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  • 8/11/2019 SAFETY+PLAN+05-06-08



    Auto Link Atal Afghan Construction CompanyJOINT VENTURE




    Project # : SR-TO-02-0002-2008

  • 8/11/2019 SAFETY+PLAN+05-06-08




    1. Brief Project Introduction....042. Introduction to Safety..063. Safety Project Management074. Safety General Regulation..085. Medical and First-Aid Requirements.................................... 146. Hand & Power Tools............................................................ 197. Equipment and Machinery................................................... 208. Tag-Out Procedure.............................................................. 229. Fire Protection ..................................................................... 2310. Welding Safety .................................................................... 2411. Electrical Safety................................................................... 2612. Ladders and Scafolding....................................................... 2813. Worker Back Safety............................................................. 3014. Vehicles............................................................................... 3215. Work Area Safety Awareness.............................................. 3416. Emergency Telephone Numbers......................................... 3517. Safety Guideline for Roof Work ........................................... 3618. Hazardous Substances, Agents and Environments ............ 3919. Hand and Power Tools........................................................ 4120. Material Handling, Storage and Disposal ............................ 4321. Emergency Instructions....................................................... 51


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    This Safety plan documents contains safetyprecautionary measurements that will be adopt duringthe construction of the road project.

    This safety plan is written for Road # 14 project locatedat Tani To Shekamir, Khost Province Afghanistan.

    We highly emphasize on the safety and this is one of thesuccess in awarding the projects by the Employers.

    basic factors for

    From last three years we had worked on various construction projects inAfghanistan and our occurrence of accidents rate during the works is 0%even for minor injury.

    Our experienced staffs are fully aware of the safety requirements andprovide safety training to their juniors and fresh employee.

    This safety plan shall valid for IRD, ALAACC, ZCC and subcontractorproject staff.

    ALAACC will be responsible for initiating and maintaining a safety andhealth program for all project personnel that complies with the IRD safetyand health requirements of the project.

    Engr. Imdad Hussain,Security & Safety Manager,Auto Link Atal Afghan.


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    Section 1


    This ALAACC safety plan has been prepared to provide best practice guidelinesfor road # 14 safety initiatives in Khost province and relates to a coordinatedapproach to road safety as per IRD standards and requirements. This RoadSafety Strategy is intended to set aims and objectives through the developmentof an Action Plan for safely completion of the project throughout the projectduration.

    This project consists of Construction of Road # 14 from Tani to Shekamir inKhost Province, Afghanistan.

    This project is located in the Eastern Region of Afghanistan in Khost Province.

    The project consists of the construction of an engineered gravel road from Tanito Shekhamir in Khost Province that is approximately 10 kilometers in length. Theroad shall have a 7.0 meter wide main carriageway with 1.5 meter wideshoulders on both sides of the carriageway. The scope of the project includes allexcavation and shaping of the roadway; drainage improvements includingculverts, pipes and causeways; retaining walls; and the final construction of theroadway structure per the following estimated Bill of Quantities and the relevanttechnical specifications and general conditions for construction.

    The Donar for this project is USAID and USAID had made a CooperativeAgreement with International Relief and Development, Inc. (IRD) to providesupport for the Strategic Provincial Roads Southern and Eastern Afghanistan(SPR-SEA) under agreement number 306-A-00-08-00509-00.

    The purpose of the SPR-SEA program is to conduct activities focused onsupporting a regional roads program for Eastern and Southern Afghanistan. Thisprogram will center on rehabilitating an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 kilometers ofroads to an all weather gravel standard.

    The roads to be rehabilitated will be identified by USAID in association with theLocal and National Government of Afghanistan (GOA) entities for the initialphase of rehabilitation as discussed below. In addition to rehabilitating 1500-2000 kilometers of provincial roads, special development assistancecomponents, such as capacity building and community development activities,will be implemented to maximize the impact of the roads and ensuresustainability of the rehabilitated roads.

    Through this program, USAID intends that IRD with the help of highly qualifiedorganizations will provide the best quality of service and continue to manage andimplement a program to rehabilitate and reconstruct provincial and rural roads in


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    the Southern and Eastern Regions of Afghanistan. This assistance will alsoprovide substantial capacity building for local private sector development as wellas strengthening government institutions and local communities to maintain therehabilitated roads.


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    Section 2







    The ultimate goal in accident prevention is "zero" disabling injuries and no lostwork-time. However, there are many barriers to achieving this goal, the mostimportant of which is the human attitude. Most people feel that "it won't happen tome" or "it couldn't happen here." You can do more to protect yourself and yourfellow worker by constantly thinking and practicing accident prevention than youcan by memorizing all of the rules, regulations, and safeguards ever written orinvented. You mustTHINK before you act.

    This manual contains some practical and useful safety guidelines to serve ashabits and rules that will help you to achieve a safer attitude and a safer workenvironment


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    Section 3


    The following safety staff of ALAACC will be available for the Road # 14 Tani ToShekamir project responsible for safety policy of the company.

    1.) Security and Safety Manager

    I Engr. Imdad Hussain will be responsible to implement safety plan on thisproject.

    2.) Safety Officer

    A competent 03 years experienced employee will be hired for the post of securityofficer. He will cooperate with the Engineers in relating to all safety issues.Safety officer possessed the power to stop the work if he found the actions hadbeen against the safety plan. In case of any accident occurred safety officer willinformed to Project Manager and to the Engineers staff.

    3.) Safety Supervisor

    An assistant to Safety officer that have minimum 02 years experience will behired for the project and will be present at the site during the work. If any strangethings happened safety supervisor will immediately inform to safety officer.

    4.) Safety Helpers

    There will be required number of safety helper available on the project. Thesehelpers will be equipped with required safety equipments and will work under thedirection of the Safety supervisor and safety officer.


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    Section 04


    No person shall be required or instructed by senior to work in surroundings or

    under conditions that are unsafe or dangerous to his or her health.

    The employer shall be responsible for initiating and maintaining a safety andhealth program that complies with the IRD safety and health requirements.

    Each employee is responsible for complying with applicable safety andoccupational health requirements, wearing prescribed safety and healthequipment, reporting unsafe conditions/activities, preventing avoidable accidents,and working in a safe manner.

    Safety and health programs, documents, signs, and tags shall be instructed to

    employees in a language that they understand.

    Worksites with non-English speaking workers shall have a person(s), fluent in thelanguage(s) spoken and English, on site when work is being performed, totranslate as needed.

    The Contractor shall erect and maintain a safety and health bulletin board in anarea commonly accessed by workers. The bulletin board shall be maintainedcurrent, in clear view of onsite workers; and protected against the elements andunauthorized removal. It shall contain emergency phone numbers and othernecessary related required information.

    The Engineers shall strictly monitored that the contractor is executing the projectas per safety plan rules and regulations.

    The Contractor shall establish a safety and occupational health deficiencytracking system that lists and monitors the status of safety and healthdeficiencies in chronological order.

    Protective footwear, such as rubber boots, protective covers, ice cramp-ons, andsafety-toed boots, shall be worn by all persons exposed to hazards to the feet(including, but not limited to, puncture, slipping, electrical, or chemical hazards).

