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Saharanpur Smart City Ltdsmartcities.gov.in/upload/tender/5ab8a2ca61894RFP Saharanpur Smart... ·...

Date post: 04-Jun-2018
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Issuedon: 22/03/2018

Employer: ChiefExecutiveOfficerSaharanpurSmartCityLimited,Saharanpur



Section1. LetterofInvitation................................................................................................................................................3





Section6. StandardFormofContract.............................................................................................................................86






NameofTheDepartment: SaharanpurSmartCityLimited




1. The Saharanpur Smart City Limited(hereinafter called “Employer”) is executingSMARTCITYMISSION(SCM)inSaharanpur.

2. The employer invites proposal to provide the following consulting services:“PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT (PMC) TO DESIGN, DEVELOP,MANAGEAND IMPLEMENTSMARTCITYPROJECTSUNDERSMARTCITYMISSION (SCM) IN SAHARANPUR.” More details on the services areprovided in theTerms of Reference in this RFP document and qualificationrequirement is atInstructionstoConsultants.

3. A firm will be selected under “Combined Quality Cum Cost Based System


4. TheRFPincludesthefollowingdocuments:


5. RFPdocumentcanbedownloadedfromthewebsiteofNagarNigamSaharanpur.(http://saharanpurnagarnigam.in/; https://etender.up.nic.in). The bids ofonlythoseapplicantsshallbeconsideredforevaluationwhohavemadepaymentof Rs. 10,000/‐ (Rs Ten Thousand only) for the RFP document pulse GST andgatewaychargesintheformofDemandDraft/Banker’schequeinfavouroftheCEO,SaharanpurSmartCityLimitedpayableatSaharanpur,withoutwhichbidswillnotbeaccepted.TheRFPFeeofRs.10,000/‐((RsTenThousandonly)istobesubmittedbymakingonlinepaymentonlyagainstthisRFP.

6. Proposalmustbedelivered:

totheaddressbelow atorbefore14:00hrson27/04/2018 TogetherwithabidsecurityintheamountandformindicatedintheBiddingDocuments.


7. ImportantDates‐


Proposalshouldbesubmittedatorbefore14:00hrson27/04/2018. TechnicalBidOpeningon07/05/2018. FinancialBidOpeningon17/05/2018. Negotiationon28/05/2017. TenderAwardedon05/06/2017.

8. Technical Proposal will be opened at 14:00 hrs. on 07/05/2018 in thepresence ofBidders’representativeswhochoosetoattend.



Address: ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)



Telephone: 0132‐2614720Email: [email protected]





1. Definitions(a) “Employer” means the Agencywho have invited the bids for consultancy services

and/orwithwhich the selectedConsultant signs the Contract for the Services andto which the selected consultant shall provide services as per the terms andconditionsandTORofthecontract.

(b) “Consultant”meansanyentityorpersonor associationsof personwhohavebeenrequestedtosubmittheirproposalsthatmayprovideorprovidestheServicestotheEmployerundertheContract.

(c) “Contract”meanstheContractsignedbythePartiesandalltheattacheddocumentslisted in its Clause 1, that is the General Conditions (GC), the project SpecificConditions(SC),andtheAppendices.

(d) “Projectspecific information”means suchpart of the Instructions toConsultantsusedtoreflectspecificprojectandassignmentconditions.

(e) “Day”meanscalendarday.

(f) “Government”meansthegovernmentofIndia/State/LocalGovernment.

(g) “Instructions to Consultants” (Section 2 of the RFP) means the document whichprovidesConsultantswithallinformationneededtopreparetheirproposals.

(h) “LOI” (Section 1 of the RFP) means the Letter of Invitation being sent by theEmployertotheconsultants.

(i) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the Consultant orby any Sub‐Consultant and assigned to perform the Services or any part thereof;“ForeignPersonnel”meanssuchprofessionalsandsupportstaffwhoatthetimeofbeing so provided had their domicile outside the Government’s country;“Domestic Personnel”meanssuchprofessionalsandsupportstaffwhoatthetimeofbeingsoprovidedhadtheirdomicileinIndia.


(j) “Proposal”meanstheTechnicalProposalandtheFinancialProposal.

(k) “RFP” means the Request for Proposal prepared by the Employer for the selectionofConsultants,basedontheSRFP.

(l) “SRFP” means the Standard Request for Proposals, which must be used by theEmployerasaguideforthepreparationoftheRFP.

(n) “Assignment/job” means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuantto theContract.

(o) “Sub‐Consultant” means any person or entity with whom the ConsultantsubcontractsanypartoftheAssignment/job.

(p) “TermsofReference”(TOR)meansthedocumentincludedintheRFPasSection5which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be performed,respectiveresponsibilitiesoftheEmployerandtheConsultant,andexpectedresultsanddeliverablesoftheAssignment/job.

2. Introduction2.1 The Employer named in the Part II Data Sheet will select a consulting

firm/organization(theConsultant)meetingbasiceligibilitycriteriaasmentioned inPartIIDataSheetandinaccordancewiththemethodofselectionspecifiedinthePartIIDataSheet.

2.2 Thenameoftheassignment/JobhasbeenmentionedinPart IIDataSheet.Detailedscopeoftheassignment/jobhasbeendescribedintheTermsofReferenceinSection5.

2.3 Thedate,timeandaddressforsubmissionoftheproposalshasbeengiveninPartIIDataSheet.

2.4 TheConsultantsareinvitedtosubmittheirProposal,forconsultingAssignment/jobnamed in the Part II Data Sheet. The Proposal will be the basis for contractnegotiations andultimatelyforasignedContractwiththeselectedConsultant.

2.5 Consultantsshould familiarizethemselveswithLocalconditionsandtakethemintoaccount in preparing their Proposals. To obtain first‐hand information on theAssignment/job and Local conditions, Consultants are encouraged to meet theEmployer’s representative named in part II Data Sheet before submitting aproposal and to attend apre‐proposalmeeting if one is specified in the Part IIData Sheet. Attending the pre‐ proposal meeting is optional. Consultants shouldcontact the Employer’s representative to arrange for their visit or to obtain


additional information on the pre‐proposal meeting. Consultants should ensurethat these representativesare advisedof thevisit in adequatetimetoallowthemtomakeappropriatearrangements.

2.6 The Employer will provide at no cost to the Consultants the inputs and facilitiesspecified in the Part II Data Sheet, assist the consultants in obtaining licenses andpermitsneededtocarryouttheAssignment/job,andmakeavailablerelevantprojectdataandreports.

2.7 Consultants shall bear all costs associatedwith the preparation and submission oftheir proposals and contractnegotiation.TheEmployer is not bound to accept anyproposal,andreserves the right to annul the selection process at any time priorto Contract award,withouttherebyincurringanyliabilitytotheConsultants.

3. EligibilityofAssociationofconsultantsandSub‐Consultants3.1. If the consultant has formed an association of consultants, each member of the

association of consultant shall be evaluated as per the qualification/ eligibilitycriteriasetforthinPartII data Sheet. The combined score of the each member ofthe association of consultantshall be taken into account for evaluation purpose. Ifanymember of the association ofconsultants isdroppedat theRFP stage, such anassociation of consultant is liable to be rejected by the Employer. However, theEmployer, at its sole discretion, may decide to evaluate for short‐listing suchassociationof consultantwithout considering the strengthof the dropped memberand if found eligible, may allow such association of consultant to submit theirproposal.

3.2. A consultant may associate with consultants and /or individual expert at the

time ofsubmissionofproposalwith.Undersuchcircumstanceseachmemberoftheassociation of consultant shall be evaluated as per the qualification/eligibilitycriteriasetforthinPartIIdataSheet.Thecombinedscoreoftheeachmemberoftheassociation of consultant shall be taken into account for evaluation purpose.However,theEmployershalldealwithonlytheleadmemberforthepurposeofthisassignment. Although the contract shall be signed by all the members of theassociations of the consultants, the lead member of the association of theconsultant shall be responsible and liable to the Employer for every aspects oftheirproposal,contractetc.


4. ClarificationandAmendmentofRFPDocuments4.1 Consultantsmay request a clarification on any clause of the RFP documents up to

the number of days indicated in the Part II Data Sheet before the proposalsubmission date.Anyrequestforclarificationmustbesentinwriting,orbystandardelectronicmeanstotheEmployer’s address indicated in the Part II Data Sheet. TheEmployer will respond inwriting, or by standard electronic means and will sendwritten copies of the response(includinganexplanationof thequerybutwithoutidentifying the source of inquiry) to allConsultants. Should the Employer deem itnecessary to amend theRFP as a result of aclarification,itshalldosofollowingtheprocedureunderpara.4.2Below.

4.2 At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Employermay amend theRFP

byissuingan addendum inwritingorbystandard electronicmeans.Theaddendumshall be sent to all Consultants and will be binding on them. Consultants shallacknowledge receipt of all amendments. To give Consultants reasonable time inwhichtotakeanamendmentintoaccountintheirProposalstheEmployermay,iftheamendmentissubstantial,extendthedeadlineforthesubmissionofProposals.

5. ConflictofInterest5.1 Employer requires that Consultants provide professional, objective, and impartial

advice and at all times hold the Employer’s interests paramount, strictly avoidconflicts with other Assignment/jobs or their own corporate interests and actwithout any consideration forfuturework.

5.2 Withoutlimitationonthegenerality ofthe foregoing,Consultants,andany oftheir


Conflicting activities: (i) a firm that has been engaged by the Employerto provide goods, works or Assignment/job other than consultingAssignment/job for a project, and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualifiedfrom providing consultingAssignment/job related to those goods, works orAssignment/job. Conversely, a firmhired toprovide consultingAssignment/jobforthepreparationorimplementationofaproject,andanyofitsaffiliates,shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods or works orAssignment/ job other than consulting Assignment/ job resulting from ordirectlyrelated to the firm’s consultingAssignment/job forsuchpreparation


or implementation. For the purpose of this paragraph, Assignment/jobother than consulting Assignment/job are defined as those leading to ameasurable physical output, for example surveys, exploratory drilling, aerialphotographyandsatelliteimagery.

Conflicting Assignment/job; (ii) A Consultant (including its Personnel andSub‐ Consultants) or any of its affiliates shall not be hired for anyAssignment/job that, by its nature, may be in conflict with anotherAssignment/joboftheConsultanttobeexecutedfor the same or for anotherEmployer. For example, a Consultant hired to prepareengineering designfor an infrastructure project shall not be engaged to prepare anindependentenvironmentalassessmentforthesameproject,andaConsultantassistinganEmployer in theprivatizationofpublicassets shallnotpurchase,nor advice purchasers of, such assets. Similarly, a Consultant hired toprepareTerms ofReference for an Assignment/job shall not be hiredfor theAssignment/job inquestion.

Conflicting relationships (iii) A Consultant (including its Personnel andSub‐Consultants)thathasabusinessor familyrelationshipwithamemberoftheEmployer’sstaffwhoisdirectlyorindirectlyinvolvedinanypartof(i)thepreparationoftheTermsofReferenceoftheAssignment/job,(ii)theselectionprocessforsuchAssignment/job,or(iii) supervisionof theContract,maynotbe awarded a Contract, unless the conflict stemming from this relationshiphas been resolved in a manner acceptable to the Employer throughout theselectionprocessandtheexecutionoftheContract.

5.3 Consultantshaveanobligationtodiscloseanysituationofactualorpotentialconflict

thatimpacts theircapacityto serve thebest interestoftheirEmployer,orthatmayreasonablybeperceivedashaving this effect.AnysuchdisclosureshallbemadeaspertheStandardforms of technical proposal provided herewith. If the consultantfails to disclose saidsituationsand if theEmployercomestoknowaboutanysuchsituation at any time, it may lead to the disqualification of the Consultant duringbiddingprocessortheterminationofitsContractduringexecutionofassignment.

6. UnfairAdvantage6.1 If a Consultant could derive a competitive advantage from having provided

consultingAssignment/job related to the Assignment/job in question and whichis not defined asconflict of interest asperpara5 above, theEmployer shallmake


availabletogetherwiththisRFPall informationthatwouldinthatrespectgivesuchConsultantanycompetitiveadvantageovercompetingConsultants.

7. Proposal7.1 Consultantsmayonlysubmitoneproposal.IfaConsultantsubmitsorparticipatesin

morethan one proposal, such proposals shall be disqualified. However, this doesnot limit theparticipationof the sameSub‐Consultant, including individual experts,tomorethanoneproposal.

8. ProposalValidity8.1 The Part II Data Sheet to consultant indicates how long Consultants’ Proposals

must remain valid after the submission date. During this period, Consultants shallmaintaintheavailabilityofProfessionalstaffnominatedintheProposalandalsothefinancialproposalunchanged. The Employer will make its best effort to completenegotiations within thisperiod.Should theneedarise;however, theEmployermayrequest Consultants to extendthe validity period of their proposals. Consultantswho agree to such extension shallconfirm that they maintain the availability ofthe Professional staff nominated in the Proposal and their financial proposalremainunchanged,or in theirconfirmationofextensionof validityof theProposal,Consultants could submit new staff in replacement,which would be considered inthe final evaluation for contract award. Consultants who do not agree have theright to refuse to extend the validity of their Proposals; under suchcircumstancetheEmployershallnotconsidersuchproposalforfurtherevaluation.

9. PreparationofProposals9.1 The Proposal as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the Consultants


9.2 In preparing their Proposal, Consultants are expected to examine in detail the

documentscomprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the informationrequestedmayresultinrejectionofaProposal.

9.3 While preparing theTechnical Proposal, Consultantsmust giveparticular attention


(a) If a Consultant considers that it may enhance its expertise for the


Assignment/jobby associating with other Consultants in sub‐consultancy,itmayassociatewithotherConsultant.

(b) TheestimatednumberofProfessional staff‐months for theAssignment/job

is as shown in the Part II Data sheet. However, the Proposal shall bebased on the number of Professional staff‐months or budget estimatedby the Consultants. While making the proposal, the consultant mustensure that he proposes the minimum number and type of experts assought by the Employer, failing which theproposalshallbeconsideredasnon‐responsive.

(c) Alternativeprofessionalstaffshallnotbeproposed,andonlyonecurriculum


9.4 Depending on the nature of the Assignment/job, Consultants are required to submitaTechnical Proposal (TP) informs provided inSection‐III.The PartII Data sheet inSection‐IIindicatesthe formatsof theTechnicalProposal tobesubmitted.Submissionof the wrong type of Technical Proposal will result in the Proposal beingdeemed non‐ responsive. The Technical Proposal shall provide the informationindicated in the following paras from (a) to (g) using the attached Standard Forms(Section3).FormTech–IinSection‐IIIisasampleletteroftechnicalproposalwhichistobesubmittedalongwiththetechnicalproposal.

(a) A brief description of the consultant’s organization and in the case of aconsortium/jointventure,ofeachpartner,willbeprovided inFormTech‐2. Inthesame Form, the consultant and in the case of a consortium/ joint venture,eachpartnerwillprovidedetailsofexperienceofassignmentswhicharesimilarto the proposed assignment/ job as per the terms of reference. For eachAssignment/job, the outline should indicate the names of Sub‐Consultants/Professional staff whoparticipated, duration of the Assignment/ job, contractamount, andConsultant’sinvolvement.InformationshouldbeprovidedonlyforthoseAssignment/jobs forwhich the Consultantwas legally contracted by theEmployerasacorporationoras oneof themajor firmswithin a joint venture.Assignment/jobs completed by individual Professional staff working privatelyor through other consulting firms cannot be claimed as the experience of theConsultant, or that of the Consultant’s associates, but can be claimed by theProfessional staff themselves in their CVs. Consultants should be prepared tosubstantiate the claimed experience along withthe proposalandmustsubmitletter of award / copy of contract for all the assignmentsmentioned in theproposal.


(b) Comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference including workable

suggestions that could improve the quality/ effectiveness of theAssignment/job; and on requirements for counterpart staff and facilitiesincluding: administrative support, office space, Domestic transportation,equipment, data, etc. to beprovidedbytheEmployer(FormTECH‐3ofSection3).

(c) A description of the approach, methodology and work plan for performing

the Assignment/job covering the following subjects: technical approach andmethodology,workplan,andorganizationandstaffingschedule.GuidanceonthecontentofthissectionoftheTechnicalProposalsisprovidedunderFormTECH‐4ofSection3.TheworkplanshouldbeconsistentwiththeWorkSchedule(FormTECH‐8 of Section 3) which will show in the form of a bar chart the timingproposedforeachactivity.

(d) The list of the proposed Professional staff team by area of expertise, the

positionthat would beassignedto each staff teammember and their tasksis to beprovidedinFormTECH‐5ofSection3.

(e) Estimates of the staff input needed to carry out the Assignment/job needs tobe given in Form TECH‐7 of Section 3. The staff‐months input should beindicatedseparatelyforeachlocationwheretheConsultantshavetoworkand/orprovidetheirkeystaff.

(f) CVsof the Professional staff asmentioned inpara9.4 (d) above signedby the

staff themselves or by the authorized representative of the ProfessionalStaff(FormTECH‐6ofSection3).

(g) A detailed description of the proposed methodology and staffing for


9.5 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information. A Technical


9.6 FinancialProposals: The Financial Proposal shall be prepared using the attached

Standard Forms (Section 4). It shall list all costs associated with theAssignment/job, including (a)remunerationforstaffand(b)reimbursableexpenses


indicatedinthePartIIDatasheet.Ifappropriate,thesecostsshouldbebrokendownby activity and, if appropriate, into foreign (if applicable) and domesticexpenditures. The financial proposal shall not include anyconditions attached toit and any such conditional financial proposal shall be rejectedsummarily.

10. Taxes10.1 The Consultant shall fully familiarize themselves about the applicable to Domestic


11. Currency11.1 ConsultantsmustexpressthepriceoftheirAssignment/jobinIndiaRupees.

12. EarnestMoneyDeposit(EMD)andBidprocessingFees12.1 EarnestMoneyDeposit

I. An EMD of amountasmentionedindatasheet, in the form of DD drawnin favour of the Employer (Saharanpur Smart City Limited) and payable atSaharanpur as mentioned in data sheet, must be submitted along with theProposal.

II. ProposalsnotaccompaniedbyEMDshallberejectedasnon‐responsive.III. No interest shall be payable by the Employer for the sumdeposited as

earnestmoneydeposit.IV. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders would be returned back within one


12.2 TheEMDshallbeforfeitedbytheEmployerinthefollowingevents:

I. IfProposaliswithdrawnduringthevalidityperiodoranyextensionagreedbytheconsultantthereof.

II. If the Proposal is varied or modified in a manner not acceptable to theEmployerafteropeningofProposalduringthevalidityperiodoranyextensionthereof.

III. Iftheconsultanttriestoinfluencetheevaluationprocess.IV. If the First ranked consultant withdraws his proposal during negotiations



13. BidProcessingFees

AllconsultantsarerequiredtopayasmentionedindatasheettowardsBidProcessingFeesintheformofdemandDraftdrawninfavourofEmployer(asindicatedinDataSheet)andpayable at Saharanpur. The Bid Processing Fee is Non‐Refundable. Nonsubmission of BidProcessingfeealongwiththeTechnicalProposalwillbetreatedasnon‐responsivebid.

