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s 'V V - Historical Papers, Wits University awtwlly, thaa, tha Council im l largo mab«r« af...

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s 'V V 6 ^'7 ('lrMAc~f»0 ‘UZ+eA*^- <**> A ?? *~)

s ' V V 6^ ' 7

( 'l rMAc~f»0 ‘U Z+eA*^-

<**> A ? ? *~ )

p rap artiaa n d M r l U , prorldod th a t * Sty oh&rga nada I s fo r nadialnaa

m 4 » ot f a r 41>| W i n f tha I l M u t or p ra a crib ln g • m o j jr>

7haaa r a a tr a ln ta apply a la a to t r ib a l aad io in a m m and

b a r b e lla ta | axaapt in f a t a l ahoro thoao a k ll lo d in h a a lln g and

horba„ba lloan aad to p ra o tia a ouratlw a aod lo iao a a n | A frica n s fo r

• • l a , o tm to tho axton t o f p orfoan lag aurffloal o p e ra tio n s. P o licy

i® ainad a t th o lr gradual a lla in & tio n , hoaovart no sow lio o so o a any

bo isM isd u n lssa w ith tbs M in iatar*s aonaant, ahiob i s ss ld c a girm a,

Tfeoro aoro y22 h a r b a iis ts p r a c t is in g la g a l ly in f a t a l a t tha tln a

whsn D r. «l*ona w rotoi b u t, a s ho polntod o u t, asny o th ers o arriod

an I l l e g a l pr& otioss*

H srb a lis ts s s l l back, h srb a, ton&a, akina and othor nootruna

under s general d e a le r*a llo a n e e , and p a tsn t aodiolnoa under a pa tan t

nadlolno d ealer*a lio e a o e *

a.Q?a__Ajp m m M u o t s .

ils tu rb a n e s s th at baas oeourred in aannaotion w ith a p o o lflo

le ta iee, fo r oxaaplo tha traason t r i a l a or psaaoo fo r mmwa9 ara

d e a lt w ith in tha ro lo ra n t oootlon s f t h is Murray.

U oaolara.

Thora aoro fu rth o r dlaturbanooo during Deeeaber sad January

o f tha y a a r undar re r ie w a t Nawelare, ons o f Jehanneeturg4 a so o t a r i l

slums, whieh l a tha s r s a th a t has f s r so lo n g boon to r r o r ls s d by tha

^hieelans^ - a group o f s i l l tan t -w in d e d A frican s o f satb e o r ig in

rou b le* a t V sw slsro during tha paot y o a r , however, have boan batwaan

seobera o f too r iw a l Sotbo O lana, tha X etaleng and Uaaapa, ra th sr

thftn bstoaan ths ^Russians* and A friean e s f s th a r t r ib o a .

▲ minor la o id o s t during Deeenber la d to f ig h t in g , during

* i e b nunbara o f nouboro o f ana a la a wara in ju r e d . T h eir aupportoro

poured in to who toanohlp an tha f o l l e e i a 3 awanlne ana nagod ninor

ao rfa ra s g a in a t tha r lw a l group - k n lvea , h n eb kerrlee , s tlo fcs , a to saa ,

hone nade b a t t la axaa , p la to la and ehotguna wara ueed* E ventually

tha f ig h t in g ana atoppod by tha p o llo o , ona A frlo sn o osatab la r e c e iv in g f a t a l in ju r ie a .

A fu r th s r ssr lo u a o lasb aoourrad aona a ir wsska l s t s r ,

•any in ju r ia a balng oauaad, and ana aaubar a f tha S« ta le n g olan bain*

f a t a ’ l y wounded* Hie fU naral trlggo ro d o f f anothor b a t t lo in ahiob

■bout s thousand nan and waaen aoro in v o lv e d . Tha boaao o f oona

naaboro o f tho Vaaups o lan aara wreaked and, a g a in , /nany people

aaro in ju re d . Thia t la a tha p a llo o aoro forood to open f l r o before

tboy auooaodad in q u a ilin g tha r i o t . I t waa raportod th a t about

t h ir t y fr ia a n a wara a d n lttsd to h o o p lta l,


* --------------g®aoral u a ra a t had f ar oane t in e baan a la a sr ln a a t V la k fe u te la ,(Cl) i$**j Xjosuj S<xlc\Mxtm /9i's/ i' 6 7vcu xz> ? 7 <X'

A h

dAAsrxrtjy XckXhj jtsZoJZxrifyn /9i'sf s' £ oo ? 7 <-6~ 0<-'

the lari* African tomehlp U the «u t of Pretoria, eanaod V • Torlety

•f footers, one of shloh son the txtnMljr high tranapttt charges.

