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Less noise, cleaner air Page 4 Taking your complaints seriously Page 7 Thinking of a career with Corus? Page 8 Bag a prize in our kids’ competition Page 11 News for the community Issue 1 • April 2008 SA13 Walk on the wild side
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Less noise,

cleaner air

Page 4

Taking your

complaints seriously 

Page 7

Thinking of a career

with Corus?

Page 8

Bag a prize in our

kids’ competition

Page 11

News for the community Issue 1 • April 2008


Walk on the wild side

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Welcome to Corus SA13, the new quarterly community newsletter for residents in Port Talbot and thesurrounding district.

 As a major employer in the area, we think it is important to keep you

up-to-date with what is happening in Corus. Being on ‘your doorstep’

does bring with it its own challenges, but wherever possible Corus

aims to work with the community to minimise the effect of its activities

on residents and the surrounding neighbourhood at all times.

In a community like Port Talbot much of the local news is passed by

word of mouth, and like ‘chinese whispers’ the message tends to

distort with each exchange, so that sometimes people get the wrong

end of the stick which can create bad feelings and name-calling. We

would therefore like to think that as a resident you would like to

receive information wherever possible first hand – straight from the

horse’s mouth, so to speak.

It is an inescapable fact that Corus is part of the region’s steelmaking

heritage and are grateful for the support we receive, and in return proud

to be able to play our full part in the community – your community.

We hope that you will find this first issue of Corus SA13 both

interesting and informative, and we would welcome any comments

you may have about it. It is impossible to cover everything in just one

edition so we shall try to provide a range of topical articles relating to

our operational and community activities in future editions. The next

one will be due out in July.

Pleasant reading.

Keith Farron, Editor SA13

Dear resident

Dr Hywel Francis

Thumbs upDr Hywel Francis, the MP for Aberavon,

thinks a community magazine for the

people of Port Talbot is a great idea.

He says, “Through this newsletter we

can come to a greater understanding

of Corus and how its activities impact

on a community, the economy and

our environment.”


- introducing our new owner 3

Sinter stack silenced 4

Dust-busting@Corus 5

Making clouds from coke 6

Energy control centre

- on all for your complaints 7

Careers@Corus 8Corus in the community 9-11

Children’s competition 11

Contact us 12


2 Corus SA13 News for the community


 As SA13 goes to print,

Corus is pleased to announcethe arrival of Mr UdayKumar Chaturvedi, the newManaging Director of CSP UK,from Tata Steel in India.

Mr Chaturvedi, who was previously

vice-president of Tata Steel Group,

Jamshedpur, India (the company that

bought Corus last year), is the new

Managing Director of Corus Strip

Products UK, having previously

spent various periods of time working and studying in the United

States, France, the UK (University of Strathclyde), and Lucknow,

India. Mr Chaturvedi continues to hold a number of director

positions in India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Thailand.

Mr Chaturvedi’s arrival closely follows two recent investment

announcements for Port Talbot – a £60m project enhancing

existing energy recovery capabilities and £9m capital spend in its

coke-making facility, bringing total investment since 2002 across

the three Corus Strip Product UK sites (Port Talbot, Llanwern and

Pontarddulais) to £400m.

Mr Chaturvedi feels very strongly about corporate citizenship

and has already indicated he is keen to extend Tata’s ethos by

actively promoting the company’s values through trust, honesty,

integrity and transparency, both within the workforce and the

wider community.

New MD at the helm

To coincide with the launch of SA13 community newspaper,our website has undergone a makeover to include anexternal community website. As from April 2008 you will beable to find information relating to events and community-related activities supported exclusively by Corus StripProducts UK across South Wales.

The site is designed to be practical,

by providing easy access with the

minimum of ‘clicks’ to reach relevant

items of choice. From information

on future career paths and vacancies

in Corus, guides on education and

learning, to the latest community

activities and events, you will be able

to find it here.

 As the website expands, so too will the range of contents, providing

more articles and more informative links to other complementary

websites… So go on, try it!


Corus launchescommunity website

Mr Uday Kumar Chaturvedi.

 Front cover picture: Time to get your walking shoes on now that the

weather is improving. You do not have to go far to find pretty countryside

walks on your doorstep - like the bluebells in Cwm-y-Brombil woods. The

cover picture was taken in May last year. For more details, turn to page 10.

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 You may be familiar with Corus, but

what do you know about Tata, thecompany that now owns us?

It’s amazing, but just 12 months ago

Port Talbot steelworks was in the spotlight

following the acquisition of Corus plc by

the Tata Corporation for £6.2bn.

