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Saint Thomas A’ Becket Roman Catholic...

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Saint Thomas A’ Becket Roman Catholic Church A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 139 Gill Hall Road, Jefferson Hills, PA 15025 July 20, 2014 MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of Saint Thomas A’ Becket are a suburban family-oriented parish founded in 1957 that connues to grow in spiritual giſts and blessings. These blessings are inherited through our bapsm and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share, to witness and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Enriched by the Sacraments, rooted in the Eucharist, we humbly seek to support the foundaons of family and faith in our parish and surrounding community, parcularly, serving those most in need so that Christ’s love might be more abundant in all our lives. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Daily Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days See Schedule in Bullen PARISH STAFF Pastor Reverend Daniel J. Maurer 412-655-2885 Deacon, Gerard Como 412-655-2885 D.R.E. & Pre-School Sister Dolores Ann, SCN 412-653-4322 Social Service Minister Sister Mary Judith, SCN 412-655-2885 Minister of Music, Carol Accea 412-655-2885 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. PHONE 412-655-2885 FAX 412-655-0615 Convent 412-655-4122 Coffee Shoppe 412-655-9966 Diocese of Pisburgh Abuse Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 DEVOTION: Infant of Prague Novena: Tuesday aſter Mass. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena: Thursday aſter Mass. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 p.m., or anyme by appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Available to the chronically or seriously ill. Call the Parish office. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Bapsm is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Parents are required to parcipate in one Bapsm Preparaon Session offered during the months of January, April, August and October. Please call the Parish for the date and me of the Session. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. Couples must meet with a priest at least six months prior to their wedding date. No date can be confirmed unl this meeng. Couples are required to aend an approved pre-Cana preparaon program. (RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: The Easter Season welcomes new Catholics or those adult Catholics who wish to complete their Sacrament of Iniaon (Holy Communion, Confirmaon) into full communion with the church. This is a process of prayer, study and decision. Any adult wishing to inquire further should contact the Parish office. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS: Please call the Pastor if you feel you might be called to the Priesthood or diaconate.

Saint Thomas A’ Becket Roman Catholic Church

A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

139 Gill Hall Road, Jefferson Hills, PA 15025

July 20, 2014

MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of Saint Thomas A’ Becket are a suburban family-oriented parish founded in 1957 that continues to grow in spiritual gifts and blessings. These blessings are inherited through our baptism and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share, to witness and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

Enriched by the Sacraments, rooted in the Eucharist, we humbly seek to support the foundations of family and faith in our parish and surrounding community, particularly, serving those most in need so that Christ’s love might be more abundant in all our lives.

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Daily Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days See Schedule in Bulletin

PARISH STAFF Pastor Reverend Daniel J. Maurer 412-655-2885

Deacon, Gerard Como 412-655-2885

D.R.E. & Pre-School Sister Dolores Ann, SCN 412-653-4322

Social Service Minister Sister Mary Judith, SCN 412-655-2885

Minister of Music, Carol Accetta 412-655-2885

PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

PHONE 412-655-2885 FAX 412-655-0615

Convent 412-655-4122 Coffee Shoppe 412-655-9966 Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline: 1-888-808-1235

DEVOTION: Infant of Prague Novena: Tuesday after Mass. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena: Thursday after Mass.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 p.m., or anytime by appointment.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Available to the chronically or seriously ill. Call the Parish office.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptism is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Parents are required to participate in one Baptism Preparation Session offered during the months of January, April, August and October. Please call the Parish for the date and time of the Session.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. Couples must meet with a priest at least six months prior to their wedding date. No date can be confirmed until this meeting. Couples are required to attend an approved pre-Cana preparation program.

(RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: The Easter Season welcomes new Catholics or those adult Catholics who wish to complete their Sacrament of Initiation (Holy Communion, Confirmation) into full communion with the church. This is a process of prayer, study and decision. Any adult wishing to inquire further should contact the Parish office.

SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS: Please call the Pastor if you feel you might be called to the Priesthood or diaconate.


For the Week of July 20, 2014 “It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to Pray for the Dead.”

