v or regulattnrx powers that been diacoveied during tbd present century TUE WEAK GROW STRONG. Th firpt do-- e of Radway'a Pilla tows the reel of halth iu the ei k and avtteni. and in 6itQ ciiautff s'ter a doee is swallowed will c the of disea: io six bonrM an evati atiou irnm tne bowels Hill follow, wl.eu the uit'ent w.li grow btttn evtry day the patient wi I tain strei ?th. The tick tie ie b althv and the teeble strong; evcrr o gu In the dicKftretl body ts rtstnitated ith new life and vior. and he.il!b and will rwtni throughout the hole-ye- tt m. 1 ha liver win be repmar t!i excreting bile, lli akin reilar la its fiiucttoiu. aud the hen-- r ular iu it beatiiiKs, the pulae reeuitir in it motinnr, and the biwi- - regular, at a regular hour, in diccharlig their touteut1. Let all who hve ccccion t tuk jliyric taV a dose of Ridway's P'lls If vour pyeuin a out of oider, or ihrte of tadway'a Pi Is will eatablib!t regularity. The filtowin ailments Rdwav's Pills w 1H quickly cure aud free the at Btui from all irritatiiiK humora aud leave evtry orgau of the body in a natural aud healthy conditior : Constipation of th Bowel?, 'Ilvaierls, IiMliLimati jd of the Bowels, Wlnte', lu i nuujati0,i tf Kiiueye, iiriieuzi, luatiaccc, NTvoua, La, bick, KlJuev Comp:ali tg, Mfaalee. Hladdr-- r Cemkiaiute, Saisil-Po- iludicrttiou Dropsy, Bcarlft Fcvur, Costiveoesf, Typhus Fever, Biiiounvae, Flt-- isv, Dyppeusta, Fever, Lreguiarlry, Heart Dioeaee, CMTCaXTBY IH4IM. Lo--e of Appetite, Lotf of Mtmory, Loee of Energy, and Lot of btrcatth, IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Ladies suffering from Irregularities, Monthly Suppre-slon- Retentions, Ac, should take one or two of 's Regulating Pills every night for one fck before the expected period. They will remove all dUeaaed ob- structions acd in u:e a healthy discharge at the proper time. Price of Radwaye Pills 25 cents per box (coated with pleavaut o take; 30 pi'le in each box. bold by Drg:aLj and Merchants everywhere. RADWAY A CO., S3 JOHN STREET, New Yorlt. E. WTT.DRR. Awt. TntsvfUe liiSi dlstpeod&wlamly To CttsU lingers Great Intkicements ! TE ARE OFFKUTNO IR LARGE AND AT-tr- s live .t0"R ,1 PaM'Y ni'L--n GOUS at a VERY I'I f. A k' RMhUt-Tltj- FoR CASH. O.ir Imk M Krt T C ST - K U oi. oi t!u larft. at iu the citi , cou- Now York MiM rnd Wtr-tM.-- r ShHIn-- , Lot piinle nod Engl ah LontrcioTh Slili .ing, Uoi au i Bnu ciiinloei", Wani t a a' d S niprr Id. m SlditingF, Irich Li"- na an t F'Outj, lu 4 L'fic-- and Urd tlf bliei t'ngs, li-- l and ki i Liucu bJtttmt-- , Tale Datnalt3, Napktni and Do lee, iar- - i) h mid A l! nd de S tread i; All c hr Kp i'cL FjauuHl-"- , Wuite Gooda in vrity, Gio"' s and U ""drrv, I'ara-- lr a;d K'nn", Mu krt.-- . Nttt.ln'F, To all of which we ask the ntt'-- i t'oT of ch huver.-- . AT WAR, PRICES ! Carpets and Dry Goods! CURTAINS ANT) CTRTA1N MTEUTALS: TARLK AND ALL OTHER ORADKiJ LlMuNS; FLOOR 3. a'.l wl Mis: EVKKY DESCKlVriO 0 CARITSTIN1; P.'. ATM Ftf.Vi.v I'ltirmnida. AIN BLACK SlLiCfl. atoiv mJ LAWNS, CCRKGi-S- . WHITE (iKJDS. &cj BLEACHED AND BRON COTTON 3; With a full ftck of DOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTING, Ac, &c.( Which will ba sold low by c. ciivall u co , J'Jl jib 3i5 Ma-l- rt., orroaite Bank of Kentucky. NEW STYLE STR W MATS nA neived Jiff at FRATHL'R A SMITH'S, - j'J2j&b iiJMainat. ' Kt1. 1' V A i TV U 1 Il HT AND t rvived PKATUER A SMITH'S, rfjy SILK AND CASdiMKR-- i DKEs HATS, i;.J leal tj les, at PRATHER ft ou We arc Juct in rrcipt ..f a laru and buifu! Tf stock of fiooda fr Sinnn:r w. a- -, coni-rin- e in pi-- cf L a on. btraw, Pui.nii. Florence Urid. and bUKhsh Straw, ail ol tiie Int.vt etvl and h ft mall tie. A. RAIG. Alb Ottwt a d F t. BOTT BATS A ctlrci c lord Frcncli lienvr F"t, tb finest Hit ill tovt'.auri tHfi must. ht,tntlfnl In alior.a la ouiy at - lA1! A. f'FATO'fl In Silk black w iHim-n- -. nd Murk anrt dr;b IVavt-r- . rf the latin and no approved sfyl"", reiidy ffr cur naiea thij morning. y.)&b A. CRAIG. CAVH CAPO, TnRE Can m -r lrtdi vidtfng the Noihiiie pre'ii-- or mure cicveuient cgd be worn. Io he lound ouly at A. CRMO'S. GREAT REDUCTION! Engravings, Lithographs, Gilt Frames, Locking-Glasse- s, Walking Cam. A flue assortment, sj.d CliEAPPZR THAN EVER. hiiu r;. V. I'lnrkei and 1'rrHit.u At UlND A KNUFF.L'3 STATK Ol- IUK lOtMUV. rpHE PANVlL1 E QUARTERLY K1 VIEW for a tun od the bUto iho Coa.iir , Just iv A. DAVIDSON, J3, jAb fU.3 (Lira VarVt SOFT SHELL GRABS, DIaltby's C. S. M. Cove Caters, WOODCOCK, rKOwr LFflS. tiil Kr.N'. tQL'AHS. YOUNa SOUIRRKT 8. and all o;hrr dvlicaclm of 'b r" id iaily by Exr-res- at the ST. CHA Hi A S. fl th etre. N. B.DAYTON ALE ad PORTER for sale at tbf ST. CHAKLLb. M. C. RAMSEY, Removed to Xo. SIS Fourth street, opposite Tripp & Irak's Music Store, WHKRE he if acsin ready to wait on Ida friends wlM of Watches. Clock, Jewelry, Silverware. TaDlo cutlery, rine spectacles, fitc. MfC'Stepr than err RKPAIIilG IN EVERT DEPARTMENT I take this ocw-lo- i to rvturn roy tbink to thoc. who so uoblv r. i't-- in cutiuk my od? tromthatiii that ewfyt me from my old etand uj Main ''r.- t. H. OREVB W. RCHEI.AGS. J. r.SCHMAN' GREVE, BUHRUGE, & CO., WIIOLKSAI.rE FABIOH FUSFITU11I Manufactui'era Cabinet-Maker- s' Materials, Qrccn stroc-t- , between Clay nd Shelby rtref I.OUTST 11.1 .K. KV. GOLD FOE PAPEE. BEST AND CHEAPEST VOGT & KL1NK, PXancfacturors, - - - SSii Third t Respectfully ofTr for lorpcctfon ad sale a lari aad splendid RjiioiXinent of T E3 in Tj "3T, of snporW workmR(d:ip end '"ashiTiablfl styles, I! nnd. t,orai, (..arburtcifl, , c. arTlci rwal fcood, line, and and evryhinr t'touKlDg nur line, ot isaropcan lopoit, cew York taonc, ar our own makn. HaviuK been induct d by toCLOSK OU nd bc.l) at any rate rn'her than good, and, 0 ias to the hard thu's, d"c!rou to LET N'J CAbH CUSTOMER GO on the score of invito our friends and tt tubuc to call and cianmio our stock, and rei tawarti hat their wa;-t- anil withti will and ahall he Kratifie- at VOOT & KLINK'd, Walker's lxcliane THIRD ST., PET. MAIN & MARKET. St? IP XI. 3 Gr IjBG-S- , First of the Reason. U8T d a fn" rt of TROG LFHS. PPRINr MALLARD LUuKS, POTOMAC SHAi, 6AI.M0N KA33, Ac. PArtif? and fairdh- - pupr'-lt- with everything In ou line at the uorttiet no Jcc ,J')IN CAWK1N to CO-- , a3JAb TTurdst., bet em Main and Markflt. N R Tnet a Uren of LONTtO. DOCK HKANDY, (;LI) OTARH. fine MAI .'ERA 8 an LADIES, ATTENTION ! 3ST1CW GOODS AT THE Oboap JJaoe Store. 319 FOURTH ST RLE T OLD NO. tVj. UF.CEIVTD IY EXrRESJ JU'ST IN KAN I S' I. At E APS: HLA''K RV.PE 'f (LLARS; LINKV PETP at Ml . t. M AKS I". I LLCS t;ETS at So IX) ( "( 'LLA R3 at. ly c?; LINEN COLLARS at ly ct?; Ac. CHARLES V. RAUf'HFUSS, New Books New Uooirs. HISTORY OP lilE UNITIlU NETHERLANDS MT1S ON Si'RtPTT'RJ?. bv Tn I Jmes. t3 ft. THE RIBLE AND THE CLAS3K 3. by oj Mead . ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN METBOPIST PU1 FIT bv V. li. Spri"!., l. i MACAULAY'S iildloLl CI L uLAND. V,-- t 4 c. WORKMEN AND THEIR DIFF'CJLTII, by Mr Bayb-y- . 6 c. 80LMLKV AND SAILO-- TEXT DOCK, by Re. J. R. Macd id. D. O G'DEVS LADs'5 bOOJa for M27. Just reived by A. DAVinrfOW. COLLJ PITTSBl'FO, PSACH OnCHAUP, COAL! COAL Of the Wert qaality and at the Icwvrt priua, for eah W-- t of Thhl vp Jl"rt Peceiveti, nARPBR'3 HAUAALNH tor Jiuie. !MJ.t A. DAVIDSON, DJSJSt) 8U3 Third tit, ot Ms aai. AUCTION SALES. XL Itdt B. O. Henrv Co. Jy:vut oL to USEFUL AS KILL AS i;!,Uy.KVfAt rhristma? and ew Uht9 Presects WM. KENDRICK'S, t35 Third t., botween t Vara. ft M: tnt ,?f P A WATCHF8. ,V JKWKLR?. 8ILVRR an-- A PiA'fr.r WAft. Wai onyw mor eoP.pietfl than at pnt :1a . Mfww! CTjOTHINGJ CHEAT! heap: veuv rnpi Clotli Coat, W(Tth for Clo'h Oat worth f.rt- - $T; Oth Coats worth H'a for ffl; CoiTs worth S i far Coat worth 7 for ipl B: Linen Caats wonh fiom fti '0 to at. 81; Bum er Wets wonh fiom a to i ,t Th" abov (tod-- . a HHU out of styl , but good,' a Me at He tea, for sal? at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, W On Main et, opposite th National. WALL PAPER WAR PRICES We have still on baud a good assortment of th above at VERY LOW PRICUL Window Shades AT PRICES TO SUIT TH3 TIME1. Give us a call before ptirehaalng e'sewher; . LAPP & brctiieu, 303 Fourth street, DETWEEN MARKET AND JEFFERSON STREETS, Jx$ door to Fond a Orocery 117 dUfitc FOR OA.SH. MAKSHALL & DICKINSON, PJo. 217 Fourtlt ratreot, BETWEEN MAIN AND KAtthJST did., E ARE NOW OF PERI NO CRVT INDLCE-- " menu to bur ore in CARPPTS. CTICTirNS. n M.Olt Oil,-- '. LOTflfl, KL'l-- r Anu M T '. It It IA AND lflAaKH, L.ACA. C It ( A N- - iA K I (KIDS of evnry dcecrirt'on for family nee, at very low pricee Ur cash and ca.-- h ouh . MARSHALL A DICKINSON, iW 'i17Ponrth r... hftw-!- i W:tfn nrt MatK-t- . V O f U JAR 3 0 hhdj Irom fair to c1 ooe tn stare and lor aal bv A i.pn vriortF. 11 nrv. 1)L.N I'A'i'lUN AlOLAajjEti-bl-- y b! In 111 .tj.e and M.1M bv T T.FV MnPF. t n FC. (i-rEl- i a6 bgs vr .u- - lio tt t v ih rrif (ItanuUUd, ad C rTt Su a1- n tor- - va iala bv lull ALLEN, MOORE. 6 HADN. ARI OIL 44 bbls rtcdved Oil concLjuiiteut in ft re aud tor alA bv iyt AT.fXN. MOOF.P. II AT FN. WHOLK8ALi5 AND RETA IL UK'JCLUV, r'LOUIT. No. iWS Murkt rtrwut. bi1- u LTLOl K dl. bb!s Arcade Mi'; )1 e.itiA i;ur t- a very superior ar'ir.lc tp storw ati fnr sale by AND'W UllIIANaN a k,j . 1 LAi'KHLUK V WINK A ctioi. nicir 01 iry I HiackiMjrry Wine In Aore and lor b rhr bar- - by UNiRIKe to (X) hbl- - No, 1 Salt- 2'i bh- - f nhlf salt In small bigs; 6i Cider ViriHuar: 2' bf.li lr,;e N . 3 Alickr!; SO y.(lolaref No 3 act; iij bbls n.cdiuni No. 2 do; Lio V. do No. '2 do; M kitj No. 3 do; Iw boxes litj-rln- 7S catKd Soda; as boxf;8 Soda In ltb papers; h'.'A) do Stone pipes, MI,0itu G. D. Caj; lWJ,0iW S. B. do: 2' boxits Lutltr's Plackiar; i do quart Fla(, 3:) do pint do; 10 do Hp'.nt do; 'n rtore and for sale bv IAK8HALL D ALBERT A CO. JjJ SI.'Mp;,. JVA COPKEE afi Hiperior od Jva C.ff e and for sale hi TJ NDTv ff ') IV AILS Ni kcp Fai!e, aworti d, jut mcivrd per 11 etean (r Rolianc-- and lor enif 01 I OLASSES- - 1 bills piiroe Flaotatlon MoIaeB: luO do do do tloT for sate b7 ruS AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. OAK WELL BUCKETS Si dzf.n Oak v.t-I- I various kindd, just received and lew by (JK'.IN RAW 'Z' lN, Hn KZX Main rt.. K-- n Tbi a1 . ISlI Sareon, Mitckervl, H"rrins, and Sardines In 1 rackaces and on ratal! bv PRINTS 1 lu c&m Hamilton purple Print ft do do fancy do; 26 do new style Sprauur'c do; 25 do do do Merrimack Prlnls-2- do do do Spriuft Dreae (aooda; art reaaved and for sale ky JAMES LOW & CO., m B" Dii ii ii wot k - LINE BRANDY, WHISK k, &c- .- IU dv.t-- raift Coiraitc Itraud -. lt do old Bourbon connty Wlilsa, t( do old Au;.lt Lriiidv; 6 Ho Whitney's Cub House Oia; 6 do cid Jaiiiiioj Hum- at mT J. P. THOMPdOI-rg- , 75 Fo.uth O PICKLES AM) CATCHCPS-EmcIi- -'a CHOICE PickU's, Calclui;-- , Sauces. Prwi vts da, i!atine. Chocolate, Cocoa, ie., ju .U hv Tiwil 111BKITT & SON. pLOVER-SEED-7- bajrs prin.e ClJVBr-Sst- 4 Jurt and tor tale by JNO. P. IK) WARD A CO , fIO COKFEE m: bairn good to etilCtiy pilijQ KiO 11 Couee in store and tor pate by AND'W BUCHANAN & CO., it? ConiMr Krond ami w-- h JAPES Lillin'a ehillpd iron Firt and Rurtdai I'lof ' Shi'ms, with his clebraKvl conbiuation u k. on th:n;, store aud for sale at the inaimfacturt-r'- rrlct'. by w. n U!',i,knap ro. rllRESHEtt ne second-han- d Thrrsli-- r for sate C. OUMtB.'S 110WINO MACHINE GRINDSTONES - P.Vcr.t 1 GrindnTone, for grindfriR tilalea ir t t.n a- -d inrf fnr .) h- - f "8 ' i W Chairs. LARGE aseoitruent ol HUM in st'-- and for V sale by UL'uH BREST a CO , iri Second Ft. hfrwMn yi" at'1 Kt T. L I O LASSES- bhls Molasses: 80 qhi Siiijar House MIasfet; M bbls do Binip; n ptore aud for sale bv ji7 MARSHALL H ALBERT A CO Fresh Blue Lick Water I N store aod for sale by ! IIUOH BRENT A CO., it Ro. .f y,,, i, , , n i r"f COU - i.'M--- uatf - hilo and mixed J shelled Corn in storw and for e!c bv A N D V BUCHANAN A CO., ml7 Cornwr of Second nnd -. TOR SAXiB CEEAF: NE SE.ONi HAM) MUNN A CO. 1HRE8HER, ' " with H'e-Powe- NE fcECOND-HAN- FAN RAKE: v II in cod order, and will bo sold iow if ct1d for at C. ORMSBv'S, J lft 3j-- M ain st. UAPLE MOLASSES Ji:st rived a bbls prim iu store and for sale b in8n HipmTT fllV- A1LS win twvt ttiiiunt iu. .1- .- i'. TO FJLOW-i'adjii- Ja E have in store S TEKL Wl.N'iS and MOl, D- - " BOARDS, of the mot inmrov.-r- p.'.treiii fur w iw bv ill K HKIiKNAr XI " W. SMITH'S KENNKTT A I.1, tn bblnand VibN; 1 T. MARSHALL'S KEN TUCK V 'RE-A- ILKESE. i lot of each just receivwd ami fr.r ale by tLa NiH K. WB'Ka. HAY 3'iO bales prime Timothy and Hau:irianOraiS sale by lift J. A. FENTON, 134 Fonrth rt. UGAR73 hhde prime Sugar landing from theWood- - ' ford and for sale by fi rnnn v"v COFFEE Riot lu pockets Java: for s1e by f38 CA3TLEMAN, MUKKELL, A CO. I AVA SO pockets prime eld Java received by uiaiibaat aud for aale by ft COOD A MC ODY TO BHOOn-BTAEEB- S. ( (tf Good broom HANDLES. wed seasoned JJVfJ l.yw rbebeft qnaiiry Broo Cml; ti'Jo H bet quality Sowing f whine; ii' D tbe be- -t quality cMorvu tV ing Twice; tlO Its t :i:ality rlfttl Wire- - bdls Cut Tacks. Licm NdV". tC: Inst rccel' at the Wooden Wan and Stcr?, t Miin strewt, b;-ve- Third and LonvLic, v n"'Ml. Ifi li "VPlv w COUNTRY BACON ANU LARO-f- c.i, C. Vr" by ffl-- HITHtTT iV pRASS SEED. PRirD PEACHES. DKl.. PLES, PEANUTS, BUTTER LARA aud FEAm-'.R- S jut rtKoivtMl and for sale low by Ma . HAM BOXES b st chiircoal Uraiids 5 ULU aeoortd sises, tor a! low bv 1 WALLAf IE, LITHfiOW. & C 30 bbls Loverlnc's Crushed aud GranuUted SUGAR ju.t rcived aud for sale by t n Iron, Steel, Lead, b.uot 'r' UEiALt lu storw and for tale at ve-- iow pri V fll W. H. HK NAP ' '. IJAIN'S CAMPHOR IDE, ler chapJ to"? WlS. IL.S 1 Ar..nralehv "14 ' pOFFEE-- lft bas prime Cofle Pfl&JJ' O rale by Ifi--
Page 1: s T ftTTCTTTTF JLi. E DAI journa; - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fc359/data/0190.pdf · c 7 V r? f 1 s 5 7i T "ftTTCTTTTF "1 E JLi. DAILi journa; 0 VOLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY,.







