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EDITED BY A comIlTTEE OF T1IR BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 27. Qll) e 5 II b b a tl) 11 f( orb cr , I'UDLISm D WEEKI.Y the Sevent/I·day Bnptist Publishing Society, At No 100 Na.Y8au Stred, Ne10 York TER;][S-$2 00 Iler ye.r p"yalJle III advance SnlJ. l'[1ptlons not paid till the close 01 the ye.r, willlle lial,le to un additIOnal cbarge of 50 cents Th, Sabbath Recorder is devoted to the exposition and IlIullCution onhe views und movements of the Seventh- day BaptIst Dcnomlllatioll It aims to promote vital piety nnll VlgOlou' henevolent action, at the same line lhut it urge, obothellce to the commandments of Gd!i and the fa, til ot Jesns. Its columns nre open to the fitll oeacy 0' all reformatory mensU[ es v. hlCh seem ],kc]y to llUplovc the condition of Bociety, diffuse )dI01I)cllJc, leclaim the inelJliv.te, and enfranchise the '«sl "e<l In its LlteralY an(l Intelligence Depart- ",,'ub, care is taken to fUrlll"h matter adapted to the \I tnt. and tastes of e\ely claqs of le,\(lor' As 1\ Re- nnd Fatnt]y Newspaper, It "!HI! n<lo,1 that the /"corder shall !tlllk mnong the I,es! filil'l"Paymeuts received w,ll be nc].no,,]cdged in the )l1per so as to indicate the tunc to which they reach. JJ:si'i'" No papct d,scontinuefluntil all anearages arc p lia except at the dl'crction of tile Committee. ]t \'TES ADVEarISINO ['0< a sqnaiC of IG li'les or leSS-aile insertion," 75 " "each subsequent lllsertion, 50 " "six mon th s, G 00 " ., Olle ycar, 10 00 For each auditional squaw two·thirds the above rates. nnd remittances, should be d,rectcd (post paid,) to the Editor! of till Sabbalh lIecorder, No. 100 Nassau sl., New- York. l·'or the Sabbath Recorder Windy and Dnsty. I have no knowledge or conjecture of the identity of II R. L ; but appearing in the RE' CORDER, he is 30 f,lir subject for review I wish all opponents of the seventh day Sll.bbath were as cl\ndid in the st!ttcment of their views as the wl'itel' who signs his pioductions H. R L. Yet, they would be pleusanter to read, and easier to digest, if they were produced with a little less wind, a litMe less dust, and a little better cooked; I know not how long they were baking, but they seem to me to taste of the pan, and a little too stlong of the scltsoning. I can swallow 11 l,ttle of CalVinistIC lore very well in its pl(lcc, but it don't go very well hashed up with the law. Anll as to the Ger- mans, their lager IS 1I0t al ways the best that is made, albeit it has a repute. It may suit some folks for a dessert, but I had rather have the pure juices of Elcho!. As to those dusty old fathers, who make eight days in a week, and three days and three nights between suuset on Friday, to sunrise ou Sunday, I think they 30re "no better than the school·boys, who, in the Ilb- sence or the pedagogue, made false m30rks on tbe chalk board, to botber their seniors. But as our friend is in enrnest, I can afford to be so to. After a good deal of re·reading and conning, I made out of 1/ Mia ton Sabba- ton, No.3," the following synopsis, to which I append a few remarks for a little more season- ing: 1. S30bbath·keepers do wrong to withdraw from the great congregation I But in this, we do bnt follow the example of him, who after three months forbearance, laft the good old established Synagogne, to reason in the school of one Tyrannns. We think too, we may keep countenance without blushing, in the company of Luther, Calvin, Brown and a host of mar· tyrs and confessors of more modern times. 2 Sabbatarian Exegesis covers out of sight the doctrine of the Christian Sabbatb. In this I think our friend is on the wrong stand point, for it smacks of the comph,int of a cer- tain Lawyer, (Lnke xi. 45,) who said, "Teack- er, thus saying thou reproachest us also 1'1 No good, staid, interpreter of the law likes to have his understanding knocked away from him. The only advice we conld give a friend in this case, is, "Look well to yonr stllnd point." 3 The Sabbath is 11 mere cessation of labor, and no holier than otl1J!r days except as con· secrated to Jehovah. Right now, as far as it goes. Bnt tho testimony says Jehovah him· self hallowed it, designates tlie day, and gives a reason th30t eould npply to no other day. And the law recapitnlates both, 30nd enjoins the re- membrnnce and the consecration of that day in particulaf. The celebrlltion of Independ- ence won't do ou Washington's birth-day, it don't bIIppen then. The above three items, my friend seems to have found outside the Great Book. Tbe next fonr items he finds inside Moses, the Prophets lind the Psalms, viz: 4. That the prohibition or fire on the Sabbath·day, was a wilderness provision. It might sllve fael also, wood was scarce, and the was warm. And if Josephus thinks this was the reason, we don't care to dispute it, for he lived 30 good bit nellrer those times than we do. 5. The Sabbllth WIIS for a re(I:eshi8g of na- tnre: and a sign of 11 covenant; and that would do liS well on the eighth day of the week liS on the seventh I Right again I upon a bold BuPposition Bllt what 0. difference it would , have made to a man's lIfe if every week had eight days in it; and the nnmber of his weeks Were appointed the slime liS they are nowl As to how much more butter and cheese would have been made, we-leave to the calcnlation of BOme Yankee da1ryman I Bnt if eight days Were ever allow#d to one week, would like know why the anthors of it didf't continue It down to this time? It would: hnve been Il:ughty. convenient to some of our good Cal- vinistic mothers who have had to continue darning stockings til.1 twelve o'clock Saturday night. Thllt WIIS a blessed week for such I mothers, that had eigbt days in it. 6. The standing 8piritual interpretation of the xcvth Psa, and Heb iv is a noted great- rr,st for those who bold to the no-Sllbbath doc- trine! I once heard a minister who advocated perfection here below, sllY to a circle of novices who kneeled around the altar, to pray for it liS an instantllneons gift, "Ouly believe that you have it, and you have it" Mighty easy got that WilY! Sure euough our Creator re.ted from his works of creation on the sev- enth day; and if OUl" good Calvinistic brethren ouly belteve hard enough that they have enter- cd into their rest, why, then they are at rest of course. But for my pal t I uever hardened my heart hard enough to believe so. If Isaiah Ivi. and lviii, lind Ezekiel xl,.i, belong to the slime category, then 1 don't see but that the SnndllY laws must be n1forllled.. If this be a familill.r man ncr ill which the old pl'ophets ex- pressed the of spiritual beltevers' ex- emption from the requirements of the law, thon truly the law was 1I0t made for the righteous but for sinners; and the easiest way for Sab· bath-breakers to get rid of that taint is to believe the Puritan scheme, lind put themselves under the New York Sabbath Committee, Its. ten to tbe teaching of the princes on Sunday, lIud bo enjoying their rost all the week fol- lowing. But now we come to the New Testament Here my frieud is particnll1rly lucid, so that on some points, much comment is superfluous. 1 He affirms that the Sabbath is conpled with tho days of the new months and tbe festivnls of the Old Testament so that they cannot rea· sonably be confounded; lind that it is put down apparently, withont the chance of mistake, among the ordinances of the Levitical services I;' Affirms that" as plainly as Paul could express it, he declares the Sabbath was abolished, lind that as broadly as Moses set forth lhe Fourth Commandment I" " That the inspired messen ger of God actually abolished the Sabbath in the plainest terms I" 0 mirabile Dictu! Who but he that affirms it, clln contradict it? Who? Reuder, think you there is any need of any other? Hear onr uuthor, lind I am sure you will need no better testimony to satisfy you how the law of the Sabbath stands before man. Now gentle rellders, mark ye what H. R. L says of the Sabbatb and the Sabbath law I /I The Sabbllth by its associlltiou with the creation, was intended as is shown by the pas- sages we have quoted from the Pentatench, to keep the Jew in remembrance of his depend· ance upon God" II The commandment stands among those that are so clearly enjoined upon ALL MEN that they had no ueed to be addressed specifically, or expressly, to the Gentiles in the New Testament." "And if ever there was a commandment thllt tells of its own necessity, to promote the welfare of the whole family of man, tbat is one." II We know that the keep· ing of the seventh day, as II dllY of hallowed rest, is just as unmistakably enjoined in the brief ontline of the universal code for the gov- ernment of all mankind, whieh was enjoiued by God's own hand, and laid up in the most sacred part of the sanctuary I" " The observance of 11 day of rest is stm enjoined I" PUBLISHED BY THE SEVENTH-DAY BAPTIST PUBLISHING SOCIETY. NEW YORK, FIWM-DAY, 1858. to keep the calendar, and know the day," And i cd or foreseen 1/ some better things for us that God himself had never commanded the temple they without us shonld not be mude perfect." service to be given np nutil the temple itself Heb. xi. 40. was destroyed. Now if the view I have presented be correct, Though I have thus freely expressed myself Abraham's faith in God's oath alJd promise, respecting H. R. L.'s Mia ton Sabbaton, No. concerning the land of CauaaD, (PB. cv. 9-12 ) 3, I in all sincerity feel a kindly respect for embraced the resurrection of the dead in order him, as for ODe laborIng amid the wind and the for its fulfillment, Bud wi.hout 11 resurrection dnst, and I anxionsly wait 1/ the fair present II- the pronlise nover Will be fulfilled. tion of the early Christian interpretlltion and Bnt again, that the faith of Abmham em. exposition of the Lord's day." ABC. braced 11 p1'Omise tbat is not fulfilled, is evident For the Sabbatli Recorder. The Faith of Abrabam. , Abraham believed God, lind it was counted unto him for righteousness "-Gen. xv. G, and Row. 11.3 Belief must 111 ways have something to rest upon, otherwise It would be mere presumption without foundation. Thllt God had ,aid something that Abraham believed, is perfectly ratioual, and thllt he be· lieved what God had said is matter of fact. It was tbe implicit confidence or full assur· ance and firm belief of Abraham that God Ivould also perform all that he promised. That constituted Abraham's fuith, which was "count- ed unto him for righteousness," aud which en- titled him to bc called 11 righteous man, and the" father of all that believe."-Rom. iv. 11. God is a righteous being, and to discredit him is to d,shouor him, and disgrace ourselves; aud not to believe the record that God has given, is to treat him as a liar. This, Abraham did not do; he gave credit to whatever God and that he was also able to perform all that he promised, nnu that he would do it; and his belIef, according to Scrip- ture, "was reckoned to him for II -Rom iv. 21, 22 Now Paul says, "It was 1I0t IVrttten for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but for us nlso, to whom it shall be impnted, if we be- lieve on him, (that is on God,) who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead." Tllat Abraham's faitb embraced mllny things that are already fulfilled, is freely admitted, and that it embraced others that are yet future, is equlllly true. Some tbings that he aud many others SIlW ufar off and embraced, but died in full faith of, not having received them (Heb. xi. 13) And this brings us to inquire what there is that God promised to Abraham, th30t he did not fuHiIl in Abrahllm's lifetime, or that is yet future. God promised to Abraham and to bis seed (Christ) "all the land of Canaan, for au everlasting possession!' -Gen xvii. 8; Gal. iii. 16 And Abraham believed God, and died in full belief of the promise bemg yet performed, 301though in this life " God gave him not so much ns to set his foot on."-Acts vii. 5. And" he that was from the writings of the New Testament, for of wbat use would it be for Paul and others to be testifying that God lllld made a promise, and II confirmed it by an oath," but had uot yet fnlfilled It, unless it be either for the pnr· pose of showing thllt the promise had fa!leu, or that it was yet fnture, Ilnd would be fulfilled in that world, and by etem301 lIfe in that world both wbich.re yet to come, as promised by Christ to Peter.-Mark x 28-31. Abrebam's faith was manifested by his works, and so will the faith of nil his clllldren be; they will walk in the steps of that fUlth wll!ch Abra- ham thClr fatber hae! before he was circumcis. cd, that is, they will strive to do whatever God commands them to; just as Abraham did when God called him to go and o[er np his son. All that is nccessary is to know thllt God com. mands it, and they obey trusting in God, us Abraham {lid Abraham's faith Wl\S 11 trIed fmth, anll so is the f!lith of all his children, the trial of their f8lth is said to be more precions thaA the trial of silver and gold, for they perish\ bnt the faith of God's children will not only bo mani. fested by thth' worlls, but it will be found unto praise and honor and glory, nt the appear- ing of Jesns Christ, who will descend with a sbout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump ef God, and then those that sleep in J esns Will rise, al.e! A braham, Isaac and J I1cob, togethel' wilh all that die IU the Lord, will then see verified the declaratIOn of the Al- mighty, which he made to Moses, by saying, I am the God of Abraham, the Goel of Isaac, and the God of Jacob God Will plove him- self to be their God by raislDg them fmm the dead, and giving to Abmham and his seed the -,. inheritance accordmg to the promise. Then will be brought to pass the saying that is writ- ten, death is swallowed up in victory. Then will be fulfilled that wbich is recorded by Dan· iel (chap vii 27,) and the kingdom and do- minion nnd the grelltuess of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the 8lIiuts of th8 Most High _ Theu Will be fulfilled the promise of the angel to Mary, (Luke i. 32,) and tho Lord God shall give nnto him the throne of his fatber David nnd he shall reign over tho house of J Ilcob forever, 9.nd of his kingdom there shull be no end. rich for our sakes became poor," so much so tbat "he had not where to lay his head." Also the declaration of the Saviour, (Matt. v. 5,) blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit Rellder, do you believe that God will fulfill the earth. Then shall the king say unto them his promise to Abrabam and Christ? Is it on his right hand, "Come ye blessed of my possible for God to lie? Have you the faith Father, inherit the kiogdom prepared for you of Abraham? If you have, and Ilct according from the foundation of the world."-Matt. xxv. to that faith, Y0U are nn heir with him to the Then there will be new heavens and a same promise, and a joint beir with Christ to new earth, wherein dwelleth as the inheritance, (Gal. iii. 18,) for certainly looked fOl' uccordillg to Godls promise, (2 Pet. God's promise to Abraham must llnd will be iii. 13,) and as seen by John III viSion, (Rev. fulfilled, for God testifies, "I am God of xxi. 1,) when this saying will be brought to Abrllham, the God of Isaac, and the God of PILSS, /I Behold tbe tabernacle of God is with Jacob," (they were dead truly.) ?hrist men, and he shall dwell with them, and they quotes the passage to prove the resurret:tlOn of shall be his people and God himself shall the de lid, that God wOllld raise Abraham and their God" etc. ' all his faithful children to life again, to life Alld n;w I would ask what rigl:.t hilS man eternal; then .how easy will be for God to disbelieve the Almighty; for every promise to fnlfill hiS promise, and give not only the he has made, is an object of Christian faith Illnd of Canaan, but the whole restituted and that is, it is to be believed, aud so is the whole regenerated earth to Christ and Abrabam for record that God has given ns in his word and an everlasting possession. 'rhen Abraham will to disbelieve it, is to take the road that ieads behold the .. city with foundations" that he to destruction. c c looked for. The New Jerllsalem is in tbe new Frtendship, NOll 18,1858 earth, then be and others will be no longer seeking" 11 country," but enjoying oue, and a heavenly one it will be.-Heb. xi. 16. Marianity. If there IS anything plninly taught in the Paul testifies that" Cbrist was a mmister of Scriptures, it is, tbat we are sinners-that, as the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm such, God is justly offeuded with us-that the promises made unto the fathers."-Rom Christ is the Mediator between God and man, xv. 8; one of whi<i"h appears to he the promise wllose office-work it is to satisfy law and justice for all who believe on him, and thus to recon· "left us, of entering into his rest, which reo cUe God and man-thllt every sinner, for him. mains for the people of God," into which the self, may go boldly to the throne of grace, Apostle would have bis brethren" labor to and that whosoever goes in true faith to the enter,", which typified by the children of one Mediator, he will in no wise cast out. he never refused any who applied to him on Israel, 'in coming out of Egypt aod going to earth, so now he refnses none who apply to the 130nd of Canaan into which God suffered him for succor. The invitation is, "come unto them not to enter, becanse of their nnbelief. me all ye that are weary 30nd heavy laden, and And again Paul says, (Acts xxvi. 6,) "And I will give yon rest." He is the one Mediator now I stand nnd nm j ndged for the hope of between God llnd man; nor is there an incident the promise made of God ti'nto our fathers unto in his life, nor a text in the Bible, to intimate that mediators are needed to intercede be. which promise our twelve tribes instantly serv- tween him and ns. ing God day nnd night hope to come for which And yet Mary, "the mother of Jesus," ns hope's Bake, King Agripp30, I am accused of John Ilnd Lnke so naturally call ber, is not the Jews!' And then he shows at the 8th only made, by Popery, Mediator betwoon him verse, that their faith and hope embraced the and ns, but is made to t30ke his place between d k " us and God the Father. This is apparent resurrection of tlle dea , by as ing Agrlppo. from the prayers to l'olary-from the "llilsllry (' .. mMS-TWO DOLLlRS PER ANNDM IN AUVIdICE. Ps. ii.: "Why do enemies rage and im· agine vl1in things ns? Let thy right hand protect of God, liS a terrible sword confound destroying tbem." Ps. xxxv.: "Incline. countenance of God upon us. Compel to have mercy' on sin- ners 0 Lady, thy is in tfie heavens, and thy grace Is over the whole earth.'1 Pa Ixvii.: "Let arise, and let her ene· mies be scattered." is 30 parody on the blessed invitation (If " Come nnto her, all ye that arc and heavy laden, and she Will give rest to souls." If lire Dad, sbocking, the following, as quoted from " of Mary," are yet WHOLE NO. '755. Mother of God," is it not' amazing tha.t saint 'I'etzel, of holy memory, in bis to his indulo-ences, shonld say, or There 18 DO Sill so great that indulgences cannot remit it; if any man should, (which is dou btless imposlible) vio· late the Holy Virgin, Mother of God-let kim pay, let him only pay largely, and it shall be for- given him!' D'Aubigne, vol. 1, p. 212 Veri- ly, verily, with Popery money answereth all things II It can purchascexemption from pun- ishment, Ilccording to Tetzel, even for the vio· lation of Maryll But Popery has dethroned Christ, and ell' throneo. Mary. Let tbe system be nllmed to Euit, MARIANITY. [N. Y. Observer. worse: "The Lord divided his kingdom, which consists of and mercy; the king. ANOTHER TRANSL.lTION.-Tbe last tranlllA. dom of justice he to bimself, and tion of the New Testament which has mllde its the kingdom of he has, in a certain appearance is that of the Rev. L. A Sawyel', sense, given to Mary, that all the once a paster of the North church in New Ha- mercies which he to men should pass ven. 'rhe attention of the reader i, invited 10 r tbrough her hands, be dispensed as she the contrast between Mr. Sawyer's ren(iering pleases." "She is privileged ark where and the cummon verBiou in the following in. all who shelter are saved from etor- Btances us specimens: nal shipwreck." is the mediatrix of Common Verlion. peace between and God;" "our advo· Marvel not that I said nnto thee, ye mnst cate," " the hope of " " the way of Bal· be born again. Tbe wind bloweth where It vat:on," " the gate which sinners g.) listeth, and thon hearest the sonnd thereot, to God," II the bridge salvation which God but canst not tell wheuce it cometh anti whith. has prepared for us in order to pass securely er it goeth: So is every oue that IS born of the over the waters of life." II Because men SpIrit -J olm iii. 7-8. fear that Divine wbo is destined one Our which art in heaven, hallowed day to judge them, it has been necessary to be thy Imme. Thy kingdom come. Tby will givc them a mediator th Mediator, and be doue in earth, as it is iu heaven. Give us uone was so fit for this o@!e as Mary his this dllY our daily brend, ana iorgive us our mother." "Mary is mistress of Paradise, debts, IlS we forgive our debtors. And lend she admits there soever she pleases; and ns not Into temptation, but deliver us from no wuder, seeing she the mother of the Lord evil: For thiue is the kiugdom, and the power, of Paradise." and the glory forever. Amen -Mat. vi. 9-13. And What pictures statues so 3oboun[1 in In those days came John the Baptist, preach. pupal countries as of Mary? On what ing iu the Wilderness of Judea, and saying, altars arc laid such offermgs n. on hers? Repent ye, for the klllgdolll of 'heaven iB at Churches are built to honor-mIracles are han d.-Mat iii. 1, 2. wrought by her shrines are clOwd· 'I'll ere is, therefore, nolV no condemnation to ed with places where she them which are in Cht'ist Jesuq, who walk not has appeared to and ignorant fanatics, atter the fleBh, but aftel' the Spirit. For tbe become, at once, of pilgrImage, but little law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath less sacred than "the Honsc of Loretto," mnde me free from the law of sin and death _ whose travels in the are so truthfully de- Rom ,ill 1, 2 scrtbed by " the . P. R Kenrick, Y. New Ver6iolJ. G.," now, we believe, the anointed of Rome WOII or not that I said 11 II to you, you must for the iIInmination Missouri, and the re- be bor" agmn 'I'he Spirit breathes wbere it gions ronnd about. the month of flowers, wills, I1U ou hear its voice, but you know not is sacred to Mary. immaculate concep- whence it mcs, nor whither it gOlls: So is tion has been decreed all the pomp of a everyone that has en born of the Spirit. pompous church. H name is the first wllich Our Father in heav n, hallowed be thy name; the infant is taught IIsp, and the dying are thy kingdom come; thy will be done, n.s in directed to her fur 'I'he soldier fights heaven, so lU'earth; give us to-day onr essentilll and the brigand nnder her protection. brelld, and forgive ns our debts as we forgive The Spanish a picture of her in our debtors; and bring ns not into trilll, bul his hOAom; if overtaken by death, in deliver us from evil. bis career of plunder, kisses the picture and And ID those days came John the Baptist, dies. And, as if to the climax, in the way preaching in the of J \Idea, saying, of tbe Revereud Saint Quietus Change your minds, for the kingdom of hellven _. Bailey, of crowned a pietllre ot is at hand. :.1(\I'Y, allli her as queen in some T d here is no con emnation, therefore, to those little of the Hudson I So in Christ Jesus, for the law oT t1ie Spirit ofIife th30t, in truth, is not so much Cbris- in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of ti30nity-as It is Anti as wo lire in sin nnd del1th. the hallit of things by their right names, let us call It MARIANITY Surely none, whether priest or prelate, who have gone for the conception dog- ma, \VIII strongly this. Is it not already true thnt one prayer is offered to the Son. hundreds offered to Mary, "a mediator with the 7" Ane! In the dream of Saint , wlllch is the subject of Iln altar piece in chUlch in Milan, two ladders are seen from carth to heaven Mary is 1\t the top of -Christ at the top of the other. All ng hellven by the ladder on which Christ are driven back-all gain 30dmlttance who by the ladder of Mary I And all this in strict accordance the epithets to hor in RosarieB, Litanips, Offices Blessed Virgin, .. Gate of " .. of Heaven." Roman- ism has Saviour Christ, I1nd has orowned Mary in his Let it no longer Cbristianity Mariauity-. how came superstition, gross ever offered to Diana, I or Miner- va, to grow up to its present and iu- flnence. The opens up field, and a history, upon wh we must i not enter. By no ingeuuity conlditextract from the Blblo-from the at J eru. salem; from the marrIage fcast at from the agouies of the crQ@s. The was laid aside; locked up fronl the people. Tradition erected her loom, nlld wove a for Mary; lind dresseo. np her history from the immaculate glorious assumption. The true lowly, lovely, feminine life are hidd\eD stead of that pure !llld humble mother, with her heavenly and quiet spirit. we Imve plnced Queen arrayed in vulgar gold, a goddess magnificent as ever wor. in Ephesns, Atbens, to this gIlded Qneen, U( and female, poor sinners arc to pray, who have no more power to tban have or Mrs. or John Calvin, or or John Robert ; ood are turned the only SlIviour, the sweetly invites all to lj all ye that are heavy rest." And it is to Iitantain !hip of this goddess immaculate cO[,eelltiori.: augurated amid a fllillTiRh excited the deriBion image has been "Ttlwril!d pattern Quietus Da'llCY. become LOI'ett()iof Fruits of Infidelity. llolinghroke was a libertine of intemperate habits and "Unrestrained lost. Temple was a corruptor of all that came near him-given up to ease I1nd Emerson, an eminent was" rude lIod vulgar, and fro. quently immOl'al?" "Intoxication and prOfane language were fllmilmr, to him Towards tho close of his life, "mlctcd with the stone, he wonld crawl on hiS hands and knees, sometimes praying and sometimes swenring. 1I ']'be morals of the Earl of Rochester Ilre well known. Godwin was a lewd man by his confeSSion llS well as the unblushing advocate of Shaftsbury and Collins, while endeavoring to destroy the Gospel, partook of the Lor-d'a Sup. per, thus professlllg the Christian faith for ad. mission to office I W oolsten was a gross bIas. phemer. Blount solicited his sister·in·law to marry; but, refused, shot himself. Tindal was originally a Protestant, then turned a Papist then turned a Protestant ngain, merely to the times, and was, at the same tiile, iufamous for vicll \II genernl, and total waDt of prinCiple. He is said to have died with tbis prayer in his month, "If there is a God, I desire that he mlly have mercy ou me" Hobbes wrote his "Leviathlln" to serve the causo of Charles I but finding him fail of succeRs, he turned in the defence of Cromwell, nnd made a merit of this fact to the usurper I as IIobbes himself un- blushingly declared to Lord Clarendon. Need I describe Y ollaire, prince of scoffers, as Hume was the prince of skeptics! in childhood initiat. ed into"infidelity; In boyhood infamous for daring blasphemy; in manhood distinguished for a malignant and violent temper, for cold blooded disruption of nil the ties and decencies. of the family circle, for tho I'idicule .of Whatev- er was affecting, and the violation of whatcver was confidential. Ever increasing in duplicity and hypocritical management age and practice, those whom wit aUracti!d and his buffoonery llmused; \Vere either or pollnted by his 1030ths me Lies nud oaths iit their support w re nothing to his maw. Those whom he ope Iy called his friends he took pains to secret y calumniate· flatte'ring them to their faces, ridiculing' them aud reviling them behind t eir lIacks. only added stiffness to the isgusting features of bis impiety, coldness to hiS dark malignity, and fnry to his impetnous temper. Throughout lIfe be was given np /I to work all unclellnness with greedi,ess." Such was the willy Voltaire wbo in the midst of aU his levity, had and seriousness enongh to wish that be bad never been born. "why it should be thought a thing uncredible 11 of the Blessed Yirgin," lrom the "Offiee of the with him, "that God should raise the dead," Blessed Yirgin," from the" Psaltcr of Saint lalJta. intimating thereby that a resnrrection from the, Bonaventure," from the" Glories of Mary," and a dead was necessary in order for the promise by Liguori, 30 man, who, on the authority of Rigbt Cardinal Wiseman, could be in two place8 at as easily hoped to be fulfilled. It also th(j hope one and the same time; and from the hundred which of obtalllIng a better resurrection that prompt- lind one books, and missals, Ilnd" GlloI'dens of the Angel Gabriel appeared to ed those snfferers aud martyrs to endure what the Sonl," written to direct tbe faith lind the feather from his wing, if there be they did (Heb. xi. 35 ) and the Apostle hilS prayers of the faithful. From some of the save that at the ftop Qttbe &ala I$an:ctaj given US'II list of the' ancient worthies in the parodies?f the Scriptures, b.f Bonaventure, in a of thl!' c0!llb by We mlgut well congratulate onr friend here, an{! in all kindness say to him, as a brother believer: "Let us hold fast the profession of onr fllith withont wavering, for he is faithful that promised. And let us consider one an- other to provoke unto love and good works." Bnt alasl before wu can write our quotation from the .A postolic writings, II a whim carries him off on the wings of 30 hypothesis I" He supposes Paul was afraid thllt the Colossians and the Galatians, (though the former had showu grellt firmness, and the latter had run well in the faith,) would fall into the empty deception of Sabbath·keeping; which he says was as poor and as weak as the worldly elements from which they liad been reclaimed That " He evidently considered it 30 part of that slave· guide (not school·master, Gal. iii. 24, 25,) to lead the sons of Israel to Christ-the teacher under the old dispensation." Here I must con· fess my surprise that a Christian teacher should ever pen 30 sentence that should even by impli- cation teach that Jehovah ever engraved with his own hand upon a tablet of stone one single principle weaker than those taught by the oracles of the heatben t Or that God should make use of abolished institutions to lead men to Christ, or that an Apostle, and that Paul himself, should still practice Sabbath-keeping for the sake of preaching in the Synagogues, and that the Greeks should tbink when the term Sabbath was adopted into their h\ngunge, it no longer meant hallowed rest; while in al- most every considerable city of tile Greeks there were" Hellenestic Jews with Synllgogues, where the law was read; so that no other day could be called in Greek by the Hebrew name, in thpse times without useless confusion. The name was alrelldy transferred aud approprillt- ed iu th30t langnage, to the last day or the week, and so continued; and in Latin, and the descendants of Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and the rest, and atilI remains: Sabato, Saba- do, the first day is called Do- minhm, Dominico, Domingo, Dimanche, lIud all this hile Paul expected "The thoroughly Gentil Christians of Corintb (a Grecian city), f: 'th f G d h rd' th I d f order to mtroduce the worshIp of the Goddess her haIr? Aay bttle pontrlbutlOn al.o 0 w o. Ive III e an 0 Mary, we reCOil with horror. Take a fewell:- if only connected witIr Mary, promise, and obtaIned II good report througb l IImples. In Ps. i., as quoted by Thompson, to the attractions of the holy faitb," aud who died there, "not baving "Blessed is the man that loves thy name, 0 ken. I AT TH& HANDS OF PaOTESTJ.NTS_ The Archbishop of CinCinnati, fOllowing the example of .ArchbiKhop Hughes baa issued a pronunciamento, in he takes decided ground allowing \the children of Ca- tholic parents to receive C/Jarity 30t tbe hands of Pfotestoots He fears that they mlly be( converted I We shonld bIe glad to know that the Roman Catholic ,authorities forbid their "grown-up people," a8 well as children, to reo , ceive aid from the Protestants, if they will alBo pr'1vide for their relief themselves. Three. fourths of the cost of supporting the poor- wonld be saved at once in tbis eity, by the ed tbe promise.'1 God says, he having provid, I Virgin Mary; thy grace shall comfort his sonl." And wi h so much reverence for Protestant community. (Weat. Ohr. Ad,. " , , I !
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VOL. XV.-NO. 27.

