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Safe Cycling Guide

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  • 8/8/2019 Safe Cycling Guide


    Think Safe Play Safe Stay Safe

    SafeCyclingG u i d e

  • 8/8/2019 Safe Cycling Guide



























    3.1 Helmet3.2 Bell

    3.3 Mirrors

    3.4 Clothing3.5 Lights


    4.1 Seat height4.2 Seat position

    4.3 Handlebar angle

    4.4 Handlebar height

    5. CYCLING SAFELY AT NIGHT5.1 Being alert

    5.2 High visibility clothing


    6.1 Handy List o Road Saety Tips6.2 Surace hazards

    6.3 Hot weather

    6.4 Wet weather6.5 Slopes and Hills


    7.1 What to buy7.2 Helping young children learn to ride saely

    7.3 Helmets


    8.1 Mountain Bikes8.2 Touring Bikes

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    8.3 Hybrid Bikes8.4 Road Racing Bikes

    8.5 Foldable Bikes

    9. CHOOSING ACCESSORIES9.1 Child carriers

    9.2 Load Carriers

    9.3 Bike carriers9.4 Pumps

    9.5 Water bottle cages9.6 Tool kits

    9.7 Computer9.8 Overall roadworthiness

    10. BASIC BICYCLE MAINTENANCE10.1 Daily maintenance

    10.2 Weekly maintenance10.3 Monthly maintenance


    11.1 Beore start o exercise11.2 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

    11.3 Warming up

    11.4 Current recommendations or physical activity

    12. CYCLING AND THE LAW12.1 Cycling equipment

    12.2 Carrying or towing loads12.3 General road trac (bicycle) rules

    12.4 Dealing with trac


    13.1 Shared path courtesy13.2 Cycling tracks in Parks






















  • 8/8/2019 Safe Cycling Guide


    The Singapore Sports Council (SSC) would like to thank and acknowledge the

    organizations and individuals who participated in the consultation process toproduce the initial version o the Sae Cycling Guide. The eedback and suggestions

    greatly inormed and improved the nal delivery o this publication.

    Government o Western Australia

    Department or Planning and Inrastructurehttp://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/cycling/1515.asp

    Health Promotion Board o Singapore

    Overview on Exercisehttp://www.hpb.gov.sg/hpb/deault.asp?pg_id=923

    Singapore Police Force - Trac Police FeedbackonCyclingonFootways






    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on

    Cycling on Footways



    Land Transport Authority (LTA)

    Website: http://www.lta.gov.sg

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    SMRTInormation on bringing your oldable bicycle

    on board trains and buses


    Moving People, Enhancing Lives

    National Saety Council o Singapore

    (NSCS)Website: http://www.nscs.org.sg

    Sae Cycling Task Force

    Website: http://saecycling.org

    Singapore Amateur Cycling Association(SACA)

    Website: http://www.cycling.org.sg

    Australia and New Zealand Association(ANZA) CyclingWebsite: http://www.anza.org.sg


    Triathlon Association o Singapore (TAS)Website: http://www.cycling.org.sg

    National Parks Board (NParks)

    Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg

  • 8/8/2019 Safe Cycling Guide


    Sports Saety Working Committee (2008):













    For urther inormation or eedback, please contact the Sports Saety Division/SSC

    at 6500 5431 or email us at [email protected] visit our website at http://sportssaety.ssc.gov.sg

    Please note that the advice in this sae cycling guide is not exhaustive. All cyclistsmust exercise their own caution and everyone is nevertheless responsible or their

    own wellbeing. SSC totally excludes any liability whatsoever or any death, personalinjury or mishap that may occur. Exercise and cycle saely and where necessary, seek

    proessional and medical advice.


    Another initiative by the Sports Saety Division, Singapore Sports Council.

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    2. INTRODUCTIONThe key to sae cycling is as easy as S.A.F.E.

    S - Standardization

    Set the standards for safe cycling and cycle defensively. Never assume that amotorist has seen you and always stay visible, predictable and ollow the saety


    A - Alert

    Remaining alert is another important actor to a sae cycling trip. Always look

    out or hazards and other road users, making sure that they too are aware o yourpresence.

    F Fitting Helmet and Saety GearWear protective & saety gear to reduce the risk o injury and harm.

    E EtiquetteBe courteous and treat other road and path-users with the same

    consideration that you would expect rom them.

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    A snug t is the key to buying an appropriate helmet. Choose a helmet with an internal


    rstwithoutthepads.Useyourindexngertocheckthegapbetweenyourheadandthe polystyrene inner. I it ts easily, the gap is probably too great. I the gap varies

    rom ront to side, it indicates a mismatch between the helmet and your head shape.

    Once the sizing pads are in, the helmet must be stable on your head beore the straps

    are astened, there should be practically no movement - sideways, backwards ororwards. It should t level on your head and not tilted back at an angle.


    and comort should always be placed ahead oprice.