s5 7i T "ftTTCTTTTF "1 EJLi. DAILi journa; 0





PrrnfTErpns r4lt7,dnlivTt-- in the city... .$ 10 enDai!?, by mail, in advance 8 JiCountry rU.iy t n,i

Xlr g uuWeotly, 1 hi arfyaa. copy 3 ()In i.;bs of mv or ci'ir 1 6u

. rRniittar,ci Ly luiil Li regis'tivl Utters at our

ATPO OF ADY7HT:3f:Q IN TFifi T OTrT3VH.LEJour. i.vL Fort ruulau ALViiKTii:t-:ii5-

OJ square, chan;blf wc.''v, por annum ''0 00do go 3iaftBi j' jett, annum.. Ujdo do Stii-n- n do Ilk' W

F.ch addition! annate, cno-hi- r th fdovp pri'.AavwrTiFjMfliit ' h i ol it intt'rvtV-- 1 tor fia'st

ftuii r.i) ceni for li pp.! rriit "QW.A;mo'.inciie cnrlulatrj, pr w-- ' for eeti narae.Yeaiiy .dvartiettts ri, 'ail ethers in ad- -

al twUto and nt aI? tiTnent , rherinVtnj coaucl.i-ricr- ei. , pit-i- t.V .itrift!,ei.rn, ftr timilr.r avnrt-.i'- i, not ;.nv,iiho J by ta ym.Aif9rti?fu-it- for 'in!- - :t:Lr nd, i'it ci'ips-fi'U-.

ward, artd ollitir LU'tt we, an,l Lko,U.li p. iCW.

Editorial notices and coinvtn.'iieat' oo, infortd in ed-itorial coh:niDt aid ii.i-n- r prcniTo privat" inter--

ciit ri" line; Ui.ee en! trBrteJ at the ditcre-'o- ti

of tio ;or.Wi eoisTi:ui.uc-iirlO!- vlil Im inrtod aTilo accom-- i

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a new p. - .

nr irj 'trti oniy in tn? F.ve'iir?liit ct''VLHi i h i.i. f.bne rrvv: if l:i Til

and cm! iniif tl, ,v"kr i.t-- I iu ti:fe Lreu-a- x

H;HMin, opr 'oiMlh i'.it e piicf.p: rpt od Urn ot (he Joimal arcl lriritd kp. eiti'.i price.

liiiaa oi' firet iouui lion &1 10tfth f f'J

Written uotio niiiflt be civoti to t.iVo iiiit fiad stopof yeany rs ta 7car

m jh .11 c':i: tiil d na.

tilled .F i; liOut IM'lK'C t ill ftHJ Chaff 6( r tlii ' war ht thi1. ifHTir fatia.


lC- - MAN HOOD.0 TIIK NATHKB, Tlf 'I'MK-NT-, AND HADTCAL( l'rK OF 91'KiOJ VT()K)i;i'JLi. O: y.'r.iinal VAr.:.tuw,

Debility, tiei vourt; sj, ft. luyoliuttiArv 1q;h-p'oi-

inducuig lmpctciicy i..d MciiUl and Piiyical in-capacity.

Uv P.OTJ. J. CULVKRVFELL. M. D.Author r,f the 'Mrt'i a liook, fie.

The inline ai(ilrahle I.?o-tir-

clearly prove I'roru h own e.uviie;.ce thrthe awful eiinuenc.ol' 3- - msr'btvithoac m.iicln- - au iviMio;;t dajip-ro- u ur--fi.a! omtiouii. hcM?iea. tit . riri.?,or cordial,pointiuc cut a i;"Je "f curtt t oucp p it.iin at id

U by whfli evtir auiret, tm m:itr,-i- - wiv-i- hi- - wor.i;y U?, rniy enre cK.at-Uf- frictifrf ant

'j. VfiU IctiiTB will prove 2. to tousanilaii'I th.!:;ancU.Fsnt icidfi ppal to any idircf. 7o-- 7rry,i, in tho rf- -

ai. i., id, uowry 4Nw i ori, ro;t Uox 4,..1I .1 y

'r,v ,':

vtac!nnt2 Feer?al RospStal

JOft THE t'UKSOF PRIVATE DISKA3F.it.tinder the control of the most eminent P2jy-

si. i.r.iui in fhn word.I w,. JKNTAKY. from Ixodon an-- pire '

tal, aod for lh pnt n vers of the Cinc.rintti'"nrrtJl a;i Ir. K.. tj. Into of .New

York.. T hf ia t'.c or.!y olR( e iu tfte city wh-r- o n c

nt iiiro of private liav- rs.i be. obtained wifh.uthe u- -f of mPTniT o' c'.ianc" .if dint, (iororrh' rurrdn to 4'- houra. JI- --ur"d i.i to ii"1 ; s

d In I to S wefliij. fu:i.sioiis ini to fcdy. Srmiual wcfiknfp cured in 3 to H wct k..Srphilii in it rriv.- - awo uirod in 2 d;tvi. Perot'.d-ir-

vim,oLj3 cj:-- . d la to 3 wpk. Bkm dl.?"-3- i"f3 iti I to v, linpofenrt' visror resforeii in 1

w All uiee.f.-- .,t in i ate Dilure treated witn'ii.rri iiifirt'l inaJ.j or f. male.

i)r. K naparTe' c fi.it work ca pnvate tbanp Knid to hpith. i? binTirial ro all, leAic fnJ: ll.e old aud yount iioclJ r. ad th:i took. It will

tniic'tK-- 1 lose p. ho sroj ,;i ikucas. Price 2j centi,t:it ijy r.iait.