    ALAACC site safety representative will notify The Engineers for each incidentoccurred case.

    Unexploded ordnance (UXO) sweep personnel shall have no metal parts in or ontheir footwear.


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    Personnel participating in wild land fire management activities shall wear leatherlace-up boots with slip-resistant soles, such as a hard rubber lug-type or tractortread, a top height of 8 in (20.3 cm) or more, and without steel toes. Soles shouldnot be made of composition rubber or plastic, which have low melting points.

    Protective equipment shall be of heat/fire/chemical/electrical resistive materialwhen conditions require protection against such hazards.

    If the Engineers are not satisfied with contractor safety precautions at site andthere is the life hazard to the project personnel or the personnel living near to theproject or to the local people property, the Engineers will stopped the work untilthe required safety rules is not applied for unharmed completion of the work.

    As per Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Clause 52.236-13(d the work will beimmediately stop when an employee is deemed to be in imminent danger ofserious injury or loss of life.

    ALAACC will be responsible for assuring their subcontractor compliance with thesafety and occupational health requirements contained in this plan.

    Employees shall be provided safety and health indoctrination prior to the start ofwork and continuing safety and health training to enable them to perform theirwork in a safe manner.

    Safety meetings shall be conducted to review past activities, plan for new orchanged operations, review pertinent aspects of appropriate AHA (by trade),establish safe working procedures for anticipated hazards, and provide pertinentsafety and health training and motivation.

    All persons shall be physically, medically, and emotionally qualified forperforming the duties to which they are assigned. Some factors to be consideredin making work assignments are strength, endurance, agility, coordination, andvisual and hearing acuity.

    At no time while on duty may employees use or be under the influence of alcohol,narcotics, intoxicants, or similar mindaltering substances. Employees foundunder the influence of or consuming such substances will be immediatelyremoved from the job site.

    Operators of any equipment or vehicle shall be able to read and understand thesigns, signals, and operating instructions in use.

    Operators of equipment, such as hoisting equipment and draglines, mobileconstruction equipment, electrical power systems, hydropower plants, industrialmanufacturing systems, hydraulically operated equipment, powered vessels, and


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    boats, shall not be permitted to exceed 12 hours of duty time in any 24-hourperiod, including time worked at another occupation. A minimum of 8 consecutivehours will be provided for rest in each 24-hour period.

    Operators of motor vehicles, while on duty, shall not operate vehicles for a

    continuous period of more than 10 hours in any 24-hour period; nor shall anyemployees, while on duty, operate motor vehicles after being in a duty status formore than 12 hours during any 24-hour period. A minimum of 8 consecutivehours will be provided for rest in each 24-hour period.

    Daily records of all first-aid treatments not otherwise reportable shall bemaintained on prescribed forms

    Emergency plans to ensure employee safety in case of fire or other emergencyshall be prepared, in writing, and reviewed with all affected employees.Emergency plans shall be tested to ensure their effectiveness. Plans shall

    include escape procedures and routes, critical plant operations, employeeaccounting following an emergency evacuation, rescue and medical duties,means of reporting emergencies, and persons to be contacted for information orclarification.

    Employees working alone in a remote location or away from other workers shallbe provided an effective means of emergency communications. This means ofcommunication could include a cellular phone, two-way radios, hard-linetelephones or other acceptable means. The selected communication must bereadily available (easily within the immediate reach) of the employee and mustbe tested prior to the start of work to verify that it effectively operates in thearea/environment. An employee check-in/check-out communication procedureshall be developed to assure employee safety.

    An adequate supply of drinking water shall be provided in all places ofemployment. Cool water shall be provided during hot weather. Drinking watershall be provided as per fixed facilities according to the requirements of the SafeDrinking Water Act, as amended, and all applicable Federal, State, and localregulations. Refer to the most current version of 40 CFR 141 and 40 CFR 143,for updates to the national drinking water regulations. Refer to individual Stateand local regulations, as applicable, for updates in those regulations.

    When sanitary sewers are not available, one of the following facilities, unlessprohibited by local codes, shall be provided: chemical toilets, recirculating toilets,combustion toilets, or other toilet systems as approved by State/localgovernments.

    When working on or near construction or renovation projects, always wear theproper personal protective equipment, (i.e., hardhat, goggles, and gloves).


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    Prior to the start of construction or renovation, all areas should be inspected forthe presence of asbestos and lead, and all sources of potentially hazardousenergy in the area should be located.

    Supervisors should ensure employees receive training in the proper use of toolsand protective equipment. If a respirator is required, only those employees who

    have had a physical examination and fit test shall be allowed in the area.


    All cafeterias, restaurants, mess facilities, and related facilities on areas, projects,or installations shall be established, operated, and maintained in compliance withthe health and sanitation recommendations of the United States Public HealthService and applicable State and local regulations. All food service operationsshall be carried out in a sound manner. Food shall be free from spoilage and keptuncontaminated throughout the storage, preparation, and serving process. No

    food or beverage shall be consumed or stored in a toilet room or in any areaexposed to a toxic material.

    An adequate number of waste receptacles shall be provided in the food servicearea. Receptacles shall be constructed of corrosion resistant or disposablematerial, provided with solid tight-fitting covers (covers may be omitted wheresanitary conditions can be maintained without the use of a cover), emptied atleast daily, and maintained in a sanitary condition.


    Receptacles used for putrescible or liquid waste material shall be so constructedto prevent leakage and to allow thorough cleaning and sanitary maintenance.These receptacles shall be equipped with a solid tight-fitting cover, unless it canbe maintained in sanitary condition without a cover.

    Solid and liquid waste shall be removed in a way that avoids creating a menaceto health and as often as necessary to maintain a sanitary environment.


    Enclosed workplaces shall be constructed and maintained, as far as practical, toprevent the entrance or harborage of rodents, insects, and other vermin. Aneffective extermination program shall be instituted where the presence of suchvermin is detected.


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    Persons shall be provided with eye and face protection equipment, as outlined inTable 5-1, when machines or operations present potential eye or face injury fromphysical, chemical, or radiation agents.



    Underground utilities must be located and marked. Trenches over 4 feet deep must have a safe exit such as a ramp or ladder

    within 25' of every worker.

    Trenches 5 feet or deeper will be inspected daily by Environmental Health& Safety.

    Excavated material and other objects must be kept at least 2 feet from atrench opening.

    No one works on the sides of sloped or benched excavations above otheremployees unless the lower worker is protected from falling material.

    Station a Top Person outside the trench to detect moving ground andwarn workers to leave a trench.


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    Any excavating under the base or footing of a foundation or wall requires asupport system designed by a registered professional engineer.

    Construction or renovation projects may require the placement of barricades,guardrails, or toe boards for employee protection. If barricades are left in place at

    night, adequate safety-flasher lighting is necessary


    Safety HelmetsSafety GlassSafety HazzardSafety GogglesChemical GlovesRubber Gloves

    Working Gloves-1Working Gloves-2PVC Dotted GlovesWelding Gloves - RedWelding Gloves - GrayHigh Quality RespiratorsCoverallsRain SuitsSafety Shoes Low Cut, High CutGun BootsEar Muffs

    First Aid BoxRoad Cones


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    Section 5


    Prior to start of work, arrangements shall be made for medical facilities and

    personnel to provide prompt attention to the injured and for consultation onoccupational safety and health matters.