Battere w n bright w a W U la October 195*, when the T neat 1m

•1 jrlntanlant, ate had been urging the Afrlaaaa to tidy up tboir

jtrdena and to tuild fool ruaa of aoooptablo attndard, t e l M to

loa»llah iww that ion unsatisfactory. 9mm 9t the

ownlo|pal polloe, when he ordorod to do this, oxooodad their lnstrustlons

and began uprooting treoe and planto In tho gardene. Tho

furleue, and ease of then otanod tho pellecnon.

The following day w»e a Saturday, whan nany of tho nei

t heme. several theoeond angry non, woaen and children gathered

*99 n meeting w tel do tha beerhall, shsrs 0 European one In ehargo.

Paoalono nountod and eventually belled overi tho crowd otanod tho

beerhall, coached ito windows, damaged the blojoloo of nunlolpal

polleonea, and then 001 fire to tho beerhall and to tho ear of lto

The s.a. 3olloe sore hurriedly ouuoaedt their vnne sere

atoned aa they arrived. They poured out of their vehlelee and asdo

a baton ehargo to dloporoo the ovens’! hat 00 ooen no they retired tho

Mb re-foiwd, six baton ohargeo wore neooeoary before oontrol see

aatr/bllabod, individual pellooaon, she found theneelvee In dlffloultlee,

oponln- fire with their revelvere. Sight polloe oenotabloo and alz

civilian Afrioano sore Injured*

.:fri054»e sore later oonviotod on ehargoo of aeaault.

he ioo tion per In ton lent n a roplaoed ohortly after tho rlotof but

• oeanlttoe of Inquiry later abeelTOd h«n of oil blane.

Felloe raided o ncetlng of the Afrloon Votlonal ongreee

at Longa townehlp, Cape Teen* during February 1957, 1* order to

arroet oono nine Afrloono fron other areao 1*0 had entered tho tosnohlp

without perelcolon. Thlo sue highly reeonted, otonee vara thrown,

«md ?* baton charge sao node by the polloe to dloperoo tho eroed.

oAfeutor Beerhall. J e h a ^ ^ y .

One evening In Auguet 1957, uten noot of tho euatonara of

tho welhutor Boorhall near the oentre of Johanneoburg had already

loft, suptllee of a natured brew of hafflr boor oane to an end, end

o new brew woe eerved. Tho cwetonere who remained, eoao foo of then,

: otaa tad about lto quality end queued up to donond the refund of their

of then beoaoo Inpatient end threw their beorouge In the

air. Thlo need oaught on. Tho orosd ruohod Into tho etreet, atoning

, baarhali end pooolng oara. Largo nunbero of pollonen wore foroed

to oordon off the eree before order oould bo rootored.

Tko nodal African temthly of Btnjrtm, t e M i, «htv« ttt

prinoipla #f ath*io grouping m first applied, aaa daaorlbod is tko

lM t i4 ili« of this Survay.

Sorloua rioting toaurrod thara during Slaroh 1957. It

aaid that a gnng of unruly Xkaaa ohlldron attaakad a aohool aorving

tho Saaal group, killing ona of tho pupila and injuring taa taaahara.

Tho ohlldron pcnrod out of tka building and taadroda of tha* war*

soon ang&god in fighting,

Tka paraata gradually booaaa 1 aval wad. Bafora long,

tkauaanda af Saaal M id Xkaaa wra angagad in apaa tribal warfara.

At laaat faur, tat probably aoro, aara killad. la apita of tka affarta

af tka pollaa, fighting contlnuod far omr taa daya aad nighta - at

laaat anatkar fiwo paapla aara killad* On kaaring that taa aoabora

af tkair trika aara aMagat tha aaon^tlaa, tka felaa Joinod foraaa

aith tka Swaai, A lla it aaa ruzoourod that tka Satko aara oontoaplatlag

ooaing to tka aaalataaaa af tha Xkaaa.