 At the time all our interest was focused on

the effect this takeover might have within the

global steel industry itself. The deal linked

Corus with one of the world’s most profitable

steel companies and has created the fifth

largest steelmaker in the world with a

capability to make more than 35 million

tonnes of crude steel a year - five milliontonnes of which is set to be made here

in Port Talbot.

In the same week that Tata acquired Corus,

it also signed a $100m energy contract with

BP to jointly fund the largest solar panel

production facility in India. Indeed, since

 April last year, Tata has seen growth continue

with a string of merger and joint venture

activity in mining and minerals sector

(especially in Africa), so as to secure rawmaterial supplies for its steel manufacturing

group into the future.

Steel is very much a global commodity. Theacquisition means that Tata has access toestablished markets and distribution networksacross Europe and North America whilstproviding similar access to Corus productsthrough India and the Far East. Tata has madeno secret of the fact that it intends to increaseits global steel production base still furtherthrough acquisition.

Tata Corporation, however, is no newcomerto the world stage. It has already celebratedits centenary in 2007, and before acquiringCorus, Tata comprised a total of 98companies spanning seven business sectorsas diverse as IT, energy, engineering, mining,chemicals, services and consumer goods.

For many in the UK, the name first came tolight when Tata acquired Tetley Tea fromCadbury Schweppes just over six years ago.

In 2004 Tata Motors added DaewooCommercial Vehicles to its automotive range,having previously entered into joint ventureswith Daimler-Benz, MG Rover, and othermanufacturers in Spain and South America.

 Almost a year on from Tata’s acquisition of

Corus, Tata has done it again. Two months

ago the Tata ‘Nano’ was launched as the

cheapest passenger production vehicle in the

world, costing just $2,500. Tata also

announced it had bought Jaguar and Land

Rover from the Ford Corporation, in a deal

worth just over £1bn. It dovetails nicely with

Corus Automotive’s R&D expertise in this field.


Over a century…and counting…

• 1868 Jamsetji Tata establishes

the Central India Spinning & 

Weaving Manufacturing Company.

• 1903 Taj Mahal Palace hotel

is first for the Tata family.

• 1907 The Tata Iron & Steel

Company is formed. In 1912 the

8-hour working day for employees

is introduced here, long before

many countries in the West

implemented it!

• 1932 Tata takes to the airways

with its own airline, becoming

 Air India.

• 1945 Tata Engineering and

Locomotive Co. is founded.

In 2003 it becomes Tata Motors.

• 1991 Current Chairman Ratan

Tata takes over Tata Group from JRD

Tata. The company manufactures

its one-millionth vehicle.

• 1998 Tata produces their

‘Indica’ - India’s first indigenous

car design.

• 2000  Acquires Tetley Tea

Company ($407m).

• 2001 Tata enters financial

services sector, and by 2005

issues its own Tata credit card.

• 2004 Acquires National Steel

($292m) and Daewoo Commercial

 Vehicles ($102m).

• 2005 Acquires Millennium Steel,

Thailand ($167m).

• 2007 Acquires Corus plc (£6.2bn).

• 2008  Acquires Jaguar andLand Rover cars (£1.1bn). Tata

Motors launches the $2,500 ‘Nano’.


Corus SA13 News for the community 3

Tata Group


Ratan Tata.

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 A new process, which Corus hopes will reduce the production of hazardous by-product, is thought to be producing a morevisible plume from the sinter stack.

Last year Corus invested almost

£1 million into a noise suppressionsystem for the sinter plant stack.

The new technology aims to reduce

noise by about 90 per cent. The sound

had been generated by the induction

systems, which draw air into and

up the sinter plant stack.

The technology was installed last autumn, but since then, monitoring by local residents has

shown that it has not proved entirely successful. Owing to a miscalculation by the company thatmanufactured the equipment, it has not eliminated the low-pitched droning noise.

Richard Leonard, Environment Manager, says, “We worked with some of the world’s leading

acoustic experts to identify how we could best tackle the problem. It involved intensive

monitoring of vibration and sound frequency.

“First we lagged the sinter plant’s main gas waste gas

ductwork, but the solution has been not just a matter of muffling

sound sources, but reducing the number and extent of moving

parts and running plant at special levels. We have also added a

state-of-the-art silencer, and efforts to draw particulate matterout of the flues continues.”

To test the noise reduction technology, some residents were

provided with equipment to record the frequency and time when

sinter plant noise is heard. The plant is relatively distant from

local residents, but as many as 2,000 households are still

thought to be affected by the noise.

“The manufacturer has agreed to replace the faulty equipment as

quickly as possible, but installation and commissioning may still be

a couple of months or so away,” concludes Richard.