( 'r. t.iMarted f''n-brh- t '! P-- ,- venf'.re n.--v r b(iv iii Mu inariii lade" t o ft "b;p to

:i, pic-p- i: at the fm .ird d ili;!..viM b3iu yotufticn..'. ir lnvoi:ti Pri.n iPd'ic d ro

F'r. Fr-- IN: ",t Ma S.T.M It if pT-ff,-

F f;: and never li'? to n've ''''.'I.ieMCii. It ii theAiid ?ira andeap. Tiie price of the French Parent Male if

f ' the stogie or.r, r Lai idoztn, $i per doaa. tiont

t v Mii'lniTie Lf?.!t r Ffm.ilf Monlhly PiMb are areiiable. rojudy (or all iei mle

lirTiid not use thm duriu prpaocy,e tl,ny will reduce mticArriaKe. Prico Si 'per trjx

:xtr& fine sont to auy ddn-- hy malt.!'T9. H. & R. are tlu i.ien roii.tlt, they are nnrj-ip-


- aciciowleVt'd to ),e. tle chaiapioQ and and kingand the o:ny 1'f.rtors who i'eeir. '

i"!Oi: the old woi'io; they lir.ro hnn HC- -

m'juieii iioa an nans fie ot oc ji ro Tntnc-'- thedl;eajpu whirti n:':;if t miinit'.ij-l- . aud to watch thaoifrw, throecb a lon Gt pvote "ional e tioly, iusvry ph,re ot life- - from th- - abod-- of po"er.T

io the ? cf the weAlthy, la iug ao?eriiu da deant. t'je va.t 8i;(V-- . Uif of i:oma:iity, tlit y

t'!G Si'iiernMre ?"p1i;ii as their'pir-iirul.i- rrod;,-, ard to derot-- V r whrtle aTrtntico to the"'(ev!aiii,n :e ef tiifFa imiortut f; ncion.So lettca vi ii le Iqc coi.t jln a remit

Isocs or a wtap.C&J, or kJdfe?-- -

Dr. HOVAPA'K BRYNOLPS,a. ItS SycAKicro e;4bfT, b UVii and Sixth. eat fii

Ci.ieiunrOl, O.C'cft horir, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. tiu

TkZll.lt ci??-- yG-ooc- li

AIVD. ID. RTJI-1L- ,No. $21 Forth st., cet dar to Mtzart Mall,

Myt:PA CTVRV It .N! JtlPOKTCH OFti'Kjij v:jry l? iau, KPAC- -

ri.ri'i.a. swoK t), BUis ianvk;TAadi:i.5, i' n; f;t;. i! aoi u. 6 i:'"ftc. AM ardore u.ed and at chort aolice.ep4 dlf

Chasjo ofT (;). a V'rMivtd W. A- - GAII

"H;i. ri'U he:r t:ut, and pm ch;.-- e 1 thy - ndOf SMli il it I'MriS, oi !i fi,i ol Market struct,bP'OT t wc-- .a thv Ml cei? J:tt the WMOLK-tfAL-

and l'l- - TAIJ CtilMCfcKs and PKOPLCK biuUCirmrriMl wit'i ti:eir bouio they liaveagood

W A"!0N-YaH- !. with htd; a accommodations fortiorb?a, wat;r.iip, sud otLer veCicJ'n. and nouid be gladto aye their olJ fnoods. V. bllANKS,

H. T. HOUli,JilH, lX-- M W. A. OA I LB R A ITU.

l UAV4 A choice bt sntr-ciir''- lansJ 1 rv! j country acou lecoived in eicie aud tor

ii) h X'ja of Cue mm! y m tore a. d for(nr.-- 1 i B tt f b R- in.

2 b'Sia d:?aio Io to tiuKe coupisLiruent,

W IILKTIN0- 3-i1' c:-- n lii 4 9hsotI:tgs;Id do M hlejKued do;

& do U- -i do dijJst rocoived aud fur B3ie by

JAMJS LOW CO.,1" and wfipf atdf ftixth nt.

ANHLk.3-S"O- 0 Hii:a, Bidet, aud tihoul'lera iutoie ajid mr sale by

rrrirrtTTT a son.IAV.V .uFl;T:i5-Ui'' uiit:fiuoold rtcived

mad aud for rait by

-- lo tineas prime receive! by msilhcait aj toi byCOOD & MOODY.

H 16 caske ?.r3l.uri Vine;IU d I'Olt. de;2u b';lp Malara do;

In itore and iale bvm ;7 V. KSTJ.VLL H AT.BF.HT r--'.

IT CIO 3U ca-- t r niaiiboHt and fr.r ale b)4, IJ.1-- MilOtlli' AIlAni'.N

lLOUK l'Jil bbla Mill XX FamilyA Hoar recti ved per Katliviid nd foieale by A J I'W lit ( K r 4 r ( '(

rncr S"onil nn Wahiriirfm

1 t"INi:i SLUAKS- -

ih, ft bids li.;iti ,;V R Sft Crushel;?rt do do i'ovilertd;

lroui maitboxt and for sa!f byKAWSiN. TOPD 4 CO

41) M' la Ciover-Sttd- ;2i baLrt no;

J'jit received and lor PAe bvJ.;o. F. HOWAK'j A CO.,

f Main, hetu or o Ti-- d and Fo;iiTti ft.LjL'UAI-t-O bid- - Baltimore A d

IU do do A t;or1e d .;

5 do do A Powdered &c;Jnnt received and for eale by


M'itING WIIKAT--,Jlii- ; b;Hh-- I pure Cai da for a.ile

I UF8 U'sj Aniericaii LIoi, atOiled ie lorX X iiale low by (ill IS1 V.

pIIAMPACAE ibhewe a Ormite, pinte, andoctivesj in edCLu ana lor sale Iott by

I0LASSK- 3-i'X Km hbla Flantat'.on;

l xj xdo do- -

bi s flagir-tfoaee- ;F.J Sdo ti'T.Ui whole, k'. .". ''1 W.V 5imp: for sale by


lLOt'R bbie Extri Family Flour (or p;t!o byX

jANPLE'i 15o iJtar Mold Cau lies iu ttoreaud fur eale by


ORIMifi SUGAK 45hhd on to iiOiippnt arid ioX h fafil li Si'KKi). Main

i"ABrOK o:L10 blU Biow'd lv 1 Caiior Uil liiV store asd for eale b.


SfjO druuie 8t v; ua ! i'i fToie r.od torfl) ( W VOKKfS. 14 Third st'

l H'.)K K FINIS '1 LABvfl : h'-l-f ciKvtd euyrior Gteeo ind BlacE Tew;,(, &i lib taddit-- :


HKl SUUAKS !'fU bMs Baltimore A A

o BS ft t,n.sud casifb juar rccivea anu lor uaio oyA:O W BL'CUaNAA fi CO.


nf, ("Vinier Serotid and V. ashinst m sti.

a'PIRJT?, WINKS, Frc.ith PniDdy, Scotch

fc. Port, fchsrn', tiauteme. anau:w i

V7e ar, ole 4fiit- - ia Lzu? Do

Z i portra o: T.ai. &o. Third A.We k(yp eonrtaotly on band

.7 a nuuiiw r of tn, r!bratd Raneea, and are prr).

pa1' d to put tliem up ai non. r uj.i..

t, . a vi htd- - Dfirr.e rty-- i .1 tsftiCll Metnhy



West Baden Springs, Ind.entftbllhment haa Xwa very much improvedTHIS i will be opeu to visitors on the 1 th t .lun:

and i promise my old frlpndw that I will do all that Icaa to make ttieoi comfoitahl. The wattra havpr,rrd tiinmaelvMj beneficial to ft nat tuany of thealHicpd, and tho.'e that try them will be disap-pointed in receiving b 'OPtit. Take your tirkete at rheL., N. A., & 0. It. rt. ortlco forOile;in.. and the bu?? willcall lor you in tht uioruing and taka o t to the car,tiien to Oileai, theu by hrX to Iho iSpring lor lea.Faro throui h ati &')

TRM3 OF BOAROiIVrday 1 WPer we-- k wFour wtvk- 1 '

Children RiidSerraDtrt halt pnea.3 00lioTva

or further particular., imitttre rf J. I. Lemon,Jan;e8 , .). ii. Bchrcfder, aud teo. Welby. Directail couimu .ic itioua to WVat liaJcn Spring.

iPlii,tm DK. .1 A LANE.

Tn., Early Physical Degeneracy



Fhyticimm to tUs Trov lmmf mud tfyg-itui-

Institute,A TroatisB on the Causes of Early Physical De-

cline of American People; tiie Cause of Kerv-cu- 8

Dol-ility-, Consumption, and Marasmus.pTTl'Lj worn in of a hlvh moral ton, wTiHon In

chaot jvt thrilli.ig language, and apfieals directly tothe tnoial tonsciount'.--- of At.u 1'klnt and Guar-dians epeiIU', cientillc aud reliable tt.dsand treatment lor emu.

It v, i!l bo tout by muil on receipt of tieo 8am;fiypAr.nNT anu aUAUDiAiial fe.ll not to aend and

obtain this book.nEYouwu Mm! fill not to eond and get thta book.

rLAiiEs! yoa, too, should at once secure a copy ofthU book.

A Word ofSletan CoMcientions Adviceto tho o who will Refioct.

A cla of rosJud' prevail to a fearful extent in.loOiiiiiie at leatt youth of both scxf an- -

nu-'- to an ePTly grav, Thoe diea?-?- are very im-

pel fee My um'errtood. Their external mauifectation or(tmrtoiaa ar D b'tity, Kulaxation, and

laa-m- or watiiiK and coouiui'tin of ther,!H o:" the vrhole body: phortn!" of breathin? or hur- -

ruI breathtnij on a hi II or a ilitht of ataime?t pa';itatiou oi the Heart; Asthma. Hronchiii.-- andfOre Throat; shaking of the Hands nd Limbs; aversionto eoclety and to hi wi noes or study; diiuoetof t

l.')3Sol Me.mcn-- : dizziuesn of the tlead: Neuralgicr'amn in varioun parr ot tin; uonv; ratnw in me iwk orl,;mt;t; Tjunibano, Dyfpervia, or Indigestion; irregulari-ty of the liowelri; of the Kidneysand othT glands of thf hody, af Leucourbira or KleurAlhu-- , a.; iiuwiso Epilepsy, llyateria, and Nervous

Now, In nJnety-nin- e caee out nf every on hundred allth" ra. an-- a hot of other? Dot

named, a.1 Consnmptlou of the Limga, and the mfvtand wily f irm of ( ,on?7iuiptim of tho Spinal

Xerrctt, known a? Tub kr$ale. and 7'fl V ndnTeri-ca- ,have th-i- and onpin in of VWHwrv-rd- .

iince the w:tnt of euocoiw on the part ot old echoolprart ice in tr.fttin syiuntoui? only.

Dr Andrew Moot-- , Ptijiciao to the Troy Lung ande Institution, ie now engaged in treating thw

cle- of rood-Ti- niladiea with the uirvt petonishinK euc-c- "

The treatment ad.pTed hy the Institution - new;it is based ujwu neieutiilc principles, with new discov-ere- d

remedies without mineral or poisons. The tacili-tio- e

of cure are such that patients can b cured at theirhoo.e? in anv part oi" the rotinrr. from accuraU

of tlieircase.by letter, and have the medicinesgent them by mail or cypres. Printed interrogatorieswill be forward' d on application

Efti)e,iinp'l n, Catarrh, and diaeaee of the Throatcured '19 well ;'"r the bvu'f. of patient as gt the Institu-tion bv pend.ug tin Cold Medicated Inhalvr.Q BalsamicVapory with jiilmler, ae.d ample direction tor their use,and dirffii corrw nrtfiace.

l"SrPatif-ut- applying for or anvxeemu-- t encioi-- rftnra ptamp? tn meet attention.

The attending ph'iciaii will bn found at the In-- g

for consultation, f:om J A. H. to it P. M. of eachdiv iu the forenoon.

(rt-- DR. ANDREW 8TONR,Puyskian tOtbeToy Iang and Iiyeienic Inftitution

and Physiri: f'r dipe,--s of the Heart, Throat, andLaoga, tfo i'iltb. ttreet, Troy, N. Y.


Tkk Matron of thk I nstitction.Who In thron :hly read aid poeted in the jiathology ofthe many adiictive and vrostrting naladieB of moremodern oripi i, will devote exclusive utteiitiou to tinscl;"s of iic?eaje.' to her sx.

;"The A.vii'lin. Medical d PourMe, a most impor-

tant prerrnt'ioc lor kkmai.s, hv e priw for n.

Females cau consult Mr?. lo tree otone conftdcnllyby letter or ohmoupUv. Address

a Matron to tho Institution,ocr7 decdiy Trot, N. Y.






JtrrcHsoM BTF.nrT, wo am bids.

Between Third and Fourth.

CiOOnS of every rtvle and quality.2j?AWMNlia made aod put up to orJer.

forget No.



SiLOOXAXB RESTMPiMT,fiorncr Sixth Street and Court Place,


Loviisville, Ivy- -

SHAW & POIiTxl, Proprietor.KALS fl nil hourp of thn diy and nltht. Our Lar-l- 'i

ie Fiipclied with FLdi, Meatji. Ponltry. Game,md f.'vtt-rp- tne ht in he market. In our Saloon ares be found Wince, Litiuoia, aud Cigari of theChiCcS III iLtt: i.

Sole agent- - in Kenhicky for J. T. Sandj-'p- , colfbratMCl icaroand Milwanki" X, XX, and XXX Pale Creamand Stock Aid; wholesale, in barrel and hali barrel,or hv the hoU-e- ,

ChII "KOlA'hTHU! f'ORW.R." nil b51tf

Brandies & Cravford9AV3 rsiDOved to the r?w Warehouoe ou the aocth-I-

vest eoiuei o Main and Firet street.

WewiUeay th M chest market price for all klnda ofGrain, de'mvred at our atore or at aay (food fpoint on the O o river.


POAVDEROF ATX nialitfe eonfitantly on hand and foi isle oy

DAVIS A tiPUUD, Aouts for tho Manufacturer i,

Louisli., Scot. 2, 1S59.?iTe?B8. PAvia A SPCiD, Ageuta of Oriental Powder

Co., Loei'vi'Ie:GVnfe We liave been upIpr your Bla-jtl- Powder and

we take pleasure in ritatiuc that e find it caial U' noture-io- r to any Powder that have ever need.

AKTIU'R CAMPHKLL,Superintendent for Smith A Sinyaor.

I eordKIly eoiicur iu the above and cheerfully recom-mend It io the pu'olic J. D. SMITH.