    3.1 Helmet



    Essential items and accessories or the bike can improve the quality and saety o yourriding experience. Here is a list o some o the most essential items:


    good-working brakes



    bright clothing


    Beore leaving the shop, ensure you have adjusted and tightened thestraps so that the helmet sits rmly on your head. Dont assume it canbe done later.


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    Helmet Saety Standards

    Air Vents


    There are a number o recognized saetystandards or bicycle helmets. Check or

    stickers located inside every helmet statingthese standards. A list o some o the helmet

    perormance standards to look out or include:

    Snell Memorial FoundationCPSC


    American National Standard Institute(ANSIZ-90.4)


    Do note that visors are not tested or shattering under helmet standards. They can

    snag or shatter and cut you during a all.

    Air vents allow air to fow over your head, helping to keep you cool and aiding sweat

    control. Although comort is one o the key aspects in choosing a helmet, selectingone with too many vents, or excessively large vents means less oam protecting your


    Choose a helmet with bright or fuorescent colours or higher visibility. Avoid choosing


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    A bell serves as a warning device to warn nearby

    pedestrians o your presence. Always ring your bell whenapproaching pedestrians or slower moving cyclists rom

    behind.Usethebellabout30metresbeforereachingthem. I they are aware o your presence with plenty

    o time to spare, they are less likely to be alarmed and

    make sudden sideway movements.

    3.2 Bell

    Helmet Saety Tips:

    Mirrors enable you to be more aware o your

    surroundings without having to turn your head aroundtoo much. The most popular are small circular mirrors

    on stems that clip to the handlebars. There is another


    3.3 Mirrors


    1. Wear Standards approved helmets.

    2. Wear a helmet at all times on roads and paths which are accessible to the public.

    3. The retention straps on the helmet must be correctly astened at all times.

    4. A child in a child carrier seat must also wear a Standards approved helmet.

    5. Check on the liespan o the helmet, and i

    unspecied, change your helmet every 2-3years even i it looks to be in good condition.

    6. Always read any attached warning orinstructions rom the manuacturer pertainingto usage o helmets, especially ater a crash.

    7. Replace your helmet immediately ater a crash,

    or i it bangs into an object, even i the helmet

    still looks okay visibly.

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    During times o darkness and/or times

    o low visibility, it is mandatory that you must have a lamp showing white

    light to the ront and another lamp or

    red refector showing a red light or ared refector towards the rear, both owhich must be visible rom a reasonable

    distance. No bicycle in Singapore is

    permitted to show a red light to theront, and any light other than a red

    light to the rear.2

    3.5 Lights

    Wear bright and/or fuorescent colours to ensure

    you are seen, especially when cycling during times

    o darkness and/or times o low visibility. While not

    essential or cycling, items such as Lycra knicks andgloves can increase your riding comort.

    Do not wear bell-bottom pants or baggy pants asthese may get entangled with the bicycle gear.1

    Wear proper ootwear like shoes or closed/strapped

    sandals and avoid open fip-fops or slippers thatprovide little or no grip at all, and which have the

    tendency to all o while cycling.

    3.4 Clothing


    1Source: Singapore Police Force - Feedback on Cycling on Footways as o 15th April 2009

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    4. BASIC SAFETY TIPSWhichever type o bike chosen, the rame size must be right or you to ensure you canget on and o your bike saely. When you straddle a racing, touring or hybrid bike, the

    clearance distance between your crotch and the top tube o the main bicycle rameshould be at least 3cm. For a mountain bike, this distance should be about 8cm.

    Yourkneesshouldbeslightlybent(nomorethan30degreeangle)whenyoureintheproper pedaling position - with the balls o your eet on the pedal. I your hips/pelvis

    sways rom side-to-side the seat is too high.

    Adjust the seat so that your eet are placed naturally above the pedals. Some riders

    preer their seats tilted slightly orward or backward. However, i the seat is tilted toomuch upward it can lead to pressure points. Injuries can occur when your seat is tilted

    too ar downwards, causing you to slide downwards while cycling and applying extrapressure on your arms, hands and knees.

    4.1 Seat Height

    4.2 Seat Position

    Handlebars that are too close/ar may result in you experiencing neck, shoulder, back

    and hand pains. Riding with the wrong handlebar angle can also lead to numbness inthe palms o your hands.

    Set the height o your handlebars higher than the seat i you preer a more uprightriding position. Setting them at the same height as the seat will give a slightly

    orward riding position and some people preer this. One o the reasons or the

    handlebar being too low is when you buy a bicycle rame that is too small or you.Handlebars can be bought in dierent widths and are sized according to the type

    o bike. For racing or touring bikes, they should be about the same width as yourshoulders. For mountain bikes, they need to be a little wider.

    4.3 Handlebar Angle

    4.4 Handlebar Height


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    Riding at night can be as enjoyable as riding

    during the daylight - it just takes a little more

    awareness. Stay alert, recognize the dangers anddress accordingly. Remember that rider visibilityis vital at all times, not just at night.

    I you ride at night you must, by law, use lights

    - a continuous white light at the ront and a red

    light at the rear. Types and prices o lights varyenormously-dontmakeyourdecisiononprice

    alone. For the ront, look or a bright quartz

    halogen light that produces an unbroken whitebeam.