Saturday, July 19

5:00 PM ...... George & Marie Lamars (Sparta Family)

Sunday, July 20, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM ........................... For the People of the Parish

10:15 AM ......................... Ernie Clayton (Rod Weiland)

12:00 NN .............. Joe Kuchta (Wife, Julie & Children)

Monday, July 21

9:00 AM ........ Stella Senchak (Pat O’Halek & Family)

Tuesday, July 22, St. Mary Magdalene

9:00 AM .................................. Marie Salopek (Family)

Wednesday, July 23

9:00 AM ............................ Albine Ging (Ging Family)

Thursday, July 24

9:00 AM ......................... Rosalinda D’Orazio (Family)

Friday, July 25, St. James, Apostle

9:00 AM ............................... Zane Irvine (Wife, Lynn)

Saturday, July 26

5:00 PM ........................ Anthony & Josephine Cheslar

(John & Frances Richard)

Sunday, July 27, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM ...................................................... Tom Corso

(St. Thomas A’Becket Preschool)

10:15 AM ........... Deceased Members of Drnach Family

(Tom & Lauri)

12:00 NN ........................... For the People of the Parish



The Prayer Group meets on Wednesdays

at 1:00 p.m. in Room 7 of the School

Building across from the Coffee Shoppe.

Liturgical Ministers

July 27, 2014

Lectors: Sat. 5:00 p.m. C. Serrao

Sun. 8:00 a.m. D. Nartker

Sun. 10:15 a.m. S. Gardiner

Sun. 12:00 p.m. T. Stoessel

Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Sat. 5:00 p.m. Deacon Gerry-S. Burcin-S. Kearns

Sun. 8:00 a.m. Deacon Gerry-N. Alderson-P. Bohonak

Sun. 10:15 a.m. Deacon Gerry-E. Hlad-J. Nash

Sun. 12:00 p.m. Deacon Gerry-E. Bourgeois-R. Limegrover

Acolytes: Sat. 5:00 p.m. H. Hintemeyer-A. Richard-S. Richard

Sun. 8:00 a.m. R. Gress-C. LoPresti-J. Wasik

Sun. 10:15 a.m. J. Fullard-F. Pasqualini-H. Pasqualini

Sun. 12:00 p.m. S. Limegrover-D. Pearson-N. Pearson

From Fr. Dan….

In last week’s bulletin, Sr. Dolores Ann, recognized and

thanked by name all those who helped and participated in our

parish Vacation Bible School. I won’t list all the names again,

but I do want to echo that THANKS! I truly appreciate all of

our volunteers — adults and young people — who make our

V.B.S. such an enjoyable and successful program. Certainly

Leah Payne and her assistant, Toni Aceto, deserve special

thanks as they do SO much not only during the week but also in

the weeks leading up to it. While they coordinate and oversee

the whole thing, they would be the first to acknowledge that,

without all the help from so many adults and teens of our parish,

the program could not happen! The prayer and scripture

lessons, as well as the crafts, games, songs, and activities, all

require a good deal of planning, preparation, and energy. We

are truly blessed in our parish to have so many willing and able


As pastor, I was especially encouraged by both the very

young boys and girls that attended the V.B.S. and by the teens

who helped with it! These young people are the future of the

church, and it’s exciting to see them realizing that learning the

Faith, celebrating it, and putting it into action can be enjoyable

and enriching!

Terrific job to

everyone involved

with our V.B.S.!!


Hope to see you

all participating

again next year!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Next week at our Masses, we will have a special visitor as we have our annual Mission Appeal. There is

more information about that later in this bulletin.

Also, we are having some visitors this week, as Fr. John Harvey, a will cover the first two Masses, and Fr.

Roy Conley, will cover the noon Mass, on this Sunday, as I will be away. Both of these men are retired (but

fortunately still very active) priests of our Diocese. They’re filling in for me while I spend some vacation time away

with family at Deep Creek, in Maryland, this week. Fr. Harvey will also be celebrating the daily Masses for me on

Monday through Friday.


Are you thinking about becoming Catholic or know someone

who wants to be Catholic? Want to learn about what makes

Catholics different from all other faiths? We invite you to find

out more about our Rite of Christian Initiation process. You

may not be baptized and know little about Christianity. You

may have been baptized in another faith tradition and looking

for another step in your faith journey.

If you hear God inviting you to a deeper relationship with

Him, contact Sister Dolores Ann at (412) 653-4322 or Fr. Dan

Maurer at 412-655-2885 for more information.