Qll) e 5 II b b a tl) 11 f( orb c r , I'UDLISm D WEEKI.Y

B~ the Sevent/I·day Bnptist Publishing Society, At No 100 Na.Y8au Stred, Ne10 York

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Th, Sabbath Recorder is devoted to the exposition and IlIullCution onhe views und movements of the Seventh­day BaptIst Dcnomlllatioll It aims to promote vital piety nnll VlgOlou' henevolent action, at the same line lhut it urge, obothellce to the commandments of Gd!i and the fa, til ot Jesns. Its columns nre open to the fitll oeacy 0' all reformatory mensU[ es v. hlCh seem ],kc]y to llUplovc the condition of Bociety, diffuse )dI01I)cllJc, leclaim the inelJliv.te, and enfranchise the '«sl "e<l In its LlteralY an(l Intelligence Depart­",,'ub, care is taken to fUrlll"h matter adapted to the \I tnt. and tastes of e\ely claqs of le,\(lor' As 1\ Re-1,~IOUS nnd Fatnt]y Newspaper, It "!HI! n<lo,1 that the /"corder shall !tlllk mnong the I,es!

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l·'or the Sabbath Recorder Windy and Dnsty.

I have no knowledge or conjecture of the identity of II R. L ; but appearing in the RE' CORDER, he is 30 f,lir subject for review I wish all opponents of the seventh day Sll.bbath were as cl\ndid in the st!ttcment of their views as the wl'itel' who signs his pioductions H. R L. Yet, they would be pleusanter to read, and easier to digest, if they were produced with a little less wind, a litMe less dust, and a little better cooked; I know not how long they were baking, but they seem to me to taste of the pan, and a little too stlong of the scltsoning. I can swallow 11 l,ttle of CalVinistIC lore very well in its pl(lcc, but it don't go very well hashed up with the law. Anll as to the Ger­mans, their lager IS 1I0t al ways the best that is made, albeit it has a repute. It may suit some folks for a dessert, but I had rather have the pure juices of Elcho!. As to those dusty old fathers, who make eight days in a week, and three days and three nights between suuset on Friday, to sunrise ou Sunday, I think they 30re

"no better than the school·boys, who, in the Ilb­sence or the pedagogue, made false m30rks on tbe chalk board, to botber their seniors.

But as our friend is in enrnest, I can afford to be so to. After a good deal of re·reading and conning, I made out of 1/ Mia ton Sabba­ton, No.3," the following synopsis, to which I append a few remarks for a little more season­ing:

1. S30bbath·keepers do wrong to withdraw from the great congregation I But in this, we do bnt follow the example of him, who after three months forbearance, laft the good old established Synagogne, to reason in the school of one Tyrannns. We think too, we may keep countenance without blushing, in the company of Luther, Calvin, Brown and a host of mar· tyrs and confessors of more modern times.

2 Sabbatarian Exegesis covers out of sight the doctrine of the Christian Sabbatb. In this I think our friend is on the wrong stand point, for it smacks of the comph,int of a cer­tain Lawyer, (Lnke xi. 45,) who said, "Teack­er, thus saying thou reproachest us also 1'1 No good, staid, interpreter of the law likes to have his understanding knocked away from him. The only advice we conld give a friend in this case, is, "Look well to yonr stllnd point."

3 The Sabbath is 11 mere cessation of labor, and no holier than otl1J!r days except as con· secrated to Jehovah. Right now, as far as it goes. Bnt tho testimony says Jehovah him· self hallowed it, designates tlie day, and gives a reason th30t eould npply to no other day. And the law recapitnlates both, 30nd enjoins the re­membrnnce and the consecration of that day in particulaf. The celebrlltion of Independ­ence won't do ou Washington's birth-day, it don't bIIppen then.

The above three items, my friend seems to have found outside the Great Book. Tbe next fonr items he finds inside Moses, the Prophets lind the Psalms, viz: 4. That the prohibition or fire on the Sabbath·day, was a wilderness provision. It might sllve fael also, wood was scarce, and the weathe~ was warm. And if Josephus thinks this was the reason, we don't care to dispute it, for he lived 30 good bit nellrer those times than we do.

5. The Sabbllth WIIS for a re(I:eshi8g of na­tnre: and a sign of 11 covenant; and that would do liS well on the eighth day of the week liS

on the seventh I Right again I upon a bold BuPposition Bllt what 0. difference it would

, have made to a man's lIfe if every week had eight days in it; and the nnmber of his weeks Were appointed the slime liS they are nowl As to how much more butter and cheese would have been made, we-leave to the calcnlation of BOme Yankee da1ryman I Bnt if eight days Were ever allow#d to one week, w~ would like ~o know why the anthors of it didf't continue It down to this time? It would: hnve been Il:ughty. convenient to some of our good Cal­vinistic mothers who have had to continue darning stockings til.1 twelve o'clock Saturday

night. Thllt WIIS a blessed week for such I mothers, that had eigbt days in it.

6. The standing 8piritual interpretation of the xcvth Psa, and Heb iv is a noted great­rr,st for those who bold to the no-Sllbbath doc­trine! I once heard a minister who advocated perfection here below, sllY to a circle of novices who kneeled around the altar, to pray for it liS an instantllneons gift, "Ouly believe that you have it, and you have it" Mighty easy got that WilY! Sure euough our Creator re.ted from his works of creation on the sev­enth day; and if OUl" good Calvinistic brethren ouly belteve hard enough that they have enter­cd into their rest, why, then they are at rest of course. But for my pal t I uever hardened my heart hard enough to believe so. If Isaiah Ivi. and lviii, lind Ezekiel xl,.i, belong to the slime category, then 1 don't see but that the SnndllY laws must be n1forllled.. If this be a familill.r man ncr ill which the old pl'ophets ex­pressed the pmil~ge of spiritual beltevers' ex­emption from the requirements of the law, thon truly the law was 1I0t made for the righteous but for sinners; and the easiest way for Sab· bath-breakers to get rid of that taint is to believe the Puritan scheme, lind put themselves under the New York Sabbath Committee, Its. ten to tbe teaching of the princes on Sunday, lIud bo enjoying their rost all the week fol­lowing.

But now we come to the New Testament Here my frieud is particnll1rly lucid, so that on some points, much comment is superfluous. 1 He affirms that the Sabbath is conpled with tho days of the new months and tbe festivnls of the Old Testament so that they cannot rea· sonably be confounded; lind that it is put down apparently, withont the chance of mistake, among the ordinances of the Levitical services I;' Affirms that" as plainly as Paul could express it, he declares the Sabbath was abolished, lind that as broadly as Moses set forth lhe Fourth Commandment I" " That the inspired messen ger of God actually abolished the Sabbath in the plainest terms I" 0 mirabile Dictu! Who but he that affirms it, clln contradict it? Who? Reuder, think you there is any need of any other? Hear onr uuthor, lind I am sure you will need no better testimony to satisfy you how the law of the Sabbath stands before man. Now gentle rellders, mark ye what H. R. L says of the Sabbatb and the Sabbath law I

/I The Sabbllth by its associlltiou with the creation, was intended as is shown by the pas­sages we have quoted from the Pentatench, to keep the Jew in remembrance of his depend· ance upon God" II The commandment stands among those that are so clearly enjoined upon ALL MEN that they had no ueed to be addressed specifically, or expressly, to the Gentiles in the New Testament." "And if ever there was a commandment thllt tells of its own necessity, to promote the welfare of the whole family of man, tbat is one." II We know that the keep· ing of the seventh day, as II dllY of hallowed rest, is just as unmistakably enjoined in the brief ontline of the universal code for the gov­ernment of all mankind, whieh was enjoiued by God's own hand, and laid up in the most sacred part of the sanctuary I" " The observance of 11

day of rest is stm enjoined I"


NEW YORK, FIWM-DAY, ~, 1858.

to keep the calendar, and know the day," And i cd or foreseen 1/ some better things for us that God himself had never commanded the temple they without us shonld not be mude perfect." service to be given np nutil the temple itself Heb. xi. 40. was destroyed. Now if the view I have presented be correct,

Though I have thus freely expressed myself Abraham's faith in God's oath alJd promise, respecting H. R. L.'s Mia ton Sabbaton, No. concerning the land of CauaaD, (PB. cv. 9-12 ) 3, I in all sincerity feel a kindly respect for embraced the resurrection of the dead in order him, as for ODe laborIng amid the wind and the for its fulfillment, Bud wi.hout 11 resurrection dnst, and I anxionsly wait 1/ the fair present II- the pronlise nover Will be fulfilled. tion of the early Christian interpretlltion and Bnt again, that the faith of Abmham em. exposition of the Lord's day." ABC. braced 11 p1'Omise tbat is not fulfilled, is evident

For the Sabbatli Recorder.

The Faith of Abrabam.

, Abraham believed God, lind it was counted unto him for righteousness "-Gen. xv. G, and Row. 11.3

Belief must 111 ways have something to rest upon, otherwise It would be mere presumption without foundation.

Thllt God had ,aid something that Abraham believed, is perfectly ratioual, and thllt he be· lieved what God had said is matter of fact.

It was tbe implicit confidence or full assur· ance and firm belief of Abraham that God Ivould also perform all that he promised. That constituted Abraham's fuith, which was "count­ed unto him for righteousness," aud which en­titled him to bc called 11 righteous man, and the" father of all that believe."-Rom. iv. 11.

God is a righteous being, and to discredit him is to d,shouor him, and disgrace ourselves; aud not to believe the record that God has given, is to treat him as a liar. This, Abraham did not do; he gave credit to whatever God sah~, and beltev~d that he was also able to perform all that he promised, nnu that he would do it; and his belIef, according to Scrip­ture, "was reckoned to him for righteonsne~s II -Rom iv. 21, 22

Now Paul says, "It was 1I0t IVrttten for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but for us nlso, to whom it shall be impnted, if we be­lieve on him, (that is on God,) who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead."

Tllat Abraham's faitb embraced mllny things that are already fulfilled, is freely admitted, and that it embraced others that are yet future, is equlllly true. Some tbings that he aud many others SIlW ufar off and embraced, but died in full faith of, not having received them (Heb. xi. 13) And this brings us to inquire what there is that God promised to Abraham, th30t he did not fuHiIl in Abrahllm's lifetime, or that is yet future. God promised to Abraham and to bis seed (Christ) "all the land of Canaan, for au everlasting possession!' -Gen xvii. 8; Gal. iii. 16 And Abraham believed God, and died in full belief of the promise bemg yet performed, 301though in this life " God gave him not so much ns to set his foot on."-Acts vii. 5. And" he that was

from the writings of the New Testament, for of wbat use would it be for Paul and others to be testifying that God lllld made a promise, and II confirmed it by an oath," but had uot yet fnlfilled It, unless it be either for the pnr· pose of showing thllt the promise had fa!leu, or that it was yet fnture, Ilnd would be fulfilled in that world, and by etem301 lIfe in that world both wbich.re yet to come, as promised by Christ to Peter.-Mark x 28-31.

Abrebam's faith was manifested by his works, and so will the faith of nil his clllldren be; they will walk in the steps of that fUlth wll!ch Abra­ham thClr fatber hae! before he was circumcis. cd, that is, they will strive to do whatever God commands them to; just as Abraham did when God called him to go and o[er np his son. All that is nccessary is to know thllt God com. mands it, and they obey trusting in God, us Abraham {lid

Abraham's faith Wl\S 11 trIed fmth, anll so is the f!lith of all his children, the trial of their f8lth is said to be more precions thaA the trial of silver and gold, for they perish\ bnt the faith of God's children will not only bo mani. fested by thth' worlls, but it will be found unto praise and honor and glory, nt the appear­ing of Jesns Christ, who will descend with a sbout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump ef God, and then those that sleep in J esns Will rise, al.e! A braham, Isaac and J I1cob, togethel' wilh all that die IU the Lord, will then see verified the declaratIOn of the Al­mighty, which he made to Moses, by saying, I am the God of Abraham, the Goel of Isaac, and the God of Jacob God Will plove him­self to be their God by raislDg them fmm the dead, and giving to Abmham and his seed the

-,. inheritance accordmg to the promise. Then will be brought to pass the saying that is writ­ten, death is swallowed up in victory. Then will be fulfilled that wbich is recorded by Dan· iel (chap vii 27,) and the kingdom and do­minion nnd the grelltuess of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the 8lIiuts of th8 Most High _ Theu Will be fulfilled the promise of the angel to Mary, (Luke i. 32,) and tho Lord God shall give nnto him the throne of his fatber David nnd he shall reign over tho house of J Ilcob forever, 9.nd of his kingdom there shull be no end. rich for our sakes became poor," so much so

tbat "he had not where to lay his head." Also the declaration of the Saviour, (Matt. v. 5,) blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit

Rellder, do you believe that God will fulfill the earth. Then shall the king say unto them his promise to Abrabam and Christ? Is it on his right hand, "Come ye blessed of my possible for God to lie? Have you the faith Father, inherit the kiogdom prepared for you of Abraham? If you have, and Ilct according from the foundation of the world."-Matt. xxv. to that faith, Y0U are nn heir with him to the 3~. Then there will be new heavens and a same promise, and a joint beir with Christ to new earth, wherein dwelleth right~ousnes. as the inheritance, (Gal. iii. 18,) for certainly looked fOl' uccordillg to Godls promise, (2 Pet. God's promise to Abraham must llnd will be iii. 13,) and as seen by John III viSion, (Rev. fulfilled, for God testifies, "I am ~he God of xxi. 1,) when this saying will be brought to Abrllham, the God of Isaac, and the God of PILSS, /I Behold tbe tabernacle of God is with Jacob," (they were dead truly.) An~ ?hrist men, and he shall dwell with them, and they quotes the passage to prove the resurret:tlOn of shall be his people and God himself shall the de lid, that God wOllld raise Abraham and their God" etc. ' all his faithful children to life again, to life Alld n;w I would ask what rigl:.t hilS man eternal; a~d then .how easy i~ will be for God to disbelieve the Almighty; for every promise to fnlfill hiS promise, and give not only the he has made, is an object of Christian faith Illnd of Canaan, but the whole restituted and that is, it is to be believed, aud so is the whole regenerated earth to Christ and Abrabam for record that God has given ns in his word and an everlasting possession. 'rhen Abraham will to disbelieve it, is to take the road that ieads behold the .. city with foundations" that he to destruction. c c looked for. The New Jerllsalem is in tbe new Frtendship, NOll 18,1858 earth, then be and others will be no longer seeking" 11 country," but enjoying oue, and a heavenly one it will be.-Heb. xi. 16.


If there IS anything plninly taught in the Paul testifies that" Cbrist was a mmister of Scriptures, it is, tbat we are sinners-that, as

the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm such, God is justly offeuded with us-that the promises made unto the fathers."-Rom Christ is the Mediator between God and man, xv. 8; one of whi<i"h appears to he the promise wllose office-work it is to satisfy law and justice

for all who believe on him, and thus to recon· "left us, of entering into his rest, which reo cUe God and man-thllt every sinner, for him. mains for the people of God," into which the self, may go boldly to the throne of grace, Apostle would have bis brethren" labor to and that whosoever goes in true faith to the enter,", which wa~ typified by the children of one Mediator, he will in no wise cast out.

he never refused any who applied to him on Israel, 'in coming out of Egypt aod going to earth, so now he refnses none who apply to

the 130nd of Canaan into which God suffered him for succor. The invitation is, "come unto them not to enter, becanse of their nnbelief. me all ye that are weary 30nd heavy laden, and And again Paul says, (Acts xxvi. 6,) "And I will give yon rest." He is the one Mediator now I stand nnd nm j ndged for the hope of between God llnd man; nor is there an incident the promise made of God ti'nto our fathers unto in his life, nor a text in the Bible, to intimate

that mediators are needed to intercede be. which promise our twelve tribes instantly serv- tween him and ns. ing God day nnd night hope to come for which And yet Mary, "the mother of Jesus," ns hope's Bake, King Agripp30, I am accused of John Ilnd Lnke so naturally call ber, is not the Jews!' And then he shows at the 8th only made, by Popery, Mediator betwoon him verse, that their faith and hope embraced the and ns, but is made to t30ke his place between

d k" • us and God the Father. This is apparent resurrection of tlle dea , by as ing Agrlppo. from the prayers to l'olary-from the "llilsllry



Ps. ii.: "Why do enemies rage and im· agine vl1in things ns? Let thy right hand protect of God, liS a terrible sword confound destroying tbem." Ps. xxxv.: "Incline. countenance of God upon us. Compel to have mercy' on sin-ners 0 Lady, thy is in tfie heavens, and thy grace Is over the whole earth.'1 Pa Ixvii.: "Let arise, and let her ene· mies be scattered." is 30 parody on the blessed invitation (If " Come nnto her, all ye that arc and heavy laden, and she Will give rest to souls."