    For the rear, fashing red Light-emitting diode(LED) types are acceptable, but beware o the

    cheaper variety as their perormance can be

    questionable. Ensure that both the ront and rearlights are visible rom a reasonable distance.

    A tip or cycling at night in trac is to aim the ront light at the eye level o car driversto maximise your chance o being seen. I you are not in trac, aim the light beamlower to illuminate the ground ahead o your bike.

    No bicycle in Singapore is permitted to show a red light to the ront,and any light other than a red light to the rear.

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    The number one rule is to cycle deensively.

    Watch out or joggers, walkers, other cyclistsand cars - and make sure they know youre


    At night, cars approaching with their headlights

    on high beam can dazzle a rider, so be prepared.Watch your shadow i you are approached by a

    car rom behind. I your shadow does not startto move to the let as the car approaches, move

    your bike to the let.

    5.1 Being Alert

    Just as bright fuoro clothes are bestor daylight riding, white clothes are

    necessary or rider visibility at night.

    Best o all are garments with refectivepanels. Bike shops sell jackets, shirts

    and lightweight vests that slip overyour ordinary cycling clothing.

    Highly recommended also, are refective

    anklets, cloth or plastic refective tape

    and stickers. These are cheap, weighvirtually nothing, are available in red

    or white or the rear or ront o the

    bike respectively, and can be attachedanywhere on the bike, helmet or rider.

    5.2 High Visibility Clothing

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    road saety is crucial to ensuring your saety, and others. This handy reerencelist presents you with the essential tips to ensuring a sae and enjoyable ride

    or you.

    6.1 Handy List o Road Saety Tips

    1. Look behind you and to both sides beore

    moving o.

    Starting o

    Controlling road position

    1. Keep leftunless turning right and ride in a straight line with the trafcfow.

    2. Ride at least one metre away rom parked cars. Someone could open theirdoor unexpectedly!

    3. Keepasafedistanceawayfromthekerb.

    4. Dontfollowcarsorothervehiclestooclosely.

    5. Always check or trac behind you. It helps to listen or approaching carstoo.

    6. Keepcontrolofyourbike.Ridesafelytocontrolyourspeedandbraking.

    7. Dontswerveormakesuddenturnsasdriversmaynotbeabletoreactfastenough to avoid colliding with you.

    8. Watch out or potential hazards - potholes, gravel and drainage holes.

    9. Look out or vehicles coming in and out o driveways. Be particularly alertnear driveways, gateways and intersections.

    Think Safe Play Safe Stay Safe 15

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    1. Useyourfrontandbackbrakes.

    2. Stop in a straight line with complete control over your bike.

    Braking smoothly

    1. Remember simple road rules such as stop at the

    kerb, look right, look let, then right again, listen

    or cars approaching and think beore crossing.

    2. Give hand signals clearly and in good time.

    Crossing and signaling

    1. Always check behind you and coming rom the right.

    2. Signal clearly i you intend to stop and give way or turn into the new road.

    3. Turn at a speed that allows you to keep ull control over the bike.

    Turning let

    1. Check behind you beore signalling and only move to the right when the roadis clear.

    2. Move as close as possible to the let o the centre o the road.

    3. Signaltostopiftheintersectionisntclearorsignaltoturniftheintersection

    is clear.

    4. Keepbothhandsonthehandlebarswhileyouareturning.

    5. Move through the intersection and ride to the let o the centre o the new


    Turning right


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    1. When riding uphill, keep a straight line without wobbling or swerving.

    2. When riding downhill, keep a constant road position.3. Always keep your bike under control with ront and back brakes.

    4. Make sure you have both hands on the handlebars except when signalling.

    Keeping control on hills

    For your own saety, it is important to rst be aware o the hazards when cycling

    so you may exercise the necessary precautions. You must always be mindul o

    your surroundings and to dismount your bicycle i it is too dangerous.

    You must watch out or:

    You may either ride over these obstacles slowly or careully cycle around to avoidthem. Also keep a look out or roadside hazards near the kerb like litter, drains and

    drainage gratings.

    6.2 Surace Hazards

    Irregular suraces like holes, raised and depressed suraces

    Think Safe Play Safe Stay Safe 17

    Ride over them slowly and corner slowly without tilting the bicycle too much. Where

    possible, avoid cycling over oil patches, which can be identied by rainbow colouredsheenonthepatchsurface.Iftheresaneedtorideoverthem,takethestraightest

    path, keep the bicycle as vertical as possible and be prepared to put one oot down tokeep balance. Also, avoid applying the brakes suddenly when riding over these slippery

    and loose suraces, otherwise, be prepared or an attempt to maintain balance should

    the bicycle skid.

    Slippery and/or loose suraces like sand, gravel and puddles

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    Singapore is generally a hot and humid country with the exception o occasionalrainalls. It is important to check the weather beore embarking on a cycling trip so

    you may prepare yoursel accordingly.