I conidr the abov Powder inperior to any we haveever been able to obrain. II. FOSKJT.

We taVe v'l"aiire ia recommendiniryour Indian Oriea-t:- lKitle Poiier an euual if not sur.rior to any we have

evor it bein very cleanly and etrong. This weawert afler a tliocouh trial. K.wpect fully yours,


dtr a r.ruNs.

ONE EXTKA NaVV IZE KKV U.VKR 'or eale atC. OKMSHV'd, 3 2 Main at.

CAVALK7 QAUNTLET3!cAVALsr gauntlets:

7K have now on hand a larce aortment of Gannt--' let? puitAhle for Cavalry and ottier Military pur-poses, aud for gal0 tow at

8PROLI.K A MANDKVTLLK'S.Corner Fourth and Main .Jt?.,

roll Cndr Hotel.



J. ftl. AIOISTROMCa,'On Mainett-eet- , opioite the National,

Ie now oaring his elegant stock ofMIAN'S ft BOYS' CLOTHING,

K7elu?ive!y for cash.At greatly reducrd prices.



X 2u VM? Wfcite Fish;8u Trout; - -

Juct recfied per Kailroad and for pale bvm2J GARDNRR A CO.

8. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS.


Or;at)dleB, I swnp. and Jaconeti;Pu iu printed Krilliauts;Cni?cl:eU t'halli-- e:

French and Ku;li?h Chintz and Calicoes;Bootiet aud Beit Ribbooe;

Anfl & general etoclc ut I'oe,.tic and staplemW MA UK & DOWNS, 413 Main rL

"XTKA FAMILY FLOUR W hb! celebrated SnoiJ Flake Flour m and foi eate bvmM W. A )( hi KKIIAkDT, 417 Market f :

Broome, Matt, Baskets, Moia. Ac , in ptore and forf.loh--- - fn HIHHITi' A SON.

PRINTS.V7?j r" dai'y rcelvinft American prinrs, to which weinvito tl" attfiition of dnalerBior ca.--h only, as we

can and will sell them cheaper than any Western house,and eau ailoid to do it.

r.iH ,T A V K8 LOW A C:f.

Ilil ttLfcK An excellent quality of sugar-cure- d

Diied Beef for sale byrny ninmTT how.

iORA'Kivf-i- ('ttrn Rcpe, aered ptzs;coils Manilla do, di ;

b- do Jiit do, do A.0

V"i d jzeo Lbrdp;do Cott'i do;(!o d?;

leO do for sale byp (iARDNFR A CO.

UlGAK-3- 2 hhds prime IsiDdiiig troui teamer BalticiV3 for and tzXo by


fall supply Paraffioe.Wax, Spenn,Btar,CANDLF3-- A

CanJlea m store and for eale bytnH W. A H. 417 Market st.

6u bhls superior 3 and 6 year old BourbooWHISKY ou coi!einment and for sale byaft W. b U. KLKKHARDT. 4l7Marketst

GRAIN a tdsicl For Pitt;-- '4 dJ do do:

a,0w a do Mill:Just received and for sale by

JNO. F. HOVARD ft CO.,H Ajrents for Manufactiurf.

i"0 packaces, barrels and halves,MOISFS Baltic and -r ale bytt AI LEN. M'HJRK, ft HADKN.

ftW tmgp prime in store and tor palefcyCORN i'ASTLfcMAN, ML'RiiLLL, . CO.



Mfrr imphWlil!RK thoe affictd with anyS torm or Private lMeie cao receive

prompt treatment without nsk orexposure, viz; Gonorrhea,Gleet, Strict-ire- . Ulcers, Tumon,Cancr, Secondary, and Conptitu-tion-

S phiii. of the Kid-ney, ef. Hy this pyt-r- it ie

that the veuerlal complaintfirovedentirely undur the control ofmdicin as 1p a common co!d ortimple fever- - ?nd, while inpnlcienti rou2 ere dall pending a'rty theiri ati L.f in hopdepiui'3, and giving

them np only from thuir own incompetency, completeand per anent cured aro conutantly being effected atthU Inrirraar.

YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.Dr. IL devotfs much of bis time to th treat me.it ofthose cases caii!ed bv a wcret haiiit which ruins bothhoo'y and mini, unritting the urifonunato Individual foreither busines or socle! v. The s:vd ttlect oi the- - earlyli!hlt, or the eiccfps of riper year?, are to weaken anddrbilitat. the contitntlon. destrov the physical andmental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural fel-iuc-

and exbauit the vital enercie? of manho.)d; tneof life are marred, the ob'ect ot marr'aseflar-urcf-

and existence lief II rendered a term of unceas-ing misery and reinet. Knrh perpons, tho?econtemplntinv marrire. rhouli loe no time in uiakint;Immediate application, a Dr. It., bv hh new treatment,is onablHil to inmir a pedy and rnnanent cure.

DR. HALL'S AMKK1CAN PERIODICAL FILLSNo article of medicine intfndei for tiie exclusive utse offemales has ever yt been lutrodueed tlvat hae riven suchnniversal 8(itt;ifpcion as the American Periodical Pills.They can be relied on in all c&pea of Menstrual Obstruc-tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and as fa remedy.Prtcej per mail. $1 and one postage stamp.

Patients living at a distance can be curhd at home bysending a description of their disease and inclosing atampMedicine pent to any nddrew.gaf OiHoe No. li-- f .Jetltraou itree, between Firat ind

Second. Office open from 1 A. M. to 9 P. M.diMdtf L. HALL, M. D.


Chartered by the Zffislatu:e cf Ky.For the l ure of all Private Diseases.

ContMniny THIRTY fine Flctc$ arvi gnoravlnvt o

the Anatemv ctnd phynWcov of the Stxualin a side cf Health and DiacaM.


Wfient froe of postage to all parts of the Crj(w.

ON A NEW MPTTIOD of treat-ing Syphilis, Gouorrhea,

uleet. Sexual Debility.Fumale Diseases, and all

affections of the reproductiveof both sexes, the intimities

V nf th And in!irltl' xrNlnfffrom tho t folil" of hoth

l ,1 ' next, wih a fill treatise onX$ .1 ;V belf-abus-b and seminal

i' V ? WEAKNESS, Ife deplorable en- -

;? ',.?J ', peuenoeo upon the mind andbody, pointing oo t the antlior'axvi "W. rlan 01 treatment, the only ra

tional and Piiroeeafut mod') of cure, as by the re- -

port of eases treated. A truthful advieer to the marriKland thoee wntemplatinir markiage who entertain doubtiof their physical condition. Sfnt to any a1drees in areah d wrapper on the receipt of TEN CLNiS or N

COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR.Tliope aftiicted with any of the aliove diseapev before

placiuK themi elves under the treament of any ooe,should nr?t rnd this invaluable book.PI Fhe Conultiii? Surgeon may be consulted dally from! A. M. to'j P. M., on all di.eaa? of which 1h a trovework treaV; and pntifiit at a distance, hi pending astatement of their pymptoiuj, cm haveto any put of the pouulry tree f 0111 damage or detec-tion. For p:rtictilari send for our Blank Cuait, i:

a lirt of our terms . All It ten1promptly, answered, and commuDicitiona coiioideredconfiiieiitiaL

UIL DfcWKES'FEMALK MONTHLY REGUTATOB,a paie and certain remedy for Obstruction, Irrenilari-te- .

and iu t lis only reliable "preventive of preg-nancy."

Cm tion. Thne pillri phould not be duringPnwiNANrv, (ii they ore mire to produce Mi8ACiiLAUF-P- i

ien 1 box, Hjui mav ' e nt h' mull.HEAD DISPENSARY i the only

of iU kind iti the United St:itM hatrccouizs'd by judicial authority. Charter prp, tnnl.

Mtu m !?titjt, tHjtuxen Mtiret and Jctlorvoa,west fide.

All letters for Books or Medicine Phould bp directedto DR. GALisN'S

.Tiari dtvAwpow letp Innltri)i. Ky.

23X. "W. T3FtXOE3,.r Hftvi'ig bfCH established in Louis

ville for the lat 15 vpat, and hav- -v ri in iiif ircav-

cit-n- of 1he following di(,fn.?e:Scroiula, Mincer, Pile-- Sre Eye?. S phi!i-- . Fistula, andto renvve the hor.-ihi-e of Onanism, or

hw riven him proof to eu.jia:n any pfate-mei-it

of tle highest charact-'J- sich men a? Dr. W. L.Breckinridga, Ju;leti J. R. Ucdorwood, Loving, Jotm-bo- u,

CapL W. S. D. Megawan.niTT.1

I bad Fi:tula and was curjd by Dr. Pilce, without theknile or Usbtnre, In eevei-.teo- daye.

J0SI5PII YOUCE.fiiARnm rx)., kt.1

I bad a negro man wit h Fletula, and Im wa cured byDr. Price in three weeks. WM. BAKi.

I had Fistula for tilteen years, with aix op:niDgs, andwa cured by Dr. Prioe in torto weeks

RILEY WILLIAMS.Iam health v and hr.p?y man, having h'n erred

from the horrid effects ol OnantdUi. A. CI'IIZFN.OfRce on Market, between Sixth and Seventh etf.Addreji. enclcpipx a potae stamp. Louuvllle, Ky.


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.2&u Pagee and ISO Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.

ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.UtVSent free of postage to all part of the Uulon.i

CTV ON ttie lofirmitle of youthY v n(l maturity, di-- the

tollies of both sexes of allf ati1, caueintt debilirv, nervoua--( - 'I'l n'' depression ot spirit, paipi- -Vjr'"l-- t tatioa of the heart, suicidal

'v.:i"vv acintttiotu, involuntary blnph- -iijj'-.ui- detectivH riemory, inc:ge- -

' ! "iwZ'''?- lou' laMtude. Ac. comprie- -

VVii' .1 rvt''11 iwU rea, andiih upvardqOi oiiehuuurHd and

ty enpravinjf. Ii. a tpdh- -

S pa- rontpmnhi-.iiL- ' tn.tiriae.who entertain secret u.iiht? of their pvsical condition,and who are cousci.u of h,tvir.g hazarded the health,happlnr-44- and piivijerfl to which even' human being

a college fctudnt, and a Young Married Lady, full oiromance Rim tDiiiiius interest.

Young men who are tiouhled with weakTie, general-ly catiod hy a bd hnbit iuyouUi, the efT.'de ot whichare dizziuct'e, pains, torgtitf illness, sometimes a ringingiu thnears, weak eyep, weitkness of the back and lowerextremitiea, confusion of ideas, Io?e of memory, withmelnnenoly, may becurrd bv the author's NEW PARISAND LONDON T R E ATM V, St T.

We have for th" rrenterpart of tho pa-- t ver, dovotd0'ir time in Vibff.iN'i THE LUKnPF.AN HOSPI-TALS, r.viuiiug of the knowh-- and

of the niott rkilled Physicians and SurKons inLovon and on the Co!itin.nf such men ft? ClViALE,LENUlKli, RICMKD, BRECIHLTEAU, ACT'N, andCURLINGS, of the French aud Enlidi hoepital. (Krtour extended thronch Francs. Italy, Germouv, Hol-land, Euclaud, Ireland, Seotlaud. and Walee, vidifi ingio 0;ir route the principal hospitals in Paris, London,Rome, Veuice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac, Ac. Wehave been amiily repa'd byth1. additionf.1 knowledge vehfve acjnira in the treatment of vinous dieafs towhich wo have directed our attention. TlKe who placethemelvej undf-- r our care will now hae the full benpritof tho many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich v. e are enable to introduce into our practice, andthepuhlic may rest aspured of the eame zeal, afsiduity,SECRECY, and attention being paid to their cases,which has eo successfully distinguished us heretofore asa Phyt-lcia- in our PECULIAR department of profes-sional practice.

Medicines with full directions pent to any part of theUuiNd Stntes or Cana iap, by patient communicatingtneir tfymroms by luiuess coiredpoudence(drwtlv contidential.

t'sDr. L.'s Ouice is still located as underthe name of DR. LA CH01JL

MsTo insure safety to all letters simplj sddressTIIE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTIVLTF"

4 d&wu' No. i Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.

No. 31 1 Fourth stM bet. Mnrbel and Jefferaoii,I ANUFACTURUR AND JOBBER OF EVERYItI varit-t- of .JEWELRY. Fine Diamond Mount-

ings and all the new stvle of Fine Haii'vork Ornamentsexecuted in the most superior style, of the het material.All work warranttd. Pi .oes reasonable. Old gold takenin exchange. tuneH diy

drugs, cnrmtcALP., &cfi I am now receiving NEW GOODS, Just pur

chased, and would moat respectfully a callW from a' I these wi.diing to purchase fr rh Drugs,

CI em cala, and Spices. I rave alsoIn store a vorv l.rge aud complete stock of Virginia,Miaioiiri, and Kentucky Macutaci ured Tobacco, andwill offer inducements to thote wishing to purchase torcash or prompt deal'r? on time.


liLOUKA? tw hbU A No. 1 Extra Floor;

ri bMp fine do;In store and receiving dailv and for sale by

ANiW BUCHANAN ft CO.,roQ Comer Second and Wanhincton pts.

OF DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA,comprising a lot of the very best brand?, such as:


Alwiiyi on hind and for salo at wholesale and retail by

mi No. SH Main st, imder the Louisville Hotel.