14. Submission,Receipt,andOpeningofProposal14.1 The original proposal, both technical and Financial Proposals shall contain no

interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by theConsultants themselves. The person who signed the proposal must initial suchcorrections. Submission letters for both Technical and Financial Proposals shouldrespectivelybeintheformatofTECH‐1ofSection3,andFIN‐1ofSection4.

14.2 An authorized representative of the Consultants shall initial all pages of the

originalTechnical and Financial Proposals. The authorization shall be in the formof a written power of attorney accompanying the Proposal or in any other formdemonstrating that the representative has been dully authorized to sign. Thesigned Technical and FinancialProposalsshallbemarked“ORIGINAL”.

14.3 The original and all copies of the Technical Proposal shall be placed in a sealedenvelopeclearly marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” Similarly, the original FinancialProposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “FINANCIALPROPOSAL” followed by the name of the Assignment/job. The envelopescontaining the Technical Proposals, Financial Proposals, EMD and bid processingfees shall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shallbear the submission address, reference number. The Employer shall not beresponsible formisplacement, losingorprematureopening if theouter envelope isnot sealed as stipulated. This circumstancemaybe case for Proposalrejection.If the Financial Proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed envelopedulymarkedas indicatedabove,thiswillconstitutegrounds fordeclaringtheProposalnon‐responsive.

14.4 TheProposalsmustbe sent to theaddress indicated in theDatasheetandreceived

by theEmployerno laterthanthetimeand thedate indicated in theDatasheet,orany extension to this date in accordance with para 4.2 above. Any proposalreceived by the Employer after the deadline for submission shall be returnedunopened.


15. Proposal Evaluation15.1 From the time the Proposals are opened to the time theContract is awarded, the

Consultants shouldnot contact theEmployeronanymatterrelated to itsTechnicaland/orFinancial Proposal. Any effort by Consultants to influence the Employerintheexamination,evaluation,rankingofProposals,andrecommendationforawardofContractmayresultintherejectionoftheConsultants’Proposal.

15.2 The employer has constituted a Consultant Selection Committee (CSC) which will


15.3 Evaluation of Technical Proposals: CSC while evaluating the TechnicalProposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals until the technicalevaluationisconcludedandthecompetentauthorityacceptstherecommendation.

15.4TheCSCshallevaluatetheTechnicalProposalsonthebasisoftheirresponsivenesstothe Terms of Reference and by applying the evaluation criteria, sub‐criteriaspecified in theData sheet. In the first stage of evaluation, a Proposal shall berejected if it is found deficient as per the requirement indicated in the Datasheet for responsiveness of theproposal.Onlyresponsiveproposalsshallbefurthertakenupforevaluation.Evaluationofthe technical proposal will start first and atthis stage the financial bid (proposal) willremain unopened. The qualification ofthe consultant and the evaluation criteria for the technical proposal shall be asdefinedintheDatasheet.

15.5 Public opening & evaluation of the Financial Proposals: Financialproposalsofonlythose firmswhoaretechnicallyqualifiedshallbeopenedpubliclyon the date &time specified the Data sheet, in the presence of the Consultants’representatives whochoose to attend.Thenameof theConsultants, their technicalscore(ifrequired)andtheirfinancialproposalshallbereadaloud.

15.6 The CSC will correct any computational errors. When correcting computational

errors, in case of discrepancy between a partial amount and the total amount, orbetween word and figures, the former will prevail. In addition to the abovecorrections the items described in theTechnical Proposal but not priced, shall beassumed to be included in the prices of other activities or items. In case anactivity or line item is quantified in the FinancialProposal differently from the


Technical Proposal, (i) if theTime‐Based formof contracthas beenincluded in theRFP, the Evaluation Committee shall correct the quantification indicated in theFinancial Proposal so as to make itconsistent with that indicated in theTechnicalProposal, apply the relevant unit price included in the Financial Proposal to thecorrected quantity and correct the total Proposal cost, (ii) if the Lump‐Sumform of contract has been included in the RFP, no corrections are applied to theFinancial Proposal in this respect. If Permitted under RFP to quote in anycurrency other than Indian Rupees, Prices Shall be converted to IndianRupeesusingthesellingrateofexchange,scoreandreferencedateindicatedinDataSheet. Normally, thedatewill be thedateofopeningof the tenderunlessspecifiedotherwiseintheDatasheet.

15.7 After opening of financial proposals, appropriate selection method shall be

applied todetermine the consultant who will be declared winner and be eligiblefor award of the contract. The methods of selections are described in the DataSheet [The employer shallmention here which method out of all listed methodshall be applied for selection of consultant for this assignment / job]. Thisselected consultant will then be invited fornegotiations,ifconsiderednecessary.

16. Negotiations16.1 Negotiations will be held at the date, time and address intimated to the qualified

andselectedbidder.TheinvitedConsultantwill,asapre‐requisiteforattendanceatthe negotiations, confirm availability of all Professional staff. Representativesconductingnegotiations on behalf of the Consultant must have written authorityto negotiate andconcludeaContract.

16.2 Technical negotiations: Negotiations will include a discussion of the TechnicalProposal, the proposed technical approach and methodology, work plan, andorganization and staffing, and any suggestionsmade by the Consultant to improvetheTermsofReference.TheEmployerandtheConsultantswillfinalizetheTermsofReference, staffing schedule, work schedule, logistics, and reporting. Thesedocuments will then be incorporated in the Contract as “Description ofAssignment/job”. Special attention will be paid to clearlydefining the inputs andfacilities required from the Employer to ensure satisfactory implementation of theAssignment/job. The Employer shall prepareminutes ofnegotiationswhichwillbesignedbytheEmployerandtheConsultant.

16.3 Financial negotiations: After the technical negotiations are over, financial


negotiationsshouldbecarriedoutinordertoreflectanychangeinfinancialsduetochange in scope of work or due to clarification on any aspect of the technicalproposal during the technical negotiations. Under no circumstance, the financialnegotiation shall result in to increase in the price originally quoted by theconsultant. Unless there are exceptional reasons, the financial negotiations willinvolveneither theremuneration rates for staffnorotherproposed unit rates. Forother methods, Consultants will provide the Employer with the information onremuneration rates described in the Appendix attached to Section 4 ‐FinancialProposal‐StandardFormsofthisRFP.

16.4 Availability of Professional staff/experts: Having selected the Consultant on the

basis of, among other things, an evaluation of proposed Professional staff, theEmployer expects to negotiate a Contract on the basis of the Professional staffnamed in the Proposal. Before contract negotiations, the Employer will requireassurances that the Professional staffwillbe actually available. The Employer willnot consider substitutions during contract negotiations unless both parties agreethat undue delay in the selection processmakes such substitution unavoidable orfor reasons such as death or medical incapacity or if theprofessionalstaffhasleft theorganisation. If this is not the case and if it is established thatProfessionalstaff were offered in the proposal without confirming their availability, theConsultant may be disqualified. Any proposed substitute shall have equivalent orbetterqualifications and experience than the original candidate and be submittedby the Consultant within the period of time specified in the letter of invitation tonegotiate.

16.5 Conclusion of the negotiations: Negotiations will conclude with a review of the

draftContract.TocompletenegotiationstheEmployerandtheConsultantwillinitialthe agreed Contract. If negotiations fail, the employer will reject all the proposalsreceivedandinvitefreshproposals.

17. AwardofContract

17.1 After completing negotiations the Employer shall issue a Letter of Intent to theselectedConsultant and promptly notify all other Consultantswho have submittedproposalsaboutthedecisiontaken.

17.2 The consultants will sign the contract after fulfilling all the formalities/pre‐

conditions includingPerformanceGuarantee asmentioned in the standard form ofcontractinSection‐6,within15daysofissuanceoftheletterofintent.


17.3 The Consultant is expected to commence the Assignment/job on the date and

at thelocationspecifiedinthePartIIDataSheet.

18. Confidentiality18.1 Information relating to evaluation of Proposals and recommendations concerning

awardsshallnotbedisclosedtotheConsultantswhosubmitted theProposalsortootherpersonsnot officially concernedwith theprocess, until the publicationof theaward of Contract. The undue use by any Consultant of confidential informationrelated to theprocessmayresultintherejectionofitsProposalandmaybesubjecttotheprovisionsoftheEmployer’santifraudandcorruptionpolicy.

19. The employer reserves the right to verify all statements, information and

documents submitted by the Applicant in response to the RFP. Any suchverification or the lack of such verification by the Employer to undertake suchverification shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligation or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of theEmployerhereunder.

20. The selection process shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the

laws of India and Courts at Saharanpur shall have exclusive jurisdiction and alldisputesarisingunderpursuanttoand/orinconnectionwiththeSelectionProcess.








1. 2.1 NameoftheEmployer:Saharanpur Smart City Limited represented byCEO

2.1 BasicEligibilitycriteria a) The Bidder/s shall be a private company, firmincorporatedinIndiaunderthe(Indian)CompaniesAct 1956/2013 or a Company incorporatedunderequivalentlawabroad.The Bidder/s shall be required to submit a truecopyofitsIncorporationCertificateb) The Bidder/s must have a valid GSTNregistrationc) The Bidder/s must have at least one office inIndia which has been operational for the last tenyearsormored) The sole bidder/Lead Bidder/Consortiummember should not have been blacklisted /debarred/terminationof contract except forreasonsofconvenienceofclient by any Government/ Government Board / Corporation / Company /Statutory Body / PSU company/ Non‐ Government/Government of any sovereign countries /PrivateAgenciesandFundingAgenciesinthelast10years.e) TheConsultant(incaseofsinglebusinessentity)/ Lead Member (in case of Consortium or JVmaximum up to 3 members) should have aminimum average annual turnover of Indian Rs.100 (Hundred) crores during the last three (3)financial years; and the each Consortium partnershouldhaveaminimumaverageannualturnoverofIndian Rs. 25 (Twenty Five) crores during the lastthree(3)financialyears.


f) The Consultant should have Experience in atleast 5 (Five) assignments for ProjectManagement Consultants / Support Units/Technical Support orCoordinatorConsultants/Project Planning and Design/ Preparation ofDetailedProjectReportsforurbaninfrastructureassignments at government levels (Central/State/Municipal).g) The consultant should have an AverageAnnual Turnover from ICT consultancy /implementation services of Rs. 25 (Twentyfive) Cr for the last 3 years of which theyshould have done at least 3 consultancyassignments in the area of e‐Governance, ITServices advisory, audit, etc. for the PSU/StateGovernment/CentralGovernmentofatleastRs5Cr each and 3 projects in the area of ICTinfrastructure implementation, PMC andsupervisioneachwithavalueofatleastRs5Cr.

2. 2.2NameoftheAssignment/jobis:

Project Management Consultant (PMC)ToDesign, Develop, Manage And ImplementSmart CityProjects Under Smart CityMission(SCM)

3. 2.5Apre‐proposalmeetingwillbeheld:


Time:14:00hrs.Venue: SaharanpurSmartCityLimited


4 14.4

Date& timeandaddressForsubmissionofproposal/bid:


Time:14:00hrs.Venue: SaharanpurSmartCityLimited




5. 2.5

TheEmployer’srepresentativeis: CEO,SaharanpurSmartCityLimited

Address: Saharanpur Smart City LimitedSaharanpurMunicipalCorporation,GurudwaraRoad,Saharanpur‐247001,UP,India

Telephone: 0132‐2614720Fax 0132‐2614730E‐mail: [email protected]

6. 2.6The Employer willProvidethefollowinginputsandfacilities:

The consultant will have toarrangeaminimum of2000 sq.ft. built office space with all therequiredfacilityforentireoperationofPMCof

7. TheEmployerenvisagesthe need for continuity fordownstreamwork:


8 8.1Proposalsmustremainvaliddays after thesubmissiondate,i.e.until:


9. 4.1

Clarifications may berequested not later thandaysbeforethesubmissiondate.


The address forrequestingclarificationsis:

CEO/Municipal CommissionerSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedSaharanpurMunicipalCorporation,GurudwaraRoad,Saharanpur‐247001,UP, India

E‐mail: [email protected]. 9.3

(a) Name of Sub Consultant (ifproposed)shall also

bementionedalongwithtechnicaldetails11. 9.3

(b)Theestimatenumberof Professional staff‐months required fortheAssignment/jobis:

A. For Time Based components:EstimatednumberofProfessionalstaff‐monthsis:428person‐months.The Consultant’s Proposal must include theminimum 428 person‐months Professional staffmonths for Time Based component. For theevaluationandcomparisonofProposalsonly: if aProposalincludeslessthantherequiredminimumtime‐input, the missing time‐input (expressed inperson‐month) will be multiplied by the highestremunerationratefora Key ExpertintheConsultant’s Proposal and added to the totalremuneration amount. Proposals that quoted


higher than the required minimum of time‐inputwillnotbeadjusted.


12 9.4 In addition to technical proposal, Consultantsarerequired to submit financial proposal (asperformsprescribedinSection4).Submissionof the technical and financial proposal inimproper formwill rendertheproposal liabletoberejected.

13. 9.4 TheformatsoftheTechnical Proposal to be submitted are: Form Tech1:Letter of



Form Tech3:Comments&suggestionsonTOR

Form Tech4 :Approach&methodology

Maximum of 20 pages including charts anddiagrams

Form Tech5:Teamcomposition


Form Tech7:StaffingSchedule


Form Tech9:Comment /modificationsuggestedondraftcontract.

Form Tech10:Informationregardinganyconflicting activitiesanddeclarationthereof.

14. Training is a specificComponentofthisAssignment/job



15. 10 Taxes

Replace the clause as below:The Financial Proposal shall take into accountall expenses but excluding GSTN liabilities.Only GSTN as applicable shall be paid inaddition to the financialquoteandcalculatedasper applicable laws at the time of payment. Allpayments to consultants shall be subject todeduction of taxes at source as per ApplicableLaws.

16. 11.1Consultant to statethecostin


17. 12.1 EarnestMoneyDeposit

12.1(I) Rs.1.00 (Onecroresonly)in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’scheque/FDR/Bank Guarantee in favour of the CEO,SaharanpurSmartCityLimitedpayableatSaharanpur

18. 13. BidProcessingFees

Rs. 25000/‐(Twenty Thousandonly)in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s cheque infavour of the CEO, Saharanpur Smart City LimitedpayableatSaharanpur.

19. 14.3 ProposalSubmissionConsultantmust submit theoriginaland1 (One) copyoftheTechnicalProposal,andtheoriginaloftheFinancialProposal.

20. 15.4


Detailed evaluation as mentioned below this TableofDataSheet.

21. 15.7 MethodofSelection Quality(80%)cumCost(20%) BasedSelection

QCBS‐80:20The technical quality of the proposal will begivenweight of 80%, the method of evaluationof technical qualification will follow the proceduregiven in para 15 above. The price bids of onlythose consultants who qualify technically(Minimum Qualifying Marks: 70%) will beopened. The proposal with the lowest costmay begiven a financial score of 100 and the otherproposal given financial score that are inverselyproportionate to their prices. The financialproposalshall be allocated weight of 20%. Forworking out thecombinedscore, theemployerwillusethefollowingformula:



whereF(s)={(LEC/EC)*100}T (w) stands for weight of the technicalscore.T (s) stands for technicalscoreF (w) stands for weight of the financialproposalECstandsforEvaluatedCostofthefinancialproposalLEC stands for LowestEvaluatedCostof thefinancialproposal.F(s) stands for Financial score of the financialproposal

The proposals will be ranked in terms of totalpoints scored. The proposal with the highesttotal points(H‐1) will be considered for awardof contract andwillbecalledfornegotiations,ifrequired.

22. 16 Negotiation

Add Clause 16.6 as below:

If any key expert gets less than 60 % marksduring technical evaluation, then he/she needsto be replaced at the time of negotiation. Theother experts who’s CVs will not be evaluatedbut has to be submitted with proposal, shouldmeet theminimum qualification criteria as perthe ToR, otherwise such expert also needs tobe replacedatthetimeofnegotiation.

23. 17.2 AwardofContract

If any expert is replaced by the consultant due tounavailability, then the contract amount will bereducedby5%.Pursuanttoclause17.2ofGCC,ifanexpertisplacedduringthetimeofsigningofcontractby thepursuant toclause4.4ofGCC, if anexpert isreplaced by the consultant during theimplementation of contract, for the reasons beyondthereasonable controlof theconsultant,Consultantshall submit original certificate from the concernedexpert citing reasons for his/her unavailability fortheassignment.Iftheemployerisnotsatisfiedwith


the reasons submitted by the consultant, theconsultantshallbeliabletopaypenaltyof8%oftheremuneration of concern expert for everyreplacement.

24. 17.3

ExpecteddateforCommencementofconsultingAssignment/job Locationforperformanceassignment/job:



The detailed technical evaluation of Proposals satisfying minimum eligibilityconditionsasaboveshall be done. The Criteria, sub‐criteria and point system fordetailed evaluation shall be asfollows:

A.Specificexperienceoftheconsultant firm relevant to theassignment




Experience as project management Unit/ project managementconsultant Support Unit/Technical Support or CoordinatorConsultants/Design and/ or Supervision consultant in UrbanRedevelopment related project with value of contract (forconsultancyservice)ofatleastRs.100lakh.(1markperprojectsubjecttomaximum5marks)



Experience in at least 5 project management assignments(including Design/Supervision consultant) in UrbanInfrastructure (water supply/sewerage/SWM) related projectwithvalueofcontract(forconsultancyservice)ofatleastRs.100lakh.(0.5marksperprojectsubjecttomaximum5marks)


iii. Experienceof PPPtransaction advisory projects in sectors suchasUrban Infrastructure/ Real estate/ Industrial Infrastructure/Transportof projectvalueover INR50croreeach. (1markperprojectsubjecttomaximum5marks)


iv.Experience as project management consultant/ Design and/orSupervision consultant in Integrated ICT applications relatedprojectwithvalueofcontract(forconsultancyservice)ofatleastRs50lakh.(1markperprojectsubjecttomaximum5marks).




Experience of carrying out studies in Urban Sector (Citydevelopment/StrategicPlan,Masterplans,BaselineAssessments,Financial Assessments, City Investment Plan, Vision documents,CityBusiness plans,Non‐revenuewaterstudy). (0.75marksperprojectsubjecttomaximum5marks)


B.Proposedmethodologyandworkplan inresponsetothetermsofreference.



i. Technicalapproach&methodology 4marksii. Workplan 4marksiii. Organisation&staffing 2marks


Presentation(Bidderswillbecalledforapresentationtoevaluatetheproposedapproachandmethodology in response to the terms of reference)


C. Keyprofessional staff:Qualification & competency for theassignment/job.




a)General qualifications(general education andprofessional



Adequacy for the Assignment (Experience in similarcapacity, trainings, Experience as per TOR,ExperiencewithIFIs&OverallImpression)


Note: If any key experts get less than 60 % marks then he need to be replaced at the

time ofnegotiation. Other experts should meet the minimum qualification criteria as per the ToR,

otherwise theexpertneedstobereplacedatthetimeofnegotiation.