    6.3 Hot Weather


    Avoid cycling over sharp objects such as glass, nails and sharp metal pieces. Shouldyour tire go fat, do not continue pedaling and careully reduce your speed to a stop.

    Dismount your bicycle and walk with it.

    Sharp objects

    When the sun is bright and glaring, wearadditional protective clothing like caps andsunglasses to help make it easier to keep your

    eyes on the road and around you.

    Plan your route so that it includes paths with

    lots o shade.

    Constantly hydrate yoursel by keeping water easily accessible to youwithout having to open your backpack.

    Water bottle cages are designed so you can

    reach or your bottle with ease, and there aremany push-pull cap bottles available to enable

    you to drink water with one hand (i.e. there is

    no need to unscrew the bottle).

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    Rain makes the roads slippery, so you should exercise more caution on wet roads:

    6.4 Wet Weather


    Think Safe Play Safe Stay Safe 19

    This also enables the brakes to dry o and increases

    their eectiveness. Where possible, try braking yourbicycle on wet roads in a quiet street with no trac to

    amiliarize yoursel with the eel.

    It is harder to see in wet weather. Wear bright clothing, and i necessary use your

    lights so other motorists are aware o your presence. Avoid cycling in the rain wherepossible.

    Cycle slowly on wet roads and allow or a longer braking distance soyou may apply your brakes gently.

    Turn around corners slowly while keeping your bicycleas upright as possible.


    Avoid wet puddles whenever possible. Theynot only provide less traction, there may

    also be potholes, sharp objects and other

    obstacles hidden under them.


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    It is good to get a bicycle that provides or gear changing i you always have to cycle

    up and down slopes. It is also important to practice and amiliarize yoursel with gearchanging. Here are some tips to help you select the right gear:

    6.5 Slopes and Hills


    Always pedal orward and pedal with less orce when changing gears.

    Change into a low, easy gear beore stopping. This will make it easier or you to

    start o again.

    Change to low and easy gears when going uphill. Change gears a little distancebeore reaching the hill to preserve your momentum.


    is a balance between a gear where you have to spin the pedals too quickly (low gear)and one where it is too dicult pedal. Low, easy gears will cause you to bounce on

    your seat rom pedaling too quickly. High, hard gears that require you to push hardmay cause knee problems.

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    The best bike or your child is one that is

    easy to handle and has a rame suitable


    Handlebars(BMX or fat style is better)

    Wheels (size and type)Brakes

    Bottom bracket

    7.1 What to Buy

    When buying a bike for a child, it isimportant to consider:

    7. SAFETY



    Learning to ride a bike is a rewarding

    experience or all children. It givesa great sense o achievement, helps

    develop balance and coordination andencourages social contact.


  • 8/8/2019 Safe Cycling Guide



    or your child:

    Is there at least a 3cm height clearance between the main top tube o the

    bicycleframeandthelowestpointofyourchildsbodywhentheyarestanding with eet fat on the ground?

    I the bike is a BMX or mountain bike, is there a clearance o 10cm?

    Are the handlebars and handbrakes within reach? When your child is

    seated their arms should be slightly bent when holding the handle gripsand their knees should not hit the handlebar.

    Is the seat level when your child sits down?

    7.2 Helping Young Children Learn To Ride SaelyIt is important to let your child learn at his or her own pace. Training wheels are an

    eective way to help your child gain condence and stability. When your child starts

    riding without training wheels, support the bike at the back o the saddle and runbehind as they learn to balance. Once your child is more condent, teach them to ride

    unsupported on a grass park or tennis court.

    The next stage should be on light trac and, later, on the road with a parent. In thislatter stage, a parent can teach road rules and how to exercise necessary care. Here are

    a ew tips to get young children to start cycling:-

    Remember that children under 12 have diculty maintaining

    concentration, gauging distances and judging speed.

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    Help your child map out a sae route to school. It is

    usually the way with the least amount o trac andewest roads to cross.

    Ensure your child is wearing a helmet, has a waterbottle and wears highly visible clothing and shoes.

    Make sure their bike is maintained,their helmet ts properly and is always

    done up.

    Give gits or toys that promote

    physical activity (eg bikes, sneakers,hats).

    Get to know your local area


    Children under 12 are still developing their peripheral

    vision and hearing, so should be supervised aroundtrac.

    I your child is over 12 years, cycle with them until

    you are condent they have a well-developed roadsense.

    Cycle with other people

    Encourage your child to wear a hat, slap on some sun screen lotion and wrap onsunglasses, even on cloudy days.

    Avoid cycling in extreme weather.



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    Head injuries happen when riders hit nearby objects or


    Make sure your child wears a helmet that ts their head,is lightweight, has good ventilation and is a colour that

    is easily seen in the trac environment.

    7.3 Helmets

    Child helmets are vital or children up to age ve or six. Ater that,their head is almost adult size and they should be able to wear adult


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    As the name implies, these are long-distance bikes capable o carrying cargo. They arestrong with a big rame triangle, drop handlebars and 14-27 gears.