If th~se lire Dad, sbocking, the following, as quoted from " of Mary," are yet

WHOLE NO. '755.

Mother of God," is it not' amazing tha.t saint 'I'etzel, of holy memory, in bis effor~s to ~ll his indulo-ences, shonld say, or There 18 DO Sill

so great that indulgences cannot remit it; if any man should, (which is dou btless imposlible) vio· late the Holy Virgin, Mother of God-let kim pay, let him only pay largely, and it shall be for­given him!' D'Aubigne, vol. 1, p. 212 Veri­ly, verily, with Popery money answereth all things II It can purchascexemption from pun­ishment, Ilccording to Tetzel, even for the vio· lation of Maryll

But Popery has dethroned Christ, and ell' throneo. Mary. Let tbe system be nllmed to Euit, MARIANITY. [N. Y. Observer.

worse: "The Lord divided his kingdom, which consists of and mercy; the king. ANOTHER TRANSL.lTION.-Tbe last tranlllA. dom of justice he to bimself, and tion of the New Testament which has mllde its the kingdom of he has, in a certain appearance is that of the Rev. L. A Sawyel', sense, given to Mary, that all the once a paster of the North church in New Ha-mercies which he to men should pass ven. 'rhe attention of the reader i, invited 10 r

tbrough her hands, be dispensed as she the contrast between Mr. Sawyer's ren(iering pleases." "She is privileged ark where and the cummon verBiou in the following in. all who shelter are saved from etor- Btances us specimens: nal shipwreck." is the mediatrix of Common Verlion. peace between and God;" "our advo· Marvel not that I said nnto thee, ye mnst cate," " the hope of " " the way of Bal· be born again. Tbe wind bloweth where It vat:on," " the gate which sinners g.) listeth, and thon hearest the sonnd thereot, to God," II the bridge salvation which God but canst not tell wheuce it cometh anti whith. has prepared for us in order to pass securely er it goeth: So is every oue that IS born of the over the waters of life." II Because men SpIrit -J olm iii. 7-8. fear that Divine wbo is destined one Our ~ther which art in heaven, hallowed day to judge them, it has been necessary to be thy Imme. Thy kingdom come. Tby will givc them a mediator th t~~ Mediator, and be doue in earth, as it is iu heaven. Give us uone was so fit for this o@!e as Mary his this dllY our daily brend, ana iorgive us our mother." "Mary is mistress of Paradise, debts, IlS we forgive our debtors. And lend she admits there soever she pleases; and ns not Into temptation, but deliver us from no wuder, seeing she the mother of the Lord evil: For thiue is the kiugdom, and the power, of Paradise." and the glory forever. Amen -Mat. vi. 9-13.

And What pictures statues so 3oboun[1 in In those days came John the Baptist, preach. pupal countries as of Mary? On what ing iu the Wilderness of Judea, and saying, altars arc laid such offermgs n. on hers? Repent ye, for the klllgdolll of 'heaven iB at Churches are built to honor-mIracles are han d.-Mat iii. 1, 2. wrought by her shrines are clOwd· 'I'll ere is, therefore, nolV no condemnation to ed with places where she them which are in Cht'ist Jesuq, who walk not has appeared to and ignorant fanatics, atter the fleBh, but aftel' the Spirit. For tbe become, at once, of pilgrImage, but little law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath less sacred than "the Honsc of Loretto," mnde me free from the law of sin and death _ whose travels in the are so truthfully de- Rom ,ill 1, 2 scrtbed by " the . P. R Kenrick, Y. New Ver6iolJ. G.," now, we believe, the anointed of Rome WOII or not that I said 11 II to you, you must for the iIInmination Missouri, and the re- be bor" agmn 'I'he Spirit breathes wbere it gions ronnd about. the month of flowers, wills, I1U ou hear its voice, but you know not is sacred to Mary. immaculate concep- whence it mcs, nor whither it gOlls: So is tion has been decreed all the pomp of a everyone that has en born of the Spirit. pompous church. H name is the first wllich Our Father in heav n, hallowed be thy name; the infant is taught IIsp, and the dying are thy kingdom come; thy will be done, n.s in directed to her fur 'I'he soldier fights heaven, so lU'earth; give us to-day onr essentilll and the brigand nnder her protection. brelld, and forgive ns our debts as we forgive The Spanish a picture of her in our debtors; and bring ns not into trilll, bul his hOAom; if overtaken by death, in deliver us from evil. bis career of plunder, kisses the picture and And ID those days came John the Baptist, dies. And, as if to the climax, in the way preaching in the w,lderce~s of J \Idea, saying, of tbe Revereud Saint Quietus Change your minds, for the kingdom of hellven _. Bailey, of crowned a pietllre ot is at hand. :.1(\I'Y, allli her as queen in some T d here is no con emnation, therefore, to those little chu~h of the Hudson I So in Christ Jesus, for the law oT t1ie Spirit ofIife th30t, in truth, is not so much Cbris- in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of ti30nity-as It is ~l Anti as wo lire in sin nnd del1th. the hallit of things by their right names, let us call It MARIANITY Surely none, whether priest or prelate, who have gone for the conception dog-ma, \VIII strongly this. Is it not already true thnt one prayer is offered to the Son. hundreds offered to Mary, "a mediator with the 7" Ane! In the dream of Saint , wlllch is the subject of Iln altar piece in chUlch in Milan, two ladders are seen from carth to heaven Mary is 1\t the top of -Christ at the top of the other. All ng hellven by the ladder on which Christ are driven back-all gain 30dmlttance who by the ladder of Mary I And all this in strict accordance

the epithets to hor in RosarieB, Litanips, Offices Blessed Virgin, .. Gate of " .. of Heaven." Roman-ism has Saviour Christ, I1nd has orowned Mary in his Let it no longer

Cbristianity Mariauity-.

how came superstition, gross a~ ever offered to Diana, I or Miner-

va, to grow up to its present and iu-flnence. The opens up field, and a history, upon wh we must i not enter. By no ingeuuity conlditextract from the Blblo-from the ~prl'owing at J eru. salem; from the marrIage fcast at from the agouies of the crQ@s. The was laid aside; locked up fronl the people. Tradition erected her loom, nlld wove a !!0l~".elon3 for Mary; lind dresseo. np her history from the immaculate coul~eIlfion, glorious assumption. The true lowly, lovely, feminine life are hidd\eD stead of that pure !llld humble mother, with her heavenly or[lam:en~ and quiet spirit. we Imve plnced Queen arrayed in vulgar gold,

a goddess magnificent as ever wor. in Ephesns, Atbens, ,01'~~~fRomf.

to this gIlded Qneen, U( saint~, and female, poor sinners arc to pray,

who have no more power to tban have or Mrs. or John Calvin, or or John Robert ; ood are turned the only SlIviour, the 9i~!~e.~e,~iC~~ sweetly invites all to lj all ye that are heavy rest." And it is to Iitantain !hip of this goddess dO~'ma immaculate cO[,eelltiori.: augurated amid a fllillTiRh excited the deriBion image has been "Ttlwril!d pattern Quietus Da'llCY. become LOI'ett()iof

Fruits of Infidelity.

llolinghroke was a libertine of intemperate habits and "Unrestrained lost. Temple was a corruptor of all that came near him-given up ~ to ease I1nd plellsur~ Emerson, an eminent nlltth~mllticllln, was" rude lIod vulgar, and fro. quently immOl'al?" "Intoxication and prOfane language were fllmilmr, to him Towards tho close of his life, "mlctcd with the stone, he wonld crawl on hiS hands and knees, sometimes praying and sometimes swenring.1I ']'be morals of the Earl of Rochester Ilre well known. Godwin was a lewd man by his confeSSion llS well as the unblushing advocate of lewd~ess. Shaftsbury and Collins, while endeavoring to destroy the Gospel, partook of the Lor-d'a Sup. per, thus professlllg the Christian faith for ad. mission to office I W oolsten was a gross bIas. phemer. Blount solicited his sister·in·law to marry; but, refused, shot himself. Tindal was originally a Protestant, then turned a Papist then turned a Protestant ngain, merely to sui~ the times, and was, at the same tiile, iufamous for vicll \II genernl, and total waDt of prinCiple. He is said to have died with tbis prayer in his month, "If there is a God, I desire that he mlly have mercy ou me" Hobbes wrote his "Leviathlln" to serve the causo of Charles I but finding him fail of succeRs, he turned in t~ the defence of Cromwell, nnd made a merit of this fact to the usurper I as IIobbes himself un­blushingly declared to Lord Clarendon. Need I describe Y ollaire, prince of scoffers, as Hume was the prince of skeptics! in childhood initiat. ed into"infidelity; In boyhood infamous for daring blasphemy; in manhood distinguished for a malignant and violent temper, for cold blooded disruption of nil the ties and decencies. of the family circle, for tho I'idicule .of Whatev-er was affecting, and the violation of whatcver was confidential. Ever increasing in duplicity and hypocritical management wit~ age and practice, those whom bi~ wit aUracti!d and his buffoonery llmused; \Vere either disgn~ted or pollnted by his 1030ths me vic~8. Lies nud oaths iit their support w re nothing to his maw. Those whom he ope Iy called his friends he took pains to secret y calumniate· flatte'ring them to their faces, ~\nd ridiculing' them aud reviling them behind t eir lIacks. Year~ only added stiffness to the isgusting features of bis impiety, coldness to hiS dark malignity, and fnry to his impetnous temper. Throughout lIfe be was given np /I to work all unclellnness with greedi,ess." Such was the willy Voltaire wbo in the midst of aU his levity, had reeliD~ and seriousness enongh to wish that be bad never been born. ~

"why it should be thought a thing uncredible 11 of the Blessed Yirgin," lrom the "Offiee of the with him, "that God should raise the dead," Blessed Yirgin," from the" Psaltcr of Saint lalJta. intimating thereby that a resnrrection from the, Bonaventure," from the" Glories of Mary," !clui~u.s, and a dead was necessary in order for the promise by Liguori, 30 man, who, on the authority of Rigbt

Cardinal Wiseman, could be in two place8 at as easily hoped ~o~ to be fulfilled. It ~ns also th(j hope one and the same time; and from the hundred -thr'!>~!:h which of obtalllIng a better resurrection that prompt- lind one books, and missals, Ilnd" GlloI'dens of the Angel Gabriel appeared to ed those snfferers aud martyrs to endure what the Sonl," written to direct tbe faith lind the feather from his wing, if there be they did (Heb. xi. 35 ) and the Apostle hilS prayers of the faithful. From some of the save that at the ftop Qttbe &ala I$an:ctaj given US'II list of the' ancient worthies in the parodies?f the Scriptures, b.f Bonaventure, in a toot~ of thl!' c0!llb by w.hic~

We mlgut well congratulate onr friend here, an{! in all kindness say to him, as a brother believer: "Let us hold fast the profession of onr fllith withont wavering, for he is faithful that promised. And let us consider one an­other to provoke unto love and good works." Bnt alasl before wu can write our quotation from the .A postolic writings, II a whim carries him off on the wings of 30 hypothesis I" He supposes Paul was afraid thllt the Colossians and the Galatians, (though the former had showu grellt firmness, and the latter had run well in the faith,) would fall into the empty deception of Sabbath·keeping; which he says was as poor and as weak as the worldly elements from which they liad been reclaimed That " He evidently considered it 30 part of that slave· guide (not school·master, Gal. iii. 24, 25,) to lead the sons of Israel to Christ-the teacher under the old dispensation." Here I must con· fess my surprise that a Christian teacher should ever pen 30 sentence that should even by impli­cation teach that Jehovah ever engraved with his own hand upon a tablet of stone one single principle weaker than those taught by the oracles of the heatben t Or that God should make use of abolished institutions to lead men to Christ, or that an Apostle, and that Paul himself, should still practice Sabbath-keeping for the sake of preaching in the Synagogues, and that the Greeks should tbink when the term Sabbath was adopted into their h\ngunge, it no longer meant hallowed rest; while in al­most every considerable city of tile Greeks there were" Hellenestic Jews with Synllgogues, where the law was read; so that no other day could be called in Greek by the Hebrew name, in thpse times without useless confusion. The name was alrelldy transferred aud approprillt­ed iu th30t langnage, to the last day or the week, and so continued; and in Latin, and the descendants of Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and the rest, and atilI remains: Sabato, Saba­do, S~di; whil~ the first day is called Do­minhm, Dominico, Domingo, Dimanche, lIud all this hile Paul expected "The thoroughly Gentil Christians of Corintb (a Grecian city),

f: 'th f G d h rd' th I d f order to mtroduce the worshIp of the Goddess her haIr? Aay bttle pontrlbutlOn al.o 0 w o. ouc,~ Ive III e an 0 Mary, we reCOil with horror. Take a fewell:- if only connected witIr Mary,

promise, and obtaIned II good report througbl IImples. In Ps. i., as quoted by Thompson, to the attractions of the holy faitb," aud who died there, "not baving receiv~ "Blessed is the man that loves thy name, 0 ken. I


The Archbishop of CinCinnati, fOllowing the example of .ArchbiKhop Hughes baa issued a pronunciamento, in Whi~h he takes decided ground ~gainst allowing \the children of Ca­tholic parents to receive C/Jarity 30t tbe hands of Pfotestoots He fears that they mlly be( converted I We shonld bIe glad to know that the Roman Catholic ,authorities forbid their "grown-up people," a8 well as children, to reo , ceive aid from the Protestants, if they will alBo pr'1vide for their relief themselves. Three. fourths of the cost of supporting the poor­wonld be saved at once in tbis eity, by the

ed tbe promise.'1 God says, he having provid, I Virgin Mary; thy grace shall comfort his sonl." And wi h so much reverence for Protestant community. (Weat. Ohr. Ad,. " ,




Page 2: s3.amazonaws.comVol+15+(1858-59... · EDITED BY A comIlTTEE OF T1IR BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 27. Qll) e 5 II b b a tl) 11 f( orb c r , I'UDLISm D WEEKI.Y B~ the Sevent/I·day Bnptist Publishing









106 THE SABBATH RECORDER, DECEMBER 9,1858. ===~==~=~n~h-h=n=t=~==~~~~fn-.=~=f=.=~C=U=t=lli=d=®~e=,~und-h-~e~a-nd-d-~-m-tl-~-I-n-k-~-t~~a~n~ W-e-d-o-n-~ili~w~r~~mlt'-Fn~s~~O~o~m~m~o~n~s~n~~~r~s~fu~r~w~t~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~===~

, ~ -,"H ~UH tId I tl II f 0 t d th ht t b d t b I .,. (an 0 patronage only wish t '" S t lorm, was p ante a ong Ie wa Ii In r n an IS oug 0 e, we 0 no e leve that It IS Schools and of Umversal EducatIOn I be not that we had that nnmber of such IIlipisters and IOna ec a.rlBn views were submerged III the at one end of the honse, winch grlOned horrl deemed objectIOnable by thonghtfnl dlsbelIev misled by yonr plISslons nor by blInd gmdes one all absorblOg object U Dlon of heart

New York, December 9, 1868 bly upon us for trenchlDg on tbelr ground and ers m the ChrlstlBn Faith We ask what we IOta figbtlOg the battle of yonr adversaries I members o.s oUf/patrons are co[nllolsed of, tbe d f ""

Id d I t d t I h I II W th R an 0 euort, gave cOnvlOcmg ploof of tIle castmg Ollt the 0 eVI s mos Iscour eous y us s ou d be WI mg to assent to at Damascns or Pause aDd consider! ay e ECORDER would fly off be a well as Irrevetently Stili before them wele Teheran, and we say, If PersIa or SyrIa were cautIon to bl6 steam prmtmg We power and effiCiency d the Gospel, lind men votive offmoJ<, and tWigs of green myrtle and II republIc, lind we resided In the capital of The Object of Blble Translatlons should Mve 160,000 snbscrlbers exclaimed, "behold, how Chrlshans love each flowers, ph.ced III urns filled With watet, and either, we should cheerfully IlSsent m view of other" The number of converts have heen thus kept fle~h and flounsblUl!. In such a the absolute necessity of Popular' EducatIon The lir.t EnglIsh translatIOn of the New acknowledge IIbout $300,000 per estJmat d t ~ th S bb e a over 1\ hundred The meetmgs place was the first Protestam wOlshlp cele '\s a baSIS of CIVIl LIberty, and of Moral cui Testament was made by W m Tyncialp., who 0 er a ath documents, which abont three miles flOm here) among the Metho bruted III the empire of Japan, under such ture as II part of that EdUcatIOn, to bave a added a request to the reader that the learned, to follow We fellr WO shall n have Ruch d st II

EDITED BY A COlllllT'IEE OF THE BOARD -Mlsslonary Work

The favoled bme seems to have comc for missionary labor 10 the only til 0 cOlin tries hlt!.erto closed agamst the Chrl-tmn teacher ChID a nnd Japnn DI e now fre~ to the ClmstlUn rehglOlI throughout their rc<pectlve emplre< And \I here III e the mISSIOllflfl(S who nre ready to hold I'P the trne ~Ilth of the Gospel, nnd tIle suprem[lcy of God s llw? Here are two countms where the elf 01 of the Roman Chmch

circumstances was Chrlstmmty IJrought back Prayer of Mahommed reCited and h t b 1 I S, were we attended, nnd With good sue a c ap er and able would I emember their dllty to amend prosperity ut we w11 try to be worthy or It, cess d aft d to these shores after lin eXile of two centuries of the Koran lead, at the dmly openmg of d k t h ' lin erwar at the Academy wherethc and II hat! each common school what thev found amiss But he say, In IllS .. a ... n .......... ee...;p ...... r .... u .... t ............ ~!!!!!!!! .................. ~ .................. '!'! Seventh day BaptIsts usually meet for worship,

, In rrgal d to the foUl th f omnl[llIdment, lias not been l~cmved, and II here It lI'ould be eyen casler to have tI e tllU Sabbat I estab liahed, than another day 1'1 cscllbcd b) Pope nntl conncil Olle half of Chma lin, challenged the S Ibbllth I cepmg 1111 <lOllary to eome o~er and Ii I I h~r, h) adoptm" the Seventh day ID

thull calend lr Jap~n J, Without a Sllbbtltb , and I stl ellUOU3 e[ol t II III IJP mud! to mtlo duce the Sundlty festlvnl ItS the lenl and can s~ltntlOn tI rest day Sh til thero UO HI effort to open the eyes 01 the eel udell on thl, subject III Japan? Will our Hullers look at the follo\\lng picture of the ol'! mng of tl P Jate, to the KIng of Glory, among the heat} en? Do thoy not Wish to have a hInd III the good work?

(COl re"Pondencc of the Bo,ton Tmvelt r) Sunoda J pall AI'!fU't 15 1858

'1'011 nsend Hall I", L q U S Consul Gell enl fOl Japan aft. I 1011,( contlflnetl and most Jl1dlCIOIIS efforts a silol t t lUe since slIcceeded In negotmtlI1g a tl eaty Illtl! the gavel nment of JapaD, opelllng I cw \,orb to AmerIcnn com meree, ond <ecnrmg Dew flTlvilrge, to Amellcans vlsltmg Japan or perm InCI tly settled there More than all, and oetter than nll, the tHatv prOVI(lc, thot Americans mav praclice the;r rthg 011, aud plomulgate It Ihronghont the empIre, and crcct ehurchc, wherever they please, the two Imperml CltICR Mlo.ko und Jed do, not except! d 1 t was to bllng the nego tlatlOns to a close by the ufficill sl6'n Itme of the tro~ly, which occaSIOned our trip np to Jeddo BllY of 'IIhlch I have mformed you

It w~s des r~d by 1\11 Harm Illmself a • highly exemplary Clmstmn gentleman, and

cOldwllyapproved lIy OUI Commodore, that, upon the slgnllll!' of the tleat) aud OUI return to SunOll" thiS gl cat and lIue~ pected event should he rcllglouslv celebl utcr} h} holding public wOlslllP III IllS h011se on the followmg Sabbath As the fllgatc MlS<hSIPPI waR In

port, an well us the Powhattun, tlj.e number of men 011 boald botli ships was neurly lllno hnn dred-enough to mal,e a very conSiderable congregation-most of whom were deRlrous to attend the services, though ID a private dwell mg, and that q, one story Japaneso house a small part only could be accommodated Sun dllY, August 1, 1858, Commodore 'l'otnall and Captam Pellrson and Captmn NICholson lead mg the wny, the boats put olf, [lnd soon the pllrty, maIchmg through the sheets amidst crowds of wondeung but lespcetful lind qlllet natives, rellched the Consul's bouse, In winch some were seated m chan s, some on so filS, some on box( s and benches, hut the rna t on the floors covered with soft mats

It added great mtere<t to the OCCUSIOn to remem ber that ChrlstlUUlty had been expelled from these Islands for nearly til 0 centUrIOS and a half, the fatal edict agamst It havmg been promulgl\ted III the ycar 1620, lhe very) ear when tlto Pilgrims cal ned It to the new world, when they and It were e};pellcd from the old, and now thell descendauts wele brlllglllg It back. lind replantlDg It III those Islands so lilr from thClr own home

BeSides tins, It wus the !irst celeblatlOn of Protestant worship smce tho empire of Japan "as known to the CiVIlized wOlld In cO'lsld eratlon of these facts, It may be agreeable to your readers to have an outlIne of the <ervlces on thiS memO! able occaSIOn, II hlcb, hk~ the rude stones piled up III the fiver, mark the passage of the Clmstlan and ~oteRtunt faith llltO the promised land

ExclUSive of the devotIOnal ortlOn, the ser­vices weI e as follows

In the first place, the readmg of the first chopter of Romans, deScrIptive of thacharac ter of thr.t healhenlsm wInch by Its Id Is hter lilly star~d us In tbe fllce, liS 1\ e eng ged 10

ChflStlall worshl p • Thb familiar and charmlDg hymn £ Uowed,

begmnmg-Welcome "wect day of reot '

wluch awoke not only the RPlllt devotIOn but all the sweet memories ot hOIl~e the family; the Sabbath, aud the churcb though, unhappIly for the depth of the Impres,lon, It II as mldmght there while midday here, alld thus we conld not, III IWllgll1lltlon even, be "gomg up to (he hOllse of God m company" '1'he servIces of the Blind wera dispensed With, to be fld of a mar tlal air on the occaSIOn, while the IIvmg 100ce, sweuter and better thlln all IDstrnments, alone was used by onr smllll extempOllzed chmr, and \D a tune faOllllar to all flOm theIr clllldbood \D WhICh tbe congregatlOll wa~ IIIvlted to JOID '