Less noise, cleaner air

Stacking-up a better plume

 The sin ter plan t prepares iron ore, coke and o ther ingredi

en ts

 to make a ke y ra w ma terial  for  the blas t  furnaces. 

Silence is goldenTraditional silencers work by absorbing and ‘muffling’ the noise.

 A reactive silencer, such as the one installed in the sinter plant,

works by deflecting the sound waves back towards their source,

which cancels out some of the unpleasant noise frequencies.

Sinter plant and stack.

Example of sinter.

 View along sinter plant strand towards oven.

4 Corus SA13 News for the community


The 135-metre tall sinter stack is the most obvious feature on thelandscape, and in fresh and clear atmospheric conditions the emission

is at its most visible.

“The emission is compliant with the Pollution Prevention Control

Regulations and it is monitored by the Environment Agency,” says Richard

Leonard, Environment Manager. “Our efforts to improve our environmental

impact have been successful, but it is ironic that the process material that

we are using creates a more visible plume.” The issue is not unique; it is

shared by other members of the steelmaking community including Arcelor

Mittal, the world’s biggest metal producer, and also Corus’ other UK

integrated steelworks in Scunthorpe. Corus’ research and development

team at the Swinden Technology Centre near Rotherham is looking into

the problem.

“Since February, we have been conducting a series of experiments– varying the volumes of treatment material into the sinter plant – tomonitor the content and the visibility of the plume,” says Richard.

We will keep you informed of progress in the summer edition of SA13.

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Dust – in particulate

The town of Port Talbot and surrounding area has a long

history of industrial and commercial activity, which has drawn

people to settle here. Like any other urban settlement, this

and people’s day-to-day activities leads to the release of

chemicals into the air. Depending on the levels and types

of activity in the area, this can result in air pollution.

Once in the atmosphere, these chemicals are subjected to various

atmospheric processes that may change their physical and chemical

form, such as the effects of sunlight, wind, rain, humidity, etc. Even the

topography of the landscape like that of Port Talbot – especially its

proximity to the coast and hills – will have an effect on the local airquality. Local air quality is therefore monitored 24 hours a day.

Who carries out the monitoring?

Corus monitors the air quality on its own sites, while Neath Port Talbot

County Borough Council has set up monitoring stations at strategic

sites in and around the town. Their readings are provided on an

hourly basis. Other methods rely on providing semi-automatic

information, as well as manual sample collections. This data is

reported to the Council and shared with the Welsh Air Quality

Forum and the Environment Agency.

 Airborne dust has always been an issue for local residents, so

Corus has initiated a programme to reduce the generation of airborne

particulate material. The dust-busting programme pays special

attention to areas most prone to dust. These include ore and sinter

beds, conveyors, raw material crushers and road transport activity.

The project comes following a bad year in 2007 for particulate matter,

despite levels declining over the past ten years - which is very good

news. Despite the wet summer last year, we also had some long dry

periods that followed a particularly dry spring - April 2007 was reported

to be the driest on record.

Maximum levels for particulate material are agreed with the Local

 Authority and Environment Agency Wales and stand at 50 micrograms

per cubic metre of normal air. Normally, average concentrations are

significantly less than the standards set, but it was found that in the

Port Talbot area this level was exceeded on 46 separate days last year.

It was thought the problem emanated from activities in the blast furnace

area. However, when new fume extraction equipment was commissioned

in 2002, it made no difference to reported levels for particulate material

in Port Talbot, although it did improve the results significantly at local

site level. Unfortunately, it is a fact that the close proximity of the

motorway and other roadways, and the increasing number of vehicles

on our roads, may all be contributing to the problem.

Now, however, Corus is looking more broadly at the fundamental causes

of dust. This includes not only altering existing processes wherever we

can, but also looking at efficient ways of damping down dusty areas,

either with recovered rainwater or more viscous liquids.

Typical monitoring station in Port Talbot.

M4 Motorway and works from Pen-Y-Cae.

Energy Control Centre.

 Air quality – it’s in

the monitoring

Corus SA13 News for the community 5


What ismonitored?

• Sulphur Dioxide• Ozone• Carbon Monoxide• Nitrogen Dioxide• PM10 particulates• Airborne particles

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Local air quality can be influenced by alien encounters!Corus employees were as shocked as everyone else when

they saw what appeared to be a fine coating of dust on cars,buildings and windowsills one morning in January.

The company received complaints from local people who

understandably assumed that the dust originated from the steelworks.

 Among them were a local family who had hired several white limousines

for a family wedding.

Requests for an explanation drew an innocent nod of the head from all

relevant departments until the BBC News website ran a story which

revealed all. The dust had come from the Sahara and had been blown

to high altitude by a storm there on 20 January. According to AEA 

Technology, which monitors air quality for the Welsh Assembly

Government, the dust had been carried from North Africa, out over the

 Atlantic Ocean and then blown to the UK.

