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sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be...

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sacred ceremony sue kovacs klein 4 Steps to Clearing Your Home
Page 1: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

s a c r e d c e r e m o n y

s u e k o v a c s k l e i n

4 S t e p s t oC l e a r i n g Y o u r H o m e

Page 2: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

Sacred space begins from within. Every step you take and any place you go, scared space can be created by opening your heart and mind.

Magic happens when we’re fully engaged and prepared to leap forth into the Great Mystery. Reach out your hand and touch Spirit’s. Take flight. Let the Universe inform you in ways to create a powerful ceremony. Your Spirit Guides, these compassionate Spirit Helpers, will help you create magic if you invite them to help you.

Prepare to step into the realm of Spirit and feel the sacred in everything you do or create. Ceremonies should be created from the heart, inspired and filled with passion. If a ceremony becomes mundane, it will lack the Spirit needed to create a powerful result. There is no excitement in memorizing a routine, you have to have your heart in it. Put some funk into it! Let your Spirits guide you and show you the way. Trust and build a meaningful relationship with your guides and you will never have a boring ceremony!

By building your vibration, putting your ordinary daily concerns on hold, setting a clear intention and stepping into the world of creativity and Spirit, there are limitless possibilities to create magic and change.

Be perfectly you. Don’t worry about being a perfectionist. All you need is to be. Bring yourself fully into your body. Each cell holds the truth of who you are. Light them all up. The more time you spend being creative the more the truth of who you are shines, touches and heals all other living beings.

Your home is a sacred sanctuary that when cleared can act as a beacon of light, a power source interacting with the Universe to attract and give love, peace, joy, abundance and clarity. Here are the four basic steps to creating this scared space.

I n t r o d u c t i o n : S a c r e d S p a c e

Page 3: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

Sacred space begins from within. Every step you take and any place you go, scared space can be created by opening your heart and mind.

Magic happens when we’re fully engaged and prepared to leap forth into the Great Mystery. Reach out your hand and touch Spirit’s. Take flight. Let the Universe inform you in ways to create a powerful ceremony. Your Spirit Guides, these compassionate Spirit Helpers, will help you create magic if you invite them to help you.

Prepare to step into the realm of Spirit and feel the sacred in everything you do or create. Ceremonies should be created from the heart, inspired and filled with passion. If a ceremony becomes mundane, it will lack the Spirit needed to create a powerful result. There is no excitement in memorizing a routine, you have to have your heart in it. Put some funk into it! Let your Spirits guide you and show you the way. Trust and build a meaningful relationship with your guides and you will never have a boring ceremony!

By building your vibration, putting your ordinary daily concerns on hold, setting a clear intention and stepping into the world of creativity and Spirit, there are limitless possibilities to create magic and change.

Be perfectly you. Don’t worry about being a perfectionist. All you need is to be. Bring yourself fully into your body. Each cell holds the truth of who you are. Light them all up. The more time you spend being creative the more the truth of who you are shines, touches and heals all other living beings.

Your home is a sacred sanctuary that when cleared can act as a beacon of light, a power source interacting with the Universe to attract and give love, peace, joy, abundance and clarity. Here are the four basic steps to creating this scared space.

INTENTION The success of any ceremony relies on holding a clear, strong intention. Consider this the foundation of your space clearing. Spend some time thinking about what your goals are for the clearing and either write it down or say it out load. You can say something like, “I wish to fill this home with love, light, joy and abundance so that I and the beings that live here may radiate this to the world and attract this into our lives.” If there are negative energies, you can ask that all negative energy be removed and replaced with love and light. Think about what you’d like to achieve and set this in your heart.

DREAM or Journey The day or night before the clearing you can ask Spirit to give you inspiration in a dream or a journey for a successful, empowered clearing. Ask them to show you what tools you need. Ask to be a clear channel for Spirit to help you. This is great way to invite Spirit in and get what you need to help set the intention.

VISUALIZE Imagine the outcome of your ceremony being a success. See yourself going through each room and the room lighting up and becoming sparkly. Picture the end result and embody the great feeling you desire in your home after the clearing.

CLEAN Before the ceremony, it’s important to clean up and organize. Donate or throw away things that you no longer need. Dust under the bed and on top of cabinets, you’ll start to feel the shift in energy immediately.

TOOLS Collect any objects you’d like to incorporate into your ceremony. Ask your guides what you’ll need to help you clear the space with. Some of the items I use are : white sage in an Abalone shell, a feather, different types of crystals or stones and a white candle.

GROUND Connect to your heart, your breath, the Sky and Earth. Get quiet and call your spirit back to be fully grounded in your body. You can balance your chakras or take a walk in nature before the clearing. Touching trees and stones is an excellent way to get grounded.

S t e p 1 : P e r s o n a l P r e p a r a t i o n

Page 4: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

With deep gratitude in my heart I give thanks to my compassionate, loving, Helping Spirits who we be joining me now and in the future.

I honor and welcome the Spirit of the land where I live, all my ancestors and the ancestors of the land. I honor and welcome the Spirit of my home and all of the nature beings.

I honor and welcome the living beings called Earth, Air, Water and Fire, thank you for all that you give to help sustain us and to thrive.

Welcome the direction of East, the energy of Spring, sunrise, birth and change. May the spirit of the East bring new creative possibilities.

Welcome the direction of South, the energy of Summer, passion, excitement and gratitude. May the spirit of the South bring creative passion.

Welcome the direction of West, the energy of Fall, letting go, sunset and inspiration. May the spirit of the West bring creative discernment.

Welcome the direction of North, the energy of Winter, hibernation, moonrise and wisdom. May the spirit of the North bring creative insights.

This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go.

