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Sad Lec16,17 & 18_Input and Output

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Input and Output

1Input, Output and User Interface Design

Phase DescriptionSystems Design is the third of five phases in the systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Now you are ready to begin the physical design of the system that will meet the specifications described in the system requirements document

Systems design tasks include output and user interface design, data design, and system architecture

3TopicsInputs and OutputsUser and System Interface designUser-Centered DesignDesigning System InputsDesigning System Outputs

Chapter Objectives Discuss output design issues and various types of output

Design various types of reports, and suggest output controls and security

Explain the concept of user interface design and human-computer interaction, including the basic principles of user-centered design

List specific guidelines for user interface design43Chapter ObjectivesDescribe user interface techniques, including screen elements and controls

Explain input design concepts, techniques, and methods

Describe guidelines for data entry screen design

Use validation checks for reducing input errors

Design effective source documents and input controls53IntroductionOutput and user interface design is the first task in the systems design phase of the SDLC

Output design focuses on user needs for screen and printed forms of output, while user interface design stresses user interaction with the computer, including input design and procedures647Traditional and OO Approaches to Inputs and OutputsTraditional approach to inputs and outputs Shown as data flows on context diagram, data flow diagram (DFD) fragments, and detailed DFDs

OO approach to inputs and outputsDefined by message entering or leaving systemDocumented in system sequence diagram (SSD)Actors provide inputs for many use casesUse cases provide outputs to actors8Identifying and Classifying Inputs and OutputsIdentified by analyst when defining system scopeRequirements model produced during analysisEvent table includes trigger to each external eventTriggers represent inputsOutputs are shown as responses to events8System DesignSystem design first involves Logical Design. First one has to write detailed specification that called design specification. Than secondly it involves Physical Design. This Phase of System Development includes following functions:Designing System OutputDesigning System InputData Storage9Designing System OutputImportant factor of Output Design: A process of Output designing contained Designing of Content (required info in an output), Form (the way in which a content presented to user), Volume (quantum of Output i.e. Prints), Time Lines (time of need of outputs), Media (method of output i.e. Print, CD etc) and Format (Physical arrangement of Data).

Way of Presenting Information: The way in which data will be presented to the User which should be simple and better understandable and for this Tabular and Graphic (charts, maps etc) can be used.

Design / Layout of Output: The layout of a output can be in Printed form, visual on screen etc.

10Designing of System InputImportant Factor of Input Design: A process of Input designing contained Designing of Content (required info in a input), Form (the media in which input is received by user), Volume (quantum of input records), Time Lines (required time to enter one record), Media (method of input i.e. keyboard, BCR etc) and Format (Input by the user in the system).

Coding: To reduce input control errors and speed up the entire process coding is very important. This is also important to get all records in a specific form.Methods: Individually (Unique codes giving only one option to user out of many i.e selection of gender from male or Female etc), Space or suggestive (for brief information), Schemes: Classification Codes (only single digit is required for quick input), Function code (activities to be performed without spelling out all details) etc.11Data StorageThis includes the storage of data, indexing etc.For storage of data it can follow following approaches:

Conventional File Approach: This is a traditional approach where each transaction is updated in the master file, each application have their own database and it is not useful for other applications.

Database Approach: This support decision making skill of the management. Data are stored in the small-small database files and same data can be used in the multiple applications. (Files maintained as a process of the organization for MIS etc.)

12Output DesignBefore designing output, ask yourself several questions:What is the purpose of the output?Who wants the information, why it is it needed, and how will it be used?What specific information will be included?Will the output be printed, viewed on-screen, or both? What type of device will the output go to?