    As per contract condition Special Provision no. 02 ALAACC will construct andmaintain a first aid facility to provide medical treatment to all project staff andemployees throughout the duration of the project.

    The First Aid Station shall include the following:

    Permanent structure made from local building materials Electricity

    Potable water Basic first aid medical supplies Minimum of two treatment rooms furnished with beds and other furnishings as

    needed A qualified medical/first aid technician that can provide emergency care Emergency transport of injured staff to nearest qualified medical facilities

    This building shall be left behind for use by the local villages. Though there is norequirement to provide medical services to anyone other than project staff, thesubcontractor is encouraged to make the facility and services available to localresidents on an emergency basis.

    The telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, or ambulances shall beconspicuously posted (at the minimum, these numbers shall be posted at the on-site project office telephones and notice board).

    All projects, activities, installations, or contracts on which less than 100 personsare employed (greatest total number of employees on a shift) at the site of thework, and where neither a first-aid station nor infirmary is available, shall beprovided with a first-aid kit complying with the criteria contained in AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) Z308.1-1998 in the ratio of one for every 25

    persons or less. In addition to the basic fill requirements, the employer, inconsultation with a health care professional or competent first aid person, shallevaluate the hazards found in the work environment to determine the necessityof optional fill contents.

    Unless otherwise specified, where first-aid kits are required, they shall be TypeIII, 16-unit, first-aid kits (kits containing 16 unit-type first-aid packages) containingthe minimum fill contents, and one pocket mouth piece or CPR barrier. First-aid


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    kits shall be easily accessible to all workers, protected from the weather, andeach item maintained sterile. First-aid kit locations should be clearly marked anddistributed throughout the site(s).


    Unit first aid Minimum Minimum Item Unititem Size or


    Size orVolume



    package size

    * Absorbent Compress 60 sq. cm 24 sq. in 1 1

    * Adhesive 2.5 x 7.5 cm 1 x 3 in. 16 1


    * Adhesive Tape 457.2 cm 5 yd (total) 1 or 2 1 or 2

    * Antiseptic Swab 0.5 g 0.14 fl. oz. 10 1

    Antiseptic Wipe 2.5 x 2.5 cm 1 x 1 in. 10 1

    Antiseptic Towelette 60 sq. cm 24 sq. in. 10 1

    Bandage Compress (2 in.) 5 x 91 cm 2 x 36 in. 4 1

    Bandage Compress (3 in.) 7.5 x 152 cm 3 x 60 in. 2 1

    Bandage Compress (4 in.) 10 x 183 cm 4 x 72 in. 1 1

    * Burn Treatment 0.5 g 0.14 fl. oz. 6 1

    Eye Covering, 1 1

    with means of


    Eye Wash 30 ml 1 fl. oz. total 1 2

    Eye Wash & 1 2

    Covering, with

    means of


    Gloves 2 pair 1

    Roller Bandage (4 in.) 10 x 550 cm 4 in. x 6 yd. 1 1

    Roller Bandage (2 in.) 5 x 550 cm 2 in. x 6 yd. 2 1

    * Sterile pad 7.5 x 7.5 cm 3 x 3 in. 4 1

    * Triangular Bandage 101 x 101 x142 cm

    40 x 40 x 56in.

    1 1


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    The contents of first-aid kits shall be checked by The Engineers prior to their useand at least weekly when work is in progress to ensure that expended items arereplaced.


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    Shoes It is recommended that approved safety shoes be worn to protect your feet.

    Hard HatsHard hats shall be worn in all designated areas and construction areas. Visitorsare included in this requirement.

    Eye ProtectionProper eye protection must be worn when the nature of the operation presents apotential eye or face injury. Examples of these hazards include: Flying objects,dust, hot or splashing metals, harmful rays, caustics or acids.

    Gloves Appropriate gloves and aprons shall be worn when handling hazardouschemicals and abrasive materials. Gloves should be replaced when the signs ofwear are apparent.

    Respiratory EquipmentApproved respiratory equipment shall be worn when the worker is exposed totoxic chemicals or dusts, spray painting, or other inhalation hazards.

    JewelryThe wearing of rings or other jewelry is not recommended on the job, particularlyif working around moving or rotating parts.

    Safety equipment will be provided by the ALAACC safety officer to all projectpersonnel.


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    Secton 6


    Always know how to properly use hand and power tools before starting the job by

    following operating instructions and using the proper accessories. If you areunfamiliar with how a tool operates or is to be used, get the advice andinstruction of your supervisor or the Tool Room attendant as appropriate.

    Tools should not be used for other than their intended use.

    Keep all cutting tools sharp.

    Tools shall be kept in a safe condition without broken or damaged parts.

    Never use tools which have burred or mushroomed heads and never carry loose

    tools in your pockets.

    If tools or equipment are found to be faulty, report them to your supervisor andreturn the equipment to the Tool Room or appropriate department for repair.

    When possible, pull on a hand tool rather than push since it can slip and cause aserious cut or bruise.

    Never leave hand tools lying around loose where they may fall on someonebelow.

    Non-sparking, non-magnetic tools are provided for your use in the Tool Room.They shall be used in areas such as grain storage, sewers, steam tunnels, spray-paint booths, radar unit locations, and rooms with electromagnets.

    Remember, use the right tool for the job.


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    Supervisors shall allow only properly trained employees to operate powerequipment or machinery and shall give proper instructions in their safe operation.

    All electrical equipment and machinery shall be properly grounded. Controlswitches shall be properly located at the point of operations best suited to controlthe equipment.

    You should never adjust, repair, clean, or oil machinery or equipment while anyof its parts are in motion. Use lock out switches to prevent accidental start-ups.Be sure all of the components have stopped.

    Always perform proper maintenance on all machinery and equipment to preventpremature failure or possible accident. Have all safety guards in place whiletesting repaired equipment.

    You should regularly inspect for cracks, stretching, etc. on cables, chains,clamps, hooks, and other equipment that are frequently placed under stress.Spreading, crimps, or cracks are warning signs of danger. If you feel theequipment is damaged or creating a possible hazard, report this to yoursupervisor immediately.


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    The established procedure for the application of energy control shall cover thefollowing elements and actions and shall be done in the following sequence:

    1. Preparation for shutdown: Before an authorized or affected employeeturns off a machine or piece of equipment, they shall have knowledge of

    the type and magnitude of the energy, the hazards of the energy to becontrolled, and the method or means to control the energy.

    2. Machine or equipment shutdown: An orderly shutdown must be utilizedto avoid any additional or increased hazard(s) to employees as a result ofequipment de- energization.

    3. Machine or equipment isolation: All energy- isolating devices that areneeded to control the energy to the machine or equipment shall bephysically located and operated in such a manner as to isolate themachine or equipment from the energy source(s).

    4. Lockout or tagout device application: Lockout or tagout devices shall

    be affixed to each energy-isolating device by authorized employees.Lockout devices, where used, shall be affixed in a manner that will holdthe energy in a "safe" or "off" position. Tagout devices, where used, shallbe affixed in such a manner as will clearly indicate that the operation ormovement of energy- isolating devices from the "safe" or "off" position isprohibited.