    Popular or both on and o the bitumen. They

    have wide, knobby tyres, fat handlebars andbetween 15 and 27 derailleur gears.

    Bikes tted with standard tyres perorm better

    o road than on bitumen. However, specialslick tyres can be tted that make road cycling


    8.1 Mountain Bikes

    8.2 Touring Bikes

    Sometimes called cross or city bikes, these look

    like slim-ramed mountain bikes with narrower

    tyres and slightly raised handlebars. Despite theirappearance, they perorm better on bitumen than

    o. Gearing varies rom 15 to 24 speed, with 21speed being the most common. They are good or

    commuting or short leisure trips.

    8.3 Hybrid Bikes

    8. CHOOSING A BIKEIt is very important that you buy a bicycle that ts your needs and plans. Determine i

    you want the bike or a specic purpose e.g. racing, commuting, o-road exploration,long distance touring etc. There are varying rame sizes to suit your body shape,

    accessories to tailor the bike to your specic needs, and diering levels o quality

    that, in general, match the cost o the bike.

    There are many types o bikes, each with their own characteristics and uses. Here is aquick summary:

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    There are a number o bikes on the market that

    can be reduced in size to allow easier carriageand storage. They usually involve a olding

    sequence where the wheels, handlebars andrame hinge together into a tight package. The

    advantage being that when ully olded, theytake up less than hal the space o a standard

    bicycle. However, compromises have to be

    made to accomplish this. Oten the wheels aresmaller than other bikes and not suited to long

    distance riding.

    Foldable bikes are permitted on public busesand Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) trains in Singapore

    and there are several important criteria and

    regulations to take note o beore a cyclist isallowed to do so. For more inormation on the

    requirements and general guidelines, pleasereer to page 45.

    Similar in appearance to a quality touring bike,although having a ner rame, shorter wheelbase

    and drop handlebars. Being very light, these bikes

    are built or speed on the road. This means theyare not as structurally strong as other types o


    8.4 Road Racing Bikes

    8.5 Foldable Bikes

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    This is a great way to introduce your child to cycling. Some models o child carriersattach to

    the rear o a bike

    on top o a carrier

    to the centre o the bicycle rame ahead o therider.

    Always ensure your child is securely astened inand wearing a protective helmet beore your start

    cycling. It also helps to educate your child aboutsaety and proper conduct when sitting in the

    child carrier.

    These seats must be:

    securely attached to the rame.

    attached in a position that is not orward o or on the handlebars.


    tted with a restraining device that cannot be accidentally released.

    Avoid carrying heavy or bulky items on ront load baskets as these can aect the

    ease with which you can turn your bicycle handle, making steering more dicult. It

    is easier to let the bike, rather than the rider carry the load so use a rear rack wherepossible instead o a ront load basket.

    It is important to note that whenever attaching a rack, basket or bags to your bike,be sure to check that it does not place pressure on brake cables, or obstruct the

    refector, lights or your pedals and eet. Each bicycle should not carry a load that

    weighs more than 18kg in total. The load cannot overhang the body tted thereto norshall its height be more than one metre rom the ground.4

    9.1 Child Carriers

    9.2 Load Carriers



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    These create a fat carrying surace over the rear wheel. This can

    be used to strap or secure a load on top. They also act as a basefor the attachment of panniers and baskets. Note that some

    racks have a strong spring-loaded gripping mechanism that maydamage sot or ragile goods.

    It is usually more ecient to place a largerbasket on the back o the bicycle than

    on the ront. Only place lighter items in

    a ront basket. Rear baskets can usuallyaccommodate more weight (up to 10 kg).

    These have the appearance o saddlebags that hang

    down either side o the ront and rear wheel. Most

    are waterproo but i not, you can buy waterproocovers. They have the benet o low centre o

    gravity and are thereore very stable. When packinga pannier, try to avoid placing pointed items directly

    against the sides as they may tear the lining. Try to

    distribute the load evenly on both sides o the bikeand i you have both sets, arrange items so that

    60% o the weight is in the back pair and 40% inthe ront pair.

    Rear Racks



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    The two common ways to carry bikes on vehicles are on a roo rack or a tow bar carrier.Both designs make it easier to transit your bike. When making a decision on which

    suits you, consider both saety and security actors.

    Traditional models have a cloth covered extensiontube that screws into the pump at one end and the


    high pressure pumps that t directly to the valve

    without an extension tube. There are also foorpumps ,as well as the local service station - butremember not to infate the tyre too much. You will

    generally nd bikes tted with one o two types ovalve - Presta (racing bikes) Schraeder (similar to a

    car valve). The two are not interchangeable, so youmust ensure your pump ttings match the valve.

    Valve adaptors are small and easily available rom most bike shops and come packagedtogether with some bicycle pumps. It is good to always have an adaptor handy to

    acilitate pumping, especially i the air pumps at most petrol stations do not t yourbikestyrevalve.

    The need or cyclists to maintain their water level

    makes a water carrier an important accessoryor your bicycle.