There will be a Baptism Class on

Monday, July 28, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in

the School Building. This class is for

parents who are planning to have a

Baptism at St. Thomas A’ Becket

Church. This session is for expecting

parents, as well as those who recently

had a child.

Pre-registration is required. To register,

please call the Parish office at 412-655-2885.


The Diocese of Pittsburgh is once

again planning its annual Golden

Wedding Celebration for the couples

who are celebrating their 50th wedding


This year’s event will begin with Mass

at St. Paul Cathedral on Sunday,

October 12, 2013 at 2:30 p.m.

Bishop Zubik will be the main

celebrant. A reception will follow in

the lower hall of the Cathedral. Cathedral and hall are both

handicap accessible.

If you are one of the couples celebrating your 50th

anniversary in 2014, and would like to receive an invitation

to this event, please call the church office or drop a note in

the collection basket no later than August 10, 2014.


The beautiful flowers at the Blessed Mother

this week are in

Thanksgiving for the

40th Wedding Anniversary of

Herb & Barb Zehnder.

The Vigil Light at the Tabernacle

in the Church will burn this week

in loving memory of

Marie Pukansky,

from Dorothy Sekulich.

The Vigil Light

in the Daily Mass Chapel

will burn this week in loving memory of

Marie Salopek,

from Family.


Heartfelt sympathy to the family and

friends of Mary Finley of our parish.

May her soul and the souls of all the

faithful departed be embraced by the

Heavenly Father unto everlasting life.


Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cheplic

upon the baptism of their daughter,

Jillian Marie Cheplic.

We wish the Cheplic family all of God’s blessings.


Luke Billman & Melissa Burcin


Date Total Offertory

7/13/14 Collected at Masses $7,468.25

On-line Giving $1,306.00



Every year our parish is host to a

missionary community as part of the

Diocesan Missionary Cooperative Plan.

This year on the weekend of July 26-

27, we will be visited by Sr. Joanne

Kokosinski, MPF of the Maestra Pie

Filippini or, in English, The Religious

Teachers of St. Lucy Filippini.

The Filippini Sisters have been present in our Diocese since

1945. Their modern day missionary work finds them in

Brazil, Eastern Africa in Ethiopia and Eritrea, South East India

and Albania. 100% of what the Filippini Sisters receive from

appeals such as the one here goes directly to the poor.



Ladies, come to the Magnificat

Pittsburgh prayer breakfast on Saturday,

August 16 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at

the Sheraton Four Points in Cranberry


Hear speaker Kathy Wabick, share her

faith journey. Kathy experienced a deep conversion of faith

at the bedside of her dying mother. Her mother was blessed

with a Divine vision at the time of her passing which

deepened Kathy’s faith dramatically and led to the

founding of a ministry that prays at the bedside of the sick

and dying.

Cost of the breakfast is $20. To register, go to

www.magnificatpittsburgh.org or call Christine at 724-443-

5473 or Pam at 412-461-8906. Registration deadline is

August 8th.


Its summer, but we are still collecting the Box Top coupons

on hundreds of products in grocery, discount and club

stores on favorite brands such as Betty Crocker, Nature

Valley, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Ziploc and many, many

others. Look for “Box Tops for Education” on the package.

You may drop the coupons off in the school or parish

office. All the proceeds benefit the Religious Education and

Preschool Programs. Thank you in advance for taking the

time to clip the coupons.


This event will be held on Saturday,

August 16, 2014. The price is $75 for a

day of golf, food and prizes.

Please contact Ralph Graeser at 412-653-

1241 or Tim Rehak at 412-655-7389 for

more details.


The Church is our heavenly Father’s house.

A place of solace and grace, so please feel at home here.

Enter reverently, pray quietly, sing joyfully, listen attentively, give cheerfully and come back gladly.

If you are new to our Parish, WELCOME!



The Knights of Columbus will sponsor this event which will be held

on Friday, August 8, 2014 at the St. Thomas A’ Becket Pavilion.

Proceeds from the bingo will help support our seminarians.

Cost of the ticket is $20. Only 100 tickets will be sold. Bingo will

consist of 12 games with game prizes of $30 and a final coverall game

with a grand prize of $500.

The Knights of Columbus will be selling tickets at the Masses on the

weekend of July 19 & 20. Thank you!