    Employees: The work area shall be checked to ensure that all employees have beensafely positioned or removed. Before lockout or tagout devices are removed and beforemachines or equipment are energized, affected employees shall be notified.

    Before any machinery or mechanized equipment is placed in use, it shall be

    inspected and tested in accordance with the manufacturers recommendationsand requirements of this manual and shall be certified in writing by a competentperson to meet the manufacturers recommendations and requirements of thismanual. Subsequent reinspections will be conducted at least annually thereafter.All safety deficiencies noted during the inspection shall be corrected prior to theequipment being placed in service at the project. If at anytime the machinery ormechanized equipment is removed and subsequently returned to the project(other than equipment removed for routine off-site operations as part of theproject), it shall be reinspected and recertified prior to use.

    All machinery and equipment shall be inspected daily (when in use) to ensure

    safe operating conditions. The employer shall designate competent persons toconduct the daily inspections and tests.

    Tests shall be made at the beginning of each shift during which the equipment isto be used to determine that the brakes and operating systems are in properworking condition and that all required safety devices are in place and functional.


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    Whenever any machinery or equipment is found to be unsafe, or whenever adeficiency that affects the safe operation of equipment is observed, theequipment shall be immediately taken out of service and its use prohibited untilunsafe conditions have been corrected.

    Machinery and mechanized equipment shall be operated only by designatedqualified personnel.

    Machinery or equipment shall not be operated in a manner that will endangerpersons or property nor shall the safe operating speeds or loads be exceeded.

    Getting off or on any equipment while it is in motion is prohibited. Machinery andequipment shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructionsand recommendations.

    The use of headphones for entertainment purposes (e.g., AM/FM radio or

    cassette) while operating equipment is prohibited.

    When the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations are more stringentthan the requirements of this manual, the manufacturer's instructions orrecommendations shall apply.

    Inspections or determinations of road and shoulder conditions and structuresshall be made in advance to assure that clearances and load capacities are safefor the passage or placing of any machinery or equipment.

    Equipment Requirements

    a. Seats or equal protection must be provided for each person required to ride onequipment.

    b. Equipment operated on the highway shall be equipped with headlights,taillights, brake lights, backup lights, and turn signals that are visible from thefront and rear.

    c. All equipment with windshields shall be equipped with powered wipers.Vehicles that operate under conditions that cause fogging or frosting ofwindshields shall be equipped with operable defogging or defrosting devices.

    d. Mobile equipment, operating within an off-highway job site not open to publictraffic, shall have a service brake system and a parking brake system capable ofstopping and holding the equipment while fully loaded on the grade of operation.In addition, it is recommended that heavy-duty hauling equipment have anemergency brake system that will automatically stop the equipment upon failureof the service brake system. This emergency brake system should be manuallyoperable from the driver's position.


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    Maintenance & Repairs

    a. Maintenance, including preventive maintenance, and repairs shall be inaccordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be documented.Records of maintenance and repairs conducted during the life of a contract shall

    be made available upon request of The Engineers.

    b. All machinery or equipment shall be shut down and positive means taken toprevent its operation while repairs or manual lubrications are being done.Equipment designed to be serviced while running are exempt from thisrequirement.

    c. All repairs on machinery or equipment shall be made at a location that willprotect repair personnel from traffic.

    d. Heavy machinery, equipment, or parts thereof that are suspended or held

    apart by slings, hoist, or jacks also shall be substantially blocked or cribbedbefore personnel are permitted to work underneath or between them.

    Bulldozer and scraper blades, end-loader buckets, dump bodies, and similarequipment shall be either fully lowered or blocked when being repaired or whennot in use. All controls shall be in a neutral position, with the engines stoppedand brakes set, unless work being performed on the machine requires otherwise.

    Stationary machinery and equipment shall be placed on a firm foundation andsecured before being operated.

    All mobile equipment and the areas in which they are operated shall beadequately illuminated while work is in progress.

    Equipment powered by an internal combustion engine will not be operated in ornear an enclosed area unless adequate ventilation is provided to ensure theequipment does not generate a hazardous atmosphere.

    All vehicles that will be parked or are moving slower than normal traffic on haulroads shall have a yellow flashing light or four-way flashers visible from alldirections.

    No one shall be permitted in the truck cab during loading operations except thedriver, and then only if the truck has a cab protector.

    Mechanized equipment shall be shut down before and during fueling operations.Closed systems, with an automatic shutoff that will prevent spillage if connectionsare broken, may be used to fuel diesel powered equipment left running.



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    a. All towing devices used on any combination of equipment shall be structurallyadequate for the weight drawn and securely mounted.

    b. Persons shall not be permitted to get between a towing vehicle and the piece

    of towed equipment until both have been completely stopped with all brakes setand wheels chocked on both vehicle and equipment.

    All machinery or equipment operating on rails, tracks, or trolleys (except railroadequipment) shall be provided with substantial track scrapers or track clearers(effective in both directions) on each wheel or set of wheels.


    a. Whenever equipment is parked, the parking brake shall be set.

    b. Equipment parked on an incline shall have the wheels chocked or trackmechanisms blocked and the parking brake set.

    c. All equipment left unattended at night, adjacent to a highway in normal use oradjacent to construction areas where work is in progress, shall have lights orreflectors, or barricades equipped with lights or reflectors, to identify the locationof the equipment.

    No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation ofmachinery or equipment shall be made without the manufacturer's writtenapproval.

    a. If such modifications or changes are made, the capacity, operation, andmaintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals shall be changed accordingly.

    b. In no case shall the original safety factor of the equipment be reduced.

    All powered-industrial trucks shall meet the requirements of design, construction,stability, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation defined in ANSI/ASMEB56.1.

    All powered-industrial trucks, lift trucks, stackers, and similar equipment shallhave the rated capacity posted on the vehicle so as to be clearly visible to theoperator. When the manufacturer provides auxiliary removable counterweights,corresponding alternate rated capacities also shall be clearly shown on thevehicle. The ratings shall not be exceeded.

    Only trained and authorized operators shall be permitted to operate a powered-industrial truck. Training must be both classroom and practical operation of thesame type of truck the student uses on the job. Training shall be provided in


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    accordance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.178. The employer must certifythat the operator has been trained and evaluated as required by the standard.The certification shall include the name of the operator, the date of the training,the date of the evaluation, and the identity of the person(s) performing thetraining or evaluation. Refresher training shall be provided as indicated by the


    When a powered-industrial truck is left unattended, load engaging means shallbe fully lowered, controls shall be neutralized, power shall be shut off, and brakesshall be set. Wheels shall be blocked if the truck is parked on an incline.

    An overhead guard shall be used as protection against falling objects. It shouldbe noted that an overhead guard is intended to offer protection from the impact ofsmall packages, boxes, bagged material, etc., representative of the jobapplication, but not to withstand the impact of a falling capacity load.

    Dock board or bridge plates shall be properly secured before they are drivenover. Dock board or bridge plates shall be driven over carefully and slowly andtheir rated capacity shall never be exceeded.

    Under all travel conditions the powered-industrial truck shall be operated at aspeed that will permit it to be brought to a stop in a safe manner.

