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Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1886...

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SUNDAY EASYCHAIR. BEACTIFTL THINGS. Beautiful faces are those that vrear— It matters little if dark or fair- Whole-souled houesty printed there. Beautiful eyes are those that show, Like crystal panes where heart fires glo*J 1 Beautiful taoughu that burn below Seautiful lips are those whose words I>eap from the heart Hue songs of birds, Yet whose utterance prudence girds. Beautiful bands are those that do Work that is earnest, and brave, and true, Moment by moment all day through. Beautiful feel are tnose that go On kindly ministries to au'l fro— itown lowliest ways, " ifGod wills it so." Beautiful shoulders are those that bear Ceaseless burdens of homely care With patient grace and daily prayer. Beautiful eyes are those that bless— Silent rivers of happiuess. Whose hidden fountains few may guess. —Selected. Humble love, and not proud science, keeps the door of heaven. Young. If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it?— Franklin. Only let us have faith in God, and we shall not lack the means of doing good.— Canon Fleming. " A ray of sunshine is not soiled by shin- ing into a rat-hole ; but it spoils the rat- hole." Bishop F They that would be safe have need to be suspicious of the tempter. The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered. God loves beauty ; and because He loves it, He has made everything beautiful; and because we are like God, we love the beau- tiful, and participate in the happiness of God.— WinchcU. It does us cood to admire all beautiful things, for all beauty speaks of God—of God in Christ; but keep your highest admira- tion for Him alone from whom all beauty came. Sea. R. luei. I would cut off my own head if it had nothing better in it than wit, and tear out my own heart if it had no better disposition than to love only myself and laugh at all my neighbors.— I'ope. The divinest attribute in the heart of God is love, and the mightiest, because the most human, principle in the heart of man is faith. Love is heaven; faith is that which appropriates heaven. The Bible writes hope over the darkest fields of life. Man, above all things, needs hope, and the ISible is the charter of hope, the message of the God of Revelation, who alone is the God of hope.— Canon Westcott. Let us accept different forms of religion among men, as we accept different lan- guages, wherein there is still but one hu- man nature expressed, Every genius has most power in his own language, and every heart in its own religion.— Rkhtcr. Aa life moves on, and our comrades and our leaders drop on this side and on that, and we look back through the mist of years on those whose friendship or whose society long since set its mark on our own soils, how thankful do we recall those whose spontaneous and half-unconscious utter- ances once rebuked, it may be, or guided or encouraged or inspired us; planted in our souls the germs of thought or the seeds of action. Dean Bradley. The worst kind ofreligion ia no religion at all ; and these men living in ease and luxury, indulging themselves in the amuse- ment of going without religion, may be thankful that they live in lands where the Gospel they neglect has tamed the beastli- ness and ferocity of men who, butforChris- tianity, miirht long as»o have eaten their carcasses like the South Sea Islanders, or cut off their heads a"d tanneu their hide 3 like the monsters of the French revolution. When the microscopic search of skepticism, which has hunted the heavens and sounded the seas to disprove the existence of a Crea- tor, has turned it? attention to human so- ciety, and has found a place in this planet where a decent man can live in decency, comfort and security, supportine and edu- cating his children unspoiled and unpol- luted ; a place where age is reverenced, infancy respected, manhood respected, womanhood honored and human life held in due regard ; when skeptics can find such a place ten miles square, on this globp. where the gospel of Christ has not gone and cleared the way, and laid the foundations, and ina.ie decency and security possible, it will then be in order for the skeptical liter- ati to move thither, and then ventilate their views. But so long a3 those very men are dependent npon the religion which they discard for every privilege they enjoy, they may well hesitate a little before they seek to rob the Christian of his faith in that Sa- vior who alone has given to man that hope of lite eternal which makes life tolerable and society possible, and robs death of its terror? and the grave of its gloom.— James Kussell Lowell. SUNDAY RELIGIOUSNOTICES. Sixth-street ST. E. Church, between X and L—The pastor, Rev. E. R. Mile, will preach. Horning subject: "Limitations of Human Knowledge." Evening: "The Bible—the Word of God." All are welcome. * Fourteenth-street Presbyterian Church, between O and I'—Pastor, Rev. George R. Bird. Services and sermon at 11 a. m., "The Lord Jesus," and 7:">Q v. a., "A Fragment of Jewish Church History." Sabbath-school at 12:30 r. m. Calvary IJhptUt Church, I street, be- tween Twelfth and Thirteenth—Preaching by I: V C. Berrlck, pastor. Morning theme, at 11: " The Divine Teacher." Praise service at 7:15. Evening subject: "Bruig in the Wit- nesses." Welcome to all. * Preaching at First Raptist Chnrch by the pastor, A. J. Frnvt. Morning subject : "Be Not Conformed tv This World." Evening sub- ject: "The BlooJ of Christ.' 1 This is the last service before the pastor's visil East. Ail are Cordially invited to attend. Si. Paul's Church, Eighth street, be- tween I and J.—Rev. A. W. 'iriffin, in charge. Holy Communion, 7 a. m. Sonday-acboo] . a. m. Morning prayer, Jl a. m. School comer Sixteenth ar.dN, 3 p. M. * I'resbyterlan Church, corner .Sixth and 1 streets—('reaching to-morrow by the Rev. J. K. Wheeler, D. D. Morning service at 10\u25a0 I S; evening, 7:XO. Sabbath-school after morning serviCf. All are iuviti .1 to intend. Central M. K. Church. Eleventh street, between II and I—Preaching by the pastor, Her. Thomas Filben. at 1":-1") and 7:30. Morn- ing subject: "Resting-places." Evening: "The Only Name. ' scats entirely free. Everybody welcome. Christian Church, Eighth, between N and O—Robert 1.. Mcllatton. pastor, will preach .Sunday at 11 a. m and 7::^0 r. M. Sunday-school \. "i. Seats free aud welcome for all \u25a0vrho come. * Sonc Si rviic Sunday Afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at Young Men's Christian AFSoeiation Hall, Masonic Temple, Sixth street, between X ami L. Good tinging. Short addresses. All young men welcome. * Scandinavian Service* will 1>« held at Exempt Firemen 1! Hn.ll. Eighth street, between J and K. to-morTOW (Sunday; atll a. m. and 7:30 P.M. Ail ."'eaudiuaviansconiially invited. KeY. S. A. Elming. \u2666 YouNti Stanford's Genii*.—The son of Senator Stanii rd, had he live.!, would have beiri one of the urc.t master mechanics of the age. Ho said he would rather live to be Master Mechanic of the Central Pacific road than President of it. At 14 years of age he constructed a small locomotive about eighteen inches in length, the cylin- ders and bed-plate of which were cast for him in the Sacramento shop 3, where he actually filed all the rods and shafts into shape "with his own hands. The only thing he could not do in reference to fitting up the engine and setting it it readiness to run, was the setting of the valves so they would take steam properly. He laid a tra'k from the house to the stables at Palo Alto, and on fine days he would run the engine backwards and forwards, running beside it and laughing with boyish glee at the success of his skill. There will be a polytechnic school in the great Stanford ll;iiver.-ity, where the little engine will be preserved' lor its historic associations.— Pot land Sunday Mneui'J. Olive Oil as a Lubricakt.—Put pure olive oil into a clear glass bottle with strips of sheet lead and expose it to the sun for two or three weeks, then pour off the clear oil and the result is a lubricant whicb will neither gum nor corrode. It is used for watches and five machinery of all kinds. MARRIED. Grand Island, Sacramento county, October 14— By Rev. F. D. Seward, at the residence of the bride's parents, Andrew Grass, of San Fran- cisco, to Maggie Parvin, of Sacramento county. DIED. BUTMT.entO, uctooer a— ,«". oiiu»»*j '.