Tka utaaat oonfuaio- ralgaad until tka paliaa otantually

nanagad to ragala oontrol. Tka aokoala aara oloaady aeaa taa

tkouaaau Afrioana atayad away fraa aark) aara tkan that aunbor af

vonan and ohlldron aaugkt tontorary rofugo outaida tka toanahip.

Afrlaana faal wary atrongly that tha oyataa af atknia

grouping, akiak aaaontuataa tribal dirialon, aaa at tha root of tho


(•) H | iMfcWMBi"

It will bo raaallad^'that fallowing tka passing of tko

• Laaatiaaa in tka Sky* Aat, Johannaatarg Municipality sbtainad a

hauaing laaa far tha oraotlan of a aottago hoatal at itoho (ana af

tka Afriaan towshlps graupad tagathar to tko aouth waat af tha alty).

Tkia aaa aooonaodato 5*152 Tha City Caunall plaanad ta build

ftarthor kaatala, aad aaanakila ta uaa tha Data ono ta eatar far aaa

aka waro living aa aub-tanants in alua araaa, or aa lliagai lodgsra

ia baak yard. ar on tko tap af hlooka af flata, allowing thaaa aka

kad in tka paat baan lawfully aoooaaadatod to rtarln wharo thay aara

for tka tiaa boing. tat tka T&nlatar af Yativo Affaira inalatad

that at laaat kalf tka aaoooaadatlon ahould ba uaad for tko rahaualng

to ba aovod undor tho •laaatloaa in tho 9ty« Aat - akiak

jrovidsd that, ualoaa apoalolly aatkariaad, no owwr of a

ia tka *taita* part of a taan nay allow noro than firs Afrioana

ta 11wo thara*

( ® » 990 9un%l 9f &aaa olatlona 1955/56, pagoa 184 ot ao >

(,6(0 ^ w njxy -RcVtH Acuyu i& 3

Of aw tw lly, thaa, tha Council i m l largo mab«r« af

oloitMri and daaaatio aarv&ata to Itaba fron block* af fU t* and

offlooa, hotala and othar bulldinga In tha 'ahita' «r*Mt ‘?hoaa m b

aara naarly all 4ftlaa, thair alaaa balng knoan ooHa^rtlly aa laloaaa.

M r oaaraaianaa, tha illagel lodgara aba fillad up tha r— Jnlng

aaooaaodatlaa wra alaa aalootad aaatly fro* tha 3al* trlVi*

Thla oauaod too dlffloultioa. ?ir«tly, It a u aooially

undaairabla ta plaaa ©var 5,000 aingla nan In tha aidat af faaily

daalllnra. raaandlr. tha fualllaa in tha neighbourhood aara af

alaad,(1but aalaly SothoarlginV} aa that tha lllfaallng that

daaalopad iandad to ofeftalisralaBg tribal linaa.

M to ,Mfjr 125.1

During May 1957> tha Saparlataadaat af i*ba Uaatal aallad

in tha pallaa ta arraat aartaln frlaana aha vara aald ta ba praying

aa tha raaldaata, and ta oaaflaaata dangaroua aaapona that aara alng


About taanty AfManaa vara arraatad aad tokan to tha

3aparlatandant* a offloa. 3oarao af tha raaldaata anddanly turaad

an tha pallaa, attaaklng than alth atanaa aad knabkorrlao, aad la

tha oonfuaiaa tha prlaanara aaoapad. Aa tha araad graa, tha pallaa

flrad aaralng ahata la tha air, thaa ratlrad ta aaait ralafaraaaaata*

far a tlaa tha Afrlaaaa aontlnuad angrily ta atona tha

aanlalpal affioaa, dttahlag hundrada af wlndacai but, aaaardlng ta

<*rldaaaa giran la tar by tha aaparlataadaat' °'(at aa ln^uast) ha

avontually aaaaaadad la quia toning tha orovd. Thaa, ha aald, tha

pallaa rainforeamant* arrirod, pUad out af thalr lorrlaa, aad aada

a bataa ohargo. At aoaa atoga (ahather bafora or daring tha aharga

la aat aloar;, ataaaa aero fluag at tha pallaa* Thaa, again, tha

Afrlaaaa turaad aa tha pallaa, aha apaaad fir* alth raaolrara aad

later alth a atan. gun. rantually tha Afrlaaaa aara aroad ta

withdraw, dropping larga auabara af aaaartad aaayaa aa they ran.