    On all grades the load and load engaging means shall be tilted back if applicable,and raised only as far as necessary to clear the road surface.

    When ascending or descending grades in excess of 10%, loaded powered-industrial trucks shall be driven with the load upgrade.

    The controls of loaders, excavators, or similar equipment with folding booms orlift arms shall not be operated from a ground position unless so designed.

    Personnel shall not work in, pass under, or ride in the buckets or booms ofloaders in operation.

    a All belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, drums, flywheels, chains,or other reciprocating, rotating, or moving parts of equipment shall be guardedwhen exposed to contact by persons or when they otherwise create a hazard.

    b. All hot surfaces of equipment, including exhaust pipes or other lines, shall beguarded or insulated to prevent injury and fire.

    c. All equipment having a charging skip shall be provided with guards on bothsides and open end of the skip area to prevent persons from walking under theskip while it is elevated.


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    d. Platforms, foot walks, steps, handholds, guardrails, and toe boards shall bedesigned, constructed, and installed on machinery and equipment to provide safefooting and access ways.

    e. Equipment shall be provided with suitable working surfaces of platforms, guard

    rails, and hand grabs when attendants or other employees are required to ride foroperating purposes outside the operator's cab or compartment. Platforms andsteps shall be of nonskid material.

    f. Substantial overhead protection shall be provided for the operators of forkliftsand similar material handling equipment.

    Fuel tanks shall be located in a manner that will not allow spills or overflows torun onto engine, exhaust, or electrical equipment.

    Exhaust or discharges from equipment shall be so directed that they do not

    endanger persons or obstruct the view of the operator.

    Seatbelts and anchorages meeting the requirements of 49 CFR 571 shall beinstalled and worn in all motor vehicles (installation and usage on buses isoptional). Two-piece seat belts and anchorages for construction equipment shallcomply with applicable Federal specifications or Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE) Standard J386.

    All bulldozers, tractors, or similar equipment used in clearing operations shall beprovided with guards, canopies, or grills to protect the operator from falling andflying objects as appropriate to the nature of the clearing operations.


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    Secton 8


    A lockout device and universal "Danger" tagshall be placed on all energy-activating devices

    of machines or tools needing repair, orreceiving routine maintenance.

    The responsible trade should write the reason(s)the machine is not operable on the tag and sign itbefore placing the tag on the equipment.

    Before starting maintenance or repair, theequipment should be checked to make sure allenergy has been released or disconnected.

    Each trade should remove its tag after the equipment is repaired and notifyaffected personnel. When more than one trade is involved in repair ormaintenance of such equipment, a compound locking device shall be used. Eachtrade involved shall apply their own lock and personal tag.

    A lockout device and tag shall beplaced on the junction box of

    stationary permanently-wiredequipment with the energy activatingdevice placed in the "off" position.This lockout/tagout procedure shouldreduce accidents caused by theunexpected start-up or release ofenergy.

    The equipment shall not be put back inservice until after the last trade removesits lock and tag.

    "Reaching for something near unguarded, operating machinery never used tobother me," he said off-handedly.


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    Learning the location of fire extinguishing equipment and fire alarms in your workareas is important. Do not cover or hide fire protection equipment and fire alarmsfrom view.

    Sources of ignition, such as cigarettes, matches,portable heating equipment, unguarded light bulbs,etc., are prohibited in areas where explosives,flammable liquids or gases, or other combustiblesexist. (i.e., near chemical exhaust outlets, flammableliquid storage areas, sump pump areas, andrefueling areas)

    Always obey "No Smoking" signs.

    Never check for possible natural gas leaks with an open flame.

    Flammable liquids shall be kept in approved safety cans for use in smallamounts and for transportation. These containers shall be clearly labeled andstored in a separate, protected area.

    Refueling a small engine that is running or is hot can be dangerous and shouldbe avoided. Always clean up spills that occur during refueling before re-startingengines.

    Rags that contain oils or solvents shall be kept in covered metal containers untilthey can be safety disposed of.


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    Section 10


    Welding operations requirethat approved eye

    protection, welding shieldsand gloves be worn.

    Acetylene and oxygen tanks shall be securely fastened to a dolly or stand to preventtheir falling or being knocked over. Acetylene tanks shall only be used while in anupright position.

    Welding and cutting operations shall be performed only by authorized personnel

    under proper supervision.

    Proper fire extinguishers shall be immediately available.Localized ventilation shall be used when necessary.

    Always use soapy water instead of matches to check forleaks in hoses, fittings, and valves in welding equipment.

    Proper eye protection shall be worn when observingwelding or cutting operations, also when chipping slag.

    Material that has been recently welded should be markedHOTto avoid burns.

    Oxygen acetylene torch units shall be lit with proper ignition equipment and not with


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    matches or cigarettes.

    Oil in any form shall be kept away from sources of oxygen.

    Operations performed outside the shop shall be conducted ONLY after an inspection

    and an approval by the EHS Department. After the EHS Department has determinedthat the area is safe to weld, a welding permit shall be issued for that location, validonly for that day.


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    Section 11


    It takes very little electric current to kill--less thanone-tenth of an ampere. With good contact, 115

    volts is sufficient voltage to cause death. Therehave been fatal electric shocks where voltage aslow as 60 to 70 volts was involved.

    No electrical work should be performed "hot"when it can be done "cold."

    Switches, fuses, circuit breakers, and othercontrol devices in areas where explosives orother flammable liquids or gasses exist shall bethe type designed for use in these areas.

    All electrical equipment should be periodically inspected.

    Suitable means should be provided for identifying all electrical equipment andcircuits, especially if two or more voltages are used on the same job.

    All electrical tools and equipment should be properly grounded or be of thedouble-insulated type.

    Spliced or damagedelectrical cords shall notbe used until properlyrepaired. Electrical cordson power tools andextension cords shallhave heavy-duty rubberinsulation.

    You should never use electrical equipment when standing in or near water. Inplaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundries, and out-of-doors, where a personhaving wet hands or standing on a wet surface is likely to touch objects that maybe energized, a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFI) shall be installed in thecircuit to prevent electrical shock. Portable ground-fault circuit interrupters areavailable in the Tool Room for use in wet environments.


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    All exposed electrical wires should be considered "hot" or "live" until checked bythe Electrical Department. Electrical repairs or electrical installations shall bemade only by the Electrical Department.

    Standing on metal ladders or wearing metal hard hats near high voltage electrical

    power can result in death or serious injury.


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    Secton 12


    Although there is always a risk in working on elevated areas, it is a fact that the vast majority ofaccidents involving ladders result from the failure to exercise care. Proper training, as well as

    routine inspections and maintenance, can substantially reduce the number of ladder-relatedinjuries.

    On any job requiring a ladder, use only approvedsturdy ladders that you can place on a firm base.Inspect the ladder prior to EVERY use. Maintainladders free of oil, grease and other hazards. Do notuse ladders with structural defects; properly tag with"Do Not Use" and withdraw from service.

    Use a ladder only for the purpose for which it wasdesigned (refer to manufacturer's labeling andrecommendations). Use only non-conductive side

    rails around live electrical equipment. Wear protectiveclothing and rubber-soled shoes.