    9.3 Bike Carriers

    9.4 Pumps

    9.5 Water Bottle Cages

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    A bicycle must be properly maintained so that itdoes not present a danger to the rider or other road

    users. A bicycle can be judged to be not roadworthyi the:

    chain is too loose (more than 25mm o play);

    wheel nuts or wheel bearings are loose;

    tyres are in poor condition;wheel rims are buckled or spokes are missing;

    brake callipers are misaligned or brake shoes are

    excessively worn;

    steering assembly is loose; or

    seat is not securely tted.

    Cycle computers provide inormation on speed, total time and trip distance. They area great way to encourage regular cycling, or to set a training regime.

    9.7 Computer

    9.8 Overall Roadworthiness

    Once again, these will generally need to be purchased separately. Leather or plastic tool

    bags are available which mount to the rame o the seat. A tool bag should contain apuncture kit, tyre levers, small adjustable spanner, screwdrivers and perhaps a spare


    9.6 Tool Kits

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    The beauty o a bike is its simplicity. You cancarry out many repair and maintenance jobs

    yoursel. To make this task easier, have the right

    tools, allow yoursel plenty o time and do thejob methodically. The reward or your eort is the

    satisaction o doing the job yoursel (and perhapssaving a ew dollars) while learning new skills and

    gaining the condence to carry out more dicultrepair tasks.

    The basics are a puncture repair kit, tyre levers,screwdriver, set o allen keys, set o spanners or

    a small shiting spanner, cleaning rags and an oldtoothbrush, and lubricants such as light oil and

    grease. More advanced work will require specialist


    Doing It Yoursel

    Tool Kit


    MAINTENANCEA healthy bike works better, is saer and more un

    to ride than one that has been neglected by itsowner. Servicing and repairing a bike is inexpensivecompared to a car.

    Depending on how oten you ride, you should

    maintain your bike on a daily, weekly or monthlybasis. No matter how expensive or new the bike,

    it must be serviced at least once a year by an

    experienced and knowledgeable bicycle mechanic.

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    Whenever you intend to ride, rst give the bike a quick lookover. Check the brakes and

    tyre pressure. Properly infated tyres are easier to ride on, prevent damage to the wheelrims when hitting bumps, and reduce the chance o punctures.

    I it is required, lubricate exposed moving parts o the bike with a light oil, such as

    sewing machine oil. Do not get oil on the tyres or rims, and do not use penetratingspray oil on bearings.

    Oil the ollowing areas:

    ront and rear derailleur gears;

    ront and rear brake pivots;

    brake and gear levers;

    and a small amount on each chain link.

    Check the major items on your bike as ollows:

    WheelsCheck tyre pressure and condition. The tyres should

    be hard to squeeze. The valves should be upright andnot leaking.

    The wheels should be straight and true, without dentsor other damage, and can spin reely.

    Replace broken spokes and tighten loose ones.

    Check axle nuts and cones. Tighten i necessary.

    I the wheels have quick release mechanisms(especially the ront wheel), make sure they are

    securely astened, otherwise the wheels could all

    out, causing a crash and severe injury to the rider.

    10.1 Daily Maintenance

    10.2 Weekly Maintenance

    10.3 Monthly Maintenance

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    Check brake blocks or wear, and make sure they contact squarely with the rim,not the tyre.

    Replace worn or rayed brake cables.

    Adjust brakes so that, even when braking hard, there is still some clearance

    between the brake levers and handlebars.

    Check derailleur gear action

    and cables (derailleur repairsare best let to a mechanic).

    Clean chain with a rag soaked

    in degreaser and re-oil.

    Clean rear sprockets.

    Check or looseness in the handlebar and stem.

    Ensure the handgrips are secure.




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    Inspect or damage.

    Ensure seat post height is correct and that

    the seat post bolt is tight.

    Check to ensure the bell is in working order.

    Ensure the bicycle has a refector at the rear.

    Make sure the white headlight and red tail light are in working order.



    The axle must spin reely.

    Check pedal axles and bottom bracket axles or excessive looseness.


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    1. Get the all clear rom your doctor beore starting an exercise program, especiallyi you are overweight, smoke, or have high blood pressure. Your doctor will advise

    you on your heartbeat rate and how high it can go saely when exercising.

    2. Alternatively, you can run through the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire(PAR-Q) on the ollowing page.

    11.1 Beore Start o Exercise

    Cycling can save you money, improve your health and help you enjoy

    the outdoors. Regular cycling will:

    make you eel more energetic

    lessen the risk o many liestyle diseases such as cardiovascular


    help you sleep better

    reduce stress

    strengthen your heart

    improve your blood pressure

    help you manage your weight



    Cycling is a relatively inexpensive way to achieve better health and tness. Becauseitsalow-impactactivity,cyclingplacesverylittlestrainonthebody.Thisisespecially

    good or people who are starting to get into exercise; pregnant women and peoplerecovering rom injury. Cycling also gives a great cardiovascular workout because it

    uses the biggest muscles in the body.