"FlOro Gleenland 9 ICY moun tams ' -very naturally followed, aud WIth great effect, while the servIces were concluded With the /!:fllndo a\Ld prophetIC doxologv m grand Old Hnndrel1-

Erom all who dwell helow the -kles '

6nng by the entire congreglltlon, stnnillng The perman from 1 Thess I 9, 10, was de

Signed to Illustrate by lustol/Cal facts the power of the Gospel, III the iii st ages of ChrlStlaDity \U overthrowlDg Idolatl y In Greece, III Rome: and tbroughout the world, lind then to account for Its tempornry defeat In thesc charming lslands, lind thiS great empire, by a condensed narratIOn of the IUtlOductlOll of the Gospel by the Portnguese, about the year 1545, and Its final expulSIOn IU 1620, P lrtly 011 account of the quarrels Ilnd mntual cflmmations of the Portngucse lind Spamsh merchants trndtng here, but mlltnly by means of the rtVlllrlCS IlDd mtrlgues of tbe Clltholic miSSionaries of differ ent orders, the .JesUlts, the FranCiscans and Domllllcans, who not ouly. wefO found mterfer Ing With the affairs of Stlllte, bllt brouf7 ht the heaVIest accasatlons ngalllst each otlic~ before the Pagan Emperor himself:

It added 11 strong mtercSI to the occasion to look around Rnd remember that tbe very plnce ID whICh we were worshIping the trlle God, nnd teachlDg the way of salvatlOlI through the cross, and slDglDg tbese sweet hymns to tunes AS sweet, was bnt lately a heathen temple from ",hlOl! oar wortby Consul General had expelled tbe monster Idols, a row of WhiCh,

Snch was the cay-the most mtelcstmg and But who IS It that objects to BI1>lereadwfl' In preface to the five books of Moses, • that m- to whICh Church have been added about forty ImtresSlVe to many of us In our hves, and from our Common Schools? 0 stend of helpmg him as he asked, some of them ~nmntnnirntinn.!i. members, and our hearts have been greatly w ose services all retnrned on board sblp serl The OPPO,ltIOD, so far as Its authors and say, It IS Impossible to translate the Scrtptures ~ t d d ou' and thonghtfnl, and hopmO'o II better day reasons are conSidered IS a hldde '1 h com or e an encouraged, and we find a home

, none e Into Enghsh, some that It IS not la wful for the th G W had dawned upon these heautlfullslands and SkeptiCS do not make-at all events do not ForeIgn Correspondence III e reat est among the people of our thiS Simple mmded and kInd hearted people avow It The Hebrews do not back It And lay people to hafe It m their mother tongue, early chOICe, who keep the SalJbath of tbe It added to the vaned mterest of ihls memor thou"oh It IS stoutly charged upon tIle Roman some that It would mnkc them all heretiCs and LOSDO~, Nov 1858 Bible aIr 1 Th t f I S bb • ' am ng w 10m lormer y we enjoyed so able duy that a seam lin of the crew, a young CatholIcs, they as a body dlscllllm It Arch ~ome, or rather everyone say that It wOllIJ e ques IOn 0 t Ie a ath has become One h h f tl many appy seasons The Methodist ChUrch mnn, aVlIIg died the mght before, was carried bishop Hughes has done so With great solem make them rise agailist tile Vll1g, ~hom they a 1e great tOpICS Of diSCUSSIon of the day, hId I to hit t I I t th C I' d h II d .r~ " ave a so recmve arge additIons to tb"lr IS as res In!!: pace C ose 0 e onsu s mty, an c a enge a contradiction, which has h I every paper, politIcal !Or relIgiOUS, takes up the v

house and our lat I f h t t b t emse ves, unto their damnation never yet numbers "Let every thIng that hatb breat' e p ace a WOIS IP, JUs as no een given subject, and discusses It from every POInt of '" the snn was smkm6' bchmd the hills lDd moun The Frl'p.man's JOUinal, willch IS the Ie obeyed" And he says they affirm to the lay praIse thc Lord" As cold water to a tlmstv tams <0 clo e III th! rear TIllS doubly was CO!l:U1zed OIgan of the CatholiC Hlcflrchy people that hIS tIauslatlOlI has so many thou VieW, pamphlets are constantly Issumg from I d f I ~ th d 1 sou, so IS goo news rom a far country the place consecra,ed by our countrymtn and "nd whICh does Dot nnmber secretIvencss amOlJO' slInd heIe,ICR th"t It cannot be mended OI cor e pre,s, an arge works are publIshed, ren- r n brotherly love S M BURDICK fOI our cOnulrjmen Its many faults, has never complamed of Blbl~ Iectcd, that they might With as little labor dermg It qUite ImpO!!slble to know all that IS Southampton, ],0" 21 1858

Haec lortasse o!rm memllllsseJu,ahlt readmg-nor hllve any of the nnofficlal Journ said ')n the subject The Tlmel In a recent

The Bible ill our Pnbl~c Schoo!s···Agam

III onr I"UO of Nov 25th we gave uotIce of a p Iblle mU5S meetlDg to be held In the Cooper I,,"tllilte for Monday eveUlng, the 29th of Nov, to tuke IUtO conslderatlOu the cxclu SIOII of the Bible froUi a number of the pnlJhc Free Schools of tin, city.

A t thiS meetmg It IS thought that OHr 2000 per,ons "HI e pre.en t It was composed c1l1efly uf pC! SODS IIIg-hly esteemed for their mOrl.1 aud Intcllectual wOlth and Influence, With no other dlstmgUlshmg fcatm e, uut frtendshlp for the TIl blc 'l he IDcetmg was opened by a speech from J W Geraru, E<q the PreSident It uppear, by IllS statement, that thel e are 207 schools In tIllS city and 60,000 scholars from 5 tu 20 yeaI. of age, With 1400 teacher., of II hom 1000 are females There was expend cd hst jear the sum of $1,160,000 for the snpporL of .hese schools

'lhe Cltromcle makes the 101l0wmg bllef re port of Mr Gerard's speech and other bu.1 ness of the I'IleetIng

, He .poke eloquently of the usefnlness of the <chools, the excellence of the system, nnd the mel It of the teachers He contended for the Bible and for mornmg prayer, on the most catholIc grounds, as,ertmg that the Bible IS not taught, explaIned or reCited, or deSired to be, but claimed thllt Its dally reading IS Indls pensablc and unobjectionable In the 4th, 6th and 14th wards, the readmg of the Scrlptnres hilS been omitted ,\Vlth mellted sarcasm, he pomts out the sourcc of the eVil, and urges the cure.

'rhe oppoSItIon to tho Bible docs llot pro ceed, he said, from polItical or from relIgIOUS feelIng Itls becaDse the people of New York hllve been so forgetful as to plilce In the chlllrs of the school officers men who have no relIgIon to quarrel about '1'0 thInk that m thiS proud Empire City, lilled With nellrly one millIon of people, and hundreds of thousands of men of Intelligence and feeling, tbat they should all be passed by, Rnd that men should be selected whom I \lould nOL III aoy contmgency trust with an ugency of a hundred dollars-tbls IS shamefnl

No\\, whose fault IS It that you have got thiS IIobson's choice? You have got to tllke J ohu Brown, who deals out grog, or Jobn Jones who deals out Junk A majority of them are uttelly unfit for the statIon, utterly nnfit N ow whose fault IS It? Yours, tbese men are not the men to enter the school room, they arc not to be held np to your chl!dren as examples for them to follow, they are not the men to whom vou should confide yonr daughters, some of them 16 or 18 years of age, they are not the lUen to mmgle With the thousand female teachers of the City, they art' only fit for Aldermen and CounCilmen [Lond and long continued IIpplause. j My fllends, I don't want to deprIve these men of office, I don't want to keep tbem froOl gomg to the Legisla­ture, I don't want to deprive the natIOn of the beuefit of their character In Congress, but ID

the Dame of the parents of thIS great City, In

the name of 60,000 cblldren who are to follow the example of then school officers for good or for eVil, I protest agaInst such men contamm atmg the pnre atmosphere of a scho( I house

I co d t d d hllve translated the whole B ble as they be a s n uc e an SUppOi ted by CatholiC, artIcle, condemns the strICt observance of Sun We see no eVidence that, If the Schools were stowed In findmg fault With IllS translatIOn of d J h S bb h b otherWIse satIsfactory to the Catholtes their the New TC3tament, there was not so much as ay as a eWls It at, cmg qUIte satisfied Blble-Ieadmg would make them obJectlO'nable an ~ wltliout a dot over It, but they noted It With the Enghsh mode of keepmg the daJ',

A.nd yct the facts Temam, that the USf of so frequently condemned by foreIgners, and h B bl h as II hel e.sy Flllally he says In tins all WCI e tel e as been diseontlllned m somo ten or tluuks that the means afforded for those who twelve of our C t S I I d I agreed to drIve them from the kno\\ ledge of I y c 100 s, an t lat snCh diS deSIre recreatIon IS ample, and that for those contllluance IS confined to those Wards III thn SClIptureo to keep the world III darkness h d h winch It majority of the vot(>r~ and of t 1le k thousalld books had they rather to be put w 0 eSlle a strict 0 servance of the day, the School Officers nre undelstood to lJe Roman ' tl th b 1.1 d law compels an ontwald decorum by th~ mam-.J. lor 1 against elr a omlDau e olngs nnd doc ~ Cutnoltc How shall we account for this? h b "tenance of order and the CIOSlIIg of shops

W tllnes t an t at the Se II) till cs sbould come to o nre not mistaken In affirmmO' that the The Datty Telegraph IS of oplDlon that the

Roman CatholIc Hlermchy regard" With diS light reader of the New Testament cannot find" a trust and disfavor the EducatIOn of the Cmld ThiS only moved me to trail,late the New ren of their people In strICtly Commoll Schoo's Testament, VIZ, that I hud perceived by expe smgle word therew ellJolDlDg hIm to set apart They would prefer a seI)arate llrovlslon and I II any pal tlCnltlr day or hour for attendllnce on Hence lOW ImpOSSI ) e It was to establish the separate schools for tho<c clnldren They Wish I public 1V0rshlp, and a little reflection leads hIm th d b ay people III any truth, eXCcllt the S~f1ptnres

C1r e ucatlon to e thoroughly C"lbolIc, ID a to discover that he has hitherto been made sense which t hI I I 11 w~re plnml; laid before thclI CI eS III their IS 110 POSSI" e In sc 100, rea y the "dupe of a Roman CatholiC traditIOn." Common m a City of sucb dlvclse thcologles mother tongue, that they might <ec the order, , as ours The Roman CatholIc prIesthood arc proces~ and mcalllng 01 the text, for other T he MornIng Star uijvocates the slime opmlOns, mVlUCibly hostile, \lot specllllly to Bible readlog I h I I and many others too numerous to be mention WI<e, W latsoevel trnt was taug It t lem, thebe m Common Schools, but to Common Schools ed here, while the :Record, the high cburch or-t 11 If b enemIes of all trutb, the prlC.ts, quench It

a a 0 ~ectlOn IS made by them to Bible gan, IS disgusted ati the blasphemous notions readmg that IS Incld nt I d b r k IIglILD, partly With the smoke of thelf bottom , e a an y way 0 ma c (as It terms them),;w1 hlCh are b~mg IUstllled weight-to show tLat our Common 8chools are less pit, al d partly III JuggllOJ \ Ith tLe text, essentially Protestant, and will never be Illy pxponndmg It In sue I l\ sens" as to render It 1m mto the minds of the people tblDg else 1 A great 8trnggle IS tbns gOlDg on between

posslb e to gather lhe meamllJ thereof' Gov Seward nndoubtedly wad;!, the sua:ges I the stnct and Illx observers of the first day,

t h h II f d ~ n the proloJue of the book, of GeneSIS, IOn w IC won ( I" opted h ve disarmed each pllrty trymg Its utmost to promulgate ItS theIr r Sl t t P bl S h 1 b Tyndll.le thus shows how well he undelotood cost o~ : ~~~~edo mO~lfi~catI~n o~n \heU\;!t:~e what he W[b abont Hl makmg hiS tran<lations v~ew: The snbJect liS so much agitated that He propo,ed that, ID our great Cities, where "Tnough a man had a preCions jewel, yet If t m IDg and candid men are oblIged to confess freshly armed Imwlgrants, unacqualOted With he knew not the value thereof, nor for what It the Brst day has no; authorl~y, and then they our language, most abound, there should be fall 111(0 the errOl that there IS no Sabbath S h I d served he were not n straw the better or !Ichor,

c 00 s erecte expressly for the clnldren of under ChrlstIamty. A recent anonymous writer such ImmJO'rants III whlcll tl r t I I even so though we !Cad Lhe SCllptures, and '" lei na nrn repu says, "a posItive command was given of God sions and SuspICIOns should be disarmed by the babble ever so mncb of It yet, If we know not employment of teachers 'speaktng the Ian the n,o of It, and wherefore It was given, to kcep the seventh day as the Sabbatb, and guage and '1lTO'eS8!1Zg the faItll" of those d b t h t b h It IS qUite clear that no command whatever IDIU ,- ". an W a IS t erem 0 e song t, It profi teth parents respectively The prllctlCal difficulties th II L kif gtven to Jew or GenUle to keen tYIC first day

th f no mg at a 00 t lere ore In the Scrip- e-ID e way 0 carrymg thiS recommendatIOn I wonld then ask tile first day Sabbath advo fully and consistently mto effect were nndoubt tures, as thou readest It, first the LAW what

For tile Sabbath Recorder ~he l'entecost

I Wish to submit to the I euders of the RE CORDER, the views of Rev Albert HalDes, re latmg to thc Pentecost See Barnes' Notes Acts \I -" It has by many heen supposed that this took place on the firstday of the week I e on tbe Clmstllln Sabbath But tbere is ~ dim' cnlty In estllbltshlng tbls There WIIS probably a difference among the Jews thlilJlselvton tbls subject Tbe law SUld they shonld rec Il seven Sabbaths, Ie, seven weeks from th morrow after the Sabbllth -Lev XXIll 15 By tins j

Sabbath the Pharisees understood the lecond

day of the Passover, on whatever day of th~ , week It occnrred, which was kept as a holy as sembly, and might be called a Sabbath But the CaralteJews, 01 those who mSlstedonaltt erallnterpretatlOn of tLe Scrlptnres, mamtamed tuaU by tbe Sabbath here was meant tbe usuul Sabbath, the seventh day of the week Conse quently w;lth them, the day of Pentecost always occurred on the first day of tho wellk , and If the Apostles ".rell \0 \'ilth their Views the day was fully clime on what IS now the ChrIStIan Sabbath Bnt If the views of tbe Pharisees were followed, and the Lord Jesus had With them, kept the Passover on Tburs day, as many have supposed, then the day of Pentecost wonld have occurred on the Jewish Sabbath, Ie, on Saturday Kuvlroel, Light root It IS ImpOSSible to determlDe the truth on thiS snbJect, nor IS It of mnch Importance" Suc~ are the views of Mr Barnes, compare them With Dr. Cheever's, and tbeD remember that Christ has said, "a house diVided agalDst Itselr IS bronght to desolatIOn" J ~ T

edly great, and It was very generally frowned GOD commllndeth us to do ADd secondly, the cates, Ee snpposed that such contlllned upon and condemned Yet tbls IS to be Said PROlIlSES whICh GOD promlseth ns agalU, nllme IDJunct ns were gIven to the people of Israel m Its fllvor, that no opponent, IImong the ly, m CHRIST JESUS onr LORD Then seek en under he MosaiC economy to observe With the thousands who have attempted to st Ite Its I fi f f utmost rIgor the seventh day as tbe Sabbath, For the Sabbath Recorder purport, has evel stated It fairly To dlly a samp es rst 0 com ort, how God purgeth all and yet whe d th h h d I majority of lIItelhgent Citizens beheve that them who submit themselves to walk 10 hiS ,n un e~ e dig er a~ more g on- DEAR BRO SSG ,-You seem III a debat-Gov S proposed to grant speCIal priVileges to WIIYS, In the pur~atory of-tfibulatJon, delIver DUS economy, no cOJnman whatever should be log mO!,ld I confess I am not I see a great Roman Catholics, and to prOVide at the public mg them yet at the latter end, and never given to keep the first day as the Sabbath? work III which all the Interests of hnmumty cost schools III whICh the chIldren of Imml sufferlDg any of them to perish, who cleave fast Not one smgle portiOll of the Scriptures of the are involved, and demllndmg the earDCJSt labor gra~ts sh~n~~ be educated dIU tbe native Ian to hiS promIses And finally noto the ensam- New Testament canl be found tQ prove thIS! of all Cbrtstlans I may say further, that did guages 0 elr parents Rn IDstructed m the The only argument used by thiS s"ctlOn IS, that I t r tl d tenets (If those parents' religIOn He never pIes which are wlltten, to faar the flesh that "no suppose you per ec y un ersta.nd the proposed nor dreamed of the Instruction of we SID not Christ was raIsed from the dead on the first sentiments of the" essay" yon CrItiCise, I might those children In any fo elgn language or rell ThiS comfort shalt thou evermore find ID the day of the week, ati<! that the Apostles met have more heart In attemptmg to explBm glOus dogma whatever, but Simply that teach pllllD text and lIteral sense they were wntten on the first day of t~e week-vell' good, and The essay, however, IS written and prmted, ers should be prOVided for them who could < I d f so they met and pleached on the seventh day, and IS therefore publIc property Yonr right

d t ddt th th b lor conso atlon an com ort, that we despllIr ' un ers an an commUUlca e WI em ifore the Sabhath" He then quotes all the pass. t ttl t d d b t they were IOstructed ID EnglIsh, and who, not If such thmgs happen unto ns. As thou 0 con rover cllnno eny, an per aps I being of lIke faith With themselve., would be r.eadest, therefore, thlOk that every syllahle ages mentlODlng the observance of the seventh may be my duty to d'efend, although the essay free from the natural Jealousy of Ignorant peo pertalDaetb to thIDe ownself and suck out the day Sabbatk by the !Apostles, and,further says, hilS become the property of the denomlDatlOn pIe ID a strange land that the faCilities afforded pIth of the Scripture and arm thyself agaInst "If the Blot day Sabbath ad~ocates thInk that\ To the matter of the essay then, let us give by theIr attendance on our PubliC Scbools they have suffiCient proof wlthQut a direct attention 1 It starts With the decillration would be artfnlly employed to seduce them all assaults First, note With strong faith, the from their parenta' cherished faith power of God In creatmg all of naught, then command, but Simply from the Circumstance of that the Bible alone IS authority on thiS ques

But to the case In hand mark the grlevons fall of Adam, and of us all Paul's preachulg onlthe first day !Of the week, tIon. Is that rIght? 2 That accordmg to 1'he Bible IS no longer read m certalll of our In him, through the light regardmg of the and of bls dlreetlDf belIevers (;:J Christ at the New Testament, none but bapt zed belley

PnbllC Schools, It IS deSired that such readmg commandment of God Cormth to lay up III store for cliarltable pur- ers were by Christ or hiS Apostles celved to be restored How IS thiS to be effected? We poaes on the first dat of the week, !lOW muc' the commumon Is thllt right? 3 That It say by a d re t d tIt h See what God prombed Joseph m hIS dreams , ,. , I C an carnes appea 0 t e peo more ltave tke 8even'1~ day advocate8 to main was the right and duty of all such p rsonB-pie of those Wards Let a full ttcket, and Those promises accompaDied him always and ~ but one, of Citizens of emment worth and pop went down With hIm even lUtO the dark dun tam the seventlt day la! the Sabba~h, according members of hiS church or congreg hon not-ulanty be mllde up from all pal ties In eacl! geons, and brought him np "gam, lind never to the pnmlttve and !pOSitive commandment of under censure to celebrate the co umon pledged to a restorntlOn of Bible readmg'. h I II God" I Is that right 1 4 The essay does t say that Th I t h b lorsook 1m til a that was promised was ful

en e t e cItIzens e VISited Bud canvassed The strict obsefVI!rs of Sunday ale endeav- all persons who might afterward be baptized from house to honSe, let fllcts and arguments filled I;. be addressed to them lU the shape of addresses These are ensamples WrItten for 0\lr learnmg ormg to enforce the ;::;nnday laws ~galDst work were to be received to the commoDion of handbills, tracts, nrgmg them to vote for th~ as Paul smth, to teach us to trust m God, ID In II country town; recently, slllVeral bakers Christ's church. Is tbat rlgh 5 Tbe essay Bible ticket If proper efforts were thns the stlOng fire of trIbulatIOn, and purgatory of WCle fined for workmg A farlner and hIS uses the terms Christ's chur -Christ's body made, we do not belIeve a favorable result laborers were also cpBhvlcted ID another place -congregatIOn, etc, as me DIng ono and tbe

10wIDg resolutions passed need be despmred of our flesh for their learnmg and comfol t IS the R l d Th h f f h S d 'h of barvestlllg, and fined, but ID imother case, same thlD!Z It IS not preten ed that t eyare

1CSO VC, at t e lIlstltutlOns of this coun But the conrse which scems to be determlUed rmt 0 t e crlptnre an purpose lOI w ICh It ~

Speeches were also made by Hiram Ketcham, Esq, and Hon Erastus Brooks, and the fol

try are based upon tbe relIgIOUS prlDClples of on IS very different from thiS While no effort was written, and With such II purpose to rell':! the magistrates dlsOlI.sed the summons against not sometimes used WIth modi J mennlDg! the people, and that the Bible IS the foonda- IS madeJn the anti Bible Wards, a great clamor It, IS the way to everlastlDg lIfe, and to tho,e some laborers who Were ht work on a ra\lroad, Is thiS right? Bro SSG. says, "But ID

tlOn of all religIOn, and the highest stllndard IS raised outSide of tbem, With the mamfest. JOyful blessmgs thllt are promised unto all na- upon the eVidence ot several \\ ItnElsses that the 1111 serlonsness Will Bra H tell us how he can of moralIty, nnd shonld be read In all PublIc mtent of compellmg the reudmO' of the Bible t h d f 'b h I h hne was lD II dangerous condition While these reconCile hiS practice With the teachlogs of hiS Schools III the IVth, VIth and XIVth Wards, through lOns ID t e see 0 A ra am, IV lIC seed IS

Resolved, That we WllIllOt give our support all extreme exercise of power by CommiSSion Christ Jesus our Lord to whom ue honor and laws arc belllg enforced, the prolIloters of the essay and hiS rejOinders For If r am correct, at the ensumg election to any candidate for ers elected ID the IXth XVth XVIth and praloe for ever" League are conSidering the adVIsabIlIty of hav- Bro H hmlts hiS commUDlon to baptIzed Sab school officers, who IS known or belIeved to be X VllIth. " Tyndale was bnrnt at the stake ID 1536 for mg them repealed bath-keepers, while he baptized (baptizes) m f"vor of the exclUSIOn of the Bible from IIny Probably, a kmd of success may tbus be hIS faithfulness lD trunslatmg the Scriptures, 1'he supporters of the League, which IS only Sabbath breakers accordmg to hiS vieW of the of tbe PublIc Schools of our City achieved, but It Will provo superficml amI Illu ID the tblrd year or Its eXlstenc~, have com- Sabbath" I confess to the first pllrt of thiS