The dust had been dropped over nearly all but the far North East of

Wales, Cornwall and parts of the West of England. Saharan dust had

also reached South Wales in March 2007.

Just deserts More informationwww.earthobservatory.nasa.gov



Dust storm heading for the UK.(Courtesy of Earth Observatory NASA)

Working in yourinterest - Corus Joint

Consultative Group

If you think that Corus and the local Council ignore yourconcerns as a resident, you’re wrong. Complaints, concerns

and other local environmental issues do get back to us

through councillors, PACT meetings, and the Environment

 Agency directly, or via formal meetings of the Joint

Consultative Group.

The Joint Consultative Group meets every four months specifically to

discuss local environmental issues and complaints, air quality, dust,

transportation, noise, resident’s concerns, etc.

Led by the Council, the committee is made up of representatives fromNeath Port Talbot County Borough Council, councillors, theEnvironment Agency, and Corus management. It is the Group’s genuine

intention to find long-term sustainable solutions for the benefit of boththe local community and the business.

 And remember: you can always phone us direct if you want to talkabout any issues that are worrying you (see page opposite for details).

Members of the Corus Joint Consultative Group.

6 Corus SA13 News for the community


They look like clouds… you can just picture it, the beginningof William Wordsworth’s famous poem, “I wandered lonely as

a cloud…”, but the massive white plumes seen on Margam’s

coastal horizon are actually the result of red hot coke being

drenched with water to cool it very quickly.

Every 10 minutes or so, 24 hours a day, red hot coke produced in the

Morfa Coke Ovens is doused with thousands of gallons of water. It is

this quenching process that creates the ‘clouds’ – it is in fact just

water vapour.

Coke is one of the most important of all the raw materials fed into a

blast furnace because it provides the maximum porosity for the free

flowing of gases and molten iron within the process. Making coke

involves the carbonization of coal at temperatures of up to 1,100°C inan oxygen-deficient chamber to concentrate the carbon. During this

process, coke oven gas and other by-products are drawn off, refined

and re-used within the works, or sold onto other industrial processes.

“I wandered lonely as a cloud…”

Quench Tower, Morfa Coke Ovens.

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Every year, Corus’ Energy Control

Centre receives many calls fromlocal residents, usually withquestions or complaints aboutour environmental emissions.

The Energy Control Centre is the nerve

centre of the works. It is here that our

engineers closely monitor all aspects of

our plant operations, including gas usage,

water flows and electricity consumption.

The phone line is manned 24 hours a day,

365 days a year, with the team ready to

respond to concerned residents’ calls on

the double.

Closed circuit television cameras are located

throughout the works to help our engineers

see exactly what callers may be complaining

about, so no time is wasted.

Details of every call are given to the relevant

work areas, and the Environment Department

gets a copy, too. The relevant section then

investigates the complaint and, helped by

the Environmental Department, determines

the cause.

 As you can imagine, on such a big site,

it can sometimes take time to find out exactlywhat is happening, but we always get back

to every caller with an update.

 A member of the Energy Control Centre,says, “We monitor our manufacturingprocesses every hour of every day, recording

and storing the information for analysis.

“Any change in this data provides the plant

operators with information that helps them

plan the maintenance programme and ensure

that the site continues to meet and improve

its environmental performance.

“Some residents believe that when managers

are not in the works at the weekend, all

monitoring stops and emissions are

uncontrolled. This is simply not true. Health

and safety is at the top of our agenda

– for workers on site and residents alike.”

Seeing red about green?Do you have

a complaint aboutnoise or air quality?

Call us on01639 871111

 We guaran tee  tha t  we  will deal  wi th  your calls as quickl y as 

possible, because impro ving  the en vironmen t is impor tan t 

 for all o f us.

Corus SA13 News for the community 7


Even landfill goes greenIt’s not quite a meadow (yet) but the regeneration of the

former Margam Coke Ovens site is getting greener by the

day. So far 60,000 cubic metres of subsoil have been moved

12 miles from the Swansea Marina development to

Port Talbot Works as part of a reclamation project saving

thousands of pounds being paid in landfill fees.

The former coke ovens site was cleared of scrap metals and other

debris and levelled in preparation for the subsoil, having first been

tested and certified by the Environment Agency and granted an

exemption certificate from the Council as being fit for purpose

as basic ground cover for grassing and future tree planting.

Transferring the subsoil to Port Talbot was a cheaper and moreenvironmentally friendly option than incurring landfill charges.