Wooden Waro, Brooms, Cordage, &c,

Ar'ULL apro:tment of Buckets, Tubs, Churns,CedarOns, Butter aud Bug r Buck ta,

Vooden Howls snd Trayp, Clothes' Pinsfall kindf , Rolling Pius. Potato Mnsbers, SievesMeapures, Mops Demv!obnp, Harvest Kegs. Well Buckfits, ( ill kiniat, K;vrrel Covf-rd- , Wrspp'ni: Pa-per and Ppur Bans, Children's ( :arriaj:es, Cedi Chests,Trot Liueaand Starinit, Seine Twine and Kii b Lines;Vlax, H 'top, and Cotton Twines; Manilla, Hemp, andCotton Hop ; Brooms. Wiips und Hearth Blatk-Ing- ,

Scrab, and Dustintt Briubwa; Faucets, Lemonr?. Percuseiou Cap- -, &c.: in store aud for tale at

low raicae by ORRIN KAWSON.Main t., b- tw--- n 'I M-- and rh.

TEF1M'D SUGARS 30 J bhl Crushed, GranulatedIt L"f. and S ft Crut-be- Supers iu store and lor ealeby IjM ANIl'W BUCHANAN A CO.

SUNDRIKSYit) bb'.s An'ies:LcO bhls Potatoes;

6U blue Onioue:2nU bags Buckwheat Floor;

la stole and for sale bym John" SNvnr.R m.

SiJuAK. 3 bhds prime N. O. Snsar from steamervia Louisville and MJmt hi Rail'Oid

and for mI hv riRuMiR . rn.- - HAH inVAKK.

SUNDRIES-Knives- and

e "jVrtorki SpAde.-- and Shov- -

I'iWT --efli. Holland Kskes, OXChains. Pin 0rie Mills, Saws, Augers and

Chttelj. C"w aj'd l:ejp Bells, Anvils and Bellows. Ouhand a large asor:mcct ol Hard e.td Cutlery, aod,desirous of dlposiug, ill stll at low figures to cash customers. Cal soon and icat bartrains.

f5 C. ORM3BY. 833 Main st.

WINE- S-1 f ah bids Sauterne Wine;

75 cases do do;4u do Rhine; d6u do Champagne;

0 casks Madeira and Sherry Wine;2u do Fort Wine- for rale by

ANTHONY ZANONB ft SON.11(1 Fifth strept. below Vain.

GLASSES 100 bbls Plantation Mola-ee- s In stopeWM HAY.


15 d' superior CUrei Wine for family cse;2?u caes Clarot Wiue;

M do do do, choice;In store and for sale by

ANTHONY ZANONV A 80N..(10 Fitrh pt. rl"w Mstn.

10 COFFEE too bags strictly prime Rio receivedK ly tb. Ma.enta .nd ior le





ISTo. 485 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,T.oiilevlllo. ISLy- -and Marmfactarers wonld find It to theirL"" "ae my itock before maklug thetrpnrj

will be attended to as If made in person. f3chwes, aud orders from a distance dwAwwif






and in thoit our entire stock, comprising the most beau-

tiful and rtyle?.t

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The lcdied will do well to call at once and secure the

greatest and mot BARGAINS of the aon.ti I'li 11 A RT & CANNON,

m7 32i Fourth st., opposite Hall.

X3FL"5ir GOODS.WE have on hnnd a good stock of DRY GOODS, tot which we iuvite the attention of the trade. Terms

JAMKS LOW A CO.,m7 W and lie wpnt M SiTfh wt.

When you ro to NfcW YORK, drive direct to the


ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN. GoodCONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderatecharge. Siuple roms 6uc?nr3, 7icent.. and ml perdy. Donl.ifl roome 3rid parloi- - il fin to 2. Me.ils aorderfd Tiiid Hotel hrs all thf appointments oi theb.'-- t . a mot cwutral location, aud u heatedthrouchout by ettan.

ml d:im SAMUEL E. ME D, Proprietor.

GL3ISTEAD & O'CG.WOR(Successors to .Jos. Robs),


And Sole Agents fot the

ORDERS for any of the rbove Coala reppertfully pollpromptly tilled At the lowest market

prices.Constantlv on hand a lam snpplvof the "PEYTON A

C ANN EL" and "PEACOCK' POME ROY COALS,which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber ate have no su-

perior.tjmces 3"s inirasrrei, nerween Mircer and

at Robb's old stand; snd at No. 3l2, southwestcorner Brook and Maiktt streets. dtf


"1 CT. V "if."-- . .'tl2

Lit J.--

Market Street,Nortb sido, betwoon Sixth and Seventh,

LOUIS VIL.T-.E- , KY.tlfAlwars on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. sepJS dly


Cash paid for BarleyAT TU

I'lrvTifUi' mi m i?n nii'i i i i s ii i i i i : i . s a ii

MUTII SLOE MARKET STREET,Between Sixth and Soveth.

jai23 dtf JOHN ENGELV ft CO.





And a meet complete a5Porrn',n of every axtlrleto Men's Wear, to which we call the attcutioo

of ca-- h and prompt buyers.

J. VON BO Hit I HH dt COm

m30 CSoth nonse. No. 434 Main st.

ioFFEK cuu bifc RioCofToe jnst roemved per Um- -

V tioat Magonta aud for sale bym WM r.AY

fiOTrON YARN 8r0 bass Tennessee Yaius, as'V sortei Dumhei's, tor sale oy


CCODFISH 15 whole aud half drums iurge CodfisbJ in store and for sale by

m14 AViVW BUCHANAN rflLM.')LK AND MKAL BltVES 50 doz-- u con moo

and plaVd Wire Sieved just and for pale bjGKIN KAWSON.

aJ3 Main st., between Third aud Fouith.

CFG AH &' hhds prime landing from steamers Wood- -

aod John Kauie air! tor e?.le hykawson. Tn.nn, ft co


4.13 Main st., 413Have now iu etoio a full aud complete stock of

STAPLE AXD DQ.1IESTIC COODS,Of the best fabrics, such as



The-- e Goods were all bougM for cah at tbe lowestebb ot the market, and are now otiered at, such prices atmupt pVase all parties. Call aud examine stock andprice? at

iai MARK ft DOWNS, 418 Main ?t.

MARK & D0WNS.extreme troti'ds of tbe tiins coTrhl ns toTH!! to our trvnda and eiiHtoniers that we

n.u t chanKft our of trieiK'.sa to a CASHSTANDARD, and will orler all our

Fancy Dress Goods,of wh-n- wo brtve a good stock at GREATLY RE-DUCED PKICK3.

HAIIK l TOWNS,1S 4 i:t Main street.


Clothiu and Furnishing Goods !

At great sacrilice for cash at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,Ob Mnln, opposite ihe NtitlonnI Ilotrl,


Also a superior assortment ofSHIRT 8;HOSIERY;GLOVES;UNDERWEAR, Ac, at


Drums and Fifes.t. yy The Companies of Home Guards in thit

irrb State, aud in the vicinitjfV.;-1throuK- Indiana, are i expect fully notifl'--ir. ;'Vtl,ftT 1 8Vtf ni.ide bv wiiich

I be to upplv, as cheap acV.V XPtie rheiipeHt, tlwverv l,RU.ViS andPtffe FIEES, from the b. A Master n tactorieis

mad out of inswin matlbiau Callaod examine before purchaslnt. el?e liere.

WM McCARRELL.3U West Jefferson et., bet. Third and Fourth,

15 Louisville, Ky.

RICE 6 tierces Frim1 Rice juet ncfived and for saleAND'W BUCHANAN A CO.,

ja Corner Second and Washitieton st.'I"MIE .OUAVE DRILL, hoinc a omplete Manual fX Arms, al-- o Manual of !he Sword aud Sabre, by El--

Vj. t'.il 'Wurt h. Pj i e 2'c.THE KO' DIET'S COMPANHV, for the use of Off-

icers, Volunteers, nd Militia in tbe camp, field. Ofun tht MmtcIi Price .

HARDEE'S TACTjCS, with JOHNSON'S MANUALet Colt's and harp' Carbine Price Joe.

tffAny of tli above sent p'T mail, poatie paid, ontb receipt of IV cts in monny or Adln

HM 1". MADDEN, 31 Third st.

SUGAR-?- o bbls S'andard CrushedCRUSHED per mailhoat aed tor eaie byJ14 AND'W H17 !H AN A N ft X1

T4I A' KEKKL-2'j- U whole aod half bbls Nos. 1 aud11 3 Mtaikeret iu store and tor shI bv

ANDREW BUCHANAN ft CO..Corner Second and Washington streets.

CUGA- H-2o hhde N. O. Sngar;

bhlp Powdered and Crueued Sugar,U(i bbls Loaf Supar;

In tore aud tor sale byJ17 MARSHALL HALPFRT ft CO.

1 fill PACKS OF HULLED NORTHtRp CORNIwU lu etcre aud tor tale byO, FHOAL,

J4 81 T Third st.. betweeu Main and M arXet.

"OIO COKHK- -lt baps Rio Coffee laudiug and for11 ;ald by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.

Jl Career Sxoud anj art.

RIO COV f tJi bw ba jood feir aod prime Rio Cofin store and for eale by


fUGAR-UOUS- MOLASSES 75 bbls St. James Bu--

Molasses in store and for sale bya4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

V.1 AM 11 it diUeitJut DiiuiOji, ail warxautodgood, for eale by

J. SMITH SPEED. Main st.

if ACKEREL AND WHITEFICH-i- .-l73 kits Nos. 1, p, aud 4 ifaiLerO;10 JfbMs WhlttBh;

In store and for ettlo bym!4 W. ft H. BURRHARRT. 417 Market ft.

12 casks Rico received per railroad and for saleItbr' tfiMl OARDNEK ft CO.

TJ1CE 10 tierces prime Rice received pej mall boataod orsa e m?



t), f STATIONERY and JKWELRY 'tt "lothan can be imrcba-- elsewhere.:;tdteyo!?orcir - baij-- e ozs.. rria'"' ''Sin

JJX 3 GOULSUnS,L. S. B. de CRETY....fl. RABY, Agent),

3AS Hrren si reel, adjoining the Journal Offloc

tfcS!it'v t,ir,;'Uw,ra a fii'e aortment of

3UURORArX. DOT' K;ONE. COO MACS.BordVaux; Poniard; B rdeaux;De Mdoc: Front lpaan; LnnolSt. Estephe. Volney. I. iu de vle-de

Tin de Tokay, Armairnac and CUrdIia?C,C"n ar4 dl v


REDUCED PRICES!THB subscriber hsvlnft a larpe stock of Ladies' and

Winter Boots. Shoe?, and Gaiters on hand,all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reducedprices tor ca--

Gent' in n ant of fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac-commodated at thu very low prioe of $7 per pair, forca.jhouly.

Also, a lot or Men's and Beys' Kip and tide Boots ateo.'t for cash- - D. MARSHALL,

d dtf Main, below Third street



Shuttle SevingMachineFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75.

Warranted tho Best in tho Market;Fine finished, strons and durable: wheel feed of yratpower: exceedingly simple in cenntnictioo: not a wireabout it; all its parts are most admirably and ingeniously cauuot poib1y pet nut of order, becauseeverytliiup is permanently adjusted; none so easily

and opemti-d- , and sewe the most beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alike ou both Fides. Tailors and ail who hsvn ?eeti it pronounce It the best Ma-chine ever sent to this vicinity. Ail are cordially

toeiamlno It. T. JOHNSTON, Ant,n"'dly ail' Fourth ?rrvt.

To Milters, Produce Merchants, andGrain Dealers.

TKT? sabscriber offers hisservicei to the Producein Louisville for purchasinR all kinds of Gram

and Country Produce. Having hd Ions experience ntthe business, he feels assured that he cao trivesatisfactkuto all who may employ him.

He will act as p.gent for the pnrpose of buying Grainand Produce in the counties of Franklin, Woodford,Soott, Favftte, snd adjoining counhes.

IIP" Refers to ov. C. S. Morehetd aud Colonel A. O.nodces, Fraokfoit; prs. W. S. (iano and I). R. Camp-bell, Georgetown. Address Y,"ILL!S HoDGES,

)vldtf , Kv

J. G. JACK, E. W. JACK,Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La.



No. 618 north aids Main st., between Third and Fourth,


KJ bt) hhds vrime N. O. Sugar;lix) bfts piime Rio Coffie;liK) bl'ia , Powdered and Granulated Sugar;luo do P.antaUou Molasses;li5 Xhbls do do;20 Jhhle Golden Sirup;30 kec-- fiolden Sirup;

la store and tor sale byJAtJK A BROTHER, B18 Main st.

TANUFATlRED TOBACCO-- IT1 t) boxts King Miouri Tobacco;

) do O. l'tiB do50 do winr.ey do

do Va. and Ky. varioos brands;In store and tor sale by

JACK & BROTHER, 618 Main st.

JEANS AN.) LINSEYS-i- no bales Nepro Joans aud(hrst brands) iu etore and for sale by

JACK & BROTHER, bib Main s,t.