-I* lored wire of Peter Hookwell, ; native of Donegal, Ireland, 62 years, 4 months and 11 days. [Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral, which will take place from her late residence, Sixth street, between D and E. Sum ay afternoon. October 17' A, at 2 o'clock; thence to St. Rose Church, where funeral services will l>e held.l Nevada City, October 13— Martha Msv Pascoe, C years, 7 months and 19 days. Calistoga, October 10—Louis R. Risley, 7 years, 2 months aud 17 days. Truckee, Nevada county, October 10— Chajles Wright. 65 years. Roekhn, October 6—James Agler, 6 years. Near New England Mills, October 7—Chandler P. Abbott. 55 years. ITCHING Skin Diseases Instantly Re- lieved by Cuticura. mitEATMENT.—A warm bath with ivtktra L Soap, aud a single application of Citiltua, the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of Cuticura Resolvent, the New Blood Purilier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritating, the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema. Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lfchen, Pruritus. Scall Head, Dandruff and every species of Itching, Scaly and Pimply Humors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physicians and remedies fail. ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Your most valuable CuncoiU Remedies have done my child so much good that I feel like say- ing this for the benelit oi those who are troubled with ekin disease. My little girl was troubled with Eczema, and I tried several doctors and medicines, but did not do her any good until I used the CotiCbba Remedies, wnieh speedily cured her, for which I owe you many thanks and many nights of rest. ASTON BOSSMIER, EDINBURGH, I.ND. TETTER o'FTHE SCALP. I was almost perfectly bald, caused by Tetter of the top of the scalp. I used your CbncoxA Remedies about six weeks and they cured my scalp perfectly, and now my hair is coming back as thick as it ever was. J. P. CHOICE, Whitesboro', Texas. COVERED WITH BLOTCHES. 1 want to tell you that your Citicura Resol- vent is maguificent. About three months ago my face was covered with Blotches, and after using three bottles of RBBOI vent I was per- fectly cured. FREDERICK MAITRE. 23 St. Chakles St., New Orleans, La. OF PRICELESS VALUE. I caunot sjieak in too high terms of yonxCun- ctßA. It is worth its weight in pure gold forskin diseases. I believe it has no equal. W. W. NORTHRUr, 1015 Harney street, Omaha, Neb. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticvra,socents: Soat. 25 cents; RESOLVENT, fl. Prepared by the PotTEBDROO and rnr.Mii a; Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to cure Skin Diseases." MilES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and Baby Humors, use Ci'ticvra Soap. BEPJT VTITHPA.IJV M* Due to Inflamed Kidneys, Weak Back "Tpj^l and Loins, Aching Hips indSides, Ise- J^Ot lieveit In one minute by the Cutl- f JH cura Anti-Fain Plaster. Never \ I*^ fiiil*. At druggists, 25 cts.; five for $1. \ Ji J^Potter Drug ami Chemical Co., Boston. je24-ly\VSJJwly SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SWIFT & WATERMAN ALL MEMBERS WILL MEET PROMPTLY at 6:30 o'clock, TO-KTICJHT ! In ARMORY HALL (not Old Pavilion). Let everyone turn out, without failure, as this will be THE demonstration of this Campaign. BRAINARD F. SMITH, President. 016-lt [B. C.I ATTENTION ! Jefferson Democratic Club WILL MEET AT THE READING-ROOM of the O-«9k.r»XT JA.Xji HOTEL., THIS (Saturday) EVENING, At 7 o'clock sharp, to act as escort to MAYOR BARTLETT. W. W. CI'THBERT. President. G. G. Pickktt, Secretary. o2fi It FLORAL CONCERT. BY URGENT REQUEST THE FLORAL CON- cert will be repeated Next Wednesday Evening, October SOth, At V. M. I. Hall. Some of the best talent has kindiy volunteered. The Class is requested to meet at Seventh-street Hall TO-DAY, at 1:30 p. m., tor rehearsal, especially those who are com- puting for the prizes. Six Prizes will be given. Among the attractions of the evening, who will assist in the entertainment, are Mr. Frank A. Veach and Mr. W. Cook, who have delighted Sacramento audiences with their excellent mu- sic. The mauy friends of these gentlemen wishing to hear them once more before they leave the State, they have kindly consented to sing on above date. Mr. W. H. Weatherbee and Miss Haddie Kavanaugh. of San Francisco, will have parts. Mrs. N. Williamson and Mr. E. Mc- Callister will be accompanists for the evening. Exercises will commence promptly at 7;fo. Admission, 25 cents. 016-1: NOTICE TO_THE PUBLIC! rpHK STOCK THAT IS TO BE ATJCTIOHEB X offat Wood's Ranch, Sheldon, OCTOBER 26. 1886, is my property. The stock consisti \u25a0>: ~ix Head of Cattle, about Eight Head of Horses, and Oue Fine Bull. MRS. LAURA VERMILYA. 016-lt* X^CfoC>X>"SrJKrX>" G~o£9lXj K(\(\ CORDS WHITE OAK AND LIVE OAK OUU Stove Wood for sale, at ?5 and $6 per cord respectively, and ail kinds of four-foot wood at reduced rates. Wellington Coal. 112 per ton. Seattle Coal, (10 per ton. West Hart- ley and Scotcli Splim at the lowest cash prices. Coke, Charcoal and Pitch Kiudling always nn hand at the New Wood and Coal Yard, No. 516 and 518 L street, [lml JA3. McCAW, Proprietor. Momnrrhpvpt! Bleeding from the nemorrndgeb. Lunp «, stomach. Nose, or from any cause, ia ipeedily con- trolled and stopped. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises. 11 is cooling, cletnsing and Healing. /~*ot'j t-i-Vi It is most efficacious for this isdlcU ril. disease. Cold inth,i Head.etc. Onr "Catarrh Cure" is specially pre- pated to meet serious cases. Our Nasal Syringe is simple and inexpensive. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has cured more cases of these distressing complaints than the Extract. Our Planter ia invaluable In these diseases —Lumbago, Pains in Back or Side, etc. Diphtheria & Sore Throat. U?e the Extract promptly. Delay is dan- gerous. Pilpc Blind, Bleeding or Itching. It rileo, i s the greatest known remedy: rap- idly curing when other medicines have failed. Our Ointment is of great service where the removal of cloihing is incon- venient. For Broken Breast and Cnra Niinrtloc Mothers who »ore iNippies. baTeonccUBed The Extract will never be without it. Our Ointment is tbe best emollient that can be applied. Female Com plaints. Inj,;i£ T 'mak diseases the Extract can be used, •a is well known, with the greatest benefit. Full directions accompany each bottle. CAUTION. rona s txtract rh( , Kenuine n»s the worJs, " Pond'n Extract," blown in the glass, and onr picture trademark on surrounding buS" wrapper. None other is genuine. Always Insist on having Pond's Extract. Take no other preparation. /( it now toid in tmik, or fry vuature. Sold everywhere. Price*, 50c, SI, 91 75. Prepared only by POJfD'S EXTRACT CO. NEW YORK ANDLONDON. ja27-lorlplyWS4wly BORN. Sacramento, October U—W:te of W. H. Green- law, a son. Sacramento, October 7—Wife of J. P. DaTi«, a son. Sacramento. October 2—Wife of Amioad W. Dutch Flat, October I—Wife of John Rodriguez. ft son ' Lincoln, October 4—Wife of J. B. Partin, a son. Auburn October 5—Wife of Fred. Brye, a ion. Near Ophir. October s—Wife of Fred. Johnson. Chic So, n6ctober 12 -Wife of C. W, DiJ*r, a toa. SEW APTEBTIBEMKSTS. I. O. O. F.—Officers and mem- _*^*< \u25a0 bers of Industrial Lodge. No. 157, :- are requested to attend the rcyiilnr "^KxBSs,- meeting THIS (Batfildir) SVES- JJ»"*ll' INU. Business of Importance J. R. TAYLOR. S. fl. 1 E. E. Hcssey, R. B. o!6-lt j Regular meeting of Sacra- \u25a0 menu. I.od«\ No. 2,!. 0-. O. X.. THIS -'j£Mg;- EVENINti. Every member is re-^BsaSSBF I quested to be present. Proposed amendment to By-Laws comes up for action. W. E.SIM, N.G. M. J. Smith, Bee. Sec. 016-lt* I TJOY WANTED—APPLY TO J. DONLEY, 103 I JJ Tenth street. o!6-lt« nCHOOL WANTED BY A MOST eiUCCESSFTL (5 TEACHER ot nine years' experience, jus: I from the East. Normal School Graduate. For I full particulars regarding certificates, recom- mendations, etc., address '• INSTRUCTOR." care I of Record-Tnion Office. se22-tf-Wgncd r O3T—OCTOBER Bth, ONE BAVOV Li HORSE, with knot on right front j£XT^ leg: branded on left hip, Mi-iifjiiiA. 7\. brand. Any parties finding the same wEu be I suitably rewarded by returning the same to I CHINESE GARDENS, next to Bryte's Ranch, Yolo county. o!6-lw» TTJTALNUT SET, MARBLE-TOP, EIGHT VV pieces, just received and lor sale at a I bargain: also, two Pine Sets, two Carpets, one Buck Stove. Call at once to CHAB. M. CAMP- BELL'S, 409 X street. We buy, Bell or exchange. Upholstering and Repairing at lowest iatea, lm TS THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL- L forma, county of Sacramento. In the mat- ter of the estate of JAMES M. E.VOS. deceased. Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, the 23th day of OCTOBER, 1886, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said I day, and the Court-room of said Court, at the Court-house, in the city ol Sacramento, county of Sacramento and State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for prov- ing the will of said JAMES M. ENOS, deceased, and for hearing the application of E. S. HART for the issuance to him of letters testamentary Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this 14th day of October, Hfes. [SEAL.] W. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. By Jos. J. Gith, Deputy Clerk. Taylor & Hon., Attorneys lor Petitioner. CITIZENS' INDEPENDENT TIC ISL :E2 T . Assemblyman—lSth District J. E. PARKER Assemblyman—l9th District _____ Assemblyman—^Oth District D. W. TAYLO Sherifl E. M. lEITC Auditor and Recorder J. H. MILL* County Clerk WM. B. HAMILTO Assessor CHESTERFIELD WELLS District Attorney ELWOOD BRUKER Treasurer. J. L. HUNTOC Superintendent of Schools B. F. HOWAR Coroner DR. VOELLEI Surveyor JAS. C. PIERSO Public Administrator GEO. F. BRONNE Supervisor—lst District M. FA Supervisor—sth District Police Judge W. A. HENR City Justice J. B. DEVIN City Justice P. HARMO Township Justice GEORGE B. DAY CHARLES W. DETERDING, REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE ASSEMBLYMANTWENTIETH DISTRICT REPORT OF THE CONDITION NATIONAL BANK OF D.O. MILLS SCO., tSACBAMENTO.IN THE STATE OF CAI.I- -foruia, at the close of business, CK.TUBKK c. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 81,351,616 44 Overdrafts 1,393 21 V. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages-. :>i,364 80 Due from approved reserve agents... 153,643 34 Due from oiher National Hanks 858 J4 Doe from State Banks and bunkers.. ;5.",,292 87 \u25a0 state, furniture and fixtures. . 50,526 43 Current expenses and taxes paid 8,017 27 Premiums paid 20,000 00 Checks ami other cash items... 11.115 99 Billsof other Banks 7,4i9 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and pennies 1,000 0( Specie 276.G23 I-esal tender notes 4,100 Redemption fund with U. S. Trea- surer (5 per cent, of circulation)... 1,500 Due from 0.8. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund ."W Total $2,255.557 I.IABILITTES. Capital Stock paid in EIOO.OOO Surplus fun<l 80.000 Undivided profits 35,743 National Hank notes outstanding 90,0f>3 Iridual deposits subject to check 1.029.850 and certificates of deposit 559.870 Hed checks 96 to State Banks and bankers .10.026 I $2,255,587 te of California, county of Sacramento—ss ank Miller. Cashier of the above-name( ;, do solemnly swear that the above stat mentis true to the best of my knowledge an belief. FRANK UILLER, Cashier. Kbscribed and sworn to before me this 15t of OCTOBER, 18N>. ;al] C. H. OATIIAN,Notary Public. S. PRENTISa SMITH, ) CHAS. F. DILLMAN, W. X CUAMHERLAIN.J W. R. FELTER, ARCADE BI'ILDING, 1006, 1008 and 1010 Second street, Bet. J and X, Importer and Dealer in CALIFORNIA AND IMPORTED WINES! KENTUCKY WHISKIES I AXD THE CELEBRATFD " INDTJSTRIA" KEY WEST CIGAKS a<;ency for the TOLENAS MINERAL SPRIHG WATER. ' DISSOLUTION o/cOPARTNERSHIP. milE COPARTNERSHir HERETOFORE FX JL ifticir between JAMES I. FELTER and W. R. FELTER, under the firm n:i me of FELT£B, SON &CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, W. R. FELTER havinc purchased the in- terest of JAMES I. FELTER in the firm. W. R. FELTER will continue the business at the old store, H.ns and 10** Second street, Arcade Build- ing. Sacramento, and will collect all accounts due the firm, and pay ali demands against the same. JAMES I. FELTER. W. R. FELTER. Sacramento, October is, ISS6. Thanking my friends for past farom. I rcapec 1 fully request a continuance of their pUrontg with my successor. JAMES I. FELTER. O-A T-<9IIjOG-TJ:E3 To-day^s Sale TJELL & CO.. AOTIONEERS, WILL BEL D at Salesroom, 927 X STREET, at 10 o'cloe TO-DAY as follows: One Span of prod Wor Horses, fire and niue years old (weight, 1,100 pounds each): 1 Farm Wagon; 1 Set ot Carriag Harness; 2 Sets of Double Harness; 1 Set of Ex press Harness; 1 Doctor's Phaeton; lßuckboard wide track; 1MasonEnd-jpringßuijjy; 1 Lady' and 1 'Jem's Paddle; S2 feet of Store Shelving also. Desk*, Railing, Counter, Show-case an Stool; Bed and Stogie Lounges, Top Mattresses eIC; 016-U NEW YORK MARKET, 1030 and 1022 X Street Sacramento STARERIBS AND PORK. AND ALL KIND of Fresh and Salt Meats. Every Tariety o Hansa«es fresh every day. Also, Ham, Baco and Lard at the most reasonable prices. Ip M. F. ODELL, Prop. XOTIOE. I HAVING BOCGHT THE LAONDRT OF . Gum Lung, 1815 Second rtre»t. requests all person* having bills against the Laundry will please call and settle by 12 X.. SATURDAY, the 16-.h of October. [ols-2tne«»l AH JUNE. ] NEW ADYEBTISEMEUTS. LAST GAME OF THE LEAGDE! BASEBALL! AGRICULTURAL PARK, Sunday, October 17 Alias, of Sacramento, -—ft, Pioneers.of San Francis'o Came Called at 2:30 P. M. Sharp. »*- Admission, 35 cents; Ladles, Free. o!6-lt GRAND REPDBLICAN RALLY -^ASD— Torchlight Procession! HON.JOSEPHffIcKENNA (Republican Nominee for Congressman*, Hon. T&. IVT. Estcc W. H. H. HART (Republican Nominee for Attorney-General), AND-^— WALTER S. MOORE (Republican Nominee for Secretary of State), Will address the people of Sacramento on the political issues of the day. at THE REPDBLICAN WIGWAM (Old Pavilion), cor. Sixth and M sts., on SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16ft. THE PROCESSION. Grand Marshal A. S Hopkins AIDS: L. L. Lewis, W. F Knox, Jr., O. A. LovdaJ, Oliver Newman, Wm. Schaw, Morris Koss, W. E. Gerber, Thos. L. Wiseman, W. H. Govan, A. Andrews, F. Q. William.". W. K. Felter, Jos. Hill, Jr., D. A. Lindley, W. £. Kleinsorge, 0. H. Oatman. Wm. MeCaaUn, A.Leonard, John Funston, A. N. Buchanan. P. W. llolan, 8. Geison, E. Bayer. IX I.ubin. The following Clubs will be in line. THE McKENNA MOUNTED GUARD-Tom Scott, Commander. SWIFT AND WATERMAN LEGlON—Brainard F. Smith. President; H. I. Seymour. Com- mander; Fred. Birdsall, Vice-Commander. JOHN F. SWIFT FIRK BRIGADE—Wm. Avery, President; Wm. Fuller. Chief Engineer; K. Fmzee, Second Engineer; L. W. K«tees, Third Engineer; Nate Webb, Foreman; J. T. Btaflbrd, Assistant Foreman. BOYS IN BH'E—Thns. Berkey. Commander; Alex. Anderson, Vice-Commander. FOURTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB—Geo. Murray, President. Also, Citizens with Torches. The Aids wili assemble in front of Armory Hall, on L street, at 6:1,0 p. M. The Divisions will form at the stations indi- cated at 7 p. m. The Procession will move promptly at 7:30, in the following order: First Division. Grand Marshal and Aids. First Artillery Band. L. h. Lewis, Marshal. McKenua Mounted Guard. Will form on Sixth, routh, right r-.sting on M street. Officers of the Evening and Speakers in Carriages Second Division. Bund. Wm. Schaw, Marshal. Fourth Ward Republican Club and Visiting Delegates and Citizens, with Torches, Geo. Murray, Comniftuder. Boys in Blue, T. If. Berkey. Commander. Will form on M street, west, right resting on Sixth. Thirds Division. A. Leonard, Marshal. John F. Swift Fire Brigade. Will form on M street, east, right resting on Sixth. Fonrth Division. Band. W. E. Gerber. Marshal. Swift and Wuterman Logion. Will form on L street, east, right resting on Sixth. LIN-E OF MABCH: Up Sixth street to K. X to Second, to J. to Tenth, to K. to sixth, to M, countermarch on M, mid on arriv.il at Republican Wigwam, all clubs will march imothebnll.deFOsilin;; their torches in barrels at the heai! of the stairway. 015 2t A. S. HOPKiyg, Graud Marshal. ATTENTION I REPUBLICANS OF THE FOURTH WARD will please meet at Seventeenth and N streets, on SATURDAY,Octoberl6th,at7o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of participating in the Grand Parade. GEO. MLRRAY. President. Ed. Ranlett, Secretary. [B. C. | 010 2t FIREWORKS. NATHAN & DeYOUNG, 205 X Street. RKD FIRK, :,KV ROCKETS, ROMAN CAN- dlt-r Haud Illumination?. Bengals, etc. Political Clubs in the interior supplied at whole- sale prices. 012-2p10p2 JAMES WOODBURN (Successor to Woodeurn <fc Barnes), No. 417 X gtroet Sacramento Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FIRE WISES, BRANDIES AKDLIQUORS. Having' purchased the interest of my late partner, W. R. BARNES, will continue the busi- ness as heretofore, and hope to receive, as fona- erly. a liberal patronage. 