Sr. Position Marks1. TeamLeader 122. UrbanInfrastructureSpecialist 83. E‐Governance /ICTSpecialist 85. ProjectPerformanceandManagement Specialist 76. ConstructionExpert 77. Procurement andContracts Expert 58. Hydraulic/DrainageExpert 8

TOTAL 55marks






[Location,Date]To: [NameandaddressofEmployer]DearSirs:

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting Assignment/job for [Inserttitle ofAssignment/job] inaccordancewithyourRequestforProposaldated [InsertDate] andour Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes this TechnicalProposal, and aFinancialProposalsealedunderaseparateenvelopeandrequisiteEMDandbidprocessingfees..

We are submitting our Proposal in associationwith: [Insert a list with full name and


We hereby declare that all the information and statementsmade in this Proposal aretrue andacceptthatanymisinterpretationcontainedinitmayleadtoourdisqualification.

Ifnegotiationsareheld during theperiodofvalidityof theProposal, i.e.,before the

dateindicated in Paragraph 4 of the Part IIData Sheet,we undertake to negotiate on thebasis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to themodificationsresulting fromContractnegotiations.











1. DetailsofConsultant

a. Nameofconsultantwithfulladdress :

b. Tel.No. :

c. FaxNo. :

d. Email :

e. YearofIncorporation. :

f.Nameandaddress of theperson holding the Powerof


g.(i)PlaceofBusiness. :

(ii)DateofRegistration. :

h. NameofBankerswithfulladdress. :

i. GSTNRegistrationNumber(copy). :

j. PermanenteAccountNumber(copy).


Are you presently debarred/ Black listed by anyGovernment Department/Public Sector Undertaking/AnyEmployer?(IfYes,pleasefurnisheddetails)


l.Name and details (Tel / Mobile / E mail) ofcontactpersons


2. IncaseofaConsortium:

a. Theinformationaboveshouldbeprovidedforallthemembersoftheconsortium.b. Informationregardingroleofeachmembershouldbeprovidedaspertablebelow:

Sr.No. Nameof Member Role (Specify LeadMember/ OtherMember)1. 2.



Consultant* ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐(Name of Consultant)

FY 2013‐14 2014‐15 2015‐16 Total Average

AnnualTurnover CertificatefromtheStatutoryAuditorThis is tocertifythat............................... (Nameof theConsultant)has received thepaymentsandannualturnoverasshownaboveagainsttherespectiveyears.





# The Consultant should provide the Financial Capability based on its own financial

statements.FinancialCapabilityof theConsultant'sparent companyorits subsidiaryor any associate company will not be considered for computation of the FinancialCapabilityoftheConsultant.

* Consultant should fill in details as per the row titled Annual turnover in the rowbelow. In case the Consultant is a Consortium, for the purpose of evaluation onfinancialparameters,financial parameters of all the members shall be furnished inseparate sheet forconsideration.


Form 2C: Experience in similar assignments (Project Management Units/Support Units/ Technical Support or Coordinators Consultant or similar atgovernmentlevels(Central/state/Municipal)Listprojects(notmorethen10)inthelasttenyearswhicharesimilartothatintheRFP.Assignmentname: Valueofthecontract(incurrent INR):

Country: Durationofassignment(months):

NameofClient: TotalNoofstaff‐monthsoftheassignment:

Address:Approx. valueof the services providedbyyourfirmunderthecontract(incurrent INR):





Form 2D: Experience in similar assignments (Project Management Units/Support Units/ Technical Support or Coordinators Consultant or similar atgovernmentlevels(Central/state/Municipal)Listprojects(notmorethen10)inthelasttenyearswhicharesimilartothatintheRFP.Assignmentname: Valueofthecontract(incurrent INR):

Country: Durationofassignment(months):

NameofClient: TotalNoofstaff‐monthsoftheassignment:

Address:Approx. valueof the services providedbyyourfirmunderthecontract(incurrent INR):





Form 2E: Experience as project management consultants/SupportUnits/Technical Support or Coordinator Consultants/ Design and/ orSupervisionconsultant inUrban Infrastructure(watersupply/sewerage/SWM)relatedProjectwithvalueofcontract(forconsultancyservice)ofatleastRs.100Lakhs.Listprojects(notmorethen10)inthelasttenyearswhicharesimilartothatintheRFP. Assignmentname: Valueofthecontract(incurrent INR):

Country: Durationofassignment(months):

NameofClient: TotalNoofstaff‐monthsoftheassignment:

Address:Approx. Valueof the services providedbyyourfirmunderthecontract(incurrent INR):






Form2F:ExperienceofcarryingoutstudiesinUrbanSector(cityDevelopment/Strategies Plan, Master Plans, Prospective Plan of integrated InfrastructureProjects,CitySanitationPlans,Base lineAssisments,FinancialAssesments,CityInvestment Plan, Vision documents, City Business Plans, Non‐revenue waterstudy).ListprojectsinthelasttenyearswhicharesimilartothatintheRFP.Assignmentname: Valueofthecontract(incurrent INR):

Country: Durationofassignment(months):

NameofClient: TotalNoofstaff‐monthsoftheassignment:

Address:Approx. valueof the services providedbyyourfirmunderthecontract(incurrent INR):





Form 2G: Experience of PPP transaction advisory projects in sectors such asUrban Infrastructure/ Real estate/ Industrial Infrastructure/ Tourism /TransportofProjectValueOverINR100Croreeach.ListprojectsinthelasttenyearswhicharesimilartothatintheRFP.Assignmentname: Valueofthecontract(incurrent INR):

Country: Durationofassignment(months):

NameofClient: TotalNoofstaff‐monthsoftheassignment:

Address:Approx. valueof the services providedbyyourfirmunderthecontract(incurrent INR):








[Suggest and justify here any modifications or improvement to the Terms of Reference you areproposing to improve performance in carrying out the Assignment/job (such as deleting someactivity you consider unnecessary, or adding another, or proposing a different phasing of theactivities).Suchsuggestionsshouldbeconciseandtothepoint,andincorporatedinyourProposal.]B‐OnInputsandFacilitiestobeprovidedbytheemployer

[Commenthereon Inputsand facilitiestobeprovidedby theEmployeraccordingtoParagraph6ofthe Part II Special information to consultants including: administrative support, office space,Domestictransportation,equipment,data,etc.]





[Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the Technical Proposal.YouaresuggestedtopresentyourTechnicalProposaldividedintothefollowingthreechapters:

TechnicalApproachandMethodology,WorkPlan,andOrganization andStaffing,

a) Technical Approach and Methodology. In this chapter you should explain your understandingof theobjectivesoftheAssignment/job,approachtotheAssignment/job,methodologyforcarryingouttheactivitiesandobtainingtheexpectedoutput,andthedegreeofdetailof suchoutput.Youshouldhighlighttheproblemsbeingaddressedandtheirimportance,andexplainthetechnicalapproachyouwouldadopttoaddressthem.You should also explain themethodologies you propose to adopt andhighlight thecompatibilityof thosemethodologieswiththeproposedapproach.

b) WorkPlan. The consultant shouldpropose and justify themain activities of the Assignment/job,their content and duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals bytheEmployer),anddeliverydatesof thereports.Theproposedworkplanshouldbeconsistentwiththetechnicalapproachandmethodology, showingunderstandingof theTORandability to translatethem into a feasible workingplan. A list of the final documents, including reports, drawings, andtables to be delivered as final output, shouldbeincludedhere.TheworkplanshouldbeconsistentwiththeWorkScheduleofFormTECH‐8.

c) Organization and Staffing. The consultant should propose and justify the structure andcomposition of your team. You should list the main disciplines of the Assignment/job, the keyexpert responsible, andproposedtechnicalandsupportstaff.].




Sr.No. NameofStaff NameofFirm AreaofExpertise





1. ProposedPosition:

[ForeachpositionofkeyprofessionalseparateformTech‐6willbeprepared]:2. NameofFirm:

[Insertnameoffirmproposingthestaff]:3. Name of Staff:

[Insertfullname]:4. DateofBirth:

5. Nationality:

6. Education:

[Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, givingnames ofinstitutions,degreesobtained,anddatesofobtainment]:

7. MembershipofProfessionalAssociations:

8. OtherTraining:

9. CountriesofWorkExperience:

[Listcountrieswherestaffhasworkedinthelasttenyears]:10. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in


11. EmploymentRecord:

[Startingwithpresentposition, list inreverseordereveryemploymentheldbystaffmembersince graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of






12. DetailedTasksAssigned[ListalltaskstobeperformedunderthisAssignment/job]

13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks


[Among the Assignment/jobs in which the staff has been involved, indicate the followinginformationforthoseAssignment/jobsthatbestillustratestaffcapabilitytohandlethetaskslistedunderpoint12.]



14. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctlydescribes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilfulmisstatementdescribedhereinmayleadtomydisqualificationordismissal,ifengaged.

Date: [SignatureofstaffmemberorauthorizedPlace: representativeofthestaff]







Staff input (in the formof a barchart)1 2 3 4 5 6 ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ n






1 For Professional Staff the input should be indicated individually; for Support

Staff itshouldbeindicatedbycategory(e.g.:draftsmen,clericalstaff,etc.).

2 Months are counted from the start of the Assignment/job. For each staff





S.No. Activity Months TotalMonths

1 2 3 4 56 ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐n




4.1 Indicate all main activities of the Assignment/job, including delivery of reports

(e.g.:inception, interim, draft and final reports), and other benchmarks such asEmployer approvals. For phased Assignment/jobs indicate activities, delivery ofreportsandbenchmarksseparatelyforeachphase.

2 Durationofactivitiesshallbeindicatedintheformofabarchart.




[Here the consultant shall mention any suggestion / views on the draft contract attached withthe RFPdocument.Theconsultantmayalsomentionhereanymodificationssoughtbyhimintheprovisions of the draft contract. This information shall be used at the time of the negotiations.However, the Employer is not bound to accept any/allmodifications sought andmay reject anysuchrequestofmodification.]




Are there any activities carried out by your firm or group company or any memberof theconsortiumwhichareof conflictingnatureasmentioned inpara5of section2. Ifyes,pleasefurnishdetailsofanysuchactivities.Ifno,pleasecertify,

We hereby declare that our firm, our associate / group firm or any of the memberof theconsortium are not indulged in any such activities which can be termed as theconflicting activitiesunderpara 5 of the section2.We also acknowledge that in case ofmisrepresentation of the information, our proposals / contract shall be rejected /terminatedbytheEmployerwhichshallbebindingonus.









[Location,Date]To: [NameandaddressofEmployer]DearSirs:

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting Assignment/job for [Inserttitle ofAssignment/job] inaccordancewith yourRequest forProposaldated [InsertDate] andourTechnicalProposal.OurattachedFinancialProposalisforthesumof [Insertamount(s)inwords and figures1].Thisamount is inclusiveof theDomestic taxes, butexcludingGSTN.Weherebyconfirm that thefinancial proposal is unconditional and we acknowledge that anyconditionattached to financialproposalshallresultinrejectofourfinancialproposal.


from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e.beforethedateindicatedinParagraph4ofthePartIIDataSheet.






2The Evaluation of Proposal shall be done on Competitive Components only44



Particulars AmountinRupees

A. CompetitiveComponents






TotalCostof‘TimeBased’[I] X =X1+X2






TotalCostof‘LumpSum’[II] Y=Y1+Y2

SubTotal(A)2=[I+II] X+Y














S.No. NameofStaff Position






1 2 3 4


Total *‐MentionthecurrencyinwhichthepricesarequotedifitispermittedtodosounderRFP.


TotalRemuneration= AmountinRupees(AmountinWords):


1. Professional Staff should be indicated individually; Support Staff should beindicated per category (e.g.: draftsmen, Assistants etc.). Cost of Secretarialservices,ifany,willbeindicatedinformFin‐5.

2. PositionsofProfessionalStaffshallcoincidewith theonesindicatedinFormTECH‐5&7.

3. Indicateseparatelystaff‐monthrateforeachactivityseparately.






Whenusedfor ‘Lump‐Sum’contractassignment, informationtobeprovidedinthisFormshallonlybeused to demonstrate the basis forthe calculation of the Contract’sceiling amount;tocalculateapplicable taxes at contract negotiations; and, if needed, to establish payments totheConsultant forpossible additional services requested by the Client. This Form shall notbe used as a basis forpaymentsunder‘Lump‐Sum’.

S.No. NameofStaff PositionManMonthRates (A)inRupees




1 2 3 4 Total *MentionthecurrencyinwhichthepricesarequotedifitispermittedtodosounderRFP.

TotalRemuneration= AmountinRupees(AmountinWords):

Note:1 LumpSumstaffshouldbeindicatedpercategory(e.g.:draftsmen,Assistantsetc.).Costof

Secretarialservices,ifany,willbeindicatedinformFin‐5.2 PositionsofStaffshallcoincidewiththeonesindicatedinFormTECH‐5&7.3 Indicateseparatelystaff‐monthrateforeachactivityseparately.




No Description Unit QuantityUnit





Perdiemallowance, includinghotel allowance,forexpertsfor every dayof absence fromthehomeofficeforthepurposesoftheServices


2.Cost of office operation, including overheadsandback‐stopsupport







9.CostofReportsProduction (including printing)anddelivering to theClientatprojectCitiesandCentraloffice


10 OtherAllowanceswhereapplicable SubTotal:ReimbursableExpenses carried to FIN 2

*TotalReimbursable:= TotalamountinRupees.Amountinwords:



BREAKDOWNOFREIMBURSABLEEXPENSESWhenusedfor ‘LumpSum’contractassignment, informationtobeprovidedin thisFormshallonly be used to demonstrate the basis for calculation of the Contract ceiling amount, tocalculate applicable taxes at contract negotiations and, if needed, to establish payments tothe Consultant for possibleadditionalservices requestedbytheClient.This formshallnotbeusedasabasisforpaymentsunder‘LumpSum’








Perdiemallowance, includinghotel allowance,forexpertsfor every dayof absence fromthehomeofficeforthepurposesoftheServices


2.Cost of office operation, including overheadsandback‐stopsupport








CostofReportsProduction(including printing)anddeliveringtotheClientatprojectCitiesandCentraloffice


10 OtherAllowanceswhereapplicable SubTotal:ReimbursableExpenses carried to FIN 2 *TotalReimbursable:= TotalamountinRupees.







iii WorkshopsandSeminar LS iv IntercityTravels LS SubTotal:ProvisionalSums Contingency 20,000,00Totalofprovisionalsum+contingency

Totalprovisionalsum+contingency= TotalamountinRupees.Amountinwords:



1 Form FIN‐1 Financial Proposal Submission Form shall be filled as per the

instructionsprovidedintheForm.2 FormFIN‐2SummaryofCosts: FormFIN‐2providesasummaryoftheelements

ofestimatedcostsforimplementationoftheproposedConsultantservices.3 FormFIN‐3(A)and3(B)Remuneration

(i) The purpose of Form FIN‐3A & 3B is to identify the monthly billing rates foreach Personnel to be fielded by the Consultant as part of its proposed team ofexperts.

(ii) Months;numberofmonthsinputtomatchthatshownonthepersonnelschedule(Form TECH‐7, Section 3). Please note that theman month for TimeBased componentsshallbeequaltothatmentionedinToR.Themonthshallbecalculatedasperfollows:1year=12months=252workingdays

(iii) SupportStaffisalsoincludedinthisform.4 FormFIN‐4(A)and4(B)–ReimbursableExpenses

The purpose of Form FIN‐4 A & 4B is to identify all reimbursable expenditures inlocalcurrenciesconsideredbytheConsultantnecessarytocarryouttheassignment.(i) PerDiemallowanceThe Per Diem allowance shall be paid for stay requirements outside Home Office(Office(Central or Project city assigned to the Personnel) night for night spent awayoutside Home Office during such travel. The travel shall be undertaken with priorconsentoftheClient.Thepaymentwillbemadeonlumpsumbasis.(ii) OfficeOperationsThe Consulting firm is required to quote expenses for office expenses towards officeoperationandmaintenanceincludingallconsumablesanddocumentationsasrequiredfortheproject.Themonthlypaymentshallbemadeonlumpsumbasis.(iii) OfficeAccommodationThis shall be applicable only in case the office accommodation is not provided by theProject City or Central Office. The Consulting firm is required to quote rental value ofaccommodation for Office. The monthly payment shall be made on actual basis onsubmissionofsupportingvouchers.

(iv) LocalTransport

TheConsultingfirmisrequiredtoquoteexpensesforlocaltransportationatcentralandprojectofficeas required for theproject.Themonthlypayment shallbemadeon lumpsumbasiswithproofofavailabilityofvehicle.ThearrangementtobefinaliseatContractNegotiations



The Consulting firm is required to quote expenses for Communication Costs to allpersonnelandofficeasrequiredfortheproject.ThearrangementforlumpsumbasisoronactualstobefinaliseatContractNegotiations.


The Consulting firm is required to quote lump sum expenses for Report Production asrequired for the project. The arrangement for payments is finalise at ContractNegotiations.

5. ProvisionalSumsandContingencies(FormFIN5)

Allexpendituresundertheproject,whicharetobepaidunderprovisionalsumsonactualbasis, shall be donemaintaining financial proprietary.TheFinancial proprietarymeanspurchasingofanyarticle fromopenmarketonmostcompetitiveratesbasedonat leastthree quotations or by calling tenders. Consulting firm has to provide certificate thatmaterialispurchasedonlowestrateinthemarket.

All equipment, furniture items, documents, reports andotherarticles purchasedby theConsultant fromtheproject fundshallbepropertyofClient. At theendofContract, thefirmwillhandoverallthesearticlesandequipmentinworkingconditionstotheClient.Properstockregisterofpurchasesandstorearticlesshallbemaintainedbyfirmandshallbemadeavailablefor stock verifications as required. Following expenditures shall fallunderprovisional sumsandshallbereimbursedonactualbasis.

a. Officeequipment

All necessary office equipment and furniture like computer hardware, printers,software, networking devices, maintenance & up‐gradation of the system, faxmachines, EPABX, photocopier,ACs, chairs, tables etc. as applicable underprojectshallbepurchasedbytheconsulting firm.Purchasesshallbemade in consultationwith the Client. The firm will assess the requirement and specifications of theequipmenttobeprocuredandhavetheseapprovedbyClientbeforepurchase.

b. Workshopsandseminars

The expenditures made on meetings, seminars and workshops etc. with theapprovalsofemployershallbereimbursedbasedonactual.

c. Workshopsandseminars

The expenditure made on meetings, seminars and workshops, etc. with theapprovalsofemployershallbereimbursedbasedonactual.


d. Intercitytravel

Thecostofvehicle transportation(Four wheeleronhire)formiscellaneoustravelsrequired for intercity travel for performance of the work, etc. The cost oftransport forpersonnel by AC sleeper or AC Chair‐car by trains / deluxe buses/flight required forperformanceoftheservicestovisittheothertownsandattendIIIrdpartyinspectionsetc.withtheapprovaloftheemployer.Thepaymentwillbeconsideredforactualnumberoftripsdesiredbytheemployer forperformanceofservicesandwillbereimbursedontheactualbasisfromprovisionalsum.