I.rANAWlIA 8ALT-3,'.- 0(l bbla Kanawha Salt, beatbUhv and for .ale bv

JACK A BROTHER. 618 Main st.

tJ UND RTFSO 4u half ehe-t- s Gunpowder Tea;

IU do do B ack do;fr'l dozes hker Brom ;

75 do fam'y wire tied do;Bm do Painted buckets;

W ne-t- s do Tubs75 dozeu Zinc W a60 coils Cotton Rope, all sizes2'J do I J p do, do;

100 boxef Star Candles;44 do Stiir.-b-

lh do Rosin Soap;30 do Palm do:5) do German Soap;bit baga Cotton Yaru, allnamberm;

J do Carpet Chain;lou bales Batting;30 do Candle-Wic- "

25 do Wrapping Twine:li bafcs Spice;IS do Popper;

loo niati Cinnamon;'6 ca-e- Madras aud Manilla Indigo;2 casks Maddor;

10 bMd Alum;S do Bulphur;

5i caks Nfd'-vtl- Soda1 ca- Nutmi-.-

3J0,O j G. D. S. B. Capi:75 g:oss MatcUe-i- ;

17 no Mason's Tarie End small BlackL-.-2'.' boxes Caudj;40 bbie Cidir Vinepar;

EjO hes Nail',On hand aud for sale by

dtc .JACK A BROTHER, 518 Main st.

SPBOELE & B1SDEVILLB,Wholesale and Retail Dealors in Fine



Furnishing GoodsFOR CASH ONLY,

Southeast corner Itlain and Fonrth sts.,Jl LOUISVILLE, KY.

Kar&eo's Tactics.4 SUPPLY in a dav or two; authorized edition Ina. two vol tuner; coutainiup also tiie State Guaid Man-ui- l.

Price . By mall J j. Send cub orders toL. A. CIViLL & WOOD.

HOICK FLOURtt loo bots various brands Flmr:75 sacks do; for sale by

153 IU 'iMi'i'T PON

SUNDHIES-Pickl-es, flatcbups. Sauce--

raa Fruits. cf dirWut brauds,Extracts, Saiiimee, ( ho latj, Cocvs, Castile ai d Fan-cy Scaps, ic , f sale by


IjMNK SUGARS Cru-he- Powd-rt-d- . Grauulated,Prewirvlni: Suxari;. al.o hue Brown Sugar.

in store and lot eale byniBBITT SON.

tOKN-W- W sacks mixed and White Corn in store andm sale low by


WUNDR1ES Cuttou Yarus, Cat pet Chalu, CottonUtain, TwiDe, Cordace, tfce., ior ale i.y


t flirt., MABMKA, A.ND SHERRY WlNLSA 12 dozen t'.ne. old Port.f'J Pi do Hue old Madeira;

12 do nur pale L berry:In store and for sale in quantities to suit purchasers bjji J. P THi MPSON. 7H Fnr bot.

CLARFT WINK3- -2' cases St. Julien, intage of ls67;

2l do Floriai', vintage of 157;25 do S ;

lu store aud for sale iu unntittes to suit purchasers byji5 J. P. THOMPSON, 7h Fourth rt.

CHAMPAGNE AND CATAWBA WINES20 cases Widow Clioiuot Champagne;2 do Delmonico do;25 baskets Verzenay do;25 do old iiieddrk Co. do;20 ca s Mo. Sparkliug Catawba;20 dfZfn Drv do:

In store and for sale in quantities to suit purchaser byjlo .1. P- THOMPSON. 7ri Fourth t.


li ) d Gra s d :

lb do Patent Snaths; for sale br. CRMS BY.

CiOFFfcli Java Coffee:i hfrs Laeuara CotTee

Jurt received and for eaie bytie GARDWR A CO

SHEETINGS 35 bale-- i Pmn Mill ud Anchorper steamboat Floruit and for sale

by JNO. F. HOWARD fi oo ,Asents 'or Manulactur re,

W Mln. hptw 'ho Third ond Kourrh 'tn.W IjItAK oj ools A truiihod Sugar mt and

' ior raie oy GARDNER A CO.

Cash for Wool.W w1' Pp lor ool.

T J29 THOS. H. 1U"NT CO.

"JICE 5 tierces prime Rice on coniignmeDt and forA nale byjH AND'W BUCHANAN CO.

I' E- -5 tierces prime Ric in stre aud for sale bvAND'W HCOHANAN Jl CO.

KEItlOVAL.HUGH BRENT A CO. have removed to west i de of

ptrtt. htu-t- M:tin and the Rivwr.

I JHEAt 45 tierces Rice:

10 H do do:Freeh btat; received direct from Pavannsh via railroadand ior sale by JIO (jARI)NER & CO.

'f'BA1 2'KJ wackses Gunpowder and Imperial Tea;

niit chests black lea;In store aud for sale hv


TVTAILs AND hPIKESi Sou kegs Nails60 do Spike:;

In store aud or sale byJ17 MARSHALL HALBFBT ft CO.

RIO COFFEE 100 bags prim e Rio Coffee laod'nFivnno uliitt aod E. H. FoirxLi.d

andforsaleby 1141 CooD MOODV.

ttit FRESH TEAS A large and desirable assoi "

3 iceut of choice Black and Green Teas on handI J and for sale cheap for cadh.iuL- -J J. T. LANHAM & CO.,

ml- - Importer? of Teas. Ac- - Third ?t.

LLol R- -A 100 bbls Fine Flour:

oo btle No. I Extra Floor;In etora and for sale by

AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO.,Comr See.And and Washington st.

fAVA COFFEE Ujj mats choice old Jav In store:d for saie by


1R1NTS4 Turkey red Prints;

2 do Richmond new style Print;Revived and for t

JAMES LOW ft CO.,mS end K' west side SUtb st.

LOUISVILLE JOURNALA Rose oy a Chkkry Tref The Providence

Post pays that about three years ago a citizen ofthat place found in the woods a very email wildcherry treo, a mere shrub, and thinking it possi-

ble to make something of it, though be hardlyguessed what, transferred it to his Kuden. Ithafl grown rapidly, and U now ahou'. flftoen feetin height. But whit is mo3t astonishing inrelation to it, there appeared upjn one of ttsmaller of its branches, about seven feot from thegrourd, a few Liy ainc-- , a beautiful white rofeof the 'djuble" ppecies alwut two Inches indiameter, and having every appearance of thecultivated garden rose Krov,"iI)S npon its naturalstem, the only difre enca b.inir (hit the rosestem, which ascends from a branch of the treenot much larger than a pipe stem, passes quitetbrYMigh the ioe, and is een at sume distanceabove it. Near to this Blvn, on one aide, i3

another, with leavei as in the former case,resembling the ro.se leaf more than the cherry,and on this is a beautiful rosebud, rearly readyt i poo itfelf to our On the other nJe id

still another stem, but unmistakably a legiti-

mate Ehot of the p:iront cherry tree the leavesbfcirin but slight rtsonib'rtnce to thoe on thoother stems referred to.

Thk Armti:ino Uun The iiritiah Admiral-ty, with a view of testing the res i stunt force ofiron platea to projectiles fired from ritld ordnance,have lately instituted a series of experiments,the result of which id strikingly concurrent vrhthe fact demonstrated in recent trials of Ameri-can arms at Pittbburg. Tho t.Ul tcvk ptice atShocburynesd. An LugHh piper sayf:

A battery or tjreet, prentinc a 8"lid front ofiron ten inches thitk, vi, (iret "of all, attackedwith eixy-eich- pounders of the oi l service pat-tern, but no iiiipres:ion cm id be malf. A heavvAnnstruii g:n, wii h a pn jec ila weighingone hun'-irt- and twcnly-pi- x p- - uncl v,na thenbrought to be; r aga;n-- t the ecemingly indestruc-tible mass of iron and wood, and the tirst shot,which was bred at a range ot hunaroa yards,

cleared out" one of th h plates, and atthe same time tore aw ly the back support. Anordinary one hundred-pounde- ArmHtrong gunwith a projccrila of one hundred and ten poundswas next tried airainst the structure, and withmost decisive eUVcr. A 6erius breach was mudein the battety, which was completely broughtdown by a third phot.

The Troubles or Texas Bkgixmno Mkx-ican-

Com.uexciN'J Ilusiii iTtts. The Gilvea-to- n

(Texa?) Civilian of the 21 ult says:Captain Dna'dson's company, whila out scout-

ing between Kjma and (H.irar.io on the '2'J h ult twere tired upna by a party of Mexicans from theGusrrero banks of the Hio Grande. 'I he Ringersreturned the lire, and kilkd a notoi.-n- characterand of bamiitii named Antonio Uchoa.The Mexicans retreated beyond tho range of theTexan ritles, when Captain Donaldjon quietlyproceeded on hh scout. excitementprevails on both banks of the river. Kedinoi.d'sis not pate unless under ths presence of a companyof men. Captain I), in Dene vide left hereto-d:i- y,

June 'J, with the remainder of his company forliedmord's ranche, there to rtmiin for the pro-tection of ih-i-

t section of iho river.A company cf minute men is forming for home

project inn.There were few if any etores left by the United

Spates troYps on their evacuating ihe post, butvery little powder or ball in the magazine, andthere is now no provision in tho commissary

All tho nuns formerly in the fort wereremoved to lirownsvillo two years ago.


From Willi Wasbliu'ti-- Correspondence w ith tbeHomo Journal, j

CAPTAIN W AK1.The two fr'ends with whom I hail come to the

Yard (OwptMn Harwnod ai,d LieutenantV'i.vo, of the Navy), were old shipniato of thecommander of the Freeborn, Capt Waid, and wem ide a merry visit to the cock-pi- cabin of thelittle propeller. Supp?r was ?et on the emailHble, aod the Captain in hi shirt-shev- gavehis me'imate8 a rm-- hilarLms welcome theproximiiies of active service, pi?t and future,giving to the convers ion between those dis-

tinguished othe rs (as wo sat on the powder cm,tbe only seats for which room could bo aifordcd),a b:ickround of thrilling interest. The sturdycraft was to return ths next ay to her tkirm--

ing cruise along ths 1'otomac, and, as CaptainWard is him-el- f tho inventor of one of tho ord-

nance patents, he is not likely to lose an oppor-tunity to try his guns. We shall soon hear fromhim again, without a doubt.

i AI T. AI. HIKES.After a walk through the various founderic-- s

and ammunition factorios,which are now kept go-ing day and night, we made a vi.-i- t to CaptainLv.IghreQ at bis ( fllcial quarters. The great in-

ventor is too famous a per&oa to escape the usualpenalty of ard he will forgive metherefore if I tell the public what it wishes toknow of his personnel. He isa light complexlonedman of perhaps forty years of age, slight and ofmedium height, pale and delicate featured. Hiscountenance Is exceedingly thoughtful and mod-

est, and exprees-- s complete unconciouc-ne- ofbeinc cbserved, while his eye is inevitably keenand his thin nostrils expand us ha talks with alot k of great enthusiasm. A practiced physiog-nomist would at orce pic't b'tn out for a man ofdiitintrui.-he-d abilities, though his destructivebranch of sciorrj would hardly be guesstd undera demeanor so quiet and amiable.

MF.S. SI.KMW.K.Rut the celebrity who is moot attended to, just

now, at Wabing'on, is the young w;fo whoshared hor hufbHiui's dangors at Frt Pickens.Mrs. ie quile the archetype of a heroine,to voung oriicers' bye, while hor beautydraws ail tho young a tists after hor as wall thedaik chestnut hair golden ot the roots (which isso exceedingly valued in Italy), making a mostartittically effective "shading away" and relievofor the dazzling fairness of her complexion. lissides ber uncommon beaut v, however, she seemsto take naturally to her eventful destiny; and isalways gaily at eae, understanding both herselfand every man of mark who approaches her.She ha, somehow, tho ir.ddlinable look of oneborn under a good star; and, as a strong tign ofmy own confidence in her horoscope, i most un-hesitatingly shared a danger with her, last even-ing, at Wiltard's that of eating tcmostrawberries which bad been taken from thes' rye h nine secessionist.1-- In the dashing forayupon Fairfax, it appears, a few boxes of the won-derfully line fruit of this section of Virginia hadbeen found in tbe deserttd market; arid, a speci-

men being sent by a Major-Gener- to Mrs. Mem-me- r,

1 was honored with an invitation io partake.Of course, after yielding to such temptation, oneawakes the next morning with an inquiring mind,(if at all), and 1 have just sent to the fair heroinetbe announcement of my own "to be continued,"trusting to hear of a corresponding happy resulttx her own more momentous experiuiont.

THK I'ltESI !KNT.The President, of course, is not to be spoken

with, except upon urgent business, in these day-?-

but chance gave me a very pleasant exebnnge ofa few words with him last evening. Passingacross tbe interior hall of tho White House, to-ward the drawing-rooi- n bere Mrs. Lincoln wasto be at hometo f few friends wi'hout ceremonv,I met the Chief on his way from Ihi

to his dice. Evidently thinking thatI was in search of himself, be stopped,hands, and looked inquiringly; upon which 1 in- -t

rod need myself, an dogiz-- d for the interruption,and stood hack to let him pass. But, having thusbeen made to know me, ho took tho occasion toobviate embarrassment by a fw upt words, anderded by most courteously showing me tha wayto Mrs. Lincoln's reccp ion room.


With my four or rive years i f "court life" inEurope, I bad never seen that awkward matterfor a high functionary, an unexpected ard briefin'erview with a utianger, moie admirably andwinninlv done. It was chrac;eris ie, for therewas no ceremony about i; but while it was fullof tact toward m it was quite as full of simpledignity for himself. Though not courtly manner,it was what courtly manner tries to imitate amien and presence too absolu'ely natural anddirect for a Bruoimel to approve, but whichwould have been exceedingly admired hv a Wel-

lington or a Palmers'on. It is impossible to lookin Mr. Lincoln's face, and hear him fpsakafewwords, without believing in him. lie looks ashonest as he does tall and he is taller thanmost people whilo in the absorbent opanoe?s ofhis frank eyes, aud the ready intelligence of hisfeatures and expression, there is plenty of proin-i- e

of capability.MRS LINCOLN.