Your answers will affect your output design strategiesOutput DesignTypes of OutputInternet-based information deliveryE-mailAudio video outputAutomated facsimile systemsFaxback systemsComputer output microfilm (COM): A system that allows user to produce microfilm copies of computer output. The COM unit operates independently of the CPU and is therefore called an off-line device. Output from computer processing is recorded on generic media and later recorded on microfilm.Microfilm, microficheComputer output to laser disk (COLD): is a system for archiving data such as business records to one or more optical disks in a compressed but easily retrievable format. COLD systems make it unnecessary to archive reports in printed form and are easier to work with than microfiche, an earlier solution. More than one million paper pages can be stored on a single 5 inch optical disk. It is now also called as Enterprise Report Management (ERM).Output DesignTypes of Output

Specialized Forms of OutputAn incredibly diverse marketplace requires a variety of specialized output

Output from one system often becomes input into another system

Although digital technology has opened new horizons in business communications, printed output still is a common type of output, and specific considerations apply to itPrinted and Screen OutputAlthough many organizations strive to reduce the flow of paper and printed reports, few firms have been able to eliminate printed output totally

Because they are portable, printed reports are convenient, and even necessary in some situations

Turnaround documents: A turnaround document is a document that has been output from a computer, some extra information added to it, and then returned to become an input document. For example, meter cards are produced for collecting readings from gas meters, photocopies, water meters etc. These are filled by the customer and then returned to the company for scanning using ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) so that the system can produce the bills for the customer. Printed and Screen OutputReports

Detail reports

Detail lineControl fieldControl breakControl break reportCan be quite lengthyBetter alternative is to produce an exception report

Printed and Screen OutputReportsException reports: An exception report is a short report mainly highlighting the differences between the planned results and the actual results. Usually this report is prepared when such differences are substantial. Summary reportsPrinted and Screen OutputUser Involvement in Report Design

Printed reports are an important way of delivering information to users, so recipients should approve all report designs in advance

To avoid problems submit each design for approval as you complete it, rather than waiting until you finish all report designs

Mock-up (an arrangement of text and pictures to be printed)Printed and Screen OutputReport Design Principles

Printed reports must be attractive, professional, and easy to readReport headers and footersPage headers and footersColumn heading alignmentColumn spacingPrinted and Screen OutputReport Design Principles

Field orderFields should be displayed and grouped in a logical order

Grouping detail linesIt is meaningful to arrange detail lines in groupsGroup headerGroup footerPrinted and Screen OutputReport Design Issues

Too much detail is on the page, forcing users to search for the information they need

Good design standards produce reports that are uniform and consistent

When a system produces multiple reports, each report should share common design elements

After a report design is approved, you should document the design in a report analysis formPrinted and Screen OutputDesigning Character-Based ReportsCharacter-based reports : uses a character set with fixed spacing. Printing character based reports on a high speed impact printers is a fast , inexpensive method for producing large-scale reports, such as payroll or inventory reports, or registration rosters at a school. This is especially true if multiple copies are required.

Printing Volume and Time RequirementsLength calculationsTime calculationsPpm (pages per minute)Line printers

Printed and Screen OutputOutput Control and Security

Output must be accurate, complete, current, and secure

Output security

The IT department is responsible for output control and security measures

Many companies have installed diskless workstations25User versus System InterfaceSystem interfaces I/O requiring minimal human interactionUser interfaces I/O requiring human interactionUser interface is everything end user comes into contact with while using the systemTo the user, the interface is the systemAnalyst designs system interfaces separate from user interfaces Requires different expertise and technology26Understanding the User InterfacePhysical aspects of the user interfaceDevices touched by user, manuals, documentation, and forms

Perceptual aspects of the user interfaceEverything else user sees, hears, or touches such as screen objects, menus, and buttons

Conceptual aspects of the user interfaceWhat user knows about system and logical function of the system

27Aspects of the User Interface

28User-Centered DesignFocus early on the users and their work by focusing on requirements

Usability - system is easy to learn and use

Iterative development keeps focus on userContinually return to user requirements and evaluate system after each iteration

Human-computer interaction (HCI) Study of end users and interaction with computers

Human factors engineering (ergonomics): Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and the device that fit the human body, its movements and its cognitive abilities. 28Ergonomics

30Dialog Metaphor Expresses the Messaging Concept

31Guidelines for Designing User InterfacesVisibilityAll controls should be visibleProvide immediate feedback to indicate control is responding

AffordanceAppearance of control should suggest its functionality purpose for which it is used