'ell-tplm ESTABLISHED 1860. DRINK CELEBRATED OZEYSIE^L SODA BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS. CRYSTAL, Sparkling. Effervcs ing and Refreshing Natural Mineral Water. A Geyser Soda Lemon- ade is delicious. J kiUSH WOODIHJRN, 417 X street. Agent for Sacramento. WINE ROOMS, Jfo. 014 J street Sacramento. HOT LtNCH EVERY DVT, FROM 11 A. M. to 1 p. m. Philadelphia Lager Beer on draught. «\u25a0 WHITE LABOR CIGARS. PETCK FXAHEBTY fjp-] Proprietor. NOTICE. FIFTH AVENUE SALOON, No. 1015 VUth street. mHE CELEBRATED WM. J. LEMP3 1 BT. I Louis Beer on draught. Call for it. 4p EDWARD METERLE, Proprietor. ANHEUSERSf. LOUIS B£!£3 XI. f O!< CRA3SHT, AT QBUHLER'S BALOOV, So. 588 J street. llplmi B*ormroent« EAGLE WINERY! SACRAMENTO, M. 8. NEVIS .Proprietor. All the Best Brands of Oalifornia W inoa on stock. Orders from abroad solicited. lp AUCTIONS. W.H.Sherburn, AUCTIONEER, AND DEALER IN New and Second-band FURNITURE CARPETS, STOVES, CBOOKEEY, Glassware, Piatedware, Cntleiy, Etc. OFFICE ASK SALESROOM: No. 323 X STREET, SACRAMENTO. AUCTIONSALE Standard Breed W^S*^ TROTTING STALLIONS, Brcod Mares, Colts, Fillies and Geldings, Graded Jersey Cattle, Farming Implements, etc. PROPERTY OF J. T. Mclntosh, Esq. (Sold on account of the Expiration of Lease of Farm), at BAY RANCH! Three Miles from CHICO, Butte Co., —ON Wednesday, October 20,1886, AT 10 A. M. CATALOGUES, giving full description and pedigree, may be had on application to MR. Mo LNTOBH, Pi O. Box 60, Chico, or to the Auc- tioneers. TERMS OF SALE—AiI sums of $100, cash: over that amount, teu months, approved paper, in- terest 10 per cent, per annum. KILLIP & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 116 Montgomery at., San Francisco. 012,1446,18,19 LARGE AUCTION SALE Real Estate &Personal Property THE OHOTBSiaiOED COMMISSIOKER, BY order of Probate Court of Yuba County, will sell on Wednesday, October 30,1886, At Public Auction, at 10 o'clock a. jc., on the premises of H. H. and J. HOLLISTER, situated six miles south of Marysville. on the California and Oreßon Railroad, and about one-fourth of a mile north ofReed's Station, 1.500 Acres of No. 1 Grain Land, all improved and well fenced in with cross fences; Two Good Houses, with large barns and other buildings. There are Two Streams of Living Water running through the place; 500 Acres now Summer-fallowed. There is a Good Orchard; also, 1,500 Bearing Vines of Choice Varieties of Grapes, which grow very flue without irritation. The Land will be sold in parcels to suit pur- chasers (bids reserved), and the entire 1.500 Acres will then be sold in one parcel, and the way it briugg the most money it will go. Terms of Sale on Real Estate rush; 10 per cent, to be paid Commissioner on day of sale. Also, at the same time, about 40 Head of Horses and Coke, all very fine; about 20 Head of Cattle (Durham stock). Bof which are Cows, rery fine; G Wagons, aud a large lot of Farming Utensils. Terms of Sale on Personal Property: One year's credit, at 10 per cent, per annum. 6;»-td* JAS. R. GARRETr, Commissioner. AJtUSEMEXTS, £TC' CLUNIE OPERA HOUSE. John E. Wnxnra Manager. Will Positively Appear WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, OCTOBSE 20th and 21st, CHA3. H. HOYT'H Latest and Most Successful Absurdity, ATm Soldier, Now having the most astounding run at the Bush-street Theater, Sun Frarrisco, ever known in the annalaof that Theater. Prices of Admission for this occasion will be as follows ; Dress Circle and Parquette. . 75 cents Family Circle 50 cents O" The Box Office will be opened on MON- DAY, October 18th, when Se&ta can be secured without extra charge. tf Wizard Oil Concerts! TO-KTIGrBET, AMD USTII. FUWHMt NOTICE, On Ninth street, beside the Plaza. oH-ay GRAND OR6AH_ RECITAL! ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBKR 19IIi, By the Eminent English Organist. MR. S. B. WHITELEY. Scats Fx-eo. The Offering will be devoted to repairs in the basement of the Church. 013-6t SACRAMENTO BANK, Thb Oldkt Savinm Bask is rant Crrr, Corner J and Fifth streeU, Sacramento. /\u25a0^TJAHANTEZD CAPITAL, »500,000.-PAID \JT up Capital, ¥200,000. Loans on Real JLtote, July 1,1586, $2,044,818. Term and Ordinary De- posits, July 1, ISB6, J1.965,521. Term and Or- dinary Deposit* received, and Dlvideiidß pala In January and July. Money Loaned npon Real Estate only. This Bank does exclusively * Bavlae« Bank busicoiß. Information furnished on application to W. P. COI.KMAS. President So. B. Hawltos, Cashier. laEm /jg»,RUPTU RE l&frrj'/ s~ cured in 60 dayi £Scfcj»>4i^voi>-^|bT Dr. Home's Electro. HBa^^-r^T;.^ Magnetic Belt Trans, cr;m- -.^i/^-iJv^si-/ bined. < .uaranteed the only ' jvyp'TiT'-'^" one in the world generating \u25a0^r ji/ a continuous Eloiric wid Magnetic eurrtnt Scientific, Powerfu!, Durable O-.mfortable and Effective. Avoidfrauds. Orel 9 000 cured. 6end Stamp for pamphlet. Aluo ELECTKIC BKL.TS FOR DISEASES. Dr. Home, Inventor, 703 Market street, Ban Francisco. at-Bp&wtf EBNER BROS., TMPOKTEES ANDWHOLESALE DZALEES IS 1 WINES ACT) UQCOBB, 116 and 118 X »t., bet. Front and Second, Bac'to. A6XKTB FOS THt CILKBSATXD POM3EERY AKD GKKNO CHIHPAOKK, lpiis TT4SE2 \u25a0SOOJEH FOR BREAKFAST. 2p Coast Barley Apply to pp] PIOKEEB XILUKO CO. C-L-JQgP DULY FOB C H. CTLMAJT—OCT6BEB 16,1886. ___.___p__»__. THE CUT IN DRUGGIST PRICES ON agKfIEcOLGATE & CO.'S SOAPS AND PER- \u25a0jJEw-MJ FUMERIES caused a "KICK" among the Druggists, as the following letter will show as published below. We have got the GOODS, and the prices are not changed. Furthermore, it would be advisable for the public to patronize the House that first put the prices down under all others. Even if they should mark their goods down to our prices, they do it because they are compelled to. Let us say again, those who want the BEST SOAPS IN THE WORLD, at the right prices, call on us. New York, October 6,1886. Mr. C. H. GILMAN, Sacramento, Cal. D_ab Sir—Our attention has been called to your advertisement in the Sacramento Daily Recoed-Ukion, under date of September Bth, in which, among other items, you quote our Glycerine or Honey Toilet Soap tlarge cakes), three for 35 cents; and the same Soap (medium-size cakes), three for 25 cents. According to the terms on which you bought our goods, the lowest prices at which the above styles can be offered or sold are 30 cents for the large size, and 29 cents per box for the small size. We must accordingly request an early explanation, and call on you to imnie-- diately restore our limited selling prices. Waiting your reply, we remain, yours truly, & Brush. CONTINUATION OF OCR Fall and Winter Opening ]VLl_l__il_il__Sr__i___R,^" ALLGOODS FOR SALE TO-DAY We will leave it to the Ladies of Sacramento and vicinity; to the quality of goods, quantity and perfect styles. All are invited, whether they wish to buy or not. The Exhibition of FALL AND WINTER GOODS throughout the Stores, since receiving our late Fall Stock, is equal to a State Fair Exhibit. IRISH) lEECOTTSIEj, Nos. 711 and 716 3 street, and 713 and 715 Oak Avenue. Sacramento. HOUDAY TRADE, 1886. Toilet Cases, Purses, Card Cases, Portfolios, Fancy Papeteries, Satchels, Cigarette Cases, Cigar Cases, Magic Charm Pencils and Pens. CHRISTMAS O___L_F_.H>S! Clove and Handkerchief Cases, Cold Pens, Fancy Inkstands, Scrap Books, Checkers, Dominoes, Writing Desks. New Year's Cards. ft iiiiiiitt%i FTtTti'iTtTTtTtTt ttttt iTTT I H.S. CROCKER SCO. N _i___ niiii»t.»if»in | - \u25a0 :t: ill itt-itli** Blocks, Games, Toys, Colored Photographs, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums. Celluloid Sets, Diaries for 1867, Opera Classes, AND A FULL LINE OF O H O X O IE _O OO _C_L Si In endless variety, for Juveniles and Adults. In paper, cloth and rich leather bindings—with many other fancy articles which all should see. 208and210Jstreet, Sacramento. Ist I DKALER..H ER Hardware, Iron, Steel and Coah V^ (^'^^s^2__" ii-tm_iiriL*>- WardA Payne Sheep Shears WINCHESTER, MARLIN and COLT'S RIFLES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HUNTING COATS, HATS, GAPS and LEGGINS. FISHIMrGTACHLLB, ___tt<3. SACRAitENTO [lptfT_Th3; and NAN FKANCISCO." THE "BOSS" Candy Store I PURE, HOME-MADE CONFECTIONERY. 824 J street, Sacramento. lp A. WALTER, Proprietor. STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOB. AHEYMAN, SOLE AGENT, I_j^fc3. .street, bet. Sixth and Seventh.^^3Bß opposite Court-hots?. PIANOS TO^^^Pni LET. Pii^os to'A on lnjguUiaenti.V " \u25a0 tf » i7B-2p'j»