My former acquaintance with the White Housewas under the Adinioistra'ion of Mr. Van Buret),who was a widower; and, oul of courtesy s hewas, I think the country may be fairlv congratu-lated on the difference, now, with a t.

Mrs. Lincoln is mot unaffectedly happyherslf, and the strives to make overy one elso so;and tho presence of a genially s ei il and mostmotherly and kindly woman, dispensing the hos-

pitalities with all her heart, gives a home char-acter to tho great White Piilace, in which thepuld'C exceedingly r joices. Sue and her clr.irm-in- g

kinswoman, Mrs. Griinr-ley- , mke those in-

formal evening, in iIm circular drawiug-root-

attractive to all stranger.-- ; and, favorite calling-plac- e

as it is to the distinguished men resident atthe Capital, the conversation there is proverbiallygay and agieeable. The Pre,-i- d en t, in fact, ismost popularly supported it hme.


Uutil row, the manion hasalwuysseemed to me slenderly served the ono or twos'aabby-foate- d tervan'.s, who were to be seen oc-

casionally in the lonely corridors, not beingenough for the proper siatelines cf the dwellingof the Chief Magistrate. But il is surprisingwhat an improvement is m:de by ihe multiplyingof uniforms and sentries. The noble gales seemfor tbe tirst time suitably attended, and tbe thicksprinkling of officers, among the crowds in theballs ai.d avem .8, accord rih1 y with the. atchi-tectu-

and associations. Wuh the p!a'ing ofthe red coated Marine Band in the roubds, theother afteruoon tbe gav croud of ladies and sol-

diers, acd the PresideutTs fani'lv in the half circleof the balcony it was really dirBcult not to be-

lieve one's self in Vienna, the M'hite Ujuse, foronce, looking tuinptujusly imperial.

Madame De Stael was a pitiless talker. Somegentlemen, who wished to teach her a lesson, in-troduced a person to her who, they said, was avery learned man. The g receivedhim graciously, but eager to produce an impres-sion, bogan to talk away, and asked a thousandquestions, so engrossed with herself that tbe didnot notice that her visitor made no reply. Whenthe visit was over, the gentlemen asked Corrinnebow fhe liked their fnd. "A most delightfulmau," was the reply. "What wit and learning!"Here tbe laugh came In the visir waa deafand dumb.

A raving lunatic in an asylum in Californiawas rest red to reason oy teeing her father, fromwhom she had 1 ng been separated. We know amanswho was brought to reason by hearing hiswife 'a voic in an adjoining room.


Pvadway's Ready Belief.


Testimony of Field Ofllceri Oinpany OIHcew,ad entire Kcglmentfi In favor of the


We propose IocCt, in a few br'uf paraCTuphg, Ftirproofs of the efficacy cf HAD WAY'S READY RKLIEPai a preventive of nnlcnve for the dWeaaes to whirhbcdlei' of unacctiniHted mt'n are peculiarly subject inwarm latltntlrs &s cannot fil to eomniRnd the atteoHon of Paterual Government anxiou to protect tlhealth and lire of thy ten of thoundj of brfive andpatriotic citK?nt who have lsit and are daily learlntjthir hfnip, their famUie, aud their busintaj to ti?lIn ita deft do.

According to th? tretimooy of eminent mllitarv mroof army Burgecoa of l.Igh ftauding in tbe rrof ion.and thc'u ands r.f prUate soldiers, RAD WAY'S RKADYRELIEF hs already b.en of immense beneCt to thaaick anvng otir gallant volunteer soldier in CAMPIN TUB BlVOUAt;, AND ON THE MARCH.

'iue aunjoiued euinmiry ol tacts, winch wefu'Iv Invite the Government to rerify by application toth1 par. let nmeJ, includes tut a rraill portion of thevoluminous to the ?Rne effect iec-- Ived by ujwithin a few weeks fnm various beadi aartf ra ofmaiit3 acd detaehmeuta in the service of the I'jitoittti a:


From the Niuth Regiment N. Y. Voluutoerj (Zouve)Col. Bu?h n.iwkiud, of tn reyimeit f a' Tiartred

at Newport N writes us beetowinr? the strongest en

conimms on the Keliet, aud It, 'roru ttexperience of liluailf aud olnoer, aa "a mo3t valuableaddition to the army mediclue chi a."


Major Llaolli, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces the Rb- -

Licr an excellent medicine" for the army.


Col. Geare Lyon, of tie Eighth Reiritneat N. Y. 8.

M., all Ida drivers, and b0 private, endnrie the ReJu fin thn mojt uupliat'c ternu, aud euggeit it immediate

introduction into the medical stores of every branch of

tuessrvica.TESTIMONIAL NO. 4.

Surgeon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phe'p, of theFirst Rppinr nt of Vermopt Volunteers, warmly ap-

prove the Relief, and the regiment has tiken with it to

the add a eulticient supply for preient use.


Captain J"ha Whitiocic, Co. I California Re.imentstationed at Camp Vatwa, Stateo leUcd, says that, onthe 5ih of Ju oe, 1SH1, he admini tercd the Relief t forty men cf bin company w ho were laboring under severea'tacks of diarrhea aud dyeaiitary: that its remedialeffects wert immediate; and that a majority of the pick

EErOBTKD fob LC-- tue SAME AIT:Boo'. He there-fore recommends its addition to the medical etores o(

the letfiment as a measure of thi "hi; lite t importance.'


The military editor of the New York Sunday Atlastestifies cn behalf of members of the Seventy-firi-

Flth, Si ith, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- h Regi.ment.', to the beneficial t Gecls of the Relief in "dozeuaef cauts cf

Ad a protective against aod remedy for dreentery.diarrhea, ft ver and apue, bilious, yellow, and other fe--vm, and of the cffjcT of miama, unwholesome waVr,and exceed re heat; as a geDernl iuviorant aud r atora-tiro- ;

find also as an external application for reducingthe ior) am mat ion of wouuds, ihe Reiitf Is iufailinle.When adiaixictcred internally it instantly arrests pain.


The us1 of Rad way's Read Relief ii f equal importance In th domestic circle. Every family should aet--

a snppiy of it In the honie. It cau be uaed for so manycomplaiut and adment, aud will in all cases give easeand tond'-T- to the sufferer.


jt will in a few minutes relieve the moat severe palusoccneli'ued by



OF SPIRITS, SICKNESS AT fcTOMACH, andwiil, with a ft:w tunes udiug, cure tiie most obstinatecaBce.


It Immediately relieves, and will in a few days cureRJEUMvriSM and all RHEUMATIC sff) tioup,GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDENCOLDS, HOARSENESS, SOKE THROAT, DIPTHE-RI-



PAINS IN THS JOINTS, HARD SWELL-INGS, LUMHAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN INTHB KIDNEVS, WOMB, SPINE, Ac, SPRilNS,STRAINS. WOUMjS, SCALDS, aud BURNS. LttRadwaj'd Really Relief be applied or taken internallyon the first warniug given of slckueB, and no uitt' rwhat may be the ( f tha threit jued diaeitie,the Ready Relief will break up aud arrt the provesof tbe dieease.

A mass of evidence so direct aud concliLdv? aa ti eabove, emanatinc from military men who voluoreer itso e&rnottlv, and who testify trom pprsonal xverience,can scarcely be disregarded at Waidduptoo; aud wecannot doutt that the Govercin nt, ou loo Li ig iuto thefacts, will deem it expedient to snppl. the stationaryrcdiitery hospitals aiid all regiments in the field with aprotective aud remedial preparation of sacu inapprecia-ble value and utilit y,












Thoee who taVe Reno vt ing Resolveut will

have rich, pure, andHEALTHY BLOOD

coursing throuch their ve'na.


tinued uae of Rmlway'i Reuovatirg Resolvent for two

or three weeks will change a rough, sallow, discolored

and unhealthy tklu to a clear and healthy complexion.

Ir f tnU and children afttlcted with Red Gum, Sore

neads, Erup'ions, ar.d Breakinga Out, Cancers, &c,will derive immediate benefit by the uee of tho Resolv-




Rvi Coush, Hacking Dtr Con?li. Stitchiuc orWrcnUi.Ing Pains in the Side, Suddm Paina around the Heart,Shortoeas of Breath, Ila-- Bnratbing, Sharp

when taking a Long Breat1-- , and all other painful symp

toms are quickly removed by the Renovating Hin'viit.BRONCHITIS SPITTING OF BLOOD.

Io all caes of Bronchitis that we hava koown theResolvent to be uned for It has quickly cured the pa

tient it never fails. LIkew iae in Hemorrhage from theLunga or Throat R R. Resolvent is the motsafe andp rompt st) ptic in use. loose atllicted withof long standing are especially racommendrd to it as a

never-'ailin- g remedy.

Price of R. R. Resolvent Is $1 par bottle. Sold bydrufglate and dealers everywhere.


RDVAY'3 RKGrLATIVG PILT S are tho rKVoe- -

etab'e subatitut for Calomel, Mercurr, Anti .oouy,anu tiier kindred miueral poisoua in

Ralway'a Remdating Till are eleddntly coitted IMi

M.dicrttod Guin thirt Fills lu each box aOre fromoue to sx - wanautcd to operate in jix hours.

RADW.W'S RKOULATING PILLS ARE THEMOST FEU KEC PILLS IN I n !', and the oulr milsthat po?seKn anv new medicinal v or regulattnrxpowers that been diacoveied during tbd presentcentury


Th firpt do-- e of Radway'a Pilla tows the reel ofhalth iu the ei k and avtteni. and in 6itQciiautff s'ter a doee is swallowed will c the

of disea: io six bonrM an evati atiou irnm tnebowels Hill follow, wl.eu the uit'ent w.li grow btttnevtry day the patient wi I tain strei ?th. The tick tie

ie b althv and the teeble strong; evcrr o gu In thedicKftretl body ts rtstnitated ith new life and vior.and he.il!b and will rwtni throughout the

hole-ye- tt m. 1 ha liver win be repmar t!i excretingbile, lli akin reilar la its fiiucttoiu. aud the hen-- rular iu it beatiiiKs, the pulae reeuitir in it motinnr,and the biwi- - regular, at a regular hour, in diccharligtheir touteut1. Let all who hve ccccion t tukjliyric taV a dose of Ridway's P'lls If vour pyeuina out of oider, or ihrte of tadway'a Pi Is will

eatablib!t regularity.The filtowin ailments Rdwav's Pills w 1H quickly

cure aud free the at Btui from all irritatiiiK humora audleave evtry orgau of the body in a natural aud healthyconditior :

Constipation of th Bowel?, 'Ilvaierls,IiMliLimati jd of the Bowels, Wlnte',lu i nuujati0,i tf Kiiueye, iiriieuzi,luatiaccc, NTvoua, La,

bick, KlJuev Comp:ali tg,Mfaalee. Hladdr-- r Cemkiaiute,Saisil-Po- iludicrttiouDropsy, Bcarlft Fcvur,Costiveoesf, Typhus Fever,Biiiounvae, Flt-- isv,Dyppeusta, Fever,Lreguiarlry, Heart Dioeaee,

CMTCaXTBY IH4IM.Lo--e of Appetite, Lotf of Mtmory, Loee of Energy, andLot of btrcatth,


Ladies suffering from Irregularities, Monthly Suppre-slon-

Retentions, Ac, should take one or two of 's

Regulating Pills every night for one fck beforethe expected period. They will remove all dUeaaed ob-

structions acd in u:e a healthy discharge at the propertime.

Price of Radwaye Pills 25 cents per box (coated withpleavaut o take; 30 pi'le in each box. bold by

Drg:aLj and Merchants everywhere.RADWAY A CO.,

S3 JOHN STREET, New Yorlt.E. WTT.DRR. Awt. TntsvfUeliiSi dlstpeod&wlamly

To CttsU lingersGreat Intkicements !

TE ARE OFFKUTNO IR LARGE AND AT-tr- slive .t0"R ,1 PaM'Y ni'L--n GOUS at a

VERY I'I f. A k' RMhUt-Tltj- FoR CASH. O.ir ImkM Krt T C ST - K U oi. oi t!u larft. at iu the citi , cou-

Now York MiM rnd Wtr-tM.-- r ShHIn-- ,Lot piinle nod Engl ah LontrcioTh Slili .ing,

Uoi au i Bnu ciiinloei",Wani t a a' d S niprr Id. m SlditingF,

Irich Li"- na an t F'Outj,lu 4 L'fic-- and Urd tlf bliei t'ngs,

li-- l and ki i Liucu bJtttmt-- ,Tale Datnalt3,

Napktni and Do lee,iar- - i) h mid A l! nd de S tread i;

All c hr Kp i'cL FjauuHl-"- ,

Wuite Gooda in vrity,Gio"' s and U ""drrv,

I'ara-- lr a;d K'nn",Mu krt.-- . Nttt.ln'F,

To all of which we ask the ntt'-- i t'oT of ch huver.-- .


Carpets and Dry Goods!



With a full ftck ofDOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTING, Ac, &c.(

Which will ba sold low by

c. ciivall u co ,J'Jl jib 3i5 Ma-l- rt., orroaite Bank of Kentucky.

NEW STYLE STR W MATS nA neivedJiff at FRATHL'R A SMITH'S,- j'J2j&b iiJMainat.