The 30-acre reclamation – the size of three football pitches –

has now been landscaped and grassed, and is awaiting the soil

condition to be suitable for the next phase involving tree planting.

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Corus offers careers for allThe general impression of Corus is that it employs a lot

of men as steelworkers - and that’s true, of course. Whatmany people won’t know, though, is that it also offers

exciting careers in a range of different positions for both

men and women.

 Along with posts you would normally associate with heavy industry,

such as in mechanical engineering, fabricating/welding and bricklaying,

the company has comprehensive training schemes for young people

working in fields including data management, finance, human resources

and civil engineering.

“Corus has the scope and size to provide individually tailored careers

that are interesting, challenging and dynamic,” says Susan Mills,

Human Resources.

“We offer competitive salaries, opportunities

for progression, generous holiday entitlement,

first class training and experience; in addition

to local benefits such as free parking,

subsidised meals, social activities -

and friends for life!”

Corus actively seeks to recruit

apprentices and ‘functional’ trainees

for engineering, manufacturing, technical and business functions.

It offers Government-approved Advanced Modern Apprenticeships

(AMAs), while training and development by functional area allows new

recruits to be part of an apprenticeship where they can learn and study

towards NVQ qualifications while gaining invaluable experience.

“We’re a company that places real commitment on work life balance

and is truly dedicated to ongoing training and development, scope for

career progression, opportunity and advancement within chosen career

paths,” says Susan.“In order to maintain and continue to achieve

outstanding results, we look for people who have certain qualities to fit

our culture. These include: drive, enthusiasm, ideas, commitment,

flexibility, imagination, team player abilities and communication skills.

“Apprentice and functional trainee students who succeed in Corus are

those who benchmark their own achievements against those of their

peers, respect the community around them and simply work hard.

We need passionate people, determined to make Corus a success.”

Katie’s story Local girl Katie Davies chose

a Corus career path over university

– and has never looked back.

 An accountant in the Hot Rolled Products

division at Port Talbot, Katie has spent

almost three years working towards

professional qualifications, while earning

money and learning the ropes hands-on.

 A resident of Baglan Moors, she went to Sandfields

Comprehensive School and Neath Port Talbot College to study

 A Levels in accounting, economics and law.

“I applied for university and was accepted. However, when I heard

about the functional traineeships in Corus, I was interested,”

she said.

“The decision was ultimately easy – university equalled spare

time, along with the worries of a high level of debt and no

guaranteed job at the end, while Corus equalled full-time

permanent employment in my chosen career while studying

to professional level.”

Katie’s main duties include working on weekly financial and

statistical reports alongside the Hot Rolled Products management

team, area engineers and team leaders to achieve cost reductions

and budgetary control.

Currently studying with the Association of Accounting

Technicians and due to sit her final three exams this summer,

from September she’ll be studying with the Chartered Institute

of Management Accountants.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying my working life so far,” said Katie. “I feel

I’ve already achieved so much. I was successful in applying for

a permanent position as the accountant for Hot Rolled Products

after 18 months and have so far been successful in every one of

the accountancy exams I’ve sat.

“In five years’ time, I see myself still working within finance and

possibly the Management Accounting department at Port Talbot.

Through building on my knowledge and experience to date, I hope

to be working at the level above which I am currently, as a

management accountant.”

• If you’re interested in taking up a Corus apprenticeship,

please visit www.corusgroup.com/en/careers/recruitment/ 

apprenticeships/south_wales or more information and

to submit an online application.

• For information on becoming a functional trainee,

visit www.corusgroupcareers.com

“I’m thoroughly en jo ying m y  working li fe so

 far, I  feel I’ve alread y achie ved so much.”

8 Corus SA13 News for the community


Mark Callingham, third year electricalapprentice, Hot Mill.

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No one would deny that Corus has

a considerable impact on the localcommunities in and around Port Talbot.

 After all, there has been intensive

industrial activity here for hundreds

of years. Indeed, Port Talbot celebrated

100 years of iron and steelmaking in

2003 on this very site. It is a proud

tradition and one not to be taken lightly.

 As neighbours, it is our duty to become

active members within the community and

assist and support local charities and

voluntary groups whenever we can. We also

endeavour to work with local organisations to

promote community initiatives directly withlocal residents and schools.

Here is a summary of the community

activities, support for charities and good

causes we have undertaken in Neath Port

Talbot and surrounding areas during the last

12 months.

Community Relations Manager, Keith Farron,

says, “Unfortunately we cannot please

everyone’s request that comes in. We are

subject to a strict monthly financial limit and

consider only those applications that fall

within a five-mile radius of Port Talbot Works.

We cannot approve applications which implysalary funding, and local charities and good

causes will be considered in preference to

national charities and projects.”