System developers should use published interface design standards and guidelines

32Eight Golden Rules for Interactive Interface Design

** Internal Locus of Control : means self responsible (responsibility for their own destiny, life and actions )32User Interface DesignAlthough output design involves a separate set of physical design issues, it is an integral part of a larger concept called a user interface (UI)

Consists of all the hardware, software, screens, menus, functions, and features that affect two-way communications between the user and the computerUser Interface DesignEvolution of the User InterfaceProcess-controlAs information management evolved from centralized data processing to dynamic, enterprise-wide systems, the primary focus also shifted from the IT department to the users themselves

User-centered systemRequires an understanding of human-computer interaction and user-centered design principles

User Interface DesignHuman-Computer InteractionHuman-computer interaction (HCI) Industry leaders Microsoft and IBM both devote considerable resources to user interface researchUser Interface DesignHuman-Computer InteractionGraphical user interface (GUI)Dr. Clare-Marie Karat states that in this new computer age, the customer is not only right, the customer has rights.The user rights cited by Dr. Karat includePerspectiveInstallationComplianceInstructionControl**Dr. Clare Marie Karat: She is a research Staff Member in the Policy Lifecycle Technologies department at the IBM TJ watson Research Centre. Dr. Karat Conduct HCI Research in the areas of policy, privacy, security, usability methods and personalizations.36User Interface DesignHuman-Computer InteractionThe user rights cited by Dr. Karat includeFeedbackDependenciesScopeAssistanceUsabilityUser Interface DesignBasic Principles of User-Centered Design

Understand the underlying business functions

Maximize graphical effectiveness

Profile the systems users

Think like a userUser Interface DesignBasic Principles of User-Centered DesignDesign a comprehensive interfaceContinue the feedback processDocument the interface design

User Interface DesignGuidelines for User Interface Design

Focus on basic objectives

Build an interface that is easy to learn and use

Provide features that promote efficiency

Make it easy for users to obtain help or correct errorsUser Interface DesignGuidelines for User Interface Design

Minimize input data problems

Provide feedback to users

Create an attractive layout and design

Use familiar terms and images

User Interface DesignUser Interface ControlsMenu barToolbarCommand buttonDialog boxText boxToggle button

User Interface DesignUser Interface ControlsList box scroll barDrop-down list boxOption button, or radio buttonCheck boxCalendar controlSwitchboard** A switchboard is essentially a Microsoft Access form that allows you to facilitate navigation or perform tasks within your database application. This form is basically a customized menu that contains user-defined commands; using either buttons, labels, images or hyperlinks, that invoke actions that will automatically carry out tasks for you such as opening other forms, running queries or printing reports.** The form will typically contain various command (buttons), which your users can then click on to carry out the pre-defined actions that you have associated with these commands.


Input DesignInput technology has changed dramatically in recent yearsThe quality of the output is only as good as the quality of the inputGarbage in, garbage out (GIGO): It is used primarily to call attention to the fact that computers will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data (garbage in) (invaliddata) and produce nonsensical output (garbage out) (Invalid Data).

Although originally applied to computersoftware, the axiom holds true for all systems, including, for example, decision-making systems.Data captureData entry**Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) is popular computing slang for if you input the wrong data, the results will also be wrong. The term arose in the programming community, where instructors remind students that they must check and re-check their data and coding to ensure that the results are valid. The term is also widely used in other industries, most notably in the recording industry, where people stress the need for good equipment. In this case, a poor initial recording will result in an album of low quality.44Contd..


Input DesignInput and Data Entry MethodsBatch inputBatch : Batch input is used for bulk data transfers

Online inputOnline data entrySource data automation RFID tags or magnetic data stripsPOS, ATMs** Source Data Automation: physical devices are used to provide data about an item (or group of items) to an inventory manager. This information is used to sort, consolidate, move, redirect, or transfer stocks between supply and transportation activities.