BEACTIFTL THINGS.Beautiful faces are those that vrear—Itmatters little if dark or fair-Whole-souled houesty printed there.Beautiful eyes are those that show,Like crystal panes where heart fires glo*J 1Beautiful taoughu that burn below •

Seautiful lips are those whose wordsI>eap from the heart Hue songs of birds,Yet whose utterance prudence girds.

Beautiful bands are those that doWork that is earnest, and brave, and true,Moment by moment all day through.

Beautiful feel are tnose that goOn kindlyministries to au'l fro—itown lowliest ways, " ifGod wills itso."Beautiful shoulders are those that bearCeaseless burdens of homely careWith patient grace and daily prayer.Beautiful eyes are those that bless—Silent rivers of happiuess.Whose hidden fountains few may guess.

—Selected.Humble love, and not proud science,

keeps the door of heaven. — Young.Ifmen are so wicked with religion, what

would they be without it?—Franklin.Only let us have faith in God, and we

shall not lack the means of doing good.—Canon Fleming.

" Aray of sunshine is not soiled by shin-ing into a rat-hole ; but it spoils the rat-hole." —Bishop F

They that would be safe have need to besuspicious of the tempter. The garrisonthat sounds a parley is not far from beingsurrendered.

God loves beauty ; and because He lovesit, He has made everything beautiful; andbecause we are like God, we love the beau-tiful, and participate in the happiness ofGod.— WinchcU.

It does us cood to admire all beautifulthings, for allbeauty speaks of God—of Godin Christ; but keep your highest admira-tion for Him alone from whom all beautycame. —Sea. R. luei.Iwould cut off my own head if it had

nothing better in it than wit, and tear outmy own heart if ithad no better dispositionthan to love only myself and laugh at allmy neighbors.— I'ope.

The divinest attribute in the heart ofGod is love, and the mightiest, because themost human, principle in the heart of manis faith. Love is heaven; faith is thatwhich appropriates heaven.

The Bible writes hope over the darkestfields of life. Man, above all things, needshope, and the ISible is the charter of hope,the message of the God of Revelation, whoalone is the God of hope.— Canon Westcott.

Let us accept different forms of religionamong men, as we accept different lan-guages, wherein there is still but one hu-man nature expressed, Every genius hasmost power in his own language, and everyheart in its own religion.— Rkhtcr.

Aa life moves on, and our comrades andour leaders drop on this side and on that,and we look back through the mist of yearson those whose friendship orwhose societylong since set its mark on our own soils,how thankful do we recall those whosespontaneous and half-unconscious utter-ances once rebuked, it may be, or guided orencouraged or inspired us; planted in oursouls the germs of thought or the seeds ofaction. —Dean Bradley.

The worst kind ofreligion ia no religionat all ; and these men living in ease andluxury, indulging themselves in the amuse-ment of going without religion, may bethankful that they live in lands where theGospel they neglect has tamed the beastli-ness and ferocity ofmen who, butforChris-tianity, miirht long as»o have eaten theircarcasses like the South Sea Islanders, orcut off their heads a"d tanneu their hide 3like the monsters of the French revolution.When the microscopic search ofskepticism,which has hunted the heavens and soundedthe seas to disprove the existence ofa Crea-tor, has turned it? attention to human so-ciety, and has found a place in this planetwhere a decent man can live in decency,comfort and security, supportine and edu-cating his children unspoiled and unpol-luted ; a place where age is reverenced,infancy respected, manhood respected,womanhood honored and human life heldin due regard ; when skeptics can find sucha place ten miles square, on this globp.where the gospel of Christ has not gone andcleared the way, and laid the foundations,and ina.ie decency and security possible, itwill then be in order for the skeptical liter-ati to move thither, and then ventilate theirviews. But so long a3 those very men aredependent npon the religion which theydiscard for every privilege they enjoy, theymay well hesitate a little before they seekto rob the Christian of his faith in that Sa-vior who alone has given to man that hopeof lite eternal which makes life tolerableand society possible, and robs death of itsterror? and the grave of its gloom.— JamesKussell Lowell.


Sixth-street ST. E. Church, between Xand L—The pastor, Rev. E. R. Mile, will preach.Horning subject: "Limitations of HumanKnowledge." Evening: "The Bible—theWord of God." All are welcome. *Fourteenth-street Presbyterian Church,between O and I'—Pastor, Rev. George R. Bird.Services and sermon at 11 a. m., "The LordJesus," and 7:">Q v. a., "A Fragment of JewishChurch History." Sabbath-school at 12:30r. m. •

Calvary IJhptUt Church, I street, be-tween Twelfth and Thirteenth—Preaching byI: V C. Berrlck, pastor. Morning theme,at 11: " The Divine Teacher." Praise serviceat 7:15. Evening subject: "Bruig in the Wit-nesses." Welcome to all. *Preaching at First Raptist Chnrch bythe pastor, A. J. Frnvt. Morning subject : "BeNot Conformed tv This World." Evening sub-ject: "The BlooJ of Christ.' 1 This is the lastservice before the pastor's visil East. Ail areCordially invited to attend. •

Si. Paul's Church, Eighth street, be-tween I and J.—Rev. A. W. 'iriffin, in charge.Holy Communion, 7 a. m. Sonday-acboo] .a. m. Morning prayer, Jl a. m. School comerSixteenth ar.dN, 3 p. M. *

I'resbyterlan Church, corner .Sixth and1 streets—('reaching to-morrow by the Rev.J. K. Wheeler, D. D. Morning service at 10\u25a0IS;evening, 7:XO. Sabbath-school after morningserviCf. Allare iuviti .1 to intend. •

Central M. K. Church. Eleventh street,between II and I—Preaching by the pastor,Her. Thomas Filben. at 1":-1") and 7:30. Morn-ing subject: "Resting-places." Evening: "TheOnly Name. ' scats entirely free. Everybodywelcome. •

Christian Church, Eighth, between Nand O—Robert 1.. Mcllatton. pastor, will preach.Sunday at 11 a. m and 7::^0 r. M. Sunday-school

\. "i. Seats free aud welcome for all\u25a0vrho come. *

Sonc Si rviic Sunday Afternoon at 3:30o'clock, at Young Men's Christian AFSoeiationHall, Masonic Temple, Sixth street, between Xami L. Good tinging. Short addresses. Allyoung men welcome. *Scandinavian Service* will 1>« held atExempt Firemen 1! Hn.ll. Eighth street, betweenJ and K. to-morTOW (Sunday; atll a. m. and 7:30P.M. Ail ."'eaudiuaviansconiially invited. KeY.S. A. Elming. \u2666

YouNti Stanford's Genii*.—The son ofSenator Stanii rd, had he live.!, would havebeiri one of the urc.t master mechanics ofthe age. Ho said he would rather live tobe Master Mechanic of the Central Pacificroad than President of it. At 14 years ofage he constructed a small locomotiveabout eighteen inches in length, the cylin-ders and bed-plate of which were cast forhim in the Sacramento shop 3, where heactually filed all the rods and shafts intoshape "with his own hands. The onlything he could not do in reference to fittingup the engine and setting it it readiness torun, was the setting of the valves so theywould take steam properly. He laid atra'k from the house to the stables at PaloAlto, and on fine days he would run theengine backwards and forwards, runningbeside it and laughing with boyish glee atthe success of his skill. There willbe apolytechnic school in the great Stanfordll;iiver.-ity,where the little engine will bepreserved' lor its historic associations.—Pot land Sunday Mneui'J.

Olive Oil as a Lubricakt.—Put pureolive oil into a clear glass bottle with stripsof sheet lead and expose it to the sun fortwo or three weeks, then pour off the clearoiland the result is a lubricant whicb willneither gum nor corrode. It is used forwatches and five machinery of all kinds.

MARRIED.Grand Island, Sacramento county, October 14—

By Rev. F. D. Seward, at the residence ofthebride's parents, Andrew Grass, of San Fran-cisco, to Maggie Parvin, ofSacramento county.


BUTMT.entO, uctooer a—,«". oiiu»»*j '.-I*lored wire of Peter Hookwell, ; native ofDonegal, Ireland, 62 years, 4 months and 11days.

[Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral, which will takeplace from her late residence, Sixth street,

between D and E. Sum ay afternoon. October17'A, at 2 o'clock; thence to St. Rose Church,where funeral services will l>e held.l •

Nevada City, October 13—Martha Msv Pascoe, Cyears, 7 months and 19 days.

Calistoga, October 10—Louis R. Risley, 7 years, 2months aud 17 days.

Truckee, Nevada county, October 10—ChajlesWright. 65 years.

Roekhn, October 6—James Agler, 6 years.Near New England Mills, October 7—Chandler

P. Abbott. 55 years.

ITCHINGSkin Diseases Instantly Re-

lieved by Cuticura.mitEATMENT.—A warm bath with ivtktra

L Soap, aud a single application of Citiltua,the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, withtwo or three doses of Cuticura Resolvent, theNew Blood Purilier, to keep the blood cool, theperspiration pure and unirritating, the bowelsopen, the liverand kidneys active, willspeedilycure Eczema. Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis,Lfchen, Pruritus. Scall Head, Dandruff andevery species of Itching, Scaly and PimplyHumors of the Scalp and Skin, when the bestphysicians and remedies fail.

ECZEMA ON A CHILD.Your most valuable CuncoiU Remedies have

done my child so much good that I feel like say-ing this for the benelit oi those who are troubledwith ekin disease. My little girl was troubledwith Eczema, and I tried several doctors andmedicines, but did not do her any good until Iused the CotiCbba Remedies, wnieh speedilycured her, for which I owe you many thanksand many nights of rest.


TETTER o'FTHE SCALP.Iwas almost perfectly bald, caused by Tetter

of the top of the scalp. Iused your CbncoxARemedies about six weeks and they cured myscalp perfectly, and now my hair is coming backas thick as it ever was.

J. P. CHOICE, Whitesboro', Texas.

COVERED WITH BLOTCHES.1 want to tell you that your Citicura Resol-

vent is maguificent. About three months agomy face was covered with Blotches, and afterusing three bottles of RBBOI vent I was per-fectly cured. FREDERICK MAITRE.

23 St. Chakles St., New Orleans, La.

OF PRICELESS VALUE.Icaunot sjieak in too high terms ofyonxCun-

ctßA. It is worth its weight inpure gold forskindiseases. Ibelieve ithas no equal.

W. W. NORTHRUr,1015 Harney street, Omaha, Neb.

Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticvra,socents:Soat. 25 cents; RESOLVENT, fl. Prepared by thePotTEBDROO and rnr.Mii a; Co., Boston, Mass.Send for "How to cure Skin Diseases."

MilES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes andBaby Humors, use Ci'ticvra Soap.

BEPJT VTITHPA.IJVM* Due to Inflamed Kidneys, Weak Back

"Tpj^l and Loins, Aching Hips indSides, Ise-J^Ot lieveit In one minute by the Cutl-f JH cura Anti-Fain Plaster. Never\ I* f̂iiil*. Atdruggists, 25 cts.; fivefor $1.\ Ji J^Potter Drug ami Chemical Co., Boston.




at 6:30 o'clock,

TO-KTICJHT !In ARMORY HALL (not Old Pavilion). Leteveryone turn out, without failure, as this willbe THE demonstration of this Campaign.

BRAINARD F. SMITH, President.016-lt [B. C.I


Jefferson Democratic ClubWILL MEET AT THE READING-ROOM

of the

O-«9k.r»XT JA.Xji HOTEL.,THIS (Saturday) EVENING,

At7 o'clock sharp, to act as escort to MAYORBARTLETT. W. W. CI'THBERT. President.

G. G. Pickktt, Secretary. o2fi It



Next Wednesday Evening, October SOth,At V. M. I. Hall. Some of the best talent haskindiy volunteered. The Class is requested tomeet at Seventh-street Hall TO-DAY, at 1:30 p.m., tor rehearsal, especially those who are com-puting for the prizes. Six Prizes willbe given.Among the attractions of the evening, who willassist in the entertainment, are Mr. Frank A.Veach and Mr. W. Cook, who have delightedSacramento audiences with their excellent mu-sic. The mauy friends of these gentlemenwishing to hear them once more before theyleave the State, they have kindly consented tosing on above date. Mr. W. H. Weatherbee andMiss Haddie Kavanaugh. of San Francisco, willhave parts. Mrs. N. Williamson and Mr. E. Mc-Callister will be accompanists for the evening.Exercises will commence promptly at 7;fo.Admission, 25 cents. 016-1:


1886, is my property. The stock consisti \u25a0>: ~ixHead ofCattle, about Eight Head of Horses, andOue Fine Bull. MRS. LAURA VERMILYA.


X^CfoC>X>"SrJKrX>" G~o£9lXjK(\(\ CORDS WHITE OAK AND LIVE OAKOUU Stove Wood for sale, at ?5 and $6 percord respectively, and ail kinds of four-footwood at reduced rates. Wellington Coal. 112per ton. Seattle Coal, (10 per ton. West Hart-ley and Scotcli Splim at the lowest cash prices.Coke, Charcoal and Pitch Kiudling always nnhand at the New Wood and Coal Yard, No. 516and 518 Lstreet, [lml JA3. McCAW, Proprietor.

Momnrrhpvpt! Bleeding from thenemorrndgeb. Lunp«, stomach.Nose, or from any cause, ia ipeedily con-trolled and stopped.

Sores, Ulcers, Wounds,Sprains and Bruises.11 is cooling, cletnsing and Healing.

/~*ot'j t-i-Vi It is most efficacious for thisisdlcU ril. disease. Cold inth,i Head.etc.

Onr "Catarrh Cure" is specially pre-pated to meet serious cases. Our NasalSyringe is simple and inexpensive.

Rheumatism, Neuralgia.No other preparation has cured morecases of these distressing complaints thanthe Extract. Our Planter ia invaluableIn these diseases —Lumbago, Pains inBack or Side, etc.

Diphtheria &Sore Throat.U?e the Extract promptly. Delay is dan-gerous.

Pilpc Blind, Bleeding or Itching. Itrileo, is the greatest known remedy: rap-

idly curing when other medicines havefailed. Our Ointment is ofgreat servicewhere the removal of cloihing is incon-venient.

For Broken Breast andCnra Niinrtloc Mothers who»ore iNippies. baTeonccUBedThe Extract will never be without it.Our Ointment is tbe best emollient thatcan be applied.

Female Com plaints. Inj,;i£Tm£'mak diseases the Extract can be used,•a is well known, with the greatest benefit.Full directions accompany each bottle.

CAUTION.rona s txtract rh(, Kenuine n»s

the worJs, " Pond'n Extract," blown inthe glass, and onr picture trademark onsurrounding buS" wrapper. None other isgenuine. AlwaysInsist on having Pond'sExtract. Take no other preparation. /(

itnow toid in tmik, orfry vuature.

Sold everywhere. Price*, 50c, SI, 91 75.Prepared onlybyPOJfD'S EXTRACT CO.

NEW YORK ANDLONDON.ja27-lorlplyWS4wly

BORN.Sacramento, October U—W:te of W. H. Green-

law, a son.Sacramento, October 7—Wife of J. P. DaTi«, a

son.Sacramento. October 2—Wife of Amioad W.

Dutch Flat, October I—Wife ofJohn Rodriguez.ft son 'Lincoln, October 4—Wife of J. B. Partin, a son.

Auburn October 5—Wifeof Fred. Brye, a ion.

Near Ophir. October s—Wife of Fred. Johnson.

ChicSo,n6ctober 12 -Wife of C. W, DiJ*r, a toa.

SEW APTEBTIBEMKSTS.I.O. O. F.—Officers and mem- _*^*<\u25a0

bers of Industrial Lodge. No. 157, :-are requested to attend the rcyiilnr"^KxBSs,-meeting THIS (Batfildir) SVES- JJ»"*ll'INU. Business of Importance

J. R. TAYLOR. S. fl. 1E. E. Hcssey, R. B. o!6-lt jRegular meeting of Sacra- \u25a0

menu. I.od«\ No. 2,!. 0-. O. X.. THIS -'j£Mg;-EVENINti. Every member is re-^BsaSSBF Iquested to be present. Proposedamendment to By-Laws comes up for action.