The New York Tl'lbune seems not to fllvor sory Bible readmg at the pOint of the bayo and for vmdlcatmg IllS translatIOn agalDst the 1 II th t f h Ch b f R Wh 0\'"11 meuced their wHIter campaign liy delIvering sentence, and a811: Bro SSG, dul not the

the plan of forcllIg the readmg of the SCrIp net-Bible reading crowded upon hostile Ward au on yo t c urc 0 orne 0 O<J,U tures III the schools by any legal act It says officers and teachers by men.na of external hmder us from readlOg tile Scrlptnres? Read lectures all over the country 10 favor of Sunday New Teltament churches do the lame 1 The

force-Will prove neither honorable to the VIC the Bible In the SchoolS-in the work shops- as a day of rest anal lDnocent rooreatlOn, ai- latter part of the senteoce I deny and thereby II We are not slltlsfied With the manner lD tors nor edllYlDg to tbe vanqUished In plam m the Halls of LeoO'lslatlOn-1D the Board 01' ways lDslstmg that ," no d~vlne ifpmmand call deny the supposed lDconslstency

whlcb the movement III favor of the general words, It will turn out a sham and II fllrce ~ h h fi h b' l V H readmg of the Blhle In the PublIc Schools of But even that IS not tile worst aspect of Educatwn-m the prlsoDH-m the 'Hall. of e 8 own or teo ~vance if tht: jirst day of N ULL our cIty IS conducted. Let us be speCific the matter We do DOt judO'e the Roman JustICe, read the SCrIptures every where, and tke week, nor ~ny P1°rj' if tU tr~nife~ence of

That EducatIOn shonld not be merely Intellec- CatholIc priesthood unchafltabjJ when we say wheu thon readest, nnderstalJd, and have re the obligatIOn from the 6euent/~ ~o the fint" In spite of the remonstrances of all the great tual, llor even wholly Intellectual and PhYSICal, that they dislike our Common School System spect unto the commandments of him whose Challenges are given for public discnsslons on CatholIc powers m Europe agamst the prtestlJ but Moral and SpIrltnal also, IS a troth gener- as It IS, and that no modl.ficatlOns are lIkely to word IS able to make you free thiS subject, but no pne has yet come forward kldnapplUg of the Jew boy Mortara, the pope , ally admitted We need waste no words on be made In It whICh WIll render It acceptable bl J M It has declared that the chIld shall not be l'J!stor t d t t pu IC f' SlOce r. ngUlre last y):ar I s B~~~~~r:h~~~ the Mornl nature of children !~;!!~g hl~o:o ~et::;:'~JI~:t ~:~P~~~s!~~~ndg' DENOMINATIONAL PUBLISHING CONCERNS -The T w n. ed to hiS parents He IS forclhly adopted by be addressed and cultivated ID our Common no good purpose No one has SlDce bad the VlrglDla Annual Methodist Episcopal Confer- r the InqUISitIOn, WhICh while watchlDg over him l:ichools? Unhappily, we are not, and may courage to make another It IS sa.fe and not ence, lately IT1 session at Portsmouth was troIl For the Stbbath Record!lr With more than maternal solICitude, wIll allow-- "--DOt hope 50011 to be, agreed as to what IS true unjust, then to IlSsume that the Roman Catho bled With reports unfavorable to Sonthern effi- Revlval at r~ampton, III blm to select a paternal parent only aiDong respectmg God's laws and Man's moral and hc prlestho~d are IDtent on wlthdraWlDg the Clency and prosperIty Among them was Mr Dnrmg the lattef part of Sep,tember, and the Fatbers of tbe Cburcb It seems almost 'plfltual needs and duties ChrlstlUn, Hebrew chIldreu of CatholIc parents from onr Common I d bl tb t h tr • outrage

d Sk Th McFennel's report as agent of th bl h also throul1h the month of Octoner meetln"" lUcre I e a sue a mons ou.

an eptlc, elSt, Pantheist, A theist, Catha- Schools 60 fast and so completely as may be e pu IS 109 ., I r , .,- I be IIc aod Protestant, Orthodox IIndJ Llberal, Within their power house at Nashville, Tenn , whICh states that Its have been held almost every eVCDlng, ID thIS against cYery human feehng should not on Y t

Preshyterlan, Episcopal, Baptlst~./Methodlst, Is not the Bible movement, liS prosecnted IlSsets lire valued at 8431,263, and Its hahllI VICIOlty; great inter1st has been iIIaDifest, and perpetrated, but actually attempted to he JustI Umtarl!ln, UDlversaiIst, SpmtualIst, such are preCIsely carrylDg gflst to their mill? A' ties at $112.489, of which $l'r,456 IS bad, the houses of pubhc [worshIp, bave( been .crowd- lied 10 the Dlneteenth century II few of the deslgnlltlons which indicate our not Its IIssumptlOns and Its measures Dlcely c~~ $19 456 slow d d Iii. It t 1 The ed to overflowlOg, uhtll they utt~rly {ailed to MEETING OF C'ONGRESS -Monday tbe second serIoug and Irreconctlable differences of Theo cnlated to disaffect Catholics toward 0 r C ' , an I cu '0 rea Ize log!c convictIOn If our Scho~ls are to re- mon Schools and IDduce them to sen~ t~~r probability IS that,lf sold at publiC sale at the contain the multltndes who came lout to hear session or Congress 'Opened, and Will close by mam Common, and Moral or SplrltualI~struc- chIldren to the parochial or Beml clerical TI Sooth, some Northern paper maker might find the word of life ~he Lord, 10 I hiS maJesty, limItation on the 4th 'Of March ThIS gives tlOn IS not to be ntterly Ignored therem, we vate schools under CatholIc IDfluence that ~re some of h15 assets H slow lind dlfl1cnlt to reo VISIted the congre~a.lons of his s~intsi and by three months ID which to trllnBllct the leglsin

Mmust Ilitgreteh on

h• shome forbmnla

d ordsynopsis of qUIetly sprmgmg up throughout OLlr city and ahze 11 It is unaccountable bow those large dIVIDe SPIrIt and !herc" made ijare the right five bU9lness of the country-a period tbat

ora rn w IC IS 90 roa an general as wherever else a C"thol I t fi' d. d • f h ower Ih tbe salvation of • t c to give the Jeast po~slble olfense to any gen A. d d "Ie popn a IOU IS oun I an wealthy denomlDatlons can do so Itttle 10 arm 0 18 P , BIDDers. seems qUite htJle enongb at the prasen Jan -• nine noes anyone conSiderately suppose that a • Th ttl-me to <Avor Zion seemed to h

convIctIons And conslderlDg all the facta It denomlnat 0 b I h proportion to the smallest Northern SOCietIes. e se 1'1, ave tore of aft'airs b 'd ' I n num erlDg not ess t an one r. ti II me (,or a bet'er Bt t I I" I -------,----

seems to ~3 t at a nlly mornmg reCItatIOn of hllndred thousand legal voters in Onr State canl The agellt states tbat there are about 2.,00 n Y co , ,a e 01 I"e 109 among .--.. P S Crandall Wishes hlB correspondents the Lord s Prayer In ollr Schools, With the be perpetually taxed to mamtalO our Common Itmerant snd 5000 local ministers, and 500,000 ChrlstlIIns of dlft'ere~t denomina~ons, I never --readmg oC II Judlclonsly chosen chapter from School system after tbey shall for what they members in the MetbodlSt Chnrch .sonth, snd ssw .A. general mterest for tbe salvatlon of to add~e88 him at Mantorville, Dodge county, the Bible, IS, If not the best thIDg pOSSIble, at esteem good cause, have wholly rejected and yet that their pnbllshlng hoose and penodlcal sonls was paramount to aU otbdr cODilder&- Minnesota

Page 3: s3.amazonaws.comVol+15+(1858-59... · EDITED BY A comIlTTEE OF T1IR BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 27. Qll) e 5 II b b a tl) 11 f( orb c r , I'UDLISm D WEEKI.Y B~ the Sevent/I·day Bnptist Publishing

The Papal AbductIon

When II e first rend the story of a little Jew boy I aVlDg been abducted by Catholic priests, III Balogoa under the mt>st rolserable of all pleas that Ills nnrse I ad hlro privately chriS tened In his mfaney we supposed If there was I\oy tr th In the stolY that the matter would be speedily llgl ted by the restoration of the eh Id to Its parel ts But sucb IS not the fact

In reply to a roeroorlRl recently presented to tI e Plcsldent by a Jewish meetlDg ID Phlladel ph a sol c hog acbou by our Government ID

tl e Mortllra affair General Cass hll9 written a Ie ter In which he says tbat It bemg the set tied poliCY of the U OIled States to IlbstalD fromaH mtuference II the mternal concerns of fOi gn countries the Governmeut deeros It proper to Ildhere to the establIshed prlOCiple h ch has heretoforo regulated Its conduct ID

ts I tercourse with other nations TIllS answer of the Secretary or State whIch refuses the I rayer of tbe PhIladelphia meroorlal IS based 01 grounds wh eh General Cass tOlally Ignor e III few yellrs ago when 8S the ~pokesman I the Senllte of the reIigIOlls sent ment o(

the country he requlled the Government so far to I terfere III the affalrb of foreign natIOns as to dewn d the Ilgnts of senulture for Prot ~Stl\lItS II C Ithohe countrJe~

But tho Secletary of State 18 not as correct fiS a Seci etary of State should be II hen he ID

s nuales that tbere IS no precedent for sucb nct on us tho AdmInlstro.IIon has Just been so I c ted to take III tbe Mortam buslUe<s It Will be remembered that a prec sely slmlllll memo r II from n. roeetmg 1f IsraelItes III tIllS City, U tho year 1840 on the subject of tho perse utIon of Ihc Jews III Darollscus W IlS rephed

to by Mr Forsyth-then occupymg the place wI eh Ger eral Cass now I olds-wlth the .Ilt Isfnctory announcement that the PI eSldent had even antiCipated the Wishes of the roemorlalists '[he pErsons v ho were tl en suffermg nnder tyrnnlIlcnl oppresslOu were not Citizens of the Un ted States They were Simply whllt Mo mola Mortara Is-snbJccts of a fOreIgn couu try yet?lr V nn Buren deemed the r suffer ngs a suffiCIent pIca for the nul whICh the

morlll support of the Umted States could afford and he caused Mr GlIddon-then the Aroen clln Consul at Alexandrl!L-to be written to as follows

In com mOD With lll1 CIV I zeu nntIOus the Un ted States have leulnerl WIth horror thEr "troc ous CrImes Imputeu to the Jews of Da mascus and the cruelties of whICh they have been the victIms 'The PreSIdent fully partici plltes 10 the pubhc feehng aIHI he cannot re Ira,m froro explessmg equal surpTISe and pllm that m tbls ndvllnced nge such unnlltural prnctlces should be aSCrIbed to any pOI lIOn of tbe religiOUS world Ilud such JJarbnrous meas ures be resorted to ID order to coropel the con fesslou of lroputed gUilt I1Ie offenscs With which these unfortunate people nre charged resemble too much thOBe whICh III less enhght ened times were roade the pretexts of fanatICal persecution or roercenary extortIOn to permit a doubt that they are equally unfounded

The PreSident has witnessed With the most hvely satisfactIOn the efforts of several of the Clmstlau Governments of Europe to suppress or mitigate these horrors, and he has learned With no common gratificatIOn their pllrtIaI success He IS moreover anxio}s Iltat lite actIVe sympatlty and generou8 wteiference tlte Government of tlte United Statel sllOuld 1 ot he Withheld from 10 benevolent an object, and he hilS accordmgly directed me to mstruct you to employ should the occasion arISe nil tbose good offices Rnd efforts which are com patlb\e With discretion and your olliclal ebar acter to the end that Justice and humamty roay be exteuded to those persecuted people whose cry of distress has reached our shores

The snbJect of complaint m 1840 was that , the Jews were belDg persecuted on the totlllly

gronndless chn.rge that they had murdered a eertam Padre-Tomaso m order to use IllS blood n the composition of Passover Cakes The question to-day IS, that the InqUISitIOn at Rome Uattermg Itself perhaps that the era IU which tbe doctrmc of the Immaculn.te ConceptIOn has been so enthUSIastically reCeived by tho Catho I c world IS a favorable perIOd for the resump tlon of ItS active fnnctlOns has aimed at rehg IOUS toleratIOn a deadly blow whlcb CIVIl Zll.

t au everywhere regards 116 the probable precurQor of further enormitIes It has forci bly ubducted on the m03t flimsy of pretexts n JeWish ehlld, whom It refuses to restore to the care and protectIOn of Its parents and natural guardians Several of the most en I ghtened government~ of Europe, Protestant and CatholIc have doeme<l that n.ct and ItS probable consequences of sufficleut Importn.nce to Justify the most earnest r~monstrauces General Cass does not say that b~ faIls to s~arc the general npprehenslon on behalf of rehglous toleratIOn, bnt he refuses to eml'loy the good offices of the Government towards suppress ng the grievous wrong of whICh all CIVIlIzatIOn IS cOmpl£\lnIDg, Simply on the grouud that he has no prccedeut for their exerCise For hiS mforroatlon therefore we take leave to refer h I\l to the IDstructlOns sent from the State Depn.rtment under dn.te Aug 14, 1840 to our Consul at Alexllndrll1

• •

\ THE SABBATH RECORDER, DECE~IBER 9, 1858. fOI, to the Pope for tbe release of tbe Jewlsb boy, I bly teach and practICe the prlDClples of OhrlS Mortara '1he Pope had replied that the boy's tlamty shall In no case be IOterfered With or

ren born In the bave been A man named Myers, was wontonly B~KUUI!u of foreign !parentage, nnnpiv a third and killed at Hn.nDlblll III a few days ago, by

return to hiS parents was ImpOSSible molested of the men mn.rrted nativity a desperado named Adams The &'tlzens 1m The Engltsh treaty says Pe"sons teachtng THE OLDEST MEETING HOUSE IN NEW ENG Ahont 36 per cent wlro died medlfltelyassembled seized Adams, ond hung

lor professmg Chnstramty shn.lI be entItled to LAND -The old (Umtarlan) meetmg house of ID 1857, were of forEiign him up to the first COnvement tree whele he

the first parish ID HIDgham Mass was erected hung tIll life was ext nct A correspondent of the Evangeltst writing protection e c ID 1681-2 It IS the oldest house of worsh p THE LATE .u"NJ1LMliN' AlLARSHA.LL.-j-'.L'U1l

from Syria, Oct 18 1858 says The French treaty runs No obstacle shall ID New England and saId to be the oldest ID Ttme8 ID notlclDg h A colored convict 10 the An burn Prison was

AilallS m Syna

h ( says B owered to death on Thnrsday causlllg great Soroe weeks Sillce I gave you a few pur be Interposed by the Chinese authorities to thc t ~ country except one ID Jaroestown Va M M eXCItement among all the convicts and for some

tlCulars or mformlltlOn respect ng the affaIr of recogDlzed light of any persons ID Clunn. to wItch has ceased to be occupIed) and for augbt h Il ~ ars~all tlroe apprehenSions of a generul rebellIon wele Zahly nnd the expulSIOn of thc Rev Mr embrace ChflStlamt ob Its re u ents that appears may still serve the parish for fifty ~o~to~ taCcttOO?IC.onln entertaIDcd but at last !lccounts no dlstnrbllnce Dodds 3n AmerICan mlsslonllry from that y ey q rem I yeal s to come Thtl pastorate of the church" h d k I place by the hunds of a party of Romlsh Without belllg snbJect 0 IIny penalty M s has been vacant but httle roole thlln two years roan of great ~ta cn p a.ce priests Sionaries to be unmolested etc <mce 1635-a perIOd of 223 years The house ter and was m all reSl:leclts New York hns one phYSICIan to every (HO

The generlll stllte of anarchy and unqmet These treaty stipulations show- IS nearly square on the ground ~Ith what IS tor He was the II habitants, Massacbusetts one to 605, Pcnn ness In other parts of the empire prevents the called a hlp roof, or fonr roofs-one on each Infirroary' and I sylvaDln one to 561, North CarolInll one to Sultan from concentratlDg ID Syrln. II. body of 1 '1hat the Chmtllln religIOn has a com Side, rIS ng to a POlDt In tho centre and tbe which are destwed 802, 01110 one to 465, Mallie one to 884, troops snfficlent to enforce hiS laws and orders mandtng power m the sentiments of the rulers Ilpex crowned With n. belfry and spire Th s vice to th S conaiDlmil~yJsmdi and CahforDIII one to 147 and were It not for that overrulIng PrOVidence of the most powerful natIOns of the eurth It at m Igement permIts the bell rope to faUlDto to IllS memory nnd ro():nunae~ts A negro woman named Blnck Cook ,/ aged wluch directs the affairs 01 men evIl as well as IS a recogn zed mstltutlO I of great moral value the blOUd a ,Ie except tbat It IS drawn up IDtO great benevolence for 120 was burned to death IIcar :J;hxon New good, we shonld have outbreaks and wars of and IS prOVided for lD tbe most solemn truns' tl e " t c when the hou e IS to be occup ed SOMETHIN-G----+-~-iUsSl!iSippi York on Flldn.y of Inst week She was a nil the most s rlous n[lture l\1eantiroe It IS said t b t tl f I I Tne 0 d house attracts much attentIOn from VIS r st t th t pa tlve of Afnca and was freed from slavery some that the Pasha IS bout d rr ac 10 I! e ween Ie empires 0 tie eart I Itors and strangers pe a es a a ""HKUle a sen IDo II. commISSiOn worth about thlrt cUiTerlcv. years sIDce composed of two officlIIls of high rank to 2 That ChrlsttaUity was to dm In less than Sevel al years ago It was the CII toro of the d II Y was Z hI d f l. h h t d I In Iggmg a we car State

II y In or el I pOSSIble to restme the au fifty years was the confident antiCipatIOn of the CullfC cs m t e own to suapen servIces at fo md lrobedded n the ,polrr.n rty feet thonty of the government by gentle means nud most dl~ttnJulshed Infidels who lVeru on tbe the r lespectlve hou,e, on thellftcrnoon of Fast from the surface IS another ISO thiS coromlsslOll Will hllve ordels aroong other tl h If t 'II tiDilY and nssemble ID the old shIp so called Intcd facts wbl I t I th t thIDgs to take up the case 01 Mr Dodds ear I a a cen ury I1go leile rea les s ow to I ,len to 11 temperance aQifie<s from some w k Ct I go 0 8 lO~h: cC~I~~'

Whatever may be thelssuo III thIs partICular It has lIved These plOphets IIhele are they? one of the pasto s eftcl taklDg IllS tnrn Ou I b:.8 n~~~~lcef'o uNus a:d Hne Europ con,test we are not the less snre that the leaven 3 These treatIeS IV II conduce beyond ques one of these occaclOns ns Rev Mr Dyer then cans but 1'/ ti e tbe P~cellich\D-s. of Gospel truth IS worklDg In that place as well tOll to the rapid spread of the ChrIstian fmth a comparative stranger ID tOWI was speak ng and evcn the COIDese as ID many other parts of the MaroDite roolln from tl e high old pulpit not obserVing tiro _-'-__ ~ ___ _ t h f throughout the long bCnIghted empire of Chllla f I I I I I th I .. IlIDS nort 0 us aOll appearances IDd cate plOX mlly 0 tie pu pi amps e rew I s I CANCE [[ -We leurn that til s that the tlroe IS fast approachmg when the removlDg many Illtherto fOlmldable obstaclos hand ont a httle too far and up went one ofl tfIed for the fonrth time at the CI miSSionaries of the AmerIcan Board WIll be 4 rillS recogl ItlOn of Chr ,tlllOlty as lin In the glass shades With numerous lapld sUlner I III thIS c tv on Mondu) next It called on to go up and e,tabl <h theroselves IU stltnt un and prOViding for Its proteclion ns It sets tIll It nearly reached tl e old so mdll g Mr Blu It the prese It llule DistrICt these hitherto maccesQlblc Villages wllch the spreads s a poweJ ful encoul agem"nt to Its boartt) then changlUg Its conrsc It caroe down des gIl' to take tl t mauaO'ement of emissaries of Rome have so lono" fortIfied nnd bnrelr cscapIDg the he lid of the PreSident of own ba ds and t1l1lS avoldo tlle ml-Y' Id d h fl ends to IISC the r roost v goron effort, for ItS II t h b Iff hI" ne an were has been eroplmtlcully the Ie m~e mg W 0 Silt e ow HI ro tot cpu Ilflve heretofore chllincier zed tbe prbcecdi seat of the Beast There IU former yenrs un versal dlffu 10 Pit nnd \\ao eh vend to Iitom It h, fcet II e 0 the part of t e peoRle the Maron te patrIarch could seize Assad Shl Illclle It clluscd n sli"ht mOlrl ne t fOI the mo I and Ashmead will conduct the defell~e. dlak and lromnre h m III walls of solid mllsonry I rHE N Y ImEs A~D lhv J L HATCH ment amI Will not soou b forgotte I by tho e to waste away III cr el torture I1nd de a glo Speak of tl c cour e of the Dally Tl1lle8 present It, nentlOoed SII ply as oue of tbe DEATH wmn: AT Pl\AYER-Mrs rlous martyr of Jesus the Stephen of t e on the S"'undllY Q Ie 110 II d tl e Rev J level ts connected WILlI the old house TI e pre Tilden IV fo (f"Mr Dali el Jone. of new

B dtlsPlensatJOn ofbGospel1 ght In Syr [l Hatch ot Brookly \\ 10m thiS pap r has nt l~u~" JUst~r °tLf tl cl sOCiety won; 08011 lied Tfu ly 2 Ken Co MJ died ,er} Budde 11"!'·~M.nfl U t lose tlroes live passed away aud the v auu OUJ I rlSIng yenI~ 0 ngl', fid:ed Ii t) four S[IC a~ose In the

name of Assad sounds III the car of mlluy III tacked 10 the mo~t co vllrdly manlier the Sun I yet v ulks tl c ~llcets \lith more clastIC step her n,nal health Rnd before stm·t.in,oI Muromtc as the watch WOld of truth and day lIIercury sa) < tI all m I y Ie I of fift) dw school etlrcd to h I prIvate hberty nnd hiS ashes are tte seed of a new The \\ hole COl roc of 1I e Dazl 1 Tm!es ou mOl nI g devot on I lei there UPlJlI

genern.tlOu of Illqn rers concealed ns yet nnd I tl c S 1mb) quest on wh ell h s uo Itnteu the WHAT THE IRISH ARE DOI~G IN \.1mmcA -I knee Ie ceused to pray and hve I timid but feelmg thetr way toward the lIght commun ty for a yenr past has he~ us bnoe J 0 1 M tel ~II robles us f)ll~ ~, II h:t !" tblllks and begmulDg to taste something of the liberty alld mean os tiS poss ble to conce vc :No as tI e Ir S Ule 10 g Aroel eli :::; U M MAR Y of the better age III whICh they I vo perslOn has been too false 01 foul for the editor I

1IIost of your readers arc familIal wllh tl e f th t h t t t th S :I Every Ir slIm au III the i50utl er I ;:,tat 0 \. H I rr liar atteropt II as roade at G:JIJucestl~r h story of tbe fearful trngedy of Jnffll und tbe 0 a s:e °tIUS"tlllgllhInS Ie d uho IY.Y1e<s wllho It except on wlto (t n(fold to b yIP ICily :N "J on Wednesday I \<7ht la~t

oecause ,0rBOO I ey nve In t 0 Hluepen groc stml htw y b the S 01 II I I II \\ " brutal outrages perpetrated on the Dixon fam dence to lefl,e to be d ctat I ttl I Y [\ Bet of g II I), m ome e II I! e,t, Iper [lendent of Ily resldmg at that placc The roeasure" of b I f I I I largest and roo,t EUccc<sful I bnt I" IU the IDrtto I Compal' 5 CJltOlllUlII \. "R""CU , Igote an at os Ul IYloC te, to lat S II St t b J I d tl 0 J IUvestlgatlOn and redress undertnken lit tl at time the sl all ubI sh tI r)[1 cr, I o~ I I n e nrc orn 1 smell all Ie fastened III a Imroe work was h time by the Umted States Cons 11 nt Jerusa y p I I I fin st plulltntIOn that hus bee I IUfchased II gate post III flO! t of ~r "ests C~I!lCllce. lero aided by the Consul from AlexandrIa The last UI grnceful nct f the 1 tmcs III I Amel ca for many yea 8 \\ tu 060 lIegroes up sllell a Ila mer tl at the openlDg of

Franc s C Sexton conVICted lit Newn.rk N J of rape on MISS C Wood of tllS city' has been sentenced to eIght years hnrd labor m the State Prison and $1000 fine

A bill hll, Jlassc~ the Houso of Represcn ta bYes of Georgia by a vote of 56 to 52 pro hlbltmg the mtermawage of first COUSIDS


A GoodlllO C Crandall J B CIa ke Aim nun Ellis B G Shllman Geo P Burdick A B Burdick B Clarke Thos Fishel Ur fih SmllJ N"\ Hull E BurdIck P S Crandall


P'" All payments for pnhl eat ons of the Somety arc acknowledged from week to weel u the R,cmdor Pel sons sendmg money the reee pt of whIch IB not duly acknowledge 1 sbould g ve u, early not ec of the omiSSIOn


RlCharu Good nn Clear Creek $1 00 to ""01 15 No 20 Clal] e Crandall Pell'Yv It 2 00 Iu 1i2 D A BaJ cock >:0011 2 00 15 u2 Paul Clarke 2 00 lu 2 Wm W Edgelt Preble 1 00 lu u2 Artemas Coon DeR Iyt r 2 00 12 52 Betsey Crum 2 00 !J ?