** POS (Point-of-Sale) transaction allows you to use your ATM card with your personal identification number (PIN) or by signing as you would a credit card receipt to make a purchase. Your account is automatically debited for the amount of the transaction. 47Input DesignInput and Data Entry MethodsTradeoffs

Unless source data automation is used, manual data entry is slower and more expensive than batch input because it is performed at the time the transaction occurs and often done when computer demand is at its highest

The decision to use batch or online input depends on business requirements** Atrade-off(ortradeoff) is a situation that involves losing one quality or aspect of something in return for gaining another quality or aspect.** for e.g.: "I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine"48Input DesignInput VolumeGuidelines will help reduce input volumeInput necessary data onlyDo not input data that the user can retrieve from system files or calculate from other dataDo not input constant dataUse codes

Input DesignInput VolumeInput DesignDesigning Data Entry ScreensMost effective method of online data entry is form filling

Guidelines will help you design data entry screensRestrict user access to screen locations where data is entered

Provide a descriptive caption for ever field, and show the user where to enter the data and the required or maximum field sizeInput DesignDisplay a sample format if a user must enter values in a field in a specific format

Require an ending keystroke for every field

Do not require users to type leading zeroes for numeric fields

Do not require users to type trailing zeroes for numbers that include decimalsInput DesignDisplay default values so operators can press the ENTER key to accept the suggested value

Use a default value when a field value will be constant for successive records or throughout the data entry session

Display a list of acceptable values for fields, and provide meaningful error messagesInput DesignProvide a way to leave the data entry screen at any time without entering the current record

Provide users with an opportunity to confirm the accuracy of input data before entering it

Provide a means for users to move among fields on the formInput DesignDesign the screen form layout to match the layout of the source document

Allow users to add, change, delete, and view records

Provide a method to allow users to search for specific informationInput DesignInput Errors

Reducing the number of input errors improves data quality

A data validation check improves input quality by testing the data and rejecting any entry that fails to meet specified conditionsInput DesignInput Errors contd..At least eight types of data validation checksSequence check: A verification that is performed to ensure that data is properly ordered.Existence check: A verification to identify whether a certain value is present in a specified area. Data type check: Data check would produce an error if an incorrect data type is inserted into a field that requires a specific data type.Range check limit check: A range check is a check to make sure a number is within a certain range Reasonableness check: A reasonable check ensures that input data are matched to predetermined reasonable limits or occurrence rates or conforms to specified criteria. Input DesignInput Errors contd..Validity check referential integrity: Computer check of input data, based on known limits for variables in given fields.

Combination check: A test for the occurrence of a non-permissible code expression in a computer, used to detect computer errors.

Batch controls hash totals: Control that is designed to ensure a batch of data has been entered successfully.Input DesignSource DocumentsForm layoutHeading zoneControl zoneInstruction zoneBody zoneTotals zoneAuthorization zoneInput DesignSource Documents contd..

Information should flow on a form from left to right and top to bottom to match the way users read documents naturally

A major challenge of Web-based form design is that most people read and interact differently with on-screen information compared to paper formsInput DesignInput Control

Every piece of information should be traceable back to the input data

Audit trail: Maintaining the all Business Records in a chronological order for the Audit process.

Data security

Records retention policy: A Record retention policy will identify documents that needs to be maintained and contain guidelines for how long certain documents should be kept and how they should be destroyed.

Encrypted encryption 62Identifying System InterfacesSystem interfaces are broadly defined as inputs or outputs with minimal or no human interventionInputs from other systems (messages, EDI)Highly automated input devices such as scannersInputs that are from data in external databasesOutputs to external databasesOutputs with minimal HCIOutputs to other systems

EDI: Electronics data exchange (EDI) is the structured transmission of data between organizations by electronics means. It is used to transfer electronic documents or business data from one computer system to another computer system i.e. from one trading partner to another trading partner without human interaction. 6263Full Range of Inputs and Outputs

64Prevalent Input Devices to Avoid Human Data EntryMagnetic card strip readers

Bar code readers

Optical character recognition readers and scanners

Radio-frequency identification tags

Touch screens and devices

Electronic pens and writing surfaces

Digitizers, such as digital cameras and digital audio devices

65The End!