A duropean aaaatabla and twelve Afrlaaaa aara aaltted ta

haapdtal, aad taa Afrlaana aara ahat daad by tha pallaa * latar, at

tha laquaat, tha aagiatrato raaordad a rardlot af jaatlflabla haalolda.

Aa la daaarlbad la a latar ahaptar af thla Murray* raaldanta

af tha Afrlaaa teuaehipe ha a far yaara baaa prayad upaa by tha tootala

• gaaga af yaatha of na apaolfla tribal afflllatlaa. There la a grave

atata af laaiaaaaaaa. Tha taotala ara partlaularly aotire aa tha

tralaa aa Friday aranlnga, robbing aarkara raturalag fraa tha alty af

th&ir pay-paakata.

(70) Aa rapartad la 18 Oatabar 1997

The lsloaia (or ulu ♦flat-boya') who had tom moved to

Aftbe * « • M t aoouetoaed to tola tm tM Rt. Looking ude^ate

I * U h protestion, they dsolded to tom M tton la to their m i hands

and deelared war on the tootala. Older residents ef toe townships

learned to awsid travslllng on toe trains bs tween 6 end 7 pou

Peeke ef tension eneuod. The illfeeling tost had developed

between the lilaega and toe fanlllee In tk» township hsd tended to

develap along tribal linen* an in explained a h M i new toe laieasa

apparently began identifying toe toetele end otonr gangster* with

the sethe people.

U ) ijjfti-ln Itabe. Meadowlands and other tomshlvs. la ^toaber.

71ghtlag broke out on n Saturday afternoon, 15 September

1957, between rir*l gangs ef nen armed with knehkerrlea, Iren bare,

battleaxee, etioke, and fire-ran. Suddenly, toeasands in :«be,

jw n e d n and other towanhiye went bereerk, n najor battle taking plane

between meabere af toe *Un and Bathe trlbea near toe haatol, in

the a tree to, «nd between the hoaaaa*

After eene houra order was reatorad by tha polioe, who

rireams an wall aa batons. It la nllefed by frlaane that

of toe poliee firing ena indisarinlnnte, being dl rooted blindly

into the grounds ef Ifebe haatol. Kara than 40 Ifrloaae ware killed

ferlng tha rlat or deed af msuadn, and aaoraa aare ware aerleunly injured.

(•) otlan token after the riot.

A eeriea af meetlnge wan lanedietoly held hr aene altfsn

Afrionn leadera, eaeng then the ttald Officer ef toe ZnaUtuto ef

fteaa Relatione, and oenereto suggeatleae aare plaaad by thaw before

tha sttthorltlea. Aa short-torn naaaurea they euggeeted that repreeent-

stlwaa ef the Sothe and 3olu p*renount ohiefc aheuld be asked to tour

the towiehipe, urging their jpeple to refrain from law&aaa aato (tola

w a dene}| tont toe poliee ahauld ooneentr to on dlanrwlng wanting

faatlema before trouble etortodi that funeral gatherings ore* tad

potentially expleelTo altuatlonoj sad that neatinga In the townshipa

aheald aat be United to mombors af one tribe.

Aa longer-term we suras, toe leadara urged that toe aystsa

af othxvlo grouping, whieh aeoentuatad tribal division, eheuld be

baliahedf and that haetala for aiagle non eheuld net ha built «sagat

faeily dwalliagn.

The Diraator af toe InnUtute af 9aae Salationa preaeed for

toe appalntoent ef a oonmleelon ef inquiry) urged the City Oounell to

neat with ropreeeatotlvee af the poliee, the Q m m a nt Katlww Affaire

Departoent and the Afrlon people, to diaouae nethoda af avoiding

farther olaeheai and oaee again maintained that if toe poliee had

lnwrflolent feraee to eontral the altuatlon, the eoheae af oiTillaa

auerda, under polios eontral, eheuld be revived.

