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Sa i Class x Science 4

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  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    Paper: Science X Summative Assessment Term I Sample Paper - 4

    Total marks of the paper: 90

    Total time of the paper: 3.5 hrs

    General Instructions:

    1. The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B you are to attempt both the sections.

    2. A questions are compusory.

    3. There is no o!era choice. "owe!er, interna choice has been pro!ided in a the three questions of fi!e mar#s cate$ory. %ny one option insuch question is to be attempted.

    &. A questions to section A and a questions of section B are to be attempted separatey.

    5. 'uestion numbers 1 to 3 in section A are mar# questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence.

    (. 'uestion numbers & to ) are two mar#s questions, to be answered in about 30 words.

    ). 'uestion number * to 19 is three mar# questions, to be answered in about 50 words.

    *. 'uestion number 20 to 2& are fi!e mar# questions, to be answered in about )0 words.

    9. 'uestion numbers 25 to &2 in section B are mutipe choice questions based on practica s#is. +ach question is a one mar# question. ou

    are choosin$ one most appropriate response out of the four pro!ided to you.

    10. An addition 15 minutes time has been aotted to read this question paper ony.



    Name one Metal and one Non-Metal which exists in liquid state at roomtemperature?



    How is brain protected from shocks and injuries?



    Name the instrument used for measuring:

    (i !otential difference (ii "urrent



    #efine double displacement reaction with the help of an example$-ar#s/2


    H"l and HN%&show acidic characters in aqueous solution while alcohol and glucosesolutions do not$ 'ie reasons$



    )hat happens to glucose that enters the nephron along with the filtrate?-ar#s/2

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    How man* electrons will flow through a wire when the charge of +" flows for ,sec? lso find the current$



    wire is cut into three equal parts and then connected in parallel with the samesource$ How will its: (a .esistance (b resistiit* gets affected?

    (c How would the total current and the current through the parts change?



    How does the strength of the Magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of a wiredepend on

    (a .adius of the coil (b number of turns of wire in the coil?

    (c #raw the magnetic lines of force in case of a circular coil of a wire$



    How are water and minerals absorbed b* the plant?-ar#s/3


    )hat are the disadantages of using fossil fuels? 'ie two instances where solarcells are exclusiel* used as source of energ*$



    (a )ith the help of a suitable example/ explain %xidation and .eduction in termsof gain or loss of ox*gen$

    (b 0dentif* the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reducedin the following reaction:

    +Na(s 1 %,(g ,Na,%(s



    (a )hat are ionic compounds? 0onic compounds conduct electricit* onl* in molten

    state not in solid state$ )h*?

    (b$ )h* do ionic compounds hae high melting points?



    )hat are exothermic and endothermic reaction$ 2xplain with the help of oneexample each$


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    3he pH of the mouth of a person is lower than 4$4$ )hat changes will occur in hismouth? How these changes can be controlled? )rite an* two measures$



    Mention an* three important functions of fore brain$-ar#s/3


    'ie the eents that occur during photos*nthesis$-ar#s/3


    Name the hormones secreted b* 3h*roid/ !ancreas and drenal glands$ )rite afunction of each hormone



    3endril encircles or coils around the object in contact with it$ 2laborate$-ar#s/3


    sanitar* worker uses a white chemical haing strong smell of chlorine gas todisinfect the water tank$

    (a 0dentif* the chemical compound$

    (b )rite the chemical formula$

    (c )rite chemical equation for preparing it$

    (d )rite its an* two uses$


    (a )rite an equation to show the reaction between !laster of !aris and water$

    (b Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine *ields bleaching powder$

    (c Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water$

    (d )hat will happen if a solution of sodium h*drocarbonate is heated? 'ie the

    equation of the reaction inoled$



    #efine corrosion$ Name a metal which corrodes and one metal which does not$

    )rite an* three methods of preention of corrosion$


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    )rite balanced chemical equation for the reactions taking place when

    (i5inc carbonate is calcinated$

    (ii5inc sulphide is roasted$

    (iii5inc oxide is reduced to 5inc$

    (i"innabar is heated in the air$

    (Magnese dioxide is heated with luminium !owder$


    #raw a neat diagram of .espirator* 6*stem in Humans and label the following:

    (i 3rachea (ii 7ronchi (iii 8ungs (i 8ar*nx

    )here does exchange of gases take place?