Depending on the number of requests

received, a committee consisting of

employees and Union representatives will try

to sit once a month to consider applications

received. Each application is discussed at

length to consider the benefits an award may

make to that particular community. Then,

provided a request meets with current

business guidelines on charitable funding, the

committee decides on the appropriate value

of award. Those applications that do notmeet with the guidelines are rejected.

Occasionally, an application may be deferred,

pending further information or investigation.

However, each individual application will be

considered on its own merit.

 Applications must be received in writing,

preferably on letterheaded paper and sent

to the following address:

Community Relations Manager, Corus Strip

Products UK, Business Headquarters,

PO Box 42, Port Talbot, SA13 2NG.

Corus in the community

Community Award successes Afan Lido Mini FC, Afon Nedd Arts Society, Ann Davies

Cancer Appeal, BLISS, Breast Cancer Care, Cancer

Challenge Singers, Cancer Research Wales, Children in

Need, Christian Lewis Trust, Cor Meibion Aberafan, CISS,

Cwmavon RFC Mini Section, Corus Sailing Club, Cystic

Fibrosis Trust, Friends of Aberavon & New Sandfields

Group, Friends of Tonna Hospital, Hospital Radio

Phoenix, Get Kid’s Going, GLAZE, Goytre United AFC

(Junior Section), LATCH, Lymphoma Cancer Unit Singleton Hospital, Missing Wales,

Neath Athletic RFC Mini Section, Neath & District Sea Cadets, Neath Pastorate –

Romania Project, Neath Round Table, NPTCBC Pass, PDSA, Porthcawl RFC Juniors,

Port Talbot Amateur Operatic Society, Port Talbot Cymric Male Choir, Port Talbot Lifeboat

 Association, Rest Bay Lifeguard Club, RNLI, Shelter Cymru, SNAC, South Wales Multiple

Sclerosis Therapy Centre, South Wales Police Authority, St John Ambulance Service,Swan Rescue South Wales, Upper Afan Forum, The Mayor’s Charity Appeal, Welsh

Dragons Burns Club, Y Bwthyn Newydd, Ynysdawley Playing Fields Association.

Community ‘Assist’ projects approved or

completed involving the supply of materials and services

for a bench for the Friends of Tonna Hospital’s Sensory

Garden, a series of metal frames for use in the ‘Survival

Zone’ Margam Park Education & Sustainability Centre,

and a replacement six-metre wooden cross for St David’s

Church, Margam.

Education and Learning events All-Wales Inter-Schools Crime Prevention Quiz,

 Anti-Bullying Awareness Week in conjunction with

Swansea Sound & The Wave, ‘Learning Zone’ National

Waterfront Museum, Swansea, Peer Education Initiative,

Neath Port Talbot Secondary Schools Primestart Neath,

The Gnoll Wildlife Trust Wales, 2007 Welsh Heritage

Schools Initiative.

Event sponsorships39th Round the Pier Swim, Aberavon Beach, Aberavon

& New Sandfields Carnival, BUPA Great Wales Run,

Cardiff Bay, Cardiff UK X Challenge Cross Country Event,

Blackweir Park Cardiff, Christmas Lights & Santa Parades

(Port Talbot, Neath and Pontadawe), CISS Walkathon,

Briton Ferry to Brecon, Corus Aquathlon, Aberavon

Beach, Corus Family Cycle Day, Margam Park, Corus

Richard Burton 10km & 5km Road Race, Cwmafan‘Crucial

Crew’ ‘G’ Division Port Talbot Police Primary School 7-aside Rugby Tournament, Neath

Round Table Festival Weekend, Neath Port Talbot 2007 Sporting Awards, Surf Life Saving

Championships, Aberavon Beach, Try-A-Triathlon ‘8 to 80’ Event, Aberavon Promenade

Upper Afan River Family Day, Glyncorrwg Welsh Castles Run Relay, Caernarvon Castleto Cardiff Castle.

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 Young people in Neath Port Talbotare learning how to be socially responsible and guard againstcrime with help from Corusand the Safer Neath Port TalbotCommunity Safety Partnership.

Three campaigns in the past two years

have seen pupils from all 11 secondary

schools across the county being shown

how to take a stand against bullying

and theft and become more aware of

personal safety. Corus has sponsored

the Safer Partnership and Neath Port

Talbot County Council’s schools

poster campaigns ‘Cud UB Nxt!’,

promoting prevention of mobile

phone and iPod theft, and ‘Avoid close

encounters’ (road safety), along with

 Anti-Bullying Awareness Week.

Recently, more than 100 pupils

aged 14 and 15 took part in a

‘peer education’ training day

involving the police, drugs misuse

counsellors and other agencies.