6. Contingencies






1. Government of India has announced the list of 90 cities to be taken up fordevelopment as smart cities. The cities have to now move towards converting theirplanproposalstoprojects.


2. Theobjectiveof the assignment is toprovidedirect assistance to SaharanpurSmartCity Limited of the Saharanpur to design develop, manage and implement Smart CityProjectsasperpara10.6ofSmartCityMissionGuidelines.


3. The scope of PMC under the proposed mission will be divided into three broadcomponents namely (i) Project Management, (ii) Design & Development and (iii)Supervision.

4. The Consultant shall support the Saharanpur Smart City Limited of theSaharanpur inoverall projectmanagement of Smart City projects, including designing,developing,managingandimplementingsmartcityprojectsidentifiedbythecityonthefollowingtwooutputs:

(i) Output1:AreaBasedDevelopment(ii) Output2:Pan‐citySolution

5. UnderthisassignmenttheconsultantisrequiredtoreviewprojectsidentifiedbytheSmart City, for Area Based Development as well as for Pan City Solution (Smart CityProposal Can be downloaded from the website of Smart City missionhttps://smartnet.niua.org/content/smart‐cities‐network).The projectdetail (module wise) as mentioned in Smart City Proposal is attached at Annexure Ifor reference. The projects identified in this list are to be vetted in consultation withstakeholderswith regard to the technical and economic feasibility and sustainabilityetc. Therefore projectsmaychange so as to align and adaptwithmission objective inconsultationwith the stakeholders/employer. The consultant will carry out requiredinvestigations, design, prepare feasibility report, Preliminary Design Report/ DetailDesign Report (PDR/DPR),andassist inprocurementof implementingpartner/agency(ies)expeditiouslyfortheindicativelistofprojectsasAnnexureIandanyotherprojectwhichmaybeenvisagedformakingcitysmart.ThePMCshallassistSPVinpreparationofRFPsfortheprocurementofimplementingpartner(s)/Agency(ies).


6. The PMC shall also a s s i s t t h e S a h a r a n p u r Sm a r t C i t y Limited insupervision monitoring of the work of implementing agencies and shall beresponsible for overallmanagementoftheproject.

7. The RFPs prepared by the PMC for procurement of implementing partner/agency(ies) for implementation of Smart City Projects, will follow InternationalCompetitive Bidding (ICB) method. Saharanpur Smart City Limited will decide onmethodofprocurementsuchQCBS,QBLCS(QualityBasedLeastCostSelection)etc.

8. PMCshalloperatefull‐fledgedwithallitsKeyExpertsandNon‐KeyExpertsfromtheirProjectOfficeinSaharanpur.9. PMCshouldberesponsibleforgettingPPP&BOTParticipantsfromthemarket.

10. Withoutlimitingthescope,thePMCshallberesponsibleforthefollowingtasks:4.DetailedScopeofWork:

A. Task1:ProjectManagement:

I. Activity1:

i. The team leader of the consultant shall initially mobilize the core teamfollowing notice to proceed to set up project office along with equipment andperipheralsandthenwillmobilizefurthermanpowerasperrequirementforeachmodule.

ii. Handhold/ support Saharanpur Smart City Limited for project identificationandprioritization, investigations,design,procurement, supervision, cost control,scheduling, risk management, monitoring, auditing, reporting, and ensuringcompliancesandduediligencesrequiredfortheproject;

iii. Planning, schedulingandmonitoringof theprojectsusingPMIS / latest IT toolsandtechniquessuchasonlinemonitoringofworksiteswiththeaidofcybertools.

iv. Assist StateGovernment/SaharanpurSmartCity Limited in identifying keystakeholders, (such as from elected representatives, eminent persons, sectorexperts,RWAs, market associations, government entities, institutions etc.) andconductingregularmeetingstodiscussprogressandissues relatedtosmartcityprojects,andprepareminutesforrecordingandcirculation;

v. Establish all necessary records and the procedures of maintaining/updatingsuchrecordsforeachpackageandfortheentireproject.

vi. Develop and implement procedure for timely payments to the contractors andmonitorforcompliance;

vii. Monitor implementation ofmitigationmeasures for theproject, and update the



viii. AssistASCLinraising,regulating,utilizing,andmanagingvariousfundsandgrantsallocated by various bodies/schemes to the SPV and simultaneouslymanage accessing of funds by the SPV from other sources including debt,user charges,taxes,tolls,surchargeandothers.

ix. Review the project costs and financing plan/project financing options foreach project and assess the need for additional fundraising to bridge gapsbetweencapexrequiredandallocable funds.Theconsultant shallbe responsibleforadvising themostoptimalfinancingoptionandtieupthefundsrequiredbytheprojects.

x. Assist the ASCL in fund raising activities, Prepare the ASCL’s future cash flowstatement for the next five years to identify annual or quarterly fundingrequirements

xi. AssisttheSPVinrecruitmentandcapacitybuildingfortheSPV’semployeesandDefine/reviewtheSPV’sorganizationalpoliciesincludingHumanResourcepolicyanddraftcodeofconductforemployees,vendors/contractors.

xii. Support the development/drafting of procurement manuals, governancestructure,andfinancialreportingmechanismsoftheSPV.

xiii. Prepare the strategy and framework for citizen engagement and masscommunication, and ensure compliance with smart city mission guidelines inthisregardofallstakeholdersoftheprojects.

xiv. Support the SPV in engaging knowledge partners to include national andinternational academic and research institutions, experts, specialists, think‐tanks, and other relevant organizations that build and strengthen the SPV’scapacities toconsistentlyimplementandshowcasetheABDprojects.

B. Task2:ProjectDesignandDevelopment:

II. Activity2:Situationanalysisreport

a. AreaBasedDevelopment:

i. Integrated Projectisation ‐ The consultant will review and re‐verify theintegrated modules (group of projects) in the smart city proposal andregroup them into modules in consultation with the Saharanpur Smart CityLimited

ii. Consult the available documents such as city development plans /strategyplans,sanitationplans.Mobilityplanandreviewfeasibilitystudyetc.

iii. Review existing status of physical Infrastructure and other availablesecondary


data.iv. Identifyrequirementsofsurveys,studiesandinvestigations;v. Carry out necessary surveys, investigations, situational analysis, cost benefit

analysis,preparepreliminaryprojectcostestimates.vi. ReviewtheavailableGISmapsandintegratetothepossibleextenttodeveloparea

wisespatialmappingonassets.vii. Preparationofsituationanalysisreportforeachmodule.

b. PanCityProposal

i. Review existing available documents & infrastructure on the proposed smartsolutionandintegratethemintomodules.

ii. Preparetheseparateas‐IsofeachABD&PanSolutionmodule.iii. Identify key stakeholders from City/ Official/ Elected Representatives/

ConcernedNGOs, Eminent Citizens, Representative from Premium Institutesof the City/ State, Representatives of Business Organization in consultationwiththeCommissioner/CEOofSPVetc.forconsultation.

iv. Evaluation of existing Broadband infrastructure in the city including bothGovernment and Private Sectors to identify existing connectivity gaps (Fiberavailability,NetworkHubs,Redundancyetc.).

v. Prepare&submitthelocationswithcoordinates(e.g.electricitypoles,stations/sub stations, water zones etc.), for the sensors & devices to be mapped inGIS forWater/Sewerage/SolidWaste/StreetLighting/othersManagement.

vi. Identify&preparetheinterfacesofintegrationbetweenthemodulesunderAs‐Is.vii. Submit a simple and clear architecture of whole as ‐Is system consisting of

allABDandPanSolutionsmodulesinintegratedmanner.viii. Preparation and Submission of Business Re‐engineering Report (BPR) and

Finalfunction requirement specifications (FRS) and its acceptance& approvalby theClient:




III. Activity3:FeasibilityReport

a. AreaBasedDevelopment

i. Prepare feasibility study report of modules (group of projects) to ascertainbothtechnical and financial viabilitybased on financialmodels. The feasibility


reportshould describe the various technical optionswith recommendation formostappropriateoption

ii. Preparation of project development and implementation road map, projectprioritization,carryoutprojectphasingmatrixandriskmitigationplan.

iii. Review land availability, rehabilitation ‐ resettlement & environmental issuesforidentifiedprojects

iv. Coordinate with stakeholders and other departments of central and stategovernments wherever convergence is required, to facilitate integration withAMRUT, Digital India, Skill India,Make in India etc. and developmodulewiseactionplanforcompletionofwork

v. Identify thepossibilityof private / public participation in the service delivery,asfeasibleandapplicableandpreparecontractdocumentforsuchpackages.

b. PanCityProposal To‐Be&RequirementSpecifications

i. PreparetheseparateTo‐BeofeachABDProject&PanSolution.ii. Identify&preparetheinterfaceofintegrationbetweentheprojectsunderTo‐Be.

iii. Submitasimple&cleararchitectureofwholeTo‐BesystemconsistingofallABD&PanSolutionmodulesinanintegratedmanner.

iv. Preparethefunctional&non‐functionalrequirementsspecifications.v. PrepareNetworkingandconnectivityrequirements

vi. Identify&prepareDatadigitizationrequirementsvii. Identify&prepareTrainingrequirements

viii. Studyvarioustechnologiesandsuggestthemostviabletechno‐economicsolution.ix. Prioritize the activities of the projects/components and prepare a tentative

implementationplan.x. Identifyrisksandsuggestmitigationsplans.


i. Identifyfinancialimplicationsinvolvedintheprojectbasedonthetechno‐economicestimatedcost.

ii. Identifythepossibilityofprivate/publicparticipation intheservicedeliveryoftheproject,asfeasibleandapplicable.

iii. The financial viability of the project based on different financial modelsandrecommendsuitablemodelforeachmoduleindicatingtherationale.

iv. Assist Smart City/SPV in consultation for each sub project or group of subprojects as applicable, with stakeholders to discuss the project wise scopeidentifiedandfutureuseofthesuggestedsolutionarchitecture.


IV. Activity4:Preliminary/DetailedProjectReport(PDR/DPR)

a. AreaBasedDevelopment

i. Based on the approved feasibility report prepare module wisepreliminary/detailed designs report (PDR/DPR) as per requirement of theproject in accordance with establishedengineeringpractices, tenderdrawings,andcostestimatesetc.

ii. For preparing DPR, the consultant will carry out all the required engineering

surveys and investigations3 such as total station/LiDAR survey, geotechnicalinvestigation, soil survey, construction material survey, ground waterinvestigation i.e. hydro‐ geological investigations, rainfall data collection,identification of underground utilities and their mapping, water sampling andanalysis etc. including sufficientoff‐ site information to allow relationshipwithpossiblyuseableoff‐siteinfrastructuretobeestablished.

iii. The PDR/DPR should also include assessment of utility shifting requirementsand costs estimations including O&M requirements and estimates; preparingdocument required for statutory clearances and other clearances like Railway,Forest, National Highways etc. including environment management plan(EMP) and mitigationmeasures;

iv. AssisttheSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedontechnical,commercial,financial,andlegalaspectsforprojectdevelopmentasperrequirement.

b. PanCityProposal

i. OncetheFeasibilityReport isapproved,preparedetaileddesigns inaccordancewith sound & established engineering practices; tender drawings and; costestimates etc. The design shall meet the techno economic aspects for bestpossible solution afterconsideration of various available alternatives and shallsufficiently be detailed toensureclarityandunderstandingbyallstakeholdersandwill be incorporated into adetailed project report to be submitted for theapproval of the Smart City/SPV. The costs estimate shall be prepared on thebasis of Rates suggested by SPV such asSOR of State with latest addenda andcorrigenda And/or market rates would be arrived at proper rate analysiscarriedoutthroughmarketenquiry;4

ii. The design shall meet the techno economic aspects for the best possiblesolutions after considering various alternatives and shall be sufficientlydetailed to ensureunderstandingbyall stakeholdersandwill be incorporatedinto the detailed ProjectReport. The activities for the proposed project shallinclude preliminary designs, drawings, works technical specifications, bill ofquantities, and cost estimates (Engineer’s Cost) based on Schedule of Rates ofthestateand/ormarketrateanalysis,alongwithdetailedimplementationplans.

iii. For each sub project based on the approved frame work the following shall



Assessment of utility shifting requirement and costs estimations; preparingdocument required for statutory clearances and other clearances likeRailway,Forest,NationalHighwaysetc.;

Assess each site’s environmental aspects for detailed design of the projectcomponent. Accordingly prepare initial environmental impact examinations(IEE)asmayberequired;

Preparationof environmentalsafeguardactionsincludingimpactassessments,ifany,duringthedesignstage;

Prepareenvironmentmanagementplan(EMP)andmitigationmeasures; Preparationandimplementationofresettlementplans,ifany

iv. Prepare Detailed Project Report including technicalspecifications, Contractdrawings,billsofquantitiesandaboveaspects;

v. FinalizingarrangementforcontractingincludingexploringoptionsforPPP/ServiceLevelAgreements;

vi. Preparation of strategy and action plan for IEC program including publicparticipation;

vii. Assiststakeholderconsultationsforeachmodule.

3RequiredSurveyandInvestigationsinconsultationandapprovalofSPV4TheSPVistodecidefortherates tobeadoptedfortheestimateoftheFeasibility/PDR/DPR

V. Activity5:BidProcessManagement (preparationofBiddocumentsandawardofcontract):

1. Based on discussions with all stakeholders and approval from to SaharanpurSmart City Limited the consultant shall Prepare consolidated bid documents,technicalspecifications, contract drawings, final bills of quantities, EMP and anyother necessary information required for successful tendering andimplementationofcontracts.TheBiddocumentshouldbeinaccordancewiththeGovernment of India/ State Government guidelines. Under this task theConsultantisrequiredtodothefollowing:

2. Assist SPV in all aspects of procurement including issuing bid invitation,addendum/corrigendum, and clarifications to the bidders queries, assist in bidevaluation,selectionofcontractors/implementingagencies;

3. Prepare contract documentation to include Letter of invitation, conditions ofcontract, specifications, design parameters; bills of quantities, etc. for allmodules in closecoordinationwiththeSPV.

4. The draft contract to be included in the bid documents shall, among other


things,clearlydefine theobligationsof the implementing agencywith respect tofinancing(ifapplicable),design, construction,O&M,and tariffs;equitablyallocaterisks between the parties; and specify rules and procedures to address non‐performanceofcontractualobligations.

5. Assist in preparation of replies of the pre‐bid queries, contract negotiationsandawardofcontract(s).

a. AreaBasedDevelopment

i. Finalize arrangement for contracting including exploring options for PPP/ServiceLevelAgreements;

ii. Provide transaction advisory and bid process management support includingpreparationofbiddocuments,managingbidprocessincludingassistin issuingofbid invitation, addendum/corrigendum, and clarifications to the bidders queries,bid evaluation, selection of contractors, award of contract and signing ofcontract(s);

iii. The draft contract to be included in the bidding document shall among otherthings, clearly define the obligations of the implementing agencies includingspecifying rules and procedures to address non‐performance of contractualobligations.

iv. The Saharanpur Smart City Limited of the Saharanpur may get the biddocumentcertified/accreditedbyIndependentAgency.

b. PanCityProposal


i. PreparetheRFPDocumentsii. CoordinateBidProcessManagement

iii. SupportinevaluationofbidsandselectionofSIiv. The SPV may get the bid document certified/accredited by Independent

Agency such as the Department of Electronics and Information Technology(DeitY), adivisionofTheMinistryofCommunicationsandInformationTechnology(GoI).

Task3:ProjectImplementationandSupervisionV. Activity6:Implementationphase:

a. AreaBasedDevelopment:


i. AssistSaharanpurSmartCityLimited to conduct stakeholder consultation


duringdesignandimplementationprocess.ii. Provide advice and guidance to the Saharanpur Smart City Limited for


iii. ContractadministrationandManagementofthemodules;iv. DeveloptechnicalspecificationsforeachModulev. Superviseandmonitorconstructionworkofeachcontractedmodule;

vi. Scrutinize the implementing agency’s detailed work program and guideimplementing agency in preparation of supervision schedule/ work plan foreachmodule;

vii. Scrutinize construction methods proposed by implementing agency includingenvironmental,safety,personnelandpublicissues;

viii. Assess the adequacy of the contractors’ inputs in material, labor andconstructionmethodologyandprovideadvisorywhenever required;

ix. Formulate a rehabilitation & resettlement framework as per requirement andmonitorimplementationofSocialsafeguards&environmentalstandards,ifany.

x. Carry out necessary quality control activities and certify that the quality ofworksconformstothespecificationsanddrawings;

xi. Supervisingtheconstructionof variouscontractpackagesfor relatedoutputsoftheProgram

xii. Record the work measurement jointly by PMC and SPV and certify thecontractor’s bill and recommend for making payments to Saharanpur SmartCityLimited

xiii. AssisttheSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedininterimandfinalcertificationofthebillsofpayment;

xiv. Furnish the detailed construction drawings as necessaryduring continuance ofthe contract or checking and recommendation of drawings for approval asrequired;

xv. Assist for resolution of all contractual issues including examining thecontractor’sclaimsfor variations/extensions oradditional compensationsetcand prepare recommendations for approval by the Saharanpur Smart CityLimited;

xvi. Assistthirdpartyinspectionofworkcarriedoutbyimplementationagency(ies),ifnecessary,asdecidedbySaharanpurSmartCityLimited

xvii. Assist Saharanpur Smart City Limited in obtaining all necessary permissionsandcomplying with statutory requirements as required prior to construction,such as permissions from line departments’ viz. Railway, Road Transport,Highways,DepartmentofArchaeology,DepartmentofForestsandNationalParksetc.


xviii. Review and issuance for execution of contractors’ design and drawings withapproval of SPV for lump sum turnkey contracts and review the projectdocumentsandgiverecommendationsasrequiredforPPPprojects.

xix. Reviewandfinalizethe“asbuilt”drawingssubmittedbyContractor;xx. AssisttheSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedinissueofcompletioncertificates;

xxi. Inspect the works at appropriate intervals during defect liability period andcertificationissue;

xxii. Prepare on behalf of Saharanpur Smart City Limitedmonthly project progressreports describing the physical and financial progress of each subproject,highlightingimpedimentstothequalityandprogressoftheworksandremedialactions,tobesubmittedtoSaharanpurSmartCityLimited

xxiii. Assist Saharanpur Smart City Limited in monitoring of progress as per theProgram Performance Monitoring System (PPMS) or as required bySaharanpur Smart CityLimited

xxiv. Develop and maintain project management information system (PMIS) totrackprojectprogressandgenerateMISprogressreportssuchasphysicalandfinancialprogress.

xxv. Develop and implement procedure for timely payments to the implementingagency(ies)andmonitorforcompliance.

xxvi. Support Saharanpur Smart City Limited in overall Project Management andcoordination with implementing agencies, government agencies, privateplayers,technologyserviceprovidersandothers.

xxvii. Support Saharanpur Smart City Limited to meet compliance requirements asandwhenrequired.