    #raw neat diagram of digestie s*stem$ 8abel its all parts$ How the maincomponents of the food digested in the small intestine? 2xplain$



    (a #raw a schematic diagram of the common domestic circuit$

    (b )rite difference between oerloading and short circuiting$


    nswer the following questions:

    (i)hat is the direction of magnetic field lines outside a bar-magnet?

    (ii)hat is 60 unit of magnetic field?

    (iii)hat does crowding of magnetic field lines indicate?

    (i)hat is the frequenc* of $"$ in 0ndia?

    (Name two organs in human bod* where magnetic field is quite significant$



    (in electric heater connected to a ,,9 lines has two resistance coil of ,, %hmseach$ "alculate the current if these coils are used

    (a 6eparatel* (b 0n series (c 0n !arallel

    (ii )rite two adantages and two limitations of using 6olar "ooker$


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    )hat happens to the deflection of the compass needle at a point near currentcarr*ing straight conductor

    (a 0f the current is increased$

    (b 0f the direction of current in the conductor is changed$

    (c 0f compass is moed awa* from the conductor$

    (d #raw the diagram showing the magnetic field lines around the straight currentcarr*ing wire$


    ;our students (a/ (b/ (c and (d measured the pH alues of water/ lemon juiceand sodium bicarbonate solution$ )hat is the correct decreasing order of pHalues?


    A.water < lemon juice < sodium bicarbonate

    B.lemon juice < water < sodium bicarbonate

    . water < sodium bicarbonate < lemon juice

    .sodium bicarbonate < water < lemon juice


    drop of solution =>= is placed on a strip of pH paper$ deep red colour inproduced$ 3he solution =>= is:




    )ater. Na,"%&



    5inc granules were added to inc sulphate/ copper sulphate/ aluminium sulphateand iron sulphate solutions as shown below$ @ou would obsere the deposition ofmetal on inc in beakers:


    A.0 and 000

    B.0 and 00

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    . 00 and 0

    .00 and 0


    ;our students performed the reactions of a dil H*drochloric acid and a solution of

    sodium h*droxide with inc metal and solid sodium carbonate separatel*$ 3he*reported the possible reaction b* (A and no reaction b* (>$ 0n which of thefollowing sets all obserations are correct?


    A.6et H"l15n H"l1Na,"%& Na%H15n Na%H1Na,"%&

    (a A A A A

    B.6et H"l15n H"l1Na,"%& Na%H15n Na%H1Na,"%&

    (b x x A A

    .6et H"l15n H"l1Na,"%& Na%H15n Na%H1Na,"%&

    (c A A > x

    .6et H"l15n H"l1Na,"%& Na%H15n Na%H1Na,"%&

    (d A A A >


    %n adding a few drops of uniersal indicator to three colourless solutions takenseparatel* in three test tubes labeled !/ B/ . respectiel* the colours deeloped inthe solutions are marked in the following figures:

    )hat is the correct decreasing order of pH$ alues of the solutions$



    ! < B < .B.

    B < ! < .

    .. < B < !

    . . < ! < B


    ;e,%&1 ,l l,%&1 ,;e-ar#s/1

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    3he aboe reaction is an example of a

    A."ombination reaction

    B.#ouble displacement

    . #ecomposition reaction. #isplacement reaction


    3o determine the equialent resistance of three resistors/ when connected in aparallel arrangement/ ;our students connected the resistors as follows$

    3he correct set up is that of student$




    . #



    student has to connect + cells of C$4 each/ to form a batter* of oltage D

    3he correct wa* of connecting these cells is shown in figure$




  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    . #



    3he correct set up for stud*ing the dependence of the current on the potential

    difference across a resistor is:




    . #



    ;our resistors are connected in !arallel$ 2ach has a resistance , $ 3he effectieresistance is:



  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    . 9$,4



    3he following circuit diagram shows the experimental set up for the stud* ofdependence of current on potential difference$ )hich two circuit components areconnected in series$


    A.7atter* and oltmeter

    B.mmeter and oltmeter

    . .esistor and oltmeter

    .mmeter and rheostat


    "alculate the 2quialent .esistance from the following combination of resistors$




    . C$4



    0n an experiment on photos*nthesis we coer a portion of leaf ==/ of a de-starchedpotted plant with a red coloured strip/ a portion of another leaf 7 with black and aportion of leaf " with a green strip and then keep the plant in sunlight so that


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    photos*nthesis ma* place$

    fter four hours on performing starch test the result showed no starch formation inthe

    A."oered portion of leaf

    B."oered portion of leaf 7

    ."oered portion of leaf "

    . "oered portion of an* of the aboe


    "oerslip is put on the slide er* gentl* to aoid:-ar#s/1

    A."rushing of the material

    B.%oing of gl*cerine

    . None of these

    .2ntr* of air bubbles


    3he figure that correctl* depicts the remoal of chloroph*ll is:





    . 0


    8eaes are destarched b* keeping the plant in:-ar#s/1

    A.#ark room for & hours

    B.8ight for 9& hours

    . 8ight for 9& da*s

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    .#ark room for 9& da*s


    0n the following sketch of the stomatal apparatus/ the parts 0/ 00/ 000 and 0 werelabeled differentl* b* four students$

    3he correct labeling out of the following is:


    A. 0 guard cell 00 stoma 000 starch

    granule 0 nucleus

    B. 0 guard cell 00 starch 000 nucleus 0stoma

    .0 c*toplasm 00 chloroplast 000 stoma0 nucleus

    . 0 c*toplasm 00 nucleus 000 stoma 0chloroplast


    fter performing the experiment to show that germinating seeds gie out carbondioxide during respiration/ students drew the following diagrams

    3he correct labeled diagram is






    . #

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4





    8et .esistance of a wire F .

    )hen cut into & equal parts

    .esistance of each part F

    )hen connected in !arallel/ net resistance .p:

    (b .esistiit* will remain same$(c "urrent through each part will be triple thepreious and total current in the circuit will be G times$


    (a 6trength of magnetic field (7 is inersel* proportional to radius of the coil (r

    (b #irectl* proportional to the Number of turns in the coil (N

    ( c 3he magnetic field lines will be like:

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    t the roots/ cells in contact with the soil actiel* take up ions$ 0t creates a difference inthe concentration of these ions between roots of soil$ 3o eliminate this difference/ watermoes in to the roots from the soil$ 3hus water of minerals are absorbed b* the plants$


    (i 7uring of coal or !etroleum !roducts lead to air pollution

    (ii 3he oxides of "/ N and 6 are released on buring fossil fuels as acidic oxides itleads to acidic rain and affect water soil$

    (iii "%,/ a green house gas causes global warming (or an* other releant point

    i$ 6ource of electricit* in artificial satellites ii$ sed as source of electricit* in radio andwireless transmissions/ at 3 rela* stations/ traffic lights and research centers$


    (a %xidation: gain of ox*gen b* a substance

    or an* other example

    .eduction: loss ox*gen b* a substance or an*example

    (b 6odium (Na is oxidised to sodium oxide as it gains ox*gen and ox*gen gets reduced$


    (a 3he compounds formed b* transfer of electrons from metal to non metal are calledionic compounds

    0n ionic compounds/ there are strong electrostatic forces of attraction between theoppositel* charged ions$ #ue to this/ moement of ions is not possible due to their rigidstructure$

    0n molten state/ the electrostatic forces of attraction between the oppositiel* chargedions are oercome due to heat$

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    (b 0onic compounds hae strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the ions$3herefore/ it requires a lot of energ* to oercome these forces$ 3hat is wh* ioniccompounds hae high melting points$