The aim of the initiative was to train the youngsters in a range of crime

prevention topics so that they could later deliver their own lessons.

 And the next Corus schools event is likely to target drug and alcohol

awareness in support of local LEA initiatives.

“Corus is trying to help and persuade young people to be more

responsible for their own actions and be more considerate towards

fellow pupils and members of the public,” said Corus community

spokesman Keith Farron.

“To that end, we’re keen to support local initiatives that help to reduce

crime or anti-social behaviour. And if young people feel more secure

and happy in their everyday lives, this may develop into positive

attitudes and more neighbourly communities.”

The initiatives have seen 12,500 children given safety packs including

holographic identity stickers and UV marker pens in a bid to cut the

number of mobile phone and iPod muggings in the area. More than

22,000 junior and secondary school pupils were also given reflective

safety wristbands to allow drivers a better chance of seeing them on

the roads during dark mornings and evenings.

 And in the latest initiative, mobile phone-shaped keyfobs with

helpline telephone numbers were given out to pupils at Sandfields

Comprehensive Schools to raise the profile in a bid to prevent bullying.

Corus backs campaignto help pupils become safer

With the days getting longer and

warmer, now is a good time to think

about getting back into shape. But for

many of us, the thought of running,

cycling or going to gym seems a bit too

much like hard work – you don’t want

to overdo it and sprain something!

Don’t panic – one of the most effective and

safest forms of exercise is plain old walking!

Regular walking can halve the risk of heart

disease – helping you live a longer,

healthier life.

 And the beauty of taking up walking in Port

Talbot is… the beauty of Port Talbot! The area

is prime walking territory, offering a choice of

coastal, hill or valley routes – all within a very

short distance of the town centre.

Walk your way to healthStrong scientific evidence now supports

the following benefits of regular walking:

• Reduces the risk of coronary heart

disease, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes

• Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol

• Reduces body fat and weight

• Enhances mental wellbeing and

self-esteem, and relieves depression

and anxiety

• Increases bone density, helping

prevent osteoporosis

• Helps flexibility and co-ordination,

reducing the risk of falls

Walking can be enjoyed as a solitary, meditative activity, or it can provide away of catching up with people. Ask your family and friends to go for a walk,or join a local walking club – a great way to meet new people.

It can fit in with any lifestyle or domestic circumstance – walking with a baby carrier is a great way to get back into shape after pregnancy.

 You can find this page again on our new community website:www.corussouthwales.co.uk/community/SA13

Walking and lifestyle

Walking tips• Even walking at a moderate pace

of three miles per hour is sufficient

– aim to walk fast without

over-exertion (you should just about

be able to hold a conversation)

• Experts recommend accumulating

a total of 30 minutes of brisk

walking on most, preferably

all days of the week

• But even 10-minute walks

can increase fitness, provided

they are brisk

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Richard Burton’s memory lives on

Wet walk fora good cause Around 40 steelworkers, police

drivers, their families and friends

braved driving rain and wind to

complete a 52-mile sponsored

walk from Briton Ferry to Brecon

in September last year.

The walkathon aimed to raise money for

CISS (Cancer Information and Support

Services), a charity set up in 1993 to help

cancer sufferers, their carers and families.

The service has provided support to

thousands of families in the Neath and

Port Talbot areas.

The idea was dreamt up by Corus Steel

& Slab employees, who were later joined

by the police’s Bridgend-based Driving

School which, as well as supplying

walkers, also supplied two backup

minibuses and two outriders.

Corus funded the logistics and provided

sponsorship to the tune of £5,000

– as well as making a community award

of £2,000 towards CISS’s literature costs.

Corus SA13 News for the community 11


Win this Corus ‘goody bag’ comprising a teeshirt,

sports cap, drinking bottle, electronic suduko game,

SIM card memory reader, mousemat, tin of colouring

pencils, notepad wallet, and a frisbee. We have five goody 

bags to give away. All you have to do is circle as many 

safety hazards and unsafe situations in the picture as

 you can. (Here’s a clue: there are more than 10.)

Win aCorusgoody


Spot the hazards




Phone number

The closing date for entries is Friday 30 May 2008.The judges’ decision is final. Winners will benotified within five working days of the drawand listed in the next edition of SA13.

Cut out and send your entry to: The Editor,Corus Strip Products UK, Business Headquarters,PO Box 42, Port Talbot, SA13 2NG.

Children’s Competition

It began 27 years ago

and is now one of the

UK’s most prestigious

and famous local road

races. Held in memory 

of arguably one of

Wales’s greatest ever

actors, the Richard Burton 10km Run

in Cwmafan took place on 6 January,

and attracted a record entry of more

than 500 athletes.