' Kt1. 1' V A i TV U 1 Il HT ANDt rvived


rfjy SILK AND CASdiMKR-- i DKEs HATS,i;.J leal tj les, at


We arc Juct in rrcipt ..f a laru and buifu!Tf stock of fiooda fr Sinnn:r w. a- -, coni-rin- e inpi-- cf L a on. btraw, Pui.nii. Florence Urid.and bUKhsh Straw, ail ol tiie Int.vt etvl

and h ft mall tie. A. RAIG.Alb Ottwt a d F t.

BOTT BATSA ctlrci c lord Frcncli lienvr F"t, tb finest

Hit ill tovt'.auri tHfi must. ht,tntlfnl In alior.a laouiy at- lA1! A. f'FATO'fl

In Silk black w iHim-n- -. nd Murk anrtdr;b IVavt-r- . rf the latin and no approvedsfyl"", reiidy ffr cur naiea thij morning.

y.)&b A. CRAIG.

CAVH CAPO,TnRE Can m -r lrtdi vidtfng the

Noihiiie pre'ii-- or mure cicveuient cgdbe worn. Io he lound ouly at




Gilt Frames,Locking-Glasse- s,

Walking Cam.A flue assortment, sj.d CliEAPPZR THAN EVER.

hiiu r;. V. I'lnrkei and 1'rrHit.uAt UlND A KNUFF.L'3

STATK Ol- IUK lOtMUV.rpHE PANVlL1 E QUARTERLY K1 VIEW fora tunod the bUto iho Coa.iir , Just iv

A. DAVIDSON,J3, jAb fU.3 (Lira VarVt

SOFT SHELL GRABS,DIaltby's C. S. M. Cove Caters,


tiil Kr.N'.tQL'AHS.

YOUNa SOUIRRKT 8.and all o;hrr dvlicaclm of 'b r" id iailyby Exr-res- at the ST. CHA Hi A S. fl th etre.

N. B.DAYTON ALE ad PORTER for sale at tbfST. CHAKLLb.


Removed to Xo. SIS Fourth street,opposite Tripp & Irak's

Music Store,WHKRE he if acsin ready to wait on Ida friends wlM


Watches. Clock, Jewelry, Silverware.TaDlo cutlery, rine spectacles, fitc.


I take this ocw-lo- i to rvturn roy tbink to thoc.who so uoblv r. i't-- in cutiuk my od? tromthatiiithat ewfyt me from my old etand uj Main ''r.- t.




Manufactui'eraCabinet-Maker- s' Materials,

Qrccn stroc-t-, between Clay nd Shelby rtrefI.OUTST 11.1 .K. KV.


VOGT & KL1NK,PXancfacturors, - - - SSii Third t

Respectfully ofTr for lorpcctfon ad sale a lariaad splendid RjiioiXinent of

T E3 in Tj "3T,of snporW workmR(d:ip end '"ashiTiablfl styles, I!

nnd. t,orai, (..arburtcifl, , c. arTlci rwalfcood, line, and and evryhinr t'touKlDgnur line, ot isaropcan lopoit, cew York taonc, arour own makn.

HaviuK been induct d by toCLOSK OUnd bc.l) at any rate rn'her than good, and, 0

ias to the hard thu's, d"c!rou toLET N'J CAbH CUSTOMER GO

on the score of invito our friends and tttubuc to call and cianmio our stock, and rei tawartihat their wa;-t- anil withti will and ahall he Kratifie-

at VOOT & KLINK'd,

Walker's lxclianeTHIRD ST., PET. MAIN & MARKET.


IP XI. 3 Gr IjBG-S- ,

First of the Reason.U8T d a fn" rt of TROG LFHS. PPRINr


PArtif? and fairdh- - pupr'-lt- with everything In ouline at the uorttiet no Jcc

,J')IN CAWK1N to CO-- ,a3JAb TTurdst., bet em Main and Markflt.N R Tnet a Uren of LONTtO.




Oboap JJaoe Store.319 FOURTH ST RLE T OLD NO. tVj.


IX) ( "( 'LLA R3 at. ly c?;LINEN COLLARS at ly ct?; Ac.



MT1S ON Si'RtPTT'RJ?. bv Tn I Jmes. t3 ft.THE RIBLE AND THE CLAS3K 3. by oj Mead .


MACAULAY'S iildloLl CI L uLAND. V,-- t4 c.


80LMLKV AND SAILO-- TEXT DOCK, by Re.J. R. Macd id. D. O

G'DEVS LADs'5 bOOJa for M27.Just reived by A. DAVinrfOW.


COAL! COALOf the Wert qaality and at the Icwvrt priua, for eah

W-- t of Thhl vp

Jl"rt Peceiveti,nARPBR'3 HAUAALNH tor Jiuie. !MJ.t

A. DAVIDSON,DJSJSt) 8U3 Third tit, ot Ms aai.


Jy:vut oL to


rhristma? and ew Uht9 Presects

WM. KENDRICK'S,t35 Third t., botween t Vara.

ft M: tnt ,?fP A WATCHF8.,V JKWKLR?.

8ILVRR an-- APiA'fr.r WAft.Wai onyw mor eoP.pietfl than at pnt :1a . Mfww!


heap:veuv rnpi

Clotli Coat, W(Tth forClo'h Oat worth f.rt-- $T;Oth Coats worth H'a for ffl;

CoiTs worth S i farCoat worth 7 for ipl B:

Linen Caats wonh fiom fti '0 to at. 81;Bum er Wets wonh fiom a to i ,t

Th" abov (tod-- . a HHU out of styl , but good,'a Me at He tea, for sal? at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,W On Main et, opposite th National.


WAR PRICESWe have still on baud a good assortment of th



Give us a call before ptirehaalng e'sewher; .

LAPP & brctiieu,303 Fourth street,


Jx$ door to Fond a Orocery117 dUfitc


PJo. 217 Fourtlt ratreot,BETWEEN MAIN AND KAtthJST did.,

E ARE NOW OF PERI NO CRVT INDLCE--" menu to burore in

CARPPTS. CTICTirNS. nM.Olt Oil,-- '. LOTflfl,

KL'l-- r Anu M T '.It It I A AND lflAaKH,L.ACA. C It ( A N- -

iA K I (KIDSof evnry dcecrirt'on for family nee, at very low priceeUr cash and ca.--h ouh .

MARSHALL A DICKINSON,iW 'i17Ponrth r... hftw-!- i W:tfn nrt MatK-t- .

V O f U JAR 3 0 hhdj Irom fair to c1 ooe tn stareand lor aal bv

A i.pn vriortF. 11 nrv.1)L.N I'A'i'lUN AlOLAajjEti-bl-- y b! In 111 .tj.e and

M.1M bvT T.FV MnPF. t n FC.

(i-rEl- i a6 bgs vr .u- - lio tt tv ih rrif

(ItanuUUd, ad C rTt Su a1- n tor- - va ialabv lull ALLEN, MOORE. 6 HADN.

ARI OIL 44 bbls rtcdved Oil concLjuiiteut in ft reaud tor alA bv


WHOLK8ALi5 AND RETA IL UK'JCLUV, r'LOUIT.No. iWS Murkt rtrwut. bi1- u

LTLOl K dl. bb!s Arcade Mi'; )1 e.itiA i;urt- a very superior ar'ir.lc tp storw ati fnr sale by

AND'W UllIIANaN a k,j .

1 LAi'KHLUK V WINK A ctioi. nicir 01 iryI HiackiMjrry Wine In Aore and lor b rhr bar- -


UNiRIKeto (X) hbl- - No, 1 Salt-

2'i bh- - f nhlf salt In small bigs;6i Cider ViriHuar:2' bf.li lr,;e N . 3 Alickr!;SO y.(lolaref No 3 act;iij bbls n.cdiuni No. 2 do;Lio V. do No. '2 do;M kitj No. 3 do;

Iw boxes litj-rln-

7S catKd Soda;as boxf;8 Soda In ltb papers;

h'.'A) do Stone pipes,MI,0itu G. D. Caj;

lWJ,0iW S. B. do:2' boxits Lutltr's Plackiar;i do quart Fla(,3:) do pint do;10 do Hp'.nt do;

'n rtore and for sale bvIAK8HALL D ALBERT A CO.

JjJ SI.'Mp;,.

JVA COPKEE afi Hiperior o d Jva C.ff eand for sale hi

TJ NDTv ff ')IV AILS Ni kcp Fai!e, aworti d, jut mcivrd per1 1 etean (r Rolianc-- and lor enif 01


1 bills piiroe Flaotatlon MoIaeB:luO do do do tloT for sate b7


OAK WELL BUCKETS Si dzf.n Oak v.t-I- I

various kindd, just received and lew by(JK'.IN RAW 'Z' lN,

Hn KZX Main rt.. K-- n Tbi a1 .

ISlI Sareon, Mitckervl, H"rrins, and Sardines In1 rackaces and on ratal! bv

PRINTS1 lu c&m Hamilton purple Print

ft do do fancy do;26 do new style Sprauur'c do;25 do do do Merrimack Prlnls-2-

do do do Spriuft Dreae (aooda;art reaaved and for sale ky

JAMES LOW & CO.,m B" Dii ii ii wot k -

LINE BRANDY, WHISK k, &c- .-IU dv.t-- raift Coiraitc Itraud -.

lt do old Bourbon connty Wlilsa,t( do old Au;.lt Lriiidv;6 Ho Whitney's Cub House Oia;6 do cid Jaiiiiioj Hum- at

mT J. P. THOMPdOI-rg- , 75 Fo.uth O

PICKLES AM) CATCHCPS-EmcIi- -'aCHOICE PickU's, Calclui;-- , Sauces. Prwi vtsda, i!atine. Chocolate, Cocoa, ie., ju

.U hv Tiwil 111BKITT & SON.

pLOVER-SEED-7- bajrs prin.e ClJVBr-Sst- 4 Jurtand tor tale by


fIO COKFEE m: bairn good to etilCtiy pilijQ KiO11 Couee in store and tor pate by

AND'W BUCHANAN & CO.,it? ConiMr Krond ami w-- h

JAPES Lillin'a ehillpd iron Firt and Rurtdai I'lof' Shi'ms, with his clebraKvl conbiuation u k. on th:n;,store aud for sale at the inaimfacturt-r'- rrlct'. by

w. n U!',i,knap ro.

rllRESHEtt ne second-han- d Thrrsli-- r for sateC. OUMtB.'S

110WINO MACHINE GRINDSTONES - P.Vcr.t1 GrindnTone, for grindfriR tilalea ir t t.n

a- -d inrf fnr .) h- - f "8 ' i W

Chairs.LARGE aseoitruent ol HUM in st'-- and forV sale by UL'uH BREST a CO ,

iri Second Ft. hfrwMn yi" at'1 Kt T.

L I O LASSES-bhls Molasses:

80 qhi Siiijar House MIasfet;M bbls do Binip;

n ptore aud for sale bvji7 MARSHALL H ALBERT A CO

Fresh Blue Lick WaterI N store aod for sale by! IIUOH BRENT A CO.,

it Ro. .f y,,, i, , , n i r"f

COU - i.'M--- uatf - hilo and mixedJ shelled Corn in storw and for e!c bv

A N D V BUCHANAN A CO.,ml7 Cornwr of Second nnd -.


' " with H'e-Powe-


v II in cod order, and will bo sold iow if ct1d forat C. ORMSBv'S,

J lft 3j-- M ain st.

UAPLE MOLASSES Ji:st rived a bbls primiu store and for sale b

in8n HipmTT fllV-

A1LS win twvt ttiiiunt iu. .1- .- i'.

TO FJLOW-i'adjii- JaE have in store S TEKL Wl.N'iS and MOl, D- -

" BOARDS, of the mot inmrov.-r- p.'.treiii fur wiw bv ill K HKIiKNAr XI

" W. SMITH'S KENNKTT A I.1, tn bblnand VibN;1 T. MARSHALL'S KEN TUCK V 'RE-A- ILKESE.i lot of each just receivwd ami fr.r ale by

tLa NiH K. WB'Ka.

HAY 3'iO bales prime Timothy and Hau:irianOraiSsale by

lift J. A. FENTON, 134 Fonrth rt.

UGAR73 hhde prime Sugar landing from theWood- -' ford and for sale byfi rnnn v"v

COFFEE Riotlu pockets Java: for s1e by


I AVA SO pockets prime eld Java receivedby uiaiibaat aud for aale by



( (tf Good broom HANDLES. wed seasonedJJVfJ l.yw rbebeft qnaiiry Broo Cml;

ti'Jo H bet quality Sowing f whine;ii' D tbe be- -t quality cMorvu tV ing Twice;tlO Its t :i:ality rlfttl Wire- -

bdls Cut Tacks. Licm NdV". tC:Inst rccel' at the Wooden Wan and Stcr?,t Miin strewt, b;-ve- Third and LonvLic,

vn"'Ml. Ifi li "VPlv w

COUNTRY BACON ANU LARO-f- c.i, C. Vr"by ffl-- HITHtTT iV


jut rtKoivtMl and for sale low by Ma .

HAM BOXES b st chiircoal Uraiids

5 ULU aeoortd sises, tor a! low bv1 WALLAf IE, LITHfiOW. & C

30 bbls Loverlnc's Crushed aud GranuUtedSUGAR ju.t rcived aud for sale by

t n

Iron, Steel, Lead, b.uot 'r'UEiALt lu storw and for tale at ve-- iow pri Vfll W. H. HK NAP ' '.


1 Ar..nralehv "14 '

pOFFEE-- lft bas prime Cofle Pfl&JJ'O rale by Ifi--