xxviii. SupportSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedindocumentationandpresentationofoutputs

xxix. PrepareCapacitybuildingplanandChangeManagementPlanxxx. Monitorandmaintainissuetrackerandkeeponupdatingthestatusofallrisks


b. Pan‐CityProposal


i. ProjectManagementActivitiesa) Developtheprojectplanandprojectcharterb) Coordinate workshops and discussion meetings between SPV, State IT

Department, State Line Departments, Municipal Corporation Officials, SI,MoUD/(GoI)etc.

c) Co‐ordinateDPRsubmissions/approvalsofSI.


d) ResponsibleforreviewingthedeliverablessubmittedbySIwithinaperiodof2week(orasagreedwithSPV)fromthereceiptofthatdeliverable.

e) Highlightdeviations/issuesinthedeliverablesofSItorelevantauthoritywithinthespecifiedtimelimitsandassistSIandSPVinresolutionofissues.

f) PrepareCapacitybuildingplanandChangeManagementPlang) Identify thelegalchangesrequiredand assistin drafting and issuance

ofGovernmentOrdersforgivingeffecttotheBPRh) Ensurethatthetechnologystandards,guidelines&frameworksareadhered

toduringimplementation.i) Suggestandco‐ordinatecapacitybuildingneedsandtrainingprograms.j) Monitorandmaintain issue tracker andkeeponupdating the statusof all

risksandissuesfromtimetotime.k) Definingtheescalationmechanismfortimelyresolutionofissues&risks.

l) Co‐ordinateforSTQCcertification.m) SLAmonitoringandsuggestchangesinSLAs,ifrequiredn) MonitoringtheperformanceoftheSIagainstthebaseprojectplano) Monitoring the performance of the overall system in terms of

availability&efficiencyagainsttheservicelevelsalreadydefinedforSIp) Suggest corrective and preventive measures to SPV and SI to enhance

theperformanceofthesystemq) Coordinate with all the stakeholders and support the state departments

whileinteractingwith various agencies (internal and external) during thecourseoftheproject.

r) Build mechanisms to ensure coordination and consultation between allkey stakeholders and members of the SPV on a continued basis tofacilitate theexecutionoftheproject.

ii. Monitoringthedeploymentandcommissioningofnecessaryhardware

a) MonitoringinstallationandcommissioningofICTinfrastructureb) Monitor the facility management services and help desk of the SI, to ensure

systemuptimec) Provide fortnightly reports to SPV for the status of implementation till “go‐


iii. EngagingSTQCforAudit

a) The Consultant will be responsible to engage STQC to conduct theassessment/review of the system before rolling it out. The Consultant shallreviewandinspectalltheproceduresandsystemsrelatingtothesolution.

b) TheConsultantwouldberesponsible for theoutcome in the followingareas in


such a manner which results in successful STQC certification. Specifically theSTQCshalllookinto:

Applicationaudit:a) Functionality audit vis‐a‐vis the Functional Requirement Specification

(FRS)agreeduponduringdevelopmentphaseb) Determinesystematicmeasuresimplementedtocontrolandsecureaccess

to the application programs and data including password controls, userauthentications, roles and responsibilities, audit trails and reporting,configurationandinterfacecontrols,etc.

c) Reviewofdatabasestructureincluding:d) Classificationofdataintermsofsensitivity&levelsofaccess

e) Securitymeasures over database installation, password policies and userrolesandprivileges

f) Access controlondatabaseobjects– tables,views, triggers,synonyms,etc.g) Databaserestorationandrecoverabilityh) Audittrailsconfigurationandmonitoringprocessi) Networkconnectionstodatabase

ReviewofNetworkandWebsitewillinclude:a) Penetrationandvulnerabilitytestingb) Securityexposurestointernalandexternalstakeholdersc) InstallationofrequisitepreventionsystemslikeIntrusionPrevention


ReviewandImplementationofSecurityPoliciesandControlswillinclude:a) Review of backup process, including schedule, storage, archival and

decommissioningofmediab) Physicalaccesscontrolsreview(overDCandothercriticalarea)c) Incident management process – covering identification response,

escalationmechanismsd) Anti‐virus(malware)controls–patching,virusdefinitionfileupdatee) Generalcomputercontrolsreviewf) Audit of IT Infrastructure will include monitoring the deployment of IT

infrastructure at various locations including Data centre and DisasterrecoverycentreaspertheBOMspecifiedfortheSI.

g) Performance/SLAAudit ‐whether theactual levelofperformanceof theservicesisthesameasspecifiedinthecontractofSI.

h) Identify the key issues / bottlenecks in the system and suggest mitigation


plans.i) Overall compliance to MSA and SLA ‐ The compliance of the

implementation partner with any other obligation under the MSA andSLA.

iv. UATandGo‐LiveReport:

a) Assist& support to assess and cer t i fy theso lutionand associatedinfrastructure&services.

b) Planning, preparing & execution of the User Acceptance Test, tracing thefunctionalrequirementsbeforetheGoLivePreparation and submissionofGo‐LiveReport,whichshould shallincludethefollowing:• Hardwareatvariouslocationsanddatacentre• Networkingequipmentandconnectivity• Datadigitisationandmigration• Trainingtothedepartmentalpersonnel• Handholdingsupport• Integrationwithapplicationsofotherdepartments/agenciesetc.• Any corrective or preventive actions required from any of thestakeholders

• HighlightthechangesrequiredintheapplicationsandensurethatthesuggestedchangesareincorporatedinthesystembytheSI

v. MonitoringtheO&M:

a) SupportSPVformonitoringofthecomplianceofthecontractualobligationsoftheSI.

b) Monitor the operations and maintenance of the overall system as perthestandards and requirements defined for SI including but not limited toresolutionof issues, availabilityof the system, updatinghardwareor systemsoftwareetc.

c) Ensure that the SLAs and performance levels defined for SI are met asagreement. The Consultant shall review the SLA performance, capacity andeffectivenessofthehelpdesksetupbytheSI.

vi. TheconsultantshallberesponsibleforreviewingtheworkofSystemIntegrator


10. TheConsultantshallprovidesupporttotheClientforthesuccessfulcompletionoftheProjectanditshandingovertoClient/anyotheragencyasdecidedbytheClient.


11. TheConsultantshallberesponsibleforreviewingtheworkofSystemIntegratorandapprovepaymentstobemadetotheSIbytheClient.

12. The Consultant shall provide support to the Smart City/SPV for thesuccessfulcompletionoftheSmartCityProjectanditsclosure.

5. TeamComposition&QualificationRequirements

13. The Professionals required for this assignment are categorized as (i) Timebased Contract (for task 1 and 3) and (ii) Lump Sum Contract (for task2).For time based contract, the team shall provide full person man days/months’ time on the project (field), no home input will be considered inthis category. However for Lump sum Contract. The team input may beconsidered intohomeandfield.Thesupport teamshallbeontheneedbasisoftheassignment.

14. Basedonthescopeofwork, theConsultantshallassesstheactualrequirementof the professionals for carrying out the assignment for different project under allmodulesduringthecourseoftheassignment.Areasonablesizeteamofsupportstafflike support design engineers, quantity surveyors; draft men, junior analysts, fieldengineersetc.shallalsoberequiredtosupporttheprofessionals.TheConsultingfirmmay deploy the additional staff as per requirement of the assignment for whichthere will be no extra financial implications for the Client and the cost of suchadditional staff is deemed to be included in the total Remuneration quoted by theConsultantinitsFinancialProposal.

15. Thebroadindicativeteamrequirementofprofessionalsascoreteam&supportteamand support staff has been indicated below. The consulting firm shall reviewthe composition [position required, number of professionals and man days’ foreachprofessional]andfinalizeaspertherequirementoftheassignment(modules).

16. The CVs of the core team shall be evaluated for technical score are indicatedbelow:


S.No. KeyPersonnel Man‐months

Minimum Qualification & Experience

ForTimeBasedContract(Task1&3)Task1:CoreTeam5forProjectManagement(The CVs shall be submittedbyConsultantforthefollowingprofessionalsandwillbeevaluated)

1. TeamLeader 36

Bachelor of Engineering with Masters ofPlanning orMBA or Construction Management or Masters ofEngineeringinUrbanInfrastructurerelatedsubject

15Years’experienceinUrbanSector. Experience of Project Management in UrbanInfrastructure Works. Experience as Team leader/DeputyTeamleaderforminimum5projects.

Knowledge of urban development policies, issues andProject experience.




Master’s in Civil Engineering/ BE in CivilEngineering. 12Years’experienceinUrbanSector. Experience in citywide urban development andinfrastructure planning/ design. (Water supply,sewerage/septage/SWM/urbanroadsetc.)

Knowledge of urban development issues and Projectexperience.



Master’s Degree in Information Technology/Engineering/MCA/MBA

Atleast10 years’experienceinsimilarfield Experience inworkingwith theGoI/StateGovernment/ULB or similar institution for implementation egovernanceprojects

Experienceinpreparationoftechnicaldocumentfor thee‐Services and solution to implementing the IT relatedinfrastructure services /e‐services, networkinginfrastructureetc.






Master’s Degree in Finance/ Economics/ CharteredAccountant/Commerce/ ICWA

/MBA (Finance)/ Post Graduate in EconomicswithspecializationinPublicFinance.

7yearsrelevantexperience. Experience of municipal finance analysis, municipalbudgetingandaccountingandfinancialprojections.

ExperienceinworkingwithULB. Experience in Financial Modelling in UrbanInfrastructureandPPP




GraduateEngineer/MBA 7yearsrelevantexperience Experience of designing and implementing suitablePPMSforprojectspreferablyrelatedtourbansector.




GraduateinCivilEngineering 10years’experienceinconstructionmanagementofUrbanServicedeliveryprojects(WaterSupply/Sewerage/Drainage/Drainage/

SolidWasteManagement). Knowledgeofdifferentconstructionmethodologies.





B.E/B.Tech/MBA/orequivalent Atleast7Years’experienceinsimilarfield Shouldhaveexperience in preparationof at least 2 ITcontracts / PPP contract including concessionagreement and Service contracts. Experience inpreparationoftenderdocuments,carryoutbidprocessmanagement for e‐ governanceprojects.




Post Graduate in transport planning or trafficengineering

At least 7 years of relevant experience in planning ofintegrated public transport master plan, multi‐modaltransit transport project, smart public transportinfrastructure networks assignments of similarmagnitudeandnature.


Task3:SupportStaff forProjectImplementation and Supervision (TheCVsmay benotbesubmittedbytheConsultantforthefollowingprofessionalsandwillnotbeevaluated)




GraduateinEngineering Minimum 5 years’ experience in constructionmanagement of Urban Service delivery (WaterSupply/ Sewerage/ Drainage/ Transportation/Drainage/ SolidWasteManagement)




Post‐graduationinUrbanPlanning Minimum 5 years’ experience in integrated land useplanning

Experience in GIS based land use planning,preparingMasterPlan/CDP/SCPetc.

Experience developing Development ControlRegulations

Knowledge of land management tools like landpooling,TDRetc.


3. Support 20


Engineer(2) Degreein(relevantbranch)Engineeringwith2years’experienceOrDiplomain(relevantbranch)Engineeringwith4years’experience.

4. UrbanDesigner 15

Graduate Architect with Masters in urbandesign. 7 years relevant experience in city scape andstreetscapedesign.





GraduateinIT/CS/ECEorMCA/MBA Minimum3years’experienceinprojectrelatedtoIT



GraduateinCivilEngineering Minimum 3 years’ experience in constructionmanagement of Urban Service delivery (WaterSupply/ Sewerage/ Drainage/ Transportation/Drainage/ SolidWasteManagement).




GraduateinEconomics/Financeorequivalent Minimum 3 years’ experience in municipal financeanalysis, municipal budgeting and accounting andfinancialprojections.


Task2:ProjectDesignandDevelopmentTeam(TheCVsmaynotbesubmittedbyConsultant for the followingprofessionals andwillnotbe evaluated.Howeconsultant may propose additional skill sets to complete the task. Consultantshouldproposethedurationforassignmentfortheseprofessionalbasedontheirapproachmethodology)*


GraduateCivilEngineer 10 years’ experience in drainagenetworkdesigns andconstruction.

Experienceindrainagenetworkconstruction. ExperienceinRainwaterharvestingschemes, Knowledge of preparation of drainagemasterplan

2. WaterSupplyExpert

Degree in Civil Engineering with Post Graduation inPHE/EnvironmentEngineering

10 years’ experience in water supply projects Design andrestructuring of water supply / distribution networkprojects

Experiencein Ope ra t i on & Ma in tenance o f U rban WaterSupplyschemes.


Sr. BusinessAnalyst/BPRSpecialist

DegreeinBE/B‐Tech.withMBA 10years’relevantexperience Workedinsimilarcapacityforatleast7years. Shouldhaveworkedonatleast1(one)urbanprojectingovernmentsectorinsimilarcapacity.




10years’relevantexperience Experience in preparation of technical requirementplans/ document pavement design /street scape/ landscapingetc.




Degree in Engineering/ Management/ law / BusinessAdministrationorEquivalent

10years’experienceintheareaofpublicprocurement Experienceincontractprocurement/managementininfrastructureprojects.



MastersinUrbanDesign/Architectureorequivalent 10years’experienceinUrbanDesigningofaheritageprecinct.

ExperienceinTransitOrientedDevelopment ExperienceinLocalareaplanning,



Master’s Degree in Transportation Planning /Transportation Engineering / Highway Engineering/HighwayPlanning

10 years of experience in the area of Urban TransportPlanning

Experience in city Mobility Plan preparation, TransitOrientedDevelopment(TOD)/



Masters in Environmental Engineering/ Degree in CivilEngineering

10years experience on water sourcing, planning &management of water supply and waste water projectsincluding recycling and reuse of waste water andrainwaterharvesting


Solar Energy/Renewable EnergyExpert

B‐TechinElectrical/PowerEngineering/relatedsector 10 years’ experience in power projects viz.,planning/designing for power generation, transmissionanddistribution.


B‐TechinElectrical/PowerEngineering 10years similarexperience



MastersinUrbanPlanning/Housing 10years experienceinUrbanPovertyAlleviation Experienceinaffordablehousing,lowcosthousingandcosteffective construction technology, slumimprovementplanpreparation.





Mastersinmasscommunication 10years similarexperience Experienceinmanagementofmultimediaandactivitiespertainingtosocialmedia



Postgraduate inEnvironmentalPlanning/Engineering /EnvironmentalSciences 10 years’ experience in conducting EIA, environmentmodelling & preparing Environmental Managementplans,CleanDevelopmentmechanism.


UtilityEngineer DegreeinCivil/MechanicalEngineering 10years’experienceinutilityservices.



Master’s Degree or equivalent in social developmentdisciplines





MBA(Finance)/CA/CFAorequivalent 10 years’ experience in project funding, structuring ofPPPprojects.

At least developed 02 (two) PPP projects for which theConcessionairehasbeenappointedandtheprojectsareinexecutionand/orinoperationmode.



MastersinStructuralEngineering 10yearsrelated. Shouldhavetheexperienceinstructural designofinfrastructureprojects.



Degree in Geography, Planning, Architecture withDiploma/CertificateinGIS

At least 10 years of experience in working on similarprojects (i.e. use of remote sensing & GIS technology inurbansectorprojects)

Knowledge of major GIS software products, GPS, totalstation, coordinate reference systems, satellite remotesensing technology and GIS applications.

19. InformationSecuritySystemsExpert

MCA/ B Tech /M Tech inITwith certification inCISSP/CCSP





Degree in Information Technology/ ElectronicsEngineeringorequivalent



Networking& ITInfrastructureSpecialist

MCA/ B Tech /M Tech inITwith certification inCCNA 10years’experienceinsimilarfield



B‐Tech in Information Technology/ Electronics &Communication Engineering / Electronics Engineering /Computerscience

10Years’experienceinITfield Minimum 2 years of experience in designing andimplementation of large ITMS/ BMS includingSurveillance &Video Analytics



BE/B‐Tech in Information Technology/Electronics& CommunicationEngineering/Computerscience 10YearsexperienceinITfield Minimum3years’experienceinimplementingIoT/MachinetoMachine(M2M)solutionsandknowledgeoftheIoT/M2Mmarketandecosystems

Minimum 3years’experienceinaclientfacingroledemonstratingpresentationskillsandtheabilitytocommunicatewithclientmanagementandexecutives

3years’experience inapplyinganalysisskillsandtheabilitytodevelopprocesses

* The team composition is indicative. The Consultant shall review the composition and suggestsuitable skill sets and manmonths for specialists and support staff as per their approach andmethodology.


However forTimeBasedtasksminimummanmonthofprofessionals (mentionedaboveunderrespectivetasks)shouldbefollowedwhilepreparingthetechnicalproposal.


6. ReportingRequirementsandTimeScheduleandDeliverables17. TheactivitywisereportingrequirementsanddeliverablesforABDProjectshallbeasfollows:

a. Activity1:

18. Mobilization and establishment of Project office, and submission and acceptanceof InceptionReport by the Client: InceptionReport containingapproach,methodology,workpanandstaffingschedulefortheprojectactivitiesandschedulefordeliverables;

b. Activity2:Situationanalysisreport

i. Preparationofsituationanalysisreportforeachmodule.

ii. Preparation and Submission of Business Re‐engineering Report (BPR) andFinal function requirement specifications (FRS) and its acceptance&approval by theClient.

c. Activity3:FeasibilityReport19. TheReportshalladdressthefollowingaspects:

Evaluationofdesignalternatives Thetopographyanddevelopmentpatternoftheprojectarea Develop historic and future population growth and determine theimpact of the population growth on projects under taken in Smart CityMission.

Preliminarydesignandcostestimation Operationandmaintenanceaspects Financialplanningandevaluation Institutionalandsocialcapacity EnvironmentalandSocialImpactAssessments Formulationofworkimplementationplan Preliminaryprocurementplan Preliminaryconstructionschedule Organization evaluation and capacity building and any other relevantinformationrequiredonprojecttoprojectbasis.

IdentificationofpotentialPPPprojects. Recommendationof suitable arrangement for contracting includingDBO/DBFOT/ManagementContractsetc.



d. Activity4:Preliminary/DetailedProjectReport(PDR/DPR)

20. TheDPRandrelateddocumentsfortheProjectmustconformtotherequirementsoftheguidelinesandproceduresofthegovernmentandshallincludethefollowing:


ProjectEvaluationCriteria- General information: To include basic technical design,institutionalarrangements

- EstimatedProjectCost- ProjectRevenue- EstimatedProjectBenefitsandCosts

a. Financialb. Economic

- RiskAllocationMatrix- ProjectandFinancingMilestones





At this stage consultant should also suggest / propose component differentsuitableprocurementoptionsforproposedprojects/moduleundertherespectivecomponent.

e. Activity5:Biddocumentsandawardofcontractf. Activity6:ProjectImplementationandSupervision

Monthly Contract Performance and Management Reportsusing PMIS/ProjectManagementITtoolsforeachcontractduringentireprogramperiod.

ContractCompletionReports foreachprojectpackage.