Mr A C ~ chol 3 00 16 96

EflPHALET LY ON 'l'rcatmrcr


In DeRuyter 1\ Y 1\0 h by BId T F slter ~h CLAd mB [lnd MasS M C] urch all of DeRu:rt11

In D R yter N Y No, 11th by ElU T F sh~ ~!r LPN CHOIS of GeOlgctol\n aud M "" A(;Gt n M HAR' EY of L nel Jnen

Iu N ow Londo I Conn I\ ov 2uth J y Rev A 1 Burd ck M GEO GE A CHAPPELl and MIRa MAl Y I ROGER both of New I ondor


were more blusterll'" than "se and the an th s connection I a cow trdly nnd contemptible 011 It was last II IDter sold In Lomslanll, tl e wo lid calIse the discI! If c of the nonnceroent ronde I;; the U mted States Senllte attack upon Il cle g} roan \\ ho has had the good purcha5d \\ IS an Irl,hman IS ot only IS therc happened that two ladles went and publIshed throughout the land that the sellse and IIldepcl de ce todo battle ngnm<tthe 1 0 Iluge nnrob r of Irish hOIn Citizens Ilt the We t rhe pistol was dlscharlTed meu gUilty of these crlroes had been taken I crn,ade of the Sabbath Co nmlttce SouII who own slaves bnt roo,t of the So Ith passIng close to the head of one"'of aud condemned and were abont to be execut Ibe Rev Mr Hatch of Brooklyl Secretn I cm planters and <laveholdCls we are proud to and loclg ng ID tbo opposite gatc ed was qUite prcroature, ns wcrc thu thnnks ry of the AroerIcan Society for the Proroo say nrc IrIsh by descc tOur acqU:llUtance fnce of tl e other lady was given to tb~se gentlemen for their good cond let tlOn of Cml and ReligIOUS L berty I n.s given WIth Insh bom CIt ZOIlS at the South IS vcry pOlidE In Alfred N Y 1\0\ 20th of typhOid fever Eo IU the affair Fortunately for JustIce nnd the Sunday Sabbatnrlllns trouble au I they arc extells Ie, nnd \\0 I cver mot \\Ith one of them A. n"'" ~ r e y of IJototouc' MUOiD T son of W P and Susan R Langworthy I h I


m k t I f tb D l T, tI h h wi 0 I ot f f tl olu I v v" • " co the 22d year of h s age The subject of th s not co umamty t Ie men thus hastIly tried and con a 109 a 00 0 e al y lmes II I I W Ie I, n ID a vor 0 rev I n" Ie S a e Pene h 1311)\\ hns beell rUl.ed II had never made profeSSIOn of faith ID Christ os bls

deroned were not executed nnd three of them I tfiheYI

hope to put I I III dOlVn But they Will not Itrade wllih Ah fll, ca sa Ide ONE aud Ie. \ IVPI VI r r of N IV J er,oy It. of Redeemer and Slmour but for some weeks before II s have SIDce been set at lIberty beIng entIrely n( It so eaiY arge s avp 0 ucr UI W lOts I 0 110 I 1 11 ISs cknoss had been unusually thoughtful On belDg IUnoceut of the crime But the whole routtcr We understand thnt Mr H has take II coun c t zens ot the North tough they h we lOp r ~n exec ent qua It} evellteell taken s ck he se med to feel at once that ]IS end hat!

Itt I I t \I I b of < e I we~ planted III Saloro Bur come and gave h mself much to prayer and rellg oun has been investigated de novo under the dlrec sel and Will proceed at once WIth a hbel SUlt sOlla III cres II s avery a mo, unn el,a y Imgton COllntJe' and some 25 000 bushels have conversatlOD leavlDg IIlth hiS frlCods the hope that he tlon of Mr Peters Deputy Consnl at Con ngllIDst Mr Rllyroonu for repelltedly as-ert ng gmJ their votes to let It I110ne (III eh I all been rlll~cd 4000 bu hels of wh ch are now m mB prepared through grace forh slasteartllychangc stantmople who wns sent to Syr a for the pur n hiS paper tbllt he (Mr II) was a bogus' I that b a,1 ed of thew) becau c they have no the market In Sa,lem counly two ucrea of N v H pose and subseqnently by Mr Johnson our clergyman aud Iwd been expelled (roro thn I blbll CSS \\ Ith It 0 reB pons I Ihtl for It be ground WCl e planted With fi ve barrel, of the <;eptember 29th ilt h s res dence I elll the FoUl lIllie new Consul for Syria and Palestmc nnd these chnn hal d ro nlstry Meantime we I1re author cn.usc It eXists u der the constltutloll, by which seed and 500 bnshels of potlltoe, were raised Houre ~n the POet ac Road W D COCHILI!> late Pun gentleroen after strenuous efforts have hlld Ized to Il<sure 0 I reader, thllt uotwlthstllndlUg <arne COl shtutlOn their own Tights and I bnrtlC, r n Rnrl ngto lone acro pi I ted wltlI iuree and ~~:r ~n ~l~!SS ~f ~~:!r;ef~ Call ge of typl UEYfa~CI" the satisfactIOn of findUlg out the real cnrol tnhll tDhat lhas~een p( IIblllsdhed to I the codntrarYMIIl ::!~oervUe~ ~:c::~ e:!S e::!rr;,~e, hnve pru tl a h Ilf bUI r Is of seed raised 333 bushels of In Brookfield N Y Nov 25th after an Illness 01 nllls, four of whom lire now ID chams at Beirut e at y .L InleS IDC II ng t Ie car of r I potutoc 'I he ordmury product per ncrc IS neal twenty years Mr ROBERT BURDICK III the 4611 and the 1if~h bas been arrested It I~ SIlld nt Phelps) Mr H tJ Ilroember of Dr Cheever s ,,00 to 300 bushels year of h s age The deceased professed fUlth II Nablus chnrch III UDiOU Square nud stili a clergyman E\iGLAND AND SLAVER>: -Tbe London Trmc3 Chr st and died In thc confident hope of 80011 beIDa

W S 1. t I " l d 1v tn h s SaVIour - -" Snch was the corruption ar.d ineffiCIency of ID the CongregatIOnal connectIOn havlDg never of October 'ith ID a long nnd able artICle on 01 uW Z U ag...,a er, , S e!:ecote the offiCials a.t Jaffa that It was necessnry to been depo,ed from thllt office the subject of cotton says the pro port ou of at 00 I en 1'i Y list FI day fo tl e murder w~: -:Ja~~o~h B,::~\C:o:n:~~ I;:;::'Y ot Ji.~f:;g!r brlDg the whole counCil up to Beirut to give the artICle used arc as follow of T> tet Sborck t the house of R IUfroer Carpenter of Stephentown N 1 aged 30 years. 8 s an account of their proceedlD17s Two of the Verdict of the Pubhc named Reeves ID Gosh~n Schwltz r hed been ter Burdick embraced rei glOn In her youth and dle(l gUilty pnrty have confessed "their crlroe and Grellt BrltlllD 01 28 tllken Into the ho Ise a,; 0. servant and Shorck 8.'l she ever 1 ved a firm advocate nnd bright eXpollent ImplIcllted their compaDions nnd ns soon ns Rev Cephas H K~nt of Verroont has pub Frauce 13 24 Io'p.s hiS fello v serva It Dnrll\g the a~sence of O""f~t~he""C~I1~r;",ls~t a=n~f~A.\~th~~~~~~~~~~ the firth IS brought to trial no time Will be hshed a hst of M Dlsterlll.l an 1 EcclesllIstlcal Northern Europe 6,84 the fn mer Sci lltzer Sf ot down Shorck and a lost 10 makIDg a publtc exarople of the whole bodies other thau local churches whIch have Other foreign ports 591 \Voma I to whom tl e latter was en"at4ed to be Who Wanls Constant EmploymcDl ~~

The state of Palestme contlDnes to be de passed resolutIons either explic tly condemmng Co s mptIon of II e U II ted Stilt s 13 58 mamed Shorck d eel hut the woman r cov THE GREAT BOOKS FOR AGENTS I plorable An EnglIsh lady walkmg from Mt the present pOSitIOn of the AmerICan 'Iract So Thus It appears thnt Enolaud lise. more of ered POPULAR EFERYlVEIERE Ohvet to Jerosalem recently was murdered clety m New York or ID vew of that position I the raw Qutenal thn I all the rest of the world Not liltl sUa Id II", Ih _e cllI d pre $1011 the

d h d d h b h hh I b .. T lIE RELIGIOUS DENOllIN.A.TIONS IN THE an t e sa event was not known till four days recororoen IDg tee urc es to Wit 0 d t e r After gil mg the grellt fllct~ the WI ter n,cs quanti tv of salt specwd at S) rae Ise exceeds USIrED STATES thClr IT story Doctrl e Gov afteIrw!lrd No clue has been obtaIned so far contributIOns from the Society ID New York I the follo~ In'" Ian" IItrtO tI e alDo I t IURPC( ted 1 mn last ye lr by about ernment and Stat st os by REV JOSKPll BELcIIEn D as can learn to lend to the discovery of the and transfer thero to the Socl!Jtyat Boston I 0 0 '" 200 000 bu~hds [I c ug~lcgate for the sea D, Hono arr Member of the H stor cal Soc ej es of mnrderers Amid all thiS confUSion and bar ThIS list IS well worth pre,ervln'" If any cor All advance of one pence per pou Ii] on th~ son WIll I e I curly 7000000 bushels or Pennsylm a and Wlscons n""'author of Wilham Cn barlty how precIOus IS the reflectIOn thllt the respondeut can add to It we shall be glad to prICe of AmerICan cotton IS welcomed bJ the 1000000 barrel vallCd at $1000000 _ rey a B ography etc "and Ed tor of the Complete

lave 0 f tl S tb r St t s IlS supplv Works of Andre v Fuller Works of Robert Hall Lord rClgneth I' make It as coropletp. as pos.lble S ¥II rOle 011 e n a e About one half of the nuautlty of salt mann t t RIO Illg 1111 With the sIIIews of war for the strng f t dIU t "I Sec e C oya ctavo 1024 pages 200 Illustrations I Larger bodus generally representmg Slates gle no v wag ng With the Northern Ab()htlOn tllCel~re 1Il I e I eu tates IS ~rodl\ced mat ~~13 m';,~t;~y~~;~m.e embraces a vast fund of mfor

The PrIson ASSOCiation of New York

One of the many pnblIc charlt es ID which I the late BenjamIn F Bntler took an actIve \ IDterest held a speclIll meetIDg at their Rooros No 15 Centre street on tbe 2d lOst on the occasion of hiS death at which J H Gr s com M D, preSided nnd the followlDg reso lutlOns presented by James H Tltns, E'q were unaDiDlously ndopted After II hlCb, on mot on of lRrael Russell Esq the Board ad Journed to attend the funeral of their deceased member

General As'oc atlon of M chlgan Ists I1l1s mere ndvance of one pence on ollr We presume It W II be a 5ttllldard lork IU t]lOusal d. Pilstorni ConventIOn of New Haropshlre I present aD! ual cons ImptlOll IS eqUivalent to nn uaUJeu ;I~":lIllel McNaiIIara m of I brancs -L !tells Lw ng Age General ASSOCiatIon of Iowa annual sllbscrlptlOn of sixteen roiffions of dol attempted to kill hiS General Conference of Churches III OhIO lar, towllrds the roamtllmance and extens on CUUII g the r throats FLEETWOOD S LIFE OF OUR LORD AND SA G I C t f V t t A SI scre"ms alarmed hlro VIOUR JESUlS CHRIST With Lives of the Holy

en era onven IOn 0 ermo I 0 men can avery ~ Apostles und EvtlllgcllSts und a HlStor) of Ihe Jew. General Assoclat on of Connect t _________ des gns thouph they carefully rev sed by REV JOSEPll BOLellER D D General ASSOCiatIOn of Massuchusetts IHE HORRORS OF THE COOLIE TRADE -'I be mot ve of the assault Royal Octavo In v.rous slylcsofbmdmg w th color General Conference of MalDe and daug1 tel be e4 engraVIngs and W th steel plates .A. 1l.Olume WhOM General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterl I folio vmg figures derIVed from offiCial SOUlC s ",,'''"lIR p operty I s.IllIs ouly equa1ed by tl at or the Eam Iy B ble

an Church nt Havana exlllbit III astrlkmg I ght the hor recelveil 011 the THE FAMILYDOCrOR I!. Counsellor m ScI I eB' CougregatlOnal Union of Canada ror, n.ttendant upon the Coolie trade ~UI"TP.mb. Conrt at Wblte Plums eontalD ng In pl. n language, free from Med c 1 General As,ocIatlOn of IlIlDO S CoolIes received prevIous to Apr I 1855 6 106 0 damages for the terms the CAUSES SYMPTOMS and CUR" 01 D SEASE

General As,oc atIon of New Hampsh re Cool os rece ved smce 28880 was k lied on tbe New every form oOS pages 12 mo cloth il nstrated General Assoc atlOn of New York Forwarded by mail ~ ee of expcn.e to any add,e p ---- on receIpt of the pr co $1 00 '

1 Resolved That the PIlSon Assoclntion of II Mtnlstertal AssoClatwns or County or New York deeply syropath ze In the general Dlstrtct Conferencel of CltllrcllCS

Lotal D ed 1lJ t IIUSlt preVIOUS to A.prll D ed III trunsl t sIDce

34986 1855 960

A treasure of w sdon health anll economy to every famdy that.l ill purel ase and use t -Jiam,zy Mag


Tbe Philadelphia meetIDg ns General Cass very well kuows, has not songbt to entali UpOIl the Governroent the chllrter of any more frclg~Btellmerg for II. warlike demonstration lit Clvlta Vecchio. The AdmIDlstratlOn has not been asked to go to war With Rome, or to do anytbmg that can Jeopardize Roman Ca tholtc votes for tbe Demoncratlc Party All tbat IS sohCIted of the PreSident IS tbat he sbould express the Ceelmg of the U mted States agamst thiS shameless act of the J nqulSltlOn, ond that he should direct the Umted States Cliarge d Affalrel at Rome to employ all those good offices ag.d efforts whIch are com patlble With discretion lind hiS offiCial charac ter to the end that Jnstlce lind humamty may be extended" to the Mortara family and the settled polIcy of the U mted States' In fllvor of relIgiOUS tolern.tlOn mnde known m Rome as applIcnble to the present vexed question ThiS t seems to us, IS not much for tbe Government to do nor IS It more than the publ£c feelIng seems to call for The Press, generally, has Bpoken out freely on thiS subject, and ItS Illn guage has everywhere been condemnatory of th~ unnatnral crnelty aud eVIdent maUce of the InqUISition The AdmmlstratlOn should be ~Wnre how thoroughly dlstllstefnl to the Amerl can people It would be to see the U mted States e~cluded, when so mauy Governments of En rope are comblDlDg their remonstrances agalDst tbls new attempt of the InqUISition on reI glous hberty and natural right Not only the Jews but every other denomlDatlOn among us, are mdlgnant n.t the act, and Will be still more so If our Government, \lr refuslOg to take It, propel part In the matter, should leave tho cause of relIgions toleration everywhere to the care of England, France, and SardinIa

Letters from Rome assert that all the great C_tbohc po!ers had addressed remonstrances

lament prodnced by the death of BenJamm F I Susquehannah Conference of CongregatIOnal

rotal 6334 Butler, and have pecnlIllr cause for such sor I Churches N Y row lDasmuch as be WaS one of the most effi Middlesex AssoCiatlo I Con I cledt of tbose few IIIdlVldnals who Iilst pro Northeastern OhIO Assoc allOIJ SboWIng pellshed at sea In course of trans Jected and orgllDlzed thiS IUstltutlOn and has OneIda ASSOCiatIOn New York portatlOn 15310 per cent of tbe whole num contlDued slllce by OIliCiIlI servIces wl;e connc I Puritan Confe"cnce OhIO ber embarked for Cuba-not enumeratmg some aud material md to promote Its usefulncos Assoc atloll of Oongregat onal M msters thousands lost bv casualties mutlDles etc,

2 Resolved, That ll\ the life and character In Eastern Kansas vhcre the va.sels did not arrIve of BenlllmlD F Butler we acknowledge a pat A-soclllt on of COl ,\'reglltIOn!l1 and Presby The AfrIca I slavp trllde III It. wor,t da.ys

" M R h' d N Y ever made II worse exhibit than that Oue tern worthy of Imltlltlon by those who vencll1te terllln I misters us ,or virtue and love trnth, BeelDg tlmt he was I1S I Berkshire Soutu As.oclatlOn MIlS3 coolIe per sbes out of every seven who are a Jurist, learued and upright as n statesman Hartford North ASSOCIatIon Co IJ tm sported from Ch no. to the West IndIes sagacIOus ID discernment bold ID pOSitIOn llnd Lltcb6eld South Consoclat on ConlJ 1m: ENGLISH QUAKERS -The Now York cor prndent II:/' actIOn, ns a patrIot pure and firm, New Londou ASSOCiatIOn Conn as II. CitIzen discreet and active IlS a man WlDdham Connty Assoc abon Conn respondent of the Philadelphia. Press WrItes faltbful In bustness and exact ID' moral recb I Milwaukie Convention of CongregatIOnal Whllt do the fflends of your goodly Qua tude, as a Clmstlan zealous wlthont euthnsl land PresbyterlIln Mlmsters WIS ker City tbmk of the recent conference m Lou asro, devout WIthout superstItIOn charitable A8"OclBtlon of Western Pellnsylvama don of three hnndred G!embers of tlMlt SOCie and cathohc ID SpIrIt showmg hiS fllltb by h, ConsocllltlOu of MIddlesex County Conn ,ty nt which It was agreed to sanction roamage works Broome and TlOgll Bapt st ASSOCIatIOn New between mdlVlduals of that commnnIty al

3 Resolved That the roembers of thiS IDstl York thollgh uot In membership by u110wlltg thero tutlOn tender their condolencil to the farolly of Worcester Baptist ASSOCiatIOn Mass to tllke place Within ItS relIglOas Dleetmgs and our deceased associate and that II. copy of Of the n.bove named bodies, thirty ID nl1m I that all restrictIons 1U regard to what IS called these resolutIons be transmitted to them as eVI ber SIX namely, the New Haropshlre Pastoral phunness of speech behaVIOr and apparel dence of our appreclIItlon of hiS memory ConventIOn and General AssocllItlOn the Mas may also be discontInued Some of our old

sll~hnsetts General ASSOCiation the General Illstofical Qnaker famll es are rapidly ass mIlllt CHRISTIANITY IN CHINA -It IS not 0. lIttle Conference of MaIDe lind the Berkshire South mg themselves to tbe roanners n.nd cnstoms of

I Bnd the Worcester Baptist ASSocllltlon IUdl the world s peoplQ Tney \I e I )11' to he fonnd remarkable that four of the m03t powerful nil cate their dissent from the New York SOCiety among the dwellers IU those splc d d brown tlO~ of the earth ID negot atmg wltn the roost by express approvnl of the different actIOns of stone Irout temples thllt ndorn Fifth avenue popnlons of n.11 the Pllglln nations, shonld have I the Society at Boston and generally by racom and give pllrtles and sOirees 01 the most uUlted as they have done, 10 securIng m thllt mAndmg the latter to the plltronage of the recherche character.' nation the dlffllSlOn of the Christian rell"IOn chnrcbes ---------

, " The General Synod of the Reformed Presby BIRTHS MARRIAGES AND DEATHS IN RHODE The RUSSian treaty secures • protection for all terll!.n Church says that It regards the Dred ISLAND -Accordmg to the annual report lD

who shal\ embrace CbrlstlaUlty the same as Scott descision nnd the resolntlons of the Tract I the regIStratIOn of births, marrillges and deaths enJoyed by other rellgloOlsts tolerated m the Society as OrolOOUS of lropendlOg Jadgments on I ID Rhode Island there were III 1857, 4026 Empire" the land and on aecouDt of these thmgs 10 births 1526 mn.rrIages and 2325 death~ Of

The American tr t th t • A cludmg some others of lIke natnre they appomt I the children born, 2057 were mllles, and 1948 ea y secures a ny the second Thursday in February, 1859, to be females, 2094 were or AmerIcan fathers, 1394

persOijs, whether American cltlzeDS or ChInese observed by al\ their chnrches as a day of of IrIBh fathers and 496 of other foreign born converts, who, accordmg to ItS tenets, peacea fasting and prayer" [Independent Catbers About 4.5 per cent or all the child