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    11.2 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

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    The Health Promotion Board o Singapore

    recommends 30 minutes o exercise 5 7 daysper week.5 30 minutes might sound like a lot o

    exercise in one go but the good news is you canbreak it up throughout the day. That is, you can

    exercise or ten minutes three times a day, or 15

    minutes twice a day and still benet.

    To get the most out o cycling, try to go at apace that makes you breathe a little aster, eel

    warmer and have a slightly raised heart beat.

    Remember; take it easy to begin with. Whenyou rst start cycling you should aim to coverve kilometres in 20 minutes. As you become

    tter and more comortable on your bike, startto increase your speed and distance.

    5Source: Health Promotion Board o Singapore as o 15th April 2009

    As with any exercise, it is important to warm up beore cycling. Cycling gently or ten

    minutes will warm your body up and prepare your muscles or more intense exercise.

    Increase the speed and distance you cycle at a steady rate as you get tter, rememberingthat you are exercising or good health and enjoyment. As a guide, a beginner with amoderate level o tness should aim to cover 5 kilometres in 20 minutes.

    Rest is also very important as it allows your body to recuperate. Cooling down ater a

    ride is just as important as warming up beorehand. Ride at an easy pace or the lastve minutes o your ride and you will nish rereshed and revitalised, rather than

    strained and tired.

    11.3 Warming Up

    11.4 Current Recommendation For PhysicalActivity

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    6Source: Singapore Trac Police & Road Trac Act (Singapore) as o 15th April 2009

    12.1 Cycling EquipmentA bicycle must have the ollowing:

    a bell (or other eective warning device) that unctions correctly.

    eective hand operated wheel brakes.

    a red reector ftted to the rear.

    When riding during darkness (7pm-7am), a bicycle must also have:

    a ront light showing a continuous white beam that is clearly visiblerom 200 metres.

    a rear light showing a continuous or ashing red beam that is clearlyvisible rom 200 metres.

    a yellow side reector (visible rom both sides) on each wheel.yellow reectors ftted to both side edges o each pedal.


    This section covers the requirements andoenses as laid down by the Singapore

    Trac Police and the Road Trac Act.This guide hopes to advise users like youto use this as a guide to comply with

    the rules and regulations as well as toencourage everyone to cycle saely with

    caution so as not to endanger their ownandotherslives.

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    Any load or attachment on a bicycle must not be likely to cause injury to the

    rider or any other person. Each bicycle should not carry a load that weighsmore than 18kg in total and the load cannot overhang the body tted thereto

    nor shall its height be more than one metre rom the ground.

    When using a public road, all bicycle riders must obeythe same rules as other vehicles such as cars and trucks.

    A cyclist may be punished under the Penal Code/Road

    Trac Act should he/she act rashly or negligently soas to endanger human lie or the personal saety o


    The most common rules include those applying totrac control lights, stop signs, careless/reckless

    riding, and keeping let. As a general rule, cyclists shall

    not unreasonably obstruct or prevent ree passage oa vehicle or pedestrian upon a path or road. Similarly,

    vehicles and pedestrians shall not unreasonablyobstruct cyclists.

    12.2 Carrying or Towing Loads

    12.3 General Road Trafc (Bicycle) Rules

    2. Restriction on number o persons carried.

    All bicycles can only carry at one time, no more persons than the number or

    which it is designed and no pillion passenger shall be carried on a bicycle unlessit is designed or one.

    This is with the exception o a child under 12 years o age who may be carried ona properly constructed child seat axed rmly to the pedal bicycle.

    1. Bicycles are not permitted to be towed by any other vehicle when on any road.

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    3. Travelling abreast is prohibited.

    Bicycles are not permitted to be ridden on the right o another vehicle proceeding

    in the same direction except when overtaking such other vehicle.

    Bicycles shall not be ridden on the right o any two other pedal bicycles proceeding

    abreast in the same direction except when overtaking such other pedal bicyclesor on parts o roads or paths set aside or the exclusive use o bicycles.

    When a portion o a road or path has been set aside or the exclusive use o

    bicycles, bicycles cannot be ridden on any other part o the roadway.

    4. Bicycles are not allowed to be ridden on expressways, road tunnels and areas which

    are demarcated with signs indicating that bicycle riding is prohibited.

    5. Slow down when approaching road openings, bends, junctions, bus stops and

    pedestrian crossings.

    6. Do not cycle across overhead pedestrian bridges or pedestrian crossings. Instead,

    dismount and push your bicycle and practice proper kerb drills beore crossing theroad. Look right, let and right as i you are a pedestrian.

    ailing to have proper look out or others.

    changing lane without due care,

    ailing to give way to trac with right o way,

    riding on expressways,

    riding against the trac fow,

    and ailing to conorm to red light signal.

    Common inringements by cyclists in Singaporeinclude but are not limited to:

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    On-road cyclists need to ride deensively

    at all times.

    Try not to ride along a road directly into arising or setting sun. These light conditions

    make it harder or motorists to see you.

    Show caution when nearing a motorist whois intending to turn let across your path.

    Always assume the motorist has not seen you.