    Carry ladders parallel to the ground. Tie laddersdown securely when transporting.

    Barricade traffic areas in the vicinity of ladder use, andlock, barricade or guard doorways in which a ladder isplaced. Keep the area around the top and bottom ofthe ladder clear. Whenever possible, angle out thebase one-fourth of the ladder's working length. Theladder should reach at least three feet above the


    Extension ladders shall be kept from slipping or tipping by tying off the ladder at the top andsecuring the ladder at the bottom. Portable ladders in use shall be tied, blocked or otherwisesecured to prevent their being displaced.

    Face the ladder while climbing and use both hands. Lift equipment and materials with a ropespecifically for that purpose--don't carry the equipment up a ladder with one hand. Carry smallertools in pouches around the waist.

    Never stand on the top two steps of any ladder or the top cap of a step ladder. This could causeyou to become off-balance resulting in a fall. Do not stand on the back cross bracing. Alwaysmaintain at least three points of contact with the ladder (2 feet and 1 hand, or 2 hands and 1 footshould be in contact with the ladder at all times). Do not over-extend sideways; use the beltbuckle rule: Keep your belt buckle positioned between the side rails at all times--this will maintainyour center of gravity in the proper position. Do not move, shift, or extend the ladder while youare standing on it. Never walk a ladder.

    Do not load the ladder beyond its maximum intended load. Never allow more than one worker onthe ladder at a time.


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    Scaffolding should be used if solid footing or a safe ladder is not available. Caster brakesshould be set before an employee gets on a scaffold. If no brakes are available, anotheremployee should be in position to secure the scaffold.

    Scaffolding shall be secured at intervals of 15 feet to a solidsupport. Securing will be by wire, cable, chain or rope.

    Ladders, boxes, etc. should not be set on scafolds to increaseworking heights.

    Scaffolds should not be moved with employee(s) or materials onthe scaffold. Scaffolding shall not be moved until its height isreduced below 15 feet. Sufficient help shall be used to move thescaffold. A "watcher" shall be posted to watch for overheadobstructions as well as holes, etc., at ground level.

    Guard rails and toe boards are required on any scaffold over five feet high.

    Flooring shall be solid from side-to-side and secured in place with cleats.

    It is your responsibility to keep all tools and materials away form the edges of the scaffold andpaltform openings.

    Scaffolding over 50 feet high shall be inspected by the Environmental Health & SafetyDepartment.


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    Section 13


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than one million workers suffer

    back injuries each year, and back injuries account for one of every five workplaceinjuries.

    The amount of force placed on your back undercertain conditions can be surprising. Anytime youbend or lean over to pick something up withoutbending your knees, you put tremendous pressureon your lower back.

    Think of your back as a lever. With the fulcrumin the center of the lever, it only takes ten

    pounds of pressure to lift a ten pound object.

    However, if you shift the fulcrum to one side,it takes much more force to lift the sameobject. Your waist actually acts like thefulcrum in a lever system, and it is notcentered. In fact, it operates on a 10:1 ratio.Lifting a ten pound object actually puts 100pounds of pressure on your lower back.

    When you add in the 105 pounds of the

    average human upper torso, you see thatlifting a ten pound object actually puts1,150 pounds of pressure on the lowerback.

    Given these figures, it is easy to see how repetitive lifing and bending can quicklycause back problems. Even leaning forward while sitting at a desk or table caneventually lead to back-related problems.

    Avoid Lifting and Bending Whenever You Can!


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    Section 14


    It is our responsibility to closely follow the laws of the host

    country for the road.

    It is our responsibility to provide maintenance to the vehiclefor which we are responsible. This means notifying oursupervisor of braking or steering problems, lights or hornsthat have quit working, etc., as soon as the problem isdiscovered

    A safe number of people should ride in the cab of

    the truck, and any others shall be seated in the bed of the truck. (Riding inthe bed of a truck is stronglydiscouraged.) Do not sit on the edge of a truck tailgate and do not ride on any truck with

    your legs outside of the bed. *Never* transport people while they are standing in the truck. Never ride on a piece of equipment if there is no place specifically

    designed for that purpose. Examples of this would be riding on a tractorfender, working out of a front- end loader bucket, etc.

    When a trailer is to be pulled by a motor vehicle (including tractors) be sure theball and hitch are sized for use together.

    The safety chains *must* be attached in the appropriate manner bycrossing them under the tongue.

    When available, hook up the circuitry for the lights and check them aftereach hook-up to insure they are functioning properly before going intotraffic.

    Place the heaviest part of a trailer load in the front of a trailer or above theaxles, if possible.

    To reduce the chances ofswaying, large or heavy

    masses should not beplaced at the ends of thetrailer.

    Never allow anyone to be transported while in a trailer. Use a red flag on the end of a load that extends 4 feet or more past the

    end of the trailer.


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    Practice backing the trailer in an isolated area and test trailer brakes, ifavailable, before going into traffic.

    Learn to start slowly, avoid jerking, watch your speed, and avoid"fishtailing."

    Increase following distance and anticipate stops to permit deceleration

    without hazard. Avoid tailgating.


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    Section 15


    When entering different or unfamiliar work areas, be aware of work being donearound you and familiarize yourself with any required safety precautions.

    Before opening valves, turning on switches, or starting machinery, check thelocations and safety of others in the area. Have all safety guards and coversattached.

    You should be sure that the walking surface is secured before stepping onto it.Be careful around slippery spots, loose objects, or jagged edges.

    All electrical cords, ropes, hoses, etc., shall be placed to avoid hazards such astripping or damage from oil, grease, water, or moving equipment.

    Having adequate lights on all work areas, stairways, and in basements is veryimportant.

    When swinging sledge hammers, elevated loads, or other materials, make sure

    the area involved is clear. If your work causes hazardous conditions for others,place adequate barricades and/or signs to warn of the danger, e.g., manholebarricade guards.


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    Section 16


    The following peoples/centers contact number will be collected for Road 14project.

    1. Fire Station (If Available in Afghanistan)

    2. Police Station

    3. Ambulance (Hospital)

    4. Family Doctor (Office/Home)

    5. Children's Dr. (Office/Home)

    6. Other Doctor (Office/Home)

    7. Other Doctor (Office/Home)

    8. Druggist (Office/Home)

    9. Hospital

    10. Neighbor (Work/Home)

    11. Neighbor (Work/Home)

    12. Gas Company

    13. Electric Company

    14. Poison Control Center (If Available in Afghanistan)


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    Section 17


    Roof construction, repair, and other maintenance operations often requiremanual labor at dangerous heights and on steeply pitched workingsurfaces.

    The possibility of lost footing, decreased stability, and objects falling fromsuch heights is great; appropriate employee safeguards shall be present.

    When employees of Oklahoma State University are involved in suchoperations, the following minimum safety guidelines shall be followed topromote a safe and healthful workplace and guard against injury to othersbelow the work area.