7.TimeScheduleandactivitywiseDeliverable21. TheActivitywisetimescheduleshallbeasfollows

SNo. ActivitywiseDeliverable


Contract) andT1isthedateofappointmentof


1. Activity1:InceptionReport T0+15days


Activity2:a) For ABD Modules : Submission of Situation

Analysis Report for Modules and itsapprovalbytheSmartCity/SPV

b) For Pan City Module : Submission of Business Re‐engineering Report (BPR) and Final functionrequirement specifications (FRS) and itsacceptance&approvalbytheSmartCity/SPV


Activity3:For ABD and Pan City Modules : Feasibility StudyReport and its acceptance& approval by the SmartCity/SPV


Activity4:For ABD and Pan City Modules : Submission ofDetailedProjectReportanditsacceptance&approvalbytheSmartCity/SPVActivity


Activity5:For ABD and Pan CityModules : Submission of BidDocuments and its acceptance& approval by the SmartCity/SPV

Activity2‐5S.No. No.OfModules




Q1 ‐ ‐ T0+ 3MonthsQ2 ‐ ‐ T0+ 6MonthsQ3 ‐ ‐ T0+9Months Q4 n All Modules T0+12Months Thetimeperiodmaybeextendedforanother6monthsas per the requirement of the module(s) by the


Saharanpur Smart City Limited for completion of theassignmentuptoactivity6.



From the date ofselection of theimplementation AgencyfortheeachModule ToT0+3years


From the date ofselection of theimplementation AgencyfortheeachModule ToT0+3years


a) Submission&acceptanceofUserAcceptanceTest(UAT)Reports

b) Submission of Standardization Testing andQualityCertification(STQC)Certificate(s)

c) Submission&acceptanceof“Go‐Live”Report

Fromthedateofselection of the SystemIntegrator(SI)T1toT0+3yearsFora,b,andcactivities:T1+ 4(four) Monthsduring implementationby System Integrator(SI)

21. Inadditiontoabove,theconsultantwillsubmitmonthlyprogressreportsat the end of eachmonth during the course of assignmentmentioning status/progress of work, activities performed, and issues resolved/to be resolvedrelatedtoassignmentsduringthemonth.

8. Client’sInputandCounterpartServicesandFacilities

a) Services,facilitiesandpropertytobemadeavailabletotheConsultantbytheClient:AdequateofficespaceshallbeprovidedtotheConsultantbytheClient.

b) Professional and support counterpart personnel to beassignedby theClient to theConsultant’steam:AsperrequirementandattherequestoftheConsultant.

c) TheConsultingfirmwillberesponsibleto:

Arrange for fully equipped office and office operation relatedfacilities forprojectdevelopmentteam.

Arrange for datacollection, survey and investigation, preliminarydesign,reportpreparationofreportsforprojectsmodules

Arrange for communication related to contract, data processing,computers,printingequipmentandnecessarystationeries.


Arrange for all transportation and travelling including local travelrequiredfortheassignmentstoperformtheconsultancyservices/job.

The equipment’s/ furniture purchased from the funds provided bythe Clientshall be the property of the Client and on completionof the project the Consultant shall return all thoseequipment’s/furnitureinworkablecondition.

9. PaymentSchedule

(a) Paymentsshallbemadeaccordingtothefollowingschedule:

I. Thepaymentshallbemadeasfollows:‐


Theaccepted contractamount shall be in the following proportion;

(a) AcceptedContractAmount(M)=[insertamount]LUMPSUMBASEDFORTASK 2 (Activity 2 ‐5)

(b)ForActivity2toActivity 5,Lumpsumamount(M1)=Fin3B+Fin4B

ForActivity2 toActivity5payment shall be made on pro rata basisofthemodulesForeachmodulepaymentshallbe(M2)=M1XN


Activity2:a) For each ABD Module: Submission of Situation AnalysisReport for Modules and its acceptance & approval by theSaharanpurSmartCityLimitedb) For Smart Solution Module: Submission of Business Re‐engineering Report (BPR) and Final function requirementspecifications (FRS) and its acceptance & approval by theSaharanpurSmartCityLimited




For each ABD and Smart Solution Module: FeasibilityStudy Report and its acceptance & approval bySaharanpurSmartCityLimited



For each ABD and Smart SolutionModule:Submission ofDetailedProject Report and its acceptance& approval bytheSaharanpurSmartCityLimited



For each ABD and Smart SolutionModule:Submission ofBid Documents and its acceptance & approval by theSaharanpurSmartCityLimited


TIMEBASED FORTASK1&3 (Activity 1 and 6)(a)ForActivity1toActivity6,

TimeBasedamount(M3)=Fin3A+Fin4AMonthlypaymentshallbe made on Time Based Input of the Expertsasper theper day professional fee quoted by the Consultant and accepted by theSaharanpur SmartCityLimitedof theSmartCity.TheMonthlypaymentshallbemadeon thebasisofactual deployment ofman days and Approved TimeSheet(s)bytheSaharanpurSmartCityLimited



1. Introduction

The smart cityproposalof Saharanpur is forRs. 1504.90 crore. It comprises ofestimatedinvestment of Rs. 1282.90 crore in forABD intervention in city corearea isconfinedby riversDhamolaandPaondhoiinEast,oldmunicipal limit inNorth,GoteShahRoadinwestandrailwaylineinsouth,andRs.212.00croreforPANcity intervention.Of total, 64% is tobe financedunder Smart citymissionandrest36%isconvergenceandPPP.


areto be vetted in consultationwith stakeholderswith regard to the technicalandeconomic feasibility and sustainability etc. Therefore projects may changeandotherprojectswhichmaybeenvisagedformakingcitysmartcanbeadaptedin consultation with the stakeholders/employer. However the total cost ofprojectshouldremainthesame.

2. AreaBasedDevelopment:

Saharanpur envisions retrofitting of 1260 acres of selected local area‐confinedby riversDhamolaandPaondhoi inEast,oldmunicipal limit inNorth,GoteShahRoadinwestandrailwaylineinsouth.ItcontainsmostoftheOldCity,residences and commercial spaces area development. The retrofitted area canbecomeanewsocio‐economicenginefortheCityCoreArea.

Through a systematic retrofitting approach and smart infrastructure services,

theproposed project will positively impact livability of inhabitants, improvelivelihood with diverse mix of residential, commercial, retail and industrialdevelopment.


Sr.No. SetofProjects Cost (Cr.)

1. SAHART Multiple Economies   291.00r2. SAHART Sewerage & Sanitations  172.30r3. SAHART Solid Waste Management  69.55r4. SAHART Transport‐ Walkability   145.10r5. SAHART Safety and Security  5.50r6. SAHART Water Supply and Reuse of Recycled  69.507. SAHART Power Supply, Source and efficiency   60.03


8. SAHART Robust Infrastructure  302.009. SAHART Public Open Spaces & Paondhoi  111.0510. SAHART Healthcare & Education  1.5011. SAHART Responsive Governance 55.60

Total 1282.90

3. PanCityDevelopment:Saharanpur's pan‐city proposal prescribes two initiatives to achieve: (i) SAHART Transportation  &  Traffic  Management, and (ii) SAHART  Governance  Management 

System  (SGMS). Through these solutions, Saharanpur Nagar Nigam seeks toeffectively tackle and address unutilized vacant land. The intent is to facilitateenhance interdepartmental coordination and better service delivery andinteraction,i.e.,G2GandG2C.


Sr.No. SetofProjects Cost(Cr.)

1. SAHART Transportation & Traffic Management 46.00

2. SAHART Governance Management System(SGMS) 166.00

TOTAL 212.00







ContentsI. FormofContractII. GeneralConditionsofContract1. GeneralProvisions2. Commencement,Completion,ModificationandTerminationofContract3. ObligationsoftheConsultant4. Consultants’PersonnelandSub‐Consultants5. ObligationsoftheEmployer6. PaymentstotheConsultant7. FairnessandGoodFaith8. SettlementofDisputes9. LiquidatedDamages10. MiscellaneousProvisionsIII. SpecialConditionsofContractIV. AppendicesAppendixA–DescriptionofServices











IFormofContract(Textinbrackets[]isoptional;allnotesshouldbedeletedinfinaltext)This CONTRACT (hereinafter called the “Contract”) is made the [day] day of the monthof [month], [year], between, on the one hand, [name of client] (hereinafter called the“Client”)and,ontheotherhand,[nameofConsultant](hereinaftercalledthe“Consultant”).[Note: If the Consultant consist of more than one entity, the above should be partiallyamendedtoread as follows: “…(hereinafter called the “Client”) and, on the other hand,a jointventure/consortium/association consisting of the following entities, each of whichwill be jointly and severally liable to the Client for all the Consultant’s obligations underthisContract,namely,[nameofConsultant]and[nameofConsultant](hereinaftercalledthe“Consultant”).]WHEREAS

(a) the Client has requested the Consultant to provide certain consultingservices asdefinedinthisContract(hereinaftercalledthe“Services”);

(b) the Consultant, having represented to the Client that it has the required

professional skills, and personnel and technical resources, has agreed toprovidetheServicesonthetermsandconditionssetforthinthisContract;

NOWTHEREFOREthepartiesheretoherebyagreeasfollows:1. Thefollowingdocumentsattachedheretoshallbedeemedtoformanintegralpart


(a) TheGeneralConditionsofContract;

(b) TheSpecialConditionsofContract;

(c) The following Appendices: [Note: If any of these Appendices are not used,the words “Not Used” should be inserted below next to the title of theAppendix]

AppendixA: DescriptionofServices

AppendixB: ReportingRequirements

AppendixC: StaffingSchedule

AppendixD: BreakdownofContractPrice


AppendixF: DutiesoftheEmployer

2. ThemutualrightsandobligationsoftheClientandtheConsultantshallbeassetforthintheContract,inparticular:

(a) theConsultantsshallcarryouttheServicesinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheContract;and

(b) theClientshallmakepaymentstotheConsultantsinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheContract.

INWITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed intheirrespectivenamesasofthedayandyearfirstabovewritten.Forandonbehalfof[nameofClient][AuthorizedRepresentative]Forandonbehalfof[nameofConsultant]

[AuthorizedRepresentative][Note: If the Consultant consists ofmore than one entity, all these entities shouldappear assignatories,e.g.,inthefollowingmanner:]



1. GeneralProvisions1.1 Definitions Unlessthecontextotherwiserequires,thefollowingtermswhenever usedinthisContracthavethefollowingmeanings:

(a) “ApplicableLaw”means the lawsandanyother instrumentshaving the forceoflawinIndiaforthetimebeing.

(b) “Consultant” means any private or public entity that will provide the Servicestothe“Employer”undertheContract.

(c) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties and all the attacheddocuments listed in its Clause 1 that is this General Conditions (GC), the SpecialConditions(SC),andtheAppendices.

(d) “Day”meanscalendarday.

(e) “EffectiveDate”meansthedateonwhichthisContractcomesintoforceandeffectpursuanttoClauseGC2.1.

(f) “Foreign Currency” means any currency other than the currency of the“Employer’s”country.

(g) “GC”meanstheseGeneralConditionsofContract.

(h) “Government”meanstheGovernmentofIndia

(i) “LocalCurrency”meansIndianRupees.

(j) “Member” means any of the entities that make up the jointventure/consortium/association;and“Members”meansalltheseentities.

(k) “Party”meansthe“Employer”ortheConsultant,asthecasemaybe,and“Parties”meansbothofthem.

(l) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the ConsultantsorbyanySub‐ConsultantsandassignedtoperformtheServicesoranypartthereof;“Foreign Personnel”means suchprofessionals and support staffwho at the timeofbeingso provided had their domicile outside the Government’s country; “LocalPersonnel”meanssuchprofessionals and support staffwho at the timeof being soprovided had their domicileinside theGovernment’s country; and “KeyPersonnel”meansthePersonnelreferredtoinClauseGC4.2(a).


(m) “Reimbursable expenses” means all assignment‐related costs [such as travel,translation,reportprinting,secretarialexpenses,subjecttospecifiedmaximumlimitsintheContract].

(n) “SC”meanstheSpecialConditionsofContractbywhichtheGCmaybeamendedorsupplemented.

(o) “Services” means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuant tothisContract,asdescribedinAppendixAhereto.

(p) “Sub‐Consultants”means any person or entity to whom/which the ConsultantsubcontractsanypartoftheServices.

(q) “Third Party” means any person or entity other than the “Employer”, or theConsultant.

(r) “In writing” means communicated in written form with proof of


1.2 Relationship between the Parties: Nothing contained herein shall be construed asestablishing a relationship of master and servant or of principal and agent asbetweenthe“Employer”andtheConsultant.TheConsultant,subjecttothisContract,has complete charge of Personnel and Sub‐Consultants, if any, performing theServicesandshallbefullyresponsiblefortheServicesperformedbythemorontheirbehalfhereunder.

1.3 Law Governing Contract: This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the

relationbetweenthePartiesshallbegovernedbytheapplicablelawsofIndia.1.4 Headings: Theheadingsshallnotlimit,alteroraffectthemeaningofthisContract.1.5 Notices1.5.1 Anynotice,requestorconsentrequiredorpermitted tobegivenormadepursuant

to this Contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent shall bedeemed to have been given or made when delivered in person to an authorizedrepresentativeofthePartytowhomthecommunicationisaddressed,orwhensentbyregisteredposttosuchPartyattheaddressspecifiedintheSC.

1.5.2 A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party

notice inwritingofsuchchangetotheaddressspecifiedintheSC.


1.6 Location: The Services shall be performed at such locations as are specified inAppendixAheretoand,wherethe locationofaparticulartaskisnotsospecified,atsuchlocations,asthe“Employer”mayapprove.

1.7 Authority of Lead Partner: In case the Consultant consists of a joint

venture/consortium/ association of more than one entity, the Members herebyauthorize the entity specified (LeadConsultant) intheSCtoacton theirbehalf inexercisingall theConsultant’srightsandobligationstowards the “Employer” underthis Contract, including without limitation the receiving of instructions andpayments from the “Employer”. However, each member or constituent ofConsortiumofConsultantshallbejointlyandseverallyliableforallobligationsoftheConsultantundertheContract.

1.8 AuthorizedRepresentatives: Anyaction requiredorpermitted tobe taken, and any

document required or permitted to be executed under this Contract by the“Employer” or theConsultantmaybetakenorexecutedbytheofficialsspecifiedintheSC.

1.9 Taxes andDuties: TheConsultant, Sub‐Consultants and Personnel shall be liable to

pay such direct and indirect taxes, duties, fees and other impositions levied undertheapplicablelawsofIndia.

1.10 FraudandCorruption1.10.1 Definitions: It is the Employer’s policy to require that Employers as well as

Consultants observe the highest standard of ethics during the execution of theContract. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer defines, for the purpose ofthis provision, the terms set forth below asfollows:(i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, receiving, or soliciting, directly orindirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in theselectionprocessorincontractexecution;(ii) “Fraudulentpractice” meansa misrepresentation or omission of facts inordertoinfluenceaselectionprocessortheexecutionofacontract;(iii) “Collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between two or moreconsultants,with orwithout the knowledge of the Employer, designed to establishpricesatartificial,non‐competitivelevels;(iv) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly orindirectly,personsortheirpropertytoinfluencetheirparticipationinaprocurementprocess,oraffecttheexecutionofacontract;


1.10.2 MeasurestobetakenbytheEmployer(a) The Employer may terminate the contract if it determines at any time thatrepresentatives of the consultant were engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive orcoercivepracticesduringtheselectionprocessortheexecutionofthatcontract,withouttheconsultant having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Employer toremedythesituation;(b) The Employer may also sanction against the Consultant, including declaring theConsultant ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded acontractifitatanytimedetermines that the Consultant has, directly or through an agent,engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or inexecuting,anEmployer‐financedcontract;1.10.3 CommissionsandFeesAtthetimeofexecutionofthisContract,theConsultantsshalldiscloseanycommissionsorfees that may have been paid or are agreed to be paid to agents, representatives, orcommissionagentswith respect to the selection process or executionof the contract. Theinformation disclosed must include at least the name and address of the agent,representative, or commission agent, the amount and currency, and the purpose of thecommissionorfee.2. COMMENCEMENT, COMPLETION, MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION OFCONTRACT2.1 Effectiveness of Contract: This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date(the“EffectiveDate”)ofthe“Employer’snoticetotheConsultantinstructingtheConsultantto begin carryingout the Services.This notice shall confirm that the conditionsprecedentandeffectivenessconditions,ifany,listedintheSChavebeenmet.

2.2 Termination of Contract for Failure to Become Effective: If this Contract has notbecome effective within such time period after the date of the Contract signed by theParties as specified in the SC, either Party may, by not less than twenty one (21) dayswritten notice to the other Party, declare this Contract to be null and void, and in theevent of such a declaration byeitherParty,neitherPartyshallhaveanyclaimagainsttheotherPartywithrespecthereto.2.3 Commencement of Services: The Consultant shall begin carrying out the ServicesnotlaterthanthenumberofdaysaftertheEffectiveDatespecifiedintheSC.2.4 Expiration of Contract: Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause GC 2.9 hereof,



2.5 Entire Agreement: This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisionsagreedbytheParties.NoagentorrepresentativeofeitherPartyhasauthoritytomake,andthe Parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any other statement, representation,promiseoragreementnotsetforthherein.2.6 Modifications or Variations: (a) any modification or variation of the terms andconditions of this Contract, including any modification or variation of the scope of theServices, may only bemadebywrittenagreementbetweentheParties.PursuanttoClauseGC 7.2 here of, however, each Party shall give due consideration to any proposals formodificationorvariationmadebytheotherParty.(b) In casesof substantialmodificationsorvariations,thepriorwrittenconsentoftheEmployerisrequired.2.7 ForceMajeure2.7.1 Definition (a) For the purposes of this Contract, “ForceMajeure”means an eventwhich is beyond the reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, is unavoidableand notbrought about by or at the instance of the Party claiming to be affected by suchevents and which has caused the non‐performance or delay in performance, and whichmakes a Party’s performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical asreasonablytobeconsideredimpossibleinthecircumstances,andincludes,butisnotlimitedto, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other extremeadverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except wheresuch strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within the power of the Partyinvoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by Governmentagencies.(b) Force Majeure shall not include(i) any eventwhich iscaused by the negligence orintentional action of a Party or by or of such Party’s Sub‐Consultants or agents oremployees,nor(ii)anyeventwhichadiligentPartycouldreasonablyhavebeenexpectedbothtotakeintoaccount at the time of the conclusion of this Contract, and avoid or overcome in thecarryingoutof itsobligationshereunder.(c) Subject to clause 2.7.2, Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds orinabilitytomakeanypaymentrequiredhereunder.2.7.2 No Breach of Contract: The failure of a Party to fulfil any of its obligationshereundershallnotbeconsideredtobeabreachof,ordefaultunder, thisContract insofaras such inabilityarisesfromaneventofForceMajeure,providedthatthePartyaffectedby


such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternativemeasures,allwiththeobjectiveofcarryingoutthetermsandconditionsofthisContract.2.7.3 Measures to be taken: (a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shallcontinue toperform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical,and shall take allreasonablemeasurestominimizetheconsequencesofanyeventofForceMajeure.