    Always use the correct hand signals to indicate when you want to turn let or right

    and to stop and make them in sucient time to enable trac to take appropriateaction or the avoidance o danger.

    12.4 Dealing with Trafc

    Allow some space and slow down when passing parkedcars. A door suddenly opening can be a hazard so stay

    about 1 metre away.

    Avoid riding within two metres o the rear o a motor

    vehicle, over a distance o more than 200 metres.


    motor vehicle is moving and indicating to turn let.

    Turning let : Fully extend your let arm horizontally with the palm

    o the hand to the ront.

    Turning right : Fully extend your right arm horizontally with the

    palm o the hand to the ront.

    Stopping : Fully extend your right arm horizontally with theorearm vertical and with the palm o the hand to the


    U-turning : Samerulesapplyasforarighthandturn.

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    13.1 Shared path courtesy8

    Always give way to pedestrians.

    Look out or pedestrians or other cyclists beore moving o.

    When using a shared path, keep to the let at all times unlessovertaking.

    Travel in a single le on shared paths unless overtaking.

    Cycle slowly, slowing down especially when passing pedestrians- remember they are slower and can be unpredictable.

    Always be aware and alert o the intentions o other ootwayusers.

    When approaching pedestrians rom behind, always ring your

    bell about 30 metres beore reaching them. I they are aware oyour presence with plenty o time to spare, they are less likely

    to be startled or make sudden sideways movements.

    Use hand signals to inform other footway users of your


    Prepare to slow down or stop i the human fow is heavy,

    especially in school zones. Dismount and push your bicycle inecessary.

    Slow down when approaching road openings, bends, junctions,bus stops and pedestrian crossings.

    13. SHARED PATHS & CYCLING TRACKSCurrently, under Rule 28 o the Road Trac Rules, cycling on ootways is prohibited.Like any other vehicles, bicycles are to be ridden on the roads and cyclists are required

    to abide by all relevant trac rules and regulations.

    However, the easibility o allowing cyclists to share pedestrian ootways in selected

    towns, depending on local conditions is being explored. To that end, a TripartiteCommittee comprising Land Transport Authority (LTA), the Trac Police (TP) and

    Tampines grassroots organisations conducted a trial in Tampines Town to study theextent to which local residents are prepared to share a common ootway with cyclists

    saely and with mutual accommodation7.

    7Source: Land Transport Authority o Singapore as o 15 April 20098Singapore Police Force - Feedback on Cycling on Footways as o 15th April 2009

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    Be particularly careul where a shared path crosses a busy road. Look in all directionsbeore proceeding across the road and onto the path on the other side. Cyclists

    also need to show caution where a shared path crosses residential and commercialdriveways. In some instances, a reversing driver cannot see a person using the path.

    There are numerous parks in Singapore that provide lush greenery, cooling shade

    and provide a shield rom the hustle and bustle o trac noise and exhaust umes.These parks provide a saer and relaxing location or people to carry out recreational

    activities like cycling. However, as with the shared paths, it is still important to bemindul o other users o the parks. Here are some extra tips to ollow on top o the

    shared path courtesy located on the previous page:

    13.2 Cycling Tracks in Parks

    Stay on track Stay within the cycling tracks where available and keep a look-out

    or pedestrians that may have walked onto the wrong designated track.

    Avoid speeding within parks.

    Show consideration to others by not hogging the tracks when cycling in groups.

    Ensure sucient rest points or long distance cycling and ensure adequate


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    SMRT/SBS Transit station sta and bus drivers may disallow oldable bicycles i the actualsituation within an MRT/LRT station, bus interchange/terminal or on board a train/busdoes not permit oldable bicycles to be admitted saely and without inconveniencing othercommuters.



    9 Source: SMRT as o 15th April 2009

    Cyclists are responsible or the sae carriage

    o their oldable bicycles and must stay in thevicinity o their oldable bicycles at all times.

    Foldable bicycles should be FOLDED AT ALL TIMES in the MRT/LRT stations, businterchanges/terminals and on trains and buses.

    Foldable bicycles should not exceed 114 cm by 64 cm by 36 cm when olded.

    The wheels o the oldable bicycles should be wrapped up i they are dirty or wet.

    Protruding parts likely to cause injury or dirty/damage property should be covered



    movement at any time.Foldable bicycles should be carried in an upright position.

    When travelling by train, cyclists should use the rst or last car, which is usuallyless crowded.

    Cyclists should use the lits and wide ar gates at MRT/LRT stations where theseare available.

    Foldable bicycles are not allowed on the upper deck o a bus or on the staircaseleading to the upper deck, Only one oldable bicycles is allowed on each bus at

    any one time.

    From 15 March 2009, oldable bicycles are permitted

    on buses and trains during weekday o-peak times(Mon - Fri : 9.30am - 4.00pm, 8.00pm to end o revenue

    service), and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and PublicHolidays.

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    Saety is a big part o our sporting culture and shouldbe the cornerstone o every individuals healthy

    liestyle. Thereore, it is important or each o us to take

    responsibility or keeping ourselves sae and injury-ree.