N llVlgatlO I on the for thc season The Paul on the 17 th mst obstrnctlOn from Ice arrangements the m stages betwecn a plan calculated to

A ludy ID Portland few beets shIT neIghbor promlsllIg dn.ys 'Ibnt the old bered the nCldcnt loan at the cud of II II a lIttle the ,mment

A. 1\laIDl'poper ~LaIL~::;..bcveu natlve~ of the PIne rree State hllve elected to Congress thIS vcar froro other VIZ Lather C CUlter of New York, D Gooch of Mas sacl usetts, F B W Ilnd Owen Love JOY of III , C C and J F Potter, of WISCOUSID, and A Grover of Oregon

Karl Kramel a Germnu who was 0. refugee from natIve land on Ilccount of strong Republican and In 1848 WIlS one of the who attacke,d Baden was found dead ID woods ID Hua~on Co , N J ou Sunday died from exposure lind mtemperance

The preparations wlUtcr s campaign ID the Inmber woods are gOIng on Be

tlvely When the se!\lson shnll have flllrly set 10, tbe force In the sent thltller by tho lumber merchants IU loca!tty wIll, It IB estl mated, aroonllt to a 500 teams a~d 3000 meu

The success of the Yankee settle~euts ID

VIrgInIa, has brougblti the snbJect of free labor for diSCUSSion State The result of a full, fl!.lr aDd disca!slon can

Young men school teachers m n sters With IClsu c time and others wlshmg a profitable bu' ness should secure nn agency lit once They Will find the books very popular nnd on tefms tbat cannot fall to pall Apply to or address I

JOHN E POTrER Publ sher decG-6m] No 617 Sansom 5t Philadelph II Pa

STATENISLAND FANCY DYEING ESTABLISH MENT Office ,,& 5 Joha street (2 dools flOro

Broadway) New York Replete 1I1th e,ery deSirable apparat IS and prov I

ed w th the comblDed talent and art st c ~I(lll of t1 c French the Gelman and Ihc Amer can the u der Signed arc prel ored to d m03strate to the r C Islomers that pre-emlDeot as may have I cen the r prevIOus rep utahon tbelr motto IS EXCELSIOR In dyemg cleano lUg Rnd refin shmg 10<1. es and gentlemen s apparel Sllk~ Velvets 8atms Mermo ClOtll etc etc they mean to staod t nrlvalled nnd they sol Cit the conI n ued custom of the commomty

Goods recClved lind returned by Exp e"" w (h I] e utmoHI promptItude and care

BARRETT NEPHEWS & 00 3 & 5 John street (2 doors from Broadway)

novll-6m New York

A B WOODARD SURGIOAL DItNTIST. would • respectfully mform the c t zens of Alfred and

vIClmty tlint he has opened a DENTAL OFFIOE at Alfred Center where be IS prepared to per~r:t all operat OD!! on the teeth 10 IL BClCntlfic and care mar ~ I HaVIng bad pract cel,j; (h those stand ng highest Jb the profeBBIoD he Bolio ts patronage of nil who WIsh operations upon their teeth performed In the latest and most approved manner

ArtifiCIal Teeth, from ODe to an eDlir. Set inserted With all the latest Improvements combining beanty utll t1 and durability

A B W 18 also prepared to JDscrt tbe new and 1m proved style of teeth With Allen 8 Continuous Gum Work on PlatioUID Base

PartIculat attention gwen to Irregularities of the teeth Extractmg done With care

Persons viBitmg hll! Ofllce for Dental oneratloll8 Will he carried to and from the Alfred Depot free of

never be doubted charge ang26-11

Page 4: s3.amazonaws.comVol+15+(1858-59... · EDITED BY A comIlTTEE OF T1IR BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 27. Qll) e 5 II b b a tl) 11 f( orb c r , I'UDLISm D WEEKI.Y B~ the Sevent/I·day Bnptist Publishing


108 THE SABBATH RECORDER, DECEMBER 9, 1858. ================~================~=-~==~~~==~=---~~====== .~.~~~~~~~~~~==~~==~==~ 'ltft·.rttllnntnu.r the temptlDg ouo glass more so the medIUm seen many good guessers here but actual prlDc pIes were not Immutable He tells us I THE followlDg

.;II./. U AI Nothing can rescne blm or her but the hand cIa rvoyants only one The rest are v chms that tbe Umverccelum was one vast mighty IIi dthe best

The Converted JIIedmm

Dr Randolph the heretoFore d st ngu shed Sp r tun I Medium whose converillon to Chr Stl allty wo lately announced preached II sermon on Sunday In Chnton Hall from the text

For we wrestle not aga nst flesh an 1 blood but aga nst pr nc pal tIes against powers aga nst the ru ers of t e darkness of tb s vor d aga nst Bp r tnnl vlokedness n h gh places. (Greek-Aga nat t e sp r ts of 1'1 ckedness n rer III reg ons )

As Dr Ra lolph s prom ne ce n tbo early dnys of Sp I t 01 sm re ders 1 s recantatIOn a mlltter of co slderable lU pOltance we replo duce Iso lin words II e lUorc s gn fieant passage of bls t1 Scourse It IS necessary to state tbat Dr Rnndolpl 11. mall of extraordl unry tcllectnal achv tv s of tt e Rounoke stock a d I as Ind a a I A fr call as veil as Caucas au Ilood n h s vc ns

of God wbo S mIghty to save It pleased to the cur ng man 0. many of them honest undefinable exbaustless Occan of I qu d fire ~r~;ared:AJ!Rt:eu~.'Ll'."u" H m to reduce me to tbe zero of human woe well ntent oned persons-perhaps cIa rvoyants fill ng the uttermost bonnds of space and yet fess on of thIS age P~!El88llS, that I might be snatched as a brand from tbe who don t sec yet nevertbeless reltg oU81y bent th B same boundless globe of Gre tbrew off they have v rtues bnrn ng Hnd he not vouch afed thiS great 0 I ban sh ng disease on pr ne pIes sl ghtly seven s IcceSSlve Benes of rmgs from Its out med c nep b therto mercy the prob!> hty IS thllt mstead of try homeopatl e No 1< we come to sp r tuul s del Tben he teUs us that aU men are mmor more or less good

h d t f h k f I II d fi t b t I N f pIa nts so qu ck and mg to serve m an a one or t e m stu e 0 c rc es genera y an rs -t e rapp ligS a even gg~rs rames an elaborate ar and a powe~ to II I fet me I should st II be wander ng up al d Now the result of my observ lt ons s that gnment to prove t declares the fonndat on of men have known down the cap tals of Europe and As antI e I conclude If one half dozen sounds ont of tbe whole superstructure rests on the absolute tons of tbe Internal accompl sbment of my Sp I tual Dest ny a d every 5000 that pass for sp r tual be genu ne mdestruct b I ty of matter proves all men to healthy act on they renovate MIssIOn de~perately mtent 0 convert ng Fer -that IS not made by the med nm s fo t ~ave souls thm tl e IyeaC 1853 five years later : g~ m:ue~~e I dmand Lou s Napoleon t! e K ng of D II aga nst tI e leg of II table or chair or by some e asserts at n t ty of Buffalo he drs and dlBease ooly N a<r 00 deen a d tbe Grand T rk for 1 L ot er Jugglery t IS a large per centage covered 700 bu na uel gs w tho t mmortal produee but I ttle I eved that I was Heaven se t to avc I umal WI en nv S ble mus c uns p ay pianos n dark souls I If tl e same average I old good pro c ne It S ant:ago.nisti'p ty m gen ral nd crowned I ads n pnrt c lar rooms f the I al ds of tI e med ums be m tte port on to papulat OR elsewl e 0 tl rae over der ch Id en may Diseuse cnt .1 ort my labors n tI at I e I was ed and held by others nd tl e mns c st II goes S90000 1I0 mmortal be Dgs n ;\;e v l' ork ~~\~~~ t:~~:~ k ndlV cared for Th s demon cal II ase of on tl e fe ence a that tbey do not p oduce tate aloue 2 089 000 n t e Un ou and 8 G ve Ihem to aOme Sp r tunl sm del rIVed me of reaso led me It otl e w se I sho d be very skept cal con 700000 n the world I w Ih b I ous cOllllplaint from my Ion d lut e' cansed me to squau cern ng 8p r tual ageDCY W r tmg ups de dow If you ask Sp ua t wI y Be Frankl atra oMen w th aga n aee I s long lost appe der n world rov a sum more tI an sulli ent IS an art read Iy ob ned after 0. fe v w eks tells one story to lay thro ""I me I I i\. 1 thte re um .ce clammy reatu cJ blossom nto

h d d f I f t \ 1 r 0. eol b G ve Ih~m to some sufferer whose fQul blood to av ren ere my um y com 0 a e lor private pract ce M ltches or a lIn p or pI s anotb r to n 0" t t 0 I B another st III has burst out n 6C ofula t I I s sk n s coye ed w th I fe Now al my efforts can scarcely furmsh phoru~ make very good 1m tat ons of 51 r t tl rough D Ill! of vI I contrad t ncl other so es who stands or ~ Is or e. n angUISh Ho I as tbe homl est fUle [lnd he secon I act of tbe I ghts WI\en sp r ts ID a dark room blow tl ey v II e tl er de ly tI tie t Iy n t vo use been d enched ns de and out w tb eery pot on wh ch drama COl c ded wltl \ fcarr II cr me I I EI I oros and tulk tl ro ,,""h trumpets f nknown 0 mpu e tI e 1I0 s m tnLle n tl e do r es g nu ty conld sU"gest G ve b m tn se PILLS and

t f d d th t d df I mad dId 1 rna k the effect see He scabs ~ fJ 0111 h s body Bee For nearly ten J ears ) a e I beel seck " mo ne 0 c"pa rug a rea u to the med urn a I ttle pr ters k he ribbed a v ce to un ov opn c t 0 C b al nflu the uew fa r sk It tbnt I .. grown under Ihem Bee tho rest for my wcary so I But rest came 0 ness wtI deudful ten f 5everdtheblood on tbe mo tl of t e nstr ment a beaotCI e ceo revelato llere ever yet occu red aeleperthat sceau Gvethemtopmwlosean n t I I sougbt It earnestly [It 1I e fam Iy altar ves els of bot! a IT s In lonr 111 I e erl aln, ebleud bluck c r Ie w II vI e I gl ts are ntrod ced a cas of proved de t ty I 1 he sp r t of M r:J. b y humo B have pl. ded rheum a sm I) b s JO nts and

d d b lb h I d I f a 1n to approu I me ere temp 0 Ie U generally I e fonnd dorn nlr the med urn slab [II bea "avc a Ion"" orat on t ou I ed urn ones move b m and I e scree hes w h pa n I c too SUlroun e y ose w on n tee rum 0 qu te gonn out and by supe I mu ex rtlOns I ~ "b I d" I d I I d I has been soa ed througl eve y mnscle of h s body w h mad ph 10 ophy I tl oU,,1 t were not for me C appendages A I ttIe I ract ce euabl s a nost ov w om e c e e us camp ete co In nents aud salves t ve h m these PILLS to punf] I ut who n 1 ubsequently found dearer nearer vas saved All tb s I cl arge to Demon sm anyone to 1m tate tl e sawmg of wood by trol as I e had over I ~ 0 body on urt An h s blood Ihey may not cure I m for ",las I there a e truer hun all tI e world bes d It d t1 e IU~ rual doct nes la "I t by many m rubb ng the s de of a table leg w th tl e so of old g ntleml1 pan" nI s I! e co II t t 11k I cases wh ch no mortal powcr can reach but rna k he

Oc liS a lally my sl)nl rebel cd agal st tbe v s bles Ie tl Py sp ts or dev Is Dur ug my h s shoe A spr ng feather such as ado much Enitl 1 b t wo d P 01 ou I I s qucs wa ks w hem C oa no v a d now he walks alone tl ey slavery worse thlln SO It! c n I onda"O"e to wh I greatest I es I w IS att I d by a pI ys c an ladles heads can be ea Iy made to pas for a t 0 s Frenc! lea v n"" M ra beau to a wer have Cll cd I m G <e them to the lean sour bagoard

who understoo I nyc se ,,10 forbade me to I 1" E I I 1 dr,pep C \lhose "naming stomach has Ion" a 0 eaten I wns sUblcct TI e he!lrt Irequently I rotested ~p r t b rd n II dark room Ventr loq sm n own ve nacu ar 0 n g as t e eve y So e from h s face nnd every musc~ from h s ag I nst tl e head won t ~ r a moment to Its th k or act of or In Sp I t al sm bl t to look s a cap tal a ent n t! c product on of sp r t sp t m gl t cle t He bega by a kl g body See hIS nppe ~ retu n and WIth t hIS health

1 B de 1 d I was saue If II ell [ SI1 d anytb ng re to God for 11 at n I a I con fort I I ITo vo es Da k c Ie are the k g hllmbugs Quel I lace re te~ YOU, pr se t Muns c see he ew n an See I e ,<,that w~ lad aut w th markablo 01 good lbove tl e IIverage ntell alo e can g val to attend the pr I ng of of SD r t ni ill genrrall fl us f d catc tl e I esp t de M rabe 11?' (Y' I ere are you now II en hand lovel "egg U astcd and too ca ly w Ihel ng

f f I I tl H s Go~p I by God s I reacher tl e fOods d reet on n wh c to look for and S"oO"nn t p t of M rabea I?) Now the ned m be a vay want of exe e ,e or mcntal augu sh or some ge ce 0 men 0 my e ge v y even en d fi 11 I f II dId I II U , I k ng d ease has dera oed the nterna! organs of d sp toal sts refused me tl e ered t as a gencral an e s 0 v u v g a a y metbods of dete t g lost I e And yet t gil to feels eked 0 the glost vI I ad gil> t on ass mint on til' aecretion t they do the r til ng 0) e Iy btU! t dew tl my atnrnl rega ed n y I ealt of n nd nnd lody for s settled beyo 1 d P te tlat marvels ot been voluble 0 tl e fir t r vo ut 0 only two ollice lIe blood Ii v ated I er leal h s gone etl nOlog al co dlt on III d nsulted my soul wh cl H s alOe I p al ed 'Ihe result of my performed by tl me I ums do occas onallv nmutes he fore But evc s y I e vas G ve I er these I ILLS-to s m late IhQ v a p nc pIe by d ny ug me co nmoll I t Ihgence but sa d I Iness was that I b call e conv ced that I 0 v occur m c rcles I gl t and dark We no 1< pass the motto and M rabeau Ion stook tl nto renewed v gor to iCast out tl e ol)s uClons, and

ever sc ent fic SI r tun srn [IS oper t ve on my k I I (h ) rid k II fuse a new v tnl ty uto the blood Now look aga n by wuy of a snlve to tl e I tt r 1<00 d You I b d to spea IIg med ums-9 5 per ceut of whom war qn v ere ,0 t e vor re -t eases b osso n 0 I er cheek nna whe e lately II 0 now so extrnord I ar Iy developed tl at the soul m ght 10 to ve y t waul n ve do to are n my Opl on v ct ms of demon nc mila pI ed I d gnantly I hilt s nntr e I er onally ao ow sal JOY bu ts f 0 n every featllre Seo the leu angels of tho spheral I euve B ca use yoa de by TI e a II ble ant God a t CI r s ences 25 per cent are d hbemte mposters I nev r k lied a nan u ny I ti I hi mbcuu a vee I £ I. as ed w I wo us Its W~D s ekly fca

when wde awokel tan Sp Itl s I had perfectly demo strated ani who can casly Ie detected hy te tng 8Iadforgotte hi OWII 100nO" agel fs nott! s ureate )ouwtloutdso. se and painfully dlStnc! The tr 10 value of a I I t to be s bv rs vo u rlghteo s dest c ve d s per c t n Dy be u d I ealthful splr tual I co clus ve of a ter e eo" of t pc c ? that they ate eat g Its I fe a vay JIS p Dched up

C P c cons s s derl d r I ous 0 qu tl t I, • e nose and ears aud ts rrutless aleep n!!8 ~ell the drcadful ts mere e nc at on but ts res Its or y an e 0 c nse e y 0 ue fl ellce s cl as a e 0 be fa d a I church .dllOt! er p oof go g to s 0 v tl [It 10 c m I I I u I n laD"uage wb ch every moth~r Irllows G ve t

years ngo tl e watch VOl i w s Progress Pro sl u ned by every r c folio 1<er of God and b story 25 per ce t nre Ion st bearted n en cut ons are eartlly I luol cal at fro I tho PILLS n large doses to sweep theSe v Ie paras tea g css l' ogress I rl e elfsume na e nd s Hoi ne s I un I 0 for ten years se n I ap and women labor n" nnde t e 1<0 I SIlV g 1 scm bod ed souls nn y t t s arce I f on the body Now turn aga nand 8ee the ruddy s e pint tudes nrc tl e curr~nt co n to lay py lay pr or to Iy co e solo t e extrem fever wbo delud tl em elves and other I y m any two sp ts tell tI c same sto y relat on boom of c Idhood ta t notl ng to d;\) these th nga? II cold I us al gbt to sec so etl ng as weI ty of mv 1>oe I Cll ed on sp r ts for a d but no IIg n g tl V are under tl e spec al 81 r t 01 to v ere tbey dllel 0 v tl ey eon mun cute ~% ~r~ ~:!e~~~~d;'::":~~r1d~~s azeP .And yet as hear so lei about tl s etc 1111y hu ped on sp r ts ca u to rny ass stance Reduce 1 to the file ce of orne d f net I losop er Z 0 w I at tl ey £10 ~het e tI ey eat dr k 0 seep Have you Lhe less aer ous aymptoms of these d

Progres [0 all the scentficSp IIlsts vergeoflorror d deHar I calledontlat Plato Arstotle etc wlentbefu t stlere s or beget ler ~[ces(t a It I yu tl s tempes theyaeeasercured JaundceCoBlvenesB I say WI cr~ s your Progress? The a God wi om I I ad n tl e nsolcnt pr de of no tra ce tl e c se a d no nflDe eave btt by p oxy he e 0 en tl ) T ey flo ITeadache S denche Hcartburn Foul Stomach Nausea sw r s Ten year 3,,""0 we nun I ere I tl e tellect so ofte Ie led I bel eve my p y r tbat of tl e aforesfi d pI la tf rop c ma a a I q est ons tl at u y or 0 t of t c bo Iy Pa n the Bowels F!a.tulency .,oss of Ape! te King a

Ner dude t I ng 0 I Ev Neura 0 a Gout, _nd k ndred compljl nts all ar se persol S 1I0W II e fire tl rec m 11 ons slro 0 I ~as lIns e ny s [\ pen my sp r ts tl e bouy TI s I flCCO ut for 83 must be qual lied to an wcr r p I 0 £ om the derangementS wh ch these PILLS rap dly Thats plo"ress I Is t deed? I I ave 0 c body I ealed r ason re tor 1 m nd con forted per cent of all tl at class of pI enomcna lIIe menl I statno or t II tual ealbe I co cure Take them perBevenngly and under the counsel bushel of v lin oU81y bad potntoes f I get fi ve and my trcmbl ng feet set as [ bel evp on t! c rema n no 17 pc cent cons sts of persons wI 0 f ss I am not sot fie i I 0 v much s sp r t al of a good Phys cllm f you cnn f not take Ihem Judi tho san 1 no e b lsi cIs I dIke to know how Eternnl Rock 0 Age have the pow I n thcmselves (altbollgl t ey I ow mueb I nmbu 0 10 v n cl Ie non ac c oU31y by such adv ce as we g vo you 1IIl1l tbe d streas­thllt tnct bettels tho qual ty? It sli kes my For seven years I I eld da y ntercourse If th ass gn It to tl cpr ts) of nduc ng at w I! a but tI at the nosf of t f lis nnde tl two I ~1! ::~~~r3,~s h~~::~~!:e!r~U~~;:u~~;~t~! ~~~~ntr dull appre ens on that tl e vor l~ progr ss and what parpo ted to be my mother s sp nt I am dreamy sort of e stnsy or consc us tra ce last categOi es a self ev dent propos too d-they must burrow n tho bmtea ali!! n the sea mcrease huve sl ghtly d ffe cnt n can oS now fi mly persuaded tlat twas oth g but dor ng wI c t ey are frequently nseDS ble to Usually II C rcles some greut sp r t a oonees Pr ce 25 cents per box.l....5 boxes for $1

Sp t uRI br,g Yllu to look at tb s tl g a enl sp r t and I fern I lemon who that phys cal I !l n It d pos es tbe extraord nury h mself We expect som tl ng wo thy of sucI Through a Ir al of Il)any years, and througb every fa rly n tel e You do not to Ih s v~ry day gu se ga ned my soul s confiden end led me power of ment I co centrat on be r.g able to II name and c ther get 1 str g of ns 0 d plat nat on of c v hzed men .J.YER S OHERRY PEOIO

t th b k r 1Tr d S I I d f t d i t d I f I RAL has been found to afford more relief and to cure know one wI t n ore about the nature of the very n 0 ru "e rea cr p purs etc t rea 0 an argume t trace a u es or a wor I cure a p ay 0 llnguagc more cnses of pulmonary dISease than an! other reme soul the dest ny of U e sp nt tl e occupat ons t re of demo c possess ou liS weI! as of lor pr nc lie and follow an lea almost nfin tc y eloquent ovel arabesq e beaut ful as a soap I dy known to mank nm Cases of apparently settled of tl e depa ed tI e modo of tra s·d uti be mal sp ritual actio llotl fa ts ex st I robably bevo d th Ir wakl g capac ty It s tI sind bubblp a d qu te as sol dIet the e spe ches Consumpt on bave been cured by t and thousands ng not ev n tl e 10 al ty of th s 51 r t I nd to day I um pos t ve the former doe As n ot tmnce tI at edllcates tbe per on and makes pass c rrent as p ofouud ph losopl y Boshl of sull'erera who were! deemed beyooa the reach of

nor low gellu e mnmfestatlO s f thero be offset to tbe forego no I st of good (?) tb ngs ph losopl ers nn I orntors and not tl e ghost A s uO"le speech or es ay by a I artr dO"e New human a d bave been restored to the r friends and nse f tl d h I f C" 0 fulness to sound health nnd the enJoym.Jlnts of life by

.5auuatl) PUB ISH D VEEKL¥


T&RMS PER ANNUM- NVAR AB One copy F ve cop es to one addr ss Twelve cop ea to ooe address Twenty cop ea to one addres Twenty-c ght cop es to one addr ss Forty cop es to one addre


$ 2 1 0 2 0

00 4 00

00 soch arc effected nor cn you prove tbat a commg out 0 s m um C 00 a orm dable mduced state TI s tianee can cas Iy be to rog n Br ttan IIallock F 3 bough or thIS all powerful antidote to dISeases oBlie lungs and <!rIle araral s ngle sp r t ever ml1llfested s nply because I st of ev Is can be presented A J Dllv sand duced I ea e ter It lit any time n five m T ffany s wort! a barn full f tI s b gl flown throat Here a co d hhd settled on the lungs. The YOU cannot clearly establ sh one Single case of b s cI qne of Harmonal sIs say there a e no ev I ute, Nht. I I cl oose to do so It can also be tl ~nscende tal twaddle Ihree of tee mcn dry hack ng cough the glassy eye and the pale th n A c;olkct ~ of or !1In~l and slecied Mum a d 11 n ~