(b) APartyaffectedbyaneventofForceMajeureshallnotifytheotherPartyofsucheventassoon as possible, and in any case not later than fourteen (14) days following theoccurrence of suchevent, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, andshallsimilarlygivewrittennoticeoftherestorationofnormalconditionsassoonaspossible.(c) AnyperiodwithinwhichaPartyshall,pursuanttothisContract,completeanyactionortask,shallbeextendedfor aperiodequal to the timeduringwhichsuchPartywasunabletoperformsuchactionasaresultofForceMajeure.(d) During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event ofForceMajeure,theConsultant,uponinstructionsbythe“Employer”,shalleither:

(i) Demobilize,or

(ii) ContinuewiththeServices totheextentpossible, inwhichcasetheConsultantshallcontinuetobepaidproportionatelyandonproratabasis,underthetermsofthisContract.

(e) In the case of disagreement between theParties as to the existence or extent of ForceMajeure,themattershallbesettledaccordingtoClauseGC8.2.8 Suspension: The “Employer” may, by written notice of suspension to theConsultant, suspend all payments to the Consultant hereunder if the Consultant fails toperform any of its obligations under this Contract, including the carrying out of theServices, provided that suchnoticeofsuspension(i)shallspecifythenatureofthefailure,and (ii) shall allow the Consultant to remedy such failure, if capable of being remedied,withinaperiodnotexceedingthirty(30)daysafterreceiptbytheConsultantofsuchnoticeofsuspension.2.9 Termination2.9.1.1 by the “Employer”: The “Employer” may terminate this Contract in case of theoccurrence of any of the events specified in parSaharanpurphs (a) through (h) of thisClause GC2.9.1.1


(a) If the Consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of its obligationshereunder,as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to Clause GC 2.8 hereinabove,withinthirty(30)daysofreceiptofsuchnoticeofsuspensionorwithinsuchfurtherperiodasthe“Employer”mayhavesubsequentlyapprovedinwriting.(b) IftheConsultantbecomes(or,iftheConsultantconsistsofmorethanoneentity,ifanyofitsMembersbecomesandwhichhassubstantialbearingonprovidingServicesunderthiscontract)insolventorgointoliquidationorreceivershipwhethercompulsoryorvoluntary.

(c) If the Consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result ofarbitrationproceedingspursuanttoClauseGC8hereof.(d) If the Consultant, in the judgment of the “Employer”, has engaged in corrupt orfraudulentpracticesincompetingfororinexecutingthisContract.(e) If the Consultant submits to the “Employer” a false statement which has a materialeffectontherights,obligationsorinterestsofthe“Employer”.(ee) If the Consultant places itself in position of conflict of interest or fails to disclosepromptlyanyconflictofinteresttotheEmployer.(f) Iftheconsultant fails toprovidethequalityservicesasenvisagedunderthisContract.The ConsultancyMonitoring Committee (CMC) formulated tomonitor the progress of theassignmentmaymakejudgmentregardingthepoorqualityofservices,thereasonsforwhichshallbe recorded inwriting. TheCMCmaydecide to giveone chance to the consultant toimprovethequalityoftheservices.(g) If,astheresultofForceMajeure,theConsultantisunabletoperformamaterialportionoftheServicesforaperiodofnotlessthansixty(60)days.(h) If the “Employer”, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides toterminatethisContract. In such an occurrence the “Employer” shall give a not less than thirty (30) days’written notice of termination to the Consultants, and sixty (60) days’ in case of the eventreferredtoin(h).2.9.2 BytheConsultant:TheConsultantmayterminatethisContract,bynotlessthanthirty(30)days’writtennotice to the “Employer”, in caseof theoccurrenceof anyof the eventsspecifiedinparagraphs(a)through(d)ofthisClauseGC2.9.2.(a) If the “Employer” fails to pay any money due to the Consultant pursuant to thisContractand not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof within forty‐five(45) days afterreceivingwrittennoticefromtheConsultantthatsuchpaymentisoverdue.


(b) If,astheresultofForceMajeure,theConsultantisunabletoperformamaterialportionoftheServicesforaperiodofnotlessthansixty(60)days.(c) If the “Employer” fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result ofarbitrationpursuanttoClauseGC8hereof.

(d) If the“Employer” is inmaterialbreachofitsobligationspursuantto thisContractandhas not remedied the same within forty‐five (45) days (or such longer period as theConsultant may have subsequently approved in writing) following the receipt by the“Employer” of theConsultant’snoticespecifyingsuchbreach.2.9.3 Cessation of Rights and Obligations: Upon termination of this Contract pursuant toClausesGC2.2orGC2.9hereof,oruponexpirationof thisContractpursuant toClauseGC2.4hereof, all rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, except (i) suchrights andobligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or expiration, (ii)the obligation ofconfidentiality set forth in Clause GC 3.3 hereof, (iii) the Consultant’sobligation to permit inspection, copying and auditing of their accounts and records setforthinClauseGC3.6hereof,and(iv)anyrightwhichaPartymayhaveundertheLaw.2.9.4 CessationofServices:Uponterminationof thisContractbynoticeofeitherPartytothe other pursuant to Clauses GC 2.9.1 or GC 2.9.2 hereof, the Consultant shall,immediatelyupondispatch or receipt of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring theServices to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and shall make every reasonableeffort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a minimum. With respect to documentspreparedbytheConsultantandequipmentandmaterials furnishedbythe “Employer”, theConsultantshallproceedasprovided,respectively,byClausesGC3.9orGC3.10hereof.2.9.5 Payment upon Termination: Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to

ClausesGC2.9.1 or GC 2.9.2 hereof, the “Employer” shall make the following payments to theConsultant:(a) If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 2.9.1 (g), (h) or 2.9.2,remunerationpursuant to Clause GC 6.3(h) (i)hereof for Services satisfactorily performedprior to the effective date of termination, and reimbursable expenditures pursuant toClause GC 6.3(h)(ii) hereof forexpendituresactuallyandreasonablyincurredpriortotheeffectivedateoftermination;(b) IftheagreementisterminatedpursuantofClause2.9.1(a)to(f),theconsultantshallnot be entitled to receive any agreed payments upon termination of the contract.However, the “Employer” may consider to make payment for the part satisfactorily


performed on the basis ofQuantumMerint as assessed by it, if such part is of economicutility to the Employer. ApplicableUndersuchcircumstances,upontermination, theclientmayalsoimposeliquidateddamagesasperthe provisions of Clause 9 of this agreement.The consultant will be required to pay any such liquidateddamages toclientwithin30daysofterminationdate.2.9.6 Disputes about Events of Termination: If either Party disputes whether an eventspecifiedinparagraphs (a) through (g)ofClauseGC2.9.1or inClauseGC2.9.2hereofhasoccurred,suchPartymay,within forty‐five (30)days afterreceiptofnoticeof terminationfromtheotherParty,refer thematter toClauseGC8hereof,and thisContract shallnotbeterminated on account of sucheventexcept inaccordancewith thetermsofanyresultingarbitralaward.


3. OBLIGATIONSOFTHECONSULTANT3.1 General3.1.1 Standard of Performance: The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry outtheirobligationshereunderwithallduediligence,efficiencyandeconomy,inaccordancewithgenerally accepted professional standards and practices, and shall observe soundmanagement practices, and employ appropriate technology and safe and effectiveequipment,machinery,materials andmethods. The Consultant shall always act, in respectof any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as faithful adviser to the“Employer”,andshallatalltimessupportandsafeguardthe“Employer’slegitimateinterestsinanydealingswithSub‐ConsultantsorThirdParties.3.2 Conflict of Interests: The Consultant shall hold the “Employer’s interests paramount,withoutanyconsiderationfor futurework,andstrictlyavoidconflictofinterestwithotherassignmentsortheirowncorporateinterests.Ifduringtheperiodofthiscontract,aconflictofinterestarisesforany reasons, theConsultant shall promptly disclose thesame totheEmployerandseek itsinstructions.3.2.1 Consultant not to benefit from Commissions,Discounts, etc.: (a)Thepayment ofthe Consultant pursuant to Clause GC 6 hereof shall constitute the Consultant’s onlypayment in connection with this Contract and, subject to Clause GC 3.2.2 hereof, theConsultant shall notaccept for its own benefit any trade commission, discount or similarpaymentinconnectionwithactivities pursuantto thisContract or in the discharge of itsobligationshereunder, and theConsultantshalluseitsbesteffortstoensurethatanySub‐Consultants,aswellasthePersonnelandagentsofeitherofthem,similarlyshallnotreceiveanysuchadditionalpayment.(b) Furthermore, if the Consultant, as part of the Services, has the responsibility ofadvising the “Employer” on the procurement of goods, works or services, the Consultantshall complywith theEmployer’sapplicableprocurementguidelines,andshallatall timesexercise such responsibility in the best interest of the “Employer”. Any discounts orcommissionsobtainedbytheConsultant intheexerciseofsuchprocurementresponsibilityshallbefortheaccountofthe“Employer”.3.2.2 Consultant and Affiliates Not to Engage in Certain Activities: The Consultantagrees that, during the term of this Contract and after its termination, the Consultantand any entityaffiliatedwiththeConsultant,aswellasanySub‐Consultantsandanyentityaffiliated with suchSub‐Consultants, shall be disqualified from providing goods, works orservices (other than consulting services) resulting from or directly related to theConsultant’sServicesforthepreparationorimplementationoftheproject.


3.2.3 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities: The Consultant shall not engage, and shallcause their Personnel aswell as their Sub‐Consultants and their Personnel not to engage,eitherdirectlyor indirectly, in any business or professional activities that would conflictwith the activitiesassignedtothemunderthisContract.3.3 Confidentiality: Except with the prior written consent of the “Employer”, theConsultantand the Personnel shall not at any time communicate to any person or entityany confidentialinformationacquiredinthecourseoftheServices,norshalltheConsultantand its Personnel make public the recommendations formulated in the course of, or as aresultof,theServices.3.4 Insurance tobeTakenoutbytheConsultant:TheConsultant(i)shalltake outandmaintain,andshall causeanySub‐Consultants to takeout andmaintain insurance, at their(or the Sub‐Consultants’, as the case may be) own cost but on terms and conditionsapproved by the“Employer”, insuranceagainst therisks, and for thecoveragespecified inthe SC, and (ii) at the “Employer’s request, shall provide evidence to the “Employer”showing that such insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the currentpremiumsthereforehavebeenpaid.3.5 Accounting, Inspection and Auditing: The Consultant (i) shall keep accurate andsystematic accounts and records in respect of the Services hereunder, in accordancewithinternationally accepted accounting principles and in such form and detail as will clearlyidentify all relevant time changes and costs, and the bases thereof, and (ii) shallperiodically permit the “Employer” or its designated representative and/or theEmployer, and up to five years fromexpirationorterminationofthisContract,toinspectthesameandmakecopiesthereofaswellastohavethemauditedbyauditorsappointedbythe “Employer” or the Employer, if so required by the“Employer”ortheEmployerasthecasemaybe.3.6 Consultant’s Actions Requiring “Employer’s Prior Approval: The Consultant shallobtainthe“Employer’spriorapprovalinwritingbeforetakinganyofthefollowingactions:(a) AnychangeoradditiontothePersonnellistedinAppendixC.(b) Subcontracts:theConsultantmaysubcontractworkrelatingtotheServicestoanextentand with such experts and entities as may be approved in advance by the “Employer”.Notwithstandingsuchapproval,theConsultantshallalwaysretainfullresponsibilityfortheServices. In the event that any Sub‐Consultants are found by the “Employer” to beincompetentorincapableorundesirableindischargingassignedduties,the“Employer”mayrequest the Consultant to provide a replacement, with qualifications and experienceacceptabletothe“Employer”,ortoresumetheperformanceoftheServicesitself.


3.7 Reporting Obligations: The Consultant shall submit to the “Employer” the reportsanddocumentsspecifiedinAppendixBhereto, in theform, inthenumbersandwithinthetimeperiodsset forth in the saidAppendix. Final reports shall bedelivered inCDROM inadditiontothehardcopiesspecifiedinsaidAppendix.

3.8 DocumentsPreparedby theConsultant tobethePropertyof the “Employer”: Allplans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports, other documents and software preparedby the Consultant for the “Employer” under this Contract shall become and remain theproperty of the “Employer”, and the Consultant shall, not later than upon termination orexpiration of this Contract, deliver all such documents to the “Employer”, togetherwith adetailedinventorythereof.TheConsultantmayretain a copyof suchdocuments, but shallnot use anywhere, without taking permission, in writing, from the Employer and theEmployer reserves right to grant or deny any such request.. If license agreements arenecessary or appropriate between the Consultant and third parties for purposes ofdevelopment of any such computer programs, the Consultant shall obtainthe“Employer’sprior written approval to such agreements, and the “Employer” shall be entitled at itsdiscretion to require recovering the expenses related to the development of theprogram(s)concerned.3.9 Equipment,VehiclesandMaterialsFurnishedb the “Employer”: Equipment, vehiclesand materials made available to the Consultant by the “Employer”, or purchased by theConsultantwhollyorpartlywithfundsprovidedbythe“Employer”,shallbethepropertyofthe “Employer” and shall be marked accordingly. Upon termination or expiration of thisContract, the Consultant shall make available to the “Employer” an inventory of suchequipment, vehiclesandmaterials and shall dispose of such equipment and materials inaccordance with the “Employer’s instructions. While in possession of such equipment,vehicles and materials, the Consultant, unless otherwise instructed by the “Employer” inwriting,shall insurethemattheexpenseofthe“Employer”inanamountequaltotheirfullreplacementvalue.3.10 Equipment and Materials provided by the Consultants: Equipment or materialsbroughtintotheGovernment’scountrybytheConsultantandthePersonnelandusedeitherfor the Project or personal use shall remain the property of the Consultant or thePersonnel concerned,asapplicable.4. CONSULTANTS’PERSONNELANDSUB‐CONSULTANTS4.1 General: The Consultant shall employ and provide such qualified and experiencedPersonnelandSub‐ConsultantsasarerequiredtocarryouttheServices.4.2 Description of Personnel: (a) t h e t itle , agreed job description, minimumqualificationandestimatedperiodofengagementinthecarryingoutoftheServicesofeach


oftheConsultant’sKeyPersonnelareaspertheconsultant’sproposalandaredescribedinAppendix C. If any of the Key Personnel has already been approved by the “Employer”,his/hernameislistedaswell.

(b) If required to comply with the provisions of Clause GC 3.1.1 hereof, adjustmentswithrespecttotheestimatedperiodsofengagementofKeyPersonnelsetforthinAppendixCmaybemade by the Consultant bywritten notice to the “Employer”, provided (i) thatsuch adjustments shall not alter the originally estimated period of engagement of anyindividualbymorethan10%oroneweek,whichever is larger, and (ii) that theaggregateof suchadjustments shallnot causepaymentsunderthisContracttoexceedtheceilingssetforthinClauseGC6.1(b)ofthisContract.Anyothersuchadjustmentsshallonlybemadewiththe“Employer’swrittenapproval.(c) If additionalwork is requiredbeyond the scope of theServices specified in AppendixA, the estimated periods of engagement of KeyPersonnel set forth in Appendix Cmaybeincreasedby agreement in writing between the “Employer” and the Consultant. In casewhere paymentsunderthisContractexceedtheceilingssetforthinClauseGC6.1(b)ofthisContract,thiswillbeexplicitlymentionedintheagreement.4.3 ApprovalofPersonnel: TheKeyPersonnelandSub‐Consultantslistedbytitleaswellasby name in Appendix C are hereby approved by the “Employer”. InrespectofotherPersonnel which the Consultant proposes to use in the carrying out of the Services, theConsultantshallsubmittothe“Employer”forreviewandapprovalacopyoftheirCurriculaVitae (CVs). If the “Employer” does not object in writing (stating the reasons for theobjection)withintwenty‐one(21) days from the date of receipt of such CVs, such Personnel shall be deemed to havebeenapprovedbythe“Employer”.4.4 Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel: (a) except as the “Employer” mayotherwiseagree, no changesshall bemade in thePersonnel. If, for anyreasonbeyond thereasonablecontrolof theConsultant, suchas retirement, death,medical incapacity, amongothers, itbecomesnecessarytoreplaceanyofthePersonnel,theConsultantshallforthwithprovideasareplacementapersonofequivalentorbetterqualifications.(b) Ifthe“Employer”(i)findsthatanyofthePersonnelhascommittedseriousmisconductor has been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) has reasonablecause to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then theConsultant shall, at the “Employer’s written request specifying the grounds therefore,forthwithprovideasareplacementapersonwithqualificationsandexperienceacceptabletothe“Employer”.


(c) AnyofthePersonnelprovidedasareplacementunderClauses(a)and(b)above,aswellas any reimbursable expenditures (including expenditures due to the number of eligibledependents)the Consultants maywish to claim as a result of such replacement, shall besubject to the prior written approval by the “Employer”. The rate of remunerationapplicabletoareplacementpersonwillbetherateofremunerationpaidtothereplacementperson.Also(i) theConsultantshallbearalladditionaltravelandothercostsarisingoutoforincidentaltoanyremovaland/orreplacement,and (ii) the remuneration to be paid forany of the Personnel provided as a replacement shall notexceedtheremunerationwhichwouldhavebeenpayabletothePersonnelreplaced.

4.5 ResidentProjectManager: If requiredby theSC, theConsultant shall ensure that at alltimes during the Consultant’s performance of the Services a resident project manager,acceptabletothe“Employer”,shalltakechargeoftheperformanceofsuchServices.5. OBLIGATIONSOFTHE“EMPLOYER”5.1 Assistance and Exemptions: Unless otherwise specified in the SC, the “Employer”shalluseitsbesteffortstoensurethattheGovernmentshall:(a) Provide the Consultant, Sub‐Consultants and Personnel with work permits and suchother documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultant, Sub‐Consultants orPersonneltoperformtheServices.(b) Arrange for the Foreign Personnel to be provided promptly with all necessary entryand exitvisas, residence permits, exchange permits and any other documents requiredfor their stay inIndia.(c) Issuetoofficials, agentsandrepresentativesof theGovernmentall such instructionsasmaybenecessaryorappropriateforthepromptandeffectiveimplementationoftheServices.(d) Provide to theConsultant, Sub‐Consultants andPersonnel anysuchotherassistanceasmaybespecifiedintheSC.5.2 Change in the Applicable Law Related to Taxes and Duties:If, after the date of thisContract, there is any change in the Applicable Laws of India with respect to taxes andduties,whicharedirectlypayablebytheconsultantforprovidingtheservicesi.e.servicetaxoranysuchapplicabletaxfromtimetotime,whichincreasesordecreasesthecostincurredby the Consultant in performing the Services, then the remuneration and reimbursableexpensesotherwisepayabletothe Consultant under this Contract shall be increased ordecreased accordingly by agreement between the Parties hereto, and correspondingadjustmentsshallbemadetotheceilingamountsspecifiedinClauseGC6.1(b).


5.3 Services, Facilities and Property of the “Employer”: (a) The “Employer” shall makeavailable to the Consultant and its Personnel, for the purposes of the Services and free ofany charge, the services, facilities and property described in Appendix E, at the timesand in themannerspecifiedinsaidAppendixE.(b) In case that such services, facilities and property shall not be made available to theConsultant as and when specified in Appendix E, the Parties shall agree on any timeextension that itmaybeappropriatetogranttotheConsultant fortheperformanceoftheServices.