I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space. Thank you Spirit for guiding me and helping me connect to my intuition, my deep inner wisdom and truth.

Thank you for protecting me, my family and this home.

Welcome and honor the positive forces of the Universe. Here’s a prayer of protection and gratitude that I say out load during my ceremony. I use a rattle and or drum to call in my Spirit Helpers and honor them. I’ll sing my soul song and dance. It’s always different. I usually go outside to see what the day brings and look for any omens or signs from nature, the birds, clouds, sun, trees and air all help inform my ceremony. I listen for sounds and open all of my senses to allow Spirit to inform me. This is where imagination and creativity come hand in hand with working with Spirit. Play! Have fun and most of all, mean it!

S t e p 2 : I n v o c a t i o n

Page 5: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

There are no rules . Let your guides inform you. Trust your gut and really embody the ceremony. Take your time and go with what you feel. I like to light a white candle and burn sage. Sage smoke purifies the air. I place some some white sage in a shell bowl and burn it, honoring the Spirits and cleansing myself and the air. I use a Hawk feather that my mother gave me, she found it on her land, the land I grew up on and it has a lot of meaning for me. I use it in most of ceremonies. I direct the smoke over my head, hands and body and then outward to the four directions, as well as above me to Father Sky, below to Mother Earth then towards my blessing alter to honor the Spirit that lives within all things. Dance, Sing, Rattle, Humm....Call in your Spirits!!!

When you are ready and after you’ve grounded, said a prayer and cleared your energy, begin by slowly walking clockwise through the house. I start at the front door, some people start in the East corner. Start wherever you feel drawn to most. Walk with your hands open outward to sense the energy field. Your hands may feel tingling, get cool or hot or you may feel other sensations throughout your body. Open your heart to “see” what energy is in the room. How does it feel? When you close your eyes what do you see? A pink rose, a figure? or maybe a grey blob? If you don’t see anything, go with how you feel. Maybe you hear a word, or smell somehting. Trust it. What is the Spirit of your home asking for? As you circle, you can sing your soul song, ring a bell or repeat your intention to clear the space. “I ask that this home be filled with love, light, joy and abundance and all low level energy must leave.” Your guides are working with you, so ask them to help you clear out anything that feels stuck or negative. See the space getting brighter and brighter and filled with sparkly light or fragrant flowers. Keep at least one window open a crack to allow unwanted the energies to leave.

When you are done with each room, go through them again saging to clear out the energies and fill the space with light. (you can use a spray bottle with lavander water, Florida water or any other mixture of essential oils and/or alcohol that you like.) You can circle the house 2 or 3 times or as many times as you like until you feel the space is clear. Sounds will be crisper, colors brighter, smells cleaner and air lighter. You should feel a sense of peace and your spirit lifted.

S t e p 3 : P u r i f i c a t i o n

Page 6: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

Red Wing Blackbird, Sulphur Spring ArkansasPhoto : Sue Kovacs Klein

To preserve the energy of your home, you may decide to dedicate a crystal or stone to helping keep out unwanted energies and balancing the energy of your home.

Honor the Spirit of your home with a gift, whether it’s a loving prayer of gratitude, some tobacco or a vase of fresh flowers. Anything that raises your vibration helps raise the vibration of your home. Water the plants and sing to them, ask them to contribute to the health of your home and to add to your intention for the clearing.

Hang some beautiful art up that speaks to your soul. Place a dream painting in your room or over your bed to help give you inspired dreams.

Dedicate an area of your home to a place of mediation. It doesn’t have to be a lot of space, just enough to feel comfortable and at peace, a place you can dream. Place a beautiful pillow or rug on the floor and create a blessing alter with objects that are meaningful to you.

Trees are excellent transmitters of energy. Find a tree on your land or even in a near by park that speaks to you and ask it to be a guardian of your home. You can honor and give thanks to your helping tree with a gift such as prayer, birdseeds or any loving object from nature.

These are just a few creative ways to help keep the vibration of your home uplifted, strong and empowered. I encourage you to work with your own team of Helping Spirits to help you in this ceremony and all of your sacred work.

S t e p 4 : S e a l t h e d e a l

Page 7: sacred ceremony - Amazon S3 · This is a safe sacred space where my ordinary daily concerns can be let go. I ask to be the channel, the hollow bone for Spirit to clear this space.

To preserve the energy of your home, you may decide to dedicate a crystal or stone to helping keep out unwanted energies and balancing the energy of your home.

Honor the Spirit of your home with a gift, whether it’s a loving prayer of gratitude, some tobacco or a vase of fresh flowers. Anything that raises your vibration helps raise the vibration of your home. Water the plants and sing to them, ask them to contribute to the health of your home and to add to your intention for the clearing.

Hang some beautiful art up that speaks to your soul. Place a dream painting in your room or over your bed to help give you inspired dreams.

Dedicate an area of your home to a place of mediation. It doesn’t have to be a lot of space, just enough to feel comfortable and at peace, a place you can dream. Place a beautiful pillow or rug on the floor and create a blessing alter with objects that are meaningful to you.

Trees are excellent transmitters of energy. Find a tree on your land or even in a near by park that speaks to you and ask it to be a guardian of your home. You can honor and give thanks to your helping tree with a gift such as prayer, birdseeds or any loving object from nature.

These are just a few creative ways to help keep the vibration of your home uplifted, strong and empowered. I encourage you to work with your own team of Helping Spirits to help you in this ceremony and all of your sacred work.

Hi, I’m Sue, 21st century medium, artist and teacher of healing and shamanism.

If you’re ready to co-create change, make soulful, clear, healthy decisions and live out

your dreams while shape-shifting into a higher spiritual consciousness, please meet

me at www.oldowlandorion.com.

s a c r e d l i v i n g