W. E.SIM, N.G.M. J. Smith, Bee. Sec. 016-lt*

I TJOY WANTED—APPLY TO J. DONLEY, 103 IJJ Tenth street. o!6-lt«

nCHOOL WANTEDBY A MOST eiUCCESSFTL(5 TEACHER ot nine years' experience, jus: Ifrom the East. Normal School Graduate. For Ifull particulars regarding certificates, recom-mendations, etc., address '• INSTRUCTOR." care Iof Record-Tnion Office. se22-tf-Wgncd

r O3T—OCTOBER Bth, ONE BAVOVLi HORSE, with knot on right front j£XT^leg: branded on left hip, Mi-iifjiiiA.7\.brand. Any parties finding the same wEu be Isuitably rewarded by returning the same to ICHINESE GARDENS, next to Bryte's Ranch,Yolo county. o!6-lw»

TTJTALNUT SET, MARBLE-TOP, EIGHTVV pieces, just received and lor sale at a

I bargain: also, two Pine Sets, two Carpets, oneBuck Stove. Call at once to CHAB. M. CAMP-BELL'S, 409 Xstreet. We buy, Bell or exchange.Upholstering and Repairing at lowest iatea, lm

TS THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL-L forma, county of Sacramento. In the mat-ter of the estate of JAMES M. E.VOS. deceased.Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, the 23thday of OCTOBER, 1886, at 10 o'clock A. M. ofsaidI day, and the Court-room of said Court, at theCourt-house, in the city ol Sacramento, countyof Sacramento and State of California, havebeen appointed as the time and place for prov-ing the willof said JAMES M. ENOS, deceased,and for hearing the application of E. S. HARTfor the issuance to him of letters testamentary

Witness my hand and the seal of said Court,this 14th day of October, Hfes.

[SEAL.] W. B. HAMILTON, Clerk.By Jos. J. Gith, Deputy Clerk.Taylor & Hon., Attorneys lor Petitioner.



Assemblyman—lSth District J. E. PARKERAssemblyman—l9th District

_____Assemblyman—^Oth District D. W. TAYLOSherifl E. M. lEITCAuditor and Recorder J. H. MILL*County Clerk WM. B. HAMILTOAssessor CHESTERFIELD WELLSDistrict Attorney ELWOOD BRUKERTreasurer. J. L. HUNTOCSuperintendent of Schools B. F. HOWAR


Surveyor JAS. C. PIERSOPublic Administrator GEO. F. BRONNESupervisor—lst District M. FASupervisor—sth DistrictPolice Judge W. A. HENRCity Justice J. B. DEVINCity Justice P. HARMO

Township Justice GEORGE B. DAY






tSACBAMENTO.IN THE STATE OF CAI.I--foruia, at the close of business, CK.TUBKKc.

RESOURCES.Loans and discounts 81,351,616 44Overdrafts 1,393 21V. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00Other stocks, bonds and mortgages-. :>i,364 80Due from approved reserve agents... 153,643 34Due from oiher National Hanks 858 J4Doe from State Banks and bunkers.. ;5.",,292 87

\u25a0 state, furniture and fixtures. . 50,526 43Current expenses and taxes paid 8,017 27Premiums paid 20,000 00Checks ami other cash items... 11.115 99Billsofother Banks 7,4i9 00Fractional paper currency, nickels,

and pennies 1,000 0(

Specie 276.G23I-esal tender notes 4,100Redemption fund with U. S. Trea-

surer (5 per cent, of circulation)... 1,500Due from 0.8. Treasurer, other than

5 per cent, redemption fund ."W

Total $2,255.557

I.IABILITTES.Capital Stock paid in EIOO.OOOSurplus fun<l 80.000Undivided profits 35,743National Hank notes outstanding 90,0f>3

Iridualdeposits subject to check 1.029.850

and certificates of deposit 559.870Hed checks 96to State Banks and bankers .10.026I $2,255,587

te ofCalifornia, county of Sacramento—ssank Miller. Cashier of the above-name(

;, do solemnly swear that the above statmentis true to the best of my knowledge anbelief. FRANK UILLER, Cashier.

Kbscribedand sworn to before me this 15t

ofOCTOBER, 18N>.;al] C. H. OATIIAN,Notary Public.



1006, 1008 and 1010 Second street,Bet. J and X, Importer and Dealer in





a<;ency for the



R. FELTER, under the firm n:i me of FELT£B,SON &CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, W. R. FELTER havinc purchased the in-terest of JAMES I. FELTER in the firm. W. R.FELTER will continue the business at the oldstore, H.ns and 10** Second street, Arcade Build-ing. Sacramento, and will collect all accountsdue the firm, and pay ali demands against thesame. JAMES I. FELTER.

W. R. FELTER.Sacramento, October is, ISS6.

Thanking my friends for past farom. Ircapec1 fully request a continuance of their pUrontgwith my successor. JAMES I. FELTER.


To-day^s SaleTJELL & CO.. AOTIONEERS, WILL BELD at Salesroom, 927 X STREET, at 10 o'cloeTO-DAY as follows: One Span ofprod WorHorses, fire and niue years old (weight, 1,100pounds each): 1 Farm Wagon; 1Set ot CarriagHarness; 2 Sets of Double Harness; 1 Set of Express Harness; 1 Doctor's Phaeton; lßuckboardwide track; 1MasonEnd-jpringßuijjy; 1 Lady'and 1 'Jem's Paddle; S2 feet of Store Shelvingalso. Desk*, Railing, Counter, Show-case anStool; Bed and Stogie Lounges, Top MattresseseIC; 016-U

NEW YORK MARKET,1030 and 1022 X Street Sacramento

STARERIBS AND PORK. AND ALL KINDof Fresh and Salt Meats. Every Tariety o

Hansa«es fresh every day. Also, Ham, Bacoand Lard at the most reasonable prices.

Ip M. F. ODELL, Prop.


I HAVING BOCGHT THE LAONDRT OF. Gum Lung, 1815 Second rtre»t. requests allperson* having bills against the Laundry willplease call and settle by 12 X.. SATURDAY, the16-.h of October. [ols-2tne«»l AH JUNE.





Sunday, October 17

Alias, of Sacramento,-—ft,—

Pioneers.of San Francis'oCame Called at 2:30 P. M. Sharp.

»*-Admission, 35 cents; Ladles, Free.





Torchlight Procession!

HON.JOSEPHffIcKENNA(Republican Nominee for Congressman*,

Hon. T&.IVT.Estcc

W. H. H. HART(Republican Nominee for Attorney-General),


WALTER S. MOORE(Republican Nominee for Secretary of State),

Will address the people of Sacramento on thepolitical issues of the day. at

THE REPDBLICAN WIGWAM(Old Pavilion), cor. Sixth and M sts., on


THE PROCESSION.Grand Marshal A. S Hopkins

AIDS:L. L. Lewis, W. F Knox, Jr.,O. A. LovdaJ, Oliver Newman,Wm. Schaw, Morris Koss,W. E. Gerber, Thos. L. Wiseman,W. H. Govan, A. Andrews,F. Q. William.". W. K. Felter,Jos. Hill, Jr., D. A. Lindley,W. £. Kleinsorge, 0. H. Oatman.Wm. MeCaaUn, A.Leonard,John Funston, A. N. Buchanan.P. W. llolan, 8. Geison,E. Bayer. IX I.ubin.

The following Clubs will be in line.THE McKENNA MOUNTED GUARD-Tom

Scott, Commander.SWIFT AND WATERMAN LEGlON—Brainard

F. Smith. President; H. I. Seymour. Com-mander; Fred. Birdsall, Vice-Commander.

JOHN F. SWIFT FIRK BRIGADE—Wm. Avery,President; Wm. Fuller. Chief Engineer; K.Fmzee, Second Engineer; L. W. K«tees, ThirdEngineer; Nate Webb, Foreman; J. T. Btaflbrd,Assistant Foreman.

BOYS IN BH'E—Thns. Berkey. Commander;Alex. Anderson, Vice-Commander.

FOURTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB—Geo.Murray, President. Also, Citizens withTorches.The Aids wili assemble in front of Armory

Hall, on L street, at 6:1,0 p. M.The Divisions will form at the stations indi-

cated at 7 p. m.The Procession will move promptly at 7:30, in

the following order:First Division.

Grand Marshal and Aids.First ArtilleryBand.

L. h. Lewis, Marshal.McKenua Mounted Guard.

Will form on Sixth, routh, right r-.sting on Mstreet.

Officers ofthe Evening andSpeakers in Carriages

Second Division.Bund.

Wm. Schaw, Marshal.Fourth Ward Republican Club and Visiting

Delegates and Citizens, with Torches,Geo. Murray, Comniftuder.

Boys in Blue, T. If.Berkey. Commander.Will form on M street, west, right resting on

Sixth.Thirds Division.

A. Leonard, Marshal.John F. Swift Fire Brigade.

Will form on M street, east, right resting onSixth.

Fonrth Division.Band.

W. E. Gerber. Marshal.Swift and Wuterman Logion.

Will form on L street, east, right resting onSixth.

LIN-E OF MABCH:Up Sixth street to K. X to Second, to J. to

Tenth, to K. to sixth, to M, countermarch on M,mid on arriv.il at Republican Wigwam, all clubswill march imothebnll.deFOsilin;; their torchesin barrels at the heai! of the stairway.015 2t A. S. HOPKiyg, Graud Marshal.


will please meet at Seventeenth and Nstreets, on SATURDAY,Octoberl6th,at7o'clockp. m.. for the purpose ofparticipating in theGrand Parade. GEO. MLRRAY. President.

Ed. Ranlett, Secretary. [B. C. | 010 2t


205 X Street.

RKD FIRK, :,KV ROCKETS, ROMAN CAN-dlt-r Haud Illumination?. Bengals, etc.