5.4 Payment: In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultant under thisContract, the “Employer” shallmake to theConsultant suchpaymentsand in suchmannerasisprovidedbyClauseGC6ofthisContract.5.5 Counterpart Personnel: (a) If necessary, the “Employer” shall make available to theConsultant free of charge such professional and support counterpart personnel, to benominatedbythe“Employer”withtheConsultant’sadvice,ifspecifiedinAppendixE.(b) Professional and support counterpart personnel, excluding “Employer’s liaisonpersonnel,shallworkundertheexclusivedirectionoftheConsultant.IfanymemberofthecounterpartpersonnelfailstoperformadequatelyanyworkassignedtosuchmemberbytheConsultant that is consistentwith the position occupied by such member, the Consultantmay request the replacement of suchmember,andthe“Employer”shallnotunreasonablyrefusetoactuponsuchrequest.6. PAYMENTSTOTHECONSULTANT6.1 Total Cost of the Services (a) the total cost of the Services payable is set forth inAppendixDaspertheconsultant’sproposaltotheEmployerandasnegotiatedthereafter.(b) Except as may be otherwise agreed under Clause GC 2.6 and subject to Clause GC6.1(c),paymentsunderthisContractshallnotexceedtheamountspecifiedinAppendix‐D.(c) NotwithstandingClauseGC6.1(b)hereof, ifpursuanttoanyoftheClausesGC4.2(c)or5.2hereof,thePartiesshallagreethatadditionalpaymentsshallbemadetotheConsultantin order to cover any necessary additional expenditures not envisaged in the costestimates referred to inClauseGC6.1(a)above,theceilingorceilings,asthecasemaybe,set forth inClauseGC6.1(b)above shall be increased by the amount or amounts, as thecasemaybe,ofanysuchadditionalpayments.6.2 Currency of Payment: All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees. [In case thepayment is to be made in the currency other that Indian Rupees, the same shall bementioned insteadofIndianRupees]


6.3 Terms of Payment: The payments in respect of the Services shall be made as

follows:(a) The consultant shall submit the invoice for paymentwhen thepayment is due aspertheagreedterms.ThepaymentshallbereleasedaspertheworkrelatedmilestonesachievedandasperthespecifiedpercentageasperSC13.

(b) Once amilestone is completed, the consultant shall submit the requisite deliverablesas specified in this Contract. The Employer shall release the requisite payment uponacceptanceofthedeliverables. However, if the Employer fails to intimate acceptance ofthe deliverables or its objections thereto, within 30 days of receipt of it, the Employershallreleasethepaymenttotheconsultantwithoutfurtherdelay.(c) FinalPayment:ThefinalpaymentasspecifiedinSC13shallbemadeonlyafterthefinalreport and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by theConsultant andapproved as satisfactoryby the “Employer”. The Services shall be deemedcompleted and finallyacceptedbythe “Employer” and the final reportand final statementshallbedeemedapprovedbythe“Employer”assatisfactoryninety(90)calendardaysafterreceipt of the final report and final statement by the “Employer” unless the “Employer”,within such ninety (90) day period, giveswritten notice to the Consultant specifying indetaildeficiencies intheServices, thefinalreportorfinal statement. The Consultant shallthereupon promptlymake any necessary corrections, andthereaftertheforegoingprocessshall be repeated. Any amount, which the “Employer” has paid or caused to be paid inaccordancewith this Clause in excess of the amounts actually payable inaccordance withthe provisions of this Contract, shall be reimbursed by the Consultant to the“Employer”within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultant of notice thereof. Any suchclaimby the “Employer” for reimbursementmust bemadewithin twelve (12) calendarmonthsafter receipt by the “Employer” of a final report and a final statement approved by the“Employer”inaccordancewiththeabove.(d) ForthepurposeofpaymentunderClause6.3(b)above,acceptancemeans;acceptanceofthedeliverablesbytheEmployerafter submissionby the consultant and the consultanthasmadepresentation to the CMC / Employer (Mention this if presentation is required)with / without modifications to be communicated in writing by the Employer to theconsultant.(e) If the deliverables submitted by the consultant are not acceptable to the Employer /CMC,reasonsforsuchnon‐acceptanceshouldberecordedinwriting;theEmployershallnotrelease thepayment due to the consultant. This is without prejudicing the Employer’sright to levy any liquidated damages under clause 9. In such case, the payment will be


released to the consultantonlyafteritre‐submitsthedeliverableandwhichisacceptedbytheEmployer.(f) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the accounts of the ConsultantspecifiedintheSC.(g) With the exception of the final payment under (c) above, payments do notconstitute acceptance of the Services nor relieve the Consultant of any obligationshereunder, unless theacceptancehasbeencommunicatedbytheEmployertotheconsultantin writing and the consultant has made necessary changes as per the comments /suggestionsoftheEmployercommunicatedtotheConsultant.

(h) Incaseofearlyterminationofthecontract,thepaymentshallbemadetotheconsultantas mentioned here with: (i) Assessment should be made about work done from thepreviousmilestone, for which the payment is made or to be made till the date of thetermination. Theconsultantshallprovidethedetailsofpersonsreasonablyworkedduringthis period withsupporting documents. Based on such details, the remuneration shall becalculated based on themanmonth rate as specified. (ii) A reasonable assessment of thereimbursable andmiscellaneousexpensesshall bemadebasedondetails furnishedbytheconsultant in this regardwithsupportingdocuments and based on the assessment of thework done and the respective rates as provided.Whereversuchanassessmentisdifficult,theratesshouldbearrivedatbycalculatingtheamountonpro‐ratabasis.Thetotalamountpayableshallbetheamountcalculatedasper(i)and(ii)aboveplusanyapplicabletax.7. FAIRNESSANDGOODFAITH7.1 Good Faith: The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’srightsunderthisContractandtoadoptallreasonablemeasurestoensuretherealizationoftheobjectivesofthisContract.7.2 Operation of the Contract: The Parties recognize that it is impractical in thisContract toprovide for every contingencywhichmayariseduring the lifeof theContract,and the Partiesherebyagreethatit istheir intentionthatthisContractshalloperatefairlyas between them, andwithout detriment to the interest of either of them, and that, ifduring the term of this Contract either Party believes that this Contract is operatingunfairly,thePartieswillusetheirbesteffortstoagreeonsuchactionasmaybenecessarytoremove the cause or causes of such unfairness, but no failure to agree on any actionpursuant to this Clause shall give rise to a dispute subject toarbitrationinaccordancewithClauseGC8hereof.


8. SETTLEMENTOFDISPUTES8.1 Amicable Settlement: Performance of the contract is governed by the terms &conditions of the contract, in case of dispute arises between the parties regarding anymatter under the contract, either Party of the contract may send a written Notice ofDispute to the other party. The Party receiving the Notice of Dispute will consider theNoticeandrespondtoitinwritingwithin30daysafterreceipt.Ifthatpartyfailstorespondwithin 30 days, or the dispute cannot be amicably settled within 60 days following theresponseofthatparty,clauseGC8.2shallbecomeapplicable.

8.2 Arbitration: In the case of dispute arising upon or in relation to or in connectionwith the contract between the Employer and the Consultant, which has not been settledamicably, anyparty can refer the dispute for Arbitration under (Indian) Arbitration andConciliationAct,1996.SuchdisputesshallbereferredtoanArbitralTribunalconsistingof3(three) arbitrators, one each to be appointed by the Employer and the Consultant, thethird arbitrator shall be chosen by the two arbitrators so appointed by the parties andshallactasPresidingArbitrator. Incaseoffailureofthetwo arbitrators, appointed by theparties to reach a consensus regarding the appointment of the third arbitratorwithin aperiod of 30 days from the date of appointment of the two arbitrators, the Presidingarbitrator shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Ministry / Department. TheArbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and any statutory modification or re‐enactmentthereof,shallapplytothesearbitrationproceedings.8.3. Arbitration proceedings shall be held in India at the place indicated in SC and thelanguage of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communicationsbetweenthepartiesshallbeEnglish.8.4 The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon bothparties. The expenses of the arbitrators as determined by the arbitrators shall be sharedequallybytheEmployerandtheConsultant.However,theexpenses incurredbyeachpartyin connectionwith thepreparation, presentation shall be borne by the party itself. Allarbitration awards shall be inwritingandshallstatethereasonsfortheaward.9. LiquidatedDamages9.1 Thepartiesherebyagreethatduetonegligenceofactofanyparty,iftheotherpartysuffers losses, damages the quantification of which may be difficult, and hence theamount specifiedhereundershallbeconstruedasreasonableestimateofthedamagesandboth the parties agree to pay such liquidated damages, as defined hereunder as per theprovisionsofthisContract.9.2 Theamountof liquidateddamagesunderthisContractshallnotexceed10%ofthe


totalvalueofthecontractasspecifiedinAppendixD.9.3 Theliquidateddamagesshallbeapplicableunderfollowingcircumstances:(a) If the deliverables are not submitted as per schedule as specified in SC 13, theConsultantshallbeliabletopay1%ofthetotalcostoftheservicesfordelayofeachweekorpartthereof.(b) If the deliverables are not acceptable to theEmployer asmentioned in Clause6.3 (f),and defects are not rectified to the satisfaction of the Employer within 30 days of thereceipt of thenotice, theConsultant shall be liable for LiquidatedDamages for anamountequalto0.05%oftotalcostoftheservicesforeveryweekorpartthereofforthedelay.10. Miscellaneousprovisions:(i) “Nothing contained in this Contract shall be construed as establishing or creatingbetweentheParties,arelationshipofmasterandservantorprincipalandagent.(ii) Any failure or delay on the part of any Party to exercise right or power under thisContractshallnotoperateaswaiverthereof.(iii) The Consultant shall notify the Employer of any material change in their status, inparticular, where such change would impact on performance of obligations under thisContract.

(iv) Each constituent of the Consultant, in case of a consortium, shall be jointly andseverally liable to and responsible for all obligations towards the Employer forperformance ofworks/services including thatof itsAssociates/SubContractorsunder theContract.(v) TheConsultantshallatalltimesindemnifyandkeepindemnifiedtheEmployeragainstallclaims/damagesetc.foranyinfringementofanyIntellectualPropertyRights(IPR)whileprovidingitsservicesundertheProject.(vi) TheConsultantshallatalltimesindemnifyandkeepindemnifiedtheEmployeragainstanyclaims in respect of any damages or compensation payable in consequences of anyaccident orinjury sustained or suffered by its (the Consultant’s) employees or agents orby any other third Party resulting from or by any action, omission or operationconducted byor onbehalf of theConsultant.(vii) TheConsultantshallatalltimesindemnifyandkeepindemnifiedtheEmployeragainstany and all claims by Employees, Workman, Contractors, sub‐contractors, suppliers,agent(s),employed engagedor otherwiseworking for theConsultant, in respectofwages,salaries,remuneration,compensationorthelike.


(viii) All claims regarding indemnity shall survive the termination or expiry of the


(ix) It is acknowledged and agreed by all Parties that there is no representation of anytype, implied or otherwise, of any absorption, regularization, continued engagement orconcession or preference for employment of persons engaged by the Consultant for anyengagement, service or employment in any capacity in any office or establishment of theGovernmentofIndia/StateortheEmployer.11. PerformanceSecurityThePerformanceSecurityshallbeprovidedtotheEmployernolaterthanthedatespecifiedin the Contract and shall be issued in an amount specified in the SCC, by a bankacceptable to the Employer, and denominated in the types and proportions of thecurrencies inwhich the totalcostofservicesispayable.ThePerformanceSecurityshallbevaliduntiladate28daysfromthedateofissueoftheCertificateofCompletioninthecaseofabankguarantee.


III. SpecialConditionsofContract:SCClause Ref.OfGC

ClauseAmendments of, and Supplements to, ClausesintheGeneralConditionsofContract



Theaddresses are: “Employer”:…………Attention:Mr…….Facsimile:…………





{LeadPartner is [insert name of member]}Note: If theConsultant consists of a joint venture/ consortium/association of more than one entity, the name of the entitywhoseaddress is specified in Clause SC 1.6 should be insertedhere. If theConsultantconsistsonlyofoneentity, thisClauseSC1.8shouldbedeletedfromtheSC.



TheAuthorizedRepresentatives are:





(a) The client shall reimburse Service Tax payable in India asperApplicable Law. The consultant shall register itself for servicetax with appropriate authority in India & shall provide theregistrationnumbertotheclient.b) Taxwill be deducted at source as per the prevailing IncomeTaxRules.

5 1.10.3 NotApplicable



Theeffectiveness conditions are the following: ApprovalofthecontractbytheEmployer Appropriatesecurityforadvancepaymentacceptabletothe“Employer”

Anyunforeseenreasonforcingclosureoftheprogrammebeforeeffectiveness of the contract.




7 2.2 Thetimeperiodshallbeonemonth

8 2.3 Thetimeperiodshallbe15days

9 2.4 Thetimeperiodshallbe36Months



Limitationof the Consultants’ Liability towards the“Employer”(i) The ceilingon Consultant’s liabilities shall be limited to (a)

total cost, or (b) the proceeds the Consultant may beentitled to receive from any insurance maintained by theconsultants to such liabilities whichever of (a) or (b) ishigher.



Therisksand the insurance coverage shall be asfollows:

a.) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance as requiredunder India’s Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, by the Consultant oritsPersonnel or anySub‐Consultants or their Personnel fortheperiodof consultancy;

b.) ThirdPartyliability insurance,with a minimumcoverageof[insertamountandcurrency];c.) Professional liability insurance, with aminimum coverage

equal to estimated remuneration and reimbursable as per3.4ofSCoftheconsultancy;

d.) Employer’s liability and Workers’ compensation insuranceinrespect of the Personnel of the Consultant and of anySub‐ Consultants, in accordance with the relevantprovisions of the Applicable Laws of India, as well as,with respect to such Personnel, any such life, health,accident, travel or other insuranceasmaybeappropriate;and

e.) Insurance against loss of or damage to (i) equipmentpurchased in whole or in part with funds provided underthis Contract, (ii) the Consultant’s property used in theperformance of the Services, and (iii) any documentsprepared by the Consultant in the performance of theServices,bytheft,fireoranynaturalcalamity.

f.) Anyotherlaw/ruleasapplicableinIndia.

12 4.6 NotApplicable


SCClause Ref.OfGCClause

Amendments of, and Supplements to, ClausesintheGeneralConditionsofContract

13 6.1(b) Theceilinginlocalcurrencyis:[insertamountandcurrency]



10%oftheContract Value will be paid as mobilizationadvance, ifso desired, on submission of bank guarantee of the amountequal to110%oftheadvancesoughtbytheConsultant.

The First instalment of recovery shall be effected form eachrunning bill paid immediately following the payment ofmobilisation advance and the last instalment of the recoveryshall be affected during thethirdmonthprecedingthemonthinwhichtheduedateofcompletionfalls.Thevariousinstalmentsofrecoveryshallbeofequalamounts.



On Time based as mentioned in Appendix A, Description ofServicesanddescribedbelow:

(i) Remuneration of Personnel as indicated in Financialproposal submission Form Fin 3, and as agreed duringNegotiations, will bereimbursed on monthly basis as per thiscontract according to theagreedworkplan.

(ii) Payment for Reimbursable Expenses as indicated inFinancial proposal submission Form Fin 4, be reimbursed onactual/and asagreed during Negotiations and as per Appendixof FinancialProposal–Section4

(iii) Payment for Provisional Sum as per Appendix of FinancialProposal–Section4


Based on pro rata on achievement of deliverables asmentioned inAppendixA,DescriptionofServices.


SCClause Ref.OfGCClause

Amendments of, and Supplements to, ClausesintheGeneralConditionsofContract

15 8.3 TheArbitration proceedings shall take place in SaharanpurinIndia.

16 11 ThePerformance Security amount is 10%of theContractvalue.BindingsignatureofEmployerSignedby

BindingsignatureofConsultantSignedby (for andon behalfof dulyauthorizedvideResolutionNo dated oftheBoardofDirectorsof )





IV. Appendices



Note: This Appendix will include the final Terms of Reference worked out by the“Employer” and the Consultants during technical negotiations, dates for completion ofvarious tasks, place of performance for different tasks/activities, specifictasks/activities/outcome to bereviewed,testedandapprovedby“Employer”,etc.APPENDIXB‐REPORTINGREQUIREMENTS

Note: List format, frequency, and contentsof reports; persons to receive them;datesofsubmission;etc.Ifnoreportsaretobesubmitted,statehere“Notapplicable.”

APPENDIXC–STAFFINGSCHEDULE(Include here the agreed (negotiated staffing schedule including the engagement ofsub‐contractors,ifany)

APPENDIXD–TotalCOSTOFSERVICESIN(Include here the rates quoted in the financial proposal or the negotiated rates,whichever isapplicable)






1- ...............................................................Bank'sNameandAddressofIssuingBranchorOffice.2- ......................................................................3- .......................................................................Beneficiary:.............................................

NameandAddressofEmployer........................................................4- ..........................................................................................................................................5- ............................................................................................................................................

Date:............................................6- 7- ................................................................................................................................................

EMDNo.:.......................................................................................8- .........................................................................................................................................................9- Wehavebeeninformedthat…………………………………………………….NameoftheConsultant

………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called "the Consultant") hasSubmittedtoyouitsbiddated…………………………………..(hereinaftercalled"theBid”)forProject Management Consultancy services of [ Insert executing Agency] underinvitationforBidNo....................("theIFB").

10- Furthermore,WeUnderstandthat,accordingtoyourcondition,bidsmustbesupportedbyabidguarantee.

11- At the Request of the Consultant we ....................................name of Bank ................. herebyirrevocablyundertaketopayyouanysumorsumsnotexceedingintotalanamountof................... amount in figures ............................. ( ............... amount in words ............ ) uponreceipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statementStatingthattheConsultantis inbreachofitsObligations(S)underthebidConditions,becausetheConsultant.




12- Thisguaranteewillexpire:(a) iftheConsultantisthesuccessfulConsultant.Uponourreceipt of copies of the Contract Agreement signed by the Consultant and theperformancesecurityissuedtoyouupontheinstructionoftheConsultant:and(b)ifthe



13- Consequentlyanydemandforpaymentunderthisguaranteemustbereceivedbyusattheofficeonorbeforethatdate.

14- ThisguaranteeissubjecttotheUniformRulesforDemandGuarantees.ICCPublicationNo.458.

15- 16- ......................................Bank'ssealandauthrizedsignature(s)...................................





1. This is Certify that ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Name of the Consultant ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐(hereinafter called ”the

Consultant”) had submitted bid dated‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐(hereinafter called “the Bid”) For

ProjectManagementConsultancyServicesof …………[ InsertexecutingAgency] ……….




2. The scope of work envisaged overall project Management of Smart City Projects.

Including Designing developing, Managing and implanting smart city projects


(i) Output1:AreaBasedDevelopment

(ii) Output2:Pan‐citySolution