    Catch Platforms

    A substantial catch platform shall be installed below the working area ofroofs more than 20 feet from ground-to-eaves without a parapet, or 16 feetfrom ground to eaves with a slope greater than 3 inches in 12 incheswithout a parapet. The platform shall extend 2 feet in width beyond theprojection of the eaves and shall be provided with a safety rail, mid-rail,and toeboard. This provision shall not apply where employees engaged inwork upon such roofs are protected by a safety belt attached to a lifeline

    Safety Belts, Lifelines, and Lanyards

    1. Where catch platforms are not in place, employees performing

    duties on a roof more than 20 feet from ground to eaves without aparapet, or 16 feet from ground to eaves with a slope greater than 4inches in 12 inches without a parapet, shall be secured by anapproved safety belt attached to a lifeline.

    2. The safety belt lanyard shall be a minimum of 1/2-inch nylon, orequivalent, with a maximum length to provide for a fall of no greaterthan 6 feet. The rope shall have a nominal breaking strength of5,400 pounds.

    3. Lifelines shall be secured above the point of operation to ananchorage or structural member capable of supporting a minimumdead weight of 5,400 pounds. One employee acting as anchor for

    another does not fulfill this requirement.4. Lifelines used in areas where they may be subjected to cutting or

    abrasion shall be a minimum of 7/8-inch wire core manila rope. Forall other lifeline applications, a minimum of 3/4-inch manila orequivalent, with a minimum breaking strength of 5,400 pounds,shall be used.

    5. Lifelines, safety belts, and lanyards shall be used only for employeesafeguarding. Ropes used for hoisting lines and other purposes


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    shall not be used as lifelines. Any lifeline, safety belt, or lanyardactually subjected to in-service loading, as distinguished from statictesting, shall be immediately removed from employee safeguarding

    Roofing Brackets

    Roofing brackets shall be constructed to fit the pitch of the roof.

    In addition to the pointed metal projections, brackets shall be secured bynailing in place. The nails shall be driven full length into the roof. Whenrope supports are used, they shall consist of first-grade manila of at least3/4-inch diameter, or equivalent.

    Crawling Boards or Chicken Ladders

    Crawling boards shall not be less than 10 inches wide and one inch thick, havingcleats 1 x 1-1/2 inches. The cleats shall be equal in length to the width of theboard and spaced at equal intervals not to exceed 24 inches. Nails shall bedriven through and clinched on the underside. The crawling board shall extendfrom the ridge pole to the eaves when used in connection with roof construction,repair, or maintenance.

    A firmly fastened lifeline of at least three-quarter-inch rope shall be strung besideeach crawling board for a handhold.

    Crawling boards shall be secured to the roof by means of adequate ridge hooksor equivalent effective means.

    Use of Hoisting Lines

    1. When hoisting lines are used to raise tools or materials to a roof greater than16 feet from ground to eaves without a parapet (or with a parapet less than 30inches in height), the employee on the roof shall be secured by an approvedsafety belt attached to a lifeline.

    2. The safety belt lanyard shall be a minimum of 1/2-inch nylon, or equivalent,with a maximum length to provide for a fall of no greater than 6 feet. The ropeshall have a nominal breaking strength of 5,400 pounds

    Work Site Isolation

    Prior to the start of roof construction, repair, or maintenance, the crew chief,foreman, or person in charge of the project shall ensure that the area below thework site is isolated against entry by the use of barrier tape or other means.


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    If means of egress are to be blocked by ladders, scaffolds, or other equipment, orto isolate below a work site, prior approval must be obtained from theEnvironmental Health & Safety Department.

    Personal Protective Equipment

    Employees involved in roof construction, repair, or maintenance operations shall useappropriate personal protective equipment including, but not limited to, hard hats, eyeprotection, and leather gloves.


    Employees shall not be involved in construction, repair, or maintenanceoperations on roofs during periods of high winds (such as when a wind advisoryhas been issued), lightning storms, snow storms, or other potentially hazardousweather conditions.


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    Section 18


    Exposure, through inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or physical contact, to

    any chemical, biological, or physical agent in excess of the acceptable limitsspecified in the most recently published American Conference of GovernmentalIndustrial Hygienist (ACGIH), "Threshold Limit Values and Biological ExposureIndices," or by OSHA, whichever is more stringent, shall be prohibi

    The employer shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations toreduce contaminant concentration levels as low as is reasonably achievable(ALARA).

    All operations, materials, and equipment shall be evaluated to determine thepresence of hazardous environments or if hazardous or toxic agents could be

    released into the work environment.

    Approved and calibrated testing devices shall be provided to measure hazardoussubstances, agents, and environments. (Devices shall be labeled indicating thename of the individual performing the calibration and date of the currentcalibration.)

    Engineering controls (such as local/general ventilation) shall be instituted to limitexposure to hazardous substances, agents, and environments within acceptablelimits.

    When engineering controls are not feasible or are not sufficient to limit exposureto hazardous substances, agents, and environments within acceptable limits,work practice controls (such as the wetting of hazardous dusts) shall be instituted

    When engineering or work practice controls are not feasible or are not sufficientto limit exposure to hazardous substances, agents, and environments withinacceptable limits, PPE programs (such as the use of respirators or gloves) shallbe instituted.

    When the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to harmful substances,suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall beprovided within the work area for immediate emergency use. (Reference ANSIZ358.1).

    Transportation, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances shall beunder the supervision of a qualified person.


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    Transportation, use, and storage of hazardous substances shall be planned andcontrolled to prevent contamination of people, animals, food, water, equipment,materials, and environment.

    All storage of hazardous substances shall be in accordance with the

    recommendations of the manufacturer and accessible only to authorizedpersons.

    Disposal of surplus or excess materials and containers shall occur in a mannerthat will not contaminate or pollute any water supply, ground water, or streams;and will comply with Federal, State, and local regulations and guidelines.

    Containers that have been used for hazardous substances shall not be used forany other material until they have been cleaned in accordance with thehazardous substance manufacturer's recommendations.

    Heating devices and melting kettles shall be placed on firm, level foundationsand shall be protected against traffic, accidental tipping, or similar hazards and,whenever possible, shall be placed downwind from workers or occupiedbuildings. A fire extinguisher, rated not less than 2-A:20-B:C, shall be available atall locations where heating devices and melting kettles are in use.


    Protection against hazards from animals and insects shall include, as applicable, the following:

    a. PPE such as boots, hoods, netting, gloves, and masks;

    b. Repellents;

    c. Drainage or spraying of breeding areas;

    d. Burning or destruction of nests;

    e. Smudge pots and aerosols for protecting small areas;

    f. Elimination of conditions that propagate insects or vermin;

    g. Extermination measures;

    h. Inoculation;

    i. Approved first-aid remedies for employees; and

    j. Instruction in recognition of the animals and insects.


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    SECTION 19


    Power tools shall be of a manufacture listed by a nationally-recognized testinglaboratory for the specific application for which they are to be used.

    Hand and power tools shall be used, inspected, and maintained in accordancewith the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and shall be usedonly for the purpose for which designed. A copy of the manufacturer'sinstructions and recommendations shall be maintained with the tools.

    Hand and power tools shall be inspected, tested, and determined to be in safeoperating condition before use. Continued periodic inspections shall be made toassure safe operating condition and proper maintenance.

    Hand and power tools shall be in good repair and with all required safety devicesinstalled and properly adjusted. Tools having defects that will impair theirstrength or render them unsafe shall be removed from service.