Political Clubs in the interior supplied at whole-sale prices. 012-2p10p2

JAMES WOODBURN(Successor to Woodeurn <fc Barnes),

No. 417 X gtroet SacramentoImporter and Wholesale Dealer in

FIRE WISES, BRANDIES AKDLIQUORS.Having' purchased the interest of my late

partner, W. R. BARNES, will continue the busi-ness as heretofore, and hope to receive, as fona-erly. a liberal patronage. 'ell-tplm



BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS. CRYSTAL,Sparkling. Effervcs ing and Refreshing

Natural Mineral Water. A Geyser Soda Lemon-ade is delicious. J kiUSH WOODIHJRN,

417 X street. Agent for Sacramento.

WINE ROOMS,Jfo. 014 J street Sacramento.

HOT LtNCH EVERY DVT, FROM 11 A. M.to 1 p. m. Philadelphia Lager Beer on

draught. «\u25a0 WHITE LABOR CIGARS.

PETCK FXAHEBTY fjp-] Proprietor.


FIFTH AVENUE SALOON,No. 1015 VUth street.

mHE CELEBRATED WM. J. LEMP3 1 BT.I Louis Beer on draught. Call for it.4p EDWARD METERLE, Proprietor.



QBUHLER'S BALOOV,So. 588 J street. llplmi B*ormroent«


M. 8. NEVIS .Proprietor.

All the Best Brands of

Oalifornia W inoaon stock. Orders from abroad solicited. lp




New and Second-bandFURNITURE



Glassware, Piatedware, Cntleiy, Etc.



AUCTIONSALEStandard Breed W^S*^

TROTTING STALLIONS,Brcod Mares, Colts, Fillies and Geldings,

Graded Jersey Cattle, FarmingImplements, etc.


J. T. Mclntosh, Esq.(Sold on account of the Expiration of Lease of

Farm), at

BAY RANCH!Three Miles from CHICO, Butte Co.,


Wednesday, October 20,1886,AT 10 A. M.

CATALOGUES, giving full description andpedigree, may be had on application to MR. MoLNTOBH, Pi O. Box 60, Chico, or to the Auc-tioneers.

TERMS OF SALE—AiIsums of $100, cash: overthat amount, teu months, approved paper, in-terest 10 per cent, per annum.


No. 116 Montgomery at., San Francisco.012,1446,18,19


Real Estate &Personal Property

THE OHOTBSiaiOED COMMISSIOKER, BYorder of Probate Court ofYuba County, will

sell onWednesday, October 30,1886,

At Public Auction, at 10 o'clock a. jc.,on thepremises of H. H. and J. HOLLISTER, situatedsix miles south of Marysville. on the Californiaand Oreßon Railroad, and about one-fourth of amile north ofReed's Station, 1.500 Acres ofNo. 1Grain Land, all improved and well fenced inwith cross fences; Two Good Houses, withlarge barns and other buildings. There areTwo Streams of Living Water running throughthe place; 500 Acres now Summer-fallowed.There is a Good Orchard; also, 1,500 BearingVines of Choice Varieties of Grapes, whichgrow very flue without irritation.

The Land will be sold in parcels to suit pur-chasers (bids reserved), and the entire 1.500Acres will then be sold in one parcel, and theway it briugg the most money it will go.

Terms of Sale on Real Estate rush; 10 percent, to be paid Commissioner on day of sale.

Also, at the same time, about 40 Head ofHorsesand Coke, all very fine; about 20 Head ofCattle(Durham stock). Bof which are Cows, rery fine;G Wagons, aud a large lot of Farming Utensils.

Terms of Sale on Personal Property: Oneyear's credit, at 10 per cent, per annum.

6;»-td* JAS. R. GARRETr, Commissioner.



John E. Wnxnra Manager.

Will Positively Appear


CHA3. H. HOYT'H Latest and Most SuccessfulAbsurdity,

ATm Soldier,Now having the most astounding run at the

Bush-street Theater, Sun Frarrisco, everknown in the annalaof that Theater.

Prices of Admission for this occasion will beas follows ;

Dress Circle and Parquette. . 75 centsFamily Circle 50 cents

O" The Box Officewill be opened on MON-DAY, October 18th, when Se&ta can be securedwithout extra charge. tf

Wizard Oil Concerts!TO-KTIGrBET,


On Ninth street, beside the Plaza.oH-ay


TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBKR 19IIi,By the Eminent English Organist.

MR. S. B. WHITELEY.Scats Fx-eo.

The Offering will be devoted to repairs in thebasement of the Church. 013-6t

SACRAMENTO BANK,Thb Oldkt Savinm Bask is rant Crrr,

Corner J and Fifth streeU, Sacramento./\u25a0^TJAHANTEZD CAPITAL, »500,000.-PAID\JT up Capital, ¥200,000. Loans on Real JLtote,July 1,1586, $2,044,818. Term and Ordinary De-posits, July 1, ISB6, J1.965,521. Term and Or-dinary Deposit* received, and Dlvideiidß pala InJanuary and July. Money Loaned npon RealEstate only. This Bank does exclusively *Bavlae« Bank busicoiß. Information furnishedon application to W. P. COI.KMAS. President

So. B. Hawltos, Cashier. laEm

/jg»,RUPTU REl&frrj'/s~ cured in 60 dayi£Scfcj»>4i^voi>-^|bT Dr. Home's Electro.HBa^^-r^T;.^Magnetic Belt Trans, cr;m-

-.^i/^-iJv^si-/ bined. < .uaranteed the only' jvyp'TiT'-'^" one in the world generating

\u25a0^r ji/ a continuous Eloiric widMagnetic eurrtnt Scientific, Powerfu!, DurableO-.mfortable and Effective. Avoidfrauds. Orel9 000 cured. 6end Stamp forpamphlet.Aluo ELECTKIC BKL.TS FOR DISEASES.Dr. Home, Inventor, 703 Market street,

Ban Francisco. at-Bp&wtf



116 and 118 X »t., bet. Front and Second, Bac'to.A6XKTB FOS THt CILKBSATXD




Coast BarleyApplyto pp] PIOKEEB XILUKO CO.



the Druggists, as the following letter willshow aspublished below. We have got the GOODS, and theprices are not changed. Furthermore, it would beadvisable for the public to patronize the House thatfirst put the prices down under all others. Even ifthey should mark their goods down to our prices,they do it because they are compelled to. Let us say

again, those who want the BEST SOAPS IN THEWORLD, at the right prices, call on us.

New York, October 6,1886.Mr. C. H. GILMAN, Sacramento, Cal.

D_ab Sir—Our attention has been called to your advertisement in the SacramentoDaily Recoed-Ukion, under date of September Bth, in which, among other items, youquote our Glycerine or Honey Toilet Soap tlarge cakes), three for 35 cents; and the

same Soap (medium-size cakes), three for 25 cents.

According to the terms on which you bought our goods, the lowest prices at whichthe above styles can be offered or sold are 30 cents for the large size, and 29 cents perbox for the small size.

We must accordingly request an early explanation, and call on you to imnie--

diately restore our limitedselling prices.

Waiting your reply, we remain, yours truly,&



Fall and Winter Opening



We will leave it to the Ladies of Sacramentoand vicinity; to the quality of goods, quantity andperfect styles. All are invited, whether they wish tobuy or not. The Exhibition of FALL AND WINTERGOODS throughout the Stores, since receiving ourlate Fall Stock, is equal to a State Fair Exhibit.

IRISH) lEECOTTSIEj,Nos. 711 and 716 3 street, and 713 and 715 Oak Avenue. Sacramento.

HOUDAY TRADE, 1886.Toilet Cases, Purses, Card Cases, Portfolios,Fancy Papeteries, Satchels, Cigarette Cases,Cigar Cases, Magic Charm Pencils and Pens.


Clove and Handkerchief Cases, Cold Pens,Fancy Inkstands, Scrap Books, Checkers,Dominoes, Writing Desks. New Year's Cards.

ft iiiiiiitt%iFTtTti'iTtTTtTtTtttttt iTTT


niiii»t.»if»in | - • \u25a0 :t: illitt-itli**Blocks, Games, Toys, Colored Photographs,Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums.Celluloid Sets, Diaries for 1867, Opera Classes,


O H O X O IE _O O O _C_L SiIn endless variety, for Juveniles and Adults. Inpaper, cloth and rich leather bindings—withmany other fancy articles which all should see.

208and210Jstreet, Sacramento.Ist I


Hardware, Iron, Steel and Coah

V (̂^'^^s^2__" ii-tm_iiriL*>-





THE "BOSS"Candy Store I

PURE, HOME-MADE CONFECTIONERY.824 J street, Sacramento.

lp A. WALTER, Proprietor.


AHEYMAN, SOLE AGENT, I_j^fc3..street, bet. Sixth and Seventh.^^3Bß

opposite Court-hots?. PIANOS TO^^^PniLET. Pii^os to'Aon lnjguUiaenti.V " \u25a0 tf »