The race was originally intended to raise funds

for a family who had lost loved ones in a carcrash. Two years later, local hero Richard

Burton gave permission to use his name.

“Sadly, he died six months later,” said race

organiser John Williams. “But his widow Sally

contacted us to say that she would bepleased if we kept Richard’s name in our race

title. With the backing of Sally and GrahamJenkins, Richard’s brother, the event reached

its 25th anniversary. And now, thanks to ourmain sponsor Corus, the future is secure for

another three years.”

Due to icy conditions overnight, the start hadto be delayed one hour while the Council took

the precautions of gritting the undulatingcourse for the safety of the runners. The event

included a 5km fun run, and all proceeds wentto Macmillan Cancer Care and local charitiesRed Cross, Cwmafan OAPs and the Burns

Unit at Morriston Hospital.

The 10km race was won by Simon Jones,Belgrave Harriers, in a time of 30:42 (30

minutes 42 seconds). First senior runnerwas Martin Rees, Veterans over 50’s (33:14),

and the first woman athlete over the line was Andrea Whitcombe, Swansea Harriers in the

‘Veterans over 35’s’ category in a time of 35:11.

For full details of the athletes’ times

and information on the race,

visit www.richardburtonroadrace.com

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Correspondence to the EditorThe Editor will be pleased to receive your thoughts and opinions on any article you have read in this issue of SA13 Corus community

newspaper. We would like to hear your views and opinions, whether on environmental issues, community activities, etc.

 Address: The Editor, Corus Strip Products UK, Business Headquarters, PO Box 42, Port Talbot, SA13 2NG. Fax: 01639 603 179

Email: [email protected]

Community Award applications (for Neath Port Talbot and Pontardulais areas) Applications for community awards, community sponsorships/partnerships and ‘community assist’ projects for consideration must be submitted in writing

to the following address: Community Liaison Manager, Corus Strip Products UK, Business Headquarters, PO Box 42, Port Talbot, SA13 2NG.

Email: [email protected]

Environmental complaints01639 871111 (24 hours) For calls concerning environmental issues such as noise and air quality (during normal office hours the telephone exchange will re-direct

your call. Calls received out of office hours will be directed by the Security Department). For written enquiries please address to: Manager Environment,

Corus Strip Products UK, Business Headquarters, PO Box 42, Port Talbot, SA13 2NG or fax: 01639 872 159.

How to contact us

 All year round. National Waterfront

Museum Swansea, Swansea Marina

 Various events throughout the year for

children and families in the Corus and

Community sponsored Learning Zone.

Check out the website for details of all

forward event activities.

 Visit www.museumwales.ac.uk/en/swansea

Sunday 5th July. Corus

Try-A-Triathlon, Afan Lido

and Aberavon Beachfront

Free entry. So why not join us and try

any, or all three disciplines (swimming,

cycling and running) in your own time.

 The first 200 children to register receive

a Corus goody bag and certificate of achievement. Please bring your own bike.

For more details visit ‘What’s On’ in the community news section of


Weekend 11th & 12th July. Neath

Round Table Carnival, Cwrt Herbert

Playing Fields, Neath

Starting with ‘Friday Live’, music at 6.30pm.

Live entertainment continues on Saturday.

Fun for all the family with lots to see and

do. Sponsors of the Corus Pavilion.

Saturday 12th July. New Sandfields

& Aberavon Beach Festival,

 Aberavon Promenade

Free entry. Join in the fun and thrill of

the rides. Listen to the band, live acts

and local radio coverage. Lots to see,

do and participate in, with many stalls

and exhibition events taking place. Sponsors of the Corus Pavilion.

 Visit www.nsasave.co.uk for further details.

Sunday 13th July. 40th Round

the Pier Swim, Aberavon Beachfront

Free viewing. Starting at 4.00pm, the

combined swim and run begins and

finishes at Aberavon Green Stars RFC

Clubhouse. Join the crowds to watch the

dozens of hardy competitors braving the

waves in this spectacular local event.

What’s On with Corus

 Your community newspaper SA13SA13 is written and produced by Communications, Corus Strip Products UK for the residents in Port Talbot and surrounding area.

FSC labelled products are made with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment.The FSC label guarantees that the trees that are harvested are replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.

You can now view community activities on our

updated website each week, including ‘What’s On

@ Corus’ events and sponsorships, and other topical

stories of interest. You can even browse SA13 on

the site. Visit www.corussouthwales.co.uk, and it

will take you directly to the community pageof the Corus website.

For more information on forthcoming Corus sponsored events in South Wales, visit www.corussouthwales.co.uk

to view ‘What’s On’ in your area.

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