    When work is being performed overhead, tools not in use shall be secured orplaced in holders.

    Throwing tools or materials from one location to another or from one person toanother, or dropping them to lower levels, shall not be permitted.

    The electrical power control shall be provided on each machine/power tool tomake it possible for the operator to cut off the power for the machine/power toolwithout leaving the point of operation.

    Circular saws shall be equipped with guards that automatically and completelyenclose the cutting edges, splitters, and anti kickback devices.

    Blades of planers and jointers shall be fully guarded and have cylindrical headswith throats in the cylinder.


    Safety clips or retainers shall be installed and maintained on pneumatic impacttools to prevent dies and tools from being accidentally expelled from the barrel.

    Pressure shall be shut off and exhausted from the line before disconnecting theline from any tool or connection.


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    Safety lashing shall be provided at connections between tool and hose and at allquick makeup type connections.

    Hoses shall not be used for hoisting or lowering tools.


    Explosive-actuated (powder-actuated) tools shall meet the design requirementsof ANSI A10.3.

    Only qualified operators shall operate explosive-actuated tools. A qualifiedoperator is one who has:

    a. Been trained by an authorized instructor (one who has been trained,authorized, and provided an authorized instructor's card by the tool manufactureror by an authorized representative of the tool manufacturer);

    b. Passed a written examination provided by the manufacturer of the tool; and

    c. Possesses a qualified operator's card supplied by the manufacturer and issuedand signed by both the instructor and the operator.


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    Section 20



    Employees shall be trained in and shall use safe lifting techniques.

    Material handling devices shall be available for the material handling needs of anactivity.

    Whenever heavy or bulky material is to be moved, the material handling needsshall be evaluated in terms of weight, size, distance, and path of movement. Thefollowing hierarchy shall be followed in selecting a means for material handling:

    a. Elimination of material handling needs by engineering,

    b. Movement by mechanical device (e.g., lift truck, overhead crane, or conveyor),c. Movement by manual means with handling aid (e.g., dollie or cart), ord. Movement using safe lifting techniques. >Reference NIOSH, Work PracticesGuide for Manual Lifting

    Materials will not be moved over or suspended above personnel unless positiveprecautions have been taken to protect the personnel from falling objects.

    Where the movement of materials may be hazardous to persons, taglines orother devices shall be used to control the loads being handled by hoistingequipment. These devices shall be nonconductive when used near energizedlines.


    All material in bags, containers, bundles, or stored in tiers shall be stacked,blocked, interlocked, and limited in height so that it is stable and secured againstsliding or collapse.

    a. Material shall be stacked as low as practical and in no case higher than 20 ft(6 m) unless otherwise specified in this Section.b. Storage of flammable and combustible materials will must meet the requirednorms.

    Material stored inside buildings under construction shall not be placed within 6 ft(1.8 m) of any hoistway or floor opening, nor within 10 ft (3 m) of an exterior wallthat does not extend above the material stored.Accessways shall be kept clear and unauthorized persons shall be prohibitedfrom entering storage areas. All persons shall be in a safe position whilematerials are being loaded or unloaded from railroad cars, trucks, or barges.


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    Material shall not be stored on scaffolds or runways in excess of needs fornormal placement operations or in excess of safe load limits.

    Storage of Bagged Materials

    a. Bagged materials shall be stacked by stepping back the layers and cross-keying the bags at least every 10 bags high.

    b. Bags of cement and lime shall not be stacked more than 10 high withoutsetback, except when restrained by walls of appropriate strength.

    c. The bags around the outside of the stack shall be placed with the mouths ofthe bags facing the center of the stack.

    d. During unstacking, the top of the stack shall be kept nearly level and the

    necessary setback maintained.

    Storage of Brick

    a. Brick shall be stacked on an even, solid surface.

    b. Bricks stacks shall not be more than 7 ft (2.1 m) high. When stacked loosebrick reaches a height of 4 ft (1.2 m), it shall be tapered back 2 in (5 cm) in every1 ft (0.3 m) of height above the 4 ft (1.2 m) level.

    c. Unitized brick (brick securely gathered into large standard packages andfastened with straps) shall not be stacked more than three units high.

    Storage of Floor, Wall, and Partition Block

    a. Blocks shall be stacked in tiers on solid, level surfaces.

    b. When masonry blocks are stacked higher than 6 ft (1.8 m), the stack shall betapered back one-half block per tier above the 6 ft (1.8 m) level.

    Storage of Reinforcing & Structural Steel

    a. Reinforcing steel shall be stored in orderly piles away from walkways androadways.

    b. Structural steel shall be securely piled to prevent members sliding off or thepile toppling over.


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    Storage of Cylindrical Material

    a. Structural steel, poles, pipe, bar stock, and other cylindrical materials, unlessracked, shall be stacked and blocked so as to prevent spreading or tilting.

    b. Pipe, unless racked, shall not be stacked higher than 5 ft (1.5 m).

    c. Either a pyramid or battened stack shall be used.

    d. Where a battened stack is used, the outside pile or pole shall be securelychocked. Battened stacks shall be tapered back at least one pile or pole in eachtier.

    e. Unloading of round material shall be done so that no person is required to beon the unloading side of the carrier after the tie wires have been cut or during theunlocking of the stakes.

    Material Disposal

    Waste material and rubbish shall be placed in containers or, if appropriate, inpiles.Waste materials and rubbish shall not be thrown down from a height of morethan 6 ft (1.8 m), unless the following are complied with:

    a. The materials or rubbish are dropped through an enclosed chute constructedof wood or equivalent material. Chutes for debris shall be enclosed, except foropenings equipped with closures at or about floor level for the insertion ofmaterials. The openings shall not exceed 48 in (121.9 cm) in height measuredalong the wall of the chute. Openings shall be kept closed when not in use.

    b. When debris cannot be handled by chutes, the area into which the material isdropped shall be enclosed with barricades not less than 42 in (106.6 cm) inheight. Barricades shall be positioned to keep personnel from all debris landingareas. Signs warning of the hazard of falling material shall be posted at all debrislanding areas and at each level exposed to falling debris.

    Separate covered, self-closing, nonflammable/nonreactive containers shall beprovided for the collection of garbage, oily, flammable, and dangerous wastes.

    a. The containers shall be labeled with a description of the contents.b. The contents shall be properly disposed of daily.

    Hazardous material waste (i.e., vehicle and equipment oils and lubricants,containers and drums for solvents, adhesives, etc.) shall be collected, stored,and disposed of in accordance with required standards.


  • 8/11/2019 SAFETY+PLAN+05-06-08


    Section 21


    IN CASE OF FIRE:i. Shout fire-fire and/or raise the fire alarm.

    ii. Use fire extinguisher if can fight the fire.

    iii. Do not apply water on electrical fire.

    iv. Evacuate the place and go to assembly point.

    v. Switch of all electrical panel to avoid electrocution.

    vi. Contact with local fire brigade.

    vii. Start rescue operationviii. Contact medical center or near by hospital for medical aid

    ix. Do not panic any circumstances

    x. When fire is extinguisher, raise the all clear signal


    1- Apply First Aid

    2- Contact medical center for further help


    Safety Officer


    Camp manager

    Personnel / Admin Chief