    2xothermic: .eactions in which heat is released$

    2ndothermic: .eactions in which heat is absorbed$

    or an* other


    )hen the pH of mouth of a person is lower than 4$4 tooth deca* starts

    3ooth enamel made up of calcium phosphate is corroded$


    (i "lean the mouth after eating food

    (ii se of toothpaste (generall* basic in nature


    3he functions of fore brain are:

    (i 0t has sensor* area where information is receied from sense organs$

    (ii 0t has motor area where impulses are sent to muscles or effector organs$

    (iii 0t has centres for isual reception/ touch/ smell/ temperature and muscular actiities$


    3he following eents occur during photos*nthesis:

    (i bsorption of light energ* b* chloroph*ll$

    (ii "onersion of light energ* to chemical energ* and splitting of water molecules intoh*drogen and ox*gen$

    (iii .eduction of carbon dioxide to carboh*drates$


    'land Harmone ;unction

    3h*roid 3h*roxin .egulates fat protein and carboh*dratemetabolisms

    !ancrease 0nsulin .egular blood sugar leel

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    drenal gland drenaline !repage the bod* to face the emergenc*situation and blood pressure


    uxin diffuses to the other part which is awa* from the support$!art of the tendril in

    contact from the support does not grow rapidl*!art of the tendril awa* from the support grow rapidl* and cause the tendril to growaround a support$


    (a 7leaching !owder

    (b "a%"l,


    (d 7leaching powder is used:

    (i as an oxidising agent in man* chemical industriesI and

    (ii for disinfecting drinking water to make it free of germs$


    (a 3he chemical equation for the reaction of !laster of !aris and water can be

    represented as:

    (b "alcium h*droxide J"a(%H,K/ on treatment with chlorine/ *ields bleaching


    (c )ashing soda (Na,"%&$C9 H,% is used for softening hard water$

    (d )hen a solution of sodium h*drogencarbonate is heated/ sodium carbonate and waterare formed with the eolution of carbon dioxide gas$


    "orrosion: !rocess of slowl* eating up of metals due to action of atmospheric gases

    Metal does not corrode ?'old

    )hich corrode ?0ron or an* other

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    (i7* painting

    (ii7* greasing or oiling


    (i3in platingL "hromium plating etc$ (an* three



    (ii JCK





    (b 2xchange of gases take place in the aleoli



  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4


    0t receie secretion from lier and pancreas in the form of juice and tr*psin

    3r*sin digest proteins$

    8ipase digest fats

    7ile juice makes basic medium and emulsifies fats

    0ntestinal uice conerts proteins to amino acids "arboh*drates to glucose and fats tofatt* acids and gl*cerol$


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    (i %er loading is caused when too man* short circuit appliances are connected to asingl socket

    (ii )hen lie wire and neutral wire come into direct contact


    (i North !ole to 6outh !ole

    (ii 3esla

    (iii 6trong magnetic field

    (i 49 H

    ( Heart and brain


    (i 6eparatel*: "urrent

    (ii 6eries .F.C1.,F++

    (iii 0n !arallel

    dantages of solar cooker:(an* two JCL,x+F,K

    (C ;ree of cost

    (, #oes not cause an* pollution

    (& Nutritie alue of food is retained


    (i"an not used in night

    (ii"an not be used in cloud* da*

    (iii#irection of sunlight is need and to be adjusted frequentl* or an* other

  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4



    (a #eflection increases

    (b #irection of deflection changes

    (c #eflection decreases$ JCK


    8ooking at a crossection l*ing in the plane of the paper$

    t a distance d from the wire/ the magnetic field direction is asshown and the magnitude is constant for all points shown$


    sodium bicarbonate < water < lemon juice#]



    00 and 0


    6et H"l15n H"l1Na,"%& Na%H15n Na%H1Na,"%&

    (d ? ? ? >


    . < ! < B


    #isplacement reaction



  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4







    mmeter and rheostat




    "oered portion of an* of the aboe


    2ntr* of air bubbles



    #ark room for 9& da*s


    0 c*toplasm 00 nucleus 000 stoma 0 chloroplast


  • 8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 4