I h d 't f h h 1 I I Itle use 0, ",abbath ochools SOC1al R I 9 011 Mi dentlty I SPirits emp atlCally el y the statement brougl t on I y the use of lozenges made of sa d more 10 Ii ve m nutes euci at tl e late lea ures 0 m w OWlS ately usty Ilnd atrong whlll Fam lws Campiled by Lucms CnA: DA I 8}~ It! nk thiS reEult fro n tI e fa t that Sp rlt F ve 0 my fr ends destroyed themselves and I sugar and tI e JU ce of a plant that grows wId Utica Ev I Cur nO" Co ve to tha all tbe per to all but h m Oonl'umpt on. He tnes everyth og; Pru:e 35 cents per cOJl1!

d S ., but the disease s gnaw ng at b 8 V talR lind shows IS ual sm IS all ~ye and bead I 0 sonl and heart attemp e It by d rect p ntual mlluenceo by the acre n Central New York Generally splr tual delegates p ese t couln or d d to fatalsymptolD9 more arid more over all hill frame He TIIE CAROL s des gned pr ne pally fo Sabba all mtellect no emotIOns all ph losophy no re Every cr me n the calendar has been comm t five of these lozenges w II produce a kmd of gether s taklDg the OHERRY PEO:JORAL now t has Schoola and conla n.slilns c and Hymns adapled a 1 glon nll sp r t no God! And eve I the so ted by mortnl movers of vie vless be ngs? wakmg cia rvoyance and me talmtens~" fully Let me br elly recap tnlatc mT" est IDlite ofl atopped h s cough ami made his breaWng eas.r: hIS ordinaryoccas ons and to such spec aloce on

1 r t I d dl e ll I to tl I t f bl th' t Phd I I H ' sleep IS sound at n ght: hIS appeti e, retorno and Slcknesa of teachera funerals, anmversan s &0 ~ cia reornntorymovemen as wm eddo n Adultery forncaton sucldes desertons q It e 80U ono anypro em n clln ant eSlCrIl ea popuar armonalsm It wth t hsstrength The dart wbch per~ hIS numberofpecesBUltablet0800lalandpublowo bp IUtO prost tutlOnnl nurserIes I I nJust d vorces I rost tntlOu abort on IUsan engage the attent a A preparut on of tI e B Godle,s non reI g ous opposed to tl e B ble a de s broken Scdrcely any ne ghljorhood Can together WIth a few temperance Bongs, arc nelud d n

I e ter tI e arena as the cI amI 0 I of con ty are not ev I suppose I I charge All thnse common straw and blackberry w II do the snme all eccles ast enl org In zat ons It s subver be found wh eh hn~ not aome I VlDg trophy the book It conla ns 93 tunes and lOU hymns t

n,) h I I h f lik h h d ;T .!JIi!B' Orders and relll1ttances for the above hould b mon sense aga nst whafm,.rny soul I belove to to tl sse ent fi Sp r tnal sm and not to R Its In sort t e g test state 0 mesmer sm slve of human d gn ty nnd publ c morals IS I e I s to s a ow forl~he v rtuea which have won addressed to the Ed or~ th Sabbath R order No 16

bc tbe most tremendous enemy of God morn Is g on 'lh sse elt fie Sp r tual St::! las I ealed reached by a shorter safer and qu cker road destruct ve of all we hold most dear and cher for the OHERRY PE ORAL an mpcrlShable re ND.I!8llu st ut New-York d -, h t f d h nown But ts nsefulneSs does not end here Nay t ---c::--c::'----,--._.,--______ . an 1m g on t u ever oun f!lothold on earth the s ck comforted the mourner converted a ~ 0 people n the ~orld deprecate scandal s most sacredly It den es Immortal ty to accompllBhes more by prevent on than cure The Local Agents for the Sabbath Rerorder

-tbe moat seductive hence most da gerous few It has educated tbe gnorant t s a nnd profess so grent cl ar ty n words as tb s untold tbonsands It rohs us of fa th In countless colds and coughs wh ch t cures are the seed fo m of sensuahstn that ever cursed a nat on royal road to knowlcdge yet I prefer a d fferent sort of Sp r tual sts Yet after t ~eDty five Chr st w tho t g v ng us II s Ibstlt Ite It rohs wh ch WOll d have r pel)ed nto a dreadf~ harvest of NEW YORK age or people school It I as also broken p fam I es squan years of exper ence w th 1111 shades of fa th ns of onr refuge of reI g on cult vates tbe m ncurnble d seases. fufiuenza Croup Bronch tis, Adams-Charlea Potter

I was a medIUm about e ght yenrs dor ng dered fortunes tempted and destroyed the wcak professors I bave seen none wbo us a c1nss tellect at tI e expense of the beart It IS a :r:::S:f~~e ~~~~~tS~~:~~~!e C:'!h :gr~~\ rrtl:e Alfred-Cbarles D Lany:rorthy n ram P Bu d k ~b ch t me I madc three thousand speeches It bas buUl bed peace from bappy fam I es sep are more dogmatic ntolerant u cbar table or masked monster-all bra n and no body It I (/HERRY P EOTOR1L f taken n Yseason ~very 1t~ CS'~J H~n~~i1 ard I Berl n John Wh d and traveled over several d ffcrent countr es arated husbands anLi w ves and shattered the more enger to cast tl e first stoDe at an cm 0" g ves us II ph losophy unsound and at best fam Iy ahould have t b~ them and tliey 11' I find tan Brookfield-R St llman Cert1! Geo S C and. I proclaim ng the new Gospel I now r gret ntellect of thousands We hear mnch of ts brother than they As a class ndeed they merely speculat ve cold cbeerless selfish a d nvaluable protect on frQm the IDS dious prowler wh eh Olarenct-Rouse Babcock DeRuye -Il G Stil m D

that so much excellent breatb was wasted and good but I ttle IS sa d concer !! the blae! cata exh b t a remarkable penchllnt for tl e del CIOUS fllr fetched w h ch gradnally fastens Itself about I carnes oll'the parent sneep from many a flock the Statt BTlI(qe-John Parmelee ~ darl ng Iamb from many a home G W P L th G do D C B d k that my bealth of mmd lind body was well log Ie on tl e ot! er s de or of med ums dr ven t db ts of scandal of wf ch the modern move the soul devours the affect ons and makes mnn Prepared by DR J PAYER Pract cal and Ana H::fou.-W G~~o Inti< ~ P L :'orc

Ulgh rUined I bave only began to rega n bot! to EI premature hell Tr e there may be and ment s 80 very pro) lic A more meons tent a locomotive eneycloped a w thout a beart It Iyt cal Chern st, Lowell Mas. and Bold by all D ug urmardwille-A M West Lin /clean DC Ilurd k S nce I totally abandoned It and to-day had doubtless are good "P fits who lire Chr st an people does not ex st A3 a c !lSS they cla m nddresses the Intellect onlv and as God n g sts everywhere Pol<!nil-'-Abel Stillman 1Ile-E R Clark rather free tI e eholela In my house tban be II and God fearmg but to one such there nre tbnt nearly all good act ous are referable not tended ns to feel as well as tbmk t proves I Jnne 10 1858 6 m PeterslJUrg-H C arke Portv lW-A B Crand 1 Sp r tual medIUm I For years I I ved alone for m 11 ons of black and v cons liends who del o"ht to the med nms as nd v duals bnt to sp r ts tself auy tb ng but the sine qua no It s a I Pres/.on-J C Maxson R chlJU "!/h-J Il Co In:

G R 0 V E D! & B A K E R .~ SaJ:kett 8 Ha bor E Fr nk WdlBville-L R IlobCock Spmtual sm ami ItS ognates Hellc forth I m r lin s n and desolatIOn Tb s IS my firm who nse tbem as prox es yet let one of these bew tcb ng th ng-so IS a rattlesnake' At I III Q 8col.t-J B Clarke Watson D P W I am hve to combat mllny of the Idcnt clll doctrines bel ef before man lind God What follows? sp rlt r dden unfortunates III tbe " Id del r um first tl e neophyte reJo ces n I s new found CEIjEBRATED Smdh Brool¢eld-Herman A Hull tl at I 01 ce a cepted as heavenly truths among WI y that I enter my solemn I rotest aga nst or deep nsan ty to 1<h ch they are subject freedom as be falsely suppasses It to be He FA bI I L Y S E W[ N G MAC H I N E S South Otselze--- I ~hentown-JB MUSIlD wllCb :vas pauthe sm tlo non mmoltul tbeory all trance rued umsh p (as tI e most dangerons comhmbt II fa.nlt or erro of Judgment and forth becomes mtox cated w th JOY for a wb Ie A 1IEW STtLE PRICE $50 ~G~be~ ~ ~~~~~on E t1!wfg:.t1! jr~!~ D

ultra rad cal dlVldual sovere gnty Atlle sm form) for wh Ie no harm may come of Its prac w t t e hue and cry IS ra sed All Sp tual ats revels n ra nbow t nted dreams of bl ss IS led 495 Broadway New Yorl!: 18 Summer strl'el BasIon CONNEOIICUT and several other perUic ous doctr nes t ce yet the chances are fell. fully aga nst nil (/I th rare and honorable exceptions tbnnk on step by step deeper a d deeper nto a mazy 30 Chestnut street Ph lade pb a 137 Ba

On tI e advent of the Ne v PI losopy who y cld to ts seduct ve nllue ces vacate God that there are suchl) taboo h m or her labyr nth of uUlntell g ble and profitless mys I mo ~o~~:~~t::lt c':ce nn~8 We t ~.n:f!~~nd:; =oli L B Y haled It With tI ousands of ot! ers not Oily as the r own peroonal reason and Judgment and aud condemn ~Itl out a hear ng some poor ter es emerlles only to embark hiS soul s for These Mach nes sew ttrom two spoola and form a RHODE ISLAND the I arbmger true and God sent of the good npen tbe door of tbelr sonls for the admlss on 'lh s IS not I ke Jesus 1110 for tnnes man explor ng exped t on to the Land seam of uneq aled s re~gth beanty and elastic Iy lst Iloplcinton ThomasM CIa kc time com ng but also as II rehg on pore tlUe 01 what may bo a good sp r t and may be II gavel No so great s the love for spmta that of Sbadow IS wrecked on the rocks of do Ibt wh ch" I OT r p even f every fourth st leb be cnt ')d Hoplcinton-Geo H ~ cer sweet and elevatl g and It was only becanso destroymg demou An eight years experience none s left for eft ng man but tbe wrong s chngs to II s ngle plank drenms on and not They are unquest onab y the best n Ihe ma~ket for ~~~f~~m!B~andal1 I though It would satisfy tl e reI g ous need of has convlDced a e tI at tbe possess on and pro benevolently sb fled from the backs of the' unt I the cold u d chllhng fogs of myst clsm fam ly nse R Perryv lfe.-Clarke Crandall my soul that I accepted It as the gn de of my fesslon of the facnlty s fraugbt With f ghtful dear angels from sp r t land to the fiesh have frozen h s vcry sp r t does 1 e rouse ya-SEIVD FO A GIRGULAR~ NEW JERSEY 1 fe What was the result? I Will tell you dangers I now speak of the gen'l ne sp ritual and blood shoulders of some poor dev I wbose from h s s umber to lind h mself on II rongb I nQvl8-Gm Ma lborough-Dav d Clawson After embraellg Hllrmonlal Phllosopby (and trance-for tl ere are two k nds I bave been errors and terglvesat ons are the result of a chaot e sea wh cl to h m s sboreless vast Alfred Highland IVater Gnre NC/lJ Marklt-H V Dnnham my expel ence IS that of thousands) I so Igbt n a trance about two tbousllnd five hundred morb dlty d reetly traceable to sp r tual nter and dreary liS the ICY hll d of death He TillS cstabl ahmeat fur tbe cure of Ohrome 1) s :"u::~r:.~c~t Dunn to be II med um-mado exper ments and 01 t n es Of tbese about one hundred and fifty conr.e rests pon a sigle plank aronnd h m rolland eases s candue ed by H P BURD CK M D and

B h d I • d I t h bl k f fid I t b • "'--" B PENNSYLVAllIA -Crosmngville-BenJam n Stel e tamed my w sh etter a 'au my gravel we e nvo un ary on my part t e balance re The cme of Ev I IS not to be found u con roar the ac waves 0 n e y a ove , m .......,. 'u RYA..'IT VIRGINIA Tbe rapp g and otber penomenn followed me suited from self vol tLO was sp r tual nits na t nuous I nro DO" 0 th I f h I IS a lur d sky but no God tl ere to save I He Tbe fac lit es nth s clore for the succcBaful treat-

II b b I, d d I btl <" 0 n e aws 0 p ySIO ogy to hIt t d I t th I d ment of D sease a of the [ver SpIDe Nerves Female Lost Creek Wm Kennedy 1 GB Run-W F Rando pb pro uced liS I then tong t uy goo human ture an resu IS u sp utlla personages bave people wi 0 cau t nnderstand them and If they I as no c art no p a 0 gu e moe an D seases Bronehit B Inclp ent Couaumpt on &c are N. Milton J P Randolph Culp 8 Blore Zeb on Il C

8p rlts 'IheRe were soon succeeded by tI e nothmg to do w th It Formerly I thougi t did co Id not pract ce tl em effectually We React on begms repentance does j er work not excelled n any es ablishment Patienta WIll have OII 0 Mont a-EU Forsythe trance cond tLOn to wblch I became s IbJect tbey I ad but subseqoently self-exam nat on can t aud won teat dr nK sleep love aod be Fort nately s that soul whose rea on s not the benefit of akillfnl Homeopathic prescri)!t ona-an WISCONSIN

• Ilhd the moment I Yielded to tlat seductive I a d stlldy I as corrected that not on ent rely I get our sp C es d t G t I I opeles Iy r ned lost aud wrecked fortunate advantage found n but felN Water.()nres EBpec al Alb on P C Burdick and T F West e aecor ng 0 nil el s sca e or H b attent on WIll be g ven to d seases commonly called

fluence I ceased to be a mnn and became a w II stllte I elo my op n on of clairvoyant doc any other role Sp r tual sm Dav s sm Har s that soul tbat does not recogn ze s aut or u"[! cal CD.I!es auch as H p D scases White Swellings Berl n Datns E LeWIS I Dakow R I Crandn mere automaton at the mercy of a power I tors Exper ence I as taught me thut s xty mODlal sm or tI e godless system or protean Ity os ItS God or wI a lIIsane desperate alone Cancers (n the r early Bilgea) aud Canes!8Jld Necra- Milton-Jos Goodneh W C Whitro d A C Dn d k beheved to be demoniaC but wb ch others ac five per cent of tbe medical cIa rvoyants are names so rnmpant n tbe world IS ncons stent beart-wrung a d awemy of tbo world do s S s of bone Dl ca Z Campbell I Walworh-HWRandolph cept as Progress ve Sp r tual but which tI ey arrant knaves bumbugs and catebpenny m w th tself-co tl I bl. Ii I not rash madly to the su C de s grace nnu n 0 Connected w th the establ shment a a Dental Shop ILLINOIS

nsequen y nDre a e ,or weI d G d where all cal s n that profe.s on WIll be IIttended to '" R cElnnot prove to be s Ich try flS they may posters wi 0 ure no more cla rvoyant tban a t burls Its potent thunder agamst Authorl tl e nwful presence of nn msu te 0 un A:ddrcss H P BURDICK .L'Qrm ngton D Saunders. I S(JUo.ampton-J C og 18

MIIId I do not suy t S ot 80 but aver tl at brick wall I know tlls statement w II eXlls ty degrades the Scr ptures calls (lur Holy ano nted and ullk elled With aHlts Illi erfec Alfred Allegany Co N Y not the Cuntcst prool call bo uddu ed that It pernte the fraterl ty But to tl e proof If B ble Excellent Soft Bark (7) and blazes t OilS on Its devoted headl But tbanks to onr 18 so) As a tfEl ee speaker I beea ne w dely they are cla rvoyant as they pretend and can away at tbeolog ea! bo ds It actllally forges God at tl e moment of deepest m sery H s I known and nil ~ aver tbat durn g the c t re sec way not tell how maDY co ns a man hOlds chams st 11 stronger for the uumBn mmd COllies hand malden Rei g on steps down from I er I eight yenls of my nedllmsh p I fir nly and III hiS hund? They cannot do tInt fly the to us as the D v ne RevelatIOns of Natute rosy tl rone calls to h s trembl ug soul he may sacredly co fcss tI at I had not the control of coarse and say 1< see tl e sp r tunl sub by and throngb her selCdnbbed mouth p ece bear f he w II -SbE\ enters the bark of safety my own mmd as I now hllve ono twent eth of stances and flUIds B It I respond If I I ave Andrew Jackson Dav s pr vate and confi4en reacbes the s nner e~e the black t de engulphs the time and before mn I an.l H gl Heaven lost a tooth you can lot tell It t II your natural tIt t h G P t M ~" h s last and only lope eonveys h m to tl e Par cular attent on gi"l1en to the sale oft BUTTER

'l\ a secre ary 0 t e reat OSI Ive 1 W and CHEESE L heral llidvances made on cons gR I most Bolern Iy declar& tbat r do I ot bel eve eyes see tho vo d III n y mouth If [ tie a cord com pan on to Swede borg Galen Tom shore of Truth sets h 8 feet upon the firm rock I men' Mark packages B & L N Y



tbat dun g tho whole mgl t years I was sane aronnd ny finger thus stopp ng the clrculat on Harry Joe D ck and tbe devtl for augh~ I of eter alnges b nds up hiS bleed ng wounds Refer to E J OAK E~ Esq Cash erpf the Mer for tblrty-s x consecntlve honrs m consequence of all tI e flUids and keep tbe fact from know to the contlary It substitutes rhlls feeds h m WIth the bread of I fe warms h m n chant s Exchange Bank or toTHOS B STn.LYAN Esq of t.he trance and buscept bll ty thereto I your eye. yonr clairvoyant wtll not reveal t say the Sp r ts Galen Dav s etc for Thus the sunsh ne of r ghteollsness breatbes mto 13 Broadway aug19 ly would have lUCid mtervals an ho Ir or two lit when I call for an eXammatlOn bot I ke all SI1 th tbe Lord I fnr one bave got tired of I 1JI the breath of a d v no ex stenee and num Gentral Railroad of New Jersey a time unt I th~ next c rcle Dormg tbese the rest you find my liver out of order my the former and arter mature deliberation pre bers h m With the sons of God I TI e Will of man CONNECTING at New Hampton WIth tbe Dela-ratlonElI per ods I would In words assert my gastric JU cas d surranged the flu ds too fer tbe latter Harmon al sm robs God of IS h s great prerogat ve to all medmms I say ware Lackawanna and Western Railroad to lelf. my manbood and not unfreqaently de positive or negat ve and cannot teU personahty converts him Into a rar fi d therefore exert It I .Assert yonr manhood ra- Scranton Great Bend the North and W/lst and at

h ts d th th h t I Tb fi e gas t th fl B t b k tb d k d Easton w th the Leh gh Valley Rrulroad to Mnuch nounce t 0 Sp rl an en In c very next w n 0. s me rty ve per ceot are relioed many m Il on t mes finer than electr c ty (11) 8 S e In uenee ell. ac s ar an Chnnk FALL ARRANGEMENTS commencing Octobe Circle In tl e trance retrnct It all and for tillS sympathet c nerval persons wbo arrive at ap accordmg to DaVIS and elevates Rensou to the unknown power 11 1858 Leave New Ybrk for Easton and Illter I obtained tbe reputatIOn of inconsistency and prox mately trne diagnoses by sympathy sncb throne of the un verse by de fYlng the humnn You w II be led 0 step by step on and on med ate places from P er: No 2 North Rver at 7 30 havlDg no. bnlance wheel" I frequently re aro not clairvoyants of course And five per mtellect God Nature Love Panthea rllr and only stop at-Rum Ites st Its dreadful A M 12 M and 4 00 P M fortSom

t eErvliilz!ebelitht 5


unl d to b k • tt b t d cent of th h I II b b I fi d "I t f t b I P ~[ The above trallls COIlWlC a .. "" ve rea my.e ers u some goo e woe are rea y w at t ey cam e gas sUu mated oxygen and ether EIre by magne Ism or your very suscep I ty proves tralDs on the New Jersey lia lroad whicb: [ea;ve New natured mmcle-aeeker would persuade me to to be IU va LOns degrees of perfect on I have th s lex con convert ble terms-and essences I you mcompetent to deal With It With safety to York from the foot of CGnrUand street at 730 alld sit In a clI'cle Jnst once more m order that no fll tb whatever m the favor tes of Galen It s clutmed that tl s Ism has done mnch for yonrselves Leave that to stronger Wills and 12 M and 400 Bnd 5 ~~S Sn ennlen ent lOme great defunct Napoleon Cresar Frankh I Dr Rnsb Sweden borg or H ppocrates I am sc ence I deny It and chEllleoge the produc ho y men Tbere IS only 01 e chance In billions JOlIN 0 P P or Mohammed might through my lIps give personally aequamted wltb tbree hundred and tlon of a solitary fact or prmclple referable to that tbe unseen power may mean you final Manner's Stivfng lnltitntlon Au oplDioo 00 the 8ubJect; and edify some doz forty one professed med cl11 clairvoyants alld of It as tbe original source of d scovery DaVIS good Tbe chances are that they are drel1m~ 3<1 A~.n"e aj,<I 9th Strtd cn or 80 with metphyslcal moonsbme and tran these there are scven actual sears who Will plays on tbe credUlIty of thiS nat on to an clad m robes of Iwht ReSist them then With OPEN d. ly for tbe recapt OD and pay~ent of de-lCeudentaltwaddle Iwonldcoosent Just to staudlltestmg I II th" I G d ~ • t p08l8from9to2<>clock aDdonWednMdayand

amuslDg extent n 1846 he declares himself a your streng re ymg on 0 lor per.ee Saturday even Dge froID 5 to 8 P IV Intllfeltallow oblige" and then, good by reElson, samty ODe of thesc IS m Purts-Alexls D dler bls omniSCient IU a httle pamphlet called Clatr salvatIOn never forgetting that He helps those ad on depo. 18 at tbe rate of ~ per cent on IDm. from adieu common sense fllrewelll Like the re brotber Adolph of London Hnsem Kham EI mahveness In which the reasoning IS clear as who help themselves Rely on Him and ,5 to .500 and ~ per'i:ent on snmlOver tlioo formed inebriate who, 80 long as be tastes not Turk a cblld EI girl In LondoD one In Flor mud Subseqnently he Withdraws tbls claim Be these Juggling fiendsllo more believed p ~dolU B ~TILL.'" Pre. t. I. l&Ie from the destroyer, but who IS plunged ence Italy and one IU America' Tbere mEly In the Great Harmoma Then he tells us In Thllt palter WIth ns III II double sense OHILLI' M lOGS { Vlceel'retldenll Into a deeper mllery the IUstBnt he Yields to be otbers but I never saw them Tme I have the Harmonia that he was mistaken that the ,!!~t t:r :tiO~O;:h~prounse to our ear Isuc T B.,~~RB:~ lidS

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