( . ‘ Avi/l *'.*■* "L rJohannesburg City Counoil urgod tho OOTOrmnt to appoint

• J*dioial ■"■■laaian of lnrtulsy* Tho priraio aoorot ry to tho

Kiniator of Juatioo rapliodt "It io oonaidarod that in riaw of

ptoviouo inquirioot whioh M M lnatitutad whan oisilar ooouronooo

plaoo» and tho katn faoto of tho jorooont ovonto, tho

Oatahl 1 ohaoat of oaoh a Ju diced. boaaiooion io unnoooaaary".

Tho City Couaoil thou dooidod itoolf to appoint an indopondont

ooMioaion haadad, if poaaihlo hy a ratirod Jud«ot to oonoidorl

(i) tho laaodiato oaaaoa of too riotaj

(il) too root oaaaoa of too oon itioaa of uaroot in too Oouto-ooatoro

ffatlro aroao ohioh gcrvo rioo to tho rloto) and

(iii) ohat roaadial aaaaaraa nay ho noooosary aad advionhlo to avoid

happoaiago in too futoro.

Raaoaroh projooto oonnootod with oduoatiaa aaployaaat, hoalth

aad ao oa aro doalt alto in apfcopviato ohaptora of thio urvoy.

9mm of tho aoro gonorol projooto in progrooo ora doaoxdhol boloo*

8JL, Inotituta of Baao Solationai

(1 ) Cauaoa of friotioa botooan Afrikaaaa aad Snglioh-opookiag paoplo (Study apaaaorod by too Xaatituto)

(ii) A pilot otudy9 in too filooafantain araa, of tho aohoal laagaago nadiua quaatian aad of too roaooa for tho dorolojawnt of parallol togliah aad Afrikaana cultural, •ooaoaio, oolfaro, ojorting and Oihor bodioa.

olourad affalro.

tolloaboooh Uniraraityi

(i) Kaatak an aaaooiaaia taaaan klourliaeo aa laturollo in toa-

(ii) *a Soaiologiooo otodio ram rrouliko klourlicghuio^' edi*ndoo in ftOo-Kaaplaad* ^

(iii) Aopofcto ran dio houdinga ran hlourlingo toonoor Tlaakaa,

( I t ) Uroakaiotvalk aa aiadaod oador klourlingo in too-Kaapl«nd.

(▼) Ral-dfertoranaiaalo la dio gooijlnolooo -van dio hlourlingo in ■aa-Kaaplaadt apoadolo voroyoing aa dio vrouao«dorrol•

(vi) Maatafcapliko atoatifokaaio on rortikalo aobilitoii ondor dio Klaurliago ran Stollonboooh.

Ratal Dairaroityi

rayohologioal faotor? to aarginality to a S*A. dourad Comal ty.

Wltoatarorand Ualvoroltyi

Dia wodarcydif* boinvloodla* n a dlo Blank*-. Ban klourl lng-kul tura in Woord-Tanylaad,

\Indian Af f alra.

Patahafatroaa Univ«r«ltytk

Mo Indi#rvraagatuk in Matal, 1870 - 1504,

&bodoo Unlrorsityi

3tady #f a aixad N M t t iV of pajaa and Christian Bantu la tho B n in rogloa

Wltvatororaad U iim iiV t

(1 ) la investigation la to odaoatioaal and oooup&Uena difer*nooala tost m fU M B M i on a battarj of adaflabilit tea to deelgned for ifrieaao,

(11) Child-rearing j*eotleea an ijpereoaallty deTelepMaat la m urban Afrieea aa— unity.

(111) Afrioaa drillaatlon la >«athem Afrioa before iXutftpeea oonquaet (study epoaoorod %y the tTnireraity)

Ualrerelty of South Afrloat s \ ^

Dio Torboudlaf Blank tot laturol la dlo iroaovaal tot 1902.

V'P’AIaotluito of Raoo Relational

(1) Xaeureaoe ooapaaloa eperatlag aiaeagot Afrioaa* la Sutaa,

i (li) Seaotion of Afrioaa faallloo la urban to tfe* earrying of yaoaaa*

Collection Number: AD1646

SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS, Unrests, banishments, removals, 1948-1969

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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